#roman junk
paganpillar · 3 months
Creative journal entry inspired by Cernunnos!
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taurnachardhin · 5 months
They're sad. They're lonely. They stubbornly dedicated their lives to the same cause for years in the face of all doubt and judgment, but never met. They have supporting character syndrome and habitually subsume their own desires in service to others. They're afraid they're disappointing everyone around them anyway. They helped a teenager kill a godking together. They were each other's closest and arguably only friend for a year but that friendship was tragically severed by circumstances beyond their control and they each still bear literal scars from the wounds the other dealt in spite of having functionally infinite healing ability. They became near-immortal godlike beings and they STILL subsume their own desires in service to others and only became more tragic than ever. They're convinced they will never be loved. They each resemble the other's sole canon love interest more closely than any other character and both of those love interests are dead so what now.
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helloparkerrose · 7 months
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caterpillarinacave · 6 months
Roman and Neo would take one look at a wasp nest and move to another state.
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bbbigbush · 3 months
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bush and boobs :O
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sil3ntfr34k · 5 months
Postal dude 2 boyfriend headcanons
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• Mans is RANCID but you still love him <33
• Even with how sassy and sarcastic as he is, he still has a soft spot for you. Isn't very good as showing it, but he does little things here and there to show his love for you
• Y'all probably met during one of his errands his wife made him run, bumping into each other in line while he was getting milk. He was very surprised that someone is actually talking to him and not cussing him out. Y'all chatted it up before you had to pay for your items and leave, leaving him alone once again
• He would be lying if he said he didn't follow you home like some creep to find out where you live so he could 'check-in' on you periodically
• After a handful of conversations and hang outs, he can't seem to stop thinking about you. Even while still married to his current wife, he'd still fantasize about being married to you instead
• He eventually does divorce his bitch wife so he can have a life with you. This doesn't bother the bitch anyway since she was already cheating on him with Mike J,,,
• Once you two start dating you get to see a softer, more gentle side of Dude. Where he was once a crass and inconsiderate, he has become more understanding and loving. He's surprisingly clingy!
• Before you moved in with Dude (or he moves in with you, whatever you like best) he would always hang out at your place anyway. Hell, he'd even bring over Champ just so he could have both his favorite things with him at the same time.
• (Champ is literally his son he gave birth to, no one can tell him otherwise. Sure Dude can be a little mean to Champ, but what parent doesn't get annoyed of their kids now and then??)
• If Dude moved in with you, then Champ gets upgraded to a house dog and no longer has to rough it outside since his bitch ex-wife didn't like pets. Also Dude still has his trailer and all, but it's more of a 'back-up house' or storage.
• No matter if he moved in with you or you moved in with him. he lets you decorate however you'd like. he's pretty adaptable to most environments since he moved around to a lot of different places growing up. Of course he's still messy and smells, but he tries JUST A LIL harder for you
• "Sorry babe, but my crack comes first."
• Please be understanding of this. He's been through a lot and it helps with a lot of his problems. From his chronic pains throughout his body to his schizophrenic episodes, being unsober helps him relax
• Dude is really nervous about telling you about his schizophrenia. His ex-wife always made his episodes worse by yelling at him that he's crazy or something, so he dreads having to tell you. What if you don't understand? What if you get weirded-out and leave him?? What if you start to see him as a burden?? Oh god what is he supposed to do if you want him to leave?????
• Underneath his cocky and confident facade, he's actually incredibly insecure and scared. Even just the tiniest bit of rejection or negative action from you is like this roman empire. He had stopped caring about what his ex-wife thought of him long before the divorce so nothing she did or said really affected him. But you. Your too special to him. He hangs off your every word
• Dates with him are very,,, intimate? Not in the way you might think of, more of in a 'It's just us' way. He's not exactly a people person so he doesn't want to even see other people while on a date with you
• He probably lands on something like a dinner and a show at home or playing some video games while eating all the junk food in the world together. To be fair, there's not exactly a 'nice' area in Paradise, so most couples just stay inside for things like this anyway.
• No matter what y'all end up doing, you better believe you have his undivided attention. All you got do is say the magic word ("now") and he will give it to you on a silver platter
• Even with how good of a boyfriend he seems to be, Dude is NOT Mr. Perfect. Dude has his bad habits and red-flags too.
• During heated arguments Dude can and will throw something at you, might even threaten to kill you tbh. Watch ur step bc that gun is always loaded with the safety off. Doesn't help he's trigger happy too,,,
• Dude also needs his alone time. Yesyesyes he loves you dearly, but the man still needs his space. Isn't afraid to say something like "Hey I gotta go do something, be back babe" and proceed to just lay in bed for 3 hours (Postal Dude bedrotting)
• It's very hard to get Postal Dude to open up about ANYTHING. Like, after being together for 5 years AND being engaged, your barely learning about his strange and very illegal family tree. Come to think of it, you never even knew he had parents. Yea you know he has to have a mom and dad, but you don't know if they're any good or still in his life.
• During a manic/depressive/crack-endued/schizophrenic episode, he makes it very hard for you to be there for him. He doesn't mean to do this, but it's not like can help it. To you, he's just acting-out, but to him, everyone is trying to hurt him and he's not safe anywhere. Suddenly it's like he's a totally different person, constantly running away from you and hiding. Honestly it might be best for you to just wait it out, maybe offer him some comforting words but still stay away.
• Overall, Postal Dude is a bumbling idiot who just wants to feel accepted by someone
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katabay · 8 months
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full body commissions, at long last!
the base price is $100 for a single figure, and then you add on the price for colors if you want that! flat color prices vary on complexity. if you have someone in a suit, then it's just +$30, but it's more like a complex period costume, then it's closer to +$40-50 (same for simple renders)
(simple renders are not an additional fee on top of the flat colors! I realize that it might be a little confusing, flat colors + simple renders is it's own thing, which starts at +$40)
anything over $100 can be paid either in it's entirety up front, or $100 up front, and the rest once completed (for this, I'll send a lower resolution jpeg of the finished illustration when it's finished, and the high res png when the payment goes through)
visual references are a big help! either art of the character, or things like a face claim or actor. if you have a character from a specific time period, please also send references of the clothes you'd like them in! if you have a pose in mind, feel free to tell me! It can be anything from standing around, to sitting down, jumping, etc.
these prices are for private commissions only! which means you can go ahead and get 'em printed or whatever for your own personal use but you can't use them commercially
currently, I don't have prices for a commission with a second full body figure! if you really want something like that, we can work out a price.
