#really i just want stiles rescuing himself
dragon-chica · 1 year
Creep Alert - Teen Wolf Preference
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Fandom: Teen Wolf
Because someone has made me very uncomfortable at weekly pinball and I would like to take Theo.
Stiles: Okay he's not always the most observant person around, he will be talking to himself trying to figure something out or keep walking not realizing someone else has come up and gone all up in your space. When he turns about and you are visibly uncomfortable he RUNS back, trip/sliding between you and the guy pushing his hand off. Might have yelled "CREEP ALERT" on his way over, mile a minute talking asking if you're okay, did they do anything? name drops that he is the son of the sheriff and can get that guy written up for harassment. "Do you want to file a report on him? I'll call dad right now. Don't you go anywhere, we're not done here- PARRISH!" Spots a squad car and shouts over (it was not Parrish) and it becomes mess. But it certainly did the job.
Scott: Good of heart, dumb of ass. Despite his wolf instinct telling him to destroy the threat, he comes over the moment your scent turns distressed. He comes up right next to you with a comforting hand on your arm and inserts himself into the conversation. Genuinely not realizing this guy's intentions or what's going on besides you're uncomfortable and asks what's going on. Usually he's enough to diffuse the situation, but if someone's persistent he'll instead have you both leave.
Lydia: Has been in this kind of scenario too many times that she sees it coming across the room before anyone talks to you. She's learned exactly how to handle herself, either sweetly or with words that cut. Or if she had a 'big, strong, man' to handle it for her. Lydia's at your side immediately, telling them you're not interested and how far she'll shove her heel up their ass.
Liam: Sure, mess with the S/O of the werewolf kid with IED, that's a good idea. He doesn't usually stray far from your side but a few steps away was enough for someone to take his spot and feel a little too comfortable getting in your space and questioning you. His gaze shoots to you as discomfort sours your scent. He speeds over, eyes flashing gold and getting right in their face with you behind him. Not afraid to get physical if they want to keep it up.
Also if it's Brett coming to flirt with you, either because he's a slut or just to try and piss Liam off and you really are uncomfortable with his advances, all bets are off. Claws are out and he wants blood, it's a whole scene.
Isaac: At first it's a little harder for Isaac to come to your rescue, even though he's a werewolf now he's not used to the kind of confidence of doing something like this. You were always the one to try and protect him, and never faulted him when he didn't come to your defense, just trying to make sure you were okay after.
But now he's a werewolf, he can do better. He stronger. Intimidating. Despite everything, he still had to psych himself up walking over to you, who is obviously uncomfortable. He's not sure how to insert himself, but he is quite noticeable and doesn't have to do much. Being so much taller (and chest puffed) than your pest, they take the smart move to leave. Visibly deflate and swallows after that interaction and asks if you're okay. Gets bashful when you call him your knight.
Malia: No filter and very brash. People have thought of messing with her but the energy she gives off and feral look in her eye is almost always enough to deter them first. You though, are not so lucky. Already very standoffish, once she sense someone is making you uncomfortable she is staring them down and growling, barely keeping her claws in even as they leave.
Derek: He normally is overprotective of you, usually you just roll your eyes at his worries. But you certainly feel safe with a scowling sourwolf beside you. Until he's gone a few minutes too long and someone thinks that's their chance.
When he sees someone crowding in on you he's speeding right through the crowd and shoving them backwards hard enough to make them stumble and once they're thoroughly scared shitless by his hardened stare to flee, he's trying to get you to leave grumbling how "we never should have come here anyway."
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lucky-bishop · 1 year
But what are your Steter thoughts about the wild hunt?! 💚💚
I had a fucking essay written and then tumblr deleted it. I'm mad. Let's try this again. Also damn y'all are really getting after it with the great questions today. 💖 Thanks for indulging me in never shutting the fuck up about Steter haha.
Peter's ultimate goal in the series is to survive and live unafraid. Power is definitely his secondary goal but it is to enable that first one. He spends time trapped - in his coma, in Eichen, and ultimately the wild hunt. It is no coincidence that Stiles is the one to 'wake' him in the train station - they are connected.
Peter asks Stiles if he wants the bite, then respects his decision even though he believes Stiles is lying. That's huge. Peter's a manipulator and a liar and he likes to play god but he respects Stiles' decision. Even though it means Stiles kills him not long after.
Peter is also the one to tell Stiles Derek's story about Paige. Now this is a great episode of the show - it is told from Gerard and Peter's perspectives. Two liars, killers, people we know we cannot trust but their version of the truth is the version we get. The way that Peter presents himself in this story is interesting - he is trying to influence Stiles' opinion of him. They spend the rest of this time snarking and bantering. It's great.
But that's it: a bit of respect (maybe even fear) and banter between them. Then Peter (helps) save Stiles from the nogitsune - while asking for nothing in return for the first time in the show. He even says the line about narcissistic teenage girls when he 'helps' Lydia and Allison. But Stiles is different for him. They are connected. Still. Again.
When Peter sees Stiles - truly - in the train station, what does he say? It had to be you. He says this derisively - not because he doesn't respect Stiles, but because if Stiles is in here then it means he's not out there and Stiles out there, working on this whole thing, is his best chance at survival. Seeing Stiles cements Peter's belief that he will not be saved or escape his imprisonment this time. He won't live freely, and that terrifies him. But on the other side - seeing Peter is what gives Stiles hope. Even though Peter is still manipulative Stiles wants to work with him. Let me repeat that: Stiles "Paranoia" Stilinski wants to work with him. Maybe it's not trust, yet, but it's the potential for it and that's huge.
And when Peter gets out? He works to rescue Stiles. Even though he just died. Again. Their fates are connected. They are connected. They have so much potential.
They are enemies they are reluctant allies they are snarky and mean to everyone around them. They are dogs circling each other trying to figure out if it's safe to interact. They have saved each other they will always save each other they have put each other in mortal danger they will always want to kill each other and take each other apart. And I fucking love it. Plus the touch and look dynamics in the train episode (once you brighten it enough to see them) are fucking insane.
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princeescaluswords · 2 months
Found Family?
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In the last few days, I came across a really nice gifset celebrating Isaac, Erica and Boyd, but at the same time I was informed about someone arguing that Derek was a better alpha than Scott. I know that everyone loves to reconfigure the so-called Beta Trio into some sort of "found family" archetype and by doing so pretend that Derek Hale made these teenagers' lives better because they listened to him, but I feel it's important to remember that is not what happened.
First of all, the Beta Trio was not a Beta Trio; it was a Beta Quartet. Derek Hale bit four teenagers and when one turned out to be defective, he abandoned Jackson like a cruel dog owner dropping a sick puppy on the side of the highway so he didn't have to take care of him. "You've always been a snake, Jackson, just not the one we're looking for." Yeah, top-grade found-family parenting right there.
Second of all, they were soldiers, not family members. Members of the fandom may dislike -- and they do! -- when Scott yells at the New Hale Pack that Derek's just made them into a bunch of guard dogs, but they forget that that is functionally what they become. The first thing that Derek had them do was beat the crap out of Scott. Derek used Erica for espionage ("I have someone else in mind for you"). Then they kidnapped Stiles. Then they kidnapped Jackson. Then they tried to murder Lydia. Then they tried to murder Jackson.
There is exactly one scene where Boyd, Erica, or Isaac do something for themselves, and that's in Abomination (2x04) where Boyd and Erica attend the lacrosse game. "Derek isn't going to like this!" Erica warns.
Third and most importantly, Derek built a pack for his sake, not for theirs. Even if he did it because he was lonely, he still did it for himself. He watches Gerard declare war, he yells at Scott that this is what the Argents do, but he still goes ahead and recruits Isaac, Erica and Boyd. He also has no idea how to beat Gerard, which he literally says out loud after Peter explains that Gerard is winning. "Tell me something I don't know." He also knows the Alpha Pack is coming. Since the fandom likes to tell so much from glances, examine the look on his face when Boyd and Erica tell him they found another wolf pack in the forest. That's not surprise; that's fear. He wasn't prepared for the Alpha Pack yet, but he doesn't say anything but "You're not leaving; you're running." Once Boyd and Erica die, and once he can dump Isaac off on Scott, Derek never mentions any of them again.
This analysis is pretty harsh on Derek, but as I've always said, there's no need for a redemption arc if the character never does anything wrong. And as for why Scott is a better alpha, that's easy, too:
Scott didn't recruit. Of the thirteen Betas that Scott could be said to have over the course of the series and movie (Stiles, Derek, Allison, Isaac, Lydia, Kira, Malia, Liam, Mason, Hayden. Corey, Alec, and Eli), three of them were friends first (Stiles, Allison, and Kira), five of them joined out of admiration or were invested in what the pack was trying to do (Isaac, Lydia, Derek, Mason and Corey), and five of them were members rescued from peril (Malia, Liam, Hayden, Alec, and Eli). He didn't go looking for new members -- he found them, which actually makes it a found family.
Fandom should also compare how Scott treated Liam, the beta he didn't want to bite suffering from a mental disorder, with how Derek treated Jackson. The only time that Scott even hesitated to act as Liam's alpha was after Liam had beaten Scott to the point of death.
They were Scott's pack; they were his friends. Members of the fandom complain that Scott didn't train his pack or put the pack as a unit first. Absolutely. He didn't see them as soldiers. In Battlefield (2x11), when Stiles says he can't do anymore, Scott doesn't press him even though he needs all the help he can get. Scott doesn't want to bring Isaac with him to meet with Deucalion in Frayed (3x05). Liam doesn't have to be with them if he doesn't want to be in A Promise to the Dead (4x11). They hang out, they go to parties, they study like high schoolers are supposed to do. "While we're trying not to die, we still need to live."
Compare how Derek treated Erica and Boyd when they want to leave in Battlefield to how Scott treats Malia in Damnatio Memoriae (5x12). There is a vast difference between Derek insisting that they need him "Yeah, but I told you how to survive. You do it as a pack. And you're not a pack without an Alpha." and Scott explaining that he needs her. "What if I told you that you were the only one I have left?"
Scott built a pack to help others, not himself. Some critical thinker on X announced that "they all left him" about Scott's pack, which somehow proves Derek was better. They did leave (though most of them came back when he needed them), because he's their Alpha, not their owner. They have lives. Isaac couldn't take Beacon Hills anymore and left. Liam moved to somewhere in Asia. Stiles joined the FBI. Lydia founded a company. When he led them into battle -- and Scott did -- he did it because someone innocent was going to die if someone didn't do something -- whether it was the victims of Gerard and the Kanima, or the Darach and the Alpha Pack, of the Dead Pool, of the Dread Doctors, of the Wild Hunt. The pack came together under his leadership to protect innocents.
I don't understand how parts of the fandom can watch the show and argue that Derek's betas were better off as his betas or that Derek was a better alpha than Scott. Even if you edit out all of Scott's positive traits, as parts of the fandom tend to do, even if you erase Scott entirely, as parts of the fandom want to do, Derek's methods were less than constructive, Derek's motives were selfish, and Derek's end results were less than optimal.
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gynnnicsworld · 1 year
Sterek Fics (rec list)
(Personal recommendations)
[This can include a wide variation of content, from time travel, to dark fics, non-con, MPREG, etc]
Get You The Moon by; AclosedFicIsNeverRead
Words; 180K+
Ranking: 10/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags: Non-Con, emotional/psychological abuse, angs x1000, stiles needs a hug, good alpha Derek hale, TORTURE, Slow burn, Eventual Happy ending, Psycho!Theo, bad friend scott. (Etc)
Warning; Contains No Con. R4p3. A lot of suffering for Stiles. A lot of pain, traumas, pain x1000.
The one where Derek has been gone for 6 months building a new life, finds out that Stiles is being assaulted by Theo, so he comes back to Beacon Hills to kick some serious ass and rescue the loudmouthed human who stole his heart.
(You will need ALL the tissues, but it will have a happy ending by the time all is said and done!)
Opinion; I'm not getting over this fanfic like; NEVER. God, I really CRIED, I SCREAMED, I GOT TOO EMOTIONAL IN EVERY CHAPTER, I JUST COULD NOT STOP.
I had a strong need to read non-stop until I finished it, but I finally finished it and it hurt, because now I need a continuation. It has the perfect ending but I just don't want to let this universe go, it's just wonderful and perfectly well constructed. Damn, I want to kiss the author's hands and brain, she/He/Them truly has just created one of the best fics in the fandom. This fic DESTROYS YOU but RECONSTRUCTS YOU at the same time. (Note: Scott is shit here)
Present by reillyblack
Words; 112K+
Ranking; 8/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags; A/B/O dynamics, enemies to lovers, Werewolf culture, alternative universe, scent marking, knotting, Werewolf mates, pack family, implied Mpreg, Pack politics. (Etc)
When Stiles's best friend Scott presented as a werewolf, it was just the worst. It was front-page news, there were reporters outside his house asking him questions, and people at school stared and kept their distance or interrogated him mercilessly. Worst by far was that it meant Scott had to leave immediately to live with the werewolf pack in the mountains -- which no one knew anything about. Stiles couldn't even visit, so he only got to see Scott once a month when he came back to visit his mom. It sucked.
A year later, he presents too.
Opinion; This is probably one of those fics that you will never forget and want to read again and when you remember this fic it will bring back happy memories.
