#protea stands for transformation/courage/daring
stillsolo · 6 months
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SONG: i have several 'theme songs' for han, but this has to be my favorite. the second i heard this on the radio all those years ago, i knew it was perfect for han!
the s.truts - could have been me: don't wanna live as an untold story / rather go out in a blaze of glory / i wanna taste love and pain / wanna feel pride and shame / i don't wanna take my time / don't wanna waste one line / i wanna live better days / never look back and say / could have been me
PROTEA: stands for change and transformation. signifies daring and resourcefulness. it is symbolic of diversity and courage. primary symbolic meanings are strength, courage, and resilience since the plant survives in extreme climate conditions. also symbolizes diversity, due to the hundreds of variations in color and shape found within their genus.
and since it's a bit difficult to read :
GREEN FLAGS: loyalty comes first, cheating is all but incomprehensible to him, will never turn his back on you, your material conditions/class/wealth are irrelevant, witty but knows when to get serious, charismatic but authentic about it, mundane isn't boring if it's with you, is far more observant of / attentive to your thoughts/feelings/body than you'd think, will readily risk his life to save yours again and again and again.
RED FLAGS: severe trust issues from childhood physical/mental abuse, prone to verbal/emotional outbursts (not always anger), very confrontational (not always in anger), will sooner chase you from room to room than give you space to breathe, has no patience & won't wait for answers when angered, has a hair-trigger temper if you push the wrong buttons, will not drop you and instead act like you don't exist because bad options are still options.
tagged : @sgterso thanks libby, i bet you knew i'd love this one!!!
tagging : @techniiciian @tapalslegacy @alootus @debelltio @desiccation (teshin) @duelfated (luke) @mnolith @oflightsbeam & anyone else who wants to do this!!
template below!
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curiosity-killed · 4 years
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to the new year
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aetherhollowarchive · 2 years
💐 BOUQUET and ✏️ PENCIL from the ask game. Thank you!
Did I take this ask way too seriously? Ofc I did :)) Lots of pics below~
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouquet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
Oh god this was a hard one. Flowers are not my thing at all, I know virtually nothing about them. I actually realize I know some by name better in English...
Anyway, first one is their favorite. With pics, cause I know I needed them :))
Eli bouquet
Daffodil - honesty and truth. They can also stand for forgiveness. Anemone - on a darker note indicates fading hope and a feeling of having been forsaken. On a positive note it symbolizes anticipation. Poppy - associated with sleep and death, and the flower is often given in consolation for the loss of a loved one.
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Kayon bouquet
Gardenia - Perfect for the romantic at heart! Gardenias say “You're lovely" and are viewed as a symbol of secret love. They also signify joy and purity, and are associated with thoughts of beauty. Camellia - often seen as a symbol of love, adoration, and longing Orchid - Love. Beauty. Refinement. Wisdom.
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Rae bouquet
Gladiolus - symbolize strength, victory, and power. Protea King - stands for change and transformation. It signifies daring and resourcefulness. It is symbolic of diversity and courage. Snapdragon - Gracious. Fascinating. Protection from evil.
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Blythe bouquet
Marigold - known as "the herb of the sun", Marigolds symbolize passion and creativity. Peony- symbolizes bashfulness and compassion. It can also be used to express indignation or shame. Daisy - innocence, loyal love, and purity. It's also said to represent keeping a secret between friends.
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Thane bouquet
Lily of the Valley - symbolize the return of happiness, and is considered a sign of purity. Freesia - symbolizes innocence and thoughtfulness. White Rose - purity, secrecy, silence, innocence and charm.
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✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them? 
I couldn’t decide on one. Quotes galore~
Eli quotes:
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Kayon quotes:
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Rae quotes:
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Blythe quotes:
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Thane quotes:
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The Marauders as Flowers
Sirius - Hybrid Delphinium symbolizes big-heartedness, fun, lightness and levity. It also indicates an ardent attachment.
Remus - King Protea stands for change and transformation. It signifies daring and resourcefulness. It is symbolic of diversity and courage.
James - Chrysanthemum symbolizes fidelity, optimism, joy, and long life.
Peter - Daisy symbolizes innocence and purity. It conveys loyal love and cheerfulness.
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writer168 · 4 years
If you had to give a colour to everyone/MC in eight, what colours would they be? And flowers if you’re interested in that! 🌸🔸🔹🔻▪️◽️
Hmmm, that’s a really interesting question actually!
(long post, i got really into it lmao)
Sakura: King Protea and Purple 
The King Protea symbolizes change and transformation, daring and resourcefulness, courage and diversity. It has a lot to do with Sakura and her journey from the Akatsuki to Konoha and back again, and a lot of Sakura’s issues stem from being brave enough to stand up for everyone she loves and being brave enough to change from what she was raised to be. Proteas were also named after Proteus, the son of the sea god Poseidon, so that’s extremely fitting considering who her father is. Purple is the color of royalty and also a sign of transformation, but also of mystery and cruelty. Sakura is a lot of things, and sometimes mysterious and cruel fit her perfectly.
Kiba: Gladiolus and Red
The Gladiolus flower is named for the shape of its leaves and symbolizes strength and moral integrity. Kiba is most definitely the most morally upstanding of his pack and the one who gets hit the hardest in the general sense. His outbursts in Orochimaru’s Lab and when they found out the truth of the Uchiha Massacre were proof of that, and it took all his strength to walk away from the Inuzuka when he picked pack over them. Red is anger and passion and aggression, and Kiba is easily controlled by his emotions and his drive to do the right thing.
Shino: Edelweiss and Brown
Edelweiss was the flower to give to your loved ones, though it wasn’t an easy flower to obtain. There were stories of men falling from icy ledges and snowy peaks trying to collect them and bring them back to the ones they loved. These flowers represent strength, bravery, and love, and there’s nothing Shino wouldn’t do for the pack he loves. It’s most notable when he stood up for his team during the Chuunin Exams, standing in front of Orochimaru and telling the man he would do anything for Sakura and Kiba and Akamaru. And he’d lost an eye for it, but he doesn’t hold any regret. Brown is more of the color symbolizing what Shino wants in life: warmth, foundation, wholesomeness, security. It’s what he strives for and what he desires most, for him and all of his loved ones to stay safe and warm.
Akamaru: Lavender and Orange
Lavender is the flower of silence, devotion, caution, grace. There’s the obvious language barrier between Akamaru and most of his pack even though he can understand every word that they say, but it doesn’t matter to him that they can’t understand him. Dogs, I think, are those companions that are always filled with love. And as long as they know you know that, there’s not a lot that they ask for. Orange is the color of energy and balance and warmth and a demand of attention; like I said, Akamaru is a dog. Even if he’s intelligent and trained and learned fear and revulsion from his month and a half at the Coliseum, at the end of the day, its pack that matters to him.
Tenzo: Anemone and Indigo
