#rabastan is neutral
oasis-of-stars-4 · 9 months
Snape: Tommorrow's garbage day. Barty: I can't believe they made a whole day dedicated to you.
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE RUNAWAY get what she deserves?” She is NEUTRAL & CLOSED to finding out. 
— she walks through the world as ;
name → corin hale pronouns → she/her identification → cis-female year of birth → september 1960 - september 1961 face claim → odeya rush blood status → muggle (werewolf) sexual orientation → up to roleplayer occupation → petty criminal future information → n/a
— she is best described as ;
A PUNCH to the FACE, a LIONHEARTED woman with ATTITUDE, BRIMMING with CONFIDENCE, STRONG & STURDY. She’s as LOYAL as they come, the kind of person to give you their last COIN, a FRIENDLY face in a crowd and a SMILE that could break a HEART. TOUGH and worn like LEATHER. She’s SWEET like buttered popcorn & as DEADLY as a well aimed THROWING KNIFE.
— her story starts with ;
TW: death, blood, violence
Corin Hale’s life hasn’t ever been easy, but over the past three years it’s gotten even harder. Her life before she was bitten was relatively normal, though it has been so long the details Corin now finds fuzzy. Growing up in Radlett just outside of London, she was once the eldest daughter of Atai and Ekaterina Hale. A school teacher and a lawyer, they had wealth and Corin once wanted for nothing. It was the classic tale of a girl from North London, Friday night dinner, trips to the synagogue and playing second parent to her two younger sisters. She would frog march to Haberdashers' Girls' School, while her parents laughed. The world was at Corin’s feet and she rose each day with the knowledge that fate had been kind to her and given who she was, she could be anything she wanted. At seven years old what Corin wanted to do was be in the theatre. A larger than life character, she would organise her toys and her sisters to watch her perform, escaping to far off worlds where she’d transport them. All she ever wanted was to be up there with the greats. and it was this desire that led her parents to take them one evening after school to The Globe Theatre to watch a performance. Wide eyed, Corin was in her element, sitting on her father’s shoulders, looking intently at the stage as Much Ado About Nothing played out. 
When the performance concluded, Corin begged her parents to let her meet the cast and get her program signed. But with her sisters tiring, the answer was no, but Corin had other ideas. Never one to listen to things her elders said, Corin ducked past her parents in the crowd, made her way back to the stage and waited, program in hand. She waited a long while, the cold evening air wrapping its arms around her. Eventually the cast came out and the excitement hit. Hugging her programme she watched them leave. The excitement faded and Corin realised she was alone. She knew London well enough, despite being so young she had always been resourceful and began the walk to Blackfriars where she could explain to someone that she’d gotten lost. Corin hadn’t made it far away from the theatre when fate intervened. It was a woman. At first anyway, who cornered her and asked if she was lost. Without thinking Corin told her of her plan to get back to Radlett and the woman offered to help. Taking her hand, they walked towards the station, until Corin was pulled into an alleyway and the woman was replaced with a wolf. Biting down hard on Corin’s shoulder, she felt the blood pool down her body and her life flash before her eyes. But before the wolf could continue to ravage her, it licked her shoulder and ran off into the night. 
The screams attracted the attention of a couple who took her to the hospital and her parents were called. The next few days were a blur for Corin, in a trace due to the pain and home from school due to the attack. The night of the first full moon was where everything came into focus. One moment she was herself, the next she was an animal, running through the streets of Radlett howling at the moon. When she awoke she was in a park, covered in grass and mud, with every memory of where she’d been and frightened this was now her life. Hysterically she told her parents and begged them to try and understand but they didn’t believe her until it was too late. Trying to get outside of her house to transform, Corin watched in horror as her father held her back. She turned, he was holding on to her. Then suddenly he wasn’t and she’d escaped through the patio door. Only small due to her age, Corin wasn’t able to fully attack him, but when she returned home she found him clawed to pieces and the carpet covered in blood. Her parents tried desperately to help. They took her to hospitals but no one believed them. On full moons they chained her up in the garage where no one would see. She was a schoolgirl by day and a monster by night. Her life wasn’t normal. At night she would listen to her parents argue and cry while her sisters hugged each other in the doorway. Corin knew she was the issue and while she was there they’d never be safe. 
One day, she packed up her backpack with all her belongings. Took it to school and left during lunchtime, with one thought in mind. Finding the wolf who had bitten her. She got by by stealing things, pick-pocketing and checking herself into hostels to avoid being on the streets before KAMALI SKENDER [mother] found her. Kamali ran Le Cirque Des Rêves, a travelling circus that was making its way round Europe and was stopping off in London for the summer. Aside from the strange woman who changed her, Kamali was the only werewolf that Corin had ever met and when she asked her to join the circus Corin agreed. Kamali became like a mother to Corin, teaching her everything she needed to know about the world she now belonged to and giving her a home. Corin didn’t think she’d ever find happiness after the bite, but with Kamali and then a few weeks later when SILAS CRUMP [father] joined the circus, she believed her life could be different. Time seemed to move differently for them. They became a family, performing in wizarding districts around the world and spreading their joy. By the time they returned back to London, Corin was twenty-two. A woman and an esteemed member of the troupe that she hoped to one day help run with her parents. London was not how Corin had remembered it and she watched as her father changed in its presence. 