Waiting by: isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
Words: 81K+ (Two shot)
Ranking: 5/5⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags: Possesive Derek, Compassionate Stiles Stilinski, Werewolf mates, Magic Derek Hale, Alternate Universe-Magic, Jealous Derek. (etc)
Not wanting to think on it too much, Stiles took a step forward and passed his hand between the bars, moving the bleeding side closer to Derek’s mouth.
“Not too close, he bites.”
Stiles snatched his hand away just as Derek had been about to lick at it. The snarl he got in response was not comforting.
“He what?” Stiles asked nervously, turning to Deaton.
The man looked a little amused. “Don’t worry, only if he doesn’t like you.”
“Well, he probably hates me, now!” Stiles insisted, turning back to Derek.
He looked extremely displeased.
Opinion: I had been looking for something to read and came across this gem, it is an entertaining read and once you start it is impossible to stop.
It keeps us trapped all the time in this world that the author built.
Derek finds himself stuck in his semi-transformed form, with his human mind missing, and he is considered; the beast
But no one can harm him or do anything to him because apparently he is connected to the nemeton and the city.
Then Stiles is selected in the blooding to be the new human to care for and feed the beast, but Stiles being Stiles can't keep things normal, and he changes everything.
Anthracite by LupusScintilla
Words: 106K+
Ranking: 4.5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐✨
Tags: Spark Stiles Stilinski, Alpha Derek hale, Slow Burn, Scott is a bad friend, BAMF Stiles Stilinski, Hale Pack. (etc)
It's been a quiet few years, and the McCall Pack has grown and settled. But, when the Hale Pack return to Beacon Hills they find Scott isn't as welcoming as they had hoped.
Soon they, Stiles, and Lydia, find out that not everything about the McCall Pack is as it has always seemed.
Opinion:Scott is shit here, so u better not read this if that bothers u.
The friendship between Lydia and Stiles is probably one of my favorite things in this fic, and I really love the Hale pack, Derek never had to stop being alpha, he really would have done an incredible job as you will see in this fanfic.
(The fics where Derek is the alpha get all my love, so this fic gets my love.) Stiles and Derek have a slow burn romantic development so be patient, but it's worth it.
Once you start reading you won't be able to stop.
Pack Wars by: Miss_aphelion
Words: 158k+
Ranking: 5/5⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags: Pack Dynamics. Kidnapping. Angst and Humor. Slow Build. Alternate Season/Series 03. Canon-Typical Violence. idiots being idiots.
Scott liked to call it the Great Pack Divide of 2012.
Derek liked to call Scott an idiot.
(Or the one where Derek kidnaps Stiles to teach Scott a lesson, and ends up learning a few things himself)
Opinion:There is a warning in the Fic about Stiles being kidnapped but not really kidnapped, but moderately kidnapped, and that if that is any trigger for you please don't read it.
I personally recommend this fic, Stiles was kidnapped by fools and that's too funny because they should know that Stiles is too smart for that.
Put Down in Words by: paintedrecs
Words: 203K+
Ranking: 10/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags: Misunderstandings. Angst. Mutual Pining. Bisexual Stiles Stilinski. Demisexual Derek Hale. Alternate Universe - College/University. Alternate Universe - Human. Professor Derek Hale. College Student Stiles. Nerd Derek Hale. Musician Derek Hale. POV Alternating. Age Difference. Derek adopts a dog. Slow Build
When Stiles signed up for Dr. Hale’s intro to history class, he had two goals: knock out the credits his advisor was bugging him to complete before he graduated, and spend a few hours a week daydreaming about his sexy professor’s salt and pepper beard.
Derek, a few months away from turning forty and not sure when his life had started feeling so damn lonely, had never encountered someone like Stiles before. Bright-eyed, sharp-tongued, determined to throw Derek’s carefully cultivated world into disarray…and absolutely the last person Derek should be falling in love with.
Opinion: (If you think that I put all the good fics at the beginning you are wrong haha). This fic is really soft and comforting in a way I can't explain. I had actually forgotten about this fic, but checking my bookmarks, I found it.
AND THANK GOD BECAUSE I FOUND IT. It's a really sweet but tense fic, and shit I really have to read it again.
Highly recommended.
Bake to Remember, Eat to Forget by: butyoureeyessaidyes
Words: 125k+
Tags: Alternate Universe - Bakery. Spark Stiles Stilinski. Magic. Memory Loss. AmnesiaTemporary. Angst. Canon-Typical Violence. Hurt/Comfort. Hurt Derek. Hurt Stiles. Panic Attacks. Boykisses
It’s 6:18 A.M. on a Monday, and Stiles is using his thumbs to shape the fondant butt of a Winnie the Pooh sculpture. It’s the most action he’s seen in a long time.
Or the one where Stiles runs his own bakery, never locks the front door, and doesn't know he's part of a werewolf pack (until he does).
Opinion:I love bakery so combining sterek + bakery is beautiful (for me) with a little angst and memory loss and you will have a delicious fanfic that you won't be able to stop reading until you finish the last chapter.
Tell me I'm Alive by tatsukitty
Words; 37K+
Ranking; 3.5/5 ⭐⭐⭐✨
Tags; Horror body, Kidnapping, torture, panic attacks, lab rats, Mpreg, discussions of abortion, au after 5A, dub con, (etc).
“You stayed for me?” Stiles frowned, his panic fogged brain struggling to comprehend.
“You would have stayed for me.” Derek replied seriously, as if it were solid fact. As if Stiles was a constant he didn’t have to question, a law of nature.
(Or: Post 5A, Stiles and Derek captured by the Dread Doctors and experimented on.)
Opinion; I have a thing for those fics where Derek and Stiles are each other's source of comfort and warmth, basically where they need each other. And add to that kidnapping, torture, and Derek being overpowered by his primal protective instincts towards Stiles, I really love those kinds of fics. (I know, I have a problem hahaha)
The Spaz and the Sourwolf by: TheRealDanniX
Words: 24k+
Ranking: 3/5 ⭐⭐⭐
Sumamry: When Stiles comes across something he shouldn't in the Preserve he ends up on four legs. Not that anyone in the Pack knows it's him. He's just hoping they can figure it out before anything else bad happens.
Opinion: easy to read and entertaining, it's a light read with a captivating plot. I really like "mate" stories, so Stiles and Derek being mates is definitely one of my favorite things, adding to that a bit of a plot of Stiles being cursed and turning into different animals is really cool.
Seven Years by: QueenOfAngst21
Words: 12k+
Ranking: 4/5⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags: Kid Fic. Married Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski. Fluff and angst. Mates.
Seven years ago Stiles left Beacon Hills in the middle of the night. To them he was nothing more than a murderer now, they wouldn't even listen to him. No word for seven years, they last they heard Derek had torn out of town in search for him.
Seven years later the Sheriff responds to a shooting in progress, what he finds is an unconscious alpha on the floor, a bleeding passenger and a screaming baby in the back. The past has finally caught up to them.
Opinion; Very entertaining and truly satisfying read. I fucking loved everyone's initial shock so much, it was art.
I always love the fics where Stiles puts himself first and tells everyone to fuck off and finds love, security and family in Derek.
Stiles reunites with Scott and his pack after 7 years.
(And I love Lydia here)
The Werewolf Companion by: MargaretKire
Ranking: 4/5⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags: Slow Burn. Lonely Derek Hale. Scent Marking. Angst with happy ending. Mates. Happy ending. Multiple orgasms. (etc)
Stiles volunteers to be a companion for an isolated werewolf he's never met. He thought he knew way more about werewolves than it turns out he really does.
Derek didn't technically ask the Werewolf Conservation Committee for a companion human, but they insisted he have one for his mental and physical health.
Or: Derek has only had Stiles for a day, but if anything were to happen to him, he'd kill everyone in Beacon Hills and then himself.
Opinion: Derek pining for Stiles and being his number 1 protector.
Definitely seeing Derek falling in love with Stiles is my favorite thing in the world and seeing Stiles being a nervous wreck for Derek is cute.
Fly a Little Faster by mirrorkill
Words: 32k (one shot)
Ranking; 4/5
Tag: Time travel. stiles trying not to ruin anything. Young Derek Hale. Paige (teen wolf). misunderstanding.
Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn't step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain?
Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That's easy as pie, right? Right?
Opinion:You have to see Stiles trying not to ruin anything in the timeline but in the end he just makes what had to happen happen.
But We're Still Sleeping Like We're Lovers by: CharWright5
Words: 109k+
Ranking: 4/5⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags:Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known. Alternate Universe - everyone is a werecreature. werecoyote!stiles. Werewolf!Derek. Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics. alpha!Derek. Omega!Stiles. Stiles and Malia are twins. Derek and Scott are Brothers. Mating Cycles/In Heat
Summary: There are several things Stiles Stilinski knows to be facts: he's a werecoyote like his parents; his twin sister Malia could use a filter more than him; he's an Omega and terrified of his upcoming heat; and Derek Hale-McCall will never see him as anything more than his kid brother's best friend. Doesn't stop Stiles from asking the Alpha to help him during his heat. Or from developing some serious feelings that go beyond the bedroom. Basically, he's totally screwed, in more ways than one.
opinion: One thing I recognize about this fic is that the author put Stiles and Malia as siblings, and I think that tag goes well with them.
I like those fics where Derek and Scott are brothers, and I love when all that awkwardness happens between Scott and Stiles due to the fact that his brother is fucking his best friend. If you share that taste with me, this is your fic.
Don't Kiss and Tell by: Hedwig221b
words: 5k+
Ranking: 5/5
Tags: One-Sided Derek Hale/Paige. Alternate Universe - High School. Derek Hale & Stiles Stilinski are the Same Age. Unrequited Love. Derek Hale Being an Asshole. Stiles Stilinski Being an Asshole but not to each other. Secret Relationship. Jealous Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Paige has finally got the boyfriend she always wanted. The only thing is, said boyfriend doesn't touch her, doesn't kiss her and spends all his time with Stiles Stilinski. You'd think they were dating, or something...
Opinion: This is a pretty shitty fic and you end up saying "oh shit, poor Paige" because she didn't deserve that manipulation.
although here I discovered that I could read a story where Derek and Stiles are villains but as long as they love each other I read it happily.
You Lunatics! by charmingplanes
words: 139k+
Ranking 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags: Mates. Kidnapping. Kidnapped Stiles. disappearences. Mystery. Pack Dynamics. Pack Feels. Pack Family. Magical Stiles Stilinski. Alpha Derek. Possessive Behavior. Possessive Derek. submissive stiles. Panic Attacks. Dubious Consent
Summary: Scott went missing and Stiles is doing everything he can to find him but after year gone people are caring less and less. Nobody listens to him anymore. So Stiles has to go alone to find him. And find him he will!
But the wolf finds Stiles first.
Before he can process what is happening, Stiles is trapped with a madman deep in the forest surrounded only by his crazy followers, who are sporting some serious claws and canines, if he's seeing correctly.
And Scott is there too.
Stiles needs to get the both of them out as soon as possible, before madman Derek returns and bites his head off.
He just need to convince his best friend to leave these lunatics behind. That's all.
He needs a plan.
Okay, warning again: kidnapping and a little (a lot) of possessive behavior. (Stiles tries to escape a few times.)
Here you feel a little more of real kidnapping and Stiles' fear.
But for some reason I like these fics, I have shit to fix in my head probably. Well you've been warned, there's a bit of Stockholm here…I guess.
It's where My demons hide by; littleredridinghunter
Words: 167k+
Ranking: 100/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Warning; Contains No Con. R4p3. A lot of suffering for Stiles. A lot of pain, traumas, pain x1000.
(If you can't stand this type of reading, don't read it, it's really hard to read, but it's worth it in the end.) ***READ THE TAGS AND WARNINGS PLEASE, IF YOU READ IT IS AT YOUR OWN RISK***
Stiles was used to his life going to hell. He'd just never expected it to be quite so literal.
When Rafael McCall returns to Beacon Hills after a five year absence it brings back lots of unhappy memories for Stiles, he'll do whatever he can to keep his secrets buried in order to protect those closest to him.
With Rafael's return Stiles discovers that secrets are always revealed, even if this particular time it's because of supernatural interference.
Opinion: But really this fic is beautiful at the end, well, mainly at ¾ of the end you can start to breathe in peace.
The love, patience, and support that the entire pack gives Stiles is something really nice, I'm really getting addicted to these kinds of stories where everyone is Stiles' protector. Because YES, Stiles definitely deserves all the love in the world.
And all the slow burn between Stiles and Derek is really slow... But it's worth it in the end. While you will really enjoy reading Derek totally and hopelessly in love with Stiles and vice versa.
I really don't want to give spoilers, but I advise you to have the clinex ready and something to hit, because believe me, you are going to need it.
Good luck with this fic, it's beautiful but it's a long and painful journey to the happy ending.
It's all part of the master plan by: littleredridinghunter
words; 167k+
Ranking: 100/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Warning; Contains No Con. R4p3. A lot of suffering for Stiles. A lot of pain, traumas, pain x1000.
Stiles is taken to the Argent's basement. When he comes out he knows his life will never be the same again.
The extent at which that night changes his life becomes glaringly obvious as time goes on.
Can the pack help him heal? Or will they fail to be there for him when he needs them the most?
Opinion: You guys are really going to hate Derek, you're going to hate him, you're going to love Erika and Void, but it's going to be a little hard to forgive Derek, but He was a total idiot.
