#saw a few posts on tiktok that pissed me off. can you tell
mourningcttlfsh · 9 months
maturing is realizing that there will always be someone who is going to hate you for your interests no matter what they are
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nicromancytarot · 4 months
so how did you manage to find the exact name of your spouse thats quite cool!
It’s a long story in all honesty. 2022 I liked this guy, and I stumbled across pick a cards on YouTube, I watched one about my future spouse and it mentioned some specific things that unfortunately for 2022 me did not add up with the guy I liked. At the end of 2022 I interacted with my future spouse unknowingly, and he’s always been under my nose which sounds insane and creepy at the same time. My friend sent me a video of him in 2021 and I had no idea who he was, I used an audio of him on tiktok in 2022 and still hasn’t a clue of his existence, even as far back to 2020 when I saw him on youtube and vowed to never watch his content ‼️
He’s somewhat in the influencing space if you can’t already tell (I’ll keep his name private for the sake of both of our privacies and timing, since obviously things can change) so I didn’t think much of it. Then mid 2023 I got back into Tarot and pick a cards, I was feeling really demotivated so I decided to watch some about my future spouse again, same thing as always happens, I put two and two together and was like “oh, hang on a minute” then bro got semi cancelled and I was onto bigger and greater things, hoping Louis Partridge was my husband instead 😔
I always felt verrrry drawn to this person no matter what and it pissed me off cus this was my era of loving Miguel Ohara and wishing that he was real, but it was spoiled by this man being on my mind. So around 5 months later I got back into his content (very loosely) and I was a tad more content with him being my future spouse.
I then started learning more about astrology, he hasn’t got many chart analysis posts about him as he’s not mainstream or anything, but the ones that he does have, the “soulmate” ones weirdly describe me and it’s creepy, because it makes me feel parasocial, I only know one other person with a “famous” future spouse so I don’t really know how to feel about it, since there’s so many unsuspecting, but it’s weird to know who you’re going to marry.
Another thing I should probably say is that my spirit guides don’t hide much from me anymore, the start of 2023 they gave me a blob of information about the universe and how it works and all these things about the afterlife (which again, makes me sound psycho, so I don’t speak about it) I’m writing a book on it, have been for the last year, it’s definitely going to be a lot when I one day release it lmao, but because of them telling me all this stuff, they don’t really care to hide my future spouse’s identity for me, I think they figured that it will motivate me to actually get my ass up and become who I want to become so we can meet.
But going back to the astrology, I was told by my spirit guides via pendulum that I was going to meet him at 21, that was told to me October last year, December last year I was looking through our astrology transits, we both have a 5th house (love and relationships) transit on November 24th 2026, 14 days after my 21st birthday. So that was certainly confirmation lmao. His 7th house ruler (where you could meet) in astrocartography goes over the country I live in, and my 7th house ruler also goes over that place too, so again, very strange.
During my October pendulum time, I spoke with one of my great grandparents who had a specific message for me, and she proceeded to spell out his name, so that’s how I know that lmao.
I’ve done so many readings on it since because it does make you feel absolutely, incredibly insane and possibly out of your mind, and they’ve always added up. I did a “how he’s going to meet his future spouse” and then mine, they added up too much, it was terrifying (bro feels rejected by me, L) and I also asked for confirmation a few nights later for just a single sign that he is indeed my future spouse, I pulled AT THE SAME TIME the lovers and two of cups, I genuinely sobbed when I realised I could’ve recorded it, it’s the craziest thing that’s happened to me in Tarot I swear.
I also received a few readings since during exchanges and games where people have straight up confirmed that he is who I think he is. So hopefully we both make the right decisions to be together in the end, it’s definitely not an opportunity I plan on missing out on.
I can’t lie, knowing your future spouse is hard, especially if they’re somewhat someone you look up to, I’m not necessarily a “fan” of him, I don’t really interact with his content anymore, I haven’t really done so since early 2023, but I feel guilty for not doing so now as of who he is to me, and who he shall be. I constantly have doubts about it, my guides get pissed off at me all the time because I’m always asking for confirmation or searching for something, but really all I know now is that if I make all the right choices, and he does too, then we will become what we will be, but for now I guess I feel isolated in that.
I won’t get into the whole negative side of knowing your future spouse, unless some asks me to lmao, it’s certainly too much for this already too long rant.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk xoxo
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audristarzz · 2 months
I've been feeling anxious and stressed with this whole kosa thing im trying not to panic but sometimes it feels like no matter what we do they wont listen to us i just saw a tiktok saying that their not even reading up on this bill which pisses me off more. And we are telling them time and time again to not pass kosa. I remember so many content creators were talking about the dangers of the kosa bill i remember it being talked everywhere and now it's just silence which confuses me why is no concerned about this bill did everyone just forget or just doesn't care anymore. This is just reminding me of the whole tiktok ban thing again but so many people online were talking about that but not kosa at all like this bill is going to affect everyone and then everyone will start panicking if it does pass when they could've spoken out about the bill. I'm sorry for the kinda long rant im just stressed anxious idk what to do i have been calling emailing whatever im just so tired i've been spreading info in my twiiter/x account and none of my mutuals seems to care i know people are focusing about what's going on in palestine congo sudan etc so am i but you focus on multiple things at once this bill can censor people talking about these countries too so it makes me really confused why there's barley anyone concerned about the censorship and online safety thing and the whole government id like literally no one of my mutuals care their just only liking posts about me retweeting stuff about palestine sudan and congo like what about the kosa bill it can censor us talking about israels war crimes hello people you should be concerned and make some noise about kosa. I'll try to distract myself i guess but it's hard not to worry i hope it doesn't immediately go to the house once it fully passes the senate since from my understanding only a committee passed it so it might pass the senate tomorrow or some shit idk. Im glad there's slightly more opposition in the house it gives me hope also do you think even if it does pass that it can be stopped with congressman and the government being sued i heard something about lawsuits in a few posts on here and twitter/x but again sorry for the long rant you can ignore if you want it is a long rant sorry lol.
hello!! don’t apologize for ranting I can understand why it’s very stressful and scary especially since it feels like you have nobody to talk to about this, it is infact a scary time for us right now with everyone going on but I’m very proud of you for spreading awareness about KOSA, I myself am trying to stay positive since there could be things that stop the bill (opposition, the possibility of it getting sued and the fact it’s harmful for lgbtq youth and unconstitutional as fuck) but I’ll admit it the anxiety and stress of it does get to me but I’m not going to give up and neither should you. I learned about KOSA a year ago and the reason why it’s just NOW getting to the senate is because we voiced our opposition, Evan Greer is a reliable source where I get my information and she does a lot to try to keep KOSA from passing. A reminder that KOSA tried to pass before in previous years but didn’t because there was so much opposition of it. Maxwell Frost, a representative opposes KOSA amongst others which is good, Once again, there is more opposition and skepticism about KOSA in the House than Senate. I know it’s scary and worrisome but please, don’t panic and if it gets to the point where it’s to much for your health take a step back from looking at updates for a minute. KOSA won’t go straight into effect after it’s voted to the Senate, and IF it passes it will take 18 months to go into effect depending on which state you’re in. But it’s not to that point yet, It has to get to the House which if we keep voicing our concern and opposition will not pass and then get signed to the president, which given everything that’s been going on in the presidential race, may be a bit tricky or take longer to get too. Senate goes into a break in August so I’ve heard so that gives us time to keep calling/ emailing and faxing. If you have any trusted adult I would recommend voicing your concerns to them, i myself am in a very much homophobic republican family (democratic state tho) and i felt hopeless for awhile since I had nobody to voice my concerns to but then I talked to my older cousin and it made me feel a lot better since she voted for Biden. Im not an expert when it comes to politics and this, I get my research from other amazing blogs on Tumblr, articles and Evan Greer since I don’t have any other social media platforms. But I hope I was able to bring some reassurance to you, if not I apologize but please do not give up because the silence is what’s going to get KOSA to pass, keep voicing your opposition, calling / faxing and emailing. It’s going to be okay and please do not panic, whatever happens tomorrow will be a step forward or back but regardless we can fight it and not let KOSA pass. You’re doing great Anon. 💗
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xplrvibes · 11 days
Have you seen the crazy person on Twitter claiming that Colby's using Sam and that Sam is carrying the channel and Colby's not doing his job because he's not posting on instagram.
The guy is fucking editing, leave the man alone, go touch grass.
Need you and Golbrocklovely to state how hard Colby works again so bitches can understand the man works soooooooooooo fucking hard to the point he actually needs to take a break!
I've heard a bit about that. I also saw quite a few problematic shenanigans happening on tiktok and instagram recently, so I know this isn't a problem singular to one crazy person on twitter.
Before I say anything else, let me say that shit like this really drives home the point @golbrocklovely and I have been saying for years: people afford Sam a general sense of respect that they simply do not afford Colby. Colby is their little punching bag, rage room, therapist, fantasy boyfriend and Sim character...but he certainly isn't a human being who they feel deserves privacy, common respect, happiness, etc.
So, thanks for proving us right. We love that lol.
Back to the main point: let me take this opportunity to point out the obvious, here. When Colby was posting on instagram, people were pissed cause he was posting his girlfriend instead of working or sitting around like an unplugged toy waiting for Sam to have use for him or whatever it was people wanted (cause I guess only Sam can have a life and hobbies outside of the snc collective). Now he's stopped posting, and they are *checks notes* pissed because he's NOT posting, so therefore he NOW he ISN'T working?
Pick a lane, I am begging.
As far as the editing goes, they literally just spoke about this in the Quackity stream last week. Colby takes all of the raw footage - HOURS upon HOURS of raw footage- and cuts it down and arranges it into a story, after which it is handed over to Sam and the other editors to gussy up and make presentable.
In Colby's own words (starring at 1:15:40 in the Quackity stream vod on YouTube, for those who would like to experience it for themselves): "We have our own roles...so I cut everything, so I like assemble it and make the story, and then [Sam] does everything else," and my favorite part:
"We have an editor right now that helps out with Sam's job; but I can't give up the assembly, the cutting part."
So, please understand what that means. This man spends HOURS per day meticulously cutting up raw footage and turning it into a 1 hour story. And he does it BY HIMSELF.
You are lucky you see and hear from him at all, quite honestly.
And I mean that. This shit with Colby has been going on for YEARS. He said it himself once: he gets judged for everything he does. Every move he makes (or even doesn't make) is dissected to high heaven and used against him. He gets death threats for growing a mustache. He gets canceled for wishing women a Happy Women's Day. He spends 8+ hours a day editing, only to be accused of not working...while Sam can go off and post about riding in private jets and getting haircuts and training for a marathon and golfing and STILL SOMEHOW, Sam is carrying the channel and Colby is apparently spending his days doing nothing but fucking his, what was she being called again? Plastic Chucky doll of a girlfriend, was it?
I'm telling you this right now - Colby has one foot in the grave when it comes to interacting fans and it's because of this bullshit. Who would want to deal with this? Especially when all around you, your friends are being celebrated for being in openly cheesy relationships and having free time to explore hobbies?
He isn't a perfect human, nobody is. But holy shit is the shit that gets shoveled at him not warranted.
Also, because I have seen this going around tiktok and I have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to this: anyone who thinks wishing a cancer survivor would get cancer again or makes degrading and offensive comments about said cancer survivor's body or health all because he's got a girlfriend and you can't handle that - put all of your money into therapy. Seriously. You need the most professional help money can buy, and then some.
Anyway, I think that about covers the situation.
(And since I know, I KNOW, the only problem people will see with this is that I singled out poor Sam, the patron saint of dealing with lazy partners: I'm not saying Sam can't have hobbies. I'm saying it's ridiculous to compare the content both are posting on social media and come up with the idea that only Sam works. I'm also saying it's ridiculous to act like Colby can't have hobbies or days off while praising Sam for...having hobbies and days off).