I'm also using a dead line weight in these examples, but if you want something that looks more like the inking style that I use in Trikaranos, just let me know!
🍊 commissions will be on a 10x15 in canvas at 300dpi :)
🍊 email me at [email protected], and we can talk details! I use paypal for payment, do not send me money ahead of time because this is not my paypal email and I use invoices.
if I don't reply in like, a day, feel free to message me here and I'll give you my other email where we can hash out details because sometimes, the perils of having an email on public display is that people will sign your email up for junk mail and it takes a minute to mark it all as spam
things I'll draw: established characters, ocs, your favorite dead roman or greek hero, I'm cool with it all!
things I won't draw: generally, I'm not too keen on drawing anyone under 18, as you may realize from the fact that many characters on my blog are vaguely in their 30s. like, it's not a hard rule, but I will fully admit right here that I'm better at drawing people over 20.
(also! again. money this month sucks, and the economy is honestly just a huge bummer for literally everyone everywhere. if my prices for full body comms are out of your range, I'm cool to do payments in $50 a month installments!)
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whumblr · 9 days
For @mayhem-in-mordor who wondered what happened when Roman took Dani :))
Prev chapter: Punishment - pt 1 here
“Stop! Stop right there!”
The quick racking of the gun cracked across walls of the concrete room and Roman stopped dead in his tracks. His head tipped down, shoulders slumped and he let out an annoyed sigh while he threw his hands up, as if being held at gunpoint was a mere inconvenience. Slowly, drawling, stalling, he turned to face Dani, hands still in the air but dropped them to his side as he looked her over.
“That gun...” he started and began to circle her like the predator he was. “Did you take it from him?” And he nodded at the unconscious man in the blue shirt behind her.
Dani knew better than to look back.
“Yes.” She side-stepped along with him, stepping over the paper folders strewn out over the floor, some still smoldering, an attempt to destroy evidence, research. The smoke teased her nostrils, prickled her eyes. She didn’t even blink and kept the gun trained on him. Right in-between the eyes, no more missing vitals.
He nodded, silent for a few more steps. Then a smirk formed on his lips like he couldn’t contain it any longer. He tipped his head down, leering at her, and dramatically whispered a single word: “Empty.”
Dani didn't hesitate and immediately pulled the trigger to call that bluff. Only to be met by a disappointing click. And no hole in his forehead.
His eyes narrowed in glee. He threw his hands up again, almost in mock surrender but with his palms up and gave a theatrical shrug. Dani bristled and sharply inhaled to keep her calm; their cockiness and annoyance had switched sides at that click, as had her advantage. But she gave a small shrug in reply.
“Fine.” She launched forward, charging at him. She changed her grip on the gun, twirling it by the trigger guard, catching it in a claw and aimed a wide slap right at his face.
He dodged effortlessly, with that goddamn arrogant smirk that she wanted to punch off. Caught the follow-up punch in the palm of his hand and twisted her arm away. She immediately snapped free with a twist, used the momentum to aim another back-handed strike with the gun as she twirled.
At least that indicated that she was close. Though she’d prefer an exclamation of pain. Still, she’d shock his arrogant taunting right of him. To her surprise, he didn’t run. Probably knew he was at a disadvantage there. She’d easily catch up. But in close combat, he could shift the advantage to him, or tire her out as he didn’t seem to be interested in going for a killing blow. Yet.
They continued their dance of swerving and dodging, occasionally interrupted by a grunt when one of them hit home. Though her moves were smooth and elegant, she wasn’t above fighting dirty. Whenever the chance presented itself, she jabbed at his eyes or throat, went for the junk, but nothing hit home. Yet. She only broke her calm when she heard a soft scoff and saw his lips curl after he dodged a punch again, and she threw the gun full force at his smug face. Went right over his shoulder.
“This is the third time you’ve messed up my research,” he said.
“Maybe you should stop breaking the law.”
He let out a non-committed hum as he swerved. “Maybe you shouldn’t let your guard down.”
And before she could even question that in her mind, let alone snarl out the words, he side-stepped just behind her, his back to her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him twist towards her, the flurry of his elbow moving up, forearm straight as an arrow as it readied for the—
A sharp jab snapped against the side of her neck. And the control over her body slipped away from her from the neck down. Her entire body tensed up first, then just as fast completely released the grip on every muscle. Her knees buckled first. All she could do was inhale a shocked little gasp, curse at herself and Roman in her mind before everything turned to static. And luckily the world went black before she even hit the floor.
Roman watched as if in slow motion as the girl toppled forward. He resisted the body-jerk reaction to catch her, knowing she could still snap up and claw his eyes out if his blow was merely an inch off. Only when she landed face-forward without even moving to soften the landing against the hard concrete, it assured him the fight was over.
He simply stared at her for a few seconds, hesitating, not quite sure what to do. This would probably not render her unconscious for long. And judging by the continued muffled gunfire on the upper floors, she wasn’t alone. He didn’t have much time to decide.
A pang of frustration shot through him as he glanced up, struck by the state of the now ruined room. His ruined research. He glared at the unconscious girl at his feet, a growl in his exhale. He was going to have to lay low for a while. And that rushed him into his decision.
He squatted down next to her. Swiped over her pockets, fished her phone from her brown leather jacket and threw it hard to the floor. Patted her down to make sure she didn’t have anything else on her that could lead them to follow him.
