#really going to miss my good friend jonathan harker
picklepie888 · 2 years
I think it's interesting to note that through the course of the entire novel, the only characters out of the main cast to directly interact with Dracula are Jonathan and Mina (Renfield too, but I'm not sure how much he can be considered 'main cast'). All the other characters either only saw him from a distance, got a glimpse of him before he vanished, or merely felt his pressence. Even Van Helsing, who is widely regarded as Dracula's arch nemesis in pop culture, only saw him in person once in the actual story. I think this goes to show that this is really the Harkers' story. They are the ones who got up close and personal with the horror. They're the few people who Dracula had intended to kill who actually got away. The ones who survived. In fact, they did more than survive, they brought justice to the monster who had abused them. Because their love is so strong for each other that they were motivated, not because of what Dracula did to each of them personally, but because of what he did to the one each of them loves. Dracula truly is a gothic romance.
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yallemagne · 1 year
The way Mina emphasizes Harker. The way Jonathan sounds so vulnerable and scared. The way Lucy sounds just as vulnerable and scared.
She loves the way it sounds: Wilhelmina Harker. In the eyes of God, he's finally hers, and she's finally his.
She's so thrilled to finally wed Jonathan even if it isn't how they imagined, even if he can't stand for the ceremony, even if their only witnesses are strangers. She forgets that she's already referred to him as her husband because she's just so delighted that now it's true.
It doesn't matter to her that it isn't picture-perfect. In all likelihood, she never expected picture-perfect. Even in her immense joy, she still lets slip a little of her insecurity that she has no dowry to provide to him. But dowries, pah! Who cares! He'd marry her no matter what, and the same can evidently be said about her.
I gotta go into Jonathan's whole speech I---
'Wilhelmina'—I knew then that he was in deadly earnest, for he has never called me by that name since he asked me to marry him—'you know, dear, my ideas of the trust between husband and wife: there should be no secret, no concealment. I have had a great shock, and--'
The sound that plays! It swoops down like a bat over his head as he tries to think of what happened to him. There are also his ideas of trust-- they're very similar to Lucy's "A woman ought to tell her husband everything—don't you think so, dear?".
'--when I try to think of what it is I feel my head spin round, and I do not know if it was all real or the dreaming of a madman. You know I have had brain fever, and that is to be mad.'
His voice gets deeper, more solemn. It feels reminiscent of the way Renfield talks. It's very haunting and it shows his dire understanding that, were they in England, he would be denied his right to marriage even if Mina still wanted him.
'The secret is here, and I do not want to know it. I want to take up my life here, with our marriage.' 
Such ease in those words! "With our marriage"! It's like a weeping sigh of relief.
'Are you willing, Wilhelmina, to share my ignorance? Here is the book. Take it and keep it, read it if you will, but never let me know; unless, indeed, some solemn duty should come upon me to go back to the bitter hours, asleep or awake, sane or mad, recorded here.'
The words both read and sound just like wedding vows and the passion he has to muster for them is too much for his mind and body to handle, and he falls back asleep. But then all that uncertainty is deeply contrasted by his firm "I will."
Lucy speaks in a constant whisper, even while she's alone, she's so quiet. It is like how Mina says writing is like whispering to herself, but now, it's less comforting. Lucy's taken to writing in imitation of Mina because she misses her and wants to emulate the same behaviour that kept her friend thinking on her feet, but she really closely resembles Jonathan, noting others' feelings and privately planning what she may do to keep herself safe.
I don't know that she realizes Arthur is concerned for her. I think she believes he's still anxious for his father's sake, but she can't muster the gaiety needed to cheer him up in the same way Jonathan mustered all that passion for Mina. Because Jonathan is recovering, and Lucy is now suffering a relapse in her health. They both have the same beliefs about telling the truth in marriage, but in practice, it is very difficult for both of them. Jonathan struggles to remember, but he at least has his journal to give to Mina should she wish to know. Lucy only hopes that she can at least get well enough that her pretending will prove more convincing.
She says she'll try to persuade her mother to let her sleep in her bed, but she doesn't seem confident that she will. Mina would let her, but they're no longer on vacation together, are they? Her mother will likely scold her for being childish, but maybe if she provides a good enough excuse...?
She at least has to try.
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aimzicr · 1 year
Okay I saw Last Voyage of the Demeter! I have thoughts. As someone who spent three years essaying about Dracula, as a fan and student of literature-to-film adaptations/transformations, and just as a reader and listener of Daily Dracula and Re: Dracula, I have thoughts. Mild spoilers below the cut, but nothing that would ruin the experience completely if you haven't seen/can't see it.
But please be aware: Dracula DOES go about in his Lizard Fashion™.
I wasn't expecting a one-to-one transformation of the Demeter's Log to make it on screen. After all, the story of men being silently hunted until all are dead makes for a great dread-inducing setpiece for Stoker's novel, but not so much for a standalone film. I did enjoy seeing how the story took the 'based on' as far as they could before they started stretching it.
I did have a quiet laugh as the first title-card almost seemed to suggest this was REAL and TRUE EVENTS for a second. Way to get me engaged and reference the epistolary nature of the original novel.
But yes, the story does get turned into a bit of a Last Girl Horror Movie, because they see and know there's something wrong and they're actively fighting against it, even as they get picked off one by one. An interesting take, a pretty damn good method of turning a bleak setpiece into a proper standalone story.
Dot points to follow, before I forget:
The opening with the wagons moving through the countryside was breathtakingly beautiful
(I couldn't help but think 'oh they're wearing the same hats my good friend Jonathan Harker wrote about')
The captain's log being read aloud, word for word, in quieter moments was very very good. (And, of course, by this point I know it word-for-word, so picking up on the small tweaks was quite a delight).
I enjoyed hearing the familiar names as we're introduced to the crew.
The captain's decision to retire and pass the ship on does make me reconsider the mate's stoic nature in the story as a man dedicated to his duty, rather than just an antisocial asshole. Always nice to consider things from a new angle.
Chekov's Black Dog (kind of a missed opportunity to not show Dracula using a mockery of Huck to escape, but this wasn't a one-to-one transformation of texts as I said; also no reference to a black dog being an omen of death? Missed opportunity.)
Dracula being the only one on the ship being allowed to eat meat, just a glimpse of his hypocrisy and tyranny
(Though I'm not a huge fan of modern vampires being depicted as messy eaters, Netflix's Castlevania etc: just DRINK THE BLOOD stop biting people and letting them BLEED EVERYWHERE, did your mother not teach you dining etiquette???)
"Can this disease be passed to people?" "No. Not without a bite" very cute.
The initial reveal of the face in the spyglass FUCK that was terrifying.
Considering inwardly 'why he look like that? We know he was an aristocrat when he left his castle -- wait, hang on, is this what happens when vampires get seasick? When they cross running water? They stop wearing clothes and go feral?' before I turned off my brain and stopped thinking about Seasick Naked Count Dracula
They really did need to add this new character, because the audience and the crew both needed the context and information. Otherwise, how could the crew fight back? RIP to canon, I guess, (but look at it this way: once Mina starts putting all the letters together, she gives Hellsing and the others the necessary information to kill Dracula, so... not too much of a reach?)
But Dracula, sir, bringing along a snack for the road and it ISN'T our friend Jonathan Harker?
The subtle reveal-and-conceal in the early parts of the voyage of Dracula's face and form was well done and genuinely terrifying. Just the parts where you look away for just a second and he's gone? Fuck.
"No, please! D:" "No, please~ :3"
Knock Knock. Who's there? Not your friend, that's for sure. (Dracula stealing this is Fucked Up, in the best way. He takes EVERYTHING from you! :) )
Vampirism as possession is an excellent way to recontextualise its parasitic history/links
Where's that tumblr post about how you can tell what a good horror film is? 'This movie's great, a kid DIES in it!'
Seeing the cloth move a second before the captain says 'I saw him move' but doubting myself. I didn't see that, right? It was just the wind. Right?
Oh. It wasn't the wind.
Men of Strength overpowered, Men of Faith made to doubt, Men of Reason rattled by answers that make no sense, and the Innocent hunted down. Dracula as a force of Pure Terror that tests one's character (and then eats, because he's a boyar and he dines on the cattle of his choosing)
Did he just slam this guy down so hard his BRAIN popped out of his skull, holy shit
'In my country, there's no-one else for him to feed on' what, do people go stale after a few bites? Dracula's a picky eater?
'He's rationing' puts the journey into even greater context. A chilling sentence in the film and in the broader understanding of the Demeter's place in the novel.
a Cool Plan to Survive The Monster is very action-movie, but I knew it wouldn't work (sorry, sometimes the spoilers/pre-knowledge ruin things)
'This is my home.' Augh. 'I'll do it.' AUGH.
The slow creeping fog rising up (like hands? like an embrace?) in the final hours was CHEF'S KISS. Beautiful effect
(Also loved the effect of the wind from His Wings displacing the fog, too. Even if you don't see him, you can see where he's been)
"What's going on?" "He knows." Oh. Well. Fuck.
The Last Voyage of the Demeter isn't told from the Captain's perspective, so much of the man's nobility and sacrifice in the name of duty is lost (even to the point that his iconic death pose is capital-m Mocked by The Dracula (almost like the old BAsTard was like 'I know you've read Stoker's book but I'm here to fuck with you, dear audience'). The Captain isn't the Final Girl in this horror movie, but they do give him a proper end as far as the film goes, even if he does get a lot more rattled and shaken than his log might suggest
There's also a sense of blurred intertextuality in vampire lore here, because they drew heavily on the Hammer Films/Buffy The Vampire Slayer context of 'vampires burning in sunlight'. Not truly Stoker's Dracula...
... then again, Dracula has a very particular Design, and is credited in the crawl as 'Dracula/Nosferatu'. He was for sure Count Orlock, rather than Dracula.
Knock Knock. I'm here watching you :3
That brief touch from Dracula as he leaves the bar was - fuck, it was a split second to make a poor man flinch, but in that brief touch was the playful terror of a tyrant: I own you, I don't fear you, you can't stop me, I control you. Nothing you said to me on the Demeter had any effect on me and you are just meat. Ta ta, darling~
The movie ending with a new survivor, the potential for a new vampire hunter, was very good. Instead of the Log of the Demeter ending in bleak despair and all hands lost, instead we have a man galvanised and ready to fight against evil, even if he has to do it alone.
Music kicked ass. Very raw, very primal, very Gothic Victoriana
Lots of fun! It felt a little like they were setting up for an Extended Dracula Universe (I hope I'm misinterpreting) but I did like how Getting To Live after a traumatic experience leads to 'Fuck this guy, he's not getting away with this in the future'. Like I said before, we wanted the monster back so we could kill it, so I appreciate that's the vibe they went with for LVotD. A little bleak? Sure. But the fact that people are willing to keep fighting, even in the direst circumstances with the odds against them? That's what we need. That's what it's all about.
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cassandrasimplex · 1 year
So overall I'm really enjoying the Dracula Daily / Re: Dracula ft. Tumblr experience, because the slower trickle of the story moving at a real-time pace really allows time to absorb each entry and let small details rise to the surface that one might have just skipped over in a greater hurry, and what better way to enjoy those nearly-missed details than to read the thoughts of a few hundred equally odd minds getting hung up on the same things?
And sometimes they're hung up on other things instead and that highlights something I'd missed, and now I get to un-miss it, so that's lovely.
But, and of course there's a but, one of those things is the way that the Count keeps calling Harker his friend. "My good friend Jonathan Harker" this and "my dear friend Jonathan Harker" that, so Tumblr just keeps talking collectively about Harker in those terms. And on the one hand that makes a really fascinating contrast with the way Van Helsing uses similar words almost every time he refers to another person, like at. all. and yet it comes across very differently; the latter is clearly sincere, or at least sincerely trying to be flattering, while the former is being a creepy gaslighting predator about it and yet
It also got the phrase "my good and dear friend Jonathan Harker" stuck in my head and now my mental image for Count Dracula is
Tumblr media
and I'm not going to apologize for sharing that until the rest of you apologize for making it happen.
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peachcitt · 2 years
hey Peach, certified book rec list enabler friend here, can you give us a list of those classic lit recs? 👀
so i know you asked specifically for classic lit for beginners and i think that is a fantastic idea for a book rec list but im going to give some disclaimers
these are simply classic lit books that i like
classic lit books that i like tend to be easier reads FOR ME, not necessarily for other people
my personal definition of "classic lit" is incredibly loose
under the cut is each book with an elaboration on what it's about/what to look out for/my thoughts on it which got a little long, so here's a snapshot of each of the books i included on this list:
Much Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare)
Lady Audley's Secret (Braddon)
Brave New World (Huxley)
Peter Pan (Barrie)
Frankenstein (Shelley)
Dracula (Stoker)
Olive (Craik)
Herland (Gilman)
At Night All Blood is Black (Diop)
Fun Home (Bechdel)
so anyway here are my recs in no particular order
Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare
by far my favorite shakespeare play - it's truly funny and emotional when it needs to be, and snappy and bickeringly in love benedick and beatrice really steal the show here. reading it is fun, but since it's a play i'll say my favorite adaptation is the stage production with david tennant and catherine tate as benedick and beatrice. there's also a web series adaptation on youtube that is absolutely phenomenal
2. Lady Audley's Secret by Mary Elizabeth Bradden
by far my favorite book that i've ever had to read for a class !! this is a mystery novel from the mid-1800s, and it's GRIPPING. it follows a distinctly queer-coded lawyer whose best friend goes missing around the time that he meets the lawyer's new hot young step-aunt. i actually posted an alternate ending on ao3 a while ago (it was my final assignment for the class) (i got a good grade). the language in this book is relatively easy to follow, and there's a lot of interesting stuff happening with gender/women/sexuality in there. i cannot recommend this book enough
3. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
a fun dystopia from the 1920s! i think if you wanted to get English Major about it, this is a great companion read for 1984 because of how both of these books are dystopias that revolve around what freedom of speech/thought might mean, but they address that idea in complete opposite ways- compelling! while 1984 is all about repression through submission, brave new world is about repression through overt sexuality and substance abuse. i think 1984 is good, but brave new world is a better read; it's emotionally investing and impactful with the words it chooses to use. there's some race/gender/sexuality tension in there that i think is really interesting. reading it in high school changed my life a bit i think.
4. Peter Pan by James Barrie
i think we're all pretty familiar with the story of peter pan, but reading the original text is just a whole other beast. it's a short read, so it can be pretty casual to just pick up. it's a profoundly weird story and i think more people should know about that. a lot of race/gender/age stuff going on there
5. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
a given. a bit of a slower read at points, but i've always thoroughly enjoyed reading frankenstein. key things that i like: the russian doll format, how stupid victor frankenstein is, henry<3, the creature<3
6. Dracula by Bram Stoker
also a given. all the tumblrinas should know about this one. key things that i like: the polyamory vibes, quincey morris<3, jonathan harker<3, mina<3. also how bloody and graphic it is<3
7. Olive by Dinah Mulock Craik
this is a relatively little-known marriage plot novel from the later end of the 1800s and i gotta say. i was Into It the whole time. of course there's some weird stuff in there, but overall this is a book about a girl with a physical disability that gets to be in love and be loved with a happy ending (!!). that kind of thing was nearly unheard of back then, and so even though the language/treatment of all characters isn't perfect, it's really genuine in what it wants to say (which is that people with disabilities deserve love and happy endings). it's a pretty religiously dogmatic text, so be aware of that. the copy of olive that i have came with craik's short story The Half-Caste which is ! well it's a short read and it's a weird one!
8. Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
an early 1900s utopian novel! this one is particularly interesting because there's three (or four, can't remember) male main characters who end up stumbling upon a secret society comprised of only women that is essentially a utopia. how each man reacts to seeing women control, live, and thrive in their own society is really pointed. obviously a lot of gender/sexuality stuff happening in there. my only disclaimer for this one is that sometimes utopian novels can become a bit stagnant, but this one manages to avoid that for the most part because of the conflict the male characters bring in
9. At Night All Blood is Black by David Diop
this is a book that was published in 2018 but i actually didn't know that until i looked it up just now! what! it concerns a sengalese man named alfa who ends up fighting for the french during world war I. after the tragic death of his best friend, alfa begins a descent into madness due to his guilt and his rage. this is a short novel, but it's unbelievably heavy. there's a lot of graphic violence and hard emotions, but it's written so well. it also provides a picture of world war I from the perspective of the african men who were forced into the trenches that isn't normally depicted. it's truly thought-provoking and beautifully written.
10. Fun Home by Alison Bechdel
yes, bechdel as in the bechdel test. fun home is bechdel's graphic novel memoir that was published in the early 2000s, and it details her youth in rural pennsylvania as well as her complicated relationship with her father as she navigated her sexuality as a butch lesbian. it is astoundingly poignant, and the format as a graphic novel means it's a welcoming, quick read (although when i read it i really did dwell on the amazing art panels, and it did make me sit and pause for a while because of how insanely good it is). this is a great snapshot of a particular kind of queer life in the 1960s-70s, and how bechdel depicts her father and her relationship with him is particularly compelling. be aware of themes of sexuality (of course), but also themes of abuse and pedophilia. everything is depicted with care in my opinion, but this one can also get a bit heavy.
and that's it! ive read a decent amount of classic lit, but these are the ones that i enjoyed the most/would be the most welcoming to people who don't normally pick up books like this.
happy reading!!<3
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indecisivepsyche · 2 years
Murray Mysteries Thoughts
Alright, I made a post noting that I don't really like Murray Mysteries, so I thought I should expand on that. I'll go ahead and note that if you've just learnt of the podcast, don't let this discourage you from giving it a try. There are quite a few good moments in the podcast, and it's cool seeing how they've adapted Stoker's plot to modern times. From here, there's going to be a few spoilers for the podcast.
For me, it really came down to the fact that there were many times where I had the thought that I'd rather be reading Dracula or listening to Cryptic Canticles' adaptation instead. The innovations in Murray Mysteries with the format and characters weren't enough to prevent me from yearning to hear the lines they were adapting, not the modernized and simplified versions of them. I missed Stoker's prose.
I did have some fun listening to it! The podcast was at its best for me in the first season, when the characters were intentionally working together to create a podcast rather than leaving the recorder on for events and uploading them as a record of occurrences. Mina and Lucy's interactions were great, and it was enjoyable to learn how their backstories differed from their book counterparts. Diversifying the team by introducing Jane Seward and Lucy's nonbinary partner Art made sense for a modern adaptation. Later on, the Christmas Special and the developing relationship between Art and Jane (scenes without precedents in Stoker's work) were great listens.
I also have to commend the start of Jonathan Harker's travel segment! His love for Mina is evident, and his enthusiasm really filled me with the "my good friend Jonathan Harker!" joy. Drac was also so funny. I'm not 100% on board with what they did to him. He ends up lacking menace, which is very evident in #32 - they didn't even try to adapt what Dracula said to Mina when he attacked her on October 3rd. Still, there are many delightful moments from him, like his justifications for the off-the-grid nature of Castle Dracula and the mocking message he sent to the party to make it clear he was listening to their podcast.
Ah, the podcast. There are moments where the conceit of the show works against it for me. This is most egregious for me in all of Jane's segments discussing R's case. Jane, despite the fact that you're censoring the dude's name and I'm not sure if you're violating any privacy laws, this rubs me the wrong way. And what's up with them killing him off with a phone call after he received medical care in the hospital? Seemed unnecessary.
One last thing: their writing for Quincey rubbed me the wrong way. In Dracula, Quincey demonstrates with his courting of Lucy that he's quite willing to play the fool for his friends. It's clear he has depth beyond that, however, like with his comparison of Lucy's situation to vampire bats as well as Jack and Arthur looking to him for a plan of action. In Murray Mysteries, however, it really felt like his main purpose was comedic relief. Also, what's up with Van Helsing mentioning sacred bullets in Episode 28 and that never coming into play? The stake bullets don't count.
I could speak more and go into my complicated feelings over their Van Helsing, but I honestly need to get to sleep. Here's my current ranking of Dracula adaptations:
#1. Dracula (1931)
#2. Murray Mysteries
#3. Horror of Dracula (1958) (apologies to Van Helsing's amazing fur coat)
I have around 30 minutes of Nosferatu left, and I think it might claim #1.
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see-arcane · 2 years
Dracula Dailiers we have a LOT to unpack
-RIP to the Captain, Whitby loves and misses you
-Surprise RIP to Mr. Swales, I know you died shit-talking the Count so mercilessly the ancient bastard had to snap your neck*
-*Alternatively, it was because you were sitting over the grave he wanted to use for his camp-out resting place. Hence why yet another dog got its hackles up when passing near the spot, having sensed the atrocious Dracula-vibes within. Also, shout-out to the asshole dog owner who kicked his own pup, I hope you get gangrene in that foot.
-Lucy is still sleepwalking. We can be pretty sure there’s some extra influence going on there. But what gets all my hairs standing up is that Mina knows Something More is up and Lucy refuses to talk about it. Worse, it’s something that implies a miserable camaraderie with the dog’s terror when touching the gravestone; the inarticulate dread, the fear that comes with Knowing There is a Threat and Not Knowing the Threat’s Name.
-Good cows!
-Hoo boy, here comes Stoker’s misplaced mouthpiece time with Mina poo-pooing ‘the New Woman.’ Between this sniffing at the independent stance of the New Woman phenomenon and the Lilith-adjacent baby-eating caricature the sexy evil Brides present, Stoker was hitting the gas on the lady prejudice. Ironically, in a way that flies in the face of his main girl being so obviously in line with a lot of the New Woman’s principles. Yes, as the book goes on, there will be some period-typical maidenly fretting and ‘do not fear, this is man’s work!’ moments—which kind of tips Stoker’s hand in a very telling ‘appreciation’ for manful men doing manful men things. With other men.—but when Mina isn’t performing damsel duty?
She’s a worker. She’s a thinker. She’s a doer. She fills 90% of traditional male roles in literature throughout the story just as Jonathan filled out the gothic damsel in distress role at the book’s start. Frankly I think the only reason she or Lucy are able to unironically turn their noses up at the ‘New Woman’ is because:
A)   They’re miraculously surrounded by the most chivalrous men on Earth, let alone in England. They’ve no reason to get ruffled over a lack of respect or care.
B)   Mina’s only solid acquaintance with men beyond a few interviewees so far is Jonathan ‘Mina-Addicted Sweetheart’ Harker and Mr. Hawkins who’s like a second father.
C)   Her social circle really isn’t all that big, period. Yes, there’s Lucy who she’s known since childhood, Jonathan, her students, but who else does she really talk about like they’re close? Least of all any acquaintances who might be or know ~confirmed~ New Women?
D)  Being a newspaper lover, I’d bet money her only real ‘knowledge’ of the New Woman phenomenon comes from Punch comics and mansplained satire discussing outlandish parodies of the actual movement/women. Of course she isn’t like them! How absurd!
E)    She does genuinely want to start a family with Jonathan and this traditional desire likely feels to her like another proof against her being a dreadful (gasp) New Woman.
All the while she’s oblivious to all the traits that make her—the working, intelligent, active, teacher/budding journalist/equal partner to her fiancé—very much part of the New Woman movement. It wouldn’t surprise me if Jonathan was someday stunned to realize she was in earnest about her disdain, leading to him gently, lovingly, claiming he is quite shocked and hurt, as one of his best friends is a New Woman. Would he like to meet her?
Cue him holding up a mirror.
-Lucy is so pretty and full of blood <3
-I too would be happier if only I knew if Jonathan. Where Jonathan. Want Jonathan. Return Jonathan.
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autolenaphilia · 3 years
Violet Hunter and/or Mina Harker?
Thank you!
Violet Hunter
How I feel about this character
Love her, she is so clever and brave. She is not just a client and does a lot of the detective work on her own. Honestly she is why i would say The Copper Beeches is my favourite Holmes story (even if i recognize Holmes and Watson are in way better form in other stories, Violet does most of the detective work in COPP)
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Hmm, I don't really ship her with anyone, she is only in one short story and don't really have shippable relationships with anyone. Watson actually sort of implies that he is into Sherlock/Violet, lol, but he admits in the same sentence that Holmes is just not into her ("As to Miss Violet Hunter, my friend Holmes, rather to my disappointment, manifested no further interest in her when once she had ceased to be the centre of one of his problems").
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Again short story so she doesn't have a lot of character relationships to go with, but I do like the idea that Watson at least kept in touch with Violet and they were friends.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Hmm, I guess that I like her so much? She is not a popular character, people just don't have many opinions about her, so i guess me thinking she is cool and should be used more in adaptations counts.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
That she became a detective on her own, she has the brains for it.
Mina Harker
How I feel about this character
It's been awhile since I read the book, but again, really intelligent and brave female character. She goes through a lot but perseveres and I love her.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I really like the idea of Mina/Lucy gfddg. The canonical Jonathan/Mina is good too.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Hmm, hard to say, I have to re-read the novel to say for sure. He is stil infamously sexist at best about it but Van Helsing at least openly recognizes her bravery and intelligence and respects her for it.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Uhhh I genuinely don't know which of my opinions are unpopular or not.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
It is not entirely damsel-in-distress, but I really wish she had been more active in fighting Dracula in the final parts of the novel.
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gellavonhamster · 4 years
random dracula reread notes
god this book is even better than I remembered
I mean, obviously it has some of the usual nastiness one would expect from a 19th century novel written by a white man, but on the whole... what a good book
like, it’s the Power of Friendship™. All the main protagonists genuinely love each other and hold hands all the time and let each other cry on their shoulder and kiss and make sure their friends get enough sleep. Dracula stood no chance against that 
Jonathan Harker describing everything he had for dinner and making notes to ask for the recipes later is the cutest shit
never forget that Dracula had to clean and cook for Jonathan himself to make it seem as if there were servants in the castle
never forget Dracula’s straw hat “which suit not him or the time”
the first time I read this novel translated into Latvian, and now I am trying really hard to remember if that translation captured Van Helsing’s characteristic English-is-not-my-native-language manner of speech. I should also check the Russian translation at some point to see how it deals with this aspect
I want to be Mina Harker when I grow up and yes I know that presently I must be older than she is in the book
the dynamic between Jack and Van Helsing is so much fun because, on the one hand, Van Helsing respects Jack a lot as a fellow scientist and as someone who had saved his life, but he also pulls Jack by the ear when he’s being dense and tells Lucy something like “oh he doesn’t understand girls!” when Jack is in the same room. He’s Jack’s colleague and mentor but also his embarrassing uncle. Amazing
actually Van Helsing’s dynamic with everyone is adorable, he just literally adopts them all
I have a mighty need for a prequel novel(s)/series about the “wandering days” of Jack, Quincey, and Arthur, because you can’t just say stuff like “We’ve told yarns by the camp-fire in the prairies; and dressed one another’s wounds after trying a landing at the Marquesas; and drunk healths on the shore of Titicaca” and not expect me to want to hear everything about that. “Do you remember, Art, when we had the pack after us at Tobolsk?” like what the fuck were you doing in Tobolsk in the first place, Quincey, I need to know
Jonathan/Mina are simply the best (and everyone who feels like we as a society need more depictions of wholesome and loving marriages should definitely check this book out), but my favourite love-related quote in this novel still is “and I love you with all the moods and tenses of the verb”, written by Mina to Lucy
Lucy! Lucy is a sweetheart, and while I think it is valid to read her as polyamorous, I feel the primary idea behind her saying she wishes she could just marry three men is that she felt awful knowing that she has to break the hearts of two wonderful men because she just doesn’t love them the way she loves the third one. On the other hand, everyone in this book seems a little in love with everyone else, so, like, valid regardless
I think I’ve said this before but I like how Jack is always a step away from becoming your typical Mad Victorian Scientist (he almost brought Renfield a cat just to see if he would really eat it - unethical, yeah, but interesting!) but he never makes that step because his heart is too kind. Also I think a lot about the way Lucy describes him in her letter to Mina as calm, resolute, and overall an excellent parti, and then we read his diary and it’s like “maybe if I overwork myself, my depression will go away, might also do some drugs for good measure”... somebody help him
Quincey’s proposal and what he said to Lucy after she refused him and basically everything he does in the book... can I marry him
also the only inaccuracy I sanction for the adaptations to come is letting him survive
I missed it somehow the first time I read this book but Van Helsing loves Arthur so much because he reminds him of his dead son... ouch
speaking of Arthur, I don’t hate him? Yes, he seems to have the least developed personality out of all the protagonists, but he also didn’t do anything wrong. Also it’s hilarious to me for some reason how one of his superpowers is summoning rat-catching dogs. He’s like a Victorian Pokemon trainer  
imagine a horror movie focused solely on the voyage of the Demeter. Just this ship, its crew, and a vampire slowly destroying them one by one
I can’t believe Mina and Jonathan called their son after five men. FIVE MEN all those Albuses Severuses and Jameses Siriuses can’t compare
obviously now I want to watch some adaptation but also, based on what I’ve heard about most of these adaptations, I don’t want that. Help us Karyn Kusama you’re our only hope
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flutteringphalanges · 4 years
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Summary:  “Am I in Hell?” Agatha’s voice was hoarse, a hint of fear in her tone. “That depends on your definition,” Dracula answered. “Perhaps.” His fingers felt cool against her burning skin, the fever raging through her body. “If you’re going to kill me, then do it,” she mumbled. The count chuckled, gazing into her eyes. “On the contrary,” he smirked. “I’m going to save you.”
((In which Dracula cares for a gravely ill Agatha))
Characters: Agatha Van Helsing/Dracula
Rating: M
Read on FFN and AO3
A/N:  Happy New Year's Eve AND happy Dracula 2020's First Year Anniversary Eve! I thought about posting this tomorrow, but I thought I made you guys wait long enough. Plus wanted to end 2020 on a good note since, well, this year has been...yeah...ANYWAY, hope you enjoy it! Feedback/likes/reblogs are greatly loved and appreciated! -Jen
                                              Chapter Twelve
Agatha leaned over the bucket again and retched the contents of her stomach out for what seemed like the umpteenth time that day. The thick, tar like liquid had already begun to congeal as most old blood does. This time around it belong to a brown bear the Count had swiftly taken out in the mountains. The third animal the couple had tried to test Agatha's theory that she didn't need to survive off of humans. So far every attempt had ended in failure.