The Anemone is sort of a tragic flower. Its darker tones are ones of fading hope and the feeling of being forsaken, and hadn’t that been most of Tenzo’s life? He was an experiment who’d forgotten his name and the only one of his batch to survive. He was a tool for Orochimaru, for Danzo, for the village, and didn’t think much more than that. But Anemones also symbolize anticipation and excitement, and that’s pinpointed the moment Team Eight stepped into his life. These were kids who would remember his name and who he would come to care for; these kids had seen the truth and extended their hand, and he’d taken it. Not to mention the love he’d come to share with Kurenai because of this chance meeting. Indigo is the color of devotion, justice, and wisdom. He was first introduced as a character who justice forgot, and came to be someone wholly devoted to Team Eight.
Kurenai: Moss and Pink
Moss most certainly isn’t a flower, but that doesn’t mean it has any less meaning. Moss is symbolic of maternal love, and Kurenai is a strong kunoichi who time and time again had been shown to see Team Eight as her own kids. Of course she’s not infallible and her biggest mistake had been when she walked away because she couldn’t bare to see her own children die, but could you blame her? Everything she’d ever known had been turned on its head when these fresh-faced genin found out truths that weren’t meant to be known, and she was scared. But she’s slowly making up for that because just because she left doesn’t mean she’d loved them any less and this time, she’d made that decision to go with them this time. Pink is the color of love first and foremost, and in that inn room in Kusa, all she had was love for every single one in that room. A love that would have to expand after learning what Shino discovered from her health assessment. 
Kisame: Purple Hyacinth and Blue 
The Purple Hyacinth is regret. “I’m sorry,” and “Please forgive me,” are what these flowers would say if they could speak. Kisame isn’t a happy character in this story, not since the beginning of Hoshigaki, and certainly not now. He loves Sakura more than life itself, but every day he lives with the guilt of ruining her life. To him, Sakura lost her chance at any semblance of a normal life the moment he cursed her to the Akatsuki, and especially without her civilian mother as the last thread that could possibly hold her down to something normal, he’d unwittingly subjected her to all the horrors Akatsuki had to offer before he gave her up in hopes of her finding a better life. (And we all know how that went, so...) Blue is the color of peace, loyalty, skies, water, and depression. Kisame is level-headed, brutal, and a shinobi to be reckoned with. But he’s kind, and he’s guilty, and he loves Sakura so, so much, and he’ll never forgive himself.
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doritopaw101 · 4 years
Arc1, book 2: Chapter 15
Icefire circled the apprentice, their shoulder bleeding slightly. He did his best not to take out all of his anger on his apprentice.
Mousefur's patrol had been attacked by Brokentail's followers, Sunnypaw had been attacked and was still knocked out.
To say Icefire was pissed was an understatement of the season. Chestnutclaw wasn't any better, the tom had to be held down from trying to hunt down the rouges. He wanted blood but he knew he had to be there for his kits.
What chilled him the most was that from Cranewing's own words "Brokentail was among them". He kept a closer grip on Cloudpaw and Bearpaw and did everything he could to make sure Violetpaw and Flamepaw were safe, he didn't care much for Marshstar's threats as he crossed the border each time.
They had stayed with their sister for so long and only moved when Thymeroot pushed them out. Sunnypaw was nearly killed and only survived because Mousefur had lead the rouges away. They had sent search parties to search for Mousefur, dead or alive but hadn't been able to find her for five days.
Icefire went alone to the city found Snake and Luna and managed to find Mousefur in a trash can. It was clear she had been beaten and raped, Luna said it was shocking that she managed to drag herself into the can.
All of the patrol was dealing with injures to some degree. Ebonyshade was dealing with a bad belly wound, Brackenfur was dealing with some bad cuts and bruises, Ebonyshade was dealing with a broken paw, Frostbite was the only who didn't have such serious injures aside from a few light wounds.
Chocolate had recovered after a good rest and meal as did Duskthorn. Chocolate would've left earlier if not for the disaster that happened when Tiger-roar realized they were siblings. Nightshade looked ready to kill Chocolate while Miststrike didn't look pleased but not too hostile like her littermates. Chocolate was a little scared to leave by himself since Nightshade looked like she would kill him and he couldn't really blame him especially since he found out that Chocolate was expecting kits, Bluestar offered him a place in the clan and Chocolate said he'll think about it.
Icefire brought Duskthorn back to Shadowclan the next day, snide comments were shared as they did and a long overdue apology.
Raveneye had approached Bluestar about the rogues and about Tiger-roar and Nightshade. They'd been distinct from the clan lately, even their kin, Icefire had joined in on the concerns but Bluestar shut them down saying they were being ridiculous.
"Icefire" Tiger-roar called
He didn't look up from Sunnypaw as she continued eating her first meal since she woke up "What?"
"We're going on patrol, join me" the two-colored deputy mewed
"It isn't a request, it's a demand" he heard Redtail hissed
Icefire licked Sunnypaw softly "I'll be back later, call Cloudpaw or Raveneye if you need anything"
His daughter nodded
Icefire followed the deputy out of camp, his fur slightly tense. The more they walked they more Icefire felt uneasy. Further and further away from camp, where less cats would be to hear anything.
"Where are we going?" he asked
"You are a special cat you know that Icefire"
"Special isn't the word that's normally used to describe me but go on" Icefire said coolly, curling their tail over their paws
The split tabby turned to face him, they were near the boundary to the houses and the city "Times are changing Icefire, Starclan sets many things for the clans, good or bad" he started "I see it a chance for greatness, not just for me but for others as well"
Icefire hummed
"I have a plan Icefire, for great change for Thunderclan and all the clans. I want to know if you'll be there for me when the time comes"
"What plan?" he asked, his voice harsher than he wanted it to be.
"I wasn't lying when I said you're special cat Icefire, we're both special in that regard, Starclan has spoken that"
'He knows about the prophecy' Icefire stiffened
"I see you caught on fast" Tiger-roar purred "I've known since before you set a paw in camp, Starclan said the white fire: we are both cats who could fit that are we not?"
Icefire couldn't say he was wrong, he fit the prophecy in the name sense while Tiger-roar fit it in his appearance, a perfect clash of ice and fire.
"What's the plan Tiger-roar?" he repeated
"Bluestar needs to go, it's only a matter of time before she ends up with time disease"
"Time disease?"
"Have you every heard of Goosefeather?"
"No" he lied "never heard of him"
"He's Bluestar's uncle, he went mad and caused many awful things for the clan. Some cats cheered when he died in fact"
He saw Goosefeather's expression to know that Tiger-roar was telling the truth. He chilled him slightly to watch the gray speckled tom only nod at the two-colored tabby's words.
"They say time disease passes on through the family line, who knows what Bluestar could do if she has it"
"We don't know that for sure Tiger-roar, Bluestar may be harsh but she's a good and fair leader"
"And yet, she doesn't do much to cats who mock you" the tabby replied "Cats who say you deserved what you got, say you're inferior because of your bloodline"
Icefire dug his claws into the ground and their eyes narrowed.
"Don't you want respect Icefire, don't you want those cats to suffer like they make you?" he placed one of his large paws on Icefire's back, running soft but firm lines down it
"I do" Icefire found himself saying "I really really do" the thought of spilling Seedspots or Lionheart's blood made him curl with delight
"Then join us, me and Nightshade" Tiger-roar said, he pulled Icefire closer "There's going to be an attack in two days, I have Brokentail's followers and a few rouges under my and Nightshade's control"
"What about Brokentail?" Icefire asked "Is he with you all?"
Tiger-roar sighed "Unfortunately, being blind didn't stop him from finding us and Dewflare didn't help matters"
