#pro izuocha
punkeropercyjackson · 10 hours
'Teenage boy characters acting stereotypically teenage boyish is worse than male characters being straight up bad people and that's why teenage girl characters dating the latter is a female fantasy' is such an insane ass take and i'm fucking loosing it at the fact that so many people still get away with it.What is this privileged ass and patriachy brainwashed 'praising men for less than the bare minimum' bullshit
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jasontoddssuper · 2 years
Remember how Dabi and Hawks emotionally manipulated and tried to kill eachother and all the white bnha gays lost their shit and said they're a canon couple yet accused Izuocha,Kirimina,Todomomo and Bakujirou of being 'homophobic' because they're m/f and plugged their ears when we told them that a lot of us who ship them are lgbt ourselves and headcanon the characters that way too💀
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grayluforever · 3 months
Me: *ships Graylu*
Me: *ships Kacchako*
Me: *ships IchiRuki*
Me: "I'm sensing... a pattern..."
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ssminosblogs · 6 months
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helios-co · 8 months
At this point when I notice "antishipper" or "proshippers dni" in the bio of someone I actually like, I just kinda assume they're misinformed until I see otherwise...
Just to set the record straight, a proshipper is someone who doesn't attack people for shipping problematic ships. Sometimes that's because they themself ship problematic ships like incest, adult/minor, or abusive ships, but the only thing you can actually know about a proshipper's views is that they follow the policies of ship-and-let-ship and don't-like-don't-read. I call myself a proshipper because I'm not gonna harass or publicly shame people who ship stuff I don't like or agree with. I've posted anti-izuocha in the past with some malice, sure, but that was from the perspective of defending canon. People claim it's "clearly canon" when it's not and it pisses me off. But if someone tells me "I ship izuocha whether or not they're canon because I think they're cute together and that they'd be happy together" we have no problem. I respect that 100%. I'll maybe try to convince them of my own views but I'm not gonna be a bitch to them if they stand firm in their own.
The entire concept of being antiship is pro-censorship and pro-harassment. It's saying "if you ship something bad in fiction you deserve to be called out because you're a bad person and I hate you". Even if people DON'T ship the bad thing and they just write or draw it because the dynamic interests them, the same way people write whump of their fav character or draw gore, the antishipper view is "you're hurting real people by creating fictional works and you're a shit person". I think that's bullshit. I am anti-censorship. Keeping people, especially children, from seeing shit that isn't for them, is the job of the adult. If they're an adult, they need to be aware of the shit they can't deal with and curate their own experience based on it. Tumblr let's you block tags you don't wanna see. Ao3 has it's entire revolutionary tagging and filtering system to let you pick what you do and don't wanna see. Don't like, don't read. If they're a child, it's their adult guardians' responsibility to monitor their internet access and let them know (constructively and gently!!) what to avoid online. If your kid is seeing nsfw online, no matter the topic or ship, don't blame it on the content creators, blame yourself. The only thing I expect of the creators is tagging your shit properly with the necessary content warnings and spoilering text or images on certain platforms when it's needed.
Anyways, this is probably gonna be our only post on this subject, but our views are out there now and we're standing by them.
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pikahlua · 2 years
I’ve been reading your metas on Ochako, and I absolutely agree that she revolves around Deku too much, even now, to the serious detriment of her character. But then I also see people countering that claim with something along the lines of, “Well, Bakugou’s character also revolves around Deku.” I don’t necessarily agree with that claim in general, but deep down, part of me wonders if they might be right. What do you think?
I hope I haven't been so careless with my words to have ever said something like "Ochako revolves around Izuku too much" without much context, but if I did, please let me clarify.
There's nothing wrong with one character revolving around another. I have no issue with any character, be they Ochako, Katsuki, or anyone else, revolving around Izuku. I don't believe any character can revolve around another "too much" in the sense of quantity. This is all just vague phrasing referring to a much more specific phenomenon.
My issue with Ochako in relation to Izuku's character is that she does not stand on her own in the story. I like Ochako very much especially in the early story arcs, but as the story progresses, a lot of scenes to do with her character become lazy shortcuts in terms of writing. The reason her later interactions with Izuku are insufferable are not her fault nor are they Izuku's--they are Horikoshi's. (I will, however, express a caveat on this opinion a little further down.)