Just remembering makes me very angry… good luck, you can send me a DM to talk about this fic and the previous one…. PS: I love the author of these fics, I have a big crush, I'm literally in love with all of his/her/their works. But you guys are going to hate those assholes who torture stiles.
Fix Fics (teen wolf movie)
We'll take on the World by: LookinfForatardis
Words: 20k+
Ranking: 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags: Kid Fic. Fix-it for Teen Wolf: The movie 2023. True Mates. Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski are Eli Hale's Parents. (etc)
Derek grew quiet, eyes searching Stiles’ face. “It’s called True Mates.”
“Do you think we…” he started, but cut himself off. He wasn’t sure he wanted an answer.
“Maybe,” Derek nodded anyway, eyes cast down. Their hands were intertwined on the bed where they sat, and Stiles traced Derek’s knuckles with his fingers.
“How would we know?”
Derek sighed and leaned over to rest his head against Stiles’ shoulder. “There’s always a sign."
Opinion: The author of this fic made a small universe where she/he shows us the dynamics in the Hale-Stilinski family, shows us Eli's growth, the typical problems of a family, and all the domesticity you can imagine.
I will never thank fic authors enough, because they put a band-aid on our hearts.
Eternally grateful to them for allowing us to read a little of their/her/his talent and for fixing the shitty movie that was THAT movie.
What comes After by:Katefkndoes
Words: 8K+
Ranking: 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags: Scott is not a bad friend but Stiles is not charitable to him. Teen Wolf Movie. Spoilers. Fix It. Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things. Alpha Derek Hale. That Movie should be burned with fire. Eli Hale deserves nice things
Opinion: I simply couldn't stop crying throughout the entire fic, but in each chapter it was a cry for different reasons, in the first one it definitely destroyed me and I cried with Stiles and Eli for Derek's death, in the second I cried with Stiles for hope, and in the third I cried with happiness....I can't say much about this fic, because you really should read it.
i thought that was just a myth by: LookinfForatardis
Words: 8k+
Ranking: 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tags: Fix-It. True Mates. Angst. Angst with a Happy Ending. Getting Together. Love Confessions. Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski are Eli Hale's Parents. Inspired by Orpheus and Eurydice (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore)
When Stiles gets the call, he doesn't hesitate. There has to be a way to save Derek - he knows it in his gut. When the research points to one answer, Stiles has to hope that his gut is right, that it's always been right, and that Derek feels the same. Because if he does, then Stiles has a chance to save him.
A terrifying chance that requires Stiles not look at Derek once, but it's a chance nevertheless.
Opinion:What can I say? READ THAT FIC NOW, because it's really beautiful and totally worth it.
True Ending by: beargrove
Words: 1k+
Ranking: 4/5
Tag: Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski are Eli Hale's Parents.
Derek is looking at him, incredulous. “You’re staying?”
Stiles stares at him like he’s an idiot, “You magic’d an us baby and then didn’t tell me for 15 entire years of his life. I’ve missed 15 years, you’ve made me into a deadbeat dad and I didn’t even know about it.”
Opinion: This is fucking funny, you need to read it.
Yes, they are not all the fics I have read and I still have more to recommend but honestly guys, I'm tired for today.
I'll make another rec list later but while that happens, I'll leave these with you.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed reading them, please message me if you want to talk about the fics or sterek in general.
@fizzie-0 (hiii, ready!)
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scribeoffate · 5 months
What’s your favorite thing about season 3a of Teen Wolf and why?
The tl;dr answer is almost everything.
Let's start with Tattoo- I love the way the episode sets everything up. I've mentioned it in rewatch before but I really want to explore the use of the word "ephemeral" in Tattoo. From exploring Scott's break up with Allison, to his tattoo not lasting, to the way he uses the word, even to the idea that Scott's status as a beta is ephemeral, even at this point in the series. I love the scene with Stiles and Derek holding Scott down to blowtorch his arm. I LOVE the way it opens with fucking BRAEDEN rescuing Isaac on a motorcycle.
I love the introduction of Deucalion. I love and adore the meet-cute in the elevator. Please enjoy @spikeface's brilliant fic: a certain potential for a fascinating glimpse of Deucalion's POV in that scene.
I love that Scott is Isaac's werewolf contact. I love the tension as the alpha pack stalks Braeden (I would be mad about how this ended, except she comes back) and their intro. I love the tension between Allison, Lydia, and Derek. It's a very well-done episode and definitely sets up a fantastic season so well.
Chaos Rising introduces Heather, who is friends with Danielle from Party Guessed. I was excited. We get the vault rescue, and there's some fun Steter banter. "No, you idiot, I live in a condo downtown, will forever be a favorite moment. The vault rescue! Scott's look at the end is A FAVORED moment, the blood on the chin? I cannot.
Then, we move on to Fireflies. I am weak for Scott saving those kids in the beginning, for the tension between him and Allison, and for the introduction of Cora! And then they are working with Chris. Who is still pointing a gun at Scott, but Scott is so soft and accepting of it. "I get that," he says. 🥺 Then they do a rescue! And Jennifer is there! And Derek is so worried about hurting her. Unfortunate. (When I was first watching, I leaned over to @illbeintheend and was like, "Tell me she's evil?" :D ) I think my favorite bit of Unleashed is when they pull the motorcycle swap on the twins. That is like PEAK supernatural teenager shenanigans to me. And they deserved more lower stakes (not that the twins are entirely low-stakes) shenans, overall. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE that Allison knows so much about motorcycles. Scallison motorcycle trip whenst?
Frayed. Frayed. FRAYED. BELOVED. I love so much about this episode. The sciles! the scallison! more truedemon in the elevator? and then on an escalator!! the scerek! the scisaac! BOYDDD. That moment where Scott is like "Well, I do," when Boyd doesn't care what happens to himself? Gyahhh. I CANNOT. And the the fight scene? Is SO good? Despite them having forgotten about light bulbs by 3a I find that to be one of the best choreographed fight scenes in the show. The Coach of it all? Ofc he's not gonna let them stop for a bathroom break, SIT DOWN BILINSKI. I love Frayed. AND THEN WE GET MOTEL CALIFORNIA RIGHT AFTER?? Lydia's arc in this is SOOO good. The Allison and Lydia moment where Allison is just "I believe you" and Lydia is so touched and clearly bolstered, it's one of the reasons I head canon she's had access to her powers her entire life. It's just now that people believe her about them. The Isaac and Ethan character moments? LEARNING ABOUT ALICIA (GREAT BUT OMG SHOOOOWWWW WHY IS THIS ALL WE GET???). Boyd. Cry!!! And THEN. The angst of the parking light scene at the end. I tear up still watching it. (Tbf I cry real easy.) Currents. I love Currents for the metronome scene and the way it highlights Boyd's intelligence. He has one of the best plans. And then the way it ends? That hurts me. Proto-alpha Scott almost rescuing Deaton? Bbbb. I have mixed feelings about Visionary. The Paige arc is devastating. Read my own excellent fic (i just) died in your arms for a look at my thoughts on her and Derek. I love the glimpse of pre-canon and Deucalion's backstory. I find the "unreliable narrator" bit to be a touch heavy-handed, but it's grown on me after many watched for fics.
The Girl Who Knew Too Much and The Overlooked. GYHAHHHH! I love so much about these. The scydia hand hold moment. "For someone like you to help" she says to Scott and I MELT. The big orchestra crescendo! The death of Deputy Tara and the little hints at her relationship with Stiles? The way Derek absolutely believes Scott and Stiles about Jennifer and her utter shock but quick turnaround?
The elevator scene! It's so silly and SO GREAT. I love it so much, okay. Deucalion manipulating events? The desperation as Stiles and Scott try and rescue their parents? Listen, these episodes are also so good. And then we have Scott going with Deucalion at the end of the episode. The way he has no idea what to do. He's just a lost kid, in so far over his head. And his mom and Stile's dad are missing and his (pretty damn good, too) English teacher is evil and there is Deucalion. And he has no choice and maybe he was right in that motel parking lot, it certainly feels like there's no help.
Then Alpha Pact happens. Then we get to Lunar Eclipse. And I just. The ice baths?? I have spent so much time wondering how Deaton, Isaac, and Lydia felt sitting there. Waiting. For hours. Lydia desperately holding back her screams for Allison, Scott and Stiles. Also, they all look so gooood in black. The Nemeton! The matching tattoos! The way it brings everything together to s1. The scalisaac moment with Rafael? Priceless. Love Kalia and Jennifer's showdown. It looks so cool, first of all. But there is a moment, where you think, just maybe Kali might NOT double down. And then the glass shards fly.
The bit where Deucalion is "brother against brother, how very American," cracks me up, every watch. And then he roars and tries to force Scott to kill and well, then we have an Eclipse. AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN we get the true alpha moment we've been building to since Scott threw off Peter's control in s1 and chose his own pack over Derek's in s2. That moment is so good.
Thank you for asking, anon. <3 I just love 3a so much.
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whimsicalmeerkat · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
I’ve been tagged recently by enough people I know I’ll miss someone. Definitely @dear-massacre @mirrorthoughts and I think @lavender-lotion. My apologies to anyone else who tagged me who I’m blanking on!
This is from my Derek/Laura/Stiles time travel fic. Derek is in the past to hopefully rescue Laura. Peter has accosted Stiles at a NYE party in the present.
"I know what you're implying," Stiles says in return, "but you're wrong. I'm not the one Derek is interested in."
"If you're referring to the way my niece and nephew were closer than their mother would have wished, I don't think you have to worry. Laura was always a generous girl."
"God you're creepy," Stiles says, feeling icky all over.
Peter just laughs. It sounds different than Stiles is used to hearing from him. The sinister edge is still there, but it’s still…lighter than Peter’s usual laugh.
"You’re relieved!"
Peter jerks slightly. The movement is so slight Stiles almost misses it. He thinks about letting it go, but it’s Peter so he discards the idea quickly.
"You’re relieved that there’s a good chance Laura will be alive again!" he crows, barely keeping his voice quiet enough to avoid drawing attention from the other people at the party.
"You wound me, Stiles. Did you really think I felt no guilt or sorrow over killing Laura?"
Stiles sobers at the sincerity in Peter’s voice. "It’s what you wanted everyone to think."
Peter inclines his head, but doesn’t confirm the statement otherwise. Instead, he looks across the room. Disdain flits over his face before being hidden behind his normal mask.
"I believe your alpha is coming to rescue you," he says, voice somehow both damning and neutral.
Stiles nods, instead of bothering to correct the assumption. It’s the common perception—one he and Derek had decided to let stand for the time being. Stiles hasn’t even discussed not being in Scott’s pack with Scott himself. He doesn’t know if Scott is just avoiding the topic or if he genuinely doesn’t know. The bond they’d had was nothing like the one he has with Derek and the few other members of their pack.
Peter fucks off into the shadows, whether to lurk or to leave Stiles doesn’t know. He doesn’t particularly care. Peter is always worth keeping an eye on, but he’s no risk to their current project.
Not that anyone is, really. At least, no one in this timeline. Stiles has no way of knowing what’s happening back in 2005. It’s kind of driving him nuts.
"Hey, man!" Scott says with a bright smile. "Bummer you got stuck talking to Peter, but at least he’s gone now."
Stiles certainly hopes he’s gone. Peter definitely cultivates the repulsive aspects of his personality, but that sort of thing has to still be somewhat hurtful. Probably.
Lowest of low pressure tags: @definitively-different-drivel @thotpuppy @renmackree @lucky-bishop
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daughterofluthien · 10 months
sciles + i can't just sit by and do nothing when you're suffering!
A breath, then another. A third labored, rattling inhale passed, and Stiles couldn’t contain himself any longer. 
“I can’t just sit by and do nothing when you’re suffering!”
He could almost feel Scott’s responding glare. It was the sort of thing that would be intimidating, if it wasn’t a). almost exactly the same as the glare that Scott gave him when they were twelve years old and Stiles had convinced him to go skateboarding in an abandoned warehouse, and b). connected to a face and body that was, charitably, beat to shit.
A good 20 seconds passed before Scott finally worked up the strength to say something, but when he did, it still held all the strength and conviction that the world had come to associate with Scott McCall. “You can, and you will,” he said, holding Stiles’ gaze in a way that only the people closest to him would realize was actually desperation. “You have to.”
…Except he sounded like the human equivalent of a punctured, leaky tire. Which probably wasn’t that far from the current state of his lungs. Stiles found he had the urge—likely from some long-buried memory—to rummage through Scott’s things until he found his spare inhaler.
Of course, Scott hadn’t carried or used it in years, and there was nothing an inhaler could do anyways against the wolfsbane-dark veins spreading up his skin and the multiple thick spears lodged in his body.
Stiles glared back. “Yeah, that sounds an awful lot like watching you die, and I don’t think I can do that.”
Scott was sitting propped up against a tree, and Stiles was keenly aware of just how exposed they were. Hunters could surround them at any moment, and then it really would all be over.
“They’ll come,” Scott insisted. “The pack… They’ll be here.”
Stiles never had been a fan of waiting to be rescued. He wanted to move, to do something, to take the fight to the assholes who thought they could hunt down his best friend. But he didn’t have a gun, and the race through the forest had sufficiently turned him around that, if he left now, he wasn’t sure he could find his way back. 
