#really interested in how it will go down from here
shotmrmiller · 3 days
simon who can afford a better flat than the budget friendly flat he lives in but won't move. johnny doesn't understand. he wants to blame it on simon being the enigmatic, intentionally perplexing man he tends to be but he has a flat.
he doesn't have to. he's got no significant other, no kids (that he knows of, god only knows if simon's got a bairn somewhere. it makes him heated thinking about it. he's it's uncle, damn it.) why does he rent here when living in base is free?
the question answers itself when he's over one evening, empty beer bottles on the table, amber glass reflecting the warm glow of the lone lamp overhead. the television is on, volume turned down, blending with the other sounds of the night— the distant barking of dogs, the quiet hum of simon's fridge, the occasional car passing by outside.
the conversation had died down already, not like they don't spend almost every waking breath with each other at work and they'd been sitting in a comfortable silence when there was a sudden, sharp knock at simon's door.
it startles johnny, reaction instinctive as he reaches for his hip, hand curling around the grip of his holstered gun but simon seems relaxed. he pins him with a look and mutters, "s'alrigh'."
what does he mean it's alright? it's 'witchin' hour'' as his mam calls it, who could possible be at his door? he cranes his neck to look and—
it's you, standing up here with a flour-dusted apron, small hands holding a warm pastry, the steam twisting and curling off of it. you're exude homely charm, soft face glowing from the corridor's light (or maybe it's at the sight of seeing simon, who knows?) he can smell it in the air, sweet, inviting.
what johnny finds interesting enough to send a quick text to kyle is how simon is looking at you. as if you're handing him more than just a custard tart, but also a little piece of heaven, a fragment of a dream he hopes to have one day.
"'m sorry, simon. i wasn't aware you had any company. i just really needed to stress bake or i would've gone off the deep end and end up in prison."
violent little bonnie. he can see the appeal.
simon cups his hands over yours (he definitely did it as an excuse to touch you) as he takes the treat. if you make food to unwind and give it to your neighbors, johnny oughta move in next door too. he'll never turn down free food.
"don't worry about it." johnny's eyebrows shoot to his hairline at the softness in his tone, bottle halfway to his lips.
clearly more than a passing fancy.
"i'll just uhm, if you're friend wants some too—" but simon gently interrupts you before he can ask for some of that sweet comfort too.
"he's not hungry."
cruel, cruel bastard. he'll remember this day, jot it down in his calendar. when he gets a girl of his own, he'll be sure to do the same.
johnny wonders if you've got a crick in your neck from looking up at simon as you speak hushed words, meant only for him. can he get at least a nibble of that tart?
you shoot johnny a shy ㅤsmile before turning around and simon closes the door, turning back to the warming beers, golden tart in hand.
even the plate it's on is cute.
"ah can see the hearts in yer eyes, lt."
johnny can practically hear the air parting as simon's fist cuts through it, aimed at his head. he avoids it with practiced ease. "ooh, touchy. ah'll leave ye be if i get a bite o' tha'."
he doesn't gets not even a crumb because simon is selfish.
(simon moved here purposefully because he knows you live here and can't be at peace without knowing where you are at all times. there's a tag inside your favorite pair of shoes you left out in the hall once to dry after a hard downpour. the bakery you work at is down the street, if he looks out the south facing window, he can see you going in and leaving work. he likes to let himself in your home and smell your cushions. took one of your shirts too but at least made sure it wasn't one of your faves. he has to wash it every other day)
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rafecameronssl4t · 2 days
Cart girl || Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
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Summary: you meet Rafe during one of your shifts as a beverage cart girl.
Warnings: swearing idk what else
Word count: 797
A/n: beverage cart girls kept popping up on my fyp and I thought I might aswell 😂
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Divider by @yoonitos
“She new?” Rafe cocks his head towards your direction before swinging his club. Kelce and Topper both look to where Rafe was referring to, spotting you surrounded by a few other golfers.
“The beverage cart girl?” Topper questions as Rafe hums. “Can’t say I’ve seen her around before,” Topper says as the three boys watch you from afar. “Shit, she’s coming our way,” Kelce comments turning around to hide the fact the fact that he was watching as Topper looks away briefly.
“Hey, you guys want anything to drink or snack on?” you ask with a bright smile, lifting your hand to shield your eyes from the glaring afternoon sun. The three boys look up from their conversation, momentarily taken aback by your friendly demeanor.
“Yeah—uh, you guys want anything?” Rafe repeats the question to Kelce and Topper, who both nod enthusiastically. “Three Westbrooks, thanks,” Rafe says, his voice casual but with a hint of curiosity as his eyes linger on you.
“Sure,” you reply, stepping out of your cart. Rafe’s gaze follows your movements intently, his eyes raking over you in a way that doesn’t go unnoticed. He exchanges a smirk with Kelce and Topper, who try to conceal their grins, clearly amused by Rafe’s reaction.
“How’s your guys’ day been?” you ask sweetly, your voice filled with genuine interest as you reach for the three cans of Westbrook. “Yeah, yeah, good,” Rafe responds quickly, almost too quickly. “You new around here?” he adds, scratching the back of his neck, his curiosity getting the better of him.
“Uh, not really. I usually do morning shifts, but I’ve switched to afternoons,” you explain, handing them each a can, your fingers brushing Rafe’s briefly. “Cool,” Rafe nods, his eyes never leaving yours, the smirk still playing on his lips.
“Cash or card?” you ask, holding a small notepad ready to jot down their payment details. “Just put it on my tab. It’s Cameron,” Rafe replies confidently, his smirk widening as he notices the moment of recognition in your eyes. “Cameron?” you repeat, locking eyes with him, the name ringing a bell.
Your eyes rake over his features, taking in his confident smirk and the way he holds himself. Tilting your head the tiniest bit, you say, “Well, have a good rest of your day, guys.” You offer a warm smile before turning around and climbing back into your cart.
As you start the engine and drive away, you hear Kelce exclaim, “Fuck, she’s hot, dude,” while slapping Rafe’s chest. Rafe chuckles, his eyes fixed on your cart as it disappears into the distance.
“Yeah, she definitely is,” Rafe murmurs, a satisfied grin spreading across his face as he watches you leave. Topper shakes his head, laughing softly, trying to hide his amusement. “Think she’ll be around for the afternoon shifts more often?” Topper asks, glancing at Rafe. “Hope so,” Rafe replies, eyes still lingering on you.
“Y’know, the craziest thing happened to me yesterday afternoon,” you say absentmindedly, sipping on your fruity drink as you watch him line up his shot. His focus on the golf ball is intense, but he pauses for a moment, intrigued by your comment.
“Hmm? What happened, baby?” he replies, turning to make his way towards you. He presses a quick kiss on your lips before reaching over you to grab another club from the bag.
“I met your son,” you say, swirling the straw in your drink with your finger. Ward looks at you, his expression curious. “You saw Rafe?” he repeats, his tone carrying a mix of surprise and interest. “Yeah,” you hum in confirmation. “He’s quite good-looking, takes after his father,” you add with a smirk, watching as Ward chuckles and throws his head back in laughter.
“He’s a coke addict, baby. Best you don’t involve yourself with him, he’s trouble,” Ward warns, his thumb rubbing gently against your bottom lip. His touch is tender, but his words are firm. You stare up at him, undeterred. “He was nice to me,” you shrug, recalling the encounter.
“That’s because you’re a good-looking girl,” Ward says, his eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and admiration “You think so?” you ask, your smirk growing. Ward chuckles, leaning down to press a kiss on your cheek. “I know so.”
As Ward returns to his game, you can’t help but let your mind wander back to Rafe. There was something about him that intrigued you and you couldn’t help but purposely run into him around the course.
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heartateasee · 2 days
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famous!harry x you
Word Count: 10.1k
Warnings: attempts at dom/sub play (it’s their first time trying, so neither of them are the best at it), bondage, blindfolding (obviously), edging, oral sex (m & f receiving), talks of masturbation, sir kink, ma’am kink, pain kink (not too much), mutual masturbation, size kink, protected sex & unprotected sex (I think that covers everything, but if I missed something, please let me know!)
Plot: You had heard of a sex club where others sign up to give themselves over to pleasure, but the last thing you expected when being assigned a room was not only your partner already being blindfolded and tied to the bed, but that you also recognized him.
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You walked into the hallway of the club, pulling your trench coat tighter around your frame. The club was unmarked on the street - only the building number on display. Unless you knew about this club, you wouldn’t look twice in its direction. Clearing your throat, you walked forward to the woman who was behind the glass window, and you sent her a soft smile.
“Hello, I’m just…checking in for the night,” you stated.
You weren’t really sure how to address it. This was all new to you. You heard about the club from a friend after a wine night where you had a little too much to drink, and it ended up with the two of you having a healthy conversation about sex. She told you that she frequented this club with her current partner whenever they were looking for a third, but really any type of scenario went.
The club was very strict about everything being consensual, and all partners had to submit STD testing as well as signing an NDA to protect their partner(s). Lockers were located right next to the glass window where you checked in, and you had to lock up your phone and any other personal belongings. They provided everything you needed for pleasure, as well as pajamas if you intended on staying the night. There was also a button in the room that you could press in case a partner wasn’t obeying the rules - that way the proper authorities could be notified.
“Real last name?” She asked, turning towards the computer.
The club didn’t allow you to use your real names once inside. You could choose a fake name if you wanted to, but you decided to forgo it. You figured whoever you were paired with would give you some sort of pet name for the night, and that would be that.
“I’ve got you checked in. Here’s the key to your room,” the woman slid the key through the small opening at the bottom of the window. “Your partner is already in there waiting. Just a refresher - all personal belongings go into the locker in the room to the right. Room service is available to the room upon request, and if you need additional toys other than the ones that you asked for, those can also be delivered to the room, if needed.”
“Thank you,” you nodded.
Sucking in a deep breath, you walked into the room with the lockers and put everything but the key to both your room and locker inside. You made sure it was locked properly before heading down the hallway - making sure to follow the sign on the wall that pointed you in the direction of the proper room numbers.
As you approached your own door, confirming you had the right one by checking the number on the key for what seemed like the hundredth time, you hesitated as you held the key to the lock. You knew that you were going to be safe, and that this was something you really wanted, you just couldn’t help but feel the nerves swirling in your stomach. 
The reassurance you had stemmed from the fact the club had everyone fill out the same questionnaire and they paired people together by who they thought would fit best. You knew this person was going to have similar interests and kinks as you, but you had never done something like this before. Hell, you had only had one or two one night stands in your life. It wasn’t like you to have sex with complete strangers.
“You can do this,” you whispered to yourself before slipping the key into the lock and turning it.
You walked into the room to see that it was pretty dark, the low lighting paneled along the wall just barely illuminating the area you would soon be walking into. Tucking the key into the pocket of your trench coat, you locked the door behind you and started further into the room - your heels lightly clicking across the floor.
Reaching a hand out, you turned the dial on the wall that you knew would turn the lighting up just a little more, and you couldn’t help but gasp as you saw your partner already on the bed. 
He was blindfolded - stripped down to his briefs with his hands tied to the headboard.
This was one of the more obscure things you thought you had marked off on the list, not really knowing if a male would be up to being so submissive right off the bat, but here he was. You stepped further into the room, and at first you wondered if he had fallen asleep before you just barely saw his fingers curling into his palm.
“Hello,” you stopped walking at the sound of a deep British accent, and you could feel your arousal already beginning.
“Hello,” you replied sweetly as you now stood right next to the side of the bed.
Your eyes wandered over his body, eyebrows narrowing as you realized you were familiar with a lot of the ink adorning his skin, but once you caught sight of the large butterfly tattooed in the middle of his abdomen - it hit you.
Lying before you was Harry fucking Styles.
You wouldn’t say that you were a die-hard fan of Harry’s by any means, but you were familiar with all the singles he had released, as well as a few others. Oddly enough, your friend that told you about the club was super into him, Harry having been her favorite from the One Direction days, and you couldn’t even begin to imagine how she would’ve reacted if she and her partner had somehow been paired up with him instead.
Deciding to help him remain anonymous, even though you knew he had to know the risks of being here and being recognized, you decided you wouldn’t acknowledge knowing who he was - at least not yet. You were sure that it would come up at some point throughout the night. For now, you’d leave it be.
“I hope I haven’t kept you waiting too long,” you stated as you fiddled nervously with your fingers.
You didn’t know how you were going to be able to just jump into this dominant position that you so desperately wanted to. You weren’t sure if he had ever done anything like this, and that made you anxious. What if you weren’t any good?
“Not too long,” he responded, and you saw his tongue dart out to wet his bottom lip. “I hope it’s okay that I already had them do this for you. I’m…I’m a bit nervous. Being blindfolded already is kind of helping me though.”
“You’ve never done something like this before?” 
You took a seat at the edge of the bed - still keeping your distance until both of you gave proper permission to begin.
“Not like this, no,” Harry shook his head. “I’ve been to sex clubs before, but they were really different. I’ve been wanting to try this one out for a while. I just didn’t know if I would ever actually have the balls to do it.”
“I know what you mean,” you laughed softly. “Took a drunken conversation with my friend to reveal any of this side of myself to her, and she’s the one who told me about this place.”
Harry joined you in your laughter for a moment. “It’s kind of a relief to know this is your first time too. I hope I’m not pissing you off by speaking too much. I know I’m technically supposed to be your submissive right now.”
You stood up from the bed as you undid the tie of your trench coat, letting it fall off your body before draping it over a chair in the corner of the room. 
Slowly, you walked back over to the bed and pushed yourself up onto it - up on your knees. You allowed your eyes to take in the body laid in the middle of the mattress once more before looking up to his blindfolded face.
“I figured it was okay to talk a little bit before starting. You’ve eased my nerves as well,” you assured him. “Can I straddle you now? I just want to go over a few more things before we actually start.”
It was silent for a moment before Harry nodded.
“Words, puppy,” you tapped into your inexperienced dominant side for just a moment - testing the waters.
“Yes, ma’am,” he breathed, and you moved a bit closer before straddling his waist.
You still didn’t sit down all the way as you really did want to make sure you both were completely on the same page before beginning. 
“Everything that was on your list that was sent to me earlier this week, I just want to make sure that all still stands, and nothing has changed.”
The club sent out paperwork to you on Monday letting you know you had a partner paired up. Attached to the email was a checklist that was marked off. No name was on it, obviously, but it went over things your partner was agreeable to participate in, and things they were not - hard limits. You now blatantly know that list was filled out by Harry.
Harry received the same email, but with your checklist attached.
“Everything is still the same. How about you?”
“Still the same,” you agreed as you leaned forward just a bit to ghost one of your hands over his muscled pec. “Stoplight system for the both of us, yes?”
You could tell Harry sucked in a deep breath at the touch, and goosebumps instantly covered his tanned skin.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good boy,” you praised him before taking your hand away. You were almost sure that you heard him stifling a whine at the lack of contact. “Let’s begin.”
Lowering yourself completely down, your thighs brushed against his sides as your mound was pressed against the bulge in his briefs. You could tell he was in the early stages of a hard-on with the way he instantly pulsed against you, and that made you feel like you were doing things right so far.
“We’re going to try edging,” your hands went back up to graze over his torso, and you watched as his abs contracted underneath your palms.
Although you had been shown over a hundred pictures of Harry from your friend, you had never really felt an attraction to him until this very moment. Sure, you thought he was a good-looking guy, but you never thought too much about it. You also never noticed just how toned and muscular he was, and your mouth practically watered at the tattoos covering him.
You could hear the nerves in his voice, but his body was more than responsive to your touch. His back arched as you caressed higher - fingertips brushing over his hard nipples. Harry mewled while wiggling his legs underneath you, and that in itself sent a pulse straight between your thighs.
“You’re a little needy thing, aren’t you?” You cooed, moving forward slightly to have your stomach resting against his lower abdomen.
You pressed your lips against each of his swallows before trailing them down to one of his nipples. Flicking your tongue out, you let the tip of it round the pert bud a couple times before sucking it into your mouth.
Harry moaned, and you gazed up to see him tugging against the restraints - nails digging into his palms.
“You like that, puppy?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he whimpered. “That’s really nice. I like that a lot.”
He went silent again as you sealed your lips around his other nipple, and you could feel his cock plumping right up against you. That turned you on more than you thought it would. Knowing that it was your actions that were having him squirming while getting hard.
“C-Can I ask a question?” Harry’s whiney voice caused your motions to cease, and you pushed yourself up by resting your hands against his chest.
“Sure,” you nodded even though he couldn’t see you - letting the dynamic break for a moment.
“Are you…are you wearing fishnets?”
You couldn’t help but smile at his question as you moved a bit further up so your face covered over his. “I am, yes.”
“What else?” His voice was breathless as you were sure he could feel how close you had gotten to him in proximity.
“Just a pair of black cheeky panties underneath them with a matching black bra. I still have some lace up heeled ankle boots on my feet.”
“Oh my god,” Harry’s hips bucked up against you, and you couldn’t help but gasp at the feeling of his bulge nudging your throbbing clit. “That’s all?”
“I had a trench coat on when I first came in, but that wouldn’t be comfortable for either of us, now would it?”
“I wish I could see you. It sounds wonderful.”
Your heart fluttered a bit at his words, but you had to remind yourself that this wasn’t romantic. This was only two people giving into their deepest desires with each other, and after you left, your normal lives would resume.
“Soon, puppy,” you tilted your head down to have your lips brush gently against his. “I promise I’ll take your blindfold off once I’m finished.”
“Can I ask something else?”
“Mhmm,” you hummed, moving your head from side to side to continue teasing.
“Could you keep it all on until after you take my blindfold off? I want to see you in it.”
“That was my plan already.”
Harry tilted his chin up as if he were so eager to connect your mouths, but you pulled back with a soft chuckle.
“Trying to take, are you?”
“No, no, I’m sorry,” Harry stammered, going to reach for you as you shimmied back down his body, but once again, the restraints kept him from being able to grab you. “I’m still learning, ma’am, I’ll be good. I promise.”
“I’ll give you a warning, okay?” 
The tips of your fingers danced along the waistband of his briefs as you felt your nerves setting in again. This was when you wanted to turn things up - to properly edge him like you told him you were going to.
“Thank you, ma’am,” you could hear the sigh in his voice as he responded. You were sure he was scared of being punished, and was relieved when he knew you weren’t going to be doing that.
“You’re so polite,” you gripped to his briefs and tugged them down just enough to release his hard length.
Your eyes widened as you watched it slap against his stomach, and you also heard the gasp that left him at the fact he was now exposed to the cool air. As much as you wanted to look at his face, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from his hardened member. 
He was definitely the biggest you had ever come across. You couldn’t help but wonder if you were going to be able to make him fit without you having any type of foreplay, but you hoped that edging him would get you worked up enough to do so.
Deciding that you were done informing him of the decisions you were going to make, considering you both knew what this was, you moved further down his body before taking his shaft into your hand. You gathered spit into your mouth and slowly let it drip onto his tip so you could smear it and start to give him long strokes.
You could tell that his toes were curling into the mattress, and you looked up to his face to see his head tilted back - pink lips parted.
“Fuck me,” he moaned, and you were quick to give him a pinch to his inner thigh.
“Polite ones like you aren’t supposed to use such nasty words,” you scolded him - stopping your movements. His moan did have you ruining the black underwear that you made him so aware of, but you knew you had to keep up the act. “If you do that again, you’re not going to come at all.”
