#r2 has seen too much
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For the new comers  that are insterested in reading  the whole comic thingy from the beginning, you can do it here:
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foone · 3 months
AAA games? Pfft. Indie games? Double pfft.
I only play games from the alternate history where Hillary Clinton was elected in 2008 and banned all video games. You can only imagine how weird their underground gaming scene is. People like to call unlicensed games "bootlegs" but they've got actual bootlegged games! I've played games about helping your grandmother in hospice care realize she's a lesbian by reading Sappho to her, at 2am in a speakeasy in Baltimore. The cops raided it the next night, hundreds of Gamers were arrested. They posted pictures all over Friendster of the Baltimore PD destroying the arcades with axes.
I nearly got busted once because I was imaging old disks from a 386 and someone tipped off the gaming cops that there was a copy of Commander Keen in there. I had to prove that I didn't know it, I was imaging the disks blind and then indexing them later, and I would of course turn over any contraband to the proper authorities.
I was already on a watch list because I'd been known to have some gamedev-related activities pre-ban. They can't arrest me for making games back in 2007 when it was still legal, but they do want to keep an eye on me since I have the skills to break the law.
Anyway that universe's bootlegs are mainly PC games. Can't really have console games if there hasn't been a console release since the Wii/PS3/360 era. At one point Nintendo threatened to release the Wii SDK so game devs in the US could make unlicensed games, but that didn't happen as there were quickly no functional Wiis left in the US, except for very rare holdouts that never move. PC games are easy to distribute samizdat and hide on a USB stick or CD-R labeled "nickelback".
Japan's games industry is still going, so the later Nintendo and Sony consoles still exist, but Microsoft got out of the business of course. They sold the franchise to Sega who were hoping to release the 360 successor (the Xbox One in our universe) as the Sega Phoenix but it never materialized, either through their own financial incompetence or because of pressure from the US. There's a lot of international treaties that the US has pushed "and this aid only goes through if you ban games" clauses into. That would have been an official UN resolution if the USSR hadn't vetoed it. For once, thank God for the security council, eh?
I mainly get my gaming news through Japanese gaming sites (through a set of VPNs, since they're blocked at the border firewall), and some tor onion site run by a weird guy in Minnesota who is obsessed with documenting all the underground US games.
There's a lot being worked on, but it's always a tricky trade off. Too much attention and the police might be able to track down the creators, and it's basically impossible to fund underground games, as the VISA/PayPal etc funds get seized immediately. There's a whole task force for that.
Anyway one of the weirdest differences between our two time lines is that they've gone back and edited out gaming from a bunch of movies. Those that they can, of course. War games was just banned because they couldn't remove the tic tac toe ending. The Net just removed the scene at the beginning where she's playing Wolfenstein 3D, by recording some new screen footage and a new voice over. She's fixing a spreadsheet in the new edition.
(Yes, I've seen The Net from this alternate timeline. On Laserdisc, of course. I'm just that kind of person!)
They even edited Star Wars. You know that scene where R2-D2 is playing holochess with Chewie? They edited it to be a board game instead of holograms, because that made it too "video gamey".
Technically it's not illegal to show gaming in a movie, but it needs to be an 18+ film and you have to show the deleterious effects of gaming and/or the gamesters coming to a bad end.
This has affected films less than you'd think, to be honest. They were never great about showing video games even before they banned them.
Anyway, go have fun playing your AAA games with hundred-million-dollar budgets. I only play indie games made by people under a constant threat of arrest for their art.
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marinamar4 · 16 days
i think the most unreal thing about the sequel trilogy isn't anything about rey… it's the fact that ben didn't know his grandfather
and i don't mean the fact that he was vader, but that, having proven the existence of force ghosts, i'm 100% sure that anakin would have done the impossible to keep an eye on his only grandson
(and cry to obi-wan for being so good to leia that he even named his son ben. obi-wan keeps an eye on him too, but less, he's dealt with enough skywalkers in life to continue stressing out in death, even if baby ben doesn't do any crazy maneuvers yet)
(i imagine him flying toys and spaceships over baby ben to make him fall asleep, and when he grows up, teaching him mechanics and how to deal with r2-d2 and c3-po)
(leia wouldn't be too happy about that, but hey, she's a free babysitter and she knows how to deal with a sensitive little one. the force. anyway, if anyone can figure out how to shoot a ghost with a blaster, it’s her)
(luke has played mediator more times than he can count between father and sister)
so when snoke starts whispering to ben, well, the kid doesn’t pay much attention. he’s heard enough stories about the dark side from his grandfather anakin and his grandfather obi-wan to believe him blindly
and then the darth vader reveal happens. and the first thing ben does is not demand answers as to why he wasn’t told sooner, but laugh. because he finds it funny that one of the most feared creatures in history is the same one who disappears when his mother gives him a dirty look, who looks like a scolded puppy when his friend tells him something, who runs away from a green goblin so he doesn't hit him with a cane, and seriously, why doesn't anyone believe ben when he says he's seen darth vader's ghost cry during sad moments in romantic holo-movies?
and when snoke insists that his grandfather would want ben to continue his "legacy" of oppression, ben dismisses him and says "yeah, no. all my grandfather wants is for me to continue flying spaceships and fixing droids. oh, and also, the only thing he agrees with my mother on is that I should get a good girlfriend, marry her, and have lots of babies. for something they both agree on, i'm not going to ignore that!
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hispg · 1 year
Safe haven
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Pairings: Leon x Reader
Summary: How Leon deals with his ptsd over the years.
Warnings: hurt/comfort, angst, depressive thoughts, suicidal intent, Leon hating himself.
An: This one follows the cannon order, so it starts with r2 Leon, r4, r6, vendetta, ends with Death Island.
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Since Leon returned from Raccoon City, nothing has been the same. You've seen the man you knew die day after day, his personality changing like water to wine. And he knew it, he knew it better than anyone.
You still remember perfectly when he arrived, covered in blood, with a bandage on his arm, a face with the most terrified expression you could imagine.
The horrors he had witnessed in that place were simply out of this world. What should have been a simple first day at work turned into a living hell. There were things he wouldn't erase from his memory, the way he had to kill all his co-workers, the way he saw everyone around him die. He felt bad, guilty, even though he had no control over it.
It was a lot for one person, a lot for him to process.
A night that would mark him for the rest of his life.
In order not to involve you too much in the subject, he never went into too much detail, just briefly saying something or other. But you could imagine, the way his fear was clear on his face, his lips trembling every time he tried to talk to you about what had happened.
You saw the way he woke up every night, covered in a layer of sweat, whimpering and almost screaming in his room. He never slept properly, always woke up in a state of sheer panic, and it only got worse as time went on. It wasn't something he could control, not even he himself could believe that he had come out of that nightmare alive.
And he often wished he hadn't.
All he forced himself to believe was that it would be something momentary, an event that he would forget or at least get better with the passage of time.
But it didn't.
He beat himself up every day, unable to forget a single second of that night. He could have helped more, he could have done more, maybe he could have saved more people.
Deep down, he knew it was impossible. A simple situation where a hundred were sacrificed to save one.
There were days when he couldn't even leave the house, and he also begged you to stay with him. A panic attack that haunted him almost daily, he needed you to be there. At least he knew you would be safe by his side, and he needed you, as if you were the air he breathed.
All this was due to the fact that he couldn't cope on his own, if you didn't sleep next to him every night, he wouldn't even try to close his eyes. Because he knew he wouldn't be able to doze off for a single moment, not that he'd ever get a good night's sleep.
He often refused, refused to believe that it was real, refused to believe that it had ever happened. But every time he closed his eyes and heard the screams of agony echoing in his head, he remembered the painful reality.
It was almost customary for him to try to recover from everything he had experienced, to lift his face, wipe away the tears and force an expression from someone who was fine.
But you and he knew it was just a lie.
Everything took a turn for the worse when he was interrogated and basically forced to work for the government. It was a 'deal', he would work for the government in exchange for the little girl safety, a little girl called Sherry, who he found and saved in the middle of the chaos that night.
Although he didn't want to, he didn't think it was fair to let a girl as young as her suffer in a laboratory, maybe it was crazy to compromise his life for someone he barely knew. But that was him, the guy who put others before himself. So he accepted the 'agreement'.
He just wanted to be someone normal, to forget about that damn trauma, to forget about the pain of that night and to put all those events behind him.
But he couldn't, and maybe he wasn't ready for that fact.
The Leon of before no longer existed, maybe a small sketch left, but he would never be able to get back on his feet and be like before.
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Leon's life began to turn upside down even more, after the hell that happened in Raccoon City, he was forced to go to military training, supposedly to serve the government. Even years after what happened, the night was still incredibly vivid in his mind. Every detail was stagnant in his memory, a mark he couldn't remove.
All he felt now was anger, all hidden in that sullen face that had become his usual expression. He hid behind it, hoping you wouldn't notice how cold and indifferent he was becoming. It was the only way to protect himself that he found.
And he hated that things were this way.
What he didn't expect was that he would become an agent working for the President. Everything that had already happened to him was enough, and he still seemed to be getting worse and worse.
Like a bottomless pit, he just fell lower and lower.
At this point he no longer cared about much, he was becoming more and more stressed with work and that damn training.
You lost count of how many times he came home scratched, bruised, with some part of his body purple. One time he even arrived with a broken rib, and he didn't even try to explain to you what had happened.
He just did his bandages silently, with your help. And he didn't even say a single word about it, and you worried like crazy. You didn't even know if he would arrive in one piece the next day.
It wasn't difficult to assimilate all the abuse he was suffering in that place, you had already heard a few times the way some of his training partners spoke to him on the phone. They weren't friendly at all.
All he did was hide what he felt with that sulky face, more and more you saw him becoming closed off. It was rare that he talked about his training, or his day.
Even he had become increasingly discreet about his nightmares, or even his anxiety attacks. He always thought he could handle it on his own, it was his problem. That he had learned to cope, or at least he thought he had.
Because it was the same story as always. Just a man doing what he hated, reliving the past and charting a hateful future.
And that couldn't be avoided.
And well, nothing got better when he was called to a mission in Spain, looking for the President's daughter. He didn't feel excited about the situation at all, he didn't even want to go. However, there wasn't much of an option.
He tried to warn you, in fact he didn't warn you, he just said he was going to Spain, just like that.
It wasn't hard to imagine that this caused a small fight between you, since he could at least tell you what it was about. But he didn't say.
"Don't pressure me, don't even try to look into things that's not your business." Leon hisses at you, turning his back and leaving you behind with tears in your eyes. All you heard after was the door slamming, and he disappeared for a few days.
Surely he knew the shit he had done, and every moment that passed he felt his heart tighten. His anxiety reaching its worst peaks. As he began to understand what was happening in that old village, he felt terror wash over him once again. The fear of not being able to return terrified him, he doesn't even know how he managed to stay upright in the face of all that.
