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disantiefantimilano · 9 months
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clujon · 2 years
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oldcountrybear1955 · 1 year
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Renan Corbani - Photographed by Manuel Scrima - 2016
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guy60660 · 2 years
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Manuel Scrima | Kaltblut
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mt-nynj-queer · 1 year
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by manuel scrima for CAP 74024
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snakedisorder · 2 years
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Alex Tripodi by Manuel Scrima (2017)
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arkhamabyssfiles · 30 days
Dick grinned when he pushed with his foot the back of the thug and tightened the rope making the man complain in his knocked-out state. This was the last one. He sighed and clapped his hands as if the criminals had some kind of dust he wanted off his hands.
“How are you doing over there, Little Wing?” He called to the other side.
“Done…and don’t call me that.”
“What? Why not? You’re just a little wing, your feathers are still all fluffy!”
Jason breathed out something under his breath he didn’t catch even if could guess. Dick smiled and wondered if this was like Bruce felt having a little bird at his side. It wasn’t bad…until it got bad between them. Dick scratched the back of his head, wondering at how much it had been his doing and how much it had been Bruce’s. In the end, it didn’t matter, he wasn’t going to live in Batman’s shadow all his life anyway—
The wailing of sirens made the imminent arrival of the gents in blue, Dick shot his grapple gun to the nearest roof and heard another one following suit. Once they had been far enough already and everything seemed to get quiet he stopped and so did Robin at his side.
Dick grinned, this was really fun! Having a mini-me was something he didn’t know he needed—too bad Bruce got to keep him most of the time. He pulled one of his scrima sticks and twirled them around while waiting for another call, a scream, or an explosion to break the constant buzz of Gotham’s nightlife. Meanwhile, Robin leaned back into a wall and pulled out a small screen to read or watch something while waiting. In this short moment of idleness after a busy night stopping a bank robbery from Two-Face, busting a couple of drug deals, and helping some cops capture one of the new violent gangs that erupted every few months, Dick’s mind returned to Batman, and how things weren’t as bad between them as he’d believed. If only Bruce were as good at communicating as he was at solving cases things wouldn’t have gotten this messy… But now Dick knew, even when the man still had failed to communicate properly, that he had always trusted him and been proud of him—to some extent, that later one was still hard to gauge—mainly for what it meant for B to ask him to take care of Gotham while he was away in JL business or simply when he got sick. Dick grinned at how silly it was he had felt so happy and eager when Bruce called, this time he’d even entrusted Jason to him.
Dick twirled his scrima sticks another time then tapped them on his legs, “You know, Robin. I’m glad you got to keep the suit up and about instead of it left behind gathering dust.”
Jason looked up, his hands frozen holding the small tablet, then hesitantly said, “I thought you didn’t like me having it—” 
“No? Ah, yes. I guess, it could’ve seemed that way…” Dick sighed, then twirled the scrima sticks and put them away into his back, “But it was more about B and me, you know. So let me clear things up,” Something Bruce rarely does, “you’re doing a good job at helping Batman and I’m thankful for that. Someone has to keep an eye on the grumpy old Bat—Bat-grumpy.”
Jason coughed, but Dick knew he had hidden a snort. Then he cleared his throat and asked still a little unsure, “So—we’re good?”
“Yeah. Yep! Don’t worry too much Little Wing, I know how hard B can drive your bones. Just—take it one step at a time and you’ll be fine.”
Dick could tell Jason was a little disoriented at how to respond, but he managed to utter a response, “I—yeah… Uh, thanks…I guess… This really means a lot to me…”
Dick smiled happily, “I know. That’s why I’m happy it’s you. Well—” Dick clapped his hands- “how about some burgers for dinner? Alfie said he wasn’t making dinner today.”
“That’s fine by me…”
Later, when they were eating in the Batcave, suits still on but the masks are gone, Dick could see that Jason had something in his mind and that he couldn’t make up his mind to open up about it to him or not. So after taking a big slurp from his soda, he put it down and asked him, “So how’s school?”
“I heard you got into some trouble,”
“Yeah, nothing big. Just assholes being assholes,” Jason shrugged.
“Made any friends?”
“Kind of.”
Ah, so this is what it felt…Dick chuckled, “Come on, Little Wing. I can keep proving you all night until you decide to ask me whatever it is you want to ask me.”
Jason took a big bit from his double cheeseburger and chewed slowly while looking to the empty space in the table between them, then he swallowed and looked up while rubbing the back of his neck, “Have you—How do you know—What do you do—when someone says they like you?”
