#season 2 gacha event
jessamine-rose · 8 months
/obey me! vent/
#jessamine rambles#before i start. pls keep in mind that this is fully subjective and could just be a 'me' problem. i just want to get this off my chest#ngl i've been contemplating on whether i want to stop playing obey me. both the og game and nightbringer#idk i've been playing the game since its first month and while it's given me a lot of joy + memories + chances to befriend other ppl. i'm#pretty burned out. not to mention TIRED of my consistent disappointment with the game#the main story.....where do i start?? i actually enjoyed s1-s3 despite my qualms with the fillers and pacing but s4 disappointed me. i was#rlly looking forward to simeon's storyline and the new characters but ultimately. the devs tried to squeeze too many things into one season#not to mention that there is a notable difference in how the characters are written. i.e. beel's hunger and asmo's beauty#being watered down to running gags instead of the complexities explored in the old dg stories and chara songs#gameplay-wise. i was there when the devs raised the rewards price of the event urs and removed the demon ssrs completely#but nightbringer was the last straw for me. the amount of time it takes to grind for two games. knowing that the og app has essentially bee#abandoned by the devs?? not to mention that while the plot is interesting. i haven't touched the main story ever since the coma arc#i will give credit to the devs for improving the event stories by choosing to focus on 1-2 demons. but it has always felt like a quantity >#quality situation. esp if i were to compare it to my other fandoms#it also doesn't help that i'm currently at a point of my life where i'm questioning if i could use my time on obm for better things#seeing how the game is giving me less reasons to believe it is worth my time#idk this may also be a short-term phase since i DID get back into twst after a long hiatus and i recently got into whb#which btw has felt like a breath of fresh air despite my frustrations with the bugs and current gacha#but yeahhhh........as much as i love the obm characters and fanfics. i'm just tired#at this point i feel like the only reason why i still play the game is due to the nostalgia and so i don't waste the years of grinding#aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh#this is what i get for being the type of player who only plays a few games so they can rlly dedicate their time and passion to it#that's all
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is there a way to experience arknights that doesn't involve playing a gacha game? i kinda wanna see what it's deal is the girls in it are really hot
Yes there is!
There’s an online tool that lets you read the visual novel story sections: https://akgcc.github.io/cc/story.html. It lets you read the main story, event side stories, operator records (mini stories focused on specific operators), it even has modules (upgrades to operators that cost a lot of resources but also give you a short story blurb when you unlock them). It usually takes a bit for new stuff to get added, so it can’t really let you read along with the current ongoing events (unless you can read Chinese, the CN server is 6 months ahead of the global server and I think the story reader gets updates for their stories but I haven’t checked, it might just be the ones on global).
There are 2 8-episode seasons of an Arknights anime covering the first 2 parts of the main story. They’re called “Arknights: Prelude to Dawn” and “Arknights: Perish in Frost”
There are a handful of official manhua covering various groups of characters, including one for the main characters at Rhine Lab (American science company with a lot of well meaning characters working for a flawed corporation with ethics issues) and one for Blacksteel (the mercenary group with Franka, Liskarm, Jessica, and Vanilla, who I’ve been posting a lot about. The new event side story is about Jessica so that’s why. The mangadex fan translations of this one were tagged as “girls love” and then the official translation made it even gayer, highly recommend for foxgirl dragon girl yuri). As well as a few others. There’s even the mostly lighthearted Rhodes Island test kitchen series about different operators making different foods from their cultures and backgrounds and stuff, it’s very cute. Official translations are here https://www.arknights.global/comic but for the ones that haven’t been fully translated you can usually find them fan translated on mangadex.
Speaking of mangadex, there are also 2 other comic/manga/manhua things you can read. There is the light hearted 4 panel series “Arknights Operators!” that has short, usually comedic, comics about various operators and their lives on the Rhodes Island land ship. I don’t think it’s explicitly canon (it has a gag about Hoshiguma bumping into door frames bc she’s so tall, but her “canon height” is 5’11” [no one likes the canon heights]) but it’s pretty fun and cute.
And what I think is the last thing I have the mention is the Arknights anthology manga series. It’s explicitly non-canon as the comics are all made by guest artists, but it is officially published by Arknights. It was only published in Japanese but scanlators have translated a large portion of it and it’s very good.
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dotster001 · 2 years
Twisted Earth
Summary: What if we are the game characters in Twisted Wonderland? Gn!reader x Crowley/Crewel/Vil/Rook/Malleus/Idia
requested by @stygianoir
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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He plays your game instead of actually doing his work, but he thinks no one knows. (everyone knows)
You're his favorite character. He relates to you, (or he thinks he does, but he's a little delusional). If you got transported to your world, he thinks of how he'd treat you to whatever you want, and then you'd stay with him forever, constantly praising his generosity. Ah, bliss.
Despite you being his favorite, his gacha luck is very bad, and he only has two or three of your cards. He has a lot of your best friend, and even more of that one character that the game devs keep alluding you have a history with, but only a couple of yours. It drives him crazy. He's very pouty at the end of an event period.
He wrote one self insert fanfiction. Except it was the kind of self insert where the author gives the reader, a name, a personality, and a physical description. So it was just for him in the end.
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He got the game because he saw Crowley playing it in a meeting (again), and he became curious what the big deal was.
You're his favorite because you have the best color scheme and design.  He has an SSR from an event of you, and it made him like you even more because it gives him a major power boost.
He has that event SSR, and all your regular cards. He doesn't mind what he's got, he can just see the rest on the internet.
His latest fashion line was a collaboration with the game devs, specifically for your character. The devs are also thinking about having an event with his outfits. He is patiently awaiting the start date.
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He found the game when they reached out to his manager for an endorsement on his magicam feed. He played the game a little, and got your basic SSR in his first pull. 
He plays on his free time (which isn't very often), and mostly focuses on the main story, and your side stories from your cards. Like Crewel, he has an okay collection.
You just live such a different life from him, it's fascinating to see!  He likes to think about how much you could teach each other if you were real. He also just wants to pamper you, especially after that recent angst arc.
He may be lined up as a celebrity voice actor for season two of the game's plot, but we can't discuss that at this time.
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He has two best friends now. Gao Gao dragon kun, and you. 
Got the game after Lilia told him "all the cool kids are playing it". He plays it every day, multiple times a day.
He finds your character to be an endearing human, and thinks your adventures are cute. He likes you a lot, because he thinks if you were real you'd be his friend, and maybe something more? Oh! He gets butterflies thinking about it!
He doesn't have very good luck getting your cards, but he's fine with that! He takes good care of the ones he has.
He discovered fanfiction! He is the biggest fanfiction reader on any platform, and is single handedly funding all of his favorite writers. Has made many requests, from various authors, for y/n x lonely fae prince. He cries for angst, and giggles like a kid for fluff. Lilia has read all of his favorites.
He may or may not be working on a spell to make you real.
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If the Great Roi du poison endorses a game, you can bet that Rook will be playing it.
That said, he only opens the app once a month. He's too busy and distractible to remember to play more often, but you're definitely his fave character.
He likes to imagine just watching you. Seeing you explore a magical world after coming from a nonmagical one. He finds you to be a fascinating character, and is an avid theorist for all the lore!
He's a fanart drawer. You cannot change my mind. It's mostly of you, but sometimes, if he's feeling generous, he'll draw other people's favorite characters, or draw ships people have for you. But  he has to grit his teeth the entire time he does the latter. He'd rather draw you and him.
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He's been playing the game since it came out. He was on the developer's hype train months before the release, and downloaded it the second he could.
He has average luck, but he's also spent real money on the game just so he can have the entire collection of your cards. He's only missing one, because for that event he had worked himself into a gamer coma, and now he'll never forgive himself. He's waiting impatiently for the revival of that draw.
He simps for your character so hard. You have all the traits he's looking for in a significant other. Although, he is one of the realist gamers, who worries that irl you wouldn't like him. But he likes to pretend anyway, hugging his body pillow of you, and imagining you both cuddling every night.
