#one piece fanficiton
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4 - ʙᴏʏ ᴛᴀʟᴋ
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Summary: In the middle of exams and a diet of instant noodles, you decide to order some take out. What you did not expect was your delivery person to be a hot guy on a motorcycle, who, as fate would have it, happens to be a fellow student at your university.
chapter notes.: Penguin and Shachi being really interested in who Law had a study date with, and mentioning of Laws ex gf, also uncle Rosi mentions <3
tags.: One Piece, Trafalgar Law, Law x Reader, NSFW, slow burn romance (?), Modern AU, law has a motorcycle cuz its hot, Penguin and Shachi appearing as flat mates, Rosinante as the loving uncle, Laws crazy Ex,
[ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ ɪɴᴅᴇx]
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Law wanted to text you. He felt a bit guilty for leaving so abruptly without a proper goodbye. Maybe he could use the chance to apologize for his quick disappearance or, better yet, set up another study session. He had to admit, the last one had been surprisingly productive—way more than he’d expected. Your structured notes made it easier for him to memorize the material, and that wasn’t something that happened often.
Initially, he agreed to study with you because he was running out of time and figured someone who always seemed to be buried in their books could save him some effort. It might’ve sounded opportunistic—and honestly, it was. Sure, he enjoyed your company, but the main reason was to cram effectively. He wasn’t ready to admit, even to himself, that your presence actually helped him unwind, even for just a moment.
Still, he couldn't find the right time to message you. Walking home with Penguin, he didn't want to risk sending a text and having to deal with his teasing. Penguin already joked that their "study date" was more of an actual date, and that was already irritating enough. Even if it was something more, it wasn’t any of his business.
“By the way, those puns were terrible. Seriously, you’ve got to cut them, Peng,” Law muttered as he dropped onto the worn-out couch in their living room. Penguin already popping open a cold beer and handing one over to Law.
Before Penguin could defend himself, Shachi strolled out of the bathroom, a towel draped around his neck, his damp brown hair pushed back, still dripping slightly. He was already dressed in his usual comfortable clothes and hearing the conversation, he wanted to comment on Penguins thesis as well, which he also proof read for him.
"Yeah, Peng. You're supposed to impress your professor with your thesis, not make him cringe."
"Guys, come on, there's a strategy here!" Penguin held up his hands in mock defense, already sensing the incoming wave of criticism. He sat down next to Law and wanted to explain his…creative way of writing.
Both Law and Shachi exchanged suspicious looks but gave Penguin a chance to talk.
“My professor is basically a walking dad joke. I figured slipping in a couple of puns would make it more… relatable, you know?”
Shachi frowned, grabbing a beer before slumping onto the couch next to them. “Dude, it's an academic thesis, not open mic night. Are you sure that's the right call?”
Law was quiet for a second, considering it. Then he shrugged. "If your professor’s into that sort of thing, maybe toss one in... but just one. At the conclusion or something.”
“Are you seriously encouraging this?” Shachi raised his eyebrows, clearly in disbelief, especially coming from Law.
Law took a long sip from his beer, then shrugged again, nonchalant as ever. Maybe it was his exhausted mind talking nonsense, but honestly he didn’t really mind it if there was a reason. It didn’t sound stupid.
"Look, it's not like anyone else is gonna read it, and if the professor enjoys that kind of humor, why not? But, for the love of god, Penguin—just one pun. You’ve got way too many in there. It’s distracting."
Penguin sighed and leaned back against the couch, nodding. Law noticed his shift in demeanor—maybe constantly criticizing his work wasn’t the best idea. After all, Penguin had poured months into that thesis, combing through scientific papers, fitting them into his argument, all while completely neglecting his health and barely taking any breaks. Law knew that both his friends were sharp, even though they liked to goof around a lot. Law couldn't deny that. Penguin was knee-deep in marine biology, while Shachi tackled mechanical engineering. Both degrees demanded a lot from students, and Law had nothing but respect for their dedication.
“Besides the puns, it's a solid thesis,” Law said in his usual flat tone, reaching for the remote to turn on their small TV. It sat precariously on a makeshift shelf they’d salvaged from a dumpster. After a few minor repairs, it became somewhat usable.
They had agreed early on not to let their apartment turn into a disaster zone but also didn’t want to spend much money on new furniture. Despite that, the place had a cozy charm. Each of them had pitched in, decorating with random posters they’d stumbled upon, pictures of the group, or bits and pieces they’d brought from home. It was an unspoken rule to keep it reasonably clean. Sure, there were occasionally pots “soaking” in the sink for far too long, and maybe some breadcrumbs were left scattered on the floor, but overall, the place wasn’t a mess.
Hearing the first bit of positive feedback from Law, Penguin looked over, his eyes wide with surprise. “Really?”
Shachi also noticing that some positive feedback was probably more constructive than just criticism, he was ready to lift the mood, giving Penguin a hearty slap on the shoulder. “Yeah, man! It’s a great read. I’m sure you’ll ace it. Seriously, stop worrying.”
“Honestly, the only thing I found to fix were those puns, anything else was good.” Law added, propping his head in his hand, his attention still on the TV. That was probably the most support you could get out of Law, generally speaking but also considering how drained he was.
Penguin’s face lit up with a wide smile, finally relaxing into the couch. After all the stress, getting approval from Law and Shachi felt good. “Thanks, guys. That means a lot!“
That being said, a comfortable silence settled between the three young men, which Law was very eager to enjoy. To his dismay however, Penguin wasn’t one to just sit there in silence and spilled the beans out of nowhere, now shifting the attention to Law. „By the way, Law was out with a girl.”
Law’s eyes narrowed in an instant. “I take it back. Your thesis is shit.” He shot Penguin a death glare, knowing exactly where this was headed. Shachi perked up immediately, practically sliding over for the incoming gossip.
“Oh ho ho, really?” He wiggled his eyebrows, grinning like a kid with a secret. “Is she pretty?”
“Yeah, man! You should’ve seen her! The way she—”
“I swear, Penguin, I’ll rewrite your entire thesis with nothing but dad jokes and send it straight to your professor.”
“C’mon, Law!” Shachi joined in, unable to resist. “You never go out with anyone. Obviously, we’re curious!”
Law rolled his eyes, trying to shut out the teasing, but the smug grins from both Shachi and Penguin made it clear he wasn’t escaping this conversation easily. He took a long swig from his beer and let out a dramatic sigh. “We were just studying.”
“Yeah, yeah, sure," Shachi waved off the uninteresting part, leaning forward with a grin. "How’d you meet? At uni? In a lab?”
Law could tell Shachi wasn’t interested in hearing what they were studying. It had been years since Law had anything serious with someone, and even that had fizzled out quickly. His last real relationship, back at the start of university, had been a disaster—his ex was a little... unhinged, to say the least. Aside from that, there were the occasional one-night stands after parties, but nothing anyone would consider serious.
He hesitated, thinking of a way to dodge the subject. But he remembered how often his uncle, had told him to open up more, at least to Penguin and Shachi. They were practically his brothers, after all. Law knew these two could handle his closed-off nature—they’d been doing it for years. If anyone deserved a peek past his walls, it was them. Rosinante was right after all.
He sighed, leaning his head back against the couch. “I met her during work.”
Penguin’s eyebrows shot up. “Wait, while you were delivering food? How did you even end up meeting her like that?”
It was a fair question. Delivering food didn’t exactly lend itself to romantic meet-cutes, and Law wasn’t exactly Mr. Charisma when it came to flirting. It was hard to imagine how this had come about.
“Yep, brought her food,” Law replied, keeping it deliberately vague, the mischievous grin tugging at his lips. He knew that wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy them and was clearly enjoying dragging it out.
Penguin, not amused by the teasing, gave him a playful slap on the shoulder. “Oh, come on! You can’t just leave it at that!”
Law smirked, savoring the moment. He tried to play it cool, but his friends were too excited to let him brush it off. Sure, your company was comforting, you were smart, and yes, you were undeniably pretty—but Law barely knew you. He’d only met you once outside of that study session, and he wasn’t about to jump to conclusions.
