#sea tom
feral-ballad · 8 months
have you ever heard about the story of rachel corrie and tom hurndall? the things the zionists did to them is heartbreaking :'(
yes! for those who don’t know: Rachel Corrie (1979-2003) was an American peace activist who, in 2003, was trying to prevent the demolition of a Palestinian family’s home. Rachel was killed when Israeli soldiers crushed her with a bulldozer out of spite. they threatened her family in America for years. back then, Israelis made fun of her death by making pancakes with her face on it. and they continue to mock her to this day.
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she’s a hero in Palestine and they named a street after her.
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Tom Hurndall (1981-2004) was a British photographer and peace activist who was trying to cover the events in Palestine. Tom was assassinated by an Israeli sniper in Gaza on April 11, 2003, while he was trying to rescue two Palestinian children from gunfire. He was left in a coma and died 9 months later on January 13, 2004.
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They still have absolutely no justice to their names.
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from My Name is Rachel Corrie & also here’s Rachel’s emails.
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takenbtwind · 5 months
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Been binging Tom Hiddleston media and I have an important chart for you all
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tailsdollr · 6 months
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au where edd and matt find many benefits to being a marine biologist. Well mainly edd because Matt found out about angler fish and wants nothing else to do with the ocean.
also they found a leviathan. oops!
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mellonposting · 9 months
I want a Lord of the Rings animated series done by Tom Moore.
Cartoon Saloon's style portrays fantastical intensity so well while also carrying the stories they tell with such lightness and fluidity. The 1978 animated version of Lotr leaned on the weight, action, and drama of Tolkien's trilogy but I think Moore could make something that would include the abstraction and artistry the story deserves.
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cillian? 😭
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cannibalhellhound · 3 months
They're done!!
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I want a pirate tomarry au where Tom is the marine admiral and Harry is the leader of a ragtag pirate group that just doesn't die.
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bl0odsharkk · 1 year
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this made more sense in my head ><
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artist-issues · 1 year
And another thing.
The original The Little Mermaid is about understanding. One of the main plot devices is that the witch takes what from Ariel, ladies and gentlemen?
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Her voice.
Ariel did not leave the sea “for a boy.”
Ariel left the sea to be understood. Because for the whole first part of the movie, we’re shown hints of what her life is already like, and how she’s tried to be understood but nobody’s listening or communicating.
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She’s introduced by describing a ship as amazing and wonderful, while her fish friend clearly does not understand and wants to get out of there.
Even her best friend doesn’t share her love for another world.
Her first interaction with her father, count how many times he’s speaking over her.
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He has this prejudice against humans, and because she’s disobeyed him, he won’t listen to any of her evidence that they may not all be bad.
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Even when she has a voice and a cavern full of proof that humans aren’t all barbarians, her father won’t listen to her, so he can’t understand.
And the truth is, she doesn’t have that much proof. She knows that humans are clever and make “wonderful things,” and that’s what she bases her belief in them on. But those beautiful objects, and her pretty ideals, are not enough to make her abandon her family and culture and world.
When she sings and talks about why she wants to be Part of That World, it’s because she wants to understand it. And, subconsciously, Ariel also hopes to be understood up there. Where they make cool devices, and maybe daughters can stand instead of being reprimanded. There’s this hope for freedom and being known associated with the surface.
But it’s not until she meets Eric that those ideals are really, actually, proven true.
Ariel sees Eric out on the sea exploring instead of staying in a palace on his birthday. He gets a gift from the closest person to him, and it’s clear that even the closest person to him doesn’t understand his tastes—he doesn’t want an over-dramatic statue of himself. He sticks to his ideals in an argument that somewhere out there, is the right girl for him. But he doesn’t have to leave the argument in frustrated tears. In the end, he risks his life to not only watch out for his friend, but nearly dies going back to a burning ship to save his dog.
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Eric personifies everything Ariel has always idealized about the Human World—AND he might understand her.
In her one observation of him, she finds out that he, a human, is:
A Prince, but nobody can tell him what to do.
More interested in activity and exploration than palace ceremony.
Unable to relate to his closest companions.
Handsome—beautiful, not a savage.
Criticized for “silly, romantic notions” but sticks to the idea of something wonderful out there in the great beyond.
Brave, self-sacrificial, and compassionate to animals.
Eric is, all at once, everything Ariel always hoped a human could be, and yet still so like herself. They have twin souls.
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She’d rather be exploring human ships, he’d rather be out exploring the sea. She believes the surface world is good and beautiful, he believes in the girl of his dreams, no matter what anyone says. She has nobody who gets excited about new adventures, and he has nobody who gets excited about new adventures.
When she sees him, she falls in love not just with his upstanding character, or even the human world he represents—she falls in love with the hope that he might understand her in away nobody under the sea does.
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Then the ironic thing is, she’s got to make him understand who she is and what she should mean to him without a voice. And unfortunately, that’s really hard because he is suddenly associating his dream girl with a voice and a magical rescue.
As close as they may get when she finally does meet him face to face and gets herself human legs, Ariel and Eric can’t be together until he knows who she is, for real. After all, how can love be true without understanding?
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And we’re not DONE with understanding. Because even after he learns what and who she is and still commits to her and saves her and loves her, Ariel’s back to having a tail. She’s back to being in a world where he can’t be.
Except now, Triton is the one who understands. He finally sees what they’ll do for each other—and that Eric, ”savage, spineless, harpooning fish eater with no regard” saved his daughter. He sees that they love each other and are each worthy of the other’s love.
It’s not until Triton understands what Ariel has known and felt all along that he gives her human legs the right way.
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That’s the point of Disney’s The Little Mermaid. “True love is found in understanding and sacrificing for one another.”
Triton had the sacrificing idea down, but he didn’t have understanding. Eric had understanding, but he didn’t have the chance to sacrifice for it.
Ariel has both. She understands that Eric’s world is not only barbaric, but beautiful, and she’s willing to sacrifice her tail to be understood in that world.
That is what this movie is all about. And because they’re probably willing to sacrifice critical scenes, like the Prince saving the day (which is important because it provides Triton with a new understanding of humans) or the girl leaving the ocean to be with the boy (which is important because what she really wants is to be understood) the creators of the Live Action Little Mermaid are going to miss the point and ruin the movie.
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psykopaths · 1 month
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The Last Samurai, (2003)
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
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Imagine if the crew somehow found a beat up an abandoned cutty flam ship years later and Franky got to repair it with his new shipwright skills,,, something something revisiting childhood trauma with new adult experiences and healing,,,
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in-love-with-movies · 9 months
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In the Heart of the Sea (2015)
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blueeyeddarkknight · 1 year
A compilation of Val laughing 😍✨🥰
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Bonus :
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mangocatastrophe · 4 months
I’m doing commissions to fundraise for gaza, I will be donating 100% of it to the PCRF and ANERA
More info in the doc
If the link doesnt work, please PM me
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If you cant afford a commission, I’ve left a link to a site where you can help out for free in the doc, it takes 1 minute to do, but goes a long way.
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More info about the update in the doc, you can also see all the finished artwork in there :))
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nicstylus · 25 days
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The Faceless Ones
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Side by Side-ish
Completed: April 26th 2024
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morethansalad · 2 months
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Tom Yum Zoodles Soup (Vegan)
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