#samantha old pictures
carefulfears · 1 year
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thinking more about this moment in closure, and how his hands are on samantha’s words, and her hand is on him.
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samanthasgone · 4 months
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July 2014
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enelea · 9 months
Family information...
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Family bio and family information of Samantha's household.
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heartlilith · 8 months
🩷Oddly specific things I think about when I hear ______ venus
Aries Venus: Summer, rubies, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, rollercoasters, fast cars, the color red, vampire fangs, Saturday nights, liquor stores and gas stations, fireworks, sour candy, cool bic lighters, “you’re mine”, Mario Kart, boys who wear nail polish, fuck it energy, oversized sweatshirts, middle finger emoji, cherries
Taurus Venus: Satin pillowcases, white candles, pearls, mirrors, hand holding, walking someone home at night, vinyls, red lipstick, full lips, fancy dinner dates, the wine and dine, old romantic movies, wallets and purses, hotels, French manicures, old money, “I won’t get on my knees for no man”
Gemini Venus: Driving around at night listening to music, reading to someone, comedy shows, mimosas, Samantha from Sex and the City, libraries, nerd kink, hot teachers/student kink, emerald green, laughter, swing sets, looking out of the window and just watching, untied shoelaces, dogs and puppies, dad jokes
Cancer Venus: Soft feather pillows, a bowl of warm soup, a bubble bath, tears and running mascara, babies and how babies laugh, poetry, “I’ll be whatever you want me to be”, hot tubs, hot coffee, teddy bears, heartbeats, soft hands & skin, lotion, bagels and cream cheese, doodling in your journal
Leo Venus: Lip gloss, mojitos, getting drunk at brunch, diamond tennis bracelets, drunk texts you regret sending later, the block button, lonely nights, shooting stars, blowing bubbles, piggy back rides, art museums, glittery eyeshadow, jumparoos, birthday parties
Virgo Venus: Taking a shower, Dove soap, smooth skin, symmetry, butterflies, the smell of books, getting a facial or going to the spa, chicken caesar salads, the good tasting water, chunky headphones, acoustic guitar, running errands, getting your eyebrows done, neat handwriting, neutral colors, sushi
Libra Venus: Blush, dimples, Y2K fashion, Hello Kitty, makeup skills, those little hand mirrors, princes and princesses, cupcakes, pedicures, Margaritas, taking pictures, art, castles, Disney movies, daisies, spin the bottle, cartwheels, soft hair, bubblegum, skincare, watermelon and pineapple
Scorpio Venus: Psychology, neck tattoos, “until death do us part”, Kings & Queens, snakes, sacred sex, chess, secrets, hickeys, the feeling after you stay up all night, the feeling of being at a concert, roses, knives, tequila shots, legs intertwined, dirty martinis, sparklers, Avril Lavigne, fantasy books, true crime and dark history
Sagittarius Venus: Clouds, rock climbing, rappers, Hip Hop and R&B, going on vacation, açaí bowls and fresh fruit, sun kissed/radiant skin, the color yellow, retreats, history, yoga and Pilates, spicy food, “it is what it is”, curly hair, the smell of weed, casinos, the last day of school, Las Vegas
Capricorn Venus: Leather, red wine, the cow pattern, cowgirl boots, the color brown, espresso, dark chocolate, briefcase of money like in the movies, the movie Scarface, whiskey on the rocks, bosses, owls, turtle necks, caramel, wearing suits, lingerie, business, New York City
Aquarius Venus: Lightbulbs, telescopes and microscopes, LED lights, hamsters, college parties, glitter, peace signs, 70s concerts, food trucks, skipping school, “fuck it”, diving in the pool, the beach at night, disco balls, getting detentions in school
Pisces Venus: Mermaids, kittens, cartoons and Disney princesses, champagne, Webkinz, little kid stories like Goldilocks, 3 Little Pigs, Hansel and Gretel, clear glittery lip gloss, holographic, snowmen and icicles, swimming in the pool, flower gardens, glow sticks , picnics, bumblebees, sand castles, elementary art class, 3D movies
Book a Reading 🩷
Masterlist 🩷
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pretty-little-mind33 · 7 months
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James Potter x muggle fem!reader
Summary: After months of dating, James finally tells you he's a wizard.
Genre: Fluff <3 / pt.2 to Enchanted
Warnings: tbh none
6 months later, James is sprawled out on your couch in your small London apartment. He's dressed in your university sweater, which hugs him snugly but he doesn't seem like he minds. You'd switched into his so he doesn't have much of a choice anyway.
He's pretending to really read the book he had found on your dresser but he keeps his eyes trained on how absorbed you seem in the show you're watching.
James sees the title; "Bewitched". He smiles to himself when he sees you try and wiggle your nose like Samantha does and you fall back onto James lap, sighing. 
"D'you think I'd make a good witch?" you ask suddenly and his heart almost collapses. 
He runs a hand in your hair, playing with the strands as he ponders your question, "Mmm, yeah, you would, lovie," he says and chuckles when you sit up and start to ramble. 
"I mean, can you just imagine having magic! I could–I could make all this mess disappear instantly!" you exclaim happily, gesturing to your slightly messy apartment, and then look into his eyes, "wouldn't having magic be fun, Jamie?" 
James frowns. You say it so innocently but he starts to wonder if you could know? It has been months.
He sits up, tilting his head at you. He's been wanting to tell you he's a wizard for a while now, plus James wouldn't admit this out loud yet but he knows he wants to marry you and you deserve to know the truth before he asks you to spend your life with him, don't you? 
"Y/n," he whispers but you interrupt him. 
"And I mean, flying on a broom! How silly! Can't you just imagine it?" 
James smiles, completely endeared, "Yeah, I can," he tucks some hair behind your ear and reaches into the back pocket of his jeans. He pulls out his wallet and you stare at him confused as he holds out a folded old polaroid. He hands it to you.
"What's this?" you ask curiously, crossing your legs.
At first, it looks like a simple picture of a group of boys. There are four of them and they look around sixteen if you had to guess. The tallest has his arms crossed and he's standing in the middle as the boy to his right, a shorter boy with long dark hair, has his arm swung around him. A short, stout boy looks timidly at the camera next to the taller one and next to him, what looks like a young James is happily grinning and holding up a fancy looking broom in triumph. James and the longer-haired boy are dressed in a maroon and yellow sports uniform while the other boys are dressed in simple school uniforms. 
The picture seems relatively normal for a second until it starts to move. James in the picture lifts the broom and the long-haired boy continues to hug the taller one. You gasp, dropping the picture onto the couch and it flutters to the back where you see written, "Prongs, Wormtail, Moony, and Padfoot, Hogwarts 1976."
"What the hell?" you whisper, voice breaking, and you think you must be imagining things. You look up at James, who is staring at you intently. "James? W-why did that polaroid just move?" you ask and James's stare softens. 
He picks up the polaroid and smiles, he shows it to you again. "That's me and my best friends at school," he says but when he looks at you, his smile falters. You look terrified, "Love, it's okay it's just a picture."
"No, it isn't. It's moving!" you say, leaning away from him a little.
James's chest tightens. "I know," he says seriously, "Promise not to panic, okay? But, I'm a wizard." 
He says it so calmly you're silent for a moment until you start to laugh. You laugh so hard tears brim in your eyes and James is concerned.
He holds your cheeks in his hands. "No, Y/n, I mean it. I'm a wizard," he stands and walks to his jean-jacket hanging in the entrance. He pulls out his wand and points it at you.
You look scared again when he mutters an unfamiliar word and suddenly, you feel a drizzle of snow fall over your shoulders and unless your ceiling disappeared and it's snowing in July, you know it has to be James. 
You let out a shriek and cover your mouth as your eyes widen. James lowers his wand and rushes over, the snow disappearing. "It's okay. I promise I won't hurt you, lovie," he pauses and carefully sits next to you. He's relieved when don't scoot away from him, "I couldn't keep this from you anymore. I love you. You deserve to know who I am."
You're looking at him intensely and you pick up the polaroid again, examining it closer. After a moment you look up and narrow your eyes. You press your index on where James is in the picture. "Why are you holding a broom?" you ask simply and James almost laughs. 
"Gryffindor had just won an important Quidditch match, I think."
"Gryff-what won what?"
"Um, my house- um. Quidditch it's a sport. Where you—um, ride a broom."
You look at him and James can't read your expression.
"You can fly on a broom?" you suddenly ask, sounding less nervous now. You look at the picture and then you crack a smile. "You do look cute all dressed up," you put the polaroid near his ear, almost as if you're making sure the boy in the picture is actually James.
Your boyfriend nods and looks at you wearily, biting his lip. He has so much he wants to say. "So, have you always been a witch—" you ask.
"Wizard," he interrupts but you ignore him.
"—or did some creepy troll turn you into one? Oh my, are you the only witch to exist?" you sound almost excited now.
"Wizard," James says and then takes the picture from your hand and holds yours in his. "And no. I'm not. All my friends and family are. You believe me, yeah?"
