#really what I’m saying is if you want a relationship with him you have to watch the little prince (1974)
elizzsush · 2 days
Merfolk Courting Rituals | TWST
Octavinelle Dorm X Reader
Azul X Reader, Jade X Reader, Floyd X Reader,
---- Merfolk typically have instinctual ways they begin 'courting' or a relationship, in the deep sea you need to be sure of your partner after all. (Non-Human courting rituals part 2/3)
Savanaclaw Ver. | Diasomnia Ver.
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It was spring when it happened. Almost summer. The days we’re warming up and everyone was suffering a bit for it.
Usually, you would be able to go about your business alone, or perhaps with the company of Grim if he felt like it. Today however, a certain eel was towering over your shoulder. “Shrimpy~” he’d giggle, a shiver was sent down your spin at his voice.
You slowly turned around. “A-ah? Hey Floyd…” you smiled warily. You usually, like most people in school, avoided the eel like the plague. He flashed his sharp teeth at you and extended his hand, the other one in his pocket in a more relaxed manner then your posture.
“A tooth…?” You squinted at the item, it was pointy: like his own teeth.
Realistically, you didn’t really wanna hold this. Not that you’d tell him that. You glanced up at him again and saw those same teeth, not a single one out of place. “Do ya like it?~”
He leaned closer to your face, his eyes widened ever so slightly in a more intimidating manner. Clearly his lack of personal space had never changed. “Um… yes! I do…?!” You were quick to awnser back.
Pleased with himself, he giggled loudly and walked away.
What was that about?
After that he’d keep approaching you with odd gifts… at one point he presented you with the largest pearl you’ve ever laid your eyes on and then the next day he gifted you with a handful of beautiful scales.
You dreaded to think about the poor mer behind that gift…
Either way, this was suspicious, right? When Floyd leech approached you, you either run away or get squeezed, why were you getting gifts? It also didn’t help your relationship with the Housewarden of Heartslabyul, who now avoids you like the plague.
Seriously, when you walk into a room Riddle happened to be in, he jumps up and leaves immediate- sometimes even running away like you were his tormentor instead of Floyd!
You’d also noticed that Floyd would yawn more around you… You didn’t think you were boring either because he wouldn’t be around you if you were boring to begin with! “Are you getting enough sleep?”
“Eh? Shrimpy doesn’t like me?” Floyd pouted, You noticed him glance at your mouth breifly. “Shrimpy~ that’s rude.” He’d whine louder, a darker look in his eyes than usual. You had no clue if you had offended him or not that time…
Another time was this happened. It actually happened far more often than you would think or enjoy.
“Shrimpy~” he’d say repeatedly to annoy you while you walked around school. Like when a sibling kept poking at you and claiming they weren’t touching you, but he had his hands behind his head as he followed behind you a bored expression on his face. He had been hanging around you more.
Sadly that meant your friends were less likely to approach you. And if they did it was because they neglected to see the towering eel boy.
“My, My, Floyd had taken quite a liking to you.” Jade stated offhandedly one day. You were at the Mostro Lounge (Azul was tired of Floyd skipping work and offered you free meals to hang out so Floyd would get back to work.)
You glanced at the Eel with a confused look. “What do you mean?” He simply looked down at the small necklace you had made with Floyd’s… gifts of a tooth and scales. I’m your defense they made very nice jewelry. Was it a bit messed up to be wearing some students scale and possibly their tooth? Perhaps… but you were poor and wanted something nice to wear.
With the same odd mysterious smile, Jade was off to serve the next costumer.
So you took it upon yourself to figure out what that meant!
First you went asking around Octavinelle. This was a bad idea because most students avoid you like you were Floyd.
Thankfully you managed to corner one, A trembling student you was glancing behind and around you the whole while you talked to him. "So?" You finally asked, a hand on your hip.
"Uh... What? C-could you repeat the question...?" He finally looked to you.
"Whats up with Floyd!" You finally snapped a bit, with a groan and a small eyeroll you glared at the smallfry.
"A-aren't you his...?"
"What on earth does that mean..." You groaned in annoyance too yourself. You were still, very, extremely lost.
Whatever do you mean? You started courting him first if he wasn’t mistaken.
It was a Monday afternoon during autumn you believed, when he was serving you in the Mostro Lounge while you were studying. (They had a exclusive deal that lasted only that day) It was pretty late and so, you, like a very normal human, yawned. “My, If I’m not mistaken this is hardly that time of year.” He replied slyly as he gave you your half off drink.
You just glanced at him in confusion as he bowed and excused himself, ever the polite waiter.
That was… odd.
What was stranger was, now Jade has this habit of gifting you things he found on his hikes. It started with a flower to then a mushroom and for some reason he had gifted you a rock? He said he found it “fascinating” So he gifted it to you.
You didn’t really know either…
This whole issue began to intimidate you. I mean, Jade leech, gifting you things? There had to be some kind of motive behind it! There is always a motive behind the Octa-trios advances.
So, not wanting to owe him anything, you began gifting him things in return. “I found this at the store and thought you might like it.” You’d smile warily and a bit nervously as you extended a hand, in it a Dorsel Fin candy.
He’d smile and accept your gift, you’d breath a sigh of relief and go about your day as usual. At least now you didn’t owe him anything!
Now it became a habit, or a fun little game! Whenever Jade would gift you something, you’d look for something of equal value or better! Something he’d like. You’d attempt to one up him, but it was as if he knew about your game somehow and wasn’t letting you win.
Eventually it started to become something else, he was just... always there now? You'd turn around and almost scream! Because: was he there the whole time?
The worst part? He helped you so much more than half the time you turned around, and he wasn't there, you wished he was. He was making your life harder by not being there!
Here is the thing, you can't just get someone use to having a nice, helpful helping hand who is also attractive and then just take that away! Its inhumane.
You gifted him a terrarium you made yourself.
You didn't know why you did it. Maybe you liked his company and wanted to show your appreciation, maybe it was just because you were fond of him.
It was pretty out of the blue as well. You had been working on it for a week now, it wasn't anything remotely at Jade's own level but it was nice. (It better have been because that hike to gather everything almost killed you.)
Was it worth it? Yes. Seeing his eyes widen slightly before he regained his composure was absolutely worth it. He almost had to cough into his hand in Suprise.
Jade wasn't the most expressive, but you had a few ideas of what his Suprise would be look like. "Do you like it?"
"I do perfect. Thank you."
Note: Jade will never confess. It'll be one of those relationships where you don't know how it started but now your married so... Have fun!
He was hopeless. Everybody knew this simple fact, except of course: you.
He was a businessman, not a... romance man!
From the way he'd tug at his tie like it was choking him when you were around, to how flushed he'd get when you even glanced in his direction. This guy was absolutely hopeless.
He actually turned... A very bright red was he turning purple as well? and immediately fixes his posture when you're in the room.
Thankfully, it takes two to tango and you were interested in him as well.
So, yeah, it was up to you to pursue the shady businessman who isn't very shady around you and instead acts like, in his own words, "an idiot."
So, no... he doesn't exactly court you. You court him.
You bring him cool things you find, blabber on about what you like and what you think he would like. He was... very confused and flustered, but happy you were there.
It was only after you took an active role in the relationship that he relaxed slightly and began to play along. Giving gifts back and ranting about the business and some poor unfortunate soul he scammed helped.
As everything began to relax in your guy's relationship. It got too comfortable, well, comfortable wasn't the right word. He was comfortable, you were suffering.
Why wasn't he making a move?! Didn't he like you?
Meanwhile, he was feeling pretty good. Jade and Floyd had gotten to a place where they don't tease him as much about not being able to make a move with you. (He didn't you made all the moves.) And his crush was showering him with attention!
You'd glance at him nervously while you sat at Mostro Lounge. He was counting his contracts. His new ones he had started to reaccumulate.
You physically couldn't hold it back anymore. It had been a week. A whole week of nothing new happening between the two of you. The words fell from your lips fast, like rushing water you tried to hold back but couldn't. It would have always slipped through the cracks in your fingers anyway... So you asked him, the burning question. "I like you. Do you like me...?" You finally blurted out.
"What?" He froze up. His head whipping in your direction he didn't know what to do or say and- he was ruining this wasn't he?
Azul had always been an anxious boy, it helped him- Because despite those anxieties he'd show them. he'd overcome them! He always had. But what do you do exactly when the person your heart has been beating oddly for asked that?
"I- um..." was all you needed before you stood up and left. Trying to fight back the small burn that began in your eyes before you cried. "Wait!" He called out but you had been out the door far too soon to even remotely hear him.
It was... a whole thing. He hated it, you hated it, and despite him refusing to admit it, you both cried over it. You always did love the classic miscommunication trope. But it happened. And frankly, you' prefer it this way in the long run. Because when everything was cleared up...
You got to kiss the octopus boy!
A smile on your face when you pulled away, he stared at you slightly shocked but very happy.
In a side note, after you kissed him, he wondered around aimlessly for a good while before he broke out of whatever spell you put him under. (You're still the magicless perfect of ramshackle...)
Note: Floyd is my favorite. I hope you could tell lol Do I adore Azul? Yes! Was he the last one I wrote so it was kind of rushed and not very long? Also yes... I tried to make it a bit special-er?
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adrienneleclerc · 2 days
hiii! I was wondering if you could please do a fic where Charles is dating a tall reader kinda like Tom and Zendaya's relationship
Hi! So Tom and Zendaya have a two inch difference, I can definitely make Charles date like a 6’1 reader, I was debating whether or not to make her a model so she can take advantage of her height. So I made her model for the same agency as Kika and she met Charles through Kika.
Model Behavior
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Tall! Reader
Summary: Charles is obsessed with his girlfriend
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: i Don’t really follow “Tomdaya” like that But from what i see on TikTok, Tom is Zendaya’s biggest fan so let’s see how this turns out. Also sorry for the late response! I have not been sleeping well lately, let me tell you. Don’t know if this is what you wanted…
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Kika and Y/N were doing a photo shoot for the Miss Dior perfume, they were in hair and makeup.
“Oh just FYI, my boyfriend and his friends are coming on the shoot.” Kika said as the makeup artist was doing her eyebrows.
“Oh that’s cool, I finally get to meet your F1 boyfriend. Why are they coming over though?” Y/N asked.
“Pierre said that he doesn’t have a race this weekend so he is free for today and he invited Charles with him because they’re doing something later.” Kika responded after checking her texts.
“Cool, cool, how’s my blowout looking, Dana?” Y/N asked her hairstylist
“It’s looking good, mama.” Dana said.
“You sure?” Y/N asked. (Personally, as someone with 2C/3A curls, I get paranoid when it comes to blowouts. Not to mention pin straight hair, I think it looks awful on me)
“Yes I’m sure." Dana replied, putting rollers in Y/N's hair to have that voluminous 90s blowout look. Kika and Y/N were sipping their smoothies that they got earlier when Kika's eyes were covered.
"Guess who." The frenchman said. Kika took his hands off her eyes and turned her head.
"Pierre, querido, hi!" Kika got up from her chair to hug him. When he separated from him, she saw Charles. "Charles, can't believe you're here." She hugged him as well. "Oh, this is my friend and coworker, Y/N." Kika introduced Y/N to the F1 drivers and Y/N got up from her chair.
"It is nice to meet you guys." Y/N said, hugging the boys as well. Charles was in awe of Y/N, not because she was taller than him, but because she was so beautiful, so ethereal, basically a walking angel. He wouldn't be surprised if she was a Victoria's Secret Angel as well.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Pierre, this is my friend Charles." Pierre said, patting Charles on the back, he just waved.
“Oh Charles, congratulations on your home race win, that must have been exciting, right?” Y/N asked.
“You Watch Formula 1?” Charles asked, finally getting the nerve to speak.
“Oh yeah, big Ferrari fan too.” Y/N commented and Charles smiled.
“Hey, we should all go out to eat when the shoot is done.” Kika suggested, looking between charles and Y/N.
“Sounds great.” Charles said.
“But we’re supposed to…” Pierre was interrupted by Kika dragging him away. “What.”
“Querido, It’s obvious Charles likes Y/N and she likes him too, let’s just do a little double date and see if Charles asks her out himself.” Kika explained to her boyfriend.
“Okay fine, but you have to pay me back for paintball.” Pierre said and Kika rolled her eyes.
“Yeah i know, bebé.” Kika said and she walked back to Charles and Y/N, who were still talking to each other. Kika was going to say something when Dana came back.
“Y/N, time to take those rollers out. Kika, you’re needed on set.” Dana said, taking out Y/N’s rollers and brushing out the Dyson curls.
“Oh yeah, I’ll talk to you later.” Kika said to Y/N. They took some pictures with Kika, then pictures with Y/N, and then there were some, photos taken with Kika and Y/N together. The shoot took about 2 hours and Charles was just watching in awe, seeing how Y/N posed and how the photos turned out in the monitor, she truly was beautiful.
“That’s a wrap everyone! Kika, Y/N, good work girls, I’ll see you on the runway.” The guy in charge said. Kika and Y/N thanked the man and changed back to their usual clothes before leaving with Pierre and Charles.
The 4 of them went out to eat and they had a great time. At the end of the night, Charles managed to ask Y/N out on a proper date and she said yes. They have been dating for a few months and Charles couldn’t be a better boyfriend.
Charles took videos of Y/N walking the runway, behind the scenes photos of Y/N getting ready, posted them to his instagram grid and story. He is so proud of her, he was standing up whenever Y/N walked out, clapping, cheering, being Y/N’s biggest fan.
“You were spectacular out there, mon coeur.” Charles said, getting on his tiptoes to kiss her cheek. Y/N was wearing heels so now she was 5 inches taller than him.
“Thank you, baby.” Y/N said. When they were walking outside the venue, paparazzi started taking photos of them. They made it to his car and Y/N saw Charles’s instagram. “Aww, thank you, Charles, you’re the best.” Y/N kisses him before he started the car. They made it to Charles apartment and Y/N was getting ready for bed.
“You are so beautiful, Mon coeur.” Charles said, looking at Y/N removing her runway makeup.
“You don’t have to keep saying that, you know.” Y/N said.
“But it’s true. I am so lucky to have you, my whole following thinks so too.” Charles said before kissing her. “You coming to the Grand Prix next weekend?”
“Yep! I Don’t have any photo shoots to do that weekend so I’m going to support you and Carlos.” Y/N said.
“Perfect, I love you.” Charles said, kissing her again.
“I love you too, babe. Goodnight.” Y/N said, they got into bed and cuddled until they slept.
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Liked by francisca.cgomes and 1,378,993 others
charles_leclerc Milan Fashion Week (spring-summer 2025) with yourusername, she was amazing as always, so proud of my beautiful girlfriend, she’ll be on billboards in no time.
User27 I thought it was an Y/N fan account at first, but it was just Charles simping for his girlfriend 😂
User 32 Y/N is so beautiful 😍 how did Charles bag a baddie like her
charles_Leclerc guess im just lucky
User 23 imagine having your boyfriend dedicating a post to you. They are such an adorable couple
User 45 Y/N dedicates posts to him too whenever she’s at a Grand Prix, they are so perfect for each other
User 61 girl, they’ve been dating for 3 months, relax
User 45 but they’re so cute 🥰
The End
Hope y’all liked it! Also, just a little experiment, if you follow me, comment why, thank you!
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sahkuna · 10 hours
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synopsis: one too many women at this wedding think they've got a shot with gojo satoru. but what they fail to realize is none of them are you, the one who holds his unwavering devotion.
content warning(s): non-curse au, plot before the eventual smut so 18+ mdni, afab/fem! reader, mentions reader wearing a dress, established relationship, unprotected sex, gojo's impatient so you guys get it on an empty room upstairs, exhibitionism (sorta kinda?), brief mentions of jealousy, pet names.
word count: 4.6k+ // i lurve weddings.
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For the fifth time this evening, Gojo’s teeth catch his inner cheek, biting back a smile that threatens to spread across his lips.
You’ve got a cute habit of toying with pieces of your clothing or whatever object was within your range whenever something’s nagging at your mind. He wonders to himself if this was something you were aware of.
Unconscious of Satoru’s intense gaze on you, you idly gulp down a cold glass of water and breathe a heavy sigh.
As the evening persists, you’re starting to feel your social battery deplete by the second. It’s been almost a whopping 5 hours since the wedding reception began, and with every hour that crept closer to midnight the more you wanted to throw in the towel and go home.
The poor music selection blaring from the speakers stationed around the venue— a collection composed by the newlywed couple, you presume— didn’t aid in your fight to stay here any longer than necessary.
Your index finger mindlessly loops and unloops around the straps of your attire, and Gojo can’t help but softly knock his foot with yours underneath the table to pull you out of your daze.
Rather than blatantly asking what was wrong, Satoru settles for something else. 
“Relax,” he says in an attempt to settle your nerves. Any effort that he’s previously made to stop himself from smiling is ultimately shot down the moment your eyes catch his. “You look nice, quit worryin’.”
Though you did look nice, the word alone wasn’t enough to bring any justice to how you looked tonight. The venue’s warm and orange lighting flattered and illuminated you too well. There’s more he wants to say, and it’s all on the tip of his tongue. 
But Gojo opts to sit back, eyes soft as they make a trail across your bare shoulders, eventually working his gaze up to your face. There, he traces your features slowly, from your eyes down to your cheeks and they finally stop at your lips.
And his eyes just stay there for a few seconds, lingering on your mouth.
He wants to kiss you so badly. 
