#promoting other authors ^_^
bicheetopuff · 1 month
Thinking about writing a fic centered around all the sus quotes bkdk have said to each other but changing the context of which they were said so people can’t possibly misinterpret it as anything but romantic.
Like, instead of their proclamations of devotion being during wars and depressing circumstances, it’s over walks along the beach or on the school rooftop while the sun sets or something.
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trenchcoatimpala · 11 months
Fic writers (and all content creators actually, let's open this up) use this post to share a fic, artwork, edit, etc that you're really proud of that you wish had gotten more recgonition but didn't.
I'll start:
I was so proud of this fic but it didn't seem to take so here I am trying again.
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rurus-kadoo · 21 days
Author: *writes heartwarming gut-wrenching fic*
Me: I must...... I must create.........
Me: *has no art skills, drawing-wise*
Me: I have created!! Poem/song/music thing based on fic! Fic makes me so happy :)
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icewindandboringhorror · 11 months
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a quite simple outfit, trying to use the little blue and white apron thing (which is actually a dress I think, that I just leave un-buttoned in the back and added an apron-like tie to lol)
#self#mori kei#jfashion#NOT really but like.. it's.. adjacent I guess.. forgive me .. I may try using tags again though I kind of got out of the habit ghhj#I need to be... Seen to some degree. I want to start selling clothes and sculptures again to recoup the costs of having to euthanize my cat#and stuff . but that won't be very successful if I have like.. 15 people to sell to lol...#the eternal Hermit Conflict where you hate attention and Being Percieved in general yet in todays capitalist society it is nearly#a necessity to have some form of social network or media presence especially in creative fields. etc. etc. ... kicking screaming wailing#sobbing so on and so forth.. tearfully punching the cold mossy stone walls of my evil wizard tower...#I was also thinking of maybe opening a few sculpture commission slots and maybe Tumblr Blazing that post or something#but.. again.... sobbing crying interacting with the general public oughhf ouuch -500 HP#why can't I just be approached by some wealthy 65 year old woman who is nonsensically infatuated with my art for no#reason and gives me like $10.000 a week for food and art supplies and etc. and I can go fuck off into a cabin in the middle of nowhere#in the uk and just be left alone to work on my projects without even needing to build any form of connections or social presence because I'#already set for life and can just get funding and connections whenever lol.. WHICH not to be ungrateful like obviously I still appreciate#anyone who follows and interacts with my posts. I dont mean it in a 'grrr fuck all of you imbeciles I wish I could delete my blog!!!' or#whatever hhjkjk.. I just mean it more in a like.. I am very socially inept and my mental illness gives me severe social issues so any situ#tion where I'm expected to self promote or network or interact with others generally is nightmarish and stressful for many many reasons#and if I could somehow skip that part and just go straight to being a famous author or somethin.. that would be cool. Which I know EVERYONE#hates networking and stuff but I mean like.. on a level most people could not possibly comprehend.. I am not just an 'introvert'. I am like#doctors declare me incapable of functioning in general society very poor mental health prognosis probably should have a caretaker at#some point type Hermit lol.. ANYWAY ghbhj... alas.. I also feel weird about the sculptures in terms of what to charge for them#and always have which is part of why I stopped selling them. If I charged a fair even like $15 an hour many of them would be like#close to $150+. and nobody is going to pay that for a decoration. that doesn't even factor in like.. supplies or time spent communicating/s#etching the concept (if a commission) etc. etc. I thought it'd be better to just auction them then and let people pay what they want inst#d of a set price but etsy doesnt allow auctions and is it weird to just.. link people to an Art Ebay or something lol..#AAAANYWAY.. the outfit.. I still love these shoes. they're nice and a little Older Style looking. always into pastel florals too lol#(everything is thrifted as usual. excited about the shirt because it's so puffy! it was in the halloween section though ghjhj.. like when i#s october and they make the special aisle in goodwill for 'Costume' clothes even though theyre all just normal stuff I would wear ghg)
