#providence sultan
clockworkslick · 9 months
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hamzaahmed21 · 3 months
Hello, my name is Hamza Al-Absi, a 32-year-old from Gaza.
I am a husband and a father of three children. Well, there were three, but I lost my eldest son, Osama, two years ago to leukemia (blood cancer). He deserved treatment for a year and a half, took his chemotherapy, fought the disease, and had a recovery period, but the disease returned, he had a strong relapse, and passed away. I couldn’t treat him again due to the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip, which even affected patients with urgent, serious conditions. They refused to treat him, and he died in the hands of his mother and beside his younger brother, Saif. My son could have been treated, but when his turn came to get the treatment, it was too late.
I cannot express the pain of losing an eldest son, and my wife still cries for him every day. It’s a continuous pain that never leaves us.
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Since the beginning of the war, we have heard news of children being killed and seriously injured by the insane and savage bombing with rockets and shells, which has not stopped since the war began until today. But thank God, my wife and I and our dear children, “Saif, 3 years old,” and “Rita, one year old,” are still alive.
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We were forced to evacuate our home at the beginning of the war against our will due to the intense bombing that our area was subjected to and the orders to evacuate the area and head to southern Gaza. Our house was bombed with war shells, leading to its destruction.
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Our journey of displacement began, moving several times from one area to another, until we ended up in a tent in the “Tel al-Sultan” area in the city of “Rafah.” You can imagine how difficult life is in a tent. Everything is done with great difficulty; we are forced to use primitive methods to carry out daily tasks. Every day we light a fire to prepare food, and we struggle to provide water for drinking or bathing. Going to the bathroom is a suffering in itself for adults before children, in the absence of toilets suitable for human use.
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The situation worsens with the arrival of summer and the rise in temperatures; the tent literally turns into a “sauna” during the day, especially since my little daughter Rita has started walking on the sand and suffers from pollution diseases, influenza, and other serious diseases that lead to hepatitis.
On top of all that, I lost my job at the beginning of the war and became unemployed due to the total power outage and the lack of internet connection most of the time. I face severe difficulty in providing for my family’s needs amid the crazy price hikes.
We have suffered enough and have been exposed to a lot of fear and panic in the past 7 months. The city of “Rafah” is now threatened with a ground invasion at any moment by the occupation, so I decided to travel and leave Gaza to save the lives of my wife and children.
Time is running out, and we need $15,000 to enable my wife and children to leave Gaza to Egypt via the Rafah land crossing as soon as possible, in addition to the costs of staying in Egypt for 6 months, estimated at ($6,000).
Asking for help is not easy at all, but we believe there is still good in this world. So, I hope you will help us save ourselves from killing and destruction and restore hope to our lives again. I have tasted the bitterness of loss once, and I do not want to taste it again.
We are grateful to everyone who will donate to us, and we appreciate your feelings and support for us.
Verified by @nabulsi @90-ghost
@sayruq @el-shab-hussein
Verified number 226
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doodlesooup · 16 days
Have you thought about an overblot Kalim? Like the idea he was tormenting his friend just by being an Asim sends him over the edge to an overblot?
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i did actually think about him!! i'm pretty sure he won't be able to overblot tho gotta double check but i think somewhere along the lines it was told that only really powerful mages can overblot, someone who is average or below (and i think kalim is average at best) will simply die if they accumulate too much blot?? i may be mistaken however!! honestly i wasn't able to find where i remember that from so don't quote me on that anyway i really like overblot designs and your message provided me with a reason to finally try it out so thank you so much! not sure if i'm satisfied with how it turned out tho but sultan's outfit was kinda hard to work with for such an edgy design haha i believe kalim would possessively capture jamil in a bubble of sort in order to 'save their friendship' and it's going to provide jamil with his first real experience of being deliberately chained up by him
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whencyclopedia · 3 months
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Third Crusade
The Third Crusade (1189-1192 CE) was launched to retake Jerusalem after its fall to the Muslim leader Saladin in 1187 CE. The Crusade was led by three European monarchs, hence its other name of 'the Kings' Crusade'. The three leaders were: Frederick I Barbarossa, King of Germany and Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1152-1190 CE), Philip II of France (r. 1180-1223 CE) and Richard I 'the Lionhearted' of England (r. 1189-1199 CE). Despite this pedigree, the campaign was a failure, the Holy City never even being attacked. Along the way, there were some victories, notably the capture of Acre and the battle of Arsuf. Fizzling out with a whimper, the Crusade collapsed because, by the time they arrived at their objective, the western leaders found themselves without sufficient men or resources to resist the still intact armies of Saladin. Although a compromise was negotiated with access for pilgrims to Jerusalem permitted and a Christian foothold maintained in the Middle East, another attempt to take the Holy City would shortly be made the original objective of the Fourth Crusade of 1202-1204 CE.
The Fall of Jerusalem
The Second Crusade (1147-1149 CE) had effectively ended with the complete failure to take Damascus in Syria in 1148 CE. The various Muslim states in the Middle East then realised that the once-feared western knights could be defeated and the precarious existence of the Crusader-held territories, the Latin East, was starkly highlighted. All that was needed now was a unification of Muslim forces and this was provided by one of the greatest of all medieval rulers, Saladin, the Sultan of Egypt and Syria (r. 1174-1193 CE).
Saladin, the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty in Egypt, took control of Damascus in 1174 CE and Aleppo in 1183 CE. Saladin then shocked the world by defeating the army of the Kingdom of Jerusalem and its Latin allies at the Battle of Hattin in 1187 CE. Thus, Saladin was able to take control of such cities as Acre, Tiberias, Caesarea, Nazareth, Jaffa and even, the holiest of holies itself, Jerusalem. Remarkably lenient with his Christian captives compared to the butchery of the First Crusade (1095-1102 CE), after the recapture of Jerusalem almost a century earlier, Saladin accepted ransoms from those Latin Christians who could afford to buy their freedom and enslaved the rest. Eastern Christians were permitted to remain in Jerusalem as a protected minority group. The Latin East had all but collapsed, only Tyre remained in Christian hands, under the command of Conrad of Montferrat, but it would prove a useful foothold for the coming fightback.
Pope Gregory VIII only reigned for a few months in 1187 CE but, in October of that year, he made a lasting impact on history by calling for yet another crusade to win back Jerusalem and such lost holy relics as the True Cross. Nothing less than a repeat of the remarkable feat of the First Crusade would do. No fewer than three monarchs took up the Pope's challenge: the Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick I Barbarossa, king of Germany, Philip II of France and Richard I of England. With these being the three most powerful men in western Europe, the campaign promised much.