“Yeah, last week or so, I brought her order and—,” Law began, leaning back into the couch, his voice steady.
“Oh, the night you had to work overtime and finish that other assignment?” Shachi asked, recalling how exhausted Law had looked when he got home. He’d been worried—those dark circles under Law’s eyes seemed to be getting worse every day. Shachi had been silently wondering if Law was pushing himself too close to a burnout.
Law nodded, taking another sip of his beer. “Yeah, that night. She brought me some water, and—”
“Aww, that’s so sweet of her!” Penguin interrupted with a grin, earning a sharp look from Law.
“Can I finish without you two chiming in every five seconds?” Law huffed, clearly not used to being in the spotlight like this.
“Sorry, sorry,” Penguin chuckled, leaning back and gesturing for Law to continue. He could barely contain his excitement, but he tried.
“Anyway, she asked why I looked so rushed, and turns out she’s doing meds too—studying for the same exam next week.” Law shrugged like it was no big deal. “She suggested we study together. Saved me some time to work with someone who’s ahead of me.”
Shachi and Penguin exchanged a glance, their eyebrows raised in disbelief.
“Wait, hold up. She suggested it?” Shachi asked, eyes wide.
“Yup.” Law met their gaze, already anticipating where this was going.
Shachi and Penguin looked at each other again, clearly having an unspoken conversation, before turning back to Law, their expressions a mix of disbelief and amusement. They both leaned forward like parents about to explain the facts of life to their clueless child.
“Dude, she definitely has a thing for you,” Penguin said, shaking his head in disbelief.
Law just gave a casual shrug, as if it was no big deal. “Nah, I don’t think so.”
“What do you mean ‘nah’? She went out of her way to ask you to study with her,” Shachi insisted, looking at Law like he was the densest person on the planet. “People don’t do that for just anyone.”
Law’s expression remained unreadable. “She just wanted to study. We’re in the same degree. It's not that deep.”
Penguin shook his head, grinning. “Come on, man. She brings you water, chats you up, and then suggests a study date? You don’t see anything in that?”
Law sighed, trying to stay grounded. “She’s just being nice. I’m not reading into it.”
Shachi laughed, slapping his knee. “You’re hopeless. She’s into you, dude. Mark my words.”
Penguin nodded, clearly enjoying the teasing, while Law rolled his eyes again, though this time, a small grin tugged at his lips. His friends were hopeless romantics, always reading into every tiny gesture, convinced it meant someone was interested. Law, on the other hand, was the complete opposite—almost too oblivious to the idea that anyone could like him in a romantic way. He figured people didn't really go for someone as cold and closed-off as he was. Besides, he didn’t have time for a relationship.
“Remember when you were with Yuki?” Penguin chimed in, leaning back. “You didn’t think she liked you at first either.”
Law groaned. “Yeah… I wish she didn’t.”
Both Penguin and Shachi snickered, fully agreeing. Yuki had been... a handful, to say the least. Law’s brief relationship with her was still a running joke among the three of them.
“She still texting you?” Shachi asked, making himself comfortable again as if bracing for the gossip.
Law shook his head. “Nope. Blocked her. But I’m pretty sure she’s still following me with a second account on Instagram.”
Shachi let out a dramatic sigh.
“Never stick peepee into crazy.”
At that, all three raised their bottles in unison. “Cheers,” they said together, clinking their bottles and taking a long drink. It was a victory toast—a reminder that Law had finally escaped the whirlwind that was his ex and her drama.
Just as Law was about to refocus on the TV, his phone buzzed. A new message. He casually pulled it out and glanced at the screen—it was from you. Unlocking his phone, he read the text from you. It was simple: a thank-you for today and a question about meeting up again for studying. Nothing out of the ordinary, but it caught his attention enough to make him put his beer aside and reply right away.
Of course, his friends noticed immediately. Penguin leaned in, trying to sneak a glance at Law’s phone. "Y/N… is that her?"
Shachi perked up again, sitting upright, all traces of his earlier relaxation gone. "Oh, oh, what’s she saying?"
Law sighed, turning his phone away from Penguin, who was getting a little too close for comfort. “Ever heard of privacy?” he muttered, giving them both a warning look.
Penguin exchanged a mischievous grin with Shachi. "She wants to meet up again, doesn’t she?"
Law groaned, clearly annoyed. "It's just for studying. Now leave me alone."
“You could invite her over—” Shachi started, the teasing tone back in his voice.
“Definitely not.“
The last thing he needed was his friends playing matchmaker or causing any more awkwardness.
“Fine, fine, you're no fun... but how about this?” Shachi persisted, undeterred by the warning glare from Law. His patience was already wearing thin, and he was starting to regret even mentioning you to his friends, but Shachi was never one to be easily intimidated.
Law sighed, letting him continue. There was no stopping Shachi when he was on a roll.
“Do whatever you want, study for your exam, but if she seems cool, maybe bring her to the party in two weeks?” Shachi suggested casually.
“What party? The one your engineering group is throwing?” Law asked, arching an eyebrow.
“Yeah, that one. By the way, Ikkaku said she’d come too,” Shachi added quickly, his tone more genuine this time. He wasn't trying to push Law into anything, just offering an idea.
Law looked at him for a moment, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. It was a simple, friendly offer, not the usual teasing. Shachi knew Law had sworn off dating after Yuki‘s chaotic exit from his life, but he was just trying to help him see that not every connection had to be a disaster.
“Just think about it," Shachi continued. "Study with her, get to know her, and if things feel right, you can bring her along. It's not like you're signing up for a lifelong commitment.”
Penguin chimed in, grinning. “Yeah, man, no one's saying you have to get married. Just have a little fun, meet some people. Who knows?”
Law rolled his eyes but didn’t dismiss the idea outright. He was always packed with work and studying that socializing, let alone dating, had taken a backseat. The idea of bringing you to a party wasn’t the worst thing in the world. He could keep it casual, see where things went—no pressure, no expectations.
“We’ll see,” Law muttered, and took his beer back and leaned into the couch once more. He was glad the topic was over, and he could finally relax…even though you still ghosted around in his mind, especially after what his friends had told him.
Where you really interested?
…Nah, couldn’t be.
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tag list: @mars-mizuko (Comment to be added 🖤)
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cipher-zoo · 9 months
I don't know how everyone else writes their fanfictions (or stories in general) but here is a little insight of how I do it.
Often my scenes start with having ideas for conversations [Which is weird, because I struggle with writing conversations - I have a hard time to make them sound like people would actually say them, so I almost always sound them out, which has my running around my kitchen talking to myself at weird hours of the night.... anyway]
So I have ideas for conversations - often times while at work, because my creativity hates me - and I jot those down in my notes app.
Just verbatim speech after verbatim speech, often without even indicating who says what. Sometimes, when I want something to be said a certain way, I put a little indicator behind it, to remind myself what I wanted it to sound like.
And then, once I have the time to actually write my story, I transfer all these Speeches into a Word Document. And then I start writing the scenes in between the Speeches and once I reach one of the speeches I rewrite them to fit the scene or paceing or just general moment they are happening in.
And, I tell you, I get so excited, when I am about to reach one of my "Speeches" because that is usually what I am 'working for'
Let me demonstrate it with this example (spoilers for 'An Emperor's Fear' Chapter 3)
Now, the scene where Shanks discovers that Crocodile has been hurting Buggy started out like this:
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Now mind you, my phone is in German so this, one of the first things I wrote about the story, was written on the 7th of May at 7:24 am - before I even published the first chapter. (Also, fyi, I do not care about grammar or spelling in my notes app!)
