#rest well nex...
softwaring · 7 months
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this is so disgusting i dont even have words... rest in paradise nex
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poeticrambler · 7 months
Allies and Partners
Siblings and Friends
Here's to the ones
Who have all met their ends
Here's to love lost
Here's to love won
Here's to our triumphs
And how far we have come
Here's to our fallen
The ones left behind
Who have joined the stars above
Now down on us they shine
Here's to life and victory
Here's to death and loss
Let us continue to press forward
But never forget the cost
Blood has been spilled
Lives have been taken
But the names of our fallen
Shall not be forsaken
Take courage my siblings
My allies
My friends
For we live on in their stead
And our fight has yet to end
(Inspired by @finleyforevermore 's poem in memory of Nex Benedict)
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Rest in Power, Nex Benedict
A 16 year old kid who loved nature and looking after their cat Zeus. Who enjoyed reading, watching the Walking Dead, and playing Ark and Minecraft. They loved to cook and would often make up their own recipes. They did well in school, being a straight-A student. Rest in power a teen who was human and had interests and ambitions and challenges and friendships. A trans youth who was brutally murdered just for being trans, when that was only a fragment of who they were as a person.
Nex Benedict, Jacob Williamson, Brianna Ghey, and other trans youth like them were real people with real lives. They deserved better, longer, happier lives. They deserved to grow up and not fear for their lives. They deserve to be remembered as who they were, not just as another trans kid who was killed, as people with families and normal human lives.
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nico-nico-suavecito · 7 months
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for nex benedict, who deserved better. who should still be here. I hope you are resting well.
may all those responsible - the students in the bathroom, the lawmakers, the influencers, the school administration - never sleep soundly again.
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muwapsturniolo · 6 months
IN WHICH… Matt and Chris Sturniolo are just two inexperienced losers.
Trust me when I meet him, I'm fucking him on sight
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"Next...Next...Nex-Oh he's cute!" Y/n gives Mika a dirty look. The two girls were currently in Y/n's apartment, going through the submissions for the contest. The contest ended two days ago and the girl had gotten around 1k submissions. She had already gone through 10 submissions alone, now she has her friend with her and they are trying to go through the rest together.
Mika didn't want to go through the submissions with her, but with the promise of free food and one hundred dollars, Mika caved.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Because you know he's ugly." She points to her laptop which has a picture of a guy. "Come on he's not that bad! Ok let's look at his entry form!" Mika snatches the laptop and starts reading things out. everything about him seems normal until they get to his sexual interests.
"Ok, so it looks like he enjoys bondage, roleplay, sla- WHAT THE FUCK!" Y/n looks at Mika with crossed arms and a raised brow.
"He's into weird shit isn't he?"
"What the hell is a slave kink?! Like does he want you to call him Massa and tell you to take his conservative dick?!" Y/n falls out in laughter at Mika's disturbing words. "Yeah immediate no! I'm deleting this submission, fuck that!" Mika does just as she said, and deletes the entry, closing the laptop right after.
"That's enough for today, let's go get something to eat." Y/n groans and shakes her head, "Mika come on! I have to get this done!"
"And we will! But you promised me food and after that slave shit, I need some food. Let's go to Randy's and get a burger or something!"
The two girls leave the apartment, making their way to Randy's. The diner wasn't that far from her apartment, with it being a college town and all it was easy to travel on foot.
They make it to the diner pretty quick and walk to their usual seat. As they are walking, Y/n gets a phone call from her mom. “Hold on, I have to take this.” She walks back towards the door, completely missing Mika accidentally bumping into someone, "oh shit my-Matt?" Matt smiles awkwardly seeing the girl from the library.
"H-Hey Mika, how are you?" He adjusts his glasses and his backpack, putting more of his weight on his right foot rather than his left. "I'm good! Hey, did you ever send that girl the picture? you never updated me and everyone else on it." He laughs shyly, rubbing his neck.
"I uh yeah I did…I actually sent a video." Mika claps excitedly.
“That’s great! What did she say?! Are you guys going out now!? Did you have sex!?” A few people give them weird looks making Matt’s cheeks burn a bright red. He gives the guests of the diner an apologetic smile before turning back to Mika, “I-umm. Y-yeah she liked it… and no we haven’t gone out yet but s-she did like it.”
He does his best to make his lie believable. It’s not like he could tell the girl that he submitted a video of him drunk and jerking off to a cam girl. She would probably call him a weird loser…or maybe even an incel.
“Well, at least she liked it! Hopefully, you get a girl soon!” She playfully nudges him making him laugh.
“Sorry, it was my mom asking me how school is going.” Y/n walks up attempting to put her phone back in her purse. Matt’s eyes widen seeing the girl approaching them. He feels his body run cold and he quickly looks down, “S-sorry Mika I-I have t-to go!” He rushes past the two, bumping shoulders with Y/n as he darts out of the diner.
"Well, he was weird." Y/n mumbles, eyeing the boy through the windows. She watches as he climbs into a sleek black car. Mika gently hits her arm, "Shut up! He's not weird he's just really shy. He's actually a really nice guy. He's supposed to go out with me and the girls soon." Mika explains as they sit down.
They order their food and it’s soon brought to them.
"What were you talking about with Matt anyway?" Mika finishes chewing before answering the question.
"Sasha had asked him randomly if he ever took a dick pick after Jordan sent her one-Wait Jordan sent her a dick pic? Even after he cheated on her?-Yeah and it was a shitty one too! Made up for nothing! Anyway, Matt said he never took one but he had the opportunity to send one to a girl. So we decided to help him, teach him the best way to take the best picture."
Y/n scrunches her face up, "Wait, you had to help him take a picture of his junk? Is he like a virgin or something?'' Mika shrugs and dips her fry into her shake.
"I'm pretty sure, I mean don't get me wrong, he's cute, but he's super shy and awkward. I'm surprised he even wanted to send a dick pic considering he seemed really interested in his studies." Y/n hums and plays around with her food, her mind stuck on the boy with glasses.
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Y/n huffs for what seems like the thousandth time. She's been home for about two hours now since going out with Mika. Her time was spent still going through all the submissions. She found a few people she would choose so she wrote their names down before continuing.
"Why did I do this to myself?" She mutters as she fixes the blue light glasses on her face. She feels her mouth getting dry, so she exits her room to grab a glass of water. When she walks back, she sees her cat walking along the keyboard of her laptop.
“You’re so annoying,” she grumbles walking to her bed. She sets her cup down on her nightstand before moving the brown cat. She goes to close her laptop, wanting to deal with the entries tomorrow, but stops in her tracks seeing a familiar face on her screen.
“There’s no way.” She thinks to herself.
She snatches the laptop and stares at the entry infront of her.
There’s no way that’s him…Right?
She sits down on her bed, analyzing the picture. It looks just like the boy from the diner, glasses and all. Granted she wasn’t able to get a good look at him due to him rushing past her with his head down but she had to admit,
He was attractive.
He had a bit of a beard, not a burly one but one that enhanced his jawline. He had brown hair that looked as if he ran his fingers through it multiple times. His face was adorned by a pair of oval brown glasses, complimenting his facial features well. His eyes were a dull blue, looking as if he was tired when taking the picture.
If Mika’s claims are true with him being into his studies, it was most likely he was studying when taking the picture.
She opens up his application and begins to read his answers.
She finds herself smiling when she reads about his hobbies, finding it interesting that he’s majoring in film. She begins to wonder what his favorite movies are. She reads that he loves Lego sets and looks over to the unopened boxes of Legos on her desk.
Wanting to know more about him, she continues.
“Triplet? Jesus Christ his mom had her hands full.” Her curiosity is peaked and she grabs her phone and opens up Instagram.
She searches for his name and clicks on the first profile. Sure enough, it’s his account.
He only has 100 followers, most of them being family and the few people he met in school. She scrolls through his pictures and comes to the conclusion that he has a simple life.
Lots of pictures of him and his brothers, some of him and his parents, and some with a dog.
She throws her phone down and goes back to his form.
She gets to his sexual interests and to her surprise, she finds that he doesn’t have any, stating that he doesn’t know of his interests but is open to almost anything.
Most guys his age would know their kinks and what they prefer in bed by now.
“Maybe he only has had vanilla sex.” She looks at her cat, waiting for the animal to answer.
When the cat doesn’t answer, she looks back at the screen.
There’s no way he’s a virgin…Right? He watches her streams, he couldn’t be a virgin.
She wants to text Mika and tell her about Matt's entry, but she doesn’t want to put Matt’s business out there, especially if he’s as shy and closed off as Mika makes him out to be.
She reads the rest of his entry before getting to the first video.
She adjusts the way she’s sitting and takes a sip of water before pressing play.
“Take five,” she giggles hearing the annoyance in his voice.
She watches the video and is surprised to hear his words. Most of the entry videos have been people saying that the reason they should win is because they have money, or they will give her the best dick of her life. They were cocky and Y/n found that unattractive.
She didn’t grow up with a lot of money, so people flaunting it and spending it like crazy rubbed her in all the wrong ways.
Matt on the other end was a bit more soft spoken and actually treating her like she was human, admitting that none of the other contenders should be able to take her out due to her being too good for them. He also didn't flaunt his money, granted he was a college student so he was probably broke anyway but,
It was a change of pace that she loved.
She knew what she was getting into when becoming a cam girl, being treated like she was an object rather than a human. His words made her feel,
The video ends and her heart races when she scrolls down. She was expecting to see a picture of his dick, not a video that’s 10 minutes long.
The thumbnail is of Matt in bed, getting ready to pull his pants down.
She hesitates as she presses play.
The video starts with shuffling being heard before Matt’s body clumsily falls onto the bed.
She notices the only sources of light are purple LED's and a sunlamp casting a warm glow onto the bed.
She finds herself attracted to the setting, it was almost cinematic. The way the lights cast a spotlight on him, an aura of orange, yellow, and purple covering his body.
She watches his tattooed arm pull his laptop closer, noticing an old stream of hers being pulled up. He hooks his fingers into his sweats, before releasing his hard and aching cock.
Y/n’s mouth waters.
He seemed to be about a good 7 inches, having a mushroom top. It wasn’t that girthy, but she knew that it would feel mind-blowing, especially with the thick vein running up the side.
