#reality of Yandere
yandere-writer-momo · 27 days
Why write the usual when I can make everybody sad? This is a different take on the Yandere trope with the reality of being involved with someone who is obsessed with you (worse case scenario).
Yandere Short Stories: The Consequences
Yandere Ex Husband x Deceased Fem Reader
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“(Your name)?” Alec stepped back in disbelief, his hands rubbed his eyes to make sure that the figure in front of him was really real. “(Your name)! Oh my god!”
Alec ran towards the young woman and wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. His whole body trembled as his hazel eyes began to spill salty tears. He couldn’t believe it… he couldn’t believe this was real.
Her hair still smelled like (scent)… this couldn’t be a dream! This had to be reality! Yes… she came back to see him again.
They were together so many years ago and then she vanished into thin air. To see her again was like a dream come true! To know she was still on this earth and she had returned to his side was all the relief he needed.
Alec pressed a kiss to her head before he pulled away so his hands could hold her face. His thumbs traced over her pink lips as a sad smile crawled on his lips.
“You… you don’t look a day over twenty six…” Alec’s brow furrowed. How did she still look so young when it’s been over a decade since they last saw each other? How was that even possible?
(Your name) softly smiled at him, her hands rose up to gently hold the backs of his palms. Her hands were like ice… no. Her hands were as cold as death.
“This isn’t real, none of this is.” (Your name)’s voice was barely above a whisper. “I died, silly. Don’t you remember?”
“No… you’re not dead.” Alec’s lip quivered and his eyes became crazed. “You can’t be dead, we just had an argument was all.”
“Yes… and you killed me. Don’t you remember?” (Your name)’s form slowly began to melt away into that of a rotted corpse. “You stabbed me to death and buried me in the garden.”
“No! No, I didn’t…” Alec began to sob and shake his head. There was no way… he didn’t. He wouldn’t have… he loved her!
“It’s too late, Alec. What’s done is done.” (Your name) the crumbled onto the floor in a pile of bones.
Alec fell to the floor in a panic. Her tried to piece back together her bones back together but it was futile. “No! Please stay with me!”
Hot tears flowed down his cheeks, another sob racked through his chest. He pulled her skull toward his chest to cradle it. “I’m sorry… I just didn’t want you to leave me! We were so happy and… I wanted you to be happy forever.”
Alec continued to sob on the floor that slowly melted away into that of a white padded cell. Reality slowly began to slip in.
(Your name) would be happy forever in death while he would rot forever in this padded cell. This was the reality of his kind of love. This was the consequence of his actions.
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weebsinstash · 3 months
more valentino PLEASE 🙏
How does the saying go, "i want this man in ways that are concerning to feminism"?
I was thinking of how Angel used to live in V Tower and, how fucked up would it be for him to receive a good morning text from Val to head up to his room, and AD is thinking it's a booty call, but it's ACTUALLY Valentino being a manipulative piece of shit
Angel comes into the room and Valentino is already half or fully naked but like, he's not hard or anything and Angel is confused? The moth is just, chilling naked smoking with this satisfied look on his face? And Valentino just, gives him some menial command to run him a favor, and he pauses mid-sentence to turn and call out YOUR name before regarding his Fizz Bot, "Kitty, why don't you make my baby a drink?" and you're just like, slinking out from under the covers, ashamed that Angel now knows you slept with the Overlord, let alone someone you know uh, treats him pretty fucking poorly (although I imagine not like, the entire entire brutal extent of it, also, Angel Dust using Reader as a shield against Val because they're both calmer when you're around)
Could you imagine some scenario, platonic romantic it doesn't matter, where like. Angel is talking to Valentino and he sees you in the corner of his eye and he just stops mid sentence, does a double take, looks at you half naked in his boss' bed, and Val forces him to focus and carry on the conversation while he's crying. Angel is just all but sprinting out of the room by the time he's dismissed and Valentino may even play fucking mind games to make him like, MARINATE in how horrible this makes him feel. Valentino is dragging out the conversation and putting on his nail caps or doing his skincare routine at his vanity and making Angel sit there and wait as he's deliberate dragging on his sentences and constantly pausing but if Angel moves to leave Val snaps IMMEDIATELY. So Angel is just. Forced to stand there.
