#rip Lucy everyone you ever met adored you
boltlightning · 9 months
What things have you watched for more Davenport stuff, and what did you think about it?
I'm considering buying a DVD set of Smash, and see if I can watch 10 percent, The Wedding Date and Next of Kin online.
I've already seen Kingsman (not just for him), The Journey of Mary Bryant but have yet to watch The Talented Mr. Ripley.
lmao. the amount of time i have spent on this dude...i'm gonna put this below a cut on the off-chance this won't show up in the tags, but here, in an orderly categorized list, is what i've watched for this dude
i would recommend:
p.irates of the caribbean — lmao
the t.alented mr ripley — this movie is not scary but it is haunting. it will stick with you like carrion to bones. highly recommend
why w.omen kill — he and lucy liu steal the show in season 1, which is very good, and he's the narrator in season 2, which is less good, but still entertaining. this show is so so good. please watch it
the incredible journey of m.ary bryant — it's probably a whole hour longer than it needs to be but everyone is putting their whole hearts into their performances
haven't we met before? this extremely cute commercial with f.elicity jones — it's five minutes long. it's adorable. it's even a little saucy. he's got the smash-era hair without being in smash. very good.
the m.oth 1997 — this was very early in his career and you can really tell, but he is adorable, and the writing itself perfectly embodies that hokey, melodramatic period drama bullshit that i so love
e.roica 2003 — 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 THE 19TH CENTURY FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
i wouldn't recommend, and he's not in them very much, but they're alright:
the m.orning show — check for triggers. he's only in the first season but he's great. and it turns into a soap opera in the second season on and not in a good way
k.ingsmen — justice for my guy. RIP
p.irate radio — b.ill nighy is great in this! jdav is in a gorgeous longcoat. but then there is the misogyny
a u.nited kingdom — gorgeous film, killer cast, oversimplification of history but very good for what it is. jdav leans into the sneering brit archetype so hard it makes you realize he definitely could sound more sinister than he already does, he just rarely drops his voice to the bottom of his register
i wouldn't recommend, but you may like them if you go in with more information:
s.mash — given all the talent on this show, it is baffling that it's so bad. jdav plays a genuinely awful man who is by far the most interesting character in the show, which means every conflict centers around him, and not always in a good way. watch this show to see jdav handsomely draped across furniture serving cunt alongside c.hristian borle and a.njelica houston and m.egan hilty and enjoy some of the the greatest musical performances ever conceived. ignore everything else. it is not worth your brain cells
the w.edding date — maybe the worst romcom i've ever seen? jdav is adorable and playing an atypical idiot. he has more chemistry with the romantic interest then the actual lead, to the point where i thought they'd end up together
f.lashforward — i enjoyed this show and will be thinking about it for a long time. it's a nostalgic 2000s 24-alike, but it won't be for everyone. his character is very sweet, which is a rarity and a boon.
g.uernica — i would rate this movie a c- but jdav's accent in this needs to be heard to be believed. also burn gorman is there. burn my beloved
you should not watch:
he was in a netflix western set in australia that was so bad i'm not going to bother looking up the name. it is GORGEOUS but you should watch this movie muted and with the captions off and you will inevitably come up with a better plot. listen to a little bit of his accent though.
don't watch smash. please god. don't do it. i know what category i put it in but don't do it. listen to me. i'm begging you.
i have heard good things about w.hy women kill and g.uernica though! and i've been trying to track down the m.oth, they've been on my list forever. definitely let me know about 10 percent, i have no way of finding that as an american lol
july 2024 edit: list has been updated. still haven't tracked down 10 percent <3
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kissmefriendly · 2 years
Okay but the fact that Lucy placed the wreath of garlic around her poor mother’s death because they were the only flowers she could give her… Lucy may have inadvertently saved her mother from a second death, something her mother could not prevent for her by giving up her own self protection.
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inkandpen22 · 4 years
Fate in Narnia
Pairing: Prince Caspian x Female!Reader
Warnings: none 
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: A year after the Narnian Revolution, Y/N, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie are sent back to Narnia. This means the three have a chance to be King and Queens, but most importantly, it means Y/N and Caspian can see each other again. 
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I return home from my classes at the university with groceries for dinner. After a long day like today, I’m reminded that it’s just me left to take care of Edmund and Lucy. Peter and Susan joined Mother and Father in America six months ago. They write to us often, promising they’ll send for us too when it’s safer. Honestly, I’m not sure how much longer I can balance classes, work, and picking up the slack for Aunt Beatrice. Her son Eustace and her husband don’t do anything to help around the house. Sometimes it feels like I’m taking care of five people. 
“Edmund! Lucy!” I holler up the stairs after I set the groceries down in the kitchen. 
When I don’t hear a response, I jog up the steps. They should be back from school by now, it’s nearly time for dinner. I hear a commotion coming from my and Lucy’s room. If it’s Edmund and Eustace going at it again I might just scream and I’m supposed to be the more patient older sibling! 
I swing open the door to find Eustace and Edmund fighting. However, my attention is stolen by Lucy standing in front of a picture frame spewing water. 
“What have you three done?!” I rush into the room. 
“It wasn’t us!” Lucy explains, grinning brightly. 
I glance between my sister and the ocean painting frantically. “You mean-” 
Narnia. Caspian. 
Eustace and Edmund finally notice the water swallowing up the room. Edmund hurries over to us. Based on his grin, he’s thinking what we are too. Eustace screams and goes to rip the frame off the wall. 
“I’m just going to smash it!” He threatens. 
“No!” My siblings and I struggle with our cousin for the frame. 
The ice-cold water fills the room in a matter of seconds. We each struggle to kick ourselves to the surface as the furniture of the room starts to float. I close my eyes, afraid of what may happen. I keep kicking to the surface, in the need of air. When I finally reach the top after what feels like an eternity, I take in a deep breath. 
“Swim!” Lucy shouts. “Eustace swim!” 
I snap open my eyes and a massive wooden ship is sailing toward us. I scream and Edmund grabs my arm to get me to start swimming. My brother and I swim like Olympians to get away from the path of the ship. 
“It’s Caspian!” Lucy yells enthused. “Guys, It’s Caspian!” 
Edmund and I halt immediately. Two men swim up and take each of us safely. 
“Caspian,” I repeat breathlessly, searching the surface for him. 
“You’re alright now,” the sailor assures me as he starts guiding me toward the ship. 
“Are we in Narnia?” Edmund asks one of the sailors helping us. 
“Yes, you’re in Narnia,” the man chuckles happily. 
After Edmund and I are brought up on the side of the ship, one of the sailors offers me his hand to help me on. I step onto the deck and immediately start scanning the many faces for the one I want to see most. 
I spin around on my heels and am met with the raven-haired prince I’ve been longing to see. A bright smile appears across my lips as I run across the short distance. He opens his arms to me and I leap into them. He laughs deeply, twirling me around playfully. His embrace is warm and strong, just as I remember. Oh, how I’ve missed him. He lowers me to the deck, but his hands remain on my waist. 
“How long has it been for you?” He checks instantly. 
“A year and you?!”
I can’t hide my worry that it’s been forever. Granted, he looks far too good for it to have been too long. He looks practically the same except for the facial hair. 
“Three years,” he smiles and relief rushes over me. 
“Thank heavens it wasn’t over a thousand again,” I sigh, laughing lightly. 
“You still are older though...” he sucks in air sharply between his teeth. 
“Oh stop it!” I swat his arm playfully. 
“Beautiful as ever I might add,” he compliments and leans in to plant a kiss on my forehead. 
“Caspian!” Ed interrupts joyfully. 
Caspian and Edmund embrace and Lucy comes to join us. Our attention is stolen when Eustace lands on deck failing. 
“Get this rat off of me!” He screams. 
A mouse comes leaping off Eustace and bouncing over to us. 
“Reepicheep!” Lucy gleams. 
“Good to see you again, Rep,” Ed greets. 
The mouse bows to the three of us. “Your Majesties, always a pleasure.” 
Caspian comes up behind me and drapes a blanket over my shoulders. I thank him quietly and wrap the fabric around myself. His hands remain on my shoulders as we watch my cousin go mad. 
“Where in the blazes am I?!” Eustace fusses. 
“You’re on the Dawn Treader! The greatest ship in all of Narnia!” A minotaur announces to Eustace. 
The boy faints instantly, making everyone on the crew laugh, including Caspian and Edmund. Lucy ridicules them. 
“Was it something I said?” The minotaur asks us. 
“No, don’t take it personally. He’s just never been to Narnia,” I explain kindly. “In our world, there aren’t any minotaur.” 
“Oh, interesting,” the creature replies with a shrug. 
Caspian slips his arm around my waist and appears at my side. “See to him will you?” He asks of the sailor. 
“Right away, Your Majesty,” the minotaur bows. 
Caspian then jogs off to the stairs leading up to the helm of the ship. 
“Gentlemen!” Caspian gathers everyone’s attention. “Behold our castaways! Edmund the Just, Lucy the Valiant, and Y/N the Gracious! High King and Queens of Narnia!” 
Each of the sailors gets down on one knee and bow their heads. My brother, sister, and I can’t help but smile. 
Caspian hurries back down and takes my hand to guide all of us inside. “Come! Let’s get you changed and I can show around!” _________________________________________ As the sun starts to set on the horizon, I watch over the side of the ship as the waves hit against the wood. Dolphins play in them, dancing along with the white foam. It reminds me of when I would watch them at sunrise when we lived in Cair Paravel. 
A pair of arms snake around my torso and bring me into their chest. I rest my head back against Caspian and slip my arms over his. He plants a kiss to my temple gently. For a year I’ve missed this. The last time we were in Narnia, Caspian and I hardly had any time after the revolution to settle. It came as a shock when Peter announced we would be returning home. I wasn’t ready to go and Caspian wasn’t ready to say goodbye. It took every ounce of willpower to leave. 
“I have a surprise for you,” Caspian whispers in my ear. 
“Oh do you?” I snicker. 
“Close your eyes,” he instructs with a nod.
Reluctantly, I close my eyes and hold out my hands. I feel a familiar leather sheath and strap brush against my palm as Caspian lowers the object into my hands slowly. 
“Okay, open!” Caspian gleams. 
My eyes flicker open and sure enough, it’s my old weapon gear. “My dual-swords!” 
“I’ve kept them safe since you’ve been gone!” Caspian tells me. 
Over the moon, I spin on my heels and pull him into a hug. I can’t believe he’s kept them with him after all this time and even took the liberty of taking them on the voyage. His arms linger around me and I ponder the feeling. 
“I’ve missed you,” he whispers against my shoulder. 
“Me too,” I mutter solely, resting my cheek against his chest. 
Caspian tightens his embrace upon hearing my words. Three years have gone by for him. A year was long enough to feel like a lifetime to me. 
“So Caspian-” Edmund voices, making Caspian and I part. I place my weapons down on a barrel and lean against the rail behind me. Edmund doesn’t notice my glaring at him for interrupting. “-have you managed to find yourself a queen in the three years we’ve been away?” Edmund asks, amused. 
“Oh uh...” Caspian stammers nervously. 
My lips part as I stare at my brother dumbfounded. “Ed-” 
“No, none to compare to your sister,” Caspian answers to my surprise. 
“Ew,” Edmund grimaces in disgust and cowers off somewhere. 
I turn to Caspian in awe. “Do you really mean that?”
“Every word,” he whispers, reaching up and caressing my cheek. 
I lean into his touch as my eyes fall shut with immense peace. A sense of peace I haven’t felt in over a year. 
“I’ve counted the days, waiting for your return. I knew there was a chance it may never happen, but I couldn’t give up hope. I still love you, Y/N,” he confesses and I open my eyes. “If not more than I did when you left.” 
I step forward, leaning into my press my lips to his softly. The sensation is exactly as I remember, if not better than before. I part from him for a second, resting my forehead against his. Our eyes meet, my Y/E/C ones, and his jet black ones that I adore so much. The eyes I’ve dreamt about each night for the past year. 
“I love you too, Caspian,” I whisper. 
He smiles, releasing a breathless laugh of joy and takes a step back. His hands take both of mine and he rubs them with his thumbs softly. “I... I know you’ve never had a choice and I know I’m asking a lot of you but... will you stay here in Narnia... with me?” 
My eyes search his face at a rapid rate. Is he truly asking me this? I take a moment to consider what he’s really asking me. I would be leaving behind my world forever. I may never see my family again. After all, this could be the last time we ever come back to Narnia. 
“And I know that would mean asking you another question,” he continues. “I have something else for you.” He steps back and lowers himself to one knee. 
My lips part as I start to comprehend what’s happening. The crew takes notices and starts to gather, along with Edmund and Lucy. 
Caspian reaches into his pocket and a reveals a gold floral engraved ring in his palm. “It was my mother’s. I’ve kept it with me, waiting for you to return. I don’t wish to bombard you. I know I’m asking you to make an impossible decision and-”  
“Yes,” I answer. 
“Yes?!” He repeats, rising from his position. 
I laugh, “Yes! Yes, Caspian I will marry you!” 
He wraps his arms around me and lifts me off the deck. “Oh, I love you so much, Y/N!” Above him, I lower my head and bring my lips to his. 
Instantly in my heart, I can feel that my fate was always meant to be forever with Caspian in Narnia.
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nelavili · 3 years
I'm still processing Season 6 and as an unpopular opinion I'm not too happy about it as a whole. I feel horrible for not enjoying it as much as the Cast/Crew would like me to, but I just can’t change this feeling I have.
Just to clear my head I'll write the things down that irked me. I don't want to start any discussion, they're only my thoughts on stuff ‘n thangs. Huge spoilers ahead, please don’t read if you haven’t watched.
I admit it, I have probably more sympathy for the bad twin than I should. And after the whole S5 I thought we get a bit more closure with him. I didn’t expect a redemption arc, after Michael killed Remiel, Dan and Chloe it would have felt wrong. But after the “Everyone deserves a second chance” the dude is down in hell, scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush. Really, Lucifer? That’s cruel after such a righteous line.
When Luci realized he could help everyone, even if he hated them, I hoped for a dive into the twins’ relationship but it was like Michael didn’t even existed anymore. And if someone needed therapy it would be the twin with the huge inferior complex. That could have been so interesting. (I had hoped that he'd sat on the couch at the end, but noooo we get the Frenchman.. such a disappointment.)
Maybe Tom Ellis didn’t want to play 2 roles again, or there was no time, but I feel that was a huge opportunity wasted.
