#rwby fallout
rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 months
I may have a problem.
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rwac96 · 24 days
While on they're way back to outpost weiss ask who was jaune's first time, he blushed remembering her long blonde hair, her lavender eyes, her perfect and large breast and how they did made his cock a little bit hard.
*Weiss & Jaune were on a Vertibird, heading back to the Outpost, there was an obvious silence between them*
Weiss: *blushing, gulping* "So, that happened."
Jaune: *in power armor, blushing too* "Y-Yeah."
Weiss: *clears her throat* "Well, last night...you knew what you were doing."
Jaune: "...Yeah."
Weiss: "...So, I know it sounds very personal...w-who was your first time with?"
Jaune: *exhales, his blush becoming redder* "It was when I was an initiate, and I helped Ironwood clear an area of Feral Ghouls. During the scuffle, we got separated, I could've died, then I was saved by this blonde, busty wastelander with one helluva robotic arm."
*Jaune leans back as he reminisces that day*
Jaune: "Her puns, though hit & miss, the hits made me laugh. We had a few drinks, then started flirting...then started getting touchy. Her D-Cup shaped breasts, her long, wonder hair. Those lavender eyes, and the way she--" *stops, biting his lower lip*
Weiss: *blinks* "Erection?"
Jaune: *slowly nods* "Yep."
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howlingday · 4 months
Penny: Civilian! A mandatory curfew is in effect! Return to your home immediately!
Jaune: A... curfew?
Penny: By order of General James Ironwood, a state of martial law has been declared. Under the terms of the Martial Law Act, Section 12.J, those refusing to comply with a curfew order are to be pacified.
Penny: Repeat, will you comply?
Jaune: Will you comply?
Penny: Repeat, will you comply?
Jaune: Will you comply?
Penny: Repeat, will you comply?
Jaune: Will you comply?
Penny: Repeat, will you comply?
Jaune: Will you comply?
Penny: Loop detected! Error! Error! (Glowing orange) Repeat, a mandatory curfew is in effect! Return to your homes and await further instructions! (Golden yellow)
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Penny: (Rebuilds herself) SAL U TATIONS~!
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cringenamehere · 2 months
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auxiphor · 8 months
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heres the only chart youll ever need
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team-iceflower · 5 months
Cinder: What are you?
Salem: I'm you sweetheart, just give it a little time.
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likemosaic · 5 months
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a multi-muse featuring characters from multiple fandoms, including an original, headcanon-heavy courier six from fallout: new vegas. written by randie (all pronouns). other fandoms include: berserk, dragon age, final fantasy xiv, stardew valley, mythology & others.
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Botanic Tournament : Roses Bracket !
Red Group
Round 2 Poll 1
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madmanwonder · 4 months
“What do you want machine.”
Penny Polendina flinched at the harsh emphasis of machine from the leader of Atlas Brotherhood of Steel who was looking at her with cold blue eyes full of disdain and disgust toward her.
“G-General Ironwood wants me t-to give you the latest report on the latest in and activities of the Super Mutants and the White Fangs in the northwest region of Solitas.” The humanoid female robot said to the large and broad-shouldered man.
“Hnn.” He grunted as he took the report from the machine with arctic coldness as he look at the report in the data pad speed-reading the data sheet. “He’s a man of his words than most of the Atlas military personnel.”
“What do you mean—”Penny mouthed was snapped immediately when Arthur looked at her with a hard, deep glare in his cold blue eyes.
“None of your concern.” He said in a sharp voice. “If you got nothing else to say. Get out.” He ordered as he turned his back on Penny already dismissing her from sight and mind.
Penny meekly nodded as she walked away from the imposing man feeling hurt by the bigotry from the man.
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yulecatt · 2 years
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some fallout au neo
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aberration13 · 6 months
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Finished up a bunch of bottle cap pins, think I got the print size slightly too small but they turned out all right.
Kinda fun and very easy to make though.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 9 months
Neo: What's Stopping me From from hunting down Little Red?
RK!Jaune: *Sharpening Crocea Mors* There are Many reasons why that would be a bad Idea. I will illuminate three.
RK!Jaune: First, as you well know, Just because She is Kind, does not mean She is unwilling or incapable of defending Herself.
RK!Jaune: Second, If you Hurt Ruby or any of her Teammates, I will find you. Make no mistake. Gods willing, You will not be leaving the Ever After.
RK!Jaune: Lastly, Waging War against good people is Bad for the Soul. This may not seem important to you now, but it is the most important thing I've said.
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rwac96 · 23 days
Back at the outpost sun and neptune were cleaning their weapons, the two aspirants notice jaune and weiss, "yo jaune a chick with a robot came by and drop off a box of stuff don't worry I didn't open it" sun hand him the box, he opened it was full of photos of yang especially nudes one photo where she wearing death claw skin bikini.
Jaune: *blushes* "Oh, my God!"
Weiss: "...I didn't know skinning a Deathclaw was possible."
Jaune: "The more pressing matter is that she found my Outpost!"
Weiss: "Oh, that. My bad."
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howlingday · 5 months
While Ruby, along with the Blade Girls (including a humanized Crocea Mors), was away and looking at some of the other stalls, Jaune had found himself drifting over to a stall with a man covered in bandages from head to toe. He found himself striking up a conversation with the man, talking about the weapon upon the table; it, like all the others, was a .45 1911 Colt that seemed to be like all the others, but what stood out was not the snake skin grip, but the Latin, which he could not read, engraved onto both sides of the gun. These were two parts to same verse, and it read “And the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not.”
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Jaune did not know why, but he felt his chest constrict, but unlike all of the times before that were painful and agonizing, this one was simply somber, as off the verse that had been engraved onto the gun had struck a cord with him, and made him truly think about what he has been through up to this point.
