#rosie replies! — ✿
asherashedwings · 2 months
on my hands and knees: please.. draw the sillies 😔
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here choose whichever 💅🫶
I chose ALL OF THEM 💥💥💥💥
Ignore any of the inconsistencies with Rosie’s design, I was testing a few things
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mycoblogg · 8 months
hiii whats ur favorite poisonous mushroom?
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this is the absolutely beautiful mycena rosea (the rosy bonnet) :-D
now, yes, she is absolutely adorable, but the reason it's my favourite poisonous mushroom is because she looks so innocent.
tell me this mushroom doesn't look like it would taste like strawberry milk like C'MON !! <3
but, nope - the rosy bonnet is mildly poisonous & causes stomach upset if ingested. there's a bunch more info on her here for FOTD #001 :-)
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Sweet tea in the summer
Cross your heart won't tell no other
And though I can't recall your face
I still got love for you 💖
Sherlock looks a bit weird now (Dad says he looks grumpy) because he doesnot like to get any more Taylor Swift songs. I luuuuuv it. 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Taylor is the best
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radioiaci · 2 months
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𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝕽𝖔𝖘𝖊 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖊 𝕭𝖆𝖑𝖑 - Open Starter
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[ Preface: Alastor is in attendance as Rosie's ( @cannibalxroses ) spouse in this universe. They have been both privately and publicly announced as a married pair. This thread is open for interaction with any others who are attending the ball and are okay with this setup! ] [ Alastor's Masquerade Outfit ]
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He is hovering.
Though he's been in attendance at Rosie's side for the majority of the night, he has allowed her to drift and mingle as needed. But he is close by, only opting to speak in friendly candor when approached, but otherwise lingering like a stone monolith, both keeping an eye on the door for any unwanted intruders and on Rosie for any indications that he is needed at her side. But she is an expert in the art of the affair; he will not pretend that he is necessary to remain so rooted at her side.
Unless asked, of course.
In his hand, he nurses a drink, though it's not quite clear whether it's one of the red wine variety or if it is actually some of the offered blood beverage. He will keep all guessing as to which. Alastor will not be giving away the secret. (He enjoys just the touch of mystery, given that it is quite obvious as to who he is beneath the motif of his mask.)
But he is quite pleased that, thus far, the evening's festivities seem to be going off without a hitch. Pleased on Rosie's behalf, really.
As he orbits the room, he will continue to observe, looking for all of the world like a circling vulture to prey upon the corpse of any creature or thing that could threaten to subvert all of Rosie's work and dedication to the event.
He will not allow any of that, so long as he is watching.
And he will certainly enjoy the music and the fare in the meantime.
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If your doctor isn't available to look after you, do you want to have mine? He can't cure you but he is great company.
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Doctor? Are you sure that this distinct gentleman has a medical degree? Maybe he has a doctorate in another field? History, perhaps? The dramatic arts? And I do not suffer from the plague, Yersinia pestis, so you are correct that he cannot cure me. But maybe his presence would be beneficial.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 3 months
Hi lovely 💜
Me again and thanks so much for your work.
I‘m looking for a specific fix this time. I searched my history and your lists but could t find it.
It’s about Rosie as a toddler, living with John in 221b, but he’s not with Sherlock, yet, but pining.
One day Rosie asks Sherlock if he’s gay, while John is in the room and Sherlock says „yes“, very matter of factly and John freezes, suddenly very excited that he might have a chance after all.
If someone knows the fic, I’d love to read it again 🥰
Thanks and have a wonderful weekend!
Aziralock 💜💜💜
Hey Lovely!!
Oh this sounds familiar, not because I've read it but because someone suggested it to me from another ask... I THINK it's THIS one???
About Being Gay by A_Candle_For_Sherlock (G, 1,088 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Coming Out, Friends to Lovers, Idiots in Love, First Kiss, Romantic Fluff, Older Rosie) – Rosie looks up from Sherlock’s picture book about poisonous plants, gives Sherlock a look and asks, 'Are you gay, Sherlock?' and Sherlock, without missing a beat, just says 'Yes,' and continues drinking his tea, and Rosie says 'Ah,' and goes back to her plant book, and John nearly doubles over in the corner.
Let me know if it's not and I'll put the call out for it! Otherwise, are there any other fics, friends, that this might be???
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aaronofithaca05 · 2 months
Ὀδυσσεύς, Οὖτις 
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Neither man nor mythical!
The man of many ways, the raining King of rocky Ithaca!
Odysseus Laertiades, father of Telemachus and husband of Penelope!.
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The cunning boi and the best of the Achaeans below Achilles.
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I can rumble about this man and his life for days without end >:D
Thanks so much anon!
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that-fruitier-emo · 1 month
Anyways since u r the ultimate Rosie authority to me and I have no fucking clue what to do with her in the swap AU (she's Alastor):
Would she be a radio host or not?
And what would her rivalry with Alastor be about (he's Vox)?
