blackholemojis · 4 months
Also, here’s some symbols for apsychotic, antisocial, and prosocial
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[ID 1: a person waving. There are greyed out, and crossed out planets and a PAC-man style ghost around them. /End ID 1]
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[ID 2: a person standing in front of greyed out silhouettes. There is a red X above their head. /End ID 2]
[ID 3: a person standing in front of silhouettes. All are in color. There is a green check mark above their head. /End ID]
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pselmo · 2 years
Making policies with the worst people in mind only succeeds in making everyone suffer.
If you want "bad" people to not do bad things then build accountability into your systems. Create safeguards and social support and a culture of prosocial behavior. It really comes down to listening to the issues and finding reasonable ways to do better.
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answersnetwork · 2 years
Ep. 691 - The Emotionally Intelligent Child: Effective Strategies for Parenting Self-Aware, Cooperative, and Well-Balanced Kids
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lesboylycan · 3 months
"i only support pwASPD/NPD if they choose to recover" lol good to know that you're not worth thinking about. we've done everything we need to do to be at least somewhat happy with ourselves. we're going to actively choose not to try and "improve" anything else if it isn't killing us, and you're a big part of the reason why 👍
telling us you only care about us if we choose to "recover" only makes us not want to recover. especially since we know the only recovery that matters to you is the recovery that makes us look like a persotypical. you don't care about pwASPD/NPD, you only care about fixing us. kiss my ass.
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phosphenemoth · 2 months
"I wish everybody was like you," was literally the best compliment and gave me so much narc supply 🥰
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cheapvodkaenjoyer · 25 days
Take it from me a certified hater, more I put my hatered to structures of this society where the anger belongs, thus making it most structures thus making me a anti everything, less I feel the need to direct this hatered to places it doesn't belong, individual woman, children and myself. Never been fucking happier, never have I felt this hope and joy in my heart. Never have I been more certain of who I am and why im on this Earth. You truly gotta be a certified hater to get here, we all are and we all miss fire it where it doesn't belong. Read book after book, find out more and more and you will find exactly where it belongs and why do we all feel so angry and hateful and miserable. Does this make sense im so blazed rn
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aspd-culture · 2 days
aspd + szpd culture is being a chronic night owl in order to encounter the least amount of people possible. the insomnia doesn't help and my sleep schedule is permanently fucked, but at least I don't have to deal with other people at 2 AM.
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creekfiend · 1 year
Omg you guys I have been chugging away at this thought project for literally years about like, accountability and apology and behavior change and what we owe each other and what I want to do -- how I want to behave, the kind of person I want to be -- when I hurt people, and how i would like people to behave when they have hurt me, and how to reconcile the kind of person that I aspire to be with the situations in which I have fallen EXTREMELY short of that, the values I hold and the times when I have utterly failed to live up to those values, what it means to really hold ONESELF accountable and if that is possible to do from a place of self-loathing (NOPE) and so how to get to the place of self-neutrality from which one CAN express genuine regret for one's past behavior & harm etc
And I am feeling like, BREAKTHROUGH IMMINENT about it and this has got me feeling borderline euphoric tbqh
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arahabakis-vessel · 6 months
thinks about how we see Dazai hit the required criteria for ASPD across all the BSD media... but also how so many people blow entirely past the actual evidence and go !!! SOCIOPATH!!! MANIPULATIVE PSYCHOPATH!!!! Not seeing the "he was clearly traumatized in a way that severely affected him to the point it entirely dictates how he interacts with the world now" part of it.
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3liza · 1 year
really understanding on a deep level now as an adult why my father's most dire criticisms of people and media he disliked were that they were "antisocial" or "mean-spirited". he was right
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ASPD culture is everyone wanting to be the exception, the favorite, and then getting pissy when they aren't
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queerpyracy · 3 months
finally getting to write a scene i've been looking forward to, which is an encounter with a big scary apex predator which our protagonist handles by throwing rocks and bellowing obscenities at it
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onewomancitadel · 3 days
This attitude is wrong. The joke itself is fine, but humour nevertheless reveals underlying assumptions about what people believe so long as they are alright with that analysis.
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You're not a content machine. You're running a personal blog. That's what Tumblr is. Arguably even platforms like Twitter are the same thing - the documentation is for your own essential public journal. It used to be that people would write letters to each other or take notes with the understanding that they may be publically read (in the 19th century, with potentially even some evidence of this in antiquity) and that it could constitute a public discourse. It's not necessarily totally alien that your private diary actually can constitute something that other people may be interested in (and you conduct yourself with knowledge of that audience).
But my point being the interaction of private/public documentation is found throughout history, and the personal blog is actually maybe not that singular. But that sense of personal blog - for your own use, your own discourse, your own observations - has been lost in the advent of content creators. Bound by algorithm, bound by viewing time and attention span, bound by money, bound by lack of creative incentive and original spirit, whatever - there's a clear difference between a content factory and personal blog.
I am writing this post for my own documentation with the knowledge somebody else may read it. It accords to no standards of 'content'; you read my blog to read my posts, not that I write my posts as content to cater to one specific audience, which itself usually comes with implications of what is most hyperpalatable, lacking as much individual soul as possible.
Really I just wanted to comment on the fascinating - and frankly fairly horrifying - shift in the way people using these creative outlets think of the process as. It infects fandom too. Fic authors bemoan the fact that they are 'writing something purely for themselves'. That's the fucking point - and perhaps most of all that's what people can be genuinely attracted to. Why on earth would you compromise a creative process of personal reflection - be it blogposts or fanart - for the sake of 'content creation'? (We know why, when there are perverse incentives). I want to push back on it nevertheless.
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transhomicidal · 8 months
how you gonna have aspd and be anti mspec. how do those societal rules taste bootlicker?
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phosphenemoth · 11 days
Me A Prosocial Narcissist: The only people that don't like me are red flags.
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flittermousemoth · 9 months
Random girl talking to me about narcissists and how awful they are: I have a masters degree in figuring out who is a narcissist! 😅
Me a masking prosocial narcissist feeling superior because she can't figure me out and likes me: ahaha 😅 I'm sure you do!
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