He has bought every bit of merch he could find. He has read every x reader fanfic of you on the internet. He has commissioned several fan artists for pictures of you, him, and Ortho as a happy family. He has paid your voice actor on Magicameo terrible, I know I'm sorry to wish him a happy birthday in your voice. He's unstoppable.
Tag list- @shytastemakerthing
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layzeal · 2 years
MDZS Audio Drama Listening Guide
AKA Lace has listened to the Audio Drama an unholy amount of times and might as well put her knowledge to good use
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(Suibian Subs) (NanaBeingNana) (Episode Guide by pumpkinpaix) (Purchasing guide for iOS)
NOTE: This is my own, personal opinion on what’s the preferable order to watch the MDZS Audio Drama extras.
The AD is by far the most accurate adaptation we have, and not only it follows the novel 1:1, it adds quite a lot of content that had only been left implied or left off-screen in the original text. However, there are also some events that do happen in the novel, but had to be put aside in an extra episode, either because of time restraints or for the sake of pacing. So, I’ve tried to set up this list to compensate it! The order is either based on at which point we learn such events in the novel, or if this event isn’t in the text, then it’s based on what I believe the best time to listen to the extra would be.
If you feel overwhelmed by the amount of extras and don’t know where to start, hold my hand and i’ll show you the way (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و
(The letters with an * after some episodes names refer to Gacha Episode tiers, collected by SuibianSubs. I’ve just put it there so you can more easily find it on the folders.)
Season 1
Episode 1
Chance Encounter (N*)
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Make-up (link)
Good Fortune (SSR*)
Sleeping Together
Episode 5
Instant Success (SR*)
Autumn Wind and Dewdrops (R*)
Female Cultivators
Paper Balls
Invinting Friends (SSR*)
Fear of Dogs
Cultivation Through Meditation (R*)
Episode 6
Taking Responsibility for One’s Actions (R*)
Deciding When It's Time (R*)
Better to Not Make Enemies (N*)
Longing to Speak Yet Unable to (R*)
Keeping Rabbits
Episode 7
Eating Watermelon
Simple Mindedness (N*)
Episode 8
Startled and Shocked (N*)
Gifting a Dog
Be Adaptable to Circumstances (R*)
Episode 9
Lamentations Over Injustice (N*)
Episode 10
Overwhelmed by an Unexpected Favour (SR*)
Episode 11
Combined Efforts (R*)
Glutinous Rice
Episode 12
Preach To Impart Knowledge (R*)
Season 2
Episode 1
Caught Unaware (N*)
Things Remain but People Change (N*)
Articulate (R*)
Episode 2
Parting Ways (N*)
Episode 3
Episode 4
Flower Damsel
To Gain a Sharp Edge (R*)
First Meeting with Wen Ning
Episode 5
The Game of Life (R*)
The Adventures of Paperman Xian
Episode 6
Washing Clothes
Completely Incompatible (R*)
Episode 7
Flower Banquet
Episode 8
Carefree (R*)
Powerless (N*)
Episode 9
Lotus Seeds
Episode 10
Happy to Help Others (SR*)
Founder Story
Episode 11
Dulcet Melody (R*)
Lap Pillow
Episode 12
Yunmeng Youths
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Wavering Heart (R*)
Episode 16
Cutting Melon
Season 3
Episode 1
Filled with Noble Aspirations and Courage
Delivering Soup
Duplicity (N*)
Episode 2
Tossing Flowers
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Planting Radishes
Simple and Naive (R*)
Take Root (R*)
Episode 6
Helping Others (R*)
Mending a Relationship (SR*)
Love Letter
Daydream (R*)
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
A-Yuan and Rabbits
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
A Lost Desire (N*)
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Novel Extras
Family Banquet
Into the dream 1, 2, 3 and 4
Villainous Friends
Lose Money to Do Away with Misfortune (N*)
Leaving a Mark (R*)
From Dawn to Dusk
Iron Hook
Lotus Seed Pod
Dream Come True
Miscellaneous Extras
These are extras that don’t particularly fit into the list, or would feel disruptive and awkward when placed somewhere there, so i’ve decided to set them in a different list. You may watch them after you’re finished with the other episodes, in whatever order you wish!
Bogao Gifting a Swan (SR*)
Out with the Old In with the New (SSR*)
Respect Between Spouses (SR*)
Harmonious as the Lute and Psaltery (SSR*)
Following Heart's Desire (R*)
Flying Thoughts (SR*)
Always Remain Smiling (R*)
Accompanying You to Sleep: Lan Qiren
Accompanying You to Sleep: Wei Wuxian
Accompanying You to Sleep: Lan Wangji
Sound Asleep (SR*) - (The JC version of the ones above)
Chilli Pepper (N*)
Disputes From Gossips (N*)
Oof! I think that’s it! Thank you for your patience haha, and I hope you enjoy the Audio Drama as much as I do! Remember to please purchase it on the official app if you’re able!
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twiwoncrackpopcorn · 1 year
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ツイステ Twisted Wonderland EVENT at Sunset Savanna “Tamashna Muina” GAMEPLAY
The Event Story is split into 3 releases on 7th February, 13th February and 20th February. Event ends on the 27th.
Event Free Cards (temporary versions) and Event Missions Stamp Cards will be released with same timing. You can claim the permanent version only at the very end, so not before the 20th.
Event GuestRoom Furniture will be available for crafting after having finished each Event Story part.
Same as usual, accumulate Event currency during regular lessons to unlock Event Story chapters and trade at Sam’s for the Event Free Cards (once you’ve completed the Event Story in full).
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The second Event currency you can receive from Event Missions can be exchanged with Event Background, Event Groooovy Items and etc.
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Same as for Port Fest, you can Collect some Event Paint to craft Event-exclusive Furniture for your GuestRoom. You can start collecting paint from the first day of the Event (and the Collect Battle lets your borrow SSR Leona and other Event Characters) but the crafting unlocks after having finished the first part of the Event Story so it’s normal if you don’t see craftable items in your list at the beginning.
If we follow Port Fest model, you may need around 200 Event Paint to craft the entire series (don’t worry and collect the Paint first, as it is available only until 27th February while you have until 27th March to finish crafting, so you can Collect regular materials as second priority then).
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Vil and Lilia need Event Groooovy Items, you can get them at Sam’s. Event Cards from the mirror gacha banner do not need them.
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As for previous World Events (Aleab Narya and Kelkka Rotu), you can get an Event-limited Souvenir at Sam’s for 50 paid jewels. The good news is that this time you can display it in your GuestRoom.
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EVENT STAMP CARDS (3 in total)
STAMP CARD 1 (with Vil) MISSIONS [finished]: use Event Vil as your Home character | get Event Vil to level 20 | invite Event Vil in your GuestRoom 1 time | get one of Event Vil magic spell to level 5 | win 5 Water Exam Battles and 5 Fire Exam Battles | collect 100 and 200 Event Juices | login 3 days during the Stamp Card period.
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STAMP CARD 2 (with Lilia) MISSIONS [finished] : use Event Lilia as your Home character | get Event Lilia to level 20 | invite Event Lilia in your GuestRoom 1 time | get one of Event Lilia magic spell to level 5 | win 10 and 20 GuestRoom Collect Battles | collect 300 and 400 Event Juices | login 3 days during the Stamp Card period.
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STAMP CARD 3 (with Leona) MISSIONS : get Event Lilia to level 40 and one of Event Lilia magic spell to level 8 | get Event Vil to level 40 and one of Event Vil magic spell to level 8 | play 5 and 10 Rhythmics Twistunes | collect 500 and 600 Event Juices | login 3 days during the Stamp Card period.
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Walpurgisnacht and how it ties it all together
So what is Walpurgisnacht?
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Walpurgisnacht is a once a season fanservice event. It's a story thing with light character development. It's a banner with functionally an entire new rarity of ID. It's a game mode meant to demonstrate the power of those new IDs. It is a massive money maker for the company. And I believe it is kinda sorta the thing endgame players will align their behavior around.
That's a big claim at the end there, but I'll try to explain.
