#scorpius headcanon
starofthefullmoon · 1 month
we don’t appreciate enough the fact that Harry’s kids are Gen Z
like James Sirius is on tiktok. pulling pranks on his dad. the savior of the world, famous Harry Potter being forced into doing tik tok dances with his kids.
Lily Luna LOVES Taylor Swift. i KNOW Ginny loves her. Harry does too. Albus and James would never admit it but they know every song.
Albus loves Reputation, of that i’m certain.
Albus and Scorpius are rocking to Conan Gray in the Slytherin dorm. Scorpius loves One Direction, probably.
Albus loves to ghost his parents facetime calls. They just call Scorpius instead, he always answers.
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James Sirius Potter Facts
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• He loved quidditch. Like really loved it. Knew he was expected to be a seeker like his dad but being a chaser like his mum is way more fun.
• He thought he was only popular because of his family but people actually really liked him for who he was.
• Has a lot of muggle born friends because at least when he started school they had no idea who he was.
• Struggles to open up to people, even the ones he’s closest to. Only started opening up more when he was diagnosed with cyclothemia.
• Even though Fred is his best friend he is probably closest to Teddy or Dom.
• He was kidnapped for 5 days when he was 9 by some remaining death eaters. He tells everyone he doesn’t remember anything but he does.
• Didn’t actually care that Albus was in Slytherin and was first to stand up and applaud after his sorting.
• He wasn’t actually that good at school. He struggles a lot with the theory side of things but he was one of the best duellers at Hogwarts so people didn’t really notice.
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nightingale2004 · 6 months
Snape fandom. I have something to say.
I just realized we don't get enough of alive au severus and Scorpius!
We 👏need 👏this 👏content.
We need the fanart, we need the headcanons, we need EVERYTHING.
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zomboivex · 1 month
Hi! Hope you're having a good day! :D
I saw the tdb (is this the abbreviation?) requests and came hurrying to the inbox since the fandom is just starting to grow.
Anyways, for my request : current!MC still gets on my nerves a lot (is the devs i konw ) due to the lack of options in term of answers/interaction (like personally,curiosity would kill me no to go an discover this new world AND the mysteries around the boys ,home girl legit gets told about a clash that took place in the place she resides in as in the church?and just goes oh anyways ciao )
So I'm asking you what type of person would get the boys best in terms of compatibility?
(in no way I am saying that MC isn't a good match , i jist wanna see mor personality)
Have a nice day!!
What each of the boys would look for in terms of compatibility in a romantic relationship!
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╰❥ A classy lady would be more of what he’s accustomed to. Dressed to the nines and back. Formal and proper. Someone who listens to what he says. A bonus if you could play piano with him. Or better yet, if you sing to his piano playing. Don’t mess up, though. He would expect you to always put your best foot forward. At least, in the public eye. Speak formally and quiet enough to never step over him. And a well paying job would be a must. That or you’re dedicated to staying full-time at home. The appearances matter, even if he, himself, stays locked up all the time.
╰❥ There are two types of partners Tohma would find ideal. Someone completely wild that needs to be tamed- he likes a challenge. Or someone who’s a bit more on the quiet side- not shy. Just well-placed words. He would prefer someone who’s intellectually smart and knows how to read the room. Acting foolish isn’t an option. If you do, he’d let you know as such. A partner who plays chess and can keep on par with him would bring him the most joy.
╰❥ If you exist and show him interest, he’s already into you. Will it bring him long-term happiness? Probably not. He needs to build some confidence in himself, first. Someone who’s willing to try new foods and go on silly walks and just act goofy with would be the best option. A laid back person who takes things in stride. But also patient with him and his self-deprecation.
╰❥ Morning runs and then stopping to get coffee for the walk back- if you’re into that, then I think the two of you would hit it off well. Lucas would want to be able to support you and any endeavors you may have. So just communicate your worries to him. He’d love someone who wore their heart on their sleeve and were genuine in the way they held themselves. Kind hearted and sociable. He would want to be with someone who cared for others and takes action to help those in need.
╰❥ In truth, Alan finds himself drawn to those who have themselves put together. He likes someone who’s headstrong but not stubborn. A go-getter, if you will. He especially likes someone who enjoys a lot of outdoor activities and a lot of quiet time. He’s not exactly on the up and up with technology or the current slang. But what he does know is that he just enjoys being around someone who can appreciate the quiet times and bask in the beauty of nature. He would prefer someone who is a bit on the patient side, as he is, but also enjoys someone who can tell him what to do from time to time. He’ll happily do it- so long as it’s in his scope to do so. Just don’t expect big and flouting words from him. He says it as it is in a simplistic manner. And he prefers someone who doesn’t have hidden meanings laced with each sentence strung together.
