#resident brain cell belongs to their little guy
kakashi: who’s your favorite team leader?
naruto: pakkun
sakura: pakkun
sai: pakkun
sasuke: also pakkun
kakashi, through tears: you’re SO right. those are my kids. MY KIDS.
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scuttling · 3 years
(You Want To) Make a Memory
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Latina Original Female Character Word Count: 19,858 Chapters: 5 of 5 Complete Tags: 18+, NSFW, Amnesia, Anxiety attacks, Sex dreams, Dom/sub, Daddy kink, Praise kink, Unprotected sex, Vaginal fingering, Dirty talk, Choking, Biting, Hickies, Oral sex, Making love, Angst and feels, Shower sex, Size kink Summary: Sophie gets amnesia while working a case and forgets everything from the last two years: her friends, her job at the BAU, and her boyfriend, Aaron. Note: This is a reformatted, previously published work. :)
Link to AO3 or read Chapter 1 below!
The thing Sophie finds most complicated about her work at the BAU is that it’s their job to predict the unpredictable. Yes, they are all highly educated, knowledgeable profilers, with decades of experience between them, and human behavior typically follows patterns that are easily discernible if you have the right training. But even armed with all the information, all the statistics, all the data, there’s one thing they can never really know for certain: what a desperate person will do in the heat of the moment.
The unsub they are looking for is a white male, aged 25-35, who lives alone, has a steady daylight job, drives a red pickup truck, and has a problem with older female authority figures. Sophie could go on and on about this particular type of unsub—she could tell you where he shops, how he spends his evenings, his favorite sport/team/player, probably even what he’ll eat for dinner tonight—but there’s no way she can know how he’ll react to the FBI at his door, or the consequences his actions will have.
The team is canvassing the neighborhood they believe the unsub resides in, and she and Spencer were assigned the four hundred block; they each take a separate side of the street, and work their way down house by house trying to find someone who fits the profile, or knows someone who does.
“Any luck?” Sophie asks Spencer when they meet back up at the end of the the block. He grimaces, uncertain.
“There was one guy, but…” She gestures toward the SUV and they walk toward it together.
“What happened? Profile didn’t fit?”
“He was the right demographic, the vehicle fit, but he wasn’t disorganized. In fact, his home looked like it belonged in a catalog: photos on the walls, decorative items, nothing out of place.” She frowns a little, because it’s clear this guy has raised some red flags for her partner, and she trusts his intuition when it comes to stuff like this.
“And he lives alone?” she asks, confirming. That’s a pretty big part of the profile, considering what he does to the victims. He nods.
“Yes, no indication of a girlfriend or wife living there.” Sophie blows out a breath, leans against the side of the SUV.
“Okay, let’s brainstorm. Maybe... he hires a housekeeper.” Spencer shrugs.
“He didn’t seem like the type, but I guess it’s possible.”
“Alright, well… Okay, so our profile is of a man who kills older women because he has an issue with an older woman who is an authority figure in his life. We thought maybe his boss, but what if it’s his mother?” she asks, face lighting up a little. This theory makes more sense, actually. “What if she comes over while he’s at work, cleans the place up, redecorates, just takes complete control of his life, even his private space, and he loses it?” He nods enthusiastically.
“That is extremely more likely. Now that I think of it, all the photos were of him and an older woman who could be his mother.” Sophie pulls out her phone, gestures over her shoulder with her thumb.
“Let’s head back there; Hotch and JJ are just around the corner, I’ll let them know we might need backup. 412?”
“Yeah—hey, that’s the truck. That’s the truck,” he says with more urgency, pointing down the street at a rapidly approaching red pickup truck that matches the description of the unsub’s. Shit.
“Okay, get in the car, call Hotch,” she instructs, and they both barely make it in before the truck rear-ends the SUV on the driver's side; Sophie’s head hits off the steering wheel hard, and the car rocks, and she looks over at Spencer, a little disoriented, to make sure he’s okay. He’s holding his wrist, like maybe he hurt it bracing himself.
When she gets her bearings, she starts the car, throws it into reverse, ready to apply a little force and potentially keep him from striking again, but he backs up, speeds up, and cuts the wheel to go around them, striking her door and driving past. It’s then that another SUV cuts him off, and Hotch and JJ jump out, guns drawn; the unsub raises his hands, surrenders, and it’s over as quickly as it began.
“Sophie?” She can hear her name, but her head is swimming. She touches the cut above her temple, pulls back a hand covered in blood, but she knows head injuries bleed heavily, so she’s not worried. She’s more worried that she can’t tell where that voice is coming from. It’s like she’s in a fun house, sounds echoing from all sides. “Sophie, can you hear me?” She hums in response.
Kind hands are on her face, turning it toward the sun, and she scrunches her eyes at the brightness. She knows the hands are trying to help, but her head already hurts, and the light isn’t doing her any favors.
“Gotta… get up,” she mumbles, and the hands hold her waist, help her out of the car. Her left foot hurts when she puts her weight down on it, and she almost folds, but the hands hold her up, and she thinks she smiles.
“Reid—is she okay?” That voice is a voice that makes her want to answer immediately, even if her brain hasn’t quite caught up. She stumbles over her words.
“‘M okay. Just my… head.” A different pair of hands hold her up, and her brain is working enough to recognize that she loves the smell of the person attached to the hands. They are serious hands, and one of them sweeps gently over her face.
“Can you open your eyes for me, baby, please?” that good voice asks, and she wants to do anything the voice asks, but her eyes really hurt. She must say that out loud, because the voice says softly, “That’s alright, don’t strain yourself. Medics on the way. You’re going to be fine.”
“Tell him…” She is placed back in the car, can feel the softness of the seat against her back, and it’s nice. “Tell him that was mean… and not to do it again.” She feels lips on her face, turns toward them, sighs when they brush over hers. “Mmm. Or I’m going to… tell his mother.”  When Sophie wakes up, she feels like she’s been repeatedly punched in the head, thrown down a flight of stairs, and then run over by a truck, so, naturally, she groans. She doesn’t dare open her eyes at first, can already see the fluorescents flickering through her eyelids, but her mouth is dry, and since she knows she must be in a hospital, she knows that there’s a little plastic pitcher of water somewhere within her reach.
Cautiously, she cracks one eye, finds the pitcher and a kind looking woman with fair skin and dark bangs staring back at her.
“You’re awake!” she whispers excitedly, and she leans forward for a hug, which Sophie does not return, because she doesn’t know the woman. The woman must feel the tension in Sophie’s body as she sits, arms at her sides, and waits for the hug to end, because she pulls back, concerned. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
“No,” she begins, unsure of how to put this politely. Her voice is dry, rough, and the woman pours her a glass of water, which she takes gratefully. “I’m sorry, I just… I don’t… Do I know you?” Her face falls, and she looks confused, and then abruptly worried.
“My name is Emily. Prentiss. Does that ring a bell?” Sophie thinks back, tries to navigate around the pounding in her temples, and ultimately shakes her head.
“No, I’m sorry. And I mean no disrespect—I meet a lot of people for work, so sometimes it’s hard to keep track.”
“Where do you work?”
“I work for the FBI. Intelligence.” Sophie takes in the woman’s outfit—black turtleneck, gray pants, boots, government issued handgun—and tilts her head curiously. “And you?”
“FBI. Behavioral Analysis Unit.” She pulls her bag closer on the seat beside her, pulls out her credentials, lets Sophie hold them. “Have you heard of it?”
“Sure, of course. I have an interview there next week, actually.” She hands back the badge with a smile. “Small world. Uh, do you think that what happened to me occurred because of a crime, or something? Is that why you’re here?"
Agent Prentiss gives her a sad smile, then stands, pulling out her cell phone. “You know, we’re really not sure what’s going on. Excuse me for one moment, I need to make a call. I’ll get your doctor while I’m out there.”
“Okay. Thanks,” Sophie calls as she heads out of the room, and she pours another glass of water.
When the agent returns with the doctor, she looks tenser, but the doctor just shoots her a kind smile. “Hello, Sophie. I’m glad to see you’re awake.”
“Thank you; I’m glad to be awake. How long have I been out?”
“About two days. You were in a car accident, do you remember that?” She’d catalogued her injuries while alone—laceration to the head, some pain and swelling there; aching wrist, sore but unbroken; bruised ankle, tender but okay to put pressure on—and they are consistent with a car accident, but she shakes her head.
“No, ma’am, I don’t remember.” The doctor frowns, an expression the agent behind her mirrors.
“What’s the last thing you do remember?”
“Um.” She closes her eyes, thinks hard for a moment, but it hurts her eyes. “I was driving home from work, I think? Or about to leave for the day. It’s kind of blurry.”
“That’s alright, don’t press too hard. It should come back to you in no time.” She steps around the bed to pull her chart off the wall, skims it briefly. “We’re going to have to run some scans; I’ll give you a moment with Agent Prentiss, and then I’ll send someone in to take you down to the lab, okay?”
“Sure. Thank you, doctor.” The woman smiles and walks out of the room, leaving her with the clearly unhappy agent. “Is everything okay, Agent Prentiss? You look about as bad as I feel.” The woman sighs, drops back down into her seat, folds her hands in her lap.
“The doctor believes you’re suffering from retrograde amnesia. You don’t remember some things you should remember. Quite a bit of time.” Her throat goes dry again, her heart beats rapidly in her chest.
“That’s not possible. I remember driving home from work… or, getting in the car to drive home from work, just the other day.” She shakes her head like she’s not sure what to say.
“I know, Sophie, but that’s not a recent memory. You don’t work at the Grant building anymore.”
“What do you mean? I’m the Intelligence liaison. I mean, I applied for the BAU job…” She’s wanted to work there since she found out about it, to put her degrees to good use; to get an interview is almost unheard of, everyone told her, but she made the cut, even bought a new suit to wear. It’s still hanging in her closet.
“And you got it,” Prentiss says gently, reaching forward to take her hand. “You and I have been working together at the BAU for almost two years.”
Sophie can’t be blamed, she doesn’t think, when she leans over, reaches for the wastebasket, and promptly vomits.  “So I’m a profiler, and I’ve been one for two years. I work with you and we’re friends,” Sophie repeats as a bit of a recap. Prentiss nods.
“Yep. Those who profile serial killers together, stick together.” She says it with a smile that doesn’t touch her eyes.
“Wow. Okay. I’m really sorry I don’t remember you.” She shrugs it off, and Sophie sighs. “Any other major life events I should know about? Did I get a cat, go vegan?”
“You don’t have time for a pet, and you like cheese too much,” Prentiss jokes, but that does sound like something she’d say. Her face gets serious after that, and she even looks nervous. It makes Sophie nervous, too. “You have a boyfriend.”
That raises her eyebrows.
“I have a boyfriend.” She smiles softly, nods.
“Yes. He’s… it’s funny, because he’s actually... our boss.” Sophie blanches. Talk about a close-knit group.
“I’m sleeping with my boss? That is not like me.” She barely sleeps with anyone, too busy focusing on her career and not that into one-night-stands, but her boss of all people? That’s just plain stupid.
“It’s really not like that, trust me. You two are in love.” Okay, she’s heard enough. Maybe Prentiss is a prankster, playing some wildly hilarious joke on her amnesiac pal.
“I’m in love. Did I actually say that?” She knows herself pretty well, flaws and all, and she’s been a vehement skeptic when it comes to love for… god, as long as she can remember—no pun intended. Prentiss nods, looks very serious.
“Yes, I’ve heard you say it many, many times. You two live together.”
“We live together? For how long?” This can’t be right; one of the things she values most is her privacy, her solitude. She lives a quiet, simple life, aside from being an FBI agent, and she likes it that way.
“About six months,” she answers carefully.
“We’ve lived together for six months? How long have we been dating?” Her voice sounds a little shrill even to her own ears. Prentiss is being very cool about it all, doesn’t so much as blink.
“It’s a year next week, actually. He’s been trying to come up with a surprise for your anniversary.” Sophie feels a little lightheaded.
“Anniversary. Fuck.” She squeezes her eyes shut, which hurts, opens them only so the pain will go away. She knows they’re teary, can’t help it, but she doesn’t want Prentiss to see her like this. She hates being vulnerable, always has. “I can’t remember two years of my life. I can’t remember my own boyfriend, my own job. My friends.”
“I can tell you about them, if you want,” she offers cautiously. “The doctor said it could help, but if you feel like it’s too much, let me know.”
Sophie nods carefully. She wants to know, she needs to know.
Prentiss—Emily—is so genuinely kind. She sits there for an hour, tells Sophie about work, and their team—their friends, because the group is very tight, gets together for dinner and drinks, and they all support each other’s non-bureau endeavors, and she feels so sad that she can’t remember them, can’t recall anything Emily is rattling off so easily it’s like she doesn’t even have to think about it.
She talks about some tough cases they’ve worked on, and how they always end with a cookout or a family dinner so they can remember why they do the hard things, why they keep fighting. She talks about people they’ve helped, saved, brought comfort to. She talks about flights home on the jet, how sometimes they sit in quiet, companionable silence and other times it’s all teasing and laughter and the good things in life.
Then she starts talking about Aaron—the boss/boyfriend—and Sophie does cry, a couple of tears rolling slowly down her cheeks. She’d never imagined in her life that she would be as loved as she is, if Emily’s stories are true, and the fact that she can’t remember any of it is like a knife to the gut. She wants to scream, to make someone pay for what she’s missing, but she knows none of that will bring her memory back, so she dials back the rage as quickly as it came—huh, that’s new.
Usually, her particular brand of anxiety attack would happen right about now, always worse when she’s afraid or angry. She anticipates tightening in her chest, shortness of breath, ringing in her ears that takes forever to go away, but it doesn’t come. She’s able to calm herself with a deep breath, and despite the fact that the rest of her life is a dumpster fire right now, this feels kind of good. It feels like progress, not a story told through someone else’s eyes, but a tangible feeling she can hold onto and think, I am a different version of Sophie than I was two years ago. A better version, maybe. But at least different. That, above everything else, makes it real.
A nurse walks in to take Sophie down for scans, and Emily just smiles, a bit sadly, and tells her she’ll be there waiting when she returns.
It’s a small comfort, something she holds onto as she’s taken down to the lab. When Sophie makes it back to her room, Emily is waiting there as promised, and she has a duffle bag sitting on the bed. “The doctor says you can go home while they wait for the scans,” she says with a smile; she probably thinks it will make Sophie happy, and it does, but the idea of going to a home she’s never been to is a little unsettling. Still, it’s nice to know there are people who care about her who will help her through it, that she’s not alone. That’s not something Sophie of two years ago would have been able to count on.
She smiles back, and Emily helps her change into clothes that somehow still smell like the hospital, but it feels better to be dressed and not stuck in the flimsy hospital gown that always makes you feel weaker and sicker, more injured than you really are.
She hears a voice from out in the hall, a voice that catches her attention immediately, and she walks over to the door, peeks her head out to see if she can find the man it belongs to.
She does, and he is almost too good-looking to be real. Somehow, she both instinctively knows that this man is Aaron, and can’t see how that could possibly be true.
“Emily. Is that Aaron?” she asks to confirm, pointing to the tall, serious-looking, frankly smoldering hot man having a conversation with her doctor at the end of the hall. She peeks her head out the door too, looks toward him with a smile.
“Yeah, that’s him. Do you remember him?” Her tone is guarded but hopeful, and Sophie sighs.
Remember him, no, not in the way she means, but every cell in her body feels alive and on fire just from catching a glimpse of his face, so she’s pretty sure Emily is right and she’s crazy in love with him. And his suit. Who looks that good in a suit?
Her boyfriend, apparently. Who she lives with. Who she’s been with for a year. Her mind is still a little blown.
“I don’t recall any memories of him,” she whispers, as if he can hear her from down the hall, “but, uh. I think my body remembers him.” Emily looks at her, eyebrow quirked, and she blushes. “Or, you know. Parts of it.”
Realization dawns, and Emily grins. “Okay yeah, that tracks. You two are kind of all over each other. It’s an intense vibe.” Sophie takes a moment to imagine that, what it would be like to be in a relationship with this man.
He looks intense, which can be good or bad, with the kind of mouth you could kiss forever, smile against. He’s taller than her by about a foot, which thrills her, and broad, as evidenced by the jacket stretched across his shoulders, which really thrills her. He’s older, maybe early forties, which she doesn’t feel particularly strongly about one way or another, with gorgeous dark hair and eyes, and when he shakes hands with the doctor, silver wrist watch gleaming under the fluorescent lights, her mouth practically waters.
“Earth to Sophie. You’ve got a little drool, there,” Emily teases, pointing to her own mouth, and Sophie groans.
“You didn’t prepare me. You didn't tell me he was hot.” Aaron turns away from the doctor, starts walking down the hall toward her room, and she ducks out of the doorframe, Emily following suit. She puts a hand to her forehead, not in physical pain, but mental pain for sure. “God, this is going to be so awkward. I’ve got a total lady boner for the guy I’m in love with that I can’t even remember.”
“It might be a little awkward at first, but you guys are sweet together. He’s going to be so caring and understanding, give you all the time you need.” She puts her hands on Sophie’s arms, grounding her. “We’re going to focus on trying to get your memories back, but the doctor said you shouldn’t stress.”
“That’s easy for her to say,” she mutters, crossing her arms, “she didn’t forget her big sexy boyfriend.” She hears a soft chuckle from behind her and instantly flushes, which makes Emily grin.
“Sophie, this is Aaron.” She physically turns her, and Aaron is smiling gently, which makes him look even better than when he was serious and expressionless. Her heart thrums in her chest.
“Hi. I’m sorry I don’t remember you. I want to.” She sticks out her hand for a shake, feels dumb instantly, but he takes it anyway, holds it for a moment. His hand is rough, so much bigger than hers, and part of her hopes he never lets go.
“That’s alright. Dr. Bracken is confident you’ll recover all of your memories in time. She’s given me some instruction on ways we can try to jog your memory, but no stress, like Emily said.”
“I guess we’re not considering the fact that losing two years of your life is a little stressful,” she counters, and he laughs again.
“You haven’t lost anything. Just misplaced them for a while.” He steps toward her, like he wants to touch her, comfort her maybe, but freezes, thinks better of it. She’s torn between wanting to get to know him better first and wanting to jump into his arms immediately, so she decides to let him set the pace. “So… Do you want to come home with me?” His voice is soft, hopeful, matching his eyes. “Garcia—our friend, another coworker of ours—has offered to put you up at her place if you’re not comfortable with that, so no worries either way. You have a place to go.”
Her stomach sinks a little at the thought of being anywhere but home, even though she has no idea where that is, and she looks back at Emily, who smiles encouragingly.
“I think I want to go home,” she decides after a moment, and she turns back to look at Aaron. “Is that okay with you?” He nods seriously.
“Yes, of course. I want you home with me. I just wanted you to know you had other options.” Emily slips past her, a hand on her elbow, and finishes gathering up her belongings while they talk. “The rest of the team is going to come over for a little bit, if you’re okay with that. The doctor said it would be a good idea, since you spend most of your time with them, but if at any point it gets overwhelming, let me know. No hard feelings if we send everyone home.”
“Okay,” she breathes, her head already swimming a bit just from talking to Aaron, and he does step forward, then, giving her her space but indicating that he wants to come closer, if she’ll let him.
“May I put this on you?” he murmurs, and opens his palm to display her rose necklace, the one she wears, must still wear, everyday. At least that hasn’t changed. “The EMTs gave it to me when they brought you in. I’ve been holding onto it for safekeeping.” She nods, turns around, and he slips it around her throat, clasps it, brushes a careful hand over her neck to move her hair out of the way. “That’s better,” he says, his breath ghosting over her skin, and she sighs, wants to sink back against the heat of his body; she just knows how comforting it would be, how safe she would feel. Instead, she turns and smiles softly.
“You’re welcome.” They hold eye contact for a moment, and then Emily appears at her side, making a face like she knows she’s interrupting something.
“Ready to get going?” she asks, handing Sophie’s duffle bag over to Aaron. “I’m going to stop at home and then I’ll head to your place.”
“Absolutely. Thank you, Emily,” Sophie says sincerely, stepping forward to pull her into a tight hug. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I hope I remember more about you soon.”
“I’m happy I could be here, and I know you will. Just give it some time.” She pats her on the back, and then leaves the room.
Aaron carries her bag and leads her out to the parking garage, toward a standard federal issued SUV, and he opens the door for her, closes it behind her with a gentle smile.
Time to go home.
Taglist ❤️: @arsonhotchner @mrsh0tchner @ssahotchie @sleepyreaderreads @mintphoenix @meghannnnnn @disgruntledchowchow @azenpal
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pepperpills · 3 years
The Harvest - RE8 fanfic
The Harvest
A Resident Evil 8 fan fiction by Joana
Karl Heisenberg x Female Reader
Notes: hi guys, I'm changing a little my posting method. at first, I was afraid the chapters were too big and decided to divide them in parts and post a new part everyday (as long as there was a part to post), but it kind of affects the reading, so I will be uploading a new complete chapter every tuesday, hope it is better for you!
Warning: NSFW content
Part I - Destiny (1) Part I - Destiny (2)
Part II – The Lord
The day after The Harvest, when you were designated to work for Lord Heisenberg, was a long one. Not really exhausting as you spent most part of it turning from one leg to the other waiting for someone to activate the bridge to the factory.
You were deadened by a miscellaneous of emotions battling to gain domain over your brain. You couldn’t stop thinking about waving your mother goodbye as the sun conquered the sky, shortly before being surrendered by the stormy clouds.
After the speech at the Chapel, you wanted to wander around a little bit, maybe hunt, thinking that it probably was your last walk on those landscapes, yet, you didn’t want to get late on your first day, so your feet lead the way past Heisenberg’s gate, close to the church. It wasn’t even lunch time when you reached the end of the road, facing the factory chimneys and the hell lot of metal discarded in its front yard.
You had completely no idea how to call someone or if you should, as far as you knew, the lord lived there alone and you didn’t think it would be a great first impression if you simply started yelling his name, so he could do that bridge thing.
Thus, you waited. Placing your bag on the ground, you stood there for what seemed to be two entire hours. Then you got tired and sat, your corselet holding your oxygen levels. After a while even being sat was annoying, your legs tingled and your stomach hurt, once you completely forgot to bring any food with you.
That would be a great time for the Duke to make an entrance. As one of his most loyal clients – maybe you sneak once in a while, claiming possessions of one or two crystals –, sometimes you two shared a meal and Gods, he was a good cook. But it wasn’t his week at the Village and that wasn’t his store’s place anyway.
When the day light began to fade and the clouds grew heavier, you started worrying about getting wet. To divert your mind from that thought, you left all your belongings at the end of the road, not too close to the border, so hopefully they wouldn’t fall in the water below, and explored the ruins, studying the bricks that build those structures, absolutely bored, not even anxious anymore. At that point you could think about a thing or two to say to that idiot Heisenberg.
What would happen if he didn’t open the gate? Could you just walk away and live your life? Well, that didn’t sound like a bad plan, if just you could reach the forest first… The first water drop popped in your hair, the rain it announced didn’t take long to join it and a few moments later you were soaking wet, cold to the bone, contracting every muscle.
Suddenly, as you were about to curse Heisenberg’s name, a gear sound rose, it sounded old, but well-oiled and was really loud, louder than the rain and thunders and made you and the crows jump, they flew, you stayed as there was nowhere to go. Approaching your dank belongings, you saw a firm, modular, sand-coloured bridge forming in front of your eyes. Its movement was smooth comparing to something that big. You were genuinely impressed and would like to ask a few questions about how that works.
This surreal vision absorbed you for a few minutes after it was done, you didn’t feel the rain chastening your skin anymore. To be honest, at that point you realized where you were at and what you had to do, after an entire day in standby.
Your own brain didn’t really wake you up from that hypnosis. Oh, no. What made your heart rate rise again was a sudden, strong and frisky voice coming out of nowhere. You looked around, moving your head way too quick, making a spray of water with your hair and saw no one, but his words were most certainly there, echoing in your mind, making your entire body feel warm.
“C’mon, honey pie, we ain’t got all day.” He said, demanding, and then laughed.
Great, a madman, you thought. You weren’t sure, though, if you blushed intensely due to what he just called you or because every cell of your body felt enraged with that joke, it was you who had been waiting for him, you who would be forever wet, because he left you in the rain. You wanted to walk to that factory and tell it straight to that son of a…
Shortly, you understood. It was a test. You took a deep breath, grabbed your stuff, which made a humid sound, and walked resiliently to the factory’s gate. He wanted to see if you were a spitfire and you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.
“She walks.” He giggled, the voice of the wind, and then opened the gate.
Was he doing it with his mind? You knew that Lady Beneviento had some sort of effect on people’s brains, hallucinations they said, Lord Moreau could turn into a giant fish, Lady Dimitrescu had impressive long and strong nails that could tear anyone apart. What could Lord Heisenberg do, really? The villagers talked about he being one of the strongest lords, if not the strongest of them all. He had some power over metal, but you didn’t know exactly how it worked.
Anyway, you stepped in his front yard, facing the absurd, yet fascinating sea made of his discarded toys. For Gods’ sake, you even saw a war tank half buried in the dusty soil, you couldn’t even imagine how he had that and why he would so easily neglect it. There were ripped off motorcycles, destroyed cars, metal pieces with a huge variation of sizes and shapes and a ton of mechanical parts just lying there as a good old scrap heap.
Home, you thought sarcastically and smiled. So, when the last factory doors finally spread open to you, you faced the interior with a smile on your face even though you were miserable due to the storm. Carefully, you came inside just to be greeted by a puff of heat and sweet smoke, really welcoming at your state. The warmth certainly came from all the machinery working there somewhere, making a metal orchestra that never shut off. The smoke, well, it was coming from Heisenberg’s lite cigar.
He came from above, as a god like being, building stairs with metal parts right in the mid-air and climbed them down. You had never seem such thing and it was breath-taking; you were hypnotised for a moment there, silently dripping on the grimy ground, actually cleaning it a little.
He had some sort of waddle on his walk, nothing tawdry, though. Karl Heisenberg looked like an authoritative, impulsive and humorous man and he was, above all, having fun with you being there as if you were his new pup and you sure were.
“Oh, look who finally made it!” He greeted, on the ground, standing three steps away from you, the smoke so dense it made your eyes water, yet reassuringly hot with a tobacco scent.
Heisenberg took off his spectacles, just then you realized he was wearing them inside the factory. Besides that, he was dressed exactly the same as the day before, it didn’t seem he’d showered or so. Nonetheless, now you could see his eyes, his multi-coloured greyish blue abysms staring straight at you for sure this time.
All you felt able to do was stare back, almost not blinking, taken by those soft colours on a rough man like him. You thought you would be scared, although, you were honestly intrigued. You noticed another scar crossing his cheeks and nose and wondered how it ended up there, feeling all of a sudden tempted to reach it with your index finger, gently sensing the cicatrized skin.
“Good evening, sir.” You found yourself saying to be polite, breaking the motionless aura that sunk you in contemplation.
It was bizarre, but you weren’t cold anymore nor angry, you had the grip over your own posture again, your corselet helping you to keep your back straight. You were confident.
“Good evening, Y/N.” This you weren’t expecting, almost broke you. Why would he bother to memorise your name?
You remembered what Miranda said about being solicited by one of the lords, that made you shiver, exactly like the one you had before, only this time you could also smell the iron all over, not only taste it. The scent in the closed atmosphere of the factory had a light, almost undistinguished, aroma of the night, the fresh breeze and dry grass, maybe brought by you, however, most of it was rusted metal, motor oil and tobacco. It wasn’t unpleasant, just uncommon to what you were used to.
“Guess you found less transparent clothes.” He said next, circling you, studying you and your reactions.
You noticed he also smelled like the factory as if he was part of it, or it was, indeed, himself. You closed your eyes and the iron taste emphasized, it felt like you were licking a ring, you head spined.
“It is tradition to wear them at The Harvest.” You defended yourself – and your pure intentions.
You don’t know why, but you felt your cheeks burning, actually, parts of your body that would usually pass unnoticed had lite with the tension in the air and you just hoped you could be alone, devouring some food to calm your nerves.
“Horseshit!” Heisenberg raised his voice, coming through his pressed teeth. “They just make you wear those slutty clothes so my sisterAlcina can see all of her new pups’ assets.” Heisenberg mocked, laughing madly.
“Oh.” You couldn’t think of anything better to say, you never thought of that.
At that point, you were thinking about yourself, your dress and how you felt pretty wearing it. Did it count on the selection? You felt slightly ashamed, Heisenberg’s breathing was too close to your left ear, but you wouldn’t dare to move or your noses could collide.
“Surprised?” He questioned, maliciously. You didn’t answer immediately, you were too aware of how your boobs were trying to escape the corselet’s dictatorship. “I asked you…” He bellowed “are you surprised?” he finished in a lower tone.
“Y-yes.” You finally said. “Never thought of it.” You looked at the ground, discovering a puddle where you were standing.
“You sound like an outsider.” He ruminated, more to himself than to you.
“I kind of am.” You confessed, thinking about the cabins. “I am from the cabin people.”
“Hm… Interesting.” He glanced at you, head to toe, you couldn’t help feeling heated as you never felt before. “Sorry about the rain.” Heisenberg shrugged. “I am a busy man.” He justified, mischievously, remembering you of the anger you felt back at the bridge.
The lord left you alone for a second, walking past through a curtain. You followed him into a small improvised office area with photos all over a wall, it pictured the Village, the lords’ lots and Mother Miranda, a big poster of her right in the middle. It had a knife scratch on it. Maybe Heisenberg wasn’t a family’s man after all.
You were regaining your confidence as he was distracted with the pictures – or you thought he was, unable to really see what he was picturing –, you were seeking for a good ambiguous thing to say about waiting so long for that sort of reception, however, he was quicker and made you gasp, almost choke.
“Take ‘em off.” It was an order said firmly. The way he looked at you, as if he was some kind of authority, gave you the chills.
“Them?” You innocently asked, placing a hand on your belly, trying to breathe.
“Your wet clothes.” He explained, pointing to your entire body.
“All my clothes are wet.” You insisted, flushing heavily.
He took his very own overcoat off and handed it to you. You hesitantly accepted it, not knowing exactly what to do with his eyes on you.
“For fuck’s sake.” He turned away, chuckling.
You waited half a second to be sure he wasn’t secretly looking, you didn’t know if there were cameras in the room, so you started undressing. It wasn’t a very easy dress to take off, you couldn’t reach the laces on your back, because of that, you had to ask for his help.
“Can’t even take off your own clothes, kitten.” Heisenberg mocked, as his adept hands slowly, playfully, untied the laces.
His touch was warm, he slipped his hand and you felt his calloused fingers on your skin, your body hair immediately responded husking and an electrical current flowed through you, lightening your eyes, reverberating to your core. He also felt that and some other things that made him put away his hips, but once you were facing the entrance, you couldn’t see his reaction and only heard a small movement of boots.
Lastly your dress fell to your feet and you covered yourself with his bulky overcoat, feeling better as you inhaled his aroma so intensely you almost fainted with those mechanic flavours petting your skin and his body warmth heating you.
“Now, enough chit-chat. Your duties.” He broke the silence as you finished tying the fabric belt around your waist.
“Yes, sir.” This time it was him who took a deep breath, seeming a little bothered somehow like he could use some time alone.
He had been a lonely man. You didn’t hear other people, well, living people, in the factory the next days and realised it was only you and him. It must have felt weird having someone around after years of living like an eremite. Even with all the jokes and that cheap charms, the view of him tilted to the investigative board gave you the impression that it was a bit too much having you there all at once and decided to put your rain resentments aside ang give him a chance and some space.
“I need some cleaning. I am expanding some experiments and I need to use a new wing for it, but it’s really messy.” You couldn’t see his face, but you were sure he had a grin adorning his scarred lips.
“I will do it.” You said, a little disappointed that this was your choir and surprised you were expecting something more… Dangerous? Exciting maybe?
“Of course you will.” He was leaned on the office desk, not even looking at you anymore, suddenly sold out. “One more thing.”
“Yes? What is it, sir?” Heisenberg shook his head making his grizzly hair dance as if getting rid of a thought. It wasn’t clear if he was still having fun or being disturbed by something.
“There is only one bed in this factory.” You turned stone cold with that announcement, abruptly conscious of all the blood running through your veins.
A secluded part of your mind, a usually quiet one, whispered a thought: It would be good to see where his blood is running to.
“Unless you want to sleep in a stretcher.” He added, laughing vigorously, giving you the chills again.
“Oh no, I will take the bed.” The answer came easily as if it was always there.
You took your wet clothes and belongings after he told you how to access the bedroom and you left him alone to it, whatever it was.
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heauxplesslydevoted · 4 years
Under My Skin (Ethan x MC)
Warning: 18+, NSFW
Summary: Set in the middle of chapter 6, Ethan and Naomi have it out over the current state of the diagnostics team.
Tags: @colourmeshy @virtualrain202 @fanmantrashcan @writinghereandthere @ao719 @x-kyne-x @paulfwesley @ramseyandrys @a-i-n-a-a-s-h @perriewinklenerdie @aworldoffandoms @thatcatlady0716 @drakewalker04 @canknot @hatescapsicum @lapisreviewsstuff @akacalliope @senseofduties @badchoicesposts @ethandaddyramsey @the-soot-sprite @chasingrobbie @zodiacsign1 @choices-lurker @miyakokurono @trappedinfandoms @my-heart-beats-for-ya @adrian-motherfucking-raines @riverrune ~v~
Naomi stares at the textbook in front of her, eyes tired and blurry. She checks the time on her cell phone and 3:22 AM stares back in bold, white letters. Craning her head slightly, she spots Ethan standing at his kitchen island, looking at something on his laptop. 
She never thought she’d be back in his apartment, but he invited the entire diagnostics team over so they could get some research done on Leland Bloom’s case. Ethan wants it to be solved as quickly as possible, and he wants to be rid of the tech billionaire, so after work they all congregated in his apartment, eating Chinese food, drinking wine, passing around textbooks and throwing out theories. 
They’ve been at it for almost 6 hours now. 
The energy in the room is off. Ethan’s been pissed ever since the board told him they’d need to be for-profit and start accepting wealthy clients and potential donors, and everyone feels it. June, Baz, and Naomi have been walking on eggshells around him, but aside from occasional snark from Naomi, they’ve been extremely curt.
Jenner likes her though. The golden retriever took a shine to her the moment she crossed the threshold to Ethan’s condo, sniffing at her feet and attaching himself to her hip. He’s now lounging with her, head in her lap and she pours over this book, and she’s glad. The friendly dog provides an excellent distraction and Naomi is thankful, because his owner currently sucks.
Naomi has dealt with a lot of Ethan’s moods before: upset, defeated, angry, happy, the works. But she’s never had his ire directed at her before. They’re in this mess because of her, and it’s a tricky space to occupy. It’s not fun.
“As much as I love reading, if I look at another word, I think my brain might melt,” June says, breaking the tense silence. She stifles a yawn.
“I’ve tapped out for the night as well,” Baz adds. “I’ve looked up every possible kidney and bladder disease and disorder known to mankind. I’m on sensory overload. I think it’s time I go home.”
Ethan looks up from his laptop. He knows his team is probably exhausted. He can’t believe they’ve actually stayed over this long. “Well, thank you for staying. Go home, get some rest, I’ll see you at the hospital.”
June and Baz gather their belongings and all of the study material they brought along with them, returning Ethan’s living room to its original tidy state. Muttering goodbyes, the two of them exit the apartment. 
And then there were two. Naomi ignores the tension, ignoring the fact that they haven’t been alone together in over a week. Instead, she buries her face in her book, trying to focus on the words.
Ethan doesn’t bother sparing Naomi another glance before asking, “You didn’t want to leave with them?”
“Why, are you about to go to bed?”
“Then, no.” She’s not going to stop now, and give him the satisfaction of thinking she’s given up for the night. Her stubbornness won’t allow it. “I don’t want to disrupt the process. I want this guy diagnosed and treated as badly as you do.”
Ethan scoffs. “I doubt it.”
Naomi has been giving as good as she gets when it comes to the passive aggressive snark, but it’s just exhausting at this point. She refuses to be his emotional punching bag any longer. She whips around in her seat. “God, is being a petulant little crybaby a second full-time job for you?”
That manages to get Ethan’s full attention. He levels a cool glare at the young resident, eyebrow raised in challenge. “You’ve gotten real comfortable calling me out of my name recently. Care to repeat that, Valentine?”
“You heard me loud and clear, Ramsey. You’re being a petulant little crybaby. You’ve been trying to pick a fight with me for the past 2 weeks. Look, I apologized, multiple times, for going behind your back or over your head, but I will not apologize for doing what I believe is right, not just for the team, but the hospital.”
“And you’re an insubordinate know-it-all!” Ethan shoots back. “You’re the type to touch the hot stove despite being repeatedly told not to because you think you’re a special snowflake who’s above getting burned. You lack foresight and analytical thought and self-preservation.”
Naomi recoils, having not expected Ethan to snap at her like that. “Excuse me?”
Jenner recognizes the change in tone between both adults. Not wanting to be caught in the crossfire, he moves from his spot on the couch and trots out of the living room, disappearing into the hallway.
“You thought this was going to be easy, that patients would just come flocking to us, but look at us, and everything would be perfect. We’re part of some social media...something or another’s video diary, we’re competing with a subpar hospital for patients despite being better than them, wasting time and resources because he wants to treat this like a reality show contest, and who knows what’s next, because you’ve opened Pandora’s box. We’re whoring ourselves out to the highest bidder, and the integrity and core foundation of this team has been compromised. So please spare me the martyr act, Naomi, and while you’re at it, please remember that I’m still your boss the next time you want to spout off at the mouth.”
Naomi’s hands are shaking, and she can practically feel the anger boiling in her blood. The nerve of this man. She stands up, ignoring the heavy book that fall out of her lap and onto the floor as she does so. She charges over to him, and sizes him up. Ethan’s almost a foot taller than her, but Naomi doesn’t care about the height disparity. She tilts her head back so she can look him in the eye.
“I’m not a martyr, but you’re a self righteous hypocrite. You’ve been pouting and waxing poetic about Naveen’s mission when you were the first one to mess with his legacy.”
Ethan’s nostrils flare at the accusation. “Excuse me?”
“Last year, you got into bed with Declan Nash and big pharma, compromising your own shaky moral code in order to save the life of one person. I’m trying to keep the team around in order to save a lot more people than just Naveen!”
“That was different!” Ethan argues. It doesn’t even feel right coming out of his mouth, but they’re far too deep in the argument for him to do anything besides dig his toes in.
“The only difference is you were the one in control then. But because it is my idea, you’re rejecting it. You’re being completely unreasonable here, Ethan. We’re standing in the middle of a sinking ship. Edenbrook is in trouble. My friends and I didn’t get our new salaries upon becoming residents, there’s talk of them shutting down the free clinic, and they’ll be coming after our team next. Who knows, maybe they’ll decide that mental health isn’t important and the entire psychiatric department should go. And then the nurses. And then they’ll start ordering less and less supplies, just to stay above water. And maybe you don’t care, because you’re Ethan Ramsey, you’re so wealthy that you only get a one dollar salary from the hospital, you’re established, your livelihood isn’t on the line, and I’m sure any hospital in the world would kill to employ you, but the rest of us? The little guys? We don’t have that option, so again, if you’re looking for me to kiss your ass and grovel because I made an executive decision, you’re going to be looking for a mighty long time.”
Ethan studies her, his gaze coolly fixated on her as she rants because he’s waiting for the second she stops talking, so he can jump back into his own argument. He realizes that it’s not an effective way to debate, and he falters slightly.
“What’s wrong?” Naomi goads, her voice taking on a singsong tone. She’s embroiled in the fight now. “Cat got your tongue?”
In his 37 years of living, Ethan can confidently say Naomi Valentine is the most infuriating woman he’s ever met. A stubborn, impulsive, hot-head with a smart mouth. 
And fuck, he’s made a mistake.
Her mouth. Now his gaze is fixated on it, her full lips that she’s repeatedly bitten down on during this argument, the tackiness of her lip gloss, the way her tongue darts in and out.
Their argument is now the furthest thing from his mind, and he’s actually annoyed by it. What is it about this…woman that completely bewitches him? He wants to argue, not be transfixed on how pretty she is. She doesn’t even have to do anything and he’s under her spell again. 