The key thing to focus on is the banner and the units that come with it. Walpurgis IDs are unique in that they are only available to purchase during a Walpurgisnacht, with the banner IDs being completely unpurchasable the first time they show up. Yes, you need to win the latest hype units from the Gacha or wait 4 months to buy them. These IDs are powerful, and, as this is a fanservice event tend to be referencing some of the coolest shit in PM's universe.
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Needless to say demand is high while "supply" is dictated by a 1.5% drop chance or a 200 pull pity. This is pretty normal for a gacha, but a radical departure for Limbus, and it has some serious consequences on how we think about resources.
So in my last post I went over how Limbus' gacha after a certain point isn't worth it, and it ends up being mathematically better to convert premium currency to stamina to just grind out the units you want. There are several extremally important caveats to that statement, and the biggest one is Walpurgisnacht. I want to address that point here.
You want pulls for this, because you can't buy the unit until months after its arrived and you'll probably want it now. This changes how you might think about refreshing stamina, because you want to stockpile currency for a big pull session every 4 months. Counterintuitively, you want a lot of shards if you're new to buy the old Walpurgisnacht stuff, as unless the game powercreeps to hell and back a lot of these will be good forever (Regret Meursault EGO fundamentally changes how we think about his IDs and gameplay in perpetuity).
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If we math it out (and use vague estimates so this doesn't become a wall of numbers), you can get 100 pulls from purely weekly Lunacy gains between Walpurgisnachts, but that number decreases for every refresh you do. if you refresh once every day, you're down to 85 pulls, and further down to 26 pulls if you double refresh. Ouch. However. there are other sources of pulls than just the 750 a week, and they add up substantially.
All of which is to say it's probably better to only do a single refresh to save pulls for Walpurgis, but if you do double refresh you will still have the ability to pull on this and maybe get the Banner ID.
But there's one other aspect to Walpurgis that has been met with some apprehension by the community, but makes me wonder at PMs intentions for the late game experience.
Gacha Announcers.
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So Limbus has a system for Combat Announcers, There's no gameplay advantage for this, it's just to have your favorite characters comment on how bad you're playing, a nice little bonus reward that's easy to do if the VA is in the studio.
Walpurgisnacht slightly changed that, in that it added 2 Announcers to the Walpurgis gacha pool, Malkuth and Pierre/Jack. Malkuth is a major character from both Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina and a fan favorite; the response to her being available was... significant. Pierre/Jack are also here. The Announcers are very rare (1.3%), and cannot be purchased, but are Pitiable (Malkuth most of all, heyyo). They take their rarity from the filler pulls, so nothing is actually lost as far as odds goes.
A big sticking point is you can roll dupe Announcers as they aren't removed from the pool like EGO, and many are upset they might not get Malkuth and instead the other guys. Undeniably that sucks, it's probably rare to save up 200 pulls for the pity and it might feel like a waste. But this decision also propelled Limbus on Steam's top 10 seller charts for the day, so PM rang in the new year with a smashing success of sales. It's also unclear if we can purchase the Announcers later, so that also is driving some fomo.
So that might seem bad, but one interesting thing is that dupe announcers give a lot of thread, 50 crates worth. Thread is the primary currency for upgrades and at endgame you want thousands of the stuff.
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This creates this image to me of what an endgame player looks like, and I wonder if it's intentional. They have all or most of the game's available IDs and are now just spending Lunacy to stamina refresh to grind more boxes or thread or exp or w/e. That person now gets a second Thread bomb from Walpurgis separate from the seasonal turnover Thread bomb, which is the primary restriction of end game. I'm probably reaching here, but there's a logic to this that makes sense to me.
That's about all for Walpurgisnacht, but there's a couple other things I think are neat.
One, the game becoming one where you hoard gacha currency for a big dump to hit pity every 4 months is hilariously normal for this genre, albeit we actually get all the units.
Second, community engagement spikes with this as we get classic gacha posts like:
"Hey I just got every relevant unit in a single 10 pull, how wacky is that?" "150 pulls and nothing, it's so fucking over" "Can I get this unit in 3 single pulls? If not game sucks and devs are @%$#." "I STOLE MY MOM'S CREDIT CARD WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK"
That's all folks, play Limbus Company.
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dlamp-dictator · 4 months
Okay, Let's Talk About 5 - 30
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So, this horrid stage has probably stumped a lot of folks, especially folks that aren't used to the typical Project Moon Bullshit™ of having to fail about 10+ times before you actually figure out the answer to the puzzle the game is giving you... and RNG screwing you over. Mostly that last one, but occasionally Project Moon does throw out some damn tough puzzles to solve.
And with Chapter 5.5 now out I wanted to make a quick guide on how to get through this stage so people can actually beat Canto 5, rush through the Christmas event, and have access to 5.5 before it ends in a month. I'll... debate on explaining how to kill Siltcurrent/Neon Whale/That FUCKING ASSHOLE PARALYZING BIG NUMBERS ASS HAVIN-
But that's for another time.
And yes folks, people have been legitimately stuck on this stage to the point of some people having been barred from the Christmas event because of it. And the most I've seen of people actually helping with this boss in terms of guides and advice is the general fandom being some real assholes about reading passive and showing of their Base Ishmael solo clears without actually explaining anything. But I'm not here to whine about the fandom, I'm here to help with this stage.
Now usually, this is the part where I'd usually give a synopsis for the followers and mutuals that would like context to my long ramblings, but this is an endgame stage and the process of explaining Project Moon games in depth to people unfamiliar with them gives my stomach ulcers so I'll cut my usual fluff and get to the advise.
The Short Answer
For those of you wanting to just know the basics of how to survive this stage here's the brass tacks:
Stagger Ricardo twice to "win"
Don't kill Ricardo's two goons, just clash with them (ideally with a tank ID with aggro) to avoid buffing him further.
Ishmael is quasi-immortal and won't die so long as there's a surviving Sinner in play, so she can tank damage easily.
Use tremor IDs to make staggering easier during his "Test of Big Brother" phase
Use Ishmael's base EGO ASAP to make clashing for her easier.
Alright, with that said, here's some more details about the boss fight.
The Long Answer
I know I said this before, but it's worth repeating. This is endgame content. At this point of the game Project Moon expects you to have that Season Pass at least half finished, at least three teams of Sinners with good synergy (having teams for Charge, Tremor, Rupture, etc.), and have at least some meta IDs. This is not an unreasonable ask either. Most of us started between Seasons 1 & 2 and should have at least a solid team or six made already, a lot of the gacha resources are easy to obtain with patience, and you should have a decent understanding of the game's general mechanics by now. You can only be so ignorant before the failure is ultimately your fault, and while Ricardo definitely has some bullshit to him, most of his puzzle pieces are understandable after the fifth attempt.
I don't say this to insult you guys, but I know a lot of people stuck on this stage are also people that have been speedrunning the content and are now running into a wall as they've pushed further than what the game expected and probably don't have the game knowledge or resources to get through a very blatant knowledge & resource check. Yes, I've seen the Base ID & Base EGO clears too, but those are from people very used to Project Moon Bullshit™ and are outliers.
Now, with all that preamble out the way, here's the general idea.
This is a semi-survival stage where you have to not defeat Ricardo, but reach his second stagger threshold in about 5-7 turns. The biggest issue with this fight is that you've been doing a lot of mindless non-focus fights where you just needed the correct damage type (pierce in this case) to Win-Rate your way to victory. This stage is different in that you have to build a completely different team (tremor ideally), and be mindful of the Middle's general passives where they can get up to 5 Offense Level for getting their team slaughtered, making all of their clashes go up by one or two points. Along with this, the Little Brothers' attacks can debuff your team with Paralyze and Plus-Coin Power Drop, some of the most crippling debuffs in the game for your team outside of very specific IDs.
But you likely already know all of this and have reached the Ricardo part of the stage several times already. Here's the important bits you probably didn't realize.
