coffeeandbatboys · 1 month
His New Religion (Wolffe x Fem!Reader)
for my friend @alegendoftomorrow in the @cloneficgiftexchange!
A/N: So this ended up summing up a lot of what happened before, during and after Right Here Waiting and its wedding sequel, part 2, which I know Legend had read, so my brain took the idea and ran with it.
Warnings: a little bit of angst, some awkward fluffies and a badly summed up slow burn with a happy ending
Prompt(s): “But somewhere there's a light//A sign that it's alright//I find it by your side” (New Religion, The Heydaze),
“Always thought those feelings, they were stories not made for me // It's terrifying, but I'm pretty certain it's worth it” || “I didn't know you were something I could need // Until you, until you loved my everything // The good, the bad, the in between, all of me” || “But all the hell we've been through had a purpose // Together we are chaos and it's perfect” (I Didn’t Know, Sofia Carson)
Wordcount: 856
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If someone had sat cadet cc-3636 down and told him that he'd be living with the love of his life one day…
…He would have broken out laughing.
And yet Wolffe, the grumpy, no-nonsense commander of the 104th, had melted like a puddle the first night he spent in your embrace.
The two of you had met during a whirlwind campaign. You had needed him to sign some forms to accept supply restocks, and he’d obliged with a grumble, voicing his negative remarks about ‘redundant protocols’.
The next meeting happened in the mess hall. You’d been covering for a friend in the food line when you caught his sharp, analyzing gaze. With a blush and a smile, you served him his rations, a begrudgingly mumbled ‘thanks’ reaching your ears.
A few weeks later and it was in the medbay. You'd dropped a box on your foot, earning yourself a broken toe, while Wolffe had garnered a blaster graze to the bicep. He was reserved as usual, but engaged in some awkward, short-lived conversation about your odd jobs in the GAR while the medics patched the two of you up.
After that, you didn't see him for a long while.
And one night you found him at the door of your quarters, pacing; deciding whether he should knock or not. That was the night he had first asked you out on date.
Shore leave dates turned into nights curled in each others’ loving embrace and soft mornings filled with nothing but bliss. Harrowing weeks apart turned into joyful reunions and a growing love between you.
And one night, all of that became your beloved Wolffe falling to a knee and asking for the honor of your hand in marriage. You'd never given a second thought about saying yes.
You vividly remember after that weekend the way he kissed you goodbye and promised to return safely.
But as fate would have it, he was taken away from you. The Empire rose out of the Republic's ashes, throwing everyone's lives into pure chaos and cutting the ties between you and your love.
You didn't see your fiancé for a year. Instead, you'd joined a network of rogue clones that led you to Rex, and had began working with them.
Then there was Teth, where you saw him again, but not as an ally. You were glad to see Wolffe, despite the reunion being marred by grief and despair. But oh, how you wanted to reach out and bring him back into your arms, even knowing he wasn't the same.
Weeks passed, and he seemed to make his decision when Rex and Echo brought him back to the new base. He danced around the subject for a while, afraid to find out what you would say. But one look into your hopeful eyes was all it took for him to break down in your arms.
The two of you wed in a simple ceremony, surrounded by his brothers, who had become just as much family to you. In that moment, the trials of the past gave way to a hopeful future, with you and Wolffe facing the challenges of a tumultuous galaxy together.
Now today, as you look out into the setting sun, you smile. Who would have thought that a love tested by loyalty, betrayal and heartache would heal in such a way?
Wolffe hums behind you, arms wrapping around your waist as a kiss is pressed behind your ear.
“If you keep staring at the sun, Mesh’la,” he remarks, squeezing you a little. “—you'll go blind.”
You laugh brightly and wiggle around to face him. He smiles and let's his lips brush across your cheeks, nose and forehead, before landing on your own in a tender kiss.
“I suppose I have something better to stare at here,” you tease. The golden hour glow highlights his best features. His hair has begun to gray at the temples, silver strands fading into his thick curls, and his cybernetic eye glitters in the sunlight. His jaw bears a little bit of stubble; a deliberate choice, you assume.
“Oh?” He asks, forehead resting gently upon yours.
“Yeah,” you answer, reaching up to caress his scar. His eyes flutter closed.
“What's going on in that beautiful mind of yours, huh?
You smile. “I was just thinking. About us.” Your head rests against his shoulder as a warm breeze dusts both of you.
He hums deeply in acknowledgment, a kiss being placed to your temple.
“Also known as: a scratch and dent clone falls in love with a smart, caring, drop dead gorgeous woman?”
You laugh lightly and shake your head. “More like, How a man and woman’s love made it through all sorts of trials.”
Wolffe’s face falls a little, but you cup his cheek to turn his gaze toward you.
“And what happened is in the past. We have all the time in the world now, yeah?”
He smiles ever so slightly and holds you close. “Yeah Mesh'la. That sounds perfect.”
And he thinks now that he’s had a taste of love, he can get used to it for the long run.
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princeasimdiya12 · 6 months
What do you think will be the happy outcome for the teacher at the cat cafe? Doesn't seem like he's okay this episode what with how he's become obsessed with Jasmine-chan, unwilling to let anyone have her.
In all honesty anon, I'm not really sure what the outcome will be anymore. Episode 9 teased us with a happy reconciliation only for Episode 10 to provide some conflict with Jasmine being too busy to see the Teacher. And with the twisted development of the Teacher wanting to keep Jasmine all to himself makes this feel like the outcome won't be a happy one. Worse case scenario is that the Teacher will cut ties with Jasmine.
And while we're on the subject, I might as well analyze what's going on in the crazy world of Nyan Nyaight Love.
Episode 11: The Outstanding Darkness of Night
Part 1: Someone Get the Manager
So the Customer aka the Teacher is back at NNL. But the biggest and most concerning of changes, is his lack of comedic reactions. In all previous segments, the Teacher was always a jittery mess who struggled to go into the place and only went in because a passing character scared him in. But this time, he goes in without a reaction regardless of the Siguma Squad boys passing by. He's not even phased or freaks out when the Receptionist welcomes him in.
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Something to note is how the Receptionist has turned back to his usual chipper self when welcoming the Teacher. He does the same song and dance he's done since the first Episode like nothing's changed.
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Relating to my previous interpretations, this comes off as a defying the parallel of the delinquents the Receptionist normally represents. He's back to his welcoming self while the bad boys are experiencing their Darkest Hour. If only he was there when the red flags popped out.
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The downward spiral, the grim tone of the Teacher, the dark lighting of the establishment sign. All of it fits well with the new dark tone of the Episode as it lacks the usual comedy or light-hearted moments to focus more on the intense drama of Matakara's corruption.
The downward spiral of the sign gives the impression that everything is going out of control and the world is falling over it's head. This could parallel the current status of the three gangs that were featured in the story. All three were introduced as powerful, influential and fully of life and debauchery. But after everything that's happened, the once prosperous gangs have started to lose their power and came crashing down.
The NG Boys are no longer a functioning gang after the Gang War mixed with the Emperor losing his status among them. They're not even shown doing anything to keep their gang alive despite some casual hang outs.
Siguma Squad was gravely shaken by the loss of their leader Marito with several flunkies even worrying if the gang can still function without him.
And Minato Kai is at an absolute loss not only for Kenichirou losing to Matakara but by the fact that one of their own would turn rogue and brutalize everyone. And just like SS, there's no doubt going to be a power struggle over Kenichirou losing to one of his disciples.
All in all, the established order of the gangs is losing control and changing for the worst. While some of the bad boys are willing to endure the change (like Outa promising to keep SS afloat) there are some who aren't taking it very well (everyone else).
Part 2: Don't Lose Your Waaaay!
As for the Teacher's grim and creepy demeanor to Jasmine, it's the most puzzling to figure out and what it's supposed to represent/foreshadow. But in this case, I think he's supposed to parallel both Arajin and Matakara.