With a grunt, he threw the dead weight over his shoulder and carried her out, down to the underground parking. Shifted her further onto his shoulder as he searched for his car keys. Opened the rear door, stopped, and closed it again. Yeah, no. You wouldn’t keep a feral animal loose in your car. She’d probably try to strangle him with the seatbelt from behind. Or even if he’d had anything to cuff her with, she’d throw her legs over the seat to pin him until they crashed. She’d proven her tenacity over these last three rounds of meetings. And that chop to the neck wouldn’t last the entire journey. Better go for the safe route. So instead, he opened the trunk and dropped her inside without much care.
The familiar crunches of grit under his tires and under his shoes a long ride later greeted him home. Good to know that even after quite a while, those sounds still triggered a feeling of home-coming in his brain. Might be something to look into... Later.
Roman slowly walked around the car, keeping his eyes on the trunk, not sure what to expect. There was no banging at the lid or cursing or demands to let her out. Yet he doubted she was still unconscious.
He carefully opened up, hand on the lid to keep her from further busting it open. Oh yes, she was awake. Through the small opening he could see the fury glint in her eyes, staring straight at him. She looked like an angry cat in her basket. If she could, she’d hiss at him, he mused. But he was surprised to see she didn’t spit anything at him, no insults, no saliva. In fact, she cowed back a little and lay all curled up. Somewhat reassured, he fully opened the trunk, leaned forward to drag her out.
A long leg suddenly shot out, and it hit him square in the stomach.
It punched the air – and the snide remark that was on the tip of his tongue – right out of him. He doubled over, hand still on the lid of the trunk pulling it down with him as he almost buckled. It nearly hit the girl right on the head, but in a flurry of movement she managed to snake out, bump him aside, and shot past.
“Oh, no, you don’t,” he brought out, and caught her by the neck of her shirt.
She twisted free and he grabbed her arm instead. She replied with a headbutt. Missed and Roman followed up with a backhanded swing.
A yelp as he caught her full in the face and knocked her off her feet. She heavily crashed onto the grit and he immediately closed in, grabbing her shirt.
Dani didn’t hesitate. Like the fierce cat she was she almost literally clawed up around him, grasping him by the arm, threw her legs up and locked them around his head, pulling herself up.
Roman caught her in surprise, one hand still in her shirt, the other arm around her back as he secured her in reflex. Luckily for him, she didn’t have the momentum to pull him down and they stared at each other, caught in an impasse. If he let her fall, she’d drag him right along.
“We let go,” he said calmly, negotiating his release, “at the same time.”
“Duel at sunset,” she growled, and squeezed her legs but nodded.
“One… two…”
With her legs up and him protecting her from gravity, he felt like he had the overwhelming advantage here. But as he let go of her on “Three!” her back arched and she slithered gracefully from his arms, again not unlike a cat, letting herself fall to the ground in a dive. She landed on her palms, lightly sprang off against his shoulders, and shot away in an elegant back handspring, spiraling off of him with grace. He had to admit, he was impressed, and his lips tugged into a smirk.
It lost him two seconds of precious reaction time. As her feet touched the ground and she straightened, one foot immediately shot back up. Hit him right in the chin. But the hit came at a cost and with her on one leg wobbling on the pebbles straining for balance, he saw his chance. He sank down to a squat, shot out a leg and aimed at her ankle, kicking her foot right out from under her.
He watched as her eyes went wide and he immediately followed up to keep his advantage as she lost the battle with gravity. Finally. Her back crashed into the sea of grit, punched out a grunt. Another kick in the stomach didn’t deter him. Hands flailed, clawed at his face, her moves betraying a certain panic that let him know he was winning and he only had to wait for the right moment until he could calmly catch a wrist and use the momentum to twist her onto her front.
One firm hand on her neck pressed her face into the sharp pebbles, the other twisted her arm up, slowly tearing the ligaments in her shoulder until she yelped.
“Is this how it’s going to be?” he almost growled out a disappointed sigh.
She took full advantage of the little leeway he offered her to reply; twisted her head until she could – painfully – make eye contact, she smiled sweetly and spat right in his face. “It is.”
Tag list: @firewheeesky @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @whumpawink @painsandconfusion @whumpy-daydreams
@whumpyourdamnpears @auroragehenna @alsolucakairomi @suspicious-whumping-egg @whumppmuhw
@untethered-symphony @withdrawingramen @theforeverdyingperson @treasureguardingdragon
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Bianca lives! Pjo au
Imma call this au Pollution
Basically Percy is the one that goes into the automaton or whatever in hephaestus' junk yard. Bianca lives. They can't find Percy's body
Nico can't make contact with percy or find him in the underworld
Time skip
Okay, Jason appears at camp three days after Clarrise La Rue disappears. Clarrise takes Percy's place on the SON.
The seven is now the Eleven
Annabeth, Bianca, Clarisse, Frank, Grover, Hazel, Jason, Nico, Leo, Piper, Reyna.
Nico does hear talk of a Son of neptune in the Roman camp but can never pin down the rumors, much less the name of the kid.
Eventually, the eleven find out one of Gaea's generals is said Son of Neptune. His face, despite any scald or burn scars, is a very familiar one.
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lostgirlfandom · 2 years
Roman Fingers
Pairing: Lip Gallagher x Female!Reader
Warnings: Harassment, maybe a little bit of threatening, afab reader
Words: 775
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You were not one to hold back when someone was harassing you. Especially if someone touched you inappropriately.  
Which you were a little pissed because some asshole had decided to touch your ass while you getting something to drink at the table at this small mixer that was for some sorority you didn’t care to know the name of.  
One minute you were pouring some punched mixed alcohol into a solo cup, the next a hand smoothed itself over your ass as a guy you didn’t know pushed against your side.  
Pausing and narrowing your eyes into space in front of you, you processed the situation.
“Hey, baby... Aren’t you in my Physics class?” The sleaze asked you with a smirk. The smell of beer falling heavily from his breath and clothes. He stood at maybe 5’10 with a dark buzzcut. He wore a fraternity shirt that had some wet spots from sweat or beer, you couldn’t figure out.  