Icefire curled his lip "Dewflare"
Tiger-roar smirked, he placed a paw under Icefire's chin making him meet his gaze "If all goes well Icefire, you can kill them yourself"
-Flashback ends-
"You have a bigger destiny than what he can offer" Redtail hissed, his tail held high "You know this Icefire"
"He does know truths Icefire" Spottedleaf added
Icefire ignored the torties in favor of striking Maplepaw and Shrikepaw was a quick shot. Spottedleaf actually started to talk to him for the first time in moons, not she asked his questions.
They've been training Maplepaw the same way they did Cinderfreeze. Maplepaw was just like Cinderfreeze, eager to learn and took to battle training easily. He brought his kits into the training sessions whenever they were free or at night. Cloudpaw was using Bluestar's teachings well with how quick his blows were. He was most concerned with Bearpaw's progress since she said she didn't have any battle training since she started, not on his watch.
He never wanted to drag Voletail so much and Bluestar to some extent. They would need as much training for the events to come.
They saw Maplepaw limp slightly, panting but her blue gaze looked determined as well as a flash of stubbornness.
A wicked smirk appeared on their face. "Try again Maplepaw"
Whitethroat shook the last of the pine needles from his tail. He drew a paw to get the pine needles out of his ears but he felt a tongue lick his white-tipped ears. He flinched back quickly and his breathing quickened.
He felt paws around him, a soothing voice mewing softly "It's okay love"
"Thank you"
The black molly only nuzzled him.
"Is papa okay?" he heard Twilightkit ask
"He'll be fine" Crowcloud replied
"Darkhollow is in the warriors den, Burdockpaw is on patrol, Garlickit and Sloekit are with Dawncloud, and Dark-kit and Hollylock-kit are with Darkflower"
Whitethroat felt himself relax a little, his breathing slowing down.
"Make sure if you see the rouges, chase them off" Marshstar called to a leaving patrol, her voice sounded proud and confident. It's better than what's its been for a the past three days. She started a fight with Thunderclan at the gathering and started a border fight, got worse when it was found out that Brokentail broke out.
He asked his mother what was wrong at times but she either ignored the question or change the subject.
He would've let it go if not for the conversation he heard her and Palecloud had yesterday:
Whitethroat had been carrying last two of the frogs when he heard Marshstar snap "Watch your tongue"
He dropped his frogs and silently padded over. He saw Palecloud was sitting, head hanging in his usual manner. Marshstar was standing tall, her tail was lashing, the flower necklace she wore around her neck was slightly rocking back and forth.
Whitethroat remembered wanting to get flowers but Palecloud told him not to, he would give the flowers. Palecloud got a flower that summed up Marshstar's leadership for Shadowclan, he got a Protea, king. KIng meant transformation and change as well as daring and resourcefulness while Protea meaning courage and diversity.
"I'm just saying Marshstar, just because we smelled them doesn't mean Thunderclan is sheltering them" the white and gray tom looked tired "Bluestar wouldn't want those foxhearts in her territory let alone her camp"
"Bluestar can be unpredictable, I don't know what she wouldn't and would want" Marshstar retorted
"Hissing and attacking isn't the solution Marshstar" Palecloud mewed with a sniff "we have just stopped being at war with Thunderclan when he dethroned Brokentail we don't need to start anything with no good reason"
"Brokentail escaped mind you and we have no idea where he is, he could be in Thunderclan right now" Silverstar hissed and looked away
"Letting an ex leader who the leader knows raped one of her clanmates and had his goons rape the other in her camp, does that sound like something any reasonable leader would do?" Palecloud countered, his healer flowers shaking and his bone necklace rattled "You're paranoid Marshstar and you know it"
Marshstar didn't respond
"It's because you only got five lives instead of nine"
Marshstar snapped her head to look at Palecloud "Shut up, Starclan can go fuck themselves for denying me, 'it was Battle for the Star' they said that's a load of fox-dung if I ever heard it"
"I know Marshstar, I was there"
-Flashback ends-
Whitethroat was pushed out of his thoughts when Badgerfang nudged him.
"How bad you feel?"
"I think I'm good for now" he replied "I'm going for a walk, clear my head"
"Are you sure you want to go alone?" Badgerfang asked
"Are you sure?" Crowcloud added, her tail curled around Twilightkit and the young crow she received earlier this moon. Ravenkit would receive a little raven too when of age.
"No patrols reported the rouges in the area" Whitethroat stated "I won't be out long"
He closed his eyes as he padded through the camp entrance. The breeze of the wind calmed him, his nerves at ease for the moment. He didn't know where he was going but he just needed to walk without others hovering over him.
So he didn't sleep much, he was fine. So he was addicted on catmint at times, he was fine. He has a good relationship with his kits and the clan was free from Brokentail, it was all fine.
At least, that's what he told himself.
Icefire yawned, watching the sun climbing the trees. He had spent the night with Morningflower as well as bonding with Gorsepaw, Brairpaw, and Quailpaw, they often call him dad times. He loved those three so much.
Icefire shook himself from his thoughts "Tiger-roar wants me to send Cloudpaw and Maplepaw on a solo hunting mission today" he mewed to Raveneye
The lean medicine cat looked up in surprise from his herb sorting "That's early isn't it? They've barley been an apprentices, if anything Swiftpaw and Lynxpaw should be getting that"
Icefire shrugged "Tiger-roar thinks they're ready. Bearpaw, Sunnypaw, and Rosepaw are having one too, He told me to follow them and see how they do, anyway. If your free would you like to come and help? I'll need help with watching two apprentices"
Tiger-roar had been busy that morning, sending out one patrol with Leopardstorm leading to renew the scent markings along the Riverclan boundary and another with Sandstorm to hunt around Snakerocks, so he neglected to tell Icefire where Maplepaw should go for her hunting mission. Icefire didn't want to be bothered to remind the deputy, he was planning.
"You both can make for Twolegplace" he mewed to Maplepaw, his tail laying on Cloudpaw's back "Then you won't get in the way of the patrols. You two won't see me or Raveneye but We'll be watching you. We'll meet you by the twoleg fence"
Cloudpaw nudged him "Tommy? Princess? Luna? Scourge? Can I see them?"
"If we see them there you may talk" Icefire mewed. His siblings honestly unless in Bloodclan never stay in the same area for too long. Princess and Luna were in Bloodclan while Tommy was with any group that would take him. Princess was trying to train her remaining kit, Slash into a fierce cat since her siblings either died or were taken by the humans. Scourge wasn't any better, Smoke, Rook, and Leo were killed in a fight with a random group. She was training Quince and Jackel harshly.
"Sweet" Cloudpaw's eyes gleamed, his snowy fur fluffed up in excitement. Maplepaw looked just as excited, her fluffy white tail sticking up with her tail-tip flicking. Icefire remembered doing this with Cinderfreeze, it was a lot of fun and it felt good seeing how far his apprentice had come.
"Off you two go, then" Icefire mewed
"Try to get there by sunhigh" Raveneye added
They watched the apprentices race off toward the tunnel "Pace yourself" he called after them "You've a long way to go!"
Neither apprentice slowed down.
"Apprentices" Raveneye mewed "I'm glad Ashpaw is the calm one"
They were following the apprentices scents, they were strong and mingled with each other.
"How's your kits?" Raveneye asked "Haven't had a chance to talk with them except Cloudpaw"
"Great" Icefire mewed with pride "I've heard that Sunnypaw's tracking skills have improved since she returned to training, Shrikepaw and Rosepaw's fighting skills have improved and Bearpaw has been helping out with the nursery"
"That's great" Raveneye replied "I'm proud to call them my kin"
A flurry of loose feathers told of a caught thrush, and specks of blood on the grass showed that a mouse had fallen to his claws. Not far from Tallpines, Icefire found the spot where Cloudpaw had buried his fresh-kill so he could return for it later. He saw a similar spot where Maplepaw had buried her kill. Impressed that both apprentices were hunting well so early in their training, Raveneye and Icefire put on speed, hoping to catch the two apprentices catching or stalking prey. But before they reached twolegplace he caught sight of Maplepaw racing back along her own scent rail, her fur bristling and a wild light in her eyes.
