#rottmnt leonardo but make him human
s0fti3w1tch · 2 years
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*forgot to write that specifically he's Mexican Afro-Latino
Some concepts for Human!Leonardo for a segment of fanfic my friend's making.
Idk what the fic's about they just said they needed a human Leo. So. 🤷 I won't know until I beta it!
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superfruitland · 1 year
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bonus peepaw because it'd be criminal not to do him
more humans || don || leo ||
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its-wabby-stuff · 5 months
“Whatever you do, don’t let Donnie watch Rick and Morty. He will try to recreate all the awesome space shit and you won’t have the heart to stop him. You’re the Morty to his Rick.”
“You’ve watched Rick and Morty!?”
“No,” he lies, “Listen if Donnie meets Rick in some alternate timeline, they will get up to no good. We might never get our brother back. Okay Mikey. Are you even listening? DONT let Donnie watch Rick and Morty.” Leo leaves, then comes back and then leaves again.
“So what do you wanna do Angelo?”
“Ummmmmm,” Mikey hums as he tries to think of anything but Rick and Morty, “wanna watch TV?”
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powderrr · 1 year
So me pictures that send to different universes.
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Какие-то картинки,которые отсылают на разные вселенные.
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rainyraisin · 2 years
Day 2 of the art dump!!!
Here's some stuff specifically of my Donnie and Leo human designs!!! I have a bunch more but I ran out of picture space lmao
This first one was legit my fave drawing of 2022 I am still so proud of it even tho its just a post-it class doodle
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niphredil-14 · 9 months
hey so the rottmnt boys tend to think their appearance would be an issue in attracting someone to them. So how do you think they would deal with a s/o who one day unprompted, the boys are just doing normal things, is like “It’s frustrating how everything you do is so attractive to me” and s/o hides face in pillow and makes a groaning noise, like they can’t contain themselves, but are trying too. S/o ends up giving their boys a massive smooch once they get themselves out of their pillow confinement?
thanks so much for sending this in! I've been dying to get some more tmnt requests! I don't write for Mikey unless I'm feeling super inspired specifically for him, so sorry about that. Hope you enjoy!
Leonardo: He may be the self proclaimed "face-man," but we all know that he deals with quite a bit of insecurity. Growing up watching movies with attractive people who look nothing like you can be discouraging, as can having to live in the sewers your whole life because the humans in the above-ground-world would see you as a hideous monster. While dating you, he never once took you for granted, because he knew how fortunate he was to have you. I don't think he would ever intentionally tell you about his insecurities, but it wouldn't be hard to figure out. So when you tell him that, and get so frustrated at your own lack of control over yourself and your emotions, it flusters him. He'd be so grateful that you shoved your face into the pillow because that meant that you wouldn't be able to tell just how flustered he was. He would try to cooly play it off as if it meant nothing to him, but the breathy tone to his voice, and the slight shake of it as he spoke gave it away.
"Well what did you expect? You didn't seriously think that you could be immune to my charm, did you?"
Raphael: I think that Raphael would be a bit more open about his emotions and insecurities with you, not completely, or all the time, but he would most certainly be better at communicating with you when he struggles than Leo would. He most likely told you when the two of you began dating that he was surprised that someone as attractive as you would ever want to go out with a big, scary mutant like him. It would probably take quite some time for your affirmations to sink in and become believable for him, he would appreciate your compliments, but it wouldn't be until much later in the relationship that he would be able to genuinely believe that you thought he was handsome. He might become more accustomed to your compliments, and I doubt that he would ever outright deny them, but I think it would be a while for him to stop doubting, if ever. But whenever you complimented him, especially out of the blue or unprompted, he would become so, so, so soft. His eyes would get all big, a smile as bright as the sun would be exposed by his lips stretching back against his beak, and a slow, steady thump, thump, thump would be heard from his heavy tail banging against the nearest surface.
"You're just too sweet, Doll."
Probably the most insecure out of all the brothers. Though it was all out of love, his brothers (especially Leo) teased him a lot growing up, and he had spent a good amount of time feeling inferior to theme in any way that didn't involve brains. He had been keenly aware of the fact that they would most likely all never find love, but he had convinced himself that even if by some miracle his brothers were able to, that he would never have the privilege. He wasn't big and strong like Raph, or confident and outgoing like Leo, or as friendly and cute as Mikey. He was a cold, introverted man who only knew how to navigate his tech. So when he got into a relationship, as happy as he was, he was always waiting for the other shoe to drop. He was convinced that it was all just a moment's lapse of judgement on their part, and that soon they would realize their mistake, and leave him behind. Because of that mindset, he had endeavored to savor every single moment he spent with his partner, he lavished them with every gift he could think of, and made sure that, even though he wasn't overly affectionate by nature, that they never forgot, even for a second, how much they meant to him, even if he was convinced that he cared for them much more than they could ever care for a monster such as himself. He would never admit these insecurities to them, he did not want them to feel obligated to reassure him, he didn't want to bring them down, but it was clear to them with the look of pure shock and disbelief that he let slip whenever they complimented him, and so they continued to, in hopes that they could crack through his walls, and convince him that they loved him just as much as he loved them. And every time they looked his way, no matter how long they were together, or would be together, it would feel like a gift from the highest of deities, a blessing for their most loving devotee. He may never fully stop viewing himself as a "monster," but it was okay, so long as he was theirs.
"If Ceres was graced with the gift of the Sun's praise, my dear, it would not feel a googolth of what I do when you so much as gaze in my direction."
(can you tell who's my favorite lol) REQUESTS ARE OPEN
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cosmicluvcore · 4 months
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To be human part 3
Rottmnt Leo x reader, gender neutral, friends to lovers, meet cute, apologetic Leo
Part 1, part 2
Summary: Leo has the biggest crush on you but he's afraid that you'd never date a mutant, so with the help of a clooking broach he plans to become your perfect human boyfriend!
Really struggled with this chapter I'm so so sorry if it's bad!!
Tag list!!
@lunaflyer @wings-of-sapphire @ssak-i @nessarolla-in-constant-flux @envyjmoney @leonardo-dabitchy @wookiesmiles-blog @sloppy-syrup
Leo had never actually been to this basketball court before, he knew of it, had maybe seen it in passing a few times but it was always too busy.
Too risky.
But today that wasn't an issue, he didn't have to worry about getting confused glances from others, today he was one of them. He had the cloaching brooch safely tucked under his hoodie, fidgeting with it from time to time from a mix of anxiousness and excitement.
He knew this was a pretty popular park for teens his age, it was mostly students who hung out here and it didn't take much for him to start making a friend or two. His basketball skills were flawless, using his best moves to win over a couple kids at the park was definitely helping his ego.
Though he made sure to keep an eye out for Y/N, knowing that they hung around here sometimes, they'd have to show up some time soon.
Meanwhile he could just keep embracing being a cool ass human. Lev was the name he'd given himself, it would've been insanely obvious if he'd kept his own name, he wasn't that stupid. It had felt weird at first, introducing himself as someone he wasn't. But he couldn't deny that it was beginning to grow on him as he heard other people use it.
Leo, or rather, Lev let out a satisfied huff as he confidently passed the ball, still riding this confidence boost. He looked amazing and his charms were working on everyone! Just wait until Y/N sees him now.
A basketball in the face.
That was the cherry on top of Y/N's crappy day.
As if they hadn't already regrettably slept through their alarm that morning, which made them miss their school bus and forget their lunch. Then once they had finally arrived to class, their teacher had decided to give them a surprise test that they knew they'd flunked. Now they had to suffer the embarrassment of a basketball being thrown their direction.
They cringed at the pain bringing their hands up to their face. The stray ball had hit them hard, but luckily no blood stained their hands.
"Oh mi gosh! I'm so so sorry- Are you okay?" A voice asked, from afar.
"Yeah... I'm okay just a bit-" Y/N hesitated as they finally met the concerned strangers gaze, "-dizzy..."
As they looked up to him he was giving them a sense of deja vú. His apologetic expression gave off a sort of familiarity but they couldn't exactly place it. Maybe it was the dizziness they were feeling from the impact of the ball, but the soft look of concern across his face made their heart flutter a little.
"Hey? Hello? Still with me?" He asked anxiously.
Y/N blinked realising they'd just been staring blankly up at the worried stranger, his voice snapping them back to reality.
"Yes- yep- I'm still here." They assured sheepishly in reply, glancing away.
He let out a relived sigh before chuckling softly, "Lost you for a second there huh? I don't blame you, that was a hell of a hit," His voice was calm with a friendly air to it, weirdly comforting though again that may have been due to the head trauma.
"You sure you're okay?" He asked again.
"I'm alright," They assured, the dizzy sensation leaving them for now, "Only thing bruised is my ego."
He let out a small chuckle, glad to hear them sounding alright.
"I'm sure your ego will recover soon enough," he smiled, "Luckily, I don't see a scratch. Phew, wouldn't want to hurt such a pretty face."
They blinked at the sudden compliment, the words echoing in their still slightly dizzy head, unsure if he was being serious or not.
"Pfft- are you trying to make me forget that you just almost gave me a concussion?"
"Me? I would never..." He hesitates, glancing away sheepishly as they call him out, "But, if I was... would it work?"
They roll their eyes in a playful manner and shrug, "Maybe try starting with an apology."
He chuckled, as they playfully chastised him.
"Right, right,"
He smiled sincerely, a mix of embarrassed and genuinely sorry, jokingly getting onto his knees.
"I humbly apologise to..." He glanced up to them, prompting for their name.
"I humbly apologise to Y/N, for accidentally launching a basketball into your pretty face," He finished, his tone light-hearted, though they could tell there was a hint of sincerity behind his humor.
"Seriously though, I am sorry, I'm not really used to playing basketball with such a large audience." He admitted gesturing to the court, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck as he stood up straight.
"Don't worry about it," They replied calmly, pretty charmed by his playful attitude.
As they looked back to him, something about his face felt weird. Like they'd met before, however as much as they tried Y/N just couldn't place him.
"You know... I don't think I've seen you around here before, what's your name?"
He looked surprised for a moment, a flicker of panic crossing his face before he quickly schooled his expression into a casual smile.
"Lev, I'm Lev."
"It's weird, I feel like I kn-" Y/N's words were immediately interrupted by a sudden hit of pain, apparently this concussion decided to have a delay, "Ow- ow!" They winced, clutching their head.
Lev immediately took notice of Y/N winced in pain, his concern growing tenfold. "Hey, take it easy. You took a pretty hard hit."
He gently placed a hand on their shoulder, trying to steady them, "Are you okay? Should I go grab ice?"
Y/N bit their lip as they tried to deal with the pain. The world around them started to seem a little too bright and they squeezed their eyes shut.
"Y-yeah, yeah I'm fine-" They murmured, their voice shaking slightly, "Ice would be good."
Lev nodded, quickly standing up his mind racing as he did. What a way to make a first impression, 'Hey Y/N here's a bonk on the head, wanna go out with me?' he was such an idiot! He instinctively went to grab his odachi but paused as he realized it wasn't there.
Leo had the odachi, he wasn't Leo right now he was Lev.
Lev had offered to walk them home during the commotion, he figured it was just a headache from the impact but he wanted to be completely sure they were okay.
As well as take the opportunity to talk with them.
Y/N was steadying their breath, pressing cold bags of store bought ice against their forehead. The pain was slowly numbing while the pair took a seat on the steps outside their apartment block.
Y/N didn't understand why but Lev clicked so easily with them, they were always on the same page.
It was refreshing to actually relate to someone for once.
"And after all that, she decides to throw a surprise test at us! Last time I checked, surprises are supposed to be fun," They huffed angrily, "Ugh, I'm sorry for throwing all this your way."
"Hey, don't worry about it. Sometimes you just need to let it all out, y'know?" Lev offered, a gentle smile across his face, "Besides, I threw a basketball at you, you're just returning the favour."
"Pfft, I didn't think of it like that." They admitted with a chuckle.
A warm smile slowly started to form on their lips, this stranger had made them laugh today even after everything else that had happened.
Who knew that all it took was getting hit in the head with a basketball?
"You know, I'm honestly kind of surprised that you've been this patient." They noted with a light chuckle, "Most people don't like listening to whining."
"Well..." Lev hummed, hesitating a little before he finished his sentence, "I'm not like most people."
Y/N lifted an eyebrow, a curious look spreading across their face, "Oh? And how's that?" They asked, their curiosity piqued, "Are you a vampire or something, stranger?"
"Pssh, first of all vampires are a total scam," He replied with a laugh, "What's the point of being sexy for all eternity without being able to see your reflection?"
Y/N grinned, a laugh escaping as his response, "Sounds like someone talking from experience."
