#python data type of variable
codeonedigest · 2 years
YouTube Short - Quick Cheat Sheet to Python Data types for Beginners | Learn Python Datatypes in 1 minute
Hi, a short #video on #python #datatype is published on #codeonedigest #youtube channel. Learn the python #datatypes in 1 minute. #pythondatatypes #pythondatatypes #pythondatatypestring #pythondatatypedeclaration #pythondatatypeprogram
What is Data type? Python Data Types are used to define the type of a variable. Datatype defines what type of data we are going to store in a variable. The data stored in memory can be of many types. For example, a person’s age is stored as a numeric value and his address is stored as alphanumeric characters. Python has various built-in data types. 1. Numeric data types store numeric…
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thegrowthtimes · 3 months
Getting Started with Python: A Beginner's Guide (pt 2)
They say teaching is the best way to learn. Consider subscribing to the website!
Expanding Your Knowledge: Collections and Control Flow In Part 1 of our beginner’s guide to Python, we covered the basics of variables, data types, and conditional statements. Now, let’s dive deeper into collections like lists, tuples, and dictionaries, as well as control flow mechanisms such as loops and functions. Lists: More Than Just Arrays As mentioned earlier, a list is a collection of…
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trendingnow3-blog · 1 year
Day-1: Demystifying Python Variables: A Comprehensive Guide for Data Management
Python Boot Camp Series 2023.
Python is a powerful and versatile programming language used for a wide range of applications. One of the fundamental concepts in Python, and in programming in general, is working with variables. In this article, we will explore what variables are, how to use them effectively to manage data, and some best practices for their usage. What are Variables in Python? Definition of Variables In…
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herpersonafire · 5 months
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Hey everyone! enjoying my (two) week break of uni, so I've been lazy and playing games. Today, working on Python, I'm just doing repetition of learning the basics; Variables, Data types, Logic statements, etc. Hope everyone has a good week!
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bandarrrrr · 19 days
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So I studied the basics about Python today, what are variables and the rules about it, what are data types and what are the different kinds of inputs, learned a lot about the conditional statements and I still have to work on my syntax because it kept throwing errors whenever I ran a conditional statement. In all had a great Day 1, looking forward to tomorrow and lesseee what happens.
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izicodes · 1 year
Dynamically vs Statically-Typed Programming Languages
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Hiya!🌍💻 I know I haven't done one of these posts in a while but now I came up with a new topic to talk about!
Today, we're going to dive into the world of programming languages and explore the differences between dynamically-typed and statically-typed ones. I actually got the idea from explaining the whole difference between languages such as C# and Java to Lua and Python! Also just wanted to talk about how various languages handle data types~! So, buckle up, and let's get started~! 🚀
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The Main Difference
It all lies in how they handle data types:
In a dynamically-typed language, the type of a variable is determined at runtime, which means you don't have to specify the type explicitly when declaring a variable.
In a statically-typed language, the type of a variable is determined at compile-time, and you must declare the type explicitly when defining a variable.
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Example Code
Not getting the picture of what I'm talking about? No worries, let's take a look at some code examples to illustrate the difference. I'll use my beloved Lua (a dynamically-typed language) and C# (a statically-typed language)~!
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In the Lua example, we can see that we don't need to specify the data type of the variable x. We can even change its type later in the code and it would still work!
In the C# example, we must specify the data type of x when declaring it, and attempting to change its type later will result in a compile-time error. Remember though, you can convert an int to string in C# via 'Convert.ToString()'!
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In dynamically-typed language, the type of a variable is determined at runtime.
Lua, Python, and JavaScript are programming languages that are dynamically typed.
In a statically-typed language, the type of a variable is determined at compile-time.
C#, Java, and Go are programming languages that are statically typed.
Obviously, there is more to know about each type as dynamically-typed and statically-typed languages each have their advantages and disadvantages - but I wanted to focus more on the data type declaration part~!
Here are some further reading pages:
Dynamic Typing vs Static Typing - LINK
Advantages and Disadvantages of Dynamic and Static Typing - LINK
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That's all, thanks for reading, and hope you learned something new! Happy coding, folks~! 🌟💻🚀
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mr-abhishek-kumar · 11 months
Interning in python, what is it.