What even was the plan of Michael? To get God to retire and wreck havoc on earth to get Dad back, so Mickey can take over as the new God? And then what? Wipe out humanity? I see no endgame here.
I liked Ella’s Story so far. But she stole the personal file of Carol and even broke into his house.. and everybody is cool with this? Carol might be crushing on Ella pretty hard but if somebody tells you they broke into your house, because they feared you were hiding something bad, You run for the hills. But the dude isn’t even phased.
I’m glad Carol is a good guy, though. Even if he’s kind of bland.
Ella finding out the truth on her own came out of nowhere. I would have found it better if they would have her act a little suspicious over the whole S5. But since they wrote S6 while S5 was shot, a little to late for this.
The scene at the wedding was amazing. I had so much fun with her outburst there.
Ghost!Dan was my favorite by far in this season. And I really liked how he wanted to help and tried to find out what he still felt guilty about.
I am so glad he got to spend his afterlife with Charlotte and I laughed so hard with the pudding. Didn’t expect that, in a positive matter. :D
The scene with Trixie killed me. Bawled so hard as soon as Kevin got teary eyes. That really gripped at my heartstrings.
But how could he go to heaven while in a body of a killer when his daughter stands right next to that killer?
Comedy-wise Dan is top notch
I missed her so much.
It felt like she was an afterthought with everything. She recently lost her Dad and Chloe spends most of the time with Lucifer. I really missed the scenes with her and Luci, they always were so adorable.
They explain it later that she’s at a science camp, but I honestly thought Chloe chooses Lucifer (and later Rory too) over her.
She wasn’t at Chloe’s deathbed but here I’m not sure if the scene with Rory isn’t placed somewhere at the threshold to heaven where only celestials are able to enter. But if she wasn’t there because Chloe sidelined her in favor of Rory, then I can understand her absence.
I love Linda, she always gives good advice but nobody’s ever took it.
Her book probably would fly under the fantasy tag if she ever published it. Still, it felt cringey.
It was so sad that she thought she was a bad therapist.
Apparently she wants to keep helping celestials because it’s better than helping humans. In the end, celestials have the same problems as humans just on a bigger scale. But okay.
Amenacop was good, and a nice nod to Dan who put in the application.
It made him realize that he only can change things when he has more power. I’m white and no american so I don’t know if the BLM theme there was well enough executed. Got me wondering.
The apocalypse just being Angels who are incompetent was a letdown. Like this whole season.
I really like him as god. And I am glad he took the position in the end. Even if he could have decided this a bit earlier.
I like her sarcasm and her character.
Didn’t like the whole time travel, time loop and daughter spiel. I’m not a big fan of time travels or couples getting a kid just for the sake of a happy end or to add extra drama. I could have lived without a Deckerstar baby. Instead they could have focused on Trixie for a change.
The time she spent with Lucifer on the 4th August was precious though.
How in hell did the Frenchman capture her? How did he even know how she looked? IIRC Dan hasn’t seen Rory while in that body. Dan just went over to Trixie that’s why I thought he’d capture her and not Rory.
He found his calling to help the souls in hell only because Rory traveled back in time? No man, he already took the step with Jimmy Barnes in preparation to take over as god. I don’t think it’s far fetched to believe that he would have the same epiphany without Rory there.
But without Rory, he wouldn’t have been helping Ghost!Dan to go to heaven. Though, before Rory traveled back in time, Lucifer was already trying to help Dan. They probably would have needed more time to figure out about what Dan felt guilty about, but figure it out anyways.
How did he even got Chloe pregnant? Was it his subconscious deciding he was ready to be a father? Amenadiel had to believe that he was human to get Linda pregnant. Or maybe it’s because they always thought they couldn’t impregnate a human and self-actualized it that way. Anyways, it’s a tiny hang-up I have with it.
Somebody else besides me thought that the scene in the panic room was awkwardly long? I know they thought Lucifer would vanish somehow, but it seemed too much to me.
His singsong while the magician talked about the trick. :D
I don’t want to even get into the whole time loop thing because I think it’s ridiculous(ly bad).
It took a lot of time for him to realize that he didn’t want to be god, after he put it on hold for a second time. Even Chloe could have asked him if that is really what he wanted. Could have spared us an episode or so. Why is the communication on this show so bad? Q.Q
I loved that he helped Maze with Eve to get the wedding back on after their fight.
He didn’t say goodbye to Trixie  - again. What a nice step-devil..
It’s been Chloe, Rory and his family since he found out she’s his daughter. Not even mentioning the one kid who probably loved him before even Chloe fell for him.
For someone who is all about free will and led a rebellion against God for it, he was quick to accept that he has a “fate”. I thought he’d find another way, or at least try to. Nope, he just did what his child wanted. And they disguised it at his “choice”. Doesn’t look like a choice to me if your daughter begs you for it and you have to promise it. Just getting along with what your child wants.
Why does everyone need to shoot him? Just cut him until he bleeds. The Americans and their fixation on guns. Nice parallel to Chloe though.
Lucifer trying to fix the relationship to Rory with gifts was so cringey. I don’t know why but I couldn’t watch him sing/dance in that scene.
Both him and Amenadiel didn’t want to become like their Dad because of the reasons stated in S5, yet Lucifer exactly did. Another letdown.
As soon as she knew Rory was her and Lucifer’s daughter it was all only about Lucifer and Rory. No thought of Trixie? I understand she was worried about being a bad mother to Rory, but come on, you’re being a bad mother to your first child right now.
She was ready to go to heaven with Lucifer. And Trixie does what exactly without her parents? Living with her Grandma because one of her parent died and the other one is abandoning her? It’s like the writers forgot about Trixie while forcing Rory on us.
The addiction to the necklace got old pretty fast.
And that whole fight against Lucifer felt unnecessary just to add more drama.
She gets mad at Lucifer for not telling her everything while not telling him that she went back to the LAPD. It’s Lucifer, he always has things on his plate. Double moral, pretty much.
She looked so gorgeous at the wedding, oh my god.
Most of the Deckerstar scenes were good. I got tired of the obvious naked cuddle times, surprisingly. Somehow it felt not like the ones in S5 and it bothered me.
I thought Chloe would finally get to know about everything Lucifer did for her, but I didn’t expect her to read it in Linda’s book. And that she only took away that he left her every time they had an emotional breakthrough.
They spend Lucifer’s last day at the beach and once again, no thought of Trixie. I’m sorry I repeat myself here so often. But this whole season wronged Trixie so much.
They face the baddie without any backup.  At least get Amenadiel with you.
Other things
The use of music between scenes was too much for me. Got annoying at some point.
I appreciate that they wanted to show us snippets of past Deckerstar scenes but here too, I felt like it was too much.
Couldn’t really follow the timeline. Maybe it were the cuts.
What’s been the point of bringing Adam into the mix? Just to wrap up Maze and Eve’s story? For Linda having another celestial to therapy?
The animation in the Jimmy Barnes Hell loop was AMAZING. I laughed so hard.
I’m not saying that Deckerstar shouldn’t have sacrificed everything for the time loop to stay intact, I say that the whole daughter-time travel plot shouldn’t have had happened. They never even talked about having kids, and then ignore the whole existence of the one kid that’s already there.
I really need all the Michaella fanfics, please. My first ship that’s actually a raft, because they never officially have met. RIP lmao
The acting was great as usual, all my problems come from the writing and the plot.
In the end, I really feel frustrated, underwhelmed and disappointed by the whole season. I didn’t have high expectations other than the same writing quality like S5. My excitement for that Season died as soon as Rory told Lucifer that she’s his daughter, to be honest. I waited for a plot twist that never came. Then the whole time loop shit.  I’d rather have waited one more year for S6 if the plot would have made more sense, since this felt like a first draft of a whole other show. And now I wished that S5 would have been the last season. If I could travel back in time, I’d rather not watch S6.
I can honestly live with the fact that Luci and Chloe are in hell, trying to help souls to get to heaven. (But hello, not the murderers perhaps? Or I want Michael sitting on that couch right now.) But the fact that both “chose” to sacrifice their time together with their family and friends just because it’s fate now and parents have to make sacrifices for their children; and anyways there’s an afterlife because (human) life is just a blip in our existence… nah thank you. I do not want it.
I’m probably not gonna rewatch S6 anytime soon.
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Aww that's so cute! Honestly I'm not that fond of Luci myself, it's not my type but hey tastes are tastes and we don't judge! The way you talk about Mammon is so adorable though ;; and Asmo is one of my fav too! At first he was my first but I fell in love hard with Beel and I can't stop to love him every day more ;; also you have an OC for Obey Me? I'm curious about it pls pls
Yeah. Otome are made so everyone who has a specific taste in a niche type of character can find what they’re looking for when they stumble upon the game. God, you’re valid as well. I love Beel too. He’s got a really big heart and he cares about his family so damn much. He may not say it a lot but he simply worries about the MC and everyone all the time. The guilt of the past is so hard for him to cope with. You know, when you get to stay with him and he asks you to hold his hand?
I hardly ever get to talk about my Obey Me MC! 
She’s got wild and curvy purple hair, a wicked smile, and always finds herself getting involved in messes that she really shouldn’t have stuck her nose into in the first place. She’s a girl that is constantly getting herself in danger and you can not leave her alone for very long. She is the number one clumsiest human that you’ve ever met in your entire life. She has two left feet and seemingly always finds herself covered in wrappings and bandaids. 
However, in spite of this, she’s allowed to work with a sewing machine and very sharp objects. She isn’t clumsy when it comes to fashion and she’s got really big dreams of being a designer someday. Her style is arguably punk, studs, black, and ripped jeans. You know the works. She was on her way to getting to where she wanted to be when she found herself pulled into the Devildom. 
She isn’t exactly happy about that at first. Azalea was in the process of trying to get her brother to come and live with her instead of their parents. You see, they aren’t the greatest people in the world. They are there but they don’t really care or help anything at all. Her baby brother has been at the receiving end of some really bad bullying and she had enough of them not helping. 
Unfortunately, when she was pulled into the Devildom right as she was getting everything sorted out. She may only be twenty-three but she was more than willing to take on the responsibility to ensure that he was taken care of the way that he should be! So, honestly, it’s no surprise when she starts hanging around the brothers that she cannot stand the way they “tease” each other. 
It’s not just Mammon, but that’s a big part of it. She gets that demons have different ways about themselves but that’s no excuse in her eyes to torment someone to the brink that they accept that they’re everything that you’ve said to them. She’s always got a smile on her face, and she can tend to be a bit oblivious in most situations. She’s the girl that falls on her face only to spring up and say, “I MEANT TO DO THAT. I SWEAR!” 
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aratilightwood · 5 years
Characters from ‘The shadowhunter chronicles’ as Damon Salvatore quotes
No! No, no, no, no, no. Did I mention, no?
This is the face I make when I don’t understand you...
When people see good, they expect good and I don’t want to live up to anyone’s expectation.
Just like you and I falling for the same girl. It’s our thing.
You want a love that consumes you. You want passion and adventure, and even a little danger.
I know you’re obsessed with me.
Don’t mistake the fact that we haven’t set you on fire in your sleep for trust.
I’m surrounded by idiots.
I promised you an eternity of misery, so I’m just keeping my word.
Have you ever been so bent on someone, just to have your heart ripped out by them?
What’s your plan, oh warrior princess?
Long story. Buy the e-book.
That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?
He wants to feel every episode of ‘how I met your mother.’
If this thing blows up in our face, just remember only one of us heals quickly.
You know, a room full of women clamoring to win a date with me. Sounds tasty.
Easy, judgy. Not everyone got a new haircut today.
Am I the only one around here who has the ability to put two and two together?
Does it look like I know anything about tattoos? Look at my skin, it’s flawless.
Some girls just can't resist my good looks, my style, my charm, and my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift.
You know this whole friendly cooperative thing? I don’t buy it.
I’m not some drunk sorority chick. You can’t roofy me.
If life gives you lemons, add vodka to it.
You once said that calling me Satan was an insult to Satan.
It’s founder’s day. I’m here to eat cotton candy and steal your girl.
Well, that’s my brother for you. Always cleaning up my messes.
There’s no such thing as a bad idea. Only poorly executed awesome one.
Dear Diary, a chipmunk asked me my name today. I told him it was Joe. That lie, will haunt me, forever.
We team up, we join forces, we activate our wonder twin powers.
You ready to ditch this House of Horrors? Oh, you look terrible.
Okay, it’s a kitten. It’s an adorable, exploding kitten.
So what’s it going to be, a fight to the death? Go ahead. Make your threat, stake your claim.
Sorry I’m late. The dog ate my, uh.... never mind.
There has been enough doom, gloom and personal growth for one night.
Well, you know what they say, two’s company, three’s a party.
Isn’t a bridesmaid dress supposed to make you look like a freak of nature?
If I hear the word ‘doppelganger’ one more time, I think I'm gonna actually have to learn how to spell it.
Gotta run. Have a murder to plan. Busy day.
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uphissleevies · 6 years
Natsu x Lucy Fanfiction Gems
A continued list of my favorite stories that keep piling up.
-More current updated ones are at the top of the list
-Only one story per author
-Sexual content in some stories
-Stories from FF.net are first, followed by the stories from A03
Happy Reading!
-FF.net stories-
Bound in Blood (M) by xambedo
When tragedy unseals a demon beneath the soil of Fairy Hills, Lucy Heartfilia is offered a choice: remain and be buried alive, or bargain to save her classmates. Seven years later, Natsu is here to collect, but he's about to get more than he bargained for. / NaLu / Romance - Supernatural - Humour
Capturing Her Damaged Heart (M) by mushi0131
A deadly disease plagues the world. People are dying, the dead are rising. The infection spreads too fast to stop. Everyone tries their best to survive in this post-apocalyptic world, but things get messy for Natsu when he finds a blonde woman on one of his missions. Natsu takes it upon himself to help her, protect her, and accidentally fall in love with her? Zombie Apocalypse AU.
Til Death Do Us Part (M) by superfreakerz
Immortal/Reincarnation AU. There are immortals and there are those who reincarnate, though it's best to keep these things hidden. Lucy is attending college and meets Natsu, a mischievous boy with pink hair, a devilish smile, and a body that never ages.
Dauntless (M) by HungryPeanut
The Royal Military College was founded a few centuries ago and the traditional laws that were instaured at the time still remained. One of those laws stipulating clearly that only male students were allowed to apply for the formation. But here Lucy was, standing among the other recruits in the ranks, dressed as a man.