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inamindfarfaraway · 9 months
Here’s a sad thought about Princess Jasmine in Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier, courtesy of listening to the soundtrack again and feeling the feelings about her and Ja’far: this version of the Sultan must be a really bad father.
We never see him interact with his stepdaughter. He already seems rather senile when he steals Scheherazade, and that’s sixteen years before the present day. His sanity may well have completely gone in that time. Even if it didn’t, he makes it clear in his one appearance that he considers everyone in his power to be objects defined entirely by how they can benefit him and remorselessly will torture, enslave and murder them on a whim. I doubt that he’d be sensitive or nurturing toward his child. Now, I think Scheherazade would be a great mother - but she never got to try.
The Sultan has evidently been very neglectful and distant, failing in his duties to teach the Princess how to be both a good person and a good member of royalty. Despite her being his only heir and old enough to marry and rule the kingdom, which apparently has no problem with a female sovereign, he’s let her grow up to be extremely sheltered and not at all adequately prepared for responsibility and politics. It doesn’t even occur to her that having her tiger assault a neighbouring country’s visiting prince might have consequences. The Sultan, and on his behalf the Captain of the Guard, don’t let her know important news and royal decrees: neither what a menace Aladdin is, leaving her vulnerable to him, nor the Sultan’s mass execution of the 2D Department, since for as insensitively egocentric as she is at the beginning, she’s still deeply sentimental and quick to empathize with the homeless peasant Aladdin, so I can’t believe that she wouldn’t be at least a little upset with the Sultan (or more likely Ja’far) over so many lost human lives.
More than that, her immaturity speaks to bad parenting on the most basic level. She hasn’t internalized the Sultan’s cruelty, but has learned his selfishness, entitlement, impulsiveness and poor emotional regulation. Her social skills are notably clumsy and underdeveloped (not picking up on Aladdin’s numerous red flags, “No high five”, “At least Abdul had a family who loved him!”, even cringing herself at the last one). The Sultan’s passed down absolutely zero wisdom of any kind.
Instead it’s Ja’far with whom she has a familiar father-daughter dynamic (“What’s up, are you mad at me?” “Where are you going?” “There she is!”). It’s him who shows concern when she runs away and gives the order to find her before all else, notices that she’s upset and talks her through her feelings, warns her about sexual predators, appreciates her idealism and effort. It’s him who provides the gentle but firm, healthy guidance and challenge that she needs to grow. Who sees her potential, respects and believes in her. Who loves her. However, he is ultimately in her service. Between the imbalanced power dynamic making him wary of treason (after all, the last time he had a stronger relationship than the Sultan with a woman the Sultan called his, it didn’t end well) and his other responsibilities taking away from their time together, he can’t be as influential a presence in his life as he’d like.
Maybe this why she’s initially so resentful of him. Subconsciously she does see him as a father all along, but he hurts her and lets her down sometimes. Like the Sultan, her only official parent, always has. That stings. The differences are that the Sultan hurts her much more, more consistently and without her best interests at heart… but Ja’far is the one she can lash out at and complain to and be a messy adolescent around, because firstly, he’s her subject instead of her ruler, and secondly, he’s actually involved in her life. He cares, and therefore yelling or halfheartedly trying to poison his wine will make an impact. The Sultan is untouchable. We know that she conflates the two in her head as unjust authority figures keeping her trapped and crushing her aspirations (“All the people who say I’m just dreaming, like Father and Ja’far”, one of the only times she mentions the Sultan). It’s easier to blame your problems on an employee everybody else hates than accept that your parent is a bad one.
Maybe this is the root of her discontentment as well, her yearning that she can’t articulate for something more than what the life she’s been given. The joke of “Everything and More” is that she doesn’t need anything besides what she has… but she does. She needs a competent, reliable parent. One who she can trusts loves her the person as her parent, not a servant of her bloodline, and she knows to love as such in turn.
No wonder she falls for “Orphaned at Thirty-Three” hook, line and sinker. She’s never known her mother. Her relationships with her paternal figures range from terrible to complicated. Having unconditionally loving, supportive parents and then suddenly losing them must be the worst thing she can imagine.
But in the end, the Sultan dies and her dad has to leave her. Although he found a way to live forever, it wasn’t enough to save her from the pain of being orphaned at sixteen.
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mapsontheweb · 4 months
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Showing the ethnic distribution of a part (0f 7,622 soldiers) of the ottoman cavalry (Cebelu) during the campaign in Austria in 1532.
During the campaign of 1532 the participating soldiers were counted. Cebelu were cavalry soldiers which were part of a Timar cavalry. Nearly all of them were Muslims and many were recent converts. Of total 18,454 counted Cebelu the ethnicity of 7,622 were recorded. Bosnians were the most recorded.
The Ottoman military in the 16th century was mostly a provincial cavalry called Timarli sipahi.
The "Timarli Sipahi" or "timariot" (tımarlı) was the holder of a fief of land (تيمار tîmâr) granted directly by the Ottoman sultan or with his official permission by beylerbeys. He was entitled to all of the income from that land, in return for military service.The peasants on the land were subsequently attached thereto. Timarli Sipahis' status resembled that of the knights of medieval Europe. Unlike medieval knights, they were not legally owners of their fiefs. The right to govern and collect taxes in a timar fief was merely given to a Timarli Sipahi by the Ottoman State. And in return, tımarli sipahis were responsible for security of the people in their timar, enlisting and training cebelu soldiers for the army.
A timar was the smallest unit of land held by a Sipahi, providing a yearly revenue of no more than 20,000 akçe, which was between two and four times what a teacher earned. A ziamet (زعامت) was a larger unit of land, yielding up to 100,000 akçe, and was owned by Sipahis of officer rank. A has (خاص ) was the largest unit of land, giving revenues of more than 100,000 akçe, and was only held by the highest-ranking members of the military. A tîmâr Sipahi was obliged to provide the army with up to five armed retainers (cebelu), a ziamet Sipahi with up to twenty, and a has Sipahi with far more than twenty. The cebelu (meaning "armed, armored") were expected to be mounted and fully equipped as the sipahi themselves; they were usually sons, brothers or nephews and their position was probably more similar to squires than men-at-arms.
by Yellowapple1000
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tiaramania · 2 months
Two New Tiaras in Johor
The installation of the new King of Malaysia on Saturday provides us with not one but two new tiaras!