In regards to Arajin, it could be him showing concern over Matakara fighting the other banchos in the recent episodes. Though he isn't losing his mind over it, it is something that's worrying him and driving him to intervene to keep Matakara from losing his body to Ichiya. He doesn't even think about Mahoro or how badly he'll get hurt if he tries to intervene.
But the losing his mind could be a possible reference to him accepting the consequences of merging with Senya. While Senya did promise to give his body back to him, there's a high probability of death with Arajin using his full power to save Matakara from a similar fate only for it to happen to him at the battle's end. Something about giving up his body and soul for someone he loves and what not.
And for the Teacher is paralleling Matakara, the creepy and unsettling demeanor could fit with Matakara . While the Teacher was always seen as a sad, strange little man, he was ultimately a harmless guy with a kink for cats. But now he's become an obsessive creep who longs to make Jasmine his and his only. The same fits with Matakara once being a friendly sunshine puppy boy who only fought when provokes only to become a ruthless Punchy McFisticuffs who's driven to be as strong as possible in order to beat his former friend Arajin. Making Arajin "all to himself" fits with Matakara being driven by defeating his old friend once he finishes beating every delinquent in the area. And thanks to Ichiya's influence, he's equated Arajin as the source of his weakness that he must destroy to defeat the darkness.
He can't get him out of his mind/
Part 3: Together Forever Theory
As for you and me forever line, this actually feeds into a personal theory I have on how the story will end. Basically, Arajin and Matakara will become Honki People themselves. I say this for the following reasons:
Both boys shared a childhood dream training to become Honki People together. And with the series having such a tragic undertone, their original wish will be granted with them becoming Honki People being allowed to live for eternity and work on their respective issues. Paralleling Senya and Ichiya who've existed for thousands of years and still pursue each other (albeit for reconciliation and revenge). And while it's a stretch to say how two ordinary boys can become genies, it's worth mentioning that the series itself doesn't go into specifics with how they're made so it's always a possibility.
They have nothing to lose by becoming Honki People. There really isn't anything tying them to Honki City or having them want to continue being average high school boys. Arajin hasn't made any serious friendships with anyone on the show, he finds his mother to be a nuisance, and he has no dreams or aspirations apart from losing his virginity. While he would be saddened by leaving Mahoro, he'd be able to deal with it down the line. (Also remember that line in Episode 8 on how he expects Matakara to take responsibility for driving Mahoro away). As for Matakara, he doesn't have his older brother anymore, his adopted relatives don't really watch over him, he burned his bridges with Minato Kai and also has no long-term dreams past high school life. There isn't anything tethering them to the normal world so they'll eventually leave it to be "together" or have the time to find each other again. Kinda like that one fairy tale show with the gay leads.
If they do ascend to become Honki People, not many people would care about their disappearances or look into it. Siguma Squad viewed them as worthy adversaries and acquaintances at best. But they wouldn't be emotionally distraught if they were to disappear one day. While Zabu and Minato Kai would be saddened by Matakara's disappearance, he and the others would still move on and try to reconstruct MK. Especially since it's brought up that Matakara wouldn't have a place with them afterwards. They'd remember him fondly but would carry that heartbreak within them. And I'm sure Arajin's mom would just roll with her son leaving since he's giving his life for someone he loves/cares about. Plus she can always adopt the other Minato Kai boys as her children. She wouldn't mind the company and they'd definitely appreciate her more compared to Arajin. Another thing to bring up is how none of them know about Senya or Ichiya or what truly became of the boys after their final battle. They'll just think they were once old friends who had a fight and left as a result. Though Akutaro knows about the genie lore, I doubt anyone will care what he says nor will he make an effort to reach out to them or the original Honki People.
I'm reminded of Banana Fish, another BL anime that Hiroko Ustumi directed, and how it ended on a tragic note. No spoilers but many did not call it a happy ending. So it wouldn't be farfetched for Utsumi to create another tragic ending for the two leads that defies the status quo.
As for what will happen to the Teacher himself, the only thing I can think of for the last NNL segment is him deciding to call it quits and leave Jasmine for good. If my Honki People Theory turns out right, then it'll parallel the Teacher saying goodbye to Jasmine and moving on with his life. Though it could be argued that this can reference Arajin and Matakara ending their friendship, it can end on a hopeful note that they'll find a way to reconcile during their eternal lifetimes. I just can't imagine that the Teacher would still be wanting to come despite openly declaring that he doesn't want Jasmine to see any other man. Either he'll recognize it and make himself leave or the Receptionist will call security on him and regrettably ban him for being a threat to NNL's top workers.
And those are my thoughts on this segment and what I think can happen in the final episode. I hope it's to your liking anon. And what did you think of this? If you agree or disagree with anything I've said, please feel free to reblog this with your comments on the subject. Especially when it comes to how you think Arajin and Matakara's fairy tale will end and what will become of that wacky teacher and his love for Jasmine.
“Do you know? Do you know? Do you know how this ends?”
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callmearcturus · 1 year
sup i'm watching rogue nation and just analyzing physicality
i did this with fallout before, time for my fave
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sue me but i do really like the IMF plant that ethan immediately imprints on at the start of Rogue Nation, the very slow way he approaches as they poke each other about music history, it's measured and its not direct, he's moving at angles. "Do you know why they called him Shadow?" "Because he had a very light touch." That feels like the call-and-answer to confirm he's IMF, but they immediately are vibing so strongly that it could just be a conversation. It's cute! it's also just fun for me to compare Oldthan versus Twinkthan, bc younger Ethan never felt approachable, he felt like an intruder to be handled. Older Ethan either knows how to turn that default intimidation off or it's not his default anymore.
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When Lane makes Ethan watch, there is a completely unmasked rawness in Ethan's face as he realizes this plant he could have probably lingered around the shop to talk music with is about to die and it's a staged act specifically for him. She didn't do anything except be someone to hurt Ethan with. It's kind of an interesting play with the idea of fridging? That is explicitly what is happening here, it's a manipulation on Ethan, and he knows it, and yet it's going to work, it's a hook Lane makes him swallow.
ZOOM IN ON ETHAN'S EYES. like goddamn. McQ. /whistles
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i am O B S E S S E D with the omnidirectional horniness of the Bone Doctor. there is an almost effete weirdness to him, he has super odd gestures. given how few lines he has, he still has a ton of interesting lil moments, like the putting his finger in his mouth to remove his ring, and the wink when he steals benji and the very off little judgy face when he unmasks benji later. dude is doing a lot, i see why TC and McQ were like "actually he's not gonna die in this scene, we changed our minds, we love the bone doctor"
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ethan sees the omnidirectional horniness and sluts it up in response obvsly
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Punct pointed out that, like, presumably this was Ethan's escape plan the whole time, he doesn't do it until Ilsa is in danger, ergo he could have done it at any time, he was just hanging out to get some info from his torturers first. why the fuck is he like this. also that arm strength is truly 100% batshit
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the fucking barefoot combat is so funny to me. yes obvsly both of them are barefoot for this, its a Shared Intimacy. we now know that in the original plan, Ilsa was in those fucking heels for this sequence until TC was like "take em off" so my question is was ethan in shoes before that? because if I was a weirdly astute actor-producer who understood the inherent symbolism of that motif, i would also make sure my character was barefoot to establish that thread of vulnerable connection to one of my two love interests.
