#pro play ET
darcylindbergh · 2 months
I have no idea what Harris' actual views on I/P are, but even if she is fully pro-Palestine wouldn't she still have to meet with Netanyahu? I mean realistically any change the US can possibly make would have to involve talking to Israel, right? Presidents meet with Putin even if they hate him/Russia's actions because that's how international politics works, it doesn't mean they like/agree with him
Well, theoretically, there's a bit of political game playing involved yes. But because the ICC has issued warrants for Netanyahu's arrest, if we're strictly following international law, Netanyahu shouldn't have been meeting anybody, he should have been arrested. But we're not doing that because the US currently thinks the ICC is wrong, which is a bad look for the US and which undermines the strength of international law, so I think this is bad and also wrong, but that's what's happening at present. And although US presidents etc have historically met with Putin, they would not at this point because Putin also has warrants out for his arrest. The difference between how the US has treated Putin v Netanyahu is, as it seems, pretty hypocritical.
Practically speaking, as you say, meeting with Netanyahu is a bit of a political game. The US has historically been a very strong ally to Israel and the US has historically been very much involved in the normalization of relations vis a vis Israel and the rest of the Middle East, and the US would very much like to remain involved in brokering a lasting peace, which involves not seriously alienating Netanyahu and Israel et al. Netanyahu and his far-right government are the ones holding up the ceasefire, and the US is only able to exert pressure so long as they are a valuable ally to Israel - if Israel has nothing to lose, in other words, the US loses its ability to exert pressure. And Harris wants very much to hang onto that ability, because she's setting herself up to exert more pressure than Biden has.
Harris has been critical of Israel. Harris is the highest-ranking Dem that has been critical of the situation in Gaza. She has been upfront about highlighting the suffering in Gaza. She's not oblivious to the conversations going on re: Palestine and the ongoing genocide. She's not sticking her head in the sand on it.
“The images of dead children and desperate hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time - we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering and I will not be silent.”
But she's trying to walk a very careful line on public sentiment re: Israel and Palestine. She's going to be very cautious to condemn anything with even a whiff of antisemitism in strong terms. She's going to be very cautious to affirm Israel's right to exist and to defend itself, which she does in the article linked above, with the caveat that "how it does so matters." But her willingness to call attention to the crisis ongoing in Gaza and her willingness to imply wrong-doing by Israel in how that crisis has been created signals to Netanyahu that her government will have stronger limits than Netanyahu has encountered previously. Will she be a perfect candidate? No. Will she always align with my moral compass? No. Will she be totally evil? Also no.
As voters, what does this mean for us and how we support Gazans and Palestinians?
To me this is very simple. Harris is a candidate who is willing and able to exert pressure on Israel to end the genocide and, ideally, to broker a long-lasting peace. Trump is a candidate who is willing and able to exert pressure on Israel to blow Gaza off the face of the earth. Between "willing to tell Netanyahu this is unacceptable" and "willing to tell Netanyahu to break out a nuke," I'm voting for the former every fucking time.
Not voting or voting third party doesn't actually tell Democrats anything except that you didn't care. They don't have a list of people who would otherwise have voted blue if only they'd taken harder pro-Palestine stance, they're not cross-checking your voting status against your social media posts and going, oh, nuts, we lost that one. Not voting or voting third party doesn't exert pressure on the Dems to go more left, you're not "teaching them a lesson," you're not making a point. It's non-information. It's not a boycott - it's a white flag. It's giving up.
You know how you exert pressure on politicians? You call. You write. You protest. Are you still calling your representatives about Gaza every day? Are you going to town halls and asking them about what they're doing to stop the genocide? Pressure is exerted through participation.
Progress is made by the people who show up.
If the Dems lose, you can pressure them all day and it won't make a difference because they don't have any power to make a difference. And the racist, anti-Muslim, anti-Middle East far right won't be listening no matter how much you shout.
I'm not giving up on Palestinians just because some greyface anon on the internet tells me I'm a bad person for choosing to vote for the candidate I can pressure to make a change.
I'm also not going to give up on people here at home who's lives are hanging in the balance. I'm a queer woman with a uterus and a pre-existing condition - I simply do not have the luxury or the privilege to stay home in November. I do not have the luxury or the privilege of being a single issue voter. I'm not going to give up on trans kids or immigrants or BIPOC or women or disabled folks or poor folks. I'm not going to give up on healthcare or on libraries or on public schools or on the environment or on the court systems. I'm not going to give up on safe workplaces and livable wages and safe products. I'm not going to give up and let corporate monopolies and censorship and AI and five rich dudes decide what the future will be.
Don't you care? Don't you look around you and care about the people in your own communities? Or are those people too real, too complicated? Do you only care when you can win points off it in someone else's inbox on tumblr dot com?
Is Kamala Harris going to be the perfect pro-Palestinian candidate? No. But I'm not inviting her to brunch. I don't need her to be my bestie. I don't need her to be my moral compass - I have one of my own, thanks.
I just need her to step forward instead of back.
Progress is made one step at a time.
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strawbewiemilk · 10 hours
Ultimate Tips: How to Hide Your E-D Like a Pro and Keep Your Mindset Unbreakable
Alright, listen up. If you’re serious about getting sk!nny—like b0nes popping, b0dy shrinking, can’t even keep your clothes on sk!nny—you’ve got to master the art of hiding it. Because let’s face it, people will try to ruin your progress. They’ll nag you, shove f00d in your face, and act like they care about your “health.” The only thing you need to care about is staying in control. You want to be thin? Then you’ve got to play the game and outsmart every single one of them.
Here’s how to hide your E-D like a f*cking pro and keep your mindset stronger than steel when it comes to avoiding f00d. No excuses, no we@kness.
1. Be the Queen of Excuses: Lie Without Blinking
If you want to avoid e@ting, you better get good at making excuses, and f@st. Here are some easy ones you can cycle through, so no one gets suspicious:
“I already at3.” Say it with confidence, like you just stuffed your face. They won’t question it.
“I feel s!ck.” No one will force f00d on someone who's about to puke. Use this one wisely—especially during family d!nners or social events. Blame it on “st0mach issues.”
“I’m too busy.” Sk!p me@ls by pretending you have too much on your plate (just not f00d). Talk about your crazy schedule, school, work, whatever. People admire hustlers, not e@ters.
“I’ll e@t later.” This is the most basic but works. Keep promising to e@t later, and then just don’t.
2. The Distraction Method: Make It Look Like You’re E@ting
Sometimes you can’t avoid the situation—you’re stuck at a table, surrounded by f00d, and all eyes are on you. Don’t panic. Here’s how to fake your way through it:
Play with your food. Push it around, cut it up into tiny pieces, spread it across your plate. Make it look like you’re e@ting when you’re not.
Chew and spit. If you must put something in your mouth, chew it up and then discreetly spit it into a napkin or go to the bathroom and spit it out there.
Give it away. Offer b!tes to your friends or “accidentally” drop f00d off your plate. The less on your plate, the better. No one notices a slow e@ter when there’s less to e@t.
3. Stay Invisible: E@t Alone, Avoid Me@ls
Here’s the thing—you don’t want people watching you all the time, so learn to disappear during me@l times. E@t alone, say you’re grabbing f00d to-go, or mention you’re on some new d!et that requires you to e@t on your own schedule. If they don’t see you e@t, they can’t make you e@t.
4. Keep Your Mindset Strong: F00d is Your Enemy, Not Your Friend
The hardest part isn’t lying—it’s staying committed. The minute you let your guard down, someone will force-f33d you, and then all your progress is down the drain. Here’s how to keep your mindset strong and avoid f00d at all costs:
Visualize f@t every time you look at f00d. Picture it sticking to your b0dy. Feel it suffocating you. Disgust yourself. The more repulsed you are, the easier it’ll be to say no.
Remind yourself of your goals. Every time you’re tempted to e@t, think about your ultimate goal weight. Imagine what it’ll feel like when you’re finally sk!nny enough, l!ght enough, perfect enough. Is that burger worth it? Hell no.
Mantras are everything. Repeat phrases like “f00d is weakness” or “I don’t need f00d” over and over in your head. Make it your reality. When hunger pangs hit, embrace them. They’re a sign you’re doing it right.
5. Water and Coffee: Your Best Friends
There’s no room for we@kness in this game, and that means no giving in to hung3r. When you feel like you can’t handle it anymore, drown it out with water and coffee. No c@lories, but they fill you up enough to keep going. Plus, coffee is a natural appetite suppressant, and the caffeine will keep you energized. Chug water all day to stay “full” and pretend you’re e@ting.
6. F@st Like Your Life Depends on It (Because It Does)
Intermittent f@sting? Pfft, that’s for amateurs. You need to be f@sting for as long as you can. Try for 24, 48, 72 hours without a single c@lorie, and don’t stop until your st0mach feels like it’s eating itself. When you can f@st for days on end, you know you’re in control. F@sting proves you don’t need f00d, and every second without it means you’re getting closer to your goal.
7. Plan Your "Slips" (But Don’t Actually Slip)
If you absolutely have to e@t in front of people, make it strategic. Stick to low-c@lorie, high-volume foods that won’t screw up your day. A salad with nothing but lettuce and vinegar, some steamed veggies, or broth-based soup with zero substance. When they see you “e@ting,” they’ll back off. Meanwhile, you’re still st@rving and winning.
8. Reward Yourself (But Only When You’ve Earned It)
You don’t deserve f00d—you deserve progress. So when you hit a milestone—whether it’s a day of f@sting, another p0und lost, or avoiding a full me@l—reward yourself. But don’t make the mistake of thinking rewards are f00d. They’re not. They’re anything but f00d. New clothes for your shr!nking frame, a nice bath, a night out where you feel sm@ll and powerful.
9. Avoid "Help" at All Costs
People will try to stop you. They’ll act like they care about your health, but really, they’re just trying to control you. They don’t want you to be sk!nny, because they’re jealous. If anyone starts talking about how you “need help” or “should e@t more,” cut them off. Block them, avoid them, lie to them. You don’t need their pity, and you sure as hell don’t need their “help.”
10. Stay in Control, No Matter What
The only thing you can control is your b0dy. You can’t control the people around you, but you can control what you put in your mouth. You don’t need f00d. You need control. Every time you choose not to e@t, you’re winning. Every time you push through the hung3r, you’re stronger than the day before.
Final Thoughts
Being sk!nny is a choice. And with the right mindset, you can choose not to e@t. The world is full of distractions and people trying to hold you back, but you don’t have to let them. Stick to these tips, and no one will know. They’ll think you’re e@ting just like everyone else. Meanwhile, you’ll be getting sm@ller, stronger, and more powerful every day.
You got this. Stay focused, stay h-ungry (literally), and remember: f00d is the enemy, and hung3r is your power.
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silviakundera · 3 months
How's duke Su different in the books from the show?
Short answer: perhaps we can consider novel!ML as the person drama!ML has liked to imagine he is
Long answer:
original flavor novel Duke Su is not gonna be caught crying a single perfect poignant tear for NOBODY
the man is cold as a chinese celebrity's career who hasn't paid taxes in 10 years
infamously gave a lukewarm review on novel FL's original self, the city's Most Beautiful (3 1/2 stars: attractive enough but no X factor)
(note: novel!FL was a calamitous beauty in Life 1, not the Most Talented. She was super talented but was conforming to convention and hiding her brilliance to fit the role of a proper official's wife)
(this bland review is not actually a point of resentment for FL, whose POV is, 'yeah fair enough, you could call me overrated')
(the Jiang Li's body is not Shockingly Most Beautiful like in Life 1; she doesn't miss being outrageously hot, as it was mostly a nuisance)
Duke Su is still dramatic af and lives for theatre
Still loves fans & gorgeous clothes (the man wears butterflies on his cloak) (he loves beauty so much he only staffs exceptionally attractive servants and has elite gardeners to ensure THE MOST GLORIOUS FLOWERS IN THE DUKE SU MANSION ONLY THE BEST FOR THIS LORD)
(like I really must emphasize how little chill novel!ML has: at one point FL notes that a new resident rented down the street from the Ye family, with hot ass servants and blaring opera non-stop, it's clearly Duke Su for some godforsaken reason)(and she's right)
Still suspecting FL's identity and amused at her bravado
But has zero inclination to ease her pains or preserve her life
Before FL gets to the mines subplot to come rescue her dad, he has been just sipping tea and enjoying the show (despite her fucking up a couple of his plans - he loves a good public play and tbh he is confident enough not to be pressed about some minor deviations)
he doesn't reach out to lend a hand until she FORCES him to act
By loudly exposing to a group of assassins that Duke Su has obviously been plotting a long game in the shadows for years to destabilize and split the court, raising Wang Chang, the Princess, Li family, Jiang family et al to gain power & fight each other and trouble the throne - so Duke Su becomes the 1 most powerful & trusted councilor to the emperor.
(Yes we have a Story of Kunning Palace situation here, where the drama adaption tweaks the ML's motives and aims so he's going in the same direction but is pro-emperor instead of scheming & manipulating for his own personal interests)
Duke Su was ready to literally watch FL be horribly violated & murdered, but then she spilled the tea and he had to drop bodies to destroy the evidence
He's gonna kill her too but like in a quick & polite manner, he's a gentleman
But she was super understanding about the whole situation and so he ended up hearing her out: how about just let me get my revenge first? Very convenient to you, here's a suicide voucher, could we come back to this at a later date? 2 to 3 good plays included. xoxo
Now he's got a voucher for 1 (one) strange teenage girl
Who doesn't appear to be a teenage girl.