Do it for him, Do it for her (T) by schmad20
Lucy goes on with her mission, "without" any one else. She wants to help her client and while doing that she'll prove to others what she's capable of! She's doing it for herself...and for him... While she's off on her mission, Natsu is waiting restlessly at home. Waiting for her to come home. He knows how much this means to her... So he's doing it for her...
Walk through the fire (T) by elssiie
Strategist and priestess Lucy Heartfilia gets caught up in the turmoil of war. Torn between duty and love she must decide whether to follow her heart or mind because the destiny of two nations rests on her shoulders.
Implexium Vitae (M) by notjustanyfangrl
It is said that some people have old souls, reborn every couple centuries to find their loved ones again and continue on their never ending journey. But what happens to these intersecting lives when one is immortal and the other is ripped from them? Vampire AU.
Falling into Home (T) by selenityshiroi
Post-canon. Lucy finds it difficult to let certain horrors from the war go but, fortunately, her team mates are having the same struggle and they can work past it together.
Her Master (M) by Letting go of Fate
Neither of them remembered how it all started. How their innocent friendship twisted into something like this. She loved it. He craved it. He was her Master and she, his pet.
Stars that Bite (T) by MizzyPlatinum
AU in which Lucy feeds off of blood and refuses to drink Natsu's, but what happens when Natsu finds out that he's the only one she refuses to feed from? NaLu. OneShot. Fluff. Blood trigger.
Dark Side of You (M) by Binky1987
Post Manga/Anime, therefore sort of AU. The progress of Lucy and Natsu's relationship, five years after the war. When finally their relationship is becoming defined, the world turns ugly and they have to choose a side. With Lucy's life on the line the choice is clear, the world be damned because you can't take his things and live to tell about it.
One Week of Danger (T) by Cervella
"Okay, Miss Mystic." Lucy stood up and held the magazine which she would flush down the drain later above her head. Plue imitated her totally heroic pose and she was dead serious when she yelled,"In the next week I will prove that your horoscope is completely wrong!"
Desire In Strawberries (M) by  shelbyshoe
Natsu and Lucy are swept away by a festival held by their wealthy client, Lady Nakahara. There is more than mystery and the scent of strawberries in the air as they find themselves intimately closer to one another. What they thought was a friendly feast turns into something more as the puzzling night goes on.
Letter’s To Mom (T) by  ElementalMiko12
Going back to the place they first met after Lucy reveals an unkept promise she made to her mother; Natsu takes her to keep that promise... In the process Lucy's deceased mother decides to keep a promise of her own she made long ago. (Complete)
The Simplest Gift (A Valentine's Day Special) (T) by ladyoflitany A Valentine's Day one shot, involving Natsu, Lucy unspoken feelings and Valentine's gifts. Throw in a meddling Mira, Natsu misunderstanding the idea of Valentine's and Lucy's missing fan mail and problems and Hilarity ensue...
Brightside (K+) by stopnatsu Natsu loves Lucy. Lucy is on a date. Natsu gets roaring drunk and drama ensues. Oneshot. Angst/fluffy. (May or may not be heavily inspired by Mr. Brightside by The Killers).
The Lacrima Wish (T) by  LucyLacrima
In the midst of a battle with Natsu, Lucy stumbles upon a cursed tree and something is released. She is given the opportunity to make one wish, with no limitations, and is given a Lacrima. The Lacrima allows her to see the repercussions of each potential wish. She tests different futures while watching her guild's future unfold.
Thirty Days of Misadventures (T) by MagiLiv Imagine waking one morning in one world, sleeping, then waking in another. Different lives, different scenarios- together, Natsu and Lucy venture through the trials of laughter, anger, sadness and love.
A Big Problem (T) by  Jayalek
How is Lucy supposed to live her life normally when an overgrown lizard won't leave her alone? Of all the things to be obsessed with her, it just had to be a dragon who won't give her some peace and quiet. NALU! Dragonized!Natsu
Just Kiss! (T) by WhiteRose123
Even when Lucy is feeling at her worst, Natsu is always there to try to cheer her up. NaLu. Oneshot.
Strawberry Heaven (K+) by PrinceCharmingsPrincess
Oneshot: A NaLu lost moment... Ranges after the Games.
It started with a kiss (M) by Eugenee
Natsu comes home from a mission to find the guild in full swing and in the middle is his worst nightmare... a drunk Lucy.
Priorities (K+) by PEANUT v1.2
"Moving forward is what Fairy Tail mages do, isn't it?" Lucy says to Natsu. Yesterday he would have agreed immediately, but that was before catastrophe struck. How can he move forward after his mistake? Nalu friendship/romance oneshot.
Switched (T) by SyberSweetHeart
Once again the lives of Fairy Tail mages are interrupted- but the problem is Lucy and Natsu have switched bodies! Oh boy, this is bound to cause problems…
Exceedingly Adorable (K+) by Sweet Little Demon
A magical mishap happens in the middle of a battle, leaving Lucy fluffier and more adorable than ever. Humor, Fluff, adorableness, cuddliness, master planning and envy guaranteed.
Are You My Daddy? (T) by BlackLynx17 It was just a normal day at Fairy Tail... that is until a little girl is carried in claiming to be Lucy's daughter. The only thing she remembers about her Father is that he's strong and has a fairy on his body, that narrows it down to every male in Fairy Tail... hold on she said strong, maybe about half the males then. What's Fairy Tail to do now?
-A03 stories-
Flame’s Desire (M) by Rougescribe
As the last of her tribe, Lucy barely escapes the grasp of slavers and falls into the hands of a man as wild as the flames that destroyed her clan. She's been given a second chance with her life, but why does her savior awaken a fire in her blood she's never known before?
Of Dragons and Gods (T) by Gemini888
Lucy Heartfilia: Fairy Tail's resident Celestial Spirit Mage who is currently in love with the Guild's own Fire Dragon Slayer.
Natsu Dragneel: One of Fairy Tail's aces; a powerhouse Mage that is more than conflicted and confused about his feelings for Lucy.
Suberashi: A ancient, powerful, and fabled Guild straight from legends. Only, now, it's no longer fabled, nor does 'just a children's fairy tale' quite fit the reality of their sudden presence.
With Natsu unintentionally hurting Lucy emotionally and with Suberashi's sudden interest in her, will she leave Fairy Tail and accept their offer to give her the powers of a 'God.'
A Fever in the Night (G) by starmini
Coming back from a mission, Lucy collapses in the the middle of a forest with a dangerously high fever. Natsu sends Happy to bring back help, as he desperately tries to keep her alive.
Heaven Sent: A Fairy Tail Fairy Tale (G) by joliemariella
Natsu Dragneel is the infamous 'Dragon Prince' who rules Fiore with the assistance of his carefully chosen council. His life is changed forever, though, when his dear friend Happy, is struck by an incurable disease. Desperate, he turns to the ancient fairy tales that tell of the Celestial Maidens, whose robes hold the power to do anything a determined man might set his mind to...
Starcrossed (G) by wisdomofme
Bonus Prompt 1 of FT Angst Week: Ever After/ Perfect Disaster Once upon a time there lived a star that had seen it all, and boy who could see the stars… Who would’ve thought that their paths would cross?
what’s the big deal? (Explicit) by julamei
Natsu's sexual awakening is... clumsy and awkward, obviously. The poor boy has purposefully remained ignorant of these more mundane, human miracles. that is, until something happens he can't ignore and things between him and Lucy being to grow. Here is my headcannon on their journey around the bases (hopefully this reflects more our own experiences than just our need for fulfillment for these characters).
Hunter (M) by Freyjabee  (No longer available?)
Natsu and Lucy follow some dangerous hunters into a city housing sin. While one is desperate to leave, the other can't help but stay.
A Lesson for Natsu (M) by aeotae
Despite the injustice of it all, the men of Fairy Tail endeavor to prepare Natsu for his new manly duty as Lucy's boyfriend.
I have a lot more so let me know if anyone wants more recommendations.
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softscholasticism · 6 years
a voice like music, lips like wine • rami malek
a/n: thank you so much for all of your feedback on “in the wee small hours of the morning” ! it was so delightful to see how many of you loving it! to celebrate, i’ve wrote this out for you:) fair warning, this is purely indulgent because i love rami’s mouth anywho. i do hope you enjoy and dont hesitate to send me requests for what you’d like me to do next🖤
word count: 1724
warnings: panic attack only slight though also slight angst but not to worry, there’s plenty of fluff:)
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It was the end of the first month of filming a new movie you were working on. This one was a large step further than the ones you had previously worked on, higher budget, higher anticipation, higher casts, higher risks. Everything was multitudes more important, and you, you were chosen to be apart of the crew as one of the cinematographers. A little young perhaps to be taking on such a huge feature film, but hey, you love a good challenge. One challenge was very daunting however, the challenge that was being in Rami Malek’s presence.
You were a massive fan of all of his previous works, your favorite being ​Mr. Robot​. He was such a fantastic actor and you were so incredibly lucky to be able to get up close and personal with his acting skills. It’s also important to note that you had the largest crush on him, his dark hair and bright eyes, his rather muscular body, even his height was attractive to you due to your short stature. Of course you loved his personality and how he acted around you. The boys hung around you quite often because they too found you intriguing. You even became quite close with Joe, loving his quirky nature, his attendance was almost grounding due to the madness of the film.
Aside from the loud nature of the boys, Rami was politely quiet around you, always checking on you and making sure you were doing okay. He would always bring you your favorite coffee in the morning, knowing it was the only thing that could get you through the hectic day. He would sit near you as you prepared everything you needed to start the work day, drinking his own coffee. Every now and then you would sneak a glance at his mouth. That was probably the thing you loved most, his mouth. His top lip - even without the teeth - slightly protruded outwards from his bottom lip. You wanted to bite it between your teeth or suck on it, but alas, all you could do was watch. And watch you did, when he spoke, when he laughed, when he drank, almost every moment you could without being caught, you spent it watching his mouth.
And this occasion was no different, it was lunch break and the cast and some crew went out to eat at a local pub near the filming location. As you at your chips that came with your sandwich, you could help but only pay attention to Rami’s mouth as he spoke of a joke that him and Joe had during the filming of ​The Pacific, ​a work they had done together.
Ben was to your left and definitely noticed your staring, a smirk gliding itself to his face. “My my my, Y/N, what is so intriguing, love?” The color drained out of your face as Rami stopped telling his story to look at you. You slammed your foot into Ben’s leg, satisfaction filling you as he groaned at the pain. Everyone was looking at you now, expecting an answer of some kind. Your eyes reached Rami’s, he was biting his lip, a smile glowing in his eyes. You could’ve sworn that he was flirting with you at times but why would he like you? You were just some cinematographer and he was the lead actor in your film.
Realizing you were taking to long to answer, you just shrugged and replied, “just zoned out there for a second,” letting the moment go with a nervous laugh. Luckily it seemed like everyone believed it, well all except for Joe, Ben, Gwilym and Lucy who were all very aware of your crush on Rami. Even Rami seemed skeptical when he pursed his pink lips, which made you want to melt even more because how could someone make pursing their lips look so good? “I’m fine Rami, I just had a lot on my mind.” As the words left your mouth, you immediately regretted it because Joe began giggling like a mad man, along with the other two boys. Joe placed his arm on your chair as the laughing continued, a blush settling on your cheeks. Rami seemed confused but looked at you in concern due to your embarrassment.
“A lot on your mind, or rather someone on your mind, eh Y/N?” Your embarrassment reached new heights and silently begged that they would all just shut up. But no, they kept teasing. Phrases like “ooo she’s in love” or kissy noises floated around the conversation until the inevitable happened.
“Well who do you like, Y/N?” Rami asked clearly wondering who it was that had taken your heart. His eyes were so open, almost hopeful, his hand underneath his chin in the adorable way that he always does it. You looked at his mouth again, trying to be grounded as your chest swelled with anxiety. You hated being put on the spot, or being the center of attention. You were a fish out of water, panic was settling in. You couldn’t breathe or even think at the thought of Rami finding out about your feelings. The others stopped teasing and began looking equally concerned about you. “Y/N?” Rami asked, grabbing your attention by him placing his hand on top of yours.
“I-I... I gotta go.” You whispered, ripping your hand out of his and practically ran out of the restaurant. You thought that the others were calling out after you but you couldn’t be sure, your hearing was muddled in your state of panic. You kept walking until you reached the corner of the coffee shop Rami always bought your drink from. There was an alleyway between buildings and you leaned against the wall. You lavished yourself in the cool wall, allowing your breathing to calm down. You felt stupid for leaving but everything had just become too loud and too much, you didn’t want to hear Rami’s response because you already knew that it wouldn’t be the one you wanted.
You heard pounding footsteps along the sidewalk, hoping for it to just be a runner you stayed in your spot, basking in the alone time before you begrudgingly had to go back to the set. The steps came to a stop, you turned your head and was met with the most beautiful man you had laid eyes on, Rami. His breath was coming out quick due seeing as he ran to find you. He walked closer to you, biting his wonderfully pink lips in worry. The emotions of what just happened came back, tears rushing to your eyes. “Y/N,” Rami whispered, his warm and surprisingly soft hands cupped your face, forcing your attention to be directly on him, “what happened back there?”
Sweet Rami, sweet sweet Rami just wanted to make sure you were okay, as a tear fell from your eyes, he wiped it away. You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to be held by Rami for a little bit longer, dreaming that he felt the same way you did. Once you were ready, you opened your eyes and looked at Rami, the moment of truth it seemed. “They were talking about you Rami,” his eyes widened at your confession, “I’m in love with you.” Your head moved down, tears flowing down, you felt small, and your heart slowly breaking with each second passing.
Suddenly Rami’s hands lifted your chin back to its original position, a smile gleaming in his eyes with a closed mouth smile that you loved so much. You blinked obliviously back up to him, not understanding what was so funny about the situation. His thumbs moved across your cheeks, wiping away the remnants of your tears. Your eyes couldn’t help but fall back to his lips, the ones you had so many dreams about the things they could do to you. Rami moved closer to you, his chest now basically touching yours. “Well that’s good, because I was hoping you wouldn’t say someone else, thank God you didn’t say someone like Ben, or else I would’ve kicked his ass because he knew I loved you too.” He laughed, you just stood there in shock.
For so long you had told yourself that there was no chance that Rami would ever like you back. You couldn’t believe it, it was almost as if you were in a dream. The two of you stood there embracing each other for what felt like an eternity until Rami spoke again, “can I kiss you?” You nodded fervently, wrapping your arms around him as his lips met yours. His mouth and yours slot perfectly together, moving in perfect harmony almost as if it was choreographed. You moved to deepen the kiss, biting his top lip in the moment softly. He giggled and pulled away, “how long have you been waiting to do that?”