To him, it didn’t matter if there was a group of old geezers who you two had to share a table with. Gojo would tune them all out if he had to. But knowing him, the moment his lips would press against yours he wouldn’t be able to pull away on his own accord. 
And you’d rip him a new one if you two ever became “that couple” engaging in heavy practices of PDA in front of such critical eyes.
So, picking up the same glass that you drank from, Gojo drinks from it, swallowing down the water along with the nagging urge to nip and lick his way into your mouth.
Huffing at the fact that he’s chugged down your drink in one go— despite clearly having more than enough in his glass— you wrestle the cup out of Gojo’s grasp and place it far from his reach.“Thank you for that, Satoru,” you respond, to both his compliment and how he’s done away with all your water.  
Gojo hums in acknowledgement, completely missing the snarky tone your voice carried. “I’m serious though, you look really good.” 
You flash him a small smile at this. However, it’s short-lived because seconds later your lips pull into a soft pout. 
Noticing the drastic change in your mood, Gojo scoots his chair closer to you so he can get a better read on the situation. He presses his finger to your forehead, tapping once, then twice. “What’s going on up there, hm?” he inquires.
A bit apprehensive, you start with a drawn-out, “Well…”
Throughout the evening as Gojo's plus one to his distant relative’s wedding, you’ve noticed that no matter where you step the guests at this venue seem to have eyes on you. Or more so to speak, who you came with.
It’s no secret that Gojo draws attention to himself wherever he goes, that part doesn’t need much explaining— especially when his appearance sticks out like a ridiculously beautiful, jaw-droppingly gorgeous sore thumb. But today his magnetic charm has pulled much more than you expected.
Like now.
A couple of tables away from where you two sit— perhaps two or three— is where you spot them. There’s a small group of women who hide their blushes and bashful smiles behind their hands, giggling and blatantly ogling at your dashing boyfriend.
You’d be lying if you said that it didn’t bother you. …Because it did, big time. 
Suppressing the urge to cringe physically, you turn your sights toward Gojo. “Doesn’t it bother you?” you ask, nodding your head toward the table of women who were whispering amongst themselves.
You could count on both hands the number of times you’ve had to pretend not to eavesdrop whenever one of the bridesmaids would muster up their courage and make their way up to Gojo whenever he was away from you— which was rare because despite being the one who invited you to the wedding, Satoru stuck to you as if he knew no one here.
Humming for a bit, Gojo throws an uncaring glance over his shoulder to view the mini fan club he had unknowingly accumulated tonight. A few have the decency to abruptly look away when he does so, not wanting to be caught in the act. But the others? They boldly send him flirtatious smiles and shy waves, accented with blushing cheeks.
None of which he returns, but you still feel a gnawing ache settle in your stomach.
Finally answering your question, Gojo meets your troubled gaze. “Nah, not really,” he replies. “It gets bothersome, sure, but I usually just ignore it all.”
You don’t respond to this and decide to flick your gaze elsewhere. If he isn’t bothered by it, then this isn’t even that big of a deal. Don’t let it get to you. It’s fine! Perfectly fine.
Blue eyes trail along your face, tracing your expression slowly. Gojo’s face softens, and his hand slips under the table and brushes against your knee before he squeezes. “Why?” he asks suddenly. “Does it bother you?” 
Yes. “No,” you respond a bit too quickly.
“‘No’?” he tries again. He raises an eyebrow, waiting for you to crack.
“Fine. It does a bit,” you hiss bitterly, your poker face falling into shambles completely. Gojo’s smile stretches a little wider. “So can we leave now, please?”
You don’t know if you can withstand another hour in here with all things considered. 
It’s also essential to note how you gradually find yourself nodding off to sleep every ten minutes or so the longer you’re here at this venue. You’re hoping and praying Gojo takes the bait so he would finally shoot Ichiji a text telling him he should be coming to the venue to pick you two up soon. 
Behind his rounded shades, confusion swirls in his gaze and a subtle pout tugs at his lips. “But they haven’t even handed out the cake yet!” 
Oh, for fuck’s sake. 
You want to throw your head back in exasperation at the fact that the sole reason why you guys were staying out so late was over a damn cake. 
Throwing a cautious glance over your shoulder, you spot the culprit. An extravagant-looking tower of vanilla fondant stares back at you, where it’s situated many tables away from you and over to where the bride and groom sit. 
You don’t know why Satoru likes that crap anyway, fondant is known for its notoriously awful flavour because of how it tastes like an extremely sugary, yet stale donut glaze left out for far too long.
“Oh my God,” you wail, but you’re abruptly aware that your volume has garnered a few pairs of curious eyes to land on you and Satoru from various tables around you.
Smiling awkwardly at your tablemates, you’re prompted to lean in close to the stubborn white-haired man and lower your tone so only he’s privy to what you say next. “Can’t you ask Ijichi to grab something sweet for you on our way to your place?”
Unyielding, Gojo shakes his head. “I’ve tried, believe me,” he says, crossing his arms across his chest. “But he's always on about how impractical it is for a sweets shop to be open at this time of night.” 
He can’t be serious right now. You think you’re starting to reach your wits' end. “You’re kidding me.”
Thinking you also find Ijichi’s claims outlandish, Gojo leans back in his seat more comfortably. He’s relieved you’re taking his side. “Right?! I tell him all the time that there’s bound to be—”
“I mean you, Satoru,” you say, flashing him a face of disbelief. Gojo wilts a little at this and pouts. 
Pursing his lips, it seems like he’s seriously giving your question some thought. You don’t fault Gojo for having a sweet tooth, but sometimes you wish you could ween him off it. Especially since they got you into predicaments such as this.
But, there is one more thing that Gojo Satoru loves more than his sweets. 
And that’s you.
“Those women really did a number on you, huh?”
Eyebrows furrowing, you throw an incredulous look Gojo’s way. The abrupt topic change flipped so fast it could’ve given you whiplash. He’s purposefully trying to provoke you. 
But why?
Your voice is barely above a whisper now, “What does that have to do with—”
Gojo pushes his chair away from the fancy table and shoves himself up to his feet. Just where does he think he’s going? “You wanna leave, right?”
Like this, you’re able to drink in just how appealing he looks tonight. It’s no wonder since walking in, everyone seemed to rubber-neck their attention to where you two were seated.
You nod slowly, and your hesitant nature has him practically purring when he says, “So let me take you upstairs then. Show ‘em that I’m spoken for already.” 
And at that very moment, you swear you hear the middle-aged woman whose chair is seated one space away from you choke on her drink— you don’t blame her. 
But there’s no way she could’ve heard everything… let alone understand the connotations of what he’s said, right?
She aims a displeased once over toward you and Satoru’s direction and dramatically shuffles her seat closer toward her unsuspecting husband. “My goodness,” she mutters under her breath.
Okay, so she’s heard everything.
Gojo laughs under his breath at the guest’s over-the-top antics and your blood runs a little hot.
Pushing his frames off the bridge of his nose, Gojo’s hand slides them past his hairline to rest on his head. He offers you his hand. “Come with me.”
And you’re sitting there, staring dumbly at his perfectly glossed lips that are decorated with a wicked smile because he knows. He knows you’ll let him whisk you away upstairs to do what even God wants nothing to know of. 
Carefully, Gojo wraps a hand around your wrist and tugs you to your feet. “Let’s go.” Delicate fingers slide down past your palm and lace themselves with yours. You move with him when he pulls you toward the back of the venue, near the huge wooden double doors and toward the exit. Leaving behind many shocked guests and a dejected party of bridesmaids.
Which reminds you…
Before you both slip out from view entirely, over your right shoulder you childishly poke your tongue out at the group of women right as the door is about to click shut. 
A sense of relief washes over you when you both finally step out of the ballroom and into the vacant grand hallway. There’s no boisterous noise to pound away inside your skull, just the gentle sound of you and Satoru’s footsteps padding down the marble flooring.
There’s a mix of emotions that swirl inside of you with each step that’s taken toward the main staircase and up to whichever room Gojo wishes to… well, fool around with you in. “You stick your tongue out at them?” he asks.
How in the hell would he have been able to guess that? You stare long and hard at the back of his head, half expecting to catch a glimpse of a third eye you didn’t know was there. However, there’s nothing but white tufts of snowy, white hair glaring back at you.
Or maybe you’re just that predictable.
“By accident,” you murmur, not even bothering to think up an explanation for your weak excuse.
Repeating your answer to himself, Satoru grins. “Cute.”
Stopping in front of one of the doors, with your hand still in his, he knocks on the door with his free hand, silently waiting for a response. 
When there are no signs of life on the other side, Satoru twists the knob and carelessly kicks the door wide open with his black leather shoe. The action was so harsh that the metal knob clunks loudly against the wall,— seeing that there was no door stopper— its sound reverberating off the many walls inside the building.
Uncaring for the commotion he’s made, Satoru squeezes your hand before he releases his grip and pulls you inside the small room. 
“Relax,” he drawls, before flicking on the light and kicking the door shut behind him— this time with a little more tact. “It’s fine, no one’s here anyway.” 
No longer tethered by your intertwined hands, Satoru plops himself down onto one of the two leather couches and sinks into the seat. 
Exhaling softly, you shake your head and follow your boyfriend to where he’s seated. You’re about to sit down adjacent to him until his hands abruptly shoot out to stop you.
“Y’know…” he starts, and you’re prompted to stand in between his open legs. Your hands rest on his broad shoulders when he glances up at you, cerulean eyes shimmering when he tells you, “It was kinda cute seeing you get all mad down there.”
“I wasn’t mad!” you deny, a half-truth and half-lie. “It just got to be too much is all.”
Pulling your body closer in between his spread legs, you feel something firm press against you. He couldn’t possibly be… “Are you seriously…” You swallow and clear your throat, trying to not let the heady tone of your voice take over. “Are you seriously hard right now?!”
You emit a pathetic squawk when Satoru’s hands brush up against the back of your knees. His palms run higher and higher up your legs, and the fabric of your dress pools around his forearms until they stop right under the swell of your ass.
“What can I say?” he breathes, his eyes burning with intensity the more he stares at your face, searching for something. “I like it when you get jealous over me.”
This man…
“Wasn’t jealous, either,” you say, leaning more into his touch. The more you stay like this without the two of you doing anything to combat the growing sexual tension, the more desperate and needy you become.
A heavy heat settles through your entire body when you slide down and sit on Satoru’s lap. “Yeah…”
His breath heaving in his chest, Satoru leans forward and kisses you, sighing blissfully against your mouth the moment they’re pressed together. Eyes closing, the gentle press of Satoru’s lips— soft and warm— has got you smiling against his skin, to which he returns one of his own.
Dragging his mouth away from yours, he presses a trail of searing, lingering kisses from your cheek and down your jaw.
Pressing in closer, a puff of warm air fans out over the curve of your neck. 
“I’ll make you forget aaall about them,” he whispers his promise to you, fingers curling into your waist. “Make you feel so full.”
Growing flustered with how explicit he’s become with his words— a habit of his that seems to materialize only when you two get like this—your face is screwed tight with embarrassment and you faintly nudge his face out from your proximity and bury yours into his neck. 
“You… you talk a lot,” is all you can muster as you pull him tighter into your embrace.
Satoru’s lips curl into a small smile and he squeezes your hips. The deliberately slow trail of his fingertips smoothing their way from your waist down to the bottom hem of your dress had your mind dizzy with anticipation. 
When they slip underneath your attire, you’re not surprised when he starts to get more handsy. Palming at your thighs before ultimately winding up to the lacey material of your underwear. His index fingers hook around them, making an effort to tug them off you, but he can’t seem to do that just yet due to the obstacle of you sitting on his lap. 
Groaning, Satoru jumps his shoulder, prodding you to lift your face from his neck so that you may see what he wants from you. “Help me out, will you?”
You’re more than happy to oblige by a simple lift of your hips off his lap. With the weight of you temporarily gone, Satoru lowers the underwear down your thighs and to your knees. One leg at a time you step out of them, leaving nothing but the cool, air-conditioned air of the room breeze past your exposed cunt.
Bunching the garment in his hand, Satoru skillfully tosses it across the room… only for it to land unceremoniously atop a fake fern tucked into a corner of the room.
Breezing past your sudden exclamation, Satoru's hands slide up your bare thighs and his fingertips tease over your skin, eventually grazing your pussy. When your hips inadvertently jerk back the moment they brush over your clit, your boyfriend holds you still against him.
“Sensitive, huh?” he asks, turning his head to press an affectionate kiss onto your warm cheek. “That’s one of the things I like most about you, how reactive you are.”
Not stopping with his ministrations, your boyfriend’s fingers stroke your bud, rubbing excruciating slow circles against you that send you reeling at the palm of his hands. 
Sounds of content are breathed out from his lungs when he starts to feel you grow wetter and wetter the more he toys with you. Your heart’s pounding loud against your chest, and you’re positive that if Satoru were to press his ear against you and listen real close, he’d be able to hear it.
Groaning, you exhale a pathetic string of nonsense into your boyfriend’s clothed shoulder, tugging harshly at his tie when you start to feel that familiar searing heat start to come undone when he slinks a finger inside you— gathering at the slippery arousal pooling around your inner thighs— only to take it back out again, drawing intricate shapes onto your clit.
“Oh my God,” you mewl, riding his hand now, shedding out of the once flustered facade you had moments prior.
Whispering your name, Satoru unwraps his arm from your waist so he may turn your face to look at him with the free hand that isn’t currently hidden underneath your dress. The tips of your noses brush and he watches you silently with unadulterated desire as you practically come undone by his hand. 
“Kiss me,” he demands, his palm pressing against the back of your nape to bring you closer to him, and you do as you’re told. 
Nipping at your bottom lip, your boyfriend presses one wet kiss after the other against your mouth before his tongue slides inside. The kiss is sloppy and fevered, and your whines are consumed by Satoru when his fingers are poking and curling inside you with passion.
You don’t think you can keep up with him if this continues.
Gasping, you pull away from an all too eager Satoru, who chases your lips only to be met with your cheek when you turn away from him. 
Pouting, the white-haired male searches your face for an explanation. “Why?” he whines, and a brief flash of disappointment strikes his features.
“It’s too much,” you murmur. At this, you feel Satoru’s fingers slow down inside your receptive pussy, but there is the subtle wiggle maybe once or twice to let you know he’s still there. “If you keep going like that I’ll—” You fling a lame hand in the air, hoping the unspoken gesture would speak for itself.
Seemingly catching your drift, a boyish and devilish grin is tacked onto his lips. “Want me to put it inside, then?” He bucks his hips up against your core, not caring if you’d make a mess of his lap. “I want you to feel all of me before that happens. Will you let me, sweetheart?”
There’s some sort of strangled scream that’s caught in your throat the moment the precious pet name drips off his tongue.
 You nod dumbly, to which Satoru laughs sweetly in response.
Lifting you off him, he settles you down onto the black leather seat beside you, not before hiking the bottom half of your dress up to your hips, exposing you completely to him. He presses your back down into the cushion and rests his knee between your legs.
Peeling off the black blazer from his shoulders, Gojo lets the article of clothing drop to the floor before his hands unbuckle his ridiculously expensive belt.
He’s taking his sweet ass time and he knows it because there’s an amused glint that swirls in his eyes the more he looks down at you.
“Hurry. Up,” you bite, unsure if you can withstand any more of his teasings. 
“You’re impatient as ever,” he jabs, tone laced with artificial annoyance.  Finally undoing his zipper, Satoru frees himself from the confines of his slacks and boxers before his hand finds the back of your knee, pushing it down toward your chest to get you ready for him. 
Right before the crown of his head can slip past the entrance of your slit, the unmistakable sound of heels clicking down the hallway catches your attention.
Shit, shit, shit!
You make moves to sit up and at least get yourself together, in case the oblivious stranger miraculously chooses your room out of all the others to walk into for God knows what.
However, Gojo has a different agenda. 
The corners of his lips quirk up as the sounds of what you predict to be two people, approach closer and closer down the hallway and toward your door. Satoru pins you back down and offers you a few words of encouragement along the lines of how good of a job you’re doing, before the thick head of his cock slides into you.
You both moan at the intoxicating sensation. However the sound of his runs deeper, like a pained grunt. It was as if he were a man possessed.
Fucking himself sweetly inside your tight, greedy hole, you can’t stop thinking of the fact that with each step you hear, the closer you are to toeing the line of you and Satoru being walked in on.
God, what would even do in such a situation? Keep going? Stop altogether?
“Fuuuck,” Satoru breathes, the vulgar somewhat audible sounds of your bodies grinding and bucking together had you thinking with other body parts rather than your head.
Yeah, no shot were you stopping anytime soon.
“I should’ve known he was taken, Airi!” You hear a voice exclaim from down the hall. “I mean, look at him!”
Yeah, look at him.
A furious pink blush crawls up Satoru’s neck and hues the tips of his ears as his hips drive in and out of you at such a gruelling, slow pace. His mouth is slightly parted open and the harsh sound of his laboured breathing can be heard echoing off the room’s wall with each thrust he sends inside your pussy.
He looks positively debauched right now. 
His tie (if you could even call it that now) barely can hold itself together, and a few buttons of his linen white shirt are now loose— revealing the milky expanse of his chest. He can’t seem to control his facial expressions either because one moment pale, white brows are furiously pinched together as he obscenely stretches your insides, and the next moment pleasure is etched onto those angelic features of his.
A second voice chips in, who you assume to be the woman’s friend. “Hey, don’t beat yourself up over it. Some things just aren’t meant to be.”
