#pride prade
thatonequeeraunt · 10 months
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WWDITS season 5 episode 3 "pride parade" spoilers with no context
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pensarecool2 · 11 months
Shout out to all the queers in the pride parade
Shout out to the gays
Shout out butches
Shout out to the old woman walking with one of the church groups who saw me shirtless and made 🤘🏻 gesture
Shout out to those with crutches
Shout out to those with wheelchairs and other mobility aids
Shout out to the person in the wheelchair with the crocheted pride flag crop top and (their) friend pushing (them) was also wearing one and when I told them I loved their shirts they made sure I heard them say that they were up all night finishing them.
Shout out to the jewish congregations
Shout out to the satanists
Shout out to the free bracelets and snacks
Shout out to the poc
Shout out to cane users
Shout out to my fellow shirtless transes
Shout out to the fursona with trans flag colors walking with one of the church groups
Shout out to everyone going quiet whenever the police went by.
Shout out to the awkward trans kids. I see you all and I love you
Shout out to the drag queens
Shout out to the femmes
Shout out to the kids who got excited when they saw me carrying my freshly neutered cats in their carriers inside cause my apartment is on the same street as the parade
Shout out to everyone I missed except the sponsored cdphp marchers. Fuck you. Why didn’t you fully cover my top surgery? Fuck offf. Wyd at pride.
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neine · 4 months
References in 1670 (Updated)
General info
Jan Paweł - is a reference to a pope, Jan Paweł II. He's considered "the greatest polish person", up to a comical point. So he turned into a meme.
Jakub - A reference to a saying "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". In polish "Jak Kuba bogu tak bóg Kubie". Literally "As Kuba to god, god to Kuba".
Jędrula - A reference to a show about Foster family, to a character that liked to drink whiskey.
Andrzej - A stereotypical neighbour, where he has everything better than you.
Żmija - A reference to Ojciec Mateusz, a show about a priest solving crime, played by Artur Żmijewski (hence the name). Żmija is from Sandomierz, that's where Ojciec Mateusz was set. (From multiple people, @rabarbarzcukrem mainly.)
Historical background
Poland was going into a sort of a recession. It used to be one of the most powerful countries in Europe. As well as Lithuania, of course. Time of the Commonwealth. The plague didn't hit the Commonwealth as much because it wasn't densily populated. The biggest issue (one of many) were the tatars, who just kind of lived there. Usually were bribed into gaining some power in the country so they won't couse trouble. Lithuania was getting Polonised, but it wasn't going as good as you could imagine. It's the time after the swedish flood, where the whole country was basically looted. It was considered a very open country, many Jews lived here.
Liberum Veto - it's just that one person can say no and whatever they voted on, won't pass. Also huge reason why partations later happened.
Drowning of Marzanna is a ritual that happens every year, on the first day of spring, to say goodbye to winter. Marzanna is a slavic goddess associeted with death, winter and nature. Marzanna is sometimes set on fire and then thrown into a river. + Interesting tags from @ukulelegodparent (From multiple people)
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Hunting by nobles was also kinda a cultural thing. It was often described in the books from that time.
"Ała kurwa rzeczywiście" - reference to this
"Quo Vadis" - meaning, "Where are you going?", is a reference to novel by Henry SIenkiewicz. More known overseas from a movie adaptation from 1951. (From multiple people)
"My wife, Zofia" is a reference to a movie "Miś". (From @gdzie-rosna-poziomki)
"Do dupy z takim spiskowcem. Mnie kury szczać prowadzić, a nie spiski" is a reference to Piłsudski's "Wam kury szczać prowadzić, a nie politykę robić. (From @gdzie-rosna-poziomki)
"Ta zniewaga... oczekuje, abym ją wymazał stosując przemoc." - "This insult... expects me to earase it with violance." Reference to "Zemsta", by Aleksander Fredro, "Ta zniewaga krwi wymaga." - "This insult requires blood spill". (From @rabarbarzcukrem)
Measuring tassels - likely a reference to "Pan Tadeusz". In modern speach, tassels means dicks. (Also from @rabarbarzcukrem)
Jan Paweł walking on Zofia and Rozalia in bed, the deer antlers look like they're growing from his head. It's a reference to a saying "przyprawić komuś rogi" (also in use in multiple other languages). Which means to cheat on someone. (Multiple people, mainly @rabarbarzcukrem)
Equality march - It's how Pride Prades are called in Poland. (From @rabarbarzcukrem)
Henry kicking a fern flower is a reference to Slavic mythology. It symbolizes ferility and love. (Also from @rabarbarzcukrem) @misticfog adds to it here. (And some other things)
Stasia the mouner saying "Wszystkie kary na mnie idą" ("All punishments come to me") is a reference to this: (from @00midnightrider00)
(Quote happens in 1:20)
Thank you for all the additions!
Lorem Ipsum - is a placeholder text often used in web page design.
"Koń jaki jest, każdy widzi" - What a horse is everyone sees, is a reference to the first polish dictionary.
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fellshish · 5 months
I'm going to my first ever pride prade and event in general. (We celebrate pride in December here cause it literally averages 45°c any time other than Dec and Jan). I wanted to know if you or your followers have any tips for a first-timer.
