#romantic and dating and kissing and having sex and so on and so forth
marblemuffin · 10 months
man. I might have to block the g/ood o/mens tag. lol
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
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✵ tags ; established relationship, friends to lovers, afab +fem!reader, forward!reader, back and forth power dynamics, dry-humping, hickies / marking, cunnilingus, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, riding. fingering, dirty talk, 18+
✵ wc ; 7.3k (good lord)
✵ a/n ; written with my beloved @princess-okkotsu in mind!! i hope i did your boy justice </3 and thank u for everything literally wouldn't have passed chem w/o you
so not used to have such little warnings on a fic. lol. title is from fire and desire by drake.
✵ synopsis ; yuta wants to do right by you which is why he's so determined to take your relationship slowly. well, he tries too, anyway.
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Yuta Okkotsu is a believer of doing things the right way. 
He repeats this to himself like a mantra as he hangs out alone in your bedroom. He closes his eyes, elbows resting on the little table, face buried in his palms. Maybe it’s closer to a form of manifestation - like if he says it with enough hooplah it will mean something more than a jumble of words and syllables. 
He must clarify that he is trying to do the right thing right now. He is trying so very hard to do the right thing because Yuta Okkotsu wants to remain righteous where possible. 
It’s part of his job as a sorcerer, now well into his 20’s and more conscious of the world around him. He’s strong enough to put his money where his mouth is and experienced enough to know that trying to maintain some ethical code is part of staying alive in this business. 
And it’s not that Yuta considers himself particularly upright. His friends and colleagues often tell him that he’s a bit unhinged and hard to get a read on. His morals might not always align with greater society, but he never does something that goes against his own beliefs. A lot of which can be summarized quite easily ; anything to defend his comrades.
It really is so important for Yuta to try and be civil in these aspects. Lest he fall into something truly dark. Even he knows what he’s capable of, at least a little. 
That’s why he’s left with no choice than burying all of his thoughts of you and using every ounce of energy he has to suppress it as deep as it can go 
You know, with all the love that’s influenced his life and all of the years he’s spent  learning to be less timid - none of it seems to matter when it comes down to you and him. The logistics of a relationship and the idea of one are two very different things. When it comes to your relationship, he’s been keen in adhering to his strict timeline of milestones. First date, first hand-holding, first deep kiss. It’s a matter of honoring you - because before being boyfriend and girlfriend, you were Yuta’s comrade and companion. Before your relationship status, you're his cherished and valued person. 
So because he’s chivalrous. Because he’s romantic. Because he cares about you. 
And also because the sheer  magnitude of his desires for you perpetually leaves him in a state of distress and disarray. It’s all of the above, all at the same time. And sometimes it leaves him a little overwhelmed. 
He barely manages in his daily life but this? This is torturous. 
Being in your bedroom unprompted is destroying every ounce of self-restraint he’s built through these last three months. He’s made it through your relentless bullying without giving into his Earthly desires.
It’s just too ideal in a way, being in here. Everything feels like you. There’s pictures of your friends and family around the room. Everything has your scent. Your clothes are littered on the floor and hung over the back of your desk-chair. It’s so you and Yuta loves you and he’s not going to survive being in here despite it all.
It’s embarrassing. Yuta is not the timid teenager he once was. But for all the ways he’s good at standing his ground, his demeanor is all but worthless when it comes down to you.
You’re a few years his senior and you’ve always been a slippery character. He’s enriched by your curiosity of the world. You’re a researcher and archivist of cursed information, coming out of the Kyoto branch. You have plenty of accolades and always manage to teach him something new and come out of difficult things on top. 
Mostly, Yuta recognizes all of the good in your heart. He really thinks very highly of you.
There was an obvious passion for your work that Yuta was endeared by in the initial stages of your relationship. Plus you were easy to talk to. You’ve been a good friend to Yuta for years now, ever since you called on him to do some research on him and Rika. And, as the years passed you became closer until one night it hit him that his feelings of admiration were a little closer to something like love. 
And with big, wet tears in his eyes (and a fair bit of liquor in his system) he blubbered about his feelings for you. He isn’t sure what reaction he was expecting at the time. You were happy which was great, but there was also something so lax about it all. Yuta remembers it so vividly. The way you waltzed up to him, tucked some hair behind his ears and kissed him gingerly with all the confidence in the world. Like it mattered but it didn’t. Like nothing could be more obvious than your feelings for each other. 
“I’m pretty crazy about you too, Okkotsu-san.” 
After asking if that meant you were dating like the bumbling, lovesick fool he is - you officially began going out as a couple. And at first, it was smooth sailing. It wasn’t too different from your usual hangouts.
Eventually though, you had pointed out that it doesn’t really feel like you were dating. Suggested that maybe sleeping together would help break the ice a little. That was what started this moral dilemma. 
Being honest, it wasn’t like Yuta hadn’t considered it. What thoughts he cooked up while alone in the sanctity of his bedroom is between him and the heavens only. It was just the way you suggested it. You saying it made it all feel so real. And Yuta wasn’t sure how to deal with that. He wants to cherish you so much that he felt like he couldn’t consider your offer too lightly. 
And he told you as much, hand in yours and red-faced to which you only blew some hair out of his eyes and laughed. A simple okay, a nod, and a kiss.
Of course, if everything had been smooth sailing this would be a different thing altogether. While Yuta had declined sleeping with you too soon, you had absolutely no plans to make his life easy. He’s not sure how much of it is on purpose. Knowing you, probably a lot. You’re a smart girl, after all.
So all of your bending over and tongue kissing before going home and selfies that just border on boudoir are probably very purposeful. But he’s endured it all. He should cherish you more. He’s been determined to not give in. 
The fact he’s all but ready to blow his load over just being in your room makes him feel pathetic. And maybe he is, a little. But only for you. 
Yuta likes to think of himself as a collected individual. Really.  He knows being this worked up over something as innocuous as his girlfriends room is ridiculous. He knows he’s being ridiculous.
But he really, really wants to uphold his beliefs here. So he’s stiff, sitting with his hands clasped and holding it together just barely. 
He practically jumps out of his skin when you return to your room with a tray of refreshments. 
“Woah, Yuta. You okay?”
He turns around to look at you. A mistake, apparently. His eyes land on the sight of your bare legs before he forces himself to meet your eyes. You’re so pretty to him. Always so beautiful without any effort. 
“Huh? Yeah. Sorry, just got lost in thought.”
You put the tray down on the table in front of him before sitting on the edge of your bed - facing him. The distance between you is minimal. You reach out to pet the top of his head with the palm of your hand, scratching his jaw tenderly. Yuta feels loved by the touch. 
“You sure? Looks like you saw a ghost.”
Your genuine worry makes his spine feel like it’ll melt. He puts his hands over yours, rubbing his cheek against your palm.
“Promise I’m okay. Just—it's nothing serious.” 
“Mm. Even if it’s nothing serious, I wanna know what stuff you’re worried about, ‘kay? So tell me if you want.”
He feels unsteady but so happy. 
“Thank you, my love.”
“Yeah, of course. You wanna keep sitting on the floor or…?”
The minute you ask him, he feels the hair stand up on his neck. 
“The bed…?”
You give him a look of confusion before you break out into a knowing grin.
“Oh, I forgot. I mean to remain chaste, my liege. Just wanna cuddle a bit.”
“Are you making fun of me?” He asks, not masking the pout in his voice. 
You tilt your head to one side, leaning  back on your palms. 
“A little,” You say mischievously, shrugging “I’m used to your lifestyle of celibacy.” 
He frowns at you. “It’s not like that, I just want to—“
“I just want to cherish you because I love you and want you for more than sex yadda yadda yadda. I know. And I respect your wishes even if I think it’s silly.” You say, taking the words right out of his mouth. His frown deepens.
“It’s not silly to me.” He says, almost petulantly. At this, you grab his face in your hands which catches him off-guard. You knock your forehead against his, bent over to do it. 
“I know that too, you dummy. The point is that I’m not trying to get in your pants right now.”
He can’t help but smile, pulling away to kiss at your wrist. You giggle. 
“Well, what do you want?”
“To be wrapped up in each other like otters.”
“So romantic.”
“Right? So get up here.” 
He gives in sooner rather than later. You scoot till your back is along the wall next to your bed and Yuta wastes no more time in joining you. Your bed is crazy comfortable. Just laying it in makes him want to fall asleep almost immediately. He gets cozy  before directing his gaze to you in front of him. He feels like he’s gonna throw up and the only thing that’ll come out is his heart. You give him a look of amusement. 
“Enjoying the view?” You tease. He laughs, leaning forward to tuck his face into your neck.
“Yeah. Smells like you,” 
“So cute.” 
“Don’t know how to feel about being called cute.” He says honestly. He peers up at you and you’re giggling and he can feel his heart rate sky-rocket. You twirl a piece of his hair around your index finger. 
“You’re cute and cool and handsome. Better?” 
“Yeah. Yes.” 
“Mm,” You respond. He looks at you as your expression drifts off somewhere. He can’t take his eyes away from your face “Sorry you had to stay over.” 
“It’s fine. It’d be a shame if you didn’t get anything to look over while we were there. If you make any breakthroughs, it’d be good for Gojo-sensei.” 
“You still call him that even though you graduated so many years ago?”
He flushes slightly. 
“Force of habit. My point stands.” 
“Mhm. Thanks for being so supportive. I didn’t think it was that late, y’know? I would’ve tried to hurry if I knew,” You say thoughtfully “But I like having you over.” 
He gives you a once over as he pulls away, eyes flitting to your lips. You give him a small grin. 
“Kiss me.” 
He looks at you apologetically. 
“That’s not fair. We can’t kiss? Making out doesn’t count as intimate relations, Yuta.” 
“Okay, but it can lead to them.” 
“If it’s that serious, I’ll sleep on the couch.” 
“Wait, no.” 
“Then kiss me.” 
He sighs. 
“Just kissing, okay?” 
“Okay, you monk.” 
He laughs at the comment before pressing his lips to yours tenderly. You have no such intent of leaving it that way - your hand on immediately on the nape of his neck. The softness of your tongue makes Yuta feel like there’s fizz in his head - like the water inside of him is seltzer. He thought you would at least try to give him some mercy. 
He probably shouldn’t expect that from his favorite girl. He pulls away, out of breath. A little line of saliva breaks off between you. Your grin is eye-catching, like glass in the sun. Yuta wouldn’t mind burning in the magnitude of your light. 
“Just kissing,” He emphasizes, trying to be firm. You hum, hand on his cheek. You rub your thumb on his lip tenderly, looking at him square in the eyes. He’s stronger than this, he swears. 
“We are just kissing though?” 
“Baby.” He frowns. A laugh bubbles up from your stomach and he’s so entranced by it he nearly forgets what he’s trying to convince you of. 
“Since when is making out too naughty? Teenagers do stuff like that, Yuta. We’re grown-ups.” 
“That’s the whole problem.” He says back in faux exasperation. You look like you’re going to kiss him again, but you lean into his ear instead. Your breath is warm and ticklish against his skin. 
“Yuta,” You murmur with such clear intent he feels himself break down under the weight “Can’t we have sex, hm?” 
Blood rushes down to his dick so fast he’s embarrassed. He stares at you as you pull away, a look  in your eyes that makes him want to collapse. Of course he does. He wants to have so much sex with you so often it’s starting to drive him up a wall. Is there anyone in the world other than him masochistic enough to turn down the offer? He’s doubtful to say the least. 
“I want to,” He admits. You beam and nod. Your hand slides down to squeeze his waist. He swallows thickly. 
“Yeah? Then why can’t we?” 
“I just..don’t want to rush things,” He replies with as much conviction as he possibly can. The sincerity must reach you because you soften a little “We’ve known each other for a long time. And it was already hard to get here. I just want to make sure it’s right.” 
“You’re so thoughtful,” You murmur to him, running over his hip bone with your thumb “And that makes you really sexy, you know?” 
“What if it gets all messed up?” 
“Our relationship is stronger than that, yeah. It can withstand a handjob.” 
He groans at your vulgarity before laughing. 
“I’m being serious!” 
“I know and that’s so sweet of you. But I really, really don’t think it’ll be that bad if we have sex. We might fuck like rabbits for a few days but that’s not really the end of the world.” 
He feels heat creep up his next as you nuzzle your nose against his, whispering softly. 
“And doesn’t that sound nice? Cooped up in this little room, fucking each others brains out. Just you and me.” 
He feels his dick steel against his will. He looks at you seriously, a fire in his expression. 
“You’re being unfair.”  
“Who, me? Never. I’m just telling you what I think.” 
He groans in complaint. Is this the right thing to do? He doesn’t think so. But it’s not like he doesn’t want to. He really, really wants to have sex and there’s never been such a perfect opportunity. You’re a little too good at turning him on and he’s a little too pent up to think about it more clearly. It feels like the only thing he can think about, a side-effect of this whole conundrum. There is a right way to go about this and he can’t say for certain yours isn’t the one. 
Plus the vivid picture you’ve painted of the two of you fucking in a room for hours is making his whole body burn up with lust. Fuck, the things he could do to you in all that time without it ever being enough. 
Yuta didn’t know he was aching for you so badly until he was this close to having you. 
“Baby,” He can feel how deep his voice is getting. It’s taking all of his strength to keep it in. 
“How do you want me? Tell me. You’ve been thinking about me right?”
“Always,” He confesses, staring at you without any restraint “Always thinking of you.”  
“Doing what?”
Oh. This is… 
“I’ve never seen you naked.”
“Then you daydream about seeing me naked? How tame.” 
“It’s more than that, it’s—I want to make you feel good. You’re so good to me. And I wanna…”
You stare at him. You’re so cheeky. 
“You wanna?”
“Want you to feel good. But because of me. All because of me.”
A wave of heat passes through him. He looks at you and you look...different. You look turned on, fingers carding through his hair. Right now all Yuta can think about is how much he wants. A word with so much weight behind it he can hardly keep up. God doesn’t Yuta want you more than he’s ever wanted anything. 
The room feels like it’s hotter than it was a few seconds last. A thick tension spreads over everything like jam. Yuta is too dazed to do anything. He can only watch as you sit up. You guide him to lay on his back and climb on top of him with ease. Your thighs feel warm and soft as you straddled him, taking his hands to put them on your waist.
He slides them up underneath your shirt lightly, enough to feel the warmth of your skin on his calloused fingers. Your eyes lock as you lean forward the slightest bit, caging Yuta in with your hand next to his head. 
“So possessive,” You tease, seeing right through him like you usually do. He really is. He thought he was a little better at hiding it “Already all yours, Yuta.” 
That makes his dick twitch. You must feel it because you laugh at him about it and his hands grip even tighter. He’s gonna lose his mind, being swept up by you so easily. He’s gotten so used to forfeiting restraint. Always goes in head first because that’s how cowards have to learn to fight. But he’s forgotten how to hold back. How to suppress. 
Right now, he feels like an animal. He feels like a restless hound dog, straining against the spiked collar he’s tried to keep himself in place. What does that make you, he wonders? 
In an attempt at transparency, he looks at you and says “I want you so much.”
And your reply is about all the permission he needs. 
“Then take me,” 
Yuta heeds your words and takes. It’s easy to flip you both over from where you are. He mumbles an apology as you yelp in surprise - and he hopes you’ll forgive him for his impatience. He’s been picturing this for months now. He knows what he wants, and that’s you on your back with him on top of you - making you feel so fucking good you can’t stand it. He slots his legs between yours, hovering over you as your bodies press into each other. 
You wrap your arms around Yutas neck with ease and he leans in to kiss you passionately. Despite where you are, it’s clear you're helping set the pace. Yuta is eager to follow. It starts off slow enough but when you pull away once, you're opening your mouth enough to let him in deeper. You stick your tongue out and Yuta follows suit. Everything is so hot he feels like it’ll burn, and you taste like mint toothpaste. He likes swapping spit with you like this, the messy way the drool runs down his chin and yours like you can’t get enough for each other. 
He has no idea how long you stay like that. Just kissing is a dangerous game. The nip of your mouth and the press of your incisors in his lower lip leave him shuddering. His hard cock is pressed against your abdomen, and he can’t help himself but hump into the soft plush of your tummy. Even through the stiff material of his jeans he can feel you. 
He quivers and whimpers into your mouth but you swallow the noise with delight. Your fingers find themself at the nape of his hand reaching up, tugging at the root. You pull away to give him a chance to breathe. He sounds pathetic, he knows it, but fuck he can’t hold it in anymore. Your voice is cool and collected yet rich and heady. It feels like a salve to his raw nerves, calming to him. He closes his eyes and humps into you and everything feels like it’ll disappear. Yuta just wants to give into his base needs. He wants to be all yours as much as he wants you to be all his and everything is so tangled up in his mind. 
“That feel good, Yuta?” 
“Y-yeah. Yes. Oh, yes.” 
You giggle at him a little and Yuta looks up at you. Look at the swell of your lips and the flush and sheen on your skin. Too much, too much, too much. 
But not enough at the same time, he rubs his cock against you again, harder. 
“So pent up,” You comment smoothly and Yuta groans in agreement “Why don’t I help you a little?” 
Unsure of what you mean, he stares at you hazily. You push him off, making him stand to his knees and he watches you as your hands come to the ends of your shirt. You pull it off over your head and toss it somewhere. You have nothing on underneath. His mouth dries out almost completely. Bare skin of your shoulders and the curve of your neck and your chest so open. Your nipples are hard against the cool air, standing to attention.
Your b0dy is so much sexier than he could’ve conjured up in his head. The real thing doesn’t even compare, and the way you move as you take off the rest is so fucking mesmerizing. Yuta watches you take off your pants next -  you put your legs up to slide them off. 
There’s not a single part of you that Yuta doesn’t want to claim for himself. He traces the outline of your legs, the bend of your knee and the arch of your foot. He should worship you, after all - he was right for trying to restrain it before. If he had this in the beginning, he’s afraid of what kind of person he might become. He’s scared of it even now.
 Yuta is of course the type of man to get sick on his own devotion. He’s always been like that. That’s what the rings on his hands always mean. He wants to make himself sick on you. 
Nothing could be more intense than just watching you undress, he doesn't think. You toss your shorts somewhere, but leave your panties on. Yuta still has his clothes on. The only barrier between you now is a thin layer of cotton. There’s a damp spot on it. He can’t stop his hand from reaching out, pressing into it with his thumb as gently as he can. You gasp. His eyes go wide. 
“It’s okay,” You assure, a smile on your face “Just wasn’t expecting it.”
He hums, dumbstruck, and smooths his thumb over the seam. There’s something salacious about the boundary itself. The material that’s keeping him from just taking you. 
“C-can you leave them on..? For a bit?” He asks. You blink twice. Even if you’re confused, there’s not any judgment. Yuta really does love you. 
“Uh-huh. If you want me too,”  
You give him the floor this time, Yuta thinks. He takes his shirt off too. He doesn’t take his jeans off completely, though. Only unzips them, pushing them down past his boxers to give him some breathing room. And with that he’s back on top of you. He presses a gentle kiss to your lips but moves down towards your jaw. The little fluttery sigh that leaves you makes everything close in around him. Like it’s only you two in the entire world. He leaves them down your neck, down your collarbone and sternum. Warm open mouth kisses trying all over every inch of you. 
His hands shake as he reaches out for your chest. You chuckle and reach for him. Guide them to squeeze your tits firm, a cheeky look in your eye. He tries to take more confidence in it now. Gropes the fat between his fingers, palms over your nipples in appreciation. He’s entranced by it, pushing them together and teasing the hardened buds with the pads of his fingers.
“So pretty,” He mumbles, mostly to himself “You’re so pretty,” 
“You’re pretty too, Yuta.” 
He can feel a blush crawl up his skin. He ducks his head down to take your nipples into his mouth. You let out a soft moan of pleasure that encourages him to suck harder on one and use his fingers to tease you where his mouth can’t reach. Your sighs are shaky and you're gently losing your composure.
 He wants to shatter you completely. 
He grabs your thighs and encourages you to wrap your legs around his waist. And you do with his guidance, a well of desire about to burst within him. He adjusts until his cock is snug against your clothed cunt. A broken oh, leaves your lips and Yuta humps into you, shifting until he hits the sweet spot. Your voice sounds again, pitchy and melodic like a wind chime and that’s when Yuta knows he has it. 
He has you right where he wants you now. Bodies pressed into each other and so involved, so together. Yuta can feel you everywhere. He’s always been in sync with you but every notch is turned to ten. The shallow rise and fall of your stomach, the slightest tenseness in your spine that melt away when he gives you a little attention. He has you in his grasp but he wants to hold onto you tighter. He feels like he’s been struck by lightning, the way his nerves are revved up.
He focuses on where your lower bodies meet, tongue poked between his lips and furrow in his brow. Drives his clothed, hard cock against your cunt, catching the crown into your clit until you’re shaking underneath him. There’s something so primal about it that Yuta can’t take it. He can’t think clearly anymore, lost in the feeling of dull pleasure. If it feels so good like this, being inside you might be too much. You’re both naked mostly except for where you both need each other. So close in proximity that Yuta can hear each of your short pants. Erratic and almost thoughtlessly driven by one single thing, pleasing you. Feeling each other, all wrapped up together. There’s something romantic about the mutual desperation. 
Drawing out those moans as he sucks at your tits, making you feel how hard he is. How pent up and needy and fucking horny he is all for you. 
Just humping your soft, sweet little cunt through your panties makes Yuta want to risk everything he’s got. The push and pull of too much and  not enough at the same time.  It’s so fucking euphoric. Your fabric keeps wetter and wetter, and Yuta doesn’t know if it’s you or him - his pre-cum dribbling through his boxers. Mixing together so that there’s less friction than there should be, material all soaked through and tacky. 
He can feel your pussy pulse and tremble. Your spine goes stiff and Yuta pulls away to look at you. You’re beautiful. You’re on edge, in complete bliss and so fucking beautiful. 
“Oh, oh, Yuta - shit, like that. G-gonna, gonna,” 
He doesn’t know what overtakes him, but he babbles on pulling away. 
“Cum for me, please—fuck, baby, p-please, need it,” 
You cum the first time just like that. For Yuta, humping each other like two lovesick teenagers. All for him you get all broken. He can’t help but burn the image of you underneath in his head forever. He needs to see it all again. 
“Oh, that felt so fucking good,” The praise feels like it’s being injected into his bloodstream“You make me feel sho good,” 
The slight slur in your words and praise all together makes him too happy. He kisses you, sloppy and lovedrunk, tongues touching and teeth chattering. 
“You’re everything I’ve ever wanted,” Yuta says with as much conviction as any one man could have. You laugh so loud it makes him smile. “I don’t wish well for anyone you dated before me.”  And you laugh again even louder. 
“You sound polite even when you’re threatening people.”  You say with nothing but affection. Yuta wants more. He wants you. Even with this quiet lull, he’s thinking about how he can get you to cum again. 
He nudges his nose to your cheek, kissing the corner of your mouth before he talks. 
“I want you to do it again,” He states, slow and steady, trying to feel out your willingness “And then I want to fuck you,”
“Wanna fuck me after you make me a mess?” You say, much more bluntly than he has. You’re not wrong “Are you a sadist after all, Yuta?”
“You look good when you’re messy. ‘s not my fault.” He replies, a little bite to his words. This delights you to the point he's proud. He does his best not to look uncool and this one time he’s succeeded. 
“Make a mess of me, Yuta,” You encourage, probably because you know he needs it. And he does “I want it.” 
“Yeah,” Comes his reply, as he pulls himself off of you “Me too,” 
The pace slows down now. The room smells of sex and Yuta can still feel the blood rushing in his ears but nothing so frantic. He lays you back, your legs undoing from behind him and resting. Yuta kisses your sternum first, a wave of emotion running through him. He puts his hands on your sides, sliding them down to meet your hips and squeezing tight. 
He kisses his down your body like it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. He can feel you curl in above him - not completely. But you seem a little astonished, and he'd be lying if he said it didn’t make him feel like he accomplished something. He works his way lower slowly, rubbing small circles into your skin as often as he can. Caressing you and committing your body to memory. He wants you to feel him as much as he’s feeling you, to feel his touch. The tension in the air is strengthened by his silence. 
If he were saying anything it’d be something like this. Like can you feel it? how much i love you? or i want all of you. Things he can’t often muster up the strength to say. He’s good with his words but not good enough to communicate all of it so bluntly. Yuta is brave in areas other than love. Sometimes your adoration makes all the words clog in his throat. This is better for him, the physicality brings him peace of mind. 
He likes how you feel. Your skin is much softer when he compares it to his, feels so different and more plush and comfortable. Yuta likes taking you in his hands and kneading the skin gently enough to relax you. Lower and lower, a trail of wet marks until he’s close to your clothed cunt. He stares at the sticky material, kissing it feather light before redirecting his attention to your thighs. 
He starts again, at the bend of your knee - and works his way inward. He’s rougher now, taking time to mark up your inner thigh with precision. Yuta can’t help himself, placing kisses in the last places his teeth bit you. He does it again and again, up along one thigh and then moving to the other until you’re covered in them. 
You’re trembling with anticipation. A sense of contentment washes over Yuta as his breath fans over your cunt, so completely soaked the fabrics a different color. His tongue runs over the material, a shameless moan of pleasure leaving his mouth. You arch your back, hands reaching to take root in his hair. The sensation of tension on his scalp makes his cock twitch. It’s salty and a little bitter, the mix of his pre-cum and yours altogether. Yuta goes to do it again anyway. The mess of it gets him excited, unconsciously rubbing into the sheets underneath him. 
“O-oh, Yuta.” 