You can hear the sulk in the woman’s voice when she mutters, “I guess…” 
You’re half relieved when you hear their footsteps walk past your door entirely, unsuspecting of the pure filth that was going on behind it. 
But deep down in you, tucked somewhere far away is the feeling of excitement, knowing that you and Satoru could’ve been sniffed out at any second had you been a wee bit careless and more loud
With the coast clear, you cry out as Satoru sinks his throbbing hard length deeper inside you. His cock expertly works you open, leaving you twisting and writhing in pleasure as you start to near orgasm.
“Feels good, right?”
“So good,” you choke out, wrapping your arms around his neck and dragging him impossibly closer to you. 
“Don’t stop. Please, please, please don’t stop, Satoru,” you beg him weakly, you feel like you’re about to explode. It’s too hot. It feels too good and a bundle of nerves in your core is ready to snap.
With one hand secured on your leg, supporting how it rests around his slender yet muscular waist, Satoru’s other hand comes up to palm and kneads at your clothed breast.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he groans, kissing you through your panting breaths. “You take me so well, just hold on…”
Giving into the pleasure, Gojo’s hips now snap faster into you, his big hands gripping and squeezing your ass possessively, pinning your hips to the couch.
Rocking harder and faster now, Satoru’s whimpers reach a whole new octave as he’s forced to pull out of you when his balls start to pulse threateningly, alerting him that he’s nearing his release.
Shuddering, Satoru strokes mindlessly and you gasp when something warm and gooey dribbles down your lower belly and toward your pubic bone.
“Agh! I—” He’s still pumping and there are small beads of cum weeping out the slit of his tip when’s rubbed all that he’s had left to give out. It drools off his dick and drips onto your lips. “I couldn’t help it…” he responds, knowing that he had nothing nearby to wipe you off with.
At least he had the sense not to come on your dress. 
Content with his performance, Satoru gives your butt one last cheeky pinch before tucking himself back into his pants. You close your legs. “We should do this more often.”
Shimmying your dress back to its proper state, you turn to him with a questioning glance. “What— What do you mean?” you ask.
You’re hyper-aware of his cum that’s beginning its slow descent down your leg. You need to take of that and fast.
Gojo points a tired finger between you and him, and then circling it around the room, he adds to this by saying, “Getting it on in public? I like it, it heightens the ‘experience’.”
You push him away from your body and mutter for him to shut up as you prop yourself off your back and into a proper sitting position. 
Throwing an arm across his face with his forearm shielding his eyes, Gojo laughs a little. “So, are we heading back in?” he asks you. “They must’ve cut the cake by now…”
You have the most insufferable boyfriend known to man. After this whole ordeal, he was still thinking about that fucking cake. 
“I can’t stand you, Satoru.”
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thank you for reading yayyy :)
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dreamwatch · 2 days
Kick 'em When They're Up
Written for the @corrodedcoffinfest June warm-up round.
Prompt: Band on the run | Word Count: 997 | Rating: T | CW: Language | POV: Eddie | Pairing: Steddie | Tags: Established Relationship, the press being scumbags, angst, Eddie Munson needs a hug, and Steve is going to give it to him, they're in love your honour | AO3
*title from Dirty Laundry by Don Henley
It’s taken eight years for it to come out; one world tour, three albums. One video that blew up on MTV. And that was the problem.
Because being a metal band, while they were famous, in metal magazines, in the scene, they weren’t famous. They weren’t Metallica. But it was cool. They were successful enough, they had everything they ever wanted.
But see, you have a successful single, and people who don’t know you, well, now they know you. And they want to know more about you, so they buy magazines. And some magazines, some shitty, low rent, nasty fucking rags, they really dig.
It’s been a long time since he’s seen his photograph alongside Chrissy Cunningham's.
They’d barely got off the stage in Quebec before Phil, their manager, was getting them into cars and back to the hotel. No one telling them a goddamn thing, just “We have a situation, we have to go.” They all piled into Phil’s hotel room, still sweaty, towels around their necks, before the bomb got dropped.
“Bullshit,” Eddie says, even though he can see it in Phil’s face. He scrambles to turn the television on. And it’s there, on the news, not just MTV either, it made CNN. 
He barely makes it to the bathroom before he throws up.
He has no idea how long he’s been sitting on the bathroom floor. People have been knocking but he ignores them. They probably need a piss. They’ll have to go to someone else’s room.
There’s another knock and he just wants to tell them to fuck off but they speak before he gets a chance.
“Eddie?” Jeff, talking to him so softly, which makes him feel worse. Because this isn’t just about Eddie, it affects them too. If this blows up— fuck, he doesn’t even want to think about it.
“Dude? Steve’s on the phone. I think you should come out and talk to him.”
And that’s the trigger, that’s the thing that gets him off the floor and unlocking the door. What he walks into isn’t a hotel room anymore, it’s a fucking war room. Phil is on another phone, the cable leading from the corridor outside the room. Their tour manager and publicist have their heads together at the desk. There are members of the road crew coming in and out of the room, dropping off food and drinks. When the door opens he can see security posted on the door.
Holy fuck. All because of him.
He takes the phone and turns to face the wall. “Steve?” His voice is rough from the adrenaline and stomach acid. He needs a drink.
“Hey,” says Steve in that oh-so-gentle voice, and God how he fucking needs him right now. “How are you holding up?”
“Been better,” he manages to force out. 
“Shit, sorry, stupid question.”
And Steve knows what he needs to hear before he can even form the words; Wayne is fine, Steve is fine, yes there are photographers and press outside his house, no there is no one outside of Wayne’s. 
“You’re all on flights out of Quebec this afternoon, okay?”
“To where?” They were supposed to be back in LA at the end of the week. But now… he has a hot stone in the pit of his stomach just thinking about it.
“Dublin via Toronto. You liked Ireland, right? And it’s quiet, it’ll be easy to hide there for a bit. Dustin has a friend-of-a-friend thing going on, but basically he’s got us a house in the middle of nowhere. We’ll be fine.”
“I’m at LAX now. You’ll probably beat me there, you can hide out in the lounge and drink all their booze.” Eddie can hear the smile in his voice. He never stops marvelling at the way Steve just knows him, knows what he needs morning, noon and night. 
He clutches the phone, knuckles turning white. “I can’t do this without you.”
“You can. You won’t be alone, Phil is going to fly in with you, he’ll take care of everything. Just, tie your hair up and keep it under a cap. And take your rings off, okay? Keep your arms covered if you can.”
“Try not to look like Eddie Munson?”
There’s a pause at the end of the line before Steve lets out a soft sigh. “Yeah. Just for now though, right?”
“I gotta go, my flight is boarding. I love you, okay?”
Eddie feels broken, the thought of hanging up like cutting his lifeline and he almost can’t bear to do it. “Okay. I love you too.”
“Always and forever?”
Eddie can hear the light teasing in Steve’s voice, and he smiles for the first time since Phil told him his life had been turned upside down again. Because that is what Steve does to him; blows away the tears and the clouds and the rain. Takes the open wounds of him and pulls them taught, stitching them together and making him whole again. 
“Always and forever,” he whispers back. 
He still feels sick, still has that putrid, adrenaline-filled rock in his gut just sitting there, but Steve’s voice reminds him of what they can’t take from him. They can take his band, his career, everything he worked for. But Steve will always be there for him. So many times in his life he’s questioned whether he is loved, like, truly loved. Even Wayne, who gave up so much for him, Eddie always worried that it came from a sense of obligation, even though deep down he knew better. But now, trapped in the middle of this maelstrom, the target of another witch hunt, he’s never been more sure of this: Steve Harrington loves him. And he loves him back in a way that should be scary but feels like oxygen, feels like life. And that’s what it comes down to, ultimately;  Steve is his life. 
And no shitty third rate magazine is ever taking that away from him.
Thanks to the wonderful @devondespresso for beta-ing!
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okwonyo · 22 hours
when they are not your bias.
엔하이픈 ୨୧ female reader six hundred established relationship ⠀⎯⠀⠀ not proof-read kissing skinship slight jealousy ( other ) ;𝓬lick
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heeseung would find himself be extremely surprised, shocked even. because, what do you mean, he is not his girlfriend’s bias?would try to convince that whoever is your bias is nothing compared to him, “i’m better, i swear,” and them, you would tell him that you can’t bias him because he is too much of a flirt. would coo at you instantly, “aw ~ it’s only because my baby is jealous,” — you would bias him even less after that.
jay would be a little bit hurt in his ego. although, he knows he is your boyfriend so he is still your favorite, but he would scold you for wanting another’s member photo-card more than his. “i already have a lot of pictures of you, love, even the prettiest one,” you would reassure him, hugging him from behind as he does the dishes. would only hum at you, a bit sulkily, he would come back to being all lovey dovey with you two minutes after.
jake would be devastated after you announce him the bad news. would be talking about how you both should match with each other’s photocard in your phone cases — would feel his universe crumble right when you tell him that you don’t have any of his photo cards. “does that mean that you hate me?i can’t believe this,” then would stare at you with his big, puppy, teary eyes until you give in and tell him that he was always your favorite member.
sunghoon would stare at you with nothing but pure disbelief in his eyes, “w-what do you mean i’m not your bias?who else but your boyfriend could be your bias?don’t tell me it’s ...” and whatever you would ask him to do will be denied with something along the line of ‘why won’t you ask your bias to do it’ for several days. what would be really funny is the fact that he would do the very thing you asked him to do after saying these few words with a huff. he may not he your bias but he is your boyfriend, after all.
sunoo would not be phased at all. it would at least seem like the news doesn’t bother him that much. would just react with a surprised ‘oh ! alright then ..’ and then he would start talking about something completely different. secretly, he would be plotting on the day he could break our heart just the way you did with his. “well, you are not really my favorite either,” he would tell you completely out of no where, and you would be a bit confused— “..okay?”
jungwon would think you are joking at first. with a gentle chuckle, he would brush it off the first time to tell him that another member but him is your bias. “you were really serious?” he would ask with a nervous laugh the next time it happens. would do something super annoying, for instance; tickling you until you tell him he was always your favorite member. you would find yourself all red in the face and out of breath because of him, “that’s what i thought,” he would grin, before giving you a kiss.
riki would just accept his fate, although he would be a bit hurt in his ego. would immediately go silent for a while, rethinking all his life decisions and wondering what did he ever do or not do to be your bias. after a while, he would decide that he doesn’t care. would playfully come bump his hip in yours while you do the dishes, “you are so slow,” and you would only huff, responding with, “that’s why you are not my bias, pft,”
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taglist open— this is still not manbun jake but ..
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pixiiipie · 2 days
Hi there, me again. 😅 so I’ve recently become obsessed with Sampo from HSR and I don’t really see a whole lot of writings for him. So, I figured I’d request it. It can be subby or just platonic, I genuinely don’t mind.
to betray my customers, i charge extra~
includes || sub!sampo | dom!reader | gn!reader | reader described as having a cock but could be seen as a strap | reader is a little mean but the ending is sweet | sampo is called a slut and whore | reader is called master | sampo has a crush on reader (u probs do look at him <3) not proofread!!
hello you :) i’m so so glad you’ve finally discovered sampo he was one of my first characters when but i stopped playing after i got kafka. so, i’m hoping my quick refresh of content will help me write this. obviously, we gotta fuck this sweet boy <3
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“if that is all you require of the esteemed sampo koski, then i shall be taking my leave.” sampo said in his usual manner and flair, even going so far as to kiss your knuckle with a wink. he’d just finished carrying out some jobs for you and was only sticking around to collect the remainder of his payment. half now and half when the job was finished of course.
“until next time, tah-rah~!” with a bow, sampo turned to leave before your voice cut through his theatrics.
“wait.” you called, plain and simple but halting him immediately. the relationship you and sampo had was… complicated to say the least. you were well acquainted to the point where he’d complete tasks you’d assign him to for a much cheaper price than he’d charge others and even not charge you at all for smaller, easier things (maybe he’d try his charm and ask for a kiss instead- which you’d always indulge him in). truthfully, he was absolutely infatuated with you. sampo would do anything for you even if you refused payment.
“my dear sampo,” you began. your voice, although seemingly sweet, was laced with poison. sampo couldn’t help but take an unnatural deep breath trying not to show he was nervous and remain cocky. “i heard a little something from someone that piqued my interest. word travels fast as you must know.” you closed the gap between the two of you where you could just about feel his breath on you.
“ah that’s probably just some gossip to pass the time. you know how bored and lifeless people get. even i’ve spread a few rumours to liven things up and i’m preeetty sure they’re still going strong. meaningless chatter my darling y/n, meaningless chatter.” sampo mused trying to avoid whatever you’ve said coming into light and potentially screwing him over.
“a little birdie told me, that you encourage betrayal of your customers as long as they pay extra.” you say mindlessly playing with a longer strand of his hair.
“well- now now i wouldn’t say i encourage it per say and that doesn’t go for everyone i do business with. for instance! sampo koski would never do anything that goes against you that’s just plain wrong and against my moral code.” sampo explains although it comes out a little faster than he’d liked. you wondered just how many close calls he’s had if he’s this bad at excuses.
“you’re a bad liar sampo.” you whisper in his ear taking note on how his breath hitches and he presses his lips together. “and, so is your body. what’s this?” you adjust your knee so it’s pressed lightly over his growing bulge which, in turn, made sampo gasp sharply and immediately cover his mouth. “just.. just very happy to see my favourite customer.” sampo tries to play it off with a wink but to no avail. his voice was failing him pitifully.
“hmm how about an exchange for this new information? you keep me protected in exchange for me helping you out.” it was almost as if you had swapped roles. with one hand, you held his face and kept him looking at you while the other snuck through a gap in his clothes to hold his waist. sampo was desperately trying to hold onto his snark but it was hard when he wanted needed this moment that he’d been so patiently waiting for. “exchange gladly accepted.” he said with a smile taking your waist and pressing you against him more.
“oh sampo i can tell why everyone keeps coming back to you.” you say adjusting his legs so you can reach even deeper into him. sampo was seeing stars, blown away by the fact his fantasies were finally coming true. he’ll easily keep coming back to you for more than jobs now he’s had a taste of your cock. a taste wasn’t enough to describe this it was more a five course meal he’d never become full from.
“mgghh-! f-fuck mmMhmhmhm! no one can qui-quite get enoughhh offf- aH-! sah-sampo mmM-!” sampo moaned trying to fulfil your request and put on a show for you. he was stripped of all his clothes apart from his top, which lay undone but still over his arms underneath him, and lay on his back taking your cock like such a good boy. as instructed by you, his was to keep his hands pressed under his back.
“i wonder… do you do this with many people mr cold feet?” you ask slowing your movements to allow him to think. sampo only nodded with an attempt at a smirk between whimpers. this was only half true. sure, he’d fucked around a little for information but it was never like this. a quick handjob under a table, head in an ally but he was never on the receiving end.
“i thought as much. you’re never fully satisfied are you, whore?” your last word stung but sampo was quickly learning that he had a thing for pain. “you do remember why i’m doing this don’t you sampo?”the switch to his name caught him off guard and he’s not sure if he was turned on or disappointed by this. again, he nodded. “use your words.” you swore he whimpered at your change of tone and it was difficult for him not to cum from this. “s-so i’ll hnnngg-! i’ll protect y-ya!” sampo squirmed as your hands carelessly roamed his body and grazed over his nipples.
“mm almost,” you began as you leaned towards him, talking into his ear. “it’s easy for you to say you’ll protect me but how can i know you definitely will? if i have this dirt on you, it’ll make it that bit harder for you to betray me.” you punctuate your words with harsh thrusts that probably made it harder for him to understand and take in what you were saying. “nn-no ne-aH-! never hnnggh betray y-you! neva-ah! m-masterrrr” sampo almost cries, wishing he never made that stupid slogan for some extra cash.
“but look at how well you take me. makes me think that even if i did expose you, you’d like it. everyone would know what a slut mr cold feet is and they’d all want a turn with you and fuck you like the whore you’re clearly proving to be.” to compliment your words, you lazily dragged your hand up and down his aching cock causing him to buck into your hand and almost curl in on himself.
sampo doesn’t want you to tell everyone but only because he only wants you to fuck him like this! he wants to prove that he can be a good boy and allow the chance that maybe you’ll do this to him again. you’re the only master he wants and he would never betray his master. it was all too much. sampo was almost at his limit.
“plu-pluheeseee g’nnah c-cumm hnnggg!” desperate to reach his high, sampo began subconsciously grinding onto you and trying to match your thrusts to force you deeper inside. watching him, you grab his hips and help him working faster and deeper inside. “such a polite boy. everyone likes a good boy don’t they?” you ask wondering how foggy his head has gotten.
“mmgnmmm! g-good boy ‘mma g’boyyy.” he almost shouts as if he was trying to prove your previous points wrong. “you’ve satisfied your customer greatly sampo. you can cum.” you say pressing a kiss to his cheek where a tear was running down.
“thhh-thaahnk you!” he slurred over and over as he came over his stomach with a high pitched whine. you gently helped him ride out his orgasm and watched how his hands dug into the blankets underneath him. he really was good. they never moved from where you instructed him to keep them. before you pulled out though, you had to do one more thing. you took your phone and held it above him, making sure to capture the full image of sampo lay blissed out, covered in his own cum and with a cock buried deep in his ass.
