#sad dragon whines
predakingrising · 1 year
Return of the unforgotten king & queen
( Continued from here X ) @chromiatfp
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Oh how he'd thought he'd never hear that voice again.
He does his best to find a better spot, the connection stable- for now.
::Chromia- my love. It is Predaking- I am finally able to hear your voice again,:: he rumbles in that sweet tone he got only with those he cared most about. ::I cannot express how dearly I have missed you... And how sorry I am for being away.::
A deep regret lingers, but did he not owe his life to his sire? He'd never turn away from his creator, for even he didn't know what had awaited them out there in deep space.
::I will explain all I can with what limited connection I am provided. We are to be be back on earth within 3 terran days- currently limping past their gas giant... 'Jupiter?'::
He sounded more mature now, if that were possible. The tinge of youth from his creation gone and in it's place an air of responsibility and familiarity with leadership. It was clear much had happened to him, just from voice alone. The dragon shifts, wanting to hold her already.
::We were attacked, in deepspace. Shockwave had hailed for my help to run inspections for possible sabotage- none of us were prepared. Only through luck or perhaps a blessing did we survive.::
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dragon-ascent · 5 months
Can you imagine Zhongli bumping noses with and nuzzling you like a big, clingy cat?
Oh absolutely! I assume you mean him in his dragon exuvia form (though to be honest, human form Zhongli could totally do those things).
Zhongli never really was particularly clingy throughout his long lifetime, but now that he's been able to relinquish his burdens, he has the time to indulge in things he truly wants. Like you, for example.
So yes, now he's clingy.
"Zhongli..." you whine, as his whiskers tickle you for the nth time today. "Can you let me go now? I need to go to work."
Your husband is coiled around you stubbornly, a sea of shimmering brown scales and amber fur. He nuzzles you again, murmuring in a reverberating voice, "No." He then proceeds to affectionately boop your nose with his own snout.
"Why not?"
"Because I said so." His long tongue reaches out to lick you, but you manage to finally worm out of his grasp (probably because he's licked you enough times for you to be slippery enough to wriggle away). This makes him droop a little.
You register the way his golden eyes stare at the floor forlornly. "Oh come on, darling, don't look so sad."
"I cannot help but be sad."
"And I can't have a big dragon all over me this early in the morning!"
"So I may be all over you at night, then?" Zhongli asks, perking up as his tail also wiggles in excitement.
"No!" you exclaim, exasperated, and your dragon husband droops yet again. "Zhongli, now is not the time for dragon shenanigans!"
Zhongli tilts his head. "Very well." And just like that, his form shrinks, scales turning to skin and horns turning to hair. Only his eyes remain constant, and once he's turned back into a man, your man, he wraps his glowing arms around you tightly and begins to nuzzle you again.
At first you're bewildered, but then you sigh, melting into his touch. There's no winning with him. He purrs in delight at this, ostensibly some traces of his dragon self still apparent in this form. Lovingly nuzzling his now-human nose against yours, proud of his little victory over you, Zhongli smiles softly.
He was always good at getting what he wanted, and that included you.
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genshin-obsessed · 8 months
Idk if I'm too late for the Neuvillette drabbles but imagine trying to go swimming with him but he doesn't get in the water so you splash him playfully and then he just. Summons a fuckin tidal wave on you. By accident. And he's so apologetic afterward but you're just laughing your ass off lol
Nope, not late at all! I just went to bed last night right after posting the thingie lol also this sounds so cuteee <33 I had fun with it! Thank you! Word count: 501
Gather like the Tidal Wave
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"Ah! Finally, some time to relax!" You squealed as your feet hit the sand as you ran towards the cool, blue water. Without warning, you jumped in, the cold water surrounding you. Neuvillette, on the other hand, just watched you with a light smile as he stood a distance away.
After a couple of moments, you poked your head out, looking over at him and waving. Raising a gloved hand, Neuvillette waved right back, chuckling to himself.
"Aren't you coming in?" You called back to him before pouting when he shook his head.
"No, I'm alright, but you do look like you're having lots of fun." Neuvillette replied as he walked closer to the water, only his boots getting wet due to the waves rolling in on the shore.
"Aw, come on! You've been working so hard all weak! Don't you need to swim? Cuz you're a dragon and all." You said, making him shake his head a little.
"I'm not a lizard that dries out, sweet (y/n), I'm a human just like you." You crossed your arms at his words, your cheeks turning a faint shade of pink.
"Yeah, well it doesn't rain when I get super sad." You argued back to which he looked at you confused.
"No, if I recall correctly, it does rain when you get upset."
"It rains because you get upset that I'm upset." Well, Neuvillette couldn't deny that. Honestly, if you were upset or you cried, that transferred to Neuvillette and before you knew it, it would be raining.
"I can't deny that." He said honestly, his icy blue eyes shifting away in slight embarrassment.
Deciding it was too boring without him in the water, you began to splash him. He threw his hand up, stopping the water before it hit him, making you whine.
"Neuvillette! You're no fun! Come on!"
"I'm sorry, my robes are a bit expensive and I don't want them to get wet-" He flinched when you splashed him again, but this time the water hit his face.
He couldn't find himself being upset because... you were laughing. So, he decided to play along. He walked a bit further into the water and swiped his hand against it, making it splash you. And so began the very short splash war.
Unforunately, Neuvillette wasn't paying attention and... with one swift move of his hand, a large tidal wave formed beside you and crashed right over you. You squealed, holding your breath in time as you spun around under the water.
Neuvillette, on the other hand, audibly gasped. That wave was a lot bigger than he meant to make it! However, his panicked heart was instantly set at ease when he saw you stick your head out and begin laughing.
"My apologies, that was a little big."
"That was so cool! Do it again!" You exclaimed in excitement, jumping up and down. Much to your dismay, Neuvillette shook his head as he began walking back out of the water.
"No, I don't think so."
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 months
Diavolo: Oh! Seren! *chuckles* Are you here to visit your parent?
Seren (6 years old): Good morning, Uncle Dia! Hm! Is Mama here?
Barbatos: MC is in the office right now. *smiles* Though they would never mind if your sudden visitation.
Seren: *beams* Okay! I'll go there now! *goes upstairs*
Diavolo: Ah, such a lovely kid.
Barbatos: I agree. However, I'm curious why Sylvas hasn't paid a visit.
Diavolo: That's because his egg hasn't hatched yet.
Barbatos: Huh?
MC: *cuddling Seren* Thank you for visiting me every week, Seren!
Seren: *smiling* I wish I could visit you everyday but I have classes.
MC: *chuckles* That's fine. Anyway, how's your dad and brother?
Seren: Mama, Sylvas doesn't want to come out of his egg.
MC: Eh? Why?
Seren: He doesn't like Papa.
MC: Huh? That can't be.
Seren: It's true! He thinks Papa is ugly and that's the reason you didn't marry him.
MC: ...
MC: Did you try to explain to him how you two were born?
Seren: Hehe. No.
MC: Oh dear. Alright.
MC: Luci? Do you want to come with me to visit Malleus?
Lucifer: I would love to, however, I have a meeting this afternoon.
MC: Oh.
Lucifer: I can ask Simeon. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to assist you.
Seren: You're not going to ask any of your brothers, uncle?
Lucifer: They are currently being punished, sweetie. So no.
Seren: *giggles*
MC: Okay. Luci, don't overwork yourself.
Lucifer: *chuckles* I'll try.
Malleus: Child of man... *smiles* It's been a while.
MC: Yes. Sorry. It was quite busy in Devildom. *their visit was last three years ago*
Malleus: Do not worry about it.
MC: By the way, Mal? Hasn't Sylvas come out of his egg yet?
Malleus: *pouts a little* Yes. Even though he has no reason to.
Simeon: It could be that he's sulking. *chuckles* I'm sure you know why.
MC and Malleus: ...
MC: Where is he? I'll talk to him.
Simeon: While you do that, I'll stay here with Seren. I'm sure your son wouldn't like to see one of their parent's lovers.
Seren: Uncle Simeon! You're going to bless Sylvas, right?
Simeon: *smiles* Of course.
Malleus: Alright. I'll accompany you, child of man.
Malleus: *completely unamused*
Sylvas: *whining little dragon noises*
MC: *cuddling him* You know you could always call me, Sylvas. Why did you have to wait that long?
Sylvas: *sad dragon eyes*
MC: *chuckles* You have also worried your father.
Sylvas: *turns his head at Malleus then snarls*
Malleus: ...
MC: ...
MC: O...kay?
Malleus: *frowns*
Seren's concept design :
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spicycinnabun · 2 months
“Steve, something is wrong with Christofern!” Eddie entered Steve’s room, cradling the potted plant in his arms.
He’d come home after work, ready to greet his bud-dy, but one look at him had made Eddie gasp. His leaves were shriveled up like sad little green raisins. Usually, they were puffed up like oversized Rice Krispies.
Christofern had been Robin’s, originally. It had been in a very sorry state on her windowsill before she’d left for college—a lot worse than it looked now, under Eddie’s care, thank you—and she’d told him, “I honestly can’t stand the thing. You keep it. It sheds worse than my aunt’s Great Pyrenees, and I’m tired of vacuuming. Just don’t throw it out, or Steve might murder you.”
And that had been that.
Christofern didn’t look like a typical house plant. He wasn’t a fern, which Steve kept reminding him. Steve was more practical. He didn’t give his plants names but called them by their designated labels.
Christofern was a Donkey’s Tail, or sedum morganianum, part of the succulent family. That term meant absolutely nothing to Eddie unless it was referring to a big bowl of pasta—he had no idea there was a whole plant category called delicious.
“But maybe he wants to be a fern, Steven,” he’d argued. “Ever thought of that? He doesn’t have to be a succulent just because he was assigned so at birth.”
“You’re fucking ridiculous,” had been Steve’s reply.
At first, Eddie had enlisted Steve’s help purely because he’d wanted his attention, and talking about plants was an easy as hell way to get Steve’s attention. Steve was a very passionate plant dad. But later, Eddie grew to love Christofern, and the trials and tribulations of learning how to care for him were almost like raising his own child.
Christofern had not just one but seven long, thickly spiked green tails. Seven tails. He reminded Eddie of a mutated dragon. He was adorable but occasionally grumpy and high-maintenance, like a certain someone Eddie knew. (Perhaps Christofern was more of a prince than a dragon—a dragon prince?)
If he didn’t get enough sunlight, his leaves shed, and he wilted. If he wasn’t rotated daily, he got yellow and sunburnt. And if he didn’t get enough water…
“I swear I watered him... uh, recently.” When had Eddie last watered him? Not the day before, but maybe Wednesday? Or had it been Tuesday? Shit. Eddie pouted. “I just gave him a drink now, anyway. It’s not too late, is it, Doctor Steve?”
He clasped his hands and watched Steve’s attentive eyes rove over his plant, waiting for the diagnosis.
“Eddie, how could you neglect Christofern like this? I should call Plant Protective Services.” Steve grabbed his hand, startling Eddie and his overactive heartbeat.
He took Eddie’s index finger and pushed it into Christofern’s soil right down to his second knuckle. It felt inappropriate. Eddie made a noise, appalled. “Steven, why are you making me violate Christofern?”
Steve ignored him. “What do you feel? The soil is soaked down there, isn’t it?”
Eddie wiggled his finger. It felt goopy. “Yes,” he admitted.
“You’ve overwatered it,” Steve chastised. “Now, the leaves might rot instead of rehydrating themselves. You’ve got to make sure you don’t drown it. Christofern only needs a moderate amount of water every two weeks, okay?”
“Okay,” Eddie said meekly. “I’m sorry, Christofern.”
Steve pulled his finger out of the soil and gave him a look bordering on amusement. “Leave him with me for a few days, and I’ll get him back to where he should be.”
“Thank you, Doctor Steve. How can I ever repay you?” Eddie imagined repaying Steve with his mouth, his tongue, his hands (after he washed the soil off)…
“You can clean the bathroom,” Steve said.
Eddie’s fantasy shattered. He whined. “Does it have to be that?”
“Damn it, Steve, just make me suck your dick next time,” Eddie grumbled on his way out.
He missed the way Steve’s jaw dropped.
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milswrites · 4 months
Hobbies Part 3.
~Azriel X Reader
Summary: In an attempt to keep Azriel away from Elain, Rhys sends him on a sabbatical to the Day Court. With a lot more free time on his hands Azriel needs to find something to keep him occupied. Unfortunately he meets Y/N who has the annoying habit of not staying away. Can she teach him that there’s more to life than he thought?
Grumpy!Azriel X Sunshine!Reader
Series masterlist
Warnings: Tiny bit of angst and sadness. Light injury (nothing too bad)
“Why is it whenever you come to my door you’re always dressed so strangely?”
Azriel has had four blissfully peaceful days since the training session with Y/N . He knew she would turn up again at some point, having promised she’d come back and make him try something new.