VALENTINO TALKING TO Y O U, MAKING YOU ACKNOWLEDGE ANGEL AND THE REVERSE. Valentino being manipulative and awful and shitty and doing shit like "so Angel baby, I was gonna take a trip to the spa tomorrow, mhm, and also hey you're coming too *looks at you* so Angel what do you think we should get my other amorcito over here done?" the evil bastard is making you two talk to each other, about each other, when you're both like, IN TEARS
Angel, trying to hold on to the last shreds of his sanity: s so... h have you... ever had a facial before
Valentino pausing from doing his mascara with the biggest shit eating grin on his face: oh yeah, someone just had a really, really BIG one
Reader, happily getting drunk off the drink Kitty brought you because it helps take away the pain of this entire interaction: a. .. a massage or something might be nice
Valentino, doing his contour: but baaaabe, I thought you told me you were shy about who puts their hands on your body. Are you trying to make me jealous?
Angel, desperately trying to ignore Val blowing you a kiss and you clearly having bites and hickies alllllllll over you like there wasn't a single inch of you the moth didn't put his hands mouth or otherwise on: uh huh! Cool! So! Guess we can! Decide later right! :)
Valentino, doing his nails: wrong 💅 I also need you to
And the mf is just doing that shit for like 20 minutes straight which doesn't SOUND like a lot but when you're standing there just talking and waiting and, especially having a moment like THIS, it's just DRAGGING ON, and when Angel finally leaves, you're crying, and here's Valentino, "awwww, pobrecita, come here, what's wrong?" and hugging you and you need the comfort and you're drunk and, now maybe you're just a little scared he's the only person you have left....
Also. Bonus round for the angst. Can you imagine. Angel runs off and it's you sleeping with Valentino that finally hurts him so much he's finally RUNNING running away, meeting Charlie, having another place to live. He's still working under contract but the second his shift ends he's out of the studio without another word because... he can't protect you anymore. He feels like this is his fault. He failed Molly and now he failed you and he's worthless and trash and an addict loser-- meanwhile you're beating yourself up because you've lost your only friend down here and also your biggest supporter and Valentino all but lovebombs you (and the worst part is, it's genuine and if you reject ANYTHING, he's getting Offended Bigly)
Ugh. Ok. I'm sorry. Finally finishing the post with one more thing. Valentino is definitely the type to give you expensive gifts and he doesn't actually care about the amount of money he spends on you BUT, will use the fact he's spent so much money on you to manipulate you IN A HEARTBEAT
And also. You're not allowed to reject gifts because it sets him off in like 5 different ways. "Oh so my gifts aren't good enough for you?" "Do you have any idea how much I spent on this?" "I TOOK THE TIME to get this for YOU" God forbid if it's something custom. Could you imagine he offers you something and he doesn't immediately tell you it's custom, like he's got sketches in a notebook somewhere, this is MADE WITH LOVE ableit his creepy obsessive love, and you could literally have a very polite "oh my gosh I couldn't that's so expensive I, I don't deserve it, wow" where you're obviously very happy but just shocked and feeling guilty, like a FLATTERING rejection that is obviously an insult to YOU, NOT him, and he's just. The switch fucking flips. His head tilts. He lets out a hum as his smile pulls way too tight. Lashes out within seconds. Grabs you. takes that jewelry or watch or expensive thing he bought you and literally forces it onto your body, and he's not screaming or raising his voice, he's getting right up in your face and growling out the deeeeeetails of how he got this for you until you're crying and apologizing for your ingratitude
Ugh he's so cunty and mean and awful UGH WHY WOULD I LET HIM HIT, he would use that heart shaped belt he has to put heart shaped welts on your ass and then set your cute bruised heart covered butt as his phone wallpaper and your icon in his contacts and save your name as Ropebunny or something rhfkcsbfkhdxkfh
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velvetsserenity · 2 months
love seeing people get absolutely wild when a literal war criminal isn’t the cutie patootie they’ve imagined in their head.