╰❥ You have to look aesthetically good for Leo to even consider you. Or rather… for it to be made public, this would be the case. He has to upkeep that vapid image of himself, after all. In reality, as long as you’re down to go along with his schemes, he’s going to entertain you for a while. If it’s sincere is up for you to decide. He’ll never tell you. If you’re truly trying to win him over, you’ll need to exercise a lot of patience and understand that he’s a man with a very clear goal and that will take priority. Just be there to catch him when he falls. He might fall head over heels, then. Maybe.
╰❥ Sho is sort of a mixed bag. His biggest thing is if he finds you interesting. Interesting being- are you vocal about what you like. He, like Alan, prefers someone forthcoming. But if you have some hidden meanings, he doesn’t mind either. Sho is here for a good time. Just don’t mind the fact that his best friend can be scathing at times. If you play sports, that’s a huge bonus. But if not, he’s also cool with you cheering from the sidelines. Date nights are a must for Sho. So be prepared to go on a lot of adventures together.
╰❥ Work hard but play harder. That’s the motto you should live by if you want to impress Haru. He definitely needs the helping hand and he appreciates it too. But make sure you also take time to unwind! You have to love nature and animals enough to spend time caring for all the features in the anomalous safari regardless of the weather conditions. Kindness for all living things is a must but expect a lot of spontaneous dates and random purchases.
╰❥ Love and all things love related are important to Towa. Expect to be showered with many superficial understandings of love. And return these in kind. For Towa, it’s important that you can enjoy whatever whims he’s privy to. Saying no probably won’t do you any favors. So being agreeable and willing to drop whatever you’re doing would be the most beneficial. Lots of forward affection and hand holding and big and earnest hugs. Just be prepared to try and ease him whenever he’s upset.
╰❥ More than anything, Ren would love to find someone who’s an introvert and into gaming like himself. Movies- especially B Horror ones- are a date night must. Sarcastic humor is always appreciated. But be prepared to also give him lots of personal space. He’s not an outdoorsy guy. So indoor hobbies to compliment his own would likely draw him towards you the most. Have a stockpile of memes ready at your disposal because he also enjoys internet humor. Just don’t tell him you’ll be his discord kitten. He might freeze up at that. Outward affection would be harder for him to digest so subtlety is your friend when trying to win Ren over.
╰❥ Good luck getting Taiga to remember you. You really have to stick out in his mind for him to even deign to care. A key way of doing as such would be to provide him with delicious anomalies. Once you do that, then you might have a chance. He’s going to prefer someone who simply provides what he wants. Which is fresh anomalies. If you can do that, then that’s all he really asks. Just don’t be surprised with his erratic behavior and violent tendencies. Especially if he suddenly forgets you.
╰❥ For Romeo to so much as even look at you, you must have keen fashion sense. And not a blundering idiot. He doesn’t ask you to be a genius. Just act like you have an actual brain behind that thick skull of yours! Listen to whatever he demands from you and don’t make him repeat himself more than twice. If you enjoy runway shows, then he’d be more than happy to talk about the latest fashions with you. Skincare is also important. Much like Jin, he wants you to upkeep your appearances. But not for the face of it all. It’s because to be the best, you must look the best.
╰❥ Ritsu hasn’t really considered dating in the past nor has he put much thought of it for the future. At least, not on a deeper level than securing someone to continue the family name. However, if you’re strait-laced and by the book, he’s definitely going to think you’re a stand-up citizen and may feel privy to discussing the latest anomalous law lessons with you.make sure your mind is sharp and your tongue sharper. You shouldn’t show any struggle to keep up with his intellect. Just- remind yourself that he has a one-track mind and if he sees something as such, then it is. No matter how convincing you are.
╰❥ Subaru is a quiet and reserved guy. Which is to say, he would also prefer his partner to be quiet and reserved. If only so that unnecessary attention is not drawn to the both of you. He would prefer a partner who is on the gentle side, though perhaps a bit more firm than he is. And you should have some appreciation for the arts and theater. Someone who isn’t into too much touching would also be ideal- as he still feels insecure about being able to read others as he does when he makes that contact. Not to mention how it drains him. You would need to have confidence for the both of you, however.
╰❥ Laid back and going with the flow are two things Haku would definitely appreciate the most from you. As long as you’re not stressing out over every little detail, then he’s pretty happy. He would absolutely adore if you made him a bento box. The fact that you thought so highly of him to go out of your way to prepare a meal makes his heart melt. Just be prepared for him to disappoint you. At least, that’s what he’ll always say. He’s not worth the effort- or so he claims. So you’ll have to remind him often that he is, in fact, important.
╰❥ Do you like the arts? Theater? Poetry? Dramatics? Do you wear your heart on your sleeve? If so, then Zenji will absolutely adore you to pieces. He’ll spend your every waking moment serenading you or showering you with words that can barely articulate his deep and confound passion for you. After all, you are epitome of beauty. Would you allow him to use you as his muse? Please say yes.