And that turned into this:
[...] For a second, both men just stood there, staring at each other, neither willing to break the tension. Then, his voice low, dangerous, Shanks asked the question. “Did they do this?” A pause, a breath. “It doesn’t matter.” From his position, Benn had a hard time seeing Shanks’ face, but he could imagine the sadness that was probably portrayed in his eyes. The anger, the pain. “It matters to me,” he finally said. “Did they do this.” There was no need for him to elaborate on whom ‘they’ were. One of them was sitting on the canapé, not far from Buggy after all. The Clown swallowed while staring into Shanks’ eyes. All grandeur had seemingly vanished from his body. He nodded softly. “Mostly Crocodile,” he finally admitted. Shanks’ hold on Buggy tightened a little bit, and Benn could tell that he had a hard time keeping himself from pulling Buggy against his chest. Behind them, Benn could see Hawkeye crack one of his eyes open. Whatever was about to happen, he was ready to fight. Shanks, however, still only had eyes for his friend. “Okay,” he said. “Then I’ll kill them.” And just like that, the spell was broken. “No, you won’t!” Buggy used both of his hands to shove Shanks away from himself, while at the same time taking a step back himself, to further the distance between them. “Buggy, they are hurting you.” Shanks insisted, a hinge of desperation present in his voice. “I don’t care.” “I do!” [...]
Now, whether or not you consider that well written or a good scene is up to everyone's own interpretation or taste, but what I am trying to say is:
If you are someone like me, who struggles with finishing stories, or moving them along, give "writing the little things, the ones that come to your mind immediately, first and filling in the space between afterward", a chance. It works for me.
Doesn't mean it will work for you as well, but maybe it's worth a try.
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year
algal bloom (lawzo hanahaki fic with a twist), part 3
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Part 1, Part 2 Part 3 (this one)
Death of his father and death of his mother. Confirmed. Death of his sister? More than probable, had been going to lose her anyway. Death of his benefactor. His second guidance counsellor (the first one had lain down her veil and left Flevance, and was maybe alive and healthy somewhere). Death of his love of pain although he could bear his own. They said he was a murderous fuck, and he was to those who senselessly hurt others. Even so, the way he dealt with them shocked but didn’t hurt. The corpse flower bloomed once every very dark seven-year, ten-year period. Kali of the night and a healer and harmer like her, its aroma was the strongest in the dark morning leading into the early light. It emanated heat, warmth. Attracted carrion beetles and flesh flies. The smell of death didn’t necessarily make Law sick. The smell of smoke didn’t honeycomb him into a maze of neurons like ants scurrying pathways home. But Law’s mind was a crannied pockmark of death, and so he valued life. Zoro. He didn't want Zoro to sacrifice himself to the plan. Any plan. The corpse flower was the largest in the world, and could only hold its head up for a day, a day and a half at the most, before it collapsed. Law was glad the leaflets had lodged in Zoro's system. What kind of survival for the hanahaki sufferer was there if a flower bloomed intermittently and soon after died? Only to appear again a decade later, although the flower appeared more regularly after its first showing. The stench, though. And what about the green algal slime and its creep over Law’s belongings? He didn’t let his crew touch it. “Toxic,” he warned. And it came from him. Secreted from him. Coated anything that he touched.  “Looks like Zoro’s hair,” Shachi murmured.
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The guys have been holding steadily the whole day! Current stats:
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August 10, 22:28 (UTC, +9).
Currently only a percent between the two ships. The biggest distance was 1.4%, I think! (LawSan 49.3% and LawZo 50.7% at one stage: 1.4% difference). And I check the voting numbers. They keep going up. It just really is that jujutsu holding pattern spell!
Ooh, it took me a while to edit this work. Current status now:
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6% between them! 20 votes in an hour. I took that screen cap at about 23:22, August 10 (UTC +9). I'll try and finish this story if the guys win! (I'll try and finish it anyway, but, y'know!). Obviously every vote counts! Please vote ZoLaw if you haven't or you're sitting on the fence.
The poll link is here and great propaganda is here.
Dunno if reblogging this will help at all at this stage, but if you wanna! 🥰 Less than 3 hours to go!
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purplehairedwonder · 1 year
Fandom: One Piece Rating: Explicit Pairings: Donquixote Doflamingo/Trafalgar Law (nonconsensual) Words: 3,378 Characters: Donquixote Rosinante, Helmeppo, Koby, Trafalgar Law, Bepo, Shachi, Penguin, Ikkaku, Donquixote Doflamingo Summary: In another life, Minion Island goes a bit differently: a gravely wounded Corazon is recovered by the Marines while Law is taken back into the Family. Years later, Rosinante teams up with Monkey D. Luffy to rescue Law from the clutches of his brother and set him free for good.
Notes: So, this story is inspired by my desire to see two of my favorite fic genres—Corazon!Law and Rosinante lives—in the same fic.
The title comes from the incredible monologue at the end of Andor episode 10.
Previous chapters: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
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beatrizshy · 7 months
First chapter done fellas
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itjazzbicch · 1 year
New Sights
Pairing:  Roronoa Zora x Fem Reader 
First time writing for One Piece & Zoro, so I hope I did well! 
Summary: After recovering from a gunshot wound from their last battle, the reader wakes up full of energy, wanting to have a good day, later learning that she needs to show her close friend, Zoro, something new now that they have the time...
Warnings:  SMUT! (18+ ONLY! MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!) (Swearing, foreplay, oral M receiving, masturbation, unprotected sex) (There are also some flashbacks! They are italicized!)
Word Count: 2.5k 
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Waking up, arms opened and stretched, it was the first time in that past week or so that I woke up feeling brand new.
Considering all the bounties we had on our heads, and the number of enemies we had to face, I was bedridden after not only taking a gunshot wound but using the last bit of strength I had to save one of my crewmates and perform CPR.
Despite thinking about that nasty battle, I woke up with a smile on my face, able to feel the heat from outside, taking everyone by surprise as I blasted into the kitchen in just a bikini, smiling at everyone:
"Good morning!"
"Well good morning, mon amour!" There went Sanji already, heart eyes and all, usually, it'd get on my nerves, but today, it made me feel even better.
"Y/N! You're finally up and moving around!" Usopp smiled with Luffy, nodding to him as I sat at the table, smiling back:
"I feel like I can take on the world! I just feel so good and full of energy for some reason."
"Oh, my dear! That's wonderful! Here's your breakfast so that you can keep that energy going all day," Sanji was being extra sweet today, bringing my plate first and I thanked him with a side hug:
"I know you're good cooking will do just that!"
"HEY! WE'VE BEEN WAITING SANJI! WE WERE HERE FIRST!" Luffy never played around when it came to his food, and when Nami came in next, that only made him argue with Sanji more, but I just laughed at it and ate.
Breakfast was truly delicious. We all ended up smiling and enjoying the morning, except for Zoro who took a nap right after. We were still on the sea and when I headed up to the deck, all I could think about was jumping into that ocean and swimming.
Needing to do something to let this energy out, I saw Usopp and Luffy heading up to the deck too, running over and tagging Usopp:
"OH, WE'RE PLAYING TAG?!" Luffy started to run along, Usopp chasing us and swearing he'd get us and Luffy used me as a shield, about dying of laughter as I was the one chasing them, but an idea popped into my mind when I saw Zoro laid back with his eyes closed.
"I'm not playing tag with you guys. Buzz off," He groaned with his eyes closed. He was such a party pooper and I was gonna change that, stealing his swords before I ran for my life:
"Okay then, but you won't get your swords back!"
"What the-?" Looking at his side, they were gone and I was running to the other side of the ship, "YOU GET BACK HERE, RIGHT NOW, Y/N!"
"GOTTA CATCH ME FIRST!" I cackled, getting Luffy and Usopp to join in so that we all had a sword.
The only problem was Zoro was fast, almost catching me, but I had different plans:
Launching the sword, I jumped off the ship, laughing as I landed in the calm ocean, Zoro still yelling at me:
"Hope you're not afraid of the water then!" I giggled, relaxing back and swimming, still able to hear Zoro yelling at Luffy and Usopp since they still had Zoro's swords.
I needed a day like this. I swam alongside the ship for some time, tanned with Nami for a bit, and Sanji made us dinner. Even after the long, fun day we had, that bundle of energy kept me up.
After the sun went down and brought up all the stars, everyone went to their rooms and I stayed up on deck, laid back and picking out constellations that I could find. There were so many and I was in my own little world, till I heard:
"It's getting late, you know."
"Here to get your revenge?" I giggled at Zoro who sat next to me:
"I don't feel like it," He sighed as he sat back, looking up at the sky too, "Can't sleep?"