A sharp jab in the middle of his chest pulls Ethan back to reality. He looks down and realizes that Naomi poked him in the chest, out of anger or to get his attention, he’s not sure.
“Hey!” The fact that he’s ignoring her only makes her more incensed. He started this fight, he doesn’t get the right to dissociate and shut down in the middle of it. “Have you listened to a word I just said?”
“No,” Ethan answers honestly. Naomi’s eyes darken at the response. He didn’t say that to piss her off further, but he won’t lie and say he doesn’t enjoy the sight.
He can tell she’s going to launch into another tirade, one that’s completely separate from their original issue, because that’s just how things are between them; they spiral before either of them knows what’s happening.
Before she can even fix her mouth to call him another name, his hand cups her jaw, tilting her head back, and he slants his mouth over hers, kissing her fiercely.
She gasps. This is the first time he’s ever caught her off guard and initiated a kiss. She’s usually the one to be in control.
All too quickly, Ethan pulls back, locking eyes with the young woman in front of him. She’s dazed, chest heaving and eyes glazed over.
“Did you do that to get me to stop talking?”
“No, I kissed you because I wanted to. But the fact that it got you to stop running your mouth is a personal bonus.”
Naomi huffs, but doesn’t say anything else. God, he could be such an asshole at times.
“I want to do it again,” he says, his voice barely above a whisper. His blue eyes pierce into her own, and it suddenly becomes hard to focus on anything other than him. “Can I?”
She doesn’t know why it’s so sexy, him asking for permission, but she feels the butterflies in her stomach rumble at the question. She’s barely able to nod her head before Ethan launches himself at her, sending her flying back into the kitchen counter.
It’s so different from any other kisses they’ve shared. This one she can feel all the way down in her toes. His tongue darts out, gliding against her bottom lip and demanding access to her mouth, which she eagerly grants him.
Everything about him invades her senses: the feel of his calloused hands touching her jaw, the scratch of his beard against her face, the smell of his cologne (something by Gucci that she’s been yet to narrow down), his taste (she can still taste the wine on him, even though he drank it earlier), his sounds (the little groans that only she’s privy to, always gravelly and smooth, that make her knees buckle). It all culminates into this one man that is so all-consuming, it makes her lose her mind.
The kisses become shorter, more teasing, allowing Naomi the opportunity to actually breathe. He leaves kisses along her jaw and neck, making her whimper.
Ethan wraps an arm around Naomi’s waist and spins them, pushing her against the wall. She winces upon contact. “Warn a girl next time.”
“You want to know what’s been on my mind recently?” Ethan asks, nipping at Naomi’s earlobe.
His hands find purchase underneath the grey Henley she’s wearing and he lifts it up. Her stomach clenches under his touch and it’s maddening just how responsive she is to him. “I haven’t been able to get the sight of you out of my mind since I came to pick you up from your apartment the other day.” With trembling fingers, Naomi helps him remove the shirt, and it’s tossed somewhere behind them.
She’s not wearing the grey bra he saw the other day, this one is a soft pink, and he groans at how it contrasts against her skin. There isn’t a color that doesn’t look good on her. “I stood there…” he only pauses to place opened mouthed kisses on her collarbone. “...like a floundering idiot…” this time he kisses slightly lower, earning a sharp inhale from Naomi. The noise does nothing to soothe the erection straining in his jeans. “...while you decided to tease me.”
“You’re the one who decided to stay,” Naomi shoots back with a shrug. “So I had to put on a little show.” He hums in agreement. His tongue darts out, flattening over her lace covered nipple. “Fuck, just take it off!”
“You still have no patience,” Ethan observes. He yanks at the material, until he hears a loud tear.
“That’s La Perla!”
Ethan blinks, struggling to find the significance in that statement. Was it supposed to mean something to him? “Okay?”
“It was expensive, you jerk!”
“I’ll buy you 10 more,” he replies with a shrug before resuming his previous activity, pulling one of her nipples between his lips, sucking lightly. Naomi’s breath comes out in quick bursts, and it’s becoming harder for her to stay grounded to reality. She reaches out, wanting to touch him, but he intercepts, catching her wrist. “Hands to yourself, Valentine.”
Ethan’s fingers make work of the button holding her jeans together, and he drags down the zipper. He yanks at her jeans with the same care he afforded her shirt and bra, tugging them down until they pool at her feet. Naomi does the rest of the work, hopping around until the pants are fully off.
“You and the thin scraps you call underwear, have been driving me insane all week,” Ethan confesses. “The other day when I came to pick you up, part of me was so mad at you because of your blatant defiance, but the other part of me wanted to push you onto that bed, and do very, very inappropriate things to you.”
The wetness that floods her panties is overwhelming. She clenches her thighs together in hopes of alleviating some of the tension, but it doesn’t help. Figuring out a new strategy, she wraps a leg around his waist, pulling him flush to her. She rolls her hips, grinding into him. The growl that escapes his lips only fuels her and strokes her ego. “You should’ve.”
Ethan kisses her again, reveling in the needy way Naomi claws at him. Her fingers are desperate, fingering into his t-shirt, twisting at the fabric. He’s unsure if she wants to take it off, or if she’s impatient enough to say ‘fuck it,’ and just rip it.
Whatever the case, he doesn’t let her continue. Grabbing both of her hands, he forces them on either side of her. “You really do have a problem with listening. No. Touching.”
The gruffness in his voice sends a shiver down her spine, but whatever rebellious side of her that wants to challenge the command is squelched with one look into his eyes. She can tell he means business and now isn’t the time to challenge his authority.
With restraint she didn’t know she had, Naomi places her palms on the hall behind her, and she stays as still as she can.
“Good girl.” Ethan smirks and drops her hands. He untangles himself from her and steps back an inch to admire his work. “You followed directions for once.”
Whatever smart aleck reply that was about to fly from her mouth is stifled by Ethan pulling her soaked underwear down and slipping two digits past her folds. The noise she lets out is a mixture of a high pitched yelp and a strangled moan, something that threatens to choke her.
The pace he sets is random and uneven, never giving Naomi a chance to settle into a rhythm, and she wonders if this is his way of punishing her, keeping her keyed up and writhing on him for what feels like eternity, trapped in her own form of purgatory.
She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth, and bucks her hips wildly into his hand, trying to keep pace with him.
“Stop doing that,” Ethan demands, using his free hand to pull her lip out of her mouth. “I want to hear you, Rookie.”
Something about the use of her former nickname makes her moan, and it doesn’t go unnoticed by Ethan.
“You like the nickname,” he states. “It’s funny, you know.  You take every opportunity to defy me, argue with me, and push my buttons, yet you get off on me controlling you.”
She can’t focus. He’s too close, it feels too good, and her brain can’t function properly under these conditions. He presses forward, the heel of his palm pressing into her clit, earning a hiss.
“Admit it.”
At this point Naomi would admit to committing armed robbery if it meant he’d keep doing this. She nods frantically. “Yes, Doctor.” He groans at the use of his title, and he pumps harder, curling his fingers inside of her. 
Naomi stands on tiptoes and desperately claws at the wall behind her. “Fuck Ethan, please!”
“Please, what? What do you want?” His lips find her neck again, and he sucks on her pulse point, only making things more hazy. “Use your words, Rookie.”
She wants a lot of things. She wants to cry out, she wants to dig her nails into his back until she draws blood, she wants him to keep talking her through this, his gruff voice in her ear as she shatters around him.
Unfortunately, Naomi cannot form a coherent sentence to save her life. She just rolls her hips, shamelessly grinding herself into his hand. “I...I…” The pleasure mounts, building in the pit of her stomach, spreading out. She’s so close, she can almost taste it. 
“Do you want to cum for me?”
“Yes! Yes, yes, please, I want–” Ethan rewards her for her honesty and his thumb drags into her clit and he rubs the sensitive nub in tight, quick circles. That’s all it takes, and she orgasms with a strangled cry and she’s thankful Ethan is right here because he holds her upright as her legs momentarily give out.
When Naomi regains the ability to stand on her own, Ethan lets go and slowly removes his fingers. Moving fast, Naomi grabs his hand, and without breaking eye contact with him, she slides the two digits into her mouth, licking them clean.
Ethan’s next breath is a shaky gasp that leaves his lung far too quickly. “Fuck, Rookie.”
“Why don’t we move this to the bedroom?” Naomi suggests, releasing his fingers with a loud pop.
Ethan shakes his head. “No.”
He registers the confusion on her face, but Ethan doesn’t give her a chance to respond. He grabs her by the waist and kisses her again, walking them towards the living room. He only breaks the kiss to pull his t-shirt over his head, and it joins the growing pile of discarded clothing scattered around. Naomi helps him speed the process along, getting rid of his belt and popping the button on his jeans. Her fingers hook into the belt loops of the pants and she pulls them down.
Before she can do anything else, Ethan stops her wandering hands. “Wait, wait.”
“Wait for what?”
Ethan knocks his forehead against hers and he sighs deeply. “Naomi, if you don’t want to do this, please stop me now.”
She thinks it’s cute that he’s giving her an out, but she doesn’t need it. Her fingers slip past the waistband of his soft cotton boxers, a warm dainty hand wrapping around him.
Ethan shudders as a warmth spreads through him at the touch of her hand, and he mentally curses himself. He pushes her hand away.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“I’m not cumming into your hand.” Ethan spins Naomi around and bends her over the arm of his couch. 
While it’s not the desk in his office, Naomi won’t complain. She feels one of his calloused hands trace the length of her spine and her eyes flutter shut in anticipation.
No patience left, Ethan tugs down his underwear, letting the material pool at his ankles. Without another word, he lines herself up at Naomi’s entrance and thrusts into her all at once. He groans at the sensation.
Naomi has never been more thankful for couch cushions, as they muffle the scream that escapes her.
“Fuck, Naomi.” He digs his fingers into her hips before pulling out and slamming back into her. He doesn’t give her any time to adjust, but she doesn’t mind. They both know patience isn’t her forte. “You’re...so...tight.” His words are punctuated by sharp thrusts that threaten to steal the air straight from her lungs.
He leans forward slacking against her, but Naomi welcomes the weight. His beard scrapes against her shoulder blade, his breath warm against her ear, his fingers which are no doubt going to leave a bruise, all of it makes her dizzy, and god, this isn’t going to last much longer.
His thrusts become sloppier, more frenzied as the pleasure mounts, his blood boiling in his veins like molten lava. The only thing he can hear is the sound of the skin slapping, and his ragged breaths.
“Are you close?” He asks. But Naomi can’t think, let alone actually speak words, even if something monosyllabic would suffice. Why does he keep trying to make her speak? Her head drops with a thud and she mumbles something incoherent.
“For someone who had so much shit to talk earlier, you’re mighty silent.” Letting go of her hip, Ethan tangles a hand in her hair, yanking it back so she can’t hide her face in the cushions anymore. His other hand reaches around and he rolls her clit with his middle finger. Still way too sensitive from her last orgasm, she thrusts back, clawing at the couch with her nails, but he holds her in place, refusing to let her move.
“Ethan, fuck, don’t stop!” The words fly out all at once, shaky, fast and jumbled, but it’s all Ethan needs. 
With a burst of energy he didn't know he possessed, he drives into her, plunging deeper. “Cum for me, Rookie.”
Naomi screams. Loudly, and she’s sure his neighbors might be very annoyed, but she doesn’t care. Everything goes white behind her eyes as he all but pushes her over the edge. She clenches around him and Ethan hisses as she’s holding him in a vice-like grip. A few quick thrusts later, and he’s joining her in ecstasy, spilling inside of her. The hand holding her hair tightens for a second, then relaxes.
She’s pretty sure she blacked out for some period of time because when Naomi is finally able to focus, they’re no longer obscenely bent over the arm of Ethan’s couch. They’re on the floor, in the cramped space between the couch and the coffee table. 
She’s hot and sticky and absolutely exhausted. She places her hand over her heart, willing it to stop beating so erratically. Stealing a glance, Naomi peers up and looks at Ethan. He looks as disheveled as she feels, his hair tousled, lips swollen, chest and neck flushed red.
Her voice is horse and completely shot to hell when she finally speaks, “If that’s how our fights are going to play out from now on, I’ll let you pick more fights with you. And I’m a Cancer, we’re stubborn people.”
“I think we can find a happy medium somewhere.”
Naomi rolls over, until she’s nestled into his side and her head is on his chest. She can feel his heart beating rhythmically under her cheek. “Are we still fighting?”
“Are you still mad at me?” He doesn’t answer the question right away, and a sense of dread fills her.
“I was never really mad at you,” Ethan admits after a long bout of silence. “I’m just mad at the entire situation. I’m mad at the budget cuts, I’m mad at our country’s healthcare system, I’m annoyed with your inability to listen to me. I’m mad at Leland Bloom’s obscene wealth and the fact that he gets to dangle his money in our faces like we’re horses waiting for carrots.”
“You made the right call, Naomi,” he continues. “But it’s a call you shouldn’t have been forced to make in the first place. I’m sorry for making you carry the brunt of my misplaced anger.”
“Apology accepted. And since we’re apologizing, I’m sorry for calling you a petulant little crybaby.”
Ethan chuckles. “Do you apologize for calling me a goddamn diva, as well? Don’t forget ‘entitled jackass’ and ‘spoiled child’.”
“You co-signed ‘spoiled child’ so I am not apologizing for it.”
“Fair point,” Ethan concedes.
Blindly searching with an outstretched hand, Naomi finds her cell phone and checks the time. She has to be at work in 2 hours, though she’d much rather get into Ethan’s bed and go to sleep.
“That happy medium that you mentioned? I think I have it figured out.”
Ethan raises an eyebrow, his interest piqued. “Oh, yeah?”
“First and foremost, I promise to never go over your head again, if you agree to do a trial run on whatever ideas I may come up with. You can’t shoot me down immediately.”
“I’m...willing to agree to that.”
“And once this all settles down and the hospital isn’t on the verge of complete financial collapse, maybe we can convince the board to only take on one or two billable patients a quarter.”
“That’s actually not a bad idea.” 
“Yeah, I tend to have those every once in a while,” Naomi teases.
Ethan stares at Naomi as she laughs at her own poor joke. Everything about her is an anomaly to him. She blew into his life a little over a year ago and here he is, willing to adapt his entire ethical code for her. And here they are, entangled together as if he didn’t spend 2 months on a different continent in order to get her out of his head. What is it about her that he can’t shake?
He gently cups her jaw and kisses her as if she’s a precious gem, like he didn’t just try to devour her. “What are you doing to me?”
Naomi smirks, recalling that it’s the same question he asked her in Miami. “Hopefully something good.”
He kisses her again. “Better than good actually.”
Realization washes over her that once she leaves this apartment, things are going to go back to being the way they were. He’ll go back to pushing her away. “So does this mean you want to have another reset?”
The question throws him off, but he soon understands what she means. “No.”
“No,” Ethan repeats. If there’s a happy medium to be found between his team and the board, maybe there’s one for him and Naomi.
She doesn’t allow herself to get swept up by his words, but instead she braces herself for the chance that he pulls the rug from under her feet. “Well, what does that mean?”
“It means you and I are going to take a shower together, go to work, and we deal with our obnoxious patient. And after work, you’re going to put on something fancy because I’m taking you out to dinner. How does that sound, Dr. Valentine?”
Naomi can’t stop an annoying grin from spreading across her face. “I think it sounds pretty damn good, Dr. Ramsey.”
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voidstilesplease · 4 years
in another life
part one
"We have a bit of a situation," is what greets him when Stiles takes the call. Mason sounds winded on the other side. "Are you almost in town?"
His eyebrows shot up, "I'm perfectly well driving in the snow, Mason. Thank you for asking."
He rolls his eyes, "Thirty minutes tops. You guys are making me feel warm, huh." Stiles disconnects the call and almost regrets his decision to come home early for Christmas, but it's too late to turn back now.
He parks outside of Scott's house - the official pack headquarters even if Scott himself has not returned from college yet. He promises to arrive in four days while Lydia has scheduled a flight for next week. Malia is stuck with papers and can't fly until the 23rd. For now, Stiles is responsible for the pack until Scott returns - he resents that. He should've gone home first and changed into comfortable clothes, but Liam has rung him up, frantic, two more times after Mason's call. They won't tell what the problem is. Stiles figures if it were a life-and-death thing, they wouldn't delay information. They are vying for the drama is what's going on.
Melissa opens the front door and beams when she sees him. She opens her arms wide for a hug, "Hey! Looking good, Stiles. FBI been taking care of you?"
Before he can reply, Liam appears from behind Melissa. "Stiles!" his face looks so harried, splotches of red appearing. "Sorry to interrupt, but you really have to see this."
Liam hurries back without checking if Stiles follows, but he scrambles after him with an apologetic smile to Melissa. The beta leads him upstairs to Scott's old room. From the hallway, Stiles can already hear two voices talking, sifting out of the open door.
"No, you look. I don't know why you guys took me here or why you seem so wary about me. But, Jesus Christ, for the hundredth time, I don't know you."
Stiles frowns, confused. One of the voices belong to Mason, the other-
He stops short by the doorframe, startled at the unexpected sight of Theo Raeken sitting by the foot of Scott's bed. 
They haven't seen the guy since Gerard's plan to start a war between the supernaturals in Beacon Hills and the residents -and the subsequent flop. He left town less than a month after Tamora Monroe and her hunter lackey's escaped. They haven't heard from him since, and that had been two years ago.
Theo looks almost the same when Stiles last saw him. His hair is long, fringe falling to his eyes, and he has the same stocky build. His face scrunches in annoyance and impatience, and that's also not new. The only difference probably is his five o'clock shadow, reminding Stiles that he has also grown since then. He has always been clean-shaven.
Theo catches sight of Stiles by the doorway and his expression shifts to that of relief. "Oh, thank god, Stiles." He gets to his feet and crosses their small distance in two strides. Without preamble, Theo takes Stiles into his arms, clutching him firmly, as he buries his face in Stiles's neck.
Stiles is too stunned to push him away -and he should because there could be a dagger poised to pierce his guts any second now- but even Liam and Mason freeze in their spots. Liam snaps from his daze, and his eyes begin to glow yellow in a warning. Theo leans back and takes Stiles's face between his hands, ignoring the low growl coming from Liam. What's even more baffling is that he smiles. Theo Raeken smiles - not smirks, or frowns, or grimaces, but smiles. "You're here."
Mason finds his voice, "Wait. I thought you had amnesia and didn't know any of us?"
Liam retracts his claws and fangs when Theo turns back to them, seemingly unarmed. The beta scoffs, watching the way the chimera presses himself close to Stiles. For his part, Stiles is still recovering from the onslaught of uncharacteristic behavior from Theo and his blatant cluelessness of what's going on. It looks like the snow has given Stiles brain freeze from the long drive because he's only gawking instead of asking questions. The FBI should not hear about this. 
"Of course, he forgets all of us, but not Stiles," Liam crosses his arms, a little bit of condescension dripping in his tone. "The ghost riders took him and basically erased him from existence, and Theo still remembered him, anyway."
Theo looks lost, trying to follow Liam's words, "Why wouldn't I remember Stiles?"
"Hm," Liam curls his lips. "Those were even your exact words before."
"Okay," Stiles says, having enough of this. He steps away from Theo, raising both his hands in a gesture of stop. He fixes his gaze between Liam and Mason. "What is going on?"
"I've been trying to ask the same thing," Theo interjects, scowling at Mason and Liam. "But they hardly speak to me and refuse to let me go."
Liam exhales, sounding exasperated. "He woke up in the hospital," he starts, ignoring Theo. "making a scene, insisting he shouldn't be in California, and that he was just in New York seconds ago."
"Liam's dad recognized him," Mason offers. "So he told Melissa who called us. Then, we collected Theo and brought him here."
Liam shakes his head, eyes on Theo. "But he keeps saying he doesn't know us, or even Scott."
"I don't," Theo steps forward again and tugs at Stiles's clothed arm. "Let's just leave, babe-"
Stiles promptly plants his feet to the floor and halts Theo, blinking rapidly. "Wait, wait, wait," he withdraws his arms and puts his hands in between them to establish distance. Theo has been evading Stiles's personal space like friends would, but Stiles draws the line at endearments. They're not friends, and he isn't a babe. "What did you call me?"
Theo frowns at him, a hurt look crossing his features. "Babe," he answers like it's not a questionable thing at all. "I called you babe."
"Wow," Liam scoffs, blinking in disbelief. "Not only are you amnesiac. You've also apparently gone mad."
Theo turns to Liam, getting a more violent shade of red in the face. He would've stepped towards him in a challenge had Stiles not intercepted him with a hand to his chest. Stiles is surprised that Theo even concedes. There's only a slight force in his touch that a chimera with superstrength like Theo can strike with no problem.
"I'll tell you what's crazy," Theo grounds his teeth, nose flaring at Liam. "I don't know what the fuck is going on or who the hell you two are. I don't know how I'm here. Some kind of-" he delays, struggling, and then spits out, "magic plucked me from New York, and put me on the other side of the goddamn State. I thought I was dreaming, but the nurses keep claiming to sedate me." his hands gesture back and forth at the two. "Then you strangers keep coming at me, saying my name like we knew each other, telling me I live in a car - I don't, okay? I have a fucking apartment in Manhattan. I live with my boyfriend, and Stiles and I were having a stupid snow fight when I lost consciousness and woke up in that damn hospital. That's what crazy is!"
Silence follows Theo's outburst. Stiles can feel Liam and Mason's eyes -and even Melissa's from where she's standing outside the room- on him. He only gapes at Theo's flushed face and heaving chest.
"Did you just call me your boyfriend?"
Theo transfers his eyes on him, looking gutted. "Of course, I did." His expression quickly morphs to worry, "Has something happened to you, too?" then his face falls in dread when he asks, realizing the situation. "You don't remember me?"
It sounds like Theo’s remembering the wrong things, but Stiles's only response is to stare. What's happening is too bizarre for his exhausted mind to process. He's glad that there's no maiming involved with this little reunion with an old nemesis, but he doesn't know what to do with all the touching and intent looking and the sudden selective amnesia.
Theo looks crestfallen for an awkward while before his face lights up again. "We have to call Tara. She-"
"Tara?" Stiles echoes loudly, rearing back and cutting him off in shock. "Your sister?"
He beams, nodding his head. "Good. You remember her. That's progress, I think."
Stiles blurts out before he can think to stop himself, "You think she's alive?"
Theo pauses. His smile slowly flattens out, until he frowns, eyes reflecting a little bit of alarm at the crass question. "Why wouldn't she be?"
And yeah, Stiles doesn't have enough brain cells to start explaining that.
Theo's confusion has to straighten out as soon as possible.
title from: The One That Got Away by Katy Perry
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princessofgayskull · 4 years
somehow I’ll still love you more (kitra fic sneak peak)
so this is a scene from my upcoming fic somehow I’ll still love you more, which at is core is going to be a kitra/baby fic. However, there’s a lot I want to say about this (you know me, can’t keep that word count down) so this fic will be nothing if not a full course meal.
The fic is told in a nonlinear fashion. This particular scene I wanted to share with you guys because I believe it touches on a lot of what the fic is going to be about. It’s set between the episodes White Out and Light Spinner in Season 2. Enjoy! (this has not been beta’d yet)
“Hmm- huh?”
“Stop doing that.”
“Stop doing what?”
Pulling up the hand brake, Catra stopped the speeder in its tracks before whirling around, her left eye twitching like the movement was the only thing keeping her eyeball in place. “That- that thing you’re doing with your mouth. That noise you’re making under your breath.”
“Singing?” Scorpia raised an eyebrow. 
“You call that singing?” Catra scoffed at her inferior. Look, Catra got that growing up in the Horde meant there weren’t any private music lessons (even if that was in Shadow Weaver’s job description she’d just relegate that responsibility off to some tone deaf Force Captain so she’d have more time to make Catra’s life a living hell and dote on Adora on the side) that all those half-witted princesses definitely got growing up, but it was like Scorpia was trying for the same sound her pincers made when she dragged them down slabs of concrete. 
Catra’s hand squeezed the brake handle until the pressure hurt the bones in her hand, her left eye still twitching. It was like Scorpia was trying to tank Catra’s recent promotion as Hordak’s second in command by being as annoying as she could on purpose. But who wasn’t trying to derail all of Catra’s hard earned progress these days?
“Oh um, I could stop. If you want.” Scorpia muttered, her face falling into an expression that gave Catra the urge to both scream, puke, cry, and beg for forgiveness at the same time. And lately, every action, every word, every little breath that any took in her direct vicinity set off a domino effect of violent emotions in Catra, every single one too enormous and too consuming for her body. 
Good thing Catra didn’t have time for any of that. 
“Just-” Catra’s breath faltered when Scorpia refused to look at her (what? Now she was the bad guy just because she needed focus or Hordak would have her sent to Beast Island? Or worse?!), “- just don’t do it right now, okay?”
This earned Catra an enthusiastic nod, and she was too fucking tired to do anything but figure that was going to have to do, given the time crunch, and not mention, the insane amount of pressure she was running under. Clicking the brake, Catra pushed the handle down, fucking ecstatic to be driving the speeder the rest of the way in peace and quiet. Finally. Scorpia didn’t say another word, didn’t make another noise, until Catra was pulling up to the edge of Dawn’s Pass and activating the brake again.
That was good enough for Catra.
Just as Catra moved up to the edge to take a watchful stance of the town, Scorpia opened her big mouth. “Uh, boss? Not that I don’t love these recon missions with you lately, but I gotta ask: why are we staking out this village again? The Horde’s occupied this place for the last twelve years, and this isn’t exactly what I pictured when you said we were going to start hanging out over work? I mean, unless Dawn’s Pass has a mean bowling alley. Does- does it?”
“No,” Catra’s tail twitched in irritation. 
A cadet, waving his baton in a steady motions, stood at the broad brick wall that blocked off the town as his shift replacement approached from the west, whistling a tune through their helmet so ear shattering it put Scorpia’s new little song to shame. Keeping her eyes trained on the two of them, Catra braced herself for the metallic scent of magic to hit her nose. There was the quick swish of her claws unsheathing, and then, a pregnant silence. 
If they’re going to strike, Sparkles and Rainbow and- and Adora, or any of the other dopey Princesses- are going to strike now.
But Catra watched unfold was a typical exchange between Horde Cadets: a simple salute, a complaint about standing for ten hours, and a wish for good luck during the dull, boring night shift. No Princesses. No magic. No threats anywhere in sight.
Nothing. Just like Dawn’s Pass went from being a primary target to just another boring occupied village and Catra’s paranoia had wasted another night. Grimacing, her claws digging into her forehead, Catra actually found herself hoping Hordak would be too busy wasting pleasantry on the Princess who sat at (or on it, literally, because Entrapta just thought she was the shit and that she could waltz into any room) his throne to speak with her tonight. Her lengthy string of failures was getting harder and harder to choke her way through excusing.
“So um,” Scorpia started up again, sending Catra’s ears laying flat up against her head. She exhaled a hot and irritated sigh, but the Horde’s hostage/princess stayed true to her inability to take a fucking hint, “when you said we were going to start hanging out after we came back with all that tech from the the Northern Reach, I just- I just didn’t picture us, you know patrolling.”
An angry pulse ran up Catra’s back at the mention of their tech victory- Entrapta’s tech victory- back in that shitty winter wasteland she almost froze her tail off in. “Scorpia,” her voice was thin, “I told you a thousand times, I don’t have time. Just take what you’re given and try not to complain.”
Wow, did she just sound like Shadow Weaver right then. Whatever, Catra turned her head away from Scorpia, in no mood to deal with the fallout of seeing her sort-of-friend’s expression, maybe the Old Crone was right about some things in the end.
“Can I ask why we’re here? Like here, here? What makes a place with no bowling alley so interesting?” The second Scorpia let up, Catra let her forehead hit the rim of the speeder and didn’t even blink at the ringing pain. Ugh, Scorpia just never gave up. How many times did Catra have to ask for some damn silence so she could think? 
Running her claws down her face- again- Catra grunted, “Dawn’s Pass can’t fall into the hands’ of the Rebellion. If we lose it, or if they’re conspiring with the Princesses, we’re going to lose the Horde’s longest occupied village and we’ll be giving up the tactical advantage it gives us against that flower Princess’s kingdom.” And I will have another failure under my badge. If I lose another town, I can basically kiss my Force Captain badge goodbye. And maybe my life.
“Ohhhh…” Scorpia trailed off. At this point Catra was going to end up with a bitch of headache just from rolling her eyes at the other Force Captain. “Yeah, that makes sense. This’ll be fun! Patrolling the occupied territories with my bestie!”
Catra made a noise of disgust, but it wasn’t enough to stop Scorpia from pushing herself onto the front seat and almost pushing Catra out of it. Leaning the exoskeleton covered parts of her elbows onto the rim, Scorpia let out a contented sigh, her ditzy gaze trained on the town as Catra struggled- yipping and yelping to no end and scratching up the dinged up leather of the seat- to get her tail out from under the other woman’s butt. 
Do the words “personal space” just mean absolutely jackshit to her? Catra, gripping her freed tail, growled under her breath and turned away from Scorpia. The seat was practically hers now! Looks like kneeling on the floor would have to do! It’s like I’m wearing a sign on my forehead that reads “what’s mine is yours, including the air I breathe!” Ugh, of course Hordak doesn’t listen to me, nobody does! Not even Scorpia! Everyone is too busy with their own heads up their asses to see what I’m trying to accomplish, or to give me enough space to let me do it! And she wonders why I don’t wanna “hang out after work,” or whatever.
Maybe bringing Scorpia as her backup belonged up there with some of Catra’s worst ideas; not like she didn’t have a pretty impressive tab of those wracked up already. Whatever, the universe wasn’t exactly open to responding to any of Catra’s actions with anything other than another round of punishment, so it wasn’t like acting on her impulsive or emotional notions were really going to be her undoing. Not with Hordak out for her neck, her badge no longer wielding the protective force that came with having real authority. 
Catra was an idiot to think that power would’ve actually lasted her longer than a week, that now that she’d taken out Shadow Weaver and left her to her rotting self in a cell that there wouldn’t be another player on the board that could take her shield of Second in Command away from her. Well, that’s what she got for letting Entrapta into their vents. Helping them win the war or not, Horde or not, their resident techwhiz was still a Princess.
And princesses weren’t good for anything other than being annoyances that stood in Catra’s way.
“Are you seriously humming again, Scorpia?!” Catra yelped out, the volume of her voice loud enough to scare several birds from off the town’s wall. Her split eyes had been trained on the town as she crouched at the bottom of the speeder, the only entertainment the angry spiral echoing in her brain, tailing the action of a family and their wagon of sparse supplies as they approached the gate when the grating sound smacked her upside the head. The resulting intensity of her fury was almost enough to give Catra the strength to put her fist through the wall of the speeder.
Scorpia retreated into herself. “Sorry.”
Holding back a response, Catra just scoffed again and turned back to the previous subject of her attention. Watching one of the men of the family reach the gate and request entrance into his town was better than directing a full on meltdown at her inferior, kicking her out of the speeder, and forcing her to walk her way back to the Fright Zone. Catra wasn’t so far drowning her rage to something that idiotic, yet.
It was big yet. Catra knew that as she tried to shift her position, rolling her head on her shoulders and squeezing her fists, breathing only through her nostrils despite understanding that there was no sitting with an anger this encompassing. The feeling pushed and pushed and pushed at her physical walls until it was practically promising that Catra’s building fury would end one mesmerizing explosion, one that would take her, Scorpia, the family, the Horde Cadet, the entire town, all of it, out with a bang. 
Now if only Scorpia had the brains to know that when she started her singing up again.
Catra peeled her blue eye open. The sun was beginning to set, and it had bathed the surrounding forest in shades of soft pink and orange, a scene so painfully ordinary it meant they couldn’t be anywhere else other than reality. Underneath the shadow cast by the stone wall, Catra took in a breath as she watched the first man continue to negotiate his family’s entrance into their own town.
Okay, so she’d hadn’t blown them all to fiery simtheriens- not the speeder, not the wall, not the little girl watched over by another man stumbling barefoot in the grass, letting out happy babbles as she pulled out clumps of grass and started sticking them in her cloth diaper until her father got down on his knees just to get her to stop. Guess Catra could count that as victory that her emotions hadn’t ended in an explosion that ended a child, a baby. Catra figured that given the fact that each step the little girl took on those chubby little legs of hers was a leap of faith that she probably wasn’t even a year and a half old.
The other man, the one that had chosen to forgo the customary negotiation in favor of watching the little girl experiment with walking near their wagon, moved from his kneeling position to pick her up. Something about the way the villager held her with a grip firm enough to keep his child from falling, yet not with so much strength that he hurt left a series of psychosomatic bruises up and down Catra’s ribs. She watched as the man ran a hand bigger than his daughter’s entire head through her soft and downy mauve hair, careful to avoid the tiny stumps in her head that would eventually become long enough and pronounced enough to match the horns of her father’s head. Catra let out a breath she was holding just to suck in another.
“Dada!” Even from the faraway vantage of the speeder Catra’s ears still picked up on the sound of the little girl recognizing her father. Because the universe was both impartial and cruel. Right as Catra realized she had stuck one set of claws in her mouth and she was chewing on them- who was she?! Adora?! Out her biting her freaking nails ‘cause something had the nerve to make her uncomfortable?- the baby stuck her tiny, chubby little hand into her father’s bright orange beard and yanked without mercy.
Now that guy’s screams scared the rest of the birds away.
As the family’s head negotiator rushed away from the Horde Cadet to tend to his husband’s facial hair, their daughter laughing up a riot at their combined reactions, Scorpia leaned over to where Catra sat on the floor, her tail twitching back and forth. “Uh boss?” she started but Catra didn’t turn away, her hand clutched into the fabric that rested above her sternum and not on her Force Captain badge for once. “Should we do something about these guys?”
“Why? They’re not Princesses.” They’re just a normal family trying to get into the place they live, so they can take their daughter home and have a dinner together that’s not mush, and then tuck their daughter in, tell her bedtime stories, be there in the night in case she has nightmares and needs them.
The fathers joined in on their daughter’s laughter.
“Well, that is true.”
A new feeling crept up Catra’s spine, but this time around the discomfort didn’t bring to her the edge of explosion. Implosion, actually. It was the same heaviness that settled in her lungs and crawled up to her throat, a slow and destructive effective infection of Catra’s self, when Hordak shut down her ideas to let Entrapta speak. When the Princesses left a trail of glitter behind running, tripping over themselves to follow She Ra’s lead. When Shadow Weaver cupped Adora’s face and showed her with praise for the simplest fucking task. 
Yeah, Catra knew it made her the world’s biggest idiot to keep her eyes on the seemingly indifferent family and the happiness that radiated off them. She was aware of the damage she brought on herself by not turning away, the risk she ran by letting her emotions run her. So why couldn’t she look somewhere else, anywhere else?
“I can’t wait to be a mom.” Scorpia said out of nowhere. Ears flying straight up, Catra blinked before turning to gawk at her. 
“Wait, really?” A mom mom, as in a  person who takes care of and looks after her children? 
“Yeah, I mean, it’s something I’ve always wanted.” Scorpia shrugged, somehow rubbing her neck with those big pincers of hers. “Why, do you think that’s a bad idea?”
“Scorpia, we’re in the middle of a war,” and that was putting it bluntly, “Besides, Hordak doesn’t even allow fraternization between his soldiers, much less-” her sputtering stops, Catra’s brain still tripping over the word fraternization, “having a family!”
“Well, we’re not going to be at war for the rest of our lives, Catra. Once we get the rebellion to surrender, I kinda wanted to set down roots, do something other than be a Force Captain, not that I don’t love doing that. I’m sure Hordak will loosen up about the whole fraternization thing as soon as we win! I mean, you’ve seen how he was with Entrapta!”
At her words, Catra came close to all out hurling over the speeder’s edge. It was crappy enough of Scorpia to bring up how Entrapta and Hordak were getting closer every day and shoving Catra out of the position she worked her ass off for, but then she had to go and frame it like that? 
Look, Catra got that Entrapta wasn’t the most socially aware princess, but yikes. That didn’t mean she didn’t have some sort of standard.
“What about you, Catra?” Scorpia continued, “What do you- um, what do you see yourself doing after the war?”
Catra met Scorpia’s eyes, only to regret it. “I- I-” she stuttered, looking away and forcing her eyes closed. Pfft, after the war? After the war? How the hell was Catra supposed to picture an after when her entire life, her entire purpose, every goal she’d ever had, was only because there was a war to begin with? 
The Horde conquers the rest of the planet, sends the Princesses running, puts She Ra in the ground, and what, Catra was just supposed to have a plan for after that? What… what was Catra supposed to do when they did win, when the Horde pulled off everything she worked for?
Even though she was expecting to find an emptiness, a blank space, a new start for the after the war when she tried imagining it, all Catra could picture was blonde hair tied up in a tight ponytail, melodic laughter accented by brief snorts ringing in her, the bluest eyes cutting through the longing. The same longing that plagued Catra when she forced her eyes open and saw the two fathers talking to their daughter in gentle yet bright voices, explaining to her that the soldiers had processed their papers and they could go home now.
“I don’t know.” was Catra’s quiet response. 
There wasn’t any promise Hordak would keep her alive that long anyway, or if there would be anything left to live for by the time Catra got Adora down her knees and ended it all- by giving into that implosion that lived deep down in her core, letting it rip right through her and seeing to it that her love for Adora severed the universe in two, creating black hole that would suck them all in eventually- right then and there. Like it always promised to.
A part of Catra tried to push beyond that implosion, tried to picture the future Scorpia envisioned in her mind of setting down roots and birthing legacies. Was there a part of her, beyond the pain and the brokenness, that wanted what Scorpia wanted, too?
Watching that family tonight had been the only part of her mission that hadn’t felt the same as downing a vat of acid down her throat. And as hell bent as Catra was on obliterating any princess that dared to mess with this town’s occupation, there was no animosity in her heart towards that little girl.
She was kinda cute, in the mischievous, funny kind of way. And almost fun- for a baby, that is.
But when Catra closed her eyes once more to picture that little girl and her happy, innocent smile, all that was waiting for her was the image of a shriveled shadow, locked and rotting away back in the Fright Zone.  
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austarus · 5 years
Harry Wells x Reader Crisis of Infinite Wells (Part 1 of 5)
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**A/N: The picture/edit/gif does not belong to me. It belongs to @moonymartell​.
Word Count: 2177   
 Part 2    Part 3    Part 4    Part 5
***After finally getting caught up this week, I just have to say it’s been a roller-coaster of feels that I’ve been riding from the beginning all the way to episode 15. I refuse to believe we can’t get Harry back! Or that the multiverse is gone! And… I’ll just let my fic speak for what’s been on my mind for the past couple days. Hopefully, the writers are going to treat Harrison Wells kindly and stop breaking our hearts every so often. Tired of it and how they write off certain things with no legit explanation or just being plain forgetful. Sorry about the little rant, but this needed to be down. Comment down below if ya’ll think the content makes sense and if I should be a CW writer lol! Also please remember to reblog fics, that way more people able to see them and it gives us support too!! We are also content creators!
You fidgeted with your hands, playing with the ring on your finger. You were leaning back against the monitor close to the center of the cortex that had faced the main monitors. You nibbled on your bottom lip every so often as you waited for everyone to show up. Your brain mulled through what’s logically left, the crazy theory you had come up with in the middle of the night as your mind oddly recounted moments with team flash through the years. I really hope they don’t think I’m insane for this. You attempted to calm your nerves, and it worked for a few moments, but it only spiked when several sounds of footsteps made their way to your ears. Looking up, you gave everyone a smile as they shuffled into the Cortex.
“Hey,” you made a little wave gesture to everyone. You took in a little breath.
“Hey, we got your call. Did something happen?” Barry furrowed his eyebrows in question as he walked in. Standing with his hands in his pockets, the Scarlet Speedster stood beside Iris, who automatically took her place at the main monitor.
“Is it about Eva?” Iris asked right after Barry, running her hands on the desk. Cisco took the spot beside Iris, chewing on a Twizzler with a bag in hand, Kamila stole one from him when he wasn’t looking.  Ralph strolled in with Frost, he probably was giving her another life guidance lesson earlier, who only raised his eyebrows when Nash strode in after everyone.
You opened your mouth to answer, but got cut off by Ralph, “You invited Indiana too?”
