valoflunar · 1 year
when marlene shouts what in the platonic friendship at regulus and James bc James just said that he was just rly good friends with regulus and denied all accusations of dating thrown to him by Marlene but marlene has just walked into them making out
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courfee · 2 months
just went through all my ao3 fics and edited all the tags because i feel like i overtag a lot and it always bothered me. tbf the most overtagging happens in my relationship/character tags but i find it super difficult to judge who/which relationship is important. like friendships are So Important in my fics i dont feel like i cant tag less there? especially my longer fics. amtc james&sirius and black brothers are in my mind at least if not more important than literally amtc jegulus. i know its a jegulus fic but also jegulus is just the catalyst for other relationship dynamics. how do you tag that stuff
#honestly same with operation wanker#i finally put the wolfstar tag at the end of the relationship list#because genuinely when i first wrote the fic i debated leaving that out completely because i just do not focus on them At All#but considering theyre the very reason for the whole fic i couldnt not tag them#but james and sirius in operation wanker are as important to me as jegulus#and they go through a similar plot line of developing and changing so ?? yk???#idk how to tag i am really bad at it honestly#as you can tell i have exam season#hence me doing anything but the things i should be doing#hp#fic rant#i need a tag for general ramblings#i did take out a lot of character tags in a lot of my fics#like in some of them i literally now have a relationship tag but not the character tag which im also still not sure at#like on lies and spies still has the peter&marlene tag but it doesnt have a marlene tag anymore#and im still debating if i should also take the relationship tag out but also its important for peters actions??? idkkk man i am bad at thi#took out a lot of tags from amtc because i just felt it was too long overall#like i do think they were not completely unimportant but it was such a wall of text i felt a bit overwhelmed#tagging fics where its literally just 2 characters and theyre romantically/sexually involved is so much easier#like on high delight the tags make perfect sense because its very obvious what the focus is on#but i so seldomly write fics that are confined to just a ship (/) dynamic#maybe this is my arospec that ive been eyeing for the past 10 years and keep ignoring showing#i just care about writing relationships (&) so much more honestly#ok thats actually a lie im not tooo good with just platonic fics but i like writing romantic stuff in the context of friendgroups#i like characters having to keep secrets from the people they usually tell evrything to#love exploring characters finding out they have friendship boundaries they previously didnt know about#love writing about trust and and conflicting feelings and having to make choices#also lmao very iconic of me to have 5km of tags on a post of me saying i am prone to overtagging. really proving my own point here
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msmk11 · 2 months
Four Times Your Friends Realized You and James Were In Love, and the One Time You and James Realized
James Potter x gn!Lupin!reader
Word count: 3.9k
CW: Mentions of drinking alcohol, mentions of broken bones, idiots in love, fluff, slow burn
Summary: Title pretty much sums it up!
A/N: Another James fic. Who is surprised? No one. Happy reading, loves!
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Peter and Marlene knew you loved James from day one. Best friends since diapers, they reckoned they knew the brunette boy pretty well, and him them. Of course, the three started their Hogwarts journeys together, boarding that big red train for the first time, side by side, waving to their families. The trio found an empty compartment near the back of the train and slid in. Though Peter was slightly more subdued, all three were nearly bursting at the seams with excitement about getting to the castle, getting sorted, and starting classes. As the train rumbled into motion, there was a light tapping on the glass of the door. It slid open to reveal what seemed to be two siblings- perhaps twins even- first years too. They were holding hands, the boy with scars on his face seeming to hide slightly behind the other- you.
“Excuse me,” you said, “Do you mind if we sit here? Everywhere else is full.”
No one seemed to have a problem with it, and the trio wanted to make new friends anyways.
“Sure,” Peter replied as the siblings settled onto the bench across from them, “I’m Peter and this is James and Marlene.”
You both greeted them in turn and introduced yourselves. The scar-faced boy, Peter noticed, seemed shy and quiet, whereas you were a little more outgoing and confident.
“What’s with the scars?” James asked bluntly.
Peter sighed- his friend had never been subtle.
“What’s with the ugly glasses?” You bit back quickly.
Peter and Marlene both tensed, knowing James to have a temper, expecting the worst. Instead, he cracked a grin and Marlene felt comfortable to bust out laughing, “Merlin, that was amazing. I know we’ll be good friends.”
James smiled and nodded in agreement, “Touché, Trouble.”
Though Marlene and Peter never mentioned it, the slight blush that crossed James’ cheeks did not go unnoticed by his two best friends. And the way James acted around you every day after- always a little….softer- told them everything they needed to know. And as they got to know you- as they watched how your tough exterior faded away around James- they understood that you felt the same.
Lily had never once been fooled by James’ “affections.” Though James had fawned after her for their first three years at Hogwarts, she never believed his feelings to be sincere. It’s not that she thought James was purposely teasing and flirting with her to be mean, but rather that his feelings were misdirected. Though to the greater student body his dramatic flirting seemed genuine, Lily had been lucky enough to be the recipient of or bystander to James’ softer, gentler side for those he really, truly loved. Feelings and flirting were very different, and James never showed her any true feelings past a platonic type of love. It was around the end of third year that she thinks James figured it out too- and the flirting ceased, replaced by true, easy friendship.
As a young eleven and twelve year old, Lily knew one thing: she just wanted the flirting to stop. As she got older though, and had begun to suspect that James’ crush was misdirected, she wondered who could be the recipient of his true affections.
She figured it out at the end of third year- just as James’ flirting began to fizzle out. It had been a long evening of studying and she’d fallen asleep on the couch when she was suddenly awoken by hushed, excited voices. Burrowed into the plush, red couch, she decided to eavesdrop instead of making her presence known. She very quickly recognized James’ voice- one that, no matter how hard he tried, couldn’t stay quiet for long. It took her much longer to discern your voice which- usually louder- was very quiet.
“James, where are we going?” You whispered.
“It’s not a bloody surprise if I tell you,” James reminded you, “Now quick, get under the invisibility cloak.”
Lily heard the portrait hole open and close quietly with a thud. At that point, she decided she was far too comfy on the couch to make any move to her bed. So she snuggled back up, book nestled under her arms.
She was awoken a few hours later to the same quiet voices. This time, however, the sun had begun to rise. When she checked the time, she realized that you and James had been out for hours.
When it seemed that you two had come to a halt in front of the dorm stairs, Lily peaked her head over the couch. You two were facing each other, inches apart, and even then James towered over you. Your cheeks were flushed and your hair windblown, and James had his broom in his hand.
“Thanks James, for everything. Seriously.”
“I told you to stop saying thanks for me being a decent human being, Trouble.”
“It’s more than that and we both know it. You treat me with a kindness that no other person ever has. You’re my best friend, James, truly.”
James smiled softly at you and only responded with three simple words, “I love you.”
The soft, morning sun rested softly on the pretty picture of you two in this moment, and Lily wished she could’ve captured the moment for forever.
You smiled happily back at James and told him that you loved him too. Then, you stood on your tiptoes and pressed a gentle kiss to James’ cheek before stepping back and walking up the stairs. The boy’s eyes followed you until you disappeared behind a wall, and even when you were out of sight, James was still beaming.
Lily had been the lucky bystander of yours and James’ first admission of love. And she hoped, in time, she’d be around to see it blossom into something more.
Sirius knew in the spring of your fifth year. It was that time of year again- Hogwarts’ quidditch finals. That year’s final was a highly anticipated match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Though Gryffindor held the champion title since James joined the team- Ravenclaw had been a serious competitor all year, and was even favored to win. Still, you and all your friends came decked out in Gryffindor gear to support Marlene, James, and Sirius. The game was close the whole match, with Ravenclaw ahead by ten- 90 to 80. You, Remus, Mary, Peter, Lily, and Dorcas had been screaming your lungs out the whole match- and you all knew you’d be hoarse tomorrow. You watched with bated breath as James stole the quaffle from a Ravenclaw catcher and sped off down the field on his broom. Sirius combatted away a bludger being sent towards James and watched as the brunette passed the quaffle to Marlene. Marlene scored and the Gryffindor stands cheered. The student body’s attention was quickly redirected, however, as the two seekers set off at the sight of the snitch. Each house cheered their players on as the chasers continued the game. Though Ravenclaw set off down the field, Marlene was able to steal the quaffle away and zoom back towards the goals. As two Ravenclaw chasers sped towards Marlene, she spotted James, who was open, off to the side. A Ravenclaw beater, however, also noticed this. Taking his chance, he swung a bludger right into James’ arm, sending the boy off his broom and plummeting to the ground.
The aftermath had been a series of shouts, worry, and confusion as Madame Hooch quickly rushed James to the Hospital Wing.
After initial treatment, James was in a peaceful slumber, his arm bandaged up. You, Sirius, Remus, and Peter sat around and talked quietly waiting for him to wake up. When he did, you were the first to stand and rush to James’ side.
“James, you’re awake. How are you feeling? Do you need anything?” You’d asked worriedly.
“Maybe let him breathe a little,” Remus said to you with a low chuckle.
You sighed and nodded, “right, sorry.” But you didn’t leave James’ side, instead pulling your chair closer while still holding his hand.
James didn’t seem to mind your worrying and smiled a little at you.
“You gave us a right scare, mate,” Sirius sighed, “Bloody Ravenclaws don’t know how to play a sodding game of quidditch properly.”
James laughed a little, “it’s just a broken arm. Nothing to worry yourself sick over.”
“Looked bloody awful though, Prongs,” Peter added, “your arm was all bruised and bent in a funny angle and-“
“Okay, Wormtail, I don’t think anyone needs a reminder of the…. state… Prongs was in,” Remus interrupted, looking a little nauseous at the fresh visual.
“Not meant to be a healer, this one,” Sirius teased Remus, patting him on the shoulder.
Everyone knew you’d be the Lupin to fulfill that position- already having had practice bandaging all of them after the full moons. Speaking of you, you had been abnormally quiet, Sirius noticed, mainly keeping your hand in James’ and watching over him attentively.
“So, did we at least win?”
Sirius cringed at James’ hopeful tone and everyone stared at him with pained expressions. Losing quidditch matches nearly killed James- him always taking all the blame onto himself- as if Quidditch wasn’t a team effort but a one-man game.
“Prongs-“ Sirius began.
“Sweetheart, Ravenclaw won,” you interrupted softly, “Vance caught the snitch just as you fell. She feels bloody bad about it though.”
Everyone braced for James’ reaction- which usually involved him shutting down and not talking to anyone for a few hours.
But James kept his eyes on you the whole time and his hand in your grip. Though a pained expression certainly passed over his face, instead of shutting down or asking to be alone he weakly said, “Well, I guess we’ll get ‘em next time.”
That’s when Sirius knew James loved you. Sirius had spent years trying to convince James of the same with no luck. But with just a few touches and soft spoken words, James’ typical anger and disappointment had faded away into acceptance. Similarly, your over-worrying and care made it perfectly clear that you loved James too.
He only wondered if you two realized it.
Remus knew it the first time you went to James for comfort instead of him. Remus- your fraternal twin. Since the day you two were born, you’d been attached at the hip. You went everywhere together, did everything together, and seemed to know the other’s thoughts as if they were your own. Much to your shared friends’ dismay, you and Remus could often finish each other’s sentences and speak in tandem. You always felt each other’s pain so acutely that it seemed only the other could provide comfort- that only the other could understand just what they were feeling. Though you were not a werewolf like Remus, full moons were nearly just as hard on you as they were him. The emotional wounds of having to watch your brother transform each month ran almost as deeply as the scars on his face. Still, every month your attentive face was the first he saw when we awoke in the hospital wing and the first hand to brush away his tears when he was feeling particularly low about his “condition.” Remus, similarly, was there for you. Because of Remus’ lycanthropy, your parents tended to cast aside your feelings and needs in order to care for your brother’s. You, of course, did not blame Remus, but the feeling of being second-best resonated deeply within you. Even in school you always felt second to your brother- him always scoring higher marks than you and becoming a prefect when you didn’t. So on the low-days, you sought out extra affection from your brother.
While he certainly had plenty to give, over your years at Hogwarts you found yourself more and more attracted to the caring, bright energy of James Potter. Though you loved all your friends, sometimes it seemed they still favored Remus. James, however, could make anyone feel as though they were the only one in the world when he was around. His constant, gentle touches, giving attitude, and all around warmth was hard to ignore. Being James’ friend meant receiving all this attention tenfold- and a selfish part of you liked to think he gave you just a little extra- in place of where others lacked.