Also she is a fallen angel in this
So going with the fallen Angel motif, make the head of her cane a black rose. One of the symbolic meanings behind a black rose is rebirth and new beginnings. And just imagine her having little rose embellishments because rose's in general also symbolise power, and you know Alastor loves his power.
I'd still keep her as a radio host, and while Alastor is more callous and uses his power and influential figure status to draw in an audience. Imagine Rosie using a more almost flirtatious nature to bring in her listeners. Like using her charm and flattery to get what she wants.
(So if you go with the Al is manipulating Charlie, or Rosie is manipulating Adam in this case, then she's doing a better job than cannon Al.) If you go with this idea, she'd have Venus flytrap elements in her clothing.
And for the last one, do you guys have who will take the Vee's place alongside Alastor so I can kinda get an idea of who Rosie's rivals will be?
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miidnighters · 1 month
@sorrowsick | usfw gif prompts | 1a
It's a wonder he can get her to stay still long enough to indulge like this. Barty's got her spread out beneath him, legs in the air, as he licks long stripes through her folds. He's not in any hurry - this is for him more than it is for her, his own hips shifting every so often to gain friction where he's pressed against the mattress.
His hands are hot on her belly, holding her in place where she squirms against his face - but Barty won't be hurried. Not when he's enjoying himself so much.
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asherashedwings · 3 months
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Just if you need ideas!! :) (totally not alastor biased oops)
I doubt you actually wanted me to redraw ALL of these, but I did so anyways cuz I had nothing better to do
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alteregozowie · 13 days
It's Chewsday!
Rosie creeps behind Alastor and bites his shoulder as she wraps her arms lovingly around his waist.
Tasty deer demon is tasty.
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She startled him good with that bite, flustered- he was not expecting it! Got to him before he could even start that reign of terror that is Chewsday!
He knew the second she wrapped her arms around his waist that it was Rosie....because he melted. He rested his head on hers.
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"I'm going to give you that one darling, you got me good!"
He probably could stay in her arms like that all day, even with her latched on to his shoulder.
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Ehhhhh… I think more Taylor Swift
I was tame I was gentle til the circus life made me mean
Don’t you worry folks we took out all her teeth
Who’s afraid of little old meeeee?
You should be.
I loooooooove the song so much. I know all the lirricks. (Lyrics, Watson. Isn't proper spelling part of your curriculum?) (Whats a curri-culum? Isnt that something you and dad eat sometimes?) (Nevermind, Watson.)
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mycoblogg · 1 year
What's your top three favorite fungi, currently?
OKEYOKEYOKEY !! /pos let me do it in a classic 3, 2, 1 style. you can click on the fungus's name to be taken to my FOTD post about them. ^^
in third place we have...
3. BLUE-GREEN ELFCUP<3 (chlorociboria aeruginosa)
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i love love love these little guys !! :-) they also occur in my country, so i hope to find them someday. ^^ beautiful colour.
2. PiXiE CUP LiCHEN !! (cladonia asahinae)
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this fungus i just adore for its goofy shape & pretty colour :-) i really love lichens & hope to find it one day. however,, this person made me realise they look like shrek's ears so- i-😭😭
in first place.. DRUMROLL PLEASE !!
1. ROSY BONNET (mycena rosea) :-D
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i *adore* this mushroom for so many reasons. it's literally the strawberry milk of mushrooms<3 so cute & innocent.. BUT !! it's poisonous - plot freaking twist !! number one winner (currently). she's so gorgeous.
thanks for this ask, it was a blast :-)
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velvet4510 · 3 months
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i saw these two people in the tolkien discord server i’m in say this, and while i can see their point (i 100% believe that men should be able to be affectionate without romantic undertones), i just feel like so many people get the wrong idea that samfro shippers merely see them as “gay and cute”
most of us accept all interpretations of their relationship, whether that’s soulmates, queer-platonic, romantic, etc
i was wondering what your opinion on this is??
Great question! SO sorry for the delay in responding. I hope to make my reply worth the wait. Also, this answer will be really long - sorry again - but I have many thoughts on this.
I completely agree that men should be able to be affectionate without it being romantic. Women do not have this problem of fearing open affection due to assumptions about sexuality, and I think it’s a terrible symptom of toxic masculinity for men to forbid themselves from showing affection out of fear of it being misinterpreted. LOTR is full of many beautiful examples of how men can be emotionally vulnerable with each other and how platonic friends can still physically express innocent affection (Aragorn’s kiss to Boromir’s forehead is a great example). Modern society should definitely follow the examples set by these characters.
