#seeing your progress is so interesting and the way you never shy away from supporting others and reblog their works is so so awesome!!!!
yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 years
You're an awesome person, and though I say it (almost) every time I reblog your art, I'm gonna say it again. Your art is so good and awesome and pretty! And they way you improved is always so cool and amazing!
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DRAG!!! you sweet sweet kind amazing friend omg!!! :'Dc <3333
you've always been a constant from even BEFORE my blog so i don't know how you think you can just go around saying i'm cool when you're a thousand times more fantastic yourself!!! you absolute wonderful bean don't you ever think i don't think the same about your art if not more!! <3333333
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dazed--xx · 6 months
🌅Someone You Loved🌅
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Summary: Now the day bleeds, Into nightfall; And you're not here, To get me through it all. I let my guard down; And then you pulled the rug…..I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
Member: Changbin x Reader
T/W: Friend Break Up(cause romantic break ups ain't the only type that is heartbreaking), arguments, crying, heartbreak, ANGST…, swearing, yelling, sad ending, ghosting, problem avoidance, flirty behavior, mentions of one night stand, mentions of friend with benefits relationships, innuendos, brutal honesty
Word Count: 3.2K
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I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me. This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy. I need somebody to heal, Somebody to know, Somebody to have, Somebody to hold; It's easy to say, But it's never the same…..
“You sure you don't want me to just kick his ass?” Changing questions with a frustrated groan. You sat on your bed, shaking your head as you chuckled. “For canceling a date? Bin, that's pretty irrational….” Changing sucked his teeth as he caressed your cheek softly, his thumb brushing over your bottom lip “He canceled 10 minutes before he was supposed to pick you up. You're hotter than him and he basically stood you up. Why am I more upset about this than you are?” Changing questions in disbelief. You roll your eyes, your hand wrapping around his wrist pulling his hand from your cheek. Changing takes your hand in his, and you feel your heart race at his action.
As you look into your best friend's eyes you let out a heavy sigh “Cause I didn't expect too much from him in to begin with. We were only going on this stupid date because our parents set it up in the first place. I'm not worried about it.” Changing scoffs in response “Doesn't mean you weren't excited….” you smirk at him and wink “Is that jealousy I'm hearing?” you lean into his frame so your chests are almost touching. Changbin counters by brushing his nose over yours his hand wrapping around your waist as he pulls you into him. “You wish…” He states with a wink as he pulls away from you.
You try to fight the blush that creeps in your cheeks as you lean across your bed grabbing a throw pillow and tossing it at Changbin. “Not fair! You caught me off guard!” you whine as he catches the pillow just before it hits him in the face “Hey! Weapons is cheating! And it's not my fault you're an easy target…” Changbin smirks.
“You're an ass, why do I hang out with you?”
“Because you love me.” Changbin chides as he kisses your cheek softly. He pats your shoulder as he pulls on his jacket “But I gotta go so I'll see you later, brat. Since you were stood up go to Yaris party tonight. She won't shut up about it” You nod at his words giving him a side hug before he makes his way out of your room closing the door behind him.
As soon as you're alone you hold your cheek with a shy smile. Your face grows a bright shade of scarlet as you place your hand on your chest. Your heart races as that familiar giddy feeling fills you. Changbin had been your best friend for years now and in that time you’d grown to adore and enjoy every part of his flirtatious and kind personality. He'd always known how to make you feel special and understood; it was no surprise when you realized your feelings for him, two years ago. Not wanting to ruin your friendship you opted to crush on him silently and love him from afar. But recently, he's been way more…..excited? Forward? Interested? You weren't sure but what you did know, was he seemed brighter recently. He walked with his head held higher and his eyes shined brighter, and you felt selfish hoping you were the reason for that.
For so long, Changbin had been your rock, your support system, and your laughter; you hoped eventually things would progress into something more one day. You had been with him through relationships and hobbies, the changing of the seasons, and family events. You prayed that your involvement in his lift cemented your place in his heart. If things continued to go this well, hopefully you'd confess soon.
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I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain. Now the day bleeds into nightfall, and you're not here to get me through it all. I let my guard down, and then you pulled the rug…….
The music blared through the speakers. A sea of sweaty bodies dancing and shoving each other as you danced with your friend, Yari. She gripped your hand as she pulled you away from the crowd and made her way toward the kitchen. You laugh enthusiastically as you shuffle around the sea of people making out or talking until you finally make it into the kitchen. Yari smiled brightly at two handsome guys, giving them bright smiles as she pulled them into tight hugs. One stood with an awkward smile as Yari kept her arms wrapped around his neck. His tall stature making her stand on her toes, the other guy chuckled as he shook his head. His plump lips wrapped around the rim of the red solo cup as he takes a sip of what you could only assume was beer. “Oh my god! You came!” Yari beams cheerfully. “Y/N this is Soobin…” she gestures to the guy she was currently clinging to then extends her left hand to the other guy “and that's Yeonjun” you smile at both the boys kindly.
Your interest is peaked when the one Yari introduced as Yeonjun blushes slightly as his plump lips curl into a charming smile. “Hey…” He greets his voice oozing confidence and charisma. Your cheeks heat up “H-hey…” you stammer shyly. You reach over to the fridge pulling out a bottle of beer. Your irritation grows when you feel someone shove into you from behind; a soft feminine voice calls from behind you “Binnie, be careful…” I turn around with confusion etched onto my features as I'm greeted by the sight of my best friend. I laugh in realization “You know I almost killed you right?” you joke. Changbin scoffs as he crosses his arms over his chest “You'd have to catch me first”
“Is that a challenge?”
“For someone that spends negative twenty minutes exercising all her life?” He prods his eyebrow raised when the same petite voice calls from beside Changbin. Only then did you notice the pixie-like girl who stood beside your best friend. She stood at what looked like a firm 5 foot 3, with a curvy build. Her cheeks were full and prominent. Her brown hair laid beautifully straight down her back. Her most distinguishable feature was the clear Heterochromia she had. Her left eye sat with a chocolate brown color but her right eye was a vibrant sapphire blue. She looked almost like something out of a video game. “You must be Y/N, Binnie talks about you all the time” She giggles as she extends her hand toward you cheerfully “I'm Im Ae-Ra” She introduces, you stare at her hand dumbfounded for a moment before taking hold of it and greeting her “Y-Yeah…I'm Y/N” you laugh awkwardly. “It's nice to meet you, though a little heads up would have been nice…” you grit as you glare at Changbin who mouths an apology. Ae-ra smiles brightly as she wraps her arm around Changbin’s waist. You stare at her in confusion.
Who was she?
Why is she all over Changbin?
Why is she calling him Binnie?
Your heart sinks as Changbin wraps his arm around her waist pulling her close as he kisses her cheek “So, Babe, this is my best friend, and Y/N this is my girl” Changbin introduces haphazardly as he grabs two beers out of the fridge behind you. You shuffle so that you're leaning on the counter; feeling jealousy bubble in your gut as you notice the hint of scarlet decorating Ae-ra’s cheeks.
His girl? What type of fuckboy—you think to yourself—when the hell?
You can't help the confused scowl on your expression as Changbin hands Ae-ra a beer; whispering something in her ear which makes her giggle. You felt your blood boil as the pair continued to flirt in front of you. Your attention is pulled away from the pair when you feel someone's arm resting on your back as their hand sits on the counter behind you. You look to the right following the arm only to come face-to-face with Yeonjun. Your eyes widen slightly as you notice his proximity. A blush forms in your cheeks as you take in his devilishly handsome looks. “Sorry, my phone is next to you..” He smirks, his voice is sultry as he leans in a little closer and your heart pounds in your chest. He gives you a flirty smile as he removes his hand from behind your back, revealing his phone now in his grasp “Yeonjun…” He introduces again “In case you didn't catch my name…” he explains with a seductive smirk.
“Y-Y/N…” you stammer.
“I know…” Your heart almost races out of your chest as he takes his thick bottom lip in between his teeth. “Yari’s friend, she disappeared with my friend Soobin shortly after introducing us” He states. You couldn't put your finger on it but something about the tone of his voice has you completely entranced. The pain you had felt previously slowly subsided as you continued to talk with Yeonjun. You couldn't feel how time moved as you and Yeonjun made your way toward the backyard through the sliding door in the kitchen. Your heart beat against your ribcage like a drum when you felt Yeonjun’s large hand encase your waist as a crowd shoves their way inside. Your hand rests on Yeonjun’s chest as he holds you against his tall slender frame. His blue hair cascading over his face as he glared at the crowd. Your mind filled with lustful sin filled thoughts as you stared up at him.
You sit on the patio bench beside Yeonjun, his left arm laying on the back of the couch around you as you two continue to talk about everything under the sun. You quickly established a connection with Yeonjun as you two laughed about the most recent drama you had both watched. Suddenly you heard the sound of the sliding glass door open and Changbin comes barreling out with Ae-ra’s hand firmly grasped in his. “There you are, brat.” Changbin cheers as he makes his way over to you “you ready to go? I can give you a ride I'm about to head out..” you stare at Changbin bewildered as you struggle to find words. “Aww, you're leaving?” Yeonjun whines with a pout. “I won't have a ride otherwise” you give him a sad smile. “I can bring you home” Yeonjun suggests as he lifts his left hand from behind you using it to play with your hair as he tilts his head flirtatiously. You bite your lip as you contemplate his offer.
“Y/N? You coming?” Changbin asks. “You can go ahead Ill make sure she gets home safe” Yeonjun states kindly to Changbin trying to wave him off. You nod enthusiastically “yeah Junnie will bring me home so you can go ahead.”
“Y/N, you've been drinking i don't think that's a good idea” Changbin argues as he glares at you and Yeonjun. “Bin, I had one drink way over an hour ago I'll be fine” you protest. Changbin’s face contorts to an expression you don't recognize as he goes to speak “But—Babe, she said she'll be fine. Let her have some fun, you said she's always cooped up at home” Ae-ra cuts Changbin’s protests off. You smile at Yeonjun as Changbin stammers to Ae-ra, Yeonjun takes your hand “Wanna get out of here?” you nod allowing him to lead you out of the party.
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I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to turn to. This all or nothing way of loving got me sleeping without you. Now, I need somebody to know, Somebody to heal, Somebody to have, Just to know how it feels. It's easy to say but it's never the same; I guess I kinda liked the way you helped me escape….
It had been one week since the party.
The morning after you had woken up in Yeonjun’s bed, feeling utterly embarrassed you tried to escape unnoticed. But thanks to your graceful nature you stumble while you were putting your pants on, waking the sleeping boy in the process. “Running away from potential problems is like your superpower. You know that?” Yeonjun jokes behind tired eyes recalling one of your previous conversations you had about your feelings for Changbin. If only he knew how right he truly was…. You thought to yourself as you took a sip of your coffee. You had cut off all contact with Changbin after the night of the party. You weren't exactly sure how to handle the news, especially when you had walked out of your door that Sunday and found the pair making out on Changbin’s porch. Your heart ached with pain and jealousy. How you longed to know that feeling…..to experience that kiss. The taste of those lips.
How could he?
How could he play with your heart like that?
How could he do that to you? So suddenly?
No matter how long you thought about it; it just didn't make sense to you. Hours before the party Changbin was in your room, flirting with you like he always did then, all of a sudden, he has a girlfriend? How could you have been so stupid?
A quick succession of snaps in front of your eyes pull you out of your thoughts. “Earth to Y/N?” Yeonjun pouts “I understand that you don't actually like me…but this was supposed to be a date.” His voice is filled with whines as he lays his head on your shoulder. You roll your eyes at him “We're in the school cafeteria. If that's your idea of a date then I can see why your crush doesn't notice you” you jest as you take a bite of your pizza. Yeonjun shakes his head with an amused smile “rather have her not notice me than have her dangle some boyfriend she doesn't care about in front of me” You stick your tongue out at him “Swallow your food before you act like a child” Yeonjun scolds. You swallow the food in your mouth as you roll your eyes “yes dad”
“Anyway, so what are you saying? I'm good as a Changbin placeholder in your bed but not your heart?” Yeonjun raises his eyebrow as he grips your thigh possessively. You grasp his wrist halting his movements and placing his hand back on the table. “Behave…” You warn “And you're my friend not some placeholder for Changbin. You like someone else too don't make me feel guilty about it” Yeonjun rolls his eyes as he crosses his arms over his chest “I was joking, god. You're always so serious.” He whines as the bell rings “Want me to walk you?” he asks, you decline as you gather your stuff waving him off.
You slowly trudge your way to class when you see Changbin barreling over to you. Your heart races as he gets closer and closer making your chances for escape almost zero to none. You bite the inside of your cheek as he stands in front of you. “Where the hell were you this week?” He growls, you look away from him feeling embarrassment grow in your stomach. “I was busy, sorry” you apologize half-heartedly. Changbin’s jaw clenches at your nonchalance. “Busy?! Too busy to respond to my texts?! It takes two minutes max!” He scolds. You feel yourself growing angry at his words “Yeah, I was busy. I'll text you next time, I wanted a break” You lie. Changbin’s eyebrows raise “A break? Do you think I'm stupid? You've posted literally every day! Is it because you're dating Choi Yeonjun now? Does he not want you to talk to me?”
“I'm not dating Yeonjun. There honestly doesn't need to be a reason for me to want a break, Changbin.”
“I'm your best friend! What do you mean there doesn't have to be a reason? We've spent literally every single day together since we were in kindergarten; and now all of a sudden, you just ghosted me…for a week! And you have the nerve to say you don't need a fucking reason?!” Changbin fumes. Guilt fills your stomach.
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And I tend to close my eyes when it hurts sometimes; I fall into your arms. I'll be safe in your sound 'til I come back around. For now, the day bleeds into nightfall and you're not here to get me through it all. I let my guard down and then you pulled the rug….
You stared at him with a pitiful pout. “Bin, I'm sorry. You're right; I should explain…” you apologize. He stares you down, his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes narrowed into slits as he waits for you to explain. You sigh as you stare up at him hopefully “I-I…When…Well…” you stammer, struggling to find the words. Changbin’s anger grows more and more evident as the seconds tick on. You struggled to find an explanation that doesn't put your feelings out there. “Well?” Changbin growls “I'm getting more and more pissed the longer you just stare at me with that stupid look on your face.” You look at the ground as you bite your lip “I've been avoiding you…b-because I like you, but you have Ae-ra so, I wanted to take some time to process that…” you explain breathlessly.
Changbin sat silently for a moment, his cheeks were blushed but his disapproving scowl remained. “If you would have fucking talked to me, you'd know that me and Ae-ra are nothing serious” Your eyes light up as he continues “You'd also know that I have feelings for you” Your heart pounds in your chest as butterflies fill your stomach as he speaks “But I won't do shit about it” He comments harshly. A look of horror fills your expression “Bin—No, Y/N.” he cuts you off, his tone full of a firm determination “Instead of fucking growing up and communicating with me; you avoided me and did whatever with Yeonjun. Which is so fucking petty and childish that I want nothing to do with you” You froze, you weren't prepared for him to say that.
He had never said anything like that to you before, you weren't sure how to respond. You felt tears well up in your eyes “Bin, you can't be serious…” your voice cracks as you step toward him. He takes a step back “But I am, you're ridiculously childish and I'm so tired of dealing with it. You say you like me, if you liked me then you wouldn't have just disappeared on me like that. You would have talked to me.”
“I'm sorry, you're not being fair right now” you cry.
“Were you being fair when you just abandoned me? I don't fucking care about being fair! Tell me how you feel toward me in a week and see if I'm being fucking fair or not!” He sneers as he walks away from you in frustration. You're left to stand there stunned. You laugh at the irony as tears stream down your cheeks.
I let my guard down and then you pulled the rug………I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved.
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Taglist: @yangbbokari @havenwithleeknow
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koos-kave · 1 year
The demon brothers with a main character (MC) with social anxiety
(bulleted headcanons on how each brother would react to an MC with social anxiety.) Gender neutral. MC is the reader. Slightly implied yandere (Belphie). Can be taken as platonic or romantic relationships.
•At first he assumed you were simply shaken up by suddenly being forced to adapt to life in a new realm.
•He knew humans were slow to adapt to new environments.
•The second one to notice there’s something… off about you.
•The way you froze up whenever anyone tried to talk to you.
•How you would always find a reason to quickly excuse yourself from any situation that required social interaction.
•He would go out of his way to help you with your schoolwork so you didn’t have to ask the instructors for help.
•He does everything he can to minimize the amount of interactions you have to have with others, but he’ll occasionally push you out of your comfort zone.
•He’ll be sure to reward you if you manage to successfully interact with one of your peers.
•He’s surprisingly soft with you, it’s probably because he thinks you’re extremely fragile. 
•He thought you were too enamored by his greatness to hold a proper conversation.
•The last to notice something is wrong with you. (Satan eventually points it out to him.)
•Mammon tries realllllyyy hard to look into this anxiety thing…
•Meaning he read half of an article and considered himself an expert on the matter.
•Will drag you to all kinds of parties to try and see if exposure can help ease your fear.
•He does all of the talking for you!
•He speaks up for you, advocating for you when you can’t find the courage to do so yourself.
•You’re his human, so it’s the least he can do…
•It’s not like he finds your shyness adorable!
•H-he doesn’t like you, not one bit!
•Knows almost immediately.
•He takes you under his wing.
•You share your little victories with each other.
•He thinks you’re just like one of his favorite anime characters.
•He feels like he can be brave when he’s near you, so expect him to hold your hand tightly when he’s advocating for you!
•You both support the other.
•He listens intently about all of your interests, they’ll soon become his own.
•He truly respects and admires you.
•Expect to become an anime fan of you aren’t already one…
•He understands your struggles, and willingly allows you to come to his sanctuary and unwind with Henry even if he’s not home. He trusts you that much.
•Oh, he’s going to enjoy this.
•”What’s wrong, MC, cat got your tongue?”
•He eventually realizes your problem is a bit more severe than he was expecting.
•…You weren’t just shy, you must have a serious case of social anxiety.
•He will be a shoulder to lean on, but be warned, he will push you out of your comfort zone much more often compared to Lucifer.
•He celebrates the small victories.
•He finds you adorable, perhaps even comparing you to a cat.
•He does his best to control his temper around you.
•He would never forgive himself if he scared you away…
•Tell him if someone is bullying you. He can make sure this person doesn’t bother you again.
•Like Lucifer, he will help you with your studies.
•He leaves little notes of encouragement in your room, they always make you smile after a particularly rough day.
‘You’re doing great, MC.
I truly believe you’ve been making progress.
Oh, today I saw a cute pair of cat socks and they reminded me of you.
Check under the bed.’
•That day you found a pair of fuzzy cat socks under your bed.
•”I know I take your breath away, but please talk to me…”
•”Ugh! You’re such a tease, you’re driving me crazy!”
•”I give you permission to speak to the most gorgeous demon in hell, me!”
•He is the second to last to realize something is wrong.
•First he thinks you’re intimidated by his beauty. (How could anybody not be~?)
•Next he assumes you’re barely talking to him just to be annoying.
•When realization hits, he feels absolutely ashamed of himself.
•He makes up for being so ignorant by doting over you.
•He… eventually realizes you don’t exactly like all of the extra attention…
•Like Mammon, he drags you to different clubs and parties to try and help expose you to social interaction.
•He introduces you to some friends of his that also struggle with anxiety. (Leviathan is one of them.)
•He’s the king of hyping you up, he compliments you constantly.
•”You ARE enough! Everyone will love you, and if they don’t… well, you have the most stunning demon in the Devildom by your side~!”
•He isn’t quick to catch on, only because he doesn’t really worry about what you act like. 
•He doesn’t let the fact you have social anxiety change his opinion about you.
•He’s not big on talking either, so you both find it easy to hang out together.
•He knows when you’re having a rough day. Expect a surprise hug if you’re having a rough day.
•He’ll take you out to eat if you’ve been making progress working on your anxiety, when you ask him why he sometimes takes you out to eat he smiles softly and shrugs.
•He never admits to knowing about your social anxiety, and he never brings up your social skills. 
•He’ll give you tickets to his sports match, knowing it’s a good chance for you to practice socializing.
•He’s always down for holding your hand or cuddling you if you ask.
•He doesn’t expect anything in return for subtly helping you, he just wants to see you happy.
