#raven's oc lore drop
swampstew · 2 years
Kid's Pirate King Ambition
*disclaimer that it relates to my fic*
Ahem -
So when I started my fic "Turn Back Time" my concept for the West Peninsula was a smaller scale version of modern America. Ruled by a government body that coded the laws that just so happen to squeeze and exploit the working class for everything they have, but also cushion themselves and other elite types. This inspires a revolutionary type mindset for the main characters, even before they met the pirates; and when I wrote them relating these things to the pirates, I wrote the pirates as having had vague familiarity with those types of issues but never elaborated beyond hahah set fire to things! Chaos! ANARCHY!
Providing excerpts below but also highly encouraging you to read my fic cause I think its fun and cute and hope you think so too. Shilling over.
Read below to be razzle dazzled by my prophetic mind of Eustass Kid's ambition to be King of the Pirates.
These happen during different scenes in different chapters so I'll only copy/paste the important lines. Further clarifying to warn; if you click the links you may be directed to a chapter that contains smut or other TW content so read the summary/header if there is one!
Chapter 7: context - a community relief event is happening the next day that the island "rebels" want to use as cover to get "revenge" on the corrupt island officials -
Tommy walked towards the pirates, “yeah and um, at around 8 we’re having a meeting. We’re planning to target the island official buildings and their personal estates during the purge. Nothing too crazy but we could use a strategist’s mind or two for deviancy.”
“Ohh I don’t know Tommy. They might call our plans too pussyfooted and try to convince us to burn it all to the ground,” Andrea smirked, squeezing Kid’s shoulder.
“Aye, destroying the established order is the only way to invoke real change,” his face twisted in a devilish smirk.
Chapter 9: context - hijacking the "rebels" plans to make the sting of their "revenge" more real to people who think they're untouchable.
Kid strode to the middle of the room and commanded attention. “OI!” he glared at everyone. “Your plan is fucking stupid. Instead of targeting the institutions that control you, take it to their personal homes and lives. Your dumb as shit bylaws state that anything is fair game during this purge and any damage or injury caused during it is automatically forgiven. So take the fight to those fuckers houses.” He dropped the paintball guns into a pile on the floor.
<later in the story>
Looking down at her baggy, padded pants and oversized sweater, she shrugged. “You ever been shot with a paintball pellet? Fucking hurts.”
Barking with laughter, “I’ve been shot with real bullets, ya wuss.”
Chapter 12: context - a party on the ship where Kid celebrates his bounty raise and his crew.
“What started out as humble beginnings from the South Blue rabidly turned into a ship full of rad monsters quickly rising through the ranks of the pirate world. As it stands, we are the most prominent pirates, the lead in the Worst Generation rankings, and it’s about fucking time we’ve been recognized as such. The government is so quick to condemn a mere crucifixion of rival pirates but willingly turns a blind eye to the atrocities committed by World Nobles, royal kingdoms, even the Seven Warlords of the Sea – keeping pirates on the fucking payroll!” Kid spat on the ground.
“No real pirates ally themselves with marines or the government. We will never submit to them or anyone else!” he roared, his crew cheering him on with only a few concerned glances from the island folks intermittently in the crowd.
Raising his glass, everyone on deck mirrored his actions. “We are the future of piracy and we will dismantle the order of the world so it’s no longer ruled by scum!”
The response was thunderous. Andrea was impressed with his charismatic speech, the way he commanded everyone’s attention and even had civilians praising and cheering his speech. The islanders were not all naïve, they understood the way the island officials used the laws they wrote and capitalism to keep themselves above the rest; the division of class by wage and power had fractured the community long ago. She had only ever dreamed someone like Kid lived on her island to lead the people to revolt. She’d be happy with Kid himself leading it but he didn’t seem like the type to settle down. Wishful thinking. The Captain turned his head back to glance at her, Andrea raised her glass and took a long sip, raising the tequila bottle teasingly.
------- ok now the King of the Pirates ambition hook------
Kid understands Andrea's desires to not live in a confined world. He understands her frustrations with the system of exploitation on her island but doesn't have the means to do anything about it. He relates to her and likes her so much more for it. She's exactly the type of person he wants on his crew, and the fact that they have a thing only makes it better in his opinion. So now we have a full ship of pirate anarchists trying to achieve Kid's dream.
To be King of the Pirates and change shit up. The world is ruled by scum so he's gonna wipe it out and put himself on top. Will he be worse? Who knows.