Don't Kill the Goons
You might have noticed Ricardo gets super buffed when you kill his goons and makes COUPON BLAST™ all the more terrifying. Yeah, the man gets some rather bullshit power-ups if you kill or focus-fire the goons. I understand the though-process of killing the Debuffers and then wailing on Ricardo, but don't. Just beat their clashes and deal with them. The paralyze is crippling, but use a tank for those if you can since tanks (usually) don't do high damage anyway. Plus-Coin Power Drop is annoying, but for units that have big single-coin nukes or use EGO for nukes, this isn't as crippling as Paralyze and is the lesser of two debuffs. Just deal with the goons being there and try and focus most of the damage on Ricardo. The goons have a phase where they both block so you can just focus on Ricardo too, so hold out until then.
Oh, and speaking of tanking debuffs.
Ishmael is Immortal on this Stage
Ish is a mandatory character in this stage and has a sort of quasi-immortality along with a passive called Last-Ditch Struggle. So long as there's at least one surviving Sinner on the team aside from Ishmael herself her won't go below 1 HP. Along with this, she has a unique passive for this stage called Last Ditch Struggle, which gives her additional clash power when at low health. This isn't to say Ish is invincible or anything, but it does give you an edge in the fight. Combined with Snagharpoon's Compulsion passive (the EGO passive, not the debuff on Ish) you can get an additional clashing power about about three, which makes a huge difference against Ricardo's stupid-high numbers. You can use her with something like a fully threadspun Roseate Desire with either Awakening or Corrosion depending on the sanity level and it'll do insane work.
"But Allen, I don't have Rosea-"
Get it. 400 Ishmael shards isn't as big an ask as it was in Canto 2 or 3. You're in endgame now, you should know what you need and should have a few EGO nukes for bosses like this. Roseate Desire or Ryoshu's Blind Obsession. You should have at least one of these by now to survive Ricardo's more devastating attacks aside from COUPON BLAST™. If you really rushed the content this much then just chill out, wait until you've caught to the the season pass to at least give Blind Obsession Ryoshu, and then continue on.
Speaking of endgame content.
Have a Tremor Team
So, you might have noticed during Ricardo's big defense phases he'll have this interesting debuff called "Test of Big Brother", this usually gives him 5 bind next turn, guaranteeing you can safely clash him, along with doubling the damage he takes and increasing the effect of Tremor Burst. And like I said before, this is a fight where you have to reach his second stagger threshold to win. This is phase of the fight is essentially your final warning to get him to that point before COUPON BLAST™ happens and you're team is wiped in two turns.
Not that second part of Tremor Burst's effects behind doubled. It means you can probably get him to stagger by that point if you've got your nukes handy. And surprisingly, a Tremor team isn't a big investment either. Base Ish, Heath, and Meursault all have tremor application, and Ish's base EGO can inflict Tremor Burst at Threadspin 4. And there are several Tremor IDs that are cheap like N Corp Don, LCCB Ish and Rosespanner Meursault. There's are some other good Tremor IDs like Rosespanner Rodion and Molar Outis, but one's a 3-Star and one's a limited 3-Star, so I'd hold off on those unless you wanna' hunt down someone's friend's list.
Oh right, last bit of advice before I sign off on this.
Using the Damn Friend's List
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A lot of us forget this is a thing, but there is a Friends/Support function in the game. You can send a request to people who have fully kitted Sinners you'd need for your team to fill in gaps you can't yet. I don't know the effect this had some stuff like EX clear yet, but if you're speed-running to get to the current event then just use the damn support system and build a decent tremor team to get through this. For the next while I'll have Regret Faust on mine to help some folks, but this is for a limited time only until I can go back to how I like to keep my Company listing. You can also just search around until you find someone with the sinner you need.
And... that's about everything I can tell you about 5-30. Even once you get passed this stage there's still about two or three more little road blocks in the way before you can fully completely the Canto, but this was the more frustrating on out of the four so I wanted to go over it a little. Sorry if I sounded harsh here or there, but I really wanna' stress this is an endgame stage and shouldn't be taken lightly. Limbus Company has it's fair share of bullshit but fair and unfair, but this stage is only slightly unfair until you realize the mechanics around it. Then you can do those Base Ishmael solo clears. I won't because that's hard as hell, but it's something.
Anyways, I'll be seeing you folks later.
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aftokrator-official · 3 months
hi I can't remember if I asked you this before (I don't think I did but maybe?), is there any good way that you know of to get into the arknights story & characters without having to play the actual games?? like is there an organized database of all the little cutscenes and whatever that I can page through or something..... I like a lot of the character designs and would love to have enough baseline knowledge to potentially get into shipping some girls together (I tend to need a lot of canon familiarity before I can get invested 😔) but I hate phone games and I hate gacha and I don't want to actually play the game >_>
Yes there is! This site has all of the story content archived, including all the images and bgm/sfx, I highly recommend it (and use it a lot myself, because sometimes I just want to read a storyline all at once without playing tower defense stages in between, or vice versa.) The cutscenes aren't voiced and are presented in visual novel format, so there's not really any downside to reading them this way. And the wiki has all the operator files and a lot of nice writeups on lore and background info.
There's also some official manga that's online - I highly recommend the Rhine Lab manga in particular, it's fantastic, and shouldn't be missed especially if you're here for the yuri. Honestly if you read nothing else, read the Rhine Lab storylines, they're that good.
Oh, there's also an anime adaptation that covers the first few chapters of the main story, I thought it was pretty good. I watched it with my best friend who hasn't played the game and she thought it was great, so should be accessible even if you don't know the story. Personally I think the early main story chapters have some of the weakest writing in the game, so I think the anime makes a good alternative, but ymmv.
Aside from the main story, the event stories (Vignette and Side Story in the story reader site) can be grouped into several different story arcs that work best chronologically, but you can read them in any order really and there's no harm in skipping ones you're not feeling.
vague suggested reading order for the different story arcs below the cut cause this is getting too long lmao
anything not mentioned here is standalone. that, or I just forgot about it lol.
Main story: ch0-3/anime season 1 -> ch4-6/anime season 2 -> ch7-8 -> ch9-12 - A Walk in Dust, Darknights Memoir, and Vigilo are good to read before chapter 9 - What the Firelight Casts is best read after chapter 9
Rhine Lab: Rhine Lab manga -> Mansfield Break -> Dorothy's Vision -> Lone Trail
Kazimierz: Maria Nearl -> Pinus Silvestris -> Near Light -> Obscure Wanderer
Abyssal Hunters: Grani and the Knights' Treasure -> Under Tides -> Stultifera Navis
Laterano: Guide Ahead -> Hortus de Escapismo
Acahualla: The Great Chief Returns -> Ideal City: Endless Carnival
Yan/Sui siblings: Ancient Forge -> Who is Real -> Invitation to Wine -> Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow -> A Death in Chunfen
Siesta: Heart of Surging Flame -> So Long, Adele
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aranarumei · 7 months
hi kiri What’s the deal with a3’s timeloop day. you shouldn’t be surprised that I am asking this. okay I love you bye
ok this is actually a pretty simple answer! but i got rambly so here's a readmore.
A3! (which stands for Act! Addict! Actors! <- don’t ask me why it’s this. idk) is a gacha game where you play as the manager, Izumi Tachibana (I’m doing first name, last name here) and you work to revive a dying theater company called Mankai. there’s 3 Acts, each with like, 4 big stories in them. and a bunchhhh of shorter event storiess which imo are crucial to experience. The first 2 acts, along with the interceding events, have been completely localized, and were run on the now-defunct English server. There is, however, an archive—if at any point in time you are ever interested, feel free to shoot me a message. And I’m serious. Even if it’s like two years later. It’s been like almost 3 years since I started going thru a3 and I haven’t even finished act 2. I’m slow
Anyways, Act 1 deals with establishing the company—in its former glory, there used to be four troupes that rotated by season. Izumi’s dad also used to run it, and he disappeared. So that’s why there’s four big stories each act: it’s one per season. In Act 1, each story deals with gathering the members for each season troupe together, and then pulling off their first play. And it also deals with like, the issues all the characters are facing. It is like, within the yumejoshi genre so there’s definitely that vibe of like. wow look at all these pretty boys who are kind of into me!? but I think it’s pretty mild on that point and like. something I enjoy is that I can see Izumi as like. an actual Character as opposed to just a self-insert. Which is nice. but the real selling point for me is that there’s a lot of like, found family and rich character dynamics within the cast. It is even homosexual sometimes.