•He will stand behind you like a bodyguard when he notices anyone picking on you. 
Belphegor (No attic in this case for convenience purposes):
•He teases you, borderline bullying you for being shy.
•When he realizes you actually have major social anxiety he doesn’t treat you any better, if anything the harassment becomes more frequent.
•You’re too scared to tell anybody about what Belphegor is doing to you. 
•One day a lower demon is bullying you for being unable to hold a proper conversation with him.
•He makes sure the lower demon knows that you’re his human, it’s his job to make your life hell. If anybody dares try to bully you they will face the consequences.
•Belphegor eventually decides to just walk you to school, escort you between classes, sit next to you at lunch, walk you back home, and even join all of the clubs you’re in- it’s easiest to make sure nobody is bothering you if he becomes your living shadow.
•Sometimes you swear you can see him smiling at you…
•He likes to nap beside you.
•He could never like a human.
•He’s just keeping you to himself so he has more time to harass you, right…?
Thank you so much for reading these headcanons!
I apologize for any spelling or grammatical errors, I’m the kind of person that jots things down quickly. That does mean that I rarely bother to check for mistakes.
I would love to hear some requests 💕 Feel free to leave random Obey Me thoughts in my requests too, I’ll share my personal thoughts on them!
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not-that-n · 7 months
I read like all of Sleepless Domain yesterday and it was pretty good, its one of those stories that I know will really resonate with some people even though it didn't with me. Don't take that comment wrong, I think the comic is great and has some pretty amazing ideas, I love the world it presents and I love how the characters inside it act in relation to that.
I like all those things about magical girls being celebrities and how that's a purposeful way of making the concept feel more abstract and surreal to the average public so that girls don't hesitate to participate in such a life threatening job and how the general culture of the place sees magical girls and their organization, but I think the most compelling aspect of the comic was how different circumstances, mainly the presence of a support group, affect two people that went through the same tragedy.
If this sounds interesting to you, please go read it, it is a pretty good story that I know will resonate with some people incredibly deeply. That said, beware spoilers below
Tessa if my favorite part of the comic because of how that character reflects Undine's situation. While Undine still is hurting the loss of her three friends she takes action, while shy she still tries to better herself, to make new friends, to make new relations and get help, it is stated that she goes to therapy something that seems, well, logical considering what she goes through but outside of that she shows progress in trying to move on from this tragedy. She keeps hidden a lot because, well, of course she does, talking about such a traumatic event is incredibly hard specially if you think that opening up might put your friends in danger, but even though she is scared of this, she does open up, to Kokoro and then to her other, new friends. She is afraid but she works to Kokoro, she accepts her proposal to participate in the training club, she is afraid but she makes new friendships.
Its also important to mention Kokoro and just how much I like her as a character, originally I thought she was just too emotionally intelligent and that it made Undine's journey a bit more plain but that's kinda the point. Kokoro's character is about how a single person can change someone's life for the better through kind acts. She does struggle like everyone does, she is insecure and she went too through a great loss. She keeps somethings bottled up because she is afraid of making things about herself, of being annoying to the people she wants to help. But she still opens up to Undine, afraid of course but she does it. She makes the club a friend group and everyone ( except one character ) is better for it. Kokoro made the club a support network for everybody involved and that's incredibly cute and heartwarming, this one person made the world such a better place for most of her friends as a result of being so kind.
Then, as a parallel, you have Tessa's story. Instead of, like Undine, trying to get help and establish new relations and a support group, Tessa isolates herself, not letting herself move from that tragedy. She makes new friends, Rue (I won't talk about Rue much but she is amazing) and the whiteboy she likes (I forgot his name lmao) but never really opens to them, every time someone tries to get closer or make a friendship with her, she runs away and even with Rue, someone she actually used to hang out quite a lot and were friends if not really close, she still keeps at an arms length, never talking about her issues, never opening up. When Rue attempts to get closer, Tessa ends up hurting her, saying some (in universe) horrible things to say and breaking that friendship, she is constantly avoiding Undine, not answering and purposefully calling at a time she knows she won't be at home, and when they meet up again she is distant, not opening up, waiting until she goes away to showcase any feelings of discomfort as showcased by the comic panels only beginning to shatter when Tessa is alone.
And I find this such an interesting juxtaposition of characters because Undine tries to move on, she does feel horrible about it, saying that she feels like things are finally becoming normal when after such a tragedy things should never feel that way, she like Tessa feels like she shouldn't be moving from that moment of loss, that doing such isn't grieving correctly her friends. But unlike Tessa she doesn't let those feelings win mainly because when she doubts, Kokoro is in there to help her, to lift her up, to be the shoulder to cry on. While Tessa just goes to the cemetery every day, never opening up, lying to people about her situation and just further isolating herself.
When Rue, after all that happens, still tries to do the right thing, recognizing both that there's no excuse for Tessa treating her that way but that she is going through something incredibly hard, and asks her if she is ok, asks her, in a way, to open up about her feeling so she could help, Tessa again says no, she says that she is fine and only wanted to be alone in that moment, that she didn't mean what she said. Something that actually might not be completely bullshit, she probably never doubted Rue's magical girl ability and wanted to be alone, to isolate herself even more, and just said that so Rue couldn't get closer, and I find interesting that Tessa, in a way, said the truth to justify the pretty obvious lie that she is ok.
I just really love this, presenting two different, opposite outcomes of how people deal with tragedy makes both stories feel both more heartwarming and more tragic, when you read about Tessa you remember Undine's story and, knowing that Tessa could be going through that, it feels like adding salt to the wound because you know she can be in a better place, and while reading Undine's story you always have Tessa's on the back of your mind, feeling more heartwarming because you know how her friends helped her and what would happened if they didn't.
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Ohh I've always wanted to start mealprepping but I get so demotivated finding what I want to eat for a whole week, do you maybe have any tips on how to get into it?
you, my friend, have just opened pandora's fridge
soooo i started meal prepping in march of this year at the same time as switching to an office job from retail and starting to go the gym. these decisions were for weight loss reasons (and have been very successful! i look and feel so good!) but i am immediately going to emphasize that there are a lot of benefits to meal prepping besides intentional weight loss. so much of what i've been doing would be the same if you were not trying to lose weight, you just wouldn't be thinking about like calorie deficits when choosing recipes (and if you're interested in weight loss, calories in calories out is your friend. set a reasonable number per day and pay attention to your body. if you're hungry, you're lowballing it. slow progress that sticks is better than fast progress that doesn't).
meal prepping can be really advantageous financially (and could be done less expensively than i do it tbh, i'm a sucker for the farmer's market), and as someone with adhd who lives alone it's incredible for my mental health. the way i meal prep is very structured around 1) my 8-4 weekday job and 2) the gym, so you'll need to figure out how to tailor that based on your schedule and interests.
all that aside, i'm super passionate about this and i've been learning so much these past months! i'm no expert and i was awful at cooking before (only ate frozen meals, snacks, and takeout honestly) but i feel like my relationship with food is the best it's even been in my life. food is GOOD. food that you've made with your own hands, that you've invested your time and effort in, is sosososo special. and if it sucks, at least you're learning what NOT to do! i have like a 85% success rate, and maybe 50-60% recipes are good enough to repeat.
i really treasure this entire ritual, even though it may seem overwhelming to do every single week. in terms of weight loss, i was never going to be someone who got healthy from heavy restriction or prescribed diets that are meant to distance a person from food. and it's funny because like, i would binge, but also HATE food so much for the hold it had over my body and mind. if you have a shitty relationship with food this might really help. i feel obligated to say that i do see a nutritionist, but she's not doing the cooking or recipe hunting or working out for me.
so my weekly meal prep calendar looks like this:
sunday - cooking day. like, for hours. i don't have a dishwasher so i'm doing a full sink of dishes at least three times. i sometimes have plans and can work around them, but i prefer to keep the day free. i imagine this would be trickier if you live with people, but then again i manage in a studio apartment with a kitchen the size of a grocery store checkout line, soooo
tuesday-thursday - research and making the shopping list! can be done on any or all of these days. i use justtherecipe and recommend it highly. it saves recipes from websites while cutting out ads and, like, blogging. you can also edit the recipes and add notes--i always add the calories and maybe nutrition information. if those are not provided and you care, you can use a nutrition calculator to figure it out. if you get nervous about calories i ENCOURAGE you to try this. a lot of recipes that you might shy away from can totally be goal-supportive. pasta can be your friend, i promise.
so what i do during the week is find recipes i want to cook or repeat (using pinterest or websites of previously enjoyed recipes) and add them to justtherecipe. every week i choose a breakfast, a lunch to eat at work, a pre-gym snack, and dinner. if you don't have a lot of physical activity you don't need the same kind of protein-heavy snack, but you could always prep something so you don't snack mindlessly. some weeks i also just cook something sweet for fun, especially if the calories for the whole day are a little low. this could be half-homemade apple cider, baked goods, purchased popsicles, etc. this is most often where i'll just buy something and pre-portion it, rather than prepare it myself. no shame in that at all, in fact, sometimes it would be stupid not to go with the easier/cheaper solution.
so yeah. i figure out what i'm cooking for each "meal," add the recipes to the cookbook in justtherecipe, and then scale the recipes as needed. i usually make 6 servings for a week, which is convenient because most recipes are written in multiples of 2. this is a great recipe converter you can use to resize recipes. justtherecipe devs are also planning to add a feature that does this on the site eventually.
last thing i do during the week is take the recipes, resized as needed, and make a shopping list. if there are things i know already have i leave them out, and if i'm unsure i put a question mark and check my kitchen whenever i'm home. i will say while this sounds kindaaaaaaa expensive at first, the more you repeat this weekly process the more nonperishable things you'll already have stocked, especially if you tend to cook with similar spices and types of oil/flour/etc. at this point, sixish months in, i rarely need to buy nonperishable stuff, unless i've literally run out. and you can find affordable ways to buy perishables, and if you compare what you're spending to frozen meals, snacks, and takeout, i think it's likely it would be at the worst equal, if that makes sense. i know this is a sweeping generalization and i'm sorry. this might not work for some people but i can only share what i'm fortunate enough to be able to do.
friday - this is the day i go shopping, after work! with my list that i already made! i know the layout of the supermarket super well at this point so i order the items accordingly. it goes pretty fast and people have asked me several times if i was doing instacart which i took as a huge compliment.
so that's my schedule, but you can switch it around based on what your work week looks like. i would definitely say that you should try to shop no more than 3 days before cooking, and maybe freeze certain ingredients in the meantime. freezing is HUGE in meal prep.
speaking of storage, storage!
depending on the kinds of meals, you have to be smart about storage if you want them to last 5-6 days. pay attention to what the recipe says about fridge vs. freezer life (justtherecipe does NOT save this, so make sure you check the website). for most meals, i freeze some or all on sunday and defrost in the fridge a day ahead as the week goes by. obviously you might need to split up more complex things (for a salad freeze the chicken but not the greens, for a soup freeze the broth and noodles but not the veggies, etc.). the highest-maintenance thing i've done so far is an udon soup with frozen broth and chicken but fresh prepped ingredients, which i needed to actually combine and boil on the stove every night (also did an egg drop because i think it's funny. like that egg really did just drop). still, pretty easy and low maintenance! the soup in question (oh god i hope my food isn't ugly and i'm actually delusional) will be pictured at the bottom of this post!!
plastic meal prep containers are less expensive, but glass are far superior especially if you're really into chilis, soups, and very garlicky-oniony foods. and especially ESPECIALLY if you're like me and you don't have a dishwasher. plastic tends to not do great with hot liquids and it holds onto strong smells.
i started out with plastic for the first few months, but asked for glass for my birthday. now i have 10 glass containers, 5 for lunch and 5 for dinner, and supplement with plastic during weeks where i make 6 servings. i think these are the glass ones i use, or at least made by the same company, and for plastic you can't beat target's price for what it includes. most supermarkets and big stores tend to sell both glass and plastic, if you don't want to commit to glass financially, plastic is still great. you'll definitely find a use for them if you upgrade eventually!
for the breakfast and pre-gym snacks, i use disposable stuff like baggies or the tinier plastic containers that often come in sets. i'm sorry, planet :( there's just a point where i know i can't create too many dishes, especially with no dishwasher. the whole point of this entire ritual is to create a process i have no problem repeating indefinitely, so sometimes i have accept that i'm not going to be able to do it perfectly.
in terms of breakfasts, i personally don't like savory flavors early in the morning. i'm a big fan of the frozen smoothie bag and baked goods like muffins and bread.
there is a kitchen in my office with a toaster oven and microwave, so i have some flexibility with what i can bring in and eat. lots of soups and salads!
pre-gym snacks are always about protein. protein muffins, hummus and veggies, peanut butter.
dinner can be a lot of things, but for me personally the focus is on making it hearty so i am FULL when i go to sleep. the overall rule of thumb with all of this is to make food you're EXCITED to eat, so you don't feel like you're unsatisfied or missing out. especially when starting out, i benefitted from learning how to prepare meat in appealing ways. i hate handling raw meat and there are some shortcuts you can take to avoid it, like making patties or meatballs with ground chicken or turkey. personally i only eat chicken and sometimes turkey, every once in a while turkey bacon. so no steak recipes here i'm afraid :( i'm a big fan of my grill pan but also have to be very careful with stovetop pan-cooking because my postage stamp of an apartment has no kitchen fan and i don't keep windows open. if you're in a similar situation and hate the idea of straight up baked chicken, you can bake it in the oven and then pan-fry or grill for a few minutes just to get that exterior texture without worrying about undercooking. oh yeah, also get a meat thermometer. a great part of acquiring recipes like pokemon is that you'll start adding kitchen items to your collection as needed just like your spices.
other misc. meal prep tips include: ALWAYS buy more broth than the recipe requires (like, twice as much); try to buy exact portions of perishable ingredients because unfortunately food waste can be a problem when you're alone; and cooking for several hours is a really good time to listen to audiobooks or video essays.
also i do want to point out that i occasionally eat food i didn't prepare. i just typically plan ahead and get SUPER excited to do so. i'm never eating takeout or restaurant food or frozen meals because i don't have it in me to make something; it's because i like the special food or i'm somewhere cool with people i care about. it's a treat, but so is all the food i make.
okay, last thing, here are some recipes i've repeated and really enjoy! notice that they're not all like spinach salads, i love when recipes find clever ways to emulate "unhealthy" food while having nutritious ingredients. the website skinnytaste is my favorite for stuff like that and she has a massive backlog of free recipes with nutrition info. also i very obviously favor certain ingredients (feta cheese my love), these are just things i like, there is so much out there for you to find for yourself! even if the recipe isn't your thing, these blogs and websites are great places to start!
- https://kristineskitchenblog.com/healthy-apple-muffins/
- a smoothie with 1/2 frozen banana, ~10 frozen strawberries, handful frozen spinach, 3/4 tbsp peanut butter (you can get a little scooper to make this easier), 3/4 tbsp strawberry preserves, and as much soy milk as it takes to smoothify it (around 1.25 cups)
- lunch and/or dinner:
- https://www.mealswithmaggie.com/chicken-corn-chowder/
- https://easychickenrecipes.com/chicken-tortellini-soup-recipe/
- https://www.mamagourmand.com/braised-butternut-squash-bacon-penne-bake/
- https://www.skinnytaste.com/baked-chicken-parmesan/
- https://www.skinnytaste.com/coconut-chicken-salad-with-warm-honey/
- https://www.lecremedelacrumb.com/farmers-market-veggie-pasta/
- https://healthylittlepeach.com/feta-and-spinach-chicken-patties/
- https://www.lecremedelacrumb.com/grilled-bruschetta-chicken/
- https://pinchofyum.com/honey-chicken-salad-with-grapes-and-feta
- https://www.skinnytaste.com/turkey-pumpkin-chili/
- pre-gym:
- https://thehonoursystem.com/maple-vanilla-protein-fudge/
- various protein muffins. they're not as fluffy as normal ones but can still be good!
- other:
- https://ifoodreal.com/healthy-key-lime-pie-bars/
- https://www.asweetpeachef.com/hot-apple-cider/
aaaaaand i'll close with food photos. because i'm proud. even if they don't look gorgeous, each is special to me, and i just think that's neat
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frostfall-matches · 5 months
[ matchmaking... ]
@pinezki : [ match report ready ]
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your match is…
✦ Yamaguchi Tadashi
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-> Yamaguchi tends to be a bit shy, so someone more social will make the first few conversations a bit smoother. He can carry a conversation moderately well even with strangers, but prefers if someone else breaks the ice. With how friendly, warm, and bubbly you are, it’s not long before he warms up to you. He finds you to be very comfortable to talk to - and much of this is due to how genuinely kind you are. He’s shy and hesitant to open up too quickly because he got teased so often as a child, and that never fully left him. Little by little, he’s growing into himself and who he is as a person, but it’s a work in progress! In the meantime, your sociability will be very helpful in getting to know him and gradually growing closer.
-> Your confidence inspires him. Yamaguchi struggles with putting himself out there, struggles with feeling like he’s good enough. It frustrates him, but he finds it difficult to move away from that mindset. When he sees how comfortable you are in your own skin (as you should be! He thinks that you should be proud of yourself and secure in your confidence!), he can’t help but want that for himself, too. You seem so carefree, especially when it comes to your interests, your style, or how you interact with others. He’s almost a bit jealous. The longer he’s around you, the more he tries to really own up to his strengths and be more at-ease with his own self-worth. Safe to say, he warms up to this quicker with your reassurance. It’s always nice to know that your partner supports you.
-> The relationship overall is very sweet and balanced. You’re able to bring Yamaguchi out of his shell a bit, and he provides you with a sense of warmth and stability. You both compliment each other well - you have similarities while also having enough differences to keep the relationship interesting. You’re both very kind, but you absolutely won’t tolerate any nonsense, meaning that you’re firm and protective when you need to be. Yamaguchi, thanks to the years he’s spent around Tsukishima, has developed a rather teasing sense of humor, which can keep you on your toes. He’s able to keep things lighthearted and playful and is good about not taking things too far (unlike his buddy). He’s also very loyal, always willing to put the time and effort into being a good partner for you.
-> Yamaguchi is quick to notice when you’re overworking yourself. You’re always keeping yourself busy, even when it becomes detrimental to you. And although he loves how busy you are and how you really brighten up when you’re doing something fun and interesting… He hates when you fixate on keeping yourself busy. When you won’t let yourself rest because you’re afraid of being stagnant, he’ll make sure that you’re able to get some rest. At least a little! If you won’t do it for yourself, do it for him. He’s good at framing this issue a certain way - you’re not doing nothing, you’re resting and recovering so you have more energy to do the things you enjoy later. He’ll even suggest that you can see this free time as a way to bond and relax with him - there’s always a positive way to spin it.
-> He loves watching you dance! Whether you’re on stage performing, or just letting loose and being silly when it’s just the two of you - Yamaguchi loves seeing how graceful you are. A lot of his free time over the years has been put into volleyball practice, and frankly, it’s not a very graceful sport compared to dance. Chances are, he hadn’t really paid much attention to ballet and other dance performances before he met you - but he is wholeheartedly supportive of you and your interests, so he’s happy to learn more. Any performances that you have, he absolutely does his best to attend. He is your biggest hypeman! He won’t be super loud or embarrassing in the audience (thankfully), but he’ll hype you up before the show, take photos and videos if allowed, and congratulate you after the performance.
-> Your other hobbies and skills are very intriguing to him. He wouldn’t consider him much of the creative type (not that he wasn’t curious about trying his hand at art here and there, he just didn’t think he was very good at any of it), but he loves seeing your work. Yamaguchi thinks it’s impressive how you dabble in so many mediums, and he likes to ask questions about your process. Personally, he really likes seeing any of your sculptures and ceramics - there’s something about a dynamic, three dimensional piece of art that really catches his eye. He also thinks it’s super cool that you make a lot of your own clothes! If you ever happen to make a sweater for him, it quickly becomes a favorite of his and he wears it often.
-> Yamaguchi thinks your style is really unique and really suits your personality. It’s very unique, almost storybook-esque. And given what he knows about your personality and interests, it’s just too perfect, in his eyes. He thinks that your hair is gorgeous and loves the hairstyles you wear. His eyes are always drawn to your jewelry, especially the pieces that most people would consider a bit “odd.” He likes to ask if certain pieces of yours have special meanings, or if you have any interesting stories to tell about them. You’re also a little bit taller than him, but he isn’t really the type to be bothered when his partner is taller than him.
