#return to hope's peak arc
No I’m not at all what are we waiting for to my research lab but before that let go to the club I’m want Ella meet kharon for the very first time then in the club room okay now yuta came out nagito you know what to do
*Yuta and Ella both appear, and engage in an embrace of love.*
Ella: I missed you, my prince.
Yuta: My lady. Now, why don't you meet my brother?
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em-dash-press · 1 year
The 5 Most Essential Turning Points in a Character’s Arc
You spend so much time creating a character because you want them to feel real. You want to connect with them and use them to create an experience for your readers. Their character arc is how that happens.
Don’t miss out on these essential turning points that make an arc feel not only whole, but complete.
1. The Inciting Incident
Your inciting incident gets your plot moving. It isn’t going to be the first sentence of your story (also called your hook), although it could be if you crafted your first sentence for that purpose.
An inciting incident is a plot event that guides your character in a new direction. It’s the successful prison break, the meeting of instant rivals, or the moment your protagonist wins the lottery in your first chapter.
Without the inciting incident, your protagonist’s life would carry on as usual. They wouldn’t start the arc that makes them an interesting person for the reader to stick with throughout your story.
2. Introducing the Protagonist’s Main Flaw
Every protagonist needs a primary flaw. Ideally, they’ll have more than one. People aren’t perfect and they rarely get close enough to only have one negative characteristic. Protagonists need that same level of humanity for readers to connect with them.
There are many potential flaws you could consider, but the primarily flaw must be the foundation for your character’s arc. It might even be the catalyst for the story’s peak.
Imagine a hero archetype. They’re great and well-intended, but they have a problem with boasting. Their arc features scenes where they learn to overcome their need to brag about themselves, but they get drunk and boast in a bar right before the story’s peak. The antagonist’s best friend hears this because they’re at the same bar, so they report the hero’s comment to the main villain. It thwarts the hero’s efforts and makes the climax more dramatic.
Other potential flaws to consider:
3. Their First Failure
Everyone will fail at a goal eventually. Your protagonist should too. Their first failure could be big or small, but it helps define them. They either choose to continue pursuing that goal, they change their goal, or their worldview shatters.
Readers like watching a protagonist reshape their identity when they lose sight of what they wnat. They also like watching characters double down and pursue something harder. Failure is a necessary catalyst for making this happen during a character’s arc.
4. Their Rock Bottom
Most stories have a protagonist that hits their rock bottom. It could be when their antagonist defeats them or lose what matters most. There are numerous ways to write a rock-bottom moment. Yours will depend on what your character wants and what your story’s theme is.
If you forget to include a rock-bottom moment, the reader might feel like the protagonist never faced any real stakes. They had nothing to lose so their arc feels less realistic.
Rock bottoms don’t always mean earth-shattering consequences either. It might be the moment when your protagonist feels hopeless while taking an exam or recognizes that they just don’t know what to do. Either way, they’ll come to grips with losing something (hope, direction, or otherwise) and the reader will connect with that.
5. What the Protagonist Accepts
Protagonists have to accept the end of their arc. They return home from their hero’s journey to live in a life they accept as better than before. They find peace with their new fate due to their new community they found or skills they aquired.
Your protagonist may also accept a call to action. They return home from their journey only to find out that their antagonist inspired a new villain and the protagonist has to find the strength to overcome a new adversary. This typically leads into a second installment or sequel.
Accepting the end of their arc helps close the story for the reader. A protagonist who decides their arc wasn’t worth it makes the reader disgruntled with the story overall. There has to be a resolution, which means accepting whatever the protagonist’s life ended up as—or the next goal/challenge they’ll chase.
Hopefully these points make character arcs feel more manageable for you. Defining each point might feel like naming your instincts, but it makes character creation and plotting easier.
Want more creative writing tips and tricks? I have plenty of other fun stuff on my website, including posts like Traits Every Protagonist Needs and Tips for Writing Subplots.
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mononijikayu · 3 days
“If i am with you” — gojo satoru.
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This is what he’d like life to always be like, he told himself. This is why he went out there and did his thing. Why he bothered with trying to change everything from within, why he was gathering allies for his vision. This was his hope. This was what he wanted, what everyone deserved. He was glad. To have a place that was his. A place to be Satoru. Not the strongest. Not Gojo Satoru. He just wanted to be who he was in these four walls. The father, the husband, the friend, the hugger, the joker, the cook, the man of the house. This is what he wanted. This is who he is.
GENRE: post hidden - inventory arc (2010s)
WARNING/S: domesticity, fluff, angst, trauma, implied death, violence, romance, hurt/comfort, character death depiction of death, depictions of loss and depression, mention of pregnancy, depiction of the aftermath of birth, depiction of parenthood, depiction of blood, depiction of killing, depiction of suffering, depiction of anxiety, mention of death, mention of grief, profanity, family drama;
LISTEN: if i am with you from the jujutsu kaisen s2 soundtrack
NOTE: i was supposed to publish this yesterday but i got distracted by the s2 of house of the dragon and crying about rhaenyra and jace and luke. i love them so muchhhhhh. but to comfort myself, i thought about what we would satoru do on father's day. and i thought about this. happy father's day, satoru!!! and to all your fathers and father figures, happy belated father's day!!! i love you!!! <3
addendum: i also started a ko-fi. im still deciding what should be there, but this is not going to be by tier, because its not fair i dont offer something in return. so until then, im just announcing and telling you that i only have one ko-fi~
u s and t h e m
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YOU DON’T THINK YOU EVER HAD TROUBLE GIVING GIFTS. For all occasions, you seemed to be the best at it. Everyone of your colleagues would say you knew them too well when they opened their presents. But you were stumped this time around. You don’t remember any time in your life where you ever failed at knowing what to give someone for father’s day. 
Your father always liked what you gave him, especially ones you worked hard to make. You still remember when your father passed, you found all the father’s day cards and trinkets you’ve made him over the years. He especially loved the mewtwo one you gave him, during his last father’s day. That one he kept on his Jujutsu uniform when he passed. 
But this time around, you think you really do not know what to give a first time father for his special day. Father’s Day was coming up, and you wanted it to be special. It was Satoru's first Father's Day as Satoshi's father, and you wanted to make sure it was memorable. Being a father was Satoru’s favorite thing about himself. And you wanted it to be great. 
You shifted things over and over for the past month. You had  pinterest boards of cute little arts and crafts. You had special sweet dishes he wanted to try. You had those little ads about the best gifts to give fathers on their special day. But nothing really was peaking your interest. They’re good but they’re not great. And your husband deserved great, nothing less.
You wanted to give him the very best, because he gives you everything. He was there the moment Satoshi was born, he was there the moment you and him took guardianship of Megumi and Tsumiki. He was always doing what he could, from always doing everything when he was around to making sure he spends time with the kids when he had time off, most especially on family Sunday.
But as days passed — there was nothing that stuck as being the great thing that one could give to the best father you know. You pouted as you slapped the top of your head lightly. You’ve dug through everything and anything in your brain for days and days and here you were, panicking as two days remained before that special day. You had to come up with something before he got home. As you pondered over what to do, your thoughts were interrupted by Megumi.
“Hey, can you help me with something?” he asked, holding a piece of paper.
You blinked at Megumi and nodded. “Yeah, what’s up?”
 “I’m trying to draw a family tree for school….”
“Uh huh….”
 “But……. I don’t know much about my mom….or my dad.” He reveals to you, face echoing a scarlet fluster. “And I don’t….really know much about the Zenin clan.”
Your heart ached for him. Megumi didn’t know your Toji nii–sama, his own father, nor did he know much about his mother. You wondered sometimes how you were robbed of your father at such a young age, but you look at Megumi and Tsumiki and you wonder how it was for them. Because you at least remembered your beloved father. And they did not have that luxury.
Megumi has had a hard time trying to remember the past. And you can’t blame him or Tsumiki. His mother passed away soon after he was born. Megumi was three when Toji nii–sama left them with that woman he remarried. And only a year or two later, she too disappeared. The world was stacked against the two of them. 
You sighed, crossing your arms. You don’t even think it would be good to talk about the family you had grown up with either. The only ones truly worth liking are Mai and Maki. The rest were not worth noting.
After all, the Zenin clan’s history was complicated and often painful. None truly needed to know more than those words. You hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. The memories of Toji nii–sama were bittersweet, filled with both love and sorrow too. And that’s not something you were ready to talk about.
Before you could decide, Tsumiki walked in with a small smile. “Gen–san! Do we have any paint? I need it for a project.”
You and Megumi blink before you returned her smile and went to search the drawers. “You need help with the project,’miki?”
“No, thank you, Gen–san.” She grins at you waving her hands. “You don’t need to, I can do it!”
“You sure?”
“One hundred present.”
You handed her a small box of paints. “Here you go, ‘miki.”
She smiled brightly. “Thanks!” She hurried off, leaving you alone with Megumi again.
You took a deep breath and prepared yourself for the memory lane. You slowly started explaining some of the Zenin family history to Megumi, being careful not to overwhelm him with too many details. The one thing you didn’t want to do was to cause him some trouble with all of this. He’s still a kid. He would be fine with trying to know this when he’s a bit older.
“The Zenin family is one of the three great sorcerer families. Your father, Toji, was... unique among them. He’s my father’s cousin, so that makes me his first cousin, once removed. But he was like a brother to me.”
“First cousin once removed? What does that mean?”
“It means we’re one generation away in relation.” You pointed it out to him on the paper. “Because he and my dad were born from siblings, they are cousins. I am his first cousin.”
He narrowed his eyes, as though trying to understand. “Then what does that make me, you and ‘miki?”
“First cousins twice removed, for me to you.” You tell him, pointing again on the paper. “But since your dads are brothers, you guys are first cousins. But there’s two generations between me and both of you.”
“And then what’s Maki-san and Mai-san to you, me and ‘miki?”
“Maki and Mai are your second aunt, they’re born from your second grand uncle.” You say to him, trying to focus to not forget details. “Maki and Mai are my…..first cousins once removed, like your dad. ‘miki and you are their second nephew and niece.”
“Since your father was their cousin?”
“Yeah, That’s right, that’s right.”
Megumi listened intently, absorbing the information. You could see him trying to piece together the fragmented bits of his past. As he started drawing his family tree, you guided him, filling in names and relationships where you could. You talked about Toji nii-sama and his wife, but only briefly. You think it would be best if he asks you about it one day. You don’t want to push much on him. The Zenin family tree was already a lot to deal with.
“Is that all you need from me, ‘gumi?” You asked him as he started to finish up his work and he nodded at you.
“Thank you for taking the time to help me, Gen-san.” You grinned at him, rubbing his head as he pouted. “You didn’t have to rub my head like that. What if I grow bald?”
“Then we’ll figure out if Shoko can use the reverse curse technique on your hair!”
As you finished helping Megumi clean up the papers, your thoughts drifted back to Father’s Day. You still had time to plan something special for Satoru, seeing as he would probably come back tomorrow. Seeing Megumi’s determination and curiosity reminded you of the importance of perseverance. You’ll get that great present for him—
You felt your eye twitch for some reason. Your husband, Gojo Satoru waved as he removed his bandages and took his dark rimmed glasses and wore them. He grinned at everyone from the genkan. You didn’t know he’d be back this soon. As soon as he stepped away from the genkan with his house slippers, he was greeted by the sight of Satoshi crawling towards him, his little face lighting up with a big smile. Satoshi had long abandoned his little blocks—his interest now was greeting his beloved father. Satoru picked him up, lifting him high into the air, making Satoshi giggle with delight.
“Hey there, little guy!” Satoru cooed, nuzzling his son with a loving gaze.
