#sanity loss
exoticalmonde · 10 months
Imagine if you wanted to have fun.
Now imagine you don't have fun but you already begun 'fun process'.
That's this.
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Every single second spent among these waters, I feel my sanity physically drain. Despite the level 92 refresh this afternoon, because I HATE these enemies, I submit myself to torture beyond the mending of friendship time with Dr. Pinkie and Dr. Kryo.
And because someone keeps nagging me to do the Monthly memory lane dive (there's 3 days left from this one), I have to today.
Or else selective Dementia will catch on.
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From the get-go, Lumen boy, I think we are in trouble. Nothing a good old team of Lumen (husband), Czerny (supreme husband) and Scavenger (rat on the ship) can't fix, right?
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........... Wow that looks breakable. And I'm definitely not talking about the bird but the +4 Hope.
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Ebb. It's like Eeb but reverse. You can technically say I'm in the game already. Eating the bonefish that cause nervous impairment by just being close to my operators.
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Look at this band of sillies, Honeyberry, Steward, Kroos-alter, Vigil, Gravel... All of you are alive because Lumen's S3 is working wonders.
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I deserve the 6 for the King's weapons, I've been pulling 2s every single time I rolled today including the die in the game.
BUT. WHY. CAN'T. I.???
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It's tempting.
Haahaa do we get the OWIE that's if I stun or the OWIE from losing a life point. I'm actually not planning on losing anymore because. Well.
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I'm not having a funky monkey time.
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cupophrogs · 4 months
I’m pretty sure that Drew and CatNap(Theo) are the same age
As kinda confirmed by one of the Devs on their Discord
Still funny tho that Drew will insult CatNap and everyone
That lanky no muscle over expired Raisin, aka The skeleton hand simp
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“There’s no shot he’s my age.”
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Hey; if Elon Musk can re-word failure, so can I.
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julfr · 2 months
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Do not panic
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loupy-mongoose · 3 months
You mentioned there was one pokemon Jamie wouldn't deal with does that mean there's a particular mon she'd had a bad experience with? Maybe scyther or another bug/rock type (since Kleavor 'is that turned up to 11')? Or is it just an issue with bugs in general like Misty?
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The one Pokemon that's caused so much devastation in her life that it's become a symbol of loss to her....
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Someone jokingly throwing Phantom’s hat into the ring during the next election and now he’s seriously competing against Vlad Masters to be Amity’s mayor
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surrealsunset · 3 months
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the sun always shines on TV
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mellonyheart · 8 months
Mammon - Whatcha' thinkin' about?
Me - Hmm...? Nothing important.
Mammon - Then why are ya thinkin' about it?! You should be thinkin' 'bout me!
Me - [Stare]
Mammon - Now what are ya thinkin'?
Me - 'Bout how I love you so so so very much
Mammon - I love ya too... come on, don't get all sappy on me...
Me - But I can't help it...
Me - I like being sappy...
Me - ...when I'm with you.
Mammon - Dammit... say it again.
Me - Which part? I like being sappy with you?
Mammon - No! The first thing...
Me - That I love you so so soooo very much?
Mammon - [Blush]
Mammon - I love you too... so much I feel like I'm crazy.
[Long smooch]
Me - Me too. Let's be crazy together ♡
Mammon - Forever?
Me - Yeah... forever and ever and always.
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zombiechoir · 2 months
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Gazerock is not dead! Ride with the rockers in heaven, dear Reita♡
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themadsonneteer · 2 months
By Bud Koenemund (Written: April 2024) Half of my heart is still in love with you; A notion foolish as it is sincere, When that affection’s forever imbued By sadness: growing more and more austere. Half of my mind is still in love with you; Yet condemned to recall happier days, ‘Fore passion incandescent went askew; Leaving intellect and sanity razed. Half of my soul still belongs to you; Though ‘tis now mortal – crushed beyond the repair Time can grant; a solace long overdue – As I stumble about in my despair. I seek a peace I fear I’ll never find, While memory and shadow intertwine.
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arolesbianism · 6 months
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Some very lazy concept doodles for my swap au Wendy
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faerytale-wings · 3 months
Portraiture and sculpting are basically the same thing, right?
