#pyro oneshot
lastchancestardomm · 7 months
A Real Family
Mercenaries x Teen!Reader
Word Count - 2.5K
Warnings: Child Abuse. Swearing. Fluffy Found-Family Mercenaries. OC-insert. Written accents.
Status - Not Beta Read
A/N: Remember that post I made about the Mercs bullying Teufort citizens? That's how long this big boy was cooking. This is my brain slop served on a silver platter for all to see. This isn't a reader insert, just my 16-year-old TF2 oc Ana Ivanova (who was pushed out of a helicopter into Snakewater but shhh we don't talk about that). The translations for the Estonian words are in the replies of this post. As for Ana's lore this is just the tip of the iceberg lol.
The cool Estonian air poured into the room like a wave lapping on the shore of a beach. So sudden, yet so common. Ana flipped over in her bed, the créme-colored, thin fleece blankets hand-knitted by her late mother wrapped around her. Ana squinted through the dark, and saw the silhouette of her sister's grinning face in her doorway.
"Hei, sister! Today, it's your turn to help me string the nets and catch us some breakfast!! C'mon, get up and put on a smile, unekott!" Maria chimed, her voice falsely inviting.
Ana's stomach grumbled under her blankets at the mention of breakfast. Last night, Maria sent her to bed with no dinner because she gave her lip. Ana leaned up on her elbows, back popping as she squinted up at her smarmy sister. Maria rushed her, like a cat pouncing on its prey, her hands gripping Ana's arms, and Maria hauled Ana out of her safe and comfy bed.
"Hei! Mida-"
"Ei! No cuss words," Maria sternly reminded her, hooking arms with Ana and dragging her from her bedroom to the kitchen.
The two siblings skipped down the hall, as the oldest of them was in the kitchen brewing some hot tea. Little Olev was cradled in his arms, wrapped in another white fleece blanket that was hand-knitted by their mother.
"Tere, Alex!" Maria said in a sing-song voice, greeting her older brother.
She sighed. "Tere, Aleksander– tere, little Olev," Ana hastily greeted. Maria whacked the back of her head. Ana made a groan, as her brother's sweet-as-honey smile faltered slightly.
Maria kissed the top of Ana's head to ease Aleksander, and she skipped over to kiss her older brother on the cheek, as her littlest sibling made a tired noise of distaste. Twirling playfully, she yoinked a black, furry coat off the coat rack and began buttoning it. Ana simply stared at her display.
"Mida? You're fourteen, you can get the coat yourself. Now, hurry! Before I do it all and you'll get nothing to eat!" Maria benignly threatened in her sisterly voice. Ana flinched when Maria's hand raised to exaggerate the "nothing to eat".
Ana nearly tripped over her socked feet; drunkenly stumbling to the coat rack to grab the slick maroon coat. The soft, rabbit fur lining slipped over Ana's lanky arms. The shiny zipper cocooned Ana in her coat, and throwing on her boots she grabbed the ice drill and a cup of bait on the key stand. Maria smiled at Ana and pat her on the back, Ana recoiling from the action.
The sisters rushed outside into the snowy Estonian grass. It was near ethereal. The sky was silver, as frost twinkled on every blade of grass. Powder snow rained down like it always did in the morning, and Ana sped out after her sister for the frozen lake.
Stepping onto the ice, and seeing the imprint of her boots on the thin sheet of snow covering the lake, Ana smiled. Maria did a whistle for Ana to come near, and she stomped on a soft part of the ice where all the small fish were. It was never a lot, but it was enough to feed the four of them.
Ana set the drill down onto the heart of the crack Maria made by stomping on the ice, and slowly rotated the drill-tip in her hands. The ice was already pretty thin, so when Ana pressed the side button meant to punch a hole in the ice, she accidentally dropped the drill into the cold water.
"Mida kuradit?!" Maria screamed at her. That drill was hand-made by Aleksander and their father, back when Maria was little. Her papa always held the family drill in high value, and so Maria did too. To lose the drill felt like losing a 10,000 quid lottery.
"Ma- vabandust!" Ana pleaded. Maria grabbed Ana's dirty blonde hair, teeth gritted in contempt. Maria yanked on Ana's hair firmly, to twist her away; and Ana fumbled on her feet when she was spun, so she slipped and fell face-first onto the ice.
Maria fell with her, but she caught herself on her knees. Ana was laid out on the ice like a dead body, as her older sister glared down at her with empty eyes of hate. Ana's neck craned back, and her face was bashed against the ice.
Again and again, Maria continued to pound Ana's face into the ice 'till she bled. Her eyes were filling with blood from cuts on her forehead– her sister fading into the red, blurry void.
Eventually, the ice broke; Ana's face heading into the water below. She screamed, bubbles of air gurgling out of her mouth. Her head flew up, freed, and she was flashed with sunlight. Her achy arms lifted her up on silky, gray-brown sand. The sky was a gentle blue, and calm waters tickled her wrists. The rocky outcrops were rounded, warm, and soothing.
At least until the screaming came. Men, screaming. Explosions turned the once-gentle sky orange, and all the white puffy clouds in it dispersed into black smoke. A bullet bounced off a rock beside her, chipping it and turning it jagged. Then. The worst part of it all. Had to be Maria's laughter. It came from the loudspeakers. It made Ana's ears ring. Maria's fucking cackling.
Ana's hands rushed to cup her ears; to make the vexatious, awful laughter go away. It was deafening, and made Ana's head pound. She screamed, and she screamed and she screamed to make it go away.
As she screamed for Maria's stupid laughing to go away, people calling her name emerged, and it got louder and louder with the laughter too. "Ana! Ana! Ana!" it was like a bunch of different voices were speaking all at once. Her eyes squeezed shut against her will. This didn't feel nice. Make it stop. Make it quiet. Shut up. Stop it.
"Stop." she sorely, and quietly mustered at first. But the voices kept coming. "Stop!" she demanded, eyes now open and pouring unshed tears. But the voices continued to get more anxious. "Stop it!" she screamed. But they kept coming.
Ana's eyes fluttered open, and she wasn't on the hellish battlefield anymore; rather, on a couch. A red couch. A man in a white doctor's coat was level with her, on his knees; his icy blue eyes locked with Ana's turquoise ones.
A breathy, Estonian "Ah?" lazily left her lips in a yawn.
The hands on Ana's face were not hers, trying to block out the laughs; but rather the man's, whose soft thumbs were wiping away tears. Her world seemed fuzzy, but slowly, she could make up the words flying around her.
"Ana? Mein Kind, vake up," Medic was saying. An expression of worry was worn on his face. Others were also trying to coax her awake. She felt herself trembling on the couch, now aware of someone's arm wrapped around her.
"Medic?" Ana asked quietly. He nodded, and Soldier and Pyro were now shushing the others. "Mis juhtus?" she asked looking around, accidentally slipping into her mother-tongue.
"Jou fell asleep betveen Heavy und I," Medic started, the arm around Ana belonging to Heavy. The large Russian was looking down at her, his worry also evident. "Jou started vhimpering und tvitching. Vhen jou started crying ve all tried vaking jou up," Ana was suddenly aware of all the eyes on her; every Merc staring her down with a concerned look.
"It was just a nightmare, I'm fine, really!" Ana said, trying to nonchalantly shrug it off. A shaky breath trailed her words.
"Kiddo, no one should be actin' like dat when sleepin'," Scout stated.
"Oui, Scout is right. What was zhe dream about, chérie?" Spy asked from his spot next to Sniper.
She shook her head, "It doesn't matter, I'm fine now," Ana said, attempting to reassure them. It seemed to only worsen their state, though. Medic took Ana's hands, holding them, opening his mouth to begin to speak when Engineer cut him off.
"Yah weren't dreamin' 'bout her again, were yah?" he asked. Ana's eyes guiltily fell to her hands, an obvious yes.
"Roo, yah left that sheila behind the day yuh fell into Snakewater," Sniper said, sighing. His head dipped low, solemnly, but he straightened back up when Ana spoke.
"My brother... he didn't even try to look for me," she said, feeling the salty tears drip down her face once more. "He didn't even try."
"Ana." Heavy stated suddenly. "Look at Heavy vhen he iz talking to you." She did as he told, meeting his eyes. Heavy's grip on her tightened. "It iz better dat he did not." he said. "You are happy vis us, да? Happier than you ever been?" Ana nodded at all his questions, taking her hand from Medic's to wipe away still-wet tears. "You should not care about her."
"She treated yah like crap! She was messin' with yer family so she could hurt yah wit'out no one questionin' it! Now tha' is no way tuh live," interjected Demoman, shaking his fist. Soldier patted Demo on the shoulder in agreement.
"Ana?" Scout, almost somberly, asked. Ana looked over at him; he was holding his hat in his hands, and his headset was around his neck with his short brown hair ruffled. "Did... did any of 'em evah tell yah dat they loved yah?" When she shook her head, a no, the temperature in the room seemed to increase.
Their combined anger could've rivaled Ana's late father. A lot of them were muttering curses under their breath. "But none of them needed to! Alex kept the roof over my head and Maria was keeping food on my plate; it was all just peachy!" Ana was shushed by Heavy.
"Ana. Zhose are her words, not yours," Spy said. "Zhat is not love. Zhat is what caretakers legally 'ave to do for you in this country,"
Ana frowned. "But Maria always told me-"
"Ana! She had lied to you about a lot of things!" Soldier said suddenly. "Hudda hudda!" Pyro added, probably agreeing with Soldier.
"Ana, listen to me." Medic said, drawing her eyes back to him. "Jour birzh parents, siblings, whoever- vill never love jou as much as ve do. Zhey do not compare to us; zhat may sound narcissistic, but it is true,"
Ana nearly froze. "You guys... love me?" It was a genuine question.
"I mean, yah kinda fell from the sky and took a tumble on 'dem rocks in Snakewatah, so Doc hadda heal yah, and we all wanted to keep yah at that point," Scout said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Ve had to fight the Miss Pauling to keep you," Heavy added.
"Aye! Even after that we had to fight The Administrator!" Demoman chimed in.
"Darlin', we gave yah somethin' yer old parents never could." Engineer said. Ana rose her brow and he smiled at her. "A real family,"
"We love yah more than anythin' kiddo," Scout said.
"We'll foight for yah, even if that means we lose our jobs; yer way more important," Sniper stated, grinning. Though his grin was lost when Ana suddenly burst into tears.
"What is the matter, Cadet?" Soldier asked frantically.
Ana covered her face with her hands, attempting to wipe away the tsunami of warm tears dribbling down her face. Don't cry, please. "I- I'm just so happy!" she cried. "No one's ever- ever loved me before! Aitäh, aitäh!"
Medic sighed, a small grin on his lips. "Ana, I know, I fell in love zhe second I saw jou," he shrugged, "Even zhough jour head vas bleeding." Medic covered a part of his mouth with his hand, leaning closer to Ana. "But I know jou love me zhe most," he whispered, though he made sure the others could hear it.
"Now hold on a moment, tha's not true. Ana loves me the most," Demoman said, earning a shove from Soldier.
"Both of you are lying! We all know who Ana's favorite is and that's-"
"Me!" Before she knew it, Ana was swept up in Demoman's arms. He hugged her tightly as he kissed her cheek. Then Scout snatched her from him, holding her in almost a headlock by his waist; ruffling her hair as he "hugged" her.
"I want to hold Ana!" Soldier argued, grabbing her from Scout and hugging her to his body with only one arm, like she was a teddy bear.
Ana was used to this, surprisingly. She got a lot of amusement from this human tug-of-war. "Guys, there's plenty of me to go around," she joked, grinning.
"Yes, well now you are mine, and only mine," Soldier stated.
"Ohoho, is zhat a challenge?" Medic asked (more like teased), smirking. He grabbed Ana, engulfing her in a hug, and peppering the top of her head in small kisses. Heavy stood in front of Medic, effortlessly grabbing and holding Ana with one arm, and holding Medic back with the other.
"Aye! I had Ana first!" Demoman whined, trying to grab her back. With Heavy distracted, Pyro cut through the fray and grabbed Ana; sending Demo to the floor with a thud! as the Scotsman's weight slammed against the ground. Pyro held onto Ana as they spun her in a circle gleefully.
Spy got a hold of her next, but before he could vanish with Ana in tow, Sniper grabbed him. His left arm wrapped tightly around Spy's neck, while his right arm was draped over Ana's shoulders. Sniper slyly grinned up at the Frenchie.
"Let go of me Bushman!" Spy snapped, nearly elbowing Sniper in the throat.
Sniper chuckled and did as told, but he kept his grip on Ana. That left Engineer, who stood in front of Sniper with his arms crossed. "Wot are yah gonna do, shorty?" Sniper teased.