To Remus, James’ affections towards you and your reciprocation seemed no different than how either of you would normally act around any of your friends. That was, until one day during your sixth year.
It was around 8 p.m. and the group of Marauders had called it an early night. Queen played quietly on a record in the background as all four boys engaged in various tasks- Sirius painted his nails red, Remus read a book, Peter scratched away furiously at a potions assignment, and James laid back against his pillows flipping through a quidditch magazine. The peaceful calm was unusual but pleasant, and had been going wonderfully until there was an abrupt knock at the door. Everyone looked up simultaneously, but no one seemed too eager to move. Maybe, they figured, if they were quiet, whoever was at the door would go away. But when another knock came, this time more loud and persistent, Sirius twisted his nail polish shut and trudged over to the door. He opened it, ready to tell whoever it was to bugger off, and was surprised to find you- with red eyes and tear tracks down your face.
“Sweetheart-“ he began.
“Is James here?”
That was not who Sirius assumed you’d be looking for, but he only nodded and stepped aside, jerking his head towards James’ bed. When you walked in the room you stopped, all eight pairs of eyes on you. When Remus saw your state his heart dropped and he began to scramble up, “What’s wrong? What happened?”
“I well uhm-“ you said guiltily, “I was here to see James.”
Confused, Remus watched as you turned to look at James, who had sat up at the mention of his name- “that is, if I’m not bothering you. I know you said I could come to you if I ever needed anything James but- if that was just you being kind…”
“No yeah, of course, love. What’s wrong,” he said quickly. James moved to the end of his bed and motioned for you to come forwards.
You were so timid and shy in this moment- vulnerable- something you rarely showed to others beside Remus. He watched as you walked over to James and whispered something quietly to him- something even his wolfish ears could not pick up. When you had pulled away you looked nervous, but seemingly for no reason, because James had immediately swept you into his arms, pulling you semi onto his lap. As he held you for a moment, he brushed some stray hairs out of your face and whispered softly to you. You had seemed to almost melt into James, becoming one. Remus felt as though he was watching something private, and quietly snapped at Peter and Sirius to mind their business.
As you and James maintained a quiet conversation across the room, Remus pretended to read. He was confused. You had always come to him for comfort. Always. Unless you’d been going to James now and he didn’t know it? And when had James become that person? Remus always liked to think he knew you best. But now he wasn’t sure. As he peeked over his book to look at the two of you once more, and he saw the way your head was resting on James’ chest and the way James was gently stroking your arm, it dawned on him-
You and James loved each other. And he decided that, perhaps, he was okay with not being the one that you ran to first anymore, when he knew your heart would be in such good hands.
Now you two just had to accept it.
Though it’s likely you and James fell in love at different times, you both realized your feelings for each other at the same time. And unlike in fairytales- dramatic, passionate, and fast-paced- falling in love with each other was slow, meaningful, and natural. Everything fell into place on a calm, July evening before your seventh year.
James and Sirius had decided to have a summer rendezvous at the Potter mansion with all of their friends- you, Remus, Peter, Lily, Mary, Marlene, and Dorcas. Peter and Marlene, basically living next door to James, had arrived to the Potter’s house early in the morning for breakfast, letting themselves in through the back door as Euphemia had insisted they do since they could walk. You and Remus, then, were the first to actually arrive to the party, getting there just slightly earlier than the other guests due to what Remus called “being the boyfriend of one of the hosts privileges.” What he didn’t say was that you were basically in the same boat with James- just without a label.
Consequently, when the Lupin twins knocked on the front door of Potter Mansion, the house went up on a frenzy. True to their brotherly affection, James and Sirius sprinted down the hall to the door, pushing and shoving each other to get there first. Peter- the cheeky smartass- and perhaps the smartest of all of them there, simply apparated to the front door and opened it before either boy could get the chance. The stumbling mess of limbs and curses that you and Remus were presented with by Wormtail caused you both to burst out laughing and mumbling about how “they were idiots” “but they were your idiots”.
It seemed in that moment that no one besides Remus existed to Sirius. Despite the spectacle he and James had created, Sirius unabashedly launched himself into Remus’ arms and pressed a kiss to his lips. You, in turn, fake gagged and then smiled softly at James as he outstretched his arms and pulled you into his warm embrace. Though you could’ve stayed there forever, you eventually, reluctantly, pulled away so that everyone could make their way inside. Still, you weren’t without James’ touch entirely as he migrated his hand down to the small of your back and guided you into the living room. As you two settled on the couch and James threw an arm around your shoulder, allowing you to snuggle in, your friends and brother shared knowing glances. It was like nails on a chalkboard- how obvious your love for each other was, and the continued unacknowledgement of it.
The rest of the party soon arrived and everything was in full swing. Music played loudly in the background as everyone sat around across the living room playing a game of never have I ever. Sirius and Remus shared an armchair, Lily sat on the floor with her back against the wall and Mary next to her, heads resting on each other’s, James squeezed between you and Peter on the couch, and Marlene sat in Dorcas’ lap at your feet. Once everyone was given a bottle of fire whiskey, the rules were established- if you’d done the thing, you’d drink.
It started off with fun, simple questions, and quickly turned to targeted ones- either to pry information out of people or to just get them drunker.
“Never have I ever been a twin” (Peter)
“Never have I ever been a ginger” (Remus)
“Never have I ever been a Slytherin” (Lily)
“Never have I ever threatened to chop off my tits” (Dorcas)
“Never have I ever stabbed myself in the eye with eyeliner” (Marlene)
“Never have I ever been someone’s BEARD to help them hide their sexuality” (Sirius)
“Never have I ever been blind as a bat” (Mary)
“Never have I ever walked barefoot through Hogwarts” (James)
You were the only one to take a sip on that one and you glared at James over your bottle as you did so. You’d told him that little fact about you in confidence, the traitor.
“All’s fair in never have I ever,” he retaliated.
“Everything?” You challenged.
James’ eyes widened in protest, but it was too late.
“Never have I ever kissed Remus,” you said with a smirk.
James, Sirius, and Lily all took a drink. At first, Sirius was too smug to realize that he hadn’t been the only one to sip. So when he saw that Lily and James had, he nearly spit out his fire whiskey.
“What the fuck?” He shouted, “Lily, sure. I guess I can get- the amount of bloody time you two spend together. But JAMES? When the hell did you kiss MY boyfriend.”
“Sirius it was a long time ago, I swear!” James pleaded, “Before you ever liked Remus, or even knew you liked men!”
“But when? Why?” Sirius spluttered.
“Well I uh-“
Before James could explain himself, Remus interrupted, “because James and I both hadn’t had our first kisses yet, and we wanted to get it out of the way, so we kissed each other. End of third year, I think. Right around when he stopped chasing after Lily.”
Sirius huffed and moved away from Remus, pouting, “this is the biggest betrayal ever. AND from my boyfriend and best friend? Despicable.”
Remus rolled his eyes, amused, and flung his arm around Sirius’ shoulders. He pressed a kiss to the side of the black curls and whispered something about not being dramatic.
Sirius huffed again, but it was so clearly an act by the way he melted under your brother’s touch. You smiled despite the “sirius” situation and bowed your head to the ground to hide it.
It seemed as if the game had come to a halt until all of a sudden Peter declared, “Never have I ever pined after my best friend.”
Everyone stilled, and then, slowly, people around the room began to drink- Sirius and Remus as they held each other tighter, Mary and Lily as they locked eyes, and Dorcas and Marlene after they shared a quick kiss. That left…. you and James. As you turned to look at him, you were met with his hazel stare. A shock, as if you were struck by lightning, jolted through your body, and suddenly, everything clicked.
The late nights, the warm embraces, the long talks, and the impossibly strong magnetic pull that seemed to drive you and James together, was love. You and James were in love with each other.
And slowly, as if you were puppeteered by some greater being, you and James raised the bottles to your lips and drunk. The fire whiskey, like your epiphany, was easy to swallow, and you weren’t sure if the warm feeling inside you was a result of the booze or the love spreading through your chest.
So later that night, when everyone had gone to sleep, you and James did what you do best- long talks late at night in the warmth of the other. James took your hand in his and guided you out the back door to the vast green lawn. Stars covered the sky, twinkling in a way that seemed as if they were winking at you both. Fireflies guided your path across the emerald green waves and the crickets hummed a love song.
Finally, under a weeping willow, James pulled you to a stop. Though it was dark, you knew exactly how he looked before you- from the way his eyes would be soft, his smile loose to just how his curly hair fell across his forehead and his glasses slid down his nose from looking at you.
James took your hands and pulled you close, causing your breath to catch. And like usual, your lips began moving. But this time, no talking was involved. It wasn’t necessary. Not when your souls had intertwined into one.
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my-castles-crumbling · 6 months
Platonic Kissing
Based on an anonymous prompt
"Kiss Moony," James stated, a grin clear on his face.
Sirius reeled. He glanced around the circle, taking in the gleeful expressions on the faces around him. Quickly, he started making a mental note in his head of who he would get revenge on first. He decided on Marlene after James, since she looked the most smug.
Fine. He could do this. It was just a stupid kiss. Friends kissed all the time, he reasoned with himself. It was totally normal. Platonic.
He looked at Remus, who was blushing and looking down.
Yes, a normal, friendly reaction. Of course Remus was embarrassed. Who wouldn't be embarrassed about having to kiss someone in front of a group of people?
Deciding to get it over with, he crawled awkwardly, stopping in front of Remus, and looking at him nervously.
Which was normal. It was normal to be nervous to kiss your friend, right? it was normal to get butterflies in your stomach and stare at those beautiful, pink lips, and wonder what it would feel like? Feel a bit lucky, even, that you got to find out?
Yes, he decided. It was friendly. A friend thing.
He decided it was also friendly, kind, to reach out and stroke at Remus's cheek. To slowly pull their lips together while staring into those heartbreakingly beautiful eyes. Because really, he wanted Remus to be comfortable. Obviously.
And it was friendly, too, when he gasped at the contact of their lips. When he threw his arms around Remus's shoulders and crushed their bodies together, and sparks erupted over his body. They were friend sparks.
The moans that fell from both of their lips were moans of friendship, Sirius told himself, pulling at Remus's hair and slipping his tongue into the taller boy's mouth, relishing in the taste. They were close, that's all.
And when Remus move his hand downward to Sirius's thigh, gripping it, making him bite and suck at the other boy's lips, Sirius had to fight to remind himself that this was platonic. It was...platonic touching. Platonic snogging. Platonic feelings.
But when they both came up for air with a gasp and stared into each other's eyes, a few people whistling around them, Sirius started to think that maybe...it wasn't so friendly. Because Remus's eyes were dark and lust-filled and his lips were red and kiss-bitten and Sirius felt the unmistakable pull of want at the base of his spine.
"I think....Sirius and I need to discuss this elsewhere," Remus murmured, voice rough, eyes never straying from Sirius's own.
Sirius nodded breathlessly and stood, pulling Remus with him.
Of course, not much talking did happen.
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paper-freckles · 2 months
remus and lily became such close friends because they recognised something in each other that nobody else did.
james and sirius had each other. they always had. mary and marlene had each other. they always had.
there was often times when lily and remus each found themselves feeling like they were intruding. like they were stepping in on what would be a perfectly happy friendship without them.
remus could see that in lily's eyes. the pain. the loneliness. he recognised it because it was what he saw looking back at himself in the mirror every day.
platonic moonflower is so important because they were each there for each other at a time when no one else was. they understood each other in a way that no one else could.
loneliness is hard to get rid of at the best of times. remus and lily saved each other.
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jamessluttythighs · 1 month
@maraudersolympics-au - just continuing my little marauders olympics au - jegulus / platonic mooonchaser -  320 words - first one - next one
The blue light of his screen was illuminating his face. The Olympics was the topic of interest all around the world, but today, the talk of the town was the pole vault. James had been scrolling through endless edits of Marlene breaking the record then rushing to kiss her girlfriend. “If I so much as hear one more ‘Where’s the trophy’ from you, James,” Remus grumbled.
“Reeeemuuusssss, when will it be my turn??” James whined, dark curls and piercing gray eyes fleeting through his mind for only a second. He silently wished he had more time with the mystery man before he ran off. Flicking his thumb across his screen, he hoped against hope that the man would appear before him.
“You whining isn’t going to get you anywhere. Apparently Tinder in the Olympic village is thriving. The cardboard beds seem to be holding out,” Remus winked from where he was sitting on the opposite side of the room devouring his own screen. 