"Maplepaw!" Icefire raced forward to meet her, his body tingling with fear.
"What happened?" Raveneyes asked
Maplepaw skidded to a halt, her claws scattering pine needles, barley managing avoid a collision with Icefire "Sunnypaw's gone and Fuzzypelt's dead"
Icebelly felt his heart drop and the air grew cold "What?"
"Me and Cloudpaw saw Tiger-roar and Nightshade, and there were some strange cats with him"
"What strange cats?...The rouges" Raveneye said in horror "I knew it!"
"I think so" Maplepaw replied, her fur standing on end "They were huddled together, just on the edge of the trees. I tried to get closer to hear what they were saying, but I was afraid they would see my white tail. So I came to find you"
Icefire wasn't listening he stopped when he heard about Sunnypaw and Fuzzypelt's fate, did Tiger-roar do this?. "Where did you last smell her scent?" he suddenly snapped "Where's Fuzzypelt?"
Maplepaw was about to move when Cloudpaw came into view with Fuzzypelt's corpse. He set the old tom's body down gently.
"Dad!" Raveneye dashed forward, burying his face in Fuzzypelt's fur. The pelt-maker's had been slashed open. He caught the scent of Nightshade in the air and another he couldn't pinpoint.
"Nightshade" he hissed
Raveneye was seething. "I'll kill her" he snarled
"Well you'll have to wait" Maplepaw replied "I just saw a large group of them and they're heading for camp"
Icefire didn't skip a beat "Run!" he ordered "All of you run like you've never before"
He ran with speed he didn't know he had, not checking to see if Cloudpaw and Maplepaw were keeping up. He saw Raveneye race ahead, fear racing off his white spotted pelt.
'He sent out all those patrols this morning' Icefire thought, fighting back panic. 'and he told me to follow Cloudpaw and Maplepaw. He left the clan with barely a warrior to defend it. This was the plan' he didn't know if he should stop or continue 'Do I actually want this?'
Icefire hurtled through the trees, his muscles bunching and stretching as he drove himself on. But when Raveneye and him reached the ravine, he realized that they had not run fast enough. He saw the lats of the rouges disappear into the gorse tunnel.
Launching himself down the steep side of the ravine, with Cloudpaw and Maplepaw scrabbling down behind him, Icefire let out a yowl "Thunderclan! Enemies! Attack!" He hurled himself into the tunnel and at the same moment he heard another yowl from the camp ahead.
"To me, Thunderclan!"
It was the familiar battle cry, but the voice was Tiger-roar's.
He burst into the clearing just as Tiger-roar whirled on the band of rogues, who scattered, yowling, from his attack. The deputy certainly looked as if he were trying to drive enemies from the camp, but Icefire was close enough to see that his long claws were sheathed in his massive paws. Tiger-roar's brave defense was all a sham. He had brought these enemy cats here, but he was cunning enough to conceal his own treachery.
There was no time for any more thought. However they had come here, the rogue cats were now attacking the camp. Icefire turned swiftly to Cloudpaw and Maplepaw.
"Go and find the patrols and tell them to come back" he ordered "Leopardstorm is somewhere along the Riverclan boundary, and Sandstorm went to Snakerocks"
"Yes Icefire, I got Snakerocks" Maplepaw replied
"Riverclan" Cloudpaw added as they both raced back into the tunnel.
Icefire sprang at the nearest rogue, a dark mottled brown tabby , and he raked his claws down his side. The rogue snarled and twisted toward, paws splayed for attack. He tried to pin Icefire down; Icefire's hindpaws pummeled his belly, and rogue broke away howling.
Icefire's scrambled to his paws and crouched with tail lashing and fur bristling as he looked around for another enemy. Outside the entrance to the nursery, Frostbite was wrestling a rogue with a pale gray coat, the two of the rolling over and over as they tried to get a hold with teeth and claws.
Brindleface and Speckletail were fighting against a black cat twice their size. Near the warrior's den, Mousefur dug her front claws into the shoulder of a huge tabby, while her back claws shredded his flank.
He saw Dustpelt and Raveneye brawling with Mudfoot, Raveneye going for the ribes and Dustpelt going for the eyes.
He tried to run to help but he was bowled over by a rogue cat. His flank stung as claws raked down it. Green eyes glared a mouse-length from his own red ones. Icefire bared his fangs and tried to bite down into the enemy's shoulder, but the rogue cat batted him away. Claws ripped into his ear. His belly was exposed and he couldn't twist free. Suddenly his attacker let out a wail and released him. Icefire caught a glimpse of the older apprentice Swiftpaw with his teeth fastened into the rogue's tail; the rogue dragged him through the dust until Swiftpaw released him and the enemy fled.
Panting, Icefire scrambled to his paws "Thanks" he gasped "Well done"
"Done it a lot with Fogtail" Swiftpaw chuckled before racing off to where Frostbite still battled in front of the nursery along with Nettlemist.
The clearing heaved with struggling cats, but as Icefire poised himself to rejoin the fray he realized something that sent an even colder pang of fear along his spine. Where was Bluestar?
In a heartbeat, Icefire realized that he couldn't see Tiger-roar either or Nightshade either. Every instinct told him the plan was close to completion, even the hissing from Goosefeather.
'Save her you fool' he hissed 'This is not the destiny they follow'
"What are you talking about?" he snapped
'You'll see, now save her'
"Icefire, help!" turned and saw Cranewing pinned by Lizardstripe. The older molly dug her claws in the gray molly's chest and her ear was bleeding.
Icefire moved forward and shoved Lizardstripe away. Lizardstripe hissed and swiped at him and he dodged, he winced when he stepped on his faulty leg in his rush "Cranewing, kill her!"
The gray molly didn't hesitate, she bit into the back of Lizardstripe's neck. The older molly gurgled as Cranewing crushed her windpipe.
'Find Bluestar!' Goosefeather and Redtail hissed
He dodged around Willowpelt, who was clinging to the back of a much bigger rogue, her teeth hastened in his ear, and made for Bluestar's den, Leopardstorm falling beside him. To his relief, as he approached the entrance he heard Bluestar mew from inside, "We can worry about that later, Tiger-roar Nightshade. The Clan needs us now"
For a few heartbeats there was no reply. Leoapardstorm looked ready to bolt but was waiting. Then Icefire heard Bluestar's voice again, surprised "Nightshade? Tiger-roar? What are you doing?"
Tiger-roar's snarl answered "Remember us to Starclan, Mother"
"Tiger-roar Nightshade, what is this?" Bluestar's mew was sharper now, edged with rage, not fear. "I'm the leader of your clan, or have you two forgotten that?"
"Not for much longer" Nightshade growled
"I'm going to kill you, and kill you again, As many times as it takes for you to join Starclan forever. It's time for me to lead this Clan!" Tiger-roar declared
Bluestar's answering hiss was suddenly cut short by the sound of paws thudding against the hard floor of the den, followed by dreadful snarling.
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dreaminghobgoblin · 5 years
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Inktober day 1! Miss Etta from The Bridge Podcast! In the Victorian language of flowers, the King Protea stands for change and transformation, daring, resourcefulness, and courage. @alextriestousetheinternet @thebridgepodcast
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bobblesnbittybites · 5 years
Curious about what types of Olives and Olivias I should do next!
so- send me a wild animal, butterfly, plant, fungus, and/or metal/crystal/rock to make a pair out of! Here’s some notes about flower language and a few meanings of other plants to help out.
Acacia Blossom - Concealed Love; Beauty in Retirement;  Chaste Love
Acorn - Nordic Symbol of Life and immortality
Ambrosia - Your Love is Reciprocated
Arbutus- Thee Only Do I Love
Aster - Symbol of Love: Daintiness
Azalea - Take Care of Yourself for Me; Temperance; Fragile Passion; Chinese Symbol of Womanhood
Alstroemeria flower is symbolic of wealth, prosperity and fortune. It is also the flower of friendship.