The once happy seemed darker and people whispered of dark wizards and cloak and dagger plans made by candle light. Feeling unwell after a performance, Corin walked back to their wagon to find her father frantically packing his belongings. Instantly her mind became sharp. Silas would never leave him and Kamali, something had happened and she wasn’t going to let him slip away without her help. Cornering him, Corin began packing her things and insisted he take her with him. He revealed everything to her, about his past, his family before them, the death of his sister and the two sorcerers who had come to collect. The pair slept in inns, apperated daily and tried to blend in but eventually RABASTAN LESTRANGE [adversary] and BELLATRIX BLACK [adversary] caught up with them. It was a full moon in Nottingham and just before Corin could shift, she felt her body be swept up. Her father was gone and Corin was chained in a basement by a collar. Having taken the wolfsbane her father had brewed Corin knew her mind and knew something was wrong. Most of the time she was alone in the basement, occasionally brought food and drink by the gruesome pair or SEVERUS SNAPE [adversary]. They wanted access to the circus, to the creatures. They wanted to know everything about them but Corin wouldn’t say a single word. 
They used spells to try and make her talk, wicked magic that made every single part of her body scream out in pain. But Corin wouldn’t say a word. She was unsure how much time had passed before she saw the world again. They had stopped giving her wolfsbane a long time ago as punishment and were normally quite rigid with the checks until one night they weren’t. Severus had chained her up, but the chains hadn’t been changed in some time, worn by the nights spent pulling on them. When Corin transformed the chain broke from the wall and with the weight and power she now wielded it was nothing for her to break through Mr Mulpepper’s wooden basement door even with its enchanted locks. A rabid animal hungry for blood, Corin steamed through the streets, attacking anything in sight. ANDRESSA PARKINSON [victim], RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE [victim] and ROSALINE DAVIS [victim] were not known to her, faces in a crowd people in her way that were lucky enough to have people round them who could fight her off with their magic. When Corin came round on Hampstead Heath she had every memory of the night before, her life spent in the basement and her burning desire to find her family and get revenge. Now free, Corin hopes to learn everything she can about Bellatrix, Severus and Rabastan to make them pay for what they’ve done. 
— she is a LEVEL 7 WEREWOLF & readied for war ;
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lulublack90 · 7 months
Prompt 13 - Street
@jegulus-microfic February 13 Word count 811
Previous part First part
The green flames died behind Voldemort, leaving behind the weak flickering fire in the grate. 
Without asking, Voldemort grabbed Regulus’s chin in his cold, harsh hand and drove into his head. It was like being stabbed in the brain. Legimency could be painless. It was up to the caster whether or not it hurt, and Voldemort always ensured it hurt. Regulus winced and tried as hard as possible to keep his composure as the memories from the last few weeks crashed behind his eyes. 
Voldemort lingered on his torture, slowing the tirade to watch each cut and forceful curse. 
Regulus fell to his knees. Somehow, he wasn’t sure how he managed it, but he kept the memories of James and his brother locked away where Voldemort couldn’t find them. 
After a final particularly painful spike into his memories, showing Remus helping him to escape, Voldemort relinquished his hold on Regulus and stood as though nothing had happened. 
“Ah, so the young wolf wants to join us, does he? I shall send Fenrir to collect him as soon as possible.”
The flames glowed green again, and multiple people invaded Regulus’s home. Bellatrix, Rodolphus, Rabastan, Lucius, and, to his horror, Barty and Evan crowded around him. 
“Ah, back where you belong, cousin?” Bellatrix cooed in her harsh, rasping voice. He tried not to flinch as she ruffled his hair. 
“Bloody hell, Reg. What did they do to your face?” Evan looked over his bruised and swollen face with horror. Remus had done an excellent job. 
“Don’t know what you’re on about Rosier. I’ve never seen him look so good.” Barty cackled as he shot out a finger and poked one of the dark bruises on Regulus’s face.
Regulus pulled his wand from its holster on his arm and shot hot red sparks at Barty’s feet, causing him to jump up and down indigently across the Persian rug to avoid being burnt. 
“Hey! What the fuck Reg?! That was uncalled for!” 
“Don’t touch me then,” Regulus said in a bored voice as he twirled his wand back up his sleeve.
“Enough!” Voldemort hissed. The room fell into total silence, all attention on the pale wizard who commanded the room. 
“It is happening today, Regulus, now,” An excited murmur passed between the death eaters in the room. 
“What’s happening?” He asked. He could only think of one thing that required this many of the inner circle to be in his drawing room. 
“We attack the Ministry in one hour.” Bellatrix interrupted excitedly, clapping her hands and grinning maniacally.
“Bella,” Voldemort said quietly, Bellatrix immediately composed herself. 
“Make yourself presentable, Regulus, and we shall make our way to the Ministry.” Regulus looked down at the ruined, tattered robes he’d put back on this morning and nodded, leaving the group as he went to change. 
He carefully locked his bedroom door, and cast a silencing charm on the room. He pulled out the tiny mirror that had been Sirius’s and called into it.
“James? James, you there?” He didn’t get an immediate answer, so he removed his ragged robes. 
“Regulus?” James’s voice came back. Regulus picked up the mirror. 