You think for a moment. "Yeah," you shrug, looking up at the ceiling and then the wand in James's other hand, "you did make it snow, didn't you?" your smile widens and you point at his wand as you say, "Can you make it snow again! Or show me another spell. Please?"
James hesitates but when he sees a small scab on your hand from where you'd cut yourself earlier, he mutters a spell he knows by heart from all the Quidditch tumbles he's had and the wound suddenly disappears. 
Your eyes widen and you hold up your palm awkwardly. You look where the scab had been, mesmerized as you run your fingers over the now, non-existent, wound. 
"I know this is a lot for you to understand now, lovie. But, I want to explain everything. Anything you want to know," he says seriously and you look back up at him. 
You ask question after question, the reality of the situation becoming even more intense as you hear stories from his school and how unfamiliar he had been about "muggles" until he'd met his ex-girlfriend and then, well, you. 
"So, wait, witches and wizards exist and we– muggles? –just don't know?" you say after his little speech and James nods. He's sitting criss-cross in front of you on your couch and he's running his thumb over your hand, hoping his gesture is reassuring. You look confused, "Aren't you gonna get in trouble with the—"
"Ministry of Magic for telling you?" James finishes, understanding what you're trying to ask him.
You nod. 
James shakes his head and looks into your eyes. "No, because I didn't just tell anyone. You aren't some random person on the street, lovie. You're my girlfriend and I love you. I'm glad you know," he kisses your forehead quickly and you lean up to catch his lips. 
"I'm glad I know too," you smile and caress his cheek. It's your way of showing him you don't see him any differently. You turn to the polaroid picture still in your lap and pick it up. "I can't wait to meet more of your wizard friends now," you smile. 
James smirks, a twinkle in his eyes. "You already have, darling," he says. 
You look closer at the picture and your eyes widen, "No way!" you exclaim looking up at James in disbelief as you start to recognize two of the other boys in the picture. "Remy and Siri too?!"
James chuckles and nods. You turn the polaroid over again and look at the names scribbled in ink. "Then what's up with the weird nicknames? Prongs? Is that you?" you deduce from the order. 
James hums and kisses your temple as he pulls you in closer.
"Why Prongs?" you ask, pointing both your index fingers and putting them on your head, "like little devil horns? Or a fork?" you giggle at the last suggestion and James is entirely enchanted by you. 
He looks at you fondly and chuckles, "Like stag antlers, lovie."
"Because I can turn into a stag, if I wanted to," James explains slowly, realizing he'd forgotten to mention that tiny detail.
"You WhAT?!"
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buckyalpine · 1 year
The wait way universe. The one where they get married.
Ohh god it is perfect.
Please say you will write more of this?
I am begging you.
Need more of the baby.
And all the group together having fun family nights.
Another baby maybe? ;)
Aunts and uncles fighting to hold the baby.
Bucky and the reader being told the baby moved the hammer and thor really presenting him with a mini hammer?
Also I love love love love love uncle Tony’s nickname for the baby. Mini terminator love it.
Happy squealing baby is so cute.
I just love it. So much.
I will beg for more. I will. I love it. I love your writing. I love how you write the characters.
Oh god I would kill to see protective avengers. Maybe someone takes the reader and the baby, oh and even more so the reader is pregnant. :0 dun dun dun…. Protective angry Bucky, Steve, Tony,Sam ,Nat, Wanda, Bruce etc
OKAY YES. I'm here for PROTECTIVE AVENGERS OVER ALL THE BABY BUCKIES AND HIS ANGEL. You can read this piece as a stand alone. I added the links for other parts if you want to read it but you don't have to. We're all here for what happens when you mess with Bucky's family.
Wait, what?
Wait, what? 2
I do (again) Wait, what? 3
Wait, what? More Babies?
Competitive God Fathers
You smiled to yourself, carefully adding the last piece of tape to Bucky's gift, tying a perfect bow around the wrapped box before hiding it in the closet. Bucky was due to come back soon and while you missed him like crazy, his absence made it easier for you to get his surprise together. Over the last few weeks, you'd felt more tired than usual along with feeling tender and crampy. One trip to the pharmacy, a pregnancy test and a positive result later, you'd bought a custom onesie with Baby Barnes Jr #4 printed on the front.
You hoped Bucky would enjoy the surprise you were growing in your belly, especially considering how often he kept insisting he wanted just one more, adding to your growing family with Steve Jr who had just turned 5 and your 3 year old twins Samantha and Nathaniel. You hid the present under the bed before going to the playroom to tuck your littles ones into bed, the three of them unusually quiet compared to their usual mischief.
"C'mon munchkins" You smiled at the sight before you with Stevie sprawled on a large bean bag, his brother and sister on tucked on either side, their big brother reading to them while they intently looked at the pictures. "Bed time for you babies"
"Will daddy be home soon?" Samantha asked with a pout, a complete daddy's girl just like you, tucking her face into your neck as you scooped her up along with Nathaniel while Steve followed promptly behind.
"Of course bub, he'll be here first thing in the morning" You assured her, kissing her forehead before tucking her into bed followed by the other little one. "Good night loves" You turned off the lights before going back to your room where you knew Stevie was waiting with his favorite book, ready for a bedtime story. It was a special bonding time you always made sure to have with him, not wanting you first baby boy to feel like he was no longer one of your favorites after the twins were born.
"What did you pick tonight baby" You got under the covers, fluffing the pillows and propping them up while Stevie snuggled up beside you, plopping a book about science onto your lap. You chuckled at the nerdy side he'd gotten from his dad, reading through scientific discoveries that were made in the last century and theories that were still being tested. He listened with wide eyes until they grew heavy, eventually falling asleep on your lap, not having the slightest clue you'd carried him to bed and tucked him in with a kiss to his cheek. "Sleep tight my sweet boy"
You slipped back under the covers, grabbing a book for yourself while occasionally running your hands over your belly, soaking in the quiet night before the team arrived after their latest mission.
It wasn't often that the compound was empty; few missions required all hands on deck but this was one of them. You'd received a message from FRIDAY informing you the jet would be landing in a few hours and that no medical assistance would be required because no one had sustained major injures. It was the sole reason you were able to relax so easily, happy waiting for your husbands arrival so you could tell him the good news.
You settled comfortably under the covers until a faint sound from the common room pulled you from your book again. FRIDAY would have alerted you if the jet was approaching and you would've definitely heard the sound of the engine approaching anyway.
But was still eerily quiet.
Then you heard something again.
You were sure it was nothing but you pressed the button under the bedside table that locked and secured the rooms of the little ones just to be safe. Tony had added additional security for their rooms in case of emergencies, with 4 different operating systems working at once. Absolutely nothing would happen to his godchildren under his roof.
It was probably nothing.
You grabbed the knife you kept hidden behind the headboard, tucking in under the waistband of you sleep shorts before making your way down, reprimanding yourself for being paranoid over what was probably just sounds of the plumbing and vents creaking in the middle of the night.
The halls were clear, easing some of your nerves as you continued to the common room where you heard the sound. The hairs on your neck stood up when you saw the glow of the kitchen light turned on, grabbing your knife, only to find one of the new agents sitting at the kitchen island, sipping on a coffee.
"Annabeth?" Your brows were knitted together, discreetly slipping the knife away, wondering how she'd gotten into the main floor of the compound when it was restricted to others after a certain time.
"Hey y/n" She gave you a sleepy smile while you watched her warily, "Couldn't sleep. Hope you don't mind, just wanted to grab a mug before heading back to trainee wing"
"Yeah, its fine" You spoke slowly, something still not sitting right with you though you didn't show it.
"How come you're still up, waiting for Sergeant Barnes?" There was something sinister in the sweetness of her voice, cocking her head while you hummed in response, stomach churning. "You're both so cute together you know. It's nice to see how his life has come together after all he's been through as the asset"
"Excuse me?" Your eyes grew wide, heart hammering against your chest, it was rare for anyone to refer to Bucky as the asset. Most referred to him as the winter soldier, even soldat, only those deep in Hdyra had called him-
"We want our asset back" She whispered, cracking a smirk and nodding to someone behind you. Before you could turn around, a large form grasped your body, slamming a hand over your mouth muffling your screams. You didn't have any time to react, feeling a pinch to your neck and slipping into darkness immediately after.
Bucky stretched with a sleepy yawn as the jet began its descent, already waiting at the doors and ready to hop out and see his wife and babies. He smiled at the thought of them all safely tucked into bed, sleeping soundly while you probably tried to stay up with a book. He always found you dozed off, book loosely falling from your hand, still propped up against the bed every time you waited for him. Didn't matter not how many times he told you to just go to bed. You always stayed up till you saw he was safe and sound.
Sam helped Bucky put away his equipment so he could get to you faster, everyone smiling watching the soldier dash off, running to his family.
"It's nice to see him like this" Nat nodded, trudging with the rest as they entered the compound, nothing amiss while they went to the conference room.
