#raw dog bones from butcher
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dogfoodstore · 9 months
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thegnomelord · 6 months
was thinking about drawing Ifrit from "Hell has a basement floor" and had some headcanons on his appearance.
on one hand i was thinking to make him tall and burly, built big to store all the mana and power he has, make him built like a volcano.
on the other.... what if and hear me out.... Ifrit.... skinny. tall and gangly, long limbs, underfed, outlines of bones poking out from underneath the skin, sunken eyes for that extra unsettling factor. besides magic does have a cost. maybe it's just your body that needs to be exchanged.
now i thought of the second hc because tall and skinny isn't exactly associated with the kind of brute force Ifrit has but he's still strong even if his lifestyle is gonna put him in an early grave. now imagine when he's finally part of tf 141 they notice that he's not very well in the food and weight department for his height and the amount of energy he spends so... they start feeding him (especially Price and Soap because protect and care hoard/pack)......
i've also been getting into the trope where characters gain weight as a sign of health and living a better life. so yeah tell me what you think
and maybe share your hcs on Ifrits appearance because i don't want to butcher your creation on accident
Okay 1: you have no idea how happy it makes me when I hear ppl want to draw fan art of my stuff :DD, internally I'm like that dog video where the dogs happily tapping his paws lol bc he can't contain his excitement lol. And also yeah, I'm a huge sucker for the trope and your little idea with Price amd Soap tickles my brain.
And 2: man you did some mind reading bc your hcs are actually very close to what I've made up for the lore of the whole au. While I want to overall leave Ifrit's body type ambiguous to give readers some space to imagine themselves in Ifrit's place, Ifrit is 100% underweight with more of a volleyball/basketball player type build, as mages focus on stamina and endurance rather than raw strength bc that can be augmented with magic. Also has stretch marks because their weight fluctuates a lot lol
Okay lore spoilers so if y'all want to find out through the story skip this-
Okay so— magic is increadibly taxing on the body, not just by eating away flesh and creating mage marks as a Mage's power grows, but just by simply existing inside the body magic stresses the body. Because fundamentally magic is toxic to humans, and even mages who have the needed adaptations to utilise magic are no better than our ancestors when they were first learning to stand on two legs.
The best metaphor I have for magic is chemo drugs. They're used to kill a cancer but they also damage healthy cells. Magic, similarly, damages the body by existing inside it, but also is used by mages to heal the damage as soon as it happens. This uses a lot of calories and also why mages have really irregular weights, losing 10kg in a week isn't an uncommon thing.
Someone possessing even half of Ifrit's capabilities would need to eat 3x that of a regular human of the same height and weight. Mages are literally Shaggy from Scooby Doo lol. And that's only to get the bare minimum their body needs, caloric need becomes much bigger if they're active like Ifrit is. So you'll find that many mages, but especially military ones, are underweight and need to regularly get Iv fluids and nutrients to help their body recover from using magic. They also need to eat a lot of highly caloric food, which isn't easy when one of the most common side effects of magic use is puking your guts up.
Most military mages don't reach 30. The average life expectancy is around 25, with active duty (i.e. constant missions and daily magic use) mages lasting on average 3-4 years before their body basically breaks down, but they can last longer depending on how conservatively they use magic.
Now, knowing all that, Ifrit has been actively using strong magic on par with military mages since they were 14-15 years old and while they're not the healthiest, they're healthy as a horse when compared to most mages. The reason behind their continued survival — their mage marks.
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bloodyknucklesforme · 4 months
I Know I've Kissed You Before | Carnal XVII
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Carnal (adjective) : relating to or given to crude bodily pleasures and appetites
The aftermath of the hunt
CW: cannibalism, rape mention, smut
This is very much a horror fic mostly based around the films Raw (2017) and Bones and All (2022), if you sit through those you should be good here. This is my first horror fic.
Chapter Title Credit: Pink in The Night by Mitski
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In his dreams she was a rabbit and he was a dog. His mouth clenched tightly around her neck. She was screaming and fighting, kicking at his chest until she could do nothing but twitch. Blood dribbled from her mouth and onto the stone as he dropped her at Simon’s feet. 
“Good boy.” Simon patted his head before scooping her up with a tea towel. He followed inside to the kitchen where he laid her on the butcher block. He drooled onto the floor as Simon snapped her neck and began to dress her, loud tears as her fur and skin was ripped from her meat. When he cut her open it wasn’t the normal mess of organs, just a constant flow of warm, red blood. It flooded over the edge of the block and onto the floor where he hungrily licked it up. It tasted like vanilla. 
He was alone when he woke up. The rest of the bed empty and made. Simon’s doing. The room still smelled like him and Nina. Sweet and woody. He got up and found a pair of sweats before making his way downstairs. He could smell tea - black and sweet. 
Downstairs had a cold draft, he followed it outside where Simon sat on one of the iron patio chairs with Nina tucked into his lap wrapped in a quilt. Her blonde hair stuck out in messy tangles. She was taking small sips out of a steaming mug while Simon’s sat on the ground beside them. They weren’t talking. Simon stared out towards the garden and field into the woods. . It was barely dusk and the first snow of the season had started over night leaving a dusting of white over the browned landscape. 
“Good morning.” Johnny said to announce himself. Nina perked up and reached out for him. He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. Her face was more scratched up than he noticed last night. There was still a smear of black makeup around her eyes. 
Guilt gnawed at him. He shouldn’t have let her go alone. He should have gone looking for her sooner. The rage he felt when he turned the corner, saw the man from earlier and smelled the blood. He was at the end of the hall faster than he could think, a knife pulled from his pocket. He’d been trained to kill. He was a soldier. His speciality was clearing buildings, fast and cleanly. He shredded that man. His hands were shaking. If he had more time he would have torn him apart slowly, ripping skin off with his teeth . He only stopped stabbing because the blade broke off. 
Simon was the one who rescued her. He had the sense to open the door and find her. Seeing her face down on the ground, made his stomach twist. He thought he was too late. He could still smell the blood on her. On all of them. 
“How are you feeling?” he asked. Simon’s free hand had found itself on the small of Johnny’s back, pulling him in closer till the iron arm of the chair dug into his leg. 
“I’m okay.” She said softly. “Tired still.”
Simon pulled her closer to him as well, letting her head rest against his shoulder. Johnny leaned against the chair, his hand holding the base of Simon’s neck. It felt natural for the three of them to be like this, holding onto each other. 
He couldn’t say he was a good partner. He must have done something wrong for Simon to leave him or to make Nina think he’d leave her. He tried, was attentive, empathetic, dedicated. Maybe loyal to a fault. He’d followed Simon around like a dog for those Spring and Summer months. Got kicked like one too. 
He wouldn’t let her hunt again. He didn’t want to make rules for her after his injury and what happened last night, Simon seemed to be the only one fit to do it. His grip on Simon tightened to steady his shaking hand. He didn’t want to lose either of them. 
“Let’s get you inside.” Simon said not to either of them in particular. “Johnny grab the tea.”
He carried their mugs inside while Simon carried Nina. She was wearing some clothes at least. Looked like his boxers and a sweater. Simon was only wearing boxers. Crazy get. 
They set her up on the couch in the living room. Tea in arms reach. 
“Johnny and I will make breakfast. Call if you need anything.” Simon rubbed her cheek with his knuckles. A couple days ago he would have gaped at this show of affection, now he felt like Simon was the only one worthy to give it. 
Johnny sat at the little table, staring into his tea. Scottish breakfast with cream and honey. Simon was always good at the little details.
Eggs and what looked like bacon were cooking on a pan on the stove. 
Two hands laid on his shoulders, rubbing the muscles. 
“How’s my boy?”
“Not well…” Johnny admitted. His hands were shaking again. Residual rage coursed through him thinking about how that man was in the basement, locked away in the freezer. He couldn’t hurt her yet he still wanted to cut him to pieces. Make sure he could never come back. Burn it all, let the wind take it away. 
“She’s safe now.” Simon cupped Johnny’s face and turned to face him.. “We protected her. We got her home. We killed the cunts that hurt her and we’ll do it again if we need to.”
Johnny pressed his forehead against Simon’s. He didn’t remember the last time they touched like this. That cottage by the sea, blood still on their lips with Simon slotted between his legs. He wanted to crawl back into bed with Nina at his front and Simon at his back. He wanted to taste them both at once. He wanted to keep Nina and take back Simon. Eating his cake over and over again.  
“The food’s burning…” He choked out. He wanted to kiss him, let him fuck his worries away. Johnny’s hand was on Simon’s chest, palm over his heart. 
“Go keep her company.” He nodded. “I’ll bring breakfast in a bit.”
She was still curled up where he left her - knees tucked to her chest. Johnny sat down next to her and helped her into his lap. His hand rubbing her back under the quilt. He kissed along her hair line. “I got’cha. Not letting go.” 
Her quietness stung. She was never chatty like him but she’d whisper and giggle to him. He would mould himself to her, wrap himself around her to keep her safe and warm. Hand feed her, breath from his mouth.
She turned and hugged him, legs around his waist and her face in the crook of his neck. He pulled the quilt over both of them.
“We won’t leave ya, Neen. You’re our girl.” Our girl… not just his. His and Simon’s. Their girl. 
Simon brought breakfast in on a tray. 3 plates with eggs, bacon and toast. Johnny fed Nina, letting her relax against his chest. Simon fed him, sat next to the two of them, resting his free arm along Johnny’s shoulders. 
“I want a bath,” She said untangling herself from him. Her legs were covered in bruises. Johnny wanted to kiss each one, a healing touch. 
“I’ll clean up.” Simon said, gathering the plates. He nodded his head for Johnny to follow her. 
She liked the water hot and he winced as he got into the tub with her. His legs stinging. 