“I don’t have much time.” He whispered to James’s reflection. “We’re going to the Ministry now. He said within the hour.” He summoned fresh clothes and began pulling them on as he spoke. 
“Thank you, love. I’ll alert the order. And Reg—” James paused until Regulus had finished dressing. “Be careful, yeah. Don’t die.” Regulus smiled into the mirror. 
“I’ll do my best.” Then James’s image was gone, and his own battered reflection showed in the mirror. 
He put the mirror in a secret pocket in his clean robes, and after taking a steadying breath and forcing his face into a neutral expression, he headed back downstairs. 
“You took your time,” Lucius was waiting for him. 
“Hardly,” He scoffed. Lucius raised his wand, and Regulus held his breath. Lucius muttered a charm, a light blue glow pulsed out of his wand, and Regulus’s face didn’t feel sore anymore. He checked the hallway mirror, and his face had returned to its usual flawless porcelain. “Thanks,” He said as his fingers reached up to check the skin for himself. 
“You’re welcome,” Lucius said with a sickening smile spreading across his face. “Come now, we mustn’t keep the Dark Lord waiting, should we?” He waved his hand forward, inviting Regulus to enter the drawing room. 
“Ah, good,” Voldemort exclaimed when he opened the door. “The rest of our forces are already gathered. Let us join them.” Regulus followed the small party out of the front door and onto the street outside. He turned to look back at number 12 as it concealed itself, disappearing from view as he walked further away. 
Voldemort himself grabbed ahold of Regulus’s arm. His claw-like hands dug into Regulus’s flesh as they apparated to the Ministry.    
Next part
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heartofspells · 2 years
Rabastan’s brother marries Bellatrix, and suddenly everyone in school treats Rabastan with careful neutrality because Sirius and Regulus view him as cousin-adjacent; Evan and Rabastan form a club called “we’re sort of related to the Blacks because a relative of ours married a Black, and now the Blacks have decided we’re family.” People make exactly one rude comment to Rosier at the beginning of school, and never make this mistake again. Rabastan’s arm is broken during a vicious Quidditch match and Regulus was out for blood, he barely even remembered the snitch (it was the other seeker that hurt Rabastan, so the game briefly became “everyone try to score goals, and avoid Black, while Slytherin’s seeker attempts to murder the opposing team’s and that seeker regrets every choice that led them to this moment”); Sirius approached that other seeker later and now they refuse to look any Black or anyone that the Blacks have decided qualifies as “family” in the eyes.
Clever move on their part, honestly. Regulus out for blood is bad enough, but being approached alone by Sirius would be terrifying. Gird your loins, fellas.
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r-lestrcnge · 6 hours
Starter for: Andromeda Tonks @tonksxandromeda Where: St Mungo's Hospital When: a busy hour, close to midday
Weeks had passed since Rabastan had met Andromeda and given her the coins that would allow them to communicate. He had been glad not to use them, so far. Their relationship was strained and he loathed her choices, but he did not want her to be harmed. It was a desire that he stifled savagely, unwilling to acknowledge or understand it. Their previous meeting had given him food for thought, yet he refused do precisely that - he did not want to think about her apology, so he didn't.
In any case, he had been severely preoccupied by other matters. The war still raged and he still fought. He was busier than ever at Gringotts, balancing his numerous tasks while attempting to navigate a marriage. Avenging Frank Longbottom was not going very far, either. He could hardly ambush the man while he was protected at home. It was a personal vengeance which should not have taken so much of his attention away from the cause. But he could not stop thinking about it, constantly devising ways in which he could make him suffer, each method growing in sadistic creativity.
But at last, he could no longer disregard Andromeda Tonks. There was a plot against St Mungo's. Death Eaters would attack while it was busy, aiming for the Healers. Each chip at the government's armour was a stab worthwhile, and removing the Wizarding World's medical assets was a strong move - if they succeeded. Most would assume St Mungo's to be exempt from the war, as though it were neutral ground, concerned only with saving lives, irrespective of the side on which they fought. But that was a foolish belief. St Mungo's was Ministry aligned - or at the least, it was Ministry infiltrated. The government was corrupt. St Mungo's was not exempt from its polluting touch.
So he used the coin some twenty minutes before the attack, hoping she would see it and not stubbornly ignore the warning.
"Leave St Mungo's."
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grimmplacehq · 25 days
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Character name: Xanthos Haîma Age & Birthday: 29 & 18th June 1953 Gender & Pronouns: Cis-Male & He/Him Occupation: Wixen Historian/Assistant Ministry Ambassador for Greece Blood Status: Pureblood Previous House: House Hades (of Magisfalis Academy of Magical Arts) Previous Affiliation: Neutral Face Claim: Matthew Daddario
Xanthos is taken by Eoin
Born into Greecian Nobility, Xanthos was afforded every luxury growing up. His father’s family were some of the most respected in the country and are considered experts in the rearing of elite magical creatures, specialising in Unicorns and Pegasi of all species. His mother’s family were considered foremost experts on Wixen history and oversaw several Wixen museums and magical archaeological endeavours worldwide. Thus, it was no surprise that these two topics became Xanthos loves in life. Growing up, he found that unicorns in particular seemed to like him and before even attending his schooling he knew all there was to know of breeding, raising and caring for them.