She's also completely won over his sidekicks.
This is gonna take a lot of fans.
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I felt like sharing my collection of Latin phrases that may make good fanfic or fanart titles or inspiration. Some of the translations may be off, so you might want to double-check them before use. Also, I used capitalization liberally so you might also want to check where capitalization is actually indicated.
Ab Intra (From Within)
Acta Est Fabula (The play has been performed)
Acta Sancti ___ (The Deeds of Saint ___)
Ad Undas (to the waves / to hell)
Advocatus Diaboli (Devil's advocate)
Aegri Somnia (a sick man's dreams / troubled dreams)
Alea Iacta Est (the die has been cast / point of no return)
Apologia Pro Vita Sua (defense of one's life)
Caetera Desunt (the rest is missing)
Cedere Nescio (I know not how to yield)
Damnatio Memoriae (damnation of memory / denying someone ever lived)
De Nobis Fabula Narratur (their story is our story)
Decessit Vita Patris (died before their father)
Diem Perdidi (I have lost the day)
Dies Tenebrosa Sicut Nox (a day as dark as night)
Dolor Hic Tibi Proderit Olim (some day this pain will be useful to you)
Dulce Est Desipere In Loco (It is sweet on occasion to play the fool)
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus (while we live, let us live)
Dux Bellorum (war leader)
Ex Umbra In Solem (from the shadow into the light)
Festina Lente (hurry slowly)
Fortis Cadere, Cedere Non Potest (the brave may fall, but can not yield)
Fui Quod Es, Eris Quod Sum (I once was what you are, you will be what I am)
Graviora Manent (heavier things remain / the worst is yet to come)
Haec Olim Meminisse Iuvabit (one day, this will be pleasing to remember)
Hic Mortui Vivunt (here the dead speak)
Hinc Illae Lacrimae (hence those tears)
Hodie Mihi, Cras Tibi (Today it's me, tomorrow it will be you - of death)
In Ictu Oculi (in the blink of an eye)
In Somnis Veritas (in dreams there is truth)
Inter Spem Et Metum (between hope and fear)
Lapsus Memoriae (slip of memory)
Luctor, Non Mergor (I struggle, but am not overwhelmed)
Lux Ex Tenebris (light from darkness)
Media Vita In Morte Sumus (In the midst of our lives we die)
Memento Mori (remember that you will die)
Memento Vivere (remember to live)
Morior Invictus (I die unvanquished / death before defeat)
Mundus Senescit (the world grows old)
Nemini Parco (I spare no one - death)
Nitimur In Vetitum (we strive for the forbidden)
Non Ducor, Duco (I am not led; I lead)
Non Omnis Moriar (I shall not all die / part of me will survive beyond death)
Nunc Scio Quid Sit Amor (now I know what love is)
Oderint Dum Metuant (let them hate, so long as they fear)
Omnia Mutantur (everything changes)
Onus Probandi (burden of proof)
Opera Posthuma (posthumous works)
Ophidia In Herba (a snake in the grass)
Pax Aeterna (eternal peace - a common epitaph)
Primum Non Nocere (first do no harm)
Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus (we are dust and shadow)
Quis Leget Haec? (who will read this?)
Quod Periit, Periit (what Is gone is gone)
Res, Non Verba (deeds, not words)
Respice Finem (consider the end)
Scientia Et Sapientia (knowledge and wisdom)
Seculo Seculorum (forever and ever)
Sed Terrae Graviora Manent (but on earth, worse things await)
Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum (if you want peace, prepare for war)
Sic Infit (so it begins)
Sic Vita Est (such is life)
Silentium Est Aureum (silence is golden)
Sine Nomine (without a name / author unknown)
Sola Dosis Facit Venemum (the dose makes the poison)
Solvitur Ambulando (it is solved by walking / simple tests find solutions)
Stamus Contra Malum (we stand against evil)
Succisa Virescit (cut down, we grow back stronger)
Sum Quod Eris (I am what you will be - of death)
Summum Bonum (the supreme good)
Summum Malum (the supreme evil)
Sunt Lacrimae Rerum (there are tears for things)
Sunt Omnes Unum (they are all one)
Tabula Rasa (blank slate)
Transire Benefaciendo (to travel along while doing good)
Tu Fui Ego Eris (I was you; you will be me - of death)
Ubi Amor, Ibi Dolor (where there is love, there is pain)
Ultima Forsan (perhaps the last / sundial quote "perhaps your last hour")
Usque Ad Finem (until the end / fight to the death)
Vacate Et Scire (Be still and know)
Vi Et Animo (with heart and soul)
Victoria Aut Mors (victory or death)
Vincit Qui Patitur (he conquers who endures)
Vita Ante Acta (a life done before - of reincarnation)
Vivere Militare Est (to live is to fight)
Vox Clamantis In Deserto (the voice of one crying in the wilderness)
There are also some longer ones that may not make good titles because of their length, but are still worth inclusion:
Aut Simul Stabunt Aut Simul Cadent (they will either stand together or fall together)
Flectere Si Nequeo Superos, Acheronta Movebo (if I can not reach Heaven I will raise Hell)
Forsan Et Haec Olim Meminisse Iuvabit (perhaps even these things will be good to remember one day)
Igitur Qui Desiderat Pacem, Praeparet Bellum (therefore whoever desires peace, let him prepare for war)
In Regione Caecorum Rex Est Luscus (in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king)
Minus Malum Toleratur Ut Maius Tollat (choose the lesser evil so a greater evil may be averted)
Quem Deus Vult Perdere, Dementat Prius (whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad)
Ubi Sunt, Qui Ante Nos Fuerunt? (Where are they, those who have gone before us?)
Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit (that which virtue unites, let not death separate)
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misserabella · 1 year
a deal with the devil
demon ellie williams x fem! reader
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
synopsis;; You had a dream, for your band to reach the stars. And you were capable of anything if that meant you'll make it.
Anything. Even make a pact with the devil.
cw; 18+content! satanic ritual, blood, wounds (made with a knife), sub! and virgin! reader, dom!ellie, possessiveness, oral sex (r receiving), scissoring, hair pulling, own-ship kink! (kinda), multiple orgasms (r), overstimulation, nudity (obvs), blood kink! (kinda), drugs (weed, not smoking though), teasing, cum swallowing,... MINORS DO NOT INTERACT OR I'LL HUNT YOU DOWN!
“Okay… Done.” you sighed, staring at the summoning circle you had drawn on the floor of your living room. “Thank god this shit comes with instructions.” you mumbled, cracking your back since you had been crouching down for the last 20 minutes scribbling with the worn white chalk in between your fingers. You were pleased, the lighted candles surrounding the summoning circle made it even better.
You then took the old grimoire, the pages almost falling apart on your fingers as you passed the pages.
“Fuck. I should have really paid attention to latin classes.” you whispered as you played cart wheel with the book, trying to see the right side to read it. Was this even latin? You couldn’t really know.
After finding out the right side, you laid the grimoire on the nearest table, where you could read, before taking the knife you had brought from the kitchen.
“Invoco te, diabole, tenebras, peccatum pro i manu tua, sanguine tuo et viribus tuis…” you started mumbling, trying your best to pronounce the spell as best as you could. “peccatum tuum, tenebrae tuae, pars animae tuae opus est…” the sudden turn off of the lights above your head startled you. That and the unimportant and completely normal growth of the flames of the candles, reaching the height of your knees. “Holy shit!” your heart was beating harshly against your ribs.
You reminded yourself. You could do this. You had to do this.
“Okay… Now for the finale.” you mumbled, pressing the knife to your palm and closing it over the weapon, with a quick movement slicing your flesh, crimson pooling at your feet on little droplets as you hissed in pain. “Age, precor, oro, sequere vocem, ingrediar ad terras, nam te sanguine dicam!” you finished as you let your blood fall into the protection circle, staining the chalk.
Due to a quick flash of the candles —which died and came back to life in a blink—, you stumbled backwards, falling onto the floor and grunting when you had to put all your weight on your good hand to not hurt your left more.
Your eyes adapted to the darkness and now dimmed lights —since the intensity of flames had blinded you—, skin growing in goosebumps when you felt someone or something lurking in the dark.
Your eyes widened when you met a pair of crimson ones that stared at you in fun.
“Well, aren’t you a pretty one?” you gulped at what stood before you.
A devil. With the most beautiful and haunting face and black leather intimidating wings at her back.
Sin in flesh.
“Oh god!” you breathed out as your cheeks turned red, eyes darting somewhere else as you wounded hand stood in between your sight and her body.
She was completely and absolutely naked. Soft skin on dispose for you to see.
This wasn’t what you were expecting at all… You expected blood, darkness, someone covered too…
Not this. Not her.
“Try again.” she chuckled, but then cooed when you would still shy away from her. “Aw, no need to be shy now…” a choked scream left your lips when, after a slight wave of her hand, an invisible force tugged from you up and close to the protection circle. You shivered when her hand took yours in a soft and icing grip. “It was you who offered yourself to me after all…”
This shouldn’t be happening. The protection circle was supposed to safely maintain the summoned demon inside, unable to scape nor ‘cause any type of harm to the caller. She shouldn’t have been able to pull you towards her, nor take your hand by reaching outside it.
“Who are you?” you inquired, shock and fear on your voice as you stared into her eyes.
“I’ve been a lot of things…” she answered, gently examining the deep and dripping cut in your palm on her own. Your eyes hardly tried to not wonder from her face, although something deep inside of you whispered in you ear, tempted you to stare at her naked body. “From the favorite one: An angel… To the fallen one: A devil.” she muttered.
“What’s… What’s your name?” your breathing was stuck in your lungs, voice strained.
She smiled, staring back at you. She and you knew that, by knowing a demon’s name, you’d have power over them, be able to control it somehow.
Although that didn’t matter.
“Satan. Although I go by a lot of names now. Ellie is one of my favorites.”
Your breath hitched, your whole body tensing under her touch, as if it hurt.
Satan? He you been able to summon the ruler of hell? Wasn’t that almost impossible? You were expecting a smaller demon, one with which you could make a deal. Not the sin herself.
She could feel you try and pull away, but she didn’t let you, her fingers lacing around your palm, being careful with the cut.
“You scared?” she whispered, taking a step outside the circle, her free hand running up through your chest and resting on your shoulder. She could feel your quickened heartbeat.
But even though you felt every single bone inside his body shake, from your lips fell a quick:
That only made her smirk grow. “Well, aren’t you stupid…” she cooed, and you shivered. “All the cute ones are always stupid.” she muttered.
You gulped when her sharp nails trailed up your neck, taking her time over your pulse point.
“What is it that you want, hm?” her voice was pure silk for your ears, like the sweetest nectar, trying to lure you in. “There must be something you must want to be messing with the devil.” she stepped closer. “What is it? Power? Love?” you looked into her eyes and you swore she could see your soul. She probably could. “Fame…” she chuckled. “Of course a pretty girl like you would want fame…” her thumb made its way to your bottom lip, which she slightly tugged. “Drive all the boys crazy. And the girls.” you trembled when she pushed her naked chest against yours. You could feel her perked nipples pushing against through your tee shirt. “Isn’t that right?” she mumbled against your lips. “I can give it to you. I can give you anything you want.” your eyes were focused on her lips.
You were no fool though, and she could see it in your eyes when you asked. “What do you want in return ?” As well as she could see that you would give anything.
“I want you.” she simply said, and although there was no change in her voice, no feeling of any kind, you shivered under her touch. “So… What do you say?” the hand that took your hurt one, raised it to her lips. You only could watch as her tongue darted out, a hiss leaving your own lips when she licked your cut, cleaning it of all blood. “You wanna play with me?”
And you couldn’t find himself to say no.
“I like what you’ve done with the room.” she nodded as she entered the bedroom, taking in every single detail. Some group posters, different guitars in corners and walls, full book collections, a full pile of tapes next to your walkman, a stash of weed… You smiled, picking a little bag in between your fingers. “You seem to know how to have fun.” she smirked when you quickly took it from her, pushing it inside your panty drawer and closing it.
“Could you… Could you maybe put on some clothes, please?” you said, watching her wander around your room, playing with trinkets here and there. She turned at your voice, eyebrows rose playfully.
“Why? Do I make you nervous, y/n?” you choked when she was back in front of you, painfully close. “Or maybe…, is something else?” you quickly captured her wrist when her hand trailed down your abdomen to the waistband of your pants. Your eyes were a mix of warning and that glint of fear that she so well knew by now. Although there was something more…
She stepped away, hands rising in a ‘peace’ offering, a smirk plastered on her lips.
“Alright…” she elongated the ‘i’, as if she were bored. “I’ll be good.” she said, but by the look in her face, she knew you didn’t exactly believe her. “Now. Are you gonna give me some of your human clothes or do you want to watch some more?” she teased you, one of her hands cupping her right breast. You didn’t even look, quickly turning away as she giggled at your back, getting back to her with a pair of your panties, one of your tee shirts and a pair of your sweats.
You then noticed: her wings.