He presses play on the video and begins to jerk himself off, spitting on his own cock.
She feels that familiar ache in between her legs.
His moans and whimpers sound like music to Y/n.
“Fuck Y/n.” She clenches her legs hearing him moan her name, loving the way it rolls off his tongue, piercing her ears and making her slick worse.
She quickly pauses the video and grabs her cat, setting the animal outside of her room and closing the door. She rushes back over to her bed and grabs the vibrator from her nightstand, quickly stripping herself of her clothes.
Usually, she would do a bit of foreplay, but she couldn’t wait. She could feel the slick between her folds, the mound between her legs aching and pleading to be touched.
She lays back on the bed and presses play on the video, immediately pushing her vibrator in between her wet folds.
Her eyes roll back at the relief, letting out a deep sigh.
She looks back at her laptop and sees Matt’s head is thrown back, his hand working hard to chase his impending orgasm.
“F-fuck Matt!” She moans hearing him moan her name once again.
“P-please let me cum m-mommy, I’ll be a good boy!” His submissive pleas do something to Y/n, unlocking a part of her that she didn’t even know was there.
She never found herself interested in guys calling her mommy, thinking they had some type of mommy issues and wanting her to baby them. But for some reason, she loved hearing Matt call her mommy and beg.
She could tell that he was close by the way he sped up his hand and the way his chest moved up and down quickly. She’s close as well, the urge to “pee” only getting stronger as the vibrations go on.
“Fuck fuck fu-“ she watches as his head hangs low biting his lip, his stomach clenching as white ribbons spurt out, some landing on his chest and face.
She yelps and arches her back as she makes a mess on her sheets. She swipes the vibrator back and forth, prolonging the orgasm as her body shakes.
She closes her eyes and swallows harshly as she tries to catch her breath, turning the vibrator off and throwing it to the side.
She opens her eyes and stares at the ceiling her mind fuzzy and filled with images of her and Matt and what a night together would look like.
After a few moments she sits up and grabs her laptop, drafting and email.
Y/e/[email protected]: hello Matt, I wanted to email you personally instead of through Chaturbate! This email is letting you know that you are the winner of the competition 💕 If you would no longer like to participate and would like me to choose another winner, please respond to the email stating so. Otherwise, respond to this email with the days you are free, and where you would like to meet for our date.
Can’t wait to see you again, maybe this time you won’t be as shy and you will actually look at me 💕
Xoxo, Y/n
She sends the email and smiles to herself, standing up and throwing on her robe.
She opens the door and sees her cat looking at her, “sorry miss lady, momma had to handle business. Let’s get dinner started.”
She walks into the kitchen and begins cooking dinner, her mind still on Matt.
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@bernardsgf @bernardsleftbootycheek @blahbel668 @mattfrfr @gdsvhtwa @sturniolo-aali @lily-loves-struniolos @kynda-avery @causeidontlikeagoldrush
@st7rnioioss @carolinalikesthings @mattslolita @suyqa @xxloveralways14 @pepsiimaxx @judespoision
@ivonchetooo1239 @imaslut4kehlani @that-general-simp @m4stermindd @itzdarling @gigisworldsstuff @adoreindie @braindead4l @pettydollie @chrissgirlsstuff @alexis007 @ratatioulle @yamamasjumpercables @luv4kozume @sturnioloslurps @kqyslyho3 @j3tblackt3ars @ilovestarz @lustfulslxt @soimightlikeoldmen69 @tastesousweet @slut4sebastiansallow @whicked-hazlatwhore @stasiesturn @loljackwasfat @nicksmainbitch @ninacutebee16 @mayhem-72 @sturniolosmind @breeloveschris @mattslolita @mattsivy @guccifrog @hysteria-things @mrssturnioloo @teenagetrash00 @koris_009 @patscorner @mayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @nickuniversity @luverboychris @thenickgirl @riasturns @imwetforyourmom @junnniiieee07 @realuvrrr @milasturniolo @fwskullz @hearts4tatemcrae @mattandchrismakemewett @chrissystur @canthelpit0 @strnilo @demistyles @junovrsmp4 @heartsforchrisandmatt @maryx2xx @vecnasnose0 @freshsturns @xxsturnxx @pettydollie @crimsoncorpse @sturnssmuts @sturniolovoid
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entry41 · 7 months
// major warning for murder, discrimination, and murder amongst transgender youth
im trying to find the part where the three girls, all older than them, are charged for murder? or are those girls not going to have to deal with any sort of represcussions???
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is this going to be another case of "let's keep these people's identities private!!" or what. are we ignoring the fact that those girls bashed nex's head against the bathroom floor meanwhile nobody helped before, during, or after the situation??? because the media did the same thing with brianna ghey, they refused to release information on her killers until what, a year later? why are we working so hard to protect persecutors but not the ones being persecuted?
there are so many things wrong with this situation, let's start with the fact that an ambulance wasn't called upon nex being found? those three girls had quite literally banged their head against the bathroom floor NUMEROUS times, where was your sense of urgency upon finding a SOPHOMORE, A HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT WHO IS NO OLDER THAN 16, beaten on the bathroom floor??
we are talking about a 16 year old, somebody with a whole life ahead of them. nex had so much to live for and now their blood is on your hands and i hope that you feel guilty. i don't even think enraged is the word i am looking for in this situation, it's a feeling far beyond rage.
as a society we truly need to do better because jfc. i have to live my life in fear everyday, so do my friends, the people i love, and thousands of others - we aren't scary, we are scared.
rest well, nex, they will never forget your name ❤️
adding onto this post because i still have so much to say: nex was no different from you and i, they took interest in the same things we do. nex liked the walking dead, minecraft, and their cat, zeus. but now nex won't be able to partake in the things they love because of how f'ed up society is. the fact that america is perfectly fine with murdering innocent people on a daily basis truly tells you all you need to know. we are fighting a war we will never win because people refuse to accept the fact that trans folk just want to live their lives, almost like everybody else!!
i read in a reblog that nex was twospirit and i just wanted to add that, sorry if it seemed as if i was trying to leave that out, i wasn't aware. that doesn't change anything though and my point still stands.
we are not scary, we are scared.
2/25/24: please read what @youareprobablywrong said in the reblogs, it also includes ways to actually take charge and help prevent future events like this
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kedreeva · 1 month
You're sort of one of the kindest people i know on tumblr, so. um. i had a question.
how do i deal with it all?
right of the bat i will tell you i am a minor and my parents are zionists, so i have no income of my own or anything i could donate. everytime i post a single fundraiser that reaches my inbox and is vetted, i get 4-5 new fundraising asks for palestine.
most of them are unvetted, but i keep thinking that if i can't donate i should at least have faith in people and reblog the fundraisers even if they're unvetted, possibly that they're actually new and need as much help we can give, however, there's a possibility they are scams, and i don't want to draw away the attention vetted fundraisers might get.
how do you decide where to help out and how to live with your decision?
I have a policy that when it comes to asks (or messages) that solicit money or other actions (like boosting posts) I don't respond to or even publish asks that come from anyone that has never spoken to me before that moment, and that's a policy that has been in place for many years now, and is unlikely to change largely because the majority of asks/messages that are requesting money or to visit a blog post/their blog/their website are scams (or more often several years ago, led to virus infections on your computer!). My blog is, as it has stated at the top for over ten years now, a personal blog, not a fundraising/signal boosting/vetting blog for spreading donations- there ARE blogs like that, and people can choose to interact with those blogs or not, but my blog isn't the place for it and that's a hard boundary I enforce for my own well being. Tumblr is my place to rest and recover, however I see fit to do that.
A random ask to my inbox asking for money, regardless of what it is for, is (in my view) equivalent to a cold call from a stranger soliciting money. It's not about faith in people, it's not about right or wrong, it's not about can or can't. This is my home, and I don't answer the phone to unknown numbers. I will help friends/family/people I know personally (or parasocially, if I like them or recognize them), obviously, but that's a bit of a different horse.
As for how I decide where to help out, if I have the ability (funds, spoons, time etc), I will seek out information on the best place to donate that can do the most with the money to help the person/people/cause that I want to help. It's the Food Pantry Equation: I could spend $5 on groceries at retail price to donate, and maybe get enough for 1 meal for 1 person (though in this fuckoff capitalist hellscape, I'm not sure $5 would even buy a whole meal), or I could give $5 directly to a Food Pantry organization, who buys in bulk and knows where to get stuff cheap, so that my $5 can help five people or ten people or whatever. I also do my best to participate in fandom events that raise money for good causes; stuff like the fanworks charity auction I helped run to donate to a wolf sanctuary, or stuff like Fandom Trumps Hate (another charity fanworks auction event). Those kind of events are generally open about where the donations go to, and have done research into organizations to ensure the gathered money goes to good charities.
Like with the above, however, it's different if I know the person. If my neighbor comes and asks for a cup of sugar or my friend needs help moving or whatever, I'm gonna give them what they need without the middleman because we have that relationship already established. Donating $5 to a food pantry would probably help more people by numbers, but helping my neighbors and friends and family etc builds community in a way giving $5 to a random stranger on the phone soliciting money cannot, and even in a way donating $5 (or $5 worth of food) to a Food Pantry cannot. It's also usually a matter of one and done, as well as semi-transactional the way any relationship is a give and take; I can give my neighbor some sugar, and down the road they can return the favor the next time I'm in need of help. I help my friends move and I know whether or not I ever move, myself, that they would do the same for me if they're able. You can't say this about a random ask on the Internet and you likely won't ever be able to say it for most charities unless you somehow end up in their exact area of expertise. So it's different.
I feel like you should also learn about Tim Wong, the guy who basically single-handedly repopulated the Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly out in California. The lesson his story can and should teach is that... sometimes it can do more good for the world to care Very Much about one specific thing, and put your heart and soul into it, than it does to spread a little bit of care over a lot of things.
So, I guess what I mean to say here is... don't feel guilty about what you cannot do. There's no guilt in that. When you are ready and able to help, you can always go and look for a good way to do so (and what you end up helping may not always be the thing you think it will be), but you don't need to feel pressured by telemarketers or charity donation calls from strangers while you're trying to eat dinner. Especially if they don't even know who you are, either.