-> A relationship with Yamaguchi may be able to get close to that whimsical vibe you dream of. Of course, day-to-day life has its ups and downs; reality is far too complex to linger too long on the mystical whimsy that certain works of fiction and art encapsulate so succinctly. But when you look back on the time you’ve spent together, perhaps you’ll look upon that time with fondness, feeling like your relationship added a bit of a whimsical touch to your life. He thinks similarly of your time together, feeling that you’ve really been a warm ray of sunshine on his days that were often overcast. You’re both good influences on each other, willing to lose yourselves in the sentimentality of romance and love.
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mysadcorner · 2 years
Damian Wayne x Shy!Reader Headcanons
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- Credit to the gifs owner - Requests open -
Tag list: @simligul
• Damian isn’t very much of a people person when he’s meeting someone for the first time, so when he sees that you aren’t as enthusiastic to contribute to the conversation as much as others are he thinks that you just aren’t interested. It’s only once he properly looks at you and your behaviour that he realises that you’re shy and not just uninterested in those around you.
• Damian would take his time with you if he knew that you were shy to physical affection. He would never rush you or try to push you into something you may not be ready for, so as long as you tell him your boundaries then he knows to never over step what you are comfortable and would wait for you to express wanting to take things further with him just in case he makes you feel unsafe or scared at any time.
• He would very easily pick up on when things were getting too loud for you, or if you were uncomfortable in a situation (not everyone is comfortable with loud groups of people). Damian would be absolutely fine with going with you to somewhere quieter or less populated if he knew that was what you wanted to do, or if you wanted to stay there he’d stay beside you for moral and close support so that you wouldn’t get too overwhelmed.
• If the two of you have an established relationship, then he will absolutely go anywhere and everywhere with you - and do anything you ask of him or do whatever you want. And with shyness he knows that it’s hard for relationships to progress so he’s constantly checking up on you both physically and emotionally to make sure that things are going at a comfortable pace for you.
• Damian likes to see you get flustered by your shyness. He likes it when you blush or shy away from him because of his behaviour or words but would never do something to the point of making you feel bad or uncomfortable. He just finds you adorable as it’s so much harder to make the people he knows react in such a way.
• Whenever you need help and aren’t comfortable with asking others, Damian will always be there for you. Sometimes you don’t even have to ask as he’s so perceptive that he’ll figure out that you’re struggling before even you do. But eventually he does help you will getting used to the people around you and opening up so that if you ever need help when he’s not around that you can still have someone to rely on.
• Damian tries to bring you out of your comfort zone sometimes. Yes he finds your shyness adorable, but it can also be quite dangerous. If you were ever in a threatening situation or needed emergency care he would worry that you wouldn’t be able to find the assistance you needed or something terrible might happen to you without someone being made aware. Because of this, he helps you open up to more people and communicating certain things easier - even if you don’t become so much less shy, just the fact that you can express yourself more puts him at ease.
• Damian’s not used to shy people at all, so it does take him a little bit of time to get to know you (and he can find it a little bit annoying at first before he’s figured things out). However, after a while he’s totally used to you and enjoys your quietness and shyness - he finds it quite refreshing compared to the loud and obnoxious people he sees on a regular basis.
• He knows it’s hard for shy people to make friends, and how harder it is for them to maintain friendships. So when you feel lonely or just want some company without the stresses of having to get to know someone new you can always call on him at anytime night or day. He often gets lonely so he knows what the feeling is like, and would hate the thought of you experiencing it too.
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 3 years
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Note: I know I haven’t been very active lately, but until my next fic, have this :).
Pairing: Ethan Winters x F!Reader.
Warnings: smut, blow job, cheating, masturbation.
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Ethan was laying in the psychiatrist’s office on the same couch he has been sitting for the past few months. The last years on his life were hell. He didn’t get out in one piece after the Duvley incident, both physically and mentally. The constant moving, the military training, it was all too much for him to handle. His life took an upside down turn. Too add more to his suffering, his relationship with Mia became more and more distant. He constantly had a feeling that she was hiding something for him, but she won’t open up about it, facing a rough rejection whenever he tried to open the subject. Certain thoughts pushed him to seek help.
The psychiatrist finally showed up, pulling him out of his small meditation, and greeted him with her cheerful demeanor. A wide, bright, smile that captured his attention from the first session. Her kindness didn’t come unnoticed by the attention starved man. Session after session, he moved his attention to other parts of her body. He took an interest in her hands. Delicate fingers wrapped in rings, alongside with colorful manicure, He couldn’t remember when Mia was this feminine.
Despite his efforts, he finally let his gaze to fall on “forbidden” parts, specifically her cleavage. He would blush like a schoolgirl whenever his eyes would meet her perky breasts that were sticking out her blouse.
Maybe it was in his head, but after some time it followed the shy touches that invaded more and more his persona space. Ethan was pretty sure he didn’t need therapy, since the discussions broke the barrier of professionalism long ago, but he couldn’t help it. He needed to know if there were subtle hints, or just his imagination.
Ethan would go home then and continue his life. He would talk normally to Mia, eat, read, and do whatever he had scheduled, then take a shower and go to bed. The only thing that is different usually happens before closed door, behind the curtains of the shower. Hot steam and the sound of running water hides the moans of Ethan as he runs his calloused hand over his erect shaft, picturing his psychiatrist in action. His mind replace his own hand with the delicate touch of his doctor, her fingers going up and down squeezing every inch of his length. In that fog he tries to picture her in front of him, the water dripping slowly between her breasts, down her belly button, everywhere where he dreams to touch. He supports himself with one hand and the other increases the speed, his fantasies washing away as he release the tension.
It’s not like he was very sexually active before, so Mia didn’t notice the lack of attention from him. The meds she was taking didn’t make Mia more talkative. Ethan had to face the truth, his wife died in Louisiana. He would cast away these thoughts, and began to think of his doctor as a way to cope. Mia didn’t even care when he would jack off next to her some nights.
Since the therapy started to do more harm than good lately, he decided it was time for a break. Doctor y/n made her entrance as usual, with a confident posture, wide, bright smile, and her floral perfume that invaded the room. Ethan relaxed, as usual, every part of his soul just craving the sweet, sweet touch of his doctor one last time before he would call off their meetings.
“What’s wrong Ethan?” She noticed something was wearing him.
“It’s...Mia.” The doctor sat next to him, and slowly progressed closer and closer, making sure not to alert him.
“What happened, did you two fight again?” He didn’t noticed how close she was to him now, touching his leg with hers, feeling the warmth of her body.
He didn’t know what to say. Ethan knew he was lying, but it was too hard to break up with someone who he didn’t even date.
“Look at me.” She moved two delicate fingers to cup his chin so she can pull his face closer to her. It was in that moment he realized how closer they were, and he instantly panicked pulling away immediately.
“This, this is wrong.”
“Why is that?” She said as she was descending down on her knees, spreading his legs to make some space for her body.
With a shocked expression he watched as the woman who was now between his legs begged with her eyes for his consent. He allowed her to unzip him and unbuckle his belt, releasing his half erect shaft already, holding it in her hand. Ethan nodded.
“Chris told me to take care of you.” She moved her head forward, not breaking eyes contact, and took his wet tip between her lips. She swirled her tongue around the tip, tasting the man’s precum, and slowly she made her way down his length. His cock was getting harder in her mouth, exciting her more. Ethan was in the point he wasn’t able to form words anymore, and was struggling to hold his moans with on hand. The sight of his psychiatrist between his legs was something he never dreamed of happened in reality.
The doctor stopped her actions and slapped Ethan’s hand away from his mouth.
“I want to hear you sweetie. There is no one left except the two of us. Why do you think I placed out meetings so late.”
She went back at worshiping his cock, and Ethan was slowly building confidence. He suppressed his moans, being stuck in his throat, but the doctor had her ways. She decided to go a little harsh on him, so she suddenly took all his length in her mouth. When the tip hit the back of her throat, Ethan finally released the moans that the doctor was so desperate to hear.
She rested one hand on his lower abdomen, playing with his happy trail, while the other was worshiping his balls. A mix of saliva and cum started to drip down his shaft as she moved her mouth up and down,making it easier to play with his cock. Her hand cupped, squeezed and toyed with his balls while his cock was coating her throat with its salty leakage. Feeling his member throb, she pulled out, with saliva dripping down her chin.
“How bad do you want to cum, Mister Winters.” She said while her wide tongue was making its way to the tip. Silence.
“Our session ended long ago. I can let you leave and go back to your wife.” Another lick. Beads of precum appear as she moved her tongue to lick underneath the tip, not too fast, but enough to stimulate him.
“I-I want you...” It’s all he could said with his shaky voice.
She went to the couch and kneeled on the place next to him, while lifting her skirt to expose her cunt covered in black thongs and a pair of fragile pantyhose.
“Please Ethan...” She could’ve taken the lead, but she wanted to see if he had any dominant side.
He didn’t know what to do. It was the first time after a long period that a woman showed this much interest in him. Unsure, he pressed his thumbs over the wet spot, rubbed, but he wasn’t consistent with his movements.
“Just ripe them off already.” And she pushed backwards her hips a little to give the man some courage. Ethan tore the thin fabric with his fingers, then pulled her panties aside to see her core. It was perfect, dripping wet, swollen, all ready for him. His fingers got in with ease, and finally all her “come on Ethan” whispers stopped and were replaced with shy moans.
“Who’s shy now? C’mon, let me hear you.” He pressed his big thumb over her puffy clit and rubbed in circular motions, which made her very vocal. Meanwhile, knuckle deep inside, his fingers were making scissor like motions.
Ethan’s confidence increased with every moan. When she felt her walls contracting around his fingers, he pulled out and placed his cock at her entrance, which slipped in with ease. With a quick thrust he filled her up and began to pump in her without wasting a second. Wet sounds and claps filled the room whenever his ballsack would hit her cunt. She dig her nails into the couch as he was thrusting with his full length. Feeling her around him made Ethan realize how much he missed it. He was ecstatic, he allowed the pleasure to flow through his body. He tried his best to make it last longer, but his balls kept tightening, the pressure on his abdomen became unbearable, and with a moan he released his load deep inside her.
“It’s alright Ethan.” The doctor raised to face Ethan, feeling his fresh, hot cum dripping down her thighs. He took his arms and placed them around her waist. After, she put her head on his shoulder, letting all her weight in his embrace. “Hold me like that.”
Ethan was dazed. He knew he had to go home, but he allowed himself to stay in that position a few more minutes.
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chososhoe · 3 years
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summary: megumi interrupts you making out with toji, but he doesn’t mind
warnings: threesome, voyeurism, praising, masturbation, oral (receiving), creampie, cum play
All characters are aged up!
“Toji” you half-moaned into his ear as he kissed along your neck with both of his hands on your ass. You let your body fall backwards on the wall for support and closed your eyes to enjoy his body on yours. After a while you let your hand wander down and brush against his bulge, making him moan and giving your ass a squeeze in response.
Actually you just wanted to have a chill night in a club by yourself, drinking and dancing a little bit. You would be lying if you said you weren’t attracted to him the moment he came up to you to chat with you. The little chit-chat you were having soon turned into a more personal conversation and now you were here, making out with a man double your age. You weren’t complaining though.
The both of you headed to the bedroom and you stumbled backwards on the bed as he softly pushed you against it, signalizing you to lay on it. He got on top of you and put his hand on your breast, caressing it with his fingers. Kissing you again, more roughly and dominant as his hand glided down your abdomen and yours to his neck.
Toji left a trail of kisses down to your abdomen before he lifted the skirt you were wearing up to your stomach while he glided down from the bed and got on his knees, pulling you closer by your feet so that he was right in front of your heat. He glanced up at you for consent before you gave him an approving look. The man immediately took of your underwear, tossing them beside him and licking his lips while he put his hands on your knees to keep your legs open. You propped yourself up on your elbows to look at the handsome man down on his knees before you.
“Looking so pretty even down here huh.”
“Dad, I thought you weren’t home tod-“ An unfamiliar voice called. You were shocked to see a young man, looking like he was around your age, standing embarrassed in the door frame with his mouth open. You locked your eyes with his before you realized in what position you were. You blushed and quickly wanted to close your legs, but Toji kept them open with his strong hands.
“Well, there was a change of plan.” Toji chuckled. Megumi’s eyes wandered from yours to his fathers and back at you as he blushed. “Sorry, I didn’t want to intrude.” Megumi quickly muttered before he wanted to turn around.
“Megumi wait” His father called out for him. “You’re not that interested in women lately, right? I bet I can change that.” You were confused as you didn’t know what he was referring to, but that surely changed when he said the next sentence.
“Do you want to watch and learn from a real man?”
“That’s ridicu-“ “Is it?” The young man blushed harder before he made eye contact with you and you stared back, suddenly with lust in your eyes. Toji looked at you for a second to see if you were down for it and chuckled again when he saw your gaze.
“I guess it’s settled then. Megumi come a little closer and watch.” He made his way over to the older man and glanced between your spreaded legs before looking away shyly.
“Take a good look. You’ve never seen a real pussy before, right?” You saw a bulge grow between Megumi’s legs as he tried to focus not to look away this time.
You squirmed and got excited at the thought of two fine men staring at your heat. The older man chuckled and kissed your clit before gently rubbing it with his thumb, earning a long moan from you.
“You have to make sure you stimulate this part here before you fuck her so it’ll feel good for the both of you, got it?” Toji looked up at his son and he nodded. “To make her even wetter, you can even lick it or finger her.” After he said that, Toji licked along your slit, making you squirm again. Without a break, he shoved a finger inside right after. “Toji..” you moaned and let your head fall back.
Megumi’s bulge grew bigger and bigger as he watched you and you looked at him again. “Don’t be shy, you can pleasure yourself while watching. I don’t mind.” He hesitated for a moment, but soon freed his cock from his pants and pumped himself slowly while watching your sexual face.
“When you think she’s ready, you can slowly enter her.” Toji also got rid of his pants as your eyes were fixated on his big cock. You felt your mouth water and bit your lips as he glanced at you and let his cock enter bit by bit. Both of you let out a pleasant moan as he put your legs around his hips and keeping his hands on your thighs.
Toji thrusted in a gentle way at first, but soon lost himelf in your tight pussy and his pace grew harsher with each thrust. Megumi still stood beside him as he watched where your bodies connected and moaned quietly. You reached out to him with one hand and let it sit on his leg for a while. He noticed immediately and you noticed his cock twitching shortly after.
“Kiss me” you told the younger man before he leaned down to give you a passionate kiss, but you were needy and pulled him down with all your strength and shoved your tongue into his mouth, starting a hot make out session. You moaned into the kiss over and over again before you called out for the other man.
“Fuck me harder”
Toji smirked and grabbed your hips, pulling your lower body up in the progress. You pulled away from the lips of the younger one and half screamed out the older man’s name.
“You really like that huh. What a slut” You felt your core twitch at his harsh words and got back to kissing Megumi. Toji lifted your shirt up so he could see your tits bounce with every thrust and put one hand on your breasts and roughly squeezed them.
Again, you moaned into the kiss with Megumi as he also moaned into the kiss.
You felt Toji’s cock twitch inside you as you felt yourself also getting closer. Suddenly you felt a thumb on your clit and let out a muffled moan. Your lips parted from the other man’s as you screamed.
“Yes, yes fuck me. Please” you whined and grabbed your own breast. Toji was the same mess as you were and thrusted hard into you a last time before groaning and throwing his head back.
Megumi also thrusted his head back as he came on your stomach and let out another long moan.
You closed your eyes and felt your core being filled up with Toji’s semen. Your breathing was very heavy and you felt your tightness slowly growing lonely again without his cock. His thick load spilled out of you and you lifted your head to see it yourself.
Megumi got down from his high and put his pants back on as watched his father shove his cum back inside you and praised you for being a good girl.
“That was pretty fun don’t you two think?” Toji asked while pushing his pants back up. Megumi and you hummed as you bit your lip and let your head fall back again. You didn’t know how worn out you were until you felt your eyelids getting heavier every second.
Before you knew it you had fallen asleep as Toji ordered Megumi to clean up their mess and to bring him damp towels. The young boy followed his instructions and helped to clean you up.
“not gonna lie, that was kinda hot” Megumi muttered before leaving. Toji snickered as he heard that and tucked you in to sleep next to you.
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needleandhammer · 3 years
From Simmer to Score
Pairing: Soft!Curtis Everett x Reader
Summary: Curtis is good with his hands. And other stuff.
Warnings: 18+ only, explicit, smut, oral sex, penetration, fingering, dub con breeding, unprotected sex, breeding kink sort of, size kink, petite!reader, Curtis' fingers
Word count: 4k
A/N: This doesn't really fit the prompt i chose from @stargazingfangirl18 's 5k Soft Dark Challenge: "You hire a local handyman to help you with a few home projects." But the prompt still inspired this. I wanted to take the prompt somewhere more explicitly dark but once again my contribution to this challenge turned marshmallow soft. This is an au, non-apocalypse au, normal life au, idk. Just self-indulgent. Also, it was a struggle finding a gif of clean Curtis. Because he's clean in this and not living on a train, i swear.
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“Try again. Very good. Let’s have you run through the exercises and then we’ll take a look at the new homework."
At your smile, the little girl nods and quickly turns to concentrate on coordinating her footwork on the pedals of your old Altenberg while reading the notes in front of her.
You back away, heading to the kitchen for some iced tea. You nearly forget your other guest who sits at the table.
This is the third time he’s accompanied Wendy for her lessons. For a man of his size, Curtis makes no sound except the faint swish of pages turning in his book. Like before, he arrived with Wendy, nodded a greeting at you, waited for your invitation to the kitchen, and then spent the entire hour silently reading.
You pull the fridge door open and pour tea into three glasses. You quietly slide one towards him. Curtis’ eyes flicker up to you, brilliantly blue, and he gives you a low murmur.
You’re about to return to Wendy when you hear your name in Curtis’ smooth baritone.
He nods to the notepad left on the table. “I, uh, noticed your reminder to call for maintenance. Something wrong?”
“Oh.” You tidy up the table, sheepish at being caught procrastinating house chores. “Just needed a second look at the water heater. The repair company came by and we tested things out when they were done, but the next day I had no hot water.”
You grimace, thinking of taking another cold shower.
“If you’re okay with it, I can grab my tool bag from my car and take a look,” he says.
You’re not prepared for the offer. “I wouldn’t want to impose.”
He shakes his head, no hesitance. “I don’t mind at all. As long as you don’t.”
“I mean. I-I would really appreciate the help.”
Your time with Wendy ends after you review practice goals with her until her next lesson.
Curtis joins you two. “Hot water is running again.”
Your jaw drops and you skip to the kitchen. Hot water pours out of your faucet. You return, unable to resist grinning widely at him.
“Thank you, Curtis. You’re a lifesaver.”
“Curtis taught my dad everything about fixing houses!” Wendy chirped. He offers her a crooked smile.
“Do you have everything?” you ask your young pupil.
While Wendy thanks you and you help her pack, Curtis watches on with a faint curve to his lips.
“Edgar’s changing over to late shifts for the next couple of months. I’ll probably be driving Wendy to lessons again.”
You nod. “Sounds good. See you both then.”
After they leave, you enjoy a glorious steamy shower and then you settle onto your couch with a plate of leftover grilled veggies and fish.
Reviewing your schedule, you consider taking on one or two more students. It was years ago that you gave private lessons to help pay for college. Nearly a decade of moving between a few jobs, you are now in a quiet suburb working with a team of digital designers. The job allows you to work from home half the week, a flexibility you take great appreciation in. The professional stability encouraged you to return to music and to helping others develop their musical interests.
Wendy is your only student at the moment as you want to ease into taking on this additional responsibility. You smile, recalling your initial meeting with Wendy and her father, Edgar. Her father’s bubbly energy is such a stark contrast to Curtis. Edgar opened up quickly, sharing that he and Wendy’s mother were no longer together, that he would support whatever Wendy wanted to do. There was a perpetually youthful vigor to the room when Edgar was present.