He felt trapped in a nightmare again.
Another hell, he didn't even know that he would go through a situation similar to Raccoon City again, but to his displeasure it happened. Once again he doesn't know how he came out alive, he was terrified of witnessing death several times in a row. The only thing he thought about was going home, he needed a place to call home. And he needed you, in a way he couldn't put into words. So many words he wanted to say, so many things he wanted to do, especially seeing more people around him die. After having done everything he did to survive.
He needed someone.
Everything he had planned to tell you went down the drain as soon as he got home, the first thing he saw was you lying on the sofa, wearing one of his shirts.
It didn't take long for him to take off his boots, and walk towards you, he was shabby, a complete mess. It was no surprise.
He gently gave you a gentle kiss on the cheek, so as not to wake you, and sat down on the floor next to you. He intended to spend the night there, as he certainly wouldn't be able to sleep no matter how hard he tried.
With his fists clenched, his face set, a strange feeling running through his body. Once again he felt like it was a tantrum, but it wasn't.
A single tear wet his cheeks, followed by several others.
And then he realized, the reality of the facts caught up with him.
And the terrifying feeling returned.
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A few more painful years passed, and it was indeed optimistic to say that things had improved. It was as if everything was exhausting, he couldn't have fun with the things he liked.
As if his life was in a loop where he couldn't stop, he couldn't get out of it. It just kept going again and again, it shouldn't be like this.
But was.
It wasn't hard to notice how grumpy he had become. He was no longer someone of many words, and now he was even more closed off. If it was possible.
The grown beard that only showed how disinterested he was in his own appearance. He was at a point where he barely looked at himself in the mirror, his dark blond strands falling down his face. And he didn't even bother to trim his hair and leave it the way he liked it.
He didn't even look in the mirror, he hated every time he saw his own reflection. He learned to hate every one of his scars, every mark that remained from his missions, he hated with all of his heart. It was an otherworldly aversion, he shouldn't feel this way about himself, but that didn't matter. Not now.
He learned to hate himself.
He hated the way that even after all these years his traumas still haunted him, the way he still had those terrible nightmares. He hated the way he treated you, so cold and distant.
So different from what he once was.
Since it all started in Raccoon City, he always knew that the part of the soul he lost there he would never recover. But he didn't imagine things would be this bad.
It was as if no moment was good, as if everything revolved around his work and the problems that came with it. He became such a focused person that he would sometimes go days without showering, with his hair all messy and his face completely tired. From someone who hadn't had rest in days. And that person was exactly him.
He would often make minimal effort to talk to you, try to start a conversation and tell you how his day was going. But who said he could? The poor man got so used to keeping things to himself that sharing it was complicated.
The words tumbled in his mouth, he couldn't form a sentence that made any sense and didn't sound desperate. But he failed as soon as he said the first word, and just ended up changing the subject.
Therefore, he learned that nothing would be the same as before, even after all these years in which he hoped that things would change, for the better. But to his chagrin this didn't happen, and everything went downhill.
He tried his best to come to terms with all of this, since he was already someone who had seen a lot, and had already done a lot as well. But that didn't stop him from feeling bad, from feeling like the weight of the world was on his shoulders.
And it wasn't?
At that point he ignored what he felt, if he was called to a mission he would simply go, even though he was extremely upset about the matter. Because in those moments he realized that he was just an object of the government.
A powerful weapon that was capable of stopping the crap that happened here or there, and that was it. Just it.
Nothing more than a weapon.
What else could he expect? The turn things took only made the government's intentions clear, and he didn't approve at all. He was always against it, but who said he was listened to?
He had already accepted this, a cruel fate from which he had little option of escaping. He had already dealt with it.
He forced himself to believe those words.
All he could do was hate himself more and more, every time he came home tired and saw you, his heart broke.
How did he still have you by his side? How the hell was such a sweet person still willing to stay by his side. It wasn't fair.
He deserved to be alone.
Day after day he found himself looking for things to get rid of the bitterness that his life had become, what he found was drinking.
One of the few things that let him breathe, even if just for a few hours. It started slowly, but he needed to increase it.
It was an obligation, it was either that or get home and feel like the worst person in the world. This addiction started slowly, in a subtle way.
However, it then got out of control, and once again he found himself in his worst state.
"There's no turning back.." A whisper coming from him, drunk and completely out of his mind.
His life was a dead end, and he had no hope that it would get better.
Another day of remorse, another day living in his shoes.
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The only consolation he found now was drinking, at least it helped the pain go away for a moment. Even though at some point he had to increase the doses more and more, he needed it to take effect.
If at any point he had tried to have some closeness with you back, that had ended in the last few months. He couldn't even take care of himself, let alone take care of you.
He was a different man, and not in a good way.
At that point he already accepted that he had lost himself, that he no longer had salvation, his mind was torturing him.
It was suffering just to be alive.
The fact that he always lost people around him, that he had to kill his own team because he wasn't able to save them. How the hell was he supposed to survive with this? How could he say everything was fine?
Everything around him was dying, like he had a curse around him or something. Not even he wanted to understand this. The weight of the years he lived in this torture was catching up to him.
And nothing could be done, once again.
The nightmares, the weight on his conscience, the memory of each of the missions. It was an unhealthy cycle he was trapped in.
Certainly an addiction wouldn't solve the situation, but what would? Pay nicely as always? Hold his head up and follow orders like a puppy?
"Piece of shit." That's what he mutters when he sees himself in the reflection of his cell phone, disappointed with the way everything is happening. How he was dealing with all of this. His appearance was different, hair more swept to the side, a longer beard. Clothes that not even he knew he would wear at some point.
But what would be the other way? How?
Disappointment, anger, depression, all mixed up in his head. He didn't know what he should do with these bottled up feelings that were haunting him day after day.
All the missions, all the people he lost, everything he experienced. How could someone go through so much like that?
How could he have gone through this and still somehow moved on?
This time he didn't even bother trying to hide from you the displeasure he had created for life, he rarely spent time at home, and when he did it was all day grumbling or drinking.
A great guilt invaded him when you cried because nothing you tried to do seemed to help, but this wasn't about you.
It was about him.
His mood only worsened when Chris called him to another mission, actually it wasn't really a call, more like a statement that he was going to another mission.
This was his life for the last few years, mission after mission, without even a moment for himself, not that he was going to do anything other than drink in the meantime.
What could have happened special this time? Another mission where he comes close to death several times, where he simply doesn't know if he'll return home in one piece. And he could swear he didn't care about it or not.
At least he thought so.
But perhaps the fact of working with people close to him this time made him see that things could be worth it again. Although it wasn't the friendliest place to think this, he couldn't deny that it gave him some comfort since he worked with people he knew, especially Chris, who was one of the few people he liked at work. Despite grumbling a lot.
He appreciated the fact that things ended well this time, for the first time in a long time.
There was still a little light in the good things, in the little daily things. Sometimes things didn't always have a bad ending.
The people around him wouldn't always fade away or betray him, that wouldn't always be the course of things.
Maybe now he was ready to start improving a little, maybe yes, maybe no. He would only know if he tried.
Once the madness of the mission was over, all he could think about was you, he could only think about seeing you one more time after everything that had happened. It was a desire so big that it couldn't fit in his chest.
You can bet he was counting the minutes until he got home, he needed to feel your presence again. He needed to know that he had people who were there for him.
He needed your comfort, your reassurance.
Once he got home the first thing he did was look for you, it was more than a desire, it was a need.
Without you even realizing it, you see him leaning against the kitchen counter, with an almost unremarkable smile. You even surprise yourself, since it had been a good few months since you had seen even a trace of a happy expression on his face.
"I'm back.." He says in a whisper, looking at you gently for the first time in a while.
You look at him a little hesitantly, wanting to give him a hug, not knowing if he wanted that or not.
A simple gesture but one that made your day, he opened his arms to you, waiting for you to do what you wanted.
Without a shadow of a doubt he needed this as much as you did.
Maybe there's still a way out. Maybe there is still a way.
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Leon was trying, he was trying his best to be a better man. You could tell that, the way he was cutting back on alcohol, the way he was trying to be more attentive to you.
These little things indicated an effort on his part, he didn't want to hate himself anymore, he didn't want to feel so indifferent anymore. Maybe it was time for a change, he didn't need to be like this anymore.
He had people he could count on, and after all, he had you. That even after his coldness in recent years, you never left him, it was time to reciprocate.
And of course there were things he couldn't let go of so easily, especially his problems with trauma, and he already knew that it was a weight he would carry for the rest of his life.
He would never forget.
But he was also trying to learn not to be like that anymore, things could still have a good side. He could still have hope, even if it was a mere drop. Life had been hard on him from the beginning, but he needed to find some motivation. He couldn't live regretting forever, putting himself down every time.
It was time to rise again, time to pick up the pieces and rebuild. Little by little, and of course he would never be the same as before. But he could be a better person, and he would do everything he could to make that happen. You could notice this drastic change even more, since he came back from the last mission, he was different. So proof is that, as soon as he got home he hugged you, and spent a good ten minutes like that.
Probably feeling overwhelmed with yet another mission, duties that seemed to never end. But he wouldn't think about that now.
He wanted to try to be happy. At least one attempt.
Small efforts, for example trying to open up to you, saying few things, but it was a great start. He knew that if he continued like this he would be able to share his problems with you, it certainly wouldn't weigh so much on him if he could share them with you.
His mind was still a mess, but he was trying to organize himself, put his thoughts in order. It was a long and difficult road, but he wanted to bet that he would make it.
It was the glimmer of hope he had.
Leon now went out with you, took you for rides on his motorbike. He begins to realize that life could go beyond work, that not everything needs to be so bad.
You could see him smiling more, he had even gone back to making those corny jokes that never failed to make you laugh. Most importantly, he seemed content, sometimes even at peace with himself.
The desire he had to disappear, little by little was fading, and he began to gain a little more zest for life. Things wouldn't always go wrong, and he could relax a little, even try to let his guard down whenever possible.
Even once you caught him laughing like a fool on his cell phone, only to see him having fun watching a video of a dog, which in his eyes was incredibly funny.
Seeing this, you decide to give him a pet on his birthday. And you almost cried once you saw the joy in his eyes, that sparkle in his eyes that you missed so much.
"I love you." A shy and low voice, accompanied by the most beautiful smile you've ever seen. How long has it been since you last heard this? The sweet way the phrase slid across his lips. A moment so subtle but so sweet, and one that you hoped would be repeated more and more.
Life was worth it, he would make it worth it again.
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halfetirosie · 6 months
♡ An Edmond-Post for the struggling fanfic writers ♡
(NOTE: This post will be LONG. I tried to be thorough and include evidence.)