He simply rolled his eyes softly, "And second, stop calling me stranger my name is Lev you know."
"Well, you are technically a stranger."
"Come on, we're at 'basketball bonking' levels of friendship." He retorted with a playful tone.
"Ooh, nice alliteration." They teased smugly in reply.
Lev's expression brightened, smiling hopefully back at them, "Nice enough for me to be a friend?"
Y/N pretended to consider it for a moment, they hummed thoughtfully before finally shrugging and nodding,
"An acquaintance." They answered with a smirk.
"Ahh, there's no winning with you." Lev sighed in mock offence.
"What can I say," They grinned teasingly "I'm hard to please."
A bit of water began to drip down Y/N's face, the ice was melting quickly.
"Doesn't seem like that ice is going to last a while."
Y/N frowned as they noticed some of the cold water trickle down their face. They let out a slight huff, knowing that their source of comfort was quickly melting.
"Yeah, I guess not."
Another drop landed on their nose, and Lev couldn't help but chuckle at the way it made them blink in surprise.
"I should probably head inside."
"Right, you can get some ice that isn't melting." Lev nodded casually in an attempt to hide the wave of disappointment that crossed his face.
He genuinely wanted to talk to them, that was... cute.
"Exactly," They smiled in reply as they stood up from their seat and Lev followed, "Thanks for taking care of me."
"I mean... it was kinda my fault in the first place." He mumbled, the regret evident in his voice.
"Hey stop beating yourself up about that," Y/N scolded in a gentle tone, "I know it was an accident." They assured.
"Besides, I really enjoyed talking with you." They added honestly.
Lev's eyes lit up at that, their confession making a warm smile spread across his face.
"Really?" He asked, trying to bite back the eagerness in his tone, though it seeped through easily.
Y/N chuckled and nodded in reply, "Yeah, I'll see you around right?"
Lev nodded brightly, "I promise no basketballs will be involved next time." He grinned.
"Noted." They said with a small laugh, turning to open the doors to their apartment complex.
They gave him another soft smile, their eyes holding his gaze for a moment.
Lev smiled back at them, a twinge of relief and a hint of flattery on his face as he watched them turn to leave.
A part of them didn't want him to leave, they just wanted to stay and chat for a bit longer.
But another part was reminded of the pain in their head, yeah it was time to go inside.
They gave a small wave to their newly found friend as they entered the building.
"Bye Lev."
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waywardwritesstuff · 3 months
Hello, could you create a headcanon for ROTTMNT where Leo and Donnie, separately, fall in love with a female reader who can transform into a giant white snake?
Donnie and Leo x F!Reader Head canons
Tags: romantic, female reader, feelings, confessions Word Count: 900+
Summary: Donnie/Leo fell in love with reader. They didn't plan on it happening but guess what? It did. But how did they act? How did this all go about?
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Leo at first was very embarrassed about it, he had known you just as long as he had known April, and you were very important to him. Not to mention the two of you were quite close compared to his brothers.
But despite his feelings, he wasn't a coward, and he wasn't afraid, so he decided to take you out to a sewer pipe he had found perfect for skateboarding and decided to tell you there.
As the two of you were skating around, you in your human form so you could have two legs to stand on the board in the first place, you noticed Leo started to act strange.
"So...you have a boyfriend?" he says out of no where
A bit confused but seeing nothing wrong with his question you answer
"No. Why? Are you interested haha?" You decide to say cheekily, but if you were being honest, you had a small crush on Leo but figured that it was only one-sided, so you never said anything, but that didn't stop you from making "jokes" about it.
"Maybe, what would you say if it did" Leo responded
You are a little unsure now, you are not used to Leo giving a response that wasn't a joke.
"Leo what are you doing" you stop skating now and turn to look at him fully
"What? I'm not doing anything?"
"Your being weird and you know it"
"Can't I ask my friend about their dating life?"
"You can't, not so seriously at least. What is going on"
He hesitates and his green skin starts to darken on his cheeks. Is he blushing? You didn't even know turtles could blush
"Maybe for once I'm not joking, Y/N I have feelings for you" And there it is, he said it. Finally putting his feelings out into the open.
"Leo that's not funny" you say getting a little bit frustraed. This isn't a funny joke and you don't want him messing around with your feelings. Is he doing this because he knows how you feel about him or is he doing it because he genuinely feels the same
"I promise you for once this is not a joke"
"You're being serious"
"I swear on Hueso's Pepperoni Pizza"
Oh shit, he's being serious
"Well, I feel the same. How come it took you so long to tell me?"
"How come it you so long to tell me"
"Touche" You concede
"So are we going to make this official or are we just gonna sit here with these confessions" He asks
With the adrenaline that is now rushing through your body, you step forward and wrap him in a tight hug, giving him a small kiss on his plastron as he wraps his arms around you and plants his own kiss on your forehead.
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Donnie didn't understand his feelings at first. He ignored the feeling in his stomach whenever the two of you talked, blamed it on bad pizza. He just went about his day like normal and tried not to think about how you made him feel.
But he couldn't deny how important you were to him. He liked listening to you talk, though sometimes he thought you might be a little bit silly he still found whatever you spoke about interesting, simply because you were the one talking. And he cherished the moments when you would sit and listen to him ramble on and on. He knew people got bored of his ranting easily, but you never seemed to lose interest. It was comforting.
Eventually, he figured out what his feelings were and he had no idea what to do about it. He had never had romantic feelings before and he had never been in a relationship. What was he supposed to do?
One day when the two of you were just chatting with him in his room/lab he went quite, which was highly unusual for him. Even when you were talking he was either working on something or simply muttering along to your train of thought.
"Y/N, have you ever fallen in love with anyone?" he asks bluntly
You look at him quizzically waiting for him to go on
"You know...like those feelings when you like someone a lot more than a friend" he explains
"Yes I know what 'falling in love' is, but why do you ask?"
"Well I think that I might have fallen in love with someone, but I do not know what I am supposed to do with those feelings"
"You could tell them how you feel" I say simply
Donnie has a blank look on his face like this was the most insane answer I could have given.
"Ok, well I love you"
You blink once, twice. Before what he says sinks in
"Wait, me? I am the person you fell in love with? But...I'm a mutant" you say hesitantly, why would Donnie fall in love with a mutant snake such as yourself, even other mutants found you frightening.
"So? So am I? What difference does it make?"
You stop "It doesn't but...you really feel that way about me"
"Yes" he says but their is a hesitant note to his voice "Do you not share these feelings"
You were taken aback, you thought after all this time your feelings would have been more obvious to Donnie but apparently not
"Yes of course! I just never said anything because I thought you only saw me as a friend"
"Well I did-" he says truthfully "-but something changed"
Feeling so overcome with emotions you slither up to Donnie and wrap your arms around him before remember how he feels about hugs. But before you can pull away fully he wraps his own arms around you in return.
You couldn't have been more happy in this moment. And you hope to share more moments like this with Donnie in the future.
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wonderingpanda · 1 year
Hello!! Could you please either write a scenario or Headcanon for either rottmnt or bayverse x reader for pining turtles (turtles with a crush on reader) and how they try to “romance” them? Who’s more upfront who isn’t it? What kind of gestures they do? Please and thank you
Rise Turtles Pining for Reader
Originally I was going to do both Bayverse and Rottmnt but I wrote this pretty late and couldn’t come up with many ideas for Bayverse. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
I feel like Raph is the kind of person to act casual around his crush and then freak out later
He’ll get excited around you and try to show you extra care
He’s also going to be very worried for your safety
If you had plans to go over to the lair and end up being 10 minutes late he’s already picturing the worst
Raph does try show off his muscle and strength sometimes
Particularly if you watch him train it’s a huge confidence boost
But his favourite moments are when you get to watch him win against one of his brothers while sparring
Oh come on you totally cheated. Sorry Leo rules are rules. That was awesome Raph! O-oh Y/N! Thanks.
He is a gentle giant so you can expect him to be extra attentive to your every need
And of course he’s giving out the best hugs of all time
While he may be pretty chill about his feelings, if you flirt with him it will leave him a flustered mess
I’m talking, he may be unable to form coherent sentences for several hours
At the end of the day, he just really wants you to like him and will always be there for you no matter what
Oh boy, here we go
The second Leo realised he liked you there was no more peace
You won’t get a single moment alone because this boy will just be everywhere
He’ll try every pick-up line he can think of and will find any excuse to flirt with you
The guy has no shame because he makes it look like a joke
Spoiler alert, it’s not
Have I ever told you I think you’re beautiful No, why? Cause you’re beautiful. Aww thanks Leo. *kisses on the cheek* *Dies inside*
While Leo might act confident on the outside if you try to flirt back with him his heart will instantly melt
But he’d never show it of course, he’s too cool for that
He is also a complete drama queen so he may occasionally dramatise things when talking about you with his brothers
And yes, he will talk about you frequently because how else is he meant to go over your every interaction from that day
He’s also an easily jealous person so if he sees any of your human friends as competition, hide them
Hide them fast
Another important thing to note is that he loves to show off
He’s got fighting moves, skateboard tricks, video game scores, comic collections and more
He loves you, wants you and will let you know loud and clear that he’s in love
But he’s only “kidding”
Donnie is far more reserved in comparison to Leo
He also has a very complicated idea of what he wants
He wants you to know he likes you without you knowing he wants you to know he likes you
That being said, there are a lot of different ways to tell if Donnie is pining for you
He’ll feel more comfortable with you in his lab vs others
Lots of gifts and is always free for whatever favour you need
You can expect to be given more privileges around his tech
But that’s also because he wants to impress you with it
He might also make small comments to hint he likes you
What were you thinking!? Ah but you see my sweet beautiful Y/N, he wasn’t thinking. Don, quit flirting with your girlfriend and come save me! Not my girlfriend!…*whispers* yet.
He’s the kind of person who will admire from afar and won’t try to get super close physically
Although if he’s really excited then he may give you a hug or two
He will also pretend to hate any romantic aspects of holidays to hide how much he’d love to experience them with you
Valentines, mistletoe, New Years kiss, he acts like he can’t stand them
And you can bet that after every moment you two have he’ll be in his lab celebrating like there’s no tomorrow
Because a dancing Donnie is a happy Donnie
Mikey just goes with the flow
Wait he likes you! Oh well, time to show tons of love and affection
It’s hard to tell if he likes you or not because he acts the same way around everyone else
Lots of physical affection, big hugs, warm smiles, hand holding
One unique thing you might be able to nitpick at though is his kisses
That’s right, Mikey will constantly be kissing your forehead or cheek if he gets the chance
You’re also one of his biggest inspirations
The amount of times this turtle will tell you to hold your pose so he can sketch it
He wants you to understand that to him you’re beautiful and inspiring
Compliments are another big thing for Mikey
He won’t stop telling you how pretty, smart and cute he thinks you are
Hey Y/N do you mind standing right there for a second? Uh sure, another drawing? Yup! Sorry you’re just so pretty I can’t stop drawing you. Awwww Mikey! That’s really sweet.