He would be lying if he said he wasn’t slightly looking forward to spending time with Y/N again, he just assumed it was due to the fact that life in the Day Court for him was awfully dull. At least he now knew where the training grounds were and found most of his time was now spent there. Still just himself for company, he had now adopted his regular pre-sabbatical training routine and he had even been on a few late night flights, the need to stretch his wings too much to deny.
Azriel would also be lying if he said he wasn’t waiting on Y/N’s arrival at his flat once more. A shadow constantly waiting by his front door, even when he was out of his flat, to ensure that he would always know when she was waiting outside to meet him.
That’s what lead him to where he was now.
He had been outside, busy at the training ground and focussed on practicing a very difficult drill with his daggers, when the small wisp of one of his shadows came flying into the arena causing him to immediately stop what he was doing.
‘She’s here’ it told him ‘she’s waiting for you’.
At once Azriel sheathed his daggers and took off flying. Speeding towards the direction of his flat. Not wanting Y/N to know he had left a shadow at the door, purely with the intention of alerting him of her presence, Azriel squeezed himself through his open window. A window which definitely had not been built with the intention of a large Illyrian male squeezing through it but Azriel would rather suffer through the embarrassment of having to contort his body and drag himself through, rather than be faced with Y/N’s teasing grin at the fact he had been expecting her and rushed back to greet her.
After managing to crawl through his window, landing on the floor with a bang he prayed she didn’t hear, Azriel rushed to the door hoping Y/N was still there and hadn’t left having waited too long for a response.
Taking in a deep breath to try and return his breathing to normal, Azriel opened the door. He was met yet again with Y/N standing there, grin on your face, in another totally ridiculous outfit.
“What do you mean strange?” Y/N whined dramatically, hand placed over her heart as if his words hurt. Of course this wasn’t the case as the smile on her face had transformed into a smirk, clearly she was expecting him to say that, “Clearly you’ve never seen Day Court riding attire before.”
“Riding?! Like horses?!”
“No Azriel, riding like dragons, yes of course we’re riding horses!”
Azriel was now sure Rhysand had sent Y/N to torture him as punishment for what he did. He had never been on a horse and had absolutely no no intention of ever being on one. The small trace of excitement he had at the prospect of Y/N returning to his flat with a new hobby for him to try had completely left his mind. Azriel now in a mood and frankly he was slightly scared by the prospect of him on a horse.
“What a shame, I actually have plans for today” he shrugged mock-sympathetic look on his face as he attempted to pull his door to before Y/N could convince him otherwise. Something he was certain she would be able to do with little more than a smile.
“Hold on batboy,” Y/N chuckled, hand reaching out to grab the door before he could close it, “I did something you like, you’re going to do something I like. Deals the deal.”
“We didn’t make a deal” Azriel tried to reason, eyes focussed down the hallway of the flat so to avoid looking into her wide, begging ones that were no doubt staring at him.
“Yes we did”
“No we didn’t”
“Yes we- oh for mother’s sake Azriel! I thought you Illyrians were meant to be honest males!”
At this Azriel couldn’t help but release a barking laugh, “Sweetheart I don’t know what you think you know about Illyrians but that is most definitely wrong.”
“Oh well just…please Azriel,” as she said this Y/N softly moved one of her hands to rest on Azriel’s arm that was holding onto the door, “it would mean a lot to me.”
Azriel’s gaze flickered to where her hand rested on him, jaw clenching as his felt his control slip.
“Isn’t there something else you want to do?”
There wasn’t. Azriel had given in and now he found himself face to face with an overly skittish horse, clearly not a fan of his large wings. Y/N was already up on her horse, beaming down at Azriel as she waited patiently for him to mount.
Tentatively, he took a step towards the horse Y/N had selected for him to ride, pulling his wings in hoping that it would be less intimidating, the animal immediately shuffled backwards nervously.
“Y/N I don’t think this is a good idea” Azriel said turning towards the woman who was clearly enjoying his discomfort.
Giggling, she hopped off of her horse before walking over to Azriel and grabbing his hand. Not expecting this, Azriel flinched and yanked his hand away from her grip turning his head away from her, not wanting to see her disgust as she took in the mangled state of his hands.
“What are you doing?” He tried to snap at her but the words came out more unsure and shaky.
“Azriel”, Y/N spoke, drawing his eyes back to her kind face, “it’s ok, look.” With that Y/N took his hand again, her hold light as if giving him the chance to pull away again if he wanted to. Trusting her, Azriel exhaled and watched as she brought his scarred hand to his horses side moving it up and down in a gentle stroke, action calming the anxious mare.
Y/N’s hand lingered over his for a while, caught in the moment before she pulled away. Slow enough that Azriel was reassured it was not because of the marred skin of his hands. The back of his hand still tingling from where she had touched him.
“See?” She spoke softly, eyes slightly glazed. Azriel could have sworn he saw her shake her head a little, bringing herself back from wherever her mind had wandered to, before she took a step back away from his body, creating distance between them.
“Do you need help getting on?”
Neglecting a verbal response, Azriel shook his head, hand still pressed to the side of the horse where she had placed it. He knew the logistics over getting on a horse he had just never tried to before. Awkwardly, he placed his foot in the stirrup before pushing himself up and bringing his other leg over so he was sat on the horse. He made sure to lift his wings and spread them out a little to avoid them touching the horses back in fear their unfamiliar presence may cause him to get bucked off.
Azriel was sure of two things. One, he looked like an absolute idiot on this horse and if Cassian could see him now he would never let Azriel live it down. And two, Y/N was enjoying his struggle and obvious distaste for animals a little too much.
As they plodded along a dirt path outside of the city, Azriel kept a miserable eye on Y/N who wasn’t afraid to let out a loud cackle every time he showed any sign of stiffness or discomfort.
“Hanging in all right bat boy?” She grinned as Azriel released a groan, no one ever told him how much riding a horse hurt your backside.
“Is this supposed to be enjoyable? This can’t actually be your hobby” he mumbled, shifting on the back of his horse to try and find some semblance of comfort for his rear.
“It’s not,” Y/N replied, “never actually been on a horse before either, I had to beg Helion to let me borrow these from his stable.”
Her comment made Azriel pull on the reins tightly until his horse came to a stop, Y/N still moving on ahead, “What do you mean you’ve never been on a horse? The whole reason I’m here is because you said we were going to do something you like!”
“Hm no I don’t recall saying that” Y/N turned her head over her shoulder, flashing Azriel a cheeky grin before facing forward once more. He huffed and did his best to get his horse moving again, this taking a few attempts, riding along until he was side by side with Y/N.
“So why are we doing this instead of dress shopping or gossiping over some tea?”
Y/N gasped playfully, “Dear me Azriel, you can’t truly believe my hobbies would be something as mundane as shopping or talking. I never took you for a gossip though, that’s good to know”
“Well you seem to do too much of that” Huffed Azriel under his breath.
“Besides, consider this payback”
“For training the other day, can’t think I’m going to let you flip me onto the floor and get away with it”
And with that Y/N pulled off into a gallop down the dirt track, flying away from Azriel, her laugh hanging in the air, his heart fluttering at the sound. Competitive spirit stirring, and a weird need to impress Y/N, Azriel urged his horse to move faster in an attempt to outrace Y/N who already had a very large head start.
This wasn’t Azriel’s smartest idea as it wasn’t long before he felt the reins slip from his grasp and the next thing he knew he was falling off the back of his horse with a startled yelp. His body and wings scraping against the ground as he made contact, rolling to a stop, horse running off into the distance.
Groaning, Azriel just laid there, hands on his face in exasperation. The sound of hooves coming closer forced him to sit up, watching a panicked Y/N canter towards him, his horse in tow. She hopped off her own, worry evident in her face, and ran to Azriel.
“Cauldron are you ok?!!” She dropped to her knees, grabbing his face in the palm of her hands and scanning him over for injuries. Azriel brushed her off of him, embarrassed at the events that had transpired.
“If this is your idea of payback it definitely worked, think I ended up a lot worse off than you did though”
Y/N broke out into laughter, a sound so sweet and inviting that Azriel couldn’t help but join along. The two of them sat on the ground, dirt on their clothes, laughing hysterically until tears filled their eyes and they couldn’t breathe anymore.
“Let’s do something a little less high risk next time yeah?” Azriel says when his breath returns to normal, his smile had gone, it left with the last laugh that had escaped his mouth, but his cheeks still sweetly stung from the memory of it all the same.
“You mean you still want to keep hanging out with me?” Y/N was joking, but Azriel could still see the trace of insecurity in her eyes that she had blown her shot, that Azriel wouldn’t want to see her anymore after forcing him along on this disastrous trip. He wanted to comfort her, take her hand and tell her that he wasn’t going anywhere. But it was Azriel’s rogue emotions that brought him to this court in the first place and he wasn’t going to allow them to mess anything else up. Azriel called back his shadows that were swirling around them both playfully, thriving off of the joy they were previously emitting.
Clearing his throat and moving to his feet he answered, “I haven’t completely dismissed that as an option, can’t say I’ve particularly enjoyed anything we’ve done.”
His words had hurt Y/N, Azriel could tell that much, he noticed how her smile had wavered, how her eyebrows knitted together and the spark he so admired in Y/N’s eyes had dimmed. Guilt crawled into Azriel’s chest but he knew it was probably for the best, he’d entertain her visits and activities but he couldn’t allow himself to grow any closer. He knew he wouldn’t be here forever, sure that any week now Rhysand would return calling him back to his duties at the night court and he would go, leaving Y/N behind.
So Azriel looked down at Y/N who was still sat on the floor before, hurt on her face and he turned back to his horse, grabbing the reins and climbing on, “come on, let’s head back.” Y/N nodded, wordlessly picking herself up from the floor, she brushed the dirt from her clothes and hopped onto her horse.
They rode in silence, Azriel wanting nothing more in this moment than for her to start one of her conversations that he once found so unbearably annoying. Even praying that she would start her melodic humming, a sign that he hadn’t hurt her feelings too much. But Y/N didn’t make a sound.
Sighing to himself over the fact that he had found himself caring so much about this woman he barely knew in the space of such a small time, Azriel broke the silence, wanting to reduce the rift he had so suddenly opened between them. “So what do you actually enjoy doing. If not torturing the male species”He lamely attempted a pathetic excuse for a joke, recalling when the atmosphere around them both was lighter and more playful, wishing for it to return.
Without looking at him, Y/N replied quietly, “I don’t get much free time. But when I do I like to bake or sow, I enjoy making dresses.”
In an attempt to make her smile Azriel spoke, “someone who meant a lot to me used to sow, she must have made hundreds of the most beautiful dresses I’ve ever seen. She made one our high lady wore once, it looked like she had sown together pure starlight.” He glanced to his side where Y/N was riding, a wistful smile creeping onto her lips as if she wished she could create something just as magical.
“I don’t think I’ve ever made anything quite like that”
“I’m sure you’re great. Maybe one day you’ll even make something for me?” It may have been a bit presumptuous of Azriel to say, but at the sight of her usual smile finally on her face he was glad he said it. And Azriel quite liked it, the idea of wearing something made by her.
“A dress?” She teased, the stiff atmosphere around them had blown away with the gentle breeze, a comfortable warmth taking its place.
“I would make a dress work if that’s what you made me. You’ve already put me through enough torture I’m sure I could endure a little bit more.”
Y/N snorted, hand flying to her mouth in an attempt to cover the sound but Azriel caught it and swore to himself he would do everything in his power to make sure he was never the reason for Y/N losing her smile again. As they continued along the path that led back to the city, dirt on their clothes and contentment on their faces. Azriel couldn’t wait for what she had planned next… as long as it didn’t actually involve him having to wear a dress.
Part 4
Notes: I don’t know much about horses so please don’t come for me if I’ve said something wrong <3
@thelov3lybookworm @minnieoo @going-through-shit @iluvyewman-blog @laughterafter @amysangel @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @darling006 @anuttellaa @serendipityx150 @xxxalicerogersxx @that-one-little-soybean @scatteredstardustt @naturakaashi @aaronwarnerobsessedmylove
(I’m so sorry I couldn’t get some of them to work, and I’m even more sorry if it’s just my awful spelling)
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longdaytogo · 1 year
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the boy in the portrait
@hotchnaur wrote a fic for this!
This is based off a little snippet I wrote which honestly isn't much (since I have absolutely no writing skills) but was more of a "I need to write this down before it disappears forever from my brain" kind of rush.
This takes place in an AU where Draco didn't make it out of the Fiendfyre, but the war is won and done. The Ministry has ordered a cleanup and seizes pureblood residences, namely Malfoy Manor, and Harry volunteers to inspect the property. He doesn't know why he did, but still apparates to the front gate, in a sort of trance since the Room of Requirement incident, not fully understanding why he's feeling so.
As he walks up the spiraled stairs and down the long corridors, it hits him that he's in the Malfoy ancestral home, the very place where Draco grew up. The eerie quiet is interrupted by the sound of a child crying and murmured shushes from a further corridor up the path. When he follows the sound, he's greeted by a long line of portraits, all old and dead, glaring at Harry before sharply turning and disappearing into their paintings.