Ok, fine. That wasn’t what Dick had been waiting for, but holy-bat-macaroons, wasn’t he going to enjoy this one. Dick sniffed, nodded, and crossed his arms over his chest. “By any chance, that someone is 5 foot 5 inches tall, has long black hair, icy blue eyes, and lives in this Manor?”
“How did you know?” Jason asked mistrustfully.
Dick looked up and laughed, “Come on, Jason. She’s been after you since—well probably since she put eyes on you.”
“What? No…You can’t be serious. Are you for real?”
Dick started laughing harder, he was just so oblivious, wasn’t he? “I think the only one to not know was you…” Dick trailed off then he realized, “Wait—so she told you? And you didn’t suspect a thing before that?”
“How the hell was I supposed to know? For all I knew she’s like…that to…everyone…” Jason stopped and frowned.
“Ah, Little Wing. I feel bad for her now,” Except he didn’t and started laughing again. “She’s head over heels for you. Congrats,” Dick said teasingly fishing the last of his frays from the end of the bag.
“And what the hell am I supposed to do now?”
“Do? Well—tell her you don’t like her if you don’t, or go out with her if you do. It’s not that complicated,” Dick said munching the fries.
“Go out–” Jason cut off then asked with heavy doubt, “Like date her?”
“Yeah. If you like her well enough. Though I don’t know why someone would…” Dick sighed and shook his head.
“You’re such a nice big brother aren’t you?” Jason pointed out dryly.
“I try…”
“Aren’t you bothered at all by this?”
“No. You’re a nice fellow. I even feel a little bad for you… All jokes aside, do you like her like that?”
“No,” He answered too quickly then rubbed his neck, “Well—I don’t—I don’t know. I don’t think I do.”
Ok, maybe now he might feel a little bad for Helena. Dick took his soda and swirled it around listening to the ice cubes rattle around. “Then for now, just don’t do anything. Figure out how you feel and then answer her. I don’t think she’ll hound you too much on that end, beyond how she was around you already.”
“But would it be fine—to tell her no? Or to say yes?” Jason was making the oddest assumptions here.
Dick raised his brows and chuckled, took a sip from his soda then grimaced. It was almost all water now, “If you’re afraid of getting in trouble for either one, then don’t. I’m pretty sure that Bruce had already seen this outcome as a possibility since he decided to take you in.”
“I—yes. I guess that does sound like him,” Jason said picking at his fries with little interest, then stopped and looked up again, “But, how do you even know when you like someone?”
Dick scratched the side of his nose, thinking. He’d always kind of just known, it had been as easy as thinking he’d wanted to spend more time with her or kiss her and hug her and all that stuff… But maybe it wasn’t as easy for everyone—for someone who had probably never seen a healthy relationship or never thought of it as a possibility to begin with.
“It’s kind of—you just want to be around them. To see them smile, or when they're sad you want to cheer them up so badly to see that smile again, and when you can’t you just sit at their side. When you think about them, it’s enough to cheer you up or make you smile. When you miss them and it was tomorrow so you could see them already. Something like that—”
“That sounds like the things in the books,” Jason muttered and his brows tightened as he tried to figure out, or imagine what was being told to him. Dick smiled shortly, it was good that he got the chance to experience this, but it was sad also that he could only think about what falling in love with someone meant, or that he could fall in love in the first place until now when someone was showing him how he was as deserving of such a basic thing as anyone else.
“What? And you think what is written isn’t true?” Dick asked.
“It seems so foreign at times that I—” Jason shook his head.
“Well, good news then! It’s true. But—don’t get too stressed over this, Jason. Figure it out at your own time.”
“Ah. I guess I’ll need time…” He accepted that fact easily enough at least, then he rubbed his neck and said awkwardly for the second time on the night, “Uhm—thanks.”
“You’re welcome!” Dick smiled happily, he liked being the big brother, and now he had–or was on his way to having a little brother.  “You can always ask me about these things, I know from experience Bruce won’t be very helpful even if you asked him about it. How he managed to get married is a wonder in itself…”
END OF MEMORY... For more FILES check previous entries...
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ghostly-penumbra · 1 year
DannyMay 2023. Day Five
“10min vs 1hr"
Summary: DPxDC. After being kidnapped by the Ghost King Plasmius, Jason is finally back home. And he’s brought a guest.
- - -
10 minutes:
The portal opened without warning dropping the Cave’s temperature like the rock that had now settled in Batman’s stomach.
The last time he had seen this glowing, eerie shade of green, he had lost his son for a second time.
“Nightwing!” He commanded, and his eldest was next to him in a second, scrima sticks blaring electricity in his hands.