The thing is, as a straight woman, I did not go into LOTR expecting to see any same-sex romances at all. And the majority of male friendships depicted in the book and films never gave me any sense of romantic undertones. Unlike many fans, I do not ship Legolas and Gimli because I recognize that their relationship is a bridge between Elves and Dwarves, proof that they can get along, that despite their differences, they can still find common ground and respect each other and be friends. This to me is a far more important message than a generic “forbidden romantic love story” that many view their relationship as. Their bond isn’t necessarily about wanting to sleep together, but more about recognizing that they can like and be fond of each other, and not allow their parents or cultures to influence how they view each other. I do not hate the Gigolas ship, of course, and people can feel free to ship them if they want to. But to me, they fall under the category described in the discord that you have shared: their friendly intimacy does not necessarily signify anything romantic. Even their journey into the West together does not have to be a romantic thing; I see it as Gimli not wanting to say goodbye to any more of his friends, after losing Merry, Pippin, and Aragorn, and instead going on one last adventure with his soul-brother Legolas.
Frodo and Sam, however, have always stood out to me as being different from all the other friendships in LOTR. I didn’t even take any pause in the fact that they’re both male. I just saw two people in love. It’s just in how they are written, and in Elijah and Sean’s beautiful performances. I totally agree that ANY interpretation of their relationship is valid. I think it is very wrong for any shipper of these two to insult or declare someone “wrong” to see them as just friends. But it’s the same the other way around. It is unfair for non-shippers to hate on shippers. While the argument regarding Tolkien’s Catholicism is an understandable one, texts and characters do develop lives of their own over time. Texts are meant to be interpreted. Tolkien himself wrote that he did not want to enforce his own beliefs within the story, and instead preferred to leave it open to readers to apply their own views and perspectives to it. He basically was inviting us to make interpretations that deviate from his own. He may not have had sexuality in mind when he wrote this, but if he were alive, I very much doubt he’d be hypocritical enough to criticize people for doing the very thing he encouraged them to do, especially since he was smart enough to know that not every reader of his work was or would be Catholic, and thus may not see certain aspects the way he did.
The main, unchangeable, factual point about Frodo and Sam’s relationship is that they love each other. That’s it. They go from formal master and servant to two people who have been through hell and back together, and in the process, formed a bond that nobody else will ever understand. This point stands, whether their specific feelings for each other are platonic or romantic. To view them as lovers does not take away from or undermine the foundations of how Tolkien shaped their characters and the connection they build.
It also bothers me how those who criticize this ship use the word “gay.” Bear in mind, of course, that I’m not an actual member of the LGBT community, and I’m speaking based on my love for my many LGBT friends and relatives, and the efforts I’ve made to understand and empathize with this community, and to never be among those who hate people based on who they love. But I’ve learned enough by now to know that it is quite ignorant of people to truncate the idea of Frodo and Sam being in love as “they’re gay.” Sam is not gay, as shown by his love for Rosie. To ship Frodo and Sam is not to erase Rosie or pretend Sam doesn’t love her. Sam has the biggest heart of any fictional character I’ve ever seen, and I, like many shippers, don’t find it implausible that he has room enough in that heart to have two great loves.
On that note, I’ll now signify that in the text Frodo and Sam have many moments that no other pair of male characters have, which serve as actual potential evidence of a romance. It says in the text itself that he is “torn in two” between Frodo and Rosie. No other pair of male characters in LOTR has any moment like this. Aragorn does not feel torn between Arwen and his friends, for instance. Sam hesitating to marry Rosie if it means he can’t be near Frodo is a very unique detail that adds weight to this “ship.” Not to mention the way Sam strokes Frodo’s hand in Rivendell and blushes, or calls himself “your Sam,” or has a Romeo-like moment of falsely believing Frodo is dead, or longs for the touch of Frodo’s hand in the Tower of Cirith Ungol. Plus, don’t forget that in another of Tolkien’s writings, Elanor directly compares Sam losing Frodo to Celeborn losing his wife. Also, I and many others have described how Frodo and Sam’s story directly parallels that of two canon lovers, Beren and Lúthien. Again, platonic interpretations of all this are valid, but it’s important to remember that shippers are not making things up. We’re not saying or believing that Frodo and Sam are in love “because they’re cute”. There are many moments between them in the text that support this interpretation, not the least of which is a direct parallel to a canon romantic couple - and without context, many of their exchanges and moments could easily be seen in a romantic light. (Sam watching Frodo sleep and saying “I love him, whether or no,” and declaring his one wish after potentially completing the Quest alone is not to return to the Shire and Rosie, but to return to Frodo’s body and never leave him again … all these things are right there in the text. Merry and Pippin, Legolas and Gimli, Aragorn and Boromir, none of them have any moments like this.)