I can describe most characters' arcs in a way that allows them to stand on their own in the story even when they "revolve" around Izuku. Katsuki's character arc unpacks the dual "victory and rescue" pillars that make up All Might's "symbol of peace" by demonstrating the ideal of victory while simultaneously showcasing his journey to understand the "rescue" pillar from square one. Iida's character arc demonstrates the ways in which a hero must navigate rules and principles, how a hero must come to their own conclusions on what value the rules and principles actually provide and when is the right time to uphold or break them. Kirishima's character arc is about self-acceptance, self-improvement, and comradery in the face of societal messages that conflict with one's own personal values. Shouto's character arc is about finding the balance in one's identity between what's inside and outside the self, how a person takes their hardship and pain and trauma and uses it to save others instead of perpetuating the cycle. Hell, Mineta's character arc is about learning what it means to be "cool" and "attractive" and "admirable" in a hyper-sensationalized, commercialized, oversaturated superhero society. All of these character arcs rely to varying extents on Izuku acting as a foil or paradigm-changing force.
Ochako's character arc is...
...all over the place or nonexistent, and I can't decide which.
At first, it seems like her character is designed to mirror Izuku's. She is a very nice (if a little bland or awkward) person who just wants to help people but slowly learns that developing her strength/combat skills would just as well serve her goal of becoming a rescue hero. This is a similar character arc to Izuku's, but there's no chance on earth her arc would show more depth or nuance than Izuku's own character arc. So is she on the same arc? Or is she there to bump Izuku in the right direction when he strays from the path? Either way, that's not development for her. Indeed, the way it works out whenever they talk in the latter half of the story is they just totally agree with each other. No challenge, no insight, nothing. They're just like "Yep :)" but in the longest, most boring way possible. Every time.
She's not tied in to the plot with All For One or Shigaraki in any way at all. There is no connection between her and the villains except Toga, who seems to have been designed entirely to face Ochako. But Toga herself is kind of shallowly developed through most of the story. There is no crux of Ochako's character she challenges other than...they both maybe sort of crush on the same boy. What a life-altering showdown that's gonna lead to! [/sarcasm]
The crushing is played for laughs and kinda cute the first two or three times, but the problem is that after Katsuki vs. Ochako, we get such a good moment where Izuku tries to cheer up Ochako but Ochako cheers him up instead. It seemed for a moment like she did have something meaningful to teach Izuku in his journey to heroism, but then we've had no moments like that between them since. It's just virginal blushing and stuttering over and over and over again with no developing relationship between them. They don't grow as a result of being in each other's stories, or if they do, we're made to just assume it happened while they blushed or something. The "crush" moments are shortcuts in the writing that don't demonstrate any actual development from point A to point B. They're just fluff that accomplish nothing in each scene. It's useless and boring. Poor writing, like I said.
But...if we assume there is no IzuOcha endgame, if we treat all the IzuOcha teasing as a subversion...
Maybe we have something here.
You see, later in the story, Toga does sort of develop into something a bit more interesting with her disdain for how society tries to force her to repress herself such that she could never be happy. But...is Ochako the proper foil to this arc? I don't know. Am I supposed to believe that Ochako's occasional jealousy at others for merely interacting with her crush Izuku is the same level of depth? That Ochako's repression and decision to ignore her feelings is...correct and good? That this is the solution to the problem Toga presents? I really don't want to believe that. I think there must be a middle-ground these two "rivals" will reach.
At best, I want to hope this is a question of imposition on others and the violation of people's boundaries, about making others happy without sacrificing your own happiness, about respecting others' feelings while also being sure to respect your own. And if that's the case, Izuku is really just a bystander unrelated to all of this--which is why I think this is the part of Ochako's story in which most people have taken any interest. It ties a lot more of their interactions into Ochako's development than their crushing moments. Take for instance how Ochako is against going to rescue Katsuki when he's kidnapped: she warns Shouto that Katsuki will probably feel humiliated if they go save him. That insight becomes a key factor in Izuku's rescue plan--and it's entirely because Ochako recognizes they need to respect Katsuki's emotional boundaries.
That's not the only moment either: at the sports festival, Izuku is not keyed in to Ochako's anxiety. When he figures out what is going on, he offers his advice for her match, but she rejects it. She realizes she needs to disentangle herself from Izuku's shadow to make it on her own as a hero, so she accepts that she and Izuku should be rivals. And when he tries to comfort her after her match, she does not accept that either. She’s sad, but she’s not willing to be vulnerable with Izuku at all. In fact, she cheers him up instead. What I'm getting at is: these two are at their most interesting when they oppose each other. They never successfully open up to each other, and each time they seem to want that, nothing meaningful happens. But when they maintain their boundaries and actually find conflict, well, that's where Ochako as a character seems to thrive. But she thrives on that with relation to everyone, not just Izuku. It's interesting when she pisses off Katsuki, when she teases Iida, when she notes the differences between her family's financial means and Momo's, when she sides with Kirishima over all the other girls in class, when she decides to throw down and get competitive. These are the moments when she stands on her own and isn't just a redundant female version of Izuku.