“smileee.” you say almost mimicking his usual sing song voice. to your surprise, he followed your instructions and even stuck out his tongue to sell the image more. leaning down to kiss his chewed up lips, you tell him that you were only kidding as you slowly and carefully pull out. it was only to make him believe that you really had dirt on him and it wasn’t another rumour. it would make him think twice before doing anything knowing that you had a picture of him in this state (and probably download so he could never truly delete every trace of it).
“you’d let me?” you ask moving some stray strands of hair out of his eyes and letting your hand rest on his cheek. sampo only nodded and kissed your palm. “i want you to trust that i would never betray you.” his voice (although a little hoarse) was serious and a stark contrast to his usual tone. “if havin’ that will give you peace of mind, that’s okay.” he smiles up at you with genuine earnest. “you’ll never have the chance to use it anywhos.”
“you’re m’favourite customer. i only want you. i love you.”
“pleasure doing business with you sampo, my good boy”
if you enjoyed, please consider liking or even reblogging! any kind of interaction let’s me know that you liked this and gives me motivation to write more. make sure to follow to stay up to date with all my thoughts <3
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goldsainz · 9 hours
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pairing . . . charles leclerc x reader
◦∘。゚. warnings . . . use of y/n (once, i think), cursing, a whole load of angst, charles is an asshole, rushed ending, barely proofread.
◦∘。゚. summary . . . you love monaco, but it has run its course just like your relationship has.
◦∘。゚. note . . . i am obsessed with ttpd, i don’t care what anyone has to say, it was a masterpiece and i will not take criticism about it. this is based on so long, london i really recommend listening to this while reading, or just listening to it in general if you need a good cry. i have been writing this for months now, so i hope you guys like it and please dont mind the ending it was the best i could do 😔💙
[ word count: 3,4k ]
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You walked through the streets of Monaco, mystified by how bright the city looked even in the night. The street lights were enchanting to witness, and the chatter of people made you appreciate the small country even more. So private, yet so lively, like a hidden spot you had loved so much you just had to make it your home. 
The walk to Charles’ apartment is more calming than expected, you’ve come to terms with the fact that you’ve been pulling at a thread that is almost undone. No matter how hard you tried, there was no use in pulling him tighter when he had already pulled out of the relationship.
You were, in all honesty, tired. 
You swore your back almost hurt from all the efforts you made to keep him with you. It’s like you both had settled for conformity, for the monotony of not bothering to do anything. You were together for the sole sake of how harder it would be to separate, but not because of the love you had for the other, simply because of the aftermath of breaking up after 6 years of relationship. Moving out, telling your friends and family, the whole world scrutinizing what went down when really nothing had gone down. There was nothing that could go down, to begin with. 
Your relationship had become more of a commodity, one that was draining you while your boyfriend continued his life like nothing was going on. Maybe that was your problem, you simply cared too much. 
And so you stopped trying to make him laugh. Stopped making those small efforts that had amounted to hundreds of gestures that went unnoticed by him. Maybe you were selfish for that, for wanting his undivided attention to things that weren’t that great. After all, he had his own things to wallow over, things that were simply greater than you.
You tried to blame Ferrari. Ferrari that always was the topic of conversation. “Can you believe they made pit so late?” Yes, I can. “Do you think I’m putting to much faith in the team?” Yes, you are. You don’t tell Charles all the things you should, you share his sadness and give him a shoulder to cry on, just to receive that small amount of affection. 
His sadness gives you the taste of what once was and now isn’t. You can’t find in yourself to blame him for becoming dependent on Ferrari, because haven’t you become the same way for him?
It isn’t long before your walk is over, and you have to face the moment you want to dread, but instead there is relief that surges in your heart. A feeling you resent but equally embrace. 
You step into the elevator, pressing the button for his apartment that you wonder when you decided to let everything go on for as long as it did. That is something you incriminate Charles for. Did he really think you’d be willing to stand in the rain for him forever? Eternally condemned to wallow his sadness, were you supposed to be sad for as long as he was? And for a while you did, you shared his sadness but you didn’t have much more in you to give him. There was only so much pity you could feel, so much empathy you were willing to subject yourself to. 
The elevator rings, a sign that you should get off and take whatever is yours and get away from Monaco.
You put the key in the keyhole, and enter what once was your home and now looks almost like a staged apartment, ready to be shown off and sold to the highest bidder. It feels eerie, what once was so familiar is now a distant memory you’re ready to get over.
Most of the boxes are all closed and ready to be sent away, with a few things left in shelves and drawers. You remember calling your family and asking if you could stay with them a few days, you felt ashamed at how you left everything behind just to come back to it so unexpectedly. 
“Chérie, you don’t have to leave. I can stay with Joris until you find your own place.” no more ma chérie, just chérie. It seemed you’d both unconsciously already made the graves for your relationship. 
“This is your place, Charles. I’m not going to kick you out of it.” you smoothly respond, trying to focus on taking whatever is left on the shelf by the TV. 
Your hand brushes against an old photo of the two of you. His hands around your waist, you looking up at him with a huge smile on your face, with Monaco as the landscape behind you. 
“This was our place, I don’t even—” he stops himself, like it pains him to say whatever is on his mind, resigned he sighs and changes his answer, “I might have to sell this, it’s too big for just me anyway.” 
The implication of his words would have sent you down a spiral a few months ago, now you don’t even reminisce on the what-if.
“Either way, I’ve already arranged a place to stay. I really don’t want to inconvenience you, this is your home not mine.” you say, and you watch as his jaw clenches and his eyes dim, but it is too late now to go back. You’re both too far gone. 
“Okay, then.” he sighs, and although you’ve made peace with the end of your relationship you want him to fight for you. It is his nonchalant way of going about life that makes you mad, and what sealed the fate of whatever remains of your relationship were left.
You’ve fought so hard and for so long, you want to make him feel what you felt. Retribution comes to you in his resignation, and yet it is simply not enough for your greedy, broken heart.
It pisses you off how so much of your youth he got to witness, how he got all the special moments of your life and now you cannot even recognise the girl you once were. All those dreams, all that naïveté, has long since died and is now buried in Monaco.
“It’s late and I’m really tired, so tomorrow morning I’ll have them pick up and ship off my things.” 
“Where are you staying?” he tries to be casual, tries to hide the desperation in his voice, but fails to do so because you know him too well. He fears you know him better than anyone ever has. 
“A hotel nearby,” you easily answer, 
Don’t let me go.
A beat passes, he opens his mouth and closes it shortly after, like he’s not sure what to say or how to act.
Please, don’t let me go. 
“Do you need me to take you there?”
“No, I’m okay, it’s a short walk from here.”
And so you put away the few things you were holding, brushing past him like he’s a stranger in the street. You’ve seemingly packed up your whole life in a few boxes, and you feel oddly calm about it. Hopeful about the future, all resentment you could have has turned into motivation. 
You seal the last open box, and it’s like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. There are no scores to settle, no need for revenge, this chapter of your life has been sealed and you are ready to continue with whatever the story of your life has prepared for you.
“Text me when you get to the hotel, yes?” you pause at his words, and a part of you wants to curse him out for being the way he is, because despite everything he is a kind man. You just wish he could've been as kind to the old you as he is to the current you. And you wonder why you're given all this kindness, when you have both your feet out the door and every single remainder of your love has been tucked away. It is not fair, but nothing really is when it comes to love.
“Sure,” you say as you nod, a small smile gracing your face, though you're sure it looks close to a grimace. 
You walk out of the apartment, leaving your copy of the keys on the table next to the door. As it closes, you let out a sigh and go out the same you came in, calm and collected. With the broken, bloody pieces of your heart in his hands and you with the same blue heart of his you know so well.
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You don’t text Charles when you make it to the hotel. 
You twist and turn in your bedsheets, not being able to sleep once again. You can't remember the last time you had a good night's sleep. And so you do what you've been doing for months, you go over every step and stone of your relationship.
Although sleep doesn’t consume you, the memories do. Those unforgiving, wretched memories about the downfall of your relationship. As you lie awake, the weight of your thoughts presses down on you, each recollection sharper and more painful than the last. 
You reminisce on the brighter days, filled with laughter and pure love, where every touch was like electricity on your skin and every word a promise of a future together. You recall all those moments you fought to make him laugh, to bring back the warmth that had once been effortless. But those bright memories are quickly overshadowed by the darker ones— the fights that grew more frequent, the silences that stretched longer, the love that slowly turned to resentment. 
Every detail is vivid in your mind— he look in his eyes as he drifted away, the chill that settled in your bones each night he didn't fall asleep beside you. You replay the conversations, the accusations, the desperate attempts to salvage whatever was left. But despite your efforts, the spirit of the relationship was long gone, leaving behind a shell of what once was.
As the memories flood back, you feel the anger and sadness welling up inside you. You gave so much of yourself, your youth, your energy, only to be left with the empty shell of a broken dream. You think about how he swore that he loved you, yet the proof was never there. 
You recall that last fight, by then the stitches of your relationship had come undone, the fabric of your shared experience torn beyond repair. There was nothing left to cling onto, nothing more than your delusion and the memories you held close to your heart. 
“Mon amour, why did you stay awake? You know how long I take at the factory.” he whispers, almost cooing at you but also filled with exhaustion. Like you being awake is another burden you're placing on him, now that he has to deal with your awakened mind. 
“Couldn’t fall asleep, I guess.” you answer, playing with the ends of your hair, not daring to look at him. 
You watch as he places his stuff on the ground, taking off his shirt and entering the bathroom to wash his face and prepare for sleep. It is quite a shame you have no intentions of sleeping, or to let the misery you're living through go on.
“I’ll join you in just a moment,” he calls out from the bathroom, his voice muffled from the ajar door between you.
“Okay,” is all you come up with, all you can muster to respond.
The silence in the apartment grew heavy. The ticking of the clock on the wall seemed to echo through the room, each second stretching out into eternity. 
As you listened to the sound of water running, you traced patterns on the bedsheets with trembling hands. You couldn’t shake the feeling of suffocation, of being trapped in a life that wasn’t quite yours. The dreams you once nurtured seemed distant, obscured by the everyday struggles and compromises.
When Charles emerged from the bathroom, the lines of fatigue etched deeper into his face. His eyes met yours briefly before he turned away, pulling a worn t-shirt and slipping under the covers beside her. You could feel the warmth radiating from his body, yet you could see the coldness that he seemed to reserve especially for you. He made no effort to kiss you, to hold you, those miniscule actions were like finding gold nowadays.
It was now or never, you had decided. You had gained courage all day to finally speak your mind, the least he could do is listen and try to fight for you. For the remains of your love that hadn’t yet dusted away.
“You know,” you begin tentatively, your voice almost shaky with emotion, “it feels like we’re drifting apart. I miss us, Charles.”
He turned to you sharply, eyes flashing with something like shock and annoyance. “I’m tired, Y/N. Can’t we talk about this tomorrow?”
“But we never talk about it!” you exclaimed, frustration boiling over. “Every day, it’s the same thing. You come home late, exhausted, and we pretend everything’s okay. But it's not okay! It hasn’t been for a long time, and I need more than this.”
He sighs heavily, rolling onto his back and staring up at the ceiling. “I’m doing the best I can.”
“Sure you are,” you retort back, voice tinged with bitterness. You knew he would dismiss your feelings, but it still stung.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“I’m always second, Charles.” you retort, “I stay awake each night wondering if you still care, if there is even some part of you that misses me like I miss you.”
“You always find something to complain about, don’t you?” he turns to you with his eyes narrowed, “You know how much I’m dealing with Ferrari, I thought you’d have some empathy for me, at least.”
“I’m not complaining, Charles. I’m trying to talk to you!” your frustration has now reached its peak, “I miss us. I miss the days when we actually talked, when you actually listened.”
“I’m exhausted,” he says, ignoring your words once more. “Do you think this lifestyle pays for itself? Because, news flash, it doesn’t. You signed up for this, don’t put this on me now.”
“Do you even hear yourself?” you ask, resigned to your situation and the emotions that have overtaken you, “You're never here, Charles. I feel like I’m living with a stranger instead of the man I fell in love with.”
“Well, maybe if you didn't make everything so difficult,” he snapped, his patience wearing thin. He doesn't dare to look at you, he can't bear to see the expression on your face.
You feel tears stinging in your eyes, a mix of anger and hurt washing over you. “I’m not making things difficult. I’m asking for us to work on our relationship, to make time for each other.”
“I don’t have time,” Charles shot back, his voice cold and distant. “This is the life we have now. Deal with it.”
“Is this really what you want?” you demand, your voice rising. “A relationship where we just coexist, where we’re barely holding on?”
He turns away from you again, his silence cuts deeper than any words ever could. You feel the despair, the realizations sinking in that your relationship might be beyond repair.
“I can’t do this anymore,” you whisper, voice cracking with emotion.
“Then what do you expect me to do?” he retorted, his frustration matching yours.
“I expect you to fight for us, Charles!” you exclaimed, a tear slipping down your cheek. “I expect you to care enough to try.”
He doesn’t respond, the silence a stark reminder of how far you had both drifted apart. You wiped your tears away, feeling the weight of your crumbling relationship pressing down on your chest.
“If you can’t even talk to me, then maybe we’re already done.” you say quietly, the finality of your words hanging in the air.
He doesn’t protest, doesn’t reach out to you. You turned away from him, curling up on your side of the bed, feeling the emptiness of your once vibrant love surrounding you. As you stared into the darkness, you wondered if you had reached the end, if this was all the closure you would get.
As you laid there, enveloped in the silence that now seemed thicker than ever, you realised that something inside you had shifted irreversibly. The pain of his indifference cut deep, but so did the clarity that you couldn’t continue living forever like this, forever under the blue of his days.
The weight of unspoken words hung heavy in the air, you couldn’t bear it any longer. With a shaky breath, you gathered your resolve and spoke softly into the darkness, voice trembling with both sadness and determination.
“I think… I need some time,” you began, your words tentative yet resolute. “Time to figure out what I want and what’s best for me.”
He turned to you then, his eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise and resignation. “What are you saying?”
You struggled to find the right words. “I’m saying… I’m saying that I’m done, Charles. I can’t keep pretending that everything is okay when it’s not. I deserve more than this.” 
His expression hardened, a flicker of frustrations crossing his face. “So that’s it? You’re just giving up?”
“I’m not giving up,” you shot back, “I’ve been fighting for us for so long, but you… you're not even here, I can’t keep begging for your attention, for your love.”
Charles doesn't respond immediately, his silence echoing loudly in the room. You felt a wave of sorrow wash over you as you realized that your love had turned into a battlefield of neglect and misunderstanding.
“I thought we could fix this,” he finally murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Maybe we could have,” your heart breaks with every word you utter. “But it’s too late now, I’m exhausted, Charles. I’m exhausted from trying to pretend like you care and for trying to fix something beyond repair.”
He sits up at your words, finally looking at you, the weight of your failed relationship heavy in his eyes. “I’m sorry, mon ange. I never meant for it to end like this.”
“Neither did I,” you replied softly, “But I can’t keep living like this. I deserve happiness. We both do.” he reached out to touch your hand, but you gently pulled away, the gesture feeling hollow now.
You sat there in silence, you knew that walking away would be the hardest thing you had ever done, but you also knew it was the only way forward.
Without another word, you stood up from the bed. Looking at him, the man you loved with all your heart but who had drifted away from you.
“I’m sleeping on the couch,” you tell Charles, and he doesn’t fight you, just wordlessly nods and longingly looks at you as you step away and into your living room.
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You stood at the window of the hotel room, staring out at the city that had been your home for so long. The cobblestone streets, the azure waters, and the gentle hum of luxury. This place, once your sanctuary, now felt like a prison of memories that had soured with time. A reminder of a love that couldn't withstand the weight of reality.
Outside, the familiar sights and sounds of Monaco stirred memories that tugged at your heart— lazy afternoons by the beach, candlelit dinners overlooking the harbour, stolen kisses beneath the starlit sky.
But today, as the plane ticket lay on the table beside your suitcase, you knew it was time to leave Monaco behind. Despite the love you once felt for this place, you couldn’t ignore the ache in your chest, the realisation that your time here had run its course.
As you walked out of the hotel and down the winding cobblestone streets towards the waiting car you had called, you allowed a tear to trickle down your cheek because despite everything you really fucking loved Monaco. For so, so long.
But you’ll find somewhere new.
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lemonlover1110 · 2 days
𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝
Toji Fushiguro
[Chapter 12] Unexpected
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Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x f!Reader
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It’s very rare for you to go out nowadays, but occasionally you get a call and you can’t say no. This time around, you were rambling to make up an excuse but then you realized it was your friend’s birthday; and while you have the right to decline because you’re simply too overwhelmed with life, you couldn’t bring yourself to say no. 
It feels odd to sit at a table full of women that you no longer talk to– Except your best friend, of course, but she’s occupied tonight. Everyone is trying to get her attention, ask her about her adorable new baby who rests at home. 
You feel out of place. You notice the stares that you’re getting, simply because of your bump. Toji is the father, clearly. They doubt you got pregnant by a one night stand or an affair, the only plausible answer would be your husband, or rather, ex-husband. 
You’re still grateful that nobody is really interrogating you about your situation. You’re either ignored or asked simple questions. The only question that was asked about your situation is about the sex of your baby, which you happily answered.
You’re happy to be ignored, though you feel that maybe you should’ve stayed home. It’s fine, at least the food is good. 
“I have to use the bathroom, I’ll be–” You begin to tell your best friend, Eri, but she cuts you off.