Engineer quirked a brow, flashed his wrench on his belt, and smirked up at Sniper. The kiwi gave off a nervous chuckle, politely shifting Ana to Engineer. Engineer looked around at the other men. And Pyro, who seemed to be getting closer to him, "Now fellas, why don't we just let Ana tell us who her favorite mercenary really is?"
"But I can't choose, I guess you're going to have to keep trying to win me over," she joked, grinning slyly from ear-to-ear.
"Well that'll be easy, I'm already winnin'!" Scout boasted.
"In your dreams, maggot!" Soldier retorted.
"Now look what'cha started Ana. We got a whole war startin' 'cause you're so damn lovable," Engineer said, laughing as the bickering began to grow. "Imma just start walkin' away, we both know Ah'm your real favorite anyway," he joked, turning on his heel and starting to walk back to his workshop.
"Vhere do jou zhink jou are going, Engi?" Medic called, the others now noticing him leaving, too. Next thing Ana knew, she was the one running. After all, she had nine mercenaries all trying to smother her with affection and attempting to become her favorite.
She was loving it though. How they were trying to show her how much they really loved and cared for her. This was something other than a competition between them. And as Ana was in her room, giggling up a storm as she heard the Mercs all playfully calling out her name like it was a game of Marco-Polo, she knew that Engineer was right; this was a real family.
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cbsxreader · 1 year
Can you please make platonic mercenaries with a teenage girl reader? She's originally from Russia. Y/n is a big fan of horror movies and other creepy stuff. Her favorite hobby is walking around abandoned buildings and diggerism, she likes to take things she finds in buildings with her as souvenirs. One shot as all mercenaries go with her to the abandoned hospital, if it's not hard. They have fun, have wheelchair races, scare each other, play catch-up, draw graffiti, until they hear some strange noises, the mercenaries think it's y/n since she moved away from them, but she stands next to them. Y/n as the bravest decides to go into the room where the strange sounds are coming from, dementia and courage, She enters the room, but there is no one there, only children's drawings and toys, y/n is alarmed by the find and she runs out of that room screaming to the mercenaries that they need to get out of there. When the mercenaries and y / n start to leave the hospital, they hear the clatter of feet, as if someone is running after them, and when they have already run out of the hospital gate, everything is silent, and there is no pursuer
Okay this is a long ask, I'll try my best!
You and the mercs exploring an abandoned hospital
Cw: (Horror elements)
''Where is it, where is it!? How long is it until we get there!?'' You exclaim, looking all around.
''Calm down, you bugger.'' Sniper reaches over from his seat. He grabs your shoulder and pulls you back in the camper, not taking his eyes off the road. ''Oi know you can't wait, but we're nearly there!''
Sniper was the one who told you about an abandoned hospital he had stumbled across when he was out hunting. He knew you would love it, so the first thing he had done was tell you all about it.
The news made you overjoyed. You immediately told the rest of the team about your destination.
Heavy had other plans though, he didn't want you going there. I mean, how could he not worry about you? You were like an another little sister to him. But, just like a big brother, he couldn't stand there and see you so desperate to go and being denied.
He let out a small sigh and smiled. ''Okay, as long as I come with you.''
''Большое спосибо, Хэви!!!" You hugged him tightly.
(T: Thank you so much, Heavy!)
Medic seemed to like the idea too, asking you if he could come along. This triggered a chain of all the others, except for Scout and Spy, also wanting to join in. Spy said something about being too fancy for such an event and Scout said that he thought it was boring, hiding his fear.
''If we all go, then you have to come too!'' You cheerfully announced.
''Yeah!'' The rest of the team agreed.
''It's been a minute since we've done somethin' like this as a team!'' Engie noted.
''I wonder why..'' Spy said to himself.
''Can't we watch a movie or somethin'? Like, what's there to see in an abandoned hospital?'' Scout tried to chicken out, trying to make it not seem so obvious that he didn't want to go.
''Scout, what's the point in watching a horror movie, if you can experience it yourself?'' You tried to convince him.
''See! That's the point, I don't want to be in a horror movie! I don't wanna die!''
''First, you die and get brought back to life on a daily basis, second, we're all going to be there, so whatever is there, we'll fight it off!''
End of Flashback
You finally see a metal gate that is overgrown in vines and grass. A large fence surrounds a large concrete building, clearly the hospital Sniper had told you about.
You can't hold your excitement. You are finally here! You lean out of the window again, despite Sniper's protests. You let the corners of your mouth rise, revealing a wide, happy smile.
''Calm down, Y/n..'' Sniper says in a more stern tone.
He knows you want to start exploring as soon as possible and hoped you wouldn't hop out of the car while it was still moving. He presses his foot on the brakes. You can't keep still as you watch the wheels of his camper eventually come to a stop. You hadn't opened a car door so quickly in your life. You quickly step on the ground and slam the camper's door, running towards the tall gate.
''Oi!'' An irritated Sniper sticks his head out of the window, calling you out on your careless behaviour towards his dear vehicle.
''Sorry, Sniper!'' You look back for a moment, quickly apologizing to the angry aussie before focusing on your path once again.
Sniper grumbles something to himself before getting out of his camper. He turns to look behind him as his teammates step out of their van one by one. Medic is also excited for the adventure and quickly makes his way past Sniper and towards you, humming a tune as he walks. Soldier and Scout are already bickering about something, most likely Soldier calling Scout a baby because he is afraid to come. Demo had decided to bring a few beers, it was a team bonding after all. When he is about to pass Sniper, he stops and slightly tilts the crate of drinks towards him, his eye showing kindness in the offer. Sniper's face doesn't show any emotion though.
''No thanks, mate.''
Demo shrugs ''Alright, but don't complain when there's none left.''
Demo continues forward, the drinks in the crate slightly clinking together. Sniper's eyes follow him. His thoughts seem to have made him lost, he hadn't noticed Heavy coming up behind him. A large hand being placed on his shoulder startles him.
"Bloody hell.."
"Is Sniper upset?" Heavy asks, concerned for his teammate.
"Nah, mate. Just waitin' to walk behind everyone."
"You won't be in the back. Not unless you help Engineer with Spy." Heavy tells Sniper.
"Heavy!!! Could you please bring us the big pliers??" You shout.
Both Sniper and Heavy turn to look in your direction. You had pushed some vines off of the gate, revealing a lock and a chain keeping the gate shut. Heavy looks to Sniper again before coming over to you, while the marksman goes to help Engie convince Spy to come along.
Heavy takes off his backpack from his shoulders and takes out a pair of large pliers. You clench your fists and smile widely as Heavy goes to the chained lock. He places it in the jaws of the pliers and- snap! The lock, along with the chain, falls to the ground, making a small thud as it hits the grass.
You try to push the gate open. The vines keep the gate shut. But you are determined to get in, nothing was about to stop you. You push with all your might, your family of mercenaries lending you a hand. The vines can't handle it and snap. The sound of the gate being moved for the first time in ages grates everyone's ears. But you could care less, you could finally explore!
"Urrrraaa!" You call out and run as fast as you could to the hospital door.
Heavy's eyes widen and he calls out "Y/n! Wait for Misha!"
"You heard Heavy, Y/n! Don't go in zhere without us!" Medic adds, but you are already far enough to not hear them.
"Scout, please go get her.." Heavy asks, worried for you.
"Hey, Y/n, wait for us!" Scout takes off. He easily catches up with you when you have already entered the hospital.
You feel his hand on your shoulder "I'm not going anywhere far!" You said to him.
"Yeah, I get it, but it's better if you stay close to us, alright?" Scout sounds strangely serious.
This kills your mood a bit, sometimes you wish they wouldn't worry so much about you "Alright.."
You wait for the rest of the team to catch up with you two. Since you can't just run off, you ask: ''What do we do now?''
''I dunno, you're the boss!" Scout simply shrugs and everyone looks at you for guidance.
You look around and spot a fallen over wheelchair by the reception desk. You smile at your idea.
● ● ●
''Ready, set,'' Engie counts down as you and the others get ready. You decided to have a race, but in wheelchairs. Not all mercs were willing to participate, but just the right amount for entertainment were sitting in the wheelchairs. Demo was up for it to compete with Solly, Pyro seemed excited by the idea and joined in and Scout wanted to show himself off, claiming he could consider it as a workout. Sniper had a camera along with him which he turned on and pointed in your direction.
''Go!" Engie eagerly announces as the rest of the mercs cheer on.
Soldier and Demo easily get in the lead, already fighting for who's gonna be first and it is basically You vs Pyro vs Scout now. Pyro seems to catch up for third place, getting ahead of you and Scout. Despite the onlookers cheering you on, you can feel your arms burning and getting tired. Scout takes this advantage and gains on you, surpassing you. You pretty much accept that you had lost, only to suddenly pick up speed, surpassing all the other competing mercs and going across the finish line.
''Hey, that's no fair, Doc!'' Scout calls out.
Your eyes widen in surprise as you look up. Medic is looking down at you with an innocent smile, holding your chair.
''Scout has a point you know.'' You say.
''Yes, but I could not vatch him be so confident about vinning against you.'' He replies, looking directly at Scout with a smile.
● ● ●
''Oi, Y/n!'' Sniper quickly catches your attention ''Look what Oi found!''
He comes up to you with something in his hand. As Sniper comes closer you can tell it's a wallet. Noticing your curiosity, he opens it and reveals it belonged to a man called Josh Hand.
''Are we allowed to take this?'' You suddenly realize.
''Eh, the bloke's probably dead and if he isn't he didn't bother coming back for this, so yeah, you can take it.''
You decide to inspect the wallet further, only to find plenty of cash. The dollar bills look strangely intact. You look up at Sniper again.
''Woah, this guy had some dough!'' You say, remarking your discovery.
''He didn't.'' Sniper bluntly states.
A sneaky smile spreads across the sniper's face and he leans down to your level ''We're goin' to buy groceries tomorrow, just wanted you to get somethin' noice for yourself.''
Sniper once again proves himself to be your cool uncle.
● ● ●
''Mh hm hm hmh hm mh hmm, mh hm hm hmhm!'' They mumble.
Though you had spent years with the mercs, Pyro was still a bit noncoherent to you. Engie knew how to understand them and often translated them to you. When Pyro saw that you couldn't understand them, they'd often act out what they want or draw it. This was one of those times.
Pyro acts out as if they are holding something and writing something on their hand. You're confused. The firebug then puts their hand to the wall and presses against it. Something clicked. Your eyes widen and a smile grows on your face.
"Everyone! Pyro has an idea!" You cheerfully announce.
A bit later
"Alright, everyone ready?"
The mercs nod. Each of them, except for Spy, have one of their hands covered in paint. You decided to leave your handprints and make a sort of murial. Pyro had painted a big heart outline in red paint, everyone was about to put their hands inside it.
"Раз..два..три!" You count down.
You and the mercs place your hands on the wall, keeping them there for a few seconds. Everyone takes their hands off, revealing the colourful prints that were now on the previously blank wall. Pyro claps and happily mumbles.
"Nice one, fellas! Ah think we should save this for the album!" Engie's voice caatches everyones attention as he brings out a polaroid camera.
Eversince you arrived to the team, Engie always brought a camera with him because you brought such joy to the team and he couldn't resist taking photos of it. This lead to the creation of an album, he could capture the brightest moments and put the pictures in it.
But this isn't a bright enough moment. Yet.
"Engie, wait!" You stop him "Spy hasn't put his hand on the wall..."
Spy seems annoyed, standing by the wall with his arms crossed "I already told you, I'm not participating in such foolery."
"Is it really foolery if even Engie and Heavy did it?" Demoman smirks.
Your eyes light up and you smirk as well "Yeah, is it?"
Spy avoids eye contact, only to be suddenly picked up by Heavy.
"Oh, this should be fun.." Sniper adjusts his hold on his camera and looks through it, ready to record what was coming next.
"Ah, just leave him alone, fellas." Engie gently says, he already had to convince Spy to come along and now everyone is ganging up on him.
"Negative, Engineer! Spy must know how to apply paint on his body for camouflage! No sergeant is going to allow him to put it on with a fancy paintbrush!" Soldier scolds Spy.
Medic leans closer to Engineer's ear, trying to blur out Soldier's talking. "Vhen vas zhe last time Spy participated in an activity like zhis? I zhink zhis vill do him some good.." his tone seems more malicious by the end of his sentence.
"If we all do it, you have to do it too.." You cheekily smile and slowly pull off Spy's glove.
"Yeah, Spy! Don't be such a fancy pants!" Scout mocks him.
You firmly hold Spy's wrist and lift it up. You smile at Pyro and wait for them to come closer. They lift up a paintbrush covered in paint and put it to the frenchman's hand, the hairs slightly tickling him.
"STOP ZHIS INSTANT!!" Spy raises his voice.