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sopiao · 1 year
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König and Ghost fight (kinda) for reader’s attention. Both wanting to listen to music with you. But it fails. (:3_/ )\_
( ^^^ can’t tell if you can see but it’s a little guy laying down :))
(Callsign will be ‘Shark’ :D)
Cellphones, tablets, iPods. Anything that’s a cellular or digital device is prohibited from being brought into any military base. For precautions, maybe information can be slipped or recorded, so naturally there will be rules. But somehow, Captain Price has persuaded and assured that Shark is a good soldier, one of his best and won’t leak or record information. Plus you don’t even care about all that.
So you got to have a cassette player, but only could bring a total of 2 cassette players. So they had to think long and hard of what they could bring, what they would listen to on their free time, training, and on missions, occasionally.
Shark settled on one tape of relaxing noises to help you sleep at night, a mix of soft rain and thunder, 6hz theta waves, and fire cracking. The other tape is more upbeat and energizing music. Rammstein, Rob Zombie, Nine Inch Nails, Godsmack, and Limp Bizkit.
(If you don’t like or listen to any of them, just ignore this and replace it with your music taste ;3)
Currently, the group were driving back from a isolated town, back to a safe house where they’ll be picked up and back to base. To rest and recover to get ready for the next mission. Soap was laid out on the farthest back seat, snoozing away, snoring every so often.
Price and Gaz were in the front, Price drove while Gaz talked to him to try and keep him focused and awake since it has been a long long night for the team.
Shark was stuck in between Ghost and König. Even though the vehicle was a good size, not too small, it still felt like the three were in a cramped closet. While Soap got a whole row to himself. If only you were fast enough to shotgun. Ghost kept unconsciously man-spreading, pushing your thighs to press up against König’s.
The tall Austrian looked down and saw the small metal box being fidgeted with in your hands. He decided that this would be a good bonding moment, very small and subtle but still intimate in a way.
“Could I listen with you?” König had his hand out, slightly nervous that you’d reject him. But he was a little more comfortable with you than the others since he’s closest with you most.
You were a little self conscious with your music taste. Your parents didn’t really like your taste in songs so you thought that he wouldn’t too. But you still handed him the black wired ear bud.
König had to slouch down a little so the wire wouldn’t stretch or get pulled out. He wasn’t very surprised when he started to get familiar with your music taste. It was very much like you and your music taste.
Ghost had been listening in on the two’s conversation, somewhat conversation, resting his head on the glass beside him, staring off into the forest. Internally cursing at himself that he hadn’t asked Shark that sooner, he always saw them listening to it but never thought to ask to listen with them.
It irked him a little, his eyebrow twitching when he looked over and saw you and König so close, while innocently listening to music.
“You listen to Rammstein?” He asked excitedly when he heard the opening of ‘Mein Teil’ buzz through the earbud. Happy that he found another common interest between the two. He really didn’t expect you to listen to them since their in German and not the most popular.
Ghost continued to listen in on their conversation, pretending that he’s zoned out or possibly snoozing away like the sleepy soldier in the back. Rolling his eyes whenever König spoke.
“Could I- uh.. Rest my head on your shoulder? It kinda hurts my back sitting like this” König explained, a lie, but he thought that since everything has been going well. He gets to share music with you, find out a band you both like, now he’s testing it further, see his limits.
Eyebrows furrowing when his eyes shifted back down at you next to him. Ghost froze when he sees his comrade resting his head against your shoulder. He was practically cuddling you! Well that’s that Ghost saw. He decided enough was enough and he had to fight back.
Tapping your shoulder to get your attention, he spoke in a softer tone.
“What’re ya’ listening to?” Ghost usually took interest in whatever you were doing, but not in your music. It took you by surprise, but you were more than happy to share your taste with him.
“Rob Zombie. You know him?” Shark asked, hoping that he heard of him or that he’s into that kind of music. But even if he wasn’t known for his music, he still directed good movies. So hopefully he’s the type to be into that.
“Never. Could I listen?” Ghost asked, not really thinking straight when he did. Hoping that he could get closer to you, or find out more about you and your interests that he can later look into and research.
It would be weird if you said yes, cause there’s only two ear buds and the other if with König. If you gave him your earbud you wouldn’t be listening to music with either of them.
But if you said no, it would seem like you were favoring König over him. Too awkward to explain to that you couldn’t. You nodded handing him your bud.
Since he was also quite tall he didn’t hunch over like König did. Instead, he slide to the side to get closer to you since in his mind he wouldn’t wanna stretch the wire of the ear buds, and in a subtle way get physical closer to you. His arm on the car seat, around you, while his side was pressed up against you. Practically smothering you with his strong chest.
Now there you were, sat in between two men who thought were sharing music with you but were really sharing music with each other. But neither of them realized it.
Every so often Ghost or König would make a comment or ask a question about the song that’s playing, so you had to make up an answer as to not make it awkward.
Both froze in place when a certain song played on the cassette. One song that you forgot you had on there, CPR by Cupcakke. But since it was only Ghost and König was really listening to music, you hoped that no weird songs would play.
‘I’m here to give you customer service. I save d— by giving it CPR’
They both, at the same time, looked at Shark for a reaction to the song. But of course they both are unaware that their sharing musics with each other. So Shark acted like everything was normal and fine.
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lost-and-created · 6 months
Consider the following:
The treatment of the unhoused/poor, including making being unhoused a crime.
The rising inability to afford housing, groceries, and utilities, even with full-time jobs that pay more than the minimum wage.
The genocide occuring in Palestine and the use of US funded weapons to commit it.
Rising rates of Neo-Nazis, antisemitism, and islamophobia.
The beating of a trans, Native American child at a public school, which resulted in death, being praised by an active senator who called trans people filth, when addressing the issue (Rest in Peace, Nex).
Trans people increasingly having their rights, especially to healthcare, taken.
Women increasingly having their rights to healthcare taken.
The migrants who are fleeing their home countries, leading them to the US-Mexico border, are being met with police violence, razor wire, and detention centers that have been reported to separate and "lose" children, as well as treat those within its walls with cruel amounts of negligence.
The subways of New York becoming flooded with cops and National Guard, making it a police state checkpoint for anyone that enters.
Police being able to justify the murder of a Black, autistic teenager, in front of his family.
However, the US government has deemed TikTok to be the largest threat to the nation and is the issue that they can all, collectively, agree on. Certainly can't be because it's been the main place for younger people to find current news that isn't gripped by corporate media. Can't be because it's a place for people to find information on the continued boycotts, divestments, and protests that are currently occurring and costing corporations millions of dollars, effecting how much those corporations can lobby their representatives. Can't be because it is the place people often go to when mainstream media refuses to cover the big stories that would otherwise be pushed under the rug. Can't be because our representatives, the people that we put in charge of making our voices heard, are sick of hearing what we have to say about their actions within and outside of their offices. Must just be because TikTok has a parent company in China (while the US servers and data are run through US based company, Oracle) and that it's a dangerous threat.
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deansapplepie · 2 months
Till THE DEAD do us part|Chapter 20
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Chapter 19 Chapter 21
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Chapter 20: Feeling better D.?
Summary: Everything is good again in paradise and you tell Daryl about how you feel left out by him and Rick. All is well, but Daryl needs a little help.
Warnings: Smut, purely bad smut, oral (male receiving), needy Daryl, just that. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, 18+.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Grimes!Reader (Rick’s Sister)
Word Count: 1,6 K
A/N: Worst smut I probably ever wrote, it’s your own risk if you read.
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You laid on the small warm bunk, curled up in his arms, your head on his chest listening to his rhythmic heartbeat. Your hand that rested on his chest had now the fingers intertwined with his. He brought your hand to his mouth and kissed each of your fingers. You were already awaken at this time and you adored how he could be tender. You tilted your head a bit so you could face him and slowly opened your eyes.
“Good morning handsome…” You said a sleepy smile on your face. “What tender and nice way to be waken up…”
“ ‘morning pup.” He said in his raspy voice that due to being sleepy was a little deeper. “D’ya like it? I could think of other nice ways to wake you up…”
“I like it a lot, I like when you’re affectionate like this.” You kissed his chin, the hair on his stubble tickling your face. “Don’t you think it’s too early to be a pervert?”
“It’s never too early.” He replied, his other hand, the one that was hugging you drawing circles on your waist. “Did ya sleep well?”
You just hummed to say that yes, you had slept well. You were warm, in his arms, felt good and had no nightmares. You had slept heavenly. “Better impossible. And you?”
“Same. It’s always better when I’m with ya.” You scoffed. “Wha’?”
“It doesn’t look like it. It looks like you prefer Rick’s company.” You complained.
“Ya can’t be serious.” Now was his time to let out a snort. “Are ya jealous of me?”
“It’s not funny.” You pouted and looked away from his face for the first time. “Both of you are putting me aside.”
“Are we, babe?” He softly asked, his hand now running on your hair. He wanted to understand, even though this was really amusing and funny to him.
“Yeah. He doesn’t come to me to talk about what’s happening or about what he’s feeling. I’m his sister and we talked about it before, I thought he would continue coming to me, but…” you paused, it was more difficult than you imagined to talk about it with him. It was easy to complain to Lori, Carol and Maggie. “… instead he looks for you. It’s not bad, don’t get me wrong. I enjoy the fact that you get along. I just… feel left out.”
“He doesn’t want to burden ya. He knows you’re there for him, but he can’t help but try to protect ya.” Rick never told him that, but he knew that was it. He loved you so much to burden you, when you already had to take care of Lori and listen to what was troubling her. Also, he knew you were happy he was alive, but he also knew you felt Shane’s death. He felt Shane’s death, so Rick couldn’t burden you, finding a friend in Daryl.
“And you are always leaving me behind. We used to hunt and go on runs together, but now you both do everything together.” You complained. “I can take care of myself.”
“ ‘m sorry.” He truly were. He always noticed how you’d get upset when they told you to not go with them. “Nex’ time Rick call me to do something, ‘m gonna tell him right away ‘ ‘m only going if ma woman comes with us’”
You giggled. You were serious about your feelings towards the matter, but you couldn’t resist but laugh when he talked about telling Rick he would only go with you. “I like when you do that.”
“What?” He looked down at you.