“Okay,” he said finally, sitting down beside him against the tree, their shoulders pressed against each other. “We’ll do this your way.”
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necronatural · 2 years
Yaoi Essay: It was Ice Age Okay
My friend @tshirt3000 organized a friend zine where we talk about yaoi that was formative to us. It's a sizeable 80 pages, and you can read everyone's formative yaois in the digital copy here.
My essay was written in a single night and primarily primes you to pattern-seek so you can see my vision. My divine truth.
Before I speak, I need to prime you with the knowledge that you understand me. Even if you think you don’t, you actually do. So.
In seminal AO3 fandombait television program Teen Wolf (2011), the main point of fascination is Stiles Stilinski; a doe-eyed ADHD obsessive who chases his every thought with a frenetic intensity that often steals the scene he’s in.
Stiles being a fascinating little creature means that people want to ship him. I’d say he has three main people to do that with, and the big ship on campus was none of them. It was practically mandatory to ship him with Derek, the dark, brooding werewolf anti-hero.
I don’t think the suffocating pervasiveness of this ship is really that deep. Derek is a sexy paranormal tall dark and handsome boytoy. I’ve never seen the Vampire Diaries but I’m sure he wouldn’t be out of place in the cast. And hey, everybody is already obsessed with Stiles. I don’t think people actually care about the text of the show, just the pretty men they’re fixated on. The shit they made in their heads is so obviously just a gay version of every romance ever at the time.
But there is a secret recipe at play. Because in 2011, alongside Teen Wolf, a film was released. It was called Thor. You know, from the MCU? In Thor, the titular character’s treacherous baby brother (adopted) imprisons Thor on earth to steal his position. On Earth, Thor meets the love of his life, her father, and a zany bit character added for comedic relief. 
Now I love Loki an abnormal amount for someone who cares as little about the MCU as I do. I love pathetic men and pathetic villains. As an avid fanfiction reader, I spent a lot of time trawling AO3 for Loki content, realizing they don’t think he’s pathetic, and clicking away. And over the years, I began seeing a weird pattern. Loki/Darcy. The comic relief girl. Her quirky antics were somehow enough to warrant a ship in a fandom that only blows up mandatory Two White Guys couples. And Loki is clearly NOT a brooding paranormal romance boy, but the ship had that Sterek stink on it anyway. A lot of it.
It seemed so mysterious, yet I remember, now, that Sterek wasn’t just popular with paranormal romance swooners, but people who just like funny ships. A zany idiot tormenting that brooding villain. A genderless mass appeal. An Entrapta and Hordak. The raw impulse for Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint readers to pair Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyeok before they started developing any chemistry at all, simply by nature of the kinds of characters they are. 
Okay. Listen man. I need to talk to you about Ice Age.
If you’re unfamiliar, Ice Age is about a cynical mammoth named Manford taking a great southern migration as a chance to be alone. When he rescues criminally annoying sloth Sid, he’s forced to share his newfound alone time with him. He is not happy. Meanwhile, a pack of sabertooth tigers is on a vengeance quest against the humans who hunt them by eating their tribe leader’s baby. One of them, Diego, accidentally lets the human mother jump off a waterfall to escape, delivering the baby downriver to Manny and Sid. Diego presents himself as a tracker who can hunt the humans down, and the three of them decide to travel together to bring the baby back to the humans, one way or another.
I will be clear; the homoeroticism exists, and it exists between Manny and Sid. The chemistry exists, and it exists between Manny and Diego. Manny is the heart of the film. And I don’t care. Baby’s First Yaoi, the thing that really boiled my brain, was Diego’s extremely intimate threats to Sid’s life and Sid baiting him like a barking dog. I’m sorry.
The film never really stops insisting that Sid is genuinely annoying — it starts with his entire family leaving him behind and ends with him being kind of a fuckup too — but he’s key to the synergy regardless. There’s no great moment that announces ‘well maybe they weren’t seeing Sid’s true value!’ because he doesn’t have any. He’s a lazy, annoying, unempathetic, impulsive, smug little womanizer. He never learns. The film proposes that well, he doesn’t really have to— Manny is a deeply isolated person (mammoth?) who drives people away, and he needs someone who’s annoying and can’t understand boundaries to teach him to open up again. No matter how much he swats Sid back, Sid is confident in their friendship. Just like how no matter how many times Sid’s family abandoned him, he still went looking for them. They are lonely people, and Sid being an obnoxious little pissant forces them together.
On the other hand, I can’t imagine a film with just Manny and Diego. They get along well and have a great rapport, with Diego’s bad boy fun uncle attitude and Manny’s asshole with a heart of gold routine. But the thing is that they are two dudes who mind their own business. They are only casually uniting, and Diego is only doing it so his pack of evil sabertooths can eat the baby. The warmth of friendship doesn’t exist, and it has to bleed from Sid terrorizing them. They need their idiot to unite against. And since they don’t actually dislike Sid, it can only become camaraderie.
Diego is aware Manny is a smart guy and will take any threat extremely seriously, but he acts like himself from the beginning with Sid. After a while, it becomes clear Manny doesn’t care if he threatens Sid — because Sid is annoying, and he himself has threatened Sid plenty of times — but he also doesn’t intend to leave Sid alone where he can get hurt. Diego is 100% serious, but after a certain point he finds his own threats also becoming empty teasing. By the end of the movie, he’s openly endeared and friendly. He gives death threats like he gives a noogie. 
There is something so unreal, to be honest, about forcing a born killer to hold you in his teeth after he repeatedly threatened to kill you, and him holding you there against your will because he thinks it is so funny.
Diego’s heel-face turn is obviously inspired by Manny, but over the course of the film, it’s clear that he, too, was lonely, and he, too, benefits from an extremely annoying person filling his loner life. His pack is dog-eat-dog, ready to abandon him if he doesn’t do his job, but Manny is willing to die for him, and — this is key to my childhood brain — Sid trusts him unconditionally despite doing nothing to earn it. Sid would follow Diego all year if he suddenly abandoned him for migration. He is just that kind of person.
That’s the secret recipe. What made Sterek mandatory even for people who have no interest in paranormal romance hunks. Why Darcy was thrown at Loki. This underlying vein of True Yaoi, of a dynamic based less on actual relationship and more on the core of the kind of people they are, and the kind of synthesis that is possible between those two ingredients. The zany idiot and the villain have this chemical reaction you could see from space. TO ME!
You need a zany person to do a whole lot of impulsive shit, and you need that zany person to be stupid enough to not notice they’re unwanted, or in danger, or that their dynamic is shifting, or the subtext of anyone’s behaviour. You need the person tormented to be a genuine threat, and they need to not melt, but be worn down. The simple pleasures of having your day-to-day life filled with life and noise, your every interaction with the world commented on, to the point you allow yourself to be defanged.
Sid does this to Manny, sure but it didn’t click even with the gay jokes because Manny is a kind, caring Dad Friend kind of guy who would fold for anyone. Diego is a fucking baby-eating tiger. But he trusts Manny, and Manny is endeared and receptive to Sid’s constant noise because he is lonely, and because of that, Diego, who is also lonely, allows himself to be endeared too. He had Sid’s throat in his mouth, and all he thought was that it was a funny thing to do.
My friend Hyde tagged me in this post.
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realityescapee01 · 1 year
Sweet Little Sunshine (part 1: number)
part 2 here >>
Steo | Stiles x Theo | First Responders prompt @steodiscord | contains some sm ut
Stiles is 3 weeks in to his medical training as a senior med student. He has to make good here because this will decide which hospital he'd be a doctor in.
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He has to focus. But a certain firefighter is making that a little difficult.
Waltzing in with all his hotness and attention on Stiles. Applying pressure of pursuing him, gifts and go-out-with me statements. Throwing out pickup lines to him whenever he is there.
Focusing is becoming harder and harder for Stiles.
Beacon Hills Med. The hospital Stiles is training in. He took a deep breath and pushed the door open to the ER.
"Good morning." -Stiles greeted everyone. The receptionist, the nurses, Stiles' co-med students and the doctors.
"Stilinski, come here." -Stiles' resident doctor called him over to start the day. They work on emergency. So the cases Stiles see are always very bloody. Severe wounds etc etc from accidents or urgent cases.
He was looking around quite a bit everytime the emergency doors open. He couldn't forget the day his firefighter walked in. Theo Raeken.
Theo was rushing in with a patient that got into a car accident. A metal bar was lodged through his thigh and in a very delicate situation, they must keep him as steady as possible to avoid slicing the main artery and risk bleeding to death. And Theo was there to help the medics on that, keeping the bar in place with tools.
Stiles was with the team who handled that. Stiles kept glancing at Theo and unbeknownst to him, Theo was glancing at him too. When they're able to stabilize the patient, Theo walked up to Stiles and introduced himself.
And the rest is them looking for each other at work for the third week now.
Theo doesn't always come in because he isn't really a medic. He is a firefighter, squad leader, who are highly trained and specializes in rescue operations using heavy equipments through the worst case scenarios.
Stiles let out a sigh, he wished Theo would walk through those doors, but of course that's a bad thing too because that means there had been a severe accident.
"Waiting for your fireman?"
Stiles was pulled out from his pining by a co-med student, and bestfriend, Lydia Martin.
"Lyds, hey."
"Good so far. ER is not toxic today. As of the moment. So, you waiting on your fireman?"
"W-What?!? My fireman?" -Stiles wanted to laugh it off but Lydia ain't letting go. Stiles laughed again, at himself this time.
He's laughing at himself because he had laughed at Lydia before for having a thing for firefighters. He just doesn't get it. And now he is the one that has a firefighter crush.
"I told you to go out with him already!"
"I can't, Lyds, we're training right now. We can't afford distractions. And besides, I'm not even sure if Theo is serious."
"We can focus on training and also find the love of our lives and have 'fun'. Theo is very hot. And looks like he is very good at "it", you know." -Lydia giggled.
"Lyds, you know me, I don't like playing around. And Theo seems like a guy that everybody wants. And he is hot, yes, so he can definitely indulge sometimes. Most probably he is some kind of a playboy. I don't wanna be just his flavor of the week."
Stiles was speaking from a certain experience. Before all these, from elementary to med school, no one ever asked him out or expressed interest in him. He was seen as a nerd, a geek, he sometimes asks how he became best friends with a cool person like Lydia. There are some that tried picking Stiles up but he knows they're joking, or product of bets; he could tell, and he comes back with sarcasm to those that tried.
So, Stiles kinda have a low confidence about himself being attractive enough for something real. And then here he is, a training med student, and a fiery firefighter comes and announces interest in him. Naturally, Stiles was doubtful.
"Well, you can ask your dad about Theo."
Stiles' dad is the chief at the firehouse Theo works at. But he never told his dad about Theo hounding and pursuing him.
"No, I don't wanna resort to that. It's the 3rd week now, I think he would've moved onto his next flavor of the week."
"Exactly, 3 weeks now, Stiles. That is way past the flavor for the week timeframe."
"Lyds, I just... I'm not sure. Haven't seen him for a while now. I bet he's onto another person by now."
"Oh, I don't think so~." -Lydia said in a sing song manner and began walking away.
Stiles was confused a bit.
"Good morning, sunshine."
Theo said from behind him, close to his ear. A little too close. And hands, on his waist, gradually rubbing up and down.
Stiles jerked away. He was startled. There is a hot breath on his ear, a very sultry sounding voice, and those warm hands rubbing his waist, from a very good look guy behind him: Theo.
"T-Theo?!? What are you doing here?" -Stiles took a step away and turned to face Theo.
"Dropped off a patient. And I wanted to see you." -Theo took half a step closer to Stiles. "I brought coffee."
Stiles felt Theo is too close, he wanted to step away again but he hit the counter behind him, no way to move any farther.
"Oh, uhm, I'm still on the clock."
"Stiles, I'm going to the cafeteria now, break time!" -Lydia giggled. She's not letting Stiles escape Theo.
"It's your break time, perfect! Come with me." -Theo wrapped his arm around Stiles' neck and started walking with him out of there.
"B-But, you are still on shift, right?"
"Yeah, I have my radio with me in case of calls, it's okay.
Stiles clicked his tongue and narrowed his eyes at Lydia. He knows Lydia intentionally announced that he lied to Theo about being on the clock. Lydia just mouthed 'have fun!' and waved Stiles goodbye.
Stiles just sighed and walked with Theo to the rooftop. Theo handed him the coffee he got. Stiles smelled it, hazelnut macchiato.
"How'd you know?"
"I have sources." -Theo winked at him.
Lydia. Stiles immediately knew.
They start drinking their coffee, Theo engaging Stiles in conversations. Stiles was having fun, he just kept talking and smiling, looking all bright and charming. That did not escape Theo. He was watching Stiles the whole time.
They've grown quite close with each other over the past weeks. Theo would go visit Stiles whenever he helps bring a patient in or when the hospital is on the way from an emergency call. Theo would always make their rig stop and go see Stiles even for a few minutes. Stiles would always behave like he doesn't wanna see Theo, but everyone can see the change of mood from Stiles whenever Theo comes. Stiles is always happier when Theo comes visiting.
Stiles was looking very happy and cute talking about the geek convention he attended over the weekend. Theo liked it a lot and wasn't able to control himself.
He leaned closer and kissed Stiles on the cheek.
Stiles was speechless. And then Theo asked the question he'd been asking for for weeks now.