Python uses a technique called interning to store small and unchanging values in memory. Interning means that Python only stores one copy of an object in memory, even if multiple variables reference it. This saves memory and improves performance.
Integers are one of the types of objects that are interned in Python. This means that all integer objects from -5 to 256 are stored in the same memory location. This is why the integer object is the same in memory for the following code:
a = 10 b = 10 print(a is b)
However, interning is not applied to all objects in Python. For example, lists and other more complex data types are not interned. This means that every time you create a new list, a new memory space is allocated for it, even if the list contains the same elements as an existing list.
It is important to note that interning can be disabled in Python. To do this, you can set the sys.intern variable to False. However, this is not recommended, as it can lead to performance problems.
Here are some additional benefits of interning:
It reduces the number of objects that need to be garbage collected.
It makes it easier to compare objects for equality.
It can improve the performance of operations that involve objects, such as hashing and object lookups.
Overall, interning is a powerful technique that Python uses to improve memory usage and performance.
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astridvalencia · 1 year
How to Learn Programming?
Learning to code can be a rewarding and empowering journey. Here are some steps to help you get started:
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Define Your Purpose:
Understand why you want to learn to code. Whether it's for a career change, personal projects, or just for fun, having a clear goal will guide your learning path.
Choose a Programming Language:
Select a language based on your goals. For beginners, languages like Python, JavaScript, or Ruby are often recommended due to their readability and versatility.
Start with the Basics:
Familiarize yourself with fundamental concepts such as variables, data types, loops, and conditional statements. Online platforms like Codecademy, Khan Academy, or freeCodeCamp offer interactive lessons.
Practice Regularly:
Coding is a skill that improves with practice. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to code and reinforce what you've learned.
Build Simple Projects:
Apply your knowledge by working on small projects. This helps you gain hands-on experience and keeps you motivated.
Read Code:
Study existing code, whether it's open-source projects or examples in documentation. This helps you understand different coding styles and best practices.
Ask for Help:
Don't hesitate to ask questions on forums like Stack Overflow or Reddit when you encounter difficulties. Learning from others and getting feedback is crucial.
Join Coding Communities:
Engage with the coding community to stay motivated and learn from others. Platforms like GitHub, Stack Overflow, and coding forums provide opportunities to connect with fellow learners and experienced developers.
Explore Specializations:
As you gain more experience, explore different areas like web development, data science, machine learning, or mobile app development. Specializing can open up more opportunities and align with your interests.
Read Documentation:
Learn to navigate documentation for programming languages and libraries. It's a crucial skill for developers, as it helps you understand how to use different tools and resources effectively.
Stay Updated:
The tech industry evolves rapidly. Follow coding blogs, subscribe to newsletters, and stay informed about new developments and best practices.
Build a Portfolio:
Showcase your projects on platforms like GitHub to create a portfolio. It demonstrates your skills to potential employers or collaborators.
Remember, learning to code is a continuous process, and it's okay to face challenges along the way. Stay persistent, break down complex problems, and celebrate small victories.
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pandeypankaj · 18 days
How do I learn Python in depth?
Improving Your Python Skills
  Writing Python Programs Basics: Practice the basics solidly. 
  Syntax and Semantics: Make sure you are very strong in variables, data types, control flow, functions, and object-oriented programming. 
 Data Structures: Be able to work with lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets, and know when to use which. 
 Modules and Packages: Study how to import and use built-in and third-party modules. 
Advanced Concepts
Generators and Iterators: Know how to develop efficient iterators and generators for memory-efficient code. 
Decorators: Learn how to dynamically alter functions using decorators. 
Metaclasses: Understand how classes are created and can be customized. 
Context Managers: Understand how contexts work with statements. 
Project Practice 
 Personal Projects: You will work on projects that you want to, whether building a web application, data analysis tool, or a game.
 Contributing to Open Source: Contribute to open-source projects in order to learn from senior developers. Get exposed to real-life code. 
 Online Challenges: Take part in coding challenges on HackerRank, LeetCode, or Project Euler. 