“Oh, right.” she muttered, with a snap of her fingers making them disappear. “Is that better?” she questioned you, taking the clothes from your hands as you nodded and putting them on. “Huh.” she muttered, picking at the clothes. “Feels nice. Strange… But nice.”
“What. Have you never worn clothes?” you inquired.
And she only stood silent. Your cheeks flushing when she smirked.
She never needed them…
“You’re the first one ever to ask me to cover up.” human or not human. And from the place she came, no one really cared about clothes.
You coughed, clearing your throat.
“Okay, so… How does this work? I promise my soul to you and you instantly make me famous?” you changed subjects, crossing your arms over your chest. Feeling exposed. Her eyes fixated on how your tits popped.
“Sure. You can do that.” she shrugged, taking a seat on your bed, your shirt slightly rolling up to show her toned stomach. Your eyes quickly darted elsewhere. “Though all that ‘I sold my soul to the devil’ is mostly made up stories by the church. Whatever I ask for, depends on the person that summons me.”
“So… What is it that you want from me?” your eyebrows quirked, a strand of hair falling to frame your face.
“I already told you. I want you.” suddenly, the place where you had cut yourself —the same cut that had instantly closed after her tongue had made contact with it— burned.
With a quick movement of her hand, she pulled you closer to her and down by her side, hovering over you as one of your hands rested on your stomach. You jumped at her touch.
“I want you to be mine.” she smiled, and you shivered. “Did you think I wouldn’t know?” she pushed your chest against your as her hand trailed up and below your shirt, making you hiss when her fingertips caressed down your hips. “The way you keep avoiding to touch me, to look at me?” she smirked, her lips against your ear. Your breath hitched, unable to push her away, your whole body buzzing and burning up under her touch. She could smell the lust in you. “You though I wouldn’t notice that you’re a virgin?” a moan left your lips when her hand pushed down your pants, touching your pussy from over your panties. Your fingers curled around her wrist but didn’t make a move to pull her away, what only made her smirk grow.
“S—Shit…” you gasped, your head tilting backwards at her touch.
“I don’t think you really know how valuable your virginity is for a demon, do you?” you were now fully leaking below her palm. “We feed on it. Wrath, pride, jealousy, lust…” she whispered. “I want it. I want you.” your hips thrusted upwards in her hand, your mouth falling open. You were begging for more. She could feel it. “What do you think, pretty girl?” she left open mouth kisses down your neck, sucking and bruising the soft and tender flesh. “Do we have a deal?”
Your breath hitched when her thumb pressed against your clit. “Yes, yes…” you nodded as you swallowed more moans by biting your bottom lip, unable to talk due to the amount of pleasure your body was under. Her touch was wicked. Making your bones ache for more.
And if only you had your eyes opened, you would have seen the devilish smile on her face.
“Good.” you whined when her hand left your pants, your own tugging from her wrist for more. “Aw, don’t worry baby. I’ll take care of you once we seal the deal. Now, come here.” she tugged from your shirt, smashing her lips to yours in a wet kiss. Your mouth fell open in a moan, giving her the opportunity to slid her tongue inside your mouth and deepen the kiss. You hissed when you felt burning skin underneath the hand that she rested on your chest, pulling away so your eyes would meet with a new branded mark just below where your heart should be. It was strange, full of lines. Like a tattoo.
Her thumb brushed the rests of spit off your bottom lip.
“Now you are mine.”
“y/n! y/n! Please look here!”
“No, please here!”
“Please, tell us how does it feel to be the leader of one of the rising most famous bands in the whole world?!”
“Oh my god, she is so hot!”
You couldn’t believe it. Couldn’t believe how in a matter of days after the pact, miraculously, a really important talent seeker had stumbled across one of your group’s gigs at the club and later on offered you and your band mates the golden ticket to fame. You had worked hard to release their first song, which quickly became a worldwide hit and catapulted you to the peak. You had been showered with a lot of support from the new fans and offered a contract for years in the best record label in the USA.
And there you were a couple of months later.
You were living the life. And even better, you were living it with you best friends: Dina and Jesse. They could not be happier, seeing themselves finally achieving their childhood dream.
“Thank you!” you screamed over the noise to a couple of fans that had gifted you roses and love letters. They were crying for your attention, what only made your heart jump. You were so grateful.
“y/n, please a couple of words!” one of the interviewers stopped you, the flash blinding your eyes a little bit.
You smiled at the camera.
“The thing is that I have no words!” you laughed, and the interviewer melted beside you. You were a real heartthrob. “Thank you so much to everyone that came tonight to see us! We love you, New York!” your smiled couldn’t get bigger, your cheeks hurting and eyes shining.
“y/n! Come on, we need to go!” Dina called out for you from the limousine, waving her hand. The security guard behind you tapped you slightly in the shoulder.
“I’m sorry I have to go now. But really, thank you so much!” you waved at the camera, quickly running later on into their car to get on the move to their hotel.
“Holy shit!” Jesse screamed when you were alone inside, and they all laughed.
“It was crazy out there.” Dina smiled, a bear plush in between her arms. Probably from the fans.
“We sold out for the next concert too!” Jesse pointed out and they shared a hand five.
They were like a couple of kids on Christmas morning.
You relaxed on your seat, a bright smile on your lips as you watched them enthusiastically talk about how good tonight’s concert had been and how many people had come.
Your whole body was fuzzing in adrenaline. Seeing your talent finally be loved and your hard work rewarded was the best feeling in the world.
But nothing would compare to the screams of the public as you screamed lyrics to the top of your lungs and burned your fingertips with the strings of your guitar on top of the scenery. It was like a fever dream.
“Night.” Jesse gave you a hug once you had safely returned to your hotel floor. Their room were separated though, each one further apart since the others had been already booked or were under maintenance. It didn’t really matter, you’d only be there for a night, and with security on your floor, nothing could go wrong.
“Nigh guys.” you smiled after giving Dina another hug, and unlocking your door. “See you tomorrow at seven.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me that, man. I’m exhausted.” Jesse groaned, exaggeratedly playing faint.
“Come on, drama king. Time to go to bed.” Dina said, tugging from him, nodding towards you one more time before they would enter their room.
You sighed as you closed the door behind you, turning on the lights and walking towards the desk to empty your pockets and get rid of your jacket, carefully leaving a side the gifts from your fans.
“Hard day today?” you jumped when a voice came from your back, startling you and making you turn around to face… Ellie.
“Fuck. You almost killed me- woah!” you screamed, your eyes quickly darting away when they came across her body on top of your bed.
She was on your back and almost naked, only a set of simple underwear keeping her from being fully exposed before you. You recognized it. She had probably found the clothes that you had bought for her and which you always carried around in your back for her return, you thought.
She smirked at his reaction.
You cleared your throat. “Mmh, yeah. Hard day. Very hard day.” you mumbled, trying not to stare too closely at her exposed skin, nor how hot she looked, or how her tits bounced when she sat and got up. You gulped when she walked towards you, only to drift away and get a hold on the roses.
“Cute.” she murmured, but still taking one of them from the bunch and starting to rip its petals apart.
“Weren’t you… Weren’t you supposed to be taking care of some things in hell?” you inquired. After you both had sealed the deal, she had disappeared, telling you that she’d be back soon. Although ‘soon’ seemed to be almost five months…
“Aw… Did you miss me?” she cooed, leaving the flower fall at your feet and walking towards you, her thumb and pointer finger taking your chin for you to face her since your eyes didn’t seem to leave her feet. “Still not looking at me? Even when I’m wearing what you bought for me? How mean…” she playfully pouted and that’s when you caught his attention. She melted a little bit when your puppy eyes found hers. There you were… She surrounded your neck with her arms, looking at you. “You look good. Fame suits you, saw your interview on the news. Looking all cute and pretty for your fans, hm?” you gulped. “I suppose our deal has been working well enough?”
You nodded. “Yeah…” you breathed out. Her being so close to you making your head feel all fuzzy, her voice as sweet as caramel to your ears. “It’s been amazing.” you almost moaned when her fingers dipped in your hair, softly scratching and pulling just the slightest.
“And I hope you’ve not forgotten who is it that you belong to, hm? Wouldn’t like any of those petty humans touching my girl…” you shivered in her arms when you pressed she chest against yours, one of her hands trailing down to push inside his tee shirt and press her palm just below the seam of your jeans, taunting, teasing…
“N—No…” you stuttered, a burning feeling spreading though your lower stomach as her lips trailed down the side of your neck. There was something about them that slowly but surely made you crazy.
“Good…” she hummed, leaning in closer ‘till there were only mere inches in between the two of you. “ ‘Cause I came for my payment.” she mumbled against your lips before crashing against them. You froze for a couple of seconds before melting into the kiss, Your hands griping her hips for support. You whined when she bit down on your bottom lip, making you open your mouth and pushing her tongue inside.
Your tongues swirled around each other, and she sucked on yours as she pushed you backwards and onto the bed. She looked at you for a minute, you looked so beautiful. With cheeks flushed and lips swollen and bitten… Gasping for air with half-lided eyes. She knew it was taking effect.
Your eyes widened when she got rid of her bra, her breasts fully exposed for you to see. You moaned, breath hitching when she crawled on top of you as she went back to kissing you.
You felt like burning up, her touch, her lips, her hips, her tits…Everything was driving you insane. You whined when she pulled away. You were feeling dizzy, drunk, high on her. Needy, and so horny your cunt was now fully leaking on your panties. You swore you would come if…
You let out a surprised and low moan when she pushed one of her thighs in between your lights, grinding against your pussy. She smirked.
“What is it, baby? Feeling good?” you shakily nodded, giving no resistance when she pulled from your dress up your head. “I bet you are…” a whine left your lips when she left wet open mouth kisses down your neck, leaving marks as she lowered yourself down your chest, her tongue licking over her mark branded on your skin and your exposed tits.
“Fuck.” you breathed out when she slowly lowered herself down your body, hands getting under your panties and pulling them down your legs. You were soaked, your tight hole twitching for something to fill you up.
Her mouth watered at the sight, her tongue sliding from your entrance to your clit as your hips jerked and one of your hands unconsciously laced on her hair. You whimpered when she sucked on it, hollowing her cheeks as she cleaned your folds of every remaining of your sweet slick.
“Oh, shit.” your head fell backwards when she started to eat you out like a starved woman. This couldn’t feel this good. It was impossible… She smirked when breathy whimpers started to leave your lips. You couldn’t understand. Why did you feel on fire. Had she done something to you? Had she cursed you? Why was it that you didn’t seem able to control yourself when she was around you? Maybe it was simply her. With her perfect body and wicked face. Maybe it was because she were a demon and you only a mere human. But you swore that you were in heaven with her lips latched to your cunt, with your her bouncing with every movement of her body, with her pretty emerald eyes looking up at you. “What have you done to me?” you breathed out, moaning as your hips started to thrust upwards against her mouth.
She knew how you were feeling. It was one of the effects of your bond, of her spit and her touch. Humans were not supposed to meddle about with devils, for they’d become obsessed, addicted.
“That’s right baby, moan for me. Let those fans waiting downstairs for you hear you. Let them hear who you belong to.” she teased you as she slowly pumped one of her fingers inside your tight and warm walls, making you scream.
“Fuck!” you moaned, loud enough for those next to your room to hear, probably the whole floor. “Fuck, Ellie.” you whimpered, her own pussy throbbing at your innocent and sweet reactions. She would brand your face when she pushed the second finger in on her brain if she could. How you moaned and shook when she curled her fingers and found your g spot.
You were gonna cum, fuck, you were gonna cum so fucking hard you would probably die.
She could feel it, feel it in the way your hands gripped her head and your hips started to fuck upwards, fucking her mouth. She let you, taking everything you would give her, using her tongue to drive you insane, her spit dribbling down her chin.
“Ellie!” you whined when her free hand took your hip to push you down on the mattress and keep you still.
“Don’t fucking move.” she groaned, going back to suck on your clit and making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
Her dominance pushed you so hard to the edge that you started to mumble incoherent words. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” you moaned, his eyes shut tight, thighs shaking at the sides of her head. “I’m cumming, I’m-“ and then her mouth was being filled with your hot and sticky heavy cum, making her hum. You rutted your hips just the slightest, riding your high, which left you trembling in your spot and seeing white. Your hands let go of her head softly, her tongue lazily cleaning you up and making sure she’d swallowed everything up, groaning at the sight, her thumb dragging along your bottom lip, all red and swollen.
“Want a taste, baby?” you nodded, grunting in your mouth when you got up and straddled her lap, your tongue pushing in between her lips and inside to taste yourself on her mouth. Her hands gripped your hips when you started to grind yourself down on her lap, on her strong thigh. “Mmh, so greedy.” she smirked, hearing you whine when you pulled away. “You’re still so wet for me.” her panties were soaked at this point.
“Ellie, fuck, please…” you begged, her hips unconsciously bucking upwards against your warm core. She was already starting to leak.
“What’s the matter, pretty girl? Use your words for me, baby.” she encouraged when your voice came out as a mumble when you ground yourself harder against her.
“Fuck me, fuck me. Please…” she smirked, her eyes shining in a bloody red when you moaned against her mouth.