The Sultan of Johor is a billionaire and the wealthiest of the Malaysian monarchs. They also have one of the largest collections of jewelry rivaled only by Pahang. I think this brings them up to nine tiaras just in the immediate royal family.
The first new tiara was worn by Princess Aminah for the ceremony itself. At first I thought the central colored gemstone was an emerald but now I am thinking tourmaline.
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The second is a sapphire and diamond tiara worn by the new Queen, Zarith Sofiah, at the banquet following the installation ceremony. I found a better picture of this one.
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Overall, I really like the design of both tiaras. The are substantial but not overwhelming and the both look well made. I was very excited when I saw that they are not flat meaning they were made by someone who understands that heads are also not flat. Trust me this is a rarity with modern tiaras.
I haven't found the designer for either tiara yet but I've sent out some messages so we'll see if that pans out.
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gothhabiba · 10 months
Fellah Cultivation Methods and Crops (1840-1914)
At the end of Ottoman rule, 75% of land was devoted to growing grains. A two-field system was common, with wheat and barley grown as winter crops on one half while the other half had a summer dew crop of sesame and Indian millet. The following season, the second half had the winter crop with the first half left fallow (Atran, 1986: 277). Other crops grown included dura, beans, fenugreek, and chickpeas, along with olives, grapes, cotton and oranges. Fallowing was widely used, allowing grazing cattle to feed on the fallow lands. The extensive system was not geared towards profit making but subsistence. The Ottoman government tried to outlaw fallowing by repossessing untilled land, but was largely unsuccessful (Atran, 1986: 278). Terracing was practiced in the hills with olive trees grown everywhere used as a source of oil and soap. By 1910 citrus groves covered 3,000 hectares. Vegetables were grown where irrigation was possible. The fellah [peasants] used homemade implements – a light nail plow, a sickle, a threshing board and two sieves [...].
Beginning with the 1858 Land Code, the Ottoman government, in an attempt to extract more taxes from the Fellaheen, tried to institute policies to transform land ownership. The goal was effectively to undermine «the system of collective holding and to institute an individual land-holding system» (Atran, 1986: 274). The code stipulated that a village could not communally own land and that titles should be given to each individual. Moreover, non-cultivated (Musha’a [collectively held]) land could not be the property of the fellah and would belong to the state. The 1876 Land Law decreed that Mulk [Sultan-granted] land held by notables who were not providing to services to the Sultan would be seized and could be sold to Europeans. One of the most notable purchasers was Baron Rothschild, who spent an estimated 10 million pounds sterling on land purchases, the construction of settlements, the establishment of plantations and manufacturing plants producing silk, glass, wine and water. He guaranteed the Jewish settlers who came to work on these plantations a minimum income (Aharoni, 1991: 57). At the same time the World Zionist Organization (WZO) was founded in 1897 and created the Keren Kayemet fund (JNF) for land purchases two years later. With their help, Jewish-owned land increased from 25,000 dunums [square kilometers] in 1882 to 1.6 million dunums by 1941.
Throughout these changes, the situation of the peasantry grew progressively worse as the tax burden increased. Often the fellah was forced to borrow money to make ends meet and many ended up selling the titles to their land, which they continued to work on, but with reduced benefits. By the turn of the century, six families in Palestine (the effendi) owned 23% per cent of all cultivated land, while 16, 910 families owned only 6% (Awartani, 1993).
The British Mandate (1914-1948)
Following the First World War, Palestine was designated as a mandated territory to Britain to rule the country until it become ready for independence. Along with this was the provision, first enshrined in the Balfour Declaration of 1917, to secure a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. When the British received the Mandate for Palestine, the land issue was highly contentious. This is because the Mandate included the incompatible goals of «encouraging close settlement by Jews on the land» while at the same time «ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced».
The British put into place policies that permitted the transfer of the land to the European settlers. The first being the transfer law of 1921, which granted individual holders the right to become the private owners of their land. Another law, the rural property tax, stipulated that land not cultivated for three years could be seized by the state and «be made use of in a more efficient way» (Zu’bi, 1981: 99). [...][D]espite new policies which tightened laws regarding Jewish land acquisition after 1929, the period of the mandatory government saw widespread expansion of Jewish agricultural settlements in Palestine (Table 1). For example, from 1900 to 1927, the area owned by the Jewish sector expanded from 42,060 to 90,300 ha: an average increase of under 2,000 ha a year. While from 1932 to 1941, after the riots, the area expanded from 105,850 ha to 160,480 ha – an average annual increase of 6,000 ha.
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The quality of the soils of the land purchased is debated among scholars. According to Alon Tal, an Israeli environmental historian: «Though the real estate that Arab landlords were willing to sell was largely malaria infested swamps and wastelands, new agricultural settlements soon began to dot the map of Palestine» (Tal, 2006: 4). On the other hand, «The main areas appropriated by European investors were those concentrated in the maritime plain, the most fertile area in Palestine, specializing in citrus production» (Atran, 1989: 739).
Zu’bi (1981: 99) also writes, «Under British Colonization, the land appropriated by European (Jewish) settlers was the most densely populated areas. In 1921, the transfer of 240,000 dunums in the Beisan (Galilee) area to the European sector resulted in the dispossession of 8,730 families living from this land. By 1929 it was reported, 29.4% of peasant families’ land [that is, the land of 29.4% of peasant families] was expropriated as a result of the Zionist settlement».
– 2009. Leah Temper, “Creating Facts on the Ground: Agriculture in Israel and Palestine (1882-2000),” Historia Agraria 48, pp. 75-110.
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spotlightlowlife · 8 months
Charlie and Lucifer have a disney counterpart
Ozzie and Bee too a little
There is a beloved and happily sidelined disney ruler who dispite having the occasional moments of power, may well be a keen candidate for 'all the fun and none of the responsibility' personified.
Who is none other than......
The Sultan of Aladdin.
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Think about it and if you're not all to familiar, know that the sultan is a friendly, goofy, cute, supportive loving little dad
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who doesn't want to 'work'. By work, I mean the dirty work that goes into being a leader. Those tough decisions that will undoubtedly be unpopular among some.
This guy leads a nation, yet right from the start, the moment Jafar, the villain, his adviser, shows up with work, the jolly sultan shows the exasperation of a child being asked about their homework.