"You're growing weaker." Dracula commented, his voice impatient and edged with worry. "And if you keep up at this rate, you risk going feral." He wasn't sure how true his implications were, but at this rate, the former nun was endangering her well being. "Please, Agatha, be reasonable. It isn't a kill if I do it for you."
"And yet it would still be on my conscience." His lover sighed, wiping the side of her mouth with her sleeve. "If I am to live forever, I simply cannot have that." She swallowed, tasting the bitter bile on her tongue. "We'll keep trying. Surely there is something out there. No creature is designed to survive on one given source from a singular thing. Humans in our case."
The elder vampire groaned in response, clearly tired by his beloved's humanity that had managed to survive during her transformation. Agatha gently rested a hand on his arm, her eyes glancing up to meet his.
"Please." She said in a soft, yet adamant voice. "I want to keep going."
"If something begins to happen. If you start to change or..." His words seemed to fade off. "If it comes down to it, I will do what's in your best interest, Agatha. Even if you hate me for a millennium for doing it." Once more he paused. "I love you."
"I know." She smiled. "Which is why we will find a solution. Together." The corners of her lips twitched into a faint smirk. "And who knows, when we do, perhaps even you will convert."
Dracula snorted and rolled his eyes. "I hate to dash your hopes, but I can almost guarantee that will not be happening. I have an acquired taste and standards to boot. If we are successful at finding an alternative, I'll leave the riches to you." He leaned in close to her ear, his breath tickling and sending a shiver up Agatha's spine. "You truly have no idea what you are missing out on. The knowledge. The stories. Everything a filthy animal's blood lacks. Deep down, I know there is an inkling of curiosity within you."
The former nun took a step back, locking eyes with him. "That's what books are for. Reliable and only harmful from their papercuts. I will not be swayed from my decision, Count Dracula." Exhaling, she glanced around the room. "So we've tried deer, bear, rabbit...perhaps livestock is our next bet. Though, I do dislike the idea of stealing someone's property."
"You can't have it both ways, Agatha." Dracula frowned, clearly irritated by her stubborn, selfless nature. "Ultimately, the end result won't leave you with the happiest outcome, but stealing as you so referred to it is less sinful than murder." He scoffed at his words. "Then again, we both know our opinions on religion. Or lack thereof."
"...We could always start a farm?" Agatha spoke after a moment's pause. "After centuries, it wouldn't hurt for you to gain a hobby. One that would benefit me and keep you out of trouble." She chuckled, the laugh laced with exhaustion. "Imagine a flock of chickens. You could sell their eggs at the village market...if one was held at night, of course."
"And I think all of this animal blood has gotten to that pretty little mind of yours." Dracula said, cupping her face between his large hands. "Come, you need your rest. We can at least agree on that."
He was right on that account. She was feeling rather drained. Not to mention nauseated from the bear. The taste still lingered on the back of her tongue. Nodding her head, she took the vampire's hand and followed him down the long stretch of hallway to where their coffin was located. It wasn't the nicest looking thing, more so an oversized box filled with dirt. But Dracula was insistent on sleeping together and promised soon he'd have something specially made. Agatha couldn't help but wonder how someone would go about commissioning a luxury couple's casket. An interesting conversation indeed.
"I really hate that we have to sleep in dirt." Agatha grimaced as Dracula lifted the lid. "I don't care how restful it may be, waking up covered in grime isn't at all pleasant."
"You are by far the fussiest vampire I've ever created." Her lover laughed, shaking his head in amusement. "No one has ever voiced as many opinions as you. Or demands for that matter."
"Like you, I have standards...they just are different than yours." The former nun replied, eyeing the large box incredulously. "One day, when I have enough strength to do so, I'm going to look into these vampiric rites of yours." She could tell by the look on his face the idea didn't excite him. "Oh please, it isn't like I plan to shove a stake through my heart. Though, I am well aware that was a failed attempt on Jonathan Harker's part."
"To bed with you." The Count ushered, helping her into their place of rest. "Enough of this nonsense. It's time to take a nap while I go out and...borrow some farm animals. I hope you realize how much I care for you, I don't haul a full grown cow back to the castle for just anyone."
"Oh so heroic." Agatha snorted, pursing her lips as Dracula leaned in to kiss her. "Blatantly asking for praise rather than quietly accepting the fact that I truly appreciate all you do. If I am fussy, you are needy."
A pleasant form of bickering. Usually they had heated discussions-often of which ended in a passionate session of fucking. But tonight was different. Perhaps his worry for Agatha caused the flame to momentarily simmer down. Messed with his ability to be both suave and an ass. She looked beautiful lying there in the coffin she clearly despised, and though part of him wanted nothing more than to take her now, he knew it needed to wait. She was hungry. Needed to feed. And the consequences of not doing that were far from good.
"Name calling is childish, my dear nun." Dracula smirked knowing the irony behind it. "Now, please have enough sense to sleep. I'm losing moonlight by the hour and if I'm to get back here before dawn, I must leave now." He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Stay."
"I'm not some hound." She called after him from the confines of the casket. "I can come and go as I please…" Agatha gazed up at the coffin lid that now blocked her view of the room. "For now, I just choose to accept that perhaps you are right about resting. Sleep does sound agreeable."
The former nun could've sworn she heard Dracula answer, but her mind had already started to grow foggy. Taking in an unnecessary breath, she closed her eyes and tried not to focus on the strange feeling in her stomach. She was so tired. So worn out. So weary that it didn't take long for her to slip away from reality and into her dreams.
Even in the darkness, Agatha recognized the place from where she stood. Though far emptier and dusty, it was an unmistakable memory implanted in her mind. The old inn that she had taken refuge in soon after her escape from the ruins of what had been St. Mary's convent and her lost sisters.
Taking a step forward, the former nun felt loose stone crumble underneath her feet. Glancing down, she lightly kicked a rock on the ground and watched as it bounced across the room, hitting the wall opposite her. She wasn't exactly sure why she was here. It was a dream, for sure, but it oddly felt real at the same time.
The voice was soft, meek, and the woman knew instantly who the speaker was. From the shadows, as timid as they day they met, Mina stepped out. She wore the same, blue habit as the day they had departed, blonde hair cascading down her shoulders. A cold draft came in from a neglected open window, blowing her locks gently. The smell was intoxicating.
"Mina?" Agatha whispered, her voice hoarse. "Why are you...you need to go! Go now!" She covered her nose, throat burning. It was only a dream. Only a dream. And yet, it felt so horribly real. "Go now!"
But the other woman, oblivious to the fact her friend was now a vampire, had a look of relief plastered across her features. "You disappeared." She said, stepping closer Agatha who, in turn, backed up against the wall. "I thought I'd never see you again. Where did you go?!"
"Mina, please!" Agatha pleaded, biting down so hard on her bottom lip she could taste her own blood. "You must go now. You're in danger!"
"It's alright now." The young woman insisted, closing the distance between her and the vampire. "Now that we are together again, we can...Good God, Agatha, what's happened to your eyes?!"
The once flat edges of her teeth had begun to grow pointed and a low guttural sound rumbled deep from the bottom of Agatha's throat. She stared back hungrily at Mina, the last reminisce of control she fought to hold disappearing. The vampire stepped forward, a prisoner to her own thirsty as her victim stared back in horror. She was so thirsty. So very, very thirsty…
"Agatha?" Mina whispered weakly. "Agatha, please!"
But the rational, humane side of the former nun was gone. Mina's pleas of mercy falling on deaf ears. Without so much as a second thought. A second consideration. She lunged towards the woman, knocking her onto the ground. As her sharp nails dug into the woman's flesh, she gazed down and readied to bury her fangs into…
Agatha's eyes shot wide open, startled awake by the sound of Dracula's voice. She looked up and saw the other vampire staring down at her in utter astonishment, his hands gripping either of her shoulders as if he'd been trying to hold her down.
"It's alright. It's alright. You were having a nightmare." He attempted to assure her as her head whipped around wildly. "I've been trying to wake you up."
"Mina…" Agatha panted, as if needing to breathe. "Mina...I tried to warn her...tried to stop myself…" She shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut. "I couldn't control it." When she opened them again, the former nun looked deeply into her lover's eyes. "I was so thirsty…"
Dracula's lips pressed into a thin line as if he was trying to hold back on saying something. It wasn't until Agatha gathered herself enough that she really took in what the other vampire had yet to admit. Deep, long claw marks scraped the inside of their coffin resembling those of an animal trying to get out. Agatha looked down and noticed chips of wood sprinkled across her.
"Did I…" She swallowed, her stomach twisting. "Was that...me?"
"We're running out of time, Agatha." The other vampire said quietly. "If we don't figure things soon enough, it's only going to get worse. I'm not willing to let that happen." He paused, considering his next words carefully. "That means, I'll have no choice but to teach you how to hunt."
Agatha said nothing, but stared at the deep marks on the coffin. She thought of her dream. Of Mina. Of all of this. Swallowing, she ran a hand through her messy hair and sighed.
"Fine." She relented. "Teach me."
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Never To Touch And Never To Keep
Westenray AU (NBC Dracula)
A/N: So, here it is, the Westenray AU where Henry Cavill is Lucy’s beard. Fair warning, I didn’t really watch much of the show, just the Lucy scenes, and not even all of those. Basically, this is a peeled-back modern AU of the whole story, without the Dracula stuff. It’ll follow canon for a little bit, unfortunately *cringe* but I need a happy ending for my gays.
Also, this gets quite dark before it gets better. TW: gaslighting, attempted suicide, poisoning, and manipulation. Like for real, guys, I promise a happy ending, but if any of these trigger you, please don’t read it.
Lucy and Mina have been friends since they were fifteen. Lucy's father is an affluent businessman, and Lucy grows up with her every whim catered to. She’s at the center of everyone’s attention. All heads turn whenever she enters a room, and she accepts the adoration as her due.
She and Mina meet at boarding school, and the bond between the two girls is immediate. 
That first year is spent in bare feet and nightgowns, dancing idly to Fleetwood Mac, drunk on youth and the vodka Lucy stole from the headmistress’ office. In the acrid scent of illicit cigarettes being passed from one to the other, and the soft curve of Mina’s lips under Lucy’s fingers whenever she slips the cigarette into Mina’s mouth.
Mina is quiet and earnest, where Lucy is vivacious and impertinent. Mina gently chastises her when she breaks yet another boy’s heart, and Lucy merely laughs. 
And when Mina breaks Lucy’s heart and falls in love with Jonathan Harker, Lucy just laughs and laughs, and cruelly breaks another boy’s heart in retaliation.
Between the two of them, Mina is the more logical one, whose head and heart are grounded and centered, while Lucy is a creature of flight and fancy -- the one who flits from one thing to another, the charming social butterfly who lights up any room she walks into and creates a spectacle to hide every insecurity she keeps inside.
Lucy lives with bravado, but retreats behind a glittering mask. Mina, she thinks, is the one who is actually brave, the one who is unafraid to live her life as herself.
At the time of this AU, they’re around 21, and Mina and Jonathan are engaged. They're still quite young, but they've been together for years. The "perfect couple", it was only a matter of time before they got married.
Mina is in med school at this time, when she meets Alexander Grayson.
Grayson is a wealthy businessman, the new owner of the hospital where Mina’s father had practiced before he died. He encounters Mina once, at a benefit for the hospital’s cancer ward. Mina speaks to him in her gentle, forthright way, and Grayson is immediately drawn to her.
The encounter leaves an indelible mark on Grayson, and he decides he has to have her.
He’s no stranger to manipulation, and he comes at the problem on all sides. The key, he knows, is isolation. If she has no one left to turn to, Mina will come to him.
Harker, he thinks, is easy enough. With his uncertain finances, the young man is insecure and doubts his place in Mina’s esteem or at least in her social circles. It’s easy enough to see in the way his teeth grit and his jaw tightens whenever Lucy delightedly plucks on this particular insecurity like a note well-played.
Grayson buys into Harker’s graces through his wealth, offers him a career in which he can succeed. The work keeps Harker rewarded and therefore docile, out of the shadow Mina’s condescending friends, and high on his own sense of self-importance for the first time in his life.
His seduction of Mina, however, requires more thought and subtlety. He applies himself to discovering more about her, the things that interest her and resonate with her.
He finds out about her admiration and respect for a prestigious doctor, Gabriel van Helsing, and he extorts van Helsing into offering his mentorship to Mina. He finds out about her passion for helping children and starts a charity for children in need, and offers her the chance to be more involved in the project. 
Through it all, Grayson places himself as the supposed catalyst of her advancement.
And Mina, grounded though she is, is still fallible. Grayson seems to her a kind man, misunderstood by some perhaps because of his brooding disposition, but still -- a good man. And he is attractive, that’s undeniable. Enigmatic, charming in a mysterious way.
Slowly, but surely, Mina is lured in.
Because Grayson presents himself as a pleasant and urbane gentleman, most people rarely suspect him of anything nefarious.
Except for Lucy. 
Like recognizes like, and Lucy has used her own charm to get her way enough times to know when people use it for their own machinations.
Grayson knows that Lucy is less susceptible to his manipulations and will be more difficult to eliminate as competition.
However, he learns that his intervention is not required. Someone like Lucy, whose emotions overrule even her own penchant for manipulation, will set her own self on fire. All it takes is a few whispers in Mina’s ear, and Lucy orchestrates her own destruction.
Lucy has been hiding her feelings for years, and she's become adept at it. But Grayson’s arrival has thrown Mina into turmoil and by extension, Lucy is thrown into turmoil as well.
And Lucy, when backed into a corner, always lashes out. She barely hides her resentment for Grayson, alienating herself from Mina, who thinks so highly of him, for the first time in their friendship. Not even her disparaging of Jonathan had lowered her in Mina’s esteem, but this causes the first real point of contention between the two of them.
For the first time, Lucy feels her slipping away, and her reflexive response is to pull closer, fearing the loss of Mina in her life. She holds fast to the bond between her and Mina, and clings to her friend.
And one night -- an ordinary night that finds Lucy stretched out on Mina’s bed as usual, their faces inches apart as they seek each other under Mina’s covers like they always do -- Lucy, grateful that no matter what contention they have about one man, they still find each other, becomes brave enough, desperate enough to close that familiar distance between them and press her lips to Mina’s.
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"We could be so much more.... I've always loved you, Mina."
"Has our whole friendship been a pretense?!?"
Grayson’s insidious whispers flare in Mina’s mind, and every moment of their friendship is called into question. Every embrace, every sweet word, and every barb thrown at Jonathan viewed in the light of this new and terrifying revelation.
"You need to leave."
And leave Lucy does, feeling small and worthless and hollow, as if a crater has opened up in the middle of her chest. This is not a feeling she knows -- not this shame and this hurt and this dejection. 
She’s suffered for Mina before, the heartache of seeing the woman she loves in love with another. But this.... it feels as if all the love she’d kept in her heart has been spit back at her in acid. 
It rankles at her skin, and claws at her pride, and so Lucy does what she knows best. She claws back.
Harker is almost laughably easy, a pawn Lucy moves with disturbing ease -- she almost feels sorry for Mina that she loved a man whose loyalty can break with a pair of tear-filled eyes and a silk robe. Almost.