“When you call me your woman.” You propped on your elbow to face him more directly.
“ ‘cause that what’ya are.” He said, and his gruff voice sent tingles all over you. You leaned in his direction and covered his lips with yours.
How did you end up so lucky in the end of the world? It was mystery to you, but you didn’t want to know you just wanted to enjoy the man you had in your arms. You kissed him passionately, soon ending up on top of him and what a surprise, or not, when you felt his erection right below you. You stoped the kissing and looked at him, your hand caressing his hair. “Were you planning telling me about your morning wood or were you trying to be romantic?” You teased him, his cheeks going red at the same moment.
You had become so confident with the time that he was proud and at the same time a little annoyed. “I’d… say it… eventually.” His face became redder, if it was even possible.
“Can I take care of you?” You asked, and did you even wanted an answer? Not exactly, but you liked to have some power over him.
“We’re… they’ll hear us. Forget, it will pass.” He said, reluctantly, didn’t even seem like the reckless guy that would ram you anywhere possible along the road.
You moved your hips one time slowly over his hard on, he let out a small hiss and you lightly spoke on his ear. “So, be silent.”
“Ya’re gonna be the death of me.” He spoke and he would have said more if you hadn’t moved your hips one more time against his and covered his lips with yours.
Oh, he was going to be death of you and not otherwise, because there wasn’t a day or a single moment where you didn’t want him, and there wasn’t a single thing you wouldn’t do for him, or at least you couldn’t think of anything at the moment.
You descended one of your hands to his clothed groin and massaged it, your hands delicately going up and down. Your lips left his mouth and descended to jaw and neck, while your hand still worked on him. He bit his lips trying to control the noises that wanted to leave his lips, his hips bucking against your hand.
You wanted to take your time with his body, open his shirt and kiss all over him, provoking those reactions that by now you already knew so well. But he was needy, you didn’t have so much time in store too, the possibility of being interrupted at any moment was there… so you simply shoved your hand inside of his pants and took his cock out of it releasing him from all the pressure and restraints.
You pumped it slowly but rhythmically, taking sighs and hisses out of him. “Pup, just do sumthin…” he almost begged, damn, you wanted to be mean and make him beg some more, but you couldn’t help yourself but do anything and everything he asked you to.
“Don’t worry babe, I’ll do it… I’m taking care of you, remember?” You reassured him as you slid your body down on his and was now face to face with his pretty delicious cock. He would protest, he would ask what about you… but it was too late, you already had the tip of his cock on your mouth and he was long lost in words.
You sucked on his tip savoring the delicious flavor of him and pre cum. He threw his head behind, he wanted to see you, he wanted to look at you, but he felt so overwhelmed. One of your hands stayed on top of his stomach, you didn’t have any power to keep him in place, but that had became an habit of yours when going down on him. Your hand on his lower stomach, your thumb making circular movements while your mouth worked sinfully on his dick. It had a strangely soothing effect on him at the same time you caused such a pleasure.
Your other hand still helped you pumping him, he groaned and hissed. He tried biting his pulse to muffle the sounds, that was just so good. You licked his cock almost from the base to the top and then repeated it again and one more time taking him fully inside your mouth. His free hand went to the back of your head, massaging your scalp, it was so tender and relaxing that you hummed on him the vibrations from your mouth making him throw his head back one more time.
You took him more and more inside your mouth establishing a rhythm, a vicious rhythm that for a moment made you forget where you exactly were. You bobbed your head savoring and sending him close to the edge. “Baby, Imma…” He tried to say, to warn you… but couldn’t even complete his sentence as his orgasm came and he shoot his seed inside of your warm delicious mouth. You didn’t waste a thing, you couldn’t get enough of that man.
You helped him to pack it again inside his pants and gave him another kiss on his lips. “Feeling better D.?”
“Better? Damn woman… we didn’t even do anything for ya.” The poor thing was in bliss but at the same time still concerned.
“Who says? You know I love your cock.” You said, another kiss. “Also, you can always compensate me in the future.”
He was about to reply you when you heard a voice coming down the stairs. “Hey! Lovebirds! Have you finished? We have work to do!” It was Glenn. You cringed when you listened to it, both of you tried to be silent… so the whole block had listened, probably. “It’s not like this… my ass.” You heard Maggie in the background probably making reference to months ago when you were still back at the farm.
Both of you got up and prepared to get ready for the day ahead of you. You were making this place a home.
Wanna be added to my tag list? Let me know. (Please tell me if you want to be tagged on everything or just specific series) Everything Taglist: @lilyevanstan1325 @hayley1998 @vaniniweenie @cupidelocke @avabh12 @whore4romance @dixondystopia @dixons-sunshine @bigbaldheadname
Till THE DEAD do us part Taglist: @sunnybunnyy2 @royaltysuite @isakyakiisak @milopenne @celtic-crossbow @mel-wcst @gabriella-aesthetic @duckybird101 @the1eyedmonster16 @iixchloee @daryldixmedown @bloommart @marsmallow433
Mdni banner by @cafekitsune
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 3 months
"I really wanted to find every color possible to his palette."
"I wanted to make him as intricate and as complex as he deserves, I think."
"And yeah, we see lots of different flavors."
"We see a vulnerability to him this time."
"We see desperation."
"I think people can call him a villain as much as they want."
"I think he thinks he’s a tragedy — just a desperately sad story in a physical form."
"This has been the story his entire life."
"He’s seen as weak, he’s seen as pathetic."
"Just someone give him a hug for crying out loud!"
"Every scene I did, I didn’t know how it was going to pan out, and that’s kind of the way I like to go about playing Aegon."
"There’s no part of me that wants to have a preconceived idea of how the scene’s going to play."
"It lends itself to the way he is personality wise."
"He’s very impulsive."
"He doesn’t think things through very much, and I always like to catch myself off guard and surprise myself in those scenes."
"For me, that’s how I find authenticity in a moment."
"And that just means it’s different every time, and they can just choose which one they like."
"I don’t deal with the cut."
"We start to see ’em pull back the reins."
"We start to see ’em take a bit of control and use his authority and put people in their place when they need to be put in their place."
"He finds it stimulating."
"It was actually, surprisingly straightforward."
"If you’re doing a full day up there, then yeah, you’re going to be tired."
"We had a lot of sort of strengthening and conditioning work that we’d keep doing, just so we had a pretty healthy baseline in terms of our physical strength and capabilities."
"Be patient with himself."
"Stop comparing."
"Stop being jealous."
"Give yourself a break and go on holiday."
"Yeah, you’ve got tunnel vision while you’re making this show and that’s how we like it."
"I think you sort of buckle down and stay in the zone and stay focused."
"Try and get as much sleep as you can."
"It takes its toll, but we all welcome that with open arms."
"It’s one of those kinds of once in a lifetime opportunities to be a part of a show like this and to play characters like these."
"We’re all very aware of that, and we’re all very grateful to be in the position we’re in, getting to bring these characters to life and share this fucking cool story with so many lovely fans."
"That’s a good question."
"I’m kind of still working that out."
"I’ve only been doing this [acting] for, well, eight years, really, so I’ve not had a great deal of experience."
"I feel like the responsibility to play a pivotal part in a project like this takes its toll, stamina wise, and you just need to make sure that you can keep up with the rhythm of everything."
"But I think taking your breaks where you can get them, surrounding yourself with people you love and trust as you’re doing it, you can be quite delicate in the process."
"And yeah, stay away from social media."
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dixidin · 5 months
♰𝒜𝓇𝑔𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝐻𝑒𝒶𝒹𝒸𝒶𝓃𝑜𝓃𝓈! /̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿
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Notes: I promised you guys I'd give them to you, so here we are. Anywho! Here's all the Argenthill (Argenti/Boothill) headcanons that I have. If you'd like, drop some other scenarios for these losers that I can use next time <3 (FYI, sorry if the formatting is a bit weird! Will potentially change it in the future)
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Pet names (for each other)
Boothill: Darlin', rosey, hun', sweetheart, cutie, pretty boy, sugar, dimples (my hc for Argenti!), snookums (joke)
Argenti: Dearest, my rose, honey, lovely, dove, beloved, loverman (yes, based off the Ricky Montgomery song)
Boothill (when he had human hands): Pretty rough and calloused, maybe a few old scars here and there, wears rings a lot, probably bites his fingernails (causing them to be very jagged or even bleed due to his shark teeth)
Argenti: Very smooth and well taken care of, occasionally painted nails, but always trims them, a few moles here and there
Sleeping positions/habits
Boothill: Snores, knocked out like a light every time he sleeps on top of Argenti (wasn't really held that much), only wears red flannel pants to sleep (....whore...)
Argenti: The only one used to it, occasionally drools, usually sleeps on top of Boothill due to his robotic body, always gives Boothill forehead kisses when the outlaw does sleep on top of him. Night gown, bunny slippers, sleeping mask, you get the gist.
Both pretty light sleepers, but Argenti is definitely a bit heavier than Boothill
Both/Customs: They normally hold hands and face each other's foreheads when sleeping
Boothill usually wakes up before Argenti (which results in Argenti to stir and wake up himself), but Boothill always gives him a kiss to the back of his head and whispers a "Rest easy, hun'" or "Get some sleep, darlin'"
Random "opposite" headcanons
Boothill: Likes Venus fly traps. Collects bottles caps, lighters, hour glasses, and marbles
Argenti: Likes white roses with red tint. Collects small potion like bottles, candles, pocket watches, and jewelry
Drink dates:
Boothill takes Argenti out to bars, while Argenti takes Boothill out for tea parties. It's unusual to see an outlaw like Boothill sip from a tea cup, and weird to see a knight like Argenti to sit at a large stool sipping some wine. But it's a wholesome moment between the two and pretty healthy by introducing each other to stuff that they like that the other might not be too used to. (They make me ill)
Movie nights
Boothill's main movies: Django unchained, The harder they fall, Silence of the lambs, and The man who knew too much (Action, Thriller, Western revenge, and occasional Sci-fi)
Argenti's main movies: Pride & Prejudice, Her, Melancholia, and Elizabeth (Drama, Fantasy, Crime, and occasional Period romance)
Together, they create Brokeback Mountain (they sob everytime they watch it)
Boothill: Tango, Quickstep, and Waltz. Literally flustered the entire time
Argenti: Ballroom dance, Foxtrot, and Waltz. Helped Boothill learn how to waltz
Boothill: 4/10. Considering he's mostly robotic and usually gets drunk, he doesn't have that much knowledge when it comes to cooking. The worst is it being extremely burnt, and the best is when it's edible and helps you live long enough
Argenti: 6/10. Just a smidge better than Boothill, still a bit clueless when it comes to cooking. Rather a baker than a cooker
Carrying each other
Boothill: 8/10. Literally so easy. The only -2 points are that he can still slightly feel the weight (more noticeable when Argenti is wearing armor) and if Argenti has collapsed or is injured in his arms
Argenti: 7/10. A bit harder to carry cause of the large amount of metal (he's a strong boy, so dw), maybe a bit shaky the first few times Argenti picked him up
Random extra hcs and I don't know where to put </3
Boothill has flirted with Argenti many, many times when drunk, not even realizing that's his partner. Argenti always teases the cowboy about it the next day.