You emerged from the kitchen, surprised to see him. “You’re home early!” 
“Yeah, it was not that hard to defeat the cursed spirit this time around.” He says as you walked over to him and kissed his cheek. “So I’m here.”
“Well I’m glad you’re here, safe and sound.”
“Me too!” He cheered as he tickled your son, who laughed. “Oh, it’s good to be home with family~”
“Oh, you remember about ‘miki’s performance tomorrow, right?”
Satoru grinned. “Of course I remember! One of the reasons I even came home early. Wouldn’t miss singing ‘miki sing her heart out~”
Just then, Tsumiki came rushing in. “Satoru-san! You’re home!” she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around his waist.
Satoru crouched down to hug her properly with his free arm, with a smile. “Of course I am! I wouldn’t miss your performance for anything.”
Tsumiki beamed with excitement, her eyes sparkling. “I’m so happy you’re here! I can’t wait for you to see me sing tomorrow.”
After a moment, Satoru stood up and spotted Megumi in the corner of the room, looking stressed. “Hey, Megumi,” he greeted, concern evident in his voice. “Everything okay?”
You stepped in, explaining, “He’s still having a hard time digesting how we’re related. He asked for help in the family tree project for school. It’s been a bit overwhelming.”
“Oh? You mean the Zenin family tree?” He snickered back at you. “It’s a whole mess of a knot, isn’t it, ‘gumi?”
You lightly hit his arm. “Hey, its just as bad as the Gojo–Mikoto family tree!”
“It’s not my fault our ancestors liked each other.” You gasped at him.
“Satoru, not in front of the kids!”
“I mean….you and I are related too—”
“La la la, we shouldn’t be talking anymore–”
“You guys are so loud.” Megumi frowns as he crosses his arms on his chest.
Satoru walked over to Megumi and ruffled his hair gently. “Don’t worry, Megumi. You don’t have to worry. You finally got out of the family knot—”
“You’re insufferable, Satoru!”
“Hey, it’s not wrong if it's true!”
“Oh, I think the food's done!”
“This is going to be a long night.”
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YOU STILL DIDN’T HAVE ANY IDEAS FOR YOUR PRESENT. You wished you could hit your head on the wall, to try and get an answer. But it would hurt and you would start crying even more. So you opted to suffer in silence. Satoru wanted to be early, because he feared he’ll miss the performance.
So, you all head to the school together. Gojo Satoshi happily giggled as he was nestled in the baby carrier strapped to Satoru's chest, gurgling with delight at the new surroundings. At least your baby was the cutest boy in the world. He’s so beautiful in your husband’s arms. 
As you walk, your mind races with. You still didn’t know what to give Satoru for Father’s Day, despite texting Shoko, Nanami, and even his wife for ideas. Nothing seemed quite right. Shoko suggested making a cake for Satoru but you do that all the time already. Nanami and his wife suggested making mochi but your husband buys that all the time already too.
You could feel a heaviness in you. What do you think is worthy to give as a gift to the best father in the whole world? You still didn’t know and that frustrates you. When have you ever been this stumped over a present?
“Are you okay?” Satoru asks, noticing your distraction.
You force a smile. “I’m fine, just a bit nervous. It’s my first time attending a much bigger school function like this. Well…for the kids.”
He gives you a reassuring smile and squeezes your hand. “Hey, don’t worry. I’m sure they’ll not mind that you’re nervous.”
“Maybe you’re right…..” You let out a gruntled sigh. 
“I’m always right, darling~”
“Uh, uh, don’t push it.”
As you arrive in the auditorium, you find your seats among the other parents. The school’s auditorium buzzed with excitement, people were whispering and talking with one another. Many parents took time off to cheer for their kids too, you think.
Satoru whispered to Satoshi, about how he should cheer for Tsumiki when she comes out. You smiled at them as you look at the stage. You don’t know when Tsumiki was going to be up. But there’s quite a few teams in her grade, after all. 
Each team that came sung a song that they made themselves. It was quite impressive, seeing young kids just being so lively and artistic. Jujutsu High didn’t really have much of these things, and even then, you and Satoru really didn’t attend any schooling outside your own clan’s comforts until you were of age to attend Jujutsu High.
So both of you were going to enjoy this, enjoying watching these kids have better joys than you ever had. Satoru was quite excited, clapping along and soon followed by your son who was also giggling and clapping along with his father.
Then when it finally came time, you immediately spot Tsumiki as she giggles nervously. She comes out with her team. Tsumiki shyly sent a wave, which made her pigtails bounce slightly. She was happy to see that you were both there. Your husband waved back, enthusiastically. You smiled as you waved too. But then Satoru immediately cheers, his voice booming with pride.
“That’s my kid!” Satoru shouts proudly, his eye glasses nearly falling off. Everyone was looking at you all. “You guys, isn’t she pretty?”
“Satoru, sit down!”
“But ‘miki looks cool! I wanna hype her up!”
“But she’s about to perform!”
The music starts and the auditorium turns dark. The lighting starts on cue and Tsumiki is the first to sing. You were in awe as she started mixing that with dancing too. Satoru immediately pulled his phone out and started recording with excited giggles. But it was quick to notice how he started to shift.
When he suddenly goes quiet, eyes wide with surprise. On the back of Tsumiki’s shirt, in those bright glittery bold letters, is written, "Gojo Tsumiki." Satoru glances around, noticing that all the other kids have their last names printed on their shirts too.
Tsumiki stops at the side as attention goes to another member of her group. Tsumiki waves at Satoru, her smile brilliantly radiant. Overcome with emotion, Gojo Satoru turns his head and buries his face in Satoshi’s tiny shoulder. Satoshi lets out a sound as though asking his dad if he was alright. You sighed, patting his shoulder.
You lean in, whispering, “Are you crying?”
His voice muffled, he replies, “No, I’m not.”
After the performance, Fushiguro Tsumiki runs over to greet you both, her face glowing with happiness to have spotted you. They won the top spot today, when Satoru was the loudest for. She was waving her medal as she rushed over to you both. You take Satoshi from Satoru, freeing him to hug Tsumiki tightly.
“You were amazing out there, kid.” Satoru says, his voice thick with pride. “I’m so proud of you.”
Tsumiki smiles up at him. “Thank you, Satoru-san!”
“You didn’t have to do that, you know! I was surprised, you wore my name on your back.”
“But I wanted to.” She beams at your husband shyly. “I can’t legally change my name, but I wanted everyone to see your name on my shirt, Satoru-san. After all, you’re the dad I have.”
Satoru starts to thank her, but his words become a jumble of emotions. Warm tears stream down his face, and you realize Tsumiki too started crying and wiping her tears. You let out a small sigh and smiled at them. You quickly pull out a tissue wrap and gently wipe Satoru and Tsumiki’s cheeks.
“Thank you for this, ‘miki.” he finally manages to say. “You have no idea how much this means to me.”
She beams, her eyes sparkling with joy. “I’m glad you liked it, Satoru-san.”
“I’m going to go and hang up that shirt in a frame, okay? I’m gonna put it in my office!”
Tsumiki grinned. “I’ll be happy every time I see it there!”
“Me too!” Your husband cried with joy.
“Gugah!” Gojo Satoshi joined in.
“Yeah, what he said!”
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SATOSHI WAS FALLING ASLEEP. Satoru cooed as he cradled him back and forth, humming to your little son as he was trying to get him to sleep. Satoshi was getting cranky by the end of the picture taken for the group and when you noticed, Satoru refused to hand your little son to you. He said that he was making much of what time he had your little dawn. If he had to fall asleep, it would be in his arms. You didn’t have the heart to deny your husband, because you could see the love in his eyes shining through. And so you let him do as he pleased as you and Tsumiki sat down on the bench together.
As the program concluded, Tsumiki’s class was told that the rest of the day was to be dismissed. Since it would be time to prepare for the first term exams next month, they thought a day break is not going to be too bad. Coincidentally, it was also already nearly time to pick up Megumi. So, you decided to wait outside his classroom until his class was over. 
You were mulling over what would be a good dinner today, so you were trying to remember what you had in your fridge. Tsumiki had some suggestions and you took them in mind, but she was having cravings for something hot. And you kept thinking a spicy hot pot was going to be good. But a good question would be if your husband could take the spice. He really isn’t one to tolerate things he didn’t like. And every time you ate something spicy together, he seemed to not be as bothered. 
It wasn't long before  the bell rang in the school and you could see Megumi emerging, looking flustered. His hands were tightly pressed against his backpack straps. You quickly stood up, to take his school bag from him, but he pouts and tells you off softly. You nodded at him and ruffled up his hair tenderly with a small smile. 
Satoru was quick to ask, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Megumi replied swiftly, and sensing his reluctance to talk, no one pressed further.
Tsumiki sang as she opened the door into the house. Satoshi was found asleep in the carrier while you started to tell the kids to go get some rest before they showered. You went to the fridge immediately while your husband settled your little dawn down. Satoru emerged from the nursery and smiled at you when he immediately suggested hotpot, a cozy meal perfect for the occasion, and since Tsumiki was craving something spicy, you could just add some togarashi on her bowl. 
As you and Satoru were talking in the kitchen about how grateful you were for the kids and what you guys should do tomorrow since it was still an off day, you felt Megumi approaching you. You looked at him as he pulled at your shirt. He lowered his gaze, his cheeks round and red. He opens his mouth but he doesn’t say anything. Satoru watches as he mouths towards you, asking what's going on. But you shook your head, not knowing what to say. Megumi gathered up his courage and then slowly placed a placard from his hands to yours. You could tell he was a bit hesitant to even hand it to you.
“I didn’t think it was right to submit in a Zenin family tree.” Megumi began, his voice steady but quiet. “I barely know them.”
You and Satoru looked at the placard together. It was simple, but it was colorful enough that you could call it lively. You could tell Megumi did it, it was his style. He likes beauty in simplicity. The tree was big enough to encompass all the information that he knew about each and everyone on the tree. Just as much, tender pictures that were neatly placed.
On it, Megumi had written that you were his mom and Satoru was his dad. Tsumiki was listed as his elder sister, and Satoshi as his younger brother. The simplicity and honesty of it touched your heart deeply. On the top, he wrote, ‘my family’ in that neat lettering that you had grown so fond of.
“I had to discuss my family tree and talk about my family,” Megumi explained bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “I’m not gonna talk about strangers.”
You and Satoru looked at one another, eyes glossy with striking tears that were threatening to fall. When did you both deserve such beautiful happiness? What could you have both possibly done that made you both worthy of the love these kids have given you? You smiled at Megumi, looking at the placard again. 
Satoru’s eyes softened as he pulled Megumi into a hug, ruffling his hair with a laugh. “I’m so proud of you, Megumi. You’re right, family is about who’s there for you.”
Megumi mumbled, “Stop hugging me so tightly.” but there was no real resistance in his voice.
Satoru chuckled, “I just want to hug my son.”
“‘am not your son—”
“Too late, the placard says it. We’re adopting you!”
“We should have this framed.” You say as you gently touch the placard with a grin. “I’m putting it in the living room.”
“Please don’t do it.”
“Oh wifey, that’s a great idea!”
“It’s really not.”
“Not valid to your dad, son!”
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IT WAS AN ENJOYABLE TIME AFTER THAT.  Your beloved little dawn Gojo Satoshi woke up just as dinner was finishing, and the whole family came back out and sat on the table all together to enjoy a lovely meal. The atmosphere was warm and filled with laughter and it was how it should always be. The meal was delicious. Tsumiki was right about the spice. It tasted good on yosenabe. As you predicted, Satoru didn’t like the spice and opted for some soy sauce. Megumi was satisfied with the taste without any condiments. 