 Learn Various Libraries and Frameworks
 Scientific Computing: NumPy, SciPy, Pandas
 Data Visualization: Matplotlib, Seaborn
 Machine Learning: Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch
 Web Development: Django, Flask
Data Analysis: Dask, Airflow
Read Pythonic Code
 Open Source Projects: Study the source code of a few popular Python projects. Go through their best practices and idiomatic Python. 
 Books and Tutorials: Read all the code examples in books and tutorials on Python. 
 Conferences and Workshops
  Attend conferences and workshops that will help you further your skills in Python. PyCon is an annual Python conference that includes talks, workshops, and even networking opportunities. Local meetups will let you connect with other Python developers in your area. 
Learn Continuously
 Follow Blogs and Podcasts: Keep reading blogs and listening to podcasts that will keep you updated with the latest trends and developments taking place within the Python community.
Online Courses: Advanced understanding in Python can be acquired by taking online courses on the subject.
 Try It Yourself: Trying new techniques and libraries expands one's knowledge.
Other Recommendations
 Readable-Clean Code: For code writing, it's essential to follow the style guide in Python, PEP 
Naming your variables and functions as close to their utilization as possible is also recommended.
 Test Your Code: Unit tests will help in establishing the correctness of your code.
 Coding with Others: Doing pair programming and code reviews would provide you with experience from other coders.
 You are not Afraid to Ask for Help: Never hesitate to ask for help when things are beyond your hand-on areas, be it online communities or mentors.
These steps, along with consistent practice, will help you become proficient in Python development and open a wide range of possibilities in your career.
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mr-jython · 1 month
Introduction to Python
Python is a widely used general-purpose, high level programming language. It was initially designed by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and developed by Python Software Foundation. It was mainly developed for emphasis on code readability, and its syntax (set of rules that govern the structure of a code) allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code.
Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more efficiently.
data types: Int(integer), float(decimal), Boolean(True or False), string, and list; variables, expressions, statements, precedence of operators, comments; modules, functions-- - function and its use, flow of execution, parameters and arguments.
Programming in python
To start programming in Python, you will need an interpreter. An interpreter is basically a software that reads, translates and executes the code line by line instead of combining the entire code into machine code as a compiler does.
Popular interpreters in python
Many other programmers also use IDEs(Integrated Development Environment) which are softwares that provide an extensive set of tools and features to support software development.
Examples of IDEs
Visual studio code (VS code)
Android studio
Net beans
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tia003 · 1 month
What is a Python variable?
A Python variable is a symbolic name that references or points to a value stored in memory. Variables are used to store data that can be manipulated and referenced throughout a program. In Python, you don't need to declare the type of variable explicitly; instead, you simply assign a value to it using the equals (=) sign. For example, x = 10 creates a variable x that holds the value 10. Variables can store various data types, such as integers, strings, or lists.
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juliebowie · 2 months
Learning About Different Types of Functions in R Programming
Summary: Learn about the different types of functions in R programming, including built-in, user-defined, anonymous, recursive, S3, S4 methods, and higher-order functions. Understand their roles and best practices for efficient coding.
Functions in R programming are fundamental building blocks that streamline code and enhance efficiency. They allow you to encapsulate code into reusable chunks, making your scripts more organised and manageable. 
Understanding the various types of functions in R programming is crucial for leveraging their full potential, whether you're using built-in, user-defined, or advanced methods like recursive or higher-order functions. 
This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of these different types, their uses, and best practices for implementing them effectively. By the end, you'll have a solid grasp of how to utilise these functions to optimise your R programming projects.
What is a Function in R?
In R programming, a function is a reusable block of code designed to perform a specific task. Functions help organise and modularise code, making it more efficient and easier to manage. 
By encapsulating a sequence of operations into a function, you can avoid redundancy, improve readability, and facilitate code maintenance. Functions take inputs, process them, and return outputs, allowing for complex operations to be performed with a simple call.
Basic Structure of a Function in R
The basic structure of a function in R includes several key components:
Function Name: A unique identifier for the function.
Parameters: Variables listed in the function definition that act as placeholders for the values (arguments) the function will receive.