“S-Sorry,” Harry stammered, and you were sure if you could see his eyes, tears would be welling up with how strained his voice was. “I’m sorry, ma’am. Your hand just feels so good around me. Thank you for pleasuring me.”
A soft smile pushed its way through your exterior at his gratitude, and you could tell that he meant it more than just in this scene specifically. He was thanking you for being the one to help him try this entire experience out. 
“You’re welcome, puppy. Just let me take care of you. Even though it’s going to feel like I’m punishing you, I promise I’m going to reward you, okay? Do you understand?”
“Yes, yes. I understand.”
“Good boy,” you pressed a small kiss to his tip as you started up your strokes again, and you could tell he was trying to keep his hips down against the mattress to please you.
You continued just your strokes for a while - spitting on him when you knew you could feel he needed more lubricant. This was your first time ever just jumping right into something like this, but you knew this was how you needed to be in order to go through with this whole thing.
“I’m going to come,” Harry choked out, and you quickly took all contact away from him, sitting back the heels of your boots as you stared down at him with your hands on your thighs.
His cock bobbed and you watched as he dripped onto his stomach - hands clenched into fists as he sucked in a deep breath.
“Color?” You asked, reaching out again to gently rub his thighs with your palms.
“Green,” he nodded. “Green, I promise.”
Moving one of your hands up, you wrapped it around the bottom of his length - brushing your pinky against his balls before planting a kiss to his leaky tip. That had his legs tensing up underneath you, and you parted your lips to take him into your mouth. 
“That’s nice,” he whispered above you, and you weren’t even sure if he knew he had said it out loud.
Arching your back, you slowly lowered yourself until your mouth met your hand, and then you moved that away to nuzzle the tip of your nose into the trail of hair below his belly button. You heard Harry’s breath hitch in the back of his throat before you swallowed around him. This caused his abs to clench, his thighs closing around your shoulders as he now had his feet flat on the mattress.
You were breathing deeply through your nose, allowing yourself to keep as low as possible for a few moments longer before pulling your head back up - beginning to work what you could no longer fit in your mouth with your hand.
You could feel his precome bubbling out and landing onto the pad of your tongue, and you hummed around him at how perfect he tasted.
Curling your tongue, you teased the prominent vein running underneath his head with the tip of it, and you could feel his legs starting to tremble against your sides.
“Ma’am,” he panted, and you peeked up once more to see him completely arched - the underside of his chin on full display. “Getting close.”
Deciding to tease him just the slightest bit more, you hollowed out your cheeks and allowed more of your spit to drip down the sides of your mouth so you could work him faster with your hand.
“Oh, I’m gonna-”
Harry didn’t even get a chance to finish his sentence as you stopped all your movements again. His cock fell from your mouth, but instead of sitting back onto your heels, you hovered over him by bracing yourself on his thighs.
Your eyes widened as Harry’s whines and whimpers didn’t stop while his torso squirmed. You knew he had truly been right on the edge that time. 
“Still green?” You asked, crawling to straddle his waist - rubbing yourself against his wet length.
“Yes, I am, but I’m afraid if I’m not inside you soon, then I might not be anymore,” he confessed.
The tone of his voice warned you that he was scared you wouldn’t appreciate that answer, so you decided to ease him a bit.
“Very good telling me exactly how you feel, puppy. I know this is all about teasing, but I also want you to feel safe,” you explained as you reached over to the nightstand to grab one of the foil packages in the basket. “I’m going to put the condom on you now.”
Ripping the square open with your teeth, you properly held the tip as you rolled it down onto his length, and even that touch had Harry groaning. You ensured that it was properly in place before reaching between your legs and letting your fingers slip through the hole hovering over your mound so you could pull your underwear to the side.
You popped his tip inside you without warning, knowing that this is what you had both consented to already, and he let out the most lewd moan of the night. You clenched around him due to the sound, but also because of how full he was already making you feel.
“Such a good boy for me,” you began to lower yourself slowly - savoring the feeling of him entering you for the first time. “Feel so good too. I was scared you weren’t going to fit, but I knew I could make it happen. It’s mine to use, right?”
“Yes, yes,” Harry nodded, chest heaving as you finally sat down completely on top of him. Your hands now rested against his torso again as you gave each of you a second to ground yourselves. “Whatever you want. Use me, ma’am.”
That caused your walls to pulse around him again before you started to rock your hips back and forth - just grinding over him. You moaned as you tilted your head back, and you couldn’t help but to dig your nails into his chest. He hissed softly at the feeling.
“I like that,” he spoke up before you could retract them from his skin. “I…I like a little bit of pain.”
“Yeah?” Now you were starting to raise yourself up and down his shaft, and you could feel him hitting all the spots that brought you the most pleasure. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
After you had a good feel of it all, you began to properly ride him - the rounds of your ass slapping down against the tops of his thighs. The sounds of pleasure bounced off the walls of the high ceiling room, and you began to hover over him even more while keeping your hands steady on his chest.
“Can you lean forward a little more, please, ma’am?” Harry asked, and you slowed your movements for a moment.
You weren’t sure what this request was about, but you leaned forward a bit more like he asked, and you watched as the tips of his fingers captured a strand of your hair. He hummed as he rubbed it between the pads of his index finger and his thumb, and you could see a smile begin to stretch across his features.
“Pretty,” he said, his deep dimples indenting into his cheeks for the first time tonight.
“You haven’t even seen me,” you laughed lightly, biting down on your bottom lip. For some reason, that small compliment had you blushing.
“Don’t need to. I like the sound of your voice, and your hair is soft. You’re pretty.”
“And you’re so sweet,” you leaned down to properly kiss him, and you immediately parted your lips - his own following suit.
Your tongues tangled together, and you could feel the dominant side of you slipping away. Sure, it was fun knowing that you were completely in control, but something about this had tingles spreading all over your body. You were unsure if you were going to tap back into the play you had started, but for now, you’d let both of you indulge in something new.
Harry’s fingers now curled around your strand of hair, pulling a little more along with it before he tugged you down even further into his chest. Your breasts were now pressed flush against his pecs, and you weren’t sure if it was the hammering of his heart or yours that you could feel so clearly.
Using the leverage you now had from being braced against him, you moved your knees up the bed a bit further, and you began to ride him again at a quicker pace. This angle had his shaft grazing against your clit deliciously - causing you to whine into his mouth.
“You like that, baby?” Harry pulled his lips away from yours just slightly. “I like feeling you pressed against me.”
If your eyes weren’t already closed, they would be rolling into the back of your head with how his tone had changed. It filled you with such hunger, and you were chasing your orgasm even more now than before. Your intention was to never edge him during this part, so you weren’t disappointed with having to give that up given your current position.
“I won’t be long,” you managed to get out between your hard thrusts. “You got me so worked up.”
“I’m already about to explode,” Harry nipped at your bottom lip, and you clamped down around him due to the sensation. “Your hand and your mouth felt so good, but I knew your cunt was going to feel better. Sure enough, I was right. A tight little thing you are.”
“Fuck, your mouth,” you moaned, shaking your head. “Never had someone talk so dirty to me.”
“Never? Such a shame,” he clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth. “I can feel you dripping onto my thighs. I can honestly say that I’ve never had someone have that type of reaction to my mouth. Turns me on even more knowing just how I can get a pretty little thing like you off.”
Your mouths found each other once more, and your tongues were instantly gliding against one another, and you knew that you were right on the brink of your climax.
It was then that you felt Harry plant his feet against the mattress like he had before when you were going down on him, and he began fucking up into you to match your pace. 
“Oh, shit,” you mewled, resting your forehead against his as both of you panted into each other's open mouths. “I’m about to come.”
“Me too,” Harry pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth. “Come with me.”
You nodded against him so he could feel it, and it was only a few more thrusts before you heard him choke out a moan. The feeling of his cock pulsing inside of you caused your orgasm to hit you full force - your body shuddering on top of his.
“Oh my god,” Harry said breathlessly as you both laid there.
After a few more seconds, you pushed yourself up and started to raise yourself off of him, but Harry’s voice stopped you.
“Wait,” he said quickly. “Can…can I touch you before you get off?”
The nerves that had completely vanished from your body began to fester in your stomach again as you reached forward - undoing both of the ties keeping him restrained to the headboard. His arms fell to the bed at first, and you watched as he stretched out his wrists a bit before his large palms smoothed over your thighs.
“Again, you’re so soft,” his fingers curled into the holes of your fishnets as he tugged on them slightly. “Can I see you now? Please?”
“Yeah…okay,” you whispered as you pulled the knot to the blindfold resting against the back of his head.
He kept his hands on you, giving the control of removing the cloth from his eyes completely to you. Once you gathered enough courage, you allowed the silky material to slide off his face, and you watched as Harry blinked his eyes open. You were sure that the light, no matter how dim it was, caused him a bit of sensitivity.
It was only after a couple moments that he looked up at you fully, and you watched as his gaze wandered all over your face.
“Knew I was right,” he lifted a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear before cupping your cheek in his palm - thumbing your cheekbone. “So fucking pretty.”
“So are you,” you smiled. “Beginner’s luck, I’d say, is what we had. The two of us getting paired together for the first time.”
Harry chuckled at that before moving his hand to the back of your neck so he could pull you back down and kiss you again. You sighed happily, lifting your own hands to cup his face. It was only then that you felt him begin to soften inside of you - him still being hard until now.
“I should probably get off of you before we make even more of a mess,” you pecked his lips quickly before raising up to let him slip out of you.
You both winced at the feeling, and Harry took your hands to hold you steady as you got off the bed. After he pushed himself up onto his elbows, he discarded the condom - tying the end of it before tossing it in the trashcan and pulling his briefs up.
“I was going to take a shower before ordering some champagne and strawberries to the room. Would you like to join me?” You asked while repositioning your underwear into their proper place.
“I’d like that, if you’re truly offering,” Harry nodded, getting off the bed himself. “Are you staying the night?”
“I was planning to, but you don’t have to. This club isn’t the closest to my flat. It just makes it easier to stay,” you shrugged as you started off towards the en-suite that was connected to the large room.
“I would like to, but only if you’re comfortable with that.”
Bending down once you were in the adjoining tiled room, you looked behind you at Harry with a smile as you started to undo the ties of your boots. “I’d enjoy the company.”
You could see Harry’s eyes trailing over your figure as he leaned in the doorway - arms crossed over his chest while tugging his bottom lip through his teeth.
“You’re a gorgeous woman, I hope you know that.”
“And you’re very kind,” you laughed, slipping out of your boots. “And handsome.”
Walking over to the glass shower, you opened the door to turn on the water. You preferred hotter showers, but you weren’t sure if he did, so you didn’t turn it all the way up - settling for right between all the way hot and the middle.
“Would you mind if I undressed you?” Harry stepped further into the en-suite as you turned away from the shower.
“Not at all.”
Approaching you completely, Harry’s fingertips ghosted over your shoulders before caressing the outside of your arms. His eyes held yours as he reached behind you to skillfully undo the clasp of your bra - allowing it to fall to the floor. You expected him to draw you in immediately, but he still kept his eyes on your face as he lowered himself to his knees while pulling the waistband of your fishnets down with him.
The sight before you had you pressing your thighs together, causing you to gasp due to still being sensitive from your previous orgasm, but you couldn’t help it. It was so erotic. A man as beautiful as Harry down on his knees for you. You weren’t sure if anything could ever compare to it.
Reaching back up, Harry then began to remove your underwear as well, and you stepped out of both the fishnets and the underwear at the same time. His heart shaped lips pressed to every inch of your skin that he could as he raised himself back up, and once he was standing fully again, that’s when he allowed his eyes to take you in entirely.
“Christ,” he licked over his plump bottom lip. “You are a vision.”
You closed the space between the two of you as your digits wrapped around the waistband of his briefs. Just as he did to you, even though you had seen him already, you kept your eyes on his face as you kneeled down - ridding him of the material. Harry stepped out of them, and you sponged kisses against him as you stood back up. 
The tips of your fingers rested along each of his inked ferns on his lower abdomen as you leaned in to press your lips tenderly against his.
Harry hummed at the feeling, and it was then you felt his hands trickling down your back until he met the rounds of your ass. He kneaded the plush flesh in his palms - beginning to walk you backwards towards the shower. Keeping one hand on you, he opened the door and guided the two of you inside, but you were immediately pressed against one of the walls.
The kiss soon turned lustful, your fingers threading through the curls at the nape of his neck after throwing your arms around him. His body was conformed completely to yours as he rocked his hips forward. You gasped against his mouth at the feeling of him already growing hard again. Never had a man bounced back so quickly with you. You never had a partner turned on like this more than once in a night.
With one hand gripping to your hip, Harry’s lips left yours to trail along the damp skin of your neck, and then over your collarbone. Just like he did as he undressed you, he lowered himself down while treasuring your body before throwing one of your legs over his shoulder.
“So pretty down here too,” he lifted the hood of your clit - teasing the swollen bud with his lips as he continued to speak. “And you smell delicious. Can’t wait to taste you.”
Once Harry’s mouth was completely on you, you moaned while locking your fingers into his curls once again. You gave it some time just to treasure the movements he was feeding you on his own before rolling against them. 
As you ran your fingers through his hair, you remembered what he said about liking a bit of pain, so you decided to test it out by giving it a harsher tug. He moaned against your drenched cunt - sending vibrations from your lower abdomen to the tips of your toes.
“You’re so good at this,” you tilted your head back against the wall with your eyes shut.
You refrained from making a comment about that particular song of his at the moment. That wasn’t exactly how you wanted to reveal to him that you knew who he was, but now it all made sense. He was skilled in this department - knowing exactly what to do to get a woman off.
From pleasuring yourself, you knew that once you had one orgasm, it was easy for you to have another. It was unfortunate that you found that out through the means of masturbation and not at the hands of a partner, but here you were.
Harry continued his assault on your clit, and you were sure that he was going to have you coming again in no time.
You hummed as you tucked your bottom lip between your teeth. “I’m about there again.”
It was right after you spoke those words that Harry popped off of you, and you gasped, looking down at him with wide eyes.
“What? You think you’re the only one allowed to edge?” Harry smirked, poking his tongue out of the corner of his mouth. “Pretty sure you marked off that you would like to try out edging for yourself. I’m just doing you a favor, baby.”
His words caused the heat in your stomach to build even more, and you could tell by the look in his eyes that he was now entering his own dominant self.
“Please, sir,” you whimpered, feeding into it. “I’d like to come.”
“Is that so?” He kitten licked your pearl once more before nipping at the inside of your thigh. “Have you been a good girl? Do you think you deserve to come on my tongue?”
Swallowing harshly, you shook your head. “I…I don’t know, but I’ll do anything you ask. Please, just let me come.”
“Anything I want?” There was a gleam in his moss colored irises as he continued to stare up at you. “That’s a very big statement to make.”
“Well, I’m making it,” you narrowed your brows, and that had Harry quickly delivering a smack to your ass.
“Brat,” he hissed, running the tips of his fingers through your slit before planting another slap with them against your clit. “You were supposed to be my sweet little thing, and now you’re acting spoiled.”
“I don’t think I am,” your eyes bored into his own as you shook your head. “I told you I’d do anything you wanted, and you mocked me.”
Harry slowly raised up from his knees so he was hovering over you - the spray from the shower hitting against his back as he lifted a hand to wrap it around your throat. He leaned down to ghost his lips along the shell of your ear as he spoke.
“What I want is for you to show me how you make yourself come,” he whispered before stepping back and taking a seat on the bench that was in the corner of the large shower.
A pink tint covered your neck and your cheeks, and the two of you knew it wasn’t from the shower. You kept your eyes on his face as you trailed your hand down your torso, letting the tips of your index and middle fingers drop down to start circling your pulsing clit.
“Spread - let me see you properly.”
Bringing your other hand down - you parted yourself with a v-shape of your fingers and you pulled up to expose your puffy bud. Harry tilted his head to the side as he stared at your movements, and you watched as he brought a hand down to palm over himself lightly.
“Keep going, and don’t stop until I tell you to. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir,” you nodded before starting up your motions again.
His eyes didn’t look at your face at all as you continued to pleasure yourself, and your toes curled against the wet tiled floor as you could feel yourself nearing your end again so quickly. As much as the dirty talk was almost degrading, it turned you on more than you could’ve ever dreamed.
Your thighs clamped down around your hand as you felt yourself on the verge of coming again and you whimpered. “Please, let me come.”
“No,” Harry shook his head as he began to give himself strokes. “Keep going, and don’t come.”
You turned your eyes to the ceiling as you tried to think of yourself anywhere but here. It wasn’t that you didn’t like the pleasure, but you knew you were going to come if you kept looking at Harry - especially when he was getting himself off at the same time
There was always something about a guy openly wanking that could make you absolutely feral.
“Ah,” the clicking of Harry’s tongue against the back of his teeth caught your attention, and you groaned. “Look at me. Don’t look away.”
“Yes, sir,” you mewled, tears springing to the corner of your eyes as you fought against the band in your stomach that wanted to snap.
Harry’s fist sped up against his cock, and you felt a soft sob escape your chest as your lower abdomen jumped - a clear sign for you that you were about to have your orgasm even though he told you not to.
“Sir, I-I’m-” you stammered, shaking your head. “If I keep going, I’m going to come.”
“You won’t.”
“I will,” you cried out, nodding now as tears began to stream down your cheeks. “I can feel it, and if I keep looking at you like that, and touching myself, it’s going to happen.”
With a growl, Harry’s hand fell from his length and he pushed himself up. He strode over to you in large steps before sinking back down to his knees - pulling your hands out of the way to stuff his face against your weeping cunt.
“Oh my god,” you wailed, clutching to his hair like you had before. “Please, please tell me I can come, sir.”
“Come,” Harry just barely mumbled against you, and you tipped right over the edge as soon as he did.
Your legs shook as you finally released, and you gripped tighter to Harry’s curls as if they would keep you from slipping before slamming your hands back onto the slick glass wall. Harry could feel that your body was starting to fall, so he pressed you back farther and attached his hands to your hips to keep you upright.
His skillful tongue worked you through your climax completely before he pulled away. Your chest heaved as the aftershocks still blanketed over you, and you whimpered - eyes shut tight and looking away from him.
“Hey,” Harry cooed, his voice instantly changing as he stood up. He immediately cupped your face in his hands and forced you to face him. “Baby, open your eyes, please. Look at me. I need to make sure you’re okay.”
You blinked, your eyes opening with embarrassment as you stared at him, and he grazed his thumbs against your jawline.
“What’s your color? Did I push too hard?”
“I-I’m still green right now,” you told him honestly. “But I think I’m teetering on yellow.”
Harry’s arms wrapped around you as he pulled you into his chest - his long fingers stroking through your hair. “You did so good for me. I know you might think you didn’t, but you did. I could tell you were on the edge the entire time, but you held out just like I asked. Such a good girl. My sweet little thing.”
His words made you feel floaty as you allowed your eyes to close again, and you nuzzled your nose against his collarbone. 
“Can I wash you, baby? I don’t think you’re up for it too much right now, and I’d like to do it for you.”
You nodded weakly. “Yes, sir.”
“No,” he shook his head as he pulled back, looking down into your eyes. “Harry. I’m Harry right now.”
Him finally telling you his name, even though you knew it, started bringing you back to the present moment. “S-sorry,” you whispered. “Yes, Harry.”
“Don’t apologize,” Harry planted a soft kiss on your lips. “Nothing to be sorry for, beautiful. Now, walk forward underneath the water so I can get you all clean.”