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sirensplayhouse · 1 year
Hey siren, i hope all is well with you 🩵, okay so I need a little help. I manifested sp back in may our relationship has been great every since we used to be toxic and argue like 3 times a month but we haven’t argued once yet and everything is different in a good way. so about 4 days ago idky but I lurked on his page and he posted something that rubbed me the wrong way, mind you I don’t use social all my pages to all my social medias have been disabled for a year, I go on facebook from time to time to lurk but not specifically for sp just in general .. so that really made me feel some type of way & I low key got depressed then a day after that I was scroll on my backup tiktok account and saw he posted a tiktok of him self over the weekend and it went viral and the comments set me off again honestly so I was even more depressed until I decided I wasn’t going to be and i’m not going to take that. he’s also been distant lately normally he’s busy so he doesn’t text back for a few hours but he texts me in between or right after he’s done with what he’s doing and he always tells me what he’s doing and where he’s going or where he was at and shows me pictures and stuff so he doesn’t lie. but recently he got a new job he goes in at like 2 - 4 pm and doesn’t get off until like 10 - 10:30 pm and he goes to practice at 7:30 am til 10:30 pm so I try to give him the benefit of the doubt but we barely talked and he hasn’t texted back since like 6 pm yesterday and it’s 4 pm today and he was active on facebook at 12:00 am yesterday, Ik all I have to do is decide that he’s the version of himself that I want him to be but it’s still a little hard because i’ve been spiraling every since sunday with doubts and negative thoughts and thoughts of a 3p im over it now but i’m still a little sad idk what to do about my emotions ik they don’t manifest but I hate feeling like this do you have any suggestions ? thank you in advance 😭🥰
take your focus off of it, whenever I’m in a bind or feeling a certain way I immediately do something to take my mind off of whatever and go to my happy place. if you don’t have a happy place MAKE ONE do something that bring a you joy and peace. also don’t keep all those negative thoughts and emotions inside you let them out (hence why I mentioned finding a happy place).
another thing you can do is talk to your sp communication and understanding is key to any relationship clearly there’s something bothering you so why not share it with him ? whenever my sps do something to piss me off I bring it up and it takes pressure off of me because it’s like “ok I bring it up now it’s not eating at me anymore” regardless of the response that they give because if they say something I don’t like I can always just ignore them LMFAOOOOO ignore this😭
but I hope I could help you love 🫶🏾come back and update me I’ll be waiting ❣️oh ! and I hope all is well with you too🥰
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mollysite · 10 months
crush summary
-i'm writing a summary before i start this very late blog about him
aug 2022 - dec 2022
i was placed in classes with him (r) in 7th grade. (aug 2022) when i initially saw him i just thought he was really cute. i wanted to get to know him. i pulled a few strings with some mutual friends to get his number. i started talking to him, casual small talk and some get-to-know-you questions, boring at first. i didnt really know how to talk to him since we didnt have a whole lot in common. basically we just fell off, kinda stopped talking. then my friend (at the time) (s) got with him. this pissed me off because she knew i had feelings for him. i didnt wanna be that girl so i convinced myself i wasnt into him anymore.
june 2023 - nov 2023
mine and his (r's) friends had mutual friends so i was commonly added into groupchats. long story, so it basically evolved into a friendgroup of (me, w, m, r, s) later in july (?) i had posted a tiktok about checking my phone 24/7 for his (r's) texts. one of his (r's) friends (non-mutual) (x) commented, "(his name.)" immediately i panic and dm him (x) about it, saying not to tell him and how long ive been crushing on him (r) for. what i didnt know is that he would screenshot those texts and send them out to my whole friendgroup. so instead of (r) having to hear it from him (x) i told him myself, got turned down because hes (r) "not ready for another relationship after (s)" which i totally get, she (s) did a bunch of shit to make him (r) uncomfortable so its 100% valid on his part, undeniably made me sad though.
ive made it very open that i dont like him like that anymore, atleast to him. but (w) knows about the crush. and the other night i did something VERY risky, which was vent to him about my crush. (usually this crosses the line for me but i NEEDED to tell him how i felt about him, just not directly.)
creator note: it is VERY late on a school night and i get if this doesnt make any sense, i just need to get this out somewhere. i can also edit later if any readers need to make sense of it
luv ya babes! thanks 4 reading
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shotorozu · 3 years
HELLO! I saw this on tiktok where she opens her mouth to see what hee boyfriend reacts.
This is the link
Can you do Shoto and Katsuki? I wanna see their reaction😭💀
character(s) : bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns; gender neutral, quirk not specific
headcanon type : fluff, crack, there’s ONE innuendo; not nsfw/spicy (x reader)
note(s) : LMAO denki would totally do what the guy did in the tiktok above 💀 did this because i had some extra time — will post another 3 character hc list later
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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bakugou katsuki
you saw this tiktok and immediately thought of katsuki, so the menace you are went 🌝
plus, there’s not a lot of preparations you need to do for this trend— you just need to go ‘😮’ and wait for a reaction
moving on, katsuki may be an expressive person— regarding anger anyway 💀 but he never actually goes on full fledged rants
like,, he’ll never rant to anyone. you, being the obvious exception, of course. he’ll rant out all of his feelings to you.
so right now, you’re on your phone— 20% scrolling, 80% listening to him rant. therefore, he doesn’t seem to mind your activity.
today, he’s ranting about something that happened in training, just something midoriya did that pissed him off but when is midoriya NOT unintentionally pissing him off
and suddenly, you get an idea— since katsuki wasn’t doing anything TOO urgent
just remembering the tiktok prank, you switch to tiktok— opening the camera. then, you start filming
you open your mouth all the way open— as if you saw something unbelievably shocking, and you’re just waiting for him to notice
after a few seconds, he finally notices.
“just who the fuck does he think he is? that damn deku’s lucky i’m—” taking one brief look at you, katsuki stops talking.
and the two of you just kinda stare at each other like 🤨👁⭕️👁
“what?” you ask, mouth still agape
“the hell are you doing?? close your damn mouth.”
you’re just staring at him, not saying anything in reply— and he sighs, a little peeved “you look like a damn pufferfish like that. were you even listening to me?”
you nod in reply, and the fact that your mouth is still ?? open?? agitates him.
“i’ll literally spit in your mouth AND shove my fingers down your throat, if you don’t close ‘em.”
he wasn’t actually planning on doing either of those things, he just said that to make you close your mouth already 💀
but hearing that just made you open your mouth WIDER 😭 ❓which made him go 🤦‍♂️
‘of course you’d do that, you fucking perv.’ he’d think, while the tips of his ears turned hot RED at the suggestion 🗿
the last option for him was to manually close it himself— he can and WILL use force if he has to, he doesn’t wanna actually hurt you
it doesn’t work, because your jaw is STRONG STRONG, and he’s like internally ‘pleaasseee close your mouth im so done w/ you 😐’
after a struggle, he finally gets your mouth closed— but you only laugh in his face hard directly after
right now, he’s the epitome of 🤨 “what now??” katsuki asks, seconds later
and he takes a peek at your phone, saw that you were filming a tiktok and he went 😐 🙄🤦‍♂️
his expression basically saying ‘tbh what was i expecting here?’
but then he remembers what he said while you were discreetly filming the tiktok, and the color quickly DRAINS from his face
so he tries snatching your phone 💀 he needs to erase it rn
doesn’t work somehow, he doesn’t know how it happened— and you managed to successfully upload the tiktok for EVERYONE to see
AND OF COURSE, HIS LUCK MADE THE VIDEO BLOW UP— now everyone in the comments is talking about the ‘threat’ he made 🧍
because of that, katsuki decides to ghost you for 4 days 😭 only to come back with your favorite meal, and telling you to “shut up and eat it 🙄”
he’s just gonna hope that you’re gonna back off the tiktok trends/pranks for a bit you don’t, he’s not very surprised about that tbh
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todoroki shouto
you honestly just wondered what exactly would he do, since there’s a lot of things he could possibly do💀
half of you no pun intended decided to do this out of pure curiosity and the other half just thought it was an easy and funny trend to try on shouto
so like, why not?
this time around, the both of you guys are staying in your room, and shouto’s just preparing the takeout soba he brought over to his room
you wondered why he wanted to eat in your room specifically— instead of the common room, or even the dining room
and he was just like “hm,, i just felt like it.” nah, shouto just wanted to eat his soba with you alone 🗿
he’s still preparing his soba, and you’re just scrolling on tiktok— but then, you remembered the trend you saw on your fyp
now would be the perfect time, since none of you are occupied with anything tedious. so, you immediately switch to the camera, and start filming.
a few seconds past— and nothing special happens 💀 he’s still preparing his meal
but he does notice that you’ve stopped talking, so he takes this as a sign to start talking. “love, w—”
but whatever he was going to say was knocked right out of him, when he catches sight of you going 😮
he’s like ‘hmm..’ but on the outside, he’s just staring at you like 🧍❓
shouto looks down at his takeout soba, and he just assumes you want to be fed 😃❓ so he takes his chopsticks, gathers a bit of soba— and directs it to your open mouth
but you don’t close your mouth, or react at all 😨 so now he’s confused with what’s happening
heterochromatic eyes blink, and he draws his hand back. “love, what are you doing?”
you’re trying SO hard not to laugh right now💀 but you simply raise your shoulders in reply
he’s thinking hard, thinking about what your mouth’s open for, and why exactly is it open
“love, you’re going to hurt your jaw.” he finally says, setting his food down to get even closer to you.
when he finally takes a look at your screen— he’s at first, taken aback at the sight of you just STARING at your camera 💀
then, he basically joins you, mirroring your expression. so the two of you are just staring at each other like 👁⭕️👁 🤳👁🔘👁
“love, don’t do that,” he says, moving to cover your mouth with his hand, “you can’t let people see the insides of your mouth.” it’s the thought that counts
hearing that made you close your mouth— bursting into laughter 💀
man just smiles, despite being REALLY confused 🧍 i mean, you’re laughing. so, he’s a happy shouto :))
and even through all of that, shouto ends up feeding you some of his soba— since he’s kinda convinced that you wanted him to feed you some soba 💀
you uploaded the tiktok, and it blew up specifically because of everything that happened in the tiktok
shouto trying to feed you, him mimicking your expression— him being protective, and covering your mouth 🤩
the comments were filled with “NOT HIM COPYING YOUR EXPRESSION 😭” “Y’ALL HEARD WHAT HE SAID? ‘you can’t let people see the insides of your mouth’ 🕳🏃‍♀️” “oml since when was your boyfriend so expressive 💀” “this relationship >>> y’all”
i don’t think shouto will ever find himself fully understanding pranks like this— but at least people know that shouto can in fact, get protective 🧎‍♀️and the two of you have an interesting comment section to look at later
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission :))
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atinydise · 3 years
Ateez arguing with their s/o in a middle of a make out session (part 2)
❦ Genre: Fluff & Suggestive.
❦ Pairing: OT8.
❦ Word count: 3K.
❦ Requested: Heck yes lol, thank you! 🦋
❦ A/N Note: ⚠️Since I took again an eternity to post it, I advice to read the first part again (or for the first time)! Thank you for liking the 1st one tho! hehe
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Jongho called the leader once again, even waved in front of his face but still nothing. "Is he ignoring me?" He asked San. His friends shrugged. "He's lost in his thoughts. And he's probably really far away from here." "HYUNG!" Yelled Jongho in the leader's ear. His brain finally reconnected to the reality. "The hell-" "It's been 2 minutes since I'm trying to get your attention." Said Jongho, a bit pissed. "What's going on?" He grabbed his phone, hoping to see any notification. "We need to go back practicing." "Ah.... then I'll join in 2 minutes. I need to call someone." He said, leaving the room. "What on the earth is going on with him?" Whispered San. "No idea." Replied the maknae. Hongjoong went to the restroom, the most far away from the practice room, just to be sure that nobody will bother him. "Okay, please babe pick up." He begged quietly plugging his Air Pods on. [“Hello, it’s the girl who always chosen after her boyfriend’s career. What can I do for you?”] At least you didn’t lose your humor sense.
[“Babe I’m sorry.”] Apologized Hongjoong. [“You are sorry for what exactly?”] [“For ruining the intimate moment, we were about to share.”] [“And?”] Hongjoong rolled his eyes. Good thing for him you weren’t able to see it. [“And to always let my career pass before you.”] [“And?”] You repeated. Your boyfriend was confused for a second. He ignored for what he needed to apologize. [“And... and...”] he stuttered. [“I don’t know.”] He heard a long and heavy growl coming from your side. [“Well. I guess it’s already more than fine.”] You claimed. [“What do you wanted me to say?”] He asked curiously. [“I don’t know... maybe something like ‘to apologize, I’m coming right now and for sure tomorrow you won’t be able to walk’.”] You said, imitating his voice. [“Are you on your period?”] Asked Hongjoong. He knew you so well that he immediately understands when you dirty talked to him, without even a simple stutter. You let a quick silence settle before finally say: [“Yeah.”] [“Then let’s wait a little bit longer then.”] He sneered. [“Coward.”] You replied. [“Love you too.”] [“Me too.”] [“So, we are good?”] He asked. [“Give me at least a hug and we will be good.”] You replied. [“See you tonight then.”] He smiled.