"So... can I get your number now?"
"...No." -Stiles said, still in shock from the sudden cheek kiss from Theo.
"I can kiss you but I can't get your number?" -Theo was in disbelief.
"Uhm..." -Stiles' beeper sounded off. "My break is almost over. And I think your crew is getting bored."
Stiles gestured to the squad truck below, parked just in front the hospital.
Theo looked down and shook his head. "Fine. But still, I'll come see you again." Theo looked up and smiled at Stiles.
Theo started to walk away. But he stopped before walking out the door.
"Stiles, you're not just the flavor of the week."
Stiles was surprised, he figured Theo heard what he was talking about with Lydia.
"And I'm serious." -Theo smiled and walked out the door.
Stiles just stood there, holding the cup of coffee from Theo. Thinking about what happened. He touched the cheek where Theo kissed him.
"Stiles!" -Lydia fetched him. "So, what happened?"
"N-Nothing." -Stiles finished his coffee cup and dumped it in the trash.
They went back to the ER to continue their day.
Theo walked to their squad rig and sat there quiet for a while. He smiled as he thought back to the cheek kiss. He remembered the day he first saw Stiles. His little sunshine.
He got called out to a car accident. It was pretty hard because they needed to use heavy equipment to stabilize the car, tie it to prevent it from falling off the bridge, pry open the car door and then carefully move the patient as steady as they can. He went along the ambo to help their medics secure the patient without the patient bleeding out on the way.
They reached the ER and they slammed the door open, the head nurse immediately called out orders of who is the doctor and which room they'd use. They were directed to a room and there were doctors immediately there. Everyone is familiar to Theo but not someone, who Theo understood to be a training med student.
Stiles has big doe eyes, and has pale white skin, like a sunshine. And Theo loves his sunshines. Sunshine signifies a new day for Theo, that he survived the previous day and is headed to face another.
"Raeken, I need something here and here, then cut this side of the bar first." -the attending doctor asked.
"Yes, sir." -Theo followed the instructions carefully. Taking a buzz saw to cut the bar.
After his part on the situation, he looked up at Stiles and saw that the doctor in training was also looking at him. He smiled and nodded as he stepped out of the room.
He waited for the doctors to finish. He approached Stiles and introduced himself. Stiles was a little nervous but introduced himself as well. Theo asked about the patient and if there is something more he can do. To which Stiles said no, we got it handled, thank you. Theo said goodbye and left.
And everytime he brings patients in, he looks for Stiles and talks to him. Stiles was hesitant at first and being sarcastic all the time. But that didn't deter Theo, he could handle the sarcasm by spouting a few back at Stiles. Stiles was irritated at first but he gradually became friendly. The sarcasm and witty comebacks just became part of how they talk.
And then Theo remembered Stiles' reaction to him today. And the topic he was talking about with Lydia. Stiles is not sure about him. If he is serious about him. To which he is! But Stiles has a hard time believing that. Because Theo came on as an aggressive guy that is popular and could possibly be just looking for a hook up.
Theo felt angry at that. And sad as well. But he can't blame Stiles. He did have a reputation for hooking up. And most likely Stiles heard of it around the hospital. Their town is quite small.
Theo groaned and looked at his bestfriends. He was contemplating on asking them a question, seeing that it's just the 3 of them in the front of the rig.
"Hey, how's your sweet little sunshine?" -Jackson.
"Don't call him that. Only I can call him that." -Theo said.
"So, it ain't good. What happened?" -Brett followed.
"Tell me... honestly, guys, do I come across as a jackass? Douchebag? Playboy? Fuckboy?"
Theo decided to ask just as they are pulling into the firehouse.
"Okay, wait, hold on! Did Stiles call you that?" -Jackson
"I like this Stiles now. You should bring him over sometime." -Brett was laughing as the three of them got off the rig.
The three of them separated from the rest of the crew to come sit at their table at the apparatus floor.
"Talbot, I'm serious." -Theo slumped down on his seat.
Jackson and Brett looked at each other. With knowing stares. They know. They know their friend is whipped. Stiles really captured his heart.
"Okay, in all honesty, you're kinda cocky. Nope, you are cocky. And that intimidates people. And turns some people away. Like you're good at everything. You act like you're better than everyone else. And you look too... good. There are people that get intimated by too good-looks and would wanna avoid you at all costs." -Jackson berated, Brett nodding along.
"But... That's not cocky, that's confident. I am better. I am good at everything I do. And it's not my fault if I look this good."
"Cocky." -Jackson pointing at Theo, having proved a point. Brett laughing at the exchange.
"And also you being a 'crowd favorite'. You know, hooking up and all that."
"I have needs. And they're offering. And so do you, guys!" -Theo shrugged it off.
"That could be deterring Stiles. He might be thinking you just wanna fuck then ghost, wham bam, thank you mam."
"But I'm serious."
"We know, hence this conversation. I'm just saying, those are the things Stiles could be hearing about you. Can't blame him for being cautious of you." -Jackson leaned back in his chair.
"But even so, Theo does have things to back it up. He really is good at what he does. And he is goodlooking. So hooking up is easy, nothing we or him can do about that." -Brett followed it up.
"Yeah..." -Theo looked at Brett suspiciously. Brett is really kind and sweet to him today. "... wait, you're gonna ask for an off day huh?"
Brett just smiled. Jackson laughed out loud. Theo jabbed at Brett's arm.
"Just one day, man. I gotta be some place."
"... Fine. Fill up paperwork." -Theo making a give-me gesture with his hand.
Brett rejoiced and took out the form already in his fireman coat...
"I've never, we've never, seen you like this before. So we know you are deathly serious about Stiles. You can't do anything about the things you did in the past, but you can show Stiles that those are nothing to worry about now. I know you can prove it. All you gotta do is for Stiles to give you the chance to." -Brett said seriously.
He, too, was in the same situation before. Having the same reputation as Theo. He asked Theo for advice then too. The person he's pursuing doesn't take him seriously, nothing but just as a fuckbuddy to keep around.
"I know. But Stiles is very much guarded. He sees me and talks to me when I go visit him, but he doesn't wanna give me his number."
"Hah! I never knew I'd see the day Theo could not get someone's number." -Jackson was teasing him now.
Theo picked up the rag on the table and threw it at Jackson. "Clean the rig, man."
"What?!? Theo, come on!"
"Clean the rig." -Theo was serious.
"...Fine." -Jackson trudged away.
"Well, no other way then. Keep coming to him." -Brett was handing the leave form to Theo.
"Oh, believe me, I will." -Theo signed Brett's form. "Oh, when you get back from this, you clean all our gears."
"Fuck!" -Brett face-palmed.
"Sucking up to me ain't gonna work, ever, without me getting back at you somehow." -Theo smirked at Brett.
"I'm gonna file a complaint! -Brett shouted on his way to pass the form to their chief.
"Like hell you would!" -Theo grinned.
Their firehouse chief, Chief Stilinski, was watching them through his office window. As they were driving in, he overheard the three's conversation, caught Jackson say: did Stiles call you that.
Stiles never told him anything about Theo at all. Chief Stilinski grew wary.
"Chief?" -Brett knocking on his door.
Chief Stilinski signalled for him to come in. He accepted Brett's leave form and asked him...
"When you go back out, tell Raeken I'm looking for him."
"Sure thing, chief."
Brett let out a breath when he turned around.
'Oh boy, Theo. This just got complicated.' -Brett thought on his way to Theo.
"Did he say why?" -Theo was a little nervous.
"I think you know."
Theo gulped and walked to the chief's office.
"Hey, chief!" -Theo knocking.
"Close the door."
Theo did. "So, what's the matter chief?"
"Get away from my son."
"Get away from Stiles."
"Chief... what brought this about?" -Theo was thinking if Stiles said something about the kiss earlier today.
"Raeken. I have nothing against you or what you do outside of work. And your work is brilliant. You're one of the best firefighters in town. But I also know about you hooking up quite often. And my son is not someone for just hooking up."
"That's not my inten-"
"Leave my son alone."
"Chief! Hear me out-"
The emergency alarm went off. An ambo requested for squad assistance in a call. Something about a situation they can't do alone.
"That's you. Head out!" -Chief ordered him out of his office.
Theo was gritting his teeth. He turned around and opened the door. There is an emergency but he couldn't let it go.
"Chief, I'm sorry. But I won't leave your son alone. This is not just a hookup for me."
Theo declared and walked out of the office.
Stiles was a little out of it after Theo left. He never told Lydia about the cheek kiss.
"So, you gave him your number yet?"
"Stiles! Come on. He's been at it for almost a month now."
"Yeah. But... what if he's a mistake? What if he's not the one?"
"Then you'll learn something and be wiser on the next guy. But what if he is the one?"
Stiles was quiet on that.
"Okay, just this one thing... are you attracted to him? Do you like him?"
"It's kinda difficult to not be attracted to Theo, Lyds."
"Mn, yeah, point taken. So, what's stopping you? Just give the guy a chance. Give yourself a chance at your possible happily ever after."
Their talk was interrupted as the ER door slammed open, and again, with Theo.
A delicate case was presented. The patient Theo brought in has a huge ball of spiky, orange glass on him. They couldn't figure out what it is. And it is impaled on many places on the chest and stomach. The worst one, through the throat.
The ER was in such a clamor due to the severity and also, bizzareness of the situation. The medics that responded to the scene briefed the doctor staff.
That orange thing is an art piece being hung at the museum when the cable snapped and it fell onto the employee overseeing the task. The glass through his neck is dangerously close to severing his jugular. They stabilized it with the help of the squad. The doctors immediately moved. Assessed and remedied the other stabbed parts. Once stable, the doctor gave very delicate and specific instructions to Theo on how and where to cut, so they could get the big chunk of glass off without disturbing the piece stuck to the throat. So they can finally bring the patient to the OR.
Theo did. Instructing Brett to hand him the buzz saw and Jackson to replace him in holding the spiky glass globe steady as he goes and cut it in places; handing to Brett the cut pieces.
"Careful, careful." -the doctor was watching him closely.
Theo was on the last piece and cut through it without shaking the glass too much.
"Clear." -Theo announced as he helped Jackson lift the spiky glass globe off.
"Good! Bring him to the OR! Great work, Raeken. Squad." -the doctor nodded to the three in acknowledgement.
"Our pleasure." -Jackson answered for them.
They stayed there a while, sitting, catching their breath from the delicate case they just helped in.
Brett looked at Theo, who was adjusting his coat and putting away the buzz saw. He can't help but smile at how good Theo did. And that is why he is the squad leader. And when he looked away, out of the room, he saw that he is not the only one admiring Theo's work.
Brett elbowed Jackson beside him. Jackson looked at where Brett was looking.
Stiles was standing behind the nurse counter, staring at Theo in the room. The two giggled and looked at their squad leader. Theo was busy putting away all their gear. The saw, the heavy duty bands, ties, etc. etc. Theo most probably didn't realize Stiles was staring at him.
They know Theo well. Theo might be arrogant at times and be boastful, but when he is working, everything else disappears and he becomes serious and focuses hard on the task at hand.
So they watched Theo tidy up their gears, take a breath and then look up.
"Good job, guys. We could take a break before we head back to the firehouse." -Theo smiled at them. "You know where the cafeteria is, right?"
Brett and Jackson nodded.
"Good. Food's on me."
"Awesome! Okay, we'd be heading there now, lieutenant." -Jackson winked and nodded his head towards a direction.
Theo didn't get it at first. But the two are smiling too much for Theo as they walk out of the room. He decided to look at where Jackson nodded his head. And there he saw Stiles, staring at him.
Stiles blushed and looked away, typing something on his ipad. Theo smiled and shook his head. He now knew what Jackson was trying to say. He looked at where Brett and Jackson disappeared to and saw that the two was peeking out of the hallway, watching him.
Theo signalled for them to scram to which the two just laughed before walking away. Theo fixed his coat and his hair before walking towards Stiles.
"H-Hey." -Stiles was still typing on the ipad.
Theo smirked and took the ipad away from Stiles, he knows Stiles is not typing something important. "How are you doing? Shift's good so far?"
"Thats good. Mine was very eventful."
"Yeah. I saw. Wh-What happened there?"
Theo proceeded to tell him what happened.
"That's crazy... you... you did well back there, Theo."
"It's crazy. Because whenever I see you, there are lots of blood, wounds, sctached and what-not from a very serious accident."
"It would be refreshing to see each other outside of work, right?" -Theo was shooting a shot.
"... Yeah, it would." -Stiles took the bait.
"Care for a drink after shift?"
"Oh..." -Stiles didn't really foresee what Theos' original statement leads to. He was so flustered and in awe at what he just saw Theo did that his usually quick and smart brain grew a bit sluggish.
Stiles looked away from Theo and his eyes landed at Lydia, who was holding up her ipad with a message: just go! Stiles almost laughed but was able to hold it back. Lydia is very adamant.
"Well, yeah. I could use a drink." -Stiles saying his yes to the invitation.
"Great! I'll pick you up later."
And so that led to Stiles looking himself over and again in the mirror. He was fixing his hair over again. And was deciding between leaving his sleeves down or folded just below the elbow.
"Lyds! How do I look?"
"Are you sure?" -Stiles looked at himself again.
He is out of the doctor scrub and coat, and is in his usual get up: chino pants, dark shirt, and flannel. He then wondered if Theo would still be attracted to him if he sees just how plain he actually is.