He is definitely more upfront about his feelings and is just waiting for the day he can open up and say he loves you
I hope this was similar to what you wanted. Have an amazing day/night wherever it is you are!✨
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soapiemomorphine · 2 years
My Rottmnt Separated Au!// Masterpost
(*Dj Khalid voice *: Another one ) (scroll to bottom for links to other posts)
This one’s called:
How I Met Our Brothers
And it’s an au of my own inspired by all the greats, like @daedelweiss @dianagj-art @trubblegumm @red-rover-au and more! (Seriously go follow their blogs)
Mainly by @trubblegumm and by the feral Leo from @cupcakeslushie , and you’ll soon why
With out further ado;
(Also dont worry ab my chicken scratch I have it all written down lol)
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(Click for better quality lol)
Since my writing’s shit (lol) here’s the transcript for what I wrote: the character descriptions first, then the pluses from top to bottom
Donatello Hamato:
Raised by Splinter/Hamato Yoshi/Lou Jitsu in the sewers under Brooklyn
Started looking for his bros after his dad told him about them
Met April when he was 9 (she was 11)
He met Leo when they were both 11
Baron Michelangelo:
(I hc that Baron is a title, not a name; like Lord or Lady, so Mikey inherited Draxum’s title)
He’s been training to be a mystic warrior since he was born
Muninn (the one with a larger body and the underbite) wanted him to be named Angel, Huginn (the one with a larger head and overbite) wanted him to be Michael, so they compromised with the perfect name (don’t tell Draxum they saw it in a human pamphlet )
Raised by Draxum alone until he was seven
At 7 y/o he met Raph and ever since both Big Mama and Baron Draxum have joint custody over them
BM and BD raise them like a divorced couple, they alternate houses weekly and they celebrate each holiday twice, (Big Mama and Draxum only come together for their b-days)
Besties with Raph and Cass, (met Cass when he was 10, she was 13)
Rapheal Jitsu :
Training to be a mystic warrior since he was 9
Big Mama named him what she and Splinter would have named their first son; (he proposed to her, you can’t tell me that they didn’t talk ab baby names)
Big Mama was not the only secretive one in the relationship, she didn’t know what Splinter’s real last name was, (and as a gang leader she doesn’t use her name anymore) so yes, Jitsu is Raph’s legal last name
Met Mikey when he was 9 y/o
BM and BD raise them like a divorced couple, they alternate houses weekly and they celebrate each holiday twice, (Big Mama and Draxum only come together for their b-days)
Besties with Mike and Cass, (met Cass when he was 12, she was 13)
??????? —> Leonardo Hamato:
He grew up in the sewers in Staten Island, the one who brought him there was *REDACTED*
Staten Island is full on awful people, so nobody took him in, and he learned to fear people
Donnie found him, and named him Leonardo and gave him his birthday, making him 11
Other Info:
+ because Leonardo was hella malnourished as a growing young lad, Donnie ended up being the 2nd tallest by the time of the movie
+Splinter became more proactive in Donnie’s life ever since he lost sight of the other three brothers and became more proactive in his training when he met April because he’s more paranoid than he is in the show
+Don didn’t really care for Leo (he was comfortable as an only child and Leo changed his routine), until Leo got deathly sick and nearly died
+Big Mama and Draxum (somewhat) reformed only b/c Mikey and Raph would cry and throw tantrums (they won the moral argument slay) when they would talk ab their plans and beliefs (Draxum loves his children more that he hates humanity, and Big Mama finally learned how to love with Raph)
+Mama truly loved Splinter, but was insecure about him loving her as a Yokai (she had trust issues) and b/c her morals are hella skewed, it seemed like a great idea to keep him the only way she knew how, by putting him in Battle Nexus (and she makes bank with him there! In her mind it seemed like a win-win)
(Note: Big Mama’s and Splinter’s relationship will solely be as exes, because it would be hella unhealthy for Splints to trust her after she betrayed it like it. (They both lied to eachother during their relationship in this au) Their relationship in my comics and fanfics in this au will solely be as estranged exes, they will not be getting back together)
If this post gets like, at least 30 notes then ill post a comic on how Leo and Donnie met! (Edit: oh wow. U guys did it)
Lists of HIMOB Posts:
Disaster twins post
Sunset duo post
HIMOB Donnie meets the Canon Mad Dogs // Bonus Comic
Donnie and the Stranger: Part 1 // Part 2
The name Rapheal: Part 1 // Part 2
The Caretaker: Part 1 // TBC . . .
906 notes · View notes
afreakingdork · 6 months
Weak Spot - Chapter 60
RotTMNT Donatello x Reader
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This week's chapter art by @garbagemilkshake lights up the night
Warnings: Aged-up Turtles, Romance, Meet Cute, Villain Donatello, Cussing, Crushes, Xenophobia, Fear, Intimidation, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hurt/Comfort, Love, AFAB Reader, Vaginal Sex, Sex Rough, Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Creampie, Teasing, Scent Kink, Sexual Tension, Breeding Kink, Multiple Orgasms, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Marathon Sex, Somnophilia, Bondage, Feral Behavior, Feral Donatello, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Public Sex, Dom Donnie, Human/Turtle Relationships, Turtle Noises, Roleplay, Sexual Roleplay
Synopsis:  A love story of villainous proportions! Though it hadn’t come easily, as these things rarely do, you found yourself in a whirlwind romance with a handsome and mysterious mutant. His idiosyncrasies had been easy to ignore as attraction grew into something more. However, will love endure when the unknowns about him end up being far darker than you ever considered?
If you can stomach excessive violence, please remember that this chapter technically falls chronologically after the Sore Spot one-shot. However, it is not required reading and you will not miss out if you could not read it for whatever reason.
Fem!Reader References/Warnings Below Cut
Also available on Ao3
First 💜 Previous
Fem!Reader References/Warnings: Hospital, egregious injury, coma, intubation, needles, IV, coma, drugs, bleeding, broke bones, medical descriptions, medical tests, guns, gunshots, ect
“You’re late.”
“47 minutes this time.”
Heavy sigh.
“27 the last and an hour and a half prior to that. You have two assigned patients total, one of which is no longer in critical condition and yet, here you are, late for the last round of your shift.”
“If you think-!”
“133 Pitt St, Apartment 3B, New York, NY 10002.”
Sharp inhale.
“Contain your personal life. You shouldn’t have moved in with your boyfriend so fast. Of course, he’s cheating on you. If your sloppy time management skills are any indication, you were never meant to be a suitable partner.”
“Please, ma’am! I’m begging you! I know! I know what he’s like and he’s a million percent at fault, but if you could-!”
“He just said my home address.”
“Eugh boy…”
“He’s cruel. He’s mean! He never stops! He’s-”
“No! Don’t you ma’am me again! Do you know how many nurses have refused to serve this room! You are down to less than a handful and mark that down as one less because there’s no way in hell I’m coming back here. I’m filing a fucking police report. I’ve had enough of this shit. He threatens us. He lies. He antagonizes. He hovers! He’s a stalker! He’s a bastard! He should have been kicked out the moment he pulled that stunt in intake! I bet he was the one who did this to-!”
“Get out of my way, Leonardo.”
“Do you want to be cut off!? That’s what you’re fucking doing! We’ve been busting our fucking butts to keep you in here, but that’s enough!! Don’t you get it?! Do you want to be here when Y/N wakes up or do you want to be miserable and alone!?”
“She… insinuated… that I…”
“I know.”
“I know.”
“I didn’t…”
“I know…”
“I’m taking charge.”
Sharp inhale.
“That’s the only way this is going to work. You threatened her, idiot. What the fuck did you think was going to happen?”
“You think I was gonna be moved by that?”
“Look, I get it. This is… There isn’t a way to explain this. All I can promise you is that if you can… find it in your heart to let this incident slide, there won’t be another.”
“I’m taking full blame, full responsibility. If he acts out of turn again, he’s banned. I’ll make sure of it.”
Heavy sigh.
“You saved… my sister two years ago from a monster… er-“
“Monster. I’m not sure it was a mutant.”
“That’s… I’m only doing this because of that. Not for him. Fuck him. Hey! Yeah, I’m talking to you. Fuck you.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet.”
“And one cup of absolutely burnt coffee for the-!”
“I knew it!!!”
“I knew you were hiding something, but this-!”
“Get back.”
“What did you inject yourself with!?”
“That doesn’t concern you.”
“The hell it does! You think you can-!?”
“Don’t you dare touch me.”
“I didn’t mean-!”
“You know why, now leave it.”
“I heard yelling! What’s going on? Donatello!”
“It’s alright, Lee.”
“Don’t you pull that shit! What happened!?”
“It’s fine.”
“Knock it off! No, it’s not! You’re going to let him talk to you like that?! What was that?! I was gone for five seconds!”
“Don’t ‘Leo’ me, Mikey! Everything that happens is on me. Don’t you get that? You need to tell me what just happened!”
“I got too friendly, Leo. Nothing else. I swear it.”
“It’s been 2 weeks.”
“Say something.”
“I keep time. Down to the second.”
“Then you’ll know that you haven’t slept. Not once.”
“I fatigue of hearing my name come from your mouths.”
Heavy sigh.
“I… I know what this is like.”
“I know you know why I know.”
“It’s not going to get easier.”
“I know you don’t want to hear this.”
“You presume too much.”
“What? Why do you insist on pleading your case? Why do any of you? You think of yourselves so highly. You are wretches. You are sheep parading yourselves as saviors. You flock if only because you are too feeble to attempt anything alone! You think I need you? I never have! I never will! You have hitched yourselves to a technicality at best! That I let you live and occupy the same vicinity as Y/N is happenstance at best! Yet you press! You always press. Always. You never stop! You never have!!! You will plague me for my lifetime and I will never be rid of you so, please, pray tell, Raphael, what wisdom on this dimension or any other could you possibly think to disturb me with this time!?!”
“Ya done?”
“I should have-!”
“You need to eat and drink. Actual food. Actual water. Y/N will need you when they wake up. All I was gonna say. I’m taking my turn outside. Try considering that we might care about something other than you once in a while.”
Someone left an ancient video set on.
It was plugged in for the sake of it.
Or it was being checked.
To see if it was still operational.
Something was beeping.
Not overly loud, but enough that it made a thrum in the room.
It smelled clinical.
Dry, but with a must of synthetic polish, it spoke of industrially cleaned linens and hospital corridors.
There was an actual hum.
The kind that came from fluorescents when they painted everyone a sickly hue.
Something was in your mouth.
A twitch found a tube in your nose.
You were cold.
Every breath came with an ache and numbness.
It all channeled down your throat. 
You were layered up with blankets.
Three parts of you were free as far as you could tell.
Your left arm.
Stiff, folded, and holding emphasis.
Your head.
Lying on a papery substance concealing more than one pillow.
Your right hand.
Only emerged enough for something stuck to the back of it and large digits cupped between your loose fingers.
Two digits.
Two long, thick fingers.
You squeezed with as much force as you could manage.
You heard a little grunt.
You shifted to dig your nails.
“Woah there.”
Not Donnie.
That wasn’t Donnie.
It wasn’t Donnie.
You made a weary noise and tossed lightly against your pillow in dismay.
The thing in your mouth shifted.
You choked.
“Shh. You’re okay. Breathing tube. I know, I know. I also know I’m not the one you want, but I can get him. Can you hang tight for me, kay?”
The fingers returned the hold.
You wanted your vision.
You cracked a lid and winced it back shut at the light.
“You’re in the hospital. I’ve got you.” Another hand came to touch your leg in a neutral, but reassuring way. “You with me?”
Knowing there was too much white, you opened your eyes slower this time and glimpsed Leo leaning over you.
“Hey, Y/N.”
You croaked.
“That’s all the confirmation I need.” He gave your hand a final squeeze before walking to the end of your bed. “Any more false starts and he’d lose it. The roving eye thing has been a nightmare.” 
Gaze adjusting by the second, you watched him slice open a portal and Donnie clamber through with a rush of sound. “You had seven more minutes before you were meant toI-! Does that mean-!?”
Leo stepped out of the way and held out an arm. 
Donnie rounded his head and was at your side before you could blink.
Function was difficult.
He cradled your hand close and you saw the wire attached to it.
Tracing it drearily, you found several bags sitting above you dripping liquid directly into your veins.
Coming back down, Donnie had tears in his eyes and a watercolor smile on his lips. “Y/N.”
You creaked, rusty on your intubation.
“Yes! We’ll get that right out if possible! Of course!” He brought his beak down and kissed the tips of your fingers. “Procedure says you should first explain whereabouts as a patient may be confused.” Donnie gave a sharp nod. “Y/N. There has been a travesty. We were in the Hidden City when we were ambushed. We-I-No-We were drugged… and you… you were…” Tears threatened to fall and he choked with a swollen throat.
You squinted at him.
None of that made sense.
You didn’t remember anything like that.
You remembered.
You remembered.
You remembered a beach.
You remembered a love potion.
You remembered rolling in the sheets with your mate.
You remembered.
You made a fearful noise and pulled at your body.
None of it came as it should.
Your arm wasn’t just folded, it was taped down to your chest.
In fact, most of your body was constricted.
The pull clanged along muscle groups and you felt a pulse trained inwards on your abdomen.
Shooting sparks of pain straight into your gut, you gave a soft pained cry and tried to kick.
Only one leg responded.
The other was lead and weighed down.
You were choking.
“Y/N, w-wait! P-please!” Donnie refused to touch any more of you.
“Donatello.” Leo appeared just behind him.
“Don’t. It won’t. Not now.” Donnie went to snap at the blue turtle.
Leo stared back, stoic. 
“Don’t…” Donnie managed, gaze falling.
“Y/N.” Leo took to the other side of the bed and reached in to adjust a strap of bandage on your shoulder. “Listen. You’re at the Mount Sinai on Madison. You were in emergency, then the ICU, then you got assigned a room. Saying you were banged up is an understatement. You almost died. You might have, if we hadn’t…”
Relegating to pupil movement, you first stared at Leo, then checked with Donnie.
Your boyfriend gave a sharp nod where he’d taken Leo’s seat at your side and your hand.
You rasped.