It's why at this time I don't want IzuOcha endgame to happen. I don't have a problem with either character or with the ship. I just think that result doesn't serve their character arcs very well. They haven't developed a relationship like that in the story to justify such an endgame. They do better when they conflict--at least so far. Horikoshi is gonna have to lift a ton of extra weight to carry them to a point where a romantic relationship between them makes sense and satisfies.
And I'm not actually convinced that's what he's gonna try to do in the end anyways.
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heiose · 2 years
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Izuocha week day 2 I think? Collab with @raz-b-rose for her fic “Catch me Gently”
Holy shit I actually finished a drawing? 2 months late for Izuocha week? Yes yes I did. First school got in the way when I was getting ready to graduate, then crunching for Comic-Con right afterwards. But here we are!
Composition wise, not the best piece. But whatever, I need to work on my compositions. And honestly I just wanted to finish this so I could move on to the next.
Also, definitely read this fic cause it was so good. I was glued to it, and ahhh Ochaco was so fun to redesign as a pro hero with prosthetics. It was so well written with angst, drama and fluff! And I love reading explorations on the consequences of being a hero, especially with Horikoshi’s way of amputating his characters.
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oncforallxbroccoli · 11 months
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send me a 🚼 and a ship (accepting) || @nuravity asked:
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(putting under a read more)
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Okay, but I love her already...
And IDK but her having freckles and green eyes from Izuku ... while the main color of her hair is brunette like Ochako's just seems fuckin' cute. But also I feel like she would naturally have either one or two green stripes in her hair (like how Denki has the black stripe in his), but the dollmaker doesn't let me do that >.<
Oh, and... I have no idea what her name would be xDD
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autoknight01 · 2 years
I keep forgetting I have this tumble so here I am using it to promote some of my newest work. For those who love Star Wars and MY Hero Academia, this is for you. Crossover fic about a Jedi falling to earth after order 66. Hope you like it! I’ll post more updates here as they go.
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musemilitia · 2 years
Pretend to be My Muse’s Child || Accepting
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Anonymous asked:
"Dad! Dad!" came the small voice as the big eyes stared up at him, small hands reaching up to grab his pants. "Do you have time to play now? Mom has been gone to visit my grandparents and I'm bored." She gave him a light push with her quirk - a small force, enough to just jostle him. "Please!" Her face turned a bit thoughtful. "Well, if we can't play, can I at least get one of those cakes mom brought home? Those with with the creamy chocolate center?" (For Deku)
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Izuku had just gotten up from watching the news and had headed into the kitchen to get a glass of water when he heard (and felt the leg of his pants being grabbed) the voice of the young girl. Upon hearing that she was bored, followed by the light push. To which he ‘acted’ like it was hard enough to make him stumble as he placed a foot back to steady himself before bending down to her level. 
“It’s getting too close to dinner for the cakes, sweetie.” He explained, a soft smile on his face, as he added, “Though, if you want, I can get you a glass of juice? And then we can play anything you want to play before mom gets home and we have dinner.”
Moving to stand up and continue getting the glass of water he had initially gone in the kitchen to get while waiting for his daughter’s reply.
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epickiya722 · 10 months
Actually, now I'm thinking about it, it's odd to me that Midoriya and Uraraka look similar and maybe that's on purpose.
Round eyes & face
Facial marks (Freckles for Midoriya, blush stickers for Uraraka)
"Brunette" (green hair is considered being a brunet/te in anime logic)
Shorter than the others
Now given that, what if Uraraka "falling in love" with Midoriya wasn't her actually falling in love? What if it was her having a self-reflection and accepting herself?
Further thinking about it... they're practically the same person.
They're both compassionate, kind. They learn to adapt to changes. They're cute, but they're vicious if pushed far enough. They won't give up on people or in a fight. Hell, they both float, use long range attacks, and close range ones. Works in teams of three (Uraraka-Asui-Hado, Midoriya-Bakugou-Todoroki) under a top Pro Hero.