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bookishfeylin · 1 year
"I can't find book with [insert minority here]." My guy. My gal. My nonbinary pal. Use goodreadsssssss
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b0rtney · 6 months
Assassin x Demon King https://a.co/d/1Z1YsQU
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mxtxfanatic · 10 days
Author of the Week: Tang Jiuqing/唐酒卿
Books I've Read:
Nan Chan (m/m)
Qiang Jin Jiu/Ballad of Sword and Wine (m/m)
Time-Limited Hunt (m/m)
Read if You Like: beautiful language, amazing worldbuilding, and charming main characters with great chemistry. I started off with QJJ, which I feel has the most somber opening that carries for a while through the beginning of the novel, whereas the other two start off a little more chill. In fact, I wasn't much of a fan of Nan Chan in my first read until they left the mountain (about 200 pages in). On my second read, I found it much more enjoyable. If I had to choose my favorite thing about this author, it would be between the beautiful language and the main pairings. The obsessions that the main pairings have for each other make me feel feral in a way that is not memeable. It very much so is a reminder that we live in very limited bodies that give off the same physical reactions to a variety of emotions that we've arbitrarily categorized as "different," and Nan Chan displays this the absolute best with its slippage between love and cannibalism. As for the language, I'd sometimes catch myself holding my breath at descriptions or images in a way I have not been able to recapture from any other cnovel author except mxtx, and even then, I feel like T97's translators have captured that more successfully in their work than mxtx's translators have for hers (looking at you in particular, mdzs full translations...). Anyways, shout out to Lianyin's phenomenal work over at https://cangji.net for that, because they've done all the full translations that are out so far, and I'm pretty sure they're working on the official Nan Chan release.
On a lesser note, I started reading Right on Target (sequel to Time-Limited Hunt) and Zisui Zhi Chen (short novel), but both have stalled in their translations near the beginning of their stories, which means I also never got to finish them. (Please, I am begging someone to pick these back up again. The completionist in me cannot take the suspense 😭)
Avoid If You Don't Like: heavy themes such as human trafficking, sex trafficking, pedophilia, torture, ect. There are just a lot of dark themes in T97's writing, and while they are not given excessively graphic description, they are major parts of story lines that cannot be avoided. I also have a language warning for Time-Limited Hunt (though I do not remember seeing this in the parts I read for Right on Target) because we get quite a few ableist r-words thrown around, and I was never prepared for any of them because each time felt like it came out of nowhere.
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shortnotsweet · 1 year
The Miracle Wife
[ Aemond gives him a house. The garden is good, but the deer outside has teeth. Sometimes, people do more damage by loving something too much, instead of not loving it enough. Aemond is one of those people. ] —elenoir on ao3
#unreliable narrator #dubious consent #unreality #possessive behavior #dead dove: do not eat #forced feminization
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Graphics made by myself for the fic linked above. Collection is currently incomplete, may be updated or revised.
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theflyingfeeling · 9 months
so idk if anyone remembers anymore but some time ago I described a fic idea in the tags of a post (and then elaborated the idea in a later ask) regarding Olli/Aleksi falling for each other while still being in relationships respectively... yeah, I kinda ended up writing something based off that thought and I just uploaded the first chapter on AO3, I hope y'all will be cool about it 👉👈
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wonder-worker · 6 months
"A developed affinity certainly furthered the queen’s own political position, but the institutional ties between the king and the queen’s households enabled the queen to remain an important influence in the political arena. Furthermore, the extension of the queen’s influence and holdings did not solely benefit the queen. Rosemary Horrox has argued that Elizabeth Woodville’s networks and influence across East Anglia were so extensive that her dominance there was considered the main source of royal authority in the region. Moreover, Joanna Laynesmith has identified that when the queen was successful in administering her estates, she ultimately facilitated the king’s own administration in creating a vast spread of royal influence."