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[“Hello! You are on Y/N’s voicemail I’m not av-”] Seonghwa growled and let his phone fall on the couch. “She’s not answering I guess.” Claimed Mingi. “No.” Seonghwa rolled his eyes. “She’s ghosting me since... 2 days now.” “Did you try to meet her at school?” “Yeah. I’ve waited 3 hours there. To finally remember that she’s on spring break.” “And at her apartment?” Asked Mingi. “Of course, Sherlock. But nothing.” Sighed Seonghwa. “It’s like she disappeared.” Mingi raised a brow. “She’s probably doing her own life.” The eldest member was suddenly hit by the reality. “Mingi you are a genius!” “Yeah, I know but why?” “We are Thursday!” Claimed Seonghwa, putting his shoes on. “Yeah and?” “Y/N is doing her laundry every Thursday evening! She might be there.” Seonghwa left the dorm so quickly that Mingi was still processing what just happened. “The beck is wrong with him...” Your boyfriend ran to the laundry shop which you are used to go. He prayed the whole way, that you would be sitting there, reading a book or watching a ton of TikTok while your clothes were washing. His heart missed a beat when he spotted you there. As fast as possible, he opened the door. “Babe!” “Hwa?” You raised a brow. “You came here to tell me how to wash my stuff?” Seonghwa ignored your question and turned around. He saw a cute grandma tidying her clothes. “Excuse me ma’am. But I will need you to leave quickly because I’m about to take my girlfriend, right here and right now.” “Seonghwa!” You yelled, outrageously. “Oh, it’s okay darling. I was young too.” Giggled the old lady. You grabbed your boyfriend by the wrist and guided him outside. “What the hell is wrong with you?” You asked, mad. “I want to apologize!” “Do you think it’s the right way to do it?” “I want to prove you that nothing can bother me to have sex with you now. Not a stain and not even an old grandma.” “And the CCTV?” You pointed at the camera fixed where you were standing 2 minutes ago. “I don’t mind having public.” He smirked. “You are unbelievable.” You sneered. “Does it mean you are forgiving me?” “Maybe.” You replied cockily while entering back inside. “Grr. I love when you play hard-to-get.” “What the hell happened to you Park Seonghwa.” You laughed happily.
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Yunho was tormented. It was 3AM and he didn’t close his eyes for a second. He was staring at the white ceiling, trying to know how to resolve this situation. You didn’t talk to him after the little incident. Yunho understood why you were mad. He didn’t tell you the truth and the real reason behind his shyness. He glanced at you. The sheet was barely covering your back. He was about to put it right, but the little voice in his head claimed that it was a bad idea. So, he stared at the big spec between both of you. For sure, you could put a third person in the middle. Yunho sighed. What could you to be less mad? The reason of why he decided to stop earlier was because of the stress, not because you weren’t attractive enough. It was the opposite actually. He truly believes that you will think that is too dumb. Just because he’s scared of doing something wrong. Or worse hurting you. But more he was thinking, more it started to be overwhelming for him. “Y/N.” He whispered. “Hm?” You muttered sleepily. “Y/N.” “What? It’s 3AM.” You grunted, still not facing him. “I’m sorry for what happened this evening. I was terrified. I don’t want to do anything wrong with you.” He continued. “I really find you attractive. Even too much sometimes but... I want to have sex with you of course.” You couldn’t help but to smile secretly. His words were well chosen. All the insecurities you had earlier were vanished. Yunho stayed quiet for few seconds, waiting for you to say something, but instead you handed your hand, still facing the wall. He understood that it was an invitation to cuddle. “So, we are good now?” He asked, positioning behind you. “Yeah.” You replied, rubbing his hand which was resting on your stomach. “Cool.” He whispered, finally relaxing. “Thank you for telling me.” You said. “So... do you want to try it right now?” He shyly asked. “I’m tired Yunho.” You declined. “Sure. Okay. No problem.” He replied. “But can we change our position because you are waking up the ‘beast’?” You laughed when you felt his boner pocking on your butt. “Told you... you were too much attractive sometimes.” He giggled, blushing a bit.
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A new notification. But not coming from you. Yeosang was waiting for you to send a message like you usually do in the morning. But the next day after your little and stupid argument, you were remaining silent. “She should have sent a message already. It’s 10AM.” Said Yeosang, frustrated. “Just let her breath.” Sighed Jongho, playing PlayStation on the upper bed. “I didn’t send a text to her yet. She should be the one apologizing.” “Why?” “We are 2 making love. So? She can buy condoms for me too!” “You right.” Started Jongho. “But you should always have a pack or at least one, on you.” “On which side are you?” Growled Yeosang. “None. Your intimacy isn’t my business. But I just admitted that both of you are wrong.” Declared the maknae. “Since when are you so mature?” Sighed his friend. “I need someone who can tell that I’m right.” Jongho stayed quiet. He would never say something like this when knew he was 100% right. “And she would never buy one because she would be ashamed of it.” Added Yeosang. “The cashier doesn’t care. You are not the only one in the earth to buy one.” Replied Jongho. “We are going to see if you have the same speech when you’ll buy for yourself.” “I do already.” “W-wait what?” Just when Yeosang was getting curious, you entered the room like a storm. “Kang Yeosang!” You threw the plastic bag on him. “What th- ouch!” “Jongho, I will ask you to leave the room for an hour. Or 2.” You removed your jacket. Yeosang opened the bag and threw everything on the bed. His eyes widened when he saw a dozen condoms’ pack. “The hell Y/N-” “I bought exactly 12 packs to show that you don’t need to be ashamed about it and that no one cares.” Jongho exited the room completely flustered, but with a bigger esteem for you. “Okay now remove your pants.” You ordered, pulling out your hoodie. “Like? Right now? Not even a make out-” “It’s been 10 hours that I’m waiting.” “O-Okay.” Yeosang was a bit taken a back, but it was fast forgotten when you unclasped your bra.
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You rolled on your bed once again. You were so frustrated and mad at San. The vein on your forehead couldn't stop popping out every time you remembered him picking up his phone. Angrily, you covered your entire face with a pillow. Desperately, you tried to erase of these thoughts. Just when you were finally finding some peace, the fire alarm resonated in your apartment. You jumped out of your bed and went straight to the kitchen. Instead of seeing a big fire, you saw San opening the window as wide as he could. "What is going on?!" You claimed, grabbing a chair. San was panicked as you, or even more. He was trying to push the smoke out of the room while wondering what you were doing. On your tippytoe, you pushed the button to stop this annoying and loud noise. "Thanks God." Sighed San, relieved. "The heck you are trying to do. Burn my apartment?" You turned off the stove. "I wanted to prepare a royal breakfast for you." He pouted, disappointed that his surprise failed. You looked around you, now that the smoke was slowly disappearing, you could see the entire mess in the kitchen. Flour was spread on every parcel of the counter, one or two eggs were smashed on the floor, milk was spilled on cupboard and an incredible number of dishes were stacked in the sink. "Yeah, that's the first time I make pancakes by myself." He scratched his head. "Choi San..." "I want to apologize for yesterday! But I wanted to do it right!" "Oh nice. So, you said 'to apologize to Y/N because I've completely ghosted her to talk with my teammate that I can see every day, I'll burn her apartment'?" "Babe! I'm really sorry." He apologized once again. "I will do everything you want for a week." "Everything?" You raised a brow, curious. "Yeah." "Okay, then start by cleaning your mess." You pointed at the counter. "After that let's clean the entire apartment." "Sure." He nodded. "After that... we will eat at our favorite restaurant. And you are going to pay." "Wow. Sex must be really important for you." Declared San, when the list didn't stop. "Never stop a horny woman." You warned him.
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["I'm parked in front of your building. Let's talk really quick."] You read this text message at least 10 times to be sure you understood well. It's been 2 days since the practice room accident. You only exchanged few messages but nothing more. You didn't mind giving him a proper answer. You just put your hoodie back on, and of course by "your" it means "his", and left the dorm, without warning your roommates. But honestly, by the way you went out, dressed like this, they could only assume that you were about to meet Mingi. Just when you got out of the building, you spotted your boyfriend's car, as he said, right in front of the door. You hesitated a second, but finally hoped in. "You should have wear something warmer. It's cold outside." He said instantly, when he saw your bare legs. "Good evening to you too Mingi." You greeted him sarcastically. "Do you drove here, just to scold me about my outfit?" "No, of course no." He whispered, looking right at the street in front of him. Since, a big and awkward silence settled. None of you wanted to say something, too afraid to tell something risky and lead one of you to be mad. It felt like walking on a really straight and thin line. You played nervously with the hem of the hoodie, which was barely covering your legs, you noticed. That's probably why he scolded you. For your own good. As always. "I'm sorry." You both apologized at the same time. You glanced at each other, surprised and giggled cutely. "I'm sorry." Insisted Mingi, grabbing your hand. "Me too." You smiled to him. "Sorry for almost crushing you with my weight." He added. "You did." "And sorry for almost make you bald." "You did it too." Mingi pinched your leg gently, happy to see that you were still bratty sometimes. "Ooookay! I'm kidding! I'm sorry for what I've said too. That's wasn't really nice." "Yeah, it wasn't." "Song Mingi-" "Soo..." you didn't have enough time to say anything that he started the car. "Where are we going?" You asked enthusiastically, putting your seatbelt. "Just want to bring you somewhere. So, we can talk about these 2 terrible days." "Oh, I thought you wanted to go in a Love Hotel." You joked. "That's the plan too." "I-"
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2 weeks since your argument but 4 weeks since you shared an intimate moment. You needed to admit that even a flick on your forehead would turn you on. You were so needy. But no way Wooyoung could know it. You tried your best to stay far away from him when sleeping, so you wouldn't end by griding your butt on him, desperately. Usually, Wooyoung was really touchy, and he would initiate a make out session the first one, but surprisingly, he only exchanged a peck or a hug from time to time. You spotted him covering his manhood, with a blanket sometimes. He would always pretext that he is cold. But you are not dumb. He takes shower way much longer than usual tooo. On his side, Wooyoung was really struggling to not give up the first one. He was barely looking at you. He knew that with only one shorty or croc-top, it was over for him. In conclusion, you were 2 idiots trying to suppress their arousal for each other, just because of an argument. "Do you want to watch a movie?" Offered Wooyoung. "Sure, and I know how much you like movies." You smirked. Your boyfriend rolled his eyes and ignored your comment. Instead of insisting on the subject again, he played the first movie that appeared. It was a really nice and chill one until the main actress discovered the wild side of college. It started by a scene and then other one. Followed by 3 more. Inside Wooyoung was hoping that you wouldn't notice the form on his sweatpants. "What a movie huh." He laughed nervously. "Yeah." You nodded. "They are really getting it huh." "They are really liking these scenes." "They are really well made." He replied dumbly. "Maybe that's what they want." "Of course, everyone wants that." "Yeah. Everyone." You repeated. "Everyone." "You exchanged a quick glance. Wooyoung was finally the first one to give up. "Do you-" "Heck yes!" You replied. "You should have told me!" "No, I was too mad at you!" "Do you really want to argue again? Right now?" He asked. "No." "Okay then go because I'm going to explode!"
