#remus lupin.
uptonogoodd · 3 months
he never thought this day would come, his wedding day. and he was quite certain he was going to pass out, looking at himself in the mirror, utterly unsatisfied. UGLY. a pit deep in his stomach. it all felt wrong. but this was what he wanted right? to be loved, to be getting married to someone who loved him despite the fact that he was a werewolf? evan wasn't always the kindest person but he put up with remus, as he constantly liked to remind the wolf. always reminding the former gryffindor that he was a monster, playing onto his insecurities all too easily. " no one else will ever love you like i do. this is it. " remus spun around the moment he heard someone coming in, letting out a sigh of relief when he spotted HIM, grateful that it wasn't evan. the last thing he was in the mood for was another fight. brown and chocolate hues were wide with terror, new marks on his body that weren't from the wolf. but no one knew. no one could know. " hi. " he breathed out, his heart starting to race as the one man who actually held his heart walked in. his best man. could sirius see how terrified he was? a nervous smile spread onto his lips, gesturing toward the fit, " how do i look? ridiculous? ridiculous, probably. " and while remus was never the sort to reek of confidence, it'd dwindled down significantly ever since he started seeing evan. " god. is it . . . is it like, insanely hot in here? i feel like it's insanely fucking hot.
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pprongsz · 1 year
Com anos de prática e experiência em primeira mão, James gostava de pensar que era capaz de ler os amigos com a facilidade de um encarte aberto. Por isso, apesar de Remus ser naturalmente muito mais sensato do que o restante do quarteto, era evidente quando estava sendo apenas comedido ou quando algo mais concreto o incomodava. Dadas as circunstâncias, visto que o retorno a Hogwarts geralmente causava uma boa sensação coletiva, não era necessária uma percepção muito aguçada para juntar os números e chegar a uma conclusão. A proximidade da lua cheia, dali a alguns dias, representava justificativa mais do que plausível para o humor enfadado do amigo. Parte de si desconfiava que o outro talvez só quisesse ser deixado em paz, mas algo em James o tornava incapaz de não interceder quando via alguém em qualquer estado de tormento – quem dirá um de seus melhores amigos. “Moony, do you have any idea whatsoever as to why on earth Dumbledore would choose me over you to be Headboy? Like, it’s bollocks." O assunto era tão terrivelmente mundano e até um pouco egocêntrico, mas com sorte seria exatamente o tipo de bobagem que traria um pouco de distração ao amigo. “Do you think he's trying to set me up with Evans? Has the Headmaster done more for my love life than all my best mates combined? Shame on you guys, really.”
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Being a girl is: wanting to go to bed early but deciding to just get on tumblr/wattpad/Ao3 for a little bit and then end up finding a fic series that you really like and read until well past your usual bedtime then keeping on because it’s already past your bedtime. Then being mad when you wake up in the morning because you overslept your timer.
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naregmzz · 1 month
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aphrcdites · 10 months
the bond between a girl and their favorite fictional man is both an unstoppable force and an immovable object
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thatboisus · 4 months
“english isn’t my first langua—“ say no more.
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emmzline · 9 days
"it's a waste of money. ... so i've heard." - @wclfsbanee
“Sei que se eu não comprar nada o desconto é maior, mas nunca consegui resistir a uma boa promoção.” A questão financeira de Emmeline não era estupidamente abastada, mas descobriu com pouca idade que gostava de gastar dinheiro com pequenas coisas, que apesar de muitas vezes fúteis, ao menos eram para ela. Presentes e consumismo nunca foram parte da cultura da família Vance, o que talvez fosse apenas mais um motivo para a jovem querer instituir uma mudança. “Agora, o que vou fazer com cinco pacotes de bombons explosivos e mais uma sacola de lesmas de gelatina, já é problema para a Emmeline do futuro. Você quer alguma coisa, aliás?”