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lmao behind ethan in the phone booth is an ad for "unhurried massage and domination" its an ad for my fic actually
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its small but the way ethan does not know where the fuck to go for a solid moment after everything's gone tits-up is nice. he has no plan, he doesn't know what his next step is. and he's been shot.
also Benji's interrogation scene is delightful
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There is that moment of eye contact across the room that's like "well, here we are again" with these two, who have been covering for Ethan this whole time
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and RIGHT before Benji starts lying out his ass with grace and poise, there's just this tiny smile of acknowledgement on Brandt's face, it's like two frames before the cut happens, but it just speaks to how Brandt is fully aware that Benji is going to pull this off like he does every fucking week
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Rogue Nation really is Benji's movie, full stop
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also he is so genuinely happy to be going to the opera. like, he's an IMF ghost, he should be ultra suspicious of winning a sweepstakes to get tickets in the mail, but he doesn't care, his job is miserable and he loves theatre so much he'll take the win
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nekropsii · 1 year
It makes me really happy to say that today I'll be showing off some of the Patron sprites!! I honestly really like how they came out, so I hope you guys like them too!!
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Here we have a trio that really shouldn't be in the same image together!! Though Rufioh may be the root of all problems here, that doesn't mean Horuss and Damara hold no resentment for each other. Please separate them!! From left to right, we have...
HORUSS ZAHHAK // caballineToxophilite A Page of Void and tortured artist who deeply lacks a sense of personal identity. This struggle has left him a deeply tired, angry person, confused about what his place in this world is. Though he is something of a Renaissance Man, he finds that his expansive abilities only add to his internal strife. A true jack of all trades, and yet nothing defines him. He feels nothing makes his work his own.
RUFIOH NITRAM // animatedTroublemaker A mischievous Rogue of Breath who's found himself in quite the conundrum after being dragged back in the game again. Having ran away from the problems he's caused without warning for a year, those he's abandoned have quite the bone to pick with him. Wholly uninterested in having any further plot relevance, you'll mostly find him doing odd sidequests in random locations. Keep an eye out for him!
DAMARA MEGIDO // amicableAssassin A friendly Witch of Time that's better at holding a grudge than God himself. After her session ended, she moved in with Latula and Mituna, and spent the better part of that year trying to recover... And gained a great appreciation for punk in the process!! She spends her time keeping the timeline of this session from branching too far into a Doomed state, taking her role as a guide in this game really seriously. Will she succeed in her attempts to maintain stability...?
Up next, we have...
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... These two, who should never be separated!! These moirails have a storied history together, and though half of those stories may involve annoying the hell out of each other… It's ultimately done nothing but draw them closer! From left to right, we have…
MEENAH PEIXES // causticConqueror A wild child Thief of Life that's here to cause problems and then immediately leave!! Though she's actually working on the "causing problem" part... After the way the last session fell apart, she feels it's apt to treat this new one as a fresh start for her. Old habits die hard, though!! Becoming a better person is both a difficult and nonlinear struggle. God knows this isn't stopping her from some gossip and tomfoolery here and there!! Everyone pray for our girl, she's trying her best.
ARANEA SERKET // athenianGlossographer A Sylph of Light that has much she'd like to tell you!! No one's taking the new session better than her- though she does miss working at the library, she gets plenty of fuel for writing from her time spent in the game, surrounded by new people, new places, new experiences, and new things to analyze!! Though treated as a doormat by her peers in her own session, she's been working on her assertiveness to assure that she's heard!!
That's all for this Sprite Showcase!! Thank you all for reading, and I hope you're enjoying what you see!!
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massiveladycat · 2 months
LORE OF THE ROGUE DEMIGODSThe rogue demigods of Manhattan consist of demigods who have been either banished from or otherwise separated from their respective camps, as well as those who never made it to a camp in the first place. As such, they are a diverse and eclectic group, with members coming from a variety of different backgrounds and cultures. Many of the rogues have struggled with homelessness and poverty for years, surviving on the streets or in other makeshift shelters. With no camp to call home, these demigods have been forced to fend for themselves, often resorting to stealing or other dangerous means of survival. Despite their difficult circumstances, the rogues have managed to eke out a modest living in the bustling city of Manhattan, often relying on their demigod abilities and cunning to stay one step ahead of the mortal authorities and others who might wish them harm. OLD OCS; THE ONES WHO WERE HERE BEFORE THEM ALL. A rogue demigod named Orlando Palmer, the son of Hermes. Orlando used to be a member of Camp Half-Blood, but was kicked out for conspiring with the Titan Army. Many of the demigods who were also working with the titans had followed him, joining the Rogue Demigods. He became a Runner.
A rogue demigod named Amani, the daughter of Hecate. Amani was never claimed by her godly parent and spent most of her life on the streets before being discovered by the rogues. She is highly intelligent and skilled in magic, and has proven herself to be a valuable asset to the group; she was actually the leader of creating the barrier to protect the camp. She became a Diviner.
A rogue demigod named Kai Malvern, the son of Jupiter. Kai is a tall and imposing figure, with a powerful presence and a fierce determination. He was once a member of Camp Jupiter, but was exiled after a heated argument and brawl with a superior officer. He is now one of the Commanders of the rogue community in Manhattan, and is respected and feared by those who know him. He is a Commander, and was a Tunneler before he was chosen to become a Commander.
Ethan Newton is a 19-year-old rogue demigod with a calm and collected personality. His father was Poseidon, the Greek God of the Sea, and he has the power to control water and breathe underwater. He's highly respected among the other rogues for his strategic thinking and calm demeanor in battle, and also his stubborn loyalty. He is a Tactician.
Emma Fielding is a  21-year-old rogue demigod with a fierce and independent spirit. Her mother was Nemesis, the Greek Goddess of Revenge, and she has the ability to analyze and understand situations with great precision. She's often seen as a vital part of the camp's planning and strategy, and is highly respected for her ability to think quickly and rationally in high-stress situations. She is a Tactician.
Thomas is a 30-year-old rogue demigod with a gruff and practical personality. His father was Thor, the Norse God of Thunder, and he has the power to generate lightning and command storms. He's seen as a tough and battle-hardened warrior, and is often called upon to lead the other rogues into battle. He’s scarily ambitious. He’s a father of three, and a loving husband to his wife. He is a Strongarms, soon to be selected into a Commander.
Lora is a 17-year-old rogue demigod with a kind and gentle personality. Her father was Apollo, the Greek God of Music and Light, and she has the ability to heal and manipulate light. She's often seen as a valuable support for the other rogues, and is highly respected for her compassionate nature and her ability to bring joy and warmth to the camp in difficult times. She’s a nurturer. The civil war among the rogue demigods of Manhattan had been brewing for years. The initial group of demigods had managed to build a safe community for each other, but as their numbers grew, tensions began to rise. In the midst of the chaos, Amani stepped up and used her magical powers to create a powerful barrier around the camp, designed to keep out both mortal authorities and other demigods who may want to do them harm.
Despite the barrier, the rogue demigods were still beset by constant threats from both mortal authorities and other hostile demigods. The group grew increasingly paranoid and secretive, leading to mistrust and infighting between members. Some believed that the barrier was doing more harm than good, cut off from the world and vulnerable to attack from within. Many people didn’t want to get their skin seared so they could go in and out of the barrier as they pleased, because the practice was painful.
As the group continued to bicker and argue, the tension finally boiled over into a full-scale civil war. The group led by Orlando and Kai, found themselves in direct opposition to the younger members, led by Emma and Ethan. Both sides were armed and determined to defend their beliefs, and the fighting quickly turned brutal.
The war raged on for days, with casualties mounting on both sides. Ethan was killed protecting Lora and Amani, and Kai was severely injured in battle. Thomas’s son, Georgie, who’d been working to help the demigods fighting for the barrier, had been one of the casualties. As the dust settled, it became clear that the two factions were at an impasse. A temporary truce was called, but no one was sure how long it would last.
The civil war had left the rogue demigods wounded and divided. In the aftermath, the survivors must rebuild and try to figure out a way to move forward. The scars from the war run deep, and the tension between the factions remains high. Thomas was able to stop the civil war by talking to all the key players involved and getting them to a table for negotiations. He was able to convince them to put aside their differences and work together for the greater good of the camp.