He shivers, hands planing over the tops of your thighs as he brings him down close to him. 
“Yeah, yeah baby. Just me and you,” 
A soft laugh leaves your mouth. Yuta can feel how worked up you are. You’re quiet and tense. Some part of him wants to leave you like that waiting, but the other part of him wants to give you everything you’ve ever asked for. He gives into the latter, because that’s what he wants more. Rolls the fabric off of your legs with a deep sigh, a pleased hum. He loves the way you smell, the scent of sex and arousal mixed with the fancy soaps you keep in your bathroom. Your pussy is as pretty as you are, a sheen of arousal all along your slit. Your clit peeks through, swelled from need. Yuta kisses it without thinking. 
He starts slow. Lays his tongue flat against the seam of your cunt before dragging it up. The taste of you covers his mouth, tangy and slightly sweet - Yuta can’t get enough of you. He moans in appreciation, repeating the gesture as he pulls your pussy close. His nose bumps into your sex. He peers up at you with his lashes. You’re so pretty it makes him want to please. He repeats this over and over - licking at your clit with enthusiasm. Your clit is hard and needy, throbbing against the soft, smooth muscle of his tongue as he gains a sort of rhythm. He gauges your reaction when he tries something new, adding pressure until you’re squirming underneath him. When you start growing noisier, Yuta knows he’s hit the right pace. 
And he stays like that, your pussy soaking his mouth and chin. He adjusts himself slightly, rubbing his fingers between your folds. You let out a soft oh above him, making him want to laugh. He keeps at it, his fingers sliding far enough to tease your entrance. Your hole is twitching without him having done much at all, his middle finger teasing and prodding. 
“Don’t t-tease so much,”  You pant. 
Yuta nearly blows his load listening to you talk like that. He didn’t think you could be so cute. He listens though, pushing his middle finger into you with ease. It doesn’t take too much effort. Your insides are so incredibly wet for him. Your walls are so soft and inviting, syrupy to the touch. Yuta loves feeling them. He gives you time to adjust to the new sensation, fucking in and out slow enough that the tension melts. He gets knuckle deep with his middle finger and when it doesn’t seem like you’re tense anymore - he goes and adds another. 
He does both in tandem - and there’s a period where it’s all a bunch of sensation for you. Eventually it stops being just a feeling, turns into pleasure. He curls his fingers up against you hard, rubbing the soft and spongy area and he can feel you practically lurch forward. Your spine arches, mouth dropped open in a soft ‘o’. Another feeling of pride spreads through his chest, his whole body. He wants you to let go again just like this. While he fingers your weepy cunt and with your clit in his mouth - he wants to see how far he can push. How wet you can get before he ever gets inside. 
Yuta isn’t one for competition or ego. He’s always been easy-going. But something about you being underneath him like this, moaning for him like this - makes him feel like he should put in a little more effort to prove himself. He wants to make you feel so good, wants to see your composure break down steadily. He wants you praise him for it, to fuck each other like animals in the thereafter of your second orgasm. He pushes towards that goal steadfastly, and soon enough your body catches up with him. 
Yuta can practically feel your stomach tighten. You let out a noise, a string of mismatched syllables like a warning. Yuta only hums in encouragement, keeping his pace exactly the same. Feeling it is incredible. His fingers can feel the way your walls tighten up so hard and the tremors of the aftermath. 
Your back curves in a C as you cum, hard for him and he can feel it. He can feel you cum. He can see you, see the pleasure crash into you like a tidal wave. A second. Yuta made you cum twice in a row and he’s already itching to do it a third. 
You practically pry him off as you ride the wave of your high. You sigh deeply, and Yuta licks his fingers. He waits for your adoration, pleased to receive as you pull him up for a kiss. 
“You’re so fucking good, Yuta,” You say and Yuta feels his resolve crumble. He needs to fuck you immediately “So, so good to me baby.” 
He whimpers into your mouth. “I need you.”
You laugh breathlessly, your hand reaching between your bodies to squeeze his cock. Yuta shudders and you giggle to yourself. 
“Yeah. Bet you’re feeling pent up, Yuta. How about I treat you this time? That okay?” 
“Treat me?” 
“By riding you,” You say, smiling at him. He gets chills from the offer “You want that?” 
“Oh. Oh, fuck - please. Please?” 
You smile at him. 
“Lay on your back, sweet boy.” 
Sweet boy. He swallows thickly but does as you say. Lays back and watches you climb over him a second time tonight - this time with a much more obvious intent. He can’t stop thinking about how gorgeous he finds you - no matter how many times he sees you, it’s not easy to get used to. 
You sit up on his lap, naked and beautiful, your hangs tugging down his boxers just enough to free his cock. He hisses at the sensation of air, then moans because your hand squeezed around the shaft. Yuta watches, bewitched, by how you spit into the palm of your hands and let it drip down onto his cock. You stroke until he’s covered in it, saliva making a mess of him. When he’s all wet, you scoot forward just slightly. A hand ends up on his chest as you pull your hips up. 
Guiding the tip to your hole, you sink down on Yuta finally. He can only recognize loosely that there’s no condoms to be seen but he doesn’t find it in himself to care. There’s a slight sensation of tension that quickly gives away to nothing but slick, white-hot pleasure. You feel amazing. It’s not like anything he’s ever felt in his entire life and each time you drop down another inch - he’s biting his cheek trying not to cum immediately. That’d be such a waste, even if you’ve promised to fuck like rabbits - Yuta wants to make this last long. 
You lower yourself steadily until all of him is inside. Your expression is slightly pinched, and your whole body trembles before you finally seem comfortable. You lean forward, your hand next to Yuta’s head as you look at him. 
“Cum when you feel like you need to, ‘kay?” 
Yuta just swallows. 
Before he gets a chance to adjust to the feeling, you pick your hips and slam them back down on his cock without breaking a sweat. Yuta nearly screams, his hands immediately shooting to your hips to try and slow you down. You give him a wry grin, He almost wants to plead for your mercy. 
“Want me to go slower?” 
“Please be nice.” 
You giggle but heed his request. Repeating the motion but slower as promised, you rock yourself steadily onto Yuta’s cock. The pace is controlled and smooth, a rhythmic pass of your hips over and over. Your insides feel like they’ll melt him completely, make him liquid from the inside out. You’re picturesque riding him, tits bouncing and leaned forward enough that Yuta can see the concentration on your face. He watches you find your own pleasure in it too - somewhere half-way between grinding and bouncing that makes you look so good. He feels so incredible like this. 
He moves his hands so they’re grabbing your ass and only moves with you slightly. Not enough to change the pace, but to meet you. The room is filled with the sound of skin hitting skin - a tacky smack as your bounces hard enough to hit Yutas thighs. Something about is so vulgar, but something about is so sensual. He can feel every nerve in his body standing on edge. Your hand moves gently between your bodies to tease your clit as you ride and Yuta can’t help but be impressed by your stamina. He feels so spoiled. Feels so mind-numbingly good he wants to go brain dead while you drain for everything he’s got. 
Your expression is blissed out as you hit your stride, absolutely debauched. He can feel you again, another rush of arousal. He’s getting better at telling when you’re close. Your pussy is so sloppy all for him, because of him. So messy that it’s dripping down his cock onto his balls, all over the sheets underneath you. He can feel you clench in anticipation - the sudden spasming in the build up. 
“Gonna cum again and I want you cum right after me, yeah baby? Can you do that?” 
Yuta groans. 
“Pleasepleaseplease.” Is all he can make out. You laugh, breathy. Your pace is still the same as you rub your clit. The third time you cum is less intense. It’s a shorter wave, a softer sort of orgasm that seems to ease you more than it does anything else. Even still, you clench around his cock hard - getting so much wetter than you were a minute ago. 
It’s in the tremors that Yuta finally feels in touch with himself again. He loses himself completely. Finally giving into the sensation that’s been drowning him, He feels it in his entire lower body. Every atom of him finally catching up to the high of the release. It’s so intense when he opens his mouth nothing comes out. His eyes shoot open then go back closed. The coil in his stomach loosens more slowly at first than all at once, like a car crash. When Yuta finally cums he sees nothing but white stars in his vision. He can’t scream, can’t speak - so he holds onto you tight and finishes to the sound of your gentle coaxing. Your voice is shot hoarse as you coo to him.
“That’s it baby, cum for me. That’s it, there you go.” Echoes around in his head. Cum spurts out of him, thick and hot in your walls and he doesn’t even try to pull out as he goes completely limp underneath you. 
When he opens his eyes back up again, you're both just as ragged as each other. Yuta can’t stop himself from laughing. He hugs you tight to his chest as you lay on top of him - naked bodies and tangled limbs. 
“I love you,” Yuta says blearily. You laugh. 
“I love you too, Yuta.” 
After you and Yuta manage the energy to shower, you find yourselves back in bed. It’s late when you’re finally ready to sleep, being in the same positions you were before. Only this time with new sheets. 
Yuta lets you into his arms, wrapping them around you as you nuzzle into his chest. 
“So. Was it worth breaking your rules?” 
Yuta can’t help but break out into laughter at your question. He nods his head, a flush on his expression. 
“Yeah. Yeah it was.” 
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tteokdoroki · 4 months
hi hi !! :3 first off ur new theme is soo so cute!! n for your valentines event i wanted to send in one for satoru + an amusement park date as the gift !! you can make it sweet or spicy but i don’t have a specific kink in mind for it so that’s free range for ya ehehe
⋆ 𝜗𝜚 ˚⟡. — SATORU GOJO. swipe spicy: high on you.
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about. boom, it’s a match! satoru gojo has always come up with creative ways to celebrate the most romantic day of the year. this time, he decides to make things a little naughtier atop a ferris wheel ride ( 1.4K ).
warnings. minors, blank and ageless blogs do not interact! nsfw, smut, established relationships, fingering, public sex, exhibitionism, also ik ferris wheels don’t exist at amusement parks shuddap!! fem!reader.
・:〃⤥ bumble date, swipe right event !
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every valentine’s day you’ve spent with satoru has been unique. different. 
for your first, he’d filled every corner of your apartment with every type of flower he could possible find because he wasn’t sure what type was your favourite (he was too nervous to ask). for the second, he’d rented out an entire aquarium for you to walk through and dragging him through each exhibition with pure unfiltered joy. for the Valentine’s Day that he had proposed — your third or fourth, satoru had rented a plane that carried the message ‘will you marry me?’ to fly over your rooftop dinner date. you’d said yes, of course, and every day with satoru since had been a wild ride. 
even now, years into your life together, he remained just as crafty and as adventurous as satoru’s gojo had always been. 
“s-satoru!” you squeal needily, tucking your face into your lover’s shoulder in a weak attempt to muffle your weak cries and trembling voice. “‘toru please. n-not here. n-not now,” you add when his slender and inquisitive fingers dip past the waistband of your jeans and the scalloped edge of your cotton panties. he’s been like this all day, feeling you up in line for different rides, licking the sugar from your fingers outside overpriced concessions stands dotted across the amusement park he'd taken you to. and now, satoru’s ravenousness has come to a head — with him trying to finger fuck you at the top of the ferris wheel. “p-people are around!” 
while typically a romantic spot to watch the world go by, the white haired man has his heart set on making you squirm and cry at the highest peak of the ride. “that’s what makes this all the more fun, right baby?” his digits flex under the rough denim of your jeans in an attempt to get a feel for your wetness all while  gojo whispers sinful words against the shell of your ear — hot breath cascading down the back of your neck and sending shivers down your spine. “relax for me, we’re too high up for anyone to notice. let me make you feel good, yeah?”
your hips buck down against your lover’s hand for a taste of friction — chasing the blistering hot sensation that spreads through your lower tummy once his fingertips come into contact with your swelling, pulsating clit. the very notion of your body succumbing to a few of gojo’s simple touches has him chuckling breathily in your ear, his voice an octave lower than usual. you can’t help the instinctual response of your quivering, a stream of wetness gathering in the seat of your underwear too. 
“do you think i can make you cum by the time we reach the top?” satoru mumbles huskily, lowering his head to your neck so that he can place hot, sloppy kisses to your exposed skin — contrasting with the night air. tufts of white hair tickle at your jaw, sending you into a fit of shakes and shivers that make your cart of the ferris wheel rock back and forth. “don’t answer that, i know i can.” he’s cocky when he teases you and has every right to be, your thighs twitch apart instinctively to make space for satoru’s hand between them. 
he skilfully massages your pretty little pussy even from underneath tight denim jeans, circling in your entrance as it dribbles sweet salacious nectar for him. so much so, that you might soil the fabric of your clothes. if your arousal seeps through, would you drip and gush on all those people below? the thought crosses your might and only serves to turn you on even more — evident in the way you clench around nothing as gojo plays with your empty hole. 
“m-mph, satoru,” you hiccup, only tilting your head to face his. your noses nudge slightly, lips ghosting over one another’s while your hot breath mingles. to anyone else — you appear a couple in love, innocently kissing, enjoying a date to the amusement park, and a ride to the top of the ferris wheel. but you’re far from that, and you know it, two delightfully sinful individuals who can’t keep their hands off of one another. “m-more!” 
gojo obliges, and you thank whatever diety is up above for blessing him with such magical fingers. two of them slide past your entrance without resistance, stretching your gooey and sensitive walls around their length easily. “hm? what’s the matter, baby?” comes the silver haired man’s lazy response, a sleazy smirk spreading across his plush pink lips at the sound of you squelching around him already. you shake your head at his question, eyes screwed shut since you’re too far gone with the pleasure to answer coherently.  
from your side, gojo uses his free hand to keep you nice and spread for him — sapphire eyes glowing in the dark night whilst remaining trained on the way your hips jut down to push back against his fingers inside of you. “god you’re so fuckin’ wet. you really like this, huh? all tbose unsuspecting people below…having no idea that i’m fucking your pussy open right above their heads,” he purrs hungrily and curls his fingers, instantly finding your g-spot because he’s mapped out every inch of your sopping walls and knows them off by heart. “taste yourself for me.” 
your lips part on command and tongue rolls out of your mouth to make room for the fingers that have been inside you — sucking on them diligently when satoru presses down on the palette of your tongue. he gets off to the way you taste yourself, moaning around him nastily. you should feel shame and humiliation for acting like this in public, all desperate and needy, but you’re as ravenous and as depraved as satoru is. it’s what makes you a match made in heaven. 
with his fingers now tainted with a crude mix of your saliva and arousal, satoru returns them to your temperate and sopping mound — stuffing you full of him once more. he’s knuckle deep in your cunt before you can even moan his name, stroking your insides into the shape of him while you drool syrupy evidence of your arousal into the seat of his palm. 
“we’re almost to the top, brace yourself, pretty girl. i gotta see you cum. it’ll give me the prettiest view.” satoru coos to you patronisingly, making sure to grind his wrist against your puffy clit — refusing to let it go unattended. “can you do that for me?” 
everything is so sticky and hot, especially with all of the layers of clothes in the way — shielding your dirty act from any onlookers on the ground or in the carts below you. strings of your slick tie satoru’s fingers to your honeyed sex and glue this thumb to your sensitive nub, tucked away between your puffy pussy lips. you claw at the silver haired man’s arm trapped in the middle of your quivering thighs band writhe around in the cart so much so that it creaks with the weight.
you whimper into the cool night air, but satoru lights your body on fire from the inside out — your gut lurching and twisting with an unbearable sense of yearning. “‘m close… think i’m gonna—“ you begin to stutter, bleating like a lamb being sent to the slaughter. you remain at the mercy of your boyfriend’s fast paced fingers, pumping in and out of you with no regard to the painful stack of ecstasy building up inside of you. “please, i can’t hold it, ‘toru,” 
“you don’t have to,” your lover tsks in reply, never slowing the speed of his digits stroking at your ribbed walls, slipping and sliding against pleasure spots only he knows exist. “why don’t you let go for me, yeah? there you go. that’s it… just like that and all for me,” satoru’s mouth find yours in the final stretch, sloppy praises whispered against your kiss swollen lips while he rubs over your luscious and equally swollen folds like his life depends on it. “let the people down there know how fuckin’ good i finger fuck this sweet pussy. cum for me baby, i know you can do it.” 
each syllable, each impassioned word that escapes him and that he pours into you drags you by the ankle towards your high — and you don’t even try to fight it. once you reach the very top of the ferris wheel, your peak reaches a crescendo. satoru flings himself over you, arm arm wrapped around your shoulders to keep you in place in the cart as your orgasm crashes over you in drowning waves. you slip beneath the surface of pleasure, your cunt rushing like a river while you cum all over satoru’s masterful hand with a muffled cry of his name. 
“shh, quiet…that’s my girl, my sweet sweet girl.” he sighs dreamily, fucking you with your fingers throughout your high — only pulling out of your greedy cunt to slap down on it, dragging more spurts of arousal out of you. you squirt through your jeans, onto the metal seat in your ferris wheel cart and all over satoru. who happily praises you through it all. “i bet you’re just drippin’ on all those nasty strangers below. i’m sure they’d love it.” 
catching your breath, you tuck your face into satoru’s neck while you come down from your high (and literally too — your cart begins to make its descent back town from the top of the ferris wheel). “y-you’re sick.”
satoru smiles, slow and sexy. “but you love me,” 
“mhm, sure,” you quip, somehow finding the energy to pull away from your debauched lover to shift to your knees in front of him — the cool metal digging into your knees. “maybe i love you just a little.” 
“only a little? then why are you on your knees for me?” he asks, spreading his legs to make room for you between them. 
“it’s your turn, i want to see if i can make you come before we get to the bottom of the wheel.” you say breathlessly and with mirthy eyes, teeth descending on gojo’s zipper while you bat your eyelashes up at him. 
celebrating valentine’s day with satoru was always…unique. different…but you’d be lying if you said you failed to enjoy his unconventional methods of gift giving with the person you loved most. 
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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alisonfelixwrites · 2 months
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the deal - part 2/3 (*) [harry styles au]
part one, part three.
summary: harry & claire are in love and have a happy family of four. the only dark cloud hanging over them is the custody battle with claire's ex, who's atlas' dad
word count: 11, 074
content warnings: smut (unprotected sex, dirty talk), cutody battle, absent father, physical/emotional abuse (hitting leading to a hospital visit), pregnancy talk
“You’re kidding me, right?” Harry had a wide, sleepy smile on his face as he entered the kitchen. His hair was tousled, his shirt wrinkled and his skin still warm from crawling out of bed just minutes before.
The smell of fresh coffee had sort of woken him up as he blinked his eyes open in bed. Patting his hand to the side blindly to find Claire, he had found the space empty. Curiosity brought him downstairs to find a decorated kitchen and a wide selection of breakfast foods on the table.
Claire stood by the counter with his shirt on and a pair of shorts, her hair up in a messy ponytail and a steaming cup of coffee in her hands, “Happy one year anniversary.” She smiled.
“Shit, baby.” Harry chuckled, walking up to hers with his arms opening, wrapping around her frame easily, “This is so corny.” He teased.
“Oh, shut up.” Claire laughed, “I tried to be cute.”
Harry smiled, dipping his head to kiss her lips, “It is.” He murmured, “It’s very cute. Happy one year anniversary, babe.”
Claire pushed up her toes to kiss him back, her hand slipping to the back of his neck as she arched into him. “Are you surprised?” She asked against his lips and Harry nodded, “Mhm. Very. Thought you snuck off on me.” He teased again.
“You know, passing the one year mark…” Claire teased back, “I think I might stay.”
She had been staying for a year.
Exactly one year ago, Claire came back from a date where she got stood up. Atlas was spending the night at Harry’s house with Finn and Claire returned, not expecting to end that evening in Harry’s bed with him inside of her.
The next morning, Harry asked her to stay forever and Claire did. Easily.
Her and Atlas went back and forth at first, but Harry and Claire made it a point to not hide their relationship for their sons. Atlas and Finn were over the moon and Claire and Atlas just… stayed. Claire cancelled her apartment a month after and they moved in permanently.
“Y’look sexy.” Harry breathed against her, his hand dropping to her ass. He fit his palm over one of her cheeks, squeezing the flesh before tucking his fingers underneath the fabric of her shorts to touch her bare. The thong covered up little to nothing and Harry groaned from the back of his throat, nudging Claire back into the counter. His free hand cupped her jaw to tip her chin back and take her in a deep kiss.
“Do we have time?” Claire was already pushing up to sit on the countertop, sliding to the edge and splitting her legs for Harry to stand in between. He grinned, humming at their dynamic. Quickies in the kitchen were their thing. Clothes didn’t even come off but they were their most primal and animalistic moments. Romance wasn’t in sight as Harry often fucked her hard and fast, just getting them both to a high. 
Not that Harry wasn’t a complete romantic. This little anniversary breakfast was Claire attempting to match his level a little bit. Most often it was Harry surprising her with his incredible cooking skills. She’d come home to find a candlelit dinner and soft music playing. Harry treasured her like no one else and continued to surprise her like that.
Harry was about to fit his fingers into the waistband of Claire’s panties to touche her bare when they heard a door upstairs.
He paused and Claire sighed out in frustration, “I guess not.”
“Guess not.” Harry smiled, retrieving his hand and kissing her lips again, “I love you, Claire bear.”
“I hate that nickname.” She whispered and Harry threw his head back in a laugh, “I know. I love it.”
Little footsteps sounded down the stairs as two seven year-olds ran down the stairs.
“No running!” Harry shouted, but their speed didn’t cease. Claire smiled at him, still sitting up on the countertop, “Okay, dad.”
“Daddy to you.” He murmured before shortly kissing her again. Claire blushed slightly as Harry patted her thighs and then stepped back. He adjusted his pyjama pants and she bit her lip, watching him. She couldn’t wipe the smile of her face and her cheeks almost hurt. Her stomach bubbled in butterflies and Claire just couldn’t believe how insanely happy she was.
And how insanely happy she had been all year. It was surreal.
Claire watched as Harry eagerly greeted Finn, who was usually first to get up. Atlas had a harder time waking up and Finn often pulled him out of bed. 
It was confirmed again when Atlas’ sleepy face appeared while Harry was hugging Finn good morning. Claire’s face lit up at the sight of Atlas. He had a haircut recently, cutting his shaggy blonde locks a little bit. It was still covering his ears but not long enough anymore for a bun or braid.
“Good morning, Finn.” Claire greeted, also bending down to hug the seven year-old. He hugged her back and kissed her cheek as Harry ruffled Atlas’ hair and the two bickered playfully. Atlas’ dimple popped as he grinned, “Mornin’, daddy Harry.”
“Hi, bud.” Harry smiled, “Want some orange juice?”
Atlas shook his head no, “Milk, please.”
Claire hopped off the counter, also greeting her boy by wrapping him in a tight hug. She didn’t have to bend down anymore to hug Atlas, who was a bit taller than Finn. 
“Is it someone’s birthday?” Finn quipped as he took a look at the decorated table. Harry squeezed his shoulders from behind, “Nope. You know what we’re celebrating?”
Chairs scraped back as both boys joined Harry and Claire at the breakfast table. Claire smiled at Harry and he winked at her before clearing his throat. She poured the coffee as Harry filled up Atlas’ glass with milk and Finn got himself some orange juice.
“Do you know what happened exactly one year ago?” Harry mused out loud.
Claire could almost see Finn’s brain working while Atlas was clearly not awake enough for trivia. She gently stroked her thumb over his shoulder as Harry and Finn had a staring match. Eventually Harry swallowed a sip of coffee, “One year ago, Atlas’ mum and I got together.”
“That was a year ago?” Atlas raised his brows, glancing at Claire, who offered him a smile, “Mhm.”
Atlas chewed, “Whoa.”
“Yep. One year ago we fell in love.” Harry smiled at Claire and Finn raised his brows while Atlas near spit out his milk, “One year ago you kissed!” He shouted before bursting out into a laugh.
Finn laughed along and Harry blushed softly while Claire giggled. The four of them were laughing and smiling around the table and Claire would’ve loved to think it was a rare sight, but it wasn’t. Every morning was like this.
There had of course been little spats in the past year, but no big fights. Atlas and Harry got along great, as did Finn and Claire. Harry and Claire continued discovering each other but kept their relationship sort of private.
They were aware basically everyone knew, like the other mums at school – but no one really asked or confronted them. Finn and Atlas didn’t make it a big deal and usually Harry dropped both of them off in the morning.
People whispered and pointed but no one actually spoke. 
And for a year, Harry and Claire had been in their bubble. They spent most of their time here at home, both not having a significant other to care for their children if they were to leave the house.
Speaking of significant others, Claire glanced at the clock. Dread filled her body knowing she was supposed to drop Atlas off at his dad’s in about two hours. Harry followed her gaze and sent her a sympathetic look.
Their boys’ attention didn’t stick with breakfast for too long. It was winter and snowy and soon enough, they were on the couch together watching a kid’s show which had a special Christmas episode. 
Harry squeezed Claire’s fingers as she started cleaning up the kitchen, “We’ll do that later.” He whispered, a small mischievous smile on his face.
“Later?” Claire repeated. He pulled her into his chest, “Mhm, later. Let’s have a shower first.”
Claire dropped the spoon she was washing off in the sink and immediately agreed. Finn and Atlas hardly paid them attention, eyes glued to the screen as Harry tugged her up the stairs, favouring their own bathroom which was furthest away from their kids.
Harry and Claire usually tried to get them to spend their time not in front of a screen, but other things were of more importance right now.
They teased for a bit, standing in front of the mirror. Making eyes at one another while brushing their teeth. Harry’s eyes lingered on her nipples through her shirt and right after Claire spit out the toothpaste, he pulled at her clothes.
Claire giggled as he got her naked, stumbling under the stream of the water together.