And Sam’s journey across the Sea does not have nearly as much ambiguity as Gimli’s. Gimli has more to gain by going than staying; to stay would be to be left alone with no family and no more Elves or hobbits around, while to go would be to stand by his best friend, see the woman he loves/deeply admires again (Galadriel), and not face any more goodbyes. He wouldn’t really lose anything by leaving with Legolas, only gain. Sam’s circumstances are completely different. He has many people in the Shire; 13 children and countless grandchildren who could take care of him. He could easily spend his last days peacefully living with Elanor and watching her children grow, as any old hobbit would typically do. To sail West would be to lose and permanently be separated from a countless number of loved ones. And though he was affected by the Ring as a Ring-bearer, he held it for a very brief time, short enough for it to not prevent him from having a normal life after the war. It cannot be easily assumed that the lasting effect of the Ring on him was so powerful that it made him happier to leave his family than to stay with them. Because what would be waiting for him in Valinor? Gimli had two people in Valinor to whom he was very close, Legolas and Galadriel, as opposed to no loved ones back in Middle-earth. But Sam had one person in Valinor to whom he was very close, Frodo, as opposed to dozens of loved ones back in Middle-earth. The fact that he chooses Frodo over his family, to live with Frodo rather than die with and rest beside Rosie, to see Frodo again rather than see his family as much as possible in his remaining days…is a major point worth considering, and another thing that adds a layer of credibility to the idea of shipping them.
So to sum it all up, to say “you just ship Frodo and Sam because you don’t know what friendship is, because you think they’re cute so they must want to sleep together” is a MASSIVE trivialization/oversimplification/misunderstanding and completely ignores the things I’ve just laid out, particularly the distinctions between their relationship and those of other male pairings in LOTR.
Ok, ramble time is over…Boy, I hope that made at least one lick of sense! Haha.
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Hello! I hope youll have a lovely day.
Can you recommend some parentlock fics? Especially fics where Rosie is the child.
Thank you!
Hey Nonny!
FANTASTIC, needed another ask for Part 2 of my list! Last week’s Fic Rec list was huge, so I’ve had to split it up; your ask came in so I decided to use it for the next part of my 3 week Parentlock posting spree from my Marked for later list! Check out all these lists and the fics labelled "Post S4" for Rosie-fics, and this community recs post as well :)
PARENTLOCK Pt. 4B (MFLs, 25K+ w.)
See also:
Parentlock Pt. 2
Parentlock Pt. 3
Parentlock Pt. 4A (MFLs 0-25K w.)
Single-Parent Sherlock
Sherlock Soft With Children
By Any Other Name by EchoSilverWolf (E, 26,210 w., 25 Ch. || Post-S4, Parentlock, Fluff, Developing Relationship) – After rebuilding 221B, John and Rosie move back in with Sherlock. Sherlock tries to make life easier for John as a single parent.A shared love of John's daughter slowly brings the two to finally admit to secrets they've both kept for far too long.
A Week in November by JRow (T, 26,987 w., 8 Ch. || Post S4, Military John, Parentlock, First Kiss, Hurt John) – John and Rosie have been living at Baker Street for years. John works part-time at a nearby surgery leaving plenty of time to assist Sherlock with cases. Rosie is brilliant and becoming more amazing everyday. And, in addition to being John’s friend, Sherlock has become an amazing second parent to Rosie. John is happy. Mycroft’s request seems simple enough. Tedious even. So tedious that John can’t understand why Sherlock agreed to it so easily. John is the one with reservations – there must be ways they can help that don’t involve his having to appear as (former) Captain John Watson. But it turns out that questioning a potential spy and providing an "extra set of eyes" at the National Service of Remembrance will prove much more emotional and exciting than John imagined.
I Am His by Jaci4Narnia (E, 27,243 w., 12 Ch. || Omegaverse || Omega Sherlock, Alpha John, Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Sex Slavery, Sexual Abuse, Emotional / Psychological Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Slow Burn, Mpreg, Mating Bond, Abortion, Parentlock, Knotting) – John Watson, a 24-year-old soldier recently returned from service in Afghanistan, is gifted with a young, 17-year-old omega slave named Sherlock. This is the first of a hopefully three-part series dictating John and Sherlock's life together. Both are broken. Both need each other. There will be slow burn-like VERY slow burn. This is a rewrite of my To See a Smile omegaverse fanfic. Part 1 of Precious
A different kind of adventure by curiousbees (E, 27,340 w., 13 Ch. || Omegaverse AU || Omega Sherlock, Alpha John, Pregnancy, Parentlock) – A series of rash experiments at twenty-three left omega Sherlock unable to form a bond or have a child. He never particularly cared, even if he sometimes caught himself wishing after meeting John. Now at 36, this inability is simply another part of who he is, like his intellect or his tendency for addiction. So after one night's loss of logic with his married best friend, he doesn't think to question it. In hindsight, he really shouldn't have taken it for granted.
The mischievous fairies (Fictober 2018) by MorganeUK (G, 28,305 w., 31 Ch. || Magical Realism AU || Parentlock / Rosie, Mutual Pining, Clueless Sherlock/John, Texting, Kissing, Emotional Baggage, Fluff, Heavy Petting, Non-Graphic Smut) – Rosie is tired of how stubborn her dad and her god-father are! She's decided that it's time to do something and she's found the best helpers! Whether she knows it or not…
The mischievous fairies (Fictober 2018) by MorganeUK (T, 28,305 w., 31 Ch. || Mutual Pining, Parentlock, Devious Rosie, Background Lestrolly, Harry Watson’s in This Fic, Protective Harry, Kissing, Clueless Sherlock, Emotional Baggage) – Rosie is tired of how stubborn her dad and her god-father are! She's decided that it's time to do something and she's found the best helpers! Wether she knows it or not...