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house-of-mirrors · 6 months
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"I have rarely seen such a combination of stains, flaws, and disappointing features," he admits. "You are to be congratulated: I assume this was intentional. You could hardly have done it by accident."
After all this time, I've completed the true ambition in the game... I've collected all 7 soul flaws
The Blue Kingdom can ssuck my ass
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bltzgore · 8 months
tw: lab whump, vivisection, non-human/regerative whumpee, experimentation, mentioned eye gore, loss of sanity as a coping mechanisim, loss of voice (cutting of the vocal cords)
So whumpee with regerative powers, but in a lab setting...
A whumpee who can regerate kind of like an axolotl. A whumpee that is just different enough that they are considered non-human. A whumpee who's whumper is intrigued by regeneration and wants to help the human race by figuring out how whumpee regenerates. Just think of all the good they'll be able to do! So they turn to whumpee and they cut off limbs, cut out eyes, they open them up reach in and divide organs, even their brain.
Maybe they cut whumpee's vocal cords, their screaming is just impractical, and they don't want to go deaf half way to their greatest discovery! Plus, the lab techs keep quitting because they feel bad, that too is a great inconvienience.
Whumpee feels like they're losing themselves to the pain. Every time they're pulled towards that table they used to scream, they can't scream anymore. The sounds they can make are even less human. They start to make whatever noises of protest they can, until one day they find themself huffing a half silent half abrasive chittering laughter. They're laughing, and they can't stop. Because do they think that any of this is going to change anything? Do they ever think this is going to stop? No one cares, no one is going to save them. This is their life, and for the rest of it they're going to be sliced apart and studied. Why is that so funny?
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mommyhorror · 1 year
😞thinking about Elliot page & Amanda bynes & Britney Spears & Shelley duvall & Jennette McCurdy
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lyranix1201 · 7 days
(part 1)Here are some of the plot summary of the nevermore fanfic that I have been writing or that I will write in the future:
(before I start, I am very sorry about all of the spelling mistakes on this post. my computer doesn't have a autocorrect feature, for some reason or I just can’t figure out why it doesn’t work. two of the summarys of the fanfic that I was writing, are on this post. that I Luckily had placed on one of my draft before my phone broke. so they are here. I have somehow saved them from being lost for eternity :)
(Mafia/ cleaning service AU)
Who's there?! Nevermore Cleaning service.(Current name for this fanfic. all of them might change in the future.)
Having a job as a cleaner is quite boring, but knowing that your life is on the line if you don't do your job properly—is terrifying. The well-known company known as Nevermore Cleaning Service, also known as N.C.S for short, never puts on their job description that it is associated with the mafia. Being a cleaner for the mob has its ups and downs and Lenore knows that better than anyone. She has experience it all, the bad and the worst. She learned very quickly in her career, that being an employee of this company, means that you have to do the dirty work, that no one wants to do.
Cleaning away the blood, disposing of the bodies well listening to jazz or classical music is oddly satisfying, to say the least. Sometimes if you’re lucky you don't have to do your job alone, but that also means that there are more bodies in your disposal. When there is too much work, they will grouped you up with three other people. Like in the case of Lenore, that's how she met three of her best friend, Duke, Pluto and Berenice.
On one of those boring days of cleaning, Lenore became acquaintances with someone new. She met the daughter of one of the most well-known mafia leaders in town, Annabelle Lee withlock. She met this girl at one of the most unpredictable location, a crime scene, of all places. Annabelle lee stated that “she didn't do it” but Lenore wasn't convinced in the slightest. Especially after meeting her more frequently, because of some random body that is laying on the floor.
Lenore cleanse up crime scene's for a living, with her three friends (Pluto, Duke, Berenice). One day, she meets Annabelle lee on one of those crime scene. In Lenore's words she was acting weird (sus), they ended up fall in love. The end.
(I can literally imagine Annabelle lee killing some random person, just so that she can spend time with Lenore.)
