#rick flag x reader x takeshi kovacs
lacontroller1991 · 1 year
Bionic Exile - Chapter 5 Alt Ending
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Main Master List || Series Master List
Requested by @daughter-of-the-stars11 : Would you ever consider doing a one shot or a short series where reader from Bionic Exile chooses Takeshi instead of both of them... can I also add jealous Rick
Warnings: 18+ only please, implied sex, alcohol use, language, Rick may be a little ooc
Author's Note: SO I think this would fit perfectly in chapter 5, so I kept half of chapter 5 and then just rewrote the other half!! I hope you enjoy!
Ever since Rick moved in with you, it had become a tradition that every Saturday night was movie night. Tonight wasn’t any different, except for the fact that you chose to sit squished up next to Takeshi on the loveseat instead of next to Rick on the couch. 
Takeshi. That dick. Who does he think he is stealing my girl like that, the thought makes Rick freeze. His own brain betrays him as he throws some popcorn in his mouth, his eyes training on the movie and trying to not look over to you cuddling up with the envoy, what does he have that I don’t? Rick grinds his teeth together as his jaw clenches, jealousy taking control of his body. It doesn’t take much to break Rick’s concentration. Just hearing you laugh at something that Takeshi has whispered into your ear is enough to make him squirm. 
Quirking an eyebrow, Rick shakes his head and forces his attention back to the movie. Your favorite movie. Not that you seem to notice, too busy fucking with Takeshi’s stupid trench coat, Rick huffs before moving to stand up, who wears a damn trench coat around the house, anyways? 
“I’m getting something to eat,” he declares, mostly to himself, excusing himself from the room and rushing to the kitchen. Setting the bowl down, Rick grips the edge of the sink and watches as your hands brush a stray strand of hair out of Takeshi’s face. Turning away, Rick opens the cabinet and pulls out a bottle of whiskey. He knows he probably shouldn’t be drinking, but there you were, the love of his life, sitting and flirting with another man. Twisting off the cap of the bottle, Rick takes 3 gulps of the brown liquor before you round the corner and enter the kitchen with eyebrows raised in speculation.
“Rick? Why are you drinking,” you ask softly, opening a bag of popcorn and placing it in the microwave while hardly taking your eyes off of him. Rick glances at you with discontent before taking another swig of the bottle, the liquid burning his throat and lighting up his stomach.
“Because I can? Not like it matters to you,” he responds with venom laced words while you purse your lips. You were absolutely sick and tired of this behavior. You knew he didn’t like Takeshi staying with you and him and you know that he doesn’t like Takeshi one bit, but you wanted to assume that despite it being well over a week at this point Rick would get over himself. Evidently not, you think as you watch the man you love take another big gulp of the shitty whiskey that he keeps solely for the purpose of getting drunk. 
“God damn it, Rick. I am so fucking sick of your fucking pity party. Get over it,” you whisper harshly, not wanting Takeshi to know what is occurring twenty feet away from him, though he can probably hear everything. Rick stalks in front of you, his jugular vein popping out of his neck while his hand clasps the bottle of Jack Daniels. Nodding his head, he shoves the bottle in your hand before leaving the kitchen area and heading for his room. 
Setting the bottle on the counter, your body shakes with anger while tears threaten to roll down your face. After taking a moment to collect your breath, you walk back into the living room and climb onto Takeshi’s lap, legs spread over onto each side of his lean hips. Looking up to you, Tak notes the way your eyes brim with unshed tears and your body shakes with anger. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what was wrong. So instead, Tak waits for you to talk while your hands clench this fabric of his jacket.
“Tak, fuck me hard until I can’t walk.”
Rick stumbles out of bed before looking at the clock on his drawer. 
“2:43, fuckin’ perfect,” he mumbles in his gravely southern accent to himself as he rubs his temples. Maybe it wasn’t his brightest idea to chug down that much whiskey in that short of a time, but he wanted to forget just for a little while. Rolling his shoulders back, Rick nears the door but a repeating banging sound alerts him. Grabbing his gun, he prowls down the hall, the sound growing louder as he approaches your door. Pressing his ear up against the wooden door, his blood runs cold. 
“Fuck, Tak. You feel so fucking good. Harder,” your unmistakable voice echoes through the door as grunts and moans follow.
“You’re doing so good, pretty girl. Feel so good around my cock. Cum for me, angel,” Rick backs into the opposite wall, the shock and hurt swallowing him up as he runs back to his room, locking the door and sinking to the floor. That’s it, he got her.  
The squad watches Rick throw punch after punch after punch to the bag, his muscles rippling with each swing as sweat gathers on his brow bone and his body, clinging his grey shirt to his body, unintentionally highlighting each and every toned muscle on Rick’s body.
“Damn, someone must have really pissed him off, I ain’t neva seen him like this,” Harley comments, exaggerating the word ‘really’ as she watches with lust. Nobody could really blame her though, he was a sight to see at the moment. His normally calm demeanor long gone and replaced with an animalistic urge. 
“I wonder what happened,” DuBois watches with intent, noticing the way Rick’s anger seems to spike up ten-fold when you and your new pet project happen to walk by the window leading to the floor above, neither looking down as they pass. DuBois’s attention then shifts back to Rick who’s fists continue to pound into the sandbag without a moment of reprieve until the bag flies off the hook that was keeping it up. 
Heaving, Rick feels the eyes of his squad watch him with anticipation at his next move. Not one of them daring to move or make a sound, unsure how to respond to the suddenly vicious nature of their normally collected superior coming out in such a controlled environment.
“The fuck you lookin’ at?” He questions, head whipping around to face his team who just stare back at him. Suddenly, Harley takes a step forward, ignoring the way DuBois shakes his head in an attempt to tell her not to  provoke the colonel.
“Fuck’s wrong with ya, Flag?  What’s got ya panties in a twist? You need to get laid or something,” Harley doesn’t notice the way Rick marches toward her til he’s standing right in front of her. “Why don’t you shut your fucking mouth, Quinn. You don’t know what you’re talking ‘bout,” Harley’s eyes darken in anger as she purses her lips before shoving a finger into Flag’s chest.
“Where do you get off telling me to shut my mouth. It ain’t my fault you can’t get a girl. It most certainly ain’t my fault that you were too late to fuck (Y/N),” Rick’s eyes narrow at the woman, “yeah, don’t think we didn’t notice the way your mood progresses down the drain the closer (Y/N) and Tak get. So why don’t you take it out on somebody else, but not us,” Harley concludes before walking off, the rest of the squad following her out save for DuBois who clasps a hand on Rick’s shoulder.
“You really need to get laid, mate. It might help you,” Rick contemplates Robert’s words as the former assassin walks away, leaving Rick to his own thoughts. 
You laugh as you walk through the door with Tak following closely behind before shutting your door. Placing your bag down you move to pop open a bottle of wine when a high pitch voice giggling steers your concentration to the hall.
“Yeah, I’ll see you later, Ricky,” the culprit walks out of Rick’s room and allows you to get a better look at the woman. She has a nice body, you note to yourself, sun kissed skin with an ample bosom and an hourglass waist. But what you notice the most is the hickeys that were beginning to form on her neck and the fact that she is naked. Normally, you would be seeing red. After all, you’ve spent so much time on trying to win Rick and get with him, but for some reason, seeing the naked woman doesn’t really get a reaction out of you. Maybe it’s partially because of the talk that you and Tak just had. 
Tak, on the other hand, has mixed thoughts about what’s in front of him. He was half expecting you to be throwing a fit by now but then he also can’t believe the audacity Rick has. From what Tak can tell about your relationship with Rick is that you have given your everything for Rick and Rick just continues to take advantage of it time after time. 
“Hey Sav, you forgot your-” Rick rushes out of his room, hair disheveled and pants hanging low on his hips and in his hand, a bright pair of red underwear, however, upon seeing you in the doorway with Takeshi right behind you, Rick can’t help but feel a twang of guilt. Instead of making a scene like Rick thought you would, you simply grab Tak’s hand and maneuver away from the hooker and into your bedroom without sparing Rick another glance.
“Thanks, Rick. Same time next week?” Rick struggles to look between the crack of your door while Savannah plucks her underwear out of his hands. 
“Actually, no. I don’t think I’ll be needing it.” Rick offers her a small smile as she shrugs, leaving the apartment and Rick alone. Shaking his head, Rick peers through the crack before pushing the door open, only to see you sitting on Tak’s lap while Tak mindlessly plays with your hair. “What the hell is going on here?”
You look up from your laptop to Rick in the doorway, shirt still off and various lipstick prints over his toned body. “What do you mean? I’m just trying to get some work done?” Rick resists the urge to roll his eyes at your obliviousness before he’s gesturing to you on Tak’s lap.
“That. Why are you on his lap?” You look back at Tak with a smile, his hand finding a place on your thigh and gently squeezing in support before you turn back to Rick.
“Well, actually, Tak and I were just talking and… I’m thinking about going back with him.” Rick’s heart drops and shatters into pieces but he would be damned if he let it show.