“I’ll go with you.” She says, and you two walk to the bathroom in silence. She doesn’t go into a stall, instead walking to the sink to powder her face. She hears you using the bathroom, and still raises her voice to speak, “How are you doing? You’ve been distant.”
“I’ve been… Better.” You tell her when you exit the stall. It’s no surprise to her. She’s been getting little information about your life, but she’s heard about the divorce and the pregnancy which isn’t exactly an ideal situation. “How about you? How’s the baby?”
“He’s a sleepy baby. He’s barely changed anything for me.” She says, and you smile. You can only hope that you’ll have the same fate. She doesn’t want to talk about herself though, that’s all that everyone talks about right now. She wants to hear about you. “I’m surprised you showed up.”
“It’s your birthday, I couldn’t miss it.” You answer. You’re drying your hands, ready to go back out but Eri is taking her time with her makeup. She’s not planning to go back out until she’s done talking with you. “It is kind of awkward though.”
“Yeah…” She agrees. She knows your friendship with them completely changed when your relationship with Toji hit a certain point– They just couldn’t stand him after Toji betrayed you; granted, it was shortly after the beginning of your relationship, it wasn’t a big deal to you. They just strayed away when you continued dating him. 
“All that and for what? We still got divorced.” You can’t help but chuckle, feeling tears build up. Your stupid hormones are getting the best of you. “He won’t fucking leave me alone either, he wants to get back together.”
“Can you make it clear that you’re not getting back together– Unless you do…” She says, and you take a deep breath. You feel like you’ve done everything you possibly can, and lately you’ve been getting soft for him again. You left Toji for good. 
“I just… Want him to stop. Get it through his head that we’re just co-parenting. I still care for Toji a lot but getting back with him will just make me miserable.” You answer, keeping any explanation to yourself. All that people need to know is that Toji wasn’t the best to you, any other explanation is unwarranted. “Ignore me. I’ll try to have a serious conversation with him soon.”
“You know you could always just give him a taste of his own medicine.” She suggests, and you raise your brows. What does she mean? She applies some lipstick, smacking her lips together before answering your question, “Technically it isn’t a taste of his own medicine since you aren’t together. It isn’t considered cheating.”
“Oh– I couldn’t do that to Toji.” You awkwardly laugh, and then you think about it for a moment. Do what to Toji? You left, you’re not together anymore. Toji shouldn’t care about your love life unless it concerns his unborn child. “Not like anyone would be too interested in me anyway.”
“Really? There was just someone staring you down. Why do you think I came with you?” She tells you, and you chuckle, knowing that she’s lying to make you feel better. She clicks her tongue, rolling her eyes, “I wasn’t joking.”
“Why would–” You begin, but before you can even ask the question, she leaves the bathroom. You sigh before following behind her. This time you’re looking around, wanting to see if any eyes fall on you as you exit the bathroom– And they do, they’re just not from the person that you want. 
She doesn’t remember Shiu, that’s why she thinks he was checking you out. 
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“Hi.” Shiu approaches you outside of the restaurant while you wait for your ride home. He’s been clearly watching you, waiting for your dinner to be over so he can approach you afterward. Unluckily for him, you ignore him, and he sighs before offering, “How about I take you home?”
“Are you going to report it to Toji?” You sound annoyed, and Shiu can’t help but chuckle. He knows he deserves it. You bite down your lip before telling him, “Thank you for the gift for my daughter. It’s cute.”
“Anything for my niece.” He responds. He clears his throat before telling you again, “Let me take you home. I’m not telling Toji anything.”
“Why are you suddenly so nice?” You ask him since he has no reason to help you. Unless he’s lying to you, and he’ll run to tell Toji.
“We’re friends, are we not?” He replies, and you furrow your brows together. You’re not. He’s Toji’s friend and he’s just keeping an eye on you since Toji wants you back. Either way, you accept,
“Take me home then.”
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The car ride back to your place is silent. Shiu is trying to make some conversation, and your answers are dry. It’s not that you don’t want to talk but you keep thinking about Eri’s words. To give Toji a taste of his own medicine and of the man that was checking you out. 
“Are you seeing anyone?” You speak up, which takes the man back. He definitely wasn’t expecting that from you, but it earns a laugh from him. If he didn’t know you better, he’d say you want to make a move on him.
“I have some friends… Nothing serious though. So no.” Shiu answers, which doesn’t shock you. You were thinking of something similar. Shiu is an attractive man in his late thirties, of course he isn’t alone. “Why do you ask?”
“Just wanted to know.” You respond, and he’s not convinced. He wonders if he should let it go and change the topic, or pressure you to give you an answer.
“Hmm… Right.” He’s clearly sarcastic, and he has a smirk on his face. You roll your eyes before a sigh leaves your lips. 
“I’m serious.” You claim. He certainly isn’t going to drop the subject now. He’s curious why you have a sudden curiosity about his love life.
“Then why are you suddenly interested in my love life?” He questions, and you chew on the inside of your cheek. You have no idea how you’re going to respond.
“My friend just… Said something and yeah.” You choose to tell him a partial truth, not everything, hoping that he’ll drop the subject. He’s Toji’s friend, of course he’s just like Toji. Stubborn.
“Something… Like?” He makes you take a deep breath. You’re getting embarrassed, but it’s too late to try to change the subject now.
“I told her that I want Toji to stop. I’m getting soft for him again and I know that it’ll end badly.” You confess, and Shiu takes a moment to think about it. What you said doesn’t answer anything, leaving him to wonder what your friend said.
“Oh, this something will end up screwing me over.” Is the only conclusion he can draw, and you can’t help but laugh before humming in agreement. Shiu lightly bites down his lip before saying, “I do owe you one.”
“This isn’t something you can help me with, I assure you.” You tell him, and he furrows his brows. He’s confused, wondering what it is. What’s something that he can’t possibly help you with that will upset Toji?
“What– Oh! Oh….” He comes to the realization of what it is, at least a vague idea of it. The mere thought makes his cheeks pink, completely flustered at the thought of being intimate with you. He briefly looks at you, and he can tell that you share those same feelings. 
He’s always viewed you as Toji’s wife. Sure, Toji’s very attractive wife, but still, Toji’s wife. Now you’re not just that, but the mother of Toji’s child. Before either of you can say anything else, he gets to your apartment complex. 
“Thank you for actually taking me home this time, Shiu.” You try to laugh it off since the car ride surely turned awkward. Shiu’s eyes focus on your rosy lips as you speak, before looking up at your eyes. He licks his lips as impure thoughts begin to fill up his mind– He’s thought similar stuff before but never while you were right next to him.
“Yeah, it was no problem.” He answers, and you begin to get out of the car. His voice stops you, and you feel a chill run down your spine when he says, “I can help you.”
“Huh?” You’re not sure if you’re listening right. Did Shiu really just say that?
“I can help you make sure that Toji stops.” Shiu confirms, and your eyes widen. Toji’s best friend just told you that he’d help you… Maybe Shiu isn’t getting what your friend said.
“You do know that what my friend was suggesting was me sleeping with someone else, right?” You want to make sure he isn’t thinking of something else, and it shocks you when he nods in response. You’re slowly blinking as you try to process the information. You’re staring at him, and he’s avoiding your gaze. 
You clear your throat before saying, “I appreciate the offer, Shiu, but…” 
But what? This is a great opportunity, also the fact that you find Shiu handsome is a bonus but you can’t do it to Toji. You still care for Toji and you can’t do this to him. Shiu is his best friend, you don’t want to harm their friendship.
“But we can’t do that to Toji.” Is what you tell him, and Shiu slightly nods. Because even when you aren’t together, you put Toji’s feelings above your own. You’re not planning to get back together, but you don’t plan on hurting him.
“Sorry–” He begins but his words come to a stop when you kiss his cheek. If his face was warm before, he’s certainly burning up now. 
“Thank you for the offer though, I’m flattered.”
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babyyhoneyyy · 23 hours
For Harry& the reader 13, 23, 24? From the prompts lists? Something angsty maybe and then sweet at the end??? I dunno I don’t sent these in often I’m sorryyyy. Only if it’s not a problem and you’re still doing the promots🥹🫶🏼
hi lovey i decided to do 13 and 24 if thats okay!! ily thank you for sending this in 🫶🏻🤭
13. "You want me, don't you?"
24. “Don’t say that to me. That’s not fair.”
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The first time Y/N and Harry secretly hooked up, he had just began seeing Mia. It was fucked up, they both knew that; going behind his new girlfriend’s back and having sex whenever she was away. But Harry couldn’t help it— after all, Y/N was the ex he was never able to get over.
They dated for 4 years and he really loved her. They were planning to move in together, were saving up for a deposit on a house, even planned the name of their future children. And then… well, things got in the way, and reality sunk its claws into the bliss of their relationship.
Everything changed that night, when years of built up frustration bubbled out of the two, resulting in them breaking up. It was a real relationship which they ended, and the pain of it was everlasting. When you spend so much time with someone and give them your all, plan futures with them and spend every moment with them, some things are bound to go wrong.
And they did, which led them to their parting. A couple of months went by of them both teary and depressed, but slowly yet surely they learned to live with the pain. They had to accept the possibility that something greater was in store for them, and that hopefully, once the storm had passed, things would become clearer and easier.
Harry met Mia 8 months after he broke up with Y/N. He really enjoyed her— she was pretty, sweet, and fun to be around. She had a good heart and a great sense of humour. Mia was everything Harry needed.
But she wasn’t what he wanted. She wasn’t Y/N.
The fact of the matter hit him like a train when he saw Y/N at a mutual friend’s birthday party with Mia hanging off his arm. Y/N greeted both of them warmly and tried to keep her distance from Harry. Seeing him with another girl felt like she was rubbing salt in her wounds, and for most of the night, she was doing good avoiding him.
That was until she went upstairs and Harry sneaked behind her and followed her to an empty bedroom. One thing led to another and suddenly Harry had his dick inside Y/N and she was coming around him.
Once he tasted her again, he was addicted.
He felt so guilty because of it, especially when he came back downstairs and saw a concerned Mia and had to like to her saying he was preoccupied with an upset stomach.
They had sex once… then twice… and then a third time, when Harry texted Y/N to come over while Mia was out with her friends. He was passionate when he fucked her, and it was so emotional every time. It was like all those previous feelings he worked so hard getting rid of would come rushing back to him.
It was nearing 8PM as they both laid there on Harry’s bed, the sheets a mess and pooled around their hips after Y/N had just come undone around Harry’s cock three times.
He had his head on Y/N’s chest and her fingers were tracing the alphabet on his scalp, twisting his curls around her finger.
Guilt was weighing heavy on her mind, especially because she knew Mia, and she knew she was a sweet girl who didn’t deserve what Harry was putting her through. No words were exchanged between the two apart from the occasional sigh or kiss Harry pressed to her chest. It was Y/N who decided to break the silence first.
“We can’t keep doing this, Harry.” Its was merely a whisper as she said it, her fingers tightening in his hair.
“I know.”
“It’s not right, you have a girlfriend now. She’s perfect for you—“
“Yes, but she’s not you, Y/N,” he lifted his head to look into her eyes. She had a furrow between her brows, “you’re the one who decided to let me go. I was ready to work things out with you.”
“Things were never going to work out at that time I… I wanted us to have a break, not to break up.”
Y/N felt defeated as she sighed, “maybe I should go, Harry.”
She lifted her shoulders off the bed to leave, but Harry was quick to lean up on one elbow and hover over her, trapping her so she couldn’t go, “please don’t. I need you, Y/N. I—I want you,” Harry pleaded with her. He saw as a pained expression made its way to her pretty face, “you want me, don’t you?”
Y/N laughed humourlessly. “Of course I want you, but things are different now, Harry.”
Harry raised a hand to push back her hair and rub his fingers against her scalp in a soothing motion. His eyes captivated her, and she always felt weakened if she looked at them too long. “They don’t have to be. I’ll— I’ll change things for you. I’ll stop seeing Mia, I’ll leave her if you say the wor—“
“Don’t say that to me. That’s not fair,” she sniffled. A lone tear fell down her cheek and painted the pillow, “don’t say things you don’t mean, Harry.”
“Why do you think I don’t mean them? I’m telling you the truth, I’ll leave this all behind if you want to give me another chance. If you want to give us another chance.”
Y/N was hesitant as she stared at his desperate face. Harry was a man of his word, so it wasn’t about her not trusting him to leave Mia which made her sceptical. What disturbed her was the way the poor girl would be hurt if she learned of what Harry had been doing behind her back for the past couple of weeks.
“You really mean that?”
“One hundred percent.”
“And… and what about Mia?”
“I’ll tell her the truth. It will be hard but I can’t keep lying to her. I’ll feel like an ass but at least I’ll have you.”
He leaned down to kiss her softly, “if you’ll have me,” he murmured between presses of his lips hers, “please?”
When he pulled back, he made sure to keep a hand on her cheek and keep his nose touching hers, “of course I’ll have you. Just… promise me you’ll try this time? We won’t give up so easy?”
Harry kissed her again. “I promise.”
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Divider by @firefly-graphics
YAY I HOPE U LIKE THIS!! I am all angsted out WHEW!! sorry if u sent in a prompt and i couldn’t do it, i really can’t write another super emotional scene again 😭 LET ME KNOW IF THIS IS ANY GOOD AND WITH THIS I SHALL CLOSE THE PROMPT REQUESTS! thank you to anyone who sent in any, i love you SOO MUCH! kiss kiss kiss 🫶🏻
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imaybe5tupid · 4 hours
if you see absolutely anything that has kabru in it. And are unable to stop yourself from making it about L/abru (even when Laios doesn’t even appear or is irrelevant to the content in question!) and reduce kabrus entire deuteragonist-level character into wanting to fuck laios. I’m stealing something out of your house!!!!!
disclaimer: If you ship l/abru and gaf about kabru and don’t do this then this post isn’t about you 🤓
#I love kabru so much but finding content of him is so painful bro I cant#Flames flames flames up the side of my face!#I constantly consider just nuking my account and forgetting I ever read or cared about dungeon meshi many times bc of this lol#I care him so much. More than I care about dungeon Meshi as a work as much as I respect it and it’s fun to create for#I can’t be normal about this genuinely I never get like this but I turn into A.M from I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream#Laios and kabrus connection is really sweet in the end and I don’t ship it but like the ship it’s so inoffensive in abstract just not for m#But in reality every day I get jumpscared by the things people are doing to my angel#Like just do laios self shipping that’s clearly what you daft cunts actually want why puppeteer kabru free my boy#I promised I would never post like this but like it really makes me so mad lol. And want to just go back to not looking up anything online#And I already specifically curate my experience to a crazy degree.#But the way that this fandom revolves around babying laios is crazy dude#Like every single thing is about poor poor laios#like he’s the main character but it’s insane even people who LIKE him have to put disclaimers when saying even jokey mean things#Because then 1000x idpol white autistic people will descend upon them otherwise#And I say this as an autistic person of colour it’s annoying asf lol I do not respect any of you! To put it mildly!#If the only way you can engage with characters or stories is through vectors which You can personally project onto and relate to#I’m doing a lot more than fucking stealing something out of your house!#It’s the most normal thing on earth to not like the main character of a series but I feel if you genuinely hated laios#And are not just guilty of criticising him or appreciating his flawed character. Then the legions of cornballs will descend on you#The only good spaces are small pockets of people engaging with each other together. The rest lol nuclear devastation#but I suppose that’s the nature of fandoms lol why complain about clowns at the circus 🚶#Like there’s literally characters whose main purpose in the story IS their relationship/dynamic with laios. Kabru is NOT JUST THAT!!#He is a deuteragonist!#Treat him like one!#Like why are people talking about labru on my freaking kaburin and kabushuro posts dude free me
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luvrdrop · 2 days
ft. ran haitani x afab reader! ( father’s day special. )
synop: you and ran, are co-parents, parenting one babygirl named saiyana. you let saiyana spend the day with ran for father’s day but when you go and pick her up, plans seem to change.
cont: no established relationship, rough sex, ran basically seducing the fuck outta you loll , tipsy driving, tipsy sex , cursing , unprotected sex , fingering , oral ( f. receiving! ) , no clear aftercare! , hair pulling, petnames - baby, sweetheart, pretty thing , good girl lmk if i forgot anything!!