“I’m as clueless as you are, for once, stretchy,” Nash piqued up, rolls his eyes at the Elongated Man. All eyes were back on you.
“I’m calling a Flash meeting and no, nothing happened. Nothing about Eva either. But…” You licked your lips and pocketed your hands into your jeans. “I, for some reason, came up with this crazy idea and I don’t know if it’s going to work.” You pushed off the monitor and walked around to stand behind it, as if hoping it can be a little barrier. “But maybe if I run it through you guys it’ll make some sense because something’s not right.”
“No kidding,” Cisco inserted with a little scoff, but you knew he didn’t mean to be rude, “ever since post-Crisis, nothing’s been right.” He made eye contact with Nash, who only gave him a look and crossed his arms. “No offence, Indy.”
“Stop calling me that!” Nash protested.
“Guys,” Barry caught Cisco and Nash’s attention, shaking his head at them. “Let her finish.” The speedster turned back to you, “Please.”
Taking in another breath, you crossed your arms and glanced down, collecting your thoughts before looking back up at them. Each and every one of them. They can tell you’re nervous and honestly, yes, the silence is killing you momentarily. But it’s now or never.
“I think,” you started, “I know how to bring the boys back.”
“The… boys?” Cisco asked. Barry tilted his head while Iris looked interested yet confused.
“Very specific,” Frost did not look amused. Ralph did that little confused nose crinkle. “Not gonna lie, but all the boys are here. In this room. Unless you’re talking about the Backstreet Boys, in which case I would understand.”Everyone looked back at Frost, “What? Their songs are good.”
“I’m talking about Harry.” The atmosphere in the room suddenly shifted, all attention back to you. Your eyes weaved from each of them, gauging their reactions, especially Nash’s. “Sherloque. All the other Wells. Don’t you- Don’t you guys feel that something’s off?”
“(Y/N), listen-”
“No, Barry, please let me finish. Let me explain.” You licked your lips. “Don’t you guys find it weird that Nash is the only one with all his doppelganger’s psyches in his mind? We have doppelgangers too. Why isn’t Echo in Cisco’s head? Earth 2 Barry and Iris in our Barry and Iris’ heads? How come it’s just Nash?”
None of them could answer you. Nash, himself looked lost, but had glanced off to the side.
“Even Eobard was in his head and he wasn’t a Wells, just in a Wells’ body- Besides the point- No, I think this is a clue,” You continued with determination laced onto your features, standing up straight and exuding confidence. “A clue that The Monitor left behind. For us. A clue that can help us find all the earths, all our friends. And this is where my theoretical, but probably not, theory comes in. Iris, you’ve seen Eva control the Mirror Dimension, her “Mirror World” as we call it. Kamila experienced it firsthand.” Both ladies nodded in agreement. “What if all the other earths are hidden in dimensions like the Mirror Dimension? Scattered in different parts of the city, maybe even throughout all of earth. What if Jesse and Harry and Jay are just hidden in a pocket dimension? Yes, post-Crisis erased the possibility of the multi-verse existing, but that doesn’t include multi-dimensions.”
Cisco’s eyes lit up, walking around the main computer monitor and a bit closer to the center of the Cortex. “You’re talking about-”
“Dimensional Manipulation,” You and Cisco said simultaneously. A smile crossed your lips as you saw the gears in his head turning. Barry’s eyes also light up, his speedster brain in overdrive. Everyone else snuck peeks at each other, except Nash, who’s eyes only narrowed slightly.
“Like Edwin Gauss, Folded Man, the bus meta that DeVoe was after that could-”
“Open up dimensions and close them.” You finished with Barry. You let out a shaky breath, seeing realization dawn on all of them. You were beginning to feel giddy, things were making sense.
“Oh my god,” Iris whispered, running hand through her hair before resting it on her right arm. “But this is all theoretical, right?” She looked to Barry and Cisco before locking her gaze back onto you. “I mean we- we haven’t done anything involving dimensions?”
You shrugged your shoulders and walked a few steps towards the group, “We’ve done the impossible. Proven the theoretical, multiple times. Barry, you allowed your cells to quickly regenerate Ralph’s when you did a blood transfusion after Ramsey had attacked him. We have metas running around the city with theoretical powers, with our dashing hero in his red onesie-”
“-Hey, it’s not a onesie!-”
“-With superspeed. How many times are we going to let the word “theoretical” discourage us?” You pursed your lips. Barry nodded as you had spoken, everything making sense. Something is off. Frost and Cisco glanced at one another, agreeing that they’ve crossed the line of what’s possible and impossible before. “What’s once more Team Flash?” A smile played on your lips as you dared to say that.
Nash cleared his throat, your eyes locked onto his and you noticed a little glint within his blue irises. “So, you mean to tell me- tell us, that I can have my mind to myself again? The guys- I won’t have to see them or hear them?”
“I think so,” you folded your arms, “I know I’m just the team medic, but I really think I have a good idea on how to go about this. And what things to use- I just… I just wanted to run my theory by you guys. Especially Barry and Cisco, maybe we can tag Chester along to help. You three are the main tech guys here so…”
“What about me?” Nash raised an eyebrow at you along with a hand, to which he pointed to himself, and you inwardly cursed knowing that stubborn Wells trait was gonna show up anytime soon. “I can-”
“Are you requiring a bargain out of this too?” You smirked at him, jokingly. That shut the multiversal explorer up. You just looked at him as he let out a few words in a stutter. “You can help. One because if I told you not to, you were going to do it anyway.” Nash just sheepishly smiled and nodded to himself, because he knew he was anyway. “Two, you’re just as stubborn as all the other Wells men I’ve met. I just want you to not physically or mentally strain and/or harm yourself, doctor’s order.” Nash made a face knowing that statement followed with a “because”. “I’m not going to lie to you, I don’t if what we end up doing physically or mentally taxes your body, but I do have a backup plan since this is my area of general expertise.”
Nash seemed satisfied by your answer and smirked to himself, eyes looking off to the side before focusing back to you and the group. I wonder if Harry can hear me. Harry, I’m coming for you.
“Okay so,” Cisco started up, finishing a twizzler and walking over to stand beside you, “we’re going to find all these earths which could or could not be hidden in said pocket dimensions, yank out each Wells from Dusty’s head over here, meanwhile being able to catalog everything and being on the lookout for Eva and her two-face mirror clones. Do you have any idea how many earths there were? How many Wells there are in Nash’s head? Hell, how are we even going to manipulate dimensions-multiple dimensions-if we don’t have any leads?”
You snapped your fingers at him, “Well, here’s where the fun starts for our resident genius mechanical engineer.” Cisco smiled at your words. You walked around the main Cortex monitors, pulling up data and schematics, everyone crowds around you. “I’m thinking that there has to be some sort of fluctuation in this new world, whether it’s on the level of varying frequencies or on a subatomic-molecular level that’s distinct, but not too expansive that a person from Earth Prime can just find themselves in an alternate dimension.”
You took a drink of your water bottle as Cisco looked at the satellite schematics, nodding his head, “It’s possible, I may have to go over some algorithms and adjust them according to what we find. But nothing’s set in stone just yet until a trial is done.”
“What about hijacking Nash’s head?” Frost speaks up, pointing a thumb back to the geological myth-buster. “How are we going to do that?”
“Wait, back up. Does this mean that you guys are all on board with this?” You asked, taking a step back and looking at them all. You thought you’d have to do more to persuade them with everything going on.
“Well, yeah.” Barry shrugs, “It’s worth a shot and until we can find a legitimate reason not to, we can always try. Plus, no matter what happens, Harrison Wells is an essential part of the team. Especially Harry and Sherloque. So, what you got for us?”
You smiled widely to yourself, hope swelling inside your heart. “We’re going to need a couple of things that we’ve used the past couple of years. First, the MAD 2.0. I’m going to use that to enter Nash’s mind to find Harry and Sherloque, hopefully run this entire shebang all by them. A fresh set of eyes to see if there’s any holes we could fill.” Running a hand through you hair, you continued, “We’ve literally got a wells of information in Nash’s head, we could also use that to pinpoint how to get back at Eva.” Everyone, especially Iris and Kamila were more than satisfied by that idea. Eva’s Mirrorverse and Joseph’s Blackhole organization have been wreaking havoc since the post-Crisis events, harming more people than any other regular meta. “Second, we’re going to have to bring out the Mindscape device and Harry’s Cerebral Inhibitor. I think if we hook them up together, we’d be able to create a bridge from Nash’s mindscape to another Wells’.”
“But how are we going to separate them from my neural wavelengths?” Nash asked the million-dollar question.
“That’s where your Neural Splicer comes in! We connect that up to the Cerebral Inhibitor, which could allow us to simultaneously return each Wells to their respective bodies without going back and forth for every individual mindscape. Effectively separate their psyches from Nash without harming him. We’d just need to make sure everything is calibrated correctly.”
“And then I can have my mind to myself, finish going on my adventures.”
“No more voices, no more hallucinations.” You put your hands together. “The last thing we’d need is a dimensional extrapolator-”
“-Which won’t be possible unless we find a dimension and analyze its coordinates to create safe passage between our friends and our earth dimension.” Cisco adds glancing to Barry, who only rubbed the side of his face. It was a lot to take in, it took a while for your mind to wrap around every detail, every idea in order to fully make sure you knew what you were proposing.”
“So, what do we think?” Your eyes darted to each and every one of them. They looked to each other then to Nash, back to each other.
“When do we start?” Barry grins at you who’s currently leaning against the railing, seemingly speaking on behalf of the team as they nod at each other with confidence and determination.
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mysterioh · 5 years
The Ignorant Beauty and The Beast of New York - Ch. 8
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Synopsis: Y/N is an exhausted bio major. Steve is danger with a capital DANGER. She thinks he’s a sarcastic prick with an impressive knowledge in art history. He thinks she’s cute even if she’s only running on one brain cell. All he wants is a single date, but she’s adamant upon denying.
The Language of the Arts
This is awkward. 
“So,” you spoke up, eyes strictly focused on the painting in front of you, hating the silence standing in between. “Nice weather we’re having." 
"Yeah,” Steve said, his voice was stiff with a hint of nervousness. “Really cold." 
"You like winter?" 
"No, not really.”
“I do,” you said, folding your hands behind your back and tiptoeing up and down. “It’s a great time to do cozy things, y'know? Like watching movies and drinking hot cocoa." 
"I guess it’s nice if you think of it that way,” he shrugged with a small smile. “I usually just think of how cold and dark it is." 
"I like that too, to be honest,” you replied. “I don’t know why, but I just do." 
"All the more reason to do cozy things I suppose?” he chuckled in your direction. 
You turn to him and smile. “Yeah, I guess so." 
His gaze lingers for a while before he snaps his head back towards the painting like he forgot he wasn’t supposed to be staring. Your smile falters a bit and it’s kind of annoying how different he’s acting. You liked the obnoxious version of him more.  
"So, uh,” he clears his throat, “how ya been?" 
"Good,” you nodded. “You?" 
He shrugged. Miserable "I’m fine,” he replied. “How’s your boyfriend?” He asked, straining to sound nice. 
“Oh, he’s fine,” you said. 
It’s awkward again and neither of you knows what to do. He just had to be there when you had to be there. In a city of over two million, the odds of meeting the same stranger more than once were less than likely and yet you’ve met this oaf far more times than you needed to. The universe was scheming something.
“Another art project?”
“Yeah,” you chuckled. “I wouldn’t be here if  it wasn’t." 
"Your hatred for art is something I’ll never understand,” he shook his head. 
“People like different things. I don’t like art, deal with it,” you jabbed. 
Steve puts his hands up in defense. “I’m just saying. It’s just, I don’t know – when I see something like this there’s this bubbly feeling I get on the inside. And it just doesn’t make sense to me that someone can’t see it the way I do." 
"I know how you feel,” you said. “But with science." 
Steve’s shoulders drop. "But science is boring." 
"It is not!” You retorted then sighed. “I guess someone as simple-minded as you wouldn’t get it,” you shake your head. 
“Or maybe someone as close-minded as you wouldn’t understand where I’m coming from,” he snapped back playfully. 
“I am not close-minded!" 
"Yes, you are,” Steve said. “You don’t actually try to connect with the art. You’re just trying to get an A. Maybe if you open your mind a bit and really let the art speak to you, you’ll appreciate it more and even get a better grade." 
"Are you trying to tell me I’m stupid?" 
"Not in the least,” he said with a chuckle coloring his words. “You’re probably really smart, smarter than me. All I’m trying to say is that maybe you should try stepping out of your comfort zone? Try something you don’t like or want to do. You never know you might actually like it." 
He gives you a charmingly crooked smile as he urges you to try it. You pry away from his gaze with a huff. He hit the mark when he said you needed to get out of your comfort zone, but he didn’t need to call you out on it. 
"Fine,” you replied with a groan, returning to the painting. He smiled gently before speaking.  
“Pygmalion and Galatea by Jean Leon Gerome,” he said. “I personally find this painting filled with passion for obvious reasons. The way he kisses her as she transforms into a human. His dreams come true at that moment. He’s never felt more alive in his life." 
"Personally, I think he’s a jerk. I know the story of Pygmalion and Galatea. I used to be really into mythology a while back,” you told him. “Pygmalion was a self-imposed lonely sculptor. He didn’t like mortal women because he thought they were flawed so he made a statue of what a perfect woman should be like. Aphrodite noticed how much he loved the statue so she brought her to life." 
Steve chuckled. "Then what do you think the painting’s about?" 
"Male superiority.” You stated, looking into the picture. “Look at how pure and delicate Galatea looks, isn’t that every man’s dream girl?" 
"I see where you’re coming from,” Steve chimed in. “Notice the sculptures in the back. One is of a woman with her child which could represent the role of a mother that’s pressed upon them. The other is of a woman looking into a mirror and I think that symbolizes vanity. How women only really need to worry about their appearance and how it should please men. It’s how society wants us to be or at least in a man’s eye.”
“Then there’s Pygmalion, muscular and thriving in his own creativity and imagination. The ideal for any man at the time,” you put your hands on your hips. You know the more we keep talking about this, the more I’m starting to hate it.“ 
"Nothing wrong with that,” Steve shrugged. “I thought that was rather impressive - coming from you that is." 
You growl under your breath and push him off balance. He chuckles, only making you cross your arms annoyed. 
"I actually see it differently,” Steve said. 
You raise a brow and turn to him. “How so?" 
"It’s like the roles have been switched. Pygmalion’s reaching up to Galatea since she’s up on a pedestal. While she has to crouch down for his affection. Although we can’t ignore the fact that she is his creation, we know she possesses all of his love because he’s invested every part of him into her. His heart, soul, and mind, it all belongs to her. She possesses his idolization and can make him do whatever she wants,” he said. 
You bring a hand to your cheek. “That makes sense. I like that interpretation more." 
"It makes you feel pity for Pygmalion almost. He’s blind and naive in his devotion to her. If that was the painter’s intent, I think he did a good job by adding the theatrical masks in the corner.” You pointed. “Cause it isn’t reality. The emotions when you’re on stage are only skin deep.  Even if Galatea may show love and affection towards Pygmalion, it’s not real and it never will be. Whatever emotions she holds will always be artificial. But the way he kisses and holds her shows that he believes Galatea’s love is sincere, and it makes you pity the guy. Everyone has a weakness and his is the desire to love." 
"I feel exposed,” Steve mumbled. 
"Nothing,” he said. “I’m honestly amazed by your analysis." 
You snorted. "I’m smarter than you, remember?” You teased and he rolled his eyes. “And thanks to you I don’t have to bang my head against the wall for the next three hours. Thanks, I guess you were right. I ended up liking it,” you said with a sheepish smile. 
“I’m glad I could help." 
Your eyes lock with his and you really look at them. Like it’s the first time you’ve seen him. You noticed the way his eyebrows raised a centimeter or two, lined between confusion and wonderment, his eyes twinkled in amusement as if he knew something you didn’t. They were like the ocean, so full of life yet so uncertain. The blue-green hue residing within pulling you deeper into the currents. 
Staring isn’t exactly the word Steve would use. Your eyes rest, not unblinking but slowed; the effect is soft and inviting instead of harsh. Perhaps it’s your lips that give away the intention, not quite smiling but tilting as if they do. 
As if you’re telling him to stay a little longer. It’s unspoken, but sometimes words aren’t needed. And he’d stay if you wanted him to, let you pull him deeper into the vast expanse of your eyes, glazed like honey and warmer than a summer breeze. 
He snapped out of his thoughts. There he goes again. Your lips part to say something, but Steve says something first. 
"I should go,” he said. 
“Oh,” you said in disappointment. “Thanks for helping,” you give him a smile. “See ya around then?" 
"Yeah, just be careful next time?" 
"I’ll make sure to,” you chuckled. “Have a nice day.”
He turned on his heel and waved goodbye. You smiled at him and waved back. The minute he turns away from you completely, the smiles on both of your faces fall instantly and it’s like you’ve lost something you never had.  
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“Sweetheart, I ain’t a bad guy. I’ll be nothing but good to you." 
His smooth voice whistled in your ears. Another groan escaped your lips and you slammed your head against the cool metal surface of the kitchen table. 
Usually, the kitchen at Urban Remedy was a chaotic mess. Complete with shouting chefs and frolicking waitresses, sizzling pans and the clatter of dishes. But as the day began to wind down, so did business allowing its workers to catch a break. 
"I know this isn’t the best place to work, but-” your head shot up at the sound of your boss’ sassy voice. 
“Oh no,” you replied sheepishly. “I was just-" 
"I’m just joking,” May chuckled. She leaned over the table. “What’s wrong sister? Someone didn’t tip you well enough?" 
"No, it’s not that,” you chuckled while sitting straight up. “Just life I guess." 
"Lemme guess it’s a guy,” she laid it on the table. Your cheeks heated. 
“Dost mine ears deceive me?” Wanda popped her head in through the door. “Our residential man-hater has a guy problem?" 
"Where did you come from?" 
"I have super hearing,” the girl said, taking a seat next to you. She shakes your arm in excitement. “Now spill." 
"First off, it’s not a guy,” you lied. “I’m just in a bind is all." 
"Sweetheart,” May said, “you’re not fooling anyone." 
"It’s not!” You insisted. 
They replied with doubtful looks and a roll of the eyes. 
“It’s that cute guy that comes to visit sometimes, right?” Wanda asked. “The one with the old man name?" 
You snorted. "No, Quentin is Quentin. He’s not a guy." 
"So there is a guy, but he’s not your friend,” May conjectured. 
You exhaled deeply, feeling annoyed by them and yourself. 
“Okay, there’s a guy,” you grumbled. 
Wanda bounced in her chair while clapping her hands. “I knew it! Is he cute?" 
"I don’t know!” you retorted. Your eyes flit towards May and she’s smiling, pulling all the juicy details out of you. “Okay, maybe a little,” you mumbled and they giggled like children “But I don’t like him or anything!" 
"He wouldn’t be a problem if you didn’t,” May smirked, resting her chin in her hand. 
“It’s not like that,” you look away with a sigh. “You ever just want to stay away from something but end up getting closer? Like you want nothing to do with them but they pull you in regardless?" 
"Me with cats,” Wanda said. You turn to her puzzled. “What? I’m allergic to cats, but they’re so cute." 
"Seems like you’re in quite the predicament,” May chuckled. 
“You know a way out?" 
"Nope,” she deadpanned, “but you better get yourself out there cause I just heard the door open.” She pointed behind her with a chuckle. 
You stand with a groan and make your way to the front. 
“Hey,” Wanda called you back, “I think you should just follow your heart.” You rolled your eyes. If that isn’t the stupidest thing -“I know what you’re thinking but try it out? I mean it might be uncomfy at first but it could be worth it?" 
You shoot her a smile and a nod. "I’ll try,” you said pushing past the door and into the hall, to find a boy standing by the counter with his back to you. 
“Welcome in, how can I help you?” you asked as you approached him. 
The boy turned and you could’ve sworn you’ve seen him before. And by the way he looks at you, mouth agape and eyes wide, you probably did. 
It’s like Peter’s memory has been swiped clean and he doesn’t even know what language is anymore as he stands in front of you.
“Uhm?” You asked, totally not judging him.  
“Oh Peter,” May said from behind you. “You’re here!" 
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TAG LIST: @ashwarren32​ @rootcrop​ @siriusement​ @savedbystark​ @great-goddess-of-sin​ @boxofteenageideas​ @little-dark-empress​ @imsonick​ @scuzmunkie​ @achishisha​ @chuckennuggets1213​ @captainchrisstan​
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annhellsing · 4 years
Fleurs du Mal
notes: if i had half a brain cell i’d stagger this shit but you guys know me and i fucking don’t. so the results of my coffee-fuelled write-a-thon last night are being posted at the break of day. enjoy!! rating: explicit, my dudes!! here there be smut!! pairing: homare arisugawa / reader word count: 2,437
Your love, who does not know he is your love, waits patiently before the mirror. 
It’s a bit difficult to understand how he could not know he is loved, really. You undo his tie with all the fondness and familiarity that practice implies. This is not the first time you’ve done this for him, dressed him down to reveal his softer parts. Nor shall it be the last.
All is rather silent but for the ticking of the clock. His grandmother’s record playing Vivaldi’s Autumn has run its course. Neither of you speak at first, content inexplicably with one another’s company to the point that no words are needed.
Homare likes very much when you do this, even if he does not yet know the reason. He likes to imagine that it’s because he’s loved, but working up the courage to confess such a thing is much easier on paper.
Conversation never plagues him so, but you have proven to consistently defy his expectations. He very much cares about what you think of him. And though he is utterly correct, he does often wonder if the mutual dalliances enjoyed on slow afternoons are being misinterpreted on his part.
It stays his tongue in the worst way possible, for you similarly lack the ability to define your relationship. So, you take his clothes off slowly with playful and flirtatious intent. Yet neither of you can admit as much until the act begins.
“With the way that you dress and undress me, I feel a little bit like your doll,” Homare comments, good-natured in tone even as his stomach does flips. Butterflies roost in his chest, not his gut. There is where his words reside, choked and stifled by the flock of delicate wings making his chest flutter uncomfortably.
He wants to say he likes being your doll, could he please be your doll forever? But he does not.
The spell is broken, it seems. You look up at him with soft, loving eyes who’s emotion he is certain he reads incorrectly. You smile at Homare, taking in the beauty of his face and wishing that now were the time for kisses. You’re sparse with them, not wanting to drive him to discomfort with your emotions.
“Mm, you’re prettier than any Barbie,” you tell him, relying on teasing to alleviate how tight your own rib cage is.
His tie’s been cast aside. Your fingers work open buttons without pausing to explore his skin underneath. Homare is fair and beautiful, smooth and clean. He might appreciate comparisons to a lily or a rose, but your resolve wavers when he smiles back. And your compliments die on your tongue.
“I care very little for my appearance,” he begins. You can believe that, at least. “I prefer compliments directed at the mind— ah!”
He cries out for you’ve come to the bottom of his shirt and untucked it from his waistband. You press your hand to his lower stomach, drawing your palm up his chest and feeling with a confidence that you can’t voice. 
“Softer, too,” you mumble, unable to say anything more. Homare’s smile returns quickly, with a fox-like tilt that emboldens you just a bit. He seems pleased, if still surprised with the attention.
“You can thank Azuma for that, he was quite transparent about his skincare routine,” Homare adds. Your shoulders shake with a quiet laugh.
“That’s nice of him,” you say. Your hands move of their own accord, pulling him a little closer by the thin taper of his waist. Homare turns towards the mirror. You take up the place behind him, drawing his back against your warm chest.
You explore, as soft and careful as any lover. And yet he is still quite sad about the fact that the two of you are not in love. He reaches behind, holding your hips but allowing you a moment to touch and feel at your leisure.
“I quite agree,” he chimes, settling in for the long haul of touches meant to heat the blood. He’s already stirring in more ways than one, fighting back small and contented noises on the basis of pride. 
With you, Homare is gripped by a phantom desire to expound your virtues and profess the depth of his emotions. But a pride that does not belong to him rattles his ability to do so. It belongs to his past, he suspects, to one woman in particular who was easily able to destroy him.
Of course, he does not recognize this behaviour as destructive at all. Only honest. You have been left with the pieces of his heart she scattered. He only hopes it’s some time before you cut yourself on them.
But you touch him like he is not broken glass, indeed as if he were not broken at all. Your clever fingers undo the button in his dress pants, making him stiffen up in anticipation in more ways than one.
You coax relaxation from his slight frame once again with patience. However, he still finds it difficult to breathe as you dip your hand into the front of his trousers.
Surprised by what you find, your eyebrows lift. That smile comes back, just as fox-like as his while you feel beneath his boxers.
“Did Azuma show you how to take care of what’s down here, too?” you ask. That impish smile of yours burns in the mirror. Homare feels very exposed, even with his shirt hanging only part way open and his trousers still preserving his modesty.
He understands your joke enough to give a short laugh, the sound somewhat strained, but does not retreat. You take to stroking the skin around his half-hard length, which is fast approaching fully erect under such careful attention.
Homare gives a strangled sigh as you explore, your hand cupping his balls and giving a soft squeeze. He’s mostly smooth to the touch. You set your head on his shoulder, content to feel.
“That was a bit of experimentation on my part,” he admits, turning to look at you. He gives the end of your nose a gentle peck. Unable to keep himself still any more, his hand falls to your wrist. His grip is loose and unhurried. He doesn’t want you to stop, exactly.
But the tightness of his fingers increases a bit when you brush somewhere not sensitive, but painful. Your expression shifts to one of concern.
“Poor thing, you nicked yourself,” you say. You retreat from the source of pain but do not fully remove your hand.
“There is a reason I am not in the sciences, my flower,” Homare smiles still at you, hoping that his mishap with the razor won’t put you off. He’s aching for you now, his lower belly now a mess of writhing anxiety and glorious heat.
“Ask me if you want help with any further experiments, angel,” you say, offering up a soft kiss immediately following. He sighs again, as you return to your former occupation with even more care not to hurt him further.
“Your enthusiasm is rather exciting,” he says. His voice takes on a rather unexpected, sultry tone. You lift an eyebrow. “I do hope a few minor flesh wounds won’t chase you off.”
“You look ravishing, Homare. Where else have I to go that’s half as interesting?” and he has no answer to such a question. He supposes, had you any idea of his true nature, you might find elsewhere to spend your time.
But as it stands, you return to him time and time again. 
Rather, he returns to you. His family home is a little lonely, and has been ever since his grandmother passed. But you look after his parents when they have need, and after Aeriel when she does. 
It’s almost shameful to Homare that his love’s picked you because his dog decided you were good at heart. But he looks at your smiling face in the mirror, at the way you dip your head to kiss his neck and he knows you’d find no shame at all in that. You’d likely be flattered.
Of course, if you didn’t spurn his affections wholesale. He would understand that entirely. But as it stands, you’ve neither asked for such things nor voiced any true feelings you may harbour. He is more than content with this passionate, if infrequent affair as it is. At least this way you’ll stay with him.
“You’re very clever to realize that you stand in the presence of a poetic genius,” he muses. “Very few know to appreciate my company, muse.” You bite down very softly on his neck, pulling from him a quiet mewl. In his ear, you whisper,
“Tonight, I think you’re the muse,” and the shiver that runs up his spine is nothing short of wanton. You grip him on two fronts, putting a hand both to his throat and around the base of his cock. Homare stiffens and then sighs.
You apply no pressure to either, you simply hold him as he is with his back to your chest. While he can admit that the two areas you’ve sought out are quite delicate, he’s glad to an extent that you did not think to take him by the heart. At least, not literally.
“Will you come to bed?” you ask, “Or shall I see what other secrets you’re keeping underneath your trousers.”
“Take me,” he whispers, goosebumps rising on the back of his neck when your lips find his shoulder. Your hand leaves his throat, moving down his chest before falling to his side.
You entwine your fingers with his and remove your other hand from his trousers. Homare is turned around and guided towards the mess of pillows and quilt at the centre of his parent’s guest room.
He sits, looking almost in a daze. You’re still mostly dressed as well, but when you guide his hands up your thighs and to the waistband of your underwear, Homare understands. He plays a moment with the soft, elastic lace. His thin fingers touch your thighs with a reverence best reserved for church. 
“Don’t tease me, muse,” you whisper to him, “that’s my job.” Leaning in, you take another, fragile kiss. Homare decides to be petulant, biting gently at your lip and seizing forward all of a sudden so that he might still have your lips on his.
You indulge, doting and gentle as always while your hands push into his bright locks of hair. Homare seems hesitant to take your panties off, moving his hands over the roundness of your hips and the outward press of your pelvic bone. Over the fabric, he makes a show out of exploring your mound.
Your hand grips the hair at the back of his head when it becomes obvious he’s dragging his feet. It’s only ever for the sake of irking you, and the reaction is one he favourably courts.
“My, my, my, never in all my years have I met a woman with such impatience,” he exclaims, “and not to mention so lacking in a sense of humour.”
“Oh, I have a sense of humour,” you say, “wouldn’t it be funny indeed to make my own fun without any help from yourself?”
Homare is quite glad that his ego is feeling rather strong today. Such teasing holds no bite. But still, as if to turn the thought from your mind he begins to slide your panties down your thighs.
“That’s better,” you say, “I do love you.”
His hands still.
Those eyes, red and so often full of sly emotion go wide as dinner plates. Homare looks stricken for a second, as if you’ve said something truly awful as opposed to a confession. He stares at you, mouth slightly agape.
“You love me?” he asks, his voice now more like a croak than its previous, sultry invitations. Slowly, you nod.
“I---” you start. You close your mouth. It was a mistake to so freely give it up, but the sentiment is truthful. You do love him very much. “Have I never told you?”
“I thought---” Homare begins, but the second half of his sentences dies. “Come, kiss me again. I have been denied that for far too long.”
“Only because you stay away for ages,” you reply, settling back into the familiar territory of breathless kisses. You touch your lips to his, bending down to reach his new height.
You crawl into his lap and his big, thin hands support you. The kissing comes and does not ebb, every time you try to pull away to speak he hauls you back in for more. It’s almost like he’s looking for something between your lips, the courage to speak his own truth.
It comes on swift after you push him onto his back. Homare falls with you on top of him, caught up in the sound of your heady laugh as you shift and hold yourself above him.
“I love you, too,” he starts very suddenly, lifting his head so that you are near enough for comfort. “Never doubt I love, my flower.”
“Mm, really?” you ask, though your tone still holds that gentle teasing that so sets him at ease. Homare doubts you are trying to name him liar, you place both of his hands on entirely scandalous locations. You fiddle with his trousers to try and press towards unity.
He’ll allow it, the both of you have been bubbling with unrequited tension for far too long.
“I love you in so many ways that they cannot be counted,” he insists, “though since I am poet I shall no doubt have to try---”
You dip your head, taking another kiss.
“I’ll count mine for you,” you say, “my reasons number in the thousands.”
“Flatterer,” he scolds, though the criticism holds no malice.
“Hypocrite!” you exclaim, tossing your head back and laughing over him like you belong nowhere else. Homare grips your hips and prays you can think of nowhere better to sit. “Your poems hold truths aplenty but you speak too highly of me in most of them.”
“Never,” he says, his lips finding the center of your sternum with the intent to kiss through your skin. If he focuses, he can hear the perfect beat of your fond heart. “I could never find the words to speak higher of you than what you’ve earned.”
“Write that down, Homare,” you playfully urge. But your hand moves somewhere dangerous yet again, making him moan and driving all thoughts of poetry from his mind. He’s nearly-incoherent when you add, “But not right this minute. I have things to do presently.”
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mochiiwrites · 4 years
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Ace Trapolla wandered through the halls, intending to loiter or bother the prefect.
“Ahh, I’m so glad the day’s finally over. I get to procras-”
“OI!” A shout thrust Ace out of his thoughts. The voice belonged to Deuce Spade. Ace let out a started yelp.
“Agh! You dumbass! Why’re you shoutin like that out of nowhere!”
“You almost stepped on something, you imbecile!”
“Eh? What do you-”
Ace looked to where Deuce was pointing. Something small was left on the floor. It turned, revealing a beak. It chirped.
“AAAAA-!” The first-years screamed at the sudden sound until Deuce clamped his hands over his and Ace’s mouths.
“Eww, what are you doing sticking your fingers in my mouth like that?” Ace complained as soon as Deuce released his grip.
“We should be quiet, we wouldn’t want to startle it...or get in trouble for causing a ruckus...again.”
“What kinda bird is it?”
“I…I’m not sure.” Deuce cautiously scooped up the bird. Deuce moved his hands to show Ace… a chick.
“It’s a chick.”
“I know that, idiot.”
“So...what do we do with it?”
“Don’t ask me. Lets ask…the prefect, or something.”
The brain cell duo made their way to Ramshackle Dorm. Ace didn’t bother knocking, he just barged in.
“Hey Prefect!” No response.
“Yuuuuuuu?”He called but, no one responded, except for the chick’s chirping.
“...Weird.” He muttered to no one in particular.
Deuce suggested, “Maybe they had to help with something?”
“You have any idea how little that narrows it down? They’re always helping with something.”
“Well, at least you’re smart enough to know that they’re helpful.”
“What do you-”
A different voice broke them out of their bickering. “What are you two doing here? Have you come to see the Great Grim himself?”
“Ah, no. We came to see the Prefect. Do you know where they are, Grim?”
“Fgna! You mean, you don’t know? It's not my business, ya know?”
“What the- Yes it is?? You LIVE in the SAME BUILDING YOU-” Ace was going to get a headache.
“Shut up! You’re too loud!” Deuce suddenly interjected.
“So are you, you dunce!” Ace shot back.
Grim finally answered Ace’s question, “Well, I dunno where they are, so let's just go find ‘em! I could smell ‘em from a mile away! I am pretty great after all!”
The chick chirped at the implication of how the Prefect smelled, weird...
The trio, or quartet if you include the chick, started their search! They travelled far and wide…to the Heartslabyul lounge.
“Ah! Adeuce combi! And Gri-chan! Back at it again! Whatcha doing? And where’s the Prefect?”
Deuce perked his head up at the sound of the third year’s voice.
“Ah, Cater-senpai. We were actually thinking of where we could find them. Do you have any ideas?”
“Eh...I think they were helping Epel with cleaning the entire ballroom. Sounds like it sucks, especially since he was supposed to do it by himself, originally.”
“Oh, well, thank you Cater-senpai. We appreciate the help.” Deuce got up and bowed respectfully, then got really confused when Cater took a picture.
“O-M-G! #Cute! Where’d you find your friend? #Chickadeuce_Combi!” Cater eagerly posted something to MagiCam.
“What…?” ‘Friend? What could Cater-senpai be…’ Deuce had a revelation. “Oh! The chick was just in the hallway, we were looking for the Prefect to see if they knew what to do with it.”
“Why not just babysit it? I’d love to see more of the #Chickadeuce_Combi! Ah, bet then again, Riddle probably wouldn’t be very happy… Well, good luck! I’ve gotta head to the Light Music Club!” Cater sent himself off with a wave and a final picture of the ‘Chickadeuce Combi’.
“Wait, where are we going?” Ace asked, seeming to have woken from a nap.
“When did you fall asleep?”
Ace made a shrugging noise and an ‘eugh?’ noise.
“Whatever, we’re heading to Pomefiore, Cater said the Prefect was there.”
“Oka-AAGH!” Ace was promptly stepped on by Grim, and pulled out of his chair by Deuce.
Once the quartet made it to Pomefiore’s ballroom, they heard a soft voice...muttering complaints and curses. Along with quiet complaints and cursing, they heard a lot of splashing.
“Ugh, my wrists are going to fall off… Where’d the Prefect go… I need some fu-”
“Epel?” At the mention of his name, the Pomefiore first-year cut himself off and dropped his sponge.
Epel scrambled to pick up the sponge and find a good word that started with ‘Fu’ “Fu-fu...F-Fun! A fun break! Just a small one! I wasn’t going to…” Epel looked up to see some of his fellow first years… and a chick...on Deuce’s head. Epel thought to himself, ‘Well, at least it’s not Vil-sama.’
“Whatchu lot doin’- ah, I mean...What are you guys doing here?”
Ace explained their situation, “Looking for the Prefect, Cater told us they’d be here. So…where are they?”
“I… I don’t know...”
“Ah, well, thank you for your time, Epel! Good luck with your cleaning!” Deuce bowed again, and the chick almost fell off his head.
“Ah, Deuce be careful! Your friend could get hurt.”
Deuce immediately fixed his posture and lightly checked his hair for the chick. “Y-you’re right, Epel! How irresponsible of me…”
“Don’t mention it! Actually, don’t mention anything...I’m not really supposed to be talking to anyone ‘til I’m done with all this.” Epel stretched his arms and gestured to the entire room.
Ace pinched the bridge of his nose, “Great Seven, what did you even do? This has gotta be punishment for something, right?”
Epel cautiously looked around and lowered his voice, clearly watching for Vil, Rook or just anyone who had the ability to tell him off.
Gathering his confidence he admitted his crime.
“I… I said that Rook was an asshat.”
Deuce looked like he was going through a crisis and he covered the chick’s nonexistent ears. Ace haphazardly fought back a chuckle, Grim grinned and laughed,
“Nyahaha! That's great!”
“No, it’s not, Grim. Why don’t you help Epel with cleaning?” Deuce scolded Grim with a “bonk” to the head.
“Wha- No! The Great Grim can’t-”
But the Heartslabyul first years already left.
Another day, but still no Prefect. But on the other hand, the Heartslabyul Dorm gained another (temporary) resident. The problem is Riddle didn’t like them that much. So Deuce and Ace would have to take care of it in secret. Ace also wasn’t really willing to take care of the “stupid bird”, So it was only Deuce trying to care for it in secret. Currently, Ace had basketball and Deuce had been left alone. The first year set the chick down on a table, and was staring intently at it, wondering what to do. He stayed like that for who-knows-how-long until…
“Ah! Come in, the door should be open!”
Epel appeared in the doorway when Deuce turned his head.
“Did you manage to find the Prefect?”
“Actually...no. We still don’t know where they are.”
“That’s strange… Well, how’s the chick?”
“They’re good...I hope. I was thinking of giving it a name.”
“Really?” Epel asked, with an amused huff.
“Well, calling it ‘the chick’ seems...rude? The horses in the horseback riding club are named, so why not the chick?”
“Ehh, the chick is…” Epel trailed off, afraid to hurt the chick’s feelings, for some strange reason. “Nevermind, did you have a name in mind?”
“I was thinking...Enka?”
“Enka?” Epel echoed the Heartslabyul student, seeing if the name suited the chick. “That sounds nice.”
Deuce sprouted an idea, “Epel, you’re a farmer, right?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Do you have any experience with chickens?”
“Wha-no! I’m an apple farmer. Sure, my family has horses, but definitely not chickens.”
“Agh, I’m so sorry for assuming! Please forgive me!” Deuce bowed at inhuman speed, which may or may not be impressive.
Epel tried to hold in his laughter, but failed. “Snrk-Ehehe~! You’re fine, you’re fine. But I guess, I could help you take care of Enka.”
“Really?! Thank you, that would be wonderful!”
“It’s the least I can do, you did have Grim help me clean the ballroom, afterall.”
“Okay so...how do we take care of Enka?”
Ace barged in the dorm with a depressed and tired Grim cradled in his arms. He was greeted by Deuce reading a book with the chick. A bowl of apples cut into small pieces in front of them.
“What the hell are you doing, dumbass?”
Deuce quickly dropped the book and maneuvered to cover the chick’s ‘ears’. “Language! I was trying to talk to Enka.”
“Who’s Enka?”
“The chick, Deuce thought it would be nice if we gave them a name.” Epel walked into view, with a list of places at Night Raven College.
“Hah, of course he would. Enka’s an alright name, I guess.” Ace snatched the paper out of the lavender haired boy’s hands. “What’s this for?”
“It’s for when we search for the Prefect, so we can cross off places we’ve already searched.”
“We gonna start searching now? Or what?”
“That works for me.”
“Nya-wah-haahhhh...I miss Yuu…” Grim sobbed, but no one knew if it was genuine tears.
Enka chirped sympathetically.
The now-quintet only got one step into NRC’s halls before they were stopped by faculty.
“My my, what are the puppies doing out of their litter?” Divus Crewel said, with a dissatisfied face.