Pinching your lips together, you turned your head to him and stared into his glassy eyes with anger. “I’m gonna need you to take your hands off of me, bud.... before we have a problem.” You told him with a fake grin.  
He gave a scoffing laugh and have a drink grin as he swayed on the spot. “Oh, come on... Your body is ssso soft... I just want to run my hands over your body again, again.” He licked his lips.  
You opened your mouth to retort back but a voice chimed in. “The lady said to let go of her... I’m sure your simple mind could process at least that much.”  
The scum and you both turned your heads to the voice and you saw a guy standing there with a simple button up and jeans. A solo cup in one hand and the other shoved into his pocket. But what you took noticed of was his bright blue eyes that was lit with intelligence and smugness as he stared at the scum bucket.  
Blinking out of your thoughts, you grinned at him. “I got it handled.” You turned back to the sleaze and then proceeded to reach down with a hand and then gripped his junk tightly and then twisting slightly. He jumped and his face twisted into discomfort as his eyes cleared for a second of clarity. “Here’s what you’re gonna do... You’re gonna let me go, then you’re going to sit your ass in a corner... or leave all together! And never touch another woman inappropriately ever again... Clear?” The man’s breath had picked up but didn’t say anything as he was focused on the uncomfortable feeling of you twisting his junk.  
Sneering, you twisted harder, causing him to yelp and nod his head rapidly. “Clear... Clear!”  
Smiling, you let go of him causing him to sigh in relief and slouch down. He then hurriedly took off past the other guy that had tried to come to your rescue. Both of you watching him as he basically ran out the door.  
The blue-eyed knight watched him in amusement as he took a sip of his drink before turning back to you. You sighed and then looked back at the guy and took more of his features in. His blonde hair was ruffled like he just woke up, but you kept focusing on his eyes that you noticed was looking you up and down slowly. Taking in your outfit and your shape and then your hair and eyes.  
He gave you smirk as you tilted your head. “Looks like you didn’t need me after all.”  
You chuckled and looked down at the ground, pushing your chin to your chest. Shrugging, “I know how to take care of myself when needed.”  
You looked up from underneath your eyelashes and looked at him as he kept looking you up and down with a small smug smirk on his lips.  
Blinking, you know he looked familiar and then thinking about it, you know why. “You’re in a couple of Physics classes... and Linear Algebra class.” You lifted your head back up and smiled at him.  
His eyes lit up at your smile and words. “Yeah... Yeah you are. I knew you were familiar.” He blinked, licking his lips and shaking his head before putting his hand out for a hand shake. “Lip... Lip Gallagher.” He told you with a grin.  
“Y/N Y/L/N” You shook his hand.  
There was a small comfortable silence after you let his hand go. But you both were too busy observing the other.  
He let a smirk fall on his lips as he asked you, “So, wanna get out of here?”  
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summerstrash · 5 months
someday I want marvel editorial to let quentin quire out of the closet because I think it would be extremely funny to have him just kind of go "you thought I was straight this whole time???" at someone, because, like, out of all of the currently "straight" male x-men characters, quentin is like, rachel levels of glass closet.
inspired to radicalism by the hate crime death of a fashion designer in conjunction with an identity-destabilizing revelation about himself.
has maintained a pink undercut/mohawk since 2003 and gives off exactly the same energy as the most insufferable white queer radical teen/20-something you know.
his legal human name is quintavius quirinius quire. you cannot tell me he didn't name himself that after transitioning at like, age 8, during a roman empire phase.
the only human male psychic we've seen as a destined, legitimate Phoenix vessel — a story role typically played by presumed-cis women from a specific bloodline
owned a speedo that put a radioactivity symbol over his junk
kept a reservoir dogs (the most homosexual tarantino movie) poster in his dorm room at the jgs
served as the first and only boy to ever hold the role of "wolverine's dykey teen protégé" (previous girls in the role include kate, jubilee, movies!rogue, and laura)
The now-defunct official JGS Twitter accounts included a tweet stating that Quentin tried out for the school cheer team in a skirt.
the sexy Phoenix nuns were intentionally not all girls, Jason Latour said that to my face with his human mouth.
his version of a Dark Phoenix Saga ("Tomorrow Never Learns") explored his relationships with evan and idie in ways that likened evan to new-mutant-rev!scott and clearly paralleled logan and idie, which, like [gestures]
When Evan and Idie take Teen Bobby to his first gay bar, Idie chalks up her confidence in the space to having dated Quentin.
Percy had him literally trying on bodies during a period where he was trying to find himself after a straight breakup, including female bodies.
the script for X-Men/Fantastic Four #1 included a reference to Quentin hanging out with Akihiro (notable undercut/Mohawk bisexual adoptee with wolverine-related Daddy issues) in the background
Like, I wouldn't be surprised if people at Marvel literally have forgotten he's not canonically explicitly queer yet. The vibes are just so powerful.
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New fic series! WWE Mafia AU
Welcome to what is essentially my dark romance, junk food series. I want to practice writing in the genre so here we go! Plz see CW warnings. There are 3 fulls stories and a 1 shot planned, I will be writing stories and one-shots as part of this universe as time goes on. As of right now Jey, Damian, Roman and Tama are in the works but I’d like to expound so hit me with recs!
(They may take time to write)
Now on with it.
18+ only from here plz - minors dni
Sea & Moon
Jey Uso x IndigenousFMC
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Summary: Nokomis “Kiki” Levy was a normal twenty year old college student whose biggest concerns were passing chemistry and what graduate programs would want to see on an application.
Joshua “Jey” Fatu is thirty-one and has recently been appointed heir apparent of his father’s branch of their families shadowy enterprise and needs to prove himself up to the task.
Their worlds collide when Kiki’s father, a detective with SFPD, gets too close to Jey’s family business. While they start as enemies there is an undeniable burn between them. Will a much larger threat be their end or give them a chance to thrive together?