And they both "rival" some feral blond that they don't act "normal" around.
What if Midoriya wasn't meant to be Uraraka's crush but her mirror? Mind you whenever someone points out her "crush" it's not someone you would turn to for love advice.
Aoyama is Aoyama (think about that reveal), Ashido practically ships anybody with anybody when there's no real chemistry, and Toga has a twisted concept of love.
You really think I would trust any of them on telling me I have a "crush"?
There's also the fact that Uraraka herself during her talk with Midoriya says they're both "oddballs". That whole talk during 342 comes off more as someone talking about their feelings about their identity and relating to a friend who feels the same about themselves than supposedly "romantic". When someone is called an "oddball", it means that person is "weird". They're not part of the "norm".
Sometimes it comes off as having different interests, like someone liking the arts unlike the majority of the group who likes sports.
Or it's someone who identifies as queer.
What if these last few chapters of Toga and Uraraka was Uraraka accepting herself?
@darkcircles4lyfe points out a detail that I didn't catch until now in this post here.
In this scene, Toga has a hold of that All Might keychain. We know it's of importance to Uraraka because Midoriya gave it to her. We also know that once before Uraraka snatched it away from her when Toga first got a hold of it during the PLF War Arc. Here, she doesn't do it. Granted, because she's bang the hell up and probably even isn't aware of her surroundings. But on Horikoshi's part, what if that's on purpose? What if here, Toga is taking the keychain as a way of saying Uraraka is finally accepting herself and her feelings? That Midoriya was that mirror she kept looking into and questioning until this very moment?
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And let's be honest here, it's not like Horikoshi isn't incapable of writing M/F ships. I just think IzuOcha is a ship he doesn't intend to make romantic because of how underdeveloped it is.
Compare it to Kamijirou and Kirimina, it is pale. Also, make note of those two pairs.
The characters in those ships also have opposing physical features.
Kamijirou - dark and light hair colors, the extrovert and the introvert
Kirimina - Spiky hair and curly hair, sharp edges and round curves
A lot of pairs Horikoshi puts together in which the characters are close (romantic or platonic) have some opposing features to them.
Gentle Crimimal and La Brava - tall and short, dark hair and light hair, one is more hands on and the other isn't
Eraser Head & Present Mic - quiet and loud, dark hair and light hair, close combat & long range
Bakugou's and Jiro's parents - quiet & loud, dark hair and light hair
It's his shtick.
But for Midoriya and Uraraka? They are just genderbend versions of each other!
That's really all I have to say here. And if you disagree, fine. Don't care for the input though, keep it to yourselves. (I say this because some of you are just damn disrespectful.)
I myself don't think IzuOcha is a bad ship, but I just don't think it's a ship Horikoshi has on his agenda. Let alone wants the audience to perceive them as "romantic" but as a "mirror".
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aashi-heartfilia · 9 months
BnHA: Team up Mission Volume Cover
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The Ochako Volume Cover we always wanted but never got...she looks sooo angelic!!! God!!!
I have so much to say about this: She looks so angelic here!! Like straight out of a volume cover! Too bad, only 2-3 volumes are remaining and the covers will most likely go to people like AFO, Deku or All Might, maybe even Bakugo if he wakes up.
I'm hoping for at least a TogaChako cover for Vol 39. An Ochako cover is way overdue, but at this point I'm just happy with what we got.
All the Kacchako, IzuOchas, and TogaChako shippers are gonna have a field day with this on Twitter! I'm really seeing a lot of Demon Bakugo X Angel Uraraka and Demon Spider Toga X Angel Ochako arts.
I wish Ochako got this hype earlier in the series, especially when so much of the main plot was hogged by the Todoroki family drama.
Anyways, I also love the fact that Ochako is depicted as an Angel here. Her quirk is literally float and she has big white wings along with that serene expression on her face...it's just so beautiful.
It really complements her soo much!! And contrasts to Toga who was seen as a devil / monster by everyone else.
Plus I really don't understand when people say, Ochako's not gonna be that popular as a pro, like are you kidding me?
Even if we just follow the cannon events, Ochako is popular among the common folks:
She was on TV during the sports fest and managed to impress a lot of pros, she was in Ryukyu's team in season 4 which also got some attention from the media.
She was helping the citizens in the aftermath. There is a chance that a lot of people, she directly saved might recognise her.
I mean, who wouldn't be thankful, if someone got you out of a falling house or someone that was trapped under a debri? Plus, rescue Heroes like Wash and 13 are pretty famous.