Dinner together was never quiet. Satoru made many jokes today, almost half of which are dad jokes. Megumi felt bashful about them, but you knew that he liked them. Satoshi and Tsumiki giggled at each and every one of Satoru’s little quips. You laughed too, until it hurt your cheeks to do so. If there was anyone who could be the light in the home, the one who makes life ever so beautiful, it would be your husband. 
As you ate your mushrooms over the dashi, as Megumi drank his cup of orange juice, as Tsumiki grabbed a bite of her little pudding, Satoru couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and contentment. He had never imagined having a family this warm and loving, but here it was, a reality that he cherished deeply. 
This is what he’d like life to always be like, he told himself. This is why he went out there and did his thing. Why he bothered with trying to change everything from within, why he was gathering allies for his vision. This was his hope. This was what he wanted, what everyone deserved. He was glad. To have a place that was his. A place to be Satoru. Not the strongest. Not Gojo Satoru. He just wanted to be who he was in these four walls. The father, the husband, the friend, the hugger, the joker, the cook, the man of the house. This is what he wanted. This is who he is.
After dinner, the kids played for a long while. Satoshi had the most fun, trying to force himself to stand up. Megumi was making sure that he was not gonna fall, Tsumiki was excited to see Satoshi walk towards them. But the excitement also died down and everyone went to watch a movie. Tonight was Satoru’s pick and he chose Monsters vs. Aliens. He enjoyed it quite a lot, as much as the kids did. Satoshi had a blast copying the facial expressions of Insectosaurus which cracked Satoru up for hours. 
But now the older kids had gone and went to bed, and Satoshi was playing with his puzzle pieces just behind the couch. The rest of the night was you and Satoru both staying up to tidy up the house. It was already midnight by the time you finished. Both of you lunged together on the couch, exhausted. Satoshi, now disinterested with the puzzle, went and played with his squishy toys. 
You looked at the clock and then to your husband Satoru and, with a hint of regret in your voice, said, “I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything for Father’s Day.”
Satoru looked at you and snickered. He shook his head and pulled you into a gentle embrace. “You don’t need to apologize, darling. You’ve given me everything I could ever want for Father’s Day. You made all of this possible.”
“But I just….I wanted to give you something great.”
He looked into your eyes, his expression filled with love and gratitude. “You already have given me something great. You gave me a home, warmth, and the loveliest family. It’s everything, darling. It’s more than anyone could ask for in this life.”
“I love you, my love. More than you know.”
Cerulean eyes met your lilac. “I love you too, darling. More than life itself.”
You hit his hand lightly. “You keep one upping me.”
He laughs. “I have to make sure you know I’m the one who loves you the most.”
“I already do.”
“And I’ll tell you everyday.”
“I should hope so.”
“Until we’re old and wrinkled.”
You laugh. “Is that going to be your case, handsome?”
“I reckon I’ll always be handsome.”
You sigh at him lovingly. “You always will be.”
Satoru kissed your cheek. “Thank you for being the light of my home. I wouldn’t be the father I am without you by my side.”
“And I wouldn’t be the mother I am without you.”
“If I am with you, it will be happiness.” He whispers under his breath. “If I am with you, I’m going to be alive.”
“You make me fall in love with you over and over.”
He grins at you. “That’s the point. For all of our lives and even beyond that, darling.”
You hugged him tighter, feeling the strength and sincerity of his words. In that quiet, tender moment, you realized that the best gifts are often not material but the love and support we give each other every day. As you stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms, you felt an overwhelming sense of peace and fulfillment.
 You had your family all together.
With all its warmth and love, this was it.
This was truly the greatest gift of all.
As long as you were with him, it was alright.
Life would be the best there ever was.
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You were preparing to get to bed, but Satoshi was being rowdy, and the morning sun was already beginning to peek through the windows. Satoru, seeing how tired you were, gently told you, “Go to bed. I’ll meet you there once Satoshi’s asleep.”
Grateful for his understanding, you nodded and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower. The warm water helped soothe your tired muscles, and you felt more relaxed as you got ready for bed.
Meanwhile, Satoru was cradling Satoshi, rocking him gently in his arms. Satoshi, still full of energy, reached for his papa’s face, his tiny fingers patting Satoru’s cheeks. He giggled, his eyes bright and mischievous.
Satoru smiled down at him, murmuring softly, “Come on, little guy, it’s time to sleep.”
Satoshi started babbling, his sounds turning into something more distinct. Suddenly, he said, “Dada.”
Both you and Satoru’s eyes went wide in surprise and delight. You had just stepped out of the bathroom when you heard it. A smile broke across your face, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Did he just say...?” you began, looking at Satoru.
“Yeah, he did,” Satoru replied, his cerulean eyes shining with pride and happiness. “Satoshi said his first word!”
You walked over to them, and Satoru pulled you into the embrace, Satoshi nestled between you both. “His first word on Father’s Day,” Satoru whispered, emotion thick in his voice. “It’s perfect.”
You kissed Satoshi’s forehead and then Satoru’s cheek, feeling a profound sense of joy. “Happy Father’s Day, Satoru. You deserve all the happiness in the world.”
As the morning sun continued to rise, you finally crawled into bed, feeling the comforting presence of Satoru beside you. Satoshi was peacefully asleep in his crib, the excitement of the early morning finally wearing him out.
You turned to Satoru, who was lying on his side, his eyes still glowing with the joy of Satoshi’s first word. “You know,” you said softly, “I couldn’t have planned a better Father’s Day gift than this.”
Satoru smiled, reaching out to gently brush a strand of hair from your face. “I don’t think anything could top that. Hearing him say ‘Dada’ for the first time… it’s just perfect.”
You both lay there for a moment, soaking in the tranquility of the morning and the profound happiness that filled the room. “I’ve been thinking about how to show you how much you mean to us,” you confessed, “but seeing you with the kids, seeing how much they love you, that’s what really matters.”
Satoru pulled you closer, his warmth enveloping you. “You’ve given me everything I could ever want. This family, our home, the love we share… It's more than I ever imagined. Thank you for making it all possible.”
You rested your head against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. “We did it together, Satoru. We built this life together.”
He kissed the top of your head, his lips lingering as if to imprint the moment in his memory. “And we’ll keep building it, one day at a time.”
The peaceful silence stretched on, and slowly, exhaustion began to claim you. As you drifted off to sleep, you felt a deep sense of contentment and love. The morning had brought an unexpected gift, one that underscored the beauty of the family you had created.
Satoru held you close, his thoughts echoing yours. He watched as you fell asleep, his heart full of gratitude and love. For him, this Father’s Day was not just about a celebration—it was a reminder of the journey you had taken together, the hardships you had overcome, and the beautiful life you had built.
As the sun climbed higher in the sky, filling the room with a warm glow, Satoru finally closed his eyes, ready to join you in sleep. The house was quiet, filled with the peaceful breaths of a family deeply connected by love and the promise of many more joyful moments to come.
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genericpuff · 3 months
How long do you plan making rekindled? I loved Lo at some point, But now I cant get enough of your version!! And I wanted to know how did you come up with the darker back stories for Rekindled?
I have a semi-detailed skeleton of the plot with basically every story beat planned out, but I can't definitively say how long it will be as I haven't actually scripted every single episode out yet.
Not to mention a lot of the time my scripts will change from their original versions, by the time I get to an episode I've planned ahead for I've either thought of new ways to do it or don't like how it's paced so I change it. Case in point, there was a specific scene I had planned for the next episode and then wound up not liking the pacing because it was too fast so I moved it to several episodes away and restructured everything on the fly, took a whole new text document and scrapping sketches to figure shit out LOL I actually do have up until Episode 70ish scripted out in my documents with like, actual notes and dialogue for each episode, but I already have sooo many of those crossed out now because of how much I've had to tweak and change as time has gone on. This is why I plan ahead well in advance though, so that if I do need to make those changes, I can make them long before the episodes are even due to be drawn (and believe me, they get changed during the sketching phases too LOL).
What I can confirm for certain is that the current 'arc' we're in right now is definitely the bulk of the story. And that's not to say there isn't any content afterwards, more like the pacing just gets completely turned on its head in the last 30-40% of it where shit gets N U T S and just can't go back to the same energy that it was in the beginning. Without spoiling, there's a certain 'turning point' in the plot and everything after it isn't quite as long as the stint of story we're in now. This is mostly because the arc we're currently in is still establishing a bunch of stuff like the Underworld Corp, Persephone's schooling, etc. and once that turning point hits, it's basically all character development and focusing on the consequences of everything setup in the first arc.
I guess if I had to illustrate it, the story progression in the end will look something like this?
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It's basically just this slow and chill climb that, once it hits that sharp peak, doesn't ever return to normal levels LMAO So I guess enjoy this part of the story while you can because it's the chillest it'll ever be w(°o°)w And boy, I am EXCITED for that peak, but we have a long way to go before we get there. As for how long, well, I'm hoping I'll be able to have Rekindled's story wrapped up in the next 2 years, tops. Just depends on how the update schedule goes, and assuming the plans I have put down for the plotting don't change in any major way. I don't have as much of the latter half of the story actually scripted out yet so for all I know it could wind up being way longer than anticipated, but right now I have a pretty good sense of how the story beats will play out in relation to each other.
So it's kind of a wait and see thing, at least until I have every episode scripted out, and even then I won't be 100% sure because things are always being tweaked and fixed and changed on the fly! I'm guessing it won't go much longer than 170 episodes, give or take, but that's a very very VERY rough estimate.
Regardless, Rekindled still has a lot more story to tell, and I'm hoping y'all enjoy the ride with me <3
As for the darker backstories, y'all don't even know yet. Like... I've got stuff planned. Stuff that even Banshriek (my BG assistant) doesn't know about. Stuff that I keep buried very deep in Rekindled's episode documents that won't see the light of day until they have to be ripped out of the deep dark trenches of the characters' own buried secrets, and by that point, the toothpaste will be out of the tube, there will be no going back. So, again... enjoy it while it lasts. Because I don't pull my punches. And maybe even you won't be able to look at me the same way again once the final blow has been dealt.
Sleep well.
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rollinouttahere · 1 year
Yandere Strawhats x Isekai Reader
1.8k words
This is a fic based off of @lovelybrooke ‘s One Piece Isekai Reader fics. This is just my take on what would happen if the reader joined the crew earlier. Also, even though this says strawhats x reader, it’s almost entirely just Robin.
It’s official, you never want to be in a desert ever again for the rest of your life after everything you’ve been through. First you spend days trudging through the country of Alabasta in the unbearable heat, and then what happens when you finally reach Rainbase??? Marines are immediately on all your asses. Not even a minute of rest.
You’re coughing and gasping for breath as you vault yourself over some barrels in an alleyway, but manage to quiet down long enough for the marines that were tailing you to run by. As you sit on the ground trying to get your breathing under control, you realize something. 
You’re all alone. 
Wait, what? No. How could that happen? You were just with Zoro- Oh wait. Yeah nevermind that checks out. If there’s anyone who would get separated from you while on the run it would be him. You groan and pinch the bridge of your nose as you try and figure out what to do now. Wracking your brain, you try to remember where everyone is supposed to be right now. 
It’s been awhile since you watched the Alabasta arc, but if you’re remembering correctly, Luffy, Usopp, Nami, Zoro, and Vivi either are or are about to be trapped by Crocodile. That leaves you with Chopper and Sanji, but how the hell are you supposed to find them in all this chaos. Can’t exactly go running around yelling for them, not with all the marines and baroque works agents combing the area. Maybe if you could find a change of clothes and something to obscure your face it would be safer?