I feel an AGGRESSIVE MORAL OBLIGATION to make this post because of the writing homies that want to write Edmond into their fics, but feel like they don't know enough about him.
My recent Character-Ask post for Edmond might help you guys a little, but I think you could use more information.
The NU: Carnival Lore Spreadsheet (Google Sheets)
This isn't an Edmond-exclusive resource, but still helpful.
If you don't spend any time on the subreddit, you may not have seen this, but this is a fan-made lore spreadsheet contains information the game's world and each of the characters. It hasn't been updated for a little over 3 months, so it's a bit outdated, but it is teeming with practical information that can help familiarize you with characters' backgrounds and such.
(Quick note for Edmond's "Power" category-- although he is unfamiliar with actually using magic, in Frozen Echoes/Tranquil Cloud Edmond intimacy rooms, we discover that Edmond has recently started to practice magic (particularly Light/healing magic).)
2. The current Edmond Era (the most recent Ed Dynamic)
Many people seem to be intimidated by the prospect of writing Edmond because he's a "tsundere." However, to borrow the words from my Character Ask post, "that’s only out of habit (and shyness), rather an actual reflection of his desires." In other words, Ed's inner workings probably look something like this:
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It also is noteworthy that, when Eiden initiates sexual activity, Edmond willingly goes along with him. By that I mean, he might scold Eiden a lot and say something to the effect of, "You are a pervert!" but he doesn't actually tell Eiden to stop what he's doing when they're starting out. And while it doesn't happen as often in recent rooms, the habitual "Stop♡" and "No♡" Edmond might say are very clearly insincere, considering his tone of voice (as well as his physical reactions).
And during the rare occasions where Ed does tell Eiden something like "Stop," Eiden will stop; but then Ed will look disappointed, so Eiden will ask him if he wants to continue, and Edmond will say yes. Here's an example of this type of exchange from Sweet Aroma R2:
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There have also been times when [we can infer], at the beginning of H-activities, Eiden doesn't have as clear of a read on Edmond's opinion; in which case, he will verbally search for confirmation on whether he can do more. The most accessible example of this is Ed's SR R3:
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Here is another example, from Tranquil Cloud R5:
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While Eiden is still the one that initiates sexy activity (14/16 of the Ed H scenes), Edmond willingly goes along immediately. That is the crux of the typical Edmond dynamic: Edmond also has strong desires, but is usually too embarrassed to admit them, so he needs an understanding partner that will guide him along until he feels secure enough [and/or horny enough] to admit his wants.
Edmond is in a bit of a transition period right now. He's starting to be much more active in his H-activities with Eiden. He also might "blame" Eiden for his own desires, but he's beginning to own up to his feelings, too. From Tranquil Cloud R2:
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3. Edmond Anatomy & Kinks
(I'd argue he's even more sensitive than Olivine, but idk if you could consider that a definitive fact or not.)
If there's an area that can be considered a relatively common erogenous zone, it's most likely an erogenous zone on Edmond. Here's the one's that have been canonically confirmed or STRONGLY suggested:
Mouth - Edmond's mouth is very sensitive. When he kisses for the first time in Sweet Aroma, Eiden coaxes him into admitting which specific parts of his mouth are most sensitive; roof of his mouth, tongue, sides. Edmond likes kissing a LOT, and has initiated kisses himself at least 3 times (Elite Instructor R5, Flaming Secret R5, Tranquil Cloud R5)
Ears - Ed has a strong reaction in Tranquil Cloud R2 (Eiden blowing on his ear helps send him over the edge to finally cum)
Neck - Eiden kisses his neck and Ed has a verbal reaction in Tranquil Cloud R5
Nipples - Best example is in Sweet Aroma R2 (he can cum from nipple-play alone); also featured in Spring Chaos R2 and Elite Instructor R2
Hands - Many rooms include Suggestive Hand-Holding™ but White Lover R2 includes significant hand-pay
Stomach/Waist - White Lover R2 includes Eiden caressing Ed's stomach, and in Tranquil Cloud R2 Ed has a strong reaction to Eiden tightening his hold on his waist
Ass - In Elite Instructor R2 Edmond gets spanked and he is VERY into it
Penis - *obvious answer is obvious*
Anus - Has cum from anal-play alone multiple times (including fingering and rimming). It isn't explicitly sated, but I'm pretty sure Edmond's anus is more sensitive than his penis
Additional canon sexual preferences:
A Little Pain - As is famously known, Edmond enjoys a little pain during sex
Praise & Dirty Talk - Gets very embarrassed by it (and will usually scold Eiden) but he has strong positive reactions to it
Roleplay + Dom/Sub Undertones - We see it in SR R5; once Ed is convinced to try it out he gets extremely aroused and feels more comfortable engaging in *mild* dirty-talk himself. It's also sorta-kinda in Elite Instructor R2, but only a little bit on Eiden's part (calling Ed "teacher")
Kissing - I mentioned it before, but I must emphasize it again; EDMOND LOVES KISSING
Overstimulation - Most Ed intimacy rooms include some element of this
Semi-Public Sexy Stuff? - Depending on if you count sex-in-a-carriage, this happens in 7-8/16 intimacy rooms. Idk if this is necessarily Ed's personal kink, but Ed isn't exactly opposed to it as long as Eiden is being careful. He does appear to get excited when Edmond says something like "don't be too loud, or someone will come and see you like this!" From Elite Instructor R2:
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Light Bondage - Only seen is Elite Instructor R2, but he seems to like it:
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4. Some Ao3 reading recommendation that you can use for Edmond-specific inspiration/references
As a passionate Edmond-Lover, here are some works of fanfic that I think do a particularly good job of writing Ed-relationships. Obviously (by the nature of fanfic) many of them take a lot of liberties, but when I was reading these stories, I didn't need to suspend my disbelief at all. The way Edmond acts in these stories feels very in-character to me.
(NOTE: All of these recommendations are NSFW where Edmond bottoms. Be sure to read their tags!)
Literally everything luster_candy has written (6 works at the time I'm posting this) - just be aware all of it is Eiden/Edmond.
Reprieve, Release by kkuro (~11k words) - Eiden/Edmond, one of the best (if not the best) BDSM-heavy Ed fics. Only note is, because this was written in 2022, Ed acts a bit more stiff/repressed in the beginning than he would now. In-character for Early Era Edmond tho.
A Helpful Hand by dracula (orphan_account) (~4.3k words) - Olivine/Edmond, Olivine tops (a rarity) and Ed is cursed with a V. Don't worry, Olivine-Lovers, he isn't a hella OOC sadist or ultra-masculine dom. XD Just very sweet and very horny, and Edmond is ruthlessly subjected to his brand of horny nonsense.
Do You Know Where the Wild Things Go by no birdstofly (~8k words) - Yakumo/Edmond, idk if it's OOC for Yakumo but it's in-character for Current Era slightly-more-honest Edmond.
The Knight's Discipline by RiyeRose (~3k words) - Restricted to Ao3 members, Kuya/Edmond. I subscribe to the belief that Ed would put up with Kuya if he were horny enough, which is why I don't consider this OOC. I think this fic has the perfect amount of BDSM that Ed would realistically enjoy.
Fanfic where Edmond tops is honestly very hard to come across. That's understandable, because for Edmond to top, there would have to be extremely special circumstances, and it would have to be written carefully in order to not seem too OOC. The best example of an Top-Emond fic I've been able to find is this:
Hidden Guidance by Okami01 (~1.9k words) - Edmond/Olivine, Edmond shyly admits he wants to try topping Olivine, and Oli is obviously down for it. (Let's be honest here; out of everyone, if Edmond were ever to top anyone, it would 100% be Olivine)
♡I hope people found this helpful!!!♡
I know reading this giant post was like reading an essay, but hopefully it was worth the time and effort I put into it!
If anyone has extra inquires, or if other Edmond-Lovers want to chime in with extra information I might've missed, feel free to put them in the comments!
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bloody-teared-angel · 5 months
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*sigh* Here we go.
So um.... Since this person assumed about OP, I'm gonna do the same thing - if the gay man is R2 - no, I think they are talking about Brandon - gay man of color, than rewieving means nothing on the first draft because Brandon has an offensive type of humor, and the person who storyboarded it is R2, who has a SA and r* kink.
And judging by Vivziepop's behavior on Twitter, she does what she wants, whenever she wants and her unable to accept any sort of criticism, it is safe to assume, even if someone told her, 'Hey, this is too much' she wouldn't take them at their word anyway.
I'm going to repeat what everyone said multiple times so we are clear on this - No one cares, that Viv and R2 are into SA kink. No one cares, that Viv and R2 are into r* kink. We don't mind that they are exploring darker themes, our issue is HOW they are doing it.
Pausing mid-rant to get this out of the way. Those who felt seen and represented by ep4 and AD situation, you are valid and power to you. Those who felt NOT represented and triggered by ep4 and AD situation and how it was handled, you are valid and power to you. Both sides are valid and those who felt triggered DO NOT owe Vivienne Medrano any sort of apology.
Back to the rant, as I was saying, our issue is that we are supposed to take it seriously one episode and then make a joke out of it two episodes later.
As once great character said before bring butchered by awful writing: "Everything before the word 'but' is horsesh*t."
The sentence: 'I agree Sir Pentious joke was in bad taste.' Should have ended there and would've been fine. Now I can't tell if they are being genuine or not. (TLDR I personally don't hate kink (unless it is absolutely vile and harmful), yet I can't speak for everyone here - ignore the double negative)
And that person is assuming that OP of said post is not an SA victim, which, first of all: Why? Second: We can't share opinions or disagree with something if it hadn't happened to us? If that's the case, then writers, who didn't experience those things, can't write about them. Sound fair right?
(I didn't mention this at the beginning, there's this thing I find funny about this person is that they've been on SEVERAL critical posts with their replies deleted because many people were like 'TF you doin' here?')
