#sadly this list just keeps on getting longer
kamiversee · 7 months
➶-͙˚ ༘✶ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙁*𝘾𝙆 𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙏
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✧.* CHAPTER 11 || The Thorn and The Petal
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[ { SYPNOSIS } ] ➤ A tale in which Gojo Satoru blackmails you into seducing a list of people to clear his debt. Sounds easy enough, right?
[ { CHAPTER CONTENT } ] ➤ language, angst, & fluff.
[ { WORD COUNT } ] ➤ 4k
[ { PAIRINGS } ] ➤ jjk men x f!reader. gojo x f!reader. geto x f!reader. toji x f!reader. choso x f!reader. sukuna x f!reader. nanami x f!reader.
[ [ chapters mlist } ]
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——"WELL, CONSIDERING THE FACT THAT he's my professor, I thought it'd be pretty obvious that he's one of the hardest on the list." Gojo's voice flew through your ear.
You had him on the phone as you lay on your stomach across your bed. Talking to him is something you want to limit as much as possible but you can't try anyone on the list completely blindsided so, sadly, you still need him.
"Then there's Nanami. As far as I know, he's not interested in sleeping with just anyone-- you'll most likely have to get to know him a bit." Gojo explains. You're taking little notes of this in a journal of yours since it's a lot of information to keep up with. "And uh, you said you met Choso already...?" The man over the phone asks.
"Mhm, ran into him in the hallway. He doesn't seem like he'll be hard to win over." You say casually.
Gojo pauses for a second. Then he sighs, "Yeah, the worst-case scenario with him is that he'll catch feelings for you."
A brow rose in suspicion, "What makes you think he'll catch feelings for me?"
"He's not like the other guys on the list. Aside from..." Gojo takes a second to think, "I guess, Nanami, I'm not sure Choso is used to or even understands the concept of a hookup."
"Meaning, he'll grow attached."
"Okay well," You hesitate. "Let's just hope he doesn't."
"Right." Gojo chuckles a little, nearly sounding relieved.
You write some more stuff into the journal, trying to devise a plan for each man. "Okay and, can you just tell me the last two people on the list?"
"Oh. Well, there's Sukuna, who happens to be Choso's older... half-brother? I really don't know how their family works but, yeah." He answers, sounding a little confused on the matter himself.
You're quiet for a long moment, white noise heard through the phone. It takes you a few minutes to really process what that idiot just told you. First a professor and now you're learning that you have to fuck two people who are related...
"Gojo..." You let out a stressed sigh. "Y'know what, never mind."
"Nono, what is it?" He urges, interested in hearing how you feel about it.
He knows it's probably not the most easy thing to accept but, that doesn't make him care any less about how you feel.
Your eyebrows are tensed, "Half-brother?"
"Okay I know how it sounds but, I'm pretty sure they hate each other," Gojo tells you as if it's supposed to make things sound good.
"Oh my god," You reply, voice sarcastic, "That makes it so much better."
"No Gojo, I really think I'm done listening. Who's the last person?" You divert.
The sound of him taking a deep breath can be heard, "Fuck, you're not gonna like this one either..."
"What is it?"
"It's Naoya... Who happens to be..." Gojo swallows hard, "Well, he's..."
"He's what?!" You huff, "Spit it the fuck out Gojo."
"I'm like fifty percent sure he's Mr. Fushiguro's cousin or something."
You scoff in pure disbelief. "Why am I not fucking surprised?"
"I'm sor-"
"Apologize to me one more time and I promise you, this will be our last conversation ever." You cut off.
You then drop the phone in your hand onto the bed, putting the man on speakerphone and moving your fingertips to massage your temples. A migraine is on the rise within your head and you don't know how much longer you can put up with this shit.
You swear the only good thing about this is the fact that you're getting paid.
Suddenly, as you think harder about the situation you're in, tears well up in your eyes. This shit sucks. It fucking sucks. You don't wanna do this. What if you get caught doing something with Toji? Or, what if one guy finds out about the other and then you experience a spiderweb effect of everyone figuring your little scheme out?
How can you get out of this situation? Why did it have to be you of all people? Why won't Gojo just find someone, anyone else to do this bullshit for you? Yeah, you need the money-- which is another thing for you to cry about because you can't get a proper job to save your life, but you still hate everything about this.
Before you even realize it, you're sniffling and wet spots are forming against the bed below you.
Gojo's still on the line, wondering if he's hearing things correctly. You hear him call out your name softly, almost as if he genuinely cares about you. The sound of his gentle tone alone makes your crying get a little worse.
"F-Fuck off," You choke out.
You then move a hand to hang up on him because you don't want him to hear you crying like this but he starts talking and you start listening before you press that bright red button.
"Wait, shit, listen. I know I'm an asshole, I know this whole thing is fucked up, I know I'm treating you terribly right now but..." Gojo trails off and you think you hear a thud on the other side of the phone. Did he just hit something? "Fuck, I know you don't want to hear this but I am sorry, honestly."
Your voice is a small whisper as you wipe your face off, "Screw you and your sorry."
"I... I-I'll triple it." Gojo suddenly offers.
You swallow and sniffle a bit, "Triple what?"
"The original price. I'm changing it to six thousand." He says.
You can tell he's serious about it too because as you stare at your phone in shock, you see another deposit made to your account to make up for the interactions you had with him and Geto.
"P-Per person??" You ask to clarify.
"Yes, it's... it's the least I can do, right?" Gojo sighs. Even though you want to ignore it, you can hear how disappointed in himself he sounds.
For another long moment, you're quiet. The least he can do? Bullshit. He's the one who put you in this damn situation in the first place.
"...No..." You end up mumbling out.
He scoffs lightly, "No?"
"The least you could do is delete the video and let me go." Your voice is as delicate as ever, gently hitting the man's ears in a way that makes his heart throb.
Gojo grits his teeth and although you can't see it, his head tips back against his bedframe as he stares up at his ceiling. His hands raise to his face and his words are a little muffled, filled with distraught, "...I can't do that, sweetheart. I can't." He breathes.
The man sounds almost pained at the thought of letting you go.
You scowl at the phone, eyes watering all over again, "S-Stop it with the damn nickname, I hate it-, I hate you."
Gojo has a broken little smile on his face and the voice you hear over the phone is full of hurt, "I know but-," He clears his throat a little and you hear him inhale deeply, "Fuck... you don't really mean that do you?" He whispers.
You don't know why you don't respond instantly like you were before. It's like the sound of his voice was getting to you. Why does he sound hurt too? This isn't affecting him the way it is you so, what the hell is his problem?
"...I don't know," You mumble, "I don't even fucking know anymore."
It goes quiet after that.
You couldn't hear much from your phone but the softest sounds of him moving. It was gentle movements though, not like he was doing anything inappropriate but almost like...
You don't want to think about it or even take a guess but it genuinely sounded like the man could've been crying over the phone.
As soon as you think about it, you scoff at yourself and shake your head. Gojo Satoru, crying because you said you hate him? Yeah right.
"I should uh," You sniffle a bit, "I should go-"
"I'll make it up to you." He suddenly sighs. "All of it. I swear, I'll make it all up to you, okay?"
Again, his words and the tone of his voice are yanking at your overworked heartstrings. "...Promise?" You whisper, having no idea why you're giving him this chance in the first place.
Gojo's smiling at his phone, hearing the change in your voice and feeling relieved that you're actually listening to him, "I promise."
With one last quiet okay slipping from your lips, the phone call ends there.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
Within minutes after that ridiculously angsty phone call, you receive a text from someone that instantly has you blinking away your tears.
It's Choso.
It had been maybe a little over an hour and a half since you ran into him in the hallway but, here he was texting you already. It was a simple text that read; 'hey ik we just met and all but, can I call you?'. You had to blink a few times to register what you were reading.
After you mentally prepare for it, you go ahead and respond with a simple yeah in response. Seconds later, the male is calling-, no, FaceTiming you.
You think your heart sinks into your fucking toes. Your eyes are slightly reddened and puffy from the crying you just did and you do not want him to see you right now.
Regardless, you answered the call and have the camera directed toward the ceiling. Choso's stupidly handsome face pops up on your screen and you're smiling already.
"Hey uh, ok I know this is kinda awkward but my brother wouldn't answer and I wanted to show this to someone," He tells you, his voice like a calming balm to your ears.
"You could've just sent me a picture y'know..." You say, your tone noticeably light due to the tears you just shed.
Choso pauses for a second, staring at his phone. "Okay, scratch that for a second, are you okay?"
"Uhm, yeah? Why?"
"You sound like you were crying." He points out.
How the actual fuck can he tell?
You chuckle at him, "I wasn't."
"Then you sound upset. Did something happen?"
"Nothing I feel like talking about right now but, thanks for asking. What did you wanna show me?"
"I won't show you unless you tell me something." Choso says in full seriousness, "And plus, you're not even showing your face which further believes me to think you were crying."
Again, you laugh, "I uh, I just look a mess right now. And the only thing I'll tell you is... I dunno, I had an argument with my..." What the hell do you even refer to Gojo as at this point?
"Your boyfriend?" He suddenly fills in for you.
"No!" You huff, giggling at his assumption, "I don't even have a boyfriend."
You see him smiling a little, "Girlfriend, then?"
"No, Choso. I'm single."
"Ohhh." He hums, sounding genuinely surprised. "My bad, did you fight with a friend?"
"Uh, yeah, I guess you could call him that." You say, shrugging a little.
"Damn. It must've been a big argument."
"What makes you say that?"
His shoulders raised, "You don't even wanna call him your friend."
You scoff a little, "He's just... an asshole."
"One that made you cry?" Choso asks, arching a brow in suspicion.
"No," You roll your eyes, "I didn't cry, Choso."
"Show me your face then."
"I don't want to."
He scoffs, "That's how I know you were crying."
You hate the way the man is reading right through you. "I wasn't." You argue.
"Lying to me when the truth is obvious is crazy," Choso says dramatically.
"I'm not lying."
You see him shake his head in disappointment, "Damn, I might need to remember this as a red flag of yours; pathological liar." He tells you with his voice both serious and playful at the same time.
"You really don't believe me, huh?"
"Not until I see your face, no."
"Fine," You lift your phone slightly, only showing your face from the nose up.
Choso stares for a minute before suddenly smiling fully and holy shit is the sight sexy. The phone is quiet as he stares at you, almost dazed like how he was earlier. You feel a little awkward and have the urge to put the phone down but when he blurts something out, you end up freezing.
Choso tilts his head and his gaze is scrutinizing, "Your eyes are so fuckin' pretty, I'm gonna lose my mind." He compliments abruptly.
Your heart definitely stopped for a minute, maybe three. The way you drop your phone and sink your head into your blanket like a blushing and giggling teenager is comical at this point. The man's words made you smile so hard that your cheeks were starting to hurt.
"Don't... Don't say shit like that so suddenly," You say, chuckling through your words.
He shrugs and sits back into whatever chair he's in, "But it's true. Fuck, show me your full face this time."
"G-Gimme a second," You sigh.
Does he not realize how attractive he is right now? You can't even conversate normally.
"Cause' I... I need a minute." You mumble to him.
The corner of his lips is up in a smirk and damn the way he looks at the phone. "Did I just make you nervous?" He asks, his voice suddenly a little lower.
You scoff, "No."
"Liarrr," He taunts.
"I'm not lying."
He clicks his tongue, his eyes low on the phone. "Then show me your face, princess."
Jesus, the nickname caught you off-guard. You can't do this. Why is Choso so... so... hot? Sexy? Attractive? You don't even know what word to use for the man at this point.
"Fuck. Fine." You end up sighing.
Then, you slowly move to lift your phone and prop it up with a nearby pillow. Since you're laying on your stomach and you're wearing a loose tank top, your chest is pressed against the bed below and Choso has a full view of that and everything else from your neck up.
He blinks a few times and you pray that he doesn't say anything that'll fluster you again.
To your surprise, it seems as though you'd flustered the man without saying anything. Choso's head turns to the side as he looks away from his phone and you get a lovely view of his jawline. Damn, he's got quite the side profile.
You watch him inhale deeply and then peek over to his phone from the corner of his eye as if that'll change the sight on his device. You simply blink innocently at him as if you're unaware of the way you look right now.
"You alright over there?" You ask in an almost sultry tone.
Choso clears his throat and nods, turning to face his camera again, "Yeah, I'm fine."
"You sure?"
He stares intently before saying, "You're somethin' else, y'know that?"
A chuckle leaves you as you tilt your head, "Am I?"
"Yeah. But uh, now that I can see you..." His eyes dart past his phone and you watch as he looks back and forth between the device and whatever is in front of him.
Your eyebrow raises in curiosity as you watch him, "What is it?" You ask.
"Oh, it's what I wanted to show you." He says and you watch him stand up and look down at his phone one last time. "Okay, it's not perfect but I hope you like it."
For a second you're still confused but when Choso flips the camera around, sheer surprise takes over your expression and your jaw literally drops. It was by far one of the most beautiful things you'd ever laid your eyes on.
"Don't freak out, I hope this isn't weird," Choso says quickly as he backs up a little and gives you a full view.
The man had painted you.