Body: The block of code that executes when the function is called. It contains the operations and logic to process the inputs.
Return Statement: Specifies the output value of the function. If omitted, R returns the result of the last evaluated expression by default.
Here's the general syntax for defining a function in R:
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Syntax and Example of a Simple Function
Consider a simple function that calculates the square of a number. This function takes one argument, processes it, and returns the squared value.
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In this example:
square_number is the function name.
x is the parameter, representing the input value.
The body of the function calculates x^2 and stores it in the variable result.
The return(result) statement provides the output of the function.
You can call this function with an argument, like so:
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This function is a simple yet effective example of how you can leverage functions in R to perform specific tasks efficiently.
Must Read: R Programming vs. Python: A Comparison for Data Science.
Types of Functions in R
In R programming, functions are essential building blocks that allow users to perform operations efficiently and effectively. Understanding the various types of functions available in R helps in leveraging the full power of the language. 
This section explores different types of functions in R, including built-in functions, user-defined functions, anonymous functions, recursive functions, S3 and S4 methods, and higher-order functions.
Built-in Functions
R provides a rich set of built-in functions that cater to a wide range of tasks. These functions are pre-defined and come with R, eliminating the need for users to write code for common operations. 
Examples include mathematical functions like mean(), median(), and sum(), which perform statistical calculations. For instance, mean(x) calculates the average of numeric values in vector x, while sum(x) returns the total sum of the elements in x.
These functions are highly optimised and offer a quick way to perform standard operations. Users can rely on built-in functions for tasks such as data manipulation, statistical analysis, and basic operations without having to reinvent the wheel. The extensive library of built-in functions streamlines coding and enhances productivity.
User-Defined Functions
User-defined functions are custom functions created by users to address specific needs that built-in functions may not cover. Creating user-defined functions allows for flexibility and reusability in code. To define a function, use the function() keyword. The syntax for creating a user-defined function is as follows:
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In this example, my_function takes two arguments, arg1 and arg2, adds them, and returns the result. User-defined functions are particularly useful for encapsulating repetitive tasks or complex operations that require custom logic. They help in making code modular, easier to maintain, and more readable.
Anonymous Functions
Anonymous functions, also known as lambda functions, are functions without a name. They are often used for short, throwaway tasks where defining a full function might be unnecessary. In R, anonymous functions are created using the function() keyword without assigning them to a variable. Here is an example:
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In this example, sapply() applies the anonymous function function(x) x^2 to each element in the vector 1:5. The result is a vector containing the squares of the numbers from 1 to 5. 
Anonymous functions are useful for concise operations and can be utilised in functions like apply(), lapply(), and sapply() where temporary, one-off computations are needed.
Recursive Functions
Recursive functions are functions that call themselves in order to solve a problem. They are particularly useful for tasks that can be divided into smaller, similar sub-tasks. For example, calculating the factorial of a number can be accomplished using recursion. The following code demonstrates a recursive function for computing factorial:
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Here, the factorial() function calls itself with n - 1 until it reaches the base case where n equals 1. Recursive functions can simplify complex problems but may also lead to performance issues if not implemented carefully. They require a clear base case to prevent infinite recursion and potential stack overflow errors.
S3 and S4 Methods
R supports object-oriented programming through the S3 and S4 systems, each offering different approaches to object-oriented design.
S3 Methods: S3 is a more informal and flexible system. Functions in S3 are used to define methods for different classes of objects. For instance:
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In this example, print.my_class is a method that prints a custom message for objects of class my_class. S3 methods provide a simple way to extend functionality for different object types.
S4 Methods: S4 is a more formal and rigorous system with strict class definitions and method dispatch. It allows for detailed control over method behaviors. For example:
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Here, setClass() defines a class with a numeric slot, and setMethod() defines a method for displaying objects of this class. S4 methods offer enhanced functionality and robustness, making them suitable for complex applications requiring precise object-oriented programming.
Higher-Order Functions
Higher-order functions are functions that take other functions as arguments or return functions as results. These functions enable functional programming techniques and can lead to concise and expressive code. Examples include apply(), lapply(), and sapply().
apply(): Used to apply a function to the rows or columns of a matrix.
lapply(): Applies a function to each element of a list and returns a list.
sapply(): Similar to lapply(), but returns a simplified result.