“What?” The question is quiet as he tries to wrap his brain around what you just said. “What did you say?” He looks between you and Tak in confusion. Just how could this happen?
“Once the portal is back up, she’s coming with me,” Tak comments emotionlessly. In one way, he is ecstatic that you would be willing to try a relationship out with him, but he doesn’t know just how much danger he would be putting you in by bringing you back and if something happened to you like something happened to Quell, he truly doesn’t know how he would live with himself. Of course, when he was discussing it with you about an hour ago, he could practically see the way your eyes lit up with excitement and the prospect, but Tak knows you. He knows that once you go with him, you’re going to immediately regret it and want to go back home. Back to Rick. And that part scares him. 
“No,” Rick takes a step back, heart hammering against his chest, “no, you can’t go back.” Rick’s vision starts to blur as he leans on the frame, slowly sliding down the post and you’re quick to jump up from Tak’s lap and rush to Rick’s side, looking him over in confusion.
“Rick, are you okay? Do you need me to call an ambulance?” Rick shakes his head, pushing you away as he struggles to take deep breaths. He honestly can’t remember the last time he had a panic attack like this, and he hates it. 
“No, just leave me alone.” He rushes out the door and to his room, confusion settling in. What did he do to drive you away? What does Takeshi Kovacs have that he doesn’t? With a rather dumb idea in mind, he pulls out his phone and dials the only number he knows will help, no matter the cost.
The drive to Belle Reve is longer than it typically is. Maybe it’s because of the tight tension in the car or maybe it’s a sinking gut feeling, but whatever it was, you’re anxious to get back to your project.
As Rick pulls into the parking lot, your eyes widen at the plume of smoke rising from the scientific division. “No, no, no.” You jump out of the car and ignore the calls of Rick and Tak to come back only to run toward the fire and hope that it wasn’t your life’s work.
Looking back and forth between each other, both men rush after you and into the building where it only takes minutes to find you, collapsed on the ground and in tears. 
Sinking to his knees, Tak fumes silently as he takes you into his strong arms. Despite the fire looking like an accident, Tak’s envoy intuition is telling him that it’s anything but, but he doesn’t really care about that right now. In any case he’s relieved. He’s relieved that the machine is broken and he’s relieved that you and him won’t be able to go back. Sure he’s now mortal, but he’d rather be mortal than have you die and not be able to resurrect you. “It’s alright (Y/N). We don’t have to go back.” Tak rocks you in his arms while you sob into his chest as he looks around to all the different personnel, and to the side, he can easily spot Rick talking to Waller, a devious grin plastered on the latter’s face. “That fucking bastard.”
“What?” You look up through tear soaked lashes as Tak looks down, shaking his head, trying to protect you from the truth.
“Nothing princess, how about we go and pack some bags and leave for a while.”
“It was Rick, wasn’t it.”
“I don’t think he started it, but he definitely had a part in it.” If you had any doubts about moving on from Rick, they just flew out the window. Standing up, you wearily make your way over to where Rick and Waller stand off to the side line, both watching you with curiosity.
“(Y/L/N), I am sorry to see this damage. As it is, however, we do not have the funds to rebuild it.” You scoff and turn to Rick, rage boiling beneath the surface and before you know it, you’re punching him straight across the face and Tak is quick to watch over the whole ordeal in case things go south.
“You’re a real fucking asshole, Flag. I do not want to EVER see you again.” It hurt to say, but any man who would destroy your life’s work does not need to be in your life.
“I had to do what I had to do. I love you. I didn’t want to see you prance off with that alien when you could have a whole life with me.” Despite your heart swelling at the proclamation, you can’t help but to feel that you’re making the right choice.
“You have more than enough chances, Rick. I’m sorry, but you lost me.” Turning to Waller, you hand in your badge for the prison with a look of disdain on your face. “I want a transfer out of this hell hole.” She nods before you turn back to Tak, tears threatening to spill again. “Come on Tak, let’s go home and pack.” Grabbing Tak’s wrist, you drag him out of the building and you drag yourself out of Rick’s life.
General Tag List: @marvelousmermaid @himbovillain-anon @babblydrabbly @fairchildflag @infatuatedjanes @a-reader-and-a-writer
Joel Related Tag List: @aestheticallywinchester @loverhymeswith @xoxabs88xox @t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o @witchygagirl @the1redrose @ratcatcher2world @green-socks @weallhaveadestiny @yourjacketisnowdry @rachelh1992 @a-girl-who-loves-disney @knivesareout @bubblegloopswampwitch @waspswidows @burntghoost @mattymurdocksbitch @katjnordstrom96 @11thstreetvigilante @yespolkadotkitty @heresathreebee @madkovacs @wxr-zxne @wtfobiwan @alieninoklahoma @violetmuses
Bionic Exile Tag List: @kingtwhiddleston @taternuts @strawberriebabbles @nerdysuperchick @inthetikiroom @taylorgasmtpr @saritanotserena @blackrose53666 @more-cardigan-than-woman
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Joel Kinnaman Masterlist
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Rick Flag
Takeshi Kovacs
Stephen Holder
Ed Baldwin
🌟= new post
🤕= Whump 😥 = Angst 😘= Fluff/ Relationship
✍= reader insert ✉️ = ask/ request
Main Masterlist
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Schrodinger’s Cat (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
Rick is about to leave on his next mission with Task Force X, and you have a bad feeling about it….
Bleeding Heart Masterlist (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
Rick has a mysterious new recruit on Task Force X. Without being provided any information, Rick will have to learn about this new team member on the job.
Surprise! (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 ✍
Rick loves sneaking up and scaring you when you least expect it. But turnabout is fair play….
The Colonel and the Sergeant Masterlist (Rick Flag x Reader, Past Bucky Barnes x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
When you and your boyfriend Rick Flag bump into your ex, Bucky Barnes, at a bar one night, things get a bit awkward. But how will revelations about your past relationship affect your current one?
A Christmas Miracle (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍ ✉️
When you are in an accident and forced to stay in the hospital for Christmas, will your partner Rick Flag be his normal pain in the ass self, or will he surprise you?
Up in Smoke (Hurt/Comfort Edition) (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
Rick feels terrible when he has to work late and misses dinner with you, but he is in for a terrible surprise when he gets home.
Up in Smoke (Pure Angst Edition) (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
Rick feels terrible when he has to work late and misses dinner with you, but he is in for a deadly surprise when he gets home.
Since That Day (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
Since the day you lost Rick in Corto Maltese, you have been planning your revenge. And now, the time has come…
Break the Ice (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍ ✉️
When his best friend falls through the ice when skating, Rick tries to save you. But pulling you out of the water might just be the start of things….
All I Want for Christmas is You (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
Last Christmas Eve, Rick had a special surprise for you. This Christmas Eve, another big event is happening as well.
Christmas is for Friends and Family (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
When you tell Rick that you don’t do Christmas because it is a time for family and friends, neither of which you have, he makes it his mission to prove you wrong.
Whatever You Need (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
When his friend calls him late at night to say you were attacked and needs his help, Rick races to your aid immediately.
The Person I’ve Become (Dark!Rick Flag x Reader) 🤕 😥 ✍ ✉️
After he returned from Corto Maltese, Rick thought his life was over. Until, that is, he is reunited with an old acquaintance. But what happens when the truth comes out and it appears he might lose everything once again?
Not So Friendly Fire (Rick Flag x Reader) 🤕 😥 ✍
When you are captured, Rick Flag will do whatever it takes to get you back.
It’ll Be Okay (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍ ✉️
Rick and you are captured on a mission by a man looking for information. And he is willing to use any means necessary to get the answers he is looking for.
Promises Masterlist (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
Rick has promised you time and time again that he would leave Task Force X, but yet again he has failed to keep his word. And this time you have finally had enough.
Being Afraid Doesn’t Make You Weak Masterlist (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
Rick has known about your fear of flying for a while. So when your plane heads directly into a storm on the way to a mission, he tries his best to make you as comfortable as possible. And the flight is just the start of the troubles….
Partners (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
You and Rick have been partners in DC for years. But when you hear a rumor he might be getting transferred, you can’t help but wonder what this will mean for your friendship.
This Means War (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
After receiving new commands from Waller, you have no choice but the lead the Suicide Squad into battle against ARGUS. But to make it to the end of the fight, what are you willing to do? And are you willing to take out anyone who stands in your way?
Let Me Teach You (Rick Flag & gn!Reader) 😘 ✍ ✉️
When Rick finds out he has to go to a big military ball, he is horrified. Dancing is definitely not one of his many skills. So, you offer to teach him.
Breakfast For Two (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
On your first anniversary, Rick tries to surprise you by making eggs for breakfast. While it doesn’t go as planned, you keep up that tradition years later.
Hello Darlin’ (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍ ✉️
Your ex-boyfriend, Rick, broke your heart when he left town months ago. But when he suddenly reappears and wants to talk, can you find a way to forgive him?