“They had to medically induce a coma so we could figure out what substance you were injected with. You were considered an overdose patient until then. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. cracked it and passed the info along so they could treat you. Then you… didn’t wake up. They considered it a regular coma after that. You were stabbed in your shoulder, miracle it missed any of the three arteries there. You’ll have a hell of a time with physical therapy for the muscle though. Your left femur is broken, but that… We’ll get into that later. You were cut along the ribs and stabbed in the right upper torso, into the liver. You were in surgery for hours. Internal bleeding… concussion… broken bones, you name it.”
You made a flighty grunt.
Donnie squeezed you.
You sent him a weak flick of your eye.
Leo sighed softly. “Button time?”
“I hit it a moment ago.” Donnie answered, not looking away from you.
Leo nodded and put his hands on his hips. “Ready, Y/N?”
Together in the same room. 
It only occurred to you now that there was an issue with that. 
There was so much happening. 
All of it was wrong. 
You shifted your pupil between the two and translated what you hoped was a question.
“I’m assuming you’re wondering about this?” Leo pointed between him and Donnie. “Another explanation for later because you’re going to want to sleep after what’s about to happen… I sure as hell did.”
He walked to a corner and you wanted to know what he meant, but a nurse walked in. “Oh…! How are you feeling!?”
What followed was torturous. Over and over your sanity was questioned and examined as they checked your faculties. Tests were done in abundance and you were poked and prodded by what you assumed was every metal device known to man. A legion of doctors, nurses, and contracted medical personnel filed through to tell you similar and yet all new information about your wounds. Tubes were inserted, removed, and shifted around in what you could only imagine was a cruel cosmic game of hokey pokey. You picked up little details where you could under the barrage. There had been something about mysticism, both bad and good. You’d healed nicely. You had more healing to do.
It had been three total weeks since the attack.
You held onto that lost time with an iron claw until you were forced upright. Both for physical examination and because a wheelchair arrived for some test that couldn’t be done in this room, you saw Donnie keep a wounded strength up and Leo keep his distance. Both men had been similarly cycled, in and out of your vicinity, for the sake of decorum. You alternatively had none as you were carted around for more scans where doctors both talked to and around you. By the time you were uncomfortably back in bed and finally left alone, you could barely keep your eyes open.
“Sleep.” Donnie kissed your temple.
“Donnie…” You fought your lids.
You hadn’t gotten to talk to him at all. 
His name was probably the first thing you’d said to him. 
You wanted to say so much more. 
How could you be tired?
You’d been asleep for nearly a month.
Donnie hushed your mind and a glimpse of him was the last thing you saw.
You woke up sometime in the night to a nurse fiddling with your IV.
“I have to get used to seeing you.” She teased lightly, checking the cord and coming away with a syringe.
You grunted out a sound.
“Don’t mind me.” She told you before giving your good leg a pat and disappearing around the bed. “Just something to ease the pain.” 
You stared after her shape and caught a dull hue of Leo on the far side of the room.
Squinting, you found him watching after the nurse before he turned with a tired expression.
Following his gaze led to Donnie who was waiting with a patient expression.
“Hey.” You told him still groggy.
“Hi…” He pet your arm. “No need to get up.”
“No… I… I’m… can I…?” You stirred, trying to remember if sitting up was a chore.
“What do you need? Feel free to sign an approximate.” Donnie watched on with tepid affection.
In the corner of your eye you saw Leo turn his head in a way to give you privacy. You eyed him openly before returning to Donnie. Your first real look at him, you saw how the last few weeks had taken their toll. An odd midpoint in comparison to your last separation where he’d headed to the Hidden City alone, he looked a little on the mend. Eyes sallow, but skin perked with some vestige of hydration, he mostly looked exhausted.
“Water…” You decided, your throat dry and still cracked from the tube.
“You might have trouble swallowing, go slow.” He retrieved a pitcher and cup from a side table before filling it carefully to offer it with a straw.
Knowing he would hold it, you wrangled the lead with your lips and sucked in the life giving liquid.
He lowered it when you’d had enough.
“Sore…” You mumbled, leaning back and feeling the cool drink travel downward in your body.
Donnie nodded.
You took your time reaching up to cup his cheek with a spin of your wrist to coax him in. “Not clean. Sorry.”
“I’ve done my best.” Donnie whispered, coming in only enough to barely rest his forehead against the side of your head.
“Why-?” A cough caught you and each wheeze thudded through your wounds.
Donnie disappeared to monitor you closely.
Hand falling away, you winced against the aggravating loose, but tight nature of your esophagus.
You heaved a sigh as you caught your breath with the ragged little pinpricks that still held on.
Taking additional time to simply breathe, you eventually calmed enough to look out at Leo. “Explain this.”
Leo perked up in the moonlight seeping through a window and approached.
“Now?” Donnie asked without pressure.
You gave a single nod.
“Consider it a bedtime story.” Leo refused an actual smile, but there was a jovial edge to his tone as he came around to the opposite side of the bed. “We make it boring enough and we can put Y/N right to sleep.”
Donnie barely rolled his eyes.
“What got you here or this situation?” Leo asked with minor disdain, ignoring Donnie while also referencing him.
“Both… from the… beginning?”
Leo gave a knowing nod. “When I got the call, you were…”
Donnie bristled and had to hold himself.
“Bad.” Leo decided with a tight eye over your boyfriend. “It was bad.”
Donnie closed his eyes.
You reached for him.
He caught your hand and held it delicately to save the IV.
“We were together so we moved together.” Leo went on.
“Toget…?” You struggled on the syllables.
“Me, Mikey, and Raph.” Leo confirmed.
You bobbed slightly.
“Skipping over our entrance onto the scene, Mikey sort of…” Leo juggled his phrasing.
Donnie was up and away from you.
You stared after him and noticed he’d taken the time to set your hand down before fleeing.
“Mike’s got all sorts of mystic mojo.” Leo tried anew. “I knew you were going straight to surgery and Mikey sort of… snuck into prep.”
“Wha…?” Your lips parted dry and you wished Donnie would come back with the water.
“I wasn’t there, to be clear, I’m going off what Mike told me, but basically he zapped you with magic before the staff caught him.”
“I don’t…” You wanted to shake your head, but you settled for a failed swallow.
“In addition to flying, Mikey can kinda sort of teleport like me, but it’s different… he can…” Leo struggled.
“Leonardo trained with an artifact to hone tears through space. Michangelo can rip through space and time with his bare hands.” Donnie spoke, his back half turned to you. “To his detriment. You’ve seen his scarring.”
Leo seemed unperturbed by this knowledge. “He’s banned from it, but I can’t control him in an emergency or last resort sort of thing. It’s… a whole thing, but he can manage very short distances without it… without…”
“Leo…” You murmured, sensing there was something painful there.
Leo took your acknowledgement as a cue he could skip over details. “He took one look at a hospital map, teleported into the OR, dumped as much mystic healing into you as he could, teleported out when he was found, and then promptly passed out for an entire week.” 
You heard Donnie inhale to speak and both you and Leo waited for him to, but he didn’t.
Something was off here.
You felt like you hadn’t woken up.
Pangs said otherwise, but you still wanted to pinch yourself.
Leo and Donnie were being as civil as you’d ever seen them and only a few weeks didn’t seem like enough time for that.
Something else was happening, but you were struggling to keep up as it was.
“What… did he…?” You hoped that was enough.
Leo lightly touched a blanket crease on the edge of your bed. “He mostly reassembled bone fragments. From what I understand, flesh, with all its blood vessels and such is a harder patch, but he did get some in. Mostly that gash along your ribs. Overall, it’s more of a general spell. If it had been me-” Leo’s teeth caught the light.
“Medic training.” Leo held the first bitter edge you’d seen to him. “I’m a trained medic.” 
Donnie rotated further away.
Why were you losing him?
“Mikey took you from a femoral break to a fracture.” Leo kept a sharp gaze. “Your bone was shattered.”
“Oh…” You gazed down at your body.
“T-tricky with the casting.” Leo stepped up to point and shift the topic. “It’s called a spica. A groovy kind of asymmetrical bottoms, half shorts, half pants, which you have, but they should have cast it up your whole torso, only they couldn’t because of the… stab wounds…” He drifted, his acrid edge returning.
“What’s… going… on?” You got out, the many odd signs too much for you.
“I’m sure you don’t want some medical textbook info on the arteries… But I think I can simplify it-”
“Leo.” You pressed down on his name.
Donnie was nearly curled into the wall.
Your partner's head barely rotated at the sound of your voice.
“What… happened?” You wheezed. 
You’d asked Leo to start from the top. 
Instead, he’d skipped around. 
Now there was an ever changing air as if something enormous was being avoided. 
You had to know. “Tell me.” 
Leo tugged your sheet until it was smooth. “Intake.”
The word oppressive, you felt the other two suffer under it where it held no connotation to you. “What… about it?”
“You still don’t remember what happened during the attack?” Leo asked, edging closer to you with an odd timber.
You shook your head slowly.
“A… Hidden City police officer… abducted you both.” Leo began, a clear wary of Donnie even though he didn’t look. “The guy disobeyed the temporary pardon. We know next to nothing about his goal.”
Your hand flexed and you felt the bite of your IV needle.
“Without you, there’s no account of what happened. The perp left no evidence of planning or anything so we have to assume it was spontaneous, but… we don’t know. We won’t know. Donatello regained consciousness right before the guy tried to…”
Your gaze flew to Donnie where he’d wedged in a corner.
He didn’t know what happened?
No one did.
Was he guilty?
You wished you could go to him.
Leo gave a shaky exhale. “I can only say what I saw for sure.”
You were slow to trek back to Leo.
“Donatello called me and… asked-”
“Begged.” Donnie spoke venom. “Say it.”
Leo’s eyes flashed a warning that Donnie didn’t catch. “I guess he… beggedfor my help. I portaled over and saw you… you were… you…”
Soothe them. 
You wanted to hold Donnie. 
You wanted to pat Leo. 
If your arm closest to him wasn’t bandaged down you might have managed the latter. 
Leo seemed to notice your intention and gave a tired smile of his own.
This was the closest he’d been to you yet. 
His eyes looked like Donnie’s.
“I scooped you up with the others trailing behind and portaled us straight to triage.” Leo cut through the silence. “I had to leave you bleeding out on the nurse’s station because…”
“Y/N.” Donnie spoke around shattered glass.
“You won’t tell it.” Leo ground out just shy of a bark.
“I should…” Donnie tried to turn, but there was an odd glint to his eye.
“Donatello…” Leo had that warning to him again.
“I can talk about it!” Donnie’s voice held a rising bile. “I am not some child!”
“Donatello!” Leo took a few steps over.
“I lost control!” Donnie turned to plead his case with you.
Trapped in your bed, you felt strapped down.
You couldn’t help.
You were helpless.
“I didn’t see the yokai, you know.” Donnie crept forward slowly. “Your-our-your attacker.”
He looked a vision similar to a sleep paralysis demon.
Your heart clutched and it reflected in the ever constant beep of the heart monitor.
Leo neared the edge of the bed, his body readying.
Donnie saw nor heard neither. “I saw a knife. I saw you. I saw you speak your last words to me. Then I saw purple.”
Leo’s arms went up.
“They were trying…. They tried… They-!!!” In a single blink, Donnie’s eyes lit up a bright fuchsia. “They weren’t going to touch you.”
“Stop!” Leo’s eyes spun a blue similar to his portals.
Dancing lights filled the room.
For every flash of purple there was an equal blue swallowing it up.
It cast horrifying shadows across Donnie’s face. “I couldn’t control it. I couldn’t stop it. I couldn’t stop the bleeding. I couldn’t-!”
Leo caught Donnie’s shoulders in a swift move.
You flinched away as the dueling lights picked up to a blinding luminance.
There was a sharp choke.
You forced your lids up to see the glow gone and Leo’s leg lifted where he’d kneed Donnie straight through his plastron and into his stomach.
Donnie hunched with drool dripping from his mouth and had just caught himself from vomiting at the force.
Leo let go just as fast and held up innocent hands as he backed away. “Well? How’d that work out for you?!”
Donnie winced, clutching himself for a moment before he raised his own hand as a signal.
“What… was that…?” You looked at them both, feeling a ghost amongst them.
“Donatello unlocked his ninpo.” Leo turned to you looking haggard.
Now a moment away from tears, Donnie scrambled to his side of your bed on his knees. “I’m sorry. Are you okay? I’m sorry. I didn’t-!”
Your hand immediately went to his cheek and though your body raged and you were only allowed a few inches, you turned toward him as much as you could.
“Don’t do that…” He scolded and your action alone was enough to ground him minutely.
You shushed him with affection and pet down his jaw.
It took two strokes before he went a calculated limp against you.
“Has this…?” You swallowed hard and the cup appeared in front of you.