Higher-order functions enhance code readability and efficiency by abstracting repetitive tasks and leveraging functional programming paradigms.
Best Practices for Writing Functions in R
Writing efficient and readable functions in R is crucial for maintaining clean and effective code. By following best practices, you can ensure that your functions are not only functional but also easy to understand and maintain. Here are some key tips and common pitfalls to avoid.
Tips for Writing Efficient and Readable Functions
Keep Functions Focused: Design functions to perform a single task or operation. This makes your code more modular and easier to test. For example, instead of creating a function that processes data and generates a report, split it into separate functions for processing and reporting.
Use Descriptive Names: Choose function names that clearly indicate their purpose. For instance, use calculate_mean() rather than calc() to convey the function’s role more explicitly.
Avoid Hardcoding Values: Use parameters instead of hardcoded values within functions. This makes your functions more flexible and reusable. For example, instead of using a fixed threshold value within a function, pass it as a parameter.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Overcomplicating Functions: Avoid writing overly complex functions. If a function becomes too long or convoluted, break it down into smaller, more manageable pieces. Complex functions can be harder to debug and understand.
Neglecting Error Handling: Failing to include error handling can lead to unexpected issues during function execution. Implement checks to handle invalid inputs or edge cases gracefully.
Ignoring Code Consistency: Consistency in coding style helps maintain readability. Follow a consistent format for indentation, naming conventions, and comment style.
Best Practices for Function Documentation
Document Function Purpose: Clearly describe what each function does, its parameters, and its return values. Use comments and documentation strings to provide context and usage examples.
Specify Parameter Types: Indicate the expected data types for each parameter. This helps users understand how to call the function correctly and prevents type-related errors.
Update Documentation Regularly: Keep function documentation up-to-date with any changes made to the function’s logic or parameters. Accurate documentation enhances the usability of your code.
By adhering to these practices, you’ll improve the quality and usability of your R functions, making your codebase more reliable and easier to maintain.
Read Blogs: 
Pattern Programming in Python: A Beginner’s Guide.
Understanding the Functional Programming Paradigm.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the main types of functions in R programming? 
In R programming, the main types of functions include built-in functions, user-defined functions, anonymous functions, recursive functions, S3 methods, S4 methods, and higher-order functions. Each serves a specific purpose, from performing basic tasks to handling complex operations.
How do user-defined functions differ from built-in functions in R? 
User-defined functions are custom functions created by users to address specific needs, whereas built-in functions come pre-defined with R and handle common tasks. User-defined functions offer flexibility, while built-in functions provide efficiency and convenience for standard operations.
What is a recursive function in R programming?
A recursive function in R calls itself to solve a problem by breaking it down into smaller, similar sub-tasks. It's useful for problems like calculating factorials but requires careful implementation to avoid infinite recursion and performance issues.
Understanding the types of functions in R programming is crucial for optimising your code. From built-in functions that simplify tasks to user-defined functions that offer customisation, each type plays a unique role. 
Mastering recursive, anonymous, and higher-order functions further enhances your programming capabilities. Implementing best practices ensures efficient and maintainable code, leveraging R’s full potential for data analysis and complex problem-solving.
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thegrowthtimes · 3 months
Getting Started with Python: A Beginner's Guide (pt 1)
I was inspired to pursue mastery or expertise in the tech field like coding and development, and to do so there must be a foundation. Here is my beginning.. - I welcome the conversation.
Understanding Variables I was inspired to pursue expertise in the tech field, like coding and development. To achieve this, there must be a foundation. Here is my beginning. I welcome the conversation. In Python, a variable is a container for storing a value. You can assign a value to a variable using the “=” operator. The value can be of any data type, such as a string, integer, or…
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computerlanguages · 6 months
Computer Language
Computer languages, also known as programming languages, are formal languages used to communicate instructions to a computer. These instructions are written in a syntax that computers can understand and execute. There are numerous programming languages, each with its own syntax, semantics, and purpose. Here are some of the main types of programming languages:
1.Low-Level Languages:
Machine Language: This is the lowest level of programming language, consisting of binary code (0s and 1s) that directly corresponds to instructions executed by the computer's hardware. It is specific to the computer's architecture.