“Ah, Crewel-sensei. We were going to look for Yuu.” Epel calmly responded, in contrast to Deuce’s panicked bowing. (Enka was safe, instead of being on Deuce’s head, they sat in Deuce’s cupped hands.)
“Ah, the Prefect puppy would be right...there.” Crewel pointed towards the small chick cradled in Deuce’s hands.
“QUIET! DOWN BOYS, DOWN!” Crewel cracked his whip and cleared his throat, “Ahem, yes. Surprisingly, that birdie is the Prefect, at least, it should be. A student was staying after school to understand this transformation potion better. They accidentally spilled some and Yuu happened to be in the splash zone, and then they were nowhere to be found.”
“So… that would mean that Enka is Yuu.”
Enka chirped in approval, and in a tone that sounded like “Yes! Finally!”.
“Ya kiddin’ me?” Ace threw his hands up, very pissed, “So we had ‘em the whole time!”
“Nyagh...This is confusing…”
“If you puppies would stop yapping, I could transform them back.”
“Right! Of course, yes sir!” Deuce quickly gave his teacher Enka.
Crewel sent the group back while he got started on transforming Yuu. Grim, Epel and Deuce waited patiently in Ramshackle Dorm, Ace had detention for something he had done earlier in the day.
Yuu looked down at their hands, thankful that they were no longer wings. They took their human hands and opened the door.
“I’m bACK-” They didn’t finish their sentence due to Grim tackling them.
“Yuu! You’re back! You can’t leave the Great Grim alone by himself!”
“Ahaha, I won’t, I won’t.”
“Glad you’re okay, Prefect!” Epel warmly smiled at them.
“Must’ve been interesting being a chick for a while, huh?” Deuce rested his hand on his chin, as if he were contemplating what the experience would’ve been like.
“Yeah, but at least you got to take care of me! I wouldn’t mind if you did it again!”
The Prefect’s statement caused Epel to hide his face and Deuce was left a stuttering mess.
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ebola-kun · 5 years
The measurements of Spider-Man's feets, the sound of (older) music and also what the Romans in fact provided for ...
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1. Baboons, like the British, like to queue
Baboons discover meals places by enjoying those around them. Yet receiving access to the food relies on the facility power structures of a baboon men, and those reduced down the hierarchy can easily wind up queuing for leftovers. Find out more
2. Sometimes, people are offered unlimited sauce by scientific research
Researchers gave volunteers an all-you-can-eat buffet of chicken korma along with three alternatives controlled to look as well as taste the exact same, however through which the fat deposits material supplied twenty% (reduced), 40% (channel) and 60% (higher) of the fats. They located that people that lug a particular genetic alternative consumed even more of the higher fat deposits meals-- although they said they all sampled the same. Review even more
3. You may fossilise a marinaded brain
A tiny brownish marble, located through an amateur fossil seeker in Sussex, is actually the first recognized example of fossilised brain cells from a dinosaur. The specimen, which likely belonged to a dinosaur identical to the Iguanodon, was thus well-preserved given that it was 'pickled' in an ancient overload. Learn more
4. Spider-Man will need to have measurements 145 shoes to go up a wall surface
By researching geckos, the most extensive pets able to size smooth vertical wall surfaces, scientists point out that an individual will need to have unmanageably huge sticky footpads to stroll up a wall structure like Spider-Man-- footwear in European measurements 145 or even US measurements 114. Learn more
5. The true North-South divide remains in how our team articulate 'scone'...
Regional diversity in dialect words and also pronunciations might be decreasing as much of England falls much more according to exactly how British is communicated in Greater london as well as the south-east, according to end results from the English Dialects App. Exactly how you articulate 'bun' still relies on where you live. Learn more
6. ... Though our team still don't understand how a wolf would certainly pronounce it
The largest ever research study of shouting in the 'canid' family members of types-- which features wolves, jackals as well as residential dogs-- showed that the several species and also subspecies have differentiating collections of shouting-- "howling vocabularies". Read much more
7. No one truly recognizes what takes place to an egg after day 7
Growing eggs in a laboratory is actually difficult, as well as up until this year no one has managed to surpass day 7. However our scientists dealt with to fix this issue this year-- and also it is actually opened up an argument concerning whether our team must prolong the legal restriction for embryo research study past the current 14 day limit. Learn more
8. You can organize 128 ping pong balls 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 different techniques
The answer to an overwelming natural science problem could possibly help our company understand concerns ranging from forecasting the buildup of deserts, to making expert system even more dependable. Or even perhaps a quite uninteresting sensible for an unlucky student. Find out more
9. The response to Monty Python's "What have the Romans ever before provided for our company?" is "Spreading parasites".
The Romans might possess taken our company cleanliness, however as opposed to creating our company healthier, they aided boost the escalate of intestinal parasites such as whipworm, roundworm and Entamoeba histolytica. Find out more
10. One day, our experts might all of be actually residing in metropolitan areas crafted from bone tissue ...
Simply because our experts can build our areas away from steel and also concrete, does that way our team should? Is it time our team appeared at completely brand-new techniques of building cities? Designers functioning in biomimetics-- actually 'replicating lifestyle'-- are building samples of artificial bone and eggshell that might be utilized as clinical implants, and even be actually sized up and also made use of as low-carbon building materials. Learn more
11. ... And in wooden high-rise buildings
Property high-rises away from hardwood might possess a variety of possible perks, the absolute most obvious being actually that it is a renewable energy. Wood structures might even be cheaper as well as faster to build-- and also much lighter than their concrete substitutes. Learn more
12. Elvis Presley assisted exterminate polio in the USA
Back in the 1950s, hygienics advocates recruited the Master of Rock 'n' Roll to aid bring up recognition of the significance of shot against polio. A little a lot less talk as well as a bit even more vaccination, maybe? Learn more
thirteen. We have actually gone to war for even longer than our experts believed
Our archaeologists found the fossilised bone tissues of a team of prehistoric hunter-gatherers who were actually massacred around 10,000 years ago in Kenya. They have actually delivered distinct proof of an intense encounter in between conflicting teams of historical hunter-gatherers, and also proposes that also late Stone Age seeking societies fought. Documentation of a prehistoric carnage expands the background of warfare
14. If your pub serves white wine in big red or white wine glasses, you're a lot more most likely to become drunk due to the edge of the evening
Marketing red wine in much larger red or white wine glasses might promote people to drink additional, also when the quantity of red or white wine continues to be the same, according to a research which located that improving the measurements of red or white wine glasses caused a nearly 10% boost in red or white wine purchases. Learn more
15. Dune may sing
When solids flow like liquids they can easily create dune sing. As surfaces of sand slide down the side of particular dunes, they create resonances that may be heard for miles around. The dunes are vital with the sand of songs! Find out more
16. Your Labrador can not aid being fatty tissue-- it is actually genetically programmed to become greedy
Researchers found a genetic variant linked with being overweight and appetite in Labrador retrievers that might clarify why Labrador retrievers are actually most likely to come to be overweight than pets of other species. For every copy of the genetics lugged, the pet dog was actually on ordinary 1.9 kilograms bigger Learn more
17. There is actually a very exclusive cuckoo called Disco Tony
He is actually gray with a yellow ring around his eyes, he's travelled over 5,000 kilometers and also he is actually a cuckoo. However this is not merely any kind of cuckoo-- this is Disco Tony. He is one of a quite exclusive group of birds whose every relocation is actually being checked. Learn more
18. Einstein could have received it incorrect (presuming deep space contains at the very least five measurements)
Just times after the very first detection of gravitational surges, first predicted by Einstein, was declared, our scientists discovered that the great guy could have received some points inappropriate. It involves a truly huge donut. Find out more
19. The Clangers would have appeared like plane engines when they were experiencing frisky
How is actually a mouse like a jet engine? The answer is actually in the method they create noise. Mice court each other along with ultrasound passion tracks that are actually faint to the individual ear, creating one-of-a-kind high regularity appears utilizing a system that has actually only earlier been actually observed in fast plane engines. Go through a lot more
twenty. A German scholar swiped a 1000 years of age part of music from our Collection in the 1840s. (Our company've got it back and our company right now recognize how it sounds.)
After some investigator work and also scrupulous investigation, the 11th century 'Cambridge Songs' were done for the first opportunity in 1,000 years back in Easter. Learn more
21. Man-made intelligence could help you shake off your worry of spiders without you also seeing
Making use of a blend of synthetic cleverness as well as brain scanning modern technology, researchers feel they can remove our worries without having to expose us to the very points our company're terrified of (which for a lot of became 2016). Find out more
22. People in Peterborough survived on stilts in the course of the Bronze Age
Over recent year, Should Ranch in the Cambridgeshire fens has actually generated Britain's largest selections of Bronze Grow older fabrics, beads as well as residential artefacts. Along with hardwoods of many roundhouses, the finds offer a sensational picture of an area growing 3,000 years ago-- little wonder it is actually been referred to as the 'Pompeii of the fens'. Learn more
23. Our experts could really be actually transforming the tide on dementia (however only in guys)
The so-called alzheimer's disease 'tsunami' may not be unpreventable. The UK has actually observed a twenty% fall in the occurrence of dementia over the previous 2 many years, depending on to our scientists. This has resulted in an approximated 40,000 fewer situations of mental deterioration than formerly forecasted-- but primarily in men. Read extra
24. You may learn A GREAT DEAL concerning the human brain only coming from reading Peter Pan
JM Barrie had a deep-seated understanding of the scientific research of cognition-- as well as was many years in advance of his attend determining vital phases of youngster advancement, apparently. Find out more To discover even more concerning how Cambridge's ideas and developments have shaped the planet over recent 800 years, view "Dearest World ... Yours, Cambridge" . To find out more about the most recent investigation from the College of Cambridge, please browse through our internet site .
This content was originally published here.
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Might fool around and make me mad (don’t make me mad) Chap. 1
The fourth installation into the Possession of Gary Green saga
              Nora wasn’t quite sure where she was when she came to. It appeared to be someone’s living room by the looks of it. How she’d gotten there didn’t make much sense given she’d been outside a night club when she blacked out. All she had been trying to do was get away from the cloying energy of demons only to encounter the worst of them. Just remembering the face of that man, his true face, made her shudder all over. It was the face of pure evil.
“Nora?” Des appeared around the corner. “You’re awake.”
She nodded, sliding upright on the couch she was on. “Yup. That sucked.”
“I can’t blame you. All that demonic energy was suffocating in that club. But it turns out that Neron isn’t the only demon in LA.”
“After what Desmond told me about him, I hope he doesn’t become a full-time resident here,” the woman who’d gotten Nora out of the club said as she came into the room. “We’ve had plenty to deal with when he wasn’t here.”
“What?” Nora frowned. “What do you mean? Who are you?”
“My name’s Linda Martin,” the woman introduced herself. “You’re both at my house. I would have brought your friends too, except they’ve been arrested. Des agreed to let me bring you back her so you wouldn’t wake up on the street.”
“Nora Darhk,” she murmured in reply. “Thank you for helping me.”
“I just did what any compassionate person would have done. It’s not a problem.”
“I told her what happened to you,” Des explained. “Apparently, Dr. Martin knows the club owner because she’s his therapist. He’s also the devil.”
“That explains it,” Nora rubbed at her temples. “That face…”
“It’s a lot,” Linda nodded. “I’ve seen it myself. That’s how I found out that angels and demons were among us.”
“So I guess that telling you Des and I have both been demon vessels wouldn’t break your brain?”
“Desmond already told me about that,” Linda told her. “He also told me who you were trying to find here in LA. I’m sorry to hear about what happened to your friend.”
“So are we,” Nora murmured, wondering if Gary was still hanging on inside. “You said our friends have been arrested?”
Des nodded. “Johnny, Ray, and Mick all got taken away. Problem is we’re going to have to find the Waverider and get the others for help. And bail money.”
“You’re both welcome to stay for the rest of the night,” Linda said. “You two have been through a lot. Just rest and regroup.”
“Gideon?” Sara called out as she slipped out of bed. “Did John or any of the others come back yet?”
“I’m afraid not, Captain. Mr. Constantine, Dr. Palmer, Mr. Rory, Mr. Laveau, and Ms. Darhk have still not returned since last night.”
Ava stuck her head out from the pillow she’d burrowed under. “That’s not good news.”
“No kidding,” Sara sighed, her worst fears having been confirmed. “Is there any sign of them in the LA area?”
“I’ll run a scan right now.”
“Hopefully, they’re still alive,” Ava yawned as she too left the bed. “I can’t handle finding one of them in same state as McNeil. “
“I know. But we’re going to find Gary and send Neron back to Hell.”
              A half smile came to Ava’s face at the reassurance. The couple soon left the room for the kitchen, where Charlie already was sitting with a cup of coffee and stack of pancakes. As they started getting their own meals, Ava called up on the Bureau on the monitor for updates. She’d placed Nate and Mona in charge, which Hank didn’t seem to be pleased by. He had a problem with the director of the Time Bureau dropping everything because one agent had gone rogue.
Ava ground her teeth. “Gary is not just some rogue agent and you can tell Hank that.”
Nate nodded. “Is there anything new?”
“John took half the team out with him last night,” Sara explained. “I think they were planning to ambush Neron. John’s been so pissed about this that he’s not exactly been communicating healthily with the rest of us.”
“Can’t say I blame him,” Mona said. “I mean, Gary did trade himself to Neron to spare Constantine, right?”
“Yep,” Charlie shouted from her seat as Zari stumbled into the kitchen. The shapeshifter slid the pancakes over to her. “Johnny boy’s been wallowing in guilt over it ever since then.”
“Fortunately, I now have his whereabouts, along with those of Dr. Palmer and Mr. Rory,” Gideon interrupted. “Arrests have been filed for them with the Los Angles Police Department. While the charges vary, all three of them were arrested outside the Lux nightclub last night. I have also located CCTV footage of Mr. Laveau and an unidentified woman helping Ms. Darhk into a car by the club.”
“Pull up the footage,” Sara ordered. “Send it to Nate at the Bureau.”
“We’re going to take a look and then get back to you,” Ava told Mona and Nate. “Just keep things together on your end.”
“Will do, and good timing. I have to deal with another call from Gary’s dad right now. See you soon.”
              Nate and Mona disappeared and were replaced with the footage Gideon had found. John, Nora, and Mick were seen going in. They watched John get thrown out by the bouncers, Nora running out and fainting after encountering a tall, handsome man, and Des taking her from him before leaving on his own volition with a woman who’d come out with Nora. Ray, John, and Mick were arrested by a blonde cop, who engaged in a heated conversation with the man who’d been with Nora when she fainted. There was no sign of Neron in any of it.
“How did they know to go to that club?” Zari asked as they watched their teammates get marched into police cars. “There’s tons of nightclubs in Los Angles right now, aren’t there? Why would they go to this one?”
Sara hummed in agreement. “She’s right. Gideon, what can you tell us about Lux?”
“It’s owned by Lucifer Morningstar and is notable for being one of the top clubs in LA nightlife,” Gideon reported. “With the events of last night, I have also found that Mr. Morningstar is a civilian consultant to the LAPD.”
“Lucifer Morningstar?” Sara frowned. “With a name like that and John ending up at his club, something tells me he might not be human. Unless he changed his name, there’s no way someone could name their kid that.”
Ava nodded. “It’s like naming your kid Adolf.”
“Or Donald,” Zari chimed in.
“Records for Mr. Morningstar date back only until 2012,” Gideon said as pictures flooded the monitor. “But there are images from the 1970’s that are a photographic match for images of Mr. Morningstar today.”
“Okay, so it’s another Vandal Savage or I think he’s actually the Devil,” Sara murmured, studying the face onscreen.
“The Devil…” Ava shuddered. “Of course. Neron said he was going to visit old friends. I figured her meant some magical creatures or another demon, but not the Devil.”
“Because one demon wasn’t bad enough,” Zari mumbled. “Okay, so what do we do? Des and Nora are still missing. The guys are in jail. Neron’s on the loose and we have no idea where he could have gone.”
“Gideon, run a scan on all cameras in LA for Gary’s body,” Sara ordered. “We can’t face him on reduced numbers, but we can narrow down locations where he’s been and find out where he’s going. Right now, we need to get everyone back together. At least we know where three of them are.”
“LAPD,” Charlie grinned. “That’ll be fun.”
Ava pinched the bridge of her nose. “We’re going to need bail money. A lot of bail money.”
“Well, at least it’s better in here than in the gulag,” Ray told Mick as cheerily as he could muster in the holding cell.
“We had separate bunks then,” Mick muttered, still grumpy from waking up to find himself sleeping on Ray’s shoulder. “And Snart got me out eventually.”
“Someone will come for us. There’s no way that they could leave all three of us in here.”
              Mick gave a small shrug and leaned back against the wall again. On the other bench, John was lying on his chest, still dead to the world. A dark bruise was visible on part of his face that must have come from the club fight. He’d been semi-coherent when they’d been tossed in here and then passed out on the first bench he’d slumped onto.
“Nora and Des are still out there,” Ray murmured, wondering about the former’s adverse reaction to the club. “Maybe they got back to the Waverider?”
“Maybe, yeah. That’s the nice way of thinking about it.”
“Nothing wrong with having a little faith.”
              Another ten, twenty minutes passed by before a door opened down the hallway. Voices could be heard conversing, although someone was clearly ribbing their companion before two men came to a stop in front of the holding cell. One of them had a badge at his hip and was unfamiliar. The other, taller one was the man from the club, the one who knew John and had been shouting at him.
“Ah, there they are,” the taller one smiled. “The terrible trio.”
Ray stared at the man with a frown. “What’s happening?”
“Your bail’s been posted,” the one with the badge told him. “Free to go, all three of you. Wake your buddy up and I’ll get your belongings.”
“Thanks,” Ray grinned at him as their cell was unlocked, then looked over at the third member in their party. “Hey, John!”
“Don’t worry, I’ll handle that,” the taller of the two assured him as he strolled into the cell and leaned down in front of John. “Wakey wakey, then.”
John cracked his eyes open and let out a moan. “Is it-”
“No, it’s not your time yet. Up and at ‘em, Constantine. We have a lot to discuss.”
“I ain’t going anywhere with you until I know who the suit is,” Mick growled.
“Smart idea,” John muttered as he sat up. “Meet Lucifer Morningstar, the owner of that lovely little nightclub we were arrested at.”
Ray smiled. “Ray Palmer. Interesting name you have.”
“One of many,” Lucifer smirked, his eyes falling on Mick. “That must mean you’re Mick Rory. Heatwave himself. I’ve read plenty on your exploits with Mr. Snart in Central City. Pleasure to meet the man behind the goggles.”
Mick stared at him for a moment, then stood up. “Okay, I’ll go with him.”
John snorted as they followed Lucifer out of the cell. “Of course you would, he’s the Devil.”
“Hang on, the what?” Ray yelped, turning quickly to Lucifer.
“The Devil, yes,” Lucifer nodded. “Did the name Lucifer Morningstar not tip you off? That’s not the point though. Like I said, there’s a lot to discuss. We should do it over breakfast. I know an excellent place-“
“I don’t do breakfast with the Devil,” John shook his head. “Thanks for the save, but we’ll be on our way.”
“Oh, I think you’ll want to reconsider that, especially it concerns Neron.”
Ray saw John reach for his pocket, but his hand fell away with a sigh. “Breakfast it is.”
“I heard John Constantine came through last night,” Maze said as she lounged in one of the booths. “Apparently he started a fight. Your doing?”
Neron nodded from the other side.
“You’ve gotten better at concentrating it on one place.”
“Centuries of practice,” Neron shrugged. “Not controlling it though, that’s way more fun. Can’t turn off who I am, Maze.”
“You have your chaos, I have my knives,” Maze smirked. “As fun as it was to watch security footage of Constantine going mad and getting arrested, what did you do that brought him here?”
“Well, you know he’s damned to hell. He’s determined to take as many of us down with him as possible.”
“No, there’s more,” Maze sat up. “You’re up to something, Neron. Even in hell, you were always planning something.”
Neron smiled fondly. “We’re demons, Maze. That’s how we are.”
“But whatever it was drew Constantine here to follow after you, and he brought back-up. It must be something.”
“He’s just running off of guilt of letting this wimp become my new host. He doesn’t know what I’m truly creating.”
“And what is that?”
Neron tilted his head. “Come out with me tonight and I’ll tell you. We can have a night on the town. Tear it up, paint it red, just like we did the last time we were on Earth.”
Maze raised her eyebrow and leaned closer. “And you’ll tell me everything?”
“I will. So what do you say, Mazey?”
“For old time’s sake,” Maze grinned dangerously. “One night, just like we used to.”
“Perfect,” Neron flashed his host’s stupid blinding smile. “How about I pick you up around nine? I can’t stick around today. There are some things I have to do today.”
Maze watched as he left the booth and started heading for the exit. “Where are you going?”
“Taking a tour of the city. Don’t worry, I’ll hold out enough for our fun tonight.”
              Maze watched him leave the bar. Lucifer had left a while ago to visit the police station, so he was probably out with Chloe for a while. While she was all alone in the club, she could get some of her own work. With Neron out, she could piece together more of how he’d come to this host. The more she knew, the more she could prepare for whatever he was plotting.
“We should really be going to the police for this. I have my badge, I’ll call in-“
“But this was on our way,” Charlie gestured to the club they were in front of. “Let’s go in and have a look, see if the owner’s there, and have a chat with him.”
“Charlie’s right,” Sara shrugged as they walked past the sign for Lux. “We can go to the cops next, but the last place they were seen was here, and Gideon did pull that footage of Neron walking in there. It’s worth a shot.”
When they made it up to the right floor, they didn’t see anyone. Sara was the first to step out, making her way down the short staircase to scan the rest of the club. Still no one.
“Nice place,” Ava remarked. “Except it’s completely empty.”
“You looking for someone?”
              The group turned around to see a woman leaning on the railing above them. Sara could have sworn she wasn’t there a moment ago. The way she stared at them like a lioness regarding her prey reminded Sara of assassins she had known in the League. They knew they were formidable and didn’t mask it from anyone.
“We’re looking for the owner,” Ava finally said, stepping forward. “Can you tell us where he is?”
“Out. What do you want?”
“Were you here by any chance last night?” Charlie asked.
“Who’s asking?”
Ava held up a badge. “The government. We’re after a fugitive who we’ve traced to this city. Now answer the question.”
The woman eyed all of them carefully. “Not last night. Most of yesterday though.”
“Is it possible you’ve seen this man?” Zari raised her tablet up to show the woman Gary’s government ID photo.
“Why? You here with a job for me or something?”
“No, we just need to know if you have seen him here or anywhere at all,” Ava demanded, taking the tablet from Zari to hold towards the woman. “Have you?”
The woman glanced at it and narrowed her eyes at Ava. “No.”
“Are you sure?”
“I haven’t seen him,” she snapped. “But if you need help finding him, I am a bounty hunter. I’m more than happy to lend my services to bringing his ass in to you.”
“We don’t need bounty hunters,” Ava said coldly. “Thanks for your help.”
“Do bounty hunters have cards?” Charlie asked before they could leave. “Just in case I need to call in your services.”
The woman walked over to the bar, grabbed a napkin and pen, and scribbled down a series of numbers.
“Thanks,” Charlie grinned, taking the napkin and tucking it into their pocket.
              Sara still felt the woman’s eyes on them as they walked back to the elevator. Ava’s phone buzzed as soon as the doors shut. When she pulled it out, Sara noticed her girlfriend looked upset, but she shook it off as she typed out a response. Zari was holding the tablet close to her chest, a thoughtful expression on her face. Charlie had pulled out the napkin and was studying the number.
“She was lying about seeing Neron,” Zari finally said. “I’m sure of it.”
“Me too,” Charlie nodded. “So, police station now?”
“So how do we get back to the Waverider?
Nora shrugged and sipped her coffee. “Well, we can’t exactly call since we don’t have phones, and I don’t know their numbers.”
“Johnny doesn’t even carry a phone,” Des sighed. “All we have is Linda’s number, but I don’t want to pull her into this. It’s not worth putting a target on her back for Neron.”
“But at least we know that he’s nearby after last night,” Nora reminded him. “Not that I want to run into him anytime soon.”
“That makes two of us,” Des stopped and did a double take at the curly haired man who walked past the window. “Unless we have something to fight him so I can hold my own without wanting to vomit. Right now, he’s probably corrupting something into hate and fear.”
“Is that what he did with you?”
Des nodded. “Yeah. Right now, he’s been wanting souls. That’s currency in hell, so the more souls he gets-”
“-the more power and status a demon has in hell,” Nora finished. “That’s probably why the Devil lives in LA, and why Neron might want to come out here. He needs power for whatever his plan is.”
“And if he succeeds, he’ll be one of the most powerful demons in existence. Maybe more than the Devil.”
Nora looked over at him. “What is Neron planning to do?”
Des swallowed and told her.
Once he was done, Nora turned pale. “We need to stop him before it’s too late.”
“And see if we can pull Neron out of Gary,” Des added. “I hope Neron’s got him pushed to the back of his mind, but I doubt he’s going to be that lucky.”
“Me too. I didn’t know Gary as well as Ava or the Legends. He could be annoying and awkward whenever I met him. But he was always kind to me, even if I wasn’t to him. He’s got a good heart.”
“Seems too noble for his own good if he took Johnny’s place,” Des smiled. “Hopefully I get the chance to meet the real him. He’s the reason Johnny’s alive right now.”
“But he is in jail right now,” Nora reminded him, draining her cup. “Along with Mick and Ray.”
“Then we need to track him down before Neron does,” Des murmured. “He’s going to want to rub in his victory. He’s a petty asshole.”
Nora’s lips quirked a little at that. “Well, we still have to get them out, and what we have on us cannot be enough for bail.”
“I wasn’t exactly thinking of doing it legally,” Des admitted. “I know you’re a witch. I’ve got an ancestor who passed magic down the line to me. What do you say to combining forces?”
She grinned. “I like the way you think.”
              Neron watched gleefully as two cops began brawling on the sidewalk outside of the precinct. As a crowd started to gather around them, he slipped through the doors into the station. A pen exploded all over a man in a suit who held the second door open for him. With each step, he spread a little more chaos around. People began to shout at each other or fight like the two officers outside. Someone swore about hot coffee in a break room. Papers spilled out of overloaded files onto the floor as he made his way to the desk of a certain detective.
“Detective Decker,” Neron greeted as she glanced up at him. “How have you been?”
“Better,” she muttered. “But I did find John Constantine and his associates last night. They’re in custody now.”
“Yes, Lucifer told me that this morning,” Neron explained, picking a thread off his jacket. “He seemed upset though. Is there trouble between the two of you?”
“That is none of your business. Is there something else I can help you with?”
She was starting to get frustrated, which was good for him. “I’m just following up, although there is something you can do for me. I need to have a word with those three men who you brought in last night.”
A man on the other side of the room suddenly snapped his head up towards him as Chloe shook her head. “I can’t do that, even if you did tip me off about Constantine. I’m actually about to go talk to one of them about charges in Central City right now.”
“You know, if you need any assistance with it,” Neron purred, accidentally knocking a file off the desk. “Oops.”
“It’s fine,” Chloe bent down at the same time as he did to put the papers back together. His hand brushed against hers while doing so. The contact burned and he jerked his hand away quickly.
“Hand was asleep,” he grinned when she frowned at him. “But I really can help you. I mean, Lucifer hasn’t shown up to help. I know it’s because you two are on the outs and broke up, but still you think he’d show some loyalty instead of running off when things get rough.
Neron covered his mouth with a hand to make his smile. “I’ve said too much, you should probably forget about that.”
“I said one thing…” Chloe muttered. “Look, I have an interrogation to do. Dan over there can help you if you have anything else.”
              Neron watched the detective stalked off, speaking briefly to the man who’d been watching him. She then walked somewhere with another officer, likely in the direction of the holding cells. The other man, who was probably Dan, still looked at him cautiously. Neron flashed a winning smile and sauntered over to him. This one looked pretty and stupid…oh he’d be easy. Not to mention he could smell the desire to be better wafting off him. It wasn’t as pathetic as Gary’s had been, but it was still something.
“Don’t hurt him.”
“Shut up and stay down,” Neron hissed under his breath. He ran a nail against the exposed flesh sticking out of his sleeve before setting his sights on Dan. “Hi there.”
“Hey. Dan Espinoza. I was told you wanted to visit someone in custody?”
“That’s right,” Neron beamed. “See, we have some…shared history. I’m concerned for his wellbeing, not to mention that of his associates. I just want to see how they’re holding up.”
Dan grimaced. “Yeah, you haven’t been the only one. Unfortunately, I can’t let you speak with any of them right now. Even if I could, then you wouldn’t get anything out of coming here.”
“Oh, I think I would,” he purred, setting his hand on Dan’s shoulder. “So, Dan, it was? What do-“
Before he could go on, Chloe Decker stormed back into the room. “Dan, what did you do?”
“Why didn’t you tell me they got bail?!”
The negative energy rolling off her…he could use so much of it and make it consume her, but Lucifer liked her too much. He’d have to play his cards carefully with her. “Who made bail?”
“John Constantine and the two men I brought in with him last night. Dan, how could-“
              Neron’s mouth opened and closed with rage and surprise, tuning out whatever Chloe was yelling about. He had made sure those problems had been dealt with and they’d all be in one place. The rest of the Legends must have bailed them out. In the back of his head, Gary was praising the turn of events with a little laugh. Neron ground his teeth and plunged the weakling into a traumatizing memory.
“I’m sorry, but John Constantine is GONE?” he snarled as someone began to scream at a Lopez.
              The power flickered before popping and fizzling out, plunging the whole station into darkness. While the humans scrambled, Neron made a break in the same direction Chloe had gone earlier. His nails bit into his palms as he strode down the hallway. By the time he reached what he was looking for, he was greeted with a few lowlifes sulking in custody, but no sign of John or the other two. Fuming, he let his true face show in the emergency lighting and roaring before making his way to the exit.
              Ava took the lead once they arrived at the police station. She channeled every ounce of her authority outward as she walked up the steps with Sara and Zari, as Charlie had elected to stay in the car. This was another mission, but it was also a lot more than that. A year and a half ago, she wouldn’t have ever let herself get personal with anything. Now, things were different. She did personal now.
“He has to be here,” Zari muttered as she watched officers clean up broken glass and papers. “It’s a mess.”
              Ava nodded before speaking to one of the officers about where to go regarding bail. They were then directed to the person in charge of processing, only to be told that John, Mick, and Ray had already been bailed out. Apparently, Lucifer Morningstar had been the one to do it a few hours ago. When Ava showed the officer Gary’s photo, they got confirmation that he had been there, but they had only just missed him. To add to the frustrations, there had been a power outage at the station that caused the cameras to go down, so they had no idea where Neron had gone. The trail was cold until they could get back to the Waverider and run another trace on the courier.
“I can’t believe he got away!” Ava shouted as they walked out of the station and a car nearly ran them over. “We were so close!”
“We’ll find him,” Sara assured her, even though she was looking disappointed by the turn of events. “But we need to find the rest of the team too. We don’t even know where Nora and Des are still.”
Fury suddenly filled Ava. “Meanwhile we don’t even know what Neron’s doing here. It’s been two days, that’s plenty of time to get something together. He could get attack tomorrow and none of us would even be ready!”
“And if we did, we’d fight him,” Sara bit back. “Ava, just calm down.”
“No! When you tried to ambush him, you failed! He beat all of you, then went and took one of my agents and used him to attack the Bureau. I should be back there running operations and dealing with that, not running around Los Angeles avoiding calls about Gary’s family. If your team was capable, then none of this would have happened!”
“Oh please,” Zari spat. “Neron was riding Gary for a week and you never noticed anything was wrong. The attack on the Bureau, McNeil’s death, that’s on you!”
“Of course, you’re going to blame me for that,” Ava snarled. “You always have so much blame to throw around. Yourself, the Legends, the Bureau. And you don’t even care about Gary. All you care about is fixing your future. Who are you blaming for that today anyway? The Bureau or the Legends?”
Zari’s hand clenched and the wind turned from a gentle breeze into a strong gust. Ava’s hand moved down towards her side either for her flasher or gun, she didn’t know which to grab.
“Oi, stop it!” Charlie shouted, startling all of them. “What do you think you’re doing right now?”
The wind stopped blowing as Zari blinked in confusion. Ava shook her head as the anger that had been coursing through her evaporated instantly.
“I’m so sorry,” she murmured. “I don’t know what that was. Something just came over me.”
“Me too,” Zari said as Sara nodded. “It just came out.”
“It was Neron.”
              Ava turned with the others to see who had just spoken. Desmond was walking up to them with Nora. Both of them were alive and intact. However, Des looked like he’d been sick somewhere recently. Nora was eyeing him like she was expecting him to keel over at any moment.
“That’s what he does,” Des continued. “I’ve watched it happen enough times to know when it’s him. He messes with your head. Whatever you’re feeling gets corrupted into hate and anger. Everywhere he goes, chaos happens.”
“You’re alive,” Charlie grinned. “I was starting to worry you were both goners.”
“We got a little cut off, no big deal,” Nora shrugged. “If you’re here, I’m guessing you know what happened to the others.”
“We just got out of there,” Ava told them. “They were bailed out this morning by a Lucifer Morningstar. And apparently Neron was there not long before us, but the power went out and we don’t know where he’s gone.”
Zari groaned. “That car that nearly ran us down…that’s when we started fighting. It was going so fast that I didn’t see who was driving. It had to be Neron.”
“Definitely Neron,” Des confirmed. “I realized too late after I felt him. He’s gone now though.”
“Well, at least he doesn’t have the guys,” Sara sighed. “Then again, they’re with that Lucifer guy.”
Nora shuddered. “They’re with the Devil. The actual Devil. That’s just as bad.”
“Yeah,” Ava agreed. “We need to get John and the others back with us.”
Sara nodded. “Ava’s right. As soon as we have them back, then we figure out a plan. Together.”
              Zari worked out getting a ride for them back to where they parked the Waverider. As they waited, Charlie questioned Nora and Des about the club while Sara listened in. Meanwhile, Ava stared at the phone number she’d gotten from Gary’s file to contact his family. They’d already tried to file a missing persons report before another Time Agent interfered and got it taken down, but calls were coming in every day from his parents expressing concern over not hearing anything from him for two weeks. She should have made the call yesterday, but she didn’t know what to say.
How were you supposed to tell someone that a demon had possessed their son?
The ride up in the elevator was silent until they hit the top floor and John finally opened his mouth. “So you’re telling me Neron’s been lying low with you?”
“He came into town yesterday,” Lucifer explained as they entered his penthouse. “Played it up like he was human at first, but I sniffed him out quick and got him to come clean. That murder charge the detective arrested you on was actually him. He wore a trench coat to the crime scene to really sell it. If I didn’t know he was in town, I would have thought it really was you.”
“Wow,” Ray gaped. “And I doubt that guy had a time courier. Do you know where Neron is right now? Or what he’s doing?”
“Possibly out with Maze. They’re both gone and she’s not picking up her phone. Don’t worry though, if anyone can reign in Neron, it’s a demon that he’s got a history with.”
“Oh, totally foolproof,” John muttered sarcastically, his hand dipping into his pocket where Gary’s glasses were. Ray had taken a look at them earlier in the week when John had left them lying out. The glass and frames were too damaged to be worn again, but the glasses overall were still intact. When he could save Gary and get Neron out, then John would find a new pair for him. It was least he could do for Gary taking his place.
“Huh?” John snapped his head up, withdrawing his hand. “Sorry, were you being a pretentious bastard again?”
Lucifer narrowed his eyes. “I said that I trust Maze. She’s dealt with Neron before. But the reason I bailed your sorry ass out of jail is to get questions answered. I’m going to start with what brought you and these two gentlemen here, not to mention that other woman from last night.”
“Doing our job,” Mick told him shortly, plunking himself down on one of the couches.
“Mick’s right, but there’s more to the story,” Ray added. “A group of us have been after Neron for a while. We almost got him, but then he pulled a surprise out of his hat at the last minute and took over someone we knew. Then he attacked us again a week ago and we tracked him to LA. This time, we’re going to get him.”
“Oh, so you’re roped more people into your line of work,” Lucifer smirked at John. “You really must have pissed off Neron if he’s taking over someone you shagged.”
“Is that what he told you? Neron’s taken over two people close to me. The first was my boyfriend, then it was-”
“Some pathetic, sorry notch in your bedpost? His words, not mine.”
John clenched his fist and shook his head. “His name is Gary Green. He traded himself for me as Neron’s next host. It’s my fault that Neron’s running around in his body because he came after me in the first place when Neron was tossing me around the room.”
“Hey, quit beating yourself up,” Ray scolded. “We got him out of the Bureau. That’s something right there. You and Nate have got to stop beating yourselves up over this.”
“He didn’t even notice it wasn’t Gary! None of them did!”
“Hang on,” Lucifer cut in. “How long did it take for you to realize this Gary wasn’t really Gary anymore?”
“A week,” Mick answered. “He gave them a crap story about the demon leaving his meatsuit. They all believed it and moved on. We were on a mission and didn’t know he was back until the end of the week. Trenchcoat was the only one who thought the demon was still in him. We went there, exposed him, and now he’s running.”
“And then you followed him here,” Lucifer turned to look at John.
He nodded. “When Des was sent down to Hell, I ran. Now he’s in someone else I care about. I can’t run again.”
“And why,” Lucifer leaned forward. “Is that?”
The words started spilling out before he could stop them. “Because Gary saved me from getting possessed again. And I tried to run again but I couldn’t. I want to save him. Yes, it’s to beat a bloody demon but it’s also because I do still like Gary. I like him a lot more than I realized.”
              Lucifer straightened back up, surprised by what he’d heard. John sighed and glanced over at the other two. Mick was studying him intently, as if he was planning to use what he’d just heard in his next books. There were going to be words after this as to why he shouldn’t even think about doing so. Ray, on the other hand, had a look of understanding on his face. That did make sense given Nora had been Mallus’s host.
“So the desire thing is true after all,” John muttered. “Hoped that was just a myth.”
“Then you would be myth-taken,” Lucifer replied. “But I didn’t expect to hear all of that. Neron’s host is someone you care very much about, isn’t he?”
“He’s not just some host. His name is Gary.”
“We really need to save him,” Ray took over now. “Neron is planning to do something awful. We figured it was why he came to LA until John told us about you. If there’s anything that you have that can help us”-
“Ray, stop,” John held up a hand. “You aren’t making a deal with the devil. I’ll be the one who owes him a favor.”
“A favor from John Constantine?” the Devil smiled. “I’ll accept that.”
“Great, now what’s he up to?”
“Haven’t the faintest,” Lucifer answered, getting a eyeroll from Mick. “But I do know where he is and can find out where he’ll be going. Do either of you have a phone?”
Ray pulled his out and Lucifer took it from him.
“When Neron came into town, I wanted to keep tabs on him, especially since he wasn’t concerned with me being gone from hell. So Maze made sure she could track him with her phone, made sure I could with mine this morning, and now I’m doing the same for Mr. Palmer’s. Also my number’s in there too for you.”
“We won’t need to call again,” John said as he took the phone from Lucifer when he extended it to them. “You know, you do seem awfully keen on helping us go after one of your own, Old Scratch. What’s that all about?”
A cloud passed over the sun and darkened the penthouse as Lucifer’s eyes glowed momentarily. “His inclination to chaos isn’t needed here. He’s causing problems, like bringing you all the way out here.”
“Point taken” John nodded as he turned and headed back to the elevator. “Thanks for the bail. Come on, you two. We’ve got stuff to get before we meet up with Neron again.”
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jkfortunekookies · 7 years
The First Time With Jeon Jungkook
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Genre : Fluff, romance,comedy,implicit language,sexual innuendos Pairing:Jungkook x reader Length: 29K words Summary : This is a series based on all of your first times with jungkook, from your childhood till adulthood
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2 days ago, Lusty&Nancy Bar, L.A, 00:42 AM
The scent of alcohol and smoke was heavy as Jungkook was drinking his last shot of martini before collapsing on her lap. She chuckled as she ran her soft fingers through his raven hair. Those majestic looking lips, that gorgeous nose and long lashes, could drive any girl insane at his sight, but only one girl could drive the latter over the edge. He untied his tie as he dropped it on the cold ground before making himself at home, sleeping on her lap. Jungkook was never completely drunk, but had this tendency to collapse at random moments and wake up randomly just to take off his clothes. He sniffled a few times before grabbing onto the soft hand that was caressing his ears.