It was unique too. Not just like a normal portrait but like how you appeared in his eyes which just so happened to be so very beautiful. His art in general includes darker colors and you can see other paintings behind his newest one, all fitting in with his theme.
"Y-You painted me?" You say dumbfoundedly, "I thought you majored in graphic design."
He laughs, "I do but that's just for school. I paint in my free time."
"Choso you just saw my face for the first time a few hours ago, how the hell did you..."
"I honestly can't explain that," He says with a shrug, "When I got home I uh, couldn't get your face out of my head, and well, if I didn't draw or paint you I think I was gonna go crazy."
You study the art a little more. It's you but at a side profile, your gaze is downwards and you think for a second before you realize it's a painting of you as you were looking at his other art on his phone earlier. Choso painted an image of you from his perspective and boy was it beautiful.
There was predominantly black paint and he has this smudgy yet clean art style you don't think you've ever seen before.
"Choso that's beautiful, oh my god," You gasp, eyes wide and a smile prominent on your face.
You're so distracted by the canvas you're being shown that you miss as the man screenshots the reaction you have.
"You want it?" He offers simply.
You don't even know what to say, "Uhm, I dunno, i-it's your art."
"Yeah, but it's you."
"Kinda narcissistic for me to have a portrait of myself, don't you think?"
"Kinda stalkerish for me to have a portrait of a girl I just met, don't you think?" He asks in return, mocking you.
You giggle, "You're the one who decided to paint me."
"True. Alright then lemme ask this," He turns the phone back around to himself and you watch him sit back down, "Can I keep it?"
You blink. "It's your art."
"It's your face." The man fires back.
"I-," You sigh, "Yeah Choso, you can keep it."
He smiles, "Thanks."
"No, thank you. I didn't think I could look that good." You sigh, feeling all bubbly and light inside.
Choso tilts his head as he looks at his phone, "Have you seen yourself?"
"Don't give me that." You roll your eyes playfully, "Have you seen your art? You could make a pile of shit look good."
"I can't make anything look good, I can only work with the beauty that's already there."
Your voice gets caught in your throat for a second. When you swallow down the compliment he's given you, you can't stop yourself from smiling. "Y'know they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder right?"
"I'm aware. And in this case, I'm the beholder and you're someone I find beautiful." He responds.
Damn the way he's quick with all these comebacks. "I think your gaze is filtered." You say with a shrug.
You see him raise a brow, "By what?"
"I dunno, delusion."
Choso laughs wholeheartedly at you. "My gaze is delusional because I think you're beautiful? Wow."
For a long moment, you'd forgotten about everything again. You forgot about your rules, the list, the situation you're in-- all of it. For once, it felt peaceful, blissful even.
"I'm joking," You tell him, watching as he sighs in relief. "But on a serious note, thank you for this."
"For what? The painting?" Choso asks.
"Yeah, that and uh, calling me. You have some interesting timing."
"Oh yeah, no problem. I'm glad I made you feel better."
The way you and him have these little conversations so seamlessly is something you never want to end. He's so sweet and refreshing to talk to that you wish you could forget about the list and just run away with the man.
"Who says I was feeling bad...?" You reply to him.
Choso rolls his eyes, clearly seeing through you, "I don't like liars y'know..."
You pout, "Whatever."
"And I'm being for real, I'm glad I made you feel better. I uh, hope you and your friend fix things."
You scoff, "You wouldn't be saying that if you knew what he did."
"No, I would." Choso protests. He doesn't know the details but he's being genuine, "If whatever you guys were arguing about was enough to make you cry then, clearly you care about him."
Your head shakes slowly, "You don't have enough context on the situation to come to that conclusion."
"You didn't deny it-"
"I don't care about him." You cut off. "Trust me when I say, I hate him."
Choso chuckles at you. He didn't take your words seriously one bit. "Ehh, sounds like an enemies-to-lovers situation..." He comments with an innocent little shrug.
"Oh hell no, this isn't that." You assure the man.
He gives you a skeptical look, "You sure?"
"I'm positive."
"Damn." Choso blinks, "He really fucked up didn't he?"
"You have no idea."
"I wanna ask more buuut I don't wanna be nosy soo, m'kay." Choso results in saying. "Even so, I still hope you and him get through whatever it is you're going through."
You sigh, "I don't but, thanks Choso."
"No problem, princess." He says sweetly.
Fuck, he keeps catching you off-guard with that. It makes your brain get to stuttering and your face gets hot, "Don't call me that..."
"Why? It's fitting."
"No, it's not." You argue.
"Alright," He glances away to think before saying, "How about angel?"
You sigh, "Stop."
"Pretty girl?" He continues.
"Choso." You call.
He doesn't listen, "Doll? Baby?"
"You're still going..."
He pauses for a minute to think before uttering, "Sweetheart?"
Fuck that made you think of Gojo. You think your body freezes for a second at the thought of the man alone.
"Love?" Choso adds on, having no idea of your little history with these damn pet names.
"You can stop now," You say sternly. "Seriously."
"Alright, alright, my bad. I'll stick to the first one." He hums, "Unless you seriously don't like it...?"
The way he holds nothing but consistent care for your feelings toward things is truly endearing, "Nah, the first one's fine."
Choso nods, "Alright then princess, I'll talk to you later."
You're smiling all over again, "Bye Choso."
The two of you give a little wave to each other before the phone call comes to an end.
Oh, you definitely feel like a teenager all over again. The way he painted you the same day he met you, the way he speaks so charmingly to you, the way he... fuck it's everything about him
Scew Gojo and his shitty little promise of making things up to you, based on the one phone call you had with Choso-- there's nothing that white-haired bastard can do to fix the paining fact that your real chances with Choso are slim to none because you'd never be able to tell him about the list.
And god forbid the man finds out about it.
Butterflies are still stirring in your stomach, the feeling being the after-effect of talking to Choso. You don't want to like him but it's already difficult. You actually shouldn't and really can't like him.
You've gotta distance yourself going forward. You have to.
The question now is, will you be able to?
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??? SUKUNA ☐
??? NAOYA ☐
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yanderemommabean · 7 months
for the red rooms in devildom, imagine lucifer finally deciding to give red rooms a shot when he realizes mc will soon leave devildom and/or keeps rejecting his affection
Lucifer being the avatar of pride means he can’t exactly handle rejection. Maybe a few times at first, seeing it as a way to chase and have fun and to prove himself to you and sweep you off of your feet, but after a while it really gets under his skin. 
Why? Why are you denying him? Sure he can understand being scared of him, he’s one of the most powerful demons after all, and sadly you were more than once on the wrong end of that ire and anger when you first arrived. He won’t deny that your emotions with those incidents are possibly why you wouldn’t want to be with him, but surely now you see hes trying to make amends? That he’d kiss the ground you walk on and make sure to keep you safe? 
It seems you were serious about denying and rejecting his affections. You tell everyone at dinner what a wonderful time you’ve had, and how in three days time you’re expected to leave, back to the human world, leaving them to wallow in your absence. 
Well, you won’t get away with that. He won’t let you make this mistake. He just gives a soft smile, a gentle hug, and tells you that he’ll miss you, but as you head up to bed and listen to Mammon and Levi’s blabbering and sobbing, Lucifer decides to make a rather last resort call. 
The Red Rooms. The last place he ever wanted to bring you. While they care for the darling's experience, he doesn’t want to have to force this, but you’re really leaving him no choice! 
He’ll make sure the rooms are to your tastes. Stuffed animals to cry into when overwhelmed, softer gags to be easier on your jaw, padded cuffs to make sure your delicate human skin isn’t bruised unless he decides to bruise it himself. 
The demon chuckles on the other end of the line but once they hear who’s making the call, they shut up and show respect. 
“Nothing rough. This is to prove my devotion and how I’m better than my brothers. I want only the best, the softest, the cleanest and the safest. I won’t hesitate to kill you and wring your blood into my food to devour. Do we have an understanding?” 
He goes through the list, his mind getting even more perverted than Asmo as he pictures how he’ll make you moan and whimper for him. “Oh? Well I must admit that golden hellfire newt syrup would be a nice touch but I'm as ready as ill need to be. Yes, I'm aware it's a potent aphrodisiac but I assure you, my love and lust know no bounds when it comes to my sweet little minx” 
The call goes on a little longer, Lucifer giving some final details on safety measures, only giving Diavolo's emergency number in case he completely loses himself, and so on. Who woulda thought the demons in the seediest parts of the underworld would be so caring? Then again it’s rumored Barbatos and Diavolo run the palace in disguise so…
When asked how they are to bring you in, Lucifer just smiles and tries not to break the phone in an angered crush. To think they’d touch you, it just sent a pang of anger through his core. But he knows they’re simply doing their job, so he can’t exactly kill them just yet.
“I’ll use the spells you have on hand, or ill bring them in myself under a guise of a last dinner together. You’ll know it's me by what I'm wearing. None of this better go wrong, or I assure you, you wont live to warn the others of my wrath”.
-Mommabean (HI! I hope you likes this bean!!)
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ghostreblogging · 2 years
Omg like I had this dream about it yesterday. So what if batfam decided nope we're gonna ghost proof this house. And in the way they did it, they didn't use blood blossoms, ectoranium etc (blood blossoms are extinct and hard to find in large quantities and ectoranium is a space metal that nobody knows exist yet or confused with kryptonite) They used magic, so it's little less noticable.
And Tim decides to Invite his new friend over, aka Danny Fenton . Said friend refuses to touch anything while there. He wouldn't sit, eat food, or touch any of the occupants. And when he finally accidentally touches something, the spell works and he is captured with glowing chains or straight up thrown back into the infinite realms.
Danny finally has time for normal teenager shit. He managed slowly go through the bureaucratic shithole that is the infinite realms politics and he managed to come out with his sanity intact. Phantom is no longer a menace but a hero that tragically gave himself up to seal all of the Infinite realms (that is kinda true he did go through a nightmare to make sure ghosts didn't attack the living world and had to do the equivalent of centuries worth of paperwork to do that.)
And all things considered ghosts are a thing of the past for most people. ( He hopes that the ones he allows through keep their oaths and stay hidden)
And he can finally be a normal teenager again, albeit in Gotham of all places. But the death in the city masks his more inhuman traits and he really didn't wanna go through another paper work stuff to register himself as a meta without the meta gene, he would have to do that later though.
But he can do that later, he's on a vacation and he's not doing that.
He is standing in the doorway. People around him are getting their umbrellas and sadly he doesn't have one. He was debating internally if he should just go or go back to the lost and found for an umbrella.
He was waiting for Tim as he agreed to come for dinner. The car ride to the Wayne manor was calm, filled with few words.
All changed when he came to find the whole manor was covered in intricate magical circles and traps. He saw atleast few that straight up sent him to the dark parts of the realms and he didn't want to touch that. And as much as he wanted to straight up escape, Tim had been asking for multiple days.
So as much as he wanted to flee, his social skills are shit and he didn't want to risk the awkwardness afterwards.
So he tried his best. Didn't touch the ground floated slightly above it, didn't touch the furnitures cuz apparently it was considered part of the house, couldn't touch the walls. Couldn't even touch the residents before setting the alarms off.
He thinks he pulled it off. Of course he pulled it off everything was going smoothly and he just has to make sure he has everyone in the room in his sights and float a bit. Well until the actual dinner. He couldn't touch the food and he looked quite akward so much so Tim whispers to him.
"You okay? You aren't touching your food."
"Oh I'm okay, it's just-" before he could even start with his sorrowful excuses, someone someone grabs his arm, again it wouldn't have been a problem too it would only raise the alarm, until he is pushed down into the chair thus triggering multiple traps .
Big golden chains appear and he is arleady out of the chair by then. He opens a window and turns to say sorry but he accidentally trips over another trap and is pulled into the realms. He should probably cross Tim out of his list of friends.
Tim's friend just fell through a portal, should probably call Constantine about that.
Dick was the first one to speak up after the silence that incued.
"Did we just banish Tim's new friend to the shadow realm?"
"Wait why did he trigger the alarm? He didn't seem all that ghostly, was he like Jason"
"Probably. We probably won't see him again, do we just. . . Push the blame onto Constantine?"
" We are heroes-"
"And how the heck are we supposed to enter the realms anyway? And escape! Constantine greatly expressed that portal was one way only"
They see Danny just waltzing through Gotham and they pull him aside.
"What the fuck. You got pulled into the shadow realm yesterday! How do you even trigger the alarms"
Danny who arleady went through the five stages of denial and how tf am I gonna explain "oh you see i am a warlock of....uhhhh
I didn't think this far
And after a very stressful meeting with batman and the entire JL dark members cuz apparently his alter ego became a big deal without his agreement.
Where he
Had to speed learn how to create duplicates
Had to fight off a few ghost lawyers cuz they wanted to be a part of "the very important meeting of importance"
Got asked to do magic (he's still learning okay?)
He panicked tried to sell one of his powers as a spell or him just having the copy of his patrons power.
More people got worried about him supposedly creating a contract with a very powerful new unknown diety
Got into the JL dark as a warlock
People apparently trusts him now???? As FENTON??????
Apperantly showing off weaker version of patrons power was a bad idea cuz he greatly overestimated the power limit.
He is a powerful warlock of a powerful "demon"?
"so what is he"
Uhhhhhh a guardian spirit?