Though when it comes to going along with his teenage daughter wishes, sweet and idealistic as they are but realistically would have repercussions, he's down for it, because his daughter is his princess and her happiness is his happiness, end of story, everyone is happy.
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He was clearly born into power.
Who was born or spawned into power?
Someone who fell into his own dimension where his mysterious, probably problematic estrained wife who married into power, thrives or thrived. He is pride, the leader of 7 sins, who runs the pride ring but dies he really? He is shown to have no pride but it's OK because he's depressed.
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Lucifer is a cute, silly little dad whose daughter is the apple of his eye and ultimately, Charlie gets what she wants, because if it makes her happy, it makes him happy.
Though like sultan he's right there as his precious daughter stands by a con artist who feels entitled to her (and the lifestyle she can provide him with clearly).
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The other 6 individuals rule their sins and namesake regions, who like Lucifer are 'nice', can too be selective over what areas of their sin they choose to acknowledge.
Valentino is pretty much Ozzie's evil, very productive twin, some sinner a micro fraction of his age.
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Bee could be a spokesperson for addiction awareness, but will she do more than speak, at the loved ones to pull an intervention?
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All whilst being the one encouraging the overindulgence.
Let us not forget two small time demons who link both Ozzie of lust and Bee of gluttony together. Substance addicted Barbiewire and Verosika. We may not have seen a lot of them but like Valentino, they achieved plenty.
Barbie can travel freely to earth using one if Ozzie's crystals in order to smuggle hard d rugs. Job made easier by seducing a teenager.
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Non-con welcoming Verosika travelled to earth to influence a load of youths with her team of fellow sexdemons.
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She also bough beeljuice along with her which caused a massive scene.
Who will regulate such frowned upon actions?
Now back to new leader and leading character of her series, Charlie.
Like sultan, Charlie has help
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in the form of someone she atleast knew to be sinister when she took him on. Someone who hardly hides his much they want what their boss has. That someone ofcourse being Alastor
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who like Jafar would be of a lower social class, work hard, gain power and influence and be willing to scheme and sleaze his way into that powerful family.
Like sultan, Charlie is happy, nice, silly, dismissive to what it doesn't suit her to address, irresponsible, is being carried along in leadership
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and is quick to see everyone as wonderful and equal without stopping to think that those who sit at the top may do something about such pushes.
Aladdin gets away with it being a family film where we follow the Alastor/Aladdin character in getting what they want, but Hazbin and Helluva, hopefully time will tackle some holes.
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clockworkslick · 9 months
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"But I still can feel those splinters of ice I look through the eyes of a stranger"
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lawyerbelal · 18 days
Hello, thank you for taking the time to visit my GoFundMe campaign. My name is Belal, I am a 29-year-oldhuman rights lawyer from the northern area of Gaza. I lived a happy and meaningful life with my wife and my family until everything changed onOctober 7.
This is our story:
My life was just getting started. I graduated law school in 2021 and got married to my beautiful wife in 2022. I’d been working on building my house since 2019, and finally I finished it onNovember 24, 2022. Just before the beginning of this terrible war, onSeptember 1, 2023, I finally achieved my lifelong dream of starting my own law firm. It’s very difficult to open a law office here in Gaza, so there are very few other people who have been able to achieve this at my age. Opening my law firm was one of the proudest moments of my life. I worked extremely hard for everything I had. Although I knew that the odds of achieving my dreams were slim, I never let this stop me. In the moments where I wanted to give up, I drew strength from God and from my love for my community, my love for Gaza.
My house was destroyed on October 13 –– our beautiful moments, our memories, and all our precious belongings were all gone with it. My law firm was also destroyed that week. Everything I had worked so hard for throughout my entire life, gone in an instant.We’ve been displaced 5 times in 5 different homes, and now our “home” is a tent that houses 15 people. We were forced to travel from the very north of Gaza to the southernmost area. We risked our lives every time we were forced to flee, as bombs and missiles rained down on us, destroying our neighborhoods and taking thousands of lives. Somehow, alhamdulillah, each time we miraculously escaped death as we searched for life without knowing what would happen to us the next day.
Our displacement journey began, moving several times from one area to another, until we ended up in a tent in the “Tal al-Sultan” area in the city of “Rafah.” You can imagine how difficult life is in a tent. Everything is done with great difficulty. We are forced to use primitive methods to carry out daily tasks. Every day we make fires to prepare food, and struggle to provide water to drink or bathe. Going to the bathroom is a struggle in itself for adults rather than children, in the absence of toilets suitable for human use.
The situation worsens with the advent of summer and rising temperatures. The tent literally turns into a “sauna” during the day, and we suffer from pollution,influenza, and other serious diseases that lead tohepatitis. On top of that,I lost my private office that I had established just a month before the war and my job. I was working as alawyer and legal advisor for many local and internationalinstitutions and became unemployed due to a complete power outage and lack of Internet connection most of the time. I am facing great difficulty in providing for my family's needs amidst the crazy rise in prices. We have suffered enough and been subjected to a lot of fear and panic over the past seven months. The city of Rafah is now threatened by a ground invasion at any moment by the occupation, so I decided to travel and leave Gaza.
Despite how much I love the place that will always be my home, the genocidal war has left nothing for us. I struggle every day to provide for my basic needs because of the huge rise in prices. My wife and I often do not know where our next meal will come from. We have no access to proper medical care. It pains me to say that I am living the worst days of my life. It’s one nightmare after another. There is no life here and I fear I will die if I can’t leave. I lost a brother of mine a while ago, I lost my home, my law firm, and everything I worked so hard for. I don’t want to lose anything else.
Your donations will help my wife and I escape certain death in Gaza by traveling to Egypt. We will then figure out where we can go next to continue our lives, we will go to any country that will take us. After the immense weight of having seen so much death and lost so much, we want to start a new chapter in our lives. Wherever we go, I will continue to do my life’s work of defending human rights and seeking justice for all people. We know we deserve a better life, and we are endlessly grateful for any support you can provide to help us get to this goal.
Thank you for your generosity, kindness, and support..
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endollvors · 10 months
Taking a Propaganda
Propaganda is definitely a thing. It's been covered before, probably more throughly, that the Auradon sponsored Posters and Television channels on the Isle are, kinda wack. Like, that's a section of the budget that's being used judiciously when the main source of food is canonically garbage.
Consider also, the way that Mal, is framed in news footage in Descendants 2. (Rags to riches success story. Aspirational, A triumph of Auradon, look at her now. She's an example. etc.)