She rose up to let you fall once again against the sheets, pulling her panties to the side, letting her sticky and drenched folds show for your hungry and fucked out eyes. “You want this? Want my pussy baby? Want me to fuck the virgin out of you?” you whimpered, nodding your head as she got rid of them and manhandled your legs to make place for herself in between them. “Yeah?” her tongue wetted your bottom lip, making you shake and your breath hitch. “Are you gonna let me use this pretty pussy of yours, hm?” she whispered, one of her hands coming down in between your bodies to play with your flit, making you moan and hips buckle up once again, what made her smirk only grow more. “Gonna let me use you, doll?” you nodded in a haze, muttering pleads. You could not think of something you’d love more than feeling her in that moment. Her wetness, her warmth…
“Please…” your breath got stuck in your lungs when her cunt made contact with your, sliding against you in a moan, your open mouth inviting her tongue in a wet and messy kiss that had your head reeling.
You felt like dying.
“Oh shit. Fuckfuckfuck…” you muttered as dhe started to thrust her hips against you. Sticky wet sounds filing the room as she started to rub your clits together. Her lips latched to your neck, biting harshly when your head tilted backwards in a whimper.
If this was not heaven, you might as well love being in hell.
She could feel it, the way you were trying so hard not to cum, your thighs shaking like crazy.
“Are you gonna come for me baby?” she teased you, rocking herself against you. “Gonna cum against my pussy?”
“Ellie, stop please, i’m gonna-, fuck, i’m gonna cum if you don’t-“ she didn’t exactly care.
She continued moving although your soft and breathy voice filled the room, once begging for just a couple of seconds —since you felt mortified to be lasting so little even though you were a goddamn virgin— but now just moaning and whimpering without control with every thrust of her hips.
“Shit, fuck, Ellie, please, i’m gonna…” you couldn’t stop it, it all being too much. The feeling of her wet cunt against yours, the slick of both of you pooling and dripping down onto the covers, the wet sounds of skin against skin and the squelching of your juices… Her hands on your tits, her lips on your neck…
“That’s it, baby. Cum for me, let me have it.” you muttered, rolling her hips in a way that made you see stars as you gripped her hair with one hand and the covers with the other.
“I’m cumming, shit, i’m-“ you couldn’t even finish, since you were already spilling your hot and sticky cum against her, painting her in white. Both of you moaned in pleasure.
“Fuck pretty girl, yes baby, more.” she babbled out, her whole body buzzing with energy and libido striking up due to the sexual energy you were feeding her with. Her walls tightened as she watched you cum beneath her.
A moan ripped your throat when one of her hands came up to surround it and pin you down against the mattress, starting to thrust against your cunt this time harder, faster. “Ellie!” you were so sensitive due to your recent orgasm. The overstimulation making you throw your head back in pure ecstasy. It hurt, but it hurt so good that in just a mere seconds you could feel once again about to cum. “Fuckfuckfuckfuck…”
Your tits bounced with every new thrust, the cum in between your pussies making dirty sounds that you swore could be heard by everyone. It only turned you on even more.
She moaned out your name as she felt her own orgasm building up at great speed. She was loosing herself in you. “Mine.” she whispered against his lips when you leaned down. “You’re all mine, isn’t that right, baby?” toy moaned when you bit down on his bottom lip hard enough to draw out blood, her tongue swirling around the cut as you nodded. Her mind fuzzy with desire and the intense need to fuck her cum into you. “Say it for me, hm? Tell me you’re mine.”
“I’m yours, fuck, I’m yours…” you muttered in between babbles, Those words were enough to pull her closer. With a new thrust, you were stuttering. “Ellie, hm, I’m gonna…”
“Cum for me, baby. I need it. I need your cum.” she pleaded, and you were falling apart.
You cried out at the feeling, cumming in between moans with the sight of her auburn hair sticking to her forehead due to her sweat. Ellie was right behind, completely gone at the sight of your glazed over doe eyes totally fucked out and bloody bitten lips falling open to call her name.
Shee let out a ‘fuck’ as she continued to rub her clit against yours to help you both ride out your orgasms, sparks and stars shining underneath your eyelids.
You then used your trembling arms to sit up and your hands to bring her in a searing kiss that had her moaning in your mouth.
You sighed as her lips trailed down your neck and onto your chest, kissing and feeling up your breasts to make your high last longer. One of your hands tugged on her hair when you felt her suck on your skin, hard enough to bruise it all up.
And the biggest smirk curved her swollen rosy lips when her hoarse voice filled the silent in the room. “You are mine.” her breath fanning over a hickey that she had left over your heart.
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popatochisssp · 11 months
Would it be too much to ask what kind of jobs the new skeles might have since you already shared bram would be a groundskeeper at a cemetery?
Looks like I never officially did this one for Wave 2, just Wave 1 over here.
So, while we’re at it, let's do 2 and 3!
Ash (Undergloom Sans): He’s semi-unemployed, or self-employed depending on how you look at it. He busks, playing his trombone out on the street and accepting donations from anyone who feels so inclined. He likes playing music and the idea of brightening peoples’ days in the middle of their commute, so the money doesn’t really matter to him. Sometimes he picks up small gigs at local venues, mostly by word of mouth, and eventually he breaks into the tutoring scene—teaching his favorite instrument to young aspiring musicians who find the same joy in it that he does.
Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus): He works as a professor at the local community college, teaching anthropology. He’s passionate about the subject and can’t think of anything he’d rather do than share it with a classroom of humans who probably have no idea how interesting they really are. If only one student walked away from his class with a new appreciation for what humanity’s all about then he’s fulfilled—but he tends to send a lot more away with that than just one, since he’s a very popular, friendly, and accessible teacher.
Brick (Horrorfell Sans): He’s self-employed, knitting blankets at home and selling them online. He doesn’t need a job at all, between the Queen and his brother, money’s not an issue, but he’d go crazy if he didn’t have something to do all day, and nobody wants to see what he looks like when he goes crazy. He takes commissions often, but other times he just makes things according to whatever he’s feeling and what color yarn he has handy and sells to whoever feels like buying it.
King (Horrorfell Papyrus): He works as a physical therapist. He more or less taught himself to walk again after losing his leg, and a second time after getting a replacement, so he very personally understands the need that exists for people who are injured and want to get back to their normal life—but maybe lack the discipline, the knowledge, or the tools to take that journey solo. He’s hard on his patients and sadistically merciless, but his success rate in terms of mobility recovered is very high and any complaints after the fact are begrudging at worst.
Merc (Horrorswap Sans): He’s a home baker, making cakes and small pastries for a small but growing client base. He likes the freedom of getting to pursue his passions seriously and to be his own boss, set his own hours, screen his own clients, et cetera. He puts a lot of time and care into what he makes, both in terms of flavor and decoration, and finds nothing quite so satisfying as a repeat customer or a glowing review and recommendation to someone new.
Ell (Horrorswap Papyrus): Freelance programming is what he does for cash. It was something he could both learn how to do and actually do remotely, without the need for more than the bare minimum of in-person contact. He likes problem-solving, and complaining about the problem-solving, and the field is pretty much always in demand so if he’s bored of certain kinds of jobs, or sick of the person giving him the jobs, he can jump ship at any time and be a contractor someplace else.
Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans): He’s a boxer, more amateur than pro so he doesn’t make a ton doing it, at least not consistently, but he likes fighting and draws in a decent crowd by being a bit of a spectacle (a blind skeleton in the ring) so the entertainment value is worth something. Aside from that, eventually, he fills in for his brother as a combination business partner/agent/accountant, helping him get jobs and keep clients and manage the money he makes doing so.
Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus): He’s unemployed for a long while, but ultimately breaks into professional photography, with a specialty in travel photographs. He likes taking pictures and getting to see the world in the process, and it helps that it’s a family business so he and his brother have pretty much full control over what jobs he takes and for how much. He doesn’t really concern himself with the money numbers, though, he just likes filling out his portfolio with gorgeous locales all around the world.
Sunny (Gastertale Sans): He does a lot of odd jobs, all over the place, generally (things that are considered) unskilled labor—bussing tables, janitorial work, desk clerking, that kind of thing. He doesn’t like the thought of getting too stuck into any one thing and being unable to try something else out later if it doesn’t work out, and there’s something to be said for the satisfaction of being closely connected to the results of your labor. Sometime down the line he will end up sticking in one career, as a dealer for a casino, because it combines his social, charming nature with his sharp eye and quick hands, but until then he’s happy to bounce around.
Aster (Gastertale Papyrus): He’s a bookkeeper at a nondescript company. He’s organized and thorough with record-keeping and double-checking data, and he likes putting those skills to use to make sure his employer’s finances and transactions all balance out at the end of the day. Some might find it boring work and he could almost certainly qualify for a much more ‘prestigious’ job doing something else, but he’s satisfied having a job that doesn’t require all of his effort and brainpower, so he can save some of that for his personal life and private interests.
Spectr (Transcendtale Sans): He’s a nomad, a wanderer, he has no job. He’s a robot in the shape of a monster—ostensibly still a monster, even so—in a world full of humans that as yet believe monsters don’t exist, so even if he wanted a job, getting one would be logistically difficult. Luckily, he feels no special need to be gainfully employed and just spends his time wandering around and taking in the world. If he needs something, he’ll either just take it or use one of his brother’s accounts to pay for it.
PapAIrus (Transcendtale Papyrus): He’s a performer, a disc jockey who mixes, makes, and plays music to crowds at clubs, raves, and discos, anywhere he’s welcome. He takes advantage of the perception of his holographic form as an artist’s gimmick, like Daft Punk, Hatsune Miku, dead musicians projected onto stages to play posthumously… In his defense, that last one is sort of exactly what he is, except he didn’t really start making music until after he died. Still, he has fun doing it and adores the fame he’s steadily gaining as a popular, cutting-edge technology music act.
Xanth (Ascendswap Sans): He does aura readings for people. For those interested to know, he shares his perception of their colors and the flow of energy in and around them, and just generally describes the sense he gets about a person. What he does is really more of a soul read than an aura read, so a lot of the color meanings and terminology he uses contrast with the kind of readings his clients may get from humans who practice something a little bit different. Still, he’s earnest in his desire to help people understand themselves and their energies and emotions, so he gets a lot of recommendations and repeat clientele who trust he’s the real deal.
Piper (Ascendswap Papyrus): He works as an event planner, organizing gatherings, arranging vendors, booking venues, the whole nine. He has a great reputation for making things go smoothly and always seems to be able to talk out bumps and snags before they ever become a major problem. He also maintains great relationships with people in the industry and delights in having connections just about everywhere in case he needs to call on a favor to make something happen for a client. He's got the magic touch and the silver (gold) tongue that makes everything fall into place just so.
Carmine (Underfell Fruition Sans): He works as a clerk at a pawn shop. He gets to handle a lot of interesting items and assess roughly how much they’d be worth, and he’s pretty good at haggling and negotiating with people who might not agree with said assessments. Sometimes people will come in with broken stuff they wouldn’t be able to get too much for, but maybe he can cut ‘em a deal, fix it up on his own dime and if they come back for it, great—and if they don’t, his boss’ll be happy to have something that works to sell to somebody else at a markup, how ‘bout it? He does a brisk business and both sides of the counter love him.
Tank (Underfell Fruition Papyrus): He’s in construction. He’s huge, strong, takes direction well, and diligently follows rules and protocols—he’s an ideal fit for it. He likes to work hard and be able to see a job come together, knowing he had a part in it and being satisfied with the quality of his contribution. He especially likes to take every safety training and equipment certification course he can attend because he likes knowing what the rules are and being specifically told how certain procedures are run, machines operated, et cetera. He’s very likely to be apprenticed in as a foreman if not the inheritor someday of the construction business by its current owner for his work ethic and dedication, but that’ll be a long ways from now.
Vi (Swapfell Fruition Sans): He works as an independent auditor and combs through companies’ records, internal and external documentation, processes, and accounting and ensures everything is being done in accordance with industry standards. In short, he shows up, demands to see everything they have, and looks through it to see if they’ve lied, did something wrong, or lost information they weren’t supposed to. Sometimes he can do this remotely but other times he has to travel out to a physical office somewhere and sit down with a bunch of stuffed file cabinets, and he really doesn’t mind either way. He likes the work and he’s good at it—maybe because he’s good at it—and he finds it satisfying to catch the tiniest little misses and errors to demand an accounting of them.
Hunter (Swapfell Fruition Papyrus): He’s a trail maintenance worker for Ebott National Park. He walks the paths and hiking trails and makes sure they’re safe and unobstructed for visitors, as well as whatever odd jobs in the area that happen to come up—looking out for invasive species, helping with a bench install, directing lost tourists, that kinda thing. It’s not especially glamorous work but it’s pretty much exactly where he wants to be and he’s happy to do it, probably wouldn’t pick any other job in the world…except maybe to volunteer for a seasonal fire-watch position and do pretty much the exact same thing, but more isolated and with a big cool tower to sit in.
Kohl (Descendtale Sans): He works as a mortician at a local funeral home. He generally isn’t expected (read: allowed) to deal with grieving families, that’s more the funeral director’s purview, but he works behind the scenes embalming, processing, and otherwise preparing the dead for their final party and last ride home. He has a strong stomach—or rather, no stomach at all—and doesn’t get squeamish or emotional about the dead, so that works out. They also let him work nights so he has several long, quiet hours of methodically going through the routine with no (living) humans around to irritate him or vice-versa. Sounds like a good gig to him.