“My, my, I’m surprised to see you all alone like this.”
An admittedly embarrassing yelp erupts out of you. You scramble to get up and away, but numerous arms spring out of the ground and walls around you, stopping you dead in your tracks. The arms spin you around and you see Nico Robin casually sitting on one of the barrels you were using to hide.
You want to ask what she wants with you, but all your words are lodged in your throat. The last time you saw her was right after leaving Whiskey Peak, and she was every bit as intimidating now as she was back then. Sure, she would eventually go on to join the strawhats, but until that happened, she was not someone to let your guard down around.
Your silence only seemed to amuse her, “Why so quiet, (y/n)? Cat got your tongue?” Robin gracefully walked towards you, eyes not leaving your form for a second. Her hand, a real one this time, gripped your chin. She tilted your head in several directions, looking at you as if you were some mildly intriguing puzzle.
Not liking the way she was looking at you at all, you ripped your face out of her hand and tried to give her the meanest stare you could manage. Letting her know just how scared you were right now probably wouldn’t be the best idea.”Wh-What do you want?” Oh dammit, you just had to stutter didn’t you?
Robin laughed at your attempt to look tough, clearly not convinced in the slightest. She dismissed some of her arms so she could pace around you, only keeping the ones holding your legs to the ground. She obviously didn’t find you threatening enough to concern herself with restricting your arms.
She took her sweet time answering your question, you were almost startled when she did speak up again. 
“I don’t want much from you, I’m just trying to sate my curiosity.” What curiosity? Was she hoping to get some information about the Strawhats out of you? Robin continued. “I wonder, can you tell me what exactly your role on that ship is? There’s a captain, a swordsman, a navigator, a sniper, a cook, and now even a doctor, but what,” she stopped in front of your face, “is your purpose?”
You tried to lean back to put some distance between you two, but she didn’t let you do that. Her hand returned to your chin with a much firmer grip this time, “Well? Come now, don’t keep me waiting.”
“I’m… I uh…” Robin’s question caught you a bit off guard. It stung a bit too if you were being completely honest. You didn’t need her to tell you that you were dead weight to the Strawhats. Afterall, all you had done was wake up on their ship just as they were heading for the Grand Line, and they just so happened to take pity on you and not throw you off. They were so generous to you, and for what? A little help around the ship and someone to play games with? Please. “I don’t have a purpose. I’m just a stowaway, I guess.”
The smile Robin was sporting before drooped ever so slightly from your answer, her grip loosened too, but you didn’t care enough to pull away this time. She hummed, “I would say your role exceeds that of a stowaway at this point, they’re all far too fond of you for that to be it.”
Her response confused you. How would she know how they feel about you? She’s only ever seen you with them very briefly, a few minutes at most when she appeared on the Going Merry a while back. Surely she couldn’t have gleaned much from that. Unless…. “Have… Have you been spying on us?”
She giggled at your question, “Are you really that surprised? Your crew made an enemy of my boss, of course I’ve been keeping tabs on you all. Though I’ll admit, you have piqued my interest more than I expected you would. You’re interesting, and there aren’t many things that I consider to be all that interesting.”
The rumbling noise of footsteps headed your way caught Robin’s attention, her expression hardened instantly. In a split second, more hands sprouted from the ground and pulled you down. Before you could make a noise, another hand clamped itself over your mouth. Robin turned her back to you and headed towards the entrance of the alleyway just as a group of baroque works agents approached.
“Miss All Sunday! What are you doing here?”
“Since when were any of you in a position to question me?” Her voice was harsh, a cold contrast to the warmer, playful voice she had spoken to you in. The agents were quick to realize their mistake and were frantically trying to backpedal out of what was just said. Robin huffed, “I’m here to make sure the Princess doesn’t slip away. I’ve already gone through this area and no one of interest is here, go look somewhere else.”
They didn’t need to be told twice and took off without ever having noticed you. All you could do was look up at her with a baffled expression. Wouldn’t Robin want to bring you to Crocodile, too? Sure, it’s not like you were any real threat, but it didn’t make sense to just let you go either. Maybe she had her own plans for you?
Robin turned back to you with an unreadable expression, studying you for a moment. With a sigh, she waved her hand and all the arms holding you down disappeared. Every single one. “I’m afraid I have more pressing matters to concern myself with right now,” she offered her hand to you, pulling you to your feet when you accepted it. “But… I’ll see to it that we meet again.”
With that, she spun on her heels and began walking away. You just stood there dumbly, not really sure what to make of this whole interaction. Why would she up and spare you like this? Why is she being so nice to you?
“Oh, and I think I know what your role is,” Robin looked over her shoulder at you. The look on her face was bizarrely soft, but there was a hint of something darker lurking just beneath the surface. It sent a chill down your spine and rooted you to the spot. “You’re their treasure.”
What? “Their- Their treasure???” You don’t know what you expected to hear, but it certainly wasn’t that.
Robin giggled at your blatant confusion, “Every pirate needs treasure, yes? You’re theirs, and I must admit, I can see the appeal.” Not even giving you the chance to respond to that confession, she left.
Just when you thought that this world and the people in it couldn’t get anymore confusing, she hits you with that. It made no sense, she doesn’t know you. This was the first time she’d had a conversation with you, and yet she just gave you the same strange look the Strawhats keep giving you.
Now that you were thinking about it, even Ace was acting weird when he was still traveling with you guys. He was constantly in your personal space (though admittedly, you weren’t exactly complaining about it), and kept trying to convince you to join the Whitebeard pirates. He only stopped because Luffy was getting genuinely upset about it. After that, he only asked one more time, whispering the offer in your ear as he hugged you goodbye. 
What the hell is going on?
“Wahhh, (y/n)!” You’re ripped from your thoughts by a much smaller form running up to you and attaching itself to your leg. “I got separated from everyone else when the marines showed up, I’m so glad I found you!” Chopper sounded like he was about to cry from the stress of the current situation. He looked around quickly, “Wait, where is everyone else? Don’t tell me you’re alone, too!”
You couldn’t help but chuckle, “Sorry Chopper, I’m afraid I am. Zoro got lost when we were running away.” You pat his hat, trying to reassure him. “How about we go and look for the others now that we’re together?” By others, you meant Sanji, but you weren’t supposed to know that so you’re just gonna keep that part to yourself.
“Okay, that sounds like a good idea. Are you alright, though? You didn’t get hurt while you were on your own, right?” The doctor in him came out as he gave you a onceover to look for any possible injuries. “Did something happen? You look awfully pale!”
“Oh- Um, no, nothing happened. I’m just a bit tired after running for so long, that’s it!” You forced out a laugh and hoped it didn’t sound as fake as it felt. Chopper didn’t need to know about your interaction with Robin, it would just stress him out. “Come on, Chopper, let’s get going.”
He didn’t look like he completely believed you, but he didn’t call you out on it either. Probably eager to get more people with you, wanting to have more safety in numbers. As you two slipped out of the alley, grateful to have no enemies in sight, your mind couldn’t help but go back to wondering what was going on with all the characters here.
It was so strange. If you didn’t know any better you would think they’re all obsessed with you.
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desswright29 · 10 months
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Contains: Smut(18+), Angst,
Word Count: 2.9k
Taglist: @imjusthere2readbruv,@bubbleblowinggirl, @euph0ricx0,@bellaallebbella1, @minionslikeppl, @melanated-queen, @letitiasnyash, @tishlvr, @writtenbymarie
A/n: I think you’re gonna wanna read this 🤭
You wish you’d slept. Woken up, stretched, and rolled over to find that Shuri wasn’t in the bed with you. But, that’s not how it went. You’d spent a long agonizing night awake and alone. At first you had hope. Choosing to believe that your wife would be home like she’d said she would. It was about midnight when you started getting angry. Throwing on some of her sweats, a T-shirt, and some tennis shoes, you left your home inside of the palace; en route to Shuri’s lab, hair pulled back and ready to fight. Until, half way there you realized that your heart wasn’t ready for what you might possibly find. The rest of your night was spent in a downward spiral of possibilities. What was going on in that lab? And then tears. An endless flow of tears. Because you knew. Watching the sun rise over the buildings through your open windows from your bed, the delusional thought that she was going to return home left with the nights sky and a numbness took over you. There were no more tears left to cry. 
Rolling out of bed you put on your slippers and try standing, only to fall back onto the bed. Your heart was beating fast and your body felt like it was glitching from the lack of sleep. Weak. You were weak. So, weak you found yourself crawling to the bathroom to run yourself a bath. Praying for relief. Determined not to allow her to see you like this upon her return. Somewhere inside you, you would have to find strength. But, as of now it didn’t seem feasible. Sitting on the floor back pressed against the cold tub you place your hand over your chest and let out a few painful deep breaths. Trying to ground yourself, trying to feel anything except for the pain. Telling yourself you didn’t know. You technically had no proof. But, you did know. You’d connected yourself to Shuri mind body and soul for years! You breathed Shuri, knew her through and through. Her pulling away from you felt like a literal tearing of the soul, you felt it in your gut and you could hardly breath. You let out a gut wrenching scream. Bast! You just wanted to breath. With one last gasping inhale, and whimpering shaky exhale you pull yourself to your feet and remove your robe and slippers. Gently stepping into the tub sinking into the water. 
It was so peaceful there in the water. So warm. So welcoming. If only you could just stay there forever. You held your breath for as long as you could; until you heard a door close. Quickly popping up out of the water you lean back. Pulling the wet locs from your face. Putting on your proverbial mask you prepared to pretend. The door to the bathroom quietly opened, Shuri’s head peaking through. Closing your eyes you lay your head back against the tub, to her it seemed that you were ignoring her presence, but you were only trying to hide away your bloodshot eyes. “I-I didn’t expect you to be awake so early.” Her face was filled with worry. Your lips turn up into a light smile. “Of course you didn’t dear. No worries. Just a bit of trouble sleeping.” Shuri awkwardly stood by the door shuffling from one foot to the other. “I-I t-thought you had left me. I-I’m sorry. I didn’t come home. We just got caught up in the project and you know how I get. I can fall asleep anywhere.” You finally open your eyes and look at your wife. She had on the clothes she’d left in last night. But there wasn’t a wrinkle in sight. Definitely didn’t sleep in those. She looked refreshed as though she’d gotten a full nights rest. And there wasn’t a curl on her head out of place. 
“Well I’m sorry to dissapoint. Unfortunately, I’m still here.” Shuri shot you an incredulous look. “Why would you say something like that?” After rolling your eyes, you allowed them to travel up and down her body. Taking note of every detail. “Hm.” You turn your head away, and Shuri let’s out a sigh. “What’s the matter y/n?” Letting out an unamused chuckle you reply “That’s a silly question to ask when your walking into our house at 7 am when you said you’d be home last night. But, I’m really trying not to argue.” 
“There’s nothing to argue about. We were working.”
“Ok Shuri.” Turning to send her the meanest grimace you could muster, your voice filled with pure annoyance. Huffing, she leaned against the door frame. “It’s best if you get whatever is on your mind out now don’t let it build.” A look of realization crossed over your face. “Oh that’s what this is. You hang out all night prepare yourself for an arguement and come straight in here to face the music huh. Am I not angry enough for you?” Shuri smiles shaking her head, looking down at her feet. “That’s ridiculous.” You release a deep exhale. “I would like to just be left alone Shuri.” At first, she stands there staring at you, opening and closing her mouth as though she has something to say before thinking better of it and deciding to exist the bathroom. Leaning back again you try to get yourself back into a relaxed state, but your mind began to take you on a trip once again. With a huff of irritation you get out of the tub and prepare for the day.