Amaryllis This flower is symbolic of splendid beauty. It is also used to indicate worth beyond beauty. Pride; Pastoral Poetry
Anemone on a darker note indicates fading hope and a feeling of having been forsaken. On a positive note, it symbolizes anticipation. Forsaken
Anthurium symbolizes hospitality. It is also used to indicate happiness and abundance.
Aster symbolizes patience. It is also indicative of a love of variety. It also symbolizes elegance and daintiness.
Bird of Paradise symbolizes joyfulness. It also symbolizes magnificence. It can also be used to indicate exciting and wonderful anticipation.
Bouvardia Double symbolizes enthusiasm. It is also used to indicate zest for life.
Bachelor Button - Single Blessedness
Begonia - Beware
Bells of Ireland - Good Luck
Bittersweet - Truth
Bluebell - Humility
Bouquet of Withered Flowers- Rejected Love
Cactus - Endurance
Camellia-  Admiration; Perfection; Good Luck, Gift to a Man, Pink - Longing for You, Red - You're a Flame in My Heart, White - You're Adorable
Candy Tuft - Indifference
Cattail - Peace; Prosperity
Chrysanthemum-  represent happiness, love, longevity and joy, yellow: neglected love or sorrow, red : love, white : loyalty and devoted love, 
Coreopsis - Always Cheerful
Crocus - Cheerfulness
Cyclamen - Resignation and Good-bye
Calla Lily symbolizes magnificence and beauty. White Calla lilies combine these two attributes with purity and innocence associated with the color white to make it the perfect choice of flower in a Wedding bouquet.
Carnation symbolizes pride and beauty, Fascination; Divine Love. A red carnation symbolizes love, pride, and admiration; My Heart Aches for You; Admiration; a pink carnation symbolizes the love of a woman or a mother; I'll Never Forget You; a purple carnation symbolizes capriciousness; a yellow carnation symbolizes disdain, rejection or disappointment; You Have Disappointed Me; Rejection; while a white carnation symbolizes innocence and pure love; Sweet and Lovely; Innocence; Pure Love; Woman's Good Luck Gift. A striped carnation conveys No; Refusal; Sorry I Can't Be with You: Wish l Could Be with You. Solid Colour - Yes
Chrysanthemum symbolizes fidelity, optimism, joy, and a long life. A red chrysanthemum conveys love; a white chrysanthemum symbolizes truth and loyal love while a yellow chrysanthemum symbolizes slighted love. General - You're A Wonderful Friend; Cheerfulness and Rest, Red - I Love, White - Truth, Yellow - Slighted Love
Daffodil symbolizes regard and chivalry. It is indicative of rebirth, new beginnings, and eternal life. It also symbolizes unrequited love. A single Daffodil foretells misfortune while a bunch of daffodils indicates joy and happiness. Regard; Unrequited Love; You're the Only One; The Sun is Always Shining When I'm with You
Daisy symbolizes innocence and purity. It conveys loyal love and “I will never tell”. Gerbera Daisy specifically conveys cheerfulness. Innocence; Loyal Love; I'll Never Tell; Purity
Delphinium, Hybrid symbolizes big-heartedness, fun, lightness and levity. It also indicates an ardent attachment.
Dandelion - Faithfulness; Happiness
Dead Leaves - Sadness
Fern - Magic; Fascination; Confidence and Shelter, Maidenhair - Secret Bond of Love
Fir - Time
Flax - Domestic Symbol
Forget-Me-Not- True Love; Memories
Freesia symbolizes innocence and thoughtfulness.
Forsythia - Anticipation
Gardenia symbolizes purity and sweetness. They indicate secret love. They convey joy. They tell the receiver you are lovely. You're Lovely: Secret Love
Gerbera belongs to the daisy family and therefore assumes the symbolism associated with the daisy flower. Gerbera specifically conveys cheerfulness.
Gladiolus symbolizes strength of character, faithfulness, and honor. The Gladiolus flower signifies remembrance. Give Me a Break . . . I'm Really Sincere; Flower of the Gladiators
Grass - Submission
Garlic - Courage; Strength
GeraniuM -"Stupidity; Folly
GLOXINIA - Love at First Sight
Hyacinth symbolizes playfulness and a sporty attitude and in its extreme rashness. Hyacinths also denote constancy. Blue hyacinth stands for constancy, purple for sorrow, red or pink for play, white for loveliness and yellow for jealousy.
Hydrangea symbolizes heartfelt emotions. It can be used to express gratitude for being understood. In its negative sense hydrangea symbolizes frigidity and heartlessness. Thank You for Understanding; Frigidity; Heartlessness
Hyacinth  General - Games and Sports; Rashness: Flower Dedicated to Apollo, Blue - Constancy, Purple - I Am Sorry; Please Forgive Me: Sorrow, Red or Pink - Play, White- Loveliness; I'll Pray for You, Yellow - Jealousy
Holly - Defense; Domestic Happiness
Heather Lavender symbolizes admiration, solitude, and beauty while white heather symbolizes protection and indicates that wishes will come true. Lavender - Admiration; Solitude, White - Protection; Wishes will Come True,
Iris symbolizes eloquence. Purple iris is symbolic of wisdom and compliments. Blue iris symbolizes faith and hope. Yellow iris symbolizes passion while white iris symbolizes purity. 
Fleur-de-Lis, Emblem of France: Your Friendship Means So Much to Me; Faith; Hope; Wisdom and Valour; My Compliment
Ivy - Wedded Love; Fidelity; Friendship; Affection, Ivy Sprig Of White Tendrils -Anxious to Please; Affection
Jonquil - Love Me; Affection Returned; Desire; Sympathy; Desire for Affection Returned
Larkspur-  Pink - Fickleness
Lily-0f-The-Valley - Sweetness; Tears of the Virgin Mary; Return to Happiness; Humility; You've Made My Life Complete
Larkspur symbolizes levity or lightness. It is also indicative of fickleness and haughtiness.
Lilac symbolizes youthful innocence and confidence. White lilac symbolizes humility and innocence, field lilac symbolizes charity while purple lilac symbolizes first love.
Lily symbolizes purity and refined beauty. White lily symbolizes modesty and virginity, orange lily symbolizes passion, yellow lily symbolizes gaiety while Lily of the Valley symbolizes sweetness and purity of heart. The Easter lily is the symbol of the Virgin Mary. Calla - Beauty, Day - Coquetry; Chinese Emblem for Mothers,  Eucharis - Maiden Charms,  Orange - Hatred, Tiger - Wealth; Pride,  White - Virginity; Purity; Majesty; It's Heavenly to Be with You, Yellow - I'm Walking on Air; False and Gay
Magnolia - Nobility
Marigold - Cruelty: Grief Jealousy
Mistletoe - Kiss me; Affection; To Surmount Difficulties; Sacred Plant of India; Magic Plant of the Druids
Monkshood - Beware; A Deadly Foe is Near
Moss - Maternal Love; Charity
Myrtle - Love; Hebrew Emblem of Marriage
Narcissus - Egotism; Formality; Stay as Sweet as You Are
Nasturtium - Conquest; Victory in Battle
Nuts - Stupidity
Oleander - Caution
Orange Blossom - Innocence; Eternal Love; Marriage and Fruitfulness
Orange Mock - Deceit
Orchid is a symbol of the exotic beauty. It symbolizes refinement, thoughtfulness and mature charm. It also symbolizes proud and glorious femininity. Love; Beauty; Refinement; Beautiful Lady; Chinese Symbol for Many Children, Cattleya - Mature Charm
Peony symbolizes bashfulness and compassion. It can also be used to express indignation or shame. It symbolizes a happy life, happy marriage, good health and prosperity. Shame; Gay Life; Happy Marriage
Palm Leaves - Victory and Success
Petunia - Resentment; Anger; Your Presence Soothes me
Pine - Hope; Pity
Poppy General - Eternal Sleep; Oblivion; Imagination, Red - Pleasure, White - Consolation, Yellow - Wealth; Success
Protea, King stands for change and transformation. It signifies daring and resourcefulness. It is symbolic of diversity and courage.
Queen Anne's Lace symbolizes a haven or sanctuary. It signifies complexity and delicateness.
Ranunculus symbolizes radiant charm. It conveys a message that you are radiant with charm or you are attractive.
Rose symbolizes love. It signifies love in its various forms. Its symbolism varies based on color, variety, and number. 
Primrose - I Can't Live Without You; Evening - Inconstancy
Rose:  Bridal - Happy Love, Christmas - Tranquilize My Anxiety; Anxiety, Coral - Desire, Damask - Persian Ambassador of Love, Dark Crimson - Mourning, Dark Pink - Thankfulness, Lavender - Enchantment, Orange - Fascination, Pale Peach - Modesty, Pale Pink - Grace, Joy, Red - Love, Respect, Single Full Bloom - I Love You; I Still Love You, Tea - I'll Remember; Always, Thornless - Love at First Sight, White - Innocence and Secrecy, White and Red Together - Unity White on Red Together - Flower Emblem of England, Yellow - Joy, Friendship
Rose Leaf - You May Hope,
Rosebud - Beauty and Youth; A Heart Innocent of Love, Moss - Confessions of Love, Red - Pure and Lovely, White - Girlhood