[this fanfic is inspired by a video game called "Crime Scene Cleaner". that you can find on steam. but the full game is not yet available and I Don't know when it will released in the making of this post. I saw someone play the demo of this game (Jay from the kubz scouts) and I immediately got inspired to write a fanfic with the same theme. I'm currently still writing the first chapter and it has now at least over 1600 words and I have been trying to make the 2 and 3 chapter, even though I’m not even finished with the first one. There is a small problem that I forgot to mention, all of my fanfics are on my phone and my phone decided to die on me. so I lost everything that I have, allllll of it is goneeeeeeeeeeeee and I don’t know if a can remember all of the things that I wrote, to recreate it. So............yeah, that happened.]
Here is the link of the video that I watched and the game:
(Train conductor Au)
The Everlasting train ride(Current name for this fanfic)
Lenore and her friends are stuck on a moving train that has been inhabited by people for centuries. They don't know how long the citizens have been on board this train, but one thing that the close friends do know for certain. Is that they have been occupying this train ever since they were children.
After the strange disappearance of the two Vandernaghts conductors, Lucille and Thaddeus, their two children were now destined to becoming the next train conductors after them. Lenore and her brother Theo are now in charge of the train and the passengers well-being.
The two siblings were investigating their parents weird disappearance to understand, how and why they disappear. The passengers assume that they are death, but Lenore is not convinced. Before their parents disappearance, no one was ever allowed to enter into the front wing of the train, also known as the control room. but now that they were gone, she and her brother are now allowed to venture throughout the area, until their hearts content. No one has ever been on this side of the train beside of their parents, so it is a big mystery of what lays upon those depths. Apparently this is where all of their parents belonging are kept and the belonging of the train conductors before them. This is great start in figuring out anything about their parents and the nature of this train.
With the help of her friends, Lenore starting solve more mystery around the train and discovered the real origin of its creation. she found out many things, one thing that stood out from the rest of course, is the fact that her enter family, has been stuck on this train for centuries.
After finding out the so called truth. she had enough of this place and made the decision to stop at the next train station that appeared. In all of the train history there were no written down instances of the train having new passengers, beside the ones that were already occupying it. But this time it was different, they acquired not one, but five new passengers, that weren't originally from this godforsaken train.
Where do they come from? what is it like outside? Why do they even want to be on-board, this devils train? What made them want to leave there homes, in the first place?
Those were all questions that the passengers and Lenore wanted to know. She didn't have enough time to asked the strangers any questions, they had to make a run for it ...... something went wrong. Now that there are five strangers in the train, can she trust them to not hurt the passengers?
The number one rule placed on the train conductors is that, the safety of the people is their number one priority. But what happens if she doesn’t comply to this rule?
(Your soul will be capt, in dark depths of the abyss, untill the devil's train presist)
Lenore and her friends are stuck on a moving train, she meets Annabel lee and her gang, and Theo and Lenore are basically orphans now.
[ like all of the other fanfic, I lost everything about it and I am really pissed. because one of the most important part of the fic, that I wrote is now gone.]
fun fact: when I started writing this fanfic, I wrote the summary, the plot, the things that were going to happen in the story and the 3 chapter (were the most important thing that Lenore is going to find out in the story) on a random Thursday. After I saw a random picture of a broken down train on Pinterest . Not even a week after, I went to my Portuguese school library and found this English book, with almost the exact same plot. It is so random, I never saw that book before in my life and that book was also never touched by anyone. I’m not even mad that I found it, because it gave me some extra ideas for this fic. after reading it, I found out that the only thing that the fanfic and the book have in common is that the main character father figures disappears and that there are trains is both of them.
The book is called: the railway children. ( It is a children's book and it was a great read.)
(pirate/fortune-teller(princesses) fantasy AU
The last gambit (current name of this fanfic)
[ this was my first ever fanfic that I started writing about the nevermore characters. I had already written a part of the first chapter with at least more than 1200 words. and now I don't have it. I don't have the summery, I don't have the chapter and I don't have the important things about the plot. JUST GREAT, JUST MY FUCKING LUCK :( . I remember that I wrote a short kind of poem in the first chapter, that I was really prude off, because I never wrote a poem in my life. And now it is gone forever.
This is what I remember about it, their are some things that are wrong, because I don't clearly remember what I wrote and I absolutely change some things in the end:
“pirates filled with greed, whom travel at sea, passe through the kafra will be on seen.