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athinga · 6 months
"Dance with me darling, for the last time... Only then you'll truly be only mine."
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Don't you hate it when your 'soulmate' has a soulmate that is not you and you have to take matters into your own hands? Yeah me too.
Anyway Yandere Elliott if you couldn't already tell!
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The idea of this soft romantic who would not hurt a fly being a psychopath piqued my interest so there you go, my version of that featuring my unfortunate oc Milo. May they rest in peace
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analysis-present · 1 day
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yandere-writer-momo · 23 days
Yandere Baki Head Canons:
All Yours
Yandere Katsumi Orochi x Fem Reader
Alternate Reality AU
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When (your name) had wished for Katsumi to return her feelings, she hadn’t meant to this extent. The man never left her alone for more than an hour. Her phone constantly rang with calls or messages when the Karateka would get a smidge of free time.
How was she to know that woman was genuinely a witch? A witch who transferred her to an alternate reality where Katsumi adored her? One where he was obsessed?
It was her fault for seeking that woman out for a charm to make her crush like her, but she didn’t think she’d be transported to another world when she rescued Katsumi from the flaming dojo all those months ago… did she die in her old world? Was this some kind of screwed up Isekai misadventure? The thought alone made her head hurt… just like this current call with the Katsumi of this reality.
“(Your name)? How about I bring you some takeout once I’m done with my class? I miss your face!” Katsumi rambled on the other end of the phone as you gave a stiff smile. You were head over heels at first about the attention you received from him, but it became old quickly. Even though this man was Katsumi, he wasn’t the Katsumi you adored. Nope! This version of him was like a ripoff version of him in a bad fan fiction.
“That’d be lovely. Thank you, Katsumi.” (Your name) knew he probably clicked his heels together on the other end of the phone when she said that. The man was so eager to please…
“Okay! I’ll get your favorite then, darling!” Katsumi continued to chatter. “I’m so happy you finally accepted my affection… I’ve been after you for years.”
Yes… in this reality, it was Katsumi who pursued rather than her. Was this how the Katsumi felt in her world when she’d show him affection? Overwhelmed and exhausted? God she felt like an even worse person…
“I appreciate you, Katsumi.” (Your name) replied in a soft voice. “Be safe today.”
“I will! I can’t wait to see you.” (Your name) closed her eyes and hung up. The young woman placed her face in her hands and softly cried.
This was her reality now and she needed to accept it. She needed to accept that she’d never go back to her old world and she’d never be able to apologize to the Katsumi there.
“I’m sorry, Katsumi… I’m so sorry.” (Your name) cried softly into her hands.
A few hours later and Katsumi was on her doorstep with a bag of takeout. A huge smile on his face when she opened the door. “(Your name)! I bought the goods, hopefully this will cheer you up. I noticed you’ve been a bit down lately…”
(Your name) gave Katsumi a soft smile to try to reassure him. “You’re always so thoughtful.” Why couldn’t her old Katsumi be a bit like him?
Katsumi’s face flushed as he bashfully kicked his feet from side to side. “Well, I try to have your best interests in mind. I just want you to be happy.”
And that’s when (your name) broke down in tears, the Karateka quickly pulled her into his arms. “Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you-“
(Your name) leaned forward and pressed her lips against his in a gentle kiss. A kiss that made her whole body shake while desperation consumed her. She felt like such an awful person for the way she exploited this man, but he always said the right words… he was everything she ever wanted. Was it wrong to indulge him?
Katsumi’s eyes blew wide open for a second before he jumped right into the kiss. His hands grabbed at whatever flesh he could reach as he maneuvered the two of them into her apartment. His foot shut the door behind him.
“Your lips are so soft and you smell heavenly.” Katsumi whispered against her lips, his forehead now pressed against hers. “Can we… can we continue in your room?”
(Your name) thought for a minute before she gave him a teary eyes smile. “Yes… I’d like that.”