Harry massaged shampoo into your hair, rinsing it out and then following up with conditioner, all while you kept your hands resting against his chest. Neither of you talked for a moment as he did this, and you could tell he had a look of concentration etched into his features.
“You told me your real name,” you whispered as he began to wash the conditioner out of your locks. “I thought people didn’t do that.”
“I don’t think they do,” he told you with a shrug. “But I didn’t mind telling you.”
You tilted your head back slightly, but still kept your eyes on him so he could get a better rinse under the showerhead. “I already knew who you were.”
Harry’s movements stopped for a moment, and you watched as his eyebrows pinched together before he continued his task. The two of you fell into silence again - causing your stomach to sink. 
Had you fucked it all up by telling him that?
Once he finished with your hair, he grabbed the travel sized shower gel that was on the shelf and lathered it in his hands before gliding his palms over your body. You moved your hands to rest on his shoulders, and you could tell now that Harry was avoiding your eyes.
“You can stop,” you told him, removing his hands from you - beginning to move the suds around with your own. “I’ve got it from here.”
Turning your back to him, you faced the showerhead and allowed the water to hit your face for a few seconds before letting it hit your torso. You heard the sound of the shower door opening, and you stopped moving as you could hear Harry shuffling around the bathroom. After giving it a moment or two, you glanced over your shoulder, and you knew he had walked back into the main room.
“Fuck,” you whispered to yourself, shaking your head as you wiped your hands over your wet face.
It took you a couple more minutes to clean all the suds off of your body, as well as use facial cleanser to remove your makeup, and you were so worried that Harry was going to sneak out within that time.
You slammed the faucet down so the water shut off before stepping out yourself, and you quickly wrapped a towel around your torso after drying off as best as you could in a rush. Once you stepped into the room, you saw Harry pulling on the sweatpants and shirt they had left for him as he shook his head. He hadn’t noticed you yet as you curled your hand tighter around the knot you had created to hold the towel up.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered.
Harry stopped moving with his back to you. “I should go.”
“I didn’t…it wasn’t like I planned this or anything, I promise. You know how strict this place is. It’s not like I could’ve ever known you were going to participate, and even if I did, it wasn’t like they would let me choose you specifically,” you shook your head and sat down on the side of the bed - a shiver creeping up your spine from the cold air. “I promise you that I’m not some crazy fan girl. My friend is super into you. She has been for years, so of course I was going to recognize your tattoos, but I’m not seeing this as me hooking up with Harry Styles, the celebrity, right now. I just see it as being with someone who was just as nervous as me for the night ahead, but you wanted to try something new.”
Eventually Harry turned to look at you, and you could see a glimpse of guilt behind his eyes. “I’m sorry. I was just already so worked up about coming here because of who I am, and then when you said you knew me, I panicked.”
“I panicked too when I realized it was you,” I nodded. “But that was only because I thought maybe you had done this before. That I wouldn’t live up to the expectations you had.”
Harry slowly made his way over to the bed and sat down beside you, and you placed your hand between the two of you - palm side up. He looked down at it for a moment before tracing his fingertips over the lines of your palm and then he clasped it tight while locking your fingers together.
“I already called for the champagne and strawberries quickly before you finished up,” Harry said, playing with your fingers. “I figured I could at least do that before I bailed.”
You laughed softly which caused him to finally look at you again like he had been before your confession. “I’m sorry I made you feel like you had to bail.”
“You really didn’t,” Harry shook his head. “I shouldn’t have assumed things - jumped to conclusions. I’m the one who’s sorry.”
A knock on the door captured the attention of both of you, and Harry stood up. “That’ll be room service.”
◭ ◮ ◭ ◮
You and Harry laid in the plush bed, naked and cuddled against one another as you sipped champagne and fed each other strawberries. Turned slightly toward him, you had your glass tucked to your chest with your cheek resting against his bicep - giggling as you bit into another piece of the sweet, juicy fruit. It had been at least half an hour since you thought your night was going completely south, but it turned itself around once the two of you started to actually talk and open up to each other more.
Harry had a large smile on his lips as he watched you - tossing the cap of the strawberry behind him blindly, having it land on the pile he had created in the middle of the plate resting on the nightstand. “You’re so fucking cute, and beautiful,” he told you, pulling your leg up to drape over his thigh a little more. “Feel like a right dickhead for doubting your intentions.”
Shaking your head, you traced your fingers over his chest. “It’s okay, I get it,” you assured him. “Someone like you can never be too careful.”
Moving your glasses of champagne over onto the nightstand next to the plate, Harry then turned to face you completely - hitching your leg over his hip now. 
“I’m, uh-” you cleared your throat for a second as you held his eyes. “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
You saw a softness that you hadn’t seen tonight take over Harry’s features, and he smiled as he trickled his fingers down your spine. “Beautiful name for a gorgeous woman,” he complimented before leaning down to press his lips against yours.
The kiss was deep, different than the ones shared previously, and you moved yourself even closer to have his prick slotted right against your mound. You wanted him again. No one had ever made you feel the way Harry did during sex, and you hoped he would allow it to happen one more time before the time between the two of you was through.
It was nearing two in the morning now, but you didn’t feel tired in the slightest. Your adrenaline was pumping as the kiss started to dive headfirst into passion, and the two of you were now clawing at each other.
Maneuvering each other around, you pressed your breasts against the mattress as Harry slotted himself behind you - angling your hips up just enough to have them hovering as he teased you with the tip of his cock.
“Condom?” He breathed.
You swallowed as you thought about it before shaking your head. “I have an IUD, and we obviously know we’re clean. I’m okay without one if you are.”
Harry groaned as he dropped his forehead against your shoulder blade before guiding himself inside of you. Your fingers tightened into the fitted sheet as the stretch of him started to burn, but there was something so delicious about it at the same time. You were whining and moaning into the open air as he continued to slowly enter you, and once he was to the hilt, you both grunted.
“You were right earlier about not knowing if I could fit,” Harry nudged the tip of his nose against your earlobe. “You have to be the tightest pussy I’ve ever fucking had.”
That shot a spark straight to your core, and you arched your back to have your hips pressed more flush against his. “And you’re the biggest I’ve ever had.”
He huffed against the side of your neck as he pulled out just slightly before pushing his way back in. Soon, you felt him extending both of his hands out to reach yours, and you tangled your fingers together in front of your head - having your body entirely stretched out underneath him with your ass pressed tight against his pelvis.
“I’ve never done it like this before,” he admitted, pressing a kiss to the hinge of your jaw. “This position, I mean. It feels so good.”
“It does,” you agreed, pulsing around him on purpose to prove your point. “I’m so full, Harry.”
“Fuck,” he moaned, nipping at your jawline before pushing himself up a bit more. “I love hearing you say that, Y/N.”
After that, Harry started up a brutal pace of plunging in and out of your soaked pussy. The sounds escaping the two of you were borderline pornographic as you gave yourselves over to each other. Right now, this wasn’t any type of play that you had expected coming into tonight. You hoped it wasn’t just you, but you felt something deeper in your chest when it came to doing this right now with Harry. There was definitely a connection between the two of you - no matter how little the two of you knew about each other.
Eventually, you felt one of Harry’s hands leave your own to snake between you and the mattress, and he began to pinch at your swollen clit while continuing his purposeful thrusts.
“Come on, baby,” he coaxed you, sucking to the side of your neck for a moment. “Squeezing me like a goddamn vice. I need to feel you coming on me.”
That got you there before you even knew your orgasm had been approaching in such a way. Harry’s cock was now slick with you which caused him to glide in and out of you at an even faster rate, so when he stopped - you felt a pit of doubt forming in your chest. 
Had you done something wrong?
Without pulling out, Harry skillfully turned you on your back so he could see you, and he hitched your knees up against his sides. “I wanted to see you,” he expressed as he kissed the tip of your nose. “I haven’t been able to see you come on my cock yet. I need to see it. Need to engrave it in my memory.”
“God,” you closed your eyes, taking a second as you processed the words just spoken to you. “You’re going to make this extremely difficult for me, aren’t you? No one else is going to compare to this.”
It took a second before Harry cracked a smile and let out a soft laugh. “Well, I’m glad it’s not just me then. I don’t know how I’m going to get over you.”
“What…what if you don’t have to?”
Your eyes wandered over each other's faces as you dwelled on the scenario you had just put out there for the two of you. Was Harry’s life crazy? Sure, you absolutely knew that. You also knew that this maybe could end up leading to nothing big, but you really felt like the two of you owed it to yourselves to try. 
“You’d want to see me outside of here?” Harry asked, raising a hand to drag your bottom lip down with the pad of his thumb before letting it pop back into place. “Dating me isn’t easy, Y/N.”
“I know,” you nodded. “Are you sure you can’t hear my inner thoughts? Or did I say them out loud?”
You and Harry both giggled at that as he leaned down to engage in a tender kiss. Your lips separated with a small smack before he took your hips back into his hands.
“If you’re wanting to try, and go on a proper date when we leave here, then I’m all for that,” Harry told you. “I’m not sure if anything right now would make me happier than to be able to see each other again after tonight.”
“Then it’s settled,” you confirmed the whole thing before either of you could overthink it. “We’re going to be seeing each other again.”
Speaking just with your eyes now, Harry cupped one of your breasts in his palm - stroking over it with his thumb as he started up his thrusts against. This time, they weren’t so driven, but you knew he was trying to savor it rather than just go all in.
Your hands rested against the sides of his neck, soft breaths leaving you each time he filled you completely. Now this was unlike any other sex you had, but for a different reason. The way you were both looking at each other, you weren’t sure if you had ever had sex that felt so passionate. This was more adoring than it was lustful, and that in itself had ecstasy beginning to coat you all over.
Starting to feel that feathery feeling in your abdomen again, you closed your eyes and mewled, dropping your hands to the sides of your head as you turned slightly away from him. Harry then leaned down to press his lips against the side of your neck, his thrusts going deeper now as his hands enclosed your wrists.
“Almost there again, baby?” Harry asked, his soft grunts filling your senses. “You’re so warm. So soft. You’ve got me right here, but I’m not coming until I get you there one more time.”
“I’m almost there,” you gasped, nodding, turning your head back to face him, and he lifted his own to hover just slightly above your own. “Can’t believe you’re about to make me come four times in one night.”
Harry let out a breathless laugh before licking over his bottom lip. “You deserve even more, if I’m going to be honest,” he moved a hand down to press against the lower part of your stomach, and your breath hitched in the back of your throat. “A sweet girl with a sweet little pussy like yours - you deserve everything.”
“God, you’re unreal,” you clutched to his biceps as the defined muscles flexed underneath your palms. “Promise me you’ll be here when I wake up in the morning.”
Those words caused Harry to drive into you harder, and you practically screamed out in pleasure while moving your hands to drag your nails down his back.
“I’d never sneak out on you, Y/N,” his tone was firm as you squeezed your thighs against his hips. “I’ll be right next to you. The first thing you see when you open your eyes. I’m not running.”
White blinded your vision as your final climax washed over you, and before you knew it, Harry’s chest was pressed flush against yours as he emptied himself into your inviting cunt. On instinct, you squeezed down around him to try to hold every bit of it inside of you, and the moan that left Harry upon you doing that was unlike anything you had ever heard.
Skin sticky with sweat and the room smelling of the desires the two of you gave yourselves over to tonight, Harry stayed seated inside of you as you crossed your ankles over the small of his back - soothing your nails over his scalp as his arms wrapped tight around your torso.
His nose nudged against one of your breasts as he shifted slightly, but he fell right back into your embrace, neither one of you wanting to break away from this.
“This is not how I expected my night going, and I mean that in the best way,” you admitted as you continued the motions in his hair while caressing your other open palm against his freckled upper back. “This feeling…I’m probably going to sound so stupid, but I just thought I’d get this out of my system and leave here not really feeling any different.”
Harry tilted his head up, and you looked down at him as he cupped your ribcage - thumb running right along the ridges. “And now?”
“Now, I feel like there’s maybe a reason I came here on this specific night - like fate knew we needed to find each other. My friend who comes here said it’s rare that two beginners are paired up together. She said that they try to pair newer people with more experienced members so they feel fulfilled,” you explained. “So the fact that we ended up being in this room with one another is almost unheard of.”
Pressing his palms against the mattress, Harry pushed himself up to connect your mouths once again. “Then fate is what we’ll call it, Y/N. I feel the same way.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck as you engaged in another kiss, and as your tongue ran along Harry’s, you felt his prick twitch inside of you - causing you to giggle.
“Are you seriously getting hard again?” You teased, pushing a stray curl off of his forehead.
“When it comes to you? Yes,” Harry bucked his hips forward, causing you to gasp. “You didn’t think we were done for the night, did you?”
◭ ◮ ◭ ◮
Taglist: @daydreamingofmatilda @prettygurl-2009 @ghoststyles @lillefroe @gem1712 @lemoncrushh @namoreno @mellamolayla @fangirl7060 @idklilili @angeldavis777 @babyyhoneyyy @maksamillion (if you’d like to be added to my taglist, please send me a DM!)
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yeyinde · 2 days
I’m begging for your opinions on regency era nasty Simon😭😭
i promised myself this wasn't going to become an anthology but here i am. anthologising.
he's from the absolute bottom of the social circle. his dad was the town drunk, and Simon made a lot of enemies. Price's shady dealings put him and Simon together. i want him to have gone to jail—possibly for murder—and it really shaped who he was as a person. made worse, naturally, when his whole family is killed as soon as he gets out. Simon is blamed, but there's no evidence. rumours start about how a rival gang tried to bury him alive when he was in jail, but he dug his way out. they say he died. he's a monster. a pariah.
he's probably a butcher by day but takes care of Price's dirty work by night. helps run the racket. is an enforcer. just a mean, broken man. spent his formative years in jail surrounded by horrible men.
and you!!! ahhh, Mrs Price's NOSY niece. she goes missing and you come down, sniffing around because this isn't right. why would your aunt run off when she's been raised properly? this isn't like her. it all seems so suspicious. and Price's accusations have tarnished your family's reputation - saying that she ran away with a lowly barkeep in the middle of the night. a decades-long affair, stole money from him. all sorts of nasty business that ruin your family. so, you come to stick your nose into things and ask the questions no one else will.
Price doesn't want you anywhere near his almost wife/servant girl, so he sics the biggest, meanest dog he has on you. only. instead of killing you, Simon takes a disgusting interest in the prim socialite who somehow manages to talk down to him even as he towers over you. it breeds an obsession. unravels all these awful thoughts he's had about the upper class. and his boss giving him the go-ahead to ruin this pretty little bird that always seemed so untouchable? well. sure.
he's keenly aware of how your circle works, and uses that tongue advantage. mocks you when you snap at him to keep his filthy hands off of you, and tells you that you should have stayed in your ivory cage, little bird. gets a sick, twisted pleasure dragging you down the social ladder just by lying his dirty fingers on you. from gold cuffs to a pair of rusting, iron shackles. he loves ruining you. gets off when you call him all sorts of nasty names, trying to act all prim and haughty still, even with his cum drying on your face.
you call him a monster and he pinches your face between his thumb and forefinger, cruelly asking you if he's a monster, then what does that make you? the little fool carrying his monstrous brood. who in your little circle is gonna want you now? knowing that a beast like him put his hands all over you and his babe inside of you? probs whistles to himself as he gets to work on "disappearing" your aunt for good while your whole world crashes down around you lmao
Price is miffed that you're not just as missing as your aunt, but. whatever. Simon's content. you're taken care of. and he gets to pretend to be a good man with his pretty little servant girl tucked into his side. everyone wins.
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swampjawn · 2 hours
Why The Dungeon Meshi Adaptation Worked So Well
The final episode of Dungeon Meshi season 1, (ep. 24) is like if you took all the best parts of the series so far, all the elements that make it what it is, arranged them all into a luscious charcuterie board, and scraped the whole thing into your mouth in one go like the hungry little bastard ye are.
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Series director Yoshihiro Miyajima has shown his dedication to the story and ability to stay true to the source material while enhancing the most important elements and making adjustments when needed to better fit the medium, and that's on full display here with the final two anime original scenes that hint toward the future of the plot and take what would have been a good but not amazing ending for the season and turn it into a great one.
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As well as Nobutoshi Ogura's storyboards, whose symmetry and point-of-view and reflection shots always add a touch of foreboding and personality to what's already there in the manga.
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Or the addition of color to the scene in the tram where the deep green benches and warm orange glow of electric lighting gives it the comforting atmosphere of respite from the hectic action that came before it -- or a calm before the storm (?)...
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But most obvious to me in particular was they carved out a spot for many of the eccentric key animators who have defined the visual style of the show (and who I've pointed out specifically in past episodes of my breakdown series) to go nuts and do what they do best.
Ichigo Kanno's bombastic action with stylized character designs and insanely detailed wrinkles and shadows:
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Atsushi Yoneda's clean line work and uncomfortable realism:
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Haruki's character acting and subtlety:
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Despite the slight awkwardness of having to finish off the changeling plot in the first half, this really is a culmination of everything that's come before and a great end to the season.
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There's a whole lot more where this came from, and I get a lot more into the details of the animation in this video where I broke down the entire episode in detail, so if that's something you're interested in, check it out!
Thank you for reading, and double-dog-thank you if you've been here through this whole series -- I had just started trying to figure out how to use tumblr when I started making these breakdown posts and the response has been amazing both on here and on youtube, so thanks!
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ghouljams · 1 day
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Sin Summer (Intermission: Ghost) Rating: E (MDNI) Words: 4.2k Tags: Ghost x f!reader, breath play, fingering (f!receiving), squirting, soft->rough sex, soft dom!Ghost, body writing, dirty talk, piv sex, possessive Ghost, Ghost likes sluts I've said it before and I'll say it again! Summary: You really need a break, and a shower. It's hard out here for a Barracks Bunny! You don't think you've ever been so grateful to see Ghost. <Part 5 ao3
Gaz holds your hand the whole way back to Ghost’s room. He talks in a low voice, telling you what a good job you did, how good you felt, how you can call him any time if you want more. You hum at the appropriate times, ignore the way your ass throbs, and drift on your thoughts until you’re set in front of Ghost’s door. Gaz knocks and after a moment Ghost tugs the door open. You blink at the skull mask, taking in the man in front of you. The stern set of his shoulders and bulky tactical gear make him seem larger than life. His narrowed eyes soften upon seeing you, his gloved hands reaching to take you from Gaz with a gentle touch. You’re passed off, and Gaz gives a mock salute with a grin.
“Tell your bird not to go wandering,” Gaz laughs, “lucky to get ‘er back in one piece.”
“Thanks,” Ghost rumbles. You lean against him, feel his hand settled protectively on your lower back. The rise and fall of his chest is hidden under bulky gear and harsh angles. You miss his heartbeat. You tip your head back when he leans down, his eyes so warm even behind the crude mask. “You alright lovie?” He asks. His voice is lowered, quiet so it feels like it’s just the two of you. You glance at Gaz.
“My ass hurts,” You grumble. Ghost’s shoulders shake with laughter, Gaz’s smile pinching so he doesn’t laugh along.
“Good lookin’ out,” Ghost nods at Gaz, and you're treated to another blinding smile. Ghost turns, ushering you into his room as the door closes behind you. You let out a breath for finally being back in familiar quarters. Your shoulders feel heavy, your eyelids drooping, Ghost's hand on your back pushes you toward his bed. You don't think you've ever been so glad to see his bare walls. You weren't lying when you said your ass hurt, you need a nap and a hot shower before you start feeling right again.