“Oh is that what the other physios are talking about?” James asked. 
“Nah they mostly just talk about which of their athletes they would fuck,” Remus mused. 
“And do you partake in that conversation?” James asked, blinking innocently. Remus shook his head but James has known him long enough to know that’s a lie. He gasped, “Shut up! You want to shag one of your athletes!?” Remus’ expression remained neutral as he mimed sealing his lips and throwing away the key.
“Speaking of shagging though, how’s Mr ‘Dive Into Me’? Have you found him yet?” Remus pondered.
James let out a groan. “Obviously not, or he would be here and not you,” James complained. 
“I value our years of friendship wholeheartedly as well, James. You mean the world to me too,” Remus deadpanned.
“You know what I mean,” James says.
“Don’t worry about it mate, we’ll find him” Remus reassured him.
James hoped that he was right.
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otrtbs · 18 days
hi!! i was wondering - what are your favourite friendship dynamics? (besides james/remus ahha) i
noticed ahb has no prongsfoot or moonwater which are prob the most popular platonic dynamics. and your new fic art monsters also starts of similarly with a james/remus friendship where they dont know sirius prior, so im interested to hear what ur faves actually are
hehehe this is so fun
huge fan of barty + evan + regulus friend dynamic heavy on the barty + regulus side — love a good codependent,, found family,,, we’re all we’ve got moment
love a good pandora + regulus moment — i think they’re both the big bug-eyed unsettling weirdos of the school
marlene + james supremacy !!! (the chaos these two can create ,,, and trust in art monsters they get Up To Things) — they’re both like balls of energy and only they can tire each other out
mary + regulus as french speaking gossip besties slays incredibly hard,,, the schemes they can cool up ,, unmatched
and for all intents and purposes lily + remus are linking pinkies and skipping down the hallway
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writtenicarus · 1 month
ok so i want to hear what u think abt the relationships throughout the years. like im talking platonic, romantic, haters, just relationships. like in year 1 (for skittles) do u think they talked w marauders? what relationships do u think happened across the years? when do u think ppl starting liking or disliking one another? pls go ALL OUT (if u can)
oh good lord okay listen i cant be too extensive cause i have shit to do (write) but I'll try my best okay!! this is the skittles centric as said, and is basically my hogwarts au timeline
year one
• for starters, i headcanon that everyone is a slytherin minus pandora. in first year, barty and regulus become friends and whilst barty does speak to other people, he stays with reg and he is reg's only friend. barty notices that reg gets upset whenever he sees sirius with james - but reg never says he's angry. barty begins to dislike sirius and james. pandora and evan are twins and only fuck with each other, dorcas has current friends as she's in the year above
year two
• barty/reg meet evan/pandora and form a little quad. barty expects reg to fake liking them but he actually is surprised to see they all get along very well. regulus admits to having a crush on james and he and sirius begin to barely talk. the friendships remain strong but reg is upset over sirius/marauders situation. barty now hates them but keeps it from reg.
year three
• dorcas joins their group but this time it's reg who initiated her into their group and barty originally doesn't get along with her but they sort things through eventually. sirius and regulus no longer speak and regulus is open with how much he dislikes sirius and all his friends - he denies ever liking james. barty is now open with his hate and leads their friends into pranking the marauders regularly. reg and barty kiss and start dating. their group is inseparable. sirius gets crueller and regulus gets colder.
* the summer before regulus' fourth year sirius runs away and regulus' abuse gets worse *
year four
• this is the roughest year. if sirius and regulus see each other in the hallway they WILL fight at every opportunity. barty and evan get closer and reg and pandora get closer. they keep him in check, regulus is extremely mean to james. near the end of the year, the skittles start talking to the girls above (marlene,mary,lily) because of dorcas/marlene but regulus dislikes mary as she and james start dating. reg and barty break up and instead start having casual sex.
year five
• reg starts attending a study group with lily and remus which does mend a few friendships, and reg finds out remus is a werewolf but never says anything. sirius and reg are more sad then mad when they see each other. evan is jealous of reg fucking barty which causes some awkward moments. reg and james after months of back and forth start seeing each other - a secret to everyone but the skittles and remus.
* the summer before reg's sixth year and james' seventh, regulus also runs away and sirius finds out about them - he is supportive. lots of mending this summer. barty stays with the rosiers*
year six
• eventually, jegulus come out and after regulus' first good summer, he's feeling good. whilst reg was away at the potter's, barty/evan start dating. sirius and regulus enter their "healing era" and sirius is basically just a helicopter parent. remus and regulus build a strong friendship and barty/reg address their ex-sex?? basically it's just a deep, emotional talk and they thank each other but acknowledge their codependency.
year seven
• all is well. they sit their exams but without dorcas, james and the others but they all visit the potters in the holidays
i hope this was satisfying enough? haha.
30 notes · View notes
dandelionflowery · 3 months
i remember reading about your plans for the lily one and i liked the sound of it before i realized it was you
i just decided to send an ask to make it easier
oh, and the ideas you have for the eventual wolfstar?
I'm in love already
feel free to talk more about it
Oo other people actually read that? woah
Anyways glad you like it!!
(the lily one)
anyways i'm going to take the opportunity to copy the tags i wrote here and develop them again, so that i can find them better because i'm absolutely chaotic
warning: clicking the see more button will open up a ridiculously long thing lmao
"First love peter/sirius (but closeted peter so closeted relationship)"
Sirius Black first fell for Peter Pettigrew. At first, he had believed it was just friendship, after all, feeling really close to your friends was what was supposed to happen with friendships, right?
After having dreamed (dreamt?) of kissing Peter, Sirius is forced to admit that he might not be thinking of his friend in a purely platonic way...
Timeline (TL): New Year's, their second year (i can't be bothered to figure out what year everything is lol): Sirius tells Peter that he thinks he might be a homosexual and that he kinda has a crush on Peter
End of year: Remus has gone to see Madam Pomfrey and James is in the common room with... other people talking about... stuff Peter and Sirius are in their dorm, Peter is packing, Sirius is reading something. Remus has just walked out the door, and Sirius asks Peter if he would prefer him to leave, as since New Year's, Peter has been avoiding Sirius. Peter replies that it's fine and long story short Sirius and Peter have their first kiss.
Summer: They send each other letters with invisible ink or something idk yet
Third year, return from Christmas holidays: Sirius ends things with Peter, without much explanation, and he refuses to talk about what happened at his "home". (implied conversion therapy by his "family")
The two are never as close as they once were, but stay civil. Peter meanwhile is having an identity crisis bc i'm incapable of writing a non-aroace Peter lol
"Followed by marlene/sirius bc they're both denying they're gay + siri's parents found out he had been with a boy"
After the whole fiasco with Peter, and mostly his family finding out, Sirius kissed Marlene McKinnon during a game of truth or dare after having been dared by Mary MacDonald to kiss his crush.
He didn't like her, not like that, not like how he'd liked Peter, but his family seemed to think they had cured him of his ""mental illness"" and Marlene was a good enough friend that he could tolerate dating her.
[sidenote: this is going to be painful to write bc Sirius now thinks there's something wrong with him for being gay and he's going to look down on it a lot]
TL: Third year, May (approx): Sirius starts dating Marlene. Both soon realize they'd rather be dating someone of the same gender but internalized homophobia + keeping up appearances means that they keep dating till... idk, March of the following year?
March (?) of 4th year: Marlene and Sirius agree to break up momentarily so that Marlene can ask Dorcas out, and they'll get back together if Dorcas rejects Marlene.
Dorcas does not bc she's just as gay as Marlene.
Sirius is now single again.
"Then siri/lily bc marlene was like “fuck this i'm lesbian”
"And lily watched sirius help his friends and get into trouble for them and she found that really nice of him" (i can never remember to write them as bullying snape so either this is after he called lily mudblood or he's just not there lmao)
Remus and Lily are friends
TW: someone throwing up
Also bc i'm going to forget
* _____________________back of the room___________________
-------- -James- -Peter- -------- |
|-------- ---------- -Sirius- --------- |
|--------- -------- -------- -------- |
|--------- -------- -------- -------- |
|-Remus- --Lily-- -------- -------- |
| |
| -------McGonagall----- |
____________________front of the room_____________________*
there's a door at each of the stars
(things get way more detailed after this point lol)
From his seat in front of Peter, Sirius noticed movements coming from his ex and James. As the students were supposed to be writing in silence, Sirius tilted his head down as if he was concentrating on his writing but in reality this pose allowed him to see Peter and James.
Peter was throwing up. Sirius's heart lurched, he wanted to go help his friend, but Professor McGonagall would absolutely murder him, he'd already caused trouble in that period. From the corner of his eye, he could see James sneakily pointing his wand at Peter and vanishing the vomit/hiding Peter from their classmates view.
Sirius decided to risk Minnie's wrath and tossed his eraser at Remus. Luckily for him, Minerva was too busy at her desk to notice.
Remus turned around, causing Lily to follow his gaze, a reprimanding whisper clearly on her lips.
As they turned, they both saw Peter and James. Remus immediately nodded at Sirius and Lily closed her mouth.
Sirius let out a loud sigh, attracting attention to himself.
"This assignment is way too hard," he complained loudly.
Remus laughed, almost as if on cue, although they had never practiced this.
Professor M looked up from her desk, and caught a glimpse of James and Peter. She stayed where she was, watching Sirius and Remus.
Remus's laugh had attracted the class's attention to him, and he and Sirius continued to banter to distract everyone from Peter. Behind him, Sirius heard James whisper to Peter if he wanted to go to the hospital wing. There was no verbal answer from Peter, but James said "Pete, you're clearly sick, it would be a good idea-- come on Wormy-- *sigh* all right, I won't force you"
Remus was saying something about how the assignment was really not that hard, if only one had a little brainpower, to which Sirius automatically replied something. He noticed the person sitting behind Remus start to see through the glamour James and Sirius both put up around Peter, so Sirius said, "If you're so smart, Lupin, you don't need that eraser at your feet, do you? Because I believe that's mine."
Remus, getting the hint, prepared to throw it back to Sirius. McGonagall got up from her desk.
"Mister Lupin, you had better not throw that- "
She was interrupted by Remus throwing the eraser. Sirius pretended to fall over catching it, and James jumped up to catch him. This position effectively hid Peter from view as Sirius and James were in front of him (I'm not sure if i'm going to leave the fourth row on the right {of our screens, to the characters' lefts} bc it kinda messes with this scene).
Professor M walked over to Sirius and James, who disintangled each other, and James took the opportunity of walking back to his desk to recast his glamour on Peter.
"Mister Black, you will sit down and be quiet, and I would like to speak to you and Mister Lupin at the end of class."
Sirius nodded meekly. That was not a conversation he would look forward to.
McGonagall stayed behind Sirius for a moment, surveying her class.
"Well? Get back to work," she ordered.
Sirius felt her robes swish as she turned around discretely.
She stayed at the back of the class a moment longer and then walked back to her desk.
Sirius risked a look back at Peter and James, only to find that neither of them were there, and Peter's desk was spotless.
He smiled to himself. Minnie had convinced Peter to go out the back door with James with the hospital wing. No matter how much trouble he would get into, he had succeeded in his mission. Peter was worth it.
At the end of the class, Remus and Sirius waited for everyone to leave.
Lily was the last to leave, and Sirius heard her ask McGonagall if she should help take James and Peter's stuff for them. Minerva smiled at her student but told her that she would take care of it, and would Lily please leave the classroom to speed things up for Misters Black and Lupin.
Lily cast Remus and Sirius an anxious look as she left, clearly wanting to say something but not daring to contradict her head of house. Sirius assumed she wanted to tell McGonagall that Remus hadn't done anything wrong.
As soon as Lily had left the room, McGonagall smiled at the two boys in front of her, to their bewilderment.
"Normally I would punish you for disrupting my class, but I did see that it was for a noble cause. Your friends are in the hospital wing, so consider my punishment to take their belongings over there, and to stay and help Madam Pomfrey with whatever she needs for half an hour. I've written her a note explaining everything, and I'm sure she'll find something for you two to do."
Sirius and Remus thanked her and turned to get their friends' stuff.
"Now boys, don't take this as an excuse to cause more trouble, I'm excusing you this one time but don't get used to it."
"We won't!" they chorused as they left the room.
To Sirius's surprise, Lily was waiting for them.
"I should have said something, I don't want you two getting into trouble just because you were helping Peter, and I know that she'll believe me, even if she wouldn't believe you two, and oh I hope you aren't in too much trouble--"
"Lily. Chill," Remus said.