One thing I find really interesting about a3 is that I think it has really strong character writing and development. And it’s really good at establishing different “moods” across each troupe, which works well in creating dynamics and also because each troupe specializes in something different. So spring is like, the “classic” troupe—they tend to do lots of reinterpretations of classic works, though that’s not exclusively their thing… but anyways. they do like. nice fantastical stories in my opinion. Summer does comedy, autumn does action, and winter does drama. and winter HAS drama.
Now up until winter there’s been some wackiness in a3 but it’s been like, pretty grounded in how it’s played out. and then winter rolls around and. see the issue with winter is that unlike some of the younger members they’re all composed of adults. so they’re bad at talking about their feelings, because instead of just shouting things out loud they will just shut down and like. Leave. I love this about them and I think it’s such a good writing choice.
Enter Tasuku Takato and Tsumugi Tsukioka. Tasuku and Tsumugi used to be like, the best of friends. they acted together and followed their passions together. and then they both auditioned for the God Troupe together, which is this prestigious famous troupe (it’s also evil.) and while tasuku got in and became one of the lead actors, tsumugi failed his audition. This left a deep scar on Tsumugi, who ended up kind of running away from acting as a vocation all together. now, Tasuku quit the God troupe because they were engaging in some shady stuff, and ended up joining Mankai along with Tsumugi, who coincidentally was inspired to try acting again. tsumugi’s been elected the leader of winter troupe, and therefore the person who’s meant to take the lead role in their first play. Tasuku is constantly snapping at him whenever he’s unconfident, and it’s just not great vibes. To top it all off, they’ve been issued a challenge by the God troupe, where they’ll both perform and the audience has to vote on which play they like better. Tsumugi is not really confident he can stand up to them for obvious reasons. Tasuku gets mad at him about it. Tsumugi runs into this weird doll, and the next day, they wake up in a time loop.
See, the thing is, they’re on such a tight deadline for the play, and winter is So Bad at talking about their feelings, that magic is real now. this is somewhat of an oversimplification, but it’s funny to say it like this. Anyways, there are like, seven mysteries in Mankai (have I mentioned they all dorm together! they all do! Each of them has a roommate and they all live in a big dorm that’s connected to their own theater and stage. It’s part of why they’re in such big debt and trouble at the beginning—its really hard to maintain those facilities) and one of them is about this doll that will put you in a time loop unless you become friends. essentially. And this is what happens… eventually they end up talking to each other for real due to the time loop, and each affirms just how much they respect the acting of the other. later on when Tsumugi slips back into being unconfident tasuku is able to resolve his past mistakes, because part of why he was so angry at Tsumugi was also because he was angry at himself for like. not reaching out. And telling him how much he loved him and his acting. Because their styles are very different—tasuku is loud and commanding, and Tsumugi is a more understated and subtle.
A3 is also very very cool in that parts of its plays mirror real life? so like. this play, sympathy for an angel, has two leads: Michael (Tsumugi) and Raphael (Tasuku). In it, Michael becomes interested in this woman on a list of people who are about to die, and ends up visiting the human world. He writes letters to her. His friend, Raphael, warns him against this, saying that he’s foolish for going so far for someone he can’t even meet. And each time he steps into the human world, his own soul gets weaker, and his wings begin to wither. Still, he persists against objections. Eventually, the woman recovers, gets a fiancé, and he returns to heaven. Thinking he’ll just wish for her happiness even with his unrequited love, he looks at the list and finds out that despite recovering, she’s still on the close to death list. Despite the danger to himself, he descends into the human world, and takes her place in a car accident. As he’s dying, his soul about to be obliterated because he’s been in the human world too often, Raphael descends and holds him in his arms. Michael says that he’s happy he got to do something for the person he loves, and he’s happy to be held by his best friend. Raphael says that though he’d called Michael the fool, it was him that truly was one: because he stood by, unable to protect both the person he loves and his best friend. Because he was in love with Michael the whole time of course. And then Michael dies in his arms. Now this makes me weepy as does the accompanying character song but what I really love most about it is like. Raphael’s regrets in that he didn’t protect Michael kind of directly mirror Tasuku’s own regrets in being unable to help Tsumugi when he was going through a tough time? only Tsumugi isn’t dead and so Tasuku has an actual chance to fix things, which is sweet.
It should be mentioned that one guy in the spring troupe WRITES all of these plays which is deeply funny to me bc it means that 1) he is probably gay and doesn’t know this and 2) he has precognitive abilities regarding the inner psyche of all of his castmates. and that’s a3 timeloop day. some of these a3 characters have me by the throat btw I just get beamed visions of them chatting and introspecting like constantly. I definitely haven’t explained everything but I think this is enough?
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project-sekai-facts · 8 months
would it be too out there to predict the rest of the units this rotation getting an event this month and having 5-in-a-row unit events (especially since there were 3 mixed events in a row just before this) The characters are generally equal in limited card amounts (either 4 or 5) so I think rui getting a 6th lim isn't too improbable (for tsukasa it is since the devs would have likely stated something regarding back-to-back lims by now), and mmj and n25 have their 2nd lim sets already.
There isn't really an indication of who could have the banner if it's mixed, or who would be in the mixed event in general, except for if they're allowing a vser in the banner (since there's been lims for all the vsers in the past two months) Len is an obvious choice in either direction since hes still lacking a lim with the ocs (rin and meiko having 2, and the others having only 1) (and yes, there's a two month gap only but that has happened a lot at this point)
and if it is a wxs lim then nene is also definitely a lim since her last one was in january, which is currently the most due for a lim of all the characters and has only 4 lims at that, so that could indicate her appearance if this event is a mixed event too.
the game has never done more than 4 unit events in a row before, but given the mixed event spam, maybe 5 in a row could happen. it would balance out the 3DMV:2DMV ratio as well if they did 3 3DMV events and 2 2DMV events.
i think rui lim is possible, but mainly because nene needs a lim and wxs needs a lim banner. i'm still sorta hesitant on him because less than half the cast is on 5 lims right now, so maybe it's a bit too soon for 6th lims. i dunno they did get shiho and an to 5th lims when len got to 3 though so anything goes atp.
if it's a mixed event i think all OC is most likely unless they decide they hate len fans. i had the old 1-B duo down plus Haruka because they're like the most in need of lims right now. all i know is that if it's mixed haruka there's no way haruka isn't lim. usually 11 months is the max between lims aside from that one time with kanade. nene is also most likely for mixed event right now i think, or maybe emu (i think if it is a perm rui unit event then it would have emu as gacha considering how they seem to be trying to balance out how many times characters appear on each other's banners). having 3 mixed events in a row kinda threw off the schedule so i dunno if seasonal events (read: vday/white day) are gonna be a thing this year, but if they are that knocks out akito and probably minori. actually wait considering the time of year there's probably a cultural festival event coming up. miyajou doesn't really work for that though. yeah haruka isn't getting a lim i need to give up on the 11 months thing MMJ lims don't work, miyajou lims don't work. Kamikou 2-A Nene banner...? eh that doesn't really work either. Rui/Emu/Nene wxs banner maybe that works best right now. either way 6 lims might actually happen. i've lost track of what i'm saying take this
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this is probably so so wrong but i'm too tired for logical thinking right now oh shit haruka already had a new years lim idk what we're doing with her anymore. also toya and an being reward on VBS could mean they have 4*s soon which kinda backs my kamikou cultural fes spec. i dunno. i'm gonna stop now
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little-lanterns · 10 months
Took a peek at twitter and
Imo the problem isn't the fact they already planned attendance event before or not, it is the reward. If it was only some lunacy like before people will ignore it. So they had to pick something that will be hard for people to miss out.
Considering it is molar office ids, it is hard to tell if it will be regular id or seasonal id. If it was regular id players will ignore it and buy it anytime they want, but if it was seasonal it will be harder to miss as by the time the attendance event ends, new season would (almost) start.