Assembly Language: Assembly language uses mnemonic codes to represent machine instructions. It is a human-readable form of machine language and closely tied to the computer's hardware architecture
2.High-Level Languages:
Procedural Languages: Procedural languages, such as C, Pascal, and BASIC, focus on defining sequences of steps or procedures to perform tasks. They use constructs like loops, conditionals, and subroutines.
Object-Oriented Languages: Object-oriented languages, like Java, C++, and Python, organize code around objects, which are instances of classes containing data and methods. They emphasize concepts like encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
Functional Languages: Functional languages, such as Haskell, Lisp, and Erlang, treat computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions. They emphasize immutable data and higher-order functions.
Scripting Languages: Scripting languages, like JavaScript, PHP, and Ruby, are designed for automating tasks, building web applications, and gluing together different software components. They typically have dynamic typing and are interpreted rather than compiled.
Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs): DSLs are specialized languages tailored to a specific domain or problem space. Examples include SQL for database querying, HTML/CSS for web development, and MATLAB for numerical computation.
3.Other Types:
Markup Languages: Markup languages, such as HTML, XML, and Markdown, are used to annotate text with formatting instructions. They are not programming languages in the traditional sense but are essential for structuring and presenting data.
Query Languages: Query languages, like SQL (Structured Query Language), are used to interact with databases by retrieving, manipulating, and managing data.
Constraint Programming Languages: Constraint programming languages, such as Prolog, focus on specifying constraints and relationships among variables to solve combinatorial optimization problems.
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shemsuji432 · 1 year
Tips for the Best Way to Learn Python from Scratch to Pro
Python, often regarded as one of the most beginner-friendly programming languages, offers an excellent entry point for those looking to embark on a coding journey. Whether you aspire to become a Python pro or simply want to add a valuable skill to your repertoire, the path to Python proficiency is well-paved. In this blog, we’ll outline a comprehensive strategy to learn Python from scratch to pro, and we’ll also touch upon how ACTE Institute can accelerate your journey with its job placement services.
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1. Start with the basics:
Every journey begins with a single step. Familiarise yourself with Python’s fundamental concepts, including variables, data types, and basic operations. Online platforms like Codecademy, Coursera, and edX offer introductory Python courses for beginners.
2. Learn Control Structures:
Master Python’s control structures, such as loops and conditional statements. These are essential for writing functional code. Sites like HackerRank and LeetCode provide coding challenges to practice your skills.
3. Dive into Functions:
Understand the significance of functions in Python. Learn how to define your functions, pass arguments, and return values. Functions are the building blocks of Python programmes.
4. Explore Data Structures:
Delve into Python’s versatile data structures, including lists, dictionaries, tuples, and sets. Learn their usage and when to apply them in real-world scenarios.
5. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):
Python is an object-oriented language. Learn OOP principles like classes and objects. Understand encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
6. Modules and Libraries:
Python’s strength lies in its extensive libraries and modules. Explore popular libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib for data manipulation and visualisation.
7. Web Development with Django or Flask:
If web development interests you, pick up a web framework like Django or Flask. These frameworks simplify building web applications using Python.
8. Dive into Data Science:
Python is a dominant language in the field of data science. Learn how to use libraries like SciPy and Scikit-Learn for data analysis and machine learning.
9. Real-World Projects:
Apply your knowledge by working on real-world projects. Create a portfolio showcasing your Python skills. Platforms like GitHub allow you to share your projects with potential employers.
10. Continuous learning:
Python is a dynamic language, with new features and libraries regularly introduced. Stay updated with the latest developments by following Python communities, blogs, and podcasts.
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The ACTE Institute offers a structured Python training programme that covers the entire spectrum of Python learning. Here’s how they can accelerate your journey:
Comprehensive Curriculum: ACTE’s Python course includes hands-on exercises, assignments, and real-world projects. You’ll gain practical experience and a deep understanding of Python’s applications.