The smell of food being cooked wafted through the air as you exited the bathroom in your towel. Sitting on the edge of the bed you began to apply your butter. She used to do this for you. Awhile ago, she would’ve bathed you, dried you off and carried you into the room to moisturize you body, with you continually swatting her hand away from your privates.  You and Shuri had never been this distant and awkward with one another. It was begining to feel like you were living with a stranger, and not your bestfriend. Shuri entered the room dressed in a new outfit for the day. Business casual in a white short sleeved button up with tribal print placed strategically over it in various colors. She’d cuffed the sleeves showing off her beautiful biceps. The necklace holding her Panther suit peaked through the buttons left undone. She wore matching form fitting slacks that stopped right above her ankle with sneakers that brought the outfit together. One thing would always be for certain with Shuri, and that was she looked damn good. You could smell her from the door way. “Sthandwa, I know I said I’d make it up to you today. But-“
“You’re going back to the lab.” You interrupt. 
“ibaluleke kakhulu (It is very important)” Licking your lips you look her up and down. “kuya kubonakala kunjalo (It would seem so)” Your head cocked to the side and your eyebrows furrowed. Yes, Shuri had a swag like no other. But, this was not her typical lab look. She knew it and so did you. Your heart stuttered as she walked towards you kneeling in front of you. “I know I’ve been making some empty promises. But, I’ll be sure to be home tonight. We can snuggle, watch movies, whatever you want to do my love. I’ve already made breakfast for you. Why don’t you relax and get some rest today, or go shopping with Tolu or something. Hm?” Watching her skin glisten with Cocoa butter and smelling her intoxicating scent, like a vanilla bourbon, had you feeling things. Her lips were as smooth as butter you couldn’t take your eyes off of them. You couldn’t think straight. So nodding you tell her. “Just go.” Quickly she pecked your lips three times and headed for the door.
“I’ll see you later, Ubusi”  And with that she was gone again. Sitting there listening to the silence and smelling her lingering scent you removed your robe, and began to finish moisturizing your body. As you rubbed the whipped butter all over your body your mind wandered to your wife’s beautiful hands, and how they would caress your body just like this. Massaging your breast, your waist, your thighs, your ass. How her breath would caress your neck as she’d hold you close. Whispering sweet nothings in your ear in your native language. Your body quivered at the thought. Quickly, your mind shifted, and your wife’s hand were roaming the body of Riri Williams. Realization that you’d just sent your wife into the arms of another woman; looking and smelling irresistible while you sat at home pouting, pissed you off. 
Going over to your full body mirror you looked at your naked body. Only slightly taller than Riri, your body was curvaceous, chocolatey, and buttery smooth. Your ass sat perfectly as did your breast, waist sitting perfectly in between almost nonexistent. Your face is striking. Big deep dark almond shaped eyes and beautifully plump lips . Your thick shoulder length loc’s frame your face perfectly. A sight to behold is what you are. That’s not all. You were also the most notable herbalist in Wakanda. Having created healing ointments and medicines for many fatal diseases. A doctor of herbs. A scientist. No longer practicing so that you could be Shuri’s dedicated wife. Only for her to fall for a beautiful little engineer. Why were you sitting and allowing this to happen? When you couldn’t come up with a good answer, you headed to your closet. No more tears. It was time for retribution. 
Strutting down the hallway in your strappy stilettos, you were on a mission. Wearing a sexy long olive green silk sundress with reddish orange flowers decorating the bottom. It had a corset back causing your juicy shimmering breast to sit up high, and a slit up to the hip, and your panties were nonexsistent causing your ass to have a mind of its own. Your locs were worn loose and the majority were tossed to the left side of your head. The heads of staff walking by snapped as you made your way to the lab. Two Dora stood in front of the doors shocked at the sight of you. You gave a slight nod signifying that you wanted entry. They saluted you and opened the door. “Good morning your highness”
“Good morning” You reply, returning the salute, continuing your path down the bright hall lined with Dora who saluted as you walked through. “Panther, your wife has entered the lab” Griot announced. Stopping at the entrance, You scanned the room watching all of Shuri’s scientist work diligently, while trying not to gawk at you. That’s when you spot her. Upstairs by her office with Riri. Riri wore dark brown cargos  that hugged her hips and ass just right. With a black cropped tank that showed off her toned stomach, and black combat boots. A single gold rope chain was the only jewelry she wore. It appeared they’d been in deep conversation before you arrived. Riri sitting on a lab table with Shuri practically inbetween her legs. Your jaw flexed. Shuri stepped back at the sight of you, Riri stared at you as you strutted over to the stairs your hips moving in a figure eight as you walk up the stairs in their direction. The click of your heels resounding throughout the area. Shuri couldn’t  take her eyes off of your body. And Riri looked visibly annoyed by your presence. Lucky for her she wouldn’t have to deal with it for long. 
“H-hey sthandwa, what are you-“ Shuri began, but you quickly fist the front of her shirt, pulling her along with you to her office not even acknowledging Riri’s presence. Leaving the door slightly open, you push Shuri up against her desk, and began unbuttoning her shirt. “What the hell is going on.” She whispers. Your hand immediately comes up and grabs her by the throat. “Shut up.” You say directly into her ear, nosing down her neck placing butterfly kisses along the way as you tightened your grip a bit. “Uya kwenza njengoko mna (you’re going to do as I say)”. 
“Y/n, what are you doing?”
“Shut. The fuck. Up.” She was taken aback. But she was silent. Intrigued. With her shirt now opened you slide your manicured hand from her neck down along her abs. Feeling them shiver under your touch. “Yes ma’am?” You place your demand in the form of a question. Shuri nodded under your spell. “Yes ma’am” she whispers in a seductive tone.
“Good Panther.” Your lips grazed hers as you spoke. Your finger moving up and down the line in the center of her stomach, her abs contracted from the tickling sensation. With that you threw your heeled foot up onto the desk beside her, sexy leg glistening in the fluorescent lighting. Shuri groaned moving to touch it and you smack her hand. “Uh uh, No touching. Activate the strap.” Reaching down you began to unbuckle her belt and pants, sliding them down as she obeyed your request. The strap appeared overtop of her boxers as you slid them down. Slowly you begin stroking. Shuri’s eyebrows furrowed as she bit her bottom lip, groaning in response to your touch. “Hands on the desk, and don’t move them until I say so.” You rub the tip of the strap through your folds a few times before you slide it inside, with one leg up on the desk one straight on the floor, demonstrating your flexibility. Shuri’s mouth fell open and her eyes rolled back as your pussy gripped the girth of her special strap. Using her waist to balance yourself you began to ride. “O-Oh, Oh Fuck” she stuttered as you moved her body against hers. For a minute both of you just stared into eachothers eyes mouths wide with pleasure, unable to find the words to describe the feeling, the only sound that could be heard was your juicy pussy squelching. Her eyes were wide with shock and excitement as she moved her hips to match your thrust. “Ooo yea.” You breathed. “This feel good to you baby?” You ask. 
“Yea. Yes. Bast it feels so good baby.” Shuri had a death grip on the desk. Trying not to grab your ass. “Yea?” Moving faster you bring your arms up around her neck as your ass began to clap on her dick pulling a long growl from Shuri’s chest as you hear the desk start to crack under Shuri’s grip. Your hand finds her throat again. “Who’s making you feel this good? Huh?” 
“Uhn. Shit! You are Nkosazana.” You squeeze tighter. “What’s my name?” you say riding harder. “Ah. Y/n.” She whimpered. Squeezeing a little tighter you demand “Louder!” 
“Fuck baby! Y/n!”
“Who’d you make this dick for baby.”
“You Y/n” She whined loudly. 
“Who else can ride this shit like me!”
“Uhn, NOBODY! Nobody riding this shit like you. Fuck! Please! Please let me touch you!”
“Uh uh, Who’s dick is this?”
“It’s yours baby fuck” Her eyes were watering, practically crying, she wanted to touch you so bad. “What’s my name Shuri?”
“Y/n!” You grabbed her face with both hands, staring into her eyes, legs starting to buckle. “What’s my fucking name Shuri!”
“Y/n Udaku!”
“Who’s dick is this!?”
“Y/n Udaku’s! ” She threw her head back screaming and panting her hips continuously ramming up to meet yours. “Good girl. You can touch me now.” As soon as you said the words there was a crash, as all the items were removed from Shuri’s desk. She had your ankle on her shoulder now and you were now pressed against the desk as she pounded into you mercilessly with her hands full of your ass, her mouth over top of yours as if she wanted to swallow you. You stick your tongue in her mouth in a sloppy kiss. “FUUUCK ME SHURI!” You yell in pure passion, and also so that EVERYONE could hear. “I’m going to cum so hard! So deep inside you, pretty girl! Is that what you want?” She says. “Yes! Shuri give it all to me! Give me all of my cum. I’m cumming with you!” She attaches her lips to yours once more as her hips begin to stutter. As she starts to cum she bites down hard onto your shoulder and you scream out in pain and pleasure, as you scratched at her back through her shirt.  The pain and pleasure mixture quickly brings you to your own orgasam. Curses, Ah’s, Oh’s, and Bast’s filled the room. 
You both held tightly onto eachother as you caught your breath, recovering from your orgasams. Slowly, Shuri stood and pulled out of you begining to fix her self. Looking down at you looking at your glistening pussy. “Fuck” she said, looking as though she was under a spell. Standing and fixing your dress, you grab Shuri by her opened shirt as she rebuckled her belt, pulling her into a sloppy kiss. “I’ve gotta go. But I’ll see you tonight. No later than 8pm” You turn to leave; leaving no room for discussion. As you walk towards the door you hear a gasp. “Was that open the whole time!” You turn and give her a wink before walking out. To your surprise Riri was still there. Welder in hand and jaw clenched. You smiled. “Welcome back to Wakanda” You say walking away all eyes on you in pure shock as a mixture of you and Shuri’s cum ran down your thigh. 
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inosukes-boar-mask · 17 days
Some cc female characters that I think that deserves so much better (in my opinion)
1. Zoe Kusama deserves so much better. I honestly don't understand why some people don't like her like that girl had been through a lot of difficult situations in her life and she literally just wants to help people. And not gonna lie, it's honestly very sad that her life ended that way. I did not care that much about her character at first when season 5 was still ongoing. But rewatching some of the cases where she's involved... It made me realize how tragic her life has been. Especially losing your memory and not remembering your lover (who has been looking for her for so long)
2. Amy Young. This girl deserves a better mother. She's just so sweet and I honestly felt so bad for her during white peaks arc. I don't remember the other details but yeah, it's really sad that she had to deal with her narcissistic mother.
3. Bernadine Rochester. Like this woman has been through a lot in her life just because ber family is so hungry for power. She wasn't even doing anything bad and she also just lose some family member that she cares a lot. (Especially Leopold and probably Archie of course) and I wouldn't be surprised if every single person in Concordia is still blaming her for all of the atrocities her family had done... Like that's just so sad. Imagine you didn't even do anything wrong and there are some people who would be blaming you blah blah blah (i yap a lot on this one now) and if I were her, I would have immediately cut off my ties with that filthy, morally corrupt family and completely disappear from them forever. And she also could've had her own revenge arc or a villain arc though.... That would've been so interesting.