“You’re gonna cook us both.” He chuckled, kissing her shoulder. 
“Simon…he kissed me last night or this morning. I don’t really know what time it was.”
“Oh…err… did you want him to?” He tried to overcome the wave of nausea that hit him. Not out of jealousy, worry maybe. 
“I guess… I wasn’t really thinking about it. I couldn’t sleep so he took me downstairs and I ate and then he kissed me. I was worried you’d be upset… I don’t really know what we all are.”
It was a good question.
“I think if we want, the three of us can be something together.”
“Is that something people do?”
“We’re the only people like us so I don’t think it matters what other people do.”
“I think I’d like that. Being with both of you… up until last night I thought Simon didn’t like me very much.”
“That’s just how he is. Took us almost dying for him to admit he liked me.” 
She giggled at that, leaning back against his chest. He washed her hair for her. Washed her face and body. He piled bubbles up on top of her head just to make her smile. He helped dry her hair and wrapped her in a towel. Got new clothes for her. His shirt and her panties. He tucked her back into bed. Rubbed her back until she fell asleep. 
Simon was watching from the doorway. 
“Thought she’d be worse.” He said, shutting the door behind Johnny. 
“She’s tough.” He said. “Wish I’d done more to protect her.”
“We won’t let it happen again.” Simon took a step forward, backing Johnny against the wall. “You ripped that cunt to pieces, Johnny.”
He closed his eyes and breathed Simon in. Cedar swirling around in his head like a boa constrictor.
“You kissed her?”
“Of her.” He admitted. “I miss yo-”
Simon’s mouth was on his. Commanding and all consuming. Memories of this time last year flooded his head. The two of them in dive bars and club corners. In cars and alleyways. Simon inside him. Johnny in his mouth. 
“What did I do wrong?” He broke, holding Simon back. “Last Summer. What did I do?”
He wouldn’t fuck it up again.
“You didn’t do anything, Johnny.” Simon kissed him again. It didn’t settle his soul. Johnny was a weak man though, he knew that much, because he ignored it and kept his mouth on Simon’s. He missed the taste, the feel, the warmth. 
“I want you.” He breathed. “I want you so much.” 
He might cry if he was rejected now. 
“Not here. Don’t want to wake her. We’ll go to the stables.”
Johnny nodded. 
Simon having lube on hand didn’t surprise Johnny. He was moaning shamelessly, bent over the counter of the tack room. Simon had already worked two fingers inside of him. His legs were shaking, Simon was pressed against him, hunched over his body, grunting dirty things in his ear. 
“Tight as ever, Johnny.” 
“Pleasepleaseplease,” he prayed. Simon’s fingers scissored inside him, gently stretching him open. Almost four months without. He would have treasured their last time if he knew it was the last. In the sand, at sunset, on the beach down the trail from their rented cottage. Romantic actually. More than this was. 
“Missed this.” Simon breathed, nipping at Johnny’s ear. “Missed splitting you open.”
Precum dripped against the front of the cabinet. He was glad Nina never came in here. Less worry for cleaning up. His mind still floats around her. He’d like to have his head between her thighs right now. It might be the only thing to make this better, trapped between the two of them. 
“Where you drifting off to, Johnny?” Simon tugged on his hair. It was longer than he preferred but Simon always liked something to hold. “You thinking about her?”
“Yeah…” He shuddered. Simon’s hand wrapped around his cock, pumping him teasingly. 
“You wish she was here too?”
Simon lined himself up with Johnny’s hole. Drool ran from his mouth onto the counter. He was white knuckling the edge. He needed this more than air, more than meat. 
“Close your eyes, Johnny. Think of Nina.” He licked behind Johnny’s ear, melting him. It burned in a familiar good way like holding your hand too close to a fire. 
“Fuc…k simon. Fuck please.”He keened. 
“I got you, Johnny. Just relax.” He pumped him faster, timing it with his thrusts. “I’ll take care of you.”
Johnny’s eyes rolled back into his head, letting Simon take control of his body and mind.
It was almost lunch time when they got back to the house. Nina was still asleep. 
“Clean up. Then bring her down for lunch.” Simon said, kissing his temple before disappearing downstairs.
“Hey, love. How are you feeling?” Johnny brushed the hair out of her face. She blinked up at him with a frown.
“You smell like Simon.” He turned red. She cupped his cheek. “You’re pretty when you’re embarrassed.”
There was a torso sitting on the butcher block in the kitchen. Simon had his usual array of knives sitting out next to it. Nina leaned closer to him. 
“C’mere. Both of you.” Simon nodded. 
Nina stood between them, a hand in each of their pockets to steady herself. 
“It’s okay.” Johnny cooed, rubbing her shoulder.
“Cut it, Nina.” Simon offered her the knife. 
“No,no, I… I can’t.” She was blocked from moving by Simon’s arm gripping her waist. He leaned over her, their foreheads almost touching.
“You can and you will. This is your kill. You took the first bite. You need to do it. There’s no difference between this and what you did last night.” Johnny wrapped his arm above Simon’s and kissed her shoulder. “He was going to rape you, Nina. He was going to rape you and then gut you.”
She held back a gag and turned away, tears pricking her eyes. Simon grabbed her chin and forced her to look back at him.
“I ate the men who raped me.” Johnny bit his tongue to hold back any look of shock or horror at Simon’s words. “Animals get treated like animals. Cut him and eat.”
Nina took the knife in a shaking hand. Simon held his hand over hers to steady it and motioned for Johnny to do the same. He’d seen couples do this to cut cakes at weddings. Tears were rolling down her cheeks.
“You can do it,” Johnny soothed. 
They followed her hand as she cut down into the muscle.
“There you go,” Simon cooed, kissing her tears away.  “I need to know you’ll be able to take care of yourself when we’re gone. My brave girl.”
Nina’s tears were replaced with an angry frown as she cut. A righteous anger that steadied her hand.
They butchered him together. Till the torso was broken down to pieces, wrapped in paper and twine with Simon’s handwritten labels. 
 When it was done they sat together in the living room. Nina’s head in Johnny’s lap and her legs in Simon’s. He pet her hair while Simon rubbed her legs. 
“I’m sorry, Simon.” She said softly. “I didn’t know.”
“No one does…did. Just you two.” He shrugged. Johnny leaned his head against Simon’s shoulder, nuzzling him. Simon wrapped his arm around Johnny. “You’re a fighter, Nina. You have to be.”
It started to snow again. 
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Tag list: @gogh-with-the-flow @queen-ilmaree @cathnoneofyourbusiness @pssytrux
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jellymellydraws · 1 month
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Masterlist ~ << Previous Chapter ~ Next Chapter >>
Astarion x Dark Urge Chapter 20 -- The Blade of Frontier's Guide to Goblins. Rating: E Tags: Angst, Fluff, hurt/comfort, slow burn
Chapter Summary:
In the dungeons of the Selune Temple, Rose's party prepares to save Master Halsin. Before they can charge in, they need to know what type of enemy they were dealing with. Wyll, The Blade of Frontiers, gives them a Monster Hunter's knowledge on goblinkind. Now, they were ready to save a druid.
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The stench of rot and stench wafted from the depths below. Its fetor lingered in the corridor, greeting the guests who eased open the door. A parade of people dipped inside, assaulted by the horrendous odor. 
"Even without a tadpole swimming in their heads," Wyll began, "goblins are a nasty thing to fight unprepared. Hells, they wouldn't be a terror on commonfolk otherwise."
Their eyes watered in the smog, but they successfully ducked into the nearest room. Once hidden from the nauseating air, Alfira went to work, shaving the remaining pieces of soap onto squares of cloth. With a few quick folds, a simple mask was formed. Once worn, it provided a pleasant odor for those who were desperately trying to keep their lunch down. Astarion snatched the first one, burying his nose and inhaling like it were his first breath of life. It wasn't much better, but it would do.
"First thing to remember: they're pack monsters. Like wolves, they'll fight in a group. Keep them separated. Don't let them run for help-- they will overwhelm you. A handful is trouble enough. A whole hive? We'd be lucky to make it out alive, even at our strongest."
Chop. Chop. Chop.
The butcher worked at a stubborn carcas. Stout, blocky, and thick with muscle. The cleaver parted flesh from bone, stopped only by the wooden surface. Juices seeped into the table cracks as it greedily drank every last drop. 
"I could get used to all these raids," the butcher smirked as he separated body parts on a shelf along the wall.
"Yeh?" His buddy, lounging in a chair next to the cutting table, hacked a cough as he laughed. His filthy feet were propped up on the table, with little care for how close he was to touching raw meat. "I could get used to all the food. Best I've eaten in months!" He grabbed one of the cuts placed on the shelf behind him, and ripped a piece off with his teeth.
"Second: do not let them get those worgs out. They may look like giant mangy wolves but they're smarter-- more cunning. They don't need to take orders from their keeper to know there's an enemy to rip to shreds."
Two large creatures sniffed between the bars of their shared pen. Their coarse, patchy, fur barely covered their legs and chest. Their bald faces revealed a clever glint in their eyes. The promise of food was enough for them to whine oh so innocently. Less like wild wolves, more like domesticated dogs.
"Yer spendin' too much time with the worgs, Zurk. It ain't natural." The butcher eyed the intruding toes wiggling too close to the hindquarters he was working through.
"Ah, shut it Vrak!"
Vrak swung down, chopping the carcas's leg clean from the hip. Zurk jerked back, saving his dirty little piggies from an untimely separation.
"Never seen anyone take to eatin' raw meat like you. Sure you're right in the 'ead?"
Zurk cracked another laugh while he padded towards the begging beasts. "I'm just makin' sure the pups are eatin' good." He tossed the snack to the creatures, who eagerly scarfed up whatever bit they could wrestle from their penmate. ''Least the animals I hang about aren't dead."