You blushed profusely, “forever,” you replied, bringing his lips to yours once again. He sighed into your mouth as you continued to kiss. All of your sense were Rami and just Rami, you could smell his cologne, feel him encompass you with his body, hear his breath. You were filled with such a sense of joy at being in his arms that you didn’t even notice you had a crowd watching you. Finally needing air, you pulled away, not before you placed one last kiss on his swollen lips, a feeling you would never forget.
“About damn time, Jesus.” Ben laughed the other boys and Lucy were standing a few feet away, smiling and seeming proud that the two of you finally got your act together. It was Rami’s turn to start blushing and he hid his face in your neck, goose bumps forming at the feeling of his smile on your skin. You couldn’t care less that they had just watched you and Rami make out heavily. All you cared about was the wonderful man that was holding you, and that you had spent such a long time worrying about whether or not he liked you back when really, he loved you too. And of course that you were going to thank the boys for embarrassing you in front of everyone since it forced you to tell Rami, but you were still going to kick their asses for doing that, out of love, of course.
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originwrites-blog · 5 years
TW: I don’t know if there are any for this?
Summary: She was beautiful. Maybe even perfect. But, who was she?
That's all I could remember. 
The burning of my lungs, the ache in my legs and arms as they pumped through the air, desperately trying to propel me forward. 
My vision dazed and unfocused as the trees and bushes all blurred together into one big green and brown thing. 
The confusion mingled with the fear. Why was I running? Who was I running from and what did they want? I couldn't remember. All I knew was run. Run run run. That's all that echoed in my head
 Run from the danger. 
Run from her.
But, you don’t know who she is, do you?
Or, rather, who she was.
The cool summer breeze slid across my arms like water over rocks. Laughter spilled from my lips like a waterfall as we ran through the grassy field, the blades tickling our ankles while the sun painted us with gold streams of light. My long blonde hair tumbled in the wind as I fell, tangling in the sticks and grass while we twirled. Bell-like laughter followed me, trailing behind me as we rolled and rolled and rolled. 
We stopped at the bottom, letting the sunlight wash over us while I braided her dark brown hair back in a thick braid. She grinned widely, her green eyes shining in the light like emeralds. We laid back, basking in the sun, panting...
"I love you..." She whispered, breathlessly. And I grinned. I grinned and grinned and grinned until my cheeks hurt and my lips felt like they’d split.
"I love you, too, Emily..." _________________________________________________________ Emily was always somewhat...odd. There was constantly something off about her, but what, no one knew. A reply could be too quick, a smile too genuine, a laugh too loud...something.
Because of this, people tended to avoid her. Everyone did...everyone, except me. 
I didn't listen to the warnings, the hushed whispers or concerned glances never made me second guess my decision.
Oh, how I should have listened...
We became fast friends in seventh grade, the year I had moved to Hillford. My mom had gotten a job offer, so I was plucked from my old school, my old home, my old friends, and shoved into a brand new world. I was desperate for a friend. So, so desperate.
So, I looked into her shining green eyes of a promised land and lept from my dying island onto a grassy field of friendship.
Or, more like she practically ran me over as the second bell rung for classes to start. 
We both groaned, holding our heads before looking up. 
"Ooooh shit, I'm sorry! Didn't see ya there!" She jumped up, grabbing my arm and pulling me up. I balanced myself, mind jumbled as she spoke about...something?
"Anyway, my name's Emily, what's yours? Also, c'mon we'll be late for Smith's class!"
She essentially dragged me to the classroom, leaving me at the doorway before going to her seat, where she waved to me. I, anxiety-ridden and confused as I was, waved back nervously. She beamed.
The final bell rung as I shuffled in, not quite knowing what to do with myself. I gazed around through the sea of students, all chattering as the teacher walked in. None of them seemed too interested in me, which I suppose was a good thing.
Well, I suppose you're the new student, aren't you?"
Welp, so much for the lack of attention.
Every single kid went silent, turning towards me. Their eager eyes bore into me as I gulped, nodding.
"Tell the class your name and a bit about you. Then you can sit next to.... ah, Emily Wilson."
The class seemed to giggle; whether it be at my flushed cheeks or my hair, I didn't know. 
"Um...My..uh name's Lucy...Lucy Jones...Uh, My mom and I just moved here from Baerney...and um...yeah..." I shuffled quietly, cheeks burning as I slid into my seat. 
"Thank you for that...outstanding introduction, Ms. Jones. Now then, open your textbooks to page 257 and answer questions..."
The lesson blurred passed me until the bell rang once again. I shoved my books into my scrappy backpack, trying to get to my next class wordlessly. But, I should have known the minute I met her; Emily was not one to give up. "Hey, Lucy! What's your next class? I have art with Ms. Hemmings, then Math with Ms. Henry, then lunch, then-!"
I laughed, cutting her off. She stood there, staring at me with her mouth open. I blushed, opening my mouth to apologize before she let out a little squeal, "Oh. My. God! Your laugh is adorable! And your eyes! They just....ugh!! I WISH I had eyes like yours!"
My jaw DROPPED. No one had ever said that about me. I smiled abashedly, scratching the back of my neck, "O-Oh! Well, I love your hair. It looks so nice when it's up!"
And it was true. She had her brown, wavy hair pulled up in a high pony. It fell beautifully from the bright green scrunchie, like waves in an ocean. Some of it fell out and framed her face. She truly was beautiful, with her tan skin, dark hair matching dark lashes that almost clashed with the emeralds that were her eyes. Her lips seemed perfectly lush and plump. 
She wore a white, loose tank top, and a grey plaid button-up was tied around her waist, leading to the bright, neon blue ripped jeans that hugged her legs. On her feet were dull, black converse over neon green socks with pink polka-dots. 
I, on the other hand, was plain as any other common girl. Dull blonde hair, everyday eyes, hell, even my outfit was somewhat normal! Pastel purple sweatshirt with dark grey lining and light grey ripped skinny jeans paired with brown boots. Nothing about me screamed 'special' or 'exciting!’
"Ohh! You're so sweet! Here, C'mon, we only have a few minutes to get from class to class, but during lunch, Imma show you around while we eat!" She gently grabbed my wrist before leading me to our next class, a broad grin on both our faces and hope in our hearts for the first time in a long, long while.
Funny...I don’t remember telling her my first class...
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victonz · 7 years
can you do a post where you ship garbage101 and other mutuals with wanna one members with description sry that u got hate i hope this lightens up the mood
hello cute anon dghshqi garbage 101 has like 25 ppl and like I have like 20 other mutuals so I’ll so about 30 pplish and make a description so this is gonna be a real long post but ily so imma power through for him (lai Guanlin)
guanlin: (gotta start w my soft boy whom I love so much) 
@l-guanlin bc she says she doesn’t fuck w boys younger than her but guanlin is cute and he’s a year younger so its good (side note: she hangs w him on the week days and on weekends I take him out for ice cream its a balance) choke u better be glad I didnt put u with a donkey
@ongeuigeon Laura probs wants Daniel but Ive GOT NEWS FOR U HONEY sijdhi2e anyway ur sorta soft but sometimes u knock me out with things u say so in a way ur guanlin so wow a match!
@laiguanlin a soft blog that I love and hdjxhdjhwsh Imma ship u with him even (it doesn’t have to be romantically) bc ur both cute !!
 ok listen but @darkpastwoojin aka visual queen gee really loves her boy and how can I deny her that !! so I def ship them wow a good looking pairing I’m 4D nutting !! fce jinhwi is shaking rn bc u and woojin are on the come up nugus can’t relate
 also @woojinnies um we don’t talk as much as I would like but ily and woojin loves u and ur so sweet so like I just feel like you’ll balance him out so good if that makes sense !! I love a match made in heaven tbh wjdhsiwje (side note: when will we ever pm tbh)
@p-arkwoojin jem the fake stan who can’t recognize whose who during their lives (jk ily!!) but she’ll always recognize woojin no matter what so um!! gotta put her w her boy!! 
@parkji-hoons naia a soft cutie that deserves the world and jihoon would def give it to her like !!1! I love cute bbys that deserve the stars! :’)
@jwihoon another pure soft that I love !! like :((( wtf jelly when u speak, I picture it so soft I hope ur doing well and tell Jihoon hi for me!!
@seonnho matching u with jihoon bc u spoke last night and u had me screaming sometimes so I really think thats how it is w jihoon bc u think he’s soft but then he surprises u in one hit ijhxweodh
@j7sung all I know u probs want jisung bUT listen u and daehwi? soft words r literally angelic I can not! really so pure u and him could do no wrong ok y'all deserve happiness also ily and sorry for being gross sometimes ally ;;
@kangdan101 Sarah another pure soft that deserves to be shipped w someone as equally as pure and soft :( like cute bbys must stick together so daehwi it is! stay soft! I also love u and I’m also sorry for being a nastie ;;
@wannaoneioi ur so sweet and cute and I just met u but ur truly so sweet omg :(( like u don’t deserve the hate u get bc ur seriously the cutest lemon squeeze I’m sorry I’m bad @ replying ur the best though!
@kangniel ren would probs rip my dick off if I didnt ship her Daniel but like??? ren is really cute about her love for Daniel like :// also anon u didnt hear it from me but ren is a Dom for Daniel and she asked him to neigh for her and pour milk on himself so she’s gross jot that down
@kngniel yeah she def going w this boy cause like :// um??? sana says some shit that makes me do double takes and sana h8s when I roast Daniel but she supports him through it all so !! really can’t fight her on her loyalty to him even if he said Harry poTE ://
@kimjaehwanswife I was gonna ship Lucy w jaehwan but xshxehsd ong is also extra and like I bet if we told Lucy she isn’t funny she’ll throw a fit like ong, bc they’re both great sources for laughter like validate these kids always 2kforever! (and me tbh)
@panwink nina is so cute and soft and I just adore Nina!! like :((( I want one to make her laugh all the time bc she’s so precious I know Nina is older than me but still I want her to be happy
@idaehwi Amy, my soulmate I bet u thought u were gonna be shipped w daehwi? wrong ! u and ong? probs discuss furry kinks on ur free time and watch furry p0rn :// jk but u and ong? Iconic ! y'all living in 2025 (ily)
@kimsjaehwan Macy pls ur my true soilmate u and I have the same interests and everything :// so I guess ill share u with jaehwan!! like :/// I’m jealous or whatever but ily and he better treat u like perfect or else *knife emojis*
@minhwangs Sarah def has to be w minhyun like u can’t have one without putting the other u feel me!!! I love Sarah and I know minhyun would treat her right always so thats a big plus!! another one of my fce tbh no lie love them!
@minsbugi ok yeah this pairing? soft pure cute nice sweet and everything in between ! I love kenia like she comes in every full moon but I love her presences and I also love minhyun so soft nut!
@lovebugi ok so this is an odd pairing BUT listen to me Jay, u and minhyun?? probably that one couple after hs that got together that shocked everyone like its possible bc um #1 I don’t think he’s mr vanilla at all and ur def not mrs, vanilla so um the freaky is in the cooking ;)
@memelordjisung so I was gonna put Erin w someone else but then I thought to myself, nvm know one calls him daddy better than she does like :/// he really is papi chulo and Erin makes sure everyone knows that he is so she’s his #1 supporter !!
@yjjisung another gc member that comes every full moon but its ok be we love and appreciate !! and iwdhcihd I love ur love for jisung, I must take notes truly !! ur an amazing person just like him!
@hasungswoon listen,,,, u thinking he’s a dom? try again! like sheila idk whether u r or not but this is a one way street w u guys, Sheila is the Dom in their relationship and subwoon loves it tbh, kinky I love a good adjusted couple tbh!! (side note; sungwoon sends her nudes w lingere)
@nohtaehyun ok so I love sungwoon a lot and he’s precious and like I feel the same way about Tay? like she’s precious pls!! so its only natural that I put two cuties together
Baejin: (I also forgot him omfg shoot me)
@rosybaejin UM!!! big soft nut here bc I love abia but abia loves baejin more so thats ok bc I approve ! like baejin stans? hardly heard of any abia is the #1 in the baejin cult tbh !! she loves her boy and she’s truly so soft for him :(( Ily abia
@baejinsgf bc she seems really cute and soft for him !! :( it’s really so sweet like I need to step up my game, but truly the purest!! 
@dxnghyuns oh ngan, how I love u,,,, like hdiwjdhdjhs ok what to say but ngan is the only donghyun Stan I know and like really no one can compete she’s so soft literally she turns the uglie gc soft and :(( her love for donghyun is admirable
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kokichiomakin · 7 years
Roquill Misc. Child Headcanons
eeooookay so this is mostly going to be headcanons about my personal fankiddo for roquill, lucille ‘lucy’ meredith quill, so just a fair warning 
alright so i’ve mentioned lucy before in my last headcanons post, she’s rocket’s daughter, he carried her to term, she’s a cute little girl with brown hair just like quill and little raccoon ears and a tail like rocket, though ultimately she looks more human than anything, she could be mistaken for human apart from the ears and tail
she’s a snarky little shit who has all the charm of quill and all the inner thoughts of ‘wow, people are dumb’ of rocket, probably rocket’s temper at times too but that’s all okay they all know how to handle it
her codename is bandit because ofc she has a mask just like quill does, except optimized for her ears, and it has a black stripe across the eye part too, sometimes star-bandit to connect her to both of her dads, she’s happy either way tho
the next part is going to be about baby lucy
okay so after the c-section delivery rocket is exhausted but his protective instincts definitely take over and he immediately wants to hold her and if he wasn’t so worn out at the moment he’d curl around her too, she’s his baby, gotta keep her warm and happy
when they get back to the milano they have to have lucy share a room with groot bc not that many rooms, tho groot just ends up wandering into mantis’ room at some point and sleeping there because of the occasional times lucy wakes up and cries
she’s a pretty happy baby, tho, she’s got a pretty smile just like her dad, quill loves her to no end && the minute people they know before see her and have a ??? reaction, quill is immediately on ‘HAVE YOU MET MY DAUGHTER?? SHES AWESOME I LOVE HER SHE’S CUTE AND ONE DAY SHE’LL TOTALLY KICK ASS TOO she bites sometimes tho so don’t touch her unless she touches you first’
just imagine quill just finding this mug that says ‘best dad in the galaxy’ and whoops his now that’s his title anyone who claims otherwise can fight him unless it’s rocket in which case they share there’s also that one post circling around tumblr where the dads and kids have matching shirts, there’s this one pair that has the dad wearing a shirt that says ‘THE ORIGINAL’ and the kid wearing a shirt that says ‘THE REMIX’ and you can bet anything that quill would immediately get both of those He Loves His Kid
rocket is a bit more subtle about it but he loves his little girl more than anything too and immediately nods nods nods every time quill says she’ll kick ass one day with a big smirk he’s the one that constantly wants to hold her and just hug her and he more often than not has the internal struggle of ‘I HAVE A GUN DO I HOLD THE GUN or do i hold my little girl my precious treasure gotta protect gotta hug her’, he hardly trusts anyone else with holding her apart from quill bc ‘no, no, shes mine and pete’s, she’s our cutie and no one else needs to worry it’s ok’ it’s adorable tho he’s very snuggly and his ears tend to twitch happily a lot and he likes kissing her on the top of her head, which makes her giggle she’s also one of the few things that can immediately calm him down from an anger spell which is great he purrs a lot around her too he’s super happy
lucy loves all of her family honestly tho but she loves her dads the most. and groot. of course.