Uunhuun soo it's phantom right.?? Leme do some research
Wait . . . . Clockwork. Oh my god.
Now he is the number one call up magic person for the bats now.
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justporo · 10 months
Headcanons for Astarion and Tav spending winter time
Aight, writing for the fluff challenge has me thinking about this a lot, so why not exploit it some more, eh? Some of these are/will be used in the drabbles plus more stuff. So, here we go:
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Does Astarion like winter? For sure not, this vampire is made for summer time, elegant summer clothing and also... a beautiful summer tunic on his partner is just so much more beautiful than all the winter clothes (and easier to take off, he has a point there)
You can convince him though that winter time has its perks because there's so much more cuddling and who really wants to get out of bed when it's that cold outside, right?
Astarion will however use every given opportunity to make a fashion statement - expect beautiful but dramatic, winter cloaks with fur, elegant gloves, winter tunics with beautiful embroidery (although he might enjoy just throwing on a sweater at home - especially if you had it stolen before and your scent still lingers on it)
Also winter festivities were mostly hurtful reminders this far, but now? With you by his side, he will enjoy them a lot more
Also: let's not forget that it may be cold outside but the nights are much longer and give you more opportunity to be out and about
He sneakily hangs up a mistletoe somewhere in your place and waits like a predator to assault you with kisses every time you catches you under it; "Astarion! This is the tenth time today! You know you can just ask me for a kiss, don't you?" "But darling, where would be the fun in simply asking? Isn't it so much more romantic when pure chance makes us meet here under the mistletoe time and again, my love?" "It's not chance when you keep lingering under it, Astarion!"
He enjoys decorations a lot more than he'd care to admit, he enjoys when your place smells of fresh pine from wreaths and other stuff you've put up and he likes the cosy atmosphere all the spread candles are creating for the two of you cuddling up while a snowstorm howls outside
Speaking of: expect Astarion to become the embodiment of a cuddly cat during winter time; he'll snuggle up with you under some blankets, in front of the fireplace, maybe with a nice book to read and a mug of mulled wine to enjoy
Astarion will also make sure you stay appropriately warm: no matter if he buys you a wooly sweater or makes you a nice coat himself; "My love, I'm cold enough for the two of us, you don't need to take on this quality of mine."
One more thing he absolutely loaths is: snow; he doesn't get it
Sadly you also can't change his mind by throwing snowballs at him - oh no! This will only cause him to show you that his rogue skills make for very good aiming and you'll soon both just be completely frozen; but it's worth it because you could swear you heard him laugh and see him smile despite him proclaiming this all childish
Once he figures you are very much into all of this, he puts some more effort into it - he wants to see you happy; every time Astarion goes into the city and walks across the winter market, he'll bring you something: maybe something sweet, maybe a small piece of decoration - you feel very appreciated, you just hope he paid for that stuff and didn't just steal it; Astarion is elusive on the matter
The most important thing for him though is that he gets to spend winter time together with you - with all the gifts and challenges it may bring
Tag list: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess @azukiel @darlingxdragon
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peachesofteal · 1 year
Ghoap x reader zombie apocalypse AU? 👀 just gonna leave that here...
Ooh anon you got me with this. Thought about it all night. A full fic of this dynamic in an apocalypse setting would be so good. Sadly, I don't have it in me to write an entire fic for this but I scratched it out as a dead disco au down below on my phone (I took bits and pieces of zombie media and smashed them together as I like):
18+ MDNI / angst, death
It was an accident.
All you had wanted to do was try to find some mushrooms. You knew this part of the woods usually had a fair amount to forage, and you were pretty good at distinguishing the good ones from the not so good ones. You hadn't meant to get distracted.
You knelt down to the forest floor, picking at a piece of bark on a downed log when you heard the rustling, the suspect sound of something moving through the brush near you.
You expected one of the slow ones. The ones that usually found themselves this far from the city, wandering aimlessly, looking for the next meal. Decaying and rotting flesh hanging from their limbs, a sign they had been long infected, the decomposition marking them as something easily escapable.
You did not expect a runner.
You screamed- a huge no no, as Simon had been drilling into your head- when you saw it, far too late, tripping over yourself to try to get away, your hunting knife pressed into the palm of your hand.
You stood little chance against a runner. They were fresh, muscles still intact, lactic acid burning through their bodies, movements fast and sharp, able to take down an entire human in one fell swoop. They even looked like you, still holding their pallor, their posture, their fine motor skills.
Only their minds were gone. Addled by the infection, brains turned to hot mush inside their skulls.
They had one objective.
You managed to clear the log, sprinting as fast as you possibly could, trying to take long, deep breaths through your nose just as Johnny taught you.
"More oxygen that way, love. It'll help your endurance, keep you runnin' longer."
They were always doing that now, equipping you for survival. Trying to train you like a solider, teaching you the finer points they thought you should know.
"We're gonna make it, together." Simon had said, the morning they showed up in the middle being away for work, clad in full tactical gear, guns in hand. "As a family."
"Ye have to listen to everything we say, alright darling? Everything's goin' to be okay." Johnny promised at the same time as you tried to pack some essentials into your backpack with trembling fingers.
They were obsessed with trying to instill as much of their knowledge into as possible, trying to prepare you, help you, listing off rules they thought were key, ensuring you knew to follow them.
One being: don't get distracted.
You curse yourself, feet flying underneath your body and heart thrumming in your chest with panic. You're too slow, and you can hear it behind you, sprinting just as fast as you are, preparing to launch and take down it's next meal.
You don't see the snare of brambles until you're in them, nearly slamming to a stop, thorns scratching against your skin as you fight against the thicket. It's too dense, slowing your ability to get away... and the runner is still hot on your heels, working its way through the mess, snapping its jaw like a shark.
Simon comes out of nowhere. One second you're hacking away at the branches and the next, there's a massive, solid warmth at your back, standing between you and the snarling monster. He's facing away from you, brandishing a knife, engaged in a full fight with the runner, taking it to the ground in an attempt to get the blade into its temple. You watch mouth wide, frozen, holding your breath until the job is done, and Simon is hauling himself upwards, pulling you into his arms before stepping back to look you over.
You burst into tears. You've always told them, you're not for this kind of world. You're too gentle, too sensitive. You're a painter, for fucks sake. Not a killer. You're too soft to survive.
They say it doesn't matter. That you can be as soft as you want, because you have them, and they'll be the killers. They'll be the hard ones.
"Did it get you? Let me see, c'mon-" He checks your arms, your neck, the tear on your shirt but finds nothing. "Alright, you're alright." He's telling you, and himself, relief exhaling from his body with each syllable. "You're alright, darling. I've got ya. Come here." He holds you tight, rubbing your back, kissing your cheek, your forehead until you're calm, breathing deeply and wiping your face.
You believe the worst has passed, until you blink up at him, and see the blood on his neck.
The bite.
"We need to make a plan."
"We're nae makin' a bloody plan." Johnny hisses, and Simon closes his eyes like he's tired. "We keep goin'. We'll make it to the rendezvous with Price and they'll have a solution. We dinnae even know how fast it spreads."
Simon lets loose a sigh, heavy with exhaustion. With the toll that this life has become. With the weight, of everything. He tucks you into his body, wrapping his other arm around Johnny, and holds the two of you close. Tightly. Tighter than he ever has before.
The next morning, everything is different.
You woke up last, fire still barely smoldering, little energy bar on the ground next to you. The guys sleeping bags were already rolled up, stacked neatly with Simon's pack, and the long gun that Johnny carries.
But they were nowhere to be found.
Confused, you slid free, stretching with a silent groan, scanning your surroundings until you spot them on the edge of the woods, locked together on their feet, Johnny's face mashed against Simon's neck, strong arms holding him close.
"What's going on?" The question comes out confused when you get close, and Johnny pulls away with wet eyes, hands shaking. What's happening? Why are they both crying? Fear screams through your body, red alert systems firing up as your brain struggles to put all the pieces together.
"Simon-" Johnny begins, but stops abruptly, eyes slamming shut, lips pressed together in agony.
"'m not feelin' too well." Simon explains gently. "You and Johnny are gon’ start on ahead, and 'm gonna stay here for a while." Something, something logical, something smart, is shouting at you from the back of your mind but you shove it away, opting for delusion instead.
"Okay, you're going to catch up though, right? You said. We'll find-" You frowned, looking from him to Johnny as a sick feeling grew in your stomach. "Johnny?"
“Look at me.” Simon combs through your hair with trembling fingers, unsteady for the first time in your entire existence. “I love you, darling. I love you so, so much.”
“S-stop, we're supposed to stay together, you- you said-“
“You have to go with Johnny now, okay? He’s gonna take care of you.” He jerks you forward, closed mouth pressing against your forehead. "I love you."
“No, Si.” You sob, fingers curled in his vest. “You have to come with us. You have to, we’ll fi-find a cure, they’ll be help, somewhere.”
“Johnny.” He chokes, and a strong arm wraps around your waist, Johnny’s heavy, tearful breathing echoing just above your ear. Someone works your fingers free, pulling your hand away but not letting go, holding onto you like a lifeline.
You look up between him, to his face, to Simon’s and realize. They’ve already said goodbye.
Simon strokes the back of his fingers down Johnny’s cheek, tears dripping down his own.
“I love you both, more than anything. More than life.” He squeezes your hand, rubbing a thumb over the back of your knuckles, and then steps away, pulling the handgun from the holster on his thigh. "Take care of each other."
"NO!" you scream, but Johnny is dragging you backwards like a rag doll, away from where Simon stands in clearing, gaze never breaking from the two of you, face wet with tears. "Johnny!"
"Darling-" he chokes out amidst a sob. "Shhh, please. Please." He begs you to be quiet, to hush, but you can't, you can't stop screaming, or fighting him, trying to get back to Simon, to reunite your family, to stay together. You scream and scream until Johnny’s hand claps over your mouth, his own words clogged by his cries, pleading and begging until he's cutting off your oxygen with a desperate apology and lifting you over his shoulder like dead weight.
The last thing you hear before you lose consciousness is the sound of a gunshot.
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24kvlaks · 3 months
Haunted House
(Michael Myers x Fem reader!) WARNING! Fluff, Angst, Worded gore, Killing, Flash backs, S3xual! frustration.
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Alone in Haddon-Field, It was early October and you lived in the Myers house, sounds dumb but it was listed for a cheap ole' price because of the history and that's what you needed in order to get back on your feet.
Though you could've never expected what was awaiting you, now you're feeding some mysterious presence who swoops up the food you leave around.
At first you were spooked, thinking it was some huge rodent but then came to your senses and realized no mere rodent could demolish such food in ease and in such a barbaric way.
You even thought about calling the cops, but then it made you realize it could've just been some poor child or teenager that had been starving for the longest, so you kept feeding them.
Yet the longer you fed them, you began to wonder what huge child could be devouring this much? They nearly ate six meals a day! And seemingly was still hungry.
So you called the cops and came to the best conclusion some homeless man was living in your home!
Sadly they found nothing, not a single trace of a person or even a rodent! You were never into anything that revolved around spirits but eventually you thought you might've had a hungry one.... Sounds dumb you thought.
So you tried not feeding them, keeping the fridge empty and only ordering takeout, whilst throwing the left overs away,
It must've angered whatever you had been feeding, because there was broken glass scattered everywhere when you woke up, and the trash created by you're leftovers had been rampaged and eaten.
You almost felt bad but the police commanded you to stop feeding whatever it was a stating it would likely go away on its own. But it was clear the poor thing was starving, so reluctantly you kept feeding it.
One day you decided to be smart about it and leave a note. stating "Whoever you are, or what. You clearly are hungry I'll continue to feed it as long as you don't bring destruction to my home, our home.''
Though you couldn't help but wonder what they were thinking... If only you had known.
"Our home? this is my home." It thought, demolishing the food and writing on the note with the blood on his hands stating. "ThIS IS nOt YoUr h0me" in sloppy writing.
And he refused to listen and broke the plate anyway, yet what he least expected was to come. He heard small footsteps jog down the stairs and a lower voice commanding him.
"Hey! What did I say about destruction?!" she yelled, she had her eyes closed trying to be brave by not looking at the stranger, yet she heard a loud thump as it stood.
she opened her eyes trying to be bold only too cower in fear as she realized the size of the thing, not just anything, a man. A myth? He wore a pale mask and a jumpsuit. He stared at her.
"Holy shit." she gasped, backing away slowly, only for him to walk slowly towards her. Knife in grasp.
"Food, I bought some more food for you in the fridge."
He was starving even though he knew you were just trying to manipulate him, so he started walking away, though suddenly she called his name.
"Michael, is that you?"
she was curious, wondering if this man was the reviving legend she heard so much about. He knew she was oblivious to how utterly dangerous he was, and he was not a person any soul should be around.
So he drew his knife, and walked towards her. As scared as she was she bolted upstairs, locking the door. Though if he was Michael Myers, this was his home so she had no way of escaping.
He knew this place better than you could ever.
Scared? Yes you were. The man was nearly 7'0 and he was big and burly. If he wasn't such a maniac he would be considered attractive.
You heard loud thumping, coming towards your room. Well whoever it was before it belonged to you. The door slammed open, breaking the lock as you cowardly hid under the blanket like a child.