And then he realized, he never really saw Theo out of his fireman uniform. That bulky pants, and coat. And helmet. With tons of gears attached. He grew curious. Knowing Theo is a firefighter, and Stiles knows they keep themselves in shape, Stiles was curious to see just how in shape Theo is.
"You're good, Stiles, You should get going." -Lydia was hurrying him along outside of the ER doors.
Stiles was almost stumbled over when Lydia shoved him outside the doors. He looked around for Theo. He doesn't really know what to look for. A car? Sedan? Jeep? Truck? Sports car? What?
"Stiles!" -Theo called to him. "Over here."
Stiles looked over at Theo, leaning on his dark blue pick-up truck. He walked towards him and saw him dressed in plain black shirt, jeans and white sneakers. Simple.
Simple but the body beneath isn't. Stiles noticed how that plain black shirt hugged Theo on the right places. The chest, the shoulders, the waist... Theo is fit alright.
Stiles was staring quite a bit. Theo enjoying the reaction.
"You like it?"
"H-Huh???" -Stiles was pulled out from his staring. He looked back up at Theo, and noticed how tidy and groomed Theo's face is. His hair, perfectly styled too.
"My shirt. You like it?"
"Or is it how my body stretches it that you like?" -Theo was leaning closer to him now.
"Oh-uhm, I know you firefighters are fit so... yeah." -Stiles blushed.
"...I could show you more of it." -Theo was moving closer to Stiles.
"Y-Yea-I think we should get going." -Stiles opened the passenger seat door and hopped in.
"Yeah. We should." -Theo helped him close the door. He smiled as he walked over to the driver's side.
As they were driving, Stiles keeps glancing at Theo and was glad that Theo is not too buff to his liking. Theo is just right. And Theo seemed very hygienic, evident on how clean and prim he is right now. Stiles loved that, maybe it's the doctor in him, but still. Very nice quality to be clean. And is very far from Theo's look in his firefighter gear. Theo always comes in sweaty, and dirty or dusty or bloody, depending in the case he responded to.
They arrived at the local bar. Theo opened doors for Stiles. When they walked in, the bartender greeted Theo. The bartender looked too young for Stiles to be working.
"Theo! Hey. How are you?"
"I'm good, Corey." -Theo sat at the bar, guiding Stiles on the stool beside him. Theo would have liked to sit in a booth and table but Brett and Jackson beat him to it, with their respective dates and their friends.
"The usual?" -Corey handed him his drink.
"Yeah... how about you, Stiles?"
"Oh, just beer."
Corey smiled at him. "There you go, Stiles." Corey slid him a bottle of beer and said his name ever so sweetly.
Theo asked Stiles about the rest of his shift. And Stiles asked the same. Then Theo asked him about what crazy cases he's worked on. Stiles asked the same of Theo. Then the conversation went on as the usual getting to know the person talk. Them finding out they watch the same TV series. And some movies. Listen to the same bands. And collected the same comics.
"No way! No way you're a nerd like me!" -Stiles couldn't believe it.
"Try me." -Theo took a sip of his drink.
"Okay, okay." -Stiles was on a roll. He wanted to prove if Theo really knows what he's talking about. Or if he's just stringing Stiles along.
"List down Star Wars movies in chronological order!"
"Easy. Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Clone Wars, Revenge of the Sith, Solo, Rogue One, A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker." -Theo said without skipping a beat.
Stiles gasped. It wasn't a joke. And Theo is updated as well.
"Okay~ Which one did you like best?"
"Oh, is this the make or break question, sunshine?"
"It is."
Theo laughed. He took a sip of his drink again before answering.
"Rogue One. I went in to watch it, not really expecting anything. But it turned out to be the movie we never asked for but never knew we needed."
Stiles gasped again. He cradled his beer bottle and drank from it.
"So? Did I make it or break it?"
Stiles kept on smiling. "Made it."
"Hell, yeah!" -Theo slammed his hands on the bar and lifted them up in the air in a victory pose.
Stiles kept laughing. "Stop it!" He is feeling embarrassed and conscious because people are looking at them.
"Whoop! Whoop!" -Theo waved his hands around.
"Theo!" -Stiles pulling his arms down.
"What? I'm just really happy I made it."
"It's just a movie question!"
Theo just laughed and pulled Stiles off the bar and onto where people are crowding and dancing.
"Oh, no no no. Theo, no!" -Stiles tried to fight off Theo but the firefighter is too strong for him.
He got swept onto the dance floor. Theo started dancing and Stiles was just there, standing, embarrassed.
"Come on, Stiles." -Theo kept egging him to dance.
Stiles is not that drunk yet to do his silly dance steps on there. But Theo and the people around them didn't care and just kept dancing, making Stiles be in the mood to dance too. It started as normal, usual, silly, dances until it wasn't.
Theo and Stiles' body grew closer and closer. And the dance steps grew more and more daring. Theo took Stiles' hand and spun him around. Stiles has his back on Theo, and Theo hugged him close to his body. He then started swaying him along, waving side to side.
Stiles felt how warm it's getting. But he was enjoying it. Maybe he is drunk. Or maybe it's Theo's body flushed against him.
He felt Theo grind against him.
"Mn, fuck!" -Stiles muttered. Stiles felt it. He definitely felt something down there. From Theo and from his own, inside of his pants.
Stiles looked around, he was so conscious that others might be watching them. He then saw everyone else was busy with their own thing. Stiles felt Theo's warm breath on the nape of his neck. Theo was nuzzling him.
Stiles felt that tingle again. His whole body just shuddered. Then Theo started kissing his nape.
"Theo, oh shit." -Stiles' body jerked and he started grinding back to Theo.
Theo moaned in his ear. "Stiles... how about we get out of here?"
"Y-Yeah." -Stiles was so turned on.
Theo nipped one last time on Stiles' neck before hurling themselves out of there. They made it back to his truck, kissing and groping.
For the record, Theo didn't plan it to be like this. He just planned it to be a nice night of drinking with Stiles. But Stiles was looking too lovely tonight. And Stiles' reactions encouraged Theo to keep going where the situation was pushing them to.
Inside the truck, in the back seat, Theo was on top of Stiles, both of them has their pants undone and pushed down a bit, enough to make their erections brush each other.
Theo was sucking on Stiles' neck. Everything was hazy for Stiles. He doesn't really know what and how and why things are so damn hot right now. And Stiles remembered, he doesn't really know anything about this. He's never had a boyfriend before.
Theo stopped for a while to take his shirt off. And Stiles bit his lips at how good Theo's torso looks like. The chest, the abs, the oblique, that v-line leading to Theo's...
"Oh shit!" -Stiles panicked. He is a virgin. And he is halfway changing his mind. "Wait-wait! Theo!" Stiles was holding his hands up.
"What?" -Theo was about to go down on his neck again.
"I'm... I-I... I can't. I can't!" -Stiles pushed himself up.
"Wh-What? Stiles?" -Theo watched him pull his pants back up and tidy his shirt. "Stiles? Stiles? Hey, sunshine, what's wrong?"
"Theo... just... we can't be doing this. I'm sorry. And this is also our first date too- I mean, night out, out of work. We can't be- I'm not a... I don't do this."
Theo gets it. He was nodding, in an attempt to calm Stiles down.
"Sorry, Theo, I just, I'm not a wh-"
"Yeah, Stiles, you aren't. I know. I'm sorry if I moved too fast. I'm sorry I made you feel that way. But believe me, I don't see you as such, okay? I was just... you were so lovely tonight. I couldn't help it."
"Y-Yeah, I just... Yeah. Sorry. Can I go home now? I wanna go home."
"Sure, sure. Of course. I'll drive you home." -Theo wore his shirt back on and zipped his pants back up.
They transferred to the front seats and Theo started driving Stiles home. The drive was quiet. And Theo didn't like it. He was scared that he totally blew it tonight.
"Stiles? Do you wanna stop by somewhere? Coffee or something?" -Theo wanted Stiles to say yes, he wanted to gauge the situation. more.
"Uhm... drive thru. I want some curly fries."
Theo never made a u-turn so fast. They ordered and stayed in the parking, Stiles didn't really wanna get out of the truck. He dug in the fries box as soon as they parked. Theo was observing him. Stiles hasn't slapped or punched or called his dad or jumped out of his truck and high tailed it yet. Which is a good thing. Right? Is it? Theo isn't sure anymore. He doesn't wanna lose his sunshine.
"Yeah?" -Stiles replied without looking at him.
"Am I... I'm sorry. I hope I didn't blow everything tonight. Like I told you, you aren't a flavor of the week for me, Stiles. I am serious about you."
"N-No. It's not that."
"What is it then?"
"...Just... just let me eat in peace and drive me home right now?"
So Theo did. Halfway to Stiles' home, Stiles' phone rang.
"Hey, dad."
Theo became nervous. He remembered Stiles' dad's talk to him this morning.
"No, I was out. I'm on my way home.... I was out, uhm, de-stressing... w-what? No, I'm... well, I'm with someone, yes."
Theo held his breath.
"H-How'd you-" -Stiles looked at Theo. "Yeah... I'm just around the corner. See you." -Stiles ended the call. "Theo, could you stop right here?"
They stopped one corner from the Stilinski residence.
"Theo... dad knows about you 'haunting' me -his words by the way."
"H-Haunting? That's a bit much."
"Yeah, how did he know? I didn't tell him about you."
"This morning, he overheard me talk about you to Brett and Jackson."
"Yeah...and he wasn't happy about it."
"Uh, yeah, I can picture how the scenario went down."
"Yeah... so..."
Stiles' phone rang, it's his dad calling again. "You better bring me home."
Theo continued to drive to the house. He parked and walked Stiles to the door.
"Theo." -Stiles held out his phone to Theo's face.
"W-What is-oh."
It was Stiles' number. Theo memorized it just in time the door opened and Stiles hid his phone in his pocket again.
"Hey, Chief. Good evening."
Chief did not answer but instead pulled Stiles inside the house and then shut the door on Theo's face.
'O-kay... that wasn't good... but at least I got Stiles' number now.' -Theo left with a smile.
-+-+-+ (to be continued) +-+-+-
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Like the gifs used here? See source under them. Reblog, do not repost. Thank you all gif creators here ♥️
40 notes · View notes
christinesficrecs · 2 years
There is a story called Of Course It's Fairies where dead friends/family members of the pack come back to life and I really love the idea of that especially because it happens after most of the show has happen so the lost pack members see the after effects of all that pain and stuff. So I was wondering if you knew any other stories like it? or if anyone wanted to write a story with that kind of idea as it's a really cool one.
There is a resurrection tag here, most of the ones I know are focused on bringing Laura back.
Of Course It's Fairies by HelloWhyTheFuckAmIHere | 100.2K
While still suffering from the after effects of the Nogitsune, Stiles and the pack stumble upon and save a trapped fairy. The boy's parents, not wanting to be in the pack’s debt, offer each member of the pack who assisted in the rescue, the opportunity to bring a loved one back from the dead.
Having been blissfully reunited with several of their once-lost friends and family members, everyone must work together to figure out how to function as a new pack, and how to defeat a new incoming threat.
Spook: A Ghostly Love Story in Three Parts by zosofi | 38.1K
Derek is fifteen when he dies. He's been fifteen for six years when he meets Stiles. And then suddenly... suddenly things start looking up.
One More Again by HelloWhyTheFuckAmIHere | 22.2K
When a strange man appears in the Hale Pack territory with an unusual proposition for Stiles and Lydia, Stiles is unable to resist going back in time to stop the Hale House fire.
Even after a few bumps in the road, Stiles finds himself in the past with one nearly-insurmountable goal - getting Talia Hale and the rest of her family to trust him with their lives.
You Only Live Once...or Twice by WonderWolf | 32.9K | Explicit
“Anything,” Derek’s eyes are determined, boring into Stiles’.
Stiles huffs a laugh, “Careful there, big guy. Don’t want to be promising anything to every necromancer you meet. Some might ask for your soul or someth—”
“I’ll give you my soul to bring her back,” Derek says, his voice steady and strong with resolve, “if that’s what you want.”
Stiles’ mouth gapes open for a moment before his brain kicks into gear and he stutters out, “N-no, I don’t ask for that. I only ask for money.”
(Or the one in which Stiles is a necromancer who needs help stopping a rogue alpha and Derek is the solution, but at what cost?)
Stiles plans are the worst (the best) by Dashar | 88.7K
Stiles world ended when his pack died. It didn’t exactly come as a surprise. He had been running with wolves for so long that within hunters and monsters it was just a matter of time. It was a surprise when the world ended too. And Stiles… Well, he had to do something about that.
97 notes · View notes
sterekchub · 1 year
Derek opened his eyes, though they were reduced to slits. His face…his cheeks and chins were pushed up against his massive moobs, and forced his lips into a pucker.
In front of him Derek could only really make out his belly…a massive globe of fat stretching from beneath his chest into the distance. He tried to turn his head but the fat around his neck made it difficult.
“Mmm…stiles…” he grunted out.
(Wanna continue maybe?)
There was no answer. He grunted again, trying to think of something else to call out to get Stiles attention, but his stomach let out a massive rumbling growl and somehow all he managed was “….food….Stiles.”