anything that makes lucy cry tho is a Threat and rocket is the first to retaliate against any threats and he will tear someone apart if they even make her sniffle a little bit, and if some jackass got the brilliant idea to try to hurt her in any way, quill might actually kill that person before rocket could because crying? that could be an accident, she can calm down it’s ok i’m good at getting her to smile again anyway. threats? hi yes i’m going to kill you and spread your body parts across several different star systems so you can’t even get a proper burial, asshat, and i might not bother to kill you before i rip you apart. she is protected by a strong family and her dads are the most protective of all
she usually goes to sleep listening to the same music all her family does and quill loves that bc it’s like what his mom did for him it makes him tear up a bit if he thinks about it too much so now both quills are immediately just a bit comforted by the tunes it’s a thing in the family
her first word is gun. rocket is the one to first hear it while she’s just crawling around on the floor and he’s trying to work on weapons at the same time, she just looks up and with a small pause says ‘gun’ and he’s a mix of !! SHE SPEAKS and PFFFHAHAHA OFC SHE’S LIKE ME AFTER ALL and a bit later rocket just. brings her over to everyone. she says ‘gun’ again and he just. grins. quill cracks up. lucy learns to say the words gun, bomb, and prison fairly early in life. there is at least one time when they’re considering taking a contract from someone shady, they accidentally bring her along, rocket’s holding her, she clearly dislikes the person immediately so she looks them dead in the eyes with a hard frown and says ‘prison’ and rocket has to barely contain himself from laughing too hard, they end up not doing it based entirely on lucy shaking her head repeatedly and going ‘prison prison prison’
related mildly: there is probably at least some point where they hit a rough patch flying and lucy is shaken and she promptly screams ‘SON OF A BITCH’ and rocket and quill immediately start cackling and they have to focus on flying and quill just barely shouts back ‘LUCY DON’T SAY THAT DAD SAYS NO’  she still says it at least once in polite company and quill and rocket still end up wheezing with laughter
also the prosthetics thing probably transfers lucy looks at someone’s prosthetic arm, points at it ‘need it.’ rocket just goes SNRRK and is just ‘wELL,, SHE’S RIGHT YOU KNOW--SNRRK--SHE’S RIGHT WE NEeD IT’ while lucy giggles
as she gets older she gets a lot of quill’s confident attitude, she’s very headstrong and heroic but she’s super-stubborn too and has little temperamental fits, she’s a mix of rocket and quill after all. given the opportunity too when she reaches the age where she understands it all she can and will flirt with almost anyone, she is a master of the fingerguns too there is probably at least once when she hits on a girl and just ‘Hey if you ever wanna meet up with a badass space hero....call me, alright? I’m available.’ she winks with the biggest grin, gives the fingerguns, and moonwalks away and her first thought while leaving is SHIT I SHOULDA WINKED WITH THE OTHER EYE?? 
not that rocket would ever really trust someone with her to begin with, he is the dad that sits at the front entrance polishing a rifle if anyone dares to hit on her, she can easily walk up and take it away but then he’ll just pull out a machete and start polishing that instead, this process is infinite because rocket is very good at being protective and has a lot of weapons
unlike her dads who are totally flashy, showy, lucy picks up a pretty good talent in, of all things, sniping, which is most likely found out when a target is running away, and suddenly everyone hears a ‘BANG’ and the target falls over, dead the guardians just look around at each other like ‘did you shoot that? no’ up until they all pause and then slowly look at lucy, who stands there with a sniper rifle, her mask on, and just quietly mumbles ‘....that was what I was supposed to do, right’ rocket nearly tackles her in a hug, laughing, THAT’S HIS GIRL
she’s still very show-off-y, but if she gets serious that’s when she tries to go ONE SHOT, ONE KILL, and she’s successful a good amount of the time, but there are times that she’s not the best like when everyone’s not even sure where a head is to shoot at she’s not too great a close-quarters combat either but she can make do if she needs to, she’s best at holding it on the back lines and maybe sometimes creatively getting in closer on improvisation and planning (sometimes) it’s just that it’s a strong possibility some guy could fall over, dead, headshot, and she just walks up, her special earphones on her ears and everyone can just faintly hear do you remember~ the twenty-first night of september~ 
she never has any formal schooling but she’s fairly smart anyway, rocket made sure of that, but she knows how to pilot spacecraft pretty well and is pretty great at social cues, which is all she needs to get by along with her weapons training, she slowly learns how to build stuff too after a while, this stuff is in her dna but it takes a bit to bring it out
lucy miiiiight have celestial power in her dna very faintly, but it’s unlikely it’d ever be fully triggered, the most it does for her is give her the ability to take far more punishment than above-average much like her dad, she can breathe in space a bit longer than normal humans could and it takes a lot to knock her out
she probably also still instinctively bites at anyone who tries to touch her by surprise, her teeth aren’t sharp or anything but she will bite she can’t help it
she’s also a pretty good dancer because of course she is
i might add more stuff later but i think this is good for now
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spn67-sister · 7 years
Fic Recommendations 6/23/17
Hello there my fellow fan fic readers! I hope you are all doing absolutely fantastic today!  I am so excited to be doing my second fic recommendation! It felt so good to give writers the appreciation they deserve like last time, so I wanted to do it again! I even met an amazing friend (you know who you are if you get RIP blue and Charlie my babes) last time because of it, and that was awesome! I know that some of the fics I am shouting out might be a little older and not brand new, but some are. I just look though hashtags and find ones that I love.
I also want to remind you that I am not doing this every week or monthly, I am only doing it when I find a decent amount of fics that I enjoy and feel like everyone else would enjoy as much as I did.
Please tell me if for some reason a link doesn’t work and I will try my hardest to fix it! Sometimes by computer is dumb and doesn’t want to help me or work. Ya know, technology problems.
I do not give summaries of the fics, just compliments! I don’t want to spoil!
Hope you all love these, and make sure to repost so these authors get more notes on their writings!
——————————————————————————————- Defending Your Life by @ravengirl94​ is a dean x reader fic and is amazing! I had all the feels while reading this. This fic is a retake on the episode with the god Osiris with the trial when Sam is Dean’s lawyer. The beginning is amazing, but the ending gave me chills! It was so perfect and a must read on all levels! Honest to god so freakin’ amazing! Nice work!
Spend the Night by @luci-in-trenchcoats​ is a dean x reader fic but takes place as if the reader is in school. I don’t know if there is a second part to this, but if there is someone please link it because I need to read it! This was an amazing fic and I couldn’t stop reading it. It made me laugh at Dean’s behavior when he was younger, but also gave me the feels in the end! Another must read!
Tired by @spnsisimagines​ is a Winchester Sister fic! I seriously would have to put this fic on my list for favorite fics ever. I adored this one and thought it was extremely well written. I loved the whole idea of it and thought that that was something that would actually happen to a sister Winchester which made it more believable to a fantasy world. It gave me the feels and I never wanted it to end. Amazing job hun!
Spunk by @itybitynovak is a Daughter! Dean fic. This fic made me have to many feels to count. It was amazing. I feel like I can’t say more. I love daughter fics and sometimes struggle to find ones, but this one made it worth hunting through Tumblr to find it. I want a million parts of this. I loved it. Everyone need to read this.
Drunk by @missdestiel67 is a Daughter! Sam fic with a lot of uncle Dean. Although it is a shorter fic, I could not help but add it. It made me so happy to see how much these two men cared about her and it warmed my heart. I loved this so much and wanted it to go on forever. It was short but incredibly sweet and I loved it. Wonderful job, and everyone should read this.
Be together by @giftofdreams is absolutely adorable. This is a Jared x reader fic and the reader is pregnant.  This is part one, but part two is equally as amazing. I read these fics so quickly and was almost mad at myself that I read them so fast! It is so adorable and cute and AHHHH I LOVED IT SO MUCH! Everyone needs to read this.
Your Not A Winchester Part 2 by @theimpalaiscrying is a Winchester Sister fic. I put the first part on my first recommendation list, and cannot help but put part two on my second one. Holy crap this girl is fantastic when it comes to writing. Part one was amazing, but part two just kept getting better. I seriously recommend reading this. Freaking amazing if you ask me.
Dear Authors,
Keep doing what you’re doing because it is clearly working. I can’t tell you enough how amazing each and every one of your fics are. I loved every single one of them and want a million parts of them. If I am not on your tag list, put me on it! I need to see what your brilliant minds are going to make next, because I am seriously impressed. I am so jealous of your minds and how creative some of your fics are and just how fluffy the other ones where! If I could write a fic like you can, I would kill. I hope you all are having an amazing day and I’m sending my love! Xoxo
Tag list
@fromheaven2he11 @sisterwinchesterwriter @winchesters-favorite-girl @rosie-winchester @miss-katie-winchester  @27bmm @jensen-jarpad @lauren-novak @theimpalaiscrying @mogaruke
Jensen/Dean tags @akshi8278 If you want to be on or off the tag list, let me know!
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beautifully-vain · 7 years
Chapter 2
Lucy could hear the bass of the music from half a block away. Gajeel pulled into the massive driveway of the house.
“Alright girls, you know that rules. Lucy, don’t try to look so much like a deer in headlights. Relax,” Gajeel chuckled before getting out of the car. Lucy reached for the door, when Levy stopped her.
“He’ll get your door for you.” Lucy released the handle and a second later her door was opened by Levy’s boyfriend.
The girls stepped out and gazed at the large house for a moment. People flooded into and out of the front door. The three walked inside. Lucy was greeted with the smell of weed, alcohol, sweat and sex. She saw people grinding to the loud music. Someone put a drink in her hand while she was looking around. She looked inside the cup and saw a dark red liquid. She sneered at it when she smelled it. No sooner had she realized that it was alcohol, Gajeel snatched it and poured it down the drain in the kitchen. He sighed and gave Lucy a bored look.
“Lucy…” he started
“I was smelling it, not drinking it.”
“You’re pushing it blondie. I swear I need to put leashes on you and Levy. Speaking of the Shrimp, the fuck –”
“Gajeel! Babe, look who I found.” The blunette was on the back of a tall pale man with short black hair and dark blue eyes. He was wearing a fitted black shirt with a jacket and ripped jeans. He was actually really hot. He smiled at Lucy as he let Levy off his back. She blushed and smiled back.
“Hi Gorgeous, the name’s Gray Fullbuster. What’s yours?” he was incredibly smooth.
“Lucy. Pleasure to meet you.”
“Oh, no sweetheart, the pleasure is all mine,” he winked.
Lucy knew he was full of shit, but he knew how to use words.  Plus, he was easy on the eyes. But looks and words weren’t enough to completely piss her father off. Not a very good first impression she was getting from him. From what she was getting from Gray Fullbuster was that he could sweet talk a girl that’s dumb enough to fall for it into just about anything. But if Lucy made one call to daddy’s goons, he’d run for the hills the second he’d see them coming. He had about a minute to prove her wrong.
“So, would you like to dance?” Gray extended his hand to Lucy. She glanced at Levy and Gajeel. They both nodded in indifferent approval; Gajeel chuckled.
“Gray, since when do you ask a girl to dance?”
“Since I saw this gloriously hot busty blonde,” Gray smirked.
Lucy got hot and wanted to slap the piss out of him, but she just giggled. Maybe he would manage to piss her father off. Gajeel sneered at Gray.
“If her rack is the only thing that fascinates you, go find Juvia.”
Gray deflated. “You know I didn’t mean it like that.”
Levy rolled her eyes, breaking into the conversation. “Good job Gray to pissed off Gajeel. Now, you need to walk away before an unnecessary fight starts.”
“Can I take Lucy with me?” Gray asked innocently. He was pushing the little luck that he still had. He wasn’t smooth he was just stupid. Lucy rolled her eyes and how pathetic this guy was.
“If you want to miss class Monday you will,” Gajeel’s tone was dark. It gave Lucy chills down her spine.
“Gray. Walk. Away. Now.” Levy was warning him this time.
Gray knew his luck had run out and he was quickly retreating like a dog with its tail between its legs. That didn’t stop him from sending a farewell wink Lucy’s way. Lucy rolled her eyes at that sad excuse for a man. Then she heard a thud. She turned to see that Levy had smacked her large boyfriend on the back.
“What the hell Shrimp?!” he yelled.
“Don’t ‘what the hell Shrimp’ me. You’re not Lucy’s brother, don’t you think she should’ve made the decision to give Gray a chance? Don’t answer that. And your damn temper! Either you get it in check or you’re taking me back to my dorm! You understand?” Lucy was shocked to see that Levy held her own so well against Gajeel. The guy was huge and intimidating, borderline abusive. But Lucy’s thoughts were shifted when she saw a very ashamed looking Gajeel.
“Sorry Lev. She’s your friend and Gray was being sleazy. I only acted like that because I know you’d be upset if I didn’t say anything to him. If it were you, I would’ve acted the same way. No, I would’ve fucked him up if it was you actually.”
Levy rolled her eyes at Gajeel.
“When the hell has fucking someone up ever fixed anything?”
“It’s fixed my bad ass temper every single time I get pissed,” he grumbled.
Lucy was slightly annoyed with their bickering, so she stepped away and went into the dining room turned bar. Liquor bottles filled the table along with other drinks, cups and shot glasses. Where do I start? Lucy thought. Just as she reached for a red SOLO cup, someone cleared their throat.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” A masculine voice said.
Without looking up, Lucy engaged in the conversation.
“And if you were me, why wouldn’t you?”
“Because I may or may not have seen some guys slipping Mickeys into all of the bottles.”
“How sure am I of that?”