???: “Have you found something that has caught your attention?”
Jaune: “Oh, uh, nothing much sir. Just these two lines engraved onto the gun, what do they say?”
???: “Ah, those are two parts of the same verse. They read ‘And the light shineth in darkness, and darkness comprehended it not’. Is there something about it that bothers you?”
Jaune: “N-No sir, it’s just…” Jaune tried to find the words to say, something, anything that could describe just what he is feeling right now but every time he thinks he has something, it slips away from him. Just like Pyrrha had.
???: “You are troubled by something, a loss of the very light that had helped to guide you for so long, now gone and you feel like there is no way out of the darkness around you? Yet, you move forward, trying to find the light you had lost in the hopes of one day finding it and feeling it’s warmth once more.”
Jaune didn’t know why, but the bandaged man had perfectly worded his feelings that he was currently going through after such little time the two had talked for. Before he could say anything, the man continued.
???: “You are not the first person that I have encountered that has felt like that before. They have, just like you currently are, have lost the one thing that gave you more then just a sense of purpose; you have lost something, or someone, that can never be replaced and have searched for it out in the darkness, hoping that it may still be out there, waiting for you to find it again. This has often led many of those, much like yourself, down a darker path. One they could not find their way off of.”
Jaune looked up towards him, tears beginning to well up in his eyes.
Jaune: “Then, what am I supposed to do then? I can’t just give up and let myself be consumed by the darkness. I can’t just give up on those who need help.”
He then turned to Jaune, as of expression on his face
???: “Tell me young man, do you believe in God?”
Jaune: “You mean the two brothers?”
Jaune wasn’t sure just why he would be asking him this? What could belief in the Brothers possibly help him with?
???: “No, I mean God, from the Bible of the Christian faith.”
That caught Jaune for a loop. There was a divine being out there simply known as God?
Jaune: “I’ve… never heard of him before. Besides, what good would me praying to another god do if all of the others have left me with no answers? It’s hard to believe in someone that won’t answer you.”
Rather than being upset, the man simply chuckled.
???: “It does not surprise me that you have not heard of him, and I can understand why you would feel that way. There is much to be skeptical of in this world, so it no longer surprises me, to learn how many people don’t really believe in anything. “What’s the point?”. For many of us, the road is a difficult one, but the path is always there for us to follow, no matter how many times we may fall. The good news is that we can help you find your way back.”
He then looked out towards the crowds of people, and Jaune looked with him, seeing the many people that were going about the convention, though some appeared to have a more jaded look to theme
???: “Naturally, some days are… harder than others, but I must try. We all have doubts. The light of the mind alone cannot burn away all darkness.”
Jaune: “If there really is no way to keep the darkness away, then why do I keep trying to keep it away? What’s the point?”
Tears could then be seen welling up in his eyes, threatening to fall at any moment as he continued to wonder why he even kept fighting if the darkness would eventually win out in the end. What was the point of all his struggles if he would always be destined to wander the darkness.
???: “Think on it, and look in your heart. It will be for the best. When the come tumbling down, when you lose everything you have, you always have family.”
Jaune then looked at him, a single tear running down his cheek as his eyes never left the man. Family. He had always been fighting to bring honor to his by becoming both a huntsman and a hero, but he had not once been able to get into contact with them for so long after the CCT went down, only ever being able to talk to Saphron, Terra and Adrian after reaching Argus. Was the rest of his family okay, though?
Jaune: “What keeps you going?”
???: “The fire that kept me alive, was love. Their love. Gods love.”
Jaune looked down again, the tears flowing freely as he saw them fall to the floor.
Jaune: “What if it’s not enough, though? What if I can’t get out of the darkness that I find myself in now? What then?”
To his surprise, the man let out a good natured chuckle.
???: “Right. You’re not so certain. Fair enough, we all go through periods of darkness. Of course… in a world filed with misery and uncertainty, it is a great comfort to know that, in the end, there is light in the darkness. In such times, we turn to the Lord, but it’s good to have friends. And the Good Lord knows there’s much to be done here.”
Jaune stopped holding back his tears at that point, letting them flow freely as he felt as if a burden had been lifted off of his chest. All his time spent contemplating the what ifs, the unknowns, the unpleasant unpredictability of the world around him, he finally felt some form of peace.
When they eventually found Jaune again, he was sitting in the food court in new gear, a cross necklace around his neck, a strange book that he was reading in his hand, and the .45 1911 Colt on his hip.
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While Crocea didn’t know what Ruby was feeling, from the look in Jaune’s eyes, she could see that he had finally found some form of closure to the pain he has gone through, and he has come out stronger because of it. It looked as if he was finally, after so long in a dark tunnel, finally reaching the light at the end.
This was nice story. Glad to see Jaune get closure. Can't really see how I could improve on this, so I'll just leave it as it is.
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cryptid-catnip · 5 months
Requests Are Now OPEN!
I will be now working on requests of the following:
One-Shots (500-750 words)
Headcanons (4-6 each)
Alphabet Prompts (also 4-6 each)
I will write for the following fandoms:
Persona 3
Persona 4
Persona 5
Hazbin Hotel
Doki Doki Literature Club!
Fallout New Vegas
Fallout 4
FNaF (all games + movie)
Darkest Dungeon
Danganronpa (all games)
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 2 years
Cinder: I'm going to kill your little silver eyed friend Ruby.
Jaune: There are many reasons this is a bad idea. I will illuminate three.
Jaune: First do not believe that just because she is kind Ruby is unwilling or unable to defend herself.
Jaune: Second if you touch a hair on Ruby's head I will kill you. Gods willing, you will not leave this place.
Jaune: Third waging war against good people is bad for the soul. This may not seem important to you now but it is by far the most important thing I've said.
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