#protective daughters blake belladonna and weiss schnee
Cardin: (making fun of Kali and Willow's hip sizes in Vacuo) Clearly, someone didn't tell them that faces have a weight limit.
Blake & Weiss: (seething in a murderous black aura)
Yang: I got this. Just promise to forgive me later. (Struts over to Cardin and grabs his plate armor)
Yang: If her thighs block the skies, to the occasion, you must rise! Clearly! That's a mission you would jeopardize! Because you don't have the balls or the skill to please a woman of any size!
Cardin: 🫨
Kali & Willow: (hook arms on either side of Yang) Our hero ~ ❤️
Yang: 😅
Blake & Weiss: Mom/Mother, No! Step away from the charming disaster lesbian!
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reashot · 1 year
To celebrate my mother day's Fic for reaching 100 likes and reblog. I can finally show y'all what the Arc kids are supposed to look like and who they are for the sequel:
Dusk Belladonna
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Age: 10.
Semblance: Invisibility (she can made her self invisible for few seconds.)
Weapon: N/A. (She doesn't have or want one.)
Favorite foods: Anything with fish but prefers Tuna.
Likes: Mommy, Daddy, Being alone.
Dislikes: Dogs, crowds, stranger.
Character Desc:
Dusk Belladonna is the daughter Blake and Jaune which means she is also the daughter of both human and Faunus. In her timeline Human and Faunus achieved true equality and mutual respect with one another. It was not easy and although Dusk herself does not know the sacrifice needed to achieve it, even she knows that it's something to be cherished and protected. Quiet, reserved and preferring the company of close associates. She is still expected to one day lead Menagerie and all of Faunuskind. A decision that she is also unaware of. But her parents are against it. Instead wanting her to enjoy her childhood for as long as she can before the fated day.
Scarlett Rose-Arc.
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Gender: ♀️
Age: 17.
Semblance: Petal Storm. (An upgraded form of Ruby's Semblance.)
Weapon: Crescent Rose MK. 20. (A.K.A. the Geneva Violator.)
Favorite foods: Strawberry Shortcake.
Likes: Spending time with family, weapons, fighting.
Dislikes: Bully, Bugs, Rainy day.
Character Desc:
Scarlett like Ruby is both a powerful fighter and a genius weapon inventor. Her weapon is the Crescent Rose MK. 20. A Scythe, Voulge, grenade launcher, assault riffle and sniper rifle combination weapon. In practice such a weapon should not be able to work but she and Ruby managed to made it work. This essentially turns her into a one woman army. But even though she’s a formidable warrior she still not yet able to beat her older brother Vermillion in a fight. Something which annoys her.
Victor Arc (formerly a Schnee)
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Gender: ♂️
Age: 20.
Semblance: Glyph. (Has been shown able to summon a small army worth of Grimm.)
Weapon: Myrtenaster,
Favorite Foods: Sushi.
Likes: Seeing her mother dead, his little sister, cute things. (In that order.)
Dislikes: His mother, Atlas, Incompetent people. (himself)
Character Desc:
Victor Schnee or now known as Victor Arc was once a former Scion of the Schnee Household. Is the son of Jaune Arc and although he hates to admit it, he is also the son of Weiss Schnee. In his timeline the world is broken in every sense of the word. In his world. War has engulfed Remnant. And the scale of destruction is beyond comprehension. Continents shattered, sea boiled over, even the very air turned against you, All courtesy of the Superweapon created by the SDC. Of course many tried to stop the war from happening and all failed, Even Jaune Schnee died trying to stop it. His dead however is proven to be the catalyst for the tragedy. After his death something broke inside of Weiss. Despaired and Enraged by her husband’s death. Weiss reorganized the Kingdom of Atlas into the Atlesian Empire and declared war on everyone. With Victor serving as her right hand man. Working under her Victor is responsible for many of the Empire’s victory and her atrocity. He himself is directly responsible for numerous warcrimes and even genocide against the Faunus. Victor is also credited for killing Ruby Rose and for capturing Blake. Back home in Atlas he was hailed as hero for this feats. It’s only until much later that he regretted his action. And came to hate his own mother so far as to wanting her dead. While she's the one that broke the world, he still blame himself for helping her doing it.
Aurum Arc
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Gender: ♂️
Age: 30-40.
Semblance: Ignite. (He is able to heat up the surface of any object he touch. If you seen the hot knife video on YouTube it’s pretty much like that.)
Weapon: Prominence Flame. (A Greatsword of the big-ass variety.)
Favorite foods: Homecooked meal. (he ain’t picky.)
Likes: Justice, protecting innocents, helping people.
Dislikes: Injustice, Villain, Laziness.
Character Desc:
As the oldest of the 12 sibling, Aurum is also born the weakest among his siblings. Born prematurely many did not expect him to survive childhood. But he refused to give up. Motivated by stories of warriors of old and the story of his father. He continues pushing his limit. And to the surprise of everyone he not only survive past childhood but he actually starts growing taller and stronger compared to other children his age. So strong in fact that in the age of 15 he managed to kill a Dragon Grimm. By the age of 17 he joined the Arc Knights. And in the age 20 rose through the rank and become the youngest captain of the group. A rank that he still hold to this day. Despite his achievement however he still found himself lacking behind his father and he made a promise that he will surpass the Grandmaster, Jaune Arc himself.
Vermillion Rose-Arc.
Scarlett's older brother will finally make his true debut in the next fic. So till then just wait my lovely readers. You will be mildly surprised.
And if there's anything you want to ask just leave a message, I'll try to answer it as best as I can.
And do tell me which one is your favorite?
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tequiilasunriise · 1 year
Blake 'only child' Belladonna suddenly finds herself with three new siblings
In my previous post, I talked about some headcanons I have fer the ship Snowleopard regarding how the parents would interact with the kids. Now, it's time to unleash some ideas I got fer how Blake and the Schneeblings would interact if their parents dated in a super healthy bi4bi4bi pilfish polycule, or as I like to call it, Bellaschneebling headcanon time >:)))
-First and foremost, poly pilfs = endless potential fer never before seen Winter and Blake shenanigans
-Can y'all imagine Winter acting 'weird' towards Blake- appearing outta nowhere to give advice like 'your form would be better if you did xyz' or randomly giving Blake water bottles throughout the day or glaring at strangers and being super tensed and serious when they're out in town together in an otherwise chill walk to meet up with the others- and when Blake goes to Weiss outta concern and explaining the situation Weiss is like, "Oh! Oh my dust! Blake, do you know what this means???"
"If I did, I wouldn't be asking you for help right now."
"Blake, my sister officially sees you as her own younger sibling!"
"Are, are you sure?"
"I'm positive! Winter is not the most conventional when it comes to showing it, but she really does care in her own way. When she gives you criticism, it's because she knows you can do better and she wants you to the best you can possibly be. The water thing is something she used to do for Whitley and I growing up, I've always believed it because she picked it up from Klein that making sure people stay hydrated is a form of love. The glaring thing is probably because people were staring at your ears, I know I do it all the time."
"...Excuse I think I need to lie down and cry a little."
-No because fer real it's so funny to think that the once snobbish Schneeblings are all ready to throw absolute h a n d s fer their new Faunus sister like, "Oh, you're a racist prick? Whitley, please call a paramedic because-" *gets into summoning form where Arma Gigas launches Winter at the asshole*
-Meanwhile instead of calling for medical staff to clean up the bloodbath that's about to ensue Whitley's just typing away on his scroll doxxing the shit outta the racist asshole's worst secrets and wow Blake feels so loved right now, like, kinda concerned, but very loved right now
-Anyways, it's funny to joke about Winter scolding Blake when she learns about her terrorist past, but overall after her growth in V8 I think she'd be more like, "While I still don't approve most of the stunts you pulled as a vigilante child, stealing from the hyper-exploiting SDC is... fairly understandable."
-After clearing the air about Blake's past, we get Winter being lowkey protective of Blake bc MANNN does that Eldest Daughter Older Sister Instinct ™ go crazyyyy sometimes like this shit does not discriminate. Winter sees a new younger sibling figure and BAM she's already taking the young Belladonna heir under her wing
-Blake has no idea how to handle having an older sibling figure looking out fer her because she grew up as an independent only child who could only count on herself. To make matters worse it's the eldest Schnee she was never personally close to now, uh, giving her almost backhanded compliments as advice fer fixing her form, suddenly popping up asking Blake if she's ate yet, small lectures on the importance of a balanced diet and how important it is that she takes care of herself, etc etc
-In the end, Blake can tell Weiss was right and these random interactions from Winter come from a genuine place of care and she's honestly super honored to be accepted as a younger sibling to the stern woman
-At one point, Winter asks Blake to spar with her because she wants to study her newest sibling's fighting style up close and personal and therefore assess any weaknesses she should strengthen. At first Winter's like "Oh she's mainly a sword user I'm an expert on swords alright I have a foundation on how to fight her" but then Blake switches over to chain scythe gun mode with her cleaver sheather in the other hand (see black trailer) and suddenly all that goes OUT THE WINDOW OKAY DANG
-I personally headcannon that Winter never really got to see Blake go all out in her fighting, and since Blake really wants to impress her new older sister she pulls out her best moves and tricks and Winter is really impressed!!! She still beats Blake bc she's a master huntsman with tonnnss of experience (not to mention maiden powers giving her boosted strength and endurance) but man she has never fought someone like her new sister before!! She's so!!! Versatile!! Especially with those dust infused clones that kept her guessing
-Winter doesn't outright say it but Blake can tell she's proud of her new sibling from that prideful glint in her eyes and wow okay is this how Ruby feels everytime Yang praises her because this feeling is GREAT
-Speaking of Yang, she teases Blake relentlessly at her becoming Winter's new target of Eldest Sister Protectiveness™ and Ruby joins in like, "Get used to it, Blake, trust me I'm the expert younger sibling here."
"Hey!!! I'm not as weird about it as Winter is!!"
-As Winter and Blake watch the Xiao Long-Rose sisters wrestle on the ground, the eldest Schnee daughter turns to her newest sibling and says, "While I accept you as my family, I don't believe our dynamic will ever reach that... level."
"Oh, agreed."
-Yang and Blake both being sisters to Weiss through relationships because I am a filthy, filthy Whiterose shipper. When the parents first told the gang that they were dating, Yang was like, "HAH! Sorry Blake, but imagine being a sister to the ice queen herself!" to which Blake just replied, "Uh, Yang..." and tosses a pointing thumb over to where Ruby is hugging and comforting a confused as all fuck Weiss with forehead kisses and everything and Yang is just like, "Damn, you got me there."
-(Weiss did come around to adoring the Pilfadonnas pretty quickly but she was just so confused and shocked at first like weiss.exe isn't working like my girl bluescreened so hard so just give her a minute to process please and thank you)
-What I'm saying is can we get Yang antagonizing Weiss on TWO (2!) separate fronts? "Hey you're dating my baby sister" shovel talk type shenanigans only turn around with such a shiteating grin that only "Hey I'm dating your sister and there's nothing you can do about it" bullshit can pull? Please? Suffering Weiss™ forever and ever
-But know what's better than Suffering Weiss™? Suffering Weiss™ AND Suffering Winter™ babbbyyy :DDD!!
-I really need Robyn teasing the utter shit outta Winter at how quickly she got attached to Blake in an Older Sister Must Protect™ way shortly after learning of her mother's relationship with Blake's parents. Why, you may ask? Because I am also filthy, filthy Schneewood Forest trash who is going to insert my Schneewood Forest Reconnecting Exes AU into any Winter related thing I can
-To add to the Suffering Schneeisters Agenda™, we're going to move on to the Whitley and Blake potential in my Snowleopard rotted brain
-At first, Whitley is 'testing' Blake to see if she's worthy as a sister (he's actually just being a little shit and already knows of Blake's many merits) and Weiss is telling him to knock it off because bro is borderline ANTAGONIZING her to see what he can get away with
-But then it's like oh damn are those ninja moves are actually cool as fuck okay yeah she's defo waayyy cooler than his other sibs and next thing you know Whitley is very publicly announcing Blake as his new favorite sister by far just to mess with Weiss and Winter and see their reaction
-They know he's just being a little shit and they roll their eyes and say, "I'm glad you're finally warming up to Blake as a sister" but like, deep down they're grumbling, "I could do those cool ninja flips too.. probably..."
-Just like how her token only child ass isn't used to the protective care of an older sibling, Blake isn't used to the lowkey hero worship that comes with a younger sibling looking up to her. It's a strange feeling at first, and takes a bit to get used to, but in no way bad. Whitley tries to act all above it all at first, but Blake easily catches the way his eyes sparkle when she recounts her White Fang adventures to him and finds herself rather fond of the younger boy since he's finally letting go of his old snobbish ways and shaping into a good kid. Yang is just so proud of her girlfriend and says, "Yeah, it's quite a bit of pressure to live up to their expectations of you, but that feeling of wanting to try for them anyways never really goes away."
-Once Whitley lets himself relax around Blake he actually comes up with epic prank ideas involving her clone semblance and oh my god bro they're absolute menaces together because let the kids be KIDS your honor
-Suffering Weiss™ is at an all time high especially when Yang joins in on the fun because she'll never miss out on an opportunity to flex her title as the CEO of Suffering Weiss™ Instigation
-Suffering shenanigans aside I think Blake would be a really good influence fer Whitley. He'd be super open to Blake's suggestions/guidance on how to use the SDC resources he's now in control of and together they can work on ways to help better the Faunus who have been exploited by the SDC fer so long
-Family bonding where Blake makes and pours some tea fer the Schneeblings, and she nonchalantly mentions how this tea recipe is the one she grew up with and often shared with her family and how some of her happiest childhood memories are laced with the warmth of this special tea and casually says, "I'm just so happy that I can make new memories with my new family- are you guys okay?!"
-No the Schneeblings aren't all in various state of Big Emotions right now whattttt (Weiss has tears in her eyes and a shaky smile, Winter is turned away staring at a random wall with her jaw visibly clenched, Whitley is trembling a little tryna process all of this because for so long he was alone and isolated)
-We all been knew that Weiss would not hesitate to kill fer Blake but it took Winter and Whitley like .2 seconds to throw themselves onto that same train once they really got to know her, making Blake Belladonna prolly one of the most protected people in all of Remnant (she's got all three of the Schneeblings and everything that the SDC can provide, her badass parents with all of Menagerie at their beck and call, the rest of her friends who are formidable warriors like Xiao Long-Rose sisters, JNR, Qrow, etc etc etc)
-In conclusion, the Bellaschneeblings have my whole entire heart and I hope y'all love 'em too, I'll prolly post more headcanons of 'em when I can :DD!!
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rwby-revelations · 2 months
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Ruby Rose Age: 15 going on 16 Pronouns: She/Her Gender: Cis Woman Sexuality: Asexual Race: Wolf faunus Weapon: Crescent Rose Semblance: Petal Burst Allusion: Little Red Riding Hood The leader of team RWBY and one of the youngest students to be accepted into Beacon Academy. She’s an idealistic teenager with a desire to protect the world and be one of the heroes of her beloved fairy tales. She’s very open and honest, and does struggle with learning how to interact with people due to her autism and ADHD. Weapons are far easier for her to understand. But now that she’s at Beacon, she just might be able to have the friends she’s desired for so long. And yet, there’s more to this young maiden than meets the eye. Her favorite foods are strawberries and chocolate chip cookies.
Weiss Schnee Age: 17 going on 18 Pronouns: She/Her Gender: Cis woman Sexuality: Demisexual lesbian Race: Human Weapon: Myrtenaster Semblance: Summon of the Heart Allusion: Snow White Weiss is someone who considers herself to be elegant, refined, and strong, and her skills back those claims up. However, she can also be a bit hotheaded, even with a cold exterior she’s easy to make snap. This comes from a very lonely upbringing where she was always seen as separate from her peers due to her namesake. Tired of being stifled by her father, she seeks to set out a name for herself and to utilize her skills in order to uphold a family legacy of being protectors of Remnant. She starts off as racist, but over time that will change.