When you passe through the depths of the sea, You will perceive your pendant of hearts, in part of three.
Persist onward and venture through the lands of dreams, that is engulfed by dreams, Travel until enternity.
Your time can passe forward, my time can be kept, to be enternily yours in the depth of my neck.
My soul will life on, until your favourite word never, will be no more. Until I say there is no more. Until my dear friend says nevermore…..”
The last few paragraph don't make any sense, but anyways.... (This poem is important to the plot, I promise.)
here is a quick summery of the fanfic, that I managed to make with the last bit of my memories, that i have about it:
“She's a well-known pirate, who is known by many and every merchant who travels on the seven seas. in other words, she is a well-known thief who is hated by all."
“A pirate and a thief.” Annabell lee thought to herself well, observing the black haired woman a crossed the street. “What an intriguing combination, indeed.” A little smile appeared on her face, when she realized that the woman that she was a waiting for. for all of those years, was now stedely approaching her. her definition didn’t predict this, but it certainly did predict the presence of a: "pure embodiment of chaos" appearing on her front door step.
The only thing that she has to do now, is to play her cards wright. she didn't expect this to happen, but she is very glad that it did. with the help of this so called pirate, she will be able to get her ticket straight to freedom. (There is nothing straight about this, you know, because she gay..... Let me stop)
Lenore is a well known pirate and Annabell lee is a fortune-teller/princesses. Lenore is practically forced by Annabell Lee to help her escape her responsibility.
This fanfic is a fantasy au, so this is going to be all of the character roles in the story:
Morrella is either going to be a mermaid or a fairy in this fic. or maybe i should make her an hybrid, because i can't choose and because I can.
Lenore is going to be a pirate/ lost princesses
Annabell lee is going to be a princesses/ fortune-teller who can see the future.
Prospero and Annabell are going to be stepsiblings, because I said so.
duke is a pirate and wizard ( I don’t know okay, leave me alone)
will is going to be a shape shifter or an genie
Ada is going to be a siren in disguise, who is also a maid.
Pluto is going to be furry, I mean a shape shifting cat.
Eulalie is going to be a witch who owns a orphanage.
Berenice is going to be a vampire who owns her own bar.
Theo is probably going to be dead in this fic.
And last but not least Monty is going to be a asshole to everyone. He is also a thief and a pirate.
Puppet is going to be Annabelle's, teacher who helps her with her ability.
Dolly is practically going to be a nurse ( I don't know what to do with her yet.)
The dean's, Merry and mourn are going to be the antagonist, who likes to play games with Lenore and Annabelle.
[ i will post more of those in the future, but now i have to try to get my shit together and start slaving away and start writing. i am praing to god that the fanfic curse (ao3 curse) doesnt kill me (literally and figuratively. my luck is horoundes and im 70% sure that i am some how related to lenore, in some way or form. also i will use this post as some kind of safe in case something happens, so that i may be able to use it in the future to write my fanfic).]
Future me here. I won't be able to get my digital art and my fanfic from my old phone :(. I hope that I be able to get my phone repair, but knowing my luck it's not going to happen. I got everything placed on my grandmother old phone except my pictures, my fanfic and digital art that I have been making for YEARS and MONTHS.
Also here is a picture of my phone now.
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What happened to it?
I threw it at someone's head.
I'm just joking, My dumb ass dropped it on the floor. I tried to get the protection off, but apparently it is glued with the strongest glue in the word. some kind of fucking super glue was used on this shit, because it didn't even want to get off. I tried to get rid off it, but it didn't work and I accidentally hurt my self. basically i cut my self with the glass bits of the protection, so in the end, I gave up. Yes, my finger did bleed, but It was nothing to fatal. My phone is now unresponsive, so I can practically throw it in the trash now.
I have lost all of my picture, more than 300 song that I had download on this phone, digital art and fanfic. atleast I still have my Gmail account, I guess.
I'm not that mad about lossing all of the fanfic, yes I did lose all my progress but I can always make everything again. But my art in the other hand, I'm never going to get it back and now I'm sad.
My dumb ass didn't save anything on my cloud or drive, so I lost all of it forever. I hope you guys can learn something from me.
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