And as their clothes were discarded with each step they took towards her room, she couldn’t help but smile.
If this was her fate, she’d embrace it. All she had ever wanted was to be loved, even if it was by this obsessive man. This obsessive man with the face of her first love.
“I don’t have protection… is that okay?” Katsumi asked with a blush, the man’s eyes anxiously scanned over your bare form.
“That’s okay.” You held your arms out for him. “I’m yours, Katsumi.”
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Dating the angelic beings /being their soulmate (so being the only one that can see their wings)
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Micheal/Adam milligan
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Micheal is kinda protective over his wings at first
But when he met you he softened up
You seemed to want to see them all the time even when he hid them
So he let up
His wings are tuff and thick, not easily bent or moved
You still need to be gentle with them though
If you're to rough with them that will either 1 hurt him or 2 make him veryyy needy 😉
He likes being around you alot so when you're hunting or doing something and it gets to dangerous he will wrap his wings around you creating a little room where nothing could get through
When you have trouble sleeping hell wrap you in one of his wings like a burrito and it helps you sleep, it Also calms his and Adam's anxiety/nerves
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He's legit so f*cking happy you can see them without any reproductions
He always has a wing covering you're back
When you sleep or hug or kiss his he holds you tightly to his body and wraps his wings as close as he can without hurting you
He refuses to let you sleep outside of his wings
In public if you're shy he will guide you with his wings
Some times if you're hunting with like Sam or Dean and it gets to dangerous he will wrap his wings around you them telaport you to the thrown room in hell and play doctor/patent with you being to over dramatic making sure you not hurt AT ALL
His wings are sturdy and buff the are soft but not gentle
They are strong af, and they basically are everything proof
But if you touch or tickle his wings the right way, Here ->
He's gonna be all over you!!
If he's being mean you just massage his wing and he fucking MELTZ
But if others touch his wings he's sending them to his worst demons to get tortured
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He wrapped his wings around you before he knew you could see them, and before you were dating
He's used to you and his wings
He doesn't see it as a big deal
He loves his wings but loves you more sooo
He's also very clingy and cuddly so his wings are always around you
The have huge span just like the other archangels, basically all the archangels wings reach to about 54 feet wide and 32 feet tall in my mind
I mean castiel says that his true form is the size of the Chrysler Building in New York, which is 1047 feet (319m) in height and he's just a angel so 1 imagine how big his wings are let alone how archangels are much bigger then regular angels so they could easily be like 2000 feet tall in true form.
Gabes wings are soft and gentle they often have a mind of their own and sway to music
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Questions you when he figures out you can see his wings
Is happy you can see them but doesn't show it
He usually has a wing around you bc he protective
He's not that open to pda but if you're affectionate alot then he will be too
He matched you're energy so you don't dis like him
One time you two where laying in bed and you were trying to fall asleep but couldn't due to how cold it was and you told Raphael, he let you use his wing as a blanket. He just opened his wing and guided you on how to Lay down on it and then wrapped you up in it
You fell asleep quickly due to the softeners and warmth
Now it's you're favorite thing to do
If you touch his wings without his knowledge his wings likely accidentally zap you a little bit
So always give him warning when touching his wings or else it might end up badly
He loves you alot but is very chill and doesn't want to have much pda, but if you do want alot of pda his favorite way to show he loves you is through physical touch, meaning wing hugs
Oh also when you kiss him without warning his wings flap without him trying
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He doesn't really believe the whole "soulmates" thing
But he he finds out about it he slowly starts to believe it more
He loved you even before he knew you two were supposed to be together
He grooms his wings alot, one time he had a hard time cleaning and area of his wings and you walked in, asked if you could help.
