#self concept🎀
eternalamaranth · 2 years
Pink pilates princess affirmations💎🎀🌟
I love waking up knowing that I have my desired body.
I love every aspect of my body, it truly is my temple.
I know for a fact, I have my desired body right now.
When I workout, I fall more in love with my body; just like my beauty, my body is out of this world.
I am the definition of a goddess; my body is a natural reflection of that.
It’s always been easy for me to take care of myself, self love is of most importance to me.
Isn’t it wonderful that I’m a walking masterpiece?!
I can’t help that I’m a walking thirst trap, I just woke up like this!
It’s the fact that I burn so many calories so fast & I barely do anything.
It’s natural for me to love weight lifting, pilates & yoga by far though, I love being a flexible, toned, & curvy woman!
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luckykiwiii101 · 2 months
✰ How To Accept Imagination As Your Real Reality & Allow The Feeling Of Fullfillment ✰
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Hey Upper East Siders.
Gossip girl here and if you didn’t know already, the topic of this gossip post is the key to everything. And without it, you have nothing.
Oh don’t tell me you believed me? I meant, without persistence, you have nothing. But hopefully (*definitely) after reading this post, everything will be a lot easier.
From experience I know everything that enters your ear flies out the other. So i’ll break this down into easy little steps for you. Can you handle that? Or is it too much to comprehend?
Now to the interesting part. Most upper east siders who struggle with persistence is because they watch the 3D in-front of them and freak out when something bad happens. Or get discouraged when they don’t wake up with what they want after 3 days. *Cough cough* In other words, all you’ve been doing since forever.
Well why’s that? Because you don’t accept imagination as your real & only reality. And you want to know what’s most ridiculous part about that? The fact that you ARE imagination. If imagination isn’t real, neither are you.
Don’t accept your imagination as your real and ONLY reality? Let me help you, and everything will be alright. But remember, it’ll only help if you get off your mental arse and do something about it.
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Phase One:
✰ Why Is Imagination The Real & Only Reality? ✰
Because if imagination didn’t exist, neither would you. Everything around you in your 3D is there because it is natural to you. Everything that exists was once imagined. There’s a reason why all successful people acknowledge this too.
Imagination is the real reality because the 3D cannot exist without it. Why would you accept the 3D as your real reality when it is CREATED by you (imagination). You are IMAGINATION. Your 3D (physical reality) is FULLY CREATED by Imagination. There is no exception. Everything that you are experiencing in your physical reality was created by YOU. Your imagination. You are Imagination. You are imagination. You are imagination. You are imagination.
For all the times i’ve called you “nothing”. I meant you are nothing but imagination.
Phase Two:
✰ How 2 Feel Imagination To Be The Real Reality ✰
There are things you have to remember and carve into your mind. Here are some quotes from Edward Art.
✰ “THERE IS NO OBJECTIVE OUTER MAN. The Outer Man is simply an expression of the inner man. The only man that exists is in inner man.” (Consciousness is the ONLY reality). ✰
✰ “I am imagination imagining being human. I am imagination. Imagination is my only reality.” ✰
These quotes are extremely important to understand. Read them over and over again until they are fully carved into your mind. Without this understanding, fulfillment appears as a struggle. Because how you can feel fulfilled having your desire in imagination if you don’t accept it as real?
Imagination is you. It is your safe zone. It is where you go to fullfill yourself. It is a fact that is real. It is a fact that it is your real & only reality. And that is why everything you accept to be real in imagination IS real. That is why you can feel fullfillment in simply feeling yourself to have your desires in your imagination.
Now that you accept your imagination as your real and only reality, you’re now going to apply this in ALLOWING the feeling of the wish fullfilled.
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First of all, do you know what the “feeling” is? If not then -> CLICK HERE
As Neville Goddard said “Feeling Is The Secret”. This feeling is all you need to focus on to manifest anything & everything you could possibly want.
Now this is how to allow yourself to freely feel fulfilled knowing that imagination is the true reality. Here is a quote from Edward Art. You are going to do this every time before you fulfill yourself in imagination ->
“So start with the feeling that, “I can have and feel whatever I want in my mind.” Once you make this the core feeling inside of you, you will naturally start to think FROM this position.”