Ghost's hand pets up your spine, drawing up and down your back with a firm comforting pressure. You feel your muscles starting to unspool, the world narrowed to the tips of Ghost's fingers. The soft affection, the persistent touch, your shirt drags with his movements and all you can think about is how badly you want him to hold you right now. Ridiculous. You turn over onto your back and throw one of your arms over your eyes.
“Can't believe I let a sergeant fuck my ass,” You joke. It gets a soft chuckle from Ghost, his fingers moved from petting your spine to tracing idly over your thigh. 
“He's a persuasive fucker, isn't he?” You can hear the smile in Ghost's rough voice. You're sure you're mirroring it.
“Pretty too,” Ghost hums and you feel the need to tack on, “like you better though.”
“Yeah?” Ghost asks, like he doesn't believe you. There's something mirthful in his voice. You raise your arm to check his face, it’s hard to read him through the mask, but his eyes are warm. You really want to see him, properly see him.
“Are you gonna wear that all night?” You frown. Ghost chuckles, stepping back from the bed to start tugging at the straps on his vest. 
“Thought you had a thing for military guys,” He jokes and you shake your head.
“Just you.”
“Meant to take this off, but heard about some bird wandering the halls.”
“That’s crazy,” You deadpan, “I thought this base was supposed to be secure.”
Ghost hums, and you think you see his eyes crease at the edges. “Supposed to be.”
He turns away from you, carefully removing equipment as you stretch out on the bed. It’s sort of interesting watching the way he handles his gear. Every piece is touched, catalogued, the vest is set neatly down and the rest is piled on top of it. He seems to know every inch, every trigger. You assume he’ll take it where it’s supposed to be later, but part of you is tempted to ask what everything does. In a different life you might, but you’re not his girlfriend, and you’re certainly not about to enlist.
It all looks heavy. It settles heavy at least, the various pieces giving a solid ‘thunk’ as they’re set down. Ghost rolls his shoulders when he’s done, and you’re treated to a quiet ‘crack-pop’ as his joints settle. There’s your answer you suppose.
“You want a shower?” You ask. Ghost turns to eye you, his shoulders still sternly set. You don’t like how tense he is, but you’re frankly asking more for yourself than him. Hot water does the body good after strenuous activity, and you’d like to get all the lube off you sooner rather than later.
“You offering to join me?” Ghost hums, his eyes sweeping over you. You shrug, offer him a smile and hold your leg out to him.
“Long as you’re offering to help me undress.”
You think he’s smiling under the mask. It’s an ugly arts and crafts project if you’re honest, all thick stitches and hand drawn lines. You don’t even want to know what that skull is. It’s Ghost though, and as intimidating as you’re sure it is for recruits, you’re not scared at all when he steps towards you. 
Thick fingers pull your shoes off, tug at the toe of your socks, and slip up your bare legs to draw over your skirt. He feels around for the zipper, and drags it down. It’s only been a few hours, but God you missed his touch. Calloused hands, you saw him tug gloves off but they don’t seem to be helping much, catch at your soft skin. The feeling makes you shiver, makes you feel that much more delicate in comparison.
Ghost tugs your skirt off, his hands careful to keep the zipper teeth from catching against your skin. He folds it messily, sets it to the side, and repeats the process with your panties. There’s something tender about the action, despite how haphazard it is, that makes your heart clench. His big hand pets your thigh, a gentling motion before he’s spreading your legs. You drag your feet up, settle them on the mattress as you part your thighs for him. His inspection feels so much different than Gaz’s did. You know what Ghost is looking at. His fingers spread your folds, still sticky with slick. His brows twitch together, his thumb rubs a soft line up and down over your abused clit.
“He put a clamp on you?” Ghost asks, his voice feels edged, like he’s trying to project calm for you. You wonder if he’s just collecting information or if he’s jealous to some degree.
“Just pinched,” You shrug, trying to relax despite the heat his touch, his inspection, pumps through you.
“Wish I could’a seen ya.” Ghost breathes. His fingers tracing over your folds, dipping lower to prod at your puffy asshole, before thinking better of it. That’s what he’s jealous about? You hold back the laugh that bubbles up in your chest. The man just wanted to be there to see you get fucked to pieces. What a man.
Ghost pushes a finger into your pussy, and stops. He frowns. You do your best to keep your hips still, your cunt pulsing with need after having nothing but a bullet vibe to fill it. You don’t stop the soft whimper that leaves you. Fuck you don’t think one finger has ever felt so good. He pulls it out, pushes it back in like he’s testing something, and your stomach jumps. Heat burns between your legs, your pussy tingling and tender to his touch. 
“Garrick forgot the best part,” Ghost says, talking to himself you think, “need to get fucked properly don’t you sweet’eart?” You blink at the ceiling, your breath coming short as he strokes your fluttering walls. You do, you do, fuck you want it so bad. His finger draws out of you, the tip of it resting at your entrance and circling the hole. You squirm, desperate for stimulation. Ghost pushes two fingers into you and you gasp, feeling the tightness in your spine. The knowledge of what those fingers can do to you has you on edge as quickly as the curl of them do. 
His fingers scissor, stretching your hole as he eases them in and out of you. You whine, tipping your head back as your back arches. You push your hips down against the intrusion, and feel his fingers curl. He strokes over your soft spot, and you gasp in a breath. You’ve spent too much time on your back in Ghost’s room, too familiar with the way he bullies his cock into you, pistons his fingers into you, to be shy about the noises he pulls from you. 
That doesn’t mean your body is used to the treatment. You still feel the heat of his gaze prickle over your skin, still feel the ache and throb of tightening muscle when he jabs at your g-spot. He has this supernatural ability to know what you need before you can ask for it, tugging his mask up over his nose to pop his thumb in his mouth before rubbing it over your clit as his fingers curl and twist inside you. He keeps your hips held against the bed with a heavy hand, drawing tight circles over your clit as he fucks his fingers into you faster. 
You whine, try to twist away from the feeling, all of it too much after Gaz’s rough treatment, but he keeps you firmly in place. His fingers jerk, up and down, rapid, vibrating, movements that hit you just right every time until your back is arched painfully off the bed and you’re gasping for breath. You’re right on the edge when he stops, his movements dropping down to a soft in and out motion. Nowhere near enough for you. His thumb strokes over your clit, almost apologetically, and you feel the jolt of it through your hips like electricity. Here you thought you were supposed to be the tease.
“Didn’t answer my question,” Ghost says. Your eyes roll back at the teasing stroke of his fingers. They curl to hit your sweet spot with each withdrawal, and you find yourself on edge just waiting for the next thrum of pleasure. You don’t know what he’s talking about.
“Wha- ah!” You moan, attempting to speak through the jab of his fingers. If he gave you a moment you might be a bit more conversational. As it stands you can’t make a noise except for the gasps and moans that he strokes out of you. 
“You wan’ me ta fuck you proper,” Ghost reminds you.
“Yes,” You gasp, “yes, yes, yes.” Single syllables drip from your lips easily, each sound pushed from your chest with a rush of air. You grab for Ghost’s wrist and feel the firm unyielding muscle, the flex of tendons as he pulls back to fit a third finger into you. You feel the thick bunch of fingers press against your entrance before he pauses. There’s a moment of thought before two fingers push quickly into you.
“Fuck it,” Ghost grumbles, “wanna see you do it.” 
Your brain latches onto his words, your body already tensed with understanding. You tighten your hold on his wrist as he starts fucking his fingers into you in ernest. Each quick jab winds the coil in your stomach tighter. Your muscles pull tight as you feel throbs of heat pulsing between your legs. Pleasure locks up your spine, keeping you arched on each shaking jab of Ghost’s fingers. More up and down than in and out, but hard and fast and bordering on painful as your eyes gloss with desperate tears.
You’re sure you’re begging for release, making noises you can’t parse as Ghost watches you. His eyes are fixed squarely on your cunt, almost as purposeful in their focus as his fingers seem to be. Your body is pulled tight, your pelvis giving its best attempt to lift off the bed and follow his fingers. It doesn’t matter, he keeps you down, keeps you in place to take the full force of his fingering.
Something hot and wet dribbles between your legs. You feel it leave you like a gentle stream, pleasure siphoning out of your body in short releases as Ghost’s fingers work you. It hurts, your muscles never releasing, your body kept at what feels like the edge as you cry out for Ghost. Tears bead over your lashes, the squelch of his hand against your cunt almost deafening through your sobbed moans. He pulls out only to wipe his soaked hand over your slit, and all your muscles release with a shudder of breath.
You roll your head to look down at him. His arm is drenched up to the elbow, his tee spotted with wetness that’s only mirrored by the spots on his trousers. You squeeze your eyes shut and groan. This man… He’s already changed his sheets once this week.
Christ you feel good though. Your cunt hurts, but your mind is clear and you feel sated. Your breathing is uneven as you release your wet grip on his wrist.
“Want you to do that on my face,” Ghost breathes.
“You’re trying to kill me lieutenant,” You swallow. You’ve never stuck around a man long enough for him to figure out how to make you squirt like that. You’re starting to get the appeal.
“Maybe,” Ghost hums, and you huff out a shallow laugh. Despite the breathlessness of it you can feel your wide smile. Ghost strips his shirt over his head, and hesitates as his fingers trace the edge of the mask.
“You can leave it on, if you want.” You tell him. You’ve seen him pull it on before leaving every morning, heard Johnny joking about how he sees more of Ghost’s face with you around than he has in the years he’s known him. He was wearing a mask when you first met him too. “Always” he’d said when you asked him about being faceless. You assume the mask is his preference, but he shakes his head. 
His fingers tug the ugly thing over his head. The short crop of his blond hair doesn’t stop it from sticking in all directions as he tosses the balaclava to the side. There’s black paint smeared around his eyes, it makes them look all the brighter. The warm brown looks darker, but stands out all the sweeter. Ghost’s brows draw heavily down and he tips his head to look at you. You raise a brow, used to his sizing you up. 
“Edge of the bed,” He tells you after a moment.
It’s wet, but you scoot your ass to the edge of the bed, spreading your legs for good measure. Ghost’s thick fingers work his belt open quickly, ripping the zipper of his fatigues down to push them over his thick thighs. Fuck you love seeing him like this. The stretch of his skin over corded musculature, the blond hair covering his body, darkened from lack of sun exposure. The trail of hair down his stomach, the curl of it around his cock, the coarse wisps of it over his thighs and the backs of his arms, it makes you drool. It’s only after a week in his room that you feel like you’re truly starting to appreciate the man that Ghost is. 
His hard cock hangs heavy between his legs, the head of it flushed as he grabs the base and strokes it to the sight of you. You reach between your legs to spread your folds, giving him a good view as he steps closer. Ghost slaps his cock against your cunt and you hum, enjoying the sparks of pleasure it sends through you. 
He’s never gentle pushing into you. His fat cock bullies you open, his fist wrapped tight around it to help push into your tight hole. You whimper at the stretch, the burn of his skin against yours. You’re drenched but it never seems to be enough for him. His cock splits you open, wrenches the air from your lungs as he thrusts into you without a care for your comfort. One thrust and it’s in. Your fingers twist in the sheets, your back arching as your lashes flutter. Fuck, you never get used to it, and you hope you never do.
Ghost hooks his arms under your legs and drags them up towards your chest as he settles his hands on either side of you. The position just makes him hit that much deeper in you, your hips angled up and your legs pushed back. He pulls out, and fills you again. You whine, your pussy still sensitive and sore from his fingers. It doesn’t stop him. If anything it eggs Ghost on, makes him snap his hips against yours with more determination. His cock reaches deep inside you, knocks against a throbbing pleasure that shoots through your veins and coils tight in your stomach. 
He doesn’t need fancy tricks to make you moan. It’s just him. Ghost curls over you, his forehead pressed to yours as his hips slap against you. You try to keep your eyes locked on his, but you feel like you’re going cross-eyed, and every thrust of his fat cock hits you deep enough to have your eyes rolling back at the splitting ache of pleasure. You feel blanketed by him, your body covered by his, your spine rounded to tip your hips up and give him more space to drive down into you. Your fingers grip his biceps, curled around the hard muscle as his big hands move to cradle your head. Your body shakes with each hard thrust, but you’re held tight. Immobile. 
There’s a possessiveness in each of Ghost’s thrust. Moans are punched out of you, your stomach clenching around the ache of his cock battering deep in your soft cunt. The wet squelching sound of his strokes are almost as loud as the words that drip off of Ghost’s lips. 
“Fuck,” He groans, jostling your head, tipping it to put your eyes on the fat cock that dips into you, “Look’it you tryin’ ta push me out.” The sheen of your slick clings to his length, and you clench at the sight. He lets out a breathy chuckle, the huffs of laughter sticking to your skin like fingerprints. “You like that, huh?” He asks, pressing his hips tight against yours and grinding down into you. The movement of his cock inside you stirs a new wave of heat over your skin. Your cunt clamping down on him as your back tries to arch into the feeling. Your muscles scream at you, held too tight by Ghost’s hands to do what they so desperately want to. It aches, a pain low in your back that you know you’ll feel afterwards. Your hands scramble off his biceps to scratch at his shoulders. You’re breathless, bent and held so that each punch of his cock knocks the air from your lungs. It’s mean, jealous. You love it.
You scream for him. Your voice scratches against your vocal cords, your muscles ache, and your cunt can’t stop clenching tight around him. Ghost pulls his cock out of your cunt and shakes his head with a smile. Your breath pants out of you as you stare at the monster that should be tearing you apart. 
“Keep squeezin’ me and I’m gonna come,” Ghost grunts. As if you see anything wrong with that. Fuck it’s such an ego-boost to make men come before they want to. Ghost’s fingers tighten in your hair and he tugs your head back to look at him. He leans back, slaps your face before gripping it. His fingers pinch your cheeks. “Don’t look so proud of yourself,” He warns, but his grin is all you need to see.
He shifts your legs over his arms, holds them against his broad chest, your ankles by his ears. He fists his cock, presses it against your entrance before he wraps a thick arm around your thighs and releases your face to knead at your tits. The giant paw of his hand feels so rough against the sensitive skin. It’s all but forgotten when he thrusts into you. You can arch like this. Your back stiffens, your fingers claw at his arm, grab at his bicep, scrambling for purchase as he pounds into you. His pace is brutal. Long full thrusts into your pussy, his cockhead grinding deep inside you, before it’s dragging against your gummy walls to pull out. 
The burn of friction as he fucks in and out of you makes your cunt feel hot. Your skin burns with the rush of your blood, pumping pleasure through your veins. Your stomach feels tight, just at the edge of the aching. Ghost turns his head to kiss your leg, sweat smearing the black around his eyes. He rubs the streaks of it against your calf, his teeth teasing the skin as he holds your legs steady. You know his teeth almost as well as his cock. Your body may as well be littered with the marks they’ve left on you, bitten and bruised in all the best ways. 
Ghost settles a knee on the bed, and pushes your legs just a fraction of an inch closer to your chest. It’s a small change but it lets him hit something that drips into your muscles. Your legs squeeze together, your back curling into the feeling as pleasure pulses through you. His hand leaves your chest to wrap around your neck and force you back down against the bed. You’re already sensitive, already worked tight from squirting on his fingers, so when his thrusts turn shallow and batter his fat cockhead against your soft spot, you squeal. Your body squirms under his grip, your chest pushing up with the arch of your spine, your hips twisting. Ghost keeps you where he wants you. His biceps flex and the hand on your neck tightens warningly as you moan.
“Tha’s it sweet’eart,” Ghost rumbles, “feels good don’t it?”
“Yes,” you gasp, “feels- God, fuck.” Your head tips back, your legs shaking in his hold. He keeps fucking you in those devestating shallow thrusts, and your body can’t handle it. Heat rockets through you, courses over your skin and doubles back to flutter in your clenching cunt. Your muscles tighten and unspool as your nervous system decides if it wants to come. Christ you just need something more, something extra. Ghost’s hand tightens around your neck, applying a pressure that makes darkness fuzz at the edges of your vision. Your mind pitches sideways, dropping into some soft space, and all you can do is feel. But it’s all you need.
“Show me.” It’s an order, and as your lashes flutter to try and combat the dizzying lack of oxygen you do. You come on his fat cock, come as he pushes the full length of it into you. His fingers release your throat and you draw in a breath, his hands gripping behind your knees to help pull you into his thrusts. 
You’re too busy blinking stars from your vision to notice the tightness in Ghost’s jaw, but you feel his cock twitch, feel him pull out in a rush before hot come hits the back of your thighs. Ghost presses his cock between your soft thighs, rocking into the fleshy heat as his cock spurts its sticky load over you. Christ you need a shower.
It’s quiet in Ghost’s room, silence broken only by the heavy intake of breaths. Ghost’s thumbs stroke the delicate skin of your knees, his eyes fixed on the swell of your thighs, the space they push together. He pulls his hips away and eases your legs back down onto the bed. You wince, the release in position after having weight on it aches in your hips. It’s almost pleasant though, a reminder of the sex you’d just had. Ghost offers you a hand and pulls you up to sit on the bed.
“Shower?” You mumble, he nods. You’re still a little floaty feeling, your skin prickles with dissociative heat, and you’re unsure how steady you’ll be walking. It doesn’t matter in the end, Ghost scoops you up and takes a few long steps to his shitty en suite. Perks of fucking an officer you suppose.
He cranks the shower to “hells fucking bells that’s hot” and steadies you on your feet. The room fills with steam quickly, and you bat his hands away to attempt getting in the shower yourself. Ghost’s hands grab your hips, and stop you dead. You glance back to see him staring at your ass.
“Stay,” He orders, and you raise a brow as he turns and exits the small bathroom. Only to return with his phone. He snaps a quick pic of your ass and holds it up for you to see. There's a little bunny head drawn on your ass in thick black sharpie with the eyes x-ed out. GG is written under it.
“What’s the GG?” You ask, looking up from the phone. Ghost tips his head forward, the phone set on the sink as his voice drops and he crowds you into the shower.
“Good girl.”
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rosesdrop · 2 days
Pick a pile
Which Disney Princess are you?
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Pile 1:
Rapunzel, you must have really pretty hair; it's very noticeably beautiful and outstanding for anyone who sees you. You may have your head in the clouds, usually busy dreaming and fantasising about the next adventure to take. You dream big. And most of your dreams revolve around going on a trip somewhere, to a different land, or generally just taking a step into the unknown and never coming back. You are flighty in that way; no one can pin you down or decide your future for you; you leave it to your expansive and ever-growing imagination. Aside from that, I'm also noticing here your childlike soul and appearance; you like to have fun even if it's just by yourself; your peers recognise that in you and enjoy spending happy times with you; you have a sunny aura; and the sun may be highly significant for you. You also may have authoritative figures around you that try to dim your light or take that childlessness away from you, and you are in a constant fight with those that try to limit you. I'm also getting that you have a small circle of friends or people that you surround yourself with. 
Pile 2:
Alice is your Disney character (even though she wasn't a princess but is still a Disney main character after all). You are so connected to another parallel version of yourself; you like to create different realities and experience multiple stances in them; you have an eccentric style, generally known to be different, maybe odd for some people but really challenging to understand; your style is very outstanding and reflects your rich inner world, a world rich in fantasies and colors; you always felt different from your peers but more connected than ever to a world so far from our mundane lives; that's where you found home. You are probably an animal lover, but you are more inclined to be interested in exotic species or animals that are not very popular and loved among people. Others may sometimes perceive you as deceitful, quick to change, or unstable in your decisions because of this abnormality that you represent in their eyes, but it's just because it's hard for them to understand how your mind works.