It is too late, Heavy carries him closer to the wall as he squirms around with all his might. You keep his arm straight. You feel him pulling his arm out of your grasp, but to no avail. His hand hits the cold wall and the team rejoices. Heavy's grip on him loosens and he pulls his arm back from you.
Engie walks up to Spy with a dirty handtowel "Here ya go-" he doesn't get to finish his sentence before Spy quickly snatches the towel in silent anger.
Spy takes a few steps away from the team. In an attempt to annoy him even more, you shine your flashlight at him. He quickly shuts his eyes and turns away from you. Something else catches your attention though, a dark doorframe behind Spy seemed so ominous, yet so interesting. Your eyes widen in curiosity and you look into the room from afar.
The gentle sounds of chatting between the mercs are cut short by a faint laugh. Everyone goes silent, carefully listening to their surroundings, their eyes darting in all directions. It sounds like a little girl. They track the source of the sound to the direction of you and Spy. Scout quickly connects the dots.
''Y/n, was that you?''
You look back at your team. Staying calm, you silently shake your head. Another laugh echoes through the corridor, this time, everyone could see it isn't you. You turn back around, shining your light in the dark room again. The sound is definitely coming from there.
Without saying anything, you signal your teammates to come along with your hand. You start to take silent steps towards the door, as does everyone else.
As you step closer, you start seeing more and more of the room. It has bright, pastel walls with drawings of animals and flowers. Clearly the kids room. Toys and drawings are all across the floor. You stop in the door frame for a bit, waiting for everyone else to catch up with you. You shine your flashlight in every direction, only to see a wall covered in children's drawings.
''Let's go in.'' You say, not hiding your curiosity, already taking the first steps.
''Wait, we just heard some little girl laughing and you decide to go where we heard it from??'' Scout is shocked at your willingness to go in.
''Yeah, that's what exploring is all about!'' You reply, approaching the wall.
You inspect the drawings, they seem like they had been drawn by a little kid, which was fitting to be found in a kids room. But upon closer inspection, you notice something odd. The faces on the people in the drawings appear sad, what you assumed was blood is bleeding from characters, one consistent character starts to smile from ear to ear. You feel a bit uneasy, but your worries skyrocket when you see the picture at the very top. Ten characters, on the ground, bleeding, with that one character, once again, smiling ear to ear.
Everyone almost jumps out of their skin when they hear you scream. The team immediately jumps into attack mode, ready to defend you from anything that made you release such a blood curdling cry, but they get quickly cut off by you appearing again.
''WE HAVE TO RUN, NOW.'' With your face full of fear and your voice nearly cracking, you warn the team.
Just then, a louder, clearer laugh stings everyone's ears. Now there was nothing holding you back from running.
The footsteps of the team fill the empty hospital as they try to find a way out. You had accidentally angered something that considered the hospital it's home and now it was better to get out of here.
As the team make a sharp turn, Demoman gets disoriented and falls. The bottles from his crate fall out and break as they hit the floor, their contents spilling everywhere. Demoman looks out to find the good alcohol wasted.
"Даваи, Demo!!!" You call out to him.
(T: Come on, Demo!!!)
The scotsman rises up from the ground, only to freeze up. A cold shiver runs up his spine, his senses suddenly sharpen. He knows this feeling. His whole team knows this feeling. The feeling of uneasiness when you sense a spy behind you. He looks behind him, only to hear footsteps.
You can only look forward as you run but Demoman's voice almost made you stop in your tracks. He speeds past all of you, gaining the lead. You recognize this, people in horror movies ran like this when their lives were on the line.
"SOMEONE'S AFTER US!!" He cries loud enough for anywhere in the hospital for him to be heard.
Just then, you can hear something stepping on broken glass and some sort of liquid. The scrumpy bottles. But no one is that far behind. This only encouraged you to run faster.
Your rapid and uneven breaths make your side hurt, the adrenaline makes you run but at the same time seems to give you a headache. You feel yourself slowing down, seeing the others get more and more ahead of you. Before you know it, you are behind the mercs.
Suddenly, it feels like you ran into something and are about to trip, instead you get quickly lifted up and feel yourself being placed on some sort of surface. After processing what happened, you realize you are on Heavy's shoulder.
''Всё хорошо, Y/n..'' You hear him say amidst all the others' panic.
(T: It's alright, Y/n..)
You look back up and look down the hallway you were running through, you can still hear footsteps. And, as if whatever it was that was chasing you could sense your eyes looking at them, the same laugh echoes through your ears.
''Миша, Я боюсь...'' You can barely speak, whispering into Heavy's ear.
(T: Misha, I'm scared...)
Heavy silently responds by holding you tighter and picking up his speed. Scout, being the fastest of the bunch, reaches the door first, only to pull on the handle and..
''IT'S LOCKED!'' The Scout yells to his team.
''WHAT!?'' They say in unison, finally reaching the door that was so close to freedom.
''I CAN'T GET IT OPEN!!'' Scout pulls and pulls on the door, the others joined him in hope of getting the door open.
''Прочь с дороги!!!'' Heavy calls out to everyone.
(T: Out of the way!!!)
Heavy thunders towards the door, the sight of him making the rest of the mercs step out of his way. He releases a war cry before turning to his side and slamming into the door, bursting it open. Heavy nearly falls from the impact but manages to stay on his feet. The rest of the mercs run to the open doors, catching up to you and Heavy.
You still continue to run even after making it past the gate, getting to the vehicles you arrived in. Finally, you can rest. Everyone is panting and their hearts are beating out of their chests, still wide eyed at the sudden chase. The team members make eye contact with eachother, silently checking if everyone is alright.
"Please tell me we're goin' home..." Scout breaks the silence with a thought that was on everyone's minds.
"Yeah..we are.." You answered him, still in shock.
● ● ●
After a rather silent dinner with the mercs, you had gone to your rooms, hoping to get some sleep. But you are still awake. The howling wind and the shine of the moon keep you unsettled. Horror movies never made you stay up like this, but that was because they weren't real and you knew it. Well, except the ones that told you they were based on true events. No one ever told you an actual experience would be so impactful.
You reach over to your nightstand and take your pocket knife instead of hiding under your blanket. Whatever it was that chased you definitely wouldn't care about a piece of fabric covering you. You look around your room, keeping the little knife close. Every single shadow makes the hairs on your body stand. Every time you look somewhere, something else appears in the corner of your eye only for it to seemingly disappear when you look around. Your breaths are shallow and you are covered in goosebumps, despite the room being warm, you shiver. There's a good chance you won't fall asleep.
You softly knock on the workshop's door. You had taken your pillow and blanket, hoping to get some sleep with Engie and Pyro by your side. Engie opens the door, looking strangely awake.
''Oh, hey, Y/n.'' The texan speaks in a soft voice.
''Hey, Engie..I can't sleep...I was wondering if I can sleep here with you...'' You reply in a sleepy yet worried voice.
''We can't sleep too. Pyro was squirmin' and mumblin' in their sleep and I couldn't even fall asleep.'' Engie explains.
Oh no... ''I'm sorry, it's my fault, I shouldn't have dragged you all into this...'' You apologize.
Engie's expression quickly turns worried ''Y/n, don't blame yourself! You just wanted us to have fun! Come on, I was thinking of makin' us some hot cocoa.'' He softly says, heading into the hallway, his hand remaining on your back.
Pyro gets up as they see Engie leaving and you follow the pair to the kitchen. Your blanket drafts over your body as you walk and you pull it closer.
You arrive at the kitchen, only to see Medic, Heavy and Sniper sitting around the table with a dim light from the kitchen counter illuminating them. They sleepily look up at you. They had already prepared warm drinks for themselves, coffee for Medic and Sniper, some tea for Heavy.
''What are y'all doing here?'' Engie asks in a confused tone.
''Same reason as you, probably." Medic yawns right on cue "Ve can't sleep..'' he slightly rubs his eyes and takes a sip of his coffee.
"Yeah, it didn't help that Oi watched back the footage that Oi filmed roight before bed and Oi swear Oi saw...something chasing us...It wasn't just a pair of eyes or somethin' you could make out an actual person.." Sniper seemed to shiver a bit.
"...can I see it?" You softly ask.
"Sorry, mate. Oi got so scared Oi ripped the wheel off the projector, threw it and saw it roll away to some corner of the rec room. You'll have to wait till mornin' to foind it." Sniper sleepily replies.
"..oh." You say, a bit disappointed.
Upon hearing more footsteps, everyone turns around to the entrance to the kitchen, silently preparing for anything. Scout, Demo and Soldier appear. The team members make prolonged eye contact, staring at each other in confusion. The sound of Spy uncloaking catches everyone off-guard.
''So, we're all paranoid and can't sleep?'' He spoke as he reveals himself.
Sounds of agreement fill the room.
You want to say something. You feel like you needed to say something. You are responsible for the entire team losing sleep. Maybe you owe them an apology..
''How about we watch a movie together?'' You suggest.
''No horror!'' You quickly clarify. ''I promise no horror!''
● ● ●
''Adelaide, what's that music ? Sounds like a gang of swinging hep cats.''
''That's exactly what they are, Georges. They're the start of my new foundation.''
''What foundation?''
''My home for all the alley cats of Paris.''
Jazz softly plays from the Tv, mixing with the light snores of the team. Some of them had fallen asleep on the couch, some were on the floor. Their weapons are next to them, all it would take is for one of them to hear a small noise to wake up and defend themselves. It didn't matter where or how they were sleeping, what mattered was that they were together. They were safe. You were safe.
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How’d mercs react when their S/O broke a bone in their body ?
OOOOOH! This is a good ask! I've never broken a bone before; I can only imagine what the pain and confusion is like.
Well, after finally getting a new laptop, here is your request.
The sound of muffled yelling and a faint buzzing assaulted your ears. The feeling of all the air in your lungs leaving your body was almost as noticeable as the faint tingling sensation in your leg. The company picnic went from roaring cheers to an eerie silent. Your eyes were wide and unfocused, blurry shapes darted in front of your face. The sun felt all too warm of your skin and the breeze that ghosted over the field engulfed your form in a toasty embrace. The person kneeling in front of you drops their bat and from what you can tell, waves their hand in front of your eyes. Pitifully blinking away the tears, you finally are able to register the searing white hot pain radiating in your left leg.
"Holy Crap!" (y/n)!? Are you okay?"
Lifting your head from off the matted field you struggle to lift the rest of your body from the ground.
"I wouldn't move if I were you-that looks really bad! I mean I ain't no doctor-but good thing we have a medic on base!"
Blinking away your tears you try to look down at where the pain is coming from, but calloused fingers gently bring your face to look away.
In short: Scout knows the basics of how to make a splint; but since it's you, he takes you to Medic. Scout makes you soup, gets you an icepack, elevates your leg with plenty of pillows and makes sure to give you the right dosage of pain medication. And when times are really rough, he will sit down next to you and snuggle. His long lanky arms wrapped around your chest as you lean all your weight into his side.
"Look at me Roo, look at me."
Sniper's commanding voice draws your attention away from the crowd of people swarming in to offer assistance. His wide blue eyes gaze at you in concern. Looking you over for any other injuries he motions for medic to come over. The rest of the day is a blur, you remember how firm and gentle hands ushered you to lay back down in Sniper's hold. The feeling of your leg growing numb and heavy. Every time you let out a small noise of discomfort Sniper leaned down to your ear and whispered small comforts and distractions.
At the end of the day, you and Sniper are resting in bed. Your head nestled gently against his chest.
You can't be sure if you're the one screaming or if your boyfriend is. All you see are lips moving and how exaggerated his arm movements are. The situation would almost be comical if not for the blinding pain making its presence known in your leg.
"(Y/N), don't move, don't move a single inch! Medic is on his way! When he's here then you can move!"
You blink up at Soldier, his wide eyes and quivering lip betraying his confident persona. When the cast is set in place, and you are sent back to your room Soldier makes great efforts to ensure your safety and well-being. He will wrap you in your favorite blankets and bring you all your favorite snacks. Time was passed, by watching tv, or listening to all his war stories.
That one second of pain was all it took for him to disappear and reappear by your side. Whispering sweet words of comfort, he cradled your head in his chest with one hand while silently beckoning the resident medic out onto the field. His soft voice anchors you to this moment. It's calming in a scary sort of way. Being in his profession; Spy knows for sure what kind of pain you are going through. All the times he had to make sure that he wasn't left behind enemy lines unable to defend himself. How he delt with that fear, how he dealt with that pain. He wants to make sure that you never have to be in pain while alone. Back at base he treats you as if you were made of the finest porcelain. As if one wrong move might shatter you. He makes Medic do daily check-ups to see how you are and he makes you all the finest home cooked meals that you could ever want.