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"I still don't understand how you ended here, right in front of my college." You raised a brow at Seonghwa and Yeosang. "We were just having a cool walk and unconsciously ended here." Replied Seonghwa, the most natural possible. "The campus is 30 minutes away from KQ Quarter. And 30 minutes with a car." "We had a pretty long walk, okay?" Replied Yeosang, nervously and almost aggressively. "Okay okay... relax dude." You rolled your eyes. "You should come with us a bit." Started Seonghwa. "There's a park next to the campus. Let's talk there few minutes." Added Yeosang. "You guys... are acting really strangely." You claimed. Without asking your authorization, they each picked your arm and brought you to the park. You could fight or ask them to leave you alone, they wouldn't. Seonghwa almost needed oo ask people to not all the police. "What the heck guys? I really need to study and-" You stopped right when you saw your boyfriend sitting peacefully in front of you. A big blanket and a bunch of food were cautiously set on the grass. "Hi babe." Smiled Jongho. "What is this?" You asked. "You prepared all of this?" "Yeah." He scratched his head. "I hope you like it." "And we helped." Whispered Yeosang. "Are you doing this because you said your coach's name when we were making out." "You what?" Almost chocked Yeosang. "Eeew, this is disgusting!" Added Seonghwa. "It was an accident!" He rolled his eyes. "An accident." You crossed your arms on your chest. "I'm really sorry baby. I swear it was only because I've worked with her few hours ago." Explained Jongho. "Anyway, it's not like she's sexy. She's 60 years old and so strict and rude." Said Seonghwa. "She is sexy." Said Yeosang. All of you stared at him. "I'm joking. Relax." He sighed. "Y'all ready need to chill sometimes..." "So do you want to spend an afternoon with me?" Asked the maknae. "Of course." You accepted happily. "Cool! Then sit here." He pointed at the comfy place settled between pillows. "Thank you, Mark." "Mark?" "I'm kidding!" You giggled. "1 point for me now." "Unbelievable." Smiled Jongho.
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aithusarosekiller · 3 years
I literally can’t open tiktok anymore because I am unable to go 5 minutes without seeing hardcore, rage fueled regulus hate and it is PISSING ME TF OFF
Rant incoming:
I genuinely DESPISE the way people will say ‘you can’t like him because of fanon, in canon he was nothing like that and that’s the real him stop making shit up’ and then post MILLIONS of hcs that change the characters ENTIRELY from what they are in canon when a good few of them were mentioned as a name in ONE LINE. And then they criticise us for taking a character and giving them depth like stfu 🤨
You can’t just say ‘well in canon he only changed his mind because of Kreacher 🤓’ because 1) you literally don’t even know that???? We hear it from Kreachers pov, we only see the bits that we’re related to him. Is Kreacher a fucking legilimens now????? No! So shut it :) 2) are we gonna forget that you dear moony stood by and let his friends bully people (I don’t like Snape but it still happened) or that your little baby padfoot saw his friend’s (because, as you said, if it’s not canon, it’s not good! And wolfstar isn’t Canon) lifelong disability as a JOKE and almost got people killed over it as well as making loud comments that were likely to give it away to other people which could have gotten him killed. And let’s not forget about how cruel your sweet likkle prongsy wongsy was when he PUBLICLY HUMILIATED SOMEONE because he was bored?!?! But no no no, that doesn’t count because you get to pick and choose what the entire fandom of INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE can do to the characters?!?!?!
The ENTIRE marauders fandom is based on FANON! Tell me your 10 favourite things about it without any links to fanon. Oh no, you can’t!
But suddenly now people have headcanons you don’t agree with, ‘tampering’ with the characters is bad???
Aldo, if lots of people like a character and you don’t…NOBODY FUCKING WANTS TO KNOW?!?! You can say ‘oh, I see them like this’ without bashing them I front of people who like the character because guess what??? Don’t people don’t choose what characters they are drawn to, some people, like me and other autistic people get deep deep connections to characters THAT WE CANNOT CONTROL, especially if they are headcanoned as being similar to us. WE CANNOT CHOOSE what characters we adore and you telling us to stop talking about them COMPLETELY because it inconveniences YOU PERSONALLY ducking hurts.
You see, some people, if they have a deep connection to something, when they see it being brutally slandered, they get upset and they fall apart from it. And that’s not good. Because they feel guilty for liking it and they try to erase that character or interest from their life completely and it feels a fucking lot like grief because they are separating themselves from one of the things they rely on most of all because YOU were a fucking arsehole for no reason. Because we can’t just ‘move on’ and forget about what you said because it sticks with us like a leech. So congratulations.
There is so much more I could go into like the denial of his trauma because he didn’t run away and the fact we never hear about him from someone who was close to him at school without idolising him but I’m just too fucking annoyed to type coherently.
Basically: if you’re gonna be an arsehole where people who don’t want to see it will be unwillingly shown it, fuck you.
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jjuzoir · 4 years
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Random Kageyama Tobio HCS
Word Count: 1851
Warnings: just... me being in love with a m*n other than masumi 😔 also! these are my headcanons as in,,, what i personally i think he’d be like ‼️ also me projecting my ideal man into him (as if he wasn’t it already 😋)
A/N: i... i love tobio so much it’s literally unreal... i couldn’t wait for a request (i’m still working on the remaining 4 too lolol) so take me projecting my love for tobio >:(
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— Kageyama normally wears loose fitting clothes or athletic-style clothing. His favorite go to outfits tends to be a loose tee, some loose pants with an obnoxious Nike logo he swears are super cool but look like two garbage bags sewed together, and running shoes. Throw a hoodie in there for colder weather, even then he still manages to look good.
— He takes very good care of his hair, like freaky good care, because of Miwa. Once she enrolled in cosmetology school and she saw Kageyama use the same baby shampoo from when they were kids she freaked out (if she’d been any later he’d start using 3-in-1) and chewed his ear off about hair care. His hair is super shiny and there’s literally no freeze, he uses nice smelling shampoo and conditioner too. Ugh, I love him.
— He has a very sensitive nose but it gets clogged easily so he doesn’t notice much unless it miraculously unclogs itself and he’s complaining about everything.
— “Eh! Hinata, why’d you smell like a fucking axe bottle?!” “Why does no one say anything about Tsukishima smelling like strawberries?” “Yamaguchi smells like... milk.” “Hah?! Sugawara smells bad-?!”
— He says he’s a picky eater to appear cool but as long as you don’t say what’s in the food he’ll down it. He’ll say he doesn’t like carrots but if you give him a salad with carrots he might even say “it’s the best salad he’s ever had”.
— He’s a hot sleeper, and not in the “oh he’s sexy” type of way. I’m talking, he’ll sweat buckets if he sleeps with anything other than a flimsy white t-shirt and his underwear.
— Might be me projecting my love for bunny teeth but he has bunny teeth, his front teeth are a bit bigger than average (not to the point it’s super noticeable but it’s still something Miwa teased him about), his aunties probably squeezed his cheeks and called him “baby bunny” when he was younger.
— He doesn’t go to sleep later than 9PM, he thinks if he does it’ll ruin his schedule (which it will) and fuck up his body - he’s seen Miwa screw up hers after she pulled a bunch of all nighters in her third year in high school and has been afraid since.
— The type to forget people were coming over and come out of his room shirtless asking for his clean underwear.
— His sister forced him to let her cut and style his hair which led to many questionable hairstyles. Tsukishima is genuinely so grateful to Miwa, especially when she was first starting - he’s got some pictures of Tobio with the shortest most embarrassing bangs ever saved in his phone in a file for blackmail if the need for it ever presented itself.
— Likes pissing people off on purpose sometimes, during one of the training camps he probably walked into the bath with socks on and was made fun of but out of spite he just… never took them off. Said he’d done it on purpose and all too. Tanaka cried out of fear for like a hot minute when he saw him standing under the shower with Iron Man socks on.
— He’s so petty too, if you make fun of him for messing up he’ll remember until you embarrass yourself to make fun of you. And when I say he remembers, I mean it - he can’t for his life remember when to use make and do in english but he remembers when Hinata made fun of him for wearing different socks back on their first year and yes he will bring it up on their second year when he did the same thing what are you going to do about it?
— Probably got scouted for a modeling agency once and began running away because he thought they were trying to kidnap him.
— If he had Tiktok… he would’ve gone viral after posting a video of him practicing, he posted for a while for fun and to flex on people that he was hot but then he saw a comment saying they wanted to drink his milk under a video of him drinking milk and he deleted his account, he can’t buy from that brand for a while.
— He’s got a video of a gorilla walking in two legs saved on his phone for when he’s feeling down and watches it whenever he’s not going well. People think he’s texting his S/O but no, he’s just watching a gorilla walk like minecraft Steve.
— He can’t pose for pictures to save his life, his default pose is an NPC stance with his arms stiffly hanging down and his eyes wide in surprise, don’t ask him to smile or else he will look like a serial killer.
— He’s got a bit of baby fat on his cheeks that won’t disappear no matter what. It’s become a pre-game ritual to pinch his cheeks. He’s also got dimples you can really only see when he smiles naturally but he doesn’t know and he’d get shy if he knew and try covering his face so don’t tell him, that’s a fact he told me so himself.
— Cannot dance to save his life. He’s so long (?) his limb control is non-existent, it appears in game and vanishes when he steps out of the court. He really just bounces on his heels and moves his arms like a t-rex, don’t ask more of him.
— Buys his clothes one size bigger just in case and Miwa teases him saying he’ll need them when he gets old and fat.
— Gets asked out often but always rejects, then has the audacity to complain he’s never dated anyone like he hasn’t turned down half of the school's population.
— Can’t sing. He’s got a nice speaking voice but ask him to sing and he’s out of tone, out of sync, out of breath, and out of the room in 5 seconds.
— Sugawara joked about having him singing as his alarm clock and Kageyama actually believed him, probably sent him a new recording as a gift after he annoyed him during practice.
— Surprisingly funny when he wants to but most jokes fly over people’s heads since he seems so serious most of the time, it annoys him to no end. Yachi still struggles differentiating when he is and isn’t joking because his tone literally doesn’t change at all and she doesn’t want to offend him.
— When he was younger he liked to collect rocks, not even the pretty ones he’d pick the most average, raggedy rocks off the ground and clean them up and tuck them to bed because he saw Miwa play with her barbies like that. Still owns his first rock, he named it “Johnson” after Dwayne Johnson, aka the rock (he’s had to explain it so many times he’s exhausted).
— Accidentally drank expired milk once and didn’t notice until his stomach began hurting and he thought he became lactose intolerant and he was inconsolable for days until he realized it had expired like a month ago - he went on a milk shopping spree and the milk sales that week saw a 20% rise from the last few months.
— Tobio had bad handwriting until he was in Junior High because his teachers couldn’t understand him and had him practice calligraphy, his handwriting is now one of the prettiest ones in the team and he’s the official inker of the VBC posters (as designated by Goddess Yachi Hitoka herself).
— His biggest fear for a long time was getting eaten by piranhas because he saw it happen so often in cartoon shows he genuinely thought it was going to be a bigger deal than it turned out to be but for like a solid 6 years of his life he avoided suspicions puddles just in case.
— Kageyama has a habit of rolling and unrolling his sleeves when he’s deep in thought, it soon made way to a habit of checking his wrist watch (he absolutely has a wrist watch, you cannot change my mind on that) but not actually reading it.
— His nails are very pretty, like most setters, he takes very good care of them. They’re filed down to a perfect length and he puts oils and creams, his hands in general are so nice. He takes a lot of pride in them, you know his cuticles are pushed back and trimmed and he could absolutely be a hand model. Kags’ hands are calloused, he’s a volleyball player of course they are, but it’s not to the extent of Ushijima or Daichi’s hands.
— Talking about hands, it’s probably one of his favorite features on people. He loves holding hands with his S/O and tracing the wrinkles in their palm, being able to interlock fingers with them and feel the bumps in them.
— Mumbles to himself when in thought too! Very nonsensical if you’re not informed on what he’s thinking about, if he’s thinking about you he’ll mumble your name or something like “pretty eyes”.
— Has a very healthy diet, like extremely healthy and thought out. He won’t eat anything too sugary or that could throw off his body, but he does have cheat days (which are rare but exist). He also doesn’t drink much soda or alcohol (once he’s of age).
— Things like smoking are a big no, he takes so much care of his body he wouldn’t even touch a cigarette or be near a smoking area, lowkey paranoid of ingesting the smoke too.
— When he’s older I can see him having a dog and a cat, the dog would be a big dog; if they stood on two paws it’d be the same height as you, he’d name or something like Tobias and think he was super clever and funny, the cat would probably a small cat he’d name Milk (it probably would be a black cat too but he does not care).
— Probably tried baby formula because he heard it was a substitute for breast milk. No further comments on this.
— I feel like he doesn’t listen to music, but if he had to choose something he’d pick instrumental music - not orchestral music or anything like that - but more of a chill, no deep meaning just guitar and piano track. I could see him listening to Shego Sekito or Joe Hisashi on occasion, he might even listen to some 2000’s pop if he wants something to pump him up during training (he works out to Brittney Spears’ “Womanizer”).