Pile 3:
Merida from brave is your princess; you are stubborn from the view of others but stable and know what you want in your view; you voice your needs and you like for your voice to be heard; you may believe in the supernatural and believe that the universe works for your favour and that whatever you wish, if you concentrate on it, you can bring it into reality; you have a strong will. You don't like to be caged or controlled by others, and that sometimes infuriates you. You like to get against the stream. You work hard and prefer to be independent in your work. You like it to be something that you made with your effort and time. You have very strong features, but they're not very sharp. There's a sense of stillness and stability in your gaze, even if it's penetrating. You may enjoy or prefer medieval clothing because it makes you feel secure in yourself, and, down to earth, you get angry and competitive easily because you are in constant contact with those who try to dictate their beliefs to you. 
Pile 4:
Belle is your princess; you may have an infatuation with roses; you like to surround yourself with a pretty aesthetic that is appreciated by everyone; you are a calm person in the face of adversity; people may be in a constant debate about their needs while you are just chilling and enjoying your time. You slightly have your head in the clouds, but that doesn't distort your perception. You are a problem solver, and you take your time in making your judgements about things. People admire you for that and feel like they can't compare. You have a certain pride about yourself that makes you sure about yourself without having to brag; you are silently succeeding. You're also protected by your guides, spirits, or good entities that can see your purity clearly and help you through adversity. You always prioritise yourself and have a strong sense of self-worth. 
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jsprnt · 3 days
Americano PT. 13 | Jude Bellingham x Reader
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What happens if two individuals who absolutely despise each other are forced to interact after unforeseen events occur?
A/N: took me so so long, but I think the wait was worth it. 😭 let me know what you think, love u!😉
W/C: 4.072
part twelve
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"Okay, is there anything left for me to do?"
I raise my head, looking up at my dad from my phone. The stack of papers on the dining table immediately giving me a headache.
"Are you asking me, dad? Or are you talking to yourself?" I ask, getting up from my position on the couch to see what his mid-life crisis is about.
"Myself.." He replies, bringing the ugly ceramic mug I’d decorated at the age of five up to his mouth.
The blue cursed-looking unicorn, with the biggest red eyes staring back at me, makes me clear my throat.
I mean, even I would have thrown that thing away after my child forgot about it.
"What are you doing?" I ask, leaning forward to flip through the stacks of paper.
Poor trees...
"Stop messing with them, y/n. They are important documents for work.."
I hum in understanding, holding my hands up in surrender.
"You're really killing off nature with these.." I add, scratching my itchy nose.
"Will you please go and do something useful, sweetheart?"
I sigh, instead of walking away, I sit down next to him. Turning to him with a smile on my face.
"Give me something useful I can do.." I ask, giving him a sickly sweet smile.
I hear him chuckle, his hand coming to rub my shoulder, before he points to the stack of papers on his left.
"The other documents I’d rather not have you go through.."
He reaches for the papers, placing them in front of me.
"Can you sort these in chronological order? It's images of camera footage, date and time are on the top right."
"Sure, dad.." I agree, flipping through the black-and-white printed images. Curiosity raised at what I'm seeing.
An individual, with more of a masculine frame standing outside of a huge, luxurious house.
Dressed in- from what I can make out to be, a black t-shirt, along with the ugliest pair of jorts I have ever seen.
"Where is this from? New case?"
"Bellingham's case." He replies curtly, writing something down on his notepad.
It was astonishing how anyone could read his handwriting.
Were lawyers second in 'the most unreadable handwriting' competition, next to doctors?
I raise my brows at his answer, interest peaked suddenly. I look around the house, as if Jude would pop up like some ‘Bloody Mary’ game if called out for three times- but I remember he is out tonight, enjoying his break from training at fuck-knows-where.
"Footage from the break-in?"
"Yes, honey- any more questions?" He glances at me for a moment, raising a single brow in question.
"No, not really..." I say, eyes flying to the date and time.
I only recognize the date as the first match we played in the Champions League this season, back in September at Bernabéu.
The dates do match up, and when I continue flipping through the images. Seeing more and more images of different dates, with more damage done to the home, makes me gasp.
How did Jude and his mom even live here for many more months after the first incident?
I feel goosebumps rise up on my skin at the thought of feeling unsafe in my own home. Had I known how terrifying the things that happened to Jude were, I wouldn’t have been such an asshole when he first arrived.
My stupid mouth and I...
I shake my head as if to remove my thoughts, taking a deep breath before quickly sorting and stacking the images correctly.
If I had known sooner, maybe I could have been more civil towards my unwanted roommate..
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"Girl, turn the lights on. I literally cannot see a single thing." Amira complains, smacking her bubblegum in the loudest way possible.
"I hate winter. Seriously, why does it get dark so early?.." I complain, hurrying over to switch the light on in my bedroom.
"Stop complaining and do a twirl for me.." She says, placing her phone against something stable, so she can see me properly.
"Oh, sure your majesty.." I mock, chuckling at her, before doing a 360.
"You look so damn good. I swear, if you don't take a man home-"
"It's a party- or event , full of my colleagues. I can't be a hoe tomorrow night.."
"If you wanted, you would.." I watch her smirk, before she runs a hand down her dark locs.
"We can do that when you're visiting next time.."
"Can't- I have a man." I hear her chuckle, and definitely don't miss the sound of another, deeper laugh in the background.
"Oh, great thanks for reminding me. Hey Trent, stop listening in on us.." I say sternly, leaning in towards the screen.
"He's not listening in. He is on the phone with Jude.."
Oh, fuck, great.
I turn towards my door, praying Jude or Trent wouldn't be too loud on the phone.
At this point, I was surprised that the jig wasn't up yet.
Amira already knew about it, of course. I just hoped Trent didn't.
I mean, it would be foolish to think that Jude and I could keep our secret to ourselves. But for once, I trusted he would keep his mouth shut about us living together.
Everyone knows that men gossip more than women. They could know the most intricate details of the juiciest drama you'll ever come across, and never utter a single word about it until you ask about it directly.
"Trent's gone, now speak. Why do you look like you're sweating buckets?"
"I feel sick, like- my stomach hurts.." I begin, struggling to take my dress off.
"Maybe you got your period?" She suggests, using the screen to watch herself dot the pinkest liquid blush on her cheekbones.
"No, my Clue app says I'm getting my period in six days.." I reply, hanging my dress back into the closet. Then, I grab my pajama set, pulling the comfy clothes on quickly.
"You're probably nervous about tomorrow.." She mumbles, fidgeting with the lamp next to her, before blending the blush seamlessly into her foundation.
"What could I possibly be nervous about? I've been going for like two years, since I became eighteen.." I flop onto my bed, cuddling my soft pillow against my body.
My thoughts wander for a moment, something close to déjà vu washing over me.
"It's the butterflies.."
I snap my head back towards my phone, pulling a confused face.
"For Jude- You have butterflies in your stomach for Jude!" She screams unnecessarily loudly, making me drop my phone onto my bed.
I gasp, retrieving my phone from the mattress, looking back at her with wide eyes.
"Are you crazy?! Dude, he's literally across the hallway!" I exclaim, burying my head into my pillows.
"He probably heard you!" I cry out, giving her a middle finger.
"Exactly my intentions! I swear, everybody in the fucking world knows he wants you at this point. I've never seen two people in this much denial before."
"I literally don't know what to do with myself, thanks for emphasizing that.."
"How long is it going to take for you to be honest with yourself? Another six months, yeah? You like him, come on. You like him.."
"I haven't liked anyone since high school.."
"Let's not bring high school love into this. You were sixteen, should’ve been worried about GCSE's instead..."
"Okay, let me do a little magazine quiz for you.." I watch her spray her fixing spray onto her face.
She dries her face with a small fan, before leaning in and looking at me with a serious expression.
"Go ahead.." I groan, sitting up properly.
"What do you think of when you see him?"
"I don't know? 'There he is again'?" I answer stupidly, looking at her. I watch her cover her mouth, probably disappointed with my reply.
"Okay- let's try this. Imagine, tomorrow, you see him in a suit, tie all of that-  dresssed up nicely, with his hair freshly cut. He smells like the sexiest cologne you have ever smelled. No 'Doir, Sauvage' shit- think 'Tom Ford, Oud Wood'.."
The rest of whatever the fuck she says doesn't register in my brain, but the heat slowly pooling into my body, down my stomach and thighs, tells me enough.
It tells me too much.
I’m fucked, done for.
A lost cause.
I need an exorcism..
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"I'm ready!" I shout, taking one quick look in the mirror, before grabbing my handbag off my bed.
I stuff a powderpuff, some lip products, and my phone into my bag and rush down the stairs.
"Come on, honey. It's one thing to be late- another thing for me to be late to the event I'm co-hosting.." My dad says, already standing at the front door, navy blue suit making him look handsome.
"Ready! What do you think?" I ask him, pointing to my dress and heels.
"You look very beautiful. I did not think you'd wear such a daring colour.."
I know what he wants to say. ‘You look just like your mother’, but ignore those thoughts.
I shrug at him, glancing in the mirror again. The scarlet-red dress clinging to my skin is just the right amount of sexy and chic.
Of course, I had to go for a mini dress, ignoring my dad's wishes, because I could and I'm an adult.
I adjust my silver necklace, watching it glisten in the overhead light.
"Come on, y/n. Enough admiring.."
I nod, quickly walking behind him into the car.
I buckle my seatbelt, the mix of my dad's cologne and my perfume overwhelming me for a second.
"Wait? Where's Jude? Is he not attending?" I look at my dad, watching him pull out of the driveway.
"He will attend, but he said he would arrive with his teammates. He didn’t want to inconvenience us."
What did he mean with that?
I mean, we had not spoken properly for days- but inconvenience?
Am I overthinking things?
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"Come and grab a drink with me.." Lina says, grabbing my wirst to pull me towards the cocktail- or in this case, mocktail bar.
Due to the discouragement of the players drinking alcohol, mid-season- it was the upmost important for this party to only offer non-alcoholic drinks.
And considering what had happened last time I was drunk- I wasn't complaining, at all..
The party had started two hours ago, though a little formal. We made the most out of it, while dancing along with the beautiful live music. The clock would strike twelve in a little, indicating the beginning of a new year.
Something about New Year’s Eve made me incredibly emotional at times. Maybe, it was the realization of life going faster than I thought- or maybe, it was some resentment I held against the negative things that happened in the year.
Even so, I tried to make the most of this party every year. Dancing wholeheartedly, tasting the food the chefs had worked so hard on, drinking the delicious drinks made by the bartenders.
"I'm going to get a Negroni- How about you?" Lina asks, wrapping her arm around mine as we walk towards the bar.
"I don't know- maybe I’ll just ask for a recommendation.." I speak, looking over at her. Her black dress hugging her figure as our high heels click against the floor.
"Oh, look who's here too.." She says, motioning ahead with her eyes and chin.
I follow her gaze, furrowing my brows in confusion. My eyes land on a couple of the football team players, all looking happy as they order their drinks one by one.
"Oh.." I mouth, lips pulling back into a straight line as I spot Jude next to them.
And of course, just like my dear best friend had described last night. He is dressed in a sleek, black suit matched with a crispy white shirt.
I watch him interact with his teammates, unconsciously staring at him as we near the bar.
His pearly white teeth show as the corners of his eyes crinkle, probably laughing at something funny one of the guys said.
I almost gasp out loud when he turns around, my eyes moving down to see the deep red handkerchief, placed neatly in the pocket of his suit.
Why in heaven's name- did we match?
I lean against the bar by instinct, drawing my attention back to the bartender who's standing in front of me. Eyes darting to the menu, of course- to only see non-alcoholic options.
Maybe, I did need a different type of drink.
'I'll have a Negroni, please.." I hear Lina say, and look at her for a moment before turning back to the bartender. Trying to ignore the fact that I can feel a pair of eyes burning holes into the back of my head. 
What was that called again?
Whatever it's called, there should be a name for someone's warmth too- because Jude probably could feel the heat radiating off my body at this point, even if he isn’t standing that close to me..
"And what would this beauty like?”
I stand up straight at the words, looking at the smiling bartender.
I give him a soft, appreciative smile back, enjoying his non-creepy way of delivering a compliment, and quickly ask for a recommendation.
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As y/n speaks to the bartender, he laughs back, leaning in to whisper something into her ear. It earns a chuckle from her, making her lean against the bar again.
Unaware of his own body language, Jude tightens his grip on his glass. His jaw twitches, and he turns away from the scene, scoffing to himself before taking a gulp of his drink.
His body tensing up does not go unnoticed by his friends slash teammates. He gets a pat on the shoulder from Dani, making him relax for a moment.
"Loosen up, brother. Have some fun.." Eduardo speaks, giving him his signature smile while clinking his full glass with Jude's.
Jude nods, walking closer towards the crowd of his teammates, trying his absolute best to remove his brown eyes from the girl.
The girl his brain has not stopped thinking about, ever since that drunken night..
From the way she looked, spoke, dressed- he was infatuated with her.
And tonight?
The sexy red dress, hugging her body- showing skin-
He is fucked, absolutely fucked, especially when he realizes how clammy his hands are.
The normally confident and playful Jude vanishes for a moment. He's acting like a lovesick teenage boy, too nervous to ask his crush out for prom.
The hour passes painfully slow, with the both of them sneaking glances at each other every other minute. Their friends notice, of course, smirks on their faces as they realize how clueless they are.
Young love shouldn't be this complicated, they think, wanting to push them towards each other already. Tired of the back and forth they were a part of these past months. The patience they had was running low, even though it wasn't anything harming or hurting them.
"Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please!" A sharp, ear-piercing sound echos from the microphone, booming out of the speakers.
The speaker is none other than a Real Madrid executive, standing next to the chic, wealthy woman, is y/n’s father.
The entire venue’s attention turns to the two individuals, conversations and laughter cut off immediately.
"Just like every year since our successful partnership with Mr. l/n. We thank you for being here at our annual New Year's event!"
The room answers with happy and loud cheers, some clapping along in agreement. An interesting mix of almost all the athletes signed to Real Madrid, their hardworking staff, and not to forget, esteemed lawyers from the law firm.
"We will enter the new year in ten minutes! Please enjoy the rest of your night!"
As if on cue, the room goes back to their own conversation. And the restless, nervous wreck y/n immediately turns around to visit the bar again, asking the bartender for another one of the drinks he'd made for her earlier.
She didn't even remember what it was called. All she tasted and saw were strawberries- which meant that the bright pink, iced drink was good enough.
She grabs the drink off the counter, thanking the bartender, before turning around to return to her friends.
She looks down to watch her step, high heels starting to hurt her feet, as she tries to walk without tripping, making her forget to watch where she’s going.
Before the girl is aware of it, her body collides with a harder one. Glass in her han, tipping over, the pink drink splashing all over a white, crispy shirt.
y/n gasps, eyes widening in horror. Looking up from the disaster, she makes eye contact with a shell-shocked Jude. His own, brown eyes widening impossibly wider than hers.
Covering her mouth, she places the glass on a small, round bar table next to her, turning to him wordlessly.
"Oh- I, umh.." She stutters, sweat practically visible on her temples at this point.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" She thinks, multiple thoughts running through her head like Usain-fucking-Bolt..
With only one brain-cell working in between them, and their hearts beating like crazy. She grabs his hand, pulling him off the dance floor- into a small closet, behind the stage. Away from the peering eyes and cameras at the event.
She turns away from him, closing the door, before locking it. Ensuring no one would walk into this disaster of a sight.
"Take it off.." She begins, speaking without thought. Reaching for a roll of paper towels, ripping off a stack of them before starting to dab away the moisture from his now pink-stained-shirt.
Her eyes dart up, lips parting slightly as Jude shrugs off his jacket, throwing it to the side.
The dim light flickers in the small, suffocating room. She halts the hurried dabbing, making eye contact with an equally entranced Jude.
"Sorry.." y/n whispers, breath hitting his plump lips. Her hand moves up again, rolling some more of the paper towel around her hand, before wiping off the excess moisture again.
Jude's body stiffens, particularly his abdomen. He takes a sharp breath, looking down at the flustered girl.
For some reason, a sudden switch flips inside of him. He sighs, eyes roaming up and down her form, a warm, but burning feeling settling in his stomach.
He decides to move for a moment, unbuttoning the cuffs of his shirt, and rolling his sleeves up to his elbows. It causes y/n to freeze up this time, her body going rigid as she watches him expose his arms.
Even in the dim light, his muscles protrude, along with the bulging veins running down his forearms.
"Fucking hell.." He says in a low voice, unbuttoning the top buttons of his ruined shirt, making the girl’s eyes widen again.
"What- What are you doing?" She asks, heart almost exploding due to the pace it’s beating at.
"I'm burning up in this room.." He replies, making direct eye contact with her, as he fidgets with the white buttons.
Revealing more, and more skin..
It's like he's dropped the nervousness within seconds. Looking into her eyes while fixing the collar of his shirt.
Even though it takes him approximately ten seconds, to the girl in front of him- the moment is dragged out horribly long and in slow motion.
Her breath hitches at the delicious sight, and she gulps while looking up at him.
Deeply entranced in the tension filled- sensual moment, she drops the wet, used paper towels mindlessly onto the floor.
The lights flicker once again, making her eyes squint as she takes him in.
No doubt, the image will be burned into her infatuated mind from now on. Gnawing at her sanity and logical thinking.
Of course, he smells good. So damn good, the perfect mix of musk and powdery cologne.
Not only is the sight delicious, but the smell is too.
The loud music outside of the small enclosed space continues, the crowd singing along to the chorus of a well-known song.
She looks down for a second, trying to collect her thoughts before she says something completely unhinged.
"Jude.." She whispers, heart beating erratically in his chest. y/n can feel her hands shake, her legs trembling in her high heels.
Their breaths mingle as they look into each other's eyes. A silence settling in between them after she says his name.
Jude's veins practically burst at the sound of his name leaving her lips. His eyes dart to the perfectly glossed lips that say his name so sweetly, so softly..
His mind goes dizzy at the sound. Wanting to hear it over, and over again. Loving the sound most ardently..
A soft groan leaves his mouth, and he traces her beautiful features with his eyes, until he makes eye contact with her, again.
"We should leave this place. The countdown is about to begin.." She whispers the only words she can think of saying, breath shaky and faint.
Jude does not answer with words, but his eyes do dart towards the door. Ears perking up as he hears the familiar countdown begin.
"Twenty!" The crowd exclaims, happiness and excitement buzzing throughout the venue- except in the small room they are in.
"Jude!" She says again, voice a little more stable than before. She raises her left hand, pulling on the hem of his now- untucked shirt.
He snaps his head back at her, watching the soft skin in between her brows pinch together in frustration.
"y/n.." He whispers back, head leaning closer against hers. Making her grip on his shirt grow tighter. Skin on her knuckles tightening from the strength she's using.
"What?" She asks, voice fiery sharp, and impatient. Emotions making her eyes glisten, along with the jewelry adorning her neck and ears in the light.
Though, the tension is high and suffocating- Jude grins suddenly, plump lips stretching as he leans in closer. His own eyes, now with a hint of playfulness in them, roaming around her face.