"You do know this isn't the first time we've gotten in trouble, right?" Sirius added.
"Well, yeah, I know, but usually you're just fooling around. Here you were trying to help your friend. You shouldn't get in trouble for that."
Remus glanced at Sirius slyly.
"We'll be martyrs, forever remembered as saints," he started, fully expecting Sirius to chime in.
"Oh, cut it out Rem. Minnie saw what we were doing, and our 'punishment' is just to drop off James and Peter's stuff at the hospital wing, and to help Poppy for only half an hour. I've spent entire days helping her, this is nothing."
Remus stared at him in surprise as Sirius started walking towards the hospital wing.
"I didn't know you'd spent time helping Poppy," Remus said as he caught up to his friend.
Sirius glanced back to find Lily following them. He shot Remus a look that meant, 'Does she know about your furryness?' Remus nodded almost imperceptibly.
Sensing Sirius's lingering hesitation about outing him as a werewolf to someone who already knew, [the Prank can... go suck a lemon? Bc I refuse to believe that] Remus prompted, "Oh, is it during the days after the full moon, when I'm recovering from my transformation? I kinda expected you guys slept, or went to class, or something, not that you helped Poppy."
"Nah, I like helping her, it makes me feel useful. Plus-" he shot another glance at Lily, "- at least this way I'm learning how to protect myself at home."
Lily made a sort of strangled noise.
"Yeah, my family's not great. Got a problem with that, Evans?"
Unconsciously, he and Remus drifted apart to let Lily walk in the middle.
"Well, it's- it's not a... well, not a good thing, is there nothing, i don't know, Dumbledore? can do for you?"
"About what? A pureblood family raising children?"
"But it's not right!"
"I can assure you I'm not the only one, and besides, what does Dumbledy care?"
"You're his student! He should care about your welfare!"
"Yeah? Well my parents are apparently supposed to love me and keep me safe, at least according to James, Remus and Peter, so forgive me if I don't believe in miracles from a guy who barely knows me."
Sirius strode ahead of Remus and Lily.
"Lily, we've had this argument with him many times, you won't win," Remus cut in before she could go after him. "Whoever you think would be a good candidate for helping him, he'll remind you that he shouldn't need help because his family isn't 'supposed to be like that'." After a pause, he added, "He's not wrong about that. It's best not to talk about his family with him."
Lily frowned but dropped the subject and asked Remus and Sirius about the assignment they had been working on as she and Remus caught up to their friend.
When they reached the infirmary doors, Lily paused.
"Sirius?" she asked, with an odd look on her face. "Could I talk to you?" With a glance at Remus, she added, "...Alone?"
"Am I in trouble, Evans?" he joked, while motioning Remus inside. Remus offered to take James's things inside for him, and Sirius ceded the bag to his friend before turning back to Lily.
Once Remus had gone into the hospital wing, Lily started talking.
"I won't keep you long [liar], I just wanted to say that I was really impressed by how you were willing to take the blame to protect your friend. And I know," she added hastily before Sirius could answer, "that you'll say that it was nothing, that 'that's just what friends do', that you've been in trouble before. But believe me, most people wouldn't do that. I don't think I know... anyone... who would go to such lengths just to save me embarrassment."
"What about your friends?" Sirius asked, curious. "Marlene, Mary, Emmeline, anyone?"
[the 'anyone' there is totally not bc i forgot who was in gryffindor with Lily lol /j- I know Alice (longbottom) was but I think she's older than the marauders]
Lily looked at the floor.
"We're friends, but... compared to you and your friends, it feels like we'd be much more selfish."
"For the record, Carrots, I'd get in trouble to help you too."
She looked up at him with wide eyes.
"Really? But I thought you hated me for 'stealing' Remus from you?"
"I don't think that-"
"You literally said that yesterday," Lily pointed out.
"... Alright fine. But if Moony thinks you're worth spending time with, then you can't be so bad. Even if you have horrid taste in friends."
"I used to think Severus would help me, but..." she trailed off, and Sirius knew they were both picturing [Snape's Worst Memory]
Tumblr media
(tags by the_infamous_jack on their fic, Boys will be bugs)
"As I said, you have horrible taste in friends. But yeah, if you had been the one vomiting all over your desk, I'd have helped you." Sirius paused. "Also, you seem to think that I'm this great guy for doing this, but let's be clear, if it had been Snivellus, I'd be mocking him for months."
Lily had that odd expression on her face again.
She licked her lips hesitantly, than reached up and kissed Sirius.
"Sorry, I should've asked you!! Oh I'm so sorry-"
"Don't sweat it, Carrots. ... Um, may I ask why you kissed me though?"
"Because that's what I was planning to ask you when I stopped you here," she admitted.
"Carrots! You, prim, perfect Lily Evans, you have a crush on lil ol' me?" Sirius teased.
To his surprise, Lily blushed and nodded.
"Don't look so shocked, Rebel, you're good looking, funny, smart- though you hide it- and now I find out you're a caring person who's extremely loyal to your friends- which apparently I am- and you're capable of not boasting."
Sirius felt himself redden.
"You're forgetting that I can be a right arse to people, and that I know spells that would make even ol' Dumbly gasp, thanks to my family."
Mentally, he added, 'And I only boast to draw attention away from how fucked up I am.'
Lily laughed and swatted his arm gently.
"The only people I've seen you be an arse to are Sev- Snape and his friends and... you're not wrong about him. And as to what your family taught you, you had no control over that. Sev- Snape now knows a lot of the things you grew up with, but he's looking for that stuff whereas you're actively avoiding it."
Sirius looked down at the floor, somewhat embarrassed by how easily Lily had been able to figure him out.
"Gee, Carrots, you seem to know a lot about me, have you been watching me all these years?" he teased, to avoid feeling like his soul was bared to the world.
Lily giggled.
"Well, Rebel, as I said, you're good looking. Is it my fault if I picked up how you act while I was staring at your bum?"
"Better watch out, Lilypad, you'll end up a rebel like me if you keep this up."
Lily smiled at the new nickname.
"Well, darling," she bit back, "I wouldn't have thought that would bother you?"
Sirius flashed her a grin.
"Quite right, love, I wouldn't mind."
Lily mouthed, 'love?' in shock, and smiled at him, a real smile, not meant to tease him.
'Shit,' thought Sirius.
"Uh- well, I should go in-" he gestured at the doors- "to see Peter, and fulfill my 'punishment'-"
Lily kissed him again.
Sirius's breath caught in his throat, and then, hesitantly, he kissed her back.
She skipped away a few paces, then turned and called out, "See you later, Rebel!"
He raised his hand in a half-hearted wave.
"Later, Carrots!"
He opened the doors, still tasting Lily on his lips.
'My family was right, I'm not a homosexual, girls are into me, and I'm... into girls too. Definitely.'
'...What am I going to tell James...'
No TL here bc I'm going to do it after the next bit, as they overlap.
Fun fact: When I wrote this, the nickname switch was totally accidental, but I like the fact that Sirius calls Lily "Evans" until the second Remus leaves, where he starts calling her "Carrots"
"And there's also brief and again secret starbucks bc he's dating lily to seem straight (even if the blacks would not approve of a muggleborn but he has a crush on james bc well, james is awesome lol"
Sirius had asked James to help him with spells such as the one he'd used to clean up after Peter, and the two boys were outside in the sun to practice.
"Now, mama says that this is one of the essential spells to know for a homeowner, it's one of..." James muttered something in a language Sirius didn't understand. "-173 Spells to Know If You Are Alive."
Ah, he had been translating the number Effie had told him in Hindi to English. Sirius understood the feeling as none of the marauders had learned to count in English at first since there were no maths classes at Hogwarts; James had been taught by his Indian mum in Hindi, Remus had been taught by his parents in Welsh and Peter had gone to primary school while he was living with his dad in Ireland and had learned in Irish Gaelic before learning in English. As for Sirius himself- and his brother- their parents had hired French tutors to teach them. Walburga and Orion were in no way good parents, but at least they had gotten their children good educations. It was the only thing Sirius would ever thank them for.
"Siri?" James's voice interrupted his musings.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry."
James had been trying to show him a wand movement and Sirius was now supposed to copy it.
James watched as Sirius tried the spell.
"Hmm, not bad for a first try! You actually seem to have the hard part down really well, you're just going too strong on that first part," James advised.
Sirius flushed at the praise.
Of course he flushed at praise, he had been raised in the Black family. It certainly had nothing to do with how close James was, how the light got caught in a halo of gold in his curls, how his glasses kept slipping down his nose, how pleased James was with Sirius...
Sirius shook himself out of his (totally heterosexual, totally platonic) admiration and tried the spell again. James's advice actually really improved the spell, but something was still off. At James's request, Sirius repeated the spell a few times.
"Ahah! I think I see the problem."
James moved behind Sirius, who felt his muscles tense at his proximity.
"See, what you're doing is this," James put his hand on Sirius's wand hand, demonstrating.
"And while that's almost it, you have to move your arm more like this." James's left hand pushed Sirius's left shoulder forwards slightly, allowing his right arm to move a bit further back.
James demonstrated the correct wand movement, using Sirius as a puppet, then stepped back to let Sirius try it on his own.
Sirius pretended not to mourn the loss of James's body against his.
"Very good!" James applauded as Sirius mastered the spell. The boxes he'd just packed tumbled to the ground as the two friends collapsed on the grass.
"James?" Sirius asked.
"You know how Lily kissed me, and wants to date me?"
"How could I forget such betrayal!?" James asked theatrically. "Yeah, I remember, what's up?" he asked more seriously. He could tell Sirius wasn't in a super joky mood.
"Well, I... I have a crush on someone else."
"You can tell her that, I'm sure she'd understand," James pointed out.
"No, I can't, because-" Sirius exclaimed.
James rose up on elbow to look at Sirius.
"Because?" he finally prompted when Sirius didn't continue.
"Because I... have a crush on... a guy."
"Oh. You're gay?" James asked. There was no fear, no hate in his tone or face, it was simply an innocent question. Sirius fell even more in love.
"... Yeah, I guess I am," he said finally.
"Congrats then." He lay back down. "I still don't see why you can't tell Lily though."
Sirius sighed.
"I think I'm going to go out with her anyways, it's not like the guy I like likes me back."
He heard James open his mouth, hesitate, and change tracks.
"There's another reason, isn't there," he stated.
Sirius sighed again. This would require telling James a lot of things he'd kept hidden. He almost wanted to hate James for being so observant, but he could never hate James for anything, and maybe telling him would lighten the weight the secrets pressed on him.
James seemed to understand that Sirius was willing to tell him, but was struggling to find words. Sirius was very grateful for his friend's patience.
"They... found out somehow..." he started slowly.
"Your family?" James murmured, turning his head to gaze at Sirius.
Sirius nodded, suddenly aware of how close they were.
"I... I had... I managed to find someone I liked, a boy, who liked me back," Sirius continued, careful not to say Peter's name. "We actually even started dating, and we were each other's first kisses."
"I didn't know that. When was this?" James asked softly. He seemed to be even closer; his eyes, magnified by his glasses, seemed to be the only thing in the world.
"In second year. Well, over the summer after second year is when we 'dated' most actively, but I'd confessed my feelings for him on New Year's. We had a system for sending messages that my family couldn't read, and I managed to convince them to let me have him over, as a sort of 'training' for him..." Sirius trailed off, a soft smile forming on his lips despite his best efforts.
"I never told you guys because he was still closeted, and he didn't want anyone to know. I also wouldn't have been excited to tell everyone, for fear of my family finding out, but I would have told you guys if he'd been ok with it;"
Sirius realized suddenly [I really need to learn more expressions for that] that James's nose was only about a millimeter away from his own as James breathed, "And then? What happened? You dated Marlene in third year."
Sirius swallowed nervously, both from the proximity of his crush (and how his breath felt, hot on his cheek) and also from the memory.
"Over Christmas break, I... Somehow they had found out... They weren't... thrilled... to learn they had a homosexual heir and... they... tried to..." Sirius stopped.
A tear ran down his cheek but ran into James's thumb as he cupped Sirius's face.
"They tried to make you not homosexual?" James asked, bringing the tip of his nose into contact with Sirius's. Sirius nodded shakily. Their breaths were hot and heavy, and James kept eye contact with Sirius as he stroked his face reassuringly.