Blake Belladonna Age: 18 Pronouns: She/Her Gender: Cis woman Sexuality: Bisexual Race: Appears as human, secretly cat faunus Weapon: Gambol Shroud Semblance: Shadow Allusion: Beauty and the Beast Blake Belladonna is secretly Lila Baingani, the runaway daughter of Ghira and Kali Baingani. Using an alias to hide from a former friend, she has chosen to instead pretend to be the very thing her ex-friend despises and hide her ears under a bow. Because of this, she’s hesitant to become close to anyone, but that quickly dissipates once she joins team RWBY at Beacon Academy. By becoming a Huntsare, she hopes to use that influence to better the world around her. She also enjoys teas and romance novels.
Yang Xiao Long Age: 18 Pronouns: She/Her Gender: Cis woman Sexuality: Pansexual, leaning towards girls but there’s some guys that have caught her eye Race: Human Weapon: Ember Celica Semblance: Burn Allusion: Goldilocks Yang is the overprotective half-sister of Ruby, but she tries to rein it in so as not to suffocate her. She’s got a fiery temper and boisterous attitude, loving the thrill of the fight. She’s quite fond of dropping a pun, even if it causes her friends to groan. There are some demons that haunt her, namely the whereabouts of her adoptive mom and why her bio-mom abandoned her. But she doesn’t let them keep her down, focusing instead on becoming a better fighter and taking care of Ruby. She’s also an excellent cook, having grown up a little too fast.
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autumn-foxfire · 1 year
I can't believe people are disappointed Ruby "resolved her issues so easily" because firstly, she hasn't. No doubt we will see her struggle in the future however what Ruby did come to accept is that it was okay for her to be Ruby Rose and that she wants to be her. Even if it means she's not perfect, or that she could fail, because that's fine! All that matters is that she's trying.
Ruby has been trying to emulate the heroes in her life for so long, to live up the expectation of being Summer Rose's Daughter, the one to inherit her silver eyes and her passion for protecting humanity. The pedestal Summer had been placed on was one too high to reach and even if they had, they would have realised Summer was never on it.
Because Summer Rose was a flawed woman. She kept her secrets and she tried to fight a war no one person should fight alone. Ruby watched her mother lie to her father, watch her tell her friend to trust her, and while we still don't know what happened to Summer Rose, we know she failed her original plan.
Ruby Rose knows that if she keeps trying to follow in Summer's path she will meet the same fate in some way (just like how Summer's lines says in Red like Roses II "baby please don't do what I did") so she's shattered that pedestal she placed her mom on and can see her the flawed woman that had been hidden by the impossible shadow it cast, the woman who tried her best yet made mistakes that could have potentially been her end, and then Ruby makes the decision to follow the path of Ruby Rose instead.
And the path that Ruby Rose follows will be the one that Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long will follow too and it's only by being together that they will succeed.
I loved this final because it was everything I wanted Ruby to realise.
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maswartz · 5 months
After Salem
All concepts are free for use with credit given.
(Plot diverges after V7)
In the final battle with Salem the heroes combine the power Ruby’s silver eyes with that of all four maidens to purge her of the Grimm essence and manage to get her to admit that she’s moved on from her daughters deaths resulting in her losing her immortality. Aging thousands of years in seconds she was soon dust. However before her defeat Salem managed to unite the four relics. The Brothers had returned. Displeased by the conflict still existing they were about to judge humanity as irredeemable when the heroes convinced them that humanity was not that far gone. Listening to their argument the Brothers agreed that humanity was neither worthy of them returning nor did they deserve extermination. Thus they returned to the stars. Before leaving however the God of Darkness left a gift. One in every five hundred babies born after this day would have the gift of magic. In time the four maidens would create the Seasons Academy to teach these new magic users how to use their gifts. Magic users have weaker semblances so the scales are not too unbalanced. Magic users are given the title of Wizard or Witch and act like Huntsmen, protecting the people of Remnant from the always present danger of the Grimm. The Huntsmen Academies lowered the age requirements after Salem’s final plan involved destroying many of the minor academies. In the following years much has changed. One such change is that Menagerie is now an official kingdom. Technology has advanced at a rapid pace, trains using anti gravity technology connect most cities. As a result trips that would have taken days now take a matter of hours. Due to this more and more cities rise outside the kingdom borders. The heroes of team RWBY and JNOR and their allies have all begun new lives after the fall of Salem.
Ruby and Oscar are married with four children. Ruby now runs Petal Storm, a weapon repair and modification store with Nora while Oscar writes books about the past Ozes.
Maria Pine-18 Lyme Pine-16 Sunny (M) and Luna (F) Pine-12 year old twins.
Blake and Yang are married with two adopted children. Blake works to help Faunus equality across Remnant while Yang helps design and test new vehicles for the SDC. Tawny Belladonna-Xiao Long-18 Vivi Belladonna-Xiao Long-17
Weiss and Jaune are married with three children. Weiss took over SDC and is working to undo the damage done by her father while Jaune teaches combat at a local academy.
Nichole Schnee-19 Maple Schnee- 13- Named in honor of Pyrrha. She inherited her mother’s singing voice and has a huge love of music. In fact she wants to enter the music industry rather than become a Huntress. To her relief her parents told her they’d support whatever decision she made. William Schnee- 10- A curious young boy with an interest in science. He loves touring the various SDC research labs with his mother. He discovers his semblance allows him to summon defeated Grimm and possess them. This does leave his body vulnerable. Close friends with his cousin Talos Schnee
Ren and Nora are married with three children. Ren is the mayor of a rebuilt Kuroyuri while Nora runs Petal Storm, a weapon repair and modification store with Ruby.
Balder Ren-17 Nezha Ren-16 Sif Ren-15
The headmasters remain a part of Oscar’s inner circle however with the fall of Salem their mission is now to continue to guide all of Remnant into everlasting peace and preventing future disasters.
Headmistress- Glynda Goodwitch- The first headmistress of Beacon. Once Beacon was rebuilt the decision to name her headmistress was unanimous. 
History- Dr Bartholomew Oobleck- Still his energetic self always eager to share knowledge with anyone willing to learn.
Grimm Studies- Peter Port- Still bombastic and passing on his wisdom and experience. Head of Security- Gordon Ryder- Gordon’s semblance allows him to create orbs of aura that act as his eyes and ears. He is capable of creating multiple orbs and has them placed around the boundaries of the campus. However while keeping track of them he often loses track of what’s happening around his own body.
Origin- The Headless Horseman
Combat Instructor- Paulina “Babe” Bunyan- A bull faunus, her semblance allows her to spot the weak point in things or people which allowed her to help her lumberjack father when she was a child.
Origin- Paul Bunyan
Airship Piloting- Skye Gale- When he was younger his hubris caused an airship crash that nearly killed him. After recovering he set forward to teach others to learn from his mistake.
Origin- Icarus.
Wilderness Survival - Forest Mann- The son of explorers who perished during a jungle expedition his semblance and basic wilderness training allowed him to survive. His semblance allows him to copy the traits of nearby animals. After making it back to civilization years later he began teaching others how to survive the wilderness.
Origin- Mowgli/Tarzan
Beacon Teams Fourth Year
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Maria Pine- Growing up Maria couldn’t help but feel like she was in the shadow of heroes and legends and as a result she grew insecure. Her desire to prove herself “worthy” eventually results in her being injured on a training mission. After that she admits her insecurity to her parents and her team who help her grow past it and see her own self worth. Like her father Maria can use magic. Appearance: 18 years old. 5ft 8in- Brown hair to shoulders Hazel eyes Outfit: Light red top with maroon corset. maroon shorts. Light red tights with green vine design, roses on knees. Maroon fingerless gloves up to elbows. Green vine design on gloves. Maroon boots. Half length version of Ruby’s cloak in maroon. Emblem: Three roses on a single stem, one white, one red and one maroon Emblem Location: Back of cloak Aura Color: Maroon Semblance: Stat Boost- Allows Maria to boost a single stat (speed, strength, stamina, etc) Weapon: Rose’s Thorn- Kusarigama with extending chain. Gun built into the end.  Partner: Nautica Waves Origin: Rose Red Nautica Waves- The daughter of fishermen she grew up on the water most of her life. Resourceful and daring, she won’t give up until all options have been exhausted. Appearance: 19 years old. 5ft 6in. Short dark blue hair. Blue eyes. Shark Faunus- Shark gills allowing her to breathe under water. Outfit: Teal wetsuit with wave pattern, armor plating on shoulders, elbows, knees, torso. Optional flippers. Emblem: A series of waves descending in size Emblem Location: Shoulder armor Aura Color: Teal Semblance: Hydrokinesis- Can control water as long as it’s in liquid form. Can even shape weapons out of it. The more water she controls the more aura it takes. Weapon: Ebb and Flow- Twin pistols modified to shoot water. Using her semblance she can boost the power of the water to the point it can cut through metal. Carries a dagger called Shark’s tooth as a back up. After a few missions begins using a harpoon as her main weapon to conserve on water. Partner: Maria Pine Origin: The Little Mermaid Theo Schwartz- Due to a less than stellar home situation he attempts to defuse tense situations with humor. He believes in being prepared and carries many tools and items in his hat including a set of throwing knives, tents, medical kits, food and water. Not to mention his team’s ammo. Appearance: 18 years old. 5ft 9in. Short black hair. Green eyes. Cat Faunus- Cat whiskers. Outfit: Black pants. White shirt with black dress coat. Red bow tie. Tall hat with red and white stripes. Emblem: A hand reaching into a hat Emblem Location: Back of coat Aura Color: Ebony Semblance: Hat Trick- A pocket dimension inside his hat where he can store and retrieve any inorganic item he wants. Weapon: Cat’s Cane-  A hook style cane with a built in grappling hook and gun. Partner: York Letterson Origin: The Cat in the Hat York Letterson- A firm believer in the phrase “Knowledge is power” York is almost always reading. He is eager to learn and teach as much as he can and often volunteers to tutor other students. When he has free time he can often be found in the library. Appearance: 18 years old. 5ft 5in. Long green hair reaching down his back. Often in twin ponytails. Green eyes. Outfit: Dark green pants. Light green button up top with a pocket on the upper left breast. Dark green armor over the shirt with light green pads on arms and legs. Pair of reading glasses. Emblem: A head of lettuce Emblem Location: Shirt pocket Aura Color: Green Semblance: Prehensile Hair- Can control and use his hair as weapons or extra arms. In a pinch can even shoot strands like darts. If the hair is cut it will regrow to normal length within days due to all the aura inside it. Weapon: Close Shave- A pair of blades with gun barrels in the tips. Blades can be combined into a scissors form. In scissors mode it can be thrown like a boomerang. Partner: Theo Schwartz Origin: Rapunzel
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Nichole Schnee- From a young age her parents made sure she knew that her name made her no more important and no better than anyone else. She is kind and generous and always looking for ways to help others with the Schnee fortune. She’s very aware there’s still plenty of damage to undo from her grandfather. In battle she will often target powerful or unique Grimm to add to her semblance.
Appearance: 19 years old. 5ft 10in. Long light blue hair in double ponytails. Light blue eyes.
Outfit: Light blue dress with white fur pattern trim. Dress ends little above knees. Blue and white stripped stockings. Light blue boots. White gloves. Armored breastplate, armor on lower arms and shins. All armor is ice themed.
Emblem: Schnee snowflake with a sword resembling the sword part of Crocea Mors
Emblem Location: Knee and elbow armor
Aura Color: Light blue
Semblance: Grimm Aspects- She summons pieces of Grimm to use herself. She can call on the wings of a Teryx or a Nevermore, the claws of a Sabyr, the armor of an Arms Gigas, punching power of a Beringel. Like normal summons if they receive enough damage they’ll dissipate.
Weapon: Cyros- Icicle themed javelin that doubles as a rifle. The shield part of Crocea Mors.
Partner: Guile Widows
Origin: Christmas Elf
Guile Widows- A cunning strategist who excels at using his enemies own actions against them. He prefers to lure targets into his webs and let them tire themselves out trying to escape.
Appearance: 19 years old. 6ft. Black hair with eight dreadlocks, four on each side. Brown eyes.
Outfit: Black cargo pants with a mild webbing pattern. Gray shirt with black straps from backpack forming an “X”. Fingerless gloves.
Emblem: Eight eyes, top pair are farthest apart and bottom pair are closest together.
Emblem Location: Bandana
Aura Color: Black
Semblance: Aura Webs- Webs that can catch, contain, or even act as nets.
Weapon: Spider’s Bite- Twin curved swords with guns in the hilts.
Partner: Nichole Schnee
Origin: Anansi
Hunter Python- Strict and serious he considers being a huntsman too serious to joke about. To his dismay his partner Tawny has made it his mission to get him to laugh at least once a day. Hunter is very reluctant to use his semblance due to its nature. However if lives are at stake he will do so with frightening effect.
Appearance: 18 years old. 5ft 11in. Brown hair. Snake Faunus- Snake eyes, yellow with green pupils.
Outfit: Green boots with a snake skin pattern. Yellow-green cargo pants. Yellow shirt under a green hoodie. Yellow-Green armor with scale pattern over hoodie.
Emblem: Stylized snake head
Emblem Location: Pockets of pants
Aura Color: Yellow-Green
Semblance: Hypnoeyes- Can command people to do things. Stronger commands require more aura and concentration and a command too far removed from what the subject would normally do will not be followed. When activated his eyes glow green. Requires full eye contact
Weapon: Serpent Staff- Staff that can separate into chain linked segments. Can also shoot from the mouth of the serpent.
Partner: Tawny Belladonna-Xiao Long
Origin: Kaa
Tawny Belladonna-Xiao Long- Adopted when he was 6 years old. Hyperactive, full of energy, eager to make new friends. Inherited Yang’s love of puns.
Appearance: 18 years old. 6ft 2in Scruffy orange hair, brown eyes. Tiger Faunus- Tiger tail.
Outfit: Orange sweatpants and orange top with baggy sleeves. Black patches stripe all along outfit. Armor on knees and elbows.
Emblem: A tiger pouncing
Emblem Location: Back of shirt
Aura Color: Orange
Semblance: Rebounce- Allows him to jump, leap, and bounce incredible heights and land from any height without injury.
Weapon: Tora Tearors- Clawed gloves with guns built into the hand guards.
Partner: Hunter Python
Origin: Tigger
Third Year
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Team VBAT (Vibrant)
Vivi Belladonna Xiao-Long- Adopted when she was 5 years old. Very self conscious about her appearance after bullies at the orphanage convinced her that her birth parents abandoned her because she was ugly. Her mothers and brother spent years trying to get her to understand that she is beautiful on the inside and the outside. After being named a team leader she gradually gains self confidence.
Appearance: 17 years old. 5ft 11in. Long dark black hair. Purple eyes.
Outfit: Long purple robe with a hood she uses to cover herself up. After she gains self confidence she switches to a more streamlined version without a hood.
Emblem: A pair of wings overlapping each other.
Emblem Location: Back of robe
Aura Color: Purple
Semblance: Energy Ripple- Sends a burst of energy in a direction.
Weapon: Tempera- Staff with fire dust on one end and ice dust on the other. When used with her semblance she can create waves of flame or frost.
Partner: Terry Braun
Origin: The ugly duckling
Balder Ren- Though serious around most people when he’s with family and friends he opens up and loosens up. As a child his parents would call him their little Sunshine.
Appearance: 17 years old. 5ft 9in Dark orange hair with a pink ribbon tied in it. Blue eyes.
Outfit: Sleeveless green robe with golden sash. Magenta pants. Both have a sun pattern.
Emblem: A stylized sun
Emblem Location: Back of robe
Aura Color: Golden
Semblance: Light Burst- Absorbs natural light and discharges it. Depending on the amount of light stored it can stun or temporarily blind. Weaker grimm may even be destroyed by a strong enough burst. As he evolves his semblance he can direct the burst instead of releasing it in all directions. Even storing it in the form of light armor.