Hating how much maintenance you needed, you took a quick sip before shaking your head to force the swallow down.
“This has been… happening the whole time… since I got…?”
“Put in the hospital.” Leo nodded and staggered a few steps before he caught the bottom of your bed.
“What… power? Why… now?”
Leo rubbed an eye and mocked. “What power?” He clicked his tongue. “We… as in my family, believed it was only possible for clan members. You unlock your ninpo through acceptance. You have to have faith or trust or believe in the Hamato clan, in us, in family, and poof! It’s the only way you should be able to…” A form of irritation brought Leo upright. “Mikey and I unlocked ours to save Raph. It should be for family. Our family. That fierce protection. That-”
“He unlocked it…” You looked at Donnie.
He was curled into your palm with his eyes screwed shut, looking especially young.
“…saving me?”
Leo clicked his tongue.
Donnie gave a nod that was more of a nuzzle.
“It was wrong.” Leo spoke sharply.
A purple gun appeared in his face long enough for you to watch it cock before Leo realized and a tiny blue portal swallowed it up.
“Enough already! We just did that! You already flipped out so chill!” Leo growled, his eyes still entrenched in a glow.
“Don’t you tell me that saving them was a mistake in any way.” Donnie pulled from you to bare his fangs.
Several cycles of purple and blue cascaded a waterfall around Leo’s features. It painted him haunted before his face broke into true dismay. “I would never.”
The flickering stopped and you didn’t dare look at Donnie.
“How you activated it…” Leo shook his head trying to bury the raw emotion. “Your faith is misplaced. You get granted Hamato rights because you’re a Hamato. Because you believe in one another and how we’re stronger together… You are supposed to believe that you are a part of something larger and that they have you, everything about you. Every single bit. They will do anything for you! You don’t…! You don’t believe any of that!” His eyes rose with tears caught by the pale lights in the room. “That’s why you’re wrong. You tore into a power you shouldn’t have. That’s why you don’t have control. It will never be okay. It will never be yours! It shouldn’t.”
Donnie finally turned inward toward you and there were broken flickers of purple in his gaze like a match trying to light.
You had very little movement, but used what you could to grab his mask and tug.
He came limp and loose into your good shoulder and wilted there, shutting off the light.
Leo grunted about his weakness and did a small pace to recompose himself.
“Leo…” You murmured, petting Donnie with a heavy weight that he accepted.
“Yeah…?” He rounded the edge of the bed.
“That was… What Donnie made was…?”
“Weaponry.” Leo spat. “His power manifested in the same shit he started with. Destruction as always.”
There was a humming vibration of a phone.
Donnie flinched into you.
Leo pulled his device out.
“What’s wrong?” You whispered to Donnie, knowing you couldn’t go low enough to not reach Leo’s tympanum.
“The others…” Donnie rooted closer to you. “… they’ll come now.”
“Why?” You wished you could hold him.
“The flare of ninpo.” Leo answered, tacking something out. “They’re worried. I’ll tell ‘em it’s okay for now. You… I’ll give you this.”
Donnie couldn’t thank him, but he chuffed a sound of acknowledgement.
That seemed enough for Leo.
You felt a depth of what they’d been through without you. 
It was huge and weighty and both of them were overtaxed by it. 
All because of you. 
“Raph said you each had… specialties or something…” You murmured.
Leo stared dully at the blue light from his phone illuminating his face. “Donatello has built guns a million times over. Now he can assemble them without anything, but his mind. Makes sense. A stupid fucked up sense.”
You read the faintest emotion of him.
“I don’t agree, but Mikey has a different theory.” Leo pocketed his phone and his angle entrenched him in darkness. “He doesn’t see a problem with the unlocking because it was done to protect. He thinks the malfunction is tied to Donatello holding back. Something about him not being able to embrace the power because he’s forcing it away like everything else.”
Donnie exhaled revulsion.
“Agreed.” Leo puffed his own.
He did hold back.
You stroked down, tracing towards his concealed mating mark.
Did Donnie disagree because Mikey was on the right track?
He’d come a long way, but he still believed that the person he was with you wasn’t the authentic one.
He’d also said he could never live as himself.
That meant he’d never harness this power.
It loomed overhead, something even more dangerous than his enemies.
“It does… seem connected to your anger.”
You felt both men look at you, but you only watched Donnie.
“From… the little I’ve seen…” You tried to sound sheepish.
Donnie leaned in to rest his beak against your cheek. “You’re correct.”
Leo broke away and walked toward the window.
“And you two have just been…?” You glanced between them. “Together… this whole time?”
The palpable disdain swept through the room.
For a long moment neither spoke.
Donnie seemed the more sturdy of the two for now, sighed to retreat lightly, and adjusted your covers. “Not at first.”
Leo scrubbed his face.
“The initial chain of events went as such: I was…” The moment weighed on Donnie and took his voice.
“Not again…” Leo turned, looking twice as exhausted.
“I can do it.” Donnie pressed, harsh. “Look away.”
Leo bristled with obvious concern.
All you could think was how strange it was.
In such a short amount of time they’d seemingly come so far.
The Leo you knew would have taken every opportunity to barb Donnie.
Your Donnie would never allow the amount of supposed weakness he was currently displaying.
“I can.” Donnie tried again, his voice more even.
Leo said nothing and turned to tuck his head against the wall.
Donnie was slow in taking your face.
A familiar cascade of affection, it coaxed a smile from you and he nosed you lightly before drinking you into a kiss.
“My breath…” You murmured against the chaste press.
“Brushed earlier once the tube was removed and you were up to it.” Donnie caught your lips again and you realized the light brushes were to keep any errant smacks at bay.
“I’ve slept…” You teased him with the lightest nosing though the reach with your neck disturbed the muscles in your shoulder.
“You will learn to lie still.” He spoke with light heat and stole what was an obvious final kiss with a heavier press.
You relented into the pillow and failed to catch a soft sigh.
“That day… After disposing of that miscreant, I was beside myself. You needed more immediate attention then I could possibly… I found your phone. I called… When Leo appeared… I… I passed you off. My inadequacies were…”
“Too much…” You found his hand near yours and squeezed it.
He nodded and nuzzled close. “I let him take you, not more than a step behind, but Michelangelo…”
You tilted your head the slightest amount.
“You were deemed an obvious emergency and taken immediately. That I stood for, but Michelangelo he only…” Donnie paused and took a deep settling breath. “He had been nearby, suddenly saying he could help. Then he disappeared. I… It was an unknown variable. Him alone with you. With his mysticism… I… He hurt you before…”
You studied his eyes closely.
He leaned in to give you a better view, illustrating his gaze was free from purple, before nudging you with his beak. “I was irate to say the least. The staff would not let me warn them. Everyone kept telling me to calm down and then…” He caught himself and with several false starts to give a heady exhale. “Raphael subdued me after I manifested an entire arsenal and nearly leveled the waiting room.”
Leo shook his head against the wall, but you read it less as a disagreement and more of distress at the memory.
“His projections aren’t sturdy enough to dispel mine however. He temporarily knocked me out as the drug was still in my system.” Donnie continued. “When I woke, moments later, I was propped in the waiting room, informed Michelangelo had been returned to the sewer, Raphael was having a few superficial bullet wounds treated, and Leonardo was sat beside me.”
Leo flittered with a faint movement that you found to be his fist nervously tapping near his hip.
“For a while…” Donnie wrangled himself in and pulled away minutely to check your IV. “We sat as such for several hours until Leonardo spoke in regards to our predicament. A repeat of my display would put you at risk. The blue bast-ahem-Leonardo was meant to only be utilized as emergency transport. It was a temporary necessity. However… I was forced to acknowledge there was now more at play.”
Leo’s head tipped up and he looked toward a darkened ceiling corner.
“The staff had no choice but to accept my staying by your side once I was able.” Donnie had a faint smirk to him. “In situations such as those, I am unbothered. What power do they have? Police?” His teeth gleamed around a laugh, but he subdued it. “It was… your ongoing treatment that proved difficult. Not up to my standards. We’d failed to get S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. inside. You required the facilities and providers available here, but…”
Your lips parted and Donnie offered more water for you to sip.
“My threats along with my volatile ninpo made a dangerous combination. Not that they could have kept me away, but I was threatened with several premise bans.”  
He let the cup sit comfortably against your side.
“You see, upon our arrival here, each of us displayed our powers meaning the uninitiated were confused. Sure, there is an irritatingly obvious color coding, but what was less evident was the effects. Raphael had smothered my attack so only sick, delusional waiting room patients saw a hallucination at best. No one of importance saw what my ninpo created. This was for the best, but to keep it that way, as the lethality of my manifestations happens to be off putting to some-'' Donnie flicked a quick glance toward Leo in gesture. “-I had to be monitored…” His lip curled. “The others sat with me in rotation. I was unfortunately in need of their attendance in case my ninpo activated. The three traded off, but Leonardo’s ninpo is most suited to safely disarming mine.” 
Donnie came close enough that you could lean on him. 
“Waiting at your side gave me only time. Slowly, I achieved enough emotional control so as not to create weapons at the slightest provocation, but I am still me. I acted my usual and voiced my overall displeasure with your ongoing unconscious state. These… comments were not appreciated and compounded as I had worn my welcome. On supposed ‘thin ice,’ there was a particular incident where I slipped and allowed a nurse to see one of my manifestations. Thus a final deal was struck.”
Leo felt comfortable enough to turn and watch with a worn expression.
“Leonardo…” Donnie took on a strange expression that bordered appreciation. “… stepped in. He used his connections, status, and manipulation to garner you a better care rotation. In exchange, he was charged with being my full time handler. I was to defer to him in exchange and he put his entire public reputation on the line if only to keep me from actually being kicked out. If only… to allow us...” Donnie carefully cradled your hand. “... to stay together.” 
You were overwhelmed. 
Suddenly awash, your chest tightened lethally and you sent water works in Leo’s direction. 
The blue turtle startled at the emotion and gave a single sharp nod as if it was a normal duty as any other.
“Shh, don’t waste your limited energy on him. Again, not that it would have mattered. Nothing would have kept me from you.” There was a fragility to Donnie’s usual bravado.
You pinched his fingers to translate that you noticed.
He looked away with the faintest noise of frustration.
“That was a week ago.” Donnie murmured.
“Back up some.” You let go of him to point.
Donnie studied you before adjusting his stool with a rolling slide.
It put him more easily in your reach and you tugged his mask up from his beak.
He grunted, annoyed, but allowed it and you revealed the deeper dark bags barely concealed by it.
Trying to betray little, you delicately put Donnie’s mask back in place before gesturing for Leo to come over. “You next.” 
Leo walked to his spot on the opposite side where he yanked his mask up, unprompted, for you to see his equally swollen lids with an amused fluttering of his lashes.
“Him-” You threw a thumb back to Donnie as you spoke to Leo. “I expect to not sleep, but you?”
“It wouldn’t be the first time I lost sleep over the jackass.” Leo smirked.
Donnie rolled his eyes.
“He’s up, I’m up.” Leo shrugged and used both hands to get his mask right. 
“I would never allow myself disarmed around you.” Donnie growled lightly. 
“And you see why neither of us have slept.” Leo’s hands fell away and he cracked you a manic expression like it were an ice cold drink. 
“Where was…?” The memory seemed so vague. “Donnie was portalled in… when I woke up.” 
“Ah.” Leo nodded, thoughtfully, before sending a smarmy look at Donnie. “Now where were you at, hm?” 
Donnie bristled. 
Leo pulled his expression slightly, but waited with a cocked ridge of his mask. 
Donnie let a canine peek as he turned an acidic expression to you. “I have… scheduled meal breaks.” 
Leo wiped a hand over the lower half of his face, no doubt covering a smile. 
“A bargain to make you eat…?” You looked over Donnie with knowing affection. 
For a split second you saw a swipe of guilt flash over your boyfriend’s face before he settled to a neutral expression. “My choice. An accepted one around. The only agreement was travel.” 
“My moment of freedom tainted!” Leo held up a dramatic hand. “Basically, the jam jackass will only go to the cafeteria if I portal him there.” Leo shook his head free of his hand to show his disdain. “Mike or Raph take it from there, but still.” 
“My retribution and instantaneous returns.” Donnie sent a lowered lidful of affection toward you. 
“I’m not a damn taxi.” Leo grumbled. 
You took them both in before you exaggerated a pout. 
You then sank deep into your pillow though it made your body ache.
Donnie switched to worry and touched your arm anxiously.
Donnie twitched with faint annoyance over you ignoring him.
You held out your hand to soothe him.
“Hm?” Leo leaned back, folding his arms.
Donnie took your hand and sulked.
“I get your stupid banter comment now.”