“Yes.” Dick said staring down the portal.
A gloved hand emerged, Up in a calming gesture, and then Jason came halfway through, and Bruce’s breath caught in his throat, afraid to speak.
His son was… different. His eyes were the same bright green of the Lazarus Water, and the black of his hair and his white tuff had been swapped with each other.
- -
1 hour:
The portal opened with no warning, and Batman felt a stone drop in his stomach just as the cave’s temperature dropped in a second, making every breath he took fog.
The last time he had seen a dark purple portal like this one, he lost his son for second time.
“Nightwing.” He commanded in a growl, and his eldest was next to him in a second, scrima sticks flaring electricity in each hand. “Yes.” Dick said, and they stared down the portal warily.
A hand gloved in black appeared, up in a calming gesture, and then his second eldest emerged halfway through, from the torso up, and Bruce’s breath caught in his throat, afraid one wrong word could ruin this.
Just like it already had before.
His son was different, and the physical changes were the easiest to see: his colours were swapped, the black and white of his hair had switched places, and his eyes were a vibrant toxic green, the same colour as the bat emblem on his chest on the white shirt he wore.
And then there was also the change in his aura; for starters, that it could be felt. The sensation of cold, raw power and death, like ice running on his veins as he stared in those wary, dead eyes.
It was like staring into the void. Jason stared back. Batman didn’t blink. Jason breathed out, and his posture relaxed in a way only his father could tell, and he turned behind himself, to someone beyond the shining of the portal. “Come on, man, no one will hurt you.”
Bruce held back a sob at hearing his boy’s voice again: kind, patient protective, and he felt rather than saw Nightwing put away his weapons. He couldn’t look away from his other son, and from the second head of snowy white hair and bright green eyes that appeared next to him in a boy who looked like he could be Jason’s biological brother right now.
“Son.” He finally managed to croak out and the boy flinched, trying to put himself between Bruce and his boy, but Jason stopped him with a gentle hand on his chest, a brotherly gesture.
“Hey, dad.” He said, finally addressing the bat in the room. “I’m home.”
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Asdfghjklñ; ok, ok. This is based on a post that I frigging lost! About Damian accidentally selling Jason (implied to be a halfa) to Ghost King!Vlad and him meeting Danny. The OP is meant to be read as comedic (“Sold! To the little boy with far too much hair gel!”), but I talked about it with the discord buddies and we chose violence and angst >>:)
So if you don’t understand what the hell is going on, it makes sense, don’t worry.
Also, if anyone knows the post I’m talking about and has it on hand, PLEASE LET ME KNOW WE COULDN’T FIND IT PLEAAAAAASE
It went like, “the JL need to summon the Ghost King and Jason offers his blood because why not, it works, the GK is Vlad and he says he’ll help in exchange of Jason, Damian says “Sounds fair to me.” and Vlad takes it as a deal the bastard, Jason ends up in the Ghost Zone and meets Danny “he’s the most powerful fruitloop”.
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speedandchrome · 1 year
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Scrima, Bacilek. and Milodon.....the Scrimaliner....
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brightlotusmoon · 2 years
South Park “Freemium Isn’t Free” – Review – The Insider
The writers even arranged various other explanations as to how the scam works with various whiteboards: “Make highest $ Seem Like Best Deal”—“Game Must Be Playable in 2 Minutes”—“Simple Gameplay. Able To Play On The Toilet.” Unfortunately, these can only be seen when paused, as they disappear in a quick second and are hard to read, in itself a nod to how sneaky the creators behind mobile game apps can be. “Freemium – The “Mium” is Latin for “not really.” The Minister explains the RPG Loop to freemium gaming: “Explore, Collect, Spend, Improve.” In another scene, a blocked message on the whiteboard behind the Minister’s head reads: “Push Notifications (Keep Them Random).” And in the final scene where Satan fights the Canadian Devil, one whiteboard reads, “Use fake campaign to feign concern i.e. ‘Drink Responsibly,’” and the left one shows an 8-step chart on manipulating emotional pain so they can feel temporary relief by numbing the pain.
Comedy Central is airing this episode again and I just realized that in 2014 when it first aired I was beginning my neuropsychology studies as a freshly diagnosed* adult autistic. No wonder.
(*Not in a 'professional' sort of way. The activist who coined neurodivergence and neurodiversity, Neurodivergent K., chatted with me on Facebook and told me I definitely pinged autistic and to talk to my neurologist who at this point was a friend and K knew that. K was one of the foremost activists since the 90s. My neurologist conferred with the general physician I had known for over a decade, and here I am.)