╰❥ Ed has had many a partner in his life. So he’s learned exactly what he likes in another. That being said, he does venture outside of his normal preferences often. Hard to not do so. It’s not that he gets bored but things become a tad predictable. He would absolutely love it if you watched YouTube videos with him but, for the most part, he’s just appreciative if you don’t nag on him like Rui does. Sure, you’ll have to ignore a few littered clothes on the ground and some blood stains on the bed and mystery liquid cups. But don’t worry! Rui will handle those! Rui handles everything! And maybe you can help Rui out, too? If it matters that much to you, at least. You just have to either look past his sloppy demeanor or help Rui out.
╰❥ Always the one to put effort and care for others- Rui seldom takes time to relax. Then again, it’s not as if he really could. He hates sitting around. He’ll be appreciative, though, if you help him out. The endless praises of thanks he’d sing when you help clean the bar up or tackle Ed’s disaster of a room. Just don’t expect to get too close to Rui. Physically or emotionally. There’s a wall there that he built to keep everyone around him safe. Near impenetrable. Even if you manage to get him to confess his feelings, he’s still guarded and insist you look for someone else. He understands, after all. There’s just certain things he can’t do for you. But he’ll do everything else he can to compensate. And he’ll never hold it against you if you leave him for someone better.
╰❥ Don’t be weird about things. Too forward and he’ll be flustered and embarrassed. Probably even grossed out. But too reserved and he’ll just be confused. Hints will go way over his head. But what he does know is that he likes spending time with you because you’re fun! You don’t take things too seriously and you don’t freak out about him being part werewolf. He also appreciates that you take the time to help him figure things out. Just be sure to have patience to explain to him why certain things are not okay. He might be confused and frustrated but he still tries to learn and listen.
╰❥ Yuri is going to want someone who can listen to what he says and boss around. That isn’t to say- he wouldn’t be attracted to someone who makes the first move. He’d definitely be flustered, though. What he thinks he wants versus what he actually want are two different things. What’s important is that you are an intellectual. But not smarter than him. Oh no. He can’t have that. He wants to be the smartest in the room (for his ego).
╰❥ You’ll have to have quite a bit of medical knowledge and an understanding that things are as they are. Patience will be required. And an understanding that sometimes things simply won’t happen due to Jiro’s own limitations. If you can offer that up, he’ll be as thrilled as he can show. It’ll be even better if you spend quiet nights sipping tea with him after his long stretch of working hours.
𓊆 Thank you for taking the time to read this! And thank you for the patience in waiting! I hope this is satisfactory for you. But if not, whoops! I tried my best so if you disagree, that’s cool. If you see spelling errors or typos- no you didn’t. 𓊇
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shira-cosmic-star · 3 days
im still in episode 3 of tb but Leo pissed me off in ep 2 broooo
and MC who doesn’t defend herself like 😔😔😔😔
anywayy so I thought if you can write hcs with Leo, Tohma and Romeo x MC who outsmart them please ?
I hope I didn’t disturb you 🫶
thank you 🙏
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𝓜𝓪𝓽𝓬𝓱 𝓶𝓪𝓭𝓮
Tags: Comedy, Romance, Enemies to lovers(?), slice of life, supernatural 
Characters: Romeo, Leo, & Tohma 
Warning: cursing, seductive on Tohma’s part
 Word count: 2,066 words
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You knew you weren’t smart in the same way Leo is. However, you were still witty. Often when he would insult you. You manage to always have a comeback. This interaction would go different ways. One, Leo would actually get upset. Maybe mumble, “bitch” after you shut him up. Two, color him impress. He liked the interaction and would playfully bicker with you. Three, he would be caught off guard. It would take him a minute to think about what to do next. Then, a sinister smile takes place. Everyone knows, he is up to no good... 
So, what does he do next? He will do everything he can to get under your nerves. This dude loves to reactions you give him. Although, he finds himself more frustrated, rather than pleased. Why? 
Simple, you weren’t giving him the time of day. You were well aware of the type of person he is. He was basically those type people, who bullies others to get what they want. A pure bully.  
Often when he talked down to you. You would try to handle your anger. Though, as much as you hate to admit. There were times where Leo did hit a nerve. Leo knows what button to press. He often pressed them as many times as he could. But what happens when old tricks don’t work anymore?  
Leo would often insult your friends to get under your skin. Yet, when it didn’t work this time. It displeased him, he tsked as he watched you react to his words like it was nothing. So, he changed his approach. If insulting your friends won’t get your attention. Then maybe he needed to attack you personally?  
He started to insult how you dressed, what you would say in conversations, how you made a mistake on anything and so on and so on.  
Nothing worked, he balled his fist as steam of rage shoots out of his ears. Why don’t his tactics work? He complained over and over to Sho. His best friend grew tired of the constant complaints. Sho was at his wits end with his friend. So, he asked Leo why does he care so much? You were just an NPC, right? So, what is up with Leo being obsessive over you? 
First Leo was in denial. “Me? Obsessed over that NPC? Don’t be stupid.” For a while, he was in denial. He actually loved the witty comebacks you shot back at him. It was smart, creative, and it was like you were ready. There wasn’t a dull moment with you. As much as he hates to admit it to himself. He enjoyed being around you. 
