#red alliance
cipher-zoo · 1 year
Hi everyone 💙
There is a high chance, I am making this a waaay bigger deal, than it has to be, but I just like to be transparent. 😅
So, as of today, Red Alliance is on Hiatus, which sucks to say, since I have made such a big deal about it, because I genuinely was excited to write it in the beginning and then tried to reignite that excitement, but I realized that I simply don't like what I have written so far. And I tried rewriting it -multiple times, in fact - but it just doesn't click.
And I am sorry about that, because I know that, at least a few of you, were genuinely excited for it. But, I realize that writing that story isn't *it* right now, and it makes me feel "guilty" when I write other stuff, because my brain tells me I need to write Red Alliance instead [Now, just to clarify, I have felt NO pressure from any of you! This is all just me and my brain!] But yeah, to stay excited about writing, I'm going to put that story on Hiatus - and probably refrain from promising what story I will write next ... that was a bad move on my part, my apologies!
Now, I will not take the story out of my drafts, or WIPs, because I do hope that I will return to it, in the future. Like I said, I just wanted to be transparent.
Who knows, maybe I get excited about it again, now that I take the pressure I placed on my own shoulders, away.
I am sure you all understand the "struggle".
Love you all!
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Wowwwww! I can’t believe we made it this far. We had such a great run, pushed ourselves, and defied expectations. I’m so proud of my team.
Let’s go 8085!
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softiedingo · 25 days
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redbull took 'the enemy of my enemy is my best friend' to a whole new level
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severevoiddragon · 10 months
I haven't seen anyone talk about how Joel and Bdubs genuinely helped Pearl. Like, they knew what her task was. But they valued their alliance more than the reward they may have gotten for guessing correctly. And pearl was. So scared they'd guess seriously, like she was literally running away as Joel spoke his 'guess', and then turned around like 'oh'. She'd put so much into that alliance, but didn't expect them to reciprocate it. But they did. And I think that shocked her in a positive way.
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slavonicrhapsody · 1 month
I’ve been seeing a lot of people argue that Radahn would never agree to Miquella’s plans because he loves the Golden Order and would never want to replace it… but I think there are some nuances about the current state of the Golden Order that call that assumption into question?
The first thing to know about Radahn is that he’s defined by his idealization of Godfrey and his reign as Elden Lord. His lion armor is an explicit tribute to him, and he tries to emulate the “Lord of the Battlefield’s” martial prowess and heroic, honorable nature. When looking at the iconography associated with Radahn, it is always directly tied to Godfrey alone.
But Godfrey isn’t here anymore, he was banished… and the current state of the Golden Order is now extremely culturally different than it had been under his rule. The crucible and those associated with it gradually became less and less accepted, and more and more “disdained as an impurity as civilization advanced.” Godfrey’s crucible knights used to be heroes, and it’s even implied that they were the very face of the colosseums’ ritual combat… the Ritual Sword Talisman is “patterned after swords used in ritual combat held to honor the Erdtree,” and it’s the exact same design as Crucible Knight Ordovis’s sword:
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so there’s this connection between the colosseums under Godfrey’s reign and the crucible.
But, in the present day, both the crucible knights and the colosseums have fallen by the wayside: “In time, the strength shown by these knights, and even their appearance, was seen as chaotic and deserving of scorn,” and regarding ritual combat, “the practice had died out by the age of King Consort Radagon.”
We do in fact see these hallmarks of Godfrey’s reign in association with Radahn as well — from Freyja’s backstory, we know that Radahn first met her by watching her fight as a gladiator at the colosseum (probably the one in Caelid!). And there’s a boss fight at Redmane castle with a Crucible Knight and a (red-haired!) Leonine Misbegotten! It’s also worth nothing that Godfrey, his crucible knights, and Consort Radahn all share the same earth-stomp move! Another interesting point is that Godfrey is associated with lions (Beast-Regent Serosh), and of course Radahn wears lion armor inspired by this, but there is also a Lion Guardian enemy at Redmane castle that has horns:
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the old crucible society of the Hornsent revered the horned lion above all…
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and Radahn, the “Lord of the Battlefield’s lion,” gains horns after being resurrected in Mohg’s body… literally becoming a horned lion!
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I think it means something that Radahn is associated again and again with these symbols of the OLD Golden Order and the crucible… the time when Godfrey ruled, the crucible still flourished, and glorious combat reigned supreme. Yes, Radahn is absolutely defined by nostalgia and trying to recapture the glory of an old age… but I think this is actually a reason for him to OPPOSE the current Order, because now all the things he loved and admired about it are GONE! Indeed, there’s no evidence that Radahn made any attempt to preserve the current Order during the Shattering, and Morgott considers him to be a “willful traitor” with the rest of his siblings!