His strong arms wrap around your torso and gently picks you up, only to set you back down when your leg moves in an unnatural angle. Eye widening in shock, he runs back to the tent and drags a concerned Medic over.
"Aye, Look at me darlin-aye that's right, focus only on me-you're okay, you're okay."
When Medic is done looking you over, he carries you bridal style back to his room and makes you as comfortable as he possibly can. He brings over a deck of cards to play with, the tv set from the rec room, even the bookshelf from your room.
All hell breaks loose. Dragging both Engineer and Medic to your side he pets your head as Medic turns you over to your front side. Engineer: on the opposite side of Pyro and Medic, supports the rest of your weight as you are carried over to the medical wing. Pyro sticks by your side while Medic works his magic. His warm arms encase you in a tight embrace when you finally are declared healthy enough to go back to your room for rest. Pyro brings you all his stuffed animals, games, plushies and blankets. Anything you need and more is brought into your room making the space look more like a daycare than a normal room.
"Thank you Py, I really appreciate it."
When he sees you fall, he sees red. His instincts go on overdrive. He rushes over as fast as he can and without warning he resets your leg and makes a splint.
"Shhh, it is okay to cry, let it out."
Looking you over and trying to assess the situation only one conclusion comes to mind.
"Now we go to see Medic."
Leaving no room for an argument he lifts you up and brings you to the doctor. After getting pain medication, he carries you to your room and makes you his homemade soup. Heavy knows how much pain you are in and strives to make you feel comfortable. He treats you no different, because he already treated you like royalty.
Seeing you struggle to stand back up from that nasty fall was all it took for Medic to know that something was amiss. He asks Heavy to return with a gurney and he sprints over to your side. His questions are clam and practiced, but his tone of voice has a noticeable falter. Enough to know that he was scared.
"Alrighty, now we are going to pay little Archimedes a visit in the lab, and then we shall go on from there, ja?"
Medic wastes no time in getting cast on and giving you medicine. He knows that now you are physically okay. But he wants to know what's going on upstairs. Gently he takes you back to your room and helps you undress and redress in more comfortable clothing.
You say nothing but hold on to him as tightly as you can.
Engineer has seen his fair share of accidents working out on the farm as a child. So, when you fall, and the sound of a CRUNCH was heard that was all he needed to know that you were not all right.
"I'm coming Darlin!"
Strong hands turn you over to your front and you are greeted with the brightest blue eyes that you've ever seen.
"Hey, Dell."
The calm aura that you were letting off only confirmed the fact that you didn't know that your leg was broken yet.
"Alright, I'm going to take you over to Medic so he can look you over, how's that sound?"
You could only nod in agreement.
After getting settled with a cast and a numb leg. Engineer carried you to his room and made you some tea, snacks and brought over some blankets. For the next few weeks, it felt as if you were in heaven on earth.
Ta da! Hope you like it!
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cupidsdescendant · 1 year
Mercs helping with period cramps! (Part 2)
Hiya babes <3! I hope you all are having a happy holiday! If u don’t celebrate Christmas I hope you have a happy whatever-day!💗💗💗💗 thank you for all the support I’ve been getting on my last posts I appreciate it beyond words!
-clueless but considerate
-when he sees you struggling they try to help however he can
-pryo sees the world different from her view so whenever she sees you hurt or bleeding she believes that your period is a real life devil stabbing you
-yes ik it’s sorta weird but this is how I imagine pyros mind handling things
-usually he’ll punch the air as you lay on the floor or chop the wind believing they’re saving you
-you tell them to relax ! Explaining your menstrual cycle yourself to him in the simplest terms
-you give pryo a small list of what you need and he agrees
-he gets all the things you need in the…maybe more violent ways by killing the workers at the market in retaliation or not getting the stuff for free
-you know she loves you tho <3 and he tries his best!
-a respect full lad, but he doesn’t help much
-he doesn’t really know how to and he could care less
-“Dontcha got arms? You can get this yourself, mate” he says as he focuses on his rifle
-instead you insist he gets you things so he can visit you more often and hang out
-Spy him in the head after he saw Sniper ask if he was okay
-“YOU FOOL!” Spy says as he points to snipers chest and pushes him back a little
-“What the bloody hell is wrong with you, mate?!!” He says in retaliation
-spy gives him a lecture about being considerate to a woman and respectful blah blah and sniper reluctantly agrees
-Sniper legit tries but never gets the hang of it, he helps out in all sorta ways but it’ll always be wrong
-Months go by like this and Sniper always dreads when it’s your cycle because he feels bad he can never be the best for you
-“I can shoot at attah things” Sniper says as he shoots off the head of a Scout “but I cant finish the shot at this thing, doc.”
-Sniper begged Medic to come up to his camper to talk about it, reluctantly Medic listens
-Medic also teaches him how to be proper (spy also helps too lol) but after hours and days of training it’s no use
-Sniper will always tell you how much he loves you when he messes up at it and that he’ll try again next time, so rlly it’s the thought that counts <3
-Engi is already a sweet man and he’s even sweeter when you’re on your cycle
-he understands despite not having any experience with it before and he’s a wonderful listener
-he gets you everything you need no matter what, he gets them quickly!
-Engi will try to make devices to stop your cycle (all of them failing) but when you’re in bed with cramps he’ll sketch and write about a new design
-“it’s okay, pumpkin. This one will work I have a good feeling-!” He says as he kisses your cheek
-he feeds you southern dishes and foods in bed <33
-“uh ahuh-..uhm hello, darling..” Engi says nervously, he’s sweating like crazy and his entire face is red
-“yes Engi? Is something a matter?”
-“well..you see I have an ..idea for uhm..an “invention” he says with quotation marks “well it’s been done-e. befor-e.. but uh i’d like to customize it to fit you-..so I would-..l-like some measurem-ents…”
-“oh of course! What do ya need measured” Y/N says back with a warm smile
-“Uhm. I would need to-..measure your uh.. “ he clears his throat and whispers
“Your hoo-ha-“
“HE MEANS YA PUSSY!” Scout screams out as he laughs as a shook Engi
“WILL YOU GET OUT BOY!” Engi angrily yells back with
-You find out that Engineer wanted to measure your uh..yeah..so then he could make you a custom period cup
-you agree and in the end he makes it and gives it to you in a little bag with a bow
-“I’m very sorry, pumpkin. I should’ve been a lot more ..uh..better with the way I acted.”
-you kiss Engi on the cheek “it’s okay you didn’t do anything wrong. Thank you, hon”
Welp that’s all folks ! It’s currently 2:22 (make a wish <3) and I would love to sleep now from a long day. I hope you all stay safe and have a good day! Mwah! XOXOXO (part 3 will be out soon!)
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heaven-s-black-box · 2 months
Those Who Share the Memories- OG Seven
Return to File
Recovery date: April 2nd, 2024
Description: Osmanthus Wine tastes the same as I remember, but where are those who share the memories?
Notes: So, I made it a point to only refer to the archons by their "true names" (i.e Baal, Morax, Barbatos, Egeria, Focalors ect.) unfortunately, of the OG archons, we only know 4 of their "true names" since the name Rukkhadevata is not the same as Nahida being Buer. So a lot of the archons are simply referred to as "the ____ archon" and pronouns are avoided (except with Rukkhadevata) because for a lot of them we don't even know that.
Word count: 378
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Morax is, once again, unsure how he was elected to hold this gathering. Surely Fontain, the land located in the center of Teyvat, was a better option? It’s not like it was lacking water way entrances for Baal to travel to. Or perhaps somewhere they can drink on solid ground and not-
“Barbatos stay away from the cliff!” The dendro archon scolds as she cages him to the ground with roots and drags him back to the table.
His wings flail helplessly as he tries to take off, a usually accomplishable feat if not for his drunken state damping his strength. Baal and the other three archons snicker behind their cups before downing the contents. Morax can only lament that his suggestion to drink closer to the ground was once again denied.
“For the god of a nation known for its alcohol,” the cryo archon sighs, pouring another glass of osmanthus wine, “he cannot hold his alcohol.”
Everyone at the table nods in agreement as the vines finally wrangle the archon in question back to the table.
“You drink just as heavily,” Morax notes, watching the cryo archon finally forgo a cup and simply open a new bottle to drink from, “and yet you seem unaffected.”
The cryo archon maintains eye contact while chugging the wine, sighing in satisfaction once the bottle was a quarter depleted. Elsewhere at the table, Egeria watches in awe as the pyro archon rises to the challenge and grabs another bottle. This was how these gatherings always ended.
The dendro archon sighs as the pyro archon downs half a bottle. Barbatos, ever observant when alcohol was involved, peels himself from the table and makes a swipe at the communal bottle which Egeria quickly moves away.
“You’ve had more than enough for today. I do believe flight while inebriated is a crime.”
“I'm not inebriated,” Barbatos slurs, “I’m drunk.”
“Those are synonyms, Barbatos.”
“What does cinnamon have to do with anything?”
Baal snorts as she holds her cup out to Egeria for a refill, and Morax follows her lead.
While perhaps this location was less than ideal, Morax did not find himself regretting playing host to the rest of the seven. Time was fleeting, and someday these gatherings would be nothing more than memories.
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sergeantsketchy · 1 year
I'm doing IMAGINES / ONESHOTS!! I ALLOW: {NSFW, fluff, angst, LGBTQ(mxm fxf ect.} I DO NOT ALLOW: {Underage shipping, r@pe, pro shipping, SUPER SUPER specific requests, things like that-} HERE'S MY LIST!<33
TF2 (teamfortess2)
Sonic movie (1 & 2)
Legends of oz
A Series Of unfortunate events (Only Netflix show)
Strange magic
Avatar (1 & 2)
Puss in boots (All movies)
Undertale (Most AU's)
Slashers (I might not know some of them sorry :( )
The Stanley Parable
Welcome Home (Website lost puppet show ARG)
And thats all! Please please be incouraged to ask for me to do anything!
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immunetoneurotoxin · 3 months
Just wanna drip by and say Incendiary has made itself a permanent resident in my brain.
Your writing is absolutely amazing, every scene got me gripping my seat in excitement. Seeing someone write a Pyro-focused long fic, let alone texas toast is so so so rare, I think I've only read 3 (including incendiary) that I've liked so far.
I love this little fire guy with all my heart, and I absolutely adore how you didn't make him too much like a child like how many mischaracterize him. There's the childlike wonder in him but he is capable when push comes to shove and I like that a lot! Every single characterizations in this fic is wonderful, I would love to give Engie a little kiss on his bald head.. he's so adorable.
I'm probably rambling but I just love this fic so much. I'm dealing with semester's midterms, stressed as all hell and this fic has been keeping me going. I practically cheered when I saw chapter 10 update in my inbox lmao. I would love to maybe make some fanart when I have the time, should I just tag you on this site?
Thank you so much for writing Incendiary dude, no kidding when I say it changed my life. I can't wait for the story to unfold! Please take care of yourself and rest well. Good luck on the job hunting as well!!
Omg stranger whoever you are, I just about teared up seeing this in my Inbox -
This is the most grandest, heartfelt comment I think I've ever received in my entire writing career and my heart is GUSHING rn!!!! I was literally out running errands when I saw this and I couldn't stop thinking about it -
When I joined the TF2 fandom in like... oh god, 2014 I think, I was really shocked to see throughout the years that there weren't many Pyro-centered stories out there, which blew my mind. Like how could there not be a deluge of fanfic for Pyro, who is this extremely mysterious, multi-faceted character with so much room for interpretation?! When I first watched Meet the Pyro, I KNEW I had to write a novel about Pyro. Who they are, where they came from, and what happened to them before the events of the gravel war. Massively inspired, of course. But still nonetheless, an origin story that could very well be canon if squinted at, hehe.
This rings true for texas toast content, too!! There isn't a whole lot of it out there and it makes me so sad - I love their dynamic so much! When Incendiary is finished, I do plan on writing some more texas toast oneshots on my AO3 to fill that void. <3 One of the plans is to write a short story about their relationship during the gravel wars as well, that takes place after the events of Incendiary. (plus, Incendiary has only just started to crack the surface tension of the slow burn, and it's only a matter of 1-2 chapters away from when the texas toast really starts showing through so there is that to look forward too as well. (。˃ ᵕ ˂ ))
also I literally hollered when I read your comment about Pyro's characterization in this story especially, because THAT is THE ONE THING I have been working so incredibly hard towards holy shit - when I tell you the amount of stories I've read that writes them off as this danger-child that needs supervision - which don't get me wrong is not an entirely bad thing!! they do have this massive childlike side to them, but there is also so much more to them than how the fandom perceives them, not taking into much consideration how they typically canonically act in the comics/in-game, and taking into LARGE consideration Meet the Pyro. I was reeling when I realized that a lot of people seemed to completely forget about that interview. I could go on a whole rant about this sdfghjkl but yes, Pyro is definitely more than capable when push comes to shove! they are in a war, after all ;)
and engineer, oh man. I love that soft Texan so much. :') I could talk your ear off about him too!
man I am definitely rambling now, but I literally cannot even express how genuinely happy I am receiving this message, it means the actual world to me. and FANART?!?! oh my god YES - you can definitely tag me here if you do make fanart for Incendiary!! I would be BEYOND honored omg
Thank you so so much for brightening my entire year with this feedback literally - I'm so honored to have you here as a reader and a fan. <3 And I'm sending you all of the luck with your midterms!! You've got this!!