She moaned into his mouth, fingers raking through his hair as she felt his body pressing against hers. He was soft and smooth and warm and his hands were gentle yet needy as he roamed her body. Passion easily radiated and even if it was dirty, it was still sweet and vulnerable.
It was one year of kisses, I love you’s, gifts, early mornings together. They had spent the spring tending to Harry’s garden and spicing up the house a bit with Claire’s personal things. They spent summer by the pool and running around the garden with the boys. They spent fall jumping in the piles of leaves and carving pumpkins. 
One year of incredible sex and growing together. A year of Claire letting Harry into her life and breaking down her walls and a year of Harry opening up his heart for another woman and both learning how to love and trust again.
It felt light, the both of them together. They laughed and joked and had more fun than ever before. Harry didn’t remember that he could feel like this. 
He felt so young and every day was just so fun. Claire kept him on his toes and made him feel so fucking alive.
His fingers tangled in her wet hair as he whimpered into her mouth, warm water surrounding them. “I love you so fucking much.” He panted, hands slipping towards her thighs. 
She was free of make-up and her wet hair was pushed back, blonde locks cascading down her back. She looked young and fresh and Harry’s heart skipped a million beats, smiling uncontrollably as he shook his head to himself in disbelief, “Fucking hell.”
Claire giggled before their lips crashed together. They were aware that they didn’t have all day. Harry’s dick was painfully hard, pressing into Claire’s tummy before he pushed her against the shower wall. Claire thudded against the glass door as they continued kissing and Harry grinded into her hip, “You ready?” He spoke against her lips.
“Always for you.” She panted.
He smirked and found his footing before lifting her up. Claire squealed with a grin, glancing at his bulging biceps as he pushed her up against the glass wall, her thighs locked around his waist. 
“Slip me in.” He breathed, “Fuck, please, I need you.”
Claire moaned, her hand travelling between them to quickly slide a finger through her slit. She was wet, her legs spread for him. Her hand than reached for his shaft, feeling him solid and aching for her. Harry’s lips gaped at the feeling of a delicate touch, lowering Claire in his arms while she positioned him and he slipped inside of her.
“Oh god.” Claire sighed, her eyes closing at the feeling of Harry’s cock stretching her. The feeling never got old and her toes curled against his back when he filled her so perfectly.
Harry kept his eyes on her face, watching pure bliss take over her delicate features as they were joined together. He dropped his forehead to her shoulder, “Shit, baby. Feels so good.”
“I know,” Claire panted out, “fuck, I know.”
Harry tilted his head up to catch her in a kiss, grinding back and forth before pulling back a little more to thrust inside of her. Claire thudded against the glass wall with each rock of his hips, sinking his cock inside of her pussy.
“God – Harry…” Claire moaned, “Please.”
“Need me harder?” He panted, his arms aching from the position. Claire swallowed and nodded, tugging on his hair, “Y-Yeah.”
He nodded too, putting her down on the shower floor. Water streamed down his muscular back as he flipped Claire around. Her hands were flat against the glass wall, Harry pushing her against it until her breasts flattened and she turned her head to the side.
He tugged on her hips and used his foot to spread her legs a little, sinking down a little before he pushed back inside of her. Claire welcomed him easily and Harry immediately chose a quicker pace. They both needed it, and his hand curled into her hair to pull her back as his hips clashed against her ass. 
“You’re so fucking tight.” He groaned from behind, watching the back of Claire’s body. The length of her back, the way her shoulder blades tightened from tensing up, her slender waist and the curve of her hips. His free hand slid over her body, settling on her ass to give a stern little slap.
Claire squealed at that and Harry hunched over her more, “I love you,” he moaned, “fuck, I love you. ‘M gonna cum, baby.”
“M-Me too. Just a little more.” Claire gasped. Harry nodded, tugging her hair a little more and fucking he harder. Claire cried out in sensitivity, pushed against the shower completely as her knees felt weak and Harry fucked into her from behind.
Harry’s other hand moved around her hip and Claire’s eyes tightly closed when he rubbed circles on her clit, “Oh – fuck, right there.” She cried, “Yes, Harry… I love you.”
He hardly heard her, the pulsing of Claire’s pussy pulling him over the edge too. His hips slammed forward, balls snug against her as he gritted his teeth and cocked her head back further. Claire gasped at the sting in her scalp, staring up at the tiled bathroom ceiling as Harry finished inside of her.
He stayed inside of her for a moment, gently releasing her hair and stroking his palms over her skin as he puffed out breaths and kissed the back of her shoulder. “One year of finishing inside of you.” He teased and Claire breathed out a laugh, “Wondering when you’ll get me pregnant?”
The topic ignited butterflies in Harry’s tummy as he smiled against her shoulder. They had talked about it before, about having a baby of just the two of them. Finn felt like Claire’s and Atlas felt like Harry’s, but they definitely wouldn’t mind an extension of the family.
Claire needed some time to think at first, remembering how rough her first pregnancy was with Atlas. Her situation was completely different though. She had no money after her parents cut her off and she was stuck in an abusive relationship while dependant on drugs. It wasn’t a safe environment for either her or Atlas and getting them both away from there would always be the thing she was most proud of in life.
Whenever someone complimented Atlas on how polite or nice he was, it hit Claire a little harder. She took credit for that. And then maybe the thought of raising another little person didn’t sound bad at all. 
Harry had his own thinking to do, getting over his anxiety of Claire leaving him like Astrid had. The pictures of her were all gone and her old art studio actually became Atlas’ room. Harry took him on a tour around the house and he got to pick whichever room he liked most. The garden was Atlas’ favourite part of the house so he naturally chose a room with view on the pool and the garden. At first he was pouty that him and Finn couldn’t sleep in the same room, but they needed their own little space – Harry and Claire felt.
Harry’s office had moved to a downstairs room and the memory of Astrid was gone. Finn didn’t ask about his mum yet he knew if he ever had questions, Harry was there to answer them. It wasn’t their intention to replace either of the parents, and Finn also didn’t refer to Claire as mum. He called her Claire or Atlas’ mum.
But Harry hadn’t expected to fall so fucking hard for Claire. In theory, she wasn’t his type. Her personality was so far from any other girl he had dated in the past. She was a whirlwind, a hurricane and she had a big mouth. But he learned to love that about her. Unapologetically herself, Claire didn’t give a fuck what others thought. It pulled Harry out of his comfort zone and he had never felt more alive.
They balanced each other out, Harry felt. He was the calm in Claire’s storm, and she was the tequila in his coffee cup. She was just the kind of crazy he had been looking for and life had never been more fun with Claire and Atlas in it. Finn blossomed too at their hands, and it made Harry even emotional to see it.
It was hard to know what emotional turmoil Astrid’s departure left on Finn. He was a closed book and never really spoke much. Harry wasn’t sure at what age it was appropriate to maybe take him to a therapist but it didn’t seem like that was needed anymore. Him and Atlas were the best of friends and confided in each other.
Even if they did have separate rooms, during school breaks and vacations they preferred to stay in the same room. They referred to the other as brother.
And so Harry and Claire considered the idea of maybe giving them another brother or sister. Claire wasn’t on birth control anymore. She hadn’t been for a few months now and so they let the universe decide if one month she’d be pregnant.
They weren’t in a rush.
Harry slipped out of Claire and she hummed as she got to stretch her back. His release ran down her thigh and she turned around with a blissed look in her eyes. Harry pulled her under the stream of water to share kisses and wash her hair, caring for her in so many ways.
“Mummy?” Atlas’ voice was soft as he knocked the door of Harry and Claire’s bedroom. She was pulling on her socks as she turned her head to the open door, “Hm?”
Atlas pushed open the door more, dressed in a thick jumper and his pants. His cheeks were pink because inside the house was too warm for these clothes. Claire’s stomach dropped when she saw the pout on his lips and the tears in his eyes, “Atlas?” She frowned, “What’s wrong.”
“I don’t want to go to daddy.” He mumbled, his lip quivering. Claire swallowed thickly as she glanced at Harry, who shot her a wary look. Claire opened up her arms for Atlas and he fell into her, clinging to her body. Claire fought her tears as she stroked his hair, “’S okay, baby. You have fun when you go to daddy, hm?”
“No.” Atlas whispered, “I don’t want to go.”
Claire turned back to Harry again, “Harry…” She tried but he softly shook his head, “No, Claire, we’ve been over this… The lawyer told you just a few days ago.”
“I know.” Claire sighed, “But I can’t force him to go if he doesn’t want to go?! He’s crying!”
Harry sat down too, placing his hand on Atlas’ back to comfort him and he nodded, “Yeah. But you know what they’re going to say, right? They won’t believe it until you bring Atlas to his doorstep and he refuses to leave the car.”
Claire swallowed and angrily shook her head, “I’m not putting him through that. H-He’s seen enough, Harry.” She whispered, consoling Atlas as she tried to have this hushed conversation with Harry.
“Babe, I know.” He sympathized, “But when this gets taken to court again, you’re going to need everyone on your side. If you don’t bring him, he’ll say you violate the custody arrangement. He can go to the police.”
Claire closed her eyes, resting her cheeks on Atlas’ soft hair. Her heart broke every time this happened. Atlas was supposed to see his dad on Saturday, every two weeks. It got taken to court a few months ago and even though Evan asked for a full weekend, the judge disagreed. Atlas and Evan weren’t close and Atlas didn’t feel a thousand percent comfortable there. Asking him to stay a night, was too much.
Especially considering Evan didn’t have the most stable housing situation. He had moved about six times in the past year which didn’t provide a safe space for Atlas. He was always in a house he didn’t know, usually with a new girlfriend of Evan’s and whatever children she has. Atlas wasn’t too fussy about that but it was clear that he didn’t have any room for himself.
He often came back from Evan’s, exhausted and falling asleep the moment they picked him up. He ate like crazy when they got home and crawled incredibly close to Claire, sucking his thumb again. He regressed whenever he spent time with Evan.
Claire had tried to contest the arrangement countless times. Her and her lawyer argued that Evan was old enough to make his own decisions and if he said he didn’t want to go, than they had to respect that.
For now though, Claire had to follow the current arrangement even if it killed her.
“We’re going to be late.” Harry softly added. He knew that even if they showed up five minutes late, it meant Evan would call the police on Claire. It was venomous between them and Claire regretted him more than anything in her life.
Atlas was her everything, but he was also proof of a wound that would never close. Her and Evan would always be linked together unless Atlas one day decided to not want Evan as a father anymore. He could only do that if he was eighteen or older, so they had years and years of custody arrangements, split holidays and sidewalk arguments to do.
“Yeah.” Claire rasped back. With Atlas tucked into her neck, Claire let a few tears fall freely. He couldn’t see her but Harry could, and he brushed them away as Claire let out her emotions. 
“Atlas.” Claire murmured, urging him to stand up straight, “We have to leave.”
He casted his eyes down in defeat but didn’t fight her. He shortly nodded and trailed behind Harry, going downstairs.
Claire knew she was going to pick him up in about eight hours, but it still felt like an eternity away. She had no trust in Evan as a person or as a father. He had crossed lines too often. The fact that Claire had been to the hospital twice in the past year because he had hit her, wasn’t proof enough to the court that he was an aggressive person who was unfit to be alone with a seven year-old.
But Evan had a good lawyer who continuously tried to prove that he was bettering his life. He was apparently off of drugs and alcohol – even though Atlas sometimes told alarming stories after spending the day there. He had a job or was in counselling and he was in therapy. 
Claire didn’t believe any of it.
She didn’t even believe Evan truly wanted a connection to Atlas. He just did it all to spite her because he apparently hated her that much.
Finn and Atlas were in the backseat. Claire wanted to cry again when she saw they were holding hands and everyone in the car could sense that today would fucking suck. There was no music playing, no chattering from the backseat. Finn wasn’t his bubbly self and somehow sensed he’d had to miss his best friend all day. 
Claire felt uneasy as Harry started the drive to Evan’s house. 
He insisted on coming along even if Evan refused to even look at him. They had deemed it best that Harry simply waited in the car as Claire dropped off Atlas. And naturally, Finn couldn’t be at the house by himself so they brought him too.
“Are you excited for swim practice today?” Claire tried to break the silence, glancing over her shoulder to see Atlas. His face perked up a little bit and he nodded, “Yes. Will I be big enough to play in daddy Harry’s pool then next summer?”
“You will.” Claire smiled and Atlas gasped excitedly, “Without floaties?”
Claire pressed her lips together, “We’ll see.” 
Harry chuckled from next to her, squeezing her thigh gently as they followed the GPS towards yet another new address of Evan’s. It was about a thirty minute drive and the pool where Atlas had his swim classes was actually about ten minutes away from Evan’s place.
Claire mourned the fact that she wouldn’t be able to sit at the sidelines of the pool, cheering on Atlas as he learned how to swim. He was the oldest out of the group but Claire was excited to finally get him to learn these things. Just like her and Harry had been teaching both boys to ride a bike during summer.
Atlas was such a wild child and he loved being outside, it was just necessary for him to know these things even if he was a little behind. Before being with Harry, Claire never had the funds to do anything like that for him. Without having to pay rent, she had extra to spoil him and this was part of that.
“Are you sure this is the right place?” Harry slightly frowned as they drove slowly into one of the streets. Claire glanced out the window, seeing the muddy snow off to the side of the roads and the less than nice houses. She tried not to judge because she had lived in places like this for years in a row. She pulled out her phone to check the email from the lawyer, nodding at Harry, “Yes.”
He pressed his lips together, “Okay.”
She felt sick to her stomach when Harry pulled over and Claire got out, grabbing Atlas’ bags from the trunk. He exited the car with little enthusiasm and Harry got out for a moment, giving Atlas a tight hug and promising him his favourite food tonight. Atlas perked up a little and then said goodbye to Finn.
He held Claire’s hand as they walked up to the door of the house, and Claire shivered in the cold December air when she had rang the bell.
The stench of smoke and tobacco hit her nostrils when the door opened to reveal Evan. He looked dishevelled as always. Blonde, messy hair that actually resembled Atlas. He wore shorts and a shirt and the heat from inside the house almost made Claire nauseous. Evan’s previous place was cold as fuck which is why she had dressed Atlas in such thick clothes. He’d sweat like crazy inside of this room.
“Hi.” Claire forced out. Evan’s eyes dragged up her body, lingering on her breasts as always. Claire wanted to cry. He then crouched down in front of Atlas with a smile on his face, “Hey, little man.”
Atlas swallowed and Claire could tell his smile wasn’t reaching his eyes, “Hi, daddy.” He let go of Claire’s hand to give Evan a hug. Claire already knew she’d never get the smell of smoke out of his clothes. 
Claire shortly glanced inside the house, “New place?”
“Yeah.” Evan shortly answered. He then glanced behind her to see Harry’s car. Evan’s jaw tightened as he swallowed, “Still with mister perfect over there?”
Claire exhaled a breath, “Mhm. His name is Harry.”
“Don’t remind me.” Evan scoffed, dropping his eyes to the bags in Claire’s hands, “What’s all that?”
“Uh – just some of his clothes, in case he wants to play outside and gets them dirty.” Claire explained. Evan took the bag from her with little enthusiasm, “I have clothes for him here.” He argued and she shook her head, “He grew again, those don’t fit anymore.” She then held out the other bag, “And this is his swim stuff. He has practice at four.”
“His swim stuff.” Claire repeated, “He’s in swim class now, it was said in court.” She explained, “Every Saturday.”
She wanted to add that he wouldn’t know. It was actually Atlas’ fourth class but the previous Saturday, Evan was too busy moving to spend time with his son and skipped out on his time with him. Claire had been driving Atlas for the past three weeks to the swimming pool.
“Claire, I don’t have a fucking car.” Evan frowned. Claire swallowed, “Look, it was said in court that he has swim class every Saturday and you and your lawyer agreed to take him on your time.”
Even huffed, “Am I supposed to teleport there?!”
“I don’t care how you get him there.” Claire kept her voice steady, “There’s busses you can take.”
Evan grumbled something under his breath and then exhaled, “Why does he need swim practice anyway.”
“Daddy Harry has a pool.” Atlas piped out. Evan rolled his eyes, “Of course fucking prince charming has a pool, hm?” He flicked his eyes up to Claire, “How long before your sugar daddy drops you?”
Claire swallowed and shook her head, “Stop. Don’t do this in front of Atlas.”
“He’ll learn soon enough.” Evan bit back, keeping a hand on Atlas’ shoulder, “There’s only a few correct ways to treat women, hm?” He had a sick smirk on his face before slamming the door. Claire gasped and put her foot between, “I-I haven’t said goodbye to him!” She tried to fight the door.
Evan harshly shoved it open again, near hitting Claire in the face, “Are you trespassing?” He seethed, taking a step closer to her and Claire quickly stumbled back, “No!” She shook her head, “Just let me say goodbye to him.” She leaned down and Atlas quickly fell into her hug. He clung to her tightly and Claire kissed his head a few times, “It’s okay, baby. It’s okay.”
“When will you be back?” Atlas whispered.
“At six.” Claire mumbled, “After swim practice.”
Atlas softly nodded, “Okay.” He seemed to talk to himself, counting on his fingers, “Swim practice, mum.” He whispered to himself before nodding. Claire gave him an encouraging nod and then the door got slammed shut and she was alone on the sidewalk.
Even if it was below zero, Claire was burning in rage and anxiety when she got back in the car. Harry frowned at her, “What did he say?”
“Nothing.” She quickly dismissed, “Please, drive.”
“No.” Claire shook her head and swallowed thickly, “Please, get me out of here.”
Harry kept his eyes on her for a moment longer before sighing out. He did as she asked, driving away from Evan’s house and leaving Atlas behind as they drove back home.
Claire was noticeable silent every time Atlas wasn’t around. She sat on the couch, staring ahead of her and Harry didn’t know what she was thinking of. Finn was helping Harry in the kitchen, preparing lunch.
“Claire’s sad.” Finn spoke as he put the sliced cucumbers into the bowl. Harry glanced at him and slowly nodded, “Mhm. She misses Atlas.”
“Me too.”
Harry ruffled Finn’s hair, “I know, bub. It’s strange not having him in the house, isn’t it?”
Finn ate one of the cherry tomatoes and nodded, “Yes. He’s my best friend.”
“Ouch.” Harry chuckled, teasingly poking Finn’s rib as he sat up on the counter, “I thought I was your best friend.”
Finn burst out into a giggle, “Silly daddy. You’re my daddy, not my friend.”
“I can be your daddy and your friend.” Harry shrugged, “What does being a friend mean?”
Finn seemed to think hard about that before he spoke up, “Someone I can tell everything to.”
Harry hummed, “You can tell anything to me, right?”
“Yes.” Finn seemed a little stumped as he thought again, “And someone I can play with.”
“I play with you all the time!” Harry argued playfully and Finn giggled again, “You’re right. I suppose you’re my friend.”
“I’m so honoured.” Harry teased, wrapping Finn up in a hug before he put him down on the floor, “Thank you for helping in the kitchen.” He sincerely spoke and Finn proudly nodded, “Did I do good?”
“So good.” Harry spoke without missing a beat, “Couldn’t of done it without you.”
Finn’s teeth showed as he smiled, crooked and with gaps between. Harry adored him like nothing else and his insides melted as he stared at his smiling boy. He then squeezed Finn’s shoulder, “Can you maybe go cheer up Claire a little bit? I think she could use a hug.”
“I think so too.” Finn agreed. He was about to turn around before stopping himself, nibbling his lip, “Would it cheer her up if I start calling her mummy?”
Harry’s heart stopped for a moment before he exhaled a breath, “Not necessarily. It’s your choice what you call her, Finn. She’s just as happy with you calling her Claire. If you don’t want to call her mummy, that’s okay. She’s not waiting for that.”
Finn seemed to think of Harry’s words, and Harry squeezed his shoulder again, “Do you understand?”
“I think so. I can call her whatever I want? But I can also call her Claire?”
“Of course.” Harry nodded, “She’s just sad because of Atlas.”
Finn nodded too, “Atlas doesn’t have a nice daddy. Not like you.”
“That’s true.” Harry refrained from elaborating even if there’s plenty of things he’d like to say about Evan. He cleared his throat and nudged Finn in Claire’s direction. He caught on easily and made his way over. 
Claire forced a smile at him when Finn stood in front of her. 
“Hi.” He softly spoke. Claire chuckled, “Hi, bub.”
“Are you sad about Atlas?”
Claire swallowed away the lump in her throat, “Yeah, I am.”
“I miss him too.”
“I know you do.” Claire sighed, opening her arms and Finn hugged her. He stood in between her legs with his arms around her shoulders. Upon pulling back, he cupped her cheeks. His small, warm hands felt gentle around Claire’s jaws and he pulled Harry’s move, using his thumbs to wipe away a few stray tears.
The sentiment melted her heart and she was so, so glad for Finn that he learned how to be a gentle person because of his father. Harry was an incredible example and it only amplified how horrific of an example Evan was.
“I wish Atlas had a nice daddy, like mine.” Finn spoke.
Claire exhaled, “Me too. I wish he had your daddy as his daddy.”
Finn nodded too, “And I wish you were my real mummy.”
Claire shot him a soft smile, “You do?”
“Yes.” He nodded immediately, “You’re a really sweet mummy to me. You always hug me and take care of me when I’m hurt.”
“Well that’s because I love you.” Claire smiled. Finn nodded again, “Mhm. You love me like a real mummy.”
Claire closed her eyes as her and Finn hugged, and for the rest of the day she could tell they both tried to cheer her up. Her and Harry did some online Christmas shopping together. Claire couldn’t bring herself to go into town and hit the shops without Atlas there. Her mind was constantly with him and she kept checking her phone every few minutes.
She helped Finn with some of his reading and busied herself by cleaning a bit in the afternoon, until her phone rang at about four thirty.
Immediate panic seeped into her bones when Evan’s name showed up on the screen. Atlas was supposed to be at swim practice and the worst case scenarios popped into her head. What if something happened? What if Atlas was hurt? What if he was in the hospital? Evan would never let her live it down, knowing Claire signed him up for those classes in the first place. 
“Hello?!” She instantly picked up the phone, dropping the laundry she was holding in her hand.
“Mummy?” Atlas’ hushed whisper sounded through the phone and Claire’s stomach dropped, “Atlas, baby? W-What’s going on? Why aren’t you at swim practice?”
She heard his breathing on the other side of the phone and Claire pressed her lips together, “Atlas, where’s your dad?”
“He… He’s asleep. I think.”
Claire pressed her palm to her mouth to stifle a whimper, “Asleep?”
“He went upstairs a few hours ago and… and I haven’t seen him.” Atlas sounded small and Claire could hear the sadness in his voice through the phone.
She closed her eyes, “A few hours ago, you say? What have you been doing the entire time, baby?”
“Nothing. I waited.” Atlas whispered, “Mum, can you come pick me up?”
Claire sniffed as she hopped down the stairs, “Yes, me and Harry are coming to get you right away, alright? Sit tight, sweetheart, we’ll be there soon.”
Harry’s head lifted as he heard Claire speaking on the phone. He put down his newspaper, “Babe? Everything okay?”
“Atlas called.” Claire rushed out, grabbing her coat, “Evan fell asleep hours ago, he’s been by himself in that house trying to keep busy.” Her voice trembled from emotion, “He didn’t bring him to swim practice and he begged me to come pick him up.”
Harry quickly got up his feet, “Are you serious?”
“Yes.” Claire sniffed and Harry cupped her cheeks, “Baby, calm down.”
“I can’t.” Claire’s voice cracked, “He’s asleep at four in the afternoon, Harry. I-I don’t trust this one bit. What do you mean you leave your seven year old fucking kid alone?! In the few hours you get to spend with him every other week?!” She was rambling now, “He fought so fucking hard in court for those few hours and then you climb in bed and leave him in that boiling house?! No fucking way.” She seethed, “I’m going to pick him up.”
“I’m coming with you.”
“Harry, I’ll be f-“
“No, I’m not arguing with you on this. I’m coming with you.” He sternly spoke before turning towards the stairs, “Finn!” He shouted.
Only a few minutes later, the three of them were in the car again. Harry’s knuckles were white around the steering wheel as he tried to drive quick but the snow and traffic prevented him from doing so. “Tell me what he said again?” He asked.
Claire took a breath, “He said his father went upstairs a few hours ago and Atlas thinks he’s asleep. He’s been by himself, doing nothing all afternoon. And he’s not at swim practice.” Right as she said it, she got a call from his swim teacher. Claire winced under her breath, “Now this.” She showed the screen to Harry and he held out his hand, “I’ll take the call, I’ll explain.” He offered.
“No, no, you’re driving, it’s fine.” Claire shook her head, answering the call and explaining why Atlas didn’t attend his class today. The teacher was understanding but felt a little worried because no one let them know in advance. Claire promised he’d be there next week and they talked shortly about Atlas’ progression in swimming.
By the time Claire ended the call, Harry’s Tesla was in Evan’s neighbourhood. The car was hardly to a stop before Claire jumped out and ran through the muddy snow towards the front door.
Harry knew it was no use trying to stop her, but this wasn’t going to turn out well. Evan called the police for everything these days. Claire showing up here at least thirty minutes early would probably not sit right with him even if it was in Atlas’ best interest. Evan got the lawyers involved when Claire showed up just a few minutes early. It was unnecessary but he just made sure everything got dragged out and he hit Claire where it hurt.
“Evan!” Claire shouted as she banged her fist on the door, “Open the door.”
It took long. Too long, Claire felt. Her fingers were itching to fucking open the door herself but after a bit, she heard the fumbling of the lock and then the door opened. The insane warmth of the house greeted her once more, almost like she opened up an oven. 