"Ten!" They hear the crowd exclaim, continuing to cheer and laugh together.
"What?" She says again, lifting her chin up to look him in the eyes. Her breath hitches at the playful expression on his face, like he's an imminent danger to her heart and lungs.
"You're the most annoying fucking person I have ever met.." He speaks, with no real malice in his tone. A chuckle leaves his mouth, soft breaths hitting her lips.
y/n's heart stutters at his words, and the change of emotion in her eyes makes him go absolutely crazy.
"Fuck, and I love that. I love you, y/n.." He breathes, his hand cupping her jaw.
He watches her face intently, watching her blink multiple times, before her hand travels from the hem of his shirt to his unbuttoned collar.
She wraps her hand around the fabric, pulling him closer with a small jank. Wetting her lips with her tongue, she speaks again.
"Then fucking kiss me, you annoying douche bag.."
The words leave her mouth in a fluid, rehearsed way, and she loses herself in his deep eyes.
"Fucking gladly.." He mutters, both of their eyes fluttering shut as his hand moves over to the small of her back impatiently.
"Happy New Year!"
Their lips brush against each other, her hands gripping onto his shirt with a vice-like grip.
Her breath hitches at first, making him chuckle cockily against her lips. His hand supporting her jaw in the most tender way possible, as his thumb rubs against the softness of her cheek.
The soft press of their lips touching make their hearts flutter.
Realizing there is no point of return from this, the feathery touches turn into heated, greedy ones.
The rush of adrenaline makes them lose their self-control, an unstoppable, alluring feeling injected into their veins as they continue soaking in the moment, until they part for air.
Their ragged pants brush against each other's faces, a small smile pulling at her lips. Eyes finding each other again, as their hearts beat in unison.
Jude stares into her eyes, thumb running down her jaw, as he smiles back at her.
"Beautiful. You're beautiful.."
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mantou-rin · 2 days
The moment the boys realise they are head over heels for you
Characters: Kenma, Sugawara, Yaku
A/N: The amount of things I am able to come up with while at work should be studied. As usual not proofread I am sorry but I hope you like the silly thoughts that go through my head on a daily basis.
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Kenma couldn't help but look up from his game to stare at you.
You were at the other end of the classroom talking with a few of your classmates. Your voice wasn't exactly loud, but your presence was more than enough to catch his attention. Kenma admired the way you spoke and the way your face lit up everytime someone said something interesting. You weren't exactly an extrovert, but you had a bubbly and bright personality, and often got along well with pretty much anyone. 
Kenma kind of envied you for that. Not that he was the kind to draw attention to himself, but being able to comfortably talk with people sometimes seemed nice. 
From the corner of your eye, you caught sight of him looking at you, and you turned to give him a smile while waving towards him. He instantly panicked, and quickly turned his attention back to his game console, trying his best to calm his rapidly beating heart. 
He wasn't sure for the longest time about this feeling he had towards you. Was it fascination or just admiration, or was it something more than that. To him, you seemed so interesting, almost as if he wanted to study - no, get to know you better. His racing heart finally confirmed it as a crush, but how does he even begin to ask you out? 
He nearly jumped when he heard that familiar voice of yours. Slowly he put down his console and directed his attention to you. You were standing next to his desk, the sunlight hitting your face gave you the prettiest glow he had ever seen. 
It was real, he wanted to get closer to you, he wanted to understand everything about you. 
“There's a new cat cafe that just opened, would you like to go there together? I hope you don't mind that it'll just be the two of us.”
Two of us? Did he hear that correctly? Of course he wouldn't mind, if anything he was more than happy that it was just the two of you.  
“Mhm.” Came his silent reply, to which you happily told him that you’ll message him the details when you get home. 
Turns out that your feelings for him were mutual as well. 
Suga was not having a good day right now. He felt he didn't do a great job at practice just now and now he couldn't get rid of the constant worry that his team would be disappointed in him. For the most part, he knew the Karasuno boys would never be upset with him, but what if today it was different. 
Before he left just now, Daichi had already told him to cheer up and not think about it, but he just couldn't help himself. He wished he wasn't the kind to mull over his mistakes over and over, but unfortunately, he wasn't that kind of person. 
He really wanted to call you right now. He often told you how you were his comfort after a long day, and he felt that he really needed you today. He was about to make the call when he realised that you told him that you were going out to run some errands that night. 
Right. It wasn't polite to disturb someone when they were busy.  Suga figured to simply drop you a text instead, the both of you could talk about it later tonight.
Sighing, he shoved his phone back into his pocket and looked up at the sky. It was so quiet and calm, contrary to whatever his mind was right now - noisy and chaotic. 
“Suga!” He heard someone call from behind him. 
Hang on. That voice was familiar, one that he has heard many times, there was no way it was - 
Suga wasn't sure why he nearly cried when he saw you, heck he wasn't even sure why you suddenly showed up. 
“Sorry if I’m a little late, but I saw your message and figured that I should come right away. Also sorry I couldn't get something better, but I got you some ice cream from the convenience store on the way here.”
Suga panicked a little, he worried that his message to you came off as something that needed immediate attention, that wasn't what he intended for it to be, although now that he saw you the chaos that was in his mind just now seemed to have died down. 
“Eh, I thought you had to run errands? Sorry if I bothered you.” 
“I can always go another day, besides, you having a bad day is something more important than the groceries I have to buy.” 
Suga wasn't aware, but he was sure he let a tear slip out of his eye when he felt your hands reaching towards him to wipe them away. He never noticed because he was always the one doing the comforting, but right now with you next to him assuring him that everything was going to be alright, his mind became a reflection of the night sky - calm and quiet.
“I'll go run your errands with you tomorrow, and will you allow me to bring you out for dinner afterwards?” 
Yaku was glad you decided to join the volleyball team as a manager. Even though the two of you were childhood friends (and neighbours), any extra minute he got to spend with you meant a lot to him. 
You were attentive and smart, always promptly taking care of the team’s needs and giving out advice as needed. Your presence alone sometimes helped boost the team’s morale. 
Water was running low? You had already prepared new bottles for the boys long ago before they even noticed they were running out. 
There was a spot on the court that seemed a little slippery? The next thing Yaku knew you were ready to swoop in with the mop to clean it up. 
The team needed extra balls for practice? There was nothing to worry about because you would have a new basket of volleyballs ready by the side.  
You were talking to Yaku halfway after practice when you excused yourself to find the coach for something. Yaku couldn't help but glance over at the extra bag he had seen you carrying around recently. You happened to leave it open, and Yaku caught sight of a pair of knee guards - specifically the ones he was using. Yaku didn't want to peek, but he was too curious as to why you had that in your bag. He pried the bag open slightly and saw a towel as well as a pouch filled with first aid supplies. 
Perhaps you were playing volleyball too? 
When you came back, Yaku asked if you started playing volleyball too, referencing the items he saw in your bag. 
“Ah, no it's just emergency stuff in case you get injured. I've seen you getting many new bruises because of practice so I wanted to be ready just in case.” You replied softly, slightly embarrassed by the fact that you had been found out. 
Yaku felt his heart do about a thousand backflips. He was always under the impression that you cared for each team member equally, but now knowing that you put in a little more effort to look out for him made him somewhat flustered. 
“Ah, thank you.” Was the only thing he could splutter out.
There was a brief silence before he mustered up his courage to speak again.
“Would you like to go get dinner together after practice tomorrow?”
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I was reading your answer to the anon who is caught up in worrying about fic reception and perfectionism, and was wondering: what would you suggest for a fic writer who is hung up on how they view their writing? I write for myself first and view any outside praise is a bonus; I have a healthy relationship with my stats. But when I go to write, even if it's something I don't intend to post, I still get hung up on making sure the fic is up to the writing standards I set for myself.... Help?
Where do your writing standards come from? Are they realistic for you to achieve? And what will happen if you don't meet them?
A reasonable standard for writing a first draft is getting some broad strokes ideas down on the page in order to find out which parts of the story you really do want to write and which parts seem interesting but might fit better into a different story.
And unreasonable standard is to expect that you have the story fully baked and ready to be transcribed directly from your brain onto the page with no need to switch scenes around or remove a side character or add in an extra chapter to set up something that's coming later.
Writing is an iterative process. You write and then you rewrite and then you rewrite again, and eventually you'll find the story that you want to tell and the way that you want to tell it. For some people, the means gathering all the ingredients together and eventually baking a cake. For others, that means staring at a huge block of marble and gradually chipping away at it until they've got a statute. There are an infinite number of ways to go about doing it, but expecting to write the thing down perfectly from the very first attempt is just setting yourself up for failure.
I tend to draft my stories in my head before I write them down. For me, it is more transcribing than it is writing. But that's because I've spent hours or days or weeks thinking about my story and telling it to myself over and over again, without writing it down. I've worked out the kinks and adjusted the plot and figured out the characters in my head first, and even then when I've got it 90% done, I'll still adjust things when I sit down and write.
A lot of perfection is about trying to avoid the shame of failure - but you're creating your own definition of failure here, and your definition might be too broad. It might also be too negative.
Every failure is an opportunity to learn. By seeing what doesn't work, you have a better chance of finding out what does. A lot of writing is failing to tell the story you want to tell, looking at what doesn't work in the way that you told it, and then trying to tell it a different way to see if you got closer to what you're trying to say. Give yourself those opportunities to tell it wrong. What's wrong for this story might be the perfect way to tell the next one or the one after that.
Every failure also contains some smaller success. Find those successes and celebrate them. They're still worthy, even if they aren't the end goal.
If all of this is too difficult right now, then I recommend trying to write something you don't care about as much. Choose a silly idea or a ridiculous premise that you'd usually throw away because it's too different from what you usually write. If you're less invested in the story, you might be able to loosen up a little more and allow yourself to be freer and make some mistakes.
You could even set out to write something purposefully bad. Create the next My Immortal. Do all of the things you berate yourself for, but do them on purpose. Recognize that nothing bad happens to you as a result.
I'd love to hear from others in the notes. Have you experienced something like what anon is describing in their ask? How do you cope with setting standards that are too high or unreasonable? How do you push past that need to perfection and find a way to learning what is actually good enough?
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preqwells · 21 hours
cw: implied smut, fluff
roommate simon who had just saved your sorry ass yet again from another failed date. he didn't know where you found these men, honestly. "your poor taste get to you again? or just desperation?" he'd ask mockingly which made you want to choke him then and there. you'd only grunt in frustration which proved him right-- probably both. he'd tease you more if it wasn't for what you had worn tonight-- it wasn't like it was a problem, it was just… distracting. you were distracting. he didn't like the way your perfume made him feel heady and borderline dizzy as he drove you two home-- couldn't stand it, honestly.
he didn't appreciate the way you'd dance around the subject of you two, either. why were you going out with these men when he was right there? were you scared because you two were roommates and friends? were you scared of messing up what you guys had? he didn't know and at this point didn't care to probe-- your lack of interest was all-telling.
at least, that's how it was in his perspective… he didn't notice how your gaze consistently lingered on him-- the way his frame hulked over yours when helping you get something off the top of the fridge, the way you'd greet him 'good morning' as he grunted back as your eyes followed him, trudging into the kitchen. he didn't even notice now how you eyed him in the passenger seat with his cologne encompassing you, almost enticing you.
but he did notice how you got out of the car as you two reached your shared apartment, there was a lingering sense of tension-- an unspoken question of why you two had let this cat-and-mouse game go on for so long. "i'm deleting these stupid fucking dating apps-- all i meet are weirdos." you declared with a huff, prompting simon to raise his brow as he finished parking his car, closing the door effortlessly as he locked it. "and whose fault is that?" he asked as a matter-of-fact as you two approached your door, your eyes narrowing as you drew yourself closer to him.
"did i stutter?"
"don't gotta stutter to be wrong, love."
"fuck you."
he let out a small chuckle, shaking his head as he opened the door for you. he didn't take you seriously-- he had no reason to. you were like this all the time. "whatever you say." he mumbled, his voice a deep rumble as your eyes raised to meet his. little did he know you were serious.
you had proposed to watch a movie together on the couch as a way to end the night-- you were hoping maybe everything didn't need to end on a bad note, even if your date had gone to shit. he decided to indulge you, maybe against his better judgment. you got all but maybe an hour into the movie before you two started sharing glances. one, here and there-- two, just because you had finished off the last of the popcorn and it irked him-- three, because of the way your laughter at a scene in the movie had coaxed a small smirk from his lips-- four, just because of the way the flickers of light from the television were illuminating your features as you snuggled closer to him. "maybe… i should go to bed." you whispered to him, looking up at him with a slightly hazed look from your exhaustion. the warmth of your breath brushed against his cheek, the proximity intoxicating as your eyes flickered between dark molasses eyes and plush pink lips. "really?" simon asked softly, as if testing your resolve.
"…something like that."
simon went quiet as he caught onto the growing tension, his hand snaking around your waist to readjust your position on his lap as you helped, looking up at you as you lazily straddled him. "something like that?" he mumbled, his thumb trailing down to run along the fat of your hip. you leaned in, your lips ghosting above his as he reciprocated the change in your position, tilting his head to meet your lips in a slow kiss. your eyes fluttered closed as he pulled you closer to him, your lips slightly parting to let out a small noise of surprise when he suddenly squeezed your thigh, simon failing to resist the urge to see what makes you tick. you felt his tongue probe at your lower lip, teasing you. "so-- you're gonna uninstall those apps?" he asked breathlessly in between kisses.
"we're… in the middle of making out."
you let out a small yelp when his hand traveled to your ass to give it a small pinch, prompting you to jump. "ouch--! yes, yes! i am! god!" you groaned out in faux pain before you caught a glimmer in his eye, a satisfied hum escaping him as he began planting kisses along the side of your jaw and down the side of your neck as he lightly nipped at your skin.
"mm, good."
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mxtantrights · 2 days
this has been in my mind for DAYS
dick grayson falling head over heels for a detective that HATES him as dick but likes him as nightwing
and idk maybe the reveal would be funny asf that theyre the same guy 😭😭😭
a/n: this is a bit bigger than a blurb and honestly this could be like a whole thing but I've had fun with blurbs to this point so let's keep it going. if you want a second part / resolution defo come into my inbox and I'll bang one out because this was really fun thank you so much anon!! <333 (hope your pillow is cold on both sides for this<333)
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Dick Grayson thinks certain things in life are just coincidental. His lucky number happened to be part of the winning lotto numbers last night. The older woman he let cut in front of him on the expressway ended up giving up her parking to him at the grocery store. And the love of his life hates him.
You started working at the precinct six months ago? Yeah, six months ago. Dick was a normal guy working at his job six months ago. Then you walked in and suddenly he's falling head over heels for you and everything has meaning.
Six months ago he started acting like an idiot.
He knows you hate him. You avoid him when you don't have to see him. You don't even politely wave or smile at him anymore. You used to, in the beginning. But something changed, he doesn't know what.
At first he thought someone said something to you about him. Tried to put you off him. But he asked around and no one admitted to doing anything like that. They even admitted that they don't talk to you about him. Which hurt, ow.
So it's strikes him as odd when he sees you while in costume, and you actually smile at him. He's just finished up taking down a robbery gang targeting small business. And you're there, with you're badge and your smile. A smile!
He doesn't have time to talk. Or- he realizes he shouldn't talk because his voice would sound the familiar to you. Maybe. Maybe if you even remember what his voice sounds like.
He doesn't have time to talk because you start talking. Gushing, raving actually. About him. Well not him, per say, about nightwing. Which is him, but you don't know that. You can never know that.
You tell him how you happy you are to have someone like him protecting Bludhaven. About how people here aren't always looking out for the interests of others. And how he's been doing such a good job recently.
And then you're off. You wave to him goodbye, like actually wave to him with you hand. Something you've never done to him, him being Dick, and you wish him a goodnight.
He obviously goes home from patrol that night and tries to compute what just happened.
It's about week seventeen. Dick is standing with you on a rooftop. He has only talked to you five times. Bruce gave him a voice modulator but he still didn't want you to find out who he really was.
He should. His heart is telling him to tell you. You like this version of him. And maybe if you know the nightwing and Dick are the same person then you won't hate Dick as much.
But his brain is telling him he's an idiot. And that you'd probably hate him even more for keeping a secret like this, and letting you gush about him knowing full well that in 'real life' you don't like Dick.
You're ranting about something that happened today. A perp or something that got away from you. He can't really focus when his heart is telling him to end this facade tonight.
So he takes off his domino mask. And as you pace back and forth you don't notice. You don't notice as you keep talking, and talking. And then you turn to get his input, and find him maskless.
"What the fuck." you say.
"You totally hate me don't you?" he asks.
"Dick?" you ask
"Yeah, it's me." he answers you.
But you don't answer him, he realizes. Yeah you probably hate him more than you did before. Bad idea. Great thinking Grayson. He beats himself up internally.
"That's not-It can't be you! You're a detective!" you almost shout.
"This is my night hobby." he jokes a bit.
"Not the time for jokes, Detective Grayson." you answer him.
He sighs, "Do we really have to go back to the way we are at work?"
Your head tilts to the side a bit, "What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about you hating me. I mean, we don't talk. You try not to get partnered with me. You barely say hello." he explains.
Your eyes go wide.
"You noticed that?" you ask.
"Yes! How could I not notice that the love of my-" he cuts himself off.
You walk over to him slowly, crossing your arms over your chest. Your eyes squint as you get in his face. Seeing you like this, he can see why you were a bit menacing to the perps. They didn't play around with you.
"Did you just accidentally confess your love for me?" you ask, in a judgmental tone.
"I'm stressed out!" he answers back with his hands in the air.
You take a step back and place your hands in your back pockets, "You don't have to be. I don't hate you."
"You don't?" Dick asks.
"No. I don't. You just, pester me."
"So you think of me as a gnat? Or a fly to swat?" Dick questions you.
His hands falls to his sides.
"You're better at your job than you let yourself believe. I've seen your desk and the pile of cold cases you keep on top of it. Why do you do that?" you speak.
Dick looks taken back by that. He crosses his arms over his chest. He sees your eyes dart to his arms and then back up to his face. Struggle. You're struggling to not see Dick as nightwing. Maybe he did make the right decision...
"I don't get lost in the wins. It's easy to do that and get lax. The people of this city deserve someone who's gonna fight for them." Dick confesses to you.
You nod your head.
"What do you say we do the friend thing?" Dick asks.
He holds out his hand for you. You look down at it and then back at him. He smiles. And he swears he can feel the static in the air grow. He survived being 'hated' by you, he could survive being your friend.
You take his hand into yours. It feels warm, and like a shared understanding. Even though you never really explained why you hated him (he doesn't need to know what it really was, not yet) and he never explained why that bothered him so much (he'll tell you the first chance you ask about it)
"Consider the friend thing started." You say.
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theflyingpeaches · 2 days
The Office Affair: Litigation
Higuruma x Fem Reader NSFW
Summary: You are being sued, and things are not looking too good! Thankfully you have a great defense attorney like Hiromi Higuruma on your side. He will prove your innocence, though innocent is not a word he would call you. Lines are blurry, and things got complicated once your attorney started to fall for you.
Words: 4,263
Contains: Fingering, squirting, oral sex, sucking tits, making out, office sex, simp!higuruma, pillow talk, eating ass, unprotected sex, creampie, idk man- this shit is filthy.