When Mina catches them together, as planned, Lucy catches Mina's eye with a level look over Jonathan's shoulder. She pushes Jonathan off, his erection twitching unsatisfied between them. Lucy rises to her feet, slipping on her silk robe -- never taking her eyes off Mina -- then brushes past her without another word.
And Mina... Mina knows Lucy. She knows how cruel she can be, and has long accepted it as a part of her, but never has that cruelty been directed at her.
This, more than anything, seals it all in Mina’s mind. 
The two most important people in her life have betrayed her, and it feels as if the very foundations of the life she’s known until now have been shaken.
The only person she can confide in, who listens to her and comforts her with a solemn touch of a hand, is Grayson.
And Grayson thinks, now that he has her, he means to keep her.
He makes her happy, makes her smile and laugh, builds her back up when her life is at its lowest. When she cries at her losses, he embraces her, and bids her forget about them.
A year later, Mina discovers she’s pregnant, and her Alexander is overjoyed. It’s a difficult pregnancy and keeps her weak and bed-ridden for most of it. Through it all, Alexander is the one person she can depend on.
It’s an even more difficult birth, but Mina immediately falls in love with her baby. But her pregnancy took its toll on her body, and she’s still having a hard time bouncing back. Her energy flags more and more, and at first, she attributes it to the enormous stress of juggling her studies and a new baby. She's just stressed, Alexander says, maybe they should go for a vacation.
A vacation smack in the middle of her training?? It’s unthinkable at first, but as Mina finds herself more and more fatigued, she relents. Perhaps it will do her good.
During the vacation, without the stress of med school and all the worries at home, Mina finally has some time to think about her old life before this whirlwind romance she’s found herself in. As much as she loves Alexander and their baby, she knows there are some things that were left unresolved, and she’s been covering them up long enough.
When they return from the vacation, Mina begins to write letters:
Dear Lucy,
You cannot imagine how much I long to see you again. Today will make it a year, nine months and fifteen days since we last saw each other. I can't believe it's been that long. Remember when we had that fight in chemistry class and you didn't speak to me for three days? Before our separation, that was the longest we'd ever been apart. I miss those days.
Every letter I have sent to you has returned unread and unopened. I know you don’t want anything to do with me anymore, and after the way I treated you, I wouldn't blame you if you never wanted to see me again. But still, it doesn't erase the yearning to see your face again.
I miss the nights we would sleep in each other's beds, talking until midnight. Your face -- your dear, loving eyes and your beloved smile -- would be the last thing I saw before falling asleep, and the first thing to wake me in the morning. I never knew what a blessing that was, until I was deprived of such a gift.
Too much has happened. We both hurt each other, I know. You hurt me -- yes, it still hurts -- but I know, I hurt you first. I realize now that what you did was born out of anger and deep pain, because of what I did.
You were never anything but loving toward me. My sweetest friend who always stood by me, always lifted me up, and gave me whatever happiness you could. With others you were always so cold, so cruel, that I could hardly believe you were the same person, because with me, you were so soft, and you took such great care to be gentle.
And I cast you aside. I treated you as if your love as something to be ashamed of, when really, I did not deserve any of it. You betrayed me out of pain, but I betrayed you without provocation. And I am so sorry. God, if you could only know how much I regret everything I said that night...
My infant daughter is sleeping beside me as I write this. My daughter, Lucy. Can you believe it?
She is so beautiful. She has a shock of jet-black hair that is resistant to combing (I can already tell we will have problems with that), and such mesmerizing grey eyes, and the cheekiest smile. She reminds me of you, but that might be because I love her so much.
I've named her Lucy Alexandra Grayson. After Alexander, and after you. Her father likes to call her Alexandra. I'm afraid he doesn't like your name, my dear, but he can't stop me. I've taken to calling her Lucky, as I confess, there has only ever been one Lucy for me, and always will be.
And anyway, Alexander is far too happy, spending time with the baby. He's so proud of her, and it makes me happy to see Alexander happy. He spends all day with us, and is devoted to me and my happiness. He tells me every day that Lucky and I are everything to him.
Oh, Lucy dear, if you could only know the joy I feel at this moment. I wish you were here so i could share this with you. I so wish that you could see Lucky. If you did, you would love her, I know. She is perfection. I can hardly believe that she came from me. That I made something so beautiful and precious.
Oh, Lucy, today my joy knows no bounds, save for one. I feel as if you should be here. Your presence, as warm and sorely missed as it is, would complete my happiness.
Love, Mina.
Mina feels better during the vacation, but when they get back home, she becomes worse. Fatigue sets in quickly, and she gets daily headaches so bad that she has to stay home. She finally admits that her body is having a hard time bouncing back and handling the stress of it all, and after spending several sleepless weeks thinking about it, Mina finally agrees when Alexander suggests she take a break from medical school. This way, she can stay home and rest. Her body can recuperate, and she’ll have more time with Lucky.
What she doesn’t know is that her symptoms are not part of an illness. Grayson has been slowly introducing medication into her system. Nothing life-threatening, or anything that would raise alarms. He’s much too careful for that. But enough that its effects keep her weak and drained of energy
After they returned from their vacation and Mina had expressed her desire to reconcile with Lucy, Grayson had decided that it wasn’t safe yet to stop drugging her, and so the small doses of the medication resumed.
As for the letters, Lucy never receives any of them. Grayson makes sure of it. He even takes precautions to make sure that every email, every text is blocked. Now that Lucy has excised herself out of Mina’s life, he’ll make sure she remains that way.
As for Lucy herself, in the passing years since their separation, she’s made quite a few changes.
Lucy has always been...  aware of the effect she has on people. She knows she appears as a charming coquette, and as she makes her own way in the world, she uses that to her advantage. In fact, she delights in it.
She rarely lets anyone see how clever she is until it's too late, and by then, she's already destroying their lives or their reputations. It makes people underestimate her abilities, and she gets to still play in her glittering little world.
Lucy meets Nick at a friend’s bachelorette party.
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When they first meet, he’s a stripper hired for the night. 
It would have been easy to dismiss him then, but Lucy, clever as she is, sees his potential and cleans him up.
She had been planning on using Nick’s past as a stripper and her role as his benefactor to hold over him as blackmail if needed, but she soon realizes that he genuinely does not give a fuck about that.
“What are you getting out of this, then?”
“Aside from the suits and the Maserati? Honestly, I’m just along for the ride. This beats dancing Friday nights at Hunk-O-Rama. Besides, you’re cute.”
Lucy laughs derisively. “You’re not my type.”
Nick throws his head back and laughs even louder. “I have a feeling you don’t hear this a lot, but you’re not my type either.”
Aside from Mina, it’s easily the closest relationship Lucy has ever had. Nick is one of the few people perceptive enough to really see her, and surprisingly enough, he’s not enamored by her. Which works well enough for both of them.
Nick sees Lucy for the mess that she is. When they’re not in public, he treats her like an annoying, reckless little sister, and it amuses him to watch her wreak havoc and play her little games. When she doesn’t annoy the crap out of him.
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Nick, however, knows very little about Mina.
All he knows is that she’s a sore subject. He's deduced by now that Lucy was in love with her, but beyond that, he lets Lucy keep her secrets.
As for Mina, over the years, Grayson’s manipulations become more and more overt, and it becomes harder and harder for her to leave.
As Lucky grows up, Alexander showers her with affection and spoils her, making the little girl devoted to him. “Daddy’s little girl” he calls her.
"Mummy, why are you and Daddy fighting?"
"Daddy wasn't being nice."
“But Mummy, Daddy's the nicest! He loves us. He says so all the time."
Mina tries to leave once, when Lucky is 7 years old. She tries to take Lucky with her, but her daughter runs to Grayson and clings to him. “No! I want to stay with Daddy!”
And Grayson levels Mina a look, daring her to separate her child from her father, or leave her behind.
From then on, Grayson keeps Lucky close. She hears him whispering things into the child’s ear (”Mummy’s sick. She’s not well.”) and it reminds her so forcibly of the things he used to whisper in her ear. 
That’s when she knows. She has to leave, for her daughter’s sake.
She takes some of the pills she keeps in the cupboard, carefully calculates enough to make her sick but not kill herself. She only needs enough to be taken to the ER, and put in a temporary psych hold.
It's dangerous, her plan. She could actually kill herself, and if she's on psych hold, Lucky will be left alone with Alexander, and though she's sure Alexander won't hurt her, because Lucky is his bargaining chip to get Mina back, she can’t be sure of what he’ll be putting into her daughter’s head.
Her attempt fails when Grayson brings in a doctor friend of his to help her instead of taking her to the hospital
He performs gastric lavage on her at home to flush the drugs from her stomach. As Mina lies on her bed, lethargic with the tube in her nose, Alexander grips her wrist and murmurs under his breath "You are everything to me. I won’t let you go."
As Mina recovers, she finds herself locked in her room. She asks in vain for Lucky, but Alexander’s only reply is that “She shouldn’t have to see her mother like this.”
Days pass, and the sense of urgency and panic rises, unstoppable, in Mina’s throat like bile. She knows she has no choice. When she’s strong enough, she pushes herself out of bed, locks the door to buy herself time, and breaks one of the windows. She picks up one of the shards, and thinking of her beautiful little girl, Mina cuts through the flesh of her wrists.
It takes a while before Grayson and the doctor realize what she’s done, and she loses enough blood that the doctor decides she needs to go to the hospital or she will going to die.
Once she's at the hospital, she asks a kind nurse to contact Lucy, but she’s told that Lucy’s number is unlisted. The nurse tries the business number, but gets the usual run-around.
And so, as a last resort, Mina gives the nurse the address to Lucy’s family home, hoping and praying that someone there -- Lucy’s father or her mother -- will see her name and remember it. Then she gives the nurse a bundle of letters. The ones that were returned unopened, and the ones she wrote but didn't send because she knew by now Lucy wouldn't read them.
The nurse kindly agrees, and Mina wishes she could tell her everything, that it could help her and her daughter. But Alexander is too influential, and he has Lucky with him, and Mina will not risk her daughter.
The letters are forwarded to Lucy. Nick hands them to her over the breakfast table. But when Lucy hears who they’re from, she goes silent and refuses to open them.
"Do what you want with them. Take them, or they'll end up in the fire. I won't read them."
Nick reads them. The next day, he approaches Lucy again, letters in hand. "The letters, that Mina wrote you..."
Lucy doesn't even look up from her cup of coffee. Her jaw twitches. "I don't want to hear it."
The letters drop onto the table next to her plate. "I think she may need your help. I think she's being abused."
Lucy applies herself to recovering Mina and Lucky, as well as sinking Alexander Grayson, like Nick has never seen her apply herself to anything before.
Nick loses track of how many people Lucy bribes, threatens or blackmails to get Grayson arrested and the charges to stick, or how long it takes for her to get Grayson’s properties seized and his assets frozen. 
He’s lost count of how many times he’s seen Grayson’s face in the news, getting condemned and absolutely dragged by every news outlet Lucy and her family have access to. 
Nick also has no idea know how she managed to get a decent-sized portion of Grayson’s fortune back for Mina and Lucky -- and honestly, given Lucy’s pervasive, systematic destruction of everything Alexander Grayson holds dear, he’s kind of afraid to ask.
As Lucy’s “business face”, Nick has to field everyone from the press to the lawyers. Fortunately for them, he’s a competent son of a bitch, and he tells Lucy the one time she’d asked "Don't worry about it, kid. Your family is my family."
Lucy doesn't quite know what to respond to -- the declaration that Nick considers her family, or that he thinks Mina is her family. "They're not my family."
"Sure, whatever you say, babe." Nick just laughs and walks away. "Oh, and I better get a raise after this."     
Nick, however, does suspect that Lucy’s almost manic focus on sinking Grayson to the mud is at least partly so that she doesn’t have to deal with Mina being back. The fact that she had stashed Mina and Lucky in one of her summer homes, hidden away from her, is evidence enough of that. 
Lucy says it’s to keep them out of the public eye, and while that’s true enough, there is also some truth to Nick’s theory.
Ruining Grayson is easy. Revenge is easier and altogether more satisfying that hashing out old feelings that never really died -- just got shoved to the back of her mind, and only came up whenever Lucy was with another woman and, instead of red hair, she'd see Mina's black curls; or when she said the wrong name in the throes of an orgasm.
And looking across the courtroom at Grayson with a triumphant smile on her face is infinitely easier than looking Mina in the eye.
Lucy puts off visiting the summer house as long as she can. But she has to eventually, to let Mina know how the trials went
For once, Lucy, the social butterfly who can charm birds off trees, has no idea what to say. Mina is quiet too. She wants to tease Lucy for her awkwardness, and if it had been 8 years ago and the Lucy of old, she would have.
Now all she can really do is stare at Lucy and drink her in, cataloging every feature that has changed or remained the same 
In the end, Lucky saves them. The little girl looks up at Lucy with a sweet smile "Hi! You're Lucy!"
Lucy can only stare at her for a second before shaking herself with a nod. "I am."
"We have the same name! But my Mummy calls me Lucky."
Lucy finally meets Mina's eye. "So I've heard."
Lucky quickly warms to Lucy, and Lucy, who has never spent more than an hour with any person younger than herself, finds herself feeling strangely attached to the child.
Lucky is what brings Lucy and Mina together.
In truth, they're each so desperate to know the other again, to somehow find their way back to how things were before that night. They've both changed so much, but they both want to see how much has remained the same, how much they can still salvage and patch together.
It's too much to say, but too much to leave unsaid, so they focus the affection they can't give the other on Lucky
Lucy and Mina are never quite alone together at first. Lucky is usually a buffer between them 
Then one day, Lucy brings Lucky a whole new wardrobe of dresses and Lucky tries them on for her and Mina one at a time. As Lucky flounces off to change into another sparkly tulle dress, Mina chuckles, “Remember that time we got drunk and we snuck into the the props room in school and tried on all of the costumes for ‘Hamlet’?”
Lucy smiles. "I remember having to drag you there because you were too scared of getting caught.”
"And I remember you trying on every gaudy thing you could find. Just like Lucky.” Mina laughs, her eyes softening. “I swear, sometimes I think she's your child." 
Lucy looks away for a second, but Mina murmurs "She reminded me so much of you all those years."
Lucy hides the tremor in her voice behind an arrogant smirk. "She's amazing then."
Mina looks at her, eyes clear and bright. "She is."
Nick joins them some weekends, and Lucky adores him almost as much as Lucy. On one particular visit, he comes bearing some “sensitive information” for Lucy.
When Mina had first been rescued, she had asked Nick if he had any information on Jonathan Harker. When he reported this to Lucy, she had tasked Nick to find him. Not out of sentimentality for the man, she couldn't care less about Harker. But for Mina...
Nick finds Lucy and Mina in the sunroom, talking quietly. Mina is reaching over to brush a non-existent stray hair out of Lucy's face, and Lucy is smiling in a way Nick has never seen before. Gentle, almost tender. 
And this is the woman who has left a trail of broken hearts a mile long behind her.
Nick almost doesn't interrupt them -- but then Mina leans forward, bringing her that much closer to Lucy... And the smile disappears on Lucy's face like water evaporating. She pulls away abruptly, her eyes sliding away from Mina's to find Nick in the doorway.