Peeking out of the side of it to watch him, he walked right past which was so obviously you. Just too stand near the window.
Was this what they were talking about? They said he didn't attack kids, because he didn't see them as a threat, even though you were an adult did he not see you as a threat?
So you carefully lifted the blanket and spoke.
"I'm sorry for intruding its just this was really the only place in my budget!"
He thought you were stupid for talking to him, to a killing monstrous machine. No emotion what so ever, but its not his fault. He was born this way.
"I'll move out as soon as I get stable, I swear!"
Move out? For some odd reason he didn't want you too, likely for the food he thought.
You didn't know what to do so you just sat there.
Eventually you found yourself asleep. And God did he think you were stupid, going to sleep, in front of one of the most evil individuals known to Haddon-field.
Obviously you were weak and dumb, so he had no interest in killing you.
He stood over you, you were so fragile and small compared to his frame. He walked out, and into the new added basement when they re-modeled the house.
He just couldn't understand why would she easily go to sleep around an  individual 'like him?' did she feel safe? No fucking way, he cursed. almost slashing himself for that pitiful thought.
And why would someone like him want that anyway?
Eventually this became a common thing for the two of you, to randomly see him in the corner of your eye, and making food for the two of you.
Leaving his plate in the microwave wrapped up for him to eat, he at least had enough sense to put the plate back.
Though the farther you went into October, the more he disappeared. And sometimes there would be tiny red smudges that resembled blood, yet you didn't dare call the cops.
Well because it could be your blood on his hands next if you do.
You started to notice he hadn't been eating your food. And honestly you began to worry, wondering if he was hurt or captured. So as dumb as you were you went out too look for the missing murderer.
At night, so it'd be more likely to see him even though he was hard to spot in general. Though u didn't see him so you just put all the plates in the mini fridge in the basement. You notice his little things down there so you left it alone.
As you walked upstairs you heard a knock on your door, and hoping it was Michael you jogged to it, opening it you were met with an unfamiliar face, they wore a police uniform.
"There's been a series of murders ma'am we have reason to believe he's coming here soon, so evacuate."
"What? No way! I live here and no ones gonna drag me out of it."
Of course you knew what he was talking about and honestly you had hoped the killer would come back home, it got lonely with him gone.
"Jeez I wonder if he's okay"
you accidentally said out loud and the officer questioned what you meant but you obviously dismissed it. Taking a closer look at the officer you realized he had a warrant unfortunate for you he had a asked to come in.
So you agreed, and walked him to the table, completely unaware someone had been watching the both of you.
He wondered if you called the police, angered he still watched. But realized you didn't so he calmed, yet he couldn't but help realize how flirtish you had been with the officer.
Smiling, giggling and seemingly the officer shared the same feelings, for some odd reason he was filled with rage, wanting to grab the man by his vest and slice his throat but he knew it would be a dumb move.
So he waited, the officer explained since she didn't want to leave the house he'd patrol it for twelve hours of the day, she reluctantly agreed and bid her farewells. The officer was on his way out and Michael had vanished, waiting for night to come.
Though on his way out, Michael heard something. "Poor Michael, I hope the poor guys okay." He never heard someone speak of him so fondly before, not even as a kid.
He ignored the beating in his lower area, and the throbbing on his heart and went away, he thought so fondly of that woman he didn't know how to react,
obviously he was a grown man so he had gotten aroused and angry because of it. He didn't know how to deal with such a thing, he ignored his thoughts yet not his actions, watching her sleep and shower.
Just to make sure she didn't drown, or die in her sleep.
He had no clue why he cared, or why she cared about him but the feeling was mutual.
He went into the basement and ravished on the food she had put in his little fridge, she even put snacks and drinks, new blankets and pillows. So odd that she really cared.
He noticed everyday before he left out she did too, he followed her as she went to the library, and he watched her look him up, he almost found it amusing, she wanted to know about him.
He remembered she looked up if teleporting existed because of how fast he moved, to be honest he didn't know how he did it, he really just left when he wanted. And he was so big he wondered himself how people didn't notice him.
He was interested in you, you were funny, and considerate.
Sometimes he shamefully let his guard down around you and your comfortable presence, he didn't notice he just did it. Like all his senses went blank once he was with you.
He was a psychopath, he couldn't enjoy something. So what was this? Obsession, Desperation?
quickly it got late, and the officer had been on his phone in the car. Not patrolling shit. Michael stood in front of the car, and eventually the officer took notice of him, stepping out the car with a taser in hand.
The officer told him to speak, which obviously he didn't do. Michael pulled out his knife and the officer tased him, obviously it didn't do much. So Michael put his knife right in the mans abdomen,
the man collapsed, on his knees, Michael being as ruthless as he was he ripped of the mans dispatch so no one could contact him until he bled out.
He put the bottom of his boot in the mans mouth and placed on his weight down on one foot dislocating the whole of his bottom jaw.
Quickly Michael vanished into his home. Hearing a thud and scream come from upstairs, he went towards the sound, wondering if you had been in danger.
And he supposes he was right you had attempted to lift your bed on your own and was crumbling under its weight.
Michael scoffed and lifted it, you were surprised he had helped but you thanked him. Yet you smelled a strong stench of metal and you had blood stains on your mattress.
Yet the most obvious sign was the knife dripping.
A gasp left her lips and the taser head was stuck in Michaels stomach.
"You didn't"
She was backing away, what did she expect. He was a cold blooded murderer.
"I thought-"
Thought what? That he'd just stop killing all of a sudden?
You can love a monster all you wish, the monster can even love you back, but that doesn't change it's nature.
she took a deep breath, inhaling the stench of death, what did you expect. You mentally cursed yourself, and for a glimpse Michael saw a hint of disgust in your eyes.
Yet he stood there breathing heavy, covered in blood and sweat. You turned your back to him, grabbing the blankets and pillows throwing it on your bed.
Trying to pretend you weren't terrified even though he saw your body shaking.
He took a step towards you, your back on his chest and breath on your neck, his knife near your arm when suddenly both your eyes snapped towards the sirens.
And to his surprise even though you were terrified you told him to hide in the closet. The police barged in the door, yet instead of hiding he grabbed you with a knife to your throat.
You were a fucking idiot because even in this position you trusted him, so you didn't fight back.
The police kicked the door down and aimed the gun at Michael.
"Let the woman go!"
He pressed the knife on your throat, not deep enough to cut you. He tossed you towards them causing most of them to drop their guns, quickly you rolled out the way running down the stairs. You were going to fast and knocked yourself unconscious.
You woke up dizzy and in a bed, Michael standing in the corner. He was drenched in blood, and it was obvious it was not his.
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scoonsalicious · 6 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 15, Undermined - Pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mentions of SA, discussions of sexual situations.
Word Count: 1k
Previously On...: You went through Bucky's text history with Jade. It was... illuminating, but also soul-crushing. You're not sure how you're going to get past this.
A/N: Thank you all so much for the engagement you've been giving the story! It means so much to me to see everyone so invested! I love you all! Some of ya'lls theories are WILD, and I love them! Keep 'em coming! And if you've sent me a speculation or comment and I haven't replied, it only means that I can't respond without giving away too much information about what's to come, so I feel it's best for me to keep my trap shut; not that I don't appreciate and love you!
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Taglist: (Sadly, tag list is closed; Tumblr will not let me add anyone new. If you want to be notified when I update, please Follow me for Notifications!) @jmeelee @cazellen @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @blackhawkfanatic @buckybarnessimpp @hayjat @capswife @itsteambarnes @marygoddessofmischief @sebastians-love @learisa @lethallyprotected @rabbitrabbit12321 @buckybarnesandmarvel @fanfictiongirl77 @calwitch @fantasyfootballchampion @selella @jackiehollanderr @wintercrows @sashaisready @missvelvetsstuff @angelbabyyy99 @keylimebeag @maybefoxysouls @vicmc624 @j23r23 @wintercrows @crist1216 @cjand10 @pattiemac1 @les-sel @dottirose @winterslove1917 @harperkenobi @ivet4 @casey1-2007 @mrsevans90 @steeph-aniie @bean-bean2000 @beanbagbitch @peachiestevie @wintrsoldrluvr @shadowzena43
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The next several weeks passed by quietly. Or, rather, as quietly as living in a towerful of superheroes could be expected to be. You and Bucky danced around each other in a strange sort of limbo since you had officially broken up–almost two months ago, now– no longer lovers, yet not quite just friends. It was difficult. It was painful. He would say something, or give you that look, and you’d be so tempted to melt into his arms. Hell, or rip off his fucking clothes. But you’d remember everything that had happened, the way your life had been completely unended in the span of an evening, and the urges would vanish like smoke in the wind, and the walls would return around your heart.
You’d wanted to ask Steve about what Bucky had said– about getting erections when he sparred, but he was still ignoring you, not wanting to engage with you in any form of conversation that didn’t directly concern Avenger work. It was beyond frustrating, the length his cold shoulder had gone on for, but you couldn’t force him to engage with you.
There was, however, one person you could ask, though you were fairly confident Bucky would be furious at you for doing so. Oh well, you thought. If he didn’t want you asking questions about it, he should have never given you reason to question the things he told you in the first place.
“Hey, Sammy,” you said, cornering your friend in the training room after he finished a run on the treadmill. 
“‘Sup, Baby Girl?” Sam wiped his brow with the hem of his shirt. “Come to watch Ole Sammy get all sweaty?”
“Ew, gross,” you shoved him playfully. “Not even a little bit. I have a question for you, though.” You handed him his water bottle, and he took it from you gratefully, chugging down a few swigs before looking back to you.
“Shoot,” he said. “I got all the answers.”
You chewed thoughtfully on your bottom lip, wondering how exactly you were going to word your inquiry. “You ever spar with Bucky?”
Sam slowly lowered his water bottle and eyed you suspiciously. “Why?” he asked you slowly.
“It’s a simple question, Sam,” you responded as you crossed your arms over your chest. “Have you sparred with him, or not?”
Sam narrowed his eyes, as though trying to determine whether or not you were luring him into some kind of trap. “I have,” he drawed out.
You raised a brow. “Anything… weird ever happen to Bucky when he really lets himself get invested in a fight?” you asked. “Anything… unusual?”
“So, he finally told you about that, huh?” Sam asked, mirroring your stance. 
“I’m gonna need you to be more specific, Sam.” You put all of your weight onto one foot. 
“Well, either you know, or you don’t,” Sam argued. “It’s not my secret to tell you.”
You were growing frustrated at his reticence to give you the information you were looking for. “Come on, Sam. Let’s just say Bucky told me about something that occasionally happens to him when he fights, but I don’t know if I can believe him or not. I’d ask Steve, but he’s not speaking to me at the moment, so you’re my only way of confirming if what he told me is true or not. I need you to be straight with me. Please.”
Sam studied you, his expression unreadable. “What the hell happened between the two of you, Pocket?”
“Nothing I want to talk about right now, Sam,” you told him, your impatience beginning to show. “Are you going to tell me what I need to know, or not?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Sam said, finally giving in. “Alright. So, sometimes, when Tin Man really gets into the heat of it, he gets…” Sam coughed, clearly uncomfortable with the line of conversation, “excited.”
“Excited.” You rolled the word around in your mouth. “More specific, Sam.”
Sam rubbed his eyes. “Jesus Christ, Baby Girl. You gonna make me spell it out?” You nodded, eager for him to get on with it.
Sam’s eyes rolled heavenward, as though he were praying for the Lord to give him the strength to deal with you. “Sometimes he gets a fucking boner when he fights, alright? You happy now?”
You should be. You really should be. It meant there was one thing, at least, he’d been honest with you about. But it wasn’t nearly enough.
“Did he tell you why?” you asked, instead.
“You’re just asking me to break all kinds of confidences today, ain’t ya, Baby Girl?” You gave him a pointed look.
“Fine, fine,” Sam finally relented. “It was awkward as hell, the first time I noticed it happen, but Barnes said it was a left over from the shit Hydra did to him when they were programming him to be the Winter Soldier. They wanted to make him… excited by the fight, aroused by it.” Sam shook his head, disgusted by what his friend had endured. “So, they did all kindsa shit to merge the two– sex and violence, until his body couldn’t tell the difference between ‘em.”
You blinked once, twice, three times at Sam’s words. You supposed you should feel grateful– here was confirmation Bucky’d spoken the truth to you, and you were fairly sure that Sam wouldn’t have lied to your face to save Bucky’s ass. And yet… and yet. Sam, and Steve, as well, had been privy to this part of Bucky’s past that he’d felt the need to keep from you. Even that thought brought you more conflict: if it was something Bucky had shared with Sam and Steve, it made the fact he’d shared it with Jade less significant. But, the angry voice in the back of your head insisted, he’d still chosen not to share it with you. And that still stung. Your thoughts just spun in circles.
“Got anymore horrifically awkward questions for me?” Sam asked, and you realized you’d been silent a bit too long.
“No,” you said, shaking your head as though to clear your thoughts. “Uh, that was it. Thanks, Sam. I appreciate it.” You turned to leave the training room.
“I’d say ‘any time, Baby Girl,’” Sam called after you, “but that was awkward as hell and I sure as shit never want to talk about Bucky’s erections with anyone ever again!”