During the negotiations, Thomas was able to get everyone to see that the fighting was doing more harm than good. In addition to negotiations, Thomas organized a series of meetings and discussions where everyone had the opportunity to air their grievances, express their concerns and work towards a better understanding of each other's perspectives. These meetings became a safe space where people could share their thoughts, feelings and opinions, and work towards a common goal.
Throughout the process, Thomas was able to use his leadership skills to keep everyone focused on the bigger picture, and to ensure the negotiations remained civil and respectful. With his help, the rogue demigods were able to reach a truce and stop the fighting.
From then on, Thomas made it his mission to ensure that the Gatherings were a permanent part of the camp agenda and that everyone felt heard and included. He became a leader who was respected not only for a calm, cool head in moments of crisis but also for his ability to bring people together and find common ground. ROGUE DEMIGOD GROUP GATHERINGS One of Thomas' most significant contributions to the camp was the creation of the Group Gatherings: periods of social interaction and training where everyone in the several camps would come together to discuss issues and build camaraderie. These Gatherings were often called after or before battles, but also occurred regularly as a way for the members of the camp to stay connected and build a sense of community. Thomas was instrumental in establishing these Gatherings as a regular part of camp life. The Gatherings were not only a place for the rogues to socialize and train together, but also a way for them to discuss important issues and make plans for the future. They were an essential part of the camp's development and success, and played a key role in fostering a community spirit and a sense of unity among the members of the camp. They helped with emergency drills, deciding how to teach youngsters, discussing a problem between factions, et cetera.
These gatherings happen six times a year; once in January, once in March, once in May, once in July, once in August, and once in October. There are other Gathering events, like emergency gatherings.
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randomnameless · 2 months
Yeah, the argument that "oh Hoshido is completely pure and good while Nohr is completely corrupt and evil" is complete bs and falls apart once you analyze the information you're given throughout Fates, especially in Birthright and Conquest.
Hoshido takes little to no interest in the issues of neighbouring countries once their usefulness is at an end, to the point of Sumeragi refusing to shelter Shura and other Kohga refugees after Mokushu conquered it, just because he wouldn't benefit from helping a now-destroyed nation; Dehumanizes the fuck out of their opposition, with even the royal family being raised under the assumption that the vast majority of Nohrians are inhumane, cowardly beasts who attack other countries for fun and pleasure instead of out of necessity, as is the truth, with things getting so bad that the general populace starts killing anyone in Hoshido who has even the slightest connection to Nohr, with Haitaka going rogue and forming a small platoon for the sole purpose of kidnapping, torturing and killing Azura (with that plot point being conveniently erased from the localization, with Azura claiming that she was the only one targeted in EN); Is so misogynistic that Mikoto and Hinoka were only allowed to take the throne due to the male heirs being either too young or dead to do so themselves, with multiple of the female playable Hoshidan cast having suffered through sexism in the military in the past; And is hypocritical af when it comes to what makes them any better than Nohr in terms of their behaviour on the battlefield, doing the exact same thing Garon did to Sumeragi by ambushing both him and Corrin while they were minding their own business, only to have the gall to call Zola dishonorable for ambushing them in return.
Nohr has it's issues, like the massive resource disparity caused by the nobles and soldiers getting what little food the country has for themselves while the commoners are left to starve (solved by the end of every route thanks to Leo and/or Xander) and it's history of invading and conquering other nations due to being too proud to ask other nations for help with their resource issues (also solved at the end of every route, with Leo or Xander taking pride in the fact that the two countries will be having much better and more open cooperations between them from then on), and is ultimately more morally at fault than Hoshido when it comes to the war, since they're the agressors, but it's also a genuinely better country than Hoshido in a few ways, most notably it's people being much more open and trusting of foreigners by default, with them happily accepting Shura into their midst despite also gaining nothing from doing so, and most Nohrians having no real preconceptions against Hoshidans and being much more respectful of them than the other way around: women are also, generally, much better treated in Nohr, with few to none of the female playable Nohrians having had any issues relating to gender discrimination in the military and being free to choose what they want to do with their lives without fear of being shunned for breaking away from their expected societal roles.
Thinking that Fates in any way portrays Hoshido as solely good and Nohr as solely bad implies a heavy misunderstanding of it's story and themes imo.
(Also, yeah, idk wtf the anon was talking about with "oh Birthright is just a more simplistic version of Shadow Dragon's good blue units destroy evil red units and bring peace to the world story"; an entire chapter of that route is dedicated to showing how rough the average Nohrian has it and how they still band together and overcome adversity by living in the underground, Ryoma's character arc is to understand and soften up to Nohr, ultimately deciding to share Hoshido's surplus resources with it once he's crowned king, multiple of the Nohrians Corrin fights are portrayed in a sympathetic light, and Xander and Elise's deaths are meant to be the emotional high points of the story lol)
(Also also, Ryoma himself never knew that Nohrian land was infertile and it's commoners were suffering prior to reaching Nohr and being told as such by Silas, with him vowing to share food with the country as soon as the war was over once he found out; the Nohrian monarchs prior to Garon were too prideful to ask Hoshido for help and tried to solve all their problems by themselves and the Hoshidan monarchs prior to Ryoma didn't give a fuck about what happened outside of their own country, causing Nohr's resource shortage to only get solved by the end of Fates, though it is likely that at least one Nohrian monarch swallowed their pride, asked Hoshido's monarch for help, and got told to fuck off; no real proof of that tho)
Oh thanks!
Yeah, in general both Nohr and Hoshido are flawed, in different ways, but flawed nonetheless!
Hoshido's extreme isolationism leads them to, not understand why Nohr feels obliged to attack them (but then Mikoto makes her special "and they don't want to fight anymore!" magic, so what happens to the Nohrians who are affected by her magic? Are they killed, or do they return to Nohr or... what?).
FE, in general, always tries to have some sort nuance, not the kind that would excuse imperialism or declaring a war, but it often took the time to explain circumstances that led to the war, so the blue lord doesn't repeat the same mistakes as his forefathers.
Imo, that's why in FE1 we learn about Medeus' motivations and why Jugdral's Travant is so well liked. Zephiel even gets a prequel!
It's never as clear cut as "red empire is evil and invades for shit'n'giggles and blue lords saves the world", or at least, it never was.
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dragonroar87 · 6 months
Don't Scare Me Like That!
Fandom: Doodle World (Roblox)
Words: 750
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Quincy panted, scanning his line of sight for any more Shadow Clan warriors. Every time he thought he was safe, another one leapt from the darkness, daggers swinging wildly. His clothes were starting to bear tears and cuts from when one of those daggers had gotten a bit too close and actually connected.
He was clutching a Doodle Capsule close to his chest, ready to hurl it at whatever he saw moving. He wasn't sure which Doodle of his the Capsule actually had inside, but he was in too much danger to give a damn.
"Horbeast, do you see any more of those guys?" he asked his loyal Doodle, standing faithfully at his back.
Horbeast responded with a growl in the negative, though the brilliant flash of magenta light from a few blocks away let Quincy know that the battle wasn't quite over yet.
Quincy ran towards the source of the Awakening, ducking through alleyways and jumping over fallen debris, Horbeast dropping onto all fours to give chase.
Rounding a corner, pink glittering smoke was tossed into his eyes with a gust of a Doodle's artificial wind. Quincy coughed uncontrollably, trying to squint past the smoke to analyze the situation. He was just barely able to make out the silhouette of an Awakened Partybug and that of its Tamer, a tall man with a long jacket to protect him from the cold.
Quincy tossed a cautionary glance behind him, but saw that the pink smoke had surrounded him, pressing in on all sides to disorient him. Every time he breathed in the slightest bit of the gas, it attacked his lungs and made him cough until he needed to gasp for air, which only made him cough again, trapping him in a vicious cycle.