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pinyeti · 4 months
Episode 2: Attack of the Clones
Loving how i can see the budget increase GOOD GOD THE CGI IS CRAAZY
Ohno padme's clone is gone
HELLO??? ANAKIN??? HES PRETTY NOW ofc he has the rat tail 
Obi wan flop era uggo
Why does he give me young president snow vibes
Ok beginning of rebel anakin
Please tell me he doesnt go to the dark side for love
How does the past look so much better than the future
I cant believe this is 2002 IT LOOKS SO MODERN
Ok anakin is crazy
Idiot lost his lightsaber
“You’re the closest thing i have to a father” FUCKIN BITCH
Okay sorry about gay allegationing obiwan and vader when I DIDNT KNOW HE BASICALLY RAISED HIM 
Bro anakins hair is something else
Bro yoda hates all the jedis hes so sassy for what “too sure of themselves they are, even the older ones” *pointedly stares at obiwan*
Ok anakin your job is to protect her not use her as a vent journal
I just know hes kicking his feet at the assignment
Bro anakin is cheeeeesssiiiinnggg HES SUCHHHA SIMPP IM GETTING SECOND HAND EMBARASSMENT ;))) one might even say ‘)))) we jedis are encouroegd to love eheh ;)))
IS obiwan walking into a huge ARMY trade deal KNOWING NOTHING and IMPROVING HIS WAS THROUGH
anakin : ugh i am so angry i serial killed ugh
padme: dw to serial kill is to human
(????ok enabler)
Ok not the biggest yoda fan
Wowww how convenient obiwan discovers an army ready for use right when theyre being threatened
Everytime they say dooku i laugh
Anakin is a stupid man child - RUNNING INTO PROBLEMS WITH GLOWSTICKS AND HOPING IT DIES PT39382992 - guess it runs in the family
HAHA HE GOT HIS HAND CUT OFF LIKE HE CUT OFF LUKES he just wanted him and luke to share something :( he just wanted to teach luke :( its okay i forgive you for cutting lukes hand darthy
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erospandemos · 10 months
What is your ideal date with each of them?
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If you have a fixed amount of time (4 days). Would you rather have a date with all of them at the same time? Or spend each day with only 1 of the girls?
And if you only get to hang out with 1 of them in LA. Who would it be?
I finally got the ideas needed to answer this ask!
I would rather spend each day with them because I'm not going to become the boyfriend of any of them so I might as well use the opportunity to experience four girlfriends. Greedy? Very much.
Chaewon 🐯
Chaewon is the typical girlfriend. Any 'traditional' date location could work with her but I don't know why, I'd really like to take her to a cat café. I'm talking about those cafés full of cats that you can play around with and pet.
Seeing a cute girl like her playing with small kitties would be very therapeutic. It's like her natural habitat.
After that, she'll probably take the lead and drag me to shop for couple-matching outfits and similar. Attention! You must absolutely compliment her on every outfit she tries! It can't not fit her, it's just that there are clothes that look better on her. If you don't compliment Chaewon, she gets insecure, you must always keep your girlfriend happy and cheerful.
At the end of the day, go home and drink. Yes, I wanna hear her drunk rambles because they're adorable.
"Oh, I'm seeing double..." Chaewon mumbles and hiccups. You look at her with worry, it might have been too much for today. She had already downed two bottles and was on the third.
"I think it's enough, Chae, I'm going to put everything away and then we can go to sleep."
"No!" she hiccups again. "This is pretty cool... there's two of you! Mmmh," she laughs and smirks, "You can give me double the amount of hugs this way, right? Come here!"
You can't resist and let her have your way, hugging her tightly.
Sakura 🌸
Sakura is more fit for home dates. Comfy dates in her or your bedroom are the way to go. You could watch movies, animes, shows, or even play games. Seeing her so passionate about playing games would make my heart flutter and also seeing her rage would be pretty funny.
Good luck to her if she wants to teach me how to play with her because I'm not good at all.
"Honey, you have to press R1," she hurriedly tells you, completely focused on the screen in front of her. It was a very critical situation.
"Uhm, this one?"
"NO! That's R2, wait—"
"Not again..." she sighs with desperation and launches herself onto the bed, with open arms and open legs, completely lifeless and desperate.
"S-sorry about that."
"It's just a game, Sakura, it's just a game..." she continues to whisper to herself and then suddenly turns to you: "You're not leaving this house until you beat this level!"
If she feels like going out, we could surely go to the garage sells or thrift shops and look for old video games, mangas and action figures. Sakura seems like a person that likes collecting stuff and hunting for rare objects would be pretty cool.
Yunjin 🐍
I think she'd really enjoy going to a music club or a music shop. We could go to a guitar store and I'd spend all evening hearing her rambling about how a very specific Stratocaster has a superspecific tone that she wants to get. I'm also a musician myself so I'd really like to talk about these kinds of things with her.
Or we could go to her home and listen to her old songs. You know, her old archives of songs—look at her cringe at her old lyrics. Or maybe some unreleased songs...
"Listen to this," Yunjin says, clicking the play button on her laptop. You nod and posture yourself up, paying attention to every word and every note that comes out of the studio monitors.
But after the first verse and chorus, you turn around to Yunjin: "Oh, who were you talking about here? It sounds like me."
"Really?" she says, smirking sweetly. "Maybe it is you after all."
"This... this is a love song."
"I know."
Kazuha 🩰
She's the opposite of Yunjin. She isn't really talkative from what I've seen. Sure, if you get her to open up to you, she might start to say some silly stuff—getting comfortable enough to say stupid jokes. But normally, she's more reserved.
We could go on a book date, going around the city and visiting every bookstore. I don't know if she's a good reader but she certainly looks like one. I'd like to hear what genres she likes and tell her about mine.
And if she's more of a movie person, we could go to the cinema and watch a movie, while holding hands...
Go to the café perhaps. Get her a nice hot cup of coffee and then the park as the final destination.
"Look, look," Kazuha says, pulling your sleeve. You turn around wondering what caught her attention. Your date is pointing with excitement at the white bunny on the other side of the park, munching on some grass.
"Look at that rabbit. It's so white and round. Isn't it so cute?" she asks, with glittering eyes.
"Yeah, it looks kinda chunky."
"Are you saying that it's fat???" Kazuha retorts, furrowing her eyes in an adorable angry frown.
"I'm saying it's very cute." You quickly answer, rubbing the back of your head.
"Mmh. That's more like it."
Now, who would I hang out with in LA? I think the answer is pretty obvious: Yunjin. She looks like she knows already where to go so I won't have to prepare anything. She is also very fun to hang out with so it's perfect!
Thank you for the ask, frisky. It took long because I had no idea how to answer.
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andrastesgrace · 1 year
Mara Jade + tooka cats
There are two Luke Skywalkers.
The farmboy-turned-flyboy in him is a crack shot, can diagnose a problem with her ship faster than any mechanic in the core, and is wickedly funny, when he wants to be. When he remembers he can be.
The Jedi, though - the one who is allergic to colors and smiling, the one who has apparently forgotten that he isn't even thirty years old yet - is a gifted mediator, a skilled warrior, and much to Mara's eternal annoyance, usually right.
He's also a little shit. She'd almost jumped out of her skin last week in her Coruscant docking bay when he just. Appeared. Behind her. Wearing that stupid passive expression and looking at her expectantly, as though she shouldn't have sworn in three languages and nearly sliced him in half with his own father's lightsaber.
"If only someone were willing to train you," he said with a completely straight face. "You might've seen that coming."
Mara called him a bastard, then, and he grinned. She threw a spanner at his head for good measure, but he just stepped aside and asked her if she was hungry.
They ate ribenes from a cart in the lower city, and didn't talk about his thinly veiled request.
He asks less, now, and she's not sure if she's relieved or disappointed. Since the beginning, he's always asked, even back when she wasn't sure if she still wanted to kill him or not. But now, as then, she's wary. Not of him, not really. She's run through every scenario in her head, and she doesn't really think he'd ever truly become a danger. But he also doesn't want to listen to her, either, when she suggests that perhaps, some Jedi teachings of the past should stay in the past.
Deep down, there's something that makes her uncomfortable about the way he can just. Switch off his entire personality like the press of a button. He would never hurt her, but sometimes he isn't him.
So instead of becoming his student, she devotes her time to becoming a pain in his ass. Annoying him is the quickest way to shake him out of it. At first it's just little things - mispronouncing the names of famous podracers, putting pepper in his tea, and once, conspiring with R2-D2 to play nothing but Nemoidian showtunes everywhere he went.
"You're doing this on purpose," he says blithely one afternoon, and she looks at him with an innocent. "Who me?" in her expression. After a while, she needs more ammunition. She means to ask Solo, but when she hunts down the office he never uses in the New Republic's shiny new military complex, Leia is there instead. "Tooka cats," says Leia after she explains her mission.
"Tooka cats?" "He can't even look at them without laughing," The corners of her lips turn up in a half-smile. "Something about the eyes." *** "Are you proud of yourself?" he says when she sees him later, the grin still lingering in his eyes as he lets himself onto the Jade's Fire.
"I don't know what you're talking about." She does. She watched it on the holos, the emergency channel on his datapad pinging as he stood in the background of some very important New Republic something-or-other. The first time, he managed to keep a straight face, but only just. But she didn't just have one. She wasn't an amateur. All in all, she sent him about thirty of the most ridiculous pictures of tooka cats that she could possibly find. They were naturally funny looking creatures - a little too creepy for her taste, with their beady eyes and claws, but something about them made Skywalker take one look at them and forget he was a Jedi at all. The sight of him bursting into giggles on live broadcast while Mon Mothma was trying to give a Very Important Speech is going to keep her going for *years.*
"You're a menace," he says, dropping down next to her where she's examining her ship's tractor beam manifold. Thing's been malfunctioning for months.
"I'm a delight."
Skywalker is quiet for a moment. His bright blue eyes catch on the faulty wiring she's been attempting to finagle into working order since she landed here, and he absently grabs a spanner and begins tinkering.
This close, she doesn't have to reach to feel the shifting current of his emotions. "You are," he says softly. A few twists of his hand and a couple of button presses, and the tractor beam's diagnostics panel is all green. Showoff. "I wish you'd let me train you," he says finally, setting the spanner down beside him. There are no accusation in the words, but she feels the lingering merriment in the Force give way to a dull loneliness. Mara knows why he keeps asking, and it's not because she's any great Jedi talent. She's...fine at it, she supposes, but Skywalker is asking for one thing when he needs another. "I'd be an awful student," she says finally, bumping her shoulder with his, and he gives her his own version of Leia's half-smile . "But I guess I should probably make sure you aren't dead from time to time." He chuckles, and shakes his head. "Yeah, you're my best friend, too."
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bravadoting · 1 year
⚠️ Nirvana Initiative Spoilers under the cut ⚠️
Did you know that Nirvana Initiative contains scene direction within the game files? Pretty cool, right?
While most of the commentary concerns details that become apparent upon replay/the true order, it also clarifies scenes that don’t receive further elaboration. I’ll be focusing on the latter category here.
1) One thing I felt the game overlooked was Bibi going to Sekiba High after she was estranged from the Chiedas. I’m glad the devs thought of this scenario, even if it’s heartbreaking to see how Bibi distanced herself from Kizuna :[
(I wonder if Bibi skips school because of her health issues or just to avoid Kizuna when their history becomes too overwhelming.)
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2) It’s very interesting to see that Date actually held a grudge against Ryuki for the Cathedral Incident. Granted, it was very short-lived as Date softened seeing how much Ryuki continues to beat himself up for hurting everyone. However, I’d still love to see them have proper reconciliation for that event.