Boothill: .... why do ya' have.. mushrooms?
Argenti: I just think they're neat!
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If you repost this on another website, please give credit. If you get inspired off my writing, please give credit. Do not put my work in any ai or repost it as your own work. Any like or repost is greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading! -dixidin
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whoeverl · 9 months
🎮Tubbo x fem!reader 💛 Embrace of Tranquility: Tubbo's Comforting Rest
Requestsed? No
Summery: imagine Tubbo ending his stream and coming to lay down on his bed nex to your sleeping figure and starts cuddling with you and you wake up and he cooes you back to sleep.
Trigger warnings: none
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The soft glow of the computer monitors dimmed as Tubbo wrapped up his Twitch stream, leaving a sense of tranquility in the room. He let out a contented sigh, feeling the weariness of a day well spent settle into his bones. With careful steps, he padded over to the bed, grateful for the promise of rest. As Tubbo settled in, he noticed your form curled up peacefully, lost in the realm of dreams. The sight brought a soft smile to his lips; the day’s stress melted away as he moved closer, drawn by the warmth of your presence. Gently sliding under the covers, Tubbo edged closer to your sleeping figure. With tender care, he wrapped his arms around you, feeling the gentle rise and fall of your breath against his chest. The quiet room was filled only with the sound of your soft breaths, a soothing melody that eased his mind. Your eyelids fluttered open, met by the sight of Tubbo’s affectionate gaze. He smiled, his eyes filled with warmth and tenderness. “Hey there, sleepyhead,” he murmured softly, his voice a gentle caress in the stillness of the room. “Shh, it’s okay. Just relax, close your eyes,” he cooed, his fingers tracing light patterns on your back, urging you back into the realm of slumber. With a comforting presence beside you, Tubbo’s soothing words and delicate touch lulled you back to sleep, cradled in the embrace of his care and warmth.
Characters list
Tubbo masterlist
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catboydogma · 8 months
highly sought after
wc: 651
notes: this is not crack but perhaps more like crack's bastard nephew-cousin or something. i got tired of not writing and decided to enjoy myself and knock out a 15-min sprint instead :) hopefully more to follow since i would LIKE to do this every night however. enjoy? enjoy.
Cody and Fox have some nice relaxing bonding together. OR: what if you had a line of plushes marketed after you and all the people around you were shiteating smartasses
cross-posted to ao3
“These items are highly sought after,” Cody said dryly, keeping his eyes forward and his hands behind his back.
A furious-sounding pause followed.
“You’re fucking with me,” Fox said through gritted teeth. He looked like he was about to punch his fist through the flimsy glass wall in front of him, brows furrowed in a deep scowl and teeth bared. Cody amused himself for a few seconds by imagining Fox with a ruff of raised spines like a massiff’s doing a threat display.
“Commander,” Cody said, injecting his voice with as much solemnity as he could muster on short notice and while fighting off the shit-eating grin that was threatening, “I have never told a falsehood in my life.”
“You motherfucker,” Fox hissed. He looked like he was about to pop a vein. His eyes were glazed with fury and his grip was tight enough to whiten his knuckles.
“Their value may very well be unsurpassable.” Cody clasped Fox on the shoulder firmly, eyes still fixed straight ahead.
In front of him, Fox lost his tenuous grip on CC-3636 Commander Wolffe™ Grand Army of the Republic ActionPlush®! The top-heavy stuffed toy, with its gray-painted stuffed felt helmet the same size as the rest of the body, tumbled back to the bottom of its prison.
Fox howled in inarticulate rage.
Cody squeezed his shoulder a little more firmly in encouragement. “You’ll get him nex—”
“You jinxed me!” Fox batted at Cody’s hand on his shoulder and jabbed his thumb at the green “go” button again and again, furiously goading it into whirring back to life. The tickets Cody had indulgently fed into it five minutes ago were good for one more round.
“Better make it count,” Cody said pleasantly, unmoved by Fox’s elbow bruising the tender spot just below his floating ribs. “Better get it in one shot.”
“Not. One. Word.” Fox’s growl nearly vibrated the ground under their feet and his face was starting to approach the “alarming” side of the spectrum of blotchy maroon. He slowly inhaled, like a sniper about to line up a shot, and leaned forward until his nose was pressed against the glass.
The mechanism jerked to life. The rubber-tipped claws opened and closed, testing, as Fox toggled the squeaky joystick with infinitesimal adjustments. It lowered. Fox let out all his breath in one long, slow exhale, letting the claws close around the bulbous head of their vod. The felt dimpled slightly. It lifted.
It held.
Fox didn’t waver for a second, smoothly guiding the claw back to the corner where the chute lay waiting. Cody found himself nearly leaning forward to match. Fox wasn’t breathing any longer: his hands were still enough to make a CMO jealous, and his face was completely smooth, like an ARC about to take an impossible shot.
The claws jerked open. Cody preemptively winced—but against all odds, the misshapen plush toy managed to fall at just the right angle into the nearly too-small chute—none of the legs caught, as they had the first time, and the head was angled just so it didn’t bounce off the side and back into its glass cage, as it had the fifth time, and the felt scrap blaster held outstretched in one spherical “hand” didn’t even make the toy jam halfway down the chute, as it had the eighth time.
A soft thup heralded their vod’s arrival. Fox let loose a primal howl of exultant triumph, voice nearly cracking with its pitch and volume. Cody discretely winced, then held open the flap of the machine so Fox could reach in and grab his bounty.
“What now?” Cody asked when Fox had the plush Wolffe in his hand, pretending to throttle its nearly non-existent neck for imagined crimes.
“Now I wait until the 104th is docked at Coruscant again,” Fox said with a smile that displayed every one of his pearly whites.
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Lost in Time- A Kenji Kishimoto series
Summary: Kenji Kishimoto and Leyla Demir, a time-manupilator, are accidentally transported decades into the past during a mission gone wrong. As they navigate a pre-Reestablishment world, their growing bond is challenged by the decision to alter history or return to their own time, facing the risks of changing the future.
A/n: Had this idea for a while and decided to just write it out bcs I couldn’t stop thinking abt it. But idk if I should make it into a whole series tho. Anywaysss, Hope you enioy and do leave comments if you wish to write your thoughts on this:)
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"Absolutely not."
"But Warner-"
"I said 'no', Castle and I won't be risking Juliette's life for it either."
Castle let out a frustrated sigh as he shook his head, leaning forward on the table "You are clearly not hearing me! I am telling you that this is a life or death matter Warner-"
"I don't care-"
"What the hell is happening here?" Kenji came strolling into the small room with an annoyed expression on his face.
He heard Warner mutter something along the lines of "Great, another imbecile." but decided to ignore it and looked at Castle for an explanation.
The older man sighed and stood up from the small chair and crossed his arms. Warner too, got up, saying "It is none of your business."
Kenji just rolled his eyes and pointed to the exit hissing "None of my business? Excusez-moi but your whole little 'argument' can be heard on every part of the base which is why Nouria even SENT me to come check on you guys."
Warner stared indifferently at Kenji. "Well you can go back and tell her that everything is fine-"
"Nothing's fine, Warner, and you know it. The mission-"
"Is not happening." The boy snapped as he glared back at Castle before continuing "I have had enough with this pointless conversation. I am not risking my and Juliette's happiness by doing that right after we got married and while we are all repairing a broken world."
Kenji furrowed his brows as he looked between the two men. "Uhhh....what exactly are you guys talking about? What is Warner going to do?"
Castle shook his head slightly as he said, "I got intel that the Nexus Device is still out there which is why I called upon Warner to inform him on the matter."
"And try to send me on that mission of yours to get it back. Over a meaningless rumor." Warner finished for him.
Kenji just put up his hands, feeling more confused than ever. "Wait a second, what the hell is a Nex-blabla device?"
Aaron sighed out frustratedly as Castle crossed his arms "A Nexus Device. And what it is, is an important relic that was kept very well hidden within the Reestablishment. It is rumoured to have the power to manipulate time which is why, we need to retrieve it before someone else gets to it-"
"You said it yourself, Castle, it is a rumor and I won't be risking my wife's or my life to go on a mission over a something that is only a rumor, a lie."
Castle glared back at the blond boy as he said, "That doesn't mean anything, Warner. You should know better than anyone else that during a war, all possibilities must be taken into account-"
"This isn't war. Therefore, we do not have to take all possibilities, all cases into account-"
Castles angry shout seemingly shocked not only Kenji but also Warner as his eyes slightly widened before becoming cold once more.
Castle gave neither of them a chance to talk as he opened his mouth once again. "Do you know how many people are still out there, still angry with us for taking out the old supreme leaders of The Reestablishment? Do you know how many of them are out there planning coups, assasination attempts and so on, on your, Juliette's and the rest of our lives? Just because we took out the big guys doesn't mean everything's over."
Kenji saw how Warner was clearly about to retort with something cruel so quickly intercepted their argument. " Maybe- maybe you could send me? I mean Warner and Juliette are busy with being leaders and all that shit, everyone else is also busy with the whole aftershocks of a war and I....well, I wouldn't mind doing something exciting."
Aaron slowly turned his head sideways to look at him as he deadpanned, "Exciting? You call this pointless, imbecile plan to go after something that may not even exist....exciting? Of course I should have expected to hear something like this from you, Kishimoto."