Once you understand this, your imagination will feel like the unlimited and free zone that it is, where you can give yourself anything and everything that you want.
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✰ Remind yourself “I can have and feel whatever I want in my mind.” “Imagination is the real fact.”
✰ Now focus on that feeling. That feeling that imagination is your real reality because it is. You feel relieved don’t you. Or you feel nonchalant. But over everything, you feel that imagination is your real reality.
✰ Now with this feeling you are going to imagine what you want. Give yourself what you want in imagination. Affirm, visualise, etc. Do whatever imaginal act you want. Allow the feeling of having it. Remove all feelings of desire, and replace it with fullfillment. Repeat in accepting that you have it until you no longer feel the need to do so. You will know when you feel like it’s done in imagination. Feel it as a present fact in imagination. Know that what you are seeing is real. It is your reality. You already know how because of my post about feeling.
✰ Now you are fullfilled. You have now felt true fullfillment. You know that you have your desire in imagination. Now persist in that. Come back to this mini “meditation” every time you think of your “desire”. It is no longer a desire because you are fullfilled. Keep coming back and dwelling in this feeling and I promise you that your 3D will reflect your desires so fast.
You can thank me later. You know you love me. XOXO
- gossip girl 💋
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honeytonedhottie · 2 months
my manifestation opinions⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🍦
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no greater power outside of urself actually exists - and dont come for me cuz this is just my opinion and my own assumption but i dont think that any power outside of myself exists. so im not religious and i dont rly buy into the whole "ask the universe" type of things bcuz whatever i assume to be true is true and im the deciding factor in everything. if i assume that greater powers exist then they exist etc.
manifestation techniques are overrated - all you have to do to manifest is affirm -> persist. thats essentially all you have to do and when i first started i was so caught up in techniques and routines that i wasn't even affirming/persisting. i was doing anything and everything and i saw manifestation as a process and manifestation is NOT a process. when i shifted that and realized that manifesting is instant and all techniques are for funsies, the pressure was taken off.
impossible simply does not exist - the very concept of impossible is impossible cuz u wouldn't be able to conceptualize it if it wasn't possible. the fact that u can think it is proof that it is possible. stop classifying ur desires as impossible cuz ur only limiting urself.
ditch logic - manifestation is NOT logical. logic is literally a man made concept and u rly start to have doubts and negative assumptions when u accept logic as truth. leave logic OUT of manifestation and literally just manifest it.
stop looking for proof - there are so many skeptics about the loa but there are even more ppl who actually apply the law and manifest whatever they want. and its one thing to consume loa success stories on the internet but you need to prove it to YOURSELF. and the only way to do that is to apply.
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m4hina · 2 months
Mahina's Manifestation Cheat Sheet
This is my law of assumption cheat sheet, this is what helps me get whatever I want. Feel free to use it or adapt it to yourself.
I know this will help you.
Happy manifesting ☺️🍀
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Anything is possible, there are infinite realities
Manifesting is easy and it is meant to be that way
You manifested everything in your life
Don't think about the past nor the future, the NOW is the only thing that exists
If you take your attention away from something, it doesn't exist
You are meant to have everything you want, if you didn't, you wouldn't have the power to do it
You already have it, you don't need nor want anything
The 3d doesn't matter, it is literally your thoughts, meaning if you change your thoughts your reality changes
The more you affirm the faster it comes
Robotic affirmations are the way to go
Things that help shut the intrusive thoughts:
scripting and robotic affirmations
Things that don't:
trying to convince yourself contradicting all of the intrusive thoughts one by one (just pay no attention to it and keep robotically affirming)
--Mahina 🌙
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etherealkissed88 · 10 months
“where i go in imagination, i shall go in the flesh as well”
you know your only job is to fulfill the inner self and by law, it will reflect in the 3d. wondering the “how” or “when” is useless because inner self (you) already experienced it! you know inner self (you/imagination) is everywhere, it is the 3d. the 3d is a limited reflection of inner self. so why would you validate yourself by the limited version? why not enjoy your desire in imagination? why not feel satisfied knowing it is expressed internally and therefore as a by product it will reflect in the neutral 3d?