Catalyst by fortunatelykeendetective (E, 28,379 w., 16 Ch. || Post S3 Divergence, Major Character Death, Death in Childbirth, NICU, Referenced Homophobia, Soft Sherlock/John, Bisexual John, Mutual Pining, Eventual Romance / Sex, Grief/Mourning, Hurt/Comfort, Parentlock, Marriage) – The (canon-divergent) story of how John and Sherlock finally Figured It Out through a whole lot of grief and loss.
Ten Years by toyhto (M, 28,610 w., 5 Ch. || Post S4/TFP, Fake Relationship, UST, Getting Together, Love Confessions, First Kiss/Time, Virgin Sherlock, Parentlock) – A friend tells Rosie Watson that her parents aren't together for real, because they don't kiss. But we do, John says.
Beautiful Pictures by JRow (M, 28,713 w., 7 Ch. || Post S4, Parentlock, Case Fic, Angst with Happy Ending) – An adorable (but unacceptable!) photo of Sherlock and Rosie on the Mail online, a stolen Picasso, and a slip of the tongue force John to re-evaluate his long held assumptions.
Becoming Watson and Holmes by black_rose_blade (E, 29,900 w., 12 Ch. || Post-S4, Romance, Jealous John, Friends to Lovers, Experienced Sherlock, Confused John, Parentlock, Sherlock/OMC) –  A short story about Sherlock and John finally getting together.
Those Nights We Sought All The Words by ConsultingPurplePants (E, 31,740 w., 16 Ch. || Post-TAB, First Kiss/Time, Declarations of Love, Drama in the Rain, Parentlock, Sherlock Speaks French, Nightmares, PTSD, Mentions of Torture, Psychological Torture) – John has been living with Mary again for over a year with their daughter when he makes a discovery that changes everything. He seeks shelter at Baker Street, but after all this time, will Sherlock take him back?
Afghan Bullets, Beards, and Unlocked Bedroom Doors - The Sequel by addicted2hugh (E, 32,233 w., 9 Ch. || Post S4 Fix It, Virgin Sherlock, Fluff and Smut, Angst, References too Depression, References to Addiction, Reunion, Parentlock (Rosie), John’s Beard, Big Brother Mycroft, Alternating POV, Grief/Mourning, Toplock, References to Suicide, Friends to Lovers, Drug Use, Flashbacks) – This is the sequel to a fic that originally started out as a bit of fun and a lot of smutty fluff, but then ended up inspiring me to think about what might happen after the deed has been done. In short: The boys need to talk. Part 2 of Afghan Bullets, Beards, and Unlocked Bedroom Doors
The Man With the Cartier Frames by JRow (T, 32,447 w., 8 Ch. || Post S4, Friends to Lovers, Happy Ending, Case Fic, Parentlock, POV Sherlock, Sick Child, Pining Sherlock) – Sherlock's top priority is The Work, just as it's always been. His current case is a breeze and will surely be solved quickly. Frank Cleary is obviously having an affair and all Sherlock has to do is find him. And Sherlock will...in between trips to Putney to help with Rosie, collecting Rosie from school, and preparing for Rosie's sleepover at Baker Street.
Development milestones by HOverSeas (M, 33,266 w., 31 Ch. || Post-T6T, Sherlock Whump, Villain Mary, Child Abandonment, Parentlock, Explosion, Isolation, Stab Woind, Unconsciousness, Stitches, Scars, Asphyxiation, Humiliation, Recovery, Hurt/Comfort, John Whump, Happy Ending) – Takes after they come back from Morocco. Mary never died, but her bad decisions still follow her around. John, Sherlock and Rosie need to deal with the consequences.Written for Whumptober 2019. Each chapter is a prompt, posted every day of October.
The Case of The Boy & The Soldier by WhatLocked (T, 36,263 w., 18 Ch. || Alternate First Meeting AU || Sherlock POV, Sneaky Mycroft, Parentlock, Developing Relationship, Case Fic, Lists, Original Child Character, Parent John, Light Mystrade, Kidnapping) – When one William Watson wanders into the life of one Sherlock Holmes, claiming that his daddy has been taken by bad men, Sherlock finds himself caught up in a rather intriguing case of not only locating the boys father but also in discovering a side of himself that he never knew existed. Part 1 of The William Watson Case Files
(Life is) A Series of Risks by SkipandDi (ladyflowdi) (E, 36,499 w., 4 Ch. || Alternate Universe || Post-TRF, Kid Fic, Parentlock, Temporary Character Death, Established Relationship, Suicidal Thoughts, Grief, Violence, Psychological Trauma, PTSD) – The work comes first. Part 3 of the The Infiltrate Series
Stolen by All_I_need (M, 39,412 w., 14 Ch. || Post T6T, S4 Fix It, Parentlock, Pining Sherlock, Angst, Child Abduction, Broken Friendships, BAMF Sherlock, Clueless John) – To save his goddaughter, Sherlock will have to confront his demons - and the man he left behind. [TRANSLATIONS: Русский]
Learning Curve by thpontiacbandit (M, 41,422 w., 22 Ch. || Teacher / Parent AU || America, Fluff and Smut, Parentlock, Frottage) – John is a Kindergarten teacher. One of his students, a boy named Henry Holmes, refuses to speak in school. John is determined to get to the bottom of it, and that is how he meets Sherlock Holmes.