After realizing what this meant. He now needs to figure out how to get your attention. So, the game began. He’ll find creative ways for you to speak to him. He wants you to bicker back and forth with him. But he wants to be on good terms with you too. Everyone knows an apology would work. He’s too prideful, that won’t work in his case. It was set, he was going to challenge you to a game. Loser takes the other on a date. Leo planned to win, and he did. 
Now you were aggravated about the date thing. But you knew Leo wasn’t going to let it go. Therefore, you invited him to the arcade. You challenged him to all of your favorites. Surprisingly, you both were having fun. By the end of the date. Leo asked, why were you ignoring him. 
“I did it because I knew it would trouble you, Leo.” He blinked, “Troubled him?” 
Now it dawned on him. You knew Leo hates to be ignored. So, you played him. Seeing him basically beg for your attention was your planned all along. In shocked and impressed, he looks over to you as you smirked cheekily at him. 
Boy did he fall hard for you.  
Leo have finally met his match. 
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You and Romeo weren’t always on the same page. Often, he would yell at you when you don’t understand his abbreviations. When this would happen, you felt exhausted, how on earth were you supposed to know? Even though he would often abbreviate his speech. There were times you did understand what he was saying. You were a tad bit quicker than others in the room.  
When you are at the casino or his office. Romeo would demand you to do this and do that. You were deeply over it. So, to get back at him and make him possibly leave you alone. You came up with your own plan. While making errands for him. You would purposely take your time. He needs a certain document from Professor Hyde? Sure, you’ll get it for him. Although, you’re going to take your time. Oops! You showed up with the papers two hours late? He doesn’t want to hear any excuses. Not, that you had anything else to do. Jin, Leo, or anyone really bothered you that much today. 
If you were tasked to clean his office. You would purposely make even the tiniest mistakes. After observing him and his behavior. You completely knew how to set him off. Why can he clean up his own office? Or his own mess? Or anything really? Pretty boy s just spoiled rotten in your book. As you were cleaning the spilled sparkling wine. You “accidently” smothered it more on the floor. It had left a brutal tough stain. This annoyed him, he yelled at you to do your job correctly. While tilting your head to the side and blinked slowly. You acted innocent and dumb. “Like this?” you questioned him as you made the stain even worse. 
Boy, if looks could kill. You would’ve been dead by now. Romeo was red to the face, a thick vein popped out on his forehead, his hands balled up, and smoke coming out of his ears. He had enough of you. “Enough! How useless can you be!? You’re even worse than that TGA!” You fought hard to keep up the act and not smile or laugh. He takes the rag out of your hand and decided to clean up the mess himself. 
He grumbled on how everyone is stupid and useless. He tells you to get out as he cleans up. In your sweet fake upsetting tone. You spoke softly with a deep fake sigh, “Okay...” His back was facing you. Satisfied, by your work, seeing him on his knee cleaning his mess. You smirked and went home. 
Later on, Taiga went to look for Romeo. When he finds him, Romeo was still annoyed by the whole thing. “Lulu, what got you all angry? You’ll get wrinkles if you don’t relax~” Taiga teased. Romeo quickly turns around and tells him to shut up. “Honestly that new student is working on my last nerve! They can’t do anything right!” His rant goes on for quite a while. Romeo was now finished in his nicely cleaned room. He sat down on his couch and told one of the general students to get him a drink. Taiga, resting on the couch next to him was wearing a smirk on his face. 
“What is it TGA?!” Taiga had a small clue on what happened here. Kitty cat wasn’t a dumb little cat. Oh no, Kitty cat was a sneaky and slick kitten. Color him amused by the antics. “Are you sure they didn’t do this on purpose?” His words held a teasing tone. That is when it hit Romeo. You have purposely made him angry just so he would do his own work. He was angry, but maybe he was impressed too.  
You knew what cards to play. You have successfully won the game. 
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This man is hard to break. He’s sharp, too sharp. Most people can’t even tell what he is thinking or what is his next move. You on the other hand love secrets and mysteries. He was a whole book of nothing, but wonders. You wanted to know if you can break him. Would he fall for your tricks? Or would he know your game play? Tohma was always a few steps ahead of anyone. That always felt like he was mocking you. So, it was decided. When you want something. You go and get it. There you were playing a game of chess with him. You have tried asking him questions about him and his personal life. Yet, he would advert the question or smoothly changed the question towards you. So, you changed tactics and asked him the same questions but in a different form. He saw right through it. Now you have to change to pace of the conversation. What do you do? Pick a habit that he does without realizing. Everyone does something without being fully aware. This will be an ice breaker. 
Little by little, you want to break that ice. Your eyes skim over his body to see if you can pick up on any type of body languages. You see his smirk as he plays the game. By looking into his deep sharp blue eyes. That when you began to speak once more. “You know there’s a saying about eyes being the window to the soul?” He hummed, “Yes I’ve heard of that.” 