VK day in D3 being a holiday. The fact that the applications are Collected the same day as the children are Selected.
That's not what we're here for though. I'm taking you on a journey.
Ok, so School of Secrets, the promotional youtube shorts, not the book series, is I think, technically canon. It's canon the same way a guest passed out in the laundry room at a house party is still attending. They're a minute long and they fascinate me.
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This is a screenshot from Episode 9. Where PC culture cancels the school play, (Weird series) which was Supposed to be an adaptation of What's that Spell? a stage dramatization of Maleficent's attack on Aurora's kingdom. Other provided options are 12 Angry Dalmatians, Book of Sultan, and 7 Brides for 7 Dwarfs before they settle on My Fair Lady and the Tramp. May I just say before I get going, fun puns. I would watch the hell out of Tramp's Pygmalion arc.
This begs an interesting question though. Because this isn't, in the world of the series, fiction. Not only are all the plays about a terrible thing that happened, they are about terrible things that happened within living memory to specifically the parents of these kids' peers. Things that caused so much damage that a Generational Prison Island was considered a proportional response and it's an incredibly unpopular policy decision to want to change that. Now, imagine for a moment, being a parent, and going to see your darling pumpkin be an extra in the school play, and then its about how your best friend's stepmother tried to get her killed when she was 14, and also you're a character. Your kid didn't get the role.
They do this twice a year.
Twice a year, the AKs go on stage to replay their parents' story and celebrate the overthrow of a villain. This is some 9/11 Never Forget shit.
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blueiscoool · 3 months
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33 Greco-Roman Family Tombs Found in Aswan, Egypt
An Egyptian-Italian archaeological mission has uncovered 33 family tombs from the Greco-Roman period near the Aga Khan Mausoleum in Aswan, Egypt.
The joint mission, led by Dr. Mohamed Ismail Khaled, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, and Professor Patrizia Piacentini from the University of Milan, made the announcement earlier this month. The tombs, discovered west of Aswan’s Nile, date back to the Late Period and the Greco-Roman era, spanning from the sixth century BCE to the third century CE.
The Aga Khan Mausoleum, the resting place of Aga Khan III, Sir Sultan Muhammed Shah, who passed away in 1957, now sits above a necropolis with over 400 tombs. Dr. Khaled noted that it adds a new historical dimension to the Aga Khan area. The tombs vary in architectural style, with some featuring arched entrances and open courtyards made from mudbrick, while others are directly carved into the mountain rock. This diversity reflects the social stratification of the period.
Among the notable finds are mummified remains and funerary objects, including clay figures, sacrificial tables, ceramics, and painted cartonnages. An intriguing discovery within a stone coffin revealed the mummified remains of an adult and a child, likely adhered together by embalming fluids. Further analysis is planned to understand their relationship.
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Anthropological and radiological studies have provided insights into the health conditions of buried individuals. Dr. Patricia Piachenti from the University of Milan noted that 30% to 40% of the deceased were infants, children, or adolescents. This high mortality rate among the young offers clues about prevalent diseases during that period. The remains of several adult women showed signs of pelvic bone trauma, suggesting childbirth complications or other medical conditions. Other mummies exhibited evidence of anemia, malnutrition, chest diseases, tuberculosis, and osteoporosis.
“Initial studies reveal that many individuals suffered from infectious diseases and bone disorders,” said Dr. Piacentini. “Some adult females showed signs of medical interventions such as amputations and bone trauma, indicating that ancient Aswan had developed some medical practices.”
Dr. Ayman Ashmawy, Head of the Egyptian Antiquities Sector, said that the lower parts of the necropolis were likely reserved for the middle-class residents of Aswan Island, including physicians, artisans, merchants, and storekeepers. The upper parts of the necropolis, however, appear to have been reserved for the wealthier upper class. This social stratification is reflected in the differing architectural styles and the types of artifacts found within the tombs.
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The discoveries also include remains of colored cartonnage, clay and stone figurines, wooden coffins, and offering tables. The tombs’ architectural complexity reflects the advanced skills of the ancient craftsmen who overcame the challenges of digging into rock and constructing low-ceilinged funerary rooms and galleries.
The mission has employed the latest technology, including X-ray and CT scans, to analyze the mummies and artifacts. These technologies have allowed researchers to create three-dimensional reconstructions of the mummies and identify items such as bracelets found on some individuals.
By Dario Radley.
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stormbreaker101 · 4 months
Wizard101 Power Leveling Guide (Summer 2024)
Updated July 22, 2024
This post is heavily inspired by the far more well-known Teleportable Dungeons guide on Reddit, so of course credit for the idea and MUCH of the information to the OP there. However, that guide was written in early 2020, and since then we've had a whole new arc, as well as some other changes. This guide aims to correct for those changes.
Along with teleportable instances and quests that either only require level progression or have no prerequisites, this guide includes every reusable housing gauntlet currently available. If you want to use this guide to its fullest but don't have a gauntlet yourself, you can message my acquaintance stormclouds_ on Discord, who can provide free and constant access to every gauntlet. (She gave me permission to cite her 👍)
The instances are listed in order of giving least to most XP. In the case of a dungeon providing multiple quests, it's ordered by the quest that gives maximum XP. Occasionally, I'll have notes in square brackets.
If a dungeon has both a Standard and Challenge mode, then I am strictly referring to Standard mode. You can't port into Challenge mode instances.