The Lying Doctor by pagimag (E, 44,285 w., 20 Ch.  || S4 Fix It, Hurt/Comfort, Past Alcohol/Drug Abuse, Anger Issues, Depressed John, Watson Siblings, Coming Out, Bi John, First Time, Dom/Sub Undertones, Parentlock, Internalized Homophobia, Past Child Abuse, Angst With Happy Ending) – Sherlock and John's relationship is fragile after the events at Culverton Smith’s hospital. John struggles with guilt and anger issues. During a case he decides to visit his aunt, which leads to an unexpected development. He’s forced to reevaluate ingrained behaviours, confront long lasting issues and question how he leads his life.
Shift by stopthat (E, 46,028 w., 31 Ch. || Post S4/Canon, Domestic Fluff, Family Fluff, Light Angst, Unconventional Relationship, Best Friends, POV John, John Being an Idiot, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, First Kiss/Time, Emotional Love Making, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Slow Romance, Love Confessions, Getting Together, Cuddling & Snuggling, Parentlock) – Sherlock is tired. John senses a shift.
Here We Go Again by disfictional (E, 46,687 w., 10 Ch. || Mama Mia-Inspired Fusion || Post-S4, Older Rosie, Alternating POV, Reunion, Retirement, Case Fic, Mutual Pining, Coming Out, Parentlock, Weddings, Fluff and Angst) – Ransacking some old trunks, Rosie Watson finds her father's old journal filled with remnants of a blog he used to keep about his association with Sherlock Holmes. In an attempt to meet the man who had a profound impact on her early years, Rosie invites the long-estranged detective to her wedding under false pretenses.
Crimson Hymns by brilliantlyburning (E, 48,982 w., 9 Ch. || Post-S3/TAB, Angst,  Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Drug Addiction, Unhealthy Coping Methods, Demisexual Sherlock, Boxing, Pining, Sensory Processing Issues, Drug Use, First Kiss / Time, BDSM, Mary is Not Good, Parentlock, Proposal, Happy Ending, Beekeeping, Violence, References to Addiction, Poetry) – He laid his head over John’s heart, eyes level with his silver-rough scar, and listened to the crimson hymns beating beneath the surface. He imagined flowers blooming in his own chest: veins weaving intricate patterns on petals of thin muscle engorged with blood, sinew for stems and tendons for roots—the flowers would be poppies, maybe (addictive) or foxglove (deadly yet useful)—twining gleaming blood-red around the porcelain bone of his ribs. In his mind’s eye the gruesome bouquet all tied together on the left side of his chest, the stems bound together in heartstrings and the flowers fed by the rhythmic contraction of ventricles. It’s yours, he imagined saying to John—from the vena cava to the mitral valve to the arteries it is yours.— Or, the Love Song of W. Sherlock S. Holmes.
Alternative Universe with 221 Bees by fresne (T, 49,089 w., 221 Ch. || Assorted AUs || Assorted Tags, 221B Ficlets) – They are books in a used bookstore, who should not be shelved together. When they aren't socks. Or ice. Or dinosaurs. Or a bee and an ant. Faunlock, Parentlock, Teacherlock or... other things. An iterative series of 221B stories. One 221B per chapter. Last story is told entirely in words starting with B.
How I impregnated your mother by Mildredandbobbin (E, 50,047 w., 13 Ch. || Very Light Dom/Sub Sexy Times, Parentlock, Pregnancy, Infidelity, Angst, Romance, Captain John Kink, Masturbation, Violence, Homophobic Language) – Follow up to 'Maybe in the meantime wait and see'. Set a year later, Sherlock and John are together and things are good, great even...except...Sherlock's in a one sided competition with John's dead wife, John hasn't proposed yet, and now Harry and Clara want Sherlock and John to father their children. Part 2 of the Maybe series
Genius is a Star Whose Light (is Soon to Sink in Endless Night) by LoloLolly (M, 51,812 w., 11 Ch. || Canon Compliant Through TFP, Aftermath of Serbia, Alternating POV,  Established / New Relationship, Parentlock, Explicit Torture, Mentions of PTSD, Mentions of Human Trafficking, References to Child Abuse, Violence, Kidnapping, Captivity, Angst with Happy Ending, Fluff, Case Fic, BAMF John, Sherlock Whump, Mycroft and John Work Together) – Sherlock had buried the past. Shut Serbia away in the attic of his mind palace. Muddy footprints at a heinous crime scene, however, have led him right back to old enemies. And right back to captivity. For God’s sake, Mycroft. Part 2 of the Earthly Pomp (Is But a Dream) series
Hold You Like a Weapon by MissDavis (E, 52,522 w., 10 Ch. || Post S4, Friends to Lovers, Parentlock, Childbirth, Toddlers, Canon Compliant, References to Drug Use, POV John, Masturbation, Hand Jobs, Angst with Happy Ending) –  Eurus shows up at 221B Baker Street in labour. Things go downhill from there.