He continues down the path until he gets to the very last portrait—a young boy crying, fisted hands covering his face. The other portraits tell him to "pipe down that noise" before vanishing, leaving only Harry and the young boy. When Harry approaches the smaller boy in the portrait to ask if he's alright, he stops dead in his tracks. It's Draco. A much younger Draco who looks to be around 6 or 7, much smaller than his first year at Hogwarts with his signature white blond hair and not-so-pointy chin.
Young Draco sniffles, wipes away his tears, and looks up at Harry, confused about who he is. He asks where his mother and father are and how lonely he is here. He explains how he "woke up" one day in this portrait and feels scared. How all the other portraits (namely Great Great Aunt Belvina and Grandfather Cygnus) won't answer his questions and only tell him to be quiet.
Harry stares at the younger Malfoy absentmindedly. He tells Draco he's here to stay for a while and asks if he has any messages for Lucius and Narcissa. "They're out right now but they'll be back shortly," he says, and young Draco's eyes light up. Draco finds a willing listener in Harry and tells him about how sad he is here, how delightfully boring it is, about his new toy dragon from Diagon Alley and about that one time Pansy and Theo fell face first in a puddle of mud as he and Blaise had watched, giggling while saying so.
Harry quietly listens, noticing he still points his nose up tauntingly while teasing and the way his haughty air or confidence seems to permeate the conversation. Harry tries to absorb all that he can, overlapping this young Draco with his Draco—noticing their similarities and difference where one is all childlike innocence and laughter, while the other only a mere husk of a boy towards his final days.
Young Draco tells Harry about his first flying lesson and his new broomstick when he suddenly asks if Harry knows "Harry Potter." Shocked, Harry asks how he knows the name when Draco, going a bit red in the ears, replies back how he's going to be Harry's best friend at Hogwarts ("once my letter arrives in a few years!") he says proudly. He tells Harry how he's made father buy out all the books on "Harry Potter" and how mother reads them to him nightly.
Draco makes Harry promise not to tell anyone, sharing that he only revealed it to so because he had shared so much already. Harry promises and, feeling a bit disheartened, says he needs to go, but he'll come back soon. Young Draco pouts and whines but understands, reminding Harry to pass along the message to Lucius and Narcissa. He waves goodbye, on the promises of "I'll see you later," and disappears into his portrait. Harry watches the boy vanish, then turns to leave down the corridor he came.
Walking down the stone path back to the gate, he recalls a boy with teary eyes surrounded by scorching flames and another boy dreaming of befriending the Boy Who Lived. He leaves Malfoy Manor feeling choked and a little worse than when he arrived.
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toruslvt · 20 hours
⋆ MONSTERFUCKING ft. dragon Zhongli w dicks², Foul Legacy Childe, Capitano w forked tongue.
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 cw. f!reader, choking w all of them, oral reader receiving, ( cap. ), doggy ( ch. ) mating press ( z. )
request from @queen-belial
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“absolutely divine” Zhongli purrs, voice deep and low, almost hypnotizing while dragging a sharp claw across your bottom lip, not deep enough to cut, but it stings the same as your thighs that press against your chest, uncomfortably spread and impaled on your lover’s thick cock, “your body... is made just for me, to accommodate me perfectly” it was a half truth, having spent so many years with him have thought you how to take him, accommodating your pussy walls to the shape and girth of him, and when he’a feeling extra greedy, perhaps let him slide both cocks in you? it’s a bit sad how one of them must be neglected, solely rubbing on your belly to get some friction.
a teasing roll of his hips follows, making you choke on your own saliva and eyes widen, unable to utter a word that isn’t a mindless babble with how deep Zhongli is sheathed, and of course, due to his long, clawed fingers around your throat, having you and your air flow at his complete mercy, “good?... oh, of course it is” a bit cocky, but how can you blame him when your face is an utter mess of tears and whines, not to mention the way your cunt repeatedly flutters around his fat cock, movements continuing although his hips start to pick up the pace, forcing the sticky head to repeatedly slam against your spot and your pussy to gush, only adding to the messy sound of skin slapping.
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with wobbly legs and arched back is how you always find yourself after meeting up with Childe at the Golden House, your hands are both bent to your back, held by his one inhumanly large hand around your wrists, almost painfully digging his sharp nails on your tender skin, and the other... is perfectly around your neck, keeping your head up while his fat and long cock slammed into your insides, forcing for slick and precum to ooze out your hole and drip onto the floor.
sex with Childe in his Foul Legacy form is almost with no words, except for the grunts and groans, the slap of skin, and of course, your desperate squeals and screams of pleasure, repeatedly getting your needy pussy abused by the ridiculously large size of him, “it’s... nghmm so... too much...” you're blissed out, absolutely fucked dumb on his cock.
but will that stop him? no, never, in fact, your words only encourage him to go faster, almost lifting you off your feet with how strong... with how big Childe is in this form, causing you to struggle to take him, but the immense amounts of sticky precum he pours into your cunt are good lube at least.
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how many times have you found yourself perched against the nearest counter or table, legs spread and whimpering loudly with your lover’s thick tongue exploring your insides and a hand around your neck to stabilize you, although it often clenched and unclenched, stopping your air flow, almost teasing since your cunt slicked his tongue even more each time his grip tightened.
he groans deep, deep like his voice and deep like the tip of his forked, snake like tongue that pushed up against your pussy walls, dragging more delicious slickness from your hole and into his eager mouth, “so delicious, darling” he murmurs, slithering that two edged, incredibly long tongue of his inside you, exploring every corner of your wetness, cock throbbing under the thick layers of his clothes, something about having you bare and spread while Capitano remained fully clothed was absolutely perfect, only causing his length to throb and twitch at the thought, at the taste of your sweet slick.
a thick and calloused thumb reaches to rub your swollen clit, only encouraging you to cream his tongue, the one that messily slips out of your to lap at your folds, creating a wet mess all around with how lewd and uncoordinated was, purposely drenching your thighs and puffy slit before plunging inside again, mimicking how his cock will fuck you later on.
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misguidedasgardian · 7 months
The Hour of the Wolf (5)
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V. Fire & Ice
Summary: You are settling in your throne 
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats, arranged marriage, SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon, smut! finally, I’m calling dub-con, because its their first time and we are nervous, loss of virginity, a bit of blood, and all that comes with it… nothing too extreme
Wordcount: 4.3 k 
Notes: uffff things are getting heated
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“I want my hair loose”, you said faintly, as the maids nodded with shy smiles, as they brushes your silver strands 
Your dress was magnificent
A black background with red and golden intricate designs, open sleeves from your shoulders that had a beautiful drop, a low neckline.
The jewelry was exquisite, your neck was decorated with a golden dragon that curled around you, your wrists and fingers with gold as well, in your heart finger, you had a ring that belonged to your mother. 
“Your grace”, called in Ser Erryk, “the Lord hand and Lord Celtigar, both want to see you”, you barely nodded.
Both men entered the room and you watched them through the mirror, as they saw you they stopped in their tracks, their mouths open, but they regained their composure quickly
“In this day your grace, we have something for you”, said Lord Celtigar, who had brought a beautifully decorated box with him. You turned around in your chair, to be presented with said gift.
Cregan stood behind him, giving him space, as Celtigar theatrically bowed, and opened the box and showed you the insides
You gasped when you saw it, tears threatening to fall as you covered your mouth
“How? Where did you find it?”, you asked, your throat in a knot
“A low-life was trying to sell it in the docks of Claw Island”, he said softly
Your mother’s… and well… Jahaerys’ crown
When your mother rebels and traitors swarmed the capital and threatened the life of your mother, she had to flee and hide all over the Crownlands… and to be able to return to Dragonstone, she had to sell the crown
A sad tale… but in the end…
They had brought it back to you
“You will be crowned with the crown of the conciliator”, said Cregan, “with your mother’s crown, and King Viserys and King Jahaerys before her”
“Thank you”, you murmured, a single tear scaping you
“You look gorgeous, your grace”, said Reysen
“Thank you”
“I’ll give the crown to the master of ceremonies”, muttered Cregan, and you only nodded
They left once more, and the maids kept brushing your hair 
“More reason to have my hair loose”, you said softly and they nodded with wide smile on their faces
You were nervous, to say the least, it had been a long, nerve-wrecking week, in which you had met so many people you barely remember their faces, they had asked much things from you
And now you were getting crowned 
Once you were ready, you asked the maids to leave, and they did
You watched yourself in the mirror, as tears started pouring down your cheeks
“Gods!”, you cried, falling to your arms folded over the dresser
You would give all of this in a heartbeat to have them back… at least one of them… only one… luke…. or Jace… or your mama
The door opened but you didn’t want to see who it was, you waiting for whoever it was to leave, but that didn’t happen
You felt two strong hands grab you and turn you, and in a second your face was against a soft velvet vest, a hand in your hair
“Shhh, everything is alright”, you whined when you heard it was cregan, hugging you tightly, “it’s all alright, I’m right here, with you…”
“I wish they were here”, you whined like a little girl
“I know, I know”, he whispered against the top of your hair
“I would give everything”, you insisted, like he was the god of death capable of doing such exchange 
“I know”, he repeated softly, “they are ready for you, my sweet queen, it’s time… to make everyone proud up there, to shout to all corners of the seven kingdoms, that you, the last dragon, are still here, in honor of your mother, and your older brother”, you barely nodded, finally raising your head to look at him
“To tell all those sons of bitches that the blacks won. and you are alive and well, and they lost…”, you smiled as you wiped your tears. “I’m going to be there, by your side, or behind you, wherever you need me, i’m here…”
You needed him, Cregan realized, and not only to help you rule the kingdom, no, you needed him in a more intimate way… you were only a young woman, who lost everything, he had agreed to marry you, appealing to the power both of you held, but he could tell, that was not enough, in the intimacy you were both going to have, you were going to need more
So he leaned in, and kissed you
Just a peck, on the lips, as he held you softly by the face, caressing your cheeks with his thumbs, you leaned in gently, softly, and when you parted, he could see it in your eyes
In your still innocent eyes
You needed more from him…
You needed a husband, and a protector, a defender, a champion, a knight in shining armor…
And he was going to pick up that mantel
When Cregan stood up and give his back to you to open the door and start the procession, you touched your lips that were still warm, and smiled gently
Your first kiss… your first real kiss…
Cregan turned back to you and offered you his hand, you took it without thinking.
He had proved once again you could lean on him with ease, he was not going to turn on you, or judge you, or tell anyone… from this day forwards, he was in this with you, by your side… as your partner, as your King consort and Hand, as your husband in a few weeks, as your everything
The very thought frightened and excited you at the same time
He released you as soon as you came into the hallway, but you walked side by side, in complete silence, towards the throne room
The great doors were closed, and he looked at you intently
“I will take place by the throne, you will enter alone”, you barely nodded, “are you alright?”
“Yes”, you said shortly, he only nodded in turn, and he left you to enter the ceremony through one of the side passageways.
You just looked at the detail of the large wooden doors, playing with your fingers ahead of you
You were getting crowned, you were getting married soon, you were ruling a country because you were already of age… It was so many things… and you were alone at the top, with no senior to guide you, nobody you completely trusted… no… father or mother figure 
Only Cregan
You took a long breath
You weren’t even nervous… you were longing to get this over with, your hands were sweaty and your feet already hurt for the shoes even though beautiful 
Soon the music started, and the doors opened slowly, to reveal you to the room, people gasped and cheered for you, as you started walking slowly towards the end… towards…
The Iron throne
It was there, surrounded by spikes, melted swords of the enemies oft he house of the dragon
The cause of such bloodshed 
The cause of the annihilation of your family.
All those plots… from the greens, all that coin and gold, armies, and at the end
You smiled widely
The blacks had won, you had won, your mother’s blood will sit on the iron Throne
Screw them
If you could, you would dance over his graves… if only there were enough remains of them to bury…
You climbed both steps of stone before the throne, as discussed, and you turned to the people, a golden cape moving behind you
“Our new Queen!”, chanted Erryk
Your small council was there, the Grand maester brought, in a red velvet cushion, the golden crown of Jaehaerys The Old King
“With the crown of the conciliator, we crown you”, chanted the master of ceremonies, he took the crown, raised it for everyone to see, and then he turned to you and he placed it gently atop your head. It felt… good… the weight rather than bother you, it felt like it grounded you 
“Queen (Y/N) of house Targaryen, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm, the last dragon, the unkillable, and like your ancestor before you… the conciliator”, he said firmly 
People applauded, cheered for you, as Cregan Stark moved forwards and took your hand softly, helping you up the treacherous steps until you sat on the Iron throne 
The throne was cold and uncomfortable under you, but you sat straight, holding onto the arm rests softly 
“Long live the Queen!”, he demanded of everyone, and again, they cheered and chanted your name for long minutes you thought were never going to end
After that was done, they paraded you to greet the people of Kinglanding that were gathered at the gates, with chants of your name, and everyone wanted to reach out to you…
There were so many people there, in the throne room, lords from houses you haven’t even heard of before, and the streets were packed, so packed, so many people screaming, reaching for you.