Presumed Dead Masterlist (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
Rick Flag watched the love of his life fall to her death three months ago. However, when he is captured by the same enemy that stole you from him, he discovers things aren't always what they seem.
Thank You, Colonel Flag (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 ✍
On the one-year anniversary of his near-death experience on Corto Maltese, Rick Flag is left reflecting on the disaster his life has become. But a chance encounter with a familiar stranger may change his perspective.
Eternally Yours Masterlist (Vampire!Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
As a vampire, you have walked the Earth alone for thousands of years, resigned to the fact that everyone you ever meet will perish in what seems like a blink of an eye. That is until you find the one person who you can't bear to lose….
I’d Catch a Grenade For You (Rick Flag x Reader) 🤕 😥 ✍
When a mission goes wrong, Rick makes the ultimate sacrifice to protect you.
I Got You (Rick Flag x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
The mission went from bad to worse. After you are injured, Rick manages to get you to the safe house. However, after an infection sets in, is there anything else he can do?
"Where does it hurt?” = Rick Flag x Female!Reader
“You’re so stubborn!”
“All I ever wanted was for you to see me.”
Shielding the other with their body to save/protect them
Person A finding a hand-sketched photo of them on Person B’s desk
A Hand-Sketched Photo (Alternate POV)
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It’s Still You and It’s Still Me (Takeshi Kovacs x Envoy!Reader) 😘 ✍
You were once an Envoy and lover of Takeshi Kovacs. 250 years ago, you were both killed. Now after a mix up, you are resleeved and alone. That is, until you run across a familiar stranger…..
Eternity (Hades!Takeshi Kovacs x Persephone!Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
A Hades & Persephone AU: Takeshi Kovacs and you are as different as night and day. Yet somehow your relationship works. However, when his lifestyle catches up with you, the two of you must deal with the consequences.
Don’t Hide From Me (Takeshi Kovacs x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍ ✉️
When Takeshi is targeted, you get caught in the crossfire.
Never Threaten a Man’s Profit Margin (Takeshi Kovacs x Reader) 🤕 😥 ✍
Takeshi Kovacs and you go to track down a suspect at Fightdrome. But when you disappear, Tak is in for a terrible surprise.
Sleep is For the Weak (Takeshi Kovacs x F!Reader) 😘 ✍ ✉️
You and Takeshi are trying to track down the suspect in your latest case. But sometimes Tak forgets you are not as unstoppable as you try to make yourself seem.
Impossible Situation (Takeshi Kovacs x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
When you ran away from your abusive family of criminals, you met Tak and everything seemed perfect. But major crime syndicates will do whatever it takes to reclaim what they view is theirs, leaving Tak with an impossible choice.
“How did you get in here?”
“It’s alright to feel broken every once in a while. And it’s alright to take time to heal.”
As you begin to fall asleep, you feel a gentle kiss pressed to your temple and a blanket draped over you.
A kisses B, but A can tell there is no feeling behind it anymore.
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Christmas Magic (Stephen Holder x Reader) 😘 ✍
When you and your partner Holder are forced to go out of town Christmas Eve for a case, you try to find a way to reveal to him your feelings. But when one thing after another goes wrong, can either one of you salvage things?
Someone Always Gets Hurt (Stephen Holder x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
It was only supposed to be a friends-with-benefits arrangement between you and Holder, but when one of you develops real feelings, things get complicated.
Please Wake Up (Stephen Holder x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
Stephen goes missing in the middle of a case so you join the search party even though you ended things with him a few weeks ago. However, as you search, some revelations make you rethink your decision to break up with him.
Clowns (Stephen Holder x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
Holder and you are trying to track down a suspect, but something about him is making Holder uncomfortable.
My Favorite Song (Stephen Holder x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
When your boyfriend starts avoiding you, you try everything to figure out what went wrong.
Santa and His Elf (Stephen Holder x Reader) 😘 ✍
Holder signs the two of you up to play Santa and his elf at the local Christmas Village only to show up late. While initially furious with him, things soon take an unexpected turn….
“Why would you even care?” = Stephen Holder x Female!Reader
“Bake me a cake and we’ll talk.” = Stephen Holder x Female!Reader
“Don’t go on that date.” “Why?” “You know why.” = Stephen Holder x Female!Reader
Surprise Sunday morning breakfast. = Stephen Holder x Female!Reader
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History Repeats Itself (Ed Baldwin x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
When Ed receives a call, he has to experience one of the worst experiences in his life all over again.
You're Going to Be Fine Masterlist (Ed Baldwin x Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
When things go wrong in space, you only have your other crew member to be there for you. And you will always have Ed Baldwin’s back. Even if that means putting his health and safety before your own.
Distress Call (Ed Baldwin) 😥 ✍
Ed managed to be the last survivor after Jamestown was attacked. But for how much longer?
Focus on Your Next Breath (Ed Baldwin x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍
Set between Seasons 1 and 2 of For All Mankind, Ed has returned from the moon yet he is still dealing with everything that happened to him in the past 6 months: Physically, mentally, and emotionally. Good thing he has his old friend to help talk him through it.
The Only Way
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reveluving · 2 years
masterlist ; joel kinnaman & char.
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the lady in the middle* (ft captain syverson)
Why choose between two of the hottest veterans when you can have both?
lovememore (+ sequel!*)
Belle Reve or not, Rick is already content when you’re around.
‘rick flag vs the triple frontier boys’ series ; 1, 2, 3, 4*, 5*, 6
You’re unaware that your old friends, the Delta Boys, are taking a liking to you. The problem? Rick Flag is your husband. (#rick flag vs the triple frontier boys)
hold me closely (flag family series) ; 1, 2, 3
'Cool, calm & collected' is how many describe the Flags, and they're right. To a certain degree, at least.
in the fall (+ prequel!)
Life is tough but that’s okay — you two have each other.
love language*
Ed wants you to teach him your native language.
velvet (ft gordo stevens) [preview]
Ed’s interest in his best friend’s fiancée comes to light, but in the best way possible.
little one
Ed comes home to his little family.
private time*
You & Ed fool around when the girls leave for the park.
late night heart attacks
You & Ed are in for a surprise, quite literally.
love again*
Seeing Takeshi smile is rare, a privilege only you have.
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˚ · . back to full m.list , kudos to @ed-baldwin for the gif! ❤
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Joel Kinnaman Character Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
This is a collection of my all of my fics written as pairings for Joel Kinnaman’s characters. All NSFW fics are marked as SMUT!
***all unfinished series/ fics are on hiatus***
Original Character Fics
Ruby Moon Sunflower Seeds (unfinished series) | Teaser One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Face Cast
Rick Flag X OC Kaia Castle. He’s a soldier, she has superpowers, and there’s something there between them. More than he knows: until one day he’s fucking around with a new job and alien tech and discovers that she had his baby... and his girls in danger.
Reader Insert Fics
Detective Stephen Holder from The Killing (tv show 2011-2014)
Royal Flush | 3k words 🔥SMUT🔥 | you play strip poker with your buddy Stephen
Can’t Stay Mad At You | 3.3k words 🔥SMUT🔥 | your boyfriend Stephen is late because of work (again) and he tries his best to make it up to you
Just Ask | 5.3k words 🔥SMUT🔥 | your boyfriend Stephen thinks pussy eating is fake and you show him how wrong he is
Every Little Step (unfinished series) | [on old Masterlist]
Stephen Holder X Mom! POC! Reader. Stephen meets you, a fellow detective at Seattle Police Department and recovering alcoholic. He falls for you and your adorable daughter instantly.
Colonel Rick Flag from DCEU Suicide Squad (2019)/ The Suicide Squad (2020)
French Lace And Silk Stockings | 2k words 🔥SMUT🔥 | 1950′s AU where you try on some lingerie your husband Rick bought you
Safe Harbor | 6.5k words 🔥SMUT🔥 | Rick can’t seem to depressurize from the horrors of the latest mission but you can help with that
Silver Ghosts | Drabble Challenge: less than 1k word limit | Written for the March 2022 GFS Drabble Project
Tamagotchi | Drabble Challenge: less than 1k word limit | Written for the April 2022 GFS Drabble Project
Think You Can Handle That Much? | 1.4k words 🔥SMUT🔥 | My one and only fic request! You (can be read also as OC Kaia Castle) are freaking out about the wedding and your fiance Rick knows just how to calm you
Twelve of Thirty-One Kinktober 2021 Prompts | *word count is tagged at the beginning of every fic* 🔥SMUT🔥 | Prompts completed for Rick are as follows numerically: 5-10, 15-17, 20, 23, & 25. More info in Kinktober 2021 Masterlist (linked above)
Takeshi Kovacs (Ryker Sleeve) from Altered Carbon
Rose Venemum | 4.3k words 🔥SMUT🔥 | You ask Tak to help you with a mission and discover a new kink or two
Two of Thirty-One Kinktober 2021 Prompts | 1.5k + 2k words 🔥SMUT🔥 | Prompts completed with Takeshi Kovacs were “Day Fourteen: Temperature Play/ Bath Shower Sex” and “Day Nineteen: Impact Play”
Erik Heller from Hanna (tv show 2019-2021)
A Southward Breeze | Drabble mode: less than 1k word limit | Written for the May 2022 GFS Drabble Project
\\Return to Main Masterlist for more fics by yours truly//
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violetmuses · 2 years
Mischief - Flag + Kovacs (18+ MINORS DNI)
TITLE: “Mischief” (18+ MINORS DNI) || Rick Flag ft. Takeshi Kovacs
FANDOM: “Suicide Squad” Universe ft. “Altered Carbon” (Netflix Series)
CHARACTERS: Colonel Richard “Rick” Flag ft. Modern!Takeshi Kovacs
PAIRING: Female Reader + Rick Flag ft. Takeshi Kovacs 
STORYLINE: When Rick invites Kovacs back home after the Enchantress mission and you cross their path, who knows what will happen? 