Kid grew up in rough ass streets and he knows how corrupt people can be and what corrupt power looks like. He ain't about to be anyone's bitch boy. Not anymore. That's why he's so brutal. He wants people to fear and respect him. He wants to be King of the Pirates because he wants people to know that a fucking prick runt from the South Blue made it this high in life. And with the power and wealth of finding the One Piece, he will be coming for the Navy, The World Government and the Celestial Dragons. Anyone getting in his way is dead meat. He's not doing it because it necessarily liberates everyone else - he's doing it because they tried to fuck with him and he is saying FUCK YOU right in their faces. By smashing their faces in with his fists.
I'm not entirely sure he really cares all that much about the history of the world beyond professional curiosity. He's not trying to be a hero liberator. He's just a monster they created who is getting revenge. Revenge being fueled by the World Government/Navy allowing a corrupt criminal gang take over and ruin his island/and also may have facilitated the murder of his parents, to kill his first love, to try and kill him. Fueled by anger at the hypocrisy of the World Nobles and of Justice by the Navy since they do much worse, he's just upfront about his actions instead of hiding behind the scenes. He's a tough nut to crack because he keeps everything close to the (huge breasteses) heart. Everyone he has ever loved or cared about is dead outside of his crew. He doesn't want to love or care for anyone else because he might even feel like his love gets these people killed. So his only drive now is to make it out on top - then when the dust settles, he'll enjoy the fruits of his labor.
Anyways that's all I had, unless more comes up and then I'll respond to this post. This was all fueled by my outlining some future chapters and it made me wonder how my main OC characters would react if they learned about their past in passing from an original crewmember that isn't the big 4. A big smooch for you if you made it this far.
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gomzdrawfr · 6 months
they're acoustic, C major
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berryclan-and-friends · 6 months
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mtgc858 · 2 years
"Things that scare me, By me"-Raven.
Also just showing some lore.
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I'm sorry the ending was extremely funny to me XD
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Don't worry she's okay 👍
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alxssarosex · 2 months
Every rose has it's thorns lore drop: pets edition
Evan and Pandora: They have a dog and a cat (cocker spaniel and a white fluffy cat) the dogs name is Rosie and the cats name is cupcake because they got it when they were four (this is lightly based off me naming my old dog sprinkles at age 4).
Barty: his dad is super against pets and since Barty's gone all year for school no one would be there to take care of it but he plans to get a Rottweiler and a snake after graduation.
Regulus: he has a black cat named starlet she's really small and he tries to sneak her to school every year unsuccessfully.
Dorcas: she has a black horse named Raven she got after he dad's first big investment deal when she was six.
Hyacinth (oc): she has a cane Corso named bear, a simease cat named Alice after Alice in wonderland, and a white horse named winter on top of her pets her mom has a Yorkie named Claira and lucius has a snake she's absolutely terrified of.
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ryeun · 7 days
I don’t have a full body of her but I drew a bust so…
If this is a safe space, here’s my TEK OC, independent knight Deep Wine Raven Maeve… and I probably will not be dropping more lore LOL but just wanted to share ig!!
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vulturereyy · 10 months
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First thing I knew I had to do for Bug Fables is BF-ify my Hollow Knight oc, Lobelia!
Lobie is a vulture bee with some very interesting lore in the HK universe, but in Bugaria she's probably just a wandering npc who is always located in the shadows. She's very nervous but very sweet, and wants so badly to hang out with other bugs. If you trade her meat items that drop from enemies, she'll thank you and munch on them ravenously, before handing you little dollops of 'Savory Honey' that increase attack power.
Her Hollow Knight renditions (Feat. her big sister, Edel, and gf, Nettle):
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ozziethegreat · 1 month
Ough, I hope you're alright with questions bout ur ocs cause imma drop a few.
1- Do you only have one or more than one?
2- Have you decided how they would interact with other sanses, assuming they could of course.
3- Ohh, what instrument were they playing? Do they know any others?
Love the design okay BYEEE!!!