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brunopino · 2 months
Canto popolare di Aiello Calabro (prime tre strofe), dalla raccolta di Giovanni Solimena, tratto da Rivista delle Tradizioni Popolari Italiane, diretta da Angelo De Gubernatis, Anno II, fascilo I, Roma Tipografia Forzani e C., 1894, pagg. 384-387.Segnalata da Goffredo Plastino.***Stilluzza, chi te lievi la matina d’ oru e d’ argientu carricata vai ; quandu te lievi te parti ‘sta scrima, a llu tu’…
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loccokiddo · 5 months
Zic Brânză; măcar sufăr de scenarită, nu ca Ana-Maria, nu mi-am luat scrima la purtare, doar fac gimnastică mentolată, ce soluții multe am și io,N-am fagi de dat la CGI-uri, îmi place să dogoresc doar la umbre neutre,Da, da, autodidact îi zice, tot formal, nu-s eu parte din tipologia aia ce despică fitilul în patru cuante, doar de dragul unei încruntări, însă este viabil să știu că îmi pot face…
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taichiexaminer · 5 months
Celebrating Tradition and Excellence: The Legacy of ICMAC Tournaments
For over two decades, the International Chinese Martial Arts Championship (ICMAC) has been a beacon for practitioners and enthusiasts of all Chinese martial arts, drawing participants from across the globe to compete, learn, and celebrate the rich heritage of these ancient disciplines. In an exclusive interview with Sifu Nick Scrima, the founder and driving force behind ICMAC, we delve into the…
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mt-nynj-queer · 1 year
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by manuel scrima for CAP 74024
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Pronto Intervento Elettricista Ancona: Tempestività e Qualità
Se stai cercando un pronto intervento elettricista ad Ancona, sei nel posto giusto. Il nostro servizio è pronto a intervenire in qualsiasi momento, 24 ore su 24, per risolvere i problemi elettrici in modo rapido ed efficace. Chiama subito al 0719257413 per assistenza immediata.
I Nostri Servizi:
Corto Circuito: Risolviamo tempestivamente corti circuiti e guasti improvvisi.
Cambio Salvavita: Effettuiamo la sostituzione sicura dei salvavita.
Riparazioni Elettriche: Ripariamo e risolviamo ogni tipo di problema elettrico.
Assistenza Elettrica: Offriamo supporto e consulenza per ogni esigenza.
Impianto Elettrico: Realizziamo installazioni e interventi sull'impianto elettrico.
Certificazione Elettrica: Forniamo certificazioni per garantire la conformità agli standard di sicurezza.
Installazioni Elettriche: Effettuiamo installazioni professionali e sicure.
Manutenzione Elettrica: Assicuriamo la manutenzione preventiva e correttiva.
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Perché Sceglierci?
La nostra filosofia si basa sulla risposta tempestiva e sulla qualità del servizio. I nostri tecnici sono altamente qualificati e hanno anni di esperienza nel settore delle riparazioni e delle installazioni elettriche. Garantiamo interventi rapidi anche di notte o nei giorni festivi.
La sicurezza è la nostra priorità. Ogni intervento viene eseguito nel pieno rispetto delle normative di legge, e forniamo documentazione e certificazioni per attestare la conformità del lavoro svolto.
Se hai bisogno di un pronto intervento elettricista ad Ancona, non esitare a contattarci. Siamo qui per risolvere i tuoi problemi elettrici in modo professionale e affidabile, 24 ore su 24. Chiama subito al 0719257413 per un intervento immediato.
Dove Operiamo1: Centro Storico, Guasco, San Pietro, Capodimonte, Porto, Spina dei corsi, piazza Cavour, via Palestro, via Santo Stefano 2: Passetto, Adriatico, Pietralacroce, Borgo Rodi 3: Archi, Vallemiano, via Tiziano, via XXV Aprile, via M. Resistenza, Stazione, Palombella, via de Gasperi, Monte Marino, via della Ferrovia 4: Grazie, Tavernelle, via Ranieri 5: Brecce Bianche, Q1, Q2, Q3, Ponterosso, Passo Varano, PIP, Pinocchio, Università, Pontelungo, via Alpi, via Appennini 6: Piano S.Lazzaro, Palombare, Scrima, Posatora, Fornetto 7: Torrette, Barcaglione, Colleameno, Collemarino, Palombina 8: Montacuto, Poggio, Varano, Massignano 9: Montesicuro, Ghettarello, Sappanico, Gallignano, Aspio, Candia, Paterno, Casine di Paterno
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