.... long story short you always groom his wings
His wings are strong yet soft
His feathers are like a super soft cats fur
When he's sad or angry massage his wings gently and it calms him down
If he's having a panic attack, hug him tightly and massage the base of his wings it will calm him
If you and him a near someone he doesn't trust guess what? ✨️wing burrito✨️
He likes rubbing his wings against you during sex bc it makes it more intense for him
He also rubs his wings against you when he tellaports so he doesn't scare you
When you sleep he puts his wings around you just so you're safe
Jack kline
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Jack knew you can see his wings just by the way you looked at him
He loves you and loves having his wings around you
His wing is always touching you
When he's sad they droop
He loves you touching his wings but it makes him shudder
He fludders his wings when you walk in
If you're cold or sad he will wrap you in his wings and cuddle you whilst talking to you
He loves you dearly and the fact he can use his wings on/with you means alot to him
He loves you're touch on his wings
You and him both learn how to groom his wings
After he showers he shakes of his wings like a dog
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His wings soak up so much water that it gets everywhere
He sheds his feathers alot and the grow back quickly
But you took one of his feathers and put it on a necklace
If you two are apart and you get hurt or are sacred he cans sense it through the feather of his you wear and he comes
If you pray to him you feel wings around the second you prey to him
Chuck sherly / god
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When Chuck created soulmates he didn't specifically much except "every being had a soul that is ment to be with them, they fit like puzzles together"
When he figured out you where his soulmate and you could see his wings he immediately hugged picked you up and deeply kissed you
Scince he's god nobody can see his wings, it ruins them
But scince you're his fitting puzzle peace you can see his wings
He loves you but he loves that you can see his wings too
He constantly shows you pda/affection anywhere any time, and he loves showing you that through his wings
He spoons you with his wings
He pins you against the wall with his wings
If he doesn't want you leaving bed he holds you down with his wings
When you shower with him he has his wings close to you holding you close whilst he washes you're hair
If you get embarrassed he wraps you in his wings to hide you
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irisinluv · 3 months
Love is blind. Some would even say love is blinding. Brandon really doesn't care about all that..... all he cares about is you, in the pod on the other side of that wall.
Yandere Love is Blind Contestant Part 1
Cw: male yandere, female reader, obsessive tendancies, reality TV.
Brandon Burnett was tired of love eluding him. He was sick of mindlessly swiping the apps, going on the dates, and never finding that spark. So, he signed up to be cast on the popular show Love is Blind. He was shocked when he got the call that he was in. He was officially a contestant on Love is Blind! His family was supportive, and his job was accommodating, so he was gonna go phones off for 3 weeks and hopefully meet the love of his life!
Brandon's a charismatic guy, he's one of those people who you meet once and don't see for a couple months, run into him at the store, and it's like you're long lost best friends. You just feel comfortable with him as he asks how your grandma's doing after her rotator cuff surgery, and that he saw you posted about your dog's birthday last week! He's just thay kinda guy. So. When he's in a room full of the other contestants, all filled with awkward anticipation to be officially welcomed to the show, and then released to their pods.... He's right there starting conversation. He's the life of the party before he show even starts.
Finally, the doors open, and everyone redirects their merriment to the two individuals who have just entered the room. They welcome the men to the show before sending them to their very first pod dates.
You joined love is blind looking for your forever, as cheesy as it sounds. You'd had some long-term relationships, but they always ended one way or another. He may have cheated. You two may have argued all the time. He may have left you without explaining why. It just never worked out. And you were tired of it! So. What better way to try and find that connection than Love is Blind.
You were estatic to have gotten on the show! When you got tnere, you chatted with the other women and started pod hopping with more energy than you've ever had. The first few were good! You'd met a few people you might be interested in, but obviously, you're playing the game. You've gotta meet everyone before you can start to narrow it down! But then you stepped into your fourth or fifth pod. As you sit down on the couch, you hear a door click on the other side of the wall. "Hi! Looks like I beat you in! My name is y/n, i'm really excited to meet you! What's your name?" The voice that comes through let's you know his name is Brandon, that he's also glad to meet you, and then y'all start talking in earnest. You wanted to start with getting to know him a bit, identifying factors to jot down, just like with your other dates. Politics, family values, occupation, etc. but it was such a natural conversation that it just went so fast. By the time you were supposed to leave, you found yourself disappointed. The two of you had been casually flirting as you asked each other questions, went on deep tangents, had light banter, and you had a fantastic time! You left that pod thinking Brandon was definitely one of your top three so far!