"Naw, I can't, but it's okay," I hummed, sitting up and shaking my arms, "I've just been so pumped up today. I thought I'd be stuck in bed feeling like a zombie for a while, so I guess I'm just super happy."
"Yeah, and super annoying," He whispered under his breath as a joke, laughing as I flexed my arm like I was going to punch him:
"Ooo Zoro, why I otta!"
"Like you'd stand a chance against me," He smirked cockily, shifting my hips so I could get in his face and tease:
"I'm no pushover. I'd like to test my luck."
Suddenly, he was so quiet, a cloud passing allowing the moonlight to show that his eyes were fixed on my chest, where my gunshot wound now left a scar.
"Zoro! You better not die on me! I'm right here!"
During that last battle, even after being shot, I dove into the ocean to save Zoro who was down too, doing CPR, mouth to mouth, the whole nine yards to bring him back before I collapsed from my injuries that ended up being worse than anyones.
"Zoro?" I could tell that he was lost in that memory and when he looked up at me, snapping out of it, he turned his head. Since he wouldn't talk, I teased him a bit more, "I know I'm still in my bikini and it's easy to get distracted, but I'm talking to you."
"Hey! I was not staring at your chest!" He snapped quickly, growing silent again as I took his hands and said softly:
"I know, and I know that you don't like to talk about your feelings much, but you can talk to me, Zoro."
"I just-," He sighed, crossing his arms and voice even lower, "Feel guilty, I guess."
All I could do was shake my head and giggle; it sparked a nerve in him at first, his eyes darting at me with a bit of anger till I said:
"I'd do it a million times over if I had to. Don't feel guilty. I'm sure, no matter how much I might annoy you, that you'd bail me out of any situation and save my ass. There's nothing to feel guilty about."
"Be grateful. Between you and the rest of the crew, I don't know who gets on my nerves most," Of course, he was trying to play it off again; that's when a thought popped into my head.
Finally, he started coughing up some water, breathing again, meanwhile, I was barely hanging on. Woozy from blood loss, I was still straddling him, scarcely able to speak:
"Zoro? Talk to me. C-Can you breathe right?"
"Yeah," He coughed again, opening his eyes to find me falling over, "Y/N!"
"I know what you're thinking about," I smirked at him, his silence showing that I read his mind.
He was thinking of the sight of me nearly dying and the last thing I did was save him.
"And I am going to make sure that you have better memories of us instead of that one," My heart was racing out of my chest, growing nervous, but not losing courage as I crawled over him carefully to sit on his lap.
With one big leap of faith, I kissed him using every ounce of passion in my heart. I just wanted him to know that he was special to me and I wanted to take away the pain he was hiding.
Sucking in a deep breath, his arms wrapped me into a tight embrace, making me moan at the way he nibbled on my lower lip. My hips couldn't help but grind down against his growing bulge, tongue working its way in to fight with mine.
"Think we should take this to one of our rooms?" He huffed out while catching a breath, my eyes circling to see that we were all alone, only able to hear some crash of the waves around us:
"Naw, I'm not patient enough," I snickered mischievously before going right back to kissing him:
"If someone walks up here and catches us-"
"Zoro," I sighed, hand palming his hard-on and silencing him, whispering in his ear as my hand slid up his abs, before slipping into his pants to feel his cock for myself, "How about you just sit back and relax, huh? Everyone's asleep. No one's gonna catch us."
Biting his earlobe softly, my hand started to pump around his cock, his eyes closing as he hummed and enjoyed my hand working him, opening one eye when he felt my body shifting, laying between his legs and fixing his pants some.
"What? Don't want these lips wrapped around you like a lollipop?"
"Like a lollipop, huh?" He smirked, one hand taking some of my hair, the other holding himself, slapping the tip of his cock against my tongue as I stuck it out, "I knew you weren't as innocent as you make yourself out to be."
"Far from innocent," I smiled while swirling my tongue around his tip, taking it into my mouth, his hand holding my head tighter and slouching back as my head started to bob, hand working his extra length, cheeks hollow and sucking him hard.
"Fuck," His chest was heaving above me, letting out slight groans, pushing my head down a little further every time I picked it up, going faster and I reached the point where I didn't care about gagging, downing his cock to the back of my throat, flexing around him with a sting in my eyes, "Get up here."
Picking my head up, I was wiping at the pre and saliva along my chin, fixing myself on top of him as he positioned himself, noticing quickly:
"Where did your bottoms go?"
"I may have had a little fun for myself while going down on you," I looked away and mumbled like I was clueless, but went back to smirking as he cocked his eyebrow:
"And you didn't let me watch?"
"Well, I didn't know how far you wanted to take things," I kept my innocent tone, keeping his eyes locked on my breasts as I let my top fall next, cooing while pressing them right up under his chin, "But I'll gladly make it up to you."
"Oh, you will," Pushing my hips down, I seized up at the stretch between my thighs from how thick he was, nearly whining as I took more of him, "Think you were having a little too much fun by yourself. You're fucking tight."
"But it feels good, right?" Rolling my tongue into a kiss, I swiveled my hips, adjusting bit by bit so that I could go faster.
"Yeahhh," He groaned out, having to watch how I was taking him, riding like a crusade, making up for earlier:
"And oh yeah, I forgot to let you watch."
Leaning back some, I placed two fingers on my clit, rubbing in a circle and it only took a little bit of speed and pressure to make my moans louder, jolting up at the soft bite I felt on my nipple:
"You just keep doing that, and don't wake anyone up," He commanded, sucking and biting on my nipples, one hand full of my ass, "Just keep riding me."
"I can't hang on much longer," I whined, hand falling away and gripping my thigh hard while I kept trying to go at the same speed.
"Guess I'll handle the rest of the work," Biting his lip to hide his panting, he fell back a little more so he could throw his hips up, leaving his thumb to torture my clit, nearly growling at how my walls began to clamp around his cock, "Better cum for me."
"I am, Zoro!" Voice so lewd and breaking up as I was running out of air, my chest started to fall to his, but I made sure to throw myself back a little to meet his hips, getting a big burst of energy when I felt the coil in my stomach leaking, shooting up straight and bouncing so his tip stayed at that good spot, rocking so hard, thighs wet and able to hear nothing but the gushing around his cock.
"Damn, that's it," I gasped, holding myself up while still rolling my hips, kissing and moaning against his lips, "You're so good. Feel so good inside me."
I was so high and couldn't get enough, so my whine was the loudest one yet when he grumbled out:
"Ugh! Y/N-"
My whole body felt so hollow, walls still clenching with nothing there, the sight of how hard his cock was throbbing when he picked me up was something I'd never forget, unloading onto his stomach while he fell flat on his back.
"Sorry," I breathed, "It just felt so good and I got a little carried away,"
"Why the hell are you apologizing? For riding the hell out of m-"
Words getting caught in his throat with a hiss, his body was sensitive too, tensing up at my tongue lapping his seed and cleaning him up.
"It was a lot," I looked up into his eyes, finishing with a kiss across his scar, "I can tell."
"And if it was?" He chuckled, shaking his head, but smiling softly, "I still got the better of you."
"I won't lie about that one," I chuckled along, resting against his chest and teasing with a whisper, "You and I are gonna have a whole lot of fun now that I know that I get you all fired up." 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome
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philosopherbouquet · 2 months
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandom: One Piece (Manga
Relationship: Coby & Helmeppo (One Piece), Cancer & Stainless (One Piece), Kujaku & Tsuru (One Piece)
Characters: Marines (One Piece), Helmeppo (One Piece), Cancer (One Piece), Stainless (One Piece), Vice Admiral Dalmatian (One Piece), Momonga (One Piece), Nezumi (One Piece), Kujaku (One Piece), Momousagi | Gion
Additional Tags: One Piece Marines Week, One Piece Marines Week 2024, Fandom Week, Canon Universe, Not Canon Compliant, Minor Canonical Character(s), POV Minor Character, OP Marines Week, Friendship, Minor Angst, Some Humor, Headcanon, No Plot/Plotless, Non-Canonical Violence, Complete, Experimental Style
Glimpses of the Marines who are in the background but still just as important. For One Piece Marines Week 2024
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sanjikuu · 1 year
Hi! Have the first ~250 words of an EraserMic WIP I’ve been working on? Posting it here and now because I don’t know if I’ll follow through if I don’t put it somewhere, and slapping it below a cut because it’s a little ~spicy~.