It wasn’t till he attended Magisfalis Academy (riding in on his own Unicorn named Achilles) that his love for Wixen history began to grow- learning where they came from was crucial to moving forward and avoiding the repetition of mistakes; at his status, one couldn’t afford to make mistakes. Despite the pressure, he remained an affable young man who could most often be found in the library or school forest rather than on the Quidditch pitch- though managing magical creatures was a far better workout than riding on a broomstick to his mind.
His parents were keen for him to begin making the correct connections and alongside starting school, he was forced to start writing to a pen pal in the United Kingdom. Through their own connections, his parents had him begin corresponding with Rabastan Lestrange- a boy his own age of a respected, though not titled, family. Far from enthusiastic, Xanthos nevertheless did his duty and, to both boys’ surprise, they formed a fast and long-lasting friendship, often spending summers at one another’s homes. 
The connection turned out to be highly beneficial since, following his schooling, Xanthos became published for his historical studies and began training for a position as an ambassador to Britain’s Ministry of Magic. Throughout the Wixen War, Xanthos, and many other international Wixen, quietly withdrew until the dust settled and then promptly returned to their engagements. Currently, Xanthos splits his time between Greece and Britain, forging connections within the social elite of both communities, continuing his historical studies and ambassador duties and, should time permit, lending a hand to his father’s magical creature rearing.
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xanthoshaima · 1 month
Pinned Intro Post
I've got a link to Xanthos' bio HERE for folks to use :D
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Or have a look below the cut for a full intro! :D
Character name: Xanthos Haîma Age & Birthday: 29 & 18th June 1953 Gender & Pronouns: Cis-Male & He/Him Occupation: Wixen Historian/Assistant Ministry Ambassador for Greece Blood Status: Pureblood Previous House: House Hades (of Magisfalis Academy of Magical Arts) Previous Affiliation: Neutral Face Claim: Matthew Daddario Password: Xanthos’ Patronus is a Unicorn Anything Else?: Just as a note, I pulled from a Fanon Greecian Wixen school for Zagreus’ info, you can find the link to it HERE.
Born into Greecian Nobility, Xanthos was afforded every luxury growing up. His father’s family were some of the most respected in the country and are considered experts in the rearing of elite magical creatures, specialising in Unicorns and Pegasi of all species. His mother’s family were considered foremost experts on Wixen history and oversaw several Wixen museums and magical archaeological endeavours worldwide. Thus, it was no surprise that these two topics became Xanthos loves in life. Growing up, he found that unicorns in particular seemed to like him and before even attending his schooling he knew all there was to know of breeding, raising and caring for them.
It wasn’t till he attended Magisfalis Academy (riding in on his own Unicorn named Achilles) that his love for Wixen history began to grow- learning where they came from was crucial to moving forward and avoiding the repetition of mistakes; at his status, one couldn’t afford to make mistakes. Despite the pressure, he remained an affable young man who could most often be found in the library or school forest rather than on the Quidditch pitch- though managing magical creatures was a far better workout than riding on a broomstick to his mind.
His parents were keen for him to begin making the correct connections and alongside starting school, he was forced to start writing to a pen pal in the United Kingdom. Through their own connections, his parents had him begin corresponding with Rabastan Lestrange- a boy his own age of a respected, though not titled, family. Far from enthusiastic, Xanthos nevertheless did his duty and, to both boys’ surprise, they formed a fast and long-lasting friendship, often spending summers at one another’s homes.  
The connection turned out to be highly beneficial since, following his schooling, Xanthos became published for his historical studies and began training for a position as an ambassador to Britain’s Ministry of Magic. Throughout the Wixen War, Xanthos, and many other international Wixen, quietly withdrew until the dust settled and then promptly returned to their engagements. Currently, Xanthos splits his time between Greece and Britain, forging connections within the social elite of both communities, continuing his historical studies and ambassador duties and, should time permit, lending a hand to his father’s magical creature rearing.  
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quothxraven · 1 year
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Name: Rabastan Berthram Age: 24 Gender: Male Species: Human/Fae/Dragon Appearance: Genetically sharp incisors that only show when he gives his rare smiles, bright green eyes with a fiercely determined look. Large wings with black feathers attached to his back that he keeps tucked in most of the time. Height/frame: 5′8 / Medium frame FC: Andy Bier.sack
Family History: Diaval Berthram the Crow as a human {father} Faery Maleficent {mother} Maverick Draven {older brother} @darkhearthorns
Alignment: True Neutral Allies: - - - Enemies: - - - Pets: No permanent pets, but he has a fondness for winged creatures of all types, from bats to birds and insects.
Personality: Rabastan loathes any instance where he has to choose sides. He may carry the look and the mannerisms that he is up to not good, but he never is the cause of destruction. Rather he enjoys being on his own, focusing on himself and the freedom that comes from flying when he is transformed to his large and scaly dragon form. He tends to be aloof, and often has to test another several times for him to see if they are worthy of his time. It was the way he was raised, mainly alone and under Maleficent’s careful gazes.