Accursed Play (Tier 1): 100 [If lowest wizard is Level 1-19]
Great Clock Tower (Tier 1): 100 [If lowest wizard is Level 1-19]
Accursed Play (Tier 2): 200 [If lowest wizard is Level 20-39]
Sinbad and the Iron Sultan (Tier 1): 200 [If lowest wizard is Level 1-25]
Great Clock Tower (Tier 2): 200 [If lowest wizard is Level 20-39]
Sunken City (Nightside, WC): 75 230 195 250 275
Accursed Play (Tier 3): 300 [If lowest wizard is Level 40-59]
Accursed Play (Tier 4): 300 [If lowest wizard is Level 60-79]
Sinbad and the Iron Sultan (Tier 2): 300 [If lowest wizard is Level 26-50]
Great Clock Tower (Tier 3): 300 [If lowest wizard is Level 40-59]
Great Clock Tower (Tier 4): 300 [If lowest wizard is Level 60-79]
Frostholm (Vigrid Roughland, GH): 320 320 320
Accursed Play (Tier 5): 500 [If lowest wizard is Level 80-99]
Great Clock Tower (Tier 5): 500 [If lowest wizard is Level 80-99]
Throne Room of Fire (Palace of Fire, KT): 600 645 205
Accursed Play (Tier 6): 700 [If lowest wizard is 100+]
Sinbad and the Iron Sultan (Tier 5): 700 [If lowest wizard is Level 101+]
Great Clock Tower (Tier 6): 700 [If lowest wizard is 100+]
Vault of Ice (Entrance Hall, KT): 735
Midnight Sun Pagoda (Tier 1): 779 [If lowest wizard is Level 1-19]
Emperor's Retreat (Entrance Hall, KT): 785 585 785 845
Karanahn Palace (Karanahn Barracks, KT): 915
Tomb of the Beguiler (Well of Spirits, KT): 685 785 895 960
Temple of Storms (Well of Spirits, KT): 960 960
Ironworks (Digmoore Station, MB): 1,005 1,360 400 435 1,430
Counterweight East (Royal Museum, MB): 1,480
Counterweight West (Royal Museum, MB): 1,520
Katzenstein's Lab (Scotland Yard Roof, MB): 1,480 1,480 1,520 475 485
The Stellarium (District of the Stars, CL): 1,595
Manticore's Madness (Nucleus Gallery, NV): 1,600 [Not recommended. This fight takes a LONG time for so little XP]
Kesington Park (Digmoore Station, MB): 1,565 1,580 1,640
Crimson Fields (Hametsu Village, MS): 335 665 665 2,085 335 2,085 2,095 1,675 2,095
The Grand Chasm Past (The Grand Chasm, DS): 715 2,230
Shirataki Temple (Shoshun Village, MS): 1,880 2,410
The Labyrinth (The Necropolis, DS): 830 2,580 2,580 2,580 2,580 2,580
Tree of Life (Yoshihito Temple, MS): 450 2,840 2,840
Spiral Cup Gauntlet (Tier 1): 3,175 [If lowest wizard is Level 1-19]
Grand Tourney Arena (Tier 1): 3,300 [If lowest wizard is Level 1-19]
Fantastic Voyage (Tier 1): 3,300 [If lowest wizard is Level 1-29]
Winterbane Hall (Tier 1): 3,375 [If lowest wizard is Level 1-19]
Kembaalung (begins in The Oasis, KT): 230 230 580 3,180 4,230 1,920 [Minimum level of 25 is required. Only the 3k and 4k figures are from dungeons, the rest are from quests that only require dialogue.]
Midnight Sun Pagoda (Tier 2): 4,650 [If lowest wizard is Level 20-39]
Loremaster (The Atheneum, DS): 7,300 [Though not a typical dungeon, wizards can accept her quest at any level and with no story progression necessary.]
Barkingham Palace (begins in Wolfminster Abbey, MB): 340 680 6,800 680 6,800 680 7,905 2,040 [Minimum level of 40 required. The 7k and 8k quests are from the dungeons themselves.]
Nastrond (Hrundle Fjord, GH): 5,375 8,955 10,075 5,375 10,075 9,850
Spiral Cup Gauntlet (Tier 2): 12,150 [If lowest wizard is Level 20-39]
Grand Tourney Arena (Tier 2): 12,675 [If lowest wizard is Level 20-39]
Fantastic Voyage (Tier 2): 12,675 [If lowest wizard is Level 30-59]
Winterbane Hall (Tier 2): 12,900 [If lowest wizard is Level 20-39]
Midnight Sun Pagoda (Tier 3): 14,730 [If lowest wizard is Level 40-59]
The Portico (Celestia Base Camp, CL): 21,125 17,420
The Chancel (Celestia Base Camp, CL): 3,040 10,345 23,375
Trial of the Spheres (Celestia Base Camp, CL): 25,000
Grand Tourney Arena (Tier 3): 31,085 [If lowest wizard is Level 40-59]
Zigazag (begins in Balance School, KT): 2,010 1,005 33,480 9,315 39,510 9,130 [Minimum level of 60 required. Dungeons award the 2 >30k quests.]
Spiral Cup Gauntlet (Tier 3): 38,480 [If lowest wizard is Level 40-59]
Winterbane Hall (Tier 3): 39,975 [If lowest wizard is Level 40-59]
Fantastic Voyage (Tier 3) : 40,150 [If lowest wizard is Level 60-89]
Hall of Heroes (Telos, LM): 40,300
Control Room (Nimbus Citadel, EM): 40,584
Castle Gobbsmack (Gobblerton, KM): 44,150 [Personally not recommended. This dungeon is agony even at max level.]
