#regulus : what he said
fiasco95 · 3 months
Peter: Wait- so that’s James’ jacket??
Regulus: Yes??? There’s literally the letter ‘P’ on it. Where in merlin’s name would there be a ‘P’ in my name?!
James, walking past: In ‘Potter’ when we get married.
The entirety of Hogwarts:
(Regulus hyphenates their names.)
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Sirius: Hey Prongs, I hope our children will get along just like cousins, you know not like me and my cousins but like other cousins that get along so well, I always see cousins having a really good bond
James: Yeah I hope so too
*5 years later*
James: Hey Pads, you know when you told me about that cousin thing with our children *sweating nervously*
Sirius: Yeah what’s up with that?
James: I took your words too serious
Sirius: What do you mean?
Sirius: James what do you mea- oh no no no no. Please don’t tell me that-
James: Surprise?
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starchaserdreams · 2 years
"my comfort character" being regulus fucking black is a special kind of mental illness
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lilithofpenandbook · 1 month
Seriously how can M*r*uders stans like random Slytherins (who tf are Evan Rosier, Pandora (is that Luna's mum and why tf is she Evan Rosier's twin in half of these), and I don't even want to discuss Regulus) and make them Actually Misunderstood Good People Who Were Forced Down That Path when at least one of them *coughreguluscough* was obsessed with Voldemort
And then turn around and make Snape an awful person?
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cloud-of-sugar · 6 months
Regulus in the middle of a hufflepuff party watching James dance Regulus: seeing him tonight is a bad idea, right? Pandora: yes Regulus: seeing him tonight is a bad idea, right? Dorcas: absolutely, your brother is just there Regulus: seeing him tonight is a bad idea, right? Evan: yeah Regulus: seeing him tonight is a bad idea, right? Barty: fuck it, it's fine Regulus *leaves*
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eloise175 · 8 months
Tumblr media
Penelope is talking but as always Callisto is just too caught up in watching her
In his head wedding bells are perpetually playing
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solarisburns · 7 months
Dorcas knew something was wrong when Evan showed up at her door one night. At the start of the war, right before she graduated all three of her-the boys took the dark mark. She wanted, desperately, for there to be more to the story, but if there was they never told her. So when she found out she was furious told them all she never wanted to speak to them ever again, and the only time they would see her face is from behind bars or in a shallow grave. They respected that and before she knew it, its been over a year and she missed them like she misses a limb. but she does not regret her decision.
So when one night evan shows up alone, dorcas knows something is wrong. she nearly curses him outright when he asks to come in but he offers his wand to her and doesn't even flinch when she rips it out of his hand. idly she considers snapping it. Evan didn't look good, he was more wirey than before the war and he looked depressed. his eyes were red.
he came into her apartment and looked around in curiosity, right he had never seen her apartment they had stopped speaking a week before she moved in. he sat on her couch and she pretended not to be hurt about how right it felt to have him here. then he spoke, "We wanted to tell you, I swear we did but he told us that if you knew and someone found out you would be a target. You and marlene and your family. We tried Dorcas we tried so fucking hard but were losing and we don't know what to do and you, your the most powerful witch we know and Reg-" he rambled frantically and when he tried to say Regulus' name his voice broke and Dorcas was filled with this horrible sense of dread. She knew why Evan was here but she didn't want to believe it. She needed to hear it out loud but merlin she didn't want to.
"Evan, what are you doing here."
"Regulus is dead."
And the worst part is, Dorcas knew, they all knew that Regulus would not make it through this war. One way or another, no matter what side, this always ended with Regulus dead. She feels a stab of resentment for the dead boy.
"Were spies, we um have been for years. Regulus stole something from Voldemort, he uh he died to get it. He told us if he didn't make it back to bring it to you, that you would have the power to destroy it. It's with Pandora at the moment, we try to keep it moving so theres less of a chance it can be tracked, but we wanted to tell you now. I'm sorry. And I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you, I know you never wanted to see me again but Pandora is telling Sirius and Barty the Potters." Evan was crying, and he was desperately trying to hide it. Then Dorcas realized she was crying to. They sat there and cried and cried, it could have been for hours the two of them cried.
She clears her throat and looks at the clock, "Marlene will be home soon, you should leave. And uh tell Pandora she, alone, can bring whatever it is over tomorrow afternoon." Dorcas wants to forgive them but she can't, not yet. And Regulus is dead, it doesn't feel real except for the way it's all too real.
Evan nods, "of course, whatever you need." he holds his hand for his wand and turns towards the door when he gets it, but hesitates. "I know I have no right to ask this, but Cas, can I have a hug?"
She's up before he finishes his sentence and pulling him into a hug "Sure Ev." she whispers into his ear as she rocks them, their the same height now, she used to have an inch on him. he huffs what might be a laugh. and before she knows it their letting go and he's almost out the door.
"See ya around Meadowes?"
"See you around Rosier."
And then he's gone and if she closes her eyes she can pretend that he was never here at all. That somewhere in the world the three boys are out there getting drunk and ruining peoples lives and growing up without her. The boys are spies and lied to her for years and Regulus is dead. She sinks down the closed door and sobs.
(She never does see Evan around, he died two months later)
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themarvelmarauder · 8 months
Why do the slytherin boys react videos have Regulus in them?! Why is he straight?! They don't know him like we do :(
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nikolai-alexi · 1 year
Sirius: you absolutely cannot date my brother, James! No! Absolutely not! Literally anyone else!
James: …what about your cousin?
Sirius: sure, fine, whatever, just not my brother!
James: *with a shit eating grin* hey regulus go on a date with me? your brother said it’s fine
Regulus: wow never thought we’d get Sirius’ blessing, how sweet
Sirius: JAMES!!!
James: what?! You said I could date your cousin!! I just neglected to mention that said cousin was ALSO your brother
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Regulus: *glaring menacingly*
James: Reg—
Regulus: they should bring back the plague.
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faggylittleleatherboy · 6 months
Being haunted by jegulus and moonwater 😔😔
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lilyevansmywife · 2 years
Sirius: I wish there was cola flavored tea
Remus, Lily and Regulus in their very english tea club: go away.
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mrkeatingsblazer · 1 year
Everyone’s for bisexual Remus until it comes to actually shipping him with a girl
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loserboyfriendrjl · 11 months
what do u think regulus would study in university?
business and management because he wants to take over walburga and orion’s company
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valoflunar · 1 year
when marlene shouts what in the platonic friendship at regulus and James bc James just said that he was just rly good friends with regulus and denied all accusations of dating thrown to him by Marlene but marlene has just walked into them making out
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lunaticamic · 5 months
when i say i'm a hater i mean those stupid ass ships in the marauders fandom like. what the fuck is jegulus ? hater. why are you treating deatheaters like two cute white boys kissing. why are you implying barty jr and evan rosier would ever be the cool gay friends of the marauders ? NO. do you have any shame? "but i can ship whatever i want" oh well and i can hate. god gave me that gift and i will use it.
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