Wendy calls Curtis, Uncle, and his adoration for her is clear. He barely said two words when he was here the first time. It doesn’t bother you. You get the impression Curtis purposely tries to not draw attention to himself, and you can empathize with that preference for tranquility.
_ _ _ _
It’s a windy day, heavy with rain clouds, the next time Wendy and Curtis are over.
“I saw your screen door was down. Planning on replacing it?” Curtis asks when you wrap up with Wendy.
“Nah. I was just going to look up what I would need and try fixing it myself.”
“It’s kind of heavy.”
His tone doesn’t imply any skepticism aimed at you and you’re not offended. You’re used to people calling you ‘small,’ though you’re not small so much as you’re short. You like to think you take up ample space. You also admit strength is not something you have in abundance. Your whole life you relied on family and friends for a lot of literal heavy lifting. But Curtis already helped you out once.
“I could fix it up.”
“I won’t ask you to do that.”
“It’s no bother, really. I’m happy to help out.”
He promises to be quick about it. While he works, Wendy happily practices on your piano.
“I have Oreos,” you announce.
She pauses to grab a cookie. “Thank you so much for letting me practice longer.”
“Of course, dear.”
She chats a bit about her upcoming birthday plans, as children are wont to do.
Curtis pops his head in. “All set. Do you want to take a look?”
You follow him out back. Swinging the screen door on its hinges, you nodded appraisingly.
“I suppose it passes inspection.” You look up with a cheeky smile, pleased to see Curtis’ lips twitching. “Thank you. Really, Curtis. I do wish you’d let me pay you.”
He shakes his head. “It’s nothing. Besides, you’re great with Wendy. I’m grateful for that.”
You can tell he loves Wendy just as much as if he was her father. “In that case, I shall give Wendy her next lesson for free.”
He blinks at you, trailing behind as you make your way inside and calling out to Wendy.
Curtis has resigned himself to a quiet, bare life. He doesn't think he wants anything much. He has Edgar’s loyalty, a result of the brotherhood he formed in his impoverished teen years. They survived together, looked out for each other. Once Wendy came along like a little star burning in a smoggy midnight, Curtis counted himself lucky to witness the little girl growing up. A chance to help nourish one seed.
The first time he arrived with Wendy at your home, Curtis couldn’t help listening in on the entire lesson, making no progress in his book. Your clear voice, your generous encouragement. You, light on your feet moving so swiftly. You, barely reaching his shoulders yet mighty in spirit, curvy and sensuous. Curtis had an urge to lift you in his palms to be stored safely in his pocket.
_ _ _ _
And so things follow. Wendy diligently learning and Curtis primarily accompanying her, taking his place at your kitchen table. You come to enjoy his steady, grounding presence just a couple steps away from you and Wendy.
Now and then, he’ll notice some upkeep you’re doing – a leaky faucet, a box of new light bulbs on your counter – and volunteer his assistance. You are reluctant to put him to work, sure that he spends enough of his days working and doing chores in his own home and besides these are tasks you can handle even if you find them tedious. Curtis is always gentle in his offers, always obtains your permission first. As time goes by and you grow less shy about accepting his help and he grows more comfortable in your space, you realize working with his hands is second nature to Curtis.
It doesn't take long for Curtis to admit to himself he wants to be near you.
Curtis doesn’t meddle. He doesn’t mingle. He doesn’t have any interest in widening his social circle. He is aware you thrived on your own for a long time, just like him; and like he has Edgar and Wendy, you have a small close-knit group of friends. Lending a hand to you doesn’t count because you are like him.
Maybe this is why he lets his guard down under your roof. There is something kindred in your calm nature that his soul responds to. Under your roof, no silences need to be filled; no pretenses forced upon him. Your invitation to rest is unspoken – he hears it and almost weeps. The more time he spends with you, like two wavelengths in tune, the stronger his urge to insert himself. To fix, or in some way leave his mark on your home. Curtis doesn’t have any interest in widening his social circle. Lending a hand to you didn't count. Until he cannot help it. He doesn’t reach out for you, doesn’t try to prove you’ll curve perfectly within his arms; but he’ll ensure your softness can curl up in a sturdy home and delight in simple pleasures.
One evening, when Edgar works later than usual, you ask if Wendy and Curtis would join you for dinner.
“Nothing fancy. I have some noodle soup and salad. Curtis, can you call Edgar to meet us here?”
Wendy sets the table. Curtis assists with the food.
He’s quick to cup your hand in his when it's nicked with a knife. You can’t help leaning into him as he runs your finger under water, wraps it in clean paper towel. He finishes with the salad, making you sit at the table.
Edgar joins you all, tired but quickly gaining energy with food and a few sips of wine. You are full and warmed by their company. While Edgar cheers on Wendy while she practices from her book, you feel Curtis’ fingers curl over your hand. His thumb brushes over your cut. You share a smile with him.
_ _ _ _
You settle into your little Toyota only to find it won’t start. It stumps you because you never had issues with this car before. You have no experience with car maintenance and don’t know the first thing to check for an engine that won’t wake.
Calling Curtis to see if you can reschedule, he insists that he can swing by to pick you up.
He had called you, his voice almost shy. He wanted to surprise Wendy for her birthday with a piano and asked for your help.
You direct Curtis to the string instruments shop in the city’s downtown area. The two of you are greeted by a sales staff upon entry. When asked, Curtis looks to you, wordless, so you do your best to describe to the salesperson what you're looking for.
There are several options of acoustic and digital instruments. You give little demonstrations on a few pianos that you consider reasonably priced.
“Curtis, check this one out.” Your hold on his sleeve is loose and propels him towards one of the upright Baldwin pianos.
“I think any of these would suit Wendy. The sounds are clear, and they don’t take up too much space. The salesperson said this one is second-hand and it’s in really good shape.” You press a few chords, then look up at Curtis with a smile.
He looks at you, gaze gentle. “I’m not worried about price. I’ll take whatever you recommend.”
That was his general response when you asked his opinion during your time in the shop: he was up for anything you recommended. Other than that, he trailed behind you so that the salesperson assumed you were the primary purchaser. Much like in your house, Curtis seemed to try hard to not draw attention. Oddly, you didn’t think anyone in the same room with him could help noticing him. Even with the dark apparel he favored, Curtis’ reserved nature can't hide all the intensity and strength just thrumming beneath the surface of his tall imposing build.
You convince him to sit beside you on the bench. He’s never played before, but humors you and tries random combinations of thirds with you. You watch his hands – clean, wide, with thick fingers – hover and slide along the keys.
He nudges you.
“Sorry. I was just impressed your sausage fingers are quite nimble.”
A half-hearted glare. “Thank you. For coming with me.”
“If I say you’re welcome, will you take a look at my car when we get back?”
He stays for dinner.
It starts raining and you have to rush out to gather hanging linens. He helps and you both run back inside. You're giddy at his eagerness to assist, resulting in damp clothing on you both.
“Oh, let’s dump it here. I’ll fold it tomorrow.” You are happy to leave the laundry in a pile on an armchair, in too good of a mood to care.
You catch him with his attention on you, a look so soft you have to look away, walk blindly a few steps. His touch is on your arm, turning you around just as you reach the piano.
He dips his head low to press chapped lips to yours, capturing your lips more, closing in to envelope you in his heat.
Curtis’ hands grip your hips with a quick jostle against the piano, prompting a slur of bright notes ringing from the keyboard that you are pressed against. And then he’s hitching you further up and firmly in his arms. His tongue licks against yours. You slant your open mouth, inviting him to taste, to devour you from the inside out. Your legs wrap around his waist like you belong there, tethered to this point in time. There’s no past or future, only Curtis, only feeling safe and real in his arms now now now.
You barely register Curtis moving, tipping you onto the couch cushions to hover over you so close. You can’t remember burning for someone like this. You can’t remember much of anything, focused on Curtis, solid and unyielding between your thighs, muscles buzzing with raw strength.
You want so badly to know more of him. Your hands wander shamelessly under his shirt, sliding up his wide back, grazing under to squeeze appreciatively at his pecs only to be called south by a narrowing of hair that leads you on until you bump his belt buckle.
You’re distracted by the tease of hot kisses he drops along your neck. There’s something sweet, vulnerable in how you allow him access to the delicate skin there. It makes Curtis bury his nose against the crook of your jaw, a long moment for him to whisper something like a prayer, before his tongue swirls and he nibbles your ear lobe. Your high pitched gasp hastens his desire. Your shirt is gone. Your bra untangled from your arms. Your breasts, oh, Curtis takes a mouthful of one fleshy breast, sucking greedily when you moan, breathless and aching now.
You claw at his shirt until it too disappears. You wriggle to help Curtis pull your pants and underwear off. Your legs want to yank him back to you, but he braces himself to allow just a bit more space between you both than before.
“Let me.” It’s almost a growl, and you want to say yes, but you want to kiss him more. You’re clinging by his neck, drinking from his soft lips, until you both part to draw breath.
His hand caresses your cheek, sliding over to slip two fingers into your slack mouth. Your tongue swipes at them, lips close to suck them in, eager to touch and taste any part of him. Jaw tight, Curtis pulls his fingers away and down. Down. His hand spans large over your curves and you hold your breath, grit your teeth. One finger saturated with saliva, sinks into your cunt. You swear you can feel more arousal dripping from you to soak his hand and he adds another finger, drawing short whimpers from you as his fingers withdraw and plunge in. God, you won’t ever tease him about his fingers again because they’re perfect. Agonizing in their quest to undo you.
His voice is husky groans, wanting so bad to feel your oh so tight cunt around his cock. Soon.
He tortures you, adds a third finger. You’re riding them, whimpering as he pumps them in you and parts the digits to stretch you. His weight slides away and you can only grasp at his hair, you’re barely glimpsing his head between your legs before you arch high when his thick wet tongue swirls and licks your folds, dialing up the white hot blooming inside you. His fingers curl just enough inside to press that patch against your pelvis that strings you tight as a bow. Pressing insistently, scratching with finger pads, until you burst and all you can do is chase more of that pulsing pleasure, humping against his face. Your hips quiver while Curtis laps at your slit.
His sucks grow gentle, thumb teasing your bud, helping you come down from the intense high.
You sigh his name.
“I’m here.”
“I want you.”
His arms wind around you, holding you tight while he kisses you. You can’t remember feeling anything better than being cradled like this as Curtis languidly kisses you.
He’s not rushed to move from you, so you cling to him and he loves you for it. Yes, he’s hard, but he wants to savor this. Already high on the sensation of your soft flesh underneath him, your thick thighs tight at his waist, your quiet hums of pleasure the evidence of his thorough work.
He ran from his past, from early years strife with despair, washing away those memories like dust and grime. He thought his life of isolation was one that moved him forward; but he has been stuck all this time.
Seeing you care for Wendy, Curtis realized he wanted that. He wanted what his friend had. He wanted you, and the precious something conceived between two souls that sing for one another. Soon. He’ll make your sweet little body his to protect, to warm through the nights.
_ _ _ _
“Thanks so much for having us for dinner,” Edgar says. He was been watching Wendy run around your humble backyard, chasing butterflies and searching for little frogs. He turns to you with a toothy grin. “And for your help with the gift. Wendy’s going to flip. I’m lucky to have you and Curtis both around.”
Your smile is just as affectionate. “Happy to have you here. Although,” your smile turns sly, “I’m a little disappointed that your special lady friend didn’t join us.”
“Curtis,” Edgar mutters under his breath. Curtis is washing dishes at the sink and pays no mind to any half-hearted curses directed at him.
Your brow arches, urging Edgar to talk as he can't help an embarassed grin.
“Well, she was traveling for work, unfortunately. But I know Wendy doesn’t mind her.”
The girl has whispered to you that Edgar’s girlfriend is beautiful and she wished she would become her new mom; this you keep to yourself, not wishing to embarrass or pressure your friend further.
“I’m happy to hear that.”
Edgar’s eyes slide sideways, quiet for a moment before he jumps out of his seat and heads to the door leading to the backyard. “I’ll just…uh…” He exits, trailing off without finishing his sentence.
You sigh and take another bite of your cake, indulging in the moist chocolate flavor. Glancing up, you find Curtis watching you. His attention is singular, a warm simmer in those bright blue eyes, causing you to freeze except for your tongue that finishes sweeping over your upper lip. His gaze narrows, grew weighty, tracking your tongue as it retreats into your mouth. He pushes away from the counter, steps close until he is able to drop to his knee beside your chair. One strong yank has your seat turning so you face him.
The door creaks open again.
“Well, the sun’s getting low so I think we’ll head home and wind down.” Edgar announces with his daughter close at his side. He has a boyish grin on his face, pulling Wendy towards the front of your house. "Wendy, say good bye.”
“Isn’t Curtis leaving too?”
“Oh, I’m sure he’ll leave when he’s ready.”
“Have a good night, you two,” you say, walking with them to the front. Though Edgar is still cheerfully thanking you for the meal and insisting you stay inside and not see them off.
“You go on and just have a good time, both of you.” He sends a wink your way. You shake your head at him. “Curtis! You be a gentleman now.”
Quick as he can, he has Wendy secured in the car and they are on their way.
“Huh.” You lock the front door before turning to find Curtis. You can tell he wants to roll his eyes at Edgar’s antics. Instead, he closes in on you.
“Are you worried about me not being a gentleman?” he murmurs. His fingers hook under yours loosely.
You smirk. “I’m worried about you being too much of a gentleman.”
That smolder returns to his gaze. For a second, your body shivers, overwhelmed and you side step him, if only for a moment’s relief from the heat of his eyes.
You reach out. He takes your hand.
Once you’re down a layer, he grows even hotter seeing the mesh and lace number you have on. A tantalizing tease with the hard peaks of your nipples veiled in barely-there maroon. Just daring him to unwrap you. So he does.
His mouth leaves a wet trail seeking sensitive spots on your neck, you breasts, your thighs. Even as he moves, he still covers nearly all of your body, his heat and weight drowning you in want.
Your shudder has him grazing his beard up the inside of your thigh so that you arch and plea for his touch. God, all your uninhibited responses spur the blazing hunger in him. Curtis peels the mesh underwear down, impatient for a taste of you. His mouth waters, catching wafts of arousal and then he’s sucking and lapping your wet pussy. His rumbling groan is like a physical nudge that bows your back, and you remain rigid in the air at the sensation of his thick tongue pushing into you. Wide shoulders part your legs, shifting until your thighs rest on vast muscles.
You rock against him, keen at the hard sucks. Two fingers dip into, fucking you and rubbing with a dizzying rhythm that brings you over the edge.
With little effort, he holds up your hips and you feel a pillow slide under you to angle you higher. Then his muscled arms hook under your knees and he finally lines up and rocks forward. The tip of his cock parts your folds. Your breath hitches. His cock slides in, forcing your walls to stretch, to mold tightly to his girth.
“Curtis” – your hand was going point to the little bedside table with condoms.
Instead, you’re gripping a blanket. Gasping as he withdraws and your pussy tries to hold him in.
You mumble against his lips, incoherent. “The…inside..”
And then he feeds you his length again. And again, that delicious, addicting friction.
"Yes, inside," he agrees softly. "Like this."
With every pump, the spark catches and blazes higher. Curtis rises onto his knees, thrusts harder, watching your eyes flutter open and shut. He’s panting with the pretty picture of a needy you. He grips your thighs. As if his life depends on how tight he clutches you. Concentrating hard, his eyes drop low. Fuck. He can see your pussy clench, your puffy outer lips suckling his cock. Curtis swears your little body is refusing to give him up, and you’re wet but your cunt squeezes him so tight he has to drive harder into you to avoid slipping out.
You’re not even aware of your breathy moans, so turned on by his groans, the rough thrusts he gives you. There’s no grinding. Curtis can tell he’s rubbed against your g-spot and he keeps his snapping hips angled just right, one callused thumb circling your clit too lightly. And then your breaths stutter, your legs seize, your back arches. Curtis grits his teeth, keeping the exact same pace, draws out the storm of your pleasure. It’s so consuming, you lose your voice.
Just as you are able to breathe again, able to sense the physical realm around you, Curtis speeds up, bucking hard with low grunts, powering into you.
A high gasp – you feel him flood you. He drops to press his chest to you, still pumping his release into your clenching walls; and it’s too much, his cock merciless within your sensitive channel. He can’t help it, even as your legs start writhing with his unrelenting stimulation, even as he hears your hitched whimpers.
He finally stills. His lips find yours, tongue stroking deep.
Long moments later, his name is gentle, falling from your lips. “We didn’t use protection.”
Curtis nuzzles you, rubs his nose along the planes of your cheeks. Returns to suck your bottom lip. “It’s okay,” he whispers.
There’s a soft frown upon your brow that he kisses, and then scatters more kisses on your face.
“But, what if?”
“I want you. I want everything with you.”
You’re barely able to react as he nips hard at your collarbone and then rolls his hips. He’s half-hard inside you. You’re quickly losing yourself in Curtis, overwhelmed by the combination of his hungry mouth on your skin, unyielding clasp on your thigh. His thrusts persist, pins you in place, lights you up and scorches you. You’re right where he wants you, whining for more more more.
Now with each beat of his heart, Curtis has his mind’s eye on the prize. He’ll have you over and over. And you’ll grow a piece of him inside you. You are the way forward. You are his.
A/N: Hurrah, this one felt like it took forever. I blame Curtis. He didn't give himself up to me easily. Let me love you, ya broody boi! Thank you for reading!
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hetalia-reacts · 3 years
PLATONIC HEADCANINS !! PLATONIC HEADCANONS !! HOW ABOUT- a doting touchy-feely PLATONC reader with the allies?? Friendship headcanons :3 (do Axis if u can but PLEASE don't do that if you are tired or busy PLEASE don't ♡♡:))
I feel Alfred is also a bit of a touchy-feely kind of friend too
Especially with best friends and whatnot
Is either always at your house or telling you to come to his
He just wants to watch movies or play video games with you
Heck he just wants to exist in the same room with his bestie
Will Alfred wake you up at 3am to do something with him?
Y’all will either be doing mundane things like going on a store run or literally committing a crime
There is N O in between
Since the both of you are both touchy-feely and likely clinging to each other you bet you’ve gotten the same question 1000x
“Are you two dating?”
You both either go for the ewww hell no or a straight faced but sarcastic yes we totally are
But it’s 50/50 if you both actually go for the same response
It’s a game at this point to see if you guys can read each other’s minds
You guys usually make an awkward situation for the person that asked because one will say yes and the other says eww and neither of you will back down and explain that you guys are just sarcastic and teasing jerks lmao
Arthur isn’t the most touchy person so having a friend that is can be tough sometimes
He does appreciate the hugs and physical comfort/support but he just gets kinda awkward
Well at first anyways
When you are certified besties he’s used to it and one can often find him gravitating towards you to just be close
Will never admit he likes it though sorry he’s a hard head
No one dares ask either of y’all that dreaded question though because they don’t want to deal with his sarcasm and the lecture that’s sure to follow
Arthur is a chill bestie though
Often invites you over to just be together
He doesn’t care if it’s just to talk, do something, or simply enjoy the presence of someone else
Help him cook maybe?
Even if you suck at cooking he enjoys attempting to cook with someone else
And that also means having fun in the kitchen and being complete dorks the whole time
And also having to order food or eat a sandwich because unless you can cook it’s going to be inedible
Will make you watch and read Sherlock, even if he has to be there or read it to you it’s happening
Francis is very touchy as a friend unless he knows someone dislikes it
So having a bestie that is like him is perfect
People probably think y’all are glued together at this point
No one would ever think y’all are dating either because Francis acts completely different with his bestie than a love interest
He’s kind of a mean ass ngl
He likes to jokingly bicker and fight with you
And definitely likes to cling and be dramatic with you to the point it’s annoying to others
Francis drags you with him everywhere
His house, the gym, the store, England’s house, etc
He cant just go alone anymore it would feel wrong like he’s forgetting something
If you’re bad at dressing or have no style he’s got your back
Literally shops for you but also constantly says things like you’ll never look as good as him
You are also one fo the few that will ever see Francis get serious or down in the dumps
It’s just something he doesn’t wear on his sleeve and reserves for those closest to him
Matthew is not used to having people cling to him
He’s not really used to having people notice him so having a someone that’s his bestie, that notices him the most, and always clings and talks to him is a strange and wild concept
Doesn’t mind the touchiness and honestly rather prefers it
He’s kinda touch starved :/
Matthew is likely always at your house with Kumajirou
Movie marathon and cuddles yo
Also as his closest friend you come to see his ‘secret’ side of being sarcastic and a complete savage
This boy does not hold back with you either
Maybe at first he did but when he realized y’all are in this friend stuff for life he won’t censor or sugar coat things if it’s not necessary
Makes you play and watch hockey with him
Will teach you everything if you know nothing
Matthew is the type of friend to invite you to his families holidays/vacations and come to yours
He knows and is cool with basically all of your family
I mean who could hate or dislike this polite boy?