"Third: they always have a hierarchy. Usually, a hobgoblin or other smarter goblinoids among them. In smaller groups, one of them rises up as the de facto commander."
A goblin woman stood in front of cold iron bars, arms crossed as she eyed the mass of brown fur circling within. The bear huffed, practically spinning in place with how little space was left for his mighty paws to pace.
"Hey Birka!" Zurk shouted across the room, "when we goin' to feed the pups a prime cut o' bear?"
A sinister grin stretched over her face, revealing a row of pointed yellow teeth.
"Whoever it is, they'd be the strongest and nastiest of the bunch-- barking commands and even using other goblins as shields if they need to. Take them out first, the others won't know what to do."
Wyll carefully laid out each detail he knew about goblinkind. All the while, scented masks were being made and passed around. After Astarion took his, Gale and Shadowheart partook in the remedy. Alfira covered her own face, lifting the last mask towards Rose. She shook her head, declining the offer.
"How in the hells can you breathe?" Astarion hissed through his mask.
"Through my nose," she shrugged a shoulder casually, "quite easily, actually. Lae'zel isn't having any issues, either."
Lae'zel smiled proudly.
His retort was choked out by sickly coughing and gagging. She couldn't help but snicker at his misfortune, but she offered a pat to his back to help him out.
"The poor fragile nostrils of our sensitive Art-starion," she cooed teasingly.
The Blade cut into the playful bickering, "Everyone take a minute to breathe, it's sure to be worse once we get down there."
"Ugh," the elf groan, "And I thought the mindflayer ship smelt bad..."
Up to that point, all Rose had was an idea of what she wanted to achieve: free the druid, kill the goblins, cover their involvement. They were goals, not a strategy. She felt the fragments of one start falling into place during The Blade's brief lesson on goblins, but it wasn't quite there yet. When Astarion steadied his breathing, she directed her attention back the Monster Hunter. 
"They've made this place their home, is there anything we should keep an eye out for?"
"Small holes. They use them to burrow in and out of their hives for convenience, or to make quick escapes."
Free the druid, block the exits, kill the goblins, cover their involvement.
Could they manage that? Security in this place was scarce, but a druid captive had to be where their forces were focused, right?
Last thing they needed was to start an ambush, only to get swarmed and overwhelmed. The thought of being taken by surprise made the hairs on the back of her neck rise.
"Before we do anything, I want to know how many goblins we're dealing with down there, and I want eyes on Master Halsin."
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Tucked away in a side room, behind toppled pews and tables askew, the party crouched in the furthest corner from the doorway. Shadowheart dragged a piece of chalk against the stone floor. Though her eyes were closed, her hand steadily drew connecting squares and marked the spots where they could expect stairs. A small flickering flame, illuminating the developing map, was held by Lae'zel. It was kept steady, and she knew how to hover her hand to control the light's direction. A bundle of bells were muffled by periwinkle hands, as Alfira held them in her fists; not even her breathing would risk a jingle. Wyll also kept his eyes closed, muttering under his breath. Gale was crouched beside him, scribbling whatever he could hear from their Monster Hunter. Rose, focused on the forming blueprint before her, immediately thinking of how it would affect her planning.
Hardly anything would keep them from the Druid, just a cell door and goblin guard. They had yet to be detected, and they could block the doorways if necessary. But without any other exits, they would need to explain to the drow how the druid escaped without anyone noticing.
"That went surprisingly well," Shadowheart smiled, pleased with her work drawn into the stone floor.
"For now..." Lae'zel hissed under her breath.
A gentle tap landed on Rose's shoulder, causing her to look back reflexively. No one was there. Regardless, she nodded towards Shadowheart, and the two adjusted where they crouched to create a small space between them. 
Shadowheart lifted a second piece of chalk from her bag, handing it to the space beside her. When she let it go, the piece floated in mid air, then slowly pointed towards the ground as it was guided by an unseen force.
With the tadpoles, one of them would be able to transmit anything and everything they could see. It was exactly what Rose wanted before they committed their blades to a fight. Though Rose volunteered to scout, the elf insisted that he'd be able to get in, walk around, and get out without anyone noticing-- he promised he could hold his breath if the stench became too much. At first, he played it off as if scouting was more interesting than waiting around, but his tone was uncharacteristically eager. For whatever reason, he insisted, and what kind of leader would she be to turn him down? He seemed surprised that she could be convinced, but one casting of the invisibility spell later, he went off before she could change her mind.
It was Shadowheart's idea to draw out the map as Astarion clung to the walls and slipped by goblins. When Wyll started muttering his observations, Gale pulled out a piece of parchment and inkpen. The lit candle was a courtesy by Lae'zel, so their wizard could see what he was writing.
When he returned, the tadpole connection ended. A collective exhale released from everyone in the circle. The map was completed before them, barring a few minor details. The floating chalk was ready to fill those in.
"Bear here," a velveteen voice whispered behind the chalk, "worgs here. Three goblins. Here, here, annnnnd here." 
A small 'x' scratched into one of the boxes representing the pens, then two more were scratched in the next pen over. Markings for the goblins were scattered across the map. Circles for tables, scribbles for light sources, and some adjustments to the sizing of rooms were made-- he even made sure to add a ladder along one of the walls that had been missed by the cleric's drawing.
"I don't suppose you could tell if any of them were infected by tadpoles, could you?" Gale asked with a troubled look on his face.
"Oh, of course I could Gale," even while invisible, Astarion's sarcasm painted a clear picture of his eyes rolling and hand waving dismissively in the air, "it's soooooo obvious-- I mean it's a wonder no one's caught on that all of us are dealing with the wiggly bastards. Tiefling company excluded."
"A simple 'no' would have sufficed, thank you."
Wyll tapped his finger next to the goblin marked directly in front of Master Halsin's pen, "I'd worry about this one, she looked the most capable of the group. Dressed in thick leathers and wore a hood-- like some executioner. No doubt in my mind about it, she's got to be the boss of this room."
"Yes, and with her standing right in front of the door, I couldn't get too close to the druid," Astarion said, "but I saw a lever by his pen. If she can be persuaded to walk away, I could get close enough to free him."
"A druid would be a strong ally, indeed," Lae'zel tapped the small 'x' that marked the bear. "However, if he had been caught by the goblins before, are we certain he wouldn't fall instantly to their blades, again?"
"I asked about that when we freed Liam," Alfira piped up, "according to him, their contract didn't mention goblins, so none of them had been prepared when they were ambushed. And remember what Wyll said, about getting overwhelmed? I'm sure that's what happened."
Shadowheart interjected, "he also said that they were all surprised the head druid wanted to join their party, without wanting pay if the treasure was found."
"Treasure, you say?" Astarion's cooed, "maybe after this, we can help ourselves? We've worked this hard, why shouldn't we get a bit of a reward, after all?"
"Was there a lever for the Worgs on the other side?" Wyll asked.
"I didn't check, but the whole place has a symmetry about it. I'm sure there's one for the balding hounds."
"One of the other goblins are sure to go straight for them once the fighting starts."
"Might I remind everyone," Gale tapped the side of his head, "we're not dealing with normal goblins."
Rose stared at the crude marks chalked into the stone floor. Brows furrowed in concentration as her party whispered around her. Any ideas around this alleged treasure would have to be set aside. Though it did intrigue her-- what purpose would a druid have for treasure? Furthermore, their chat with Nettie revealed that they had been aware of the goblin's presence for some time.
Would that matter if he surrounded himself with an unprepared party of treasure hunters?
Even after getting caught, she couldn't stop wondering what prevented him from leaving of his own accord.
Questions to ask, after they save him.
She eyed everyone in the circle, gauging how prepared they seemed for battle. Half of them already dealt with a strong foe earlier that day, and not all of them would be able to give that same amount of effort in another fight. Lae'zel hadn't done anything that day but rest, Gale and Astarion were on scouting duty all morning. 
"Shadowheart," Rose spoke up, quieting the whispers around her, "what strength do you have left for this fight?"
"I can hold my own with a blade, but try not to get too badly wounded," the cleric eyed Rose, "I hope I don't need to tell you that."
The assassin began to roll her shoulder, as casually as she could. The twinge of pain had a lot to say in retort. Shadowheart wouldn't hide the smirk of vindication, seeing her leader's brow furrow tighter.
"It's tense," Rose excused, "but not unbearable. Alfira, what about you?"
"Not much magic besides cantrips, I'm afraid," the tiefling sighed, "but any little bit should help, right?"
As she suspected. Their healer couldn't heal, and their bard couldn't play. Her amber eyes turned to Wyll, who had almost as much energy now as he did that morning.
"I'm right as rain," Wyll answered, flashing a comforting smile.
"You wouldn't happen to know where any of the goblin tunnels would lead to, would you?" 
"Nothing complicated, some could be to get to other rooms. Judging by how further down the pits are, I would wager one of them leads directly outside the door. If Alfira and Shadowheart block the entrance," Wyll dragged his finger to the marked doorway at the end of the hall, "we could keep the fighting contained."
"Shadowheart can also be on standby in case one of the damned things slip into a small tunnel," Rose nodded approvingly, quick to regain her composure, "no one comes in, and anyone who goes out can be dealt with"
"Should be easy enough," Shadowheart looked at Alfira, who nodded in agreement. The two quietly rose to their feet and took to their positions beside the only obvious exit. Alfira continued to hold onto her bells, lest they reveal her position to the goblins.
Rose grabbed the piece of chalk from the ground and tapped one of the spaces in the center of the room, "Gale, are these good spots for you to control the room with your magic?"
Gale, though skilled with magic, was not hardy. The space at the end of the long staircase would be where he is safest, and allow his magic to reach almost any side of the room.