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it was currently 11:35 am, you woke up to the tapping and shaking of little hands and the soft call of your daughter. “ mama, mama! we have to get ready. “ saiyana repeats. you open your eyes to your babygirl pouting, you smile softly placing your arms around her holding her in your embrace. “ good morning, yana. “ she hugs you back uttering a sweet greeting. “ good morning mama! “ your eyes shifted to the clock, it was time to get up and get ready. today was father’s day, ran haitani, your ex-boyfriend and father of saiyana was supposed to be coming to pick her up around 12:45 pm.
you lifted your daughter up, while lifting your own body off of the bed slipping on your brown fuzzy slippers. “ you ready to go with papa? “ you asked, pressing your forehead against your daughters while she played with your necklace. “ yes mama “ she chirped. you carried her to the bathroom , standing her on her stepping stool, brushing her teeth and washing her face doing the same thing for yourself. “ what do you want for breakfast, hun? “ you asked while wiping her face with the warm face towel. “ hm.. pancakes!! “ she squealed. your daughter always favored pancakes over any other breakfast dish. “ okay, cmon sweetie. “ you held her hand, helping her down from the stool, leading her to the kitchen.
after around 15 minutes , the pancakes and fruits you had placed on her plate where almost finished. at this point it was almost 12 pm and you still had to dress her and put some actual clothes on, speaking that you only had on some shorts and a tshirt. “ mama i’m all done. “ she had ate all her fruit and only had a few crumbs of her pancakes left. “ okay, you can go pick out your outfit sweetheart. mama’ll come help you get dressed in a few minutes, kay? “ you went a wiped her face and hands with a napkin, she hopped down from the chair and ran to go pick out her cute little outfit.
you laughed before scraping the remainder of food in the trash and placing the dishes in the dishwasher. you turned to the sink and washed your hands, shifting your head once you hear your cell phone ring. “ i wonder who that is.. “ you dried your hands, quickly walking back to your bedroom to grab your phone, picking it up without looking at the name in fear of it sending the caller to voicemail. “ hello? “ you said softly into the phone. “ good morning, darling. “ you hear a familiar voice on the other end. it was ran. “ you two pretty girls awake? ” you turned on your heels, heading back into saiyana’s room seeing the outfit she had picked out, she was actually getting better, before she would pick out costumes and tutus to wear but now she’s picking out cute jean shorts and shirts with shoes to match.
you smiled and answered ran, “ yes, ran. we’re up, she’s already had breakfast, she’s picking out her outfit now. yana, here’s your papa. you remember what i said? “ you whisper the last part to her, and she giggles before you placed the phone on speaker and sitting it on the bed so you can start dressing saiyana. “ hi papa, happy father’s day!! “ she said perfectly just like you asked her to say it. “ aw, thank you sweetheart. thank you so much. i’ll be there to pick you up soon. okay? “ he said sweetly over the phone. you never really understood why you and ran left each other, it just seemed like the right thing to do. he was so busy and you didn’t work as much, but you can’t lie you ended up missing him. it’d take a hell of shit to get you to admit that though. “ okie! byebye papa!! “ she said to him and the phone clicked off.
after saiyana was dressed, you combed through her hair softly while she watched tv, some cute little pony show she liked. you glanced at it, it was pretty interesting. “ all done, you look so pretty, yana. “ she smiled and replied with a small “ thank you mama “ you were so proud of her, she was so well mannered even without you reminding her. you heard knocks at the door, saiyana’s eyes widened and you did the same, to be playful with her. “ i think that’s papa! cmon “ she hopped off her bed and ran to the living room, you went and opened the door revealing who was on the other side.
“ hi papa!! “ saiyana ran up to ran and hugged him and he held up effortlessly. “ hi sweetheart. i missed you. “ he kissed her cheek, closing the door behind him. “ happy father’s day , ran. “ you said to him, your heart warming at the sight of your daughter seeing her dad for the first time in a while, he was away on a business trip before this. “ thank you, darling. “ he turned to face you, his hair was down and he was dressed casually, a white shirt and sweater over it. “ i see you let your hair grow back out. “ you acknowledged referring back to a few months ago when he had cut his hair shorter. “ yeah, i didn’t feel like going to get it cut again. i think i like it longer, what do you think, sweetie? you think papa looks better with long hair? “ he looked at her as she played in his hair. “ yep! it’s super long, i want my hair long like papas! “ she exclaims. “ well i won’t cut it hun. “ you reassured her that if she wanted her hair long she wouldn’t cut it. ran chuckled, before looking at her. “ sweetheart you do have to get trims regularly, that’s the only way you’ll have healthy and long hair. “ he explains , pretending to trim her hair with his fingers. saiyana nods, before laying her head on his shoulder.
“ i’ll come pick her up around 9:30? “ you ask tilting her head. “ any time is fine, love. “ he says. “ okay, i’ll call when i’m on the way. “ you noticed how he kept calling you cute little nicknames. “ alright, sweetie. tell mama bye and give her a kiss. “ he leans her in to you and she wraps her arms around you, kissing your cheek. “ byebye mama, i love you! “ she gave you a pretty smile, “ mama loves you more, i’ll pick you up later. “ you kissed her forehead. “ see you later, darling. “ ran said sweetly. “ byebye, ran. “ you closed the door behind them.
you locked the door and headed back to your room, laying back in the bed. you wondered if maybe ran was having the same thoughts as you, like the whole break up was nonsense. you used to argue a little bit, but it was never nothing serious. never any disloyalty. your family back home, loved him. there was quite frankly, no reason to separate. you just felt like he was always so busy, and it kinda lead you to feel as though he didn’t want the relationship anymore. he did try to reassure you that it wasn’t that, but you guess it was in your best interest to ask if breaking up was best. him being the person he is, never wanting to hold someone where they aren’t happy.. he let you go.
you were in your head so much you didn’t even realize that you fell asleep, you woke up to your phone ringing. you jumped before closing your eyes again, grabbing the phone and putting it to your ear without looking at the caller. a bad habit you had at this point. “ hello? “ you answered very sluggish sounding. “ y/n? are you sleeping? i thought you were coming over here! “ you hear your friend hina on the other end, “ huh.. what hina? “ you groan out of exhaustion. “ y/n. you told me yesterday that you’d come hang with me and emma while the boys were out for father’s day. you said you’d be here at 3, it’s 3:40! “ hina squealed, making you sit up and look the clock. “ shit- my bad i’m on my way. “
you sat up and went to go get ready, putting on some black tights and a tank top, throwing your everyday jacket over it. double checking to make sure you grabbed the little things you were taking you walked out and locked your door behind you. normally you would have walked to hina’s but you had plans to go pick up saiyana after this so you just drove. it took you around 6 minutes to get to hina’s. you hopped out of the car, locking it and knocking on the door. emma was the one to open it and greet you.
“ hi y/n! “ emma hugged you, squeezing you. you hugged her back, “ hi emma, so the boys are gone? “ you questioned, the house being unusually quiet. “ yep. they left about 10 minutes before you got here, “ you nodded. “ saiyana is with ran, i’m guessing? “ emma asked out of curiosity, “ yeah , he came and picked her up from the house earlier. “ you explained before you realized both emma & hina were side-eyeing you. “ what… “ you genuinely were confused on why they were looking at you like that, taking a sip of the drink hina passed you as you sat in between the two.
“ you really don’t want to talk to him about it at least? “ emma asked once again. “ no.. i mean.. i don’t know? “ you were feeling uneasy with the questions. “ you do know!! either you miss him or not. “ hina poked your shoulder. “ i mean i do.. but it just didn’t work out.. i don’t know why “ you shrugged your shoulders , looking at both of them. “ my point! you don’t know why, which means that you don’t have a reason not to try again. “ you sighed, they went on and on about how you two should hash it out like grown ups and talk about why the two of you broke up. you looked at them once again, “ if i agree to talk to him about it, will you two zip it? “ you took another sip of your drink, “ yes! “ they shouted in unison. “ fine, fine. i’ll bring it up. “ rolling your eyes, you finished the drink.
after around 3-4 hours, it was time to go pick up saiyana. and you knew this because the sky was getting darker and you felt the tingling of the few cans flowing through you and you wanted to make the trip before you got too wasted. you said your goodbye’s to emma and hina before hopping in your car and heading into the city to make it to ran’s house. you couldn’t lie your head was spinning, you were nervous to say the least. ran probably had a girlfriend by now, it had been 8 months since you and him called it quits on your relationship. you didn’t have any idea on how to bring it up, or how to go about it. you were on the highway, trying not to speed. you realized you were around 10 minutes away so you decided to call ran, the phone rung.. once.. twice. and then there he was.
“ hi darling, what’s up? “ the way the words had rolled off his tongue had you feeling a bit hot, but then that could have just been the tipsy mindset you had. “ ran.. i- uhm.. i’m on my way to your house. “ you tried not to sound too.. off. but you were far too late, ran noticed the weariness in your voice. “ okay, you alright? you don’t sound too good. “ he said, voice going deeper than usual. you had to get him off the phone or you were going to lose it right there. you adjusted yourself in your seat. “ yeah- i’m fine.. we’ll talk when i get there. “ you said quickly, “ i’ll see you then. “ you hung up after a few seconds. you sped up until you reached the street of ran’s home, carefully pulling into the drive way. “ i can’t believe i’m doing this shit.. fuck. “ you cursed to yourself. deciding that time was only gonna kill you, you hopped out of the car and walked up the walk way, knocking on the door once you reached it.
ran opened the door, looking down at you as soon as he did so. “ darling, come on in. “ he moved over slightly , letting you in. you walked in , uttering a small “ hi, ran. “ you walked in not hearing anything so you already knew that saiyana was asleep. “ i’ll go get her from upstairs.. but before i do that, are you sure you’re alright, love? you sounded troubled over the phone. “ ran moved a bit closer to you, looking deep into your eyes. “ oh yeah- i actually wanted to see if we could talk about something.. i just.. “ you were tailing off, a loss for words and he picked you up right where you lost it. “ of course. come sit with me. “ he lead you to follow him to sit on the couch next to him. once you looked more comfortable, he asked. “ what’s on your mind love? “
after 30 minutes of talking about how “ neither of you did anything wrong” , you found yourself layed over ran, lips crashing against each other, your hands find their way in his hair while his found the familiar curves of your body, caressing them in ways he says he missed so much. “ missed your lips.. you’re so sweet baby. “ he whispered to you, squeezing the flesh of your ass through the thin material of the tights you wore. “ ran.. want you.. please. “ you whined, body aching to be touched at least a little bit. “ he lifted you up, taking you to his bedroom.
once you both entered the room and the door was shut, he layed you on your back, kissing you once again. you can hear him groaning through the kiss, the tent in his pants pressed against your sopping midpoint. your hand reached down to feel it, until he gripped your wrist. “ not yet, pretty thing. be patient, i want to show you how much i missed you. “ he moved down to your neck, sucking and kissing onto your soft spots. you started to let out moans and quiet whimpers, in need of more which he promised to deliver. he removed your top layers of clothing, while you helped him remove his own. he moved lower, cupping your breasts and placing his mouth around the nipple, the right one first. he used his fingers on the left, pinching and twisting it while his mouth sucked and nibbled on the current, he switched once he was satisfied, moving even lower, sliding down your pants and panties.. “ sweetheart.. you gonna let me see? open em f’me.. “ he basically pleaded while opening your legs, bending them and pressing them against your chest. “ hold em for daddy.. can you do that, hm? “ he whispered.. “ answer me, pretty. you know what to say.. “ he reminded you of how he liked to be addressed.
“ yes daddy.. oh- fuck.. “ you stammered out.. feeling a fat glob of his spit fall on your sensitive clit, he went down and sucked it up, licking all over your pussy, making your legs tense and close up, “ mmh, r- daddy.. please oh fuck!!! “ you squealed. ran wasted no time in spanking your ass from beneath you, “ shut it.. don’t you wake my baby up.. “ he warns you, ran was always meaner during sex. he never meant any harm. one of his hands slid up and wrapped around your throat as he sucked and nibbled on your already swollen clit. his finger found it’s way into your mouth and you lapped at his middle and ring finger getting them all wet. once he felt it was good enough, he brought them down and pushed them into your aching hole. “ d-daddy.. wait, i- “ you quivered, legs shaking. “ shhh.. shut up. i need you prepped before i fuck you.. you don’t wanna hurt do you, baby? hm? answer daddy.. “ you shook your head , saying “ no.. i don’t wanna- ah! “ he moved his fingers faster, pressing his tongue flat against your clit. once you started to squeeze his digits, he pulled both his fingers and tongue away. a long string of slick connecting both of them. “ you’re still as wet as ever for me.. such a good girl.. “
“ you ready, pretty thing? “ he was lining the tip of his cock with your opening, “ you know what to say if you want me to stop? “ you nod and heave out, “ yes daddy.. i want it.. “ he smirks before pushing it in , watching you gasp and take in the stretch. “ shh.. it’s okay.. “ he coos at you.. once he’s in until the hilt, he pulls out and pushes back in at a even speed, but he makes sure you take the whole thing, and he means the whole thing. by this point, you’re pressing against his abdomen, and he’s gripping your wrist. “ nuh uh, stop pushing me, love.. you can take it.. take it, baby.. such a pretty girl.. “ he has your eyes rolling back, when he starts to go faster, the tip of his dick hitting your insides just right. “ shit... daddy.. “ you whine out, he knows you like it. he won’t stop until he’s fuck a load deep into you.. his thumb has made it’s way to your clit, rubbing it backs and forth, you’re shaking and on the verge of cumming. “ daddy- i’m.. oh god i’m cumming!! “ you feel his body detach from yours, “ no, not yet. “ he rubs your stomach to soothe you from the fallen orgasm you couldn’t reach just yet.. “ please.. daddy please.. i wanna cum.. “ you beg.
now, he’s behind you and your back is arched, he pushes in, hands placed on your back to balance himself, “ oh fuck.. baby you feel amazing… “ ran grunts out. your mouth is open, at the feeling of his cock so deep in your tummy. you lay your head on the mattress. you’re letting out a river of curses as he begins to go at a fast pace, you’re crying and drooling at the feeling, completely fucked out. it doesn’t take long for him to hit that spot again that has his cock twitching inside you. “ daddy’s gonna cum.. cum in you and get you pregnant all over again, hm? you want that? “ he’s grabbing your hair, pulling your head upward. “ yes- yesyesyes daddy… wantyoutofuckmefull.. oh god!! “ you still haven’t came yet, but you’re really close.. “ can i cum.. please daddy let me cum.. “ you scream, he hisses spanking you once again, “ i told you not to wake my baby.. cum, cum for me. “ once he gives you permission, you’re gushing all over him, and his hot seed is spilling out from the sides of your cunt..
after cleaning you up and getting you nice and comfortable, you and ran lay down falling asleep in each others arms. maybe emma and hina were right about it , there was no excuse not to try again. <3
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kai:3 - hiii this is my debut fic & father’s day special!! i had a ask for this but i read it completely wronggg and didn’t respond do it correctly!! so sorry to whoever that sweet soul was i hope this is good!! but any requests can still be sent!!
( not proofread! )
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cupidvisions · 3 days
𝔭𝔞𝔠-𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔩𝔦𝔢 𝔦𝔰 𝔟𝔢𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔬𝔩𝔡 𝔱𝔬 𝔶𝔬𝔲
—>about this reading: this reading is going to tell you the lie being told, why the truth is being held from you, and when or if you’ll find out! sounds interesting? then continue reading !
—> how to choose? close your eyes, clear your mind, and open your intuition. the about the numbers, the images, the feeling they gives you. then choose🖤
the banners used are by @cafekitsune !!
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pile 1
signs that this is your pile: pisces, cancer, taurus, capricorn, 5, 8, 15, lots of emotions recently, a feeling of needing help but not knowing how to get it, uncomfortable, back pain 
8 of cups, queen of cups reverse, hierophant, the devil 
the lie
the lie that’s being told to you is that you are a disappointment. this could be a lie your telling yourself, but if there is an outside influence, i’m seeing that the person who may be telling you this is insecure or dependent on you, so they try to keep you down in a low vibration too. i also have a feeling that you may not want to leave this situation or person that is causing you these feelings. this can trigger a sense of abandonment for you. another lie i can see being told is “you can’t leave” or “you can’t escape” maybe you feel stuck on the situation or person you are with. this could also be from yourself. i’m seeing that this lie could make you very emotional. interestingly enough, before i started this reading i felt stuck, like i didn’t know what to say. so i read something that reassured me that i can do this reading. maybe that’s a sign for you to look for someone close to seek help from, or find health coping mechanisms 
why is the truth being held from you?