Ivan is not used to friendship either as people usually tremble in fear before him
so having a friend that is touchy on top of having a close friend can be a bit much at times
But he’s happy!
He loves the hugs! Loves the contact! Loves having a friend!
Loves cuddles most of all he won’t lie, Ivan loves the feeling of comfort and support when you cuddle him
People do often assume you two are dating because most people assume someone would only put up with him if they were in love with him
Neither of you mind the rumors since y’all know the truth
Ivan is the sweetest friend
He shows up unannounced with food or groceries all the time
Always helping you out without being asked
Like oh your washing machine broke I fixed it/bought you a new one already or oh you suck at this let me explain it and teach it to you
Does this completely unprompted
He’s always over at yours or always inviting you over to his
Wants to do classic friend things?
Like things he sees in movies and shows that friends do a lot or things he’s overheard from others
Late night store runs, hanging out at parks, showing up unannounced to crash at your place, those kind of things
You’re the only person he confides in, you know all his secrets, his sadness, everything
Honestly, Ivan is the person who needs a touchy-feely friend the most out of everyone
Yao is happy about having a touchy friend but will always play like he hates it
Not in like a tsundere “I totally d-don’t need friends baka” kind of way but a really dramatic “omg I can’t believe you’re so obsessed with me haha loser” kind of way
He’s only joking of course and apologizes if you get hurt by his teasing or he crosses a line
Only a brave few would try and ask if y’all are more than friends
They have to listen to a lecture with an angry Yao explaining that people can be close and not want to date and how immature and inappropriate they’re being
Totally the type of friend that mothers you
Constantly says you look skinnier than last time and forces you to eat because he’s worried for you
Will not sugar coat anything for you
If you ask for his advice then I’m sorry but you’re gonna get it even if it makes you cry or get mad
Yao wants you over at his constantly
He’s lonely man ㅠㅠ
And he doesn’t want to leave the comfort of his house
Expect a lot of his gifts for your birthday/holiday to be cute plushies he found
Ludwig act differently depending on when y’all become besties
Like before Italy, he’s nervous, confused, and slightly annoyed by all the touching and notion of being besties
If it’s after Italy he’s used to all the touchiness and has figured out how to show his friendship to you in other ways
Like making you things! Or simply inviting you to hang out!
Ludwigs is always gonna be a bit awkward though
Always shy about hanging out and inviting you over
Many people assume you two to be dating because of his awkwardness but he is the first to start defending your friendship and it’s pure nature
He develops a sixth sense and now answers people’s questions about the two of you without even looking at them
He can just feel the nasty vibes
Asks you to do mundane things with him
Like shopping or even chores
Asks you to come bake with him a lot
It was embarrassing at first since not many people know his love of making sweets but he’s over that now
I know I say this a lot, but please work out with him _(:3 」∠)_
My guy just wants a work out buddy, a spotter, a n y t h i n g just please pick up the smallest dumbbell and pretend you want to work out
If you ask for advice expect him to be straight to the point about it but comfort you afterwards
Feliciano is a god tier bestie if your touchy-feely
Doesn’t matter if that touchy-feely emotionally and/or physically he’s down for both
Like please hold his hand, hug him, give him head pats, cheek kisses or any form affection really
No one even thinks anything of it, it’s just Feliciano being himself
If anyone did ask if you were dating he might get self-conscious of his actions, he doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable or like he was trying to be something more with you
He’s easy to calm down though
Feliciano invites you out all the time
Restaurants, wine tastings, farmers markets, gondola rides, just about anything he can think of that he thinks you would like to do
Always at your house
He eats all of your food too, but he makes you some in return so it’s okay
Gives really good advice
Like for his bestie he’ll get super serious and thoughtful about your issues, even spending days thinking of solutions
Tries not to sugar coat things for you but ends up doing just that
He doesn’t want to make his friend cry or even more anxious
Will comfort you though if you are upset about anything he’s said and apologizes profusely for it too
Kiku is overall one of the ones who needs a touchy bestie but is the most challenging with receiving or giving the touchiness back
He’s a man who enjoys personal space and alone time, so he’s honestly surprised anyone considers him a true best friend
He knows he can get a bit feisty and shut himself away when he gets uncomfortable and that makes it hard to truly befriend him
But he’s really happy you stick around and deal with his awkwardness and rejection of your affection
Tries his hardest to at least accept your friendly affection
No one would dare ask if you two are flirting or together because my god it’s taking so much of his effort to just sit less than 2 feet away from you at the start so they don’t want to ruin his progress by making it awkward
Kiku definitely asks for your opinion on anime and manga
Gets into heated debates with you over certain ones
Is shy but asks you to come over a lot
Likes to have tea and snacks with you while you guys talk
Y’all can talk for literally a whole day
You sleepover a lot, he insists and even got you your own futon with a cool custom cover
Gifts you a kotatsu at some point because he loves them and he thinks you should enjoy them all the time too
When he gets over a lot of shyness he loves when you do simple forms of affection with him
Like ruffling his hair or holding onto his arm or even just leaning against him
He enjoys those the most since they aren’t too physical and mentally taxing on him and it still let you physically express your friendship with him like you love to do
If you ask for advice either get prepared for a harsh wake up call or a stumbling mess of words
It’s 50/50 if Kiku gives you the stone cold truth or tries to spare your feelings
As your friend he thinks you deserve the truth but he doesn’t want his harsh advice to ruin your mood or make you hate him
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solomonish · 3 years
Demon Brothers Helping a Struggling MC
CW for: eating disorders (alluded to but not described - discussed in the disclaimer).
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so, i want to first state that if anybody believes anything in this post is more harmful than helpful, please let me know and i will delete it. I know that for things that I deal with, fics like this are comforting, but seeing as I’ve never personally had an eating disorder or known someone with one, it’s entirely possible I missed the mark. additionally: here is a tumblr post with a variety of hotlines you can call if you need to. There are eating disorder specific hotlines for the US and UK listed, along with suicide helplines for countries around the world. if you or someone you know is struggling, please reach out and get help - especially from the professionals who know how to give the proper care. you are so worth it.
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He keeps an eye on you, even when you don’t realize it, so he’s the first to notice that something is bothering you. Still, with how much time he spends working, it does take him a little longer than he’d like.
As solution-oriented as he is, he prefers to address you the moment he figures it out. His words are firm and straightforward - he’s not the one you want to go to if you need things put gently.
Pride is who he is, and he takes great pride in you - he makes sure to make this known. This knowledge does not make him any less proud of you, and he wants you to be able to see yourself the way he does - certainly then, you might have an easier time with the recovery process.
Even if Lucifer cannot be there directly by your side, he is always with you - in the reminders he sends you, in the rewards he promises when you make progress, in the efforts he makes to assist your transition into the Devildom. He’s the best at creating a stable environment so that you don’t have as much to focus on while he works with you to recover.
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Mammon is a hard on to hide anything from, if only because he’s around you so much. he also spends a lot of time staring after you wistfully but shhh don’t let him know you know
Still, he’s also a bit oblivious at times, so it might take him a while to notice anything is up. once he does realize that you’re struggling, he panics a bit.
Mammon brings it up himself, but only after a short while of acting antsy around you and staring more pointedly at you at random points throughout the day. he’s clumsy in his approach, but careful to be sensitive: he’s used to being told how often he messes things up, and this is one thing he WANTS to get right.
Mammon has a way of making you feel in control - with the way he allows you to tell him what you need, with the way he isn’t too pushy in helping you through rockier days of your recovery. He wants to be able to be YOUR man, your go-to guy for anything, and he’ll make absolutely sure to get it right.
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Levi has a million things to distract himself from the world around him, so bringing him into reality can take a while.
However, he can also tell when somebody else is uncomfortable - whether it’s a facet of his pact or he’s just in tune with his best friend, he isn’t sure.
He’s the type to go to sites like reddit and ask for first-person experience advice. The clinical advice seems stuffy and he isn’t sure if he can be trusted with such formal advice.
His strong suit is distraction, so if you’re okay with it, that how he’ll help you. If anything in your recovery gets too much, he’s there to help shift your focus. He’s also good with helping you stick to some kind of schedule, if that helps you out. After all, he sticks to one religiously to catch all his shows - he’ll rearrange it for you if you need it.
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Satan is perceptive, but he’s not immune to overthinking. The fact that you came to the Devildom, something to be wary of yet somehow becoming something so treasured so quickly, catches him off guard and he still has to reconcile his feelings with how he watches you.
When he does find out and realizes how long he’s gone without noticing, he’s angry with himself. He’s supposed to be the smart one, the perceptive one, and he missed something so important.
He’ll read up on everything he can in order to give you the best support. Satan will also up his attentiveness, making sure to notice any little thing you may need that you don’t want to tell him about.
Aside from maybe having to let him know to back off a bit, Satan will probably be the most likely to just intuitively know what you need. He still communicates everything with you, and he makes for good company, whatever type you may need.
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Asmo’s favorite things to take pictures of are as follows: himself, you, and the most aesthetically pleasing desserts he can find. When you start shying away from two of those, he wonders briefly what made you so camera shy but normally turns the camera on himself and shrugs it off. maybe you feel like you’re having a bad hair day?
Once it does dawns on him that perhaps it’s something more serious, he’ll immediately ask you how he can help. He’s holding you gently as he does, using his softest voice - he almost sounds timid, and maybe he has to be, to deal with the amount of love he’s feeling for you and only you.
You might have to tell him to ease up on the overt compliments about how you look or talking about buying clothes and “form fitting” shapes, and thought he’ll have a learning curve he’ll find lots of different ways to make sure you feel loved! He’ll take a page from your book and start complimenting things like how sweet you are, or how smart he thinks you are - things about the you inside of you that have his heart racing when you say them back.
Asmo knows a lot about the pressure to look a certain way, so even though he lives by feeding into what those people want, he’ll always back out if it gets too much for you. If it’s alright with you, you can always be his favorite photographer <3
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When he’s eating, he doesn’t always focus on what other people are eating. (honestly, it only makes him hungrier). However, when he offers some of his food to you - a move anybody will tell you is the most affectionate thing he can do - and you refuse, he starts to worry.
At first, he wonders if you’re upset with him - and once he finds out the real reason, he doesn’t feel much more satisfied.
Beel’s best effort is trying to structure mealtimes more so instead of gorging himself throughout the day he eats meals. He also never judges or comments on what you do or don’t eat - he just does his best to make sure you have any option you want.
Beel’s strongest suit is comfort - he’ll agree with anything you do want to eat and will get rid of anything you don’t without judgement. He’s also pretty good with knowing the nutritional value of food - if you’re interested, he’d be more than happy to help you plan meals that have what you want and what you need, without making it seem too daunting a task.
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Belphegor doesn’t pick up on a lot of things because he’s asleep most of the day. He does, however, spend a lot of his conscious hours with you, and eventually (maybe with some innocent prompting from Beel) he’ll realize that you’re starting to behave differently.
Will straight up ask you about it until he knows you’re being completely honest with him. What he lacks in tact he makes up for in dedication - he wants to help you, and his apathetic front allows him to help without seeming too involved to the point it makes you uncomfortable.
Belphegor can help you feel a sense of normalcy if you ever get overwhelmed or disconnected. He can continue conversations about really anything and help give you a moment to recuperate and breathe.
That’s not to say he isn’t proactive in your recovery. Anything you tell him or anything he brings to the table to brainstorm, he’ll say at the end of the conversation “let me sleep on it” and when he wakes up again he’ll have several game plans ready to see which helps you most in your recovery.
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if one of them catches wind, it’s only a matter of time until the others notice how something’s changed between you and that brother
all of them will advocate for you to have easier access to the human world for therapy (in their own ways, some more helpful than others), should you choose to go. if not, they’ll all do their best to be a comforting ear when you need one.
sometimes you can find them all in the library, not discussing what you’ve told them but trying to figure out how best to communicate how much they care. (it’s one of the few times you can see them actually working together)
whoever had grocery duty or dinner duty will often check in with you to see if you have any special requests. if you mention wanting a specific snack or something throughout the day, you might end up with seven packages of it within 24 hours. (they’re all trying).
little by little, you’ll also notice how they stop fighting as much at the table. meals become more fun and enjoyable affairs, even if there’s been a disagreement earlier in the day. the brothers are all on their best behavior, and lucifer doesn’t even make any comments wondering why they won’t act that way for diavolo.
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thepremedthatwrites · 4 years
In Between
request: okay so maybe one where both edmund and susan are both into the reader (also a queen of narnia) and it ends with spice!!
warning: smut below the cut.  smut contains a threesome so if you are uncomfortable with that, I totally understand.  also note that Susan and Edmund never touch each other and both are only interested in the reader (felt the need to include that because apparently there are people who ship the Pevensies together and I do not support that at all).
A ball.  That’s what Peter had said we would do.  The kings and queens of Narnia were plagued with boredom and a ball was the cure according to Peter.  The others seemed to be on board with the idea and I feigned excitement.  How could I explain to the other royals that I didn’t know ballroom dancing?  I was supposed to be a queen and I didn’t know something every queen should know how to do.  The others had started to file out of the room until it was just Susan and I.
“Are you alright (y/n)?” Susan asked, her eyebrows knitting together as a worried expression painted her face.  “You seem more quiet than usual.”
“It’s just,” I started, already feeling my face warm as I felt Susan’s eyes study me, “I don’t know how to dance.”  The corners of Susan’s mouth started to lift as a smile formed on her face.
“Well that’s an easy fix!” she exclaimed, taking my hands in hers.  “I’ll just teach you!”  
“Would you really do that?” I asked, starting to smile.  
“Of course,” she replied.
“Thank you!”  My smile had started to grow wider.
“Anything for you,” she said, smiling before letting go of my hands and starting to move towards the door.
“Susan,” I called out.  Susan paused, turning to face me again.  The sunlight that filtered through the window gave her a soft golden glow as her blue eyes studied mine.  “Could we keep this between us?  I would rather the other’s didn’t know.”
“Your secret is safe with me,” she said, giving me a quick wink before walking out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
“Don’t be so tense,” Susan said, chuckling lightly.  “Dancing shouldn’t be something that’s stressful.”
“It is when you don’t know what you’re doing,” I mumbled before releasing the tension in my shoulders.  Susan and I were slowly dancing our way around her bedroom.  Her hands were on my waist and mine were around her neck.  
“Just follow my lead.  When I step back, you step forward.”  Susan winced as I stepped on her foot.
“Sorry,” I said quickly, heat rising to my face in embarrassment.
“It’s alright.  I was the same way when I started.”  Our eyes met for a moment and I felt my heart start to race.  I had always found the young queen attractive, although I wasn’t sure if she felt the same.  In fact, I wasn’t even sure if she liked girls.  
“There you go,” Susan said, snapping me from my thoughts.  “You’re doing great!  Haven’t even stepped on my foot for a while.”  She laughed at her own joke and I cracked a smile myself.  As we progressed, I felt myself start to relax.  Susan was incredibly patient, praising me when I did exceptionally well and offering advice on how I can improve in areas where I struggled.  We came to a halt in the middle of the room.  I looked up, my eyes meeting hers.  I felt my heart skip a beat, the surroundings becoming a blur as I was focused solely on her.  Susan had fallen silent and I caught her eyes flickering to my lips.
I licked my lips in response, suddenly extremely nervous.  “Thank you,” I said, a bit too quickly.  
“Yeah, of course.”  She released my waist and I removed my hands from around her neck.  “You should do great at the ball this weekend.”
“All thanks to you,” I replied with, a shy smile on my face.  My face was still warm as she smiled back.  “I should go.  I need to be fitted for my gown.”
“Of course.”  I quickly walked towards the door, opening it before walking into the hall where the air seemed to be significantly cooler.  I winced as the door slammed behind me, the loud noise echoing throughout the hallway.  I scurried towards my bedroom, hoping my blush would subside by the time my maid came to take my measurements.
“Would you be my date for the ball?”  I blankly stared back at the brunette, not sure I had heard him correctly.  “(Y/n)?”
“Yeah, of course,” I said, finally finding my words.  I had never expected Edmund to ask such a thing.  Of course we had exchanged flirtatious looks every now and then but nothing had ever come of it.  Until now.  A large grin appeared on his face.
“Great!  I promise to not disappoint on the dance floor.”  I laughed.
“I can’t make the same promise.”
“I don’t buy it.  I can tell you’re a great dancer.”
“And how can you tell that?”
“I just know,” he replied before giving me a wink.  “I’ll see you at dinner.  I need to make sure our outfits go together.”  He raced off, the grin never leaving his face as walked away.  I smiled to myself as I watched him walk away.  I had always found myself stuck between Susan and Edmund.  Both of them were incredibly attractive and I felt like I could be myself around both.  I could never pick one over the other, although Edmund was much easier to flirt with given that I knew he was into girls.  Susan I was never sure with, but the thought of her never reciprocating my feelings made my heart ache.
No, it was better I went with Edmund.  He was always there for me, helping me adjust to life in Narnia when I first arrived.  He was the one who believed in me.  He was the one who insisted I would make a great queen, even when I didn’t believe it myself.  It was final.  I would go to the ball with Edmund.
I twirled around in my dress, bright red fabric flying around me.  The dress fit me snugly around the waist before flowing out down towards the floor.  Combined with my hair which was pulled into an intricate braid and the expertly placed make up, I could barely recognize my own reflection.  My hand lightly touched the golden tiara that sat on my head before I turned to the door.  I took a deep breath and walked out of my room and towards the other royals.
“You look...wow,” Edmund said as I approached him.  His garments were a matching red to mine, his silver crown sitting proudly on top of his brown hair.  His face wore a large smile as he put out an arm for me to take.  “Are you ready for the Narnians to see us together?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“How long do you think it’ll take for rumors of a marriage to spread?”
“I give it an hour.”  He looked at me and I replied with a smile.  
“You’re being generous love,” he said.  “They’ll be assuming we’ve eloped and are already expecting a child the moment we walk out together.”  I let out a laugh.  “Here we go,” Ed said, turning towards the double doors which had already started to open.  I followed his lead, looking forward as the crowd appeared in front of us.  I could hardly hear the announcer announcing us as we walked down from the balcony that looked out to the entire ballroom towards where Peter and Susan were waiting for us.  
A look of shock was on Peter’s face.  I tried to read Susan’s face but couldn’t tell what she was feeling.  I felt a bit guilty not telling her before tonight but I wasn’t sure how I would tell her.  Before either of them could say anything, Lucy had started to make her entrance, a smile proudly on her face as she excitedly waved at the crowd before making her way towards us.
“Can you believe it!” Lucy exclaimed.  “(Y/n) actually allowed Edmund to take her to the ball!”  A chuckle escaped me as Edmund wrapped an arm around my waist.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Ed asked defensively.
“Nothing, nothing at all,” Lucy said quickly before racing off to start talking to her people.  
“It is quite shocking,” Susan said.  Although she was speaking to all of us, she was focusing on me.  I couldn’t look back at her so instead I focused on Peter who seemed to have gotten over his initial shock.
“Well, I’m happy you two have figured out your feelings for eachother,” Peter said.  “Now, if you will excuse me, I have a representative from Archenland I must talk to.”  He gave us all a short nod before walking away, leaving me with Edmund and Susan.  The orchestra had started to play causing Edmund’s face to light up.
“C’mon (y/n)!  Let’s dance.  I did promise you an amazing experience on the dance floor.”  He had grabbed my hand, leading us away from Susan and towards the crowd of Narnians who had started to dance.  “And perhaps I could expand that amazing experience to the bedroom,” he whispered into my ear before placing his hands on my waist.  I felt myself blush at his words.
“Ed!” I scolded causing him to laugh.
“I’m kidding!” he chuckled as we started to dance.  