It came out of nowhere, you lost your footing, but before you could collapse, Creganw as there to grab you from your waist.
“The Queen, and future King consort of the Seven Kingdoms, Lord Cregan Stark!”, presented Eryk and then the people really lost it, screaming in delight, as the lords gasped behind you inside the walls of the Red Keep
Soon the doors to the exterior closed, and you were again inside the safety of the castle, With Cregan by your side, grabbing you by the waist.
“The marriage will take place in a week”, said Cregan to the new founded court, and everyone clapped once again, some of themes haring looks of concern amongst one another
Then he looked at you
You haven't discussed this, not at all
He had made that decision for you 
You didn’t know what to think or feel 
“So soon?”, you asked when you had him by your side, in the banquet for the celebration of your coronation
“Yes, everyone is here”, he said gently, “there had been rumors… of me… of us, gathering at late hours, I think is better to do it as soon as possible”, he said gently, you barely nodded
You had barely turn ten and eight a few moons ago, alone, trapped in your room
You took a shaky breath
Yes, you needed to get married, but you never thought it was going to be this soon! You talked about it, you understand the need, and that night when you summoned Cregan to your rooms, you knew it was happening
But one week?
You only stole looks at Cregan and you nodded, you then turn to your left, to your baby brother, who smiled softly at you, but the smile, just like yours, didn’t quite reach his eyes
He had seen so much
You too
Aegon didn’t even let you cover his eyes when he had his dragon eat your mother alive before your very eyes, and his eyes
Your brother was traumatized for life and there was nothing you could do to help him
One time, a few days ago, you tried to take him flying with you…
You had to hide the claw marks he left in your arms. He had scratch you to release him, in the midst of screeches and cries as soon as he saw your dragon in the distance
He was terrified of them now
“What’s on your mind?”, you heard Cregan ask beside you, you barely looked at him
“My baby brother”, you confessed, there was no point in lying 
You looked around the room and you found all of the great houses dining and feasting, all of them but two
The Hightowers and the Velaryons
You took a long breath
Corlys as Baela had requested audiences with you, and you had denied them
You didn’t hate Baela, nor Rhaena, she had a dragon egg now… but…
It was bitter
You had lived with them since you were about ten, when your mother married Daemon, they were, for some time, your step-sisters, and even that, they were… your aunts? you didn’t even know… 
But seeing them got you a bittersweet sentiment, perhaps because they were the survivors of all this madness, alongside with you… but the truth you would admit to yourself late at night… is that you would have traded them for your brothers anyday
You were resentful, that they were the ones to survive and not your siblings…
They had a life ahead of them, a grandfather that literally killed a King for them, to guide them and protect them
A man that betrayed your mother
She had grown resentful and paranoid, yes, but he turned his back on her when she needed him the most
You didn’t believe you could forgive him.
You were not a Velaryon, not by blood, and now, that you become Queen, not by name either… he never treated you as one, so that was it
You wanted to keep him at arm’s length 
But you didn’t even realized… that there was another house absent front he festivities
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You were glad to see the capital boasting with life, like the days of old, like when you wee young and you were living in the good days of your grandfather King Viserys
A tourney had been organized, as competitions and festivities, and even though you found it dreadful, there you were… granting so many favoors you had your ladies and even servants braiding new ones each hour….
Perhaps all the knights in there, at least, most of them, asked for your crown of red roses and dark green leaves and golden feathers.
At the end, you were crowned the Lady of Love and Beauty by the winner, a Knight from the Vale. You watched your small council closely, and they all seemed pleased
Telling constantly how much the people were taking to you, how much they loved you even
Their new, young, beautiful Queen
The bards were singing songs about your beauty and your strength, no doubt they had been paid handsomely to do so
You felt… powerful
You sat in the most dangerous yet important seat of the realm, you had the last grown dragon on earth. 
You felt good, in control… until…
Until the day of your wedding.
Cregan had not accepted a marriage in the Sept, he did not follow the faith of the seven, and neither did you, so you accepted to be married in the godswood, by the heartree
It was going to create controversy, the small council said
But fuck the faith, the seven pointed star, and the heraldry that replaced all the dragons in the capital thanks to Alicent fucking HIghtower, and that you had already commanded to replace back to the likeness of your own dragon, and the three headed dragon of your house 
You were waiting for one word, one revolt, one bad new from the citadel to burn it to a crisp… luckily, it had been none
You thought they knew it as well, that you were looking for an excuse to do the same thing Maegor the cruel did
So the day of your wedding came quickly.
And as the maids braided your hair in a Northerner style, then, you felt nervous. Truly, nerve wrecking nervousness makes your hands shake.
You were about to be married… to Cregan Stark
A rough, authoritative man,a handsome and strong man, a man who was going to go back and forth and leave you for months at a time, perhaps years, but…
“Everything is going to be alright”, murmured the sweet maid, one that had served you since you were a child, manage to survive the Greens, she smiled at you through the mirror
“Thank you”, you whispered
“He is a kind man, and I have no doubt he will care for you”, she said with a complacent smile, and you only smiled widely 
“I know he will”
“If you’d allow me, your grace… your mother would have been proud”, she said then, and that brought tears to your eyes
“Thank you”, you cried with a smile on your face
You had married an entire continent last week, promising to give your life in service to the crown and the countries that were under your reign, and now… you were going to give your body… to another
To a man
Septas had taught you what you needed to know -according to them- about marriage, of how a woman must serve her husband, about you had to lay on your shared bed and let him do what he needed to do, bed you, breed you, how it was a woman’s job to have his husband’s children and heirs…
Of course you were nine at the time, your mother when she found out dismissed the Septa, fought hard with Alicent, saying that over her dead body she was going to allow the Old Queen to take charge of your education ever again
That was fun to watch, scary, but fun, to see your mother so protective and angry
And then you discovered “how babies were made”, by not by your mother in a nice chat or anything really, you discovered it the funny way, with your brothers and stepsisters, sneaking off the Castle in Dragonstone and going to the town, following soldiers to pleasure houses, then you were thirteen 
And then stealing racy books from the library 
But this was no time to think about that
You stood up, already dressed, your hair done, no much jewelry, only a nice beautiful white dress, yes it was the wedding of the Queen, but you had been celebrating your coronation for a week now, the Kingdoms had just been through a gruesome war, it was not fair, for them, for you to spend so much
Your wedding, a banquet afterwards, and baskets filled with food that were to be distributed through the streets of King’s Landing
And Cregan… well
He was nervous as well, more like, getting it over with already…
The sooner you settled in, with the throne and in your marriage, the better 
He fixed the silver velvet vest on him, and the large gold chain they had made him wear, it was a warm day, and his pants, he felt them too tight, as he was waiting for you in the Godswood. Was he doing the right thing?
He was going to be in the depths of one of the things he hated the most…
When he gathered his army and marched south in search of “justice”, this was not what he expected, to the the second most powerful person in all the realms
It was a constant thought, he never, in a million years, would hope he was going to end up here, waiting for…
He raised his head when they announced you
There you were
All his doubts disappeared
You looked… breathtakingly beautiful, positively godly
Not intimidating, like an empress of an old dynasty on the day of your coronation, now… you looked like the embodiment of a god of the waters or snow itself, made flesh… Dressed in a beautiful white dress, no much finery but only you, your hair arranged in a 
Northerner way that made him smile. Now his pants were truly tight
Tyland Lannister was escorting you
As soon as he had you within grasp, he grabbed your hands and accommodated you by his side, facing his commander of his army, an old man from house Mormont. 
“Who comes before the old Gods on this day?”, asked the tall man
“(Y/N), of House Targaryen”, presented Tyland, with his deep voice, summoning complete silence from everyone present. “She comes here to be wed. A woman grown, trueborn, and noble. She comes to beg for the blessing of the Gods, who is here to claim her?”, he asked almost defiantly, looking at Cregan, who took a step forward
“I Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, I come here this day before the gods, to claim this lady, who gives her away?”, he asked
“I, Tyland Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, and Warden of the West”, he said firmly, releasing you right next to Cregan, you both looked at him and smiled, and then turned to the man presiding the ceremony
“My lady, (Y/N) of House Targaryen, do you take this man?”, he asked
“Yes”, you answered, it came more gently than you expected, “I take this man”, you said loudly and almost enthusiastically, and you felt people chuckling, and bit your lip, embarrassed. But the man presiding the ceremony smiled at you, and your now husband, grabbed your hand in his big one
“So Cregan Stark, take your wife, Lady (Y/N) now, of House Stark”, he said, and Cregan was on you in a second, he cradled your face in one of his hands, you looked up at him and your eyes met his, just for a second before you closed them since he leaned in and trapped your lips into his. You tried to relax into the kiss, your second kiss ever, with now your husband
Those closest, members of courts and Lords and Ladies from the noblest houses applauded, the gardens filled with all of them, you separated from Cregan and greeted them 
“My beautiful lady wife”, he whispered in your ear, making you smile at him
Gods he was handsome, especially with hat devilish smile
And you were married to him
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Despite your secret wishes, the day went incredibly fast, and before you knew it, you were being led to your chambers… not the King’s… meaning yours, but others… Cregan’s… tonight, you were not a Queen, but a lady wife, the way it was supposed to be
The small council, and others Lords and Ladies followed you closely, but as soon as you were inside the room, Cregan stood up, shielding you from them 
“Out”, he demanded, surprising you
“But my lord… the bedding ceremony…”, stammered Tyland
“I don’t care”, he said, and you then stepped out…
“No bedding ceremony”, you said firmly, and that was enough for them to leave you alone
Alone with your husband…
You looked at him nervously, he turned softly, to look at you.
You looked around in turn, recognizing these rooms immediately, these were the rooms Cregan was using now, but before they belonged to…
He moved slowly, his eyes on you, you looked back at him
“If this marriage is going to work, I need to make something very clear”, he said seriously, he came at you quickly, and grabbed you, his hand was so big against you that with only one he placed it at the side of your neck and face, he grabbed you softly but decisively, and make you look at him, “out there, you are the Queen, but here? inside this room? as soon as you step inside, you are mine”, he growled, and he smirked when he saw your pupils enlarged, “you are my dutiful lady wife, mine to command, mine to guide, mine to bed, mine to breed, am I clear?”, he asked with an authoritative voice that made your legs shake, you nodded, your eyes not leaving his, but they betrayed you. You were a bit scared of his words. He caressed your cheek, “mine”, he said, this time more softly, “mine to cherish, mine to care for, mine to love, mine to make love to…”, your eyes shined with excitement then and you smiled brightly at him 
“Love?”, you asked as you were a little girl
“Would you like all those things?” He asked, his playfulness and rough eyes returning to him as he made you tilt your head back slightly. You managed to nod
 “Your words, my love”
“Yes Cregan”, you whispered 
“Inside this room, I’m your Lord husband”, he commanded severely
“Yes my lord husband”, you corrected quickly 
“Good girl”, he leaned on and trapped your lips on his on a fervent kiss, you were barely able to catch up, the third time you had kissed Cregan… this time was different, this time, there was nothing to prevent you from… escalating the kiss
“Do you want to consummate the marriage now?”, he asked, and you barely nodded, “your words wife”
“yes husband”, you barely said, looking into his eyes, he only smile, but didn’t kiss you again, his lips instead, traveled south 
You moaned softly, feeling his lips suck on a very tender spot in your neck
“In this room, we are husband and wife only, only us, two people, joined for life”
“Only us”, you whispered, with expert hands, he undoed your dress, letting it fall to the floor, he even undressed himself, as you didn’t even know where to start. He didn’t push you, he did all the work, as you were so nervous, terribly nervous.
He laid you on the bed covering you with his large body.
He kissed everywhere he could reach, he caressed your skin, making you shiver, moan, and spread your legs even further for him… You didn’t even know someone else could make you feel like this…
You tried to caress him in turn, his upper arms, his shoulders, his side, his mouth returned to yours, as his fingers worked you open for him…
The voice of the septa wouldn’t stop resounding in your head… you laid there, let him do his things, you wouldn’t know what to do anyways… and in turn… he made you feel the most exquisite pleasure… that you had never felt before…
When he entered you, you dropped a few tears from the sudden and sharp pain, but then, after he soothed you and gave you time to adjust to his size… he fucked you slowly, delicately, gently, holding you in his arms, and kissing all over your face and neck
You could tell he was holding up… from doing more things to you… but if only that night, he was exactly what you needed.