Author’s Note: Hey!  2016 Rick is here with Modern Takeshi. Feedback would greatly appreciated and thanks so much for reading my work. As a warning, this One-Shot also includes SMUT content. (18+ Minors DNI) Adult themes, strong language, etc. - V. 💜
Main Masterlist 💜
J Krew: @nerdysuperchick @a-reader-and-a-writer @babblydrabbly @lacontroller1991 @shadowkittybucky @loverhymeswith @justin-hammers @weallhaveadestiny @xoxabs88xox @katjnordstrom96   @mayhem24-7forever @fangirl0917 @skvatnavle @sociiallydiisoriiented @heresathreebee @alieninoklahoma @bewitchedignition @maddu-oliveira @reveluving @sugapapichulo @hodgepodge-of-rog @ijustthinkrickflagisprettyneat @11thstreetvigilante
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Colonel Rick Flag kept few friends around, especially since June walked out of his life, never coming back. No matter how strong Moone and Flag both tried to act not long after the Enchantress mission took place, that everlasting trauma soon ruined their shared bond, forever shattering an otherwise beautiful connection. 
By now, weeks had passed since his breakup. Flag nearly fell within the comfort of seclusion to avoid the outside world, but one text message caught his attention out of nowhere: 
Kovacs: Flag! In town for business. Do you still celebrate Mardi Gras or do I have to bar hop through Bourbon Street alone tonight?
For the first time in quite a while, Rick sat in the living room and allowed himself to smile before answering Takeshi’s message. 
Flag: Good to hear from you, brother. Don’t worry, I’m never too busy this time of year. 
It was true. Flag had taken small steps up until this point, cleaning up the house and leaving his bed to grocery shop time and time again. There was no other choice between deployments. This small Louisiana town offered refuge in so many ways. 
And yet, the very mention of visiting Mardi Gras this year had cracked a code. Rick knew so much better than to keep sulking. Even Lieutenant Edwards, a now late comrade and friend, would’ve encouraged this man days earlier to party soon. 
Now, five years later, because Lieutenant Edwards sadly passed away during the Enchantress mission, only Rick and Takeshi remained. In truth, the least that Rick could do is to keep his spirit up, if not for Edwards, but surely for himself and Tak. 
Despite his excitement for Mardi Gras coming soon, Flag didn’t echo music while picking Takeshi up from a conference center. Playing songs out loud had been reserved for Edwards and Rick honestly wouldn’t feel joy again for a while. 
“Damn, Rick. Can’t you talk to heaven before picking me up?” Tak grumbles through Louisiana heat after packing his briefcase into the truck and reaching that passenger side. The dress shirt that Kovacs has worn from a previous meeting of big-time executives has already soaked through with sweat. 
“Nice to see you too, Kovacs.” Rick allows himself to laugh before hiking up the air condition system found here in his truck. 
“Look, we texted earlier, but I didn’t come here for pleasantries, all right? When was the last time you blew off steam?” Tak probes as Rick pulls away from the curb. 
It’s once again your favorite time of year here in Louisiana. 
As always, delicious aromas spark through open doors of cultured restaurants. Fun live bands seem to groove on every corner as New Orleans peaks with activity. 
By the time night owls have descended upon those cobblestone paths, you’ve already served countless drinks, smiling as patrons head out to dance with the community outside. 
Your smile returns as soon as one familiar face enters this bar. Colonel Rick Flag has arrived, out of uniform and ready for another much-needed break between deployments. 
This time around, Rick hides that military buzz-cut by sporting a dark New Orleans Saints football team cap. At the very least, he’s proudly wearing fake gold beads that clasp around his neck and wearing a black t-shirt despite the heatwave. 
Yet, you soon realize that Flag isn’t alone. 
The man walking alongside Rick definitely looks out of place, not even wearing the color scheme of attire that somehow fits this occasion. This stranger only cares about the heat, sporting one shirt that looks too small for his own strong build. 
“Brought a new friend with you, Colonel?” You say, eying Flag and prepping his usual drink of choice. 
“Hey, Darling. This is Takeshi.” Rick gestures between you and Takeshi before taking his well-deserved drink from you. Meanwhile, Takeshi notices you without giving much of a smile, clearly thinking of something else. 
“Welcome, Takeshi.” You know so much better than to ask questions about Rick’s new guest, but at least Lieutenant Edwards smiled at folks before his unfortunate passing. 
“Hello,” Takeshi nearly deadpans his voice towards you, but Rick catches him and shoots one damning glare. 
“What can I get for you?” You remain professional, waiting for Takeshi to respond before long. 
“Whiskey, please.” Takeshi clips those two words and you even notice that Rick has started cringing on your behalf. 
“Got it.” You face Takeshi. Rick wants to shake his head and walk out, feeling ashamed to nearly ruin his favorite night with someone like Tak around. 
“I’m sorry.” Rick whispers to you between sips from his own drink as you give Tak the whiskey. 
“Look, he’s not my first disgruntled customer. You know that, Rick.” You offer the truth to Flag, but continue working for other patrons here in this bar. 
“See you later?” Rick questions you while grinning minutes later, tipping you early and sliding off this barstool. 
“Keep Takeshi in check, Colonel.” You affirm this suggestion, but wink for a moment before Flag and Takeshi walk out during your shift. 
“Who was that?” Tak questions Rick not long after leaving your spot. Countless people dance or crowd in the blocked off streets, still enjoying this annual holiday. 
“One of the coolest bartenders I know.” While facing Takeshi, Rick compliments you and drops his empty plastic cup into the nearest trash can. 
He’s tipsy without danger now, having picked up more drinks for himself and Tak from a stand perched out here. One brass band thunders with grooves right down this exact street, filling his mind with memories of dancing like a kid with Edwards. 
“She looks good.” Tak might’ve picked up whiskey too early because his next words prompt Rick to trade narrowed eyes again. 
“Come on. I always want to have a good time here, but you shouldn’t be rude to people.” Rick warns once more. No matter how cold he acted around Task Force X on duty, Flag knows that respect matters and Tak still isn’t kind. “Don’t think I forgot about how you treated her.” 
“Somebody sounds jealous.” Tak dares to reach the proverbial jugular with Rick and corners himself near one sidewalk to avoid that too-loud brass band. 
“I’m not jealous, Kovacs. Like I said, you’re just rude.” Rick crosses both tattooed arms after turning his cap backwards while standing on the sidewalk. 
Takeshi rolls both eyes, no longer wanting to argue with Flag. 
You jog out of the door almost immediately after finishing your shift at the bar. With enough free time left, you could meet up with Rick and hopefully perk up Takeshi’s mood. This brand-new stranger must be a grouch while drunk or something. 
One of many brass bands still plays out on the street tonight and you spot Rick first, waving to him across the barricaded pavement. 
“Y/N!” Rick’s fitting Southern accent calls out your name across the street, but Takeshi continues sulking with another drink cradled in his large hand. 
“Any ideas for how we’ll get Takeshi to stop pouting?” You joke with Rick, who offers this halfway as you all stand to hear music. 
“I’m just here for the alcohol.” Tak deadpans near you, still numb. 
“Whatever.“ You brush off Takeshi’s comment and palm Rick’s hand instead, already starting to have fun. 
For the first time since returning home now, Rick genuinely chuckles while enjoying time with you to these live rhythms. He’s thankful that you haven’t lost joy through many years. 
Feeling loose and tipsy enough to stop sulking, Kovacs watches in silence, quietly humored by this sight. 
A decorated but short-tempered Colonel is dancing with someone he knows, not allowing anger to dictate his every move. At least not tonight. 
Once transportation has been called to return home safely, you’re wearing Rick’s New Orleans Saints football cap, hiding your eyes because the hat is too big. Of course Tak sits up front with the driver, still trying to give himself extra leg room. 
By some miracle, all three of you pile into the vehicle, scheduled to reach Flag’s home soon. There’s no point in trekking to your place alone this late at night, especially considering how much spare room Rick keeps back at his own house. 
You talk near Rick while sitting in the back seat, still catching with him during this car ride. 