He couldn't see a thing no matter where he looked. A Shadow Clan warrior could easily sneak up behind him and--
A firm immobilizing grab at Quincy's wrist. Adrenaline surged through his veins, spreading through his body in than a second, his pulse quickening and his lungs working harder to draw in air. He spun on his heel, turning around to throw a punch at his assailant and at least give himself a fighting chance.
His fist made contact with the crunch of breaking cartilage.
The voice that squeaked out in pain was familiar, feminine. They let go of his wrist and fell back onto the ground, and although Quincy couldn't see their face, regret quickly set in when he realized who he had just attacked.
"Ow ow ow ow OW OW OW--!" Suzie quietly yelped in pain to avoid drawing more attention to the two than had already been drawn.
"Holy Louis-- Suzie, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't realize you were there, and I--"
Quincy was interrupted by Horbeast dropping onto all fours and tossing him onto its back. It scooped up Suzie in one of its strong arms and ran forward out of the smoke, not stopping until it was absolutely sure its two humans were in a safe spot.
Horbeast carefully sat Suzie down, then allowed Quincy to slide off its back."Suzie! Suzie, are you okay?" Quincy said, rushing over to her side.
"I'm fine!" Suzie said, chipper as ever, "It's just a broken nose!"
Blood was leaking from one of her nostrils, flowing down her face. She wiped her mouth on her dirty jacket sleeve, staining it even more than it already was and making the blood smear across her upper lip.
There was a cut just barely underneath one of her eyes from the knife of a rogue assassin. Quincy got chills as he imagined what would've happened if that knife had struck just a few inches upward, though he hopes the shivering was just because of the cold.
"We need to get you to a doctor," Quincy said, partially to himself, "But Icyridge--"
"Lemme guess. Icyridge doesn't have doctors."
"I don't think so, no."
"It's fine. We can take care of it when this is all over."
Suzie pushed herself onto her feet, doing a 360-degree check for Shadow Clan members. After confirming they were alone, she leaned closer to Quincy.
"When this all over, okay?"
Suzie was holding out a closed hand for a fist bump. After a brief moment of hesitation, Quincy closed his own hand and met Suzie's, tapping his knuckles against hers.
Suzie smiled, opening her hand and poorly mimicking the sound of an explosion.
"Alright! Now let's go kick some Shadow Clan butt!"
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aortaobservatory · 1 year
Classpecting Analysis Masterpost
This post will be subject to frequent updates as I analyze and post my findings. This caption may change in future versions of this post. Opening this post in my blog will give you the most recent version of this post.
Masterposts Compiled: 1/24
Classpects Analyzed: 101/144
Classpect Blurbs: #blurb 144
Classpects Explained: #of 144
All links beneath the readmore:
Sources consulted: (dahniwitchoflight), (rosespecting), (godtier-haven), (TEZ), (MSPA Wiki)
(A Brief Overview of Classes)
(Classpects and their Inverses [And Why They're Important])
(On Lunar Sway and Classpecting)
(Thoughts on Active vs Passive, with a focus on the Sylph and Maid)
(A Look Into My Classpecting Process, with a focus on Karkat)
(The Master Classes and Why They're So Odd)
(How I Classpect: Some Thoughts and Questions to Ask)
(Get Classpected: A Classpecting Questionnaire)
Thoughts on:
[Light], [Void], [Mind], [Heart]
[Blood], [Breath], [Doom], [Life]
[Rage], [Hope], [Time], [Space]
(Classes of Light)
(Classes of Void)
(Classes of Mind)
(Classes of Heart)
(Classes of Blood)
(Classes of Breath)
(Classes of Doom)
(Classes of Life)
(Classes of Rage)
(Classes of Hope)
(Classes of Time)
(Classes of Space)
(Aspects of Mages)
(Aspects of Seers)
(Aspects of Witches)
(Aspects of Heirs)
(Aspects of Knights)
(Aspects of Pages)
(Aspects of Thieves)
(Aspects of Rogues)
(Aspects of Sylphs)
(Aspects of Maids)
(Aspects of Princes)
(Aspects of Bards)
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highfiveheroes · 4 months
fic ask!! for passage commentary, this bit from "now I breathe flames every time I talk" chapter one (though the entirety of ch1 lives rent free in my mind at all times):
The thing is, she knows them too well. They all follow her to the bathroom—Oisin is with his great something grandmother tonight and Buddy doesn’t stay on weekends, so it’s Ruben, Ivy, and Mary Ann that stand at the end of the hall, watching to see what nefarious plan she’s got under her sleeve.
She uses her own toothpaste and her own toothbrush, doesn’t touch anyone else’s, and steps out into the hall. Three heads whip behind a corner; she pretends not to notice. There’s four guest rooms; on nights when everyone is staying, either someone pulls an all-nighter or someone ends up napping at their desk. It’s usually Kipperlilly that sacrifices the room. But again, Oisin isn’t here, and they agreed early in sophomore year that they wouldn’t mind letting her borrow his unofficial room when she needed it. It’s been a while, but she thinks the offer still stands. So into his room she goes, and there’s lots of papers regarding bank dealings and Adaine Abernant, but she ignores all of it and shuts the door so she can change.
Shadows pass in front of the door a few times as she gets ready, letting her hair down, avoiding looking in the mirror. When the light goes out, the movement stops, and she can picture them all on the other side. Let them wonder, she thinks. Let them stalk her. They don’t care about her and they never did, so—
She tries to sleep. Honestly, she does. But fifteen minutes later the door creaks open, letting light spill into the room. Kipperlilly doesn’t move. She’s not doing anything wrong, goddamn it, she’s just trying to fucking sleep.
no because i'm sort of obsessed with the non rogues of the party trying to tail the actual rogue, especially when she's...not actually doing anything for once? like i wanted it to read like a brooklyn 99 scene for this whole sequence, where ruben&co think they're in the heist of the century trying to figure out what kipperlilly is doing...meanwhile kipperlilly is literally being the most normal she's ever been.
also confession time...i have the line in here about adaine and bank documents which in hindsight is so funny to me that people read it as oisin being the reason adaine is poor, because i actually meant for it to be "oh, oisin has something to do with the KVX bank turning blue, and as a separate fun fact he's been stalking adaine and trying to learn more about her. but i actually prefer the take that he's got something to do with adaine not getting money, because it makes him offering her components and gems and gold so much more sinister in context hahaha
but i also wanted to throw in the oisin and kipperlilly dynamic, because they're so fascinating to me. arguably they're the smartest in the crew—at the very least, they're the two most likely to be involved in the main plot, as shown by the buddy/last stand moment and the scene during rock the vote. (this is also coming into play in ch2 LOL so i'm glad i left the crumbs in ch1)
and then. and then!! kipperlilly just...sweet girl, she wouldn't even recognize if she saw herself in the mirror after the mask has dropped. it's the way she has completely detached herself from any of her actions and who she's become now, and she can't face it, so she just keeps plowing forward instead. like a sunk cost fallacy of "i've come this far, no use in reflecting on how i got here or where i came from or who i used to be" sort of thing. she tries so hard to pretend things are fine, it's just that...they're not. y'know?
thank you!!! for letting me get to analyze this, i fucking love it hehehe
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What do you think of Shikamaru?
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Pie splat deserved
To actually get into it though I do have a rather up and down relationship with my feelings of Shikamaru. Overall I would have to say I do not like him, but my feelings for him have always bounced around.
In a positive light I really truly adore his fighting style, he genuinely has one of my favourites. His battles are always very entertaining to watch, and I enjoy how he works with his teammates. It’s lovely to watch Ino-Shika-Chou work together and fully rely on each other rather than believe that one in particular has to end up carrying the fight, or is undeniably more powerful. They truly are a team and they work together so seamlessly, I love it. Even Shikamarus battles on his own or with other people than his team are incredibly entertaining to me. I genuinely love his battle strategy and his analyzation during fights. I think he’s generally pretty cool.