“Well, if you’re half as good in the bedroom as you are on the dance floor, I guess I shouldn’t complain,” I said, already regaining my composure.
“And you say I’m the bad one.”  We danced for a while, laughing the entire time.  “I have to say, I’m impressed with your dancing.  Who taught you?”
“Susan,” I said.  My eyes searched the ballroom before landing on the queen who was standing by the side of the room, conversing with a faun.  Her eyes flickered to me, our eyes meeting for a second before I turned back to Edmund.  
“I’ll have to thank her later then,” Edmund said, spinning me around.  “I was bluffing when I said I knew you were a good dancer but you haven’t stepped on my foot once this entire evening.”  I feigned a look of offense.
“You have no faith in me!”  
“No, no.  I would trust you with the world.”  I felt my face warm at his words and I looked down at the floor.  The song ended, our dance coming to a stop.  A more upbeat song started, Lucy rushing towards us.
“C’mon Ed!  I love this song!” Lucy exclaimed, grabbing her brother’s hand and dragging him to dance.  I let out a laugh as he looked back towards me, a small smile on his face.  I made my way towards the side of the room, watching Edmund and Lucy dance when I felt someone approach me.  I turned my head to see Susan approaching me.  I felt my back straighten and I gave her a soft smile.
“So, how long have you and Edmund been a thing?” Susan asked as she reached my side.
“If by ‘a thing’ you mean him asking me to the ball, then last night.”
“If Ed hadn’t asked you, would you have gone with anyone else?”  I turned to face Susan, her blue eyes looking back at me.  Her eyes were wide, searching my face for anything that would give away my thoughts.
“Yes,” I said, suddenly feeling like the wind had been knocked out of me.
“Who?”  My mouth felt dry, my heart racing.
“You,” I said in almost a whisper.  Something seemed to have come over Susan as she grabbed my hand, tugging me towards a door that opened to the hallway.  I felt my back press against the cool stone as her warm lips met mine.  I kissed back hungrily, my hands tangled in her brown hair that had previously been put into place with care.  Her hands explored my body, groping my ass.  I moaned into her mouth, trying to press her body as close to mine as possible.
“What the fuck.”  Susan and I quickly pulled apart to see Edmund standing in front of us, a pained expression on his face.
“Ed…” I started, not knowing what to say.
“I’m sorry,” Susan said, looking at her brother.  “I’m so sorry Edmund but I need (y/n).  Even if it’s just for one night.”  Edmund’s eyes darkened as he focused on me.
“Then I’ll share her with you for one night,” Edmund said, already making his way towards me.
“Ed, what do you mean?”  I asked.
“Shut it,” he said, grabbing my wrist harshly.  “Susan and I are going to punish you for being such a little slut.”  I should have been angry at the way he talked to me.  I should have been furious as he forced me down the hall and towards his bedroom with Susan close behind us.  Instead, I felt myself start to get wet as I watched Edmund, his jaw clenched, pushing open his bedroom door.  
He pulled me towards him, his lips crashing with mine.  I felt a pair of hands working on the strings on my dress.  I pulled away from Edmund to see Susan expertly untying the string.  Edmund grabbing my face with his hand, forcing me to face him before he started to kiss me again.  A small moan escaped me as our tongues pressed together.  I felt the cool air brush my bare skin as my dress fell to the floor.  
A pair of soft lips pressed against my naked back, Susan’s hands tracing the curve of my hips.  “Susan, would you like to play with her first?”  A smile formed on Susan’s face as she nodded.
“Yes,” she said, making her way towards me.  She pushed me onto the bed, hovering over me as she kissed me.  “I’ve been wanting to do this for ages,” she whispered into my ear  before starting a trail of kisses down my body and stopping at my pussy.  She paused for a moment, looking up at me, our eyes meeting.  I raised my hips, desperate for contact with Susan.  “So impatient,” she chuckled before kissing my inner thigh.  A small moan left my mouth at the small contact.  She continued to tease me, her lips kissing up my thigh before stopping where they were needed most.
“Please,” I gasped, the anticipation becoming too much.  Susan let her tongue run over my clit in response, drawing a moan from me.  A hand forced my head to turn from Susan to the side of the bed where Edmund was standing, now naked.  He knelt down, giving me a soft kiss, a stark contrast to how he had been treating me before.  It was short lived as he stood up again, stroking himself a few times before moving closer to the edge of the bed.
“Open your mouth.”  I obeyed, Edmund starting to shove his cock into my mouth.  I opened my mouth as wide as I could, Edmund slowly starting to thrust his hips.  Susan had entered a finger into me as she sucked on my clit causing my back to arch.  A strangled moan left my mouth, the sound muffled by Edmund as he thrust deep into my throat.  My hands flew to Susan’s hair, knocking off her tiara.  
I could feel myself getting closer as Susan started to move her fingers faster, her tongue pressing hard against my clit.  “You’re doing so fucking good,” Edmund moaned as he continued to fuck my mouth.  I felt my body start to tense up as the knot in my stomach became tighter.  Within seconds, my entire body shook with pleasure as my orgasm rippled through me.  Susan had removed her finger and slowed her tongue to a stop.
Edmund pulled himself out of me, lowering himself once more so our faces were level with each other.  “Now, I’m going to fuck you until you can’t walk and you’re going to take it like the little slut you are.  Understand?”  I nodded, causing Edmund to smile.  “Good girl.”  Susan had taken off her dress while Edmund had been talking.  The two switched positions so Edmund was at the end of the bed and Susan on the side.
“You’re not allowed to finish until I do, understand?” Susan asked as she climbed onto the bed.
“Yes,” I replied with.  
“Good.”  She started to lower herself onto my face.  My hands gripped her thighs as I started to run my tongue over her clit, causing her to moan.  She was already so wet.  I kept my eyes open, looking up to see Susan’s eyes closed in pleasure as I started to eat her out.  A low moan left me as Edmund pushed into me, his hands harshly gripping my hips.  The vibration from my moan caused Susan to moan as well.  Edmund had started a good pace, his hands holding my hips in place.  Each thrust caused the tip of his cock to brush that special spot within me that lit every inch of my body with pleasure.
Susan had started to rock her hips against my face and I watched her breast move in rhythm with her body.  I tried to focus my energy on making Susan feel good but Edmund was fucking me so hard that I had trouble concentrating.  Instead, I allowed Susan to set the pace, my tongue pressed against her clit as she moved.  Every now and then, I would let out a moan that would send vibrations through Susan and cause her to moan.
I could feel myself start to clench around Edmund’s cock.  “Are you close?” Edmund asked.  I moaned in response.  
“You’re not allowed to finish,” Susan said, struggling to get the words out as she was close to climaxing as well.  I focused on making Susan finish, knowing that once she did I would be rewarded with my own orgasm.  “Oh fuck (y/n),” she gasped.  I could feel her body start to shake as I drew circled on her clit with my tongue.  I started to slow down as I watched Susan start to come down from her high.  I didn’t have much time to admire the glow that was on her face post-orgasm as an orgasm of my own rippled through me.
Susan had crawled off of me, kneeling at the side of the bed and planting soft kissing on my neck as I screamed out in pleasure.  Edmund locked eyes with me as he fucked me and I knew he was enjoying watching me come undone underneath him.  He continued to fuck me even as my orgasm started to come to an end.  He let out a low grunt as his pace increased to an almost painful extent before I felt himself spill into me.
He slowed to a stop as Susan pulled away from me.  Edmund lowered himself onto his forearms, his face inches from mine.  “You did so good, love,” he said into my ear, planting kisses along my neck.  He rolled off of me, covering himself with the sheets.  I turned to see Susan had already dressed herself, her tiara back on her head.  
Susan walked up to me, giving me a soft kiss on the cheek.  “Thank you,” she whispered into my ear before turning around and walking out of the room.  
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magpie-scribbles · 4 years
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Ahhh I’m bit late but here is my part of the BNHarem ~*Collab*~
Title: Call Me
Pairing: F!reader X Maijima Higari (Power Loader)
Rating: E
Word Count: 5.8k
Warnings: Smut, sex work, older man younger woman 
Higari sighs, his metal tipped fingers tapping on his work table 11pm, 11 pm and he still had so much to do. Normally he relished having work to do, rather being a busy bee than not, but lately the stress had been catching up to him. The academic year was in full swing, and with more villain activity than usual he was beginning to wear...A lot of his projects (pet projects) were starting to fall behind because frankly he was too stressed and found himself getting upset with himself when he made mistakes or miscalculations, which seemed to be happening a lot in his overall raised tension.
Realizing he wasn't going to make any progress aside from going in circles. He slumps, plunking down onto the stool next him, thumping his head against the metal of the workbench and just...sitting there allowing himself to cool off...or perhaps it was wallow…
Bzzzzz bzzzzzzz he feels it as much as he hears it as an incoming text reverberates through his skull. He tilts his head, just enough to glare at his cellphone on the far end of the workbench; he could ignore it, he could...but he doesn't. With a groan he sits up leaning over to swipe the phone up to see the notification.
"Heeeyyyyy, how you doing???" She follows up with a few heart emoji.
To someone on the outside looking in it might seem like she’s flirting, or that they had something going on. But he and Nemuri had been good friends for so long that he doubts he could ever see her as anything but.
"Fine" He types out simply, not in the mood for banter, he hopes she's not putting together a last minute bar hop.
"That rough huh?" 
The texts come in rapid succession. He sighs.
"I'm fine" He repeats; though it's nice to have someone that worries about you from time to time.
It takes her a moment to respond, he can see the little typing indicator, bounce along the bottom off his screen and then stop and then start again.
"Did you call her yet?? 👀👀👀" Her response finally comes and he groans.
He had a feeling she was going to bring this up sooner or later.
"No I haven't called her yet" He replies, grumbling to himself as he hits send harder than he needs to.
"You should, she could really help you relax 😌" He can practically hear he voice through the illuminated text on his screen, goading him.
He can feel his face heat up, he wasn't a prude...this was just...he wasn't a prude!
"Kayama" now beginning to wish he never picked up the phone.
"It's not just about sex Maijima, where's your head??😏😏😏" now she was just being cruel, he shakes his phone in his gripe blowing out a puff of air, wishing he could berate her.
"In all seriousness tho, she can help you out, it's her job, she's really nice!" She adds.
He sighs, deflating a bit, mulling over the idea for a while...he thinks he still has the card Nemuri gave him. 
Reaching into the front pocket of his jeans he pulls out a crinkled card, oh, yeah he had definitely washed these pants a few times. Luckily the card had been printed on heavy sleek looking cardstock. And even with the edges slightly worn and the the paper somewhat crinkled, no expenses were obviously spared as the elegant type face remained readable even after a few trips through the wash...which was good for him because if it hadn't then he'd have to ask Nemuri for the details and that's something he would not want to live through. 
He sighs, looking from the card to his phone, weighing his options...he was very stressed and Nemuri said it didn't have to be about sex...not that he didn't like that! ...Damnit…
Suckling on his teeth he slowly punches in the number printed in embossed gold.
You settle down into the pillows and blankets of your freshly laundered bed, wondering if you even want to try and read the next chapter in your book that sat on your nightstand. The sheets were still warm from the dryer and damn, it was tempting to just nestle in and go straight to bed.
Your brow furrows, the sudden sound brings you out of your very important and very difficult decision. For a moment the sound eludes you as you listen for it again.
Oh fuck that was your phone, your head whips to the nightstand again; the illuminated screen blocked by the book you had just been considering as the device vibrates beneath it.
You grumble, you know it could be a client but most of them had the decency to not call this late…well most of them did. 
Grabbing your phone you gaze down to the screen, cocking your head when you see a string of numbers you've never seen before, hmmm.
Reclining back into the comfort of your pillow pile you answer.
"Hello this is L/N F/N speaking." You say, all business; not one to ever come off as unprofessional even if it was a spam call.
There was a long pause; you almost repeat yourself when you hear someone clear their throat.
"Miss L/N, this is Maijima Higari....uhhh, Kayama Nemuri said I should contact you." His voice is soft baritone with a bit of gravel to it, he seems very uncertain, but you know who he is right away.
To be honest you had been quite curious about him since Nemuri had told you about her fellow hero and coworker.
You worked a lot with heroes, some high profile ones too, but you've never had a client that was also a support specialist, or as Nemuri had put it, a keen inventor. You were intrigued.
"Ah Mr. Maijima, Kayama mentioned you-" you begin.
"She did?" He interrupts and you can hear him shifting away from the phone "motherfucker"  you hear the breathy hiss, and you have to keep yourself under control because you did not want your first conversation with the man you had been interested in hearing from, to be you laughing at him.
He must have realized you can hear him because there's more scrambling on the other end of the line.
"Sorry 'bout that...Nemuri...likes to talk." He sighs.
You chuckle warmly; she had mentioned he was somewhat proud and what she called "aggressively" shy.
"She definitely can be quite the gossip." You reply and you hear him groan. "Though I assure you, it's all good things Mr. Maijima."
"Somehow that doesn't put me at ease at all…" he huffs, and you can't help but let out a small laugh.
There is a pause again, and you decide to gently encourage him.
"So what can I do for you Mr. Maijima?" You ask gently.
There's shifting on the other end of the line again and then a small cough.
"I've...I've been stressed lately, like...more than usual and Kayama said that you might be able to help with that." You can tell he's a bit uncertain on how to ask for your services.
"Of course, I'd be more than happy to help, just tell me what you need and I'll set up an appointment. " You recline further into your pillows.
"Uh well...fuck I've never done this before…" he sighs.
"That's perfectly alright." You reply, waiting for him to continue.
"...I-I don't know?" He says finally and you smile, you like when they're honest; not trying to show-off.
"Of course, we can figure everything out along the way." You hum and you hear him sigh in relief.
"Alright, yeah." 
"How about I put you in for this Friday at 8pm, I'll make sure that we have the whole night free to get you settled." You make a mental note to put that in your planner (not that you could forget, you were surprisingly eager to meet him.)
"Today's Wednesday." He says in reply.
"So you mean in two days? The Friday in two days?" You suppress a chuckle; definitely needed to relieve some stress.
"If that's an issue I'd be happy to-"
"NO!...No it's fine, just surprised is all." His voice trails off and he clears his throat. "Sooooo so how do I do this?"
You pause for a moment considering. There are a few luxury hotels and venues you've preferred to use in the past...but...you decide to throw caution to the wind.
"Let me give you my address." You reply, a very rare option you give to only your most trusted clients; but he was good friends with Nemuri and you trusted her judgement whole heartedly.
"Oh!...are you sure you're okay with that? I understand if you don't want to do that, safety and all, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable" You smile, he was already quite the charmer even if he didn't know it yet.
"No need to worry, I wouldn't give it to you if I didn't want to." 
"Okay, if you're okay with it." He replies warily and you smile to yourself.
"I'll send you a follow up text with my address and a reminder of the time; is this an okay number to send that to?"
"Oh yeah, sure."
"Perfect, well Mr. Maijima, I'll let you go and I'll send you my info."
"Yeah, sure...uh thanks for this Miss L/N." He replies.
"It's my pleasure." You reply.
He gives you a quick goodbye and then the line goes quiet; chuckling to yourself you scoot down further into your blankets and quickly add Maijima Higari to your schedule. Before opening Maijima's number and adding it to your contact list.
Nemuri definitely seems to have good taste in friends (well you're one of them.) He has certainly caught your attention...in a good way.
Higari groans, while body deflating as his muscles relax somewhat...that was one of the most nerve-racking calls he'd ever made.
God he probably sounded like an idiot. 
Huffing, he looks back at his phone and opens up his chat with Nemuri.
"I called her" he writes before getting up from his workbench with a groan, back popping as he stretches.
His phone buzzes a moment later.
“Maijime it’s like 11:30 at night!” Nemuri’s text reads; he pales and looks at the time on his phone. 
Fuck....now he felt like an ass. He goes to respond, not even sure if he should defend himself or brush it off when another text comes in from a new number. Cocking his head he swipes it open.
“Hello Mr. Maijime, it was a pleasure speaking with you tonight, I have you all booked for Friday at 8pm and I look forward to spending time with you.” he swallows thickly, reading over the message a few more times, taking note of the little hearts on the end.
“This is her job, this is her job, she’s just being nice…”  he mentally berates himself.
Reading over the message one more time he responds.
“Thank you Miss L/N.” he pauses and then adds “Sorry ‘bout calling you so late, lost track of the time.” he hits send before he can chicken out, and shoves his phone in his front pocket; out of sight out of mind 
It’s only a few seconds before he hears the buzz of his phone again and he scrabbles to get it, not even sure why he put it away in the first place.
“Nothing to worry about sweetie, I’ll see you Friday.”
Higari decides he needs a very cold shower and then promptly after needs to put himself to bed...he’d deal with Nemuri tomorrow.
You decide against the silk robe after some debate, donning luxurious Egyptian cotton instead. You'd rather not scare him off or look too presumptuous, after all he might be satisfied with your other talents, though Nemuri had said he could do with a good Fuck. You had of course laughed at her crassness, but you couldn't help but feel a spark of warmth in your belly, it surprised you, it had been awhile since you had, let alone for a potential client. 
You needed to be professional.
Giving yourself a once over in the mirror you found your attire agreeable. Your robe was a little longer than the ones you usually wore for your clients, coming to brush against your knees. But it was your favorite, plush and warm and while a bit promiscuous it was also classic. 
Your hair and makeup was in place and you gazed down to your phone
You hadn't received and cancelation call or text so at this point all you could do was wait.
Padding through your apartment on your way to the lounge you make a few quick mental notes.
Did you have both red and white wine as well as a few stiffer drinks just in case ready? Check.
Bottled water on ice as well and had you tea kettle ready with an assortment of teas just in case? Check and check
A few hors d'oeuvres, nothing too over the top? Check.
You come to settle on your favorite chaise as you finish your little check off; yes you believe you had everything ready…
Your intercom pings, and you quickly get to your feet and shuffle over, pressing the talk button.
"Miss L/N, there is a Mr. Maijima here to see you." The doorman's voice responds.
"Yes of course please have him come up." 
"Of course ma'am."
To be honest no matter how long you had done this you could never quite figure out what to do with yourself while you wanted for a client to come up to meet you. Nothing ever seemed natural or smooth... it irked you. You wondered what other consorts did, maybe you should ask a few of your colleagues next time you go out for drinks-
There's a firm knock on your door, jarring you out of your thoughts. 
Giving yourself a quick once over you, smooth down your robe and slap on a warm smile before opening the door.
"Mr. Maijima, I'm so glad you came." You move out of the way, opening the door further to allow him in.
"Uh thanks, yeah me too." He lets out a nervous laugh as he shuffles inside. 
He was quite charming. Nemuri had shown you pictures but pictures can never do enough justice to some people. 
He was dressed in a bomber jacket, dark pull over and well worn jeans and boots. He looked comfortable, the perfect amount of dressed down; he looked like himself, not trying to put on airs like some of your clients. 
"Let me take your jacket while you get your shoes." You say warmly and he gingerly shrugs out of the fabric.
"Thanks." He replies as he leans down to untie his boots.
"Nice place you have here." He replies as he looks around from his lowered position. 
"Oh thank you!" You tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear as you look around your place fondly. "The main foyer is a bit much though." You add with a chuckle thinking to the decadence of the building's main entrance.
"Was pretty swanky." He replies nearly finished with his second boot.
"I assure you I'm much more down to earth." You reply and he perks up at that, you eye him curiously.
"Hehe, earth." He laughs and it takes you a moment to remember he's the Excavation hero and you let out a laugh, surprised by his humor.
"I wouldn’t have guessed you'd also be a man with a good taste in jokes." You reply and extend you hand out to him as he tucks his boots away. You have always been a fan of so-called bad jokes.
He seems to like that and puffs up with a smile, slipping his large hand into yours. Oh it was warm and rough; Nemuri did say he was good with his hands. 
"How about we settle in." You say nodding your head towards the lounge.
He nods and swallows thickly, still visibly unsure, but obviously not willing to back down.
You smile at him and gently lead him out of the entryway. 
As you lead him further into your apartment you had taken note that while he was untying his boots he could have very easily looked up your robe, but instead all of his attention was on you, his sharp grey eyes peeking out from a thick fringe of fiery hair. He was watching and listening to you not ogling you, it made your heart warm.