“Thanks for helping us out tonight.” Rick compliments you once more and offers another rare expression of joy. 
“No problem. It would be nice if your friend Tak actually smiles, though.” While speaking to Rick, you jut your chin towards the front seat, where Takeshi hasn’t heard anything. 
It’s still quite late at night when all three of you are safely dropped off at Rick’s home and you settle in the living room. 
“Do you want your own drink, Darling?” Rick asks, calling out to you in the kitchen after washing his hands.
“Not yet, Rick, but thank you.” You clear your throat, waiting for Flag to return to the living room. Across this space. Takeshi almost manspreads while sitting in the nearest empty chair, totally silent again. 
Rick sets down one small platter of snacks along with three more glasses onto the coffee table. He then looks up at you with another rare smile, grateful to see you once more. 
He’s missed you, but won’t admit it, especially since June broke his heart. Long before chaos of ARGUS and Task Force X overtook his military service, Rick knew  you, always keeping his emotions private. 
“Tak gets my couch and you’ll have the guest room. All right?” Rick lays down the plan for sleeping arrangements. You nod, understanding. 
“Okay. Thanks.” You tell Rick, planning to keep your distance. This property would always be his home and you so much knew better than to cross boundaries. 
“What the hell?” On the other hand, Tak furrows his brow, clearly not pleased by this change of events. 
“Don’t worry, it’s a pull-out couch, Tak.” Rick speaks up while facing Kovacs. You try not to smirk because of Flag’s comment. 
“All right. Good night, you two. Thanks, Rick.” You clear your throat once more and head towards the guest room, ready for bed. 
Not even twenty minutes later, both Rick and Tak can’t wait anymore. These two men stand in front of the guest room. 
Rick softly knocks first, hoping that you haven’t fallen asleep already. All it takes is mutual consent from you and tonight would go into a completely different direction. 
“Come in.” You hear knocking that almost doesn’t reach your ears, but turn on the nightstand lamp, calling out for either Rick or Tak. 
“Hey,” Rick greets you, but you notice that Tak is standing alongside Rick. Out of nowhere, your body heats up, not even feeling horrified. 
“Hi,” You answer Rick, but want them both, no matter how standoffish Tak acted in the bar earlier. “Everything okay?” 
“Can all three of us talk about something? It’s important.” Rick knows exactly what he wants, but your agreement or refusal makes all the difference tonight. 
“Yeah.” You nod, making full eye contact with Rick and Tak while sitting on the bed. 
“It’s fine if you don’t want to do anything, but I was thinking that we could have a little bit more fun tonight. Could we?” Flag keeps his words vaguely respectful, but you’re not stupid. 
“Yes.” Facing both Rick and Takeshi, you consent to this moment without fail now, sitting up against the headboard. 
While sitting on the bed, Rick kisses you first and you can already taste booze, not even feeling sick. His fingers gently pinch your chin as he caresses your face. 
Tak watches everything unfold and stands in the background, waiting for his turn. His own erection strains for you, pulsing over and over again at the center of his pants. 
Rick dares to kiss your neck after removing your t-shirt and unfastening that bra, but your piercing eyes stare Tak down from a crossway angle. 
Fuck. Tak thinks, not lying to himself this time. You’re gorgeous. He’s already fantasizing of how tight you’ll might feel while possibly clenching around him. 
On the bed, Rick kneads your breasts while sitting right behind you now, giving Tak a full view of what he’s missed.
 Your panties have soaked right through at this point. If you wait any longer, you’ll explode without even getting to fuck Rick or Tak this evening. 
“Who should go inside of you first, Baby? Huh?” Rick’s Southern drawl teases your ear from behind and you nearly spill because of his damn accent. 
“Shit. You, Rick. You. Your response to Flag trembles, but you can’t help giving out that truth as he dips capable fingers between your folds. You buck against his fingers, trying not to come. 
Across the room, you see Tak struggle to keep composure through lidded eyes. He’s already taken off his boxers and started jerking off, spilling precum at the tip because of you. 
Rick can’t help looming over you once he wears a condom and plunges right into your core. Your legs clasp around his bare waist and you still clutch around him, out of words. All you can do for him is scream through every wall of this bedroom. 
“Come for me. Please, Darling.” His Southern accent rasps towards you again. 
“Oh my God.” You obediently spill, crying to Flag in the name of bliss. 
Meanwhile, Tak still waits his turn, but almost impatiently. He’s edged himself over and over again, nearly overwhelmed because of how good you look while clenching around Rick. 
“Hey,” Flag whispers to you, caressing your face once more leaving the bed. You’ve cooled down after Rick slides out of your core and disposes that condom, sadly feeling hollow despite an amazing orgasm. 
“More.” After settling down even further and still wanting more, you sit up, craving attention from Takeshi this time. 
“Oh?” Tak deviously smiles for a moment while facing you and takes another condom from inside the nightstand. and Rick catches that exchange. 
“She wants more?” Flag arches his brow and crosses both tattooed arms. 
“Apparently so. More out of the way, Colonel.” Tak makes a joke for the first time all night. 
But what Takeshi has planned for you next isn’t a laughing matter.  
 “Look at him.” Despite clenching his teeth through words, Tak is deliciously arrogant now. 
You palm the nearest wall as Takeshi stands completely naked and bends you over. He's wearing another condom while slamming into your core from behind. By this point, he’s pulled your hair back, forcing your eye contact with Rick as you whimper. 
Your breasts shake time and time again as you look down between shadows of the bedroom, not caring about anything else. You only want to chase another orgasm because of these men.
Yet, Tak suddenly can’t keep up, spilling before he can stop himself from breaking composure. 
“Come on. Fuck me.” You feel so tight while clutching around him that his usually darkened voice now pitches much higher and tears spring towards both lidded hazel eyes. 
“Oh, God!” You shout for Tak, slamming your hand against the wall right before another incredible orgasm washes over you. 
Before your knees can finally buckle to the floor, both Tak and Rick catch you, making a point to check in with the lights on. 
“Hey, Darlin’.” Taking the lead first, Rick pinches your chin between his fingers once more and kisses you, trying to settle down your overstimulated body. 
“Hi, Rick.” You smile at him once he lays you back down on the bed. 
“Hey, Y/N.” Tak says your name and looks just as gentle, leaning inward to kiss you as well. 
“Good night, you two.” You barely speak to them, overcome by exhaustion at last. 
All three of you cradle in this bed, not leaving each other’s sides. 
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lovearne · 2 years
Hello beautiful people,
So I am lacking inspo for my current wips right now, so this is a list of prompts that if anybody would like to request any, I will write. They are under the cut.
As always 18+ only please, thank you
Tracing their scar(s)
Hand holding
There is only one couch (Other people are in the bed)
Hiding in a small space together
“Did you do the laundry?” “Yes, now where’s my kiss?“
making eye-contact with your partner from across the room, gesturing at them to follow you outside
Tying your partner's tie
“you, me, bed, now. “
“Kiss me, I'm miserable. “
“I'm not wearing any underwear. thought you’d like to know.”
“Wanna bet?”
"Given your history, I should have known better."
"I should have left you bleeding to your death."
"I loved you in this lifetime. I won't make that mistake in the next."
the worst of it all, it's that if you ask now, i will forgive you."
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that-sarcastic-writer · 9 months
🎃🌹Lia's Kinktober writer appreciation🎃🌹
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I want to try something for kinktober.
So I won't do your typical 30 day writing prompt thing. I wish I had the time. But I don't. So ill do something objectively better. I want to do a masterlist of smut work of different writers (not just my mutuals) so kinda kinktober writer appreciation. Yall do amazing work and that needs to be appreciated
I'll add the details below.
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Starting September 20th until October 15th I'll be compiling a list of smut fics I find under various character tags. And you are welcome (and encouraged) to rec me your favorite smut authors/fics. You can either dm the link or just shoot me an ask. If you are, in fact, a writer, you are very encouraged to send me your own work (like please I would love to read your masterpieces). You are also welcome to tag me in your work.
I'll list some qualifications below (pairings, characters and no-nos for me)
I ask that all fics are x readers (no character ships), fem or gender neutral only (I don't feel comfortable reading mlm smut as I am a straight woman myself). No incest/pseudo-incest, no rape, sexual assault or non-con (unless it's cnc). Those are my only limits. I'll read anything at least once.
You must be 18+ to participate. Whether that is to include your fic in the masterlist or if you're sending me (your age must be in your bio). I am an adult and I am not condoning minors in adult spaces nor interacting with mature work.
Character list:
Leon S Kennedy
Matt Murdock
Billy Russo
Frank Castle
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Soldier Boy
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Pedro Pascal characters (Javier Peña, Din Djarin, Joel Miller)
Rick Flag/Takeshi Kovacs (yes I still eat that shit up)
Miguel O'Hara
Thomas Shelby
*list might be updated in the future*
Mutuals only section
Because yall are my babes, and I read everything yall write, you can send me/tag me in any upcoming fic of yours (no matter which character), I'll happily read it and add it to the masterlist.