— A cuddle-bug when he’s sleepy, he’ll throw himself across his S/O and not move at all, he just wants to stay there and not move ever again (or at least until he’s not feeling like passing out). He’ll like to wrap himself around them and cuddle their neck, he’ll attach himself to their arm like it’s a lifeline.
— In other words, Kageyama Tobio… b-boyfriend material.
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arhvste · 4 years
can i maybe request some comfort hq’s w any of your favorite boys (but maybe throw in some oikawa) when their s/o doesn’t get invited to hang out w her friends but like all her friends are hanging out and they didn’t invite her so she just has to watch them all have fun on social media and stuff? totally not speaking from experience haha.. take your time if you’re busy! i love your writing so much 🥺✨💘💖
hi bby i love u a lot <3 ✨🐉🦋
you’re minding your own business at home in your room scrolling through instagram when your heart sinks 
you see your friends have posted group photo they took today when they went out and failed to invite you
you felt silly being bothered by it but you couldn’t hep it 
friends are meant to invite each other out not leave individual members out
while you’re staring at the picture, you’re interrupted by a facetime call from your boyfriend
you answer and see his smiling face on your screen
“hi y/n-chan i- wHATS WRONG?!”
he sees you’re not smiling back and he immediately knows somethings up
“its nothing tooru, don’t worry”
you give him a little reassuring smile and he frowns a little 
so anyway you guys go about your call just talking as normal and you casually mention that your friends hung out without you
you can’t actually see oikawa’s face because he has you on pause and kept muting and unmuting by what you assumed was accident
but you just assume he’s on his daily run because you can hear him doing so
you carry on telling him about how you’d been left out and just talking about it made you tear up a little
“i know it’s stupid, but i can't help but feel annoyed.”
as you’re explaining to tooru you hear a knock at your door
muttering a quick “hang on” to your boyfriend you go downstairs to see who’s at your door
you open the door to reveal your panting boyfriend with a bag containing, one of his favourite hoodies you like to borrow, his laptop, another bag of take out food and a bunch of sunflowers gripped under his arm
“sorry i took so long y/n-chan”
“tooru? what's all this?”
“as if im gonna let my pretty girl feel upset all by herself, come here”
he pulls you in for a tight hug and you let him inside where he unpacks the contents in the bags 
the fact he did all of this for you make you want to tear up again
and you do just that
he pulls you back into his chest and wraps his arms around you 
“what did i do to deserve you?”
“i should be asking you.”
you guys eat your take out, oikawa has a shower because he was lowkey sweating with all that running about, you pull on the jumper he brought round for you (he only took it back in the first place because you mentioned his smell wasn't as strong on it anymore)
you watch a few films before you both start to just lay there and cuddle
“come on, lets take cute photos!”
“so we can show your stupid friends that you don’t need to be with them when you have me”
you guys take some immaculate pictures and upload them to your insta story where a ton of people are swiping up compliment how cute you both are
including a few of your friends who swooned over your boyfriend saying how they wished they had a boyfriend like tooru
oikawa looked at their messages and sneered
“ignore them it’ll piss them off”
he is so petty
but so are you fdshfghu
he’ll stay over for the night because he refuses to leave you until you’re totally over it
best boyfie
63/10 experience would die for this boy 😼
bokuto is actually the one who points out that your friends are hanging out without you
you two have just left grabbing breakfast together when he sees your group walking and laughing together across the street
“hey y/n? aren't they your friends?”
you turn to look and you wish you hadn't 
bokuto saw the drop in your face and suddenly felt sad too
“do you want me to say something?”
“don’t worry kou, it’s nothing”
you give him a weak smile and pull him back to your house
the walk back is quiet which is unusual for the two of you as usually you two never stop talking to each other 
when you get back home you turn away from your boyfriend and wipe a few stray tears that you’d been holding back the whole time
bokuto notices and grabs you shoulder and turns you to face him
“oh y/n please don’t cry! shall we make a blanket fort? do you want to go out somewhere? shall i get akaashi to come over and we can plot muder against your friends?”
the boy isn’t used to seeing you upset
he’s used to seeing you so happy and cheerful around him because he always does his best to make sure you’re comfortable 
you laugh dryly and smile at him
“no baby it’s fine, i just need to let it all out and i’ll be good”
he pulls you and and wraps his big arms around you as your sobs grow louder into his chest
“k-kou am i stupid for feeling like this? it’s not even that serious i just feel kinda betrayed they didn't even ask me you know? like this isn't even the first time -i”
you look up when you feel chest chest move and you sees HE’S got tears falling down his face too
“kou!! i know why i’m crying but why are YOU crying?”
“i-i don't know?? seeing you cry makes me cry??”
the two of you are laughing and sobbing together you forget why you were even sad in the first place
he picks you up bridal style and carried you over to the couch where the two of you proceed to just cuddle and enjoy each other’s presence
“hey, y/n you should hang with me and akaashi at lunch if you want”
“come onnnn, if your so-called ‘friends’ don’t wanna hang with you, we most certainly do!”
he’s giving you his big toothy grin you can't say no to
“okay kou, i’ll start spending my lunches with you”
he doesn't even hide the fact he's excited lmao
“yES!! we get to spend even more time together now and everyones gonna see how cute we are together!”
bokuto just wants to make sure that wherever you are, he can make you smile and forget about all the bad things 
so the fact you agree to spend your lunchtimes with him makes him ecstatic now that he knows he can make it his mission everyday to make you smile more
he won't ever leave you alone when you’re sad so you spend the rest of your day playing on your switch and making tiktoks together
because bokuto will always want you to feel like you’re having fun with him because it’s your smile that first caught his attention before you started dating 
you and tsuki are at his house in his room together
both of you are going through your phones until your group chat starts spamming with photos and videos 
your notifications are going off like crazy and its driving tsukishima mental
“since when were you popular?”
you glare at him as you open the messages and your face drops 
your supposed friends were all sending videos and photos of each other into your group chat
they had all gone out and hadn't mentioned it to you
tsukishima glanced over to your phone and watched as you mindlessly tapped through the never ending stream of content 
“i don’t know why you surround yourself with such loser’s y/n, i’d be embarrassed to send videos of my friends screaming like babies”
this made you smile ever so slightly
you’re not a mean person
but there's something about tsukishima’s snarky comments which make you feel better about the situation
tsuki has obviously noticed you were bothered about not being invited but he won't tell you he knows because it may trigger you to get upset
instead he pulls your back into his chest as the two of you lay in his bed together as he rests one of his arms on your side and the other over your shoulder
instead of being overly comforting, tsuki will encourage you to tap through the group chat but he’ll make a snarky comments for each picture or video
“ew she really left the house with confidence looking like that?”
“why has the girl on the right done her make up like that? did they go out for a day at the circus or something?”
“you can see the people in the background literally cringing, i can feel the second hand embarrassment through the screen”
the two of you sit there for a while laughing and making snide comments 
tuski’s are way worse than yours because he literally doesn't know how to stop 
after you finish tapping through everything, you set your phone down and smile at your boyfriend 
“hey, thanks for that”
“for what? being myself”
“for making me laugh you idiot”
“i was being honest but okay then”
you’ll just lay there together in a comforting silence
“you know... you’re too good for them anyway, ditch them”
you hesitated before answering
“but, they're my friends? i can't just ditch them out of nowhere”
“they had no problem doing it to you”
harsh words 
but he’s right
they didn't have a problem ditching you so maybe tsuki was right
“i don't mind doing a bit of charity work and letting you be with me at school”
“oh? how considerate of my boyfriend, the one who’s meant to love and be there for me unconditionally! you’re too kind!”
you both snicker at this before he presses a soft kiss to the top of your head
“go on, leave the group chat... if you’re bad 😈”
he gets lowkey excited watching you leave it he’s got a stupid little evil smirk 
tsuki may seem like he enjoys conflict and malicious behaviour 
but really he just wants to make sure you’re kept away from people who clearly don't value or deserve you
‘their loss’ he thinks to himself as he pulls you closer
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lilchibi-chan · 4 years
Hawks Mafia! AU x Reader
This post/series is inspired by mailorderfriend on TikTok. I love her videos and when she did this series, my mind started going WILD! Details will be inspired by her videos (obvi) but everything else will come from my head.
You work at a local diner in the city and make pretty good money. Business men come in on their lunch break and even late at night when they’re working late. A few of them try to impress you and make comments about you being beautiful and how you’re “much too nice of a girl to be working in a place like this”. You know it’s just for them to show off to their friends, although you do make great tips from it. They feel entitled because they work in these big beautiful buildings and look down on everyone, but that stuff doesn’t impress you.
There is one guy that sticks out to you. He has ash blonde hair and these amber/golden eyes and always has on the nicest suits, like really expensive looking and tailor made.Not like the business men that you usually see. You could tell he was rich or at least had more than enough money he knew what to do with, but he wasn’t arrogant. He always comes in when you’re working late, which has been everyday lately (just trying to make a little extra cash). He’s always nice to you and always asks how your day has been. He insists on calling you pet names like baby bird and hummingbird, but you don’t mind them. He says them in more of an endearing way than a i’m-trying-to-get-in-your-pants way.
When you’re closing, he stays until you leave. You don’t find it weird at all. He has this aura about him that just makes you feel safe. He makes you feel at peace, happy even.
It’s been raining for the past week and you have been dreading closing, but you needed the money since your roommate had moved out. You were on the hunt for a new one, but didn’t have any bites yet.  
“Excuse me sir,” you say to the very handsome,blonde haired man
“Yes, hummingbird,” he says looking into your eyes, each yours with his
“Um, we’re closing, s-so I have to ask you to leave,” you say nervously.
“That’s alright,” he says with a soft smile,“you have a Goodnight baby bird. Get home safe and be careful out there with all that rain.”
“Th-thank you sir,” you reply,still nervous
“Enough of the sir business, please call me Hawks”
“Yes si-I mean Hawks”
“Good girl,” he says in a low voice, then pats your head
He made his way out the door and towards his car. It was a blacked out Audi R8. He waved to you before he pulled off and you gave a small wave back.
You noticed there was man sitting in a corner booth. He was a regular, but he never came this late.You noticed the scent of liquor as you got closer to him.
“Sir,” you say tapping his shoulder
“Hey gorgeous,” he says drunkly
“Sir, we’re closing. I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” you say nicely, but firm
“I’ll leave... if you give me your number and let me take you out,” he says grabbing your hand
“Sir, I’m not allowed to fraternize with guests and that includes dating them,” you say pulling your hand out of his
“C’mon beautiful. You always treat me well when I come in and I see the way you look at me. You think I don’t notice, but I do. You want me,” he says standing over you
You mentally roll your eyes
“Sir, that’s just me doing my job. It’s called courtesy and being respectful. I’m going to have to ask you to leave now”
“C’mon stop denying it. You and I both want this. I know it, you know, so c’mon. Let me take you out,” he says going to grab your arm, but you back up
“Sir, this is the last time I’m going to ask you. Please leave,” you say in a slightly pissed off tone
“Look, I’m not screwing around,” he says finally grabbing you
You try to pull away, but this time his grip is much stronger in you. He pushes you into the corner booth and forces you to lay down. He lowers himself to kiss you, but the door swings open causing his attention to go there.
“Well, well, well... what’s going on here? That’s no way to treat a lady, sir” he says smiling
“Stay out of this, it has nothing to do with you,” the customer says,still hovering over you
“Oh, it very much does sir cause ya see, I don’t really care for people disrespecting women in any way, but especially if it’s her.”
“Tch. Get lost before I have you limping out of here”
“Sir, you’re the one that’s probably not gonna make it out of here”
“You think you’re tough. Go ahead and try. I’ll lay you out right here,” the customer says finally getting off you
You’re able to sit up and see that it was Hawks who came to your aid.
You see him remove his suit jacket, fold it, then he lays it over the booth closest to the door. He started rolling up his sleeves and made his way toward the customer trying to have his way with you.
Hawks grabs the man and throws him to the floor. He then joins the man and places a hand around his throat.
“How does it feel to be the bitch now, huh? Come back here and I promise it’ll be the last fucking thing you do. If I see or hear that you’ve been hanging around, I’ll fucking kill you,” he says with a smile
He meant what he said.
Hawks releases his hold and let’s the man up off the ground. He races out of the diner and doesn’t even think to look back.
Hawks makes his way over to you and at first you’re unsure if you should let him near.