Brandon, meanwhile, was wildly disappointed in the first few pods. He really started debating if he was gonna drop out after meeting everyone. His first couple dates were nice enough, and he was cordial, but he felt none of that spark that he was craving. But then he talked with you! You greeted him so enthusiastically and you gave him more to go off than just a "hi!" and your voice sent shivers down his spine. Y'all started to talk, and for Brandon, it was like fireworks were going off all over his skin. This was more than the spark he was looking for. He was on fire!
He finds out what you do for a living, how many animals you have, and he answers in turn, but the interview style never really had a chance. He's all the more smitten as you genuinely listen when he speaks, ask questions, remember details from earlier in the conversation, and tie it in. Poor man is struck through the heart. He had the instant connection he wanted, this deep level of understanding that he wanted, and feels so at home talking with you! You banter with him, tease him gently as the two of you flirt, it's just so natural and right!
Brandon's frantically writing down every detail he can about what you're saying, how you're saying it, when you laugh, when you pause before answering, just every little bit he can. He does have a good memory. He prides himself in it. But he doesn't want to chance losing a single second of this moment with you. It's just perfect.
All too soon, though, it's time to leave. Brandon has half a mind to ask you to just say screw it to the rest of the game and run away with him. But he knows you don't know him well enough to say yes. You came to this show for the experience, so he'll go through it with you. But now.... now he's gotta figure out how to make sure you're his, and only his.
Ahhhhh! I hope y'all liked part one, I haven't written this style in so long, so please forgive me for any errors, and if the flow is a bit off! I just have been watching reality tv with my mom, and I mean. Come ON! I can't wait to share with y'all what I've got cooking up in my mind for the next few parts!
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Meet the Creators and their Games!
As we wait for the votes to begin, here's a list of the creators of these yanderes and a link to download their games in case you haven't played them, but they interest you! :D
(Edited to include more Tumblrs thanks to @maleyanderecafe!
Z (Favor)
Tumblr: @favorvn
Itchio: Download Here!
Tenebris (Duality)
Tumblr: @dualityvn
Itchio: Download Here!
Dorian (10:16)
Creator's Tumblr: @artwithoutblood
Itchio: Download Here!
Nial (Parasite in Love)
Creator's Tumblr: @nightasobu
Itchio: Download Here!
Friend (See Thru Friend)
Tumblr: @stnaf-vn
Itchio: Download Here!
Stalker/Dameon (Broken Colors)
Creator's Tumblr: @inkly-heart
Itchio: Download Here!
Simon (Colored Gaze)
Tumblr: @clrdgaze
Itchio: Download Here!
Ashton (Picture Perfect Boyfriend)
Creator's Tumblr: @espoirduvide
Itchio: Download REBOOT Here!
Eros (Seven Bloody Nights)
Tumblr: @sevenbloodynightsvn
Itchio: Download Here!
Cassanova (Cannibal Sweetheart)
Tumblr: @cannibalsweetheart
Itchio: Download Here!
Fone (Honey Hotline)
Tumblr: @ringringringbananafone
Itchio: Download Here!
Itchio: Download Here!
Adam (You and Him)
Griffin (Duplicity)
Tumblr: @duplicity-vn
Itchio: Download Here!
Devyn (Invite Me In)
Itchio: Download Here!
Liu (Glass Mind)
Itchio: Download Here!
Rook (A Cry for Help)
Tumblr: @stnaf-vn
Itchio: Download Here!
Sebastian (Particles of Reality)
Creator's Tumblr: @arewar
Itchio: Download Here!
Castor (Darling Duality)
Creator's Tumblr: @melancholy-marionette
Itchio: Download Here!
Markus (Yandere Island)
Tumblr: @yandere-islandvn
Itchio: Download Here!
Sasha (Hopeless Romantic)
Creator's Tumblr: @xbonecandyx
Itchio: Download Here!
Liev Latane (Pulsatio Cordis)
Itchio: Download Here!