“Imagine a long train, with two people on it. The inner man is the driver, while the outer man is on the last seat. If the inner man takes a sharp right turn and immediately sees a lovely valley, it will take a few seconds of remaining on the same path for the last car to eventually turn as well, and for the outer man to see the valley.” - are you focused on fulfilling the inner man or the outer?
stop giving importance to the neutral 3d when all it does is copies and expresses inner self. the goal is inner fulfillment, not getting 3d results because once there is inner fulfillment, the 3d has no choice but to change. the 3d changing is a byproduct and inner fulfillment is the source of change. if the goal was getting it in the 3d, why do ppl still feel unfulfilled even when they get what they want in the 3d? example: someone manifested dating their sp but she still didnt feel fulfilled in the relationship because she worried all day about whether or not her sp actually liked her. you may get whatever you want in the 3d and you still might not even feel satisfied or fulfilled in it. this is why inner fulfillment is always the key. this is also why the 3d is always neutral and why the 3d never matters when “trying to manifest something”. i put it in quotations because you are always manifesting since your inner self is constantly being expressed whether you like it or not.
remove the 3d from the equation. focus on satisfying inner self. stop getting attached to something that is bound to change either way. live human 3d life knowing its done internally and by law it will reflect. know the 3d is always neutral so whatever happens in there never means anything (3d includes thoughts, emotions, doubts). step yo cookies up and act like the operant power you are! the law is too simple but easily overcomplicated. stop asking so many questions and just satisfy inner self and remove the 3d from the equation.
kisses, jani ☆
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thecaffeinatedwitch · 6 months
why robotic affirming works!
i am telling you robotic affirming is the key. shut that "feel your desire" theory. i swear. why? 1. not everyone is going to be good or comfortable at visualizing or scripting. 2. with robotic affirming you leave no room for negative thoughts to ruminate in your mind.
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ashuzu44 · 2 months
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xoxo, karina
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nyxie1111 · 3 months
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adilynnyuri · 2 months
For people who are still "trying" To manifest SP
☆ Unfortunately, if you have everything planned with this one person ( Or more than one) and feel soooo good and sexy and makes you feel shy shy or some kinda shi like that, but you are just thinking if they will ever be with you or you feel like it's never going to happen. But this is your SP even if you have no fucking belief of them accepting you. They have no other choice but to treat you like a FUCKING PRIZE. BECAUSE BITCH YOU ARE!
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sugardolle · 1 year
my new routine to life. 💋
how i get everything i want + succeed. 🎀
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first off i don’t use subliminals neither do i participate in affirmation challenges. i use to but i grew to feel that it’s unnecessary. on my account you won’t see neither of those.
i know about affirmations, i know about non dualism, i know about states. however something about all of this did not sit right with me idc, my brain didn’t like it. all of this information and you’re bound to be confused especially with the arguments about what and what, literally for weeks. people take “do what works for you” for granted.
i didn’t throw all of these ideas and concepts away however i shaped tf out of them to fit what feels right with me, and that’s what a lot of people don’t do, hence all of these arguments for no reason ! a bunch of mad people and for what.
a @/nazdoll.e original post ( insta ).
ONE ) i know that what i want will show up for me now or what society called the future. time doesn’t exists to me, my future is my present and so is my past. manifesting on a time crunch doesn’t exist either in my book. because if i already had it, is it really a time crunch? you can’t want something so bad for it just to not show up. when you know you have this much power, whatever you want can’t not show up for you. it’s bound to at this point.
TWO ) when something isn't 'showing' up, it isn't because of me. because i know once i become aware that this thing exist in my life at some point of "time." knowing time does NOT exist. it exists now. i can easily decide on when to have it. just because i became aware of that fact. and for two; the 4D & 3D are the same exact thing. they can't exist separately it's one complete thing. so whatever it is that i want it has no choice but to show up.
THREE ) i can't fix a broken person, i'm not their momma nor a therapist. i feel like a lot of ppl should hear this! i will never take my train of thought, etc., to 'manifest' back dirt ass people !when i can use that energy to put a better person into my life that didn't fuck me over the first time. cause friendship wise i thought about it before but i thought to myself do i need this past energy in my life again?' like nooo. it’s a fresh breath of air manifesting someone new and i find it more comfortable and easier. i’m too good to do myself dirty.