“Are you alright, baby bird,” he asks with a tinge of sadness in his eyes
“Y-yeah. Thanks to you. H-how did you even know-“
“I saw him when he came in and something felt off. When I drove off, I only parked across the street. I watched just in case he tried anything and I’m glad I did.”
“Th-thank you Hawks,” you say, still shaken up by the events that just occurred
He looks at you softly. His eyes saying ‘I’m here for you. You’re safe with me’
“Get your stuff baby bird. I’ll take you home, you shouldn’t be alone tonight,” he says softly as to not startle you or make you feel any more uneasy
You simply nod and get your stuff from the break room in the back of the restaurant.
You meet Hawks in the front and you feel the sudden urge to hug him.
This surprises him, but he hugs back and rubs the back of your head.
“Thank you,” you squeak out
He smiles and lets out a small hum.
He takes your hand and guides you to his car, covering you both with a huge umbrella.
He opens the door of the passenger side and lets you get in first. He does a small jog around and gets in on the drivers side.
“Comfortable, baby bird?”
“Good, so where we headed,” he says smiling
You tell him the address and starts the car. The drive is quiet, but comfortable. Hawks even put on the seat warmer for your chair to further comfort you.
He makes it to the front of your building and wakes you up gently. You weren’t even aware that you had nodded off.
“We’re here, humming bird”
“Thank you, Hawks...for everything,” you say grabbing his hand and rubbing his knuckles with your fingers
“Anytime...here,” he says handing you a business card
You examine the nicely crafted card and smile
“That’s my cell number. Whenever you need me, don’t hesitate”
“Thank you,” you say mentally kicking yourself because you keep saying thank you,“I promise that’s not the only thing I can say, but I’m appreciative of everything you’ve don’t for me tonight”
He laughs
“It’s fine and you’re welcome. I’m bein honest though kid. In fact, how about I give you a job at my company? It pays more than you working at the restaurant and I have top of the line security, that way you’ll always be safe. You’ll even make enough that you won’t need a roommate”
“I’ll think about it. Thank you though. I just wanna get through tonight. When I can actually think, I’ll let you know”
“Alright, baby bird. Well you get on up to your apartment. I’ll leave once you’re inside.”
You get out the car and enter the code to enter your building, then you take out your key fob to enter the second set of doors and to use the elevator. When you get up to your apartment, you look out the window and see Hawks’ car still sitting in the same spot. You can’t help the smile that grows on your face.
You text him, letting him know you’re in your apartment and you’re safe. He takes a minute, but eventually pulls off.
You head to your bathroom to wash the day off and head to bed.
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Art by kawaiitentacle on IG
Hope you guys enjoyed this! I wanted to give you this in the meantime while I figure out how to extend Siren Song (I hate writers block).
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nerdygirl8203 · 4 years
Old Money, New Feelings- Chapter 8
Warnings: angst, this is set a few months after chapter 7, drinking, sleeping around, mentions of smut
This chapter includes One More Drink by Gjan
Summary: the reader (y/n) finds out what this has been and why Ransom was being so nice to you.
Pairing: Ransom x fem!reader
(Sorry, I couldn’t add a continue reading since I’m writing this on my phone)
For months Ransom has been so sweet and kind. It’s like he looked in the mirror and saw his flaws. He is caring and shows his emotions more. Everything is great. Well, everything was great. Past tense.
I ran upstairs knowing his office is upstairs and I thought he would be excited to see me. I come into his office where I knew he would be since he’s always there when he and I aren’t together. I hear moaning. Female moaning.
“What about that girl? The one you’re always with.” The girls voice says. It’s muffled due to the door between us.
“She’s just some nice arm candy and a decent hole to fill.” Ransom’s voice rings clear even through the door. I back up stumbling a little. I hope he doesn’t hear me as I run down the stairs failing to hold in tears. I run to my car and that’s when I realized he did hear me.
I get in my car and I shut and lock my doors quickly. I try to stop crying before I drive. I don’t want to be in danger of crashing my car or hurting anyone. I see him run out in just some sweatpants. I turn on my car as he runs to my car door and starts screaming “Y/N open your door!” I look at him and I scream back “Back up. I don’t want to run you over while trying to get away but I will!” I need to get out and far away. God it hurts. I was an idiot for falling for this dick.
He doesn’t back up but I scare him by doing something he didn’t think I would. I start backing up my car and he moves away quickly. I drive off no longer caring.
I can’t go back to the stupid apartment that douche got me. I call my best friend over the car phone. I told her about this from the beginning and she even thought he changed from the playboy he was. I sob as I ask if I can stay with her till I find a new place that won’t have traces of him everywhere. She would never say no and she tells me that.
I’m at her place less than 30 minutes later. She holds me while I sob out and tell her what happened. After a week of blocking his calls and making sure my find my friend is off so he can’t find me. After one particular night of drinking my pain away she and I come up with an amazing idea to make him jealous.
In the last few months I wrote and released a song that blew up on Tiktok. I’ve written and sang a lot of songs now and Ransom hated it. He always did. My followers have skyrocketed on everything which would mean that Ransom would be watching anything I post like a hawk. He can’t have me saying anything wrong or even remotely bad about him.
We decide to have me sing One More Drink. As I sang to the music I feel the pain of everything wash over me. I end the song with me burning a cute letter he wrote to me. It’s just bullshit anyways. It all is. Every stupid word he uttered.
“I found out today that he’s a liar. Room full of him the smell of sorrow!” I still remember what it was like when he held me. I felt safe. “I don’t want to know if she’s like me. Or how much she loves the way you speak!” He had texted me trying to explain. “I found out today that you’re a liar, ah.” It brings me back to that day. “And I say I got stuck into you and I can’t believe it, oh, I’m on fire.” I’m an idiot. “Friends told me what to do. But I don’t believe it, oh, I’m on fire.”
I get into it feeling the pain and anger come over me “Ah, ah, one more drink tonight!” I repeat that with emotion three more times then follow it with a tonight. “Both said we’ll build our own empire, ah.” Lies. He lied about what he wanted. “How dare you say you didn’t try? Oh.” I keep singing
“It wasn’t like that. It just happened!” I could hear him saying it.
“I woke up at 4 stuck in a loop. I gotta confess it’s not my room.” I knew that would kill him. I hope it does. I hope he feels half of my pain. “You once said we’ll build our own empire. Ah.” I then keep singing and I end up finishing the song. I burn the letter hoping it would help me feel better.
We stop filming and I fall to the ground sobbing. My best friend edits it and post it for me. I can’t. I can’t keep thinking about him.
It’s another week till I even go out of my friends house. I just need to see life again. See things other than my pain and ransom. I go to the coffee shop but I quickly leave after seeing the cute couples who seem to be rubbing their happiness in my face.
I go to the bookstore I love. The place that makes me feel content and at peace. I stay in the back reading a horror story. I can’t help but understand why the girlfriend killed her cheating boyfriend. Though, I guess he wasn’t my boyfriend. I’m such and idiot.
I don’t even notice how late it’s gotten until one of the employees comes over to me to tell me they are closing. “I’m sorry ma’am but we are closing.” I look up at her. “Thank you. I’m so sorry for staying so late!” I get up quickly and since I already bought the book I leave immediately. I keep walking until I see a familiar car.
‘No. It can’t be him. It wouldn’t be him. Why would he even come this way. This is a crappy area in his words.’ I keep walking at my normal pace after haven slowed for a moment. I keep walking just wanting to lay down in a bed and sleep away that pain I feel deep in my chest.
“Y/N.” I hear a familiar voice say. It can’t be him. I’m going crazy. I keep my walking feeling my heart pounding. Part of me wants it to be him but it won’t be. It can’t be.
I believe that until I feel what is undeniably Ransom’s hand grabbing my wrist. I whip around and I glare at him “Hello Hugh.” I say coldly.
“Dont do that sweet heart. Please don’t do that. I understand you hating me or being pissed but don’t do that.” His face is softer than expected and his voice is sweet and calm.
“Don’t do what? I just said hello Hugh. I thought I was being polite. Isn’t Hugh your name?” I glare pissed. “I get why you’re mad but please listen to me. I just... I need to talk to you.” His eyes are red.
Maybe that’s why I said we could talk. Maybe it was his puffy eyes or how you could see how pained he is in his face. I hate what he did but I still don’t hate him. I can’t hate him no matter how much I’ve tried. “Come with me, we can go somewhere more private.” He says softly. I let him show me the way to a small cafe with no one in it, he undoubtedly rented it so no one would be here. I can’t help but hate that it makes me feel special, I want it to make my blood boil. I don’t want to feel especially loved when he does this. I want to be mad at how cocky he was to just assume I’d come with him. I walk in and he holds the door for me, I have to stop myself from saying thank you to him. I don’t want to be nice to him at all. I want him to be mad. I walk to the booth that is in the corner and I sit down. I sigh softly and when he tries to hold my hand I move it away even though I long to hold his hand.
“Listen, I didn’t want to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you.” He says then I scoff “Bull shit! You fucked a girl when you were pretending to care about me. I should have known better. I should have known you were just messing with me to get what you wanted.” I huff. “She was just some girl from a bar I went to when you said you couldn’t come over.” “I had work! You know, the thing people do when they need money! Oh wait, no you don’t know that, everything you’ve ever wanted was handed to you on a silver platter.” I spit word venom at him angrily. “That’s not true! I worked to keep you didn’t I?” My jaw actually drops. How in gods name could he do that to me and then say he worked for it! “Bull shit! I’m just a hole that you used to wet your cock. “You know what, just fuck off. You and I would never work anyways. Maybe when you grow up like a big boy and get a real job I’ll reconsider your bull!” I scream at him and I get up off the seat quickly. I leave the cafe not looking back no matter how desperate he sounded.
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wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
Midnight Love
Word Count: 3141
About: One the run with Bucky and it gets hot
Characters: Reader, Bucky, Natasha, and Steve
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings/Trigger Warnings: Language, Blood, Injury, Death, Sexual Tension, Fingering, Oral (F receiving), Deep Penetration, Choking, Orgasm Denial, Unprotected Sex (Wrap it before you tap it peeps)
A/N: This little piece was inspired by tiktok creator james.bucky.barnes. Please enjoy and go check out their account. 
*This work contains content for the 18 and up crowd
**Please do not copy and past my work anywhere. You can share the link and reblog
***This work is posted on Instagram (Excerpt Only), WattPad, and Archive Of Our Own
****Go follow all my other accounts. Links are in the pinned post on my profile
*****I am currently NOT take any requests. 
Forever Tags: @hobby27 @donnaintx @myinconnelly1 @elansaidaris @magssteenkamp @440mxs-wife
Forever Marvel Tags: OPEN
Bucky/Sebastian Tags: OPEN
My Masterlist
My Marvel Masterlist
My Favorite Fic List
You stared at the pool of blood on the ground in front of you. You’re breathing deeply and trying to regain yourself. The phone you threw across the room was shattered into tiny pieces. Tears had streamed down your face. Your body ached and you had a gnarly gash on on your forehead and the blood from that slowly spilled had stopped. The dried blood gentle pinched and pulled at your face. You looked down at your hands and saw they were covered in your victims blood.
Shit, you thought. You used the back of your shirt to wipe the tears from your face and began to look around for a way to clean off your hands and then your eyes met with his. Those bright blue eyes that seemed to follow you just about everywhere. You never could escape those eyes, no matter how hard you tried.
Those eyes always found you.
Lowering the gun he held, he slowly made his way over to you. Your heart raced inside your chest as he got closer. You looked down and frantically looked for the knife you had before. Soon strong, gentle hand pulled you back to your feet. You avoided looking him in the eyes but his cool, metal hand took your chin between his thumb and index finger and lifted your eyes to his.
“Why?” he asked gently. He searched your eyes for anything that could answer his question. Your eyes flickered towards the dead agent on the ground. His throat had been ripped out and there in the middle of his chest was your knife. The man who held your face in his hand, turned back and looked at the body.
“It’s not that simple, Bucky,” your lip quivered. “I had to do this.” Your voice was barely a whisper. Bucky of all people should understand that what you did, had to be done.
Bucky dropped his hand and looked behind him. When he looked back at you, he pulled his ear piece out and shoved it into his pocket. “Come on,” he began to pull you of the room he found you in and towards the fire escape window.
“What are you doing?” you asked.