Gold (Ai-yo, Kogane-San!)
Creator's Tumblr: @crystalcrynight
Itchio: Download Here!
Ezra (Restart Heart)
Tumblr: @restartheartvn
Itchio: Download Here!
Klaus (Please Don't Hate Christmas)
Itchio: Download Here!
Bo (Dachabo)
Itchio: Download Here!
John Doe (John Doe)
Creator's Tumblr: @purple-verse
Itchio: Download Here!
Sunny Day Jack (SWWSDY)
Tumblr: @sunny-day-jack-official
Itchio: Download Here!
Kylar (Degrees of Lewdity)
Creator's Blog: Download Here!
Ren (14DWY)
Tumblr: @14dayswithyou
Itchio: Download Here!
Alan (My Dear Hatchetman)
Tumblr: @hatchetmanofficial
Itchio: Download Here!
Ren (BTD2)
Creator's Tumblr: @gatobob
Website: Download Here!
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The self-fulfilling prophecy of writers depicting a man being raped to show how traumatizing it is and elicit sympathy and empathy from male readers, only for male readers to joke about it and downplay it will never not kill me inside. And that's regardless of the perpetrator's sex: if it's a man, men make gay jokes and prison rape jokes. If it's a woman, they joke about how they wish they were the one who got to be raped by her.
Male rape victims deserve compassion and I appreciate artists who try to evoke it, but ultimately you are asking for basic humanity from the demographic that downplays all forms of rape (and roughly 95% of the time, is the one perpetrating it)
And then those same dudes will try to deflect anyone saying something too feminist like "it's fucked up to dismiss a rape victim's story and complain about MeToo ruining innocent men's lives uwu" with "B-But men get raped too! I don't have sympathy for them either but I need an excuse to avoid confronting how poorly women are treated in society".
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ur-blxxdy-valentine · 3 months
just a dumb dog who can’t help but bite the ones that they love.
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ephemerasnape · 2 months
The sight that greeted Victor Rookwood as he exited the Hog's Head that fateful evening would be forever ingrained in his memory.
The street was dark and eerily quiet, and the dapper wizard had just taken a few steps outside the seedy pub before he realized something was amiss, causing him to stop abruptly and survey his surroundings.
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Continued below...
At first, Victor was more disoriented than anything - unsure that he could trust what he was seeing with his own eyes. The dark wizard blinked a few times in confusion before, slowly, he began to make sense of the gruesome display before him.
Heaps of... dirty rags? Someone has made rather a mess, it seems. . .
No. That's blood.
Blood and worse.
Before him was a scene of utter carnage the likes of which he'd never seen. A slaughter. The lifeless bodies of several young witches were splayed out in the middle of Spire Alley, a spectacle so macabre that even the dark wizard, well-accustomed to death, felt his stomach lurch at the sight.
A ginger witch lay eviscerated. Another's golden hair fanned around her angelic face like a halo. A brunette was positioned face down in a pool of her own blood. A strange-looking witch with odd-coloured hair... Victor shuddered as he recalled that one. He remembered her as having been particularly annoying.
And yet more still.
Sisters in death. Some he recognized outright, a vague familiarity to the rest. Their faces - doubtless once beautiful, now befouled by their own blood. Twisted limbs at grotesque angles. Internal organs now decidedly external.
And in the center a... survivor? Victor tentatively stepped forward, perhaps even to offer a helping hand, as the pale witch clad in black gazed up at him adoringly.
"Victor.. I did it for you. For us."
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Rookwood watched, horrified comprehension dawning on his face as the witch released a bloodied dagger she'd been holding. He barely registered the sound of the steel clattering to the cobblestone over the pounding of his heart.
"I love you, Victor."
Now a video.
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cl4ss1ba33 · 2 months
Hey Lovess 💗💗💗
it's been such a long time 😭. So if y'all read this post:
This is another update on my personal life✨
As I stated in my other post, I said I would manifest a bestie, AND I DIDDDD 💗💗💗.
He is such a great friend and we share so many things in common. He also matches the list i made btw. but he has a gf 💀.