Belatedly, Sirius realized that they were in an extremely hidden spot, where no one would run across them. Surely there was a heterosexual explanation for the way his body felt with James mere millimeters away from him, gazing at him with those big brown eyes. There must be. He did not want to relive his Christmas break from second year.
"James," he breathed, not wanting to disrupt the tranquility, and yet unable to stop himself. "What would you say if I asked to kiss you?"
James smiled, then pulled Sirius towards him and kissed him.
Kissing James wasn't like kissing Peter, when they were 12 and sneaking mere seconds alone, daring to give each other mere pecks. Kissing James wasn't like Marlene, when both of them wanted to be kissing someone else, someone they weren't supposed to want to kiss. Kissing James was still different than getting kissed by Lily, taken by surprise in a hallway.
Kissing James was like flying. Kissing James meant abandoning his life, abandoning his worries, his fears, his scars. Kissing James was being free, was heaven, was utopia.
James took his time, moving the hand that had been lying at his side to find Sirius's hand, stroking his cheek gently with his thumb, still resting on his face. James's lips were soft, and he wasn't forcing his tongue into Sirius's mouth like Marlene used to do, like he had thought was necessary to enjoy himself. James's glasses were a cool touch on his cheeks, his leg wrapped over Sirius's, everything was James, James was everything.
Sirius broke the kiss to breathe, and took the opportunity to open his eyes again, although he didn't remember closing them. James was also breathless, his pupils dilated, his glasses further down his nose than they usually fell, his smile a cracked grin of surprise, sweetness and love. Sirius kissed him again, pressing their bodies closer together, letting James pull him into a hug, letting James pull him onto his chest, being held by James as they kissed.
As they broke apart for air again, Sirius said onto James's lips, "I love you." James pressed his lips to Sirius's briefly before giving Sirius his heart-melting smile and replying "I love you too."
They lost track of time and only stopped when James started shivering. Despite having been living in Britain for 8 years now, his body still hadn't adjusted to the switch between India and Britain, at least temperature wise.
"What are we going to tell Lily?"
"Absolutely nothing. You will be a good boyfriend to her, and if, once the other two are asleep, we... 'hang out', she'll never know."
"But what if- what if she wants me to... have sex with her?" Sirius asked, suddenly worried.
"Then you will see if you are comfortable with that, and if you aren't, you will tell her that. And if you are, you will tell her that too," James replied calmly.
"... and what if with her I'm not comfortable but with... you... I was?"
James blushed.
"Well, then we would practice our silencing charms and lose sleep."
"Would you be comfortable with that?" Sirius asked, suddenly worried he'd gone too far.
"Well, as you know, I've never been with a guy like that before-"
"Neither have I," Sirius mumbled.
"Or a girl for that matter," James added as an afterthought. "But I would like to at least try with you."
"But... are you... homosexual as well?" Sirius asked.
James thought about the question.
"I think I'm both homosexual and... not homosexual."
Sirius noted with mild amusement how James was avoiding the word 'normal' for, well, normal people. After all, his family had made it abundantly clear that he was abnormal. In fact, he had a scar on his leg that said that.
Oblivious to Sirius's amusement, James continued, "Because I am just as attracted to you as I... was to Lily."
Most anyone else would have completely missed the infinitesimal pause before the word 'was', but Sirius was not 'most anyone'.
"You can say you're still attracted to her," he reassured James gently. "You've always seemed like you have too much love for one person.
James didn't answer, clearly not wanting to lie but also unwilling to admit to Sirius that he wasn't the sole object of his affection.
Sirius smiled. "Hey, since I'm dating her, she'll spend more time with us, and someday you can tell your kids that you comforted her after her boyfriend was... idk, an absolute homosexual? And if you'll still want to sneak out of the family home and end up in my bed, I'll welcome you with open arms." He paused, and added, "and legs, too, if I'm lucky."
James burst out laughing., which somewhat quieted the voices in Sirius's head that were adding, 'If I'm still alive to see your kids.'
Later, while lying in bed listening to his friends' sleeping breaths, Sirius thought of what his perfect future would be like.
He still had feelings for Peter, even 4 years later, but he also had new- and at times inappropriate- thoughts about James.
James clearly still had a crush on Lily, but also for some reason he had a crush on Sirius.
Lily was really nice, and Sirius felt sure that she was the final proof of his homosexuality: if he was normal, he'd be attracted to her.
So his perfect life would be very messy and unconventional, and yet he can picture it perfectly.
He is kissing his boyfriend goodbye as Peter leaves for work, then he stops by Lily and James's next door house to pick up their children, who he will drop off at school if they're old enough, and he'll babysit the younger ones. Lily and James will get back from work at the same time, and the children will go back home with Lily, although they'll consider his house home as well, and James will stay with Sirius and they'll make out- or more- until Peter comes home and then one of the adults will cook and Remus will drop by after his workday and if they're not busy, Dorcas and Marlene might stop by as well, as well as Lily's other friends, and Sirius's loves will all be together, with him, happy, content, carefree.
A spine breaks into his reverie.
He takes up his dreaming again.
A doorbell dings while Sirius loves is eating dinner. He'll go open the door, he'll be closest, he'll insist, or Lily dear, you've been on your feet all day, let me go get it. He'll open the door to his brother. 'Regulus?' he'll say. The brothers will look at each other. 'Sirius,' Regulus will reply. 'I thought you weren't coming, come in, we were getting worried, Harry- James would definitely name a child Harry- Harry insisted on putting Mr. Snuffles on your chair to keep it warm.
Sirius fell asleep with a smile on his face.
TL: 5th year, April/May-ish: Lily kisses Sirius
April/May-ish: A few days later, Sirius kisses James
"And then when he gets kicked out (i am 100% messing with the timeline) and goes to live with james, sirius is too broken to be with someone as cheery and with such a loving family and easy life bc as much as james wants to help he just doesn't understand the struggles siri faces"
"And then once he's broken up with lily and james he tentatively starts a relationship with remus but at a really slow pace (jily get together too) "
He gets kicked out about two months after he starts seeing James.
He is far too broken to be cheered up by James's kisses, too broken to be cheered up by Effie inviting Remus and Peter over too, although he appreciates the initiative.
Peter and James try to talk to him, try to get him to do things. Remus gets them to leave him alone.
Remus alone understands the feeling of being broken, although he doesn't remember the feeling of finding out he's broken, he was far too young when he got bitten.
James writes a letter to Lily for Sirius, after getting his approval he retreats to his room, followed by Peter. Sirius wishes he could make James stop feeling helpless, it isn't his fault. But James can only imagine what Sirius is going through, and imagination can only go so far. Even Peter understands better, he's decided he will remain celibate forever or something. Sirius hears whispers of 'bisexual', 'aromantic', 'asexual', 'transgender' between Peter and Remus (James is bi too but he's leaving them alone). He doesn't try to understand.
Sirius is only comforted by Remus's steady presence, whether he's reading a book, or writing stories he burns, or softly strumming his guitar, or simply existing with Sirius, not talking, but so much understanding flowing between them.
Two broken people, agreeing to exist together, deciding to brave the world that doesn't want them.
The only times Sirius goes out are the full moons.
He's started turning into a dog more often. As a dog, life is simpler. His canine brain lets him focus more on the love he's surrounded by, the love directed at him, the love he starts reciprocating.
The first wag of his tail surprised him.
It was an ordinary evening, Fleamont and Peter were playing chess, Euphemia and Remus were discussing gender roles- last he had tuned in- and James was absentmindedly petting the canine Sirius as he read him a story, dog paws not being the best at turning pages. Remus had glanced over at him over at him when he heard the soft thumping of the tail, the only one to do so, all the others were too scared to scare Sirius. Remus hadn't been scared, Remus had smiled. And in that smile, Sirius saw his new future: not the next day, or even the next years but someday, by taking life one day at a time, he would be alright. He had amazing friends who would be at his side, and maybe one day he could learn to open his broken heart up to someone else, someone new.
Someone who also had a broken heart.
His eyes met Remus's. Had he been human, he would have smiled.
The two canines, too broken for humans.
Yes, he would be quite alright.
Bonus (tw canon lol) [for A---k, that's a link, go check it out]
And now the serious goes away lol
"anyways feel free to ask questions about any of these things bc the only way i'll remember to write all this stuff is if someone else is in"
I did mean to write interested not just in, idk what happened there lol
Tumblr media
... i did mean soft LMAO
@discoveredreality @gendergay-anthony ... i might've written more stuff oops
@lienspien i might've written stuff
(Also A---k since you still don't know how tumblr works, feel free to comment as much as you want, the only person getting notified will be me)
Timeline: New Year's, their second year (i can't be bothered to figure out what year everything is lol): Sirius tells Peter that he thinks he might be a homosexual and that he kinda has a crush on Peter
End of year: Remus has gone to see Madam Pomfrey and James is in the common room with... other people talking about... stuff Peter and Sirius are in their dorm, Peter is packing, Sirius is reading something. Remus has just walked out the door, and Sirius asks Peter if he would prefer him to leave, as since New Year's, Peter has been avoiding Sirius. Peter replies that it's fine and long story short Sirius and Peter have their first kiss.
Summer: They send each other letters with invisible ink or something idk yet
Third year, return from Christmas holidays: Sirius ends things with Peter, without much explanation, and he refuses to talk about what happened at his "home". (implied conversion therapy by his "family")
Third year, May (approx): Sirius starts dating Marlene. Both soon realize they'd rather be dating someone of the same gender but internalized homophobia + keeping up appearances means that they keep dating till... idk, March of the following year?
March (?) of 4th year: Marlene and Sirius agree to break up momentarily so that Marlene can ask Dorcas out, and they'll get back together if Dorcas rejects Marlene.
Dorcas does not bc she's just as gay as Marlene.
Sirius is now single again.
5th year, April/May-ish: Lily kisses Sirius
April/May-ish: A few days later, Sirius kisses James
5/6th year summer: June/July-ish: Sirius gets disowned and is no longer in any relationships
Past that, Wolfstar begin their slow relationship
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billi-mausi · 7 months
Love Love Love the relationships (completely platonic) between the Marauders and the girls
(also I feel like all of the boys have one girl each as their SECOND best friend?? Like Remus & Lily, Sirius & Mary, James & Marlene, Peter & Pandora, but more on that later)
Anyways so here are some of my HCs:
James & Marlene
Childhood besties!!
Bestfriends ( Sirius & Marlene often fight each other for this title, but both know Marlene is James bestfriend)
They have a small matching scar right next to their mouth, because 6 year old Marlene & James thought it was a really fun idea to climb the tree in Marlene's backyard (all the whole Peter was telling them not too, that it was a bad idea) evidently, they did not listen and the branch the two were swinging on broke, they fell down, their shoulders shaking, as Peter ran forward to them, thinking they got hurt badly and were sobbing, but turns out the idiots were just laughing, looking at each other and the cut that was bleeding right next to their mouths and laughing, Peter soon joined in on the laughing. (Their parents found them like this, and after cleaning them up and applying bandages they go a good scolding where Peter just said I told you so and a hug)
James (&Peter) being the only one who can call Marelene 'Leene'. She bits anyone else's head off, if they call her that
They have matching tattoos, with the other person's initial written on their wrists in morse code.
James likes to act as her big brother and she is all to happy to play the part as his younger sister who loves o annoy him.
James was the first person Marlene told that she liked girls and not boys (though James already had an inkling because, when 11 year old Marlene had dropped her glass of orange juice, haw dropped, on seeing Euphemia Potter in her black halter neck dress for her anniversary, it was when Marlene constantly ranted about how much she 'hated' Dorcas meadows in 3rd year, it was when she had accidentally kissed Mary MacDonald her roommate, and came crying to James) accepting such a huge part of herself was not at all easy for Marlene, growing up in a pureblood household, it was not easy for her to break the through her own internalised homophobia, but James was there for her every step of the way and it took time but soon the besties were often seen gossiping about their recent girl crushes, giggling over Amelia Selvyn from Slytherin or Mary Abbott from Hufflepuff.
James was the maid of honour at Marlene and Dorcas's wedding
James always peels Marlenes oranges for her , not matter what (because one time when they were 5 year old, marlene while peeling had squished the juice right in her eye so James does it for her always now)
Flying partners. (Sirius, James & Marlene are the best quidditch trio)
James always, always gives Marlene cheek kisses with a bye, whenever he leaves a room.
James also steals Marlenes crop tops.