“Getting you out of here,” Bucky threw the window open. “The rest of the team is on their up here. If you get out now, you’ll miss Sam’s drone doing a perimeter check.”
You stared at Bucky. The look in his eyes told you that you could trust him. To believe him. But after what you just went through, you still had to ask. “How can I trust you?”
“You just have to, doll,” he held his hand out. “There’s a hotel about three blocks from here. Check in using the name Buchanan and I will meet you there later.” There was a crash near by that made the two of you look towards the apartment’s front door. “Now or never.”
***A Few Hours Later***
You waited for Bucky for almost three hours. You were going to give up when a knock sounded at the door. You walked up to the door and put your hand on the handle. There was was little peep hole that had you standig on your tip toes. It was hard to see who it was.
“Who is it?” you asked aloud, enough for the visiter to hear you.
“Buchanan,” Bucky’s voice called out.
You quickly opened the door and in walked Bucky. He had a two bags in his hands and a serious look on his face. He set the bags down and looked at you and his eyes softened. “It took a ton of lying to get Steve and Tony convinced you weren’t in the building. So you owe me an explanation.”
You turned on your feet and went to sit on the only bed in the room. “I don’t know who they were, but they had my sister.” You looked down at the floor and folded your hands. “They called me and told me if I didn’t kill that specific agent, they would kill her. At first I refused and they sent me a piece of her ear with a note saying that next time it will be her head.”
Bucky walked further into the room. “Y/N,” he said softly. “Why didn’t you tell us. We could have helped you.”
“They said they have eyes and ears everywhere.” You met Bucky’s blue eyes. They held sadness and anger at the same time. Was that possible? you asked yourself. “I simply had no choice. Then when I called them…” Your voice shook and you tried to hold back the tears.
“They killed her didn’t they?” Bucky sat on the bed next to you and wrapped in an arm.
“They told me they had more work for me, and I said no and threw my phone. But not after I heard them say that they will look for me.” You pulled away from Buck and looked at him. You came in not long after that.”
Bucky sighed and looked at the floor. “Well, they’re not the only ones looking for you. The whole team has you up high on the list. As in a ‘drop everything and pursue’ order’.”
You stared into space. You knew you messed up big time. You were smarter than most and should have hinted that something was wrong. Or maybe sent it in a secret message or something. But all that was too late.
You were a wanted woman now.
“I made a few calls and pulled some strings,” Bucky said too fill the silence. “You have a midnight flight to catch. I don’t know where it will take you but I was promised you will have a new identity by the time you get there. When I walk out that door,” Bucky took your chin in his hands again and turn your face to his. “That will be the last time we will ever see each other.”
“It doesn’t have to be,” You suddenly had a thought. A thought that would change Bucky’s life too.
***Three Years Later***
You dropped into the chair and leaned over to take your shoes off when the door to the hotel flew open. Bucky, looking pissed as hell, slammed the door and stalked over to you. “What you did tonight was beyond fucking stupid. You could have ruined the whole thing.”
You sighed heavily and leaned back. “But I didn’t, did I?”
Bucky leaned down and placed both hands on the chair that you sat on. The anger in his eyes, it sent shivers down your spine but you couldn’t help but think of how much it turned you on. The ache between your legs had you slowly pressing your thighs together.
Three years on the run, the only time you and Bucky ever came close to sleeping with each other was a about a year and a half ago. You guys had taken on a job to steal information from a very high and powerful group of people. The two of you talked your way into the party and wondered up to the room you needed to be. Just as the two you were done getting what you needed, you heard voices outside of the door and the doorknob rattle.
In seconds, Bucky had you on the desk top, your dress pushed up passed your thighs. He pressed himself between your legs. His gloved metal hand held the back of your neck, quickly pulling your face towards his. He firmly pressed his lips to yours and to your surprised you sighed right into them. Bucky deepened the kiss. You wrapped an arm around his neck while the other snaked down to the belt he wore. Bucky’s hand slid down from your neck to the zipper of your dress and slowly started to unzip the dress while pushing his tongue passed your lips. Bucky even pressed your small body closer and tighter to his with a small growl in his throat..
For a split moment, the two of you forgot that you were about to be walked in on. You guys hadn’t barely mentioned it since it had happened.
“So what do you think?” Bucky’s voice brought you back to the present. He had leaned away from you and had his arms crossed.
“About what?”
Bucky dropped his head. “You’re impossible sometimes.”
“I’m sorry,” You said finally kicking your shoes off. “I was lost in thought.”
Bucky sighed heavily. “I was talking about meeting that guy at midnight. I wanted you to come with me.”
Those blue eyes met yours and it sent shivers down your spine. “Of course, I’ll go with you. Just let’s get a couple hours of sleep. We haven’t slept in over twenty four hours with this contract job.”
But you didn’t sleep. You laid in bed and listened to the soft snores coming from Bucky in the bed next to yours. You thought back over that last few years. You thought back to when you asked, well more liked begged, Bucky to come with you. You knew right off the bat you wouldn’t be able to do this kind of life on the run all on your own. But Bucky, he had said yes right away.
You both had changed your appearances. You cut your long dark hair short and bleached it. Bucky cut his short too but over time he let it grow out, while yours turned into a auburn like look. But to keep off the Avengers radar, Bucky had to wear thick long sleeves or a suit like coat and gloves to hid his metal arm and hand. The two of you got yourselves into contract work to do other peoples dirty work.
There were times when you were able to get people out of certain countries or states, depending on where were guys were at. Then other times, you or Bucky had no choice but to kill certain people. That kind of work was risky so that the two of you constantly changed appearances and identities.
You rolled over and looked at Bucky’s resting face. You knew that you needed to sleep but you couldn’t. You sat up and rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. You splashed yourself with some water on your face. As you dried your face you felt a hand on your shoulder turning you around.
Bucky stood there staring at you. Those blue eyes dug hooks into you, holding you where you stood. The sleep slowly disappearing from his eyes. The hand on your shoulder slid up to cup your chin. He cradled your face for a few minutes before leaning down and pressing his lips to yours.
The kiss was gentle and slowly. The way your lips and his moved together was like a dance. You slowly wrapped both your arms around his waist and pulled your body closer to him. Bucky’s metal arm slinked around your waist to hold you in place. He spun the two of you around, his hand left your face so he could pick you up. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. His lips never even once left yours.
Bucky began to walk you back into the room as he slid his tongue on your bottom lip.You moaned softly into his mouth and let him in. Bucky’s body started to shift and you realized that he was on the bed. He lowered you down and pulled back from you.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that again,” he whispered bringing his metal hand up to your face. His thumb brushed your face so gently. “Right this time.” He added and let is hand slide down your face. He pressed his lips softly to yours again.
Down your chest.
Down  your stomach.
His metallic fingers paused at the elastic of your pajamas. Bucky pulled back just a bit to stare into your eyes. He looked for your permission to continue. With a small smile and a little nod, he dove back to your lips while pushing his fingers passed the elastic bands. Bucky’s finger had not trouble finding your throbbing clit. He began to rub it in firm but slow.
You began to breathe deeply as the pleasurable sensation sent small shock waves throughout your body. “Bucky,” you whispered against his lips as you began to slowly squirm around. Feeling the pleasure grow stronger.
In that moment Bucky slipped a metallic finger inside of you. You gasped and grabbed at Bucky’s hair. He began pull in and out, twist and curl his finger until you were gripping tightly to this hair and moaning into his mouth. Bucky then slipped in a second finger and repeated the actions. You turned your head to the side to get a breath of air but you let out a moan like scream as you came closer to your orgasm.
As you bucked into Bucky’s hand, he whispered dirty but sweet encouragement into your ear. “So tight. So wet. All for me.” “Oh Doll, you should see yourself squirming.” “You like that? You like it when I fuck you with my metal fingers?” “Oh Doll, so close.”
Bucky had his fingers out and was sliding down and before you could respond. You felt your bottoms and underwear being ripped away from your body. You lifted your head in time to see Bucky dive between your legs. His scruffy face tickled you making you gasp softly. You felt his tongue lick a slow stripe between your folds before he shoved his tongue right into you.
“Fuck,” you cried out. Your hand flew to Bucky’s head and pushed him deeper into you. “Oh my God, don’t stop.” you panted out in between breaths. Bucky didn’t stop. He kept on going until you clawing at his hair, whimpering out almost every curse word in the book, and bucking into his face until you felt the orgasm wash over you. You cried out Bucky’s name.
Your body was still recovering from the intense orgasm when Bucky slinked his way back up towards you. The remnants of our orgasm still on his face. He dove for your face and kissed your hard and deep. His tongue pushing passed your lips and pulling back while bitting down on your bottom lip.
Bucky lined himself up with your entrance but before he slipped in, he teased your folds. You squirmed and reached down between you the two of you. Bucky’s metal hand grabbed it and pinned it above your head along with your other hand.
“Tsk tsk, no, Doll” Bucky’s voice was low and dark. “You’re mine.”
With that, Bucky pushed himself inside of you. You cried out softly and arched yourself into Bucky’s chest. Bucky started out slow pushing in and out of you. Not taking his blue eyes off of you but to only kiss you, keeping the rhythm of his thrusts the same.
“Oh, Y/N, you feel so much better than I imagined,” he breathed hard. “Jesus fuck.”
Bucky took his flesh hand and grabbed your left leg. He place your leg up on his shoulder, and the sudden change of position had you rolling your eyes into the back of your head. Bucky’s pace change and he began to push himself as deep as he could. It had you squeaking and trying to free your hands from his grasps. In a split second your hands were free but were being pinned by his flesh hand now. Bucky’s metal hand found its way to your neck and he began to put pressure around it. The mixture of small pain and pleasure had you closing your eyes as you felt Bucky pick up the pace once again and start to really pound into you.
“Fuck, Bucky,” you squeaked and moaned. You felt your second orgasm coming on hard and fast. “Oh my, I’m close.” In seconds, you were seeing flashes of white as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. You screamed out and felt a gush of liquid spill from you. Bucky soon came after you. His warm, cum filling you up as he grunt out your name.
Bucky collapsed and rolled of you. “Fuck,” he was breath hard. “That was amazing.” He rolled over and took your wrists in his hands and rubbed them. He place his flesh hand gently on your neck and rubbed it as well. “I didn’t hurt you did I?” The hint of concern in his voice melted you.
“No,” you whispered as you rolled on your side and met his gaze. “That was the best sex I ever had.” You noticed your voice was drifting off and that your eyes were getting heavy.
“Really?” Bucky pulled you into his arms and began to rub your shoulders. “Well, you’re the best I ever had.” Bucky looked down at you and saw your eyes slowly closing. “Get some rest, Doll. I’ll wake you in an hour.”
***Shortly After Midnight***
Your guys contact was late.  But you guys didn’t dare leave. This guy you were meeting was going pay you guys a lot of money.
“Where do you think he is?” you asked to just fill the silence. The sound of the ocean next to you was calming but you needed something else to hear than the the crashing of waves.
“Other than here, I don’t know,” Bucky sounded annoyed. You guys had been standing on this pier for nearly twenty minutes. Bucky slinked an arm around your waist and kissed the top of your head. “This whole time I could have been having my way with you again.”
You bit you lip and turned towards him. You ignored the ache between your legs. “What’s stopping you from throwing me on the hood of this car and doing just that?” Your hands began to slink down to his belt.
“Probably that,” Bucky’s head gestured behind you. You look and saw a dark car driving up towards you guys.
“I got this,” you backed up and shook out your hair and made your boobs look perkier. Bucky held back a chuckle. “It’s worked before.” You turned around and stopped dead in your tracks when you saw the figures step out of the car. “Shit,” you whispered.
“Hey guys,” Natasha’s leaned on the side of the car while Steve stared at you and Bucky.
Bucky slowly pulled you behind him. “If you want her, you’ll have to kill me.”
Natasha and Steve exchanged looks. “No one is dying tonight,” Steve took a few steps forward. The grip Bucky had your arm tightened.
“We know the truth,” Natasha looked at you and you knew exactly what she meant. “You guys are super hard to track.”
The End
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julemmaes · 4 years
Lorcan Salvaterre and Elide Lochan modern au
A/N: Alrighty alrighty I’M SORRY. I’m not posting anything lately cause I’ve been busy (very fucking much) and I just want to let you all know that I’ll write every single day of MOF even when October is finished (even if that’s not the point of those challenged but still) 
I was on tiktok the other day and I saw this video of a couple in a long distance relationship where she surprised him and he CRIED. A LOT. It’s become one of my favourite things in the world to be honest. He really seemed exhausted coming in his room and he literally SNIFFED the air, cause he could SMELL her and I D I E D.