Weapon: Stormbringer and Stormbreaker- Twin hook swords with guns built in.
Partner: Alison Eirian
Origin: Balder
Alison Eirian- An optimist often lost in a daydream, her mind wanders easily. She enjoys seeing the bright side of even the darkest situation. However she does take her duties as a Huntress seriously. Tries to get Terry to smile more.
Appearance: 18 years old. 5ft 10in Blonde hair in a ponytail, blue eyes.
Outfit: Long cobalt dress with silver armor plating on the front. White stockings with blue shoes. Silver gloves.
Emblem: A mirror
Emblem Location: Back of gloves
Aura Color: Cobalt
Semblance: Reflection- Allows her to enter any reflective surface. Inside the reflection is totally silent. She can travel to other reflections as long as there’s no obstacles in the way.
Weapon: Full Deck- sword that appears to be made of a deck of cards, shifts into gun mode. Also carries reflective cards to use as emergency reflections.
Partner: Balder Ren
Origin: Alice in Wonderland
Terry Braun- Growing up on the streets led him to adopt a tough cynical persona. His new friends convince him that there’s more than one kind of strength. Very protective of those younger than him. Tries to get Alison to be more realistic.
Appearance: 17 years old. 5ft 11 in.Scruffy brown hair. Brown eyes.
Outfit: Brown boots, brown shorts. Brown t-shirt with torn vest.
Emblem: A howling wolf
Emblem Location: Back of vest
Aura Color: Brown
Semblance: Howling Wind- Can create powerful wind with his breath.
Weapon: Howling Hatchets- Twin axes with guns built into the handles. Can combine to form a shotgun.
Partner: Vivi Belladonna-Xiao Long
Origin: The Big Bad Wolf
Second Year
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Jim Peaches- Analytical and strategic he is highly skilled at coming up with plans that utilize the strengths of his teams. He has a fondness for insects and is known to talk to them when he thinks he’s alone.
Appearance: 16 years old 5ft 5in. Short brown hair, pink eyes.
Outfit: Tan pants with peach shirt. Tan shoes. Peach longcoat. Pink tie with insect designs (grasshopper, centipede, ladybug, spider, earthworm, glowworm)
Emblem: A peach with a bite taken out of it
Emblem Location: Belt buckle
Aura Color: Peach
Semblance: Peach Protection- Creates forcefields over himself. Can extend to include other people. With practice he learns to create smaller ones to throw as projectiles.
Weapon: Peach Pit- Mace with detachable head. Gravity dust built in allows him to launch and recall the head.
Partner: Nezha Ren
Origin: James and the Giant Peach
Nezha Ren- Eager and impatient he’s often the first to race into a battle. He enjoys moving fast and hitting hard. As a child his parents would call him their Moonbeam.
Appearance: 16 years old. 5ft 6in. Short black hair. Pink eyes.
Outfit: Amber sleeveless vest and dark orange cargo shorts. Armor plated elbow and knee pads. Orange goggles
Emblem: A burning wheel
Emblem Location: Knee pads
Aura Color: Amber
Semblance: Speed Rails- He creates rails of aura in the air to run on boosting his speed as he pleases. Only Nezha can interact with the rails, all others will simply pass through them.
Weapon: Stormlillies- Twin chakram that turn into shurikens.
Partner: Jim Peaches
Origin: Nezha
J.J Grayson- He is used to people mocking or underestimating him due to his weight and bulk. However he isn’t bothered by it because he knows it’s mostly muscle instead of fat. His teammates all find him awesome. He’s the powerhouse of his team and will put himself between them and danger if it keeps them safe. Likes to call Lyme “Sprout”
Appearance: 16 years old. 6ft. Bulky build. Mostly muscle instead of fat. Short gray hair. Elephant Faunus- Elephant Ears.
Outfit: Necklace with a black feather on it. Gray boots. Gray baggy shorts. Gray sweatshirt.
Emblem: Elephant head
Emblem Location: Front of sweatshirt
Aura Color: Gray
Semblance: Flight- Can fly as high or as fast as he wishes.
Weapon: Stampede- Spear that turns into rifle, spear tip splits to reveal barrel.
Partner: Lyme Pine
Origin: Dumbo
Lyme Pine- Calm and caring he enjoys nature in all its forms. A love of plants lead him to study botany, he can even use plants and herbs to create medicine in a pinch. He acts as his team’s medic. Likes to call J.J “Big Guy”
Appearance: 16 years old - 5ft 3in. Short blackish hair, silver eyes. Slight tan from extended time outdoors.
Outfit: Green overalls over a light green top. Brown gloves with floral pattern. Dark green boots.
Emblem: A pinecone wrapped in vines
Emblem Location: Front of overalls
Aura Color: Lime Green
Semblance: Aura Vines- Can create vines made out of his aura. These can be used for extending his reach or in combat. As his semblance grows he can add thorns to the vines.
Weapon: Harvester- Pitchfork with guns built into the points. After it jammed during a training mission he has Harvester upgraded to a rail gun with two settings, small beam (the two middle prongs charge it) and large beam (all four prongs charge it)
Partner: J.J Grayson
Origin: Jack and the beanstalk
First Year
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Shiro Shishi- When Shiro was a child his uncle a crime boss named Kuro Shishi decided to cut loose ends. After personally stabbing Shiro’s father Kin Shishi in the back he sent a trio of assassins after Shiro, leaving the boy for dead. Fortunately a pair of drifters rescued the boy and helped him recover. The pair were retired huntsmen and they trained him until he was accepted to Beacon.
Patterning himself after ancient warriors he read about as a boy Shiro is honorable, courageous, and a great leader in battle. He does however have a bad habit of starting inspirational speeches when they aren’t required.
Appearance: 15 years old. 5ft 2in. White hair and golden eyes. Lion Faunus. Lion’s mane.
Outfit: White samurai armor with golden accents. Armor has a lion theme.
Emblem: A roaring lion head
Emblem Location: Center of chest armor
Aura Color: White
Semblance: Power Roar- Creates an omnidirectional shockwave.
Weapon: Lion’s Pride- A katana with a lion’s head on the hilt. Can shoot from the lion’s head.
Partner: Sif Ren
Origin: Kimba The White Lion/The Lion King
Noah Rhythm- Growing up in a family of traveling musicians taught him two things, one was the importance of music, the second was how to ward off the creatures of Grimm. After arriving in a village for a show only to discover the villagers slaughtered by the Grimm he swore on the spot to become a huntsman.
Appearance: 15 years old. 5ft 3in. Light purple hair and eyes.
Outfit: Dark purple shoes. Light purple tunic. Purple cape. Light purple alpine hat with dark purple feather.
Emblem: Flute surrounded by music notes
Emblem Location: Back of cape.
Aura Color: Light purple
Semblance: Animal Melody- Can use music to communicate and command animals. No effect on faunus. His flute isn’t required to use his semblance but it amplifies it. Uses it to ask animals for intel when arriving in new places or to get a bird or squirrel to give Tomi a ride.
Weapon: Pay the Piper- His flute shoots blasts of sound like Flynt’s trumpet
Partner: Tomi Tumbleweed
Origin: The Pied Piper
Sif Ren- Curious and always eager to learn new things once she gains an interest in a subject she won’t stop until she knows everything about it. As a child her parents would call her their Shining Star.
Appearance: 15 years old 5ft. Long light orange hair in ponytail to her left side. Blue eyes.
Outfit: Dark pink dress with dark green accents. Armor on legs and along left arm and shoulder. Green quiver on back.
Emblem: A green lily within a pink circle
Emblem Location: Shoulder armor
Aura Color: Magenta
Semblance: Alliance- the more friends and allies fighting by her side the stronger her aura. She channels the extra aura into her arrows
Weapon: Stormpiercer- A bow and arrow. The bow splits into twin daggers based on her grandfathers and her arrowheads are infused with dust.
Partner: Shiro Shishi
Origin: Sif
Tomi Tumbleweed- The child of tailors they grew up helping their parents with the sewing. They love to keep up with latest fashions even if they know they could never afford any of them. Despite some initial confusion their team fully accepted the fact they’re non-binary.
Appearance: 15 years old. 4ft 11in. Short blonde hair. Yellow eyes.
Outfit: Tan shoes with yellow socks. Yellow shorts. Tan shirt with yellow suspenders.
Emblem: A needle and thread
Emblem Location: Buttons of suspenders
Aura Color: Tan
Semblance: Shrinking- They can shrink to a minimum of one inch high. Their strength remains the same as when they are full sized.
Weapon: Needle point. A rapier that can shoot from the point.
Partner: Noah Rhythm
Origin: Tom Thumb/Thumbelina
Other Beacon teams: LAVA, TIDE, CLWD
Headmaster- Ghira Belladonna, took over informally after the battle of Haven and made official around a year later.
Combat instructor- Lewis Clementine- Lewis’s semblance, Be like you, allows him to copy another semblance for a maximum of one hour. He was one of the first students of Haven after the battle of Haven, as an Orangutan faunus he has Orangutan arms. His weapon, Jungle Justice is a shotgun with a bayonet blade between the barrels.
Origin- King Louie
Nature Studies- Buck Woods
Origin- Bambi
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Team DMND (diamond)
Dawn Diamond- Believing that sugar coating things doesn’t actually help Dawn tends to be blunt and cutting though she sincerely means well. She refuses to give her team a command she wouldn’t follow herself.
Appearance: 19 years old. 5ft 6in. Medium length aqua colored hair. Dark blue eyes
Outfit: Dark blue boots, light blue pants. Light blue see through top with dark blue tank top underneath. Dark blue gloves
Emblem: A diamond
Emblem Location: Pants pockets
Aura Color: Diamond
Semblance: Lullaby- When active creates a field around her that makes people drowsy. Direct contact induces sleep instantly.
Weapon: Beauty Sleep- Chain with a dart on the end shaped like a diamond- Can be charged by dust, fire engulfs it in flame etc
Partner: Dinah Crystal
Origin: Sleeping Beauty
Zoe Midas- A party girl who enjoys a good time. Knowing that her teammates despise being in the spotlight she delights in drawing all the attention to herself.
Appearance:  19 years old. 5ft 8in. Blonde hair to shoulders. Yellow eyes
Outfit: Gold knee high boots, gold shorts. Gold sleeveless top, gold elbow length gloves
Emblem: A golden hand
Emblem Location:Back of gloves
Aura Color: Gold
Semblance: Midas Touch- Turns her body into gold. Maintains strength, speed, agility.
Weapon: Golden Tonfa- Twin Tonfa with a blade in one end and a gun in the other.
Partner: Natalie Jade
Origin: King Midas’s daughter
Natalie Jade- One of, if not the smartest student at Haven she comes up with many of her team’s strategies. After meeting Team MNTY on a mission she grows close with York.
Appearance:  18 years old. 5ft 5in. Short dark green hair. Green eyes with jade colored glasses.
Outfit: Jade boots, jade colored sundress with light green leggings.
Emblem: A group of peas
Emblem Location:Boots
Aura Color: Jade
Semblance: Tracking- Small pea sized aura spheres she can place on a person or object and track them.
Weapon: Peashooters- Twin pistols- Default, rapid fire, charge, bouncing shots
Partner: Zoe Midas
Origin: Princess and the Pea
Dinah Crystal- Shy but skilled she prefers to let others hog the spotlight. She works best when she feels like nobody is watching or judging her. Her teammates try to help her overcome this.
Appearance: 18 years old. 5ft 6in. Long cyan hair light blue eyes. Swan Faunus- Swan wings, allow short distance flight.
Outfit: Crystal colored ice skates (blades retracts) with light blue leggings. Crystal minidress with matching gloves
Emblem: A stylized swan
Emblem Location: Front of minidress
Aura Color: Crystal
Semblance: Ice Rink- Creates a coating of “ice” for her to skate on.
Weapon: Swan’s Grace- A naginata with a gun built in along the back of the blade.
Partner: Dawn Diamond
Origin: Swan Lake
Other Haven teams: SLME, FLRE, CAVE Atlas
Headmistress- Robyn Hill, after the fall of Ironwood Robyn was placed in charge of Atlas Academy allowing her to lead a new generation away from the military and teach them how to act like proper Huntsmen.
Combat instructor- Shelly Verde- Back in her academy days Shelly was partners with Harriet Bree and watched in horror as her friend became the terrorist known as the Snow Hare. Her semblance allows her to create a field that slows down those within it. She uses twin hard light shields as weapons.
Origin- The Tortoise
Aquatic combat- Myrtle Hopper
Origin- The Frog Prince
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Team MRBL (marble)
Megara Bronzen- Highly competitive and eager to prove her strength, her teammates will often have to intervene on her behalf. She believes that the strong have a moral duty to protect the weak.
Appearance:  19 years old. 6ft. Short brown hair and brown eyes.
Outfit: Bronze sandals with bronze shin armor. Bronze chest armor with bronze armor plates on forearms. Golden lion paw design on shoulder armor. Helmet resembles a roaring gold lion with her face in the mouth. Gold colored cape with fur texture.
Emblem: Two fists punching each other
Emblem Location: Inside of cape
Aura Color: Bronze
Semblance: Titanic Strength- Super Strength
Weapon: Titanic Gloves- Twin gloves, when activated they project hard light images of larger fists. Blasters built into the palms
Partner: Bea Steel
Origin: Heracles
Richmond Clay- He has a strategic mind and tends to observe his enemies before engaging them. He plans every move in a battle and is often frustrated by his teammates more headstrong approach.
Appearance:  19 years old. 5ft 10in. Brownish red hair and brown eyes.
Outfit: Clay colored tunic with brown boots and gloves. Armor on forearms and legs. Brown shawl over left shoulder.
Emblem: A shield
Emblem Location: Shawl
Aura Color: Clay
Semblance: Master of all- Masters any combat style he witnesses.
Weapon: Ancient Shield- Arm mounted shield with gun built in. Shield has a hidden dagger for close range combat.
Partner: Elric Limestone
Origin: Gilgamesh
Bea Steel- Always eager for a fight she’s often the first one into the fray. She is skeptical of the motivation of others after being used by a bandit she thought was a friend.
Appearance: 19 years old. 5ft 9in. Short black hair with hazel eyes. Scar along right cheek.
Outfit: Gray boots with silver shorts. Silver top with chest armor. Chainmail armor on legs and arms
Emblem: Her swords crossing blades
Emblem Location:Middle of chest armor
Aura Color: Steel
Semblance: Aura Sword- Charges her swords with aura launching it as beams or as slashing waves
Weapon: Monster’s Bane- Retractable swords on the back of her arms with guns in the tips
Partner: Megara Bronzen
Origin: Beowulf
Elric Limestone- As a result of his semblance he tends to push himself beyond his limits. His teammates scold him for putting himself in such danger as well as for taking unnecessary risks.
Appearance: 19 years old. 6ft 2in. Light blonde hair with red eyes.
Outfit: White boots, red chain design wraps around white pants. White shirt with red crack pattern. Arm guards.
Emblem: His sword surrounded by flame
Emblem Location: Arm guards
Aura Color: Limestone
Semblance: Reforged- When his aura shatters it returns stronger for a few minutes before breaking again. Can be reforged multiple times in a row but this taxes his body greatly.
Weapon: Fafnir’s Fang- Longsword with fire dust built in.
Partner: Richmond Clay
Origin: Sigurd/Siegfried
Other Atlas teams: GEAR, LAZR, BOLT
Shade Headmaster- Otto Dune, A dog faunus, friend and ally of Professor Theodore, he took over after Theodore retired.
Combat instructor- Henry Ferro- He believes that many are too reliant on their semblances and instructs his students to treat their semblance as a last resort instead of a crutch. His own semblance allows him to turn off other semblances temporarily. He is armed with a mighty steam powered hammer.