“I missed you….” he murmured half coherently “…Y/N”
The girl’s face fell into a scowl as she heard your name coming out of his beautiful lips, one more time. Every time, it would be the same story. He would hit her up, they would talk for a few hours and he would end up drunk, sleeping on her lap. Who was she? His business partner Park Sooyoung. Tall, brunette, pretty and a bright future ahead of her. She made heads turn by her presence only. Being a year older than Jungkook, she often talked informally to him even if he was her superior. She never had any feelings towards the boy, but she couldn’t help but feel irritated every time he mentioned your unknown name before casually sleeping on her lap.
“Y/N… I really wonder who she is, for turning him into a mess” she sighed
“Sooyoung-ssi” Jungkook’s eyes suddenly sprung open “Do you think she still remembers me?” he unbuttons the first buttons of his dress shirt “Sometimes, I keep on wondering… if she actually cares about me?”
“Jungkook, I would like to give you an answer but—“
“It’s Mr. Jeon for you” he pointed at her before erupting in a fit of giggles “We’re still workmates remember?”
“Right… only workmates” she clenched her fist
“Mr. Jeon sounds like a sexier title as well. Right? How about Director Jeon?” he ran a hand through his hair before crouching his shoulders “That’s supposed to be my future title…” he grabbed her hand in his “Do you think I can do this?”
“I think the question should be: Do you want to do this?” she replied in a heartbroken tone
“You are right…” he laid his head back on her lap “What do I even want?” he laid the back of his hand on his forehead “I just want to go back home” he felt a tear slipping from his eyes
“Should I bring you back home?” Sooyoung smiled at him
The word home had a different meaning in Sooyoung’s suggestive context
Today, Dorms at Seoul University, 12:32 PM
You were sipping on your lemon tea as it was the start of a new semester in your area. You and your friends were about to have a blast for the last remaining weeks of summer before tackling another stressful term. It might’ve been your second year at Seoul University, but you never felt more than welcomed whenever stopping by campus. You’d usually go back home during the summers and get back to the dorms during the school year, but this year it was quite different, as you had to get back to the dorm earlier. Something about a change of roommates was occurring in your department. The dean’s daughter made a fuss about wanting to change rooms so they had to rearrange the rooms. Knowing that you were the only scholarship student in the residence building, they chose to make you move out to make more space for the new tenant.
“That little brat, I swear to god, she’s so spoiled and idiot” Jimin groaned as he watched you pack your belongings
“Don’t say that, Jimin” you nudged his arm “I mean, she does have a right to do this. She’s still the dean’s, one and only daughter.”
“Doesn’t change the fact that her IQ is lower than Hoseok’s grades. I despise people of her type the most”
“Why do you hate on her so much?”
“Because she ruined your summer! You had to get on a 3 hours train ride to pick up your stuff Y/N. Why can’t you realize that she’s an annoying brat? She purposely made you move your ass from your vacation break to come in town.”
“She probably didn’t mean it that way! I actually decided to drop by in advance, so stop it” you patted his arm
“Still doesn’t change the fact that you need to leave your room” Jimin rubbed his temples “Damn you, stupid Park Chaeyoung”
“I always thought she had something for you though…” you raised a brow at him “Like a tiny crush?” you winked
“W-What?! Whoah, that’s the best joke I’ve heard in a century” Jimin flushed a slight tint of red “Girls like her are what I want to avoid the most.” He scoffed “In the last two years I’ve lived on campus, I never saw a girl as whiny and as spoiled as her. Do you realize that her majesty has a personal slave that holds her goddamn haute couture Gucci bag? Even Taehyung who owns the whole Gucci collection doesn’t do that kind of shit”
“But still, she asked nicely” you replied “It’s her last year before leaving for Ireland. That’s the least I can do to help her, as a student”
“That’s the problem with you Y/N” Jimin pointed at you “You’re way too f*cking nice to be real.”
“Come on, it’s just a room” you rolled your eyes
“You’re moving to the science department dorms! Do you realize how creepy most of these guys are?”
“I always thought they were brilliant though “you grabbed your clothes “Namjoon Sunbae is such a cutie. He was the best T.A I ever had in my years here”
“Namjoon is an exception, I’m talking about the weird guys who are in the engineering department. They always become weird as f*ck around finals.” Jimin sighed “They apparently become crazy because of their work load. Take Yuta for example! He didn’t even last a semester in there! He gave up halfway and changed programs” He sighed “These poor beings.”
“Oh, are you talking about those weird rumors of them being perverts? The boys who are taking engineering at Seoul U, are cute though, well that’s what I always thought” you commented “They’re not crazy”
“Okay yes, they seem all normal, but that’s because you’re a girl. They won’t show you their real nature” Jimin pressed his back on the wall
“What about you? Mr. Psychology. Stop digging too far inside my brain with your manipulative talks” you stared at him
“What are you talking about?”
“Why are you so concerned about me, talking to the boys in engineering?” you raised a suspicious brow “Is it Jungkook who told you to look out for me, again?”
“Well yes but no. I’m looking out for you because you’re my friend, you little marshmallow “he pinched your cheek
“Owww?!” you squeaked
“You’re too cute for your own good, young lady” Jimin shook his head ‘’ If Jungkook saw this, he’d probably nut’’ he muttered and you caught on.
“Uhm Thank you? But Why would he nut over this?’’ you raised a brow
‘’ You know how much he despise your cuteness? Remember how he pushed you off of him at the airport two years ago, because you wouldn’t stop clinging onto him?’’
‘’T-That was b-because … I didn’t want to let him go’’ you sighed
‘’ Exactly why it was difficult for him to ever get on his flight.’’ He added “I mean, what kind of girl throws a tantrum over her friend, on the day of his flight?” Jimin chuckled
“I was just making sure he’d remember me, okay?!” You pushed Jimin ‘’ I haven’t heard from him, in such a long time’’ you blew air on your bangs
‘’ He’s probably busy working or studying” Jimin replied “Jungkook is now his father’s manager assistant, remember?”
“I know, b-but… we haven’t talked for months now” you grabbed your shoes from the closet I wonder if he already forgot… about me” your world was slowly shattering
“What are you saying now, you little dummy!” Jimin ruffled your hair “Jungkook would never forget you! You’re thinking too much for nothing. Jungkook is just very…busy nowadays? He needs a breather and a break”
“ That’s what you’ve been telling me for the past three months , Jimin” you stared at him “ He’s probably never coming back and judging from his Instagram pictures, I doubt he’s in the mood to come back” you added in a salty tone
“Insta? What happened on his insta page?”
“Well, I don’t know, maybe he’s too busy drinking with his new favorite Park Sooyoung? You know what’s more annoying about this? It’s not the fact that he’s been drinking and partying with random girls, but the fact that he’s never answering my calls, but still bothers to post these pictures, as if he wanted to rub it in my face.”
“ That’s very weird” Jimin furrowed his brows as he grabbed his phone to scroll through his Instagram feed “Don’t tell me the American air got to him?” Jimin  face palmed “This little bastard should know better than to play around like this.”
“You know what’s more annoying about this?” you added “I actually miss him a load more every time I see him posting a picture of him having a good time. I wish I was there with him…”
“Child, come here” Taehyung suddenly pulled you by your arm as you landed head against his chest
“Sweet baby Jesus, Where do you COME FROM?!” you gasped as Taehyung randomly hugged you
“I’m a god who teleports” he winked at you
“Seems like your brain cells like to teleport as well, I haven’t seen them being functional in a while” Jimin smirked as he pressed his back onto the wall
“Touché” Taehyung commented “My brain stopped functioning ever since my girlfriend left for Stanford university” he faked a sob “ I miss her so much, I feel like dying” he leaned his head onto your shoulder
“I thought you were supposed to meet up with Lisa in a few days? Didn’t she said she’d drop by campus soon?” you blinked as you patted Taehyung’s hair
“She’s too busy working on a design specimen that came in weeks ago. She’s such a brilliant waffle, she got herself an internship for the summer and she’s working with Alegro Sportanov on his winter clothes collection.  I doubt she’d ever waste money to drop by here and see my pitiful self. My girlfriend is aiming to become a designer, and me?! I’m still crying over how difficult it is to keep grades from going downhill”
“Why don’t you try changing programs? I thought you hated being in social sciences? Why not go for Web design instead? You spend your days editing things for the school’s journal.”
“I’m afraid they might not take me in, because of my grades”
“That’s why I told your ass, to study harder!” Jimin shook his head in disbelief “This is not a game anymore Tae, the second your fail a course, it automatically f*cks your average.”
“And lose all of your scholarships” you sighed “but I guess you won’t have to worry about this, right? You got a few modelling contracts with Gucci, so I guess it cancels out. Hey, maybe you could try auditioning for a full time position?”
“M-Me? Full time model? They’d never allow such a thing to happen” Taehyung sat on your bed
“But you still worked as a part-time model for Gucci last year”
“Being a part time model is not the same at all. I’m just a normal looking citizen compared to these other experimented models. I might look pitiful”
“Just a normal looking citizen?!” jimin’s jaw dropped “If you call yourself that way, then I wonder what the f*ck I’m supposed to look like?”
“If he’s a normal looking citizen, then I’m a parasite” you pouted “You were the best looking amongst the other models on that magazine. You have that natural flair it takes to be in front of the camera” you ruffled his hair
“Don’t say that! You guys really overestimate my looks! I’m just…a regular looking guy next to these other models” he sighed
“At least half of them went under the knives, yet you still look better than them, naturally? How better looking do you want to get? You might make girls cry with your stupid symmetrical face. I wonder how Lisa bears with this kind of annoying perfection” Jimin smacked his friend’s head
“You guys really think that I-I could m-m-make it in the world of modelling?” Taehyung stuttered
“Anything is possible as long as you believe in your dreams” you smiled “The worst that could happen is for you to give up on your dream and let others belittle your efforts. “ You added “And maybe… You could be the model who’d get to wear Lisa’s first official creations? Imagine modelling for your girlfriend’s line of clothing? How amazing would that be?!” you held on his hand
“I-I’d love that” he smiled shyly
“This lucky mofo” Jimin fist bumped Taehyung’s shoulder
“Well maybe if your standards didn’t reach the sky, you’d have a cute girlfriend too, Park Jimin” you raise a playful brow
“I’m not into relationships. As a diplomatic individual, I believe it’s my duty to remain within people of my range.”
“And what is your range?” you asked
“Brilliant humans?” Jimin chuckled “I only hooked up with smart girls so far, but they get boring most of the times…”
“Maybe you should start off by asking something else than ‘what is your major’ when meeting a girl? It’s quite a turn off in some cases” you chuckled
“T-That’s because I don’t want to be deceived. What she ends up being an airhead?”
“Your diploma doesn’t even determine your intelligence, Jimin” you sighed “You should know that more than anyone else. Your degree isn’t necessarily a reflection of your abilities. People have so much more to show than their ability to learn things by heart and write them down on their finals paper sheet. ”
“She has a point bro” Taehyung nodded
“I don’t know, I just want a girl, I can connect with, on a deeper level. “Jimin tried arguing
“Well maybe it’s not a brain you need, but someone who’s exciting?” Taehyung chewed on his bubble gum “Brains are not all of that, buddy” he nudged Jimin “Take Park Chaeyoung for example? She’s fun to be around. She might not be aiming to become a lawyer or a doctor, but her voice man… her voice is everything”
“Not that girl again” Jimin rolled his eyes “Now what? Her voice? That girl is so annoying and tell me about her tendencies to act all cute around her daddy, when in reality she’s a spoiled little princess—“ Jimin was about to retort as you pressed your index on his lips to stop him from babbling further
It didn’t take long before Jimin took notice of the foreign presence in the room. Park Chaeyoung, the dean’s daughter just entered the room. Jimin only had to look at her once, to realize that her outfit alone, was probably as pricey as the amount of money spent on two consecutive semesters at this university.
“Am I disturbing you guys?” Chaeyoung bite on her bottom lip
“Oh hey Chaeyoung!” you smiled at her “I’m packing up my stuff”
“I’m sorry for all of this” she held her head low “I never thought my dad would do such a thing” she commented “I only wanted to move in this residence for the rest of my school year, I never thought they’d ever kick you out like this”
“No worries! I’m all good” you added “I mean, I’m excited about moving to a new dorm. It might be more exciting there”
“More exciting? You’re moving to the worst dorm on campus Y/N” Jimin face palmed “Because of some people.” He stared at Chaeyoung “Shouldn’t you people, sleep in luxury where you should?” he stepped closer to her “Why are you suddenly feeling this urge to trample in the world of commoners?” he took a step forward
“Park JIMIN” you gritted your teeth “Stop being a brat” you elbowed him
“Why? Am I not saying the truth?’’ he stared at you before glaring at Chaeyoung “ Do you think we’re the same as you, Park Chaeyoung?” he raised a brow as he stepped closer and Chaeyoung stepped back
“I believe you might be misunderstanding something—“chaeyoung furrowed her brows
“What is there to misunderstand? You basically had to ring your little bell and oops! Y/N had to move out of her room.” he chuckled heartlessly “You really like ruining lives, huh?”
“I beg to differ. You do not know me nor do you have a say in this. I never intended on doing anything of this sort. You don’t even know me, yet you’re concluding all kinds of things” she lifted up her head to stare at the boy
“I don’t even need to think twice before concluding that spoiled little brats like you are always calling for drama and trouble” Jimin stepped closer
“A-Aren’t you the one who’s searching f-for trouble right now?” her cheeks turned a slight shade of red as Jimin’s nose brushed against hers
“Seems like her Majesty is getting nervous around a commoner like me?” Jimin laughed as he stepped back “It’s almost cute” he chuckled sexily
Side comments from you and Taehyung
“What is going on between these two?” you whispered to Taehyung
“Jimin is probably internally melting over how cute Chaeyoung is?” Taehyung blinked “I mean, she’s pretty adorable when she blushes, no lie—“he gasps as you elbowed him
“You have a Girlfriend, Romeo” you scold him
“What?! I just stated facts. My Nutella waffle also does that” Taehyung pouted
“Nutella waffle?” you raised a brow
“Lisa” he mouthed
“Jeon was kind of right when he said that you were in a weird relationship” you giggled
“W-what is cute?!” Chaeyoung straightened her back “You better step away from my personal space” she stuttered
“What if I refuse to obey to her majesty’s orders?” Jimin’s face was a few inches away from hers, as he swirled in his fingers a strand of her soft strawberry colored hair “What will happen then? Your highness?”  He emphasized each words as he locked eyes with her wavering ones.
“Then I might kick you out of here” she held her head high “You’re under my power, right? You said so yourself.” She pushed his chest with her index “I thought you were a few months older than me?” she added “What a disappointment” she stared at her nails “and to imagine that I actually expected something from our school’s genius. You failed me. ” she chuckled heartlessly
“Damn, this heiress is one hell of a feisty game” Taehyung chuckled
“Being royalty doesn’t stop you from putting back idiots in their place” you replied “I’m honestly so confused. Why is Jimin being such a brat? He’s always a gentlemen” you commented
“It’s jimin’s personal way to tackle his unwanted attraction towards her majesty, Park Chaeyoung” Taehyung added “You might not realize it yet, but Jimin is intrigued by her, this is also why they’re not putting their argument to rest. He wants it to last longer”
“What a manipulative bastard “your jaw dropped
“Well, he did study psychology, so I guess he knows to keep a girl on her edges” Taehyung stared at you
“Whoa this woman” Jimin scoffed “At least I’m not mooching off of my father’s ass to get special treatment”
“I never asked my father, for your information!” chaeyoung argued “He acted like this on his own! I wanted to move in quietly but he learned about it…and now…it turned out like this” she hung her head low
“Exactly, being daddy’s little girl requires for him to do everything in his power to make his little princess as comfortable as she can get, on campus”
‘’ Excuse me?’’ she scoffed
‘’ You heard me, Park Chaeyoung’’ he stepped closer to her face “Just because you’re born into royalty, doesn’t mean that everyone will be at your feet’’
‘’ I never expected people to treat me like a princess or anything, the least I expected is a little bit of politeness. Isn’t that how any man with class, treats a lady?”
“Sorry to disappoint, but in my eyes you’re not a lady.” He mocked her “How can I possibly see a girl of your range being a lady?”
“What do you mean?”
“A true lady finds a way to accomplish things she wants on her own, without needing the help of her father” Jimin stared at her “Your outfit alone probably comes from the hard work your father poured into this school” he added “You can’t do anything on your own and that’s a fact”
“Who said I was unable of doing things on my own?! Who are you to be saying such things?!” Chaeyoung shouted
“What’s the use of arguing “he shook his head “We live in two different worlds, princess? Why don’t you go back up on your throne? We don’t need her majesty to feel inconvenienced by our inferior presence” Jimin commented sarcastically
“Does being the dean’s daughter, means that I can’t be like any normal girl? Does living in luxury means that I can’t be myself? Do you think I ever wanted to be the daughter of a man like my father?”
“What is he saying now?” you rolled your eyes as you stared at Taehyung “Can you please tell him to shut the f*ck up before we all get kicked out of college because of his carelessness”
“Jimin is biting onto the bait. He’s actually interested” Taehyung whispered back
“All he’s been doing, is insulting and degrading Chaeyoung for the last ten minutes, yet you call this being interested?”
“This is how men shows their interest, Y/N”
“It’s a turn off and I would’ve actually stepped on his dick if I was in Chaeyoung’s position, but a girl with such class wouldn’t lower herself to do such a thing, right?”
“Chaeyoung probably wants to kick his face with her heel, but won’t do it” Taehyung chuckled “Jimin is such a diplomatic asshole.”
“What is diplomatic about any of this? He’s just trying to get on her nerves!” you groaned “I can’t recognize him. He’s usually such a smart and witty bastard, what is going on?!”
“He’s attracted to that girl, that’s what’s going on” Taehyung smirked “Remember how Jungkook used to push you away during middle school and freshman year in high school?”
“Oh you mean, when he casually stopped sharing hugs with me and always ran away whenever we had biology together?” you blinked
“Yeah, exactly. That’s the same thing. Some men run away from their truth and some others try to deny it. Jimin just happens to the kind of guy to deny his true feelings”
“Ahhh” you nodded “But wait, what does Jungkook has to do with this?” you raised a brow
“Hush, we might interrupt the drama” Taehyung pressed his index on your lips as a distraction “Let me enjoy these love scenes while they last”
“Idiots” you sighed “Men are real idiots”
Today, Hilton Hotel, L.A, 8:43 AM
On the other side of the planet, Jungkook was packing his belongings from the hotel room he stayed in for the last two weeks. After travelling from L.A to Norway, Paris and Scandinavia, his next destination was his favorite place in the world; Home. Two years might have had passed as slowly as it could it, but Jungkook chose to see it in a different approach.
Travelling only meant that he was now allowed to learn new things and make new friends as well. Spending the first three months in L.A turned him into a depressed mess, calling you every three to four hours and texting even while you were asleep. He soon enough learned that he had to depend on himself for his own success.
Two years ago , August 15th, Princeton University, 12:45PM
Missing you was a thing, but the boy had to plan his future as well. As much as he missed you, he decided to focus on his work for the remaining year of travelling he had to do. Enrolling in Princeton’s University, Jungkook had his future all planned out, all he had left to do was to make a few friends. Being the introverted shy fluff he was, he had trouble socializing with other students.
It was only a few months later, through his second semester, when he took his most hated lecture; economics, that he found the light to his darkness. Wang Jackson, his friend from Elementary school was taking the same class. This marvelous surprise made Jungkook smile and he didn’t felt as lonely as he used to.  
“Man! You go here?!” Jackson half shouted as he hugged Jungkook “Damn, I swear to god, I almost didn’t recognize you! What happened to your height?! What did you eat to grow like this?! I’m almost salty” he chuckled
“Milk is the secret” Jungkook hugged him back “How long have you been here? I swear, I never expected to find you here”
“I moved here after High school” Jackson smiled “My parents had some unfinished business in the area, and I actually liked it here, so we decided to stay” he paused “What about you? I never dreamt to ever find you casually strolling on campus like this”
“I’m here to get my degree” Jungkook replied “I’m actually travelling to a few places while learning a few things about my parents’ business.”
“Ah, you have that business to take over, right?” Jackson nodded “Damn, I almost forgot your parents were entrepreneurs. Do you like it here so far?”
“Well, yeah, I guess it’s bearable?” Jungkook replied with a heartbroken smile “I miss home, to be real with you”
“Homesick, huh… ” Jackson empathized with him as he patted Jungkook’s shoulder “Don’t worry, we all felt like this at first! But we eventually get used to it. You won’t want to leave after a few months” he nudged Jungkook “Let me give you my number, we can hang out sometimes. I’ll introduce you to some of my amazing friends as well”
“Really?” Jungkook grabbed his bag as he handed his phone to Jackson “You seem so used to this place” he smiled
“Yeah, well, you know, If you ever miss Korean food, there’s always a way to find it here” he winked
“What if I missed my friends at home though…?” Jungkook replied in a heartbreaking tone
“Your buddies would want you to be happy! Talking about buddies, what happened to the boys? My boys, Taehyung and Jimin? Are they still doing well?”
“They’re all good, Jimin, taehyung and even... Y/N go to the same university”
“Y/N? Oh Oh… Oh my God? Y/N as in Y/N? Your one and only girlfriend?”
“Not my girlfriend. Add the space between girl and friend” Jungkook commented
“ Well you did wanted her to be your girlfriend at some point, I might have missed your amazing adventures in high school , but my pinky tells me that you had feelings for her” he nudged Jungkook “ You even stopped playing with me and Bambam back in the day , because you wanted to spend more time with her”
“That’s because you kept on teasing her, and I had to do something about it”
“Yeah, you’re definitely head over heels for her” Jackson chuckled “Is she hot though?”
“I mean, did she grow up to be sexy? I never saw her after 6th grade happened”
“Why do you need to know that?” Jungkook raised a suspicious brow
“I was just curious man, chill” he chuckled “Just show me a picture. I won’t bite her, she’s still on the other side of the planet, right” he added
“Sure…” Jungkook stared at his friend skeptically “She’s not sexy, more like a female version of Tarzan. I’m not telling you how embarrassed she made me at the airport when we had to part ways.” He face palmed “Sometimes I wonder if she’ll ever get to find a boyfriend with this kind of behavior”
He even had the chance to see Lisa a few times, as she was now a student at Stanford’s University and Jackson took quite a liking to the blonde girl. Even introducing her to Bambam through face time. Bambam soon enough told Jackson to back off because she was his childhood friend.
“How in the world?” Jackson scowled “Why is this girl, a friend of Jungkook and a childhood friend of Bambam? The world is too small.”
“Better luck next time sir” she bowed “I already have a boyfriend”
“Wait a second” Jungkook grabbed her “Lisa, how did you even get here?” Jungkook’s jaw dropped
“I got a scholarship” she smiled “Fashion Design~” she nudged him “How about you? I heard you left right after graduation. It was such a pity, I didn’t get to see you during prom”
“Yeah, I had a few things to take care of” he ruffled his hair “How’s the American air treating you?” he replied
“Well, I miss Tae” she pouted “But I’ve been working on a few design pieces for next spring. I’m excited. I like the weather here, I can freely wear shorts all year long.”  She giggled
“I hate the weather here” Jungkook groaned
“Why are you such a hater towards the heat? “ Jackson commented
“Because I hate sweating” Jungkook scowled “I had to change this shirt two times because of how hot it gets here”
“Then just take it off, and your problem is solved” Lisa winked
“You little pervert in the hiding. I knew you didn’t change a bit. I’m not taking off any article of clothing to please your thirst” Jungkook flicked her forehead
“What?! I just enjoy the body’s aesthetic. I’m a designer after all. I see bodies all day long. Yours isn’t that impressive anymore” she smirked “But still, no one can beat my baby Tae. His body is just so beautiful… I wonder if gods sculpted him” she said dreamily
“Is Taehyung’s unicorn still in good state?” he commented “Did you make some magic before dropping by the states?”
“Unicorn? Magic? ” Jackson blinked
“ Magic isn’t what’s missing from  my little world with Taehyung” she crossed her arms over her chest “You’d be surprised at how much magic can happen in the time span of a few minutes”
“Too much information. I’m going to cry now” Jungkook faked a sob “I want a girlfriend too” he banged his head on the wall
“You have one, remember?” she blinked “She’s waiting for you, back at home”
“Oh does he?” Jackson commented
“I wish she was my actual girlfriend. But she’s just a girl, space, friend” he hung his head low
“Can you people include me in the conversation?” Jackson asked
“Nah” Jungkook and Lisa replied in union
This was what happened in the first year he stayed in L.A. The boy went out a few times with Jackson and Lisa to drink and party, yet he would still feel like something or someone was missing. His grades made their way up and he was one the best students in his department at Princeton University. Things were all going for the best, but it felt empty.
Face timing with you wasn’t going to solve the problem. All of these times where he felt lonely at home, even with his one and only Jelly. He yearned for your scent, your touch, your hair, your stupid jokes and your little scowls. He wanted to tease you and annoy you, yet you weren’t there with him and it never felt right.
“Y/N, it’s 3AM, we need to say goodbye, or else you won’t be able to wake up tomorrow” he sighed as he stared at your face through his phone screen
“Sleep? You’re so funny Jeon Jungkook” you chuckled on the other side “ There’s no such thing as sleeping  in this university” you sighed “ Even if I hang up, I’ll have to work on my lab report”
“Are you being serious? What kind of school does this to their students” Jungkook frowned
“It’s not their fault” you commented “It’s actually my fault for going out last night” you bite your bottom lip
“Last night?” Jungkook raised a skeptical brow “What did you do last night?”
“I went out with Taehyung and one of my seniors to go drink. Tae was sad because Lisa hasn’t been calling him for a week now”
“One of your seniors huh?” he furrowed his brows “Who is HE?” he emphasized every word
“How do you know that it’s a he?” you blinked
The thought of you possibly going on dates or meeting other guys always made him depressed. What if you ever forgot about him? What if these guys replaced him in your heart?
“W-Well, I just assumed!” Jungkook blinked
Because I fear you’d find a man to replace me, all the time
“Because, you’re a careless kid and you always hang out with boys! You shouldn’t hang out too late with that guy!”
“Hey, I was there to console my friend!” you rolled your eyes “I didn’t go on a d-date with him, if that’s what you want to know” you stuttered
“H-Hey! Who said I wanted to know this kind of information” he blinked frantically “I-It’s your personal life. I-It’s not like I have a saying in any of this” he bite his lip “Y-You’re free to go on dates, I mean…Who am I to tell you no”
“OH, really?” you raised a suspicious brow “Then okay, I’ll go on a date with Namjoon tomorrow” you nodded
“You CANNOT” he replied sternly
“WHY?! You just said it was my personal business” you asked, perplexed by the situation
“B- Because I don’t like that guy”
“You never even saw him” you chuckled
“T-That’s because I don’t want to give you to some random guy I never even met! W-what kind of friend would that make me? I protected you for the last 15 years okay! You are not allowed to go out with guys I’m not approving of. I bet he’s not even that good looking…  ” he pouted
“Well, in fact he’s really charming and he’s majoring in civil engineering” you commented “He’s basically the husband every girl wants in their household”  
“A-and you like him…?” Jungkook’s voice became softer
“What If I do…?” you replied, seeking for a reaction
“Then I’m f*cked, if it’s the case” he muttered
“Jungkook?” you tilted your head
“Nothing, I just said I didn’t really liked him…” Jungkook sighed “ But I guess that you might want to go on a date with him anyways, since he’s so smart and perfect” he replied in a salty tone “Since he’s everyone’s dream husband” he rolled his eyes
“Are you being jealous, right now?”
“I am not! Jealousy is an ugly emotion! There’s no way I’m ever getting jealous of some bastar—I mean guy, I never met” he cleared his throat “I’m just trying to protect you from creeps! They’re everywhere! But you won’t listen to me anyways, so suit yourself… do whatever you want”
“Ayyyyy, you’re totally jealous” he giggled “Is it because you didn’t find any cute girl at your university? I thought that Princeton had the prettiest girls in town”
“Pretty girls are not what’s missing from this university” Jungkook ruffled his hair “There’s even too many of them “
“Then why are you complaining?”
“Pretty girls might not be missing, but you’re not there. You’re what’s missing” he replied in a low tone “Who cares about all of these pretty faces , when I miss you so much, I feel like dying” he buried his face in his pillow  
“H-Hey, don’t say it like this. I might misunderstand” you blushed
“Say what? That I miss you? Or that I don’t care about any other girls?” he chuckled cutely
“Both!” you glared at him
“Ooh~ are you blushing? Or am I dreaming? I wish I could be there and pull on your cute cheeks” he puffed his cheeks
“Thank god you’re 14 hours away from me” you smirked “Are you drunk or on some drugs?”
“Children, don’t do drugs, they’re not good for you” he giggled “Hehe”
“Jungkook, what have you been consuming?”
“You” he smiled
“Oh no, not the twilight pickup lines. AGAIN”
“You’re like a drug to me” he burst out laughing
“Has college ruined you over there?”
“I was just remembering that day when I was drunk at Jennie’s birthday party” he commented “I was such a kid, I can’t believe I actually said these things to you”
“Can we talk about the fact that you actually opened your arms wide and said that you liked me so so so much? I almost lost my shit at how convincing you were”
Well maybe I was actually telling you the truth…
“For my defense, I was drunk” he commented “But college had been driving me nuts. Not to lie. I’m taking economics and my prof has no mercy on us. ”
“Has it been that hard on you?” you chuckled
“Well, yeah … you could say that “he pouted “All kinds of things get hard these days, you know” he tilted his head sexily
“E-Excuse me?” you stammered
“You heard me.” He replied in his husky voice
“You did not go there”
“Yes I went down there” he replied “You’re my best friend. Please empathize with my loneliness”
“You feel that comfortable about sharing private details with me?” you raised a brow
“I mean, you begged to know more about these private details when we high school kids. Now that I care about sharing them, you back out?”
“I-It’s not like that. I j-just never expected this…” you blinked
“I was obviously joking, you’re so gullible, it hurts” he ruffled his hair “By the way, and my dick is doing just fine.” He laughed on the other line
“As if I wanted to know these details?!” you shook your head in disbelief “You said you were joking like two seconds ago. Why are you telling me this?”
“I don’t know, maybe because I feel like you’re the only girl who’d accept me just the way I am?”
“I do not. Take back these graphic details. I’m going to cry” you faked a sob
“You’re so pure, I’m crying” he chuckled
“Dicks are ugly” you sighed
“My dick feels offended now. Is this how you expect to turn on your man, Y/N? Because I’m telling you, my dick just became more flaccid than it is supposed to be”
“I’m just tired and tried pulling a prank on you. I won’t bring up my dick in future conversations.” He wiggled his brows “Get it? Bring UP?” he laughed before regaining his composure
“Why am I even friends with this idiot” you sighed
“Don’t worry” he added “I just like seeing you panicking over me… it’s very…” he ran a hand through his hair “exquisite” he made a biting motion with his teeth
“What is he saying now? I will turn off my phone if you keep on being like this” you threatened
“Anyways sweetheart, I’ll let you sleep as I shall lay in bed alone, crying over how much I wished you were there to be my pillow.” He commented in a dramatic tone
“Don’t you dare sweetheart me, I’ll show up in your nightmares and maybe bite off your dick for playing me like this”
“Biting? Sounds f*cking painful. Remind me to never let my precious near you” he scoffed
“Don’t worry, I’d never get near your so-called precious even if you begged me”
“Are you sure about that?” he raised a seductive brow “Don’t get your panties twisted in a knot the day I come back from travelling. You will lose your shit over me. Mark my words” he made a sassy pose
“You’re so cocky.”  You commented “Make sure you’re safe”
“Are we talking about my flight or the day you’ll want my dick?” he laughed at his own joke “Okay, sorry, I’ll stop.” He chuckled  
“I hope your plane lands on a random island instead of showing up here” you glare at him
“Oh it will. You will probably have to pick me up afterwards. My one and only female version of Tarzan”
“I hate you” you rolled your eyes
“I hate you more” he sent a flying kiss
Those were the first year and a half, you communicated with him via Face time, but it soon changed, because of Jungkook’s new obligations and your busy schedule soon got in the way. He never felt like drifting apart from you, because he knew your bond was strong enough to last, but he was challenging himself to last a few months without you. What if he focused on work and became more successful? Would you finally see him as a worthy man? Would you stop treating him like a child? Those were the things Jungkook wanted to achieve while being overseas.
He wanted to blow you away after coming back. He wanted to see your jaw drop and having you jump into his arms like you never did before. He wanted to pet your hair and to kiss your lips without holding back. He wanted to match your level of expectations, and that was how his hard working personality suddenly took over, and he was determined to surpass himself. This was also the reason why he omitted talking to you, he thought you would become a distraction to his current hard work. What if he suddenly melted up and forgot about his goals while talking with you?
Today, Airport, L.A, 9:45 AM
“So you’re leaving today, huh?” Sooyoung sighed “I thought you’d stay a little longer…”
“My father assigned me to work on a few projects back at home.” Jungkook nodded as he held onto her hand “It was a pleasure working with a competent lady such as you, Park Sooyoung”
“W-why are you talking as if we’re going to part forever?” sooyoung blinked
“Oh, it might not be the last time I see you, but the next time we see each other, I hope you get promoted and I hope I can hold my head high without making any clumsy mistakes , like I did a year ago” he ruffled his hair in embarrassment
“You were still so young and…cute” She chuckled “You learn things quite fast, Jeon Jungkook. I guess this is the last time we see each other before the company launches their next project in the market, huh?” Sooyoung commented “ I will miss your little melt downs every time you received a call from that mystery girl, you were quite funny , trying to avoid her “ she laughed  before getting a little more serious “ But you know… if you really like her, then I suggest you try winning her heart properly this time” she squeezed his hand warmly
“ I-I will try” he stuttered before staring at his workmate “ Damn, Stop making me feel more nervous than I already am! What if I take the wrong plane because of you?”
“Calm down, director. I’m sure you’ll do just fine” she winked at him “I mean, you did had half of the company’s female employees at your feet, while you were staying here. Sweeping that mystery girl off of her feet shouldn’t be that much of a challenge” she nudged him
“Don’t director me” he blinked “I’m not even the director yet” he shivered “and Oh, you’d be surprised at how different and weird she is compared to normal humans” Jungkook commented “Unique in her own way” he gave her a warm smile
“Smitten over her, huh?” Sooyoung smirked “You know, if you ever get a rejection you can always hit me up” she gave him a flirty side stare
“We’re work buddies, as if it’s ever going to happen” he chuckled awkwardly “Sure, you have some amazing body proportions, but I’d rather not get involved” he bit on his bottom lip “Pardon me for blowing off such an offer” he bows “I’m sure the rest of our staff would drool at this offer” he commented before muttering something to himself “… not to mention that Yoongi and Jimin would probably kill me for not bringing you back in my suitcase”
Yeah, they’re probably going to rant over how stingy I am for not sharing the goods with them, when I never even touched the GOODS they’re talking about.
“It was just a suggestion, Mr. Jeon. No need to be on your edges every second of your life. You’re so cute when you get all nervous “she let out a sisterly laugh as she straightened up his black suit “Now, go inside that plane and make our Company proud of you.” she suddenly pulled on his tie “And make sure to win that girl’s heart, capiche?”
“I will. Take care of yourself, Smiley Joy” He smiled one last time before patting her hair and disappearing from her sight
Sooyoung waved at him one last time before ditching her high heels for sneakers, as a sad smile made its way onto her face.
“Guess I’ll just be cupid for another time” Sooyoung sat inside her car as she stepped on the pedal, on her way to Jackson’s place
Today, Dorms at Seoul University, 1:30 PM
“Ugh, I’m so bored Taehyung” you pulled on his sleeve “do something”
“I started collecting Louis Vuitton bags, do you want me to talk about my Prada coats or should I give you more details about my new Versace pants? They’re so soft and comfortable, I might as well melt every time I put them on”
“There he goes again.” You tied your hair in a ponytail “ Tae, I’m well aware of the fact that you’re making lots of collections, but can we please talk about something more exciting?” you sighed
“You want something more exciting, huh?” Jimin raised a brow
“Let’s go clubbing then. Mystery resolved” Taehyung smirked  
“C-Clubbing? I’m not cut for that kind of thing though” you stuttered “I hate crowded places…and I can’t drink”
“The club is more than drinking and dancing!” Taehyung pulled your cheek “Honey, the club is where you meet new friends “
“Owwww” you scowled “As if I need any more friends, when I already have catastrophe number 1 and natural disaster part 2, right next to me”
“Who’s the natural disaster?” Jimin blinked “M-Me?”
“I think it’s you, man” Taehyung chuckled
“As if you’re one to talk, you’re a catastrophe!” Jimin pointed a Taehyung
“It’s just unfair” you suddenly commented
“What is?”
“Jungkook always has so much fun and I’m still here being imprisoned because of college”
“Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, right? Go out and have some fun as well” Taehyung ruffled your hair “It’s not like you’re going to be twenty forever, right? Enjoy it while it lasts, bunny boo”
“You’re right” you sighed as you hugged Jimin’s waist “I feel like I wasted my youth for nothing” you added “What should I do?” you whipped your head up to stare at him
“Go out and have some fun~” Jimin nudged you “University isn’t only about crying over your GPA, negotiating over grades and struggling to pay off debts.” He paused before he realized “Okay no, well maybe it is, but! It doesn’t mean that you should restrict yourself like this! Have some fun while you’re on break!”
“You’re right” you added “I should be having fun while I’m still young” you clenched your fist as you walked towards your luggage to pack your remaining belongings “ I always focused so hard on school and worked my butt off while other kids were having fun”
“That’s true” a very familiar voice was heard
“He’s right man”   Jimin nodded before gasping at the owner of familiar voice “What are you doing here—“he remained quiet after he was told to keep it down
“Right?” you ruffled your hair as you buried your items in your bag “Every girl here hooked up with at least two cute guys in the past two years and I’m still here, crying over tuition? How in the world is that even fair”
“Oh, so you kept it clean for these past two years, huh?” the familiar voice teased you
“Of course I did, don’t you remember that time when I cried over Namjoon sunbae because he refused to introduce me to his friends.”
“Is that so” the unknown owner of the voice smirked
“ That was because Namjoon is a diplomatic man who doesn’t want you to get tangled with the players from the arts department” Taehyung commented  before whispering to the unknown owner of the voice“ May  I ask, how in the world did you ever landed here?”
“That blonde guy was so cute. What was his name again?” you blinked “Damn It, I can’t even remember” you sighed
Seems like something she’d do, he internally chuckled
“Oh was he that cute for you to forget his name?” The owner of the unknown voice almost laughed
“Shut up” you rolled your eyes “That’s not what matters right now! I’m still twenty, right? I just became an adult. I should celebrate it”
“And how are you planning on celebrating this?” he commented again
“Uhm… Partying, obviously?” you grabbed your luggage “I might sound like an irresponsible child in your perspective , Jeon Jungkook, but I believe that I’m more than ready to—“ you paused before realization hit you like a truck “ J-Jung…--“ you turn around, only to witness what you expected the least from this journey “—kook…“
“Seems like it took you a while to notice me” he pressed his back against the door “I almost teared up a little bit” he sighed “You know it’d be sad if you already forgot about me” he smiled charmingly in your direction
You gasped as you eye-scanned him from head to toe, how much he changed, how taller he became, how mind-blowing his body looked in that black suit, how gorgeously prepped his black silky hair was, how that Rolex watch was firmly fixed onto his wrist, how shiny and polished his Italian designer shoes looked like they were worth half of your college tuition. One thing that remained the same, was that charming smile and warm hearted faced of his.
“Are you having a cultural shock? Or is it natural for your jaw to be dropping that low?” Jungkook suddenly raised a brow as he waved his hand in front of your face
“Who are you?” your jaw dropped again
“Was she taking drugs while I was away?” Jungkook titled his head “It’s me!” he blinked
“I don’t think she was expecting you” Taehyung whispered to Jungkook “Well, I for fact, never expected you to drop by?!” he suddenly faked a sob onto his friend’s shoulder “I missed you bro, Give me some bro love” he attempted to hug the boy, but the latter gently pushed him off
“Tae, please, I get it, no need to get all touchy now” Jungkook pushed off his friend
“BUT IT’S BEEN TWO YEARS. IMMA KISS YOU EVEN IF YOU PUSH ME OFF” Taehyung grabbed his friend and attempted to headlock him
“And now what?!Is that a Rolex on your wrist?” Jimin grabbed Jungkook’s wrist
“You are definitely not looking Jungkook enough to be Jungkook” you shook your head
You walked around him as you inspected him closely. You suddenly noticed the disappearance of earrings on his ears.