Yes, you had decided that he was certainly a catch.
You lead him into the lounge motioning for him to sit anywhere and he takes his place in one of the plush armchairs across from you chaise. You wish he would have opted for a closer seat but you want him to be comfortable first and foremost.
"Can I get you anything? Wine? Something stronger? Water, tea?" You ask.
"Uh water's fine right now, thanks." He replies and you crack open one of the water bottles and pour it into a crystal tumbler.
You hand it to him and leave the water bottle close to him on the coffee table.
"Thank you L/N." He replies and takes a sip.
"Please call me F/N." You say as you settle on your chaise, he pauses for a moment, mouth full before swallowing
"F/N…" he parrots, voice surprisingly gravelly despite the water he just drank.
You smile and nod your head.
He fiddles with the empty glass in his hands before looking up at you with genuineness; your heart flutters and you’re once again surprised by your feelings.
"Call me Higari."
Higari slowly begins to relax as you talk, his posture loosening and his voice becoming less tense and formal. When he finally laughs fully at one of your jokes, you feel warmth wash over you in a pleasant wave of contentment. 
Despite his obvious relaxation you can’t help but notice he shifts every so often, adjusting his back or subtly rolling his neck. Small ques that make you realize that he wasn't only mentally stressed but physically as well. 
"Higari." You catch his attention as he excitedly tells you about a project he's working on. "Sorry to interrupt but is your back bothering you?" You ask softy and he blinks at you in surprise.
"Oh sorry, that noticeable?" He chuckles. "'S probably from hunching over a workbench all day." He's trying to wave it off, not make you worry.
"Would you mind if I used my quirk on you?" You ask gently, not wanting him to feel pressured. 
"Uuhhh, you haven't already?" He looks a bit confused and you can't help but let out a hearty laugh.
"Of course not, I would never use my quirk without your permission." You smile and you watch as his cheeks turn ruddy with blush. "Might I ask what you thought my quirk was doing all this time?"
He leans back a bit huffing softly to himself, trying to control his embarrassment. 
"Make me relax I guess?" He mutters under his breath and you smile fondly, happy that he truly was relaxed around you.
"You’re sweet, while my quirk does help people relax, I wasn't using it on you." You reply sitting up and gently patting the space next to you on the chaise. " could I show you, I'll stop if you don't feel comfortable."
He observes you for a moment, mulling over the idea or trying to pump himself up you're not exactly sure; but then he slowly gets to his feet and walks over to you.
"Never done this before…" he says softly as he looks down at you, trying hard to be open and honest.
It's one of the sweetest things you've ever had happen with a client and you gently take his hands and pull him down to sit next to you.
"That's perfectly alright, whatever you are comfortable with, whatever you want Higari." You say gently and give his hands a reassuring squeeze.
He looks down, his hands are so large in yours; turning them over in his he brushes the metal tips of his thumbs against your palms reverently, and you swoon a little bit. 
"Show me you quirk." 
You feel pride well in your chest.
"I would love to." You smile before adjusting a bit. "Lay down on your stomach, there should be enough room for you to lay down fully." 
He complies, seemingly throwing caution to the wind, but you can see the tremble in his arms as he lowers himself to the plush cushion of the chaise.
"I'm going to sit on your thighs is that alright?" You question.
It takes him a moment to respond and when he does it's a breathy "yes" and you're glad he's facing away from you so he doesn't catch the shiver that runs up your spine at the tone of his voice.
Slowly you crawl up his body, careful to let him feel every move, to let him know your position until you are sitting comfortably on his muscled thighs, your legs tucked on either side of him. He lets out a shaky sigh as you reach out and run your hands from his shoulder blades down to the small of his back.
"My quirk works best with skin to skin contact, you are certainly welcome to leave your shirt on or remove it." You begin your typical overview of your quirk when he moves beneath you suddenly, almost setting you off balance as he reaches behind his head. Fisting the fabric at his back and rucking it up over his head, fluffing up his hair as he does before letting the article of clothing crumple to the floor.
You're too surprised to move from his sudden boldness as he settles back down, neatly crossing his arms beneath his chin. 
After a few moments you manage to pull yourself together and you slowly, gently lay your hands back on his now bare shoulder blades and oh! Beneath your palms he is trembling; now you desperately wanted to sooth his frayed nerves.
"My quirk allows me to admit frequency through my skin, that I can channel into vibrations." You tell him gently as you smooth down his back again, slowly activating your quirk.
He tenses for a moment and then begins to relax into your touch.
"It can help muscle relaxation and promote blood flow." You continue as you knead a knot along his lat. 
"It ah- sounds like your quirk is definitely a benefit." His voice is breathy, almost sighing as he falls further into your touch.
"I like to think so too." You say fondly, you were really starting to enjoy his company and his kindness. "You were talking about one of your inventions earlier when I interrupted, I would very much like to hear more about it." And it was the honest to God truth.
He hums in contentment and from his position on his folded arms you can see a genuine smile grace his lips.
He quickly eases back into his explanation and his ideas as you allow you quirk to sink into his skin while you massage his tense muscles. Honestly you could listen to him talk for hours, even if you didn't quite understand some of it; it was fascinating and his passion and enthusiasm was a pleasant warmth that enveloped you.
Slowly his muscles begin to ease up under your ministrations and his voice begins to get more husky and more lax. You’re not exactly sure when he stopped talking but you suddenly notice the silence and the absence of his pleasant voice.
"F/N?" You blink, gazing up from you hands, to find Higari staring lazily up at you through the fringe of his hair. His stare is hypnotizing
"Yes?" Your voice is breathier than you would have liked.
For a moment he doesn't say anything and then he shifts, starting to roll on his side and you gingerly move to sit beside him, you barely have anytime to take in his sudden change when his large hand comes up, fingers brushing against your jaw tentatively.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks softly and you definitely swoon, you hand coming up to press his touch closer.
"I would like that very much." You hum, your blood singing at the thought of his lips on yours.
Slowly he rises up and you can feel him moving against you and as he does you feel his lower half brush against your hip and the strangest combination of pride and desire fills your chest as you feel the hardness straining against his jeans.
Everything seems to still for a brief moment and then his nose brushes against yours and you suck in a shaking breath as his lips press against yours.
It's like firecrackers, zipping along you skin, you feel your toes curl and you lean into him. He groans against you and slings his arm around your shoulders pressing you to him, your chest flush with his bare one. 
You sigh against him and he takes a moment to adjust, tilting his head, teeth clacking against yours as he slots himself against you.
You feel as though you are made of feathers, your whole body alight as you kiss him back feverishly. It's been awhile since you felt this and you can't get enough.
Letting out a small whine you smooth your hands down his ribs bringing them around to rest on his lower stomach; you feel the muscles jump against your fingertips and then he trembles against you letting out a wonderfully gravelly moan that reverberates in his chest. 
Then he's slowly pulling you back with him, laying back down against the chaise, tugging you on top of him. He pauses moving away to catch his breath, a hand coming up to smooth over your hair. Your breath hitches as you take him in; he's beautiful… his cheeks stained with blush, his grey eyes gazing up at you half lidded and hazy, pupils blown so wide the irises are halos of near silver.
"Can we…? Is this okay?" He asks hesitantly and you have to stop yourself from squealing in delight.
"It's more than okay Higari, I would love to." And you mean every word of it. 
He groans, lips parting to wet them before he cups your face in his hands and pulls you back down into a fiery kiss.
It's almost feral the way you move against each other, palming and smoothing down every inch of skin that you can. He slowly pushes your robe from your shoulders, the belt the only thing keeping it from coming free completely, and he lets out a strangled sound when he realizes you're wearing nothing underneath.
You quickly grab one of his hands and press his large palm to your breast and he quakes beneath you as he begins to knead the soft flesh. You instantly melt into him, moaning and moving against him in your excitement, his metal tipped thumb coming to press against your pebbled nipple. 
He's wonderful beneath you, shedding his shyness as his lips move from yours, coming to place open mouthed kisses against your jaw and neck. 
Your hands continue to roam across the wonderfully compact muscles of his torso, fingers pausing to flick at his nipples before moving to dig into his sides before sliding down to rest on his belt buckle.
You pull away and he lets out a whine as you sit up, gazing down at him, watching as his chest heaves. You wet your lips, thumbing his buckle to get his attention and his gaze darts down to where your hands rest, just above the straining tent in his jeans. Slowly his gaze drags up your body and then…
"Please…" It's breathy and needy, and you can help but let out a small moan as you nod and get to work.
You quickly divest him of both his pants, boxers and socks, leaving him wonderfully naked and needy beneath you, and oh is he a sight to see. 
Taut muscles tensing against soft skin, a smattering of coppery hair on his chest that tapers down his belly to a thatch of curly short hairs framing his perfectly sized cock that now lays dribbling against his stomach.
"Oh Higari, you’re beautiful." You purr, running your hands down his chest.
"Got nothing on you…" he grunts arching into your touch, practically begging you to go lower.
"Such a charmer." You reply with your finger sliding teasingly over his weeping head.
He arches, pale column of his throat on display for you as he lets out a moan.
"Y-you're perfect." He husks and you feel your chest swell with pride.
You pull back for a moment, much to his displeasure, but that quickly changes as he realizes you're removing your robe.
You quickly take the condom out of your pocket before discarding the clothing to the floor in a heap. Laying the rubber next to your calf for easy access. 
Straightening up you perch on his upper thighs and then slowly move your hips.
"Can you feel me Higari?" You hush knowing full well you’re dripping all over him. "Can you feel how wet I am?"
He lets out a needy moan and his hands come to clamp down on your hips as he rolls his hip, cock thrusting up into the cool air of your apartment. 
"Please, please, F/N...please." His words are soft and airy and you absolutely live for them as you roll your hips again, hand smoothing down his aching length.
"Anything you want love." You hush him and grab the condom, he's already so far gone he doesn't even perk up at the sound of the foil tearing.
You need him to pay attention. Tapping his hip bone he slowly comes to focus on you.
"Watch me Higari." You say and you slowly roll the condom onto his straining length.
You want to absolutely pamper him as he makes small little hiccups as you smooth the rubber down him before gently grabbing his base, moving up onto your knees hovering just over him.
"Watch me Higari…" you repeat and he's enraptured as you slowly sink down onto him, bottoming out on him completely in one go.
"Ha-ah!" He arches hands pushing you impossibly closer as he thrusts up into you though there is no more room left to fill.
Oh he's perfect, filling you to the brim, stretching you deliciously as he becomes an unabashed mess beneath you.
You try to move, but his grip is bruising, abdominal muscles tensing as he tries to keep himself in control.
"Higari." You sooth and he looks up at you, lips parted and eyes holding so much adoration it nearly knocks you over.
He lets up his hold after a moment and you lean forward, placing your hands and his chest to steady yourself. You give him an affectionate stare before you rise up, keeping just the tip of him inside before swiftly curling your hips and spearing yourself on his length.
He practically howls and throws his head back, and oh you want to see more of this, want to see him come undone.
You begin a rhythmic deep pace, making sure to swallow him whole on each downward roll of your hips. Higari is already a mess beneath you, now completely out of his shell on full display. In the back of your mind you briefly think he could have been a porn star if he put his mind to it.
He pushes you out of your thoughts as he grips your hips once more and tries to aid you in your movement, you can't help bit smile.
"Relax Higari, this is about you, I'll take care of everything…" you breath and he swallows thickly.
"Wanna help." He slurs "ha! You're so good, soso good." 
"Next time." You're even a bit surprised by how sure there will be a next time and Higari seems to take note of that as well as you watch his gaze unfocus and refocus.
You continue your pace, though your thighs begin to ache, it's too delicious to even think about slowing down; the way your positioned has your clit rubbing against his pubic bone with each roll of your hips.
You can tell he's getting close, the way he trembles and the way he tries to jerk up ever so often out of sync with you. His gaze catches you and for a moment you feel like your drowning. It's then you feel the pad of his thumb press against your clit; you gasp and look down to watch his metal tipped finger swirl around your delicate bundle of nerves, cock disappearing lewdly inside of you with each roll of your hips.
"Gonna, cum, wan' you to cum with me." He husks, bringing your attention back to him and suddenly you're on the cusp, the precipice. 
"Oh, yes, yes...Higari." your head lolls as you allow him to help, his hips thrusting up to meet yours.
And then he's curling, body tensing as he lets out a breathless moan, mouth slack and eyes fluttering closed as he starts to cum. 
That's what pushes you over the edge, his debauched display. And as you tumble over the edge, stars bursting behind your eyes, and toes curling you briefly wished you could feel him pumping you full.
It takes you a moment to come down from your brief jaunt in paradise, sagging against him, panting. You feel his grip on your hip loosen and he brings his other hand to your thigh, thumb coming to sooth over your skin.
You sit in silence as he softens inside of you and you know you should get up and tidy up a bit, but you're basking in the afterglow and you can't find it in you to care that much.
Higari lets out a pleased sigh and he looks completely and utterly satiated and relaxed; it warms your heart.
The next words that come out of your mouth surprise you.
"Stay the night." You whisper almost shyly and it quickly catches his attention.
He cocks his head observing for a moment.
"Do most of your clients stay? I don't want to intrude."  
You honestly are afraid to answer because the answer is no, they don't, and you suddenly feel so raw and exposed it almost scares you.
He must pick up on your nervousness because he gently cups the side of your jaw, brushing some of your sweat damp hair away from your face.
"I'd love to." He says and you feel your heart soar as you nuzzle into his touch.
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bouncingkadachi · 3 years
Blessed Rain
Summary: A Hunter’s weapon of choice says a lot about them. OR: Kyle upgrades his weaponry and gets caught red-handed in the act. Luckily (?) for him, only Tsukino seems to know exactly why he's having an emotional crisis over this.
Word count: 3,260
Note(s): set post-game
Also available on AO3!
Kyle’s had his new bow for a good couple of weeks before the feel of the limbs and the weight of the draw became comfortable enough for him to consider upgrading it. If he’s going to be injured, he reasons, he’d rather it be purely by way of monster and not because he pulls a muscle wrestling with a bow that hasn’t been properly broken in. His wallet despairs as he forks over the zenny, but this’ll hopefully let him take on some of the bigger hunts like the ones that Reverto goes on. It’ll all be worth the investment up front once he has his completely finished bow and restocked his coatings and finally drops the last of his coin on a couple new talismans.
He refuses to think about the implications of his reasoning with a literal coin, rolling it around and around his fingers as he pushes through the market throngs towards the smithy’s. Perhaps he ought to have a change of scenery—the fog-shrouded summits of Terga were said to be particularly beautiful at this time of year, and the heat in Lamure was becoming just shy of unbearable.
The final product that the blacksmith puts into his hands when he finally makes it to collect is nothing short of gorgeous. Blessed Rain is sleek where his old Rex bow was bulky, far lighter and certainly not as clunky. The upgrades on the riser gives the entire weapon a pleasant solidness in his hand, yet the delicately reinforced plating on the limbs doesn’t retract at all from its flexibility. The decorative grip protector gleams. Just looking at it makes Kyle excited to shoot.
“Bring her back if you’re finding that you need anything adjusted,” the smith tells him after Kyle’s diligently inspected every inch of the bow. “Kept the poundage the same for you, but added another inch to the draw length like you asked.”
“Thanks,” Kyle says. Eventually, he’d like to work up to the point where he can up the poundage again. Even just another five pounds would be good. He can do most of the hunts in his skill range alone now, but extra firepower would make him just that much more efficient, or that much of a better support for team hunts. 
The smith laughs when Kyle sheepishly admits this. “Well, I always like to help a Hunter improve, and you know where to find me,” he says cheerily, clapping Kyle enthusiastically on the shoulder. “Come by again anytime if you need a tune up or want to test out something new.” 
And with that, he waves Kyle away so that another Hunter can step up, holding a tired-looking sword and shield and looking equally exhausted. “Aye, rookie Hunter?” Kyle hears as he wanders off to find a more relaxed corner of the market in which to admire his new bow some more. “If you’ve got the materials I can repair and upgrade that for you.” The conversation peters out and melts into the general din of the marketplace as Kyle slips into the crowd, taking care to step out of the way of a Felyne carrying an absolutely massive basket groaning with produce. He watches the precarious load totter away, trying and failing to locate Tsukino in the brief respite the parted crowd affords him. They’d split earlier that morning and he hasn’t seen her since.
He still hasn’t managed to find even a whisker of Tsukino’s whereabouts by the time he settles into a decently quiet nook next to a stall selling all manner of spices. Pity, because the dappled light spilling through the colorful drapes of the marketplace catches so beautifully on the milky-white sheen of the bow, and he’d been looking forward to showing it to her. As a Hunter, Kyle will always care more about weapon practicality than aesthetics, but as a normal human being he certainly won’t turn down the opportunity to have both an aesthetically pleasing and perfectly functional weapon. He’s still grinning a little when he goes to strap the bow to his back, and it’s in the process of looking up that his gaze catches onto wide eyes staring plainly at him from across the street. 
He freezes, arm suspended awkwardly halfway to sheathing. His beautiful bow glints damningly in the bright Lamure sunlight as his unexpected friend wades through the throngs of people towards him, gesturing for him to stay put with a wave of her hand that really can’t be mistaken for anything other than a greeting.
“Hey,” he says cautiously and lamely when she finally reaches him. Belatedly, he remembers to lower his arm. He is momentarily thankful that she doesn’t try to reach up for his face in the Mahanan greeting, although his goodwill evaporates when she leans in to inspect his bow, body thrumming with unexplainable anticipation.
“Oh, that’s pretty,” she says finally. Kyle can’t help himself from preening just a little, shifting his grip so that she can get a better look. After all, what was the point of spending all that money and materials if there was no one to excitedly show the end product off to? Besides, it’s been a while since they last saw each other. Last he heard, she had been traveling, keen to finally see the world on her own terms and at her own pace.
“It’s fresh off an upgrade,” he answers smugly. “Easier to handle than the Rex.”
“Slightly less intimidating though,” she chimes in, and Kyle bristles, not liking where this conversation is going. And true to form, she goes in for the kill: “Mizutsune? I recognize the plating.”
Kyle can feel the flush crawling up to his ears. Logically, he knows that there’s nothing for him to be embarrassed about. It’s a mark of good smithing that one can tell at a glance which monster a weapon was inspired by, and a Mizutsune was both powerful and extremely iconic. This bow in particular had good stats and the ability to fire rapidly, which admittedly took him some time to get used to after focusing mostly on piercing shots. The paralysis coating that works so well on this bow has also already saved his skin on more than one occasion. There is little more a career Hunter can ask for out of his weapon. It’s not like he’d been heading out to Pomore Garden at any given opportunity and holding onto an increasing multitude of Mizutsune materials just because he wanted some physical reminder of what was probably the most pivotal moment of his life, something that never failed to put a very complicated and jumbled mess of emotions deep within his chest whenever he thought back to it.
He’s starting to feel very, very hot under his collar. The sun is terrible. He resolves that his next big hunt really needs to be somewhere outside of Lamure.
His friend, however, just looks more and more baffled as he launches into an unprompted defense of his newest purchase. Every time she opens her mouth, Kyle talks a little faster. Eventually, she doesn’t even bother trying to interject, which is arguably worse, because instead she just looks progressively more and more thoughtful. Kyle wished desperately for Tsukino to peel away from whatever hidey hole she was tucked in. Then, his train of thought screeches into a rude and abrupt halt.
“What,” he croaks. “What are you doing.”
One of her brows quirks up. “I sure hope your eyes are still working because that’d be a detriment to your job,” she says plainly. “What does it look like I’m doing? I promise it’s not a trick question.”
What she’s doing is holding Kyle’s hand—the one not clutching his new bow—the one that had apparently been waving about with increasing agitation as he jabbered on and on. What Kyle doesn’t understand is why. It’s not like he just did some impressive shot to give them the edge in a battle or anything else that was cool and hand-holding worthy. He’d just been yammering about bow mechanics, and maybe embarrassingly dipping into his talisman hopes and dreams. He stares a little helplessly at his trapped hand. Her kinship stone winks up at him.