I'm ecstatic to see the wonders yall will come up with! Don't be shy! My inbox and dms are open for all writers.
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Tagging some of my writer/mutual babes @fluffyprettykitty @a-reader-and-a-writer @loverhymeswith @inklore @ovaryacted @agentwhiskeysdarlin @charnelhouse @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @littlestatesman @wayward-dreamer @gyllenhaalstories @1800-fight-me @witchisenpai
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babblydrabbly · 2 years
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Hey, everyone! I'm going to give @flufftober a shot this year. I've got the prompts all planned out below, but I might alter things around or change my mind as the month goes on. There's a lot of new ships I've never written before but I'm excited to try- especially with an autumn theme! My goal is to write between 300 and 1k words for each prompt. Hopefully I'll be updating this post often. Wish me luck! ❤
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Week One
1. Wearing Each Other’s Clothes - Eddie Brock x Reader x Venom
2. “You’ve told your parents?” - Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (DCU) x Reader 
3. Thick as Thieves - Nathan Drake (Uncharted 2022) x Thief!Reader
4. Supporting Silly Quirks/Hobbies [Alt 2] Caught in the Rain - TASM!Peter Parker x Reader
5. “Oh no, you’re a Morning Person!” - Robert "Bob" Floyd x Reader
6. Candles, Lanterns, Fairy Lights - Nadja of Antipaxos x Reader x Laszlo Cravensworth
7. Movie Marathon - Natasha Romanov/Black Widow x Reader
8. Shooting Stars - Thorin Oakenshield x Human!Reader AU
Week 2
9. Game Day (Sports) - Poly!SuicideSquad x Reader
10. Love Language - Bruce Wayne (Batman 2022) x Reader
11. Poetry, Art, Music, Craft - Rick Flag x Artist!Reader AU
12. “You kept this?” - Edward Teach (ofmd) x Reader 
13. Secret Family Recipe - Peter Parker (MCU) x Ned’s Sister!Reader
14. Truth or Dare/20 Questions - Wade Wilson/Deadpool x Vigilante!Reader
15. Accidents don't just happen accidentally - Joan Watson x Reader x Sherlock Holmes
16. “I hate you” – “I love you too” - Emilia Harcourt x Argus Agent!Reader
Week Three
17. Animal Shelter - Stephen Holder x Reader 
18. Soulmate AU - Eddie Munson x Reader
19. Hot Chocolate - Bilbo Baggins x Human!Reader
20. Bedtime Stories [Alt 5] Winning a Teddy for the Other - Steve Harrington x Reader
21. Kiss for Good Luck - Daenerys Targaryen x Reader
22. “Have you heard?” - Robert Dubois x Reader
23. POV Outsider - Digger Harkness x Reader from Rick Flag’s POV
24. All the Hugs - Harley Quinn x Squadmember!Reader
Week Four
25. First Dance - Kili (Hobbit) x Reader
26. Blankets - Takeshi Kovacs Prime x Reader
27. Reunion - Yelena Belova x Reader
28. Picnic - Guillermo de la Cruz x Witchhunter!Reader
29. Leaves [Alt 1] Slow dance - Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
30. Dear Diary - Chris Smith/Peacemaker x Reader 
31. A Sweet Treat - Rick Flag x Argus Agent!Reader
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faebirdie · 2 years
Bionic Exile: Chapter 12
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Series Masterlist / Personal Masterlist
Summary: Takeshi goes on his first mission with the squad and you just try to cope.
Coauthor: @lacontroller1991​
Warnings: canon complicit violence, mind manipulation, lots of angst, cursing 
Word Count: 2,561
The ride back to the apartment is silent aside from Rick’s fingers tap, tap, tapping against the steering wheel to the soft music.
“You know he’ll be fine, right?” You glance over to him at the sound of his voice.
“Yeah, I know he’ll be fine. Of course he will,” A shaky breath cuts you off, “But what if he’s not?” Rick takes your hand in his and brings it to his lips, lighting kissing your knuckles.
“Why don’t we watch a movie when we get home? One of those cheesy action flicks you like.”
“That sounds great.”
“So does she ever get confused on who’s who when it comes to sex,” Harley asks, completely unprompted, “Come on McSteamy, I’m talking to you.” “Do you do this to Rick?”
“She does it to everyone,” DuBois replies, looking over to where Harley sits, now singing along to a song playing only in her head, rocking her body to the unheard beat causing Takeshi to raise his eyebrow at DuBois, silently asking for an explanation. Robert sighs. “She does that too.”
“Great,” he grumbles, mindlessly fidgeting with the rifle Rick had given him along with the armorer. He had wanted to use his own weapons that he brought from Bay City, but Waller and Rick had immediately vetoed that. “Have you guys been briefed yet?”
“Flag normally does that while we’re on our way!” Harley yells into the mic of her headset and Tak has to stop himself from cringing. 
“There’s a threat. We’re going to take it out. Simple as that.”
“That’s not much of a plan, mate.”
“Form one. I could do this by myself but Waller sent you guys with me.” Tak looks away, deep in thought. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that. Maybe it’ll get back to Waller and she’ll pull him off the task force, but for some reason, Tak can’t bring himself to care. Until he pictures your disapproving face. “Look, we’ll form two teams, flank the combatant on either side and hold positions. Do whatever you gotta do but make sure it’s dead.”
Rick’s arm inches closer and closer around your shoulders, but he’s not really sure how to approach your still frame. He had thought that one on one time with you and only you would be fun, but the way you hug yourself as you stare mindlessly at the tv proves otherwise and he’s about had it. 
“Are you like this when I’m gone?” The question stirs you out of your thoughts, pulling your attention towards the man next to you.
“Are you like this when I’m gone,” he gestures to the way you perch yourself on the couch, your phone within a reaching distance. “Are you this cold with Tak?”
Your eye twitches. How dare he ask something like that? “You really don’t have a damn clue.”
Rick softens at your tone, a sudden reminder of how scared you’ve been each time he’s left in the past.  “I’m trying to learn. Please, talk to me. Say something,” Rick begs, gripping onto your arm as you thaw with his touch, letting out a shaky breath.
“When you’re gone, I cry myself to sleep. Recently, yes. In Tak’s arms. But that doesn’t make it better. I’m afraid to fall asleep because all I see when I dream are memories of last year. Everytime I try to shut my eyes, I just see you on the stretcher in that damn hospital with those tubes and wires sticking out of you every which way and me in the background, watching helplessly as they saved your life. Not able to do a damned thing. I wake up each night you’re gone, screaming for you. Terrified. And I have only been able to just slightly calm down after Tak holds me and reminds me that you are still here. And even then, in the back of my mind, I know that can always change. Now I have to deal with that for both of you.” You pull a gasp of air into your lungs, only able to judge how long you’ve been ranting by your need for oxygen, “This, me just sitting here, not talking is nothing, Rick. So please, just try to be understanding,” you crawl onto Rick’s lap and wrap around him, burying your head in his neck as his arms wrap around you. “I just want you both to be safe.”
Rick presses a kiss to the top of your head as he strokes your back. “He’s going to be fine, baby. We’re both going to be fine.”
Tak is not fine. Far from it in fact. Never in all his years of training with Quell and CTAC had he seen such a disarray of chaotic fighting, but what he sees here in the streets of Havana has him questioning all sanity. “Quinn, get the fuck down!” Takeshi’s voice booms as he dives to his right, tumbling across the asphalt and just barely escaping a large truck being thrown towards them. Where the fuck did that even come from? Harley isn’t as lucky. She gets decked by the corner of the vehicle and crashes onto the hood of a nearby car. Tak watches then as one of the army rangers that had been sent along with the squad gets picked up by an unseen force and hurled against a nearby building. His body slumps to the ground limply though Tak is unable to tell whether he is dead or just unconscious. 
“Fuck.” Managing to pull his bruised and sore body up from the ground, Takeshi moves quickly to position himself behind a flipped over van where he will have at least partial cover before angling his rifle towards the creator of all of this chaos. Standing in the middle of the destroyed street is a pale man dressed in completely drab clothing except for the black glove on his right hand, which glows with a bizarre purple light. Tak aims straight for the man's head, but once again can’t believe his eyes as he pulls the trigger. The bullets swerve around his adversary.  Round after round somehow manages to miss their target, but they do get his attention. The man, tall and lanky, then turns to Tak and begins to take short, precise steps towards him. Tak throws the rifle down and grabs two knives from their holsters on his side. “Come on then, you motherfucker.”
With a swipe of his attacker's gloved hand as he nears, the car Tak stands behind is lifted and heaved towards his head, just high enough for the envoy to duck and avoid.
“Is that all you got?” He spits out and stands back up to his full height, before taking a step forward.
The person steps back with a chuckle, his eyes gleaming with anger as he raises his arm outwards and points a finger in Tak’s direction.
“Not in the slightest.”