Since the beginning, Limbus has a very small gacha poll on 000 ids, making it super easy to get specific id you want. Which is why they release so many non-seasonal new id starting season 2 and making buying them harder with uptie 4 update. So it shocked (not really actually) me when they would put free 000 id as reward.
ONE whole month attendance to get the big rewards on the very last day is like gacha games 101 on how to bait your player to keep on playing, I just find it sad and pathetic...
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freyalise · 21 hours
i play more gacha games than most people, by that i mean i play about three regularly full time and then occasionally i play genshin impact. i do think that if you want to play a gacha game, doing dailies is pretty crucial if you want to get all of the characters you want, which has its own problems. that being said, all of the gacha games worth playing are set up so that you don't need all of the top tier characters to experience the story, and if you do dailies (and by extension, the regular events) you should get enough currency to pull for all the characters you want within reason. here's the breakdown of my usual rotation
doing dailies in all three gacha games i play usually takes about thirty minutes per day collectively, because for the most part all of the dailies can be done automatically. like you need to set up what you are doing but the game plays itself after that. at that point i can just watch a video or browse tumblr which feels like more of a waste of time than my gacha games.
of the gacha games i play regularly i want to say that i've spent about $40 of real person money throughout their entire lifetime. i have never spent money on granblue fantasy. i've bought one battle pass and one monthly pass in honkai star rail ($15 total). i buy the monthly passes in arknights pretty regularly but i use google play rewards money for that so i'm usually only out $0-2 per month, with $0 being more common. that is to say, the amount of money i've spent on gacha is less than the cost of shipping arknights merch from china, and far less than the amount of money i spent on final fantasy xiv subscriptions in the four-ish years i played that game
i have most of the key characters in granblue fantasy and about 80% of the top rarity characters in both star rail and arknights, again primarily through just playing the game, and i was seasonal until i joined a crew a couple months ago
as far as actual time investment beyond dailies go, it's still probably less than playing an mmo. reading an arknights event takes about 5-6 hours because those are novel length, reading a granblue event takes about 1-2 hours because those are more short story length, and star rail story updates are somewhere in between. even so this happens like once a month tops with some misc gameplay events happening in between. like star rail just came out with their monthly event and it took me like two hours tops to finish it and even then i was doing it while watching youtube and eating lunch
i don't know why i felt the need to type all of this up because the people who post about how gacha games are dragging unsuspecting children into gambling addictions will never care or perhaps accuse me of being in the pocket of Big Gacha. it does feel good to get good pulls and all of them do let you buy more pulls, yes. but all of these games have some way of guaranteeing a character so it's not even really gambling at that point, just working towards a goal you've set for yourself. but saying that if you've ever had fun playing a gacha game you're setting yourself up for a gambling addiction just makes you sound like a weirdo puritan talking about dopamine being bad for you
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radexchangeprogram · 1 year
Ok ok- this post is gonna be me talking about my thoughts about the new game and such.
I will be honest, a big reason I haven’t been writing is bc I’ve been burnt out with Obey Me bc of the direction of the writing, but this game makes me really hopeful.
I’ve seen some people say that they think this will be a pre-mc game and that Solomon will be the MC, but I don’t see them going that direction. Solmare’s whole thing is otome games and I think a big draw Obey Me had/has is that self insert element. However, I definitely think Solomon will play a much bigger role in the game.
I think the game is going to be a series reboot.
long post w spoilers below the cut
Here’s why:
Obey Me is a lot more successful than many other of Solmare’s ips. This isn’t to say their other games don’t have fans, but Obey Me is definitely a lot larger. I don’t think they were expecting Obey Me to get this big when they were initially writing the story.
I think when the game first blew up, Solmare probably resorted right to pushing more of that fan service and provided quantity over quality to make fans happy, which I get it, it’s an otome game and a lot of us like fanservice. But I think they realized it’s a lot harder to write when you’re trying to please everyone at once and it’s a lot harder to maintain consistent fans.
Gacha games get a lot of their funding off of whales. I will be honest, I used to whale in Obey Me. I had the money and tbh, I was very impulsive. I have not opened the game since the anniversary and before the anniversary, I had not opened it in months. And I imagine many other people who are still fans have been doing the same.
I think Solmare realized this and has been trying to fix it (e.g., having events focus more on one character as opposed to shoving every character possible in there), but with the way the main story is structured, there isn’t much more they can do to make it flow well.
I think the story will definitely involve RAD and the exchange program, we can see Thirteen in the trailer at RAD.
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Image taken from @animepikagirl
Solmare has also been very good about listening to the options of fans (compared to a lot of other companies of the same genre) and I know a lot of fans have been very vocal about being disappointed in recent stories and the lack of character development.
As much as it pains me to say, I think Satan is the best example of how poorly they’ve handled their characters. The poor man has been flanderized to hell and back. Compared to his season 1 self which talked about his love of cats while still giving him a personality and exploring his psyche, and you’ll see that it’s been reduced down to him purely loving cats. Even as early as season 2, he started really getting reduced down to that (e.g., the reaper’s cave. It was a funny season where he pet the trap cat and wasn’t the worst example, but I think it highlights when the writing started to go downhill). I think they realized the flanderizing has become a major issue and want to avoid it in the new series. I may be biased because Satan is my favorite character, but he was name dropped in the hints.
Another character that I think they will probably want to do better with is Asmodeus. Given that he’s pactmates with Solomon and Solomon was name dropped in the hints, I think he will also play a much bigger role in the story. Obey Me has done fuck all with Asmo despite him having the potential to be one of the most uniquely written characters. @/Neocoded has a lot of posts about how Obey Me has fucked Asmo fans over with it’s frankly poor writing and tbh, they also have a lot of posts that talk about the really cool potential Asmo could have as a character if handled correctly.
Overall, I’m very hopeful that this new game is going to be Solmare showing that they’ve learned from the writing mistakes they made in Obey Me:SWD. I think now that they have a bigger budget and likely bigger team, they’ll be able to invest more in the quality of their content to maintain their fanbase better. I’ve been playing this game for 3 years this month, I started playing 2 months after launch. This series is still very special to me but I want to see it improve instead of settling for frankly mediocre writing. This is not meant to bash any of the writers or Solmare, but is simply my honest opinion in how the quality of the writing tanked after season 1 and how I believe this new game will be Solmare showing the fanbase that they want to take the franchise in a new direction.
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tales-of-asteria · 1 year
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[Special Gacha] Sweet Season Duration: 1/30 (Mon) 16:00 ~ 2/17 (Fri) 15:59
Chance to get Bond Awakening enabled 5☆ Mint [Sweet Season], Rinwell [Sweet Season], Kratos [Sweet Season] and Emil [Sweet Season].
The already-running awakening partners Cress, Law, Lloyd and Richter can be used to awaken Mint, Rinwell, Kratos and Emil respectively.
✶ This gacha features a 5 Step Up gacha, where you pay a discounted rate to draw 10 characters and continuously raise your chances of pulling a 5☆. Steps will not be resetted even if you get a featured 5☆.
✶ You will also get rewards after a certain number of steps, and with the 15th you will be able to choose one of the featured characters (you need a total of 660 Asteria Stones to reach the 15th step).
In this gacha will also reappear other Bond Awakening enabled 5☆ characters. The rates of this gacha’s featured characters will be higher than other 5☆.
A special pick up event will be held, where one of the featured characters will have the summon rate higher than the others on certain days:
Mint: from 2/1 (Wed) 16:00 to 2/4 (Sat) 15:59
Rinwell: from 2/4 (Sat) 16:00 to 2/7 (Tue) 15:59
Kratos: from 2/7 (Tue) 16:00 to 2/10 (Fri) 15:59
Emil: from 2/10 (Fri) 16:00 to 2/13 (Mon) 15:59
For the event, the single daily pull will cost 3 Asteria Stones instead of 5.
There’s also the paid option to get a 5☆ character with a multi-roll.