"He deserves it" Steve smiled, happy his best friend finally had what he'd always dreamt of. A wife. Kids. A safe home for them.
Bucky made his way over to see his little ones first, stopping in front of the heavily decorated door, covered with Captain America and Iron Man posters, courtesy of the two Godfathers competing for #1. Bucky smiled, turning the knob, only to find it locked shut, which was odd considering the only way to lock the door was if the security system had been activated.
He shook his head, frowning as he made his way to your shared bedroom instead, figuring it was a glitch or mistake. He got a sinking feeling in his stomach seeing the door open ajar, with the lamp turned on, your book set aside but you were nowhere to be seen.
"Baby?" Bucky called out, struggling to keep his panic at bay when the bathroom was empty, as was the closet. "Sweetheart?"
He called down the hall way a little louder before jogging to the kitchen but there had been no sign of you there when he'd entered. He started to move quicker, running back to disable to security system, breathing a sigh of relief to find all three little ones still sleeping soundly. He softly shut the door before immediately going to the conference room.
"Y/n, has anyone seen her?" He hoped to see you sitting with the others but he was filled with dread when the others shook their head in confusion. "She's-she's not in her room. I've checked everywhere, the security system was activated for the kids' room, she wouldn't leave the compound around this hour, somethings wrong"
No one asked questions, immediately jumping into action; Tony starts to comb through security from the time they left while Nat double checks every floor and room, just to be safe. Steve and Sam help Bucky look over your bedroom for any signs of a struggle. He ran his hand along the areas they'd hidden weapons, his stomach dropping when he felt the empty space behind the headboard.
"She took the knife" Bucky swallowed thickly while Sam and Steve shared concerned glances.
"Look, she's strong Buck, whatever it is, we'll find her" Steve insisted while Bucky continued to look, checking under the bed where he'd kept a pistol, nothing out of the ordinary except-
He frowned, seeing a little gift bag hidden underneath, newly packed with a gold bow placed on top. He picked it up, brows knitted together as he pulled away the tissue paper, feeling soft material tucked at the bottom of the bag. He took it out, heart splitting into two at the words written on the little onesie,
"Fuck!" A broken sob pulled Sam and Steve from their search, finding Bucky slumped by the edge of the bed.
"Buck?" they shared concerned glances seeing him holding something small in his hands, clutching it tightly to his chest.
"She's-she's pregnant" Bucky whispered, tears welling in his eyes holding the tiny jumpsuit in his hands, his heart couldn't take it-
"Barnes, we have something!" Tony's voice echoed through the coms, the three men running back to the conference room where Tony had pulled the footage from you in the kitchen. Bucky watched in silence, jaw clenched seeing the new agent use a stolen keycard to sneak into the compound with a Hydra agent, the two of them quietly waiting for you to come down.
He had to keep from smashing the TV, watching the man grab you from behind, injecting you with something before carelessly carrying you off like ragdoll, his heart aching, wishing he'd gotten home sooner. All voices around him drowned out to a faint buzz, the sounds of Tony and Steve giving out commands all muffled as if they were underwater.
"We have the coordinates locked, everyone down down to the jet, remember your positions.
It was like a switch was flipped.
"Cap and I clear the entry ways, Nat, Clint, follow behind, Sam, surveillance from the top. Barnes, you just have to get y/n"
The former young husband and father who sat with tears streaming down his cheeks was replaced with a man who knew no remorse. No guilt. No sense of right or wrong.
Steve knew of this man well.
The one they called the Winter Soldier.
"Baby" Bucky whispered, scooping his sleepy eldest son in his arms before striding over to the twins bed, tucking them in together. "Daddy's gotta go another mission but we'll be back soon, alright?"
Steve could sense something was wrong, the strain in his fathers voice making him worry.
"Again?" He asked while Samantha and Nathaniel stirred slightly, trying to tuck themselves into their daddy's warmth. "Where's mama?" He asked with a tiny whisper having heard the commotion outside of the room, his hearing enhancing more and more each day. Bucky swallowed thickly while Steve stepped into the room to check on his best friend, his heart breaking over the three little ones clinging onto him.
"We're going to get her, promise bub" Buck kissed their heads, grabbing their favorite stuffies to cuddle with.
"Let me see my favorite little soldiers" Steve strode over, giving them a brave smile. "We'll be back before you know it"
"Will mama be okay?" Nathanial whispered, grabbing onto Steve's wrist before he could leave, tears streaming down his little chubby cheek.
"Of course" Steve reassured him, kissing his forehead and tucking him back into bed, "We'll never let anything happen to your mama"
That was a promise.
"Oh fuck" Clint snorted to himself watching the black mask that had been locked away for good slip over Bucky's face, his usual leather jacket replaced with a thick black tactical vest, straps running across his chest.
"They're fucked, aren't they" Sam whispered to Tony as he put his suit on, the glancing over to the stone cold brunette who sat in silence, finger resting on the trigger. Like he doesn't actually need us"
"We're really just going for moral support, also no one hurts our y/n" Tony whispered back. The teams full focus was getting you back along with keeping your babies safe; Pepper had come to look after the littles ones till you were found safe and sound. While the team was fully ready to take apart anyone that tried to hurt you. It was more that evident Bucky wouldn't have a problem taking hydra apart by himself but they wouldn't let him go alone.
Bucky didn't speak a word as soon as the jet hit the ground hitting his targets from 100's of feet away, each bullet landing right between their eyes.
"...Did you know he could do that?" Sam called from the coms, watching agents drop while he flew across the top of the base. Tony blasted the front of the doors while Steve cleared the hall way, throwing his shield, knocking down three men that guarded the wing.
"Looks like she's down in the cells" Sam called, looking at where the heat signals were coming from. Bucky made his way down the sterile hallway, red lights suddenly flashing above when a woman charged towards him.
"Welcome back soldat" Annabeth sauntered, blocking the doors to where you were being held with a satisfied smirk on her face. "We knew you'd come back. We missed you-
"Oh, I'm gonna have fun with this" Nat smirked, stepping in front of Bucky and grabbing Annabeth by her hair, dragging her off to a corner before throwing a punch to her jaw.
Bucky continued, slamming the lab doors open, his eyes landing onto your tied up form, strapped onto the very same chair he'd been tied to every time he'd been wiped. He didn't give anyone a second to think, killing those closest to him while the others tried to escape.
"You wanted me back, didn't you" Bucky's voice was a low growl as he stepped over the bodies he shot down before running to save you. "Well, I'm back"
The ones that ran off didn't get too far, making it out of the lab, only to be met with a very angry Steve and Tony.
"You don't hurt my fucking bestfriend" Steve gritted, slamming the agent to the floor before grabbing another and throwing him to Tony.
"You are not taking away my turn at being a God father" Sam grabbed another that tried to hide behind the rubble, swooped up to the ceiling, dangling to agent in the air for a while before letting him drop. Bucky was by your side in an instant, cutting off the straps that bound your arms together.
"Baby?" Bucky scooped you up in his arms, cradling your body to his chest, his hand gently brushing your cheek. "You okay sweetheart?"
"Bucky!" You cried out, clinging onto him, trembling while he kissed you before protectively covering your face from the bloody trail he left behind him. "You're here"
"M'taking you home baby, c'mon" Bucky whispered against your hair, carrying you tucked against him with your legs wrapped tightly around his waist, breathing in his scent. "I got you babygirl, it's okay"
"I was so scared" Bucky held onto you tightly on the ride back, he had never felt relief like this, his heart finally calming down. "M'so sorry sweet girl"
"S'not your fault baby" you whispered back, smiling when you felt a kiss to the back of your head.
"Glad you're okay sweetheart" Steve gave you a squeeze before leaving you and Bucky to have your privacy again, staying near the front with the rest of the team, watching over Annabeth, who had been captured for questioning. Once you'd reached the compound, you were greeted with proper hugs and kisses from the others, hearing the pitter patter of little feel seconds later.
"MAMAA" Your babies ran to you, climbing up your leg until they were all properly snuggled against you, refusing to let go until they were sure you were perfectly safe.
"Daddy and your aunts and uncles rescued me, see? I'm all okay" You reassured them while they looked at you intently, checking over you the same way you did whenever they had a fall. Once they were satisfied that you were okay, they let their daddy take you away to get cleaned up while it was Tony's turn to read them a bedtime story even if it was nearing morning.
"Right where you belong" Bucky smiled, wrapping his arm around your waist after you'd both showered, foregoing clothes as you climbed into bed, snuggled over the covers. He spooned you from behind, the feel of his warm bare skin comforting you.
"I love you so much angel" He pressed a soft kiss against your shoulder, eyes brightening when he remembered the little present he'd found earlier. His hand slipped down to softly brush over your tummy. "Both of you" He playfully whispered, smiling at your soft gasp as you wiggled to turn around and face him, growing bashfully shy when he pulled the tiny jumpsuit he'd kept on his pillow.
"Was there something you wanted to tell me mama?"