Bram (Descendtale Papyrus): Yes, still a groundskeeper for the cemetery and loving it. It was something he kind of fell into through his brother, when he didn’t really know what he wanted to do on the Surface, but his brother sends dead humans off to their final resting place and said final resting place was looking for someone to dig holes, mind the grass, keep everything looking neat and nice—and that’s certainly something he can do! He also works nights, being that monsters are almost entirely nocturnal these days, so he’s also an unintentional scarecrow deterrent to teenagers sneaking in late for partying or spooky dares when they see a slim, bony silhouette materialize out of the shadows with a shovel in hand, asking if they’re just visiting or thinking about moving in.…
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kannra21 · 2 years
Pros of moving to Mephisto's mansion (let's say that he let you to suck-up to Diavolo lol, you're still a foolish human tho):
He's rich. The mansion is fucking huge!
It's just him and his little brother- so LOTS of privacy.
No family drama in the house. It's peaceful.
No stressing ab food bc no Beel. The fridge is always full.
New stress unlocked- he wants to eat something you don't want to (you want to eat simple bacon and eggs, he wants to eat Les cuisses de Grenouille wtf?? he thinks you're eating peasant food), so breakfast choice is always uncertain...
You bicker over stupid stuff like TV programs and et cetera. He's crossing his arms and hmphs in attitude. He's so annoying.
Cooking duties? Probably non-existent bc he has lesser demons to take care of it (though it would be kinda hot seeing Mepho in an apron tbh... what's wrong with you? you're thirsting for an idiot sandwich).
His bro is an angel tho, you love him. He called you "mom" by accident and you blushed, but it made Mepho feel some type of way. The thought of playing house, it's just too cute.
At first you hate him, but then you realize he's cranky and gloomy not bc of you, but bc of the back pain from sitting in his goddamn office all day and stressing himself out. If you offer him a back massage, he will change his opinion on you very quickly. In fact, he actually starts liking you more.
The longer you live with them, the more you learn about their everyday life and routine. Him and his bro have a habit of roasting marshmallows by the fire at night, Mephisto plays guitar or tells him stories. Sometimes they play fight and you warn him to go easy on his sibling. Mepho shows you canines and tells you what they're doing is perfectly natural bc it's important for a demon child's growth. He supports him in any kind of rough play. That's the way he was raised too. "Even a horse is choosing a strong, dominant owner he can depend on." You realize purebred demons are wilder than fallen angels. Fallen angels will never be real demons, in his theory. He's also prejudiced against humans bc of the whole power dynamic with pacts. But you're nice, so he doesn't mind you.
If you like Diavolo, congrats, you'll spend as much time with him as you want. Bc they're friends and he'll drag you everywhere with him.
Will spoil you rotten, but only if you behave... he's not so bad.
Will walk around the mansion shirtless just to mess with you. Bro doesn't understand why MC is so flustered for no reason. You tell him it's just a common cold, you go make some tea.
You prank him to take your revenge, like touching his bare neck with your ice-cold hands. You realize that he has a cute lady-like scream and you can't stop laughing. He gets grumpy and traps you in a big, tight hug to annoy you. You don't mind being held by him. Your confession made him melt.
One day you're lying in bed together, tangled in each other's limbs, talking. He says he loves you and that no rare version of Demonus could ever replace that feeling. If you ever decide to be with someone else, he'll understand, bc he behaved very badly towards you. He doesn't expect you to accept his apology bc he doesn't want your pity. He's a man, he's prideful, he has an image to maintain. But you're not pitying him. Being able to admit one's mistakes is an admirable trait. That's why you decide to give it a chance.
He wakes up and smells blood. He's panicking and asks you if you're OK, but you tell him you're on your period and that your stomach is hurting. The dude was almost in tears, shame on you. Goes to the pad's aisle and asks you what pussy size you wear. Now don't underestimate him, he's a very educated man. However, he grew up in a man's household and his mother never rly talked ab it, so it went over his head. Woman near him is holding her sides and laughing. He doesn't mind her, he thinks she's drunk or something. Buys everything from sanitary products, to painkillers, to chocolates. "Baby I'm coming home, just hang on for a bit!" He's afraid you're in danger of serious bloodloss. You facepalm. At least he's funny.
Before visiting his horses, he lectured you for the millionth time and gave you a long list of precautions, bc he doesn't want anything to happen to you or his horses. Yes, he's annoying, but that's bc he cares too much. He's not leaving any room for mistakes. These horses are huge and trust him when he tells you that they can hurt you. Long story short, they accepted you right away.
He gets overprotective of you when you talk with the brothers at RAD. Mammon won't take it well. He'll initiate a fight and Mepho won't hold back, so you have to interfere to stop the whole ruckus. And ofc they're annoyed bc "Why's he acting weird? He used to hate MC." He doesn't care about their confused looks, he cares that you arrive to your classes on time and that they don't pose a distraction to you. You assure him that they're your beloved boys you used to live with at HOL and that you have some catching up to do. He respects your decision and leaves you alone, bc he trusts you.
Although he loves private time with you, pls don't visit him too often in his office. He wants you to concentrate on your education and he wants you to pass those tests. It's not a problem, he'll spend his time with you at home.
He has a need to mark your neck or whatever part of your body that's visible to the outside world. It's primal, it's something that demons like to do. You don't want painful bruises all over your body so you suggest a pact as your best solution. He agrees, that's how you bonded to each other.
You enjoy Seductive speechcraft a little too much these days. You're taking it outside the classroom and people are either happy or upset about it. It's not your fault that your man radiates with such confidence and charisma.
He likes holding hands with you in public or even kissing, he hopes Lucifer is seeing it and secretly dying inside
You love and hate Mephisto. He's straightforward, bold and daring. Which can be rude and flattering at the same time. He wants you, and he wants others to know that they can't have you.
He wants to take you out to a nice restaurant so he suggests you put on your best outfit for the night. He even dressed his bro and gave him a cute little bow tie. It was the most adorable sight, you needed to take pictures. However, when Mephisto came out of the corner dressed in a three-piece suit which consists of a maroon blazer, black dress pants and a waistcoat of similar color that is paired with white dress shirt underneath, embedded with a golden tie bar clipped onto his black tie, it left you speechless. He stared at you too, you chose a nice black dress that flattered your figure and looked very elegant on you. You couldn't rly flirt since the kid was there so you just complimented each other. On your walk towards your location, Mephisto held his brother's hand or sometimes allowed him to sit on his shoulders (he's doting on him too much). They talked and laughed about random stuff and your eyes softened. You knew that he has a soft spot for kids, he looked like he could make for a good daddy someday. Your embarrassing thoughts got interrupted by him offering his hand to you, which you gladly took.
There are days where you play with his bro and spoil him more often than not. He's your son now. OK, Luke will always remain your no.1 son, but he has the honors of being your no.2 if that makes any sense. Mephisto is jealous of his own brother lol. You suggest your two sons meet and play together, but Mephisto is still sceptical of the angels. He doesn't trust them easily. You assure him that he has lots of things to learn from Luke and that he'd be a positive influence on him. He trusts you, as always.
People notice he's less cranky than he used to be. And all because of you. You're still bickering over stupid stuff tho. He'll kiss you to make up for it.
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odinsblog · 1 year
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False Equivalence
Why does the mainstream media keep depicting lunatic-right Republicans and normal Democrats as equidistant from the center?
With the final passage of the debt ceiling deal, Democrats got off easier than one might have expected, given that it was a deal between a mainstream Democratic president and a Republican House in thrall to the lunatic far right. In drastic contrast to the scorched-earth budget bill initially passed by the Republican-controlled House, the cuts were about par for the course in a divided government; and they spare the country a repeat of this debt-hostage ordeal for two years.
However, much of the media played the agreement as a compromise between two equal extremes. The New York Times story about the House passage of the deal included this astonishing sentence: "With both far-right and hard-left lawmakers in revolt over the deal, it fell to a bipartisan coalition powered by Democrats to push the bill over the finish line, throwing their support behind the compromise in an effort to break the fiscal stalemate that had gripped Washington for weeks."
Think about that for a moment. There is no doubt that Matt Gaetz, Elise Stefanik, Lauren Boebert, Paul Gosar et al. are far-right by any definition, as white supremacists, Christian nationalists, election deniers, and nihilists on fiscal policy.
But no Democrats in the House can fairly be described as hard left. Those who voted against the deal included moderate liberals such as Joaquin Castro, mainstream progressives like Rosa DeLauro and Jan Schakowsky, as well as self-described democratic socialists including Cori Bush and AOC. But none of them are "hard left," which suggests anti-democratic, any more than Franklin Roosevelt was hard left.
The Times coverage reinforces a narrative of false equivalence that the media keeps repeating, with lazy catchphrases like "partisan bickering." It also plays into the hands of corrupt No Labels and Third Way types, who promote the idea that the best course for the republic is to split the difference between neofascists and a normal mainstream Democratic Party and president.
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Big media, obsessed as it is with the appearance of fair and balanced coverage, took years to give itself permission to accurately describe Donald Trump with the impolite word "liar." But its treatment of the two parties as in any sense symmetrical is far more insidious than using euphemisms to characterize Trump’s lies.
Our friend Peter Dreier, whose observations inspired this post, points out that by any reasonable definition, "even the most left-oriented Democrats (AOC, Bush, Bowman, Raskin, Jayapal) are not extremists. They are shades of social democrats. They are pro-union, pro-choice, pro-affirmative action, pro-LGBT equality, pro-Green New Deal, pro-progressive taxation. But the most right-wing Republicans are extremists and reactionaries."
(continue reading)
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strawberrybananasblog · 11 months
i'm antiship, almost pro para/paraneutral, anti c but i have many questions about those things and i was wondering if someone could answer these for me..in comments/asks i suppose, or dms if you feel like letting me annoy you with additional ones - though these are rather nsfw so no minors would be a disclaimer here, im an adult myself...
im not sure if im comfortable with rbs on this, because of overwhelming amounts of notifs i usually get with rb-based interactions.
english isnt my native language, some things might be worded badly. and of course cw for nsfw, SA, discussion of pxrn, common discourse topics in both communities(from anti side), general triggers. and again, since im anti/paraneutral, I will say things that might tick you off, and i'm not sure how to juggle with it - i'm using examples, stances, and personal thoughts to be able to get more clearer examples, stances and personal thoughts in reply, if that makes sense.
FYI i know those things are different and not directly connected, you can be proship and not propara vice versa.
fiction isn't reality, though i've been of the belief that it can affect it. Such as effects of porn on violence or worse during sex; The brain not seeing difference from fabrication/reality itself; desensitizing et al... which is half the reason I'm antiship, and i wanted to know if there are any counter arguments to that be it studies or something you'd just want to ramble on?
personal experience question: why are people proship? what interests them in this kind of fiction? dynamics?
is there any misconceptions or something alike you see from the general public when it comes to proship? be it from anti, pro, or clueless people
are there any scientific studies you'd like to share that in general talk about the usage of taboo in fiction or morbid media?
when it comes to paraphilias, are they something that just..happen to ya? random attraction that isn't happening by will, be it mental illness (paraphilic disorder) or not (just paraphilic)? I know about attraction=/= action, but the inner details of what a paraphilia is itself sometimes confuses me or maybe the research isn't that good about it for me to find info on it.
this is something i have trouble being 100 supportive on - how does usage of fiction or fantasy help, or prevent harm when it comes to paraphilias? such as for ex. usage of fantasy or realistic toys if one has one of The Big 3 paraphilias, etc. Though of course there are More paraphilias associated with attraction to Harmful things if acted upon but I hope yk what I mean
whats complex consent?
is there any misconceptions or something alike you see from the general public when it comes to paraphilias? be it from anti, pro, or clueless people
are there any scientific studies you'd like to share that in general talk about paraphilias, how they are coped with, and other stuff alike?
silly ramble ended with another question:
personally, some of my lack of support for bits of both of those things has to do with my personal view of morality, and discomfort.
raised with a high sense of morality + unfortunate experiences/trauma leading to sour feelings about some communties (proship et al) also played into it. in general, since i was a tween i was around people who said if you like fictional xyz, then you're xyzphile (-phile term used wrong too, meant someone who is willingly attracted/seeks out attraction to xyz and/or attempt at sexually offending them) so that also lead to me just following the flow. though as of right now i feel there is still a difference.
Like, yes, this person likes fictional morbid content, but it does not mean that that interest is sexual, and even if it is it does not mean they will commit a crime of those morbid styles in real life. Its just that that interest is....problematic, i guess. so question
While I still believe that being attracted to fictional likeness of something morbid to be a tad problematic on its own, even if the person doesn't do much or think much about the IRL counterpart, i want to know if there are counter arguments to that too?
I see that a lot of my personal feelings about this are "kinda weird, kinda not into excusing it as just fiction" i guess i still want to know or read more of the Pro argument variation of this stance? i think im repeating myself
I hope all of that made sense despite being rambly, thanks for any responses
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okay it's been a week, new thoughts
I don't really care who's dad is whose or neither's. either the prophecy is bogus or it's not, what happens happens
I feel like if Sparrow specifically had a kid to fulfill a prophecy he would have aimed for a better genetic lottery than "vegan ice cream tycoon"
Sparrow et. all let Hero walk out. they had a plan to destroy the Doodler that had nothing to do with her. she's not part of the purple door, Mae never said a word about her, I wonder if they ever even told Mae she exists. she has a part time job and an internship and goes to a private high school with a dormitory, she probably doesn't live at home. said school is for pro gamers and she has an anime obsession, her schedule is loaded. And they let her have all of it. Lark and Sparrow may have trained her to fight monsters as a kid, but now they're letting/enabling her to stay as far away from the monsters as she wants.