(More on Awakening here, and on Bond Awakening here)
Characters artes and skills details:
Dark 5☆ Mint Adenade
Stats at LV80 HP: 23,000 | Power: 2,200 | Defense: 2,240
Mystic Arte: タイムストップ Time Stop Delays all enemies' turn by 1 | OL: 50
Arte1 - ナース Nurse Heals all by 30% | Activation: 30%
Arte2 - ピコピコハンマー Pow Pow Hammer Power: 300% (Target: All) | Hits: 6 | Activation: 50%
Arte3 - シャープネス Sharpness Dark attack +40% | Activation: 20%
Co-op skill: Magic Defense Boost 8 (defense type) Increases magic defense by 105%  for 180 seconds. (wait time 06:00)
Dark 6☆ Mint Adenade
Stats at LV80 HP: 26,600 | Power: 2,500 | Defense: 2,570
EX Skill: If a dark party member is on a recovery frame, it will recover an additional 40%, if it's on an Attack boost frame, the frame' s attack boost effect will be increased by 70%
Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): Time Stop Delays all enemies' turn by 1 | OL: 50 Bond Awakening Bonus: Heals (Self) by 50%
Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): タイムストップ Time Stop Party Heal: Delays all enemies' turn by 1, and 100% of the whole party hit counter will be carried over the next attack turn | OL: 75 (50+25) Bond Awakening Bonus: Dark members' attack 50% (1 turn)
Arte effects added by Bond Awakening:
Arte1 - ナース Nurse Heals (Self) by 30%
Arte2 - ピコピコハンマー Pow Pow Hammer Break gauge damage +50%
Arte3 - シャープネス Sharpness Own defense +80% (1 turn)
(Co-op skill is the same as the 5☆)
Wind 5☆ Rinwell
Stats at LV80 HP: 24,200 | Power: 2,060 | Defense: 2,260
Mystic Arte: 白薙・神鳴 Beatific Deus Roar Power: 300% (Target: Single) | Hits: 57 | OL: 20 (high hit & fast OL type)
Arte1 - マジックチャージ Magic Cancel Wind defese +40% | Activation: 40%
Arte2 - コンセントレートオール Concentrate All Wind attack +40% | Activation: 40%
Arte3 - シャープネスオール Sharpness All Wind member's critical rate +10% and critical damage +30% | Activation: 20%
Co-op skill: Fast Appeal Target 8 + Luck Heal (defense type) Slightly increases the chances to be targeted by the enemy. Also, there is a 25% chance of recovering 20% HP。 (wait time 00:21)
Wind 6☆ Rinwell
Stats at LV80 HP: 28,700 | Power: 2,340 | Defense: 2,530
EX Skill: At the beginning of the turn, adds 6 points to the wind members' OL gauge if their HP are at 100%
Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): 白薙・神鳴 Beatific Deus Roar Power: 300% (Target: Single) | Hits: 57 | OL: 20 (high hit & fast OL type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Hit count +8
Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): 白薙・神鳴 Beatific Deus Roar Power: 300% (Target: Single) | Hits: 125 | OL: 50 (20+30) (high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Hit count +15
Arte effects added by Bond Awakening:
Arte1 - マジックチャージ Magic Cancel Heals the wind members by 30%
Arte2 - コンセントレートオール Concentrate All Heals the wind members by 30%
Arte3 - シャープネスオール Sharpness All Wind members' attack +80% (activated turn)
(Co-op skill is the same as the 5☆)
Water 5☆ Kratos Aurion
Stats at LV80 HP: 23,400 | Power: 2,060 | Defense: 2,340
Mystic Arte: シャイニング・バインド Holy Binds Power: 310% (Target: Single) | Hits: 84 | OL: 45 (high hit type)
Arte1 - 斬光時雨 Sword Rain: Beta Power: 210% (Target: Single) | Hits: 10 | Activation: 55%
Arte2 -  ヒールストリーム Healing Stream Recovers all members from abnormal statuses and heals by 30% | Activation: 30%
Arte3 - 驟雨双破斬 Raging Tiger Blade Power: 270% (Target: All) | Hits: 17 | Activation: 15%
Co-op skill: Physical Attack Boost 8 (attack type) Increases physical attack by 105%  for 180 seconds. (wait time 06:00)
Water 6☆ Kratos Aurion
Stats at LV80 HP: 27,200 | Power: 2,310 | Defense: 2,710
EX Skill: Increases the water members' defense by 2000, and has 70% chance to prevent paralysis
Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): シャイニング・バインド Holy Binds Power: 310% (Target: Single) | Hits: 84 | OL: 45 (high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Own defense +100% (1 turn)
Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): シャイニング・バインド Holy Binds Power: 310% (Target: Single) | Hits: 150 | OL: 85 (45+40) (high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Water members' attack +100% (activated turn)
Arte effects added by Bond Awakening:
Arte1 - 斬光時雨 Sword Rain: Beta Heals the water members by 15%
Arte2 - ヒールストリーム Healing Stream +10 points to own OL gauge
Arte3 - 驟雨双破斬 Raging Tiger Blade Inflicts poison to all enemies (3 turns)
(Co-op skill is the same as the 5☆)
Earth 5☆ Emil Castagnier
Stats at LV80 HP: 20,700 | Power: 2,430 | Defense: 2,240
Mystic Arte: 魔王獄炎波 Devil's Hellfire Power: 500% (Target: Single) | Hits: 7 | OL: 20 (fast OL charge type)
Arte1 - 虎乱蹴 Ravaging Tiger Power: 210% (Target: All) | Hits: 3 | Activation: 50%
Arte2 - 砕覇双撃衝 Dual Death Power: 280% (Target: All) | Hits: 4 | Activation: 30%
Arte3 - 襲爪岩斬破 Quake Assault Power: 340% (Target: Single) | Hits: 7 | Activation: 20%
Co-op skill: Fast Earth Attack 9 + Chain Plus (attack type) Performs an earth physical attack with 120% of power. Also, the chain counter number will increase by 10 (only if the chain is active). (wait time 00:15)
Earth 6☆ Emil Castagnier
Stats at LV80 HP: 23,700 | Power: 2,830 | Defense: 2,540
EX Skill: When an earth party member is on a frame with an Attack UP buff on it, the frame's boost effect will be increased by 80%, if it's on a OverLimit boost frame, the gauge will be powered with an addition of 4 (points)
Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): 魔王獄炎波 Devil's Hellfire Power: 500% (Target: Single) | Hits: 7 | OL: 20 (fast OL charge type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Arte power +60%
Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): 魔王獄炎波 Devil's Hellfire Power: 1100% (Target: Single) | Hits: 7 | OL: 70 (20+50) (finish type) Bond Awakening Bonus: +13 points to own OL gauge
Arte effects added by Bond Awakening:
Arte1 - 虎乱蹴 Ravaging Tiger Heals the earth members by 15%
Arte2 - 砕覇双撃衝 Dual Death +3 points to the earth members' OL gauge
Arte3 - 襲爪岩斬破 Quake Assault Earth members' attack +40% (2 turns)
(Co-op skill is the same as the 5☆)
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Kingdom Headline, 2/7/24: Beast-Yeast Episode 2 - “Theater of Lies”
⚙️ Sheesh, 3 years already? Guess their economic outlook in this era of gacha saturation’s gotten them very far, especially with the amount of burnout that hit the upper management Cookies here last Cookiemas. This is actually the 3rd Cookie Run 3rd Anniversary that Meringue’s been through. And if you think my count’s off, think again. Puzzle World’s also more than 3 years old, but that anniversary (and their 4th) went silent because essentially nobody but me talks about that game. But since we’re all here, why not make a month out of it?!
Estimated Duration for all Undated Events and Banners: 2/7 - 2/29
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Main Events (Including Part 1)
3rd Anniversary Festival - Step right up and join the party with a myriad of games filled with prizes!
White Lily Cookie’s Daily Gifts - 14 days of valuable rewards and new resources. Log in every day to get resources that get you closer to meeting White Lily Cookie: one of the Anniversary’s main prizes.