Just because they've done this before doesn't mean it's a good idea to do this shitfaced drunk. Hizashi's sure they both know that somewhere deep down.
He just doesn't think either of them care.
(Current) Tags & CWs: 18+, EraserMic, ABO, Alpha Aizawa Shouta, Omega Yamada Hizashi, Drunk Sex
Just because they've done this before doesn't mean it's a good idea to do this shitfaced drunk. This is probably a bad idea, and Hizashi's sure they both know that somewhere deep down.
He just doesn't think either of them really care.
As Shouta finally - finally - gets the keys in the lock, gets the door open, Hizashi's pushing him inside, pressing all his weight into the small of Shouta's back to make the alpha shuffle forward that much faster. The sound of their door slamming shut is a distant consideration for the part of his mind that still cares about things like media scandals and maintaining an image; the rest of him is much more interested in getting a foot behind Shouta's, in taking a grip on his elbow and spinning the alpha around to face him. 
Shouta's back hits the wall, and for a moment, nine years of unanswered instincts and desires want to flare to life. Hizashi sees the snarl more than he hears it, sees Shouta’s lips peel back to bare those wickedly sharp alpha fangs, but before Shouta can growl, or snap, or press forward on his own, Hizashi’s pushing again, pushing and pushing and pushing.
Their lips meet in a kiss that’s on the edge of too hard, sloppy with alcohol and years of pent up want. Against all odds, and against the instincts that would prefer it if he let Shouta be the one to pin him against the wall, it’s Hizashi who’s growling against Shouta’s skin, desperate for something he can’t put into words. He wants, and he feels bold and confident and in control in a way he hasn’t been able to even dream of since he was waking up at fifteen, sweaty and hot and not knowing what it meant.
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ghoastixx · 2 months
you know the episode French Mistake? What if Dean and Sam get sent to the real world and find out their sister is dating someone else in the cast? Like Misha? Idk I just came up with this
The French Mistake
synopsis above
Notes: I literally LOVE episodes that I just get to copy the show and throw little old us in. It's so fun to write. I loved writing the mystery spot one, hoping this one is just as fun.
Author's note: Wasn't sure if you wanted the reader to be transported with sam and dean or not, but for the sake of this being more interesting to read and not just an episode of Supernatural, you get to teleport too. Made the reader Gender Neutral. R/N stands for "real name"
Warning: Spoilers for the end of The Godfather. Cas (Misha Collins) x reader kind of?????????)
For the sake of legality, I do not own the universe, plot, or characters of Supernatural. I am a mere fanficiton author.
It was a nice afternoon..quiet..not a hunt for once.. a minute to breathe. You were sitting in the kitchen, waiting for Bobby. Dean was at the table, Bobby out and about. Sam walked into the room.
"Where's Bobby?"
"Supply run," You yawned, responding to your brother Sam.
"In this?" Ah yes, the disaster you were in. You had almost forgotten. A shame you hadn't. Dean turned to look at your brother,
"Yeah, man's a hero. We were officially out of hunter's helper." The alcohol had run dry.
"Hello Winchester's. You've seen 'The Godfather' right?" A voice that didn't belong to any of you pulled you away from the dry conversation.
"You know the end, where Micheal Corleone sends his men to kill his enemies in one big, bloody swoop?" Balthazar was now messing with things. Pouring salt into a bowl on one of Bobby's desks. You sat up, ultimately confused as your brothers were seething.
"Hey!' Dean yelled,
"'Dead Sea Brine.' Good, good, good. You know, Moe Green gets it in the eye, and Don Cueno gets it in the revolving door?" what was even happening.
"I said 'hey!'"
"You did. Twice. Good for you." Balthazar started going through the fridge. "Blood of lamb.. beer, cold pizza, blood of lamb- yes! blood of lamb!"
You perked up, "Why are you talking about 'The Godfather?'"
"Because we're in it- right now, tonight. And in the role of Micheal Corleone- the archangel Raphael!"
"You mind telling us what you mean?" Dean barked
"no, no, no, no, no, no no." You rolled your eyes. "Yes. Bone of a lesser saint. This vertebra will do very nicely. You're Mr.Singer does keep a beautiful pantry." You looked down at the contents of Bobby's drawer which was now on the floor.
"Raphael is after you?" Dean asked. Sam was awfully quiet."
"Raphael is after all of us." He corrected, ""You see. he's consolidated his strength, and now he's on the move."
"And where's Cas?" Sam finally asked, which grabbed your attention. You missed the angel. He was your friend.
"Oh, Cassie? He is deep, deep underground. So, good old Raffy put out a hit list on every Samaritan who helped our dear Cas- including both of you. And so much more importantly, me. See, he wants to draw Cas out into the open." This made you frown. The thought of Cas having basically ruined his life.
"And you expect us just to believe you?" Sam asked, "Oh. Don't. You'll go where I throw you either way."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Dean was defensive and Sam was tense. You were trying to piece everything together.
"That's all the time we have Winchesters." He opened his jacket to reveal a wound.. he was bleeding pretty badly. You jumped up to retrieve the first aid kit, or more so what was left of it. "Where is it?"
"Where's what?"
There was some commotion behind you before there was a blinding light and the words that would ring through your ears "RUN." You were shoved through a window with your brothers.
When you opened your eyes it was so bright.. "Cut!" Suddenly there were people helping you up. Dean and Sam were also up and looked equally as confused. You looked over to see someone patting Dean's ass which made you cringe. You looked around. it looked like a t.v set of Bobby's house.
"Jared, Jensen, R/N! Outstanding! That was just great!" The Winchesters all looked at each other with shared confusion which made others around you giggle.
"'Supernatural,' scene one echo, take one. Tail slate. Marker!"
"What happened," Sam muttered, looking around.
"No angels?" You mumble
"No angels." Dean confirms. "I think."
There were people arguing about a scene, about how they 'jumped through the window.'
"What is even happening," You ask out loud,
"No idea." Sam replies. Dean picks up a piece of "window" which is really just fake. The other people keep arguing.
"Jared! Three minutes, okay!" Someone grabbed Sam by the hand, dragging him away.
"Jensen! There you are, let's get you in the chair." Someone drags Dean away.
"R/N," A voice came from behind one of the cameras. A man in a cardigan and a t-shirt underneath. He came up to you, smiling wide. "that was a really good shot, honey. Whenever everyone was reminiscing on Cas? Real heart tugger."
"Cas..?" This man looked so much like..well. A normal Castiel.
"yeah- are you feeling okay? Did you hit your head during the stunt?" You then spotted Sam.
"Uh- I have to go!"
"Dude, they put freakin' makeup on us! Those Bastards!" Dean complained, practically clawing at his skin.
"Look, I think I know what this is,"
"Okay. What?"
"It itches-"
"It's a T.V. show-" As Sam and Dean pondered, you couldn't help but glance at the "normal Cas" that was talking to one of the guys.. this was.. awful.
"We- we landed in some dimension where you're Jensen Ackles." He pointed at Dean. "You're R/N" He points at you. "And I'm Jared Padalecki,"
The three exited the studio, you looked around in awe as Dean spotted the car.
"Oh, hey. Least my baby made it." You looked over to witness someone flinging mud onto it and the pained look on your brother's face.
"Hey. Hey! What-" There are three more impalas. "I'm gonna be sick. I want to go home. I feel like this whole place is bad-touching me." You nod in agreement as Sam agrees.
"yeah, I know. Me too. So, what do you think? Cas?"
You perk up, "Oh! I talked to a guy who looked like him earlier." You start to look around,
"So he's run his ass away from heaven here?" Dean spots him.
"cas? Cas! Hey, Cas! Oh, thank god. What is all this, huh? W-what did Balthazar do to us?"
The man you spoke to earlier approached, he looks stern. Like the Castiel you know. It made something in your chest tighten. "To keep you out of Virgil's reach, he's cast you into an alternate reality, a universe similar to ours in most aspects yet dramatically different in others."