Law Firm : 6:04am
The sound of high heels clicking could be heard all around the firm. Eyes stared and people gossiped. Every time you came to the office it was like this. You were used to it. In fact, you anticipated it, and those who were really pessimistic would say you kind of liked it. 
Thankfully not everyone was in quite yet. Just a few of the early birds- still, it was enough for you to feel nice and judged.
You wore a tight black one piece swimsuit under a black mini pleated skirt that barely left anything to the imagination. 
Your swimsuit was as close to a bikini as it could possibly get without being disconnected. It barely covered your breasts as it showed so much cleavage and a bit of underboob. It connected to the g-string bottoms that were of course barely covered by your tiny skirt. The slightest breeze would uncover all your goods. 
Everything was all tied together with the fur coat you wore around your shoulders that dragged on the floor as you walked. Hair down, face done up and beautiful.
There was only one destination for you in this building, and that was all the way back into your lawyer's office. 
Your stiletto heel sock boots stopped as you were in front of his office door. You didn’t knock, no. You’d just enter. You knew it would bother him.
"Hello Mr. Higuruma. How are you this morning?" You spoke, setting your purse on the ground next to the chair that faced his desk.
As you took a seat, you noticed the cup of lollipops stocked on his desk and you didn't hesitate to pick one up.
"Good morning ma'am. I'm very well." He kept his head down sifting through the folder in his hand as he greeted you. "I see you're dressed more professionally this morning."
You pulled the wrapper off of your heart shaped lollipop and tossed the trash right on top of his desk with no regard.
"Ooh, I didn't know my lawyer was also a part time comedian." You rolled your eyes, "If you need to meet with me before or after work this is what I'm going to look like. You know this, and yet you keep recommending the same times. Almost like there's an ulterior motive." 
His position remained the same, but his eyes now looked into yours. "That's very funny- and you said I'm the comedian?"
Your cute red lips pouted before putting the lollipop into your mouth. 
"So let me get this straight- you have a cup full of red lollipops from different brands even though I'm pretty sure you said your favorite flavor was blue? Why?"
"It's your favorite flavor, is it not? You always come in here and cherry pick the red. Figured I'd save you some time." Higuruma began to stack his papers together as he prepared your case file. "Besides, I like the taste by proxy."
By proxy. He wasn't even using that word correctly, but he used it how he wanted you to hear it.
"Excuse me?" You frowned. 
"So it seems that this case just got a little interesting. Please keep calm as I tell you this, but the Saito's have another witness."
"What?!" You pulled out the lollipop before you could choke on it. "How is this possible? They are paying people! They have to be!"
"I know. Unfortunately they are very rich and very powerful." He placed the folder to the side and continued to look at you. "You are in good hands though."
"It's bullshit. I'm innocent and here I have eight fucking witnesses standing against me… Just tell me now if I should take the plea." You forcefully exhaled, tossing the lollipop into the trashcan nearby. This information just ruined your appetite.
"Don't even joke like that. It is my job to make sure that justice is served in your favor… I'll do anything to see that through."
He was so serious. He said the word anything which was a very vague but powerful word.
"Maybe I'll have conjugal visits." You smiled.
"I know for a fact you would come visit me on some conjugal shit if I got locked up." You giggled, "Your dick is hard right now as we speak. You liked the outfit more than you thought, huh?" 
"You're trying to seduce me?" He arched an eyebrow.
"Don't insult me Mr. Higuruma. Don't say try . I definitely got it up as soon as I opened the door." You stood up and let your coat remain on the chair as you did. 
He couldn't stop looking at you. He was so whipped and you knew it. It was cute how he protested though.
“Try.” You scoffed. “Are you saying I don’t turn you on?” You spoke as you slowly walked around his desk.
“I never said that.” His eyes followed you until you were right beside him.
You’d step over his leg and take a firm seat in his lap. You arched your back and leaned forward partially on his desk so that he could see a bit of your ass peeking out from your mini skirt.
“Shit.” The man spoke under his breath as you pressed against his manhood. 
“You offended me Mr. Higuruma.” With your upper half resting on his desk, you’d use one hand to move your hair completely to the side so it was out of your eyes and off your back. 
You looked back at him with your incredibly irresistible eyes and pouty red lips. Unfortunately you were so sexy when you were being manipulative.
His hands gripped your bare waist as he leaned forward to pepper kisses onto your shoulder and up to the nape of your neck. 
His voice lowered as he spoke in your ear, “You know I want you. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t touch me.” You moved your head slightly away from him.
“Let me make it up to you.” His hands ran down from your waist and hips to your thighs. He’d massage and rub them as he stayed close to you. “Let me eat your pussy. I know you like that.”
“No.” You protested, “That can’t always be your get out of jail free card.”
“Let me make you cum right now, and then let me take you out later.” He gave your shoulder a few more kisses, “I’m gonna give you my card, and I want you to buy a nice dress that I can rip off of you after dinner tonight.”
You loved when he got like this. His negotiations were the best because you always got way more out of it than you expected. You were totally fine with him just eating you out.
“That’s so unprofessional Mr. Higuruma.” You licked your lips, “Eating my pussy and taking me out to a romantic dinner? I’m your client.”
“C’mon baby. Get on my desk.”
You sighed, “The Saito’s really have another witness?”
The man stood up, pulling up to your feet with him. You could really feel his hard cock pressed against you now. You came into his office so horny for him this morning, but knowing he’d never fuck you while his colleagues were still here, and here he was getting ready to give you everything you wanted.
“Don’t worry about that right now.” His voice stayed low, “I’m gonna take care of you.” 
His hands turned you around so that you could face him. “You're so sexy, baby. You turn me on so much, okay?” He grabbed your hand and placed it on his cock so you could feel his hardness, “Only you can do that baby. No one else.”
“You sure Hikage down the hall didn’t do this to you?" You teased, running your hand along his length.
His cock was so pretty. You couldn’t wait to see it. It was so thick too, and his length was perfect for you. Long enough for you to feel the maximum pleasure, but not so much that he hurt you.
“Who?” He frowned. 
“Fuck.” Your free hand roughly grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him close to you. “You know exactly how to talk to me don’t you?”
“You like that?” He kissed your jaw, “C’mere baby. Let me help you.”
He grabbed your legs and sat you down on his desk. He'd keep moving your legs up until your feet were on the table as well. He loved when you kept the heels on.
His hands parted your legs as far as they'd go, and you kept your eyes on him as he did. You were so fucking horny for him right now, and you knew he was about to give it to you good.
Your skirt didn't fully cover you, but he'd still flip over the part that did. His hand rubbed against your pussy and upon doing so his fingers felt the dampness of your arousal.
The bottoms of your swimsuit were soaked, and he could see the dark patch from your wetness. Before he had ever even touched you your pussy was slick and ready. 
"You excited?" He smirked looking at you. 
"Shut the fuck up." You looked away from him bashfully. Why did he have to speak on it?!
"Don't be embarrassed. I love how wet you get for me." His head lowered and he planted meaningful kisses on your right thigh trailing inward, "Look at me honey."
His eyes remained sharp on yours as his lips made contact with your clothed pussy.
"No." You protested.
You may have been demanding and dominant with him, but once the intimacy started he'd take it all back. You knew as soon as you locked eyed you were going to buckle under his power, and you'd try to hold out as best you could.
His fingers pulled your underwear to the side and he smiled at the sight. He loved how the material clung so tightly to you as he pulled away. He loved your aroma. He loved the sight of your beautiful pussy.
"Mmm, so sticky for me. I gotta make you squirt now, huh? You want that?"
He didn't wait for your response as he ran his tongue against your folds. The tip of his tongue made contact with your clit for a brief moment and you shuttered. Dammit! He was already getting the best of you.
"So sensitive." He pointed out. "Look at me baby. I want you to watch me please you."
"Stop." You spoke with no conviction whatsoever. You liked when he mentioned everything in the moment, but it still made your cheeks feel so warm.
He'd do it again- flick at your clit with his tongue. His fingers delicately pulled open your lips so that your clit was nice and isolated. So perfect for him to attack.
You whimpered silently with your teeth biting down on your index finger. You knew you'd have to be quiet in here, and you were doing your best. Higuruma wanted you to be quiet as well, but the sadistic part of him wanted you to slip up so bad.
Finally his tongue traveled downward to your cute little inviting hole. He didn't hesitate to slip his tongue in. It was your favorite when he fucked you like this as his gorgeous nose rubbed against your clit.
"Fuck!" You whispered loudly. Your free hand reached for his hair, grabbing a fistful.
"You taste so good." He spoke muffled, "Look at me baby. Look at what you do to me." His hands gripped your thighs, pulling you in closer.
If you were any place else you'd be moaning so loud, but not here. Didn't mean you wouldn't slip one out. As his tongue moved in and out of you, you could feel his eyes burning a hole into you. He wanted you to look at him so bad, but you wouldn't do it. You couldn't give him that.
"Mm mmm." You shook your head. "I won't." You moaned softly.
He wouldn't be taking no for an answer again. You were going to obey him one way or another.
He grabbed your leg and moved it over his head so that your legs were together now. Forcing you on your side, he'd draw a long wet stripe with his tongue from your pussy to your asshole.
"Hiromi! Oh my God!" You fucked up. Not only did you break the silence in a major way, you called him by his first name, and you looked into his eyes… he won.
He'd repeat his actions, but his tongue would remain around your tight hole. You were not prepared for this at all! He'd never done it before, and unfortunately like with everything else he did to you it felt so fucking good.
"Be a good girl and stay quiet okay?" He was patronizing you now.
His tongue circled around your sweet little hole before attempting to force entry. There was no way he was really trying to penetrate your asshole with his tongue was there?!
"Dammit Hiro." You whimpered even more- gently stroking the hairs at the nape of his neck as you kept him close to you.
"Yeah baby? Talk to me. You like my tongue in your ass?" He grinned so sinisterly as he knew what he was doing. He knew that dirty talk would only fluster you more.
"Yeah, I like it." You now caressed his face as you looked at him.
"Like what? Use your words."
You knew he was going to drag this shit out! Why did you ever have to look at him and give him that satisfaction?!
"I like…" You hesitated and bit your bottom lip. Why was he making you say such lewd things? "I like your tongue in my ass."
"I know you do. Are you ready to cum? Let's get you there, okay?" He spoke before penetrating deeper inside of you.
His middle and ring finger slipped right into your pussy. They forced in and out at a blistering pace. His thumb now drew circles into your clit. He was pleasing you in three different ways and it was practically impossible to be quiet at this point.
"Hiro! Ah!" You moaned so loudly someone in the office definitely heard that shit. You placed a hand over your mouth before you yelled out again more muffled this time. "I'm gonna cum! Fuck!"
Your back arched, and he'd not let up on the speed he pleased you at. You were at his mercy and you both knew this.
Your stomach tightened, and you could feel it all getting ready to come to a head. Within a few more seconds you felt yourself becoming high. Your orgasm hit, and your pussy overwhelmed Hiromi with that squirt he loved so much. Your walls tightened, and you felt this fluttering sensation.
His mouth was wide open ready to drink you up. The liquid gushed into his mouth and he'd drink up as much as he could. Of course with how hard you came it was impossible to get all of it.
The man spread your legs once again and lapped up your juices. You were so delicious to him. There was a bit of a mess now but he didn't mind.
He'd sip the bit of your squirt that spilled on the desk before standing up to look at you. He didn't want to miss a single drop. Just nasty for no reason.
"Let me taste." You looked at him with those sickening eyes. 
He'd lean over and press his lips to yours hard. Your essence was all over him. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in close. He was so obsessed with you. Moments like these were why he had to fight for you. You couldn’t do any time. He wouldn’t be able to live without you.
His tongue was so deep in your mouth, and you enjoyed tasting yourself on him. He on the other hand enjoyed that cherry flavored lollipop on your tongue. By proxy as he’d say.
“Fuck- I need you baby.” He growled. 
He’d withdraw his lips from yours and trace them across your jaw and down your neck. Down your collarbone and to your thinly covered tits. His teeth bit your clothed nipple before moving to your underboob. He’d suck the uncovered skin, wanting so badly to mark you.
The red lipstick you put on him was placed right back onto you as he kissed and sucked your skin.
He knew you took your clothes off for a living. Being an erotic dancer, it was not okay for you to have any hickies or bite marks on you, yet here he was wanting to get you in trouble. Well if he was gonna mark you, then you would mark him too!
“Come here!” You grabbed the man by the collar and pulled him up.
You’d plant a kiss on his lips once more before moving to his neck and going in for a deep bite. 
“Shit baby. Yeah, I like that.” He grabbed the back of your head, pulling you closer.
Yeah, name two hornier people at six in the morning. Impossible.
His hands reached for pants as he went to unbutton them. He’d unzip and pull them down until his cock sprang right out.
You kind of loved it. It was so nice looking with its rosy head and thick girth. The man stayed relatively trimmed for the most part. Pained you to say, but you were sure that his cock was made just for you, because the way it felt was like he was sculpted to touch your inner walls in just the right way.
“It’s your turn now, hm?” You looked into his eyes once again and you felt yourself being trapped. It was like once you did that you were forced to listen to his every command.
You grabbed his cock, taking pleasure in the feeling of the thick veins that decorated his pretty length. From the precum leaking out of his tip you could tell that he was on the verge of cumming soon.
Just as you began to scoot off the desk so you could suck him off, he’d stop you. You had to wonder why. Did he not want head? You always sucked the absolute remnants of his soul away when you did, so why didn’t he want it?
“No.” He held your chin in his hand as he forced you to look at him. “If you put it in your mouth I’m gonna cum immediately.”
“That’s kinda the goal.” You frowned.
“I want it in your pussy. I want you to take all of my cum in your pussy. Only for now, okay?”
He was always so embarrassed about how fast you made him cum when you touched him sometimes. He knew the second your lips touched his dick he would explode on you, and while it wouldn't take much to get him back up, time was of the essence here. You had a case to discuss.
He delicately pushed you down to lay flat against his desk. Higuruma grabbed both of your legs and placed one on each shoulder. He couldn’t wait to be inside of you. 
Pumping himself just a couple of times, he’d press the head of his cock past your folds and into your entrance. 
“Yes sir.” You moaned, teeth biting at your bottom lip. “Mmm,  your cock feels so good.”
His hand pulled your thin top up over your left breast and pawed at your soft flesh. His thumb rubbed against your nipple. 
Your eyes began to roll back as all you could hear were the lewd sounds of your skin slapping together. The wetness of your pussy only amplifying the sound.
His dick was slightly curved upwards and it made hitting you g-spot no problem at all. Seemed no matter how many times he fucked you, you were going to remain nice and tight just for him.
"Fuuuck- mmm I love how your pussy grips me so tight. Keep pulling me in baby. Yes." 
His bodyweight pressed down on you so he could get even closer. Yes! Deeper! His lips reconnected with yours and you pulled him by the back of his neck once again.
"Yes sir." You moaned into his mouth still trying to be relatively quiet.
Higuruma pulled away just a little so he could look in your eyes and speaking in between his thrusts, "When this case is over I want you to retire. You come live with me. I'm gonna take care of us."
Your pupils dilated upon hearing the words. Due to the career path you chose there weren't many people who saw you as wife material . But five months of litigation can do things to a guy.
Trial was on the horizon, and you both knew that. During this process Hiromi got to know you from the inside out, and somewhere along the way he liked what he saw. Loved what he saw, rather.
His hand that wasn't occupying your breast reached between you so he could draw circles into your clitoris. Your walls were closing in on him. Your stomach tightened. It wasn't just the way he fucked you. It was his words that would draw out your next high.
He wanted to be more than your lawyer. More than an inappropriate relationship. He wanted a life with you, and you could see that too. 
"Hiromi." You whispered on his lips.
"You ready baby?" He'd kiss you again.
"Give me everything." You nodded on the verge of tears. How dare he say these sweet things to you?!
"Look at me." He demanded as you attempted to look away. His hand grabbing your jaw and fixing you on him. "Cum for me baby. Just one more time."
Honestly he was racing against his own orgasm. He couldn't be too sure that you'd come before he did. One thing about Hiromi though, if that did ever happen, you would still get it out. He could never live with himself knowing that he was the only one who came.
Your mouth opened, but no words came out. You could feel yourself squirting all over the man once again. It was a good thing he moved his papers to the side before all of this. Before Hiromi, you never even knew that you could squirt, but he made you do a lot of things you didn't think were possible.
"Yeah, cum all over me baby." He'd kiss you once more, "Squeeze me just like that."
You looked deep into his eyes as you felt his warm seed spurt into you. It was so much. Ropes of cum that seemed almost endless as it filled you up. You could feel it leaking out of you already, and you knew it would be a big mess once he pulled out.
"Dammit." He sighed, "I wanna go again, but we have to get down to the case. I won't lose you over something stupid."
You nodded, lowering your legs from his shoulders and wrapping your arms around him
He'd pull out of you, and before too much of his seed could spill out, he'd move your swimsuit bottoms back over your well served cunt.
"Keep that there, alright baby?" He smiled before kissing you.
"You're playing with fire Hiro. I told you I'm not on the pill."
"I know what you told me." He pulled you right-side up as he lifted as well. "Maybe I just want you all to myself."
"Forcing me into retirement by pregnancy?" You rose an eyebrow, "Bold of you."
You'd move out of his grasp and smooth your skirt down so it was flat again and barely covering you once more. As you stood your legs felt wobbly, and you could feel a thin line of cum running down your leg.
As runny as it was you didn't know if it was yours or his. His cum was usually so thick. Perhaps it was a mixture. Either way you'd walk back around his desk so you could grab some wipes from your purse. Both makeup and baby wipes were needed in this case.
You bent down to grab your purse, and as you did you felt a hand on your thigh. Looking back you saw Higuruma on one knee. He'd lean into the back of your right thigh and trace the cum all the way up with his tongue. This was one of the nastiest men you ever met. Or perhaps he was just nasty for you.
His tongue stopped once he reached your clothed pussy where he'd give it a kiss. You felt his nose pressed against your ass and it gave you butterflies. You really didn't utilize that pretty nose enough.
You pulled a makeup wipe from its casing and tossed it playfully onto the man's face, "Clean yourself up, whore. We have business." You giggled.
He pulled the wipe from his face and stood up once again. He'd give you a kiss before wiping all your red lipstick off of himself.
"Alright, let's be serious now. The Saito's have a new witness, and here's why that doesn't matter. Listen carefully, okay?"
Just like that he was back in lawyer mode. You had to wonder what your life would be like if you never met him. 
Would you survive this case? Were the Saito's really paying people off? How much time were you facing? Now was the time to strap in. You had a case to win!
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Ka/taang: friends-to-lovers or the Friend Zone?
It’s almost axiomatic, in any ATLA shipping discussion, that Ka/taang is the friends-to-lovers ship while Zutara is the enemies-to-lovers ship, and that differences in shipping tastes can be boiled down to whether you prefer FTL or ETL.
My first ship was Percabeth. My biggest ship was Klaine. It took me until Mockingjay to let go of my Gale-and-Katniss-are-childhood-friends rose-tinted goggles and start liking Everlark. I started dabbling in ETL because of Zutara, but I’m incredibly picky about it (do not ask me how many Dramione fanfics made me irrationally, disproportionately mad).
All this to say: as a longtime friends-to-lovers enthusiast, I should theoretically love Ka/taang. But…
My difficulty with Ka/taang as a friends-to-lovers ship boils down to this: Aang and Katara’s friendship was always narratively framed as insufficient, because Aang liked her from the start and always wanted a romantic relationship. And imo that dynamic really colours their entire friendship.