Origin- John Henry
Animal studies- Rosemary Shepard
Origin- Mary had a little lamp
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Team OSIS (oasis)
Oliver Richards- An introvert who believes in preparing for the worst case scenario. At first he would allow his fears to get the better of him but with the help of his team he’s more calm and collected.
Appearance: 18 years old. 5ft 7in. Olive green hair with green eyes. Rooster Faunus- Rooster crest, when his semblance detects danger the crest stands up.
Outfit: Olive green boots and shorts. Open green vest with feather like tassels hanging from the back
Emblem: A rooster head
Emblem Location:Back of vest
Aura Color: Green
Semblance: Danger Sense- Always active, sometimes overreacts to mild danger.
Weapon: Daybreak and Dawn- Twin war fans. When folded act as guns.
Partner: Selena Grey
Origin: Chicken Little
Selena Grey- An extrovert always open to trying new things and exploring new places. She tends to make a new friend everywhere she goes. Anyone who wrongs one of her friends has wronged her.
Appearance: 18 years old 5ft 11in. Brown hair with hazel eyes. Cow Faunus- Cow horns
Outfit: Brown leather boots, cow skin pattern pants. Brown leather jacket over a cow skin pattern shirt.
Emblem: A cow bell
Emblem Location: Badge on jacket
Aura Color: Gray
Semblance: Gravitas- Controls gravity. Can increase or decrease gravity in a localized area.
Weapon: Steer Striker- Two pronged pitchfork with gun in the head between the prongs
Partner: Oliver Richards
Origin: The Cow Jumped over the Moon
Izumi Tentomushi- A technical expert she’s always tinkering and inventing new gadgets. To her dismay she often doesn’t have access to the best tools. She created her weapon, the B.U.G as a child.
Appearance: 18 years old 5ft 4in. Dark red hair to shoulders, maroon eyes. Ladybug Faunus- Ladybug antenna
Outfit: Black crop top with red dots. Unbuttoned red vest over it. Black shorts with red dots. Red goggles with bug eye design. Backpack containing B.U.G
Emblem: A stylized ladybug
Emblem Location:Back of vest
Aura Color: Dark red
Semblance: Bug Burn- Creates ladybugs out of her aura, upon contact they burst into flame.
Weapon: B.U.G- Battle Utility Gear. Ladybug styled drone with camera and laser. Goggle interface.
Partner: Trey Silva
Origin: Ladybug Ladybug Fly Away Home
Trey Silva- Despite being born blind they would receive optical implants that would allow him to see. The implants enhance his vision beyond what his natural vision would have been. Though he will sometimes turn them off to prevent overstimulation.
Appearance: 18 years old 5ft 8in. Short white hair with white eyes. Optical implants are size of reading glasses, when turned on the lens is white. Mouse Faunus- Mouse tail
Outfit: White boots. white shorts with white shirt. White poncho covering his head.
Emblem: A mouse with a double shadow making three
Emblem Location: Shirt
Aura Color: White
Semblance: Triple Trouble- Creates two copies of himself capable of acting independently of himself
Weapon: Triple Threat- Sword that splits into three segments. First third turns into a dagger, second remains a sword, third turns into a gun.
Partner: Izumi Tentomushi
Origin: Three Blind Mice
Other Shade teams: BRIK ,STRM, PTAL Seasons
The current Maidens
Spring- Raven Branwen- After the battle of Haven Raven lost everything, her tribe lost all respect for her, Taiyang rejected her, she had nowhere to go. Eventually she decided she needed to redeem herself and began spying on Salem’s forces delivering vital intel to the heroes.
Summer- July Storms- When the heroes arrived in Vacuo they befriended sisters June and July Storms. They soon discovered that June was the Summer Maiden. During a battle with Cinder June stayed behind to buy the others time to escape. Once they were safe she called down a bolt of lightning to kill her before the powers could be stolen. Her sister was the last one in her thoughts so July gained the powers and has been the Summer Maiden ever since.
Autumn- Emerald Sustrai- In a fit of rage Cinder revealed that she never truly cared for Emerald as anything more than a pawn. Broken Emerald fled Salem’s fortress with Mercury. They joined the heroes to save their own lives from Salem and Cinder’s wrath. During a battle Emerald used her semblance to distract Cinder long enough for Ruby and Jaune to kill her. Her last thoughts were of Emerald so the power of Autumn went to her.
Winter- Penny Polendina- After the fall of Ironwood many Atlesian soldiers who were loyal to him and the ideal that “Atlas Will Prevail” deserted and formed an underground cell known as the Frozen Soldiers. Lead by Harriet now known as Snow Hare (the only Ace-Op who refused to surrender) they will stop at nothing to bring down the other Kingdoms. Penny has devoted much time and effort into stopping their plans.
Mortimer Mono- Mortimer was the first child publicly known to have magic after the God of Darkness returned it to the world. As such he became a celebrity and the first student of the Maidens. He’s since become a student teacher and often joins teams in the field.
Appearance:  21 years old 6ft 2in. Short black hair, blue eyes.
Outfit: Yellow boots, long red pants. White shirt with black jacket over it. White gloves.
Emblem: Three interlocked circles in an upside down triangle
Emblem Location: Back of gloves
Aura Color: Monochrome
Semblance: Imaginary Arsenal- Can call forth a copy of any weapon that has ever existed on Remnant, however he does not gain knowledge of how to use the weapon. As a result he tends to only call forth simple straight forward weapons. The copies are monochrome in color
Weapon: No personal weapon.
Origin: Mickey Mouse
Support spells- Belle Leaf
Origin- Tinkerbell
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Team ECPS (eclipse)
Ember Drake- A pragmatic battler, prone to bending the rules to the breaking point. As far as she’s concerned when it comes to battle anything that keeps you alive is allowed.
Appearance:  18 years old 5ft 10in. Bright red hair with orange spikes in a flame pattern. Bright red eyes.
Outfit: Dark red boots, light red leggings with flame pattern, dark red shorts. Light red mesh top with flame pattern over a dark red tube top. Split cape along back, dark red on outside, light red on inside with flame pattern.
Emblem: A dragon shooting flame
Emblem Location:Back of cape
Aura Color: Red
Semblance: Breath of the dragon- Fire breath
Weapon: Dragon’s Staff- A bo staff with dragons carved on it with fire dust. Each end can shoot flame. Splits into twin clubs. When the clubs are focused on a single point they charge a fire ball
Partner: Mike Canary
Origin: Dragons
Mike Canary- Though he lacks in physical strength he is a skilled archer and has incredible accuracy. He prefers to fight foes from a distance rather than up close.
Appearance: 18 years old 5ft 9in. Blonde hair and yellow eyes.
Outfit: Yellow sandals, yellow toga. Yellow handband
Emblem: A stylized canary
Emblem Location:Button on toga
Aura Color: Yellow
Semblance: Siren’s Song- Different volume has different effects. A quieter song will boost the aura of those who can hear it. A louder song results in a sonic scream.
Weapon: Final Reprise- A lyre that turns into a bow and arrow
Partner: Ember Drake
Origin: Siren
Pearl Unos- Kind and caring she loathes hurting other people though she will make an exception if others are in danger. She will sometimes over extend her semblance trying to help as many people as she can.
Appearance:  19 years old 5ft 7in. Pink hair in ponytail, pink eyes.
Outfit: Pink boots, white skirt down to knees with pink leggings. Pink top with white sleeves.
Emblem: A unicorn
Emblem Location:Skirt
Aura Color: White
Semblance: Purification- Purifies and heals others
Weapon: Horn of light- A dagger that extends into a spear with a hard light tip. The tip can be shot off and either reattached or replaced.
Partner: Sora Tori
Origin: Unicorn
Sora Tori- Proud, boastful and arrogant he tends to rub people the wrong way when they meet him. However to those he considers his friends he is loyal to the bitter end.
Appearance:  18 years old 5ft 5in (5ft 10 in with the shoes) short blue hair with blue eyes.
Outfit: Brown platform shoes, blue kimono with armor plating on legs and chest. Arm guards. Bird mask.
Emblem: A whirlwind
Emblem Location:Arm guards and leg armor
Aura Color: Blue
Semblance: Whirlwind Slash- Covers his sword in a whirlwind
Weapon: Kaze Katana
Partner: Pearl Unos
Origin: Tengu
Other Seasons teams: GLTR, EBNY, STAR
Other Teams
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Team ARMR is among the best Huntsmen teams in all of Remnant. Lead by Adrian Cotta-Arc their biggest claim to fame was protecting a village from a stampede of Goliaths. Team ARMR is a team many students at the academies wish to be like one day. Off the battle field the team enjoys a mutual romantic relationship with each other. Adrian Cotta-Arc- The leader of Team ARMR Adrian gained the nickname “The Golden Knight” from his semblance’s appearance. He forged his twin swords himself seeking to follow his uncle’s example. Appearance: 23 years old, 6ft 2in. Short black hair, brown eyes. Outfit: Tan cargo pants with silver shirt. Gold and silver armor along legs, chest and arms. Emblem: Two swords crossed over a shield Emblem Location: Center of armor Aura Color: Gold Semblance: Aura Armor- Turns his aura into solid golden armor Weapon: Wave Cutter and Stone Splitter- Twin blades with a gun in the tip. The blades can combine to form the King’s Blade. King’s Blade can be a great sword or a double bladed sword. Partner: Gwendy Roots Origin:  King Arthur Gwendy Roots- A free spirited squirrel faunus who is at home in the treetops. Gwendy loves nature and is often bothered by how much progress tends to invade it. Appearance:  24 years old, 6ft. Long brown hair in braids. Hazel eyes. Squirrel tail. Outfit: Brown cargo shorts with brown crop top and green vest. Emblem: Acorn Emblem Location: Back of vest Aura Color: Brown Semblance: Green Thumb- Controls plants and can use her aura to boost their growth. Weapon: Ivy’s Vine- Whip sword Partner: Adrian Cotta-Arc Origin: Queen Guinevere/Hazel the squirrel Meryl Sparx- Eccentric and friendly, Meryl is one of the rare few who were already born when the God Of Darkness returned magic to Remnant gaining the power in the process. Appearance:  23 years old. 5ft 8in. Purple hair in a pixie cut, yellow eyes. Outfit: Purple sleeveless sundress with striped purple stockings. Long purple gloves with star pattern. Emblem: Shooting star Emblem Location: Stockings Aura Color: Purple Semblance: Astral projection- She can project her spirit outside of her body, however it is immaterial and cannot cross a certain distance from her body. Weapon: Shooting Star- A scepter she uses to focus her magic Partner: Lance Riverson Origin: Merlin Lance Riverson- Lance was jealous of Adrian at first due to him being named leader and receiving the credit for victories. In time however he grew to respect Adrian for his strategy and strength. Eventually he confessed how he felt and the team entered their mutual relationship. Appearance:  24 years old. 6ft 5in. Long blue hair to shoulders. Blue eyes. Outfit: Cobalt pants with chainmail sections over it. Cobalt short sleeve shirt with chainmail over it and chainmail sleeves. Cobalt gloves Emblem: A flowing river Emblem Location: Back of gloves Aura Color: Cobalt Semblance: Aura Charge- Channels his aura into any object he is in physical contact with boosting its power. Weapon: Lanceshot- A lance with a shotgun barrel within the tip. Partner: Meryl Sparx Origin: Lancelot
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Team MNMT A team of Huntsmen permanently stationed in Mountain Glenn to defend those excavating/rebuilding it.
Montgomery Sarsen- An older huntsman from Atlas who picked this job as a sort of working retirement. To his dismay it’s more work than retirement.
Appearance: 40 years old 6ft 2in. Short gray hair. Brown eyes
Outfit:Light gray vest with dark gray top underneath. Gray cargo shorts with brown boots.
Emblem: Stacked stones
Emblem Location: Back of vest
Aura Color: Gray
Semblance:Stone Avatar- Channels power through stone to create hands and arms, at strongest can create stone avatars to fight alongside him.
Weapon: Drill Dagger- Drill like sword that rotates. Two dust cartridges can be inserted at once for a spiral effect.
Origin: Stonehenge
Nubia Sandstone- A young huntress from Vacuo who grew up exploring ruins and imagining what the people who lived there were like. She enjoys helping the excavating process.
Appearance: 24 years old 5ft 6in. Brown hair in braids. Brown eyes. Outfit: Yellow Crop Top with Yellow shorts. White body wraps cover most of her torso and parts of her arms and legs. Emblem: A symbol resembling the Eye of Horus Emblem Location: Both legs of her shorts Aura Color: Sandy Yellow Semblance: Sandstorm- Allows her to control sand, she cannot create sand so she carries jars of it. Weapon: Shifting Sands- A staff that doubles as whip. Has a gun built into the tip. Origin: Pyramids
Frida Mint- A huntress from Vale with a background in engineering. She volunteered for this assignment to help rebuild the city better and safer than before.
Appearance: 27 years old 5ft 4in. Light green hair in ponytail, dark green eyes.
Outfit: Spiked tiara. Green sandals, light green dress with dark green cloak over it.
Emblem: A burning torch
Emblem Location: Back of cloak Aura Color: Mint green
Semblance: Pyro- Can control and manipulate flames but cannot produce them
Weapon: Scorch Torch- A torch infused with fire dust that converts into a gun that shoots fire dust bullets.
Origin: Statue of Liberty
Ta-Kai Zongse- A huntsman from Mistral who is the descendant of some of the lucky few who managed to escape from the doomed city in its final days. He volunteered for the assignment in hopes of finding closure for the family left behind.
Appearance: 19 years old 5ft 5in. Light brown short hair, brown eyes
Outfit: Brown boots with dark brown shorts. Button up light brown top.
Emblem: Wall
Emblem Location: Back of shirt
Aura Color: Light brown
Semblance: Barrier Wall- Creates walls of aura.
Weapon: Modular Staff- one end gun other end can form hard light weapons, blade, ax, claw, etc
Origin: Great Wall of China
A few years later:
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DUSK Baise Dewei - Dewei is very protective of others to the point of putting himself between them and danger trusting his semblance to protect him. He tends to overestimate how much he can handle and underestimate how much his teammates can handle leading them to consider him over protective. Appearance: 15 years old. 5ft 3in. White hair, grey eyes. Outfit: White kimono with gold trim, sash and belt. White shorts with gold trim. White boots. Emblem: Prism Emblem Location: Sash Aura Color: White Semblance: Invulnerable- Invulnerable to any attack they see coming. Weapon: Prism Breaker- Short sword, handle extends to form spear, gun in hilt Partner: Lapis Urbain Origin: Five Chinese Brothers Lapis Urbain- Lapis is highly determined, once she sets her mind on a goal nothing less than success will satisfy her. Though she does sometimes get tunnel vision requiring her partner to cover her back. Appearance: 15 years old. 5ft 4in. Brown hair, blue eyes. Outfit: Blue overalls with light blue top underneath. Blue cloth hat engineer style. Light blue handkerchief. Emblem: Front of a train engine Emblem Location: Hat Aura Color: Blue Semblance: Engine Charge- Charges her aura as they run mowing down anything in their path. Weapon: Punching Pistons- Piston like gloves that boost punching power. Built in guns. Partner: Baise Dewei Origin: The Little Engine that Could Sunny Pine- Sunny is serious and task orientated, always trying to think about the mission at hand. He often attempts to reign in Kiriko’s pranks and keep her focused. Appearance: 15 years old, 5ft 3in. Dirty brown hair brown eyes. Outfit: Red toga with upper left of chest uncovered revealing gold top underneath. Red shorts with gold trim. Crimson gloves and boots. Crimson headband. Emblem: Stylized sun Emblem Location: Headband Aura Color: Crimson Semblance: Aura Sight- Can see aura, can also be used to detect Grimm by their lack of aura. Weapon: Solar Shields- Twin sun shaped shields which shoot disks of dust. Partner: Kiriko Bark Origin: Apollo Kiriko Bark- A trickster who loves pranks. Though Kiriko would never pull them on missions she does require some reminding to keep her mind focused. It often falls to Sunny to do so. Appearance: 15 years old. 5ft 4in. Brown hair, brown eyes. Racoon Faunus, racoon tail. Outfit: Brown short sleeve top with elbow length brown and white striped gloves. Tan shorts with knee high brown and white striped socks. Brown boots. Emblem: A smiling racoon Emblem Location: Back Aura Color: Brown Semblance: Tanuki Trickery- Disguises herself as any object, masking emotions and aura. However she cannot copy the function of an object and her tail is always visible. Weapon: Pogoagogo- Pogo stick that doubles as a rifle. Can shoot while hopping or convert into full rifle. Partner: Sunny Pine Origin: Tanuki
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Ophelia Oakley- Ophelia is honest to a fault. She’ll tell the truth to someone even if it hurts resulting in many considering her blunt. As a result of her semblance being always active it’s hard to hide things from her.