"Like- like Bizarro earth, right? Except instead of having Bizarro Superman, we get this clown factory." The Cas looks a little confused.
"Um...Yeah, well...Anyway, no time to explain. Do you have the key?" You tilt your head, but Sam pulls out a key.
"So, uh, what does this thing do, anyways?"
"It opens a room."
"What's in this room?" You ask
"Every weapon Balthazar stole from heaven."
"he gave it to us?" Dean asks, almost hesitantly.
"To keep it safe until I could reach you. With those weapons, I have a chance to rally my forces."
You sigh relief, "Oh. Okay. good. Yeah, so now.. uh, what's the deal with all this T.V. crap?" Sam asks, a bit annoyed.
"pardon?" The Cas's brow furrows
"Yeah. Amen, Padaleski." You nod as Dean says this.
"Uh, 'Lecki'" Sam corrects.
"What?" Dean mutters,
"Lecki. Pretty sure."
The Cas pulled out a packet of papers, "Man. Did they put out new pages?" He mutters.
"New what?"
"I mean, is this some kind of cosmic joke?" You ask the Cas who looks up at you with an almost hurt expression.
"yeah, 'cause if it is, it's stupid and we don't get it." Dean backed you up. Sam agreed.
"Are you guys okay?" The Castiel imposter asked. Dean grabbed the supposed script from him, flipping through it.
"Give me that. What is- these are words in a script. This isn't Cas." You chest tightens again as hope drains from your face.
"Dude, look at him." Sam mumbles as the imposter unbuttons his shirt, wearing a graphic t-shirt underneath it.
"You guys want to run lines, or..?"
Dean reads the script. "His name's Misha..Misha?"
"Oh wow.."
"Just great-" The imposter looks at you again, he's only looking at you with these mixed expressions of deeper confusion. Dean continues rambling.
"Misha? Jensen? R/N? Whats up with the names around here?" As soon as Dean says this, "Misha" laughs a bit.
"You guys! You really punked me! Im totally gonna tweet this one." He pulls out a phone.
"What's a tweet," You whisper-ask Sam as "Misha" starts to read out loud.
"Hola mishamigos. J-squared...got me good."
"I just want to dig my finger in my brain and scratch until we're back in Kansas."
All three Winchesters begin to walk away before "Misha" yells. "Hold on, R/N! Are you still on for dinner tonight!?" You feel your cheeks start to red a bit as Dean and Sam look at you.
"Er- might have to reschedule-" You yell back as you turn away and quickly leave.
You all huddled into "Jensen Ackles" trailer. He had awful taste.. you all began to do research on yourselves. Jensen and Jared are interesting. Models and TV stars. They get to you.
"R/N.. Says here that you.. you were an actor. Also-" Sam looks up, glancing at Dean and then back at you. "You're also dating a Misha Collins." Your jaw drops.
"No way! Fake Cas!?" Dean exclaims, "That's probably why he asked you about dinner-" You bury your face in your hands. Sam clears his throat.
"Y/N, is there something you have to tell us..?"
As Dean and Sam continue to talk about how they could possibly get out of here, you take the computer.. looking at pictures of you and Misha.. you two look happy together.. your chest tightens again.
You were all losing hope as everything you tried was failing. All the ingredients Balthazar had used were now rubber.. the Impala was a prop.. nothing was working. So now you were trying to figure out what to do next.
"Me? Yes. um. I- I'll just tag along with uh-" Dean stuttered around. Misha and a crew member where standing in front of you.
"Jared...Jared here."
"Huh- since when are you guys talking?" The crew member asks as Misha looks at you,
"So..busy tonight?" You bite the frown that wants to crawl onto your face. You would like to have dinner with him, but you cannot just abandon your brothers for a man you don't even know.
"Yes, I'm sorry. Gonna work with Jared and..Jensen."
"I didn't know you guys were getting along again."
"Ah- you know...the way we are.."
"Well, call me if you need me to come get you," He kissed your cheek before leaving. You glanced at Sam and Dean as your face was red.
"I'll kill him." Dean muttered.
Turns out Jared is filthy rich and is dating Ruby of all people. She seems a bit surprised to see you and Dean in the mansion. Saying neither of you have ever been there. She seems.. defensive. You all hole up in the library of the mansion and order stuff you need. The next day, you all go to the set of Bobby's house with a solution in mind and get permission to have the set cleared for a few hours.
When you and Sam show up to see cameras, you almost wanna vomit as Dean looks sheepishly away. He did not infect get the set cleared and the Misha guy was back. So.. you all have to do a little bit of acting. You're all awful at it.
Hours seemed to have passed and the Misha guy is still "tweeting" whatever that is. Then the day is over and you're all sent away again.. That was after you all attacked what you thought was Virgil.
The rest of the experience was all hazy to you. The Misha guy had ended up taking you back to your trailer and giving you some pills and that was all you really remembered. Sam and dean tried to explain how you got back, but it didn't make much sense to you. Not that you cared much anymore. There were more important things to focus on!
But Dean and Sam never let go the Misha guy, insisting something was going on between you and Castiel. You insisted there wasn't...
But..maybe the next time you saw Castiel..maybe you could pretend he was the Misha guy for just a minute longer.
(I'm sorry this ended so abruptly and lame. I worked on this for two hours and honestly didn't know how to finish it I'm sorry!!!)
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lunarthecorvus · 28 days
Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa Major Character Death fanfiction recommendations
part of Lunar's soc fanficiton rec series
Slipping away by @ven-brekker
Wordcount: 1,689 Chapters: 1/1
Characters: Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker
Tags: Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Blood and Injury, Kanej - Freeform, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Pre-Canon, Touch-Averse Kaz Brekker, Whump, Major Character Injury
Author's summary/notes: “Keep talking, Wraith. Don’t slip away from me.” “But it’s what I do best.” - Six of Crows, Ch. 12 Inej waits for her Saints to finally have her. My summary/notes: Now this fic is the of major character death whump. There is no ambiguous ending its a death fic to its end. It cuts deep and would definitely fulfill the death fic mood. It HURTS and will make you bawl.
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for once, my teeth bleed for you by @pbandjeremiah
Wordcount: 1,903 Chapters: 1/1
Characters: Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa
Tags: this is upsetting, Major character death - Freeform, Post-Book 2: Crooked Kingdom, Mix of Show and Book Canon, Hurt No Comfort, kaz and inej loving and respecting each other SO DAMN MUCH, i'm sorry this is sad but like, married kanej, shadow summoner kaz, kaz is a grisha
Author's summary/notes: For once, Kaz Brekker didn't have a plan. For once, it was going to cost him all that he had. Kaz and Inej are put on trial for murder and crimes against Ghezen. Neither of them are going to survive this. My summary/notes: This was one of the first kanej death fics I read and I still adore it now. It really shows the lengths kanej will go to protect and respect each others wishes.
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our youth will take the blame by @pinspec
Wordcount: 3,612 Chapters: 1/1
Characters: Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker, Jesper Fahey, Wylan Van Eck
Tags: Post-Canon, Pre-Relationship, Denial, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst, Sad Ending, Protective Kaz Brekker, This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, kaz is so in love with inej it actually hurts, neither of them can say 'i love you', please don't sue me
Author's summary/notes: A mission goes badly wrong, and amidst the carnage Kaz fails to save his Wraith. My summary/notes: This shit hurts. Just everything about this hurts. However in my opinion the ending provides a sense of comfort at least...