“I mean, I have no problem proving it, no one wants to fuck me,” the voice drew closer and closer. Lucy finally decided to look up to face the male that was now in front of her. She couldn’t resist checking out the unknown male. He was about 5’9” and had a lean, but very muscular build. He had on black high tops. His pants looked like khaki cargos. He wore a shirt like Gajeel’s. It was a black button-up, but it was only buttoned up halfway, revealing his beautifully sculpted chest. Around his neck, was a scarf that set the outfit off pretty well. She met his black eyes and caught a slight devilish smile and his wild pink hair. It was a mess, but a very sexy mess.
“What’s your name?” the mystery man asked.
“You first.”
He chuckled. “I don’t bite. Just tell me your name.”
“It’s Lucy,” she answered casually.
The male’s eyes scanned her up and down.  His gaze gave her chills.
“Nice to meetcha, I’m Natsu,” he smiled largely and extended his hand for Lucy to shake it. She reached out to shake Natsu’s hand, but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to whisper in her ear.
“I know some guys put something in the liquor because I’m one of them.”
Lucy jumped back like he’d shocked her.
“Just a present for the freshman from my friends and me. Think of it as a welcome present. We do this every semester. Everyone but the freshman knows about it. So, don’t worry Lucy, I won’t tell anyone.” Natsu winked at her.
Lucy stood staring dumbfounded at Natsu. How could she fall for something so obvious? She took in his sight again. Nothing about his physical appearance was intimidating, but his build. What Lucy really wanted to know more about was what was in his head. Did he really find fun in destroying the lives of freshmen? What kind of a sicko would be entertained by something like that? She was intrigued by this one.
“I appreciate that. Is there a place where I can make myself a drink that doesn’t have anything that destroy my life? And is there more to know about these little traps so I can avoid them?” she asked.
“Only if you me a favor,” Natsu openly drank in her appearance again.
She rolled her eyes and immediately became annoyed. Of course, she’d have to do something for Natsu to tell her what she wanted to know.
“What is it?” she sighed.
“Dance with me. Please.”
Lucy was confused by the request. Natsu decided to take her silence as a yes, gently took her hand and led her to dance floor in the living room of the house. The music was coming from outside, but was so loud it may as well had been inside. He worked their way to the middle of the crowd of bodies and put his hands on her hips.
Lucy broke from her daze and stared at the male before her. He smirked at her and moved to the beat of the music while keeping a tight grip on her hips. All the bodies that surrounded to the two only made Natsu draw Lucy closer. She didn’t really want to dance with a strange guy at a party, but she knew more than anybody in that room that if she wanted something, she would have to negotiate. And the offer was dancing with a highly attractive badass looking stranger that she just met.
Suddenly, a song Lucy adored blasted from outside and filled the room. Natsu must’ve liked the song too because he started grinding on her to the beat. What the hell, she thought flippantly and turned in Natsu’s grip. Her back was to him as she finally decided to let loose, not because she wanted something, but because she didn’t have to be little miss prim and proper. She started grinding to the beat as she let the last of her inhibitions go. She wanted to be in the moment. She was enjoying herself. She could tell Natsu was too but the bulge she felt on her ass that he was grinding into her. In the moment, Lucy realized that at this college party, in the middle of an unknown crowd pretty much dry humping an incredibly sexy mystery man, was exactly what she needed. Her father wasn’t there to reprimand her actions or frown on her behavior. His “secretaries” weren’t following her every step making sure she wasn’t doing any wrong. None of his colleagues were in sight to inform her father of what she was doing. She was just a normal person. No, she was a nobody. She was a nobody that wanted to freeze this moment in time and never go back to what awaited her at home.
That song finally ended and she was sweaty and thirsty.
“Can I please somehow get a drink that isn’t spiked?” Lucy asked sweetly.
Natsu’s eyes dilated as he silently nodded. He took her hand and led her to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and grabbed her a cold bottled water. She grimaced at him as he held the bottle out for her.
“You gave me that dance. Hell, if you wanted the world I’d give it to you. Plus, I live kinda here so I knew we had the water.” Natsu smiled. “I promise nothing is spiked with unopened bottled water. I have no reason to lie.”
Lucy raised an eyebrow and push the bottle back to Natsu.
“You’re right, you don’t have reason to lie. Now, if you’ll do anything for me, drink some first.”
Natsu grimaced in confusion and Lucy smiled kindly.
Lucy nodded. Natsu rolled his eyes and opened the drink. He brought the bottle to his lips and took two big gulps. He exhaled as he handed it back to her.
“Believe me now blondie?” he asked slightly irritated.
She nodded. Then she took the half empty bottle and finished it to cool her throat. She smirked at Natsu.
“Thank you. I appreciate it,” she softly smiled.
Lucy was about to ask Natsu something when she heard a shrill voice.
“Natsu! Baby I’m horny and I know you want me. Leave this blonde bimbo alone, you know I’m your favorite.”
Bimbo?! Lucy thought. Who did that whore think she was? Lucy wasn’t thinking. She grabbed the nearest drink and threw its contents on the unknown girl.
“This bimbo doesn’t take nicely to being bad mouthed and talked about like I’m not right here. I personally recommend you go get yourself checked because you look like a walking STD. You also need to get someone to advise you about your trashy ass fashion sense. I’m Lucy by the way, it’s really nice to meet you.”
The girl stared at Lucy in shock. Her cheap mascara and eyeliner running down her face that was now red with rage. She reached for Lucy’s blonde locks, but before she could Natsu snatched the girl by her wrist and stared her down.
“You’re not gonna touch her and I don’t want you. I don’t wanna see your slutty ass go anywhere near her. If I see you again, I’ll make you regret it,” he wore a dark smile and had a crazy look in his eyes. It both scared Lucy and peaked her interest in him.
The girl didn’t seem phased in the least. “And what exactly are you gonna make me regret?”
“Let’s start with your degree. An anonymous email can end in the inboxes of the administrative board. In the email, will be all the text messages that you’ve sent to all your professors. You won’t be graduating any time soon if I do that I promise.”
Her face grew ghostly white as she snatched her hand back and ran – actually ran away from him. When she was out of earshot, Natsu burst into a fit of laughter.
“You’d really do that?” Lucy asked excitedly.
“No. I was totally bullshitting her. I know she screwed her professors because she told me, but I don’t have a lick of proof.”
Lucy wanted to get to know this guy. He was crazy, that’s the best way she could describe him. Well, he was hot and crazy. But there was also something about him that Lucy wanted to pursue. She didn’t know what it was yet, but she wanted to do what she could to find out. Especially if this guy could be the one to give her father an aneurysm.
“Enjoying the party?” Natsu asked, breaking Lucy from her thoughts.
“I am. But I think I should go look for my friends. They’re my ride and if I get left I’ll be pissed.”
“Or, you could stay in my room and we can get to know each other a little bit better.” He winked.
“You’d love that, wouldn’t you?” Lucy asked rolling her eyes at him with a smirk on her face.
“You have no idea. But I’ll help you look for your friends. That is, if you want me to.”
I want you to do a lot of things Natsu, Lucy thought to herself. “I’d like that. thank you.”
The two of them made their way through the house on the hunt for Levy and Gajeel. They weren’t outside, or in the living room, or in the kitchen, or in the den upstairs. Lucy was starting to get a bit worried that she was stuck all alone at a party with some random guy she had just met. She sighed as she the throbbing of her feet started getting to her. Natsu picked up on it and turned to Lucy.
“C’mere. Your feet must be killing you. You can chill in my room until the party dies down. They won’t leave without you unless they’re really shitty friends, right?”
Lucy raised an eyebrow. She wasn’t gonna totally trust the guy, but she was succumbing to the thought of sitting in a soft bed and taking her heels off. She shrugged.
“Promise you won’t take advantage of me?” she teased.
“I mean, I can’t exactly promise that if you do anything to make it consensual.” Natsu stated, making Lucy giggle.
He led her to his room and opened the door for her. He’s actually a gentleman? Lucy thought. She half expected to walk into a disaster zone of a room. Instead, it was spotless. The bed was fixed, the floor was clear, and he had his books stacked neatly on his windowsill. On the bed, was a blue-grey cat. As soon as it caught sight of Natsu is bounded to him. He gladly took the cat into his arms and gave it some affection the caused it to purr softly.
“This is Happy. I’ve had him since I got here. He’s very friendly and all the girls love him. Happy, this is Lucy, be very nice to her.” Natsu sounded like a proud parent. It was adorable.
Lucy giggled as she petted the cat the quickly jumped into her arms. She slowly made her way over to the bed and sat at the edge. She kicked her shoes off and breathed a sigh of relief. Natsu chuckled.
“Feels good?”
“You have no idea.”
Natsu closed the door and locked it behind him, making Lucy very nervous. She didn’t want him to know that so she calmly petted the cat’s soft fur.
“Drunk fucktards come into our rooms all the time trying to find the bathroom or to hookup. You have no idea how many times I’ve had to clean puke or walked in people having sex. So, when there’s a party we all lock our doors. When the party’s over or when we want out, we unlock them and call it a night. But some of the guys don’t listen and their rooms become-” Natsu was cut off by some banging in the next room, followed by shouting.  “Sounds like their having one hell of a time.”
Then Lucy heard a familiar voice. It was Levy’s and Lucy’s face grew hot with embarrassment. She nodded nonchalantly.
“And I’m not going anywhere any time soon.” She mumbled.
Natsu took a seat next to her and laid back in his bed. Happy jumped out of Lucy’s lap to lay on Natsu’s stomach. He was an adorable ball of fur that Lucy wanted to take home.
It was silent for about a minute then the moans and groans of Levy and Gajeel’s hot sex in the next room fill the air. Lucy couldn’t take it, so she started talking.
“So, tell me about yourself Natsu.”
“There’s not much to tell. I’m a general studies major. I live here. This is my cat and I’m currently in bed with a hot babe.” He laughed out loud.
Lucy laughed too and continued the conversation. Eventually, the noise next door had stopped and she could finally sit in the comfortable silence. Without realizing it, she had fallen asleep on top of Natsu. She was dreaming sweetly when her phone started buzzing out of control. She squinted at the bright screen that read Levy’s name. She didn’t want to answer so she put it on silent and was able to drift back to sleep because of Natsu’s easy breathing. About five minutes later, her bladder woke her. She groaned annoyed and made her way to the door. She quickly found the bathroom, but it was locked when she tried opening it. C’mon, I just have to pee, she thought as she sat on the floor by the door. She just wanted to sleep and be ready for class, nothing else.
“Hey blondie, you lost?” an unknown male voice asked.
Without looking up because she could sense the man was hovering right over her, she answered, “No, I have to pee. Is that a problem?”
“It is. Because right now, I’d like to fuck you into the morning.”
She rolled her eyes. “Dude, you’re drunk. Please leave me alone.”
“What if I don’t want to?” He was directly in front of her now.
Lucy was annoyed and afraid at that point. She quickly rose and started making her way back to Natsu’s room. She couldn’t get very far because she was stopped by the male’s large hand taking hold of her. His hand moved up to chest and he groped her breast. She shrieked only to have mouth covered. She thought quickly and bit down on his hand hard. As soon as he moved it, she screamed the first name that came to her mind at the top of her lungs.
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sorayahigashikata · 6 years
Chapter 61: "I said 'therapist,' not 'the rapist'!"
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r3almellow · 7 years
Nothing More Chapter 8
A/N: New chapter time!!! 
Rating: M
Ship: Nalu
Series: Fairy Tail
Chapter 1 Chapter 2  Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
It's been eighteen hours since Natsu last saw his bed. Working twenty-four hour shifts were the best parts of being a firefighter at Station 77.
 Who needed to go home and feed their cat?
 Sleep was irrelevant!
 As much as the hours messed with his schedule, Natsu wouldn't have had it any other way.
 Aside from Fairy Tail, Station 77 was like another home. When his father was still alive Natsu spent quite a bit of time here. He grew up around most of the people he currently worked with. They adored having the spirited son of Igneel around and even made him an "honorary firefighter" at the age of six.
 Natsu remembered how jealous the others kids at school were when they found out he got to be in a fire truck.
 It was all thanks to his dad.
 He watched his father become one of the most respected firefighters in all of Magnolia. Men and women who took on the job came in with dreams of becoming like him. A selfless man, who laughed in the face of danger and risked his life for others. That was the man Natsu wanted to grow up to be.
 Natsu wanted nothing more than to follow in his father's footsteps. His wants didn't help his insecurities and fears of being the son of such a well-respected man. He had to admit that his friends were the ones to encourage him to take such a big step.
 Especially Lucy.
 Lucy was right there to push him along through the process. She was like his own personal cheerleader.
 Speaking of which.
 There was still a pressing matter he had to take care of. Dan was back and that meant stalling wasn't an option. Lucy needed to know how he felt. Maybe he could take her out to a dinner and a movie? She wouldn't be suspicious of that, would she?
 "Where is he?!" Natsu was brought from his thoughts at the sound of familiar voice.
 An older man with dark blue hair and mustache stormed into the breakroom with what Natsu deduced to be rage in his eyes. The room quickly grew silent as everyone watched the man make his way towards Natsu.
 Macao Conbolt, Captain of Station 77.
 He was put on temporary leave due to what was currently going on, but when your son is currently missing you tend to do the opposite. Natsu had promised Erza that he wasn't going to reveal anything to Macao. Saying anything could ruin the investigation and put Romeo in unnecessary danger. So, what were the chances he was coming here to talk about the weather?
 Macao looked at Natsu with narrowed eyes. "Some of the guys at Station 36 are calling Romeo an arsonist!"
 "Macao-" His lieutenant Wakaba Mine began.
 Macao only gave the man a cold stare before turning his attention back to Natsu. "You need to tell me what the hell is going on." He ordered.
 Natsu sat back with his arms folded. "All the police have is a lighter that was left in an old building." Should be a simple enough response.
 Macao's jaw slacked. "A lighter? They are calling my son an arsonist because of a fucking lighter?"
 Wakaba cautiously placed a hand on Macao's shoulder. "You need to go home and rest."
 Macao shrugged off the hand and slammed his hands on the table. A few of the firefighters flinched at the sudden outburst. Unlike most of the men and women in the room, Natsu wasn't fazed by Macao's anger. He understood the man's vexation and didn't fault him for it. He would probably tear down all of Fiore if his future kids ended up missing. No building would go unturned and whoever was responsible would be dead.
 No police or judge needed.
 "I'm not resting until I find my son!" Macao's voice shook. It was almost as if he was on the verge of tears.