<- Previous Part / Next Part ->
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pablitogavii · 7 months
Can you write a longer angsty story where Y/N runs away from a guy (who was aggressive/sexually inappropriate etc) and then Gavi jumps in being like “who did this to you”, “touch her and you die”
Y/N sobbing against his chest. Gavi getting angry and punching the guy.
Y/N being like “I’m okay” Gavi being overprotective and insisting that she stay at his place
Maybe with smut
Don't touch her
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You knew Pablo since you were together in middle school. Then he left to play professionally but you kept being each other's favorite enemies. Somehow you could never see eye to eye.
Both of your families always talked about you two being together because of how much you "hate" on each other. Even Aurora always teases you about it.
You were right now in one of the most uncomfortable dates of your life. They guy was way too touchy and you wanted to leave asap.
"Wanna go over to my place guapa?" he smirked reaching his hand underneath the table to place it on your knee and you gulped sending the text to the first person on your list, and it just had to be Pablo.
You two were fighting last night about something again so he was on your speed dial always. Pablo received your location with an "sos" so he was already in the car on the way to you.
No matter the arguments and fights, there was no way Pablo wouldn't come when you called...likewise went for you being first there during his injury.
"Alright, let's go!" he said reaching your hand and walking out of the restaurant. You wanted to leave the place before telling him you're not up for it not knowing that was more dangerous.
"I'm a little tired, maybe next time" you say trying to move away but his grip tightened. Damn will that stupid Pablo come already!
"Let go of me ..." you say trying to pull away and he slammed you against the concrete wall and you hit your head feeling dizzy. His hand went on your throat and he left marks while kissing your skin making you sick!
"Please, stop ..." you were crying and suddenly someone pulled the guy off you tossing him to the floor and pulling you to his side.
"P..Pablo" you say drying your tears and he pulled you behind his back while the guy stood back up marching towards you two.
"Touch her ...and you die" Pablo was stern and cold and something in you warmed up at his words. It felt special to hear him protect you like this. You somehow always felt safe when he was there for you.
"Who are you, her bodyguard!?" guy said and you felt your cheeks flush.
"Who me!? Nah! You're crazy!" Pablo negated like always and you remembered why you guys hated each other so much. It was always hard to admit what you two felt for each other.
"So why are you here???" guy said and you wanted to know the answer to that question.
"Problem mio" Pablo simply said pulling you towards his car and the guy walked towards you trying to grab you resulting in Gavi punching you hard that his nose bled.
"Let's get you home nena..." he said after you were both in the car and you shook your head quickly. Last thing you wanted is to explain what happened to your parents. You just wanted to sleep and forget all about it.
"Vale, let's go to my house then huh?" he said and you nodded as he noticed you were still shaking up a little bit.
"You're safe now" he said reaching one of his hands to grab yours and you blush once again ...was Pablo really holding your hand and being gentle with you???
"I'm okay ..." you say sadly and he nodded continuing to hold your hand all the way to his house.
"Where are your parents?" you ask as you walked inside the gorgeous mansion at the edge of town.
"Back in Seville with Aurora. I'm alone for awhile" he explained as you walked to the living room and sat down quite sad and shy.
Pablo made you a cup of tea still keeping your favorite black one around, before sitting besides you and raising up your chin. This was all new and strange but you weren't complaining at the way Pablo was making you feel tonight.
"I shouldn't have went ..." you say feeling like all of this could have been prevented if you stayed at home.
"No, he shouldn't force you on anything you're not ready for ...it should have been enough to be in your company ..." Pablo was catching himself off guard not knowing why he cared all of the sudden.
"Um Pablo ...I'm a little tired" you say and he jumps helping you to the guest room before bringing you one of his shirts to change into for bed. It wasn't the first time he saw you in his clothes over the years, but tonight it felt strangely good.
"Um ...thank you for everything tonight" you spoke playing with the edges of his shirt that was falling to your knees and he smiled nodding his head and slowly getting closer. Your heart was being so strong against your chest ... what is this feeling!?
When you closed your eyes, you felt his hand touching your hair and he left a kiss on top of your head gently. It was more passion you felt when any other guy gave you a real kiss.
"I'm glad you're safe now, nena" was all he said before wishing you a goodnight and leaving to his own room.
For the next few hours, neither of you could sleep. You were both very much turned on and desperate for each other's company. It was you who slowly got to your feet and walked into his room first despite how nervous you were about it.
"Pablo? Are you sleeping?" you ask and before you could finish the sentence he was already sitting up and smiling towards you.
"No, can't ...you?" he said and you shook your head while pouting. Despite wanting Pablo, you were also a little shaken up after tonights events.
"Well, come here and we'll watch something together?" he said and you smile getting underneath the covers and he scrolls through the channels until you chose a very much romantic movie to watch.
"These are corny!" he complained for the fifth time and you giggled turning your attention away from the TV and looking into his eyes instead without another word.
"Why? Because they're romantic? Or because you wish they were real?" you came closer biting your lip while looking into his and he took the signal smirking and snaking his arm around your waist.
"You mean real like this nena?" he spoke softly and you nodded placing your hand on his heart feeling it beating fast.
"Why did you save me Pablo?" you ask and he shrugs feeling a little shy and proud to admit that he hated the fact you were out with anyone but himself.
"Because ... well because you needed me y basta!" he said looking away but you placed your finger underneath his chin making him look back at you.
"You keep going on how much you hate me, and yet you are always there when I need you?" you smirk and he blushes tightening his grip around your waist.
"One would think you're lying and that tu eres muerto por mi Pablito?" you tease making him roll his eyes at you but then your hands went to his hair and he became serious again.
"Que haces conmigo nena!?" he smirks and you blush enjoying the way his hair feeling underneath your fingertips. Soon after you two cuddled up together and fell asleep in each other's embrace.
What you didn't expect is that his family arrived the next morning finding the two of you cuddled up in his bed. Aurora was quick to play some music and make you both jump in fear being all disheveled and now very much embarrassed.
"I knew you two would end up together!" she giggled
"WE'RE NOT TOGETHER!" you both yelled at the same time looking into each other's eyes and bursting into laughter.
"Okay, they know now nena...whatever I don't care!" he says grabbing your face and kissing you sweetly before his family left you two to get ready and come down for breakfast.
"You're all mine now nena.." he smirks pulling you closer and you felt your heart jumping a beat at his words..together with you enemy..it felt unreal..but so natural and right.
"All yours Pablito.." you whisper back before you two started kissing again more passionately.
Barcelona, Spain
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You're mine now, nena😍
gavisgirls: he's taken now chicas!! :(((
y.n.bebe: hehe my fav enemy 🤴🏻
pablogavi: no more enemies, now lovers👸🏻
aurorapaezg: I called it first!
pedri: me too!!
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frvnkcastles · 2 months
I have an imagine, Instead of damsel reader what if reader is highly skilled in combat and just never told Frank and one day when Frank is in a unfortunate position thinking reader is about to get jumped by like 11 dudes she effortlessly takes them out leaving our boy super confused 😭
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Summary: Frank is highly protective of you, not knowing that you know how to fight until you’re cornered by his enemies after a night out.
Warnings: Violence, language
Word count: 1.6k
Author’s note: This was a lot of fun!! Sorry it took me a while to get to it, anon <3 Hope you enjoy :)
You had never felt as safe as you did with Frank. You hadn’t been together for very long, but he had made it clear from the get-go that he took great pride in protecting his loved ones — a list that had gotten significantly shorter, sadly. However, he had quickly fallen for you, a one night stand turned into something more, and as much as it scared him to get attached and get close to someone new, he found himself impossibly drawn to you. He showed his affection for you by keeping you shielded from the cruel world outside, or at least by preparing you for it. He would walk you to work and back home, teach you how to use a gun, and insist on doing your shopping for you.
It was sweet and you knew it was his way of loving you, so you didn’t have the heart to tell him you were actually more than capable of looking after yourself. You had trained in numerous ways for multiple years, and you had also been in your fair share of situations of overly handsy men or someone trying to rob you on the street — it was just the way your city was, and you had gotten a headstart on being equipped to handle it.
You knew that if someone were to start a fight with you, you’d easily come out on top, but you quite enjoyed Frank looking after you. It wasn’t too condescending or belittling, he had the perfect approach to respecting you but also really, really needing you to be okay. You understood where it came from, the innate desire to do everything he could just to help you, so you didn’t make a fuss about it.
But sooner or later, you would have to tell him. If not by choice, then someone would force your hand.
After a particularly sweet date night, the time came for him to find out just how skilled you were. Frank had taken you to a restaurant you considered to be a little above your budget, but he insisted on spoiling you and made sure you ate to your heart’s content and had plenty of wine throughout the night. He was an absolute gentleman, no longer fueled only by anger but also his feelings for you. He had found a reason to get up in the morning, a purpose in making you feel loved and appreciated, and he was enjoying it way more than he had anticipated. He had so much love to give, and even if he thought himself to be a little rusty, you had never felt so cherished.
You were walking down the street towards your apartment, Frank’s arm slung over your shoulders and his raspy voice in your ear as he wondered if you had had a good time. It made you blush, the gravelly words sending a shiver down your spine, the two of you wrapped up in your own little space. But you were torn out of that bubble and thrown into cold reality as three men stepped out from an alleyway, cutting you off, and you both stopped walking to assess the situation.
One of the men had a crowbar in his hands, ominously swinging it back and forth, and Frank instantly threw his arm in front of you while stepping forward, keeping you behind him. It was a futile effort, though, because a sneering laugh emerged from behind you, and you flinched at the menacing sound. Both you and Frank turned around only to find three more men, and you swallowed thickly, feeling the anxiety rise in your throat. You could hold your own, but you didn’t exactly like picking fights with armed men.
”We heard the Punisher had found himself a pretty little girlfriend. Didn’t think it would actually be true”, one of the men chuckled, and with his eyes dark and threatening, Frank glared at him.
”Your problem’s with me. Got nothin’ to do with her”, he spoke through gritted teeth, his fists by his sides, ready to punch. He hated the idea of you getting caught in the middle, or even just witnessing him at his worst. You knew what he could and would do, but he preferred maintaining that gentle, romantic picture he had painted for you. Anyone who tried to shatter that for you was going to regret it.
”How could we walk away from such a sweet thing?” another man taunted, stepping closer to you to trace a touch down your arm, causing you to withdraw with a grimace.
”Hey! You touch her again, you will lose that hand, you understand?” Frank roared, fury seeping into his voice as he tried to keep the men at bay. He knew the situation could go south very quickly, and the uncertainty of how to protect you from half the men while fighting the other half made him agitated to a point where he wouldn’t hesitate to punch his way through.
”Fine. We’ll just hurt you, instead”, the man with the crowbar declared before lunging at Frank, swaying the weapon in the air to get a hit in. Frank grabbed the crowbar right before it was about to slam him in the face, and as he yanked it away from the man, his friends jumped into action, as well.
You didn’t want them to hurt Frank, and you refused to just watch. So, you made your own move — you kicked the man nearest to you in the stomach, bringing him down to his knees, and you finished him off with a harsh punch in the face. As he collapsed on the ground, the other two men on your side came at you, and you dodged their fists as best as you could. One of them grabbed you, wringing your arms behind your back, but as the second one approached you, you kicked him between the legs before throwing your head back into the first man’s nose.
The crack of his face got him to let go of you, and you punched him repeatedly until he stayed down, leaving you with one more to deal with. When you turned around, he was already running towards you, and you quickly reacted by ducking and slamming your entire arm against his chest. He struggled but didn’t fall down, so you made another attempt, this time choosing to catch him from behind and wrap your arms around his neck. He fought for air, but you squeezed until he was defeated, not enough to kill him but just so he would leave you be. When you let go, he slumped down to the ground, and you could finally catch your own breath and wipe the sweat from your forehead.
Looking back to Frank, you saw him smack the final man standing across the face with the bloody crowbar. With that one last swing, all of the six men were left lying on the ground — but Frank didn’t know that. Panicked, he turned around and raised the crowbar, blood splattered on his angry face as he prepared to fight the rest off of you, only to find you standing there, looking so innocent and pure even though three bodies lay at your feet.
”Shit”, Frank breathed out, lowering the crowbar as a mixture of confusion and amazement contorted his face. He looked puzzled, and you suddenly felt shy under his scrutinizing stare. This wasn’t exactly how you had wanted to tell him you could fend for yourself, and you couldn’t read his face very well, making you wonder what he was thinking.
”You did that?” he finally asked, still breathing heavily, glancing at the groaning men on the ground. ”I—wow. You been practicin’ without me?” he continued, not really sure where all this had come from.
Shaking your head, you stepped over to him and smiled sheepishly. ”No, I… I’ve known how to fight all along. I’ve trained for years”, you revealed, and with his eyes widening in surprise, Frank broke into a smile of his own, partly in disbelief but it was mostly impressed.
”That’s incredible, sweetheart. Fuck, I’m—I’m speechless. Why didn’t you say somethin’? I’ve been hoverin’ over ya like an asshole”, he chuckled, feeling a little embarrassed that he hadn’t given you the space to shine until now. He cast a look at his feet, worry flooding his heart as he contemplated if he was suffocating you, but you were quick to tell him otherwise.