Also I've been saving for like 3 months so I can buy merch if I like any. The trinket hoarder in me is very excited :)
Ohhhh i’m so excited for you to have this important experience!!! Number one tip: stay hydrated. Bring a backpack with snacks and water. Bring charged powerbanks for your phone. Congrats and enjoy! :)
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lyxchen · 2 years
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Willex at a pride prade!!♡
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 11 months
what r jensen and bryce doing for pride this year? (and any other lgbt+ characters you want to talk about!)
ty for asking!! i imagine jensen would have an interview or two lined up for the month (particularly regarding improving treatment for queer, especially trans, individuals in healthcare). as for both of them, theyd def be going to a few pride events!! the typical prades ofc but also they volunteered for a few events that give out gender affirming care packages/bundles, and support local queer artists!! it will be very busy for them but they both love it
another character id love to talk about though is aliyah!! she always does a few fundraiser concerts in the bigger cities and donates everything to queer nonprofits and black- and queer-owned businesses!! she stops in boston for a week too, one for her show and two to help out w some of the stuff jensens working on :)
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aphroditesvictim · 10 months
i need to lose the weight for the pride prade in my town,its at the end of july and i swear to god if im not at least 60 i will scream.It would mean id need to lose 10 kg(or more) in under a month so please if you have any tips on how to do that pls say!!!
All the people i know are going to be there and i wanna amaze em cause most havent seen me in ages
so pls help!!!
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marwahstudios · 7 months
French University Appreciated Efforts of Sandeep Marwah
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London: Dr. Sandeep Marwah, the eminent President of Marwah Studios, continues to receive accolades and appreciation for his remarkable contributions to the creative realm. His far-reaching associations with various countries have propelled him to global fame and garnered profound recognition within the creative industries.
In a splendid ceremony held at the House of Commons, British Parliament, United Kingdom, Dr. Sandeep Marwah was presented with a prestigious memento by Dr. Thomas Prade the President of a distinguished French University Ecole Supérieure Robert de Sorbon, France. and Baroness Susan Veronica Kramer, a distinguished Member of the House of Lords, British Parliament. This gesture stands as a testament to Dr. Marwah’s exceptional contributions to the media, entertainment, and education sectors.
“We take immense pride in honouring Dr. Sandeep Marwah for his remarkable and enduring contributions to the media and entertainment industry, as well as the education sector. His tireless efforts have made a lasting impact on society,” remarked the President of the French University.
Notably, this is not the first time Dr. Marwah has been honoured for his outstanding dedication. He was previously bestowed with an honoris causa Doctorate by Sorbon University France, in recognition of his relentless efforts and significant contributions to society.
“We believe in fostering dynamism to cultivate and nurture international relations between diverse nations, and Dr. Marwah is unequivocally leading us in the right direction,” added the Baroness.
Dr. Sandeep Marwah’s dedication and relentless pursuit of excellence have not only brought him personal acclaim but have also played a pivotal role in strengthening global ties and promoting a harmonious exchange of ideas and culture.
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heartstoppermybeloved · 11 months
Kit Connor and Joe at Pride parade🏳️‍🌈😍| #kitconnor #Heartstopper Kit Connor and Joe Locke in Pride March Washington DC pride parade washington dc 2023 Heartstopper cast kit Connor in pride ... via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xzddvVUFhY
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hopeheartfilia · 11 months
participated in the full pride prade today ( i am so often out of the city or busy later in the day that i rarely do) My friend said we walked way faster then previous years, but what i noticed the most was that there were actually ace flags in the booths! and even aro moth earings (they were quite expensive but it was nice seeing them there) and! I found a person giving some free stickers!!! And there was an aro pocky design!!!!! Its great and matched my phone and im happy
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mealfucker471 · 11 months
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printing this on a flag for the local pride prade
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amporalicious · 3 years
this is so gay
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basic204 · 5 years
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Here are a few shots I took at Pride NYC this year.
I think I might post more of my photography on here so let me know what you think. Let me know if you want to see more of my photography and if so I'll do it
My Instagram the_archivist314
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bummerjam · 5 years
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TLV pride 2019
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icecreamadventures · 6 years
Now that I have gone to a pride I feel like I can give a little advice on what to pack and bring.
First pack smart but light. Your book bag will get heavy after carrying it around all day. Pack lighter save your back
Pack water, stay hydrated. It is too easy to get heat exhausted water will be your best friend. Water is heavy though so a clip on water bottle you can put on a belt is also rockin. But stay hydrated and drink water.
Bring sunblock. I saw so many people burning out there and pride might be fun but what’s not fun is that sun burn afterwards. Lather up and remember to put on new coats every so often. Don’t be crispy.
Definitely recommend a hat and or sun glasses it’s very bright and squinting all day is not fun. And I always find gives me a headache. So avoid that and bring something to keep the sun off your eyes. Also a hat is a great way to protect your head from the sun.
Bring some snacks. It doesn’t have to be much but a little trail mix or goldlfish is a life saver. There might be places to get food and maybe even for free but it’s not guaranteed so bring something little to snack on just in case.
Dress light but smart. It’s hot out and those tight jeans will probably not be your friend after awhile. And hey if you want to go shirtless I can’t stop you but just please wear sun block no one wants burned tiddies.
So that is some of my go to advice about pride. Over all be queer and loud. It’s a happy time and a great time to make friends. Stay safe and do what’s best for you
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theinkpen · 3 years
First trans beauty pageant finalist makes history in Nepal
First trans beauty pageant finalist makes history in Nepal
When Angel Lama sashays down the catwalk within the Miss Universe Nepal finals on Wednesday she’s going to make historical past as the primary transgender lady to be a finalist within the Himalayan nation’s most glamorous annual occasion. Nepal ranks amongst fewer than a dozen nations on the earth that settle for trans contestants of their nationwide pageants and solely the third in Asia after…
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