"Think you're ready for a 4th?" You giggled, burying your face into his chest while he grinned, peppering your face with kisses till you squealed.
"M'ready for a 5th and 6th if you'd let me angel" Bucky smirked, playfully nipping your jaw before shuffling down to rest his head on your tummy, kissing your soft skin while you carded your fingers through his hair. "but I can't wait to meet this little one first"
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lilghostiequinni · 2 months
Crazy Coincidences
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Main Masterlist Norlestappen Masterlist
Pairing: Mother! Fashion designer!female reader x Lando Norris x Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen
Warnings: Fluffy,
Summary: You are a designer who hasn't been seen publicly for 5 years, but you still have designs coming out and fashion shows going. No one expects you to return with a baby, let alone 3 other children and a wedding band on your finger. But what no one really expected was for you to return at a Formula Grand Prix.
Requested: NO / yes
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There was a rumor that you were seen in the Mclaren garage at Spa.
Before that, it was rumored you were at Mclaren garage in Silverstone.
Rumors of you being at Red Bull for Canada.
Ferrari at Monaco.
Mclaren at Miami.
But it was never confirmed by any garage or person whether it was true.
After the Formula One summer break, you are seen with 4 kids walking into the McLaren garage.
That is the only time you are seen, but someone got a picture as you looked in their direction and were able to get a photo, confirming it was you.
The next day, people are celebrating Lando's second F1 win, but also people are deep-diving into the photo of you.
Many point out that you had a wedding ring on your finger and that even though you didn't know of the photo, you still had the baby in your arms shielded from the public.
Many wonder why you are at a Formula One event as you have never expressed interest in the sport before.
When you are seen walking into the Red Bull garage at the Italian GP with Lando and Charles following behind you, speculations arise as to why.
After the Italian GP, during post-race interviews, Lando and Charles are asked why they are with you, and Max and Checo are asked who you went to see in Red Bull.
Lando and Charles just said that they were helping you and Max and Checo told that you went to see Max.
It wasn't until Singapore that you were seen again, this time with all three drivers, Lando, Max, and Charles, with all four kids.
The oldest is around 5, the next is around 4, and the last is around 2, with the baby looking to be only a few months old.
You were nodding at something Lando said, and his eyes were lit up with adoration.
Lando, Max, and Charles are on the podium together again, and the three are all together when an interviewer catches up with them, asking about you.
The three look at each other, and then Lando goes to the interviewer to answer, "She's our wife, and those are our kids."
Max says, "We didn't feel the need to let everyone know about our personal lives and didn't want to subject our kids to the media so young."
Charles answers with, "We love our fans, but we also love her and out children, and we didn't want the world criticizing our decisions in our life about her."
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A/N: Tied for first in this poll
Tags: @poppyflower-22 @samantha-chicago @barcelonaloverf1life @tallrock35 @ellen3101 @llando4norris @mcmuppet @issi-loves-dannyric @hellothere9597
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reticulating-splines · 10 months
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WIP - West 70th
1880s-1910s row of Upper West Side townhomes.
Been working on this row of late 19th c. brownstones on and off for the past year now, so needless to say when I heard about For Rent I was hype.
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This initially started because I was homesick for NYC during the pandemic. Specifically for the area of the upper west side my dorm was in while I was a student. I mainly blame this experience for my obsession with historical architecture - walking along central park west past the Dakota on the way to the subway, smoking on the stoops of the brownstones late at night, going to classes in the wedding cake that is the Ansonia - it was just everywhere, and so, so beautiful to look at.
Except a lot of it is faded glory - buildings subdivided, details chipped or covered in the thickest coats of grime or paint. So I wanted to replicate some of the old New York from around the turn of the century. The one I read about in the Luxe series and saw in the Samantha movie lol.
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The basement or garden level of each four-story brownstone will be dedicated to the original purpose as the main workplace of the service staff. Unfortunately no room for the actual garden, so laundry lines and planters are on the roof. There are bedrooms and bathrooms for a cook and a housekeeper/butler, along with the staff dining and the kitchen. The butler's pantry is directly upstairs from the kitchen, and the top floor is almost exclusively made up of staff bedrooms and washrooms.
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I usually do the service areas first because they're the most interesting, and there was nothing more interesting than a full edwardian brownstone kitchen. Lots of exposed piping, beadboard, subway tile, and shelves of clutter. Has a separate scullery, pantry, and stairs down to a basement storeroom to keep your best champs-le-sims nectar in. There's also a servant's bellboard in the kitchen and the staff dining room. It along with the "boiler" system are made with tool and CC-free.
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The main entrance and parlor are doing their best to continue the gothic revival theme of the exterior. The library and dining room follow in the enfilade starting in the parlor. Since this first house is a corner lot, it has a bit more width and space than a true brownstone. The only actual brownstone I've been inside of is Lady Mendl's, so ofc I had to have an extensive tea setup. Def took a lot of inspo from these two pics alone for these rooms.
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The main stairwell and picture gallery lead to three large bedrooms on the second floor, and then up to the children's room and nanny's bedroom on the third floor. I really like skylights. I learned the importance of decent lightwells in staving off depression one semester when my window looked out onto a brick wall
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The master bedroom and the children's room above it both have their own private sitting rooms and bathrooms. All rooms have either fireplaces or cast iron radiators.
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There's no way this is going to be finished by the time For Rent comes out, so im just going to release it in whatever state it's in when it does come out. The exteriors and interior room layout for all the townhomes will (hopefully) most likely be set by then anyway.
Now available for download!
Also the anniversary of Chez Cromwell is coming up! Ive been gone for the better part of the year due to starting a new job, but I havent been idle. C.Cromwell has been updated for infants and ceilings, which led to me redoing the exterior and almost every room, so a rerelease is coming v soon! Sneak peek below. Happy Thanksgiving!
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cheynovak · 1 month
The Road to Clarity - part 2  
Summary: Y/N is a photographer, loving her job in New York. During a shoot she worked with her now boyfriend, Tom. They soon started dating. Now three years later her life takes a turn and when she flies out to Texas, she meets Jensen, a rancher with a teenage daughter Samantha. 
Warnings:  English is not my first language  
Words:  3800 
*This story is my own original story, please do not copy my work, reblog/comments/likes are appreciated* 
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The next morning, Y/N returned to her usual spot at the café, ready to dive into editing the photos she had taken at the event. She set up her laptop at a cozy corner table, the soft hum of the café providing a comforting backdrop as she reviewed the images. Jensen’s pictures were her focus, and she couldn’t help but smile at the moments she had captured—particularly the ones where he was laughing and enjoying the day. 
As she worked, Tessa, the café owner, brought over a fresh cup of coffee. She placed it on Y/N’s table with a warm smile. “Thought you might need a refill,” Tessa said cheerfully. 
“Thanks, Tessa,” Y/N replied, looking up and taking a grateful sip. “It’s just what I needed.” 
Tessa’s gaze drifted to the photos on Y/N’s screen, and she raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in her voice. “That’s quite a handsome bachelor you’ve got there in your photos. Caught my eye, that one.” 
Y/N blinked, surprised. “Bachelor? I thought he was married. Samantha mentioned her mom in passing, and I just assumed…” Tessa’s expression grew more somber as she leaned against the counter. “Well, that’s where the story gets a bit tragic. Jensen isn’t actually married. He lost his wife a long time ago.” 
Y/N looked up, her interest piqued. “I had no idea. What happened?” 
Tessa sighed, her eyes reflecting a mixture of sympathy and sadness. “It was a cold winter night, several years ago. Jensen’s wife, Jennifer, was a city girl who moved to Texas after graduation. She and Jensen were the talk of the town—everyone admired them, looked up to them. They seemed to have everything.” 
She paused, taking a breath as if gathering her thoughts. “One night, they had a fight. No one knows exactly what it was about. But it was a terrible storm that night. Jennifer left the house, and in the middle of the storm, she lost control of her car and hit a tree. She didn’t survive.” 
Y/N’s heart ached at the tragic story. “That must have been incredibly hard for them.” Tessa nodded, her expression full of empathy. “Jensen has blamed himself ever since. He was devastated, and it was a long time before anyone saw him smile again. He’s never dated anyone since then. He’s just been focused on his work and raising Samantha, she was only 5 years old at the time.” 
Y/N absorbed the weight of Tessa’s words, feeling a deep sense of understanding and sadness for Jensen. It was clear that his loss had left a profound mark on him, shaping the way he lived his life since then. 
“It’s understandable,” Y/N said softly, more to herself than to Tessa. “I can see why he might keep to himself after something like that.” 
Tessa gave a sympathetic smile. “He’s a good man, and he’s done his best for Samantha. It’s just that people around here know him as the man who lost his way but never lost his heart.” 
Y/N thought about the warmth and charm Jensen had shown at the event, the way he interacted with everyone despite his apparent pain. It made her appreciate him even more, seeing the depth of his character and the strength it must have taken to carry on after such a devastating loss. 