Evan was frowning, his face angry as he stared at her, “What the fuck?!” He sneered, “It’s not six yet.”
“He’s supposed to be at swim practice.” Claire breathed, “Where is he? Atlas!” She shouted into the house.
Evan stepped in front of her, wearing the same clothes as before, “He’ll come out when it’s six.”
“Don’t fucking pretend you’ve been spending time with him.” Claire bit, “I know you’ve been asleep all afternoon.” Her eyes glanced over his features, “Are you high?”
“How fucking dare you.” Evan near growled, “No, I’m not fucking high. I’m not using anymore, Claire.”
“Then why are you asleep at four in the afternoon when you only get to spend a few hours with him?! God, I can’t fucking believe you.” She muttered under her breath, “Atlas!” She shouted again.
Finally, he appeared from behind Evan. His eyes glanced at his father and Evan stood in front if him, “No, he’s not leaving yet.”
“You’ve been asleep all afternoon.” Claire repeated, “You made him miss swim practice.”
Evan’s jaw clenched, “How the fuck do you even know that? You’ve got no proof of anything.” He looked at Atlas, “Atlas, have we been playing together all afternoon? We have, haven’t we?” 
Atlas pressed his lips together and looked at Claire, who shook her head, “No, come here. It’s okay, baby. Come on.” She coaxed him. Evan’s hand yanked on Atlas’ shoulder, “No, he stays here. You can wait in your car until it’s six. He’s not coming out sooner than that.” He warned, “Claire, I swear to fucking god…”
“Don’t touch him like that!” Claire immediately intervened, stepping in as Atlas was between the two of them. Evan gave him a firm yank until Atlas was behind him again, “I said no!”
“Mummy…” Atlas whined softly from behind Evan. Tears formed in Claire’s eyes and she swallowed thickly as she stared at Evan, “I hate you.” She murmured, “I hate you so much.”
He didn’t do anything besides smirk a little, “There used to be a time that you loved me, C. You loved all of me. Even begged for me.”
“Stop.” Claire shook her head. Evan’s eyes lingered on Harry’s car on the street, jealousy evident in every little detail of him, “Six. No earlier.”
Claire felt powerless and glanced at Atlas, who pleaded with her through his eyes. And Claire took a breath, “No.” She tried to sound firm, “I’m taking him now.”
“Then I’m calling my lawyer.” Evan warned and Claire bit her tongue, “Then I’ll call mine and explain what Atlas said on the phone.”
“What?!” Evan’s eyes blazed fire as he looked at Atlas over his shoulder, “You took my phone?”
“Evan, h-“ Claire tried, panic making her ears ring as Evan’s shoulders tensed, “You fucking little piece of s-“ He raised his arm towards Atlas and Claire’s eyes widened, “No!” She grabbed his shoulder and Evan briskly turned around, shoving her harshly. Claire stumbled back into the wall behind her with a smack, gasping from the pain in the back of her head. 
She hardly had time to really feel it before her head whipped to the side, a sharp sting in her jaw from where he slapped her.
“Mummy!” Atlas shouted desperately. Claire heard a car door and urgent footsteps, “Hey!” Harry barked, “Did you fucking hit her?!”
Her sight was blurry as she was down on the floor, pain somehow everywhere before she realized she fell right into a plant pot and it’s why her stomach was burning so much. She blinked a few times, tasting blood in her mouth before her vision focussed on Harry – who had Evan pinned up against the door.
Evan struggled, but Harry saw red. He had never felt such anger in his life and he wouldn’t ever consider himself a violent or aggressive person. It took a lot to get him riled up and he had never been in a physical fight before.
Sitting in the car, he had been restraining himself from intervening. He knew Claire didn’t want him to because it made everything messier. But he cared for Atlas like he was his own, and he cared for Claire in a way words couldn’t even explain. He adored both of them tremendously and so when he saw Claire’s body colliding with that wall, he gasped in a way that Finn jumped up from the noise in the backseat.
When he saw Evan raising his hand, Harry opened up his door on instinct. And when Evan didn’t even hesitate to strike Claire across her face, Harry was already running up to him. She collapsed from the force, falling down to her side with a whimper as Harry quickly shoved Evan up against the door, holding him against it.
“Harry!” Claire gasped, getting up again and ignoring the sharp pains running through her body. Atlas was frozen in the doorway as Harry used every ounce of strength to not punch Evan’s teeth out. “Harry!” Claire grabbed his shoulder, “Don’t!” She tried to pull Harry off, “Please.”
Evan was breathing heavily and Atlas took it as his moment to run out of the house. His bags were right where Claire had left them when dropping Atlas off and when she finally managed to pull Harry off of Evan before things escalated even more, she quickly reached for Atlas’ stuff.
Her eyes were wide and teary, a line of blood running down the side of her mouth from where Evan had hit her and her entire body sore and aching. She sniffed and stared at Evan, “I will literally fight until you never see him again.”
“You can’t take him away from me, Claire.” Evan shook his head, “He’s mine too.”
“Unfortunately.” She mumbled. With that, Harry gave him one last shove before he helped Claire to the car. Evan didn’t come after them, but watched as Atlas hurried into the car to get away from him and then they drove off.
Finn was silent but held Atlas’ hand again, who worried for his mum. Claire breathed heavily as she used a tissue to clean off the blood. 
“I’m driving you to the hospital.” Harry spoke. Claire winced and shook her head, “No, I’m fine. J-Just take me home.”
He swallowed and shook his head, “No.”
“Harry, I swear, just d-“
“What if you’re pregnant?” He softly spoke. He kept his eyes ahead and felt Claire’s gaze on him. His hands were tight around the wheel and he clenched his jaw. Claire’s face softened when she saw the clear worry in his face and she took a breath, “Yeah. Okay. We can go to the hospital.” She had fallen on that fucking flower pot and bruised her abdomen. They had been sort of trying for a baby and this couldn’t be good if Claire actually was pregnant.
The car ride progressed in silence and Harry pulled up to the emergency room soon after. He was on the phone with the lawyer and the cops when Claire got taken into a separate room by the doctor. They took pictures of her injuries first as proof and then the nurse helped clean her up.
Claire explained to them what happened. Her cheek would be bruised and she had a slight scrape in her forehead. Lifting her shirt, she could see bruising and swelling and she winced out when the doctor gently prodded her.
“There’s – uh… there’s a chance I might be pregnant.” She mumbled, staring up at the ceiling and avoiding the doctor’s eyes, “Me and my boyfriend have been trying. Not too actively, but we have been trying. I haven’t taken a test yet and I don’t feel anything, but…”
The doctor nodded, “Alright. Let me get an ultrasound machine to check. We need to assess internal damage either way. Afterwards, I can have a look to get you some pain medication.” His voice was soft and gentle and Claire exhaled a breath she felt like she had been holding for a long time.
Nerves took over as the doctor spread the gel over her skin and Claire held up her jumper. 
“How long have you been trying?” The doctor questioned as he had his eyes locked on the screen. Claire swallowed, “I stopped my birth control about four months ago.”
He nodded, “Okay.” He moved the transducer and tilted his head to the side, “I don’t see anything, I’m afraid. I’m sorry if that’s not the news you were hoping for.”
“No, it’s okay.” Claire breathed, “I didn’t think I was.”
“I’m not sure how to say this, but it might’ve been for the best.” He turned off the machine with a sigh, “If you did have a little foetus in there, chances of it surviving a fall like this would’ve been slim.”
Claire lowered her eyes, nodding to herself, “Right.”
“I don’t see any damage inside. There’s no internal bleeding and this will just be a painful bruise. I’ll prescribe you pain medication and a follow-up appointment next week to do another ultrasound. Your ribs aren’t broken either, so I just advise you to rest and not move around too much.” He spoke.
Claire swallowed and forced a smile, “Thank you.”
“No problem.” He shook his head and glanced at his beeper, “I see police and social services have arrived. Do you feel ready to talk to them?”
“Mhm.” Claire bit her lip as she tried to get up but the doctor shook his head, “I’ll get you a wheelchair and those painkillers first. Like I said, you need rest.”
Claire had a band-aid on her forehead and bags underneath her eyes when she was wheeled back into the waiting room. Police officers were talking to Harry and Finn and Atlas were colouring a little bit in the kid’s corner.
“Hey.” Harry rushed over to Claire when he saw her, crouching down and stroking his fingers over her jaw, “Hey, baby.” He crooned, “How do you feel?”
“Okay.” She nodded, her voice soft. She offered Harry a smile, “Really, I’m okay, Harry. Thank you.”
Her words pained him, because she shouldn’t be okay. It went to show how often Claire had been in here, in that same position for her to hardly flinch from Evan’s behaviour. She was used to being thrown around by him. Harry bit his lip, “A-And… are you?”
“No.” She breathed, shaking her head, “I wasn’t.”
Harry felt relief, knowing there wasn’t a baby inside of her who would be hurt because of what happened. He kissed her knuckles, “Okay. Yeah, okay.”
“Nothing’s damaged, I’ll just be black and blue for a little bit.” Claire sighed and Harry nodded, “Okay.” He leaned in to softly kiss her, “I love you. And I’m really proud of you.”
“I love you too. Thank you for everything.” Claire whispered back, nuzzling her nose with his. She knew she came with baggage. If either had a choice, Evan wouldn’t even exist. But it was Claire’s life and Harry was a part of that.
He took a breath, “Social services want to talk to Atlas. Alone.”
“Alone?” Claire frowned and he nodded, “Yeah. He’ll be fine, babe.”
She sighed, “Yeah, I know.” She glanced at the social worker, who shot her a warm smile. After a short moment with Atlas, Claire watched him disappear in one of the rooms with the woman. Someone else was talking to Finn and Harry and the police was talking to Claire.
She explained everything and they wrote everything down, asking her some questions. Claire sent them the pictures of her injuries and she was sure that if they laid hers, Harry’s and Atlas’ stories next to one another, they’d add up.
It was dark by the time they drove back to the house. Not many words were spoken and glancing the backseat, both Finn and Atlas had dozed off.
Harry had a hand on Claire’s thigh, gently squeezing every once in a while. She let out a breath, “This is not I wanted this anniversary to go.” She mumbled.
“We should’ve celebrated months ago.” Harry spoke. Claire turned to face him, “What? Why?”
He had a small smile on his lips, “Because I fell for you months before we first kissed.”
“I know.” She smiled back, “I knew you had a little crush on me.”
“Was more than a little crush.” Harry admitted, “I felt so jealous knowing you were going on dates with these other guys.”
“You called yourself an eternal bachelor.” Claire remembered, “Didn’t sound like you were available.”
Harry shrugged, “And I didn’t think I was. You proved me wrong. Haven’t been available for anyone besides you and I don’t plan on it.”
Claire held his hand as they drove through the dark streets, “You cursed me out the first time we met.”
He shortly glanced in the rearview mirror to see both boys asleep, “I was an asshole.” He muttered. Claire giggled under her breath, “A bit, yeah.”
They both smiled to themselves when they remembered how their relationship came to be. How unconventional it was. They came from different worlds and backgrounds but somehow both found their perfect match in one another. A blended family with some rough edges, but so much love.
Harry remembered their first time. How nervous he was and how he fell in love with Claire’s body. Even the scars from what Evan put her through. He loved on her scars, kissing away the memories as often as he could. In bed, in the shower, in the kitchen, in the car… Wherever they could get some time for themselves.
And Claire remembered the huge change in her life when she accepted Harry’s love. When she accepted Finn into her life and nurtured him like he was her own. Harry’s fingers played with Claire, “What do you want for dinner tonight?”
“Didn’t you say we were having Atlas’ favourite meal?” Claire smiled. Her heart felt heavy thinking of Atlas and the conversations they were yet to have. He saw too much today. He didn’t have to live through those hours feeling like his father didn’t want him. Claire wanted to promise him he’d never have to see him again if he didn’t want to. 
It was a horrible position, wanting your children to have two parents. She didn’t want to take it away from him, the possibility of having a father. But she also didn’t want to witness him being so disappointed by Evan over and over again. He saw her get hit today and he saw violence, even in Harry. He was too young for that. Claire wasn’t sure how he coped.
Atlas crawled into her side later that night. On the couch, he fell asleep almost immediately with his thumb in his mouth and his head on her chest. It hurt her breasts and his knee pushed into her sore stomach but she let him. She stroked his hair in comfort and when Claire had to get up to pee, he cuddled into Harry instead. Finn and Atlas both leaned into a side of his and he kissed both their foreheads as Claire watched.
They tucked them in bed and allowed them to sleep in the same room tonight. It would comfort Atlas, they both thought. And Harry spooned Claire later that evening. He was careful and gentle, sponging kisses over her bare shoulder as she felt warm and safe against his chest.
“Are you sure?” He asked and Claire nodded, staring into the darkness of their bedroom, “Yes. I’m taking him back to court. I-I can’t keep doing this.” She decided.
Harry hummed, “I’m so proud of you, my love. I think it’s the right decision. Atlas is safest here with you.”
Claire thought back of the entire day. How the lady from social services came to her after talking to Atlas, how she told Claire that apparently Atlas heard Evan cursing Claire out. Calling her a whore. No seven year-old should know those words.
Social services were also going to have a chat with Evan, but the proof spoke for itself. According to her lawyer, it’d be an easy win in court to get her full custody. 
“Do you think it’s what Atlas wants?” Claire softly asked.
“I’m sure of it.” Harry spoke without missing a beat, “You’re the best person for him, Claire. He’s not an idiot, he knows how much you do for him. He respects you so much and he loves you so much.”
Claire let out a breath, rolling on her back with a soft wince. Harry stared at her face and leaned in to kiss her, “You’re so strong.” He murmured against her lips, “I admire you so much. I could never do what you do.”
“I don’t think I have a choice.” Claire whispered back. Harry hummed and kissed her again, “Maybe not. But Atlas will never forget this.”
“I just want to move on.” Claire spoke, “Without him. Like close that chapter of life and… move onto the next. With Atlas and you and Finn. Start our family like we want to without constantly looking over my shoulder. I-I don’t even want or need his money, I just want him gone.”
“I know.” Harry nodded, “We’ll get there.”
She sighed, “I hope so.”
“And we can start trying again whenever you think you’re ready.” Harry assured her, kissing her softly again. Their lips kept brushing together as they exchanged soft whispers.
“I am ready.” Claire spoke, “So ready. I-I think I’ll start tracking it better too, like when I’m ovulating and everything. I really want this baby, Harry.”
His heart skipped a beat and he felt Claire’s hand running through his curls, “Me too.”
Claire licked her lip, “Would you want a boy or a girl?”
Harry smiled and puckered his lips, “I’m honesty fine with either. I think I’d be so worried if it’s a girl though. Like I’d go all dad-mode on her and overprotect her. She wouldn’t be allowed to leave the house ever.”
Claire giggled, fighting the pain in her stomach as she did so, “That’d be funny.”
“For us, yes. For her, no.” He chuckled, bumping his nose with Claire’s, “How about you.”
“I like having boys.” She whispered, “I think I’m a boy-mum. But I wouldn’t mind having a girl either.”
Harry hummed, getting slightly more comfortable, “How many more kids do you want?”
“Two.” Claire whispered.
“You want four in total?” Harry raised his brows and Claire nibbled her lip, “Mhm. I like Finn and Atlas being close in age. I’d like that for the next two also.”
“How about twins?”
Claire breathed out a chuckle, “I’d be huge.”
“You’d be amazing.” Harry smiled back, “And so sexy. Your tits would be incredible.”
“Oh my god.” Claire laughed, “You’re unbelievable.”
“I love your body, Claire. Pregnant or not. I’ll always worship you.” He promised, “Kiss you and make love to you.”
“I sense an obsession.”
“You sensed correctly.”
They laughed while kissing and Claire stroked her fingers, playing with the curls in the back of his neck, “When are you going to put a ring on my finger?”
“So impatient.” Harry teased, kissing down her throat, “You’ll see.”
Claire’s cheeks flushed as she smiled up at the ceiling, “So you plan on it?”
“Of course. I’ve been planning for a long time.” He murmured, “Wife you up.”
Claire sputtered out a laugh, “You sound like a frat boy saying that.”
“What can I say, you make me feel young again.” Harry smiled. He felt so light and breezy around Claire. Like there were no worries around them and they hadn’t just had this shitty day. Like all was well in the world. She just made him feel like that, every single day.
No stress, no hurries, no nothing.
“How about after Christmas break we drop the boys off at school together?” Harry suggested, “There’s family meet-ups too in January. I want us to go together, as a couple. For Finn and Atlas.”
“You do?” Claire asked and Harry nodded, “Mhm. I mean, I think it’s obvious already since you went to pick up Finn when he was sick that one time I was with a client.” He remembered the moment right before summer and Claire hummed, “Yeah. Dolores looked like her eyes were going to pop out of her head.”
“You know she’s going to invite you to play golf with her, right?” Harry teased, “When she finds out we’re together?”
Claire huffed, “I’m sure she’ll ask all sorts of questions, she’s obsessed with you.”
“She thinks you’re a bad influence on me. With your foul mouth.”
“Oh, please.” Claire laughed, “She just wants to hop on your dick. I’m sure she’ll ask me all sorts of details.”
“Yeah?” Harry rolled on top of Claire again, a shit-eating grin on his lips, “Are you going to tell her how I make you scream?”
Claire arched into him, “Mhm. Big time.”
“And how I make you squirt?”
“That was one time.” Claire deadpanned and Harry laughed into her neck, “Yeah, the first time we had sex. It was fucking hot.”
“You’re never going to let me live that down.”
“I felt like I’d won the lottery.” He admitted and Claire shook her head with a laugh, “You’re insufferable. And you still won the lottery with me, hm?”
“I sure did.” Harry murmured, kissing her deeply again. He could feel Claire’s thighs tensing around him, her foot trying to slide the boxers down his thighs. He smiled into her lips, “Are you going to tell Dolores about my tongue?”
Claire bit her lip, “You might have to remind me.”
“Fuck, gladly.” Harry ducked underneath the sheets in an instant, not wasting any time. He loved going down on Claire more than anything. She was sensitive to him and she breathed out shakily by the time Harry spread her thighs with his fingers and pulled her panties to the side.
His eyes closed when he got his mouth on her, licking and flicking to drive her crazy. She tasted sweet and familiar, a sense of comfort washing over Harry to be so intimate with someone he felt so comfortable around. It was a dream, being like this with Claire.
His nose pressed into her clit as his tongue pulsed in and out of her. Claire gasped and stuttered out praises before pulling his hair and Harry caught on, feeling how wet she was. He locked his lips around her clit to suck in soft pulses, and her fingers tightly grabbed the pillow next to her as she bucked her hips back into him.
Claire finished on his tongue and begged for his cock next. Harry laced their fingers together before easily sliding inside of her. Claire keened, exhaling in relief at the feeling of his cock filling her again. She was greedy for him and so open.
“Are you gonna tell Dolores I make you cry?” He rasped, keeping his thrusts slow and savouring, yettaking Claire deep and hard at the same time. She lolled her head to the side, “Stop talking about Dolores when you’re fucking me.” She squeaked out and Harry breathed out a laugh, “I wanna get you pregnant.” He whispered.
Claire moaned and nodded quickly, “Yes – fuck, yes. Please… Get me pregnant. Fill me.”
“’M gonna make it stick, babe.” Harry promised lowly, squeezing her fingers as he rocked his hips passionately, taking her in missionary and catching her breaths between his lips, “Gonna get you all filled up and stay inside of you.”
“Yes.” Claire lazily breathed, “Please, please… I need it.”
“I know.” Harry panted, “Fuck – I know. Claire, ‘m gonna cum if you keep clenching like that.” He warned lowly. She gasped at the feeling of a rough thrust and nodded, “Uh-huh.”
Claire kept bucking against him as Harry came inside of her for the second time that day. He buried his face in the crook of her neck to keep down his moans, his knuckles white from squeezing her fingers so hard. Claire squeezed back, their hands interlocking as he filled her with his release.
She kept clenching and he kept grinding, giving her every little drop until he shuddered and whimpered in sensitivity. Harry tried to hold up his weight and not hurt Claire, but he couldn’t. His muscles gave up as he panted out harshly, gasping into her neck. His cock twitched between her warm walls and Claire sighed out too.
The position was slightly painful but not too uncomfortable. Harry kissed the swell of her breast, “Fuck, I love you.” He breathed.
“I love you too.” She whispered, “So much.”
He hummed and closed his eyes, staying entwined for a bit.
Eventually Harry want back to spooning Claire, using the tip of his softened dick to scoop up any of his spilled release and pushing back into her. She squeaked at that, melting into his chest as he held her close.
The next few months would consist of trying to get rid of Evan for good. It’d be a battle and something Claire really rather wouldn’t do. For her, and mostly for Atlas. She felt incredibly guilty putting him through all of that. But Claire felt loved and supported and Harry was steady as a rock behind her, catching her every single time.
And knowing that, Claire and Harry knew they’d always have their happy ending one way or another.
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sturnslcver · 3 months
matt fic based on valentine by laufey !!!!!! pls n ty
:ੈ✩‧₊˚ VALENTINE ˚.°: ₊˚ ୨
— matt sturniolo x fem reader —
— fluff, smut, sex warning!
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today was valentine’s day — to you, valentine’s day was a day of all kinds of love. not just relationship love. it was a day to love your friends, a day to love family, and day to cherish pets, and a valid excuse to gift give and stuff your face with all the chocolate you could find. but this valentine’s day was different, because you actually had a valentine that wasn’t your best friend or your sister. a romantic valentine. while this made you excited, it also made your stomach turn. you had no idea what to expect. all you knew was that your boyfriend had something extra special planned. the term “boyfriend” didn’t exactly roll casually off the tounge for you. this was your first romantic relationship ever. you and matt have been dating a little over a year. although things are great between the two of you, you’ve been extremely inexperienced in a healthy, loving relationship, along with the physical aspect of expressing affection.
you eagerly awaited upon matts arrival, staring out the window watching for his car. you jolted as he began pulling into the driveway, beating him to the front door. “hey.” matt delicately smiled, his hands full. “these are for you.” he exclaimed, handing you each item one at a time. “happy valentine’s day.” the first consisted of a bouquet of white roses and pink tulips. the second was a pink wrapped box with a lace ribbon. you sat on the doorstep, pulling the mystery box down with you. in the box were two pink stuffed animals. a bear and a pig, along with some chocolates, a heart shaped locket, and some perfume. “thank you, matt. this is really sweet. i love it.” you stood back up, your fingertips advancing to matt’s waist as you drew him in for a kiss. matt slid his hand into yours and gently swung it back and forth.
“the sun’s gonna set soon” “i’m nervous” you chuckle. “don’t be. i promise it’s gonna be really chill and fun.” he reassured, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“we’re almost there” matt exclaims excitedly as you begin unbuckling your seatbelt. he practically flies from the drives seat, and to your door once the car is parked. he offers a helping hand as you move from the car. he slides up behind you, with both of his hands blocking your view. “am i going the right way?” you question with your arms out. “turn left.” matt mumbles. he removes his hands and a small picnic in a flower field in revealed. “this is so pretty” you glisten. “i’m glad you think so.” matt laughs.
he pats the quilt, signaling for you to take a seat next to him. he plucks a pink flower from one of the nearby bushes and places it behind your ear. “you’re so pretty” he claims. you fall silent for a few moments. no guy had ever seemed so genuine toward you. “thank you” you reply, a smile forming on your face. you wrap both your arms around one of his and rest your head on his shoulder as he prepares the food to be eaten.
he leans further into you and presses a delicate kiss to the corner of your mouth. “take your pick.” he hands you a heart shaped tray of chicken tenders and a variety of sauces. you point to an orange sauce. he opens it for you before the both of you begin to shovel down your food.
stars evidently show up in the sky as the clouds evaporate and the sunlight dims. “i really appreciate you doing all this for me matt” “good, i had fun setting up and im glad i could do something special for you.” his arm snuck around your waist as his fingertips began exploring the small of your back. he started to pepper kisses all around your face. your nose. you chin. your lips. your jaw. your cheeks. you smiled against his lips as he transferred you onto his lap, his hands digging into your waist. you arch into his lap as his hand glides up to your breast, lightly clasping it. your hand advances up, following his touch as his other hand slips up your thigh, under your dress. matt gently pulls away. “is this okay? we can wait. i don’t mind.” he reassures you. you rest your arms around his neck loosely, actually considering if this is what you want. you finally nod. “i want this.” “you’re sure?” he tilts his head and slightly raises a brow. “yep” you shrug comfortably .
he leans back in, hooking the waistband of your panties with his finger. he tugs it down,waving them right above your knees. you begin to pant needy breaths as you and matt advance to open mouth, sloppy kisses. he gently rubs up and down your wet folds, before kneading your clit. you gasp as he unhurriedly slides his middle finger into you, pumping in and out. your head falls into his neck as you ride his finger gathering as much friction as you possibly can as he curls completely into your g spot. “more” you utter breathily as his finger curls into you. “another finger?” you nod violently. between the nipple play and the fast pace thrusts and curls inside you, a warm tingle begins forming at the pit of your stomach. matt bucks his hips as you tug his pants below his thighs. you feel his hard growing beneath you with every bounce down. you earn a sharp whince from him as your fingertips clamp down on his bulge. you palm him gently, allowing a warm liquid spot to form in his boxers. “feel good?” you mumble into his neck. “so good” he whispers back. you slide your hand through his underwear, setting free his hard, red, swollen cock already dripping in pre-cum. you trace the veins around it and spread the juice before aligning yourself with his hard. matt grunts shooting his hips, as you slowly sink down onto his cock. he swiftly takes charge, firmly gripping around your thighs as he pushes himself up inside you. he feels your clench around his cock. his head lands in the crook of your neck before he utters, “you feel so good.” your hands trail up his shirt and you dig into the back of his shoulder blades. his jaw falls slack as your head shoots back, both of you chasing your climax. “i think im close” you whisper feeling the liquid tense in your lower abdomen. “let go” matt replies, his jaw slack. those words were all you needed to hear before your shoulders rose, and the knot in your stomach snapped, allowing you to slowly release all over his dick. he groaned at the feel of your wet coat, before picking up the pace. you gasped, squeezing matts side, as you were highly sensitive. “i’m almost there.” he breathes heavily, as his dick twitches, letting go inside you. he slows down but doesn’t stop, riding out his high. he stays resting inside you as he makes his way to a full stop, both of you resting your heads in one another’s neck, panting heavily. a few moments pass before matt voices, “that was amazing. you were great.” his head lifted, leveling with your glassy eyes. you smiled at him in return, placing a compassionate kiss on the tip of his nose.
matt gently lifted you before discarding all the garbage and swatting the crumbs away from the quilt. he took hold of a napkin, tapping your thighs as a gesture to widen them. he lightly dabbled you, soaking up your mess with the tissue. he flipped the quilt to the other side. your head lay gently on top of his chest, legs intertwined, fingers interlocked, creating your own constellations in the stars as you listened to one another’s breaths slowing and your heartbeats returning back to normal.
he placed his fingertips to your hair, gently stroking it back with one hand, his other occupied up your dress, leaving light scratches to your back. “i love you” he murmured into your hair. your face fell, mortified at the realization that you loved him back. you now had something to lose, something that so deeply infatuated you. you gained back composure, wanting this moment to last forever. “i love you too.” you chuckled. “happy valentine’s day” you whispered up to matt sympathetically.
hope u enjoyed! this was a little rushed since i wrote it in the car!! keep requesting though :) i’m happy to write anything!! 🫶
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thetriumphantpanda · 4 months
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Chapter Summary | A proper date has Marcus falling even further into his lie about who he is, but when you're as beautiful as you are, he can't find it in himself to care all that much.