Know You All Over Again by PoppyAlexander (M, 53,028 w., 21 Ch. || Post-S3 Canon Divergence, Post-Break Up, Angst with Happy Ending, Therapy, Mary is Moriarty, Ex Sex, Parentlock) – After five good years, one difficult one, and six months that were hell, John and Sherlock live apart but still share custody of seven-year-old Rosie. With therapy, supportive friends, and those inevitable dance recitals and open school days forcing them into each other's paths again and again, anger and bitterness fade, leaving space for a new view of each other across the divide.
Where You Can't Quite Reach by SilverDragon00 (T, 55,338 w., 16 Ch. || Post-TRF, Canon Divergence, Depression, Parentlock, Sherlock’s Son, Panic Attacks, Angst, Bullying, Drama, Teenagers) – Sherlock took his life four months ago, and John's found himself in a pit of self-destruction and depression he doesn't care to climb out of. Then Mycroft shows up with someone John didn't even know existed - Sherlock's thirteen year old son - and asks John to take care of him. John doesn't know if he can handle living with another Holmes, especially this one who looks so like the one he lost. John has to pull himself together and deal with his own emotions, while trying to raise his best friend's teenager. Until everything he works hard to create for them is turned upside down by the one person he never expected to see again. Part 1 of the Oliver Scott 'Verse series
A Change of Heart by SosoHolmesWatson (E, 65,436 w., 20 Ch. || Post-S4 / Canon Compliant, Jealous Sherlock, Past Abuse, Parentlock, Developing Relationship, Idiots in Love, Suicidal Sherlock, Implied / Referenced Drug Use, Mollstrade, Coming Out, Love Confessions, Big Brother Mycroft, John’s Childhood, POV Alternating, First Kiss/Time, Virgin Sherlock, Hand Jobs) – After all they have been through, after all the heartbreak and desolation, John and Sherlock want to make their way back to each other, still convinced that friendship is all that can exist between them. Will there be a change of heart? Part 1 of the The Pains of Growing series
Lost In A Good Book by khorazir (M, 68,552 w., 6 Ch. || Magical Realism / Discworld Elements || Post TLD, Miscommunication, L-Space, Developing Relationship, Parentlock, Demisexual Sherlock, Bisexual John, Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Bookshop) – After chasing a criminal into a poky second-hand bookshop, John and Sherlock find themselves not only stuck in the building, but in L-space itself. With things still raw and unsettled between them after the events surrounding the Culverton Smith case, this adds another dimension to their predicament, which not only constitutes of finding a way out of the shop (while avoiding getting murdered by the criminal), but also to finally address the issues between them.
Crazy For Love by prettyvk (T, 98,696 w., 34 Ch. || Post-TRF, Parentlock, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Angst) – It starts with five words.“Is my father really dead?” Or maybe, that’s how it ends. Part 1 of the The James Holmes Chronicles series
Multiply (the sum of our parts) by 1electricpirate (M, 103,147 w., 15 Ch. || Post TRF, Kid Fic, Angst, Drama, Emotional Manipulation, Parentlock) – After Reichenbach and in order to 1) Keep Sherlock alive, 2) Keep John alive and 3) Get Sherlock home to England as soon as possible, Mycroft devises a plan that will not only incentivise John's continued sanity and survival but force Sherlock to come running. It is a perfect plan, though perhaps less than ethically sound. He has no doubts that using frozen samples of your younger brother's sperm to create children for his husband to care for falls deeply within the realm of socially unacceptable behaviour, but it is efficient, and that is what matters most. Part 2 of the Applications and Practices of Basic Arithmetic series
Nature and Nurture by earlgreytea68 (M, 203,273 w., 57 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE|| Parentlock, Cloning, Kidlock, Developing Relationship) – The British Government accidentally clones Sherlock Holmes. Which brings a baby to 221B Baker Street. Part 1 of Nature & Nurture
Dear John by BloodSeiryu, FourCornersHolmes & Tindomerelhloni (E, 218,315 w., 130 Ch. || Drug Use/Abuse, Rehab, Pen Pals, Friends to Lovers, First Time, Military Kink, Jealous Sherlock, Alternate First Meeting, Phone Sex, Idiots in Love, Angry John, Falling in Love, Marriage, Switchlock, Anal Sex, Separation Anxiety, Depression, Angst, Depictions of Torture, Prisoner of War, Healing, Parentlock, Happy Ending) – An AU in which Sherlock is in Rehab and is required to write a letter to a random person in the military. John get's it, and they become penpals of a sort. Part 1 of the Dear John Series series