“Thank you for telling me,” Y/N said, looking back at the photos. “It makes the smile in the pictures speak even more.” Tessa nodded, “That it does.”  
Y/N strolled through the town square, her thoughts still lingering on the photos she’d been editing. The square was bathed in the warm glow of the late afternoon sun, the gentle hustle and bustle of the town creating a pleasant, comforting atmosphere. She was lost in her own reflections when she spotted Jensen jogging toward her, his tall frame moving with a purposeful stride. 
As he reached her, he took off his cowboy hat, running a hand through his light brown hair with a nervous gesture. Y/N couldn’t help but notice the slight tension in his posture, an unfamiliar nervousness that seemed at odds with the confident, easygoing man she had seen at the fairground. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Jensen said, his voice a bit hesitant. “I was hoping I could ask you for a favour.” 
Y/N raised an eyebrow, curious. “Sure, what’s up? 
Jensen took a deep breath, his eyes shifting between her and the ground. “Well, Samantha’s birthday is coming up next week, and she’s been talking a lot about wanting to be more fashionable. She’s mentioned wanting jewelry, but I have no idea where to start. I was hoping you could help me with shopping for something she’d really like.” 
Y/N was taken aback by the request, surprised that Jensen was reaching out for help with something so personal. “Me? Help with shopping for Samantha’s birthday gift?” 
“Yeah,” Jensen said, looking a bit relieved that she wasn’t outright rejecting the idea. “I know it sounds strange, but she’s been talking about it non-stop, and I want to get her something she’ll actually like. I just want it to be something cool and meaningful for her. I figured you’d be the perfect person to help me pick something out.” 
Y/N nodded slowly, still processing the unexpected request. “Okay, I can help with that. I’m guessing she’s been talking about jewellery?” 
Jensen nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, she’s always going on about not having any jewelry. She’s mentioned wanting to start a collection, but I think she’d be thrilled with just one nice piece. Something that she’d think is really special.” 
Y/N smiled, touched by the thoughtfulness of Jensen’s request. “I’d be happy to help. It sounds like a great idea. Do you have any particular type of jewellery in mind, or are you open to suggestions?” 
“I’m open to anything,” Jensen admitted, looking both grateful and slightly overwhelmed. “I just want it to be something that makes her happy. If you have any ideas or if you know what’s trending, that would be really helpful.” 
Y/N nodded, feeling more confident about the task now that she had a clearer idea of what Jensen was looking for. “Alright, let’s plan a time to go shopping. I’m sure we can find something that fits her style and that she’ll love.” 
Jensen’s face lit up with relief and gratitude. “Thank you so much, Y/N. I really appreciate it. Samantha means the world to me, and I want to make her birthday special.” 
Y/N and Jensen strolled through the bustling mall, the air filled with the hum of activity and the scent of coffee and shopping bags. Despite the lively atmosphere, Jensen seemed noticeably out of his element, his usually confident demeanour replaced by a mix of nervousness and determination. As they passed through stores, Y/N couldn’t help but notice the glances from women around the mall who seemed to take a second look at Jensen. He, however, seemed completely oblivious to the attention. 
They made their way into a jewellery store, and Jensen’s unease became more apparent as he surveyed the vast array of options. His brow furrowed slightly, and he wiped his forehead as if trying to keep his composure. Y/N could tell he was overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices. 
Jensen picked up a delicate necklace with a small bumblebee pendant, holding it up for Y/N to see. “What do you think of this one?” he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty. 
Y/N examined the necklace, admiring its unique charm. “It’s cute, but does Samantha like bumblebees or has she mentioned anything about them?” 
Jensen’s lips curved into a smirk, a hint of mischief in his eyes. “Not exactly. She talks about your style a lot. Says she loves how you dress and how you always manage to find cool things. So, I figured if it’s something you might like, she might too.” 
Y/N blinked, taken aback by his comment. “Me? She’s been talking about my style?” 
Jensen nodded, his smirk widening. “Yeah, she’s always going on about how she wants to have the ‘city girl’ vibe or rizz or something.” Y/N felt a rush of warmth at the compliment, a mix of flattery and surprise. “Well, that’s very flattering. I’ll definitely keep that in mind. But Samantha’s style might be different from mine.” 
Jensen shrugged, looking a bit more relaxed. Y/N smiled, “Alright, let’s look for something that blends both her interests and style. We want to get her something she’ll love and that will suit her personality.” 
They continued to browse through the store, Y/N guiding Jensen through the options and offering suggestions based on what she knew about Samantha’s preferences. Jensen’s nervousness began to fade as he engaged in the process, his focus shifting from his initial anxiety to the task at hand. They talked about various pieces, evaluating them based on their appeal and potential fit with Samantha’s taste. 
Eventually, Y/N spotted a beautiful bracelet that seemed to strike the right balance. It was elegant and versatile, with a subtle design that felt both fashionable and timeless. She showed it to Jensen, who looked at it thoughtfully. 
“What do you think?” Y/N asked, holding it up for him to see. “This might be a great choice.” 
Jensen studied the bracelet, his expression thoughtful. “I think you’re right. 
As they stepped out of the jewellery store, Jensen looked visibly relieved and grateful. “Thanks so much for your help, Y/N. I really appreciate it.” 
“Anytime,” Y/N said with a warm smile. “I’m glad we found something you think Samantha will love.” 
Jensen’s face lit up with a friendly grin. “How about we grab a coffee? It’s on me. I owe you for all the help.” 
“That sounds great,” Y/N agreed, and they headed back to Tessa’s café. 
The familiar comfort of the café was welcoming as they settled into a cozy corner table. Tessa greeted them with a smile and quickly set up a fresh pot of coffee for them. Jensen poured two cups and handed one to Y/N before sitting down across from her. 
“So, tell me more about your life back in the Big Apple,” Jensen said, leaning forward with genuine interest. “I’m curious to know what it was like.” 
Y/N took a sip of her coffee, reflecting on her past life. “Well, I was a photographer in New York. I had a pretty well-established career, lots of bookings, and a range of different projects. It was a whirlwind of fashion shoots, events, and portraits. I loved it, but it was also a bit overwhelming at times.” 
Jensen listened intently, nodding along. “It sounds like you had quite the busy life. And what brought you here? Just a change of scenery?” 
Y/N paused, considering how much to share. “Yeah, you could say that. I was in a serious relationship, and things didn’t work out. I needed a break, some time to rethink my life and what I wanted. So, I came here for a change of pace and to clear my head.” 
Jensen’s expression softened with empathy. “I’m sorry to hear that. Breakups are never easy.” 
“Thanks,” Y/N said, managing a small smile. “It was a tough time, but it was also a chance to re-evaluate what really mattered to me.” 
Jensen took a sip of his coffee, his green eyes meeting hers with curiosity. “Do you have any kids?” 
Y/N shook her head. “No, I don’t. With my career being so demanding, I never really thought about starting a family. I was always focused on my work, and it just never felt like the right time.” 
Jensen looked thoughtful. “It must have been quite a balancing act. I can imagine how a career like that might make it challenging to think about starting a family.” 
“Exactly,” Y/N agreed. “It was always about the next project, the next shoot. I guess I just never made space for that part of my life.” 
Jensen nodded, a hint of understanding in his eyes. “It sounds like you were really dedicated to your work. “I get that.” he said looking sad at his cup, Jen used to complain when I got home after dark covered in dirt. Jensen’s gaze softened as he took another sip of coffee, turning the conversation. “I’m glad you found your way here, Sammy likes you.” 
Their conversation continued, flowing naturally as they shared stories and experiences. Y/N found herself enjoying Jensen’s company more than she had anticipated. He was thoughtful, engaging, and genuinely interested in her life and experiences. 
As they finished their coffee and prepared to leave, Y/N felt a renewed sense of connection with Jensen. The day had been filled with unexpected moments and new insights, and she was grateful for the opportunity to get to know him better. 
As Y/N prepared to leave the café, she decided to give Jensen her number. She wrote it down on a piece of paper and handed it to him with a friendly smile. “No pressure,” she said, “but in case you find yourself in any more girl trouble or just need someone to talk to, feel free to reach out.” 
Jensen looked at the number, a grateful smile spreading across his face. “Thanks, Y/N. I appreciate that.” 
They exchanged a warm goodbye, Tessa walked over to her, “Did I just saw Jensen having a date for the first time in over ten years?” Y/N laughed it off explaining the situation. “Yeah, that man is hooked, that was a date.” she said, turning away before Y/N could protest.  
Y/N headed back to her cabin, feeling a pleasant sense of anticipation about the day. As she settled in for the evening, she found herself reflecting on their conversation and the unexpected connection she’d felt. 
That evening, as she was unwinding at her rented cabin, her phone buzzed with a new message. It was from Jensen. She opened it and read: 
“Thanks again for the afternoon. I’d really like for you to join Samantha’s birthday party next Saturday. It would mean a lot to us if you could come.” 