🚨It’ll be a dark journey for the Levy girls, please heed content warnings that include mild n0n-con between main characters, dubious consent, violence, mentions of difficult topics such as substance abuse, mental health issues and more. There will be various k!nks such as prim@l play, masks, captiv!ty, 🔪 play, ch0king, and more. The boys are morally grey to black but love and obsess over their ladies.
There is an HEA for everyone! I probably won’t post more than the prologues and one shots here on Tumblr and leave the really dark stuff on AO3. I will post links though and just drop a comment if you’d like to be tagged in any further updates.
## Prologue
**Nokomis “Kiki” POV**
⭐️*character note, Kiki has vitiligo which affects her face over her right eye, her hands and other other areas.
It was just supposed to be another regular movie night at home with my sister and cousin, nothing unusual or life altering. The same sort of thing we did almost every Saturday night since we could remember. I didn’t think twice when my folks decided on a last minute date night while we three girls piled onto the couch for comedies and popcorn, waving them off as if I’d see them in a few hours.
I wished I’d hugged them tighter and longer. As if that would have somehow stopped what happened next.
Not long after my parents had left my dad’s retired K9 partner Atlas started going insane, running back and forth to the back door and barking. I assumed he was interested in a rabbit or some other critter like a possum in the backyard so I hushed him and sent him to his crate for acting so crazy. In the long run I’d probably saved his life but I had still wished for his protection with what came next.
We never heard the back door locks being picked or footsteps in the kitchen. Between the movie, our laughter and the occasional dog bark nothing else penetrated our space and like most college students on a Saturday night our minds weren’t on the dangers lurking in the shadows. We didn’t know anything was wrong until Kai went to the kitchen for drinks and her scream alerted Kiri and me to our unwelcome visitors.
I’d never felt so stupid and slow as I did when the large men in masks appeared in the doorway, one with a particularly vicious face mask, long black hair and icy gray eyes held a long knife to Kai’s throat, clutching her tightly to his front with his other arm. Every time I ever swore to myself and my parents I would fight back went out the window when I realized it might actually cost my cousin her life. Instead I reached for Kiri’s hand as we stood frozen to the spot. Her light brown eyes were blown wide in fear and her normally tan face had gone ashen.
Everyone was quiet except for Atlas’s enraged barking.
The shortest man was still at least six feet tall and he wore a black mask with red spiral designs that covered his lower face. Withdrawing a gun from a shoulder holster he indicated the elderly german shepherd. “Shut it the fuck up.”
Instinctively Kieran and I both moved to stand between him and Atlas, her fingers digging into my hand tighter than ever before while her other came up in a placating gesture as I spoke. “Please don’t hurt him, he’s old and scared.” She turned to me with frightened eyes and indicated I should comfort him with a jerk of her chin. Dropping I tried to soothe him and at least got him to quiet down to a whimper.
The next thing I became aware of nearly made me lose control of my bladder. A harsh, cold metal gun barrel was pressed to the back of my head as Kiri’s hand was wrenched from mine.
“You girls gonna behave?”
I swallowed past the thick lump in my throat and nodded, hating that every inch of me was paralyzed. What happened to being an officer’s daughter who could stand her ground? All I could think about was that knife pressed to Kai, that gun leveled at the back of my head or at Atlas. If I didn’t behave they could be hurt or I could be killed. I risked glancing up at Kieran who was so still and quiet, being held by the largest of the three. His purple and black mask was monstrous like the tattoos on his exposed arms.
“Stand up slowly. Where’re your parents?” Out of habit when someone stared at me intensely I let my hair fall forward over my face even as I did what he said. His dark brown eyes looked black in the dim light of the living and the comedy kept playing in the background offering a ridiculous soundtrack to such a grave moment. Everything felt surreal in the flashing lights.
“N-not home.” My voice shook even as I tried to sound calm. “Our dad, he’s a cop, he’ll be back soon.” As if supplying that information would make him think twice.
The tall one chuckled, responding in a deep voice that fit his intimidating stature. “We know mija. He’s why we’re here.”
Kai’s whimper brought my attention back to her and the man holding her. He was far too interested in running his knife down her chest. “Hey! Stop it!”
Kai was two years younger than us and as such we’d always been protective of her. I realized what I’d done when those cold gray eyes flashed to me.
The man with black eyes didn’t hesitate, stepping in uncomfortably close to put the barrel under my chin. “Behave.”
“Okay. I’m sorry.” Survival mode engaged apparently. I realized we were truly fucked when he tugged his mask down to reveal an equally black beard but handsome face. “Leave a note D. We’re taking them and their old man can turn himself in when *we’re* ready.”
The last thing I remembered for a while was Kai crying out and a sharp prick in my neck before everything went black.
**Joshua “Jey” POV **
Catching the purple haired girl as she fell I moved to set her on the couch with the other two so they could be tied up. We’d come looking for Detective Levy and we were leaving with his twin daughters and their cousin. Not the worst all things considered but still not my plan and I didn’t like it when things didn’t go according to plan.
“You said he’d be here tonight D.”
Damian tugged his mask off with a shrug, accepting the roll of duct tape Roman had retrieved from his bag. He passed me one as well and we went to work taping the girls wrists, ankles and mouths.
“I’ll talk to J.D.” Unlike our family Damian ran a crew of people he’d collected with no ties aside from shared interests. It made them difficult to trust and easy to be angry with as far as I was concerned. I owed Damian my life, not them.
“Do that. Let’s get the fuck outta here.
Roman, you can mess with her later.” He was preoccupied with the pretty little woman he’d pounced on in the kitchen, running his hands up her thighs over her pajama pants. Instead of answering he just rolled those alarming eyes of his and threw her over his shoulder. I took a second to really assess the young woman in front of me. Her name was Nokomis, one of the detectives two daughters. College student majoring in biology and member of the chess club. Of course. What I hadn’t known about was her vitiligo and I found myself more interested than I should have been in the beautiful patterns on her skin. A particular blaze over her right eye was especially striking.