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myladysapphire · 3 days
My Lady Strong (VI)
Aemond had always been protective of his neice, obssessed even, insiting on keeping her sheltered, and purley his, he never let her stray far and following the incident at Driftmark, Aemma was rarley without Aemond as her shadow. How will the kind, sheltered girl fair in the dance of dragons?
word count: 3,100
CW: MDI 18+, toxic relationship, manipulation, mommy issues, bullying, co-dependancy issues, self harm, not beta read.
Fem!oc x dark!Aemond Targeryen
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disclamer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire characters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all characters are his except for my OC
A/N sorry its been so long! forgot wehat direction i was going in with this story so going off the few notes i had left about this chapter! might be a few changes ive made from the last few chapters, but hopefully it all makes sense! but this story is gonna get dark and sad!
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Aemma had been pacing back and forth for the last hour, nerves clear on her face as her mother and brothers were set to arrive in only a days time.  She hadn’t spoken to her in what had felt like forever, and she had no idea on what too expect. She thought that perhaps she might have done something but thinking back on the countless letters she had written, she could not think of a single thing she could have possibly said. Perhaps taking Aemond’s side at Driftmark, or perhaps refusing to leave his side after the fact. 
She had made her complaint to Aemond, the morning after they had reconnected, he had simply laughed, “oh Aemma, do you really think your mother cares about you? She happily sent you of to wed me the second it was suggested.” He said as he brushed her hair for her, having dismissed her ladies so they could break their fast. “if she cared about you she would have demanded I got to Dragonstone, not you here, she simply wished to be rid of you.”
Aemma looked down, she refused to believe it, her mother had always preached how she was her favourite child, then again, after Driftmark her mother did just send her away, she would have visited her more or asked her to visit if it was true. “Really?” she asked tears in her eyes.
“oh of course” he smirked, “but do not worry dear, soon enough you shall be my wife and she will no longer have to even act as if she cared for you, and you will not have to care for her either.”
She shook her head, and looked up at him, meeting his smirk in the mirror “do you think she loves me still?”
“no” he replied instantly.
A tear fell from her eye “do you love me?” she near begged.
Aemond’s smirk widened, his eyes twinkling, “of course” she turned her head, and he instantly gripped her chin, “and you love me, don’t you?”
“no” she replied. His grip tightened slightly, “I do not know what it is to love Aemond, but perhaps…once we get to know each other more.”
He frowned. “We have known each other our who lives”
“Yes, but these past years we have been distant, I know nothing of you”.
“And whose fault is that” he said stepping away, “was it not for that bastard I would still have my eye! And you would love me!”
She stood up, following him, “how does-“he stopped her, turning around quickly to face her.                     
“Because it does!” he almost whined, “you were mine! And then you were handed to me on a silver platter and yet all you have done is whine about your mother and your stupid brothers!” he took a breath, allowing her an opportunity to speak.
“I begged to stay with you Aemond, I defended you and –“
“And you begged them to stay also!” she looked at him, she had never told him of the conversation with her mother.
“How do you know that?” she asked bewildered. “and what does that have to do with anything?”
“everything!” after what they did to me, to YOU! And you wanted them to stay” he shook his head, “I went to find you, I needed you and you were begging your mother to stay? Do you think I could forgive you?”
“Aemond-“ she was crying now.
“these past years I have grow into the man I knew you wanted, not the silly little boy you grew up with, but the man you need, my mother has been nothing but a mother to you, and yet you still crave that whore and those bastards”
“I’m sorry Aemond. “she said, reaching for his hands, “your right, I am so sorry, I just wanted my muna, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” She caressed his hand, “but I didn’t want too lose you or her and yet I lost you both!” she whined, “I needed you too!” she cried, wrapping her arms around his waist.
She needed him. Aemond smiled, “goo. because I am all you will ever and have ever needed.” He said holding her to him, “your mother is here in formality over, and at the end of the week she will be nothing to you, I will be your everything, your husband, your protector, your Aemond.”
“And let me remind you sweet Aemma, that without me you would remain Lady strong, a princesses bastard. And yet you betrayed me, begged for our tormentors to stay and if that had happened do you think I would have been able to devote these past five years to becoming your protector, to become the man you desired?”
She shook her head.
“They were cruel to you, hated you. All because your mother favoured you, do you think they will have changed?”
She shook her head again, and started to think back, growing up all she had ever wanted was to marry Aemond, and have him be her protector and never have to see Jace and Luke again.
She had thought that after Driftmark she would never get that Aemond, he had changed the second that eye was taken from him. He became cold and cruel and there was even whispers he was mad.
“but-“she started to speak, a part of her felt like he had turned into them.
He had tormented her for years and now he seemed to be perfect for her. It didn’t make sense.
“But what?” he asked, suddenly moving closer to her.
“you have been cruel, ignoring me then you started to torment me, sending me the heads of Aemma’s roses, as if you were threatening me.”
He shook his head, “I don’t know what your talking about”
“yes you do!”
“no Aemma, your confused, I sent you Aemma’s roses, to show I was thinking of you , and I never cut there heads of” he laughed, “and I only ignored you as I felt so hurt by what you did”
“i- but you cut of-“ she shook her head, “I-I I’m so confused, Aemond I- perhaps I should ask Cassandra, she has a better memory than me –“
“no Aemma, your just misremembering, you’ve always had trouble with remembering things” he said, “and do you not trust me?” he said sounding sad.
she shook her head, “of course not- I, just I thought you hated me for whatever reason and now I must have thought your acts were of torment and not …love” she said unsure.
“it okay Aemma, I know you struggle and I know you have always had difficulties with things” he said softly, “I was hurt and scared you would hate me too, I should have been more upfront, it is all my fault” he said, pulling her into a hug, “I know you are sorry, and I am too”/
He wasn’t, he loved the look on her face when she opened the box of cut of Aemma’s rose heads, loved the way she was scared, but he also realised years of ignoring her had made him seem untrustworthy, and he feared he made a mistake, he had a new strategy to play. At first he wantec her to be scared and run to him for help, but it seems her ladies and beloved Cassandra had gotten in the way of that plan, and made him the villain.
He supposed he had to get them out of the way.
Since that conversation, Aemond had made sure she did not leave his side.
Saying how he missed her dearly, and realising how much he needed her and pushing her away had hurt him more than it hurt her.
She had felt so badly for him, and before he knew it they were back to their old habits, were she went he went, she would even ask him too choose all her clothes, even serve her dinner.
She forgot how simple life was with Aemond, how happy and easy he made her life.
And Aemond was loving it, he loved getting to control every detail about her, she would dress how he liked, believing it her choice to let him pick, she would follow him everywhere, meaning he no longer had to follow her.
The only problem was that her ladies maids were still in the way. They ere there when she woke, and dressed, giving question stares as he would enter her rooms, whispering in her ear about things Aemma would never reveal.
He wasn’t jealous just angry.
He had been hurt all those years ago and ignored her because he wanted to be better. Become the best possible Aemond, become her protector and a man who would never again loose his eyes to is silly little nephews, and someone who would never let them hurt Aemma again.
And it was blatantly obvious that his ignoring of her head made her annoyingly close to her little friends.
He had hidden letters from her mother the first year, then they came less and less, before stopping altogether. He would allow a few of Aemma’s letters to be sent, not before reading them himself. He wanted her too feel isolated, but that had failed, and now it would be too suspicious for Aemma to receive the letters her mother had sent over the years, especially as he had read them all and hated the love his sister had for her daughter, hated that no matter how hard he wanted to hide it, her mothers return would only pull them apart once more.
So he realised the game of isolation needed to change and to get ride of the Ladies he must earn their trust, so he wooed them, by sitting in at their gatherings and showing undivided devotion to Aemma, there was still the issue of Cassandra Baratheon. She despised him, and he here. She was brash and loud, and Aemma’s best friend. 
He wasn’t jealous, no, not at all. Not jealous of the way she effortless laughed at her jokes or talked to her without having the perplexed and wanted to please look in her eyes that’s she did with him.
He watched the bitterly as they chatted the day away. She seemed to light up around Cassandra, and he hated it.
“Are you nervous about you mother and brothers return?” Cassandra asked, sipping her tea.
“yes, especially my mother” she sighed, stirring her tea “I did receive a letter from my brothers this morning” she reviled, much to  Aemond’s surprise. He had ordered all letters addressed to Aemma be sent to him straight away, how this had escaped him – “I had waited in the ravenry for a reply for my letter, and one had just arrived when I got there.” She reviled, answering what Aemond was wondering.
“what did it say?” Cassandra and Aemond asked simultaneously.
“Luke and Jace were asking about how I am , and saying they were sorry if their actions in our youth  and wish for us to reconnect upon there return.” She replied.
“you will do no such thing” Aemond spoke, standing up.
“And why not?” Cassandra asked, clearly unhappy at Aemond.
“because of how they have always treated her!2
“oh please, they were children!” Cassandra spoke, now standing alongside Aemond, “ they have apologized and wish to know there sister, and from what Aemma has told me, I and my sisters have done far worse to each other than they did to her!”
Aemond scoffed, “please, they were bullies, they locked her in the black cells!”
“they- they what?” Cassandra asked, no looking towards Aemma.
“i- its true they did, but they have apologised incessantly since then.” Aemma said, trying to diffuse the situation, “they are my brothers, and they.. they said sorry”
“You still have nightmares Aemma” Aemond spoke, now moving back to his seat and taking her hands in his.
This perplexed Aemma she had never not once told Aemond of her dreams, especially of that night, he himself had always felt partly responsible for it, having taken so long to find her, and having left her alone that night. “what?” she asked, “I never told you about my dreams…”
Aemond flinched sightly, realising his mistake, and Cassandra herself took on an angry expression, “how do you know of those dreams Prince Aemond?” she asked, moving herself closer to Aemond and Aemma, as if to protect her.
“i- she is to be my wife, I only took a concern when the guards said she would often wake screaming.” He said, trying to sound nonchalant.
“but that still-“ Aemma started, slowly removing her hands from Aemond.
“don’t concern yourself too much Aemma I simply stood guard to ensure you did not try to harm  yourself.”
Aemma flinched, Aemond cant know about that, no one does. Not even her maids. She had always kept her arms covered, he cant know.
Her eyes betrayed her, showing a scared expression, an expression both Aemond and Cassandra took to be scared about hurting herself.
“I – I” she stuttered, “I don’t know what you-“
“don’t worry Aemma, nothing bad happened, and your brothers wont get anywhere near you” Aemond spoke.
Aemma nodded, trying to mask her own fear of Aemond potentially knowing her secret to make it look like she feared her brothers.
Her parents were set to arrive on the morrow, and All Aemma could do was twist and turn. Dreams had been plaguing her. Ever since the black cells she has been getting premonitions, dreams of what was to come, dreams that have come true.
She supposed she was lucky, Helenas dreams caused her to speak in riddles, some even called her mad. When in truth Aemma was the one who was mad. She scratched and bleed as she dreamed, tearing at the skin on her arm. Her hands felt like they were soaked in blood, her nails turned red, as she scratched and teared. She dreamt of herself, she was married with children, but one was dead. She killed him. She must have, blood was on her hands, on her dress her face. Her other children cowered in the corner, flinching away from her.
“a son for a son!” she woke up gasping, the words ringing in her head.
Her bed sheets were stained in her blood, her arms scarred. The wounds from her last dream only just having healed.
She couldn’t help it, it was if her only escaped from her dreams was to harm herself. Perhaps it had been the three years of isolation she had felt so alone, where the dreams controlled her. She would send days and days tuck in the loop. Until one day her mother wrote to her of needing alliances and how her and Alicent had chosen her ladies. Her ladies had saved her, Cassandra specifically. She would wake her up, help her dress, and for once Aemma had a reason to escape her dreams. But then Aemond’s neglect and ignorance of her had turned cruel, calling her “my lady strong”, a name he had only just stopped calling her.
But something haunted her as she paced around her chambers, Aemond’s torment had put a stop to her dreams, the dreams were there was no dancing dragons, or no blood-soaked hands and gowns. Instead the dreams were of dragon snapping dragons neck, storm soaked nights and screams. And then since this week her nightmares have been full of crying, begging and blood. And now this.
It seemed no matter what her life would be full of tears and screams, and death.
“Aemma.” Cassandra said, walking into her chambers, alongside the rest of her ladies, Cerci Lannister, Cerelle Costayne, Margaret Fossway and Rosia Tyrell.
She had not slept since being awoken from her dreams, she had bathed and dressed, applied ointment to her scares, and had proceeded to pace her rooms nonstop.
She was worried, her mother would be here soon, and she had no ideas what she would be like.
She knew nothing of her, and she feared her mother may no longer love her. And well she was nervous about her wedding, and the wedding night. Aemond and Alicent had told her about it in the past week, and she was scared. And she just needed her Muna.
“how are you feeling?” Cersi asked.
“I am nervous” she admitted.
“of course, you will be wed on the morrow, you are bound to be nervous” Margaret added.
“well i-“
“but think, you will get to marry someone who loves you!” Rosia gushed.