”Because I like it when you look after me. It makes me feel special, I guess. And I think you like it, too. I didn’t want to take that away from you”, you explained with a shrug, and reluctantly, Frank gave you a nod.
”Yeah. Yeah, guess I do”, he admitted, not really able to put it into words but protecting you was an instinct to him, just natural and the most obvious thing in the world. ”I do feel a lil’ better knowin’ I don’t gotta worry about you all the time, though”, he added, and smiling, you took his hand in your own and squeezed it.
”No, you don’t. I’m gonna be okay and I’m not going anywhere. Promise”, you reassured him, knowing he needed to hear it sometimes. He had lost so much and you simply refused to cause him more grief.
Holding your hand tightly, Frank dropped the crowbar and stepped over the men to lead you back home. The two of you had certainly taught them a lesson not to mess with the Punisher or his girlfriend, and he couldn’t help but feel immensely proud.
”Y’know what else?” Frank asked, and lifting an eyebrow, you gave him a look, one that he responded to with a grin. ”That was pretty goddamn hot, sweetheart.”
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aliferous-ly · 3 months
Sometimes Tango sees gold. He's deep in the Warden's den, so surely everything is soaked in blue and green.
Prussian blue. DePrussian blue. Like depression. Eh? Good one, right?
Tango sighs. The gold only flits in the corner of his vision and he's tired, he's endlessly tired but he can't leave until he's done. It's already been so long. He's stuck making shitty jokes to haunted faces that would sooner blastificate his face off than laugh.
But the gold. It's like stardust on his tongue. Memories of hellfire. Gorgeous gilded blackstone, the stuff from his days as a blazeling. No, more like dandelions, like sunbeams through forest branches.
Tango sticks his tongue out in concentration, hopping between crackling soulfires. Navigating his own maze requires skill! Skill that he doesn't always have, admittedly.
Releasing a quiet sigh of relief, Tango approaches an unfinished pillar. He twirls his pickaxe and gets to work. Shulker boxes surround him in short order.
So focused on his work, he misses the gold. He misses the yellow, the soft, the scorching, but it draws near all the same, getting closer and closer-
"Ah! Ow, ow, ow, ow," a voice yelps.
Tango screams, fumbling with his pickaxe and building blocks. Both fall to the ground as Tango whirls, nobody's supposed to be here, especially not-
Jimmy sadly stomps his wing out. Black marks mar the feathers, ugly soot staining the gold. "Hi, Tango."
"What are you... How are you here? What are you doing here? You're - you're on Hermitcraft!" Tango gapes.
"Oh, um, crossover event?" Jimmy tries.
"I didn't think there was one of those right now," Tango says. He roots around in his many pockets, making a small happy noise when he finds his comm. He boots it up and peers at the list of people online.
Strangely, Jimmy's the only non-hermit. Tango scrolls through a few lines of Jimmy-Skizz banter, then sees Grian's message of a simple, "join vc".
"Grian got you on?" Tango says, still mystified.
"No, it was more of a group - Tango, quit distracting me! I trudged through all this - this hullabaloo to see you!" Jimmy punctuates this with hands placed determinedly on hips, expression set to a hopeful scowl.
Tango can't make heads or tails of it. It might have to do with the several shots of espresso coursing through his system. Or the lack of sleep. Or the concentration-fatigue, or the way his eyes have been going crossed when he peers at redstone wiring. Any number of reasons, really.
"...why?" Tango finally asks.
This stumps Jimmy. He blinks a few times and furrows his eyebrows. "Why? What d'you mean why? You're my rancher, that's why!"
Well, that's true. Tango nods. Then he paused, frowns, and shakes his head. "Wait, you can't be down here! Spoilers, Jimmy, spoilers!"
Jimmy snaps his fingers. "I'm not a hermit! And I'm certainly going to watch the videos when hermits release them. I won't spill!"
"I guess..."
"But anyway, let's get out of here. It's so stuffy and - fiery," Jimmy says. He flutters his burnt wing helpfully.
Tango wilts. His desire to see Jimmy and guilt at causing him harm wars with his ever-present need to keep working. "I'm busy, Jim. Gotta keep working. It's already been so long, the hermits are getting antsy..."
Jimmy invades his space and as the cavern trickles to silence, he wraps his arms and wings around him.
Tango's always been weak for him. He exhales. Any scrap of energy still clinging to his worn-out body vanishes, and he rocks further into Jimmy's hold.
To his credit, Jimmy just makes a small noise and adjusts so he can support his weight.
"Come on, then," Jimmy says softly. He runs his fingers through his hair. "Let's go take a rest, yeah?"
"Yeah, okay," Tango breathes. He closes his eyes and sinks into Jimmy's warmth. It's rather terrible of his fellow hermits, he thinks absentmindedly. Using his rancher for such nefarious means.
But now the glimpses of gold haunt him no longer. His precious yellow fills Tango's vision, covering him in head to toe with deep contentment.
His rancher. His rancher. Tango smiles, and everything glitters.
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dronebiscuitbat · 4 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 16)
They had done a decent job hiding this all from Khan until this point. The man had been busy fixing a malfunctioning main door and she had gotten quite good at hiding things from him. However that had to end when she was going to be forced to spend at least a couple of days staying in N's apartment, looking after his new daughter.
Khan decidedly did not need to know that her name was also on those adoption papers, and the longer she could keep that hidden the better, as much as N was someone she could let her guard down around, the same couldn't be said about the rest of the bunker, there were already rampant rumors flying around the bunker about her and N, not helped by them walking together with a baby to his apartment she was sure. She didn't need to give them any more fuel.
So now she was near the front of the bunker, looking for her dad to break the news that yes, N did end up adopting the baby they'd literally just told him he wasn't like… a few days ago.
She was sure that conversation was going to go well.
“Dad?” She called out, her voice echoing out in the much larger hall, absent of other people. At this hour, most sane people would be asleep, but not her, and it would likely be a little bit before her old man would want to stop working, that was one of the few things they shared; when a task needed to be done, neither of them stopped until their bodies demanded it.
“Here dronelette!” His voice came from above, and so her head turned towards it, only to find Khan awkwardly wrapped around a pipe, tightening a gasket on Door 2, honestly it almost looked like one of the weird ass positions she would take while writing something that caught her attention.
“How did you even get up there?” She asked, looking around for any evidence of a ladder or a stool and found neither.
“I scaled the pipes! What? Didn't think your old man could climb?” He chuckled lightly without loosing focus, tongue sticking out of his mouth as his eyelights scrunched up
“Uh no, actually.” Was all she said, watching as he worked for another minute before he wiped the nonexistent sweat of his brow and looked down.
Then with a semi-impressive level of balance and grace, jumped down from the rather high ceiling, using the other pipes as monkey bars before landing safely at her side.
Only to wince as his joints made a rather concerning noise.
“Agh, so it's been awhile…” He chuckled again, although this time a little sadly before turning to his daughter with a smile that seemed genuine.
“What did you need?” He asked, and Uzi shook off the strange feeling of awe watching her dad do something that was actually sort of risky like it was normal for him.
Only for it to be replaced by the nervousness of the reason she'd actually sought him out. Great…
“Uh yeah. I was just letting you know I need to stay over at N's tonight…”
Khan looked confused, but a smile still graced his face.
“Is that all? You normally wouldn't come find me for something small like that.”
“And… for possibly the next few days?” She finished, at which then Khan’s face fell, becoming more confused and a little concerned.
“Why's that? N's not sick is he? Can murder drones even get sick…?”
“No! He's fine, well mostly. It's just he needs my help with… uh something.” She was trying to avoid the inevitable. She knew playing the pronoun game with her dad was a habit, but one she'd only truly win if she had a door to slam in his face.
“Which is?” She winced, sweat appearing on her visor as she grinned warily, shifting her fingers together nervously.
“N ended up… adopting Tera. And he needs my help in taking care of her until he gets everything ready for her.”
Khan’s jaw was on the floor, put of all thing he'd expected out of his daughters mouth that was… not at the top of the list; along with “Bite me” or “Mind your freaking business.”
“He told me he wasn't going to.”
“He wasn't, but… Tera has an overheating issue and no one else seemed to want to deal with it.” She tried to explain without concerning him further.
Khan didn't say anything, so she felt the urge to continue impulsively.
“We talked about it, and we agreed that Mrs Rayn is a little too old to raise a baby. And We have a lot of experience with overheating… with him getting his new apartment, we thought…” She stopped suddenly. Realizing she had gone from talking about N to talking about them. As a unit.
“I-uh yeah, he talked to me about it first and I talked him through it all to make sure he was serious about it. I-I'm not on the papers or anything!”
She probably could have omitted that last part, but the way Khan was looking at her was making the usually rather quiet part of her brain requiring his approval speak up slightly louder.
She wasn't sure Khan entirely believed her, squinting at her with extreme suspicion, she glanced to the side, eyeing the way she came as if she regreted the entire trek up here.
“If you're just doing it to help them settle in. Wouldn't that only take a few hours? Or a day?” He began again slowly, still processing the sudden information.
“Normally, and that was the plan. But uh, he lacks the hardware to take care of her properly.”
“Rayn should have given him the cable and the bottles, what do you-”
“He doesn't have a side panel.” She interrupted him blunty, pausing whatever he was about to say next
Khan was quiet.
“No, you didnt mishear me. He doesn't have a side panel.”
“Everyone has one.”
“He doesn't.”
Khan blinked before he sighed heavily, thinking deeply on everything that was just discussed. He felt one of his hands start shaking, but he gripped it to make it stop.
“I had about the same reaction, but it makes sense, why would a disassembly drone ever need that kind of hardware?”
He nodded at that, before a different thought entered his head entirely.
“How do they raise their kids then?”
At that Uzi paused, she knew N's background, how he used to be a worker drone and had never been a pillbaby. So that thought had simply never entered her mind, but it did get her thinking…
Could N even pass down his code at all? Did it work the same way as with worker drones?
And if it did, what would his kids even look like? White eyelights? Yellow? Would they carry the same traits as a disassembly drone or would they just remain a worker drone?
“I don't think they do…” She answered, she didn't want to expose too much of N's past, that wasn't her story to tell, but her dad had been being… more tolerable as of late. “N was a worker drone before he became… what he is now. So I think all that hardware was removed.”
“He was? What did he used to do?” He asked, head tilted to the side.
“He…” She paused for a moment, deciding if N would mind if she said anything, he was pretty sensitive about his time at the manor; she decided giving him the very basics was enough. “He was a butler, he had white eyelights.”
“White. Huh.”
At that the conversation stagnated, and Uzi sighed, beginning to walk away.
“Now that you know, can I uh… go?” She gestured in the direction she was currently going, clearly not waiting for his answer as Khan seemed to be frozen, processing all of this information.
But he nodded, dumbly. And she took that as her que to book it, not stopping until she was certain that even if her dad wanted to catch up, she'd be long gone. Perfect for making an undetected journey back.
She didn't take the normal way back to N's apartment either, trying to avoid more stares from more judgemental faces, it was somehow worse now than it ever was, at least before they'd done it quietly, too scared to be noticed by her and be met with violence, but they seemed to sniff out her now softened edges, because now some drones didn't bother to hide it.
“Looks like the freak found a boy toy.”
“Of course she'd be freinds with a murder drone, she's all kinds of gross.”
“You think she let's him bite her? She's probably into it…”
One of those came from Lizzy, which was honestly so typical she barely even registered it. (Although she hadn't said anything in awhile, V probably had something to do with that.) But the other two, the one about N being a boy toy and her letting him bite her, were new, and came from a brand new mouth.
She wasn't sure if this particular girl had a thing for N, because both of those were rather strange places for someone's mind to default to, but whatever the case she'd made comments like that rather often, her name was… Chloe? That sounded right.
She was quiet before, Uzi thought, because she was a brand new face and voice for her, orange eyelights and rich black hair that went down to her shoulders. But that was literally the only thing Uzi could remember about her.
And the only reason she hadn't bitten back when she'd heard it was because N had been next to her, oblivious to it all, walking back to her place after the craziness that was prom. She'd also been tired, injured, and freaked out, but those things didn't stop her nearly as much as N's presence.
N didn't deserve that ridicule, not in the least. He was the sweetest guy on the entirety of Copper-9. And yet those comments were derogatory to him too, essentially calling him easy, for Uzi to be able to “get him.”
First. Ew, Not that Uzi wasn't attracted to him, she was. (Not like she was ever going to say anything.) But talking about anyone like that was gross, and this was N, Her best freind.
Second. How dare she drag his name in the dirt with her! She could drag Uzi's name around all she wanted, it would just be treading old ground. But N? He'd done nothing to Chloe, except maybe make her feel things? She didn't know, those comments were so weird and uncomfortable.
She pushed out the thoughts from her mind when she reached N's door, partly thankful for her switch to being a night owl, she rarely saw any of her classmates anymore, except Thad. And when she did it was incredibly brief, when she was turning in her work.
Because yes, she was still going to school. She just did all of her work at home. What else was she supposed to do after murdering half her class? V had taken the blame, but that didn't mean everyone else didn't know the real culprit.
The door swished open, revealing N still on the couch, watching Tera as she rolled around playing with her jingling roll toy, he smiled when he looked up at her, worry leaving his visor somewhat.