Shaking the thoughts loose I followed his example and so did Damian with his new charge. Our SUV was parked in the alley behind the house and it had been easy enough to blow out the lone street light a few days prior. We put our two in the third row while Roman climbed in the center with his prize. I felt a twinge of pity for her. Capturing his interest so intently was not an enviable thing for anyone.
I waited until Damian was pulling the car onto the street to speak. “Obviously this changes things.”
“No mierda Jey.” Damian’s irritation was obvious. He knew I hated it when jobs went wrong and I knew it irritated him as well. Not to mention bad intelligence was always followed by a period of mistrust and I knew J.D. was already on thin ice as it was. “You were serious about holding them?”
I looked back at the middle row to find my cousin petting the woman in his lap even as she seemed to struggle against him. It would have been funny if I didn’t know him. “Yeah. Can have some fun but don’t kill ‘em.” I looked pointedly at Roman.
“I don’t kill women Jey. Just…like to play rough.”
“Yeah with professionals, not college kids.”
“You sure that’s a good idea? She saw your face cabrón.” Damian cut in. He had a good point but I wasn’t worried. If I hadn’t thought through this possibility I may have been more stressed about the decision.
“Nah, when they see what we do to their old man they’ll be too scared to say shit and we’ve paid off or killed anyone else who could do shit about it anyway.”
He flexed his broad shoulders and stole a glance in the rear view as the other girls were coming to and shifting around in the far back seat. I wasn’t blind or dumb and while he wasn’t as obvious as Roman I could see he was interested in the little one he’d held onto.
“Could let off some steam.”
I smirked. It wouldn’t be hard to seduce them, a few drinks and some promises and they’d be pliant like most other females I dealt with on the regular. I’d be lying if said I wasn’t intrigued by the girl who stared at me in the rear view, her light brown eyes looking golden in passing streetlights. I could see the defiance in them.
Good. Maybe having to wait a few more days to end the cop who got too close and couldn’t be bought wouldn’t be so bad. Not with some pretty company.
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superiorsturgeon · 1 year
Huntsmen of the Caribbean pt 2:
Jaune: *pushed to his knees by Tyrian and Hazel*
Salem: *steps close and leans down towards Jaune’s face*
Salem: …
Salem: …do you fear death…? 👿
Jaune: 😨
Jaune: Uh…Roman Torchwick sent me to settle his debt…?
Salem: …Roman Torchwick…?
Salem: *turns and looks directly at the spot where Roman is hiding a mile away*
Roman: *looking through binoculars* 😨
Roman: *quickly lowers binoculars*
Salem: *standing right in front of him* 😠
Roman: 😱
Clover: *pacing the decks of huge warship* Say, what’s that?
Vernal/Shay D Man: *slowly rowing in a tiny boat, dressed in frilly gowns and bonnets*
Shay: *waves handkerchief at warship* Yoo-Hoo! 😘
Vernal: *pulling the oars* Stop doing that! I feel like an idiot in these outfits!
Shay: At least you look pretty for once!
Vernal: …
Vernal: 🤬
Vernal: *strangles Shay from behind*
Tyrian: *kicks Jaune back* I’m going to teach you the meaning of “pain!”
Ruby: You like pain?
Tyrian: *simultaneously hit by a spear and scythe*
Pyrrha: …try wearing a corset! 😠
Qrow: *dramatically leaps atop a wall to make his escape*
Qrow: *pauses* …Jaune…?
Jaune: Yes, Qrow?
Qrow: …nice hair!
Jacques: You can fight, and you will all die…
Jacques: …or you can surrender, and only most of you will die!
Raven: Bring forth the nine pieces of eight!
Ghira/Raven/Maria/Adam/Roman/Sienna/Ozpin/Junior: *pull out assorted knickknacks from their pockets and toss them in ceremonial bowl*
Vernal: …wait, those aren’t pieces of eight! They’re pieces of junk!
Taiyang: …yes, well, when the first Brethren Court originally met, they planned on using enchanted pieces of eight, but unfortunately they were, to a one, completely broke!
Taiyang: …so they had to make do with what they had!
Vernal: …so change the name!
Taiyang: To what? The “Nine Pieces Of Whatever We Happened To Have In Our Pockets At The Time?”
Taiyang: Oh, yes, that sounds very piratey!
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Weirdboygirl Percy headcanons
(But it's almost entierly me just sharing my friends' because i'm a sap who wants them to be appreciated /lh)
When i say 'weirdboygirl',i mean it-Percy is transfem bigender and autistic with no masking ability based off canon subtext that borderlines on straight up text.He's also afrolatina/monoracial black dominican for the same reason and he's mostly femme but has a decent amount of masc thrown in there for gender fuckery and he's crustpunk with pastel/kidcore elements thrown in
He's a huge gamer who's got his own low cost setup and only dosen't do Lets Plays even though he has a vlog channel because with how he is that's setting himself up for getting viral meme'd
He thinks adult only shows and movies are absolute ass due to being too dark so he watches pg ones only including pre-schooler ones(Bluey is his favorite obviously)and he has no shame in it since he's not a freak about it
She listens to obscure podcasts and rambles about them and she's a part time artist thanks to her and Rachel being queerplatonic besties but she dosen't do grand materpieces and just draws weird shit and same for crafts
Her favorite musicians are nostalgic ex-weirdkid ones like My Chemical Romance and All Time Low and The Cheetah Girls and then it's shit like Everybody's Worried about Owen and The Cure and Meet Me @ The Altar and Metallica and a bunch of transfem artists and general genres they love are Lo-Fi Beats,Breakcore and Punk Rock
Her special interests are blue,video games,kidcore,cats and anarchy.Blue is not Percy's lifestyle but Percy's way of life,she plays only free games and uses an emulator for the rest,kidcore is a huge coping mechanism from her extremely brutal childhood,she employs a lot cat based things in their daily life and even naturally acts like a cat sometimes including a meowing vocal stim and she goes full force in Tales of Dead Seas,a Hoo one year later sequel that's about Percy dismantleing the greco-roman mythos world system starting with killing Zeus and things go up hill for everybody who's not a dickbag from there and this includes Percy gaining new powers even pre-deicide but actually having mentors this time and she actively helps out with activism in addition to all her direct action across all 5 books of her last official story