FOUR ) life is effortless once you know you have zero limits, and become aware that you are in control of your own limits ! i promise just sit down one day & close your eyes and become aware of the fact that you can control the limit(s) that you think you have. you can literally erase it.
FIVE ) my mindset has no labels. if it seems correct to me, i will take this and that and follow it. what most of us need to do is relearn and go back to the "basics". the first thing we learned that got us to wherever we are now. it helped me so much, and got rid of any clutter in my mind.. with the information i have, i know i got hella options and so it was just a big spot of ink in my mind. i threw away some stuff and kept some.
i’m now one of those one people who just write down what they want and decide that i have it. fuck a state, fuck an affirmation, that’s literally how it is. obviously i’m educated about those things but i don’t take up all of my time trying to “get in a state” or “how long should i saturated for?”
if you can’t be a spoiled brat about what you want then i don’t know what to tell you. because that’s what it basically it is. 🎀
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signing off — vixendolle ( kaydolle ). 🍭 ⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ʚɞ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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luckykiwiii101 · 2 months
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or less…
You already know…i’m not talking about affirming and persisting. I’m talking about embodying a state. Your desired state. And whatever state you persist in to make natural to you, will manifest into your physical reality. Affirming, visualising, etc are just methods to help you embody a state. Right now, you’re embodying the state of somebody who does not have their dream life, and that is exactly why your physical reality is reflecting that…
You already know how to accept things. You’ve accepted everything you see right in-front of you as a fact, and that is why you continue to see it.
Now all you have to do is accept that you have your desires in your imagination.
And the very FIRST step to embodying a state is accepting that your IMAGINATION is your REAL reality.
✰ STEP 1. Accepting Imagination as your real & only reality.
✰ STEP 2. Fulfilling yourself in imagination requires knowing what fullfillment is and doing the act of fulfilling.
✰ STEP 3. Persistence & why it becomes so easy when you truly understand manifestation.
Now you understand that imagination is the real reality and know how to fulfill yourself and persist.
You’re now going to apply with these rules.
(Putting on a new mask, and wearing it forever…)
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One of manhattans finest elite!
✰ My 3D conforms extremely fast
✰ I have everything I want (All my desires)
✰ Manifesting is so easy and effortless
✰ Nothing can ruin my manifestations
✰ You’re going to FEEL all these to be FACTS in IMAGINATION. Every time you think of them you will fullfill yourself. Dwell in the FEELING of having them in IMAGINATION. FOCUS on that FEELING. And identify with it.
✰Fulfill yourself when doing mindless tasks that don’t require any thinking like washing dishes, doing any chores, walking etc. Don’t waste a second.
✰ At night when you feel sleepy in a drowsy state, you are going to do SATS or the lullaby method. You will fall asleep in the state of the wish fulfilled. You will do the same when you first wake up.
These are your simple new rules. They are now a part of who you are. You are going to embody these states CONSISTENTLY and you’re never going to stop until your 3D shows you exactly what you want.
You know you love me. But love yourself more. XOXO
- gossip girl 💋
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honeytonedhottie · 16 days
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to save for later and come back to, just sharing some resources that i use a lot and hopefully it could be helpful to u as well…💬🎀
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victoria's secret angel makeup routine (for black girls)
six easy hairstyles for school
inner work essentials
this resource has been rly rly helpful for me on my healing journey and its rly rich and in depth about how to go about ur inner work so i highly highly recommend it to anyone (QUICK PSA : a lot of these videos are about masculinity so if ur a girl like me its still a rly helpful resource and u could still use it, but if ur a boy it could help u too)…💬🎀
victoria's secret model workouts
you need to fix ur attention span
how to embrace being alone
how to be a whole new student this year
PDF beauty books
How to Own Your Own Mind
Body Language Handbook: How to Read Everyone’s Hidden Thoughts and Intentions
How to Analyze People - Dark Secrets to Analyze and Influence Anyone Using Body Language
The Laws of Human Nature
Emily Post’s Etiquette, 18th Edition
The Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette: 50th Anniversary Edition
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth
The Million Dollar Mind
Stop Acting Rich: ...And Start Living Like A Real Millionaire
Thinking, Fast and Slow
Golden Rules
Ikigai: the Japanese secret to a long and happy life
Persuasion Tactics: Covert Psychology Strategies to Influence, Persuade, & Get Your Way (Without Manipulation)
Declutter Your Mind: How to Stop Worrying, Relieve Anxiety, and Eliminate Negative Thinking
Rewire Your Anxious Brain: How to Use the Neuroscience of Fear to End Anxiety, Panic, and Worry
Love Me, Don’t Leave Me: Overcoming Fear of Abandonment and Building Lasting, Loving Relationships
Boundaries: When To Say Yes, How to Say No
Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success
Do the Work!