Pairing | Professor!Marcus Pike x Student F!Reader
Word Count | 4.7K
Chapter Warnings | Dubious ethical relationship between a professor & student, Marcus continues to go along with a lie, art gallery date (I know nothing about art so go easy on me), romantic rain kisses, a dinner date featuring food and alcohol, two idiots slowly falling in love. Explicit smut - oral sex (f&m), a smattering of exhibitionism, unprotected PiV sex, creampie, some light somno (Marcus wakes you up eating you out), absolutely filthy talk, finger sucking, cumplay and I think that covers everything!
Authors Note | This..... well, what can I say. It simply fell out of me once I got into the swing of things - I wanted to make Professor Pike filthy and I think I've managed it. I'd love to know your thoughts, so feel free to comment, reblog or send me asks about this! As always, a huge thank you to @undercoverpena for reading this over and to @saradika for the beautiful divider.
Please follow @thetriumphantpandanotifs for writing updates.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Ko-Fi
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Marcus is stood at the bottom of the steps to the National Gallery, easy to spot in the crowd. He’d not really left your mind for the entire week, your lips still holding the ghost of his, the feel of his palm against your ass still branded onto your skin. You’d talked almost every day, texts back and forth, the usual thing when you were getting to know someone, but when he leans down and presses a kiss to your cheek, and then flashing that smile at you, he’s even more gorgeous than you’d remembered.
He grasps your hand in his own and leads you up the steps and into the gallery. He picks one of the free maps up and grabs a pen from his back pocket, telling you to circle three rooms. You’ve been here before and know exactly the paintings you want to see so it’s an easy task. He does the same, citing that if you wander aimlessly, you’ll be here all day, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but he’s got dinner reservations you have to keep.
Marcus picks Sunflowers by Van Gogh first, the bright yellow flowers bring you joy whenever you see them, especially so in these dark, winter months when life is so scarce. You insist on seeing The Fighting Temeraire because it reminds you of your grandfather, the reason you love art so much.
“I remember coming here with him when I was very small,” You explain, stood in front of the painting, “We stood here for so long, and I just remember thinking I wanted to learn more about it all.”
The rest of the afternoon slips by like that, showing each other paintings until you’ve run out. You’re stood in front of Marcus’ last pick, The Garden of Love. Somewhere along the afternoon, he’s taken hold of your hand, fingers entwined with yours.
“You can see the brush strokes,” He muses, pulling you in front of him, your back dangerously close to his front, his free hand pointing over your shoulder, “Lean forward, you can see them, I promise.”
And he’s right, his back pressed to yours to push you forward so you can see them. His mouth right by your ear as he talks you through what you can see, the stray brush hairs and the way the grass has been painted to give it movement. There are goosebumps flowing across your skin, before he remembers when you are and moves away from you slightly, letting your heartbeat return to normal.
There’s a moment where he checks his watch, then he takes hold of your hand and starts dragging you from the gallery - paintings blurring as you have to run a little to keep up with the pace. When you reach the front entrance, you hear it before you see it, the downpour of rain, fat droplets hitting the ground, forming puddles. You curse the fact you hadn’t properly checked the weather before leaving.
You look to Marcus, who holds up a finger, drops your hand slightly, then steps over to the side where a burly security guard nods his head toward Marcus and takes a step out of the way. There’s a small umbrella stand behind him and you watch as Marcus reaches over and plucks one of the umbrellas from it.
“Thanks, Mike, see you next week buddy.”
Mike tips his hat to Marcus, and then at you when he clutches your hand in his once more, adding a wink and a knowing smirk towards you like he knows exactly what's going to happen for the rest of the day.
You step into the downpour, letting Marcus hover the umbrella over the two of you. He stops, lets you take in the surroundings - Trafalgar Square bathed in darkness and soft light from the streetlamp’s. You crane your neck to look up at Nelson’s column.
“I remember coming here when I was younger, with one of my friends, and trying to take a picture of me touching the top of it from down there,” You point your finger down towards Whitehall, you know exactly where you stood all those years ago, “Hold on,” You say, fishing your phone out of your pocket, opening up the camera roll and scrolling as far back as you can, to find the exact photo you’re talking about, holding it in front of him, Marcus laughs, because the tip of your finger is nowhere near the top of the column, “Not my best attempt, I must say.”
Pocketing your phone, you take a few steps to the left, starting off to your dinner reservation, when you feel the warmth of Marcus’ palm slip around your wrist, turning you around so you’re stood in front of him, toe-to-toe, your face tilted up at him.
He brings his free hand, the one not holding the umbrella, up to your cheek, and you feel his thumb brush over the skin there, ever-so gently, before he’s leaning down, lips across yours in a soft press. You step forward, moving close enough to him to wrap your arms around his neck - droplets of water from the edge of the umbrella dripping onto his jacket as he kisses you.
You can hear the rushing of the traffic around you, splashing through pools of water, and the chatter of people around you, locals and tourists alike, but none of it matters. Not when there’s that low pool of butterflies churning in your stomach, and certainly not when he pulls away, tip of his nose pressed to yours as you bite your lip a little, none of it matters except him.
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“So, what does next week have in store for you?” Marcus asks, sipping on his glass of wine.
“Outside of trying to hit my weekly word count, I'm going to a public lecture that professor Pike is giving at UCL on Thursday.”
Marcus is mid-sip, choking slightly on it as he swallows, covering his mouth with his napkin to try and keep whatever this is under control.
“Are you alright?” You ask, concern dripping from your voice.
“Yeah,” He says, holding up a hand, coughing a little to clear his throat, “Sorry, swallowed wrong,” There’s another pause as he sips from his water, “That sounds interesting though, what is he lecturing on?”
“He’s lecturing on counterfeit art,” You explain, knife cutting through your steak, “He used to work for the FBI and I think the lecture supplements the release of his new book.”
“I had no idea he was an ex-agent,” Marcus shrugs, “Sounds interesting though, you’ll have to give me the rundown next time we meet.”
“You could always come with me?” You offer.
He smiles and lets out a little chuckle, “What time is it?”
“It starts at 6:30.”
You watch as he chews on his food, thinking for a moment, “I might be able to make it, I’ll have to let you know how teaching goes that day, but it definitely sounds interesting,” You pick up your wine to sip at it, “But if I can’t make it, we can certainly do something next weekend, okay?”
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He politely insists on going back to your place once the meal is over. Apparently not expecting this was to go so well, he hadn’t tidied and didn’t want you to think bad of him when your eyes glanced over the mess. It’s endearing to you, and you’re only more than welcome to have him over. The bed needs christening anyway.
Marcus holds you hand this time on the walk from the station. It’s dark and cold but thankfully the rain has stopped. He pulls you away from the edge of the pavement when a car threatens to splash you as it passes you, then insists that you walk on the inside so you don’t get wet. It’s those small things that make you smile, that make your tummy flutter, makes you realise he knows how to treat someone.
It makes you think about the last person who had been in his position - never getting this far, mainly due to the fact that on the second date he insisted that you made him feel stupid when you spoke about your research. You wanted to tell him that was because he was, but you held your tongue, let him pay for dinner and then told him you didn’t see things working out.
When you let the two of you into your apartment, you flick on some of the lamps instead of the big light and watch as he walks to the long windows that look out onto the garden. You’re a few floors up, looking down on the garden from a height and you can see a few people milling around, illuminated in the dark by the orange glow of the lounge lights from the ground floor.
“Nice place.” Marcus murmurs, hands in his pockets as he looks out of the window.
“Yeah, I can’t deny it,” You smile, “Do you want a drink?”
He turns to face you, “Not really.” He speaks with a smirk.
He holds out a hand, palm upright to the ceiling. You wander over to him and let your own hand slip into this, relishing the feeling of his hand closing over yours, gently dragging you towards him. The way his other arm slips around the small of your back is effortless, as is the way he pulls your entire body to his, mouth slanting over yours in a soft kiss.
It’s over too quickly for your liking, but then he’s bringing both is his hands up to your face, clutching your cheeks in his palms, “You look beautiful in this light.” He murmurs, looking at you, warm. orange glow from your lamps illuminating you perfectly.
“So do you.” You almost whisper, letting your hands grip at the edges of his jacket, smiling as he lets you push it off his body.
“What do you want?” He asks softly, “Tell me what you want, baby.”
Looking up at him, bringing your hands to the collar of his shirt, you undo the first two of his buttons, “What do you think I want?”
“I wouldn’t want to assume,” He speaks back, the zip of your jacket caught between his thumb and pointer finger, slowly dragging it down, inch-by-inch, “I want to hear it.”
You bring your hand up to cover his then, slowly pushing it down until your jacket it fully unzipped, “I want you to take my clothes off,” You say with a flutter of your eyelashes, “And then I want you to fuck me so hard I can’t walk straight.”
Your hand lets go of his, letting his shove your jacket off your shoulders to fall to the floor. That hand sinks down his chest until your palm runs across the front of his jeans, bulge evident as you press more firmly, biting your lip as he gasps.
“You’ve got a filthy mouth.” He groans, running his thumb over your bottom lip.
“You haven’t seen anything yet, Marcus.” You wink, slowly falling to your knees in front of him.
He tangles a hand in the hair at the back of your neck and pulls gently, making you look up at him, “You don’t have to.”
“I want to.”
Marcus doesn’t protest again, just looks down at you, sitting pretty on your knees, and raises his eyebrows as if to tell you that if you want it, you can take it. Your fingers work his belt open, pull it through the loops of his trousers, before it’s added to the pile of discarded clothes so far. You work the button open, and slowly drag his zipper down, before you hook your fingers into the waistband, dragging his trousers and his underwear down to his knees in one go.
It takes all of your willpower to ignore the gentle bob of his cock right in front of your face. He’s big, probably the biggest you’ve ever seen. You wrap your hand around the base of his cock, pumping your fist slowly, as you bring your lip to every inch of skin around his cock, pressing hot, wet open-mouth kisses all along the small swell of his belly, until you can hear his laboured breathing and his hand is tightly fisted in your hair.
You pull back, finally dragging your hand all the way up the length of his cock, letting your thumb trace gently over the head, swiping the pearly bead of precum that sits there, swirling it over the head. Then, you lean forward, eyes strained to keep them locked on his own, as you press a single kiss to the weeping head of his cock, tongue darting out just a little to taste him.
“Jesus Christ,” You can hear Marcus mutter from above you, “Darling you’ve got to put me out of my misery.”
Looking into his pleading eyes, those brown orbs glossed over with wet, practically begging you to stop teasing him are too much, so you do indeed put him out of his misery. Opening your mouth, letting the head of his cock rest there just a moment, letting your tongue tease the underside of him just a little, before you wrap your lips around him and hollow out your cheeks, letting your mouth slide down his length as much as possible until he hits the back of your throat, the length you cannot fit into your mouth still has your fist working it.
His back is to the window, the streetlights and the glow from the apartment building across the garden is bathing him in an angelic light. He leans back, letting his back rest against the pristine glass as you move your mouth up and down his cock, letting him hit the back of your throat, the free hand that isn’t pumping at the rest of his length coming up to cup his balls, gently massaging them.
You can feel his hands scoop your hair up, gather it at the back of your head so he can look down and see your face as his cock disappears into the wet cavern of your mouth. It’s sloppy, there’s saliva pooling at the corners of your mouth, and when you pull off him to catch your breath, running your fist along his length, it’s soaked - line of saliva connecting him to your mouth.
“You getting it nice and wet, baby?” He asks, voice strained, “Getting it nice and wet so it slips into your pussy nice and easy?”
You’re about to put your mouth back on him when he brings one of his hands to clutch at your chin, shaking his head. He pulls you up to your feet, turns himself around so you’re the one in front of the window. His hands on your waist move you so you’re facing outward, looking at the darkness of the garden below.
Marcus reaches around your body, chin resting on your shoulder so he can see what he’s doing as he undoes each of the buttons of your shirt. He pulls it off your shoulders, discards it to be forgotten on the floor.
He trails his hands up the exposed skin of your ribcage, letting his palms rest over the cups of your bra. He squeezes gently once, then again with a tighter grip, then he’s trailing his fingers around your back to the clasp, where he manages to undo it without any trouble, letting that fall to the ground too.
You’re acutely aware that if anyone was to look up from the ground below, they would be able to see exactly what was going on, but when his warm hands come up to cup the weight of your tits in his palms, fingers rolling your nipples into stiff peaks, you can’t find it in yourself to care, you only tip your head back onto his shoulder and sigh in pleasure as his hot mouth starts sucking at the skin of your neck.
One of his hands wanders, skimming down the skin of your belly, past the waistband of your skirt and tights, until his hand is cupping your sex, hot through the cotton of your underwear. His fingers trail down, right to where your aching cunt is leaking for him, wet patch clearly evident on the material.
“Fuck me,” He groans, pushing himself into you, the hardness of his cock grinding against the material covering your ass, “You’re fucking soaked for me baby.”
You can feel him drag his hand back up, just slightly, until it’s slipping under the material this time. Finally his hand is right where you want it. You can feel his fingers slipping between your folds, inching down until they’re mixing in the pool of slick, dragging upwards until his finger finds your clit. He presses gently, circling slowly but it still makes your knees buckle. Marcus steadies you with one hand around your waist.
“Careful, baby,” He whispers into your ear, teeth nipping at the lobe, “Don’t want you to fall.”
You’d have a smart retort if his fingers hadn’t rendered you silent. You close your eyes, let yourself focus on those precise circles of his fingers, moving your hips in time to his movements. You bring an arm up, wrap it around his neck and turn your face, feeling his lips find your own, mouth open and tongue melding with yours.
Marcus lets his fingers move from your clit and you let out a whine of protest, until you feel him slip two of them straight into your cunt, as far as he can fit them, curling them gently against that spot inside you that has you falling forward, palms against the glass of the window.
You feel his spare hand grip at the hem of your skirt, shoving it up to bunch at your lower back, that hand then falling to grip your ass through the dark material of your tights. His fingers are tight against your skin, gripping you, spreading you, as his fingers continue to work inside you. He pressed just perfectly into one spot, making you cry out. You can feel the tightening in your core, feel your pussy flutter around his fingers.
“Oh baby,” He coos, “Are you going to come?” You nod your head, “Tell me,” He demands, hand moving up to tear your tights down and over your ass, “Tell me how good it feels.”
“Marcus,” You whine, moving your hips down in time to the upwards movements of his fingers into your cunt, the slick there causing a lewd squelch each time he does it, “Fuck, please, it feels so good.”
“Please?” He chuckles, dragging your body back up from it’s slouched position, “Please what?”
“Make me come.”
And so he does. He curls his fingers, sinks his teeth into your shoulder, and works your body perfectly, until you’re whining and wiggling against him. He drags his fingers from your pussy, drags them back up to your clit, circles it maybe three or four times and then he’s flinging you over the edge, tight coil snapping in your tummy, pleasure blooming everywhere as those fingers work you through every second of your climax.
You’re boneless now, pussy throbbing, sweaty skin sticking to the skin he’s got on show, as he moves you gently towards your bed. He lies you down on your back, strips you of everything else you’re still wearing, and then steps back, taking off each item of his clothing that he still has on. You watch him unwrap himself in front of you, your hand drifting between your legs, spread for him and on show. It doesn’t matter that you’re sensitive, you let your fingers dance lightly across your clit, spreading yourself open for him.
“Like a work of fucking art, baby. ” He murmurs, knees sinking into the bed as he settles between your thighs.
He swats your hand away from your cunt, leans forward to kiss you as he gently slips two of his fingers back inside your pussy. He pulls back, brings his slicked fingers to his mouth and makes a show of sucking them clean, just inches from your face.
“Taste so good baby,” He speaks, letting those two fingers find your aching hole, pressing inside once more, and you think he’s going to do it again, but this time, when he drags those fingers from you, he grips your chin, making your mouth fall ope, “Taste yourself.” He orders, watching you as your tongue slips out, inviting his fingers in.
You make just as much of a show as he did, sucking his two fingers into your mouth, tongue dipping between them to suck them clean. When he’s satisfied, he kisses you again, lets his tongue mix with yours, not just his taste now, but the taste of your cunt on his tongue too - musky but sweet.
“I want to fuck you so bad, baby.” He murmurs into your ear, settling himself into a position where you can feel his cock dragging through your wet folds.
“Please,” You beg, “I want you so badly.”
“Do you have a condom?” He asks, nose nuzzling at the delicate skin behind your ear.
“I do,” You say, “But I take the pill and I’m clean.”
He pushes back, body resting over yours, chest pressed against your tits, “You want me to fuck you bare?”
“I want you to fuck me bare, Marcus,” You whisper, hands cupping his face, “I want you to fill me up.”
“You’re something else.” He speaks softly, one of his hands reaching between you to guide his cock down, head nudging at your aching cunt.
He doesn’t say anything else, he just presses himself into you, feeding you every inch of his cock as slowly as he can manage. With every inch, your head tips back, until he’s fully inside of you, tip of his cock kissing at your cervix, but it’s not uncomfortable.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” He groans, burying his face into the crook of your neck, “You’re tight as a fucking fist baby girl.”
“So big,” Is all you manage to choke out as he starts moving, slowly dragging his cock out of you to push back in, “I’m so full.”
“That’s right baby,” He agrees, pushing himself up onto his palms that are planted on either side of your face, “So full of my cock, right?”
This position allows him a little more freedom to move his hips, which he does, dragging out of you and then pushing his cock back into you with a little more force and it makes you fucking sing. He feels so good, cock brushing at all the right spots inside you as he speeds up a little. You look down between your bodies, watching his length spear into your pussy, watching it disappear inside you with every thrust.
“I won’t…” Marcus sighs, “I’m not gonna last long baby.”
“I don’t care,” You sigh, “I wanna feel you.”
Marcus picks a rhythm - rough thrusts of his hips that have his cock hitting at the depths of you, his head dipping down to take one of your nipples into his mouth - worrying at it with his teeth and then soothing it with his tongue. You’re so close, you can feel another orgasm right there on the cusp, so close that you can feel tears forming at the corners of your eyes. When you close them, you feel a trail of tear drip down and settle in pools in your ears.
“No need to cry baby,” Marcus soothes, letting his mouth lick at the trails of tears from your eyes, “I got you, I can feel you, come for me again baby, it’s okay.”
He shifts positions slightly, dragging your legs up to rest on his shoulders, then he presses forward, folding you practically in half and then picks up his pace.
You’ve never felt like this, no-one has ever rendered you into such a wet, squealing mess before. Your nails are digging into his arms, leaving half-moon patterns there. Every punch of his cock inside you is pleasure mixed with a pang of pain. You can’t breathe, but you don’t care, because with each stroke of his cock you’re falling further and further, until you close your eyes, tip your head back and see starts as your second orgasm tears through you. You hear yourself scream for him, mouth dropped open as he loses whatever control he had before. It’s hard and it’s fast, and it’s all fucking worth it when he drops your legs and goes still.
Your name is falling from his lips like a chant, like a prayer at church as you feel his cock throb inside you, white hot cum painting every inch of the inside of you. He manages to keep his weight from collapsing onto you, pushing himself back on his knees instead, letting his cock slip from your tight heat.
You watch him as he holds your legs spread, watching his cum seep out of you. It’s performative and entirely unnecessary, but you dip a hand between your legs, use two of your fingers to spread yourself open and push lightly, letting him watch his cum pool at your hole, dripping down between the cheeks of your ass. You feel one of his fingers follow the trail, scooping it back up to press back inside your pussy, then, that fingers is slipped into your mouth.
“How do we taste baby?”
“Pretty good.”
In the moments that follow, once you’ve used the bathroom, the two of you settle under your sheets. Marcus on his back with you draped over his chest. He’s drawing shapes on your back, pressing kisses to the crown of your head as you slowly drift in and out of sleep.
When you wake, it’s still dark, the moon is high in the sky, and his face his buried between your thighs, leisurely eating at your cunt like he’s got all the time in the world. Your let your fingers tangle in his brown curls as he slowly works you up, tongue lapping at your clit softly until you’re writhing and twisting in the sheets as he makes you come for the third time that night.
He kisses you as he settles back down next to you. He turns you over so he’s pressed against your back, holds on of your legs up so he can push his cock into you again. You’re sore and spend and every muscle in your body aches, but he’s soft this time, rocking his hips into you from behind, slowly fucking you with his arms wrapped around you, both of you looking out into the darkness beyond the windows. He comes inside you for the second time that night, but neither of you make time to move. His cock slotted perfectly inside you, his cum leaking out slowly around him and down your thighs as you both fall asleep again.
In the morning, the storm has cleared and the low winter light wakes you up. The bed is empty, but still warm when you move onto your back, eyes adjusting to the light. Marcus is at the foot of the bed, doing up the last buttons on his shirt.
“I have to go.” He says simply, but with a tone that says he’d rather do nothing more than crawl back into bed with you.
“That’s okay,” You say, pushing yourself up, holding up the sheets to cover yourself, “Will you come back later?”
“Do you want me to come back later?” He asks, sitting on the side of the bed to slip his shoes on.
You shift slightly, moving so you can tuck a particularly unruly curl behind his ear, “I do.”
He turns, smiles at you, then kisses you softly, “Then yes, I’ll come back later.”
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angelstate · 5 months
FWB!Soap x InloveFem!Reader.
+18 content warning
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FWB!Soap who claims to not feel romantic feelings for you, saying that he sees you as a friend and values your friendship too much to try and have a serious relationship with you. It's meaningless sex at the end of the day (at least to him), just using each other to not spend the night alone.
FWB!Soap spends most of his paid leave in your bedroom, secluded from the friends he claims to have apart from you, fucking you in every position he can manhandle your body into, your legs over his shoulder, pulling you by your arms so you don’t fall in while he fucks you standing doggy.
FWB!Soap really likes to spend his free time with his cock buried in one of your three holes, making you sob from pleasure and pain while he gets off by the way tears run down your eyes, overstimulated and spent yet still letting him do whatever he wants with you, a true sweetheart you are.
FWB!Soap who would rather kill every man that tries to court you than find another person to fuck while not being in a serious relationship, he values you too much to let another man have you (but he doesn’t love you, right?) so it’s a back and forth between talking you into not going on dates, threatening guys who approach you when you are out with him and as a last resort, talking shit about you behind your back to them when you invite them to your shared apartment. warning them about how crazy you get when you enter a relationship (you are a fucking angel, soap knows that but he doesn’t want other guys to know)
FWB!Soap who thinks he is the only one allowed to fuck other people, going out to clubs and fucking girls in a dark alleyway, (he would never bring them to your apartment) the smells of a woman’s perfume lingering on his shirt and the hickeys on his neck a clear evidence that he went and fuck someone who isn’t you. it hurts when he does it, he knows how much it breaks your heart, he has listened to you sob at night more times than he can count every time he has returned with hickeys and lipstick stains.
FWB!Soap who after he hears you crying because of him tries to cheer you up, buying you gifts of your special interest or hobbies. inviting you to eat dinner at the fancy restaurant you don’t go to often because of the high prices. and he treats you wonderfully, princess treatment to its max extent, doing everything he can to soothe the ache in your heart from knowing he fucks other girls even though you’re not a couple.
FWB!Soap who is aware of the vicious cycle he trapped himself in, fucking you for days straight, going out and fucking another girl, listening to you cry when you see the hickeys, and doing everything he can to make you feel better, hating how much he hurts you without meaning to before repeating it all again.
FWB!Soap gets undeniably scared at times, fearing you will get tired of him and his actions. he knows what he is doing is wrong but is so fucking hard for him to be in a committed relationship being constantly deployed to different countries. he tried it once and it didn’t work out, so why try again? He has you after all, and being friends with benefits fills his basic needs for the most part.