(i actually feel like the lie may be coming from within so that’s how i typed that part)
it’s being held from you possibly because of the situation your in causes you to conform to the rules of that environment. this can mean that the community your apart of may not be open to hearing what you have to say. it could be brushed off as “a little anxiety” or “not that big of a deal”. i’m having a feeling this lie is coming from within, so there’s a chance that your scared that if you tell someone, you’ll be shamed, ridiculed, or pushed away. this is what’s keeping you away from the truth
when or if you will find out 
(when or if you will tell others)
i’m seeing that you will likely keep this to yourself. maybe the inner voice is plaguing you to keep this in. but there are consequences to keeping this in. it can lead to self destructive behaviors, and you will continue to feel like your stuck or restricted. you may have a toxic relationship with these negative thoughts , like when you try to show yourself some compassion, you may feel uncomfortable or like it’s not right. it may be awhile before you finally open up about how your feeling
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pile 2
signs this is your pile: capricorn, virgo, 0, 1, 2, 9, feelings of confusion, optimism
the fool, 2 of pentacles, the hermit, ace of wands
the lie 
i have a feeling that the lie being told to you is that this risk, or new beginning will be worth it. maybe it puts a lot of things at risk or you are blindness going with the flow. i have a feeling that you were convinced by someone or yourself that this “new possibility” will be worth the 50/50 risk. i’m seeing that you don’t wanna miss out on this opportunity, or you’ve been trying to put your trust into going with the flow, instead of being practical and planning. on this card this man is looking in the air blissfully with what seems to be him dancing at the edge of a cliff, and that’s somewhat the vibes i get from this. you really wanna try to be positive about this, but i’m getting a sense that it isn’t like you to just “trust the process”. and i have a feeling you may have been coerced into thinking or feeling like it was a good idea
why is the truth being held from you?
the truth is being held because someone or yourself is trying to get you out of your comfort zone. being told the truth may make you realize that the risk isn’t worth it, or that you could be making a bad decision. i’m also seeing that you are having an internal conflict choosing which side of you to believe. “do i want to take the risk or not?” “new start or comfort zone?” these are the questions you may be asking yourself. taking this opportunity could also put a lot of your priorities at jeopardy or make you lose sense of what your priorities are. in the hermit card, the man is holding a lantern but he’s looking away from it, i feel like this you you looking away from the truth, someone withholding it, or the truth being right in front of you but you can’t see it
when or if you will find out 
you will be told the truth eventually or shown  the right decision. i’m seeing that once you bet out of this limbo of “should i or should i not” it will open more doors for yourself. in fact, a new and even better opportunity can come along. going through this lesson will help you grow, and and gain power from it (could be metaphorical). this also strikes an inspiration in you. if you paint, draw , write, this could inspire you to make a piece from this situation. i’m seeing that you’ll be quite satisfied with the outcome 
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pile 3
signs this is your pile: 8, 88, 2, sagittarius, gemini, cancer, the moon, needing a break, tired, relaxing, scared, timid, paranoia, waiting, impatience, listening 
8 of wands reversed, 8 of sword reversed, the high priestess 
the lie
i’m seeing that you are being told to wait, or to be patient about whatever is coming. “you just need to wait” “your being so impatient” is what i’m hearing. i feel like waiting is giving you a sense of panic and fear. this is causing frustration, more panic, tiredness, and paranoia. people around you, or yourself could be telling you to hold off doing something. you feel stuck, and confused. your not sure what to do, and this can be feeding into your anxiety. while typing this i feel a sense of anxiety, and also feeling like i don’t know what to do, i have a feeling you also don’t know what to do 
why is the truth being held from you?
i feel like the truth is being held from you because you may not want to accept it. you have beliefs that are limiting you from your fullest potential. you beat yourself up over this situation, or thing that is causing you this stress. you may cuss or whisper negative things to yourself when your upset. you don’t want to accept the truth. maybe your inner thoughts are telling you it’s too good to be true, or that you not ready to open yourself up to that perspective. although you may be scared, i have a feeling the truth will free you from all this worry 
when or if you’ll be told the truth
i’m seeing that this is a maybe. i feel like it’s really up to you wether you want to accept it or not. i’m seeing that you should trust your gut feeling about this. use your instincts and intuition to guide you to your answer. i’m also seeing a feminine figure, maybe one you look up to, will help with this. i’m finding that this information will be something you hold onto dearly and you will gain a sense of purity, and trust yourself again 
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cheri-2047 · 1 day
I have a request for, Zhongli Neuvillette and Ayato so they are forced to marry a reader, who looks a mess like their appearance and they aren't really into them. I hope I explained it properly it's hard for me at times and I got the idea when I saw some mobile game ad.
i think I know this ad LMAO, sure !! I’ll make it headcanons though cause those have been easier for me to write lately. thank you for the request!
Arranged Marriage (Zhongli , Neuvillette, Ayato)
SCENARIO: Your parents somehow got to get you an arranged marriage with these men. You grew up in a rich family, but due to a bad decision, your father’s company ended up going bankrupt. Suddenly, your mom just told you to get into the car and drove off, not knowing where you were going.
MENTIONS OF: Furina, Thoma, Ayaka
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When you enter the court (please tell me where he works guys in the comments, I forgot what it’s called), that’s when you realized.
This is the first time you’ve actually SEEN him. You felt embarrassed because your mother didn’t even let you change out of a decent pair of clothing or even fix your hair.
you quickly tried to change your appearance as much as you could. But when the Melisune opened the door, that’s when you panicked.
Neuvillette was…shocked. He was shocked to see you in a state but he didn’t show it. “Ah..I suppose you’re y/n?”
“yes… I apologize for my appearance, My mother pulled me out of my room and just forced me to leave without a word haha…” you were nervous as hell.
”I see. Nice to meet you.” He stands up and walks over to you, shaking your hand.
”I’d like to go over the terms of our marriage, nothing official just what we both are comfortable with.” Even with your messy appearance, he still treated you with grace and kindness
he asked the melusine to give you some tea, and now you Two were left alone.
”Well…I understand if you don’t want to do this at all, so during our relationship, I will not require you to be affectionate towards me.”
He sat in a chair nearby and he held your hand. “If there’s anything I am doing, or will do that makes you uncomfortable, please do not hesitate to tell me.”
“If you need anything, just say the word and I’ll have to for you.”
“if you would have…other affairs, since were not actually in love…I’m okay with it. Just be careful to not show it in public.” He understands that this is a forced marriage for you, so he tries to still let you have a normal life.
“ah no it’s okay, I’m not interested in anyone at the moment, but I…I would like to try to get this- us to work.” You smiled, and Neuvillette was touched by that.
During your marriage, you lived with him. He wasn’t extremely close to you but you could tell he was trying. On the first night you two slept beside each other but on the next one if you were uncomfy, he arranged another room for you in his mansion.
He lets you do anything really, if you want to work go ahead but if you just want to stay home that’s okay too.
Overall, he grew to like you. And the marriage was like a real thing.
Since he wouldn’t be home often, he apologizes by sending you gifts. When he notices you’re lonely, furina actually lets him have a day off.
as for affection, at most he would kiss you on the forehead or cuddle you close. He won’t force you to kiss him on the lips (since he doesn’t want to intrude on anything) so you’d have to initiate those <3
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When you saw your car drop in front of the kamisato, that’s when you realized.
You tried to fix your appearance, tying your hair up with a desperate attempt to look more elegant.
thoma welcomed you, not gonna lie he noticed how you shuffled your clothes a lot and before taking you to ayato, he let you in a separate room.
”I don’t mean to be rude, but I noticed the way you shuffled with your clothes” he chuckled, handing you an old dress that ayaka owned, (since it didn’t fit her)
he let you changed and once you did, he brought you to ayato.
Ayato welcomed you and thoma left the room. He motioned for you to sit in front of him.
”nice to meet you” he smiled and bowed (iirc in japan they bow as a sign of respect/greeting? Please correct me if I’m wrong!)
you did the same. It was awkward for awhile until he spoke.
”I am sure you’re aware of what’s about to happen correct?” You nod. “I want to try to make this work” he said, looking straight at you.
”if… if we don’t work out that’s alright, but I’d like to know you more.” He smiled as you nodded.
”me too, I’m glad we’re on the same page” you smiled.
you two talked about your own interests, but now you had a problem.
its not that he hated you or judged you, but there are times it’s dead silent. for now he passes it off since you both are new to each other.
”well, I will have thoma show you your room and ah- no more need for formalities it’s okay”
After the marriage you move in together and though it’s still awkward, you two actually end up becoming close.
At some point, during the night when he’s working late, he actually started seeking comfort from you.
sometimes he would visit your room, if you were asleep he would sit beside you on the bed and tuck you in nicely after
or if you’re awake, you (aside from ayaka sometimes) are one of the only few who actually gets him to go to bed.
you sleep in separate rooms but one day he offers for you to sleep with him.
overall, this marriage was a success. Sometimes he’s busy but you take note of it and if he notices you’re lonely, he would invite you over to his room while he works/signs papers and he talks to you.
as for affection, he appreciates if you give him hugs but there are times (mostly when you’re away for a long period of time) when he tilts your chin up and goes “may I?” Before pressing a kiss to your lips
Sorry if I mischaracterized this, I haven’t done the inazuma quest and idk much about him !
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to your surprise, when you almost stopped in a mansion, you saw him standing outside waiting for you.
and that’s when you started to realize.
the moment you got out of the car, you fixed your dress. He was quite welcoming actually.
he welcomed you to his home and set you on the couch. He actually didn’t mind much your appearance.
he sat in front of you and smiled. “Nice to meet you” he handed you a cup of tea before you two got started.
he saw you uncomfortable shuffling around your clothes. “Are you alright? Is something wrong?”
”no no! Just fixing myself a bit, sorry” he wondered why you seemed so tense about your appearance.
”I do not care about such matters if that’s what you’re thinking” he reassured you.
”now..as for this marriage, I do not want you to feel forced. I will allow anything you’d like, if you’d have other affairs, I am okay with that.” He really just wants you to be comfy is all, especially since this was forced.
”however… I would like to get to know you more” and just like that a few months after the marriage, you two actually clicked.
often at night he’d sleep beside you, in the mornings he makes you both tea.
He’d be very respectful with boundaries and he appreciates when you respect his as well.
for dates he loves bringing you to gardens for a picnic or relaxing lakes, somewhere with nature. he hugs you a lot and kisses on your forehead. If you want a kiss on his lips, he will gladly say yes anytime of the day
A/N: OKAY. I loved writing this, I enjoyed Neuvillette and Ayato’s part, I kinda lost ideas for zhongli but THERE WAS AN ATTEMPT. Anyways thank you for requesting, I only have… 2-3 requests left until I can open them again ! I love how thoma would also be a gentleman to you idk I think he’s pretty cool this wasn’t proofread and comments are appreciated !! (Drop by for a tip, or if I mischaracyerized them or just say hi!)
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oureuphoria · 3 days
The Battle — JJK
⟿ Note: Hiii!! I know it’s been forever since I’ve posted on this account, and I am very sorry! I’m in uni now and my writing has improved (in my opinion) drastically, so I’m very excited to return bc I love posting here. To kick off the new era, I’m sharing a small fic I’ve worked on recently. I really hope you like it.
⟿ Synopsis: Your relationship with Jungkook has been strained for far too long and you’ve decided to do something about it.
⟿ Genre: Just angst, sorry </3 but possible part two!!
⟿ Pairing: Idol!Jungkook x Reader
⟿ Word count: 1,387
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“Jungkook.” You called out to your boyfriend the second you heard the door to his apartment open. You were supposed to hang out together, you’d been waiting for him for over 40 minutes.
“Yes, babe?” From his sing-song voice, you could tell he was tipsy.
“We need to talk.” You were aiming for a serious, sobering tone, but it appeared nothing could dull his vibe when he got it going,
“‘Course, love. Not now though, I’m busy. Just getting changed and heading out with the boys.”
“But you said we’d have tonight together.”
“I know baby, but we always celebrate big wins together. You know you’re welcome to join us.” Jungkook knew very well that you were still really nervous around his bandmates. You specifically asked for some time alone.
“But we need to talk and it can’t wait.” Your voice was unwavering, but you could feel the resolve you’d spent so long building up begin to slip away.
It was hard to fight with Jungkook. It was harder when he didn’t fight with you.
“What? Are you okay?” His voice resonated throughout the apartment from your bedroom to where you were sitting in the living room.
“No, Jungkook. I’m not.” There was a moment of silence.
“What’s wrong, are you sick?” His head peaked out from the room, harbouring slight concern on his otherwise bright face.
“No, it’s about us.” You averted eye contact, unable to watch the happiness drain from his face.
“That can wait.” He went back into the room, and you could feel your frustration return.
“I’ve been waiting, but you’re always busy and I can’t wait anymore.”
“Can I not have one night? One night where you’re not on my ass about everything?”
“That’s not fair.”
“Y/N, we fight every week.”
“And I want to talk about it.” He came out of the room, fully dressed in his favourite jeans and a tight black turtleneck sweater. A month ago, this would’ve been the part where you joked about him looking like that one picture of The Rock. Now it just made you wonder how many people would throw themselves at him, and just how many he’d reject before he’d finally realise you might not be worth the trouble.
“No, see you say you want to talk and then it turns into you making me feel like shit for living my life.” Jungkook continued arguing with you while pacing around the apartment looking for his keys, his wallet, his sunglasses.
“That’s not my intention.” You stood up from your seat on the couch, but he continued to avoid looking at you.
“Your intention doesn’t matter, your actions do. And right now, I’d really love it if you didn’t start a fight.”
“Fine, if that’s what you really want.”
“Great. I’ll see you later.”
You sighed. “You won’t.”
“Stop with the dramatics, Y/N.”
“No dramatics, I’m done. We’re done.” You weren’t sure how you managed to get the words out, considering the fact that they felt like shards of glass dragging across your tongue.
“Seriously?” He looked at you, one hand on the door knob, the other by his side.
You thought about taking it back for way too long, and when you said nothing, he shook his head, letting out a sardonic chuckle.
“Alright, Y/N. We’re done.” And with those parting words, he was out the door.
You sat back down on his couch. Tears were flooding your eyes, and you could feel the pressure on your chest, affirming the end you saw coming but tried so hard to avoid.
You could have continued begging for a morsel of his time to work things out, but as he said, he viewed any and all criticism as an infringement on his right to party and celebrate his success.
You were the same age, but you lived vastly different lives and you had no idea how to reconcile the gap between the Jungkook who loved you, and the Jungkook who was in the public eye. There was only one you. You didn’t have a second life, and that was what made it so hard to relate to him.
He didn’t even want to try.
You wiped away your tears, grabbing your coat and bag from the armchair. You had one arm through the sleeves when the door opened again.
For the split second that you heard the keypad beep and the door’s hinges creak, you allowed yourself to be filled with hope. He came back, and in that moment you let yourself believe that it was for you. That he’d tell you he can’t live without you, and whatever there was going on between you two, he’d be willing to fix it.
But you and him hadn’t felt partners in so long, and the problems you used to tackle together, as an inseparable unit, began to feel like termites eating through the foundation of your trust.
“Oh, you’re still here.” His voice didn’t sound remorseful. It didn’t sound like the voice of a man who was prepared to lay the ugliest parts of your relationship bare so that you could work through them. He sounded indifferent.
“Yeah sorry, I was just leaving.” You quickly shrugged the coat on properly, grabbing your bag and hastily rushing toward the door, but Jungkook was blocking the doorway, and he didn’t move away when you approached. “Um, Jungkook, you’re kind of in the way.” You tried your absolute hardest to keep your voice level and your tears at bay, but the longer he stood there the harder it was.
“I am, aren’t I?” His tone was so hard to read, you had no idea how to respond. “I’m always in your way, Y/N. And a better man would let you go, but I can’t.”
Before you could grasp onto his words, he grasped onto you. Jungkook wrapped you into a tight hug.
“Don’t do this, Jungkook. Please.”
“I don’t know what to do, Y/N. I feel so guilty, all the time. I don’t know how it fix it, so I go out, and I get wasted and I convince myself you’re happier without me.” He sounded so vulnerable, so bare, and for a moment you saw your pain reflected in his.
How could you fix it? There was only so much turbulence a relationship could take, and the strain on your own mental health was beginning to feel like less of a side-effect and more like a direct bi-product.
Sometimes, the best way to get rid of termites is to burn it all down and pray you have the strength to rebuild.
You weren’t sure of much, but you were sure that you weren’t strong enough to rebuild.
“I’m not happier without you, Jungkook. But lately I haven’t been feeling happier with you either. I love you, you know that, but I can’t keep pretending like it doesn’t hurt me when you pretend I don’t exist. And I know the only other option is to go public, but I don’t think I could cope with that kind of attention.”
“I could say I’m in a relationship and we could keep your identity secret. I’ve seen other idols do that.”
“Idols much less famous than you, Jungkook. Its unfair of me to expect you to carry the burden of the negative attention you’d inevitably get.”
“What are you saying?”
“Sometimes love isn’t enough. And I can’t watch as we tear ourselves apart trying to make each other feel better.”
“Y/N, I don’t know how to do this without you.”
“Me neither, but I think we have a much better chance of figuring out how to live apart than together, don’t you?”
“I— I could take a break from the group until we figure this out.”
“You’d resent me for it.”
“You can’t give up on us just like that?”
“You gave up a long time ago, Jungkook.” There was no hostility in your voice, so Jungkook knew you weren’t trying to hurt him with that remark. In fact, the sincerity of what you’d said, and the tears that began to flood your eyes and his, told him you might just be right.
So, without another word, Jungkook moved out of the doorway and watched as you gave him a tight-lipped smile before walking away.
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writingroom21 · 6 hours
Seeing the ghost face reader just inspired me with something. Imagine shy introverted reader (she's like fluttershy if you watched my little pony) nerdy pouge reader where she is sarah’s bestie who has a massive crush on rafe but doesn't show it but when he starts saying something really bad to Sarah (I don't know what) reader loses it inside since she can't show it so later that night she secretly goes to race room quietly while he's asleep wakes him up by slapping his face hard (he wont mind since he's always found reader hot) reader is secretly a dom as they have hardcore sex
Like A Virgin
Warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected sex(wrap it up), cream pie, overstimulation, chocking, oral (m receiving), (let me know if I missed any)
Wc: 3.2K
A/N: I'm loving all the requests I've been getting! Keep them coming! I'm getting through them as fast as I can, so sorry if it take a while. I also just started my new job so I have to figure out a writing schedule. So please bare with me, I will get to them
“What the fuck Rafe! Why do you always have to start something? He’s my boyfriend, he can be here.” Sarah’s voice echoes through the halls.You had just walked through the back door to get a drink. She had invited the pogues over for a pool day, you’ve all been outside all day. From the moment you had gotten there you could tell something was off.
Sarah was tense and a little short, apologizing straight after and blaming it on being tired. You would believe her if it wasn’t for the dark looming shadow that was Rafe Cameron. He was lurking around, making sly comments, objectifying your’s and Kie’s body. He knew better than to try with Cleo, she would kill him in his sleep in a heartbeat. There was definitely something going on because even if he normally is a dick, he would have quit by now.
You’ve been Sarah’s friend for ages, the only person she never actually tried to push away. It was shocking for everyone because she’s always been out going while you kept to yourself. Instead of making friends you were reading not wanting to be bothered by the other kids. Then one day Sarah came up to you and forced you out of your shell.From then on the two of you were attached by the hip, always together. She never onced judged you for being a pogue even when all her kook friends made fun of you.