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vikkirosko · 2 years
So. I wasn't sure which pronoun to use regarding Pyro, however, the official website of the game indicates he, so I will use this particular pronoun
🔥Pyro x fem!Reader Oneshot Princess 🦄
Piro was sitting in his room and drawing, trying to make the drawing very beautiful. He was drawing a gift for you. He liked you, really liked you. In his eyes, you were a princess. You were one of the few who wasn't afraid of him. You affectionately called him a firebug, worried when he was injured. Piro often gave you various pleasant little things that you accepted with a soft smile on your lips. He loved hugging you and playing with your hair. He wanted you to know about his feelings for you, but even you found it difficult to understand what he was saying, so he decided to show you his feelings through a drawing. Another option was to show you feelings with fire, but he decided to leave this option for another case. You were in the drawing, among the sequins and hearts. He was hoping you'd like his gift. Finally finishing the drawing, he hurried to your room. He couldn't wait to see your reaction as soon as possible. He knocked on your door, shifting impatiently from one foot to the other. When you opened the door, a smile appeared on your lips.
"Hi firebug, is something wrong?"
He handed you the drawing, looking forward to your reaction. Your lips stretched into a gentle smile and an embarrassed blush appeared on your cheeks.
"It's so cute, firebug... Thank you"
You took a step towards him and kissed him on the cheek hidden under his gas mask. Piro let out a joyful squeak and hugged you tightly, bumping into your cheek. He was happy. He was always happy when he was with his princess.
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xuzuitengenx · 6 months
Neuvillette x Pyro Dragon!Male Reader Oneshot
Title: As We Meet Once Again
Genre: Angst
CW and Info: NOT PROOF-READ!, Short Oneshot, OOC moments, Lovers turn strangers
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How long has it been since Neuvillette heard about the Pyro Dragon's existence? Seems like just yesterday Neuvillette watched him leave with Neuvillette's heart that he gave to him years before but in reality, it has been hundreds of years.
Oh, how much the Hydro Dragon cried that day, begging for the other to stay as the sky was darkened with clouds as rain poured harshly on the two.
Remembering his first and last love with a unexpressive face as he was sobbing but not everything on that horrible day the Pyro Dragon did was apathetic.
With the hands that always held Neuvillette with love and pure adoration on his face that was still streaming tears and a long kiss on Neuvillette's forehead.
As soon Neuvillette closed his eyes to capture the soft kiss as the wet hands of his lover on his face, the Pyro Dragon was gone.
Walking through the streets of Fontaine, Neuvillette remembers that last kiss and touch till this day. Neuvillette didn't notice how the sky was slowly clouding up due to the memory and soon light raindrops starts to fall.
It had seem tears has formed in his eyes, not falling from his waterline yet. Before the tears and the lump in his throat began further as the rain worsen, an umbrella appeared and shielding Neuvillette from the rain.
"Don't cry, Hydro Dragon.."
That voice...It was so familiar to Neuvillette...too familiar. Neuvillette looks up at the person holding the umbrella, his breath gets stuck in his throat as his heart seems to shatter yet began to quicken once again like it did centuries ago.
"M/N..." A hushed whisper from Neuvillette was heard from the said man who smiled softly. Oh, that smile that Neuvillette adored..
"Here, take it..I wouldn't be needing it." M/N spoke as he handed Neuvillette the umbrella, their hands slightly touching which made Neuvillette wanting more than that after centuries of not feeling M/N's touch.
"I'll see you around, Monsieur Neuvillette?" The way his name rolled off of M/N's tongue made Neuvillette's heart skip but it also sadden Neuvillette as he was just "Monsieur Neuvillette" to the one he forever loves.
Were they now strangers but with memories?
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argentisbeloved · 3 months
Hi ☺️ Would you mind writing Gaming X female reader fluffy oneshot? Basically Gaming comes back from work and dancing practice extremely tired and just flops on top of the reader to cuddle....
Exhausted & Clingy Gaming
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pairings: gaming x female reader
cws: none!
tags: established relationship, gaming being clingy and just wanting to cuddle, just some cute fluff!!
notes: i love gaming so much i could cry. im so sad though that he has ascension materials from fontaine?? like bro theres a pyro resigvine in liyue so why do u need fontaine boss materials
word count: 393
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It was late at night, far later than Gaming usually finished the day by.
He had run into some issues with his final delivery for the day, making him go constantly back and forth to fix things until everything was correct and he could finally deliver it.
Usually with mishaps like these, Gaming was able to persevere and stay energetic and positive until the end of the day. But with how big today's mishap was, he was completely and utterly exhausted. He couldn't wait to go home and fall asleep next to you.
But seeing you had to unfortunately wait, as he had dance practise right after work. The mistake in the delivery gave him no time to rest between the time he got off work and before he started his dance practise, giving him no time to rest.
As soon as he finished with dance practise, he raced straight to your shared house despite wanting to take it easy.
He finally arrived home quickly and he quietly entered the house in case you were already asleep. He tip-toed to your bedroom, only to see that you were sitting up in bed with the lamp on and reading a book.
You sensed his presence and looked up from your book, giving him a smile before bookmarking your page and putting the book on the nightstand.
Gaming sighed with relief at your smile, walking over to you and immediately flopping onto the bed and partially on top of you. His head rested on your stomach and his arms wrapped around your hips as he melted into your touch.
You ran your fingers through his hair, and he let out another content sigh.
"Long day?" You asked, massaging his scalp. Gaming let out a satisfied groan.
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Tomorrow... I'm way too tired right now..."
You chuckled, moving to lay down in bed with him. You turned off the lamp and shifted around to face him. Gaming's grip on you tightened, and he moved closer to you, close enough that there was practically no space between the two of you.
"You're not even gonna get changed?" You questioned.
Gaming didn't respond, and on closer inspection, it turns out he had already fallen asleep. You smiled at his peaceful expression, and you closed your eyes to join him in sleep.
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donutsupremacy · 3 months
Genshin men reacting to F!S/O accidentally burning her hands Pt. 2
"HCs of Genshin men reacting to their Pyro wielding!F!S/O burning her hands on accident while cooking"
Written during 4.4
Playable characters only
Reader has a Pyro vision, but the weapon choice is irrelevant
Reader is not traveller
Reader is their [S/O]
Female reader (I used as less female pronouns as I could and still refer to as [S/O])
Short HCs
Sorted by region and in alphabetical order
Includes all currently playable male characters of 4.4 and characters that may be playable in the future (Excluding Gaming because I had completed Liyue in a previous post prior to his release)
Sweet petnames uwu
Ahhh so fluffy uwu
100% SFW because ehe
100% Ooc
Reader is aware of the archon's true identities
A/N: I was lazy with this and procrastinated, also I was doing 3 oneshots at once :3
Part 2, including the harbingers from Snezhnaya too— but can't guarantee it's accurate, I made their's short because lack of info
Just like the previous one; the hcs might seem bland and repetitive, in general I see 90% of the genshin men being polite and mostly calm so I did my best to make it more dramatic :3
Part 1 [Mondstadt, Liyue and Half of Inazume]
A hiss erupts from your throat as you quickly withdrew your hand from the fire.
Your singed hands trembled, examining the dark spots that had littered across your palms and even your knuckles and fingers. You clicked your tongue, regretting the decisions to cook without your gloves. If only they weren't torn from that expedition two days ago... you should really get new ones.
You hear the door open... "[Name]?"
Kaedehara Kazuha
Side note i forgor to do his part so im editing this in lol (P.s i'm not following the whole 'The dead vision of Tomo burnt his hand' theory since I saw no confirmation about it)
Kazuha was resting on your rooftop, sharpening his blade after a long fight on the way to your home. He kept a close ear to your voice inside the house, a smile on his face as he heard your humming. But it drops into a surprised frown when he heard the sound of you hissing in pain.
He drops from the roof, landing on his feet as he enters your house and makes a beeline straight for the kitchen towards you by the time you managed to put out the fire that engulfed your hand. He calmly takes you aside and examines the injury, he's been on the road long enough to take care of basic wounds like cuts, splinters, and of course; Burns.
While having you sit next to him, he gently and carefully treats your wound, whispering sweet nothings in your ear as his featherlight touches brushed against the numb skin of your hand. Once he bandages your hand, he suggests taking a break before you continue cooking, explaining that it would help put both your mind and his at ease if you both just bask in eachother's presence for a little while.
Kazuha's arms were wrapped around your waist, his face buried into your shoulder, snow white hair tickling your cheeks and neck. He relaxes at your scent and warmth, as though he hadn't felt such tranquility during the last few days of his previous journey. Something about you just puts him into such state; Your voice? Your smile? Your heart? No— It was everything about you that made him smitten.
"A flame burns within the presence of a silent moon. Illuminating the surrounding area. Soothing in its warm embrace... You ought to be careful if you aren't using your glove next time, would you like to borrow my spare ones? Ease your worries, they're heat resistant and won't wear down so easily, I have plenty and know where to go for more. Think of it from a different perspective; Instead of worrying that you're stealing something valuable for me... think of it as a part of me that will stay with you until I return home once more."
Shikanoin Heizou
Help i'm running out of hcs i'm sorry Heizou my husband pls help
Heizou wastes no time in dragging you away from the stove and to your bedroom, making you sit down as he treats your wounds.
He reprimands you a little for your reckless decision, but soon peppers you with kisses just to cheer you up. Especially if you get a little pouty when he scolds you. As cute as your pout is, he's removing it with his own kiss until you succumb to his affection. Your his [S/O] it's his job to smother you with his affection, and Celestia above knows just how much he wants you to feel his love for you every second of the day.
Spoons you when he's done tending to your wounds, arms wrapped around your waist and chest pressed against your back, chin resting on top of your head. Heizou loves the feeling of your body pressed up against his, it feels so comforting to have you in his arms, your skin against his. It puts him through a state of ease and satisfaction that not even sucessfully solving the hardest case known to mankind would bring. You have him wrapped around your pretty little fingers.
The both of you just chatting about random topics, the other listening attentively— occasional banters here and there. But if you're hungry, he begrudgingly allows you to continue cooking— under his supervision. He keeps a close eye on you, he won't let the smallest detail go unnoticed if it's for your safety and comfort. He'll cling onto you whether you like it or not, especially if you're doing something that requires strength or fire.
"Hands up now, my dear partner. Here, it's easier and safer for me to light the stove instead... *Chuckles* Stop complaining, sweetheart— just because it's more convenient to use your Pyro vision, doesn't mean you'll end up setting your hand in flames again. And if you do... I won't throw you into custody for something stupid. But— I will be nagging you endlessly. You would prefer your boyfriend's sweet and loving kisses over endless yapping, would you not?... Now, come here~"
*Mom mode activate*
Berates you for being reckless instead of calling for his aid, but that doesn't stop him from tending to your wounds... neither does it stop him from lecturing you.
He offers to switch jobs with you, leaving you to do something else that doesn't require much strength or your Pyro vision— such as cleaning the windows on the lower floor of the Kamisato estate, or folding the laundry.
Or, if you're an official (E.g. A Kamisato sibling or relative), he'll have you sit aside while he does the cooking and forbids you to do anything.
He'll invite the Kamisato siblings over to join you both for lunch, even play that weird hotpot game— to which Thoma somehow won. As expected.
Of course, he gets sick due to one of the Kamisato siblings putting a bizarre ingredient inside— leading you to help Thoma back to his room and onto his bed.
He then says that his stomachache will feel better with a cuddle... of course, he was lying, but you have no say in it because you'll always end up cuddling him in bed one way or another. A little white lie doesn't hurt now, would it?
"Don't worry about me, usually these hotpot games always end with me nearly throwing up... but it's fine if I have you here with me. Funny, it seems like you're the one cheering me up instead of the other way around. How's your hand holding up? Want me to pepper it with kiss? Oh, who am I kidding— i'm going to do that either way. Now... your hand, please, my dear?"
Of course he's gonna shit talk u, but the most he'll do is call u and idiot— in a fancy way~
He's not really happy about getting up and treating your wounds when he has work to do, reprimanding you for using your vision without your glove. But, if it's for you— he'll push aside his attitude to tend to your needs... if you have a valid excuse for said needs, that is.