FWB!Soap is so painfully oblivious to the signals he and you give. Of course, he holds your hand when you're out in public because you get lost easily, walks closer to the street because is safer for you, stands behind you so creeps don’t look at your ass, kisses your forehead every once in a while when he’s talking to someone so you know he isn’t ignoring you.
FWB!Soap does the absolute max to be a good “friend” to you and make you feel loved since being friends with benefits with him makes it impossible for you to get a boyfriend. he knows he’s compensating you for the pain he causes you, and trust him, he does love you but he doesn’t love you. (that’s what he tells himself)
FWB!Soap who after speaking to Ghost and feels nothing short of a piece of shit for the dynamic of your situationship. “you’re going to lose her, Johnny” Simon oh so generously said to him after hearing Soap rant for almost 20 minutes about how he had taken you out to eat because he felt guilty for making you cry once again. (he is a piece of shit to the core)
FWB!Soap comes home after being deployed for almost three weeks only to see a man in your apartment, sitting on the couch like he owns the place while you come out for the kitchen with a bowl full of popcorn, surprised to see Soap standing at the door, not expecting he would be back so soon but happy regardless of his arrival.
“Johnny!” you high pitch squeal fills his ears and he feels hot from anger and joy, he lets you jump on his arms, hugging him the best you can with the height difference, his gear still on, a gun tucked on his belt holster while he hugs you back, staring darkly at the guy on the couch he is already planning how to kill. “hi bonnie” he answers a few seconds later, pulling away from the hug, his hands on your hips so you can’t move away, claiming possession of you to the man sitting not even 10 feet away from him.
He knows he shouldn’t be selfish and let you move on from him, but he is a new man after speaking to Ghost. He swears by it. He knows he loves you, he knows he wants a future with you so why don’t you wait for him just a little bit longer, why jump at the first opportunity you had to find another man? He had never brought any woman home, so why did you bring someone? you’re not playing fair, at least not by the game he put you in forcefully.
And he feels murderous, truly psychotic but doesn’t act on it, no. He would never subject you to that side of him, instead he decided to play just as dirty as you had done. “Why don’t you tell me who's your friend, Bonnie, aye?” he asks, manhandling you softly so you turn around to face the man on the couch who is awfully quiet. Soap guides you, making you walk forward, his hands not leaving your hips.
“he’s Matt, he’s one of my brother's friends” Your sweet voice rings he’s ears and for a moment he thinks that maybe this isn’t a date then, that maybe your brother’s friend just decided to visit you but Soap isn’t that fucking dumb, not when it comes to see the intentions guys have with you. “Matt, this is Johnny my…friend” you add a few seconds later, hesitating on what to call Soap, because sure, you are friends, but you also fuck, cuddle and go out on dates that neither of you ever actually called dates but the implication is there, all that is lacking is the title soap refuses to give to everything he does with you and to you.
you rather not be here in this situation, knowing how soap can get when you meet up with friends he doesn’t know about, and he wasn't even meant to come home today, not even this week and you had questions as to why he had returned so early but it wasn’t the right moment to ask, not with how fucking serious soap sounded (he is never serious around you)
“figured that one out quickly, love” Matt responds, a chuckle leaving his lips even though to Soap nothing was fucking funny right now, quite the opposite but he decides to play along with the clear joke of a man you let into your home. he does want to ripe his throat off because he called you Love and he might as well just do it (when you aren’t present of course.)
Soap sets one of his hands on his gun, moving to stand beside you so the guy can see he’s armed and isn’t afraid to kill him, he had his hands stained with people’s blood, what’s another life to take, everything for you, anything for you. defending an ownership of you he didn’t have.
“don’t mean to kick ya out mate but I rather you go, need to talk to my girl, aye?” Soap says, trying to be polite but he doesn’t give a shit if it comes out as him kicking Matt out, he is kicking him out after all, just with much kinder words for your well-being, not because he respects or wants to be him to the piece of shit on your couch.
And you caught onto Soap truly meant quickly, but it’s all overpowered by the fact he called you his girl, his fucking girl. and you know that with him you shouldn’t get your hopes high no matter how much he sweet talks you and calls you his, he’s done it before and not held up to the name he gave you.
FWB!Soap is a complicated mess when it comes to feelings and showing you how much he loves you because he truly doesn’t do well in relationships and doesn't want to break your heart. God knows how much he hates to see you hurting because of him. But maybe tonight he can’t stop caring for a few hours, just enough time to get rid of that stupid friend of yours and make sure he doesn’t ever appear in your life again, you don’t want a guy like him around, one who doesn’t respect Soap as your lover even though he isn’t.
FWB!Soap really hates breaking your heart, but he acts upon what’s best for you and your tears are a price worth paying so you can live your best life. The death of Matt shouldn’t come as a shock to you, but it does. Because although you know what Soap is capable of, you don’t expect him to just kill someone because they were interested in you and didn't shy away from trying and taking you away from him.
FWB!Soap who realizes that it’s time to make you his, because even though he doesn’t mind killing people to make you his, still is a fucking difficult job to find ways to dispose of the bodies without leaving evidence of his doing.
Boyfriend!Soap who ends up killing a few more people once he already made you his girlfriend but gladly does so when men come too close to you and are too bold and actually threaten your relationship with Soap. Maybe he should move you to a small city in Scotland, marry you, and give you a kid so you’re too busy being devoted to your family to ever notice how there are better men than Soap interested in you.
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jaegeraether · 7 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 9)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (9)
Masterlist (other parts here)
The sun was just starting to peak through the curtains when YFN’s phone rang.
“It’s Dory..” she gasped.
Lucy lifted her head with a groan, her mouth popping off her clit. “Don’t you fucking dare.”
YFN gave her a defiant look and answered the call. Lucy tried to start again, earning her a slap on the hand gripping her thigh.
“Hi Dory!”
“Hey mate! I haven’t had any date updates, are you free today?” YFN looked down at Lucy as she laid naked between her legs, watching her closely. Her head was cradled in her hands and her feet were kicking back and forth in the air like a child. What am I going to do with you? YFN thought with a fuzzy warm feeling inside her.
“Um… yeah.. about that.”
Lucy licked her gently from her wet hole, up to her throbbing clit. She jerked and gave her a stern look. Lucy replied with an innocent but obvious ‘that’s what you get’ look.
YFN reached down and took her hand, tangling their fingers to give Lucy the attention she wanted.
“Oh god… Lucy’s there right now isn’t she?”
“Uh… possibly.”
“Did you just answer the phone to me during sex?!”
“She sure did!” Lucy said loud enough for Jordan to hear.
YFN cringed. “Yes, I’ll be free today. But there’s not really much date to talk about to be honest..”
“Oh my god it just keeps getting worse. I’m hanging up.”
Lucy grabbed the phone. “Jords, it’s me. You can pick her up in an hour. I have training and I’ll be done with her then anyways.”
YFN sat up on her elbows and her mouth dropped open. She swore she could hear Jordan’s do the same. She slapped Lucy’s arm.
Lucy rolled her eyes. “Just joking, I’ll never be done with her. But she’ll be free in an hour…. Jords?” She laughed, throwing the phone back onto the bed. “She hung up but knowing her, she’ll be here in an hour.”
“It’s scary how comfortable we already are with each other.”
Lucy grinned and kissed the inside of her thigh from her knee, back to YFN’s wet mess.
Lucy didn’t want to leave. Last night through to the morning had been the best time she’d had in her life. She’d never felt so seen, so loved, so able to be herself. Shit, she’d fallen hard and somehow, she was still falling.
“Maybe I should call her and cancel..” YFN whispered. They were fresh out of the shower and somehow had managed to put clothes on and not take them back off.
Lucy threw her head back and laughed. “You are not cancelling with Jordan because you can’t walk.”
YFN’s pressed her lips together, dimple slightly appearing. Her cheeks were red.
Lucy continued. “Go on, show me.”
She sighed and walked from Lucy to the other side of the room and back with a noticeable soreness. Lucy grinned, proud of herself. “Barely a limp.”
“I think it’s more accurately described as a waddle.” YFN pouted, embarrassed. “She’s traumatised.”
Lucy stepped close and gently cupped her soreness with the full palm of her hand. She leant forward and brushed her lips along her cheek to her ear and whispered huskily. “Don’t say it wasn’t worth it.”
YFN’s eyes closed, her hand brushed over the back of Lucy’s and she rubbed her cheek softly against hers. She turned, her lips parting on her cheek and just as Lucy thought she was about to say something cute she whispered. “You’re being cocky, Lucia.”
Lucy’s eyelids fluttered and her heart skipped a beat. If she didn’t know YFN like she did, she would have thought it was a warning, but she knew she loved her cocky.
She removed her hand, albeit a little grudgingly, and tangled their fingers. The relationship they shared was very much a complicated entanglement of sexual attraction and romantics, and it fit them both so perfectly that it was easy to switch between the two. She shivered at the feel of YFN’s lips on her jaw and had to muster up a lot of strength to pull away.
“Minimal walking today, please. Let me know where to pick you up from for our little date tonight.” Lucy was excited for their date. She’d said she was going to surprise her, but she didn’t know with what yet. She had so many ideas for what to do for their first date. Her main priority was that they didn’t have sex. They were romantics, after all, and wanted to get to know each other.
YFN smiled, squeezing her hand. “Message me when you’re free? Dory and I will most likely still be out by then.”
Lucy kissed her little dimple, nodding too eagerly against her face and YFN chuckled.
“It’s just so good to meet another Aussie. Little bit disappointed you don’t know the Tillies though.” Caitlin joked.
“Heeeey mate, I know the Tillies! I just… haven’t been to any games. You know what it’s like in Australia! It’s all footy and swimming.” YFN defended, becoming more Australian around a fellow Australian. “But I do hear you’re pretty amazing. You have a massive fan base.”
They’d just followed each other on Instagram and YFN paled at her 250k followers.
“Suck up,” she laughed and shoved her shoulder lightly.
The trio were sat in the stands watching Ireland play their last match of the international break. Jordan was good friends with Caitlin and Katie from her Arsenal days, and they used to live together.
“Oh shit.” YFN gasped as Katie tackled a player late. She wasn’t given a yellow, but she was warned and smiled at the referee as she was being told off.
“Aw, should have been a yellow to be fair.” Jordan laughed.
“You want her to get a yellow?” YFN enquired.
“Oh god no, but Katie being Katie always gets yellow carded. Past 10 matches in a row, isn’t it chicken?”
Caitlin nodded, clapping with the crowd. “Yep. But I think I lost count.”
“Katie McCard! Katie McCard!” Chanting started coming from the crowd and Katie gave them a cheeky look with a ‘shhh’ gesture.
The game continued and Katie was the most aggressive on the pitch. Caitlin was getting worked up and shouted every time someone tried to challenge Katie while Jordan and YFN laughed. Eventually Katie scored an absolute banger, smashing a left-footed long ball from outside the box. She ran over to the green Irish crowd, standing in front of the trio and put her arms out, listening to the crowds screaming for her. She winked at the trio. Her players quickly leapt on her and dragged her back into play.
The crowd was chanting for the rest of the match a loud and catchy song for Katie. “WE’VE GOT MCCABE. KATIE MCCABE. I JUST DON’T THINK YOU UNDERSTAND. SHE PLAYS OUT ON THE WING. SHE HITS IT WITH A ZING. WE’VE GOT KATIE MCCABE.”
The chant was so catchy that all three of them were chanting with them amongst the deafening Irish supporters.
The game remained 1-0 and in the last 2 minutes, Katie was yellow-carded for an extra late tackle. She put her hands up in acknowledgement and jogged away from the referee grinning to herself. The crowd loved it more than her goal.
YFN admitted she was beginning to love the sport even more.
When Katie finished with her interview, she came over to the trio and gave both Caitlin and Jordan hugs, turning to YFN.
“Hiya! Nice to meet ya, I’m Katie. How’re ya doin’?” Her Irish accent was strong as she dragged YFN into a hug. “Caity and I have been dyin’ to meet ya, chicken has told us so much about ya!”
“All good things I hope.” YFN laughed.
“All good mate, all good. And to be honest with ya, every Aussie I’ve met is just top notch.”
“God those are some high expectations to live up to! You’ve been to Australia, right?”
“Oh yeah, World Cup last year. It was grand to tell ya the truth. I enjoyed it.”
“And still you’re just as pale,” Caitlin laughed.
Katie smacked her, flirting. “Have you seen my teammates, chick? I’m the tannest one here!”
They joined the Irish team at a pub to celebrate their victory, YFN meeting the whole team and their respective partners. They celebrated and bantered and YFN let herself have a few drinks and let go a little. Somewhere amongst her few drinks, the trio found themselves in a corner booth and they began teasing YFN about Lucy. They kept it private, respecting her privacy and just keeping it amongst the four of them. Katie and Caitlin knew very little about Lucy. She was private and kept her friends close. Jordan was respectful of that too, though most of what they knew about her was from Jordan. They knew Lucy had been single for a little while, and they knew her as an extremely competitive person but also someone who was respected and helped people, especially younger players. YFN thought they both seemed to admire Lucy, the way they spoke about her, and that made her heart swell a little bit with pride for her.
She missed her, a lot. She’d tried to distract herself all day amongst new friends, but Lucy was right there at the front of her mind. She told herself she was just a bit sex hungover from the night before, but she knew that was only a small part of it. She was falling.
YFN took her phone out to see it was overwhelmed with notifications. The trio had posted and reposted several photos together and tagged YFN. Her phone was blowing up and she could barely swipe without another notification popping up. She tried to stop the notifications but didn’t know how. She managed to open the most important ones, the messages from Lucy.
Lucy: The Irish girls know how to drink, be careful x
*Lucy Bronze MBE started following you.*
Lucy: Training finishing soon. Would you still like our date tonight?
Lucy: Having fun, are we?
The messages were recent, but she still felt bad she had become so distracted.
YFN: Yes, 1000% yes, I still want our date. You can come pick me up from the pub, or I can meet you somewhere?
YFN pressed send and a phone buzzed. She felt a presence and looked up from her phone, her eyes meeting Lucy’s. She was standing there in her football gear; white trainers, blue shorts, and her pale pink and blue England puffer jacket on. She’d managed to take out her contacts though and her green eyes shone mischievously behind her clear glasses. She purposely looked at her phone to read the message and then pocketed it, looking back at YFN.
“Hi, little one.” She held eye contact for a few seconds, relishing the look of surprise on her face before she looked at the trio who had fallen silent, watching the sexual tension unfold. “Mind if I join?”
“Hey mate!” Jordan jumped up and wrapped her arms around Lucy. “Missed you.”
Lucy gave her a strong hug back. “Alright, Jords?”
“Yeah, we had a great day. You’ve met Katie and Caitlin haven’t you?”
“Briefly I think,” she leant over the table and clapped hands with them both.
“Ohhhh, looks like we have an enemy in camp!” Katie laughed, a little tipsy, as Lucy had been cocky enough to wear her England kit to an Irish pub full of Irish players in kit.
“Attenzione pickpocket!” One of the Irish girls yelled from across the room.
The pub cracked up as Lucy slid into the booth to the left of YFN, her hand immediately going to grab the top of her right thigh with a reassuring squeeze. YFN loved this. She was possessive and not afraid to show it. Her arm across her body was welcomed and YFN felt natural to put one of her hands on Lucy’s, the other wrapping around her arm and resting on the outside of her bicep.
“How was training?” She asked, genuinely interested.
Lucy gestured to her knee which was bandaged. “Going to need an ice bath I think.”
YFN loved the way she said ‘bath’ like it ended with an ‘f’ instead of a ‘th’. She wanted to help her, to massage it or do something but was worried she’d do the wrong thing. Instead, she placed her hand on her knee and gently stroked it through the bandages reassuringly. She caught Lucy’s eye and saw a deep unrequited love there before Lucy managed to catch herself and looked away, smiling.
“Will you be right to play tomorrow, Luce?” Jordan asked.
She nodded. “Should do. I had a good chat with Sarina. Just need to rest my knee.”
“Can you play the whole 90?” Caitlin asked, curious.
“If my knee can take it. They can stretcher me off otherwise.”
Lucy caught YFN’s look of admiration and pride. Lucy shook her head as if to remind herself that yes, this is real and yes, she is just that amazing.
“So, what’s this then?” Katie asked a little slurred, gesturing between the two. The other two looked as if they wished she hadn’t.
Lucy and YFN both went to answer at the same time and cut each other off.
“No, you go ahead. I want to know what you were going to say.” Lucy teased, her thumb stroking her thigh in support.
“Way to put me on the spot,” she blushed. “I don’t think either of us know yet. We’re both just going with the flow.”
“I set them up though,” Jordan winked, proudly.
“Did you just?” Lucy said sceptically. “Please, tell us more.”
“Well I did buy you two that toy-” She said innocently but caught herself, slapping her hand up to her mouth with wide eyes.
Katie burst out into a loud laugh, holding her stomach while Caitlin’s mouth dropped before she started laughing with Katie.
 “I think you’ve had too much to drink, chicken,” Caitlin managed to get out.
Lucy looked to YFN to see if she was upset by Jordan’s comment. She only seemed a little embarrassed as she turned to Lucy. “But how did you know..” she stopped herself and pursed her lips, intending on continuing the question later.
“I told Lucy I’d bought it as a joke and stashed it at the bottom of your shopping bag.” Jordan snorted, now on her back like a bug, laughing as the other two wiped away tears.
“Okay Jords, I think you need some food to sober you up a bit,” Lucy said, giving her a disapproving look.
“Yeah you’re right. I’ll get some snacks for the table!”
“Ai, we need another round o’ drinks, we’ll be back in two. Can we getcha anything?” Katie asked.
Lucy and YFN shook their heads. When they were gone, YFN turned to Lucy who had her head leaning back against the booth, looking at her. “Well, you found me.”
“The bar was tagged on Instagram,” Lucy said, waiting to see if she thought she’d been too forward by seeing it online and coming. YFN didn’t seem phased and if she was being honest with herself, she actually really liked Lucy’s persistence. She felt present and supportive to her.
“I have the feeling you’ll always find me,” she said, also leaning her head back. “Would you like to go..?”
Lucy looked a little unsure and spoke softly, careful with her words. “I was actually going to ask you if we could do it another time.. my mood is not great with my knee playing up before tomorrow and I sort of want our first date to be perfect?”
“Oh Luce..”
“I don’t want to ruin this,” she whispered.
“But you came and found me anyways.”
“I needed to see you,” her husky voice gave YFN so much joy.
“I’m glad you came. We don’t have to do the date tonight, but we can still spend time together? I can cook dinner for you while you rest your knee..”
Lucy looked like she could cry. “I don’t want to be that person who brings down your mood. You look like you’re having fun with the girls.”
“They’re great, yes, but I will always rather be with you, regardless of your mood. I can see you’re stressed and upset. Let me ease some of that burden..”
Lucy sighed and thought. She was being offered the world by the person she wanted more than anything else in the world. She fought an internal battle of not wanting YFN to see her like this, and also wanting to just let go and let her in. “It’s taking a lot of effort to not show how stressed I am right now with my knee..”
YFN reached out and touched her face gently before her eyes flicked to the crowded bar and she pulled back. Lucy caught her wrist and pulled her hand back to her face. She didn’t mind the public display of affection. “I know.” She murmured. “Now let’s say goodbye and go back to yours so I can make you some food and ease some stress, okay? Raincheck on our first date.”
Lucy wasn’t being very vocal apart from the whimpers and ragged breathing, but YFN didn’t need that to know she was enjoying herself. She was practically dripping right into her mouth. The ice pack YFN had put on Lucy’s knee was resting on her shoulder lightly, cooling it.
“I… I... I..”
YFN lifted her head to give Lucy a moment of respite to use words. “Luce?”
“I didn’t want to have sex with you tonight.”
The comment could have been taken the wrong way, but YFN knew what she meant and smiled, tilting her head.
“That’s not what I meant. I meant, I said to myself we weren’t going to because I wanted to make sure we both knew it wasn’t just about the sex.”
YFN held eye contact as she leaned forward and brushed her lips over Lucy’s folds. “I think we both already know this is much more than that. Now, Luce, I need you to do me a favour.”
She readjusted her glasses as she looked down at YFN. “Anything.”
“I need you to stop fighting your orgasm. It’s okay. You’re allowed to be the one receiving. You’re allowed to enjoy yourself. And I promise that I’m really loving this too.”
Lucy almost came the moment her lips had touched her, and she was tense, trying to not show her vulnerability. But YFN was right. This was much needed stress relief before the game.
“It’s… hard for me. I’m not used to this..”
“I know, love. It’s okay, I have an idea.” YFN left the room for a few seconds and reappeared with some headphones. “I want you to wear these. I’m going to play some music for you so we can drown out some of the outside stressors.” She knelt on the bed next to a gloriously naked and wet Lucy Bronze and put the headphones gently over her ears, queuing up a few songs that would be perfect for the mood. Lucy looked up at her little dimply face with love and appreciation. She was right, a mountain of stress disappeared, replaced by soothing music. Bending down, she pressed a soft kiss to her lips, leaving her wanting more. She gave a questioning thumbs up to Lucy who nodded in response.
YFN settled back down and eased Lucy back into it with kisses and strokes over her body, focussing heavily on her knee and as close to it as she could get with the ice pack. She gently placed it over her shoulder and her lips again found Lucy. She knew Lucy wasn’t used to being put in a position like this where she was receiving, let alone the only receiver, and so she didn’t attempt to put her fingers inside of her. She did, however, push her tongue inside of her multiple times. She couldn’t resist. Lucy seemed to like this. She fucked her eagerly with her mouth, tempted to touch herself as she did. But she didn't. This was about Lucy. Lucy's undoing came with YFN’s work sucking and licking her clit. It put her into such a state that her back was arched hard against the bed, her body still resisting. YFN’s hands gripped her hips to ground her as she found Lucy’s most sensitive area and harassed it with her tongue. Lucy was more vocal when she couldn’t hear. Her groaning and whimpering and swearing filled the room, her hands gripping the bed hard either side of them, the bedsheets balled in her fists. She came when YFN’s hands stroked gently up her sides from her hips to her hardened nipples. She clenched hard as she came, her thighs squeezing YFN’s head, but she made sure she could continue sucking slower and slower to bring her down gently.
Lucy’s gasping and swearing was so loud that she would have worried if they were in an apartment, or hotel. Her body slumped onto the bed, her thighs releasing, arms outstretched.
YFN cleaned her up and tucked them under the covers, pulling Lucy to her. Lucy didn't fight it, she was far too tired. Half of her body was on top, and her head was up against YFN’s, hair wild and loose. The stress relief that had come from the shattering orgasm had her well and truly relaxed.
“Please come to my game tomorrow...” She murmured, and YFN wondered if she were sleep-talking.
“I’ll be there, Luce.” She reassured with a whisper and a kiss to her forehead. Lucy’s breathing changed to signal she was sleeping then.
This was the other Lucy. The rare one. Not the dominant and controlling one, this was the part of her she thought was broken, the part she thought no one could love, and no one was allowed to see. This was the reason she was so fiercely strong and independent, to compensate for the side of her that just wanted to be loved and accepted. The part that swung arms with her mascot and took care of the new kids in the squad. This was her core. Everything else was just.. symptom.
YFN stroked her hair until she too fell asleep, her lips gently touching Lucy’s forehead.
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rotdistressxox · 1 month
Hiii!!! Ur work has me kicking my feet and giggling into my pillow😩. Could you write some Wakatsuki sfw/nsfw ?🙈🙈
Better prepare that pillow then, eh?
Headcanons: Wakatsuki Takeshi
!Nsfw after the cut: Afab body reader, no pronouns
• Yeah he's big and mighty and all that. But he's really jittery and afraid before a fight. He needs to have someone in the waiting room with him otherwise he will panic. That someone includes you.
• But after a fight it's easy sailing. You're there waiting for him outside of the ring, he scoops you up bridal style and carries you away proudly. Avoiding the press.
• Can only look at his tablet with a pair of glasses, how middle aged man of him.
• He is rolling in money, like? Winning over 200 matches clearly could have him retire early if he wanted to. He could marry you, move to another country, and afford to buy 7 large properties with how much he had. Decides not to though, fighting is what he does best.
• Buuuuttt he does like traveling with you. There is so many things in your house from exploring different countries for when he has another fight.
• Enjoys napping with you the most out of everything else you do together. Bonus points if you both are naked and skin to skin.
• Likes it when you wash his back for him. It can be difficult to reach at times. Apart from that, enjoys sitting between your legs while you wash his hair. Gently massaging his scalp with shampoo as he closes his eyes and almost falls asleep.
• Passionate and soft kisses. His soft lips pressing and moving against yours as his goatee brushes against your skin
• Face first in his man tiddies when he hugs you, unless he slightly bends over. They are the squishiest things ever when he's not tense.
• Let's you play with and squeeze his muscles. He can move every single one of them individually due to the mass of them.
• Singing in the car with you to your favorite songs. He has a pretty decent voice and if anything, could be the next Frank Sinatra in your honest opinion.
• Corny romantic dates all the way. Prefers taking you to small restaurants and diners rather than bigger and fancier supper clubs.
• Soft Dom/ Service Top. Yuuuppp. Lives for your pleasure.
• Has had a few partners before, so he knows what he's doing. KNOWS WHERE THE CLIT IS WOOHOOO
• It's a must for him to be gentle due to his strength. The last thing he wants to do when topping is hurt you.