So I think it would be pretty weird if we were living together, so I decided i'm going to manifest another bf (me and my bf from the previous post broke up a while ago btw 😭).
So yeahh. I think I'm going to focus on the void after I move out, so right now I'm just focused on manifesting my bf.
I've been manifesting him for a month or two now.
I am manifesting a yandere boyfriend and I made a youtube channel, so if anyone else is manifesting a yandere then you can follow me if you want 😄💗💗💗
I haven't posted any videos yet, but I will be posting videos soon ✨
and if you were waiting for the post about how I manifested my bf (or ex 💀💀💀) then i'll post it there, so look forward to itt 💗💗💗
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spacexseven · 1 year
tuna tuna tuna I was suddenly struck with an idea: subordinate au au (au-ception, if you will) where subordinate turns out to be a government plant ala ango, and was much stronger than they let on. like imagine dazai and chuuya getting fucking WASHED by the nobody subordinate they got off on tormenting. sweet karmic justice. maybe they're also an extremely loyal and dutiful would-cut-off-own-arms-if-asked type subordinate to a higher government official as well, just to really add insult to injury.
I feel like chuuya would be more revenge-oriented to cover up the underlying hurt whereas dazai, depending on what level of delusion he has entered, will either 1) consider this a fun new challenge 2) be completely heartbroken or 3) convince himself that subordinate is being manipulated away from him (their one true love, obviously) and this is just all the more reason to ditch the mafia and drag them underground with him until things blow over.
- 🩹
huhuhu there's been a big demand for subordinate reader getting their revenge/becoming stronger in my inbox so i thought it'd be the right time to answer this as well :>
cw: yandere themes
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dazai should have picked up on the signs earlier.
had he become too comfortable with the thought of you being under him? for someone so self-assured in his position, he had not even a hint of suspicion that you might be more than you were letting on. had he become too used to the sight of crushing people under his foot? he almost didn't want to believe that it was you standing in front of him, casually talking to ango like you hadn't just shattered his entire perception of you within moments.
it only took minutes for you to straighten up in the middle of what he thought was a perfectly regular mission, and then you ignored his questions, beginning to walk away right as the warehouse was filled with blinding lights and loud noises. when dazai reached out to grab your arm and demand an explanation, instead of the usual wide-eyed rush of words he was expecting, you glared at him, so coldly that he was left speechless. even the way you twisted his arm to get him off didn't hurt as much as your glare.
it seemed like a whole other person had taken over your body, using your face and your voice to report calmly to ango about the targets and infiltration. ango...dazai felt anger rising in his chest—he ruined everything. you don't even spare him a glance when you walk past him, and he's so crushed by the betrayal that he doesn't even try to get out of the situation.
it's chuuya who's sent to get him back.
and it's chuuya who, unlike dazai, is thirsting for blood. he's so furious, yet so silent—it would have scared dazai, if he wasn't so fixated on replaying your cold expression in his mind. chuuya's scowl seems like a permanent addition to his face, but dazai doesn't even have the energy to make conversation or ask him about you. how easily he had been fooled—and by the looks of everyone back in base, he wasn't the only one who had been cheated.
while chuuya is hunting down ango, you and everyone else in on the investigation so he can ignore the painful sting of betrayal, dazai spirals into his current state. he's convinced, at first, that you had been forced into it. that ango had threatened your life and that was why you showed up at the pm all those days ago, trembling in the rain. he couldn't believe that everything was a lie. all the times you cried, was all of that an act, too? nothing he ever did truly got to you, did it? and here he was, broken over an espionage attempt.
his denial then turns to something resembling anger, and then he's decided the only way to get the answers he wants is directly from you, and not the fake persona you've been hiding behind. he's sure he'll grow to love whoever it is you really are, but first, he's got to get you out of ango's hands and back with him. for that, he's ready to take you down with him—even if it means destroying the remaining traces of the pm, and his only chance at saving himself.
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alucardsathomewife · 1 year
Sobbing uncontrollably because my favorite fiction vampire isn't real
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