1 - I only have one undertale related OC, Sabrewing 💔💔 I’m not very creative so I find it difficult to create utmv ocs when I have to tie it to the undertale and multiverse lore as well HELP
2 - He works for Nightmare and he is used as a secret healer, so the Stars don’t know of his existence :3
He was at some point friends with Bird/Raven but Nightmare prevents him from seeing him (colorkiller core)
In general he’s pretty negative and edgy, as he finds most people stupid, ignorant and just annoying.. so he distances himself from other aus anyway LMAO
3 - he was playing the cello!!! He also knows the flute :3
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kindred-spirit-93 · 3 months
salutations of peace!
welcome to this blog dedicated to the many, many thoughts wondering in the expansive meadows of my inner mind. we have:
fandom rambles
OC galore and random lore dumps
deep life thoughts TM
excerpts of books ill never write
memes, awful puns, wordplay my beloved, rants about anything and everything
music and art and language appreciation
vivid descriptions of things that would put ebony dark'ness dementia raven way to shame
and so much more! my vision for this blog is essentially a scrapbook of sweet wrappers, weird poetry, dried flowers, inexplicable blood drops from untraceable source(s), cute little doodles, coffee stains, all tied together with glitter glue and skull washi tape ^-^
so feel free to sit back with some snacks and watch me as i take apart my mind thought by thought and have epiphanies and shit :)
*:・゚✧ but before all that, a few things:
the name of this blog, Memento Vivere, is latin for remember to live. you may be familiar with its more morbid counterpart, Memento Mori, remember you must die. the reason for this choice of phrase is that due to reasons, i sometimes have to remind myself to stop and live, to really smell the roses, to appreciate my short existence on this spinning rock in space. so this blog will be my escape, my breath of fresh air, my cup of mint earl grey on a rainy january morning.
*:・゚✧ a lil about me lol:
british jordanian gen z hijabi, dont have social anxiety; social anxiety has me lol, sleep deprived, herbal teas, psychiatry
medical student, full time and life long learner, salty snacks are better than sweet treats there i said it, strawberry milk supremacy
chaotic academia aesthetic, cats, existential (and assorted) crises
main @lemedstudent2021 and oc blog @bright-side-of-the-moon feel free to drop by for a chat here there and everywhere ;)
*:・゚✧ general rules and guidelines:
this blog aims to be a safe space for anyone and everyone, leave your prejudices at the door or dont bother coming in :)
youre all welcome to share thoughts and ideas and suggestions, please keep it halal tho (so pg-13 and mild language). in the very least label accordingly so those yet with innocence stay safe
hate and bullying and disrespect in all forms will not be tolerated, bigots and brain dead buffoons will be blocked on sight
that said, for what remains of my sanity; zionists and anti-vaxxers DNI (i will come after you and your essential oils)
if i remember anything ill add it later, for now bring your marshmellows were making s'mores on the dumpsterfire that is life
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art by the wonderful @sunshines-child ^-^
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adarlingmess · 2 years
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Shadow Pairs - Fantasy Edition (Part 1)
Darling’s Daily Drawing | November 12, 2022
I’ve been reading up on MBTI stuff and made D&D/fantasy OCs out of the 16 Personalities avatars. I also read about shadow types/pairs/partners. Had the urge to draw how they’d interact. Anyway, sleep-deprived OC lore drop ahead.
ENFJ is a human knight (well, technically he’s an Oath of Redepmtion Paladin) who falls in love with INFP, the runaway high elven princess he’s supposed to bring back. INFP would rather spend her time in the woods and practice druidic magic as opposed to running a kingdom; she was a free spirit who marches to the beat of her own drum. On the contrary, ENFJ is heavily invested in the community, and the kingdom. It takes some time for them to warm up to each other because of this. At some point, INFP finally gives in and comes back with ENFJ, only to find out that her father died and her stepmother had taken over. In the end, ENFJ ends up rescuing her, and they run away together to start their own kingdom, deep in the woods.
ESFP is a dancer (well, a College of Glamour bard and an archfey warlock to be exact) who somehow gets involved with an aasimar cleric of Ilmater, ISFJ. She was on the way to a performance one day when he fell out of the sky. Weirdness and a lot of flirting ensued, leaving ISFJ flustered most of the time. In contrast to the carefree ESFP, ISFJ is straightlaced and bound to his religious duty, and the desire to know her better conflicts with that. I’m still working on their dynamic and how their story will play out.
ESTJ is a sapphire dragon disguised as an aristocratic elf, and she hired ISTP, an artificer, to be her bodyguard for mysterious reasons. Militaristic and warlike, folks are fearful that ESTJ will wage war. It doesn’t help that her stepdaughter, the princess, had gone missing, and her husband, the king, mysteriously died shortly after. Rumor has is that ISTP is more than a mere grunt; he’s building weapons for her private militia, and he was responsible for the death of the king. ESTJ and ISTP’s relationship in public seems businesslike and professional, but there are rumors that their relationship goes beyond that because of how close they are to each other.