• Prefers giving than receiving. He's very good at oral and enjoys it so much that you almost have to pry his face away from between your legs. Your juices shining on his lips while he looks up at you, humming into your pussy. Sending all the right vibrations through your core.
• When you finally convince him to let you go down on him this time, he struggles with not immediately cumming inside your mouth.
• Not very vocal. He doesn't shout our swear, but he definitely moans / groans. They're on the softer side and yes they are sexy.
• Extra big and strong fingers. His digits almost abusing your gspot as his thumb presses down on your clit. Watching as you clench around him.
• Makes sure you orgasm ATLEAST once. So that you're loosened up and turned on enough. Unless you ask for more...
• He has a decent sized penis, it's around 7 inches and pretty girthy. Pink tip with a few veins and some short light brown pubes.
• Missionary is his favorite position. His arms caging your head, making your face expressions more visible as his hips rock back and forth into yours.
• Slowly paced thrusts, with a bit of roughness to them.
• Desperate sex. Kissing you all over your neck and sucking on your breasts/nipples while his thrusts get sloppy. Letting out moans of praise into your skin as your moans and whimpers almost drown out his. His lips never leaving your skin like you were his last meal, his last love, and his last time.
• His thrusts get shorter and quicker when he's about to cum. Prefers to do it inside of you, if not, does it on your stomach or chest.
• Throws his head back as he climaxes, choking out a moan.
• Aftercare king. That's all I gotta say.
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wjhik · 10 months
Pussy (Jude Bellingham)
A/N: Angsty one
Warnings: Slightly toxic jude; pushy reader; very light injury
Y/N's POV:
Jude knows I'm not a virgin. Him and I were best friends for so long, but we got romantic, technically more confused, about 2 months ago. I kissed him on a drunken night, and then he stayed the night with me. Not sleeping with me though. Then he popped the 'what are we' question. I've liked Jude for a while, but I can't help but feel like he doesn't feel the same way. He's not that romantic with me. He doesn't want to take me on dates or get me flowers, but he always wants to be touching me or have me touching him. He never calls me his, but never lets anyone near me. I've asked him about a relationship, and he explained to me how he moves around too much, and he only wants the best for me. I understand where he's coming from. If he just wants to stay friends, I get that. Even if he just thinks of me as a bootycall, I get that. At this point, I don't even know what he wants. He refuses to have sex with me.
Jude is sitting with me on my couch. He has his head on my chest and my hands are running through his hair. I've been staring at the back of his head for the past 5 minutes, contemplating our relationship. My train of thoughts is interrupted by Jude asking me the time. "8:32. Why?" I ask him. "I'm gonna go out with the boys at 9:30. I think they're bringing the girls, too. You're welcome to come." He tells me. Jude had his friend group and I had mine. Him and I have known each other forever, but we introduced our friends to each other a few years ago. We all turned into one huge friend group, some of my friends dating his, so our hangouts are usually quite fun for both of us. "Yeah, I'll come. Let me get ready."
"Hey, babes. You coming out today? Did Jude tell you?" Milly asks me. I put my phone on speaker phone and continue doing my makeup. "Yeah, he told me. I'm getting ready now." I tell her, brushing my cheeks with a rosy pink. "Alright. Need a ride? Jane and I are sharing an Uber. Want to share with us?" She asks me. "Nah, it's alright. I'm coming with Jude." I reply. "Ooohh. Juju's bringing his missus?" Jane, in the background, says in a singsongy tone. She's obviously already begun her drinking for the night. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. See you lot there. Love ya's"     I tell them, hanging up.
"Ready? Whoa." Jude says, looking up from his phone, leaning against the door frame. He walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist, his face in the crook of the neck and swaying us back and forth. "You look and smell amazing, love." He says, placing a light kiss on my neck. I can feel my stomach doing somersaults. This is the most affection Jude has given me basically ever. "We should go." He says, pulling away from me. I immediately feel cold when he leaves me, and I don't think it's because of my barely-there dress that I have on.
"A round of tequila shots for the table, please!" Maya orders for the table. "Sooo..." Milly says, nudging me. "So, what?" I know what. She's going to ask me what Jude and I are and then get disappointed by my answer. "You know what, Y/N!" Jane says before going to take a sip of her boyfriend's drink (which she's drinking due to the ban on her buying one for herself), which is quickly snatched away from her. She pouts at him, and he explains how he'd like to see her alive by the end of the night. Those two bicker like an old married couple. It's more adorable than anything. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever, Josaiah. Anyways, how are you and Jude??" Jane says, brushing her boyfriend off her. "Same old..." I say, disappointedly stirring my martini. "You guys haven't even had sex yet? After he dragged you out of the club last weekend for dancing on that guy, I thought you would for sure get a good fucking." Milly says, shocked. "I thought so too, but apparently not. He just gave me a lecture about how 'guys can be dangerous' and how I should be more responsible." I say, finger quoting him. "Literally, who the fuck is this guy?" Phoenix chimes in, dropping the shots she received from the bar on the table."He's always loving on you and shit. Why can't he just commit?" She says frustratedly. She gets more angry about how guys treat me than I do. She's always been super protective of her girls. "He's not even worth your stress. Bottoms up." Milly says, passing out the shots to everyone, not including Jane to avoid an earful from her boyfriend.
"What are you pretty ladies up to?" I look back to where the voice came from. I see Jude and Alex standing there with their drink in hand, not paying a single ounce of attention to me. "Hey, baby." Phoenix replies, avoiding eye contact with Jude, still upset at his treatment toward me. Alex walks up to his girl, placing a hand on Phoenix's shoulder, giving her a kiss. Gets up to sit with her boyfriend on the other table. Alex takes this opportunity to sit next to Phoenix. Jude, however, continues looking for a seat. I make some space next to me and call out to him. He locks eyes with me and I pat the booth chair. Jude sits down and scoots next to me. I look around me to see all the happy couples loving on each other. Jude is talking to Toby when I cling onto his arm like a baby koala.
"Jude!! Come dance with me!!" I say, high on adrenaline. All of a sudden, this sad night turned into a very fun one. The DJ played some of our favorite songs and my girls pushed me to dance with them. With enough alcohol in my veins to keep me confident, I agree and I'm having so much fun. Jude shakes his head at me, sipping on his drink. I roll my eyes and walk over to him. I grab his hand and pull him. He leaves his drink and friends behind as he resistingly walks with  me. I start dancing with him, and it gets a little more heated than expected. He has his hands on my hips, damn near at my ass, and my arms are slung around his shoulder. I move my hand to his face and he looks away from me. I grab his face with both my hands and make him face me. We lock eyes and I kiss him. At first, he's timid and resistant, but after a while he eases into him. I hear a few shouts and catcalls from his friends before I decide it's time to go. I'm sick of this playing around shit. I'm going to get what I want from him today. What we both want.
I push him against the door and kiss him hard. His hands are hovering over my ass, but not touching. What is this guy so scared of? I break the kiss and reach behind me. I keep eye contact with him and grab his hands and put them firm on my ass. "Mhh...Y/N, we shouldn't..." He moans into my mouth. "Why not?" I say, grinding against him. He pushes my hands off him and grabs me. He kneels down to my eye level. "You're drunk." I sneak a light kiss on his lips. "I'm not. And neither are you. Don't be a pussy." One thing about Jude is that he doesn't get mad, but when he does, he is scary. He's a 6'2 professional athlete. As gentle as he is, he can hurt you if he wants to. One thing you never want to call Jude Bellingham is a coward.
I can see Jude's eyes go dark as that leaves my mouth. I know it was a bad idea, but I need a reaction from him. He flips me over and slams me against the wall I had him pinned against just a second ago. I hit my head relatively hard against the wall. I look away from him and the back of my head with my hand. This is quickly stopped with Jude's hand being wrapped tightly around my throat. The breath is stolen away by him. This isn't the reaction I expected, but it's better than nothing. "Say that shit again. I dare you." He says. My hands are pulling at his much bigger ones around my neck. "You're. A fucking. Pussy." I say, in between gasps for breath. Jude's grip tightens around my neck. He pulls me towards his face. I feel his breath fanning against my face. I see something in his eyes that I can't identify. He lets me go roughly, making me hit my head again. That was really aggressive, but maybe he just likes it like that. I don't mind. I look up at him, his eyes much softer now.
I lead Jude into my bedroom after that very rough interaction. I sit him down on my bed and get on top of him. "I'm sorry." I tell him. Maybe I went too far. I shouldn't play about stuff like that. Jude starts loving on me and apologizing. He's kissing my neck. "Mhh. It's okay. I liked it." I mean, I didn't love it, but it's Jude, so it's okay. I take off my dress and go in to kiss him. I feel him get hard underneath me. That's a good sign. He bucks up into me as I kiss his neck. I take off his shirt. He has his hands spread out, not touching me. Normally he's all over me. Maybe he's not like that while having sex. I start grinding on him and he's letting me, but still not touching me. I feel his semi go completely soft. What happened? Maybe I should suck him off. Guys like that.
I unbutton his pants and slip them off. I reach for his dick and squeeze it. "Y/N." Jude says in a serious tone. I continue stroking him through his underwear. "Y/N." I hear again. "What, Jude? What is it??" I ask him, desperately. I pull my hands away from him. "We shouldn't do this. You're drunk." He says. What is wrong with this guy? I'm barely tipsy. He's so open to shut me down when I want something, regardless of how I feel, so if he doesn't want this he can just say it. "Jude. I am fucking sober and we both know that!" I yell at him. How come the one time he needs to shut me down and shut me out he can't. Jude quickly jerks me off him, leaving me to fall to the bed, hitting my head on the headboard. "Fuck!! What is your fucking problem?!" I ask, rubbing my head. I basically have a concussion at this point.
Jude's POV:
How do I tell my best friend that I'm madly in love with that I'm scared to have sex with her? Not because of her or anything she's like, but I don't want to hurt her. Not emotionally. I would be the best boyfriend to her. No one could treat her better than me. Physically. She's so small, and I'm so...not. I get up, ignoring her cries of pain. I walk around the room to find my shirt. "Jude!! I'm talking to you!" I hear from behind me. Why does she have to make this so hard? Just let me leave without a fight. "Why won't you fuck me?! Or date me?! Or anything?! Man, all you fucking guys are the same! You take what you want and then leave before you get too fucking scared!" Ouch. Her voice sounds shaky. I hope she's not crying. I finish buttoning my shirt and grab my pants. "Jude, please..." She sounds scared. I finish putting my pants on and grab my shoes. I sit down at the end of her bed where she lies. "You're a fucking pussy." Does this girl not learn? I finish putting on my shoes. "Why can't you get it in your fucking brain that I don't want to hurt you? I've seen what guys have done to you. Who's going to be your Jude when I do that to you? That's why I won't date you. And I won't fuck you because I'm me and you're you. You were wrecked every time your 5'6 whiteboy would fuck you. Crying to me about how your legs, and your back, and your arms, and whatever the fuck else. I'm not going to be the one to do that. Not to you." I look down at her as I stand up from my place on the bed. She looks crushed, tears running down her face.
Y/N's POV:
Wow. I am an asshole. I see Jude's remorseful but exhausted face. I don't even realize that I'm crying. "I'm so sorry, Juju." I say, reaching for his hand. He sits down next to me. I tuck myself into his chest and he rubs my head, where he hurt me multiple times. As I start to doze off, I feel Jude getting up. "Where are you going?" I ask him. He walks out the bedroom door. I quickly get up and put on my robe and house slippers. I see Jude at my front door with his hand on the doorknob "Jude?" I ask him. Without even looking back at me, he turns the knob and walks out. Wow. Maybe I wasn't wrong about him.
Wattpad: funkyfishfeet
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red-airhead · 11 months
𝓹𝓸𝓿 | 𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓢𝓮𝓾𝓷𝓰𝓶𝓲𝓷 |
a sequel to 'She's In The Rain'.
I was talking about baby fever with @j-onedrabbles because I recently became an aunt and just thought about seungmin with baby fever during it- I'm squealing about it right now as I write this too-
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word count - 3,242
genre - romance, fluff, smut (MINORS DNI!!!)
warnings - feminine terms, afab! reader, absolute love making, mentions of birth control, slow burn, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), oral ( m + f recieving), slight overstimulation, fingering, slight breeding kink(?), slight nipple play, seungmin is the best at aftercare, lots of baby fever, lmk if I missed anything
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It had been 2 years since you had gotten with your best friend seungmin. 2 years since you’ve had a miscarriage and 2 years since Seungmin had decided he’d stay with you. 
You felt so grateful for someone as amazing as him. He’s been patient with you, he’s been caring to you, he’s treated you so amazingly, and for you it was hard to believe that someone like him had chosen someone like you.
You had told him a few weeks ago you were offering to take care of your friends 1 year old for a little while so she could go enjoy a night out with her husband. Seungmin was home during that time as well and it was hard for him to even focus on his work when he saw you with a baby in your arms. 
He could feel his heart melting watching you rock the baby back and forth, singing to him and making him laugh.
Was that where it started? Seungmin’s baby fever?
Shortly after you had finished taking care of the baby and giving him back to your friend, he started looking at baby pictures online. He fell down a rabbit hole that he wouldn’t be able to dig himself out of.
He’d watch videos for hours on end, and when you’d ask what he’d be doing, he’d lie and tell you that he was looking at one of the more recent recaps of his favorite baseball team. 
A few days after you had taken care of your friend's baby, you had gone to the store to go get food to cook for the next week or so, and Seungmin asked to tag along just to help. Shortly after you had gotten all of the food you needed, you both found yourselves in the baby section of the store, cooing at all the cute baby clothes as Seungmin watched you. He joined in at one point. He’d point out extra cute baby clothes that made you squeal with excitement.
He made a mental note to buy those later.
A few days before your guys’ date, he had been sending links to baby clothing, or videos of babies being absolutely adorable. You didn’t know what it was all about so you just brushed it off like it was nothing. 
During those few days, you found him hugging you from behind, pressing loving kisses on your shoulders, nape, behind your earlobe, anywhere he could. His hands resting underneath your extra baggy shirt, his thumb gently rubbing up and down as he continued to press kisses all over your skin.
You loved the affection, and you didn’t want it to end as it made your heart melt.
Two nights ago, you were snuggled up, binging a movie series you both enjoyed very much, and while you had both originally been super distracted by the movie, Seungmin soon found himself lifting your (his) shirt so he could press kisses on your stomach. The exact way he used to when you had your miscarriage two years ago.
You truly weren’t sure what made him do it, but you loved every ounce of it. You felt so blessed to have someone like him during those nights, and you couldn’t help but fall in love with him even more.
And up to now. You two had been on a romantic date, something that you guys did every month just because. You’d both dress up to go to a fancy restaurant. 
You’d wear a simple babydoll dress that Seungmin absolutely adored. He’d wear a button up matching the dress color with a pair of dress pants and dress shoes. It was normal for you two to have these kinds of dates, and he’d spoil you rotten those nights too.
You two had gotten home later that night, in a fit of giggles from something funny that Seungmin had said prior before entering the house. When he was closing the door and locking it all while taking his shoes off, you took the time to think about telling him what you had been wanting since this morning.
Once he turned around, he was surprised when you had gently held his biceps as you began to press kisses to the bare skin that was showing. He hummed from the sudden contact, and he definitely wasn’t complaining. He completely just brushed it off as you being clingy and it made him happy.
His hands would gently slide to rest on your waist, slowly slithering to connect behind your back. 
It wasn’t until you had begun suckling against his skin that made him pause, and quickly try to stop you. You two haven’t done it in almost a month or two because of being extra tired and busy, so he had no time to buy condoms. Of course you were on birth control but neither of you had done it raw yet.
“Hey– Baby– What’re you-”
“Seung.. Can we try?”
Seungmin would actually freeze for a moment, and he’d stare at you, wondering if you were kidding or not, and once he could tell, he quickly asked, “Are you sure? Aren’t you on birth control?”
“I stopped taking it about a week ago..” You responded, your hands gently resting on his chest as you looked up at him with that familiar want in your eyes.
“So you’re 100% serious about this?”
“Yes, I am.. Are you?”
“I thought you’d never ask.” Is what he said before pressing your lips against his. He loved your kisses, and he felt like he could get addicted. 
He felt your arms around his neck before you pulled away from the kiss and quickly jumped so he could carry you. His hands resting on your bare thighs just made his mind spin. 
He stared at you for a little longer before carrying you to the bedroom. You had already begun sucking hickeys all over his neck. Making a complete mess of red and purple marks that were sure to stay for a while. It was hard for him to even focus on getting to the bedroom but he practically made it his mission. 
Once he had gotten to the room he opened the door and quickly kicked it shut when he had gotten into the room. He turned so he could sit on the bed with you on his lap. Shortly after sitting on the bed you had begun pressing passionate kisses to his lips. This made him melt as he felt your soft lips press such kisses on his lips.
His hands now removed from your thighs now go up to unzip the back of your dress. 
His tongue had asked for permission to invade your mouth, in which it happily obliged on opening. You had practically melted the moment the muscle came in contact with yours. Both of you passing spit back and forth but it wasn’t the worst you’d both be doing tonight. 
Your dress was soon discarded on the floor, now leaving you braless with your cotton panties. Oh how turned on was he that he knew you didn’t plan for this? It just made him even harder having that knowledge. 
Soon, your hips were grinding against his crotch, causing him to grunt. His hands were resting on your ass now, gently gripping on the soft flesh as he guided your hips.
You pulled away from the kiss for air, panting and feeling breathless as your forehead rested against his. HIs heart was pounding and all you two had been doing for the past 5 to 10 minutes was making out and grinding against each other. 
He had watched your hands slide down to unbutton his shirt to reveal his toned chest and abs. You loved that he had a sleeper build, something that you’d only get to see more than anyone. Not even his friends saw him shirtless that much and it was saying something.
You admired him for a little while longer just before his head dipped to your chest, feeling his lips wrap around one of your nipples. It made you gasp as you felt him suck and flick his tongue against it. Your hand went to the back of his head, a moan emitting from you when a hand went to go play and pinch at the other. 
Shortly after he had pulled away, pressing kisses all along your chest and collarbone as the same hand that was playing with your nipples went to your underwear. He felt the wet patch, and it made him smirk.
“Already? Are you that turned on?” He muttered against your skin, now laying you down on the bed so he could start kissing down your body. He left a good couple of hickeys on the way down as you watched him.
“A girl can’t be turned on from the attention of her boyfriend?” You hummed out, feeling his lips press kisses on your inner thighs as his fingers teased your clothed clit. One of your hands went to his hair, gently pushing it back as he looked up at you with lustful eyes.
“Hm, you can, but I wasn’t expecting you to be this turned on.” He muttered against your skin before pulling away from your thighs as his fingers hooked around the waistband of your panties, now pulling them off of your body. 
Fuck, your pussy was glistening, and he had to resist from going down on you immediately. He tossed your underwear to the side, hands gently gliding on the outside part of your thighs before hooking around the front of it. You watched his every move, and when you felt his hot breath hitting your folds, it made you clench around nothing.
He grunted from the sight, and the feeling of your fingers tangling into his hair didn’t make it any better. One hand left your thighs, that same finger teasing at your clit again. He lightly pushed your folds open as he stared at you a little longer. Those fingers retreated so he could lick a long and agonizingly slow strip from your hole up to your clit, flicking his tongue lightly as he watched you shutter and convulse from the feeling.
“Fuck, you’re so hot..” He muttered, his middle and ring finger going into his mouth so he could use his spit as lube. They'd soon be released as they’d rub against your folds for a little longer.
He could hear you whimper, knowing how badly you wanted it. He was amused from the way you started clenching around nothing again.
“Minnie please– I want it so bad-”
“Just because you said please.” He hummed out, now pushing one finger into your warm walls. This caused you to release a suppressed moan as you shuddered. He could feel you clench around his singular digit inside of your pussy, and the way it was so warm made his dick twitch in his pants. 
He fucked the single digit inside of you for a minute or two before pushing the second one in, causing you to gasp and whine.
He knew you loved this, and he loved watching you. He slowly thrusted the two digits in and out of your dripping cunt as he watched you throw your head back when he began curling his fingers into the right spot. 
Your moans sound heavenly, and he wanted more.
His lips soon closed around your slightly swollen clit, sucking and flicking his tongue against the sensitive bud as you began moaning louder. He wanted to be absolutely ruthless with you, but it was a special night and he couldn’t do that to you. 
This continued a little longer, with his tongue against your clit and his fingers pushing and curling deep inside you. 
“Min– Please- ‘M gonna cum..!” You managed out, hands gripping against his hair as you began to squirm. Oh he was so excited to lap up all of your release. He could feel you clench around his fingers hard and it made him drool in just the slightest. 
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you released, thighs clenching around his head as you whined, whimpered, and moaned over and over.
But he didn’t stop there. He helped you ride out your high, and even after he had started to overstimulate you,
“W-Wait Min! Fuckfuckfuck please! I can’t-” 
And he stopped, panting as he removed his fingers from your dripping hole, licking up all of the release he could before sliding up to press a kiss to your lips. You could taste yourself and it just made you even more eager than before.
Your hands left his hair before they went to his pants, quickly taking off his belt before unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, pulling them down with his boxers immediately. He quickly kicked them off before you had sat up and flipped the both of you around. 
He was now laying against the bed, staring at you with love and lust filled in his eyes. You soon began kissing down his body, hands following along before they reached his hard cock.
You admired how red and teased out his tip was, pre-cum already leaking out in beads. Your hand pressed on the front of it before your tongue licked a long strip up to his tip on the underside of his cock, tasting the salty pre-cum on your tongue. 
He let out a heavy sigh, eyes closing as his head tipped back. You watched him with big doe eyes, tongue now resting on his tip before lightly tapping it on your tongue. He looked back down at you and nearly moaned at the sight.
“Fuck you’re so pretty.. Keep looking at me like that gorgeous…” He muttered, hands gently resting on your cheek before he watched your lips wrap around his tip, just before slowly inching down on him. 
He fucking whimpered from the feeling and from the sight. He fucking whimpered.
You had reached his abdomen shortly after, your nose pressed against it as he reached in your throat. You retreated a few seconds after to get a deep breath before you started to give him what would be one of the most heavenly blowjobs he’s gotten.
“Oh my go– Baby.. Holy shit-” He gasped out, eyes rolling as his hands got tangled in your hair. He didn’t want to finish in your mouth though, and you knew that.
You teased him through the entire blowjob. Pulling away when you even felt the smallest twitch. Soon he couldn’t hold himself back, pulling you off of his cock before turning the both of you again so you were laying on your back. 
You looked at him with love in your eyes, a smile falling onto your lips as he pressed a kiss on your forehead, and then to your nose.
“Are you ready?”
“I’m always ready for you Min..”
He positioned himself at your entrance, rubbing against your folds before pushing into you and bottoming out.
He stayed still for a little while, feeling you clench around him with your warm and wet walls made him twitch. You had a light hold on the sheets as you adjusted to his length.
It felt so good to the both of you. Neither of you could believe that this moment was happening.
“You can move Min..” You muttered, looking at him who had seemed out of breath.
“I know, you just feel so good right now..” He muttered out. It had been a few moments later that he actually began to slowly thrust in and out of you. You let out a soft moan almost immediately, hands going from the sheets to his forearms. 
You could hear Seungmin’s heavy breathing as he slowly pushed in and out of you. You were on a whole other world right now, and he knew that. 
“Fuck that feels so good.. Why did we wait so long to do this raw..” He muttered out, hands now going to your hips as he shifted his position a little bit, your hands now going to the sheets again. 
It wasn’t long before he began to pick up the pace, and it made you gasp and let out a broken moan. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your back slightly arched off the bed. 
And Fuck weren’t you a sight. He sucked in his bottom lip as he watched and listened to you moan. Eyes scrunched as he drilled into you. This only made him more desperate as he began thrusting a little harder than before.
You whimpered and moaned louder when he hit your favorite spot. That spot made you weak, and he knew that.
“Is it right there? Is that your favorite spot?”
“Fu-Fuck! Yes ohmygod–!” You managed, eyes watering. You weren’t even close to release and you felt like you were on cloud nine.
Maybe it felt a little different because this time your sex had a new meaning, but that was beside the point, because he knew that you were feeling good and he loved it.
“You like it? Want me to touch you here?” He asked as his thumb went to your clit. An even louder moan escaped from you when he had begun rubbing fast against it. You had whined as well. He could feel you clench against him and it made him just get faster.
“Yesyes! Minnie oh my god..! Fuck I’m gonna cum-” You whimpered. You felt so close, and you knew he was too. It was so unbelievable how just a few moments ago you thought you weren’t even close, but with the knot tightening and getting ready to become undone said otherwise.
“Gonna cum? Cum around my cock for me baby, paint me with your release..” He moaned out, plowing into you like no tomorrow.
“Fuck ‘m gonna cum- Minnie cum in me, breed me please baby–” You had wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him close, and not even moments after your nails had started digging into his shoulders.
His thumb only rubbed faster as he began to chase his release, “Cum with me baby.. Please..”
You had gasped when he hit that spot again, your body quivering and convulsing as you hit your orgasm hard. It wasn’t moments after that Seungmin had released deep inside of you, hands gripping on your hips tight as he held you against him, grunts and moans pushing past his lips. 
You two stayed like that for a little while before you felt him pull out and leave to go get a wet towel to clean you up. You laid there with a satisfied smile on your face. 
“You did so well baby, you’re so good to me..” Seungmin muttered, pressing kisses against your skin as he cleaned you off. He grabbed a change of underwear and comfortable clothes, more specifically his shirt with a pair of your sleep shorts. He tucked you into the covers before putting on clothes of his own, then walked out to the kitchen to get you a glass of water with snacks that you enjoyed so much. 