Y/N’s heart warmed at the invitation. It was clear that Jensen valued her presence and appreciated her help. She typed a quick response: 
“I’d love to join the party! Thanks for inviting me, Jensen. Looking forward to it.” 
Fast forward to the party 
The day of Samantha’s birthday party arrived, and Y/N drove to Jensen’s property, excited to see how the celebration would unfold. As she approached, she was struck by the picturesque setting: the party was set up amidst the meadows, with tables and decorations blending seamlessly with the natural beauty of the surroundings. It was a charming and serene location, perfect for a birthday celebration. 
Y/N spotted Jensen, who looked as composed and handsome as ever in a crisp shirt and jeans. He was chatting with a few guests, clearly taking on the role of gracious host. Samantha, on the other hand, seemed a bit off. Her smile appeared forced, and she was standing a little apart from the crowd, her eyes scanning the guests with a hint of discomfort. 
As soon as Samantha noticed Y/N, her face lit up, and she hurried over, giving her a warm hug. “Y/N, I’m so glad you could make it!” 
“I wouldn’t have missed it,” Y/N replied, hugging her back. “But you don’t seem too happy. What’s wrong?” 
Samantha’s smile faltered slightly. “Well, dad invited a girl from my school who… wasn’t very nice to me. She’s the one who used to bully me for helping out on the ranch. It’s just a bit awkward.” 
Y/N’s heart ached for Samantha. “I’m sorry to hear that. Do you want to talk to him about it?” Samantha shook her head, looking uncertain. “I don’t want to cause a scene, she used to be my friend once a long time ago. I know how much work he put into it, he just doesn’t get me. I just wished he asked my boyfriend instead.” 
Y/N gave her a reassuring smile. “Let me see if I can help. Sometimes a distraction is all we need.” 
She approached Jensen, who was busy mingling with the guests. “Hey, Jensen,” Y/N said softly, “I think it might be a good time to start handing out the presents. It could help shift the focus away from the awkwardness.” 
Jensen looked momentarily puzzled but nodded, catching on. “Sure, that’s a good idea.” 
He signaled to the guests, and soon everyone gathered around the table where the gifts were arranged. Jensen took Samantha’s hand and led her to the center, his face beaming with pride. 
“Alright, Samantha,” Jensen began, “it’s time for presents. I hope you like them.” 
He started by giving her the gift from himself, carefully unwrapping it to reveal the beautiful bracelet. The room fell silent as Samantha’s eyes widened in delight. The bracelet shimmered in the sunlight, a perfect blend of elegance and charm. 
Jensen said, glancing over his shoulder at Y/N. “I had a little help picking it out. I hope you love it.” Samantha’s face lit up with genuine joy, and she hugged Jensen tightly. The bully and other guests looked on, and Y/N noticed a few envious glances toward the bracelet. It was clear that the piece was both beautiful and highly coveted. 
The mood began to shift as the guests admired the gift, and the focus of the party shifted to the celebration rather than any discomfort. Samantha seemed to relax, her earlier tension melting away as she revelled in the attention and the thoughtful gift. 
As the sun dipped below the horizon and night fell, the party took on a magical quality. The yellow string lights that had been hung around the meadow twinkled softly, casting a warm, enchanting glow over the scene. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and the gentle hum of music, creating a cozy, festive ambiance. 
Y/N had stayed behind to help with the post-party cleanup and, of course, to capture more memories through her camera lens. She moved gracefully among the guests, snapping photos of candid moments and the beautiful setting. Her camera captured the interplay of light and shadow, the way the evening sky framed the scene in its tranquil embrace. 
As she looked around, her eyes were drawn to Jensen and Samantha, who were dancing together in the midst of the yellow lights. They moved with an easy grace, their smiles bright and full of genuine happiness. Y/N couldn’t help but notice how much they seemed to mirror each other in that moment. Their smiles, the way they laughed together, and even the way they held each other—there was a striking resemblance. 
As they danced, Jensen looked at Samantha with a deep affection that spoke volumes about their bond. Samantha, in turn, seemed to radiate joy and comfort, her earlier discomfort forgotten. The way Jensen guided her gently across the dance floor was tender and protective, a testament to their close relationship. 
Y/N took several photos, capturing the warmth and love between them. The images would later serve as a reminder of this special night and the connection they all shared. She also noticed the subtle ways Samantha must resembled her mother —her smile, the curve of her eyes, and the way she moved with a natural grace. It was clear that despite the years and the challenges, Samantha carried a piece of her mother’s spirit with her. 
As the music played on, Y/N felt a deep sense of contentment. The evening had been a success, and she was grateful for the chance to be part of such a meaningful occasion. She watched the dance, feeling a mixture of admiration and fondness for the way Jensen and Samantha had come together in celebration. 
As the party continued into the night, Y/N took the opportunity to use her analog camera, capturing the evening in a different, nostalgic way. She carefully adjusted the settings and clicked away, hoping that someday she would get the chance to use the darkroom Samantha’s mother had once used. The thought of developing these photos in that special place added an extra layer of meaning to her work. 
Once the last of the guests had departed, Y/N found herself in the kitchen, tidying up and doing the dishes. The kitchen window offered a view of the porch, where Samantha and Jeffrey were sitting together. The sight was heartwarming: Samantha, her cheeks flushed with happiness, leaned close to Jeffrey, her earlier discomfort completely forgotten. They were chatting and laughing, clearly enjoying each other's company as they relaxed in the soft glow of the porch lights. 
Jensen walked in behind Y/N, his footsteps soft against the floor. He observed the young couple through the window with a smile. “Inviting Jeffrey was a nice touch,” he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. 
Y/N turned to him, her eyes twinkling. “Oh, let Samantha think it was your idea. It’ll make her even happier.” 
Jensen chuckled, nodding in agreement. “Alright, I’ll let her believe that. She’s had a great time tonight, and seeing her so happy means a lot.” 
Y/N continued to wash the dishes, the clinking of plates providing a soothing backdrop to their conversation. “You know, this has been a really special night. It’s clear how much you care about Samantha, and that’s really touching.” 
Jensen’s expression softened, and he leaned against the counter, his gaze steady and appreciative. “Thank you for helping us, helping her.” 
Y/N looked up, meeting his eyes. There was something tender and sincere in his gaze as he leaned in slightly, his eyes moving between her face and her lips. The atmosphere between them felt charged with a quiet intensity. 
Suddenly, a high-pitched laugh broke the moment. They both turned toward the window, where Jeffrey was playfully chasing Samantha through the fields. Samantha’s laughter echoed across the meadow, her joy evident as she darted away from Jeffrey. The scene was lighthearted and filled with warmth, a stark contrast to the intimate moment Y/N and Jensen had been sharing. 
When Y/N turned back to Jensen, she found him standing close behind her. His presence was both comforting and magnetic. He leaned in and whispered softly into her ear, his breath warm against her skin. “I want to show you something. Follow me.” 
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dragonagitator · 11 months
If the rumors that Netflix wants to produce a live-action adaptation of Baldur's Gate 3 come to fruition, I hope that Netflix casts as many of the game's voice actors as possible instead of going for bigger names.
When you look at the characters and their voice actors side-by-side, it quickly becomes apparent that with the right hair, makeup, and costuming, almost all of them could plausibly play a live-action version of their characters. The only companion I'd be even a little concerned about would be Karlach because Samantha Béart is only 5'4", but even then they could just use the same techniques that filmmakers have been using for years to hide the fact that Tom Cruise is shorter than most of his leading ladies.
Personally, I don't think my heart could be satisfied by anyone other than Tim Downie as Gale. I suspect that voice kink is one of the major driving forces behind our collective brainrot as Galemancers and thus having the same voice should be a much higher priority in casting than any minor cosmetic differences between his voice actor and his character art.
I also submit for your consideration pictures of a bearded Tim Downie:
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Grow out his hair, pop in some brown contacts, give him a slutty little earring, dress him up in a purple tunic, henna tattoo his orb scars, and that's Gale mystrafucking Dekarios. Even Tara would have a hard time telling them apart. :)
The only other actor who comes to mind when I think of Gale is LOTR-era Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn). But we don't have a time machine and he's now 20+ years too old for the role.
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crimejewels · 5 months
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Columbine Poster About Prom.
Rachel Scott , Nick Baugmart , Lauren Townsend, Cassie Bernall, Dylan Klebold, Corey DePooter, Isaiah Shoels, Robyn Anderson, Samantha Haviland; Attendend Prom in 4/17/99. Later in 3 Days Their Lifes Would Change Forever…
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About Event;
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something concerning the prom that was isaiah's (I don't know if it was an invitation or a brochure). And the booklet of Rachel.
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Post columbine: 2000 prom.
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Missy Mendo & Kelly Vandame.
Missy was a sophomore at the time of the 1999 massacre. it looks like she was invited to the prom. because it looks like it was in 2000 because of the date. it confuses me that it was a 1999 dance. maybe she was a freshman in 1998, then sophomore in 1999, then junior in 2000, most likely she graduated in 2001.