“I bet I can guess something about you just by looking into your eyes.” You smiled confidently. Ignoring the game, you stand up and strut towards him. He entertained you by letting you come stand by his side. You take off his monocle glasses off and placed it into his breast pocket. When you took your hand out. You left your hand on his chest. One hand on his chest and your other taking his face. Looking deeply into his eyes. You noticed a tired look in his eyes. “You are an intelligent man. Everyone knows that, but you are kind. I can tell you have a deep soul too. You are also extremely handsome, but you feel lonely. Am I right?” You smiled playfully, he laughs lightly and takes your hand into his. “Fluttery will get you nowhere I'm afraid.” 
You giggled and moved to sit on his lap. “I’m only speaking the truth~” It was a bold move, but he did nothing to move you. There was tension in the air. Nothing negative, but something. You played with his hair as his hands rest on your hips. “It must be so hard doing what you need to do. I can’t imagine half of it really.” You spoke quietly to him. Your eyes were gentle and filled with worry. Moving your hand from his hair. You placed it back on his chest. “You really are handsome though. I’ve always had a think for blondes and blue eyes.” He hummed again as you began to move your hands up from his shoulders to his forearms. He was tonally built; you looked back into his eyes and noticed a cloudy hazy look in his eyes. He was feeling strangely hot and bothered. You leaned close to his ear with your arms wrapped around his neck. “What’s the matter handsome? You are all quite all of the sudden.” 
He gulped as quietly as he could, but man. You had a grip on him. He was deeply attracted to you, but didn’t have time to play your little games. Here he was with his guard down. He knew he shouldn’t have let you sit on his lap. But he wanted to see if you were brave enough to make such a bold move. And you did it. You leaned in as if you were going to kiss him. He also leaned in. 
*Ding Ding* 
It was his phone; Jin is calling on him. You removed yourself off his lap and teasingly smiled at him as his answered the call. While you can hear Jin on the other line. You placed your lips to the ear that was left open. You whisper softly, “I had fun playing, maybe next time you’ll will handsome~” Rubbing your hand his shoulder blade gently. You began to walk out of the vault. Swaying your hips side to side as he watched. 
Even the king’s right-hand man falls too.
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I'm so sorry this too super long to write. I do hope it is to your liking. Thank you for being patient with me. Please like, comment or reblog. It helps a lot. Love you all my sweet starlings
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ryoko-san · 28 days
Imagine getting REJECTED because your daemon deathwalker partner in crime still is in love with local sadism demon (new headcanon unlocked)
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Still manifesting old man yaoi (Vega/Brachium) interaction btw
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Ranking the TDB Boys' Ability to be a Housewife PT 2
part two!!! continuing my ranking for the boys! let me know what you think!! enjoy!!!
part one
Jabberwock, Sinostra, & Hotarubi below the cut!
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Haru Sagara:
Haru as a housewife would be both chaotic and sweet! you better bet that you’ll basically be living on a farm. your dear husband has a habit of picking up animals in need (both normal and anomalous) so you two have quite a few children. he refers to you as ‘mommy’ or ‘mama’ when taking care of the animals so even before you two have a child you’re a parent. despite having so many critters, your home would never know it. Haru is excellent in keeping the place clean but he will be asking for your help when dinnertime is approaching! theres so many mouths to feed and lord knows he can’t do it on his own. Though he may be busy, he tends to leave out small notes of affection for you (small post its on the fridge, mirror or by the front door). he would make the best father if you two decided to have kids! When they’re young he carries them EVERYWHERE (just like how he did with peekaboo!) and teaches them from a young age to love and respect all creatures. the only drawback would be when your kiddo befriends a particular clingy creature and suddenly you have two live in children! i give Haru an 7/10 just because it would be extremely hard to have a peaceful moment with him!
Towa Otonashi:
Towa is… he is most definitely something. he is as untamable as a housewife, doing only what he wants when he wants. Chores? Meh. its a toss up if he does them or not and he doesn’t seem like the type to hire anyone. however, i think towa would have a gorgeous garden that he takes pride in (the garden would be the best on the block, people would absolutely be jealous! Plus he does need flowers to munch on–). the exterior of the home is beautiful but the interior well… we won’t talk about that. When you get home its a bit of a struggle to make dinner or do chores because Towa is clingy x1000. If you two had kids the garden would need to increase because you better bet that your kiddo picked up Towa’s munching habit. be prepared to arrive home to beautiful bouquets that your husband and child fully expect you to enjoy (by eating of course!). oh! Little bonus, depending on your child’s personality they will end up having a floral nickname just like you! I give Towa a 4/10 just because of the messy messy home.