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3) In Mizuki CH1, Gen!Date slips up and describes the actions of both himself and the real Gen on the previous day. In Ryuki’s introduction, we see him making reference to two Gens, but Date tries to dismiss it as just an illusion with the Lewis Carroll reference.
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4) Finally, the developers mentioned that Tokiko was projecting her feelings about Jin and Uru onto Gen and Shoma respectively.
It makes sense as Jin had to live a solitary life based on his facial abnormalities just as Gen similarly resigned himself. As for Shoma, it is very clear from his Somnium that both him and Uru resorted to using the simulation theory to cope with their pain. I know Shoma would hate the comparision though :’)
(I’m also curious to see how Shoma broke free from Naix ideology during the timeskip. It really deserves more explanation).
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Here are the sources in case you want to see the developer commentary for yourself. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen the English version available in its entirety. If anyone has a full compilation, I’d greatly appreciate it >:D
https://tcrf.net/AI:THE_SOMNIUM_FILES-_nirvanA_Initiative/Developer_Comments (up to Ryuki CH3 R2)
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gamequoteshowdown · 4 months
Quote 1: "I want to have fuck with you." - Harrier DuBois, Disco Elysium
Quote 2: "You don't have to be perfect for anyone to care about you." - Pizza, Chicory: A Colorful Tale
Quote 1: He wakes up after a bender so hard he gets amnesia, sees a pretty woman, and fails so bad at hitting on her it impacts the rest of the game
Quote 2: I think that this quote is a really good marker of both the development of the relationship of Chicory and Pizza and a good thing for Chicory to hear, first of all. Chicory is a character who adhered to high expectations and who did not take imperfection well in some cases, as seen in that one recollection from somebody in Gulp Swamp about her focusing way too much on fixing one bit of color, and was also really isolated. Meanwhile, Pizza is a massive fan of Chicory, and a character who loved her colors and the idealized version of her that they saw. However, by this point, Pizza has met the messy part of Chicory and has also experienced the shared burden of being a wielder. They still care about her, even knowing more about her, and they understand the burden. This quote really brings those concepts together, since it's just Pizza making it clear that Chicory doesn't need to adhere to every expectation and be absolutely perfect to be cared for. It's also just a really nice quote in general
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superfanficnatural · 4 months
The Son: Chapter 15
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Male!Reader (The Son)
Summary: You’ve finally broken free of the forces controlling you at a great cost, though the cost of doing so was even greater than you thought. Now, you fight for the antithesis of what you had been representing, and have to grapple with finding your own place in the galaxy while grappling with the person trying to find their way into your heart. Will The Son choose the light? Or the dark? Whatever the answer may be, may the force be with us.
A/N: Our reader and Rey are off to find Luke! I wonder how it'll go for them... As always, I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 3,627
Italics are your thoughts
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As you gave Poe one final look, you turned to head into the Falcon along with Rey. Chewie was already inside as you entered, waiting in the cockpit along with R2 who you hadn’t expected. You sat down in the pilot’s seat while Rey was behind you, Chewie in the co-pilot seat. 
“We ready to go meet Luke Skywalker?” you asked aloud.
Chewie growled in response and flicked a few buttons to help get the systems online while you primed the engine.
“To think you need to press so many things to even get this thing off the ground…” you muttered as you took the controls and began to pilot the three of you off of the ground.
As you broke the atmosphere, you tried to remove Poe from your mind and how the two of you had left things off. Poe was important to you, more than anything else, but you had a job to do and it took precedence, after all, if you failed you’d never be with him. You hoped Poe would be ok while you were gone and maybe when you got back you would be able to finally tell him, regardless of how he responds. Chewie locked in the coordinates for hyperspace and you pulled the lever, sending your group into the endless void of blue and white. It took a while, along with a few instances where the ship shook a little too hard and you wondered if you were flying straight through an asteroid field. The entire time, you could feel Rey’s trepidation over meeting the famed Luke, along with being able to learn more about herself and being a Jedi. So much so in fact, that she had pulled you off to the side for a moment.
“Y/N, may I ask you something?” 
“Of course,” you warmly replied.
She looked off for a moment in thought before returning to you, “You told me what the force was, and that Jedi and Sith are those who are able to influence it. Is that all that makes a Jedi or Sith? You said you weren’t a Jedi exactly, does that mean we are both on our journey to becoming Jedi?”
You sighed, “It’s hard to explain, and honestly everyone probably has a different answer to it. What makes a Jedi… it would have to be using your power in order to protect those who cannot protect themselves. I’m no Jedi myself so I can’t exactly give you the best answer, though I know that respectable Jedi from what I have seen, use their power to aid and assist, and well, have lots of wisdom.”
She took in your words carefully and thoughtfully, the gears turning behind her large round eyes, “Do you think Luke would train us?”
You thought for a moment, taking into consideration the memories of him you saw from Leia, “Honestly? I have no idea. I’d like to say yes but then again, he abandoned everyone and everything to live in solidarity. There’s a rather large chance he’ll turn us away the second we get there. Even so, we must try.”
She nodded in response and the two of you returned to comfortable silence.
After a while, a beeping noise notified you that you were about to exit hyperspace and you took at the controls in preparation. The ship exited hyperspace and you were faced with a blue planet of many shades in front of you, most likely an aquatic focused world. You didn’t bother trying to feel for Luke as you had tried that months ago, shortly after first getting to the Resistance. You could feel Leia across the galaxy if you had focused but no matter how hard you tried, once more, Luke was nowhere to be found. You hypothesized that he removed himself from the force, something extremely similar to what you had done when you had sealed yourself away.
“Alright guys, eyes open,” you said as you checked the scanners, trying to see if you could find anything.
As you entered the planet’s atmosphere, you came to understand that this was primarily a water world as there were only a few island structures that held land. The scanners picked up life forms on an island not far from your position and you immediately piloted the three of you towards them. As you arrived, you landed the ship and set out with Rey, Chewie and R2 staying back at the ship just in case. While you were on the ship, you could make out a human-like figure at the top of one of the hills and that’s where you and Rey headed towards first. As you walked along, you took notice of the strange animal life that lived there, the birds a strange shape along with various other land and water dwelling creatures. The walk wasn’t too long as you had reached the incline towards the hill where you suspected Luke was.
As you began to trek up the hill, you could feel Rey’s nerves rising, “You doing alright?”
She snapped to you a bit too quickly, “Yeah.”
You raised an eyebrow expectedly at her.
She sighed, “That obvious? We’re about to meet the Luke Skywalker, the Jedi who finally defeated Darth Vader. How are you not excited?”
“I know this is going to raise more questions in your head but, the reason I’m not excited is because for one, I knew his father, Darth Vader before he turned to the dark side, and he was a fine man. On top of that, with respect to Luke, I can’t condone him just… abandoning his family and the galaxy when they needed him the most,” you explained. “Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate the guy or anything of the sort, just don’t agree with some of his choices.”
“You knew-“ she began with enthusiasm before she cleared her throat. “That’s a fair opinion.”
You didn’t realize it but as you were talking, you had managed to nearly get to the very top of the hill. As you took the last steps, you finally saw him. He had his back turned to the two of you and was at the edge of the cliff looking off into the water. After a few moments, he slowly turned to face the two of you, as if he knew you would be there all along. You made no motion to move or speak, knowing that Rey wanted to initiate, even though she didn’t verbally tell you that. Rey looked down at her belt, where Luke’s saber was clipped and removed it, walking forward and extending the saber out with her hand. You watched as you could see the familiarity shine through Luke’s eyes at his saber along with the excitement and nervousness you could feel from Rey. You almost thought the three of you would stand there forever until he finally grabbed the saber from her hands. After a few seconds of Luke looking at the saber in his hands, he suddenly flicked it and threw it behind him which shocked you and Rey. You didn’t even have time to react as he immediately began walking off. 
You and Rey shared a look of confusion before she turned to follow him, “Master Skywalker?”
The two of you followed him down the hill and around the mountain until you came up to a small village area with smaller creatures you had never seen before. You hadn’t paid much attention but there was a special feeling you had since you had come to the planet, as if it was much more than it seemed on the surface. A door was pulled shut in one of the buildings and you two understood that as Luke. 
“Master Skywalker?” Rey said hesitantly as she inched closer to the door. “I’m with the Resistance, your sister Leia sent me. We need your help.” After no response for a few moments, she tapped on the door with her staff, “Hello?”
“I don’t think he wants to speak with us,” you stated the obvious as you took a look around.
She sighed before she turned to look at you for a moment as she was in thought, “I’ll go retrieve the lightsaber.”
“Alright, I’ll head back to the ship and let Chewie know what’s going on,” you responded.
The two of you went your separate ways and after you had gotten to the ship, you explained what happened to Chewie and R2. It didn’t take much but Chewie had gotten right up, growling about how we’d see if Luke ignored us the whole time we were here, and set out towards the small town. You didn’t really mind as you knew they were old friends so you simply followed him, meeting back up with Rey who was still in front of Luke’s door, the saber in her hand as she contemplated how to knock.
“Chewie,” Rey said as she noticed the two of you approach.
He didn’t say much and simply walked up to the door and knocked on it.
“Go away,” you heard from inside.
“Wow, he actually got a response,” you mentioned.
With force, Chewie raised his leg and you knew what was about to happen. Next thing you knew, the door went flying off the hinges.
Chewie walked inside and began growling immediately towards Luke while he responded, “Chewie, what are you doing here?”
“He said you’re coming back with us,” Rey translated.
“How did you find me?” he furrowed his eyebrows.
“Long story. We’ll tell you on the Falcon.”
You internally sighed as you knew she might not have understood what that meant.
“Falcon?” Chewie’s head dropped while Rey finally understood. “Wait. Where’s Han?”
It was rather awkward and difficult but Rey recounted the story of what had happened to Han Solo, the group moving outside as Luke processed the information. He dropped to a sitting position as Rey’s words overtook him and you could sense the sadness within him, along with regret.
“There’s no light left in Kylo Ren,” Rey spoke with conciseness. “He’s only getting stronger. The First Order will control all major systems within weeks. We need your help. We need the Jedi Order back.” She took a step forward towards him, “We need Luke Skywalker.”
He looked at her knowingly, “You don’t need Luke Skywalker.”
Confusion burst within her, “Did you hear a word of what I just said?”
Incredulously, Luke responded, “You think what? I’m gonna walk out with a laser sword and face down the whole First Order?”
“It would at least be different than what you’ve been doing,” you commented.
He gave you a short look before standing and responding, “What did you think was going to happen here? You think that I came to the most unfindable place in the galaxy for no reason at all? Go away.” 
Rey was quick to respond as he turned and walked away, “I’m not leaving without you!”