4. Giulietta Capecchi. Do I even need to explain this one? 👀👀👀 Like this girl just lost the people she cares about. First her sister, then her dad, her boyfriend, and lastly, her mother who just went to jail. And speaking of Franca going to jail, it's also sickening that she tried to kill her only daughter just because she's in love with an Irish man... And in the capitol peak arc too 😔😔 i have no other words to say on this one. But I do really hope that she only served a short prison sentence on this one because she really didn't mean to kill a person and it was just an accident. (I know Jaubert's a bad guy but still) all of these stuff happened just at the age of 19. She doesn't deserve to suffer like that. A d everyone doesn't deserve to suffer like what Giu has been through.
5. Gladys Perrin. I'll make this short but yeah, her life was really cut short and she's just trying to make more money just so she could pay for her mom's medicine, hospital bills amd stuff... It's sad that she doesn't get that enough money from the barber shop so she has no choice but to return to her old job... Then poof she just got killed and she's just 19 when she died 😔 pain.
I think there are some more female characters that should be on this list but my memory's kinda shit rn and I still haven't rewatched some of the seasons fully so yeah, leave some in the comments of who you think deserves better in life.
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funishment-rhyme · 1 month
Ten Ways To Say The End
The final thoughts of Trigger Happy Havoc's victims. Inspired by DR2's post-trial Easter eggs in chapter 5.
⭐ WORDS: ~500 ⭐ TAGS...
CHARACTERS: Sayaka Maizono, Leon Kuwata, Mukuro Ikusaba, Chihiro Fujisaki, Mondo Owada, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Hifumi Yamada, Celestia Ludenberg, Sakura Ogami, Junko Enoshima
TIMELINE: Hope's Peak Academy arc
TRIGGERS: canonical major character deaths
MISC: experimental, last words, angst
1. leon leon 1eon 7eon they’re gonna KNOW they’ll figure it OUT he’ll figure it out you’ll you’ll no no you’ll get wrinkles sayaka let’s think of the crane the crane sayaka thecrane thecrane it’shealthy healed flying against the sun and it has greeneyes free
2. ?
this must have been a. no you didn’t. didn’tmeanit. do you guys see? this? shenever. she’sjust. junko. how could you livewithout. ohdon’tgethurt. junkostaysafe. showmethatyou’resafejunko. showmethatyou’re. ryoko. ryoko. showme iunderstoodyou
3. bastards bastards you all would have done the same you all would have acted exactlythesame no don’t i’m not a dog notadog i’m not an animal i have feelings i have myfamily i have godplease i’m sorry i’m (!) what is that (!) i’m sorry i’ll go back to baseball if (!) i’ll stop making music if (!!) no (!!!) no (!!!!) atleast (!!!!!) letme (!!!!!) see (!!!!!) her (!!!!!) face (!!!!!) again i could make her UNDERSTAND stupid!stupid!stupid!stu
4. i think with you i can. i think with alter ego i can. there’s something inside me that’s. better than i’d ever hoped and i. no you’re upset you’re yelling stop yelling why are you yes yes i know you’re strong you’re strong that’s why i 
[ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'CHIHIROFUJISAKI']
                             bear                   making 
                         funofmebut               a promise
                       between                                guys
                like us                                         aint something
                        youbreak                          andi’m
                                 not                         sorry
                                     daiya             taka
6. punctuality is (are they angry) punctuality is the key to (with me?) respect for yourself (i would be) for others (they died because of) how can we escape if (i could have stopped) how can we make a better world if (i could have stopped this if i’d)
ah the lights are certainly bright in here ah chihiro !! you’re ??
?? mondobro isthatyou??
7. (YA) my little white rabbit!!! how will she! 
(SU) >tfw die in the arms of a pretty 3D girl??
(HI) erase my browser history mr naegi!!!
(RO) tell fujiko that i!!!! oh!!!!! save her!!!!!!!!! save her save me
8. well the house always wins (warm) o the tragedy (hot) o the mob yearning for my how you say death? hm hm hm (hotter) pardonnez moi monsieur kuma but i did it on purpose hm hm hm hm (searing) (searing) let them eat bear (headlights?) perhaps we’ll meet again in a
dontputtaekoonmygrave DONTPUTTAEKOONMYGRAVE 
9. my dojo my life my friends you will all remember the springs we had together once more. and. aoi. hina. hina you will live. hina you will be happy. 
an old silent pond;
a frog jumps into the pond—
hina that spring will return.
splash! silence again
10. we ate the MOON! we ate the SUN! despairofdeath despairofdeath despairofdeath despairofdeath despairofdeath despairof sixteen horsemen of the apocalypse, baby!!! despairofdeath despairofdeath despairofdeath despairof kali yuga! seven SUNS! seven SEALS! black!! white!! red!!! despairofdeath despairofdeath despairofdeath despairoffriends belovedbelovedbelovedfriends the circle cannot hold etc etc how could i resist falling in love with
pu hu
junkofuckinenoshima OUT!! heart you bitches classdismissed 
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tobiasdrake · 1 month
love your db analysis posts! i'd love to hear your thoughts on ultimate gohan, if you have any. between him having little to no reaction to finding out everyone on earth is dead, and randomly letting gotenks fight buu instead of himself, he did not seem to be the same character at all to me, and iirc even piccolo says so, i just... find it hard to believe a non-rage-triggered power-up would do that to him.
Much like Android 16, I do wonder if there were more plans for Ultimate Gohan that wound up being scrapped by the shift in narrative direction.
We're first introduced to the concept of Ultimate Gohan as the Elder Kaioshin is explaining his abilities.
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Gohan's dormant power has long been a recurring attribute of his character. In fact, this isn't the first time he's had an elderly sage draw out his dormant power.
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Teaching him to draw out and control his dormant abilities was (stealthily) part of Goku's training with him. That Gohan was finally starting to make it his own and tap into his true ki is the reason for why he was repeatedly unimpressed by Goku's abilities.
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Gohan didn't even realize it, but through his mastery of the Super Saiyan, he'd also begun to take control of and internalize the tremendous ki he'd always had stored away in him. And as he came into his own ki, what he could sense of Goku's ki proportional to his own didn't make sense to him.
Super Saiyan 2 was, then, the culmination of Gohan's development. His full power, channeled through the Super Saiyan and its amplifying effects - both for better and, uh, for worse.
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But it's been seven years and Gohan's been indulging in his true love of academia, in accordance with the agreement Goku and Chi-Chi made about his future.
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Goku may have successfully escaped having to get a job by conveniently dying at the last possible second, but Gohan's future is set on a course. He's going to be an academic. It's what Chi-Chi wants for him, and it's what Gohan wants for himself; Even Goku acknowledges that.
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Seven years of rigorous study and zero martial arts practice later, Gohan isn't the guy anymore. In fact, examining just how much Gohan isn't the guy anymore is the whole point of his fight with Dabra.
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Goku eyeballs Dabra as being roughly around Cell's power. This allows Dabra to serve as a yardstick for Gohan, so we understand what it means for him when he fails to measure up.
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Gohan that was a Zanzoken/Afterimage. Nobody even does those anymore. They became obsolete after ki-sensing was normalized, because everyone can now easily sense which "image" is the real one. The one other time we saw a Zanzoken return post-23rd Tenkaichi Budokai, it was against Frieza, who can't sense ki.
Dabra is mocking you right now. He legit thinks you're so shitty at martial arts that you'll fall for this amateur-hour guff. And he's right.
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I kinda feel Geets here. If I had to watch my last chance to ever fight my rival get wasted on this, I'd be losing my mind too. He fucking fell for a Zanzoken; Can I just take over already?
So. Yeah. Full Power Gohan isn't a thing anymore. He can still tap into the form - and for some inexplicable reason so can Goku and Vegeta - but this is no longer Peak Potential. Which is where the Elder Kaioshin comes in.
This is a classic formula of Dragon Ball. We've seen it in the RRA, Piccolo, Saiyan, Namek (twice!), and Android arcs. First, Goku gets the shit kicked out of him - sometimes even to the point of being presumed dead.
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While the surviving cast members scurry about trying to find a way to face the bad guy, Goku - sometimes unbeknownst to them, sometimes not - is recovering and preparing to come back stronger than ever. This typically takes the form of some sort of godly trial or ordeal guaranteed to make him stronger than ever.
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Then, at the 11th hour when all else has failed and all hope is lost, Goku makes his return to have one last epic battle for the fate of the world/universe/cosmos.
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This is the Dragon Ball formula. Has been since the day the Four-Star Dragon Ball saved Goku's life from a lethal Dodonpa. Of course, getting Gohan back up to speed isn't going to be enough, since Majin Buu in his weakest form was able to do this to our Cell-adjacent yardstick.
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I wonder what Dabra Cookie tastes like? I imagine it's like the wafer part of a Keebler cookie. Sugary and nice on its own but better with fudge.
So. Yeah. If Gohan's going to throw hands with Buu, he's going to need more than the power he fought Cell with. Fortunately, that's the Elder's specialty, and what makes this different than that other time Gohan had his dormant power drawn out.
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That's right, we're limit-breaking again. Not the limits of human ability, the limits of Saiyan ability, or even the limits of Super Saiyan ability; We're limit-breaking Gohan specifically. Elder Kaioshin's abilities can not only draw out Gohan's full dormant ability but push it beyond Gohan's natural limits.
Full Power Gohan? Nah. This is Limit-Breaker Gohan. Not his full potential; Beyond his potential. Something entirely different from the Super Saiyan, but similar enough that he doesn't require much alternative instruction.
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Kinda feels like a thing that shouldn't be able to exist, to be honest. After all the time that's been put into things like the strain of the Kaio-ken on a body, the effects of Frieza having power beyond his limits, or even what trying to use Super Saiyan 3 in a mortal body does to Goku in this very arc.
The idea of Gohan channeling ki beyond his limits seems like it should have some drawbacks, doesn't it? We do get some hints that something's weird about Gohan's new power. Piccolo can't even recognize his ki signature in this state.
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This form is doing some weird shit to his ki. And, as Piccolo notes, Gohan's harder now. Gohan is here to take care of business, and nothing is going to get in his way.
But. Then. The switch happens. Suddenly, Gohan is no longer the protagonist and we need a way for Majin Buu to suddenly be too much for Gohan to handle. So we go from this:
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To this:
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In the span of two chapters. All so that Buu can ass-pull a brand new ability that's never once been mentioned before even though Kaioshin will later cop to having seen him do it twice, that will instantly make Ultimate Gohan stop being a solution to this problem two chapters after his debut.
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A plan that, in fact, he began putting into place one chapter after Ultimate Gohan's debut. Never in the history of Dragon Ball has a brand new form or ability been obsoleted this quickly.
And then Gohan was basically thrown in the dumpster and this was never spoken of again, with Ultimate Gohan just becoming his new Strongest Transformation in follow-up products. You can feel the climactic final act being aggressively aborted around him, in favor of Goku and Vegeta's third act.
Hell, at one point, Goku even suggests bringing in Gohan to fight Pure Buu. Y'know. Since Ultimate Gohan is the strongest in the universe and all that. But Vegeta nopes it.
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No explanation offered. He's just like, "That's not the plot anymore; Try to keep up, Kakarot." To be fair, Goku had a chance to bring Gohan into this too. They're both aggressively elbowing Gohan out of the spotlight here.
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Mad disrespect.
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sillylovingpupper · 3 months
I want to talk, uh, about Firefly. There will be spoilers for Honkai Star Rail 2.0
So the driving force behind 2.0 is Firefly; the current arc we're in has wider implications, but 2.0 was pretty clearly set up to introduce you to Penacony and get you to emphasize with Firefly. She is clearly designed to tug at your heartstrings. It's...pretty naked what the writers were hoping to invoke, but I want to rewind a bit. I want to talk about a certain scene, and how it relates to me, and...probably quite a few people reading this. I want to talk about Entropy Loss Syndrome.