Hobbies: tying ropes for leisure and use; exploring ruins Fears: losing control over her life; drowning Abilities: quick running, movements and thinking, does not waste any time
Brief History:
Having lost in love once, Maleficent believed that she should be closed off the the prospect of any relationship until she noticed how happy Aurora had become. She noticed how her companion Diaval was her only constant, and was the one who initiated to which he reciprocated. It was not out of fear, rather he was always fond of her too and that is why nothing much changed after they had their son. Rabastan was the baby that Maleficent can finally call her own, and she looked after him in the same way she did with her little beasty, Aurora. He was given the gift of transformation, for she wanted him to have the freedom to be who he wants to be. What they did not expect however was that Rabastan acquired a few of his mother’s powers as well, able to transform his father into a crow when he would throw a tantrum. 
He did mature when he grew up, and turned out much quieter and observant. What Rabastan felt was that nothing was enough. His home in the Moors felt too closed off, so he decided to go on an adventure. Accidentally, he ventured into some bad weather and before he can turn around, he seemed to be falling and unable to work his wings. He did not know when he blanked out, but he awoke in a strange land with taller trees than he had ever seen at the Moors. Confused and dazed, he tries to mend his injured wings so he could fly and escape one day.
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ray-of-sunshine02 · 1 year
Name: Caspian Cygnus Black-Lestrange
Nickname: Cas, CC (by Astoria & Daphne)
Age: 15 (year 4)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Blood Status: Pureblood
Species: Wizard
Affiliations: Black Family, Lestrange Family, Malfoy Family, Greengrass Family, Nott Family, Slytherin House
Friends: Theodore Nott, Daphne Greengrass & Astoria Greengrass
Enemies: Albus Dumbledore
Love Interests: TBD
Family: Bellatrix Lestrange “mother”, Rudolphus Lestrange “father”, Rabastan Lestrange “uncle”, Narcissa Malfoy “aunt/godmother”, Lucius Malfoy “uncle”, Draco Malfoy “cousin”
Companions: Vulcan & Victoria
Likes: animals (reptiles & cats mostly), black coffee, chocolate, green apples, apple pies, weed & alcohol, sex, music (rock & classical)
Dislike: those who go after his loved ones
Hobbies: drawing, reading, flying/quidditch, potions, ancient runes, partying, magizoology
Powers: affinity to dark & neutral spells
Abilities/Skills: wandless magic, multilingual (English, French, Latin)
Weaknesses: dyslexia (reading glasses), mortality
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Favourite Class: Potions, Transfiguration & Ancient Runes
Least Favourite Class: History of Magic & Divination
Personality: flirtatious, charming, cocky, smart, ambitious, protective, loyal, chaotic
Backstory: After the incarceration of his parents and uncle he was raised by his godmother and aunt Narcissa Malfoy along side his cousin Draco Malfoy, the two boys were thick as thieves and thought of each other as brothers. Caspian attended Hogwarts and was almost placed in Ravenclaw but asked to be placed in Slytherin with Draco. He spends most of his time with his head in a book, helping Hagrid with the ground animals, playing quidditch or partying.
Universe: Harry Potter (golden trio era)
Face Claim: Ian Somerhalder
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inlumenhq · 2 years
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Pranavi Zabini, 28, Slytherin alum, fc UTP, TAKEN.
Birthday: up to player Gender & Pronouns: up to player Occupation: up to player Sided with: neutral, de lean
Positive Traits: up to player Negative Traits: up to player
The Shafiqs always married young, with Pranavi’s marriage at seventeen years of age proving no different. They were married to a reputable spouse and given no option for discussing the matter despite the man being old enough to be Pranavi’s grandfather. Tragedy stuck six months into being married, with Pranavi frantically flooing for a healer. The husband didn’t wake up after a night spent trying for an heir and Pranavi voiced concerns about the attempt being too much for the poor soul’s heart. Being widowed, playing dumb, and perfected crocodile tears kept all suspicions off Pranavi.
There was one little problem with the marriage that followed after. That spouse died and left Pranavi with a lavish manor and more money than they knew what to do with. Pranavi was not in a rush to marry again after that, but Harlan Zabini proved convincing. The two courted and wed when Pranavi turned twenty-seven. Their relationship would have followed a similar path to the other two if it weren’t for Pranavi discovering they were pregnant too late to be able to do something about it. Single parent and widowed for the third time was not a look Pranavi would immediately take, leaving them acknowledging there is simply a matter of time before a tragedy befalls the family.
Pranavi has taken parenthood in stride, doting on Blaise and ignoring their spouse’s suggestions that another child would make a great addition to the family. While Pranavi is not in a rush to no longer be wed, they hope Walden or Reine can help make sure their spouse isn’t alive long enough to conceive another child.
Walden Macnair - One of Pranavi’s closest friends and most trusted confidants. Deciding on Walden as Blaise’s godparent took minimal thought despite the death eater claiming they wanted nothing to do with a child.
Rabastan Lestrange - Pranavi does not trust Rabastan since the pureblood asked more questions than necessary the last time they spoke. Knowledge is a dangerous thing and the less Rabastan knows, the better.
Reine Borgin - The other godparent to Blaise. Walden, Reine, and Pranavi have been inseparable for nearly a decade. Differing personalities and an ability to act as though they can’t stand each other in public have left the others from reading in too deeply about their relationship.