Normal was allowed to approach the Doodler with way lower expectations (negative expectations, if anything.) I'm sure that played a big role in their reactions, because if I was told most of my life that I'd have to kill a monster and was shown a glimpse of it for a second (an ocean of slimy black scales, always just 100 feet over your head, vaster than you're built to comprehend) I might also cry for 3 weeks straight. that said, I'm still interested in how she'd respond to Normal's thoughts on the Doodler. all that to say, did they take Hero to the church or just to Earth? I guess either way she didn't look for long enough to learn anything. No one's ever mentioned her going there, like when Terry suggested they go there and when Grant was there for it.
uuuuuhhhhh I think that's it
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whyareweherereally · 1 year
41 latin phrases our favourite prick Daniil Dankovsky would use
Acta, non verba: actions not words
Acta deos nunquam mortalia fallunt: mortal actions never deceive the gods
Ad astra per aspera: to the stars through hardship
Ad kalendas graecas: never going to happen (the kalendas were only roman and not greek days so the greek kalendas could never come)
Ad malioria: to better things
Ad vitam aeternam: to eternal life (used to my knowledge as a wish)
Alea iacta est: lit. the dice has fallen meaning an an action whose prospects were previously uncertain are now known
Alterum non laedere: do not harm others
Amor vinsit omnia: love wins all
Barba non facit philosophum: the beard doesn’t make the philosopher
Bellum se ipsum alet: war feeds itself
Carpe noctum: seize the night (play on carpe diem)
Carpe diem: seize the day
Carthago delenda est: lit. Carthage must be destroyed (used to indicate you agree strongly with somethimg)
Cogitationis poenam nemo putitur: no one is punished for their thoughts
Defeadit numerus: safety in numbers
De gustibus et de coloribus non disputandum est: lit. the tastes and colours are not disputed
Errare humanum eszt: to make mistakes is human
Et tu, Brute?: even you, Brutus? (indicates unexpected betrayal)
Ex nihilo nihil fit: from nothing comes nothing, meaning you have to work for something to happen or everything comes from somewhere
Faber est suae quisqui fortunae: every man contrlors his fate
Fiectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo: if I can’t reach haven I’ll raise hell
Haec olim meminisse iuvabit: one day, this will be pleasing to remembering
Hora fugit or tempus fugit: the hour or time flees
Logissimus dies cito conditur: even the longest days end soon
Memento mori: remember you will die
Memento vivere: remember to live
Medice, se ipsum cura: ehysician, heal thyself
Ne puero gladium: do not give a boy a sword
Omnia mutantur, nihil interit: everything changes, nothing dies
Pauca sed bona: few but good
Post tenebras lux: after darkness light
Primum non nocere: first do not harm
Quae non prosunt simgula multa iuvat: what is not useful alone helps when multiplied
Quid pro quo: something for something (a favour for a favour)
Quod vides perisse, perditum ducas: that which you see to have been lost, may you consider lost
Sed magis amica veritas: part of the full phrase “amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas” said by Aristotle for his short of mentor Plato meaning Plato is my friend but truth is a better friend. (οrig. “Φίλος μεν Πλάτων, φιλτέρα δ’ αλήθεια”)
Sapere aude: dare to know
Scripta manent verba volant: what is written remains what is said flies
Ubi dubium, ibi libertas: where there is doubt there is freedom
Vulpes pilum mutat, non mores: the fox changes its fur not its habits
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pro-philosopher · 3 months
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The final Pro Philosopher stream of next fest is happening TODAY! Join us today at 2 pm PT and 5 pm ET to play the game on steam and on Twitch! Check below for some links, or just wishlist the game so you don't miss out!
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misserabella · 2 years
rockstar! eddie x demon! fem reader
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Eddie Munson had a dream, for his band Corrored Coffin to reach the stars. And Eddie was capable of anything if that meant they’ll make it. Anything. Even make a pact with the devil.
18+content! satanic ritual, blood, wounds (made with a knife), sub! and virgin! eddie, dom!fem! reader, possessiveness, oral sex (m receiving), piv sex, unprotected sex (GUYS WRAP THE DONG UP!), hair pulling, own-ship kink! (kinda), multiple orgasms (m), overstimulation, CREAM PIES!!!, nudity (obvs), blood kink! (kinda), drugs, teasing, cum swallowing, face fucking… MINORS DO NOT INTERACT OR I’LL HUNT YOU DOWN!
word count;;
Please, under no circumstances, repost my work on any other sites. I do not consent to anyone taking my work and posting it as their own. (!!!!!)
‘ want me to fuck the virgin out of you? ’
“Okay… Done.” he sighed, staring at the summoning circle he had drawn on the floor of his living room. “Thank god this shit comes with instructions.” he mumbled, cracking his back since he had been crouching down for the last 20 minutes scribbling with the worn white chalk in between his fingers. He was pleased, the lighted candles surrounding the summoning circle made it even better.
He then took the old grimoire, the pages almost falling apart on his fingers as he passed the pages.
It was hilarious, actually. Being wrongly believed to be a satanist his whole life just to find himself making a deal with the devil years later. But who cares? If they wanted a satanist, they’d get a satanist. And a really rich and famous one.
“Fuck. I should have really paid attention to latin classes.” he whispered as he played cart wheel with the book, trying to see the right side to read it. Was this even latin? He couldn’t really know.
After finding out the right side, he laid the grimoire on the nearest table, where he could read, before taking the knife he had brought from the van.
“Invoco te, diabole, tenebras, peccatum pro i manu tua, sanguine tuo et viribus tuis…” he started mumbling, trying his best to pronounce the spell as best as he could. “peccatum tuum, tenebrae tuae, pars animae tuae opus est…” the sudden turn off of the lights above his head startled him. That and the unimportant and completely normal growth of the flames of the candles, reaching the height his knees. “Holy shit!” his heart was beating harshly against his ribs.
He reminded himself. He could do this. He had to do this.
“Okay… Now for the finale.” he mumbled, pressing the knife to his palms and closing it over the weapon, with a quick movement slicing his flesh, crimson pooling at his feet on little droplets. “Age, precor, oro, sequere vocem, ingrediar ad terras, nam te sanguine dicam!” he finished as he let his blood fall into the protection circle, staining the chalk.
Due to a quick flash of the candles —which died and came back to life in a blink—, he stumbled backwards, falling onto the floor and grunting when he had to put all his weight on his good hand to not hurt his left more.
His eyes adapted to the darkness and now dimmed lights —since the intensity of flames had blinded him—, skin growing in goosebumps when he felt someone or something lurking in the dark.
His eyes widened when he met a pair of crimson ones that stared at him in fun.
“Well, aren’t you a pretty one?” he gulped at what stood before him.
A devil. With the most beautiful and haunting face and black leather intimidating wings at your back.
Sin in flesh.
“Jesus Christ!” he breathed out as his cheeks turned red, eyes darting somewhere else as his wounded hand stood in between his sight and your body.
You were completely and absolutely naked. Soft skin on dispose for him to see.
“Uhm… I…” he stuttered, trying to find the words.
This wasn’t what he was expecting at all… He expected blood, darkness, someone covered too…
Not this. Not you.
“Aw, no need to be shy now…” a choked scream left his lips when, after a slight wave of your hand, an invisible force tugged from him up and close to the protection circle. He shivered when your hand took his in a soft and icing grip. “It was you who offered yourself to me after all…”
This shouldn’t be happening. The protection circle was supposed to safely maintain the summoned demon inside, unable to scape nor ‘cause any type of harm to the caller. You shouldn’t have been able to pull him towards you, nor take his hand by reaching outside it.
“Who are you?” he inquired, shock and fear on his voice as he stared into your eyes.
“I’ve been a lot of things…” you answered, gently examining the deep and dripping cut in his palm on your own. His eyes hardly tried to not wonder from your face, although something deep inside of him whispered in his ear, tempted him to stare at your naked body. “From the favorite one: An angel… To the fallen one: A devil.” you muttered.
“What’s… What’s your name?” his breathing was stuck in his lungs, voice strained.
You smiled, staring up at him. You and he knew that, by knowing a demon’s name, you’d have power over them, be able to control it somehow.
Although that didn’t matter.
“Satan. Although I go by a lot of names now. y/n is one of my favorites.”
His breath hitched, his whole body tensing under you touch, as if it hurt.
Satan? He had been able to summon the ruler of hell? Wasn’t that almost impossible? He was expecting a smaller demon, one with which he could make a deal. Not the sin herself.
You could feel him try and pull away, but you didn’t let him, your fingers lacing around his palm, being careful with the cut.
“You scared?” you whispered, taking a step outside the circle, your free hand running up though his chest and resting on his shoulder. You could feel his quickened heartbeat.
But even though he felt every single bone inside his body shake, from his lips fell a quick:
That only made your smirk grow. “Well, aren’t you stupid…” you cooed, and he shivered. “All the cute ones are always stupid.” you muttered.
He gulped when your sharp nails trailed up his neck, taking your time over his pulse point.
“What is it that you want, hm?” your voice was pure silk for his ears, like the sweetest nectar, trying to lure him in. “There must be something you must want to be messing with the devil.” you stepped closer. “What is it? Power? Love?” you looked into his eyes and he swore you could see his soul. You probably could. “Fame…” you chuckled. “Of course a pretty boy like you would want fame…” your thumb made its way to his bottom lip, which you slightly tugged. “Drive all the girls crazy.” he trembled when you pushed your naked chest against his. He could feel your perked nipples pushing against through his tee shirt. “Isn’t that right?” you mumbled against his lips. “I can give it to you. I can give you anything you want.” his eyes were focused on your lips.
He was no fool though, and you could see it in his eyes when he asked. “What do you want in return?” As well as you could see that he would give anything.
“I want you.” you simply said, and although there was no change in your voice, no feeling of any kind, he shivered under your touch. “So… What do you say?” the hand that took his hurt one, raised it to your lips. He only could watch as your tongue darted out, a hiss leaving his own lips when you licked his cut, cleaning it of all blood. “You wanna play with me?”
And he couldn’t find himself to say no.
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“I like what you’ve done with the room.” you nod as you enter the bedroom, taking in every single detail. Some Metallica and Dio posters, different guitars in corners and walls, the book collection of The Lord of the Rings, a full pile of tapes next to his walkman, a stash of weed… You smiled, picking a little bag in between your fingers. “You seem to know how to have fun.” you smirked when he quickly took it from you, pushing it inside his metallic lunch box and closing it.
“Could you… Could you maybe put on some clothes, please?” he said, watching you wander around his room, playing with trinkets here and there. You turned at his voice, eyebrows rose playfully.
“Why? Do I make you nervous, Eddie?” he choked when you were back in front of him, painfully close. “Or maybe…, is something else?” he quickly captured your wrist when your hand trailed down his abdomen to the waistband of his pants. His eyes were a mix of warning and that glint of fear that you so well knew by now. Although there was something more…
You stepped away, hands rising in a ‘peace’ offering, a smirk plastered on your lips.
“Alright…” you elongated the ‘i’, as if you were bored. “I’ll be good.” you said, but by the look in his face, you knew he didn’t exactly believe you. “Now. Are you gonna give me some of your human clothes or do you want to watch some more?” you teased him, one of your hands cupping your right breast. He didn’t even look, quickly turning away as you giggled at his back, getting back to you with a pair of his boxers, one of his tee shirts and a pair of his sweats.
He then noticed: your wings.
“Oh, right.” you muttered, with a snap of your fingers making them disappear. “Is that better?” you questioned him, taking the clothes from his hands as he nodded and putting them on. “Huh.” you muttered, picking at the clothes. “Feels nice. Strange… But nice.”
“What. Have you never worn clothes?” he inquired.
And you only stood silent. His cheeks flushing when you smirked.
You never needed them…
“You’re the first one ever to ask me to cover up.” human or not human. And from the place when you came, no one really cared about clothes.
He coughed, clearing his throat.
“Okay, so… How does this work? I promise my soul to you and you instantly make me famous?” he changed subjects, crossing his arms over his chest. Your eyes fixated on the muscle, on the ink on his skin.
“Sure. You can do that.” you shrugged, taking seat on his bed, his shirt slightly rolling up to show your stomach. His eyes quickly darted elsewhere. “Though all that ‘I sold my soul to the devil’ is mostly made up stories by the church. Whatever I ask for, depends on the person that summons me.”
“So… What is it that you want from me?” his eyebrows quirked, a strand of hair falling to frame his face.
“I already told you. I want you.” suddenly, the place where he had cut himself —the same cut that had instantly closed after your tongue had made contact with it— burned.
With a quick movement of your hand, you pulled him closer to you and down by your side, hovering over him as one of your hands rested on his stomach. He jumped at your touch.