Stiles- not that Derek could see him, just felt someone squishing up against his waves of fat folds to get by- went and checked on the massive refrigerated silos kept behind Derek, tubes extended from each with funnels at the end. At one point in the not so distant past- Derek had been able to reach out with sausage like fingers and paw at the tube he wanted to feed himself
Now his arms lay….well rested on the mountain of shapeless blubber his belly has become, useless and too heavy to lift. So when Derek was hungry- Stiles to the rescue.
“The trucks were by yesterday to refill it! You went through 2 already?”
“Was….Hungry” Derek burped out.
Stiles very much doubted that. Derek didn’t remember what it felt like to be hungry- what he swore was his stomach growling was probably just protests from his gut trying to digest a few hundreds gallons of shakes. If derek wasn’t a few gulps away from bursting- he insisted he was hungry.
“You’re aren’t hungry.”
Derek tried to glare at him- an effect which was totally lost as his face was sunken behind a face swollen with fat, and with his chins long buried into his swelling moobs, it was almost impossible to distinguish his head from the rest of his shapeless- lard buried body.
“Yeah yeah, give me a second.”
Derek wasn’t usually so talkative- but then again it was rare to see him without a tube in his lips, or the rare sight of a truly stuffed Derek, shake dribbling out of his mouth, only able to force out stifled burps and hiccups.
“Those tanks aren’t being refilled until Monday,” Stiles sighed. It took industrial levels of food to feed Derek- their feeding tanks filled up once a week by local dairy farmers with cream and the local suppliers with beer or soda….and then Stiles woild turn them into his own special fattening mix, adding in enough ingredients he could stick a Costco.
“ ‘mm need… more.”
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Stiles grinned. He pulled the funnel from the least frequently used tank. Usually, he used this one to add sparingly to Derek’s shakes as a “treat” when a much slimmer, still mobile Derek was feeling particularly desperate to gain.
Chocolate pudding mixed with straight lard. It probably didn’t taste great, but as soon as he pushed the tube into the end of Derek’s puckered lips, he started sucking on it like a man in a deserted island finding water. His eyes fluttered close, happily groaning around the tube as he kept guzzling it down. He didn’t care about much anymore- all he needed was *more*, to get that feeling of being stretched out and ready to burst with food. It look more and more to achieve that feeling lately…
But Stiles had no doubt he’d finish off the tank before long.
“Better call and see if the barn is ready for him…”
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idontevenleeknow · 2 years
The movie was bad guys. I kept hearing it but didnt want to believe it. Cringe aaaaalll around. Where to even start???
Liam. Oh liam i expected liam to be more in this movie. Other that the fact that he lost the jar at the beginning he was pretty useless throughout the movie. Shame, i like liam... They really did him dirty. The jeep had more screen time.
Deaton calling scott to rescue that girl and her dog at the beginning whoa cringeeeeeee.
I liked the Derek Eli storyline. Loved seeing this side of derek. WHYYYY did they make scott help eli with his werewolf. Derek is a born wolf so is eli and they needed scott to help him???? Give me a break. Why does scott have to do everything he is not the perfect alpha ugh aaaand was it me or did eli acted a lot like stiles . It was like he birthed him. Where IS THIS KIDS MOTHER THOUGH???? we will never know
The relationship between Sheriff and Derek or Sheriff and Eli AMAZING. i wanted more of that. Sheriff giving the jeep to Eli at the end *chefs kiss*
I thought they were going to avoid mentioning Stiles like the plague but i was surprised. They mention him guys. Hahaha
Liam and Mason whoooo??? They were nothing in this movie. NOTHINGGG
Lydia pretty useless too. She broke my heart though when she explained why she left stiles. That was saaaad.
Jackson my guy. I honestly wantd more of him. Really teen wolf??? Just a few lines?? And COACH TOOOOOO
The grown up as always get to the scene at the very last minute and save the day. Blah blah blah whats new? But why did they make Peter bad again? Him and Jackson should be best buds.
Parrish and Malia that was gross for some reason. Not gonna talk about it. Forgotten already.
So Alison is back magically. Didnt understand it. I thought she was like a ghost and she was going to go at the end. But nope she just came back from the dead to stay. Like guuurl you were dead for 15 years are yoi okay do you need a minute?? I am pretty sure we will see her at Eichen at some point. At first she hunted Derek because she remembers him but then starts going after Eli?!? Excuse me do you know this kid??
Allison and Scott pretty cringe all way till the end of the movie. Of course scott is going to sacrifice himself but who dies at the end?? Derek? WTH???? WHYYYYYYYY??? he was the best thing in this movie. And he dies trying to save scott of course. Dude you have a kid whyyyyy???
And of course nobody in beacon hills take a minute to grieve. We are given the ending scene that probably gonna continue in the spin off?? Not gonna watch because THEY HAD A BIG ASS CHANGE TO MAKE THE PUPPY PACK A THING AND NEVER TOOK IT. STILL MAD ABOUT THAT.
All and all the movie sucked. I am disappointed because i was waiting for this. Cringe everywhere. Kept laughing. So the rest of you that watched and have the same thoughts were right. Sorry i doubted you
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"How to offend a prince in 5 words or less"
A comedy fairy tail based on the swan princess. For as long as they could remember Stiles and Derek have spent summers together as their parents wait for one of the Royal Hale siblings to fall in love with Prince Mieczyslaw and marry joining their two kingdoms. they have spent summers together the Hale siblings thinking Stiles is from the court of prince Mieczyslaw (a lords son) and Stiles liked not being a prince so he never let on and kinda forgot.
The year Stiles turns 16 Laura is married, Phillip is engaged and Cora and Derek are the only ones left.
Cora dances with Stiles but declares him her friend and nothing else in a mutual announcement. Derek is the only one left.
In a bout of nerves the two dance and Prince Derek declares they shall marry "for the good of the kingdom" when prince Stiles askes "and what else?" He replies "what else is there?"
Stiles storms from the royal ball declaring he won't marry someone who has no desire for him. As stiles and King John leave the palace that night they are attacked. The guards drag a half dead king back to the palace and report the prince taken by a monster.
Derek's best friends Boyd and Allison join him to find the missing prince.
Stiles cursed to be a fox in daylight.
Scott, issac and Erica at the abandoned palaces ruins. They were cursed to become his bodyguards.
Stiles begins the journey back to Derek. (To kick his ass) His spell can only be broken by true loves kiss or a sacrifice of true love to prove devotion. Stiles figures Talia will know how to help him and wants to kick Derek’s ass for making this happen. It’s all Derek’s fault. Probably.
Derek sits in the royal sitting room surrounded by his family and closest friends.
“Really Derek?” Cora slapped his shoulder as she passed him to slump in a nearby armchair. “You couldn’t have handled that any worse could you?”
“Don’t be so harsh,” Allison, sweet kind Allison, spoke up from her perch on the couches armrest beside Derek. “At least he could write a book from the experience: ‘How to insult a prince in five words or less.’”
Boyd comes through and gentle topples Allison from her position ignoring the indignant squawk and focusing instead on Derek who was beginning to look worryingly pale.
“At least you’ll be able to talk to him next summer and sort this out,” the man prompted nudging Derek’s foot with his own. “Or even go see him tomorrow before they leave.”
“I am afraid that will not be possible,” Queen Talia Hale swept into the room flanked by her husband and heir, Laura, with her politely bored mask firmly in place. “King Jonathan and Prince Mieczyslaw have already left the palace grounds.”
Everyone was on their feet in seconds: protests from Cora for not getting to say goodbye backed by Allison’s silent worry.
“What does this mean for us? Politically I mean.” Derek asks his mother in a polite controlled voice. Hands clenched behind his back belays his easy attitude.
“Politically? Nothing. The prince spoke to us briefly promising to honour the agreement in regards to the trading tax just as his father planned to with no marriage necessary.” Queen Talia watched her son with a resigned expression. “We’d hoped to secure the military alliance as well but that won’t be possible as it stands.”
“However he has promised to come if we ever call for aide in memory of the last ten years of peace.” The Queens expression twisted for a moment before she sighed and shook her head as of to clear it. “Derek if you-“
A slamming door interrupts the queen as a guard races into the room barely slowing as he falls to his knees in front of the startled woman.
“Your majesty! The healers are summoning you with all haste please do not delay!” The gayer keeps his head down as he speaks ignorant to the multiple hands of the room griping weapons at his sudden entrance.
“The King of Beacon was attacked. He’s at deaths door and asking to speak with you.”
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popcrone818 · 3 years
Main Masterlist
Here is where I will be putting all of my master lists and one shots I’ve written. It has come to my attention that I don’t have one of these yet.
Luke Morrow 
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How Could You Know - She took a turn for the worst, sleeping with a drug dealer, then her mother helped her get help. She's now 12 months sober and ready to make something of her life. When someone from her past drops back into her life how will she handle everything thrown at her. Will she go back to her old ways or take a page out of someone else's book to continue on the up and up.
Eric Coulter
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Wicked games - Amaya Eaton has always dreamed of being able to run away from her abusive father, with her choosing ceremony will she finally be free of the cold heartless man that rules Abnegation? What will her brother do after he had left her years earlier, will she forgive him? And does she have strong feelings for a certain ruthless dauntless leader?
Seth Clearwater
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The Other Swan- what happens when Skylah Swan is thrust head first into the wild lives of the wolves? How will she react to knowing that the tribal histories are in fact real. All she wanted to do when she moved in with Charlie and Bella in Forks was to have a normal life again. Get into the swing of school and finally be able to have the strong bond she once had with Jacob when they were younger. The youngest wolf of the pack puts her normal life in jeopardy but he will do everything in his power to make sure she is safe and loved. And who is Zach?
Stiles Stilinski
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Broken- Amya is broken, she wont let anyone in and no one really knows why, her older brother Isaac has left her in Beacon Hills to fend off the supernatural all on her own. But does she really need to do it all on her own? Will she finally let someone in other than Scott? And what happens when Isaac comes back but she wants nothing more to do with him? Will she find love with the man she grew up with or with Scott’s new beta?
Rafe Cameron
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Cruel Intentions- based on the song Cruel Intentions by G-Easy and Delacey. Topper Thornton has a twin sister. She and Rafe are hopelessly in love with each other but they dont want to admit it to themselves or each other. Will Maia Thornton finally be able to tell Rafe how she feels or will a fake relationship to piss off her mother take things in the opposite direction.
Accidental- you buy new lingerie and Sarah sends it to Rafe, he then goes crazy with lust and confesses that he’s had feelings for a while.
JJ Maybank
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His person- Reader is just having a really shitty day and after a confrontation with Rafe Cameron and blowing up at Kiara, the only person she wants next to her is JJ
Killian Jones
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Wildest Dreams- Regina’s biological daughter becomes enslaved by her grandmother Cora.Cora doesnt know who she is but that doesnt stop her from locking her in a cell and using her powers of portal jumping to her advantage when a pirate seemingly comes out of nowhere and rescues her. Will she allow herself to love or will her mothers hatred for everything rub off on her.
Alec Lightwood 
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Fate- When I look at him it's like my whole world changes. He is the only thing I can see. With us being shadowhunters, that is not a good thing. He never saw how perfect he was to become head of the New York institute. Always doubted himself, could never take a compliment and never let loose. He was a straight-thinking guy. And yet I was in love with him.
Sweet Pea 
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Spitfire- Aurora Andrews seems like the Perfect northsider but what happens when she is thrown into the path of a hot headed serpent. Will she forever be Archie's little sister and hide in his shadow or will she make a name for herself and be who she wants to be?
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Soul Bonds 
In the quaint town of Horseshoe Bay, Clara Drew works at The Claw, a local restaurant, alongside her sister Nancy. Clara's life takes an intriguing turn when she starts seeing Ace, the restaurant's dishwasher, in a new light. Initially just a background figure in her daily routine, Ace soon becomes a subject of fascination for Clara due to his quiet strength and enigmatic presence.
As Clara and Ace interact more, they develop a seamless, unspoken understanding, moving together in harmony during their shifts. Their connection deepens, and Clara begins to experience vivid visions of past lives where she and Ace are intertwined. These visions reveal a deep bond and a curse that has tied their souls through different eras.
Seeking answers, Clara and Ace, with the help of the Drew Crew - including Nancy, George, Bess, and Nick - embark on a journey to understand these visions.
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kitchenisking · 2 years
Fic Rec Passover Day 3🙃
So You Say by logans_girl2001 - (Rating: T, Words: 14756, sterek)
For the past six months, Derek has been calling a teen hotline for advice (mostly about homework). Lately, the conversations have been all about his crush, Stiles Stilinski. His regular operator keeps urging him to ask Stiles out. Derek finally gets the courage to do so, only to have Stiles ask him out instead.
All I want for Christmas is to Bake Cookies with You by TuppingLiberty - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 4830, sterek)
Stiles is upset when Scott can't uphold their Christmas tradition of baking cookies. Good thing Derek's to the rescue! Christmas fluff.
Kissing: The Multi-Tool They Didn't Tell You About by Asterekmess (Livinginfictions) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 36383, sterek)
There are a surprising number of things that kissing is good for.
No Boys in the Bedroom by lhr111 - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 27297, sterek)
Two teens fall in love and their single dads try to get along. It's hard, because they initially hate each other and also want to rip the other's clothes off. Maybe not in that order. Some psychological baggage and meddling friends and family make it even more of an entertaining chase.
---------- I think this will be 5 chapters, and I typically update every 2 to 3 days. These characters are not my own, please do not re-post on any other platforms.
