#scientific terms
autumnmobile12 · 1 month
My Hero Academia: Scientific Terminology for Quirks
At least scientific terms that I think would be used in this world on academic papers and so on. Like how 'Quirk' seems to a layman's term or widely accepted slang while 'meta-ability' is the more technical word used.
Aves Class Homo Sapien: Avian-based heteromorph Quirks
Binate-Quirk: A Quirk comprised of two separate and/or unrelated abilities. (Example: Shouto's fire and ice.)
Combustion Immunodeficiency Disorder*: The condition of not having a resistance and/or immunity to fire in spite of having a fire-based Quirk. (Example: Touya.)
Mammalia Class Homo Sapien: Mammal-based heteromorph Quirk
Nonlinear Mutation Phenomenon: The circumstance in which a child is born with a Quirk that has no obvious origin from either parent. (Example: Eri being born with Rewind despite neither of her parents having a Quirk like that.)
Reptilia Class Homo Sapien: Reptile-based heteromorph Quirk
Sentient Animalia Meta-Ability Manifestation Phenomenon: A rare occurrence in which a non-human organism manifests a Quirk. (Example: Nezu.)
Sentient Meta-Ability Phenomenon: A Quirk that has conscious thought, self-awareness, and can communicate with its host and/or other people. (Examples: Tokoyami's Dark Shadow and Rody's Pino.)
Triune-Quirk: A Quirk comprised of three separate and/or unrelated abilities. (Example: Nine's Weather Quirk; his control over precipitation (water), wind, and lightning (electricity.)
Tetrad-Quirk: A Quirk comprised of four separate and/or unrelated abilities. (Unheard of in MHA's canon, but basically what Aang's (ATLA) Quirk would be if he were an MHA character, control over water, earth, fire, and air.)
Vanishing Meta-Ability Syndrome: The sudden and inexplicable loss of one's Quirk. (The technical medical jargon used to describe AFO's actions before doctors realized there was a person behind it, but I can also see sudden Quirk loss happening as a result of a traumatic event, whether it's a physical injury or psychological damage.)
*Immunodeficiency is a condition in which the immune system is in some way impaired or absent, generally resulting from a missing component in genetic makeup. Since skin is part of the immune system and Touya's genetic disparity presents itself as his body not having the natural resistance to his fire-Quirk that it's supposed to, I would think doctors in the My Hero 'verse would probably classify that condition as a form of congenital immunodeficiency. That is a word that I can see being slightly redefined/adjusted to suit new medical issues that appeared with the advent of superpowers since I doubt he's the only one who has complications involving an incompatible Quirk.
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jaimelwuizard · 6 months
In an attempt to insult Frédéric the great's large eyes for my history classes' March of madness, I found that there is no term for when an animal like geckos licks their eyes to keep them moist.
So I propose a term for it.
Ligma oculus
Or a lamens term for it
Kákyo or Slurpi
With the "i" pronounced like eye.
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bonebrokebuddy · 2 years
So, my favorite canon explanation for the continued design choice of the brightass yellow bat symbol on Batman’s chest as the suit has gotten darker and darker is that it’s a target.
If a criminal has a gun and a massive black shadow comes at them, in their fright they’re going to probably shoot at the bright yellow target in the center of Batman’s chest, the purposefully most armored piece of his suit rather than blindly shooting at weaker areas of his armor, like the joints. It gives the criminals something to point and shoot at that’s not civilians or weak points in his armor.
But here’s the thing.
The utility belt is also yellow.
So, going with that logic:
He want them to shoot at he dick?!
Is that what he wants?
He dick be shot?
Why he want shot his dick?
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autistickaitovocaloid · 8 months
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Birthday boy at the bottom of an ancient ocean
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five-of-cr · 10 months
jesper: my boyfriend likes bugs so much, sometimes i think he'd love me MORE if i were a worm
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nooomagnus · 1 year
the smut-writing struggle is 20% repeated pronouns, 30% choreography, and 50% needing more words to describe a human body but then you try to look up synonyms and this happens:
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“she let her kisses grow openmouthed across the gloopy planes of her abdomen”
“the quagginess of her breasts”
"her neck was terribly boggy"
(supple. supple get in the car we are LEAVING)
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aplpaca · 10 months
anyway "bugs" is a feeling, not an actual classification. Ants is bugs, spiders is bugs, slugs is bugs, roly polys is bugs, shrimps is bugs if u want, crabs can be bugs sometimes, that video of the three baby meerkats is bugs
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oh23 · 10 days
superman: we have to stop luthor.
batman: alright.
superman: before he makes the child
batman: huh.
batman: ?
superman: he's. he said he's going to make a baby.
batman: with. who.
superman: ..me?
batman, trying to formulate a sentence without screaming "WHAT" and "DID U 2 FUCK???" : . did you. two... make..... a child.. then?
superman: idk..... he said he's pregnant
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phoenixcatch7 · 3 months
Stupid little (crossover?) idea where shinra finds out about eldritch beings (aside from jenova) but everyone they keep sending to talk to/research them keeps going insane/blind/both, so they have to end up using sephiroth, who is genetically immune to cosmic horror, as a translator and first responder, but he's neither a scientist nor particularly literary, so getting actual descriptions from him is deeply frustrating for everyone involved.
I'm mainly thinking magnus archives or bloodborne or something but it could stand on its own.
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mobblespsycho100 · 4 months
the best phrase to describe kabru is "hate the game, not the player" i think. like yeah
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acebytaemin · 9 months
GOT COMMENTS ON MY PHD THESIS FROM THE MOST STRICT PROF IN MY COMMITTEE and she said ‘the thesis, and i specifically want to point out the discussion, is very beautifully written, especially considering how broad/detailed the subject studied is’ and she only has a few like technical details, she didn’t even send me the file back she just wrote it as bullet points in an email im literally about to fucking CRY
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whatwouldmickeydo · 9 months
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the sin on your lips
“He’s not sure if it’s the pleasant high he’s got going on or what but he finds himself saying “Looks kinda hot, actually. Think I could pull that off?””
This was meant to be an entry for Kinktober hosted by @gallavichthings but time went sideways and wonky and well, now it's been two months and I've finally finished.
Hope you enjoy!
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fkmarrycill · 7 days
I greatly appreciate the floofiness of Cillian's lips. 😍
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Is Dib undead?
No, he's just a weird alien hybrid thingy now.
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viric-dreams · 19 days
Thinking a bit more about Jones and mental health and why he's averse to any sort of treatment. I think there are a few things going on here.
Before prison, he was in good physical and mental health, to the point that it was never a consideration in his mind. To this day, he still struggles to properly reckon with the fact that that's no longer his reality. He also believes that he's keeping the worst of it at bay by not giving it any sort of name, doing anything to draw attention to it (unaware that the sheer amount of time his thoughts spend on loop is equally harmful). He doesn't want to publicly acknowledge that he has any sort of problem, because in his eyes that would make it too real and give it power over him.
Additionally, he'd spent time at the Royal Bethlehem once, in his early days in London. It was an awful experience. The loss of autonomy, the inability to leave, and all the while the staff treated him so politely whilst still holding him in that gilded cage. It almost felt worse than Newgate. At least there, they hadn't pretended he wasn't a prisoner. He's utterly terrified of being sent back to the Beth, a possibility that's inevitable in his mind, should anyone find out just how bad things are behind that facade.
Except it's not really a facade. That's him. That should be him. It's who he's supposed to be. Everything else is just... something. Something else. Something interfering.
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aropride · 7 months
short AND bisexual i have GOT to pick a struggle. good night
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