“What happened to your lobe piercings? What about the helix ones?” you blinked as you hovered your fingers over his left ear
“W-Well, uhm… I actually had to remove them for a while, because it was against my ethic code at work. They didn’t like my earrings that much and I started working there and uhm—“he gulped on his saliva as you brought your face closer to his ear
“I just hope the holes didn’t close off” you pouted “I really loved your piercings the most”
“Oh , you did? I-I actually missed wearing them too…” he bite on his bottom lip as he reminisced himself of his father giving him a sermon about earrings and how vulgar they looked on him, when in reality they were only a fashion item that he enjoyed wearing  
“So you wore suits like a little gentlemen, my little couchy pouchy” Taehyung pinched Jungkook’s cheeks
“Did not!” Jungkook smacked away Taehyung’s hand “Only at work. Ugh, to be real with you, I hate wearing ties. They suffocate me”
You suddenly ran your fingers through his scalp and the boy flinched at the sudden contact. You chuckled at his reaction.
“What is she doing now?” Jungkook scowled
“Verifying that you didn’t got kidnapped by some aliens who might have had altered your nature?” you commented “Duh.”
“F*cking weird, just like I expected it to be. But you’re making it weirder than I wanted it” Jungkook face palmed
You felt disappointment hit your nostrils as you couldn’t recognize his usual apple scented shampoo. It was altered to a minty fragrance. You ruffled his hair a few times before wrapping your arms around his waist, back hugging him.
Oh great , she’s hugging me now…Let’s call in for a little bit of oxygen, because I can’t breathe in this suit and she’s making it worse, but wait… MY HAIR?!
“Did she just…” Jungkook groaned
“Yeah .She just ruined your hairdo and hugged you afterwards. Sorry bro. That’s how she does it.” Jimin nodded
You were about to close your eyes and enjoy the moment, not until you felt how toned his body felt against yours. You could feel it even through these layers of clothing articles. The boy didn’t waste a second for the past two years, becoming more successful than ever and getting hotter by the day.
“Damn, are those muscles?” your jaw dropped as you suddenly tried feeling him up
I-I UHM no no no. There’s no f*cking way, this is happening??!!!Have we changed roles or something? Because it feels like she’s the one who left two years for the states and came back. THE WAY SHE’S ACTING IS WAY MORE AMERICANIZED THAN ME* cold sweats*
“C-Can we not get physical, please? I’m still jet-lagged and k-kind of not really feeling comfortable with skinship” he grabbed your wrist gently
“Yeah, but I bet you wouldn’t mind getting cozy with Sooyoung-ssi” you rolled your eyes
“How do you even know about Soo—“he bite on his bottom lip as he felt your hand slowly sliding inside his blazer “– young? She was just my—“
“It’s okay. I don’t need any details. What happened in the states, stays in the states, right?” you replied in a salty tone “Don’t worry, I won’t cross the line. I’m just a childhood friend. You can trust me. I mean, we’re just friends after all…“
The boy stiffened up as he felt your hand casually slipping inside his blazer, groping things that you shouldn’t be touching. Heat rushing through his body and reaching his cheeks, he quickly took things in hand, by holding firmly onto your wrists, trapping you in his arms, restricting your movements and making unable of breathing anything else than his new aroma. His detergent-soap like scent was suddenly mixed with a flavor of musky cologne and aftershave, making him more mature than how you expected him to be.
“Look here, Tarzan “he whispered in your ear “I came here to have a good time. Not to get molested by my best friend. Whoever would see you, would think that you’re the student who left two years for the L.A”
“Molested?” your eyes rounded as you tried freeing yourself from his hold “You should be thankful, I’m even laying a hand on you, Romeo” you scoffed “Let me go in this instant! You’re the one who’s molesting me right now!”
“Is this how you treated other guys for the past two years?” he commented flabbergasted “Touching them and stuff?” he raised a suspicious brow before releasing you
“Well you did had you spare of fun with Sooyoung. Why can’t I enjoy my youth?” you crossed your arms over your chest
“Sooyoung is my assistant” he admitted
“Oh, so that hot babe’s name was Sooyoung?” Jimin nodded as he whispered a few things to taehyung
“Did you SCORE—“Taehyung coughed as he realized you were still there “I-I mean, did you got cozy around her? She seems like a great friend.”
“Just shut up, Taehyung. You really need to work on your social skills. Please do not talk. It would be better for our environment. You really deserve the name of Catastrophe #1” Jimin flicked the boy’s forehead
“Sure, she had quite a figure, but she was a bit too mature for me. “ Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck “You see, older women may seem sexy, but they’re too intimidating...” He admitted shyly
“ Says the guy who spent his entire high school years talking about dating a Noona, because they were more exciting” you smirked at him
“Not to mention that I screwed up too many times in front of her, to ever feel confident” he face palmed “I even dropped coffee on her dress, on my first day of work. It was the worst”
“Oh, so you regret it?” you ask in an icy tone
“Why are you so salty about this? She’s just a workmate. I dropped juice on Lisa’s dress two years ago and no one made a fuss about it, except Lisa herself ” he blinked before noticing Taehyung’s glare “I’m sorry man”
“The real question, is why do you keep on dropping stuff on innocent girl’s outfits?” Jimin face palmed “Get a grip over yourself”
“Well, in Lisa’s case, it was an accident because I was drunk. As in for Sooyoung-ssi, It was my first day at work, I was so nervous and she bumped into me” Jungkook admitted “She actually helped me a lot to adapt in the work environment”
“Oh did she?” you nodded awkwardly
“I heard you bumped into Lisa as well?” Jimin nudged him
“ Yeah I saw her a few weeks ago as well” Jungkook smiled as Taehyung was holding back his tears “ Man, NO no NO, don’t cry” he patted his friend’s shoulder “What happened to him?” he mouthed the words to you
“Lisa didn’t pick up his calls for the past few days” Jimin commented
“She couldn’t even spare a minute to talk with me either, man” Jungkook replied “She said she didn’t had time to breath. Her eye bags looked quite awful and she got a little thinner because of her work load. You should call her. She said she awfully misses you, but couldn’t ever find time to talk with you”
“I will try again” Taehyung sighed
“She’s working hard, huh?” You sighed “I feel like a failure next to her” you bang her head against the wall
“Yeah” Jungkook stared at you “…Not a complete failure, though” he gave you a thumbs up
“I see that you only got handsomer and not smarter” you glared at him
“Oh, so now I’m handsome?” Jungkook chuckled sexily “I thought you always said I was anything but attractive” he stared at the ceiling “Seems like people really do change in two years” he gave you a satisfied smirk
“Exactly why I can’t believe, that ass” you smacked his butt “Belongs to YOU”
“EXCUSE YOU?!” Jungkook’s eyes rounded in panic as he felt your hand against his butt
“Damn Y/N is tapping that ass” Taehyung chuckled
“She’s tapping more ass than me and I actually tried looking for potential mates, in these past two years” Jimin face palmed
“Do you realize that this is sexual harassment?” Jungkook grabbed onto your wrist
“Maybe in the states, but here in your homeland it’s called friendliness” you winked at him “Come kook, loosen up! And let’s have some fun”
“Who turned her into this?” Jungkook sighed as he stared at his pals “Jimin, was it the fruit of your goddamn work? I told you to be there for her, not to turn her into some hardcore party girl”
“I do not control the girl. She can make her own decisions. She’s twenty years old “Jimin lifted up his arms in defense “Don’t look at me like that with that frightening stare, I’m just like any other citizen who’s trying to live their lives as a college student.”
“You’re all mistaken, Kook” you shook your head “I did had my nose stuck in a thousand books since the past two years, but now that you’re back” you bite onto your index “I thought…. Why not spice it up?”
“No no… there’s f*cking way” Jungkook stepped back “there’s no way I’m ever getting involved in this”
“Oh boo hoo, get over yourself and grow some balls. I know you’ve been clubbing with Park Sooyoung almost every week, don’t come telling me you religiously stayed at homes for the past two years. Your Instagram feed is there to ruin you for life Jungkook. I saw everything you did” you held onto your phone
“Well f*ck. It’s not exactly what you imagine okay” He ruffled his hair “It was just a few times! It wasn’t that much of a biggie.”
I mostly went there to forget about how much I missed you….
“Who said I had a problem with you clubbing with Sooyoung? I just pointed out that you had your share of fun, therefore, you should at least share some of this fun with your best friend” you poked his arm “Please, you went all the way out with your friends in the states. Show me how an exciting night feels like “you hugged his toned arm “and damn, is it me or did your arm grew with you?” you furrowed your brow cutely a the newly formed biceps
“A-an E-E-E-EXCITING NIGHT?!” he gulped on his saliva as he felt your chest being pressed against his arm “Was she always LIKE THIS?!” Jungkook attempted to step back “Can’t you just welcome me back, hug me, feed me some carrots, push me off a cliff, I don’t know, anything else that doesn’t involve me going to a club, the day I came back?! ”
“She’s been keeping this excitement in for the past two years, Jeon. Let her be. She only partied during Christmas and she passed out twice, but that’s just a detail” Jimin commented
“What the f*ck did you feed her?” Jungkook face palmed
“Uhm… Alcohol?” Taehyung added
“Did your IQ got lower as well, man?” Jungkook made a meme face “Please use your brain for once, I beg you”
“Brains are useless once you reach college. Everyone cheats man. It’s not even a choice, it’s a must.” Taehyung commented
“You could say that for people who take difficult subjects such as Bio science, but you” Jimin pointed at Taehyung “…Have no reason to cheat whatsoever. I could pass your classes, eyes closed, while flirting with two side-chicks and I’d still get an A”
“Can you dumb male idiots, stop ignoring my presence” you kicked Jungkook’s shin
“OUUUUCHHHH??!!!” jungkook dropped on the floor “What the f*ck is wrong with you” he faked a sob “I swear to f*cking jesus, You’re so f*cking dead. I will cook you for breakfast and feed your shreds to Jelly”
“Jelly?” You blinked as you grabbed onto your suitcase “You mean, baby Jelly?! The puppy you never allowed me to hold?! The puppy you made a fuss about?!”
“Yeah” he groaned in pain as he followed you out “I swear to god woman, if you ever get close to my Jelly, then I’ll be the one eating you for lunch”
“Well damn, homeboy doesn’t’ waste time and goes straight to the meal” Taehyung coughed
“Of course not, dumb idiot, Jungkook is still too stupid to process the words that come out of his mouth. Never take him seriously.” Jimin rolled his eyes “Where are they going now?”
“They’re low-key leaving the room? Should we follow them?” taehyung commented
“Never follow a couple who’s trying to be alone. Taehyung. Never.” Jimin held Taehyung’s arm
You kept on going with your argument even if you were already out of the department, almost hand in hand with your best friend who casually grabbed your suitcase and held it for you. Anyone who would’ve seen this scene, would’ve thought you were a campus couple.
“OH really?” you crossed your arms over your chest “Seems like your Jelly is still very dear to you. Even if she’s all grown up. What if she finds a mate, what are you going to do then?”
“She will find a mate Jungkook. Just like you” you nodded
“What do I have to do with this, mate thing?” He blinked furiously
“I don’t know, maybe you’re of age to find a decent girlfriend?” You commented
“I can’t do relationships Y/N. Why do you even want to get involved in these matters?”
“Because I deeply care for you” you smacked his arm “Because I love you and your ass” you nodded as you shamelessly tapped his butt
“I thought I told you to stop touching my goddamn butt. We’re IN PUBLIC.” He clenched his fist
“Ooh baby~ so you’d like it behind closed doors huh?” you sent him a flying kiss
“I don’t know what is wrong with you and your sudden habit to get all physical with people, but I do not like people touching me in this kind of weather. I’m suffocating, I need to take off a layer already” he tried lessening his tie
“Come here” you pulled on his collar as you undid the first two buttons, sliding your hand against his cheek at the same time “ OH lord, you cheeks are not that soft anymore” you faked a sob “ Y-You actually shave now?!” you gasped as you pressed your cheek against his cheek “ It does feel different now”
“What the heck are you doing now?” he tried prying your hands off of him
“Wait a minute and stop moving”
You step back from your previous position as cupped his face in your soft palms. If his cheeks didn’t felt the same, did his lips felt the same? They sure looked quite appealing, and the boy smelled like cherry for some reason. You ran your thumb over his bottom lip and you could feel the almost glossy finish it had. Jungkook gently held onto your arms in attempt to separate you from him. All of these physical encounters were surely driving him nuts, he didn’t even want to imagine the kind of things that could happen by the end of month he’d stay in town.
“You’re wearing chapstick now?” You tilted your head “You’re like a newer version of the American ideal man.”
“You didn’t even answer my question, shorty.” he squished your cheeks together, just like he always did “Why do you keep on insisting that I find a girl”
“It’s because I’m too broke to afford your twelve cats. So my only solution is to make sure you live happily ever after with a potential mate“You sighed “I even got kind of kicked out of my dorm…”
“What? Where are you going to sleep now?!” His jaw dropped
“In the science Department’s dorms?” you blinked
“Oh” Jungkook nodded “So you still pay rent there?” he rubbed the back of his neck
“Not rent, It’s almost an extra 800$, on top of my ridiculous tuition” you sighed “What about you? Where are you staying?” you commented “You can’t possibly think about moving back at your parents, huh? It’ll take you three hours in train to get here”
“No, I don’t. I actually rented an apartment in one of the skyscrapers next to my work area” he commented
“ I should’ve known that you and your rolex watch, were on another kind of level” you shook your head as you let out  a heartbroken chuckle  “ What did I even expect. I’m the stupid one for almost offering you to stay over in my room”
“Well uhm….” He hesitated “I’d love that” he rubbed the back of his neck shyly “I thought about something else but it may sound not okay, coming from a guy” he bite on his bottom lip
“What is it?” you raised a brow “I heard all kinds of proposals after coming in town. You’d be surprised, Jimin even asked me if I wanted to live in his car, in case I got kicked out of my dorm again” you laughed “I’m sure it’s not as crazy as Taehyung’s idea to make me sleep in his attic with his pet hamster Taelice. They apparently named him after his ship name with Lisa. They’re very into it huh? They even call that hamster, their son” you chuckled
“They’re still so f*cking weird aren’t they?” Jungkook’s jaw dropped “At first it was the food names and now what? The hamster is their new son? Lisa omitted telling me she was pregnant with a hamster “he laughed
“But what was it about your proposal?” you blinked
“Ah… forget it, it might set you off and you’ll probably slap me or something. What if you bruise my face?!” he stepped back “The future of my company depends on this face” he pointed at himself
“Oh lordy. Should I slap him or kick him off a cliff for being so cocky” you rolled your eyes “Come on Jeon, do I look that close minded” you pouted “Tell me!!”
“Right, you’re the one who keeps on feeling me up for the last hour since I landed here” he shivered
“I was doing it because I missed you!” you poked his chest cutely
“Stop acting cute, you’re not cut for that!” He pushed your forehead with his knuckles
“Then JUST TELL ME BEFORE I BITE YOUR DICK—“you’re about to shout as he clasped a hand over your mouth
“Damn, I forgot how embarrassing you could get” his eyes rounded in shame “My dick is staying in its natural habitat and your dangerous mouth will stay away from it, capiche?”
“My threats are amazing” you shrugged
“You’re f*cking insane and I think I’ll be taking back my idea from earlier”
“Exactly, what was your idea?! Just spill the beans will you?!”
“Nah, It’s definitely a very bad idea” Jungkook shook his head
“This guy, I swear to god” you clenched your fist as you pulled on his cheek rather aggressively “SPILL IT”
“WILL NOT” he pulled on your cheek as you whimpered in pain
“Owwww!!” you pushed him off as you rubbed onto your abused cheek “I’m a GIRL?! Remember?!How could you?!” your jaw dropped
“Double standards huh?” he titled his head “I don’t do those things. You kicked me, grabbed my butt and even pinched my face a thousand times. I thought I’d take it as your welcome gift, but it became too abusive for my liking” he paused before adding “Eye for eye, Tooth for Tooth, baby girl” he winked at you as he grabbed onto your suitcase and walked ahead of you
You both walked a few minutes before finally reaching the science department dorms. Jungkook knew from a single look that he didn’t liked that place. It reeked of male pheromones like it never did before. Random guys walking back and forth and weird ones on top of that. Two random guys were fighting and one of them seemed half dead, while the other students didn’t even bother asking if he needed help. One other guy, following or should we say almost harassing two girls who urged him to stay away from them.
“This is where your school assigned you to live?” Jungkook raised a brow
“Y-Yeah…” You tilted your head as you watched the chaos uncovering in front of you “Men are really a mystery aren’t they?” You turned around to stare at Jungkook
“Tell me about it. I, myself, can decrypt what’s up with men in this department” Jungkook gave you a puzzled look
It wasn’t long before a familiar presence made its way between you and Jungkook and it was none other than your friend Namjoon.
“Y/N! You finally got here” Namjoon smiled “I hope our boys didn’t scare you off” he chuckled awkwardly “ It had been a rough day today, our Rugby team lost and the boys kind of lost their minds”
“Yeah… I saw that” you huffed
“I presume he’s your friend from the states?” Namjoon stared at Jungkook before commenting in english “You look great, man” Namjoon smiled at Jungkook as he waited to exchange a handshake
“Thank you man” Jungkook smiled as he shook Namjoon’s hand “You must be that Namjoon guy she’s been bragging about for the past few months?” he commented
“Bragging?” Namjoon raised a suspicious brow as he stared at you
“Shut up” you elbowed Jungkook in the stomach
“I heard you’re majoring in engineering?” Jungkook’s commercial smile was never fading
“Yeah I am” Namjoon nodded “I heard you were doing business and management in L.A”
“H-How do you know about this though?” Jungkook furrowed his brows
“This child over here” Namjoon poked your head “Wouldn’t stop talking about you”
“Oh did she” Jungkook sent you a side smirk
“How does it feel to be back?” Namjoon asked “It must be exciting?”
“Yeah, I mean… I’m back for business, but I’m happy to be back” Jungkook nodded
“I hope we get to know each other better Jungkook. It was a pleasure meeting you. I have to leave for my club’s meeting.” Namjoon replied “Here is your key, Y/N. Welcome to the dorms!” he handed you the key before leaving
A moment of silence was exchanged as Namjoon left the room and you were now alone next to Jungkook, climbing the stairs to get to your new room.
“Seems like you tried making someone Jealous, but I don’t know who, because It didn’t work either ways” Jungkook chuckled to himself
“What? I never tried making anyone Jealous! You made your own self jealous”
“Namjoon is a cool guy. I need more friends like him. All I surround myself with, are small potatoes like you” he ruffled your hair
“Uh… and is that a bad thing?”
“Yeah, I don’t know either” he unbuttoned his blazer as you opened the door to your new room
You walked in as you dropped your suitcase next to the bed. You plopped yourself on the cozy bed before making yourself comfortable as if you’ve been living there forever
“So, am I going to help you unpack or something?” Jungkook sat on the corner of your new bed
“Nah, I thought about something else” you Laid your head on the fluffy pillow before pulling his sleeve
“What is it? I’m warning you. You better not get me in trouble on my first day here. I still have to stay for a month”
“Oh come on, straight-A boy. You were always skipping class barely two years ago, what happened to that?”
“I became a man?” Jungkook raised a brow “I don’t know how I should be answering that question”
“Well you did become one hell of a man.” You nodded as slowly sat up “I mean…”you slowly shifted to his side as you rested your forehead on his back “You’re sitting on a bed with me and you still haven’t kicked me out”
“Even If I wanted to kick you out, I wouldn’t be allowed to, because this is your room not mine” He let out a chuckle
“I’m the dumb one for ever expecting anything from you” you shook your head
“So what are your plans?”
“I thought about…uhm.. Something exciting!” you suddenly wrapped your arms around his neck from behind
“As long as it doesn’t involve, choking me until I die, I’m down” he gently removes your arms from his neck
“Sure? There’s no coming back! You already accepted” you poked his arm
“Sure, hit me. What’s the big thing?” he stared at you
“Let’s go clubbing”
“Well f*ck , I didn’t see that one coming” he face palmed “This is a very very very BAD IDEA”
“Well, I believe it’s a great idea”
“It’s great idea for well-behaved people who know how to remain normal in a crew? You on the other side, turn into a mess whenever people are around” he shook his head
“You already said yes” you smirked
“Yeah, I can’t go back on my words.” He replied in defeat “But don’t worry honey, I’ll be having a very close watch on you.”  He stared at his watch
“Who do you think you are, my father?” You scowled
“Oh baby baby baby “ He grabbed onto your hand “I’m way more than that” he commented “ I’m your soulmate, your life advisor, your partner in crime, your baby sitter, your best pal, your only good looking male friend, your SAVIOR, your god,—“
“You need to rethink your life choices Jungkook.” You patted his arm
“And you need to think twice about going to the club” he grabbed onto your arm “It might seem like fun and games, but you’d be surprised at the kind of shit you can find there”
“I know Jungkook. I’m twenty. No need to remind me such obvious things. People drink, dance and even get laid in the club. I get it”
“Well damn. Child, you learn too fast” his eyes rounded
“I’m sure Park Sooyoung taught you all of these things as soon as you dropped by the states”
“Nah, it was Jackson who dragged me there” he rectified
“You met Jackson?” You blinked “Ugh… He used to be so annoying back in the day”
“Yeah, and he kept on asking about you”
“Oh, really?” you raised an interested brow
“He kept on asking if you became hot”  he coughed as he stared at your outfit “ I mean, I think I gave him the right answer.” He sighed “I wanted to say you became hotter, but Y/N… seriously?! Are those track pants?! You’re supposed to be a girl who’s still blooming in her twenties.” He groaned “You’re supposed to be wearing skirts and cute floral dresses. Where this bag of Doritos came from?!” he grabs the bag of chips from your hold
“ Uhm, from the store downtown?” you gave him a sheepish smile
“How have these two years treated you? The way dressed changed so much” He took a glance at your outfit again
“I just lost any motivation to dress up like any proper human being” you admitted
“And why?” he tilted his head
“Because I got so busy, I wasn’t even able to breath and now I… I feel like it’s not time for me to care about appearances”
“All I ever wanted was that you …You actually look after yourself and if not, Jimin should’ve looked after you”
“I’m okay, Jungkook. The way I dress shouldn’t matter, right?” You stared at him
“No, it doesn’t.” he huffed “But coming from a girl who used to put so much effort into every detail of her fashion, I feel like it matters” he admitted
“You think I didn’t want to look pretty? I worked my butt off for the past two years, Jungkook. And maybe you came back hotter than ever and maybe I look like shit, but I still worked hard for everything I accomplished, okay” you argued as he hung your head low
You felt all of the weight being lifted off of your shoulders. You haven’t been the happiest in past two years and your stressful lifestyle affected the way you dressed, your anxiety and even your social ability to get close to people. Approaching people wasn’t much more of your forte. Even this brand new idea of clubbing, was a way for you to shield your social anxiety from the rest of the world. Maybe if you faced your fears, you wouldn’t feel as afraid?
Using your studies as a way to close yourself off from the world, might have been a toxic introduction to the life of an anti-social student for the past two years. Sure, Jimin and Taehyung were there, but they were just as busy as you if not more. Your friends weren’t able to be there for you and even if they did, their presence couldn’t compare to the warm comfort your best friend’s used to provide for you. You were afraid of judgement and Jungkook knew it more than anyone else. You worked hard and closed yourself off, yet no one ever noticed until Jungkook did, because he was your one and only other half. He knew you better than you knew your own self.
“You haven’t been taking care of yourself, huh…” Jungkook cupped your cheek with his warm touch “All I wanted was to see you happy, but I guess, it didn’t turn out that well” he sighed “I’m proud of you, I hope you know that” he smiled at you “All  ever wanted was that… you love yourself as much as I care for you.”
“Ayyy, Stop it you’re going to make me cry. Even my parents didn’t tell me this kind of thing when I came back for vacation.” you held back onto your tears
“Don’t bawl your eyes out like this on the first day I came back “he wiped your tears with his thumb “We’re supposed to go clubbing! I bet you don’t even own a clubbing dress” he leaned his back against the wall
“Touché” you grimaced at him. He had a point. “Guess I’ll just have to go naked” you smiled sarcastically
“Do you want to make the club go out of their business?” Jungkook burst out into fits of laughter
“Are you making fun of me?” you crossed your arms over your chest “The club should be paying billions. My Body isn’t something anyone can easily see like that”
“Sure, I guess so” he kept on laughing
“You’ll be the last laughing once I’ll really show up in a transparent dress tonight”
“Good lord. NO ONE will show up in a transparent dress tonight.”  He suddenly regained his composure “ Don’t show too much skin, or else I’ll wrap you in one of my jackets and send you back, running  to your parents “
“I can wear whatever I want! Why are you so close minded? I thought you lived in the states for two years now” you nudged him
“Why do you want to show so much” his ears were tinted red
“Because I’m allowed to?”
“Well, I’m not allowing this”
“On what grounds?”
“Best friend Code.” He blurts out an excuse “Come on, I thought we could match our outfits or something. You always did that back in the day”
“Sure, you can wear see through then” you nodded
“You want to see my body so badly” he smirked
“It was just a suggestion! Get down from your high horses!”
“Well, I wouldn’t mind striping for you”
“And you don’t need to” you covered your eyes
He wildly took a step closer to you, almost crushing your body against the mattress, as he slowly played with the buttons of his dress shirt. Smirk plastered over his face, Jungkook liked what he was seeing. You, being all vulnerable and shy, under him, who had the entire control over this situation. He never had the control over anything when it came to you, and this situation was pleasing him a tad bit more than what he expected.
“Come on, It’s you who kept on talking about how open minded I should be since I’ve been living in the states.” He undid the first few buttons of his dress shirt “You want to go all the way out. Why not go naked together? Wouldn’t that be a better idea?”
“I-I was obviously joking” you tried shielding your eyes as you peeked through your fingers
“You sounded very serious in my opinion” he chuckled before unbuttoning the last few buttons of his dress shirt “You expected some abs right? Sorry but I wear white shirts under every article of clothing I possess” he smiled at you
“W-Who said I ever expected anything” you stuttered as you pushed his chest away from your gaze
“My tingling senses tell me that you were expecting something sexy” he lifted himself off of you as he leaned against the door “I just came back from L.A and you already want it wild. How exciting” he raises a seductive brow “People would almost think you’re the one who came back from the states” he swirled one of your hair strands in his long fingers “A complete American girl” he ended his statement with an irresistible wink
“You got full of yourself too, I imagine” you pushed his chest with your index “Now before I strip before your virgin eyes, I suggest you get lost” you slowly pushed him out of the room
“Yeah, we wouldn’t want that to happen, would we?” he nodded like a shy boy “And PLEASE” he pointed at you “Stop talking about getting naked” he ruffled his hair shyly  before leaving the room.
“As if he’s one to talk. You pushed me against the bed and made all sorts of advances while stripping. YOU STARTED IT” you through your fist in the air as he left
Today, Your new room, Seoul University, 2:48PM
“Honey, You’re not going like that, are you?” Jennie’s jaw dropped as she stared at your dress
“Why? Is it too short” You asked
“Too short? It’s too long, what are those sleeves? Baby, no” Jennie pulled on the sleeves of your dress “Look, we’re going clubbing not to your grand aunt’s 70th birthday. What happened to you?” she pulled you in a hug “I can’t believe college did you like this”
“Did you had fun at Yonsei University?” you stared at her
“Well, yeah, I survive just fine. Except that there’s too many annoying freshman there” she shivered “Can someone give them a clue. I’m already taken”
“Damn you’re popular there too. I mean, look at you” You wiggled your brows at her curvy figure
“Don’t stare at me like that, you little pervert” she threw a Potato chip at you
“How’s Hobi doing? “You chuckled
“He’s on his way, he apparently dropped everything to see Jungkook. The guy cried when he heard the news. My boyfriend is way too sensitive sometimes” she comments
“I swear to god, you would have had said this two years ago” you chuckled “You guys were all over each other. I bet Y’all didn’t waste time to…uhm... you know” you blushed
“Hoseok is definitely…more different than the image he projects” Jennie raised a brow at your comment
“What do you mean?” you pulled her next to you on the bed “Give me some elaborate details”
“No way, I’m way too embarrassed for that” Jennie covered her chest with her arms
“Why are you covering your chest?! “Your eyes rounded “Girl, who said I was talking about those kind of details?!” your jaw dropped “But now you owe me some sexy explanations” you poked her arm “come on!”
“Well... you see” she hesitated “He might seem very sweet and playful around you guys, but it’s kind of… a different story when it gets to bed” she buried her face in her hands “Oh lord, I’m so ashamed. I want to die”
“Don’t be ashamed, man! Lisa called me the other day and shared with me some really graphic details I never wanted to know about” you blinked
“Oh no, tell me about it. She called me too.” Jennie face palmed “Hoseok was next to me, when she was telling me about how heated it got between her and Taehyung. I wanted to die on the spot. Do you realize that Hoseok almost caught on?! How embarrassing…” she cupped her cheeks “I don’t want him to think I’m some sort of naughty individual”
“But you are “you munched on your chips
“No I’m not” Jennie flushed a shade of red “I-I. You might think it’s wild between us, but we barely see each other and every time it’s about to happen, it just doesn’t happen…” she hugged her arms
“Really? Damn, I really thought you guys got to second base like super early.” You stared at her “You said you preferred sexy men, right? Is Hoseok fulfilling his duties well?”
“He’s doing it too well if that’s what you want to know.” She commented, all excited before she dropped her shoulders “The problem, is me”
“Girl…” you grabbed your hand “Don’t say that. What’s wrong?”
“I-I’m just scared” Jennie confessed
“Of what?”
“Scared he might be disappointed”
“Disappointed over what?”
“I’m just scared to show him the real me” a tear escaped her eye
“Why? Baby, don’t cry. Everything will be alright” you rubbed her arms
“I just feel like he’d be disgusted. I don’t even know”
“ Look, I feel like there’s a lack of communication in your relationship” you grabbed her shoulders “ Hoseok wouldn’t be the type of guy to shame any girl for her preferences and I’m pretty sure, that if you actually tried talking to him about how you feel, then… maybe he would work harder to make you happy”
“I just can’t bring myself to do it”
“My little jendeukie is naughty, and I’m pretty sure, Hoseok would drool over this side of you. Any guy would!”
“Hey don’t say it like that” she nudged you as her cupped her cheeks “It’s so embarrassing”
“You have so much to offer and you’re so beautiful. I feel like Hoseok doesn’t tell you that often.” You patted her hair “I always envied your charisma and confidence back then in high school” you hugged her arm “You low-key stepped on anything that annoyed you. You were so cool and you still are”
“Well maybe, I acted that way because I felt insecure “she sighed
“I feel like this night isn’t about me going clubbing for the first time. But It’s rather about making my Jendeukie, smile again” you pulled her up with you “Let’s have a makeover, get sexy and make head turns. Tonight we are re-building our confidence. Tonight, this room is the same as Build a Bitch dot com. We will build the perfect prototype and make people’s jaws drop”
“You sound extremely evil Y/N, you’re almost starting to sound like me” Jennie chuckled
“Oh honey, I got that from you” you winked at her
Today, Jimin & Taehyung’s Room, Seoul University, 3:30 PM
“Look here you bunch of idiots. I didn’t come back from the states, to get choked and embarrassed in front of your whole university. Now get off” Jungkook tried prying off Jimin and Taehyung from him
“I cannot believe you blew me off like this. I almost called you every day and you never picked up the phone” Taehyung faked a sob “All you did was spend time with Park Sooyoung”
“I told you I was busy. Please don’t start acting like a jealous girlfriend”
“I mean, man, this” Jimin pointed at Taehyung “Is the kind of situation we expected Y/N would be in when you suddenly showed up”
“This?” Jungkook raised a brow “Wouldn’t she be nuts, if she started acting like this type of person?” he pointed at Taehyung
“Oh trust me, boy. We all went nuts over your come back” Jimin commented “Why did you suddenly show you up like this? My heart almost dropped of its spot, because you look so good now”
“Oh, so you’re saying I used to look not that good before?” Jungkook raised a brow
“I mean, puberty did you good” Jimin bumped his fist onto Jungkook’s shoulder
“And why am I still here, with you people?” Jungkook asked out loud
“Because you need to help us pick an outfit” Taehyung commented
Jungkook rested his back against the door frame, sipping on his Americano as he watched his two friends digging through their closet to find a decent attire for their gather up of the night at the club.
“You’re kidding right? “ Jungkook groaned “We’re all going to the club?”
“Yeah, to celebrate your comeback” Taehyung cmmented
“You guys really want to turn this into a bigger mess huh” he shook his head
“Bro, just wait till Hoseok shows up, then we can start talking about messes” Jimin added
“You mean, Hosoek is going too?! I thought he lived far away from here. Why is he coming here?” Jungkook face palmed
“For you!” Taehyung pulled on Jungkook  
“Great” Jungkook replied in the most unenthusiastic tone ever heard
“Why are you so unhappy man? Smile! You’re finally back home! Unless you miss the states?” Jimin commented
“It’s my first day here, I just wanted to sip on my wine and relax in my shower, and now y’all want to go party or whatever “he sighed
“Wine and showers? That sounds fancy as f*ck. Can you invite me over to your place sometime?” Taehyung grabbed onto Jungkook’s arm
“In your dreams. You’re the kind of friend who’d throw parties at my place in my absence” Jungkook narrowed his eyes
“Ok man, you don’t need to invite me, but Invite Y/N. I’m sure she’d dig a wine and shower night with her beau”
“Her beau?” Jungkook blinked
“He’s talking about you, Romeo” Jimin patted jungkook’s shoulder
“I’m n-n-nowhere near that kind of status, people” Jungkook flushed a shade a of red
“Remember that time you used to tell her to not get her panties twisted in a knot over you once you came back?” Taehyung commented
“Yeah, that was ages ago—“
“Well, believe it or not. But I think she has the hots for you and I’m 110% positive about this.” Jimin leaned his shoulder on Jungkook
“Even I, almost wetted myself after seeing you, bro” Hoseok suddenly commented
“Too much information” Jungkook cringed before realizing his friend’s presence “When did you ever got here?!” “Like two seconds ago” Hoseok smirked as he nudged the boy “Welcome back, Bunny boy” he engulfed the taller boy in a warm hug
“Thank you” Jungkook smiled at his friend.
“So are we going to make panties drop tonight?” Hoseok slung his arms around Jimin and Jungkook
“Well not you, that’s for sure” Jimin commented “You have a girlfriend”
“I was including my girlfriend in the bunch, idiot” Hoseok smirked “Obviously” he paused “Only I is allowed to make my girl’s panties drop, too”
‘’ Jennie, the witch from the block is showing up too?” Jungkook shivered
“Jendeukie only got cuter, I still don’t see what’s frightening about her “Jimin chuckled
“Watch your words, Park Jimin” Hoseok pulled on the boy’s cheek
“Don’t worry, Hoseok-ah. Your girl is too dangerous for any other guy” Jungkook commented “Why is she showing up” he scowled
“Because I invited her, got a problem with that?” Hoseok frowned
“Nah, as long as you keep her away from me. I don’t mind her presence. As long as she doesn’t kick me in the nuts. I don’t mind.” Jungkook added
“Don’t worry, we all know who’s getting near these nuts, tonight and it’s definitely not my baby girl” Hoseok smirked as he eyed Jungkook’s package
“Who? No one is getting near my package.” Jungkook blinked furiously “Y’all need to chill. I just came back. Can we just take time and not rush like this?”
“You need to enjoy youth while it lasts, bunny boo” Hoseok smacked the latter’s arm
Today, Magenta Club, Seoul , 8:50PM
You flipped your wavy hair over your shoulder as you stared at your reflection in that glassy door. That silver dress accentuated your every curve and collarbones. The sleeves only made it looks classier and the fabric reaching midway your thighs gave it a twinge of sexiness.
Jennie held onto your arm as she fixed her heels for the nth time. The poor girl must’ve had chosen the wrong pair of heels for the night. They seemed quite a bit too big for her, as they kept on slipping in and out of her tiny feet.
“Damn it. Why do they keep doing this? My legs are already hurting” Jennie sighed as she pressed her head onto your shoulder “I swore to god they fitted when I bought them last week”
“What about me? I can’t even walk in this” you sighed “Jennie, I just want to take off my shoes and run away from here”
“Relax, honey!” Jennie grabbed you “We won’t let a pair of heels ruin our amazing night. It’s our one and only chance to have a little bit of fun before school starts again in a few weeks”
“Where are the boys?” you groaned “Ugh, Why are the roles reversed like this? I swear, men are usually punctual and girls show up late, why are our boys being like this?” You complained
“They’re probably trying their best to look good” Jennie chuckled “It’s our first night out in 3 years. Do you realize that?” she paused “The only thing missing is Yoongi and Lalisa. I miss these two idiots”
“Right? I wish we could have a girl’s night out sometime with Lisa. I want to go get ice cream with Yoongi one of these days”
“What was Yoongi up to? I haven’t seen him since graduation?”
“He left home and started working on his music. That’s what Jimin told me. I haven’t been able to get a hold of him for the past three months because of school”
“Oh? So he dropped out from college?” Jennie’s mouth formed a shocked ‘o’
“Yeah, that’s what I heard. He wanted to pursue his dreams”
“Who wanted to pursue his dreams?”  A deeper voice was heard
“Min Yoong—“you chocked on your breath as you recognized his voice “Yoongi?! What are you doing here? Dressed like this?” you blinked as you eyed his outfit that oddly looked like a barman attire
“I’m a barman here” he winked “I give free drinks for the pretty ladies, and when I heard that Kook was coming back. I changed my shift with someone else”
“Come here, you little vegetable” you pulled him into a hug as you ruffled his green colored hair
“Your hair is amazing” Jennie’s jaw dropped “I love this so much, oh my god. Can I touch it?” she tried touching the tips of his bangs
Just as Jennie was about to touch more of his hair, your guy friends suddenly made their entrance, looking more dashing than ever. A classy looking Jimin who chose to wear a black dress shirt tucked in his white pants, a hot model looking Taehyung, who picked a simple GUCCI shirt and some black pants, a Party man looking Hoseok, who matched his favorite leather pants with a red blazer and a white shirt, and for the finale, a mature looking Jungkook who paired his white dress shirt with some black pants and a blue navy blazer. Your jaw dropped at the sight of these good looking men. Your friends looked stunning and you had to admit that Jungkook’s new hairstyle had you feeling some kind of way. You chuckled as you noticed them; Jimin and Taehyung who were whispering things to each other, Jungkook who had his hands tucked into his pockets, and Hoseok who was making his way to you with a very upset expression on his face.
“Jennie-poo, don’t go around touching other men’s scalps like this” Hoseok’s voice was heard as he grabbed Jennie’s hand “Oh my lord. MY WIFE. MY YOONGI” he suddenly pushed Jennie aside to bear hug Yoongi
Hoseok pulled Yoongi into a warm hug as Jennie stepped back, looking all sort of shook and flabbergasted at the same time. She never expected such a thing to occur.
“Oh lord. Hi there, Hoseok. May I remind you that you already have a girlfriend and that people are watching and whispering all kinds of things because of the havoc you’re causing?” Yoongi struggled to breath in Hoseok’s arms
“I missed you so much, what happened to your hair? You look like a cabbage now” Hoseok analyzed his best friend’s hair
“It’s called hair dye. I wanted to look fly” Yoongi smirked “It worked didn’t it”
“You’re so hot, I almost didn’t recognize you” Hoseok fangirled
“Well, I feel extremely loved right now” Jennie crossed her arms over her chest as she smiled sarcastically
“Come on, Jen. Hoseok and Yoongi were practically husband and wife before you even came into the picture. Try understanding them. “You nudged her
“I have no problem with that. Who’d ever saw this would think that my boyfriend is now going out with Yoongi” Jennie commented “I mean, they kind of look good together, not to lie”
“These two idiots always embarrass me, good lord” Jungkook’s voice was heard from behind
“Oh there you were?” you turned around to meet eyes with a gorgeous looking Jungkook
His white dress shirt was perfectly tucked into his black pants, and that blue navy blazer perfectly emphasized every compartment of his muscular arms. You had to admit that his new hairstyle had you on your knees as well. That parted black silky hair was probably the reason why your heart was threatening to jump out of your ribcage every time the boy stared at you or made a statement directed towards you.