For a beat nothing happened.
Then Leo popped a single snicker before he burst out laughing.
You clucked along with him until the bubbles of comedy clung and irritated your liver.
Donnie pressed your arm to urge you to stop.
You tossed him a smile.
Leo came away, wiping his eye. “Oh man, I’ve lost my mind… That was good. What a call back…!”
“I’m mad I didn’t see you two get close.” You pursed your lips. 
“We aren’t.”
“We aren’t.”
There was a certain amount of horror passed between them which Donnie dispelled with a puckered focus on his face.
“Knock it off, bozo!” Leo’s lip curled.
“What are you doing…?” You touched Donnie.
“Trying...” Donnie’s eyes narrowed, willing something with all his might. “… to shoot him between the eyes.”
“You can’t do it on purpose yet and hopefully ever.” Leo sneered.
“If you keep that up he will.” You stared at him dully.
“Pfft.” Leo blew a raspberry. “I’ll just do a little abracadabra and poof, it’s disappeared right before your eyes.” He did a flourish with his hands.
“Hypno would be insulted.” You tilted your head away from the poser.
“Hypno’s a hack!” Leo threw up a hand. “I’ve studied the greats!”
“Since when do you-?” You reared your head. “No… I’m… I’m too injured for this.”
Donnie puffed with a single bubble of laughter and then painted a stoic face as if nothing happened.
“We’re literally right here. This room is dead silent.” Leo shook his head.
“Donnie…” You chewed your lip.
Donnie turned his beak up.
“Seven straight days of this.” Leo threw a hand out to Donnie.
“That’s what I’ve been trying to say!” You tapped your sheet. “I missed it! Donnie, pull up the recordings!”
Donnie’s hackles went up.
Leo put extra shine on a snarky smile.
“You…” You looked between the pair before settling on Leo in awe. “How the hell did you get him to agree to not tape this?”
“You’re on the line. You’re literally the best bargaining chip anyone could ask for!” Leo turned a smile on you that was eerily similar to Donnie’s malevolent one.
They’d spent too much time together.
“Weak spot…” You whispered in spite of yourself.
“Come again?” Leo held up a hand to his tympanum.
“Nothing.” You crooned.
Leo cocked his brow through his mask.
“You have to fill me in on everything.” You demanded from both of them.
Leo opened his mouth with a retort, but a nurse appeared in the doorway with a tapping foot. “Ahem.”
“Maria! If it isn’t the most lovely night nurse this side of Queens!” Leo spun to her in a flourish and seemed to almost manifest sparkles.
She seemed largely unbothered, but you caught the slightest ghosting of pink to her cheeks from the fluorescence in the hall.
“Give ‘em a break. The lovebirds are making up for lost time…” Leo cooed.
She huffed loudly and renewed the fold of her arms. “They and everyone else in the corridor also need sleep.”
“Done.” Donnie spoke.
Leo polished his grin.
She glared openly at Donnie before sending Leo a pointed look. “I’ll check back in fifteen.”
“I’ll be waiting.” Leo gave a little amorous growl and you gagged to Donnie.
His lip wrinkled with a smile that he buried as soon as Leo walked back over.
“Think that’s a pretty good demonstration of how this arrangements been going.” Leo tossed a thumb back to where he’d come from and reverted to what you assumed was his neutral setting.
Donnie stood and fluffed your pillow.
You looked him over affectionately and felt that ever present exhaustion tug at you again.
It was there. 
It had been there. 
Speaking of it felt like a command and now it threatened to engulf you. 
You hated the helpless feeling of it all. 
“Just like that.” Leo hummed, cocky.
“Shut up.” You grumbled.
“Finally, someone else can tell him.” Donnie took his seat and assumed what must have been his usual waiting posture.
“Ugh, almost forgot you let him ruin your morality.” Leo made a big show of rolling his eyes.
You had more complaints, but your lids were heavy.
“Get some rest.” Leo blessedly dropped the complaint and took a seat in a far chair.
“We’ll get you home soon.” Donnie took your hand and pressed a careful kiss to it. You made a little sweet sound for him, but your vision of him skewed as you dozed off.
Through every crazy little idea I have, my darling betas are right there with me and I could be more honored to know @tmntxthings and @thepinkpanther83
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its-wabby-stuff · 1 year
The boys got vitiligo.
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Human Leo design extended. With a full body mixed Vitiligo so I can have fun. I also gave him green eyes.
Full body version under the cut:
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Plus my other drawing of him. If you wanna try and match up both sides.
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tmntxthings · 2 years
hii! How is my favorite ROTTMNT writer doing? Great hopefully😌
I've been meaning to request this for a while now, but can we get a platonic HC for Leo with a rich bff who just likes to spoil him rotten and take him anywhere and everywhere they go when the rest of NYC is asleep, like they'd break into arcades, amusement parks, or Reader will just randomly send packages with things Leo wanted but couldn't afford(imagine a limited edition of a Captain Ryan's action figurine), I like to imagine Reader has the same vibes as Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls or Miko Kubota from Glitch Tech(a very underrated cartoon series if you ask me). please and thank you<3
Good Deeds, Good Gifts
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author’s note: i was actually starting to write for another request and boom, meeee your favorite?! im blushing >\\\\\\< and so flattered, as a token of my appreciation i got this done pretty fast heh
warnings: platonic relationship, fluff, got kinda long hehe, unedited
The two of you met how most people met the turtles, by being saved. And you aren’t the type to ever be in someone’s debt. So you implored Leo to swing by your place some time to give him a gift as a thank you.
Splinter was against the idea, and thoroughly told Leo that heroes don’t take gifts, that they are just happy knowing someone appreciated their help… so Leo went to your place with intentions to refuse any and all gifts, politely.
But as he found himself jumping on top of wealthy apartment complexes, rooftops that had pools and greenhouses and other exotic, expensive add-ons, they were foreign to the rooftops he was used to in his neighborhood. Leo had a feeling your gift would be hard to refuse.
You were awaiting his arrival, and Leo was punctual. “Hello there hero, Leonardo wasn’t it? I’m so glad you came!” You were waving for him to follow you to the rooftop door, “The surprise is inside!” You smiled, unable to hide your giddiness. “Ah, actually Y/n you can just call me Leo and I only came to tell you I appreciate the gesture but don’t need a gift.”
Leo was trying his best here, but you had taken his hand and pulled him through the door. Dragging him along as he tried to explain that Master Splinter (his father) was adamant on his sons being heroes that didn’t do good deeds for gifts. The two of you were now in an elevator, and you were nodding, making sure he knew you were listening.
“That’s very admirable Leo, truly, but wait ‘til you see what I have in store for you!” You squealed, your excitement still not dulled even as Leo groaned. Re-explaining with an exasperated expression. The elevator chimed and Leo almost had a heart attack when he saw another human down the hall.
“Oh don’t worry, that’s just Richard, my butler. He knows all about you and how you saved me, he’s truly grateful.” Richard himself bowing his head to Leo and then opening the door he was guarding. With a sweep of your hand you let Leo go in first, “After you!”
A circular table, set for two, filled with delicacies from around the world entered Leo’s vision and also his snout. Just the smell alone made his mouth water as he stood there shellshocked at the feast before him. “I thought this way, we could get to know each other better, I find food brings people together!”
You made your way to one of the chairs, Richard already there to pull it out and push you in exactly how you liked it. “Sit sit sit sit!” You insisted as you saw Leo hesitate. Richard went to help with his chair too but Leo waved him off. “Y/n..” he started, looking at all the food and feeling overwhelmed. He’d never finish it all, his thoughts went to his brothers. They’d enjoy this…
“Leo just try this!” You directed, pointing with your fork at something steamy and cheesy. Reluctantly, he listened, and one bite was all it took for him to start chowing down, forgetting his early reservations. “Wowww this is amazing! It’s like when me and my brothers first discovered pizza!”
The two of you went on talking about pizza and the foods on the table. And the more Leo ate, the more he opened up, talking about his favorite shows, Space Heroes of course, and his favorite characters. You were a great listener and enjoyed his company thoroughly. By the time his stomach was full, Richard had a big bag packed with more food for him to take home. “You kept mentioning your brothers so I thought to pack them a little goodie bag!” You explained as the table was cleared and the bag was placed beside him.
“Thank you!” Out of all the things the two of you talked about, this seemed to have the happiest smile appear on his face. Which in turn made you happy. “Oh Leo, you must return! Will you? I enjoy your company dearly!!” You weren’t one to plead, but you didn’t want this to be a one and done encounter.
“Well, sure! Wanna swap numbers?” He asked, who could refute those puppy dog eyes of yours? You were squealing happily once more, sliding your phone to him as he did the same to you. “Interesting design!” You noted, turning the phone over in your hands to see it resembled a turtle shell. “My brother Donnie made it, he’s a bit of a genius.” Leo said fondly.
“Cool! Maybe one day I can meet him, and the rest of your brothers!” You said in a hopeful voice. “Oh after I give them this,” Leo raised up the bag of food, “they’ll definitely want to meet you.”
Leo came back a couple of times by himself, one day was spent in the spa, another at the rooftop pool, you showed him around the entire building. “Hey so where are all the other tenants? Shouldn’t we be a bit more careful..?” Leo said waving a hand to go up and down his figure.
“Oh no, I own the entire building,” you said nonchalantly. Now Leo had known you were pretty wealthy, but he was now seeing the bigger picture here as he did a double take. From there the hangouts got even crazier.
“Y/n.. I don’t know, breaking and entering is a crime, I’m supposed to be a hero remember?” You sighed, this was the third time he had tried to chicken out! “Leo, how else are you gonna go to an amusement park??” Before he could get out that it wasn’t necessary to go to one to begin with, you were climbing the fence.
“Y/n!!” Leo said in a harsh whisper, watching as you fell over by accident to the other side. Your pride wounded as Leo snickered at you through the fence. “Your turn ninja warrior!” Eyes narrowing at him, we couldn’t all be athletic gods!
That night had been one to remember, and Leo only allowed a couple more break in hangouts before he finally got you to stop, by inviting you over to the lair.
You came bearing gifts of course, thankfully Master Splinter was in his room meditating, and didn’t witness all his sons beam at their gifts. This time Leo was giving you the grand tour. It wasn’t your swanky skyscraper building, but it was his home and you were overjoyed to be there.
Once in his room, you brought out the last gift. In a blue baggy, and you had the cheesiest grin on your face. “I know, I know.. no presents but this will be the last one for a while.” You crossed your fingers behind your back as he rolled his eyes and took the bag. “Honestly I don’t even know why I bother saying-“
Leo had been midway throwing the present paper out of view when he stopped talking as he saw the figurine. It was his favorite character, Captain Ryan from Space Heroes, it looked to be a part of the premium collection. His mouth dropped open as he gentle pulled out the collectible. “You didn’t,” he gasped to himself, he hadn’t realized you had really paid attention to what he was saying.
Usually his brothers droned out his Space Heroes talk. “Thank you!!” Leo said happily, unable to stop himself as he pulled you into a quick hug before looking around his room. “He’s gonna need his own shelf!” Leo said, totally nerding out. “Well yeah, especially when I get you all the other characters! For holidays” you amended when you saw his face turn stern.
What can you say? You couldn’t help but spoil your new best friend, he wasn’t just your savior. He hadn’t known who you were and yet he stuck out his neck, put himself in danger, just because he was a good person. A real friend unlike some you’ve had in the past. And that’s who you wanted to surround yourself with. So you couldn’t help but feel all warm and fuzzy when you finally got him to give you a genuine smile.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 14 days
DM Mikey Housetraining Days: Gifts
Title: Gifts Prompt: Turtles with feral behavior (2012, 2003, or Rise) Fandom:  ROTTMNT Word Count: 4024  Author: PhoebePheebsPhibs Rating:  Gen Characters:  Michelangelo/Insticnt, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello Warning: TW Mikey brings dead animals as gifts like a cat, and unalives a cat Summary: Mikey's animal instincts confuse him sometimes... Today's confusion circles around him showing affection to his brothers by providing for them. However, they seem to have a problem with his "gifts"... Notes: Expanded off of an idea posted on Tumblr, based on the prompt "Feral" for TMNT Write Fight by Boots/Wiggles/Thatficgal
@boots-with-the-fur-club @tmnt-write-fight
Story posted on AO3 <-
Mikey wonders what will please his brothers.
He did everything he did in the labs that would earn him some form of praise.
He has been very quiet all day, and didn't make a peep unless the family tried to engage a conversation with him.
He ate all his food (which wasn't hard since it was so much more delicious than the slop the labs fed him), and ate it quickly to save time. He also ate with his mouth closed, per Donnie's request. And he tried eating with the silverware or his hands rather than scarfing it down with just his face, per Leo's request. And he also made sure to ask for seconds if he wanted any instead of licking the plate clean, per Raph's request.