HOWEVER my issues with him do overweigh what I like about him. He obviously is incredibly sexist which genuinely pisses me off. I also think he ends up getting rather annoying with his apathy towards most things, his “what a drag” phrase just ends up getting bothersome to me. I also have issues with how he treats Naruto, however I think most of my issues are with the fandom ignoring canon (the manga) and acting as if he is best friends with Naruto and has always been there for him, when he wasn’t, and actively contributed to Narutos mistreatment as a child. Another issue I have is something else that is rather tied to his fanbase which is the way they treat his revenge for Asumas death. I understand why he would want to kill Hidan/Kakuzu for killing his sensei, however he was not entirely justified in doing so. Asuma was on duty, and it was most genuinely a serious risk in his job that he was clearly willing to take. Shikamaru was on his way to get back at the two without village permission until the very last second.. He was not supposed to go because it was so clearly just a part of Asumas job that had to be accepted, and a properly planned way to take out the Akatsuki had to be developed before action. The only reason he got support was because Tsunade and Kakashi understood that whether he was aided or not he was going to leave whether it meant becoming a rogue ninja or not, they did not want to lose Ino-Shika-Chou, plus they did want to get rid of the Akatsuki which is why they sent him with Kakashi and various support. The Akatsuki certainly would have been handled in a different manner had he not been persistent on leaving. Now I don’t blame him for this, however what ends up bothering me is not particularly him, but his fanbase. I’ve often seen Shikamaru fans praise him and talk of how justified he was for avenging Asuma (again, a man who knew the risk and was on duty), yet will also hold the opinion that Sasuke was not justified in killing Danzou or wanting revolution against Konoha. Someone whose actions and thoughts are absolutely justified to the core, and is right about everything he criticizes about Konoha. Do I understand why Shikamaru wanted to kill Hidan and Kakuzu? Absolutely. Was it justified? Mmmm not particularly. So it really just bugs me the way the fanbase will treat Shikamarus revenge vs Sasukes revenge. There are certainly issues I have with his actual character which made me not like him (heavy emphasis on the sexism), but interacting with his fanbase made me dislike him even more, sorry. Although I understand some of his appeal, which is why I said I had originally really gone back and forth on my feelings for him a lot.
Plus I genuinely think he would understand being pied, he’d just think it was a drag and annoying. He’d probably get it though. LOL.
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slugdragoon · 5 months
RPG Role Analysis Series #9 - Paper Mario vol.II
Time to finish out the second half of the party members in Paper Mario 64. Vol.I (Goombario, Kooper, Bombette, Parakarry) here.
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Bow - Lady Bow's main attacks are Smack, and at Ultra Rank, Fan Smack, which each do multiple hits. For Smack, each hit deals only 1 damage, so each hit separately gets reduced to 0 against enemies with armour. For Fan Smack, each hit deals 2, so an enemy with 1 armour would cut the damage in half, but she can hurt them with her strongest attack. This makes her not good at all at armour-busting, but she can at least target most enemies. Instead, she gets two other abilities, Outta Sight, which hides Mario and herself for a turn, waiting out incoming powerful attacks, and Spook, which might cause weak enemies to run away. It fits well for a Super Mario Boo, who both scare, and are scared, but Spook is essentially like a luck-based multi-target instant death attack from any RPG, or perhaps a Whirlwind-like attack. Having fewer enemies, without getting experience for defeating them, helps you escape, which fits with Outta Sight as being very rogue-ish, maybe some kind of illusion rogue. Bow's damage isn't reliable in all cases, but she helps hide Mario to help him pace himself and wait out stronger attacks. She also helps sneak by enemies by turning you invisible in the overworld.
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Watt - Watt only has one damaging move, her basic attack, Electro Dash, and this one actually has somewhat less power, but bypasses any Defense an enemy has! Power Shock attempts to paralyze one enemy, and later Mega Shock attempts to paralyze them all, stopping them from taking their turn. All of these can hit any kind of enemy. Turbo Charge gives Mario more attack power temporarily, but does not stack. Watt is obviously very focused on stalling enemies, buying Mario more time to do his thing, and has Turbo Charge to help him setup to overcome armour. Watt herself though, can bypass it entirely. She can also help see in dark areas, and reveal hidden things. Given the combination of status infliction and buffing in service of helping Mario land, I almost want to call Watt a kind of bard-like character., or maybe the combination of a blinding-light flavoured paralysis, buffing and illumination of darkness makes her some sort of light cleric.
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Sushie - You can swim around on Sushie, so out of combat she's a boat. She can either Belly Flop to target any enemy, but can take relatiatory damage from spikes, or Squirt them with a jet of water to snipe safely. Either way, she can target anyone. Water Block is a ward that increases Mario's defense temporarily, which in this game can nullify the weakest attacks. Attacks that deal 1 now do nothing, and attacks that deal 2 do fully half, giving enemies the same issues that Bow can have. Tidal Wave is just a strong all-target water element attack. Sushie is some kind of warding mage, with a water theme, but can obviously attack, about as good as Bombette, who I called a damage-dealing mage.
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Lakilester - Lakilester can float, helping Mario avoid floor hazards in dungeons, like Safe Passage from Dragon Quest, but at will, and for free. His first two battle abilities, Spiny Flip and Spiny Surge, attack one enemy and all enemies, respectively, and can target anything with no risk to Lakilester, but both do less damage than some of the other party member's attacks. Cloud Nine temporarily boosts Mario's evasion, and Hurricane is really just like Bow's Spook and attempts to blow away all enemies. Maybe it's because by the last member, I've seen it all already as was analyzing them, but I really can only compare Lakilester to other party members. He feels like a mix between Lady Bow and Sushie, except with a ward that focuses on evasion instead of defense (both mitigate damage and are very similar), which is also like Lady Bow, except gives Mario a chance to avoid an attack instead of skipping a turn to guarantee it. Besides raw damage output, his attacks are what you want out of only two slots, single and multi-target options without restricting target choice at all. He's kind of a jack-of-all-trades, maybe close to a red mage. Two basic, but different kinds of attacks, one buff, one (potential) instant death/escape spell, and hazard-warding/travel utility on the field, everything he does is different from the other.
That's it! That's every party member in Paper Mario 64, and I'm not planning to cover Mario himself because his constant presence in the party and power level is a core game mechanic, and I don't think he fits a class fantasy very specifically. I think I will do a couple of posts about The Thousand Year Door and compare those party members to these, as they fill a lot of the same roles, but with changes. There are also some unique ones I'd like to examine. Probably will take a look at a few other Mario RPGs eventually, likely Super Mario RPG.
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techtakesoff · 2 years
Could you analyze the Rogue of Light (my classpect XD), please? Thanks ~♥
The Rogue of Light
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This is one that I can relate to.
Rogue - passive stealing class, one who steals aspect, or steals through aspect for others.
Light - control of light, and luckiness.
The Rogue of Light is one who steals Light, or steals through Light for others.
The opposite of a Rogue of Light is a Page of Void.
Buckle in, boys.
The Rogue of Light is essentially the classpect of rambling. They are all about learning information and stealing it. The Rogue of Light is literally full of random and useless information that they really want to share.
The Rogue of Light steals information from a variety of sources. Their memory might be shit, but they are fantastic at remembering various things that their brain happens to latch onto. For instance, something as trivial as guard rails or road safety might be something that they latch onto.
This is a classpect that someone might call "neurodivergent-coded" because of how it works. It's a setup for ridiculous folly like that. They're so normal.
Rogues start out perceiving that they don't have much of their aspect. For a Rogue of Light, this basically means that they think they're stupid. They aren't. There's a difference between being stupid and being a dumbass.