"Yes but it leaves me a bit open, doesn't it?" The wizard cautioned, "I'll happily go where you need me, but a dead Gale does no one any good, does it?"
"Weeeelllll..." Astarion, again, couldn't resist.
"Lae'zel and Wyll can stay close to cover you," Rose cut off the teasing.
"Better, thank you!"
In the empty space next to her, she imagined Astarion mocking the way the wizard held an appreciative hand over his chest and offered a small bow of his head.
The faintest of smirks tugged at the edge of her lips.
"I can rush to block the Worg pen," Rose mused, "if we take them by surprise, maybe I can take out their master on the way."
If the worgs were as clever as The Blade said, maybe she would be better off killing them. But whatever they did in those pits would majorly affect how they avoid suspicion falling unto them.
She had to think further ahead. After.
After Master Halsin is freed. After the goblins are killed.
She had to report to Commander Minthara, and she better have a damned good story for why several goblins were dead and their prisoner was gone.
Leave too many blade markings, and it would be clear the druid had assistance. The same could be said with magic. Remnants of their spells could give away their involvement.
Then there was the risk of injury. Her shoulder proved to be more burdensome than she realized. She could push herself for short term success-- but further injury would be difficult to cover up. The same problem arises if any of them were to be severely wounded during this fight.
A group of goblins getting bested by a head druid, especially one shaped like a bear? Expected. Predictable. Believable.
A party of True Souls, however? Suspicious. Pathetic. Unworthy of The Absolute. 
Whatever cover story they come up with, the Druid needs to be a part of it. 
"Astarion," Rose looked into the empty space she presumed him to be, "can you release Master Halsin?"
"Easily! Shall I handle that now?" his voice carried the curve of a smirk on his lips, followed by the sound of his shoes shifting across the stone. "Yes, I think I'll go do that now!"
"Wait, Astarion!" Rose threw her hand in front of her, desperate to stop him. In her haste, her fingers smashed against his arm. She gripped the smooth leather, but felt absolutely no resistance. If he was running off, she'd be tugging against his sleeve. She'd be pulling him back. This...this was nothing. 
He hadn't taken a single step, had he?
"Fuckin' Hells."
"You make it sooooo easy, darling," Astarion snickered, "I couldn't resist."
Yet, she had to resist the mounting desire to rip his arm from its socket. "Let's get into position."
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"Dror Ragzlin don't seem to care what happens to the bear, he might be as good as worg meat." The hooded goblin woman flashed a smirk to Zurk. Upon uttering the words 'worg' and 'meat' in the same sentence, the beasts stuck their snouts through the bars of their enclosure again.
"Ahh, now you've got the pups' hopes up!" Zurk crossed his arms, unsympathetic to the begging of his pets.
Birka turned her gaze back to the bear, who continued to ignore her in favor of circling his pen. Her eyes narrowed, "But y'know, I'm not sure if the Drow's got other plans." Again, ignored. Her menacing grin faltered. Then, an idea. She put a hand on her hip and the other to her chin, feigning the act of thinking through another scenario, "on second thought, might depend on if Spike got the whiny one talkin' about where they came from." She half turned away from the beast, but from the corner of her eye she could see the mass stop. His head finally lifted, all attention on his captor. "Well now, that got your attention, didn't it?" Her evil grin stretched further, "Them thieves you was 'angin about are gonna 'ave what's comin' to 'em! An' when we know where your friends are hidin', we're goin to pay 'em a lit'l visit, too!" Each point, punctuated with another step. Step. Step. Step. Until she was inches from the bear's cold wet nose. His eyes held fear unlike she had seen from him in the days of his captivity. She relished in it. Finally, the mighty predator realized he had become prey. "Ya know, I think I likes the sound o' that. Too bad you won't be around to see what's left." She spat on his face with a laugh.
The bear slammed a paw into the cell door. Birka didn't even flinch. 
"Ha!" Zurk crowed, "After seein' how Spike handled the dwarf, I'd bet my last gold piece he kills the lad today before gettin' anythin' useful."
"How serious are ya 'bout that bet?" She crossed her arms over her chest, crossing the floor towards Zurk with a glint in her eye. "I 'eard that halfling lass 'ad decent prices for 'er wares, and I got my eye on somethin' nice."
The chatter overlapped as casual conversation turned to friendly ribbing, then to coarse laughter. But the bear continued staring outside his pen. The scent of rosemary and brandy beckoned him towards the door. Each step, the scent grew stronger. Soon, the perfume mingled with a subtle musk of damp earth.
"Let's have some fun," a silky voice purred.
Chains clanged together as the metal doors opened slowly. A mighty roar shook the room as the bear rushed out from his cage. The full strength of his rage turned towards his tormentor, who barely turned around before the giant mass of fur barrelled towards her.
"What the-- shit!" Her palm glowed with a yellow light as the massive claw swung towards her face. Inches from her nose, the air rippled as the bear struck an invisible force. Birka smirked triumphantly, flashing a glowing brand that rested in the middle of her palm, "ah ah ah, the Absolute's given me 'er blessin'-- you ain't gonna lay a toe on me-- agh!"
"How about a dagger?" Astarion's form faded into view, his dagger stuck out from the goblin's shoulder.
"Intruders!" was all she could shout before her full focus went towards surviving the attacks of a raging bear.
Lae'zel rushed around the corner, swinging her blade towards the butcher. Vrak narrowly jumped away, head firmly attached to his shoulders.
"Shit!" He shouted, ripping a cleaver from his cutting table. The gith towered over him, keeping him trapped in his corner of the room. Surrounded by nothing more than meat, his table, and a stool. "Alright, ya bat-faced bitch, ya wanna piece o' me?!" He kicked the stool into his free hand, handling it like a shield, "give it yer best shot."
While Lae'zel had the strength, Vrak had the agility. Her swings found no purchase as the goblin deftly dodged her blade. The clanging of sword against cleaver echoed in the dungeon as they were locked on to each other. Unafraid to get his hands dirty, the goblin would throw whatever pieces of meat he could grab. Whatever would give him enough edge to keep himself from becoming the new butcher's special.
Zurk frantically looked between Birka, Vrak, and the Worgs. The pups threw themselves against the bars of their pen, eager to freely rip the flesh from the strangers that swarmed in. 
"What're ya doin, scratchin' yer ass?!" Birka lambasted, "get back up!"
"Shit, right! Back up!" He spun on his heel, dashing towards the steps. He ducked beneath the swinging sword as he passed Lae'zel. The large stairway was right there.
And so were two looming figures, blocking his path.
"Shit. Shit!" He skidded to a stop, scrambling to run back towards the worgs. "Shit shit shit shit shit!" 
Flying daggers sliced into his arm as he leapt down the small set of steps. The worgs' barking began, their jaws snapping rabidly as Zurk made a bee line towards the release lever.
"He's going for the worgs!" Wyll shouted.
Gale raced for his position on the stone overlook, his spellbook's pages flurried open as he hands waves in practiced motions. Beneath the collar of his robe, a violet light began to glow. His voice echoed in the space around him, cutting a direct line from him to his target.
"Ad Lapide!" 
Arcane circles appeared around Zurk's ankles and wrists, encasing his limbs in magic, until his whole body stopped moving. His hand was extended towards the lever. Oh so very close...and yet not close enough. 
Gale held a proud smile as he lowered his hand, "that should hold him," he called over the stone railing.
"Hey wizard!" Astarion called, "little help over here?! This isn't a normal goblin!"
While the bear's hits managed to find purchase once or twice, Birka managed to deflect most of his blows. From his corner of the room, Astarion had thrown cantrip after cantrip, doing his best to aid the bear's hunt. But that damned woman managed to dodge or shield herself.
The wizard looked over the stone railing, watching the way the air rippled around the goblin woman, and how her hand glowed. It would appear as if she was using magic, but as an expert in the arcane, Gale knew this was not the case.
"Ah ha!" The wizard exclaimed, "I knew it! That one's got psionics--"
Crashing through the stone railing and colliding into an unsuspecting Gale of Waterdeep, was the bear. As if he weighed nothing, he had been lifted and thrown through the air by Birka's Absolute Abilities. The beast groaned as he rolled off his back, revealing a nearly flattened wizard who slowly got up from the ground. 
"Perhaps," he wheezed for air, "I'll keep my exclamations," he groaned again as he held what remained of the railing, "to myself, for now."
The bear grunted in agreement.
The glow on his chest flickered, as did the arcane shapes restraining Zurk.
Birka snarled towards the violin-playing elf, who had nothing to hide behind no that the bear was gone. Two translucent gauntlets had been formed on her hands. One of which, she blew strands of fur off the knuckles. She beckoned for the elf, calling upon her faith in The Absolute to force his obedience. Astarion felt himself pull towards her, pushed by an unseen energy. She reeled a fist back, grinning as his look of terror grew the closer he came.
A beam of crackling energy flew into Birka, forcing her off her feet and repelling her into the very wall she threw the bear over. Astarion stumbled backwards, now free from whatever force pushed against his back. When he looked for the source of his saving, he saw Wyll.
"The Blade's got you!" He flashed a smile to the elf as he drew his rapier and rushed towards the commanding goblin.
Just as before, she lifted her hand and blocked the Blade from striking her. Barely.
Birka took a look at her surroundings, realizing how dire a situation she was in. Zurk was still frozen in place, with an assassin abou to strike him down. The Worgs were trapped in their pen, desperately trying to break themselves out. From her spot, she couldn't see what became of Vrak.
Another roar from the bear shook the dungeon. The beast regained some of his strength, and he was eager to finish her off.
"You might do me in," she spat, "but I'm takin' your lot with me."
With the last bit of her strength, she eyed the lever next to the Worgs' door. The gauntlets disappeared from her hand, leaving only the mark of The Absolute glowing in her palm.