Roses  Bouquet of Full Bloom - Gratitude, Garland or Crown of - Reward of Merit; Crown Symbol of Superior Merit,  Musk Cluster - Charming
Red Roses: A red rose is an unmistakable expression of love. Red roses convey deep emotions - be it love, longing or desire. Red Roses can also be used to convey respect, admiration or devotion. A deep red rose can be used to convey heartfelt regret and sorrow. The number of red roses has special romantic meanings associated with them. 12 red roses are the most popular of all which conveys "Be mine" and "I love you"
White Roses: White is the color of purity, chastity, and innocence. White flowers are generally associated with new beginnings and make an ideal accompaniment to a first-time bride walking down the aisle. White flowers can be used to convey sympathy or humility. They also are indicative of spirituality. Hence, white roses also follow suit.
Yellow Roses: Yellow roses are an expression of exuberance. Yellow roses evoke sunny feelings of joy, warmth and welcome. They are symbols of friendship and caring. The yellow rose, like the other roses, does not carry an undertone of romance. It indicates purely platonic emotions.
Pink Roses: There are a lot of variations of the pink rose. Overall, pink roses are used to convey gentle emotions such as admiration, joy, and gratitude. Light pink rose blooms are indicative of sweetness and innocence. Deep pink rose blooms convey deep gratitude and appreciation. Pink roses also connote elegance and grace.
Orange Roses: While a yellow rose reminds us of the sun, an orange rose reminds us of a fiery blaze. These fiery blooms signify passion and energy. Orange roses can be used to express intense desire, pride and fervor. They also convey a sense of fascination. These flowers rival only the red roses as messengers of passion in romance.
Lavender Roses: A Lavender rose like its color conveys enchantment. It also expresses "love at first sight". Darker shades of lavender roses (close to purple) convey a sense of regal majesty and splendor. These roses are used to express fascination and adoration.
Blue Roses: A perfectly blue rose is still elusive like the perfectly black rose. Blue roses cannot be achieved naturally so they represent the unattainable or the mysterious. Blue roses, therefore, embody the desire for the unattainable. They say "I can't have you but I can't stop thinking about you"
Green roses: Green is the color of harmony, of opulence, of fertility. It is also a color indicative of peace and tranquility. Green roses (these are off-white roses with shades of green) can symbolize best wishes for a prosperous new life or wishes for recovery of good health
Black Roses: Black is the color of death and farewell. A black rose, like the blue rose, remains elusive. What we know as black roses are actually really dark red roses. Black roses convey the death of a feeling or idea. Sending black roses to someone indicates the death of the relationship.
Mixed Roses: By mixing rose blooms of different colors purposefully, you can create a bouquet of emotions. For example, a bouquet of red and white roses would mean I love you intensely and my intentions are honorable. A random mix of roses would convey mixed feelings or send a message: "I don't know what my feelings are yet but I sure do like you enough to send you roses."
Snapdragon symbolizes graciousness and strength. Its negative connotations include deception and presumption. Deception; Gracious Lady
Spider Flower - Elope with Me
Stephanotis - Happiness in Marriage; Desire to Travel
Statice is symbolic of remembrance. It also symbolizes sympathy and success.
Stock symbolizes lasting beauty and a happy life. It is indicative of bonds of affection and is symbolic of promptness. Bonds of Affection; Promptness; You'll Always Be Beautiful to Me
Smilax - Loveliness
Sunflower signifies pure thoughts. It symbolizes adoration and dedication. It is symbolic of dedicated love. It is however also symbolic of haughtiness.
Sweet Pea indicates delicate pleasure and bliss. It is a flower symbolic of departure after having a good time. Good-bye; Departure; Blissful Pleasure; Thank You for a Lovely Time
Tulip signifies a declaration of love. It also symbolizes fame and perfect love. General - Perfect Lover; Fame; Flower Emblem of Holland, Red - Believe Me; Declaration of Love, Variegated - Beautiful Eyes, Yellow - There's Sunshine in Your Smile
Violet- Modesty,  Blue - Watchfulness; Faithfulness; I'll Always Be True, White - Let's Take a Chance on Happiness
Viscaria -Will You Dance with Me?
Zinnia-  Magenta - Lasting Affection, Mixed - Thinking (or in Memory) of an Absent Friend, Scarlet - Constancy, White - Goodness, Yellow - Daily Remembrance
If you have any more plants I’ve missed or something you would like to add please do! This is just something to get us going a bit more and for some fun drawings before I’m unable to post them thanks to break!
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daddykenner · 5 years
Does your muse have a favorite flower? Why do they like it?  
Protea, they are found in South Africa and she mostly loves the meaning behind them stands for change and transformation. It signifies daring and resourcefulness. It is symbolic of diversity and courage.
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pitaparka · 7 years
flower meanings
Just some flower meanings I wanted to get out there. It seemed pretty cool to me and was a lot of work, so I hope y’all enjoy it! Now updated with pictures of each one! 
Disclaimer: None of these photos are mine, and this post is obscenely long. Like, super long. Beware. But also enjoy ;)
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Alstroemeria - Wealth, prosperity, fortune, friendship
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Pink/red alstroemeria - warmth and affection towards a friend
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Orange alstroemeria - keeps you working towards your goals
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Yellow/white/blue alstroemeria - express your concern to a loved one who isn’t feeling well
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Amaryllis - Splendid beauty, worth beyond beauty
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Anemone - Fading hope, forsaken, anticipation 
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Pink/Red Anemone - forsaken or dying love
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White Anemone - death and bad luck in Eastern cultures where white is the color used at funerals
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Purple/blue Anemone -  anticipation and protection from evil meanings
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Anthurium - Hospitality, happiness, abundance
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Red Anthurium - Love and Passion
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White Anthurium - Innocence and Purity
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Pink Anthurium  - Compassion, Femininity, Motherly Love
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Aster - Patience, a love of variety, elegance, daintiness
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Bird of Paradise - Joyfulness, magnificence, wonderful anticipation
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Bouvardia Double - Enthusiasm, zest for life
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Calla Lily - Magnificence, beauty, purity, innocence
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Carnation - Pride, beauty
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Red Carnation - Love, pride, admiration
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Pink Carnation - Love of a woman or a mother
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Purple Carnation - Capriciousness
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Yellow Carnation - Disdain, rejection, disappointment
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White Carnation - Innocence, pure love
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Striped Carnation - Refusal
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Chrysanthemum - Fidelity, optimism, joy, long life
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Red Chrysanthemum - Love
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White Chrysanthemum - Truth, loyal love
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Yellow Chrysanthemum - Slighted love
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Daffodil - regard, chivalry, rebirth, new beginnings, eternal life, unrequited love