The only sea related things they love are because Sally does so she raised them in them all the time and they've got mixed feelings on them post claiming because of how awful Poseidon is but they very slowly reclaim it for themselves and the process is given big boost when their egg cracks as they use mermaid/seapunk aesthetics for presentation and their personality a little too and it gives them gender euphoria
They refuse to drink energy drinks that aren't blue colored so they have a whole stash of them and junk food too with a threatning note attached to it,their go to store is unironically Claire's and they made sure to beat the Hot Topic allegations by loud and proud announcing how much they hate them for being sellouts and fakeout freaks and they're neither a skater boy nor a surfer dude because ewww but a guitarist and a multitask helper at the Familia Jackson Beach Shack
He's also Nico and Hazel's eldest sibling figure and pseudo-dad that got them away from Hades forever and Sally legally adopted them so they all live together in the mortal world and stick together as a trio too in the mythos world.He's their caregiver but also their best friend and radicalized them and taught them how to be punks,Nico choosing tradgoth and Hazel pastel goth.Their relathionship is extremely intimate and equally silly but that dosen't mean they never had problems to unpack and fix-Siblings aren't perfect but real siblings are the ones who try to be anyway and don't expect eternal forgiveness regardless.That's what makes us siblings,not JUST blood
And they healed his inner child a lot just by hanging out with him and loving him and letting him take full responsibility in their best friendship and on the other end there's nobody who's helped Nico and Hazel heal and be stronger and be themselves like Percy has.They're eachother's whole world and multiverse and rubbed off on eachother significantly(Nico and Percy's love for video games,Percy and Hazel's artistry,Hazel and Nico's taste in food,all three of their love for kiddy things)and Percy helps Hazel with girls
He was Warrior Cats kid and gets back into it as an adult and loves it even more and yes,he roleplayed it his classmates during recess yet they pretended they hadn't and mocked and animalized him for years because how long his hyperfixation it is lasted and that's why he gave it up in his teenage years but returned to it and reclaimed the catlike behavior it gave him as autistic swag
Percy's five love languages:Humor,comfort,justice,unrestrained fun and diy'd gifts.All giving and recieving and none strictly platonic or romantic,Love is stored in the Percy
She knows how to diy so many things it's a running gag and includes things that don't exist,her biggest comfort characters are:Cookie Monster,Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy(she's a huge Flutterdash stan so she refuses to seperate them),Brandy's Cinderella,Shego,Cookie Nessa and Marina from Nintendo,Yang Xiao Long,Katara,Sonic The Hedgehog,Amy Rose and the Adventure Time Cast as a whole and her type is other autistic afrolatinos/afrolatinas who're pastel punk to her crustpunk
He (jokingly) kins Hobbie Brown and Gwen Stacy and looks like she could be Hobie's older brother
She acts and talks in ways people find offputting and strange but by now she's learned to stop being ashamed and happily embraced that she'll never be normal but that that dosen't mean she's not loved dearly and by so many people and realized that's what she truly wanted from the start instead of not being different from everyone else.Because she's the most awesome as all fuck person ever
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Catholic Character Tournament
Current Bracket
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All polls here (tagged #cct polls)
Round 5 (16 nominees) is Wednesday July 5 12 PST
Character Submission List:
(Note, not in the order in the bracket. They were randomized for the bracket) (crossed out means dead-dead)
*707/Luciel Choi (Mystic Messenger)
*Abuela Alma Madrigal (Encanto)
*Akane Kurashiki (Zero Escape)
*Amon from (Tokyo Ghoul)
*Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series)
*Asia Argento (High School DxD)
Aslan from (Chronicles of Narnia)
*Aymeric de Borel (Final Fantasy 14)
*Aziraphale (Good Omens) (Disqualified) The Volturi
*Belizabeth Brassica (Dimension 20's A Crown of Candy)
*Bishop Raphaniel Charlock (Dimension 20 - the Ravening War)
*Blake Langermann (Outlast 2)
*Brother Cellanus (The Completely Unerotic Adventures of Brother Cellanus)
*Caesar Zeppeli (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
*Carlos Reyes (911 Lone Star)
*Carrie White (Carrie)
*Catherine of Aragon (SIX: the Musical)
*CC (Code Geass)
*Chrollo Lucilfer (Hunter x Hunter)
*Chuck E. Cheese
*Claude Frollo(The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
*Crowley (Good Omens) (Disqualified) Vanessa Ives replacement (Penny Dreadful)
Dana Scully (the X files)
Doomguy  (Doom)
*Double (Skullgirls)
Doug Jones (The VelociPastor)
*Dracule Mihawk (One Piece)
*Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing)
*Eddie Brock (Venom)
*Emilio Santoz from The Sparrow
Enrico Pucci (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
*Farnese de Vandimion (Berserk)
*Father Alexander Anderson (Hellsing)
*Father Brown (Father Brown)
Father John Mulcahy (MASH)
Father Paul (Midnight Mass)
*Felicia Hardy/Black Cat (Spiderman)
Firestar (Warrior Cats)
*Flayn (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
*Frank Castle (Marvel)
Friar Tuck (Robin Hood)
*Gabriel (Ultrakill)
*Galahad (The Mechanisms)
*Gerard (Unholyverse)
Gloria Maria Ramirez Delgado-Pritchett (Modern Family)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb)
*Helena Bertinlli (DC comics)
Hell boy (HellBoy)
Homura Akemi (Madoka Magica)
*Hot Pants (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
*Ibara Shiozaki (My Hero Academia)
*Inori Yamabuki/Cure Pine (Fresh Precure)
Jason Todd (DC Comics)
*Javert (Les Miserables)
Jean Valjean (Les Misérables)
*Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) (Fate/Grand Order)
*Jesus (Jesus Christ Superstar) 
*John "Soap" MacTavish (Call of Duty)
*John Gaius (The Locked Tomb)
*John Ward (FAITH)
*Johnathan (Shin Megami Tensei IV)
*Junk Rat (Overwatch)
*Justin Law (Soul eater)