“yes you are so lucky!” Cerelle complained, she had received news yesterday of her father engaging her to some man who had been married twice before and she had never met.
“oh Cerelle, he’s old hell probably die before you can wed.” Aemma said nonchalantly, and Cassandra laughed as she watched Aemma gasp at her own words. “sorry, just today the first time I will see my mother and brothers in years. I’m nervous”
Cassandra grabbed her hand, caressing home gently, “it’ll be okay, I’m sure.” She then looked to Cerelle “ and Aemma’s right, he’s what eight and seventy, he could croak at nay moment!” they all laughed, and for the first time that day Aemma’s mind was finally taken of what was to come.
She stood in the courtyard wating for their arrival, alongside her stood alone, Alicent having to have leave only moments ago to take care of something. She had done all her wedding planning with Alicent, she had comforted her when she cried over her mothers lack of care over her wedding, and visiting her despite her countless letters over the years. But Alicent seemed nervous, as if she was waiting for something or scared of something, and even more so when she had to leave.
After a few moments a carriage finally arrived in the courtyard, and her mother was the first to step out.
She wanted to run to her, to hug her and tell her how she had missed her. But her dream, it rang in her head.
“A son for a son” that all she could hear, and a voice in her head told her it was her mother’s fault, that her mother would force her to kill her son. She didn’t want to think it, but her mothers face, her blood soaked hands and a headless child was all she could see.
She made her way slowly walking down the steps the greet them.
“muña, lēkia” she greeted, a smile gracing her face. “welcome home”
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lonely-lost-soul · 8 months
Day One: Mammon
Day 1: Breeding Kink
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The Avatar of Greed was your first demon, just as you were his first human. Much to his other brother's frustration, he was your first pact and the first of his brothers you fell in love with. So he also considered himself your partner, which, in his mind, meant he had certain privileges involving you; mainly, Mammon felt he had a right to all your ‘firsts.’ Have them he did, first kiss, first oral experience, and of course, the first man inside you. Whenever his brothers argue with him, he never ceases to bring up that fact, even if it causes you to hit him on the back of the head. And Mammon was proud of that fact; it was his way to be greedy with you, to indulge in his sin without stowing you away in his dragon hoard. That was why when he found out you and Diavlao had been discussing the first human-demon hybrid in being born Devildom to improve human/devil relations, he almost lost his shit. 
“With the Demon Lord?” Mammon whined out, “How did this even come up!”
“He brought it up, Mammon, not me!” You argued, crossing your arms over your chest, huffing, “What did you even think I said to him? We just started dating!” 
“nuh-uh. This is not happening, treasure.”
“I know you did not just nuh-uh me.” You shot your partner a look, and he puffed out his cheeks. 
“Diavalo hasn’t even told Devildom you guys are official yet!” Mammon argued, sitting next to you on his pool table, plopping his head in your lap like a sad puppy. “And you wanna have a baby with him? HIM?”
“Like, what does he have that I don’t? I’m your first, ya’ know. I mean-”
“Mammon.” You carded your fingers through his white hair, and he ceased all talking to look into your eyes. “I’m not having a baby with Dia,” His eyes lit up like shiny gold coins, “I told him no. Especially because we just made ourselves official. If we said yes, we would’ve skipped like a thousand steps in a new relationship, plus-”
“And cause he’s totally lame, right, and not hot at all. Okay, maybe a little hot his tits are like so much bigger than yours.” Mammon rambled, reaching up and squeezing your breast for emphasis, and you shot him a dirty look. He smirked, “Honk,” he squeezed it teasingly, and you sighed at his antics. 
“No idiot. I told him no because I want to have a baby with you first.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Mammon jolted up, hand still on your boob, “You wanna have a baby with me.” You swore if he had a tail, it’d be wagging, “and not the Demon Lord? All mine?”
“You’re making it weird, Mammon…” you couldn’t hide the smile from spreading across your lips, “but yeah, I promised you, didn’t I? That you’d be the first to everything. What do you say,” mused watching as horns fizzled onto his forehead “Want to be the first to make me a mommy?”
“Fuck yeah, treasure.” Mammon flipped you over so your back was pressed against the cool pool table. His wings spread behind him as he pinned you against the table; you hummed pleasantly, laying your hands against his chest, nails tapping on the buttons. 
“Off puppy.” 
“Yes, ma’am!” Mammon barked, unbuttoning his top and tossing it aside, flexing his muscles, keeping an eye out for your reactions. It seemed optimistic as you eyed him hungrily, tongue sticking out of your bottom lip, “You too, treasure. Wanna see my pact mark.” He purred, leaning down to nip tenderly at your ear. He felt your chest move with a soft giggle, 
“Don’t you want to rip it off me?” You teased, and Mammon’s wings fluttered a few beats, tearing your top down the middle and letting your breasts bounce in your bra. It was a gorgeous black with gold accents on cups, just Mammon’s style. 
“God, look at you,” He practically pants, hand palming your breast through your bra, squeezing tenderly, “perfect for me. Perfect for my babies.” He licked his fangs as you shuddered under his touch, your legs squeezed around his toned waist. “Aw? Does that turn you on? Me talking about making you a mommy?” You flushed, looking away from him, and he tutted, pointing a painted nail under your chin, “Come on baby, tell me you want it.” 
“I want it.” You breathed, looking him dead in the eyes, “wanna be a mommy, have your babies.” And Mammon sucked in a breath through his fangs, 
“Fuck yeah, you do. That’s so hot.” Mammon grinned, pressing a kiss to the middle of your breasts right where your pact mark with him sat, and it caused you both to shudder. “Do my brothers know?” 
“No, only you. Don’t you think Levi would let me anywhere near you if I told him you’d be my first-” You groaned as Mammon’s hips ground against yours, clearly enjoying this secret between you, “Or even Asmo. Still, we would have the opposite problem, and he’d fight you for who could get me pregnant first.” You teased with a hitching breath, feeling Mammon’s hand unclip your bra with ease, moving his mouth to take a nipple in your mouth. You moan, hands grabbing onto his horns, and he visibly shuddered under your hands, groaning around your bud. 
“Just imagining these puppies even bigger, as they fill with milk, is making me so fucking hard.” Mammon grinned, sucking marks onto the swell of your breaths, causing you to moan sweetly and squirm. 
“Stop teasing me.” You argue, tugging on his horns and pulling him away from your breasts; he tossed his head back with a deep groan, arms and body visibility quivering.
“Stop the pulling,” He growled voice low and gravely, 
“Why? You gonna cum?” You purred, rolling your hips against his prevalent hard-on, causing him to moan again. 
“Stop being a brat,” He hissed, but you both knew he didn’t have the same bite that Lucifer or Satan did when commanding you. So you just smirked, sliding your hand down Mammon’s low-rise jeans and cupping his heaviness gently. “S-Shit treasure come o-n-” A simple touch, and you have the Avatar of Greed in the palm of your hand, literally. You could practically see the tongue lolling out the side of his mouth as you worked him out of his jeans, “I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you.” He panted, kicking his pants to the side while sliding yours down and ripping your new panties to shreds. 
“Mammon! Those were new!” 
“You look better this way anyway.” Mammon mused, flicking your clit expertly with his fingers, causing you to twitch and suck in a breath through your teeth. “Shit baby, you’re so wet for me; you really wanna have my baby huh?” He slid his long fingers into you, and you moaned, your back arching off the table hotly. 
“Yes. Yes. Yes Mammon. Please fill me up; I want to feel you stretching me to my limit.” 
“Fuck yeah. Fuck baby,” He panted, sliding down his underwear messily, his cock springing free. You always loved his cock, it wasn’t overly large, but fuck was it thick and filled you up just perfectly.  “Lemme put it inside,”
“Do it.” You demanded, skipping the usual foreplay between the two of you; the atmosphere was too hot and heavy to skip to the main event. “Make me scream.” Mammon didn’t need any more encouragement as he slammed his entire length into you and screamed you did as nails dug into Mammon’s broad shoulders. His eyes were flared in greedy hunger, taking in the sigh of you taking his cock so well, relishing how your walls fluttered around him. 
“So tight, we’ll fix that right up,” Mammon groaned, consumed by lust. “Gonna pump you so full you’ll be dripping with me for days, and if none of my seed takes this time,” he slowly pumped his hips in and out of your body as the sound of skin on skin slapping filled the room. “We’ll fuck as many times a day it takes till you’re swollen with my litter,” He purred. Sticking his tongue out and licking a hot stripe up your neck, the room filled with your sounds of pleasure. “I know how much of a slut you are; how many of my babies do you want in you? Cause now that we’re getting started, I ain’t stopping.” He teased, hearing your whines pick up as you moved your hips in rhythm with his own. He could see the outline of his cock as it bulged inside you; he pressed down on his cock inside you, causing you both to moan loudly. “My little golden whore,” Mammon mused, kissing your lips and swallowing your moans with his mouth and tongue. Mammon felt the way your breathing began to hitch, “You close?” He watched you nod rapidly drool pooling out of your mouth, “Damn, I fucked you stupid, huh?” He snickered, and you moaned louder as he began to piston out of you at a much more aggressive rate. You could feel the tip of his cock brush against your cervix, begging for entrance into your fertile womb.
“That’s it. Say my name as you cum,” He hissed, watching your pact light up in a golden yellow. Your walls clenched around him like a vice grip, legs locking him in place as you tossed your head back in gorgeous ecstasy. Seeing the sight alone had Mammon howling and biting into your neck as he spilled inside you, pump after pump of his seed filling your womb full as you babbled nonsense against his chest as he purred. “Good girl did so well for me,” He whispered, peppering kisses over your forehead. “You’re gonna make such a good Mommy.”
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dragon-ascent · 20 days
When you tease Zhongli too much, the poor fellow thinks turning into Chonkli would garner some pity and mercy from you.
He doesn't realise that huddling in the corner like a sad wet cat only spurs you on. He'd give you the sweetest little puppy eyes, but that won't save him from getting called the goofiest nicknames you can think of. Stinky McFlufferson can whine and floof up all he wants; he's still getting (affectionately) bullied.
Then he steps it up a bit by growling, standing on his hind legs with his forelegs raised up like a red panda's. ...He's about as intimidating as a newborn bunny, so you can simply point and laugh more.
Alright. Time to switch tactics. He grows into his elongated, regal dragon form, his head alone towering over you. He coils up around you so you have nowhere to run, watching intently as you stare back in shock, engulfed by just his shadow. To get the point across, he softly grrrrs.
"S-Scary!" You crouch down, closing your eyes. "Don't eat me! Waaaaaaah!"
He quickly turns back to normal and holds you close for the rest of the day, apologising again and again for frightening you so.
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itstheghostofmypast · 3 months
Always, Any Day
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Idol Park Seonghwa x (F)Reader
Summary: At this point it didn't matter who was more sad, who was hurt or who was to blame, all that mattered was that they were always there for each other.
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 2.8K
Warnings: insecurities
Est.Read Time: 14 min
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels
Ratings: nc-17
Banner: @cafekitsune
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“A bunny?” his deep voice a bit too loud for the silence that surrounded them, causing her to shush him, earning an eye roll, before he rolled his chair closer to the bed where she was sprawled out, “Why can’t I be like a tiger or a dragon?”
“Because Ddeongbyeoli is a bunny too and- you don’t look like a tiger and thank god not like a dragon, why would you want to look like a scale-covered serpent.” She mumbled, eying him, thinking of throwing something at him to get his attention, but she knew he’d get all finicky about his room remaining clean- God, why did she love him?
“Because why not? They’re cool.” The timbre of his voice almost had her shiver, who knew behind the face of an angel, sat the spawn of Satan who wasn’t paying attention to his poor little girlfriend- horrible behavior, just negligence, tsk.
"Plus, San agrees with me." She mumbled, leaning against his pillows, glancing away from her phone to his hunched back, he was hunched over his desk, so close to the screen his face might as well be glued to it at this point.
"Yah....why are you having these conversations with him?" He scoffed, the clicking of his mouse loud and noisy, causing her to grimace, she was in pain as it was, her senses heightened to the max, which was why she needed him to pay attention to her, hence the stupid topic of conversation. 
"Because he actually spends time with me when he calls me over." With a small huff, she turned to her side, wincing when she felt another cramp, dropping her phone on the bed as she curled into a fetal position, trying to breathe out the pain, too upset and emotional to even ask him for help.
"Calls you over?" pausing at the statement he sat up straight, only turn around in his chair to look at her, to further brew upon his accusational lecture that was on the tip of his tongue, his angelic features furrowed and visibly upset, "What do you mean, do you two hang out without me- are you okay?” The instant change of tone, the voice of concern almost made her emotional- man being a woman was difficult.