Daffodil (Single) - Foretells a misfortune

Daffodil (Bunch) - Joy, happiness
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Daisy - Innocence, purity, loyal love, “I will never tell.”
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Gerbera Daisy- Cheerfulness
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Delphinium - Big hearted, fun, lightness, levity, ardent attachment
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Freesia - Innocence, thoughtfulness
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Gardenia - Purity, sweetness, secret love, joy, conveys loneliness from the giver
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Gerbera - Cheerfulness
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Gladiolus - Strength of character, remembrance
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Lavender Heather - Admiration, solitude, beauty
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White Heather - Protection, wishes will come true
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Hyacinth - Playfulness, sporty attitude, extreme rashness, constancy
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Blue Hyacinth - Constancy
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Purple Hyacinth - Sorrow
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Red/Pink Hyacinth - Play
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White Hyacinth - Loveliness
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Yellow Hyacinth - Jealousy
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Hydrangea - Heartfelt emotions, gratitude for being understood, frigidity, heartlessness
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Iris - Eloquence
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Purple Iris - Wisdom, compliments
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Blue Iris - Faith, hope
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Yellow Iris - Passion
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White Iris - Purity
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Larkspur - Levity, lightness, fickleness, haughtiness
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Lilac - Youthful innocence, confidence
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White Lilac - Humility, Innocence
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Field Lilac - Charity
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Purple Lilac - First love
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Lily - Purity, refined beauty
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White Lily - Modesty, virginity
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Orange Lily - Passion
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Yellow Lily - Gaiety
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Lily of the Valley - Sweetness, purity of heart
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Easter Lily - Virgin Mary
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Orchid - Exotic beauty, refinement, thoughtfulness, mature charm, proud and glorious femininity
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Peony - Bashfulness, compassion, indignation, shame, happy life, happy marriage, good health, prosperity
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King Protea - Change, transformation, daring, resourcefulness, diversity, courage
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Queen Anne - Haven, sanctuary, complexity, delicateness
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Ranunculus - Radiant charm, attractiveness
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Snapdragon - Graciousness, strenght, deception, presumption
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Statice - Remembrance, sympathy, success
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Stock - Lasting beauty, happy life, bonds of affection, promptness 
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Sunflower - Pure thoughts, adoration, dedication, dedicated love, haughtiness
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Sweet Pea - Delicate pleasure, bliss, departure after having a good time
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Tulip - Declaration of love, fame, perfect love
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Rose - Love
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Red Rose - Love, longing, desire, respect, admiration, devotion
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Deep Red Rose - Regret, sorrow
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White Rose - Purity, chastity, innocence, new beginnings, sympathy, humility, spirituality
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Yellow Rose - Exuberance, joy, warmth, welcome, friendship, caring, purely platonic emotions
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Pink Rose - Gentleness, admiration, joy, gratitude, appreciation, elegance, grace
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Orange Rose - Passion, energy, desire, pride, fervor, fascination
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Lavender Rose - Enchantment, love at first sight, majesty, splendor, fascination, adoration
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Blue Rose - Elusive, unattainable, mysterious, desire, I can’t have you but I can’t stop thinking about you
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Green Rose - Harmony, opulence, fertility, best wishes for a prosperous new life or wishes for recovery of good health
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Black Rose - Death, farewell, elusive
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Mixed Roses - Mixed feelings, I don’t know my feelings yet but I care about you enough to send roses
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Moss Rosebud - Confession of love
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Thorn-less Rose - Love at first sight, early attachment
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Leaf Rose - You may hope
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Hibiscus Rose - Delicate beauty
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Burgundy Rose - Unconscious beauty
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Christmas Rose - Relieve my anxiety
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Dog Rose - Pleasure and pain
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Damask Rose - Freshness, Persian ambassador of Love
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Garden Rose - I am from Mars
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Tea Rose - I will remember always
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Rose of Sharon - Consumed by love
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Carmine Rose - Deceitful desire
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Cardinal Red Rose - Sublime desire
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Amaranth Red Rose - Long standing desire
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Wild Rose - Simplicity
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Musk Rose - Capricious beauty 
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Rosa Mundi - Variety 

Single Red Rose - “I love you”

A Single White Rose - “My feelings are pure”

A Single Yellow Rose - “You bring joy to my life” “Let’s be friends”

A Single Pink Rose - “I like you“

A Single Orange Rose - “I am proud of you”

A Single Peach Rose - “Thank you” “I sympathise with you” 

A Single Lavender Rose - “I am enchanted by you”

A Single Blue Rose - “You seem like an unattainable dream”

A Crown Of Roses - Reward of virtue

A Bouquet Of Roses - Gratitude 

A Rose In A Tuft Of Grass - There is everything to be gained by good company 

One Red Rose - “I love you” “You are the one for me”

Two Red Roses - “Let us be together”

Three Red Roses - “You and me and our love for company”

Five Red Roses - “I am halfway in love with you”

Twelve Red Roses - “Be mine”

Twenty Five Red Roses - “Congratulations”

Fifty Red Roses - “My love for you is limitless”
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freakpaw · 6 years
Dapplestar 🌸
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King Protea stands for change and transformation. It signifies daring and resourcefulness. It is symbolic of diversity and courage.
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gothfield-official · 7 years
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So I really like the flowers from this piece I did a few months ago as part of my ongoing flower couple series, but I really hated how Yang and Merc looked in the piece, especially since the style in which I painted the flowers and the style I drew them were so different it just looked Bad. 
I cleaned up the flowers from that piece a little bit and completely redid Yang and Merc and I really like how this came out! I’m gonna use this painting style more for 2018
Flower list and meaning:
Bouvardia symbolizes enthusiasm. It is also used to indicate zest for life.
Hyacinth symbolizes playfulness and a sporty attitude and in its extreme rashness.
Protea King stands for change and transformation. It signifies daring and resourcefulness. It is symbolic of diversity and courage.        
Ranunculus symbolizes radiant charm. It conveys a message that you are radiant with charm or you are attractive.
Narcissus symbolizes egotism, formality, stay as sweet as you are
Nasturtium stands for conquest, victory in battle
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Dahlia expresses sentiments of dignity and elegance. It is also the symbol of a commitment and bond that lasts forever. Staying graceful under pressure, especially in challenging situations and drawing upon inner strength to succeed. Standing out from the crowd and following your own unique path
Hydrangea: symbolizes heartfelt emotions. It can be used to express gratitudefor being understood. In its negative sense hydrangea symbolizes frigidity and heartlessness
Narcissus: Prosperity and wealth, especially in the future, good luck and happiness, narcissism and egotism, clarity and inspiration
Protea: stands for change and transformation. It signifies daring and resourcefulness. It is symbolic of diversity and courage
Shout out to @inkberrypie for helping me with the bouquet choices!!! Here’s the Bridgette version
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benjamihn · 7 years
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the pythons as flowers: part two
romina, the aster. it stands for patience, love of variety, elegance, daintiness, and a strong sense of afterthought or the wish that things happened differently than they did. 
jaewon, the dogwood. it stands for rebirth and resurrection, pity and regret over a specific decision or a situation that was beyond one’s control, durability, reliability, strength, and resilience.
nina, the marigold. it stands for despair and grief over the loss of love, the beauty and warmth of the rising sun, winning the affections of someone through hard work, creativity and the drive to succeed, and cruelty and coldness due to jealousy.
kaia, the camellia. it stands for desire, passion, refinement, expected perfection and excellence, an utmost longevity, and unwavering faithfulness.
dyra, the rhododendron. it stands for caution, and warns people to be wary, riches and prosperity, going after your dreams without hesitation, and patience.
teagan, the protea. it stands for transformation and diversity, defiance, daring, and courage.
solana, the chrysanthemum. it stands for lasting friendship and non-romantic affection, support from one’s family and loved ones, cheerfulness and good spirits, and loyalty and devotion both in a romantic and platonic sense.
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gahsebun · 7 years
what flowers do you associate with your mutuals!
hi anon i’m so sorry it took me forever to respond to this!!!!! i was gonna make a long post for all my mutuals that i adore but i decided to make this an exclusive love letter to my best friend, gabi @kingshixtape due to her departure from this site.
i associate gabi (my love, my angel, my sunshine, my happiness, my other half, my everything) with many flowers! all of them have different meanings but there is a similar theme to them all. she reminds me of these flowers:
Amaryllis - This flower is symbolic of splendid beauty. It is also used to indicate worth beyond beauty.
Bird of paradise - symbolizes joyfulness. It also symbolizes magnificence. It can also be used to indicate exciting and wonderful anticipation.
Gardenias - symbolizes purity and sweetness. They indicate secret love. They convey joy. They tell the receiver you are lovely.
Hydrangea - symbolizes heartfelt emotions. It can be used to express gratitude for being understood.
Protea - stands for change and transformation. It signifies daring and resourcefulness. It is symbolic of diversity and courage.
Sunflower -signifies pure thoughts. It symbolizes adoration and dedication. It is symbolic of dedicated love.
gabi has been one of the most positive figures in my life, even if she hadn’t messaged me or tagged me in something every second. her presence on this site is comforting, knowing that someone that wonderful and honestly beautiful (inside & out) exists. she demonstrates how even if you are mentally in a bad place, you still possess the power to spread love. she has been a huge role model to my mental life, and she means more than the world to me. gabi always makes me smile with her silly but heartfelt tags or posts. she constantly inspires me to be a better me. and for those who don’t know gabi, you are missing out on pure sunshine in human form. gabi, (i hope you’re reading this) i’m so happy for you, for your courage to deactivate after recognizing it took a toll on you. life is hard and not everyone will like you, but i hope you remember the influence you brought on here.you are capable of so many things in life, and i one day hope to hear about those accomplishments. these next words contain every single feeling of my pure adoration for you gabi: i love you.
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amethyst-winged · 6 years
Flower Meanings
Information from muddleofmarvel. I rearranged it for my own clarity/ease of navigation.
Alstroemeria - Wealth, prosperity, fortune, friendship
Amaryllis - Splendid beauty, worth beyond beauty