Mystic Gold: Midsummer Night’s Forest Spirits - A Temporary Shop featuring Mystic gold variants of the two new Legendary Costumes
The new resources, Emerald Pins and Brilliant Rainbow Crystals, are withheld behind other events and in packages
Emerald Pins will be converted into Brilliant Rainbow Crystals after the season ends (10 pins -> 1 crystal)
Brilliant Rainbow Crystals can be spent on returning Mystic costumes in any season
Explore Beast-Yeast! (Ends 3/27) - Clear stages in World Exploration’s Beast-Yeast continent for milestone rewards with new resources up to 75 stages cleared!
Beascuits Event - Get acquainted with the new Beascuits with some new tasks to get ahead!
Lovely Choco Boxes - Mystery boxes filled with random rewards. Open them using Melting Sweet Hearts you can get from your friends!
Melting Sweet Hearts! - Send gifts filled with Melting Sweet Hearts to get milestone rewards featuring a new icon and title!
Silver Kingdom Adventures (Permanent Until Finished) - Get Crystals for clearing stages in the first two episodes of Beast-Yeast for the first time in any difficulty!
Bounty Missions - Today’s Bounties have been updated! Win battles to get milestone rewards including one Star Jelly Concentrate Level 80 to max out a Cookie to the new level cap of 80!
Seasonal Modes
White Lily Pass - An Event Pass with missions and rewards. Includes a premium track including White Lily Cookie’s Soulstones for $14.99
Skirmish Raid - Circus of Shadows - Dare you step into this twisted circus of dark fantasy and illusion? Form three teams and brace yourself for a show unlike any other!
Kingdom Arena - New Frontiers Season 1 (Ends 2/20)
Gift Month - 🫖🗡️ Tea Knight Cookie (Ends 2/21)
Guild Battle - Destiny’s Wrath Season 10
10-3 (2/7 - 2/13)
10-4 (2/14 - 2/20)
Cookie Alliance Season 2-3 (Ends 2/12)
Cookie & Gacha Features
❔ White Lily Cookie - Light of Freedom Nether Gacha
A theory deemed impossible because of the witnessed events from the Tower of Sweet Chaos, the fact that this skill was teased in the TUTORIAL said otherwise. Her skill does area damage that increases with every buff she has, and ensnares enemies in immobilizing vines with bonus aftereffects and extra damage once dispelled or if the target is immune. Her passive can heal and purify her entire team after getting enough debuffs, although activating the buffs gained with this passive is linked with using her skill.
🌷🏹 Silverbell Cookie - Featured Banner
One of the Faeries of the forest. His skill provides DMG Resist and healing over time that scales with buffs held by his teammates while also providing a DPS/stun debuff on enemies damaged by his skill.
Activates bonus passives when Mercurial Knight Cookie is on the same team.
🧚‍♂️🥄 Mercurial Knight Cookie - Featured Banner (Ends 3/13)
The Commander of the Silver Tree Knights. Gains new powers when using his skill. While his skill is active, he heals extra damage (plus damage relative to Max HP for Cookies) and inflicts Mercury Poisoning with each attack. His Final Strike at the end of his skill deals big damage that increases based on his targets’ stacks of Mercury Poisoning (this is damage relative to Max HP for Cookies).
His passive gives him a stack of Amalgamation every second and whenever he gets a debuff. After gaining 60 stacks, he dispels all his debuffs and enters Mercury Storm mode for temporarily increased ATK, ATK SPD, and Max HP. He can’t gain Amalgamation stacks while Mercury Storm is active.
Activates bonus passives when Silverbell Cookie is on the same team.
3rd Anniversary Deluxe Gacha
Anniversary gacha with increased odds for Super Epic+ Cookies and a guaranteed Super Epic+ Cookie every 150 pulls. Only accessible with special gacha tickets found in events and the shop.
Pure Vanilla Cookie’s Viridescent Daydream & White Lily Cookie’s Moonflower Faerie Legendary Costume Gacha
Features a special Title for collecting both costumes
Lunar New Year Special Hanbok Costumes
The Lunar New Year Hanbok Special Costumes for Almond Cookie, Dark Choco Cookie, Oyster Cookie, Moon Rabbit Cookie, Cherry Cookie, and Macaron Cookie are back again! They’ll disappear again with the banner once this update ends.
👻 Blackberry Cookie - Buffed
Blackberry Cookie’s skill now grants an ATK SPD buff and HP Shield in addition to her existing CRIT% buff. This further cements her status as one of the best Rare Cookies in the game!
Major Update Features (Includes Part 1)
Beascuits - Adds extra bonuses to your Cookies
Today’s Bounties - Updated and organized to include new rewards.
Each boss now has a different reward… Skill Powders now stand solely with the Labyrinth Tactician!
Daily attempts increased from 3 to 6, Kingdom Pass increases this cap to 9
Bonus rewards awarded on a given boss on a given day of the week (Sugar Gnome Laboratory technologies that increase rewards apply their bonuses after the daily bonus)
New/Returning players have an extra, temporary bonus on top of the existing bonuses
Added 2.5x Game Speed to standard and arena battles
Cookie and Skill max level increased to 80
Level cap is reachable after achieving Kingdom level 45
Simplified animations for Tree of Wishes, Bear Jelly Balloon, and Bear Jelly Train
Added Cancel button for Balloon Expeditions
You won’t get your Stamina Jellies back if you cancel an expedition
Added scroll bar on the Cookie list screen
Arena Fast-Forward
Allows you to advance to the tier group below last season’s highest tier
Tower of Sweet Chaos now CLOSED.
Searing Keys converted to 500 Coins per key
Related events & achievements now closed
TOSC Package contents will be delivered in full regardless of Tower progress
Unlock TOSC BGM by clearing World Exploration - Crispia, 4-12 in Story Mode
Sugar Gnome Laboratory: Maximum Searing Keys & Searing Key Recharge -> Bounties: More Star Jellies & Bounties: More Coins. Technology levels and costs remain the same.
All TOSC cutscenes in Pastry Cookie’s story are now immediately unlocked for all players in the Tower of Records for free
Added customizable Profile Backgrounds and Badges
Crème Brûlée Cookie and Linzer Cookie’s Soulstones are now in the Mileage Shop
World Exploration: Beast-Yeast
The biggest feature of this anniversary is the new addition of the Beast-Yeast continent. Unlock it by clearing stage 8-30 on Crispia (the preexisting level series through Goddess of Eternal Gold)
Level Explanations coming soon
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hananoami · 3 months
[ Senior Hunter Contest ] Team A: Round 4
After many close attempts I managed to 2-medal Round 4 with my A-team!
Truthfully, my violet/pearl build isn't the best. At the start of this Senior Hunter Contest season I was only able to clear this round with 0-medal. Then with the help of the Heartfelt Gifts' stamina rewards I was able to farm better protocores, and with a little bit of luck rolled some decent stats. It was expensive gold wise and took a lot of core energy resources, but the results it yielded was more than worth it as I've gained 1-medal by re-clearing the round with more than 30s left on the timer. I was pretty content with having earned that 1-medal. This would have brought my personal best at 34/36 medals earned this season. However, I wanted to see if I could push one more medal by clearing it with more than 60 seconds left on the timer. Was it possible? I thought so. I had some friends review my game play footage to see what else I could do in order to improve - like timeline mapping, what skills I should use at what time, and pointed out any mistakes I might have made (like holding abilities when I shouldn't have and when to, etc). It was so cooked. Their constructive criticism and extra pair of eyes truly helped me. As you can see from the video it was a super tight clear. I got super lucky with Rafayel's support attack at the last second -clearing at exactly 1:00 left on the timer. I don't think it's possible for me to get 3-medals on this fight. It was already a struggle to get 2... With that said, I think I'm done with my attempts this season. Ending with 35/36 medal already blows my mind.
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I'll write up an end of the season post with all of my progression notes in a single thread when this season officially concludes on Sunday or Monday. This post is longer than I originally planned, but I don't want to forget this moment or the events that lead up to this achievement. Days cooking up strats and streaming attribute stat gacha rolls... I'm really grateful for the friends that I have for helping me with all of this. I'll also never forget how they were surprised to see this type of combat, especially after I told them this was an otome gacha game. xd
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