Appearance: 15 years old. 5ft 2in. green hair, green eyes, pigtails, one with gold ribbon, the other silver
Outfit: Dark green sleeveless top with dark green shorts. Gold armbands with silver trim and silver leg guards with gold trim.
Emblem: Crossed axes
Emblem Location: Chest
Aura Color: Dark green
Semblance: True Sight- Can see the truth, seeing through illusions. As it evolves she can sense lies.
Weapon: Silver Truth and Golden Honesty- Twin axes with a gun in the head of each. Can combine into a double headed axe.
Partner: Lewis Almond
Origin: The Honest Woodcutter
Titus Pear- Titus is a gentle giant. After an incident in his childhood he made a vow to never attack another person again. Thus he tends to focus his strength on the creatures of Grimm leaving any human threats to his teammates to deal with.
Appearance: 15 years old. 5ft 7in. Black hair, light green eyes.
Outfit: Light green shirt with dark green vest. Light green pants with dark green boots.
Emblem: A silhouette of a person
Emblem Location: Back
Aura Color: Light green
Semblance: Gigant- His aura grows into a giant humanoid that mimics his movements, the larger the giant grows the more aura required.
Weapon: Giant’s Hammer- A hammer that can be charged by dust to create shockwaves
Partner: Luna Pine
Origin: The BFG
Lewis Almond- Lewis is extremely punctual, when he makes a schedule he’ll stick with it. He tries to keep the other members of his team on schedule to varying degrees of success.
Appearance:  15 years old. 5ft 5 in. Blonde hair, grey eyes Rabbit Faunus- Rabbit feet
Outfit: White button up top with black vest and white jacket. White pants.
Emblem: A stopwatch
Emblem Location: Back of jacket
Aura Color: White
Semblance: Time Out- Freezes time for fine minutes max. Time frozen is impacted by size and number of targets in the field. When the semblance is turned off time snaps forward to match the rest of the world.
Weapon: Timekeeper- Stopwatch that doubles as a yo-yo, can be charged by dust
Partner: Ophelia Oakley
Origin: White Rabbit
Luna Pine- Luna is kindhearted and gentle. Due to her semblance she is often uncomfortable in large groups and prefers to be alone or with smaller groups of friends.
Appearance: 15 years old. 5ft 3in. Dirty brown hair in ponytail, brown eyes.
Outfit: Blue toga with upper right of chest uncovered revealing silver top underneath. Blue shorts with silver trim. Navy gloves and boots. Navy headband.
Emblem: Stylized moon
Emblem Location: Headband
Aura Color: Navy
Semblance: Reading Motion- Can read body movement. With practice she can predict an opponents next move.
Weapon: Lunar Staff- Long handled double sickle which unfolds into longbow.
Partner: Titus Pear
Origin: Artemis
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tangent101 · 2 years
White Fang Blake
I see people crafting fanart and stories based off of Blake staying in the White Fang (under Adam and Sienna) but I'm going to offer a counterpoint to this: imagine a setting where Sienna backed Ghira Belladonna against Adam's first murder. In this AU, the White Fang remains under the Belladonna flag, and remained an organization for the peaceful acquisition of Faunus Rights.
Now let's see how this could grow further: What if in protesting against the Schnee Dust Company's effective enslavement of the Faunus, they also started criticizing how Schnee was treating its human workers? And poor humans started siding with the White Fang because these "animals" care more for them than their "human" masters do. Who are the true monsters then... the people with an animalistic feature? Or the rich overlords who consider all of their workers to be disposable?
(What if, tired of the abuse Jacques was inflicting on her daughter and son, Willow Schnee took Weiss and Whitley and fled to the White Fang for protection... and a young teenage Weiss ends up becoming friends with a young Blake? And perhaps Weiss's own drive to become a Huntress gets Blake to choose to go with her so she can also become a Huntress and help protect the Faunus against the Grimm...)
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womenofwonder · 3 years
RWBY emblem headcanons:
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Blake had a very different emblem when she was with the white fang, wanting to distance herself from her family name. She changed it after she left, making it a restylized belladonna flower to reclaim her name.
Canonically Ruby‘s emblem is the same as her mother’s. HC that the Roses have always been great huntsmen who usually died in mysterious circumstances (Though it was always assumed to be Grimm). The Rose emblem is actually a very old one, though Ruby has no idea that the legacy traces any further then her grandparents. Salem, however, knows it by sight. So does Ozpin.
Canonically Weiss’s emblem is her family’s symbol. The Schnees are a very old family, descended from the Mantle royalty back when they still had kings. It’s unknown if this is true or if a Schnee simply adopted the symbol for bragging right; either way it’s a symbol that has always meant wealth, power, and elegance.
Yang created her flaming heart emblem when she was eight. It was a lot more complicated and messy then.
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The Arc family symbol has always meant warriors. Even before the Great War they were famous as knights and warriors sworn to protect Vale and it’s king. Jaune‘s great grandfather was a famous general during the Great War, and his great-grandmother was the royal family’s bodyguard. In many ways the Arcs were the first huntsmen, so while it makes sense that Jaune chose the family symbol it’s still quite a legacy.
Ren created Nora’s emblem as well as his own. It was a New Years gift.
Pyrrha’s emblem was created by her grandmother as a gift for when she first went to combat school
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All of CRDL emblems where passed down through their families, except for Russell Thrush, who created his own
Coco Adel created her own emblem
Velvet created her own emblem. Her mother, who work as a traveling doctor, would often have to leave Velvet with relatives instead of take her on the dangerous journeys. She gave her a velvet, hand stitch heart whenever she would leave, telling her daughter that her heart would always be wherever she was. When she was younger she would keep the heart with her until her mother came back home, now she has it’s design on her weapons and clothes, still always keeping it with her.
Flynt Coal’s emblem was the symbol of his father’s dust shop
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Raven and Qrow both created their emblems, though wings were a common symbol of the Branwen tribe. Both of their emblems appeared to be eyes as the twins were always spies, first for the Branwens and then Ozpin. Qrow created his with gears as a nod to his beloved weapon, and Raven subconsciously chose a clock (or a compass) because she always felt like she was running on borrowed time (or never knew which way to go)
Summer’s emblem was a tribute to her own mother, who died while she was still in school.
Cinder’s emblem was given to her by Salem.
Cinder also gave Emerald her emblem. She wasn’t really feeling creative that day, as you can tell.
Mercury created his own emblem. The winged feet basically symbolize how he sees his own legs: as how he got his freedom from his father and turned his weakness into a strength—of course he’d never admit any of that.
Maria Calavera chose the sugar skull as her symbol because she believed death was just another part of life and nothing to fear. I’m going to assume the day the dead is a thing in remment (there’s a lot of deaths and negativity around them brings Grimm. People will probably want a more positive holiday for the dead). Maria always prided herself of being unafraid of death, something most of her human enemies didn’t share. Unfortunately, she never thought a possibility worst then death.
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Muse List
Ruby Rose
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Small description-The lovable butterball leader of team RWBY known for her love of cookies and for having more potential than any other huntress living today.
Type of Growth- Weight gain.
Current weight -486lbs.
Small Bio of the Muse -Girlfriend of Weiss Schnee and Best Friend of Penny Polendina. Sister of Yang Xiao Long. Daughter of Summer Rose. Pro huntress and soon to be baker of cookies. Also roll model to Oscar Pine
Weiss Schnee
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Small description-The former heiress of the Schnee Dust Company. Is more known by her fellow teammates as the dork but also known to have a temper when it came to Ruby Rose.
Type of Growth-Height and muscle growth.
Height- 6’2 ft
Muscle build So Far- Weight lifter
Small Bio of the Muse- She is the girlfriend of Ruby Rose. She is little sister of Winter Schnee, Older Sister of Whitley Schnee, and Daughter of Willow Schnee. Is next in line to get the SDC
Blake Belladonna (Personal Fav)
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 Small description- She is the rather mysterious member of team RWBY. Not letting many outside people beside her closest friends know about her past or the fact she is a fanus. Also is a main member of the New White Fng
Type of Growth-Ass expansion.
Current ass size- Twin sized bed.
Small Bio of Muse- Girlfriend of Yang Xiao Long. Daughter of Kali Belladonna and Ghira Belladonna and friends to Illia, former White Fang member. Pro Huntress 
Yang Xiao Long (Personal Fav)
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Small description-The bombastic blonde bombshell of Beacon Academy and the absolute powerhouse of team RWBY. She is known for her love of comedy, more specifically Puns. How she is over protective of her teammates,especially Ruby rose,  and her insane strength.
Type of growth-Breast expansion.
Current cup size- R cups with no milk and ZZZ cups with milk.
Small Bio of Muse-She has an unbeaten streak in hand to hand combat but was almost bested by Pyrrha Nikos.She is the Girlfriend of Blake Belladonna. The older Sister of Ruby Rose. The Daughter of Raven Branwen. And now a Pro huntress. Also has launched a full sized Ursa 100 yards.
Raven Branwen (Personal Fav)
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Small description- She is one of the currently living members of team STRQ. She prides herself on the fighting abilities of herself and her people, no one is allowed to be weak or they will day. She has views that remaining stagnant is no way of improving and only will only lead to your demise.
Type of growth-Breast expansion.
Current cup size- W cups with no milk and ZZZ with milk.
Small Bio of Muse- She is the leader of her own tribe of bandits. She was once a ‘follower’ of Salem. She is the Mother of Yang Xiao Long and the Twin Sister to Qrow Branwen.She is the current Spring maiden. A member of one of the best team to come from Beacon
Pyrrha NIkos
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Small description-The famous ace of Beacon, she is also a former cereal mascot, and holds a record for most wins in the Mistral regional tournament. A skilled huntress that lacks many social skills and is actually very awkward in conversation unless it’s with her close friends.
Type of growth-Weight gain
Current weight- 726lbs.
Small Bio of Muse-Former mascot of Pumpkin Petes Marshmallow Crunch. She is best friends with Nora Valkyrie who she may have a crush on. She is a Pro huntress in training. She was a candidate for the Fall maiden powers, and has a record for most Grimm killed in 2 mins.
Winter Schnee
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Small description:She is the eldest daughter of the Schnne family. She is known for her powerful muscles,cold demeanor (Except to her younger sister) and moral compass. She is also second in command of the Atlas Military behind General Ironwood.
Type of growth-Height and muscle growth.
Muscle build- Body builder
Small Bio of Muse- She is the Sister of Weiss Schnee. She is the oldest Daughter of Willow Schnee. She is an Atlisian general. She also has the best control of their families semblance as she once summoned 50 beowulfs. 
Kali Belladonna(Personal Fav)
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Small description- She is the kind and caring mother of the Belladonna family. She is known for her kind and loving nature, and her gigantic Bellabooty. She is was a former member of the White Fang and wife to Ghira Belladonna
Type of growth-Ass expansion
Current ass size- King size Bed
Small Bio of Muse-She was ranked top tier Mom by Yang Xiao Long and friends. She is the Mother of Blake Belladonna. She now runs the new White Fang alongside her husband and Blake’s friend Illia.
Nora Valkyrie 
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Small description-The loveable goofball of team JNPR. Who makes up for her lack of seriousness with unbelievable strength. She is also known for her intense love of everything sweet and filled with sugar.
Type of growth-Thigh expansion.
Current thigh size- Bucket
Small bio of Muse- She is best friends with Pyrrha Nikos,Jaune Arc ,and Lei Ren.
 She also holds the record for the most Ursa’s bench pressed. Also she holds the metal for fastest pancakes eaten in 2 mins.
Sienna Khan 
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Small description-The ruthless yet charismatic leader of the White Fang. She viewis
those not associated with her as idiots, they choose to fight without a purpose. She knows what fights to choose and ones not to fight.
Type of growth-Hourglass expansion.
Current cup size- M cups without milk and ZZ cups with milk.
Current ass size- Small couch.
Small Bio of Muse- She is the former leader of the White Fang. She is known as the most flirty woman on Menagerie when she has too much to drink. She is also known as the former underling to Ghira Belladonna.
Willow Schnee
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Small description-She is the somber yet hopeful mother of the Schnee family. Even if she struggles with her own happiness she's still very proud of her daughters. As she is now back in charge of her family's name.
Type of growth-Height Growth.
Current Height- 9’0ft
Small Bio of Muse- She is the Mother of Winter Schnee and Weiss Schnee. She is also struggling with a drinking problem due to her husband.
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Reverse AU
OK, Reverse AU: I don’t necessarily swap personalities or allegiance, though there are those, and some age swap (Wait till you see what I’m doing with Neo)
What I’m really doing is swapping situations and how they affect the characters.
Some Major swaps at first:
Ozma is the shadowy figure seeking the Relics to summon the gods allow him to die, dividing humanity to prevent them from interfering, even if it means their death.
Salem is the reincarnating Witch of the Woods whose goal is to unite humanity through any means possible, or at the very least prevent her ex husband from summoning the gods.
Cinder was the child first adopted by team STRQ, who became the Spring Maiden, having unfortunately passed before the story starts.
Amber is the shadowy Maiden candidate raised as Ozma’s champion, unaware of Ozma’s true goal.
Some major initial swaps pertaining to the main Gals themselves
Ruby Rose is the 17 year old Silver Eyed Warrior and daughter of Qrow Branwen & Summer Rose. Having experienced the loss of her mother, stepfather, & sister, she strives to protect her remaining family, a task made no easier by her prior knowledge, however limited, of her family’s place in Remnant’s shadow war...
Weiss Schnee is the middle daughter of the latest generation of revolutionaries, the Schnees having been one of the founding families of the White Fang. Having seen the increasing injustices laid upon Mantle, her father’s abuse & Grandfather’s imprisonment, and the corruption of the White Fang. After watching her older sister slowly sink into the depths of extremism, the Reindeer Faunus desires to restore her family name’s pride, a path hopefully found in Beacon Academy...
Blake Belladonna is the sole daughter of the illustrious Belladonna family, one half of Remnant’s premier Dust conglomerate the Watts-Belladonna Corporation. Tragically orphaned at a young age, the young Faunus woman watches with increasing distress as her uncle Arthur Watts continues to sully the companies’ reputation, even rolling back the progress made to Human Faunus relations. After being ‘courted’ by a young man named Adam Taurus, she escapes to Vale, hiding her Faunus ears and taking the name Khan, hoping for a new start...
Yang Xiao Long is the youngest daughter of STRQ’s erstwhile family, raised by Qrow & Tai until the blonde man’s disappearance. She is a prodigy at 15: witty, charming, a skilled fighter & eternally positive, and secretly the Spring Maiden. All of this hides her inner doubts at her true ability, her frustration of the secrecy of her powers & the fates of her missing family, and a deep desire to to live up to the legacy set by her eldest sister Cinder, the previous Spring Maiden.
The more things change, the more things stay the same. No matter the differences, Remnant is a world of bloody evolution, where true victory is not found by strength of arms, but found in simple souls who seek a fairy tale ending.
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Kali growling to herself silently as she watches a few too many Menagerians flirt with an oblivious Yang.
Kali: Yang, Dear! Can you come here please?
Yang: Yes, ma'am! Is something wrong?