He holds up the folder for her to see. Lucy rises and leads him to her office, where they won't be overheard. When Nick hands her folder, she scans it silently, her jaw tight. The file contains all of Harker's information, including how to contact him. 
"He's unmarried and working as a writer for a newspaper."
Lucy closes the folder and hands it to Nick, her eyes stony. "Give it to her."
Nick blinks and pauses. "Are you su--"
Lucy silences him with a sharp look that berates him for daring to question her. "Give it to her."
Nick's lips narrow. "Yes, ma'am."
Lucy cringes inwardly. She knows she was a little bit too blunt with Nick, but honestly she's in no mood to be nice. "Oh, and have my team prepare the jet."
"Where are you going?"
"Anywhere but here."
Lucy flies off to see a frequent bedfellow in Paris for a week. She heads to Italy for another the next week. By the time she gets back, she’s informed her that Mina and Lucky are gone. Nick tells her that he gave Mina the file on Jonathan and she left the next day.
Lucy arrives home to an empty summer house, and finds that she misses Mina and Lucky too much. She misses Lucky's mischievous giggles and Mina's light laughter. She misses having tea with Mina in the sunroom, and sitting in the library while Lucky reads her old children's books to her.
She misses the days spent on the lake, Lucky swinging into the water from the old rope on the tree, and somehow managing to coax Lucy along with her, while Mina, quietly radiant in her white linen dress, sips tea and watches them from the dock. She used to laugh whenever Lucy and Lucky emerged dripping wet from the lake, hair stringy and waterlogged, dresses stuck uncomfortably to their skin, but having the time of their lives.
Everyday there just reminds her more of what she doesn't have anymore. So she goes back to her home in the city. It's not much better there, but at least there aren't any reminders of Mina or Lucky there
Mina calls her several times, but Lucy ignores each call.
When they were younger, she used to listen to Mina talk about her relationship with Harker, not a secret between them, except one. And Lucy was just content to listen because it kept her in Mina's life.
And while she doesn't want to lose Mina again, she thinks she's grown up enough to set limits on what she can or will take. And she doesn't think she can take hearing about Mina's new life with Jonathan. How she's rebuilding her old life with him, and shaping her new one around it.
She does allow herself some bitterness over the thought of how perfect that new little family would be. Mina and her old love, Jonathan, a perfect new father for Lucky, to replace the twisted one she got.
It's perfect for them, she thinks. Absolutely fucking meant to be. A happy ending after the hell Mina went through. She deserves that, Lucy thinks as she downs yet another glass of wine
And Lucy bets that within the next six months, she'll receive a call from Mina asking her to be her bridesmaid. A year later, Lucky will be getting a new brother or sister.
On nights like these, when Lucy drowns herself in enough wine to numb the crater in chest, Nick has to scoop her up and take her home himself.
On one such night, she doesn't come home to an empty house. Mina's waiting for her there. She follows Nick to Lucy's room then gives him a small smile. "I'll take it from here." 
Lucy is half passed out, but Mina manages to get her to drink some water and helps her change out of her clothes. Then she tucks Lucy under her covers and slips in with her.
Lucy's eyes open blearily, "Aren't you going back home to Jonathan and Lucky?"
Mina smiles at her. "I left Lucky with my cousin, and I'm sure Jonathan can manage without me."
Lucy mutters something into her pillow.
"What was that?"
"He doesn't deserve you."
Mina brushes her hair back "Then who does?"
"No one."
"You think too highly of me."
"Rightly so."
"Even after..... even after the way I treated you that night?"
"That night wasn't your fault," Lucy mumbles sleepily, voice slurred from the wine. In vino veritas. "It was my fault. It was me -- my feelings. I was responsible for them, not you. I was doing so well before that, and you, you my darling brilliant Mina, are so stupid when it comes to love. You would never have known anything if I hadn't opened my stupid mouth - or kissed you with it."
Mina's eyes search hers in the dim light. "Would you never have told me? Would you have kept it a secret from me forever?"
Lucy nods, making herself slightly dizzy. Her eyes close and she murmurs. "If I could go back, I would never have kissed you."
Mina doesn't speak for a while. She just listens to the sound of Lucy's breathing even out to sleep. She just stares at Lucy. "It's funny. I often think about things I regretted about that night. I regretted the way I acted toward you, the things I said.... But that kiss was the one thing I never regretted."
When they were at the summer house, there were several moments when Mina almost got carried away and kissed her, her eyes flicking down to Lucy's lips, lush and candy-pink. She's spent nights reliving that kiss over the years, trying to recall details of it, but it's been blurred by time and guilt and confusion. 
She wonders how she never knew how Lucy felt. She wonders if Alexander hadn't been manipulating her, if she would have said the things she did. If she hadn't been so in love with Jonathan then, would she have kissed Lucy back? 
She looks at Lucy now and wonders if she would taste the same.
But every time Mina lets any hint of these thoughts show on her face, Lucy looks away.
Lucy -- who, even after all these years and all this turmoil, has opened her heart and home to her and her daughter -- shows all the fear of a trapped animal whenever Mina looks at her with want in her eyes, and closes herself off.
Mina knows she's damaged that beyond repair. Lucy -- dear Lucy who never kept a secret from her but this one -- showed one moment of vulnerability and Mina had all but slapped her in the face
And she still knows Lucy well. Lucy always lashes out from hurt at first, but after, she hides in dark corners where no one can see, like a heart-hurt little kitten seeking the comfort and safety of being unseen.
So she doesn't bring it up in the morning, when Lucy pads softly into the kitchen where Mina is making her breakfast and the hangover remedy she came up with in college.
Lucy looks up at her gratefully, if a little confused. Her eyes are a little cloudy, and her perfect hair tousled just enough for Mina to want to run her hands through the golden mess. 
She knows she can. This is Lucy, and since they were teenagers, touch has been a language between them. Mina's heart twinges, and she wonders if this is how Lucy felt all those years ago, wanting to touch her as she always does, but this time with a lover's hand, each nerve ending coming alive with the stark difference.
Lucy watches her with a question on her lips that Mina can almost see, even as she hesitates, her mouth fearful and unwilling to open. 
Mina reassures her with a gentle smile as she places a plate of Lucy's favorite scrambled eggs in front of her. She leans forward and kisses the top of her head. They don't have to talk about it now.
Hope is a cruel thing to entertain, she knows from years living with Alexander. And she knows that sometimes the best defense from it is to reject it.
And right now, she knows they're both brimming with it. The rigidly suppressed hope in Lucy's eyes, marshaled by years of emotions never expressed, and the answering hope in Mina that prays she still feels the same way
This is not a conversation that can be had while Lucy is hungover and barely awake. Lucy waited for her for years before that kiss, then the duty of waiting fell to Mina. She thinks she can wait a little bit longer for Lucy.
After breakfast, when her wits are more collected, Lucy sits with her feet curled up on the wicker love seat, and Mina sits opposite her. Lucy's no longer drunk, but she nurses a cup of tea in both hands, gripping the porcelain as if her life depends on it
"Why are you here, Mina? Shouldn't you be at home with Jonathan and Lucky?"
Mina regards her with a tranquil look. "I told you, Lucky is at my cousin's place. And Jonathan... I don't know where Jonathan is."
At that, Lucy looks up. "What do you mean?"
Mina shrugs. "I haven't seen him since the day I went to visit him."
"Haven't you moved in with him by now?"
Mina casts her an exasperated look. "I've been living with my cousin for the past few weeks. You would know that if you answered any of my phone calls."
Lucy is quiet, and Mina ducks her head so she can meet Lucy's eye. "Did you think I moved in with Jonathan?"
Lucy looks up at her, and there's something almost accusatory in her green eyes. "You went back to him."
Mina gives her a level look. "Of course I went back to him. I loved him for years, Lucy. I owed it to Jonathan to see him again. We were together since we were teenagers! We were engaged to be married, before Alexander. I owed it to myself."
Lucy has turned away again, not wanting to meet her eye, and Mina wants to shake her. "..... But Lucy, above all that, I owed it to you."
“Me?? You went back to your old lover for me?" Lucy scoffs, tears forming in her crystal eyes. Her voice breaks, but Lucy is always Lucy, and her words bite back, even if she's hurt -- especially when she's hurt.
"Forgive my skepticism, Mina, but I fail to understand how returning to the man you loved first, the man who could have given you everything I never could -- the first man you chose over me -- could possibly be about me."
"Because!" MIna can feel her voice rising out of desperation and frustration and anger and love at this woman who owns her heart now. "Because you deserve the truth.... Because you deserve to look me in the eye and know beyond a doubt that I'm telling the truth when I say I choose you. Not Jonathan. Not Alexander. You."
Lucy's mouth drops open, and Mina feels a sense of satisfaction that she has managed to render Lucy Westenra, of all people, speechless. 
"I went to see Jonathan, I let him hold me in his arms, and I knew that what I feel for him, even what I felt for him then is not even half of what I feel for you. After all these years. After everything we've all been through -- you are the one I choose.... It might not mean anything at all to you now, after what I did to you, but I know now without a single doubt that it's the truth. And so do you. I choose you, Lucy."
Lucy just stares at Mina, her eyes wide. Her hands are shaking so much, Mina fears the tea in her cup will spill. She crosses the room and kneels down in front of her chair. She takes the cup carefully from Lucy’s hands and sets it down.
Lucy has looked away from her again, like she does now whenever Mina tells her the truth, with her eyes or her words. Mina almost sighs, because she was right. She has damaged this beyond repair.
But then, Lucy's trembling fingers catch her own in a fearful, hopeful grip. "Please tell me it's real. Tell me you're telling the truth."
“Oh, Lucy...”  Mina reaches up and her fingers curling around the nape of Lucy's neck. She brings their foreheads together, until she can practically taste the salt of Lucy's tears. "I love you. I'm so in love with you."
Finally she kisses her, the taste of Lucy touching her lips, unadulterated by blurry memory and guilt. This time, it's Lucy who hesitates, who is still beneath Mina's mouth, and Mina knows the terror of Lucy that night, whispers the same prayers Lucy did into the kiss of so many years ago.
Then Lucy's mouth parts beneath her with a soft sobbing moan, and bliss floods Mina's whole body. She never knew bliss tasted like Lucy and her tears. She laughs into the kiss, her own tears slipping from her closed eyes to Lucy's waiting lips.
Lucy's hands, greedy and fearful, grip onto her dress and haul her up into the chair above her. The love seat is small and cramped, but Mina doesn't care, not when Lucy holds her like she's never ever going to let go, like she's afraid Mina will change her mind. 
She imagines that it will take some time, for Lucy to truly believe that she's here to stay. So Mina holds her gently and firmly, like a cherished thing, pushes her down into the soft cushion of the chair just so Lucy can feel her weight, the permanence of her and her choice. 
Mina will wait and she'll show her. She will show Lucy every single day of the rest of their lives.
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my-fanfic-library · 5 years
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Something Different {BBC Dracula x Reader} [8]
The next time you saw Dracula was the next night when he casually strolled into your home as if he owned the place. Instead of taking his usual seat on the La Z Boy, he decided to pluck up your legs and settle down beside you, happily plopping then onto his lap.
“Hi, Drac,” you mumbled, clearly more engrossed in the TV than in his entrance to your home.
“Evening, [First].” One thing he had learnt over making your acquaintance was to not interrupt soap hour. That was a simple rule but too easily broken. He looked over at you, smiling softly at your concentrated face.
You did not reply to him, and easily ignored the buzz of his phone. He, however, pulled the device from his pocket. You could hear faint tapping. For a good fifteen minutes, every 30 seconds or so, he’d receive a message. At first, it was a mild inconvenience but as his chuckles grew louder, you finally found yourself flicking your ankle up, knocking the phone out of his grasp. His hand caught your ankle and he yanked you further down the sofa and more on to his lap.
“Drac!” You shrieked.
“Care to explain why you just kicked my phone out of my hand?”
You twisted in his grasp, but his large paws were holding you down with such force that you really struggled to turn to face him. 
“Because you were being annoying.” You explained, irked.
“Are you jealous?” He smirked.
“No I’m not jealous! Stacy is sleeping with Max even though she’s with Martin! It’s important that I keep watching!” You exclaimed, anger finally getting the best of you.
For a moment, there was silence. Your eyes locked with the vampires and you felt lost for a moment. His fingers edged up your legs, moving towards your thighs. He didn’t get very far up as the phone on the floor buzzed out and made you jump. You practically leapt off of his lap and cornered yourself on the opposite side of the sofa.
“Who the fuck is that?” You growled.
“Language, [First]. A lady never curses.” Dracula tutted.
“I’m not a lady. And you’re upsetting me. Turn it on silent.”
“I have no interest in paying it any mind anymore. It will stop now.”
“Good.” You mumbled.
“And speaking of you being a lady, I have a proposal.”
You finally realised that you would not find out how Stacy and Max’s affair was going to work out, and finally paused the TV. You turned to look at the vampire. He was smiling at you. Not his usual cocky, boyish grin, but instead just a simple smile. You tilted your head in question, waiting for him to go on.
“I was doing some reading - which all creatures wishing to be somewhat accomplished should do for fun - and came across some information about Whitby town. Although I don’t truly understand the culture of it all, there is apparently some Goth Weekend occurring on Friday through to Sunday...” he trailed off.
“Goth Weekend? What about it?” You inquired.
“Well, I’m sure you know as an inhabitant that there is usually a biannual ball to go along with this festival. Would you do me the honour of going?”
“Going to a ball...? With a vampire... ? What kind of cheesy fanfic is this?”
“What’s a fanfic?” Dracula looked at you with a similarly puzzled expression.
“If you don’t know, keep it that way. Why do you even want to go to a ball anyway? That’s like... a dog going to a butchers and not being able to eat anything.”
“I’d like to take you, of course. Besides, it’s been a long time since I civilised with people like that. It seems such formal occasions in the 21st century are a rare gem amongst mud of normal social occasions,” his mind wandered to the girl down in London. How she enjoyed to drink her alcohol by the bucketful and how people danced freely and with whomever they could grasp, “will you do me the honour, [First]?”
When you awoke the next morning, it was by your door being feverishly knocked. Somehow your groggy morning voice managed to reach all the way down to their ears, as you heard the door open and gently snap shut. You buried yourself further into your duvet and within 90 seconds, it had been torn off of you.
“Morning, [First], you missed two appointments.” Zoe was looking down at you frowning, behind her, standing in the doorway of your bedroom was Jack, “I believe you have quite the explanation to offer me.”
The next few minutes were a hazy rush, as you got dressed, brushed your hair and teeth and made tea for your visitors. When your rush cooled, you found yourself sitting sheepishly across from the two, unable to look Zoe in the eye at all.
“We’re waiting, [First].” Her voice was as stoic as her face and you could tell she was definitely extremely unhappy with you.
“I can explain... kind of...”
“[First], this needs to stop. Once Dracula has had his fill, he’s going to kill you.” Jack spoke gently, clearly trying to stay on your good side. After being your close friend for many years, he knew that you were never a friendly person long after waking up. He suspected it hadn’t changed in the years you’d gone without acknowledging each other’s existences.
“He... he hasn’t yet, though...” you trailed off, “I’m beginning to doubt that he ever will.”