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I have very little doubt we'll hear more about it in the coming content; I keep myself away from leaks so I don't know if it's confirmed or not and I don't want to know. Everything I want to talk about is in this cutscene right here. Entropy Loss Syndrome is described as "irreversible chronic disassociation of your physical structure." Essentially, your body slowly breaks apart. Firefly explicitly says that it happens so slowly that it's hard to even notice from the outside.
This is the part that made me sit up and take notice, though.
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Because while I can't tell you the date? I can tell you the year I noticed this happening to me.
This is the part where I need to tell you a bit about myself.
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I was...a relatively healthy person, once upon a time. I wouldn't say I was in the peak of health, but physically I was quite capable, especially when it came to stamina and endurance. I prided myself on being able to walk further, last longer, and do more than other people. I couldn't go as fast as some or lift as much as some, but I could do it longer. And that was taken advantage of. I was a lowerclass American, of course it was. From the age of 17 to the age of roughly 29, the only period longer than six months that I didn't have a fulltime job was the semester and half of college, and the CNA training, that I attended. And in each of those jobs? I made myself indispensable because of the stamina I prided myself on. I'd work doubles, I'd work days in a row, I'd skip breaks, all without complaining. Which leads me to 2019.
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After a year of difficult work as a CNA, involving...a lot of interpersonal drama at around the same time I was realizing I was transgender, I...buckled, in 2016. I left that line of work and took the first job that accepted me; McDonalds. At that point, I lived alone with my cat, and I had come to accept that was my fate. I would live alone, work at McDonalds until something happened, and move on to...a similar job, and so on until I died. I simply lost my desire to live, a desire that wouldn't return until early 2018 where, for some reason, against all odds, I pulled myself to a therapist. In 2019, I had, without any true intent on my part, ascended to the role of manager, and found myself shuffled to night shift. I took pride in my work, humble and underpaid as it was, and applied the same stamina and endurance to it that I had my previous jobs. ...until something changed. It was slow at first. I didn't even notice it, I wrote it off as a series of bad days...but thoughts were slightly out of reach. The amount of sleep I needed started to increase. The amount of time it took me to complete an order or clean an area increased. The distance I could walk or ride my bike started to shrink. I ran out of breath slightly easier. Truthfully, this had started happening when I was a CNA, but only on great exertion. I can't say it came from being less active, because of anything, I was more active, as I didn't have a car or the ability to drive...but increasingly I found myself unable to do anything but go to work, and even then, I needed more rest than before.
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Fortunately, I was able to move in with some friends in mid 2020, and I haven't worked since, not for pay. I did promise them, in exchange for supporting me, I'd do housework; cook, clean, and support them however I could. A promise I have kept to this day, to the best of my abilities. But those abilities were continuing to shrink, and still do to this day. They noticed then, and they do now.
I went from being fiercely independent and active, to relying on a cane to keep myself stable and prevent falls, to now, where I can't even grocery shop on my own without leaning on the cart or using a motorized cart. I own a wheelchair for especially bad days. ...my thoughts and memories escape me on a nearly daily basis now, and I've found days, every now and again, slip through my fingers.
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I've seen doctors, and none of them understand it, not entirely. There's been...theories, and a handful of things that contribute. Dehydration, sleep apnea, issues with my inner ear, even my HRT. Nothing that explains the fullness of it, though. Words like Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia are being thrown around, but we can't even point to a clear infection that could have triggered any of those. And all of this terrifies me. There's a part of me that just keeps telling myself that I'm getting older, that it's normal to slow down as you age...or that maybe it's diet, or getting the wrong kind of exercise. But at the end of the day...I'm losing abilities that I prided myself on. Abilities that I loved. I've found myself largely bound to my house and...
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To be honest, I've told myself I'm fine with that. I've painted for myself a beautiful picture where I keep myself at home, take it easy physically and even mentally, and live a peaceful life. There's a part of me that even sees this as the best possible ending for me, but... with even my cognition slipping away from me...what kind of life can I have?
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I've gotten through so much of my life, done things that I would have thought were impossible, simply by convincing myself they weren't. That nothing was impossible to a mind that believed. So Firefly means a lot to me because while she has a name for it, and I don't...both of us find ourselves in a body that's slowly betraying us. And Firefly was the first time I've seen someone on screen who had the same kind of struggle as me, and who also chose to keep walking forward and dreaming despite of it. I don't know what kind of life I'll have. I still don't even know for sure if this...whatever it is, is even real and not a result of me overreacting to getting a little slower and my mind filling in the gaps. But...whatever lies ahead of me...I hope that I can still live it brilliantly. I hope maybe one day, I can be the kind of person I was once again, even if I have to take it in smaller bites.
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rays-of-fire-and-ice · 2 months
To Watch Over You
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Rating: K+/General with mild themes
Setting: mostly between the end of the Invasion arc and the beginning of the Arrancar arc.
Synopsis: Momo recalls when she woke up after Aizen’s betrayal, and the guilt that it entailed.
AN: a random drabble I wrote while in the middle of writing the winner of my latest poll. I realised after writing this I’d like to write more about Momo after Aizen left the Soul Society and she recovered in Fourth Division.
It’s a scenario I don’t think is likely to have occurred, but I still wanted to explore it.
Anyhow, hope you enjoy it!
It’s a small memory, one that Momo doesn’t care to recall often.
The first thing she remembers is the smell, a combination of medicinal and sterile scents. Before even she blinked her eyes open, she knew it was Fourth Division.
It was dark, with only a faint ceiling light and the moonlight peaking through the curtained windows illuminating the room. She got lost watching the faint shadows of tree branches dancing across the ceiling, forgetting for a moment she’d just woken up with no memory of what had happened before.
 Slowly, her other senses came back to her. Her mouth was dry and tasted bitter. Her skin was also dry, a sheet came up to her shoulders, and her head rested on a firm pillow. Her toes were cold, but her fingers were warm. Her left arm rested over the sheet, and in her peripheral, there was an IV bag and the tube led to somewhere underneath her sleeve. A drowsy fatigue lingered, making her eyelids head, whispering for her to close them and return to the darkness.
What kept her from doing so was the pain that came from her abdomen. It simmered beneath whatever the officers had administered her with to dull it. She didn’t move a muscle, afraid to flare it up.
When she parted her lips to call out for someone, she couldn’t find her voice. How long had she been here for?
She concentrated on the ceiling, but her head was fuzzy. Her mind swirled around, making coherent thought impossible. Memories wanted to rush forward, but she pushed them back down with what little strength she had. It didn’t stop her from remembering the source of the pain, and without realising, she’d lifted her hand beneath the covers and put it over her abdomen.
She bit hard on the inside of her lip as her eyes stung and clouded with tears. She couldn’t block out the memory of Aizen’s smile. It had been warm and gentle, but suddenly morphed into something cruel and victorious. Then, it vanished, and she’d fallen to the floor. She’d barely felt the pain and could only stare ahead as darkness crept in.
She shook her head, trying not to sob. He couldn't have done it, she must be misremembering. And if he had, it surely wasn't of his own volition. Someone was controlling him somehow.
She should get someone. She opened her mouth again to try and call out, but when she turned her head to the right, she was rendered speechless.
Toshiro sat in the chair beside her bed, his arms loosely folded and his head craned to the right, almost resting on his shoulder. His eyes were shut, and to Momo’s muddled bafflement, he was asleep.
The sight of him is enough to make the memories fall back. The beginnings of a smile twitched on her lips, temporarily forgetting where she is and other painful memories that threatened to surface.
How can anyone sleep like that? she wondered. It’s going to hurt if he stays like that.
She gingerly began to sit up. She cringed at the stiffness of her arms, but still used them to push herself up. She kept her legs still, even as the abdomen pain flared up. She struggled for a moment,and her skin almost broke out in a sweat when the threatened pain became too much.
It was as though she stood on edge of a cliff, with another cliff in front of her she needed to jump to. For a moment she got lost on that idea, imagining the scenario playing out her head. She frowned when a almost a whole minute had passed and she hadn’t done anything else. My head’s a mess.
With a grunt, she forced herself the rest of the way up -- she did this while absently imagining herself jumping to and landing on that other cliff. She caught herself from doubling over, hands flying ahead of her to land on either side of her sheet covered legs. Her hair, tied in a side pony tail, fell over her left shoulder.
The fatigue was stronger, coming crushing over her in a wave. She tried to shake it off, gritting her teeth as she forced herself to lean back until her back was against the pillow and headboard.
She returned her attention to Toshiro. He hadn’t stirred. She isn’t surprised; he’d been able to sleep through loud booms of thunder whenever she slept over at his house when they were children.
He’d been close, his elbow only centimeters from the edge of the bed. She reached across, planning to shake his shoulder. Her hand stilled before she could touch him, her pinkie and ring fingers only a hair’s breadth away from his haori.
Something in her caused her to hesitate. She watched her childhood friend sleep. The light illuminated the side of the face she could see, showing her faint bags under his eye. Why wasn’t he sleeping?
Several heartbeats later, the image of Toshiro staring at her in shock hit her. Her eyes stung anew and she snatched her hand to cover her mouth. Her chest clenched, almost as painful as the abdomen. Tears flowed down over her fingers.
What have I done?
She’d raised her sword against him, had betrayed his trust, and thought him a murderer despite her reservations. She’d been conflicted when she’d confronted him, so determined to believe in Captain Aizen’s final wish but doubting – knowing completely – that Toshiro wouldn’t be capable of such a heinous crime.
She must apologize to him and explain what was going through her mind. She tried to think of where to start. Any ideas or words she began to conjure up were tumbled away by the disorientation in her head and the memories making her chest hurt. The overwhelm her, images flashing of what happened, until she can't take it and buries her head in her hands, almost screaming for them to stop.
The movement of her arm caused the pole the IV was attached to to clatter behind her. With a gasp, she peaked through her fingers at Toshiro. He stirred, falling further to the right, and his elbow shifted into his lap, out of reach. He did not wake.
Slowly, as if her hands were keeping the memories at bay and removing them would cause them to flood her mind, she drew her fingers away. She focused on her breath, trying to catch it.
She was scared to speak with him, but she also needed to. She wanted to seek forgiveness, but he may not give it to her. It’s within his right not to, and that hurts her…and yet some part of her hoped, or perhaps even knew, he might.
It wasn’t enough to make her reach out for him again.
“I’m not ready.” she whispered to herself, a tremor running through her raspy voice. “I’m sorry, Shiro-chan...but I'm not ready.”
Despite the pain in her chest abdomen, the fatigue came rushing back like a wave rapidly crashing in during a high tide. It was stronger this time, enough to convince her to let it ebb her away back to the darkness. Her movements became slow and sloppy when she wiped away her tears and eased herself back down. She tried to lie as she had before, her left arm over the covered, her legs straight, and her head turned to the ceiling.
She couldn't turn her head back to the ceiling, however. She continued to stare at her childhood friend. He's at peace now, and she'd almost disturbed it. But really, hadn't she done so already?
I'll talk to him tomorrow, she thought absently, I'll know to say by then.
The last thing she saw before shutting her eyes was Toshiro, still asleep.
She’s brought out of her reverie when the Captain-Commander gives her the cue to come forward. She finds the strength against the nerves to walk forward, coming past Yamamoto and Chojiro, but only staring at the gigantic screen before them.
Momo's heart palpitates as she watches Toshiro expression change from confusion to shock. He murmurs something she doesn’t hear. As she approaches, more memories come flooding back. They make her raise a hand to chest, as if to ease the squeeze they cause to her heart.