He got up to move closer to her, the bed dipping when he got on the bed, the micro shift of angle causing her to whine and curl up harder, mumbling, “Yeah, just woman things, you know.” She huffed, cracking open an eye when he slowly turned her onto her back, smiling down at her, though she was more engrossed by his hair, watching the silky strands cascade down, framing his face, making him appear as beautiful as a deity, she hit it hard with lady luck this time. Slowly reaching up to caress his cheek she smiled, twirling a lock of his hair in her fingers, “You’re very pretty, Hwa.” Her whispers did not stop there, eyes drinking in his blushed features, basking in his humility and beauty, “How can you look so pretty and handsome at the same time?”
“Stop” he whispered back placing his hand on hers, nuzzling his face into her palm before pressing a soft kiss onto it, “You should have told me.” He sighed, clasping her hand in his, lowering it to press his lips onto her knuckles, eying her tired features, “Have you been resting well?”
“I’ve been resting just fine, I-” pausing momentarily she let the cramp pass before sighing, “I sleep early, mind you.”
Raising an eyebrow at her he glanced up at the clock at his bedside, “I- you’ve been here since ten, there is no way you sleep early.” He sighed before pulling back, ignoring her whining and complaining, truth be told he loved it when she was all clingy like that, if there was one thing Park Seonghwa loved to do, it was to take care of others, and who else than his girlfriend?
“Where are you going?” she whined, trying to get up but his hand on her shoulder pressed her down, watching him intently as he pulled back, only to pull the covers on top of her form, “I’m going to get you a hot water bottle and some tea…maybe something to eat too, I’m sure the guys ordered something nice last night, stay here and don’t move.”
She watched him walk out, making sure to take her heart with him as he walked into the kitchen, surprisingly it was quiet, so it either meant everyone was asleep or they were up to no good- well, Hongjoong must’ve been at the studio, he barely ever came home at a decent time. Silently he opened the cabinet, thinking of making her something to eat too, perhaps a sandwich, did they have peanut butter? With the tea on the stove he hummed to himself, thinking of how he wanted to surprise her today, which is why he had called her over so he could show her the things he got for them, well, clothes- yes, he had gotten them couple shirts, hoodies, jackets and even a pair of converse. Unfortunately, he wasn’t home today, but Wooyoung was and he had asked him to take the parcels when they were to be delivered but he had slept through most of the day so he never knew when the delivery had come, well the parcel was shipped back to the seller because of him- though he couldn’t really be mad at Wooyoung, right? Wrong. This involved his little cutie-pie he had every right to be upset with him, which is why he punished him by banning him from meeting or talking to her for a week, which is why he had gobbled down the chocolate she brought for Wooyoung, snatching it from her hand claiming, ‘Woo is on a diet’. Moreover, he had spent the last hour trying to communicate with the seller, typing and clicking away to arrange a new delivery time and date, because of that he had neglected his baby, and had even forgotten that her period date was near, like why else would a grown man have a period tracking app in his phone- that was an uncomfortable conversation to have with Hongjoong who one day found him marking the date on the app’s calendar.
Making his way back to his room, tray in hand, a couple of nicely cut triangular sandwiches, with no edges, slightly toasted and generously coated with peanut butter and jelly, along with a cup of good old green tea to help with the cramps he smiled to himself, reflecting upon how wonderful of a boyfriend truly was, and how much time he was going to spend with her now, pampering her throughout the night too- only his little parade came to an end when he saw his bedroom door ajar, didn’t he close it before going to the kitchen? Did she leave to go to the washroom? But she would often ask him to check if it was empty or if it was okay for her to use it. The sound of incoherent chatter had him marching to the room, slamming the door open to catch the two in the act.
Well, technically there was nothing wrong happening, his angel was reclining against his pillows, hugging Ddeongbyeoli in her lap as she watched Wooyoung talk, most animatedly, a pleasant smile plastered on her sweet features, but it was the presence of this feral being that irked him, especially when he had ignored Seonghwa’s warnings and punishment, its as if this brat didn’t even listen to him anymore.
“What you doing here?” he spat, walking into the room, glaring at the man who was seated on HIS swivel chair, “Get out.” With that he kicked the chair away from the bed, watching it roll onto the other end before placing the tray on her lap, smiling at her with the million-dollar Hwa smile, “Here, angel, make sure to drink it while it's warm.” Though his warm eyes and words were met with a cold stare and a frown, much to his displeasure, of course, Wooyoung was playing the favorite parent game.
“Why did you lie about Woo being on a diet?” she whispered-yelled at him, eying the boy (or manchild as Seonghwa would say) at the other corner of the room, playing with the strings of his hoodie like a sad little boy.
“I didn’t, I-” sighing he paused standing up straight to look at her, was she serious, but the way she raised her eyebrows at him had him rolling on the ground -figuratively- of course, she’d go out of the way to make everyone feel welcomed and loved, this was who she was and this was why he loved her to the ends of the heaven, but man, her empathy was now interfering with his power dynamics at home. “He’s being punished.” Was all he said, no, concluded before sitting next to her picking up a sandwich, and pressing it against her lips, “Eat up, angel, and ignore the brat, don’t listen to him, we’ve spoiled him too much for his own good.”
“No, we haven’t,” she mumbled, taking it from him so she could eat on her own but he didn’t budge, instead clicked his tongue, “He ruined my surprise for you-”
“It was an accident! I said I was sorry!” He cut him off, only for Seonghwa to turn to him, pointing at him, “You also barged into my room like you own it! What if she was in her comfortable clothes!?”
“You mean naked? Just say nake-” He paused, trying to suppress his inner Wooyoung, even though her chuckle had him smiling in glee, especially when he noticed how Seonghwa looked like his head was about to explode, mission accomplished “I knocked before I came in, I didn’t know she was here today, I was coming to apologize to you.” He smiled at the man who was still frowning at him, sure he knew Wooyoung was sorry, but he was still visibly upset about it, he had actually thought of taking her out soon, possibly wearing the couple attire to match and look all cutesy.
“Hwa…he said he’s sorry, I know you can’t be so mad because of a delay in shipping,” she smiled reaching for his hand, lacing their fingers together when he turned back to look at her with a pout, her heart almost shattered when she noticed the moisture in his eyes, this was important for him, she could tell- truth be told, she had been wanting to talk to him for a while now, she knew how busy he had been with promotions and shoots, she’d seen him work his butt off, sleep deprive himself, starve himself and tire himself out- the only sane stress reliever he had was buying cute things, so she could understand how upset he must’ve been when he couldn’t receive his parcel today, in addition to sorting out the issue that took up the time they could be spending together. Her Hwa was really the sweetest person she’d ever known.
His head dipped in guilt, maybe he was a bit too rough on him, he didn’t really need to yell at Wooyoung- more importantly who was he to decide who she could be friends with and whom she should ignore, that wasn’t his place, he was her boyfriend, not an obsessive, controlling monster-  God, she must think he’s weird. He really doesn’t know when he did, but a few moments later his face was buried in the crook of her neck, sniffing as she soothingly rubbed his back, his arms wrapping around her frame, silently weeping, ashamed that Wooyoung had seen him break down like this, ashamed that he had his lover – who was already in a pain- comfort him instead of the other way around. His deep voice rumbling, as he mumbled one apology after another, though she shushed him, pulling him closer, as she kissed the top of his head, smiling at the scent of the familiar shampoo, “It’s okay Hwa, we all know you’re tired, you need to rest too.” She whispered, resting her chin atop of his head, letting him pour out his heart.
She eyed Wooyoung who pouted in guilt before quickly standing up and leaving the room, not that she minded it, she wasn’t upset with him in the first place, he was obviously as tired as Seonghwa, so it was natural for him to make a mistake- maybe next time she’d tell Hwa to get his stuff delivered at her place, she worked near her home anyway, and she’d be able to receive the things for him, instead of troubling anyone else- especially all the hardworking boys, including her own lover.
“Are you… feeling better?” she smiled when he finally pulled back, wiping his cheeks with the back of her sleeve, “Hwa, didn’t I tell you to not overburden yourself? Hmmm?” she whispered, caressing the swollen under eyes, “You don’t need to get me things to prove you love me, I already know that, you make sure I don’t forget it- I know you love me forever, always, any day.” Leaning forward she pressed a soft kiss to his forehead, caressing the hair away from his eyes, tucking a few strands behind his ear, watching him hiccup, before slowly pushing her hand away as he whispered, trying to keep his trembling voice at bay, “I was supposed to be taking care of you…not you…I’m sorry” he whined, only to let out another sob, causing her to sigh and pull him into a proper hug, squeezing him close and tight, “Hwa, it’s okay, I’m okay, you’re okay, we’re okay- just calm down, please?” she tried to reassure him, over and over again, only to stop when there was a knock on the door, causing her to look up at Wooyoung, nodding at him, allowing him to come in as he cleared his throat.
“So, these aren’t done, I’ve been working on these, I originally planned on giving you each pair on your respective birthdays- but since I am at fault here and Seonghwa- can you please stop crying and look over here, I am trying to be the bigger person!” he scoffed, placing the shoe boxes on the edge of the bed, only for Seonghwa to immediately pick them up and place them on his desk, clicking his tongue, staring at the younger one, with a rosy nose and swollen eyes- definitely threatening, as he hissed, “The bed will get dirty.”
“…Sir I- wow, you really know how to ruin the moment huh?” the younger one bit back only to stop when she cleared her throat, “You were saying Woo?” her voice sweet and gentle, but he could sense the edge, he could tell he was testing her patience now too, perhaps because she was busier trying to console her boyfriend, trying to pick up the fallen pieces and place them back together.
“S-sorry, what I mean, is…just open the boxes, I knew your size anyway.” He mumbled handing each their box before going back to stand near the door. The two flipped open the lid to find a pair of matching Converse, customized by Wooyoung- well in the process, but the detailing was immaculately executed, with a minimalistic finesse, the choice of colour screamed Wooyoung though, causing her to smile and look at Seonghwa, “Would you look at that Hwa, he really knew what his big brother wanted all along.”
Nodding quietly Seonghwa cleared his throat and turned to look at Wooyoung, about to speak but he raised his hand to stop him, “Don’t thank me, just know that my privileges to talk to her aren’t linked to you being in a relationship with her, but with my friendship with her.” With that dramatic monologue, he walked out of the room, leaving the older one shaking his head in defeat, only to turn around to find her scooting to the wall, making room for him, “Well I’m done with my tea but I sure could use help finishing the sandwiches, especially with someone I could watch a film with.”
Smiling at her he nodded, lifting the blankets to move closer to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, enjoying the feeling of her snuggling closer to him as he propped up his phone on the tray, scrolling with his free hand, basking in the attention she was giving him, eying him from below, drawing intricate patterns on his shirt, before snuggling closer and wrapping an arm around him, “I love you, Hwa, don’t forget that, ever.”
He could only nod at the statement, he had never forgotten that, he could never forget that, he only ever meant for her to feel the same amount of love she would shower him with- if not possibly more. He wanted her to feel that he would always be there for her, always would be there to love her, to solve her problems, and perhaps even have her be the only person he could be vulnerable with- for he was hers to love, always, any day.
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Taglist: @edenesth @yessa-vie @marsvillee
@mlysalt @spooo00oky @the-kpop-simp
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harunayuuka2060 · 4 months
Yandere Malleus and Malleus: *fighting like monsters* *refusing to give each other an upper hand*
Grim: Mryah! They will end up destroying this place!
King Leona: *holding Grim to safety* You should stay here, cat.
Grim: I told you! I am not a cat!
Dragon fae MC: My, my. What is this commotion? *appears next to King Leona*
King Leona: They're fighting over your counterpart, dear. *kisses them on the cheek*
Dragon fae MC: Is that so?
The housewardens: ...
Idia: Ortho, what are the chances that Malleus will win?
Ortho: ...
Ortho: 45%, brother. And it's decreasing every minute.
Ace: Are you saying that crazy Malleus is stronger than Malleus-senpai?!
Idia: It could be possible. At this rate, we have to bail them out before things get worse.
Idia: Wh-What? I only said that it would be better for Malleus to save the Prefect because he's the most OP among us.
Riddle: If it has been a choice, what are we still waiting for?
Kalim: Yes! We should go now!
Azul: Wait a moment. We need a plan.
Idia: Yes. You also need the consider the portal.
Idia: You don't want to be stuck in the world, do you?
Sebek: As Waka-sama's loyal retainer, I should always be wherever he is!
Lilia: Sebek, wait.
Sebek: W-What is it, Lilia-sama?
Lilia: ...
Lilia: Rook!
Saint Rook: *who stood in the middle of them, stopping their fight*
Saint Rook: Gentlemen, I think it isn't right to hurt one another.
Saint Rook: *smiles* Especially when your future spouse is worried sick waiting inside a cage.
Malleus: The child of man?
Yandere Malleus: ...
Yandere Malleus: I didn't think of that. You are right, Hunt.
Dragon fae MC: Hm. How disappointing. I was ready to see some blood.
King Leona: Now, now. You don't have to be disappointed about this.
Grim: D-Does that mean my hench-human can go home with us?
King Leona: Ah. That saint will decide.
Dragon fae MC: Yes. Dear, it's time for us to leave.