“Of course he will. He did it to Sister Agatha, he did it to Jonathan Harker. You are no exception.”
“My god, he really has you cast under a spell doesn’t he? Are you in love with him?”
You had to scoff at the question which was sent with a sharp and jabbing accusatory tone. In love with Count Dracula?! The absolute absurdity of the words love and Dracula being uttered in the same sentence was enough to send you into a tear-inducing laughing fit. Of course you didn’t love him! This was your job. You had to gain the trust of criminals, of evil and corrupt people to learnt how they did what they did. The only difference with Dracula was that this had to be done on a much personal level.
“Don’t be ridiculous, of course I don’t.”
“Then why do you allow him into your home? Why do you take long walks with him? Why has he bought you an evening gown?”
“That’s because I- he what?”
“You didn’t notice the large gown hanging up in your living room?”
You pushed yourself up, almost tripping over your feet as you rushed into the living room. Sure enough, hanging up on the curtain rail was a stunning gown. It was all black in colour and there was such an abundance of material that it blocked out most of the light. You couldn’t hold back your gasp, reaching forwards to inspect it a little more.
In the kitchen, a plan was brewing between Zoe and Jack. A plan to, in Zoe’s words, kill two birds with one stone. The pair had become worried that Dracula had already begun to feed on you, and would need to find a way to figure out if this was the case. They also jointly decided that you needed to get away from the influence of the aforementioned vampire for your own personal safety.
When you returned to the kitchen, Zoe abruptly announced her leave and you saw her to the door. Thinking nothing of her sudden odd behaviour, you plodded back into the kitchen and sunk down into your chair. You facepalmed the table.
“Am I am idiot, Jack?” You groaned.
“No, I don’t think so,” he told you, “but I do think you’re mixing professionalism with privacy and Count Dracula shouldn’t be crossing that line.”
“I know but...”
He didn’t need you to keep talking to end the sentence. He already knew it. ‘It’s my job’. And while that was true; your job required you to be close to such evil beings in order to figure out how they operated, there was no need for the closeness between you and Dracula. You knew that. Of course you did. He shouldn’t be allowed entrance to your house, he shouldn’t have so much of your trust that you’d gladly walk with him down an unlit and derelict path, and he certainly shouldn’t be taking you to balls.
“I guess having the attention,” you lifted your head to look at him, “was nice. I haven’t had so much attention since... well... Daniel...” the utterance of his name made your stomach stir.
“I know, [First]. It sucks. But so does Count Dracula. And once he’s finished toying with you, you’re going to end up dead, or worse, undead.”
“I promise you, once I figure him out, I’ll do whatever it takes to get away from him.” Jack smiled at your words. He was glad that you were beginning to see some sense, “man, I really had everything and here I am being accused of loving a vampire.”
“[First], there was always more to life than-“
“Than what, Jack? I had a First in my degree, the perfect boyfriend, the best friends anyone could ask for. Why the fuck did Lucy want to take that away from me?”
“I don’t know, [First].”
“Sorry, I shouldn’t talk about her like that given your feelings and all...”
“You like her, right?” You asked, as if he were some kind of idiot who didn’t realise his own emotions.
“Well.. I mean... I didn’t think it was obvious...”
“Jack, anyone who’s ever seen you anywhere near her knows you’re in love with her. I do have to judge given her... hobbies.”
“What? I’m just saying - I don’t know why you’ve got this little crush on someone who’d happily sleep with her best friend’s boyfriend.”
It went silent after that and Jack couldn’t help the glare that burnt through his features. He was mad. Mostly because you were right, but also because his crush on Lucy was so obvious yet you’d still talk down about her. She’d hurt you, yes, but it had been a long time ago.
Of course, time wasn’t all that healed wounds.
“If you’re so keen for attention...” he spoke up, voice suddenly a little shaky and quiet, “why don’t we go out to eat tonight?”
“Like a date?” You smirked, unable to hide your enjoyment of Jack Seward awkwardly asking you out.
“I mean... yeah.. a date..”
“I’d be honoured. You come back here at 7 and I’ll give you a night to remember.” You winked playfully.
After practically throwing Jack out, your day moved by slowly. You received one message from Dracula inquiring about your day, and you decided to ignore him, in favour of taking a long bath and preparing yourself for you most likely awkward date with Jack.
You weren’t sure what had overcome you when you agreed to it, but if it was too awkward, you supposed you could just call it two friends going out to eat.
And precisely on time, at 7pm the door knocked.
Your date somehow went very well. Being with Jack turned out to not be so awkward after a drink or two, and having so long to catch up on, there was more than enough to discuss. And when the clock hit 11:30pm, you decided it was time to head back to your home. Considering both of your tipsy states, you decided to catch a taxi and you offered for Jack to stay over the night (on the sofa, of course). Initially, like before, he refused, but you begged him after explaining you’d sleep easier knowing he was safe. That little guilt trip seemed to work, considering that you were both perched on the sofa, lips interlocking as your hands ran through his hair.
How this had happened, you didn’t quite know. His hands were tender on you, like you were glass that could shatter if he gripped you too tightly. His lips were soft against yours and fit almost perfectly and he didn’t mind the way you liked to take the control a little bit.
It was now or never.
His lips left yours and they instead attached to your jawline, leaving little kisses and he hoped to leave no marks on your skin. He worked down, moving over your neck, trying to feel for any scar or sign that the vampire had been sneakily taking sips of your blood.
He found nothing. And just as he was about to reconnect his lips with yours, a large hand gripped the back of his neck with so much force he lost his breath.
“Good evening, Mr. Seward. I’m afraid you’re going to have to take your hands off of what’s mine.” The voice was low and you hadn’t quite heard his voice like this before. It sent your heart into a frenzy and Jack’s face lost its colour immediately.
@vampiregirl1797 @avalanet @bunnyreese12 @nerdonpluto @teamceleries @grifffins @hitbythunder @winterseoul @mymagicsuitcase @angeli-fucking-cat @benedictethegoddess @bloodhon3yx @nifflersravenclaw @writteninthestars288 @labelladrama @frankcastlesgrunts @angelicdestieldemon @quakerlasss @aliisa-jones @wolverinexmenn @clairedragonessbaker @voidxngel @mitsukatsu @piratewhore @your-pixels-are-showing @tardisnesss @ladydovahkiin180 @catwomom
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vampiricfairy · 4 years
I Never Told You What I Do For A Living
Chapter 3
Word Count: 2183
Pairing: Jonathan Harker x Reader
Warnings: ⚠️TW ED⚠️
You rolled your eyes and grabbed your phone, calling Zoe.
“Good morning Y/N-“
“Dracula found me, I think.” You said, actually relaxed.
You sighed, you regretted going out that night.. To a certain extent, Jonathan was cool though but you probably would’ve met him regardless. You checked your texts, Jonathan didn’t text you which disappointed you a little.
After maybe 10 minutes of waiting Zoe barged into your apartment and stomped upstairs into your room.
“Y/N??” Zoe exclaimed and you gestured to the writing on the window.
“You need to be more careful, Y/N. Can you stay at one of your friends’ house?” Zoe asked.
“Probably.. I’ll have to ask-“ You said, before realizing something. “But wouldn’t that be what Dracul would want?”
“You’re right.. You’ll come to my apartment.”
“I- what? I would endanger you and- that isn’t a great idea either! I don’t want that!” You said, “I’ll.. Look whether one of my friends could maybe help me out? We have hiding place in my dads garage and it seems fairly safe.” You said.
“Just.. Don’t go out after dark and do your best to stay safe. I have to get back to work.” Zoe sighed, “I’ll check up on you later, alright?” She said and walked out of the apartment again.
After asking all your friends who possibly could help you out with your small issue.. Your friend Henry told you that you could stay at his house for the night. Would’ve been cooler if he weren’t madly in love with you, well rip you.
You took a shower and then cleaned the blood off your window as it wasn’t really a nice sight for you to seeing the blood of somebody you don’t know.
You packed all your necessary stuff.
Henry had convinced you to leave the house with him, it was sunset which made you nervous.
“I told Lucy we’d meet her.. She’s not as bad as you think she is. By the way she met somebody and wants us to meet him, I promise you it’ll be fun!” Henry said and held your hand.
“Please.. Not for long- I need to be home by sundown- I can’t stay longer outside than that!” You said, obviously you couldn’t tell him that a vampire who killed your great-great-great aunt and that he wanted to apparently destroy your bloodline, was chasing you.
“Why are you so pressed? At most we’ll stay outside for an hour! What are you so afraid of? You’re acting weird.”
“Henry!!” A familiar voice screeched.
You rolled your eyes, there she was, Lucy Westenra. Next to her stood a pretty tall man, he had dark hair and.. Wait a fucking minute.
“Bye hoes. I’m leaving.” You said as you stomped away.
“Not so fast, Y/N.” Said the man.
“Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Go fuck yourself.” You said, not turning around.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Asked both Lucy and Henry in unison.
“Nothing.. Just leave me alone!” You said and you started running.
The man followed you and you ran faster, for your life- not knowing where you were running. You saw a taxi and almost stumbled into it.
“Jonathan Harker Foundation, now.” You said.
The driver was slightly confused but started to drive, during the ride he tried to make small talk but you didn’t feel like it and snapped at him a few times. It really wasn’t his fault but you were probably being chased by the vampire that was trying to destroy your bloodline and that didn’t help your mood.
Once you reached the foundation you threw the money into the drivers lap, “Miss?? That is too much-“
“Keep the change-“ you said as you charged into the foundation and immediately flew into Zoe’s arms.
“Y/N are you alright?!” Zoe asked, a little surprised.
“H-he is with my friends- I don’t.. I don’t feel safe-“ you sniffled.
“Calm down first, what exactly happened?” She asked.
You explained it to her and she sighed, “it’ll be fine Y/N. You need to take care of yourself and maybe avoid going outside for a little.” Zoe tried to reassure you.
“What’s wrong?” You heard a familiar voice say.
You looked up and wiped away your tears, “Jonathan?” You sniffled before looking at Zoe, “how- why is he here?” You asked.
“He is trying to help us with.. Well Dracula.” Zoe said and Jonathan nodded. “The foundation is also named after him, so you’d think he would try to stick around here to help us.”
“I’ll take care of her, Zoe.” Jonathan said and tried to smile reassuringly.
“Alright, if you do try to hurt or.. Anything, you know what happens.” Zoe said, threateningly.
“I am very aware and I wouldn’t hurt her or you in any way.” Jonathan said.
“That’s cool but what’s the Wi-Fi password?” You asked.
“Count Dracula.” Zoe said before she disappeared.
“Alright, got it.” You said as you typed the password into your phone and waited as it connected.
“You could stay at my apartment if you want.” Jonathan offered, he seemed to be fairly interested in you and you didn’t exactly understand why.
“I mean if Zoe’s okay with that- but don’t you have to sleep in a coffin or something?” You asked, as you texted your friends letting you know that you’re okay. You realized something-
“I d-“ you interrupted Jonathan.
“I-I just realized that Dracula could have tracked me by my Snapchat location- holy shit-“ you exclaimed before turning off your location information on your phone.
“It’s an app where you can talk to people and send them pictures, I forgot to turn off my location mode.. So that would explain why Dracula found out where I was.” You explained as you turned the ghost mode on.
“You have to be more cautious with your privacy, Y/N!” Jonathan said, as you looked up into his eyes to see a bit of worry?
“I’m fine- I mean I’ve survived the last 17 years and I’ll survive.. At least another 5 years- well anyways. Should I ask Zoe whether I can stay at your place?” You asked, feeling a bit silly as you felt like you were a little child asking for Zoe’s permission which made you tempted to just go but you couldn’t because you knew Zoe, out of all people would rip your head off if you didn’t let her know where you went after being chased by the vampire threatening to destroy your bloodline.
“Go ahead, darling.” Jonathan smiled fondly at you.
After a 30 minute talk about what you shouldn’t do and Zoe ranting about your safety you sat in a car with Jonathan and a driver. She told you to not fall in love with Jonathan, you didn’t really understand what’s there to fall in love with in first place- maybe that was mean but the dude low-key was a huge boomer. He had his attractive traits, yes, his eyes are fairly pretty but you were sure when Billie Eilish was singing Ocean Eyes she most definitely didn’t mean Jonathan.
Jonathan looked at you, “are you hungry? I don’t really have any food in my apartment but I could buy you something.” He offered, smiling a little at you.
“No.. Not really- Jonathan?” You asked.
“Yes, anything wrong?”
“Do you.. You know drink blood?”
“I-“ he hesitated a little, “I do. Just not as often as Dracula, I try to drink blood every.. Two days so I can function but otherwise not. I primarily try to choose lawyers as I enjoy keeping up with the law- it makes me quite happy.. Do you have anything that makes you happy?” Jonathan asked, trying to get the conversation going.
“Well I tend to enjoy listening to music and reading- it’s fun to go out with friends or learning new things, I’m pretty interested in the paranormal, occult and psychology.” You smiled, remembering the times where you would tell your friends creepy stories to watch the freak out.
“You really seem to be a Van Helsing, I’m not surprised.” Jonathan remarked.
“Maybe it runs in the blood, who knows?” You smiled sheepishly.
After a relatively long drive that didn’t feel so long, Jonathan led you to his apartment. His apartment was pretty tidy, small and rather well put together.
“You got a TV, I see- do you want to watch a movie?” You asked.
“Isn’t it a little late?” Jonathan asked, “not that I mind! I just think you should try to not sleep too late everyday!”
“Nahh! I’m good! Let me put on something more comfortable first though.” You said, grabbing your ag and disappearing into the bathroom. You kept your thigh highs on as you were wearing an oversized sweater. You honestly hoped Jonathan wouldn’t mind since he’s from another century, but he shouldn’t think about it anyway.
“Done!” You said as you walked into the living room area and flopped next to Jonathan on the couch. “I’m pretty sure you slept through all the good horror movies so why don’t we watch.. The Conjuring?” You suggested.
“I’m fine with whatever you want to watch-“ He answered with a small smile.
You took the remote and streamed Netflix of off your phone on the TV. You were feeling a little tired already, bit it wasn’t that bad yet.
You didn’t even remember falling asleep during the movie. As you feel asleep you rested your head on the next best thing; Jonathan’s shoulder. In your sleep you mumbled something and pretty much wrapped your arms around him, snoring lightly.
If he were able to blush, he would. But since he wasn’t he waited a little before carefully removing your arms and picking you up as if you were a fragile doll that would shatter at any moment. He carried you into a bedroom, placing on the bed and tucking you in.
He looked at you, admiring your sleeping and beautiful form before stopping himself from his thoughts. He quietly walked out of the room and to his coffin, lying down in it and closing his eyes. It didn’t really take long for him to fall asleep.
You woke up the next morning, a bit surprised about where you were as you walked into the bathroom and washed your face then brushed your teeth. Trying to find Jonathan you walked into a room and blushed slightly when you saw the vampire who was.. Shirtless. He seemed to have just taken a shower and maybe, just maybe, you were staring a bit.
You blushed even more when he saw you and mumbled a “I’m so sorry-“ as you closed the door again. You thought for a moment and remembered what you saw.
Jonathan wasn’t ripped or anything, his body was pretty average, he had a bit of pudge on his stomach but it was normal for the era he was from. So you knew from history lesson, yeah you’re big smart. But you somehow thought it was cute on him, wait why do you find a 148 year old cute?