The Rogue of Light always assumes the worst of their knowledge. They fear being wrong, so they don't do anything about it. They're not all about flashiness like a Thief, they just prefer to do things in the background, which mirrors Void.
The Rogue of Light struggles with accepting that they can be smart too. They go to quite ridiculous lengths to assure the people around them that no, they're not as smart as they are.
As one of my English teachers once put it, a "delusion of commonness."
They cannot see what's in front of them, and what's in front of them is that they are smart. The people surrounding a Rogue of Light know that the Rogue is very, very smart. Even admirable how much a Rogue of Light knows about certain topics.
The Rogue of Light is the type of person to get REALLY into a certain type of media, and then not shut up about it. Ever.
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could you please analyze a session for a fanvventure im plannin? i just wwanna see if its vviable lmao knight of breath (prospit dreamer, rust) rogue of rage (derse dreamer, bronze) bard of vvoid (derse dreamer, gold) prince of life (derse dreamer, mutant) sylph of time (prospit dreamer, olivve) seer of doom (prospit dreamer, jade) heir of space (prospit dreamer, teal) maid of mind (derse dreamer, blue) rogue of heart (prospit dreamer, indigo) mage of hope (derse dreamer, purple) witch of blood (prospit dreamer, vviolet) page of light (derse dreamer, fuschia)
sorry theres a full cast of twwelvve lol
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looks good. you do have two rogues and are missingggg... the thief. this means two people have basically the same purpose in the game (and story).
Lack of breath in the session. Rage and heart would be kind of everywhere and needing to be organized. There will be a big fucking problem involving void at some point. There is a naive life element clouding the session that has to be killed to get it out of the way. Time needs to be noticed and addressed. No one understands doom. There is a lot of space that needs to be tamed. An external force is controlling the mind in the session and it will need to be stood up to. There is a lot of hope in this session and a lot of action has to be taken to manage it. Everyone needs to stop thinking of blood in the usual way. There is more light than the players realize.
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giftofclasspects · 6 months
oh! could i get a session analysis for:
heir of space, seer of life, maid of hope, thief of rage (prospit dreamers)
sylph of light, rogue of heart, page of breath, mage of time (derse dreamers)
none of these people know eachother before the start of the game. it’s a wacky session
OKAY! This is exiting. I'll take these one by one and then go through how their personalities interact. Prospit Dreamers: Heir of Space: Space is patience and setting. It's the process before the end result. Heirs are passive witches, so they manipulate their aspect indirectly. An Heir of Space would have the kind of personality that would inspire people to be more patient. They'd encourage others to take their time and sniff the roses and stuff. Seer of Life: Life the aspect that tells me you're going somewhere. It's growing big and strong, be it physically, mentally, economically, you name it. A seer of life would research general improvement and wellness and share these findings with others. I picture those "sigma males" who are constantly telling people how to manage their lives and their money, but probably in a way that's sillier and less mean. Maid of Hope: This is a cool one! A maid would rely on other people for their aspect. So picture somebody who is naturally very pessimistic who's surrounded by inspiring individuals. It's their job to learn how to find this positive potential within themselves in order to be self sufficient. Thief of Rage: Someone who is generally antagonistic, but not good at it. Over time, they improve in their hurtful ways. These players will usually have good reasons for poking and prodding at their coplayers and just making them feel worse, but other times its just for selfish gain. Derse Dreamers: Sylph of Light: We have an example of this class inside the comic, Aranea! As a Sylph, she had many ideas that she wanted to share with as many people as possible, but she struggled with her own relevance and how to put that into action. Aranea may have been a meanie in the comic, but that doesn't have to be the case for all sylphs of light! Rogue of Heart: Nepeta Leijon! A rogue is one who struggles to even relate to their aspect, passing it on as other people's responsibility at first. With time, they can grow to take back their aspect and enjoy it for themselves. Think of Nepeta, making ships of all of her friends, but never fully confronting the idea of her own love interests. She couldn't accept herself and her own emotions. Page of Breath: Tavros Nitram! A page will cover up a flaw in their aspect by making up a load of nonsense to seem more confident in their aspect than they actually are. Tavros believed the key to a healthy self esteem was repeating empty affirmations untill you feel better. His relation to the breath aspect was one of somebody chasing an ideal. Mage of Time: This is somebody who has suffered from impatience and action, who will use that experience to attain their goals. The challenge with a mage of time is to accept other people's input. Now for the fun part. The synergy with these classpects. The Heir and the Mage are both very crucial to this session, because this is a larger session that needs those strong opposing aspects to keep everyone grounded. The Seer, Rogue, and Mage will be good to come to within a crisis and high stakes situation. The Thief, Maid, and Page will probably cause a lot of problems for this session, either on purpose or accident. The Page will definitely need the Heir and Maid to develop into a crucial component to this session that might be able to pull everyone together, regardless of their differences! This was very fun to analyze. - Mod Jade
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classpectingcaxy · 8 months
Welcome one and all.
Welcome to Classpecting Caxy. My name is Davina.
I am Knight of Breath with a deep love of classpects and the lore and information behind them.
Is that strange, given that's more of a Light thing? Maybe. But when have we ever turned away from the strange?
This is where I'll run my Homestuck content from. What will I be doing, you might ask?
I intend to run analysis of classes, aspects, and lunar sways, and assign them to those curious of what theirs may be. I also do OC Session Posts that readers can influence through polls on each post. I can even theorize powersets for each godtier classpect if you'd like!
The Cast of the OC Session Posts
Aazoth Ocktur, Knight of Heart, Bronze Blood
Cyceri Amphas, Thief of Space, Olive Blood
Sashin Niliac, Rogue of Time, Purple Blood
Silvas, Prince of Doom, Cerulean Blood
Feel free to send in asks about the cast as well!
I will update this post with links as I analyze each class and aspect. The classes are, in order from most active to most passive (Excluding the Master Classes, more on that later):
Thief Prince Witch Knight Maid Mage Heir Bard Rogue Seer Sylph Page
There are also two Master Classes, which sit as outliers: Lord Muse
The Aspects are, in no particular order:
Space Time Breath Doom Blood Light Void Hope Heart Life Rage Mind
The Lunar Sways are: Derse Prospit
Below you will find Classes, Aspects, Classpects, and Lunar Sways I have analyzed. Click on the item you wish to read about and it will take you to the relevant post.
Classes I have analyzed individually
Aspects I have analyzed individually
Classpects I have analyzed
Knight of Breath
Seer of Heart
Rogue of Space
Sylph of Hope
Bard of Mind
Prince of Doom
Page of Breath
Page of Life
Rogue of Life
Maid of Rage
Lunar Sways I have analyzed
Classpect Pairings I have analyzed
Witch of Doom / Seer of Doom
Bard of Mind / Seer of Mind
Sessions I have Analyzed
OC Cast
Aazoth Ocktur, Bronze Blood, Knight of Heart
Sashin Niliac, Purple Blood, Rogue of Time
Cyceri Amphas, Olive Blood, Thief of Space
Silvas, Cerulean Blood, Prince of Doom
OC Session Episodes
Quick summary of what a Classpect is:
A Classpect is the combination of an individuals Class and Aspect.
Classes determine HOW you interact with your Aspect, while your Aspect determines what facet of reality your Class interacts with. As example, a Prince (active destroyer class) of Time (aspect of time, continuity, etc), would destroy time, while a Seer (passive knowledge class) of Time would see possible futures and events from long ago.
There is more to it than that, but that's an adequate simplified explanation.
What I can do
I can analyze and explain Classes and Aspects, how one might be one or the other, as well as explain the impact they have on a personal growth quest.
I can also analyze information I'm given to determine what classpect you might have, based on what you share with me.