Bios and posts that reference Pranavi Zabini can be found by clicking this sentence.
suggested fc’s
Amita Suman, Shanina Shaik, Sobhita Dhulipala
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mischiefxmuses · 2 years
@masqce​ asked:  ♫ + 22 (  mu qing & Rabastan)
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“I tell myself I don’t care that much.” Rabastan replied with just a shrug. His tone remaining neutral. He didn’t know the other so didn’t want to give too much of himself away. Very few knew Rabastan softer side. It was safer for everyone when he was like that. 
SONG #21 (i went one before because I already did my song 22 for another starter) - Only Love Can Hurt Like This - Paloma Faith
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wariswonhq · 3 years
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Gilderoy Lockhart, 24, Ravenclaw Alum, FC up to player, OPEN.
Birthday: up to player Blood Status: Half blood Gender & Pronouns: up to player Occupation: up to player Sided with: Neutral
Positive Traits:  Negative Traits:  Summary: 
Growing up:
During the war:
No time like the present:
Edgar Bones - Attempted to get Gilderoy to join the Order of the Phoenix. Edgar was unsuccessful in that attempt but still made a point to check in on Gilderoy.
Rabastan Lestrange - Tried to convince Gilderoy to side with the Death Eaters and was fairly convincing in doing so. Disappointingly, the attempts were not good enough to get Gilderoy to even consider taking the mark.
Ezra Tonks - A close acquaintance. The two were friends during their Hogwarts years and have kept in contact ever since.
Bios and posts that reference Gilderoy can be found by clicking this sentence.
Suggested FC’s
Froy Gutierrez, Hart Denton, Graham Rogers
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE LEGISLATOR get what he deserves?” He is NEUTRAL & is CLOSED to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → rodolphus lestrange pronouns → he/him identification → cis male year of birth → september 1950 - september 1951 face claim → jack falahee blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → defence barrister in the department of magical law enforcement at the ministry of magic future information → member of the death eaters, husband of bellatrix black
— he is best described as ;
The scent of a DARK COLOGNE sprayed in an EXPENSIVE alchemy shop. PLUM fused with DARK WOOD and the DUSTY PAGES of LAW TEXTS read long into the night. He is an INTENSE stare. KNOWING EYES that discover all your SECRETS, whilst making you feel WARM and IMPORTANT like sipping a large glass of french WHISKEY in a private STUDY.
— his story starts with ;
tw: death
Rodolphus Lestrange has never questioned the nature of his reality, nor has he ever had a reason to. Born in the opulent beauty of Lestrange Manor in Gloucestershire into fine silks and doting parents, Marie Lestrange had known what it was to grow up in a city surrounded by muggles, muggle-borns and half-bloods and she had never been happier than when her new husband whisked her away to the British countryside. Rodolphus lived a charmed yet solitary childhood with only his mother, father, younger brother RABASTAN LESTRANGE [brother] and their house elves for company. Rodolphus recalls his childhood as a highly-engaging and loving one, with stories of his legacy before bed and days spent playing happily with his brother in the rose gardens of their home. From the noble houses of Lestrange and Lenoir, Rodolphus has often been told he was destined for greatness. Thiebuat Lestrange had worked closely with numerous Ministers for Magic, having even unseated one with other members of The Sacred Twenty-Eight when he had disagreed with him getting into office. 
Although he attended the glittering balls and parties held by his parents and their families growing up, Rodolphus had always found his family different from the others. The Lestranges were an impregnable fortress, who valued family above all else. Their parents had always maintained that when everything was said and done, Rodolphus and Rabastan would only have one another and while it was their greatest wish for them to find true love as they had done, blood would always be thicker than water. Hogwarts School was not just a chance for education for Rodolphus, but at the instruction of his family it was a chance to strengthen bonds with other notable families. Sorted into Slytherin, Rodolphus struck up friendships with BELLATRIX BLACK [close friend/potential love interest] and ARISTAEUS GREENGRASS [best friend]. Both families were of interest to his parents, but Bellatrix in particular was someone they wanted him to befriend. Having found a love match, his mother was dead against the idea of striking up a marriage pact with one of the other families, but had cited Bellatrix as someone she was interested in for her son. 
In the beginning he had found her company pleasant, but the older they grew the more outrageous he found her, until by their final year, he struggled to recognise her at all. Rodolphus had always been clear in his view on blood purity. Their families were the best that The Wizarding World had to offer and their blood and lineage made them destined for careers in high places. The torturing of muggle-born children, sparring matches with notable idiots like CHARITY BURBAGE [adversary] and the barating of blood traitor teachers, which Bellatrix enjoyed parking in, were in his opinion a wasted way to get that point across. Power came to those who knew how to appeal to the masses whilst silently pushing your own agenda. Aligning himself with Bellatrix increasingly felt more like risk than reward, so instead he spent his time with Aristaeus, DECIUS FLINT [best friend], CORDELIA DAVIS [former friend], NATALIA SIMINOVA [close friend] and LUCIUS MALFOY [close friend] who he found far less tiresome despite Lucius’ over inflated ego. A personal favourite of Horrace Slughorn, Rodolphus graduated a member of The Slug Club and celebrated Slytherin with immaculate grades.