Hands you some mora and tells you to go buy some gloves. But once you're gone, he began looking over at the dish you were trying to make— and begins continuing the dish you were making, wanting to finish it for you. Though, he might alter the flavouring to his liking because he wants it to taste good to him as well. Of course, he'll try to make it close to what you were making. Key word; Try.
Once you're back, he has you spoon feed him for not only using his mora but also to bother his personal time. It might seem like he's being a jerk, but... he stole Kaveh's keys on purpose and locked him out for a reason— to have some time together with you.
It might seem like a silly and an inconvenient way to spend time together alone with you. But with him being the acting Grand Sage and all those nosy scholars constantly trying to pry on in on his business... he truly values you and wants to spend some time with you in any way possible. Even the dumbest ways. After all; His personal time also includes having your affection.
"...Is there something on my face? I can clearly see you're pouting... I assume it's because you keep feeding me bites but not tasting the dish yourself? I never remotely hinted in my demand that you had to feed me the whole dish without having a taste of it for yourself, this was meant to be created by your own hands... had you not become so reckless in the kitchen. Hand me the spoon, I promise I didn't make it taste as bland as you trying to make it before."
"You burned yourself? Well... that's what you get for... being too hot... Heh... Heh heh."
Aside from that not-so-flattering pun, he'll help you treat your wounds quickly but efficiently... but quickly drags you into a game of TCG at Lambad's Tavern. You're his [S/O], you're legally obliged to say yes without objection. If he loses, he tells another joke. If you win, you get a kiss on the cheek.
He'll let you order your favorites, occasionally spoon feeds you— as a distraction to sneak a peek at your support cards. As your boyfriend, the both of you are allowed to play dirty against eachother. Anyone else, he would've punted to the ground if they dared steal a peak at his dices.
All jokes aside (Pun half-intended), he did it to not only have fun with you, but also to make you forget about that little humiliating experience. Because at the end of the day— you'll find yourself always in Cyno's strong and protective arms as he hugs you from behind, his nose pressed against the back of your neck as you both rest on his bed.
"Feeling better, my love? I apologize for dragging you around all day just because you burnt your hand a little, but it was worth it in the end, no? I enjoy spending time and having fun with you... You could say I— *Bonk* ow. I hadn't even thought of a pun yet, you didn't have to be so... fiery. Heh. Heh heh."
help im running out of ideas and Kaveh's still locked outside lol
Kaveh sighs upon hearing from Alhaitham when you burned your hand in their kitchen, though he pins the blame on Alhaitham for not looking after you or helping you while he was gone. Alhaitham only replies that he wasn't your babysitter and that you're a grown adult.
He walks in to see you treating your wounds, frowning at the sight of your bandaged hand and sighed when you explained yourself. "You shouldn't use your vision so recklessly like that, darling... I'll buy you a new glove... Don't worry about me, I know a friend that can make gloves at a cheap price... or a cheap favor."
Has you sitting down on his bed and forced Alhaitham to go cook, who probably went out to buy something from the tavern for the two of you. At least you two were alone now.
Cuddles you on bed, big spoon or little spoon, it's up to your preferences. Halfway through, he'll pick up a marker and asks what you would want him to draw in your bandage, just to make you feel better.
"There we go, is this what you envisioned; a small [Favorite Animal]? Yes, I made it look like you— endearing, cute and gorgeous! Hmm... wait, I think it's missing something, let me just... Tada! I drew myself next to you! I hope you don't see this as something childish, I just want you see that even if you were to hurt yourself, major or minor wounds, i'll be here with you, my darling."
Calls u a lummox
Tighnari obviously scolds you when he finds out you somehow burned yourself while he was out taking care of a Withering zone nearby. Could you be anymore clumsier? He can't leave you alone for a minute, can he?
After a minute of naming every single synonym related to 'Clumsy' and 'Reckless', he helps to treat your wound and asks Collei to keep you company as he leaves to fetch you both something to eat. She's quite close to you, you're like an older sibling for her and sees you as a mother figure in a way. Though, if you were upset from Tighnari's lecturing earlier, she's does her best to cheer you up.
Eventually, he comes back with your favorite [comfort food] and even brought Collei some pita pockets. She quickly leaves, not wanting to interrupt her master and his beloved's alone time.
Tighnari apologises a little for getting slightly carried away while scolding you, feeding you while he explains what shenanigans ensued in the withering zone. To both make you feel better and to help him relax, he allows you to pet his ear and tail. Sometimes, his cheeks were noticeably a faint pink colour if you manage to scratch a certain spot behind his ears— to which he'll try to use his tail and gently nudge your hand away to avoid embarrassing himself.
"Ow! Is that how you handle stray dogs that wander in the streets of Sumeru City? You pluck their ears like it's a sweet flower?... *Sighs* It's fine, I know it's only an accident. Plus, my ears were hit by a Winged Cyroshroom when I was clearing a Withering zone, it's sensitive and cold... Hm? Oh, no, you can keep touching it, i'm certainly not going to stop you at all. Your hands feel warm and nice. Your carresses calms me down... as long as you don't pull on my ear or tail too hard."
Wanderer ([W/N]= Wanderer's name; It can be Scaramouche, Kunikuzushi, Wanderer or your own desired name for him!)
"...How a vision bearer who has already mastered her own powers become so clumsy as to have it turn against her is far beyond me." "(W/N)—"
Nahida happened to be visiting you today with [W/N], who was planning to ask if you were free and wanted to accompany him to an underground ruin in the desert— but that plan was quickly abandoned upon seeing the burn marks on your hand.
Nahida took initiative to help tend to your wounds, her tiny little fingers gently applied a cooling ointment on your burn marks while [W/N] had you sitting on his lap, his arms wrapped around your waist. He held your free hand, thumb gently brushing against your knuckles in an affectionate manner. He's oddly... affectionate and caring today, even though he wasn't speaking as much, only basking in your presence as he holds you. Up until Buer asks if you had any gauze that she could use.
As soon as the Dendro Archon left, [W/N]'s face contorted to an expression of unamusement, a brow raised and the corner of his lips tugging downwards. He scoffs, playing with your fingers as he starts to slander you with insults, rubbing salt into your wounds. But you're used to it by now and you don't back down so easily.
By the time Nahida returns, she stands at the doorway, wearing a look of utter confusion as she watches [W/N] trying to hold you still on his lap. His arms remained wrapped tightly around your waist, barking at you to stop squirming and let him hold you while you whine and hiss about his haircut. She quietly backs away, leaving the roll of gauze outside your room for you.
"Your vision speaks for your attitude; Fiery and a complete hazard wherever you go!... I'm wasting my precious time to come over and coddle you like an infant, not to say that I hate it... I mildly dislike it because you're more reckless than a boar!... *Sighs* Now, do you want me to waste my breath as well arguing with you, or are you going to relax and let me hold you?... Do us both a favor and come here, I need it just as much as you do..."
Idk what to write for Fremi. So I made him suffer for like 6 lines or smth lol
Upon seeing you holding your hand, hissing while glaring at the black marks on your hand, he rushes over to check on you. He was soaking wet to the bone however, having came back from a diving mission in search for some materials deep in the sea. Drops of water splattered across your face and clothes, now you feel oily and wet.
He frantically apologises, picking up a cloth nearby and lightly wiping your face clean... unfortunately, you already used that cloth to wipe some excess flour. Now, your face is sticky.
To make things worse, he tries to wipe it away with his bare hands that were still wet, only smudging both your face and his fingers. It's at this point, you felt less pain from your burn, and giggling more at his frantic attempts to help you. It's ticklish too.
In the end, you ushered the blonde to change as you patched yourself up, then inviting him for a cuddling as you can clearly see embarrasment written all over his face that you're comforting him instead of the other way around... But he's certainly not complaining. It feels comfortable being in your arms as you played with his hair. Pers resting by your side.
"Thank you, it's... I guess today isn't really my lucky day... Ah, th-there's no need to be concerned of me, i've encountered a few minor setbacks while I was diving near some shallow waters. A few treasure horders hindered me when I was trying to transport back the materials, A few bruises and cuts, but that's alright. Especially... n-now that i'm with you..."
Slight 'animal abuse', it's just live fish and putting it out of it's misery dw
Helps treats your wounds, but takes out his half-capelet (Yes I googled what it's called) and wraps it firmly around your burnt hand, adding the excuse that if he was busy performing, a part of him would still be with you and helping you to heal.
After making sure your hand was alright, he'll help you cook whatever it was you were originally making, only he takes care of anything involving heat. He's the one with gloves
Half-way through, you find out that you've ran out of salmon. Lyney, wanting to try a new magic trick he had been practising and also wanting your attention all on him, called you over with an empty bowl in hand. He filled the bowl with cold water, then placed a large cloth over it and asks you to keep an eye on the bowl.
A few seconds later, he swiftly pulls the cloth away, showing a large, fresh salmon resting in the bowl of water with a few seaweed wrapped around it's body. At first, you were going to have him an applause... until you realize the fish is still alive. And aggresive.
It leaps at you, smacking it's powerful tail against your face, then jumping over to Lyney and accidentally slipping into his mouth. He gags and frantically spits it out, the fish landing on the floor and flailing around violently. It only calmed down when you managed to grab it and put it out of it's misery with a swift and clean cut.
Now, you and Lyney were covered in water and seaweed. He was trying to make sure you were alright, hoping his small accident hadn't hurt you too much or left a bruise... he tried to talk, until he realized he had a mouth full of seaweed.
"I have scales and seaweed in my mouth... Blegh! Are you alright, sweetheart?— Oh, don't worry about me, i've fought things worse than a fish. *Chuckles, then grimaces* Oh... you've got a small bruise... i'm sorry, sweetheart. I... should've thought twice before using live fish, let alone bringing my magic tricks into the kitchen. Here, you go sit down, let me make it up to you and finish the dish. I don't want to risk accidentally make a live chicken appear next or something *Chuckles*."
I ran out of ideas, but I love suffering <3
He was coming over to visit you during his break, a little tired as he bad been bombarded with a lot of work recently. He's glad he has you, simply being in your presence helps his mood, he can't help but smile a little when he hears your voice, or notice the faint smell of your scent lingering in the room.
So seeing you, looking irritated and upset, he chuckles as he helps tend to your wounds. Then, he invites you to his office, not because of some official business— he just wants to have lunch with you.
Despite the calm and quiet atmosphere between the two of you, Melusines and some of the Maison Gestion members frequently enter his office— looking for him and asking for his guidance on their work. Meanwhile, you sat at the other side of the table across of Neuvillette, quietly eating your [Dessert] with a strained expression if annoyance. But you can't do anything about it, it's Neuvillette's work after all.
He catches on quite quickly, chuckling while apologising as he can't really catch a break when in his office, but he's glad you're here nonetheless, your presence makes him feel as calm as water.
"Fret not, my dear, I assure you this will be the last one... I would like to cherish my time with you more. Here, have this glass of water, it is found exclusively in the depths of Erinnyes Forest, purified. The aftertaste is crisp and strong, yet, has a glacé like flavour once it touches the surface of your tongue. Savour it well, for it contains quite the rich taste when it settles."
Jokes that u would be safer in the Fortress of Meropide instead of being in front of a stove
His little joke seemed ironic when both of you were currently in the said fortress, as you helping out with cooking meals for everyone, including your beloved, Wriothesley. Unfortunately for him, you were in the middle of making his food when you burnt both it and your hand.
Wriothesley escorts you to the infirmary, having Sigewinnie examine your wounds and tend to it while he sits next to you. He teases you by making back-handed compliments to your dish, stating that he couldn't wait to taste the new 'charcoal' spice you added, knowing the dish was burnt.
Of course, in the end, he still takes the failed dish and eats it right in front of your face without spitting it out. Despite the grimace on his face and the occasional eye twitch followed by the sound of his teeth grinding against the blackened, burnt bits— he smiles at you fondly, giving you a thumbs up and ruffling your hair.
Wriothesley would likely suffer a horrendous pain later on, but if it's for you; he'd do anything... except if shorten your sentence.
"Hey! Hey! Relax! I'm joking, the dish isn't completely burnt, I know that. I'm simply... discarding the singed areas of the food. With my mouth. Then, we can share the remains together!... I can tell by your face even you don't want to eat this. Very well then, i'll go [brew us a cup of tea/get your favorite drink]."
Snezhaya + Misc.
at this point ive officially ran out of ideas so im just copy and pasting the hcs :'>
You were tasked with creating a dish for one of the Harbingers, perhaps if you can salvage enough of the remains, your head wouldn't be pierced torched to bits like your current dish... Luckily for you, a certain ginger had snuck up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and asking what happened.