Kenji shrugged his shoulders. "Well sorry mr. 'I find everything and everyone except my wife boring and have no joy in life' but some of us want to go on missions and do something EVEN those that may or may not be real."
"Your not even fit for it."
Kenji's eyes widened before he scoffed "I'm sorry? You are telling me that I am not fit for the mission?"
Warner stood fully straight, scanned Kenji from head to toe, looked back at him, letting his emotionless eyes convey the message.
Kenji balled his hands into fists. "You-"
"Actually Kenji, you are right. You may be even more suited for this mission than Warner or Juliette."
They both turned to look back at Castle who has been analyzing them both this whole time.
Warner replied with a "You have gone mad." at the same time as Kenji said "Hell yeah, I am."
Castle sat back down, still seemingly assesing Kenji. "Why not? I didn't realize it when I called you here, Warner, but your and Kenji's skills are incomparable. I think you would be easily caught. Kenji, however, has been trained like a true soldier. I believe he would be able to move, attack and do the job sharply, stealthily, and to the point. Of course his invisibility power is a whole other advantage. Look how well he did when I sent him to take Juliette out of the jail Warner built the first time around."
Kenji smirked and nudged Warner who roughly pushed him away. But then his smirk fell as confusion overtook his features. "Wait, doesn't Warner also have the ability to be invisible."
Warner rolled his eyes. "I do, but I can only do it if someone else does it near me and I take in their power. Do you really think that there is someone in The Reestablishment with powers? Really?"
"Ohhhh right, right. Totally forgot about your whole copying people-"
"It is not copying, it is just mirroring. You idiot."
"Same thing-"
Castles stern voice stopped them both from another argument as he said, "Alright that will be enough you two. Warner, you may leave. Kenji, stay."
Warner looked at him and then at Kenji before heading towards the door "Can't wait to tell Juliette about your death, Kishimoto."
Kenji just laughed and sat down on the creaky stool opposite of Castles desk. "Love you too, bro."
Castles got up and took two steps to reach the small, wooden cabinet near the window. He took out some papers before coming to sit back down, putting the papers on the table and spreading them out.
Kenji took one and began eyeing it. "This is a map."
Castle nodded as he said "Yes, a map of both the insides and the outsides of the whole area where some supporters of the old Reestablishment have taken refuge. Thanks to Sam, I was able to locate this place and get a proper detailed map on their residence. You will be breaking in here."
Kenji looked back at his friend "Quick question, how does this...whatever device look like?"
Castle sighed, "Nexus Device, Kenji. From what I know, It is supposed to look like a small, sleek and advanced piece of technology, almost like a wristwatch or a handheld gadget. You'll know it when you see it."
Kenji looked suspiciously at him "Aha....so just look for small things while also trying not to be killed or discovered, putting the whole resistance in jeopardy."
Castle smiles knowingly. "That is where you're wrong. You won't be going on this mission alone."
Kenji's rolled his eyes. "Please don't send me with anyone from here, God, especially not with Adam."
That caused his friend to chuckle before he regained his composure. "Actually, you have not met her. None of you have. You could say that she is a....good friend of mine."
Kenji's eyes widened. "Wait, what? You have friends?"
Castle gave him a stern look but that didn't stop him from slipping op and smiling slightly as he watched his close friend chuckle.
But then, as if realizing, Kenji's smile dropped as his eyes widened in horror. "Wait wait wait- A she? And none of us know her or ever met her? And you're sending her with me? Who the hell is she?"
"Leyla Demir, she is Turkish and the best trained killer I know with the most unique power. Time-manipulation."
Kenji leaned back with crossed arms, a confused expression overtaking his face. "Time-manipulation? You mean, she can stop time or some shit?"
"Sorry, yeah, I mean- she can stop time or stuff?"
Castle smiled while slightly shaking his head. "It means, she can do anything that is time-related. Stop it, blink in to the future, the past, and even reverse it."
Kenji's eyes widened, mouth hanging wide open. "Jesus Christ. How can someone have such kind of power?"
Castle leaned back in his seat and regarded him with a knowing look. "You'll just have to see her for yourself. But do be careful, she is usually deathly quite and her answers are often short, straight to the point and cold. You won't be making much conversation with her but I believe that is what makes her so great at her job. She just comes, does what she is assigned to do, and then leaves."
Kenji scoffed, stood up and took the papers. "Oh I'll make her talk, alright. No one can ever resist the Kenji Kishimoto, after all."
He turned around, intending to head for the door before Castle stopped him. "Don't you want to know when you'll be heading out?"
He turned around with a sheepish smile. "Right, yeah. Uhh when do I need to leave?"
"This night, at eleven sharp. That is usually the time twenty-five minutes before the guards do their shift change which leaves the area unguarded for exactly three whole minutes."
Kenji nodded and turned around to leave but stopped once more when he heard Castle get up and look at him, worry slightly evident in his tone as he said, "Be careful, Kenji. I trust you and your skills very much but-"
Kenji smiled softly before saying, "I'll try my best not to die and if I do, tell Warner I will be coming back to haunt the shi- stuff out of him."
It had been a while since Kenji felt this amount of excitement. Before it was all about them fighting and figuring out how to bring down The Reestablishment and then, once they did that, they had a broken world to deal with. And while it was tiring but great how they were restoring and creating a better, more brighter world, Kenji admittedly felt very useless.
These past few months it was almost always "Do this Kenji" or "Don't do this Kenji" or "Maybe you shouldn't do that" or "Just go ask Juliette" or "I don't know, Kenji, you kinda mess things up. Just stick to easy day to day work."
So what he destroyed a building that had Juliette's wedding dress inside? So what if his attempts at organizing things ended in chaos? So what if he accidentally threw away a stash of documents Haider sent? It was all accidental, okay? Atleast he was trying his best.
"Useless, you're useless." Kenji scoffed to himself as he put on his weapons, attempting to cheer himself up with the mission ahead. Finally, some action. Something to distract himself from.
He has been analyzing and constantly checking the maps for the past couple of hours, planning the area from which he would sneak in, which room the Nexus device could be in. Honestly? The place doesn't even look big at all. Well, he will see it soon for himself anyway. Kenji looked at the electronic clock,
10:58 pm
Time to leave on a little suicide mission.
With a final look in the mirror at himself, his black tactical gear, and all his weapons, visible and not-visible, Kenii left the house.
Twenty minutes later, he had managed to arrive at the location, turning off his invisibility and immediately hiding behind a large bush. Where is this Leyla? They only have four minutes left before the shift change. Whatever, if she doesn't show up, he is going in alone. He doesn't need a nanny to track along with him-
A sound came from behind him.
Kenji quickly took the small knife hidden in his boot and turned around, intending to land a shot at whoever or whatever is behind him but stopped when he saw the person.
He couldn't see her properly at all because it quite dark and she is wearing dark gear similar to his but from what he can see, atleast due to the faint light coming from the broken tall lamp beside them, if this woman is Leyla.....she is absolutely gorgeous.
An elegant yet strong build, warm, slightly tanned complexion, seemingly dark hair but what stood out the most....those otherworldly emerald eyes that could hypnotize you and look absolutely lethal as they stare back at him.
Kenji's trance came to a stop when she said with a slight hint of an accent, "I guess you're the idiot Castle told me about."
He didn't have the chance to reply as she wordlessly crouched beside him and looked through a small opening at the base.
Kenji collected himself and looked at her, asking "I-I am Kenji, this is the first time we meet."
She looked down at her watch, muttering a "One minute left."
He scoffed looking at the guards "Rude."
She still ignored him.
"Um anyways, how did you get to know Castle? I mean, we are like this close with him so I thought I would know about yo-"
She silenced him with a hiss.
"We have nearly twenty seconds before the shift change and I would very much appreciate it if you could just shut the hell up so we can get this over with and then go our separate ways."
He furrowed his brows in frustration. "What's wrong with you? I was just trying to be civil but I guess you wouldn't understand that since you are acting like a cranky old bit-"
She clearly either heard him and chose to ignore him or was too focused on the time because she quickly cut his rant off "It's time. Get up."
Kenji scoffed but got up, refocusing his attention back on the main goal. Get the device and get the hell out. It can't fall into the wrong hands. It can't.
He held his hand out for her to take, causing her to look at him with a raised eyebrow.
"How do you expect to get in there? Just walk in? I can make us turn invisible, just hold my hand."
She clearly didn't want to but looked at the base and then back at him before sighing and taking ahold of his wrist instead of his hand. He found it weird but just kept his mouth shut as they both turned invisible.
Kenji felt her hold on his wrist tighten as she adjusted into the feeling. He whispered silently as they began to walk, "Are you ok-"
"Shhh, guards."
Kenji didn't need any more explanation as he saw three guards in the distance seemingly talking with one another. Seems like an awful lot of guards for a small area. That could only mean that they do have something important to protect.
They began silently heading towards an open back door when a woman dressed in a black shirt and loose pants stepped out, standing right in front of the entryway with her head bowed down, looking at a....notepad?
Shit. How the hell are they supposed to move past her and get inside? It's not like they can just walk through her. Kenji felt Leyla's body stand closer to him as they both stopped and just stared at the woman.
Please, for the love of God, can she just-
"Mrs.Pierson, we have a report."
The woman lifted her head to look back at a bulky man who came from behind her.
"I don't have the time, Michael. Tell them if they are going to try and once again just prolong the matter-"
"No, mrs.Pierson trust me, we made it very clear to them that we don't have the patience for their games no more. And by very clear I mean....we used other methods to make them understand."
The woman--mrs.Pierson, apparently--smiled and said a simple "Good" and moved past the man.
What were they talking about? It sure as hell seemed quite crucial. Kenji really felt like he needed to follow them and it seemed like Leyla was thinking the same because she just gripped his wrist tighter with her gloved hand, and made him follow her as she took the lead, entering through the door and following the two strangers.
The hallway was extremely narrow and the walls looked like they are about to crumble down any second now. Kenji barely managed to not trip over something or make noise as he followed Leyla through the tight hallway. Honestly, it seems like she doesn't even have a problem with this. Not once has Leyla made a sound, moving so quietly making Kenji think that if she weren't holding his wrist right now, he wouldn't even be sure if she is still there.