“Damn you look too good” you straightforwardly admitted
“Well f*ck. You don’t need to be blunt like that, you almost made me blush” he shyly touched his earlobe with the tip of his fingers
“Oh that’s what you wished to hear?” you raised a brow “You look good Jungkook, but I’ve seen better” you tapped his nose with the tip of your index
“Someone is in Denial~” Jungkook sang as he stared at you
“Someone is self-centered~” you sang right back at him
“Is it really that hard to compliment me without taking it back? Is it that difficult to tell me I’m sexy without having second thoughts and doubts about it?” he pressed his back against the wall in a cocky pose “You know I look hot. Just say it. I won’t bite you for complimenting me.”
“Did the American air got to your head, Jungkook?” you scoffed “You just sound like an arrogant piece of shit”
“Just tell me I look good, and maybe it’ll open up an opportunity for me to…to… to actually tell you what I think about you” he tucked his hands in his pockets
“Better chance next time, Pervy boy” Jennie smacked the back of Jungkook’s head
“Uhm…ouch? Is that how you welcome back your sworn enemy who left for two years?” Jungkook clasped his hand over her small wrist as he raised a brow “Stop cock blocking me, Kim Jennie” he stepped closer, towering her short height
“You want to go, home boy? I’m going kick your nuts and smash that dick into pieces if you get closer to me” Jennie showed her fist in a threatening manner
“F*ck. Well, she, for a fact, didn’t change at all. She got worse than she used to be” Jungkook whispered to you as he stepped back
“Now now, no cat fights, Jungkook just arrived here a few hours ago. Let’s not destroy his precious… yet” you held onto Jennie  
“Yet?! WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?” Jungkook’s jaw dropped “Y’all people can’t f*ck around with my precious. I will call my lawyer from the states, for all the damage you cause”
As you were carrying on, trying to separate Jennie from Jungkook, someone slowly tried approaching you, without making too much noise.
“Excuse me, I can’t seem to find the VIP rooms?” A cute voice was heard as its owner tugged onto your sleeve
You all turn around as your eyes remained stuck onto the gorgeous girl in front of you. Chaeyoung was a show stealer and she didn’t even had to try, all men in that club who saw her, probably had drool dripping all over their chins.
“Damn, who is she?” Jungkook’s eyes rounded as he whispered to you “Not to lie, but she’s kind of hot”
“No one you need to know about” you elbowed him in the stomach
“Can you women, stop abusing my sensitive body so early in the evening?!” Jungkook snapped out “I’m not your goddamn punching bag” he moaned in pain
“Right, you’re not a punching bag. You’re more useless than a punching bag” Jennie smirked at him
“You’re worse than ice” Jungkook felt each word hit him as sharply as a slap “I almost felt my heart breaking into pieces. That was so mean” he faked a sob on your shoulder “Y/N, Tell Jennie the Witch from the block, to stop bullying me.”
“Who are you calling a Witch?” Jennie raised her fist, only to be blocked by you “Man up and grow some balls before I kick the remaining ones you have hidden in those pants” Jennie pinched the boy’s cheek before chuckling evilly
“Don’t f*cking touch me. I hate every inch of your cellular composition” Jungkook glared at her
“Oh lord, you heard that Y/N?” Jennie chuckled “He actually had a brain after all. Damn you were right, he grew up.”
You chuckled at your friends quarrel before noticing how lost Chaeyoung looked, judging from how uncomfortable she looked, holding onto her bag as if her life was depending on it. The rich girl chose to break the silence as she stared at you.
“It’s my first time here.” Chaeyoung muttered shyly
“Believe it or not it’s her first time here as well” Jungkook surrounded his arm around your neck as he ruffled your hair, ruining your hairstyle “ She probably doesn’t know either” he commented before pulling Jimin by his sleeve “ Perhaps my friend here, can escort you? Right, Jimin?”
“What?” Jimin suddenly turned around as he noticed Chaeyoung in all of her stunning glory “Oh, it’s her majesty again?” he scoffed
“You know each other?” Jungkook blinked “Well that’s even better!” he gently grabbed Chaeyoung’s arm and linked it with Jimin’s “Now, Park Jimin, do us a favor and escort the pretty girl to her VIP Lounge.”
“Why me?!” Jimin scowled “You f*cking do it.” He replied in a flabbergasted tone
“Because you know this club better than any of us do” Jungkook added “Just a reminder that this is my first time stepping here, no, it’s my first time stepping back in the country after two years. How the f*ck am I supposed to know anything about this club?!”
“Ugh, fine” Jimin rolled his eyes “Why are you still holding onto me like this?” Jimin sent a side glare to Chaeyoung who suddenly stepped back from him
“O-Oh I’m sorry, it’s your friend who—“Chaeyoung stuttered
“Yeah try blaming it on Jungkook. That’s your specialty after all. Blaming things on other people. What are you even doing here? I thought people of your status didn’t hang out in vulgar places such as the club” Jimin smirked
“Jimin why are you so grumpy? Treat the girl with some class before I step on your dick” Jennie furrowed her brows as she elbowed Jimin in the stomach “What was her name again? Chaeyoung, right?” Jennie smiled at her “Please don’t mind him, they’re all idiots anyways”
“Uhm. Ouch?” Jimin’s jaw dropped “My ego was shattered in three seconds because of your girlfriend” he stared at Hoseok
“That’s how she does it. Feisty and Sexy” Hoseok smirked
“I’m okay” Chaeyoung giggled behind her hand
“Girl! Isn’t that the latest Gucci bag you’re holding?!” Jennie’s eyes rounded as she eyed the bag
“Y-Yes, daddy got it for my birthday” Chaeyoung smiled shyly
“I have the same one at home!” Jennie exclaimed
“Really?!” Chaeyoung’s eyes brightened
“I think we have a few things in common. This girl is a keeper.” Jennie tapped Chaeyoung’s arm “Let’s exchange numbers and maybe have a girls night out sometimes! I’m sure Lisa would’ve had thrown herself over you if she was here”
“Something along the lines of ‘I’m almost gay for Chaeyoung’? Yeah my girlfriend, would probably say this” Taehyung chuckled
“I mean, who wouldn’t” Jungkook commented as he stared at the pretty girl one last time
“You better behave, before I smack your face” you threatened
“Why are you so sensitive, honey? I just acknowledged that girls from my homeland are beautiful.” he scowled
Let’s press on her buttons and watch her reaction
“Don’t you dare honey me, and stop wiggling your eyebrows like a pervert! You should’ve stayed in the states, goddamn it “you pinched his arm
“Chaeyoung is pretty just like Sooyoung was but—“he was cut off
“You really became a womanizer, huh?” You crossed your arms over your chest “Who knows what you did with Sooyoung back in the states” you commented  
Look at her being all concerned about what I did back then? She’s too cute for her own good Ugh, He internally smirked,
“Let me finish, will you?” he groaned “I meant to say that they were pretty, but something is missing”
“Of course, you have a list of unreachable standards when it comes to finding a girl.” You rolled your eyes
“Being hot doesn’t mean that a man will be genuinely interested in you” He commented “So you can stop thinking I want to hook up with every girl I find pretty” he rolled his eyes
“Who said that? I never said such a thing.” You crossed your arms over your chest
“You were speculating and that’s enough” He tapped your nose
He suddenly pulled your waist closer, closing the gap between your bodies. Feeling your chest against his, his breath near your face, his nose brushing against the side of your cheek. You felt your palms getting sweaty as he whispered his next comment in your ears.
“Now stop feeling salty, because I’m all yours tonight” he replied in a wicked tone
I’d be yours forever if you asked….
You flush a few shades redder as you press your palm against his chest, separating your bodies from each other. Jungkook slightly groaned as your warmth was suddenly gone. He dreamt of this moment for the last two years. All he ever wanted was to feel you and show you how much he loved you, yet he couldn’t bring himself to do it, because of your habit to avoid any physical contact with him. Maybe if he sucked at expressing his feelings so much, he could show you instead? Those were the kind of things that were running through his mind for the entire day.
“Who is salty?” You scoffed “Me? As if I ever wanted you to be mine” you scoffed “Stop overpraising your worth, Jeon Jungkook”
“Yeah, just as salty as American snacks. Now walk ahead and let us have some fun before I bite you for looking so yummy in that dress” he winks as he grabs your arm
She’s so cute, it’s almost like she’s asking for me to tease her
Jungkook smirked as he witnessed an apparent blush across your cheeks. His attempt to make you shook, worked better than expected. The way you adorably stepped back away from him only made him suppress a chuckle. The satisfaction he got from it was unexplainable. Seeing you getting shy at his every act and comments, made him adore even more. The fact that he could get such reactions from you, was more than rewarding for him. Maybe these two years of hard work, payed off and you were actually going to fall for him, after all?  
“It was called disarming the enemy to get them going” he pushed you ahead “Why are you so walking slowly?” he stared at you “Is it because of your shoes?” he took a glance at your heels
“I’m kind of …Not used to it” you bite on your lip
“Are you serious” he replied in a concerned tone “Does your feet hurt?”
This girl, she’s always trying all sorts of things. Please take better care of yourself, I’m begging you.
“Well not yet, not as much as I expected” you blinked
“F*ck. I wanted to dance with you. Guess it won’t be happening anytime soon”
He sighed before sliding his arm across your waist, tightly holding you and helping you walking to the nearest couch. If he could in any way lessen your pain, he would be willing to do anything it takes. You on the other side, felt quite flustered over his last comment. Did he really wanted to dance with you? The Jungkook you knew, always avoided things that were of that type. Just as you reached the couch, you asked him, the question that was burning to come out.
“Y-You” you pointed at him “Wanted to dance with me?” you pointed at yourself
“Yeah…” he rubbed the back of his neck “I felt horrible for skipping out on prom. I wanted to make it up for you.” he shyly admitted “I mean, you had no partner because of my departure”
You felt yourself melting up at his sweet words. Jungkook still remembered everything and it still was important for him. The things you prayed yourself to forget, he remembered each and every one of them. The boy cared more about you than you would’ve thought. Being friends was a thing, but Jungkook always proved to you that he was even better than a friend.
All the things he did for you, all the countless times he helped you, all the times he protected you. Might as well call him a super Human. He was an outstanding boy  who turned into a stunning man and you didn’t had to think twice before admitting to yourself that Jungkook was indeed one hell of an amazing person, especially towards you in particular. Almost like a soulmate or another half. You felt complete whenever he was there with you.
“You adorable little bastard…” you tapped his nose with your fingertip” You still remembered those stupid details, huh?”
“They might have seemed like stupid details to Jungkook the 18 years old kid, back in the way, but they were important for you weren’t they?” he slid his hand from your forearm to lace your hands with his as he brought his face closer to yours “But I realized that whatever was important to you, it was important to me as well, because you meant more than anything else to me”
“You people are getting a little too cozy for a friendship if you want my opinion” Yoongi sipped on his cocktail as he watched you and Jungkook
“Y-Yoongi?” You whooped your head to the side
Having his romantic moment suddenly broken, Jungkook groaned as he slowly back away from you. He wanted to be alone with you and the night wasn’t cooperating with him, neither were his friends.
“Hey, man” Jungkook smiled weakly at his friend before pulling him into a tight hug “I missed you, but could you not ruin my moment like this?” he whispered in an angered tone in Yoongi’s ears "I wanted to enjoy my time alone with Y/N”
“Bunny boy, if you ever expected to have a sexy moment with your beauty at this club, then you’re wrong. People won’t leave you alone here. I suggest you take it back to your place.” Yoongi whispered in jungkook’s ear “I mean, you won’t have to keep it quiet there” he smirked
“What are you saying—“Jungkook was cut off
“Just enjoy your time here and save the romantic stuff for later. I’m sure Y/N wouldn’t dig the idea of getting a love confession at the club. Try a classier concept”
“I wasn’t confessing—“
“I know what I’m doing, bunny boy. Now sit there and wait. I’ll bring you a few drinks” yoongi left
“What was up with Yoongi?” you blinked as you grabbed onto Jungkook’s arm
“H-He kept on blabbering random shit about how much he missed me, yeah” Jungkook stuttered
“Well, as weird as it might sound from a girl like me, I-I… actually missed you too” you hugged his arm
“It sounded so weird, but it felt amazing to hear it” he stared at you as a dazzling smile made its way onto his gorgeous face
“Oh really?” you smiled back at him
“You became so wicked? What’s with your ways to dig in deeper into people’s hearts?” he chuckled as he tapped your nose “I almost fluttered at your comment”
“Oh did you?” you tucked your hair behind your ear
“You became so….so…” he was at a loss of words “Feminine? Is that the right word?” he laughed awkwardly “Definitely not the same girl I saw wearing track pants earlier” he chuckled
“I guess that my fairy godmother helped turning me into a princess” you commented as you stared at Jennie and grabbed onto the drinks Yoongi brought over “Thank you, oh lord, why is this so heavy?” you glared at the cup “Yoongi, we’re not aiming to get drunk here.”
“It’s free service for the pretty lady, Accept my drinks and stop belittling my generosity” Yoongi replied in a grumpy tone
“Damn, someone’s not in the mood” you blinked
“Yeah, let’s just drink “Jungkook tried taking the drink from your hand
“There’s no way you’re getting drunk!” you pointed at him “Remember what happened at Jennie’s party two years ago?”
“Well, I was still a kid back then” He commented as he tried grabbing onto the drink another time “I’m a man not a kid, Y/N. I think I know my alcohol tolerance better than you”
“Oh, so you must have drank a lot, back in the states” you raised a brow
“Well yeah, I’ve been out for company dinners with the people I worked with—“
“You’ve been with Park Sooyoung too” You reply a tad bit salty “The least you could do is share some details with me.”
“Well obviously. She’s my workmate” he commented “Now give me back my drink—“
“Not before you tell me more about her”
“Well same goes to you” He suddenly leaned his back against the couch “Namjoon is a dope guy, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’ve been all over him for the past two years” he rolled his eyes “And you never really gave me any details about him either”
“He was my T.A. Even if I wanted to have something to do with him, I would have been be able to do so, because it would be against the rules” you adjusted your dress as it was oddly getting shorter every time you sat down
“Well, in men’s world, there’s no such rules” he took off his blazer and threw it on your lap “T.A or not, if he was interested, then you probably wouldn’t be sitting next to me right now” he leaned his arm over the head of the couch “You’d be somewhere in his closet or something” he sent you a smirk
“In a closet? Wouldn’t that be very uncomfortable?” you blinked
“Well that’s how people do it in the states” Jungkook commented as he slowly shifted closer to you as he locked eyes with your wavering ones
He shifted closer to you as his arm was now around your shoulders, causing you to hold on your breath as his presence was suddenly too close for your personal comfort. His deep gaze piercing onto yours, his delicious scent overwhelming your senses, his majestic nose brushing against your cheek, his lips near your ear, his breath hovering over your neck.
“The closer, the better, they say” He whispered in your ear
“What are you saying?” you felt heat reaching your cheeks as you pressed your palm against his chest, keeping a decent distance between your bodies
“Seems like someone doesn’t like narrow spaces” he clicked his tongue as he stared at your attire “The dress looks nice on you” he tilted his head, staring into you a little too intensely
“C-Can you stop staring at me like that? It’s so awkward” you fanned yourself as you blocked his face with your palm
He gently wrapped his long fingers around your wrist. His warm skin against your cold skin, making you feel all sorts of shivers. Jungkook had soft hands and feeling his skin brushing against yours, only made you weaker for him.
“Come on, take my compliments” he stared at you again, smiling adorably at you, as he slowly brought his face closer to yours “Please?”
“W-Why are you acting so weird?! I don’t know why you’re being like this, but none of this, is right, Jungkook” you stammered, trying to pry his hands off of your wrists
You tried your hardest to deny this unwanted feeling in the pit of your stomach. Excitement and thrill were two things you normally felt around Jungkook, but having them turning into butterflies, wasn’t something you ever expected.
“Why are you so nervous? I’m not going to ravage you or anything like that” he pouted “Why is the look in your eyes, so…” he paused as he tilted your chin with his fingers, locking eyes with you “So hesitant?”
“Because you’re being so flirty, and it’s not like you” your cheeks were fuming in heat
Jungkook tried regaining his composure after hearing your comment. You were right and he was going to do whatever it took to deny such accusations, because he still wasn’t sure of the kind of response you were bound to give him, if he ever tried being serious.
“Flirty?” he scoffed “Me? With you?” he stepped back as he chuckled “Girl. You need to sort out your priorities right! I-I wasn’t flirting with you! I was just complimenting you on your outfit. You’re the one who is weird for acting shy like this “he stuttered before feeling the tip of his ears getting warmer
“Of course, it’s me.” You nodded “You’re sure it’s not you who’s hiding something?”
“I beg to differ. You’re the one who touched my butt first thing in the afternoon.” He crossed his arms over his chest
“That’s because I missed your butt” you argued
“Exactly! That’s weird as f*ck” Jungkook pointed at you
“Man up, Jungkook. What will your future girlfriend say if you get flustered over a small butt tap?”
“You call that a tap on the butt?! You grabbed my butt!” his eyes rounded before adding “And you enjoyed every second of it” he commented in an outraged tone “Your girly outfit definitely contrasts with that wild personality” he chuckled as he attempted to grab his drink from your hold
“I told you I’m not the one who chose to dress up like this. Jennie dressed me up—“
You tried grabbing the drink back from him and it only resulted in a disaster. Pulling the drink towards you only made Jungkook pull it in his direction, which made the drink slip from your hold and drop onto his shirt.
“Oh Well f*ck” your face cringed “I’m so sorry”
“Was that sarcastic?” Jungkook scowled”What can I even expect from you”
You grabbed the nearest napkin to wipe up his shirt as he slowly tried backing away from you. There you were completely oblivious about the kind of physical contact that was going on. His wet dress shirt was now sticking onto his skin and being the innocent girl you were, you weren’t able to notice the see-through effect, until Jungkook urged you to stop dabbing the napkin onto him.
“It’s all good” He tried standing up
“No, hell no! It’s not okay at all” you made him sit back down, as you furrowed your brows, genuinely concerned about the accident “You’re all wet, sit back down”
“Please Y/N. It’s just a shirt. I’ll just go back home and change” he smiled “Relax. This isn’t like you at all. You’re supposed to be laughing at me right now” he patted your soft hair with his large hand “why are you still not making fun of me?”
“Because this shirt probably costs more than my tuition?!” your jaw dropped
“I knew it was too good to be true” he pocked the inside of his cheek with his tongue
“Were you expecting something else?” you blinked
“I’ll let it go because you particularly cute tonight” he squished your cheeks with his hand
“I should thank my fairy godmother, Jennie, then” you nodded  
“Are we talking about this fairy godmother?” Jungkook blinked as he pointed at Jennie “Damn, the witch was a fairy godmother too huh….” he commented
“Obviously? I mean her attempts at making pretty, worked? I don’t know” you stared at the fabric of your dress “I actually look like a girl for once” you chuckled
“Girly or not, you’re still there and that’s what really matters” he dusted off his shirt as he untucked it from his pants
“What do you mean?” you asked him
“No matter how pretty you look or how fancy you dress. There’s still a hint of Y/N residing in there” He commented “ Some people get carried away by the way the dress or look, but even if you’re dressed like a princess, you still have the audacity to drop your drink on me” he chuckled
“I’m sorry, okay? I never meant for this to happen” you buried your face in your palms “I’m such a disaster and somehow I only embarrass myself in front of you”
“What’s there to be embarrassed of, Y/N?” He grabbed onto your soft hand “You were just clumsy…. and kind of cute” he brushed his thumb over you’re the back of your hand
“You’re just trying to comfort me because we’re friends, but look at me? I can’t even stand more than a few seconds in heels, I dropped my drink on you and who knows what the hell is about to happen later tonight” you huffed
“Whatever happens, I’m sure it’ll still make my heart throb” he replied in a low tone before realizing his words “I-I mean, I’m s-sure it’d make anyone’s heart throb” he stuttered
We almost f*cked up right there. Jeon Jungkook, he groaned internally
“You’re so funny Jungkook.” You chuckled heartlessly “Just admit it. I’m a hot mess. Even if I try, I’m still an embarrassment” you hung your head low
“Well, not to Me.” he titled up your chin “You just happen to be attractive in your own little ways.” He commented “Maybe, you’re just not used to this because it’s your first time at a club” he played with your hair
“Yeah, or maybe I just suck at being with people in general” you smiled awkwardly
“Look, to be completely honest with you. I only showed up here because of you and if it wasn’t for you, I’d be at home relaxing in my bath with a glass of wine” he leaned his head back onto the couch “ Believe or not, but I’m exhausted because of my flight and I still didn’t gave a single f*ck and came here for you” he suddenly laced your hands before pulling you in his arms  “So yes, you might be a disaster, but you’re my little disaster, so stop quoting disaster as if it was something bad. I gave up nap time for this disaster and I do not regret any inch of it.”
“Jungkook…” you muttered in his arms
“What?” he gasped
 “What you just said, it was kind of …cute” you slid your arms around his waist, hugging him back “Not to lie, but you almost had me there” you pressed your face onto his shoulder
“Do you want to go back home with me?” he slowly loosened his hold on you “I still need to change my outfit and you know….”
You blush at his sudden offer. He rubs the back of his head as his hair was slightly getting messier than it looked a few minutes earlier. His wet shirt and messy hair made it look like he was out drinking and getting frisky with a few ladies for the last three hours, when in reality he was simply with you. He was still a good looking mess you had to admit. The entirety of this mess looked hotter than what you expected
“I wanted to show you my place” he bite on his bottom lip shyly, staring at you with his goggle eyes “It might seem very weird coming from me at this time of the night, I-I mean, I understand if you refuse! I just wanted you to be the first to see it.” He chewed on his lip “It’s okay if you don’t want it though, It’s almost 10pm and you wouldn’t want to drop by a man’s place at this time of the—“
“Yes, why the hell not?!” you smiled at him “I’d love to see your place! Please invite me” you stood up
“Well damn, someone is very excited about this” he chuckled sexily “I can sleep over too, right?” you nudged him
“Pardon?! I-its night! I-I-I…Y-Y-You” he pointed at you “H-How dare you do this to me?!” he flushed
“You’re still so cute, I was obviously joking” you pinched his nose
“How could I even expect any purity from a girl who casually stole a guy’s first kiss?” he commented
Jungkook chuckled, grabbing onto his blazer as you both exited the club
“You’re still not over that, huh” you shook you head in disbelief
“N-not only that!” he blushed “But a girl who casually breaks inside a grown man’s room—“
“ We were still babies Jungkook. Get over it” you elbowed him in the stomach “Even If I did broke in, what could have had happened in there? You and I, playing overwatch? Yeah that’s pretty much how your brain was functional back in the day” you giggled
“Oh you’d be surprised at the kind of things that went through my mind back in the day” he muttered under his breath
“What did you say?”
You blinked a few times as you both reached Jungkook’s car. He even bothered opening the door for you, like a gentlemen.
“I said that you were quite innocent for believing that kind of outcome!” he pushed your forehead with his knuckles, to get you in the car “Just a reminder that all men turn into beasts after 10th grade”
“Come on, you’re telling me, that you” you pointed at him as he got in the driver’s seat “Were dangerous? You were a fluffy little walnut okay. I pinched your cheeks and kicked your butt whenever I wanted to”
“That’s because it was me” he smirked “You think that other guys would’ve let you do such things?”
“You think so?” You asked
Jungkook turned on the engine as he started reversing the car, turning his head around, a hand behind your seat, turning the steering wheel with one hand, constantly stretching his sexy neck to the side. You gulped on your saliva as you watched him as he maneuvered his way out of the parking lot.
“You changed so much…” you let out a sigh as you watched him driving “You became too handsome to be Jungkook”
“Uh? Thank you?” he half chuckled as he watched the road “Should I take this as a compliment? Or was it an insult?”
“Both” you nodded
“Sure thing, thank you, I guess” he commented
Today, Jungkook’s apartment, Seoul district, 11: 00 PM
Jungkook fiddled through his pockets before finding the key to his apartment. You chuckled as you watched him struggling against the tightness of his pockets. Tight pants were never a good option when you want to keep your keys in your pockets, and Jungkook would know this better than anyone else after this night.
“Seriously, why am I doing this to myself?” He sighed as he opened the door to his place
“Seems like you became handsome, but not so smart, huh?” you nudged him as you walked past him, entering his apartment
Your eyes widened as you eyed the modern looking furniture. The aesthetic was all black and white and it looked classier than what you ever expected. The white leather couches only looked more elegant and defined next to the glassy dining table, and the huge windows near the coffee table. The View from these windows was stunning and you internally cursed as you caught yourself up making romantic scenarios in your head. There you were day dreaming about making morning coffee, breathing the fresh air as Jungkook would sneakily slide his arms around your waist, back hugging you and kissing your jaw.
“So? What do you think” Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck shyly “I mean… it’s not that much, but it still looks good, right?”
“Not much?” your jaw dropped “Are you kidding me? You basically built a kingdom of your own while I’m still drowning under a shit ton of debts” You smacked the back of his head
“Ouch? That hurts?” He tilted his head as he grabbed onto your wrist
“Sorry, it must be because I’m envious of you” you huffed “Perfect job, Perfect car, perfect hair, and Perfect apartment and probably…. Perfect Significant other too….” You paused “You have everything, I ever wanted” you ran your fingers through his hair, massaging the spot you smacked
“Why would you be envious?” his soft eyes gazed into yours “What’s mine is yours.” He ruffled your hair
“Hey, this isn’t like in kindergarten, kook. We’re not about to share a few Pokémon cards” you chuckled “You’re all cute saying that, but we’re not kids anymore, you can’t say these kind of things, especially when it involves a car and an apartment.” you added before catching onto what he said “O-Only couples share these k-kinds of things” you stammered as your cheeks were now tinted red, before you realized his previous words “But wait? Doesn’t that mean that we can share your significant other as well?” you raised a brow before bursting into laughter “Damn, You’re really an amazing friend Jungkook” you punched his arm
“Well I have no significant other, yet. We’ll see when that happens” He poked your cheek before squishing them like he always does “If it ever happens then what I am supposed to tell her? Dear Girlfriend, This is Y/N. I share everything with her, therefore our relationship shall include her in the bunch” he held onto his tummy as he laughed his ass off “Are you going to get laid with us as well?” he smirked
“No f*cking way” your eyes rounded
“Why not?” he stepped closer to you
“I have better things to do than to witness you and your girlfriend getting all cozy on a Friday night” you rolled your eyes
“Oh baby, you want me all to yourself, right?” he gave you a flirty gaze
“ Look at you trying to be smooth” you raised a brow “I’m sure you’ll remain single for the rest of your life with those kind of pickup lines” you tapped his nose “ Now show me to your bedroom” you leaned against the couch
“Uhm, and May I know why I should be doing such a crazy thing?” he tilted his head
“Because I’m visiting your place, isn’t it a given that I see your bedroom?”
“You’re really setting your own self for danger, you know that?” Jungkook coughed “It’s almost midnight and you’re there inviting yourself in a grown man’s bedroom. The kind of things you do. I swear to god… ” he sighed before grabbing your arm and pulling you inside the room
Your jaw dropped at the amount of beautiful details in that room. The white walls were decorated with a silver clock and a few paintings. The white fluffy bed sheets made you smile. Jungkook was still the same childish kid. His love for soft and fluffy things didn’t change. Just as you were about to sit on the bed, you heard a small yelp.
“What was that?” You turned around “Are you hiding a dead body in this room or something?” you blinked
“That must be…” he turned around, spotting his puppy “Jelly, did you miss daddy that much?” he kissed the tip of her cute nose
You gasped as you noticed the puppy you last saw two years ago. The small Pomeranian grew beautifully and still looked as fluffy as ever. Jungkook took great care of her and you could tell from how excited and joyful she was when she saw him.
“Well, I’m sure that daddy can let me hold her, now that she’s all grown up, right?” you opened your arms to grab the puppy
“ No way” He held the puppy tightly against his chest “ Jelly is still my child” he stared at her “ No matter how old she gets” he kissed her nose again “If you really want to hold her, then I’ll have to officially introduce you guys”  
“Sure, go ahead” you stared at the cute puppy in awe
“Jelly, we have to talk about something very important” he stared at the puppy very seriously
Jelly licked her lips as she blinked innocently
“What is he saying now?” you rolled your eyes “Let me hold her already” you tapped your feet
“To tell you the truth, daddy…is not a single parent” he rubbed his dog’s fur
The puppy tilted her head
“What?” you furrowed your brows, very confused
“You had a mother all this time” he faked crying as he hugged the puppy “I always hid you from her and always talked to you about her during the past two years we spent in the states and I’m sorry for that, but it was for your own good”
“Oh dear lord, you must be kidding me” you shook your head in disbelief “We’re parents now?”  you raised a brow
“I know Y/N might reject her mother status, but she dearly loves you. She might hate daddy, but she loves you” he petted the dog
“I don’t hate daddy, what you are saying?” you nudged his arm “Daddy is the one who hid you from me from the past 2 years, god only knows why” you glared at him
“Well daddy just wanted to protect his Jelly” he sent you a glare
“Jelly needed a mother figure for all of this time” you melted as you held her
“ It’s so weird” Jungkook frowned as he watched you holding his puppy
“What is?” you nuzzled the puppy
“Jelly usually dislike women getting near her” he chuckled “She tried biting Sooyoung back then and she licked Lisa’s leg to annoy her”
“Then why is she not hating me?”
“Maybe because she saw you when she was still a baby?” he smiled “Or maybe because she’s just like me?” he ruffled the puppy’s fur “Right Jelly?”
“Right” you rolled your eyes “Are you ever going to change your outfit? I thought we came here for that”
“Yeah” he nodded before reaching his closet and searching for a shirt “Now if you’ll excuse me” he slowly pushed you out of his room
“Oh, so now you’re kicking me out?”
“Unless you want me to strip before your eyes, I suggest you get lost” he scrunched his nose
“I will get lost” you nodded sarcastically as you brought the puppy with you “Jelly, your daddy is a pervert” you stared at the Pomeranian
“I heard that” Jungkook shouted as he locked his door
“Oh did you?” you shouted back as you made your way back into the living room, staring at the walls  “ Why is this apartment so darn gorgeous?” you sighed “ This successful little bastard, is more amazing than what I ever expected” you nodded as you made your way into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator “ Oh, food” your eyes lit up
You gasped as you noticed a hand, other than yours, closing the refrigerator. You felt your palm getting sweaty as you recognized his overwhelming delicious scent and his veiny hands on each side of your head, trapping you against the refrigerator.
“Don’t even think about it” his low husky voice commented in your ear before walking away from you
“Uhm, I’m a guest?!” you furrowed your brows “Is this how you treat your guests?” you pouted
“Just come here and stop complaining” he wrapped his arms around your waist as his hoisted you up easily, walking towards the living room
“Why are you lifting me up? Let me go” you tried prying his hands off you
“Just be quiet and enjoy your time here” he dropped you on the couch
“I want food”
“And I want to relax” he stared at you
“I hate you”
“Bite me” he stuck out his tongue
“I will do it, if you don’t feed me” you glared at him
“Just sit down and let us enjoy some peace, please”
He pulled your arm, making you fall perfectly in his embrace, head pressed against his chest, arms around his waist, you could clearly hear his heartbeat. Jungkook leaned his back on the couch, making you lay on him. You relaxed in his embrace as he gently petted your hair and held you tightly, enjoying the scent of your hair and your soft touch that he missed so much.
“At last, it feels like I’m at home” you heard his voice vibrating through his chest
“And it feels like I’m literally crushing you” you stuttered “Are you sure, I’m not heavy or something? Because I gained like five pounds since summer started, just saying” you commented as you pressed your chin on his chest, staring at him from the low angle, yet he still looked dazzling and even sexier from there.
“And I love it” he squeezed your arm “You’re so cute for calling yourself heavy. I’m a man who can lift three chairs at the same time”
“You’re really weird, you know that” you pulled on the strings of his hoodie “I wonder who’ll get to occupy the spot here” you poked his chest
“The spot in my chest? Since when did anyone rented out their chests to others? Well I’m currently renting it out to your head” he chuckled
“I’m talking about your heart, idiot” you giggled
“Oh that spot” he gently hovered his hand over yours as he brought it against his chest “That spot has been occupied by lots of things for the past twenty years. I doubt it has any space to welcome anyone new” he stared down at your long lashes, feeling his heart racing
“Seems like I’ll really have to buy you cats from now onwards.” You shook your head “You will need my help to find a potential mate, Jungkook”
Why can’t she bite on the bait already? This girl is so oblivious, it hurts!
“Well easier said than done. You keep on getting salty every time I talk about how a girl looks pretty” he smirked “IS it jealousy? Or did you wished the comments were directed to you?”
“I wasn’t being salty! I was just being rational. Chaeyoung isn’t any girl you can start hitting on.” You grasped onto the fabric of his sweatshirt “She’s the dean’s one and only daughter. You cannot get close to her” you nudged him
“Is she of royal blood or something? She’s just like any other girl. Sure, she looks hot but she’s just like any other living human. I don’t see what all of this fuss is over her being the dean’s daughter. Especially Jimin… I don’t get what’s wrong with him for being such a dick to her” he commented
“Well, believe it or not. Jimin is apparently having a secret crush on her. You know he can’t express his feelings that well, right?” You commented
“That bastard, he’s all talk, saying that I suck at talking to ladies, and look at him going .Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.” Jungkook shook his head in disbelief
“Well, Jimin knows how to talk to girls, he just seems to be like this around Chaeyoung”   you added
“Love makes people do all sorts of things, doesn’t it?”
“W-Well, I doubt I’d ever know that” you smiled awkwardly
“You never fell in love?” Jungkook tilted his head
“I doubt you’re one to talk” you drew circles on his chest with your finger
“Wrong” his sexy voice vibrated through his chest “Believe it or not but I think I know what love feels like”
“What does it feel like, then?”
“Love is like when you wake up in the morning and wish that person was next to you and not on the other side of the planet”
Now please pick up the hints. Because I don’t know what else to do
“Oh, so I guess you miss Sooyoung already” you rolled your eyes
“Oh lord, what is she saying now” he groaned in an annoyed tone “Why can’t you get it already?” he  muttered
“Get what?”
“Why are you always bringing up Sooyoung in the bunch? I don’t like her the way you think I do” he whined “Maybe if you stopped paying attention to others, you’d understand that your answer is closer than you’d think”
“You really tried making me believe you fell in love, huh?” you commented “ There’s no  way in hell that ever happened”  you sighed “ Guess, I’ll really have to get broke in order to buy you these twelve cats” you huffed
Jungkook clenched his fist as he stared at your lips blabbering are sorts of things he didn’t want to hear. This was about you and him, yet it almost seemed like you tried changing topics on purpose. There was no way you were that oblivious about the situation.
“If you want to find me a girl that bad but don’t want to spend a dime to help me find her, then why don’t you be my girl? Wouldn’t that be the fastest solution?” he tilted your chin, eyeing your lips “Just give me an answer and stop beating around the bush, Y/N” he propped himself on his elbows, as you were still laying on his chest until you raised your head up, locking eyes with him “To be honest with you…” he gathered his courage to tell you his deepest feelings “I wanted this night to be special for us”
“S-Special?” you grasped onto the fabric of his shirt with your fists
“Yeah, just about you and I, no one else” he cupped your cheek “So stop bringing up Sooyoung or anyone else in the picture, because this is supposed to be my night with you” he affirmed in a low voice
“T-Then what did you plan for this night?” you stammered
“I thought we could have a serious talk, for once” he played with a strand of your hair “and talk about how we feel”
“Is this a therapy session or something?” you chuckled
“Well, yes and no.” he chuckled as well “I want to know how you genuinely feel towards me and I-….” He paused “I’d like to tell you about my real feelings”
“R-Real feelings?”
Your eyes rounded as you buried your face on his chest, hiding your face from his soft gaze that suddenly looked intimidating to you. Jungkook slowly brushed a strand of your hair with his long fingers as he gently grabbed your hand in his, lacing your fingers to his.
“I know you want to hide and never talk about it, but I believe we’ve been quiet for too many years about this topic” he stared at the crown of your head “It’s been 15 years, Y/N.  I believe we should have this talk”
“And I feel like I’m about to feel extremely awkward and embarrassed” you grasped onto the fabric of his shirt as muffled your voice onto his chest
“And why would you ever feel this way around me? I’m your best friend, Y/N, please don’t be like this” he petted your hair “All I ever wanted was for us to not hide anything from each other”
“It’s not your fault, Jungkook” you slowly lifted up your head from his chest “It’s me who isn’t ready.”
“Ready for that?” he raised a brow
“Well, I see exactly what’s coming next. You’re going to ask me if you want us to be something more than just friends who are friends,  and I’m going to freak out because I’m nowhere near ready to have a f*ck buddy”
“W-what?” Jungkook stuttered as he stared at you “You thought what?”
“Oh lord, have I made another mistake?” you cringed your face “I really suck at interpreting things.” you hid your face on his chest
“Well you sure do suck at it because this is definitely not the reason why I wanted us to have alone time.” he chuckled before adding “I don’t want your body Y/N”
“I knew you’d say that.” You groaned against his chest
“Why? Disappointed much?” He laughed as he stared at you
“More like, betrayed?” you poked his chest “ I thought, that you , out of all cruel men on this planet, would at least acknowledge my body and not let me down like this” you shook your head cutely “ I cannot believe you. I thought we were friends” you held on your heart dramatically “I mean… I would’ve smashed you if you were to be as lonely as I am. That’s how great I am, Jungkook. The kind of things I’d do for you and then there’s you…. ” You commented dramatically “I still feel betrayed”
“You would smash me if I was to be a lonely single man?” He threw his head back as he laughed endlessly “That’s so sweet of you” he tapped your nose “You’re so cute and filial, almost like a wife…” he cupped your cheek “Or should I say…. A partner in crime” he giggled
“You ruined it with your last comment” you sent him a playful side glare
“ Look, I’m not made to be romantic!” he argued “I’ve been trying to tell you something for the past 2 hours and somehow it just doesn’t want to come out because you keep on distracting me”
“Then just tell me, I’m listening. What’s this big thing that’s been going on for the past 15 years?” you leaned your cheek onto his chest, giving him direct eye contact, making him more nervous than he already was
“Well, I’d like to ask you a question first” he gulped on his saliva hesitantly “Uhm… How do you feel towards me? You said you’d smash me a few seconds earlier… but why would you ever do that?”
“Because I care” you blurt out without thinking much “I mean… as a good friend, I must be there when you need it”
“Would you do the same for Jimin?” Jungkook raised a brow
“Jimin is like my brother” you cringed
“Then what about me? If jimin is like a brother to you, then what am I supposed to be?” he paused before staring into your eyes “Do you know what kind of girl you are to me?”