He says her name, and she can only say his back in return.
They stare at each other for what feels like an hour, before Toshiro’s schools his expression and he speaks again, asking if she should be up.
While answering back, she thinks on those memories, ones that she is going to seek forgiveness for, including for that night in the Fourth Division. While it pales in comparison to the other transgressions she’d committed against him, she feels a strange guilt about what happened that night. She'd woken up the next day, this time during the day and alone. The day after she’d awakened, Toshiro had left for the World of the Living. When she’d received news of this from Isane, it occurred to her she hadn’t thought about why he was at her bedside.
Had she expected him to be there for her when her recovery was announced? Isane had said he'd visited her almost twice a week ever since she's been transported to the Fourth Division. But why, after everything that had happened between them, had he come to visit her at all?
She could’ve spoken to him that night, but she hadn’t. She feels as though she had tricked him, and the disorientation of her mind was no excuse, no matter what Isane told her after she confessed what happened to her fellow lieutenant. Or maybe he already knows, had seen the way her head was turned was different from when he'd fallen asleep. Would it be easier if he knew?
A part of her had tried to reason over the last week that if she’d spoken to him that night she might have made things worse, or said something she hadn’t meant. And would he have wanted to speak to her? In the days after leaving the Fourth Division, she vaguely recalled voices sounding through the darkness. She couldn’t make out what they said, but she knew who they belonged to. Renji, Izuru, Isane, Unohana, Rangiku, and some of her subordinates. Toshiro’s hadn’t been among them. 
In the present, a silence has fallen between them as she stares at the floorboards, lost in these thoughts. She tries to both decide where to begin and muster up the courage to speak. First, she’ll discuss the worst of her wrongdoings against him, then the night she woke up. He may not view it was something to feel guilt over, and she may seek forgiveness if only to ease her conscience. She would've laughed to herself if she felt it appropriate; she wishes she were older.
With her plan in mind, she says the words she’d wanted to say to him that night. “Hitsugaya-kun…forgive me.”
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Im see well does he have a unique attack of his just like the our demons have just to be sure
UC: According to these pages, he did have a special attack called "Promise of Fortune," but it got taken away from him along with his physical form.
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italeteller · 27 days
So... uh... how we feeling with how MHA's been going recently?
Long story short, we feelin' BAD
Short story long... I don't feel anything about the series except annoyance anymore, and it sucks
I used to love that series, I was that annoying weeb that would rec it to all my other weeb friends. I binged the first two seasons in like two days with my roommates. It was so good. That's what genuinely infuriates me whenever I see someone going "oh yeah mha was never good and people are finally catching up" no, fuck off, mha was great. It was still a shonen, but it was a great shonen and then it fell off and never recovered
God, this is like Naruto all over again. The Sasuke vs Deidara/Shie Hassaikai arcs were the canary in the coal mine, the Pain/1A vs 1B arcs were the beginning of the fall and the 5 kage/war arc were the point of no return
It's all because Hori didn't put enough time into the world, y'know? Most of what he wrote could have been done well with more time put into the setup and development of the characters and the world. Most. Some stuff would never have landed, I think
There are rumors the magazine pushed him into taking the manga on a direction he didn't want to. There is speculation that the change of editors after the Kamino arc helped fuck up the series. I don't know for sure, I probably won't ever know, but I can tell you that Kamino was the peak of the series, the school festival was the last good arc and everything after has been a slow decline into where we are now. Just hoping it will end soon and that we won't have a Borizuku: my hero academia next generations kinda situation
It's also sad because this might be the last long shonen we get for a while. Mha is at chapter 423, and I'll be very surprised if it has more than 10 chapters left. Black Clover will likely end before the 400s. And after that it's all manga in the 200s which I don't think will last much longer. I hope Undead Unluck goes the distance, but realistically I think it'll wrap up at around chapter 350 tops
So this is the last long, epic battle shonen we get. Going down with a whimper and a bunch of undeveloped, undercooked ideas
Feels fucking bad man
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eriexplosion · 2 months
Getting my finale predictions in before it airs.
Things I'm reasonably sure will happen:
Zillo Beast attack (obviously)
Emerie redemptive death (I don't want this to happen but I feel like she's got a lot to make up for and not much time)
I still don't think we're getting main character deaths, for a variety of factors (a big one being that Omega is worried about getting people killed and so more of her family dying to save her from a situation she put herself in would just validate that)
Continuation of that, Omega will demonstrate her character growth and play a big role in saving one of the batch, probably through some last minute connection with the force
Still think Tech is CX-2 we spent too much time on him this season for him to be irrelevant and no one else will have equal impact on the whole batch, especially Omega. Bringing him back will finally unite the batch and through that get them to a point where they can finally win something. This also pulls together the theme we've touched on this season that people can change no matter how far gone.
Things I just suspect/want:
Crosshair knows Tech is CX-2 and that's what he's been so cagey about. We know about the torture on Tantiss, we know they tried to turn him into a CX, but he still feels like he's holding something big back.
Couple other theories on CX-Tech: has all his limbs but his eyes are cybernetic having been damaged by his goggles, Phee brings back the line "better late than dead" because it feels like one just written to be a callback
Hemlock will survive the batch but all his research will be destroyed so he actually ends up killed by Palpatine for failing him in one last creepy appearance
Rampart betrays the batch and gets one last amazing scream in when the Zillo beast eats him. (Alternate possibility: he survives but is trapped alone on Wayland. In the distance we hear the Beasts. Maybe the Empire will bother to rescue him in 30 rotations. But probably not.)
The Commandos feel abnormally loyal to Hemlock so I'm curious if they're still chipped in some way - if they are, then maybe if they're unchipped they could start reforming Rex's resistance cell?
The batch helps to establish the path with the first people helped by it being our four force sensitive kids, which let's them leave soldiering behind while still actively resisting the Empire
Omega is given the choice to train in the force but actively decides that she would rather stay with her family, giving her a smaller and quieter future but one very in line with her character.
My biggest reason for having a pretty hopeful outlook is that a story needs both high and low points - we've definitely had MAJOR low points, especially in both the previous finales, but we've never really had a big win. Just little ones, small successes along the way but never anything that compares to the losses. If we get another big loss then the story stays flat, nothing ever Peaks and every single season ends on the same tone of loss. Three seasons of slogging towards a sad ending is a hell of a hard sell, especially since it doesn't really show Omega's growth.
She lost Kamino and Crosshair (again) in Return to Kamino. AZI sacrificed himself for her and only survived at all because someone else stepped in. She lost Tech in Plan 99, sacrificing himself for her again and she can't do anything about it.
So season three, do we really need to see her lose again? This time actively because of a choice she made? Does that show us anything about her growth? Or would her being Key to successfully not only getting everyone out alive (remember they're only there right now because of her) but in being able to bring Tech home and, for the first time all series, make their family whole?
This season has been sad, but it's also been about healing the scars of past seasons. Just look at Crosshair's arc. And CX-Tech brings us up to the biggest scar, the one that we've made no progress on healing, the one thing keeping them from being complete. If I'm wrong I'm wrong, but there's simply too much pointing to it for me to think anything else.
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questforgalas · 2 months
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Favorite Crosshair and Wrecker Moments
*scream sings "I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)" at the top of my lungs*
Reblog, reply, or send an ask with your favorite Crosshair or Wrecker moments or any moments with both of them, we all know they had some great ones!!!
Does Crosshair's entire arc count? No? Ok fine
"How touching"
When Crosshair pats Echo on the shoulder during the battle on Skako Minor, checking in to make sure he's ok. Crosshair my softy <3
Crosshair's smirk after Hunter brags about him to the regs
"Sir, yes sir." *fans self*
All of Crosshair in "Return to Kamino". "And I did?" "You weren't loyal to me?"
Shooting a knife in the air into the head of a training droid *fans self again*
SHOOTING DOWN THE BARREL OF A TANK *fanning self intensifies*
"The Lone Soldier" "The Outpost" and "Tipping Point". Ya know, just all of Season 2 Crosshair
Ya know what, also all of Season 3 Crosshair (gods I hope I don't eat that sentence tomorrow)
This was a cop out list with those last two, but this is my game I make the rules I do what I want
Literally anytime Wrecker talks. He is such a smart, compassionate, funny character. He adds so much depth to the Batch
The mines training with Omega LOL
All of Wrecker and Crosshair in "Aftermath" makes my heart soar, but especially the Lula assault in their barracks. It's one of the peak sibling moments of the Batch that I adore <3<3<3
Reblog, reply, or send an ask with your favorite Crosshair or Wrecker moments or any moments with both of them, we all know they had some great ones!!!
Any negative or hate comments will be deleted and will result in a block of the user
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win-writes · 1 year
Jouno + dark chocolate 1 👀
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୭ ˚ 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦 1: “𝘋𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧𝘧 𝘮𝘦”
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༶ pairing; jouno x fem!reader
༶ contains; porn without plot, fingering, edging, oral (f! receiving), face sitting
༶ a/n; noonie i love you so much for this, i hope you enjoy it<3 tysm for requesting!!
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You arc your back, letting yet another moan escape your lips. Your boyfriend has been pumping his fingers in and out of your wet cunt for what seems like hours, picking up the pace, only to slow down the second you're about to reach your climax. You whine as his fingers move painfully slow out of your pussy, desperately trying to convince your lover to let you finish "No, not yet princess" he kisses your temple as he slowly turns you over on top of him "I want you to ride and cum all over my face"
Just by hearing his last words, Jouno's sharp senses spotted your cunt cletching around nothing in response while you nod your head in agreement. You align yourself directly above Jouno's head, mentally preparing yourself for another round of endless teasing only to satisfy your partner's sadistic desires.
Without a warning, Jouno aggressively grabs your hips, bringing your heat closer to his mouth and starts lapping your pussy. You hiss at the sudden feeling of his warm muscle against your core, throwing your head back and completely letting yourself get lost in pleasure. Like a man starved, Jouno doesn't let a single drop falling out of your cunt go to waste. You grind yourself against his face, feeling his nose rubbing against your swollen clit, only to make that knot in your stomach even more insufferable. You grab onto the bed's headboard to support yourself, bitting your lower lip at the lovely sight under you.
Jouno's hair is a mess, his red tips falling all over his face, his chin and cheeks coated in your juices and you can practically feel him smiling into your pussy while devouring you like you're the greatest meal he ever got his hand on. "I can sense you staring at me princess" he mumbles against your slit sending vibrations all over your body. You look away embarrassed, but Jouno is quick to turn your gaze back to him by grooping your ass "Don't you want to cum baby?" unable to form any words you just nod your head again.
"Then don't you dare take your eyes off me"
And without further ado, Jouno picks up where he left and continues to work wonders on your pussy. Your hand falls onto his messy hair, pulling on his locks and as he ordered, without looking away from his face.
Your moans only got louder when Jouno started dipping his tongue inside your tight walls. Blinded by pleasure, you start riding his face in perfect sync with his thrusts. His cock twitches at the feeling of your walls taking in his tongue, making the sheets beneath his chin drenched in your arousal. You feel your orgasm closing in and your cries and whimpers get uncontrollably loud. Jouno can feel your body reaching its peak and only picks up his pace as a response, wanting nothing more than for you to cum into his mouth.
It doesn't take long for your climax to make you scream his name with Jouno licking away everything coming out of your tight hole. Jouno waits for you to catch your breath, before helping you lay down beside him. He brings your face closer to his, capturing your lips into a messy kiss, forcing you to taste yourself "Good job princess" he pulls away from your mouth, only to lean and whisper into your ear "ready to return the favor?"
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