Every Morning by Emela - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 10943, sterek)
Derek never asked for a research assistant. The ad supposedly placed by him for one is a practical joke of Laura’s when he is writing his first novel. 
'Erotic writer needs assistant to research sex blogs, watch porn (because there is only so much masturbation a guy can do every day) and interview people willing to discuss what turns them on.'
He is going to kill her. He really, truly plans on killing her. First of all, he isn’t going to pay someone to do what he can do himself for free. Secondly, he isn’t going to pay someone to masturbate to porn in his own home, and third-
 Third is lost when Stiles Stilinski shows up at his door.
The one where Stiles needs a fake boyfriend to take to his high-school reunion and Derek...is so screwed.
the scent of us (it reminds me) by wulfnerd (nerdwrites) - (Rating: Mature, Words: 2170, sterek)
Derek wakes up lost and alone, looking for Laura. Then he finds his mate. (And so much more.)
punch-drunk by elisela - (Rating: Mature, Words: 6530, sterek)
Derek knows he’s staring, knows he should stop, drag his focus back to his daughter and not this—this stranger, gorgeous as he is with his slight upturned nose and bright eyes, lips that Derek is going to see in his dreams and long fingers folded into a fist that his jaw rests on. He should stop staring but he feels punch-drunk, knocked off his feet by the overwhelming attraction he feels, blood pumping so fast he can hear it rushing in his ears, can feel it in his pulse points. 
The guy turns his head to look up at Derek and winks—winks, and Derek gets a glimpse of a black bar that pierces through the end of his eyebrow, and he realizes he really needs to grab Evie and get out of there when he starts wondering if this guy has a tongue piercing to go along with the rest, or just how far across his broad shoulders the tattoos go, if they stretch all the way down his tapered hips, lines like a map for Derek to follow with his tongue.
Kindred Spirits by Stoney - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 104792, sterek)
Anne of Green Gables/Teen Wolf AU. [ You do not have to know AoGG to follow this fic, it would only enhance the reading experience. :D ] Essentially the world of Teen Wolf set in the late 1890s, with themes and some minor character names/places specifically borrowed from Anne's world (and no disrespect meant to LM Montgomery, because I love Anne Shirley to bits and pieces.)
Stiles is the adopted son of the Sheriff, brought to Beacon Hills to hopefully stay for good. A family, a best friend, school, Jackson as Josie Pye (because who else could he be?) and the mystery of a dark haired, green-eyed boy which leads Stiles to discovering a secret within himself.
Beta'd by the incomparable Flaming Muse and Sheafrotherdon. Without them, this wouldn't exist. All remaining errors are my own.
Returning to the Scene of the Crime by Akinasky - (Rating: Mature, Words: 3734, sterek)
Derek learns that Kate - who raped him and killed his family in a fire - is planning to come back to Beacon Hills and Stiles is going to make sure that doesn't happen. At any cost.
(I can't figure out how to post it like the others but I still wanted to rec it!)
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froggie-recs-fics · 3 years
Fic Roundup (up to 9/26/21)
I'm gonna start collecting fics I've read recently to recommend them, because making trope lists takes too long and many fics fall by the wayside. Let me know if you like this new format!
The fandoms in this list are as follows: Marvel (SamBucky, HTP, SpideyPool, WinterHawk, WinterIron, Stony, Stucky, SpiderShield), DCU (Bane/Blake), Inception (Arthur/Eames), Teen Wolf (Sterek).
A * signifies a particular favorite (though I love all these fics)
double back by flowermasters (E, 12K, Post-Endgame, Time Loop, Time Travel)
Sam gets stuck in a time loop. In 1943.
Things could be worse, but they could certainly be better.
Companion piece here: quick time
I'll explain everything to the geese by napricot (Post-Endgame, E, 50K, Sam can talk to birds)
Bucky is so competent that it hurts my feelings is not a rational complaint to have about a person, and yet, after a year of being Captain America and partnering up with Bucky for the new and improved, post-Blip Avengers, that’s kinda how Sam’s feeling.
It’s not great. It maybe leads to Sam making some rash, ill-advised decisions like claiming he has a previously undisclosed superpower, and then getting caught in a web of lies when he ends up actually developing that surprisingly inconvenient superpower. Talking to birds had seemed like a harmless superpower, but it turns out that birds have a lot of opinions, and they don’t hesitate to tell Sam about them, especially when it comes to his supposedly subpar courting skills. Which is ridiculous, because Sam isn’t courting Bucky. Right?
**blueprints for a better world series by itallstartedwithdefenestration @astralhux (CATWS, Post-CATWS, Noncon, E, 115K, Dark Main Character)
When Pierce discovers the asset is no longer capable of getting himself hard during recreational use, he tells Rumlow to figure out what the problem is, and to fix it. The solution turns out to be more complicated than anyone expected.
I can't recommend this series enough
*Dead Men Walking series by doctorestranged @lazystrawberrymilkshakes (E, 235K, Identity Porn, Slow Burn)
When a series of murders take place, Peter Parker goes undercover in Sister Margaret’s to get intel on Tony Stark’s prime suspect: Deadpool. Peter goes in hoping to get enough information so that Spider-Man can save the day, but like everything in Peter’s life, it becomes a bit more complicated than that and it soon becomes apparent that he might not be the best fit for the job.
All About Chemistry by TwiceBakedPotato @sedatedkoala (No Powers AU, M, CNTW, 74K, Teacher-Student Relationship, Slow Build)
After serving his 20 years in the Marine Corps, Wade Wilson is cashing in his GI Bill and going back to college. He feels like the old man on campus, but that doesn't matter. He likes his classes. He likes learning. And he especially likes his Chemistry professor with the messy brown hair.
Making Me A Habit by Kangofu_CB @kangofu-cb (No Powers AU, T, 20K, Pet Store, Slow Burn, Pining, Misunderstandings)
Bucky is a disabled vet struggling with reintegrating into civilian life. He has a routine and a rhythm, and he doesn't like to let anything - big or small - disrupt it. That all changes the day Bucky finds himself inside CATastrophe, the local pet rescue, recovering from a panic attack in the back room of the shop.
He’s used to walking by the place, not visiting, but the next thing Bucky knows, he’s hanging signs and being used as a climbing tree for a bunch of freshly-acquired kittens. And he just...keeps going back. First for the kittens, then for the disaster shop owner who rescues actual kittens from actual trees and teaches archery as a side-gig, and eventually because he’s hopelessly in love.
(Clint was in love before Bucky ever walked in the door.)
*Nameless by AvaKelly (Post-CATWS, M, 101K, Time Travel, Time Loop, Slow Burn)
A gun is pointed at him before he can even move from his position, the Soldier's metal arm steady in its aim. Clint sighs.
"Nemo," Clint says. "It's tattooed on your wrist, right here," he lifts his right hand and taps his left index finger where his palm ends.
The Soldier's eyes widen. "How do you know this?"
"I put it there."
Glitter, G-Strings and Other Mission Hazards by flawedamythyst @flawedamythyst (T, 16K, Undercover, Stripper Clint)
“Which is why you need me to shake my booty for cash,” said Clint.
“Precisely,” said Coulson. “You’re the only agent we have who wouldn’t need additional training in the skills of an exotic dancer to take on the mission, and we want to get someone in there as soon as possible.”
Clint nodded, shutting the file. “Okay, awesome. I’ll dig out my sequined g-string.”
“You’ll have full access to requisition any costumes you might need,” said Coulson.
A mission requires Bucky to be Clint's back-up as he goes undercover as a stripper, which gets more difficult with every new costume he comes out in.
Paternal Error by EVVS @skylarkevanson (Post-CATWS, T, 33K, Kid Fic, Established Relationship)
Bucky has never once thought of being a parent. Not since the Winter Solider happened.
Until he falls in love with Clint Barton. And that idiot just keeps collecting children for his flock.
Now Bucky has to pretend like he's good at parenting.
Forms of Love by bear_bell (Post-CACW, E, 33K, Split Personalities)
Months after the Avengers' dispute in Germany, the team returns to the US and moves back into the tower. As always, everyone pretends that nothing happened. Tony is just fine with this. He's used to pretending, and he'll be damned if he lets any of them see him flinch.
Tony's the bad guy, after all. He's used to it. He's fine with it. He's good at it.
Only now, there's something far worse loitering around the tower - The Winter Soldier. No one notices the guy at first, but when they do, Tony figures that he should have the soldier's back.
Birds of a feather should flock together, and the bad guys should start a book club.
While You Were Sleeping by betheflame @betheflame (No Powers AU, M, 65K, While You Were Sleeping AU)
It's been years since Steve Grant Rogers Drysdale has spoken to his twin, Ransom. So it was quite a shock when he was summoned to a hospital and found out that Ransom was in a coma.
Even more shocking? That Ransom is engaged. To Tony Stark.
The Road Goes Ever On And On by PipGraham (Omegaverse AU, M, Noncon, Graphic Violence, 20K, Road Trip, Pre-Serum Steve, Past Domestic Violence)
When Brock's continued domestic abuse puts not only Steve's life in danger, but also that of his unborn pup, he flees into the night with just a small backpack of clothes and almost no money to his name.
Steve quickly runs into trouble as he tries to embark on a 3-day cross-country bus journey back home to New York City.
He meets a kind veteran when he most needs a helping hand.
Just Words by LadyRazzle (crimegimp) @ladyrazzle (Pre-CATFA, Soulmate AU, T, 2K, Fluff)
Inspired by that now legendary post: "soulmate AU where you wake up on your 18th birthday with the first words your soulmate will say to you tattooed on your body so you’ll know them when you meet them." Well what if they appear the moment you turn 18, rather than just the day? And what if by the time you turn 18, you'd already fallen in love?
Bucky wasn’t eager to discover what the words said. He already knew what he wanted them to say. He always had.
Forgetting It's There by spinstitcher (stygian) (NR, 8K, Crack, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Identity Porn)
“You’re Captain America,” he blurts out.
“What?” says Captain America, looking a little wide-eyed. He casts a nervous glance at the girl at the counter – he has nothing to worry about there, she’s rocking out to her iPod and could care less what they’re talking about – and says, “No, uh, Steve, it’s just, I’m Steve.”
“Right,” says Peter, and then because his brain-to-mouth filter had apparently been completely destroyed in the fight on Oscorp Tower: “Hey, your butt really is as tight as it looks on TV.”
7 Deadly Ass(as)sins by teacuphuman @teacuphuman09 (AU, E, 23K, BDSM)
Bane and Barsad own a sex shop and John needs a job.
Straws by Menirva (Bane/Blake/Barsad, AU, E, 38K, BDSM)
John works in a smoothie shop.
He has a knack, a second sense if you will, for being able to look at a person and know what they're going to order. It's not the most spectacular gift in the world but he likes being able to figure people out and he's never wrong.
Except for this scruffy asshole who is clearly just ordering the wrong thing to fuck with him.
How is he even finishing an extra-large?
Rough Trade by Whisky (whiskyrunner) @whiskyrunner (AU, E, 23K, Internalized Homophobia)
Arthur is an investment banker. He is professional and efficient. He's a halfway decent cook. He's totally independent and has been since the age of eighteen. Maybe he's tired all the time because he works about ninety hours a week which is twice what normal people do, but he's rich and he's competent at his job. He's almost thirty, and already a success.
And there are some things Arthur is not. For instance: Arthur is not gay.
Lucky by earlgreytea68 @earlgreytea68 (M, 37K, Kid fic)
Arthur finds a baby.
Teen Wolf
Cut to the Bone by standinginanicedress (Omegaverse AU, E, 112K, Secret Relationship, Enemies to Lovers kinda)
“Not that it’s any of your god damn business, but my name is Stiles. Do you need something?”
The alpha grins. All teeth, shiny white, straight as an arrow. He’s got this sculpted perfection to him that Stiles is sure has worked on all the omegas he’s ever encountered before, but Stiles stands his ground and narrows his eyes. “A date.”
Stiles looks him up and down, slowly, from the black shoes on his feet, to his uniform khakis and blazer littered with pins, to his face. He frowns, makes a face, and says, “pass.”
Cornerstone by Vendelin (Human AU, E, 83K, Marine Derek, Blind Stiles, Friends to Lovers)
Suffering from PTSD, ex-Marine Derek Hale moves back to Beacon Hills to open a bookshop and find a calmer life. That’s where he meets Stiles, completely by accident. Stiles is talkative, charming and curious. Somehow, despite the fact that he’s blind, he’s able to read Derek like no one else.
Stand Fast in Your Enchantments by DevilDoll, Rahciach (AU, Graphic Violence, E, 76K, Captivity, Feral Derek)
"Stiles knew damn well what a pissed-off wolf sounded like, and every hair on the back of his neck was telling him that somewhere in this room was a very pissed-off werewolf." An AU in which Derek is feral, Stiles is magical, and they eat a lot of fast food.
The Payoff Pitch by Leslie_Knope (Sports AU, E, 83K, Coming Out, Friends to Lovers)
Derek is on the cusp of his second season with the LA Dodgers, and as the reigning runner-up Rookie of the Year, the pressure’s on him to become the team’s star pitcher and lead them to the playoffs for the first time in five years. He’s trying to deal with the burden of expectations and really has zero desire to spend any extra time or energy on anything that isn’t baseball.
But then he meets Stiles.
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