ENTP is a Glasya tiefling and INTJ is a shadar-kai/shadow fey. Both are rogues, but their methods differ wildly. INTJ is a mastermind who prefers planning big heists ahead of time, ENTP is an arcane trickster who uses magic to sow chaos and create opportunities for larceny. They are also both multiclassers; ENTP is a College of Eloquence bard, INTJ is a warlock serving the Raven Queen. They often bicker like an old married couple and no one knows why they’re partners in crime. Neither will admit that they have a soft spot for each other. INTJ will never say it out loud, but ENTP is he only person she truly trusts, and ENTP would rather eat a boot than admitting INTJ is the only person he ever respected.
Hopefully I can work on the other eight soon ugh I need sleep
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1nkpen · 1 month
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Omg. Blair! Is that you with a different girl?! 😨
Oc lore just dropped!! >w<
Ignore the shitty anatomy I only noticed halfway through and I had to commit 😞.
Ocs: Blair Blakely (Ginger) || April Winston (Raven)
Any criticism is appreciated. <3
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overthattwilight · 4 months
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I guess I should give OC lore drop
Reve has a familiar raven named Hilda. She has given as a birthday gift by Crowley, and has been Reve's friend for as long as he remembers
Reve got her name "Hilda" from a children's book, one which is based on the story of the Beautiful Queen. He thought it was a beautiful name as his friend
Hilda is a good friend and family to Reve, always staying by his side when he is outdoors. Even when he is taking classes, she would be staying outside of the classroom window to see him. Usually she flies outside the school campus or Pomefiore dorm
Reve really likes Hilda, and Hilda does so too
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berryclan-and-friends · 6 months
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mtgc858 · 2 years
Some angst, Also new oc hehehe, His names Earton and is a fashion designer.
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cfrog · 11 months
OC-tober Day 20: Inventory
[full prompt list]
I've got full inventories written out for my minecraft characters! Some of them I've even drawn already, so I'm just adding some more sketches to those. Please imagine these characters falling off a cliff and dropping all this stuff on the ground.
A simple inventory for a simple rancher. They don't have a bow listed because canonically they use ranged fire magic!
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Lord likes to travel light. Colored objects are from their early (pre-vampire) design. Side note, the cane is not just for looks, Lord has a bad knee.
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As a warrior, Heir carries 3 weapons (all named after mythological monsters, of course). Hydra is their favorite <3
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This guy does a lot of digging. Not listed here is the mass amounts of dirt filling at least half of their inventory at any given time.
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If this stuff interests you, you can read these guys' full character pages (history, abilities, general world lore) over on TH.
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just-a-random-robin · 7 months
This is a roleplaying (ask) blog for an OC from Doctor Who. Major lore will be made with other DW RP accounts and such.
OC INFO (under cut)
Robin (approximately 100 years of age as of now) was loomed on Gallifrey in the House of Lungbarrow. They attended the Academy for a short while before dropping out. They are a child of two Houses, meaning one of their parents is from Lungbarrow while the other one is from Heartshaven. After living a troubled life on Gallifrey for a bit over 50 years, they decide to steal a TARDIS and start traveling. Thus becoming a renegade.
Incarnations masterlist:
Robin I (Robin first) – first incarnation of Robin. The youngest and frankly the most naïve. They're ginger, mostly Gallifreyan oriented. They've started traveling with a human by the name of Tania. Sadly, Tania dies and Robin follows suit just a few years later.
Robin II (Robin second) – regenerating in a Jadoon prison, this face of Robin is rather short-tempered with some cat-like features (such as a tail, ears and beans). After their prison break, they return to Gallifrey for a short while and take off as soon as they can. However, they do return to Gallifrey on several occasions. Still grieving the loss, they start hallucinating Tania... Or are they?
War Robin – no one is able to escape war, not even Time Lords. This blonde idiot borrows a face from the Doctor's subconscious by accident, causing some rather conflicting feelings for Arthur. Luckily, the War lasted a rather short time for those who haven't fought in it. As for the soldiers, that's a whole other story...
Robin III (Robin third) – still shaken by the War, Robin returns to their second face and alters it a bit. PTSD is a bitch, and so are some other things. At least they get therapy now!
Alternative Timelines:
Raven – in this timeline, alternative Simm!Master kidnaps Robin just to provoke their father, the Doctor. The plan fails, because apparently the Doctor just doesn't care enough. Simm!Master manages to manipulate Robin into pursuing their darker desires, such as killing the Doctor. Over the course of a few days, Robin adapts the alias of (early) 'Raven'. Through a failed assassination attempt they get killed by their dad, Arthur. Thus, the real Raven arc begins. They start losing their sanity piece by piece, slipping into their Dark Design.
( Raven origins )
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