Quickly he accepted a job at The Ministry of Magic working as a legal assistant for Bellatrix’s father CYGNUS BLACK [former mentor]. Cygnus was the best in his profession; and Rodolphus was focused on learning as much as he could from him. His first ten years working in law Rodolphus was blind to the world around him, working and winning cases until he was finally a defence barrister for The Ministry. With his mentor now a judge for Wizengemot, Rodolphus was looking for legal help and found it in the form of his middle daughter ANDROMEDA BLACK [colleague/potential love interest]. An accomplished witch, Rodolphus found her much more like her father than her sister, though he noticed she approached cases with a sense of humanity rather than his sheer determination to win. Andromeda cared about her cases, which despite his better instincts he found admirable. Rodolphus fell in love with her somewhere in the plethora of late nights spent at his flat pouring over cases by candlelight, but he feared he discovered his feelings when it might have been too late for them both. 
The death of BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest] plunged Rodolphus into a new world. A disgraced American werewolf, Rodolphus was confident SILAS CRUMP [former client] had not committed the crime he was accused of, but another name kept propping up instead. In the time he had been focused on elevating himself at work, Rodolphus and his brother had grown distant, wrapped up in their own endeavours. It hadn’t been clear to him at first, but Rabastan’s name came up again and again. In the wrong place at the wrong time, or with the wrong people. At first, Rodolphus was concerned, gathering evidence away from Andromeda. Long into the night he would pour over the photographs from The Halloween Ball, circling the people and reading over their interview notes. The more research he did it became increasingly clear that Silas was indeed the unfortunate one. It didn’t take a genius to work out Booker’s death had been the work of a spell rather than a werewolf, but it was only when AMELIA BONES [former colleague] began sniffing around his brother and subsequently died after speaking to Rabastan, he could no longer hide his suspicions. 
Gathering evidence Rodolphus laid it out for Rabastan and was told he had joined the cult of a mysterious man known to him as THE DARK LORD [person of interest], with Bellatrix introducing the two. Rodolphus was livid. Not only had his brother signed his life away to a man he barely knew, he had murdered people for him and risked his own safety in process. For the first time in his career Rodolphus went against his better judgement and buried evidence for his brother, throwing the case of Silas and actively allowing REGULUS BLACK [legal assistant] to help him frame MASON TREMBLAY [person of interest] for the murder of Amelia to defelect attention from Rabastan. Although he vowed he would not assist Rabastan in his affairs again, Rodolphus knows it will not be the last time. With more cases piling up on his desk, it is only a matter of time before he faces another knock at the door. Outside of his work Rodolphus has been investigating into the group and the man his brother now belongs to, all under the nose of an increasingly suspicious Andromeda, who he’s trying to spare having to make the same difficult decision.
  — he is a LEVEL 6 WIZARD and readied for war ;
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theperfectstormrp · 5 years
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“The most beautiful people I’ve known are those who have known trials, have known struggles, have known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.”
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Andromeda Tonks
Age: Twenty One
Affiliation: Neutral
Blood Status: Pureblood
Career: Healer
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RUMOR HAS IT… The daughter fallen from grace thinks she can just live with her happy little family and nothing will happen to her. One thing these people probably hate more than mudbloods is blood traitors. Andromeda doesn’t see her life a waste, but as something beautiful. With a loving husband by her side and a daughter to make her smile, she’s living a life she could only dream of at some point. But do we really believe she’s going to get away with this happiness for much longer? 
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When Andromeda was younger she was considered a quiet child; a big mistake, for those who truly did not understand her. Andromeda was not quiet. She was polite, and understanding, a girl who had nearly fell down the dark path that her parents had laid out before her feet. There were times where she would turn up her nose to the same people or things as her sisters, all while the soft voice of doubt needled at the back of her brain. There were the biases that she had been taught, the heartless people that she was expected to get to know; even marry, one day. But once the world began to change, Andromeda was far from quiet – even when her lips were sealed, she was screaming at the top of her lungs.
She was loud, when around fourth year she began to lock herself away in her room during countless Black parties, resigned to a book while protesting everything the party guests stood for. She was even louder, when she began to allow herself to branch out, to speak and meet and spend time with different people. But she was at her loudest, when she made the ultimate decision to change her life, to proclaim that her family was wrong, that she wanted them to see that, and that she wanted them to change. She screamed and stood firm in her spot, the ‘quiet’ girl who was now denouncing everything that her family stood for, shouting from the rooftops that she would never marry a spiteful man but instead would marry a beautiful, kindhearted man. But when her mother had slapped her across the face and told her to leave, that was when Andromeda was loudest – when she turned away with her head held high, and never looked back.
Leaving her family was the hardest thing that Andromeda ever did. It shattered her heart, knowing that she couldn’t change the way that they thought, that they would never understand the man that she had fallen in love with. Despite it all, when a bad word is spoken against them, Andromeda will not be found joining in; the pain and suffering that she went through has been locked tightly away, deep inside of her heart. She still loves her sisters, even if what they stand for devastates her. A part of her hopes that maybe one day they will change; even as Bellatrix sinks further and further down the whirlpool of evil. As time has passed most, but not all, of her wounds have healed. And yet, to this day, she remains terrified of letting others down.
