#save Earth
aahanna · 15 days
Global warming to global boiling we came soo far 😭
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callmeanxietygirl · 2 months
Día de la Tierra 🌍🌎🌏
There's no planet B
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gxdsfavgal · 1 year
Please Sign this Petition
If you do not know/do not live in the US, there is a chance that Alaska will be sold for oil drilling. This is The Willow Project. This project would release 287 million metric tons of Carbon Dioxide into the environment! This would impact the animals that live in Alaska but also climate change!
So please sign this petition!
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thatbrownchic · 2 months
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Spring ke sath Basanti bhi disappear ho jayegi. 😭 Kuch toh karo, guys!! 😭
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Aese kaise jinda rahe. Marr jate hai chalo. Koi aara sath me? 🤷🏻‍♀️
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sleepymccoy · 10 months
Okay, first twenty minutes of season three
We spend some time with third party characters establishing some kind of plot preamble
We get some scenes of Aziraphale doing well in heaven, that end with the rug being pulled out from under him in a way that has clearly been happening a lot, he's keeping his chin up but is miserable. Celebrating the wins, though
We see Crowley being a bit miserable on earth, seemingly aimless
We see hell discussing plot stuff
We see a back alley meeting between Muriel and a demon
Aziraphale gets the handover from Muriel about the meeting, with mentions of Crowley because they're keeping an eye out for the Bentley too
Then we see that Crowley has taken the duke promotion in hell and is behind the discussion we saw earlier. He's feeding what info he wants to Muriel. Totally in control of things
Until Aziraphale decides things aren't moving well enough and turns up in hell himself. Crowley gets enough warning to put a costume on so he isn't recognised (no tactics, just breakup cowardry) and speaks with a stupid voice
Aziraphale spots it quick. Takes it in the chin. Now they both think they know more than the other in some way but really no one has any idea what the fuck is going on
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firebugseverywhere · 2 months
Hey uhm little big reminder for every person on earth...
Don't throw your fucking cigarettes on the ground.
Terrible for the environment. Kills literal animals. Makes the ground look ugly as hell. I don't know how many times people have to hear this.
I know it's fun and super swag, but no. Just stop. Think of the bugs and the birds and the children as well.
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gkinoki · 2 months
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k-s-78 · 4 months
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bimaagusti · 4 months
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Cleanliness is part of faith
To begin a healthy life, we have to be aware to environmental cleanliness
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Happy Earth Day 🌏🌱! Discover 4 things you can do on this significant day! 👇 
♻️ Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Reduce waste by using reusable items and buying products with minimal packaging, and recycle paper, plastic, and glass.
💡 Conserve Energy: Save energy by turning off lights and appliances when not in use, using energy-efficient light bulbs, and walking, biking, or using public transportation.
🌳 Plant Trees: Combat climate change by planting trees in your yard or community and participating in tree-planting events.
🛒Sustainable Practices: Choose products made from sustainable materials and buy local and organic produce.
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aahanna · 4 months
Far better than humans
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Nature helping nature !!
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Idk maybe we'd respect our planet more if it was father nature
Not mother nature.
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marvelousmiss-marvel · 5 months
So we all know by now that lots and lots of people have experienced P.A.D.S., Post Avatar Depression Syndrome. Basically people feel this intense grief for our planet and this longing for Pandora, so much so that people have committed suicide in hopes of being reincarnated in a place like it. But I want to show you another side.
I don’t believe that I have pads. In fact, I think I’m quite the opposite. I always feel so good after watching Avatar and Avatar: The Way of Water. I feel connected to nature, to myself, and at the same time a bit distanced from everyone else because I feel like this. I haven’t found anything like this on the internet yet, but maybe there’s someone else out there who feels like I do.
Not only do I feel happy, connected, engaged, and motivated to be a better person to try to save our planet, I also feel anger. Angry that this movie is a wake up call. We see that earth has been deemed a wasteland of pollution, and so the government takes matters into their own hands and does anything possible for profit, for revenge, for their own selfish selves. Now I’m not saying that I’m not selfish, I’m just saying that that is pretty much exactly how we will end up if we continue doing nothing.