The Bear leapt off the overlook, crashing down with the finishing blow.
But it was too late.
The worgs raced out of the pen before the doors were fully opened, charging at Rose before she dealt the killing blow on their keeper. 
"Shit!" She cursed, backing away from the two mangy beasts before they could take a bite out of her (already tender) arm.
Crash! Glass shattered at their feet.
"Ignis!" Astarion's voice echoed.
An explosion of fire engulfed the mangy monsters. Their cries eerily mixed the wailing of injured hounds with the pained shouts of something humanoid. 
"Nice timing, Artiste," Rose smirked.
"I've only just begun," he winked. The elf ran his bow across the strings, playing a quick and light melody. 
While the light from his fire subsided, another glow took over. It spread all over the bodies of worgs and goblin alike, illuminating them and the darkest corners of the room.
She hadn't realized how dark the room was until her targets become as obvious as the sun in a clear sky. Rose's daggers found purchase in the chest of one of the creatures. The wound sang to her. Each hit, another chord.
Music to her ears.
Still locked in combat, Lae'zel growled with frustration. How could a puny foe be so formidable?! Vrak took every chance he could to manipulate the room to his benefit. Chairs were thrown at the gith, his table was knocked over for cover. It was all he could do to survive. When the worgs exploded in flame, he got a glimpse at Zurk, helplessly bound by magic.
Gathering his strength, the bucher grabbed the table legs and shoved against it with all his strength. The gith, taken off guard, could do little more than be forced backwards. Unwillingly, she created the opening he needed. The focusing wizard was in his sights. Bruised and bleeding, it wouldn't take much to break that concentration.
Vrak flung his cleaver to the caster, then quickly ran down the steps to Zurk while the others were distracted with fighting. Lae'zel threw the table after him, shouting angrily that her charge escaped.
Another cry came from behind him, a pained sound from what he hoped was the irritating mage.
When the arcane circles disappeared, Vrak knew his aim was true.
"Come on!" He shouted, yanking Zurk by the arm, "get up!"
Pulled to his feet, Zurk quickly steadied his footing. This was bad. They were losing, and losing terribly. The worgs whined as Rose slashed into them, joined by Wyll who took turns attacking the glowing beasts.
The goblin hooked a finger in his lips, whistling loudly. The high pitch carried over their heads. Small pebbles around the gith's feet rolled away from her, clustering into a growing pile. The stone turned malleable, morphing together into a giant bulbous shape. From the sides of this form, eight pointed legs broke free. Eight tiny pebbles took on a polished look, like beady dark eyes. And finally, the fangs.
The giant spider screeched, spitting acid upon the gith.
Her skin sizzled where the droplets hit, but her blade was at the ready nonetheless. The monster dove towards her, fangs poised to sink into its fresh meal.
"Flagra!" Darkness launched into the arachnid. Swirling dark violet magic wrapped around the oversized insect, and a brighter violet light shined from the fleshiest bits. Its weakpoints.
Lae'zel swung her blade into them, viscera splurging out from the wounds as the spider squealed. She grit her teeth when the sight of chainmail entered her periphery.
"You said you were too frail to fight," she chastised the cleric.
"I said I couldn't heal," Shadowheart corrected, throwing her intricate ponytail behind her shoulder, "should I have left you to be eaten by the giant spider?"
The gith struck the spider again, wordlessly.
"I thought not." She ran around the spider, swinging her morning star into the creature while it was weakened by Lae'zel's blade.
Bells jingled behind them, as Alfira ran around the spider confrontation with a potion in her hand. She fell to her knees, skidding towards Gale as he bled out on the ground, cleaver sticking from his back.
"I knew it sounded bad!" The tiefling cried, pouring her healing potion into his mouth. "Gale, wake up-- here!"
His wounds began to close on their own as he swallowed the bitter liquid. He coughed raggedly, slowly getting to his knees.
The worgs fell to the ground, their dying wails harmonizing with the song of their wounds. The giant spider released its last screech before curling in on itself.
Rose turned her sights on the two remaining goblins, flicking the blood from her daggers to the ground at their feet. She approached the two with murderous intent.
As they shook in fear, her blood raced in delight.
"I can't tell you how much I'd enjoy this," she grinned, her shadow covering the both of them, "but you aren't mine to kill."
She sheathed her daggers and took a step back.
The Bear charged in, mauling the goblins before they could so much as scream.
No hesitation.
No mercy.
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Next Chapter >> (to be posted)
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Chainsaw Man thoughts go brrrr. Thinking thinking thinking about the wild end of csm part 1. It's everything to me right now. So... spoilers below.
Cannibalism as an act of all-consuming love.
Makima as the houndmaster devoured by one of her own dogs.
Eaten by Denji, who still loves her even after everything she's done to him. Denji, whos scent she didn't care to memorize because she could smell Pochita in him, and that was all she wanted. Makima says that to be eaten by chainsaw man would be an honor, but she's not eaten by chainsaw man. Denji doesn't rip her apart and devour her with the many teeth of his devil form. He brings in Kishibe to help him, and they... butcher?dismantle?piece Makima out into cuts of meat and bone and organs.
He has to eat All Of Her for this to work.
And he eats her as Denji. Takes his natural time with it, cooks her into a variety of dishes, eats some of her raw. Savors every bite. He dreamed of eating good food and being with a woman, and I just gotta say... the monkeys paw was not feeling very merciful on this one.
Did he learn how to cook from Aki?
When it's done and finished and Makima's not coming back, he reports back to Kishibe and reasons that Makima did not revive because what he did to her was not, in his eyes, an attack. Consuming her, becoming one with her, was an act of love.
And then Kishibe just? Straight up drops a whole child on this child? (eternally a child? the hybrids don't seem to age. will he be sixteen forever?) Anyway, congrats on saving the world, Denji. Here's a little girl who exists as a direct product of what happened between you and the woman you "became one" with and also she is the reincarnation of that same woman. Better give her lots of love and a good stable home so she doesn't grow up to be Makima 2! Time to be the loving father you never had and not the one you were forced to kill to defend yourself. Time to be a good big brother like the one you were forced to kill to defend others.
(and akis name is on the big list of gun devil casualties, and by definition fiends are possessed corpses, and he was for sure already dead. even if denji could have subdued the gun fiend and somehow gotten it docile, it still wouldn't have been aki anymore. that doesn't make it any easier to put down the monster wearing his brother's body, or stop him from agonizing over whether there was something he could have done to save him)
So there Denji sits, a seventeen year old kid (sixteen forever?) dealing with the loss of his family, surrounded by the uneasy beginnings of a new one. Eight leashes in his hands. Seven dogs that belong to the girl in front of him more than they belong to him, and his late sister's beloved cat, the only one besides him to have survived.
Denji looks down at his new sister/daughter/roommate and asks if she would like to go get something to eat.
Just... not meat.
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koukaaa-descent · 7 months
so! there is a life before all of the tragedy, even if it's impossibly short
In the depths of space, it gets very lonely. The stars should be enough company—but they never quite filled the silence as another living thing could.
Indigo is staring at the bottom of the bunk above. He is contemplating something that he should not be contemplating. A low warble echoes into the quiet, low and hardly audible, the little creature that made the sound having just woken up. Again.
He tries to blink the exhaustion out of his eyes, but it hardly works. Indigo yawns, jaws opening wide and baring every single sharp tooth to nobody at all. It's only been three days caring for this little thing, and he's exhausted. There were only so many times that one could wake up ten minutes into a nap before sleep stopped having meaning. Crawling his way out of the stiff bed, Indigo limply falls onto the cold steel floor instead.
A thin, helpless chirrup goes gently into the quiet. In some odd way, it echoes through him, pressing against every bone and organ inside of his body with an insistence he could not yet recognize.
Indigo drags himself upright, blinking hard to clear the spots from his eyes. Bundled in the bunk just above his own is a little creature, marked by his presence. Changed, perhaps. Dark skin spattered with his namesake. Eyes still squinted-shut, talons still underdeveloped. Unable to even crawl.
And yet.
"You have no business having so much energy," Indigo rasps, half-baffled by its restless form. It makes soft, snuffly little sounds, thick with something that Indigo had no name for. He can barely see the dull glow of its scrunched eyes, brief and fleeting.
At the sound of his voice, the little beast finds it in itself to throw its head back and let out a plaintative croak, clearly hungry. "You have no reason," Indigo repeats again, not even irritated.
Figuring out how to butcher the wildlife on Vow was an interesting experience, sure. Storing the meat on the ship was a whole other ordeal that Indigo does not want to think about. Three hours spent contemplating and planning only to learn that there was a refrigerated compartment in the wall near the bunks. Three.
He crouches down to crack the fridge open, staring at the amount of meat left inside. He should really consider seeing if the Company sells bags. The amount of blood pooling inside is... decidedly not very sanitary. Indigo had tried to drink it at one point, but, well, it started clotting. Nobody ever wants to drink clotted blood.
Getting a soaked towel and throwing it outside when there's dogs is the closest thing to useful as the blood-puddle can get, honestly.
Indigo has been staring at the raw meat piled inside of his mini-fridge for at least a minute. The little beast croaks more insistently this time, growing impatient. He closes his eyes and tries not to give in to the strange sense of melancholy the sound makes him feel. There would be time to contemplate his emotions later.
The meat is ice cold in his hands, perfectly preserved. Indigo debates with himself as to whether or not he wants a snack as well, but eventually tells himself that he can eat the next time he lands on Vow or March. Both have enough wildlife for any purpose.
Idly, Indigo holds the strip of flesh above his little beast's hooked beak, resigned to the inevitable. As usual, it darts out and swallows most of the gore in one quick snap. It also happens to latch onto his hand and pierce the skin. Again.