Dearest Life by InnerSpectrum (E, 277,077 w., 82 Ch. || Omegaverse AU || Alpha John, Omega Sherlock, Implied / Referenced Sexual Assault, Slow Burn, Semi-Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Implied / Referenced Rape/Non-Con, Mpreg, Feral John / Sherlock, BAMF John / Sherlock, Parentlock, Pregnant Sex, Kidnapping, Eventual Happy Ending) – Sherlock is an Omega whose Alpha has died severing their bond. Sherlock is depressed for an Omega who lost their mate is considered worthless in their society. If young and fertile, unbonded omegas are sent to breeding camps, forced to bear pups they will never raise; something his brother, Mycroft, will never let happen. Or there is the option of becoming the Second Mate of an Alpha who is already bonded. The omega would be welcomed into the home, bear all the pups the Alpha wished and live comfortably and protected. There is no love and the second's mate place is very low compared to the spouse, but it was better than the alternative. Still mourning his beloved Alpha, Sherlock refuses to be someone else's spouse, let alone a lowly Second Mate, but time is running out before he’s forced to go to the camps. Sherlock is forced to marry John Watson, a wealthy Alpha doctor, who is married to Mary, an infertile Beta. Both of whom hide dark secrets from each other. Part 1 of Dearest Life Universe
Radioactive Trees In A Red Forest by Maribor_Petrichor (E, 280,251 w., 73 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post-S4, Suicidal Ideations, Alcohol / Rx Drug Abuse, Coming Out / Bisexual John, Seizures, Past/Referenced/Implied Child Abuse, Hallucinations, Rehab, Celibacy, Sobriety / Relapse, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Grief/Mourning, Psychological Trauma, Nice /Not Anti-Mary, John’s POV, Parentlock, First Time, Angst, Switchlock, Angst with Happy Ending) – John Watson is what happens when a man can no longer see a reason to go on. John Watson is what happens when a man starts to let go. "It is what it is." John Watson is what happens when what "it is" becomes too much to bear. This is a story of the life, death, and resurrection of John Hamish Watson.
Indefinite Lines by ArwaMachine (E, 298,346 w., 62 Ch. || Post S4 Fix It, Case Fic, Parentlock, Miscommunication, Misunderstandings, Mutual Pining, Angst, Fluff, Kissing, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Anal, Switchlock, Violence, Torture, John Whump, Murdered Children Off Screen, BAMF Rosie) – When two lines, inclined towards each other, are extended indefinitely, it is inevitable that they meet. Upon meeting, the lines become something new. Together. Perhaps it’s been like that from the beginning for Sherlock and John—their lives weaving together, inclined towards one another, moving closer and closer to something greater than themselves. But that’s all a bit romantic, isn’t it? On another topic, Sherlock and John find themselves faced with a series of seemingly disparate cases that are growing increasingly connected, increasingly personal. They must unravel the mystery laid before them by a particularly ruthless set of criminals before the danger is upon them, or else run the risk of being cleaved apart forever, lines scattered to the wind.
The James Holmes Chronicles by prettyvk (E, 338,222 w. across 7 Works || Post TRF Divergence || Implied / Referenced Child Abuse, Parentlock, Grief/Mourning, Angst and Fluff, Suicidal Thoughts, Past Sexual Abuse) – It starts with five words. “Is my father really dead?” Or maybe, that’s how it ends.
The Men Who Talked Between the Words by Odamaki (E, 463,024 w., 30 Ch. || Parentlock, UST/URT, Pining Sherlock, Grieving John, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Past Abuse, Slow Burn/Build, Case Fic, First Kiss / Time, Implied/Referenced Suicide & Drug Use, Slow Burn, Sherlock Whump, Panic Attacks) – John expected to be a father some day; he expected to have the house, and the wife and the nice suburban job. Sherlock never expected to have children, in part because he never expected to make it past 30. As it turns out, you don't get a choice. Crammed into Baker Street with a baby, John struggles with single-parenthood and his own fears, while Sherlock treads the fine line between doing too little and saying too much. 
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How was your day with Rosie? I'll be there soon.
Quite an instructive day. First we had a fire safety exercise, not because I nearly set fire to the kitchen.
We later took a rainy evening walk in Regent's park, and Rosie wanted to pick up every single snail from the pavement so people would not step on them. We picked up about 32 snails and put them back into the grass, plus some additional earthworms that weren't bisected yet. Although they will most likely crawl back onto the pavement in their suicidal snail endeavours, but it made Rosie happy to save them. Then Rosie asked me to solve the case of the snails who had already met their demise under someone's shoe, and we determined that the suspect wears shoes size 8 most likely sneakers brand Nike.
When will you be home? Should I order some takeaway? Attempting to cook something might result in another fire drill. The microwave may or may not be a little melted. And one of the tea towels might have turned to ash, randomly and inexplicably.
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