Does this mean that I think Radahn planned to be where he is with Miquella at the end of the dlc? Not necessarily, and I personally am really skeptical that where he ended up was entirely of his own choosing… I just think that the logic of assuming Radahn would want to preserve the Order in its current state is flawed, because the differences between Godfrey’s reign and Radagon’s reign are quite significant!
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redcrowncafe · 11 days
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Another Goat!! This one's based on their concept doodle plus some elements from the final design!
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shaykai · 11 days
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Old scribble I found in ye ol’ art folder
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15-lizards · 1 year
Westerosi-sonas are so funny like. I’m gonna input myself into the most crapsack world ever. I’m gonna reform the canon so I can imagine myself as the minor lord of a shitty keep. This is Harlan he got sent to the wall for sodomy and lost all of his toes to frostbite. Here’s Aenon he was murdered like saint Sebastian during the blackfyre rebellions. Wynnafred is a repressed lesbian married into the riverlands ofc and will fall in love with a tomboy daughter of a high lord before dying of Woman in ASOIAF Disease
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concidineart · 3 months
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They're gossiping
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strawberryartini · 3 months
Crown talk
Just the crowns talking about their wearers, the goat and the lamb, as well as their relationships
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Although this is already found in my previous post, I decided to give this a separate post because I thought it was funny 😂
Poor red has seen some shit
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Through the Fear
The night was cold and silent, Gotham City cloaked in a shroud of fear. You had been working with Jason Todd, the Red Hood, for months now, helping him clean up the streets while secretly feeding information to Batman in the hopes of reuniting Jason with his family. It was a delicate balance, one you had managed to maintain until tonight.
You and Jason had been tracking down Scarecrow, who had been spreading his fear toxin throughout the city. The mission had been going smoothly until you stumbled upon one of Scarecrow's traps. The canister exploded, releasing a cloud of fear toxin that enveloped you before you could react.
You staggered, coughing and trying to wave the gas away, but it was too late. The toxin seeped into your lungs, and your vision began to warp and twist. Horrific images flooded your mind, and every shadow seemed to harbor a threat.
"Y/N!" Jason's voice cut through the haze, but it sounded distorted and menacing. You turned to see him rushing towards you, but in your fear-addled state, he appeared as a monstrous figure, eyes glowing red and his grin twisted into a snarl.
"No, stay away!" you screamed, backing away from him in terror.
"Y/N, it's me, Jason," he said, his voice softer, more concerned. He reached out to you, but you flinched away, convinced he was going to hurt you.
"You're trying to kill me!" you cried, tears streaming down your face as you stumbled and fell to the ground. "I knew it... you found out about me helping Batman... you're going to kill me!"
Jason's eyes widened in shock and hurt. "What are you talking about? I would never hurt you, Y/N. You're everything to me."
But your mind was consumed by fear, and you couldn't see the truth in his words. All you saw was the monster your mind had conjured up, ready to strike.
Desperate to help you, Jason quickly pulled out a vial of the antidote he always carried with him. He knew he had to get it into your system, but you were too frightened to let him near.
"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise," he said gently, holding up the antidote. "This will help you. Please, Y/N, trust me."
You shook your head, trembling. "No... no... you're lying."
Jason's heart broke at the sight of you, so terrified and broken. He knew he had to act quickly. With a swift motion, he grabbed your arm and injected the antidote into your bloodstream, hoping it would take effect before your fear consumed you entirely.
You struggled against him, but the antidote began to work, slowly clearing the fog of terror from your mind. The monstrous image of Jason started to fade, and his real, worried face came into focus.
"Jason?" you whispered, your voice weak and trembling.
"Yes, it's me," he said, relief washing over him as he saw the recognition in your eyes. "It's going to be okay, Y/N. I'm here."
You collapsed into his arms, sobbing uncontrollably. "I'm so sorry, Jason... I was only trying to help you see your family again..."
He held you tightly, his own emotions threatening to overwhelm him. "I know, Y/N. I know. And I'm not angry. I could never be angry with you for wanting to help me. But you have to trust me when I say I would never hurt you."
You nodded against his chest, the fear slowly ebbing away as you felt the warmth and safety of his embrace. "I trust you, Jason. I trust you."
Jason pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. "We'll get through this together. You're not alone."
As the night wore on and the effects of the toxin completely wore off, you stayed in Jason's arms, the bond between you stronger than ever. No matter the fears and secrets that had threatened to tear you apart, your love had proven stronger, and together, you knew you could face anything Gotham threw your way.
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ravenpureforever · 2 months
Timeline wise it wouldn’t work out but I’m like still thinking about the Young Justice Parent Teacher Conference and like I think be deeply funny in a dumpster fire trainwreck kind of way if Jack Drake had been there too. Nightwing is still there and they barely tolerate one another
He’s forced to wear sunglasses and a baseball cap and referred to solely as Robin’s dad and he keeps making bitter and passive aggressive comments about Batman.