I like to think Aang would’ve been a ride-or-die friend — the type to give up the Avatar State to rescue her, the type to commit ecoterrorism and help her get arrested, the type to make her a flower necklace to cheer her up — even if he didn’t have a crush on her, but I will never know that. We never got to see the pure friendship part of friends-to-lovers, because the spectre of the romantic relationship was always there. Before the last five minutes of the show, Katara’s feelings for Aang range from “plausibly interested” (The Headband, Cave of Two Lovers) to “doesn’t hate it” (Day of the Black Sun, The Fortuneteller) to “no” (Ember Island Players). Yet Katara’s eventual capitulation to reciprocation of Aang’s feelings was always depicted as inevitable, starting from s1 when the prisoners during Avatar Day reassured him that she’d “come around” because he’s a catch. It’s as if friendship, even one full of devotion and mutual love like the one they share, is not enough.
And that’s just totally antithetical to what I love about a friends-to-lovers dynamic. I love romances where characters value each other outside of attraction, when they see each other for who they are (this goes double for pretty characters like Katara, whose complexity and imperfections are just as important as her beauty and her care for others). I love the idiots in love sub-trope, where they’re obviously into each other, yet do a bunch of mental gymnastics to remain in comfortable denial (we got a little bit of this earlier in the series, but by s3 we were firmly in Aang-pines-and-Katara-deflects territory). In every friends-to-lovers story I’m simply obsessed with the confess-and-kiss scene, but the version we got in ATLA was ruined by the lack of reciprocation, twice.
Over time, because Aang was written as so insistent about his affections, Ka/taang went from a friends-to-lovers story to a Nice Guy Friend Zone “why doesn’t she like me” story. I mentioned Everlark earlier: I got the same ick for Gale in Mockingjay as I did for Aang in s3, where the woman is not interested yet he still badgers her about it. (And considering Gale is canonically hot, I don’t think the relative attractiveness of Aang is the issue here). But Gale’s insistence was presented as his problem, his lack of empathy, his self-righteousness; Aang’s insistence was just a part of his quest to get the girl.
A lot of people say Zutara is a female fantasy, whether they mean it in a positive or pejorative way. Nobody says the same about Ka/taang, even though women definitely have friends-to-lovers fantasies too. A good friends-to-lovers story reminds me of all the times when I was an idiot before getting together with a friend I was actually head-over-heels for. Ka/taang reminds me of all the times when I was not interested in a friend and they didn’t respect my preference. Friends-to-lovers is a delicate balance, maintained only by unerring mutual respect and unconditional care for each other, and it can veer into Nice Guyism if the writers aren’t thoughtful about why this dynamic is so appealing. Which is exactly what happened with Ka/taang.
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hysteria-things · 1 day
✿ SIX ✿
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: chris x fem!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you and chris hang out after what feels like forever, and he finds something personal of yours under the bed. because he’s nosy, he can’t help but open it.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: swearing, that should be it :)
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2,034
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: changing up some things…
(dividers by @strangergraphics)
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CHRIS SHAKES HIS HEAD IN disbelief, the nostalgia hitting him like a truck. nothing and he means nothing has changed about your house from when you guys were little. hell, there still was the wall by the doorway where it had your heights written in pencil. it faded throughout the years, but it’s still visible. his heart hurts when he realizes it stops at age ten.
the both of you talked as if you guys didn’t stop talking at all. “let’s chill out in my room.” you say, grabbing his hand and guiding him up the stairs.
although he was in here the other day, he didn’t get to really look around until now. your room captures you perfectly. you sigh, sitting down on the mattress that is filled with stuffed animals. you pat the spot next to you for him to take, and he does. “sorry if it’s messy.” you bite the inside of your mouth before speaking again. “now what? i was never a good host.”
“whatever you want to do.”
groaning, you get up and wipe your palms on your pants. “what i want to do is go pee. i’ll be right back.”
walking out of the room, you leave chris there alone. he rose himself off the bed and slowly walked around. he laughs to himself. he realized you became more comfortable with him again in the short hours you’ve been together, despite recent events. next to the closet door, there’s a bookshelf with a ton of books on it. the same bookshelf that was filled with dr. suess and harry potter. now, it’s filled with… interesting.
he leans down, reading the spines with furrowed brows. twisted games? the nanny? icebreaker?
stay curious for this one, chris.
next to the flatscreen TV on the wall, you have a lot of other stuff hanging up, one being your varsity award for volleyball. two pictures however stood out to him — besides the dinosaur with sunglasses painting you also have hung up. one of them is a polaroid of you and nate, recently took at the local fair. chris makes a face at that.
the other photo is of these two kids, roughly the age of seven. they look like twins; boy and girl. the rest of your family doesn’t live here, hence all of the pictures of them. because chris does nightly facebook searches to keep up, he noticed these are your cousin’s twins.
smiling softly, he thinks about how much you love your family. you’ve always been a family person, even if they aren’t here. he understands what that’s like. being in L.A. while everybody else is in boston sucks, but luckily they got a few months to be back home.
as he turns around to sit back down on the bed, he sees a notebook sticking out from under it. he doesn’t want to look through your belongings, but curiosity got the best of him. he bends over to pick it up and open it while lowering himself to sit down.
there is a note on the inside of the cover.
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he skims through the pages to see how much you wrote and it is a good amount. he stops when the handwriting suddenly changes, meaning that you stopped writing for a while. the other entries had smudges on them except for the ones he landed on. this one must be new.
so, he started to read.
dear journal,
i’m sorry i ditched you for about a year and a half. i don't have an explanation for it, but lately, i’ve been itching to write. i remembered i had this journal - thanks to my cousin bethany for getting you for me for my 9th birthday. i know you’re an inanimate object, but i forgot how relaxing it is to write down my thoughts for nobody except myself.
i can’t help but cringe at what i wrote in the past, and i sincerely apologize.
“i can’t wait to marry kevin one day!”
“omg, he talked to me today!”
“i think we’re going to be together forever!”
i’m gagging just rethinking that moment. come on now.
anyway, life has been crazy lately. shoutout to the sturniolos for ditching me and acting like we didn’t grow up together! appreciate you guys for real. i’m exhausted.
the thing is, i always had trouble sleeping. i know i just said i’m exhausted, but it’s 3 AM and suddenly it feels like i’m wide awake. i just know i’m going to be grumpy for the next few days. a lot has happened ever since they left. i’ve changed, and i hate/love it at the same time.
i’ve been going out more, doing shit i shouldn’t. (don’t tell my parents…) something also happened a while ago that’s still a blur. i can’t put my finger on it. all i remember is that the police came to my door and asked me a ton of questions about somebody.
anyway, life has been happening too fast. i would appreciate it if it slows down a tad. on the upside, my mom said the rest of the family is coming here soon. i don’t know when, but soon. bethany would for sure be happy to hear i’ve started writing here again.
my thoughts are draining the second i write things on this paper, so i’m going to try and get sleep. i’ll update you whenever i can.
- y/n
⋆⁺₊⋆ ✿ ⋆⁺₊⋆
dear journal,
me again: at approximately 4 AM. today has been something else, let me tell you. my mom came up to me yesterday and told me some unfortunate news. can you guess who’s back in town? if you guessed my lovely besties, you’re correct! and do you know whose birthday it is, meaning i have to go to the party? you’ve guessed it! my BFFs!
doesn’t help that i’m on my period right now. i can’t do this shit.
either way, i had to be there for nate. he’s the one that stuck around. marylou will forever be the original best friend in my opinion. she stuck around, too. it’s her children i got a bone to pick with. (except justin. he’s cool.)
seeing them in person for the first time in so long had me tweaking. i admit that i was a bitch to them at the party, and not to be a bitch now, but they deserved it. however, when i saw chris, my first thought was about how he’s such a cutie still. i hate my mind for that.
i tried to ignore them for the rest of the party, and it was semi-successful.
- y/n
⋆⁺₊⋆ ✿ ⋆⁺₊⋆
dear journal,
you will not believe this. nick messaged me on instagram saying how sorry they were and asked to meet up at my house. for whatever reason, i said yes and they came over. we sort of cleared everything. key word, sort of.
they said they wanted me back in their life and apologized for what they did. i still need to give it time, but we do want to start hanging out again soon. i missed those dorks.
that’s until chris stopped me and asked for the note he wrote to me when we were little. the note he promised me to keep, and i obviously did. i’ll tape it here.
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this little piece of paper is my favorite thing anybody ever gave to me.
- y/n
⋆⁺₊⋆ ✿ ⋆⁺₊⋆
dear journal,
sorry, i left you hanging for a few days, a lot happened in such a short amount of time.
long story short, jaiden and claudia invited me to a party. chris texted me while i was there. he seemed a bit weirded out about why i was at finn yaw’s party, but i hope he knows i wasn’t there for any specific reason. i do appreciate that he cares about my well-being, even after the downfall.
i got home not long ago and he’s texting me as i’m writing this. he just asked me to hang out tomorrow which shocked me a little, but i said yes.
not going to lie, i’m excited to hang out with chris, even though i have no idea what we’re doing. hopefully, it goes well.
- y/n
chris snaps out of it as he hears you walking back into your room, making him shove the book back under the bed. he feels kind of honored to be a part of your little notebook. “sorry, that took longer than i wanted. i had to deal with something.” you say, sitting down on the bed with a sigh. you furrow your eyebrows at him. “why are you smiling like that?”
“smiling like what?”
“like… that,” you say, circling your finger that was pointing at his face.
“no reason.” he shrugs “anyway, what’s next on the y/n agenda?”
you look around the room while biting the inside of her cheek. “are you hungry? my dad made ribs last night and it’s to die for.”
jumping up from the bed, you motion him to follow you. you walk into the kitchen, flicking on the four light switches that are on the wall. you waltz over to the fridge and open it, going on your tippy toes to grab the container on the top shelf. “how many do you want?” you ask, going on your tippy toes once again to grab paper plates in the upper cabinet.
“three is fine. do you need help?”
you shake your head. “no, i got it.”
chris stands by the island that separates the kitchen from the dining room. he leans against it, watching you plop three ribs onto his plate and only one on yours. you take his plate in your hands and reach up to the microwave. you stick your tongue out and groan. you’re struggling because of how short you are since the microwave is on the wall above the oven.
“i got it.” he chuckles, grabbing the plate from your hand and sticking it in the microwave. his hand grazes the side of your arm as he puts in two minutes and presses start. you cross your arms without looking at him. “i could’ve gotten it.”
“yeah, right.”
sitting there for two minutes feels like ten before the microwave finally goes off. you start running to the microwave but he stops you. “i don’t want you to hurt yourself by reaching for it. i got it.”
he takes the plate out and feels a rib with his finger. he nods. “it’s good.”
“okay.” you say with a low tone. he looks towards you to see you staring at your rib that still lies cold on the plate. “what’s wrong?”
“i don’t think i want this anymore.” you quickly open the container, plop it back in, and stick it back in the fridge.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ✿ ⋆⁺₊⋆
AFTER HOURS OF TALKING AND sitting in your room, matt had to come pick his brother up. you and chris are currently standing on the front porch, having one last word with each other. matt is waiting in the van at the end of the stairs.
“it was nice hanging out with you again,” you say shyly. “we should get everybody back together soon.”
“i agree.” he smiles “i’m sure i’ll text you later.”
getting closer to him, you pull him into a hug. it was abrupt, but he hugged you back of course.
then, the horn of the van beeps causing you to jump and pull away. “can you hurry the fuck up? nick is waiting for us at home and is obnoxiously annoying. mom also made dinner.” matt screams from the window.
“i’ll see you around,” chris says, jogging down the stairs. he gets in the passenger seat and grabs the seat belt to strap himself in. matt waves to you, which you graciously return.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ✿ ⋆⁺₊⋆
IT DIDN’T TAKE LONG FOR them to get home. they live close to your house, and the duration is no longer than five minutes. he takes off his shoes at the door as his phone vibrates from getting a text.
thanks for today
i had fun :)
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss @sturnifyed @raysmayhem-72 @ripmattitude @p1xieswrld @alorsxsturn @txssvx @sttzee @multiluvr @delilahprentiss @matthewsspecial @sturnolio-luvs @sturniolho @suga-daddy-69 @tworosesblackthorn @luckistar-posts @gnxosblog @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloslurps @tylerthecreatorsrealwife @flowerxbunnie @imaslut4kehlani @sturniolosandmoree @hertvgirl @whoreforchrissturniolo @hearrtsturns @stars4matt @freshsturns @loverrsposts @sturnlcvr @elliesturniolo1 @tpvmz @user283926392 @lalalands86 @sukiipjs @sturniologirl813 @leahrab @chrissturniolosslut @h3arts4harry @sturnioloblogs @creamoncreamoncream2 @ivyyyyyysposts @mirxcle1 @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 @catalina-island @mbsbaby @mattsdollie @pinkfarts @slut4mattsturn @thesturniolos @vickeyzloserz @nononopenono1 @bitchydragonparadise @gdsvhtwa @hrt-attack @bellasfavbisexual @dwntwn-strnlo @venusbabysblog @meerkatzthings @crazychrisl0v3r @maggieflms @strtuniolo @mutualsafe @riasturns @sturniolowhore @antpile00 @ashley9282828 @stingerayyy2 @sturnsjtop @luverboychris @yapperchris @imaslutforoldermen @madisonlovesyouu @poetatorturadaa @chr1sgirl4life @hiimolivia @jo-777 @sturnskiss @st4rgrlll @mattyblover07 @sm-ec @mattluvsmarni @knowingnothingnoel @mattsgirlfrieeend @bambi-slxt @sturnstvr @sturnclouds @bernardsbendystraws
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readychilledwine · 15 hours
Headcanons on taking each High Lord in their beast form?
I'm sweating.
✨️High Lord Monsterfucking Headcanons✨️
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Warnings- monsterfucking, beast forms, primal instincts, breeding references, mentions of knotting, implied size kink just on subject matter alone, primal play, biting scratching, marking, mating marks, picture references from Bad Dragon, unrealistic smut, dr. jekyll and mr. hyde type situations
A/n - This one might get me in trouble. A lot of thought went into this. We're going with a partial shift situation. Ignore the colors of things. Think of them as whatever color you want then to be.
Please remember, not all kinks are for everyone. If this one isn't yours, there is plenty of smut on my masterlist 💕
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I firmly believe Rhysand would have a primal play kink regardless of if he's in his beastform, but mentally prepare yourself for bruises, scratching, and biting
Rhysand is typically a gentle but passionate lover, his beast is not. His beast has one goal: breed.
You aren't going to walk for a while. That's the reality. Sorry.
When picking for Rhysand, I was kind of drawn to the idea that he wouldn't have an overly scary monster cock, but it's very thick and heavy
It's going to touch places science doesn't have a name for yet. Once you relax, it's nothing but pleasure
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I decided with all the animals Tamlin's shifted form looks like, he gets to have a horse like cock
I feel like sex in his beastform is something Tamlin is fan of.
Or at least, he'll shift part of himself to his beast form.
The interesting thing with Tamlin is he can shift his cock to whatever you'd desire. Fire drake, tentacle, normal but enhanced girth. Whatever you need to feel good, Tamlin will provide
He'd be down to shift his cock to every fantasy or based on your mood as well
What I'm getting at is sex with Tamlin is rarely not in some form of a beast form.
I am a firm believer in the form we've been told about not being Tam's true beastform, though.
I imagine sex with him in that form is delightfully dangerous for those of you who want to live on the edge.
Neck held between his teeth, plants holding you exactly where his beast wants you. I don't see Tamlin's beast being gentle in any way, shape, or form.
I firmly believe Tamlin isn't really all that into the idea of kids at the moment, and I think due to how often Tamlin shifts, he has control over that side of him and it's aware. So. No breeding kink here.
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I almost went with Tarquin's beast form being a kraken. I landed on a leviathan instead. This was a missed tentacle opportunity. Sorry.
I couldn't help but to think "coral" with the texture of this, and that made me go "Tarquin"
I imagine Tarquin as a gentle and giving lover, regardless of form.
You'll still get primal play, but imagine deep growls of satisfaction versus dominance.
Tarquin is going to leave you covered in love marks and reminders when he is in this form.
Tarquin is all about breeding. His beast is going to pump you full and keep you full until it decides otherwise
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Yea, I gave him a slightly scary one.
It's because I feel like Helion would find the idea of knotting delicious, but more easing into it instead hurting you.
Helion in his fae form is adventurous, but I think his beast is more straight to it. Hard, rough, and demanding.
The male knocked up Lady Autumn on accident. You'll be on purpose. He's knotting you and forcing you to lay there, exhausted, overstimulated, and whimpering until his knot deflates.
He will shift back after that and give you the best aftercare.
Helion has bit your neck and forever marked you as his. When his beast sees that mark, it's almost as if he purrs while he's affectionately licking what is his
I feel like Beron in his fae and beast form is a flip of a coin. If you're obedient and submissive, he's a generous lover. If you're not, well, expect to just be his playtoy.
Which, don't get me wrong, if you're into used and abused, let me introduce you to the High Lord of Autumn
Beron's beast form is straight up feral. Snarling, growling, biting, scratching. I'd recommend visiting a healer for a good healing Potion.
Beron clearly has a breeding kink. His beast form is no exception.
You need to be prepared to spend hours cockwarming his beast because he's not going to let you move for a while. That seed is too precious to waste.
His beast form cock is intimidating. Mainly due to the head.
Lots of prep going into him taking you like this. He may be cruel, but he has no interest in damaging his favorite part of you.
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I'll be honest, I don't see Thesan as the type to enjoy monsterfucking.
I see Thesan as a sweet bottom starfish who just wants to relax and have someone else do the work.
You can ride, maybe? How ambitious are you? Very? That's good. This dick tapers
You think it will be easy the first time since the tip and top of his shaft are slimmer. Hit the middle and get back to me
I loved the idea of his cock having bumps along the sides. Extra stimulation for you, and in my mind, extra sensitive for him.
I don't even really see Thesan as a power bottom. People normally like the opposite roles they present to the public during sex. I feel Thesan, even in his beast form, feels that way as well.
He's more than happy to lie back, watching you please yourself using him, watching you take things your pace.
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Don't sleep on this male. I keep tell you all.
Knotting. Knotting. Knitting.
All the time. Expect it when you are enjoying his beast.
He got Viv pregnant fast for a reason, so I hope you like Littles.
I wanted something smooth for Kal with the logic that their beast forms are supposed to be the physical representations of their powers. Smooth and cool like ice is what I was picturing, and this fit the bill
Still slightly ridged for your pleasure, but mostly a smooth ride to absolute bliss.
I imagine Kal can play with his body temperature. Making this colder at will for some interesting temperature play
I do see him as valuing intimacy and romance more than pleasure. With who he is at his core, I imagine his beast is about foreplay and aftercare.
There's a misconception that gentle sex is boring (thanks porn) and Kal is proof that is wrong. Very very wrong.
Yes, he will growl, bite you if asked, and run his claws down your back, but those harsher touches are followed by his snoot buried in your neck and hair, his tongue flicking a sensitive area of your choice, and purring. Comforting purring.
Kal's slow when he has you take his knot. He works it in inch by tantalizing inch until you are drooling below him.
That's his favorite sight in the world. You in a state of total Euphoria.
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Tag List not attached to respect that this isn't everyone's cup of tea 💕
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