#protect the trans kids
sharkiiv · 1 month
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wilwheaton · 1 year
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leggywormy · 1 year
It's end of May, yall know what that means
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reasonsforhope · 8 days
"California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, signed a first-of-its-kind state law Monday aimed at protecting LGBTQ+ students from having their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression revealed by schools without consent.
The SAFETY Act prohibits schools from enforcing policies that forcibly out a student and shields teachers and other school staff from retaliation if they refuse to obey such policies. 
The new law makes California the first state to ban outing policies, according to the California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus.
Chris Ward, a San Diego Democrat who first introduced the bill in the California Legislature, said in a statement Monday that the SAFETY Act combats a rise in politically motivated attacks on queer and transgender students nationwide. 
"While some school districts have adopted policies to forcibly out students, the SAFETY Act ensures that discussions about gender identity remain a private matter within the family,” Ward said. “As a parent, I urge all parents to talk to their children, listen to them, and love them unconditionally for who they are."
The law’s enactment came nearly a year after Tony Thurmond, the state superintendent of public instruction, said he was forcibly removed from a local school board meeting where he was opposing a district's proposed outing policy, which was eventually blocked in court. 
“Our teachers can now focus on teaching the critical academic skills that our students need to succeed, not on policing the gender identities of children,” Thurmond said in a statement Monday."
-via USA Today, July 16, 2024
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a-gay-poptart · 7 months
Say their name.
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Nex Benedict was a indigenous trans nonbinary teenager. Their head was beaten against the floor in a bathroom stall. Less than 24 hours later, they died, most likely from undiagnosed head trauma. Conservatives say they want to, "protect the children", where was the protection for Nex? That's the thing. There wasn't any. Nex died. And many more trans, queer, and nonbinary minors will if we don't step up and do something. What happened to Nex has and will happen to queer folk around the globe. Say their name.
Edit: I didn't expect this to get much attention, but thank you everyone. What alot of people, "forget" to mention was that Nex was two spirited, which means they were indigenous. The fact that I wouldn't have heard about this if I didn't have Tumblr is absolutely revolting. News needs to be covering this. But what are Republicans doing? Sucking their thumbs and crying about how, "trans people shouldn't be able to piss". What are Democrats doing? Twiddling their thumbs and groveling to an old geezer that somehow falls up the stairs and supports I$r3@l. It's disgusting and America needs to do better.
Edit 2: Any and all hate/saying that Nex Benedict wasn't murdered (they were) will immediately get deleted, just because you don't like trans people doesn't mean you can be an whiny little bitch. A child was murdered. This has nothing to do with politics, a child was murdered.
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americascomic · 11 months
I talked to a trans femme teen yesterday who told me to not use slurs (faggot, tranny) and I think people like to blame social media for these kids being so tenderqueer-y, but this kid also told me that of the 1,400 kids in her art school, there is lots of out gay, trans masc and non-binary AFAB kids but only 10 t-femmes, and I saw in her and this other trans femme teen I know this harsh assimilationist streak (they want to go stealth, strive for conventional beauty standards, jealous of the cis het white blonde girls) because they barely have a community and so it becomes a place to survive.
The internet is this boogieman that distorts what is the consensus. It has a selection bias of hyper isolated, neurodivergent, and anxious people who are just looking to survive
I look at queer kids with annoying conservative opinions I don't see the solution being "internet stop sucking" - the assimilationist woodworking "Cross Dressing Quarterly" trannies of the 90's didn't need TikTok to get this way, it was the violence of the closet.
I see the problem being them being scared kids - what bell hooks calls "the most oppressed class" and I see the solution being a more porous, safe community between kids and adults (outside of the nonprofit industrial complex that uses queer youth spaces to condescend, infantalize, and give resources in a nondemocratic way)
We always say "protect trans kids" and it's worth queer adults of all types toughing through bigotry and accusatory stares to find these kids, build relationships, give resources and love them. All we have is each other. We protect us. Us tranny faggots
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amaditalks · 4 months
“At the same time, families across the country face excruciating decisions to relocate to a different state to protect their children from dangerous and hateful anti-LGBTQI+ laws, which target transgender children, threaten families, and criminalize doctors and nurses. These bills and laws attack our most basic values and freedoms as Americans: the right to be yourself, the right to make your own medical decisions, and the right to raise your own children. Some things should never be put at risk: your life, your safety, and your dignity.”