Midnight Sun Pagoda (Tier 4): 47,620 [If lowest wizard is Level 60-79]
Midnight Sun Pagoda (Tier 5): 50,090 [If lowest wizard is Level 80+]
Aeroship (Nimbus Citadel, EM): 51,177
Storm Titan's Wake (Husk, EM): 51,177 [Easier nowadays thanks to Standard Mode. If you put a Balance Dispel on the Trident then change the bubble, the Dispel keeps it from replacing the damage cap bubble, allowing you to one-shot it]
Guest Quarters (Sky City, LM): 56,420
Spiritual Grove (Husk, EM): 61,770
Dream Shrine (Nexus, EM): 69,361
Deepest Mine (Cenote, AZ): 69,375
Freddie's Domain (Dreaming, WL): 69,720
Logging Warehouse (Black Licorice Forest, KM): 79,448
Cistern (Inner Athanor, EM): 83,481
Pipeline Cave (Gumdrop Forest, KM): 88,276
Ancient Shrine (Mandoria, LM): 88,660
Temple of Mother Moon (Pitch Black Lake, AZ): 92,760
Monquistan Fortress (Puerto Nuovo, NV): 96,495
Headquarters (Sepidious, EM): 96,540
Shadow House (Zanadu, EM): 96,540
Charging Station (Zanadu Sewers, EM): 96,540
Ink Spillway (Sepidious, EM): 96,540
Honeybee Diner (Heap, LM): 96,720
Wellspring (Heap, LM): 96,720
Golden Lion's Mind (Heap, LM): 96,720
Humongishfrog Battleplain (Northeast Aero Plains, EM): 102,354
Keep of Ganelon (Outer Yard, AV): 105,030 [Players can only teleport into the final room, with the Black and White dragons]
Temple of Light (Inner Athanor, EM): 108,927
Cafe Melee (La Ville Rose, NV): 110,280
Manticore's Plan (Nucleus Gallery, NV): 110,280
Solomon Crane's House (Night Forest, LM): 112,840
Atrium (Mandoria, LM): 112,840
Lab Entrance (Mandoria, LM): 112,840
Spiral Cup Gauntlet (Tier 4): 123,490 [If lowest wizard is Level 60-79]
Grand Tourney Arena (Tier 4): 128,824 [If lowest wizard is Level 60-79]
Fantastic Voyage (Tier 4): 128,850 [If lowest wizard is Level 90-120]
Winterbane Hall (Tier 4): 131,110 [If lowest wizard is Level 60-79]
Rosina's House (Black Licorice Forest, KM): 136,828
Bank (Hope Springs, WL): 139,440
Sandiago's Dream (Dreaming, WL): 139,440
Beacon of Hope (Zanadu, EM): 139,882
Aethyrium (Zanadu, EM): 144,810
Palace (Zanadu, EM): 144,810
Runoff Drain (Zanadu Sewers, EM): 144,810
Right Ocular Vein (Sepidious, EM): 144,810
Left Ocular Vein (Sepidious, EM): 144,810
Heart Sector (Sepidious, EM): 144,810
Four Points (Aggrobah, MR): 145,000
Lock Up (Heap, LM): 153,140
Bass Chamber (Telos, LM): 153,140
Treble Chamber (Telos, LM): 153,140
Military Training Grounds (Nimbus Citadel, EM): 153,531
Rear Courtyard (Nimbus Citadel, EM): 153,531
Private Wing (Nimbus Citadel, EM): 153,531
Audience Chamber (Nimbus Citadel, EM): 153,531
Astral Grove (Husk, EM): 153,531
Elemental Grove (Husk, EM): 153,531
Gingerbread Room Academy (Karamelle City, KM): 167,725
Temple of Truth (Wildlands, LM): 169,260
Volcano Path (Ursai Village, LM): 169,260
Killawahoo (Ursai Village, LM): 169,260
Tomb of He-Mander (Mandoria, LM): 169,260
Jailor's Office (Mandoria, LM): 169,260
Krull's Tent (Mandoria, LM): 169,260
Guard Complex (Sky City, LM): 169,260
Water Purification Plant (Sky City, LM): 169,260
Morg Fortress (Sky City, LM): 169,260
North Time Dunes (Chronoverge, MR): 169,500
Lower Passage (Stone of Heaven, NV): 174,610
Booth's Lair (Conatus, NV): 174,610
Cabal Base (La Ville Rose, NV): 174,610
Barn Division (Candy Corn Farm, KM): 184,883
Glockenspiel (Karamelle City, KM): 185,379
Gobbler Cave (Gumdrop Forest, LM): 185,379
Mining Tunnel B (Nibbleheim Mines, KM): 185,380
Silo (Candy Corn Farm, KM): 185,379
Dueling Space (Nucleus Gallery, NV): 192,990
Cliffside Nest (Puerto Nuovo, NV): 192,990
Saboteur Cave (Puerto Nuovo, NV): 192,990
Secret Tunnel (Aeriel Jungle, EM): 195,777
Dundara's Tunnel (Hope Springs, WL): 209,160
Lost King's Mine (Kingsland, WL): 209,160
Rebel Mine (Outback, WL): 209,160
Pink Lake (Eucalyptus Forest, WL): 209,160
Furryosa's Dream (Dreaming, WL): 209,160
Dark Cloud Base (Southwest Aero Plains): 214,507
Beastman Tunnels (Aeriel Jungle, EM): 215,232
Dead Archive (Arcanum): 217,620
Darkmoor (begins in Nightside, WC): 19,560 19,560 48,905 146,725 39,125 23,965 19,560 220,090 80,700 [Minimum level of 100 is required. The 147k, 24k, and 220k quests are from the 3 dungeons. To my knowledge it's not yet possible to power level someone to 100 without any questing, so including this in the list is likely impractical. Still, I intend to be thorough.]
Lagoon Pipeline (Billabong Resort, WL): 229,080
Spiral Cup Gauntlet (Tier 5): 234,500 [If lowest wizard is Level 80+]
Winterbane Hall (Tier 5): 248,980 [If lowest wizard is Level 80+]
Matheus' House (La Ville Rose, NV): 257,320
Financial Department (Karamelle City, KM): 264,828
Hot House Silo (Candy Corn Farm, KM): 275,521
Cell Block B (Basstille & Forlorn Tayg, PL): 112,000 336,000 71,910 [This is 2 quests and a dungeon given by Reddin. The 1st quest is 336k, the dungeon is the 112k, and the 2nd quest is 72k]
Overlord's Ossuary (Alkali Barrows, MR): 412,000
Grand Tourney Arena (Tier 5): 413,280 [If lowest wizard is Level 80+]
Fantastic Voyage (Tier 5): 413,280 [If lowest wizard is Level 120+]
Steam Plant (Inner Athanor, EM): 419,901
Breathing Cave (Borealis Peaks, PL): 437,040 125,680 [This is the 2nd dungeon and 3rd quest given by Reddin, and cannot be started unless you complete the previous 2 quests. 437k is the dungeon, 126k is the quest]
Kalamar Clearing (Chaos Jungle, EM): 499,369
Dream Hive (Nexus, EM): 571,732
Kalypso (Kalypso Dock, PL): 741,320
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oinonsana · 11 months
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LUNAR KNIGHTS. CHIVALROUS POETS. FAITHFUL PANDITA. One of the most powerful mahamandalas in Gubat Banwa, conquering in their Divine Striving for Goddess, is inspired by the various Sultanates of Southeast Asia! STRIVE EVERMORE FOR GODDESS: AKAI!
While Akai is host to a huge number of religions, their culture and allied polities are skewered through with belief and utmost reverence for The Most High Baginda, BAGINDA SUMONGSUKLAY, which is not her name but a descriptor as the Crescent Moon.
Akai reverses the use of God and uses "Goddess" instead. They are a primarily matriarchical culture, and they believe that Goddess lives on the Moon. The Moon is the most important thing in the universe: it is the hole that leads into the True Space of Goddess.
Akai is intensely researched and inspired by popular Postclassical Southeast Asian societies: Malacca, Johore, Maguindanao, Sulu and more. They are raiders far and wide, and fight so that all of Gubat Banwa will know of the providence of Goddess.
Their faith, AGMA DAMLAG, is inspired by Southeast Asian Islam, which is skewered through with mixtures of local folklores and legends, making it different from "pure" Islam. It is filled with mysticism, jinns, and devil dancers.