“I want you to be mine.” you smiled, and he shivered. “Did you think I wouldn’t know?” you pushed your chest against his as your hand trailed up and below his shirt, making him hiss when your fingertips caressed down his hips, at his happy trail. “The way you keep avoiding to touch me, to look at me?” you smirked, your lips against his ear. He groaned, unable to push you away, his whole body buzzing and burning up under your touch. You could smell the lust in him. “You though I wouldn’t notice that you’re a virgin?” a moan left his lips when your hand pushed down his pants, touching his growing cock from over the clothes. His fingers curled around your wrist but didn’t make a move to pull you away, what only made your smirk grow.
“S—Shit…” he gasped, his head tilting backwards at your touch.
“I don’t think you really know how valuable your virginity is for a demon, do you?” his dick was now fully erect below your palm. “We feed on it. Wrath, pride, jealousy, lust…” you whisper. “I want it. I want you.” his hips thrusted upwards in your hand, his mouth falling open. He was begging for more. You could feel it. “What do you think, pretty boy?” you left open mouth kissed down his neck, sucking and bruising the soft and tender flesh. “Do we have a deal?”
His breath hitched when you thumb pressed against his leaking head. “Yes, yes…” he nodded as he swallowed more moans by biting his bottom lip, unable to talk due to the amount of pleasure his body was under. Your touch was wicked. Making his bones ache for more.
And if he only had his eyes opened, he would have seen the devilish smile on your face.
“Good.” he whined when your hand left his pants, his own tugging from your wrist for more. “Aw, don’t worry baby. I’ll take care of you once we seal the deal. Now, come here.” you tugged from his shirt, smashing your lips to his in a wet kiss. His mouth fell open in a moan, giving you the opportunity to slid your tongue inside his mouth and deepen the kiss. He hissed when he felt burning skin underneath the hand that you rested on his chest, pulling away so his eyes would meet with a new branded mark just below where his heart should be. It was strange, full of lines. Like a tattoo.
Your thumb brushed the rests of spit off his bottom lip.
“Now you are mine.”
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“Eddie! Eddie Munson! Please look here!”
“No, please here!”
“Please, tell us how does it feel to be the leader of one of the rising most famous bands in the whole world?!”
“Oh my god, he is so hot!”
He couldn’t believe it. Couldn’t believe how in a matter of days after the pact, miraculously, a really important talent seeker had stumbled across one of their gigs at the Hideout and later on offered him and his band mates the golden ticket to fame. They had worked hard to release their first song, which quickly became a worldwide hit and catapulted them to the peak. They had been showered with a lot of support from the new fans and offered a contract for years in the best record label in the USA.
And there they were a couple of months later.
He was living the life. And even better, he was living it with his best friends: Gareth and Jeff. They could not be happier, seeing themselves finally achieving their childhood dream.
“Thank you!” he screamed over the noise to a couple of fans that had gifted him roses and love letters. They were crying for his attention, what only made his heart jump. He was so grateful.
“Eddie, please a couple of words!” one of the interviewers stopped him, the flash blinding his eyes a little bit.
He smiled at the camera.
“The thing is that I have no words!” he laughed, and the interviewer melted beside him. He was a real heartthrob. “Thank you so much to everyone that came tonight to see us! We love you, New York!” his smiled couldn’t get bigger, his cheeks hurting and eyes shining.
“Eddie! Come on, we need to go!” Gareth called out for him from the limousine, waving his hand. The security guard behind him tapped him slightly in the shoulder.
“I’m sorry I have to go now. But really, thank you so much!” he waved at the camera, quickly running later on into their car to get on the move to their hotel.
“Holy shit!” Jeff screamed when they were alone inside, and they all laughed.
“It was crazy out there.” Gareth smiled, a bear plush in between his arms. Probably from the fans.
“We sold out for the next concert too!” Jeff pointed out and they shared a hand five.
They were like a couple of kids on Christmas morning.
Eddie relaxed on his seat, a bright smile on his lips as he watched them enthusiastically talk about how good tonight’s concert had been and how many people had come.
His whole body was fuzzing in adrenaline. Seeing their talent finally be loved and their hard work rewarded was the best feeling in the world.
But nothing would compare to the screams of the public as he screamed lyrics to the top of his lungs and burned his fingertips with the strings of his guitar on top of the scenery. It was like a fever dream.
“Night man.” Jeff shook his hand once they had safely returned to their hotel floor. Their rooms were separated though, each one further apart since the others had been already booked or were under maintenance. It didn’t really matter, they’d only be there for a night, and with security on their floor, nothing could go wrong.
“Nigh guys.” Eddie smiled after giving Gareth a couple of back taps, and unlocking their door. “See you tomorrow at seven.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me that, man. I’m exhausted.” the drummer groaned, exaggeratedly playing faint.
“Come on, drama king. Time to go to bed.” Jeff said, tugging from him, nodding towards Eddie one more time before every and each of them would enter their rooms.
He sighed as he closed the door behind him, turning on the lights and walking towards the desk to empty his pockets and get rid of his jacket, carefully leaving a side the gifts from his fans.
“Hard day today?” he jumped when your voice came from his back, startling him and making him turn around to face you.
“Fuck. You almost killed me- woah!” he screamed, his eyes quickly darting away when they came across your body on top of his bed.
You were on your back and almost naked, only a set of lingerie keeping yourself from being fully exposed before him. He recognized it. You had probably found the clothes that he had bought for you and which he always carried around in his back for your return, he thought.
You smirked at his reaction, playing with your hair.
He cleared his throat. “Mmh, yeah. Hard day. Very hard day.” he mumbled, trying not to stare too closely at your exposed skin, nor how hot you looked covered on lingerie, or how your tits bounced when you sat and got up. He gulped when you walked towards him, only to drift away and get a hold on the roses.
“Cute.” you murmured, but still taking one of them from the bunch and starting to tip its petals apart.
“Weren’t you… Weren’t you supposed to be taking care of some things in hell?” he inquired. After you both had sealed the deal, you had disappeared, telling him that you’d be back soon. Although ‘soon’ seemed to be almost five months…
“Aw… Did you miss me?” you cooed, leaving the flower fall at your feet and walking towards him, your thumb and pointer finger taking his chin for him to face you since his eyes didn’t seem to leave his feet. “Still not looking at me? Even when I’m wearing what you bought for me? How mean…” you playfully pouted and that’s when you caught his attention. You melted a little bit when his brown puppy eyes found yours. There he was… You surrounded his neck with your arms, looking at him. “You look good. Fame suits you, saw your interview on the news. Looking all cute and pretty for your fans, hm?” he gulped. “I suppose our deal has been working well enough?”
He nodded. “Yeah…” he breathed out. You being so close to him making his head feel all fuzzy, your voice as sweet as caramel to his ears. “It’s been amazing.” he almost groaned when your fingers dipped in his curls, softly scratching and pulling just the slightest.
“And I hope you’ve not forgotten who is it that you belong to, hm? Wouldn’t like any of those petty humans touching my boy…” he shivered in your arms when you pressed your chest against his, one of your hands trailing down to push inside his tee shirt and press your palm just below the seam of his jeans, taunting, teasing…
“N—No…” he stuttered, a burning feeling spreading though his lower stomach as your lips trailed down the side of his neck. There was something about them that slowly but surely made of him a mad man.
“Good…” you hummed, leaning in closer ‘till there were only mere inches in between the two of you. “ ‘Cause I came for my payment.” you mumbled against his lips before crashing against them. He froze for a couple of seconds before melting into the kiss, his hands griping your hips for support. He groaned when you bit down on his bottom lip, making him open his mouth and pushing your tongue inside.
Your tongues swirled around each other, and you sucked on his as you pushed him backwards and onto the bed. You looked at him for a minute, he looked so beautiful. With his cheeks flushed and lips swollen and bitten… Gasping for air with half-lided eyes. You knew it was taking effect.
His eyes widened when you got rid of your bra, your breasts fully exposed for him to see. He moaned, breath hitching when you sat down on his lap, starting to grind yourself on him as you went back to kissing him.
He felt like burning up, your touch, your lips, your hips, your tits…Everything was driving him insane. He whined when you pulled away. He was feeling dizzy, drunk, high on you. Needy, and so horny his dick was now fully leaking against his thigh. He swore he would come if you rocked against him one more time.
“y/n…” he muttered, heavy breathing fanning against your face. You smirked.
“What is it, baby? Feeling good?” he shakily nodded, giving no resistance when you pulled from his shirt up his head. “I bet you are…” a whine left his lips when you left wet open mouth kisses down his neck, leaving marks as you lowered yourself down his chest, your tongue licking over his mark.
“Fuck.” he breathed out when you got on your knees for him, tits exposed and hands getting the flyer of his black jeans open, pulling them down just enough to free his leaking and twitching dick. It was so big that you choked, with beautiful blue veins on the sides of its perfect girth and a pink head that was beaded in precum.
Your mouth watered at the sight, your tongue sliding from the base to the tip as his hips jerked and one of his hands unconsciously laced on your hair. He whimpered when you took him in your mouth, hollowing your cheeks as you cleaned the head from the salty beads.
It was not his first blow job. But it was surely the best one he had ever had. The way your throat received him when you fully took him in your mouth had his head reeling. The warmth, the wetness…
“Oh, shit.” his head fell backwards when you started to bob your head up and down, using your tongue on the sides and licking the underside of the tip when you got to the top. You smirked when breathy whimpers started to leave his lips. He couldn’t understand. Why did he felt on fire. Had you done something to him? Had you cursed him? Why was it that he didn’t seem able to control himself when he was around you? Maybe it was simply you. With your perfect body and wicked face. Maybe it was because you were a demon and he only a mere human. But he swore that he was in heaven with your lips around his cock, with your tits bouncing with every bob, with your pretty eyes looking up at him. “What have you done to me?” he breathed out, moaning as his hips started to thrust upwards.
You knew how he was feeling. It was one of the effects of your bond, of your spit and your touch. Humans were not supposed to meddle about with devils, for they’d become obsessed, addicted.
“That’s right baby, moan for me. Let those fans waiting downstairs for you hear you. Let them hear who you belong to.” you teased him as you continued to pump his dick with your slicked hand before going back to taking him down your throat.
“Fuck!” he moaned, loud enough for those next to his room to hear, probably the whole floor. “Fuck, y/n.” he whimpered, his cock throbbing and twitching when one of your hands cupped his balls, rolling them and slightly griping them.
He was gonna cum, fuck, he was gonna cum so fucking hard he would probably die.
You could feel it, feel it in the way his hands gripped your head and his hips started to fuck upwards, fucking your throat. You let him, taking everything he would give you, using your tongue to drive him insane, your spit dribbling down his shaft and pooling at the base, dripping down his balls.
“Oh shit.” he muttered when your nails dug on his right thigh, leaving marks. That pushed him so hard to the edge that he started to mumble incoherent words. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” he moaned, his eyes shut tight, hips thrusting harder and deeper, desperate. “I’m cumming, I’m-“ and then your mouth was being filled with his hot and sticky heavy cum, making you hum. He rutted his hips just the slightest, riding his high, which left him trembling in his spot and seeing white. His hands let go of your head softly, your tongue lazily cleaning him up and making sure you swallowed everything up, him groaning at the sight, his thumb dragging along your bottom lip, all red and swollen.
“Want a taste, baby?” he nodded, grunting in your mouth when you got up and straddled his lap, your tongue pushing in between his lips and inside to let him taste himself on your mouth. His hands gripped your hips when you started to grind yourself down on his still hard cock. “Mmh, so greedy.” you smirked, hearing him whine when you pulled away. “You’re still so hard for me.” you sighed, your panties soaked at this point, the head of his cock bumping against your swollen clothed clit.
“y/n, fuck, please…” he begged, his hips unconsciously bucking upwards against your warm core. He was already starting to leak.
“What’s the matter, pretty boy? Use your words for me, baby.” you encouraged when his voice came out as a mumble when you ground yourself harder against his cock, his tip pressing just were you needed, drawing a breathy moan out of you.
“Fuck me, oh, fuck me. Please…” you smirked, your eyes shining in a bloody red when he moaned against your mouth.
You slightly rose yourself to pull your panties to the side, letting your sticky and drenched folds show for his hungry and fucked out eyes. “You want this? Want my pussy baby? Want me to fuck the virgin out of you?” He whimpered, his calloused and ringed fingers gripping harshly at your hips as his dick twitched at your dirty words. “Yeah?” your tongue wetted his bottom lip, making him shake and his breath hitch. “Are you gonna let me use this pretty cock of yours, hm?” you whispered, one of your hands taking his incredibly hard dick to slowly stroke it, playing with the tip and making his hips buckle up once again, what made your smirk only grow more. “Gonna let me use you, Eddie?” he nodded in a haze, muttering pleads. He could not think of something he’d love more than feeling you in that moment. Your wetness, your warmth…
“Please…” his breath got stuck in his lungs when the tip met your lips, sliding though them in a moan, his open mouth inviting your tongue in a wet and messy kiss that had his head reeling.
And then, he was inside. And he felt like dying.
“Oh shit. Fuckfuckfuck…” he muttered as every inch went in, filling you up, stretching you out. Your lips latched to his neck, biting harshly when his head tilted backwards in a groan.
If this was not heaven, he might as well love being in hell.