The three of you shared a look and you spoke, “Rey, we might have to accept the fact that he’s given up, I think he has for a long time.”
“And if it was you? If you had given up, would you not have wanted someone to remind you that you could make a difference?” Rey asked you.
You thought for a moment before you smiled, “I would.” You rose and took a breath, “Alright, Chewie get back to the ship with R2 see if you can get a signal out to let the Resistance know our status.”
Chewie nodded and began heading towards the ship.
You looked at Rey, “Me and you? Let’s follow him around for the day, see what we see.”
Rey nodded with determination as the two of you began following where Luke had headed towards. As you walked up one of the many hills, you saw Luke up ahead and began to shadow him. He didn’t pay the two of you any mind as he kept walking, pausing at certain locations and continuing on. You eventually came upon a large creature that was laid onto the rocks near the shore. As you approached, Luke got ever closer and you noticed udders on the stomach area of the creature. Luke took out a bottle and began squeezing and milking the udders. It was quite the uncomfortable sight and you looked a bit to the side as he did so. The disgust and shock you felt next to you told you Rey was watching him do so as well. You looked back at the worst moment as he took the bottle to his lips and took a sip, a gooey liquid dripping down his lip into his beard. To say you had to fight a gag was an understatement as you took a deep breath and looked off to the distance. After that you kept walking once again until you reached another small peak and Luke threw his stuff down. You and Rey shared a look as he suddenly rushed forward and jumped! As you rushed forward, you realized there was an extremely long stick that stuck out from the bottom of the chasm where there was water waiting. 
He crossed the distance and hit the wall on the other side when Rey shouted, “Careful!”
He looked back with a knowing smirk on his face as he raised the stick. You looked down to see the bottom of it had sharp edges and realized it was most likely a spear. As he thrusted downwards, a rush of lightning suddenly struck the area and he pulled out the spear to reveal a fish! A storm was beginning to brew around you so Luke rushed back over and pulled the spear up to get the fish off. Afterwards, he threw it around his shoulders and began walking off once more as rain began to fall around you. The wind picked up rather quickly as well and you found yourself using your clothing to protect your eyes from the storm as you made way back to the small village. After getting back, he went back into his small house and shut the door behind him, leaving you and Rey to walk back towards the ship to hide out from the storm.
The next morning, you and Rey waited outside of Luke’s house once more to shadow him for the day. She played with the binary beacon that Leia had given her so that you could track where the Resistance was to meet back up with them and you wondered what was going through her head. After a while, the door finally opened and Luke came out. 
“You’re wasting your time,” he said, annoyed as he walked off. 
Neither you nor Rey said anything as you knew you wouldn’t be able to convince him with words, at least not yet. So, once more you began following him as you did the day before. Though, as you had just begun following him, Rey slowed down and even took a knee.
“Rey? What’s wrong?” you turned and asked.
She didn’t respond as she turned her head to look off in the distance on the far side of the island. You relaxed a bit as you came to understood she had just then felt the light presence on the island. You had felt a strange connection with the force ever since you had gotten to the planet and understood it as a place with deep connection with both the light and dark sides of the force. 
She stood and began walking towards it and after taking a breath, you began to follow. You didn’t turn, but you could tell Luke had stopped and turned to see the two of you walking away. As you got closer to the location, you made out a tree in the fog, strange looking as its branches came together like bricks to a building. You stayed silent and allowed Rey to fulfill her own curiosity as the two of you entered the tree. As you entered, you made out a small bookshelf in the center of the small space left inside of the tree, a few books resting with a faint glimmer of sunlight coming through the cracks of the branches. You could hear faint whispering and knew that the texts were likely written by those sensitive to the force. Rey had just begun reaching out for the books and nearly touched them before you heard a voice behind you.
“Who are you two?”
The two of you turned to see Luke at the front of where you entered.
“I know this place,” Rey responded, actually shocking you as well.
“Built a thousand generations ago to keep these,” he had walked forward and now taken one of the books off of the shelf. “The original Jedi texts.” He opened one of them and ran his hand across the page, “Just like me, they’re the last of the Jedi religion.” He turned suddenly, “You’ve seen this place. You’ve seen this island.”
Rey looked around as she began to put things together in her head, “Only in dreams.”
“Who are you?” Luke repeated once more.
“The Resistance sent us,” you commented. 
“They sent you, what makes the two of you special?” he pressed as he approached.
You looked off to the side as he got closer to Rey, “Where are you from?”
“Nowhere,” she replied simply. 
“No one’s from nowhere,” he retorted.
“Jakku,” she finally answered. 
“All right, that is pretty much nowhere. And you?” he directed towards you.
You sighed, “Not that you’d know, but Mortis.”
His eyes widened impossibly as he stared at you but he quickly covered his reaction and moved back to Rey, “Why-why are you here, Rey from nowhere?”
You caught on to his reaction and furrowed your eyebrows as you analyzed him, does he know about Mortis? Would that mean he knows...
“The Resistance sent us. We need your help. The First Order’s become unstoppable-”
“Why are you here?” he inched ever closer to her, trying to goad the information out of her.
There was a silence that overtook the room and you could feel Rey’s attempt to put her feelings into words, “Something inside me has always been there. But now it’s awake. And I’m afraid. I don’t know what it is, or what to do with it. And I need help.”
“You need a teacher,” Luke was quick to respond. “I can’t teach you,” he turned away from the two of you.
“Why not?” Rey was quick to respond. “I’ve seen your daily routine. You’re not busy.”
She had gotten in his face and he cooly responded, “I will never train another generation of Jedi.” He turned around to leave the tree, “I came to this island to die. It’s time for the Jedi to end.”
“Why?” both you and Rey said simultaneously. 
Rey looked at you for a moment before returning to Luke, “Leia sent us here with hope. If she was wrong, she deserves to know why. We all do.”
Without giving a response, Luke left.
Poe’s POV
We had just come back out of hyperspace after narrowly escaping the First Order back at Yavin-4. We managed to take out that dreadnought but... we lost so many. It was my fault. I knew it was but I also knew I couldn’t let it cloud my judgment or else I’d risk getting even more soldiers killed. I walked up to Leia intending to talk to her, but right when I got up to where she was, she slapped me.
“You’re demoted.”
“What? Wait!” I tried to stop her from walking away. “We took down a dreadnought.”
“At what cost?” she refuted. 
“You start an attack, you follow it through,” I reasoned. “Poe, get your head out of your cockpit,” I turned away. “There are things that you cannot solve by jumping in an x-wing and blowing something up!” I couldn’t argue with her, “I need you to learn that.”
“There were heroes on that mission,” I managed, stopping her before she walked away.
“Dead heroes. No leaders,” she responded before walking away.
“We’re really nowhere, how are Rey and Y/N gonna find us now?” Finn asked. The general pulled her shirt sleeve up slightly, “A cloaked binary beacon.”
“To light their way home,” Leia smiled at him.
I knew about the beacon because it was the first thing I asked Leia when I found out Y/N was going on the mission. I needed him to be able to find me, to find us so we could be together again. I’m gonna do everything I can to make sure this fleet stays safe for Y/N to get back.
Your POV
You were outside of Luke’s house with Rey while she slept, watching over her. You had wanted to make sure Rey was ok after the events of the day. Whether she liked it or not, she connected with the force just slightly more after her confession with Luke, not to mention the island was a natural conduit. You could tell she was having dreams akin to nightmares as her emotions swirled violently. You didn’t look into them as you weren’t so close with Rey you would do that without her permission. Though her dreams were cut short as Luke walked up to the two of you and Rey awakened.
“Tomorrow at dawn. Three lessons,” he turned to enter his house. “I will teach you the ways of the Jedi, and why they need to end.” Without further notice, he closed the door behind him.
You and Rey shared a look between yourselves before you shrugged and she set her lips tightly, the both of you preparing to sleep for the day ahead of you.
Next Chapter
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joellesolo · 6 months
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I know I didn't make a follow up post about Disneyland, but long story short, I survived, and it was incredible. I wish instagram still was connected to tumblr, you would've seen all my updates. If you want to see the pictures I posted, here's my instagram (you have to scroll a little because we celebrated both Easter and Lily's fourth birthday since we've been back) but it was amazing and I've since been suffering from the post-Disney blues more like depression 😭 since we've been home.
Galaxy's Edge was the BOMB and I just had to share my freaking ROGUE SQUADRON HELMET that I didn't even know EXISTED, because I wore my HU rogue squadron tank top (with the hoodie that you can't see) of course on Star Wars Land day (our last day) and it was just too perfect to pass up. It is so cool you guys. I AM SO COOL NOW. I CAN BE ROGUE NINE WHENEVER I WANT. I'M BASICALLY CORRAN HORN NOW!!
The blue milk was delicious! I wish I could've tried the green milk because it's supposedly even better, but it has grapefruit in it (damn you psych meds!!) so that was a bummer, but oh well. The x wing was SO COOL, and so was the Millennium Falcon (again, go to my instagram to see it (am I fishing for likes?! maybe 😉)) and while we couldn't ride the Rise of the Resistance because they don't do single riders, I was an engineer on Smuggler's Run and the group I was with was really welcoming and it was pretty fun! Also, my R2D2 ears were SO cute but SO uncomfortable which was a bummer, I had been wanting them for months and ended up preferring the cheap etsy ones I got me and the girls (you can see them in the instagram pics from the first two days!). But we met R2 while I was wearing the R2 ears, so, you know, that was PRETTY FUCKING COOL 😱
Last but not least, we found these amazing ILYIK spirit jerseys and while I typically am not a fan of the spirit jerseys I just couldn't pass these up. We have ILYIK engraved on our wedding bands, they were on my R2 wedding heels, on our cake topper, and on our third anniversary we painted this which has been above our beds ever since (this fall is our eighth anniversary)(look at us, what babies!):
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We did rope drop to fireworks every single park day, with one rest/pool day, and fuck it was exhausting and I was in soo much pain and so exhausted, but it was so damn worth it. SO WORTH IT YOU GUYS. I cried when we left the gates the last night, because it had been soo magical and such an incredible time and I had been so happy and... when am I going to be that happy again?! Fuck if I know. Seriously 😭 hence the post-Disney blues/depression...
It was just amazing. Magical. Everything you could've hoped for. The girls had the best time. I was so stressed out and sure, I forgot ninety percent of my personal hygiene stuff because I had to pack everyone else's shit but hey that's motherhood for you.
Okay, this was supposed to be a Star Wars souvenir appreciation post but it's getting away from me a bit... anyway. I survived Disneyland 2024. I wish I could go back. Someone take me back?!
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codegeassfacts · 2 years
Sakurai x Taniguchi x Fu-kuyama Interview // NewType November 2008
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--Congratulations on the completion of "Code Geass". When did the thought "It's ended" first occur to you, Director Taniguchi?