Anyway, this is basically the plot. Enjoy!
Word count: 1,948
Lorcan would rather shoot himself in the head than listen to Rowan talk about contemporary history for another hour.
He promised him that he would help him prepare one of the billions of exams he seemed to have every month because his girlfriend, Aelin, had abandoned him at the last minute, leaving him alone. Knowing the type, Lorcan would have bet the house that she had told him a lie not to have another long and boring talk about the Cold War.
As much as he loved his best friend, just the idea of what Rowan was studying made his eyelids close faster than any sleeping pill he had ever taken. And Lorcan had taken a lot of medication to help him sleep in his life.
Things had not gone very well lately. With Elide on the other side of the world and their schedules that fit perfectly so that they never got to see each other on skype, he hadn't seen his girlfriend for almost five days. Lorcan had never been an excessively soft guy, who felt the need to talk twenty-four hours a day just to tell others that his relationship was perfect, but the distance was playing tricks on him and the fact that he couldn't sleep well only added stress and nervousness.
There was also the small detail that his father - or rather, his sperm donor - had died a few weeks before and his mother, who had always been the only parental figure in his life, really wanted to give him the letter that the man had written to him only a few days before his death.
Lorcan had tried to read it, several times, even on a call with Elide, but every time he read the first lines, where the man expressed his sincerest apologies for never having been part of his life, attributing part of those faults to his mother too, he could never bring himself to finish it.
"...can you at least pretend to be listening?" Rowan asked exasperatedly, running his hand over his face.
Lorcan closed his eyes sighing, opening them a few moments later. Rowan was staring at him slightly pissed off. He could perfectly understand that talking to someone who didn't even seem to be in the same room as you could be irritating.
"Sorry Ro, I know I told you I'd stay until seven, but I can't do it." he got up, without looking Rowan in the face, but he saw him stiffening, "If I hear you say Gorbachev one more time, I might throw up."
"Are you okay?" he asked him in a lower tone of voice. Two girls sitting at the table next to them turned around, immediately bringing their attention back to their books when Lorcan gave them a hard look.
He tightened his jaw, putting his stuff in his backpack, "Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about it."
"I wouldn't have started to worry if you'd just told me you were fine," Rowan pointed out, leaning against the table with his elbows and pushing towards him. Lorcan put on his jacket, puffing.
"Well, I'm actually fine," he said, finally looking him in the eye. He felt his breath hitch when he saw that Rowan seemed genuinely concerned about what was surely disturbing his friend and had to turn around so he wouldn't let him see how bad he really was.
"I know you don't do these..." he paused, frowning, "things. But if you need to talk to someone -"
Lorcan interrupted him by putting one hand forward, "Rowan, listen," he laughed dryly, "You're right, I don't do these things and you're starting to sound like Fenrys," his friend made a disgusted grimace, "Exactly, so cut the bullshit and don't ever try to be all mama hen on me again, okay?"
Rowan nodded bitterly, "It's just that Aelin told me that you and Elide," a hint of pain shot through his chest at the girl's name, "haven't talked for a few days and I just wanted to know if things were going well?" he asked hesitantly.
Lorcan pinched the bridge of his nose, "What exactly don't you understand about the sentence 'I'm fine'?"
"I'm just checking on a friend who won't stop bullshitting me," Rowan pointed out abruptly.
"I don't need you to check up on me."
Rowan's face softened so much that Lorcan knew that anything he would say in a few seconds would make him lose every ounce of patience.
"Is this about your father's letter?" he looked him in the face, reducing his lips to a thin line, then Lorcan turned around, without even saying goodbye, and walked out of the library.
It was not because of the letter.
It was the fact that his mother had felt the need to give it to him. It was the fact that the woman who knew him better than anyone else in the world, the woman who had seen him in the most vulnerable moments of his life and who had raised him alone, breaking her back day and night to make sure he had a future, had accepted the words written on that letter to be the truth.
Your mother prevented me from seeing you. Don't be angry at me, but at her. It wasn't me who decided to abandon you. Agnes told me that I could not see you until you were sixteen years old. It is not my fault that you did not have enough during your childhood.
A lot of bullshit if you asked Lorcan.
His father had left the second he found out that his mother had gotten pregnant and took every penny he could find in their house to buy another dose or bottle of alcohol.
Lorcan knew that his mother had read it because when she gave it to him, the envelope had been torn. And he knew that she hadn't done it with the intention of violating his privacy, but rather to protect him. He certainly wouldn't blame the mother if she still cared about her baby when it came to the man who got her pregnant and then ran away.
He did not realize that he had stopped in the middle of the university garden, his hands in his pockets and his gaze fixed on the ground until a drop hit his forehead. He looked up and the sky split in two.
All the students who were lying on the lawn stood up screaming, putting away their notes and books as quickly as possible. Some laughed as they ran for shelter from that sudden thunderstorm, but Lorcan resumed walking normally, reaching his dorm canopy in a few minutes.
Walking up the stairs as slowly as he had never done before, he found himself thinking about his mother yet again.
Perhaps he should have called her.
They had spent hours on the phone after she had given him the letter. Lorcan yelling at her because the man's words had certainly struck Agnes in the heart - so much so that she handed the letter to her son, without warning him that it was all crap - and she apologized to him for something she had thought right almost twenty years earlier.
Lorcan had reassured her that he had never missed a father figure. He had never had the need to go fishing with his "old man" or "play catch".
He ran his hand over his face for the millionth time, sighing and trying to keep his emotions at bay until he reached his room where he would decide what to do. Whether to take a sleeping pill and try to rest or go to the gym and punch something. Or someone, if he found one of the guys willing to get it.
He arrived in front of the door and saw that it was slightly open, the corridor light on. He swelled his chest holding his breath and praying to every god on the face of the earth that Connal or Vaughan were not home, he pushed the door, entering the small apartment.
He heard no noises of any kind and frowned. If one of his roommates had been in the house there would have been at least the sound of pots being thrown into the kitchen or the springs of their beds moving under the weight of both.
Relieved that he had not entered the house in one of their usual hot moments, he made to move and then sensed it.
He smelled the air, stopping in his footsteps.
Lemon and cinnamon.
He would have recognized that scent everywhere.
He turned around, closing the door and expecting to see her hidden back there.
When he couldn't find her, he sprang towards his room, opening that door and throwing his head back laughing when he saw Elide sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Don' t believe it." Lorcan whispered without looking at her.
He turned back into the living room, taking two steps towards the couch before turning around again and putting his hands in his hair.
Elide was smiling at him with her hands clutched between her legs. She got up, going towards him, slowly, "Believe it.”
"You're here," Lorcan told her, with a shocked expression on his face. He couldn't move, the emotion too great to be contained and in a second everything he had taken so long to shove down and not to process reappeared on the surface, hitting him with such force as to take his breath away. Elide smiled at him more widely with bright eyes and threw herself at him.
Lorcan wrapped her in his arms and held her so tightly that she laughed and then stuck his head in the space between her shoulder and neck and breathed deeply.
Without his consent, a sob slipped from his lips.
He felt Elide stiffen, "Lor..."
He knew that if he spoke, he would not be able to recognize his voice as broken it would be.
"You're crying." Elide tried to tear herself away to look him in the face, but Lorcan prevented her, holding her tighter and letting go of more sobs. He was leaning completely against her and when she moved again, to get the backpack off his shoulders, he let her do it, taking her back in his arms immediately afterwards.
One of her hands rubbed his back, "It's alright." she whispered to him, kissing his cheek. "Everything is all right."
"Why are you crying?" her voice was so small, so weak compared to what she normally had. He let go of a trembling breath, taking a step back, and rubbing the palms of his hands over his eyes to wipe away the tears.
Elide was holding her hands on his arms and stroking him to calm him down. He bent forward, extending one hand towards her neck and passed a thumb over her jaw. She half-closed her eyes, looking at his face. Lorcan looked back, with watery eyes.
He hugged her again with a surge, kissing her forehead and sighing with relief, "I missed you so fucking much."
Elide replied in a muffled voice, "So did I."
They lingered a few more minutes, Elide caressing every part of his body she could reach with her short arms, without worrying that he was completely soaked, and Lorcan relaxing under that familiar touch so strong that he could drive out every demon that had dug his way under his skin during those months without her. And even if things hadn't worked out just because Elide had come back for what would surely have been two days, at least he could talk to someone who knew would understand.
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@tottenhamboys20 @maastrash @ireallyshouldsleeprn 
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unkwn0s · 3 years
Vincenzo Ep. 20 (Finale) Ranting.
What a rollercoaster that was you guys! (SPOILERS AND LONG POST AHEAD).
I'm writing this right as i finish watching the drama bc the feelings and thoughts are still very fresh and this is a ranting + some analysis too.
Let's start w the death of Jang Han Seo: I'm truly sorry to everyone but me and everyone else saw it coming, even if you denied and hoped it to be a trick. His development was amazing and well written but if there's one thing i've learned watching kdramas is that not just bc you had a redemption arc you'll have a happy ending alive (Hi TOTNT lee rang), i do not think it was necessary to kill him, having chayoung and vincenzo lose their parents and people dear to them but i guess the writers really wanted that shocking factor to contribute on making Jang Han Seok into a monster that no one would feel guilty getting rid of (which honestly worked for me).
The parallel of the hospital scene. I confess i would have been pissed off if we didn't get that one (partly bc i love mirror scenes so much it's such a pleasure to me). But what got me the most is that from the moment Chayoung took the bullet she knew Vincenzo would feel guilty and first thing she did when she opened her eyes was to tell him it wasn't his fault and on god for a non romance drama their feelings for each other were so strong that i felt it slapping me across the monitor even without a proper dolled up typical confession scene.
Choi Myunghee ending. RIGHTFULL, one of the best things i've ever watched in my whole entire life. I don't know if the actress was that good or is it the hate i have for people who quietly evil things and think they are so right about it but there were times i felt more anger towards her than Han Seok, maybe bc his character was (as said on that trial) a lost psycho case since always but not her, she was cold headed and hearted, she was very rational and even tho she kept getting owned up by Vincenzo she never showed signs of slowing down so her ending was predictable but deserved.
Jang Han Seok: for the same reasoning of Choi Myunghee it was satisfying and deserved. I don't know how it might sound but particularly i agree w the line of thought Vincenzo had "Justice doesn't help you solve ALL the problems, sometimes you need to think like a villain to take down a bigger evil". i saw a tiktok a few days ago that talked about how South Korea has been exploring dramas that deal with corruption lately and for that i think Vincenzo was brilliant on approaching the topic in such a different way. The other options rather letting people like the prosecutor and the biggest enemy to either run away or spend jailtime (when they either could get out easily or live comfortably w no heavy conscience of what they have done, just by using some bribes). So giving them that dramatic ending reinforces the thought that dialogue and conventional justice are not always a solution that brings satisfaction. I love revenge plots so you'll never see me complaining about "an eye for and eye" stories.
The Geumga tenants: amazing, brilliant, never done before. The definition of family is not always a blood thing. So nicely written the way some random people who would be easy for Vincenzo to wipe out to get to his point became so reliable. "Alone we go quicker but together we can go further away". Love the cast so much.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST. MY CHAENZO BABIES. Now as i said in the other post i wish people would understand that Vincenzo was neither a Romance drama or made to be based on his relationship with Chayoung, their story was something that grew in the middle of chaos (i'd like to say like those little plants that you see on concrete, they might seem weak but even tho you try to tear it apart it grows stronger again). From strangers, to partners, to friends and WHEW to lovers. I can't find english words that describe how much i love their construction over the episodes as i've said in the previous post they don't have the typical storyline of love interests other dramas have and they speak w actions louder than words. Chayoung accepted Vincenzo and his ways and still held onto her morals (who seemed grey by the start of the drama and honestly could still be but she still had boundaries) and Vincenzo knew that the moment he became aware of his feelings for her AND respected it. Now i know there will be people upset over the ending but i honestly had this in mind and considering the circumstances of their relationship i think it was decent and fair, as his last lines said he won't change his ways but chayoung was welcomed to his life. I think it was a mature view on relationships and perfect for those, like me, who love a dramatic story.
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