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er3mo · 20 days
'you never read anymore, you used to love reading' and i have 200 safari tabs open. it never stopped it just got weird
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the sun was setting over the quaint village of hogsmeade, casting a warm, golden glow over the cobblestone streets. rosmerta had decided to close the three broomsticks a bit earlier than usual for a change of scenery. she strolled through the village, enjoying the peaceful evening air, until she reached her favorite spot by the edge of the lake.
as she approached, she noticed a familiar figure sitting on a bench, gazing out over the shimmering water. remus lupin, looking peaceful, but always with that unmistakable presence. ros's heart warmed at the sight of him.
"remus lupin, what a pleasant surprise," she called out, her voice filled with genuine delight as she walked over to join him. "mind if I sit with you?"
she took a seat beside him, offering him a warm smile. "it’s been ages since I last saw you. how have you been, love?" she reached into her bag and pulled out a flask and took a swig before offering it to remus.
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bloodbruise · 6 months
the bitches traumatized by saltburn would never survive the fics in my ao3 history
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natti-ice · 3 months
18+ mdni
Me: “fuck, I need his cock”
Him: *is literally just words on tumblr*
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lovelyspooks · 11 months
Me at 3am clicking “keep reading” on the most jaw dropping, earth shattering, pantie dropping, smutty fic when I have to be up in 3 hours
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pprongsz · 1 year
Com um simples feitiço murmurado para permitir sua passagem, James afastou a lona que marcava a entrada da barraca que dividiria com os amigos nos próximos dias, uma quantidade generosa de comida ainda quente guardada na mochila que carregava. O interior da tenda era amplo, enfeitiçado para se estender diversas vezes além do que aparentava vista de fora, e equipado com mobiliário aconchegante para abrigá-los confortavelmente nos intervalos entre as incontáveis atrações do evento. A exploração do festival propriamente dito, entretanto, teria que esperar até o dia seguinte, já que James se sentia praticamente moído em seu cansaço pós lua cheia e estava mais do que satisfeito em simplesmente recuperar as energias, que definitivamente precisaria se quisesse aproveitar o restante do Witchella. Sem muitas cerimônias, depositou a mochila sobre a mesa de centro e esparramou-se sobre uma das largas poltronas distribuídas pelo espaço, ao lado do assento ocupado notoriamente por @rxmlpin​. “Trouxe comida suficiente para alimentar um pequeno exército, o que é mais ou menos o que consumimos normalmente depois de uma noite de probleminha peludo. Algumas poções, também, caso precise de algo.” Atencioso com detalhes como era, duvidava que Lupin se esqueceria de tomar suas próprias poções, mas James também sabia que a proximidade da lua cheia deixava Remus mais errático; de toda forma, preferia pecar pelo excesso do que pela falta, especialmente quando seus amigos estavam envolvidos. “Sorte sua que não está zanzando por aí lá fora, Moony. Só no caminho até aqui já fui visualmente escandalizado de umas quinze maneiras diferentes e olha que sou uma pessoa de morais bem flexíveis. Estão levando muito a sério essa história toda de sexo, drogas e rock n’ roll.”
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rosieandthethorns · 6 months
i don't WANT to read smut right now
i WANT to read a passionate, poetic, jaw dropping, tears streaking down my face, heart wrenching, giggle inducing, feet kicking, cringy yet amazing, gorgeous story written by someone who apologizes for english not being their first language(they're the best writers ever) which has 4 chapters and then makes me scream because it hasnt been updated in months and the author is mia
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moonyswarmsweaters · 30 days
Because almost everybody is doing this:
if this gets 100 notes, I’ll finally clean my room
if this gets 200 notes, I'll go on a long walk
if this gets 300 notes, I’ll post a picture of something artsy I made and proud of
if this gets 400 notes, I'll make marauders fanart ( I have been scared to do this to not dishonor them with my sucky skills)
if this gets 500 notes, I’ll post a link to one of my marauders era inspired playlists
if this gets 1000 notes, ill try to make sure I drink enough water (for at least a week, let’s not aim too high)
if this gets 5000 notes, within a month, ill try coming out to my best friend
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moncuries · 6 months
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zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz etc
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