Just as it has, already a dozen times before.
Just as it will, a thousand times more.
(He's going to lose a finger at this rate.)
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spaceumbredoggos · 1 day
Did some cooking in the shower. Headcanon time!
So I’ve established that Kenz loves to steal food, then gorge on the ill gotten gains. This escalates to stealing Atlas’s crops, raiding Atlas’s chicken coop for raw eggs, and even raiding local pet stores and eating their fish, rodents, birds, and rabbits. This all comes down to long stifled instincts that are suddenly coming out leading to criminal records and a feral Kenz who will bite everyone and everything. And when they bite, they draw a lot of blood, which if the target isn’t human, they drink a lot of through licking the wound and latching on constantly.
But you know what they love more? Settling feuds with species, yes, entire species, that have evoked their wrath. Rats and mice chewed up half their books and plushies when they were ten. Every rat and mouse they see, they eat. They eventually leave the crops and eggs alone and devour the marauding rodent population of not just Atlas’s homestead, but farms across Gravity Falls. They also eat entire hills of ants because they got into their cinnamon rolls and strawberry shortcake biscuits that one time. The shack has zero ant problems after this.
This prey drive escalates to them hunting any rodent or lagamorph pest that gets into the garden. And they can digest bone, so nothing goes to waste. Kenz still goes on plant binges at times, but it’s with feral vegetation that isn’t regulated by farmers. However, they’re quite the glutton when it comes to nectar from flowers. They transform into a rogue bee and goes on flower binges, sometimes getting too heavy to even fly. So they pollinate crops at a much faster rate than traditional bees, but only in short bursts.
Kenz acts a lot like a reactive dog at times. Losing their shit in swearing storms whenever a mail truck arrives or a stag approaches the bird feeder. They’re too smart for any sort of training yet the shifter brainrot just takes over their mind. They’re banned from any view of mail trucks and Atlas gives them all their packages.
One thing that Kenz can’t seem to leave alone is catmint. No one knows why Atlas grows so much of it in his garden, but patches get decimated when Kenz gets in a particular mood. They are often found lying down on the ground too catmint stoned to move. Silvervine also works on them. Catmint and Silvervine aren’t at all dangerous for the user. Kenz also tends to binge on lavender for the antidepressant effects. Atlas’s herb garden is never safe.
Kenz can no longer eat any sort of processed food since their shapeshifter puberty starting. Atlas and Holly can eat normal human things just fine, but Kenz’s system is too sensitive. They ate a lot of processed food and it is just tearing up their mind from accumulated forever chemicals. The only remedy is raw food. They can only eat raw meat when they eat meat. Their system prevents parasites and disease, so they can eat roadkill off the side of the street. But they prefer fresh kill or even butcher cuts (they have a habit of stealing things just before they get grilled at random barbecues.) They can’t even get prion diseases, so contaminated meat often just gets sent to them for disposal by government agencies.
Okay. I’ve rambled about Kenz’s weird eating habits, which is my current hyperfixation. I’m dead serious when I say that this isn’t any grounds for writing some weird vore or mukbang fic. I just want to fulfill my constant dream of eating raw meat like I’m supposed—
Anyways, I’m gonna tag @fishy--friend just to see his reaction and I’m gonna go try to see if I can eat dinner without shitting my pants off. Drink water. Hug your mom. Pet your pets. And don’t eat aquarium gravel.
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ataleoftwopitties · 1 year
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These past few years, I have become a huge advocate for feeding fresh food to dogs to enhance their lives. However, you don't exactly have to transition your dog to a 100% fresh food diet in order to gain the benefits of fresh food.
Simply adding fresh food to your dog's kibble can go a long way in improving their nutrition and overall health. For instance, one study done a group of dogs in 2005 revealed that feeding vegetables just three times a week had significantly lowered their risk of developing cancer, compared to dogs who were only fed kibble.
Asian markets, in particular, have some very beneficial fresh food items that aren't typically found at your local grocery store. These food items, however, are not intended to fully replace your dog's food. Remember - too much of something good can be bad for you.
Instead, they should be offered in moderation as treats, or just small amounts topped over an already complete and balance meal. As a general rule of thumb, treats/toppers should never make more than 10% of your dog's overall diet.
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Bok choy (Chinese cabbage) is full of essential vitamins and minerals needed to support a dog’s eyesight, cardiac function, digestion, bone strength, and immunity. Sulfurophane - a compound found in bok choy and other cruciferous vegetables - has been linked to inhibiting cancer cell growth, lowering blood pressure, and activating the nuclear factor Nrf2 which prevents the development of diabetes and its complications. Bok choy’s low calorie, high fiber content also make it a good option for a snack/food topper for dogs who need to control their weight. 
Preparation: Lightly steam or boil for better nutrient absorption. Cooking will also help neutralize the enzyme (myrosinase) that can decrease thyroid function. You should also chop/trim their long leaves to avoid choking hazards.
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Goji berries (wolfberries) are rich in amino acids, carotenoids which support healthy vision, and polyphenols that have anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, and cardio-protective properties. Studies on goji berry supplementation in animals have shown that it has the potential to help lower cholesterol, protect the liver by increasing hepatic antioxidant activity, as well as enhance metabolic homeostasis and prevent diabetes-induced renal inflammation. 
Preparation: Remove stems if still attached and cut/mash berries. If dried, soak in water until softened to avoid passing straight through the GI tract and losing the benefits of its nutrients. 
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Offal refers to the internal organs and variety meats of animals that can be consumed as food (i.e. lung, heart, kidney, liver, gizzard, head, feet, etc.) The word 'offal' literally translates to "fall off", and thus, whatever falls off the skeleton during the butchering process. Offal is densely loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats - so small amounts go a long way. Pet owners who use these as ingredients as part of a complete and balanced recipe should keep in mind that each organ is unique in its nutrient profile - dependent on the animal it is sourced from and how it is raised. For example, grass-fed beef may contain less fat yet more vitamin A and E than grain-fed beef, and beef liver has significantly more vitamin A and copper than chicken liver.
Preparation: Boil in water or low-sodium broth. May also be baked or dehydrated into jerky treats.
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Oyster mushrooms are a good source of protein and fiber, and vitamins that support healthy digestion. They can help to increase satiety and maintain healthy body weight. Oyster mushrooms are also full of pantothenic acid which help to maintain cognitive function and healthy skin/coat. Beta-glucans derived from oyster mushrooms have also been shown to reduce inflammation and strengthen immunity. 
Preparation: Lightly sauté or boil in water or low-sodium broth. Raw or dried mushrooms can be difficult for dogs to digest. 
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Purple sweet potato (Ube or Okinawan sweet potato) are typically found in grocery stores more commonly during the fall/winter seasons. They contain more antioxidants than regular sweet potatoes due to the anthocyanins that cause their violet hue. While all potato varieties may impact blood sugar levels because of their high carbohydrate content, purple potatoes may exert less of an effect because of their high polyphenol content that decreases the absorption of starches in the intestines. In addition, they have been linked to improving blood pressure, likely due to their high potassium content. 
Preparation: Peel skin and bake until soft for better digestibility and to prevent intestinal blockages. May be boiled and drained to reduce oxalate intake for dogs with a history of bladder stones, or prone to urinary issues. 
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Quail eggs are small, yet packed with protein and essential fatty acids, and have a higher ratio of iron, riboflavin, and vitamin b12 than chicken eggs. It is even safe and can be beneficial to feed them with the shells included for added calcium. Quail eggs have been linked to improving bone growth/healing, reducing liver damage, and increasing energy levels. While some studies have shown evidence of quail eggs treating allergies in humans and mice, they may be less likely to trigger reactions than chicken eggs in dogs who have poultry sensitivities.
Preparation: Wash thoroughly, and handle gently as they are more fragile due to their tiny size. Cooking methods are similar to that of chicken eggs, yet require less time. 
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Sardines contain all the amino acids your dog needs for optimal health, making it a "complete protein". They are also notorious for being rich in omegas and coenzyme q-10, which help support heart and brain health. What sets sardines apart from other fish, too, is that they are smaller and more short-lived species than larger predator fish and may have less of a risk for mercury poisoning. Because they are so small and have soft bones, you can feed them whole to your pets.
Preparation: Bake or dehydrate. If already purchased as dried, be sure to make sure there is no added salt or seasonings. If canned, preferably those stored in water only.
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Sushi rice (Japanese sticky rice) has a high proportion of starch and moisture, giving it a stickier texture when cooked. Sushi rice has virtually zero fat, yet still provides a desirable balance of nutrients while remaining gentle on a dog’s digestive tract. Its higher iron content than regular rice supports healthy blood circulation and can provide more energy to dogs who are recovering from illness. Cooling/refrigerating the rice before serving also enables more retrogradation of prebiotic fiber, helping to lower glycemic responses and maximize intestinal function.
Preparation: Rinse thoroughly and soak in water (with 1tbsp apple cider vinegar - optional) before cooking. If you don’t have a rice cooker or instant pot, boil on the stove until the water is completely absorbed. May be cooked with bone broth for added flavor. You can also use small amounts of beet root powder, turmeric, or blue spirulina to add color and nutrients.