You stood there with your back leaned against the door, thinking as he opened the door and you fell into his arms, luckily he caught you and you figured; today wouldn’t be a good day.
“Are you alright, darling?” He asked, a little worried, still holding you.
“I’m good, I’m great.. I-I I’m just so sorry for walking in on you, I should’ve knocked.” You said still slightly embarrassed.
“It’s alright, don’t worry about it.” Jonathan said, “are you hungry? If you want to I can give you money so you could buy something from the bakery.” He offered you.
“No thank you..” You smiled a little.
“How come you never eat?” He asked, slight worry in his voice.
“I-I do? I’m just not eating as much because don’t like it.. I’m trying to lose a bit weight so, why not?”
“But why? Darling, you’re absolutely stunning.” He told you as he looked into your E/C eyes.
“Cool that you think so, I don’t. I don’t want to talk about it, Zoe would fry me.” You said.
“I won’t force you to talk to me, but I do want you to know that you can trust me.” He said and you sighed.
“I’m good Jonathan.. Really. Just don’t make me talk about it because it’s embarrassing.” You said.
“Do you want to finish the movie?” Jonathan asked, knowing that that would lift your spirits.
“Yeah!!” You smiled and flopped on the couch.
After watching a few horror movies you practically held onto Jonathan, you were a bit scared even if you didn’t want to admit it so you hugged Jonathan’s arm and leaned your head on his shoulder. “Johnnyy, I’m scared-“ you whispered.
He paused the movie, “nothing’s gonna hurt you. I promise.”
“Well if you say so..” You smiled a bit tiredly as Jonathan played a little with your hair..
It all felt too good to be true.
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leah-halliwell92 · 4 years
Romanian Rhapsody
Summary: Almost two years before Dracula awakens, Dr. May Van Helsing is abroad gathering her own information on the legendary vampire. Years have passed since Jonathan Harker’s visit to what should be the ruins of Castle Dracula. Years since the village people have spoken or even warned anyone away from it. What will May find the deeper she digs into the Count’s home?
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May shrugged not knowing what to think, “I don’t know and right now I don’t have time to worry I’ve to undo what she and her team have done to my domain.”
Sam and Raven shared a look but understood where she’s coming from so let her be. It had been two years so there are things that need to be put to rights.
Chapter 1 – Chapter 2 – Chapter 3 – Chapter 4
Chapter 5
A couple of days later, May found herself breathing a sigh of relief as she slumped backwards on her chair. Because she’d finally managed to get all the records and files in order, the physical files were all in their respective homes, the more sensitive ones have been put back in their locked cabinet, for these she made a note to change the locks and keep the spare key close. 
Raven and Sam had been running themselves ragged along with her when it came to not only organizing the archives room but also the area in general. Just as lunch rolled around, Sam and Raven walked in take away bags in hand. 
“I know you don’t condone eating real food in here but I’m in no mood to deal with the likes of one Dr. Jack Seward today,” Sam said as she took a seat in one of the spare chairs in May’s office.
“What did he do this time?” May asked as she picked up the containers that were respectively filled with wonton soup, white rice, stir fried vegetables and Mongolian beef. Luckily the trio likes the same Chinese food, sharing between them is no issue.
“You know that girl from accounting?” Sam asked with a hum. 
Raven and May nodded at this as they began to eat. 
“The little bugger decided to bad mouth me in front of her and now she refuses to go out with me,” Sam seethed as she too served herself a plate. 
The trio sighed heavily at this. 
Jack seemed to make it his life mission to drive them mad whenever they don’t do as he orders them to. He had Zoe around his finger, Bloxham is cow that has her own agenda, and the rest of the foundation bar a select few follow his lead as if it were the most natural thing in the world all because of what she and her friends do for and in the foundation. 
“Why the hell did I decide it was a good idea to have a crush on him?” May groaned. 
“Because at first glance he is smart, looks to be sensitive, is cute and so happens to work where you work,” Sam listed off nonchalantly. 
Raven nodded agreeing with Sam’s list before saying, “And then he let his colors show, saw an in to the archives through the crush you have for him and abused that thinking he could get away with it.”
“Which lead to me leaving for two years to move my delusional ass on from this pointless crush,” May said with a shake of her head at her own naivety. 
“Don’t,” Sam said voice firm.
“What,” May said with brows raised. 
“It’s not naive to hope,” Sam said still firm, “It’s not naive to want to have something good in your life and it’s not naive to hope to find it where you work...i.e where you spend most of your time as it is.”
May nodded numbly taking in what her friend had said. Sam’s right, to be naive is one thing and to be hopeful is another, it irked her some to see she still needed to learn the difference between the two. 
The trio continued to eat in silence enjoying the when Raven groaned nearly spilling her food as she did. 
“What?” Sam asked curiously. 
“Did you both forget what today is?” Raven asked incredulously. 
May and Sam exchanged puzzled look the latter giving their friend a shrug. 
“Its Valentines Day weekend,” she said still shocked that she’d forgotten. 
May groaned loudly as Sam looked like she at the canary. 
“Zoe’s probably not going to be here for too long,” Sam said knowingly. 
“The foundation will pretty much be empty bar the stupidly thin skeleton crew,” May added with a nod.
“And I need to get Eva something,” Raven said with a sigh. 
“Hey do you still have that coupon I gave you for that place down the street from me?” Sam asked as if she’d gotten the best idea of the year. 
Raven nodded with a blush.
“Let’s go and see what they have then,” she said with a wiggle of her brows, “You’ve been whining about not having a proper toy to have with your wife for ages. Maybe it’s time for that dream to come true.”
May laughed at the look on Raven’s face and said, “Come on Rae, you know she’s right.”
Raven huffed a laugh and nodded along with her friends. 
The day progressed with a buzz that hadn’t been there before for May. It now carried with it an energy she wished she could ignore. Alas, she’d do as she’d always done and keep moving forward. 
She was on her last break of the day when Sam sent her a text that both Jack and Zoe had been to the archive and taken with them a couple of files each to the cage floor. A welcomed and appreciated heads up from Sam May had to say. That’s how the dance went between Zoe, Jack and her. Avoidance is the best factor, or so they have said. 
She went to her office her break no over to see which files were missing. She rolled here eyes at the selection and wrote them down on a sticky note to take up with her when it was her turn to grind the midnight oil. May didn’t like working nights, she hated it, but it beat seeing the lust sick fools on the streets trying to flirt their way into her bed. No matter how many times Sam has sad a one night stand is not bad idea depending on one’s mood. 
May spend the rest of the afternoon compiling the pieces she’d gathered from her study of Castle Dracula to be added to the already existing file originally put together from what the late Mr. Harker had told the nuns at the monastery. She’d found she had to correct somethings here and there but most of the stuff already on file fit the information she’d gathered. She’d thought about giving Zoe their great-grandmother’s notes and diaries but decided against it. Because as much as she wanted to blame her death on Dracula, she felt there was more to this than what they’d been led to believe. 
Jack had been down here and there trying to charm files out of her. Having had enough she’d rejected his advances and demanded he go through the proper channels to gain access to the files he was requesting. The pinched look on his face told her enough. But like hell would she be cowed because he didn’t like it when people told him no. 
“Don’t you need a slice of humble pie,” Sam said as she sauntered in looking more than ready to leave the foundation for the night, “Zoe sent me to tell you she’s looking for you.”
Jack seemed to have an uncanny resemblance to Percy Weasley with how he glared at Sam but did as bid and left.
“You sure you want to stay?” She asked May once Jack was out of earshot. 
May nodded and said, “Better here than out there. Stupid prick wants to use my crush for him to get what he wants when Lucy is doing just that.”
“Except unlike Lucy, you won’t spread your legs for just anyone,” Sam said knowingly. 
May grinned at that and nodded. 
“Seriously though, are you sure? I could cancel and we can have a night laughing at violent slasher movies?” Sam said worried for her best friend. 
“Don’t worry about me Sam,” May reassured, “Better here where there is quiet than out there. Plus if Zoe needs me I’ll already be here so I won't have her nagging about not doing my work.”
Sam nodded not convinced but let things be. She bid May good night and made her way to the elevator to head home. She saw Zoe and Jack talking quietly to each other on her way out. 
“She needs to do as she is ordered,” she heard Jack say derogatorily, “She’s a pencil pusher there to give us the files we need and put them back.”
“She’s more than that Jack–”
“No Zoe don't give me that,” he snapped, “You don't even believe that yourself and you know it. She’s nothing but a glorified secretary.”
Sam stopped at that and turned to face the couple. 
Zoe caught the heated look Sam was sending them and at least had the decency to look ashamed. 
“She’s your sister,” Sam said voice ice cold, “You’re supposed to defender against pricks like this like she's done for you on so many other occasions. Do you really doubt her so much that you’d fail her in this manner?”
Zoe paled at this knowing Sam is right before finding a certain spot on her shoes very interesting all of the sudden. 
“And you,” she said looking to a now nervous Jack, “What’s the matter? Can’t have the one you want so you bully the one that’s had it for you since we began working here? How much more cowardly can you get?”
Turning back to Zoe she said, “You know it’s times like this when I realize that even Ted Bundy would have been a good bloke to date for your sister compared to this clown, good night.”
Don’t forget to leave feedback and reblog!!
Dracula Tag-List: @kaddis-world, @count-snackula  @your-pixels-are-showing​, @peachlogiic​, @the-life-and-times-of-a-nerd​, @lokiisbrucebanner​, @deny-black​, @drsherlockmoffat​, @festering-queen​, @ashashashashashie​, @hoefordarkness​,  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels​, @glamrockmonarch​, @damesteph​, @carydorse​, @allis143​, @break-free-killer-queen​, @bloodspatteredprincess​, @dracula-s-bride​, @disneymarina​ @thebeautyofdisorder​, @purvana​, @hyacinth-meadow​, @rheabalaur​, @chibicheeberson​, @camille-stark​, @hopipollahorror​, @lets-talk-about-claes-baby​
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fics-not-tragedies · 5 years
Oneshots masterlist
💦 smut | 🌻 fluff | 🔪 stab-in-the-back-angst | 💧 cry-baby-angst | 🩸 bloody-hell | 🔥 hellish fire | 👌🏻 personal favorite | 👏🏻 readers favorite | 📛 trigger warning | ❗ AU |
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Loaded like a weapon  🌻💦👏🏻
(John Wick) Being the Sommelier at The Continental was never an easy job, but when John Wick himself arrives at The Armory before his new job, you try your very best to please him with the new weapons.
Sharpen your knife 💦👏🏻
(John Wick; sequel to “Loaded like a weapon”; knife play, dirty talk) Your knowledge of weapons is a huge turn on for John and things gets heated.
In the heat of the morning  |  In the heat of the morning: Part 2 💦
(John Wick; shower sex, just loads of sex) With his strict morning routine you decide to disturb John’s hot shower and make things even more steamy.
Stop making the eyes at me 🌻💧
(Keanu Reeves) Knowing Keanu for few years made falling in love with him easier. Being afraid of showing your feelings made not a single thing easier.
Spend the evening with me 💦👏🏻
(Keanu Reeves; sequel to “Stop making the eyes at me”; first time) After few months of dating you spend your evening at Keanu’s place. He cooks a lovely dinner for you two and after it you decide that it’s the right moment to take things between you two on another level.
Taxi ride home 💦👌🏻
(John Wick; sex in a taxi) After you wait for him at the airport to pick him up from his flight back home, things turn rather steamy in the taxi as you two are riding to your house.
My baby always threatens to leave  🔪💧
(John Wick) John tends to take too many contracts, he’s away for most of the time. He’s a workaholic, but he fails to admit that. After he’s back home from one of the jobs you threaten to leave him if he doesn’t “take it easy” on the work.
Trouble written in dirt on her knees  💦👌🏻
(John Wick; in which you’re an assassin too) John finds you in some party place in short dress and scraped knees. A false assumption follows.
Wake up in the mood 💦
(Keanu Reeves) You wake up from a naughty dream next to Keanu and he starts to tease you about it.
If you found this is probably too late  💧
(John Wick; sequel to “My baby always threatens to leave”) He crossed the line and you decide to leave him.
Is forever for you? 🌻 💧
(Keanu Reeves) You and Keanu are together for a long time, but due to your non matching schedules you feel like you’re growing apart.
Read a book (or two) 🌻👌🏻
(John Wick) You work in a bookstore and one time a handsome stranger stops by it to look for new read.
It feels good to be alone with you 💦🌻👌🏻
(young!Keanu Reeves) It’s your first time with 90s Keanu.
Hokey Cokey with the opposite sex 💦
(John Wick) After you tell John that you want to have a baby with him, he discovers a new kink he has.
Dirty little secret | Dirty little secret [2] 💦
(John Wick) John found your vibrator while cleaning the house and he’s a bit jealous of it.
Into the Devil’s arms 💦🔥
(Constantine ft. Lucifer) He has a surprised visitor and things turn hot as hell 😈
Your boyfriend’s best friend 💦
(Keanu Reeves; Chad Stahelski) You, Keanu and his best friend Chad spend an evening together.
Fine mess 💦
(Constantine ft. Lucifer) You are in a three-way relationship with Constantine and Lucifer.
She does the woods 💦
(John Wick) You spend a small vacation with John in the woods somewhere and you decide to go on a long walk with him.
Gloomy afternoon  🌻👌🏻
(Keanu Reeves) On a rainy afternoon you decide to bother Keanu as he’s memorizing lines for another role.
January blues  💧🌻
(Keanu Reeves) You’re missing Keanu on a cold, snowy January day.
Angel Of Small Death & Temptation 💦🔥
(Constantine) You are the demon Satan sent down on Earth to tempt John and damn his soul straight to Hell.
The ties that bind 💦
(John Wick) John brags how great he is at solving knots, so he challenges you to tie his hands behind his back and blow him, making him cum before he can undo the knot.
The getaway car 💦
(John Wick) John’s to do a huge job and asks you to be his getaway driver. He’s more than surprised when he sees your car handling skills which leads to him demanding you to stop in some dead end alley, so he can show you how grateful he is for your help.
Attention [1]  [2] 💦
(John Wick) You meet up with your childhood friend and John gets really jealous about him.
Live TV 🌻
(Keanu Reeves) You and Keanu are both guests on a talk-show. When he gets asked about if he saw any of your movies he confess that in fact he’s a really big fan of yours and he respects you for being true in what are you doing outside of your work.
Come and stay with us 💦❗
(John Wick AU; with Jonathan Pine from “The Night Manager”) Visiting Cairo was never supposed to bring so much fun and excitement as it did. |part of @toomanystoriessolittletime​​‘s birthday writing challenge|
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You take my self control 💦
You are coming back home from a meeting with your friend only to find Santino under the shower.
Forgive my jealousy 💦👌🏻
You’re at the beginning of dating Santino and as he is late for one evening you planned to spent together, you catch the eye of some other Italian, which leads to Santino causing a scene.
Under the quarantine [1] [2] 🔪💦❗
Santino is locked with John in a hotel room that overlooks the stunning Piazza Navona. The Italian man's being an asshole like he always is and Wick gets really angry.