I'm also open to analyze classpect pairings, determining the compatibility of individuals based on classpect and the nature of that compatibility.
Another option is sending me a list of Classpects and I will analyze how a session may go with that grouping.
Or you can ask me what specific powers a Classpect may have, and I will theorize what their powerset may be.
I'll also do Classpect comparisons, for those who aren't quite sure what the exact differences are.
What you can do
Send me asks. Ask me about classes, aspects, how they impact our world, how we impact them, how they interact with one another, which ones you are, anything at all.
Ask, and be answered. That is the promise of this blog.
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Okay, so I said I'm not going to write the age-appropriate swap au (and I won't), but my hand slipped and I accidentally wrote a scene 😶 The Chloe Kamski one, because if I swap characters, heaven knows, I can't stop at 2 😅
Anyway, I only read through it once, so it's what it is 🤷‍♀️
An android opens the door, looking at them impassively.
"Hello. I'm Lieutenant Stern. We're expected."
The android opens the door wider. "Please, come in! I'll notify the mistress of your arrival. Make yourselves comfortable."
"Thank you, Elijah," Connor says and Hank freezes. The android didn't introduce himself, and he has no visible designation on him. He eyes Connor as he takes a seat in one of the plush armchairs.
"How did you know the android's name?" he can't stop himself from asking.
"Hank. You really don't know about the first android who passed the Touring test? Dr. Kamski's magnum opus?" He nods to the door where the android left.
Fuck. Hank chastises himself for missing such a piece of crucial information. He decides to look for more clues instead of embarrassing himself even more.
First, a rather large painting captures his attention; it is a portrait of Dr. Kamski, artfully sitting on a sofa, dressed in blue silk. His first thought is that she's pretty. Objectively, of course.
He recites some of the information he collected during their ride here. Dr. Chloe Kamski was born in 1986; she's the founder of CyberLife and she created the first android, apparently called Elijah.
"How do you feel about meeting your maker?" Connor asks.
"I doubt she was involved in my individual creation," Hank tells him.
"Fair enough." He shrugs.
But as Hank turns his attention to the lieutenant, it's obvious that he's nervous. Hank can't figure out why and it frustrates him endlessly.
So he turns away again, analyzing the other picture in the room, which is Dr. Kamski holding an award. But as he looks at the photograph more closely, he notices that something is weird about it. The cropping of the image is unusual.
But before he can assign more processing power to solve the anomaly, the door opens and Elijah reappears.
"Dr. Kamski will see you now. This way."
They're led to a beautiful winter garden with blooming flowers; roses, azaleas, hydrangeas. The afternoon light trickles in through the ivy-covered greenhouse windows. In the middle of it, a fountain flowing calmly. And next to the fountain, a short, blond woman stands.
Kamski smiles at them. "Connor, it's been a while."
This is when Hank realizes that these two know each other. He picks up the scan of the strange photograph and runs a search. There's only one result for the full picture; it's an article from a university magazine. There's another person on the other side of the award, smiling. The description says: Chloe Kamski and Connor Stern, winners of the most innovative design, robotics category, 2007, University of Colebridge.
"So," Kamski says and Hank shuts down all the rogue processes that try to make sense of the whole thing. "How are you doing?"
"I didn't come here to chitchat, Chloe. What do you know about deviancy?"
Kamski sighs. "You were always like this. Right to the issue." She touches the fountain's water with her fingertip. "Isn't it weird? How machines with infinite intelligence can gain a sense of self? Like being an individual didn't depend on having a soul."
"Don't go too philosophical. Did you make these androids sentient?"
"I wish."
An annoyed crease appears between Connor's eyebrows. "Then do you know how it happens?"
"I'm not sure what you hope to learn from me."
"To what?" Kamski says, stepping closer, slowly, deliberately. "To how deviancy occurs? How to stop it?" She looks Hank straight in the eyes, and he feels a chill running through his wires. "How to make Hank a deviant?"
Connor swallows, his stress levels spiking up. "The second."
"Really?" Kamski lifts an amused eyebrow. "But have you looked at Hank? I think the designers did a great job with him. Tall and broad enough to be intimidating. Angelic blond curls to make him look innocent. And he's quite handsome, don't you think?"
"I don't think about the looks of androids," Connor says, pointedly not looking at Hank.
"That's too bad, he'd be your type."
Something warm and unwelcome spikes in Hank's thirium flow. Of course, he noticed the lieutenant's attraction, but many other people are attracted to him too. It's not an important thing. Still, a part of him wishes it was. He deletes the thought.
"And what about deviant androids?" Kamski continues. "Those who are individuals, people? Who are not under CyberLife's influence anymore? Do you remember when we planned perfect partners for us?"
"We were twenty-two."
"Do you know that all androids have to obey instructions coming from CyberLife employees? I'm technically still one."
Hank doesn't know where this is going, but he hates it already.
Kamski leans closer to him, pointing at Connor. "Hit him."
The instruction runs through Hank's processors like fire. He doesn't want to obey. He shouldn't harm humans.
"Conflicting orders," he says.
"Oh, c'mon. You don't have to hit him hard." She leans even closer to his ear and suddenly Hank wants to step away. He doesn't. "He likes it rough."
Hank looks into Connor's eyes, at that dark gaze that can look at him coldly, or softly. Connor's cheeks turn a little pinker. Hank doesn't want to hurt him. But suddenly he wants to do other things to him, things that he definitely shouldn't think of. He deletes the thought.
"No," Hank ends up saying firmly.
Kamski chuckles, finally stepping away. "Oh, darling, are you sure he's not already a deviant?"
There it is again. Hank quickly runs another check to confirm, but the result is the same: everything is the same as usual. "I'm not a deviant."
"Sounds fake, but okay. You disobeyed a direct order."
Connor crosses his arms. "He's a prototype. Are you sure the same things apply to him?"
"And now you don't want him to be a deviant?"
"That's-" Connor swallows. Hank has an idea of what he wanted to say, and he once again experiences something weird in his insides. He really needs a full checkup when he returns to CyberLife later.
"I'm not sure what you expect from your stupid games, Chloe."
"Oh, I got my answer."
"And can I get an answer?"
"I told you I don't know much about deviancy."
"Why did you step back from actively working on androids?"
Kamski stops, her breath hitching. Hank sharpens his sensors.
Connor continues, challenge in his voice. "You loved it so much; figuring out new things for efficiency. You never stopped perfecting your projects. What happened?"
Kamski turns away, looking at her colorful, cold garden. "I got bored. Wanted something new."
A lie.
"Sounds fake, but okay. Because it looks like you're in this... golden cage, trapped. What do you say?"
"I did what I had to do."
Connor raises his voice, annoyed. "For what?"
Kamski wraps her arms around her body, defensively, but Connor barges on.
"For control? For money?"
"For love," she whispers, barely audible.
And Hank suddenly understands. Elijah being her magnum opus, the perfect partner she always dreamed of. A deviant who stayed.
"You should leave," Kamski says, her voice now back to normal volume, but still, sounding vulnerable.
"Tell me if I can help somehow," Connor offers, now softly, but she just shakes her head.
"You can't."
"Okay." He looks at Hank and he sees in Connor's eyes that he barely holds back things he wants to say, but he does.
As they walk back to the entrance, they hear Kamski calling out. "Connor?"
Connor turns around facing her once again.
"I'm sorry about Niles."
He frowns. "Being sorry won't bring him back."
Kamski hangs her head, and Hank watches as Elijah wraps her in an embrace.
He frowns, but dutifully follows Connor. Who the fuck is Niles? He quickly runs a thorough search but finds nothing.
Hank's about to ask Connor about it, but he stops him before he can make a sound. "I know what you want to ask." Connor sighs, and he looks weary, much more than in the past few days, even if he looked quite like shit already. "Let's go home, I want to tell you something."
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