Experienced Instructors: Learn from certified Python experts with years of industry experience. Their guidance ensures you receive industry-relevant insights.
Job Placement Services: One of ACTE’s standout features is its job placement assistance. They have a network of recruiting clients, making it easier for you to land a Python-related job.
Flexibility: ACTE offers both online and offline Python courses, allowing you to choose the mode that suits your schedule.
The journey from Python novice to pro involves continuous learning and practical application. ACTE Institute can be your trusted partner in this journey, providing not only comprehensive Python training but also valuable job placement services. Whether you aspire to be a Python developer, data scientist, or web developer, mastering Python opens doors to diverse career opportunities. So, take that first step, start your Python journey, and let ACTE Institute guide you towards Python proficiency and a rewarding career.
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pythonway · 7 months
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Python: What is it all about?
Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language.
A programming language is a formal language that is used to create instructions that can be executed by a computer. Programming languages are used to develop a wide range of software applications, from simple scripts to complex operating systems.
It is widely used for a variety of applications.
What is Python?
Python is a dynamic, object-oriented programming language.
A dynamic programming language is a programming language in which the type of a variable is not known until script is run. This is in contrast to static typing, in which the type of a variable is set explicitly .
It is an interpreted language, meaning that it is executed line by line by an interpreter, rather than being compiled into machine code like some other languages. This makes it easy to develop and test Python programs quickly and efficiently.
Python is also a general-purpose language, meaning that it can be used for a wide range of tasks. It comes with a comprehensive standard library that provides modules for common tasks such as file handling, networking, and data manipulation. This makes it easy to get started with Python and to develop complex applications without having to write a lot of code from scratch.
Origin of Python
Python was created by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s as a successor to the ABC programming language. ABC was a simple, interpreted language that was designed for teaching programming concepts. However, van Rossum felt that ABC was too limited, and he wanted to create a more powerful and versatile language.
Python was influenced by a number of other programming languages, including C, Modula-3, and Lisp. Van Rossum wanted to create a language that was simple and easy to learn, but also powerful enough to be used for a variety of applications. He also wanted to create a language that was portable across different platforms.
Python was first released in 1991, and it quickly gained popularity as a teaching language and for scripting tasks. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Python began to be used for more complex applications, such as web development and data science. Today, Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, and it is used for a wide variety of applications.
The name "Python" is a reference to the British comedy group Monty Python. Van Rossum was a fan of the group, and he thought that the name "Python" was appropriate for his new language because it was "short, unique, and slightly mysterious."
How is Python Used?
Python is used in a wide variety of applications, including:
Web development: Python is a popular choice for web development, thanks to its simplicity and the availability of powerful frameworks such as Django, Flask, FastAPI.
Data science: Python is widely used for data science and machine learning, thanks to its extensive data analysis and visualization libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, dask, Matplotlib, plotly, seaborn, alatair.
Machine learning: Python is a popular choice for machine learning, thanks to its support for a wide range of machine learning algorithms and libraries such as scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Keras, transformers, PyTorch.
Scripting: Python is often used for automating repetitive tasks or creating custom tools.
Python offers a number of advantages over other programming languages, including:
Simplicity: Python is a relatively simple language to learn and use, making it a good choice for beginners.
Readability: Python code is known for its readability, making it easy to understand and maintain.
Extensibility: Python is highly extensible, thanks to its large community of developers and the availability of numerous libraries and frameworks.
Portability: Python is a cross-platform language, meaning that it can be run on a variety of operating systems without modification.
Despite all of it's advantages, python also has several drawbacks.
Speed: Python is an interpreted language, which means that it is slower than compiled languages such as C++ and Java. This can be a disadvantage for applications that require high performance.
Memory usage: Python programs can use a lot of memory, especially when working with large datasets. This can be a disadvantage for applications that need to run on devices with limited memory.
Lack of type checking: Python is a dynamically typed language, which means that it does not check the types of variables at compile time. This can lead to errors that are difficult to find and debug.
Global interpreter lock (GIL): The GIL is a lock that prevents multiple threads from executing Python code simultaneously. This can be a disadvantage for applications that need to use multiple cores or processors.
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