-Katia Wright, "A Dower for Life: Understanding the Dowers of England's Medieval Queens", Later Plantagenet and Wars of the Roses Consorts: Power, Influence, and Dynasty
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aroaessidhe · 6 months
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2023 reads / storygraph
The Poisons We Drink
YA urban fantasy
a girl who brews powerful potions is coerced into making potions to interfere with D.C.’s most influential politicians in an attempt to stop a dangerous Witcher Registration Act from passing, and will do anything to protect her sister after their mother is killed
bi MC, nonbinary love interest
arc from netgalley
#The Poisons We Drink#aroaessidhe 2023 reads#this is…….a lot of cool ideas but also so many elements and high stakes that i kinda lost track of them#the pacing is weird. the worldbuilding is random?#why is brewing SO overpowered & risky for her but the other powers seem to have pretty normal low-scale risks?#it’s definitely ambitious and has some cool ideas and also some great characters just. didn’t execute as well as I’d like#as much as we’re told the main threat is the government trying to put through a Registration Act#most of the actual antagonism we see is from other Witchers?#like the systemic discrimination got a bit lost in the witcher family drama and murder politics#important things to say about oppression and police violence but like....idk#she has this ‘deviation’- essentially evil sentient magic inside her head (and you KNOW I love that trope)#but it’s barely explained and very underutilised? other than helping her get out of bad situations you could take it out & would barely#change anything#also it’s explained at the start that she’s an empath but other than the very occasional mention I kept forgetting#will also note that I bumped this up my tbr because I saw the author talking/promoting it as the MCs sister being aroace but no mention#maybe it’ll come up in a sequel (there weren’t really any places where it would have made sense to bring it up here) but idk#(just the way the author was asking for advice on how to write an ace character and stuff you’d assume that they’d….put that in the book?)#not really a critique of the book itself but anyway. I really wanted to like this but the way it was put together just did not vibe with me#edit: I saw the author say on twitter that the version used for ARCs was before ace stuff was added and that there's other signif changes?#so perhaps that will be there! i'm not sure if I want to read it again but might skim just to see what that's about
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petrichorium · 6 months
Jfc what is going ON in the Twitter author world there’s something in the water
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scavengerssuccotash · 1 month
What's your fanfic's tongue-in-cheek tagline?
I'll go first.
Sightline By ScavengersSuccotash: "A thrilling exercise in edging that borders on sadistic."
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amorganauthor · 3 months
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De Novo is officially ranked in an Amazon Best Seller’s list! Make sure you check it out before the free promotion ends!
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sadrockandwaltzes · 11 months
Peace Breaks Out
I have noticed that there is a renewed interest in the wonderful sequel of A Separate Peace,, Peace Breaks Out, and I thought it would be a good time to announce that I was planning on trying to draw the book graphic novel style (all rights reserved) so while it'll be a.. long while until I have the first chapter done, if anyone is a fan of PBO, is interested in reading PBO, doesn't know what that is and likes comics, anything else, then please check it out!
And uh feedback is appreciated (constructive feedback hopefully) since I don't have much experience drawing comics 😅 It's just for fun fortunately (because I would never be paid for this😅) And in the meanwhile, please check out @ofmiceandpeace's art and stuff for it! I have found that there are a few (very few) other posters about it, so honestly just read the book and then check out the tag. I know there's not a lot of fans on here, but that doesn't mean there aren't any spoilers...
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scorpionatori · 2 years
……… :). might get blocked for this but I’m tired so idc
#scared to post this cause I don’t want to get murdered on this site but#I’ve seen aot and the controversy over it is bullshit and completely misinterprets everything#I’m pretty sure the people who got the controversy going didn’t even bother actually watching or reading it??#the series is pretty clearly anti. well. anti pretty much everything people on here were told the series is#like how it’s racist imperialist propaganda???#and promotes genocide🙄#fun fact the author was actually WORRIED about it getting interpreted as pro-genocide#iirc his editor pretty much told him if people’s gut reaction to the genocide is that ‘that’s awful!’ then the point got across#cause it is not condoning genocide at all! it’s very anti genocide! it’s anti genocide and anti racism and anti eugenics and#is very much anti propaganda#but yet for some reason everyone thinks it IS propoganda#it’s so weird#anyway. I had decided not to watch it after I heard it was ‘problematic’#but my brother was telling me about how that stuff was debunked and the series is very much against war and imperialism etc#I was skeptical but was like ‘okay I’ll watch it’#and I’m glad I did cause yeah the controversy is bullshit#the series literally has a line that was pretty much.#‘why can’t we all just see each other as human beings despite our differences?’#like yes. truly a line from a racism anime#plus early on there’s a lot of stuff dealing with the way#the givernment and military treats refugees#and spoiler alert! eren very much becomes the villain#him committing genocide against like. the whole world. is NOT a good thing#obviously?#anyway#aot is a really good anime dealing with war and corrupt government and genocide and racism and eugenics and propoganda#and it doesn’t condone any of these things#and it really sucks that it got this reputation as the nazi anime🙄 based off people completely misreading it#and jumping to conclusions#it’s really frustrating and every time I watch the series I just feel pissed off about it
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