 Natsu gave the middle-aged man a solemn look. "Erza's doing all she can to figure this out. Until then you need to keep your cool for Romeo's sake."
 Before Macao could even argue a loud alarm goes off.
 The alarm was a nice reminder that Natsu had lives to save. Romeo was one of those lives and Natsu was willing to do all he can to save him. He just hoped Macao knew that to.
 Natsu didn't move nor did Macao as the men around them hustled to their designated areas.
 Their stare down only lasted for a few seconds before Wakaba spoke.
 He placed a hand on Macao once more. "Go home."
 Macao remained silent.
 Taking a puff of his cigarette, Wakaba motioned for Natsu to follow, leaving the grieving father behind.
 By the time Natsu knew it, the weekend rolled in and he found himself in front of Lucy's apartment door.
 He had everything planned perfectly. Movies, snacks and a chance for them to talk.
 What could possibly go wrong?
With a heavy sigh he finally knocked.
 "Coming!" He heard her call out.
 A few minutes went by before Lucy finally opened the door.
 He was met with the sight of her wearing a pink bathrobe which meant she must have been in the shower. Natsu could tell she was shocked to see him which was understandable.
 Showing up unannounced was kind of his thing. She should be lucky he wasn't already inside waiting on her.
 He walked past her and tossed a few bags onto the couch.
 "I've got snacks and three movies for us to choose from! "Straight Outta Alvarez", "La La Land", and "Titanic." Take your pick!" He grinned and held up the three DVD's.
 Lucy takes the DVD's from him and gently set them on the coffee table.
 "Natsu, we're not watching any of those."
 His smile faltered. "Why the hell not? Do you know how hard it was to get that pervy flasher to give me these from his precious movie collection?" A lot of begging happened that day.
 She tugged on her bathrobe. "If you haven't noticed I'm trying to get ready."
 Natsu took the opportunity to take her appearance in. While she was wearing her extremely comfortable bathrobe, not that Natsu has ever tried it on when she wasn't there, her face was different.
 Was she wearing makeup?
 Lucy was not big on makeup which could only mean one thing.
 "Who with?" He asked with his expression turning stern.
 Natsu wasn't oblivious to Lucy's dating life. Every guy who came her way only had one thing in mind. He was more than ready to rip any of those men to shreds if they thought they could take advantage of her like that. It was a lucky thing Lucy knew how to take care of herself in those situations.
 Natsu would be lying if he said he wasn't happy about Lucy's failing love life.
 He knew it was selfish considering he was in a relationship since the beginning of their young adult life, but he couldn't help it.
 Lucy raised an eyebrow. "Why must you know?"
 "Because it's my job to know what plans you have at eight o'clock on a Saturday night."
 Lucy only rolled her eyes. "You're starting to sound a lot like dad."
 On a normal day Natsu would feign hurt and list all the reasons as to why he was nothing like him, but today was not supposed to be normal.
 "I would be offended if I wasn't so curious."
 For a moment, there was a hesitant look in her eyes. "You remember Dan, right?From college? He's back in town and invited me to an event."
"So you're going on a date with Dan?" Having to ask almost made him want to gag.
"Yes and no. I'm also working on something. Dan is just a plus."
It was Natsu's turn to roll his eyes. "Please tell me you're joking."
"Natsu…" Lucy sighed.
"He's a womanizer!"
A fact that was yet to be proven.
Natsu wasn't a fool. He saw the way Dan looked at other women when he was with Lucy. Another woman's body was apparently more interesting than his own girlfriend. It was disgusting.
"Dan is just a very social person." There was a hint of uncertainty in her response.
Natsu scoffed. "Social? Is that what it's called nowadays?"
"I get that you don't like him, but could you please try to behave yourself. For me?" She was giving him the puppy dog eyes and she knew he hated that.
One look into her big brown orbs and he would give in to her every need.
Satisfied with his lack of protesting, Lucy smugly made her way into her bedroom.
Natsu threw himself onto her couch with his arms folded over his chest. To say he was angry would be an understatement. He was pissed. That man was already sinking his claws into Lucy and there wasn't anything that Natsu could do.
Well, anything that didn't land him in prison.
He pulled out his phone looking through his list of contacts. There was only one person he knew who could help him with this.
 Natsu: How can I cover up a murder? Asking for educational purposes.
A few minutes went by before he finally got a response.
Gajeel: How the hell would I know?!
Natsu: Because you look a guy who murders people for a living.
Anyone with an ugly ass mug like Gajeel's had to have committed a murder or two, right?
Gajeel: And you look like a little bitch.
Gajeel: I'll put you six feet under, Salamander! Try me!
Natsu: I bet you know how to make it look like an accident.
Natsu: Right, killer?
Gajeel: …I hate you so fucking much.
 With a snort Natsu put away his phone and leaned back into the couch. While bugging Gajeel was fun, there was a still a serious matter Natsu had to deal with. Dan was coming to pick Lucy up and take her to some fancy place. He was going to charm his way back into her life.
 There was no way in hell Natsu was going to let that happen.
 The sound of heels clicking against the floor caused Natsu to rise from the couch.
 "If he so much as lays a finger on you I'll-" He was ready to list the unspeakable things he'd do to that piece of garbage but stopped when he finally saw the woman before him.
 "I'll be fine. Now, how do I look?" She made a slow turn to show off the form fitting dress.
 To say she was gorgeous would be an understatement.
 The dress was an elegant dark red gown that outlined her torso and hips perfectly. It was simple, lacking flashy contents but the silver bracelet and diamond encrusted floral hairpin were more than enough to make her stand out.
 Natsu wasn't looking at Lucy, his best friend and woman he had come to love, but Lucy Heartfilia the daughter of one of the richest men in all of Fiore. It was easy to forget Lucy came from money when she wasn't the typical rich girl.
 Even with all the makeup and glamour she was still Lucy.
 She was still the Lucy who would rather spend an entire night eating junk food than attend a party with pretentious jerks. She was still the Lucy who put other's needs before her own. She was still the Lucy who's smile could light up an entire room.
 She was still Lucy.
 His Lucy.
 His weirdo.
 A beautiful weirdo who is about to go on a date with a man who didn't deserve to see her like this. It took everything Natsu had not to scowl at the thought of Dan Straight being anywhere near Lucy.
 As jealous as he was, Natsu didn't want his anger to be questioned by Lucy, who currently had an impatient look on her face.
 He was supposed to answer, wasn't he?
 "It's too short." He said simply.
 She looked down at herself in disbelief. "You can't even see my feet!"
 "Yeah, well…" He looked away in a huff.
 Lucy rolled her eyes and held up a silver necklace with a red pendant attached to it. His eyes widened once he realized what exactly she was holding. It was the necklace he had given her for her sixteenth birthday. The pendent resembled that of a red dragon's egg made from glass, a nod to Natsu's obsession with dragons.
 At the time, he wanted her to have something that always reminded her of him, but he also wanted her to have something beautiful. Natsu knew the kind of person he was and there was nothing beautiful about him. It was pure luck that he found the necklace at a local jewelry store. It had all the makings of a perfect gift and just like Lucy, it was one of a kind.
 "You still have this?" he asked.
 "Of course I do! I cherish everything you give me!" She turned her back to him, signaling for him to put the necklace on her.
 Natsu stepped closer with his chest almost meeting her back. He could sense Lucy tense up at the close proximity, but he made no effort to move.
 These were selfish moments he wanted to indulge in. All he wanted was to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her against his chest. They didn't need to do anything, but just be in each other's presence.
 His lips would press against her ear and he would tell her how beautiful she looked.
 He would convince her to stay with him.
 Not just for tonight, but forever.
 He took a step back, not wanting to linger longer than he had to.
 Lucy turned to face him with a bright smile. "Thanks, I-"
 "Lucy, there's something I need to tell you!" He blurted out without thinking.
 The startled expression on Lucy's face told him that he should bring down his determination to a five instead of a ten.
 He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and sighed. "What I mean is…I've been holding this in for weeks and I know if I don't tell you no-"
 "Natsu, Dan will be here any minute. Maybe you should wait until I get back?" Her words were filled with anxiety.
 Shouldn't he be the nervous one? He was about to lay everything on the table with hopes that she would forget about the man coming to take her away from him.
 Natsu was more than anxious, but that wasn't going to stop him from saying what needed to said.
 "It can't wait." It was now or never.
 Natsu takes her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze.
 No more stalling.
 No more hesitation.
 "Lucy, I'm in lo-"
 There was a knock on the door, prompting Lucy to quickly pull her hands away from his.
 She looked at him for a moment and Natsu couldn't help but notice something in her eyes.
 Fear? No.
 Why was she looking at him like that?
 Another knock came from the door.
 Natsu reached for her, but without so much as a word she walked away to answer the door.
 What would it take for her to not open that door? Tackling her would send him to the hospital. Telling her not to would just make her do it anyway. Any ideas Natsu had were thrown out the window because there stood the asshole wearing a large smile and holding a bouquet of roses in his hands.
 Dan "he's a piece of trash" Straight.
A/N: Poor baby!! He really did try this time! Want to know why Natsu dislikes Dan? Find out next time!
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kurokoros · 8 years
Title: Berserk | Chapter Three
Rated: T (language/violence) (there is a non-graphic assault scene about a third of the way through this chapter! Please be aware of this!)
Summary: Berserk. Out of control with anger. This is what Natsu was born to be. A warrior soaked in blood. A murderer. This is what Pergrande turned him into. Taken at a young age by the King, Natsu is a soldier of the Royal Army, a creature of rage and violence—a weapon. Lucy is a thief from Fiore with a price on her head. Natsu is sent to kill her. When they meet it isn’t pretty at all.
Word Count: 4559
FF.net | One | Two |
{i’ll ask of the Berserks, you tasters of blood}
 The first thing Lucy does when she slips into the alley undetected is smile—smile because she actually did it or maybe because Laxus said she couldn’t. She ducks her head, attempting to smother the grin on her lips, and shoves the stolen amulet deeper into her pocket, the soft rabbit fur lining the inside tickling her bare fingers. Nerves prickle at her skin as she keeps to the shadows in the low lighting, and Lucy tugs hood over her tangled hair, shielding her face from view. Her fingers itch to grab her bow—a knife—but she hadn’t brought them with her.
She already looks out of place in this city, weapons would have made her stand out even more. Lucy glances down at herself, tugging on her top absentmindedly. When she entered Pergrande the cultural differences had nearly made her turn back. The men were in golden armor head to toe; the women covered in long dresses, red and brown in color, flowing and nearly sheer in some places. While Lucy didn’t consider herself underdressed in her long tunic and brown sleeveless jacket, she knew very well that she wouldn’t blend in with the natives.
Her fingers slip to the holsters on her thighs, empty and made of soft, dark leather—a gift from Laxus and Romeo on her last birthday. They wanted her to stop shoving knives into her boots or tucking them into the back of her shorts, afraid she would hurt herself if she wasn’t careful. She adores them—the holsters and her brothers.
She hadn’t had the heart to take them off when she slipped into the city, just like she hadn’t been willing to remove the little teardrop crystals hanging from the buckles of her boots, a last gift from her mother before she disappeared.
At least she had the sense to wear the colors of Pergrande, Lucy thinks, tugging at the long, red tunic she had adorned back in Fiore. She doesn’t remember where she bought it, just that she liked the delicate golden design on the front and the way it matched perfectly with a pair of long, striped socks she found the same day. Lucy never thought they would come in handy, but now she’s glad she bought them. She doesn’t stick out quite as much with the palette as she would wearing the blues common in Fiore.
Of course, she still looks like an outsider. She hasn’t seen any other women wearing shorts, or baring as much cleavage as she is. Everyone is covered shoulder to ankle, and while Lucy has kept herself mostly covered in her long gloves and socks stretching up her thighs to attach to the bottom of her holster. Lucy has gotten more than one look from the men milling around the city, and perhaps that’s why she managed an audience with the King himself.
Too bad he didn’t know about the crushed jasmine she had tucked beneath her glove.
She should have killed him then, saved herself trouble later, but it wasn’t the right time. They still aren’t ready and the nobility would already be warring for the throne before they could install the rightful heir. A pity really. It would have been nice to be known as the one to kill Domus Centari. It would have been easy too. He allowed her into his bedroom, after all. She could have done it while he slept.
Though, perhaps, that would have been far too painless.
Lucy slinks her hands back into her pockets, drawing her coat tighter around herself as she continues to slink around the city, keeping tight to the shadows. It took her far longer than expected to scale her way down the side of the castle—too long, in fact. He would be awake soon, if not already, and she knows it will only be a matter of time before he sends someone after her.
Her lips twist into a frown and she pushes herself to move faster, the magic beneath her skin thrumming nervously along with the beating of her heart. She needs to get to the woods and find her weapons. She won’t make it far without them.
Hissing through her teeth, Lucy turns a corner, relieved to find herself nearing the Western gate. She squints ahead, relaxing only slightly when she notices only one guard is on duty. It makes things easier, but not tremendously so. She still has no weapons and she doubts he’ll be one to let her pass without trouble. The younger ones never do. They all think their uniforms give them the power to do as they please.
Lucy slouches as she nears the gate, attempting to appear smaller than she is and hoping he’ll let her pass unscathed if he thinks she’s nothing more than a drifter or a beggar. Being invisible is hard enough on a normal day, even more so when she knows little of the country’s people and their customs.
She doesn’t much feel like dying today.
The guard doesn’t look up as she nears, too engrossed with scrubbing a speck of dust from the toe of his boot. He isn’t nearly as decorated as the other soldiers Lucy has seen in the city: no gold armor or jeweled swords. His armor is mostly thick leather, dark in color and lined with wool. Only his shoulders are covered in golden armor, polished and gleaming in the morning light.
A sentry, Lucy thinks, probably new, sent to guard the gates just to get him out of the way. Her amber eyes turn critical as her lips pull into a snarl. Clearly, this man has become a soldier for the power behind it, rather than good intentions. Lucy has never seen a soldier concerned with a little dust on his boot—not even Laxus when he was part of Fiore’s corps. And Laxus is one of the most prim soldiers she’s ever met.
He almost doesn’t notice her as she passes. Almost.
Before Lucy can slip through the open gate, a hand shoots out and grabs her by the upper arm, fingers digging into her bare skin just above the lacy edge of her dark gloves. She stops short of leaving, allowing his grip to tighten without a word or glance. Lucy keeps her head ducked low, refusing to meet his gaze even as she feels his ayes burning into her back.
The soldier gives a low, appreciative whistle as he looks at her, and Lucy’s hands clench into fists, her nails digging into the fabric covering her palms. She can practically feel the way his gaze slides down her body and it takes every ounce of her will not to turn around and rip her nails across his eyes.