That’s an excerpt from President Biden’s Proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Pride Month, 2024.
In my lifetime, we’ve gone from the White House press secretary laughing uproariously at AIDS patients and making sneering accusations of members of the press corps only asking about AIDS because they were gay to POTUS supporting the rights of trans people, trans kids, in a proclamation of national recognition of Pride.
No, more plainly, we’ve come to this point in the last fifteen years.
The depth, breadth and speed of this progress is astounding, especially as it has coexisted with absolute regression and a constant state of attack of LGBTQIA rights from Republicans.
Do not take this for granted.
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the-birth-of-art · 2 years
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caesthoffe · 2 years
One of our siblings was murdered recently, and you need to know about it.
TW // transphobia and violence against trans people
Brianna Ghey was a 16-year-old trans girl from Warrington, England. On Saturday, February 11th 2023, Brianna was found dead on the side of a park with multiple stab wounds. Two 15-year-olds have been taken into custody in connection with her murder.
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People in the Warrington area have alleged that Brianna was being bullied in school, and that neither the administration nor the police did anything.
Despite this, local police have said there is no evidence that the attack was hate-based and most news articles don't mention her status as a trans woman. This is deliberate. This is genocide by the hands of transphobes and TERFs.
Britain does not have gender self-identification (your legal gender being determined by how you identify and not any arbitrary medical requirements), meaning even in her death she will be deadnamed and misgendered on her death certificate.
She deserved so much better.
Mourn the dead, and fight like hell for the living.
EDIT: A verified GoFundMe has been set up for Brianna.
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itgetsbetterproject · 4 months
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Ya'll remember when 10-year-old Rebekah went viral for this pic?
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She's still out here thriving...
And she wants you to stand up for trans kids, too. 🏳️‍⚧️
From our ElectionSzn series!
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alienbycomics · 9 months
A comic about Spider-Gwen doing her best to support Peter’s transition in her early crimefighting days (yep, they can both be trans!)
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iexcistoutofspite · 1 year
no, dear transphobes. I do not want your cis kids to be trans and go though surgeries when they're only 10. I want our trans kids, to become trans adults. I want them to have a better, safer future. I don't want to hear about another suicide by a trans minor, because they were so severely bullied and couldn't take it anymore. I don't want to hear about another trans teenager being murdered, just because they exist. if you can't understand such simple thing as this, there is something really wrong with you.
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michaelmilkers · 1 year
literally on my fucking knees begging and pleading for cis allies to stop saying things like “no trans kid is getting surgery” “no trans kids are transitioning” “trans kids just take reversible puberty blockers until they’re older” because these statements are not only demonstrably false, therefore giving transphobes an open window to completely debunk your argument and boost their own (”if it’s not happening why do you care if it’s made illegal?”), but you are not helping us or protecting us and our rights. you are hurting us.
i started hormones when i was 14 because psychological and reversible medical treatment did not ease my dysphoria enough to improve my quality of life! me, my family, and my doctor(s) decided that hormones would be the best next step to help me, so that’s what we did! trans kids DO take hormones, and they DO occasionally get surgery, and that is COMPLETELY FINE!! because preventing a family from accessing what they and care providers decide is the best healthcare for a child is CRUEL AND UNETHICAL.
multiple studies show trans people who are forced to wait until late adolescence or adulthood to medically transition have worse mental health than both their immediate peers and continuing on into adulthood.
if i hadn’t started HRT when i did i would have flunked out of school or killed myself before i turned 18. trans kids have a right to access best practice medical care, whatever that may be for them.
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aubryjoi · 7 months
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Let trans kids become trans adults 🩵🏳️‍⚧️🩷
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Rest in Power, Nex Benedict
A 16 year old kid who loved nature and looking after their cat Zeus. Who enjoyed reading, watching the Walking Dead, and playing Ark and Minecraft. They loved to cook and would often make up their own recipes. They did well in school, being a straight-A student. Rest in power a teen who was human and had interests and ambitions and challenges and friendships. A trans youth who was brutally murdered just for being trans, when that was only a fragment of who they were as a person.
Nex Benedict, Jacob Williamson, Brianna Ghey, and other trans youth like them were real people with real lives. They deserved better, longer, happier lives. They deserved to grow up and not fear for their lives. They deserve to be remembered as who they were, not just as another trans kid who was killed, as people with families and normal human lives.
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fixing-bad-posts · 7 months
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internet freaks (affectionate) 💚
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