Also when in 1st year James got no flowers or cards, he got a bit sad, so Marlene got a big bouquet of flowers delivered to him next morning, the smile she got in return was worth the 5 galleons she spent. And so started the tradition of Marlene getting James flowers every valentine's day ( even after they both had respective partners, the tradition continued till Marlene died and James got flowers for her grave)
So their friendship is like bubbles, fun lovely and beautiful, filled with cheek kisses, cuddles all the time, stealing hoodies and crop tops, and flowers.
James & Pandora
angle duo ( like not even kidding, you shouldn't look at Pandora and James when they are together because they shine so bright!!) (Sorry jk jk)
The two individually are like very mischievous like absolute chaos wreckers, but whenever they are together, it's like a switch has turned off, and there they are so calm, looked absolutely angelic.
Picnic/study dates by the lake during summers, with James braiding flowers in Pandora's hair. They also wear matching floral clothing.
Whenever Pandora gets ready, She always forgets to tie her shoelaces, like she just doesn't (a/n and yes it does happened with ppl my bf is literally always does), sometimes Barty Evan or Regulus remind her but it's such a common occurrence that they forget about it too. James whenever he sees this, would run over to her, tie her shoelaces, give Pandora a kiss on the cheek and walks away without saying anything.
James always, listens to Pandora's rambles about her recent weird plant with actual interst and fascination, like he doesn't listen to it just for the sake of listening or feel annoyed or weirded out by them, he asks valid question and shows genuine enthusiasm (One time Regulus was reading in the library while James and Pandora were discussing this rare and weird creature species, and Regulus was ready to punch James if he said anything bad to Pandora, but he just listened carefully and asked questions, Regulus fell more in love with that idiot that day)
Pandora and James the biggest magical creatures activists in the whole school (not eleves though, they were Regulus and Lily's domain and Werewolf Sirius') but these two were like always going on and on about the protection and misuse of magical creatures for animal testing or they products. Making posters or holding clubs for the same (for the smallest of creature like bowtruckles, flobberworms and etc)
Being an animagus, that too a stag, James loved the nature, and was often found taking walks in the forbidden forest at odd times, (whenever he wanted to clear his head) in his animagus or human form both, and so the forbidden forest was accustomed to his magical signature and actually welcomed him always with a warm guest of wind. James loved and respected the forest a lot and was friends with almost all the 'nicer' creatures like the tree fairies or whatever and when Pandora has figured out James was an animagus (he still doesn't know how she does because whenever he asks she always gives him a small smirk and walks away) So James often takes Pandora with him to the forbidden forest to meet and befriend the magical creatures.
James doesn't really bealive in divination or anything, but whenever Pandora says something he does believe and follows her. (If Pandora said his Mars was retrogading then it freaking was and he will wear that blue crystal) he always keeps any and all crystals Pandora gives him in a nice little box on his nightstand
They can often be seen wearing matching mistletoe or carrot earrings (James only wears them in one ear because he says it makes him look cool) (regulus won't admit it but it kinda does)
So really the two have a sweet and magical relationship filled with flowers in hair, carrot earrings, whispering fairies, tying shoelaces, cheek kisses, and hugs hugs hugs.
Remus & Lily
Chain smokers buddies.
Like those two sides of the nerds candy, the pink and purple one. (Remus is purple, Lily is pink)
Lily was actually the first person Remus admitted to that he liked Sirius as more than a friend. Lily didn't even let him finish the sentence before jumping up and down, hugging him and started to rant about all the planning she has down for their wedding already
Lily was not just a rule abiding know-it-all, she was just very shy and a bit introverted and like always scared about the magical world being just a crazy beautiful dream. And Remus saw it, because they were both kind of similar in that sense, Remus too always had a fear of all this not being real because as a werewolf he never thought he would have been able to be hear so the two relate on this and form a beautiful bond.
Remus being the first person Lily smoked a cigerate with (immediately coughing afterwords) At a gryffindor party when the crowd got to much and the noises too loud, Remus had stepped out in the balcony to have a ciggie when Lily had followed him out, she seemed lost in thought as he offered it to her, she gingerly took it and eyed it wearily before taking a hit. That was the first time of the many more when the two snuck out of a party to share a ciggerate on the balcony.
Absolute nerds, having bi monthly specified times for ranting about a book, being the only one understanding the pain of a character death.
A mutual love and appreciation for cherry lollipop
The cutest height difference.
Their friendship is full of ciggerate smoke, Chery flavour, forehead against chest, kisses in the hair, sobbing over fictional crushes and cuddles after an MCD.
James & Dorcas
Regulus bodygaurd duo.
Both of them have two things in common: Regulus & Marlene. And both are like insanely protective of both of them like when Jegulus told her about them dating, Dorcas did not utter a single word and just seized up James with her eyes for 4 minutes straight, she was also very VERY jealous of James because she thought he was dating Marlene. James did not intimidate Dorcas as she did to him (because my cutie patootie's glare gets activated only after someone has hurt his loved ones) but he did try to subtly very subtly, show his superiority as Marlenes first and longest friend with words thrown around like "remember Marlene when we were 5?" "Remember the time when you" "13 years as your best friend and I still-" and more, like bestie was just trying to show his dominance as her first friend is such an adorable way
In an alternate universe, when the two heard about Regulus being forced to be a de#theater, they got together, made a plan to take down voldemort and the DID take down voldemort
They have different opinions about almost EVERYTHING. Like James likes winter- Dorcas Summer, James likes sour food- Dorcas likes sweet, James is an early bird-Dorcas is a night owl these are like the tame ones but just imagine more extreme ABSOLUTELY contracting opinions. So the two have constant debates , sometimes including but not limited to pOWER POINT PRESENTATIONS(??) (James believes in Aliens, Dorcas does not, so my boy got a 100 something page binder that had clippings of all alien and ufos and related stuff 'sightings', it was also the first time when Dorcas somewhat agreed with his opinion)
Also they sometimes fly together, (it started with Marlene always bringing James to practice with Dorcas, because miss girlie was kinda shy to talk to Dorcas, and it ended with Marlene getting the girl and Dorcas and James flying together sometimes)
Now initially their friendship was just this yk, debates and flying when one day Mulciber showed up to breakfast with a black eye and kind of crooked nose, approached Dorcas, she was absolutely confused as to why he was coming towards her, when he stopped in front of her and simply said 'sorry' through gritted teeth, looked away to the gryffindor table, nodded towards James and rushed out of the hall. And for a week it was the same, every morning he would come up say sorry and get out, and would always rush out of whatever room Dorcas was in. She asked James about it who simply said "He said some shit about you, and no one says shit about my FRIENDS!" (It was Peter who told her later, giving a step by step detailed story of how Mulciber made the mistake of calling her Racist AND transph0bic comments, and how James broke his nose in a second) With a quick hug he went to class while Dorcas just stood there for a minute, because James was her friend, he actually liked her, he didn't spend time with he just because of Marlene or Regulus, no he genuinely liked her and cared for her and considered her his friend, (having grown and only child in big mansion with absent parents, Dorcas had 0 friends as a child and everytime she met someone who actually liked her or became friends with her, she got very emotional) so she felt like she could cry.
Matching alienhead necklace (it's like their thing)
Peter & Pandora
Weed Buddies.
Their friendship started with Pandora running a whole buisness of different substance to get high, all of which she created (like my girl was CANONICALLY a mad scientist so like yk) Peter had his first pot brownie made by Pandora, Eventually Peter was the first person she always tested the first batch of whatever she was making.
It was Pandora and Peter who devised a whole plan to get James and Regulus together including but not limited to, amortenia, quidditch, mistletoe and etc (the plan worked) and because the plan involved like a month of planning, they got closer than before.
They wear matching bracelets.
Both had the same penchant for chaos, like those silent killers. They were very unassuming and no one ever suspects them, but they are biggest chaos wreckers in Hogwarts. Their inflicted chaos isn't like the Marauders pranks, it's like telling, telling Susan that her boyfriend is in love with her sister or completely and absolutely lying to someone about any random thing for no reason but to create chaos
The blueprint of the saying, 'Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss.)
Getting high being the foundation of their friendship filled with pranking Evan, or gaslighting a pureblood about any muggle lore, or making the first believe that Norris cat, is actually Filch's wife turned cat by Merlins 7th reincarnation.
Sirius & Lily
Brother-Sister duo!!! Yeah they are not actually siblings, but their relationship very well might be one
So at first Lily didn't like Sirius THAT much, because of the whole Lily's rule abiding nature (a/n: more on this later) and Sirius and James 'pranksters' , so she didn't particularly care or like Sirius Black. This changed when sometime in the end of 4th year, Sirius came down to common room at 12 because James was still not back from wherever he was (he was most definitely with Regulus, they are 'just friend's for NOW tho) and he found Lily Evans, sitting on a couch, knees brought up to rest her head on, as she fidgeted with a ball and looked outside at the snowfall. He thought of going to tease the girl for staying up so late and breaking curfew, when he saw her glistening eyes and messed up hair and oh was she crying? He silently sat next to her and asked her if he could make her a hot chocolate, she accepted, he didn't ask anything further and gave her a side hug which she melted in and eventually the two fell asleep. This happened for a few times as Lily eventually started opening up about her extremely complicated and almost one sided relationship with her sister, while Sirius couldn't relate entirely (because the black brothers dynamic is just entirely something else MORE LATER) he did get it, he understood and he listened.
Lily gave him his first ever Vinyl (Remus gave him a record player) he didn't like the record that much but the vinyl was one of his most prized possession and had a stranger emotional connection to its songs that he listened to whenever he was sad.
When James and Lily dated for a grand total of 3 months(before Lily realised she much preferred the company of women) it was natural the two saw more of each other. And whenever they met, their bickering? The teasing? The hair pulling? The playful fights? Their banter wasn't of an old married couple but that of an older brother and younger sister duo
So their friendship was a lot like brother-sister siblings, filled with hot chocolate (with marshmallows) at night, with pulling each other's hair out of their ponytails, with stealing from the others plates, with braiding flowers in hair and also forehead kisses and hugs.
Sirius & Mary
THE resident makeup artists of gryffindor tower!! Mary is a lip makeup girlie Sirius is eye makeup!! Both of them initially bonded over makeup, judging others poor fashion choices (later one when Jegulus started dating, Regulus joined them in gossiping about fashion), exchanging of clothes, gossiping, giggling about their crushes (there was a time in 5th year when Mary also had a crush on Remus, but instead of getting jealous Sirius was often seen giggling and blushing over Remus Lupin, with Mary (it is also why many people speculated they dated, they NEVER did) so really, what started as a friendship based of mainly small materialistic things, it soon turned into a beautiful friendship
Mary was the one who told him that something like 'genderfluid' existed, to Sirius it was like the greatest revelation of the century, it was then Mary who helped him feel confident in his skin, his body, his gender
Sirius is the BEST wingman ever Whenever going out to any pubs or restaurants Sirius always chalked Mary up, always in encouraging her to get that girls number (Before Mary realised her feelings for Lily that is)
Sirius who is insanely overprotective of Mary. Which everyone sees, when that one time Mary's boyfriend raised his voice at her and Mary flinched, Sirius asked no question said nothing, just stood up and punched the guy square on his face (and for the following month that guy was the Marauders sole target for pranks)
All in all their friendship is just very cute, filled with liquid eyeliners, red eyeshadow, brown lip liner, shits and giggles and gossips AND drunken cuddles and goodbye hugs.
James & Lily
The cutest most softest duo.
Soft launching each other as FRIENDS, like everyone thought Lily Evans wouldn't even give James the time of her day but lo and behold, there she is supporting James during quidditch match, and there she is silently taking shepherd's pie from James dinner plate, and there she is posting random photos of a boy she never shows the face of (untill one day she did, with a picture of her and Mary kissing with the boy beaming in background, the random boy is James)
Their friendship dynamic is very cute (like the vibe is very flowers and sunshine yk) and in the starting Lily disliked James a bit because, well she thought he was a narcissistic idiot, but she later, eventually (over the course of years actually) she realised that he wasn't just that, being Marlenes best friend, and having sm mutual friends, the two did spend time together, and that is when Lily saw him, actually saw him. She saw behind the whole jock image he has set up, James Potter was actually a biiig cutie, she saw him always taking shephards pie in his plate, even if he won't eat it but for Lily, she saw him peeling oranges or cutting up apples for Marlene and Remus when they forget to eat food, she saw him enacting elaborate and dramatic plays for the 1st & 2nd years when there's a particularly bad weather and they are scared, she saw him going to Remus' class after the full moon,(sometimes while missing his own classes too) to take notes for him, she saw him annotating a book and blushing while gifting it to Regulus, she saw him smile and laugh ,she just saw him, and she realised why everyone called him the sun. And so their friendship started, because she saw the genuine and nice person James is
James and Lily shared a common problem, not being able to express the 'negative' emotions they feel, so when the two felt angry or upset or something the two Painted. Just a canvas infront of them a paint brush dipped in God knows what color and splash, splash, splash on the canvas. The two weren't even the slightest bit good in art, merlin no, the just stole Siri's art supplies and absolutely butchered them (he was really good in art, and didn't mind his art supplies getting spoiled by them) Painting together was kind of like their escape, the two often met after lunch of breakfast to splash some paint around, seeing each other's horrible creation often got a smile on their faces.