Kali: Oh, no, nothing like that, dear. *glares the other faunus away* And please, call me Kali. I just wanted to spend a little time with my daughter's girlfriend; get to know you better. We weren't able to talk much back in Haven, and all I have to go off is what Blake's told me.
Yang: O-oh! Yeah! Sure! Um...what do you want to know?
Kali: *threads her arm through Yang's and leads her to the group's shared quarters* There's actually something I'd rather do. Think of it as a way to welcome you into our family. It's an important piece of our culture, and I'm sure Blake would be thrilled if you would participate.
Yang: Absolutely! I'd love to learn more about your culture! Anything to make Blake happy!
Kali: That's the spirit.
Later that Afternoon
Blake: Has anyone seen Yang? I haven't heard from her all afternoon.
Weiss: I thought she was with you. I haven't seen her.
Ruby: Yeah, you guys have been velcroed together since the Ever After. I just assumed she was with you.
Yang: *walks into the room* Hey, guys! What'd I miss?
Blake: Yang, where have you been? I was starting to wo- *notices golden stud in Yang's ear and starts blushing* ....Yang...what is that?
Yang: Oh! Your mom invited me to some kind of bonding - welcoming - family acceptance thing earlier. She said it was part of the Menagerian culture and that you'd be excited if I did it.
Blake: I-is that right? Excuse me for a moment.
Ruby, Weiss, and Yang watch as Blake nearly stomps out of the room.
Ruby: What was that about?
Weiss: I have no idea.
Blake: *from another room* What the heck is this all about?!
Kali: Well, I didn't see you making a move, so I decided to help. You should have seen the amount of faunus flirting with her! I had to secure your assets!
Ruby and Weiss: PROPOSE?!?!?!
Yang: *brain promptly explodes*
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awsydawnarts · 4 years
Rating RWBY Parents
I rated all of the RWBY parents I could think of when I should have been sleeping! Enjoy!
Li Ren: Wise and selfless. Gives great advice. Sacrificed himself to save his son. Responsible for Ren’s luscious black hair. Great dad, 100/10. Rip.
An Ren: What a sweetheart. So pretty. Such a good mom. Keeps a level head during a Grimm attack for her kid (take notes Mamma Valkyrie). Responsible for Ren’s beautiful pink eyes. 100/10, Ren has the best parents in the show.
Summer Rose: Baker of cookies and slayer of giant monsters. She seems awesome, hopefully she’s not a hound or secretly evil (actually that’s exactly what I want but that would lower her score), 10/10.
Pietro Polendina: Sacrificed part of his soul twice so that Penny could exist. Kind, good natured, clearly loves his daughter very much, all around pretty awesome. Loses a point due to his overprotectiveness impeding Penny’s ability to live her life, but overall a pretty solid dad, 9/10.
Terra Cotta-Arc: Not much screentime but she’s a pretty good mom. She does lose a point because she let her kid get tangled up in stealing an Atlas airship. 9/10.
Saphron Cotta-Arc: Again, not much screentime. Pretty good from what we saw of her. Loses two points for being the one physically present while her kid contributed to stealing an Atlas airship. 8/10.
Jaune’s Mom: If I’m remembering the tiny snippets of dialogue about her correctly, a good mom who loves Jaune very much but didn’t believe in his ability to succeed as a huntsman (with good reason). 8/10, wish we knew more about her.
Pyrrha’s Mom (?): Kind of hard to judge, but she seemed like a nice lady. Is she even Pyrrha’s mom? Idk, a bit confusing, but anyone who raised a kid like Pyrrha can’t be half bad, 6/10.
Ozma (2.0): Not necessarily a bad dad, but partially responsible for his kids’ deaths. Oops. 5/10, it’s okay buddy you’ll get many, many more shots.
Ghira Belladonna: Protective, a little awkward, but cares about Blake a lot. Not enough to stop his daughter from joining Adam’s branch of the White Fang or to keep her away from the aforementioned piece of literal garbage though? Really? Come on Ghira, you can be better. 5/10.
Kali Belladonna: Very cute and sweet, but same issues as Ghira. Also, she liked Sun way too much considering what a bad first impression he made and the fact that Blake had just gotten out of an abusive relationship. I know he’s cute Kali but 4/10.
Jaune’s Dad: I think we know even less about him than about Jaune’s mom, but he also didn’t believe Jaune could be a huntsman. Plus, he seems to have given Jaune some issues with toxic masculinity that were never fully addressed? Fortunately Jaune grew past those, but eh. 4/10.
Taiyang Xiao Long: Look, I get it man, depression sucks. Having your second wife die on you sucks. Having to raise yourself and your little sister on top of dealing with your second mom’s death and the sudden loss of your father as well sucks too, and it was undeniably Not Cool of Tai to put Yang in that situation. He had some good dad moments later on, but I really can’t give him any higher than a 3/10. Sorry Tai.
Willow Schnee: The show is trying really hard to make her sympathetic right now, and it’s kind of working, but she abandoned her kids to fend for themselves against their abusive father and became an alcoholic. She’s doing better, but an in universe day of helping isn’t quite enough, especially considering that she only started doing so when Weiss did the work of actually arresting and removing Jaques. 1/10, but I’m hopeful that she can improve her score.
Mamma Valkyrie: Pretty bad. From what we know of her, she ended up losing Nora during a Grimm attack. Best-case scenario, she was intentionally trying to lead them away and just couldn’t find Nora again (girl HOW), which is still not great because precious baby Nora ended up homeless and starving. Worst-case scenario, she intentionally left her behind to die. Neither option or anything in between is good. Whatever happened, it messed Nora’s self-worth up pretty bad. -10/10, sorry.
Jaques Schnee: Ugh. A snake with a mustache is a good way to describe him, thanks Robyn. Bad person, bad husband, bad dad, bad villain...can he do anything right? I’m glad he’s in jail where he belongs. Weiss why you gotta be so good and insist on moving him before Atlas falls. -10/10.
Raven Branwen: Raven sucks. At least with Nora’s mom, we can make the excuse that she lost her. Raven has the ability to create a portal to her daughter and simply choses to pretend Yang doesn’t exist. Yeah, she originally left her with not-as-depressed Tai, Summer, and probably pre-alcohol Qrow, but she never stepped in when Summer died and Tai became neglectful, so clearly she didn’t do it because she cared. Never showed up, no matter how hard Yang’s life was, not even when she lost her arm. She saved Yang once? Why couldn’t she do it more than once? Why did she stay away? Why is she the worst? -15/10, she should be ashamed of herself.
James Ironwood: Honorable mention. He’s not really Penny’s dad, but he could have been if he wasn’t a bad one. -100/10. Don’t think I need to explain why.
Marcus Black: Oh my lord. Bad dad. Bad. Dad. Took Mercury’s semblance and legs, physically and mentally tortured him for years. What an awful guy. Good on you, Mercury, for giving him what he deserves. -1000/10, holy heck.
Salem: Killed her kids. -yikes/10.
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masterweaverx · 3 years
So I’d like to open this by saying I’m autistic, and I generally operate on the presumption that I don’t understand anyone--at least, not without some investigation and interaction. Take everything I say with a grain of salt.
Recently, I’ve seen posts about an interesting paradox regarding representation; a lot of writers want to include XYZ group, but don’t want to risk doing it ‘wrong.’ Thus characters are Gay/Trans/Bi/Jewish/Islam/Black/Whatever and, yet, this is unimportant. Or we have tokenistic characters where being a member of This Group is their defining and, in fact, only character trait. Either too little, or too much. Or maybe they’re background characters, done right except for the part where they don’t affect the plot.
I think there’s a fundamental misunderstanding of representation is influencing this. We’re thinking of the group as archetype--a statue that is All Defined and we put clothes on it and make it move. But... paradoxical as it seems, being a member of a group is but one of many possible character traits. And the thing about character traits is that they affect a character, and through that influence the plot, but they rarely dominate the plot unless the plot is specifically about that character trait.
To take a fantastical and therefore somewhat obvious example: Blake Belladonna, from the Web Show RWBY, has cat ears. This is A Very Big Deal, because fantasy racism and also because she’s good at hearing things. A big part of the plot is her saying “This is how my cat ears affect me, and how having cat ears affects my parents, and how I’m reacting.” But having cat ears is not her only trait--and in fact, they’re not her defining trait.
Blake enters the series having just escaped a psychologically abusive relationship. That affects how she acts around the strangers that will become her new friends, and how she’s afraid her parents will never love her again. She’s also quite well-read, which gives her an interesting conversation with character Ruby Rose at the start of the series about fairy tales and real life. She has a ninja-like combat skill and a samurai-like sense of honor, so in situations that involve protecting others she never gives up (even if she thinks she herself isn’t worthy of love at the start of the series, see abusive relationship). And she wants to make the world a better place for a number of reasons--she’s been hurt by it, she’s hurt the world herself, and it’s just the right thing to do.
All of this, and a few other factors, combine to affect how she acts and reacts to the plot of the series. When the Fantasy Racism comes up, yes, her cat ears are important--but they don’t just snap out of existence when Yang Xiao Long says “Okay, it’s time for me to talk about my abandonment issues!” or when Cinder Fall says “My bad guy contract says I have to be malevolent now.” Blake’s ears let her hear small details, and her treatment because of them has her cautious about who to trust--very, VERY important things to the plot that, nonetheless, aren’t specifically about Cat Ear Racism.
One big example I can think of is her confrontation with her abusive ex, who at this point has just gone straight up Yandere and is blaming her for everything. The scene is not about her having cat ears--in fact, the cat ears are not at all included in all the false accusations he throws out. But, because she can hear something he doesn’t, she’s able to reposition herself and let her partner join in, dramatically shifting the direction of the scene.
The character trait affects the character’s action, and through that influences the plot. It has weight, but it’s not the only trait the character has. This is true for any character trait, no matter how fantastical or realistic.
May Marigold, from the same series, is a transgender woman. And she’s not just there to say “I need my Estrogen pills!” every four hours, but neither is her being transgender just a Neat Factoid You Find In The Manual. It influences her character--pretty clearly in one scene, where she outright states her biological relatives are no longer family--but it doesn’t mean she’s just The Trans Character. And, actually, let’s take her big speech as an example of what I mean.
Weiss: People are dying here, too. Don’t you have family in Atlas?
May: No. Mantle needed me, and to the Marigolds, that meant I wasn’t their son anymore. And I made sure that everyone knew that I wasn’t their daughter. So forget ‘em. They’ve got Henry, yours have Whitley. You get what I’m saying.
Weiss: I don’t know about-
May angrily turns to face Weiss.
May: Which side are you on, anyway?
Blake: We’ve heard that before.
May steps toward Blake to confront her, but Ruby chimes in.
Ruby: There are no sides! We want to help everyone. We’re all facing Salem together. And together is the only way we’re going to get out of it.
May: (sighs) So, how exactly do we get out of it?
As the group ponders their situation, Whitley Schnee can be seen in the hallway eavesdropping on the conversation.
The point of this scene isn’t “May is trans.” It’s that she had a very bad relationship with her biological relatives, to the point where they don’t consider each other family--and that as a result of that, she associated Atlas with all that’s wrong with the world and thinks Weiss should too, since Weiss ostensibly has a similar background. Her being transgender very clearly influences her speech, but it’s not the driving aspect of the plot. In fact, Whitley overhearing this and being compared to Henry (previously established as pretty shallow and horrible) directly causes him to affect the plot by becoming as helpful as he can. This is entirely unrelated to her being transgender, and much more related to her biological relatives being horrible people.
May is, in fact, somewhat in the wrong here--but it’s in character for her to be in the wrong, as she’s basing her choices off her own experiences. That said, she’s also got a sort of ‘cool anger’ in her speech--she’s used to people not getting why she’d be insulted (since not many people would instantly get transgenderism) and so keeps her tone calm even when she’s glaring at Weiss. It’s not until Weiss begins to directly contradict her that she snaps--again, another factor of transgender life is too many people saying ‘You sure? You could be wrong.’ This is all behavior that makes sense for a transgender person, considering their likely experiences, but applied to a subject that is not explicitly about transgenderism--in this case, whether Atlas or Mantle is more important to save from big bad Salem.
Character traits affect the characters, and through them influence the plot. But the character is never just one trait, and the plot is rarely about just one thing. May is an excellent character--she’s snarky, but willing to guide the youngsters, loyal to those who care about others, encouraging and realistic, very much a person who got saddled with too much responsibility in way too short a time and is trying her best. And she’s transgender, and that affects how she acts, both when she’s being great and when she’s slipping up.
If you want to write representation, don’t write The Whatever Character. Write a character that happens to be whatever.
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kingangelrose · 4 years
RWBY Volume 8 Chapter 7 Recap
“War”  -------------
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With the shields down above Atlas, the soldiers of the Atlas military were preparing themselves as the Grimm charge towards the now unprotected city, the giant Grimm Whale slowly followed behind the first wave of charging Grimm, as it was drool the black ooze from it mouths, unleashing more and more Grimm from within it, the soldiers fired their weapons at the Grimm, doing what they could to protect Atlas.
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Ironwood, looking discouraged and desperate, ordered his soldiers to dispatch to every part of Atlas as he will evacuate all citizens to the subway stations for shelter, the announcement within Atlas to the citizens, but it was too late, there were flying Grimm seen from above, causing the citizens to panic and run to the subway stations for safety from the Grimm.
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While all this was going on, Winter and AceOps handcuffed Yang, Jaune and Ren, while flying their airship to Atlas to see the view of the Giant Whale Grimm, along with the others that reeked havoc, Jaune says that the whale took Oscar, Vine denies this and says that Grimm don’t take prisoners, Yang quickly answers by saying that one did. Ironwood then tells Winter and the AceOps their plan to take out the Whale, he plans to take it out from the inside by planting and detonating a bomb inside of it, Winter was surprised by this idea at first, but then without any other choice, agreed with him, saying to Ironwood that she and the AceOps will get it done, however, this shocked Team Yang, as Jaune tells them that Oscar is still inside of the whale, Yang struggles Elm and Vine’s grasp, saying that they can’t do this, Winter knew this was wrong, but she couldn’t do anything but just gripped her fist.
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Meanwhile, Salem was orchestrating the attack on Atlas, Emerald look on from afar, then had a determined expression wanting to do something, even using her illusion semblance on herself to get away from Salem’s orbs sight, Emerald then listened in through the door where Hazel was torturing Oscar.
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Ozpin, who was still control of Oscar, hanging by the arms, says that he doesn’t get why Salem chose Hazel specifically, Hazel says that him and Salem share a vision, saying that she will create new world order with no kingdoms or huntsman academies, Ozpin laughs a bit at the idea of a “new world” saying that when Salem gathers the relics, there won’t be a world left at all, telling Hazel that Salem has been alive for a long as he can comprehend, and all she craves now is death. Hazel snaps back at Ozpin, punching him in the abdomen, yelling at him to stop lying, saying that Salem can’t be killed. Hazel says when Salem came for him, he has killed her over and over again, saying the longest that she was dead was a few hours before coming back again and again, saying when he couldn’t lift his arms anymore, Salem showed him that through her, he could have the vengeance he needed. Ozpin says that is exactly why she came for him, making him believe that this was he needed, Hazel snaps back and says that this is what Ozpin deserves, Ozpin says that Oscar and the rest of Remnant don’t, saying that Hazel has done all of this for himself, not for justice, because Salem pushed him to think it would help him.