Rick places his card over the scanner, granting him and you access to an unused room. After much convincing on your part, Rick finally caved and agreed to let you watch the mission. Normally, it’s classified unless you were on the comms team, but how could he say no to your pleading eyes. 
“These computers should still be functional. We can’t stay here for long though, darlin’. We’re only here to see how he’s holding up. Right?”
You stand behind Rick, Takeshi’s coat wrapped around your body as you nod your head. Realistically, you know your Envoy is fine, but with any mission, there is always the nagging feeling that accompanies you. And this being his first with the team makes it all the worse. “Yeah, I just wanna see how he’s doing.”
Rick nods, typing in his own code and pulling up the surveillance in the area. Shock and confusion begin to set in at the scene playing out in front of you both. “What the fuck is he doing just standin’ there?” 
You easily push Rick to the side and stare down at the screen, the hacked security cam footage showing you two small figures who appear to be Takeshi and the enemy standing across from each other, a purplish light surrounding the Envoy who stands completely still in his spot. Your brows furrow together as you bang the computer with your fist, hoping the signal is simply frozen. Rick is quick to pull your hands away from the screen as he calms you and points to the corner. “This is live feed, darlin’. See?” your eyes follow his movement and see some trash rolling in the breeze, but still, Tak and the person remain still. 
“What’s going on? Why isn’t he moving?”
“I don’t know, maybe it has somethin’ to do with that thing on his hand?” A shiver runs down your spine and you wish you were there with him, helping him, instead of watching him fight on a screen from thousands of miles away. Placing your hand on the screen, you lean your head on the box as a tear slips out. 
“Please come back to me.”
Tak feels foggy. Like he’s out of place. He knows he’s walking down a corridor in Belle Reve, but he can’t seem to remember why or how he got there. His hands are stuffed in his jacket pockets and his head hangs low. It all feels off. As he continues to walk down the hallway, he’s quick to spot you and Rick, walking side by side and holding hands. “Hey Flag, (Y/N)!” He jogs down the hall towards the pair of you, who he’s surprised make no move to greet him. Coming to a stop in front of the both of you, a frown falls on his face when he sees the way you stare at your shoes, refusing to look at him and then Rick’s clenching jaw. “What’s wrong?”
Rick is the first to face the Envoy, pushing you behind his large frame and grabbing a fistful of Tak’s jacket, hoisting the man into the air. What the hell? Tak thinks to himself as Rick scowls. “Who the fuck do you think you are showing your face around here? You’re lucky I don’t kill you.”
Tak quickly break’s Rick’s hold on him and shoves the special ops agent back, giving them space. “Why don’t you tell me what’s going on,” his eyes tear away from Rick and fall onto you. “Baby? What’s going on?”
You step out from behind Rick, and push your hair back; dark sunken eyes, hollow cheeks, and a pale complexion adorn your face, way different than the one that usually greets Tak. “If I’d known it would always be her, I would’ve kicked you back through the portal myself. I don’t want you around me, Kovacs. Leave me alone, you’ve already done enough damage.” You start to walk away and Tak tries to reach out but is blocked by Rick’s solid frame. 
“Look murderer, she told you to leave her alone. Now leave. Her. Alone.” Rick shoves Takeshi back as Tak’s thoughts race. What the fuck is going on? What did I do? Why does this feel wrong? 
“(Y/N). Don’t leave. I love you!” Tak falls to his knees, a heavy weight crushing down on him and making it impossible to breathe. His hazel eyes fall to the floor and barely catch the top of your shoes. “You ruined that, Kesh. I don’t love you anymore. Goodbye.” With that, you take Rick’s hands and walk away and out of Takeshi’s life.
Harley’s vision slowly starts to come back to her, though still hazy, as she coughs up dust, rubble laying all across her body and her javelin laying in the dirt next to her. Is everything over? Sliding off the hood of the car, she surveys the scene. It’s calm. Too calm. Grabbing the javelin, she starts to skip on the road, the metal weapon swinging back and forth in her hand and despite her joyous attitude, there was still a weird atmosphere. Rounding the corner, she easily spots the cause of the tension. 
In the middle of the road their clearly not dead enemy stands over Tak who sits on his knees in a daze, a purple haze clouding him. “What the fuck?” Harley looks down in her hands to her javelin and shrugs. If she can save Flag, she can save Flag 2.0. 
Sneaking around the pair, she crouches down beside a rock and peers over. “Why is he not fighting?” Her blue eyes scroll down the elongated weapon. “Should I save him? I think I should.” After a minute, she shrugs and starts creeping up to the person, keeping a low profile and clenching onto her javelin. “He betta like me after this.”
Tak stares down at his hands covered in blood. What has he done? A hand finds a place on his shoulder causing him to look up, a familiar face greeting him. “You did good, Kesh. I knew you could do it.”
“What did you do? What the fuck did you do?” He stands to his full height and looks down at his sister who smiles with a gleam in her eyes. 
“What you’ve always wanted to do. You just finally did it,” she shrugs and gestures to the hall, bodies laying across the floor. Tak’s eyes go wide and he feels like he’s going to puke. He carefully steps over each and every body until a hand sticking up among the rest catches his eyes.
“No, no, no, no.” He crashes to his knees and shoves the bodies aside until he finds yours, eyes wide and dull as blood pours from your mouth. He quickly drags you out from under the bodies and cradles your head to his chest and looks up at Reileen. “What the fuck did you do?!”
Reileen laughs and crouches down, pulling up one of Tak’s hands and showing the bloody knuckles. “I think the question is, what did you do?”
Harley stands behind the man and taps him on the shoulder, causing him to turn around. “Hey, let go of him, he’s had enough.” She swings the javelin across the side of his face causing him to lose focus and let go of whatever hold he had Tak in. Harley races to Tak’s side and throws the javelin down. Grabbing a hold of either side of Tak’s face, she tried to shake him awake. “Come on hotstuff, wake up.”
The enemy beside them groans in pain but before he could sit up, DuBois has a foot on his gloved hand and a gun aimed at him. “Uh uh, I don’t think so.”
Harley ignores her teammates as she slaps Tak’s face a couple of times, but to no avail. “He won’t wake up! He betta not die! (Y/N) will kill us!” She continues to slap his face as DuBois pulls the glove off of the bloody faced man and places him into a pair of restraints. 
“Relax, he’s probably just unconscious.”
“You’re a monster. You know that?” Wake up, Takeshi. You’re dreaming. 
“We’re the monsters, Kesh. We were designed to kill and you did what you’re best at. You killed the enemy.” This isn’t real. Wake up.
“No, I killed my love. You made me kill her. You’re the enemy.” Tak scowls at Reileen as she shrugs, picking at her cuticles. 
“When will you realize that we are killing machines? It’s what we do. She was just a bystander who got in the way. Now come, brother. We have work to do.” Reileen stands up and starts to walk down the hallway but stops when she realizes that her twin isn’t following her. “Come on, now.” Tak shakes his head, his arms holding your dead body close to his. “No. I’m done following you around. I’m not going anywhere.” “Keshi, please. Please come with me,” Reileen begs, holding out her hand for him to take but he shakes his head. 
“No. I’m staying right here. You’ll have to leave without me.” That’s right. Now wake up.
“You’re making a mistake.”
“Probably, but I’d rather stay here than go anywhere with you.” Reileen storms out in a blind rage as Tak continues to cradle your face to his chest. Looking down at you, he wipes some of the blood off your face. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.”
Tak jolts awake in a panic and shoots straight up. He looks around and sees the team standing around him with the target in cuffs. Without allowing himself a moment to clear his head, Takeshi marches over to where DuBois is holding the man. “Let me talk to him.” DuBois moves out of the way and hands Tak the instrument that put Tak under. Gripping onto the collar, he stares the person in the eyes. “What did you do to me?” The man chuckles, spitting in Tak’s face but Tak doesn’t flinch. 
“I know your deepest fear now. It will come to pa-” Tak doesn’t let the man finish before he places his own gun - that he had in fact snuck onto the plane - underneath his chin and pulls the trigger, blowing the man’s brains to bits. The squad merely watches in shock. Flag would never do that. But then again, Takeshi is not Rick Flag. He’s Takeshi Lev Kovacs. Which no one on the team would ever doubt again after this.
“Wow, that was bad ass!” Harley comments and this time Tak gives her a nod in acknowledgement. Still shaken up, he grabs his weapons and the tech and starts toward the carrier with only one thought on his mind, to get home to you.
“Let’s go home.”