Taniguchi: That's a difficult question. Visually, that would be after the V-edit (Video Editing) ended, because after that you can no longer do anything about it. However, in terms of the end [of Code Geass] as a project, I really don't know.
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--How did the final recording session go?
Taniguchi: It was difficult for me to control myself, psychologically. Since it was the final recording session, I kept thinking "This is the end", but in terms of the actual work, I had to hold on for a little while longer.
Fu-kuyama: I was thinking "Let's record our lines in high spirits!", but that only lasted until episode 24. The final recording session was...... This might be the first out of all my works so far in which I completed the final episode without putting too much effort into it. I took it all calmly.
Sakurai: I was in a spiritual state of nothingness. More than two years have passed between the recording of the first episode and the final episode. To be involved in a project for so long is something of a rarity these days, and because of that I was also overwhelmed with feelings. Still, "Code Geass", true to its nature, ended in a cool way.
Fu-kuyama: I think the VA with the most mixed feelings when it comes to the last episode of Code Geass might very well be Hoshi Souichirou, Gino's VA. To tell you the truth, I received a phone call on the night before the recording for the final episode. I wondered who it was... and it turned out to be Hoshi-san.
Sakurai: He called me, too.
Fu-kuyama: When I answered the call, all he said was "Tomorrow's the final episode, isn't it... do your best*." (laugh) [*ganbattene]
Sakurai: He said "Do your best" to me, too. I guess he was especially attached to this show.
Taniguchi: (laugh) It's up to everyone how they want to interpret the ending, I don't mind, but for me, it was a Happy Ending.
Fu-kuyama: I, too, think it was a happier ending than expected.
Sakurai: As for me... I'm looking at things from the viewpoint of Suzaku's VA, of course, but I've been watching the show as just another audience, too. That might be why the ending was painful for me.
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--Was the final episode something you thought of from the very beginning?
Taniguchi: Yes. The ending was decided upon beforehand. Although it was eventually cut, I actually had [Okouchi] write a script for episode 1, one which began with the scene of Suzaku attempting to kill Lelouch. I'm talking about episode 1 of the previous series, not R2.
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--The relationship between Lelouch and Suzaku described in these 50 episodes has seen a lot of ups and downs. They've shot at each other with guns, tried to kill each other, stepped on the other's face after he humbled himself by getting on his knees......
Taniguchi: From my point of view, Lelouch and Suzaku's relationship in the previous series did not go beyond that of reunited childhood friends. It wasn't "friendship" -- they were playing at a "make-believe friendship". With R2, my intention was to show how it turned into "friendship" in the truest sense of the word. ......As for the part with the kneeling, if Lelouch hadn't done that, he might have been killed by Suzaku, and Suzaku, had he not stepped on Lelouch's face, would probably not have been able to control his rage.
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--Basically, it was necessary to go that far* for Lelouch and Suzaku to be able to rebuild their bonds. [*kneeling + stepping on face]
Taniguchi: It's a matter of definition, but for me, the relationship between "good friends", to put it bluntly, is one in which "they are able to change each other's soiled underwear even when they've become doddering geezers".*
Fu-kuyama: Though in my opinion, that's already crossed the line into "love" territory (laugh).
[*This line sparked an outbreak of "Eeewwww, Taniguchi", "Taniguchi's definition of friendship sets the bar too high" and "...Does Taniguchi actually have such friends?" on 2ch]
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--Once again: what kind of show was "Code Geass" to all of you?
Sakurai: "Code Geass" was a stimulating piece of work, in my opinion. It suddenly appeared and swiftly took society by storm before facing its end in style. I look forward to everyone's reactions after the final episode. I'm sure all of us would like to see more of this type of original anime.
Taniguchi: I would be delighted if the viewers accepted [this show] with that thought in mind. When we first started "Code Geass", there was this sense of danger that if we don't do our best now original anime will die out completely. The way things are, there will eventually only be anime adapted from manga, games and light novels. For the sake of creating an entertaining original anime, we concentrated what skills we had and tried tacking them on little by little during the creation process. Of course, in "R2" we had to continue being aggressive. I continued working on this show feeling like a challenger. It was an enlightening experience!
Sakurai: These days, there are a lot of anime with tactical gimmicks, but "Code Geass" was strategically elaborate and daring, and was very much entertaining in a way other anime weren't. We, as members of the cast, were happy to have been part of its creation.
Fu-kuyama: They kept an iron-fisted control over the information given to us, too. We never knew what was going to happen next, not until we received the script.
Taniguchi: Once the episode directors, the animators and the VAs find out what's going to happen ahead of time, they tend to give their performances working backwards from the end result. There are times when working backwards actually makes it better, but if there is a continuous chain of turning points in the story, there are times when you subconsciously save your strength. I was afraid that would happen.
Fu-kuyama: I didn't want to know what was going to happen next. Finding out beforehand means I'll have to set the bar higher for myself, you see (laugh).
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--Lelouch was a devil of a role to play, having to face some kind of trial every single time, huh.
Fu-kuyama: Lelouch's role is, to put it simply, the chief villain, and Suzaku is the hero. Watching Lelouch use his Geass and prepare the legwork of his strategies with all his heart and soul makes you feel like pitying him.
Taniguchi: Really, I had no idea creating an evil organization of the likes of "Shocker" [*from Kamen Rider] could be so much work (laugh). It's a lot of effort, truly. Here you are, desperately planning some kind of gambit, and "BAM!", the hero appears and everything goes to pieces.
Fu-kuyama: "Code Geass" is a story seen from the side of an evil organization, isn't it? If you were to see the world through a different point of view, a different kind of logic would come into focus. For example, if you were to consider Marianne and Emperor Charles's actions from their point of view, nobody would be able to say they were wrong.
Taniguchi: If you were to rewatch "Code Geass" with the camera on Suzaku's side, Lelouch would be an absolute evil (laugh).
Sakurai: Who's on the side of justice? Who's evil? It all depends on your position and point of view. Telling the story in this manner was very interesting.
Fu-kuyama: I realized that the viewers don't work according to the logic of "justice" and "evil" when choosing which characters to empathize with.
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--Lastly, I'd like to ask each of you which episode left the biggest impression.
Fu-kuyama: It has to be episode 9 of "R2" for me. The conversation when Lelouch snatched Tenshi-sama away from Xingke -- in response to "You devil--!!", Lelouch answers "Ho, is that so?". I thought it was a fantastic exchange.
Sakurai: As for me, it's the final episode of "R2". It lingers on in your heart. The characters' resolve came through loud and clear, and it really got to me.
Taniguchi: All the episodes are important to me, so I can't choose one. If I had to say something... at the end of the recording session of the final episode, the staff, on their own initiative, gave out flowers to all of the cast members. I was happy to see that "Code Geass" has its own special place in the hearts of the staff and cast who have been involved [in the project] for so long. Thank you all for the hard work!
All: Thank you for the hard work!!
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burnwater13 · 6 months
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Mayfeld standing on the debris of an old Tie Fighter, on Karthom, as he fulfills his prison sentence for the New Republic. Image from The Mandalorian, Season 2, Episode 7, The Believer.
Grogu wasn’t there when his dad and Cara Dune, Fennec, and Daimyo Fett went from Nevarro to Karthon to Morag. He didn’t know what they were doing or why they were doing it, other than to find him. And, he didn’t know for along time that they went to Karthon to pick up Mayfeld. He wasn’t sure why his dad was being so tightlipped about it, until Fennec explained it. 
“Your dad had to show his face, so Mayfeld knows what he looks like. Like that’s some sort of honor.”
Mayfeld knew what his dad looked like, but Grogu was the one who took the blame from the Armorer about his dad showing his face to him?!
“Listen kid, don’t get your first layer in a bunch. Your dad was the only one who had no problems with his chain code. He had to take the helmet off in order to save you.”
Grogu was somewhat mollified by that. After all, saving him from Moff Gideon was a pretty big deal. He must have just taken the helmet off for a split second so he could get what he needed and then…
“How else do you think he got that nickname of his? Can’t call him ‘Brown Eyes’ if we didn’t actually know the color of his eyes.”
Dank Farrik! Everyone saw his dad’s face before he did! That just wasn’t fair. And keeping that information from his was really mean. Grogu was about to stomp off when Fennec stepped in front of him.
“So you think your secrets are okay to keep but his isn’t? He called in every favor he had to rescue you, Kid. So you didn’t see his brown eyes until a little later than the rest of us. He did that all for you, knowing how much trouble he was going to be in with that Tribe he runs with.”
Grogu sighed. Fennec was right. He was being too harsh. His dad had saved him from Moff Gideon and he’d almost been badly hurt doing it. Grogu hated being responsible for that. And Din Djarin had only taken his helmet off again because Grogu had wanted to see his face and touch it. The Mandalorian was special and Grogu wanted him to realize that… What? Wait a second… did Fennec just say something about Grogu having secrets?
“That’s right, Kid. I know all about what you did on The Wheel. But your dad doesn’t, does he?”
Her tone was even, but Grogu understood that there was a subtle hint of threatening to turn that information over to his dad tingeing it. Uff! How did she even find out? He didn’t do that while he was with his dad. He’d gone to Luke’s Jedi Sleep Away Camp when all that went down. Hmmm. He wondered…
“That’s right Kid, your mentor doesn’t know about it either. Just you, me, and that droid who blabs. Consider yourself very fortunate. Now, I have no reason to tell your dad about your extracurricular activities. Right now, that is. But I suggest you reflect on why people keep secrets like that from one another.”
Grogu nodded his head at Fennec and then walked slowly away from the know it all administrator. He didn’t think that R2 had told her anything, so how did she find out? Some time had passed since he’d last seen her and the Daimyo. That had obviously given her plenty of time to collect information. Had she actually gone to The Wheel and collected that information first hand? Or had one of her numerous informants blabbed to her because they had been on The Wheel?
He couldn’t imagine that anyone he’d met there blabbing. He didn’t speak to anyone at all… except Roger. Womp Rats! That droid was as chatty at Mayfeld. It never shut up. Even when it was trying to be quiet it had to talk to someone. If Fennec went to The Wheel she sure as heck would have heard from that darn battle droid. Uff.
So why was she keeping his secret? It had been a long time since he had done that snack run. He hadn’t thought about since he went back to Tatooine. There were so many other things to think about and do. Grogu sighed again.
It had been a pretty good adventure. He and R2 had gone to The Wheel so Grogu could obtain some food that was worth eating. It had turned out that Luke was just as obsessed with ration packs and veggies as his dad was. That was about the only thing the two humans had in common. 