“What'd he say?” He asked, motioning her to sit across from him, which she did, her eyes going back to Tera, who rolled over to her, jingling all the way.
“I mean, he asked a bunch of questions. But he didn't stop me sooo…” She flashed him a smirk and he felt his eyes roll, even still his smile didn't leave, instead he tried to relax, keeping an eye on the pillbaby as Uzi picked her up, looking down at her with a small smile.
“She's getting sleepy… do you know where that charger went?” N looked over and noticed that Tera's eyes were substantially dimmer, as well as her normal rolling had slowed down.
He plucked the charger put of the bag and handed it to her, and Uzi began the process of lifting her hoodie and undershirt enough to plug it into herself, thankfully, this didn't time it didn't seem to be painful.
She plugged the normally excitable rolling machine into her side and her eyes immediately brightened, and Uzi's visor immediately filled with a warning, telling her a foreign entity was drawing her power.
She closed it instantly, old JCJenson warnings that no longer applied. The pop-ups were still annoying regardless.
“There you go, happy now?” She asked the infant as if she could respond, and she did, by rolling into Uzi's chest and yawning, before quickly falling into sleep mode.
N just watched, smile never once fading from his face. He'd known that he rather liked seeing Uzi interact with Tera, as she was normally at her softest. But with that added context that this was now his daughter she was interacting with left him with his core full of fuzzy cotton.
“You're really good at that.” He pointed out as Uzi tried to get get comfortable with a baby attached to her, though it was rather difficult, as the cord was quite short and didn't leave much room to menuver.
But she still looked up at him, a small blush on her face that he caught a glimpse of before she turned away.
“Just practice is all.” She waved off, finally giving up on being comfortable and just sitting awkwardly stuffed into the couch with Tera laying on her stomach.
“You're still amazing at this. I would be totally freaking put right now without you being here.” He admitted, trying to make her take the compliment without waving it off, it was probably never going to happen though.
“Your instincts would have kicked in, and you'd get all fatherly on her without my help.” She laughed, and put a hand over Tera to steady her, as the action disturbed her slightly.
“Seriously, you're way better at this then you think you are.” She hummed, presumably to get him to shush about it.
At that moment Tera became unplugged, starting her into a fall off Uzi, rolling off and beginning to plumet to the hardwood floor, N immediately rocketed forward, catching the little pill before she ever touched the ground, even if it left him in the rather awkward position of his legs still on the couch as the rest of him was on the floor.
Tera giggled sleepily before going back into sleep mode, satisfied with her mischief.
“See? You already have the reflexes.” Uzi pointed out and caused N to look back at the pillbaby with a smile.
Maybe he could be alright at this after all.
Next ->
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bellafragolina · 3 months
May I request insecurities for submas and warden Ingo? What are they insecure about, and how/when do they tell their partner? How do they respond to comfort once they do?
You got it for sure for sure I love my boys
Also, for context, submas in my headcanons have big noses cause I find that very handsome
Ingo has his fair share of insecurities regarding who he is as a person as well as how he looks. He’s too loud, he’s strange, he has a big nose, he’s bossy, he’s overly attached but also standoffish, he doesn’t smile. It’s easy to list such things, not that he ever really brings them up unless you either ask or something happens related to one of his insecurities and he feels the need to explain.
Ingo doesn’t really seek out comfort in regard to his insecurities. He’s very much an Older Sibling in the sense where he feels he has to be strong, never faltering, never showing weakness. He also tries to be a strong partner, so him talking about what makes him upset takes some time to whittle out of him.
He only doesn’t hesitate when you admit your own insecurities to him. Ingo doesn’t want you to feel alone, so he sympathizes by admitting some things he worries about too, thus you two can comfort one another together. Brains are strange and can be so mean sometimes, but they don’t know everything. Ingo knows everything about you, though, and he loves every part
When you turn it around on him, cradling his face and swooning over how handsome and amazing he is, Ingo finds it hard to deny you. He blushes and sputters some refutes, but you easily disproven them with kisses to his big nose and ever present frown, with compliments over how reliable and kind he is to his loved ones. Doubts linger, and they never fully go away, but you make Ingo feel good about himself and his idiosyncrasies, and that’s enough
Emmet is a lockbox, never letting slip the things he doesn’t like about himself. He refuses to talk about them because he refuses to really think about them. He ignores his insecurities most of the time, and you only ever get a hint that they’re there when he wrinkles his nose at himself in the mirror or falls silent when someone comments on his strange way of speaking
Emmet is hard to coax into talking about what bothers him. He thinks it doesn’t really matter, cause he likes himself and you and Ingo like him, so there’s no problem. Or there should be no problem. He gets frustrated for still being insecure when he knows he shouldn’t be, but sadly you can’t always just whim away these things. So Emmet ignores them instead.
Where Ingo is Older Sibling, Emmet is Younger Sibling in the sense that he keeps his issues to himself to not overburden Ingo, who already has so many responsibilities as the eldest. They’re twins, but they have their dynamics, and Emmet knows this, so he brushes off any concerns and tries to focus on being happy. And it works somewhat, until the bottle finally shatters from the pressure
When Emmet shatters, he falls into you as a pit of despair. He hates himself, he shouldn’t, he doesn’t want to, he doesn’t, but why does he have to talk this way and walk that way and look like this? Why is he off putting and why do people assume he’s so mean? You cradle his broken pieces, soft comforts and exclamations of love a glue to help him go back together again. He’s nothing short of perfect in your eyes, because Emmet is Emmet, and you love him. And Emmet learns to love that too.
Warden Ingo:
Surprisingly, Warden Ingo is more open to talking about his insecurities than Subway Boss Ingo. Maybe it’s because of his amnesia, or maybe it’s because he’s so lonely that he’s desperate to talk about anything to keep your company that much longer, or maybe it’s a mix of both. But Ingo brings up his worries about himself to you at seemingly random times, confiding in you to hopefully find either comfort or a way to fix whatever it is he doesn’t like (you never fix him, there’s nothing to fix)
Ingo admits to you concerns about his appearance, his big nose and sour expression. He worries about people fearing him, he worries about hurting people because he is naturally too loud. He’s also an outsider, and it makes him very insecure when he can’t act the “correct” way. You also being an outsider makes it easier to feel okay about his weirdness.
When things grow romantic, Ingo starts admitting more worries, concerning his age, if he’s a good partner to have, if you don’t deserve someone better. Luckily it’s easy to drown out these worries with plenty of kisses and loving affection. It’s hard to talk when your head is red as can be, after all.
Now if only he could understand why he feels so uncomfortable by himself, like he should be with someone else, guiding and protecting them. . .
I hope these are believable! They’re what I think the boys worry about concerning themselves. If only I could kiss those big noses <3
Have a good day!
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photogirl894 · 6 months
Omg for the 1k celebration (congrats btw!!!) could I get prompt #2 from the physical affection list, "a tight, desperate embrace", with uhhhhh Tech x reader ;w;
(,,,I miss him-)
I can definitely do that for you, friend! Sorry this took forever 😅
(I am part of the #TechLives movement, so this is going to reflect that immensely 😜)
**Slight season 3 spoilers, but really, it's nothing nobody doesn't know at this point**
"The Missing Piece"
2. A tight, desperate embrace
Pairing: Tech x fem reader
Nothing had been the same since Eriadu.
Since you and the Bad Batch had lost Tech.
There was a hole in the squad; a piece missing from the puzzle that put you all together. You all felt incomplete without him. Once he was lost to you, it seemed as though everything else fell apart after that.
Omega was captured soon after and Echo had gone off with Rex again. Hunter was driving himself crazy following every possible lead and scouring the galaxy trying to find Omega while you and Wrecker did your best to keep him sane. It was no easy task by any means. Hunter was beyond determined to find her.
Though, as fate would have it, Omega was the one who found all of you.
After months and months of searching, she made her way back to you along with Crosshair, much to all of your surprise. Yet it didn't matter. Omega was safe and Crosshair had turned his back on the Empire. While Hunter took a bit of time to forgive Crosshair for the past, you and Wrecker were quicker to since Omega trusted him. That was good enough for you. Even Echo reunited with all of you, even if it was temporary, to help on a mission. Things had gone well overall and the lot of you had returned to Pabu, things within your squad now on the mend.
The only thing that would fully heal your broken squad was if Tech were still alive...but sadly, you didn't think that was possible. There would always be a Tech-sized wound in all your hearts that would never heal.
His loss was still felt amongst all of you even when things were starting to look up. Part of why you all had gone on your previous mission was because Tech wasn't there. Omega had brought an Imperial datapad that needed decrypting, but without Tech to do it, you all had to go to an Imperial facility and plug it into a computer there so it could bypass the encryption in order to get the information on it. It was hard not having his knowledge of technology to help on missions, but you found yourself missing his many ramblings and even just the sound of his voice or his very presence in the pilot's seat of the Marauder...things you had all taken for granted before.
You'd had a soft spot for Tech for quite a while and his death had hit you pretty hard, but you never thought it would be this painful without him. It felt as though a part of you had died with him and had been left behind on Eriadu. The part of you that felt the happiest and most content. Tech had made you feel safe and even heard. You hadn't realized how calm his voice made you feel until it was no longer there for you to hear. You missed the feel of his hands taking yours to anchor you in reality when things got too rough on a mission.
You missed him and everything that he was. More than you ever realized you would.
One day, you and the squad were all aboard the Marauder enjoying a breakfast of hot moogan tea and fruit provided yet again by Shep, the leader of Pabu, and his daughter, Lyanna. Echo was still with you for a couple of days, which felt nice, at least. However, as you were enjoying the peaceful morning, Lyanna came running inside, out of breath.
"You guys! There's a ship incoming! We don't recognize it," she called out.
Concerned that danger may be approaching, you and the Clones all jumped into action, rushing out of the ship and drawing blasters, ready to fire in case it was the Empire. You all watched an unfamiliar vessel come into the planet's atmosphere and soar through the sky.
"That doesn't look like an Imperial ship," commented Crosshair.
"Still stay on your guard," Hunter ordered everyone as the ship soon landed on the platform just yards away from them.
You waited with great anticipation to see who was going to come out of the ship. Was it someone from the Empire? Or a bounty hunter? Or maybe just another refugee wandering the galaxy? It was hard to guess.
You were not prepared for who it actually was.
The ramp to the ship lowered down...and, with a slight limp, broken armor, cracked goggles and with a couple cuts and bruises on his face...out came Tech.
Your blaster fell from your hand and clattered to the ground. "Tech...?" you asked aloud in pure shock.
"I don't believe it!" Wrecker gasped.
Everyone else lowered their weapons, stunned at the sight they saw before them that they once believed was impossible.
He stopped at the bottom of the ramp, took in the sight of his whole family gawking in unbelief in him and simply asked, "What have I missed?"
That was it for you. Upon hearing his voice, you broke into a sprint towards him and practically threw yourself at him, pulling him into a tight, desperate embrace that made him release a surprised grunt.
"Tech! I can't believe you're alive!" you exclaimed.
Before he could answer, you felt another larger pair of arms encircle you both as Wrecker hugged the two of you hard. "You're really here...you're alive...!" Wrecker said, his voice trembling, which you understood completely. He had watched Tech fall with his own eyes because he couldn't keep hold of the railcar that Tech had attached himself to. Poor Wrecker had probably harbored so much guilt for so long over that.
"I thought that was obvious seeing as how I am here," Tech said, a little strained from being squeezed so tight by Wrecker.
"But how? How in the world did you survive?" you asked him as Wrecker let go and you pulled away from Tech.
Right then, Omega appeared and hugged him around the waist. "We missed you, Tech! We thought you were gone for good!" she cried.
He gave her a pat on the shoulder. "I have missed you all, as well." Then he looked to you and said, "To answer your question: that is not a story I can tell succinctly. It's...complicated," he replied.
"It's a story I'm sure we'll all want to hear anyway," said Hunter as he approached, a glad smile on his face.
Tech gave him a nod and then saw Crosshair beside him. "It's good to see you made it out, Crosshair," he remarked.
"Good to see you've come back from the dead," Crosshair replied, a small grin on his own face, too.
"Good to have you back, Tech," said Echo gladly.
Omega took Tech's arm, gave it a tug and stated, "Come on! Let's get on the Marauder and you can tell us everything."
"All in good time, Omega," said Hunter.
With that, they all turned away and started making their way back to the Marauder, but you stopped Tech for a moment by taking his hand. He turned to look at you and met your tear-filled gaze.
"I've missed you so much, Tech. I can't tell you how...miserable things have been without you...how miserable I've been without you," you told him, a couple tears falling from your eyes.
He reached up and lightly brushed your tears away. "There's no need to shed any tears for me, darling," he soothed you. "I am alive and I am here with you. That's all that matters"
"Our family is whole again," you said with a joyful smile.
And that, it was. The missing piece of the puzzle that was your found family had found his way back to you...and all was well once more.
If only this could've been how it really went...
Photogirl894's Physical Affection Prompts
Photogirl894's 1,000 Followers fics
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ghostphys · 11 months
Update after a week of doing this:
So it’s finally update time! Thank you all for the support on my post about this, it really meant a lot!!