I’m not sure if this was the message that James Cameron intended to send back in 2009, but it pretty much is. I think that we, as a global population can do better. Instead of saying “I’ll get to it one day” or “I start next week”, or next month, or next year, or once this or that, we can start today. Or if you’re like me on here when you should be sleeping, start in the morning.
You can start by taking a shower that’s 5 minutes shorter. Try to decrease it every week. Try carpooling. Try more meatless foods. That’s something that I’m working on right now, I’ve recently watched a documentary called “You Are What You Eat” on Netflix (go check it out it’s really interesting) and it shows how healthier you can be, the impact on the planet raising animals to be slaughtered, and the effect that those animals have on you. Growth hormones don’t look great. Free range is about 8 ft square per chicken. Not just running around in a field.
So I challenge you guys to be more like the Na’Vi and connect to nature everyday, even if it’s on your way to work or school and you appreciate the scenery. (Or even if you don’t.) Try some new foods. Help slow the inevitable destruction of the planet :)
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geohoneylovers · 1 year
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In honor of World Environment Day, Geohoney is offering a 15% discount on all products. This is Geohoney's way of giving back to the planet and encouraging others to do the same. Learn more about it:- https://blog.geohoney.com/world-environment-day-15-percent-discount
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nomadicflowers · 1 year
Environmental impact documents conclude that if the oil produced by Willow is burned, it would create 260 million metric tons (260,000,000,000 kg ) of carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide is a chemical compound made up of molecules that each have one carbon atom covalently double bonded to two oxygen atoms. It is found in the gas state at room temperature. In the air, carbon dioxide is transparent to visible light but absorbs infrared radiation, acting as a greenhouse gas. The noise, traffic, and pollution the project brings will disrupt ecosystems that Indigenous Alaskans have relied on for millennia. And the project threatens the already vulnerable caribou population — a vital resource many native communities rely on.
What happens when you drill in Alaska? Seismic vibrations can disrupt plants' growth patterns. In addition, the infrastructure from oil drilling can cause drainage issues for plants. Infrastructure, particularly road-building, can also lead to alkaline dust spreading across and settling on topsoil. Expansion of oil and gas drilling in their habitat could be extremely damaging. Direct contact with spilled oil would kill polar bears but an invisible threat could persist for years, as toxic substances lingering in ice or water may impact the entire food web of the Arctic ecosystem for years to come.
Offshore oil and gas drilling threatens our beaches, rivers, creeks, salt marshes and Sea Islands. It threatens wildlife like brown pelicans, bottlenose dolphins, sea turtles and endangered North Atlantic right whales. Offshore oil and gas drilling threatens our coastal way of life.
The production and use of oil and gas are inextricably linked to water. The extraction and processing of oil and gas consume large volumes of water, produce wastewater and may accidentally pollute water supplies. These effects have an impact on water supplies, human health and natural resources.
Is oil drilling help cause global warming?Not only that, the oil and gas industry releases massive amounts of methane, a greenhouse gas that is 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide. All told, the industry is responsible for 38% of all methane emissions in the United States, or 3.8% of all greenhouse gases.
Methane (CH4) is a hydrocarbon that is a primary component of natural gas. Methane is also a greenhouse gas (GHG), so its presence in the atmosphere affects the earth's temperature and climate system. Methane is emitted from a variety of anthropogenic (human-influenced) and natural sources.
Why is the Willow Project bad?
* The proposed project is a climate disaster in waiting.
* The analysis for the project covers only a sliver of ConocoPhillips’ plans for the area.
* New information on the risk of gas leaks has not been properly assessed.
* ConocoPhillips has played an influential role in the environmental review.
Oil destroys the insulating ability of fur-bearing mammals, such as sea otters, and the water repellency of a bird's feathers, thus exposing these creatures to the harsh elements. Without the ability to repel water and insulate from the cold water, birds and mammals will die from hypothermia.
The impact of an oil spill.
* harms animals and insects.
* prevents photosynthesis in plants.
* disrupts the food chain.
* takes a long time to recover.
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I'm dreaming of a white Christmas..
It's supposed to be 60 degrees on Christmas!?🤔😲 I am in Cleveland.... where is my white Christmas?🤔😭😭 Why do people think global warming is not an issue? This is nuts.😵😭🔥❄⛄🎄
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