By all accounts he and Helena Sandsmark should get along as archeological associates whose kids became vigilantes and refuse to give it up but they absolutely hate each other. He & Bonnie also loathe each other. The fighting is a 1000 times worse and the entire snack table is destroyed.
Jack makes a very pointed comment about how Nightwing isn’t Robin’s father and everyone thinks Robin’s home life is a messy gay divorce soap opera between Batman, his civilian ex-husband, and his new partner Nightwing.
I think he has the power to turn this already chaotic event into a complete and utter disaster that makes Red Tornado manage to get a full on migraine despite not being human. It would be hilarious.
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iridescentis · 10 months
I'm gonna be sick and ill for a second bare with
gem's little 'pearl you're scaring me' as pearl is calling out for etho, the way she does as a red, gem regretfully killing her even though she didn't want to, pearl forgiving her instantly and falling into being a red again and jumping right into it, getting two kills almost straight away
gem being a little scared of pearl, even after she had just led an army with bloodthirsty excitement. gem loving being red and loving the chase but being almost worried for pearl seeing her like that, worrying what she had done to her, not knowing what she was like in previous seasons when she went red
not knowing that she is giving the scarlet pearl someone to fight with, finally not letting her be alone, and pearl being the same person she always is on red life, but this time with people around her, people who don't want her dead or don't run away from her - and almost everyone wants to be her ally
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liauditore · 11 months
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something about the way joel can't ever seem to get anyone on his side.
a friend sent me this video when i showed him the wip and I......
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chilei-the-hotsauce · 2 months
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the priest and their executor
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kacievvbbbb · 2 months
Perona and Mihawk
Okay I think I’ve found some of the words.
yeah I don’t think Mihawk understands the concept of protecting your loved ones; because he is attracted to strength, you wouldn’t be his loved one if he didn’t think you were strong and so to him being assured in the knowledge that your cherished ones can and will protect themselves from almost anything is the ultimate act of love. And then allowing them the opportunity to die at the hands of someone stronger, someone worthy is an extension of that. Given the desires he has for his own death he probably thinks it’s a way to honor them.
And the flip side of that is that when those people “fail” when they lose to people (or fish no matter how giant ) that Mihawk has deemed “unworthy” then he’s disappointed. Either they’re not as strong as he thought they were or they’re so reckless and stupid it doesn’t matter and Mihawk can’t abide by either.
And it’s like Mihawk’s never had a child right. Someone literally incapable of protecting themselves from most threats but what he does have
is Perona.
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GIF by beif0ngs
Okay wait stay with me here,
I’ve been trying to figure out where she fits in, in all this because I love her and I live for their dynamic with Zoro as a family. But Zoro and Mihawk have this thing that binds them and that relationship is an aspect of Shanks’ with Luffy but Mihawk doesn’t meet Zoro when he’s a vulnerable child. He meets him when he’s a man grown, more than capable of protecting himself and fighting his battles. Hell they wouldn’t even have a relationship if Mihawk thought zoro needed protection and so while meeting him unlocked an understanding of what Shanks saw in Luffy enough to wait for him how ever long it took. He’s still missing the protection part, the reason losing an arm was worth seeing the boy safe. Cause Mihawk’s ready to throw away zoro the moment he perceives weakness.
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Enter Perona
And don’t get me wrong Perona’s not in any way weak. Her devil fruit makes her pretty op but the thing is she is the definition of devil fruit dependent, which is obviously fine and dandy and did get her far in Paradise but is not gonna be enough to hang with the big bosses in the New World or be on Mihawk’s radar. Usually, when they don’t unceremoniously get dropped on his island by a brainwashed cyborg bear, and proceeds to break into your castle with a moss headed idiot, that is
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GIF by bubbly-bungee-may
She is arguably the “weakest” person Mihawk knows in a none hostile capacity (because I do think she beats buggy) and she is the anthesis of everything we know Mihawk to care about;
She’s not that strong, doesn’t care about being strong or sword fighting, is whiny, has no haki, is lazy and wants everything to be done for her and most unforgivably, like a true self-love icon, she wants to improve on literally none of that! She has literally spent 2 years living with probably one of the best masters of Haki and she doesn’t try to learn once! She is completely content with the level she is at and that is completely fine! But part of that is because she knows, no matter how unbelievable, Mihawk will protect her. He may sulk and sigh and roll his eyes but he will protect her.
Like can you imagine! Mihawk, probably believes in the saying “the strong do what they can, the weak suffer what they must” Mihawk, can, will and has protected her!
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GIF by bubbly-bungee-may
The thing Mihawk is most attracted to, the thing he has built almost every other relationship around, is strength and yet he keeps her around.
He watches this loud, “average”, whiny, fearless young woman skulk/float around his castle, complaining about everything, and remembers a story that Shanks told him; about a little boy and how he gave his arm to an unworthy opponent to save him without care or hesitation, how he’d do it a thousand times over, and he thinks he understands now, just a little bit.
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