Andromeda knows the awful, crushing feeling of disappointing someone, most harshly felt by the disappointment from her sisters. Perhaps it is from her upbringing, why she is so worried of how she will be perceived and if she is making the right decisions. But now, with a target on her and her family’s back, Andromeda has no choice but to think out every move to ensure that she does not endanger those closer to her. Now, after everything that she has gone through, Andromeda remains most determined to keep her family together, at whatever cost. Ted and Nymphadora are her entire world now, and she lives in fear that the people from her past will try and rip them from her. Keeping herself guarded against the life that she abandoned has taken a large amount of tenacity, to continue to fight, to keep her family together. Despite it all, Andromeda is loyal. Funny, perhaps, considering many purists would only see her as disloyal or traitorous. But Andromeda knew what needed to be done; looking at Ted and Nymphadora, she knows that she has made the right decision … even if she remains downright terrified.
The woman comes from a long line of Blacks; the power that runs through her veins can be overwhelming. It has left her with a stubborn but passionate streak, and with the realization that if she truly needed to fight, she could. For now, she remains neutral but cautious. If needed, there is nothing that she will not do – if there is anyone that knows of the true force of nature that Andromeda can be, it is her husband, and if there was one thing that she had learned from her childhood, it is that happiness can be fleeting. The insulated bubble that Andromeda has built from the ashes of her former life is wonderful, and beautiful. But whether the bubble remains impervious to the war that is brewing … Andromeda fears that may not be the case.
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BELLATRIX LESTRANGE, NARCISSA MALFOY – These sisters used to be inseparable. It wasn’t until Andromeda fell in love with Ted that she realized just how different she was from them both. She misses them dearly, but she won’t apologize for who she is and who she loves.
TED TONKS – Ted was like a drop of sunshine on a cloudy day for Andromeda. He brightened her dark world so much that she gravitated toward him. And now, with the war raging, she worries she will lose him before their life can really begin.
RABASTAN LESTRANGE – Rabastan is a sore spot for Andromeda. She thought she could learn to love his brash nature, but his insistent opposition to their betrothal proved otherwise. It got ugly near the end, and she hasn’t forgiven him for what he’s become.
Andromeda Tonks is currently an TAKEN character with a FC of Adelaide Kane. FC SUGGESTIONS: adelaide kane, katherine langford, elizabeth olsen.
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ao3feed-jily · 3 years
When the Hourglass Turns
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3lzMjJ9
by Anonymous
Harry has a lot of crazy adventures, but this one certainly takes the cake. Of all times to drop into, it would be with a charismatic (read: sane) Dark Lord. At least his parents and godfather were alive, albeit in school and younger, but alive. It was too bad when the two sides were preparing; Harry caught too much attention. Typical. He just wanted to live his new life thanks.
Words: 5266, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Harry Potter, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Lily Evans Potter, Severus Snape, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Death (Harry Potter)
Relationships: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin/Severus Snape, Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Rodolphus Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Harry Potter is So Done, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Well-Meaning Albus Dumbledore, Master of Death Harry Potter, Healer Harry Potter, he's tired of fighting, then gets yeeted to a timeline, Pureblood Politics (Harry Potter), Paganism, neutral Harry (kinda), he leans to the dark but doesn't fight for them, Sane Tom Riddle, Possessive Tom Riddle, Marauders Era (Harry Potter)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3lzMjJ9
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deliahscrush2003 · 3 years
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Fandom: Harry Potter.
Face Claim: Shay Mitchell.
Fic Series: Ao3
Fic Playlist: Children of Prophecy Playlist.
Story Board: Children of Prophecy.
Pinterest Board: Lucinda Lestrange.
Headcannons: 1 | 2 |
Concept Art: COMING SOON!!
Moodboard: COMING SOON!!
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FULL NAME: Lucinda Lucille Lestrange
NICKNAMES: Lucy (preferred name), Dove (Rabastan Lestrange, Bellatrix Lestrange).
GENDER: Female.
DOB: January 15th, 1977.
STAR SIGN: Capricorn.
AGE: 17 (GF) 18 (OP) 19 (HP) 20 (DH).
AFFILIATION: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (currently), Slytherin House (currently), House Lestrange (estranged), The Dubois Family (commonly affiliated).
OCCUPATION: 7th Year Student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (currently).
SEXUALITY: Bisexual.
SPECIES: Pureblood Witch.
LOCATION: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Scotland. United Kingdom.
MBTI: ESFJ - Consul.
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Esmée Dubois (maternal aunt, guardian)
Lucielle Lestrange (nee Dubois) (mother) †
Rabastan Lestrange (father, estranged)
Rodolphus Lestrange (parternal uncle, estranged)
Bellatrix Lestrange (nee Black) (paternal aunt, estranged)
Daphne Greengrass (best friend since childhood)
Gemma Farley (best friend since first year)
Marcus Flint (good friend since first year)
Astoria Greengrass (is like a little sister to her)
Pansy Parkinson (protected her from bullies during first year, pansy's hero)
Graham Montague (kind of an asshole but Gemma is secretly in love with him, so she puts up with it).
Voldemort and his followers (after the Triwizard Tournament)
Rabastan Lestrange (father, estranged)
Rodolphus Lestrange (parternal uncle, estranged)
Bellatrix Lestrange (nee Black) (paternal aunt, estranged)
Cassius Warrington (current boyfriend)
Daphne Greengrass (best friend)
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