And whenever they have asked him to do something, he did it immediately and without question. Donnie needed another scan? He was in his labs like that. Raph said they needed to work off some of that excess energy? Mikey did the exercises they given to him from the labs until Raph told him it was enough. Leo wanted Mikey to try a puzzle or practice some of his sign language? Mikey did just that.
But these things didn't please them. Not in the way Mikey wanted...
Sure, they were happy for his sake that he did these things, but Mikey wanted to make his brothers happy! He wanted them to be happy, and he wanted it to be because of something he'd done. 
A 'thank you' he could give them...
A gift...?
Yes! A gift! He could give them gifts! But what kinds of gifts?
Mikey recalls in the lab how the evil humans would praise him when he killed a mutant in combat. And some animalistic instinct within him reminds him that animals will hunt for their families and bring food for them. Mikey could do that! He was great at doing that in the labs!
He just needs to find something to hunt...
Raphael wakes up to a terrible smell. He opens his eyes and lifts his head --
-- and finds a dead rat on his stomach.
He almost screams at the sight, gasping and swallowing his air before he notices Mikey sitting by the bed, eyes wide and grin even wider as he watches Raph intently, waiting for a response.
...Is this a prank?
No, Mikey looks to excited and innocent for it to be a prank.
Besides, this would be a sick and sadistic prank, one Mikey could never be capable of doing. Not even now, after everything he's been through.
Raph swallows as he glances back and forth between the rodent on his stomach and Mikey, who patiently waits for validation.
The little boy chirps at him with a nod.
"...What is this?"
'Gift', Mikey signs.
"O-oh," Raph says, chuckling weakly. "Did you... did you get it all by yourself?"
Mikey nods proudly.
Raph manages a tiny smile.
"And you... wanted to give it to me... as a gift?"
Mikey nods again, smiling widely.
"Thank you, Mikey," Raph says gently. "That was... very thoughtful of you."
Mikey churrs ecstatically and dances around the room before running out.
Raph waits until he's sure Mikey's out of earshot before he runs to the nearest trash bin and vomits profusely into it. He gently lifts the dead rat by the tail and bags him up before tearfully taking him away to dispose of him properly.
 Leo sits in the kitchen, eating his lunch in peace. That is, until Mikey suddenly saunters inside and drops a dead possum at his feet.
Leo doesn't even realize what it is at first, mistaking it for one of Raph's fuzzier plushies before the smell hits him and he realizes what it actually is.
He chokes on his food, jumping up and away in terror before gagging at the sight and smell.
Mikey looks... calm, if not slightly confused. He sits on the floor, tail wagging with innocence as he waits for validation or praise for a job well done.
Leo asks what Mikey is doing.
'Gift for Leo,' answers Mikey.
Leo asks where it came from.
'Tunnels,' answers Mikey.
Leo thanks him, still standing on the table and refusing to get back down on the floor. But he definitely lets Mikey know he... 'appreciates' the thought.
Mikey squeals with excitement before skipping away on all fours.
Leo grabs his katanas and discreetly (if not unceremoniously) portals the possum away.
Donnie had only been in the bathroom for three minutes. But it was enough time for Mikey to leave behind a special surprise for him.
Left on the seat of his special edition purple gaming chair, Donatello finds a rotting varmint.
It takes hours for him to recover, and he is nonverbal for the rest of the day as he tries to recuperate.
The group discuss what to do about Mikey's antics, unsure why he keeps doing this... or where he keeps finding all these animals.
"It's not cool, he has to understand that!" Raph refutes. "He can't just keep bringing dead things to us!"
"It's highly unhygienic," Donnie grumbles, wearing gloves and a mask after the previous day's events. "My lab is utterly contaminated.
"But there has to be a reason why he's doing this, right?" Leo wonders. "I mean, what's he trying to do?"
"He said it was 'a gift'," Raph recalls.
"He told me that, too," Leo realizes. "But... we never asked him to do that. Is he trying to provide for us? Like, going hunting for us?"
"It could be," Donnie sighs. "But his behaviour is reminding me of a cat that brings dead birds to its owners."
"But again, why??" Leo reiterates. "Why does he want to give us these things as gifts?? Why not give us something non-gory and un-deceased?"
Before anyone can respond, Mikey trills out a call for the trio.
They meet him at the lair entrance, only to find him dragging a half-dead cat into the home.
Raph goes entirely pale as he hears the poor feral creature whining and meowing as it weakly struggles against its captor.
"Uh... Mikey...?" Leo greets nervously. "Whatchya got there?"
'Creature' Mikey signs, holding the tail in his teeth. 'Found in tunnels!'
"Y-yeah, I uh... I see that... Mikey, is this another 'gift'?"
Mikey nods, smiling proudly and sitting straight with his chest puffed out.
"Mikey... y-you can't just... We're honored you thought to get us these gifts, but... uh..."
Leo fumbles over his words continuously, trying to find the words.
Mikey is confused; don't they like the gifts??
Is something wrong? What's wrong??
What did Mikey do wrong?
In the labs, they always were happy when Mikey killed for them but --
I have an idea, Instinct whispers. Let me try something...
Mikey lets Instinct take over for a moment. His eyes close and he shudders. His brothers seem to recognize that Mikey is no longer Mikey for the moment.
Instinct/Mikey takes the still yowling cat and wraps his claws around it.
He smiles at his brothers.
And then twists the neck with an audible snap.
The room erupts into screaming and shouting. Raph starts sobbing over the poor cat. Leo loses his mind scolding Mikey/Instinct. Donnie is passed out on the floor.
Instinct relents almost immediately upon the realization that his plan did not work, and when Mikey awakes he is completely bombarded with everyone's reactions and a dead cat at his feet.
He understands instantly what Instinct did. But he does not understand why Blue and Red and Purple are so mad, sad, scared...?
Isn't this what Mikey was made for? Isn't this what the labs trained him to do? Isn't this what he's good for -- hunting, hurting, killing?
Mikey chirps in distressed confusion. He takes a step forward, stepping closer to the unalived cat on the floor in front of him. Blue runs forward and grabs Mikey, scooping him up under the shoulders and rushing him away from the room.
Mikey gets the sense that he didn't take him out of the room just to make him feel better.
Blue drops him off in his bedroom and spends the next fifteen minutes scolding him, telling him it's not cool to do that, he can't hurt things like that, much less kill them! He tells him how terrible it was to do that, how poor Red is traumatized and Purple might need some kind of therapy or a new dose of anxiety meds or something to help his nerves, and how he's probably never going to leave his lab again. He tells him how disgusting that was, how cruel, and how disappointed he is in him --
Blue only stops when he sees Mikey start to cry, his expression a mixture of dumbfounded bewilderment and the devastation of crushed hopes and dreams. Blue sighs and says that they'll talk later. He leaves Mikey alone.
Alone to think, alone to wonder, alone to wallow and suffer as his thoughts tell him just how big of a screw-up he truly is...
The next day they have to sit Mikey down for a talk.
He refused to leave his room, hiding under his desk all night instead of sleeping in his hammock out of guilt. He even refused to come out for supper. Leo brought out a plate of food for him after the fourth attempt to get him to leave his solitary, hoping that maybe he would eat in his room, if not with them.
He didn't.
Leo finds the plate cold and the food stale when he comes in to check on Mikey in morning.
And Mikey asleep under his dresser drawers. He'd never left his hiding place.
Okay, they really need to talk about this.
Leo calls a meeting with his brothers and discusses the previous events that have happened. They talk about how to handle it, what to say, what to avoid...
Sometime in the late morning, Leo comes back into Mikey's room. He's awake now; Leo sees his tail slip back under the dresser when he walks back in.
"Miguel? You okay?"
No answer.
"Look, if you're still upset from last night --"
Soft whimpers emanate from underneath the dresser...
"-- I'm sorry I yelled. I should have been more delicate, or kinder... you didn't understand what you did wrong, right?"
No answer.
Mikey's hands slowly creep out and sign the word 'no'.
"That's what I thought. Hey, can you come out for a few minutes? We just wanna talk and explain it to you."
Mikey whimpers again, claws retreating back under the drawers.
"Hey, we just want to help make sure you understand! Okay? Nobody's going to yell, I promise."
Mikey pauses. He pokes his head out, eyes red-rimmed and nose dripping snot from a night of ongoing crying.
'Promise?' he signs.
"I promise. We only want to help."
Mikey swallows. He exhales. He tenderly pulls himself out from under the dresser. His claws scrape across the metal floor as he does. Leo kneels beside him to help. Mikey flinches, and Leo pulls back a second before going right back in to help. He won't allow Mikey to be afraid of him, he'll prove that part wrong. Although, he is mentally kicking himself for having blown up so much the night before. He could have handled it better... but in his defense, his baby brother just executed a stray cat for no reason in front of an audience.
Leo gingerly assists his baby brother out from his hiding place and then leads him out into the living room, where Raphael and Donatello are watching a Lou Jitsu rerun as they wait. The heads turn when they hear them come in, and Mikey freezes in place. But Raphael smiles and pats a spot on the couch beside him, urging him to join, promising that it will be okay. Mikey slinks over and climbs onto the couch, sitting so close to Raph that he almost sits on top of him, resting his head and torso against the eldest's thigh.
"Okay. So, we're here today to talk about Mikey's... uh... 'gifts'," Leo starts, standing up and facing the group. "Now, the thing is, we understand that Mikey is trying to show affection, but, uh..."
"We want him to stop with the dead things," Donnie grimaces.
Raph smacks Donnie upside the head, silently shush-scolding him.
"Okay, yes, well --" Leo stutters, keeping a nervous eye on Mikey, who anxiously curls into himself on Raph's leg. "Mikey, we want to make sure you understand why un-aliving animals is... not good."
Mikey blinks and looks between the three brothers as they watch him. He signs 'Why?' at them.
"Well, you see Mikey, it's cruel to hurt little critters," Raph explains as he strokes the little brother's shell. "It's mean. It isn't nice. You know that, right?"
Mikey nods.
"So then... why do you do it?"
'Gifts' he signs.
"But why dead things?" Leo reiterates. "Especially when you know that isn't good??"
Mikey's face scrunches up, his brow furrows.
'...Don't know,' he signs. 'Mikey just felt like that would be good gift. What is word... feeling? Thought?'
"Instinct?" Raph asks. "The voice in your head told you to do that?"
'No,' Mikey shakes his head. 'Well, not the whole time. Instinct wanted to hurt the cat for you. But Mikey wanted to get the rest. Knew it was good gift!'
"You say you 'knew' it was a good gift?" Donnie questions. "But you just said you knew it was cruel... Oh, waaaaaait, I think I get it now!"
Donatello stands up and looks curiously at Micheal, scratching his chin as he forms a theory.
"Angelo, you say that you had a feeling that knew that hunting animals for us would be a good gift? It was an instinct, but not the Instinct voice in your head, more like your own thoughts?"
Mikey nods quickly, grateful that someone seems to understand.
"I think I understand. It's another side-effect of the mutations. Mikey's animal traits mixed with his spotty memory have caused him to rely on the primal urges that are related to his genetic donors. Pack animals such as monkeys and cats bring gifts of food to other members of their clans to show affection or even to teach them how to hunt. Mikey is mutated with both feline and simian DNA, if you recall."
Leo's eyes widen.
"So, Mikey didn't actually know it was wrong to do that?"
"Likely not. I'm sure he felt uneasy about it, but assumed that it was a standard familial bonding experience. In essense, didn't know any better."
"But why'd he kill a cat in front of us?" Raph asks, subconsciously pulling Mikey closer.
"...I'm not entirely sure," Donnie shrugs. "It's possible he wanted to show off his hunting skills for us. As an 'added gesture'. He said that doing that was Instinct's idea, and from what I recall of his explanation of the alternate persona, Instinct is more of a hunter and a fighter than anything."
Raph sighs and pats Mikey's head.
"Okay, so now that we know why Mikey does this, we need to find a way to help him understand not to do it anymore," Leo inputs. "...How do we do that?"
'No like gifts?' Mikey signs.
"Well... we do like getting gifts," Raph tries to explain. "But there are some things that do not make good gifts. Dead rodents and animals from the sewers do not make very good gifts."
"Wow, did not think I'd need to be explaining this. Firstly, they smell bad. Secondly, they carry disease and bacteria and stuff. Third -- and this is very important that you understand this -- it is wrong to just kill a creature. You shouldn't do that anymore. It's animal cruelty, got it?"