She doesn’t do this, of course. Mostly because it would only draw more attention to the two of them, but also because she promised Romeo she wouldn’t kill anyone unless she absolutely needed to. This soldier isn’t worth breaking a promise to her younger brother. Just because he has no honor doesn’t mean Lucy has to abandon hers. She’s already stooped lower than she would have liked in the last several hours, she doesn’t need to blind a man as well.
The man tightens his grip, sliding in closer to her until she can feel his breath against her cheek. The hood is pulled back from her head, allowing her hair to tumble around her face in great waves. With his free hand, the man tugs at one of the small braids in her hair, twirling it around a finger. Lucy has to bite her tongue to keep from snarling, her entire body going rigid beneath his hands. The soldier either doesn’t notice Lucy’s distress or doesn’t care. She would be money on the latter.
“Where you goin’, Darlin’?” the man asks in Përn, the native tongue of Pergrande. She can only make out a few words, but she understands the gist. There’s a drawl to his words, unlike what she’s heard previously. Përn is a strict tongue, sharp and formal in nature. She’s never heard anyone speak using what she supposes would be slang. It’s odd, if nothing else, and only serves to assure her that this man has no manners.
No high ranking soldier would ever speak so informally least of all to a stranger and a foreigner.
Lucy attempts to pull out of his grasp, but he only holds her tighter, fingers tugging harshly at her hair.
Gritting her teeth, Lucy pauses to consider the correct word, her lips pressing into a thin line. “Leaving,” she finally spits, giving him a sharp look from the corner of her eye. He barely regards her, far more concerned with letting his eyes roam the bare flesh of her thighs. She takes a half step away from him, and the hand in her hair drops back to his side, his other hand slowly sliding from her shoulder down to her wrist, grip not at all loosening.
“Is that so?” Amusement creeps into his voice and Lucy bristles, her lips curving back over her teeth. She doesn’t react besides this, hoping that he’ll let go on his own so that she can avoid breaking her promise. “Well, you know there’s a fee for leaving,” he tells her. There isn’t one. She knows there isn’t. She made sure to ask when she entered the city. Not wanting to get caught and risk losing her life.
Lucy finally meets his gaze, resisting a shudder as she sees the predatory glint in his light blue eyes.
She holds his gaze, straightening her back. “I have no money,” she lies smoothly, shrugging as his eyes darken. His lips curve into a wicked smile, sharp as a knife.
He jerks her into his arms before she can pull away, one arm slipping around her back and the other going directly to her thigh, fingers down the outside of her leg until he meets leather and then soft cotton. “I never said it would cost you gold, Doll,” he murmurs lowly, ducking down so that his breath puffs against her jaw.
Lips press against the side of her throat, teeth grazing her skin, and Lucy glances sideways to see if anyone is near enough to see them. The street are bare, however, and the sentry has pulled her into the shadow of the gate, hiding the two of them from sight. Frustration bubbles beneath her skin, but she waits, allowing him to trail his lips along her jaw for a moment.
“And what,” she hisses sharply, the foreign words sounding strange to her own ears, “pray tell, would it cost me?” she asks him, tilting her head to the slide just the slightest. Lucy waits for a response, but he doesn’t speak, just grins against her skin and pulls her further into the shadows.
When the hand on her back slips beneath her jacket and top Lucy decides she’s had enough.
Before she can say anything else, the sentry breathes two words against her ear. “Your flesh.” His thumb brushes against the bare skin of her inner thigh, a low sound leaving his throat as he turns the two of them quickly. Lucy gasps as her back is slammed against the metal gate and a firm hands snakes over her ribs.
Lucy slips a hand down between them, covering his palm with her own and squeezing. He leans in closer and groans against her throat when Lucy drags his hand higher between her legs, allowing his thumb to slip beneath her shorts.
When she snaps his fingers satisfaction crawls into her throat.
The sentry lets out a strangled scream and Lucy jerks her head forward, her teeth digging into the side of his throat so deeply that she breaks the skin. Something wet and metallic slides over her tongue and Lucy reels back. The guard is still screaming when she throws her knee up, between his legs. He falls heavily to his knees and Lucy considers breaking her promise to Romeo, but ultimately decides to drive her other knee against his face instead. There’s a satisfying crunch and then blood spurts from his nose. He tumbles backwards, unconscious, and Lucy doesn’t stay to watch him hit the ground.
She slips between the crack in the gate, leaving the guard behind her without a second thought. Lucy shuts the gate behind her, her shoulders only relaxing when the doors click shut loudly, the sound echoing through the silence—rattling her bones. The amulet in her pocket suddenly feels all too heavy as it slaps against her thigh with every step she takes.
The rhythmic pattern is almost soothing—almost, but it’s drowned by the rapid beating of her heart, her pulse throbbing in her ears until she can barely hear herself thinking.
Lucy is running before she can stop herself. Bile rises high in her throat, but she swallows it down, knowing better than to get sick somewhere just outside the city. She can’t be caught now. She needs to get to the woods before anyone notices the sentry she knocked unconscious. Without a doubt, they’ll guess he was trying to stop someone from leaving. Most guards wouldn’t bother with anyone coming in, not until they’ve already caused trouble.
She should have just gone out the North gate where she came in. She knew for a fact that Ganta, the kind guard she had meet three days earlier, would be on duty. It would have taken her a little longer to leave and find her weapons, but she wouldn’t have been held up at the gate like that.
Shaking her head rapidly, Lucy focuses on running. It’s not important anymore. What happened happened and there’s nothing she can do about that. All that matters now is that she doesn’t get caught, everything else can be forgotten. She squeezes her eyes shut briefly, but snaps them open when she nearly trips in a foxhole, her ankle making a sharp ‘pop’ as she catches herself on her hands. Lucy hisses through clenched teeth, angry at herself for not paying attention, and just keeps running, uncaring of the way her ankle throbs with every step she takes.
If she doesn’t start focusing she’s going to get herself killed or worse.
Time passes quickly, and Lucy is surprised to find herself amongst the trees mere minutes later. The thicket is shaded when she slips into the brush, and a rabbit startles, leaping out of the tall grass and disappearing somewhere to Lucy’s left. It’s not until she’s dragging her bag out of the bushes that Lucy realizes her hands are shaking.
Lucy watches as her fingers tremble against the worn leather bag, her nails digging into the straps so deeply that she’s afraid she might cut holes through them. She loosens her grip, sucking in a deep, shaky breath as she attempts to calm her nerves. It takes a moment, but her hands fall still, her grip growing slack.
Taking a slow, easy breath, Lucy pulls her bag out of the grass, slipping it around her shoulders languidly. Her quiver comes next—attaching to one of the loops in her belt. Then the bow, slung around her back with the string cutting across her chest. Her knives come last, and she names them as she slips them into the holders on her thighs—silly names: Rose and Kell, Echo and Kali. Romeo wanted to name them when he was younger. Laxus thought it was a silly thing to do, but Lucy humored him, allowing her younger brother to name each of them with great care.
Rose for the one with the rose quarts blade—the one it took Lucy months to save up for. Kell for the one she bought off a merchant in Crocus, KL carved into the hilt, though the letters hold no meaning to Lucy. Echo, for the one whose twin was lost during a border skirmish with men from Bosco—slave traders. And the black blade with the wicked curve and delicate hilt was named Kali.
She rarely calls them by these names, and she doubts that Romeo and Laxus even remember them, but Lucy never could forget. The names always come back to her when she finds herself unable to breathe. They make her think of her brothers—remind her that she needs to get back to them.
Lucy slips back out of the brush, and turns West, thinking about the trip home. It took her two weeks to get to Pergrande from Fiore, and only because she managed to catch a ride with a man traveling from Bosco to Bellum. Assuming all were to go well, it would take Lucy nearly a month to get home, though she doubts she has that sort of time. She could look for another ride, but she doesn’t trust the people of Pergrande, certainly not this close to the capital.
If she only stops to sleep, she could cut her time to two weeks, maybe less, and if she can find an Iceberg Herne, perhaps she could be home in a week. The great white deer have always been a friend to the people like her, she doubts they would turn her away, not when she needs them.
Steeling herself, Lucy takes a deep breath, listening to the sounds of the forest around her: the birds and small deer native to Pergrande, a small creek bubbling somewhere off to her right, the distant cry of a bird of prey.
And she runs.
Two days pass and Lucy doesn’t stop even as her legs begin to ache and her lungs scream in pain with every breath she takes. She can’t stop—she can’t. If she gets caught now it’ll all be over. Makarov needs the stone to continue with his plans, and she’s afraid that Romeo and Laxus will lose a piece of themselves if she doesn’t come home. She won’t be the one to break like that—she absolutely refuses. So even though her lungs burn and her legs threaten to collapse beneath her and her head throbs from lack of sleep, Lucy keeps running.
Someone is bound to come after her, so she can’t stop running. She might not be rested for a fight, but if anyone tries to stop her, they won’t take her easily. She won’t let them.
Raw determination courses through her veins, magic humming beneath her skin, and Lucy forces herself to move faster, ignoring the pain that comes with every step she takes. Her ankle hurts the most, more damaged from her earlier fall than she had thought. Though, constantly running on it certainly hasn’t helped. Lucy ignores the pain, focusing only on the dull thud of the stone in her pocked as it slaps against her leg and the weight of her bag against her back.
Romeo’s grin comes to mind and Lucy can’t help but smile, yearning to be home with her family again.
Three weeks is not a long time, not compared to some of the trips Laxus has been on in the past, but it’s hard nonetheless. Being away from them this long makes her heart hurt and her stomach twist painfully. By the time she gets home it’ll have been over a month, maybe even longer, and the thought makes Lucy queasy. Though, perhaps that’s just from the lack of sleep. She can’t be sure.
If her calculations are correct, she’s made it about a third of the way to the border of Pergrande and Iceberg, maybe a little less. If she could keep the same pace, she could make it to the ice lands in five days. It’s unlikely, she knows. If she isn’t careful she may just collapse, but Lucy isn’t safe in Pergrande—she won’t be safe until she makes it back to Fiore, but once she’s out of Pergrande the King’s soldiers can’t touch her. Not theoretically, anyway.
There’s a snapping sound to Lucy’s left and she stops short, legs nearly buckling as she comes to a stop. It takes Lucy a long moment to realize how quiet the forest is—no birds, no wolves, no squirrels chattering in the trees—everything is silent. Her skin prickles as she listens to the quiet, her breathing suddenly loud in the forest.
This is the place where the trees sing, some mystical place where they whisper back and forth—the spirits of slaughtered Fae residing amongst the bark. Lucy takes a deep breath, concentrating on every little sound the forest makes, listening for anything over the wild beating of her heart.
The forest’s words seem to blur together, to soft for Lucy to make them out. She squeezes her eyes shut tighter, willing herself to hear them.
Watch out.
Lucy’s eyes snap open, her breath catching in her throat. Shaking her head slowly, she squeezes her eyes shut once more, listening for the whispers once more. She can hear them, but they’re too garbled to make out the words—but the tone—the tone is clear, low and warning; desperate.
She hears him before she sees him.
Eyes still squeezed shut, Lucy hears the soft crunch of a leaf beneath a boot not five paces to her right—the soft slide of worn leather against the grass as someone lunges.
Lucy doesn’t hesitate. Her eyes flicker open, head snapping to the side just in time to see a man barreling towards her. Golden armor glints in the morning light and Lucy reacts. She spins on her heel, right arm reaching blindly behind her, fingers wrapping around the lower arm or her bow. When the man is directly in front of her, Lucy jerks her arm forward. The bowstring cuts across her chest and threatens to snap as it’s pulled tight around her, but she hardly notices.
The sturdy end of the bow knocks against the underside of his jaw and he stumbles back a step, momentarily thrown off guard. Lucy doesn’t let him regain his senses. She drops down low, sweeping his legs out from under him without missing a beat, and he crashes to the ground with a snarl.
Lucy turns and runs, but doesn’t make it far before a hand wraps around her ankle and drags her to the dirt. She yelps as her back hits the forest floor, the breath knocked from her lungs. Her head hits the ground roughly, a sharp, stabbing pain racing through her temple. She hisses, eyes squeezing shut as a sob bubbles in her throat. She swallows it down, determined not to start crying in the middle of a fight.
A weight settles on top of her, warm and solid—practically crackling with heat—but before Lucy can open her eyes a pair of lips are pressed to her shoulder. She freezes suddenly, breath catching in her throat as she goes rigid. Despite willing herself to open her eyes and find out what’s happening, Lucy finds herself unable to move, paralyzed by fear and something else she’s can’t quite comprehend. Exhaustion pulls at her, making her limbs feel weak and bones heavy.
For a long moment, nothing happens. The man’s lips stay pressed against her skin, his warm breath tickling her neck every time he exhales. Hands settle on the ground on either side of her waist, caging her in, and heat prickles her skin where he hovers over her, energy crackling around him. Then, he opens his mouth, chapped lips scrape against her skin and Lucy’s fingers begin to crawl towards the holster on her thigh. Her fingertips brush along the skin of his wrist, barely ghosting against him, and he pauses—almost hesitating.
Her fingers brush against Kell—sweet Kell—and then his lips curve back over his teeth as he bites down on her shoulder. This time, Lucy does scream, a sob tearing from her throat as his canines sink into her shoulder—tearing through skin and muscle until she’s sure she can feel him in her bones.
Lucy swings blindly with her knife, aiming for his side, but only catching him along the inside of his arm. He reels back nonetheless, and Lucy kicks him in the chest before scrambling backwards against the wet grass, putting as much space between the two of them as she can.
Confused green eyes lock with hers—something like hurt flickering in his gaze before it’s swallowed by something mindless and blank. Lucy’s eyes narrow in confusion as his features smooth out, no trace of emotion anywhere to be found. She finds her eyes wandering then, which isn’t a smart thing to do, but she can barely keep her eyes open at this point. Blood drips down the inside of his arm, a shallow line drawn across his bicep. Ruby and gold swallow her vision and she becomes increasingly aware of how little covers him.
Something gold glints around his throat and Lucy’s eyes lock on a gleaming red gem, something dark pulsing through the air between them.
Lucy meets his blank eyes once more, cold realization filling her veins. “Berserker,” she chokes out, grip tightening on Kell as she reaches for Kali as well. Her quiver is empty, arrows scattered across the ground.
He growls when he hears her speak, his lips curving back threateningly, though his expression stays blank.
That’s when he lunges once more.
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