Early mornings 🌻💦
You wake up from a naughty dream that Santino decides to turn into reality.
Claimed 💦
You’re surprised when from your balcony you see Santino having a smoke at the stairway that leads to your house. Turns out he came to you to claim the Marker you gave him few years ago.
Be a good boy 💦
Santino hasn’t slept for few days due to another business he has to finish, but you’re here to submit him into the bed.
First impressions 🌻
You’re meeting Santino’s parents for the first time at a dinner where you’re supposed to make a huge announcement, but instead on focusing on you the D’Antonios scold Santino for being too reckless.
Is this what you wanted? 💦
Santino sees how you sign to Ares that you’ve never had an orgasm and he tells you that he can easily resolve that issue.
Suit it up 💦
You’re Santino’s tailor and one day he visits your store right before the closing time. 
Italian anger 🔪💦
You were offered to Santino as a gift from your family that wanted to repair their relationship with the D’Antonios. After you two got married you absolutely loathed him, but one day when you walk into the conference room in the middle of a meeting he does something that changes your opinion on him. 
No sweeter innocence 💦❗ 
(vampire!Santino D’Antonio) Your vampire lover takes a good care of you.
Curiosity becomes a heavy load 💧🌻
(Riccardo Scamarcio) You’re dating Riccardo for some time now and there’s a slight age gap between you two that never was a real issue. Not until you started to read comments about you two online 
D R A B B L E S:
Keanu Reeves
[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 ]
John Wick
[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 ]
[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 ]
Jonathan Harker
[ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
Johnny Utah
[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 ]
[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 ]
dr Julian Mercer
[ 1 | 2 ]
Jack Traven
[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]
Riccardo Scamarcio
[ 1 ]
Santino D’Antonio
[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 ]
[ 1 | 2 ]
Henry Cavill
[ 1 ]
Captain Syverson
[ 1 ]
August Walker
[ 1 ]
Napoleon Solo
[ 1 | 2 ]
763 notes · View notes
darksunrising · 5 years
Sola Gratia (10/?)
Rating / Warnings : Graphic descriptions of violence, Viewer discretion is advised (short paragraph)
Fandom : Bram Stoker’s Dracula, BBC’s Dracula, various Dracula and vampire lore.
Part 10/? (2730 words)
Author’s notes : Beware ! A Dracula-less chapter (-ish) ! I promise, he’ll be back soon, he really wants to go to that Renaissance fair... (Also yay, part 10 !)
~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
Mary Van Helsing.
I asked Leah if she hadn't made a mistake. She almost took offense. I sat back in my chair, staring at the ceiling. What ? How ? Van Helsing ? I mean, that could just be a freaky, freaky coincidence. I laughed nervously to myself.
“Hah, you gotta admit that's funny the Van Helsing kid wants to study the Balkanic middle ages”, Leah laughed. Ditto.
Seeing as I didn't reply, she asked if I felt alright. I took a deep breath.
“Leah, there's something I need to tell you.”
“Yeah, of course, what's- Oh, fuck.”
She turned back to her laptop, and started frantically typing, cursing under her breath as she did.
“Someone got my position. Jeez, whoever those guys are, they really don't want anyone finding out they exist !”
“What do you mean ?”
“I mean there's a very good chance we will have an unpleasant visit pretty soon.”
She sounded nervous, which was a strange color on her. She activated an emergency shutdown, and closed her computer, taking a moment sitting still, eyes staring into the void. She then stood up decidedly.
“We don't know who it was, could be nothing”, I tried to reassure her.
“Yeah well, not to boast or anything, but if they got through my defenses, I really don't wanna know. Listen, let's just crash at my place, there's a chance they pinged on the VPN and actually here.”
She was so determined, I didn't even think to contradict her. She left her laptop there, only taking her bike helmet. I grabbed my bag, and followed her out of my office. Even though she was tiny, I had trouble keeping up with her fast paces. As we sped through the corridors, I caught a glimpse of dirty hazelnut hair, and grabbed Leah's arm to take a hard right into another hallway. Felt like running into Helder right now wouldn't be the best turn of events. Plus, I was supposed to give a class he was attending, so, that.
“Thinking back exit ?”
“What else ?”
We kept half-jogging to the end of the corridor, turning a few curious heads on the way, pushed on a service door, and slipped outside. The sun blinded me a second, as we made our way to the parking lot. Leah dug her keys out of her pockets, and unlocked the pad on her motorcycle, cursing a few more times every time she ripped around the keyhole. She turned to give me her helmet, and stopped halfway, wincing. Ah.
“Eris Cetero and Leah Fox. I'm going to need you to come with us.”
A very sharply dressed woman was standing a few paces away, icy stare and tightly pulled dark hair. She looked composed, unyielding, and was flanked on both sides by two men built like wardrobes, poorly dissimulating a handgun under their suit jackets. Not the kind of person to try to run away from, then.
“Listen, we didn't mean any harm. We could all just forget it.”
Sometimes, her bluntness had some perks. She had moved over in front of me, her hand grasping mine.
“You are not in trouble. At least not with us”, the woman continued. “We thought we would wait more, but you forced our hand.”
“We have no idea what you're talking about”, Leah kept going, still on the defensive.
I said nothing, trying to keep a straight face.
“My name is Mary Van Helsing. I work in the Murray Institute for the Neutralization of Abnormalities. We have a lot to discuss, especially with you, Miss Cetero.”
Ah shit. Let's think about this rationally. There was no way I could escape that situation. I also didn't want Leah to get in trouble, and I started to see she was about to keep on going if I didn't do anything. I took a deep breath, which had her stop.
“Alright. We have crossed a line digging into things we shouldn't have. You are entitled to some explanations, and if you feel like this can't be done in a parking lot, so be it. Lead the way”, I declared, trying to be as calm and composed as I could.
I was met by a look of disbelief on Leah's face, and an emotionless nod from Mary, who turned on her heels without a word. Can't believe my incredible charm hadn't worked on her yet. Leah's hand softened, and I took a hold of it as we walked to the intimidating sedan waiting for us.
~ ~ ~
The ride took a bit longer than I thought. From the moment Leah started going deeper in her search, and the moment they arrived, it couldn't have been more than fifteen minutes, and yet, it took well over half an hour to get to our destination. Maybe they were already close, and we just got unlucky. Seemed about right.
We remained silent the whole car ride. You couldn't have hacked through the tension using a damn chainsaw, at this point. Leah and I held hands, so tight I saw her knuckles going white. She was shaking a little, and I hated myself for putting her through this. If only I weren't a nosy fucking idiot.
We arrived to a decrepit-looking building, most likely turn of the 19th century architecture. Above the entrance, the stone looked like it had been engraved, a while ago, but the script was almost completely worn out. Inside, the emptiness gave an echo to every step, the ground overrun with cables coming from other parts of the house. We kept on going straight forward, went down a slope, and arrived to a huge freight elevator. It made a shrieking noise as it went down for a while, so deep we might as well have gone straight down to hell. If you believe in that sort of thing.
The elevator shook as it stopped, opening on a surprisingly high-tech complex.
“Ladies, welcome to M.I.N.A.”, Mary told us as we stepped off.
The first room was a large hall, open on two more stories, visible through balconies, on which were plastered neon lights. In neatly aligned cubicles, employees worked on god knows what, piles of paper cluttering all desks, the intermittent sound of phones and the indistinct chatter of radio making the noise almost unbearable. Mary kept on walking, some people greeting her as she passed them, and giving Leah and I the strangest looks. Ooh, boy. That was about to be fun.
She opened large fire-breaking doors, and we went on a corridor, making a few turns. As I had learned by now, I memorized the turns. Right, left at the weird plant, another left at the water fountain. She opened a door for us, leaving us to enter before her. That looked awfully like an interrogation room, with one table at the center, and two uncomfortable chairs. The double sided-mirror occupying one of the walls was also a dead giveaway.
One of the guards stopped Leah as she went after me. As she protested, they told us they would explain the situation separately. If they actually knew anything, that might be the smarter option. I reassured her, smiling, and went into the interrogation room. One of the guards came with me, and closed the door, only to stand in a corner, silent. I dragged out a chair to sit, waiting for anything to happen.
“Not really talkative around here, huh ?”, I asked, knowing I wouldn't get an answer.
Moments later, Mary came back into the room, holding a few files, one distinctly bearing my name. It does something to your ego, to have your name on a secret society's secret case file, in their secret underground bunker. The woman sat on the other side of the table, leaning forward on her elbows.
“Miss Cetero, do you really have no idea why you're here ?”, she asked.
Of course I know why I'm here. You know I know. You saw me try to fly into the wind with my partner in crime as soon as we knew you found us. I just had to put my best performance on. Tremble, Hollywood.
“Well, we did hack into some pretty secure servers to get information that we weren't supposed to get”, I told her, and shrugged. “That seems pretty clear to me.”
“There's that, but I want to talk about something else.”
Her face was completely unfeeling, yet her voice was soft, a bit too maternal for my tastes. I had a little smile, encouraging her to talk. There was no risk if I wasn't talking.
“Do you believe at all in the, quote-unquote, supernatural ?”
If she kept talking to me like I was a particularly simple child, I'd show her something supernatural pretty damn soon. I worked to keep down the wave of righteous anger crashing against the insides of my chest.
“Do you mean... ghosts ?”, I ventured.
“Among others. I'm talking more specifically about vampires.”
Her eyes were gleaming behind the rectangles of her glasses. I didn't react, other than a little laugh. Alright, keep it up, play dumb.
“Vampires ? Come on, is this a joke ? Did Leah put you up to this ?”, I giggled.
Not that dumb, fuck's sake. Nobody was this stupid. I actually wanted to kill myself. I was so in character my voice went up an octave all on its own. Repressing a shiver, I kept on smiling like a brainless fish.
“I'm afraid I'm dead serious. As... Phantasmagorical as it may seem, such creatures exist, and we believe you, and your friend, may be in grave danger.”
Well, that seemed to actually work pretty well. Not really trying to think of the reasons why I had so little trouble passing as brain-dead, I had a nervous laughter, and kept going.
“Do I have to look around for a man in a black cape next time I leave my building, Mrs. Van Helsing ?”
“Doctor Van Helsing, actually. And rather, you should look around for the man you know as professor Vlad Balaur.”
Ah, direct, I see.
“I'm not sure I get your meaning.”
“We have good reasons to think Vlad Balaur is a vampire, trying to pass himself up as Vlad Dracula Tepes, a character you of all people know well.”
I didn't say anything, but my heart sank to my stomach.
“In what I will tell you, I want you to assume everything I say is true”, she started, leaning back. “In 1896, a team made up from Jonathan Harker, Quincey Morris, Mina Murray-Harker, and Abraham Van Helsing, put an end to the reign of terror of the vampire known as Dracula. It seemed he was no other than Vlad Tepes, the Impaler, who supposedly had, quote-unquote, “died” during the 15th century. At his return to London, he decided to create this institution, to be certain that should such a horrific event happen again, people would have the knowledge and resources to deal with it.”
She took a pause, gauging my reaction. I tried to keep my innocent façade, but has strictly no idea wether she could tell I was faking. The feeling of dread creeping its way into my mind didn't help either.
“Bram Stoker was an accomplice to the whole ordeal, and published his book, which was explicitly branded as fiction. You know the rest, concerning the sometimes questionable turn of the theme into popular culture. However, vampires, among other numerous creatures, are still a threat on humanity today. And a lot of them take inspiration from ancient figures, like Count Dracula. This would not be the first time one of them fashioned himself the Dark Prince Returned.”
“I'm sorry”, I interrupted, “But how can you expect me to believe any of that ? Do you even have any proof ?”
I tried to keep my panic out of my tone. I didn't want to believe it, but what if she was right ? She couldn't be, right ? He knew so much about everything, and... I tried to calm myself down. Just need to get through this, I'll talk this out with the man himself. All would be well.
“Even if you were right, even if professor Balaur was a vampire”, I began as she only kept staring at me. “He never tried to hurt me, or had any reprehensible behavior toward me or Leah. Why would I need to be worried ?”
She looked at me for what seemed like hours, and finally pulled a file from her pile, and slid it towards me. She then sat back, and lit a cigarette. She offered one, and I declined politely, asking what was in the file.
“All around the city, for the last month, we had a count of twenty-four murders”, she declared. “Look at the pictures, and you tell me what kind of person could have done this.”
Shaking a bit, I opened the file, and instantly had to put a hand over my mouth. You can watch hours and hours of horror movies, and never get used to anything like that. Everything was red. Seeping into the fabrics, clothing, mattresses, drapes. Splattered on the walls, dripping from the ceilings. Body parts, bent in impossible angles, flesh frayed, shredded in long clawing marks, leaving the internal organs and their contents spilling out of the deformed corpses. Throats. Open. So torn apart it just looked like a bundle of rubber tubes. On one of the victim's descriptive notes, I glimpsed the word “pregnant”. I closed my eyes, looking away. There were hundreds. Mary offered again, and I took the cigarette. I closed the case file, taking a long drag.
“What happened in Romania, Miss Cetero ?”, she asked, a bit more softly.
I raised my head to meet her gaze. “I... Nothing happened. I- I visited some museums, hiked a little, why do you ask ?”
My eyes welled up with tears, and keeping on a neutral smile was a physical effort at this point. I kept seeing flashes of teeth, the horse, inside out, bled dry.
“We believe he might come from there, which is why he would identify with Dracula. He could have taken a liking to you there, and followed you here.”
“I think I would remember an encounter with something that does... that does this on a daily basis”, I snapped, fighting through tears. That couldn't be right. It couldn't.
“Your memory could have been wiped. It's not uncommon, once again.”
I started to feel dizzy. Maybe it was the cigarette. I didn't smoke very often, so that was probably that, right ? I must have remained silent a while, because Mary leaned forward, putting back the file on the pile.
“Listen, I will make this as clear as possible”, she snapped. “If we are to stop this creature, we need your full support. For some reason, he trusts you more than most. You cannot tell him about your knowledge of this place.”
She slid a card across the table.
“If you are ever in danger, or need any information, call us. We will call you if necessary.”
She put out her cigarette on a portable ashtray, and I did the same, mechanically.
“What did you tell Leah ?”, I asked.
“Nothing more than she needs to know, which does not include anything about Vlad Balaur. We think the less people know, the safer it is.”
I nodded, and slipped the card into my pocket. Nothing about this felt safe, or right, or anything but confusing, and nauseating. They escorted me out, and I still felt engulfed in cotton, everything muted, even when Leah nearly jumped into my arms as I got out. I barely realized I walked, or the time spent in the car, until they dropped me off at home.
I dragged myself to my apartment, and went straight to bed, half expecting to see him there, on the balcony. Instead, I found a note. I opened the window, and took the folded sheet of paper. The same he used back in Romania, and the same fine, elegant handwriting. It was weighed down with a polished rock, which I noticed, upon further inspection, contained a multitude of little fossils.
I have heard historians like old things, here is one.
For another, I will be back soon.
All my love,
~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
Taglist : @carydorse​ @angelicdestieldemon​ @bloodhon3yx​ @thewondernanazombie​ @battocar​ @moony691​ @mjlock​ @thebeautyofdisorder​ @festering-queen​ @paracosmfantasy​ @my-fanfic-library
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