I’m going to list the pros and cons of my little experiment, then add a summary/TLDR at the end of the post. This is probably going to be quite a long post as it was definitely an interesting 5 days. P.S, if you have any questions please ask! I’m 100% willing to answer.
• My time spent studying over doubled this week. This was the most obvious pro (and the one I was kind of hoping for the most) and I’m so proud of myself for how much I managed to get done. I studied for an average of 4hours/day, whereas before I was only doing 2.
• Studying felt so much more relaxing and productive at night. This probably contributed to the increase in studying; I found I enjoyed studying more, was able to pay attention for longer periods of time, and it started to feel less like a chore, and more like a hobby.
• I started to feel more present in the moment, especially on the bus travelling to/from uni. This wasn’t something I was really expecting, but I think also was partially a result of me deleting social media (which i can totally make another post on if that’s of interest). But where I used to sleep on the bus, or even just daydream, I started to read books, look over notes, and just feel a lot more present in general, which was a fresh of breath air honestly.
• I actually felt a lot less tired while at uni. I think this is most likely due to having been awake for a while before even travelling, so I had plenty of time to wake up. As someone who suffers from both physical and mental health issues, this was really important to me and i was so so much more focused during lectures and just generally wow it was amazing.
• Although I found it easier to study, I dedicated a lot less time to keeping my room/study area tidy. I’m not sure exactly why this was, I think maybe just moving around to tidy up at 2/3am felt a bit wrong as I was scared to make too much noise? I think the way around this would be to just tidy right before sleeping at around 6pm, but this was probably my least favourite of the cons:(
• No time for social life outside of uni. Unless your friends are all also borderline nocturnal, then yeah if you are a person who loves going out etc then this is not the schedule for you. Fortunately for me my friends already know i sleep a lot, so most of our socialising happens in between lectures during uni time. (And by that I mean going to cafés and doing even more studying).
• It was kind of hard to figure out mealtimes? Eventually I settled on only having two meals a day, but just increasing portions sizes, and having more snacks in between. This is just what worked best for me, and this wasn’t a huge con tbh, just kind of confusing at first.
• It was so much easier to just hit snooze on my alarms. Because I didn’t have to worry about a bus to catch or anything forcing me to wake up, I found myself saying ‘just five more minutes’ way more times than I should have. I definitely slept in one day sadly. I think this is definitely preventable, I’m sure there are special alarm apps to help with this sort of thing, and i’ll probably be checking that out.
Summary/TLDR: This was such a fun experience for me, I’m really super proud of myself for trying this out and for improving my studying! All in all I definitely found this to be a positive experience, obviously that’s a personal thing so please don’t take my word to be truth! But just in my experience I really found it to help my mental aspect of studying as well as just physically doing more. Although my room got a bit messier, and I kind of just got disoriented about the time of day sometimes, I definitely think these are things that could have been fixed.
Disclaimer: I only tried this for a week which is definitely not enough time to fully change your sleep schedule, and I am obviously not a professional in this field or in research. This was just a fun little experiment and a chance for me to talk about my personal experience. I’m not encouraging this behaviour or saying it is healthy. (I am not informed about the effects on health this would have long term). Do not take some random person on tumblr’s experience as a holy grail of truth or something like that.
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cinnbar-bun · 5 months
Important Message
So... haha... been almost a month since I really did anything on this blog...
Listen, I'm gonna keep it straight to you guys, the months leading up to my hiatus were, to put it mildly, some of the most disgusting I've seen in my years as a fanfic writer and fandom enjoyer. This is a bit of a vent post, because, well, genuinely, I really hope the fandom can get better. I'm assuming most of the bad experiences I've had came through people a bit younger/newer to fandom or tumblr/fanfic culture in general. If you want just an update on the blog, I will be posting that shortly after this one.
I'm going to list out some of the shit I had to go through (that I am sure many fanfic writers, but more specifically, POC fandom creators go through). This is a long post. Yeah, also, this is obvious but TW FOR: Racism (including slurs), Islamaphobia, sexism, death threats, suicide threats, harassment, and just flat out horrible behavior.
I'm gonna go list some of the slurs I've been messaged or called, I'll even rate them for you guys <3:
Camel jockey: oooo, haven't heard that one before. get more creative, 3/10
camel fucker: nice, bit more crass, still not original. 3.5/10, just a bit funny
Terrorist: wow, dude, oh my gosh, I can't believe I've never heard that one living in post 9/11 America! Wow! 0/10 try harder
I also don't know where the assumption came from that I was a hijabi... I am not. Calling me a BMO? Pretty unique but sadly does not fit me. :(/10
This barely scratches the surface of what I have dealt with after having been open about my heritage. I'm sorry my very existence offends you and requires you to come out and send me shit about hoping my family dies or that my favorite character brutally hurts me. I have read your messages, and after long consideration, I have decided to no longer be Middle Eastern. Yep, that's right, guys, I am no longer MENA! Don't worry about my family history or anything, I just choose not to be that anymore. There, now you don't have to send me messages about hoping my family gets killed <3
Let's see what else we should tackle.
Should I tackle the fact that I've gotten messages from others to update a fic or answer a request or they will try to self harm or commit suicide?
Should I tackle the fact that some have tried to pressure or guess my sexuality (dude, what the fuck)?
Should I tackle how I got messages from others assuming my place because of my religion?
Should I tackle how I've gotten weird ass messages from people getting mad at me because how DARE I not write certain things during Ramadan?
Should I tackle those things?
I'll save you the hassle, no, I really shouldn't have had to, but fact is, the One Piece fandom has to be some of the worst I've seen and interacted with purposefully in a long time. And I was in the Hetalia fandom way back when. I should not have dumb shit about "liberating" me or oh, oh, oh, I love this one! People asking me if I have 'full armament haki' (I hope you genuinely, genuinely, get the fuck off your phone and go outside. Maybe have a walk and go talk to actual people.)
I've met some genuinely lovely, beautiful, and kind people. They truly are some of the most talented creators I've seen, and I'm grateful they chose to befriend me. The good does outweigh the bad. But the bad? Oh lord, I think you guys are genuinely some of the most disgusting pieces of shits I've ever had the displeasure of meeting.
Fanfic writers are not your slaves. I have a full time job, I have a full time life outside of my tumblr and my writing. I write when I want to because I like to write, and fanfic is a good creative outlet. You sending dumb messages crying about no updates after four days of me posting a new chapter, or threatening to harm yourself because of this is disgusting.
POC creators, especially, are not your fucking tokens. I'm not here to break down every racial stereotype for you. I'm not here to be sitting there mocked with crap I already hear in my outside life. And I sure as HELL am not here for fake support only to be called slurs and mocked the minute I don't do something for you. You are gross, you are not funny, you are genuinely a horrible person and if your ideal vision of humor boils down to the Instagram comments section, all I'm saying is, I'm not wishing you anything positive.
If you read this far, thank you. Truly. This was difficult to place and write down, but it needed to be said, because even to this day I still get messages similar to before.
Do better, One Piece fandom. Do better. Because you are only going to lose the fans who really care and who put effort into making things. How far can you harass fanfic creators, and especially POC ones, with your bullshit before you lose out on things?
I don't need to 'move on'. My identity and my existence is on a completely separate wave than so and so idk, liking a ship or a character. One is fake, and one is literally who I am. Putting false equivalencies to the issues within fandom because it makes you 'sad' is shitty.
I've only given you an idea of what I had to deal with. Now imagine this constantly by random people, both on tumblr and AO3, and then imagine that also in your daily life, on the media, in the news, in the music, on the radio, in the books- fucking everywhere. It's exhausting.
Just... fucking do better. Actually fucking listen to POC. I got nothing else to add that wouldn't just be me repeating the same shit I and others have tried to say.
Just be kind, for gods sake, and remember that creators are human, not the silly avatars we choose.
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scoonsalicious · 6 months
Tumblr media
Unwanted: Chapter 16, Unaccompanied - Pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language,
Word Count: 881
Previously On...: You were juuuuust about to leave for your first mission with Bucky, but have been felled by a nasty stomach bug, leaving Bucky to go off on the mission alone :(
A/N: Fuck it! I'm in a generous mood!
Dun, dun, DUN! NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when I update, please enable notifications from my Blog page!
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Taglist: (Sadly, tag list is closed; Tumblr will not let me add anyone new. If you want to be notified when I update, please Follow me for Notifications!) @jmeelee @cazellen @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @blackhawkfanatic @buckybarnessimpp @hayjat @capswife @itsteambarnes @marygoddessofmischief @sebastians-love @learisa @lethallyprotected @rabbitrabbit12321 @buckybarnesandmarvel @fanfictiongirl77 @calwitch @fantasyfootballchampion @selella @jackiehollanderr @wintercrows @sashaisready @missvelvetsstuff @angelbabyyy99 @keylimebeag @maybefoxysouls @vicmc624 @j23r23 @wintercrows @crist1216 @cjand10 @pattiemac1@les-sel @dottirose @winterslove1917 @harperkenobi @ivet4 @casey1-2007 @mrsevans90 @steeph-aniie @bean-bean2000 @beanbagbitch @peachiestevie @wintrsoldrluvr @shadowzena43
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You woke up a few hours later. You felt a bit better, but an all encompassing fatigue still settled over your body. You stretched and grabbed your phone to check the time. Glancing at your phone’s screen, you saw you had multiple missed calls from Bucky, and text messages asking you to call him back as soon as you could.
Concerned, you hit the button to dial him back. He picked up immediately.
“Baby,” he breathed, sounding relieved. “I am so sorry, I have no idea how this happened, but I swear, I had nothing to do with it. I was fully prepared to go by myself, but—”
“Bucky,” you interrupted, “what are you talking about?”
“Fucking Carthage,” he seethed, and you could feel his anger through the phone. “She’s on the Quinjet with me. I told Steve I was fine going alone, but I set the autopilot for takeoff and she was just there. I’m so sorry, sweets. I know you got no reason to believe me, but I didn’t ask for this. I don’t want this. She’s the last person I want to be trapped in this bird with, let alone on a mission with. I locked myself in the fucking cockpit just to keep her the hell away from me.”
Your stomach dropped, but you could hear the anxiety and rage in his voice, and maybe you were stupid, but you truly believed this had taken him by as much surprise as it had taken you. “It’s okay, baby,” you told him after you’d taken a breath, not realizing you’d let the endearment slip through. “I believe you; it’s not your fault.”
“I promised you I’d cut her out,” he bemoaned. “This makes me a fucking piece of shit all over again, and I hate it. I hate what it must be doing to you right now. I’m so sorry.”
You were feeling nauseous again, though from your stomach bug or the current situation, you weren’t quite sure. “You can’t help this, Buck. It’s beyond your control, I get that. I really do. I know I can’t expect you to ignore her while you’re on a mission together. You don’t have to worry about breaking your promise to me right now, okay? It’s extenuating circumstances.”
“I’ll only talk to her about mission-related shit,” he promised. “I’ll ignore everything else, I swear.”
“Yeah,” you said, running a hand through your hair. “Yeah, that’s good. We can work with that, Buck. It’s okay; we can get through this.
“I’m so sorry, Pocket.” Bucky’s voice was mournful. “It’s another promise I made to you that I’m not keeping. 
You talked to him for a while longer, reassuring him you didn’t blame him for the current state of affairs, and that you weren’t going to hold any contact he needed to have with her against him. Occasionally, you could hear Jade pounding on the cockpit door, and Bucky would shout that, if it wasn’t about the mission, he didn’t want to hear it. 
After about an hour and a half, Bucky swore softly. “I’m sorry, sweets– looks like we’re heading into a storm. I’m gonna have to take the jet off autopilot and fly her manual til we’re through it.”
“Yeah, of course, Buck,” you said, knowing he was telling you he had to hang up. “Text me when you land, okay?”
“‘Course, doll,” he said, and you could hear him smile into the phone. “I’ll be doin’ everything in my power to get this mission over as soon as possible.”
“Just come home to me safe and sound, Barnes,” you told him. “That’s the important thing.” 
“Always,” he said. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“Hey, Buck?” you asked, before he had a chance to hang up. “I love you, okay? So much.” You still did, despite everything, and you wanted him to know it.
“I don’t deserve you, sweetheart,” he said, “but I love you, too. More than anything.”
You said your goodbyes and were left in the quiet of your room. You needed to have a conversation with Tony, but before you set out to find him, you had one burning question you needed answered.
“Hey FRIDAY?” you called.
“Yes, Ms. (Y/L/N)?” came the disembodied Irish voice.
“Why didn’t you alert me when Sergeant Barnes and Ms. Carthage interacted aboard the Quinjet?” you asked.
“You asked for all interactions within the Tower,” FRIDAY replied. “The Quinjet does not technically meet the parameters of your request and thus was not included.”
You rolled your eyes. Of course the AI would get caught up in semantics. “Okay, fine. Adjust the parameters of the request to include any and all interactions occurring between the two on the Quinjet, as well,” you requested. 
The AI agreed, and you let out a sigh. You felt terrible about essentially spying on Bucky, but the truth was, you still didn’t fully trust him again. You wanted to, more than anything, but you just couldn’t. You hated what you had become, what the situation, his actions, had turned you into. If you were the kind of girl who believed in a higher power, you’d be praying to any deity who would listen that this mission would be over before your anxiety got the best of you.
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