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artforsimps · 1 year
Do vegans think we’ll just make a big grave yard for animals that died at old age? Do they think we’ll rip up forests and dig individual graves for each animal on earth with a head stone? They’d love that. They already don’t have a problem with habitats and rainforests being ruined for agave and whatever vegan “alternative” is popular. They don’t even bother with the cruelty of humanity being abused to produce their almond milk and raw sugar and chocolate
When do we stop farming? We make enough food to feed everyone on earth as is the only thing stopping us is the price. When we stop farming animals there won’t be leather that will last decades compared to fast fashion coats that rip within a single year of ownership. We won’t have wool either. What will they feed their precious rescue animals? Or should they be let loose to rip up some wild animals for fun? Loose dogs probably cause more harm to farm animals than the fucking butcher. A dog will get in the pen running around ripping out fur until they find one weak enough that they can tear into. They won’t even eat it. It’s entertaining for pets. The farmer is forced to kill the dog so it won’t get loose again because the owner won’t discipline it. Sure the dairy industry has its faults it produces green house gases and there are bad farmers but the same goes for the vegan food industry. who’s going to root for the vegan calling for the starvation of species and supports pets which literally kills hundreds of animals a year. When should vegans stop the death of animals? It’s part of a natural cycle. We’re born, we work, we eat, we die and mushrooms eat us. Animals are born they make milk they have kids they die we eat them then we die. Our pets eat meat and they can’t eat anything other than that and live off of it. Eating vegetables would make them slowly starve to death. A pet would eat their dead owner out of desperation we can’t just feed them every dead person on earth they’d get sick and die. By regulation and rules around raising and eventual humane slaughter we reduce suffering. Meat is a way of life.
Don’t even get me started on how vegans appropriate cultural foods as alternatives or hop onto whatever knew food is cool and claiming they invented it or how exclusionary it is for people with allergies or eating disorders or the fat phobia and entitled-ness or the wealth gap from how expensive their appropriation makes everyday food.
Mug you wnat to reduce harm to animals raise them yourself so you aren’t the one creating a demand for abuse or sorce your products through your own research. If you wnat happy chicken eggs raid happy chickens they’ll lay as much eggs as they are wel taken care of. Take. A class on how to butcher humanely without drawing it out. Use every part of the animal. Leather can last shears longer than plastic. Sheeting wool in the summer prevent heatstroke on sheep and creates sustainable clothing or even wall insulation. Milk can make cheese and butter to use as fat in cooking just like animal fat can be used kn cooking without needing to grow large plots of land for oil. Properly rendered tallow can moisturize the skin and be used for soap. Tools made form bone get stronger with age. Thousands of cultures have used bone tools for centuries for a reason. Plastic lasts for ever but breaks in a week. Bones are found thousands of years after the animal dies just imagine how long it could last after being processed into a tool. We have tools named after the use of bone as a material form how will it works like bone folders. If you want to be sustainable be sustainable but don’t creat an entire hierarchy of something as important as food to feel good about yourselves. It’s behind pay walls, it’s inaccessible to people with multiple allergies or eating disorders. Grandma and grandpa can’t raise a hoe and sow corn to survive winter. Don’t tell people they should starve because they can’t afford to and aren’t physically able to reach your “moral” high ground.
Build a fucking homestead and leave us alone
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thedevilsfamiliar · 7 months
Okay okay so there’s this lady from Australia who feeds her dog raw meat
And ngl, some of the meats she feeds him blow my mind 😂 I’m like “wait what? How did you get that?” And she goes “oh from the butcher shop”
To bring context to it, she feeds her dog wallaby meat/ribs and kangaroo meat/ribs. She also feeds her pup crocodile meat (broski ate that tail so fast???)
She’s also fed her dog a whole ass cow skull. Like legit this dog ate it, bones and all. I was amazed.
Another dude, from Peru, feeds his pittie testicles and chicken ovaries. That’s— like I genuinely never considered eating these meats before. Kinda curious ngl 😂
I know that the lady from Australia said she bought all her meats for like, $40 Aussie dollars a week.
When I die, I wanna be reincarnated as a rich ladies dog
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rawrations01 · 7 months
5 Best Frozen Dog Food Options For Your Pup
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In today's pet care landscape, discerning pet parents seek nothing but the best for their furry companions. Ensuring your dog receives a balanced and nutritious diet stands paramount in responsible pet ownership, and the finest frozen raw dog foods epitomize this commitment to canine health and vitality. 
While conventional kibble or canned food remain staples for many pet parents, a growing trend towards frozen dog food such as chewy dog treats, dog cookie, treat bones for dogs and frozen bones for dogs reflects a desire to emulate the natural diet of dogs in the wild, providing abundant vitamins, minerals, and lean protein.
The surge in demand for refrigerated and frozen dog food comes as no surprise, given its numerous benefits. Modern pet parents prioritize reading labels, asking questions, and seeking value without compromising on quality when it comes to their dogs' diets. Frozen, pre-made dog food stands as a shining example of this ethos, offering a nutritious meal crafted from fresh, high-quality ingredients that both pets and their parents can feel good about. With myriads of options available in fresh or raw varieties, overwhelming though, frozen dog food provides a wholesome and convenient solution for meeting the dietary needs of our beloved canine companions.
Therefore, after dedicating extensive time and effort to researching and testing various brands of frozen raw dog food such as chewy dog treats, dog cookie, treat bones for dogs, frozen bones for dogs, in the following discussion, we delve into a selection of top-tier frozen raw dog food options, each meticulously crafted to deliver optimal nutrition and flavor to your furry friend's dinner dish.
5 Best Frozen Raw Dog Foods To Consider For Your Pet
Albright's - Albright’s Chicken. Albright’s Beef and Albright’s Turkey PMR
Albright's in the realm of frozen raw dog food is renowned for its commitment to crafting high-quality, nutritionally balanced meals for canine companions. With a dedication to providing pets with the finest ingredients and optimal nutrition, Albright's has earned a stellar reputation among pet owners seeking premium frozen raw dog food options. Its unwavering focus on quality and transparency throughout the production process is what outshines it among others. Each recipe is carefully formulated using only the highest quality ingredients, sourced from reputable suppliers. Albright's prioritizes the use of human-grade meats, free from antibiotics, hormones, and fillers, ensuring that every meal delivers essential nutrients and wholesome goodness to dogs. Albright's frozen raw dog food pays attention to nutritional balance. Each recipe is expertly crafted to meet the unique dietary needs of dogs, with a focus on providing optimal levels of protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. Albright's offers a variety of options to support dogs' health and well-being at every stage of life.
Piramal Pet Food - Primal Canine Frozen Nuggets and Primal Raw Toppers Butcher's Blend
Primal Pet Foods is dedicated to nourishing pets in alignment with nature's intentions, crafting Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) that mirrors the natural dietary habits of animals in the wild. Each product within the brand's range is meticulously formulated using only premium ingredients, including USDA-certified proteins free from antibiotics and steroids, alongside certified organic produce.
Their freeze-dried dog food boasts a formula rich in chicken, serving as the sole protein source and supplemented with ground bone for essential calcium. Primal ensures complete and balanced nutrition by incorporating organic minerals and unrefined vitamins, catering to the needs of dogs across all life stages, fostering health and vitality.
This frozen dog food has garnered praise from numerous pet owners for its convenience, particularly during travel. The nuggets are lightweight yet densely packed with nutrition, making them an ideal option for pet owners on the move.
Noteworthy benefits include the highly digestible nature of the food, resulting in smaller and virtually odorless dog stools. Moreover, the elevated protein and fat content offer performance dogs a valuable energy boost, enhancing their performance across various activities.
Stella & Chewy's - Duck Ground Bone, Turkey Gizzard, Goose And Turkey Liver
This emerges as a distinguished player in the realm of wellness pet food for nutrition. Renowned for its commitment to crafting wholesome meals devoid of artificial colors or preservatives, Stella & Chewy's prioritizes natural ingredients to provide pets with nourishment that mirrors their ancestral diet. This particular frozen dog food recipe exemplifies Stella & Chewy's dedication to optimal canine nutrition. Anchored by duck as the primary protein source, complemented by turkey and goose, this formula delivers a protein-packed meal tailored to satisfy even the most discerning of canine palates. Notably, the inclusion of organ meats and ground bone ensures that no part of the animal goes to waste, contributing to a well-rounded and nutritionally complete diet. Fresh, certified organic vegetables and fruits serve as the finishing touch, enriching the meal with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This holistic approach to ingredient selection underscores Stella & Chewy's commitment to providing pets with the highest quality nutrition. It has transformative effects on their furry companions. Many report noticeable improvements in energy levels, digestion, and stool quality, attributing these positive changes to the wholesome and nutrient-rich nature of Stella & Chewy's recipes. Additionally, the enticing aroma of the patties adds to the appeal, making mealtime a delightful experience for both pets and their owners alike.
K - 9 Kraving - K9 Kraving Chicken And Beef Vegetable, K9 Kraving Beef Green Tripe, K9 Kraving, Beef Pancreas
K9 Kraving sets the gold standard in frozen dog food, boasting a meticulous production process centered around the use of top-tier ingredients and stringent quality control measures. It spares no expense when it comes to ingredient quality. Only proven high-quality ingredients make the cut, ensuring that every batch of frozen dog food is packed with wholesome nutrition. Each 250-pound batch of K9 Kraving raw diet dog food undergoes rigorous scrutiny to uphold consistency in quality, nutritional value, and texture. Every aspect of production is carefully measured and monitored to guarantee that every serving meets the brand's exacting standards. K9 Kraving employs a cold-manufacturing method to minimize the risk of bacterial contamination and preserve the nutritional integrity of the ingredients. Commercial grade stainless steel equipment is exclusively used to process and package frozen meat, poultry, fish, organs, ground bone, fresh vegetables, and the brand's patented vitamin and mineral mix. K9 Kraving is packaged into airtight chubs or sealed in 5 lb Resealable Patty Bags, ensuring that every serving remains fresh and flavorful for your canine companion. This thoughtful packaging design helps to maintain the taste and nutritional value of the food, delivering a premium dining experience for your pet.