Plus, some might recognise her after her speech from the Dark Deku arc that was the first step to bridge the gap between heroes and villains.
The heroes trapped there, the people watching on live TV!! Who wouldn't recognise that?
Anyways, my point is Ochako's gonna be rich and popular and that's that.
Lol, I got way out of track here.
But Ochako's beautiful and everyone knows it!!
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
"Izuku and Ochako have more chemistry with their rival's than they do with eachother":Incorrect,boring and puts a half canon wlw ship on the same level as a bully x life long victim ship
"Izuku and Katsuki have more chemistry with Kyouka than they do with eachother":Very true,funny and would make bk///dks heads explode if it became a common take.With your help,we can make this possible♡
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gocatchagoose · 5 months
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Look, they’re on a date💚🩷! Commissioned art from @reishichi for Chapter 12 of Go Catch a Goose,  An IzuOcha Rom-Com FanFic.
After graduation, Pro Heroes Deku and Uravity remain good friends. That is until Deku falls for a vicious prank text and a rom-com ensues.
Read it here: Beginning: https://zamashi.wordpress.com/go-catch-a-goose-prologue/ Chapter 12: https://zamashi.wordpress.com/go-catch-a-goose-12/
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helios-co · 10 months
Finally took a leap and unjoined r/MyHeroAcademia bc of how SICK I was of the izuocha shippers 🥰 BEGONE THOTS
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sapphic-agent · 8 months
So I made it pretty clear that I don't ship Izuocha as I find it bland and that it's pretty much shipping 101 for a series.
But when you actually see the dynamic unfold, it really doesn't have the structure for a ship outside of them getting flustered around each other.
Uraraka called him plain looking at the beginning and even questioned if he was going to fight quirkless which, given his unspoken backstory, would've hit a nerve for him to hear someone he likes say such a thing.
And then there's the whole shoving her feelings aside to focus on hero work which, that I don't have much of a problem with since there are some people out there who would rather focus on their careers first before pursuing a relationship.
But this just ties back to Hori preventing Izuku from having anything nice because why is it only HIS love interest that's doing this? What about any of the other girls or even pro heroes? In fact it's been alluded that Kamui Woods and Mount Lady have something going on so heroes being in a relationship isn't something that's distracting or get in the way of their work.
But Izuku isn't entirely innocent in this either.
If this is supposed to be a couple that's obviously meant to be together in the end, why hasn't he had any scenes of admiring her or flustering over her? It's always been Uraraka.
Now if it was revealed that he doesn't view himself as someone worthy of being in a romantic relationship because of something that happened in his past, that would be fun to explore... but we don't get that!
But the cherry on top of this and maybe it's just me, but I don't like how this is a couple where the guy is only interested because she was the first girl that was nice to him. It just comes across as a bit unhealthy to me.
Now maybe if this was explored and have him fall for someone else, including that realizing that clinging onto the first person who was nice to him isn't okay, then we would have an interesting arc.
But I think that's just me I guess.
I totally get where you're coming from!
I'm not big on IzuOcha myself. If I'm being 100% honest, I actually really like their platonic relationship a lot more. They had decent chemistry in the beginning and she was his first real friend. I'm not saying they shouldn't be together, but Horikoshi should have spent more time on their friendship before even mentioning their romantic feelings.
The plain face thing annoys me, but Horikoshi shits on his own MC constantly for no reason so I don't hold this against Uraraka. I agree that the shoving her feelings aside thing is weird especially because we don't spend that much time seeing her develop as a hero. It's so focused on Izuku whole trying to not make things about Izuku. It's so weird. Like it's fine if it's mentioned or implied, but why it is more centered on her feelings for Izuku then it is on her growing and developing her skills? And you're right because Jirou doesn't do that with Kaminari even though she's way more likely than Uraraka to hide what she's really feeling. I like to chalk it up to Horikoshi not knowing how to write women as main characters.
I totally agree that it's weird that Izuku doesn't get flustered or embarrassed around her. Especially since he did in the beginning and it's implied that he had feelings for her first (or at least attraction). It's odd that Horikoshi dropped this (it might be part of him making Izuku less three dimensional and complex as the series goes on because if you pay attention, a lot of the qualities Izuku had in the beginning of the show really diminish).
Like most things, I like to think that IzuOcha is simply wasted potential (and maybe was ignored/disregarded im favor of you-know-who but I can't prove it). I definitely see why you don't like it
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