Ren Shiranami:
Well… Ren is definitely a mixed bag when it comes to being a housewife. hes both super sweet and a bit of a handful. he would be the type to avoid chores like they’ll kill him, pushing them off until the last minute in order to get as much time as possible on his games. then he’d have a frantic hour and a half of cleaning and cooking before you get home. hed absolutely make sure that you have enough time to play all of his games with him and throughout the day hed send texts reminding you of when raids happens. But when you are home he does his best to treat you with a movie and popcorn almost every night. but if you two have kids you better keep an eye on what he decides to show with them. Ren has gotten so desensitized to horror that he can’t tell what is appropriate for younger audiences. however, once your kiddo is older don’t be surprised if you come home to your husband and child asleep on the couch after a movie marathon. I give him a 6/10.
Taiga Hoshibami:
this is another one where i am very worried for you. Taiga as a housewife would be a terrible experience for everyone involved. he would forget chores, attack the mailman, and get into trouble no matter what he was doing. now if you add children into the mix things will just get ten times harder. i can imagine taiga taking his kid to the casino when they’re far too young for it, forgetting them in random places, or just enlisting his subordinates to take care of the kid. overall, terrible terrible experience. 0/10 please divorce him for your sanity.
Romeo S. Lucci:
Romeo would be an interesting housewife to say the least. your home would be spotless and beautifully decorated but god forbid you look at how expensive it was to furnish it (we’re talking big big price tags here). Who cleaned your home? don’t worry about it. he would be excellent about making sure you take care of yourself once your home (he has all of the best facial serums and creams to help keep your skin fresh and clean)! if you two had children hed ensure they always looked their best and would believe that your child was the most beautiful to ever exist (even if its not true but he loves them that much). i would give him a solid 7/10 just because i imagine his beauty obsession might end up breaking the bank ;-;
Ritsu Shinjo:
okay okay hear me out, Ritsu would be a massive couponer. he would find all sorts of ways to save money, using his memorization skills to find all the best deals and he’d know how to avoid getting in trouble. i think hed manage the household fairly well but keep in mind any work you have done in the house would have at least a dozen different inspections to ensure that the home remains above the law in every sense. No diy projects for you :( if you two had kids just know that they will become someone in the field of law– that is a non-negotiable. That child will be reading various law books as nighttime storybooks. overall i give him a 5/10 hes not the best but also not the worst!
Subaru Kagami:
yes. Absolutely yes. Subaru would make an excellent housewife, in fact, I can see him being one of the ghouls who most likes it. he gets to spend his day away from the masses, the press, his overbearing parents– plus hes working to help take care of the person he loves! your home would be taken care of and hes the type to pack you a cute little snack to eat while you were at work! he would have it prepared and in your bag as a surprise but know that he is eagerly (and anxiously) awaiting your message for when you find it! he is eager to please and as soon as you’re home hes taking care of you. he would give you massages, make you dinner, and be more than eager to listen to you talk about your day. he might not be verbal in his affections but his actions would let you know. if you two had kids he would do his absolute best to avoid making the same mistakes that his parents did. keep in mind that you would have to be the one who makes the more difficult decisions when it comes to your child (where they go to school, if they should do extracurriculars, etc) because Subaru would be terrified of coming off as controlling or overbearing. this man gets a 10/10!!! 
Haku Kusanagi:
this man. Haku would be one of the best housewives. i am not biased, i am simply right. this man would have your house clean and taken care of. he’d cook for you and be happy just to spend time by your side. he would NEVER stop flirting with you or planning dates!! be prepared because he would spring dates on you randomly like one day when you get off of work hes standing there with flowers and a mischievous grin. he is a romantic at heart and you will absolutely know that. he is all around a great housewife both in his care for you and his care for your home environment. i believe that he would love the domesticity of everything (just based off of what his wedding card is called ;~;). if you two had kids i imagine hed be shocked (in a good way!!). he could barely imagine getting to live such a peaceful life that this would be seen as a blessing. He would be a great dad (though maybe not the best when it comes to influences)! expect lots of pranks and laughter which means he gets a 10/10 easy.
Zenji Kotodama:
well… ignoring the whole ghost thing… Zenji would make a fine housewife! during the day he would spend his time keeping the house fairly tidy while working on his own artistic endeavors. throughout the day expect many recordings of various things around the house (ex “look at how pretty the sky is”, “me washing the dishes”, “heres a piece i made! What do you think?”) and don’t be surprised if you end up getting noise complaints from your neighbors. When you get home you will be met with a nice little snack and the promise to help you with dinner! but, but, but!! before you can even sit down Zenji is showering you with compliments, love and music. every day he expresses how much he is thankful for your hard work and love. He, like Kaito, is 100% an “i love my wife” type of man. Now, if you two have kids he will be overjoyed to have a companion throughout the day. The two would spend the day together making art (well at first Zenji would just be playing at your sweet baby until he would be able to make music on his own) and enjoying themselves. you will be receiving a lot more videos once a kiddo is in the picture! He gets a 9/10! :D
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then0rsk1 · 22 days
Scorpius loves to stargaze and spends his free time trying to find his constellation (without any luck)
Albus says he likes to stargaze too, but he actually is just there to admire and look at Scorpius instead of the stars, getting caught for staring quite a few times now
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the-luna-scamander · 2 months
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I had to draw our boys graduating 🎓 craaazy how time flies.