Has she done this before? Of course she has, you idiot. Has she seen worse? What could possible be worse than the war they had? He wonders what she did during that time.
Stop it. Idiot. Why the hell do you care? Why do you even wonder?
Finally, they reached a small opening with only an open door in the center. The wallpaper's here were piss yellow and almost fully ripped off the walls. God, it's not like Kenji is currently staying in a luxury plaza but...what the hell is this shithole? And who the hell are these people?
They quietly came to stand in the entryway as they both took in the room and the people inside it. The woman and the man from earlier were here as well as two more people whom Kenji didn't know about. They were holding what looked like a medium sized, black, shiny box.
He felt Leyla about to step inside the room so he pulled her back immediately, getting the point across that they can stand here and listen. Surprisingly, Leyla listened as he felt her body freeze in one place.
Kenji and Leyla pressed against the wall, their breaths shallow as they listened to the muffled conversation inside the room. The two unknown figures were standing beside a table, the black box placed in the center. The woman—Mrs. Pierson—was now engaged in a conversation with a very short and fidgety man.
"We've had issues with the security systems," Mrs. Pierson was saying, her tone clipped. "Do you have the new codes?"
The man nodded, reaching into his jacket and pulling out a small, metal key. He placed it on the table next to the box. "This is the key to the main vault. It’s the last piece we need to complete the upgrades."
Mrs. Pierson’s eyes narrowed as she examined the key. "Good. The Nexus Device must be secured before the operation begins."
Kenji’s eyes widened slightly. The mention of the Nexus Device caught his attention. So it is something important. Hah! Kenji couldn't wait to see the look on Warner's face when he tells him that he was wrong.
The second man, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up. "The vault's security is tight, but if we can get this device out, it will be worth the risk. The information we’ve received suggests it's an invaluable asset."
Mrs. Pierson nodded, a grim smile on her face. "Indeed. Make sure it's kept in a secure location until the time is right. We wouldn’t want anyone else discovering it."
Kenji felt Leyla’s grip tighten on his wrist. She was clearly assessing the situation, trying to plan their next move. He could sense her tension; she was used to dealing with high-stakes situations, and this one seemed to be no different.
As the conversation continued, Kenji’s attention shifted to the black box. It seemed to be the central focus of their discussion, and if it contained the Nexus Device, they were very close to their objective.
Leyla and Kenji slipped into the room, moving with the practiced stealth that Leyla had demonstrated earlier. Kenji's heart raced, but he kept his focus on the black box, which now lay tantalizingly close. Leyla quickly assessed the room, noting the positions of the two men and the security measures in place.
As they approached the black box, their movements were swift but not without tension. He quickly but carefully as to not touch anything and cause alert, dragged Leyla towards a corner of the room, far from the four people and the three guards currently discussing something in low tones.
"Let's go through the left side of the table, no one is standing there." He whispered so quietly, he thought maybe she hadn't even heard him. But Leyla's confirming squeeze to his wrist told him that she agreed.
Kenji crept closer to the box, his heart racing with anticipation. As he reached for it, he felt a sudden jolt in his power, a flicker of instability.
In that instant, Kenji’s invisibility wavered. He was momentarily visible—a ghostly outline against the darkness—before he could re-stabilize his power. It was enough. Mrs. Pierson’s eyes snapped to his position, her expression shifting from confusion to alarm.
“There’s someone there!” Mrs. Pierson shouted, her voice echoing through the room.
The men turned sharply, their eyes scanning the space. Kenji and Leyla’s invisibility wavered again as they scrambled to adjust their powers. Kenji’s face was now partially visible, caught in the beam of a flickering overhead light. The guards’ alarms were triggered.
“Get them!” one of the men yelled, rushing toward Kenji and Leyla.
The room erupted into chaos. Leyla moved quickly, drawing her weapons and engaging the guards with precise, fluid motions. Kenji, trying to regain full control of his invisibility, grabbed the box and fumbled with it, struggling to keep his powers stable.
Mrs. Pierson lunged for the box, trying to reclaim it from Kenji. He fought back, his movements erratic as he fought to maintain his invisibility. The struggle was fierce, and the room became a whirlwind of combat.
Leyla managed to fend off the attacking guards, her movements a blur of skill and precision. She glanced over at Kenji, who was wrestling with Mrs. Pierson and another man for control of the box.
“Kenji, let’s go!” Leyla shouted, urgency in her voice.
Gunshots were heard everywhere as Kenji managed to regain control over his body and become invisible, quickly runing and appearing behind one of the guards and snapping his neck, then moving on to the man named Michael and using one of the knives strapped to his body to stab his back, causing the man to crumble on the floor with a cry.
Leyla seemingly swiftly took care of the other two guards, her swift and fluid motions knocking out mrs.Pierson in the process. She wanted to kill her but the shouts from the outside confirmed Kenji's thoughts that there are more guards coming and they needed to get the hell out....like right now. He quickly grabbed Leyla and ran.
With the box secured, Kenji and Leyla made a break for the back door, their path now clear thanks to Leyla’s skilled combat. They dashed down the narrow hallway, the sounds of pursuit growing louder behind them.
Outside, they sprinted through the darkness, Kenji still trying to stabilize his powers. As they reached a corner of the building, Kenji glanced back to see guards pouring out, their shouts growing fainter.
Leyla skidded to a halt, pulling Kenji into a shadowed alcove. “We need to get out of here before they catch up.”
Kenji nodded, his breath coming in ragged gasps. “I think... I think I’m losing my powers.”
"No you are not. I think its the effects of being this close to the device that are affecting our powers. It's too strong! Even I feel my own powers waning."
Leyla, her breath steadying, glanced at the device. “We need to figure out what this thing actually does. There might be a way to use it to our advantage.”
Kenji nodded, looking equally determined and exhausted. “Alright, let’s see what we’ve got.”
They moved to a small, dusty and broken chair in the alcove. Kenji placed the box on it, and Leyla began to carefully pry it open. Tension was high, and they both felt the urgency of their situation.
As Leyla worked on the box, Kenji’s impatience got the better of him. He reached over to help, but his movements were rushed and clumsy. “Come on, hurry up! We don’t have all night.”
Leyla shot him a sharp look. “Slow down, Kenji. We don’t know what we’re dealing with.”
Kenji’s frustration boiled over. “I know! But we need to get out of here before—”
He accidentally knocked the box off the table with a jolt. The device tumbled to the ground, and the lid popped open. A strange, pulsating glow emanated from within, filling the room with a blinding light.
“What did you do?” Leyla shouted as she tried to grab the device, but the light grew intense, enveloping them both.
Kenji reached for the device, but it slipped from his grasp. As he tried to stabilize it, he and Leyla were both caught in the expanding radiance. The light grew brighter and brighter until everything around them was engulfed in a blinding flash.
When the light finally faded, Kenji and Leyla found themselves in an entirely different setting. The warehouse was gone, replaced by a landscape that was completely unfamiliar. They were surrounded by a complete and vast greenery, the sun was high and shining brightly, there were cows and sheep on the grass, large trees covering the area.
“What the hell just happened?” Kenji asked, his voice tinged with panic.
Leyla was looking around, her face pale with horror.
"Where- where the hell are we?!"
"In the past....or the future, I don't even know."
Kenji came closer to Leyla, eyes wide with shock and frustration.
"What the hell did you do, Leyla? This wasn't a part of the plan!"
The moment Leyla turned around to look at him, Kenji felt the air get knocked out of his lungs. He was wrong, her hair wasn't dark at all. The sunlight casted it's soft glows over them, allowing him to see her clearly. Her hair was a very light brown, seemingly slightly curly, her eyes were even more breathtaking under the light, and that face...her soft face that currently held an ice cold expression on it as she stared daggers at him.
".....so you are the one to blame, not me! don't you dare blame me!" Kenji realized then, that she had been shouting at him for the past minute but he completely drowned her words out as his eyes admired every inch of her uncovered body, which wasn't much really, just her face. But it was more than enough because....dear God he had never seen anyone look so beautifully innocent and yet be so cold and hurtful.
"What?" Kenji said with a soft smile, his eyes never leaving her face as his mind was still in his own world. She pinched his ear with her gloved hand, causing him to finally come back to reality as he hissed an "Ow! Why the hell did you do that?!"
She crossed her arms. "Listen, Kishimoto, we need to know the date for us to even know where the hell we ended up in. Time travel, anything having to do with time in general, isn't simple at all. One wrong move and you could end up in a place where you can't even get out of."
"Kishimoto, huh? So we are absolutely formal now?"
She sighed and looked skywards. "Out of all the things I said, this is what you are stuck on? And we were never informal to begin with."
Kenji smirked. "We could be informal too, if you only say the word--"
"Hey! What the hell are you doing on my lawn?"
They both turned around to see a man, presumably in his fifties, striding towards them.
Kenji pushed Leyla behind him as a serious expression overtook his face, readying to strike at any sign of danger. Leyla just scoffed and moved past him coming to stand beside him when the man reached them. Kenji was about to say something but she intercepted quickly.
"What is todays date, old man?"
The man looked at her and threw his arms in the air. "Old man? Old man?! I am only 58! And who the hell d'you think you are, heh? Coming into my lawn, my goddamn property unnanounced-"
Kenji heard Leyla's voice turn even icier, if it was possible, as she asked- no, stated in a threatening voice, "What date is it."
The man too, clearly got the memo as he quickly stopped rambling and looked between them, his hands fidgeting.
The moment he said the date, Kenji wanted to tear his hair off. They were in the fucking past! With no way out! or...
That's right, Leyla had her time powers! she could get them out, right?....right?
Leyla seemingly also understood what timeline they were in as she quickly dragged him away without saying another word to the old man, who was still muttering something under his breath but was too scared of Leyla to shoo them away. Once they were in the other side of the lawn, behind a large farmhouse, Kenji looked at her wide eyed, "We are in the past! Are you kidding me?! Is this actually happening?! What the-"
"Will you shut the hell up, Kishimoto? Yes, we are in the past, but....this past is different."
"How different?"
Leyla's eyes drifted behind him, seemingly lost in thought. "This is thirty years before the Reestablishment took over. I have been in thousands of timelines but never this, never this one."