Ross Wells - Titan Red Fine Grind Complete Diet, Titan Blue Fine Grind Complete Diet
In the pursuit of our pets' health and happiness, the quality of their food stands as a cornerstone. Nowhere is this more evident than with Ross Wells Dog Food, a brand that places utmost importance on natural ingredients and specialized formulas tailored to different breeds and sizes. Just like humans, dogs require a balanced diet comprising protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals to thrive. Ross Wells Dog Food recognizes the significance of meeting these nutritional needs and formulates their products accordingly, ensuring that each meal provides essential nutrients vital for optimal health and vitality. Ross Wells food has a positive impact on dogs' health. A diet rich in high-quality, natural ingredients can lead to improved energy levels, a lustrous coat, and a robust immune system. With Ross Wells Dog Food, pet owners can rest assured knowing that they're providing their furry friends with the nourishment they need to thrive. Many common health issues in dogs, such as obesity, allergies, and digestive problems, can be attributed to their diet. By opting for premium dog food like Ross Wells, pet owners can help prevent these issues and promote better health for their beloved companions. Ross Wells takes pride in using only the highest quality, natural ingredients in their products. By steering clear of artificial additives or fillers, they ensure that dogs receive essential nutrients without compromising on quality or integrity.
The Final Thoughts…
The exploration of the best frozen raw dog food brands underscores the importance of prioritizing quality nutrition for our canine companions. From Albright's commitment to meticulous sourcing and production processes to Primal Pet Foods' dedication to providing biologically appropriate raw food, each brand exemplifies excellence in the realm of frozen raw dog food. Likewise, Stella & Chewy's emphasis on premium ingredients and Ross Wells' focus on natural formulations tailored to different breeds and sizes further solidify their positions as top contenders in the market. Whether opting for K9 Kravings cold-manufacturing method or considering the affordability and nutritional value of options like Nature's Variety and Blue Ridge Beef, pet owners have a diverse array of choices to meet their dog's dietary needs. Ultimately, by selecting from these best frozen raw dog food brands for products like chewy dog treats, dog cookies, treat bones for dogs, frozen bones for dogs, pet parents can ensure their furry friends receive the nourishment they need to thrive, promoting optimal health and vitality for years to come.
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dewdropsonpluto · 10 months
Firefighting Frank
My neighbor is a firefighter,
for eight weeks a year. He battles a blaze that rages from October to November.
Eva was his wife.
I still have a small winter hat that she knitted for me when I was little. So small.
She never attended school, and has a published poem.
She sewed, and baked, and collected dolls.
Eva loved swans,
and Frank loved Eva.
So I always say how much I love the painting in the kitchen, so Frank can tell me how they got it,
and how much Eva loved it.
Frank was a Marine.
He's had diabetes for over 50 years.
He's logged every meal he's ever had, it's sugar content, it's calories.
He excerises accordingly and has a cake donut as a treat once a month.
Sometimes we talk about the foods he misses,
and his father's butcher shop that he wanted Frank to take over.
He never did, couldn't stand the raw and cold meat. Couldn't unsee the bone.
He talks about living by the ocean, the smell of the saltwater and the freshest Pacific fish.
He talks of being born in 1935, he talks about the freedom of childhood in the streets and his stepmom and her dog.
He loves music, he loves birds.
He talks of being married five times.
How it's never too late to find 'the right one' because he married Eva at the age of 55.
He knows Spanish, and Russian, and is practicing French.
He's been teaching himself art, drawing people.
I show him my art through the years. He compliments all of it, and talks about composition and shading.
He always asks if I'm working on anything new.
We talk about books, I borrow some and he borrows mine. He'll donate all his to the library when he's gone, but he can't let go.
He's contemplated rest homes,
but he can't let go of his things,
his history,
that's okay.
I understand.
Frank draws with me.
Franks talks culture, and politics. Says he's a conservative liberal. I smile. I'm undecided.
We listen to each other about our beliefs.
Religion, and cultures, and politics, social issues, history.
We respect all the little differences we have, because there aren't many, and it's okay to agree to disagree.
We talk about dinosaurs, and science, and human history, and the neighborhood news.
I buy ice melt for him.
Shovel his driveway when snow comes.
He tried to pay me and I say no each time.
Friends don't need to pay me for my help.
Summer we pull weeds.
In autumn we fight fires, piles of embers dumped in bins
I don't fight fires in my yard, 'leave the leafs'.
But Frank fights fires,
and I'll always help.
He calls me his earth angel,
I call him my friend.
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kings-collection · 11 months
Godly Delusions
Chapter One Part Three
The girl wakes up drooling over herself. She had been learning about the world in the ruins. It turns out it ended a few days after the chaos of the fall of the settlement. People have been moving in and there is a bazaar with small accommodations around. She helped around where she could and decided to get multiple maps and create her own map in her concrete shack ¨hmmm¨ grim walks in dragging the corpse of a local animal ¨heya gr-? Grim are you ok buddy?¨ getting bandages and alcohol to clean any wound he has. He drops the body as she holds him, he licks her face happy and with no wounds though he has some stinky breath ¨oof……Jesus¨ she puts him down and grinds up some mint grabs a bit of leftover meat, and coats the leftover raw meat with the mint and feeds it to grim. As usual, he is dramatic because he doesn't like mint ¨don't be a baby you'll try and kill me if you had a cut like a few days ago¨ he barks still butthurt ¨cheer up grimmy¨ She pets him and then tickles him, he begins to bark and bite her but seems happy ¨who's a good boy who's a good boy¨ he pants happy ¨GRIMMY!¨ he awoos in joy. She laughs and begins to hang up the corpse and prep up butchering up the deer ¨just like when he brought me on his first hunting trip¨ she begins to slice up its skin putting it aside to create a water pouch ¨ok we gonna sell the shoulders and all the tender parts and we will eat all the good squishy meat¨ grim barks as she butchers the animal into all its such parts and lets grim knaw on the bone ¨ok I'll go sell the meat so don't wander you know how people feel about wendigo dogs¨ she pets him and gives him a forehead kiss ¨see you in a bit¨ he barks and begins to chow down on the bones. She walks into what would have been the barracks and walks to a meat vendor ¨heya John I got another haul of the meat”   he whistles ¨damn Sol if I would have thought you stole from a caravan group¨ she laughs so obviously trying to fake a laugh ¨oh no you caught me. Naw caught this sucker up near where I'm at ̈ he laughs taking the meat and weighing it ¨best I can do for this haul¨ he checks the meat “Sixty-fifty credits¨ she laughs and shakes on it ¨fifty I don't wanna make your broke ass even broker¨ she takes her credits and finds a dog bone toy ¨Ooo ma´am how much for the dog chew toy¨ the old woman wakes up looks at the bone and then back at her ¨two credits¨ she says shakily as she takes out four ¨here take four because I have a little dog back home¨ the old woman gets up and takes the four and gives the bone to her ¨thank you dearly, sweetie, ¨ she sits back down as she walks back through the backroads of the market to the point of entering the ruins and back into her shack ¨grim I'm home¨ grim is out cold full because he ate the bones of the deer, he barks tired but stays asleep. She laughs at him putting the bone on the shelf for later she sits at the table she found and looks at her map ¨now let's pin down this so-called captain¨ she begins to place down many pins and notes and all the sort getting the gist of what new things are in this new world
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sadbugzz · 1 year
So imma ramble one about this guy because I just fucking love so much
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They are a halfling/half elf named Casper Callihan but goes by Casey for short.
They have a pet chicken named edwin.
In the campaign they're in, there's like a zombie virus going on. So my character got originally bit by an infected rabid werewolf. And has been dealing with both their curse and the virus.
They are 16, got bit like a month before the campaign so a fairly new werewolf
They are a bit smaller than your average werewolf, but that's because of the halfling genes and the fact they aren't fully grown yet.
They are an artificer/blood hunter multiclass
Due to the virus and multiple experiments they've done to themselves, they've managed to stay in control of themself on full moons
Their favorite foods/meals are moon cakes, pork loin with Brussel sprouts and mashed potatoes, and broccoli and cheese soup with garlic bread
They are irish/chinese
When not in control of werewolf form, they just sortve act like a large scared puppy.
They had a fairly good home life, their mom left when they were 9, and then their dad remarried with a dwarf who had like 6 sons, so 2 dads and 6 brothers and 1 missing mom. They grew up in a small town.
They have on the rare occasion eaten weird stuff, like dog treats, bones, and raw meat from butcher shops.
They really miss their family
Their pet chicken edwin is their lab assistant
They are gender fluid and omniromantic, and use all pronouns.
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datfoodsllc · 1 year
Buying Fresh Raw Pet Food From Online Shops
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A raw food dog diet is a great choice for many reasons. If there's one thing about these benefits that is difficult, it's finding somewhere to purchase raw dog foods. There are several options available for pet parents who wish to buy raw food.
The manufacturers felt that they needed to offer packaged raw food to cater to dog owners who are changing their dog's diet to raw. In the shelves of your local store, you will find many different brands. In fact, the inventor of the bone and raw diet for canines has created his own range of raw foods in a pack. Raw food comes in many varieties. For a balanced diet, many manufacturers have already included a combination of meats with vegetables.
Dehydrated raw food is also available in packs. It is ideal for those pet owners that do not have enough freezer space to store meat, or raw foods. Add some water to the dried form to make your dog's food.
Also, you can search online for butchers who specialize in frozen meat of various varieties. It may surprise you to learn that these companies offer an extensive range of different meats. You can find a wide range of meats, such as beef, poultry, and pork. Even animal organs, like tripe and liver, are available. Many will offer muscle and bone meat in addition to the usual bones.
Don't underestimate your local butcher. Your local butcher is a great resource if you're able to devote the necessary time for your pet. Ask him about purchasing offal or other parts, such as pigs' knuckles. Even bones and muscle will be available. You should always talk with your butcher about a regular supply.
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