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Meanwhile, back at the Schnee manor, Weiss was treating a still unconscious Nora, Ruby and Blake arrive with tea, Weiss says that she’s done all she could to treat Nora’s wounds, but she needs a doctor, Blake says she hopes the others are okay and that May has contacted them, she looks out the window, seeing a dark cloudy sky. Blake says that Salem’s whale is making the Grimm faster than the military can kill them, and unless they stop it, the city of Altas won’t stand a chance, Ruby says this Whale is bigger than the Leviathan, Weiss says that they left out the message when Penny launched Amity, and suggests that maybe they can wait for the other kingdoms to assist them, if they come. “....How did it all get like this...?” - Ruby Rose
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May arrives in the room and says that Fiona hasn’t contacted Team Yang in a while, and that they have their ship ready to leave Atlas, Weiss stands up and tells May that they can’t leave Atlas, May tells Weiss that it’s chaos at the crater, saying that Atlas has its army while Mantle only has them, and people are dying in Mantle, Weiss says that people are dying in Atlas too, and asks May if she has family in Atlas, May says that she doesn’t and Mantle needed her, saying to the Marigolds, that meant she wasn’t their son anymore, and she made sure that everyone knew that she wasn’t their daughter, she says that the Marigolds have Henry and Schnees have Whitley. When Weiss tries to say that she doesn’t know about this, May cuts her off and asks which side is Weiss on. 
“We’ve heard that before....” - Blake Belladonna
Ruby says to May that there are no sides and they want to help everyone, saying they’re all facing Salem together, and together is the only way they’ll get out it, May then sighs and asks how will they get out of it, all while Whitley listens on.
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Meanwhile, Ozpin tells Hazel the whole story of how Salem came to be and her ultimate goal to break her immortality curse, Hazel said that was a nice, but then says if grudged death has taught him anything, it was never to trust Ozpin, Oscar, inside his mind pleading with Ozpin to switch back to him, saying if he wants Hazel to trust them, then Ozpin should trust Oscar, doing so, Oscar is back into his body and tells Hazel the password to the lamp, which was Jinn, saying that she is good for one question, Hazel then grabs Oscar by the collar asking after everything, Oscar is just giving Salem the password, Oscar then says that he is giving Hazel the password, hoping that he will seek the truth for himself, Hazel lowers Oscar down slowly afterwards. 
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Emerald overhears it all and tells Mercury about it, but Mercury says that Oscar will say anything if he thinks it’ll get him out, Emerald asks Mercury, whom was packing his things, if he was still going to Vacuo after everything she told him, he says that’s what Salem ordered him to do and he knows better than to disobey her, he then says that even if what Oscar says is true, they can’t stop Salem, saying that Hazel knew that first hand and failed, and says that Hazel knows he can’t pick a fight he can’t win, and neither should him or Emerald, As Mercury walks out of the room, he says to Emerald that Salem is not ending the world, but just then, Tyrian arrives and says that Salem is going to end the world, saying that she is destruction incarnate and she wishes to see the end of it all, he thinks that the idea is beautiful vision and says to Emerald that she must have lost her mind if she hasn’t known this from the start, then as Mercury and Tyrian walk to the airship to Vacuo, Mercury looks at Emerald one last time before him and Tyrian fly off in the airship.
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Back on the AceOps airship, Yang tells Winter that she can’t blow up the Whale with Oscar still in there, Vine says that the creature causes damage every minute and they can’t wait, Jaune pleads with Winter to give them a chance to rescue Oscar first, they can even be Winter’s test run, saying they don’t know what will happen if they go into the Whale, so Team Yang will go in to check it out and rescue Oscar while they’re there. Marrow questions if they would go in  alone, Yang asks Marrow if he would do the same for any of the AceOps, Elm tells Yang that they don’t let feelings get in the way of making the right call, saying that trading three lives for one is stupid, in which Ren disagreed, saying that they will do whatever it takes to find Oscar, because they care about him.
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Harriett stands up and says she thought that Ren was level-headed, calling him naive, she goes on to say that feeling don’t matter, the job does, when you lose someone on your team, you move on and replace them, but then Ren cuts her off and stands up saying that no one is replaceable, but just then, Ren sees Harriett’s true emotions, seeing red petals around her, saying that she doesn’t believe that and that she’s furious about losing Clover and she misses him, Harriett gets angry and tells Ren that he doesn’t know anything about her, Ren then sees the rest of the AceOps’ true emotions, saying that the reason they lost to Team RWBY was because they try and fight how they feel about each other, so they’ll never truly work as a team, Elm snaps at Ren, saying he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, she was going to punch him, but Winter stops her, telling everyone to calm down, she then decided to let Team Yang go in the Whale to rescue Oscar, Harriett tells Winter they’re fugitives and traitors, Winter tells Harriett that she outranks her, then tells Team Yang if they don’t make it in time, the payload will be dropped no matter what, Jaune then says that they understand, as they are un-cuffed and the airship is landed almost near the Whale. Ren says to Marrow that he doesn’t want to be apart of any of this at all, but Marrow replies by saying he has a job to do, then before following Yang and Jaune out the ship, Ren says to Winter that she doesn’t want to this either, seeing her true emotions and following them out, leaving Winter with a somewhat sad expression.
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Back at the manor, Ruby tries to talk May into saving Qrow and Robyn, but May cuts her off and tells them that they don’t get it, saying this is not a situation where everyone wins, giving them the choice to either help her in Mantle or drop them off to the front lines to help Atlas, saying that Qrow and Robyn can’t save them and they have to choose for themselves on what to do. Just then, there was a knock on the door, as Ruby and Blake prepared to fight, Weiss walked towards the door, opening it and was surprised and happy to see that it was her former butler, Klein Sieben, whom said that he heard there was a patient who needed his help, Weiss then apologizes for what happened to him, saying it was her fault that he was fired by her father, but Klein, who’s eyes change depending on his mood, says to not worry, saying it had nothing to with her and everything to do with Jacques Schnee. As he was now inside the manor, he then sees Whitley, who was coming down stairs, saying that he was glad that he called him, then asks where Nora was, Whitley then says that she’s in Weiss’ room, Whitley was going to tell Klein where it was, but Klein already knew, saying he hasn’t been gone that long and that can find it, as he walks to Weiss’ room. 
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Weiss asks Whitley if he called Klein, which he said he did, but not because he did it for Weiss, only because Nora needed a doctor, Weiss, with a smile on her face, she says... “I know, that’s why it means so much to me...” - Weiss Schnee. Weiss walks towards Whitley to give him a big hug, in which Whitley smiled and hugged her back, but then suddenly, there was huge noise outside, Weiss asked Whitley if he called anyone else, Whitley shook his head no, when Ruby opened the door, there was a huge smokey crater across from the front door, Ruby, Weiss and Blake ran to see what was it that crashed there, or rather who, and it was Penny, a severely damaged one at that, reaching out to Ruby to slowly and faintly say... “I-I....am sorry....” - Penny Polendina. ----------- Has Ozpin/Oscar gained Hazel trust? Will Hazel take the lamp relic from Salem? What will Emerald do? Will she warn Cinder about Salem before it’s too late? Will Team Yang save Oscar in time? Will Winter and AceOps takes Ren’s words to heart and embrace their true emotions? Will Watts’ hack force Penny to attack Ruby’s Team against her will? Is she fully hacked into? Find out after the six week hiatus on the next chapter of Volume 8 of RWBY. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone.
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nextwarden · 4 years
It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.
Not for the first time in her life Weiss Schnee was about to do something dangerous and brave. For once, however, it had the potential to also probably be very, very stupid. She had, of course, always danced with danger. Being the esteemed daughter of one of the most powerful men in the world came with its fair share of risk. Whether it be from the outside world or from within… She had long learned that lesson, one that trailed before her in every second of her life. But she had, to the appalled surprise of her father and perhaps even to her own, also learned to do what was right. It hadn't been easy, it had taken years and many a tentative step, a handful of eye-opening moments to see the truth veiled behind layers and layers of lies and deception, and a push from unlikely comrades to finally make herself into the huntress she had destined herself to be. For others but not at their bidding, for herself yet as selfless as could be. Not that anyone would outright accuse her of such a quality - to the outside world, she was still the cold, icy soul that refused to back down for anything below perfect, whatever the cost. Truthfully, however, she had felt that thick wall begin to thaw and crumble for some time now. One that she had spent years carefully erecting in order to protect herself from the world and its dangers, from her father and his control, from her life and its lonely emptiness… That had all changed after she had arrived at Vale. Granted it had taken some time, but the strange yet powerful strength which had been imposed upon her by the three young women that made up her team - her family, if she was to be honest - had shifted from unbearably suffocating to gratefully welcomed. It had not killed or ruined her, as she had often been promised such things would. Quite on the contrary, team RWBY had been the best thing that had happened to her. She had found an unlikely yet precious kinship in the form of Blake Belladonna, the aloof and mysterious faunus. Somehow, although she could not quite explain it, a frustrating yet immensely motivating support in Yang Xiao Long, the hot shot, empty-headed pillar of the team and Ruby's elder sister. And then there had been Ruby Rose. An incorrigibly clumsy dolt of a girl, too immature and too trusting to amount to anything, she had assessed within the first seconds of their meeting. Somehow, however, the red-clad typhoon, despite her childish manners, her constant nagging, and her inability to stop putting others' needs before her own, had wormed her way into her heart. Earning not only respect but also admiration and loyalty. Earning so much more than that too...
That was precisely why she was standing on the beach that day. The adoltable girl must have somehow rubbed off one her as she was sure she was about to make the biggest mistake of her life following one of the stupidest decisions she had ever convinced herself to make in the entirety of her life. And there weren't many, she was not Weiss Schnee for nothing - although there seemed to be far more in the recent months than before. She had no true statistics to back that sentiment up yet she knew it to be true, or at least she felt it to be true - perhaps she'd run some numbers to verify it- Focus! Now was not the time. She had a very very bad, no good, horrible decision to follow up with and all her brain power was needed in order to convince herself that she could not back down now. Or to find a way to in the span of the half second she had left before the silence became too uncomfortable between the two of them. She could already feel the frown grow between those adorable brows of hers- No, focus!
"Weiss?", she heard Ruby's voice prompt her, uncertain.
Time had ticked, she had to speak or forever be silent. Oh how silence seemed appealing to her now… But she had resolved, she had to. They had walked along the beach for long enough, coming to the shore on her behest after a long day of working on their shared essay and a growing headache in the hope of enjoying some fresh air and clearing her mind. Maybe, just maybe, to also try to confess her feelings to the girl that had enraptured her heart for a while now. Never had she thought of ending up in such a situation before, in love and so completely lost as to how she was ever going to find the courage to do what she wished to do. Her, the self-assured Weiss Schnee, victim of weak knees. What a joke!
"Weiss?", she heard the girl call again, softer this time.
Her leader was looking at her, her eyes full of the love she knew the ravenette had for her friends and companions. Soft and patient silver expectantly waiting. Ruby clearly had no idea of the power she held, Weiss thought. It had not always been the case, but she had grown and matured from a loud and obnoxiously cheerful girl into almost a grown woman, taller, fuller - in hair, curves, muscles, and inner depth - and, well, as plainly as it was possible to say, irresistible, she had found. Everyday Weiss was assaulted a little more by her kindness, her softness, her care. Not that it was disagreeable, on the contrary. That was the problem, it felt so good she wanted to lose herself in it for hours at a time, both in the attention and in the physical proximity. It was something she had lacked as a child in that huge, cold mansion her father had made into an even colder and harsher place, she knew it, yet this was not only her trying to recapture that, it was more. She wanted Ruby by her side and she wanted to be by Ruby's side, good times or bad, and that want grew a bit more every day. It had been growing for a while now, so much so that she had had to accept it as something that was there and she would eventually have to act upon - whether to crush or to encourage. She had mulled it over, weighing for and against, carefully, as carefully as she took every other decision in her life, letting herself realize that she wanted something out of it. Carefully drafting a plan to eventually do act upon it. And, finally, actually acting upon it. That was where she was left now, after a long day of studying, a trip to the cold, windy beach, and a few hours of walking and talking as her nerves grew ever more taut. A moment of blissful silence had passed between the two, a rare occurrence only happening after long discussions when even Ruby found herself not pouring out words but appreciating the quiet for a while. Weiss had taken the ravenette's hand, gently stopping them in their tracks, before announcing she had an announcement to make, something she wanted to tell Ruby, something important but not quite easy to say. Ruby had been patient, had waited in silence, gently encouraging her with those beautiful silver orbs of hers. Weiss had opened her mouth repeatedly yet no sound had come out, she'd breathed in and out yet her nerves had not died down, and now she'd waited too long to speak and too long to back out of it. Ruby knew something was up and she was worried, preventing Weiss from simply brushing it aside as she usually did when it came down to it. No, now she had to actually carry on with it. And she would. She deserved that, Ruby deserved that, she deserved the truth, even if the truth scared Weiss, especially letting it out. Nodding and with a press of her hand, she took a deep breath.
"Sorry, I-...", she began, hesitating again. "Sorry. It's not easy to say. I'm a bit scared, to be honest."
Ruby frowned at that, she opened her mouth to reassure her, surely, but Weiss motionned her to stay silent.
"Please, let me say what I have to say first."
Ruby simply nodded at that.
And Weiss did. It came out slowly, with great difficulty. Stuttering at first, in jumbled pieces despite all her plans and coordination, despite the whole speech she had prepared during the many sleepless nights leading up to that day. And Ruby listened. She listened as Weiss spoke of herself, her life before Beacon, their meeting, the horrible impression she'd made on her during their first meeting, how that impression had changed, her doubts (about herself, about others, about everything), and slowly but surely, almost despite herself, she found a rhythm and the words, the ones she wanted to say along many others she had never expected until that point yet which felt right and true and deserved, poured out of her as steady as a stream, more confident as Ruby tentatively nodded her attention. Weiss felt like she was not simply admitting her feelings aloud, but like she was telling herself to Ruby.
It wasn't the first time, over the months they'd shared in each other's company they'd become very close, closer than she'd even have imagined before. Ruby had almost instantly opened herself to her (from the moment the first impression from their first meeting had faded enough for Weiss to interact with her like a normal human being and not her archenemy set on burning her career to the ground, at least). Weiss, on the other hand, had needed more time to do so, it had taken many a nice gesture from Ruby, many a kind word, and many - too many - moments of reproach from Weiss (not always deserved, she had to admit) before she'd eventually begun opening. Without even realizing it at first. A small admission here, another there, and much like today, she had unravelled her life for the one she had come to consider her best friend, her first true friend.
Opening herself had not only given her the opportunity to have somebody else know her better, but also to know another soul almost as she did her own. Sharing had revealed itself not to be a weakness, as Jacques had often professed, praying to his capitalistic gods, but a path to find strength in more forms than she had known until then. Sharing opened oneself to be cared for by others and showed that one cared about others to allow them to do it. It had helped her learn to relate to her peers, and then, slowly, to those different from her. She'd even become one of those who were different, if she could say so herself. How good it had felt to let herself free from the shackles that her family had long imposed on her, even if that was only in the confines of her academic life and tentative step after tentative step. And all of that she owed to her friends, and amongst all of her friends, to Ruby. Not simply for being there and listening, but for being the reason that had made her want to actually change.
That is what she finally confessed. How her life had begun revolving around Ruby without her even noticing, how she'd wanted to share that with her for some time now, and how it had made her simultaneously a better, stronger and happier person than she'd ever have hoped, yet also such a coward she hadn't been able to string two coherent sentences until then, and simply tell her that she, the loveable raven-haired dolt, was actually very much loved.
As she spoke, she saw the silver eyes grow. And as she finished and let the weight of her words settle on the humid sand, they'd widened to an extent she had previously only seen on rare occasions when cookies were involved or she extended an equally rare demonstration of affection, and then even wider than that. Oh no. That wasn't a good sign, was it? So, about those backup plans? Perhaps 'H' would do? She heard the gasp and saw the array of emotions brew into the storm that were Ruby's eyes. How she wished she could take back her words now…
When Ruby finally spoke, it was just as deconstructed as when she herself had begun speaking.
"Weiss, I-... I-..."
Clearly the girl was at a loss for word, overwhelmed by what she'd just been told.
Weiss felt the retreat a second before it came, in the tensing muscles and the rapid glance the girl shot behind her. Curses...!
"Ruby, wait-!", was all she managed to get out before she smelled the semblance activate.