Kelly was 17 years old at the time of the massacre. grade not specified. she graduated in 2000. in the picture she is with her prom date, she later married him and they had 2 children.
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enelea · 9 months
Growing up...
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"I am so proud of both our boys", said Samantha when she had tucked the boys in. "So am I", Ching replied. "They are talented, clever and well behaved." "They just grew up so quickly." "Yes, way too fast." Ching said. "It feels like just the other day that they were born and tomorrow is the first day of primary school for one and kindergarten for the other", he added squeezing Samantha's hand. She smiled and gave his hand a warm pat in return.
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bel1ewrites · 1 year
The Alcohol Helped (Tara Carpenter x Reader)
a/n: sorry about the drought.
Description: It's too hard to stay away.
WC: 1.8k
Warnings: sorority setting, mentions of drugs and alcohol (underage drinking), drunk Sam and Tara, idiot reader with top energy, I changed the ages of Sam (22) and Tara (19) to fit the narrative better
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COLLEGE parties are never as fun as you think they’ll be. Maybe it’s the lack of alcohol in your system, possibly the absence of mind bending drugs that makes them seem kind of, well, lame. Being the designated driver always reminds you of the pure stupidity that flows through sweaty, half clothed twenty-somethings with a knack for getting themselves into trouble. 
“Oh president!” slurs your new assistant. Sam had secured her position after being one of the least insufferable people you’d ever known. Her first night in the house was spent drinking and watching all of the Pitch Perfect movies with you well into the early morning, and her second night was spent signing all of the new members up for random websites after acquiring their emails. 
“Hello, Samantha.” 
She giggles at the formality, drunkenly mocking the way you said her name and gripping your shoulders, looking into your eyes with serious intensity. “My sister loooves you.”
Tara. A new addition to the sorority. She didn’t even really have to rush due to her sister being your second in command. She was all doe-eyes and sickeningly sweet smiles, raven black hair and the kind of face that had recently begun to creep into your dreams. Truly the picture perfect active. 
“Does she?” you’re smirking a little, arms crossed and back pressed against the cool, probably germ infested wall. Vibrations run through you with each pump of the bass in some mind-numbing song. 
“Mhm,” she hums, a dopey look on her flushed face. She lifts her hand from your shoulder and boops you on the nose. “We were dancing with Chad, and Chad was all,” her voice deepens in an attempt to recreate his, “‘You’re soo beautiful Tara blah, blah, blah, we should blah, blah, blah’ but then Tara was all,” this time her pitch rises, “‘No, Chad. I’m totally… no you’re like my brother blah, blah, I’d never do that with you blah, blah, blah I wish Y/N would blah, blah, until I blah, blah, blah.”
“First of all, stop saying ‘blah, blah, blah’ before I punch you, and second of all, what did Tara-”
Speak of the devil, she’s stumbling towards you, drink sloshing around and spilling over the sides of her cup. Her cheeks are red, her eyes wide and sparkling. 
“Sam, come do another shot with me,” she’s begging, tugging on her sister’s arm. It’s a weak tug, fueled by her foggy mind. She hasn’t noticed you standing there, too preoccupied with her mission to get more alcohol in her system. 
“I don’t think you need another shot,” you cut in. Typically, you didn’t really care what the members of your sorority did in their spare time, so long as it didn’t interfere with their performance. Tara was nineteen. She was old enough to do as she pleased for the most part, and even if she technically wasn’t old enough to drink, she was still an adult who could make her own decisions. That being said, you couldn’t help but feel protective over her, brushing it off with some half-assed excuse about how she’s Sam’s sister. 
Round, brown eyes blink up at you as she processes your presence. 
“I mean,” she stutters, “let’s go uh… form meaningful connections?” 
“Nice one,” you’re running a hand through your hair, slightly damp with the perspiration that comes with a night full of standing and watching. 
“Well,” Sam starts with a little laugh, “I’m gonna go somewhere else.” Her figure retreats, blocked soon by the current of shifting bodies. 
Tara sways lightly on her feet. Midnight black strands of hair fall from her ponytail, framing her face with a flaw free air of carelessness. She’s wearing a cropped tank top and baggy jeans that make her look shorter than normal and sit perfectly on her hips, smudged eyeliner resulting in a strenuous difficulty for you to keep your hands in your pockets. 
“You know what we should do?” she’s grinning, eyes droopy. “We should dance.” Her hands reach for yours as you attempt to maneuver out of her range, aware of what a bad idea this is. 
You tell yourself you tried, but ultimately you fail to keep her off of you when she grabs your forearms and places them on her shoulders, backing up and effectively pulling you away from the comfort of your wall. With your arms resting casually over her shoulders, hands limp and unmoving, she sighs happily and clings to your torso. 
“You’re the perfect hug shape,” she mumbles, words muffled with her face against your ribbed tank. She’s breathing you in and humming.
“What does that mean?” Your voice is low and what the two of you are doing couldn’t possibly be defined as dancing. She’s hugging you tight, hands around your waist, and you’re holding her to you, one arm curved around the back of her neck and the other still hanging off her shoulder. There’s a comforting sway, the both of you rocking side to side soothingly. 
“I mean,” her hands are moving on your back, “You have such a sturdy body,” fingers slip beneath the hem of your shirt, “muscular and soft. Tall-” (“Everyone’s tall to you,” you interject.) “-and you smell so good all the time. It’s like some sort of sorcery. You’re like a hot, good smelling witch or something.” She’s fumbling over her words but you’re barely listening, focused intensely on the way her nails run over your bare back from under your shirt. 
Tara Carpenter has her hands under your shirt and it’s so hot where you stand but you’re shivering and pulling her closer. Tara Carpenter is scratching your back and you're stone cold sober but you can’t think through the fog in your mind.  
“I love this shirt on you,” she groans. She’s groaning and her hands are on your naked back and you’re holding her to you and all you can think about is her.  
“Yeah?” your voice shakes a little.
“Mm,” she nods against you. “It’s sexy.” 
It’s your turn to groan. It’s too much and you’re dangerously close to cracking under the sexual tension. 
“I’m gonna go get Sam.” you gently nudge her off of you. “I think you’re both in need of a glass of water and a bed. “
She’s frowning when you walk off. 
By the time you manage to drag Sam away from her game of beer pong and into the car, Tara still hasn’t spoken more than two words to you. She sits silently in the backseat and picks at her hands with intent whilst her sister insists on taking aux to listen to the Tangled soundtrack the whole way home. Every once in a while you glance in the rear view mirror and catch her eyes before she looks somewhere else again. 
As soon as the three of you clamber out of the vehicle and through the door, Sam heads for the leather couch in the common area and falls face first into it. You hang up your keys and watch Tara stumble slightly as she makes her way to her room. 
It’s silent, the sound of the heater kicking on fills the space around you along with your racing mind. Had you taken it too far with Tara? Did you make her uncomfortable? Maybe you should bring her some water and leave her an Advil for the morning. 
“Tara?” you call from outside her room, water and medicine in hand. She’s still awake, light on and soft music playing, muffled by the shut door. Beneath the light thrum of the melodies you can hear soft sniffles and little whimpers that make your heart drop in your chest. 
Tucking the pill bottle beneath your arm, you turn the knob and slowly crack open the barrier between you and her, still not peeking inside. “Tara?”
A pause. “What?” her voice is watery and you finally gain the courage to step inside. 
Her room is so impossibly her that it’s shocking. Soft white walls covered in bulletin boards, a few shirts scattered around the floor in a mess that seems intentional. It’s contrasting with the current state of her. Her eyes are puffy, cheeks still flushed from earlier, deeper now with the addition of tears. With the comforter pulled up over her neck all you can see is her face.
“Tara,” her lip quivers, face crumpling. “What’s wrong, baby?” Placing the things on her dresser, you rush to sit on her bed and rest a comforting hand on her forehead, moving the hair stuck there out of her face. She only cries harder.
“I’m sorry,” the bed shifts as she turns to lay on her side and face away from you.
“For what?” Confusion filters through you. If anything, it’s you who should apologize. 
“Making you uncomfortable with everything I said earlier,” she replies, body curled into a ball beneath her blankets. “It was really inappropriate of me.” 
Uncomfortable? The only thing that was uncomfortable was the metaphorical boner you got every time you were in her general vicinity, and that had nothing to do with anything she’d said. 
“Wait,” it clicks in your mind, “when we were dancing?”
She nods. 
“Tara, I wasn’t uncomfortable,” you rub circles on her upper back through the layers, “Hell, I was too comfortable.”
The gears in her mind turn weakly and she turns to look at you with wet eyes; asking, “What’s that mean?” with a sniffle.
“It means we were swaying and you were rubbing my back and calling me hot and I had to step away before I did anything irrational.” She’s on her back now, staring up at the ceiling fan silently. “Not because I don’t want to do… irrational things with you- it’s just that you’re Sam’s sister and I don’t want to complicate anyth-”
“-Sam’s the one who told me to go for it,” Tara informs you. Her tears are gone, their pathways dry on her face. “Said she’d had enough of our eye-fucking back before she’d even had her first shot.”