Forehead kisses by James.(!!)
So the two had an adorable dynamic filled shared shepherd's pie, sunkissed selfies, paint stains, piggy back rides, and forehead kisses.
Woooow, this was supposed to be a silly little bullet points point but tuned into a 3k+ shitpost???
(PS: can you tell that I love writing about James??? Like yes the other boys have relationship with the other girls too, I just like wiring about James the most and I wrote about James the most :))
(PSS: sprinkle of Jegulus and MarlIly for you to enjoy<3)
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my marauders headcannons <3
Remus Lupin
heterochromia. I don't care what the films say this man has two different coloured eyes tyvm. the left ones dark brown, nearly black, and the right is a light shade of amber.
DYSLEXIA !! my dyslexic little mate we can match. he absolutely adores reading but it takes him longer if he doesn't use a spell (ty to MsKingBean89 for the spell idea mon ami(e))
hEDS. me too king
cat lover. he absolutely adores cats and sirius gets SO jealous. I think he absolutely owned a cat at some point b4 he started teaching and he dotted on that cat
wears elastics on his wrists (specifically during hogwarts for sirius and lily, but kept wearing them after out of habit </3)
Sirius Black
hard of hearing. I think he probably lost it cos his mum hit his ears or screamed so often at him in close quarters. he'd definitely be vv resentful over it too cos now he's not able to listen to music much
audhd fr. this man was definitely neurodivergent but he must be just like me and be autistic and have adhd cos yh
he whined. loads. not like whinging but like genuinely high pitched whines when he was frightened or upset, kind of like Enid from Wednesday
adored kids but was terrified to have them because of how his mum was
this is gonna be controversial but idc. this man absolutely fancied Remus when he was shagging women, but at one point dated Marlene and Remus at the same time. it's ok tho cos Marlene was kissing Mary on the side
James Potter
vegetarian. refused to eat meat after he became an animagus because it felt cruel, but ESPECIALLY wouldn't eat deer jerky ("it's practically cannibalism, padfoot!")
mama's boy through and through !! this man LOVED his mummy. told her all about his friends and Lily
taught Sirius how to treat people and house elves better when they were first years. you can't tell me this man wasn't the reason sirius wanted to improve himself
he fought w sirius a lot. im sorry I love them both but brothers fight and like. even found family brothers. sirius is the most petty bitch you cannot tell me that James didn't get annoyed or frustrated with some of Sirius' habits and didn't begin arguments over them
so bad w kids until Harry. he was absolutely terrified of them, cos he never had interacted with them much before he had his own, my man Sucked at babysitting and frequently panicked whilst lily was pregnant because he was scared he'd be a bad parent
Peter Pettigrew
#1 James fan. my guy didn't go anywhere if James wasn't going to be there
become You Know because of his jealousy of James and Sirius' friendship
aroace fr. absolutely Disgusted w the amount of PDA by jily and wolfstar
tried to protect Harry for as long as he could w out being suspicious. he still loved James and Lily, and their son, and was just too scared to fight back at You Know Who once James and Lily were dead
a whole virgin, never even tried getting with anyone before he realised he was aroace
Lily Potter (Evans)
actually thought the Marauders were pretty funny but put on a face because of being friends with Snape
a whole pansexual queen
bought everyone in Gryffindor Christmas gifts, or if they were Jewish/Muslim/any other religion that doesn't celebrate Christmas she'd figure out when their holiday was and got them gifts
first person Remus came out to. and she accepted him immediately because she knows what it feels like to be an outcast
so autistic. her special interest was absolutely Jane Austen books I take no criticism <3
Regulus Black
hated his mum just as much as Sirius, but actively tried to conform because he was too scared to be hurt by her
was angry with Sirius for running away, even if he understood why Sirius did it, it still hurt him immensely. that was his older brother, the only one he could talk to, and when he left, it broke off the little bit of familial love he had left
in love w Barty Crouch Jr. I DO NOT CARE. platonic my aSS they were boyfriends, but they hid it very well. absolutely such a healthy couple before the war though. got together when they were 13 or 14 by accident, and stayed together until Reg died
actually really enjoyed being called Reg and Reggie, but pretended to hate it so he wouldn't be perceived as weak or soft by his mum
chess fucking champion
Marlene McKinnon
the flirtiest person you'll ever meet. flirted with everyone but was actually an aromantic lesbian
loved her family unconditionally, and constantly was going home on weekends to help her mum before she died of breast cancer
hated school, she was dyslexic and never told anyone so everyone just thought she was a dumb blonde
half Japanese, but her biological father left when she was a baby, so she wasn't really in tune with that part of her culture.
got bullied in primary school for being the "only dumb Asian"
Mary Macdonald
the most supportive person you'll ever meet
helped the younger POC in Gryffindor take care of their hair properly, and absolutely was like an older sister to all the young girls
not a mean bone her body
muggle born, but she grew up with a friend that had a wizard father so she knew about magic before Hogwarts
terrified of dogs, except for Padfoot, because of being bitten by one when she was in nursery
Dorcas Meadowes
a lesbiannnn. she was in love with Pandora, and they dated for a while before she decided she was done with the Wizarding World and cut contact with everyone
slytherin, but she was friends with everyone
loved Quidditch
oh she was a Pureblood but her parents died when she was young and she stayed with a squib aunt til hogwarts
took muggle studies and would hex any Slytherin who made fun of her for it
Pandora Lovegood (Lestrange)
a Lestrange until marriage
terrified of Narcissa and Bellatrix, but was one of the bridesmaids at Bellatrix's wedding
Ravenclaw, but best friends with Dorcas, Regulus, Barty, and Evan and was hardly if ever in her own common room
she ADORED muggle musicals
her and Dorcas met in a Care of Magical Creatures class in third year and immediately became best friends
Evan Rosier
really homophobic outwardly but was in the closet (for a HOT minute)
flirted with girls constantly
super protective over Pandora and Dorcas
had the worst penmanship and Regulus and Barty both refused to help him with homework because of it
managed to be the only Slytherin who sucked at potions
Barty Crouch Jr.
gay little lad with gay handwriting
LOVED cats. this man was the BIGGEST cat lover I do not care im right ur wrong. absolutely adored them
had a little sister who he was really protective over, she was in Hufflepuff and died during her 4th year which is what made him follow Regulus into joining up w the Death Eaters
daddy and mummy issues for days. bro never had a civil conversation w them
he absolutely beloathed Walburga and Orion Black when he found out what they did to Regulus, but obviously never said anything about it
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eccentrcks · 4 months
Bold what applies to your OC:
I’ve been tagged by the awesome @revnah1406! Thank you for the tag, Rev! 🫶
Marlene Monroe:
Killed Someone Under Orders | Had Someone Killed On Their Orders | Killed Someone In Self Defense | Spared Someone’s Life | Invented Something | Been Hungover | Kissed Someone | Slow-Danced | Been In A Long-Term Relationship | Had Sex | Had Sex And Regretted It | Had A One-Night Stand | Had A Threesome | Experimented With Their Sexuality | Had A Kid | Adopted A Kid | Wanted To Have A Family With Someone | Done Something On Impulse They Regretted | Gone Traveling | Had A Bounty Put On Them | Eaten An Insect | Been Groped By A Stranger | Been Groped By Someone They Know | Been Dumped | Dumped Someone | Smoked | Gotten High | Flirted With Someone To Get Free Drinks | Put Someone In A Headlock | Won A Bet | Lost A Bet | Forgiven Someone Who Wronged Them | Indulged In Petty Revenge (has a lot of cousins) | Hallucinated (it’s from her PTSD) | Has A Noticeable Physical Defect | Gotten A Noticeable Scar | Been Permanently Disfigured Through Injury (later in the story)| Kneed Someone In The Groin (did it for a reason) | Had An Unattainable Crush | Laughed Themselves To The Point Of Tears | Been Kidnapped | Been Sexually Assaulted (almost) | Been Brainwashed/Hypnotized | Had A Recurring Nightmare (her loss) | Been Bullied  | Bullied Someone | Experienced Survivor’s Guilt | Been Tied/Chained Up | Given Someone A Massage | Received A Massage | Been Backed Up Against A Wall | Shot Someone | Stabbed Someone | Saved Someone’s Life | Cheated On Someone | Been Cheated On | Been In An Open Relationship | Had A Friendship With Benefits | Been In A Queerplatonic Relationship | Had A Stalker | Been Betrayed | Been A Traitor | Been Possessed | Been In A Bar Fight | Been Thrown Out Of A Bar | Been Arrested | Broken Out Of Jail | Been To A Funeral | Been To A Brothel | Had Surgery | Broken Someone’s Trust | Broken Someone’s Heart | Had Their Heart Broken | Broken/Damaged Something Out Of Anger | Broken/Damaged Something Out Of Spite | Gotten A Piercing | Gotten A Tattoo | Used A Fake Name | Been Beaten Up | Been Tortured/Tortured Others | Been Abused | Been Blackmailed | Gotten Away With A Crime (shush) | Framed Someone Else For A Crime They Committed | Shared A Bed Platonically | Been In Love |  Suffered From Sleep Paralysis | Been Forced To Flee Their Home | Learned A New Language | Joined A Rebellion |  Fought On The Losing Side Of A War | Fought On The Winning Side Of A War | Become A Godparent | Become An Aunt/Uncle
I’m tagging (no pressure): @walder-138, @adlerboi, @welldonekhushi, and anyone else can participate if they want. :)
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marleneismydopamine · 10 months
lily evans and marlene mckinnon
- Ultimate opposites attract
- Lily leaves little notes in Marlenes bag that can just say little things like “I hope you have a nice day” or its a long ass poetic speech on why marlene is the greatest person she has ever met and is so lucky to have her as a friend. When marlene finds those ones she has to leave class to go cry in the bathroom.
- “You had a crush on me?” “Of course I did. Who wouldn’t?” except it goes both ways
- Imagine, head girl lily Evans who gets the highest grades in her year, has like 4 extra curricular activities and has never gotten a detention in her life, is dating stoner girl marlene McKinnon who literally only gives a fuck about 2 of her classes + quidditch and instead of doing her homework she spends all her time delving into whatever hyper fixation that has her in a death grip atm
- Love each other to bits but would rather die than be in a group project together
- Lily is the person who helps dye the back of Marlenes hair if she cant do it herself
- Act like an old married couple even though they insist they aren’t even dating
- Marlene has adhd and struggles with executive dysfunction and so she usually does her assignments in a caffeine fuelled haze at 2am the day before its due when she finally gets the adrenaline kick she needs to start, but she always gets the assignment submitted (maybe a few minutes late but still). And this generally stresses lily even without the added fear of relying on this “method” for her own grade. Which makes her pester marlene and that annoys marlene (and makes her feel really guilty).
- Marlene will rush outside without shoes if she sees it snowing and lilies behind her yelling to remember her coat
- And then lily takes care of marlene when she inevitably gets sick
- Those friends who REALLY blur the lines of platonicness
- Totally make out when theyre drunk and they both have been in love with each other at some point
- When lily is ready to burst into a pile of stress because of the high expectations she puts on herself to get a good grade, marlene is always there to distract her by whisking her away. Whether its just to the kitchens to bake something delicious or to sneak out to hogsmeade for the whole night to wonder the streets, it cheers lily up so much and makes her feel sane again
- They are both super protective of each other
- It took a really long time for them to open up to each other. They were both friends with Mary first which meant they were usually around each other but they never connected because lily hated the marauders in her younger years while marlene grew up with James and Peter so ofc she didnt like that some random girl was talking shit about her friends.
- In 3rd year Marlenes mother got remarried and she suddenly got a new stepsister and was really nervous about it (because she only has an older brother at that point) and asked lily for advice on having a sister. Obviously she soon decided she did not want a relationship like petunia and lilys but did bring marlene and lily closer.