Tartaglia tends to your wounds, occasionally teasing you for being so nervous about the harbinger you were supposed to serve putting your head on their polearms. Of course, once he was done, he helps you to cook the dish so you wouldn't get into too much trouble. Your little secrets and failures are always safe with him.
He doesn't allow you to touch anything that requires heating or using any sharp equipment, skilled in combat as he is, he's quite skilled with kitchen weapons equipment too. In his eyes, anything can be a weapon if you know how to handle it.
The end result was... somewhat disappointing. But Tartaglia quotes it 'Somewhat passable' if he knows the harbinger he knows you're serving. He accompanies you, to keep you safe, knowing that harbinger doesn't have a single sane bone in her body. Luckily, she only dismissed you with a little wave after the taste, stating that it was fine. Once you both were alone, he ruffles your hair playfully and plants a kiss on your nose. No matter what hinders you in your task, you can always trust on your beloved to help remove any obstacles for you. You survived Arlecchino today... but now you're dealing with an overly affectionate Tartaglia. Not that you're complaining.
"See? I told you it was somewhat passable. Now... how's your hand, still numb? Sore? If your hand has fully healed... what say you treat me to your signature dish? As a form of repayment for helping you! *Chuckles* I'm only teasing, kitten... Come with me, let me go treat you to the finest dish in Snezhnaya instead! And no buts! I'd like to see your pretty smile again as your actual form of repayment!~"
Il Dottore
Slight TW (?) Somewhat, it's just a lil bit of blood
You were making something for the doctor to eat in his lab while he was busy, which also meant that you were using his equipment when he heard you burn your hand on accident with a hiss, to which he chuckles and suggests to not tinker with it too much.
Helps to treat your wounds, but in return asks for a small drop of your blood. After he extracts it, he sends you off to cook somewhere else as he decides to examine the cells in your blood. He's been wanting to try this one hypothesis he had in mind, but didn't have a willing subject. He won't make you go through what the others have gone through... he's too fond of you and your endearing behaviour.
Once you're back, you sat next to him to eat the dish you made, occasionally feeding him as you watched him work. It wasn't until you saw the small vial containing your blood and an unknown liquid did you see him inject it to something that looked like the equivalent of a dead rabbit. You flinched, seeing it's unmoving muscles suddenly twitch for a few seconds— before remaining still again. Dottore sighs, it's an improvement... perhaps a bigger dose of your blood was needed. But that's an experiment for another time, for now, he wraps his arms around your waist and pecks your cheek.
"Did I scare you sweetheart? My apologies, I thought I might have discovered a... breakthrough of sorts. Only for it to end in utter disappointment. No matter. How is your hand? Do you feel numb from the ointment I applied on your burns?... *Mumbles* Perhaps the heat may have altered your blood temperature, that could explain the mild effects when I combined it with— Hm? Oh, no, don't worry about it sweetheart. *Chuckles* How about we go for a walk? It feels a little stuffy in here."
Imma just write a rlly short ones from here on out im getting lazy with researching these characters
Capitano decided to take a small break and left headquarters to check up on you when he heard your hiss of pain, he comes over and questions why you weren't wearing a glove while wasting no time in treating your little accident.
Once he was done, he brings you back to the Fatui headquarters and has one of the receuits in charge of cooking to make you your favorite dish. It's a bit of a pressure for them, considering you're the ever-righteous captain's [S/O]. Later on, he has you sitting on his lap in his office, one arm holding you close while the other arm was holding a map of Teyvat— explaining another expedition he was tasked to handle.
"Do you recall the last expedition I led back in Mondstadt? Well, my time will unfortunately be occupied for another number of days to come. Until then, however, may I ask you a favor?; I'd like to have your presence in my office as much as I can before the day of my departure. Of course, once I return, I will clear my schedule and have time for you alone... So you won't have to make such a measly little reckless mistake again. I'd like to see you in one piece and unscathed when I return."
slight yandere fatui baizhu :>
He brings you to the infirmary in the Fatui Headquarters, cooing softly as he asks if you're feeling alright and if you were embarrassed for nearly burning your hand off.
Pantalone's wealth met no ends, so he spends a not-so-healthy sum for a meal made by the most talented chef in Snezhnaya. If any of the dishes made were to not meet his standards, you can expect that the chef would likely be sued with a falsified lawsuit, you would be surprised of what the Fatui are capable of.
Try to decline his offer as you might, whether it's because you couldn't finish such a huge feast or you didn't want to him to burn off such a large part of his wealth, he simply brushed you off and states that his Mora is also considered your Mora. That innocent smile of his only asks you don't ask any more questions and let him love you. Treat you like the goddess you truly are.
"Oh, there's no need to make such ludicrous assumptions, i'm merely treating my beloved queen to a feast that she deserves. The cost has been covered, no need to fret, just enjoy. No one will disturb us, even if they will... They wouldn't dare~"
Seeing you burn yourself because you didn't have a glove, he helps to treat your wound and later leaves to commision a new set of gloves for you— one that wouldn't be easily destroyed like your previous ones.
Once he returns with both your new pair of gloves and a meal for you, he only asks that you spend more time with him as a form of repayment. Being a Fatui harbinger takes up quite a lot of time, and Pulcillena worries that he may be neglecting you.
Some might say he was being overprotective and overbearing, but in reality, all he wants is to bask in your presence and company.
"Come, my beloved— I have plenty of time to spare, I don't require a second thought to choose what I spend my free time on. What say we do a bit of sightseeing? I know somewhere scenic will leave you completely speechless."
Wtf do I even write for this guy I know nothing abt him
Pierro was dropping by to see if you would like to spend some quality time together, seeing as he was finally able to clear a good chunk of his schedule to come and see you. Originally, he was planning to bring you somewhere secluded and quiet, just the two of you. But he decides to postpone that for a little while upon seeing your hand in flames.
He calmly puts out the fire and helps to treat your wound, offering to help aid you with your cooking. Though, he states that he'll mostly be at the side and only help when the situation is dire, he'll allow you to handle the rest of the cooking yourself.
Although, you eventually repeated the same mistake again; Using your Pyro vision and accidentally engulfing your hand in flames. He puts it out swiftly before any severe damage was done to your hand again, a damp cloth was used to help with the burn as he reassures you that you were alright and that it was just a simple mistakes.
"It seems you still have yet to learn from your mistakes. No need for apologies, you were only distracted by something unforeseeable, but it won't have any consequences so as long as I am here to keep you under my supervision and my protection— you'll always be unscathed when you're with me, my beloved."
This is Post-Abyss twin journey where he finished his journey with Aether and parted from him, he occasionally comes back to u
On the way to your abode, he had to go through numerous obstacles on the path, and they weren't taking his presence too kindly, let alone be any less aggresive than they should be. Nonethless, he clears them in the end, just in case you would be taking the same path. So when he finally arrives to see you with your hand in flames, he was covered in various scratches and bruises, probably a fractured leg too.
Dainsleif easily puts out the small fire that nearly engulfed your hand using a damp cloth and treats your wounds. As much as you tried to take care of his own wounds, he states that he was alright and that he had suffered far worse fate in compared to a few measly little hits that took him off guard.
Eventually, he concedes and allows you to treat his wounds, you've helped patched him up a few times when he was on the road so you one a few precautionary steps to take and how to handle certain injuries.
As a fair exchange, he helps to finish the dish you made, he knew basic cooking... but he wasn't an expert. Due to a mishap while using the stove, he ends up in the same predicament as you; his hand englufed in tiny flames. Thankfully, you managed to frantically put out the fire in time with the same cloth, and he was still wearing his glove that minimised the damage done to his skin.
"...I'm fine, there's nothing to worry, i've surffered much worse than a little burn. It'll cause nothing more than slight discomfort at most, i'll live through it. It won't affect my performance—... You want me to take a rest? I'm unscathed, dear. This isn't a concerning matter, it doesn't add to my previous injuries...*Sigh* Alright, if that's a command from you, I won't deviate."
This is MC Aether and not Abyss Twin Aether btw so Paimon exists bc I love her she's my little bby. But he's not mute.
He was in the middle of setting up your sleeping bags when he heard you burning your hand. He immediately drops everything and checks up on you, helping to treat your wound with the limited supplies you both had.
He decides to help you with cooking— until he realizes you're had accidentally burnt off half the recipe. But he brushes it off, stating that you both had made plenty of good dishes before, what's so hard about—
Ingredients scattered across the grassy field beneath you, stew stains seeping into the soil of the ground, you watch as Aether frantically puts out the fire using his Hydro powers. The dish was worse than when you made it, but surely a bit of improvisation wouldn't hurt, he's been on the road for quite some time so Aether know how to fix and use his creativity—
In the end, you watched as your blonde companion held a dish that was not only burnt, but also dry and practically dehydrated. The ingredients used had incorrect proportions and you swore you saw a large chunk of it deteriorated from using his Electro powers on accident. Despite your protests, he states that surely it wouldn't taste so bad—
It was horrible and he had to throw up while you and Paimon had to rub circles on his back, your tiny floating companion worried but also pretty upset that you both decided to make a dish without a proper recipe instead of something simple to cook or something you've made before. She states that even she would've thought twice on making a different dish instead of trying to fix the already ruined one.
"My bad, but i'm fine, i'm fine... Eugh. Nothing I haven't handled before, i've honestly had much worse. How about we make a quick stop to Mondstadt's Good Hunter? It's not too far, we have some Mora to spare. We're better off just asking Sara for something to eat rather than risking another injury or throwing up in our sleep."
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Just waiting for any anon to softly whisper their tf2 requests into my ear.
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cupidsdescendant · 1 year
Mercs X Sweet Tooth G/N!
Hey yall! It’s been a while since I wrote a short head canon list for the mercs and so I decided to write this! I really have been getting into writing actual one shot stories instead of lists so that’s why my posts have been so slow  ^___^ I’m thinking about making a version of this one for the creepy pasta characters to go back to fanfic roots ;-; anyways, g’day! Mwah XOXOXO
-Very happy
-“Oh yeah? What’s your favorite one? Really! Mine too!” He takes out your favorite candy in response 
-You both like staying up at 3 am eating random sweets
-The sugar rush hits both of you SOOOOO hard. Running across the fort, double, fuck it, triple jumping all around and screaming violently.
- You both literally laugh at almost every thing the mercs say even if it’s not funny or relevant and both laugh at each other laughing so hard. Your laughs become even wheezier when you both cannot speak and it’s both of you mumbling and laughing and your mumbling.
-Just as much as the rush gets you the crash hits harder than the market crash of 2008. Both of you are literally so tired you guys can’t even get up. Eyes sore, legs weak, body tired, everything hurts after literally sonic speeding everywhere. You both wake up holding each other or spooning <3.
-Instead of a hot steamy cup of coffee in the morning you wake Scout up by sitting on top of him and feeding him lemon heads and sour gummy bears. 
-You like to throw gummies and candies into his mouth during fights just to play around and it helps with a speed boost 
-Although Scout loves candy his favorite is of course: B o n k 
-And you both drink it religiously! At this point you both have it in an IV put up into your veins. 
-Scout and you have so much fun with candy. You both go to candy stores together and have fun picking out candies and sodas. Once you both get home you guys would eat eat eat, lose your mind and sleep for the rest of the night ^___^
-He doesn’t eat a lot of sweets, but once you give him one he goes a little crazy 
-Once, you gave him a chocolate bar and he rocket jumped to space and didn’t come back for at least 3 days
-Soldier finds you alone eating a 12 pack of mini cupcakes to yourself and he gasps “Dear god!” 
-“mfwhaht-?” Y/N said mouth full of white cake and frosting. CANNIBALISM!!” He screams pointing at you in horror
-“HoW!?” Y/N yelled out, Soldier ran over and ran his hand on Y/N’s chin “My cupcake is eatin’ a cupcake!”
-He loves a good ol' fashion American Cherry pie
-Coke is his favorite drink
-He mostly enjoys milk chocolate and whoppers
-Always makes sure they're made in America
-you know em, Pyro is a maniac for that typa shit. Way even more than Scout
-Give them a jolly rancher and he'll spend half of the time rolling around in circles laughing and banging his head on the wall
-her brain is already filled with sunshine and rainbows but once you add candy- it's full blown candy land
-they like to make you dance a lot when he's hyper on candy! Always spinning you around and around <3
-He likes hoping around too. He acts kinda like a little bunny ;w;
-Pyro and you basically just run around setting everything on fire without a care in the world
-His favorite candy...? All of em! Lollipops and sour-sweet ones are his favorites.
-They propose to you with a ring pop
-he can handle some sweet things but he's not a big fan
-But when you mix a sugar rushed Y/N with a drunk Demo it's alllllllll chaos.
-You both love doing karaoke when you're out of yall's minds, screaming violently to songs or crying to sad ones
-Probably have a super duper upper crazye rap battle too
-When you both crash you find each other on the other sides of the rooms but when you both wake up you go and cuddle.