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lynxiesblog · 2 months
sorry if this is too personal but what was your starting point for manifesting your desired body and how long did it take you to see results? im feeling discouraged again bc i feel like i havent seen any changes, but ive also been affirming and persisting
hii my luv ♡, I apologize for the late reply. Your question is not too personal don’t worry, I would be happy to answer it.
☆ — The main thing is I kind of just wanted to look different (?) I never really had any problems with my body, however I did want to look better and was honestly really bored. It took me a while to get body results because I used to OBSESS over results, and when I would start seeing the results I would lose them after a while 😭. I would spend my entire day listening to body subs constantly no stop for hours. With time I started realizing I just have to relax and stop looking for results after only listening once. At the time I would also affirm a lot but that didn’t help all that much.
The biggest advice I can give you is :
— ★ try focusing on your self concept for about a week. I know people are always telling you to do so but it’s really important especially when you’re having any type of “blockage”.
— ☆ for about a week listen to “reprogramming your subconscious mind” affirmations videos overnight, and during the day focus on your body playlist. Try shorten it down if you think it might be too long.
When I first started manifesting my body (even till now ) I only listen to Jessica Heslop on YouTube, but there are many different people that make those types of videos. I would recommend THIS video to help with any limiting beliefs.
—★ try doing fun challenges! When I did the 3dolc x Roe challenge it was during the time when I was struggling getting results but it worked even though I had many doubts. For my 🍒 I got my results in less than a week. For other parts like my hips it took longer but maybe a month or two. Please keep in mind that I am still working and manifesting my ideal body but the results I’ve been getting so far are great.
If you want any more tips you can always message me, I am more than opened to helping you out one on one 💞. Have the best of day ‎♡٭*( ‘꒳’ )
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etherealkissed88 · 4 months
view yourself & the world as the person you desire to be. i see myself as a successful person -> i am being the version of me who is successful in everything therefore i see myself as amazing and perfect and i see the world as easy to get by because everywhere i go, there is success for me.
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bratzmanifestation · 7 days
❧ʚ♡ɞ☙𝓢𝓮𝓵𝓯 𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓹𝓽 𝓐𝓯𝓯𝓲𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼❧ʚ♡ɞ☙
- I am the God of my reality
- I am the creator of my reality
- Manifesting is super easy for me
- All of my manifestations appear instantly
- Good things always happen to me
- I am always super lucky
- I am always taken care of
- I am effortlessly beautiful
- I am confident
- I love and believe in myself
- I am strong
- I am intelligent
- I handle all situations with grace and tact
- I am gentle, but definitely not weak
- I stand up for myself and my loved ones
- I deserve good things and it doesn't make me selfish to want that for myself
- My intuition is amazing
- I am smart
- I am creative
- Anything I want comes to me instantly and effortlessly every time
- I am an angel
- I have faith in the universe
- Everyone admires me
- I am confident and take pride in myself and all that I have, but I am never cocky or arrogant
- I am grateful for all that I have and all that I will receive
- I inspire those around me
- I am good with children and animals
- I am unbelievably powerful
- I notice and appreciate the little things
- I am good at catching and pay attention to little details
- I always look and smell nice effortlessly
- I have a fast metabolism
- Nothing I eat ever effects me negatively/in ways I don't want
- Nothing can ever go wrong for me
- I believe in myself and my abilities fully
More to be added later
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prissygrlsorority · 1 year
thank you, universe, for my wealth, and the health to enjoy it 🎀
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