A scent of roses, much stronger than usual, assaulted her nose and her mind - oh how unjust it was to be left with the lingering perfume of what she had now come to associate with her wildly beating heart. Damned be her superior genes!
The silhouette stormed in the distance of the beach and she let out a groan. How was she going to deal with this? What was she to do? Should she even try to deal with it? A return to cold Atlas was the last thing she desired but it would at least have the benefit of putting her in a remote enough place that she would not have to face the shameful consequences of her own stupidity… Her paternal would see to it even if she didn't, keeping the 'questionable' influences at large. Did she want that, however? If the choice had been quite obvious one way up until then, it was on the verge of being drastically altered in that precise moment. Despite all she had learned over the past years, she could feel the desire to turn away and
remove herself rather than feeling the humiliating pain of having to face Ruby and her friends after this...
Before her numb body had time to truly catch up with her frantic mind, which itself had not quite registered the reality of her crumbling heart, however, she heard a sound in the distance. Sand grating sand. Followed by a frustrated grunt and the faint splash of water as a stone ricocheted over the waves. And as her eyes lifted back up, the small silhouette of her team leader, now standing motionless near the water, imprinted itself in her eyes. That was the only reason she knew it had been there and it had been real, for as soon as her gaze settled on Ruby, the brunette had disappeared in another flurry of petals. Once again she was left to her own, lost and abandoned. It wasn't the first time, and surely it would not be the last. Each time the pain promised to lessen only to hit her full speed when she least expected it. What good was time and experience if it did nothing to soothe or prevent bruising? Still, she had picked herself up more than once and she would again. She was a Schnee and Schnees did not stay down. She would- A sound cut through her thoughts.
She heard the frenzied steps crunch the delicate silica grains, each louder than the previous one. She recognised the voice an instant too late, registering what was going to happen a moment even later as a huge weight tackled her and sent her crashing into the sand with so much force she almost passed out. Had she not let her powers flow out she probably would have, but even when her mind was too slow, her nerves and muscles reacted on instinct.
"Weiss!" she now realized Ruby had been yelling, her voice desperate and shrill, as she barrelled into her at full semblance speed.
When the world finally came back to her in an orderly fashion she was on her back, humid sand holding her steady, as Ruby was on top of her, her wide silver eyes looking at her, watching, apologetic yet seemingly searching deep into her blue ones for something. Instants passed, quiet and still, almost as if everything else had frozen - she couldn't hear the waves anymore so maybe the world had actually frozen. Perhaps even was it her doing. She did tend to… lose control more often than not when in the presence of the brunette, such an outburst would not even surprise her at this point. Then, before she had the time to utter the words she had uttered so often in loving frustration at her partner, before she even had time to finish thinking about doing so, her vision went dark and she felt something soft on her lips. It took her another few seconds of wild heart and crazed thoughts to comprehend what was happening. Ruby had leaned down, her hair falling over Weiss's eyes, and she was now kissing her, ever so gently, as if she was a precious - not fragile, she knew the girl knew by now - piece of… something, something worth being ever so careful not to break or damage - as if she could easily be anyway… The interaction was pleasant however, more than pleasant even, and welcome, very oh so very welcome. So much so that nothing could make her bitch about what had led to it, as her partner's sister loved to word. Not now, in any case. For the first time since she had learned the power that contact with Ruby held upon her, she let herself relax and melt into it. Her high end dress and her carefully crafted updo be damned, she took that moment for everything it had to offer. Even returning some of it herself as she cupped the soft cheek above her with a hand and leaned into the kiss.
There were no fireworks, there was no orchestral music either, although she felt that the moment would have deserved everything the best of romantic scenes could throw at it, not even taking into account the fact that she was a Schnee and that Schnees deserved only the best. This was the best, not by name or by wealth, but by pure and simple meritocracy. None of that happened, yet the world as she knew it did tilt on its axis. She was kissing Ruby, Ruby was kissing her. The object of so much of her yearning for so long, something she had never dreamed of truly having the right to deserve, was acting exactly as she desired. And she was flying. Even the realization that she was having the gall to question whether this was the kind of gesture she was hoping for and not simply an affectionately friendly way of assuring her of Ruby's desire to remain close despite Weiss's admission did nothing to ground her. Not to Earth, at least. If time had stopped or the world had frozen for real this time she couldn't say for all had simply vanished and only the feeling of Ruby upon her remained. Her weight, her softness, her heat, her smell, the small sounds that escaped from her throat - or perhaps both their throats - as they delved into the moment. She was tethered to her raven-haired partner, and only they were left. Weiss caught in her bright orbit, never to be let go. Oh. That was a scary thought. Welcomed yet hair-raising. She'd have to ponder upon that later, preferably together with the one currently showering her in affection, right now she had other preoccupations.
They must have stayed in that position for a long time, Weiss realized when the first wave came to lap against her arm and drenched her back in cold, salty water. To her credit, she did not yelp. She had learned to show restraint in her reactions via closely monitored teasing from her roommates over the past years, after all. And the fact that her supply of air was dangerously low did not help, nor did her obstructed mouth and already humming throat. Still, she motioned to the taller girl to catch her attention. When Ruby did not react and kept on making her focus lose itself she tried again. To no avail. Feeling a third wave coming, the second one had already drenched the second third of her back which had remained untouched, she managed to invoke enough willpower to shove them both around. Ruby yelped at the unexpected movement and, in the process, Weiss found herself atop her partner. The other girl let out a second yelp, surprised as she felt the degree of humidity of her back skyrocket. Weiss saw the frown of outrage almost knit the two brows together on Ruby's flush face as her team captain finally realised what had happened and, despite her best efforts, couldn't help the fit of giggles that soon turned into a full laugh. It rippled through her body, sending her crashing into Ruby's neck where she remained for a while, revelling in the sweet scent as her shoulders kept shaking.
When Weiss rose again, one hand still cupping Ruby's cheek and the other fisted into the neck of her top, she saw the ravenette was smiling too. One of those tender, ever-loving - and ever-loveable - smiles. She couldn't help the wave of heat that burned her already rosy cheeks, instantly vanishing the cold from her face.
"That was not very nice", she heard as much as she saw the smile in her partner's voice.
"You weren't listening," Weiss shrugged in response. "As often is the case, I'll have you know," she added almost mischievously.
Ruby huffed but did not move as another wave came softly crashing upon her side. She simply wrapped her arms - as deadly as her guns, Weiss had found out during their first spring at Beacon - around the petite yet fierce woman on top of her. Her silver eyes suddenly became more serious, yet losing none of the affection they beamed at her.
"I'm…," she seemed to search for her words for a moment. "I'm sorry, Weiss.", she settled on in the end.
The even more serious, if that was possible.
"I do too."
Weiss may have smiled, she may have not. Nothing else than the swell of her heart and the heat of their second kiss registered in her mind as she closed her eyes and leaned into Ruby once again. She did too. They both did. Wonderful.
So, when Blake and Yang, Blake "Eternal Unfazed" Belladonna, and Yang "Top of the World" Xiao Long, walked back into the party, each so far removed from their own title that even Jaune quirked an eyebrow, Weiss knew exactly what had transpired elsewhere and what would transpire in the times to come. She gently nudged Ruby and pointed to the duo. The ravenette looked from behind her shoulder, shifting slightly yet not breaking the embrace she had Weiss trapped in. The leader studied her teammates' gaits; Weiss saw her silver eyes trail from the faint smirks on each face down to their intertwined fingers, and felt light pour into the room as she beamed at the sight. Of course she would be happy for them, she deserved to be after all the work she had put into making an opportunity for realization on both their part. Also perhaps because that now levelled the playing field slightly, giving them the opportunity to return the teasing. Unless it had the opposite effect and instead magnified the bumbling bi's ability to mouth words by backing them up with snarky smirks. A shiver ran down her spine at the thought. She let herself smile as she felt Ruby's heat expand around her in an effort to warm her up, effort at which she would have rolled her eyes and huffed before, yet which she had learned to accept and appreciate over time. The girl truly had rubbed off on her, it was undeniable now. Still she retained most of her wit and snip, no amount of warm and tender ravenette would ever manage that feat (at least not while they were around others). She made it known to the two girls as they slowly made their way through the crowd by a cool, level gaze and a raised eyebrow. Blake simply raised one in return and Yang rubbed the back of her neck and offered a sheepish smile as they came to stand in front of Ruby and her, hands still clasped onto each other and their closeness now reduced to nothing.
"Good?", Weiss asked, feeling Ruby's broad smile more than she saw it.
"Good," Yang replied after exchanging a look with Blake.
The tenderness in the gesture did not escape her notice, neither did it Ruby's as she felt the smile broaden even more against the back of her head. Still Weiss huffed. She had to, at least at something during her day, the world demanded it.
"Good", she replied with a curt nod.
This time it was her turn to smile. It was definitely not as broad as Ruby's or Yang's, but it held just as much emotion, only part of it being the other duo's doing. Sharing could be easy when one cared.
I want you to date me. (College AU - Part I)
Sunset (College AU - Part III)
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dragynkeep · 4 years
Top 5 worst male characters and Top 5 worst female characters in RWBY, and brief reasons why?
This is the type of ask that’s gonna get me shit but I have known no hubris in my life so let’s go. These won’t be in the case of being intentionally bad, I’m doing more on personal taste and the quality of their writing. 
Worst Male Characters
1. Adam Taurus
Obviously, Adam is at the top of the list for me. His storyline was butchered from a story of racism and vigilantism to a story about domestic abuse, his brand was cheap shock value with very little substance, he stopped being threatening after the Fall of Beacon and instead became a whiny little bitch, and his voice acting is just bad.
He sounds like he’s gonna call me a slur on Xbox Live.
2. Jacques Schnee
Yeah, the abusive rich man who runs slave mines is bad, but that’s not the main reason he’s on this list. I could accept a character like that if the writers made him good, but they didn’t. Jacques wasn’t intimidating at all. He wasn’t smart at all. The man who conned his father in law and wife into giving him complete control of the most powerful company in Remnant is not the same man we get in the actual show.
He’s whiny, cowardly, and a useless villain who’s entire downfall was treated like a poorly made joke, and now only serves as comic relief in the Jailbirds scenes in V8. 
3. Hazel Rainart
Same issues with Jacques and Adam, but less egregious. Hazel was actually a pretty interesting villain in his earlier volumes, and even after his blunder at the Batlle of Haven, he went back to being kinda good in V6 with his protective behaviour towards Emerald. And then V8 came around and I grew to hate how stupid his reasons for joining Salem were, and the fact that he just beat the shit outta Oscar while whining about his dead sister.
Bro, Idgaf about someone I never met while you’re maiming a 15 year old boy because you wanna be mad at the guy in his head. 
4. Qrow Branwen
It’s the same case with Hazel. I actually liked Qrow up until V6, and even then I cared enough to try and see where his alcoholism arc went since it’s a serious issue that affects not only my family, but my people. I started to dislike him after he punched Oscar and kept being horrible to the boy, all without apologising in the end, but v7 and 8 made me really hate him. 
I don’t care for his edgy attitude, and I don’t care that he got his self-help book boyfriend murdered by a crackhead. Add onto CRWBY butchering a serious topic about alcoholism with him, and he’s just sank right down writing sense.
5. Ghira Belladonna
I never liked Ghira. I think the others are higher than him on this list just on the virtue that I liked them, or the idea of them, and the writing just pulled them down so much.
But I never had that problem with Ghira, so the disappointment doesn’t sting as bad. He’s just an unnecessary character that cheapens Blake since she’s now a princess, a useless father who somehow couldn’t get his own 12 year old daughter back even thought she didn’t even bother to change her own name, and then featured live on a tournament channel that the whole world saw. He was a useless leader, his ideology was stupid and almost got him and others killed, and he was so ungrateful towards Adam for saving his stupid furry ass that I completely sided with Sienna calling him the fuck out.
At least he’s not on my screen anymore, but I know that won’t last forever and I gotta look at his dumb face again.
Worst Female Characters
1. Cinder Fall
God, she is the worst villain and character in this show. She’s so flat, her stans are annoying as fuck, her voice leaves a lot to be desired, and the fact that there’s hardly anything to her for seven years makes it even worse now that we finally got a backstory for her, and it’s one we ALL GUESSED.
Who would’ve thought she’d be a Cinderella who killed her abusive family, I am shooketh. 
2. Blake Belladonna
Blake was my favourite girl in RWBY and I’m mad at CRWBY for what they’ve done to her.
It says a lot that a girl still affected by the abuse and trauma of fighting in a terrorist organisation has more personality and backbone than one who’s supposedly broken free of her traumatic past and moved forward. Blake now is spineless, flat, boring ass cardboard cutout of what she once was, who would rather let her human friends defend her from racists than call them out herself like she did to Weiss in Volume 1. 
She’s spoiled, priviledged, annoying, and Arryn has such a flat voice on top of being a gross ass person that I get annoyed every time she speaks. She’s no longer an oppressed minority fighting for the rights of her people, she’s a princess who would rather go to a club with people she didn’t even like than a rally against the man who caused so much suffering to her people. Even her talk with Nora about not letting yourself be taken over by who you’re with romantically is hypocritical, since that’s exactly what’s happened to her since she’s been paired up with Yang.
She couldn’t even have the spotlight of fighting her own VILLAIN, Yang was the one who broke Adam’s Aura and had the big triumphant moment of throwing his sword in the river while she was too busy fucking rock climbing. 
3. Yang Xiao Long
Yang was my second favourite girl in RWBY and I’m mad at CRWBY for what they’ve done to her.
Yang wasn’t super developed in the earlier volumes. Honestly, I didn’t think much until her talk with Blake about Raven in Burning The Candle, and her dismemberment leading her towards depression and PTSD. Come Volume 4, I was alright with the portrayal of her recovery. I don’t think they gave enough time between her trying on the arm and then being good enough to leave, but in the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t bad. 
What was bad was everything after. Yang became a hypocritical, moody bitch who would drag everyone for their bad decisions while ignoring her own. Her PTSD, something VERY personal to me, was ruined and up and vanished by V7 since she’s now killed the man who gave her the disorder so obviously it’s cured! She is always on Ozpin’s case for the birds shit, and then keeping secrets, but then goes and does the exact same thing while giving little resistance to others doing it because they’re family.
Even her argument with Ruby in V8 was tame as fuck. She blamed Ruby for things not going well while ignoring that it was her own dumbass decisions that contributed to it. Ruby didn’t tell Yang to go and spill the beans to Robyn, her stupid cat girlfriend did that, and Yang went along with it while being unrepentant later on when Ironwood was RIGHTFULLY pissed about it.
Add onto v8 then having her worry about how BLAKE thought about her, rather than RUBY, and I just hate her. This ain’t Yang, I want Yang back. 
4. Nora Valkyrie
Nora is just a flat character. Her voice is annoyingly high pitched and screechy, her jokes aren’t funny, and all the things I loved that she got in v4 was later dropped entirely. She had such good moments in V4 that actually made me appreciate her more, and then she just became another hypocrite in v7 who wanted to yell at Ironwood while refusing to look at her own flaws.
On top of her kissing Ren when he was clearly not in the mood to talk, and it made me hate her. It’s not a cute ship moment, it’s a creepy disrespect of someone’s personal space. If it was the other way around, no one would think it was cute.
5. Robyn Hill
Similar to Ghira’s reasons, I never liked Robyn, so she’s low down on the list compared to the others since at one point I loved the others (Minus Cinder but she’s just so bad that she’s #1).
Robyn isn’t a good freedom fighter. She runs in without thinking about things and then proceeds to deny any responsibility of her actions. She won’t accept that maybe her agreeing with the same serial killer that nearly killed her and Fiona, on top of succeeding in murdering some of her supporters and Forest, and starting a fight with Clover in an enclosed space wasn’t a good idea. 
Add onto the fact that she’s really just incompetent. She steals supplies from Ironwood to fix the wall and help Mantle, but after time we see that nothing has been done. 
Christina Vee is wasted on her honestly.
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