Anemone - Fading hope, forsaken, anticipation

Anthurium - Hospitality, happiness, abundance

Aster - Patience, a love of variety, elegance, daintiness

Bird of Paradise - Joyfulness, magnificence, wonderful anticipation

Bouvardia Double - Enthusiasm, zest for life

Calla Lily - Magnificence, beauty, purity, innocence

Carnation - Pride, beauty    
Red Carnation - Love, pride, admiration    Pink Carnation - Love of a woman or a mother    Yellow Carnation - Disdain, rejection, disappointment    Purple Carnation - Capriciousness    White Carnation - Innocence, pure love    Striped Carnation - Refusal

Chrysanthemum - Fidelity, optimism, joy, long life    Red Chrysanthemum - Love    Yellow Chrysanthemum - Slighted love    White Chrysanthemum - Truth, loyal love

Daffodil - regard, chivalry, rebirth, new beginnings, eternal life, unrequited love
       Daffodil (Single) - Foretells a misfortune    
Daffodil (Bunch) - Joy, happiness

Daisy - Innocence, purity, loyal love, “I will never tell.”

Daisy, Gerbera - Cheerfulness

Delphinium - Big hearted, fun, lightness, levity, ardent attachment

Freesia - Innocence, thoughtfulness

Gardenia - Purity, sweetness, secret love, joy, conveys loneliness from the giver

Gerbera - Cheerfulness
Gladiolus - Strength of character, remembrance
Heather (
Lavender) - Admiration, solitude, beauty Heather (White) - Protection, wishes will come true Hibiscus - Delicate beauty

Hyacinth - Playfulness, sporty attitude, extreme rashness, constancy    Red/Pink Hyacinth - Play 
   Yellow Hyacinth - Jealousy 
   Blue Hyacinth - Constancy 
   Purple Hyacinth - Sorrow    White Hyacinth - Loveliness

Hydrangea - Heartfelt emotions, gratitude for being understood, frigidity, heartlessness

Iris - Eloquence 
   Yellow Iris - Passion 
   Blue Iris - Faith, hope 
   Purple Iris - Wisdom, compliments    White Iris - Purity

Larkspur - Levity, lightness, fickleness, haughtiness

Lilac - Youthful innocence, confidence    Purple Lilac - First love    White Lilac - Humility, Innocence 
   Field Lilac - Charity

Lily - Purity, refined beauty    Orange Lily - Passion    Yellow Lily - Gaiety    White Lily - Modesty, virginity    Easter Lily - Virgin Mary

Lily of the Valley - Sweetness, purity of heart

Orchid - Exotic beauty, refinement, thoughtfulness, mature charm, proud and glorious femininity

Peony - Bashfulness, compassion, indignation, shame, happy life, happy marriage, good health, prosperity
Protea, King - Change, transformation, daring, resourcefulness, diversity, courage

Queen Anne - Haven, sanctuary, complexity, delicateness

Ranunculus - Radiant charm, attractiveness
Rose - Love    Red Rose - Love, longing, desire, respect, admiration, devotion    Carmine Rose - Deceitful desire    Cardinal Red Rose - Sublime desire    Amaranth Red Rose - Long standing desire
         Single Red Rose - “I love you” “You are the one for me” 
        Two Red Roses - “Let us be together” 
        Three Red Roses - “You and me and our love for company” 
        Five Red Roses - “I am halfway in love with you” 
        Twelve Red Roses - “Be mine” 
        Twenty Five Red Roses - “Congratulations” 
        Fifty Red Roses - “My love for you is limitless”    Deep Red Rose - Regret, sorrow    Burgundy Rose - Unconscious beauty    Pink Rose - Gentleness, admiration, joy, gratitude, appreciation, elegance, grace    Rosa Mundi - Variety          A Single Pink Rose - “I like you”    Orange Rose - Passion, energy, desire, pride, fervor, fascination         A Single Orange Rose - “I am proud of you”         
A Single Peach Rose - “Thank you” “I sympathise with you”     Yellow Rose - Exuberance, joy, warmth, welcome, friendship, caring, purely platonic emotions         A Single Yellow Rose - “You bring joy to my life” “Let’s be friends”    Green Rose - Harmony, opulence, fertility, best wishes for a prosperous new life or wishes for recovery of good health    Blue Rose - Elusive, unattainable, mysterious, desire, I can’t have you but I can’t stop thinking about you         
A Single Blue Rose - “You seem like an unattainable dream”    Lavender Rose - Enchantment, love at first sight, majesty, splendor, fascination, adoration         
A Single Lavender Rose - “I am enchanted by you”    White Rose - Purity, chastity, innocence, new beginnings, sympathy, humility, spirituality         
A Single White Rose - “My feelings are pure”    Black Rose - Death, farewell, elusive    Mixed Roses - Mixed feelings, I don’t know my feelings yet but I care about you enough to send roses

A Crown Of Roses - Reward of virtue 
A Bouquet Of Roses - Gratitude 
A Rose In A Tuft Of Grass - There is everything to be gained by good company
Rose, Christmas - Relieve my anxiety Rose, Damask - Freshness, Persian ambassador of Love Rose, Dog - Pleasure and pain Rose, Garden - I am from Mars Rose, Leaf - You may hope Rosebud, Moss - Confession of love Rose, Musk - Capricious beauty Rose, Tea - I will remember always Rose, Thorn-less - Love at first sight, early attachment Rose, Wild - Simplicity   Rose of Sharon - Consumed by love
Snapdragon - Graciousness, strenght, deception, presumption
Statice - Remembrance, sympathy, success Stock - Lasting beauty, happy life, bonds of affection, promptness 

Sunflower - Pure thoughts, adoration, dedication, dedicated love, haughtiness 
Sweet Pea - Delicate pleasure, bliss, departure after having a good time 
Tulip - Declaration of love, fame, perfect love
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