Agape. Your jaw is agape and you close it before opening it again like a fish out of water, struggling to find a response. Sam was the reason you’d tried to keep your distance; stuck to admiring from afar and aspiring to be close. Was the attraction that obvious?
“I only got the courage tonight because I’d caught you staring at me all week,” she finally smiles, “But the alcohol helped I guess.”
A noise of pure embarrassment emerges from your throat and you fall back against her mattress, crossing your forearms over your blushing face. Clearly you needed to work on your stealth abilities. 
The surface you lay on dips with movement. Tara’s warm hands wrap around your forearms as she struggles to pull them away. It’s truly laughable how little she moves them. She manages to uncover your eyes, her own sparkling with unknown emotions, a warm smile on her lips. You peer up at her with a hidden grin on your face. 
“So,” you start, “a hot, good smelling witch, huh?”
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 2 months
08/07-08/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Samson Kayo; Ruibo Qian; Kristian Nairn; Nathan Foad; Rachel House; WBD Q2 Earnings Call; Fuckery Trends; WBD Stock Status; WBD Related Articles; Fan Spotlight; Cast Cards; OFMD Colouring Pages; Our Flag Means Fanfiction; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Today's Taika;
== David Jenkins ==
David spotlighting some of our lovely crewmates art.
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Source: David's Twitter
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Source: David's Twitter
== Rhys Darby ==
Lots more footage from The Cryptid Factor at Lochness.
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The Cryptid Factor Live In Edinburgh - London Pitch at Lochness
The Cryptid Factor Live in Edinburgh - Lochness Mystical Waters
The Cryptid Factor Live in Edinburgh - On The Way To Lochness
Are you in London for Aug 9? Well you can still get tickets for The Cryptid Factor live at Kings Place here!
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Source: Rhys Darby's Instagram Stories
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika out with Rita, and Selma Hayak!
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Source: Selma Hayak's Instagram
== Ruibo Qian ==
Ruibo's meditation is up! I have to say it was pretty cool, it's about 8 minutes if you're interested!
Source: Ruibo Qian's Instagram
== Samson Kayo ==
So Samson started posted this during the August 7th WBD Fuckery. Related to the OFMD fans perhaps? We are nerds and we love it Samson! Just as much as we love you!
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Source: Samson's Twitter
== Kristian Nairn ==
Kristian is out with some old friends-- the character killer himself, George R.R. Martin!
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Source: Kristian Nairn's Instagram
== Nathan Foad ==
Nathan out with friends looking fabulous!
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Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram
== Rachel House ==
Some more BTS for Time Bandits with Rachel looking on in the background!
Source: Kal El Tuck's Instagram
== WBD Q2 Earnings Call Info ==
Our friends over at @adoptourcrew were kind enough to transcribe the information on the WBD Earnings call if you're interested!
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Source: AdoptOurCrew's Twitter
== Fuckery Trends ==
Thank you to our ever-present and awesome friends over at Never Left Podcast for catching the trends everyone worked so hard on for the Aug 7 call!
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Source: Never Left Podcast Twitter
== WBD Stock ==
Our badass crewmate Seven_Sugars on twitter captured the latest WBD stock drop. 12% today alone. Dayum.
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Source: Seven Sugars Twitter
== WBD Related Articles ==
Source: Never Left Podcast Twitter
Source: Meowzawowza's Twitter
Source: Never Left Podcast Twitter
Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
Source: Meowzawowza's Twitter
Source: Adopt Our Crew Tumblr
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
More Cast Cards from @melvisik tonight! I'm finally caught up! First up is Samantha Avila, an Art Director and Christine Wada one of our lovely costume designer who's responsible for the gorgeous outfits in season 1!
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Nye G. and Marlon H. are action and stand in talent! (According to ofmd-crew.com)
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Source: Melvisik's Twitter
= OFMD Colouring Pages = More and more colouring pages from the fabulous @patchworkpiratebear! Visit their tumblr for more versions of each!
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Source: PatchworkPirateBear's Tumblr
= Our Flag Means Fanfiction =
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast
== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies, sorry if last love notes was a bit heavy. Lot of my mind lately. I'm running late, and with no sleep at the moment... I'm doing my best to keep up. Sending love notes from some others again tonight. I hope you all are well <3
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Do not ask me what the theme is here. Gifs courtesy of the absolutely wonderful @wastingyourgum and @ofmd-ann <3
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dalekofchaos · 7 months
Life Is Strange fancast(new)
Already did a LIS fancast before, but since some of them were too old, I think it's time to do a new one
my other LIS fancasts
LIS BTS fancast
LIS 2 fancast
LIS TC Fancast
Thomasin McKenzie as Max Caulfield
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Sophie Thatcher as Chloe Price
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Kristine Froseth as Rachel Amber
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Elle Fanning as Kate Marsh
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Wyatt Oleff as Warren Graham
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Reneé Rap as Victoria Chase
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Austin Abrams as Nathan Prescott
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Aaron Eckhart as William Price
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Robin Wright as Joyce Price
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Ving Rhames as Principal Raymond Wells
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Yvette Nicole Brown as Michelle Grant
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Douglas M. Griffin as Samuel Taylor
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David Harbour as David Madsen
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Norman Reedus as Frank Bowers
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Bryan Cranston as Sean Prescott
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Dewon Sawa as Mark Jefferson
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Barbie Ferreira as Alyssa Anderson
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Brianne Tju as Brooke Scott
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Jacob Batalon as Daniel DeCosta
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Ryan Potter as Evan Harris
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Jenna Ortega as Stella Hill
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Jolie Vanier as Dana Ward
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Kelli Berglund as Juliet Watson
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Ross Lynch as Luke Parker
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Charlie Rowe as Justin Williams
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Noah Centineo as Trevor Yard
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Stefanie Scott as Taylor Christensen
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Tiffany Espensen as Courtney Wagner
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Mason Gooding as Hayden Jones
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Justin Prentice as Zachary Riggs
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Because of tumblr's new layout with the 30 picture limit, I cannot add more pictures, so here's the rest.
Dylan Minnette as Logan Robertson
Angourie Rice as Samantha Myers
Mischa Collins as Skip Matthews
Mark Hamill as Travis Keaton
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anamoon63 · 4 months
And now let me introduce Roderick's oldest son, Randy Kingston.
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Parents: Roderick Kingston and Tiara Angelista.
Sisters: Melanie and Bonnie.
Stage: Adult
Traits: Artistic, Flirty, Star Quality, Eccentric, Friendly and Angler.
Main Skills: Fishing, Cooking and Gardening. He's good as well with Piano and Inventing.
Music: Pop. Food: Pancakes. Color: Blue.
Zodiac sign: Gemini.
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Career: Angler. He's currently a Level 7, Local Ahab.
Randy followed the Angler career, for two important reasons, one, that Angler is one of his traits, and two, cause he wanted to catch a very special a very special fish that he needed to prepare a meal with which he could resurrect his deceased mother, Tiara Angelista. That fish was the Death Fish, and the meal was Ambrosia, for which he required one more ingredient: Life Fruit. That's why Randy, not only put all his efforts in fishing, but also in learning gardening and cooking.
Like his father, Randy loves the Bridgeport nightlife, but he's also a family man, loves the outdoors and being one with nature.
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Lifetime Wish: Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous. - Reach Celebrity Star Level 5. - Be worth at Least 100,000 Simoleons. Which he already fulfilled.
Randy had another wish, though, he was obsessed with resurrecting his mother, Tiara, so he spent many nights fishing in the small cemetery lake for Death Fish, he even traveled to Al Simhara in search of Life Fruit, which he now grows in his own garden, to prepare Ambrosia, the meal capable of bringing dead sims back to life. We will see later whether he managed to resurrect Tiara or not, and what happened next.
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Status: Married (for the third time). As a flirty man Randy has gotten himself into far more trouble than his father ever could, not for nothing has he been in three marriages already. The first was to his high school sweetheart, Diedre Littler, with whom he had four daughters: Josephine, Thalia, Brenda (now adults), and Samantha (still a teenager).
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His second marriage was to Belisama Hemlock (for whom he left Deidre). With her he had two children: Roderick (named after his grandfather) and Megan (in the picture with Belisama). Randy and Belisama were very happy at the beginning, but everything was ruined after the babies were born cause Belisama, being a vampire, insisted on continuing with her old nocturnal habits. Randy was fed up with that, and asked her for a divorce. Belisama had to leave the house and Randy kept the custody of the children.
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Currently, Randy is married to Elspeth Cook, (Jeffrey and Lady Cook's daughter), with whom he had started an affair while still married to Belisama. After Randy's divorce, Elspeth got pregnant, so they decided to get married immediately.
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Today they live happily, with their baby boy, Ryan, and Randy's other three children. They say the third time is the charm. Let's hope that this marriage will last forever.
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