“N-No, should I be asking?” You blinked as Jungkook pressed his index on your lips, hushing you
“You’re no friend to me” he added
“What?!” Your jaw dropped “You’re going to break off our friendship after all of these—“
“ No, but I’m planning on doing it if you keep on interrupting me” he clasped a hand on your lips as he smiled sarcastically “ I beg you, let me talk for three minutes and then you can talk all you want”
“Sorry” you pouted as you sent him a sneaky glance “I like interrupting you, though” you fluttered your lashes
“I swear to god, next time you interrupt me, I’ll seal that mouth with a kiss” he pulled on your cheek as he pushed you off of his body, sitting on the couch as he played ruffled his hair shyly
“Okay, okay, I’ll shut up” you rolled your eyes as were now sitting next to him on the couch
“So as I was saying…” he stared at his hands, avoiding your eyes “ I remember us playing in kindergarten and getting mud all over your dress, and the time I went to Boston when was I was nine. You might be unaware of it, but It always felt weird not having you around, and when I saw that sparkling bow, I immediately thought of you and that’s why I ever got it for you.” he smiled nostalgically
“What about the time I was a selfish jerk who took your Pokémon cards because you lost against me at a game? Well, believe it or not but I wanted to complete the collection and gift it to you for your 13th birthday, but it never happened because I was afraid you wouldn’t like it, you stopped collecting these cards after all.” he stared at you
“Then we got in middle school and I suddenly started getting weird and you felt left out because of me. I never wanted to be that way, but I guess that puberty got the best of me and I was afraid of being around you. I remember seeing you under a new light during freshman year in high school. I thought I was delusional forever thinking of you in such a way, but my body reacted before my mind did and I was wrong for not following what my heart wanted. That time I almost kissed you, I was afraid of realizing my deepest feelings about this relationship. I avoided that kiss, yet you got the best of me and stole it from me and that’s when I got the confirmation. The way I reacted to you, the reason why I avoided hugging you, the reason why I was always so overwhelmed in your presence….It was all because I changed. I wasn’t a kid anymore. I liked you since kindergarten because you were my one and only best partner in crime, but that kiss made me realize that I looked at you, the way a man looked at a woman” he bite on his lip
“ and getting apart from you for these past two years , made me realized so much more. How much I ever yearned for your touch and your comforting presence. I’d torture myself at night thinking you could be somewhere flirting with some other guy and forgetting about me, living your campus life to its fullest, yet… here you are” he tilted your chin, locking eyes with you “With me” he stared at your eyes before alternating to your lips “I liked you and held back for the sake of our friendship, but I believe It’s time for me to let this out of my chest.” He breathed
“I waited for years and I can’t seem to have that patience anymore. The only thought of having you slipping through my fingers frightens me every second of the day, because I can’t let you go. ” He gently laces your fingers together as he noticed your eyes avoiding his. “Don’t try changing topics. Don’t try avoiding me.” He gently cupped your cheek
“This is the last bit of courage I held onto for years. I was frightened of this day and it has finally came.” He suddenly stared at the floor with the most heartbroken face you saw “What if she rejects me? What if she wants to cut ties? What if she’s disgusted? So many scary thoughts went through my mind, but I thought….being her lover is worth this kind of sacrifice. I thought, if there’s the latest bit of chance that I can be a man for her through this stupid love confession, then it’s worth it.If there’s a tiny possibility. A 0.01% that she might like me back, then all of this might be worth it. This is how at last, I wanted to say these words for the past 15 years. I love you as a man, Y/N”
You held onto your heart as you felt it tighten, tears were forming in the crease of your eyes. Jungkook had so much on his heart for the past years yet you failed to notice anything. He was afraid of confessing to you and this was the hugest blow for you. Thinking about how tormented he must’ve felt everytime he especially emphasized the word ‘friend’ when it came to both of you.
All the times he friend zoned you when he actually loved you with all of his heart. All these times he wanted to protect your friendship by shielding his feelings from you. All these times he pretended being alright when you were being apart. All these times he made sure you felt worthy enough.
“ You’re such a big idiot” waterfalls were drowning your eyes “ You kept this in here” you punched his chest with your fist “ for all of these years and you never told me about it”  you pulled his shirt closer to your face as you buried your face against his chest, sobbing endlessly “ I can’t believe you”
“Am I about to be rejected? This is why you’re crying, right?” he wiped off a tear escaping his shining eyes “Damn, I should’ve kept my stupid feelings to myself” he sniffled heartlessly “I’m indeed an idiot for ruining our friendship like this. I should’ve known you’d never want someone like me”
“Can you stop breaking my heart, Jeon Jungkook?” You punched his chest another time “What? I’d never want someone like you? I might be disgusted? I might want to cut ties? I might reject you...” you paused as you distanced your face from his chest to lock eyes with him
“Jeon Jungkook, do you realize how absurd you sound?” you softly cupped his cheek “You were already too good for me to begin with. How dare you believe such things? Who allowed you to think I’d ever hate you for this? I already felt thankful to be your friend. When I was sobbing on the playground, you’re the one who held my hand and told me to stop crying because girls are prettier when they smile. You’re the one who lent me your jacket when I was cold. You’re the one who skipped on your parents’ business trips to spend the summer with me, you’re the one who didn’t date just to care of me my clumsiness during high school. You’re the one who made me confident when I didn’t felt good in my skin. You’re the one who told me I didn’t need makeup to be beautiful. I never did anything for you, yet you were always there for me. I kissed you because I genuinely wanted you to be my first kiss. It felt okay because I wanted my first to be with you, yet you stepped back from me. . In middle school, when we had bio classes together and you always pushed me away for asking too many questions. Why was I ever curious about you, Jungkook? Because I was attracted to you. Asking you all sorts of weird questions was my way to grow even closer to you. Hearing you complimenting other girls, often ticked me off because I wished you could look at me the way you looked at them. I always wanted to look attractive in your eyes, but eventually gave up on it because you only liked me as a friend… I guess we’re both huge idiots in the end, because I never noticed your feelings and you obviously didn’t notice mine either. I guess it takes two idiots to make an idiotic relationship and we’re perfectly cut for that. I love you more, Jeon Jungkook.”
You avoided his eyes shyly as you told him about your deepest feelings. Jungkook on his side was wondering if this whole dialogue was some dream or illusion, blaming it on alcohol. There was no way were reciprocating any of his feelings. You, who always disregarded him or changed topics whenever he tried bringing topics regarding feelings.
Shook was being all plastered on his face. He was feeling hot, bothered and extremely confused about this situation. What if all of this was a dream? He never wanted to wake up. It’s only when you whooped your head up to stare at him that he regained conscience, he gulping on his saliva, realizing how real the situation was.
“I don’t see why you’re staring at me with that shook facial expression.” You blushed a few shades of red “S-Seal the deal and Kiss me you big idiot.” Stammered “O-Or I should do it just like in middle school? Jungkook… are you seriously going to repeat history?” you sighed “I guess I’ll be taking our first official kiss as well—“
You gasped as you slowly melted against his soft yet masculine grip on your waist. Overwhelmed with your fruity scent, he softly cupped your cheek in the gentlest way you could imagine. You were like a treasure to him and his act only confirmed this belief. You felt your heart pounding as the masculine scent of his cologne made its way your nostrils. You felt taken over as his fingers gripped onto the fabric of your shirt clearly marking his territory. You were now his. His minty breath was slowly driving you insane – and just as you parted your lips to breath, the boy jumped on his first genuine occasion to feel you.  Slowly pressing his velvety lips against your trembling ones.
Lost in thoughts only wanting to confirm his feelings once again. That livid yet delicate way to brush his tongue against yours, slowly conveying his truest feelings through the kiss. His deepest desire combined with his wish to protect the woman he loved was all conveyed through his kissing. It was as if he wanted to take care of you like a jewel yet devour you like a forbidden fruit. Lost between the best of both worlds, Jungkook kissed you hungrily, enjoying every inch of your feverish state for him. He yearned for your touch for all of these years and this kiss only accentuated how desperate he was for you.
He was right after all, a drop of your sweetness would make him eager to taste more. That middle school kiss left him pending during 6 years, wondering when he could ever get to press his lips onto yours ever again, and tonight was the answer. His fingers softly hovered on your bare shoulder, sending shivers down your spine as you slowly pulled him by the collar of his shirt, wanting to eliminate any space remaining between your sensitive bodies. His hand brushing against your soft hair and gently resting on the curve of your waist. Jungkook immersed himself in you as he could taste your deliciousness through a kiss, slowly making you lay backwards on the couch, now his body hovering over yours, making your back hit the mattress .
The boy smiled against your lips as he felt your fingers raking through his luscious apple scented hair- begging for more. He knew it was time for him to let go.
“How long do you want this kiss to last, Y/N?” he gently chuckled as he brushed a strand of hair away from your face “I almost stopped breathing” he gently touched your bottom lip “Your lips are swollen” he stared at you seductively
“And so are yours” you poked his bottom lip as you hid your face “This is so embarrassing”
“For the record, I got to admit. You’re a good kisser” he bite on his bottom lip
“Y-You’re not bad yourself” you blushed a third shade of red
“I can’t believe this is the kind of thing I missed for the past 6 years” he sighed as he pulled you in his arms “I’m such an idiot for not reciprocating that kiss in middle school, damn it” he groaned “I thought about it but I never did it” he stared at you “Who could have thought that I would be missing on such an amazing feeling”
“Y-You wanted to reciprocate the kiss back then?”
“Yeah well, I had this thought were I wondered how it would feel if I ever tried moving my lips against yours, but I shrugged it off. I mean… I was already afraid you’d regret kissing me”
“That kiss was what made me realize that you were the one, Jeon Jungkook” you gently laced your hands together
“What are you talking about?! You copycat! It’s me who realized my feelings due to that kiss!”  Jungkook replied in a childish tone
“I initiated that kiss for a reason, you idiot!” you galred at him
“I don’t care, I still liked you first!” he pulled on your cheek
“Well, I got jealous first so shut up!”
“W-What?” Jungkook stuttered
“That girl from your bio class…” you sighed “It always bothered me to think that you liked her…” you hung your head low
“You’re the most oblivious woman I ever heard of” Jungkook chuckled “That girl from the bio class, was you. I couldn’t tell you who it was, because it was you” he ruffled your hair “You were jealous of your own self? Now that’s f*cking hilarious” he laughed out loud
“Stop laughing, you SON OF A—“you raised your fist to punch his chest and he grabbed your wrist
“You’re a weird oblivious girl who often threatens to hit me when she can’t admit her deepest feelings, but always remember  that this is why I fell for you” he pressed his lips on your knuckles, like a prince does to his soon-to-be queen
“S-Shut up” you felt your heart pounding
“You’re flustered.” He stared into your eyes before blushing and slapping his cheeks “Damn why are you so adorable?! Seriously. I’m losing my shit over how cute you look when you deny the truth”
“You’re driving me nuts! Stop calling me cute. It’s so weird” you hid your face
“No, you’re driving me nuts.” He wrapped his arms around your smaller frame, hugging your tightly “I love you so much, it’s driving me nuts”
“No, I love you” you pressed your lips against his rosy cheek, making him more shook than ever, immediately hiding your face on his chest, melting in his arms, engulfed in his amazingly scented shirt “I’m cringing now, so shut up. Don’t look at me”
“Are you seeking to kill me? My heart is going to explode for f*ck’s sake. You should be illegal. I’m hurting.” he held onto his chest as he kissed your ears, causing you to burst into a havoc of giggles because it was ticklish “Vengeance is sweet” he chuckled
This was how many first times were bound to occur. Many firsts that would make you fall deeper for your lover, firsts that would challenge your relationship, firsts that would make you realize how important Jungkook ever was in your life.
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sippin-on-red-wine · 7 years
What’s My Name Again? | An Intro
As soon as I was buckled into my airplane seat, I kicked off my boots and dug out my earbuds. I had always been a bit of a nervous flier - the upgraded first class ticket Brent had treated me to definitely helped, but nothing did the trick quite like music.
Brent. I could practically feel my eyes turn into little cartoon hearts. I couldn’t believe the day had finally come. I had spent the last four months selling all of my belongings in preparation for the move. Brent owned a home out here, and he had picked out a car for me already. What else did I need besides my clothes and personal items? It was actually quite a freeing experience, having my personal possessions dwindle down to nothing but a couple suitcases’ worth, plus my kit. I had a box or two of sentimental type stuff, but it was safe and sound in my parent’s basement.
Flicking through my Spotify app, I switched on my ‘Ben Sherman’ playlist. It was only fitting. In my heart of hearts, I had to admit - I was so FUCKING excited for the upcoming weekend. After Brent & I settled on a date for the move, he surprised me with tickets. “Your first weekend as a Colorado resident… gotta do it big.” he had said. I had seen Ed live a number of times, but never with floor seats before. I felt a little guilty that I was more excited for the concert than for actually moving in with my long distance boyfriend after a couple years of only seeing each other a handful of weekends per year. But, that goddamn ginger has that effect on people.
I hit shuffle and kicked my feet up, increasing the volume to a level that I’m sure was borderline damaging to my eardrums. I lost myself in the music – you know how sometimes when you listen to a song that you’ve heard a billion times, you suddenly really hear it? It was one of those moments, for sure. Shuffle was treating me well; playing all the best songs one right after another. I mean, I love ALL of Ed’s songs - but it can be kind of a buzzkill to go from ‘Galway Girl’ to ‘Supermarket Flowers’. Not today, satan.
I was in the total groove and time was flying. I was in full-on jam mode: foot tapping, shoulder rocking, eyes closed, humming along to the melody when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I was suddenly VERY aware that I was, in fact, in a PUBLIC place.
Horrified, I pulled out my earbuds - music pouring out of them, I realized how loud I’d had my music up. I felt a flush of embarrassment spread across my cheeks as I swiveled my head toward whoever had tapped my shoulder politely.
I was prepared to apologize profusely when suddenly, the synapses in my brain fired back and forth to the ones in charge of my eyeballs and I realized I was staring into the face of ED SHEERAN.
No it can’t be him. Not real. What the hell, brain? But… wait…. His birthmark, the scar – and I KNOW those glasses.
“Hello. Mind if I have a sit here?” he gestured to the empty lounge seat next to me. I quickly snatched my phone off the cushion and watched in awe (and terror) as Ed Sheeran sat down next to me on the airplane.
I’m pretty sure all the blood drained from my face as I suddenly snapped back to reality, the sounds of Ed’s own voice crooning out of my earbuds. Oh fuck fuck fuck I cursed, silently, trying to close my Spotify app.
“I’m Ed.” he grinned at me.
Duh. Oh, crap. You should probably say something. Tell him your name.
Wait, what’s my name again?
“Becca.” I awkwardly flicked my wrist at a pathetic attempt at a wave. A wave. From 25 inches away. Idiot.
“I was admiring your jam session so I thought I’d come over and say hi.”
“Erm… That loud, eh?”
He giggled and nodded. Actually GIGGLED. It sounded like the heavens had opened up and that miraculous sound had filtered down and into my ears.
“Sorry bout that…” I muttered, sheepishly. “Guess it got away from me a bit, didn’t it.”
“Nah, it’s great. Made me smile to see someone enjoying my music, that’s all.”
“Wow, this is… just crazy. I have to say, I’m a huge fan.”
Every nerve ending in my body was singing. He was sat so casually next to me, just a normal guy wearing faded denim jeans and a deep red hoodie. Except he was Ed Fucking Sheeran.
“Are you flying in for the show on Friday?” His eyes flitted to my t-shirt because of course you’re wearing his merchandise.
“Yes!” I exclaimed, excitedly. “Shit, actually, no.”
His pretty blue eyes were sparkling with humor, the little lines at the corners of his eyes folding in as he smiled.
I searched for an explanation. “Sorry. Yes, I’ve got tickets to the show. But it isn’t the only reason I’m flying in.”
He adjusted, tucking a foot up beneath his butt and angling his body toward me. “Vacation?” he asked.
“Er, no actually - look, if you have to get back…” whyareyoutellinghimtogobeccayoudummy.
His hands sprung up, just as animated in real life as they were in the interviews I often watched on my laptop. “I’m good, actually - Stu is quite sick of me at the moment so I’m sure he’s enjoying a bit of peace. Unless you-”
I cut him off. “Oh, no, I, um, I’m free… obviously.” I snarked, twirling my earbuds around. “Actually, this plane ride is me officially moving to Colorado.”
“Oh, cool! Do you have family here? Sorry, I don’t mean to press. It’s just been a long, boring day of traveling.”
“You’re good, trust me…. No family, I’m actually moving here to be with my highschool sweetheart.”
Wow look at you holding an actual conversation. Keep breathing, Becca.
“No way. I love that.” His eyes lit up and it struck me that he, too, was rumored to be dating a girl from his childhood.
“Yeah! We were together in highschool and kind of went our separate ways afterwards. He moved out here for work. We connected again when he was home over Christmas a couple of years ago and we’ve been doing the long distance thing ever since.”
“Wow. And now you’re moving out here?”
“That’s the plan. Sold my car, quit my job. Got rid of nearly everything I own. Once we touch down I’ll be a Colorado resident.”
“Bit scary, innit?”
“Yes - it really is. But it’s worth it. The long distance thing….. Sucks. Erm, as I’m sure you’re well aware.”
We kept at it for nearly the next hour, trading stories about the various coping methods one uses to survive a LDR. Talking to him was actually really… easy? When I didn’t focus on the part where my favorite musician of all time was sitting next to me on the plane explaining how he facetimes his cats when he’s on the road?
This is a weird day.
The Pilot came on to announce that we would begin our descent, and Ed politely offered to snap a couple selfies before going back to his seat. He gave me an awkward chair-hug goodbye and told me to enjoy the show.
As soon as he was out of sight, my heartbeat resumed POUNDING in my chest. Did that just…? Holy shit.
I switched my cell off of “Airplane Mode” as soon as we hit the runway, and had a string of texts pour in from Brent.
*I’m here! Can’t wait for you to get off that plane baby! *HOW MANY MORE MINUTES *Can’t believe I get to wake up with you tomorrow… and the day after that… and the day after that….
As if I weren’t on Cloud 9 already from my Ed Sheeran Encounter, seeing those texts finally made it real for me. I get Brent. Every day. No more goodbyes. No more lonely nights.
Our area was dismissed from the plane first, and I practically sprinted out to the terminal, spotting my handsome boyfriend right away. He was tall, towering over me by at least a foot. He was looking around anxiously; he hadn’t spotted me yet. I took off into a jog toward him and I swear, the way his face lit up when he finally saw me? I was honestly just overcome. I ran and jumped up into his arms, his strong hold pulling me into his body. We just held each other so tight, him rocking me back and forth and squeezing me until hot tears spilled out from beneath my eyelids.
I lost myself in his scent, the solid feel of his body against mine. I don’t know how long he held me like that, but the buzz and chaos of the airport terminal slowly phased back in, for both of us, and he set me down on the ground in front of him.
“Becca!” A distinctly British voice rang out from somewhere behind me.
“Brent - ohmygod you wouldn’t believe –”
But Ed was there, extending a hand out to Brent. “Hey, mate, I’m Ed. You’re a lucky man, you know.”
I guess we really were a compatible match because Brent looked just as dumbfounded as I had felt on the plane.
“Trust me, I am very well aware.” He replied, kissing the top of my head - one arm wrapped snugly ‘round my back.
Ed turned to look at me. “Look, I don’t normally do this, but… I want to give you two meet & greet passes for the show on Friday.”
Okay. Back to dumbfounded.
“Ed, that’s so nice of you to offer but -”
“Please take them. It’s just – I know where you’ve been. And it’s nice to see someone getting their happy ending. I’ve got to dash but I’ll have Stuart put them underyour name at will call, okay?”
“T-thank you!”
“It’s my pleasure, really. See you later then!” and he was gone with a wave.
Well… surprise!
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docjanefoster · 4 years
“A woman in trauma? No one has even considered a thing.” A nurse said, decked out entirely of pink, proud of her position in the hospital. If a doctor were a female, she automatically fell under the categories of either Pediatrics, Genitourinary medicine, Gynecology, or the many maternity departments. All easy, womanly fields of medicine. All places Jane was sure to avoid as much as possible. Pink’s and purple’s never were her colors. Plus, she would be the only one wearing a set without obvious wrinkles from ever so classy wrestling in the supply closets.
“Please, she won’t last a day. I heard the bitch even turned down Doctor Walker’s advances.” Another nasal, high pitched voice chimed in as the members of the clique ate their lunches. “She must be loony, Sherry!” The other nurse added in shock, hands up in the air for emphasis. Doctor Walker was the man for any woman with a preference for dark chocolate and a mighty ego. He was a neuro surgeon, who could blame him? Only the ladies who did not think with their libido could tell he possessed enough brain cells to count on one hand. His preference included thinking with the other head. Falling head over heels for the dick with legs certainly did not settle on her list of priorities. Jane preferred tending to her work over sleeping her way through the ranks to achieve popularity and it clearly was not on her friend’s, either.
Groaning rumbled from the body across the table. “They’re seriously right there, Janie. Acting like we /can’t hear them/.” Leon commented, raising his voice ever so slightly to troll with the gossiping nurses. The bottle blonde staff had nothing on the duo’s success as true doctors in the facility. Jane was a highly skilled trauma surgeon while he was one of the day shift anesthetists. Unfortunately, his sexuality sparked seclusion by the majority of the staff, leaving the man to himself and to his work. On the other hand, one could say Jane’s lack of sexual preferences hindered her opportunities to socialize. So, naturally the outcasts took company in one another with each acting as the other’s anchor from ripping all their coworkers a new one like they deserved.
Shrugging her shoulders, Jane slumped back into her chair. “I don’t know where they find all that time to day dream and to suck dick. Honestly, I barely have enough to my day to do anything other than work, eat, and sometimes sleep.” The doctor commented as venom dripped slowly and calculated from every word. Was popularity truly worth all the work and the hype? Surely the blondes grew tired of sleeping around, fixing their scrubs, refusing to allow their eyes to blink from staring at men, and putting down others who did nothing to them. How could someone yearn to fill their daily schedule with such vile and rude actions? They were selfish, that’s how.
Leon leaned ever so closer to his partner in crime. “I heard Whitney over there,” A single thumb gestured to their left at the raven haired psychiatric PA as he spoke. “skipped her shift the other day to go off pining for the attention of attendings. Let’s just say her efforts amounted to nothing when Chief found out. Not a single man tried saving her from the repercussions. Apparently, she even played it off that she was a nurse to Wyatt, one of the new interns.” The man slowly shook his head as a smirk pulled at the corners of his lips. “Of course, the kid fell for it, ya know? New bodies to keep the cycle going in this hell hole.”
Her coworker’s complaints were not alone as Jane shared his opinions with every once of her soul. The environment mirrored times in high school as if the staff never grew up and wished to relive the glory days, or the workers wanted to create their own glory days they were robbed of in their teen years. In this society, people are known to stay with their groups they’ve had since the beginning of the hospital. The building was fairly new compared to other medical facilities in town, but the cliques and rivalries ran old and ran strong. Snagging a position in NYB Medical Center was an event along the lines of a miracle. Its staff rarely branches out unless a current worker can vouch for the newbie. Everyone flowed in directly from Columbia University, leaving little to no room for a variety.
One would believe once they got the job, the hard work was over, wrong. If a newly hired employee was not a legacy, there were two options: sleep your way to the top or continue to waste away at the bottom. Humans are social creatures who naturally crave the attention and the feeling of belonging. Greedy, vile people walked the halls in wait of a crack in the structure to slither in for the kill. Some people did not care to be snakes in the grass and simply let everyone know of their intentions. A tactic of bluntness to scare off any weak threats. Only the people lacking fucks to give survive the shit talking and the harassment. When someone new comes into the perfect little world they control, the threat must be eliminated immediately.
Jane’s appearance at NYP Medical Center rather than another New York hospital was solely caused by the high recommendation from Columbia’s dean. NYP could not turn down her application even if it wanted, so there she sat on the side lines dodging any and all bullshit. Not much time had passed before the staff quickly realized its new trauma doctor was in no way interested in sleeping with the superiors. This choice brought hell and fury down upon her. Fortunately, Jane had completed her internship and her residency in another facility, or she would have gone completely crazy from initial advancements and expectations. Of all the men, one approached her rather than believing she should do the hard work and inflate the other’s ego even more than it already stood.
His name was Brian Greggory, the hospital’s largest investor, and Jane had received pure hatred for turning him down. Luckily, the man still decided to contribute to the facility’s finances. Who would not when women practically fell on their faces for the guy? He believed only a fool would turn the chance down and a bigger fool to turn him down. His ever inflated ego had taken a hit, for sure, but he still wandered the halls from time to time, filling open legs and glaring at Jane’s closed ones. The woman did not believe in sinking so low and she would continue to stand firm against the burning despise.
Fortunately, Jane’s stance was not a lonely position. Over the weeks, she had befriended the shy, quiet souls floating around the halls and living their lives under the radar. Dottie worked among the shelves of medication in the pharmacy downstairs, a level above the morgue. A soft featured and soft spoken woman who was not even given the time of day after she had been harassed into sleeping with Brian. Apparently, one time was enough for him because his actions blurred the lines of rape. Rather than fucking the poor woman further, he threatened to fire her if she said anything to her superiors about the incident.
After Jane heard word of this, she made it her mission to befriend the woman. To be violated and to be harassed even further, Jane presented herself ready to take on anyone who called Dottie a slut, a whore, or anything of the nature. Men were not used to Foster’s no bullshit attitude and it completely threw them for a loop. In response to their wounded egos, titles were thrown out left and right, anything to place Jane in the bad eye of the public. Sadly, for them, she did not give a damn what everyone thought of her. She was a doctor in a hospital, not a child in a playpen. It is an environment for adults to work and to fulfill their purpose, not a place for immature kids to call each other names. Jane is an educated woman and that fact scared her male superiors. The thought nauseated the men employees, a female reaching their level? Skills in which she could quite easily surpass them? How ridiculous and how threatening.
That’s reality.
Glancing across the cafeteria, Jane’s nonchalant look turned to one of disgust. How low will people fall for the approval of others? Obviously too far. Before Jane could reply, a thunderous boom echoed throughout the room. Her head shot to the ceiling in an effort to figure out what the hell happened. Sneakers squeaked across the white, pristine tile floor, and a familiar, rushed voice followed as the owner reached Jane’s table. “Doctor Foster, you’re needed in the emergency room. It seems as if Timothy escaped his restraints again! Please hurry, the staff’s in pretty bad shape. Security is scouring the facility for him somewhere in the air ducts.”
Amy Addison, head nurse of the ER, gave Jane no time, instead taking off from the direction she came from. Sending Leon an apologetic look for cutting their precious lunchtime short, Jane’s head shot over to glare at Whitney. “Way to go. Maybe you should try keeping your patients in hand, hm?” The trauma doctor left without giving the other woman a chance to snap back. This is what Jane lived for, the rush and the ability to help, not the drama. Leon’s gossip and glares of shallow ladies would have to wait. She had work to do.
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jack-quest · 6 years
31 Incredible Reasons Why Hemp Seeds Are Healthy ?
Hemp seeds are a delicious superfood that is becoming increasingly popular with athletes, health nuts and foodies. The small seeds are pleasantly mild and nutty in flavor and can be used in many ways. But how healthy are hemp seeds really? We have collected 31 unbelievable reasons why cannabis seeds are healthy for you.
As hemp seeds or hemp hearts are the 3mm small seeds of hemp plant called. Even ancient cultures such as the Egyptians and Chinese appreciated them as a healthy food because of their nutrient richness. The peeled cannabis seeds are beige, sometimes with a thin green pellicle. The hemp plant is one of the most industrially used plants. Its fibers are extremely robust and are suitable for all kinds of materials. Since it is very frugal, it can be grown without toxic herbicides and pesticides.
Although cannabis seeds belong to the family of cannabis plants, which is known for its intoxicating effect. However, the commercially available cannabis seeds come from a plant variety containing only traces of the high-producing substance tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This is a Komsum of cannabis seeds harmless and even very healthy. The hemp oil has, unlike the cannabis oil, no intoxicating effect.
The Chinese village of Bama Yao is known for producing a particularly large number of 100-year-olds. In addition to a natural diet full of vital substances, the regular consumption of hemp seeds is also a factor for the longevity of the residents. The many nutrients in this superfood slow down aging processes and prevent the development of diseases. Therefore, the vigorous citizens enjoy their old age also active and in good health.
The hemp seeds, known as cornucopia for vital substances, contain numerous micro and macronutrients, which optimally supply our body. The following minerals can be found in 100 g of hemp seeds:
190 mg of calcium
860 mg of potassium
470 mg of magnesium
10 mg of zinc
12 mg iron
Here are mainly the large amounts of iron, zinc and magnesium. Moreover, vitamins A, B, C, D and E are abundant in hemp seed.
Omega-3 is widely promoted in these days. And it's true: It's important for many functions in the brain, arteries and skin. However, it's all about the right ratio of omega-3 to omega-6. It should ideally be at 1: 4. This sweet spot is optimal for reaching hemp seeds.
However, a typical Western diet with many animal products, sunflower and olive oil provides more of a ratio of 1:20. What helps? A diet with little to no animal products and oils. Instead, focus on wholesome staple foods such as potatoes, brown rice, and beans and combine them with fresh fruits and vegetables – and top it off with a handful of hemp seeds.
A special form of omega-6 fatty acids is gamma-linolenic acid. It inhibits the release of inflammatory substances and thus keeps inflammation processes in check. Moreover, gamma-linolenic acid is essential for the production of the tissue hormone prostaglandin, which performs many important functions in the cells and controls inflammatory responses.
Unfortunately, gamma-linolenic acid is a fairly rare food, so most people have a deficiency. Most Gamma Linolen contain evening primrose oil, the alga Spirulina, as well as the oil from pomegranate seeds, black currants, borage seeds and finally hemp seed. Particularly rich is the hemp seed oil that is obtained by a cold pressing.
Hemp seeds provide potent antioxidants that protect against free radicals. These are aggressive substances in the environment, breathing air and food that attack cells and cause damage. The antioxidants in hemp seed neutralize these molecules so that they can be eliminated from the body. Thus, they contribute to the formation of cancer, inflammation, skin aging and cardiovascular diseases.
A healthy immune system is not only important in warding off colds and infections. Did you know that your immune system can even attack and eliminate cancer cells? It works in much the same way as your own police unit, constantly registering and dismissing bad guys. An exhausting job.
The preventive effect of hemp seed protects the organism and strengthens the immune system. The proteins in hemp seeds are the human uh
Inflammation is involved in many painful diseases such as athritis, atopic dermatitis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular disease, cancer and more. Hemp seeds fight these chronic inflammatory processes from several angles. Gamma-linolenic acid regulates the inflammatory process in the cell, while antioxidants and omega-3 turn off aggressive molecules. In addition, the vitamins, minerals and amino acids in hemp seeds build the cells from within, making them resistant. A complete package that protects your health.
Plant protein is often assumed to be inferior to animal. In particular, it is claimed that vegetable diet does not contain all the essential amino acids. The “essential” is the amino acids that the body can not produce itself. Far from it: Herbal foods like hemp seeds contain all nine essential amino acids.
The protein of the hemp seed has a similar or even better quality than animal protein. After all, animal protein is a carcinogen, acidifying the body and promoting cancer growth. You can easily avoid this problem by switching to vegetable protein from sources such as hemp seeds, legumes, and spirulina.
Also, the quantity of protein in hemp seed is high and is 20-25%. This makes cannabis seeds a real protein bomb and is ideal as an ingredient for a healthy protein shake. Another special feature is that the proteins consist of 40% albumin and 60% edestin. These building blocks can be used by the body very easily and installed in body cells. Two-chain amino acids additionally promote muscle growth. Hemp seeds are therefore an ideal source of protein for all those who exercise regularly.
By the way, hemp flour is also very rich in protein.
There are many methods of detoxification, whether with healing earth, swelling powder, herbs or fasting. One thing they all have in common: a herbal diet is highly recommended, as it firstly helps to remove contaminants from the body and secondly contains much less new toxins. Hemp seeds make a valuable contribution to detoxification.
The sulfur-containing amino acids methionine and cysteine ​​present in hemp seeds help the body to evacuate toxins. You also urgently need this support, because the western lifestyle constantly bombards us with environmental and above all food poisons. Without helpers such as hemp seeds or chlorella your filter organs would simply be overwhelmed.
Hemp seeds reduce the stress in your body even without THC. The reason for this is the high content of vitamin B2, which plays a role in the development of the anti-stress hormone cortisol. Thus, adrenaline is neutralized and the organism is returned from alarm to normal.
The earlier claim that vitamin B2 can only be obtained from animal sources is thus refuted. Hemp seeds can only be surpassed in this regard by animal liver, and who wants to eat that? The liver is finally a filter organ and enriched with all sorts of toxins. Hemp seeds are therefore wholesome in every way.
High blood pressure disrupts many functions in the body and is the harbinger of heart attack and stroke. Therefore, it is important to keep your blood pressure within the normal range. Because cannabis seeds promote the production of cortisol, they help regulate blood pressure. This allows your arteries to function normally and prevents the development of cardiovascular and renal disease.
The main cause of hypertension is a high-fat diet with animal products that destroys the arteries. Therefore concentrate on basic plant foods such as rice, potatoes and pasta, add fresh fruits and vegetables and leave the animal products
A stable blood sugar level is important for the continuous supply of energy. An up and down is unhealthy, leading to fatigue and performance dips. A chronically elevated blood sugar level is also a symptom of pre-diabetes and should set you on alert. An adequate supply of vitamin B2 and cortisol regulates the blood sugar level.
In addition, plant foods, and legumes in particular, help keep blood sugar levels stable by providing slow-digesting carbohydrates. The cause of high blood sugar levels, as is often the case in a high-fat diet, is that it surrounds the cells with a fatty film and makes insulin ineffective. Take care of the cause, then you will get rid of the symptoms.
Your skin is your biggest body organ. Nutrient deficiencies are quickly noticeable here. Pale, chapped and dry skin is the result. Hemp seeds contain high-quality amino acids, fatty acids and vitamin B2 and give your skin the perfect nutrient kick. This makes it resistant, smooth and gives a healthy glow. An ingenious trick for your daily nutrient boost: simply replace your breakfast with a green smoothie with hemp seed. Your skin will thank you!
Not only external conditions such as dry and cold air or daily blow-drying increase your hair. Also, a malnutrition with highly processed and animal products will make your hair thin and brittle. Since hemp seeds are a cornucopia of nutrients, small natural miracle pills help rebuild your hair from within. So it becomes firm again, shiny and supple.
Fragile fingernails are not only annoying and ugly, but a sign that you have to change something! Your body signals to you that you do not absorb enough nutrients and eat you wrong. It's time to eat less animal products and more plums. Hemp seeds are the perfect example of the abundance of micro and macronutrients that awaits you. Fill up your body with the right fuel, then you will be able to read the result externally on your solid nails.
Even atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema have no chance thanks to a herbal diet with hemp seeds. The essential omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in hemp seed are important for a healthy cell barrier and keep the skin healthy. In particular, hempseed oil has had a positive effect on the healing of eczema in a study. It also helps to soothe dry skin and itching, helping you to sneak off any onerous medication. Christina has cured her psoriasis with a low-fat and all-vegetable diet. Learn more about her story here.
Young woman with city in the background
Athletes and health conscious people know about the power of a nutrient-rich diet. Hemp seeds are the perfect superfood to provide your body with valuable vitamins, minerals, fats and amino acids. This will increase your physical and mental performance effectively. Hemp seeds for breakfast are the perfect start to the morning and prepare you for your workout. Even during the day, hemp seeds are a healthy snack that takes your energy to a new level.
Another kick for athletes: cannabis seeds raise testosterone levels in a healthy way. This is beneficial for your regular workout and increases your performance. Men can also look forward to a stronger beard growth and a higher potency. Women also benefit from the stultifying and performance-enhancing effect
Hemp seed promotes muscle growth on many different levels: easily digestible amino acids provide the ideal building blocks for powerful muscles. Vitamins and minerals combat hyperacidity and help with regeneration. Finally, testosterone additionally boosts muscle growth and gives you a clear advantage in competition.
A healthy metabolism helps you to stay productive even when you're working hard. Hemp seeds optimize metabolism and ensure that you are still energized after training.
During exercise your muscles and tendons get small cracks that have to heal again. This is completely normal. However, if your organism is over acidified, the healing process is slow, the small micro-wounds can become inflamed and hurt: the famous muscle soreness is the result.
Hemp seeds provide you with valuable nutrients that accelerate healing, neutralize acidity and make sore muscles disappear. A herbal diet will do the rest to remove pathogenic acidity and help your body recover. The trick: the faster your muscles regenerate, the more often and harder you can train. Accordingly, you also see better results and benefit from optimal performance.
Middle-aged woman
Around 80% of women suffer from PMS. Symptoms such as tension and pain in the chest, depressive moods and water retention can occur here. It is believed that sensitivity to the hormone prolactin is responsible for this.
The gamma linolen present in cannabis seeds is involved in the production of prostaglandin and thus alleviates the unpleasant effect of prolactin. Primrose oil has also been shown to be effective in some studies. Like hemp seeds, it contains a lot of GLA and can relieve the unpleasant PMS symptoms.
In addition, a low-fat herbal diet has a positive effect on the hormone balance and stabilizes it. So the period can be completely free of pain and symptoms. After all, it does not make any sense that nature puts us women out of action every month. The cause of PMS is thus to look in the lifestyle and there is also the solution.
Menopausal women also benefit from the regular intake of hemp seeds. Presumably, gamma-linolenic acid and its balancing effect on the hormone balance are again responsible. Also relieves inflammatory processes associated with menopause.
A healthy digestion is the alpha and omega for a healthy body. Hemp seeds are a good source of fiber and therefore a real boon for the digestive system. Hemp seeds contain 20% water-soluble and 80% water-insoluble fiber. The water-soluble fiber swells into a gel that serves as a prebiotic and food for a friendly intestinal flora. The water-insoluble fiber cleanses the intestinal villi, removes deposits and food residues and prevents constipation.
Did you know that animal products do not contain any fiber? These are found exclusively in plant foods. If you take too little plant food, the blockage is inevitable. In addition, animal products lead to the formation of rot in the intestine, acidification of the milieu and let harmful bacteria such as Kandida sprout. You can save all this with a plant-based diet.
Cannabis seeds can help you lose weight as they curb your appetite. You feel full longer and have less desire to nibble. Some experts recommend four tablespoons of hemp seed for breakfast to keep hunger alert throughout the day. This is largely due to the high fiber content in hemp seeds.
The best way to lose weight is to focus on plant-based foods such as whole grain rice, potatoes, lentils, and beans. They are also filling and give you a lot of energy for the day. However, you should refrain from using the animal products because the unhealthy saturated fatty acids end up on the belly, arms, hips and buttocks in huge quantities.
Heart disease is the number one cause of death worldwide. Regular consumption of hemp seeds can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. This is related to the high content of the amino acid arginine, which is involved in the production of nitric oxide in your body. In turn, this molecule is responsible for relaxing your arteries, lowering your blood pressure and keeping your heart healthy.
The inflammatory processes associated with heart disease are also alleviated by arginine and gamma-linolenic acid. Also, hemp oil has been found to be helpful in lowering blood pressure, preventing blood clots, and promoting healing after surgery. However, the best prevention for cardiovascular disease is and remains a low-fat herbal diet, as many US doctors such as Dr. med. Esselstyn, dr. Greger, Dr. McDougall and dr. Barnard recommend.
Hemp seeds show in laboratory tests anti-inflammatory effects due to an ingredient called cannabidiol (CBN). Findings from 2018 suggest that it also protects the nerve tracts in the brain and thus has a positive effect on brain diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and multiple sclerosis. Even a low-fat herbal diet is helpful here, because the animal fat in the Western mainstream diet damages the blood vessels in the brain as well as in the heart. Do the self-test: Leave the animal products and the positive effects on your mental performance.
Arm with bandage
The rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the body's own defenses attack the cartilage and joint tissue. This leads to painful inflammation. A 2014 human cell study found that hempseed oil has a positive effect on the joints and relieves arthitis. However, further research is needed.
However, it is clear that autoimmune diseases are triggered by animal proteins and in particular the milk protein casein. These molecules pass through a damaged intestine directly into the blood, where they do not belong. The organism produces antibodies according to the key-lock principle, which is perfectly normal. However, the animal proteins are so similar to the human that the immune system inevitably begins to attack one's own body cells. That's the whole “secret” of seemingly “incurable” autoimmune diseases. If you eliminate the cause, namely animal products, your joints may heal and the pain will disappear by itself.
The British Journal of Cancer published a study showing that traces of THC in cannabis seeds can cure a deadly form of brain cancer. Researchers from the University of Rostock confirmed this research: cannabinoids in cannabis seeds inhibit cancer growth and prevent metastases, especially in lung cancer. Since cancer cells thrive best in an acidified environment and are associated with inflammation, hemp seeds are also effective here and prevent the tumor from spreading.
The THC in cannabis seeds is also helpful in end-stage breast cancer. However, it does not even come to breast cancer. A healthy plant-based diet free of animal hormones, harmful protein and pro-inflammatory fat keeps the organism healthy and enables it to eliminate cancer cells on its own. The vitamins, minerals and amino acids in hemp seeds help your immune system and help your body stay healthy.
from https://www.hempseedlife.com/2019/01/21/31-incredible-reasons-why-hemp-seeds-are-healthy/
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