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she was supposed to come back by maryadmitrievnalikesundays
Wordcount: 2,840 Chapters: 1/1
Characters: Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa, Wylan Van Eck, Jesper Fahey
Tags: Character Death, Death, Grief/Mourning, Madness, Descent into Madness, Insanity, Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Hurt, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Ambiguous/Open Ending
Author's summary/notes: She was always supposed to return. That was the deal—eight months at sea, four by his side. Eight months of letters and news clippings with her name saved in the locked drawer in his desk. Eight months of yearning, working, killing, waiting for her to come back and give it all meaning. And then The Wraith would roll into port, and the Ketterdam clouds would break, and the King and Queen of the Barrel would walk back home together, hand in hand. But ten months have come and gone since her last departure. And the sky is thick and dense with clouds, and the only thing in his hand is a knife. —— Or, the one thing that could push the Bastard of the Barrel past his breaking point. My summary/notes: I'm not kidding you, the title is enough to make my heart hurt. Be warned that this as depictions of very bad mental health, in case of any triggers <3
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Who lives, who dies, who tells your story by leehab23
Wordcount: 4,717 Chapters: 1/1
Characters: Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa, Jesper Fahey, Wylan Van Eck, Nina Zenik, Matthias Helvar
Tags: Sad with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Character Death, Some mourners some funerals, I just really think this whole city would go to pieces without him, Some rule of wolves spoilers related to Nina, Book 2: Rule of Wolves Spoilers, Minor violence in the beginning, Minor obstruction of correspondence at the end, somewhat happy I promise, or at least I think so
Author's summary/notes: He continued on, speaking of Kaz’s good deeds, of the great man that lay in hiding behind the terrible one. Of Kaz’s legendary brains, unbelievable grit, and overwhelming impact on the city he called home. As he spoke, he noticed movement in the back of the crowd. Fighting? Fleeing? Wylan couldn’t tell. The ripples grew wider, men and women tripping over themselves to move away from the center of the street. Suddenly a path cleared, as though the crowd had been cleanly torn in half by the point of a sharp knife. “Inej,” Jesper breathed. OR: All of Ketterdam is left reeling in the wake of Kaz Brekker’s death. Despite his frequent objections to the concept, there are mourners and a funeral. My summary/notes: When reading kanej death fics I have noticed that there is less Kaz death fics compared to Inej death fics. So if you're in the mood for a Kaz death fic (I have been many times, don't ask me why but I find it so interesting reading Inej's reaction to Kaz dying). You will feel Inej's pain and it hurts so much. And this fic has Nina helping Nina through the pain and them bonding over dead partners..
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collinnmckinley · 1 year
(TW: discussion of kink)
Man that was uh...wtf was that anon.
I think when it comes down to the bottom line regardless of how anyone feels about what your saying (I agree with you) you allowed to say your opinion.
I'm a firm believer of 'dont like don't read' and that you shouldn't comment negatively on someones work unless they ask for it. For fanfiction online is supposed to be simply shared. You haven't tagged (from what I've seen) anything in any of the x reader tags, you haven't gone on to other people's posts and complained, you havent blazed anything, you haven't named/shamed any blogs by name. None of what your saying is truly oppressive or bigotry. You have simply vented in the safety of your own posts. For someone to get mad about that? They have no real right. It's not fair. It's so entitled, if you can't vent here then where can you?
In terms of your argument, as someone who is more into kinks, even enjoying the odd CNC piece, I believe your totally right in what you say and the way your feeling is so reasonable.
The COD fandom wouldn't last a day in the real world. What fustrates me with all this fanficiton is not only is it out of character but everything's written and encouraging bad BDSM behaviour. Like NO ONE does BDSM like this.
There's no discussion of boundaries, theres no aftercare description, there's no love and care in these fics. BDSM is supposed to be a performance, it's ultimately light hearted and supposed to be enjoyable to both parties. It's playing around with your partner because that's what sex is supposed to be, fun.
The shit these people right is so obviously not right. It's directly the shit you see in high production porn, something that is always made to look good. Not to feel good. This stuff is all just normalised toxic and unhealthy relationships. What concerns me is with the forever younger generations, if this is the normality then what will they be like in an actual relationship? It effects their every day interactions too! Blatenly calling people daddy / mommy in mid day- that whole 'mommy- sorry- mommy- sorry...' tiktok trend is a perfect example of it. That shits embarrassing! It's uncomfortable and removes the whole part of 'concent' in the entirety of kink.
Forgive me that I go a little off topic but I firmly believe that this behaviour is part of a bigger picture. It shows the fandom interactions that dictate day to day life. The way that people talk to the actors, interact with the actors and voice actors in the game shows how fucked up this all is. There's no line between fan and artist. When it came to fanfiction in history there's always been that line. The shame, fear even, that always kept fandom seperate. Sure sometimes people would say what pairing or sexuality to the creator but nothing like we have today. For them to literally have to turn off chat because of what people are saying in a live stream is terrible! And I think it is directly linked to how normal and casual people online have become about these sort of things.
In terms of wanting to be degraded and CNC the entire thing is supposed to fantasy created in a safe environment. Sometimes it's not exactly something that someone can explain why, or go into the whole situation of mixing pain / pleasure. Yet people have lost that integral piece of the puzzle. It's fustrating and you don't have sex like that every single time?? They treat the most hardcore shit as your average Tuesday missing the preparation and communication that goes on.
To be honest, I'm probably one of the writers in the r6s that you dislike, I can't say I believe that I write either COD or R6S fully in character, even so, I can't imagie looking at COD characters and reducing them to this lack of safety careless playthings. People look a Price and, well, you can never tell someone sexual preferences but, they look at him and are like 'ah yes this man would have no regards to ones sexual safety' like ?????
When hes about to torture the butcher he makes is to clear for not only Gaz's boundaries but for Nik's aswell. No strings attached, their word is final and it's something I really appreciated as a player as well.
This man is constantly in danger having to deal with violence and torture and then people exspect him to come home and do what? The same thing on his partner? I can't imagine it, I genuinely don't think this man could stomach hurting his partner even in a safe BDSM way. It's the same with all these men in the military, why would they want to bring that home?
I'm not into König but I have played as him on the odd occasion in game and you can sort of get a feel for his personality. The shit people write about him is so incredibly out of character even with how little is defined by him. This man is the most nerdy character in the game. He so gives off the vibes that he's a massive gremlin with his voice lines and people look at that and are like 'ah yes he would treat me bad' Pardon me? He would have a fucking mental breakdown if he hurt his s/o.
Even Graves, the bastard he is, wouldn't do any of this shit. Sure he betrayed 141 but you can still tell he cares about his team, one of the things that makes him and the shadows such a compelling and enjoyable antagonist, is that he feels so human and realistic. When he starts to lose it and shout at them in Las Almas, you can tell he regrets it. You can tell in his voice that he's trying to keep it together and stay as that fun casual commander thing he has going on.
Admittedly I've used him for plot before but the people who hardcore simp for this man, how could you look at someone like that and thing he would rule the bedroom with an iron fist? The man who gets his employees to say 'yup-yup' instead of affirmative.
As someone who does write and does strive to make people as in character as possible, (admittedly with varing results) I just don't understand how people can go so far fetched. Whenever I've been given an prompt or whatever I'm constantly looking at intrections and lore that back up characters. A lot of stuff so many characters just wouldn't do. Daddy kink is the bane of my existence. Not because I don't enjoy it but because people assign it to everyone and in all honesty? Ive literally never met a man who's into it. Same with mommy.
In terms of characters across all the games I've played I think there's like maybe one character who I genuinely thought might be into it and that was Pagan Min from Farcry 4. Maybe Damon Salvatore from the Vampire Diaries.
Yeah you can never tell someones sexual preferences or what they do in the bedroom but you can at least try. Have lore or reasoning to back up your reasoning. Not this cluster fuck of general unhealthy, unrealistic glorified BDSM. It baffles me that people think that these characters would be even remotely comfortable with some of the stuff people wrote them to do.
What's the point of simping over a character if you're not actually wanting to be with the character?
At the bottom line, tiktok (and modern internet in general (it wasn't this bad until tiktok but it has been getting worse over the years)) has shown a bunch of adolescent people pictures of the COD characters. With the easy access and desensitization of kink this has created the effect we have today. I don't actually think any of the people who write this shit actually care about the characters. Their playing with the characters like dolls. A name and a face to an oc personality they have created in their head. Or even just taking tropes of people and applying them.
Your fustration is responsible and the way your expressing it is responsible aswell. This is your space. Your not hurting anyone, in fact your ability to recognise and create commentary on today's fandom scene is a positive rather than a negative.