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albus "I hope I die first, because I can't live without you" potter
scorpius "I hope I die second, so I can save you from that grief" malfoy
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Sometimes I forget that these kids would literally be famous. Like tabloid stories written about them every week and being stalked by the paparazzi famous.
I now imagine them all gathering round the lake every week to read about the new and exciting things they’re up to.
Rose: “Oh wow Dom you have been seen getting steamy with 4 whole boys this week”
Dom: “Oh my god I’m such a little slut please don’t tell my girlfriend!”
James: “Well Vic has threatened the life of several students who called her a bitch”
Vic: “It was one student and they didn’t just call me a bitch. Anyway you have been caught getting drunk in Hogsmede again”
James: “oh my god I was barely tipsy!!”
Roxanne: “this one’s hilarious, Albus Potter has been seen sneaking into broom closets with a certain blonde slytherin on numerous occasions”
Hugo: “HAHA that’s ridiculous”
Fred: “Albus and Scorpius imagine oh my god”
Molly: “they’re obsessed with a potter and a malfoy dating they just won’t accept it’ll never happen”
Albus: “haha yeah that’s insane literally crazy who would ever even think that…”
Everyone: “wait…”
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cursedwithwords · 1 month
Genuinely I think Draco would encourage Albus and Scorpius to keep the name Potter as their married name because A) it would ensure future children don't have to suffer from the weight of the name Malfoy like Scorpius had to, B) it would piss Lucius off which would make Astoria laugh her ass off in the afterlife, and C) because Draco never had any intention of continuing the Malfoy name further than himself anyway.
(he may also insist they use it because he thinks Harry more than deserves to have more family with the Potter name so he doesn't have to feel alone again, but shhhhh don't tell Harry that Draco's being thoughtful)
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actuallymoon · 30 days
Draco Headcanons pt.1
Draco has a surprising knack for housework. With his parents often preoccupied with their work, Draco found himself alone more often than not. During that time, he gravitated toward the house-elves, observing their every move with quiet fascination. Curiosity led him to occasionally join them in their tasks, and over time, he became quite skilled in them, something he kept well hidden.
As a child, Draco was very creative. His imagination knew no bounds, and he expressed it through painting, drawing, dancing, and even acting. Whenever his parents read him stories, he would illustrate the characters and display his drawings proudly in his room. He often roped the weary house-elves into acting out scenes from his favorite books, even designing costumes for the roles from his parents’ wardrobe.
Draco was also interested in sports from an early age, particularly in flying. Despite his parents’ offers to hire the best instructors, he insisted on teaching himself. For a time, he was also fascinated by gymnastics. Unfortunately, a group of older boys mocked him for pursuing what they deemed a "girly" sport, and his enthusiasm was quickly dampened.
Draco’s biggest challenge was his perfectionism. If he wasn’t immediately successful at something, he would often give up in frustration. This trait was evident when his parents signed him up for piano and violin lessons. Though he had the potential to excel, his initial struggles made him want to quit. It was only through his parents’ persistence that he continued practicing, eventually mastering both instruments.
At Hogwarts, Draco was often told that he resembled his father. However, his family and relatives saw that he was more similar to his mother, in both his appearance and mannerisms. His sharp features, the way he held himself, his dramatics and even his subtle gestures were all echoes of his mother.
Draco had a secret crush on Harry Potter throughout their school years, though he would have rather died than admit it. However, as he watched Harry marry Ginny after the war, his feelings began to fade, and he eventually found love with Astoria Greengrass.
Draco was a dramatic child, prone to grand gestures and emotional outbursts. This trait only intensified as he grew older. Whether it was his sharp wit or his tendency to make a scene, Draco’s dramatic nature was a core part of his identity.
Draco has a deep appreciation for drag shows and the artistry involved. He admires the bold fashion, the exaggerated makeup, and the sheer confidence of drag performers. However, despite his admiration, Draco himself prefers to stick to his formal, traditional style and wouldn’t dare to step out in anything less than his meticulously tailored robes.
While Draco doesn’t label himself as a vegetarian, he has a strong preference for plant-based foods.
Contrary to popular belief, Draco’s favorite color isn’t green but a rich, dark purple.
Despite his best efforts, Draco cannot grow a beard. The most he can manage are a few faint whiskers on his upper lip and a sparse scattering of hairs on his chin and jaw. As a result, he maintains a clean-shaven look.
When Draco became a father, he took on most of the childcare responsibilities, partly because Astoria’s health had declined, but mostly because he simply couldn’t bear to be away from Scorpius. The late-night feedings, diaper changes, and sleepless nights were all cherished moments for him. His love for his son was overwhelming, and he wouldn’t trade those precious, messy moments for anything.
Draco is obsessed with taking pictures of Scorpius. Even the smallest, most mundane moments like Scorpius sucking his thumb seem like picture-worthy events to him. He proudly shows off these photos to anyone who will look, beaming with pride at every picture of his son.