“Look,” she says patiently, when it becomes very clear that Kyle is going to need a moment before he can get his brain back online. “There’s nothing wrong with a bow made from Mizutsune parts and I am the last person who will ever turn down pretty things. What I was going to say was that this is an interesting departure from your whole—” She pauses, as though looking for a specific word. “Well, your whole image as a very grown-up and serious and intimidating Hunter or whatever it was you were trying to convey with that scowl you used to like so much. And you weren’t letting me get a single word in.”
“You’re getting plenty of words in now,” Kyle scowls, just to be contrary. “And I’ve grown since then.”
“Someone’s in a mood today.” She smiles, crinkle-eyed, up at him. Kyle very seriously debates wrenching his hand out of her hold like he did the last time this happened and then pointedly doesn’t act on the impulse.
“Why’re you in Lulucion?” he asks instead with a truly remarkable level of self-restraint. “Thought you’d never want to come back again after what happened.”
She shrugs, the greatsword on her back heaving with the movement. “Guess I’ve grown too,” she says loftily, though she sobers quickly. “I was actually visiting my grandfather. He used to go back to Mahana around this time of year… he can’t do it anymore of course but I’ve got Ratha now, so I figured I could do it instead. And then I figured I’d stop by Rutoh before going home, to see Ena and Alwin and wheedle a few more stories out of them.”
She lets go of Kyle’s hand. He tries not to miss it. “Even Ratha can’t make the trip in one go, and Lulucion was closest, so we’re stopping to rest. I dropped by the Scrivener’s Lodge earlier because I was hoping Reverto could give me a few weapon pointers as I’ve saved up just about enough for an upgrade, but they told me that he was out on an urgent mission and wouldn’t be back for a while.”
“Oh,” Kyle says, a little stung that she hadn’t come specifically to see him first, out of all the Hunters in the city. He’s slightly mollified when she grins at him, though.
“And then I met Tsukino by the cannons. She said I could find you here, so here I am.”
“I don’t know anything about greatswords,” Kyle blurts out, and immediately wants to kick himself. She blinks at him, and then bursts into laughter.
“I was just going to ask the smith,” she wheezes when she’s got herself somewhat back under control. “Can’t I see a friend just to say hi to him anymore?” Kyle stares very intently down at some of the finer detailing on his bow.
“Where is my Palico anyway?” he finally settles on, falling into a tried and true grumble. “I haven’t seen her all day.”
She waves her hand vaguely in the air. “Navirou said something about getting donuts. I wasn’t really listening.”
But there was a donut stand right here in the marketplace, Kyle wanted to cry out. He should have seen Tsukino by now if they’d really been going to buy snacks! And how was it possible that he had missed Navirou in his entirety, between the Felyne’s penchant for wearing ridiculous little outfits and his inability to shut up?
“Why? You have a hunt you need to run off to?” 
“Yes,” Kyle says hotly. It’s a lie. He’d accepted a subquest that wouldn’t depart until later that evening for the sole purpose of testing out his new weapon in a relatively stress-free environment. Before that, he’d just planned on hitting up the shooting range in the training arena to break in the new string. His schedule was very, very free. Tsukino was perfectly aware of that.
His eyes widened. Tsukino had been with him on every excursion into the Gardens. She went where he did (usually), and it’s not like Kyle would ever begrudge her a visit home. But she’d been with him every step of every single Mizutsune job he’d ever taken—had watched him craft traps when he needed to capture and had kept watch for opportunists hoping to sneak up as he’d carved. She’d been the one who’d recommended the spinner for all the excess purplefur he was ending up with. At first, he’d simply thought that she’d wanted the thread to mend some of her own items, or to send back home to her brethren, but instead she’d tucked each skein of vibrant, silk-soft thread into the bottom of his pouch with gentle paws, cryptically talking about how strong a material it was, and how nice it looked when woven. Kyle has never touched a loom in his life, but now he’s looking at someone who he definitely knows has.
His stomach drops. Hadn’t Tsukino looked particularly smug ever since he’d lingered on the blueprints for Blessed Rain after getting a look at its stats and required materials?
“She got me,” he groans. His friend just looks at him bemusedly, though perhaps with a touch of wariness at his ferocious frown. Hastily, he tacks on: “It’s nothing. I, uh—I just remembered that I needed to tell Tsukino something. Important. Later, when I find her again.”
“Alright,” she says, though she doesn’t quite look like she believes him. “A quest’s a quest, though, so I won’t keep you here. The bow really is pretty though. I know I just said it doesn’t match your image and all but I really don’t think you can go wrong with something you like. You’ve got the skills for it, anyway.”
“Thanks,” he croaks, feeling a little overwhelmed. He manages two whole steps out of the nook before he pauses, worrying at his lower lip. “Actually,” he says sharply, spinning around on his heel and nearly causing his friend to startle right into a spice display. “How long are you staying for?”
“However long it’ll take to upgrade my sword, I guess,” she says after she collects herself, the words lilting into a question. “Three days or so, I guess?” She skirts nervously away from the glaring vendor, careful not to overbalance on her greatsword.
“Cool,” Kyle says with a nod, steeling himself. “Great, even. Look, how about this. Your last visit to Lulucion was terrible—” an understatement, “—so when I get back from my hunt I’ll show you some of the better sights Lulucion has to offer. There’s a hole in the wall that I think you’ll like. Dad used to take me after hunts—they grill really nice queen shrimp. And the parapets—you can climb them, and they’ve got all these little carvings in the stone that you can search for like a scavenger hunt.” He’s keenly aware that he’s rambling again, but she looks interested, so he barrels on. “I’ll come pick you up tomorrow just as soon as I can get a nap in. We can stay in the city or take Ratha out to the Barrens, down by the water. Just make a day of it.” He’s pretty certain that he looks at her with something akin to hope as she considers. It feels like a lifetime before she finally comes to a decision. 
“I want to take Ratha out in the evening,” she says finally. “I don’t want him to be cooped up too long here ever again.”
“Yeah,” Kyle breathes out, the word rushing out of him in a flood of relief. “Yeah, I can work around that.” She beams at him.
“I’ll look forward to it,” she says, sincere and looking more than a little surprised despite herself at the prospect of looking forward to doing anything in Lulucion. “I’m staying at the inn closest to the stables. Pretty sure I’m the only Rider there currently so they’ll know who I am.” Kyle nods, and lets himself get his hand squeezed again, though not without her hands first hovering in an instinctual bid for his cheeks before she remembers herself.
“Good luck on your hunt. If I see Tsukino I’ll let her know you’re looking for her.”
“She’ll show up in due time,” he mutters darkly. “I’ll let you know if Reverto gets back early or if he’s just been loafing around this entire time. For your next upgrade or whatever.” She laughs, bright, and then slips off into the crowd to wrestle her way into the smithy’s queue. Kyle is left staring in her wake before his gaze is drawn back down to his bow.
“This is all your fault,” he tells it. Predictably, it doesn’t answer. Also predictably, Tsukino takes that exact moment to drop down from seemingly nowhere. 
“I didn’t know we had another job lined up,” the Felyne says delicately, carefully brushing crumbs off of her coat. Kyle groans, sheathing his weapon.
“Don’t tease me,” he huffs. “I’m going to the shooting range. Are you coming?”
“Hmm,” says Tsukino. “I suppose I can spare the time.”
“Of course you can spare the time!” Kyle hisses, indignant. “You just spent the day eating donuts and eavesdropping!” He pointedly doesn’t look towards the smithy, where his friend was patiently browsing the display while another Hunter was getting their hammer looked at.
“One must always be prepared with the latest intel,” Tsukino says mildly. “I’m glad the upgrade went well.” 
“It’s got good stats,” Kyle protests weakly in what is quickly becoming a tired argument. “The rapid shots have been going very well. And I had a surplus of Mizutsune parts.”
 “Yes,” his hunting partner agrees readily enough. “Have you thought of what you’re going to do with the thread?”
“This conversation is finished,” Kyle says abruptly, making a very determined push towards the market’s exit. “Either come or don’t, so long as we meet at the gate for tonight’s hunt.”
Tsukino looks at him with exasperated fondness, which is frankly a little insulting, but readily falls into step next to him. Kyle wonders how many rounds he’s going to have to shoot in order to clear his head again and rid it of thoughts of Hazepetal Garden or Mizutsune or high-grade thread that he’ll never use himself. He’ll examine them again someday—because he’s not a coward—but that day is most certainly not today.
He does his rounds in the training arena and marvels at the way the string slides off his fingers with a satisfying twang, even though it’ll still be a good few days before it’s fully broken in to his liking. Tsukino’s saved him a donut, the cakey sweet sticky with honey and practically melting in his mouth. He’s got some free time even after stocking up for the evening hunt, so he takes a few minutes to browse the quest board, taking careful note of the jobs that were situated near the Harzgai Rocky Hill, or the ones from further afield in Alcala that’ll take him closer to Rutoh. And when he leaves the city, he pointedly doesn’t look up at the familiar shape circling in the dusky sky, even as he knows that they’ll surely see the last rays of the setting sun winking off of the plates of his bow like a beacon.
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hanazou · 4 years
Hi! Could I ask for Dazai, Ranpo, Kunikida/Atsushi with an s/o who frequently picks their skin/scabs/scalp. My psychologist, mom, and I are pretty confident that I have ASD, and it's a relatively common stim. This can also happen with ADHD, OCD, and anxiety disorders -- I'm not sure if this suggestion is too centered around a reader’s identity! (Also, it's not intentional self-harm; it relieves stress and boredom, but just happens to cause damage :/ If you're uncomfortable, I understand) Thx! <3
dazai, ranpo, and atsushi and a lover who constantly picks skin/scalp/scab.
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📜 Books : Dazai | Ranpo | Atsushi
📜 Word count : 2.3k
📜 Shelf : Paperback
📜 Category : Headcanons
📜 Genre : Fluff, with a tiny hint of angst with Dazai and Atsushi
📜 Caution : Vague mentions of disorders and insecurities
📜 Note : Don't worry, @my-introvert-hideout! I'm not uncomfortable nor is this too specific. In fact, I had so much fun writing this! I chose Atsushi (because I kin him I resonate with him better), I hope this does your suggestion justice. I apologize if any of these is inaccurate.
Enjoy your books! 💛
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Dazai Osamu
He's an ex Port Mafia executive and currently employed as a detective. Never doubt that he'll catch on your habit the first time you display it around him. But only when things are official between you two will he take an action about it.
With his background and quick wits, Dazai knows a lot about the quirks people can have, where they came from, and why they do it. By judging from your expression and slights of movements, he knows that it's caused by your certain conditions and nothing like deliberately inflicting pain on yourself. After all, he's well accustomed to self harm itself too, and he doesn't see it in you, not that way.
Dazai's understanding on your habit will be more personal rather than analytical--because of his self destructive tendencies. He can relate to you in this aspect, but whether this is a bad or good news is completely up to your personal interpretation.
Only after things become official between you both that he steps his feet into ‘that’ zone, deciding now he has the right to interfere. He's the type of guy that perceives intervening with issues like this requires a special established relation with you beforehand, if not, who is he to say anything?
Dazai doesn't mind that you never took the initiative to tell him first, what matters that is he knows and he has for long. He'll take his chance of intervention when you start picking yourself again, but only when it's just the two of you around. If you're with the other ADA members or within a crowd, he'll just figure out something to distract you and do it subtly.
The private moment will come sooner than you think. With a swift move that escaped your eyes, he has taken your hand hostage. "Nuh-uh," He cooed. "You're prone to injure your pretty skin."
His direct words will push you off guard. You'll notice that he knows about your quirk, maybe get a little shy from not realizing that he knows if you're the shy type of person.
Dazai is a clingy guy and even more so as a boyfriend, your habit will only give him a legitimate reason to hold your hand wherever you two go. Your hands will sweat from constantly holding his. He will definitely use it as an advantage to tease you too.
"I have to go to the bathroom, can I trust your hand or do I have to keep holding it?"
You will literally throw his hand away. "What th—Go by yourself."
Dazai has loads of tricks up his sleeve, and combined with his knowledge, he knows more than one or two or three methods to help you. Whether they are effective or not depends entirely on you and your condition. Sometimes his tricks are so subtle that you didn't even realize until you think back about it.
Assuming you're thinking of seeking help from experts, Dazai will be totally with the idea. "I can feel your earnest effort for this, I'm glad for you."
He'll take you to your appointments and wait for you, and sometimes walk you back home, which is also another trick to ditch work and piss Kunikida off. Two birds with one stone, right? :)
Expect him to shower you with loving words after every session. Maybe it will even make you feel corny. But truth be told, he'll deeply ponder about your condition, you, and himself. He's well aware of his nihilism and ponders whether the words he said are genuine or just part of the new personality he adopted when he left Port Mafia that sometimes run on autopilot.
(aka he suspects he's not being totally earnest with his sweetness)
If it's the latter, the corny lovey dovey words will double as an effort to help you and himself. Don't blame Dazai too much, he has trouble differentiating between what’s good and bad (as what was said by my man Oda), but at least he's trying hard for your sake.
When you show some progress, he will be so expressive in praising you. His self doubt or whatever it is, that can wait. His darling comes first.
Dazai will give a hug or two and other romantic stuffs like that even if you're in public. He's a tease and you know you love it. If you especially get embarrassed about it, he'll try to fluster you even more. Is it to distract you or himself? Nobody knows.
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Edogawa Ranpo
This Yokohama's best detective is well versed in a lot of things, psychological conditions included. If you have any condition at all, it doesn't take him long at all to understand it. Nothing escapes his pretty green eyes.
Ranpo's approach will be the opposite of Dazai. His will be more analytical rather than emotional or personal.
In the scenario where you don't feel too confident about your condition, you might be constantly worrying Ranpo will make a blunt comment about it. But trust me, you don't have to worry anything about it with this guy. He’s straightforward, but he’s not rude.
Even if Ranpo hasn't had any personal experiences of feeling/witnessing this sort of thing firsthand, you can count on him to be knowledgeable about it, although his words won't be exactly delicate. He knows that some people have problems if it's addressed boldly and he knows where the line for him lays.
Ranpo is the type of guy to think that if you never told him about it, then that's your decision and it's nothing to make a fuss about/make complaints for, but he's not going to pretend he doesn't notice. He doesn’t hold back his tongue.
He will treat this situation slightly akin to a case for him to solve. Why? Because first of all, he’s your boyfriend. Who else is better fitted to take care of you and analyze the root cause? Second, because of that personal attachment with you, he will feel the obligation to step in.
When nobody is in the agency office since they don't slack off like him, he'll stretch back against his chair, hands behind his back, and call out your name who stayed behind to assist and babysit him.
"Won't you hurt yourself if you keep doing that?" He asks, his sharp eyes closed. Blunt questions are his signature. You will instantly freeze, only realizing that you were going off with your habit.
You won't feel the need to explain it, because you know that he knows, and he knows that you know he knows (do I make sense? this sounds like that one Dazai and Fyodor meme)
"If you want, I know some ways to help and I'm acquainted with some experts." He says easily, stuffing his mouth with chips. After he swallows, only then his green eyes opens. "You're hurting yourself, you know that?"
I'm not going to sugar-coat his personality. If you want heartfelt, supportive, and warm words, talk to Kenji or Yosano because you won't hear it from Ranpo. But the brighter side is that Ranpo is a very good listener and offers practical suggestions that you know are fool-proof. With each word you vent to him, the more methods spring up in his head to help. Lucky of you to have him!
If you agree to seek professional help or his own, he's a different kind of romantic than Dazai who knows how to swoon you off your feet. Ranpo’s praise won’t be like Dazai’s (since receiving conventional praises is his thing), but he'll say something rather indirect like "Good for you. Nobody knows what's best for you other than yourself, not even me."
After your sessions are over for the day, Ranpo will gift you his favourite snacks. Chips, cookies, ice creams, jellies, sodas. Do you know how lucky you are if Ranpo gives you his favourite snacks? Mostly it's because he's not confident in sweet talks so he's hoping that you'll get the gist of what he's trying to do.
Heck, he'll even wait for you (partially because he doesn't know how to go home by himself, but that's not the point) quietly without whining that it's taking too long. To occupy himself, sometimes he'll bring some papers of the cases Fukuzawa gave him and solve interesting cases. But when you emerge from the door, everything is forgotten and his attention is fully back to you.
"Oh, you're finally finished!" He springs back up to his feet, arms expanded.
I encourage you to tell him about your sessions. He'll compliment you in his own ways believe me.
"My super deduction concludes that you did well." He says as you pop out the popsicle he gave, a cheeky grin on his face. Oh, you one lucky fella.
On the way back to the agency, presumably on a train, if you're getting better, Ranpo will definitely smile cheekily to himself, prideful of you and him.
"I'm always right, after all." He says. "What do you think, aren't I such a great boyfriend and detective? You're lucky to have this combination all for yourself!"
Damn right you are.
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Nakajima Atsushi
This will be slightly lengthy.
In terms of discovering this quirk of yours, Atsushi's approach will be different than Dazai and Ranpo's. If anyone is insecure about this one aspect in your relationship, it will be Atsushi.
Let's be frank, Atsushi's abused background didn't let him know much about the world, disorders/special needs included. We're talking about the boy whose first idea of survival was to jump on strangers. He was thrown into the real world without any experience and minimum social skills, it's almost impossible he immediately clicks on the reason behind your habit.
Despite so, Atsushi will notice it, weretiger senses used or not. Growing up abused, he was forced to notice the microexpression changes on people’s face and their quirks/habits as a defense mechanism in case he earns someone's ire (remember about the infiltration mission with Akutagawa on Rats of the House of the Dead when he said he can hear when someone’s mind snaps). Even though he believes you will never pose a harm to him ever, he couldn't help but to overthink every single little thing you do. He just can’t help it.
Constantly picking your scalp/scab/skin makes him free fall to the assumption that you're anxious around him since he knows that people sometimes fidget when they feel unsafe. At first, he thought that you're nervous around him. Is it because he's a weretiger? Because you don't trust him? Because you think of him as a hindrance?
This sweet boy thinks a lot about you. You basically live in his head rent free, and ever since he noticed your habit, you will quickly climb up the ranks of things-Atsushi-overthinks.
He will address you about his insecure thoughts after they're brewed aka rotted his brain long enough
When you're picking your skin, Atsushi will call your name softly as he fidgets. "Are you, maybe, uncomfortable around me?"
The confusion you will feel. "What?"
The conversation will spin around how and why that thought even popped out, and because of mutual confusion, it will take a while until you're like "OH. That's why."
You will have to explain it but he's not that dense as to he'll keep asking "Huh?" As I mentioned, anxiety is his old friend. He understands very well the constant need of having to pick to ground yourself and alleviate the intruding thoughts.
He will apologise for assuming things himself, maybe overreact a little, blaming himself for thinking things are about him when it’s actually about you, and he will be very tender about it. After all that, he will do everything in his power to help with your condition.
Atsushi will keep your hands busy by holding it before you start picking yourself, gently, but firmly. He will use his heightened senses to pick on the signs before you pick your skin/scalp/scab and try to distract you by doing anything.
Remember that one scene of his entrance test where he panics, not knowing what to say to Tanizaki? yeah he will be like that.
"AAH! Look! A cat!"
Then Atsushi will get more creative. He will not hesitate to spend the money from his cute wallet to buy lotion/moisturiser for your skin that smells so good (thank you for your help to guide him pick it, Kyouka), hoping it will help you. Maybe he'll get you gloves to match his own (matching couple things are never outdated). You won't pick on your fingers that way.
If you ever want to talk about your condition, please, share it with him. I insist. He insists. It's a win-win solution for both of you. His faith that you truly treasure and believe in him will harden (helps with his self esteem), and you get to throw off the load burdening you down.
He also feels it's his responsibility, part of that is because of his Headmaster's words, but mostly because he treasures you that much. If he caught you picking again, he'll become super worried and so guilt ridden.
If you decide to seek professional help, he will be 100% supportive. I won't sugar-coat again—Atsushi will detect his disappointment at himself for not being enough to help you on his own, but at the same time he's also realistic. He knows that he doesn't have what it takes by himself.
His Headmaster's words will echo again, again, and again. "You failed to help your own lover? Have this orphanage taught you nothing—have I not taught you anything? Will you ever amount to any good?"
He will fight it back harder than usual because now, it's about you. He can't afford to fail you, especially you. If you do talk about your condition to him, it will calm him down by a lot.
In short, your condition impacts Atsushi more that you ever thought. Please support each other.
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