Then Grogu began to consider the differences between the two men and there were plenty of them. Grogu couldn’t snuggle up with the Jedi when he was tired. Someone was a restless sleeper and that wasn’t Grogu. He also couldn’t expect Luke to surprise him with things like a beskar shirt or impromptu lessons on astro-navigation. Luke was far more philosophical and, honestly, Grogu had found that really boring. It reminded him too much of Mayfeld. 
Was this what Fennec had really wanted him to do? His dad was a good person. He was a fun person, in his own way. And he let Grogu have fun too. So, if Grogu wanted Din Djarin to tell him the unflinching truth, Grogu would have to learn to do that too. Tomorrow. 
His dad was off helping the Daimyo with a problem. Grogu had no idea what that problem was and now he knew he didn’t actually need to know. Especially not if he was going to convince Fennec to take him to The Wheel. He really wanted some chicken  snacks and you just couldn’t find anything that good on Tatooine. At least he knew she wasn’t going to talk his ears off. 
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casp1an-sea · 6 months
Star Wars But Batter Part 4
here’s the link to the master post so you can get part one: Master post
because I’m releasing till we meet Han and I’m still bored
(Another time skip bc I don’t care about imperial bs. I don’t even remember what they were talking about. All I know is Vader choked someone for calling the force weak. Now back to Luc and obi-wan who had to stop in front of a Jawa sand crawler that was in the path. They look at the remains of the dead Jawas)
Luc: Well then, guess the sand people had an argument.
Obi-wan: no not sand people-
Luc: :O Are you saying that I'm wrong?
Obi-wan: These blast points are much too accurate. Must be Storm troopers.
Luc: (muebles) Then I guess you haven’t met a stormtrooper! (See’s tracs of giant alien lizards that the stormtrooper AKA Sand troopers ride) Oh this was done by Sand Troopers!
Obi-wan: Exactly
Luc: No you said stormtroopers so I’m still right. Wait, these are the same Jawas we bought 3PO and R2 from… MY AUNT AND UNCLE! (Hops in their spider driving home as fast as possible and leaving the others behind. When Luc arrives their home is smoking and 2 shriveled burnt skeletons lay at the door.)
Luc: Damn okay then empire, you really know how to make friends don’t you.
(Another time skip because I don’t care about Vader’s torture kink. Back to the human BBQ)
Ben: (Somehow arriving just after Luke even though he had to walk Woah maybe he used that once in a lifetime force super speed???) There was nothing you could have done luc.
Luc: Well I guess I don’t have any stuff to do now. I’ll join your cult or whatever, nothing keeping me here now.
(They ride in the speeder for a bit till they get to a huge city Luc’s never been too)
Obi-wan: Welcome to Mos Eisley spaceport, a wretched hive of scum and villainy!
Luc: If it’s that bad why would you take me here.
Obi-wan: Because there’s bound to be a pilot who can take us to Alderaan here.
Luc: I’m sure there are less sketchy pilots in other cities though?
Obi-wan: I’m kind of broke
Luc: -_-
(They drive through mos eisley and are stopped by stormtroopers)
Trooper: How long have you had these droids
Luc: Long time, what's it to you!
Obi-wan: They’re on sale if you want them.
3PO: oh dear
Trooper: (To luc) Let me see your identification
Obi-wan: (Moves his hand around) You don’t need to see their identifications
Trooper: We don’t need to see their identification.
Other trooper: What the Hell Larry?!
Obi-wan: Move along
Trooper: Move along
Other trooper: You are so fired
(They drive away and head into town and enter the largest cantina)
Bartender: (Sees 3PO and R2) We don’t serve their kind here!
Luc: Uh that’s kinda droidist.
Bartender: Get them out!
Luc: N-
3PO: Don’t bother Sir Lucifer, me and R2 will stand outside.
Luc: Okay if that’s what you want.
(3PO and R2 go outside and Obi-wan and Luc go up to the bar)
Walrus man: (Walks up and pokes Luc’s shoulder) Negola dewaghi wooldugger?!?
Luc: Hey don’t touch me that’s harassment!
Dr. Evasan: (Comes up behind Walrus man) He doesn’t like you!
Luc: That’s his problem
Dr. Evasan: I don’t like you either
Luc: And that’s your problem, (Turns away)
Dr. Evasan: (Grabs Luc’s shoulder pulling back) You better watch yourself! We’re wanted men. I ha-
Luc: Have you seen this place?  I’m pretty sure everyone here is wanted.
Dr. Evasan: Are you mocking me?
Luc: No, (Mocking him) Are you mocking me? That’s mocking you.
(Pondo Baba suddenly grabs Luc and throws them over a table. He draws a blaster leveling it with Luc’s head)
Droidist Bartender: NO BLASTERS!
(Obi-wan ignites his lightsaber and, like the savage he is, cuts off Pondo’s blaster arm for virtually no reason. (“From my point of view the jedi are evil”))
(The wookie that had been talking to Obi-wan walks away to a table in the back)
Obi-wan (To look bc apparently everyone is just ignoring what happened)(Points at the wookie) That was Chewbacca, He’s first mate on a ship that might suit our needs.
Luc: Are we Just gonna ignore what just happened?
Obi-wan: We should follow him. (Walks after Chewie)
Luc: Well then I guess we are. (Mumbles to themself) Good Job Luc not only you’ve been inducted into a cult, it’s a violent cult… Hm, maybe I can take it over.
(Meanwhile 3PO is outside complaining to R2 bc I mean does he ever do anything else?)
(They walk up to a table in the back corner of  the room. A guy is sitting there with his elbows very rudely on the table. Like seriously manners, this is a quality  joint!)
(Did I mention that the whole time live music has been playing. Live Jiz played by the galacticly famous band, Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes. Anyway back to the Guy)
Han: Han Solo, I’m captain of the Millennium Falcon-
Luc: What the Hell is a Falcon.
Han: No Idea, but she’s my ship now. Anyway, Chewie tells me you’re looking for passage to Alderan.
Obi-wan: Yes, If it’s a fast ship.
Han: Fast ship? Fast Ship?! Have you ever heard of the Millennium Falcon?
Luc: (Muebles) Obviously Not
Han: She made the Kessel Run in less than 12 Parsecs!
Luc: Parsecs is distance so how does that tell us your ship is fast?
Han: They don’t measure the Kessel Run in time kid.
Luc: Mhm, still doesn’t change my point.
Han: (Grumbles) She’s outrun imperial starships, and not the little ones mind you. I’m talking about big Corellian ships!
Luc: See that’s a better sales pitch
(Chewbacca laughs and Han glares at him)
(Side note: This dynamic is gonna be way more hostile now bc not Only Leia will be constantly bashing Han for everything Luc will as well. Fun!)
Han: Don’t tell me how to do my job kid!
Luc: (Mumbles just loud enough for him) I could do it better… loser.
Han: I’m very close to shooting you in the mouth! (Turns to Obi-wan) What’s the damn cargo already lets just get this over with.
Obi-wan: Me, the child, 2 droids, and no questions asked.
Han: Oh this just gets better doesn’t it, you guys are criminals or something?
Luc: Aren’t you a criminal?
Han: Shut up or the deal is off!
(Luc smiles smugly to themself)
Obi-wan: Let’s just say we’d like to avoid any imperial entanglements
Luc: Isn’t it more sus to be riding with someone who’s a criminal and most likely also wanted by the em-
Han: (Ignores Luc) So that’s the trick isn’t it? Well it’s gonna cost you extra… 10,000 credits.
Luc: Hmmm, I could buy a small ship with that… are you worth a small ship? I’m thinking no.
(Han is about to say something but Obi-wan cuts him off)
Obi-wan: We’ll give you 2,000 now and 15 once we reach Alderan.
Han: (Smiles) 17,000? You guys really must be desperate. Deal! Meat me in docking bay 94. Also you guys should probably get going I think someone’s interested in the old man’s handy work. (Gestures towards some stormtroopers coming into the bar)
Luc: Or we could Just kill them all.
Obi-wan: That’s not the Jedi way.
Luc: I’m no Jedi!
(Obi-wan slinks out the back door and Luc reluctantly follows)
(Outside of the cantina)
Obi-wan: We’ll have to sell your speeder.
Luc: What if I don’t want to
Obi-wan: Do you want to get to alderaan?
Luc: No not really
Obi-wan: What will you do here? And if you leave will you ever need your spreader?
Luc: Yeah that's fair, fine , we can sell it.
(Back in the Bar at Han’s table. A green alien ignoring the no blaster rule walks up with the blaster aimed at Han as Han begins to get up)
Greedo: Going somewhere Solo? (All of greedo’s quotes are translated from his native language Rodian)
Han: (Sits back down) Yes, Greedo. As a matter of fact, I was just going to see your boss. Tell Jabba that I’ve got his money.
Greedo: It’s too late. You should have paid him when you had the chance. Jabba’s put a price on your head, so large that every bounty hunter in the galaxy will be after you. I’m lucky I found you first.
Han: You flatter me, but this time I got the money.
Greedo: If you give it to me I might forget I found you.
Han: I’m not stupid, besides I don’t have it on me right now. Tell Jabba-
Greedo: Jabba’s through with you. He has no time for smugglers who drop their shipments at the first sign of an imperial cruiser.
Han: Even I get boarded sometimes. Do you think I had a choice?
(Han slowly reaches for his gun under the cover of the table)
Greedo: You can tell Jabba that. He may only take your ship.
Han: Over my dead body!
Greedo: That’s the idea. I’ve been looking forward to killing you for a long time!
Han: Yeah, I’ll bet you have! (Han shoots before Greedo can pull his trigger, because Han always shoots first, and kills greedo.)
(Han stands up and walk towards the door going to meet Chewie at docking bay 94 he flips a coin onto the counter in front of the bartender)
Han: Sorry for the mess
(Time skipping over boring imperial conversations and selling spreaders and R2 finding out how doors work)
(Obi-wan and luc enter docking bey 91 where Han and Obi-wan are waiting)
Luc: (Looks at the falcon) What a piece of Junk. (That’s og luke’s quote but I thought it worked.)
(“The tall figure of han solo comes down the boarding ramp” why does the og script have to word it like this)
Han: She’ll make point five beyond lightspeed. She may not look much but she’s got it where it counts, Kid. I’ve added some special modifications myself.
Luc: (Grimaces) I can tell you’re not an artist then.
Han: (Rolls his eyes) Do me a favor and don’t talk to me till we get to Alderan.
Luc: Hm, no!
Han: Ugh let’s just get a move on… (Stormtroopers run into the hanger) LIKE NOW! (Begins shooting at the troopers as he waits for the others to get onto the falcon)
(As soon as everyone is in Chewie lifts off as Han shoots at the troopers from the boarding ramp and runs inside at last second as the ramp lifts. He runs towards the cockpit)
Han: Let’s punch it chewie!
(As soon as they get out of the atmosphere the ship hops into lightspeed)
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