Welp, there it is. You read it again. I dont think I actually need to say anything or reply to it. Everything has already been said in this ask can actually convey what I have been trying to say the past two days, what we have been trying to discuss the past two days. detailed and well put like a thread. I'm gonna tag COD so people can actually read and educate themselves about this matter and that it should not be taken lightly.
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cipher-zoo · 1 year
Chapter 2 is finally online!
I hope you'll enjoy it ^^ Let me know what you think.
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year
Hi!! <3 For the ask game: 6. do you have any kind of consistent writing schedule or just hoping for the best? and 11. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general? and lastly, 17. what is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
Bepo from Bepo's Beptober here (the world famous navigator fanfic writer)!
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6. do you have any kind of consistent writing schedule or just hoping for the best?
Captain said I was allowed to have 14:00-16:00 on Saturday afternoons as long as we're not in the middle of a medical procedure or battle.
It can be transferred to other times and, of course, sometimes the muse takes you when you're fleeing battle and you just have to use a mental semaphore to jot down the key points of your next masterpiece. I click my claws together as a tactile memory thingy, and it drives Uni crazy. (Clione figured it out though, and I think he's posting his own fic under the user name "nematode" using my ideas).
Captain said I could have that time too (like, no-one, no-one is allowed to interrupt me while the ink nib is in my hand on Saturday afternoons. Even Shachi and Ikkaku have to tone down the clicking and weird cetacean noises as they bounce around the sub), but I digress, Captain said I could have that time too if I promised not to put him in fictionally compromising positions, and we all know that Captain could do with compromising a little more, right? So even though there's a promise in that word, I had my fingers crossed (even my nails) behind my back when I agreed :D
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Seal pups! Got ink all over the table. I'll answer the others separately!
(Just so you know how much more popular than Clione I am at this game, I still have to answer 11, 17, 58, 65, 71, 76, 91 . That's what you get for not having too many ideas knocking around your ganglia!)
(But maybe I could outsource them...Damn, ink on my muzzle now)
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Other asks If you want to check out my previous answer, it's here! and here and here!
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
Curious what ur fav fics of yours are? 👀🖤🩷
Like ever?Like my five favorite fics of ever? oh boy ok lemme pull up the list
Well immediately I Bit Him so He's Mine is coming to the top of the list which isn't even done yet but is sitting rn at around 40k, is my longest project ever and officially novel length. Between the writing a murder mystery, writing a low fantasy adventure, the gothic/fairytail romance, the hyde wednesday/hyde tyler scenes, the subplots, and the fact that I'm not able nor do i want to rely on psychic visions for information, this is the most involved and exciting project I've probably ever done. Before Wednesday, I hadn't really sat down and written a proper drawn out mystery plot and this is the first where there were no psychic visions either. It's also officially longer than my Absolution novella which is not on this list just because that fic was one of the first I ever wrote and it shows. (though it is special to me because of that)
2. I'll add Wandering in the Dark because it was born of a prompt that my hs senior english teacher gave the class for a project that'd been anticipated (or dreaded depending on who you were) all semester. Basically, we all got to draw a disease (chronic I believe or at least mine was) out of a hat and then just do whatever we wanted writing a story with it. He gave me complete creative freedom. I wrote steter fanfiction which is also why it reads for someone who isn't familiar with teen wolf. I got an A.
3. My Lost Soul (Lead Me to Redemption) was my baby for a long time. It was one of the first pieces I ever wrote in a creative writing class which I then rewrote as sterek fanficiton and evolved into a whole series with Derek, Stiles, and Peter becoming the Hale Pack again. My writing style and quality drastically changes from beginning to end and there's something special about getting to see that firsthand reading this series. I'm sure it would only have continued if I hadn't lost steam for the story.
4. This is not a fair game. I'm not even left my teen wolf list yet.
4. I suppose I'll put Have You Seen Me? because idk I just like it. I like it a lot. I like exploring Tyler immediately after the cave. I like the title and the way the summary is just Tyler's wanted poster. I like how it leads into Wednesday going to Nevermore and I like how they interact with each other and Tyler being an Addams
5. Hold Me Close and it's sister fic Pin Me Down (to be posted) will have to take place as well. I'm counting both because I love them for the same reason. I've been writing officially since 2016 and for at least as long I always knew that I would eventually write my own fuck or die/sex pollen fic and that I'd take the approach of approaching the potential trauma and very present vulnerability present in the premise. Plus, the sex marathon aspect was a good writing challenge to stretch out the sex scene long enough to actually feel like a marathon reading it. Hold Me Close's sex scene was around 3000 words. Pin Me Down's sex scene is 3455 words long.
Honorable mentions for an abandoned multi-chap from high school that I hadn't thought about for years solely because I recently went to a convention where I met a lot of local authors and talked their ears off about writing and the genres we do and our current projects (and I had plenty due to wyler week and the bingo) and this one author recognized my ao3 alias and loved the fic in question. Mark Me an Angel for the hannigram fandom which also is a good example of why you plan a basic plot/direction when you start something.
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beatrizshy · 6 months
Guys I have no idea which fic I should work on I started too many at the same time 😭😭😭
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alixx-black · 23 days
A list of for-free stuff that I've written that I think you'll enjoy.
The Five Year Plan: A multi-chapter story about a hetero-passing LGBTQ+ couple that agree to an arranged marriage and has a happy ending.
I Remember: A short story written in the form of a letter about a same-sex couple.
Well, That Was Impressive: A short story about two boys were friends, went separate ways, and came back together as lab partners.
Virtually Innocent: A multi-chapter sci-fi story about a guy who was wrongfully convicted and put into a virtual reality retraining program.
A Love Vigilante: A contest winning short story about a succubus who takes her job very seriously.
We Need to Be Nice: A super short horror story about creepy children with a psychological twist.
Life Advice From the Recently Deceased: A how-to journal-style multi-chapter story written in first-person and details the work of ushering souls into the afterlife.
The Girl In My Reflection: A short suspenseful horror about mirrors.
Never Stood A Chance: A short suspense piece about an abusive and toxic home where someone goes missing.
The Freedom Kitchen: A short story about a woman's schedule while volunteering in a soup kitchen.
A Place for Me: A short story about a teenager who struggles with social anxiety and fitting in with her peers.
Night & Day Poetry Collection: A collection of poems that are reflective of one another about burn out and burn out recovery.
The Life & Death of Being A Human: A poetry series that tells the story of the human experience from life to death.
terminal: An epic poem that tells a fictional story about a child diagnosed with terminal cancer and will have the final chapter go like on September 1st!
Are My Scars Tattoos: A reflective essay about self-harm scars.
Changing the Way I Love You: A personal essay about loving children as they grow up.
Things Only Get Weirder From Here (For Both of Us): A humorous essay about raising a child through puberty.
Make Memories: A "Girl Meets World" fanfiction that was inspired by "Every Little Thing" in which Maya Hart goes to summer camp in Canada and gets bunked with Lucas Friar - who is the last person she expected or wanted to see on her summer break. Teen romance, happy ending, 49K.
A Carry On Dictionary: An alphabet prompt inspired series about the Carry On character Baz Pitch and his love life. Melancholic and dark moody piece. 23K. Mind the trigger warnings.
I Don't F*cking Care: A one-shot song-inspired fanfiction for Carry On about the complicated relationship between Simon Snow & Baz Pitch. Very sad and dark reach. 25K.
The Song of Morgana: If I Were A Boy: A one-shot song-inspired fanfiction for BBC's Merlin that tells the story of Morgana in a modern setting. Bittersweet ending. 13K.
Dear Reader: A multi-chapter Harry Potter fanfiction that tells the unlikely love story between Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy. Moody romance. 49K.
And Then There Was Us & Always Going to Be Us: A duology of multi-chapter fanficiton pieces for Girl Meets World that follow the teen romance and adult life of Maya Hart and Lucas Friar. Romance, friends-to-lovers with a happy ending at the end both times. 124K in all.
Little Talks: A multi-chapter song-inspired fanfiction for Merlin that rewrites the entire show cannon while remaining compliant in critical ways. It also explores the relationship between Merlin and Morgana Pendragon. Moody and bittersweet read. 15K.
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