Mikey nods slowly. He seems to understand it. There's a look on his face like he might be questioning something inside of himself... Whoever told him that it was good to do this was wrong... But he gets the point in the end and nods once more, prompting them to go on.
"So you can't go hunting in the sewers anymore, 'kay?" Leo reiterates. "You don't need to hunt for us."
'Even if gift is already dead?' Mikey asks.
"YES," Leo says, trying not to gag at the thought that Mikey probably found one of his previous gifts already deceased and thought it would make a good present for them. "NO HUNTING ANYTHING ANYMORE. IT'S NOT NECESSARY. AND UNSANITARY. UNDERSTAND?"
Mikey wags his head nervously. Raph takes his hand and gently squeezes it.
"Mikey, we aren't mad --" Raph has to pause so he can discreetly smack Donnie upside the head again when he makes an audible huff at the statement, "we were just really concerned, and we wanted to make sure that we fixed the issue. You aren't in trouble, we just need you to understand that this is serious."
'No angry? No hate Mikey?'
"Never," Raph promises, leaning down to give the little brother a smooch on the head to prove his point.
Mikey makes a sound that seems to be a cross between a chuckle and a purr.
"And I am sorry I made you so scared last night," Leo apologizes again. "I'll try not to blow up in the future. Do you forgive me?"
Mikey nods. Though he looks puzzled by something...
'So, if no hunting... what gifts does Mikey give?'
"I, uh... well, I guess anything that didn't have a heartbeat?" Leo shrugs. "I mean, you used to make us drawings as gifts. One time for me and Dee's birthday, you baked a whole cake for us. And, well, we can't really go out shopping yet, but you can look in stores and stuff for gift ideas. Like comics or action figures, or Raph loves stuffed animals. NOT REAL ONES, just to reiterate! Does... does that help?"
Mikey smiles softly and nods.
The next morning, Raph wakes up to a half-eaten sandwich on his bed.
Leo finds a slobbered-on teddy bear of Mikey’s outside his room.
Donnie receives a crudely drawn picture of him and Mikey on his chair.
Well… it’s the thought that counts!
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moroneur · 5 months
okok, hear me out on this rottmnt leo x reader au idea guys i swear:
Rottmnt separated au where Leo (named Kappa) was raised as the next battle nexus champion n owner (in case anything happens to big mama) by big mama and he had to fight (literally and figuratively) for familial affection and peace his whole life. Then theres Reader who was abandoned by her parents the moment they found out about her ability to see into the future via dreams (which isnt as straightforward as it sounds- her visions span across multiple alternate timelines and they vary in time making it hard to understand and navigate), so they gave their small child to big mama (human version) and lil yn is forced to become a servant bc her powers are ultimately useless.
small yn is basically forced by the other employees to serve Leo bc none of em wanted to. Yn is scared and shy at first but then they kinda become friends (She even names him Leonardo bc its a very characteristic throughout her dreams and she thought it suit him) eventhough he has to hide it in public and pretend he doesnt gaf about the human because the other yokai would make fun of him and call him weak n pick on them. They basically grow up side by side, developing extreme loyalty to each other.
He's prissy and picky and an arrogant brat and hes possessive and caring and would protect yn with his entire being. He had to fight Big Mama for her to stay and not get kicked on the streets, making Big Mama send Leo on field missions as a punishment, making him take Yn with him, purposefully making her dead weight, but he always came out on top.
throughout the years Yn became very introverted and showed her true self only to leo bc that was her one and only safe place. They go on outings in the hidden city and run from the bellboys tryna catch them when BM finds out they snuck out.
The other turtles are all scattered.
Donatello is with Draxum, YN and Leo being the only ones that even call him Donatello. (Drax calls him Purple bc he's horrendous with names). He used to be a full on turtle mutant but because of Draxum training him until he was drained n tired asf there was a lab accident, making him half cyborg. His shell is now replaced with a deadly metal 'shell', one of his eyes is artificial, and eventhough he's trained in multiple weapons, he prefers using technology and working on war weapons making Big Mama and Draxum collaborate. Whenever there's a meeting both BM and Draxum would take their sons with them as 'theyre the succesors and should be there for future reference' though Leo thinks Big Mama wants to have a good image and show Draxum off by dangling something that she took from him right in his face. Well, if Leo's going, that automatically means YN is coming with him; he wont let her out of her periphery, wont make snatching his pet away from him easy for Big Mama. They basically met at those meetings, though they usually sent the younger ones elsewhere while the adults spoke of veery important things. Donatello absolutely hated YN at first bc she was human so him n leo almost fought, but YN, being a little familiar with Donnie from her dreams, started asking Donatello questions to appease him, making Donnie tolerate her (theyre working on extending that tolerance to all of humanity). Leo and Donnie's and Yn's relationship is on thin ice, but it is getting better- they visit don when theyre in the hidden city and help him with gathering materials from the overworld bc Purple wasnt allowed lol Loser. (they snuck him out and showed him the wonders of human tech though, once or twice.) Leo got his mystic weapon from Baron Draxum as a gift (eventhough he actually didnt want to give it. Donnie convinced him to do so because Drax had a fight with Big Mama and 'giving a gift to her son would show your utmost apologies and mend your business partnership') a way to get back into good graces w Big Mama and Draxum. Just business.
Raph (or Beast) is with the Foot Clan. He was raised very lovingly (bc they were prepping him for the shredder armor), and reveres shredder as his god bc while his parents may have 'loved' him, he was at the end of the day, just a tool to help shredder's revival (everyone in the clan thought so about themselves, they were veery cult like). Leo only knows of them bc he spotted them breaking into a mall while he was 'shopping' gifts for YN :3. he found them hilarious so he watched on as they struggled to fit Beast through multiple doors in the mall. The guy was huge, bigger than he was supposed to be. wtf were they feeding him?? Leo ofc records it and shows it to YN and she can deduce the future from her dreams and the way things r going irl and goes like oh shit this is bad lol we're fucked if someone doesnt do anything abt this and leos like will it hurt you? yn: yes. yes leo it will. leo: oh okay dw then yn ill steal it from them hehe. so he trolls the foot clan whenever he can just for funsies (Leo is also slightly insane n arrogant, so being a little shit comes naturally to him). Whilst he was stalking the top execs he comes across a binding ritual for two or more people. He watched and listened as it was explained thru a book. He stole the ritual book and read through it himself, coming up with an idea himself.
He brings the book to YN and tells her he wants to souldbond with her. (their relationship is like: i belong to leo and only leo but we're not dating n vice versa... like kiss alr smh.) A soulbond is an irreversible binding contract between two people, which allows them to communicate their intent just by their thoughts and solidifying their involvement with each other. It can only be broken if one of them dies. Yn agrees and they make the soulbond without any regrets. No one knows about it but Donnie, whose eye had strong mystic receptors iy already. He saw the chains binding the 2 together and gagged the moment he found out what it meant LMAO.
Raphs fighting style are his body and tail only. hes a brute through and through, his older sister is Cass.
Mikey is with Splinter, who felt so guilty of being unable to save mikeys brothers he unintentionally started neglecting Mikey and developed depression. Mikey bless his soul has been doing his best to keep it together and bring his bros together. He doesnt succeed at it very much and only represses his emotions until he cant anymore, and when that happens lets say the city had a few buildings to fix. Mikey stole the Kusari fundo from Draxum, and its his main weapon.
April, who has Mayhem as her pet, is trying to become a journalist, so she's always at the fights, writing stuff down and then publishing them. Her main way of staying safe is Mayhem's portals lol. She's been saved multiple times by Yn begging leo to give her mercy lol. None of the turtles rlly interact w her.
YN is very shy and closed off. She can be very calculative and manipulative if dhe wants to, making her the perfect s/o for leo, who can analyse a situation and come up on top with the best outcome, as well as pull any information out of anyone, violently or not. He needs constant praise. Leo has a short fuse, and Yn is his perfect match, always calming the situation down before it could make leo explode; she knows all his triggers and tells and weaknesses, as does he for her since they yknow, grew up together.
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tervaneula · 1 year
Hi! I'm Terv, welcome to my blog!
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How to turn off "Best stuff first" so you'll actually see my posts
Here's some handy-dandy info about my stuff. Might heavily edit this later because I'm nitpicky like that lmao, but anyway, here we go!
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Art tag: tervdraws Writing tag: tervdrabbles Personal tag: it's terv
Leonardo/Usagi tag: leoichi
AO3: katterv Pillowfort: tervaneula Bluesky: tervaneula
Commissions: Closed Ko-Fi: tervaneula Redbubble: tervaneula
❌ Do not repost or edit my art and writing! ❌
Trans Rights
A little piece about fandom etiquette
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My blog is a tcest & apritello & aprileo free zone.
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Latest NQK update
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Chapter 15: Bonds
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A list of my ROTTMNT related fics under the cut. Most of them are illustrated! 💜
General [9/?]
help me believe (that i'm your brother) (G)
The road to recovery has been long but finally, the brothers are well enough to introduce Future Boy to one of the most comforting of habits - the turtle pile. Unfortunately, Casey has some doubts about his place in their family.
please don't be a hero (again) (G) (part 1 of a series)
Donatello needs his coffee. Leonardo finds him first.
lean on me (i'm strong enough) (G) (part 2 of a series)
Leonardo needs to get better, be better. If not for himself, then for Michelangelo - his baby brother shouldn't worry about him as much as he does.
you make me proud, little brother (G) (part 3 of a series)
Raphael worries and Leo's quip goes wrong. However, it leads to an emotional turnaround neither of them saw coming.
a lesson in trust (G)
Leo feels guilty for getting Raph caught by the Krang and refuses to let go of that burden. His big brother isn't having it anymore.
not quite kintsugi, but close (G) (ongoing)
The plan is simple. If all else fails, Michelangelo will make a time gateway for Casey to undo what Leonardo, in his youthful arrogance, started all those years ago; it will require sacrifice, but they are ready for it. Until the moment comes, of course. Or, in other words - what if Future Leonardo and Michelangelo both end up in the present with Casey? Kintsugi (金継ぎ, "golden joinery") is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise. (Wikipedia)
repeat until death (T) (Major Character Death)
A companion piece to Chapter 7 of not quite kintsugi, but close. Leonardo doesn't want to let go. In the end, as long as Donatello is concerned, he never did.
Cold Feet (G)
Leonardo is enjoying his lazy morning… until a certain human teenager disrupts his peace.
some boys do lay eggs (T)
Leonardo is just about to fall asleep when the weight of a body thuds against the side of his bed, startling him awake, but not awake enough to shake him out of the heaviness of near slumber. “Whassit,” he mumbles, sticking his hand out from his blankets and feeling about until his fingers touch the edge of a hard shell. Ah, he recognises the shape – it’s Leo. “...are we boys?” 
sleepless (G)
Leo is so, so tired and goes to his dad. Splinter thinks up a plan to put into motion in the morning - but it seems that he's already helping.
Leoichi (Rise x Usagi Chronicles) [9/?]
with friends like these (G) (part 2 of a series)
Meeting up with his old friends and introducing his new boyfriend to them certainly hadn't been in Yuichi's plans for the day - but it turns out to have been a welcome surprise later when it helps him realise something important about his own feelings.
make your home in me (E) (part 4 of a series)
Click the link to read the summary!
world's end boyfriend (T) (AU)
Leonardo lost Yuichi to the apocalypse almost exactly five years ago. It's now been a year since he, Michelangelo and Casey made their impossible portal trip to the present day, successfully preventing the Krang invasion this time - so imagine Leonardo's surprise when his little brother tells him that they're going to rescue his mate. They only have one chance.
and just like that (T) (ongoing) (part 1 of a series)
What was supposed to be a simple shopping trip to the Hidden City turns into an embodiment of a romcom when Leonardo runs into an unfamiliar white rabbit. Or more accurately, the rabbit's dining table.
soft bunny, warm bunny, little ball of— uh oh (G) (part 3 of a series)
Leonardo feels so lucky. He has the world's softest boyfriend who doesn't mind being treated like a giant teddy bear! Too bad it made him forget something very important.
breathe (and let go) (M) (part 5 of a series)
Leonardo needs a break from his… everything, and Yuichi is always more than happy to indulge him.
cracks never healed (they can heal now) (T)
Their plans for a nice date go awry when Leonardo and Yuichi run into a giant rampaging robot. It's swiftly dealt with, but not without a price.
well worth the wait (G)
Hana has been worried about her adoptive father's new relationship. Yuichi puts those worries to rest.
taking it slow (G)
Leonardo keeps holding himself to the impossible standards of a long-lost future and it doesn't take a genius to see that it does him no favours. Yuichi takes it upon himself to teach his boyfriend that some days should be spent in bed.
And that's it! For now. <3
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