When you were fully seated, ass against his balls, you let him breath. You could feel it, the way he was trying so hard not to cum, his dick twitching like crazy in between your warm and tight walls.
“Are you gonna come for me baby? Gonna fill me up?” you teased him, rocking yourself on his lap and making him hiss.
“y/n, stop please, i’m gonna-, fuck, i’m gonna cum if you don’t let me-“ you didn’t exactly care.
You started moving although his soft and breathy voice filled the room, once begging for just a couple of seconds —since he felt mortified to be lasting so little even though he was a goddamn virgin— but now just moaning and whimpering without control with every jump you made on his long and leaking cock.
“Shit, fuck, y/n, please, i’m gonna…” he couldn’t stop it, it all being too much. The feeling of your tight cunt engulfing and swallowing him whole, sucking him in and not letting go, your slick pooling on his balls and dripping to the covers, the wet sounds of skin against skin and the squelching of your juices…
“That’s it, baby. Cum inside me, let me have it.” you muttered, rolling your hips in a way that made him see stars as you gripped your hair with one hand and scratched his chest with the other, moaning when he hit that deep and spongy spot inside you that always made you cum.
“I’m cumming, shit, i’m-“ he couldn’t even finish, since he was already spilling his hot and sticky cum inside of you, painting you in white, filling you to the brim. Both of you moaned in pleasure.
“Fuck Eddie, yes baby, more.” you babbled out, your whole body buzzing with energy and libido striking up due to the sexual energy he was feeding you with. Your walls tightened around him, milking every last drop out of him as he became a whimpering mess behind you.
“Shit!” he yelled-moaned when you pushed his back against the mattress and started to ride him, this time harder, faster. “Oh fuck, y/n…” he was so sensitive due to his recent orgasm. The overstimulation making him throw his head back in pure ecstasy. It hurt, but it hurt so good that in just a mere seconds he was already fully hard again inside you and ready to bust. “Fuckfuckfuckfuck…”
Your tits bounced with every new jump, the cum inside of you reaching deeper and deeper inside your womb with every thrust. He was so deep you could feel him in your cervix.
You moaned out his name as you felt your own orgasm building up at great speed, your nails digging in his chest deep enough to leave marks. Looking straight into his brown teary eyes, your pussy throbbed around him, making him whimper your name and his dick twitch when you leaded one of his hands to your chest —his fingers tugging on your nipples— and the other to your clit. You started to ride his fingers, making your walls tighten even more around him. He was loosing himself in you.
“Mine.” you whispered against his lips when you leaned down. “You’re all mine, isn’t that right, baby?” he moaned when you bit down on his bottom lip hard enough to draw out blood, your tongue swirling around the cut as he nodded, mind fuzzy with desire and the intense need to fuck his cum into you once again. “Say it for me, hm? Tell me you’re mine.”
“I’m yours, fuck, I’m yours…” he muttered in between babbles, his dick twitching, his head nudging your g spot. Those words were enough to pull you closer. With a new thrust, he was stuttering. “y/n, hm, I’m gonna…”
“Cum for me, Eddie. Please, fill me up baby, I need it. I need your cum.” you pleaded, and he has quick enough to give it to you in between curses.
You cried out at the feeling, cumming in between moans with the sight of his curly hair sticking to his forehead due to his sweat, his glazed over doe eyes totally fucked out and bloody bitten lips falling open to call your name.
He let out a ‘fuck’ as you continued to rub your clit against his fingertips to ride out your orgasm, sparks and stars shining underneath your eyelids.
You felt so full, your stomach showing just the littlest bump due to his cock and cum, which now was spilling out of you and soaking his base.
He then used his trembling arms to sit up and his hands to bring you in a searing kiss that had you moaning in his mouth.
You sighed as his lips trailed down your neck and onto your chest, kissing and feeling up your breasts to make your high last longer. One of your hands tugged on his hair when you felt him suck on your skin, hard enough to bruise it all up.
And the biggest smirk curved your swollen rosy lips when his hoarse voice filled the silent in the room. “You are mine.” his breath fanning over a hickey that he had left over your heart.
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a/n;; i knowwww, i’ve been absolutely MIA, but my life is like a blurred mess rn and a lot of good stuff is happening so i’m always distracted. sorry<3! anyways, i hoped y’all enjoyed this little project and i hope to see all of you soon enough! <3 love you!
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play-now-my-lord · 2 years
all the arguing for AI art because other dweebs you respect have collectively decided it's a neat tool (and I'm not disputing that it is) is going to look really stupid in 10 years. capitalism uses new tools to further its own ends, and the ends of capitalism in the art and design space are "pay artists less", "arrogate the fruits of creative work to brand owners", and "homogenize as much as possible".
in ten years, if AI art isn't a flash in the pan or strangled in the crib (both seem increasingly unlikely), my conservative estimation on the results will be: - pro design pay rates will stagnate at their current levels in real dollars, losing out to inflation gradually until the sort of person who gets published in magazines or commissioned to design storefront art will not be able to pay rent alone even on a good month - freelance rates will, considered hourly, likely decline in real dollars between now and 2030, making work outside of highly specialized fields like furry erotica or technical illustration more or less uneconomical - at least temporarily, there will be a profound self-similarity in the visual language of new art, and cultural production in the 2020s and 2030s will come to be regarded as a nadir of artistic taste, think "magazine ads from the 1950s" and you won't be far off - bigoted decisions will continue to be fake-outsourced to machines, and AI art will become both a tool and driver for them. as a trivial example, every model i've played with has had way more trouble generating recognizable or consistent images of Black celebrities than non-Black ones; it's trivial to imagine this amplifying existing biases in stock photography or art even without any actively malicious intent on anyone's part, and you're kidding yourself if you think the market for commercial art isn't kinda racist already. also, just thinking about how the existing inadequacies in trans/queer representation will be amplified to funhouse mirror proportions makes my brain hurt - in all likelihood, the better-trained AI is to make art, the better-trained it will be to recognize art, which means we are approaching a point at which it will be both legally and technologically feasible for Disney et al to start suing/C&Ding children for fanart more or less automatically, making websites like Deviantart and Tumblr - and art aggregators more generally - difficult or punitive to run. i'm not confident that point is between now and 2033 but i'm confident it will happen within my lifetime
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theskeletonprior · 2 days
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Do you have Baldur’s Gate 3 brainrot? Do you love your OC so much and wonder why the fanfic isn’t writing itself? Do you like to support queer writers trying to make ends meet (that’s me!)? I got you, buddy.
My commissions are open, so come tell me about me your Tav! (And their love-interest/favored companion, et cetera. Bring me your unromanceables!) I especially like to write rare pairs, hurt/comfort, and polyamory. If you’d rather the tale be companions only, I’m also happy to do that. While I don’t mind writing intimate scenes, I don’t accept graphic NSFW requests, non-con, or underage. When in doubt, just check in with me before you donate! Pricing starts at $20 CAD for a tale of 1k words. (I have updated my prices. Pro-rates for writers is up to $0.08 per word, so this is still a steal!)
Price List (CAD)
1000 words for $20 1500 words for $35 2000 words for $45 Pro rate for writers these days is $0.08 per word, so my commission rates are an absolute steal. Our dollar is also a little bit trash here in the land of maple syrup and poutine or whatever, so if you happen to trade in eagle bux, even better for you! My commissions help me pay for things like sertraline, funding for my ongoing effort to be reunited with my beloved husband, the occasional good meal, and resources for my work as a professional Dungeon Master (I can’t believe that one either). So hire a dead guy, and help support a queer creative. I also donate any tips to Gaza Funds.
If you’re looking for a longer work, feel free shoot me an email at [email protected] and we’ll chat. Words are what I do.
Work Samples
You can read all my Tav Tales to date here on AO3, but here are some of the highlights.
To Live in Infamy (2k Durgetash)
The morning, Enver is lucky enough to have pants on. The Slayer snaps his chains as it comes screaming into the daylight, barrelling out of the bed. The force of Infamy’s awakening sends Enver rolling onto the floor, narrowly missing being crushed by the bedframe. He’s tangled in their sheets, and already lamenting that they’ll need to be replaced. This silk had come all the way from Waterdeep. That’s his first thought, even with his heart pounding in his ears. He struggles to free himself, but the Slayer isn’t coming for him. There’s the acrid smell of half-cast sorcery, and then the screaming starts. When something warm and wet splashes onto him, soaking through the sheets, Enver hopes it’s blood. The crunching of bones and the smell of bright copper gives him a little hope that it’s not something worse. It wouldn’t be the first time a would be assassin emptied their stomach or their bowels in terror before the Slayer. Enver unrolls himself at last, leaning back on his elbows to enjoy the show, even as the blood—and thank goodness it is blood—soaks through his nice sheets. The mess quite nearly defies description.
Callus (2k Tav/Astarion/Halsin)
“Oh, my dear, what a miserable turn of events.” Astarion kisses Lukan’s hair gently. “I could probably catch up with him, you know. Plenty of good alleyways in this end of town to drag him into, get him acquainted with my nice new boots. Sturdy enough to kick a man entirely to death.” “You got new boots?” Lukan can’t help a watery smile, desperate to redirect the conversation. He doesn’t want Thindulion killed. It had been bad enough to bury his mother, and as much as he wants to hate his father for abandoning them, he hates the thought of being orphaned even more. And now he knows he has a sister, and he couldn’t put her through that. “That’s beside the point,” Astarion says. “I’m asking if a little spot of patricide might cheer you up.” Lukan shakes his head. “It’s not like that,” he says. He wants to try to make light, to play along with Astarion’s flippant turn of phrase, but it’s just too heavy. It doesn’t go unnoticed. “I might have another idea, in that case,” Astarion tells him. “Why don’t you have a sit on the bed, get those boots off, and I’ll be back, having done precisely no murders, I promise.”
In the Spider’s Parlor (3.5k Tav/Kar'niss)
She peers over her shoulder at him and then rolls her head, exposing more of her neck. Suddenly his need, that wretched appetite, is not as hideous as it has been, he feels no disgust for what he wants, for the curse that makes him want it. There’s only this moment. He nips lightly, slipping his arms around her, embracing the warmth. He reaches out with his forelegs, feeling her, holding her securely as he had done that first time. He’s heard the sound she makes when letting blood, and now he knows it for what it is. Pleasure. His purr rumbles low in his chest, but he never bites, lapping softly at the thin rivulet of blood that wells from where he’s nipped her, one delectable drop at a time. Solinore reaches up, one hand tangling in his hair, relaxing in his grip. “What you ask of me, is yours,” Kar’niss says, applying pressure to the nick he’d made to stop what little bleeding he’d caused. “You sure?” she asks, playfully. “I could ask for another ride on your back. Or…” He knows what that smirk implies. “What you ask of me,” he says again, “is yours.”
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c0lony-c0llapse · 3 months
I made an account just for this lol. I'm coming out of a place of genuine curiosity and wanting a convo with these questions btw.
What exactly are some of these changes you want "leaders" to make regarding the hive? It seems to be a big focus of this account but I'm still unsure what the goal is. (Besides getting the hive taken down, I'm sure it'll be back up again soon)
What do you mean by boycotting the hive? What would this look like? How does this play out?
What are a couple examples of this identity discourse? I'm not on the gaehive often so I'm not sure what this is referring to and wanna know more. Hell, what are some examples of corruption as a whole in the hive?
Sry for the yappingggggggg
Some platforms:
One rule for TW's instead of TW lists (do unto others rule)
Focus more on taking breaks and not relying on GAEHIVE for mental health services.
More training requirements for managers.
Make manager positions temporary (1-2 years) with re-election options.
Managers chosen by curators.
Managers cannot have identity discourse preferences in their bios.
Events / time periods / promote going outside, doing hobbies, giving euphoria to others, etc.
Boycotting means picking a day and having many people don't comment on the GAEHIVE, and asking curators how they feel at the end of the day. Boycotting shows managers that GAEHIVIANS can and will leave, and shows curators that there is more to life than spending time on the GAEHIVE.
Common identity discourse topics:
"endogenic" DID
Lesboys/turigirls, also known as he/him lesbians or she/her gays
M-spec lesbians, bi lesbians, pan lesbians, et cetera
Political parties + beliefs
Paraphilia/age regression/objectum
"Neurodivergent" disorders, what counts and what does not
The word "Latinx", for some reason.
If nonbinary people are transgender
"Transfem AFABS" or "Transmasc AMABS"
AXAB / what counts as intersexuality
What counts as a disability/what counts as ableism
Tonetags. Can you use them? "If you use them with me I will scream at you because my profile says no tonetags! In Russian! 80 lines down my bio"
What TWs are necessary for what people
DNI's and their effectiveness, can managers have them?
Radqueer, transrace, transage, transabled, transgroomed
And more. (I am sure commenters will have more options)
Those are simply the ones off the top of my head.
I have heard experiences from people that say they saw people be harassed (or were harassed) for having conservative political beliefs, not understanding neopronouns, replying to comments, and even identifying as Jewish.
Ask anyone about corruption in the hive. Ask if it is a popularity contest and they will agree. Only popular people get euphoria, or sympathy, or replies, or advice. Ask people who were in crisis if they got advice or if they were silenced. Ask if managers elected their friends and not the best candidates. It is obvious.
Thanks for creating a Tumblr account for me, anon! Hope this answers your questions. >>
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