King Leona: I thought we would be staying until the wedding ends. Guess not.
*both of them disappear*
Grim: Mryah?
Saint Rook: Now, how should we decide about this? Hm? Hm?
Saint Rook: You two would be lovely grooms!
Malleus: G-Groom?
Yandere Malleus: Hunt, what are you trying to suggest?
Saint Rook: *smiles* I think you already know.
MC: That Rook-
FD Vil: Patience. I'm still here.
MC: ...
MC: But you're not helping me to leave this cage.
FD Vil: Rook asked me to keep you company. Not to help you escape.
MC: *sad frowns*
MC: I'm hungry.
FD Vil: ...
FD Vil: I'll whip something up for you. Wait here.
MC: You're coming back, right?
FD Vil: Yes, yes.
MC: *whines* Vil...
FD Vil: Yes, I'm coming back with food.
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phntmeii · 10 months
♡ Dating Aegon II Targaryen Headcanons:
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❝ But… If you ever wish to know what it is to be well satisfied…❝
[SFW+NSFW + AFAB!Reader]
General Warnings: sad!Aegon, mentions of alcoholism, mentions of neglect
NSFW Section Warnings: pervert!Aegon, AFAB Terms, Somnophilia, Dom/Sub Dynamics, Sensory Deprivation
A/N: Still upset about his characterization in the show :/ Poor TGC was trying so hard to save this character. Appreciate that he gave us pathetic wet dog vibe for Aegon at the least
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SFW Headcanons:
☀️ Aegon has desperate issues regarding love especially the idea of someone loving him. He’s been completely neglected by his father, only valued by his mother as a “rightful” king and struggles with alcoholism as a result.
☀️ Having you see him not as a ruler, not as a prince, not as a chess piece in a political game, but as a person has his mind confused.
☀️ It takes a bit of time for him to entertain the idea of you valuing him as true but once he does, he’s latched onto you like his life depends on it.
☀️ And I mean literally latched on. He is unashamed at how clingy he is to you. Arms always wrapped around you in the hall and keeping his eyes to yours.
☀️ Aegon is only willing to listen to you without complaining too much. Maybe a whine or two but he’s totally whipped so he’s on his way to do as you ask.
☀️ He’d LOVE for you to meet Sunfyre. If you are unaccustomed to dragons, he makes sure to slowly introduce you because he wants you to love his dragon as much as he does.
☀️ Always dreams about running away with you. He’ll be cuddling with you and ask about it. Even if it was impossible, he’d like to dream about going off somewhere in Essos, away from the throne.
☀️ “Love, simply listen to me… Imagine it. We could run off on the first ship out of this blasted kingdom. It could be just us…”
☀️ Alicent would simultaneously love and hate you. She enjoys the company of women and finally, someone has found a way to handle Aegon. But, she’d also be weary of this on account of her father because Aegon being infatuated with you means he’s more willing to listen to you than his council.
☀️ Rather than ditch his duties to attempt escapes, to drink or to whore, he’s sneaking off to see you if it’s been too long. He insists you stay by him during meetings or other duties to keep him from “going mad”.
☀️ Aegon can get very jealous when he sees you with other men because he knows what they’re thinking when they look at you. But you are his. No one else’s.
☀️ And considering he’s the firstborn and a prince, he has absolutely no problem getting petty because there would be no serious consequences. (Bonus tag team with Aemond.)
☀️ Aegon’s main Love Languages to give are: Physical Touch and Quality Time.
☀️ Aegon is obsessed with your body completely. He wants to do everything to have you in his arms.
☀️ He is unashamed with PDA. He’s kissing you almost every couple of minutes. He’s walking down the halls all smiles because he’s holding your hand.
☀️ Aegon’s need for you is constant and his mood quickly sours if he’s pulled away from duty rather than being able to spend his time with you.
☀️ He’d whisk you away onto Sunfyre for a joyride just so he can be away from everyone but you. Consider it a romantic gesture because in his mind it is.
☀️ He thinks it’s like when the knight saves the princess in the stories.
☀️ Lingers in the mornings just so he can have you by him for longer. The sun is hurting his eyes this early in the morning so what better than to bury his head in your chest and softly ask you to stay as he caresses your perfect body.
☀️ Aegon’s favorite Love Languages to receive are: Acts of Service and Words of Affirmation.
☀️ Aegon wants to feel special. To feel taken care of. To feel loved. So anytime you go out of your way to assist him, his eyes are sparkling as he looks at you.
☀️ You tidied the bedchamber? Have prepared his clothing? You’ve had his sword cleaned and polished? You’re practically begging for this man to be completely and utterly obsessed and he’s littering you in kisses in appreciation.
☀️ And, of course, he wants praise. No one has validated him and simply valued him as a person so he yearns for your words.
☀️ Something as simple as “I’m proud of you” has him close to shedding tears because no one tells him that.
☀️ He wants to hear you say “I love you” as much as possible so he’ll say it all the time just to hear you say it back.
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NSFW Headcanons:
☀️ At first, he has to be dominant and take control. He’s been cut out of having control in all other aspects of his life that he needs some semblance of power.
☀️ You can trust that he knows what he’s doing. Although some of his fucking has been done while drunk, he’s done it and experimented enough to know what gets him off and what gets you off.
☀️ Only after some time will he trust to submit himself in bed. It’s scary to him. To lose control in another aspect of his life. But he trusts you and he loves you.
☀️ And surprisingly, being so slow, gentle and loving to him, it felt amazing. Having you ride him, hands interlocked and meeting each other’s eyes.
☀️ His favorite part of you are your tits. Seeing them bounce as you ride him, needing to touch and feel them.
☀️ He whimpers and cries when he’s getting close, begging you not to stop. He’s clearly needy just by the way he’s grabbing onto any part of you that you let him.
☀️ When he’s more comfortable with being submissive, he’s whiny in his needs. Tugging at your gown anytime you two are alone, insisting he needs to at least have a look.
☀️ “Please, my love… Please! Just one look! Gods, you have no idea how much I crave you.”
☀️ Aegon’s hand would try to slip under your gown under the table at dinner, insist that only he needs to assist you in bathing which is definitely just an excuse to fuck, and just straight up jack off when you two are alone in your bedchamber, pleading for you to touch him.
☀️ Aegon could definitely cum with the punishment of only being able to hump at your leg. The humiliation of being so desperate gets him off like nothing else.
☀️ He can be bratty sometimes but it’s all purposeful. He wants you to punish him because you both know it leads to being tangled around each other in bed.
☀️ Oh, and Aegon is absolutely unashamed about being loud. The louder the better in his opinion. He wants everyone and anyone to know how fucking good you two fuck and for how long.
☀️ He’d leave whatever chamber you two were in with a smug grin, knowing that no one could match the passion you two share.
☀️ Aegon has average stamina and lasts as long as you edge him for. He could go 2-3 a times a day and still ask for more even when he’s a shaking mess.
☀️ Sit on this man’s face. Period. No questions asked. If he can breathe, he isn’t satisfied. Suffocate him entirely, clamp onto his head with your thighs and watch him eat you out like a starved madman.
☀️ Aegon is a whore for praise and he makes it known when he’s giving you head. He gets so easily pussy drunk it’s insane. His eyes are locked onto you, only parting from your swollen, abused cunt to hear how well he’s doing.
☀️ “My love… Please tell me how well I’m doing… I’m being good, am I not?”
☀️ One of his favorite things would be longer sessions where he’s blindfolded and completely up to your control. Have fun with waxplay and sensory deprivation and watch his cock twitch and leak precum at each touch.
☀️ Sometimes you’d wake up to him already rubbing his cock against your cunt, feeling the wetness already coating him. His forehead pressed to your back as he softly moaned. It’s so easy for him to get turned on when you’re so close to him.
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⤷ divider credits: @cafekitsune
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HOTD stans: "Ugh those TB fans whining over every change and insisting HOTD is biased against them. Don't they think that maybe the writers made changes just so the story would be more interesting, not because Otto Hightower placed a gun to their head? Don't they see how much more interesting and complex the characters are now than in their fictional history book?"
also HOTD stans: "The Greens are just so much more interesting though. Sorry Rhaenyra, on principle I do support female succession. But you, Jakey boy and the rest of the pot plants just can't compete with Alicent and her poor tortured fucked up kids. They are THE dysfunctional family they are just so much more interesting-"
Wait... you mean ignoring half the cast didn't make them more interesting? Could it possibly be that bias isn't just a case of which side is portrayed as sympathetic, but which side is given attention?
Nah, of course not. I mean, a script direction stating that Jacaerys had already gone through an offscreen identity crisis over his parentage years ago and had come to terms with it? I thought that was so much more interesting than actually depicting it. I'm glad they got rid of Jace being bullied and focused on Aemond instead - it really made Jace a much more interesting character. Exploring the internalised shame of being a bastard, or what it's like to be constantly targeted and bullied by a kingsguard knight whose obsessed with destroying your mother, just isn't as interesting as Aemond being sad he doesn't have a dragon, or Aegon's daddy issues.
Giving Baela and Rhaena no screentime or dialogue? Genius. I'm so much more intrigued now. When they established Rhaena's yearning for a dragon I was worried we were going to see more of her, but to my upmost relief we spent her mother's funeral following Aemond instead. And the writers appropriately only used Rhaena to keep Aemond sympathetic, by having her be the one to initiate the fight instead of him hitting a toddler - once she was done serving Aemond's character we really didn't need anything further from her.
That one-off line about Daemon ignoring Rhaena was sufficient really, no need to explore that relationship any further. Just as there was no need to explore Baela's relationship with Jace, or the girls relationship with their stepmother. Let's go back to how Aegon is so sad that he has to rape women, or Helaena's bug collection. Let's throw sympathy on Vaemond while the female heirs to Driftmark stand silently in the background. Let's fart around in a Green-centric episode with a 100% stake-free race to find Aegon first. Let's throw in a scene of Larys masturbating over the Queen's feet, because the more powerless she is the more we can see Olivia Cooke's beautiful brown eyes weeping. The Blacks certainly don't need their own episode to breathe.
Sure, I did feel bad for book Rhaenyra when she was ordered away to effective exile on Dragonstone by her own father after the fight at Driftmark. And when her father almost called her home again to be his Hand, but then prioritised placating his wife and chose Otto instead. That sure SOUNDS like a compelling father-daughter conflict on paper. Perhaps we COULD have seen the tragic tale of a daughter whose father keeps failing to fight for her and unwittingly sabotages her, as his peacekeeping 'neutrality' effectively chooses his wife over her time and time again.
But I don't know, there was just something about Rhaenyra voluntarily bouncing because 'the wise sailor steers to avoid the storm' that felt much more intriguing than being forced away by her own father. Rhaenyra staying away for years was much more intriguing than her father passing her over as Hand. It really made the moment where Viserys drags his corpse out of bed to defend her stand out, you know? And it let us keep the focus on how Alicent is sad that her husband doesn't appreciate her, because the more victimised interesting Alicent is, the more interesting everyone is!
Daemon bashing his wife's head in with a rock also really made him more grey as a character.
As did Rhaenys slaughtering the smallfolk and championing the Geneva Convention the very next episode. That writing decision definitely had nothing to do with shock value. I mean, when asked why she didn't just end the war there and then we got solid Watsonian explanations such as 'it wasn't my war to start' or 'she wouldn't do that to another mother' (women, right?). That's how you know that creatively it made sense, because they wanted it to happen. Where was she keeping that change of armour?
Who needs Laena matchmaking to secure Driftmark and the Iron Throne for her daughters when she can spend her time wishing for self-immolation? Who needs Laena trying to fly one last time, desperate for that last taste of freedom before she dies, when she can instead kill herself via self-immolation?
Laenor faking his death via the murder of an innocent bystander and leaving the charred remains of the body to traumatise his parents and children (whose biological father has just died in a fire)? That needs no further exploration, I'm sure that didn't psychologically scar Jace and Luke any more than Laena's self-immolation affected her daughters. All that matters is we didn't bury our gays, isn't that great? This way Laenor didn't get assassinated, just his character!
I mean, we could have had Laenor's death be a tragic mystery, with unconfirmed rumours that Daemon had a hand in it. We could have placed the audience in Rhaenyra's point of view, we could have watched her grapple with the doubt, struggle over whether it's a possibility she can live with. We could have had the moment she gets passed over as Hand be the moment she decides to marry Daemon, like in the book. That could have said something interesting about her character and their relationship. But on second thoughts, "we'll fake Laenor's death and then we can be the ultimate power couple and RULE THE WORLD" was much more sophisticated.
Oh, and de-aging Aegon the Younger? Just look at the emotional range on that baby.
The casting for Addam and Alyn too... Honestly, not just their casting, I think overall the decision to cast characters aged 13-15 with grown adults is really going to underscore the tragedy of their stolen childhoods. It worked for Game of Thrones!
Nettles? Don't we have enough black women in the background?
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