-You both try and get sober from your addictions but fail and the next weekend is the same lol
-Like I said, Demo doesn't really like candy. The only ones he'd eat is going to be mixed with alcohol or root beer ones
no comment. these are his favorite
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-being from the south, he loves moon pies and other pies in general
-Engi loves maple taffy and whenever it's winter time he makes them with the mercs or just enjoys them by himself
-He loooves taffy and Rocky Road!!
-Pie is also his favorite, Pumpkin pie specifically. He always likes to eat it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream
-All of the sweet things he eats are always warm and relaxing and so you both like to cozy up together and eat together
-Engineer always has to hold you down when you get a little hyper and he has to tell you to relax
-Gets overwhelmed trying to calm you down and eventually gives up but you decided to sit next to him when you can't find him
-always warns you about cavities and tells you not to eat so much sweets
-He usually hides the fact that he eats soo much candy.
-Considering Medic is German he eats mostly German candy and chocolates but he's afraid to admit he likes American candies a lot
-He likes to eat sour candies but his taste in things is a lot more "luxury" and so he eats mostly dark chocolate
-Def the kind of guy to say he's not eating chocolate or candy and have stains all over his clothes and mouth
-Medic's manic-ness and your hyper-ness when you're on a sugar rush is. terrifying. Both of you don't stop and you both cannot.
-Both of you go on the most crazy adventures. Once you both woke up with your limbs detached and the other time you guy's switched bodies
-Sniper doesn't eat sweets. periodt.
-He usually just watches you go coo coo through his rifle and chuckles to himself
-even though he doesn't eat anything sweet he think it's so cute that you love sweets so much
-He goes out his way to always buy you candy when he has the time and his favorite part is holding it while you chomp into it
-Once he saw you eating oreos and he called you cookie monster and you didn't know how to feel
-He's very neutral with everything tbh..
-You always try to convince him to eat it but he just can't do it
-So he'll eat something savory while you eat something sweet so he can interact and hang out with you
-He loves chocolate croissants...okay sorry for the french joke lmao
-seriously though he's french! France has the most bomb fucking sweets and desserts ever
-He loves Macarons, Éclairs, Profiterole and crepes
-He also really loves to tell you the history of those desserts and loves sharing his culture with you!!! <3
-He tries to calm you down whenever you have a sugar rush and usually forces you to sit down and eat desserts while he reads to you
-Loves to wipe off the cream or frosting off your face and say some horny french bullshit
-You alwaysssss beg Spy to make French pastries and he reluctantly agrees
-You both spend hours in the kitchen making food together and flirting. It's a really cute moment.
-During breaks or lunch you both eat your pastries together <333
okay so it's been a while since I posted. Hey yall! Hope you like this one <3 stay cute! Mwah xoxoxo
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kisakis-boyfriend · 8 months
hihi!! saw that your request were open and wanted to request something!! anyways, fatui harbinger lyney has been living rent free in my head ever since he was said to be the knaves successor, and i was wondering if i could request a kitsune reader(male or gn idc) who's also a fatui harbinger(or just another member of the fatui either works), eating out lyney(ftm lyney lives rent free in my head) from under his desk while talking to his subcorditnates at some point(only if ur comfortable with that tho) thanks!! hope this isnt too much-
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Furriendly Competition
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Pairings: Lyney x reader
Warnings: Male!reader, switch!reader, trans/switch!Lyney, kitsune!reader, Harbinger Lyney & reader, exhibitionism, FWB, use of the term 'tdick'
Genre/Format: Smut; Oneshot
Author's Note: Ohoho, a very intriguing request indeed. I can't believe I've never thought about trans Lyney before, the possibilities...my god... I need to write way more trans character content... 🤤 Anyways! I hope you like this, nonny! 🧡
Please check my blog title to verify whether requests are closed or not! Thank you!
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Heavy footsteps echoed throughout the empty hallway as you strolled toward the tenth harbinger's office, a little bounce to your step while your lips curled upwards into a devious smile. Unbeknownst to him, you found out from one of his subordinates that Lyney was supposed to give an important mission briefing in his office soon. Some boring, secret stealth mission apparently, but it didn't matter to you. This was a perfect opportunity for you to enact revenge on the haughty harbinger after his incessant teasing the other day
The pyro wielding man thinks that he can embarrass you, the glorious sixth harbinger?! Not without retaliation! Oh no no no, this behavior will not go unpunished
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The door to his office swung open, startling the harbinger seated at his desk. He glared up at you, his eye twitching when he realized who dared to barge in so rudely. “I don't recall asking you to come in here.” Lyney deadpanned
“That's not a very polite way to greet someone you know?” You feigned disappointment, stepping further into the room. A fluffy tail swishing behind you playfully as you placed a hand on his desk and leaned towards him a bit, your other hand resting comfortably on your hip
“Why are you here? I just so happen to be very busy at the moment.” His eyes narrowed, tapping his fingers against the wooden desk impatiently. Though you wore a smile, Lyney could read you too well to make the mistake of trusting that your intentions were innocent
“Come now, can't a man visit his favorite fellow harbinger when he misses him? Hmm?” The playful lilt in your voice only led Lyney to distrust your intentions further. Scoffing halfheartedly at the sentiment. From an outsider's perspective, it would seem as though the two of you clearly despised each other. What with the eye rolling, sneering, and constant bickering or teasing between two powerful harbingers. But this was not so. For if any of that were true, Lyney would have yanked his hand away the second your fingers delicately caressed his gloved hand, slipping into his grasp wordlessly
“Dearest Lyney, surely you know the current time, yes? Almost noon, which means it's almost lunchtime.” You leaned forward a bit more, casting a shadow over the smaller man as you continued, “And today I'm craving something sweet for lunch~”
Lyney's eyes widened, squeezing his thighs together as he understood what you meant by this. He opened his mouth to protest, the words dying in his throat as you untangled your fingers from his and slyly circled the desk, sliding his chair back and slinking underneath into the space where his legs should go
Swallowing dryly, he stuttered out a weak protest. “Y/n...you can't I–” Lyney glanced up at the office door, “We won't be alone for much longer.” You laughed coyly, yanking his chair back towards the desk and nearly tossing him out of it in the process, slamming his hands down as he braced himself. Licking your lips as his clothed pussy was that much closer to your face, the scent downright intoxicating to your sensitive nose
“I know. That's exactly why I need this right now~” Your hands grabbed his inner thighs, spreading his legs apart and causing him to whine and scoot his hips forward slightly when he felt something drip out of his entrance. Rubbing your thumb along the center of Lyney's clothed cunt, you pressed against the wetness accumulating in his underwear, eliciting a shrill cry from the human
His labored breathing filled the room while you slowly undid Lyney's belt. He lifted his own hips up to allow you to slide his pants and underwear down to his ankles, your eyes flashing with desire and mischief all the while
“You...you're insufferableaaaAAAHH—!! ” The tenth harbinger moaned when the flat of your tongue licked over his bare cunt, his sweet juices coating the wet muscle deliciously. Your hands gave his thighs a good squeeze, locking eyes with him while your lips wrapped around his little tdick and sucked on it, causing him to yelp at the sudden sensation
After a few minutes of making Lyney's eyes roll back into his skull, you released him from your mouth. “Fix your posture, little one. It's about time for your subordinates to march in here, yes?” You reminded him, stroking his tdick with your thumb and forefinger. “Oh, and you should keep your chair tucked in unless you want them to see me devouring you~”
Lyney was about to retort when the door promptly swung open, several Fatui grunts making their way into the office just as you knew they would. The one who was most likely the leader of this group spoke up, announcing his name and reporting for duty. The squirming harbinger seated above you cleared his throat, shifting in his seat in an attempt to compose himself. “Right, le-et's cut to the chase. Unf...” Lyney struggled, leaning his elbows onto his desk in an attempt to hide what was happening underneath. “This mission is...extremely important... mmm shit. ”
Curses slipped through his teeth while your tongue licked over his folds, adding to the wetness that was already leaking out. Lyney's hips jerked forward when you dipped into his entrance, which only caused your tongue to plunge in deeper. Tasting his sweet cunt as he futilely tried to speed through this briefing. “A-and...the other half of you will stake out the north e-end, understood?”
The soldiers nodded their heads in affirmation, some of them exchanging glances with each other as their boss stumbled over his orders. It was clear that something was up, though no one had figured out the details yet. One of the men spoke up, concerned about the boss's heavy breathing and clenched fists. “Um, sir...? Is everything alright?”
Lyney glared at the grunt with half-lidded eyes, barking back an, “I am fiiiiinnee aaahh—!! ” Slamming his fist on the desk and squeezing his eyes shut while your fingers rubbed against his soaked pussy quickly, filling the room with loud wet noises that definitely reached the grunts' ears... The men stared at their boss in shock, wide-eyed and slack-jawed as some of them figured out what was happening
“Y-you have...aah...your orders, d-don't you?” The harbinger panted, beads of sweat rolling down the sides of his face. The leader of the grunts swiftly confirmed the question. “Then don't slack off, get to w-work...” Lyney commanded, hurrying the men out of his office before they witnessed anything else embarrassing
At the sound of the door closing, you swiftly wrapped your hands under Lyney's thighs and pulled him closer, eating out his cunt with fervor while your nose was buried in his blond pubic hair, sucking in the juices that leaked from his aching cunt until he came in your mouth. Your ears twitched as he brushed against them, tangling his hand in your soft hair as he screamed in ecstasy, “Aaahh! Cumming!! ”
Lyney flooded your mouth with his wetness, thrashing about while you kept your lips suctioned to his pussy, swallowing everything that the harbinger graced you with. Moaning against his lips as you breathe in his delicious scent, continuing to lap at his pussy even as Lyney tries to squirm away due to overstimulation. You simply hold his hips still and lick every drop of cum out of his pulsating hole until the little one begs you to stop, whining and gripping the arms of his chair until his fingers ache, “Ple-ease y/n– 's too much...n-no more...”
Leaving a single wet kiss on his tdick, you finally take pity on your comrade, detaching from his overstimulated hole and letting him catch his breath. Lyney's body immediately slumped in the chair, his head fell forward and a whine escaped him as a sliver of embarrassment reached his hazy mind at the realization that his subordinates probably heard him cum as they were leaving... a thought that caused a lovely rose tint to dust his cheeks
“Aw, little one, you're blushing~” Your purred, rubbing Lyney's thighs and licking the remnants of him off of your lips. “I hope you enjoyed that, because next time it will be you on your knees. See you during our next sparring match~”
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Reblogs are extremely appreciated <3
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jermer10 · 4 months
Fanfic Masterlist !! ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
a collective of all the fics i've written, updated as i post! ★ blog intro ★
list under the cut :P
Team Fortress 2: ★ TF2 mercs with a pregnant s/o | afab reader ★ TF2 support mercs with reader who experiences nightmares | gn reader ★ TF2 mercs taking care of a very sick reader | gn reader ★ TF2 falling asleep on their shoulder | gn reader ★ TF2 scout with a smug s/o | gn reader ★ TF2 softie soldier | suggestive, gn reader ★ TF2 scout fake dating trope | suggestive, gn reader ★ TF2 relationship hcs + miss pauling | suggestive, gn reader ★ TF2 mercs dating an enemy reader | suggestive, gn reader ★ TF2 yandere sniper drabbles | suggestive, gn reader ★ TF2 enemies to lovers sniper | suggestive, gn reader ★ TF2 sniper angst </3 | suggestive, gn reader ★ TF2 pyro headcanons sfw + nsfw | nsfw, gn reader ★ TF2 stealing heavy's clothing | 18+ only, afab reader ★ TF2 yandere sniper smut oneshot | 18+ only, afab reader ★ TF2 male s/o with a weapon kink | 18+ only, male reader ★ TF2 medic having a male s/o with a weapon kink | 18+ only, male reader
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toournextadventure · 1 year
Oneshot/Miniseries Masterlist
Below is the masterlist of all of my requests/oneshots/miniseries for Wednesday (2022), Scream, and whatever else I find. It's rudimentary for now but it still works!
Enid Sinclair x Reader thunder and lightning
Wednesday Addams x Reader trouble maker holidays with reader's family im no poet too much coffee we match l'appel du vide is it me? the show must go on give it a chance stop it you idiot i found you you simp reckless damn pyro would you love me?
Wenclair x Reader mistletoe not jealous stunning, murderous little thing when you love it
Tara Carpenter x Reader movie night | part ii | part iii | part iv | part v | part vi | part vii | part viii movie night drabble | hate crime bad dream? | part ii
Sam Carpenter x Reader a novel life | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
Lorraine Day x Reader our little secret | part ii | part iii | part iv get to it
Vada Cavell x Reader oblivious the city can wait
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