They saw you as an easy target. The shy, poor, bookworm pogue who hangs off the kook princess with a vice grip. She would always defend you, telling them off. Even going as far as getting into an argument with Rafe about you. He wasn’t always a dick to you, at first he was even nice? If you could even use that word but when he started to do drugs he became a different person.
You’ve spent countless hours in this house and viewing how the family dynamic works. They sometimes tend to forget that you are there, your quietness hiding you from their view. You’ve seen how Rafe can get, yelling and making a mess of things. How Ward neglects his eldest and youngest for Sarah and so on. The family has a complicated relationship that’s for sure, but you knew something was wrong.
Now you can see what was wrong, it was all of you. “No, I don't want filthy pogues in my house. They are nothing but low lives Sarah. If you want to ruin your life fine but don’t drag the rest of us down.” Rafe’s voice booms over hers. “Ahhhh you are so crazy. You are literally the worst. I just wanted to have a good time with my friends. Why can’t you just be a normal brother for once?” Sarah storms off running into you on her way back outside. 
“Hey did you?” She points behind her and you just nod. “I’m sorry.” You give her a quick hug and she goes back outside. Entering the kitchen you see Rafe texting on his phone leaning on the counter. He looks up at you and rolls his eyes. “What do you want, pogue?”  You ignore the venom that was laced in his words. Doing what you always do, biting your tongue afraid of the confrontation's consequences. “Fucking spit it out, stop being such a baby.” With a deep breath you do.
“Maybe you should try being nicer to people. Sarah’s your sister and you treat her like shit.” Rafe scoffs as you get water from the fridge. “If I wanted advice I wouldn’t go to someone who’s poor. You and your criminal friends are just a waste of space.” He watches as you walk away, looking back to say one last thing today. “Don’t you find it funny how Sarah actually has friends. You’re still hanging out with high schoolers because everyone hates you. Maybe it's time to change and grow up.”
He left you alone after that. The rest of the afternoon was peaceful and filled with fun. At first you were scared of what he would say or do. You expected him to actually run out after you and start yelling. But nothing happened. Sarah had ordered you all pizzas and set up the movies in the living room. Everyone ate and walked as the movies played in the background. As it got later, the sun died, sleeping until it is brought to life once again in the morning. Mostly everyone was asleep, Kie and Sarah chatted and you chimed in time for time. But soon the sounds of Kie’s voice faded and became nothing. 
“Sarah?” The sound of blankets indicates that someone is moving around.”Yeah?” There’s so much you want to say, tell her so she knows you are there for you. But none of them seem good enough. “Are you okay?” You hear a sigh and more shuffling. Sarah plops her pillow and blanket next to you, laying down, she finally answers. “I guess.”
“It must be tough when he acts like that. I’m sorry you don’t deserve this.” Usually you don’t really comment on these things. Rafe is an iffy topic for Sarah. After he tried to kill her, she finds it hard to even look at him. She wants to help him because he’s her brother but at the same time she doesn’t recognize him. You don’t like to pick at the sore wound so you tend to just lend a comforting hand. “It’s always kinda been like this, the drugs just make it worse.” She pauses, taking a deep breath. “I still remember when we were little and I was so scared of a thunderstorm that he held me the whole night. Told me that he would always be there to protect me because he was my big brother, he loved me. Sometimes I wish I could go back to that, I don’t know who he is.”
You hand finds hers over the blankets, squeezing her fingers. “Sometimes people get lost. Some get help and find their way while the others continue on the never ending path. It sucks that you can’t do anything, he won’t let you. If it makes you feel better I think that part of him is still in there somewhere, he just hasn’t had the chance to show it.” 
Her fingers squeeze yours back. “I hope so.” Sarah fell asleep shortly after that conversation, leaving you to lay there and think. You think back to when you were young, Rafe seemed normal then. Sure he had some quirks but what child doesn’t. He would always hold the door for you everywhere you went. Ward would have you tag along on outings since he felt bad seeing your face after Sarah would tell you about something cool they did. There were also moments when he would try to make you smile, the little boy just wanted to make you happy. 
At that time Rafe was okay with having you around, if you twisted it out of him he might even say excited. That didn’t last long because their mother died and with her she took the last last bit of hope he ever had. He never truly felt safe again knowing that the person he loved the most was just gone. The outburst was the first sign he wasn’t okay, yet Ward ignored it. Then it was the violence, once again ignored. Finally the drugs got him the attention he was looking for. All for him to hear what he always knew. “You’re a fucking disappointment Rafe. Knew it from the moment I laid eyes on you.” From then on out the world was dead to him, he only needed to focus on himself. Everyone else is the enemy. 
Sarah’s words keep replaying in your head. Why can’t Rafe see he’s hurting people? You get why he shut you out, even when you were crushed and cried, you understood. But he can’t do it anymore to his own sister. Without thinking your body makes a mistake. It carries you up the stairs and straight into his room. The sounds of the door shutting wakes him up, he rubs his eyes trying to process what woke him. He opens his eyes just in time to see your hand in the air and strikes his cheek with your palm. 
“What the fuck.” He had to take a second to fully realize that you just slapped him. “What is your problem? Can’t you just be nice to people.” He sits up on the bed and you try to push him back down but he catches your hands. “Me be nice? You just walked into my room while I was sleeping just so you could fucking slap me. How about you be nice.” You struggle to get his grip off of you to no avail, he was holding on tight.
“I’ve been nice since the first time I met you. Kept my mouth shut when you did fucked up shit. Stop ruining your life and the life of others.” His eyes are piercing yours, his hold somehow tighter. “Maybe you should keep it shut, I like it better when you aren’t talking.” He pulls you closer, your knee catching you on the bed so you don’t fall. 
He’s staring at your lips, licking his to wet them. You go to argue with him but he cuts you off. “Come on. I bet a filthy pogue like you could think of ways to put it to better use.” One of his hands that was holding yours lowers. He stops once he feels your fingers brush against the bulge that’s forming in his boxers. The ignorant smirk that always bestows his face makes its way back.
Yanking your hand back, you slap him again, the smirk falling. Once again without thinking your body makes mistake two of the night. You kiss him. Pulling on the chain that lays around his neck, smashing your lips to his. Your other arms wrap around his neck, the hand holding the chain twists, closing it slightly. If this was a mistake then you can beg for forgiveness later, absolving your sins can wait. 
He just tasted too good to stop.
His hands go to your waist, pulling you onto his lap. “I knew you had a thing for me.” If this was your childhood you then there would be no room for arguing. The person you are in this moment doesn’t want to admit how true it is. You have seen how bad of a person he’s become and you know you would lose Sarah if she ever found out. “Do you even know how to keep your mouth shut? For once shut the fuck up.”
From the corner of your eye you see his belt laying on the floor in a pile of his clothes from earlier. Leaning over the side of the bed, you grab it and return to your previous position. “What are you doin” You kiss him to stop him from talking further, hands slowly pulling him over his head. The motion of you grinding down on him was enough to distract him from the feeling of the belt wrapping around his wrists and headboard. 
When you pull back and sit on his lap he goes to chase your lips just to be blocked by the fact his hands are tied. “What the fuck. Get these off.” The headboard rattles against the wall as he struggles to break loose. “Take these off right now or else.” Rafe’s tone is threatening but you can’t help but to laugh at the sight in front of you. The guy who’s been terrorizing your friend group is all vulnerable underneath you. “Or else, what? I’ll just leave you like this, maybe even take off the boxers so whoever finds you will realize you got played.” You scoot back to sit on his thighs.
“What do you think about that, huh Rafe? Personally, the idea of Ward finding you like that is hilarious. Better yet I’ll take a picture of you and post it everywhere, let everyone see the mean old Rafe Cameron as nothing else than a pussy.” Your teasing is accompanied by your fingers grazing over the bulge in his boxers. Rafe wants nothing more than to cuss you out right now. Make you regret even thinking that you could get one over on him.
The twitching in his boxers gives him away. He’s enjoying it. The big scary man that has a whole island afraid of him is enjoying the way you talk down on him. “You like that don’t you? You are a pussy, you know that right?” Your hand grips him tight, a whimper forced out of him. “Stop.” The words are weak and a contrast to how his hips are bucking up into your hand. Feeling generous you lower the boxers, taking his dick in your mouth without warning.
Rafe lets out a sigh when he feels the warmth of your mouth wrap around him. He goes to thrust into your mouth and you pull back, hands pushing his hips back down. “Do that again and I’ll leave you here to be found. I’m not kidding Rafe.” He nods at you, wincing as your nails dig into his skin. “Words.”
He looks down at you and can’t recognize who you are. Where has this side of you been hiding? He’s only ever known you as Sarah’s shy best friend. Yet the person in front of him looks like you but doesn’t act like you. “I get it. Fuck when were you like this?” From this view he looks so pretty.
His cheeks are a shade of pink from blushing, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. He looks good enough to fuck. If he took time to see what you were reading he would see that you’ve always been like this. You just never advertised it like he does. “Always have been. Maybe if you were nicer to people you would know that.” His eyes close when you go back to sucking him off. They scrunch up when he isn’t getting the satisfaction he’s looking for. You are barely even sucking.
It’s more as if he’s in your mouth and you are moving up and down on it. There’s no suction or hand to facilitate your movements. Not enough pressure for him to feel good, in fact he just feels frustrated. Your ears perk up when you hear his little groans and whimpers. “What’s wrong? Is it not good?” The words yes are on the tip of his tongue, they died as soon as his eyes met yours. There’s this defiant look in them, as if you want him to tell you somethings wrong. “No no it’s okay. Great”
You give him a smile. “Good boy.” The moans he lets out to your words are chocked on when you actually start to blow him. Rafe is no virgin that’s for sure, but god damn he feels like one right now. This has got to be one of the best blowjobs he’s ever received, scratch that it is the best. “Please.” He sounds pathetic and it makes you speed up. Rafe physically chokes on air from the sudden change, his body convulsing.
He keeps letting out these moans that sound whiny and a mix of pain. The way that he twitches in your mouth just confirms he’s close. Crystal blue eyes open to see why you stopped. Even in the dark his eyes are still beautiful, it’s not fair. Rafe watches as you slip out of your sleep shorts and panties, then you shirt. Leaving you fully exposed since you didn’t wear a bra.
Taking your panties, you crawl up to hover over his lap. He looks up at you ready to ask you to finally fuck him but you took him by surprise by shoving your panties in his mouth. “Hold this for me baby. Maybe that will finally shut you up.” The two of you stare into the others eyes as you sink down on him. Just from sucking him off you were soaked so he easily slid in. It was a good thing you muffled him. The moan he let out was so loud that it could still be heard, you had to cover his mouth just to stop the sound.
“God you act like a fucking virgin. Thought you were the kook king who could get anyone he wanted.” Rafe’s head was pinning, everything you are doing is making him so confused. He’s usually the one fucking, even when the girls on top he controls everything. Having you come in here and just fuck him as if he’s there for you is mind fucking. When he’s pictured this exact moment it was with you under him, screaming and clawing at his back as he fucked the shit out of you.
This is not how your first time should have gone. It’s the wrong way around yet it felt amazing.
Sweat is forming on your skin, the moonlight reflecting off of it. Your body is on overdrive, bouncing up and down. There is a tingle in your lower abdomen, a sign of your impending orgasim. As the feeling slowly crocendos, your body leans forward. You place the hand that was covering his mouth on his throat. The squeeze of your hand has his eyes rolling to the back of his head.
He’s so close to cumming, can feel it running from his fingertips to his arms that you have tied. He practically cries when you finally cum, your walls pulsating around him, triggering his own orgasim. You let go of his throat, wiping the tears from his eyes and shushing him. “It’s okay. You did so good.” He sobs around your panties, sucking the fabric lightly to ground himself. The way you keep slowly bouncing is killing him, he’s ready to pass out from the sensation. 
Looking down to see where the two of you were connected was his first mistake of the night. The sight alone sent him into another smaller orgasim, his body thrashing from the overstimulation. You pull yourself up and fall down next to him. After a few minutes of not talking to catch your breaths, Rafe tries to speak. Looking over at him you can see he’s staring at you, leaning up you take your panties out of his mouth and slip them back on.
“Are you going to untie me now?” You smile at him and give him a short kiss. Getting up you gather your clothes and put them on. “This isn’t funny untie me or I’ll tell everyone you fucked me.” You walk over to the side of the bed he occupied, leaning to grab the belt holding his arms. Dipping your head to his ears you whisper to him. “Really think anyone would believe you?”
You move back watching his face drop when you walk further towards the door. “Think of this as payback for all my years of silence.” You shrug and open the door. “I’ll get you back for this.” With one last look at him you smirked.
“I hope so.”
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youcouldmakealife · 11 hours
Gérard/Sven/Yvette; up to snuff
As we approach the final two weeks publication, here's the last of the extras! For the prompt: I would love early relationship Sven/Yvette/Gerard, angst or fluff or first times or hurt/comfort.
(It's early relationship! But maybe not the OT3 one)
“I have a question for you,” Sven says.
“If it’s about that shirt, the answer is no,” Gérard says.
Sven looks down. “It’s a no?” he says.
“I feel like I’m looking at one of those books of optical illusions,” Gérard says.
“I liked those books,” Sven says.
Gérard did too. He doesn’t even mind the shirt, dizzying as it is, though Sven would get fined if the team saw it, and he clearly knows that, since this is the first time Gérard has seen it.
“It’s visual stimulation,” Sven insists. Gérard has to wonder, sometimes, where he comes from. Ottawa, by way of Sweden, but Gérard knows a lot of Ottawans, and a few Swedes too. They also find Sven inexplicable.
“Don’t you think Yvette gets enough of that in a classroom?” Gérard asks. He can’t think of anything more visually stimulating than an elementary school classroom. It’s almost like that’s the point.
“You have a point,” Sven says. “I’ll change.”
“No patterns!” Gérard says.
“You’re no fun!” Sven says.
Gérard’s fun. At least, he remembers being fun. Lately, perhaps, not so much. Perhaps he’d be more fun if Sven wasn’t constantly asking him for advice before his dates with Yvette.
He’s trying not to be weird about it. It’s hard, though, when Sven’s asking how to look sharp for a woman he only met because Gérard met her first. That is, when he isn’t asking where to take her, what to do, how to act, like he’s forgotten everything in the face of meeting her.
Gérard would think Sven had never dated before, but he was coming to the bitter end of a two year relationship when they met, and he’s dated a few women since, though nothing was serious enough for Gérard to meet them, let alone the rest of the team.
Yvette has met the team, of course. Day one, but Sven’s invited her to every event open to significant others since. She’s only come to one, to Sven’s disappointment — unsurprisingly, the schedule of a hockey player clashes with the schedule of a teacher — but if Gérard needed a sign that Sven was serious about her — he didn’t — that would have made it very obvious. The team’s important to him. More important than anything. Though perhaps not lately.
Sven was hesitant to ask him for advice at first, considering the situation, but Gérard told him it was fine, and he can’t be mad at Sven for taking him at his word. And it should be fine. He wants it to be fine. He’s sure it will be, eventually, and he’s waiting for that.
And who else could Sven ask for advice, really?
His parents? They’re somehow even weirder than Sven is — everything about him was explained the day Gérard met him. Or, nothing was explained, he’s still inexplicable, but at least he figured out where it came from.
Friends? Sven doesn’t have them, outside the team.
So then, the only alternative is their teammates. Yvette seems almost as smitten as Sven, which is saying something, since Gérard wouldn’t be surprised if he’s already surreptitiously measuring her ring finger whenever they hold hands. But even with that latitude, if Sven follows their boneheaded advice he’ll almost certainly end up single again. Every one of their teammates in a relationship got to that point despite everything about them. Gérard is saying that with affection — mostly — but even so.
“How’s this?” Sven asks, emerging from his bedroom, then striking a pose as Gérard surveys him.
“You look good,” Gérard say.
He does. The shirt’s a solid colour, thankfully. Sven was unable to resist pairing it with a patterned tie, but they work together. His hair’s sticking up a little, probably from the quick change, but it’s endearing. Gérard thinks Yvette would find it endearing too, but then, he doesn’t really know that, does he?
“You need to fix your hair, though,” he says, and Sven runs his fingers through it, messing it up worse until Gérard takes over, finger combing it into submission. His hair’s soft and thin, almost downy, like a child’s. Gérard tries not to linger.
“I’m nervous,” Sven admits. Gérard’s well aware of that, though there isn’t really anything to be nervous about at this point. It’s not like it’s a first date, or meeting the parents — if it wasn’t already clear they were serious, the fact she’s already met Sven’s and Sven’s already met hers, well, Gérard thinks that makes it very clear.
Sven’s parents adored her, and Gérard’s not surprised. Sven’s unsure how her parents felt about him, and Gérard’s not really surprised by that either. He bets they liked him, though. It’s hard not to be a little overwhelmed when the full force of his attention aimed at you, but it’s hard not to be bowled over by it either.
“You have nothing to be nervous about,” Gérard says.
“I know,” Sven says, cracking a small, nervous smile.
How could Yvette be anything but endeared? Gérard never had a chance, but she didn’t have one either.
“Thank you,” Sven says. “For, you know.”
“Saving Yvette’s eyesight?” Gérard asks.
“Yes,” Sven says. “Thank you for that.”
“Any time,” Gérard says, and wishes he was strong enough not to mean it.
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