#road trip advice
weird-grrrl · 19 days
Hey gyns 👋 roadtrip season is coming up so here’s a piece of advice that I learned in drivers ed that I feel could be a (literal) life saver.
Use Starbucks Restrooms instead of gas station restrooms
Starbucks are 99.99% of the time cleaner and typically in safer areas as opposed to gas stations/rest stops. Starbucks should allow people to use their restrooms as public restrooms but if not order an ice water. The ice water is free at any size so just order one and use the restroom while you wait. Most navigation apps has a tool where you can see the nearest one
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ironwilledf-up · 2 months
Doing a road trip from Vegas to all the Utah national parks and multiple state parks and national monuments next month. Anyone got any tips or any places I should check out? I probably have most of the open spaces saved but lesser known places are good to know and even more so I'll take some food recommendations or just general tips :)
We are renting a jeep so dirt roads are fine ❤️
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Just a photo of my cat watching travel videos with me in preparation, for visibility's sake.
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segasister · 2 years
In a cast where nobody is human and we're using established/cultural monsters how do you do good LGBTQIA+ rep?
I would suggest, “look to the Monster Prom franchise if you want a good example,” since just about every character in the game is queer in some way, shape, or form (with the exception of maybe one or two) and, despite their monstrous identities, they’re still treated, by the writers, as human. In the main cast of characters (from both games) you can romance, you have:
A mermaid princess who has actively expressed attraction to a female student
A demon who performs drag and engages in cosmetology
A vampire who engages in the art of mlm in comic form after you, the player, introduce him to it
A ghost who has an endless list of partners no matter the gender
An eldrich horror with two plotlines about her identity
A reaper who openly uses they/them and constantly defies gender norms
And you are given the option to romance all of them, regardless of what pronouns you choose your character to have!
So to answer your question:
Treat them as normal in spite of what makes them monsters (just like you treat queer characters as normal)
Have them openly talk about their partner if they have one (labels need not be used; just say their girlfriend/boyfriend/partner or what have you)
Don’t isolate your aspec characters/make them feel weird for not having a romantic/sexual partner (there is a plot in the game where you do try to romance a character whom you later find is aroace, and the game rightfully makes you feel like a douchebag)
If you have a character transition (either socially or physically), make sure they’re not ostracized for it, or if they do face obstacles, don’t present your character as in the wrong for transitioning.
… This has just become, “how to write good LGBTQIA+ representation.” Just with monsters involved.
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gaslightgallows · 2 years
"We'll stop at the next place we see for lunch."
Friends. No. No, you stop at this place, now.
There will not be a next place.
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gringadano · 8 months
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Electric Car Journeys Are Easy With Common Sense Added!
After watching various media put up videos of how long EV journeys are a disaster (who don't engineer these videos at all!), I though I'd do one in a small range EV that can't rapid charge at all to prove that the charging part of it, isn't that hard.
P.S. Mostly these long distance trip EV charging "disaster" videos are staged "click baits"...! Actually, electricity is everywhere and electric car journeys are very easy, I would even say that such trips are even easier than using ICE vehicles, because the travelers are less tired...
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ephemeratea · 11 months
Personal rules I follow for no particular reason (or for a dumb reason):
1) No clothes or bags with blatant logos, except t-shirts with stuff like Muppets or drag queens. I’m nobody’s advertisement…unless you’re Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem
2) “Classy” is frequently a synonym for “boring.” My style icon is Ms. Frizzle, not Audrey Hepburn.
3) If you see a sign for something on the side of the road that looks remotely interesting, you have to at least try to stop. This is how I turn 2 hour road trips into 7 hour behemoths.
4) If you see a used or indie bookstore, you have to go in (provided it’s open; no B&E).
5) And if you go into an indie or mom and pop shop, you have to support it. This is why I’ve run out of space on my bookshelves.
6) Don’t judge a person by their English. That person with broken English or saying “y’all” might have a doctorate, and the last thing you need is a “bless your heart.”
7) If they fuck up once, assume they’re having a bad day. If they fuck up twice, politely correct them. Three times, stop going to that restaurant.
8) Avoid fiction books written in the first person. This is a lazy way of provoking empathy. (And I’m too much of a bitch for it to work.)
9) Don’t take advice from celebrities. Most celebrities are famous due to luck and privilege more than actual talent. This makes their advice basically useless.
10) Celebrity biographies are only interesting if they got up to crazy shit and now they’re dead. Definitely avoid biographies of anyone who’s alive and under 40.
Okay, these are random rules that I follow and some of them I don’t even know why. Anyone else have rules they follow, possibly unintentionally?
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If your husky ever runs away (which they will do at some point) don't shout don't run after them just walk in the opposite direction and say bye very calmly this works 1 in 20 times the other 19 times they will just do whatever they want
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clone-bar-79s · 2 years
need help. anyone has any advice how to survive on a road trip that will last over 10 hours?
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freebooter4ever · 2 years
there's a storm in washington, they've actually closed all the mountain passes, grandpa would have gotten stranded if he'd flown home instead of gotten sick and staying isolated in the artists house :( he is feeling better btw. soon i will get my covid test back so maybe i can visit. I hate this goddamn pandemic so much.
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tahdashi · 2 years
how do i tell my parents that my bf wants to go on a trip for winter break 👍👍👍👍👍👍 and that i probably won’t come home until next year 👍👍👍👍👍 um !
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morpheus-7 · 3 months
hey if anyone’s moved across the country with extremely limited funds before I’d love some advice 🙏🏻
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catchdacraze · 3 months
🖍 Artist Alley Vlog 🖍 Two day convention in Oklahoma, prep work, set up ...
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foxoftheasterisk · 2 years
ok i still hate bathroom dreams but this one was at least funny
#im on some kind of road trip and park at random park#there's two options: regular ass women's public restroom (presumably super gross; it's a park) and stall you ?? zip out of the wall??#elect for weird stall#puzzle out how to construct it#asking advice from some nice lady#midway through construction am hassled by transphobe girl#finally get her to fuck off#finish construction#... there's no toilet#ask nice lady; apparently was supposed to get a basin from park rangers#roll eyes; sigh; get dressed again and abandon weird stall#transphobe girl is talking to nice lady; must have got lectured because she's alright now#we have brief relatively pleasant conversation#i head into regular bathroom; get stall; girl tries to get in with me#um; no??#get her out; she peers over stall walls#lecture her about how it's exactly the same as me peeping on her#after too much persuasion she leaves#sigh in relief; finally go to sit down; there's two random dudes in the corner of the stall now#what the fuck#suddenly there's like a hundred people out in the main part of the bathroom#turns out the dudes are in a band and all their fans are following them. into the women's bathroom#(very few of the fans were women either)#they ask me to switch stalls but i refuse on principle#at this point this is MY stall and i deserve to use it without being hassled#well the band members leave but i keep getting fans looking in or trying to get in because it's the stall They were in!!#after several minutes of this i finally give up and leave the stall#go to check the others#they're all super gross. the one i had is my only option. unless...#i wake up and use the bathroom at home
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gringadano · 9 months
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