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lemonagrios · 27 days
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Weasley Next Gen! Ft. Teddy and Scorpius
Something like this is how I imagine them look like, but there is so little information that almost everything is just pure headcanon of mine tbh
I am an indecisive person when it comes to drawing characters from books, even worse when they don't even have a description like these fools, so who knows maybe I will change things in the future, but for now I like these enough to post them (even if I drew this like a month ago ngl)
I think James Sirius also needs glasses he just doesn't wear them much bc he says they ruin his style and they're ugly and that makes Albus kinda mad bc James chose the stupid frame himself lol
And I find it funny to think that it's almost impossible to beat the ginger hair genes so only Victoire and Albus got to fully scape them
I love Teddy bc I can change him everytime I draw him and it's ok bc he can literally change his appearance in a second 🥰 so no headaches
I also kind of colored the clothes in each of the colors of the houses in which I imagine they would get sorted into (?) yeah
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valleyian · 9 months
My Scorbus 7th year Headcanons and designs!
(CW/TW for healed SH scars)
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Reasonings for HCs (if anyone’s curious):
Albus’ scar HCs are based on injuries he gets during the play.
The first being from when the Time-Turner exploded in his face and breaks his arm
The second he gets from Fulgari, as I HC that spell to do actual physical harm to the victim, by its description being: “vicious luminous cords”, and also just them screaming whenever their hands were moved by the spell.
The third (throat scar) is based on West-End Y6 and Broadway Y4-5 choreography where Delphi draws her wand across Albus’ throat 🔥
For Scorpius I also HC him having a scar from Fulgari around his wrists as he was also bound
Furthermore I Imagine him having scars of Roman numerals on his forearm that mirror the ones on his wand. I believe his wand worked somewhat the same way as the quill Umbridge used on Harry, where the marks Scorpius made on it manifested physically on himself. (This HC comes from the HPCC Journey book)
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Not going too much into depth about it. These are just my personal HCs, I respect anyone who thinks differently 👍 Since Scorpius’ crush on Rose was removed I HC him as gay (did that even pre-script change tho). For Albus I stand by my point he never liked Delphi romantically, he only looked up to her. Plus a 23 yr old hitting on a 14 yr old either way is creepy
When it comes to Albus’ pronounces it’s based on that one time HPCC Broadway Insta used He/They pronounce for him in a post (Joel).
Both are neurodivergent, nobody will convince me otherwise 😌
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Albus still has no sense of style, and wears whatever he can find lmao. I imagine him wearing baggy and too big clothes (this is also canon from the play)
Scorpius wears more tight fitting clothes, at least compared to Albus. I also imagine him wanting to wear light clothes, because he doesn’t want to look like the Scorpion Prince
(Please don’t steal/repost my art)
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You all talk about Albus jealousy in fics but Scorpius is a possessive boi as well.
He didn't want Delphi to tag along because he was irritated by her flirting with Albus. The script was written as if he first declared that Delphi shouldn't come, the justification comes second. They could have found a way to make her not stand out but Scorpius was like no don't come either way. And Albus priority is Scorpius so there's no way he would say no to him. And I think that's a trope in their relationship later on. Scorpius understands that someone tries to get between them and discreetly pulls Albus away from them and Albus is like "ok, sure".
He was mad when he heard that Albus owled her not because Albus didn't owl him( he figured out Harry was the one to separate them ) but because he felt like this girl now could just snoop in and he could do nothing about that. It's like a homophobic dad split apart his son and his lover and the latter is wondering how many times this other girl is seeing his love interest. And the question " are you okay, red and sweaty at the same time" clearly meant " did you like it? Because it looks like it", because come on no-one can get hurt by a kiss on the cheek, it was meant to be accusatory. Scorpius appears naive and dorky on these subjects but in reality he might know much more about that stuff than Albus. By that time, he hasld already visualised him and Albus in several non platonic scenarios and he is also the first one to give a romantic hug ( I mean, he hugs him from steps below and rests his head on Albus heart? ) This hug suggests adoration and longing, I mean look at his smile, it screams " I love that man and want to cuddle with him".
Albus jealousy can serve in fics as comedic effect because he is impulsive, direct, funny and petty. But Scorpius jealousy is just sad and deep because the boi can pick up on the subtlest form of interest coming from another person for Albus. And a part of him will always fear that Albus Potter being conventionally more handsome and socially acceptable can find someone better even tho Albus proves him wrong every single day.
It's interesting to note that Albus got jealous when Scorpius showed interest in another person and Scorpius got jealous when another person showed Albus interest. Albus deep down fears that he might not be a good boyfriend to Scorpius and that might make the latter feel unfulfilled and unconsciously look for someone else. Scorpius is much more confident as a boyfriend ( and he is a faster learner when it comes to interpersonal and intimate practicalities compared to Albus ) and his biggest fear is that the other people that show interest in Albus might make him realise he settled for Scorpius when he could have so much more.
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