Kenji's eyes widened as his mouth hanged open. He whisper-shouted "What?! So, you mean to tell me that there is no Reestablishment?1 No wonder this place is so vibrant and alive. Why didn't you ever come to this timeline?"
Leyla crossed her arms, her expression becoming indifferent once more. "That is none of your business."
Kenji sighed. She wasn't an easy one, that much was clear about her. "Whatever, now can you please use your little time traveling powers to get us back to our rightful timeline?"
"No, I can't."
Kenji felt the hope drain out of him. "No? What the hell do you mean, no?! Aren't you supposed to have these time-manipulating powers or whatever-"
"I do, alright? I do. It's just that they are absolutely depleted at the moment. The Nexus Device- it seemingly affected me more than anyone else because we both have the power of time. Like calls to like, it seems. We drained each others powers. I need a couple of days to recharge even half of what that stupid device took from me."
This was madness. Absolute madness. Kenji prayed that maybe this was some sort of a nightmare that he was in, that he would wake up soon and go about his day. But, alas, it was all very much real.
Kenji leaned against the wall, his eyes wide in horror and realization.
"Holy shit."
21 notes · View notes
shadykazama · 4 months
Genji Shimada SFW alphabet 💚
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I've been saying I was gonna do this for like a week so I'm finally getting to it. I love doing these so let me know in the comments who should be next. I do SFW and NSFW
Oh! And also I'm gonna reference my Genji headcanons about his cybernetics in this so I'll link those if you want to read that beforehand.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
-Genji's a very secure partner, I don't see him as being very clingy. He knows how to seperate from you when needed, but that doesn't mean he's not affectionate. He is in his own ways. I see his love languages being gift giving and quality time; his affection comes in the form of a random origami crane he made for you, or your favorite snack he just happened to come across that he totally didn't spend hours getting just to see your face light up, it's the time he spends doing your favorite hobby with you even after a long day, just because it warms his heart to see you so passionate about something.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Genji's a very attentive friend, always there to have your back or cheer you up with wise words and good company. As you get closer you get to see the more playful side of him, the side of him that teases you for little things and can be easily egged on into playing games because even though he pretends to be all wise and sage he's still got that competitive and playful spirit.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He's not super cuddly, but he likes holding you when he sleeps. He's a rough sleeper and having you close helps. He has to wear his mask to sleep (see my genji cyborg headcanons), but he has the rest of his armor off while he sleeps so he can feel his skin (what he has left) against yours. Prefers to be the one holding you but won't complain if you want to hold him, only if you're doing it to comfort yourself though; he doesn't like to be held to be comforted, it feels better to hold something instead.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I can't see him wanting to fight for his entire life, at least not in overwatch. He has a lot to fight for, but he'll be satisfied one day, when he knows the future is in good hands. He makes this promise to you, that his life of danger and fighting will not be forever; one day he will settle down with you for good.
I wouldn't say he's great at cooking, but he's picked up a few skills while training in Nepal with Zenyatta. He could definitely make some meals for you. He is, however, very clean. Always dutiful to pick up after himself and keep things where they belong.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Overall I don't think he's had a lot of relationships, especially after the incident of becoming a cyborg. It took a lot of years and healing to even accept himself, much less let other people accept him. Not to mention how secluded his lifestyle was in Nepal for a while. For him to end a relationship with someone would be truly rare; I can only really see it happening if they betrayed him in some way. Even if you were at a serious risk of death, Genji would think you're safest where he can watch over you. He wouldn't push you away.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He's not as traditional as say- his brother, but Genji does have some traditional values. Marriage would be something he wants, but he'd be slow about it. The man doesn't rush I'll tell you that much. He took FOREVER to confess his feelings to you, so he'll take his time with proposing as well. Maybe after he retires from overwatch and you two can build a proper life together <3
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
After all of his training, Genji has become attuned his emotions, as well as the emotions of others. He knows the value of a gentle word can be just as important as a sharp touch. With you, he's not dishonest, he won't tell you what you want to hear but he'll be gentle with you regardless. He knows what it is to hurt, and to heal- perhaps better than most. He touches you as if you are a fresh bloom, sacred and breakable, regardless of your size or background. You are his, which means to him that's what you deserve.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
If you like hugs he'll indulge you more often, but he's not one to initiate unless he's truly missed you or was worried about you. When he hugs you he likes to rub your back and cradle your head. If he had been worried about you he likes to crouch down (if you're shorter than him) and hug you around the midsection so he can listen to your heartbeat for a while. It's comforting.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He says it when he confesses. He's not one to throw his feelings around lightly, nor his romantic favor. By the time he's ready to confess he'll be sure he loves you, and he wants you to know it. He'd say it in his native language first, then repeat in English if you don't understand.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
For all of his training and all of his healing Genji is still one competitive bastard. If you thought I'd put 'oh he's so secure he doesn't mind' here, I can't blame you, but may I suggest "Genji actually isn't threatened but takes it as a challenge when people flirt with you?" Yes, for the most part he's extremely secure and doesn't doubt for a second that you'll leave him for whatever bozo walks up and flirts with you- actually he thinks you deserve it. You're pretty, why wouldn't you get propositions? But that doesn't change the fact that you're HIS partner, so he'll walk up and flirt with you too. The sweetest compliments only he could pull off to grab your attention; he takes some guilty pleasure in the embarrassed walk of shame the other person pulls when they realize you're entirely enamored with him...
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His mask definitely gets in the way of kissing you whenever he feels like it, but in a way it makes his kisses even more special because he puts in extra effort to do it. Lip kisses are of course his favorite just because of the intimacy and because if he's going to take his mask off he wants to be as close to you as possible. I will say, because of the... limit of kissing, when he does get ahold of you, his kisses end up getting real hot real fast. Even if they don't amount to anything in the end, he'll leave you breathless everytime.
He likes when you kiss him on his mask where his lips would be. He thinks it's cute. But really feeling your lips anywhere on his actual skin is great as well.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He's a little awkward with kids honestly, he likes them, but he struggles with stuff to tell them. He's super cool to kids until he opens his mouth and starts talking about healing and inner peace and such. But if given enough time or a gentle push, he'd loosen up a little and entertain them with dramatic stories of dragons and warriors.
He seems like the kind of guy who would like a family of his own. A legacy to leave behind, children of his own to watch grow and never leave them with the scars his own family left him. It'd be healing, I think, to the part of him that lost his family.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Genji always wakes up at a decent time, regardless of how much sleep he got. But, if you sleep in he won't bother you. He thinks it's important for you to get as much rest as you need, regardless of his own sleep schedule. If you insist on waking up with him, he meditates in the morning right after he eats and he'd gladly teach you how to do it with him- in fact he'd be appreciative of the company.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
It's been said in game that Genji notoriously stays up late. He has trouble sleeping and getting tired, but will insist on you going to bed without him most nights. If you're a night owl and stay up with him, it'll likely be the only time you go to sleep together. Otherwise he slips into bed as gently as he can, apologizing if he wakes you up.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He's had a complicated past. It's not everyone's business and it certainly doesn't need to be everyone's burden. Learning all he went through will take time, as will most of your relationship. It's not quite about trust, more so that there are things he doesn't wish to weigh you down with.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Mm that would depend. Genji is very patient with you, he remembers how it felt to lash out when he was angry at the world. How easily anger consumed his decisions. Even when he is angry he usually doesn't let it show outside a snide comment or two (that interaction he has with Ramattra cough cough). But when matters of your safety are involved :) whoo boy. He is a warrior, this man's rage will feel as cold and unyielding as an ocean storm. He will absolutely tear through anything and anyone to get to you. He will not come snarling and spitting, he will be a focused blade- so unwavering in its path that it pierces through even the heavens to secure you.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Considering his focus on most things I'd say it's a safe bet that he'll remember everything you tell him. Especially if it concerns things he can gift you ;)
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Your first kiss together was something special. It was a moment of utter vulnerability for him, and he tried to fit every bit of tenderness and affection and desire he felt for you all in one kiss. It was the first time he'd taken off every part of his mask in front of you too. He'll never forget it, the adoration in your eyes.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
As we discussed in Patience, Genji doesn't play about your safety. But he's not overbearing unless he's knows of an active threat on you. And even then he won't restrict you from doing anything, he'll just be close by you to make sure nothing happens. Reassuring him with your words won't do much for his worries, but he appreciates it all the same.
As for protecting him, there unfortunately isn't much you can do. He's in a dangerous line of work, but luckily he doesn't get hurt too often. On the occasion that he does, he'd appreciate you being there while he recovers. Or better yet, if you patched him up yourself.
Special! If you're an overwatch agent as well, you get paired together on missions often just because of how well you work together. You watch his back and he watches yours. He has absolutely dropped a mission to make sure you're okay though, but who can blame him?
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Genji puts maximum effort into the things he can do with you that are special. Dates and gifts are important to him and he wants them to show his love for you where his lack of physical affection or words for you fail.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He has a bad habit of losing track of time. Once he's focused on something he could do it for hours and often needs an outside force to draw him out of it. This has led to him being late to dates, events, etc but he always makes up for it.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He had to learn how to be less concerned with his appearance after it got heavily scarred. Even still with you, he struggled with intimacy for a while, showing you his body. He'd come to terms with his appearance himself but showing himself to you was different.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Definitely. He's devoted himself to you, body and soul. If you died or left him he'd feel incomplete, as if some part of him had numbed deeply. It'd be worse if you died, he likely wouldn't move on.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He calls you Uguisu, after a Japanese spring bird. They're popularly used in poetry and stories to signal the start of spring. Spring is his favorite season, it's when snow melts and makes room for new life. That's what you mean to him, new life, new invigoration. Melting the snow of his heart. <3
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He's not here to fix you, in a romantic partner he'd want someone emotionally mature. He wants to have deep talks, but to be able to talk about his life as well and the hardships he's been through.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He definitely has nightmares. If you're a light sleeper and wake up to him, he'll take off his mask just to kiss your forehead and reassure you he's fine. They're of varying variety but the worst ones these days are of you dying or going through what he went through. When he has those, regardless of if you wake up or not, he'll hug you to him tightly for a while, humming a soft tune to himself to calm down.
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