Their Disciplines are focused on overwhelming and protecting, on defense. They are the unbreakable ones, after all! They are also inspired by Islamic Chivalry notes: it is the Sultanates that house the most court romance, poetry, and chivalry.
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BEAST HUNTERS are those that turned the common profession of hunting in the Isles into an actual martial art. Out of necessity: Beast Hunters are quick and debilitating. According to their Faith, they cannot allow their dogs to bleed the prey before they do.
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the MARTYRS are warriors that go into battle in a fierce death battle trance, always ready to die for their convictions. they get stronger as the fight goes, and their techniques let them strengthen their attacks, throw their giant weapons, go into holy rage, and wield juru pakal
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SARIMANOK KNIGHTS are true chevaliers who wield the strength of the sarimanok--a revered omen bird that is integral to many cultures of the sword isles--to punish and smite those that would force them to kneel! they can fly upon sarimanok, or be imbued with the holiness of one
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STRIFESINGERS sing the grand dirge of Gubat Banwa, as it revels in violence. they are constantly singing: they have a burst 2 aura that constantly heals and gives buffs, and they can put down grand songs that manipulate allies and the battlefield!
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warriors that summon the knights of the sea: churning the waters with swordfishes and sharks are a common element in seasian folk tales. the swordfish cavalier is the purest representation of that, allowing them to manipulate water, turn into water, or summon the moon
All of these and more in our KS. Back us now and help us get more art and writing for this grand mahamandala!
Just as important: in solidarity with our colonized and oppressed peoples in Palestine! From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free! Check out this ongoing fundraiser that has over 250+ games for Gaza!
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empireofpearls-if · 1 year
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Embark on a captivating journey as you assume the identity of Birbal, a brilliant prodigy, and immerse yourself in the enigmatic realm of the Mughal Empire. Behold a world thrown into chaos following the demise of Emperor Humayun, as a mere 14-year-old Akbar inherits the illustrious throne. Your choices shall shape the destiny of this young monarch, as you aid him in becoming the legendary emperor he's destined to be, or plunge the empire into turmoil by orchestrating a web of subversion and deceit. The power to shape an empire lies within your hands.
Amidst a cast of colorful characters, tread cautiously as you determine which souls can be deemed trustworthy, while remaining ever vigilant for those who may, with a swift and treacherous strike, plunge a dagger deep into your unsuspecting back. In this enthralling tale of loyalty and betrayal, the art of discerning friend from foe becomes your most vital survival skill. Make allies, face challenges and uncover hidden secrets. Just as internal conflict reaches a boiling point, the walls of the royal palace begin to tremble, beckoning you take a stance. Whose side will you embrace?
Empire of Pearls: A Mughal Tale is an interactive story inspired by historical events. It is set at the beginning of Abu'l-Fath Jalal-ud-din Muhammad Akbar's reign as the youngest-ever Mughal Emperor where you play as his most trusted advisor and friend, Birbal. This reimagined work is entirely text-based and your choices help shape Birbal's personality, skills, relationship with others, and of course the fate of the Empire.
Content warning: This game explores dark themes such as abuse, bullying, manipulation, use of drugs and alcohol, blood, gore, violence etc. and is strictly rated 18+. Besides that more in depth warnings will be provided before each chapter and certain trigger points can be turned off completely at the start of the game.
Demo | Character Appearances | Tags | FAQ |
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Play as male or female and choose your real name and sexuality.
Customize your appearance and personality.
Choose one of three different backgrounds that will impact your reputation and relationships:
A noble possessing a remarkable talent, invited to join the court by Emperor Humayun himself; a child of a maid serving a powerful military commander, hired on the recommendation of the commander or a street urchin caught stealing from the royal palace, rewarded with a place in the elite circle owing to the incredible feat.
Romance any of the five different love interests or not. Friendship is always an option.
Be a part of an elite group of courtiers serving none other than Emperor Akbar and shape the fate of the Empire.
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Abu'l-Fath Jalal-ud-din Muhammad Akbar (he/him) 💕 : The newly crowned young emperor. Friendly and affable, the ruler has a tendency to be a bit impulsive at times. Despite his age he has been preparing for this role for years and doesn't seem at all nervous to be the new monarch. Akbar can be a powerful friend and an equally dangerous foe. How he perceives you vary depending on your background. A year younger than Birbal.
Bairam Khan (he/him): A military commander and the most trusted ally of the throne until the death of Emperor Humayun. Since then he has been promoted to commander-in-chief, if that wasn't all he also happens to be Akbar's guardian, chief mentor and advisor. Bairam knows his way around the empire but can you actually trust this man?
Ruqaiya Sultan Begum (she/her) 💕: An aloof but fiercely loyal woman and Akbar's first wife. Being cousins, neither of them ever saw each other as anything but friends. But Ruqaiya also hides a big secret, one that has her loathing herself. Will you able to form a deep enough connection to assist her in embracing her true self and breaking free from her constraints? A year younger than Birbal.
Salima Sultan Begum (she/her): A strong and intelligible woman and Akbar's second wife. She feels heavily undervalued and undermined by the court which causes her to constantly act out and push the boundaries of what is acceptable for a woman. Though she sees Akbar as a friend, anything more than that with anyone is unfathomable to her. Two years younger than Birbal.
Mahira Khan Mughal (she/her) 💕: A softspoken and timid young woman sold as a political pawn by her own father to become Akbar's third wife. Mahira longs for companionship and understanding which she can't find in the palace but you can fill that void in her life by secretly courting her or by providing the friendship she desperately craves. Two years younger than Birbal.
Arslan Khan (he/him)💕: The son of Bairam Khan and another young prodigy, seemingly possessing supernatural powers and later becoming known as the legendary Mulla Do-Pyaza. With a mixture of rivalry and occasional bullying, he views Birbal as a formidable adversary. Arslan, driven by an insatiable desire for his father's approval, harbors a volatile temper that ignites at the mere mention of insults hurled towards his family. Peering beyond the myth, can you uncover the man within? A year older than Birbal.
Nadeem/Nadia Mirza (opposite gender of Birbal) 💕: Birbal's betrothed and distant cousin of Akbar. A noble with a secret lover, N only accepted the marriage offer because it was arranged by commander-in-chief Bairam Khan himself and it was made obvious that refusal would not bear good consequences for their family. Can you form a connection with your betrothed despite the rocky start? Two years older than Birbal.
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