- Lily and marlene have sensory issues and they can tell when the other is overstimulated so they do their best to make sure the other is in an environment that accommodates to their extreme discomfort (but sometimes they dont have control over their environment and it eats them up inside because they know how terrible the other is feeling and they cant help)
- Out of all of lilys friends, marlene was the loudest and most insistent that lily stops being friends with Snape. She knew the affect he had on lily way better than others because marlene was the one who found her sobbing her eyes out after Snape insulted her in front of his new friends for the gazillionth time. She was the one who always listened to her explain whatever bullshit he pulled and hugged lily for hours while she mourned what her friendship with Snape had become. And THEN marlene had to listen to lily justify why she was still friends with him just because he apologised and claims he’s going to do better. She is the one who saw the full extent of snapes impact on lily’s mental and emotional wellbeing and she was aware of how Snape manipulated lily into thinking how he was treating her was ok. She had absolutely no sympathy for him and always supported the marauders when they pranked him (even if they did go a bit too far) and occasionally joined in herself.
- They have matching friendship bracelets that they got in 4th year. Marlene was buried with it on her wrist.
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
What's your favorite platonic ship? Like- you want to read/see their friendship more.
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allamericanb-tch · 5 months
you signed up for this thoughts (1)
currently riding off the adrenaline rush that was doing my final project for english literally 30 minutes before it was due. will i be pulling an all nighter? i hope not. i have things to do tomorrow. but it is entirely possible. it is currently 12:11 am on may 4th. i will be back with the time when i stop reading. ok. it’s 1:50 am and im done with chapter two. i’m tired but also im not but im going to force myself to sleep bc ill regret it if i dont. 
chapter 1
guys i need long rosekiller fic recs. this is so irrelevant but
cruel summer! i love swifties.
modern AUs are really starting to grow on me
guys i love dorcas so much she’s so cool i’m in love with her 
celsius jump scare (i just looked up the conversion and 30°C is 86°F which is PERFECT WEATHER what is regulus yapping about)
“honestly, straight guys. a mystery to regulus.”
“dorcas is almost too gay to function.” we should totally just stab caesar!!!
they’re in spain why did i think they were in australia
yes dorcas you ARE a bad bitch
i’m living for dorcas and regulus friendship
lily! my love <3
JAMES POV!!! james is my favorite guys i love him so much
is james hispanic in this omg (wait yeah that would make sense if this takes place in spain…) hispanic james is so dear to me
MARLENE!!!! just a mention of her but i love marlene. so. much.
no why is he being mean ☹️ i mean i get why but james fleabag potter is the most Genuinely Nice Guy to every Genuinely Nice Guy
hogwarts spa and resort 😭
regulus pov again!
rip bartylus ☹️
six weeks!
the tired is setting in i might just read one chapter and then go to sleep
omg black brothers reunion when??
james pov again! i’m glad this fic clarifies the povs i like that
eeee jegulus
sex wax mention
regulus pov again again! 
dorcas calling remus “tall dark and handsome” genuinely that phrase confused me so much for so long (it still does) like im just imagining them being enveloped in a perpetual shadow
what the fuck is a half british half american accent with a spanish twang
this fic is irking me, but generally all modern AUs do
“there go his plan for ogling” REAL
james pov again again!
not lily thinking regulus is dorcas’ boyfriend
sirius is a short queen and i love him 
remus pov!!!
eeee sirius
i love remus and regulus friendship
i love long end notes
chapter 2
“But also, he’s so freaking tired.” james being the realest ever
enemies to lovers wolfstar
SIRIUS BEING 5’5 i love it
regulus pov! 
jegulus is jegulusing
i have to pee SO BAD rn omg
eee james pov
oh me oh my 
remus pov! 
regulus pov again 
chapter 3
i am back many hours later (i am driving to prom) (don’t worry i am not the one driving)
excited for this one
i have no idea what the work aspect of this fic is about
“i’m weird. i’m a weirdo. i don’t fit in. i don’t want to fit in.” 
platonic prongsfoot ❤️‍🩹
“i want to be marlene when i grow up” REAL
i hate the way paraphernalia is spelled so much
marlene 😭 i love her so much
ew stop saying tall dark and handsome it’s so wattpad
dorlene is dorlening
i think regulus is going to stumble upon sirius rn
and he’s running away
AH james
jegulus is jegulusing
oh my god
this is so wattpad and im living for it honestly
“hello brother” BAH STOP
regulus having a canis major tattoo ❤️‍🩹
chapter 4
i stopped reading and it is now one more day later
james is so. james.
“Grumbling under his breath, he connects his phone via Bluetooth and finds his one sad playlist. It exists for emergencies only, but he thinks this qualifies.” HELP
regulus has been found 
jegulus jegulus jegulus
james 😭 
regulus having a peanut allergy
jamessss whyyyy ☹️
barty jump scare
stoppppp omg ew
pandora!! i love her so much
🎶you look like stevie nicks🎶
pandalily ?! eat. 
i love pandora so much omg
greyback ??
james and sirius 
chapter 5
what is 1700 in normal time
sirius leaving the note for regulus ❤️‍🩹 
remus “i can’t fucking stand you” lupin and sirius “you’re welcome to kneel” black
arepas mmm
PLEASE barty and regulus texting i can’t with them
i lpve moonwater
chapter 6
dinner ahhh
beer is literally just bread soda
james is such a mom friend
midnights !!!!!
sirius has excellent music taste
jegulus ahhh
peter 😭 i love him so much
stop this is giving me the ick
i’m eating this enemies to lovers wolfstar up please they need to kiss so bad
chapter 7
regulus just pining
yes sirius you’re absolutely right lost the breakup IS a banger
omg is it called you signed up for this bc of the maisie peters song. 
“There are only two reasons Sirius will get out of bed before eight am. Mortal peril or good waves.”
sirius and remus alone together ?!
wolfstar is wolfstaring
oh they’re really going at it
yeah that was really. hmm. i mean good for them honestly but
“Remus’ mouth twitches, then he looks at Sirius, who is trying very hard to avoid his gaze for some reason. It’s odd, and Regulus doesn’t like it. Did they have a fight or something?” yeah or something
sirius and regulus ☹️
marlene 😭 icon as always
yay i love dancing
regulus being regulus (pining after james)
chapter 8
oh? hanky panky in this chapter ?!
no hablo español
regulus calling james mr darcy
THE HAND FLEX SCENE yes it is a classic
mcdonald’s so america core
james carrying an epipen for regulus ❤️‍🩹
omg they’re going dancing
james respectful king
omg daddy yankee mention we used to listen to his songs in middle school spanish class 
jegulus is jegulusing omg
sirius pov 
eeeee wolfstar happenings
moonwater friendship <3
chapter 9
pandora ?!
i love lesbian lily
keeping it platonic my ass
yeah inside joke. sure.
“If Mary finds out he took Remus into the staff corridor, she’ll neuter him” 😭😭
wow this author just loves the phrase “kisses their teeth”
i love sirius and regulus
regulus having no friends his whole life he’s just like me fr
james you menace
“While Regulus is having a small, private crisis” that’s one way to put it
i really don’t like barty in this which is sad for me because i love barty
“Do you really want to faint in front of Sirius like you’re a Victorian lady?”
what are they doing
please stop saying “#/10 would ___” it’s so millennial 
i was gonna stop here but i think i will read one more
chapter 10
hanky panky hanky panky
i love dorlene 
i love pandalily
we need more wlw centric fics if i was confident in my writing abilities that is what i would do
guys i love dorlene so much
being a multishipper is so fun bc i love marylily so much but pandalily eats every time
i love forced proximity
sirius having to run after remus bc sirius is Very Short and remus is Very Tall so real
oh they’re in the backseat now
oh jegulus
oh me oh my
stop i can’t believe it’s only been a week
they’re really going at it aren’t they
ew stop this is giving me the ick
ok im going to read another chapter
chapter 11
this is the last one i swear
sirius telling lily! underrated friendship frfr
i love jegulus so much omg
i love the word magnanimous 
remus telling regulus
poor dorcas ☹️
“You’re like a pesky mosquito, you know that?” Remus groans, shaking his head. Unbelievable.
“Hmm, yeah, I guess. I mean, I’d like to bite you.” 😭😭 sirius you menace
regulus you menace
“You are a menace.” this is exactly what i’ve been saying
sirius jump scare
oh me oh my
i love pandora
oh ?!
ok reading the next chapter
chapter 12
oh me oh my
not imagine dragons 😭
hospital 🫡
eeeeee they’re kissing
sleepover ?!
why is this hilarious
sirius is such a menace
i love sirius and regulus so much
“Barty made Regulus feel like the world was against them. James makes Regulus feel like it’s them against the world.”
dorlene ☹️
jegulus is jegulusing
ew stop this is giving me the ick
ok i actually have to sleep now 
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caramelapplesauce · 2 years
endorsed fic recs by me :)
Harry Potter Fandom (AO3 unless stated otherwise):
an october of unconventional courtships by GhostofBambi -  jily (james x lily); texting fic; muggle au
insane lord mortem by TheFeistyRogue -  crack fic; time travel
all my cards are here by haey1 - muggle band au; wolfstar (remus x sirius); jily (lily x james); dorlene (marlene x dorcas)
life and times by jewels5 (not on AO3) - jily (james x lily); mostly canon compliant (i actually don’t completely remember); sorta enemies to lovers
pad feet... padfoot! by Dreamer821, Larry_the_Potato - one shot; wolfstar (remus x sirius); very angsty and sweet; there are pretty serious mentions in here so be warned
can’t outrun love, but still gonna try by jamesilver - one shot; drarry (draco x harry); love potion but not what you expect; cheesy but adorable; oblivious harry (of course)
running on air by eleventy7 - one of my favorites; drarry (darco x harry); time turner fuck up; detective auror harry; trapped draco
all the young dudes by mskingbean19 - very controversial, i know but classic; canon compliant; remus pov; wolfstar (remus x sirius); jily (james x lily)
dancing on our own by maraudquxxrs - mostly canon compliant; perciver (percy x oliver); dancing around their rooms; idiots in love
the lad that loved you by MollyMaryMarie - angsty but like only in the second chapter; wolfstar (remus x sirius); hidden relationship; a lot of smut
turned tides by rsbarelle - canon divergence; jegulus (james x regulus); wolfstar (sirius x remus); regulus leaves home
lessen my load by moonymoment - laundromat love; muggle au; wolfstar (remus x sirius); failed at hiding; dorlene (dorcas x marlene); jily (james x lily)
disintegration by moonymoment - vampires and hunters; not finished; wolfstar (sirius x remus); sorta jily (james x lily); jegulus (james x regulus); marylily (mary x lily); vampire war; dorlene (dorcas x marlene); will drag you in by the hair
best friends brother by zeppazariel - muggle au; so so angsty; platonic regulus and remus; jegulus (james x regulus); wolfstar (remus x sirius); chef regulus!!; not available anymore
quite like us by alaraini - texting fic; wrong number; jegulus (james x regulus); established wolfstar; fluff so sweet it will rot your teeth
carry your baggage up my street by regulusprongs - texting fic; jegulus focused (regulus x james); probably other ships that i don’t remember; not finished; super sweet and fluffy; oh! marylily owns a bookstore!
chimaera and the wolf series by keysie - includes horcrux hunt and the missing link; regulus and remus platonic soulmates; remus “corrupts” regulus; wolfstar (remus x sirius); jily (james x lily) in horcrux hunt; jegulus (james x regulus) in the missing link; unfinished; but very good
staying stranger by 3amandcounting - starts off texting but is more prose now; not finished; wolfstar (sirius x remus); gender insanity; adhd sirius; demisexual remus; as much angst as there is fluff; fall in love over text
the summer of 1978 by postman - call me by your name except not in a creepy way; jegulus (regulus x james); endgame jily (james x lily) (yes they are endgame its call me by your name based); super sweet; devastating ending honestly
art heist, baby by otrtbs - if you don’t read a single one of these except this one, that would be so so okay; art heist (obvi); be gay do crimes; jegulus (james x regulus); wolfstar (sirius x remus); rosekiller (barty x evan); dorlene (marlene x dorcas); found family; main character death; bittersweet ending; this fic is incredible
dear cousin, love regulus by LLAP115 and XxTheDarkLordxX - regulus writes letters to draco; trying to be good draco and regulus; drarry (draco x harry); and most importantly: DRACO AND NEVILLE FRIENDSHIP!! (i loved their friend ship so much)
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