Once he had gotten in bed, you snuggled up against him, and you found his hands against your stomach almost immediately.
“I’m gonna go out tomorrow, and I’m gonna buy pregnancy tests, and if it doesn't work I’ll keep going until you get a positive test..”
“You’re so sweet Minnie..”
“You’re sweeter..”
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judasofsuburbia · 1 year
something something sex demon! eddie waits patiently on the slope of steve’s roof, looking out at the glistening pool water and his huge backyard. he’s right outside of steve’s window so he has to keep his wings tucked in tight and his tail wrapped around his waist to not cause alarm. no, he’ll let steve have his fun and then he’ll swoop in. 
patiently might be a stretch because his claws are digging into his thighs as he hears each and every noise steve and this human woman are making. steve’s noises sound half-hearted and weak. there’s no passion, no life to it. it pains eddie’s pointed ears like nails on a chalkboard. it’s not the symphony that eddie pulls from him, no. a human could never make steve feel that way.
if only he’d recognize that. 
eddie’s been coming to every one night stand (sometimes two or three night stands and those women eddie really hates) steve has had since he was 19 years old. since the night steve summoned him accidentally and eddie showed him how gratifying, how unbelievable sex could be. he's 21 now.
the routine goes as such: steve has sex with a human, steve is not satisfied, they do a back and forth until steve is begging for eddie to take him, they go to eddie's cave, he gives steve blinding pleasure for hours and hours, steve falls asleep sated and blissed, eddie tries to keep steve but steve demands to go home, eddie returns him before the woman even wakes up, and so on and so forth.
his human can be so frustrating sometimes. so set in his ritualistic nature, his nuclear family dream, that he won’t even consider how unhappy that would make him. oh, how happy eddie could make him. the pleasures he could show him. the boundaries they could break together. the love they could share. it will never make sense to eddie why steve turns his nose up at it but eddie has an eternity to convince him. 
there is one lasting moan that signals to eddie that they’re finally done. he hears steve tell her that it was incredible as he goes to get a washcloth to clean up. eddie’s teeth snarl that the woman’s little giggles of affection, the small aftercare kisses, the stupid cliche things they say to each other as ‘pillow talk’. eddie waits and waits until he hears the woman’s heartbeat slow to a rhythmic, steady pace. 
steve gazes at the woman fast asleep on his chest. she’s sweet, beautiful, soft. this one lasted past date one which hasn’t happened in a while for steve. he was having a bit of a dry spell but he couldn’t give up. he craves that romantic affection. he needs to love and be loved. he’s not sure what he is without it. 
the woman rolls over off his chest wicked fast like she was pushed. her soft sleeping sounds are now louder snores and steve’s teeth grit. sure enough, eddie is perched on his desk chair in the corner of the room, silver skin shining in the window moonlight, hands clasped together on his knees, and a smug little smirk on his lips. 
“miss me, angel?” eddie asks. 
“no,” steve seethes quietly. 
“there’s no need to talk softly, she’s out cold. won’t hear a thing.”
steve huffs, angry and fuming. “you can’t keep doing this.”
“finally kicked that dry spell, did we?” eddie carefully hops off the chair and steve finds it amusing that a sex demon still has the decency to wear underwear. he wouldn’t tell him that though. he wills himself to look away from eddie’s crotch. steve sits firm, arms crossed over his shirtless chest, and breathing harshly out of his nose. eddie pauses midway to the bed and blinks his completely black eyes. “you know, angel, if you were with me, you’d never have a dry spell ever again.”
“i don’t want to be with you,” steve snaps through tense lips. 
eddie clicks his tongue. his very long, very dexterous tongue. a tongue that can reach places steve couldn’t even conjure. steve shakes the thought because eddie’s patronizing him. treating him like a child.
“if only I believed that,” eddie says simply. 
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xiudaddyhadmelike · 10 months
Sehun as your boyfriend
- i’m back (i’m posting this and disappearing again for a year)
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The Beginnings:
He’d be so awkward in the most endearing way, running his hands through his hair and fumbling around you.
I think he’d ask you out in the first week of knowing you, he’s a busy man has no time for waiting around.
Plus he’d be worried that someone else would catch your attention if he waited too long so...
Would probably ask one of the boys to talk to you first, have them hype him up and see whether you might be interested.
He thinks this is very clever and discreet but funnily enough you know what’s up when Chanyeol starts talking about Sehun’s shiny hair and his family’s long history of genetic health.
He strikes me as a bowling man. First date would definitely be bowling and then maybe heading to a latenight diner splitting a milkshake omg
After dating a while:
Orange cat dad, definitely. I will not explain.
He’s very patient, always willing to listen to anything on your mind - even if it’s about him.
His relationship with you would help him to mature.
I hope you’re patient too though cos this is still Sehun, man is goofy.
A lot of childish teasing, stuff like turning the lights off when he leaves the room or leaving the door open forget what I said about maturity actually
Not the jealous type. He thinks you’re the most gorgeous person in the world but you also know how to handle yourself if anyone tries to rizz you up.
Most he’ll do is throw an aggressive side-eye their way.
Loooves to treat you. That necklace you admired? Here you go. The restauarant you want to try out? Already booked a table. The vacation spot you’re desperate to visit? Get ready the plane leaves tonight.
On that note, he is the opposite of an airport dad, pack his passport for him and get him one of those toddler leashes head empty no thoughts
For your anniversary he’d do something lowkey and romantic, driving you both out to the countryside with a big blanket and spending the night stargazing together.
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Habits and other shit:
Always goofin, would consider back and forth banter as flirting, you’ll have to be able to keep up with the sass.
This might lead to little spats here and there but since they’re not serious you can make up quickly.
If it ever came to real arguments he’d need to leave for a while to clear his head, take a walk with the dogs before coming home to stutter an apology.
He struggles to communicate seriously sometimes but he always wants you to know he adores you.
You’d both get into hiking, especially with having the dogs. They’re a great way to spend time together, productively but still somewhat intimately in remote hiking spots.
Speaking of intimacy, he loves to cup your chin and pull you away from whatever your task is for a soft kiss, and then he goes back to his day afterwards. Does this multiple times a day, it still melts your heart.
He might be a little messy to live with but he makes up for it by doing things like grocery shopping, cleaning the cars, and other out-of-the-house chores.
He’s not clingy in the traditional sense, but he wants to be around you all the time. You both often end up sitting together silently doing your own thing, like together-alone-time.
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This man loves any kind of beverage, so be ready for coffee dates, bubble tea dates, bar dates. Give him a yummy drink and you his yummy s/o and he’s happy.
Maybe more active dates, like skateboarding or paddle boarding in the summer.
Gym dates.
As previously mentioned, bowling. Idk he strikes me shoot me as a very competitive person and so it’s the perfect activity for him.
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*NSFW warning minors go away with peace and love*
He’s usually a pretty collected person, very in control of his actions and words.
Not when it comes to you though >:)
When it comes to sex, he gets desperate and messy, leaving clothes all over the apartment and kissing you like he craves you mm cos he does
Loooves to use his fingers on you, he gets a little cocky being able to get you off with just one hand.
Favourite position is definitely doggy so he can really grip your hips. He can also smack your ass, pull your hair, pin you down, just a great many positives in this position.
This man can move those hips so best believe he’s got the stamina to keep going for a looong time.
Equally, sometimes he gets overly excited and desperate for you and he cums early lol i stand by that this is a compliment
Dw though, he’s got long fingers and an eager tongue.
A lot of groans, light moans, dirty talk is a must telling you how good you take him omfgfg
Loves to shower together afterwards
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All in all, a relationship with Sehun would be the definition of young, dumb and in love. He values you more than anything else in his life and will always go out of his way to spoil you where he can, knowing that you do the same for him. It’s truly like dating your best friend, and you cherish every moment.
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ma1dmer · 8 months
Final Fantasy - Aymeric De Borel NSFW
i haven't touched the game in so long, but that doesn't stop me
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex): he cleans you up and orders for a warm bath to be started for the both of you, he'll help you wash up and kiss you ,thanking you for the experience
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): thighs, this man is positively enamoured with your legs and especially your thighs, the soft mostly unmarked skin, he’s always keeping a gentle hand over your knee when you are sitting close together, and when he is feeling particularly bold he trails it up to simply swipe gentle circles on the inside of your thigh, innocently of course
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person): doesn't like the mess or if there is one, the risk, of bringing a heir in the world right now, too much going on to even consider that
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): he likes a bit of manhandling, wants someone to take control briefly off of his hands, wants you to want him so strongly it clouds your senses, to push him against a wall before crushing your lips on his, teeth and tongue ,he wants you to tell him how you want him, what he has to do to please you , order him around, pull his hair and he is yours
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?): very very little, some very awkward halfway fumblings in the past that went nowhere, and then he got too busy and simply had no time or will to pursue anyone or anything
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual): simple yet effective, missionary and riding him
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc): he keeps a generally light attitude but does like things to be emotionally charged , he wants your eyes on him, and he'll kiss all your laughs and smiles ,smiling against your lips himself before sighing in pleasure
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.): he shaves, keeps everything nice and smooth, its just easier than having to trim all the time, he always smells nice, if he knows you are meeting up he always prepares, even if you don't end up doing anything
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…): very romantic, he'll have a fancy dinner under the moonlight prepared, take you out for a stroll ,pick roses for you and then offer fancy wine ,the anticipation slowly building between you two as you flirt back and forth over the night, is foreplay on its own, no matter if its your first time or you've been married for the past 50 years he always acts as if its your first date and he's just now trying to woo you
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon): he doesn't indulge himself nearly enough, but loves the idea of you helping him out, your hand gripping him as you mouth at his throat and tell him how much you love him, he gets these sort of random thoughts that have him frustrated and unable to focus on his tasks
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks): he is relatively vanilla in this aspect, nothing that really stands out, except perhaps a bit of roleplaying
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do): your bedrooms, he needs his privacy and to have his head clear of worries about being caught being improper
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going): using any sort of authoritive tone, when you defend yourself, or when speaking to someone of status or when you get angry or just anything like that, it makes his heart and belly make a little swoop and he can’t help but be a bit distracted the rest of the day 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): anything in public , the idea of getting caught is mortifying especially considering his status 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc): he lives to serve you, from your ankles up to your knees, up your thighs, he’ll tell you to lay back and describes in detail what you do to him , how you make him feel and how he wishes to kiss the ground you walk on
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.): Slow and sensual ,he takes his time with you, unwrapping and savouring you like a gift
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.): he might say no initially but he is easy to persuade , likes the game of you coming to seek him out, but its more likely that he’ll send you off with promises of later 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.): his status doesn't really allow for anything too risky, even if you manage to convince him to try something a bit out of the ordinary, he has to be prepared for the worst outcome so you usually plan things days in advance
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…): it really all depends for how long were you teasing each other and if it was planned or not
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?): he does not feel particularly strongly for or against them, whatever pleases you, but would love for you to tell him what you do to get yourself off when he isn't there, were you thinking of him perhaps?
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): he absolutely is a tease, he is playful when he is comfortable with you, likes to come up behind you and whisper what he wants to do to you or what you can do to him later before walking away to return to his work
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make): he mumbles a lot, pet names and professions of love and he does moan, breathlessly when he gets close to cumming, he would feel ashamed if he knew exactly how loud he gets when you two are alone
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice): he has quite a vivid imagination and he often thinks of ways he’d like to have you as he plans your next dates, things almost never play out the way he plans them to but he doesn’t really mind as long as you are both happy in the end
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words): he is pretty everywhere, average, a bit on the longer and thinner side and it curves nicely
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?): he is very good at keeping his urges under control,  on top of that he barely has the time to rest properly with his position, let alone remember to get horny
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): he needs to be dragged to bed, you need to personally come and pry him off his work and even then he makes it very difficult with his polite words and affectionate terms, telling you he'll be with you shortly and placating your worries with a smile and a soft darling, stand strong and drag him to bed
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salemcantupdate · 8 months
So this is my updated shipping and favorites perspective, given my prior one I no longer agree with.
First things first, I believe in big polycule ship, everyone is together and dating. (Sobs in that’s not the case).
But! My favorite ships that isn’t just massive polycule (preface I am a multishipper):
Gale and Astarion, aka, Bloodweave. Listen, it’s all big now, we all know about it. Opposites but the same, walking the same path, they can make each other so much worse or so much better. Hubris vs self preservation, both essentially having the possibility to become a god. Both have been beaten down and belittled by beings far more powerful than them, one knowing the abuse and the other not. Also the manipulative hatefuck to love would be incredible.
Lae’zel and Shadowheart, aka Silverheart. Classic enemies to rivals to lovers. Both have been mislead and brainwashed by evil female goddesses that demanded total obedience, that both people completely dedicated themselves to until they realized everything they knew was a lie. Whats more romantic than fighting and getting bloody and then fighting over who tops?
Wyll and Karlach, (I don’t know their ship name, may I suggest Devilbound?) is one that I’m still kinda iffy about honestly. I’m not sure if I can see them as explicitly dating, but I can see them being best buddies who fuck sometimes. I can see them making a deal like “If neither of us are married in a decade let’s just marry each other.” Like they aren’t actively in love or awed by each other but there is deep respect and they would fight and die for each other. And I also headcanon that if you romance Karlach and then go to Avernus with her, Wyll HAS to join and it’s gone be a weird little polycule thing I don’t CARE.
So, another thing. I really really like a threesome of Karlach, Lae’zel, and Shadowheart. The Ladies. But like, Lae’zel and Shadowheart both immediately love Karlach. Lae’zel being like “You WILL respect her” and Shadowheart like “She could carry me to safety.” Are they not blatantly simping??? Like I think they would hatefuck and then stare at Karlach and be like “We need her too.” Two scary women and then the golden retriever girlfriend.
Wyll and Astarion isn’t one that really calls to me, though I get the appeal. Monster and monster hunter, Wyll being the hero that Astarion always dreamed of saving him so long ago. So on and so forth. I just prefer a Redeemed Durge playing that role for Astarion?? But I definitely get the appeal.
Wyll and Gale, I haven’t seen anything for. I don’t know if anyone ships them. But listen, these two would try and one up each other in wowing and wooing the other, Gale with the weave and Wyll with the stories of old. Imagine Wyll trying to get old and out-of-shape Gale to dance in his physical body. They are both 100% into worshipping their partner, so them worshipping each other would just be so cute to me.
Now, this one really surprised me. But I really like Karlach and Astarion??? Like, cause, OK. If you romance Astarion as Karlach, you can’t actually have sex with him in his first romance scene cause it’ll burn him. This causes Astarion to panic, immediately forced him out of his comfort zone, and also ensures a route in which you never have to have sex with Astarion??? Which I know I wish I could do in a normal route! So lowkey adore those two. Also, they’re literally black cat and golden retriever??? Someone who literally went through Hell and lost all bodily autonomy for so long but still laughs and smiles and has so much hope compared to someone who was beaten to hopelessness. It’s cute! But I also ship this in specifically the asexual way. They kiss and cuddle and bump heads and are adorable, but I can’t really see them having sex. That’s just me though haha.
Durge and Gortash obviously fucked and were so in love with each other in such a horrible twisted way. If Gortash ordered it, Durge would stay their hand. Durge prayed for forgiveness, begged for it, promised, swore, vowed that he would still kill everyone, kill all. But he was in love, he was obsessed, and Gortash may have been able to pull Durge from Bhaal’s grasp, only for Gortash himself to fall to the depths of depravity. I need more fucked up fics for these, with all the gore dirt and blood. I want it to be like the movie Hellraiser.
Durge and Astarion is by far my favorite for “canon” routes. It’s just, Astarion doesn’t feel like he’s a damsel in distress being saved, he doesn’t want that. He wants to be your equal, he wants to help you, and as Durge you are able to save each other from the hunger, from the urge, from the “monster”, from the Father. Both were created to be a tool, to be used, for a singular purpose to serve. And both break free, and then have the choice. Shall they become what they were made to be? What they are destined to be? Or take a shit on destiny and be truly happy?
Now for bear-daddy Halsin. He’s more difficult, as his story isn’t fully explored in the plot of the game and he was mostly added as a proper companion because he was so popular. Which I’m extremely happy about cause I fucking love him. But! Due to this, it’s hard for me to ship him with anyone. I’ve seen some people argue for Kagha or Rath, but I personally disagree. I do like Astarion and him, or a poly with him, Astarion, and Redeemed Durge. Fighting the “beast within” and all that, Halsin in the more metaphorical sense. BUT, let me offer something up as an idea, a concept if you will. Gale and Halsin. NOW, now, let me explain. This isn’t JUST them being my two favorite romance options and me being sad I can’t be with them both. But! Both were young men suddenly thrust upon with a massive amount of responsibility and faith put in them; Halsin becoming a commander and archdruid as an apprentice during the war against Ketheric, Gale with being chosen by Mystra, taught by her, and then becoming her romantic partner. A literal goddess. And I’m one of the people who headcanon that their interactions started when Gale was a teenager. Gale both believes he is the best and deserves to die, Halsin has never once believed in his ability to lead. Also Halsin explicitly notes he will miss the library at the grove, and GUESS WHAT GALE HAS? A library. But like, imagine Gale making a magic teleportation circle thing that goes from his tower to the middle of the forest with a little cabin that Halsin lives in and they can easily travel and visit each other and fbskfhwkfjw. Also, both of them having weird sex scenes (that I absolutely adore). Gale with astral projection and Halsin with bear. I bet Gale is one of the few companions who’d be like “Oh you’re a bear? Chill, not the weirdest sexual experience I’ve had.” Halsin would also smile and nod along and sip tea and Gale goes on his long long rant and then— gah it could be so cute. Cottagecore meets academia. I’m gonna call their ship name CottageAcademia. I will take criticism on that name. I’m dumb.
Speaking of, if I failed to mention, Halsin and Gale are my absolute favorite romance options. Gale makes me giddy every single play through and I break my heart every time I have to say no to him for a different romance (like Astarion). He’s just… I find him so charming and cute and I love him and I GAJDHAKSHQK.
Anyways, npc involved ships. (Also I can’t say anything about Minthara cause I literally don’t know her, never played evil route)
Karlach and Dammon is cute, but, eh? I don’t get much from it personally. I think Karlach and Alfira would be cuter.
A fucked up ship that I like is Astarion and Raphael. It… yes, I know, it’s terrible, it’s abusive. But it’s juicy, it’s delicious, the best of the poisoned apples. There’s a fic on AO3 that’s just fantastic even though it’s only got two chapters so far, it’s called Palmarosa by thespectaclesofthor
… The Emperor and Gale. LISTEEENNN, it’s just, Gale is the only one ok with mindflayer Tav. And like, Emperor is smart. It’d be funny. Come on.
Another fun fucked up ship that I haven’t seen much of, Minthara and Orin the Red. It’s bad, it’s terrible, it’s so fucked up, but I like it.
Barcus and Wulbren, no, I don’t think it’s healthy. But Barcus clearly loves Wulbren so damned much and I just want the poor stupid gnome to be happy godsdammit all.
Apikusis and Kagha. So, I don’t know if anyone else has spoken to the Druid Apikusis, but she is one of the few druids who is desperately against the rite. And when I spoke to her after, she said she saw the old Kagha in the woman, was desperate that what she saw was true. What if they were girlfriends? Then Kagha fell to the shadow druids, and now that they’re back they can fall back into love? I just see so much possibility in them!
Olly and Rugan got down and dirty after barely surviving the gnolls and I’ll put money on that.
Omeluum and Blurg, they just seem like science husbands. They’re married and I refuse to take criticism on this.
That’s all I can really think of, but for characters I’m just absolutely obsessed with: He Who Was and Abdirak are my favorite npc’s. Gale and Halsin are my favorite companions.
Now, my personal opinion on class/race Tav/Durge romance for each character.
Shadowheart: Selune Cleric for obvious reasons, race I don’t think super matters. But I do like Durge, connect on amnesia. Just figure out how cleric and a Durge works haha.
Lae’zel: Githyanki who defected from the gith and has been living peacefully in hiding until recently (so a class that gives peaceful options) Tav
Astarion: Redeemed Durge, any race any class. I’m personally doing a Drow Spore Druid. But a paladin or cleric could also be super cute.
Gale: Wild Sorcerer / Bard, and I personally prefer gnome? But any race is still fine. Also Tav or Durge work fine to me, he’s gonna be a big simp. Though, I do personally like the idea of you becoming the mindflayer in this route. He would use magic to disguise you and it’d be cute
Wyll: Tiefling Bard… I know it’s the first that’s so specific but come on. He becomes a devil, he loves stories of old, y’all dance together. I think it’s cute. I also prefer Tav here, I just can’t see a circumstance where he looks past the murder of Alfira to romance a Durge.
Karlach: Honestly she’s the one I’m least sure over, other than I like being smaller for her. I also like the idea of a paladin / bard for her?
Halsin: Literally anyone and anything as long as you’re down to fuck a bear.
These are all just my own opinion, added it cause I know sometimes I wanna see what other people think is the best “romance route” for a character.
But that’s the closing! These perspectives might change again, but for now this is my thoughts on everything shipping and romance related (that isn’t explicitly canon).
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a-certain-romance · 1 year
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Can’t help myself
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Characters/Ships: CEO!Yae Miko x fem!Reader
Synopsis: After being busy for so long she finds herself being needy for you
Warnings: Smut written by a minor, this nearly turned into sex in a bathtub but it didn’t, strap-on, choking, anal
A/N: Modern AU of Tyvat cause hoyo art was a big inspo. I got carried away with fluff in the beginning but in retrospect the contrast of the intimate romantic setting and the horny is just- (maybe I’m just feeling sappy cause Valentine’s Day is coming up)
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Yae Miko is a busy woman. It was a given really, on your first date she laid it all out on the table so that you would know exactly what you were getting into. That isn’t to say that she doesn’t have time for you; yes, the first few months were rocky, but you both managed it well considering you moved into her penthouse apartment only a few weeks ago.
Recently her workload has been rather tiresome. Her publishing house is in preparation for a book launch that’s deemed to be the next bestseller, a mystery novel from a Snezhnayan writer featuring the work of a famous Mondtadt illustrator. She’s up to her ears in paperwork and meetings, but your support keeps her sane.
You set reminders on her phone that make sure she eats and takes breaks when needed. When she’s feeling especially swamped, seeing a text from you telling her to drink water automatically cheers her up. And for the past few nights, you’ve been the one to spoon her to sleep, praising her for her hard work and how the launch is going to be a success.
Miko’s day had been exhausting, as it was the last day final preparations were to be made before the launch. You’re the only thing she wants when she steps through the door, texting back and forth throughout the day just isn’t enough for her. Hearing running water, she finds you in the bathroom where a nearly full tub awaits.
Rose petals float about on the water and an array of candles casts a warm glow on the windows that overlook the city. And there you are, crouching over the tub shutting the water off. Her heart melts.
You ramble on about how you care for her well being and wanted her to feel relaxed, only to turn around and see that she’s already stripping off her clothes.
Your mouth runs dry at the sight of her. It’s not like you haven’t see your girlfriend naked before, but every time she gets undressed it leaves you breathless. You jerk out of your haze when Miko starts unbuckling your belt for you. “You’re taking far too long to undress. I was under the impression that you’d be joining me”
You start washing her body, giving her back and her scalp massages. Miko feels so relaxed with you, her eyes close and as she’s sighing out, leaning further back into your touch. When it’s her turn to wash you, she starts with your arms and she presses kisses on your collarbone & neck. She lifts your legs above the water legs and leans closer to scrub them better. You notice that the higher she goes, the harder she grips the loofa.
She goes slower when she reaches your thighs and her fingertips glide along the smoothness of your skin. Her knuckles are practically white at this point. When she finishes your legs she abandons the loofa, smears the soap on her hands, and begins working on your stomach & breasts. Her touch feels like pure heaven, she’s so mesmerized with going over your nipples again and again she doesn’t realize how sensitive she’s making you. Miko takes your hand and kisses the inside of your wrist: “I can’t hold myself back any longer dear, I need you. How about we finish this up?”
After drying off, she tells you to lay on your stomach before disappearing into her walk-in closet. You rest your head on a pillow in the meantime and when she walks out, she’s sporting a lavender colored strap with a curved tip.
Red colors your cheeks and you bury your face in the pillow as Miko laughs at your reaction. “How adorable, is my little one shy?“ she coos, settling herself between your legs. Her hand travels to over your cunt, the wetness already soaking through the sheets. “I see you’re as needy as I am dearest,” she positions the tip to your hole, “How about we fix that?”
She doesn’t wait for you to adjust, doesn’t wait for you to get used feeling so full, the second she enters she starts pounding away.
Her hand finds its way to circle your neck before gripping, using it as leverage to change up the angle. You bury your face deeper in the pillow as best as you can before crying out.
“Speak up, little one”
“S’ too much” you choke out. “That’s the point. I’ve been so busy and I just need your body so badly right now, I know you want me too”
She slams her hips closer to you so that your knees are now under your stomach. She so deep. You gasp for air every time the curved tip hits your sweet spot over and over and over again. It’s so rough but her strokes are so perfect. Another thrust and she holds you there longer. And another. By the next you’re coming and she’s still thrusting inside you.
“Come on, mh, I know you can give me one more like this. I can’t help it, I’ve missed you so much”. Miko lets go of your neck and places both her hand on your hips. She sits herself back on her knees, bringing you up with her. You shake and spasm against her chest as you orgasm for a second time.
She pulls out as your body slumps into the bed. She takes off her harness and crawls down, resting her head in your thigh while her fingers are coating themselves in your juices.
“Who said we were done yet?”
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