Taglist:  @kingtwhiddleston @taternuts @strawberriebabbles @nerdysuperchick​ @inthetikiroom @taylorgasmtpr @taarkatans @saritanotserena @blackrose53666 @more-cardigan-than-woman
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lacontroller1991 · 2 years
Would you ever consider doing a one shot or short series where reader from bionic choices takashi instead of both of them
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🌟= new post
🤕= Whump 😥 = Angst 😘= Fluff/ Relationship
✍= reader insert ✉️ = ask/ request
Whumptober 2022 Fics Masterlist
Whumptober 2022 GIFs Masterlist
AMOW's Winter Whumperland 2022 Masterlist
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Top Gun Masterlist:
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DC Masterlist:
Rick Flag
Christopher Smith
Adrian Chase
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Marvel Masterlist:
Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier)
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Matt Murdock (Daredevil)
Frank Castle (The Punisher)
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Star Wars Masterlist:
Poe Dameron
Mandalorian (Din Djarin)
Kylo Ren (Ben Solo)
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Joel Kinnaman Masterlist:
Rick Flag
Takeshi Kovacs
Stephen Holder
Ed Baldwin
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Lewis Pullman Masterlist:
Rhett Abbott
Miles Miller
Harrison Knott
Like a Thief in the Night (Ongoing The Thief x f!reader Series) 😘 😥 ✍
He claims to be the greatest thief in the world. You say otherwise. A challenge is issued to settle the matter once and for all. But in the end, only one thief will come out on top.
The Blade of Eternity (Ardeth Bay x Reader) 😥 ✍
When you and Ardeth learn of someone trying to steal the Blade of Eternity, you rush to stop them. But are you too late?
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loverhymeswith · 2 years
Against All Odds | Masterlist
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✧✧✧ Co-written with @sociiallydiisoriiented ✧✧✧
Pairing: F!Reader x ???
Summary: The nation's most watched reality TV game show, Love for Life, is back for its twenty-third season! This season, seven Hopeful Bachelors must compete against all odds for the attention and love of the Chosen Lady. Only one man can win....who will it be?
Rick Flag from The Suicide Squad Stephen Holder from The Killing Takeshi Kovacs from Altered Carbon Ed Baldwin from For All Mankind Frank Wagner from Johan Falk Pete Koslow from The Informer Erik Heller from Hanna (2019)
Status: Coming soon!
Join the taglist
Voting opens soon!
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endmeprettyplease · 2 years
HC for Joel characters (which ever ones your comfortable with) taking care of sick reader????
Ahh! thank you for the ask! I hope you enjoy! Also I’m sorry I haven’t seen For All Mankind:( or else I would have included Ed.
Taking Care of Sick!Reader (Rick Flag, Takeshi Kovacs, Stephen Holder)
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With Rick gone on missions so often I believe he values the time he does get with you greatly. The first time he comes back from an OP and sees an “I’m sick:/” text, he forgets about how awful he smells from a week in the jungle. As well as how sore and tired he is. He’s immediately rushing to the pharmacy by your apartment, purchasing everything anyone would need for a cold or flu. Not even bothering to give you a call to ask what you meant by ‘sick’. When he finally arrives at your door he practically barges in, much to your amusement, dumping two bags of medications, canned soup and a jug of orange juice on your counter. I don’t think Rick would ever hesitate to kiss or cuddle you when you’re ill, in fact he’d encourage it. Loving the quiet and cozy domesticity of it all, loving feeling useful and needed. He’d heat up the soup, apologize, and comment on how it's “Not as good as his mom’s, but it’ll do the job.” He’s also completely un-phased by the idea of catching what you have.
I think the next time he leaves for a mission he’ll sniffle with a smile, bushing off a comment from Harley about how he’s looking even paler than her.
When Takeshi is worried he gets defensive and irritable. When he’s worried about you? He’s borderline neurotic. So when he wakes to the sound of your choked off coughs coming from the bathroom he nearly takes the door off the hinges. Seeing you looking so pale, eyes and nose red he’s pissed. Angry that you're sick, but more angry that he can’t do anything about it. He reprimands you like it’s somehow your fault and yet tells Poe to have medication delivered to your room in the same breath. Takeshi will make you take whatever pills Poe says is best and tuck you into bed with a frown like a grumpy dad. He’ll press his lips to your temple under the guise of checking your temperature, telling you he knows this is just to avoid the stake out you were supposed to accompany him on. If you show any concern about him catching what you have Takeshi will roll his eyes and grumble that ‘Envoy’s don’t get sick’. When he goes out he totally won’t be watching the live feed of his room to make sure you’re resting, and he absolutely won’t forbid Poe from allowing you to leave the hotel if you try. 
When he inevitably catches what you had, definitely don’t laugh or comment when he coughs. Just leave a glass of water and two cold tablets on his end table and pretend you didn’t notice he took them.
I recently re-watched The Killing, and for some reason I feel like Stephen would be terrified of catching your cold too. Don’t get me wrong, he’s still great support and help. Just definitely ‘I’ve got your back…..from right over here’ vibes. You send him out for cough syrup and he’s coming back with 3 different kinds, trying to talk you into using a neti pot with some weird herbs he’s sure will cure you. Stephen is absolutely making homemade chicken noodle soup with extra chili flakes and lemon to ‘clear’ your sinuses. Good luck asking for a snuggle and don’t even think about a kiss. He shows his love in so many other ways you don’t really mind though. Fawning over you, fluffing pillows and tracking your temperature. Anything you need, he’s on it.
If he does get sick? Let’s say that the whole “no kiss, no cuddle” rule goes out the window. He’s like a big whiny cat who wants to live on your lap. You might need to take a day or two off work.
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madkovacs · 2 years
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Stephen Holder minimalist digital art
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Whumptober 2022 Fic Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
Whumptober 2022 GIF Masterlist
Prompts are at the end under the break:
One Bad Day.... (Did You Know?) (Batman x Batmom!Reader)
Includes Prompts: 1, 2, 31
Wrong Place, Wrong Time: Aftermath (Batfam x Batsis!Reader)
Includes Prompts: Alt Prompt for Day 10. Carried to Safety
Countdown (Batfam x Batsis!Reader)
Includes Prompts: 16
Eternally Yours: The Sweet Taste of Revenge (Vampire!Rick Flag x Reader)
Includes Prompts: Alt Prompt for Day 28. Protective
Dangerously in Love (Part One) (Frank Castle x Reader)
Includes Prompts: 3, 26, 29, 30
Hold On (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Includes Prompts: 4, 24
Top Gun:
Ice Cold (Kazansky!reader)
Includes Prompts: 7, 21
A Ghost From the Past (Part One) (Rooster x Reader)
Includes Prompts: 8, 26
A Ghost From the Past (Part Two) (Rooster x Reader)
Includes Prompts: 9
The Accident (Part One) (Bob x Reader)
Includes Prompts: 11
The Accident (Part Two) (Bob x Reader)
Includes Prompts: 25
Mayday, Mayday (Rooster x Reader)
Includes Prompts: 12
Treading Water (Toddler!Rooster & Maverick)
Includes Prompts: 18
Zipper (Part One) (Hangman x Reader)
Includes Prompts: 24
Zipper (Part Two) (Hangman x Reader)
Includes Prompts: 31
Star Wars:
Dead End (Poe Dameron x Reader)
Includes Prompts: 2, 14, 16, 21
Make a Choice (Din Djarin x Reader)
Includes Prompts: 17, 19, 23, 27
If You Can't Stand the Heat (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
Includes Prompts: 5, 31
Stand By Your Man (Rhett Abbot x Reader)
Includes Prompts: 13, 31
Distress Call (Ed Baldwin x Reader)
Includes Prompts: 6, 16
Focus on Your Next Breath (Ed Baldwin x Reader)
Includes Prompts: 15
Impossible Situation (Takeshi Kovacs x Reader)
Includes Prompts: 20, 26
The Blade of Eternity (Ardeth Bay x Reader)
Includes Prompts: 14, Alt Prompt for Day 22. Stabbing
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lacontroller1992 · 2 years
Prompt Master List
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Main Master List
Drabble List
Prompt 210
Reassurance Starters
150 Random Prompts
A Hundred Different Kisses
Shippy Lines
Morning After
Spicy Word Starters
NOTE: These will be F!Reader unless otherwise noted
Colonel Rick Flag
There Are Worse Ways to Die
See You At Work
It’s You
Heart-Broken x2
We’re Way Too Drunk
You Have My Word
Ritz Crackers
Just The Way You Are
Chicken Noodle Soup
Sunset Over the Hill
Belong To Me
Just Us
Look At Me
Body Heat
Takeshi Kovacs
Why Would You Even Care? 
Take My Hand
Say It
We’re Lost 
Cell Bound
It’s Time To Come Home
Lucky To Have You  (Fluff)
Hanky Panky (Lime)
Stephen Holder
Rule Breaker
Grocery List
Suit and Tie
However I Want
Long Day
Ed Baldwin
It Could Happen
Promise Me
You Can Do It
Night Sky
Bikini Bottoms
Suck It
No Longer Friends
One Night Stand (feat Gordo)
Gordo Stevens
Say My Name
You and Me. Right Now
One Night Stand (feat Ed)
I Thought You Were Dead
Drunken Confessions
Honey, I’m Home (Johnny Lawrence) - Fluff
Are You Okay? (Bucky Barnes) - Fluff
You’re an Idiot (Stephen Strange) 
Fight For You (Robb Stark) - Fluff
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