*Kawabuchi Sentarou (Kids on the Slope)
Kaworu Nagisa (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
*Kirei Kotomine (Fate franchise)
Knuckes the Echidna (Sonic)
*Kristen Applebees (Dimension 20's Fantasy High)
*Kuroe (Magia Record)
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler (X-Men)
*Ky Kiske (Guilty Gear)
*Kyoko Sakura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
*Lady Rhea (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
*Leliana (Dragon Age)
*Leon (8:11)
*Lestat de Lioncourt (The Vampire Chronicles)
*Libra (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
*Link (The Legend of Zelda)
*Louis de Pointe du Lac (Interview with the Vampire/The Vampire Chronicles)
*Luis Serra Navarro (Resident Evil)
Mac McDonald (It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia)
Maddie Fitzpatrick (Suite Life of Zack and Cody)
*Marcy Park (The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee)
*Mark Heathcliff (The Mandela Catalogue)
Matt Murdock/Daredevil (Marvel)
*Mello (Death Note)
*Mercedes (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
*Michael Carpenter (Dresden Files)
*Michael Corleone (The Godfather)
Miles Morales/Spider-Man
*Nate Ford (Leverage)
Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
*Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson)
*Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg (Ride the Cyclone)
*Pastry Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom)
*Patton Sanders (Sanders Sides (Web Series))
Pope Pinion IV (Cars)
Puss in Boots (Shrek)
Quasimodo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Remy LeBeau/Gambit (X-Men)
*Rin Okumura (Blue Exorcist)
*RoboCop (RoboCop)
Ronan Lynch (The Raven Cycle)
*Ryker (Roleslaying With Roman)
*Saint Citrina Rocks (Dimension 20's A Crown of Candy)
*Sasuke (Naruto)
*SCP-166 (Just a Teenage Gaia) 
*Seeley Booth (Bones)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic)
*Shiro Fujimoto (Blue Exorcist)
Simon Belmont (Castlevania)
*Sir Keradin Deeproot (Dimension 20's A Crown of Candy)
*Sister Mary (The Young Pope)
Sister Michael (Derry Girls)
*Steve Rogers/Captain America (Marvel)
*Tammy Edwards (Legoland by Jacob Richmond) 
*Tatsumi Kazehaya (Ensemble Stars)
*Temenos Mistral (Octopath Traveler 2)
The Derry Girls (Derry Girls)
*The Penitent One (Blasphemous)
*Tobias Schneien (Ghost Eyes)
*Valeria Garaz (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 reboot)
*Valery Michailov (Goncharov - 1973)
*Vector the Crocodile (Sonic the Hedgehog)
*Vito Corleone (The Godfather)
*Wesley Hailoh (Rhyme and Reason)
*William Murdoch (Murdoch Mysteries)
*Zakuro Fujiwara (Tokyo Mew Mew)
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ani-coolgirl · 4 months
The Problem with Leviathan
So I finally figured out the problem with season seven's Leviathan story. I always disliked the Leviathan as villains and could never quite put my finger on why. Part of it was the wasted potential--the end of season six promised Lovecraftian horrors (which I always thought was the perfect escalation in a literal post-Biblical Apocalypse) and then... didn't. But unfulfilled promises aside, I never understood why what we did end up with (Soylent Green by way of They Live) bothered me so much. But watching the opening of 07x22 (There Will Be Blood) it finally hit me.
See, in the scene, Dick Roman is doing an interview with a reporter discussing his company's move into corn syrup additives for food. As a viewer, we know this is Bad because we are aware of the Leviathans' plan to turn the entire of the human race into delicious dumb cattle for their consumption. But then it clicked that this has exactly zero impact on the main characters of the show. Let me explain:
The entire narrative of Supernatural up until this point is centered squarely on Sam and Dean. Even the end of the world was actually all about Sam and Dean's relationship. This is a fact, even if you don't bring in Chuck's zany meta-ness in the final season. Sam and Dean are the story. What the Leviathan's are up to, though? Nothing to do with Sam and Dean. It doesn't even have anything to do with their world. The boys live off the grid. They don't care about corporate scheming or government conspiracies. If it weren't specifically for the fact that they eat junk food, nothing the Leviathan's did would have affected them at all at this point. Hell, if the Big Mouths hadn't coincidentally attacked Jody at the beginning of the season, I'm not sure they ever would have found out anything about the Leviathan besides the fact they exist (since they witnessed Cas mpregging them before his "death"). In fact, in the latter half of the season, their investment almost solely hangs on the fact they're pissed Roman killed Bobby. Hell, if Roman hadn't dug up the Leviathan tablet (for reasons that are never explained to us, by the way) the Winchesters would have no way of stopping their plans. Almost everything that happens in this season is because of sheer coincidence.
It's not just that the Leviathan are lame and aren't scary (even though they are in fact lame and not scary), it's the fact that as a monster they don't work in the kind of world that Supernatural had built up in the previous six years. Oh no! And evil species of monsters have infiltrated all strata of society to turn us into hamburgers! How will our heroes deal with this? Uh, they bumble into the answer and solve it by stabbing things, like they always do. The horror in the show, even when it has broad-reaching implications, has always been very personal. Werewolves aren't scary because they eat people, it's because they can be normal people who otherwise live and love just like us. Demons aren't scary because they do shitty things, it's because they show the capacity of all people to become their worst selves. The Leviathan don't reflect the human condition in any way, and their commentary on corporate America doesn't work in a story where the protagonists don't work in regular society. The Leviathan are a warning of the dangers of blindly trusting corporations with our health and safety. But the Winchesters never did that. They're outcasts. They run credit card scams and sleep in abandoned warehouses and no-name hotels. They aren't the intended target, so they don't make good narrative foils.
But Dean eats cheeseburgers, so I guess we gotta stop these bastards before they take over the world!!
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